#the whomping willows
charlie-old-one · 3 months
Short animation on my favourite wolfstar song ! ⭐️🌙
Wolfstar by Whomping Willows
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storyparrot · 8 days
I just found out there is a band called "the whomping willows" and oh my freaking god they have songs based on Harry Potter and the Marauders and on ships that are fanon like wolfstar and oh my goooood i freaking out right now
I just listened to "hey Remus" and if i'd be alone at home right niw I WOULD SCREAM ON TOP OF MY LUNGS
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Remus after the Prank
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 16 - Invisible
@jegulus-microfic August 16, Word count 1000
Previous part First Wolfstar part
Dumbledore’s answer came swiftly, carried with his phoenix patronus. Regulus didn’t think it was nearly as impressive as James’s stag, but he kept that to himself as his old headmaster’s voice sounded from the bird’s open beak. 
“You are welcome, of course, whenever you are available. The password for the Slytherin Common room is, Oxyuranus microlepidotus. I would ask that you come to my office to discuss a few things once you have done whatever it is that you are doing.” The message ended there.
"Oxyuranus microlepidotus, that’s a weird one,” James said, his face screwed up as he tried to decipher the meaning. 
“It’s the Latin name for the most poisonous snake in the world, the Inland taipan,” Regulus told him. “It’s found in Australia. It’s tiny but packs a punch when it bites.” Regulus shrugged his shoulders. Barty had called him one before, as the snake tends to be quite shy unless provoked, and then you’d better watch out. 
“Fair enough. Right cloak on we’re going back to school,” James grinned at him. Regulus threw the cloak over himself and took James’s proffered hand and they apparated. 
They landed just outside of Hogsmeade, not far from the shrieking shack. Regulus shivered when he looked at the dilapidated abandoned house. James began to walk forward and, after checking no one was watching him, made his way towards the shrieking shack. 
“James, we can’t go near it. It’s haunted!” Regulus hissed as quietly as he could at James’s side. 
“It’s not,” James’s face had a tightness to it that Regulus hadn’t seen before, tinged with sadness. “Trust me, it’s fine,” He said, pushing open the cracked front door. Regulus paused only a moment before he followed James into the gloomy house, the door closing far quieter than it should have behind him. 
“Lumos,” James muttered, raising his wand as the tip shone bright, lighting up the dusty room. Regulus stared around the neglected room, taking in the peeling wallpaper and broken furniture. He looked down at a broken chair leg by his feet. It had strange indents in it all the way down, and it looked like some of the wood had been stripped away. It clicked what this place had been used for when he saw the odd grooves in the floorboards that continued up the walls. 
“Please tell me this isn’t where they put Remus when he was at school?” He asked, knowing the answer. James just nodded, swallowing thickly. 
“We managed to get him out into the forest for his last few years. That’s why we’re all animagi. We figured out how to do it in fifth year. Before that, he’d just attack himself. That’s why he has so many scars.” James pointed out some long dried brown stains and patches of dust-clung silvery fur. “It was incredibly reckless, and we were total idiots for even attempting it, but it’s what was best for Remus. If we hadn’t done it, I hate to think what he would have been like.” 
"Wait, you're animagi?!" Regulus questioned, his brows shooting up his head. James nodded. 
"Er, yeah, sorry I thought you knew," 
"What are you?" Regulus whispered. 
"A stag," James smiled widely. Just like his patronus, Regulus thought.
James led him to a door on the other side of the room. Behind it was a tunnel carved right into the earth leading away from the shack. Regulus was happy to leave that sorry little house, he could almost feel the misery there, not unlike Grimmauld Place. 
He had to stoop low to get through the tunnel. James was almost on his hands and knees, he was so tall. It took them a while to get to the end of it where it opened up again for them to stand. Above his head was a narrow opening, letting in the pale moonlight from above. The moon was half full already. Where had the time gone? Soon, Sirius, Remus and the rest of the pack would be turning into deadly werewolves. He and James would have to leave the camp. He realised it wouldn’t be safe for them, well him, as he couldn’t turn into an animal at will. He found he hated the idea of James in his animal form surrounded by those twenty wolves. Maybe they could hide away in Potter Manor for the night. He could cuddle up with James again, just the two of them. 
“Love?” James squeezed his shoulder gently, bringing him back to the present. 
“Sorry, did you say something?” He apologised, giving his full attention to James now. He realised that James must have been calling him for a while before he found him, as he, of course, was invisible.“Yes,” James chuckled quietly. “I’ll go up and freeze the tree, and you follow once I’m out. It’ll be safer if you don’t talk once we’re up, just in case.” James then scrambled up the side of the wall, using protruding tree roots as hand and footholds, and disappeared. Regulus took the same path as James did, finding it a lot harder than James made it look, especially under the cloak. 
When he finally emerged, he gasped when he took in which tree James had been on about. He’d thought it sounded weird when James had said about freezing the tree. The whomping willow towered above them, its usually flailing branches were completely still. James turned away from it and began to walk towards the castle, faintly glowing in the distance. Regulus looked up at it and felt nothing. This was the place that had managed to snatch his brother away from him, and he’d never forgive it for all the time they’d lost being at each other’s throats because some mouldy old hat had split them up and put them as far away from each other as the castle could manage. He spat on the floor glaring up at the pale stone walls, vowing after tonight he’d never step foot in it again.  
Next part
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alltheyoungmoons · 4 months
i know i just made this sideblog three hours ago and i may be showing my age with this but i think the younger marauders fans need to get on the wizard music agenda asap 🥸
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ed-end · 3 months
Late night Gryffindor party.
Lily: Damn, Sirius is wasted.
Remus: W-wait what is he doing?! Why is he on a table? James you promised me to make sure he wouldn't get too drunk!
James(as drunk as Sirius): Oopsie?
Sirius: This song is for my favourite person over here on the couch —hi moony, you look extra cute tonight btw.
Remus(as the music starts): Somebody stop him...Please.
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baileybagel24 · 12 days
Ok so why is there no whomping willow ride at Harry Potter world? Watching PoA and I wanna be flung on that branch like Hermione
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themaraudersaresogay · 5 months
Finding some lgbtq+ songs for you:
-everyone is gay - a great big world
-the village - wrabel
-girls - girl in red
-we fell in love in october - girl in red
-i kissed a girl - katy perry
-parents - yungblood
-bisexual anthem - domo wilson
here are some for my fellow marauders and hp fans:
-draco and harry
-hey remus
all are by the whomping willows :)
if you're against the lgbtqia+ community please don't leave hate!!!! i'm just trying to reach the right audience and find my people. Thank you!!!
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plonn · 1 year
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caramelapplesauce · 2 years
wolfstar by the whomping willows is a cultural revolution🫶
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wzrdradiopod · 4 months
Episode 97: Mother, Forgive Me
https://traffic.libsyn.com/wzrdradiopod/Episode_97_Mother_Forgive_Me.mp3 Hello magical friends, and welcome to episode 97 of WZRD Radio! I’m your hostwich Bess, and I’m so grateful to everyone who’s taken the time to leave a rating or review for WZRD. And if you haven’t yet, don’t worry; there’s still some time before we make it to the 100th episode, so review away! And make sure you pay…
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Imagining some pompous rich kid coming to Hogwarts a few years late and having one goal in mind: Befriend the richest people in his year.
Just to find out that the two richest people in his year, aka the two richest families at Hogwarts, are Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. Complete utter losers, outcasted from even their own house, and currently giggling to eachother while picking out their bags that had been thrown into the black lake.
Maybe networking isn't that important...
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moondustinfj · 1 year
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"No, you won't commit atrocities." *takes his hand* "We will commit atrocities."
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coldemergency · 1 year
Voldemort: Where on earth did you get that massive bruise???!
Harry: I fist fought the Whomping Willow
Voldemort: Why would you even think of doing that?
Harry: I was asserting my dominance
Voldemort: And you lost
Harry: and I lost
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hptrash-lookaway · 14 days
Can’t stop thinking about how much that “your parents died in a car crash and that’s how you got your scar” lie would’ve affected Harry and his relationship with cars
And even tho he knew the truth finally, I still think it would’ve had some impact on him still when he and Ron crashed the car into the whomping willow
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