#the whole freaking gc
shitpostingkats · 5 months
Literally the most insane thing yugioh ever did was make Yuya Sakaki taller than Yusaku. There's this theatre girly with sparkly roller skates and trauma and she can just casually rest her elbow on the shoulder of one of the most wanted criminals in cyberspace.
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dayas · 1 year
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ice-sculptures · 7 months
resident favorite mutual if i picked favorites but i obviously don't <3 u are incredibly kind and sweet and funny and u have wonderful taste in media and i dont just say that because our tastes overlap so much its almost scary. i havent been utilizing our psychic connection enough to tell u i love u but I!!! LOVE U !!!! forever thankful that my depression spiral last year sent me to this side of tumblr where i met u <3
anonymously tell me what you think of me
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whyse7vn · 4 months
!gc namjoon who has never experienced peace since joining the group
!gc namjoon who feels like being in the group has aged him 50 years
!gc namjoon who despite this would rather drop dead than have not met all of you
!gc namjoon who knows every single member like that back of his hand
!gc namjoon who often worries his members find him boring
!gc namjoon who forced everyone to download life 360 while on tour because you all wouldn’t stop getting lost and it was stressing him out
!gc namjoon who has a fun fact about everything like fr everything its kinda crazy
!gc namjoon who still to this day checks the life 360 app (that thank god none of you have deleted) every morning afternoon and night to make sure everyone is safe
!gc namjoon who has now reconsidered his position on having kids if parenthood is anything like looking after his members you can count him out actually!
!gc namjoon who on one random night in 2017 went to an equally random art gallery on his own “impulsively” and definitely NOT because you briefly mentioned you needed “artsy guy” in your life
!gc namjoon who after the “impulsive” art gallery trip which he actually did enjoy way more than he expected to seemed to have a complete personality shift finding interest and beauty in the smaller and simpler things in life
!gc namjoon who won’t admit this out loud but one of the reasons he hasn’t learnt how to drive yet is because he enjoys the fact that you drive him everywhere, you’ve even given him the silly little nickname of “number one passenger princess” that makes him feel all giddy inside
!gc namjoon who always puts his members first
!gc namjoon who wouldn’t of minded having you as his roommate but when 21 year old jungkook came to him all puppy eyed and nervous asking namjoon if you would like the idea of living with him all joon could do was smile “that’s a great idea kook! i’m sure she’d love it”
!gc namjoon the most patient man you know
!gc namjoon who buys you flowers for every single major holiday without a fail
!gc namjoon who once set you and jungkook’s kitchen on fire
!gc namjoon who has almost asked you to be his girlfriend a total of 5 times so far
!gc namjoon a true gentleman and romantic at heart
!gc namjoon who gets so upset when you refer to him as RM whether it’s a joke or work related it’s joon to you always and forever
!gc namjoon who for every piece of artwork in his home from paintings to poem books can relate said artwork to one of his members, he finds comfort in collecting pieces that remind him of his favourite people
!gc namjoon who genuinely freaks out if the group chat isn’t active at least once everyday
!gc namjoon who went through a really intense gym phase and would genuinely force all his members to wake up at 6 am and go on runs with him. however the whole group run thing only ended up lasting around 3 days turns out yoongi is really not a morning person and jimin surprisingly was (at the time) and that does not mix well !! long story short yoongi punched the shit out of jimin while tae recorded, you and jin laughed, hoseok was on the brink of passing out, jungkook was crying… for some reason? and namjoon was stressed safe to say group runs or work outs never happened again after that and namjoons intense gym bro lifestyle slowly mellowed itself out
!gc namjoon the groups designated decision maker no matter how small all large the issue what joon decides is right and final an unspoken agreement between the members
!gc namjoon who often wonders how you all put so much trust in his words and decisions honestly it scares him a little a LOT
!gc namjoon who hates boba
!gc namjoon who allows you to meal prep for him, he thanks the lord you do this for him actually saving him from having to cook for himself most days
!gc namjoon who is really good a board games
!gc namjoon who talks in his sleep
!gc namjoon who is quite a traditional man
!gc namjoon who doesn’t believe in hookup culture, flings and friend’s with benefits
!gc namjoon who prefers cute dates, long walks and sharing interests
yet !gc namjoon who lets you lead him into an empty room away from the obnoxiously loud party thrown for jungkooks 24th(?) birthday
!gc namjoon who from then on lets you steal kisses from him
moments with him
!gc namjoon who doesn’t believe in “casual”
!gc namjoon who can’t do “casual”
!gc namjoon who is aware of his feelings and of everyone’s feelings
!gc namjoon who knows his members like the back of his hand
he knows their realising their own feelings
each others too
he knows jaehyun was a wake up call not just to him but to everyone
!gc namjoon who knows he’s running out of time
!gc namjoon who wishes he was selfish
wishes he was an asshole
a self serving piece of shit
who wishes he could just shout from the rooftops how utterly obsessed and fuck he’ll admit it at this point in love with you he is
he wishes that he could love you without hurting others
!gc namjoon who has become a casual in your life
a casual kiss
a casual fuck
a casual dinner
casual moments
!gc namjoon who has become accustomed to being your romantic casual because despite initially not believing in the concept namjoon is more than willing to throw away all his morals and beliefs if it means he gets to have you hold him for a night, kiss him for a night, be with him for a night
namjoon is willing to do pretty much anything and everything to be a part of your life, a temporary go to, name it and he’ll fill that role no questions asked
kim namjoon is willing to be
your casual.
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @sopebubbles-replies @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp
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danganphobia · 2 months
thinkign about laishuro but in a college au setting. mini fic kinda incoming im having brainworms.
toshiro keeps to himself and doesn't really talk to many people (but i like to think he's already good friends with kabru because they share some of the same classes together) but he shares this one class with this incredibly talkative guy that the professor absolutely despises named laios that always makes the class fucking bust out laughing. laios is the class clown but he's popular because he's just that guy that kinda knows everybody. and he sits next to toshiro and often asks him about assignments or to copy his notes because he didn't get to read all the slides on time. meanwhile toshiro's just like ok whatever (doesnt think anything of it)
since kabru already knows laios by default toshiro kinda gets roped into his whole friend group of different majors but i like to imagine they're all good friends because they're in the DnD club and toshiro's initiated like Immediately against his will. every now and then the club hangs out after classes and it's actually really Obvious that laios likes toshiro. he's like going out of his way to make sure the newbie is "comfortable" and other than kabru it's laios who toshiro ends up talking to the most. laios is sitting next to him the whole night, leaning in when toshiro needs to say something because it's super loud at the restaurant and everyone's like Lmao this is so painful.
kabru the instigator is like "guys let's add toshiro to the group chat" and he's making eyes at farlyn and marcille and chilchuck, who's just like fucking facepalming because they're horrible at being subtle, and it's laios who's like "OH YEAH TOTALLY, toshiro what's your number?????" so toshiro gives his number and he's added to the DnD group chat but really it was just a ploy for laios and toshiro to start texting each other. it works bc laios texts toshiro individually and says "hey its laios from bio i got ur number from the dnd gc i hope it's okay lol" i can see this fucking happening when kabru and toshiro are hanging out and kabru's like "bitch i FUCKING KNEW IT!!" and toshiro's like "of course i know it's him. why does he have to say that. he's very odd." kabru's just Staring at him like my dear friend laios likes you. toshiro's confused because ????? the thordens talk to like everybody on campus i think he's just friendly. and kabru says there's at least 20 other people in your class that he could ask for notes and assignments yet he always asks you. he's always asking all their friends where toshiro is when he's not around. he's like the first to look for toshiro when he walks into a room that laios KNOWS toshiro is in. he's always excited to see you to come club meetings. he texts you like every other day. he's even asked you to hang out, alone??? many times??? like how people ask each other on dates????
toshiro telling kabru its just to work on assignments together. and kabru brings up laios walking him all the way back to their dorm and giving him a hug, and toshiro can agree that's a bit Strange but it's "not even a big deal" until he's wide awake in bed at night thinking of the last time laios hugged him after walking him home and he's red in the face like FUCK. THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME.
anyways toshiro unable to handle the fact that what he has, as kabru calls it, is a Crush(TM) and refuses to believe it so he begins avoiding laios until it becomes a big thing. laios is genuinely upset and thinks he did something wrong. so he tracks toshiro down to ask him about it and he's rambling on about being an idiot and thinking he did something to make toshiro uncomfortable, toshiro doesn't rlly know what to do bc all his feelings the past few weeks have been piling up and is about to explode and he just. grabs laios and kisses him square on the lips.
a minute passes and they stare at each other. and laios is just like. Wat. toshiro's internally freaking out. and when he opens his mouth and says "laios-" laios cuts him off and very shyly asks, "can you... uh, can you do that again?"
toshiro just feels himself relax. laughs. and laios laughs. and toshiro kisses him again.
anyways i need fanart of this so bad bye
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kazumist · 3 months
masterlist / prev ep / next ep / timestamps don't matter
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extra notes.
reader didnt freak out about the whole drunk texting thing because she doesnt want the others to find out. she also deleted the tweet where she was wondering if the alcohol was just hitting her hard (read chapter 3 for context)
the whole gc name for the sc is "TSU STUDENT COUNCIL ASSOCIATION (A.Y. 20XX-20XX)" 😭 it was js too long for the app i use oops
the pop crave tweet is legit btw happy anniv to my fave katy perry album
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taglist (open): @xianyoon @blue-b3rries @kizakiss @kissingkzuha @aethion @phtogravi @ell1e2010 @esthelily @b4tm4nn @hcmay @ivvieene @morganadorodo @kaitfae @kentply @scaranthropy @kyon-cherri @kookiibun @kochothehoe @mekiiiii @ibyobi @iuspired @tetsuskei @kunikuzushis-darling @morgyyyyyyy @chluuvr @scaradooche @kissmiere @a1-ic3 @bubblegum-angelquartz @tiredjxnna @levlucs-kiru @angeilix @cerisescherries @saeskiss @a-talkative-corn @briluvspnk @kamisatoyato @bbysatoruuu @viviixoxosblog @bambisz @chemiru @eternal-dokja @bflyprincess @jamieexistss @monocerosei @enjisthings
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1n-bl0om · 1 year
obscure tbp hcs
just some thoughts tbh (hints of brance and finbin)
goes between modern day and the 70s
- griffin would definitely send death threats to people online at the most minor inconveniences. nobody expects the innocent ones
- billy knows how to play the hermonica
- vance would be one of those toxic gamers. the ones that just yell and scream and blow air into the mic
- bruce the type of mf to actually slip on a banana peel
- robin goes around school and does those interviews with a tiny mic
- billy and vance would do the “devious lick” trend that happened early last year. mfs would steal the whole bathroom sink
- the guys try to recreate the breakfast club table scene and the table ends up collapsing
- one time griffin jumped in a pool and immediately started drowning
- finney is extremely good at solitaire
- bruce has held a boombox outside of vance’s window after a fight. vance closed his blinds after seeing him
- griffin would run a stan acc on twt. no further comment.
- robin has doodled “F + R” in his notebook
- when gwen and finney go shopping, finney is the designated bag holder
- bruce owns one of those crusty white dogs with a human name
- gwen has definitely been chased by geese at a park
- the guys have made one of those “cooking in the cafeteria” videos but caught something on fire
- billy spams the gc with tik toks that no one ever watches
- vance and robin are the number one instigators. they will hear people arguing and go, “you gonna let them talk to you like that?”
- finny watches interstellar every week
- robin has accidentally grated his hand while grating cheese
- griffin doing something feral and vance going “what if i told you griffin got that dawg in him?”
- finney follows those niche fire alarm accs that post rare fire alarms
- bruce has five pairs of the same shirt and gets clowned for it. the guys call him a cartoon character
- billy sleeps with like 10+ stuffed animals
- vance's mom has a doll collection and it freaks everyone out
- gwen goes around and takes those .5 photos of everyone
- vance and robin working at a local fast food place together and just hiding in the back whenever a customer comes through the drive thru
- billy yelling “stroke that thang cuzzo” when bruce goes to hit at a game
- robin scares finney at any chance he has
- one time griffin ate five corn dogs before going on a rollercoaster, it did not end well
- vance definitely go to house shows. those diy shows in peoples basements, backyards, garages, etc. whatever, you name it. sometimes robin joins and he takes bruce one time
- griffin has a pet goldfish that somehow doubled in size
- gwen has a collection of half burned, unscented candles. they are all carious colors and her dresser has wax embedded into it
- bruce watches golden girls. period
- gwen and finney sometimes have a “sleep over.” which just consists of finney sleeping in gwens floor and her forcing him to play dolls and do prank calls
!! bonus !!
left image: left - everyone else, right - griffin
right image: finbin with e/o & brance with e/o
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me posting about the black phone?!? woah!! unheard of
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dangermousie · 11 months
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The scene where she sees him and just lights up and they stare at each other - aaaaa!
But then she sees YJ and her attention switches and the way his face falls at that. I don't know how a fully adult killer machine manages to look so utterly vulnerable but here we are.
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And the way the camera pans to his arm, where his cut definitely reopened after saving YJ!
And then her confrontation where she is upset he's walking away but she can't really process it and picks a fight again, all about how did YJ get wounded and why didn't he help him (and we know he saved that man's life but of course his pride refuses to say) and the thing is - this is the culmination because he is so damn jealous!
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The way he is so shocked himself by what came out of his mouth. He loses all his cool with her.
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And that is why they are a perfect match, also a nice attempt to distract...
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And then she notices he's bleeding and freaks. AWWWW
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He's so pleased heeeee
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I love it when EA tells him plain text and his whole face transforms. He is so canny and observant in general but with GC he isn't at all because it's too important and so he is afraid to believe.
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Omg the way she fusses and is all "this is a major wound you must stay here for long" ahahah girl you fancy him so! And he can tell now, EA's comment gave him a push.
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Of course he brings this up, desperate to confirm...
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And her nondenial is so obvious...
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That man is bursting with happiness, heeeeee
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Can you write Quaritch's reaction to Spider calling him dad? I mean his pov, thoughts, feelings maybe he bragged in front of his friends heh
Spoilers for the two most recent chapters of Days Into Decades
He for sure texted his lil group chat after Spider went into the bathroom. Like, spelling errors/all caps— the works. He's panicking, the system is crashing. Error, error. The gc blew up for the rest of the night as various members threw out their opinions and reactions.
I feel like he's an old man dad, in the sense that he doesn't talk about his feelings/acknowledge uncomfortable situations (at least not easily). That's part of why they were just silent on the car ride Saturday night. Spider was silently freaking out, Quaritch was trying not to make it seem like a big deal. Like, yes, if I don't acknowledge it happened, my son will understand how happy I am that he called me dad. Makes total sense.
He probably spent most of Sunday counting down the hours until he was supposed to pick up Spider. Like, he played it totally cool when he texted Spider that he was on his way, but he was genuinely excited.
And then . . . Well . . . He gets to the McGregor's and nobodies there. He texts and calls and gets no response. He calls Mr. McGregor, who's apparently been at work all day and hasn't seen Spider. He suggests checking with the Sully's, as though Quaritch and Jake will ever be anything but enemies.
He does end up calling Jake, since he has his number from Spider's emergency contact file (that he had changed as soon as possible). Jake is pissy about it, because he has to acknowledge Quaritch's existence yet again, but he agrees to check if Spider somehow ended up with one of his kids while he was at Tuk's dance recital that afternoon.
When Jake checks Lo'ak's room and finds it empty, he questions Kiri and Neteyam. Both are slightly panicked, because Lo'ak and Spider weren't even talking the day before and now they've apparently run off together? Not to mention, Lo'ak just got into a fight and was 100% grounded. He should've been in bed, watching movies and sulking as he'd been that morning when Jake and Neytiri left with their youngest.
Eventually, Neytiri and Jake remember the tracker they have in Lo'ak's phone (the kid loses it every other week, they were tired of hunting through the house every few days) and track it to the forest preserve. Jake doesn't even tell Quaritch, just honks across the street as they pull out of the driveway.
All of the adults end up in one of the forest's parking lots, Neytiri staying in the car so she doesn't physically attack Quaritch. Jake and Quaritch are kind of like bitter ex-bestfriends (which they kind of are, tbh) and stand five feet away from each other. ("Don't look at me— " "Don't look at me.")
There are too many paths and the tracker doesn't give anything beyond a general location when it's not hooked up to wi-fi, so they just wait the kids out. Soon enough, Lo'ak and a hoodie-covered Spider emerge from the thicket, skateboards in hand. They stumble over the last of the roots and Quaritch sees the 'oh shit' face both boys make (Spider a few seconds after Lo'ak, given his confinement).
Cue Quaritch's first big time parenting moment. The childcare courses did not cover finding your sixteen-year-old high off his ass in the woods. He takes him home, silently fuming the whole time, and watches him sluggishly make his wake up the steps and into the apartment.
After the anger fades a little bit, he wonders if it's his fault. If Spider got high because he regretted calling him dad the day before. If Quaritch made him feel so uncomfortable that he decided he needed to get high before he saw him.
Eventually, though the anger returns when Spider tries to shout his way out of a punishment. No phone, no skateboard, no Sully's. Were the last two mostly so Quaritch could stop having a heart attack anytime Spider left the house? Absolutely. But, they were also valid punishments.
This pretty much brings us back to the end of the most recent chapter. But, yeah. Basically, he's hyped, then pissed, then kinda sad, then pissed again.
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vintagepresley · 9 months
I just wanted to take a minute to say that today is officially the day I posted the Comeback Special fic and I can’t believe it’s been a WHOLE YEAR. A whole year since writing it and whole year since reviving my tumblr account to join the fandom here.
I did not expect so many people to love that story especially one that was written by me and few others in a GC. It was originally only supposed to be two to three parts. But y’all wanted more! It’s blossomed into something more and into different universes with Elvis, the reader, and their children. I’m so grateful that it’s helped me meet so many of you and also was the doorway to me writing more stories! So thank you.
Now if anyone is interested I may write a little story in the comeback special universe. But you decide what you’d like.
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i was in a gc and everyone was discussing the dolls they collect. i mentioned that i mostly collect male dolls, and someone asked me if i was one of those "fujoshi freaks". i am Gay(TM) and i said as much, but this person just... kept trying to get me to agree with her that even if it's "ok if you do it," it's just so problematic if women do it right??? and i just. it derailed the entire discussion and was terribly awkward and now the whole server goes dead when she starts posting... ough.
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fabbyf1 · 4 months
My whole group chat and I were freaking out about you writing a new fic and we all read it this morning and I can say that we all thought it was a masterpiece. At first we didn’t knew what to expect but it was seriously amazing.
I send them the polls that you did the other day and we are all exited about whatever you decide to write next (especially Oscar and Lewis IF AND ONLY IF you decide to do it one day or in 10 years)
Also the Warming Verse is canon in our book.
In conclusion: thank you for writing, you are perfect
OMGGGGGG THE GROUP CHAT 😭😭😭 i am so honored that my fic made it to the gc bestie. I'M SO GLAD YOU ALL LOVED IT. I don't think anybody knew what to expect going into the gp fic... and yet... here we all are... ruined for life.
and i think that's beautiful.
also, yes, i can agree - wv is canon and that's final. i will not hear anything different.
lestappen + lewis HAS to happen soon... it has to. for science. to get it out of my brain. the ultimate enemies to lovers. it's fan service, but i'm the fan.
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danganphobia · 2 months
abt ur laishuro college au....what do you think would happen if they spent the night at eachothers dorms
pre-relationship college au: the first time toshiro spends the night at laios' dorm it's definitely to work on an assignment together. laios and chilchuck dorm together but chilchuck is out for the night so they have the place to themselves. it's completely innocent tbh because laios has a gigantic puppy crush on toshiro and would do anything just to be in his company... when toshiro says it's getting late laios makes puppy eyes and says he'll order in and they could just watch a movie and hang out. it barely takes any convincing before toshiro gives it and laios goes "YAY" and they spend the rest of the night binging movies on the couch. laios is just infodumping lore the whole time while they eat and toshiro silently listens because he doesn't know what's going on, and laios talking over the movie makes it even more difficult to make sense of anything but a) he's really cute and b) he smells good and c) toshiro doesn't know if he should look laios in the eyes or keep his eyes on the tv because laios is staring directly at him as he talks and it's overwhelming
then toshiro falls asleep on accident because i'd imagine he's a bit of a workaholic and is sleep-deprived. laios' shoulder makes a really good pillow. meanwhile laios is texting another gc with just farlyn and marcille freaking out like GUYSHESSLEEPING ON MYSHOULEDER HE LOOKS SO CUTE WHAT DO I DO and theyre like whatever u do do Not Wake Him Up. toshiro's looks so comfortable too, so laios just grabs the throw blanket on the couch and drapes it over toshiro. they fall asleep together. it's a very cute moment.
Morning Toshiro very much regrets this though. he wakes up snuggling next to Laios and he's like oh Shit and jumps off the sofa, waking Laios up. Toshiro's insisting that he really has to go back to his dorm he's stayed way too long and that's not supposed to happen. he's grabbing his stuff and flipping his shit. laios just laughs and walks up to toshiro, and very calmly asks, "before you go, can i just make you breakfast first?"
toshiro's stomach rumbling answers that question lmao. after breakfast laios walks him back to his dorm :) toshiro turns around and shyly thanks him for breakfast and last night. laios scratches the back of his head and grins that it's no problem, and that he'd love to do it again, but without assignments involved. toshiro's like but why would we do that. laios blushes, "it's 'cause i like hanging out with you?" and it's toshiro's turn to blush and he says, "oh, okay."
Laios brights up and says "really???" his excitement is kind of confusing but it makes Toshiro snort and he nods anyway because he just can't bring himself to say no to Laios anyway. Neither of them speak about them cuddling last night like idiots. They just linger at Toshiro's dorm, not sure of what to say next, because if they do say something they'd have to leave and cut their time together short. Laios asks for a hug though, and Toshiro hugs him before he leaves. This hug, in particular, lasts just a bit longer than all their other ones. So take that as you will. :)
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im-tops-bottom · 10 months
Chan: *huffs as he hides in his studio* I swear if Felix calls me daddy one more time in front of camera...I'll...I'll...
Han: you'll what?
Chan: *yelps and turns away from the door to see Han and Changbin working on music*
Changbin: before you ask, yeah we watched you have that whole moment
Han: so carry on, we wanna know how this plays out
Chan: well to be honest I don't know what I'll do
Han: punish him. I'll totally help
Changbin: punish the brat. We will all help
Chan: *glares at them* you guys are way too horny for Felix and there is no way any of you but Minho can tame him
Han: true
Changbin: I mean who can say no to Felix
Han: very true
Chan: we're doomed
Han: changing our name from Stray Kids to Straylix
Changbin: we're both horny and innocently craving Yongbok all the time.
Chan: and he keeps losing the group all the time
Han: perfect! When do we change our name? STEP OUT WE ARE STRAYLIX!
Changbin: *giggles* and no one tell Yongbokah, we'll just save it as a surprise. He'll be shocked
Chan: we can open up the betting pool again. Haven't done that in a while
Han: on what his reaction to the name change will be? Cause that sounds like fun
Chan and Changbin: absolutely
Han: Straylix as our first album under the new name
Changbin: hear me out. We each do a song dedicated to Bokkiiee and then do a song altogether. That'll be 8 songs
Chan: and two bonus songs so Felix doesn't get suspicious and feel left out. Have a full group song and give him his own solo.
Han: we can do photo shoots of us with our Lixie shrines
Changbin; *stares at Han* I'm sorry. Our what now?
Han: *looks between the two* our. Lixie. Shrines ... You ... You guys don't have one?
Chan: that is super creepy not gonna lie
Changbin: I have a Hyunjin one but I guess I'm willing to make some room for a Lixie one.
Chan: that's two extra creepy members
Han: I'll show you Minho and Hyunjins ones. You would think Hyunjin would have the biggest one but out of all of us in paboracha it's actually Minho himself
Chan: 😳🤨
Han: although I overheard Minho and Hyunjin Talkin the other night and Minho said that he has a trade and exchange deal going with Seungmin and Jeongin. The whole cuties dorm is just one massive Felix shrine
Chan; I'm sorry does Felix know about any of this? ... Hyunjin too changbin?
Changbin; hyunjin knows ... But I see my shrine making skills could have been more useful somewhere else
Han: I'm sure Hyung would do some offers with you for some hyunjin things
Changbin; he's got himself a deal
Han: oh right. Sorry Hyung. Yeah Felix knows. He was weirded out by it at first but since he loves his favorite stalkers he's just learned to accept and embrace it. We have a GC on KKT where he'll give us photos we can use
Changbin: he sounds like he's one photo away from starting an onlyfans
Han: oh I think we're getting there. We are wearing him down. He's so close
Changbin; I'll have a word with him if you have a word with Minho about my shrine problem
Han: deal
Chan: you guys are freaks. Renaming us to Freaky Kids & Chan because I want no business in thi-
Chan: *gets up too fast, trips over chords and falls forward. Backpack gets sent flying across the room and opens. Photos, photo album, camera and a sketch book comes flying out*
Han: ...
Changbin: ...
Chan: ...
Han: 😏 so you have no idea about this Felix shrine business
Changbin; *picks up the sketchbook he recognizes* this is a book I usually buy for Hyunjin to do his art
Han: ooh let's see what's in there
Changbin: *opens the book and gasps alongside Han* holy shit hyung
Han: oh wow...these are...god damn...they're very hot... do you think you guys could take photos in some of these positions?
Changbin; there's no need to
Han: hmm?
Changbin: *picks up some photos* it seems our fearless and shy leader can be a very kinky man
Han: holy shit... You really told Jinnie to draw the both of you like one of his french girls huh?
Chan: *can't do anything but sit there in shock, face blushing red. Holy body is red in fact*
Changbin & Han: *looks at all the drawings and photos to see which ones match the art*
Han: so on top of these ones that Hyuniiee took, you're out here taking random photos of Lixie?
Changbin: *smiles smugly and impersonates Chan* DoEs FeLiX kNoW aNyThInG aBoUt ThIs?
Felix: *walks through the studio room door* Hey guys Di- *stares at the mess* nner is here in the dance studio
Changbin: ...
Han: ...
Chan: ...
Felix: ...
Chan: I can explain
Han: *at the same time as Chan* he can explain
Changbin: food *races out of the studio*
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tortoisebore · 1 year
How would wolfstar act during Barbenheimer? Who wants to see what? How are they dressed?
EEEEEEE i am ALWAYS doing these ALWAYS i love them so much 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 ((i have some unanswered ones in my inbox i promise im getting to don’t worry 💕💓💞💖))
okay first off we’ve established that they’re both insufferable wanna-be film critics & everyone hates them for it. so keep that in the background. they’re annoying as hell.
so they get wind of oppenheimer first. the teaser plays at a midnight screening of “nope” ((sirius is a jordan peele stan)) and it’s just a bunch of fire and black and white shots of cillian murphy so they’re both like “🙂 huh okay fun.” but then christopher nolan’s name is on the screen and sirius is nearly flying out of his seat bc he’s potentially the world’s biggest chris nolan stan. and he’s hitting remus on the arm and he’s all “👹 FUC K! !!!” and remus is like “oh good another nolan movie that’ll be fun love that” and enduring sirius’ semi-quiet fangirl moment but then he catches on to what the trailer is actually about and “oppenheimer” comes on the end card and then he’s ALSO having a freakout moment & he’s all “oh fuck 😧😧😧 oh fuck it’s oppenheimer 🫢 oh fuck 😵 oh fuck cheistopher nolan’s doing oppenheimer 😵‍💫😵‍ oh god.”
so for the next couple of months they’re both telling all their friends “yes so we’ve heard the inside scoop about nolan’s new film, very ambitious, word on the street is that it’s all practical & the b*mb isn’t CGI” and “did u know that christopher nolan himself created an atom b*mb on set to 1/36th scale” like they’re just making shit up from these random reddit threads & illegitimate news sites and everyone’s like “yeah great okay sure no one cares 🙄”
but then fall rolls around & remus overhears someone on the actual street talking on the phone about a barbie movie. and he does a little google and there it is, greta gerwig is doing a barbie movie with margot robbie, and holy shit sirius is going to freak ((he’s also a greta gerwig stan, they both are, obvi. sirius’ favorite of hers is ladybird and remus’ fav is little women, also obvi)). remus makes the mistake of sending sirius the article ab the movie in a text instead of in person where he could have done some damage control and he immediately gets a facetime where sirius just screeches at him for a good three and a half minutes before a single coherent word comes out of his mouth. so yes, he’s very excited for barbie, and remus is excited for greta gerwig to make everyone cry over a doll.
so they know about the movies separately and then the barbenheimer phenomenon takes over, and they become aware that not only are both movies coming out in july, they’re coming out on the same fucking day. and when they find this out they’re at home on separate sides of the apartment and marlene texts in the gc like “are we doing barbenheimer weekend orrrr” and they both take a minute to catch up but then they’re meeting in the living room like WHATTTTT😵😵😵😵😵😵
they plan a whole weekend. on saturday morning remus gets up early and makes waffles in the heart-shaped waffle maker sirius found months ago specifically for barbenheimer weekend breakfast and even puts red food coloring in the batter so they’re pink hearts with whipped cream and cherries to top it all off. and they do black coffee to drink because it gives oppenheimer vibes & they couldn’t think of anything else appetizing to go with it in a breakfast scenario.
they’re going comfort over style for the premiere bc they’re ab to be at the theater for like seven or eight hours, but sirius is wearing a hot pink malibu barbie baby tee for the occasion. remus is ✨not✨ wearing hot pink bc he’s a ✨warm autumn✨ & it’s ✨not✨ his color but he made sure sirius took one of his sweaters bc he always gets cold at movies and complains he’s freezing until remus gives him his own & that is “not happening this time, sirius, get your own fucking sweater.”
they’re doing barbie first. they got the tickets the second they went on sale, two seats in the middle of the row ⅔ of the way back into the theater bc that’s where sound designers sit for screenings & it’s a perfect view. they get their giant sodas and a big popcorn to share, plus some m&ms they snuck in to do an m&m/popcorn mix ((god tier movie snack fr)). they’re enraptured from the very first scene. giant barbie on a desert background. barbieland. the dream house. ryan gosling. all of it. it’s a masterpiece. they both cry at the end & they’re caught off guard bc wtf this wasn’t supposed to be about mothers??? what the hell???
they have a forty-five minute break between movies where they recover in the lobby for a while & refill the popcorn, but they’re getting one water bottle to share this time bc bathroom breaks are not an option & oppenheimer has like a three and a half hour fucking runtime. like they’re doing bathroom breaks twenty seconds before the movie starts bc missing part of this film would actually destroy them psychologically
they do it in IMAX, obvi, ⅔ back in the middle of the row. it’s an out of body experience. they don’t speak or move the entire time. they don’t speak or move while the credits play. they leave the theater in silence. they go home and sit on the couch and stare at the wall and remus goes “we……we should have seen barbie last.” and then they both look at each other like 😐👀? and then they’re getting up and rushing back to the theater and seeing barbie again
the next day they’re getting together with all their friends to do barbenheimer day 2 and trying not to spoil it but they’ve already talked to each other about the individual movies too much, like they laid in bed and talked about the fucking movies like idiots for multiple hours, so they need new feedback to talk over & correct everyone’s wrong opinions
and like obviously everyone hates them
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winterchimez · 11 months
Mutuals who just radiate positive energy-
weeee another moot game!! thank you anon <3
ps. im tagging the ones that i interact/talk to the most!!
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@sungbeam - hear me out folks. beam is literally one of the sweetest human bean you'll ever find here cs honestly never in a million years i'd imagine us to be moots when i've been following her works WAY BEFORE writing myself 😭 though now we're just two crackheads who literally scream abt anything/everything everyday now lmao 🤡
@cloverdaisies - there is a reason why i call her my love bcs it is what it is. i love her sm, clo is just always there for me and checking up on me daily, like???? yes everyday i thank God for blessing me with such a beautiful soul 🤧💚
@flwoie - my OG best supporter of my works!! sona's been there since the beginning of my writing journey and it always flatters me how she speaks highly of my works (bcs i myself do not think of it that way honestly before meeting you???) the way how she only has nice things to say is just- 🥹🥹🥹
@hanniluvi - i met soph through sona bcs of how she recommended my hyunjae series to her (which btw i'll always be grateful for both of your reviews and thoughts abt my first baby 🥹) soph's the sweetest and always tagging me in lot of the moot games too!!
@cupidjyu - another sweet meimei 🥹 honestly both her and her works just straight up radiate positive energy 24/7 like 🥹🥹🥹 yumi's just so sweet and cute i love interacting with her always!
@zzoguri - another one of my biggest supporters!! i enjoy every single conversation i have with moni and i find myself smiling all the time as i chat with them 🤧 and thank you too for actually reaching out to me first in the dms!
@heemingyu - sana was the first one to hop into my dms and i can't tell you how grateful i am for that 😭 (bcs im shy and don't usually start the convo first ajskdjdj) i love how we've just naturally be able to talk to each other well & literally have some of the same interest too!! (ps we will ignore the fact how she's always sending me sangyeon stuff and enjoys watching me lose my shit- 💀)
@stealanity - our big sister matty!! i've mentioned this in a previous moot game but she's literally the sweet unnie who would send you a positive message always and just makes your day a whole lot better 🫶🏻
@haet-sal - my fellow hyunjae wifu!! lacey is just so freaking hilarious yall i can't even begin how many times she has made me cackle so hard 😭
@i520cm - my fellow malaysian moot!! 🇲🇾 another one who makes me cackle bcs ipah would literally pop up in our gc and suddenly drops a random ass topic which makes us drop dead cs of how funny it is 😭
@daisyvisions - my fellow ult fav sangyeon stan!!! daisy has always been so sweet and nice to me since the beginning and i can't tell you how happy i was when you first interacted and followed me 😭 i always love talking to you whenever!!
@kinouuu - we just recently became moots but the way how boki's already giving me such sweet and positive energy vibes is just 🫶🏻 i look forward to having more convos! (and im still shooketh and so happy with the fact that ive finally found a fellow irish moot!!! 🧡)
@etherealcheol-mp3 - another recent moot!! im so happy you reached out to me first in dms and i can't believe that we've already been able to talk about so many things!! hehe i look forward to more convos with you toro & YALL I FINALLY FOUND A FELLOW 01 LINER 😭😭😭😭😭
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