#the woman who couldn't die
its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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The Woman Who Couldn’t Die Part 2
master list
Part 1
Pairing: The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x Original Character 
Alternative Universe where I make things up cause I can only research so much
Synopsis: Set a few years before Dom Pedro gets a hold of the Ghoul. The Ghoul is traveling back from the east coast, doing side quests for chems, after saving a girl from a closet. She becomes an unlikely companion, that softens the Ghoul’s hardshell.
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning: This is based on fallout expect Canon typical: Drug use, alcohol, dEath, graphic viOlence, suggestions of SA, NonCon (not by the mc) suggestions of SH, body horror, angst, hurt/comfort, death or people, drugs and alcohol use, addiction, withdrawal symptoms, slow build,
Note: These will be spaced out as I am heavily editing and researching them. Each chapter will be 2-3+k words. Tags will be edited based on the chapter, please make sure you read them.
 He heard her body slump down as she nodded it off, being someone’s chauffeur wasn’t on his list, even if the caps and chems sweetened the deal The girl, Jade his mind autocorrected, was going to be more than deadweight. How the hell had she managed to catch up to him? She had sat down and passed out moments after coming into the little makeshift shelter. The best thing would be to let her sleep and leave. She will die if you leave her here. 
“Oh thanks for coming to my rescue conscience,” The Ghoul muttered to no one, “I don’t do guide work.”
She made it this far
“And? Chance are she won’t wake up tomorrow.” The Ghoul ground his jaw, since when did he give a mole’s backside about anyone?
Give her chance
“Fine. If she wakes up I will take her to the closest town.” The Ghoul muttered covering his face with his hat. “Leave me alone, before I smoke your ass out of my head.”
He waited for a reply but got none, letting out a huff he settled his gun in his hand and le t himself drift into something resembling sleep.
She woke with a start, someone kicking at her feet. Sitting up she blinked a few times, eyes still not used to being outside the box. Letting out a cough she moved her bag around to her and dug out some water. Take a swig of it before looking up at the figure standing in what passed at a doorway. 
“Time to get going, the sun is up.” The Ghoul murmured just loud enough she could hear him. 
Standing she swayed back and forth, the aches in her bones making her stiffen for a moment. Jade wondered if she’d be able to walk, she pushed the thought out of her mind. You either walk or you die, she thought. 
Her travel companion was already on the move, her feet felt heavy but she pushed herself after him. Until she was beside him, matching his hurried pace as best she could. The bag on her back dug into old scars and bruises, she winced as her feet slid into the shoes. Trying to keep the discomfort to herself. There was not a doubt in her mind that if she didn’t keep up he’d leave her in dirt. Payment or not he was on the move. Her stomach turned and she promptly threw up on the side of the road. She wiped her mouth taking a small swig of water, before hurrying to catch up to him. 
“Could you tell me where we are?” She asked, maybe the conversation would help take her mind off the pain and endless nausea. 
The Ghoul glanced at her, “West, Appalachian somewhere.”
“Shit. I didn’t realize how far they’d take me.” Jade cussed, her mind reeling at the knowledge she was hundreds of miles from the East Coast. 
“We are heading west, if you want to go east you’ll have to turn around.” His matter-of-fact tone was almost funny. 
“Nah, I’ve always wanted to go west,” She said trying to sound confident. The truth of the matter was she didn’t really know where to go. It wasn’t like anyone was waiting for her. The chance of the Enclave looking for her still was low, she was a failed experiment. Jade figured the value of her life wasn’t worth much more than the caps she’d give the bounty hunter. At least she was alive, for now anyway.
“I never got your name,” Jade asked, the silenes grinding at her, somehow making every part of her that hurt, hurt more. Stomach rolling, she briefly wondered if the small amount of water she’d drank would be coming up next. 
“Ghoul is fine,” The man’s choppy replies should have been enough of an indication to shut up. Not that Jade cared, she’d paid him, and the least he could do was talk to her. 
“That’s not name, not really. You have to be called something else.” Jade pestered, adjusting her bag so it didn’t dig in as much. 
The Ghoul sighed, and shifted his shoulder, “Well that’s all yer gettin’ ”
Jade inwardly groaned, great this was going to be a long trip with Chatty-Cathay here. She decided at least for the time being to keep her mouth shut and keep walking. Hopefully, she won’t lose anything else she’d eaten on the way. 
The sun was starting to set when they stopped to make camp, the Ghoul had tucked them off the main roadway. A small fire was started and cans of cram tossed in to heat up. They had barely spoken just walking, the bounty hunter would have just kept walking through the night if he thought his travel companion would have made it. The woman had thrown up twice more since this morning, her hands shaking every time she took a sip of water. At least she had managed to keep down the last bit of food they ate. Girl had started to lag behind near the end of the evening, he wasn’t surprised she hadn't kept up. He could see how pale she was as she flopped onto the ground. This girl had been locked in a closet yesterday for god knows how long and now had walked a dozen miles in a day. Maybe she was tougher than his initial observation. 
Flicking a can of cram out of the fire at her, she was holding her water bottle staring off into the fire. He took a moment to look at her, she was fair-skinned with black hair and huge brown eyes. Her features were marred by scars but still delicate, she was small but there was fire in her. Few people kept up with him when he was moving, at least he figured she'd make it to the next town. 
“Eat some food, got to get some sleep,” He gestured to the now cooling can of cram. “If we keep up the pace we will make it to the next town in another two days.”
Jade grabbed the can and opened it, “Two days is pretty good, do you know what the town is called?”
“Couldn’t tell you, but I am sure they will.” He murmured eating his food. “What are you planning on doing there?”
“I am not sure, probably look for work I suppose,” Jade said still staring at the dying fire.
“Not sure how big this next place is,” Ghoul replied, “But there is always work for those looking to make caps.”
Jade nodded, “I was a bartender in Atlantic for a bit. Pay was okay but they also gave me a room. Won’t mind doing that again.”
“How did you,” Ghoul stopped himself, gesturing into open space as he looked at her.
“Joel kidnapped me,” Jade answered as if it was nothing, “He knew I had been experimented on in the Enclave. Guess he figured I would be a good toy, and not have to worry about the consequences.”
Knowing she had survived being in the Enclove and was still sane. Mostly sane. Just to be kidnapped by the pieces of shit at that outpost and she still kept moving. Jade was much more than he had given her credit for.
“Consequences?” He asked, already having an idea what she meant. What he wasn’t expecting was for her to stand up and lift up the baggy shirt to point at the raised pinkish-grey scar going across her lower abdomen. Her whole torso was covered in various scars, some looked surgical in nature. 
“Don’t have to worry about me getting pregnant from their clients,” She stated matter of factly before dropping it back down. “Means they can charge more.”
The Ghoul felt his stomach turn at the thought, that Joel had purposefully taken her cause she had had her reproductive organs removed. Just so he could charge more for people to use her.
“Too bad I am a fighter, bit off a few people's ears, and ripped a guy's throat out once. So they kept me drugged, which I guess was a gift 'cause I don’t remember too much.” Jade continued, her calm even voice was stark compared to the horrors she told. “One guy was stupid enough to go in without drugging, watched him bleed out on the floor dickless.”
The Ghoul couldn’t help a harsh laugh at the last one. “You are more than I anticipated.”
Jade shrugged, “Kill or be killed. One of the only things my Daddy instilled in me.”
“Your Daddy was a smart man. I am surprised they didn’t kill you for killing their clients.” The Bounty Hunter said, tossing his empty tin into the now-dead fire. 
“Nah, piece of shit just used it to their advantage. Advertising me as being untamed.” She spit out adding her can to the pile. 
Ghoul nodded, her lack of emotion around the whole situation was worrying. The girl could be close to a mental break. The wasteland was hard on most people who hadn't been through half of what she had. Yet she sat there like it was just another Tuesday. 
“Should get some sleep,” The Ghoul stated, kicking out the last of the fire.
“I can take a watch,” Jade offered, pulling her bag against her chest.
The Ghoul settled down his old bones creaking as he stretched out. He tapped the side of his head, “Got good hearing.  Get some sleep, long day tomorrow.” 
Jade didn't argue, just curled up with her head resting on her bag. He waited until her breathing had evened out before shutting his own eyes.
The second day of traveling together went much the same. Mostly silence, with a few interjections of, ‘Drink some water’, ‘Take another stimpak’, ‘Your boots’re loud’, and Jade's favorite, ‘Keep up or I’ll leave yah’. At least the sun had been mostly off them, the trees in the Appalachian mountains made sure of that. She also had only thrown up once, which hopefully meant the worst of the withdrawals were coming to an end. 
By the time they set up camp, Jade was ready to stab the asshole. She flunked down and got the fire started. The Ghoul had wandered away to ‘take a leak’. As she worked the pile of sticks into a good flame she dug into her bag to grab a can of food. She wanted food and some water, it was unfortunate that she had failed to grab some moonshine from the outpost. 
A shuffle broke through the dead quiet. Jade scrambled to get up as her body protested against movement. The pistol pointed towards the sound. More rustling and the Ghoul stumbled out with a large bird-like creature in hand.
“Don't shoot, Pip-Squeak,” He grunted, flunking the carcass onto the dirt. “Found something fresh.”
Jade flopped back down and watched the man. A small smile played across the creature's scared lips. He stepped on both wings grabbing the feet and yanked. Jade cringed slightly as he degloved the meat from the feathered body in one fluid motion. Digging his fingers inside to get the entrails out. He looked up at Jade.
“In my saddle bag, there’s some metal skewers grab’em,” 
Jade didn't hesitate groaning as her joints popped, reaching over into his bag and pulling out the set of skewers. She stood and grabbed a couple of branches, the two working to make a makeshift roaster for the prize. 
Once the meat was roasting he sat himself down taking a puff of the inhaler. Those gold eyes rolling slightly, Jade wondered what the drug felt like. At the same time, bile came up at the thought of drugs. As much as she enjoyed the recreation here and there, it was probably best to avoid them for now. 
“Whatcha looking at?” The Ghoul’s eyes are now on her. Even having been beside him for two days she couldn't help how much he looked like a predator. His eyes flowed over her like she was the meat on the spit.
“Never tried that chem before. It's newer stuff.” Jade stated, trying to sound calm. She felt like a rabbit caught in a corner, her heart rate spiking and her lungs trying to grab air. 
Then his eyes were moving back to the meal, turning it over on the spit. The meat cracked and popped as it cooked. 
“Yeah, the Enclave, well that's the rumor anyway. Made it so that they could keep Ghouls from going feral. Word got out and a few ‘doctors’ started making it.” He poked at the fire. “Thought, in your state I won’t be temptin’ fait.”
Jade waves her hand, “No, I’ve had my fill of chems for a lifetime. But how does it make you feel?”
The Ghould tapped the inhaler against his chin pondering the question. “It enhances everything. But at the same time numbs the mind, makes it quieter up  here.” He tapped his forehead with a leather-gloved hand. “Being a Ghoul makes things enhanced, but it’s more like all my nerves are working as if my brain isn’t full of worms. As close to human as I’ll ever get.”
“Do you miss being human?” Jade prodded, this was the most conversation she had gotten out of him. 
Stretching out he pulled off his gloves, hands red and gnarled like the rest of him, and grabbed a bit of the bird from the screwer. “Can’t say I do, some things,” He tapped a finger to what was left of the bridge of his nose. “But otherwise it’s not such a bad deal.”
Jade nodded, she wasn’t sure what she had expected, her time with Ghouls was limited. They were still mostly shunned, but things were starting to change. Some understanding that Ghouls could be handy and weren’t the monsters that many made them out to be. There were even several settlements of just Ghouls now. 
“Did you ever think of settling down? Not many Ghouls do bounty hunting,” Jade continued grabbing a few chunks of warm bird, blowing on them before eating it. Tasted decent, at least it was warm and not from a can. 
“Mmm, just like to keep moving,” The man replied, Jade got a distinct feeling he wasn’t telling her everything. 
“Never thought of bounty hunting, maybe I will give that a go. Probably safer than bartending.” The girl groaned, eating more of the bird. 
The Ghoul let out a chuckle, “Yah, bounty hunting is safe. Just like radroaches are good eating.”
Jade joins in with a chuckle leaning back against a tree. “See what comes my way. Your ears on?”
He tapped the side of his head and Jade took it as an indication that she could get some rest. Tomorrow would be just as long a day, maybe they’d actually get a bed tomorrow. 
The road was well-trodden well-trodded, and evidence of other travelers where starting to pop up. He had mentioned it to Jade to keep her eyes peeled encase they had some unwanted visitors. In fairness he was just happy she was quiet, he hadn’t had a lot of company in his travels. The girl had grown on him, she was tough and didn’t seem to care about the Ghoulness. In fact, she liked to listen to him just as much as she liked to talk, the company was pleasant even enjoyable. Which was going to be a problem, he didn’t need dead weight. But she hadn’t been dead weight, had she? The Ghoul grumbled at his own inner voice, shoving it back into the hole it crawled out of. 
A twigged snap and they both froze. Another snapped on the other side, and the Ghoul found himself back to back with Jade. Guns drawn and pointed, he could feel her breath coming out in short pants. 
“Deep breathes, Tiger,” He said quietly, “if you see something shoot it.”
They moved in tandem turning in a circle trying to see if they could spot whatever was moving in the bush. Something crossed the pathway and Jade fired the shot making a thunk on impact. He didn’t bother to look eyes continuing to scan, something dark moved and he turned firing, a yelp coming out. Then they were on them, raiders, several.  He felt Jade shoot more than heard it, his own gun going off as a mist of blood spurted into the air. The head of one raider turning into a pulp, he felt the impact of something hit his shoulder, but he was already moving. Two more shots, one dead, one screaming. Shells hit the ground as Jade reloaded. He could feel her ducking and followed the same. A deadly dance of gunfire and blood splatter. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Raider jumping from the bushes, he turned covering Jade his knife coming out and sticking into the man’s throat. His hands dropped the weapons as he slid down the blade. A gurgling of icker coming out as he died on the Ghoul’s blade. 
Standing up, the once quiet woods were now littered with several bodies, at least three of them were trying to crawl away. Ghoul watched as Jade walked up to one grabbing his hair to slit his throat, the Ghoul did something similar to one. The third pleaded for his life, but the several holes in his torso said he wouldn’t make it. Jade looked at the Ghoul, he nodded and she put a bullet between his eyes. She stood there almost as if she was seeing the carnage for the first time. Her legs wobbled and the Ghoul caught her under her arms. 
“Easy now, easy,” He muttered helping her down against a large rock. She immediately grabbed her knees and pulled herself into a small ball. 
He knelt down in front of her, “Hey, hey,” He patted her shoulder, unsure of how to comfort her. “They’re dead, you did good.”
The girl’s eyes were glassy as she nodded her head, breath coming out in short pants. Ghoul stood up and let out a sigh, of course, she would snap a few miles from town. 
“I know you are going through shit,” The Ghoul spoke trying to reassure her as she rocked back and forth. “But we got to go, chance are there are more raiders.” The girl was still rocking, but her sniffles had slowed, “We should strip these guys of anything worthwhile and head into town.”
He waited a minute more, once the rocking stopped she uncurled herself. Holding out his hand he pulled her upright, eyes red-rimmed but the hard line of her jaw clenching let him know she was okay. Well as okay as she could be.
 They stripped through the bodies quickly, ammunition, meds, chems, weapons, and a handful of caps. The Bounty Hunter leaned back on his heels. None of them had bags or anything that suggested they had been traveling far. Jade let out a yip, dancing around in a pair of boots that fit. The childlike joy after the breakdown was stark, but welcome. 
“Think we should get moving. Think these were scouts,” He said standing and listening. 
Jade had stuffed a few more things into her bag. Head-on swivel as she moved towards the Ghoul. She stood beside him facing the other way as if they'd done this a hundred times. 
He turned satisfied that nothing was coming from behind them anyway. They both set off at a brisk pace towards what hopefully was somewhere safer than here. 
Part two
*If you enjoy the story let me know! It keeps me writing!
*more to come, this is fully plotted just a lot of editing and additions..
*Find me on AO3 here
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baltears · 5 months
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movie touga makes me so beyond insane. the way he got to inhabit the role of the doomed prince exactly like dios did in the series and died in the same senseless sacrificial way while someone he loved begged him to save himself. the way he suffered and suffered and was so brutalized and still somehow stayed gentle enough to drown for a girl he didnt even know. a version of touga that held onto his kindness and nobility and never turned bitter and hard in order to survive. so he died.
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
jodie ‘method acting’ whittaker growing another heart to play the role of a two hearted alien is what puts her at no.1 in the doctor actor competition and that’s that. 
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iscariotapologist · 2 years
to be quite honest i'm not entirely over having my teenage body scrutinized and deemed overly scandalous and inappropriate at various times by insane staff and faculty in evangelical high school for existing in leggings or a dress. just things i'm thinking upon and getting enraged over this nye. imagine having a normal body image
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llycaons · 1 year
in a hunger games-style scenario I think that the majority of the cql cast would immediately die because 90% of the main cast are 1. bonkers self-sacrificial for their loved ones and 2. incredibly ready to kill themselves in dramatic ways out of despair. when the dust settles jgy will walk out of it wearing a perfect customer-service smile until nhs snipes him from the shadows
#wwx HAS survived scenarios like this but if his loved ones are involved he's die for them immediately#I don't imagine lwj and wwx fighting each OTHER in that poll I think they'd both rather die#lwj would be hard to take out since he's physically indestructible and not super prone for dying for others#but he's not really got a survivalist instinct and other characters are way more clever than him#IF being able to manipulate people and events matters then nhs is going to win but wwx is also super smart#and he and lwj are op enough to just break out of the constructed setting anyway and walk out together#but that's less fun#anyone remember the crit role battle royales? those were fun#in THAT case. wwx would win due to being so so powerful AND so so smart and wily and clever and inventive#nhs and jgy don't have the physical power to defeat him#nor does anyone else#even lwj. I think#I don't mean to make light of suicide either. in canon they were dramatized and excessive in number#but they were all genuine tragedies and stemmed from legitimate distress grounded in character writing that made sense#mxy wanted revenge. wwx lost everything he loved and felt it was his fault. myu saw her husband fall and was alone#against a horde of conquerers who took her home and were going to kill her next. such a proud and imperious woman couldn't stand that#xxc realized he'd been deceived by someone he abhorred and had murdered dozens of defenseless people#wq and wn were resigned to dying together and paying back the debt they owed to wwx#qin su...okay yeah that was a bad one#but she was also horrified by the reveal about jgy and her son's death#they all made sense! even if they were extreme reactions#cql txp
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dmclemblems · 2 years
fr tho, gotta love how ppl bitch about “the kingdom is problematic bc ppl are willing to die for their country and king and care about their duties”
but then you’ve got ladislava who is the same thing but turned up to eleven and has no character outside of that fact but nobody cares bc she’s not from faerghus
and you’ve got lorenz who dedicates himself to the commonfolk and would die for them bc he sees it as his explicit duty to ensure the protection of commoners to the point that if a commoner dies protecting him he genuinely believes he’s failed in his duty, but nobody cares bc he’s not from faerghus
#gotta love how blind ppl are to the allegiances of every other character when they just single mindedly hate one place#like if you're gonna argue smth or have a discussion at least know the facts of the places you're defending too#and if you're not defending and only saying smth abt another place then be ready to deal with comparisons#like the other day I had this guy arguing with me about faerghus' loyalty and how miklan can't be redeemed#but he couldn't deal with being wrong and kept changing topics or finding ways to try to be like#BUT PPL CAN RELATE TO XYZ WHICH IS THE OPPOSITE OF THIS#like... okay yeah but... ppl can also relate to zyx so what's the point of that argument#you can't argue something is flawed but then be presented with facts proving smth you're defending to also be flawed and#just pretend what you're arguing is the only thing wrong or not accept that what you're arguing just doesn't work#imagine being proven against an argument so you just switch to something else instead of admitting#that your argument (and a stereotypical one about an entire group of people i.e. country in this case)#is flawed itself bc you're trying to argue abt a whole nation's mentality and how you hate it but you don't hate#the mentality of the people who don't live there and have the exact same mentality#and on top of that like the whole Faerghus thing is an older generation thing bc like yeah Rodrigue is like that#but Felix isn't. Sylvain in Hopes only died in SB bc he went out angrily after revenge and died seeking revenge#not just bc he wanted his living friends to be safe. Sylvain is also not exactly ''knightly'' the way ppl say Faerghus soldiers are#he didn't consider it an honor to die for his country. he was just hoping his friends would be safe#and again he went into it thinking of revenge. it wasn't for some knightly duty or honor but bc he was still pissed abt Ingrid#Dimitri feels he has obligations and wants to help the commonfolk but he's suicidal as all fuck and also finds#no honor in dying the way Glenn died. Annette doesn't find anything particularly honorable and is just a family woman#Mercedes couldn't care less abt that stuff and is usually more worried abt Rhea and the Church#Ashe is a knight and is loyal but he doesn't really see ''honor'' in dying. he just would be willing to die to protect things important#to him. the only person in the current generation who avidly feels honor in old fashioned Faerghus standards is Ingrid#and let's not forget Leopold who... is also very much neck deep in loyalty and duty soooo#DCE Comments
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dutybcrne · 2 days
Kaeya most definitely made plenty of bitter jokes about how his Vision 'won't let him die' to excuse his recklessness the first couple of months after Diluc left. And it most definitely would have gone on longer if each one hadn't upset Jean greatly enough to make him stop.
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Things that happened in my sims game today that ✨just make sense✨
-My sim went on a date with his stalker
#so i have this one house in which a romance sim lives who can't get laid#god knows why he can't get laid. he's hot and bisexual and he's a line cook. like what more do you want#anyway i finally resorted to using the matchmaker just to try to get him laid and for whatever reason she sent me this woman#who could not be interacted with aside from talking; flirting and influence#which meant i couldn't end their date and it also couldn't really progress? so i was like 'well this sucks'#so i had him get another date#obviously she was PISSED that he rejected her for this hot policeman so she left him a fiery bag of poop on his doorstep and a stinky lette#(he didn't even get to first base with the policeman btw)#except that wasn't the end of it. she kept COMING BACK#she'd just stand for hours upon hours looking at his house. i mean literally she was there ALL DAY#it seemed like she only left when i directed him to go greet her. literally as soon as i put 'greet elle' in his queue she left#eventually i managed to have him actually greet her and there was still only talk; flirt or influence available#(once he greeted her btw she completely made herself at home in his house. she took like two bubble baths?? and i couldn't ask her to leave#she eventually left because she was hungry and i wasn't going to feed this crazy ass woman who had literally been lurking outside his house#for damn near two weeks straight. i was like you can die here if you want to. that's fine#anyway. i decided to have him invite her over for a date to see if that unstuck her because by this point i was weirded out by the limited#interactions. so she agreed to the date but didn't get unstuck#i had to use boolprop testing cheats to make her selectable and then unselectable. THAT finally worked#for some reason casual romance settings (acr) still don't work on her though? so she can't be woohooed because he's not in love with her#i suspect she's a young adult and something's messed up in her coding. or i have a mod conflict. despite my best efforts#i've never seen a sim behave like her before. she was literally just standing unmoving STARING at his house. no idles or anything#i thought she was stuck but she could blink. fucking eerie#tl;dr ts2 remains the game of all time#personal
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athalantan · 5 months
I'm fighting the urge to fancast El's entire family (I enjoy fancasting too much), but the timeline of their uncle's births is wild. Queen Syndrel had to have been having at least one baby per year — and still found time to lead King Uthgrael's stag hunts??? Anyway she and Uthgrael were probably in their fifties when they died. That family bit the dust young.
Our reference point is that Belaur, the oldest of their 7 sons, was 29 in 224 DR. The birth order of the princes is: Belaur, Elthaun, Cauln, Elthryn, Othglas, Felodar, and Nrymm. We don't know when Syndrel died, but it was shortly after Nrymm was born; he was raised by the women of the court and likely hadn't set foot outside Athalgard by the time Uthgrael died. Speaking of which, Uthgrael died battling orcs in 216. So the timeline is like —
195 — Belaur born
196 — Elthaun born
197 — Cauln born
198 — Elthryn born (this would make him 14 when Elminster was born)
199 — Othglas born
200 — Felodar born [date of death unknown; left Athalantar "years" before Uthgrael's death; thought to be in Calimshin in 224]
201 — Nrymm born; Syndrel dies shortly thereafter
216 — Uthgrael dies; the Warring Princes of Athalantar begin their fight for the throne
[Cauln killed in a spellduel sometime in this period]
218 — Belaur officially lays claim to the throne; Elthaun hunted down in Calimshan later that year; Othglas likely slain in Dalniir (it was at least after this point)
220 — Nrymm disappears, presumed a hostage of the mage-lords or dead
224 — Elthryn slain in the attack on Heldon
240 — Belaur slain by Elminster
#OOC / HOLLY.#reference#I know Uthgrael and Syndrel were supposed to be a great king and queen#[Helm at least thought very highly of them — and was probably in love with Syndrel lmao]#but they couldn't have been very good parents if their kids turned out like this#Belaur was a monster and a tyrant who requires trigger warnings to discuss#Elthaun was thoroughly dishonest; a womanizer; and a master of intrigue. he likely arranged Cauln's death#Cauln was 'a sneaking suspicious sort' and a snake. comparatively not that bad#Elthryn had no sins but he got the hell out of Dodge as soon as he possibly could. renounced everything and fucked off to Heldon#family man. stand up guy. well respected. died too soon.#Othglas was a poisoner who killed 'any who so much as spoke a word aloud against him'#I think the fact that he ran off to become a priest of Malar says something too#Felodar trades in slaves; drugs; and dark magic. loves gold and gems above all else#[probably survived by bank rolling Belaur from afar and keeping to the intrigues of Calimshan]#also Felodar had to have left home before he was 16 if his exploits brought trade to Athalantar that pleased Uthgrael#[Helm posits that Uthgrael didn't know about his sons immoral dealings only the above board ones. who can say really]#not to much to say about Nrymm. considered a 'thin frail sullen little brat' [tbf he had to have been 15 last Helm saw him]#but tbh it seems like Uthgrael neglected him after Syndrel's death#'after Queen Syndrel went to her grave he fell to grimness an' waited for a chance to die'#[it's possible Syndrel died birthing Nrymm or that the birth weakened her health which led to soon death#and Uthgrael on some level blamed Nrymm for her loss. grief is never logical]#in summary all of the princes were either evil or fucked off at the first opportunity. sometimes both
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basingstokemercury · 8 months
who am i fairfaxing kidding
"i'm just like adam" "i'm just like julian"
adam would take one look at my 'work ethic' (it doesn't exist) and contemn me, julian would be raging about my moral hypocrisy, every character i admire who's actually a good person wouldn't tolerate two seconds on any important task with me
that scene in the pilot where adam lays into joe for playing around instead of doing his part? yeah that'd be me getting yelled at except it would probably pan out far worse because i would actually have been sitting there playing while the cattle wander off and get lost miles away
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its-in-the-woods · 2 months
Apologies for this taking so long
I have put most of my work on pause to try and get Coyote Head done. Unfortunately, as I made this choice my life got a whole lot more hectic do to some personal stuff. That said I have made good progress, I have an ending written 🥹
I am hoping to post an update on Coyote head next week. As well as work on the ending for The Woman Who Couldn't Die.
Basically I am trying to catch up as much as possible so I can update at a regular clip. As well as start work on some new stuff! 🤭
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frogchiro · 1 year
virgin sacrifice reader offered to war god ghost?? prepare to be his lovely wife instead of a sacrifice with at least 10 demigods running around, he wants to raise strong warriors!
Ghost would definitely be a god similiar to Ares; a god of war, brutality, bloodshed, masculinity and virility. Men go and pray by his shrine or in his dedicated temple to give them strength in both battle and bed, to be a strong and unbeatable warrior and be able to father strong, healthy children.
One such temple, the main one, is in a surprisingly remote location, surrounded not by a major city or capital but a few villages. According to myths it was this place where a brutal battle took place millenia ago where the fearsome god Ghost defeated an army all by himself, the blood of his slain enemies served to make the land fertile and for many villages to grow and prosper...until now.
Usually sacrifaces to appease the god would be made by the men of the villages; black stallions, the strongest bulls, wine, silver and pure steel, everything that has connections to masculinity and power, however some kind of horrible fatum seems to hang over your little village. The animals either die young or are sickly and weak, the wine turns out sour like vinegar, there in so money to buy anything either and it's taken as a curse by the elders. If nothing will be done and Ghost won't have his sacrifice who knows what will happen?
So they decide on the next best thing, a desperate last choice reach in hopes to appease the brutal god-a virgin sacrifice. The prettiest, unmarried and untouched young woman is to be chosen, dressed in the finest, gauzy silks and locked inside the stone temple in hopes that the god will come down and the blood of a slain virgin will calm his fury. Luck wasn't on your side it seems, you were chosen.
All you could remember were the desperate cries of your mother, the dissapointed remorseful look on your father's face and the ritual cleansing of the old crones in the village. You were cleaned in rose water, intricate patterns were drawn with a mixture of honey, mushed up berries and flowers on your breasts, around your nipples and bellybutton, and the most intricate was drawn on the place where your womb was. You were clothed in a white gauzy dress that was a symbol of your purity and then you were bound and dragged to the temple no matter how much you struggled and kicked and pleaded until you were finally locked in the dimly lit temple, only the many candles present to lighten the main chamber and to show the powerful, majestic sculpture of the god, Ghost.
Imagine crying yourself to sleep, everything hurt, you were scared and confused, all alone to die in this forsaken temple because some old men decided on it. Falling asleep out of exhaustion, the images of your crying, terrified mother haunting you even when sleeping.
Imagine waking up and instead of feeling cold and sore from sleeping on the unforgiving stone floor, and instead finding yourself laying on and under the most luxurious furs you've ever seen, the warmth of them felt like a blanket and the smell of them, pleasant warm masculine musk made a shiver run down your spine, just where were you?
Before you had the chance of looking around the room, you felt huge, strong arms clamping togehter around you and bringing you into a powerful, broad chest which rumbled with a growl like purr and a stern voice saying:
"Stay. Don't move around girl."
And the very same arms turned you gently around to face the man behind you and you couldn't help but gasp and breath out a tiny, frightened yelp-behind you was laying a man who looked like the stone sculpture of Ghost cane to life and became human. It...it was Ghost. You laid next to a god.
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bunbunlovestowrite · 2 months
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How the Hashira men react to your neighbor asking you to be quiet
Characters: Tengen, Sanemi, Rengoku, Obanai, Gyomei, Giyuu,
Additional shit: Swearing, Sanemi fighting said neighbor, Rengoku being blunt, mentions of sex, ooc mot likely :p
He couldn't care less
His whole thing is being flashy and loud so he wants you to be loud
Like it's not his fault that dick is magical
After he shoos your neighbor away he makes sure to be as loud as possible that night
He's pounding into your cunt and you swear your gonna break when he whispers "okay now scream exactly how big my dick is. Don't forget the tip color-"
He gets cut off by you hitting him with the pillow
Way to ruin the mood
But that doesn't stop him and instead he goes harder, making sure the bed creaks loud ASF for your neighbor
"Not my fault he doesn't know how to please a woman." Is his main reason for doing so
He really wants you to scream his name so it's imbedded in your neighbors head
"Morning N/N!" Him to your neighbor from the balcony while your trying to get out of bed and failing
"Actually die." Both you and your neighbor to Tengen
Cares alot
Why the fuck is that limp dick biscuit talking to you and him? Who does he think he is?
You were the one who broke the news to him thankfully cause if Sanemi was the one who opened the door then you'd have to see your husband through glass in a prison
Just kidding. The Slayer corp would get him out of trouble if he didn't do it himself.
Sanemi made it his goal to piss your neighbor off as much as possible
Your under him, practically creaming on his cock, and he's slamming the wall yelling "This loud enough yet?! Huh!?"
Not kidding I can see him doing that
He quite literally had you against a window where your neighbors could see him destroying you just to make them mad or uncomfortable, hopefully both.
But then he'd get pissed someone else would see you all naked and fucked out so he settled for the wall next to the window
One day your neighbor, finally having enough, bangs on your door yelling and guess who opens it...Sanemi!!
Good Lord was he waiting for this
It took one punch and the guy was out
Kinda what happens when you put a normal dude against a guy who kills demons for a living
He's a good neutral between caring and not caring
Like he doesn't wanna make your neighbors mad but he also loves hearing your screams
So he tries to keep you quiet during sex but fails since he gets to into it to give a fuck
The next days his loud ass voice wakes you up
"IM SORRY FOR MAKING INCREDIBLE LOVE TO MY WIFE!" He's not being sarcastic thats his genuine apology
Your facepalming and you want to die when you see your neighbor and she can't look at you
"PERHAPS SHES MAD BECAUSE HER HUSBAND CANNOT PLEASE HER!" Rengoku says casually and you know she can hear you from outside in her garden
"Inside voices!" You place your hands over his mouth to try and shut him up.
It works for a bit before he's yelling again
You love your husband but holy shit you wish he would speak normally sometimes
He's actually quiet in bed though
So your the problem (real)
I'm not an Obanai fan so forgive me for how bad his section will be
Obanai is a quiet mf, and you're not even that loud
It's your neighbor who was the problem
A little old man whose hearing aids apparently had the power of 67 suns
You and Obanai found this out when he was outside training and your neighbor came over
He was so sweet and polite and even chuckled at Obanai's redness
Obanai cared at first but got over it
You? You make sure to not make a PEEP in bed
Okay that pisses Obanai off but he understands your reasons
At least make a gasp or sum cause he's over here like "Wait does this feel good? Can she feel it? Did I forget where the clit is?"
Brother is STRESSING
Then you cum and he's like "ah"
Then he's like "Did you take it?"
You have to keep yourself from murdering him cause how tf would you fake squirting
Babe I'm not gonna lie, you're a screamer
Gyomei is built like a house and your telling me your just gonna whine and whimper?
Your over here crying and screaming into his chest, neck, the pillow, anything.
And Gyomei loves it!
He can't see your reactions so hearing and feeling them let's him know he's doing good
Gyomei isn't loud but he's not quiet
He'll grunt and moan and praise you, but he's not gonna cry out.
Well he'll cry but you can never tell from what
When the pussy so good you start crying 😭🙏
When your neighbor politely asked you to be a tad bit quieter Gyomei actually laughed
Not in a 'nah we'll keep being loud' way but more of a 'sorry we'll be quiet' way. He also found it hilarious how you actually died of embarrassment.
Don't worry he thinks its endearing
Yet it was kinda hard for him since he enjoyed hearing you
But your touches and now quieter moans made that better
And then there's also you literally drawing blood from his back you were scratching so hard
Holy shit you have never seen him so embarrassed
Like you could shade match his Haori to him and get the exact same color
He was the one your neighbor told and he stopped working when 'loud' and 'moaning' left their lips
If a demon doesn't kill him then his own actions will
Giyuu isn't loud, and he loves that he can make you feel so good that your loud for him.
But he didn't want your neighbor back over at your house so he tried to keep you quiet
You were super confused when he held his hand over your mouth in bed and he just pointed to your neighbors house. Then you got it.
So you nod and try to keep quiet.
You know in school when the teacher tells you and a friend to shut up but they look at you funny and you break?
Yeah that was you
You were riding Giyuu one night and you were loud so he was like "holy shit I love you but please- I can't look our neighbor in the eyes anymore."
And you couldn't help but laugh
Like howling
You calmed down obviously but sex was very giggle filled after that
You've never seen Giyuu so panicked
But give him a week and he'll stop caring
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radiance1 · 8 months
There was a boy walking towards the invading army.
There was a civilian child walking towards the invading army from the infinite realms lead by their tyrannical ruler. The Justice League tried to stop force their way through, save the boy.
Instead of that, however, they were blocked by multiple ghosts, all hellbent on not leaving them alone. Superman tried to get close to the kid? Piles upon piles of ghosts knocked him back. Wonder Woman? The same thing happened.
The thing was, that wasn't even the ground army who did it. But the ones in the sky.
So the kid was walking towards an entire army by himself. One hellbent on taking over Earth and have no qualms about ending the short life of a human boy.
Instead of watching a child die, a life they failed to save. Something else happened.
The army parted for him.
Just as Moses parted the Red Sea, the same happened with the ghosts. They made a clear-cut line for him to walk straight towards their king with no obstacle, even clearing the way of anything that could pose as one.
Again, the Justice League tried to go down to drag the boy away, only to again be denied by the ghosts flying through the sky. Only to stop chasing as soon as they retreated a certain distance.
The ghosts stood still, and only moved as they got close, unlike their previous acts of causing havoc and mayhem. So, the Justice League, as much as they didn't want too, stood still and watched.
The boy stood at a stop before the king, painfully tiny in comparison to the massive ghostly tyrant standing before him with his arms crossed.
"Yo, dad." The boy said, and the Justice League froze in shock.
"Yo, dad." Danny lifted a hand up in greeting, before dropping that hand to rub at his neck. "Funny seeing you here, I guess."
"Phantom..." Pariah Dark's voice was soft yet booming and seemed to echo throughout the battlefield. "We meet once again on the field of battle, come to challenge me again, little one? Without your armor, no less?" Pariah tilted his head to the side slightly, questioning.
"Oh that? Yea that got destroyed ages ago," Danny shrugged, as if not having it didn't bother him at all. "Parents couldn't exactly, you know, finish it. Plus, they had other things to work on, so they just decided to scrap the thing altogether." He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged again. "So, yea..."
Pariah looked the boy over, his eyes hardening and he clicked his tongue at what he saw.
"You come here, not with armor," Pariah began, strength in his voice and a fire (literally) in his eyes. "Nor a weapon, or a shield, and no allies of any kind-"
"Well those guys are there" Danny pointed behind him, straight at the Justice League.
"-Walk up to a hostile force with no gauge of their strength." But Pariah just barreled on as if the Justice League were an afterthought. "And face their leader and do not expect to come to harm!?" The Ghost King scowled, and the Justice League tensed.
But just tilted his head slightly. "Well, are you going to harm me?" He asked.
Pariah Dark blinked, then whispered. "I could, child. I could kill you." He put a strong emphasis on the word kill.
"You could," Danny nodded. "But are you going to hurt me?"
The Ghost King remained silent, but his gaze intensified.
Danny shrugged, this time with a smile. "See? You wouldn't hurt me so it's fine. Ya big softie."
Pariah's scowl intensified. "I am not soft, child."
"Oh really?" Danny leaned forward and his smile took on a more playful edge. "Then what's you're reason for visiting Earth, hmmmm?"
"To wage war and fight against this world's mightiest heroes." The Ghost King answered quickly.
The king remained silent for a moment and Danny stepped forwards before he face planted onto concrete. "C'mon, dad. Tell me the other reason you came here." Danny crossed his arms, mimicking the Ghost King's pose.
They stared each other in the eyes for a moment, before Pariah looked off the side with green dusting his cheeks. "You have not visited in 50 years, son..." He whispered, but everyone heard it.
"Hah! Knew you missed me!" Danny said shamelessly with a satisfied and smug smile.
"And your father forced me out of the realms because I upset him." Small embers started igniting themselves on the tips of the king's hair.
Silence echoed over the battlefield, before Danny burst out laughing. Pariah Dark's hair fully exploded into green fire as he reached a hand to cover his face. "Of course, alongside the shameless and cheekiness, you get Clockwork's sense of humor as well..."
The Ghost King, at least this very moment, seemed more and more like a tired dad than some fearsome, tyrannical Ghost King.
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wahbegan · 1 year
God it would be so much easier if we still lived in SMALL FUCKING TRIBES LIKE WE'RE SUPPOSED TO you can't say shit nowadays without a trillion implications you did not fucking mean to make went to make a post about how sometimes i think we take sanctity of life a bit too seriously and stopped myself when i realized that y'know out of my little utopia fantasy land, here in the real world, only very scary people say shit like that
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ridingthatd · 9 months
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○o。 tojixfem!reader, nsfw, heavy smut, master toji, toji is kinky, possessive toji, old days toji, filthy toji
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toji fushiguro. toji fushiguro was a known master, a master who's job was to go after wanted man-woman whether they're bad or not, his mission was to kill them brutally and get their head to whoever paid him to kill them- their head as a proof, a proof of what he's capable of doing.
toji is known for his cold and calculating personality, which makes him intimidating- he does not hesitate to use his immense strength and powerful cursed techniques to defeat his enemies.
but then there's you- you who has him in your gentle little hands, your soft hands that always try to release the knots on his back- but always fail because of how small they are, compared to his muscular board back.
toji adored you- adored everything about you, from your long crazy curls, to your plumpy thick thighs that he always love to leave his marks on. you drived him to break a line he never thought he would break, he was a jealous- possessive man with you, he wants to be the air you breath everyday, he wants to be the only reason why you smile, the only person who can see it, who can hear your sweet giggles- your hideous laugh that he would die for,
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he was such a jealous man, he wants you all for himself, he doesn't want anyone to be part of why you're happy other then him- toji knows and he's aware of how mentally deranged that is but it was very much how he truly felt.
he such a possessive man, that he wouldn't let you pleasure yourself- he doesn't want the sweet honey that comes out of your cunt go to waste, he only wants you to cum on his huge cock or his tongue, squirt on his face as you stroke your wet cunt on his nose- ridding it as he licks-coat your pinkish asshole with his spit.
it even got to the point where he made you a dildo to the exact shape of his cock, so you can pleasure yourself with it while he's gone to a long mission- he would always use it to stretch your ass to, while he pounds inside of your cunt, making you pass out from being to stuffed in both of your holes by his cock.
it's been a whole two weeks since toji last saw you, and it got him into a bad temper- a really bad one- he only could receive letters from you, telling him how much you missed him and your sweet cunt needed your master.
today was the worst day so far for him- and it's like you knew that, because as soon as he made to the cabin he was staying in, he received a letter from you, and it was heavier then usual like it contains something- toji frowns confused on what would his sweet angel send him.
his cock harden poking out his kimono, eyes dark as he clenchs your red wet panties, he looked at what you wrote in the letter and he shudders, wave of pleasure hitting his body, making his thighs shake and his balls to release his seeds, cumming- cumming untouched.
~ dear master.
I know that you have been having a really hard time so I decided maybe I should send a little gift of mine, sorry for the mess on the panties, I couldn't help but squirt on them as I imagine you being here with me while I fuck my ass with the huge dildo of yours.
from your dear y/n. ~
"little fucking slut" he groans out as he grabs the wet panties to his tongue and suck-lick on your sweet cum as he free his leaking cock stroking it hard- tugging on it fast.
his cabin was filled with his pathetic moans- his mind is blank, drugged on the taste and smell of your panties- he was filthy for you, so filthy that he places your panties on top of his cock- stroking his cock with it, using your left wetness as a lube, he can't help but jerk his hips up- to lost in pleasure as he spills his hot seeds in your panties, moaning out your name.
he lays on his bed- this was the best orgasm he had in those last two weeks, he looks at your ruined panties and slowly smirk at the idea he had in mind.
you stare at tojis letter and the suprise he left you- eyes widen as you take a look at the red panties you sent him- not even red anymore it was filled with his cum, clearly showing you a sign that he very much enjoyed your gift.
~ dear y/n.
my love, I was very pleased with your little gift, I expect you to be spread wide open as I make my way to our house tomorrows afternoon, don't forget to plug your sweet ass with the dildo. enjoy my suprise.
from master toji fushiguro. ~
toji came as he promised, as he makes his way toward the door of the bedroom, hands placed inside of his kimono- while his cock was raging hard more than ready to breed his little filthy slut.
and here he finds you- on the bed spread wide open, your poor little cunt was wet and drenched with your sweet honey, twitching- clenching around nothing craving the cock of her master-
you clearly came from having his cock dildo shoved fully up your little hole as he told you. such a good girl.
"my poor little baby did you cum from having this pathetic of a dildo up your little ass?" he coo at you as he strokes your curls out of your face- your fucked out face, you had been waiting for him for awhile now.
and his cock has also been aching for you for awhile now.
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ end ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚
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