#the yellow toad of dorne
coldraindropsss · 11 months
Meria Martell, the Yellow Toad of Dorne, The red Princes of Dorne
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atheyrie · 10 months
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From left, Princess Rhaella Targaryen, Lady Joanna Lannister, The Princess of Dorne. All pre marriage
(My personal headcannon is that they were friends, and Rhaella sent Joanna away to protect her from Aerys)
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tylands · 2 months
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"Meria Martell was eighty years of age, and had ruled Dorne for sixty of those. She was very fat, blind, and almost bald, her skin sallow and sagging. Argilac the Arrogant had named her 'The Yellow Toad of Dorne' but neither age nor blindness had dulled her wits." Fire & Blood, pg 23.
"They had hardly reached King's Landing before Dorne erupted behind them (...) After the Dornishmen swarmed in from the shadow city to retake the castle, he was bound hand and foot, dragged to the top of the spear tower, and thrown from a window by none other than the aged Princess Meria herself." Fire & Blood, pg 33.
"The Yellow Toad of Dorne had done what Harren the Black, the Two Kings, and Torrhen Stark, could not; she had defeated Aegon Targaryen and his dragons. Yet north of the Red Mountains, her tactics earned her only scorn." - Fire & Blood, pg 39.pre
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warp-speed · 2 years
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Meria Martell "The yellow toad"
My tablet was going through it so I did some JC Leyendecker studies in traditional art.
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asoiafandotherbooks · 11 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: Thoughts on Rebellions
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
In the previous two posts of a World of Ice And Fire, I recapped the rebellions Aenys faced in his first year as king. The second post was long so I’ll share my thoughts of the events in this post.
Aenys was weak and indecisive. How he can be so surprised over these rebellions? It has been less than forty years since the Targaryens conquered Westeros. A conquest that caused tens of thousands of deaths. There are still survivors of the Conquest alive during Aenys’ reign. We have countries in the real world that were conquered/colonized centuries ago, and there is still much resentment, anger, and bitterness over it. Forty years is nothing in comparison.
Aenys was told to use Quicksilver at Harrenhal and he declined. Dragons are the only deterring force the Targaryens have – if they aren’t going to be used to put down rebellions, what do the opposing forces have to fear? Minus the dragons, the Targaryens are just another Westerosi lord.
Aenys’ sole contribution to resolving these disputes was to send Lord Alyn Stokeworth. Even that decision was multiple choice: sail to the Vale, stay in King’s Landing, pursue Harren the Red.
The Rise of the Dragons mentions Aenys’ resentment of Visenya but he should thank the Old Gods and the New that he had her. Visenya was the one to take decisive action to end these rebellions. Visenya had to be seething at Aenys’ weakness and indecisiveness. Aenys should also be grateful that various lords stayed loyal and took their own initiative to resolve these conflicts.
As to why the four rebellions erupted at that time – I understand why the rebels sensed a weakness – Aegon the Conqueror is dead, Balerion unclaimed, Rhaenys and Meraxes are dead, Aenys is unfit for the throne…but Visenya, Vhagar, and Orys Baratheon are still alive. All three are battle-hardened and took active parts in the conquest. Maegor has shown to be an individual who is not be messed with. Did the rebels assume Aenys wouldn’t allow Visenya to take charge? Does Visenya seem like someone who can be put in the corner. Or did they pull a D&D and simply forget about Visenya, Vhagar, Orys, and Maegor? Visenya and Orys lost a sister to the Conquest, Orys lost his hand in the war with Dorne – there was no way they were going to stand aside and let their dynasty be overthrown.
As for the individual rebellions, I wrote most of my thoughts on Harren the Red post, but I would love to know more about him: actual descendant of Harren the Black, descendant of a survivor of the original Harrenhal staff, a Joker-type spreading anarchy in the Riverlands for fun?
The Vale – Jonos had to seriously resent Ronnel to not only overthrow him but also to murder him. Kinslaying is such a taboo in Westeros that Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister refuse to commit the crime. Jonos threw Ronnel out the Moon Door without a second thought. Would the Crown have intervened if Jonos simply proclaimed himself the new Lord of the Vale as opposed to the “King of the Mountain and Vale”? Jonos was stupid to rely on the natural defenses of the Eyrie to protect himself as Visenya had already proven that strategy to be useless during the Conquest. Jonos and fellow conspirators must have peed themselves when Maegor and Balerion (!) showed up on their doorstep. I wish we had been told Visenya’s thoughts on the death of Ronnel – the one moment of softness she receives in the entire story is when she takes Ronnel on a dragon ride after securing the Vale’s submission. Sending Maegor and Balerion, along with the execution of the conspirators even after their surrender – could be an indication of Visenya’s anger over the situation.
The Iron Islands – Goren Greyjoy was an intelligent man. He knew he couldn’t battle dragons, but he could put down a crazy drowned priest. In a decisive moment, he ended Lodos Reborn’s rebellion, preventing an invasion from mainland forces, and was able to secure a boon from the Iron Throne. Said boon enabled Goren to expel all Septas and Septons from the Iron Islands. Goren is now vastly elevated in his fellow Ironborns’ esteem as he has now eliminated the hated Faith of the Seven from the Iron Islands. Take that, Lodos!
Dorne – Not surprising that Dorne had the largest rebellion. The Dornish War was less than thirty years ago, and massive atrocities were committed by both sides. The Targaryens must take most of the blame since they started the confrontation with Dorne. Hatred runs deep between the sides. It’s noted that few Dornish lords participated in the rebellion so most of the Vulture Kings’s forces could have been survivors/descendants of the survivors of the Dragon’s Wroth. I imagine if you aren’t a rich Dornish lord, and your home/land/family destroyed by fire-breathing dragons, and you don’t have the resources to rebuild – well, joining a rebellion against the dragon overlords might seem like a great idea.
Was Deria Martell aiding the Vulture King? After all, it was Deria’s father that made peace with Aegon Targaryen, not Deria. Does Deria have more of her grandmother in her than her father? Deria’s grandmother, the Yellow Toad (sorry, I’m blanking on her first name) was defiant to the end. Deria may wish to war against the Targaryens but knows it’s a battle she can’t win, so as the Vulture King rampages, she throws her hands up and says “so sorry, Vulture King bad, wish he would stop” while doing nothing to stop his rebellion?
Orys Baratheon died happily while avenging his most humiliating defeat. Orys’ death left Visenya truly alone – she is now the last of her generation of Targaryens. We don’t receive any details of Orys’ relationship with his sisters, only that he was very close to Aegon. Argella Durrandon Baratheon – did she mourn? Was she relieved to be a widow? Was she still alive at this point?
So many fun characters involved in the Vulture Hunt – “Savage” Sam Tarly, Ellyn “Lady Nightsong” Caron, Harmon “No-Nose” Dondarrion! Would love to know more about these characters. Don’t mess with marcher lords or ladies, they’re crazy!
Up next, the one-close bond between the brothers dissolves.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
With the submission of the Three Sisters and the Iron Islands, all of Westeros south of the Wall was now ruled by Aegon Targaryen, save Dorne alone. So it was to Dorne that the Dragon next turned his attention. Aegon first attempted to win the Dornishmen with words, dispatching a delegation of high lords, maesters, and septons to Sunspear to treat with Princess Meria Martell, the so-called Yellow Toad of Dorne, and persuade her of the advantages of joining her realm to his. Their negotiations continued for the best part of a year, but achieved nothing.
Fire and Blood, by George R.R. Martin pg 29
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lovedreamer11 · 2 months
The day people realize that a strong female character is not just a woman in armor with a sword in her hands who regrets that she was not born a man will be one of the best days of my life.
Because what happens to Emma's character, and to any female character in HotD, is truly pathetic.
Yes, in Asoiaf and Got there are strong female warriors Arya, Brienne, Alyssa Targaryen, Baela, Ygritte, Meera, Black Aly, Asha, Obara and Nymeria Sand.
But were Olenna, Margaery, Queen Rhaenys, Missandei, Val, Tyene and Sarella Sand, Daenerys, Sansa, Shiera, Elaena, Rhaenyra, Alysanne, Rhaena, even Alicent, weak just because they were feminine and did not fight with physical force? Or even Meria Martell, the old Yellow Toad of Dorne, who was not a warrior, but it was during her reign that Dorne remained unconquered, and one of the Conquerors fell in battle along with his dragon.
Visenya and Daena fit both of these categories. They were both fierce beauties who could be feminine when they wanted to, but they could also defend themselves and were skilled in the use of weapons.
In any case, to be strong and be an influential person, it is not necessary to envy men and constantly wear armor. But it is much easier for the creators of HotD to give a woman a weapon or turn her into a victim than to make her character smart, charismatic and ambitious.
Everyone screams that HotD is feminist, but no. This show is as anti-feminist as possible.
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Snakes and Flames
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pairing: Fanon!Aegon i Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Ashara Martell was not happy about being used as a peace treaty.
Word count: 3,5K
Warnings: Angst, incest, Jealousy
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
"Ashara, your grandmother is coming" Ashara groaned at her friend and handmaid's words. Her grandmother only personally visited her when she wanted something.
"Alright" Ashara pulled her feet out of the bath where another maid was waiting to dry them. Ashara always had a small foot bath before bed to keep her feet fresh and with rose petals to give them a scent.
Just as the maid was done drying Ashara's feet and rubbing some oils on them her grandmother or also known as the yellow toad of Dorne walked in. Her demeanour serious as ever, her mere presence demanded respect and fear. She was over eighty years old and yet in her full health and strength.
"Leave us" The Princess of Dorne demanded. The two maids bowed their heads before leaving, they feared her and did not dare even looking her way. Ashara slipped her shoes on before getting up from the stool.
"Grandmother, what a surprise" Ashara plastered a smile on her face. She has always admired her grandmother, she was an amazing woman to say the least.
"Granddaughter" Meria Martell greeted. Meria moved to stand by Ashara's mirror with a silent order. Ashara moved to sit on the ottoman in front of her mirror and handed her brush to her grandmother.
"What beautiful hair you have, dear" Meria let her wrinkled fingers run through Ashara's silk black strands. Ashara smiled lightly and nodded her head giving her grandmother permission to proceed. Meria ran the brush carefully through Ashara's hair.
"When I was your age I had double the hair and length" Meria pointed out. Ashara believed her a hundred percent, her grandfather had ordered a painting to be done of his wife that Ashara knew her grandmother still had for she had shown it to Ashara and her siblings before.
"I remember" Ashara nodded. Meria swallowed thickly but her fingers remained steady as she brushed Ashara's hair.
"Where is Dyanna?" Meria asked, noticing the lack of the toddler running around yelling and screaming.
"She is asleep, grandmother" Ashara responded. Her face brightened at the mention of her daughter, a bastard but there was no shame in that, not in Dorne, no Dyanna was loved and cherished by everyone especially Ashara and her father.
"After the chaos she inflicted today I can only imagine so" Meria joked half heartedly. Her eyes wandered lazily around the room but there was no use, her blindness did not cease and she was used to it, sometimes Ashara wondered if her grandmother was truly blind, she saw things others did not, she spoke of things happening before her eyes as if she could truly see.
"You came here for a reason, grandmother, what is it?" Ashara was not scared to ask. Her relationship with her grandmother has always been one of mutual respect and care, maybe not love but they cared for their family.
"We have come forward with a peaceful solution with the Targaryens" Meria answered. Her brushing stopped and her blind eyes stopped their movement. Ashara looked at her grandmother through the mirror, waiting for her to continue.
"A marriage of peace" Meria explained. Ashara's whole body went rigid, she should have known the second her grandmother mentioned peace.
"No" Ashara denied, standing up from the ottoman and turned to face her grandmother.
"You must" Meria insisted. Ashara snatched the brush from her grandmother's aging grip. She slammed it down on the vanity table loudly.
"No, I will not go" Ashara moved away from her grandmother to sit on her bed. Yet again Meria moved to face Ashara sending shivers down her body when she realised that her grandmother knew of her every move even when blind.
"This is the only way to peace or we will end up in a long and bloody war and we never know who will win" Meria stepped closer tot he bed. Ashara though being Dornish meant some freedom from such a fate, they mostly married for love like her grandparents, her parents and her older sister but it seems that fate never favoured her. The man she loved died weeks before their wedding leaving her pregnant with Dyanna and lonely.
"What about Dyanna?" Ashara asked worriedly. Meria looked away for a second as if she was debating what to say before turning back to look at Ashara.
"They know not of her existence and it is better if it stays that way" Meria spoke. Her words echoed in Ashara's head for a couple of seconds. She debating pulling out her dagger from her side and stabbing her grandmother and end her regency leaving her father to become the Prince of Dorne, he surely would not send her away against her will.
Or maybe she could unleash one of her many snakes at her grandmother. Ashara's eyes slid to the other side of the room where small cages of glass sat with more than ten snakes slithering about, tongues hissing out and back into their mouths, poisonous teeth poking out. She could kill her grandmother and play it off as an accident, one of the snakes escaped but everyone would know that was a lie, snakes listened to Ashara, they followed her like slaves and she a goddess.
"You want me to leave my child?" Ashara whispered, her heartbreaking at the mere thought of being away from her child.
"For Dorne" Meria answered. Ashara clenched her fists trying to compose herself if that was possible.
"Alright" Ashara sighed defeated. Meria left without another word or even an embrace of comfort. Ashara's whole body trembled with anger, she hated her grandmother, she hated Dorne, she hated everyone for forcing into being away from her child but mostly she hated the dragons for trying to conquer her homeland forcing this decision upon her grandmother.
"Princess" Ashara looked at the door where a small maid had slipped through with a small box in hand.
"From King Aegon" She squeaked when Ashara shot up from the bed so fast it was like lightening had struck. The maid staggered back as Ashara stalked closer with a glare that if it could kill the maid would be dead on the floor.
"Leave" Ashara ordered snatching the box from the maid. The maid did not have to be told twice. Ashara snickered when she opened the box and found a necklace in shape of a dragon inside, a small letter by its side. Ashara pulled the small parchment out and unrolled it to read it.
A token to you wife
Ashara walked over to her desk and pulled open her drawer, she pulled out a small piece of paper and some ink. She scribbled down three words before shoving it inside the box and went in search of a maid to give it back to Aegon fucking Targaryen, the blonde piece of shit that had ruined her life.
The same squeaky maid was a couple of corridors away whispering with some other maid, probably about Ashara and how scary she was. It was not the first time, servants feared her for her short temper and only her personal handmaiden was used to her and understood her without her having to speak, Wylla, a bastard of s distant cousin who was happy to be a handmaiden for she was close to Ashara when they were children.
"You" Ashara hissed, earning the attention of the two girls. They jumped at the sound of her voice and the squeaky maid started trembling again.
"Take this to your King and make sure he open it" Ashara held out the box. The maid shakily took the box making sure not to touch Ashara's skin. Many believed that Ashara had poisonous skin because of her ability to tame snakes.
"O-of course" The maid hurried down the corridor to do so. Ashara at least was thankful that the Targaryens were not staying in the castle and instead had decided to sleep somewhere else, she did not care where.
However their dragons were circling the skies still, all three huge and intimidating, especially Balerion the black dread. The roared and growled every once in a while to remind people of their presence overhead, threatening to burn everything to the ground. Ashara knew they were here and she was waiting for the fighting begin when her grandmother sent news that they were to live one more day.
Instead of going to her room Ashara instead made her way to Dyanna's room. The small girl was snoring away in her bed, small and perfect for her size. Only four she had a bedtime and even when most adults were awake she had been asleep for hours now. Ashara sat down on the edge of the bed trying not to wake the sleeping toddler. Dyanna sighed happily but did not wake.
"My little snake" Ashara whispered, tears building in her eyes. Her hand raised to touch the fat on Dyanna's cheek, flushed from the heat. Dyanna's eyebrows wiggled slightly and a smile slipped on her face as she dreamed.
"Oh my littlest snake" Ashara slid down on her knees beside the bed. Her face inches away from her daughters. She leaned her head down burying her face in the sheets letting the tears slip out and soak the golden coloured blanket.
"How will I ever survive without you?" Ashara questioned. If she could she would stay in that moment forever but the sun slowly rose in the distance and Dyanna's sleep became restless and just as the first rays of sun slipped through the sheer curtain Dyanna's eyes fluttered open.
Ashara was sat there still watching her sleep, watching her breath. Making sure she was alive, making sure she was having good dreams. Making sure her littlest snake was happy.
"Mama!" Dyanna explained happily. She threw the blanket off to throw herself at her mother.
"Oh my love" Ashara faked a smile and hugged her daughter back. Her heart was tearing on the inside but she refused to show her daughter.
"I missed you mama" Dyanna whispered. She pulled away to look at her mother in the eyes.
"I was right here the entire night, my snake" Ashara kissed Dyanna's forehead.
"Then I did not miss you as much" Dyanna pouted. Ashara laughed, a real laugh.
"How about you get ready and we will talk later?" Ashara asked. Dyanna nodded her head happily. Ashara placed Dyanna back in her bed and stood up from the floor, her arms and legs were stiff and she could no longer feel her back or bottom but watching her daughter sleep those couple of hours was worth it.
Ashara found Dyanna's handmaiden and wet nurse standing outside waiting for her to leave before stepping into the room. The two woman were shocked when Ashara did not let them past into Dyanna's room.
"Take care of her, make sure she never needs anything no matter what" Ashara was not ordering, she was not demanding but she was pleading, a mother's plea.
"Do not worry princess, she is more precious to us than life itself" Dyanna's wet nurse spoke. She had been a broken woman once, having lost her child to a fever and her breasts were still swollen and full of milk so she was brought to feed Dyanna whenever Ashara could not, she had raised Dyanna alongside Ashara.
"Thank you" Ashara whispered before moving to her own room. Her maids were already there packing her things. Ashara did not want to leave so quickly but if her maids were packing it meant her grandmother had already decreed for her to leave quickly.
"Goodmorning, princess" Wylla greeted. Ashara nodded her head moving to the full body length mirror to take her dress from the day before off.
"What am I to wear today?" Ashara asked making sure her weapons were still strapped to her below the fabric and secure.
"Riding gear" Wylla answered. Ashara nodded and let her slid the yellow cloth followed by the brown leather on. She looked ever the Dornish woman, brown tan skin, black hair straight as ever, that was what was unique about Dornish women some had curls and some had straight hair, Dyanna had curls like her father who she did not even know.
"All done, princess" Wylla announced as she tied the last braid in Ashara's hair. Ashara liked it away from her face when she rode and its length could get in the way as well.
"Very well" Ashara nodded. She looked at herself one last time before turning to her snake corner, all the glass cages were empty, Wylla probably moved the snakes to portable cages instead for them to be moved.
"You should have waited for me to say goodbye" Ashara scolded Wylla. She would be riding her horse while they will be in their cages in wagon houses, she would not be able to see them for hours.
"Sorry princess" Wylla smiled lightly. Ashara sighed but nodded her head anyways. She took a deep breath before leaving her room.
She could hear Dyanna giggling in her room when she passed by the door causing tears to build up in her eyes but she pushed them away. She had not cried in front of anyone in over four years, ever since Dyanna's father passed. The corridors were filled with servants and people from their army making sure everything was secure.
"Princess" A guard greeted Ashara by the gates. Her grandmother was standing beside her along with her sister and father.
"I wish you luck, sweet Ashara" Her father pulled her in for a hug, never one to show much emotions but was still very much a loving father. Ashara hugged him tightly, savouring what she could imagine was the last time they would see each other.
"Give me a turn, father" Her older sister teased trying to lighten the mood. Their father pulled away with a small smile giving her space.
"Take care, sister" The two girls hugged tightly. They were not close in age, no there was a huge age gap in between them but they loved each other dearly nonetheless.
"Take care of my littlest snake for me" Ashara begged in her sister's ear. The latter nodded her head with a soft smile. She was already married with three children of her own, from mother to mother they understood each other.
"Good luck, sweet Ashara" The sisters pulled away from each other. There was nothing sweet about Ashara, everyone knew that but still her family liked to call her so. The people of Dorne called her the tamer of snakes.
"Grandmother" Ashara nodded at the yellow toad before turning to the gates. The guard pulled them open in front of her letting her pass. To her shock three stark white headed people awaited her with their beasts not far away, and no horse in sight.
"Princess" The only male stepped closer to her and nodded in greeting. She raised her eyebrow at him and looked around at his soldiers surrounding them.
"Targaryen" She greeted back. He smirked amused at her greeting and as if he had a sixth sense he held his hand out stopping one of the two women behind him from approaching.
"Visenya, calm down" He called, without turning to face his first wife. Ashara eyed the two women behind him, his sisters and wives.
"Are you ready, princess?" he asked holding out his hand for her to take. She did not and instead asked "Ready for what?"
"To ride to King's landing of course" He answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Her eyes snapped behind him to the great black beast.
"On that? No" She shook her head. She was not afraid but she did not feel safe riding a beast she did not control.
"Afraid? Do no worry he will not harm you" Aegon chuckled. Ashara's face scrunched up in disgust at the fact that he was trying to reassure her, comfort her that he will care for her.
"No, I am not afraid of an enlarged lizard, I do not fancy riding something I am not familiar with" Ashara shook her head. Aegon this time did not give her a choice and instead took her hand into his own and began pulling her to the beast. His hand was rough probably from sword fighting and it was larger than her own.
"I told you he will not harm you" Aegon tried assuring her. Ashara could not help but laugh at his attempt, he stopped his walking and turned to face her.
"I am not afraid, Targaryen, in fact I would not mind him attacking" Aegon frowned at her words. She preferred dying to marrying him. Or at least she preferred getting harmed than to marry him.
"Martell" Visenya hissed through gritted teeth, warning the younger woman to watch what she was saying but Ashara did not care.
"What Targaryen?" Ashara turned, hissing right back at the blonde woman. Patience was not something Visenya had so in seconds her sword, Dark Sister, was out and ready to attack.
Rhaenys gasped in shock moving back but Ashara was ready, she was always read, she pulled out her large dagger from its hidden place inside of her jacket and held it up to deflect Visenya's attack making the steel sing and echo around the area.
"Enough!" Aegon yelled pulling Ashara back and away from Visenya. Ashara grunted pulling away from his touch and hid her dagger back inside of her jacket.
"Control yourself, ābrazȳrys" Wife. Aegon whispered to Visenya. She nodded respecting her brother's wishes and put away her sword.
"Watch what you say next time, Martell" Visenya spat in Ashara's direction.
"Or what Targaryen?" Ashara smirked in Visenya's direction trying to rile her up. Aegon pushed Visenya back when she tried to get to Ashara again.
"To your mounts, now" Aegon ordered the two blonde women. Rhaenys pulled Visenya away from Aegon and made her walk in the direction of their dragons not far away from there, in a clearing fitting their sizes but still close that they were seen from there.
"Come on" Aegon nudged Ashara to follow the sisters. Ashara huffed and obliged but kept a good distance from them. They were muttering to each other but Ashara did not care to hear what they were saying to one another.
"Was that really necessary?" Aegon questioned, after a couple of minutes hating the silence that followed them.
"Did you receive my letter yesterday?" Ashara asked, changing the subject. Aegon sighed annoyed with her. Well too bad for him because they were meant to spend a life time together.
"Yes along with my gift" Aegon replied. Ashara smirked when she noticed the troubled look on his face.
"I did not like it" Ashara shrugged. Her eyes trailed to the dragon that stood proud in front of her. His eyes watched her and Aegon approach. Aegon moved a pace or two in front of her, holding his arm in front of her as a signal to stay back.
"Lykirī, Balerion, rȳbās" Calm donwn, listen/obey. Aegon called in a language Ashara did not know but knew of, High Valyrian, a language she did not speak herself.
"Bisa iksis ñuha future ābrazȳrys, Balerion" This is my future wife, Balerion. Aegon turned to her urging her to step forward. He held out his hand for her and she placed her own in his, letting him guide her hand to touch the scales of the dragon.
The second her hand touched the scales she felt like all air was pulled out of her lungs, her entire body shook for a second. Balerion's eyes snapped down to look at her. He lowered his head to her level and looked her up and down trying to study her. He pushed his head in her direction almost knocking her off her feet if Aegon had not held her waist stopping the movement.
"He likes you" Aegon pointed out, his eyebrows pinched in confusion.
"All snakes do" She smirked at him. Balerion growled a little when Vaghar and Meraxes took the skies with loud roars.
"He is no snake" Aegon hissed moving to climb onto Balerion's back. He offered her his hand to help her up but she ignored him and climbed on her own, taking her place behind him and held on to his waist so she would not fall.
"Everything and everyone have their own snake hidden away" Ashara whispered. On Balerion's back she could see the castle again through the tops of the trees there, despite the heat some trees survived giving the scenery more beauty.
"Shall I chain you or will you hold on?" Aegon asked, smirking over his shoulder. He had chained himself to Balerion for more stability.
"I won't make promises..." not to jump. But she did not finished her sentence, he was already chaining her to him. Chaining her to him forever, until he dies or she dies.
"Sōvēs" Fly. Aegon ordered ending the conversation. Balerion grumbled loudly moving a couple of feet before taking off after Vaghar and Meraxes easily catching up to them and taking the lead.
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martellspear · 9 months
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⤻ favorite "pre-doran" martell
Rewards were offered for their heads, particularly that of the Yellow Toad, Princess Meria Martell. Lord Jon Rosby was named Castellan of Sunspear and Warden of the Sands, to rule Dorne in the king’s name.
After the Dornishmen swarmed in from the shadow city to retake the castle, he was bound hand and foot, dragged to the top of the Spear Tower, and thrown from a window by none other than the aged Princess Meria herself.
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queenaryastark · 1 year
As gross as the parallel is, it's interesting that GRRM has Quentyn hear false rumors of Dany that vilify her for promiscuity in a similar way that their shared ancestor, Meria was vilified by her enemies:
The more Quentyn heard of Daenerys Targaryen, the more he feared that meeting. The Yunkai'i claimed that she fed her dragons on human flesh and bathed in the blood of virgins to keep her skin smooth and supple. Beans laughed at that but relished the tales of the silver queen's promiscuity. "One of her captains comes of a line where the men have foot-long members," he told them, "but even he's not big enough for her. She rode with the Dothraki and grew accustomed to being fucked by stallions, so now no man can fill her." -- Quentyn II, ADWD
Age and ill health finally did what dragons and armies could not. In 13 AC, Meria Martell, the Yellow Toad of Dorne, died abed (whilst having intimate relations with a stallion, her enemies insisted). -- Fire and Blood
Both Dany and Meria are/were powerful women ruling in their own right whose enemies fabricated falsehoods about them and tried to depict them as sexually depraved since they couldn't defeat them. This is clearly an intentional parallel not only between Dany and her ancestor but between both of them and Catherine the Great who was also sexualized by her enemies, who couldn't defeat her. She, too, was said to be participating in beastiality with a horse when she died, which was false.
Through Dany and Meria, GRRM is showing how women in positions of power are vilified by misogynists who want to uphold the status quo.
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prettymuchteddy · 9 months
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A Welcome to Dorne
The Yellow Toad of Dorne knew they were coming. The moment the sky cried out a thunderous roar, she knew that they were upon Sunspear. The ground shook briefly. They had landed. Still, she did not move from her seat. They would see her on her throne as her subjects had done before. 
Hollow steps approached the throne room. The doors creaked open.
“Who are you?” a voice demanded.
She did not reply. The tone was already testing her temper.
“Where are the guards? The servants? Or is this an ambush?” the voice asked. “If it is, Meraxes is waiting outside, unless you wish this castle to be burned to the ground, I would advise against it.”  
She hummed. “You’re one of his consorts, aren’t you?”
“I am the wife of the future King Aegon, Rhaenys Targaryen.”
“Ah, the second one.”
“You’ve heard of us.”
“Here and there amongst the usual ramble of attempted invaders.”
“There is nothing usual about us.”
“So, I’ve heard. You have a different kind of weapon…a living one.”
“Our dragons have already defeated the Lord of High Garden, the Stormlands, the Riverlands, and the Isles, that is not to mention the submission of House Stark, Arryn, and Lannister. We have conquered most of Westeros. Would you count that as usual?”
“You believe a few bent knees are worth anything?”
“Those bent knees have welcomed us into the continent.”
“Some plots of land and six divided unruly kingdoms, what a prize you’ve won.”
“We’re looking to make it seven.”
The Toad smiled—a cruel smile.
“We both know what I’m here for”, Rhaenys said. “I will give you the same choice as the others, bend the knee or else.”
“I’m afraid, I can’t barely sit up, much less bend a knee.”
“Do you think this is a jest?”
“Hardly, if it were I would be laughing.”
“Who do you think you are?”
The old woman frowned. “I am Princess Meria of House Martell, ruler of Dorne.”
“Former ruler”, Rhaenys added.
“You are on my land, my lady. Not yours. Your blood does not flow into the sand of these desserts. Your ancestor’s hands didn’t build these castles. You hold nothing to this place.”
“I intend to change that.”
“I will not fight you, nor will I kneel to you. Dorne has no king. Tell your brother that.”
“I shall but we will come again, Princess and the next time we shall come with fire and blood.”
“Your words. Ours are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. You may burn us my lady…but you will not bend us, break us, or make us bow. This is Dorne. You are not wanted here. Return at your own peril.”
A deadly silence fell over the throne room. The same hollow footsteps eventually began walking toward the doors. They creaked open before shutting close.
Moments went by before hushed steps went across the marble floor.
“Princess, are you alright?” the timid voice of a servant asked.
Meria turned her head. The young girl had stayed despite her orders.
The girl went to her side. “She’s one of them, those Dragonriders. She’ll come back again, won’t she?”
“She will.”
“What will we do? She flies on a dragon.”
“Do you fear little birds because they can fly?”
“We hunt them, don’t we? They can soar above in the air yet we can still hunt them.”
“Yes, with arrows but they aren’t the same, dragons breathe fire”, the girl insisted.
“And birds can peck your eyes out. Just because something can fly doesn’t mean they are invincible.”
“But then how can we kill them? They’ll return to try and conquer Dorne.”
Meria crossed her hands together. She neither smiled nor frowned. “Then we’ll have to shoot this little bird out of the sky.”
Technically not part of Martell week but I'm glad it fell on it :) Lowkey dedicated to @martellspear
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adarkandmagicalforest · 6 months
explain your reasoning if you dare
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Meria Martell in The Rise of the Dragon
Meria Martell was eighty years of age, the maesters tell us, and had ruled the Dornishmen for sixty of those years. She was very fat, blind, and almost bald, her skin sallow and sagging. Argilac the Arrogant had named her “the Yellow Toad of Dorne,” but neither age nor blindness had dulled her wits.
Lord Rosby, Castellan of Sunspear and Warden of the Sands, had a kinder end than most. After the Dornishmen swarmed in from the shadow city to retake the castle, he was bound hand and foot, dragged to the top of the Spear Tower, and thrown from a window by none other than the aged Princess Meria herself. -- Fire and Blood
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twoiafart · 2 years
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Princess Deria Martell giving Aegon Prince Nymor's letter by Lily Abdullina
“Dorne was a scorched wasteland by this point. There was no sign that the Targaryens would relent in their destruction until Dorne yielded, but neither was there any sign that the Dornish would yield. However, in 13 AC, Meria Martell, the Yellow Toad, died. Her son, Prince Nymor, succeeded her, and he seemed less willing to continue the conflict than his mother. He dispatched his heir, Princess Deria, to King’s Landing with the skill of Meraxes and an offer of peace - though one thay left Dorne independent.”
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dawnofdragon · 2 years
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With the changing of another year has come yet another nameday for Princess Meria Martell! There are certainly some that seem more excited about this momentous occasion than others however, as whispers have certainly begun to stir about whether the Yellow Toad of Dorne would ever die or if she was simply going to live forever in order to keep her son from ruling. Whether there was any truth to her not wanting to see her son on the throne or not, it certainly doesn't keep people from gossiping just because they can.
All of the Dornish nobility has been invited to Sunspear to celebrate their Princess turning 83 years old as well as their continued independence in the wake of her brilliant idea on how to handle the so-called conquest. Quarters have been readied for the guests and people are welcome to arrive in the days prior and get settled into their spaces. On the day, there will be a large celebration beginning at midday and going well into the evening hours with a vast feast, dancing, and of course plenty of Dornish wine flowing.
A strange illness has been appearing across Westeros, affecting citizens of all ages and stations in life. The severity of the disease seems to vary from patient to patient, confusing most of the maesters that have to deal with it. Some people experience mild discomfort, nausea, and a cough making it just a bit worse than a cold whereas others are hit with far more severe symptoms ranging from breathing issues, not being able to get out of bed due to severe pain, and a swift death. It seems to be affecting areas where there are ports more than others, due to the sheer population in those areas, but certainly isn't confined there. It doesn't take long for news of the illness to spread, or for it to be called the Summer Sickness. Many are left wondering what their new rulers intend to do about it or if they will simply let the people continue suffering while the maesters try to figure it out.
After a few months of OOC Challenges for our events, this is the first, of what will likely be many, mini-events for Dawn of the Dragon! For the entire month of January, there will be a mini-event in Dorne celebrating the nameday of the Princess, Meria Martell. In addition to that, there is also a sickness mini-event that is taking place across all of Westeros.
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absolventiia · 2 months
/ @twistedtangledfate , visenya + rhaenys
sent in : It is better to be strong and cruel than to be fair. (To Rhaenys from Visenya?)
     rhaenys rounds the carved - stone table, eyeing the strongholds and cities of dorne. aegon had disappeared to yet another council, leaving the two sisters alone. the southern - most area of the continent was as strong as ever, refusing to give in to their brother. and yet, they had balerion. and vhagar. and meraxes, still. rhaenys huffs a sigh, leans over one of the chairs to move one of the dragon pieces towards the middle of dorne. HELLHOLT, it was called. " i suppose you are right. " rhaenys hums, tapping her fingernails against the stone. 
      dorne had once denied their full conquest. they would surely not be daft enough to do so again. FIRE AND BLOOD, she had promised the yellow toad queen. let it be so.
     " i shall go again, on MERAXES. i trust the dornishmen will not react kindly, but i have given them their warning, and they did not heed it. " the army would not like the long travel down so far south, but it was NECESSARY, at this point. rhaenys supposes that aegon may be a little hesitant as well. but if DORNE was to break, she must do it by force. 
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