#the way he's started to pay attention to his members likes and dislikes for when he wants to buy them giftsđŸ„ș
babieken · 2 years
your kihyun poll sent me on a little love spiral. i adore him so much. i swear my favorite things started playing in my head like a movie, and i’ve held on to more clips than i realized. there are so many, and he’s just
 so easy to love
He is😔 he's truly the sweetest most respectful man....
I'd be so delusional about him if i had just a little less self-control....
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loriache · 6 months
"I've been waiting for ages for somebody to unmask them."
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This moment tends to elicit negative reactions in a first read through, and I've got some opinions about why where Kabru is coming from here actually makes a lot of logical sense. So I thought I'd elaborate on that.
I think people hear this and go, "He thinks they must be hiding something because they gave money to someone? What a cynic." Or "he dislikes them because they did charity?? What's wrong with this guy!". And obviously, a lot, a lot is wrong with him. But I think this makes more sense than it seems at first glance! What people evaluating this judgement miss is why Kabru is paying attention to Laios and co to begin with.
Kabru knows of the Touden siblings because (he's a little bit of a stalker-) he is keeping an eye on all the relevant parties in events developing on the island, in order to be able to guide them to his preferred outcome. This includes adventurers because they are the ones actually exploring the dungeon! He's well aware that something as minor as internal tensions between party members could be key to the historical events that are developing. (He would love the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.)
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His desired outcome is that whatever the rewards are of breaking the dungeon's curse, whether that's kingship or the ancient elven secrets of dungeons, are claimed by:
A) a short lived person
B) Someone who will be a good, effective leader and/or use those secrets and the power they carry wisely, with foresight, and to establish a political bloc for short lived people.
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The person he can best trust to do this is, of course, himself. But due to his PTSD regarding dungeons and monsters, he's not able to develop the necessary skills to conquer the dungeon. Once he realises this, he starts looking for someone else who he can support to that end.
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But most of the adventurers don't have any intentions of conquering the dungeon, don't have the skills, or are unsuitable in other ways. In fact, it seems like some potentially suitable people are the Toudens. There are a lot of good rumours about them going around - they actually seem to have a very positive reputation! That's what Kabru means when he says "unmask".
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So when Kabru is observing something like them giving money to an old comrade from their gold-peeling days, he doesn't consider it a problem because "they're giving money to this person who doesn't actually need it" or because they must have some dark secret if they act superficially nice. I think he actually understands this situation and what it implies about Laios (in particular) perfectly well.
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Laios and Falin gave money to an old comrade who got injured and couldn't work. That person then healed up but kept taking their money. Then he used the money to start smuggling illicit goods to the island.
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The key is that for Kabru, the problem here is the same as with the corpse retrievers - people using the dungeon's resources to fuel dangerous, selfish, or violent pursuits cause problems for the island, attract more criminals and people with motives other than breaking the curse, and increase the chances of the whole situation ending in tragedy.
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Kabru is willing to work with the Shadow Lord of the island if it gets him to his goal - he isn't scrupulous - but the criminal element of the island increasing is something he sees as a major issue.
Also, when you're evaluating someone as a candidate for power, riches, secrets, potentially kingship - then being curious about how the money you give to people is going to be used is kind of a relevant trait!
Interpersonally, Kabru's actually very easygoing - I mean, Mickbell isn't exactly an upstanding guy, is he! But Kabru likes him and they get along well. These traits wouldn't be a problem at all in a friend, or a comrade, or someone Kabru was confident he could use. But he can't get a handle on Laios, and Laios is someone who has the potential to be a major player!
On Laios' end, this is the same as with the marriage seeker who joined their party. She kept asking for things and he gave them to her, because he tries to be nice to others. He even gives her money! It's the exact same thing.
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That's fine, but it became a problem because he basically wasn't interested in her motives, didn't notice she was trying to manipulate him, and it also didn't occur to him that the other party members would notice or be affected. We can assume the situation with the gold peeler is the same. When Kabru says that "It's not that they're bad people, they just aren't interested in humans," he isn't wrong.
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The extent to which this is true of Laios is linked to his autism imo, (because it isn't just disinterest - he genuinely isn't able to notice nonverbal cues that people are lying to him or have ulterior motives) but to a greater or lesser extent I think it's a very common trait. Most people aren't actually that interested in other people who aren't close to them. Kabru is the weird one here. It isn't an issue except as a leader - which is why we see an immediate comparison to the Island's Lord, because that's how Kabru is evaluating them.
And disinterest in/lack of ability with people to the extent Laios exhibits it, it does, actually, make him a worse leader... it's just that as we see in the story, people can help him out. The rest of the party tell him the marriage seeker is taking advantage of him so he tells her he can't give her special treatment anymore. They're pissed and it's a crisis point - he couldn't have recovered their trust without Marcille and Falin - but that's exactly the point. With Marcille and Falin, he was able to recover their trust.
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And he has other good traits that make up for it, such as his intelligence, strategic knowledge, open-mindedness and sense of fairplay.
Kabru doesn't disqualify Laios as a candidate based on what he sees about him from afar, though - he still tries very hard to get close to him, obviously hoping that if he manages he can steer Laios to defeat the dungeon and make up for his lack of people-skills in the aftermath. (Which... he does eventually achieve that goal!) He completely fails until the events of the story, so... definitely I think "They just aren't interested in humans" could also partially be a stung reaction to Laios' complete disinterest in him.
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Anyway, that's my read on what exactly Kabru's "issue" with Laios is. Obviously, once he does find out what Laios' true nature is like - about his love for monsters - he develops an entirely new set of fears about Laios' priorities. But since Laios kept that a secret until the start of the story, he has no idea of that yet.
Given all that, I think it's interesting that he says that he doesn't think that the Toudens are suitable to defeat the dungeon, and that he's hoping they'll turn out to be the thieves. As some of his few potential candidates, people who he thinks may play a big role in the island's future, you'd think he'd hope they would be good people!
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I suppose it's better, in his eyes, because it means that he's involved in something "interesting". They haven't just had their stuff stolen by regular criminals (boring, puts them further away from his goal) - they've been caught up in the beginning stages of "a historic event". The desperate and dwindling group forgetting morals in their quest to retrieve their lost comrade probably appeals to his sense of melodrama. Because he also just... loves drama.
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Despite it being "uglier than anything he was expecting", he still pursues Laios as the person he wants to conquer the dungeon pretty much as soon as it becomes clear that he won't be able to do it himself and they are out of time. That's because... well, to be fair, there aren't any other options. And he fits standard A: he's short-lived!
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and Kabru still hopes he can fit standard B, too, and be persuaded to use the power he wins for good. No matter how many nightmares he has about Laios, or whether he thinks about killing him. He doubts him, but ultimately he puts his faith in him and seems happy after the manga's ending that he made the right decision.
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elssero · 1 month
another stupid party game
♰ nsfw/suggestive, drunk third year bakugo x drunk third year reader again
 (consenting), making out in public.
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it’s in your first year summer holidays when you decide you don’t enjoy summer break. you find yourself feeling incredibly lonely being away from the dorms to spend the summer at your parents place.
you miss the constant chatter of your classmates- you miss the late nights with your girl-friends but most of all- you miss always having someone to talk too.
you realise that when your in the dorms you don’t feel alone- even if your not explicitly spending time with someone, you always know there’s someone there- just incase.
you used to think that it bothered you. always having someone in your ear, talking it off. it’s that summer when you realise you don’t hate it. not even a little bit.
your overjoyed when you return to the dorms for your second year- finally shedding that incurable loneliness you felt back at home.
thinking back on it now at the end of summer break before your third year- your thankful that you found yourself so close with so many of your classmates, enjoying being a shoulder to cry on or a person that people seek out when they want to try new things.
there’s only one person in your class you’ve found it difficult to talk to. you tried- you really did. but katsuki bakugo decided very firmly in first year that he didn’t like you- and you sure as fuck weren’t going to beg for his attention. especially when you didn’t need it.
you’ve always found yourself no stranger to wandering eyes or the not so subtle flirting you receive from some of your classmates despite yourself not really engaging- although that certainly doesn’t make kaminari’s attempts falter at all.
your content in your life as it is. your content with yourself. your content with your friends. and your certainly content with bakugos stupid dislike for you.
you don’t let your mind wander too far. not when you have more pressing matters on your mind. class 3A is scheduled to return to their dorms tonight- meaning the rational decision your class made to throw a welcome back party is fastly approaching.
the agreement was made that everyone would start to show up around 7pm tonight- giving you ruffly 4 hours to get ready and make ur way to the dorms.
you get ready on facetime to mina- gushing over how long her hair has grown over the summer while she helps you decide on an outfit.
eventually your forced to hang up- now only having 40 minutes to get to the dorms plus a little detour to acquire your drink for tonight.
theres already a group of your classmates in the common room when you arrive at a sharp 7:08. momo immediately makes her way over to you and warps you in a long hug. complimenting how look and expressing her excitement to see all your classmates again as you do the same.
you float around for awhile- greeting your friends as they come through the door. your first drink of the night is already finished by the time the last few members of the class arrive. your definitely not taking it slow tonight.
kaminari expressing his sorrys for him and his friends being late- ranting about how difficult it was to get bakugo to come along- apparently they waited outside of his house honking his car horn for a whole half an hour before bakugo eventually gave in and got in the car with them. you can’t help the laugh that bubbles in your throat as he tells the story and wraps you in a very close hug.
your well aware of bakugos dislike for group hangouts- you notice after the first few that he never seems to be around when your class gets together. you don’t really pay it all that much mind.
the atmosphere of the party settles with everyone now arrived as you listen to your friends tell the stories of their summers- the places they visited- the summer flings they had. your happy.
laughter leaves ur chest when kami tells another of his increasingly stupid jokes- however you still manage to catch the glare and grumble combo that a different blonde sends your way.
not tonight.
you are not letting katsuki bakugo ruin tonight.
you ignore it. not even sparing him a glance as you continue your conversation. your attention is moved from kami when kirishima suddenly decides that he’s bored- suggesting you play some sort of game to liven the party up abit. taking the an empty beer bottle from the floor he sets it on the table in the middle of the group.
“what are you planning kiri?” mina giggles with her sentence and sends the boy a suspicious look- clearly affected by her alcohol intake.
“we’re playing spin the bottle!” groans are heard from a few of your classmates- a couple of them opting out of the game while others express excitement.
your class aren’t strangers to drunken kisses- especially if the one you shared with midoriya last year has anything to say about it. your young adults now, it’s normal for for people of your age group to explore-
noticing some of the nervous glances his peers are sending him kirishima decides to go first- probably to shake of the initial awkwardness of the game.
he spins the bottle and people watch in silence as it lands on sero- you don’t see any hesitation in kiri’s face as he makes his way to the black haired boy.
“pucker up buttercup” a wide smile on his face as he says it- you watch as an equally wide smile forms on sero’s face before he comically pushes his lips to pout and closes his eyes.
it’s short and sweet- a quick peck is given before the red heads lips move away from the other boys as he makes his way back to his position in the now circle that has formed, a couple giggles follow.
seeing that no one takes initiative to spin next kirishima takes the lead again- loudly announcing that bakugo should spin next.
the blondes eyes go wide with rage as his head snaps towards kirishima- “m’ not fuckin’ doing that shit” he grumbles it out, words laced with venom.
“oh yes you are. it’s the rules.” kiri is grinning widely at this point, enjoying riling his friend up. “rules? what fuckin’ rules. fuck the rules.” he doesn’t even finish his sentence before he’s standing up- attempting to make his way to his own dorm.
he doesn’t get very far before kiri grabs his wrist- pulling the blonde back. “nu uh blasty- your spinning this damn bottle-“ he pauses before he continues, voice lowering slightly before he looks right into bakugos eyes before continuing. “you owe me remember?”
it’s not clarified exactly how bakugo found himself in dept to the red head but it certainly shut him up quickly- reluctantly sitting back down before grumbling something incoherent. you make a mental note to ask kiri about it later.
bakugo reaches his hand out to spin the bottle painfully slowly, giving it a lazy spin before leaning back to watch.
you wonder for a moment about who he might be hoping it lands on- you’ve gotten quite a good idea of all the secret little crushes your classmates have- but bakugos love life is a foreign subject to you.
your not paying attention when the bottle stops spinning- only snapping out of your thoughts when you hear a loud shout from the boy your thinking about.
“f-fuck this shit. anyone but her- literally anyone but fuckin’ her” you pause for a second before looking down at the bottle to find out who bakugo so desperately doesn’t want to kiss.
completely to your surprise the bottle is facing directly towards you- no argument can be formed on who it’s pointing at- it’s definitely you. your eyes snap up immediately- locking them with the boy infront of you who seems to be bubbling with rage.
“you really don’t wanna kiss me that bad?” you don’t know what came over you- the words leaving your mouth before you even have a chance to think about them properly- you blame the alcohol. yes definitely the alcohol.
“do you want to kiss me?” his reply is unexpected- you think about it for a second- he’s hot. like absolutely stupid hot and you’d be insane not to think so- putting his foul attitude to the side, kissing bakugo wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
“i’m not completely opposed to the idea.” your playing with fire- you know you are- but watching the flash of red quickly spreads across his face is more than worth whatever consequences your actions cause.
“so your saying-” he cuts himself off- he takes a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. “your saying that if i kiss you right now. you won’t stop me.”
you can feel the eyes on you- your classmates waiting in anticipation for your answer- your verbal consent. you can’t think about that right now- you’ve kissed infront of people before so why now does this feel different- more intimate-
“i won’t stop you.” you don’t even have a second to breathe before his lips meet yours as he lunches towards you over the now forgotten beer bottle.
his hands grab your face- pulling you closer to him as his tongue forces his way into your mouth- this is nothing like the kiss you just watched kirishima share with sero. it’s hot and heavy- you forget about the many eyes watching the scene unfold as you take a tight grip on hair hair and force your tongue onto his with the same force he did.
he groans into your mouth- free hand reaching to grab at the material of your shirt as he clumsily attempts to pull you closer to him- you share his grasp for closeness as you manoeuvre your body to sit atop the table you were previously leaning over, your knees uncomfortably hitting the hard of the wood before you lean down so your lips don’t leave his as he shuffles his thighs to his the edge of the table and kneels next to it.
it’s a sight- your positioned in a crawl- one hand still deeply rooted into bakugos hair with the other feeling up his shoulder to keep your balance- his hands are now placed at your waist- threatening to wander with every second you continue to kiss.
you tug on his hair in an attempt to gain dominance over the kiss- it works. his neck bends- forcing his face upwards so your face is now directly on top of his- you push down harshly- solidifying your position of control as he moans into your mouth-
your very suddenly reminded of the presence of your classmates when a loud cough is heard from your right- you snap your head to the sound to find todoroki looking at you- eyes blown wide.
you glance around the room for a second- seeing looks of complete shock coming from almost every once of your classmates. you catch a small smirk on a certain red heads face- making another mental note to interrogate him later.
bakugos head moves to rest on your shoulder- pushing his face into the crook of your neck- you feel the heat of his skin against your own.
he’s embarrassed- he’s so fucking embarrassed. not only has his entire class just watched him moan into your mouth- they also watched how easily you took control of him- he feels like he could die.
you mutter a quick sorry to your class mates, before asking them if they enjoyed the show- earning laughs from the people surrounding you.
you slowly move bakugos face from your neck to see him clearly- he’s even more red faced than he was before- eyes lidded as he looks up at you- an unreadable expression on his face.
you lean down to plant a small kiss on his cheek before moving your lips to his ear- the warmth of your breathe on his neck making him even more hard than he was before-
“why don’t we head upstairs?” he can’t even respond- he just nods- embarrassingly quickly before letting you take his hand, leading him away from the party as you both ignore the encouraging whispers of your friends.
you’ll deal with that tomorrow.
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how do we feel
 i can’t help but love drunk make outs i could write about them forever.
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snowball-doie · 1 month
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| pairing: Haechan x gn!Reader ; Yuta x gn!Reader ; Jaehyun x gn!Reader
| information: 18+ MDNI. Haechan and Jaehyun's happy trails. Yuta's arm pit hair. Licking/kissing body hair. Arm pit kink(?) Blowjobs. Unprotected sex. Rough sex. Creampie(s). Mentions of sex toys, bondage, light impact play (slapping). Mild body worship. Drool. Light dacryphilia. Haechan's more on the subby side for this one. Yuta def the nastiest one, goddamn...
| aurora's note: I'm a ride or die for soft tummy Hyuck.... If you don't agree...... this one's prob not for you... Also, please check out my dynamics page for more info on switch!Haechan, Dom!Yuta, and Daddy!Dom!Jaehyun!
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HAECHAN | even before you started dating, hyuck had been shy about his body. he was confident, that wasn't the problem, it was just that he didn't care to show himself off to the rest of the world like some of his other members did. it was their choice to do that. haechan wanted to save himself for whoever he'd fall in love with, because he wanted every bit of him to be theirs. the first time you saw him naked, you were taken aback by him-- he freaked out, thinking that you disliked what you saw, but it was the exact opposite, you were so enamored that you couldn't take your eyes or hands off of him. you started by littering tons of hickies around his neck, collarbones, chest, and even his stomach. oh, fuck, you loved how his stomach tensed the further down you went. he begged you for more... he was so embarrassed when you hesitated around his stomach, admiring it for a moment before you put all your attention on his small happy trail. he shaved it a bit. it was like he appreciated the act of grooming himself, but understood the necessity of having something there too-- and he conformed a bit to the expectations of korean men by keeping some hair. "wait--" he moaned when you laid your tongue flat against the bottom of his happy trail and licked upwards. he shivered. "wait, that's..." but another moan got caught in his throat when you did it again while looking up at him through your lashes. oh, fuck, he was so madly in love with you. no one appreciated every inch of his body the way you did. no one understood him like you did. after that, hyuck wasn't shy after that. the slip ups on stage where his shirt would come up too high and reveal his happy trail, it made him grin to think that you were watching and dreaming of getting to touch him again. when he got more cocky, he began lifting his shirt up to reveal his stomach-- sometimes he regretted it when he'd get home and you'd have him pinned under you for hours on end, draining orgasm after orgasm out of his body. but that didn't stop him from doing it again.
YUTA | the man with no shame whatsoever was yuta nakamoto. that man was willing to try anything and everything with you, and whatever was throwing his way in conversation or in the middle of sex would make him fall more in love with you. "sir, can we try out this new toy i found online?" "yes, darling, i'd love that." and then he'd torture you until you were begging him for mercy, and then some for good measure. nothing seemed to be out of bounds for him, it always came down to what you wanted and what your hard no's were. honestly, even you were a bit shocked when things took a turn one thursday night after he'd come straight home from the airport after being in china for a week. yuta loved to have his hands on you. the second he was through the door, he was leading you towards the bedroom, mumbling things about how he was going to fuck you so hard that you wouldn't be able to walk until you had to go to work on monday-- until then, you were all his. when he had you on the bed, your arms were immediately pinned over your head so that he could show his dominance. it worked. you immediately fell in line for his kisses and the way he fucked his cock in and out of you at a blissfully quick pace. but there was something distracting you. something you usually didn't pay too much attention to. he hadn't shaved in a while-- in fact, in preparation for his solo album, and in protest of his company's grooming expectations, yuta refused to shave his arm pits, and during his week away it seemed he was really letting it show. the tweets. oh, fuck, they were getting to you more than you realized. leaning your head up, you kissed the underside of yuta's arm. he shivered like it tickled, but he didn't stop you from kissing closer and closer until you stopped out of your own shyness. "do it." it wasn't a question, it wasn't a reassurance that it was okay to do, it was a flat out demand from your Dom that you couldn't ignore. so you swallowed your pride then kissed the thick patch of hair in his arm pit. yuta grinned. "dirty thing, aren't you? missed me that much?" you nodded in agreement. yuta continued to fuck you until your legs were shaking and your head was spinning, and he made sure you were stuffed full of his cum. fuck, you really were obsessed with every inch of him, weren't you? and of course he would never let you forget it. any time he wore a sleeveless shirt, yuta would make sure to stretch his arms over his head, or he'd corner you against the wall and put one of his arms next to your head while he leered over you. he loved how you were capable of worshipping every inch of his body. and he loved how embarrassed you got whenever he'd tell you to be dirty again and kiss or lick the patch of hair in his armpits. if you were too shy to do it, he'd grab you roughly, give your cheeks a few light slaps, and tell you to be good for him.
JAEHYUN | he loved to watch you drool. truly. it didn't matter if it happened when he fucked you for so long that you'd gone dumb and couldn't think about anything aside from his thick cock going in and out of your tight hole, or if it were when he fucked your face. you just looked so cute. struggling to take his entire length in your mouth, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes, moans gurgling in the back of your throat as you tried to decide if you wanted to fight him off or let him continue to use you. it usually boiled down to the latter. all that drool at the base of his cock, it made jae's eyes cross. oh, but best of all was whenever he'd tip right over the edge finally, so he would grab your hair roughly and force you to take every single inch in your mouth, regardless of how difficult it could be, and your nose would be forced against the prickly texture of his pubes that he loved to show off to fans. after finishing down your throat with a hefty grunt, jaehyun would release you, watching as you gasped for air, drool and cum leaking everywhere. no, no. that wasn't sufficient. you were better than that. "clean up your mess for daddy." you'd obediently begin licking up the cum from his softening cock, his balls, and then when you were sure you'd done a good job, he'd tsk his tongue and force you to lick everything up from his pubic hair. "that's it... you're doing so good... make sure to get every drop." no one would ever know the nasty things he had you do for him, not even when he'd leave you in bed to rest behind closed doors while stylists would swarm the rest of the hotel suite to get him ready for the fashion show where he'd be showing off that same happy trail he had your nose buried in mere hours prior.
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ddodol · 15 days
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drinking with riize ! headcanons
content warning ⭑.ᐟ alcohol mentions for sure, this is so pg-13 aside from the alcohol don't even worry, established relationship. word count⭑.ᐟ 1.2k+
can handle their alcohol
shotaro: if you were drinking with him, whether it’s outside or in the comforts of your own place, he’d always make sure not to drink too much. shotaro knows his limits and he can reel himself in when he knows that he’s starting to get tipsy. if it were any other occasion where you’re celebrating something, then he’d most likely let himself go for a little bit. he would still keep his eyes on you while making sure that he’s matching your excitement and energy.
i like to think that shotaro would be in the mood once he’s gotten a bit tipsy, especially since you're in his company. it’s something he tries to hold back on when he’s sober so when he’s drunk, he’d be more free and bold only if you let him. if he wasn’t being touchy, you’d know by the way he looks at you, eyelids heavy and eyes flickering up and down. he’d be eating you up with his gaze, making you giggle at how obvious he was being.
seunghan: honestly, he’s probably one of the few that could hold actually their alcohol in this group. seunghan would have no problem matching you, clinking glasses or beer cans with you as you drink. you might even get tipsy before him and once you do, he’d tease you affectionately. seunghan would know your tolerance better than you do, subtly taking away your glass once he hears the slightest bit of slurring in your words. he’d be poking fun at you while also checking how drunk you actually are, laughing when you confirm his suspicions.
on the very rare occasion that you catch seunghan drunk, he’d probably be quiet for the first time ever. he’d be touchy and sleepy, resting his face against your neck and breathing in your scent until he falls asleep. he’d whine and complain if you move or leave him, having a sixth sense only for that.
anton: he’s most likely to be one of the few members that can handle their alcohol and be excited when you first ask. anton would be feeling playful, excited with the thought of drinking with you. he would make sure he pays attention to you, wanting to know what kind of face you’d make while drinking or what flavors you like and dislike. these are things he’d keep in mind and would think about when he’s out shopping for alcoholic drinks, picking a bottle up impulsively because he remembered how adorable you looked when you had a sip of it.
while anton has average tolerance, the chances of him tearing up are never zero. he’d be listening to you talk and his thoughts would wander, thinking about how lucky he was to have you. he wouldn’t cry even though he gets emotional easily but if you were the type to cry when drunk, then you’d both be crying in the middle of drinking. anton would try his best to be there for you, though, comforting you before taking care of himself.
they're cute so it's okay
eunseok: two words: pink cheeks. he’d be flushed all over with just one shot and he doesn’t even need to be drunk or tipsy. eunseok would be cuter than usual, voice would probably be brighter because of how happy he just is. you’d catch him staring at you way longer than he should, a cute smile on his lips as he traces his eyes over your drunken features as if he was trying to memorize them. he’d be thinking about how adorable you were even if you were rambling about some nonsense. he’s the type to let you embarrass yourself, so you can count on horrifying recollections the day after as he helps you jog your memories, laughing at you.
drunk eunseok would probably be the type to get sentimental, like if you were dating for a long time he’d randomly bring up a very specific memory only he remembers, or maybe even declare his love to you in a very serious manner. he would still remember everything the day after, but if he did or said something embarrassing then he’d act like he doesn’t and he’d keep the act up until you’re convinced in a poor attempt to erase whatever it was that he did.
sohee: drinking with sohee would be so much fun even if it’s just the two of you. he’d suggest these silly games you two could play, you would be laughing and fooling around until the alcohol wears you down. he would always triple check if you could handle another punishment shot, otherwise he’d lose on purpose just so you wouldn’t drink too much. he’d make sure to take care of you once you’re all spent, letting you rest on his shoulder as he hums or whistles a song.
drunk sohee would be more sincere and affectionate than usual, showering you with words of affection while thanking you for everything you’ve done for him. he wouldn’t exactly cry; if anyone were to cry, it’d be you because of how sweet his words were. these are things he’d never admit to your face while sober and he’d be pouring his heart out as he stares into your eyes.
messy drunk
sungchan: since he’s a certified lightweight, sungchan would most likely take his time drinking. if you insisted on it, he’d cave in and just join your company. once he’s sure that you were enjoying yourself, he’d start drinking with you in small sips because he still wants to enjoy the moment but would also make sure that he’d be able to take care of you afterwards.
now, if he were to come home from a company dinner completely drunk, he’d be more affectionate and touchy than he already is. sungchan would be all over you, mumbling about how much he loves you or how you smell good or how your hair was still a little wet or apologizing for being so heavy while you’re dragging him back home. he could yap on and on about whatever comes across his mind and eighty percent of that is just about you and how he thought you looked cute in that one outfit you wore during your first date as if he hasn’t complimented you enough on it.
wonbin: now hear me out— i don’t think wonbin can handle his alcohol well. i don’t even think he’s drank a lot considering how he’s a homebody. he would be cautious when drinking with you, wanting to hide the fact that he’s a bit intimidated by alcohol, snacking on some food while you were drinking. once he manages to relax, he’d be more talkative and giggly. he would forget about how intimidating the alcohol is and just enjoy your company, accidentally drinking too fast.
drunk wonbin would still want to prioritize you even if he was more shitfaced than you are. he would not be able to keep his hands to himself, pressing his limp body against yours while he whines about how you have to stop drinking before you get drunk. wonbin would be the type to just stare at you blankly, lips slowly curling into a smile when you look back at him in confusion. he’d be very vulnerable, asking you about stuff he’s been thinking about for a while now. you would have to shower him with affection, patting his head or playing with his hair while reassuring him that he’s doing great.
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darling--angst · 1 year
Yan!Doa and Reader who's two faced—highschool au
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Pairing: Nikolai, Fyodor, Sigma x Reader (separate)
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Yandere???
Warnings: Yandere themes, manipulation, unhealthy relationship, stalking, obsession, invasion of privacy, mentions of blackmail,
Synopsis: The new semester started and a new batch of students come to Yokohama International school after JHS, that included you. However, you caught the attention of the top members of the student council
A/n: I took a break from making your oneshot requests because I'm hesitant to make one where Ranpo has an s/o who uses drugs, mind you I have no knowledge in drugs whatsoever. I literally made this a week before my semester starts.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
He is popular among all the years whether it be the seniors or the juniors.
He was what people call the perfect student.
All his grades are perfect, and he was handsome, he's also the president of the student council
Face of the council
He won many awards throughout every year.
Represents the music club with his cello
Though, he finds praises meaningless, after all they are just empty words.
He saw himself as the saviour of all the pathetic and imperfect humans.
At first he loved how when he walked in the hallways everybody would turn their attention on him and sang praises.
When he sees a new student, his first move is to make an impression(which he thinks as too easy).
He was quiet, he never got involved in trouble, he 'helped' those who asked.
He saw himself as an incarnation of an Angel, the path to salvation from their sins.
But he eventually got bored, then you came in.
He first thought to play you to 'save' you and then, he grew realize that you aren't a simple sinner but something else..
He saw you as his 'equal', and plans to have you one way or another.
Saw your true face while reading a book or smth
He'll make the first move and confront you abt it.
Will blackmail you with that information if needed only you refuse to be his.
Nikolai Gogol
He's mostly loved by the juniors but at the same is weirded out by him.
Most seniors think of him as a laughing stock
He's part of the student and always takes a seat next to Fyodor
(it means that his position is next to Fyodor's, making him the second highest in the student committee)
Which many finds shocking
He is academically gifted, when he's not paying attention and a teacher asks him to solve something, he'll joke abt it first but solves it with no struggles whatsoever.
Probably still a clown
He likes messing with Sigma.
He pranked him while sleeping one time and dear lord everybody knew what he did.
Loves to prank teachers, juniors, senior, anyone, no everyone.
Almost got expelled for a reason nobody knows
Most thinks he bribes the teacher that's why he gets top grades.
Can be smart if he wants to.
You can ALWAYS find him inside detention, the bathroom, or teacher's office.
He would go on measures just to make sure you aren't with anybody else.
Def would use the security cameras to see you.
He saw your true face because of this and he never loved you more. (He hated manipulative people but not you since you aren't manipulating them, kinda??)
Will use the information to his advantage
If you started dating someone, he'll blackmail you.
He loves the way you think and your view of the cruel people around you.
He would play along with your act.
He's timid
Many saw him as a sweet individual who's willing to help others
He's loved by all the teachers and juniors because of how kind he is.
Loved by most of the student council.
Def has a lot of junior fangirls
He despises dislikes Nikolai Gogol. He would definitely avoid him.
Manages the complaints of the students or the internal affairs teachers are too lazy to do.
Has to clean up after Nikolai because Fyodor ordered him to.
Knows something is wrong about Fyodor but can't figure out what.
He thinks of you as an innocent angel who he has to protect.
He once saw your true face but thought that it's normal to get angry.
Hates when Nikolai touches you/is around you.
He'd be clenching his fist when monitoring things during break time.
Will never try to hurt you in anyway possible like the other two.
Nikolai's number one prank victim. Some even pity Sigma.
One time in JHS, when he was sleeping his hair had bubblegum in it(Nikolai did it) so Nikolai suggested he cut it.
...he did.. and that's the origin of his bad double bowl cut.
Would treat you to lunch on whatever you want.
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A/n: I'd make a oneshot/series about this, maybe.? Whichever you guys prefer I guess...
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sideprince · 2 months
Do you have any thoughts on how Snape would have acted if Harry had been sorted into Slytherin? While I can’t help but feel that there would be a part of him who would want to joyously gloat about James Potter’s son ending up in Slytherin, I can’t help but wonder if he wouldn’t still hold a mountain of resentment that would be incorrectly targeted towards Harry? Do you have any thoughts on this? Thanks!
I think one of the key aspects of Snape and Harry's relationship is that they don't really know each other and don't get a chance to. If you look at how the rest of the staff treat Snape, there seems to be respect for him and while I'm not sure how many of his colleagues actively like him, they certainly don't dislike him. We see this in how the rest of the staff treat teachers they don't like, such as Lockhart and Umbridge:
...Dumbledore announcing that, unfortunately, Professor Lockhart would be unable to return next year, owing to the fact that he needed to go away and get his memory back. Quite a few of the teachers joined in the cheering that greeted this news.
-Chamber of Secrets, Ch. 18
The upshot of it all was that Professor Umbridge spent her first afternoon as headmistress running all over the school answering the summonses of the other teachers, none of whom seemed able to rid their rooms of the fireworks without her. When the final bell rang and the students were heading back to Gryffindor Tower with their bags, Harry saw, with immense satisfaction, a disheveled and soot- blackened Umbridge tottering sweaty-faced from Professor Flitwick’s classroom.  “Thank you so much, Professor!” said Professor Flitwick in his squeaky little voice. “I could have got rid of the sparklers myself, of course, but I wasn’t sure whether I had the authority...”  Beaming, he closed his classroom door in her snarling face.
Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 28
This leads me to think that since the staff have had some opportunity to get to know Snape, even if it's superficially (given how guarded he is), their treatment of him indicates that he's not as terrible and repugnant as characters like Harry make him out to be. And while it's possible that they were deferential to him because he can be intimidating, I don't really see a bunch of talented, established Hogwarts professors cowering. After all, Umbridge had more authority than Dumbledore and even fired a staff member, but the rest of the teachers didn't seem to be affected by whether or not they were intimidated by her. They also literally took on Voldemort and his army to protect the school.
The reason Snape is able to project so much of James onto Harry is because they don't know each other outside of the classroom. This is the same reason why Harry is able to resent Snape so much. We see a chink in both their armors during Occlumency lessons in OoTP, as Harry shows curiosity and Snape encourages it, but before they can start to get a fuller picture of one another as people, Harry wrecks it by invading Snape's privacy when he goes into the pensieve. It's integral to the plot - and the big reveal at the end of DH - that these two characters maintain a resentful distance.
If Harry had been sorted into Slytherin, they would have had more of a chance to get to know each other. The same way Harry was told by other Gryffindors as soon as he started school that Snape was strict, mean, and played favorites, if he'd been sorted in Slytherin he would have been influenced by their bias in the other direction, ie. in favor of Snape (and potentially against McGonagall given the rivalry with Gryffindor). Whatever resentment Snape had against James would have had an opportunity to soften over time as he inevitably got to know Harry better.
By his fifth year Harry would have been sitting down with Snape, not McGonagall, to discuss his career ambitions, and as his head of house Snape would have known Harry enough to advise him. We see throughout the books that heads of house like McGonagall pay attention to students even if they don't interact with them all that much directly. Had Snape had the opportunity to do so with Harry, and had he been motivated by his role as his head of house to defend him where necessary, he would have gotten to know Harry as an individual enough that whatever of James that rested in Harry's facial features would have fallen by the wayside.
That's only one part of how Snape relates to Harry, though. He's vocal about James, his friends, and his hatred of them, but he never mentions Lily once. We know Snape is a guarded man who frowns on wearing your heart on your sleeve:
‘I told you to empty yourself of emotion!’ ‘Yeah? Well, I’m finding that hard at the moment,’ Harry snarled. ‘Then you will find yourself easy prey for the Dark Lord!’ said Snape savagely. ‘Fools who wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked so easily - weak people, in other words - they stand no chance against his powers! He will penetrate your mind with absurd ease, Potter!’ ‘I am not weak,’ said Harry in a low voice, fury now pumping through him so that he thought he might attack Snape in a moment. ‘Then prove it! Master yourself!’ spat Snape.
-Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 24
So it's no surprise that he doesn't mention Lily. He protected Harry at risk to his own life for the sake of honoring Lily's sacrifice. Clearly their friendship meant the world to him and left an impact, and because it's so tied up in emotion for him, Snape never talks about it. He isn't the kind of man to show emotion willingly, as we know. He smirks, he speaks softly when angry, he hisses, and he only loses the tight grip he has on expressing his feelings when he's triggered. There's a fair bit of information on the page about his relationship with James and how he feels about it, and how much of it he projects onto Harry (though I think that diminishes significantly from OotP on, especially after Sirius' death), but nothing at all about Lily except in his very private moments with Dumbledore.
What's even less straightforward is how much of Lily he sees in Harry. I wonder whether this was intentional on the author's part, but I'm curious whether Snape might get angry when Harry sasses him and talks back because his personality is so much like his mother's. So while there isn't much to go on, I think it's interesting to consider whether if Harry had been sorted into Slytherin, Snape might not have seen more of Lily in him given the opportunity to get to know each other a bit, and whether he might not have appreciated that about him.
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sillyyuserr · 7 months
posting again at nearly 1am :P
another small analysis (if you can even call it that)
what im going to be talking about takes place in jshk, chapter 79, a quick recap. This is during the red house arc, and at this point in time kou and nene are in the red house, whilst akane and teru are at the shrine talking to what seems to be either a worker at the shrine or a family member/family friend of teru’s (and aoi’s in the far shore but shes not very relevant in this chapter).
after they fail to get something out of the “family friend”, teru exhaustedly lyes down and starts “ranting” to akane ab how hard his life is
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and whilst doing this they somehow get to the topic of aoi. And akane starts to wonder if teru GENUINELY likes her. And i mean we can kind of tell he doesnt, but its still a little odd to see him act like this
does he like aoi? We never truly will know, but theres alot of things implying he doesnt like her (and vice versa) but im too lazy to go digging those up so just take my word for it 😭
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but akane doesnt even look mad here??? he’d usually either bitchslap someone for talking ab dating her or even hitting ppl with a fucking spiked bat who glance at her
but this? who knows. And not to mention teru looks almost sad when akane mentions him possibly liking her. Almost as if he misunderstood his intenions??
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This is very interesting to me, he looks almost distant, but not in the way of no one understands him or he wants to get away from everyone but in the “im trying to tell you what i mean but you’re not getting it” kind of way.
you see it too right? Pls tell me im not insane 😭
but why is he looking like this at akane? Well lets come up with a few ideas. one reason could be because he’s possibly “hinting” to akane that he likes aoi, although this doesnt make much sense considering he literally asked him that straight up and thats his literal direct response.
another reason could be that he’s sad akane’s brought-ten up her again. Not because he dislikes her, but maybe a little reminder that akane still likes aoi, and that he’s still JUST out of his reach.
After that akane talks about going to save aoi on his own since teru’s being a sad sack and wont do it himself, leading up to these 2 panels.
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Lets look closer here 😭 not only does he have the most love-struck eyes ive ever seen, but also he’s blushing??? ON BOTH SIDES?? Also the way his expression takes up the entirety of the upper half of this panel shows us that this is kind of important and for us to really pay attention to it.
ive seen him make this face TWICE. Both times looking at who you may ask? Take a guess
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I have so many takes on terukane but no one wants to listen to them so i go to tumblr and share with my singular follower💀 im not even exaggerating
One sided terukane makes me SICK 😭
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dn-imagines-in-2023 · 1 year
Death note imagines: Confession/Relationship (pt. 1)
Light Yagami:
As Kira, Light is likely to confess and try to start a relationship with you for his own personal gain. Not necessarily out of disregard for you as a person, but out of survival. He needs you around to make him look like a normal, healthy adolescent. His feeling for you may range anywhere from mild interest to neutral apathy. If he sought you out and chose you to keep the task force off his back, then it's not like his relationship with Misa. He doesn't dislike you the way he does her.
Before Kira, Light was bored by life. I honestly can't see him interested in a relationship beyond keeping up appearances for his family. (Are you seeing the pattern yet?) If that's the case, someone in his life probably set you two up. A mutual friend, or maybe his sister. He likes you well enough, but he's not in love with you. Still, he'll play the part- take you on dates, hold your hand, walk you home- because that's what you're supposed to do, right?
Overall, Light treats you fairly well. He's good at pretending but if you're paying attention you can see him mentally checking off the boxes.
L Lawliet:
In general, L is unlikely to confess to anyone. To him, being in a relationship is a huge risk. So if you end up in a relationship with him, you probably confessed first. You would have to know him and work with him for a long time- you have to be someone he wholeheartedly trusts, which is difficult to achieve. He has a lot of trust issues, they're necessary for him to survive in his line of work.
However, once he does fully trust you, he is surprisingly warm. He's always making a conscious effort for you becuase he knows how much you've sacrificed to be with him.
He shows his love by spending time with you. Because for L, time is absolutely everything. It is the most valuable thing he can give you. Laying on the couch together, sitting up late at night talking, going out to eat together. He can't spend all his time with you, but he makes time for you and for the things you love.
You spend a lot of late nights sitting with him while he works. As long as you're not distracting, you can lay your head in his lap and just relax while he types away.
Misa Amane:
Misa confessed to you the third time you hung out in person. She falls fast and hard and when she falls in love, she dives in and does not look back. She clings to you like a lifeline, especially if you show her any basic kindness or compassion.
After her parents were murdered, she herself was stalked and almost killed. Despite the bubbly, care-free attitude, she has been through a lot of life altering experiences. She's hypervigilant, she has nightmares, etc.
Misa can be very obsessive. To the point where she might cross a line, and she might not understand how or why what she's doing is dangerous or hurtful.
She shows her love in the most wild, extravagant, excessive displays of affection. You walk into work one morning and there are two dozen red roses on your desk. (Prompting your boss to ask if a family member died and if you need time off.) You get home in the evening and she's made your favorite dinner, desert, etc. It's not even valentines day yet.
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olisephart · 7 months
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Short ezkayn comic loosely inspired by the song "Figure you out" by VOÍLA. God they live rent free in my brain.
Details on the backstory and the comic under the cut <3
Starting pre-relationship, heartsteel is established. Ezreal and Kayn have been heavily flirting (maybe even friends w benefits) for months already, but always danced around actually saying anything. Both are too prideful to make the first step, because it's one thing to flirt or (want to) hook up and a whole other thing to admit you have actual romantic feelings for your friend/band member/prank partner.
After an Incident (whatever it was) that made Ezreal uncomfortably aware that he's In Love, he tries to distance himself from their usual flirtatious banter and starts publicly dating/fooling around with another guy; to distract himself from Kayn, to prove to himself he doesn't need Kayn, and though he wouldn't admit it, to make Kayn jealous.
Predictably, Kayn does get jealous but holds his tongue for a surprisingly long time, since voicing his jealousy risks showing his feelings go deeper than physical. Still, he can only take so many obviously staged pictures of Ezreal Definitely being Super Happy and Not At All Faking it with another guy before he confronts him. He swallows his pride and corners Ez, which is where the comic starts.
I didn't feel like writing dialogue, so here's the gist of what I was envisioning. Kayn confronts Ezreal, telling him to drop the sharade with the other guy. It's Obvious he's not genuine with it, the guy bought him (insert thing that Kayn Knows Ez doesn't like as much as another thing; ice cream flavour, flowers, what have you) which Ez would usually scoff at. Because it's Kayn, he can't help but tease with smth like "Just admit you like me and spare us this performance".
Ezreal, defensive, starts denying everything Kayn said, insisting he's dating the guy for real and bc he likes him, and Kayn's ego is just too big etc etc. Unfortunately for him tho, he's been missing Kayn a whole lot, so having grabbed Kayn's wrist, he can't help himself but caress it with his thumb. He stops himself the moment the realized, but Kayn noticed as well and takes that as the sign he needs that Ez is full of shit.
He pins Ezreal's hand above his head and starts teasing him in earnest. Listing all the little tics he noticed about Ezreal, embarrassing things he likes that no one outside of Heartsteel (or maybe even just Kayn, since he's paying extra close attention to Ezreal) ever gets to see, how easy it is to get him hot and bothered and how cute he is when he's flustered like this. He keeps going until Ezreal, overwhelmed with this barrage of confusing emotions (Kayn is paying attention to him, he remembers what he likes and dislikes, he just confirmed all his teasing are On Purpose to fluster him-), decides to bring it back to familiar ground. He grabs his jacket, pulls him close and tells him to shut up.
If they have hooked up before, Kayn knows what comes after he says "make me" - the kiss is expected but simultaneously way more emotionally charged than ever before, because they have essentially both admitted their feelings. Post comic, they make out/hook up and then confirm it in actual words. They like each other, theyre going to be exclusive (bc I love them being possesive over each other) 
If they haven't hooked up before: Ezreal would usually find a comical way to shut Kayn up once he says "make me" - be that smothering him with a nearby couch pillow, pulling the leash on his stage outfit, etc. Kayn feels the electricity between them but this hasn't happened before. He leans in and says "make me", but he leaves the ball in Ez's court. Once Ez grabs the back of his head to pull him closer, Kayn shifts his other hand to hold onto his waist in turn.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
goddess! Meg from Hercules Disney with Heracles, poseidon, indra, rudra and shiva please? With her being on the side of humanity, after she met adam and eve and saw their love for their children (found family😭) so she just goes like 'frick you all gods I'm going with humans' like how meg changed after meeting Hercules in the movie.
A/N: People, pay attention to the character limit please!! My limit is 3-4, not more!! I’m getting request after request with more than 4 characters, so before you request please check the Request Form!! Because of having 5 characters, Poseidon and Heracles are in another part, thanks. Anyways, enjoy~
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🌊 Indra understood why you were so upset, you didn’t want to help them out that much, it was just a favor you owed Zeus, and he used it for this
🌊 Thankfully, he wasn’t possessive like others
🌊 When you pulled him aside after the first round and told him you were going to deflect to Humanity’s side, he just sighed, knowing he had no way of stopping you, he did enjoy your stubbornness, but sometimes it was far too hard to handle
🌊 Watching you announce it after saving the life of Adam made him smirk, you really cared for him, his wife and kids, huh?
🌊 You looked at your husband in the eyes and he just waved and pretended to tip a hat to you
🌊 He may be a God with a few personality issues, but with you, he understands better than anyone else
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⛈ He and you were friends for such a long time, but due to pantheon issues, you guys cut off a lot while growing up
⛈ As the Greek Goddess of Loyalty and Independence, you were busy constantly with handling many different affairs, mostly Hera complaining and getting revenge against Zeus’ ladies on Earth
⛈ But when Ragnarok occurred, you noticed how unfair the Gods of your pantheon were looking down at the humans, who just wanted to continue their descendants life
⛈ In this case, you jumped in the middle of Heracles and Jack’s fight and announced that Ragnarok would continue with you siding with Humanity
⛈ In honor of the fallen Adam and LĂŒ Bu, you would continue fighting and finish what the Gods and Valkyries had decided to start
⛈ Rudra just smiled gently down at you, he knew he couldn’t stop you, you represented independence, you can’t take that away from someone, especially you
⛈ He supported you full-heartedly, and as fights continued, you’d meet afterwards and relax with one another, speaking on how your sides were matching
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đŸȘ© He dislikes humans quite a bit, but he did admire how peaceful you seemed with them
đŸȘ© You were a Greek Goddess, specifically one that represented Revenge and Love, true love, you’d always correct, not the fake stuff you had to deal with your fellow pantheon members
đŸȘ© Shiva and you had spoken about your allegiance with the Gods, and when he heard you wanted to side with Humanity, he snapped and flew into a quiet rage
đŸȘ© Why would you want to side with them?! Those impeccable creatures were the reason your heart broke all those years ago! Yet you still like them?! WHY?!
đŸȘ© Your husband sighed after a while of hearing you out and while he stayed with the Gods with his wives, all four of them smiled while you cheered on Humanity for their wins, starting with Sasaki
đŸȘ© And seeing you smile and care for the fighters for their bravery and dedication, he couldn’t be mad, he’s never seen you so happy and caring before
đŸȘ© Shiva and you would rest together a lot more when the daily rounds ended, he and you were apart most of the days now, and his wives would curl around you both, wanting to feel the love of their amazing and brave wife!
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queenofthekings · 6 months
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᎘ʟᎀʏÉȘÉŽÉą ᎥÉȘ᎛ʜ ꜰÉȘʀᎇ, ᎘ᎀʀ᎛ ÉȘ (ꜱᎇʀÉȘᎇꜱ ʜᎇʀᎇ)
Summary: You are part of the biggest girl group on the planet, Eddie is the face of the biggest rock band of the century. A chance meeting at Coachella sends both of you into what would be the biggest love affair in music history; if only people knew about it.
Pairing: Rockstar!Eddie x K-Pop Idol!Reader
Author's note: My love for K-Pop and Stranger Things/Eddie Munson in one fic? It's more likely than you think. If you don't know much/anything about the K-Pop world, not to worry, I'll be going over some of it in this fic! I'll try to keep the Korean honorific names to a minimum but I do wanna try to keep things as plausible as possible.
Disclaimer: In this fic, I have specified that Reader is not Korean or Asian. As someone who is white; I didn't feel it was right to write a POC character. Please be respectful.
CW: 18+, mentions of unhealthy eating habits, obsessive fan behaviour, toxic work environments, swearing, a little NSFW content, sexting, no use of Y/N but Reader's stage name is Luna.
Tagging: @munsonsbtch @impmunson @binickmiller @ali-r3n @stevesjockstrap
Word count: 2.6k
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
APRIL 2019
Coachella was the biggest music festival in the world and playing there was an honour and a privilege; and while Eddie knew this, he found a lot of the hype around it insufferable. He never felt like his band belonged up there with the lights of Beyonce and Justin Bieber, even when Corroded Coffin had exploded with popularity, the larger venues they’d play out would never compare to the smaller shows.
Disliking Coachella when you perform there is one story, disliking Coachella and ending up in the crowd of one of the most talked about acts of the whole festival another matter entirely. But somehow, Gareth had convinced him to leave the tour bus to watch one performance. Only one.
“Why are we even here?” Eddie yelled into Gareth’s ear, trying to make sure he was heard over the screaming and cheering fans that surrounded them. The show hadn’t even started yet but the crowd was already at deafening levels.
“I thought it was high time you experienced a new genre of music,” Gareth yelled back, giving him a smug grin. “Plus, I hear one of the members of the group is a fan of ours.”
Eddie shrugged, knowing that Gareth was right in saying it was time to experience some new music outside of his usual comfort zone. And given the way the stage was set, the flags and lightsticks people were waving and demographic of the crowd; this was definitely outside of his comfort zone. “Who even are they?” he asked, grabbing his phone from his pocket.
Before he had a chance to type a single letter into Google, Gareth took his phone and pulled up a Wikipedia page for the group. “This is them. And before say anything, don’t judge the group before you listen to them.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at his bandmate before looking at the page, giving Gareth even more of the side-eye.
Chain Reaction is a South Korean girl group formed by YG Entertainment, consisting of members Yoohyeon, Luna, Dahyun, and Yuqi. The group debuted in August 2016 with the digital single “Whistle”.
“K-Pop? Really, Gareth?”
“I said not to judge!” Gareth shrugged, just as the music began starting, causing both of them to look up. Eddie’s ears were already beginning to ring from how loud the fans were screaming; he was used to hearing fans through his in-ear during shows, but this was on a whole other level. Eddie didn’t pay much attention until he noticed the cropped t-shirt on one of the members, recognising the design and logo.
His heart skipped a beat, his mouth dropping open as he looked at Gareth who took the words right out of his mouth, leaning over to shout directly into his ear. “Yup, that’s a Corroded Coffin shirt, she’s a massive fan.”
Eddie chuckled a little to himself, shouting back into Gareth’s ear. “Maybe this won’t be so bad.”
After a couple of songs, the group began their introduction, all speaking in perfect unison and bowing to the still screaming audience. “Hello, we are Chain Reaction!”
A girl with dyed dark blue hair spoke up first, clearly showing her leader position. “Hello, Coachella, my name is Yoohyeon and I’m so thankful you all came out to see us!”
The crowd screamed as a response, causing the group to laugh and clap long. Then you spoke up, your long blonde hair making you stand out against the other members. “Hello, everyone,” you began, and Eddie’s heart instantly melted at your soft voice, especially at your accent. “My name is Luna, and I hope you enjoy the show.” You bowed a little, pulling down your shirt a little to make sure it wasn’t exposing too much.
As the other members introduced themselves, Eddie could hardly focus on them, he was far too interested in staring at you. He vaguely knew Yuqi had natural dark brown hair and Dahyun had dark purple hair – the only way he knew he could remember to tell them apart, probably a move from their manager so people could tell the difference.
Gareth noticed him staring, giving him a nudge. “Somebody’s got a crush.”
He glared back. “I just think she’s cute, completely not my type.”
Gareth gave him the look of “yeah, we’ll see about that”, already knowing that Eddie would at least attempt to hook up with you after the show. It was inevitable, it happened at any event or show he attended. The only thing Eddie Munson loved more than music, was women. It was rare if his hotel room didn’t have a groupie in it; and being the biggest rock band in the world meant there was an abundance of them wherever they went, Eddie would always have one on his arm by the end of the night.
Although the idea of you and Eddie together was adorable – a rock legend and a pop princess together? You’d be media darlings – although Gareth knew it would be like playing with fire. The fans of both of your groups would rip both of you and the relationship apart, the constant invasion of privacy from fans and the press alike would be almost unbearable.
But that’s the downside to being a public figure and dating someone just as well-known as you are.
Eddie wasn’t known for long term dating, either. The longest relationship Gareth had ever seen him in was his “high school sweetheart”, Chrissy Cunningham, only ended up lasting less than a year. Every other girl he’d been with wouldn’t last longer than a few weeks, he’d always blame it on his career, but Gareth knew that in reality, Eddie just didn’t want to be tied down to one person.
You, on the other hand, had no public relationship history. Being a K-Pop idol left almost no time for dating or even much of a social life outside of groupmates; and if a female idol was seen with a male idol outside of activities, fans would go wild and instantly assume they’re dating and usually boycott the idols for “betraying” them.
Once the group finished their final song; the crowd screamed and cheered, causing almost every member to look as if they were ready to burst into tears of happiness. The four of you joined hands to bow towards the audience as a thank you before you spoke up. “Coachella, we have been Chain Reaction; thank you very much and goodnight!”
Eddie kept his eyes on you, almost unable to take his eyes off you. You gave one last smile to the crowd, waving as you turned to lock eyes with Eddie. Even through the pandemonium that surrounded both of you, it all seemed to dissolve as if you were the only ones there.
You had to be almost dragged off the stage by your bandmates otherwise you would’ve spent all night just staring at Eddie. But even while you were being dragged off stage, you were desperately trying to find Eddie’s eyes again. You hoped you would be able to properly talk to him, even if you had to do it behind your manager’s back.
Backstage, the staff were cheering and applauding you and the band, giving their congratulations, and offering fans and water. You sprinted towards Yoohyeon, wrapping your arms tightly around your senior. The pair of you hugged tightly as you both broke down in floods of tears.
“This is all we ever dreamed of, unnie,” you sobbed, taking a tissue from a staff member to dab at your eyes, being careful not to ruin your makeup. Yoohyeon took the tissue from you and began trying to stop your tears. “I’m so proud of you.”
Yoohyeon laughed through her own tears, not caring if they ruined her makeup. “I’m proud of us, we’ve worked so hard for this, and you were perfect.”
You laughed a little through your tears, turning to the other two members and motioning them to come over and join in a group hug. Although there was only about a month between the two of you; Yoohyeon was definitely the older sister and mother of the group, and you were the baby sister who needed looking after and a lot of hugs.
You’d always been extremely close, even since your trainee days. Every night, you would tell each other that you’d debut together, no matter how hard you’d have to train or what you had to sacrifice.
But every member had sacrificed so much even to just get past the first audition; you’d given up school, friends, family, any chance of a normal life for one tiny shot at making it. But in that moment, all four of you knew that all the blood, sweat and tears you’d all poured into training was worth it. You’d all made it.
Walking arm in arm with Yoohyeon, the pair of you walked down the stairs to the artists area away from the stage, always looking back every few moments to check your younger bandmates were following behind both of you. You tapped Yoohyeon’s arm to stop her to let your members catch up, so all four of you could give your manager, Steve a celebratory hug.
As soon as you stepped into the artists area and saw Steve, you couldn’t control the excitement and relief of the performance; you screamed and sprinted towards him, jumping into his arms, and barely giving him enough time to catch you. You got on well with Steve, he became like a big brother to you and your fellow band members, even if he was a little strict with the four of you, but it certainly came out of a place of love and wanting the best for all of you.
“You were amazing out there,” Steve hugged you tightly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he slowly let you down out of his arms and handed you a water bottle with a straw in the top.
“Think we won ‘em over, boss?” You asked, smirking as you placed the straw in the side of your lips.
“Won them over? You guys have done more than that, Twitter is exploding, you’re the top five trends on Naver, you guys are all anyone’s talking about,” Steve grinned.
“We’ve made it!” You shouted in unison with your band mates, before all of you laughed and hugged. Sure, Chain Reaction was very successful in South Korea, but this was a whole new level of success and recognition. All eyes were on your group and despite that new level of pressure, you all thrived under it; the challenge was exciting to all of you.
Your bandmates took their seats and chatted excitedly amongst themselves, while you leaned against the wall, taking in every moment around you. You hadn’t even realised you’d zoned out until Eddie was stood in front of you. “I know I’m beautiful, but you could at least take a picture if you’re gonna look that much,” he smirked.
You blinked a million times in a second, partly to snap yourself out of your zoned out state but also partly because you could hardly believe your eyes that Eddie Munson – the Eddie Munson – was stood in front of you. You’d been starstruck almost ever since you arrived in California several days beforehand, but this was on a whole other level.
The memories of listening to Corroded Coffin late at night during your trainee days flashed through your mind a million miles an hour, how much their lyrics kept you going when you thought you might quit and how you’d spend so much of your free time watching their performances, hooked on Eddie’s stage presence.
And now he was here in front of you, talking to you.
It was all so surreal.
You blinked again, clearing your throat. “Sorry, I completely zoned out.”
Eddie laughed, nodding his head. “Happens to a lot of people, did you wanna get out of here? Go somewhere a little quieter?”
You nodded and before you could even say a word, Eddie took your hand and led you out of the area and around the back of the crowds of staff and tents, towards Corroded Coffin’s tour bus. You somewhat wanted to protest but you weren’t about to stop this once in a lifetime chance to talk with Eddie, so you kept your mouth shut as he opened the door for you to get inside before following you inside.
“Don’t worry, everyone else is enjoying the festival, they’re not gonna be back for a while. Can I get you a drink?” He asked, moving past you towards a small fridge.
You bit your bottom lip as you walked through the bus, taking a seat at the table. “Just some water
 or a Coke if you have it.”
“Lucky for you,” he pulled the fridge door open and pulled out a water bottle and a small can of Coke, placing both on the table before sitting down opposite you. “I have both.”
You smiled softly as you took both drinks, taking a long sip of the cold water. “I suppose I haven’t really introduced myself; everyone calls me Luna,” you held out your hand towards Eddie.
Instead of shaking it, he took it and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. “And what’s the name your mother gave you? Not the name the company gave you.”
Blushing darkly, you whispered out your birth name. It had been so long since anyone had even asked your real name that “Luna” more or less became your real name. But Eddie seemed to actually want to get to know you, the kiss on the hand was just a cherry on top.
“Beautiful name,” he mused. “It suits you better than the crappy stage name they gave you. How’d you even allow it to happen?”
You laughed softly as you took your hand back, wrapping it around the Coke can. “I was sixteen and very naïve when I came to Korea.”
“You were only sixteen?”
You nodded. “I auditioned for the company when I was about sixteen and then I moved to South Korea a few months later, it all happened pretty fast when I look back at it. I debuted when I was twenty.”
He sat back in the chair. “Looks like we debuted at the same age, I was twenty when our first album came out.”
“I never realised that! I listened to you guys throughout my whole trainee period, it really helped keep the passion for music alive for me.”
He smiled softly. “Well I’m glad it helped at least one person, that’s all that matters honestly. So
 tell me more about you.”
You smiled back at him, leaning forward in your chair to get closer to him, beginning to babble about yourself, all the while he just looked at you with such care in his eyes, hooked on your every word.
After almost an hour, talk got to your company and just how hard it was being an idol. “Under contract, we’re not allowed to; drive, buy a car, smoke, drink, date, go clubbing, get plastic surgery, get tattoos, travel for a holiday, write and produce our own music, have control over our own money or our image. We can’t even show our faces in vlogs our friends have made.”
He raised his eyebrows. “I’m pretty sure that’s slavery.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Trust me, this is heaven compared to how contracts used to be.”
He chuckled a little, placing a hand over yours. “Listen, I should let you get back to your members or your manager might have my head, but could I get your number and we could do this again sometime?”
You smiled, nodding. “Of course.”
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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TV Guide Dan Vol.48, July 2023 Issue ft. Aoto Watanabe x Yuhei Chiwata, Masashi Ikeda (full translation below)
Publication: July 31, 2023 (between episodes 22-23)
Aoto Watanabe x Yuhei Chiwata
"You two are currently appearing in "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger." Would you please describe each other's role to us?"
Watanabe: Chiwata-san plays Shiokara, someone who is straightforward with his feelings. He's not an overly proud person, but when he like something, he expresses it with his whole body, as if saying "I love it!" But, he also has the strength to speak up when he thinks something is wrong, and is able to show his weaknesses. Compared to the character I play, Yanma (Gast), he has a different sense of direction. He's someone that everyone wants to follow.
Chiwata: You've really been paying attention. That makes me happy. Yanma, played by Aoto, is just super cool! However, he's not very strong. Well, he does have the kind of qualities most women would be attracted to. Of course, as president, he has the leadership skills to keep N'Kosopa in order, but he's also intelligent and technologically capable. Actually, when I first meet Aoto, I though he was real manly.
Watanabe: You serious?!
Chiwata: I thought he was an honest person who disliked corruption. I feel like I'm very close to Yanma in those aspects, so I can't imagine anyone other than Aoto playing him.
Watanabe: Thank you so much! But, in some ways, there are also similarities between Chiwata-san and Shiokara.
Chiwata: Eh?! There is?!
Watanabe: Chiwata-san has excellent communication skills. He has more of an ability to connect with people. Even when we're on set, Chiwata-san's surroundings are always lively.
"What's the relationship between Watanabe-kun and Chiwata-kun?"
Watanabe: Out of all the members in King-Ohger, Chiwata-san is the one I've meet the most in my private time.
Chiwata: Yeah. We go out together to the saunas, to have dinner, and even to have a few drinks after work. We'll also visit each others houses.
Watanabe: It makes me happy~.
Chiwata: I said to him, "We're going to be filming together for a year, so you don't have to worry about acting formal or being so self conscious."
Watanabe: In the beginning, I challenged myself to speak casually to him. But as expected, it just didn't feel right to me

Chiwata: For awhile, you definitely talked to me as if we were already close friends. However, I got the feeling it was only because you were trying to be considerate, as I told you to not worry about formalities (laughs).
Watanabe: (laughs). I really tried my best, but not only is Chiwata-san older than me, he's had more stage experience than me, so I ended up going back to using honorifics. But, it's not a formal honorific. What's more, when I'm on set getting my pompadour (Yanma's hairstyle) ready, I become so absorbed in my role that I may start talking to him in a casual manner.
"By the way, what do you usually call each other?"
Watanabe: For me, I take the "Wa" from Chiwata and call him "Wassan." But, I can't remember, how did I come to call you that?
Chiwata: When I asked Aoto, "What do other people call you?," He said, "Aoto." I said, "Well then, I'll call you Aoto too." I then told him, "For me, I'm rarely called by my first name." Aoto said, "Okay then, I'll call you by a nickname that no one else calls you, so let me think about it."
Watanabe: Did I really say that?!
Chiwata: Yeah, but it makes me happy when you call me by such an original name.
Watanabe: That's good then~ (laughs)
"Do you usually communicate through LINE?"
Watanabe: One time, I was so moved after reading the script, I sent a LINE, right? I wrote, "Did you read the script for episode 10 yet? I cried so much!"
Chiwata: In episode 10, there's a scene where Shiokara encourages Yanma. After that LlNE message, when we met on set, he said, "That scene, let's go shoot it for real."
Watanabe: That's right!
Chiwata: It's definitely a touching scene, so I thought it would be great if we could also make it a good scene together. However, on the day of shooting that scene, when I arrived on the set, Aoto gave off an aura that said, "Nobody come near me!," as he was concentrating on the scene by himself. I went to the set with my own plan in mind, but I thought it would be better not to tell Aoto, so I only told Director Kato (Hiroyuki) about my plan and continued on.
Watanabe: I'm so sorry (bitter smile). That scene, I was more invested in it than anyone else.
Chiwata: As a result, the scene turned out to be very good due to Aoto's strong feelings. I'm happy that the viewers responded so well to it.
"Based on the conversations so far, I can tell that the two of you are very close, so do you ever talk about love?"
Chiwata: Hmmm, We've never had such deep conversations before have we?
Watanabe: We haven't. But in my opinion, I think a younger woman would be a good match for Wassan. I think a relationship in which Wassan goes out with someone alittle out of his element would help balance it out.
Chiwata: Really? For me, I think that a man like Aoto, with his strong beliefs, could handle both older and younger people, Aoto will make older people want to, "Go for it!" and younger people want to say, "I'll follow him."
Watanabe: Is that right? (shining). Well then, let's "check our answers!"
Chiwata: Regardless of their gender, my motto is, "spoil the older ones as much as you want, and spoiler the younger ones as much as you can." I can get along with older people, even if we're 20-30 year apart, but when it comes to people around my own age, I don't know how to relate to them. I have very few friends my own age, with the exception of my hometown and high school friends.
Watanabe: I see. I think I prefer those older then me. Or rather, I'd like someone with a higher intelligence compaired to me. If anything, I think I'm the type of person who likes to spoil myself. Even if I'm spoiled by someone, I usually have a pretty firm grasp on things, so it's only then that I'm emotionally moved.
Chiwata: So, are you saying you're not good with women who purposely act all cute and clumsy?
Watanabe: I think they're fun as a friend, but when it comes to dating, it's abit

Chiwata: I see. For example, what would you do if a girl you thought as just a friend confessed her feelings for you?
Watanabe: I can only imagine, but I would never go from friend to a girlfriend.
Chiwata: Eh! I can totally see it though (laughs). I don't have a strong obsession with ones appearance, so if I think someone's attractive, then that's OK too.
Watanabe: Huh! As expected, Wassan is dedicated and doesn't sweat the small things.
"As we move forward, King-Ohger continues to become more and more exciting. Are there any situations you'd like to play as the duo of Yanma and Shiokara?"
Chiwata: How about the two of us switching roles? I have the appearance of Yanma, but on the inside, I'm still Shiokara (laughs).
Watanabe: Oh, sounds interesting! Actually, aren't there always scenes where the Yanma is pulling Shiokara along? How about on other hand, there are scenes where Shiokara does things that Yanma isn't good at. For example, instead of Yanma, who's weak at fighting, Shiokara is an insanely strong fighter. I wish there were times where we could show those things in a cool way.
Chiwata: That sounds good too. Until now, there are times where I've though, like right now, "It would be interesting if there was a scene like this." I never mentioned it, but the screenwriter, Takamina-san (Takano Mizuto), he always writes the perfect scenes! So, I think there's a chance it might come true.
Watanabe: That's right! So, from now on, don't take your eyes off King-Ohger!!
Masashi Ikeda
"Ikeda-kun is currently playing the role of Jeramie Brasieri in King-Ohger. What kind of character do you see in him?"
Ikeda: He's 2,000 years old and is the story teller of the story on the planet Chikyu, where the show takes place. Also, he's a man born between a human and a Bagnarak (unusual shaped creatures who live underground and are hostile to the King-Ohgers). When the role was first explained to me, my first question was, "What does it mean to be 2,000 years old?" (laugh). I carefully play the part of how he thinks and looks at the world, as he's lived a long time. Because it's an unusual situation, I had a hard time in the beginning, but he's a character that makes you think about a variety of things, so it's a role that's both challenging and exciting to play.
"The unusual nature of his role as the additional warrior, while also participating as a narrator since the first episode, has became a topic of discussion."
Ikeda: Actually, I still feel uncomfortable when I hear my own voice narrating on air, so I'm very happy to hear people say, 'Your voice is nice." As for my voice, I try to focus on making it resonate and be easy to listen to. At first, I couldn't do it well, but with practice, I gradually became able to do deep breathing as well. The voice of Jeramie as the storyteller, and the voice of Jeramie when he speaks his mind, are done in different ways.
"What was the response from the people around you?"
Ikeda: When my family members watched Episode 11 for the first time, they all commented, "You're so cool!" At the end of Episode 12, it becomes clear that his character is to make others read between the lines. On the show's cast blog I wrote, "I love Jeramie!" It was funny when my older brother read it and said, "Jeramie is a person who makes you read between the lines, but here, you're saying "I love you" so bluntly!" (laughs).
"Your family seems to be very supportive of you. What's the atmosphere on set like?"
Ikeda: The 6 main cast members as well as the staff are always in a good mood, and we have great communication, so we're always having fun. We go on and off, talking about the show itself and various others things. We have a competition to see who can get the new script first, and the first person to do so would upload a selfie with a funny face along with the script to our 6 member group LlNE (laughs). I think it was (Watanabe) Aoto-kun who started it. Aoto-kun, I always call him "Nabe-chan," we get along well, often telling jokes, and I always think they're so funny. When shooting ends for the day, we sometimes go out to eat together.
"You seem to get along well with everyone."
Ikeda: The staff are all very nice, they'll often make sure to ask me, "Are you ready?," or even talk to me in a way that mimics Jeramie's way of speaking! I guess Jeramie's lines are easy to say (laughs). It makes me happy knowing that Jeramie's character is loved so much.
"Are there any surprising aspects of your co-stars that you have discovered during your time together, such as during filming?"
Ikeda: As mentioned earlier, Nabe-chan (Aoto) is completely different on and off the job. I also feel that there's a gap between (Yuzuki) Hirakawa-san, and her role of Rita Kaniska. Rita's character is cool, but Hirakawa-san talks so much that you could say she is the complete opposite of them.
"What's the most difficult part about filming?"
Ikeda: Throughout the year, I've been struggling every day to pursue the value of being able to play one role, and the depth of the story that accompanies it. I'm always thinking of ways in which to make Jeramie look more appealing. But, there is no right answer, so it continues to be a daily battle. One more thing
I'm also fighting with my back! In Jeramie's transformation scene, there's an action where I bend backwards, but I have a very stiff back. I'm really bending over as far as I can, but the director says, "Yes, keep bending!" (laughs). In the movie "Adventure Heaven," which is currently in theaters, there's a transformation scene, so I massaged my lower back in the bath and did some muscle training before the shoot, and I got the "OK" with just one take.
"Ikeda-kun, Please tell us about yourself. How did you decide to enter the entertainment industry?"
Ikeda: I moved to Tokyo when I entered university, and I originally had a strong interest in the entertainment industry. In my third year, when I was struggling with all the influences of Tokyo, I was approached by my current agency and decided to become an actor. I'm a country boy from Tokushima, and I always felt like the movies and TV shows I had watched since I was a child were "sparkling." When I came to Tokyo, I thought, "This is the place where I can challenge myself."
"Objectively speaking, what kind of personality do you think you have?"
Ikeda: I think I have an optimistic personality. Sometimes I can be negative, but I try my best not to be. Also, when I was a student, I was often told that I, "Don't seem to talk much" or "Seemed cool" when first meeting people, but in reality, I'm the type of person you can't get to stop talking once I've started!
"So you're an extrovert. What was your life like when you were a student?"
Ikeda: I played soccer from elementary school all the way through my 3rd year of high school, and was performing in a band at the same time. I started playing the drums when I was in my 6th year of elementary school. In addition, I also worked hard in my studies, aiming to excel in everything. I don't currently play soccer, but I'd prefer to play it myself rather than watch the games on TV. I do continue to play the drums though. I try to play an instrument when I need to refresh myself, as it helps me to vent my stress.
"What kind of life do you live when you have days off from filming?"
Ikeda: I like watching movies and dramas and playing games. As a result, I'm basically an indoor person on my days off. As long as I can enjoy eating it, I'll also cook for myself. I've been practicing making pasta since I was a student, and even now still make it occasionally. I also like to make grilled onigiri!
"If Ikeda-san has a type of woman he likes, what type would that be?"
Ikeda: I want someone who is a kind person, and who will also listen to me. It would be ideal if we could go out together to various places. I'm not good at returning messages through LINE. That's why I'm much better at talking over the phone or in person. If it's someone I like, I might try to get the conversation going, and then make a detour into asking them out (laughs).
"Please tell us about your future plans as an actor. Is there a genre of work that you'd like to appear in?"
Ikeda: I want to be an actor with an appealing worldview and personality. My goal is to be the kind of person who makes people wonder in excitement, "What would happen if Masashi Ikeda played this role?" In terms of genre, I'd like to work in a dialog heavy drama
like "Quartet," which is a mix of suspense and everyday life. I'm still fighting every day, due to many challenges I want to take on. I want to thank everyone for their support, and to please continue to look out for me!
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mochamicheong · 2 months
reworking ocs. makoto my little princess
no like without reblog !
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biographical information:
name : makoto shimizu
nicknames : mako, makoko
gender : not really. (he/they)
age : 19
birthday : april 9th
star sign : leo
height : 186 cm
hair color : slate blue with light blue tips
eye color : blue-ish yellow
professional status :
dorm : relinookton ( @hourglassstationacademy )
school year : third year
class : 3-C
occupation : part-time seamster, student
club : art and photography club
best subject : languages, literature, dark artes
fun facts :
sexuality : achillean asexual
dominant hand : ambidextrous
favorite food : unsure of it.
least favorite food : unsure of it.
likes : mathematical analysis and equations, literature and arts, his cats, all of the others are unfound yet.
dislikes : unsure of it.
hobbies : designing and sewing, painting, taking care of his cats, using his umbrella
talents : precise aiming at targets, switching up his demeanor, dodging, taking care of kittens or children, painting, quite a lot.
personality (featuring a bit of backstory)
makoto has no allegedly real personality, as he just fakes all his way through interactions to appeal to people. this came from when he started to please people, so long he forgets his identity; feeling numb and empty, with no sign of who he was before all of this.
as it goes on, he has emotional unstablity and impulsive behaviour, as well as difficulties maintaining his anger, and suicidals thoughts and intentions do appear. makoto has an explosive episode of anger, lashing out at his other dorm members when he gets super overwhelmed.
makoto has 6 cats. he adopted four and then the kittens and cats just kept multiplying and multiplying.
makoto has a sleep-wake disorder, or specifically, narcolepsy, and he often shows symptoms of it; automatic behavior, sleep attacks, cataplexy. He often takes naps throughout breaks.
makoto pays a lot of attention to even the smallest details. this is what makes his criticism precise and constructive to the point, as he focuses on the mistakes entirely.
makoto usually wears glasses when measuring or reading, as he has myopia (near-sightedness).
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ryohell · 1 year
ËË‹Â°â€ąâ€âž·Douma with demon!reader
  à©ˆâ™ĄËł Reader: Gender Neutral
  à©ˆâ™ĄËł Warning(s): Fluff also Douma is a bit possessive
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       ❄  There's two likely ways you've two met, when you were human and he turned you into a demon or you both met when you were already a demon. If you were human, he likely got attached and because he knows how fragile human life can be he decided turning you into a demon to spend life eternally with him was the best choice.
  ❄  If you were already a demon when you two met, then you stumbled into his Eternal Paradise Cult looking for a meal, not knowing that place was owned by Upper Moon 2. Words couldn't describe how terrified you were coming into contact with him, but he didn't mind because he knew you couldn't touch a hair on his body, so instead he helped you to the meal he had already prepared for himself. You were grateful for his generosity, and he told you to come back any time.
   ❄ Douma treats you like royalty and makes sure everyone else does too, especially the cult members. If he hears anyone speaking badly about you or to you... huh, for some reason they've disappeared... He doesn't let anyone land a finger on you.   ❄ Even though you most likely can hunt for yourself, he takes a certain time out of his day or, I suppose, most likely night to prepare a feast for you to eat. You'll never have to worry about hunger again with him; he'll always pick the best humans for you.   ❄ One of his love languages is touch; he'd greet you with a hug, a kiss, or both at the same time. He can be quite clingy at times too; if you're away from him for too long, he'll go out himself, trying to find where you went and bring you back. Good luck getting out of his clutches. "You were gone for far too long! I had to make sure you were okay."
  ❄ On certain days of the week, he spoils you for the entire evening, and nobody is permitted to interfere. Douma enjoys hearing about your worries or anything that has recently happened to you; he makes a great listening buddy. However, don't count on him to offer good advice. He enjoys spending a lot of his time cuddling with you. Embracing you gives him an emotion he's never experienced and can't put into words, but it's a comforting feeling considering how cold he can be a lot of the time.   ❄ Douma enjoys giving presents! He pays close attention to what his partners enjoy and will go out of his way to acquire a lot of it, such as a particular flower. He'll now spend the majority of the evening attempting to obtain said flower for you.   ❄ If it's clothing, he enjoys watching you try it on and wants the world to see how stunning you are. He'll either get it for you or he'll make one of his followers acquire it, so if you want anything, just ask. Every time he shows you something he thought you'd like, he looks forward to seeing your face light up; your smile gives him a heartache in a good way.   ❄ Douma doesn't really grasp what love is, but he followed the advice of his followers and read books to better understand how to care for and meet your needs. Every time he's near you, his heart beats faster, and he always wears a smile that everyone thinks is fake on his face. However, he isn't forcing it; it just happens without him knowing.   ❄ He is still unfamiliar with the new emotions he's experiencing, but according to the research he's done, they are brought on by his love for you. You're the reason he feels after all these centuries; he doesn't want to ever let you go."I don't know what's wrong with me, but whenever I'm close to you, my heart starts to feel strange. Oddly enough, I don't dislike the sensation. Is this what others refer to as love?”
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♡ Thanks for reading  ♡  
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saintsenara · 3 months
đŸ–€, đŸ€ and 💀, please!
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thank you very much for the asks, anons plus @poetryandbloods-blog!
which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
i mean, given the level of reading comprehension in this fandom, pretty much all of them... with snape and dumbledore at the top of the pile.
but i'm going to go for a female character, for fun and profit, and say... petunia dursley.
petunia is - like vernon - primarily a children's literature archetype - the wicked stepmother/aunt/guardian who is constantly trying to assert authority over the child-hero, with very little success. she has to be pretty one-note - shrill and cruel and demonstrably non-maternal [and performatively womanly because she's innately unfeminine] - because it's what the narrative conventions which govern her demand.
but, nonetheless, when we look at her without the restrictions of these genre conventions, there's a lot about petunia which can be used to contextualise her actions in the series with rather more nuance than they're often afforded.
when petunia is - at most - twenty-four, she has no parents, her sister is dead, she's at home all day with one toddler [and she appears to have no other social support when it comes to caring for dudley], and she's just had another toddler dumped upon her in incredibly traumatic circumstances.
vernon appears to be considerably older than her - him complaining in the very first chapter of philosopher's stone about how "young people" dress doesn't make sense if he's in his twenties as well, and i tend to imagine that he's at least fifteen [if not twenty] years older than his wife, meaning that, since they apparently married before lily and james, petunia was twenty-two at most when they tied the knot and vernon was anywhere between thirty-seven and forty-two. vernon is also from a higher social class than she is - and so much about her canon behaviour can be explained by recognising how nervous she is about not disappointing him by revealing to their neighbours that her class-performance is a pretence, rather than something she was born into.
this isn't to deny her agency in her decisions - she is, of course, also confined in a prison which is directly of her own making [the bland domesticity of her perfect little house, all of which is an artifice constructed so she doesn’t have to admit how deeply she once longed to be magic] - and nor is it to deny that her treatment of harry is wrong.
but it's important to note that nothing is completely black-and-white. petunia's cruelty is intertwined with an obvious loneliness - which is only compounded by the twin societal monsters of class and gender conventions.
and she makes a great subject for a nuanced character study, and i'd love to see more!
which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
hagrid, who is a death eater.
if you had to choose one major character to die, who would you pick?
answered here.
what is a popular [serious] theory you disagree with?
"black family madness".
while many mental illnesses - and the personality traits which can be contributing factors to them - run in families, and while i'm interested in the idea that sirius' depression when he's trapped in grimmauld place mirrors walburga's own after he leaves home in a way which can be thought of as inherited, i really dislike the idea that there's some sort of inherent madness running through the black family like a generational curse.
this fanon attributes anything bad done by a member of the family - especially a female one - to madness. which is obviously an inaccurate and stigmatising approach to mental illness - but which i also think is also a very dull way of examining the cyclical, generational thread of prejudice and restriction which runs through the blacks in canon.
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