#the way his hair falls on his face
wahgifs · 2 years
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likearolloftape · 3 months
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bluefiz · 1 year
He just doesn’t understand
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charmre · 3 months
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Salt in my lungs, Holding my breath Making peace with my inevitable death I guess I did alright considering Tried to be a halfway decent friend Wound up a bad comedian An honest fool with more bad habits Than you can count
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punkinvsblogging · 2 months
Hi. Please be nice. It’s my first try. (づ_ど)
Actually, even if it wasn’t, please be nice lol
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I’ve been asking people that are actually good at drawing and stuff how they know when something is finished, and most of them have said something that seems kinda like…when ya don’t wanna look at it anymore? Lol I was gonna keep working on it today, but then I opened it up and just got sad, so I guess that means it's done?? Lol This was supposed to just be a cute lil doodle (like that lil guy in the corner lol Some of y'all have seen the other stuff I've been doing lol), but then I kept adding stuff, and then it turned into this on accident??
Things I think need work:
the eyes
the face uh...shape?
shading and stuff
a bunch of other things that I can't think of right now because it's stressing me to look at it closely lol
I chose not to beard and not to hair because this was supposed to just be a cute cartoon, and then it WASN'T lol
I don't think it looks like him. Trying to figure out how I can make the next thing I try better. I'm also trying to learn more stuff about Procreate, so please feel free to message me.
Thanks, y'all. <3
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kurasthetic · 1 year
also don't @ me but Vere is sooooooooooo "gets attached too easily and falls/used to fall in love (romantic or otherwise) too easily so he keeps himself at a distance (preferably vertically. He's superior to u) so that he doesn't have a weakness or distraction from the control and freedom he craves" coded
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hildegardladyofbones · 4 months
Existing in a class of 24 students has once again reminded me that allos are real and not made up by the Internet
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ctrl-lupin · 8 months
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trashlie · 1 year
In Which I Demonstrate that Nol Cannot Deny Shinae; the man is down bad
(I need someone to understand HOW CLOSE I cam to titling this “I can’t deny your eyes, you know I try to read between the lines” i’m so sorry i’m so very on my pop-punk bullshit right now)
One of my favorite dynamics of Shinae and Nol as a pairing and just in general part of how they interact is that it has been shown to us time and time again that Shinae has so much more power (for lack of better word lol) over Nol than I think has been given credit for sometimes. I think often people get very caught up in how Nol’s so very torn in his battle of what he wants vs what he thinks he deserves and the hurt that he ends up causing that sometimes they miss what the true root of it is: that though Nol genuinely believes he does not deserve good things as well as he believes harm will befall all those he cares about and thus he should stay away from the people he loves to protect them - he can’t. He fails. He tries over and over, he gave Kousuke his word, he makes the effort to pull away, but in the end he always caves, he always fails. 
When it comes to Shinae, his resolve crumbles. 
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
It’s such an important dynamic BECAUSE Nol is such a victim of what he believes and has been made to believe it’s hard to get through to him. How do you convince someone that all the abuse that has traumatized him wasn’t true. How do you take someone like him who has been made to feel that he is nothing but a worthless mistake, that he only creates problems, that he is a monster, that he brings doom wherever he goes that it’s not so? Especially with his own father telling him these things, with Kousuke tearing him down at every opportunity, with what happened when he was locked away, with the fact that Yui can, in fact, bring harm. And has? 
And yet, despite believing these things, despite internalizing that abuse to the extent that he cannot see anything else - his resolve still crumbles. Shinae has such an effect on him that I think deserves to be talked about, because she sees him when others don’t, she cares for him when others are accustomed to him caring for them, she picks up on these little things without being fully aware of them and in turn, Nol cannot help but want to stay close to pull her closer. And that’s exactly why he has to distance himself from her, from his friends - but we know the harder he struggles, the harder it becomes to maintain his resolve. 
I’m a sucker for it! I love watching the war on his face, the expressions that shift, the way he tries to weasel out of situations and ultimately fail because he can’t very well tell her to her face that he can’t be close to her, that he can’t stay her friend. But because he can never draw that boundary, he keeps moving the line in the sand. It doesn’t matter; he always fails in the end. 
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This dynamic begins really early in! Shinae I think we could argue some other earlier moments also quality, but for this I want to specifically focus on post-formal moments, because I think what I love especially about this dynamic is that Nol has given Kousuke his word, has determined that he put Shinae in danger by taking interest in her and engaging in an indulgent friendship, and that for the sake of protecting her from further harm (and also due to his feelings of guilt) he needs to keep his distance and ease out of his friendship with her. 
But post-formal it’s not so easy. Shinae has gone from trying to fend him off to a stick to openly expressing concern for him. She now takes a leaf out his book and reaches out to him - over and over and over. 
It would be easy to not call her back. Catch up later and casually brush her off that he had a big family thing, that he fell asleep early. And yet, in the end, he fails and he winds up returning her call. Even though it’s a call for her reassurance, it’s just as much a call for him, taking in her concern for him, that little admission that maybe he is the villain like they think. He has a way of slipping up with Shinae, always confessing something real. She disarms him as much as she pulls him in and GOD I cannot help but adore this dynamic! 
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Another thing that goes hand in hand with this dynamic is that not only does Nol struggle to maintain that distance and create a berth of space between them, but he also continues to struggle to not go above and beyond for her. Shinae isn’t good at accepting favors or letting people do things for them, and I think if she knew that he completely took the blame for her tardiness in addition to going out of his way to go pick her up, she probably would get pretty annoyed. But as it stands, he does exactly that - not only takes the blame, but goes out of his way to pick her up. 
It’s something about his expression after their call, when he looks like he’s torn on what to do, or perhaps torn on what is the best option? Torn on knowing that part of him has already made up his mind he’ll go to her even though he’s trying to convince himself he shouldn’t? He struggles with her at all times and ultimately she always has that effect on him - he just is unable to make himself resist, to NOT go to her, to NOT help her. 
(It’s like when he gets mad at how Kousuke is treating her as an employee and calls him out on it! It’s things he doesn’t need to do, but it’s the fact that he can’t help it that betrays how much he cares, how much she affects him, how much he is unable to just walk away.) 
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Nol definitely seems aware of this, too. The moment he gives her the opportunity, he won’t be able to push that distance, so he tries to take advantage in the moments he can. Finding Shinae in the locker room leaves him the opportunity to sneak out, but unfortunately for him she takes notice of him and stops him in his tracks. Part of it is, of course, what he told Kousuke - that he can’t just suddenly cut her off without explaining why, and it’s difficult to ease things when she’s the one who keeps reaching out now, keeps grabbing on to him.
But again, we see that his undoing is that he cares. He’s never seen her like this and she’s willing to actually open up and talk about what’s bothering him? It’s so unlike her! (I love him telling her she has to use words because he can’t help her otherwise lol) 
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But what this moment demonstrates is, again, just one of my favorite parts - even when he TRIES to distance himself - he angles himself away from her, body turned away - he always ends up angled right back in. Nol and Shinae have this magnetic draw with each other and even when he makes the effort to turn away from her, he can’t help but be drawn back in, angle right back in to her. It’s something really fun to take note of when you reread, watching the way they just veer in towards each other, drift towards each other.
I’m sure he isn’t aware of it. She sure doesn’t seem to be! It’s just gravitational. Where she is, he will move towards. Where he is, she will drift towards. Their body language conveys that closeness! 
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For MANY reasons, the moment they share after work, before Shinae starts her shift at the Wac is one of my FAVORITES. I always feel like it’s the clearest representation of this dynamic, too, of how Nol tries to point himself away, tries to push that distance, but he can’t and he even admits why! Nothing will stop him from caring - she has just wormed her way into his life, wormed her way into his heart. He cares about what happens to her, how she’s treated, how she’s doing, how she’s feeling. He cares and he can’t just stop being her friend! He cares and he can’t just pretend he doesn’t. 
It must take a lot of effort for him to consciously be aware of this - having to be conscious about turning away from her, of creating that space that’s so hard maintain. 
None of it was supposed to be real to matter and yet here he is, helpless against her, unable to stop himself from caring. 
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To Nol’s credit, we do see him trying to make more effort - but also to his credit, the harder he tries to pull away, the harder Shinae fights. It’s funny and kind of ironic, because he’s one of the reasons she’s trying so hard. He’s the one who has helped her see value in herself and to open up and rely on others, and as a result, she’s practicing all of her new friend skills on him. How is he supposed to keep pushing her away when she’s literally calling him out (because she now knows him well enough to do that!) AND she’s making him talk through things. 
Shinae doesn’t want another Alyssa repeat and she’s not going to let Nol get away with just pulling away without an explanation. What else can he do? 
I like that’s really surprised he actually stayed - he could have faked a call from Nana that he had to head home, could have found some other excuse. But she demanded he would wait and he gave her his word. 
I love them ;A; 
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Time and time again, she disarms him. Time and time again his resolve is put to the test and fails when it concerns his feelings, how much he cares, what kind of significance she has to him. Shinae saying out loud that their friendship must not have meant anything being the trigger that makes him finally act on what he always denies himself - a hand reaching out to her over and over that never makes contact, that he always talks himself out of finally making contact and pulling her into that tight, clinging embrace. On the one hand, we know it began as fake, that it wasn’t supposed to mean anything and certainly not to him.
But we know it was so real. We know that there was a moment where he went from trying to help Dieter, to trying to help her instead, to befriending her for his own enjoyment. It was all so very real, even if it hurts in the end. It was all so real to him and even if he needs her to be angry at him, even if he (thinks he) needs to walk away and leave all of this behind, he still can’t bear to have her think none of it meant anything, none of it was real, none of it mattered when it mattered so much to him. When it mattered so much that he finally embraced her!!!!!!! 
EVEN IN THIS MOMENT! HIS RESOLVE CRUMBLES. And though he’s able to pull himself together enough to do what he set out to do, let’s not forget that it was only because he was reminded her of injury, of what he believes was the culmination of him befriending someone and pulling them into the nightmare wake he leaves where he goes. It was only because he was reminded that she could have been another life taken from him that he was able to walk away. 
(And yknow. Proceeded to retch as a result. alfjakfjkafjkafjk) 
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He goes as far as blocking Shinae, Dieter, and Soushi, because he knows he’ll cave. Because he can’t bear to see their messages, to ignore their calls, to see how much they are trying how hard they are fighting and reaching out, because just like when Shinae questioned if any of it was real, he knows he’ll cave. He has to implement a means of denying himself access to them, to nearly physically block them out. 
And yet, in that moment, at a party he doesn’t want to be at on a day he doesn’t want to exist on the eve of him serving time for a crime he doesn’t deserve, he goes and looks at his spam. 
He knows what’s in there waiting for him. He knows what he’s going to see.
He still does it, anyway. 
And there she is, a message received just now about feelings he feels but thinks he isn’t allowed that he shouldn’t have. 
I love this pathetic man, please I need more. 
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He tries SO hard, even after hearing Shinae’s unprompted love soliloquy heartfelt sentimental explanation of what Nol means to her, to turn his back, but he can’t. 
His mother’s words are right there, and though they aimed for Rand, they come to land with him. The world can’t punish you forever. Does he not deserve their love, their friendship, the people who matter to him? Does he not deserve to be left alone by the world, to live his life as much as anyone else?
Even when everything he fears lingers over him - he’ll regret this because nothing good comes of indulging, because nothing good comes from letting them in because not only does it put them in danger but it makes it harder and harder for him. 
Like, not to be cheesy but we already know I am so - every time he lets them down, every time he breaks their hearts, he breaks his own, too. 
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There’s no more fighting it. There’s only them and an empty hospital room, and a rare of sense of peace and calm, his head on her shoulder, finding comforting (literally) leaning on someone for once. For one moment, he grants himself an opportunity to stop trying to be so strong, to give in to seeking comfort. 
When she reassures him he’s not at Hirahara Memorial and he actually turns his face in towards the crook of her neck? Allowing himself to indulge in this peace in this comfort in this warmth?
GODDDDDDDD I love it he deserves it I want MORE  
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And just like that, he’s no longer fighting. I’m including these even though it’s not really a “Nol tried to refrain and failed in the end” because a. we deserve them and b. I think by virtue of Nol acting on his desires and indulging in what he wants while Soushi and Dieter are sleeping in the bed on the other side of them counts enough for this list. Because refraining is no longer on the brain. Because everything Shinae does disarms him and he can’t even pretend to keep the wall up anymore. 
Shinae gets so embarrassed about giving him her gift because she feels like it pales compared to what Dieter did, but probably also because there is a sense of sentimentality to it as well, and it doesn’t miss Nol. It’s the fact that it’s their Orange of Fate, what she drew on his face, and the words she uttered when they first met that have now been taken back. 
It’s how he went from being told all people suck that she wants no friendship to chasing him outside of his school and fighting so hard for him, calling and texting and trying to reach him, it’s how she took advantage of the opportunity when it presented itself to tell him how she feels and what he means and she got so shy about him seeing this gift and it strikes him so much because he knows what he means to her and she means it, too, she’s that special to him, too
And the hand that earlier in the night reached for the spot she denied him does it once again and this time his fingers are in her hair, this time he’s so close in her space, this time he doesn’t deny himself what he wants and what he wants is to be so close to her, what he wants is to stay in this dream as long as he possibly can 
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And the most indulgent of them all. 
Let’s not pretend this is not for him. Let’s not pretend this is the most indulgently he’s ever acted on what he wants. Shinae outrules fullbody dancing and he’s like oh bet? lmaoooooo 
He wants the dance. He wanted it back in Minhyuk’s room before Kousuke showed up and everything went to hell. He wants it now and he’s acting on it. There’s no reason - present in his mind lol - for him to refuse what he wants. 
He has refrained SO MUCH. He has refrained for SO LONG. So many times he reached out to her. The dance offer at the Kim formal that Kousuke stared him down into rejecting. Every time he’s felt suffocated by the weight of the world, by the burden of the guilt he carries, by the inherent belief that he’s a monster incapable of providing good, every time he’s been reminded he only brings people pain, every little moment that reminds him he doesn’t deserve any of the things he seeks out, the enjoyment he indulges in. So much of it has weighed him down and in that moment he acts on it
on what he wants
on what he needs
on what he feels 
He acts on the feelings that she is special that she brings him comfort that he wants and wants when she’s in his proximity
He acts on the dream from which he’s afraid to wake and he asks her to dance with him
Despite his back injury. Despite the whole night reminding him that pain follows him wherever he goes. Despite their friends sleeping just a bed over. 
He gives in and he indulges. 
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Honorable mention goes to Nol staying outside Shinae’s door at Hirahara Memorial, despite this being a place of trauma and fear for him, despite how much he hates hospitals, despite Kousuke sending him away. It gets honorable mention because I acknowledge part of what compels him to stay outside her door is that he feels so guilty and he needs to see/know for himself that she’s okay - but I think it still counts because of just how compelling it is for him. That this is a person he has grown to care about so much already, a person who we now know he literally is alive for/because, since it was only when he saw her in the pool that he determined he couldn’t stay down there and had to return to the surface to save her, to carry on as Yeonggi for a little longer. 
He stays outside her hospital room because he can’t help it.
He could go home, he could change out of his damp clothes, he could crawl into bed and try to forget this whole nightmare of a night, if only for a few hours, but instead he stays outside her room, unable to leave. 
At every opportunity, Nol is so compelled by Shinae. 
He cannot deny her. 
If Shinae wants it, he will ultimately yield it to her like he has his heart.
I’m being good and not including anything from 231 but JUST YOU WAIT FOR THE FOLLOW UP, especially those of you who don’t fast pass. JUST YOU WAIT. 
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theloveinc · 1 year
this is me reminding you bc is shinso also a pro BC IMAGINEEEEE
No because he's already spinning around in my microwave brain like a frozen lasagna and YES HE ABSOLUTELY IS A PRO!!! Showing up at your house all raggedly looking at 6am to get your daughter when he said he'd be able to pick her up before 5pm the damn night previous.
He knows you're not... seriously mad at him when you answer the door with a glare, but you're definitely peeved at his usual excuse of "something came up, the commission ended up needing me all night."
"Yeah, well," is what you want to say, "your daughter with insomnia needed you, too."
Except before you can scald him with the words, the little girl is waddling outside from behind you still in her nighty and straight into his arms, and it truly is hard to be mad at him when he scoops her right up into his arms (have they gotten beefier?) and apologizes to her with a kiss.
(And then you have to invite him in for breakfast because it was already on the stove, and then you have to wait with him because she needs to repack her bag, and then he's standing there awkwardly in your living room, his old place, like he's not currently staying in an almost-dumpster of an apartment, save for your daughter's little room, AND HE'S RUBBING THE BACK OF HIS NECK AND TRYING NOT TO LOOK YOU IN THE EYE because it's not only a reminder of what he lost but also you'll be able to tell, you can always tell, that he hasn't really been sleeping much because... he constantly feels like he needs to justify the fact that he chose work over you and his little girl and, and, and, and then she's finally appearing with her plastic backpack ready to go and he can't bring himself to properly say goodbye as he leaves as if to pretend he'll be back soon, good riddance!!!!!)
But that's how it always goes between you, and hurts even worse because neither of you are sure if your three year old actually knows (realizes?) that you aren't together anymore. I mean, his hours as a hero were weird even when she was first born and things were still good, so it's not like this is unusual to her.
(Shinso anticipates losing himself when she finally starts noticing that you only kiss her goodbye, when she starts registering who isn't home, when she starts asking questions about it, and when the answers finally start to make her cry.)
He relates to the notion. The thought of losing his family makes him want to cry, too... hence why he lets you make the majority of the decisions about her well-being and tries to stay out of your way (he figures you might need him again if she inherits his quirk)...
(You'd never know it, at least... he hopes, but he does appreciate his job for allowing him to take his frustrations out on the underground criminals he's tasked with catching, but. That's for another time).
...even if the whole thing hurts him more than he could ever begin to say.
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gunkbaby · 2 months
I went to the aquarium again the other day and there was this snapper fish that had all these spots and stripes on it, and it was the exact colour of Shuu’s hair. I love moments like that - when I see him in something.
Like hydrangea flowers - some of them are pink, but if you get one the right shade, then it’s this undefined emulsion of blue and purple. Or when the sunsets on certain days? Where the blue sky meets the pink? It makes the colour too. It’s that colour, it’s so indescribable. I see it quite a lot in fish, though - fish and flowers. Quite a few of them have that colour. I think I began to subconsciously associate Shuu with aquariums because I see him in them.
There used to be all that petty fighting about Shuu’s hair colour. Whether it was always blue and the anime was like soooo wrong, and all that. So I think because of that, I consider Shuu’s hair colour to sit in the middle. Whenever I see one specific reproduction of blue-purple or purple-blue, or where the colours meet and don’t quite mix - that’s the colour, to me. It’s quite rare, but it exists in nature, and when I see it I get quite emotional.
I think things like that are quite wonderful. It’s so strange to see something that makes you happy mix with another thing that makes you happy. I don’t think I feel so serene anywhere else.
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killuaisaprincess · 17 days
sweetest thing
Killua points to the cookie jar on top of the fridge, and Gon sweats.
That was his…
Killua was always stealing his chocolate anything the moment he got a chance.
But looking at Killua’s cute little grin or pout, Gon always lets it go.
He scoops Killua up, and Killua giggles, and Gon marches over to the fridge.
“Anything you say, my princess.”
He looks down at Killua and smiles fondly.
After all, he didn’t particularly care for sweets, and besides…
Gon already has the sweetest thing around. 
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earthbaby-angelboy · 11 months
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special edition (pt. 8) of el pics that have babey vibes!!, some of which feature his natural hair color🥹
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toasteaa · 4 days
Thinking about that sovereign of the seas au again...
Nothing super substantial, I don't think. Just Neuvillette getting distracted while trying to find a way to break the curse and finding himself fascinated by the intricacies of human life. How his previous prejudices turn into genuine interest in the way humans interact with the world around them. How they live and grow and work and change in the slightest ways. How their cultures and customs are long lived and influential (as are his own) but each individual human has their own way of going about each daily ritual.
If he's to find a way to break this wretched curse without being caught or his true identity being suspected, then he needs to blend in as well as he possibly can. At least...that's what he told himself. But then he starts asking questions about humans with a little glimmer of interest and curiosity in his eyes. Mimics their rhythms and rituals even if he does not understand them completely. Finds that need to break the curse just a hint less pressing than it had been when he was first forced to take this form.
And of course, there is still that very present and urgent need to return to the sea properly. To be amongst the waves with fins and scales and to hear the water speak to him as it has for the past 500 years - and longer still in terms of his kind. But...now there is another desire inside of him as well. To touch and feel and know this world that he's been thrust into with hands that he'd never believed he would have but...he always secretly desired he did have.
A double edged sword of a curse; robbed of that he has always known - the power that he already had to fight to keep for his kin - and yet it has given him the freedom to walk amongst humans as though he were one of them. See the peace that followed the horrors of war centuries ago. Feel the warmth of the sun on human skin instead of a dragon's scales. The solidness of the earth beneath his feet instead of the security of water that surrounded him on all sides.
...The softness of a human's lips - their soft, even breaths - when he steals a moment to run his thumb over them while they sleep.
A step too far perhaps - one that finds him holed up back in the room that same human had so graciously given him. A step that he has to convince himself was made out of curiosity and only curiosity...and not from these new, human emotions blooming within him. Another reminder that he is not human. That this is not his world. That this curse - this wretched, awful curse - was made to weaken him and force him to submit to that witch of an Archon. He needs to break it. He has to.
Before he completely forgets himself in the longing he's long held for this world.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 7 months
ever since my brother introduced me to that song with that quote "I don't want what you have, I wanna BE you" (might be the other way around I don't remember) that has been inserted into alllll my ocs 🙏🏽
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pirunika · 29 days
do u ever see a fanart so good it forever influences the way you see a character
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