#the way this was sm longer and after i finished all the lines i was like. nuh uh and spliced it up into this LMAO
decaysings · 2 months
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mini comic based on @loveshaze's absolutely LOVELY fic merrily, merrily featuring my fav old men (and chronic pain rep that was so MWAH) ‼️ live laugh love tianjiu
[ID: scum villain fancomic of tianlang jun and shen jiu. there are five panels.
panel 1 & 2: tianlang jun looks at shen jiu, mouth slightly open. his right arm (from the viewer's pov) has fallen off at the shoulder. he has tanned skin, pointy ears, and gray streaks in his hair. shen jiu frowns as he looks back at him, holding a needle between his lips as he says, "your gaze is distracting." he has green eyeliner, gray streaks, and prosthetic hands modeled after porcelain.
panel 3: shen jiu stitches tianlang jun's arm back on with a golden thread. his hands shake in pain.
panel 4 & 5: a closeup of tianlang jun's hands starting to intertwine with shen jiu's as he says, "allow me to repay the favor." a red spiral circles their hands as tianlang jun transfers his energy to shen jiu to relieve his pain. they intertwine further as shen jiu answers, "no one asked you to."
end ID]
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n0tamused · 4 months
Jiyaaaan request coming your way~
While training his soldiers, one of them accidentally calls him 'Dad'. This leads to the reader teasing them but Jiyan teases back by calling them 'Mom' (or the gender neutral for it?)
(Was reading tv tropes and Jiyan had the 'A Father to his Men' tropes in his character tab lol)
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A/n: Anon this request was so sweet, thank you sm for sending it in! Jiyan the father of an army fr.. I do hope I executed it well. Enjoy!
Content: Jiyan x F!Reader, fluff and playful stuff, nothing more
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The morning sun had long since shifted its axis towards the center of the sky, blazing down through cotton clouds that sailed the azure skies. Below them, in the open fields, west of the main base cacophony sounded, consisting of commands, groans and other sounds of effort as the Midnight Ranger performed their training. And today Jiyan had come to overlook the session himself, although it wouldn’t be the first time. He was often so preoccupied with tasks at the front lines that he didn’t have the time to be leading drills too frequently, but when he did get the chance to do so he would take it. While it wasn’t a full reprieve from the battle, it was still a stark contrast to the grotesque and twisted fates he’d see daily on the battlefield.
Jiyan was noticeably more disheveled by the end, hair messy and hanging in strands and clinging to his sweaty forehead, hands on his hips as his voice rose to meet all ears present. You have just been passing by, helping carry supplies that just came in, and loading old and empty boxes back to be refilled in the city. For once there was no rush that would make your legs ache or your lungs hurt, allowing you all the precious time to bask in the views, the soft chatter and, of course, your dear lover.
The sun caught his figure and formed a golden aura around him, his skin glistening, and you couldn’t help but take a seat at one of many big boxes at the side of the training grounds after you had finished your task. In passing you caught a few looks, and a few smiles of the soldiers you knew from before. They looked much  more lively, despite the rigorous training they just went through. It made your heart warm seeing them in better spirits, wishing nothing more than to see them prevail and be happy. And just as you had recognized a bunch of familiar faces did Jiyan conclude his small speech, about to dismiss everyone with advice of rest hanging on every word. He had spotted you from the start, when you were going by with supplies in arms and soon he’d have a chance to speak to you too, he thought.
“General Jiyan! General Jiyan, a word or two- if I may?” 
It was a voice of one of the new recruits, Jiyan noted as he gazed at the face of the youth, a boy of twenty or so years by the looks of it, and eyes full of curiosity and admiration. He had come up to Jiyan just as he had turned towards you, prompting him to stay rooted in his spot a little longer. A few more young rangers came up behind the recruit, sharing the same curiosity but also being aware of whatever the recruit had on his mind.
“Yes? Is there something you need?” Jiyan questioned, looking at the young man. From his peripheral vision he spotted you moving down from the boxes and joining his side, staying quiet after a short word of greeting towards his Rangers, but your presence felt like a cool breeze under this sun, and he appreciated it all the more.
“I just wanted to say how great today’s training session was, we learned so much more than we did with our drill sergeant” he praised, smiling up at Jiyan all the while, “And I just wanted to ask whether or not you’ll be leading our training session tomorrow as well? Or any other day that is, we would really benefit from your teaching. I mean, you've seen it all for yourself at the front lines!"
The other few with him nodded along, prompting a small smile of pride to form on your face from seeing their fascination with Jiyan. To them he was everything they aspired to be - strong, enduring, tough but not lacking kindness or knowledge. There were times where they were scared to approach him, not knowing how he’d react to their questions, but from observing his interactions with others they warmed up to the idea and plucked all their courage. 
A polite smile curled up on Jiyan’s face as he regarded the youth with gentle golden eyes. His presence as the drill sergeant today wasn’t due to his availability, but a simple coincidence and necessity to fill the shoes of their drill sergeant that had been injured due to Tacet Discords, and Jiyan just happened to be able to be there. “Ah, you have my thanks, rangers. If a replacement for your drill sergeant does not arrive tomorrow and I am not required to be at the front lines, then I will be leading your training tomorrow as well” he told them, which pleased them greatly to hear.  “Although I’m sure Sargent Jin’xi has much more to teach you, something much more important for your sound development in this profession. You cannot take his method lightly. He has seen everything I have, as well. His knowledge is as valuable to your growth, and even more so than mine. You need the good foundation he can give you” He was aware of how confusing or hard it could be to listen to Jin’xi, as the sergeant had quite the eye for details and slow progress in lessons due to his meticulous nature - but that also made him all the better for his station. He was observant and could pluck out bad behavior and mistakes like weeds, and that is better to be done here, than in the middle of battle.
“We know, general, but sergeant Jin’xi is just so hard on us.. sometimes it really seems like he has no limit” one of the women standing behind voiced, earning a look from Jiyan that spoke of his understanding but also his disagreement with the subtle message they were trying to send - please, replace sergeant Jin’xi, or, save us.
“Yeah! One time I accidentally mixed up the weapons in the storage room and he had me do everything on my own again, saying how such mistakes can’t happen on the front lines, how it all means life or death” the first young man said, brushing his fingers through his hair and sighing. “I understand it, but we just got here..” he added and looked at his comrades. 
What was supposed to be a short chit-chat turned swiftly into a gossip galore about Jin’xi. Had Jiyan been any different from the man he was currently, he would’ve scolded them, taken offense at how they spoke about his colleague, but he was in their shoes once, always on edge around the higher ups, and he wished not to bring that same unease to them. He didn’t fail to remind them to not speak like this in front of everyone, and to respect sergeant Jin’xi when he does eventually return, and they gave him their word.
The first young man that approached looked at Jiyan after their discussion, both hands on his hips and looking more relaxed. “We won’t forget that, I promise on my last name! Still, we appreciate your kindness, and one more thing dad- I MEAN- GENERAL!” His entire face crumbled into a look of terror, and all eyes of the group shot to him, looks of surprise and amusement appearing before several of them erupted into laughter after taking a wary glance at Jiyan - who was not offended.
“General Jiyan! Oh god- I apologize, general, I don’t know where that came from-” he stammered, shaking his head and his hands, face flushed from sheer embarrassment. More choked words tumbled out of his mouth, desperate to excuse himself and forget about this. 
Jiyan can’t help but chuckle, the corners of his lips twitching in a failed attempt to hold back his smile. “At ease, recruit. You have not done any crime” he nods at the other, his eyes softening and not showing any sign that he’s about to dish out some punishment - that’d be ridiculous. 
You can’t help but crack a laugh too, covering your lips with your hand as to stifle the sound, but your mirth was evident in your eyes. “Have I missed a chapter? I didn’t know you had kids, general Jiyan” you teased, earning a few shocked but heavily amused looks from the group. Giggles erupted once more, all stifled as they waited for Jiyan to respond to the quip.
Jiyan turns his head to look at you, his eyes boring into yours and questioning your intentions - you can read the thoughts going through your head and your smile only widens in a silent call to a challenge of wits. He didn’t expect you to say something like that, but he could only huff, hiding his amusement under an abrupt guise of confusion.
“Kids?.. Why, I had hoped you’d recognize your own kids, Miss (L/N)” he shot back instantly, making your jaw drop at his rebuttal, a gasp flying past your mouth. “General” you said, accusations plenty heard in your tone as the atmosphere melted into one of jest and play.
Many eyes flickered between you and him, taking in the easy way you conversed with one another.
“Yes? What’s the surprise for? The recruits look up to you too, if you fail to notice. You can confirm with them right now” he is shifting the spotlight to you, and the recruits are quick to jump in too. “It is right, miss. Personally I haven’t been around you for long, no longer than I interacted with the General, but you two are alike, you treat us new ones with a firm but kind hand” a young woman said, smiling at you, and you feel your heart climb into your throat. 
“Can we really be surprised, they’re always together too-” "Aren't they married?" Whispering is heard amidst the group, and Jiyan looks amidst the faces to catch the one that said that but fails to do so, or refuses to weed out the individuals, and his eyes go back to you to catch your response. It’d be a lie to say your relationship with him was a secret, everyone knew there was something deeper between the two of you, something you didn’t show in public due to the war and status, but it was undeniably there. Still, hearing it loud and clear like this was like a splash of cold water. Despite their chatter, the group remained respectful, sweet in their musings.
“Ah, quiet, I do not want to hear it. This is about you, General”
“Ah, don’t run from it now. You’re the one that started this” he commented, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms over his chest. “Anyway, you’re all dismissed. I have a word with.. mother over here. Off you all go. I will see you all in the morning for another training drill. Get some rest” he speaks to the group, gazing upon their faces, only to see how they looked at him with some sort of childhood wonder, and that’s when he realized he must be flushed too. A sheepish smile bloomed on his face. 
“Alright! Awesome-” “Yes, sir!"
“Have a good day, General! And you too, Miss!” 
He watched them leave, bidding them all farewell, and when he turned to face you again he saw you pinching the bridge of your nose, hiding away the biggest smile of the day, the apples of your cheeks redder than before. The Midnight Rangers were undeniably close in connection, having spent so many nights and days huddled together for warmth or laughs or protection, and this small exchange only warmed Jiyan’s heart, to witness how positively they felt around him - and you. 
“Didn’t think we’d become parents so soon. Have we gotten that old already?” Jiyan commented, tone softer in a way he only addressed you when you were alone, and there was no one near the training grounds to hear you.
“Oh, shut up, Jiyan-” you playfully snapped, biting your lip as you looked up at him, stifling a giggle. “You are unbelievable!”
“Hm? Did you expect me to stay quiet today or ignore your quips?” he smiled bigger and you have to admire the little dimples in his cheeks as the smile reaches his eyes, making them squint at you softly.
“I don’t know what I expected, but your response was certainly the last thing I expected” you replied and shook your head, as if that would shake off the redness tinting your skin, imitating him now by crossing your arms. The two of you were looking at each other, wordlessly admiring your red faces while throwing these little quips at one another. 
“Ah.. you’ll get used to it, dearest wife”
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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seaslugfanclub · 11 months
Hiii, could you do a drabble or sm where Sidekick!gn!YN helps Gaston do his hair? Much appreciated if you do this 💖
Of course! It was super fun to focus on a single villain! (I have super short hair so I’ve completely forgotten how to do long hair) Hope you like it!
“Stop laughing dammit! It’s not funny!”
“Are you kidding!? It’s fucking hilarious!!”
All was well in morning when Gaston decided to drag (Y/N) out to go hunting. It had rained the previous evening, and Gaston wanted to follow any fresh tracks that could be found in the still damp trails.
The trip was going well until the pair reached a steep incline, yet the Frenchman had no intention of delicacy.
“Gaston, watch where your going man.” (Y/N) warned, stepping carefully over rocks and any other debris.
Gaston scoffed, unable to comprehend that he could slip, “please (Y/N), no one is as careful as myself. I’m as graceful as a swAA-”
Cue Gaston stepping on some wet leaves, sending him stumbling off the incline and tumbling down a few feet into the underbrush.
Luckily, the only thing that was wounded was Gaston’s pride. Save for a few tears on his tunic and mud smudged on his face, he was fine.
The same could not be said for his hair though.
It was like the entire forest decided to take residence in his locks, and as Gaston climbed back up the hill (Y/N) could swear they saw a lizard crawl around his head. His hair ribbon had long been lost in the fall, causing Gaston’s loose hair to look even more wild.
“I told you to be careful!!”
“Oh will you shut up!”
Which is where we find the duo now, exiting the forest after Gaston realized the state of his hair, making sure to complain every step of the way.
“I can’t believe this! It’s going to take a lifetime to get my hair back to perfection!” The Frenchman groaned, stopping to take a rest after leaving the tree line.
(Y/N), more than happy to take a break, went to sit behind Gaston, who was beginning to prod at the ecosystem that was now his hair.
“Will you stop picking at it? Your gonna make it worse!” (Y/N) chastised, “Here, sit still.”
Gaston flinched as (Y/N) began to delicately pick out each leaf and twig, making sure that they weren’t pulling at his hair too roughly. It took a good hour or so for (Y/N) to remove all the debris from Gaston’s hair, who made it take even longer to do so because of how incapable he is at keeping still.
“Cover your eyes.” (Y/N) ordered as they slung off their water flask from their shoulders, taking a quick swig of it before pouring the rest of the water onto Gaston’s head, washing away the last of the dirt.
Gaston was glad for the excuse to shield his face away from (Y/N), the unexpected domesticity of the situation causing a strange prickling sensation to cover his cheeks.
“Do you have your comb?” (Y/N) asked, making Gaston silently thank them for breaking the quiet between them.
“O- of course! You know I don’t go anywhere without such necessities!” He preened, digging through his trousers and pulling out his prized comb that he carved himself out of the antlers of a stag. (Y/N) chuckled, grabbing the comb from his hand before pulling it through his hair.
Gaston shuddered, clamping a fist over his mouth, his pride refusing to let him make a single sound of enjoyment. The feeling of (Y/N) combing through his hair felt better that all of his successful hunts combined or the finest ale.
(Y/N), oblivious to Gaston’s internal crisis, hummed to themselves as they finished combing out the remaining knots. Smiling at their hard work.
“There, all done! Now for the final touch.” (Y/N) pulled the ribbon from their own hair, using it to gather together Gaston’s locks into his signature hairstyle, pulling it into a neat bow. “Tadaa!! Now we can go back into town without you looking like a beast!”
Gaston looked over his shoulder, running a hand over his hair.
“What about your ribbon? You look just as wild as I just did.” Gaston questioned rising from the grass, refusing to admit he liked (Y/N)’s loose hair. (Y/N) stood up alongside Gaston brushing themselves off and beginning to walk towards the village.
“Oh please, I’ve got a whole load of them back at my place, and it looks good on you.”
Gaston grumbled , coughing away his blush, “Well of course it looks good on me, everything does.” He stated, quickly catching up to (Y/N) while keeping a hand on his hair. “And I guess you did a more than mediocre job on my hair…”
(Y/N) grinned, patting Gaston’s arm,
“Your welcome.”
From that day on (Y/N)’s ribbon never left Gaston’s hair, even when he slept the strip of fabric was neatly placed on his bedside table.
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akutasoda · 1 year
Now its time to request angst (kinda) so how about ranpo, yosano and atsushi with an s/o (or crush) showing up extremely injured (still won the fight but yeah..) also sorry for how much i will request ranpo i am literally in love with him.
does it ever stop hurting?
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synopsis - after a hard battle you win but at what cost?
includes - atsushi, yosano, ranpo
warnings - gn!reader, angst with some(?)comfort, description/metions of injury, blood, reader is an agency member in all, wc - 992
a/n: anon i love your ideas sm and don't worry i love ranpo too
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
it was just natural for atsushi to care about people that he respected or liked. but somewhere along the lines of working with you, he started caring about you slightly more than others. and originally he was embarrassed that he started feeling butterfly's in his stomach whenever you were near or if you complimented him but he started getting over that and now he was just nervous about trying to confess.
but one day when you two where assinged the mission to close up a case taht ranpo had narrowed down he started feeling concerned. not for him but for you. you both knew this was a dangerous job but you two were probably the best bet according to ranpo. so atsushi was horribly worried that something would happen to you. something that would prevent him from ever building up the confidence to confess.
but so far everything was going smoothly, you two were just clearing out the last of the mission and he had finished so he went to go find you. but when he went to go find you it seemed his fears where becoming true. you were leant against a wall clutching an open wound to your side and struggling to keep yourself standing upright with only one hand puttong pressure on the wound. he immediately ran over to help you up and called up yosano and the agency to get you help.
he layed you down and helped you try stop the bleeding and told you that you two had did it and help was on the way. and after this he promised to himself he would build up the confidence to confess.
akiko yosano ★↷
when you two originally had first started out in your relationship, she had vowed to herself that she would protect you no matter what. she had lost people she cared about before and she's never letting that happen again.
so when it was announced that you were meant to go on quite a dangerous mission she couldn't help but volunteer herself to go with you. if you were away and gravely injured how would she save you? after some bargaining and discussion, she was allowed to go with. you two wouldn't be gone for that long if all went well so it wasn't that big if their doctor was gone for a while.
plus fukuzawa knew that she cared deeply for you and after all she's already been through he wanted her to be happy with someone she truly cared about. although she couldn't accompany you when you actually went to deal with whatever business was on that mission, she held a base camp for you to return to or request her help if need be and that made her happy knowing that she could protect you.
although you had yet to return and it was getting worry some as of you had something else to deal with you would've messaged her right? so she set off in your last known location hoping that nothing was wrong and it was just taking longer. as she approached the site, she got more cautious but after seeing no one else around she assumed you had won, but where were you?
that was soon answered when she spotted you limping towards her. your leg looked completely mangled and most of your clothes look torched, most likely a flame wielding ability user. she panicked and ran over to you taking you in her arms and praying she would never have to see you in this state again.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
sometimes when strategizing for missions that require someone of a particular skill or ability ranpo doesn't really care that much about who ends up doing it. but when it involves you, going alone he can't help but try to interject and stop it especially if its rather dangerous.
there was a rather serious mission that needed solving as fast as possible to avoid more casualties. and as soon as ranpo heard your name as the final decision he felt a worry he had never felt before and immediately tried to change the president's mind but he knew deep down that you were needed to do this. and with high reluctance he let you out of the tight hug as he clung to you wishing you would make it back safe.
he simply couldn't sit still at work and seemed even less willing to actually work. he simply paced around clocks, calenders anything to could give him a countdown till you returned. for the safety of your mission no one was allowed to contact you until you contacted them back to give updates. so with no way to hear that your safe made his mind play tricks on him and always assumed the worst.
on the day of your expected return, ranpo was waiting right behind the door to your shared apartment there was no way he was going to miss you, he had to greet as soon as he saw you, he just msissed you two much. and because you got home later you siad you would come straight there. although he was slightly worried as the only sign of your status was a quick message saying you had finished and were coming back. and eventually he saw the doorknob turn and he got ready to practically pounce on you but as soon as the door opened he stopped.
there stood before him was in fact you. but with bruises on your face, slightly blood matted hair and clutching your left arm to your side all adorned eith a painfull smile. as soon as you saw ranpo you felt like you could relax and let the sweet embrace of fatugue take you as ranpo caught you in his arms and hurriedly dialing yosano to come help you. while he waited he brought your body carefully further into his embrace as he felt a small tear roll down his cheek.
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ivonhart · 4 months
a lil’ snippet of the wrecker fic I’m working on rn cuz I’m loving it sm
reader is a twi’lek (like usual I kept the skin color up to y’all’s imagination - she’s purple in my eyes hehe + I wrote her lekkus to be somewhat longer than shown in the show cuz if that nasty dude twi’lek Bib Fortuna - he scares me so bad man - can have long lekkus so can my girl 👹)
“Oh, I’m so excited to see what Phee has brought back!” Lyana said with bright eyes as the three of you made your way to the top of the island. You eyed her father with a small smile before responding. “As am I.”
A thoughtful hum passed by your lips as you pulled one of your lekkus over your shoulder, messing with the flower vines you decorated your head-tails with. “I wonder if you picked up any new seeds for me? The gardens could use some new friends.”
You were as close of a friend to Phee as she let you be after she freed you from slavers whilst on a mission to “liberate” an ancient Ryloth artifact the slavers wished to part with. As the three of you reached the summit and watched the ship come into view, you noted the four individuals that stood in front of her. One being a young girl with short, blonde hair.
Despite the fact they ranged from shape and size, they all sported the same colored armor. “After all, I am a liberator–” Shep was quick to announce their presence by finishing her sentence. “Liberator of ancient wonders.” Clone Force 99’s attention turned towards the new voice and that was when Wrecker saw you.
A Twi’lek dressed in a long, flowy dress that blew in the light ocean breeze, paired with an apron that was slightly dirty that held gardening tools looked at his brother from underneath her large floppy hat that was decorated with flowers along the top. Even though you wore a hat, he could still take in your lekkus that dropped down your back and swayed with each breath you took.
As you got closer, you saw that your head-tails were wrapped in small lines that sprouted a few small flowers along the larger parts of the vines. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. His eyes never left your figure as you bounced over to Phee with a wide smile. “PHEEEEEEEE!”
The woman in question opened her arms with a small smile as she braced for impact. Everything about you drew Wrecker’s attention and he felt his heart speed up as passed him to get to her. Your scent was one of dirt and flora. It was intoxicating. “Easy now.” Phee started with a laugh. “Those tools you got might poke my kidney out if you hug me any tighter.” And your laugh. Wrecker had to force his legs to stay under him as the sound flowed through his ears like the sweetest melody.
He was so enamored with you that he didn’t see the way Hunter eyed him. “About time you showed your face around here.” Shep said with a laugh after you pulled away, allowing both him and Lyana to embrace him. “What’d you bring this time?” As Phee kneeled down to show Layana, you took the time to look at those she brought along.
From a closer distance it was clear that they were clones, but they weren’t like the ones you remembered from Ryloth. They had similar faces, but there were slightly different aspects about each and every one of them.
The one next to the little girl sported a skull tattoo that took half his face along with a notable, red bandana that held his long hair back a tad. The next one seemed to hide behind his data pad, but you could still see that his goggled-eyes were stuck on Phee as she spoke about the artifact. You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged on your lips.
Then your attention moved to the last clone and he was…breathtaking. He was as large as a house with broad shoulders and strong arms, but his eyes held almost a shyness from under your gaze. His brown and white eyes shifted side to side every few seconds as you kept your full attention on him.
You were so focused on memorizing the trail of scars along his eye that you didn’t realize Phee had been speaking to you until she waved her hand in front of her face. “Seems Flower here likes what she sees, huh?” Heat burned your cheeks as you snapped your eyes away from the man with an open mouth. You were about to rebuttal the woman, but she simply turned on her heel and began introducing everyone.
this fic for me all like
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his literally my wife - I’m already three pages deep in a google doc rn - size 11 font NO sentence spaces
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bonkwosher · 4 months
omg NOT TO SEND ANOTHER REQUEST TODAY 😭 but i’ve been thinking sm about one part from one of your david imagines and was wondering if you could do a david x reader where its him leaving for the army/saying goodbye and maybe flashing forward to reuniting and the reader being able to tell how much he changed when he was gone :(
A/N: No worries about sending multiple requests. I love getting them all, I've been busy the past couple days with film stuff & work but I'm coming back.
Pairing(s): David Collins x GN!Reader
Contains: AU where David doesn't see the petersons (yet?), mentions of possibly hallucinating
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You had been sitting in your car for longer than you intended. You found it harder to get out of the car than you imagined it would be. I guess it felt as though if you never left the car he would never leave. If you didn't say goodbye now he would never go. A knock at your passenger side window made you jump in your seat. You looked to your right to see David dressed in his camo uniform, he looked slightly concerned. You quickly unbuckled your seat belt & clambered out of the car to face your long-time friend. In the process of getting out, you managed to hit your head on the door frame. David ran around the car to your aid, lightly holding your head.
"Y/N, are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Today is just... it's going to be a tough day."
David pulled you in for a hug, the side of your face pressing against his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, it was rapid. You then noticed how tight he was holding you, you couldn't tell if the hug was more for your nerves or his.
Before you could speak up to ask, a voice came from the direction of his family home, "David, your mother needs help setting the table. Get on in here & help her."
The voice wasn't particularly demanding or anything but David still quickly let go of you & ran off towards his house, "Yes, sir!"
"Oh, Y/N," David's father noticed it was you, "Come on inside, the food is almost ready."
You grabbed a small bag from your car before heading inside. The house was bustling with a bunch of David's family members. It was a going away party of sorts. You couldn't imagine how people could be so happy in a time like this. As David's father gave you a pat on the back, you noticed the man of the hour by himself in the dining room, a stack of plates in hand. The look on his face was somewhere along the lines of uncomfortable. You made your way to the dining room, being greeted by various members of his family that you had met at parties before. You closed the dining room door behind you as you walked in, causing the blue-eyed man to look up at you.
"Oh, hey Y/N. I'll be done soon then we can eat," he gave you a soft smile.
"Let me help you," you spoke as you took some plates off his stack.
You could tell David was lost in thought as the two of you set the table. Every time you glanced at him you noticed he was already looking at you, before the two of you quickly looked away. Once you finished with your stuff you backed up to get out of David's way. You couldn't help but stare at the man, a long-time crush of yours. Your mutual friends were convinced you two were madly in love & had been trying to set you up. The news that he was leaving for the army was devastating. Especially when it came so abruptly. Your friend group knew his dad always wanted him to but David never showed any interest. Then one day he just randomly announced he'd be leaving in a week.
After he set the last napkin down he made his way toward you. You thought he'd stop a bit away from you to talk but he just kept on coming towards you. With a quiet 'Excuse me' David slid his arm around your waist & guided you to the side a bit. His arm pulled away as fast as it moved to you. There was a small cold sensation when the warmth of his arm left you.
"W-What was that for?" You asked as he dug around in a drawer.
David just chuckled, "I asked you for silverware multiple times but you just stared at me. Had to get it myself, you were standing in front of the dresser."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I-" You were interrupted when David handed you some forks to lay down.
"No worries, let's just set this up so we can get this meal over with."
"Get it over with? Are you dying to get out of here?"
David's smile dropped a little when he realized what he said, "No, I mean- I don't want to get away from you. God, you're the light of all this mess. It's all this pressure from my dad & I feel like I'm throwing my-"
"David! Where are you at, boy?" Perfect timing, his dad called from the living room.
David gave you a tired smile before letting out a sigh. He made his way to the door of the dining room. He peeked his head out, being called to greet some more of his family that just showed up. He turned back to you for a moment.
"I'm being summoned. Do you mind finishing up with the table? There isn't much left to do."
"Yeah, of course."
The dinner went by smoothly, David's father made a toast about how proud he was of his son for following in his footsteps. Something about David finally becoming a real man. It was all one big eye roll & you could tell the smile David had wasn't real. But what was real, was the fact that David would now be leaving. He was giving good bye hugs to his aunts & uncles, having playful moments with little cousins. He gave his mom a kiss on the cheek & shook his father's hand. Then there was you, at the end of the line. If only you knew what he wanted to do in that moment, all the things he yearned to tell you.
"I'll uh... I'll see you on the other side, Y/N," was all he could get out.
Feeling a rush of emotion you pulled him into a hug. You tried to be quiet enough so no one else would hear you.
"Please, promise me I'll see you again," tears beginning to show.
David noticed them immediately, "Hey, hey. Of course you will. It's gonna take more than a country of fighters to keep me from coming back to you. I mean- Coming back home & all."
Good save David. You realized at some point he had lifted your chin to wipe away your tears. You were close to each other, real close. If one of you just made a literal inch of a move then things would be so different. One kiss & David would've stayed, he never would've moved from your side. But you two just stared at each other. He wasn't sure that you felt the same way. Eventually, the hug broke. David returned to the living room for a second to wish everyone one final goodbye & thank them for coming. When he returned to you he was met with a small red bag hitting his chest. He looked confused but took the bag from you, about to open it.
"No, open it on the road or something. It's just something small to remember me by. Well, two things."
"Wow, spoiling me now?"
"Oh shut up, just keep the things safe okay."
"Yes, captain," David jokingly saluted.
After sharing a laugh & a final goodbye, David was out the door. You watched him walk away, then out of view. You still weren't confident you'd ever see him again. But then again, miracles happen.
& happen they did. You were visiting home for Halloween. Your friends wanting to get back together after being separated by different colleges for a couple years. You wrote David for a while throughout your college time. For a while, he wrote back. Then one day, the letters stopped coming. You got concerned & called the base, it took them multiple days to come up with a response, but that didn't make it any easier to take. They told you David was dead. So much regret filled you, you were out for the count for a long time. It almost caused you to fail some classes. The fact that your friends called you back home to hang out again was actually very well needed. A couple days before Halloween you were sitting in the living room, watching some TV. A knock at the door caught your attention. Your parents weren't expecting anyone as far as you knew. Maybe it was the fact that Halloween was coming but something felt scary about this. You looked out the peephole at the front door to see a man facing away from you. Cautiously you opened the door. That's when you realized who it was.
"Hello, Y/N," he spoke softly with his usual slight southern drawl.
You were frozen. As if you had seen a ghost. It was weird that he was acting so normal right? You had imagined this situation very differently. Like those clips of people picking up their long distance partners from the airport. You guys were gonna run up to each other & he was going to scoop you up for a long kiss. Or maybe that's just what you wished he had done.
"Mind if I come in?" He continued, not even a hint of awkwardness.
Somewhere in your face you gave him the sign it was okay to come in, but you still watched silently as he walked around. Are you hallucinating this right now? David Collins, a man who's supposed to be dead, is living & breathing in your kitchen. You followed him.
"Man, it sure is nice to be back here. I always loved your mom's cooking."
You poked at the man's chest abruptly, finally catching him off guard. He chuckled a little bit.
"You're supposed to be dead," you spoke quietly, it was a whisper that carried a lot of pain, "The people at the base told me you were dead."
His smile faltered, "Well, I was working on a special ops by the time I got discharged. I'm sure it was just a cover story they were providin' to any civilians."
"Special ops?" You inquired, only to be interupted by a parent calling your name from across the house.
You grabbed David's arm & darted up the stairs, "Busy!"
You pulled David into your room & closed the door behind you. You sat him down on your bed. You started pacing around the room.
"You stopped writing me, like, a year ago. The base said you were dead probably a whole month ago. Now you're here, how are you here?" You paused to cover your face with your hands, "I'm just crazy. You're not here. This is some crazy spell."
David stood up slowly. He lightly grabbed your wrists, moving your hands away from your face. Your eyes ended up pointed towards his chest. He pulled something out from under his shirt. It was a small, simple necklace, you recognized it. It was one of the gifts you got him.
"It's still me, I'm here," There was a newfound calmness & confidence in him, "No need to worry anymore."
As he finished his statement, he pulled you into a hug. This is when you felt how he physically changed. He wasn't the same lanky awkward guy anymore, he didn't hesitate a moment to think whether his arms should go above or under yours like he used to. Speaking of arms, you could feel a drastic difference in muscle tone, even through his blue sweater. Especially when he tightened his grip a little.
"I missed you so much, Y/N," He spoke quietly into your ear.
His voice was the same, it was David. But he didn't even have his awkward manner of speaking anymore. Maybe these were good changes? He seemed more confident in himself. It just all hit you at once since you haven't seen him in years.
"I came here as soon as I got discharged. I've been thinking about you a lot, I ran here first thing from the base."
"Ran here from the- that's a lot of miles! Also, you were thinking about me?"
"I'm always thinking about you Y/N, I always have been & always will be. You run circles around my head," he pauses for a long time, "I feel like I made a mistake."
All the butterflies that were building up got worse, "What?"
"I should've kissed you when I last saw you. At least, kissed you. You got all dressed up to see me go, brought me gifts, I should've kissed you."
"What are you saying?" You played a little dumb.
"If I kissed you I never would've left. My boots would've stayed planted right at your side. I feel like I cheated myself by not doing that, & you if you wanted me to. But I never could quite tell."
"So if I kissed you right now you'd never leave again?" You asked quietly.
He smiled down at you, "Never."
You didn't need to be told twice. You pulled his face down to you for a kiss. It was short & sweet, but it felt like so much weight was lifted off of both your shoulders. You two had loved each other for a long time, now that it was out in the open, everything felt right.
"I just want to hold you," David spoke before effortlessly lifting you up.
David turned & laid you on your bed before climbing in next to you. It was a tight squeeze, being your childhood bed, but the two of you just got closer to make it work. Your arm rested on his chest, your legs entangled in his. David took in a big breath & held it.
You noticed & looked up at him, "What are you doing now."
David let out a sigh that he'd probably been holding for his whole life
"You make me feel free."
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collisvng · 1 year
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Pairing ♡ Choi Yeonjun x Fem Reader 🩷
Synopsis ♡ You stumbled upon a random carnaval after the guys had just finished filming a music video nearby. During filming you spotted what looked like a ferris wheel in the far off distance. After one brief mention of it, that was all the boys could talk about. And Yeonjun made it a point to make you his ride buddy. 🩷
Word Count ♡ 2,719 + 3 sm screenshots 🩷
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Breaths of air entered and exited your body as you were being forced to run. 
You were hand in hand with your best friend Yeonjun, rushing through crowds of people to try and be the first in line at a ride he so desperately wanted to get on. His eyes were full of excitement, giggling at your exhausted groans as you trailed behind him.
He was taller, his legs were longer, and you… were struggling.
The two of you stumbled upon this random carnaval after Yeonjun had just finished filming a music video nearby. The staff let you sit in on shoots sometimes upon the guys’ request, and today you were especially lucky.
During filming you spotted what looked like a ferris wheel in the far off distance. After one brief mention of it, that was all the boys could talk about. The staff found their excitement so enamoring that they simply couldn’t say no.
So now you were here; standing in line with your pink-haired bestie as he shifted from foot to foot in excitement while staff stood at an unnotable distance.
The guys were off on other rides, purposely leaving you and Yeonjun alone.You knew what they were doing, and you wanted to fight them because of it. They knew you liked him—the subtle wink from Soobin followed by the thumbs-up they all gave you as Yeonjun yanked you away was more than enough confirmation. 
With each new ride you got on, your heart continued to lose control. Whether it came from the carnival adrenaline or simply because Yeonjun wasn’t letting go of your hand was a whole other topic. 
You were also both wearing facemasks to blend in, just as the rest of the boys and staff were. Every once in a while his mask would slightly fall down his face during rides, leading you quickly panic and fix it for him once each ride was over.
He’d wink at you each time you helped him, gaining a shy eyeroll from you in response. The way you’d frantically pull the fabric over his nose while checking around to see if anyone noticed was amusing to him.
You thought he was a dork—he thought you were the cutest thing ever.
After going on what felt like the hundredth spinning ride of the afternoon, you took a deep breath.
“I think I need a break,” you said as you untwinded your fingers from his. “You are crazy. This is crazy. How the hell do you just get on rides and keep going? Where are the breaks?”
He shrugged. “You know I don’t like taking breaks baby.”
Wiggling his torso, he walked up to you. His little dance granted you free range to playfully punch his side before bending over and resting your hands on your knees.
“If my heart wasn’t revving so hard right now, I’d fight you,” you huffed as he let out a loud laugh.
It took you a moment to catch your breath, which he took considerable notice too. He hadn’t realized that you were actually suffering from the constant ride hopping. He started to feel bad and decided it was best to just take a moment to yourselves. You thanked him, then the both of you just continued to walk around.
It was a lovely day. The blue sky looked like a beautiful backdrop to the chaotic plethora of people skedaddling from one destination to another in front of you. You looked up at the ferriss wheel in the distance yet again, taking in its charm. Yeonjun noticed as he spared a glace at you, smiling.
“Hey,” his tone came out more cheery then normal, “do you know what sounds really good right now?”
“An inhaler?” You coughed.
He skipped ahead, making the jeans jacket he was wearing flutter a bit with each hop. You slowly followed behind, only stopping when you both came up to a small concession stand in the middle of the crowd.
The small booth had an array of snacks lined up: churros, corn dogs, popcorn, and even those little Minute-Maid gelato cups. But Yeonjun’s gaze fell on the beautiful bags of cotton candy that cascaded along the side of the stand like a beautiful rainbow.
As he picked a pink bag out of the bunch, you heard a small PING! coming from your pocket. You took out your phone rolled your eyes. 
Of course it was Soobin.
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“Who ya texting?”
“GOSH!” You instantly shuttered at the sudden voice whispering in your ear. 
As you turned to face your friend, you immediately locked your phone and slid it into your back pocket. Yeonjun stood there with a mixture of satisfaction and confusion on his face as he watched your screen disappear from his peripheral view. He opened his small, clear bag filled to the brim with strawberry flavored clouds and began pulling out individual pieces.
“Geez,” he pulled down his mask and put some of the pink fluff into his mouth, “if I had known you were going to react like that I would have just let you stand there until you were done.”
The cotton candy was a hue somewhere between baby and bubblegum pink. It was wooly, flocculent, and only a few shades lighter than Yeonjun’s lips—which you found yourself staring at as he fed himself. The pout on his face left you in a trance that you so desperately needed to get out of before he noticed. You shook your head, blinking a few times, before focusing on the cotton candy bag yourself.
“You know what,” you snatched the bag away and began walking off, “just for that, I’m stealing this!”
Your strides only became more rapid as you rushed away in the other direction. A loud “HEY!” left Yeonjun’s mouth as he hurried towards you, once again skipping a little along the way. It made you smile, maybe a little bit too much, which only made you walk faster. 
Eventually he caught up with you, reaching for the bag of spun sugar. You playfully held it away from him, leading him to lean over you for it. His face was only millimeters away from yours; eyes fixated on the bag and a bright grin spread across his face.
He was so endearing, it sent you into a small spiral that you tried to defer from. Grabbing a piece of the cotton candy, you held it up to his hair and stepped away. The pink was almost an exact match to his hair, which made a great excuse for a joke. Surely that would break the tension in your mind… right?
“Oh look,” you pretended to pull a piece of fluff from his head. “Who needs a bag when I could just eat you.”
“In your dreams,” he took the bag back from you in one swoop. “I like the sentiment tho.”
He winked.
You groaned. 
“Ew.” You wanted to hit him. “You wish.” 
You were completely enamored with him.
“Fine,” he held up the bag as high as he could with his right arm, staring down at you. Shoving his face very close to yours, a smirk tattooed itself on his lips yet again. It was something he always did before he challenged you, and you loved challenges.
You pulled your mask down and stuffed the cotton candy in your hand into your mouth before standing up to him. When you reached for the bag, he leaned his face lower as if to kiss you.
It was a trick he used on his band members, which you were well aware of. Nine out of ten times they would shy away, giving into Yeonjun’s manipulation tactic.
But you were different—never backing down when he pulled that kind of thing with you. Which is why when you stood on tip-toes in order to kiss back, he pulled back immediately.
“Aye!” His eyes widened as he gritted his teeth. “Damnit. I forgot you’re not like the guys.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“I dunno,” he handed the bag back to you and shrugged. “I guess we’ll never know.”
The day quickly turned to night.
You and Yeonjun had practically gone on every ride you possibly could.
There was a brief intermission where you both met up with the guys for a bit to eat and go on a few rides together as a group. But after about the third ride, the group seemed to disband once again. Yeonjun appeared to be completely oblivious to his friends’ schemes, but you were on your last limb.
You could only get flustered so much for so long; it was getting to the point where you wanted the day to just end so you could relieve yourself from the torture. And luckily for you, it was about to. 
As the sky began to darken, one of the managers signaled that it was almost time to start heading out. Yeonjun pouted and pleaded to at least go on one more ride before leaving—which staff gave into (again).
Straight away, your hand was grabbed yet again and you were being dragged along to whatever destination that was on your friend’s agenda. It wasn’t until you both approached the ferris wheel that you were taken aback.
You cocked your head to the side, looking at him without a word.
“What? You kept staring at it,” Yeonjun stated as if it were the most obvious thing ever. “Plus this was the whole reason why we came here in the first place.”
The two of you stood in line while Yeonjun shifted his weight from side to side, tip-toeing forward. You couldn’t comprehend why he was getting so anxious; he literally loved heights. In the end, you figured it was just the excitement of it being the last ride of the night and let it go.
When you guys got to the front, Yeonjun held the cabin door open for you then followed suit as the two of you sat down. The both of you sat across from one another; his side facing more towards the fair while yours had more of a view of the fair parking lot than anything else.
Your face masks were pulled down and forgotten yet again at this point as you stared straight ahead; seeing the lights grow smaller and smaller.
“Wah…” Yeonjun’s astonishment for the sight came out in just one simple breath as he looked down.
Aside from the lit up beams of the ferris wheel holding the carts in place blocking a fraction of his view, he could see everything. The crowded spaces on the ground were dark, but the rides surrounding the people were filled with light.
Various greens, reds, yellows, and pinks glowed amongst the people with brief white lights here and there from different street lamps. As the rides moved in different directions the lights blurred and re-focused in his vision. 
“You can see everything from up here,” he turned to face you. “Look, you can see the ride that we—”
It was in that moment he realized that you couldn’t really see much on your end. The parking lot behind you was a gray contrast to colors that shined from behind his silhouette. You were leaned over, stretching your neck out to see the view that he was seeing instead. And to him, that just wouldn’t do.
“You should come sit over here,” he stated as nodded towards the fairgrounds behind him.
You shook your head. Not because you didn't want to, but because the thought of sitting next to him made your heart rev all over again. “I’m okay… really.”
An eye roll from him ensued as he began to playfully whine. He was urging you to move so you could enjoy the ride, but you weren’t budging. Or at least, weren’t until he discovered your weakness.
He briefly stood up and reached over to grab your hand, causing the cart to sway. You let out a scream and grabbed hold of your seat. Pleading words telling him to stop shaking the cabin due to fear spilled out of you, yet he wasn’t stopping.
You could tell he was also afraid of what his shaking might do, but you also knew it wasn’t going to end until you did what he wanted.
So you stood, pressing your palms to the side of the cart to hold yourself up as you slowly inched forward. 
“There you go,” Yeonjun winked, followed by you quickly replying, “I hate you.”
As you made it to the other side, the ride stopped and you stumbled forward. In a state of panic, Yeonjun let out a swear and reached out to catch you. There was a brief moment of pause before the both of you realized you were now only centimeters away from his face, leaned over with your hands firmly gripping his shoulders to hold yourself in place. 
Your body became tense as the air filled with sudden tension. Yeonjun had his hands around your waist, and the most panicked look in his eyes. Before he could speak though, you glanced up at the view behind him.
“Holy shit,” you mumbled, taking in your new distraction. “I think we’re actually at the top now.”
Your breath was taken away as you could finally see the beautiful view Yeonjun had seen. The lights, the sounds—everything was wonderful.
The only difference now was that the people below were so far away at this point that they looked like ants to you. You chuckled at the thought, causing Yeonjun to snap out of his flustered state and spare a glance at you.
“What is it?”
“They look so tiny,” you laughed. “It’s like I’m watching a bunch of sims walking around from a sky view.”
“That’s a strange sentiment,” Yeonjun stated.
You glanced up at him for a moment before looking out to the world again. “Strange, but pretty.”
A smirk appeared on your friend’s face, but you were too entertained to notice. And while you were seeing the view, Yeonjun was seeing you.
The way your eyes sparkled in astonishment. How the altering colorful lights bounced off your skin, changing it to different colorful hues with each second. And realizing that your smile was unmatched to any other smile he had ever seen in the past.
You were his best friend… How could he have missed this before?
“You’re pretty,” were the only words he could manage to get out. His voice was quiet, yet soft. But not enough for you not to hear. 
Your smile dropped and your heart immediately felt like it was going to leap out of your chest.
Frozen by the sudden statement, you slowly turned to face him. His eyes were narrowed, and he searched your face. It was like he was trying to look at any other part of it to avoid looking at your lips.
His body was suddenly leaning forward, and by instinct yours was too.
“What is happening?” You breathily questioned as your faces were once again only inches from each other’s.
Without a second thought he replied, “Can I kiss you?”
“Will you actually let me kiss you this time?” You were so close your noses were touching.
“I’ll let it slide just this once.”
Grabbing your chin with his thumb and index finger, he pulled your face downward to completely close the gap between you. Your lips met for a moment before the both of you pulled back to look at each other. There were no words. There was no questioning.
The both of you knew this was probably going to be an awkward conversion that you had to have once the ride ended. But that didn’t matter to you—you were finally kissing your best friend who you’ve had a crush on for years.
You were on cloud nine. And by the way he ran his finger down your cheek and lifted your chin to kiss you again, you could tell he felt the same way.
The second kiss was more passionate and lasted longer than the first. When it ended, Yeonjun rested his forehead against yours and sighed. 
“The guys are gonna give us such shit for this.”
You shrugged. “Oh trust me, I already know.”
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Notes ♡ Ayeeeeee! Hope you guys liked this small drabble... 🫶🏼 I wanted to post it on Yeonjun’s birthday, but unfortunately didn't get to finish it in time. I am working on part 2 of Walk of Shame to post as a late Jisung birthday present! And there might be something for Felix being posted in the future as well. 🫣 Thank you guys for reading! Hope you look forward to what else is coming soon. 🩶 — collisvng✨️
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galvanizedfriend · 5 months
surprising absolutely no one, second ask of the day!!
this isn't really a question tho, I just wanted to let you know that since I've read Speed Dating, it has been stuck in my mind 24/7.
I'm not kidding when I tell you that I think about it at least once a day (I'm sorry if I sound like a fanatic but I mean it in the best way possible).
it was/is such an easygoing three-shot, but yet it really left me the feeling of having watched a five seasons show! it's like you managed to perfectly compact a long rom-com series in just three chapters and 23k words! idk maybe I'm overreacting but I really want you to know how much of a great job you did, that fic bring me so much comfort I can't even explain it 😭😭
ALSO, I have a feeling there will be a CaroMille moment, and THAT will be the final wake-up call for Caroline. Probably Camille just getting dumped from Klaus and Care runs into her, telling her that she's sorry for them, and Camille would just shrug and be like "I had zero chance against you". So Caroline would look at quizzically because she's a girl's girl and she DOES NOT go after "taken" man, so she would ask Cami what she meant and Cami would look at her with arched eyebrows and say something like "don't tell me you haven't noticed he's in love with you?" AND THEN BAM. (yes, I know, it's creepy and weird that I thought this through a lot, but in my excuse, I had to do something during math class other than sleeping)
This is just the loveliest of messages, omg 🥹🥹
I tend to get messages about The Wolf a lot, and I obviously love all of them (all of your messages about TW and your Eve hadcanons as well!), but it warms my heart so much to know people are reading and enjoying my other fics as well. 🤧
Speed Dating was such an accidental fic, it was never meant to be any longer than that first chapter, but years later I had this crazy friends to lovers phase and I knew I had to keep going with that one.🥹 I love rom coms sm! it's so, so, so nice to know you enjoyed that one so much. ❤️❤️❤️
It's also a good reminder that I need to get back to it. 🥲 I'm so close to the finish line you wouldn't believe, but I have been living in canon-ish universe between TW and NOLA that it's sometimes hard to switch back to human AU. But I gotta do it, I need to finish that.
And honestly, that's not a bad idea at all 😂 Caroline really is a girl's girl. She can call them bitches and be mean AF whilst still standing up for the collective cause. It's not what's going to happen, but I really like the idea.
I had to go back and see where I left off on chapter 3 and I just realized that I posted way less than I thought I had. 😂 Wow, you guys don't know the half of it.
Seriously, thank you v much for this message. ❤️ I've been having a bit of a rough time and this week in particular was not easy, so this has been the nicest lil thing to read. ❤️ It's very kind and very sweet of you and I appreciate you sm! muah!
Here, have a cute Klausy gif as a token of my appreciation
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izvmimi · 3 months
okay so i’m pulling my notes app out because i started a list in case i ever needed to give recs out so uhhhhh
if you want sports,
- run with the wind is like haikyuu vibes but for running! it’s like 23 eps and there’s a kageyama in there lol uhhhh what else, idk it’s more like found family than simp material so hopefully?? maybe!!
- daiya no ace/ace of diamond, it sounds like you know of it already but omg the way this had me sobbing (THAT ONE SCENE!!!!!) but rewatching after a long time is always fun :3
- sk8 the infinity because duh i think i’ll need to rewatch this one too actually lol (there’s like 2 simpable characters in the series and i don’t think they’re your type so safe!!! …i hope im not lying ;-;)
- yuri on ice! toeing the line of simp country but it’s fine, who doesn’t love gay men skating lol
maybe sports isn’t what you want rn and you want something else!
- 91 days! idk if you’ve watched this one before but i recently watched it again and i remembered why i marked it as a favorite it’s just so good! it’s set in the states prohibition time period and there might be some tw’s? like guns, death, etc (because gang wars)
- ranking of kings is such a cute anime and the style is so cuteeee i really enjoyed the story and i remember it won an award (like best animation or something) and you can def see why!
- wotakoi, have you watched this one?? it’s full on romance and it’s so CUTEEEEE but god there is a character in there where i’m conflicted on if i want him for myself or support his relationship ;-;
- great pretender! it’s been a while since i’ve seen this one actually but i remember being so like impressed with how good it was!! also more of a plot (and i swear i mean plot) than characters thing???
- millionaire detective, there’s like 2 (or 3, depending how you swing) characters to simp for but everyone simps for them so technically safe! i will always watch this one for the plot (plot being kanbe daisuke <3 LOL)
- school babysitters, IT’S SO CUTE LITERALLY SO CUTE if this doesn’t make you squeal, rolling around in your bed and kicking your feet, i need to resign my list and question my life choices (joking! sort of! but i really enjoyed this one)
- assassination classroom. iconic. need i say more? :3
- spy x family..? have you boarded the spy x family bandwagon and by spy x family i mean LOID FORGER BECAUSE GOD HE IS SO FINE
- disastrous life of saiki k. i think i sent you an ask about this one before…? but it’s so funny, def rewatch worthy lol
- banana fish…….. ooh if you’ve watched this one, are you okay? if you haven’t watched it… i recommend with a giant bag of salt!
- monster is like one of my top 5 all time favs! and so i wanted to share with you in case you haven’t watched!
- detective conan. okay this one i recommend with a grain of salt because it’s… longer than one piece. and has more filler than naruto… BUT the filler i think is fun!! but i’m biased… BUT THE ART STYLE IS SO GOOD!!!
- horimiya! not sure if you’ve watched this one either but super wholesome super cute!!
- oshi no ko! have you watched this one yet?? i really liked it and the op (YOASOBI MY QUEEN) IS LITERALLY SO GOOD it’s so good
- one punch man for the vibes!!
- erased! i don’t remember much of this but i thought it was pretty good..? actually make this a plan z lol
- classroom of the elite! has… fanservice… BUT if you like the overpowered type of character you might like this one!!
- my love story (and not to be confused with the yamada-kun at lv 999 one!) it’s so cute i loved it sm (and i was bawling for some parts of it because of how adorable it was!!)
- natsume’s book of friends! i actually never finished this one because of the influx of new anime but i def didn’t drop it because i thought it was bad! it’s really cute and wholesome and it makes for a good background show too!
okay i went through my lists like many many times to squeeze out anymore recs! I TRIED TO GIVE A LOT IN CASE YOU ALREADY SAW SOME OF THEM BUT AAAHHH i hope at least one is interesting ;-; or inspired you to rewatch something!!
omg 🥺🥺🥺 these are amazing thank you for working so hard on this!! I’ve heard of horimiya and might try erased, i’ve heard great things!
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yourkimjaejin · 1 year
WayV's Commander
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Here's a rare Hannah post! I've been really thinking about her so in the future I can write more posts about her and WayV. Hope you enjoy!! ~Author Izzy
“Next question! Which member is Yangyang most likely to listen to?” 
“Oh that's easy!” Said Xiaojun as he prepared his finger to point. The interviewer counted down to three then five fingers pointed in their female members' way. Hannah own finger pointing to Ten. 
“That is a total lie. Yangyang does not listen to me.” Ten whined, turning Hannah's finger towards herself while the other complained about her lame choice. 
“Yangyang-ssi, why Hannah over any other members.” The interviewer asked. 
~~~~~~~~~Earlier that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“YANGYANG!! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE IF YOU DON’T COME HERE NOW!!!” Kun's voiced boomed around the dorm.
“ONE MINUTE HYUNG!!!” Yangyang shouted back, getting four collective sighs in return. WayV were headed to the SM building for a long day of promotion interviews to promote their newest release, Phantom. It had taken a while but they were all excited to just perform together again. 
But going at this rate, the boys were gonna be late making the already long day longer. Hannah walked to the front, reaching around Hendery to grab her shoes. The vocalist did a head and came up one short. 
“Where’s Yangyang?” Hannah asked the leader who groaned in exasperation. 
“Still in his room and if he doesn’t leave soon we’ll be behind.” Kun complains steeling himself for the scolding he’d get from their manager after the interviews were over for the day. 
Hannah nodded before turning to face the empty front room.
“Yangyang.” Seconds later the maknae was rushing to the door, jacket hanging off one shoulder, backpack dangling on the other. Hannah fussed over him as he fumbled around putting on his shoes. She took off the backpack handing it to Hendery then lifted his arm helping him put his jacket on.  Once Hannah finished straightening him out, She turned to their leader. 
“Let's get going oppa.” Hannah leads the boys out of the door, Kun and Ten falling to the back of the line. 
“If you’re the leader. She’s the commander.” 
“Well…..Hannah is like my older sister. While I may pester her a bit, I still respect her and her word. Hannah noona has the kind of personality that you can’t help to follow behind her. For a long time, Hannah and I were glued to each other. We learned Korean together. We ate together. We danced together. We celebrated together. We just have that kind of vibe.”
An audible coo echoed from all the female staff in the room. It only got louder when Yangyang bent down to press a kiss to Hannah’s cheek.
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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coldflasher · 6 months
Joe flr character bingo? 👀
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sorry anon i was outside in the garden planting raspberry bushes. anyway this is SUCH a good one and I am kinda mad there are so few squares I can tick off for Joe bc i genuinely love him but not like That
Joe is such a comfort character for me in a very diff way. he makes my daddy issues go brrrrr cos THIS is a dad. THE dad of all time. if i could pick any dad ever to have instead of mine i think i'd pick him.
I think he's so fucking funny first of all. it's my fave thing to put him in a fic and just. mess with him. im poking him with a stick. im watching his blood pressure go up. i'm making him deal with leonard snart and he's about to explode every time they're in a room together. i just. have so many affectionate feelings for him and his seething hatred of this man. and the earth 2 version where he's exactly like that but to BARRY? iconic. no notes. rip earth 2 joe you were a bitch and i miss you sm
THAT BEING SAID there are things about him that make me go "you should have faced more consequences for that. go sit in a corner and think about what you've done." namely bullying iris out of being a cop (acab etc. etc. but still shitty of him), the whole thing where he was like BARRY, WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK MY PERMISSION TO MARRY IRIS (and iris AGREED 🤮🤮🤮 who the fuck was in charge of the writers' room that day, i just wanna talk), the fact that he can be overbearing and controlling of his kids and very jaded in a lot of ways... idk he's a flawed character and every character needs some negative aspects so none of these things affect my love for him but sometimes i am shaking my head in disapproval...
as for canon. this is true of everything but MAN did they drop the ball with him towards the end... i get why they had joe quit ccpd given the political situation at the time and i support that 100% but first of all, having a Black character go "hey the police force in my city is inherently corrupt and i can no longer be complicit in its enforcement" (true and correct) while their white hero just does not acknowledge that corruption and continues to work for the same establishment completely uncritically was... perhaps not sending the message they intended... i mean it's honestly almost funny cos that is very much a reflection of the actual systems but. maybe they could have thought about that one a bit more...
and they really should have given joe something else to do cos he ended up sorta directionless after that. in fairness i know jesse l martin has back problems so i think them having him sitting down chilling at home as a stay at home dad was perhaps borne of necessity in a lot of ways but they defo could have done more interesting things with the character. im not OPPOSED to sahd joe but it does seem like a bit of a waste cos it would just be like. every episode joe shows up for a pep talk then goes back to being the full-time stay at home parent for a child we literally never see except one time when a window explodes in her face, which brings me to my NEXT point---
writing joe out with LITERALLY like 8 eps to go? stupid. again i respect that jesse l martin had HAD it with this show (tbf who hadnt by this point) and he wanted out, of course he had every right to do that, but purely based on the context of the show, i hate that they had him leave central city like that and move so far away when we were so close to the finish line. HAAATE it. the show was basically on life support from that point on. it was possibly worse than when we lost cisco. joe was the heart of it, man. it just wasn't the same :(
but yes I LOVE JOE, he is the only fictional dad i respect and i love ruining his life
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bruh-changbin · 2 years
heyyyy lovieeeeee,,, how r u doing, i've missed youuuuu - and i hope you've been keeping well and looking after yourself <333
i read like a thousand books (three) in my time away and wow i had a good fucking time.. okay so based off of your recommendation, i read klara and the sun which.. admittedly had been collecting dust on my shelf since last august i think.. big massive heavy regret on that front,, it was so beautiful and it's like the second book i've ever read where i could like picture everything so clearly omds it was so descriptive and i loved it and klara and her mind so much it was such a lovely read so thank you for mentioning it otherwise it would have sat for a bit longer i'm sure !!!
then i read a certain hunger and OHHHHHH my days,,, that fucking book.. my second favourite read of the year so far so amazing .. it was wild and i loved it, amazing,,, so interesting like i don't think i've read anything like that before .. wow.. i loved the narrative and like that part at the end w alex.. imagine if she'd said yes.. hmm – i also found her friendship with emma (at least after the arrest thing) so touching and lovely,,, that letter (4 lines) she wrote was so sweet and i think dolls is such a cute little nickname too
and i just finished reading exciting times by naoise dolan which i really enjoyed too.. if you like sally rooney you'll like this book (most likely,,, i love sally rooney and loved this) but yes.. just a very simple and i guess in a way sometimes dull depiction of the life of an irish woman (22 (?) year old) who moves to hong kong to teach england and it follows the relationships and stuff she experiences while she's there,,, i really really loved it !!!
all of this to say,,, more recs please i love ur book brain sm (and ur writing one and ur friendship one of course) <333
sax!!!!!! hi baefy I missed you too 😿💗 I’m doing pretty alright! struggling through uni while trying to make sure I take time for myself 🩹😵‍💫 how have you been??!
I’m am absolutely ECSTATIC that you loved kats because it’s by far one of my fav reads of the year. ishiguro is so good at world building and tbh I’m absolutely terrified of AI’s and the idea of robots taking over but by the end of the book I was so captivated by klara and her motives and I had literal tears streaming down my face when I finished. if you liked ishiguro’s writing I’d def recommend never let me go! it’s a lot more self reflective thank kats but wowww it is still amazing. I’m currently reading a pale view of hills which is his debut novel and it’s interesting.. I like it so far (only 30 pages in) but I’m not finding it as gripping as his other stories.
YASSSS I was hoping you would like a certain hunger!!! I genuinely have not read a single book quite like it but I loved it sm 😫 omg the end w alex sent me for a loop as much as I understood where she was coming from part of me wishes she accepted his proposal and lived a happy life instead of… you know 😵‍💫 I wish emma was in the book way more tbh!!! she was such an interesting side character and I agree w you their relationship was a nice break from everything else that was going on.
confession time: I have never picked up a sally rooney book 😵‍💫 but since you love her I’ll give her a try since I think my dad has a copy of normal people lying around somewhere… but exciting times sounds really interesting!! I love love love slice of life fics so this sounds right up my alley I’ll have to check it out
when I first moved into my new rental place I was without internet for almost 2 weeks so I read a fuck ton and have more recs for you! (apologies in advance for clogging up everyones dash w this long ass post)
well I reread bunny and loved it even more the second time since I could kinda work out all of the unexplained odds and ends, and then I read mona award’s new book all’s well and really enjoyed it! def not as much as bunny but it was still good and super trippy and had a very insane mc which always keeps things fun 😼
sticking w the theme of crazy main characters i finished nightbitch by rachel yoder and it is my most annotated book by far like… shit was insane. it’s about a stay at home mom who gave up her job of being an artist and she starts to think that she’s slowly turning into a dog and kinda joins a cult with other stay at home moms. very weird and unsettling at times but also very very interesting and well written!
I think I remember telling you about breasts and eggs by mieko kawakami awhile ago (still one of my top reads of the year) but I just read heaven by her and it felt as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on repeatedly. it’s about these 2 middle school kids who bond over being the victims of bullying and 🤧 it destroyed me to say the least but was also so beautifully written
last one I promise I promise then I’ll shut the fuck up but slow days fast company by eve babitz!!! super short but veryyy fun and summery and made me feel like a sore loser for not being alive in LA in the 70’s. it’s a memoir but does not feel like one bc it’s so so fun 💗
AHHH that’s all I’m sorry that was so much rambling 😭 but it fr makes me so happy to chat about books w you if you read more pls give me recs!!! you’re so so sweet sax it’s so nice to be chatting w you again 💗💗💗
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toestalucia · 1 month
can i talk about sr joel's fate eps again cuz they make me lose my mind. fate eps i went into like hihi joel but was immediately hit with 1) ebisu & echidna talk 2) dealing with captain making assumptions about him leaving the crew and being upset about that all on their own. been dying for them to discuss that more and then they gave me it in JOELS fate eps.....
ive been over this in the past too, but stuff like the crew succeeded with its initial goal/get-together reason in erste & crew members who has finished the reason why they joined the crew (such as joel realizing there very likely isnt a sea to swim in in the crimson horizon -> the topic of 'joel has no reason to stay' comes up) & then decided to keep travelling..........................luna's 'i dont like bad end movies' or whatever the title is..............oughhhhh i looovvvvvvvv when characters say they intend to stay with the grandcypher/join for estalucia it makes me so emotional
Joel: So in Auguste, the mother of the Crimson Horizon became the Mother of Life. That's why we believe an ocean waits at the bottom of the sky.
Joel: The same thing happened with Ebisu, the primal beast of blessings. In Auguste, that name's no more than a good luck charm—something to name your hammer or saw after.
like out of all primals to namesdrop in some sr's fate eps
Lyria has only half-understood the captain's mood. (Captain) is indeed worried about Joel's dampened spirits. But heavier still is the knowledge that he no longer has a reason to stay with the crew. The thought of parting with a treasured friend does not sit well with the captain.
do u get why i lose my fkng mind. guy who assumes things all on their own. also captain who is so bothered by the entire thing joel asks if theyre sick when he sees their face like help....
Before Joel can fret any further, (Captain) takes a deep breath and speaks. Choose: Are you going home? Joel: What? Oh... 'Cause we're heading to Auguste, right? Yeah. Thought I'd swing by. I already made it to the bottom of the sky... And I haven't seen my family in a while. Realizing Joel really does intend to leave, (Captain)'s shoulders sag. Joel: Captain, you're not looking too good. Go figure. We've been stuck in Pandemonium this whole time.
CONVOS THAT HAUNTS ME. 'i thought id swing by' Captain who was alrdy worried joels leaving is now Convinced. unreal
(Captain) manages a slow nod at what might be the last lecture Joel gives on the Grandcypher.
BHADBADBBADBJADBJKADBJKBJKADAD THEYRE SO DRAMATIC....but also joels whole lecture truly does feel like a goodbye thing like my dude...u r 19......imagine being told by a 19yo that u should sleep early..... but also in general how a lot of the dialogue starts leaning into the 'joel is leaving' narrative captain deluded themself into LOL
Diving forward, (Captain) yanks Lyria back, but the momentum carries the captain overboard instead.
doing this when ebisu&echidna alrdy was mentioned is so funny. golden knight....
Joel's voice is cold. With a shock, the captain realizes how cruel it was to believe Joel would just disappear.
this. this line. this exact one. joel who's upset because captain assumed he was leaving for good (lyria too is like, if he did he would tell us tho...) like its ssooooooooo goooooood this is what ive wanted im so glad still they gave this to me
Joel: You really think I'm the sort of guy that would abandon the crew? Without a word? I can't believe you...
Anna: Well... It's hard to ask about something if you're afraid of the answer, right? I know what that's like...
anna desperately trying to vouch for captain i lov her sm. either way the rest of the fate ep is also unreal. 'my grandmother did this thing with my grandfather' you cannot be serious...... hold on i forgot he said some of this stuff what the hell.................give joel a vday unit alrdy..........
Now the captain knows that though their dreams and wishes may change with time, their bond will always remain strong.
also makes me so emotional tho....
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jemmo · 1 year
Omg thank u sm for the detailed post! I wasn’t expecting u to go that in depth so I appreciate you taking the time to explain so eloquently! After doing some more research I think I should start with crocheting to have some kind of base foundation work with yarn and then get into knitting. Do you have any pattern recommendations for crocheting? Again thank u for your input on all of this!
i wasn’t expecting myself to go that in depth either, but apparently when it comes to knitting i just can’t stop myself, but i hope it was useful at least a little bit.
sounds like a good idea to start with crochet though!! i started with crochet and didn’t pick up knitting for years, but since learning i tend to crochet for things that aren’t clothes, so for first patterns i’d say pillows or if you’re a bit braver, blankets would be your best bet. bags are also a good option but tend to need a lining if you want to use them a lot. and you also have to consider whether you want to crochet in squares or just back and forth in one piece, bc both test your patience in a different way. making granny squares feels great bc you keep getting a win whenever you finish one, but then putting it all together can feel so long even though it’s rewarding, whereas making in one piece feels like it takes longer but when it’s done, it’s done, you don’t have any tedious assembly.
crochet is also a lot more freeform than knitting, at least for me. like you can take squares and out them together to make a whole host of things, so I’d say a great starting point would be a classic granny square, and you can make it up in so many ways to make a pillowcase or blanket or a top or a jumper and so much more. pintrest is a great place to find patterns just in general, but just search up granny square and you’ll find a whole host of things. for beginners, either the classic granny square or a sunburst granny square would be best, and from there you can join them to make whatever you want. I’ll include some links in the read more that might be helpful, and have fun crocheting!!
and some things you can do with granny squares:
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cheswirls · 1 year
okayyy for context, spe v30-31 [dp arc v1-2 in viz version] were my first volumes of spe ever. v32 hadn’t been released yet, and maybe there was a mini volume or so for bw arc. it was 2011 and dppt was really big bc gen 5 titles had just come out and not an incredible lot of official content for it was circulating yet.
the original run of spe had started publishing thru viz a few years prior so they were out there but gen 4 was still the main attraction at the time. i couldn’t say for sure, but i think that this, coupled with the fact that the other spe arcs after emerald aren’t as interwoven, viz started to publish the dp arc of spe as it’s own story, thus why the volume numbers start over instead of continuing after emerald arc [26-29]. for continuity’s sake (and since im reading 30+31 on the spe archive site where the volumes are lined up like the japanese order) i’ll be referring to each dp volume with its original volume number instead of the viz ones.
when v32 came out, i got it, but by that point i’d loaned my v30+31 copies to a family member in another state, and i never got those back. i also never got v33 bc viz released spe volumes so infrequently (1 or 2 a year) and by the time it came out, it had been a long time since i had read the first 2 volumes of dp arc that i no longer had (and never got back - mostly bc i kept being told it would be sent to me etc; it took until i went out there in 2017 and asked that i found they either got lost in the mail or whatever, point is all the books i loaned never made it back but i kept anticipating they would return one day, hence i never re-bought any spe volumes i’d had beforehand) so i was very out of touch and didn’t want to pick it up only to be confused.
thus, my dp journey (briefly) ended w v32. at some point over the years i read v33 through a library, but since the spe collection was incomplete (libraries liked to scatter a handful of volumes for the pokemon label w/o care for their order or series) i never read beyond that. by that point i had gotten my hands on the original run of spe and was working from v1 to v14, and then kept blazing thru w rs arc, so i was preoccupied.
when i moved for university, i remembered that i had read v33 already and got my hands on v34 instead. i don’t think i ever finished it, as i remember nothing past the chapter where the trio splits to each investigate a lake. at some point i got the chance to add another volume to my spe collection and i picked up v35 but never read it. same thing w v36. i was collecting volumes on the side over the years, but i wasn’t grabbing the volumes i’d already read, and that was the major roadblock in starting the arc again. my dp arc journey succinctly ended mid-v34.
well. at the end of last year, i somehow acquired v37 and the entire platinum arc, meaning i had all the volumes necessary to fly thru and finish. it’s taken me a bit, and i’m still missing 3 volumes, but it’s been my intention for a bit now to eventually start and finish dp/pt arcs, and right now ended up being the perfect time (: i’m reading v30 and v31 through the archive site, will go back for v33, and then beyond that, it’ll all be physical volumes. unsure yet if (like in the past / during frlg arc) i’ll take pics of physical pages or if i’ll pull the volume up on the archive site and take ss that way. i remember the very basics of the beginning, and probably key moments will come back to me when i reread, but out of the 11 volumes to go thru, more than half will be brand new. 
anyway tldr; che is starting dp arc of spe again after 10yrs !!! most of what i post abt in the readthru will be w/ introspection of having reread the sm arc recently (around a year) and considering where it fits in the timeline w/ all the context from dp/pt.
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sinfulwrites · 3 years
Can you smack their ass?
Thinking about Jason and Thomas's cake and wrote this.
(excuse the gif, I just couldn't help myself)
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Jason Voorhees: While you should definitely wait until you two have been intimate at least once, you can absolutely grab his butt. It’s going to embarrass him every time though. He gets all red and shuffles away, but don’t be fooled. He’s not uncomfortable. He’s just not used to this. He takes it as a compliment, you liking his ass so much, but he’s not used to being appreciated like this.
Bubba Sawyer: Every time your hand grazes his ass he squeaks, it’s adorable. Even if he knows it’s coming, it seems to surprise him every time. His face gets all red and he playfully covers his butt with his hands after you do. If your hands are still on him he will grab them and kiss them all while babbling to himself. You don’t know what he’s saying, but you know he’s happy.
Brahms Heelshire: The first time you did it, it spooked him, but later in his room he realized he actually really liked it. His ass became free game, grab away, Y/N! He especially loves when you grab it when you’re being intimate, even if he’s the one on top that night. You grabbing at his ass while he plows into you just tips him off the edge every time. Don’t be surprised if he starts doing it to you too. He can’t keep his hands to himself.
Vincent Sinclair: Another one who got spooked the first time you did it. Did you just… Grab his ass? He’s trying to figure out what’s so good about it, but he can’t see what you see. He still doesn’t get why you’re so into his ass, but he doesn’t stop you from grabbing it. Sometimes he will lay on his stomach in bed just so you can. He may be bending over a little longer than he has to too… Okay maybe he enjoys the attention you’re giving his butt more than he will admit.
Proceed with caution
Zombie Jason Voorhees: You should wait until your relationship has passed that intimate line before grabbing at his ass, just like with regular Jason. Dying and coming back to life has taken some of his bashfulness, so he won’t shy away. Instead, he’ll take it as an invitation. He will turn and face you, then he will pin you against the wall and give you a little payback by groping your ass. You better not have plans later, because he plans to take up the rest of your time today.
Michael Myers: Michael is a man who likes his personal space, you know this better than anyone. It takes a while just for him to be comfortable with hand holding, so it will take a while for him to warm up to you grabbing his ass of all places. When he does though, you better know what you’re getting yourself into. The second your hand touches him he is going to grab it and pin it above your head while pinning you against the nearest surface. Your teasing has consequences, as you will come to find out when he grabs your ass in retaliation, under your clothes…
Thomas Hewitt: Most of the time, Thomas is very modest and almost shy around you. When you grab his ass though? Oh, he is 100% taking that as an invitation to grab you in return, and much more… If you two have a rare moment alone in the house prepare to be fucked on whatever surface he can find. If the house is occupied by the other residents, he’s scooping you up and taking you straight to bed. Kissing you down your neck to your chest while groping your ass the whole way there.
Bo Sinclair: He gets the biggest grin on his face every time you do it. If you try to escape afterwards he will chase you down to finish what you started. If you’re brave enough to stick around, be prepared for his merciless teasing. You like his ass, huh? Congratulations, you got Bo to strip tease for you so you can see it in all its glory. (While you’re in the chair waiting for him to finally touch you after what feels like hours of teasing.)
RZ Michael Myers: When Michael was young, he had the displeasure of knowing a man named Ronnie. Ronnie was overly touchy and creepy to Michael and his sister, his favorite thing to do was smack him on the butt when he walked by. When you smacked him on the ass when he walked past you, you threw him back to that awful time. It took all of his strength not to recoil after you did it. He slowly turned himself around to look at you, his glare immediately wiping the smirk off your face. “Don’t.” You very wisely nodded your head, and never did it again.
2018 Michael Myers: While he has no trauma to explain why he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t. Call him a grumpy old man if you want to, he just doesn’t like it. Every time you do it he gives you an eye roll before leaving you alone for a while. This is the one and only time he compromises on something, agreeing not to touch your ass since he won’t let you touch his. He only agreed so you would stop doing it though, so don’t test your luck with anything else. (The blood will keep getting in the house Y/N, please accept it.)
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