#the vibes are just off m'lady
richardtrager · 10 months
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Planned starter for @vampyrra
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Richard Trager isn't one to fly in blind. He's a risk taker, sure, but risk involves come calculation, right? Everyone knows that. In the case of sniffing out who's got some loose change rolling around in their pockets or those select few whose billfolds are open and begging to empty themselves, it takes research. In fact, the Murkoff Corporation in particular likes to do some background checks on potential donors. They're looking for donation history, political affiliations, levels of education...bank numbers...socials. Who knows how deep they go? And who cares, really? The company likes to keep themselves informed and so does he. One of the many things they have in common. Richard doesn't have to dig too deep to understand what kind of benefactor they've got on their hands and he has approaches for each. Once he knows who they are, he has them. Doesn't take much work, truth be told. A little good cop bad cop routine, a little softening up, some big promises....and bingo!
In this case though, there wasn't much to find. He's used to people being PR trained, secretive, and selective with accessible information of course. He doesn't blame them! Who knows what kind of fucking sickos are out there trying to take a free peek in to your private life but he's never encountered a broad quite like this. There was plenty of information to be found on the woman. In fact, her name is plastered across seemingly every internet search remotely related to blood research...but there's a whole lot of nothing. Plenty of talk, no substance. He'd done his due diligence too. Even enlisted the help of some of the no names down in IT. Nothing.
So, tonight, despite his best efforts, he's going in blind as a bat. Kind of exciting, isn't it? A good old fashioned challenge. He likes that. "Think fast." Rick says, tossing his car keys to the valet without a second glance, passing the small line at the entryway to the Rioja and into the building itself. It's a nice place, the Rioja, a hotspot for the corporate elite and anyone who wants to pay $36.00 for a square of over seasoned chicken. It's cozy enough to (hopefully) get someone to open their hearts, minds, and checkbooks but classy enough that the atmosphere keeps you on your toes.
"Table for two....Trager." He says with a winning smile and holding up two digits, laying it on thick for the hostess. She's nothing to look at, but she's got the keys to the castle as they say and Rick wants to make good time getting to the table before Carlotti gets there first. As the hostess leads him in the direction of his table, the executive checks his watch. No problem, he's early by fifteen. His comfortable smirk is cut off as he looks up, spotting a woman, all legs, sitting at the table already.
"Wow! Look at you...," he says brightly, eyes already trained on the woman's severe features as he slides past the hostess and takes his seat. She is something to look at. "Early bird gets the worm, as they say." Immediately, his coat is hung over the back of his chair, revealing his suit beneath. He's chosen something colorful but classic for the occasion; a light blue suit with an even lighter undershirt. The suit pulls over to his right, buttoning with an elegant sash. He's chosen gold accents as well and boy is he glad. She's absolutely loaded by the looks of it and he has no problem matching her energy.
"You certainly know how to keep a man on his toes...I'm Richard Trager." He reaches across the table for her hand, intending to shake. "We've spoken over email! And...I may be wrong, but you might have had a chat with my assistant?"
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saturnniidae · 2 months
oddly specific httyd headcanons part 2?
Warning; Most of these are about Hiccup and Astrid bc theyre my blorbos ultimate so sorry in advance if you were hoping for more abt the other riders.
I think Hiccup snorts when he laughs. Like really laughs, not just sarcastic chuckles (annual event). Also his voice is prone to cracking when he giggles.
Astrid is very strict about schedules/routines and finds them comforting. Sudden changes in plans make her upset but considering the nature of battle, it's something she's trained herself to better deal with (doesn't mean she's not gonna go scream into her pillow and throw things later)
She often has to remind Hiccup to eat because he gets so focused on tasks he forgets (average adhd grindset), and she's trying so hard to get Hiccup into having a better routine that focuses on him rather than just his scheduled dragon feeding and grooming regimen. It's a work in progress.
Astrid has a policy on never apologizing for things unless she caused them or can do something to help. To her it makes no sense to say 'im sorry' for something you've had no hand in, and pity is worth nothing. (Autistic ass mindset). She also is so awkward when it comes to comforting people, her face looks like she's constipated when she's concerned and often the best you'll get is an awkward pat on the back or hug (insane to me that in canon she's the 'motivational words gf' when that is So not accurate)
Hiccup gets the worst acne ever when he's on his period, he just has the vibes of someone who would yknow
Hiccup kind of hates communal meals in the great hall. The overlapping noises of so many people talking at once, cutlery scraping on plates, chewing, and benches scraping against the ground is actual torture. He much prefers the calmer atmosphere of dinners on Dragon's Edge
Hiccup would be the type of person to eat shit like sardines and olives on pizza but otherwise be a picky eater I think. Canonically Berks food tastes like shit, so the only thing he likes eating there is the fish. (The food they make on the Edge is so significantly better oh my god)
Hiccup not only snores absurdly loud (he gets it from stoick), but also talks in his sleep. Like fully talks. sometimes Astrid will humor him and respond. It scared the absolute shit out of her the first time they slept in the same room though
Fishlegs also talks and even walks in his sleep sometimes. He's been found wandering Dragon's Edge at night before
The first time Hiccup called Astrid 'M'lady' her face did a weird twitching thing and he was so worried he pissed her off but she was actually trying to figure out how to respond without showing how emotional it made her (him calling her that hits so much harder when you hc them as t4t, also I feel like Astrid's famliy just aren't the kind of people who often use terms of endearment like that)
Hiccup and Astrids first few kisses were actually like, really bad. A mess of their teeth clacking against each other and also horribly awkward since, yknow, they're kids. The first kiss Hiccup initiated he was so nervous he missed Astrid's mouth and had to try again 😭
Funnily enough, despite how eager he was to belive in mythical creatures as a child, Hiccups never been a particularly religious/faithful person and that just became more apparent after the events of When Lightning Strikes (he was So fed up)
Hiccup has that weird combo of being horribly touch starved (being isolated and unintentionally emotionally neglected for most of ur childhood does that) and also not being a huge fan of physical affection from others if he's not the one initating it. When people he's not already super comfortable with touch him or like hug him he freezes up like a deer in headlights
Hiccup learnt to speak French and Latin through frequent interactions with traders that came to Berk when he was younger, he liked hearing their stories and imaging going places far, far away from Berk (pre-httyd Era when he was still a social pariah) and despite his job at the smithy, Hiccup still had significantly more free time than his peers due to lack of training so he had to find other ways to entertain himself.
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dipperscavern · 15 days
Again, congratulations, 1k on tumblr is a pretty outstanding number 👏
I thiiink i might do a fortune telling? I'm quite curious what m'lady dipper thinks.
As mentioned previously i'm goth, i mostly stick to new wave and tradgoth so very late 70s/80s. I love drying and pressing flowers, riding (HORSES), drawing, reading and cooking. I'm 5'3, my hair is dyed black, i'm mid sized and my eyes are grey if literally any of that is relevant.
I really enjoy fucking with people i love being a little offputting to them on purpose, specially to men. I like going to the gym and doing weight lifting and i used to do MMA, gotta be able to defend my oomfies inboxes you know? What else... Right i'll keep this part simple, i'm a dom. Like sorry you're a man babe you're not gonna give me orders thats not how things work around here.
I think thats most of what matters, you dont need my life story or the rest of my hobbies to make this cause i have about 20 billion of those. Silently wishing for one sulky gentleman but we shall see. Your graces opinion is final. 🙇
PS i can FINALLY put the emoji cause i'm on my phone for once, yay!! Caw caw my liege
thank you very much!! join me at my crystal ball, my feathery friend 🔮
immediately i got cregan vibes from you. if you had a bit of a different style from the norm in the hotd universe he’d love that, and when you mentioned something about being a bit off-putting on purpose, i knew cregan would just adore you. cregan himself can be a bit (unintentionally) off-putting at times, and i think if he picked up on you doing that on purpose, he’d be simply enamored i fear. and the dom part… #CreganLovesStrongWomen — the bedroom dynamic would be a bit entertaining to think about, woukdnt it?? for once i’ll leave that to the imagination.
he’d love to go riding with you, little trail rides are y’all’s favorite quality time. and he’d definitely pick/point out flowers he’d think you might like to press <3 ca CAW CAW
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duchess-of-oldtown · 3 months
HotD Thoughts Season 2, Episode 4 "The Red Dragon and the Gold"
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
Daemon's nightmare sequences are top notch for ambience but can we dispense with the whole Daemon vs Rhaenyra?
We are getting The Lads.
Just Oscar being Oscar. Simon patting his lil shoulder.
I love Rhaenys hair this season.
Also her interaction with Alyn was excellent. There's so much unsaid but relayed and it's masterful.
The Grand Maester being slick af.
But Alicent firing off loaded questions, girl why are you trying to get the man beheaded??
Baela and Jace, serving face and the country.
Did we really need Corlys stepping into the Council just when Rhaenys was about to headbutt that old man?
I would have really liked to have seen Duskendale.
Lord Darklyn, reading that Cole Bitch, is top short king behaviour
Gwayne still being a lil bitch is iconic
Aegon throwing a tantrum at the Small Council, you kinda have to feel sorry for him, he is trying his best.
Aemond and Aegon fighting over the pins was peak sibling behaviour.
Aegon not knowing better Valyrian just makes me sad.
The Small Council watching them fight was hilarious, it's like Judgement Wimbledon
Alicent making ye olde heating pad
Larys "Feet Finder" Strong is really giving "m'lady" vibes today and it's giving me the eugh.
I did not care for the "Daemon-Aemond".
I just got to say it, Alys is too funny to end up with Aemond.
The Small Council are hilarious, they just don't give a fuck
Aegon vs Alicent was cruel because on one hand, he's really trying to do his best but he doesn't know how to do better and then he tells his mom and she just reads him, because she's hurting. It's giving Nero and Agrippina.
Criston Cole is that one manager who sees you finishing up early and decides to do a deep clean
Rhaenys, the Queen who never Was but Stood on Business.
Rhaenyra telling Jace about the Song of Ice and Fire is just *chef kiss*
This is why we needed more dragon time. Meleys and Rhaenys bonding, Sunfyre and Aegon bonding, it makes us care about the dragons too. We need more time with them.
Vhagar just needs naps, let her sleep. But the scene of her waking just reminds me of Jurassic Park.
Sunfyre is so pretty.
Rhaenys deciding to fucking end Aegon
The size difference of the three dragons, it just shows how terrifying they all are.
RHAENYS, I know how this ends but still, you're throwing fucking down, Visenya, Rhaenys, Rhaena and Alysanne would be proud of you
The little belt thing, FORESHADOWING
Meleys looking at her Rhaenys and Rhaenys looking at her 😔😔😔
A thousand arrows, a hundred fleeing soldiers, two dropped dragons, a decimated field and CRISTON COLE IS STILL FUCKING ALIVE
Sunfyre protecting Aegon 🥺🥺🥺
Rating: 9.8/10
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badsalmonella · 11 months
Unhinged Guinevere Lancelot propaganda:
- First of all I stan a dysfunctional ship so don't come at me with a write up about how they are not getting a good grade in couples counseling. That's the🤌🏼 SAUCE🤌🏼 for me
- They spends the middle section of the show exchanging catatonic levels of eye contact across a stage the size of a mega mall parking lot and honestly? It's nastier than whatever you can find me on pornhub. FACTS.
- The radioactive levels of VIBES he is giving off when he says "No one can refuse your wish~"
- but the SECOND they actually hook up my guy Lancelot is ON THE FLOOR. In his SLUTTY BLOUSE cross necklace CLUTCHED and Genny is like "....heyyyy..... you're a nice guy 🫤 but uhhhh......"
- If they existed in a modern context Lancelot would be like "post sex waffles???? Shaped like hearts??? M'lady???🥺" And Guinevere would be pulling on the pants, already half way out the door like "no." And Lancelot would idk do some true freak shit like put his hand on the pan to punish himself for low rizz levels
- "Your Majesty~" "jjjjaCk ass". I wish I was joking when I say I lost all class when I saw this live and let out a small yell in my seat AT THE LINCOLN CENTER.
- I do have a bootleg though where he immediately smirks after and I'm taking notes sweetheart. That's going in the diagnosis write up babe. <3
- We gotta unpack the exchange between Arthur and Genny where he calls her out like "uhhh??? I know you don't like the dude but your hate is obsessive 🤨"
- The fact that even Arthur knows what's up. Oh my GOD.
- The fact that Lancelot apparently just hangs out, outside rooms where Guinevere goes??? But also the second Arthur is like "she's actually coming here right now" he's getting the FUCK out of there.
- Guinevere twirling her hair around her finger like "ohhhh the knights will kill Lancelot? 😍 Murder him dead you say? And then what? 😏 Teehee"
- " yOU'LL OPEN WIDE HIM? 😩💦" I'm also putting that in the notes too girlie.
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- Guinevere is like if someone doesn't make me come in the next 5 seconds I'm gonna start killing hostages and Lancelot is like "hey what if no nut November was every month? :)" but that doesn't stop them #lovewins
- I'm constantly torn between I think if Genny called him the specialest lil guy who's going to heaven he'd insta-nut, but also I think you'd get similar results if she called him the saddest wet napkin of a man. Thoughts? Vote below! Kidding
- I KNOW that potato show they attended had RADIOACTIVE vibes. Families were probably there just to see the qualities of a prize winning potato and they were out here idk rubbing pinkies and going on about how King Arthur doesn't give them enough attention :(((
- THE FACT THAT Guinevere is like "why won't someone become ridiculously obsessed with me? :/" and then Lancelot does and she's like "oh GOD not like that" and then he's like "oh ok then I'll leave" and she's like "NOT LIKE THAT EITHER". <3 I love her and she's never done anything wrong ever<3
- I think if we gave them facebook in the middle point of the events of the show, they would be THE MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE on your feed.
- Courtly love is really just medieval edging if you think about it.
- I like how the moment that broke these two, where they decided they couldn't hold back any longer is them speaking mediocre French. He said "terriblement" like THAT and she was like "uGH. I can't NOT fuck him"
- The fact that WAY too many people are aware of their thirst. They just do this shit. In PUBLIC. IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN.
- And I haven't even brought up the King Arthur of it all.... The fact that the guy who likes BIRDS gets around more than these two. INSANE.
- who calls the other Arthur in bed by accident? CALL THE NUMBER BELOW TO CAST YOUR VOTE
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sakumz · 2 years
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 ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ blend+ x fem reader ]
tw❗: none
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having heard of the new shuffle unit, you decide to pay a visit to the cafe owned by the five idols who will be temporarily working their part.
" welcome m'lady " tsukasa greets which makes you let out a small giggle.
" you're definitely playing your role well huh? " to which he smiles in return.
shu sends you a small smile when you come up to greet him at the counter. he looks like he definitely fit the role of a batista if he wasn't an idol. (HELP ME HE DEFINITELY WOULD WORK WONDERS WITH THE LATTE DESIGNS THINGY)
" my, y/n! take a seat here. " yuta says as he grabs your wrist, pulling your attention away from the counter to a random seat. koga then comes along to hand you the menu, with a nervous smile plaster on his face.
" ehem, woman! what would you like? " he starts.
" oogami-san, you should use 'lady' instead of woman. you make it sound like y/n-nee did something horrible and it does give off an evil vibe the more you think about it... " the red haired knight scolded.
" HAH??? I didn't mean it that way... but now that you mentioned it, it does feel wrong since we're playing the roles of waiters and something else... well then, lady l/n my apologies what would you like to have?" koga says as he took paper and pen to write out your order.
" I like this side of koga hahaha, you look too adorable. Well then, I'll have the sundae, " you say with a smile as koga takes the order.
" anyways y/n, what brings you to the set? " shu asked from the counter as he continues to wipe the cups.
" well anzu told me you guys would be free at this time and the camera crew isn't here to film yet the owner of the cafe entrust the cafe to you guys and allowed you to do whatever you want with the ingredients ah I'm saying too much anyways anzu wanted you guys to get the role well so here am I, your number one customer "
" well that's nice of anzu, " tsumugi says as he walked out of the kitchen with freshly baked goods with yuta following behind and koga serving you the sundae.
shu then place a bunch of cups filled with lattes on the table with tsukasa helping him carry the cups too. yuta and tsumugi settles themselves next to you after placing some baked pastries on the table while koga takes a seat opposite from you.
there yall started conversing random topics till the camera crew as well as the producer comes to start the filming set for the mv.
a/n : BRO THE NEW MV EVERYTHINF JUST FITS SO SO WELL, you could say the group was well blended indeed. also shu and tsumugi screentime 💞💞💞💞 koga, tsukasa snd yuta so cute too 🤭🤭
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Boy Bands In 5 Minutes (post 1/2)
I really love this video (even though I'm not originally familiar with all the songs), and there is so much stuff that happens on screen that either I would have to limit the amount of screencaps I take (and where's the fun in that?), or just break it up into two parts (maybe more, we'll see how we go).
This video premiered in June 2019, Geoff was in charge of both the arrangement and the video, and this includes 14 songs!!! And there are different outfits for every single one! Which is why this'll be broken into multiple posts.
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Starting off with a very quick snippet of I Want You Back by NSYNC...
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...which transitions into I Want You Back by Jackson 5! (Also I want all of their shirts)
Got some fairly simple choreography (or simple-looking at least, apart from the very precise group timing), which often has me dancing along with them! 😄
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Also lol rip Layne
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The Beatles! (except it's a Fab Five, not the Fab Four!) Layne is Ringo, the drummer, of course, and I wanna say Geoff is being Paul McCartney, since he plays bass guitar, but Geoff's air guitar isn't left-handed. And Earl and J are just vibing
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Looking sharp there, boys! 👌
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"Wait where did my backup performers the other guys go?"
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"You should see the size of his wallet!"
Left to right we have Ashley Jacobson, Cyndi Stein (I hope I didn't get them mixed up), Nick Perez, and Kathy Castellucci. The Voiceplay spouses!
First of all, appreciation for a very smooth transition:
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And second of all, appreciation for those red blazers, they are absolutely styling (and Geoff especially looks really good okay bye)
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To whoever had the idea to make the guys do the Single Ladies choreo for Walk Like A Man: I love you 😂
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This move is NOT EASY. I've tried it, and yeah I could get about as far down as Earl, despite having a few more physical advantages. J None killed it (made it look easy even), but Geoff actually did a pretty good job of it too (also how tight were those pants, I wanna know) (and rip Layne falling over)
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"oh thank god we don't have to do any dancing for this bit"
Not always a fan of fedoras, but yeah nah yeah I can vibe with it here (also J is wearing glasses here!)
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"M'lady" (I'm sorry)
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"Never trust a big butt and a smile" (the immediate contrast/juxtaposition here is just-)
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Love the shoes! Also the choreography for this bit is harder than it looks
Okay well this is the halfway mark of the video (half of the songs anyway), so this is where I'll break it off and make a second part, which you can go to here!
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manty-monster · 1 year
i think it's funny how there's always at least the one cis dude chaser in any given large enough t4t group/gathering/server, and they always give off the worst vibes ever.
just the most softboy manipulator "m'lady" stuff you can imagine. The fight or flight vibes, off the charts.
dude if you're not gonna transition, just tell me you'd murder me, offer me drugs, get some tattoos, and spit in my mouth. don't do it like this
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dontsh0vethesun · 3 years
Dance With Me
Pairing - Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary - 5 times you and Natasha shared a dance and the 1 time it meant the most.
Warnings - angst and violence but pretty much just fluff and kind of humour vibes ig also swearing.
Word Count - 5648
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Dance Lessons
"Ouch." Natasha muttered, smile tugging at her lips.
"I'm so sorry, Nat." You laughed, regaining your footing in the high heels you'd been provided with.
"It's fine but I'd prefer to get through this with no broken toes." She reassured, giggle falling from her lips as she adjusted back into position, her one hand entwined with yours and the other loosely resting on your waist. You mirrored her position, both of you clamping your mouths closed to stifle laughs at the look of utter annoyance on the dance instructor's face.
The pair of you were to go to a mission undercover at a masquerade ball, a cliche if ever you'd heard one, you honestly didn't even realise they were a real thing that rich people did. The both of you had the most experience in espionage and those were the exact skills necessary to obtain the relevant intel, the only thing is: you had to fit in. And to fit in you couldn't be fumbling around with four left feet so Tony had hired an instructor to teach you to waltz and apparently salsa.
The waltz was a breeze for you both, the ballet experience definitely helping in the way your feet should glide across the floor but the quick pace of the salsa had you tripping over your heels.
"Just relax into it. Let the music flow through your body, into your hips, your feet." He spoke, hips moving in time to the music. "Get lost in your partner's eyes, become one and just move together."
That was easy to do, you thought. You'd often find yourself mesmerised by the delicate hues of green, emerald, of Natasha's eyes, her dark lashes against her skin. And right now a light sheen of sweat sat on her forehead, red wisps of hair stuck to her bare skin, no makeup covering the sporadic speckles against her cheeks.
You stared into one another's eyes, soft smiles tugging at your lips. You didn't let yourself shy away from the eye contact like you've done so many times before, fearing she'd see the crush you'd been harbouring for an embarrassingly long time
You let the music guide your movements, feet moving in perfect time with hers, gaze never wavering. In the peripherals of your vision you could see a small smile curving her lips upwards, teeth gently biting into her bottom lip as she always does when in deep concentration.
"That's it. Your bodies work so well together, passion like fire." The instructor muttered, relieved you'd finally got the hang of the moves, slightly amazed at how well you were dancing. You're sure you noticed a pink blush creep into her cheeks at his words.
The Masquerade Ball
"Okay, so me and Sam are gonna be by the bar just in case." Steve spoke, handing you both the comms to push into your ears. "Avoid contact as much as possible, we don't really want a scene."
"Yes mom." You answered rolling your eyes - he'd gone over this ten too many times now - making Sam and Natasha scoff though they held back their laughs at Steve's serious expression.
The four of you made your way into the venue and you could hardly keep your eyes off Natasha, her figure hugged perfectly in a deep green dress, hem brushing just above her knees, a matching mask over her eyes with black lace details. The glow from the ostentatious chandelier hanging from the high ceilings highlighted her skin in the most delicate way, muscular arm linked with yours as you walked side by side.
She walked you over to where couples were already dancing to the music from the string quartet, spinning you to be standing in front of her. She bowed mockingly with a smirk tugging at her gloss painted lips as she offered you her outstretched hand, "M'lady." She teased making you laugh as you lay your hand in hers, your other falling to her waist just as rehearsed.
Your steps were perfectly in sync, blending in with the crowd of other dancers, sounds of violin and cello bouncing throughout the room.
"You look beautiful tonight, Nat." You spoke as your bodies swayed in a slow dance, a pink tint definitely coating her cheeks at your words as a grin broke free.
"Thank you, so do you." Her eyes trailed over your body and you couldn't help but feel flustered beneath her gaze, your palm likely sweating in her hold though she didn't seem to notice, the pair of you probably looking like idiots at how you were smiling at each other.
The crackling of the comms broke you out of your trance, Steve's voice sounding in your ears. "Door on the East side of the room - we've seen a couple people come out of there."
"Okay, thanks mom." Natasha replied, mischievous grin on her face as you huffed out a laugh, you could imagine the sigh that no doubt left his lips and the shake of his head as Sam smiled.
She held your hand tightly as she dragged you through the crowd, you were sure you never wanted her to let go, though you did to grab two flutes of champagne - why not take advantage of the free, expensive booze? She obviously shared your thoughts and took the glass gratefully, both of you taking sips as you reached the outskirts of the room.
"Champagne is never as nice as I think it's gonna be." I grimaced, knocking back the rest of the sparkling liquid nonetheless. "You wanna check behind the door?" You added, embellishing the question with a mysterious tone and a wiggle of your brows, it was obviously amusing enough based on the smile on her face as she nodded.
"Sure, let's go." You followed her through the door, slinking through unnoticed only to find a hallway with a few closed doors along the wall. "I'll check these ones, you check those ones?" She asked, gesturing down the corridor with a nod. You agreed with a short nod, both of you turning on your heels, hands readily hovering over you hidden weapons just in case.
"Y/N/N, I've got it." She whisper shouted, her head poking out of one of the doorways just as you checked another. "Keep watch out here - the room's empty I can just download the stuff onto here and we're done."
"Yes sir." You mock saluted, leaning against the wall to wait. Moments later the main door swung open, a stern looking man in a suit stomping through, your breath caught in your throat at his sudden appearance annoyed that the knife hidden beneath your outfit may have to be used after all.
"What are you doin' back here, darlin'?" He asked, eyes staring over your body. You internally cringed yet decided to use his 'southern charm' to your advantage - feign innocence and also...speak another language? It wasn't your first port of call but for some reason in that moment it felt appropriate.
"Ist das nicht der weg zum badezimmer?" You queried, soft smile upturning your lips and brows furrowing in confusion. (Is this not the way to the bathroom?)
"I don't understand you darlin'." He answered approaching you and resting his hand on your arm, you wanted nothing more than to push him away but had to keep up the act. "You can't be back here sweetheart, let me show you out."
"Uh, bathroom?" You muttered in a heavy German accent, making sure your eyes didn't widen too much at the sight of Natasha quietly leaving the room behind him. "Ich brauchte nur das badezimmer, aber jetzt habe ich ekelhafte männerhände auf meinem arm." She smirked at your statement knowing it was okay for her to escape unseen. (I only wanted the bathroom but now i have gross man hands on my arm.)
"Look darlin', you can't be back here. Come with me." His hand found your back, slightly lower than you'd like, as he guided you back to the main hall. "The bathroom's just down there." He pointed, smile on his lips that he must think is more alluring than it truly is.
"Thank you. Guten abend, arschloch." You waved with a smile, walking over to where Natasha waited, hiding a laugh behind her hand. (Good evening, asshole.)
"German, huh?" She giggled.
"Yeah, it just happened, I dunno. I potentially just saved your life." You shrugged, entwining your fingers with hers as she held her hand to you.
"My hero." She smirked, flipping your hand and pressing a kiss to your knuckles, a glittery sheen of her lip gloss left behind and you had never known your brain to short circuit so badly until that moment.
"You're done already?" Sam asked as you approached, Natasha tossed the memory stick to Steve smugly.
"Of course we are, we're the best in the business." She deadpanned though looked to you teasingly. "Now, if you don't mind, we have salsa to dance."
"I could go for a few more of these free cocktails." Sam grinned, holding up a half empty glass with a bright pink liquid and swirly straw.
"Fine but we're leaving in an hour - we don't wanna get noticed." Steve sighed.
Natasha was quick to drag you back to the dancefloor where the faster paced music had already started playing, couples moving quickly together. "Dance with me?" She rasped, her voice low and breath against your ear where she leant in.
"Of course." You breathed out, flustered at her proximity and the firm hold her hand had on yours and her fingers gripping your waist. You both happily fell into rhythm using the moves taught to you last week, getting lost in her eyes, passion passing through your gazes in unspoken ways. "I think we might be the best in here." You mumbled, glancing around at the other people who - in your professional opinion - just weren't that good.
"Hm, I think you're right." She smiled, hand moving to your hip with a squeeze. "Guess it's the passion like fire." She husked, quoting the dance instructor, though the look in her eyes is one you'd not seen before. Eyes darkened, bottom lip slightly grasped between her lips as her eyes continued to bore into yours; both of you breathing slightly heavily from the fast paced dance moves.
Her hand separated from yours instead choosing to rest on your shoulder, daring to move up the nape of your neck. You swallowed thickly at the tension, pulling her closer to you by her hip, footsteps never wavering. "Kiss me, detka." Her voice was barely above a whisper, you searched her eyes for clarity, heart pounding in your chest.
"Nat, are you sure?" Of course you'd wanted this for a long time but if this was just a spur of the moment thing for her it would crush your heart.
"I have never been more sure - I've wanted this for so long." She answered, hand playing with the baby hairs behind your head, the brush of her fingers against your skin was electric. She pulled your face to hers, lips crashing to yours in a passion that had gone unspoken for a while, slotting together as though as it was meant to be. Her tongue slipped into your mouth as the kiss deepened, the way your hands gripped onto one another in pleasure serving as a reminder of where you are. You separated before you made a non PG scene, giggling slightly in relief.
"Let's get out of here."
Game Night
Game nights at the compound had become a rather competitive tradition and tonight Pietro had chosen a Just Dance tournament. Pizza boxes were scattered around the room, everybody helping themselves to slices as they watched the mostly questionable dance performances.
So far you had beaten Tony, Thor, Clint and then Sam who was surprisingly talented at the dance to 'Its Raining Men' but you had just about scored the crown earning loud cheers from the audience. The only competitors left where you, Natasha, Maria and Yelena and you were all equally striving for the champion title.
"You are going down sestra." Yelena spoke, accent thick and voice rather scary as she scowled at her sister who only smirked.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that Lena." She uttered pressing play to let the sounds of Katy Perry's 'California Gurls' come through the speakers. You couldn't help but grin in amusement at the sight of two of the deadliest assassins following the movements of a cartoon dancer on the screen. The sight of your girlfriend's body twisting along with the rhythm, hips swaying side to side was quite mesmerising too and you could barely take your eyes off her.
Before long a winner was announced.
"Suka." Yelena huffed, throwing herself down onto the sofa with her arms crossed over her chest and a pout on her lips as her sister bowed teasingly. "You cheated."
"Nuh uh, I'm just better at this game." Natasha laughed, poking her arm as she sat beside her. "You're up, love." She smiled looking at you, pressing a peck to your cheek as she did so.
"Whoever wins this round goes against Nat in the final - it's very tense." Wanda spoke with a grin, sitting on the edge of her seat in anticipation. Surprisingly everybody else seemed just as enthralled by the competition watching on expectantly, Natasha threw you a wink before you turned to the screen.
"Prepare to lose, Y/L/N." Maria smirked, getting into a ready stance.
"I wouldn't be so sure, Hill."
The songs had been getting progressively more difficult as the night went on, 'to determine the true champion', as Pietro had explained and you were both jumping around quickly in time with the moves. Your feet were moving quickly, arms swaying around and you no doubt looked like a pair of idiots but you were in it to win it.
By the end of the song both of you were slightly out of breath, eyes fixed on the screen for the winner to be announced. Maria groaned along with the whoops from everybody else when your name illuminated the screen.
"Eat shit, Maria!" You shouted with a laugh, she shoved you playfully with a faux scowl, both knowing there was absolutely no anger there as you were one of each other's best friends.
"Well done, detka. It's a shame you won't win though." Natasha cooed as she sidled up next to you, you just gaped at her quick change in words as a few giggles sounded in the room.
"Uh oh, literally the two most competitive people in the universe are in a relationship." Sam laughed.
"Mhm, and I can't wait to win my metaphorical crown." You returned, bumping the side of your hip with Natasha's as she scoffed.
"Bring it on."
'Girls just wanna have fun' began to play and both of you were intently focused on the directions of the dance, the other Avengers watching on with bated breath as you both somehow perfectly moved your feet and arms in perfect sync with both the game and each other. It wasn't a surprise to them how well you danced after Tony scoured for footage of your dancing at the mission around 6 months ago, you had both walked in on the group watching it on the TV with their jaws dropped, needless to say you both rushed in to turn it off before your kiss was on the big screen.
The song played on and your scores were even, points rising simultaneously until the last second when only one of you successfully completed the bonus move. Every single eye in the room was trained steadfastly on the screen waiting for the results.
"Oh my God." You both uttered at the same time though in distinctly contrasting tones.
"I fucking won! Oh my God, take that bitch." You laughed, seeing the smirk being bitten back behind your girlfriends scowl.
"Oh shit. Run." Wanda laughed looking at Natasha's facial expression.
You did just that, the room breaking out into laughter as you vaulted yourself over the back of the sofa and took off in a sprint, Natasha not too far behind. You stood across from one another on opposite sides of the table as she tried to catch you.
"Aw, is someone a sore loser?"
"No." She huffed, rolling her eyes though the smile breaking out across her lips showed her true emotions. "I just wanna give you a congratulatory hug."
"Don't trust her Y/N! My sister is the sorest of the losers - it's a trap." Yelena yelled making you gasp as Natasha just shrugged mischievously before running at you once more.
Mission gone wrong
You went on a solo mission this morning, your abilities were enough to go alone based on the fact that it was a reconnaissance objective; just sneak into an abandoned base and look for anything noteworthy - you'd been on hundreds like it, you were fine.
You made your way through the base finding nothing, any files you saw were redundant and not worth taking and most filing cabinets were stripped bare. It was silent, eerily so, but you were alone so what did you expect?
It wasn't until you reached the basement that you encountered any problems, a distant rattle of metallic chains against concrete forced you into alert. You prised your gun from its holster, hovering your finger above the trigger as you took gentle steps through the dimly lit halls. A small sniffle drew your attention to the room ahead, creaking the door open hesitantly.
A young girl, no more than 12 or 13 years old, sat with her back against a rundown wall. Chains around her ankles kept her small frame in place, shaking with fear, cheeks sunken and eyes tired. She gasped and froze at the sight of you so you lowered your gun on instinct.
"Hi." You whispered, slowly approaching. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
"Leave, they'll kill you." She choked out, shaking her head as you crouched in front of her to let her out.
"Who?" As far as you'd seen there was nobody in the room and no obvious door other than the one you walked through - how you were wrong. The floor plans didn't show the hidden doorway into the room, you didn't hear them coming through, you didn't know they were there - focus solely on the young girl - you thought you were alone until two strong hands yanked you from the ground to a standing position.
You mentally scolded yourself for not being alert enough, that you let the prospect of saving the girl overtake your mind - it was obviously a trap.
"Silly little Avenger trying to save the girl. We've been expecting you." The man spoke, face right beside yours and his fingers dug into your upper arms holding you still.
"Let her go."
"No. If you hadn't come in here she might have lived to see another day, can't let you tell your other superhero friends about her can we?" The other man spoke stepping towards you, large knife in his vile hands, sadistic grin baring his teeth. "Take a seat."
He stabbed the blade into your thigh making your legs give way slightly from the burning pain, the man with a hold on you dragged you backwards to a chair forcing your wrists into some zip ties.
"How about a little show for our guest boss?"
"I think she'd like that." He laughed. "Taking an Avenger back with us could earn us a promotion I'm sure."
You rolled your eyes at their exchange, it was almost comical how they were so much like the stereotypical henchmen from some cliche action comedy movie. Your hands fiddled behind you as they continued back to the girl, quickening their pace as the one forced her up, the other holding the knife since pulled back from your leg to her throat. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at you pleadingly.
"Let her go and I'll come with you." You shouted, directing your gaze to hers. "It'll be okay."
"It's cute you think that we'd listen." He scoffed, silver blade from his hand plunging through the girl's chest. You screamed out as you watched her body fall limp, seconds too late as you finally freed your arms from their restraints.
You attacked them in a daze, not really thinking about your actions as you moved on instinct how you would during your time as an assassin. The knife from your belt sliced through the thin skin of the 'boss's' throat, crimson pouring out like a waterfall. Your elbow struck the nose of the other man as he tried to grab you from behind, adrenaline pumping through you seemingly giving you extra strength.
His large stature tried pushing you back and in your automic daze you couldn't think your movements through methodically as you usually would, arms swinging wildly slicing at any skin you could reach. His cheek was cut open, a gory sight, and you used his shock as an opening to push the blade into his stomach. The cortisol flowing through you had your injured body crawling atop his, knife repeatedly stabbing into his flesh. He was dead long before you stopped, your knife got stuck between his ribs. You sighed, wiping a layer of a mixture of blood and sweat from your forehead, that was your favourite knife.
"I'm sorry." You whispered fighting back tears as you cradled the lifeless body of the girl you couldn't save. She was so small, helpless, the horrid sight reminded you so much of the Red Room and you could hardly breathe.
Emotionlessly, you stalked back to the jet, retrieving any explosives you could find before positioning them around various spots in the building. You weren't permitted to do such a thing on this mission but you couldn't find yourself caring when you watched the orange flames encase the building in the rearview of the jet.
It was a short journey back and you could hear the movie playing in the common room as you limped down the hallway, a bandage haphazardly tied around your wound to stop the bleeding.
"Y/N/N?" Wanda spoke as she was the first to notice your arrival, concern plastered over her face as she took in your appearance. Everyone's heads turned in your direction, faces mirroring her expression too as they looked from where they sat. Natasha hurried over to you, eyes darting over you to check for you injuries - everybody was beyond shocked and confused considering you were only there for information which you didn't find.
"Are you hurt?" Yelena queried, her sister strangely quiet.
"Just my leg." You choked out, pointing to your bandage.
"You're covered in blood." Wanda added, trying to take in just how much there was; splatters of red dried against your face, smeared on your forehead and hands. Your black suit didn't show the true quantity but only the small amount surrounding your wound was yours.
"It's not mine." You answered barely above a whisper, eyes glossing over with tears as you looked into the emerald ones of Natasha's. "I couldn't save her. I couldn't..." Your own sobs interrupted your words. Natasha pulled you into her, understanding washing over her and Yelena's faces. She held you tightly as sobs wracked through you, body shaking as you bunched the material of her t-shirt in your fists.
The others could only sit in stunned worry as they heard your cries, muffled screams into Natasha's shoulder. They had never seen you like this, always putting on a strong facade and their hearts clenched at the sound. Natasha hadn't seen you like this too many times as you always tried to keep your emotions to yourself but she knew how to help you calm down.
Her hand soothingly rubbing across your back, the other stroking through your hair. She didn't care that blood was likely transferring onto her clothes or that you were hugging her tighter than you ever have, or even that she might look 'soft' in front of the others. All she cared about was you.
She began to sway your bodies slightly, a soothing movement. Her perfume helped to ground you, just knowing she was there. She began to hum a gentle melody beside your ear, the low hum giving you something to focus on other than the grif that was panging in your bones.
"You go to my head with a smile that makes my temperature rise." She sang, voice holding its usual mesmerising rasp as she continued to dance your bodies side to side. The others in the room smiled sadly at your interaction, glad that the painful cries were begin to simmer into shuddered breaths and sniffles, not to mention their warm surprise at Natasha singing into your ear.
"Like a summer with a thousand Julys, you intoxicate my soul with your eyes." She continued, hand rubbing over your back until your tears had stopped flowing and you could breathe again. "Let me help you get cleaned up, darling." She spoke against your scalp, leaving a peck behind.
In the rain
Natasha was nervous and she didn't get nervous very easily. She took a deep breath, mumbling her rehearsed plan under her breath whilst pacing around your shared bedroom.
She smiled to herself at the sight of various items in your room; the plant you'd bought together on your one year anniversary when you officially moved into her room, green leaves still thriving just over two years later. The pile of your clothes that often accumulated on the chair at the side of the room, the photo of the two of you Wanda had printed and framed that hung on the wall. It was your room, both of yours and she loved it.
She fiddled with her necklace against her chest before psyching herself up enough to push the door handle down, shoving her hands into the pockets of her hoodie as she wandered down the hall to find you.
Her eyes twinkled as she grinned seeing you squashed uncomfortably between Sam and Wanda as too many people had forced themselves onto the sofa to watch one of her sitcoms, she felt those all too known butterflies well in her stomach when you noticed her. The soft smile that tugged at your lips.
"Could I borrow Y/N for a minute?" She spoke, the others finally noticing her presence at her voice. Sam and Wanda wrapped their arms over your waist at the request, shaking their heads mischievously.
"I'm trapped." You laughed.
"I'll bring her back, we're just gonna be out there." Natasha explained, pointing to the window that overlooked the grassy area below, somewhere the two of you often went for some peace and quiet.
"Ugh, fine." Wanda huffed, letting Natasha help you up from where you sat. She entwined her fingers with yours, swinging your arms between you as you walked down the hallway to the elevator.
"You okay?" You asked, letting your thumb brush over her knuckles as you sensed her nervous energy.
"I'm perfect." She sounded sincere and you grinned at the true state of happiness over her features.
The sky was blue with a grey hue, clouds overhead. The soft coo of birds was the only sound in the peaceful area, delicate scent of roses wafting through the air.
"That cloud looks like a dolphin." You pointed receiving a hum of agreement from where Natasha stood beside you.
"That one kinda looks like Thor."
"Oh my God it does." You laughed and whilst you continued to be amused by the cloud she looked at you, admiring how adorable you looked when you let yourself laugh freely without restraint. "That one looks a bit like- oh. Oh shit, holy shit." You cut yourself off when you turned to look at her only to find her on one knee, a dainty silver ring with an emerald poking out of a velvet box. She chuckled at your reaction.
"Is that a good shit or?"
"Yes, yes. So good. Carry on." You urged, gesturing with your hands.
"I love you, so much. I love everything about you, I love the way you make me feel and how you sing in the shower. I love how you make me cuddle you in the night even if it's painfully hot outside." You huffed slightly, tears welling in your eyes with a huge smile. "I love how much you make me laugh and how you're always there for me and all the others. I love that you have made my heart complete."
"I am so glad I'm not wearing mascara." You mumbled, wiping the tears from your face as Natasha did the same.
"I love you with all that I am. So darling, will you marry me?"
"Holy shit, yes. Of course." You laughed, pulling her up to kiss her, your lips crashing to hers in their favourite way. Tears combined on your cheeks, uncontrollable grins on both of your faces. She slipped the ring onto your finger, both of you admiring its beauty before falling into a kiss again.
Your foreheads were leant together as you basked in the giddiness before rain started to pour from the sky.
"Fuck." Natasha groaned, pulling you towards the building but you pulled her back. "We need to get inside, it's pouring."
"Dance with me." You held out your hand to her which she reluctantly grasped, her other gripping onto your waist. "I've always wanted to dance in the rain."
"What are we dancing to?" She smirked, amused and curious.
"The sound of the rain and the birds." You shrugged, laughing at the look she gave you as though you were crazy. You span her round, both of you giggling wildly as the rain only grew heavier. You probably looked an odd sight but you couldn't bring yourselves to care. In this moment you were the only two people in the world, your love was infinite, never wavering.
Yelena was on the way back from the kitchen with snacks when she glanced out the window, smiling at the sight of you and her sister laughing as you pointed at clouds. She loved you as a sister and loved how happy you made each other. The armful of snacks fell to the ground when Natasha dropped to one knee with a ring box in hand.
"Oh my fucking shit." She shouted, forehead pressing against the glass of the window as she watched.
"What's going on Yele- oh my God!" Wanda squealed, matching her position with a grin. Within a few seconds Sam, Pietro, Clint, Tony, Bucky, Steve and Thor were staring out of the window smilingly.
They laughed at your shocked reaction, wished they could hear the heartfelt words falling from Natasha's lips and a few eyes leaked a couple tears as you embraced.
"They are so weird." Yelena deadpanned with a proud smile as you started to dance in the rain, hair and clothes quickly being soaked through.
The room Tony threw his parties in had been decked with fairy lights, a warm and comforting glow throughout the room as music trickled out of the speakers. The lawn where Natasha had proposed was used for the wedding, chairs set out for your guests. It wasn't an overly large affair, just the people the pair of you considered family were invited.
Right now you were squished between Melina and Alexei in a long yet comforting hug whilst Natasha spoke to Clint, Laura and their kids. Drinks were flowing and food was...fooding? Tony and Pepper were dancing on the dancefloor along with Steve and Bucky - Sam and Pietro were doing what they claimed to be the robot but who could be sure?
"I'm so glad the two of you are happy." Melina cooed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Natasha smiled to herself when she glanced over and saw the interaction.
"Officially part of the family." Alexei exclaimed as he easily lifted you up in a hug.
"I'm glad too." You answered earnestly, slightly breathless from being squeezed by your large father in law.
Once they were occupied in a conversation with Yelena and Thor you headed over to where Wanda, Maria and Carol sat laughing over cocktails.
"Thanks for coming, Carol." You smiled, letting out a 'hmph' when she yanked you into a hug, sometimes forgetting her own strength.
"Nowhere else I'd rather be." She smiled and as soon as she let you go you were pulled in for a hug by Maria.
"I'm so glad my favourite assassins are married." She smiled.
"Thank you, me too. I-" You were cut off when Wanda pulled you into a hug, you had been hugged more in the past ten minutes than your entire life you're sure. "You have been the best maid of honour, Wands."
"I am so happy for you both. We all are." She grinned as the other two women nodded in agreement.
Natasha crossed the room with purpose, hips swaying in her white lace dress and her eyes not leaving your figure as she grew closer. Her arms snaked around your waist from behind as you conversed.
"I'm stealing my wife." She grinned, lips kissing your cheek before she spun you round to face her to press a kiss to your lips too. Everyone subtly watched as she pulled you to the dancefloor, happiness floating through everybody seeing you both so enormously smitten. "Dance with me."
"Aw, our first dance as wives." You cooed, large smile easily taking over your lips as your arms looped behind her neck. She held onto your hips as you danced in time with the music, unable to go longer than a minute without sharing a kiss.
"I can't wait to dance with you forever."
A/N - detka - baby suka - bitch the song Nat was singing is - you go to my head by Billie Holiday :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7xQd3yt590
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car-toons · 3 years
Why Chat Noir Will Be A Hero Turned Villain
Remember Lindalee Rose's Spoiler about the proposition of "heroes will become villains?" I think Chat Noir is going to be the quote on quote "villain" after Season 4.
Misleading title aside, I do want to talk about the proposition of Chat Noir perhaps becoming Ladybug's enemy for a while.
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First off, I want to say that I don't like the word "villain" for this situation. Instead, I want to use the term "anti-villain".
An anti-villain in my eyes is someone who originally sides with the protagonist, but looses their way for a little bit and puts themselves in a position against the main protagonist, mainly because of ambiguous motivations that allow the audience to sympathize with them. However, villain is someone who has evil motives and sticks with those motives no matter what, no redemption whatsoever (Gabriel for the most part is our villain in this story).
A perfect example of an anti-villain is Varian from Tangled the Series! If you have seen the show, you would know that half way through Season 1 after his father is frozen by his own fault, he tries to reach out to Rapuznel, who said she can't help given the current circumstances she was under. As a result, Varian decides on revenge against the individual he thought he trusted the most. His trust was broken and he felt he was justified in his actions. Because of his motivations, individuals were rooting for him in some sense and emphasized with his feelings. By the beginning of Season 3, he realizes his mistakes and joins Rapunzel's side once more.
This is what I think is going to happen to Adrien.
But now, let's get on to the evidence.
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There are specific quotes before Season 4 that hint something and seem pretty suspicious to me. Such as...
"You know I love fighting by your side M'Lady. But I could never bring myself to fight you."
Chat Noir: Gamer 2.0
"Ladybug and I never fight each other, we fight together"
Chat Noir: Miracle Queen
Those two quotes are pretty strange to me, especially since Chat is the one emphasizing it. From Season 1-3, Chat believes that his partnership with Ladybug is strong and that even though she does not return his feelings, they still work well together. It almost seems, too good. Of course, then we get Season 4 and everything is changing, making these quotes nothing but mere memory.
I will be honest, I did not think much of these quotes said by Chat when we were in the midst of Season 3. But with the information we have now, it's foreshadowing at its finest. It is also ironic because of what happened in Chat Blanc, but of course, there is a chance that it could happen once more. Now on to Season 4.
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Do you guys remember this episode? I mean, it's not my favorite of the season, thats for sure, but what I find striking is the theme of the play that the students put on.
The film is about a hero of creation (played by Zoé) and a "villain" of destruction (played by Myléne). How ironic is it that we have a partnership of two miraculous holders, one with the power of creation (Ladybug) and one the power of destruction (Chat Noir). And the fact that the "villain" is someone connected to destruction is even more suspicious. Furthermore, Myléne and Zoé say this to each other at the end of the movie.
Mylène: You're just like them, I hate you! Zoé: You may hate me, but I love you, and I always will, even if the whole world hates you.
Can you imagine Ladybug saying that to Chat? The parallels to Ladybug and Chat Noir's relationship are evident here. It gives me vibes from Chat Blanc where Ladybug truly cares for her kitty while Chat is focused on one goal and one goal only, getting the miraculous. If Chat goes down an anti-villain path, I wonder if we will get something similar to this, but with Ladybug and Chat playing the roles represented in the students movie? Just a thought.
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Anyone else find it odd that in the same episode Chat Blanc appears again in Marinette's dream, Chat Noir has this sudden urge to destroy a building out of his own anger? And afterwards, he makes a "villainous" stance, towering over the destruction caused. That scene gave me chills (LOVE YOU BRYCE PAPENBROOK!) and I wonder if Chat was this angry in Sentibubbler, there is a chance that he might snap like this again? He does snap in Kuro Neko when he removes his ring (while shaking his fist. He gives a snarl too), but that was more an act of giving up. Chat feels a mix of both anger and sadness right now, but we are seeing more and more that hidden anger and the destruction he could cause when angry (physically through a building, or psychologically by removing his ring.)
But what are the possibilities that he might use his strength as Chat Noir against somebody else? Unfortunately, he does...
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Yeah... remember when Chat tried to Cataclysm Alya as Scarabella? Of course, Chat's feelings here ARE valid! I am not denying that! What I am questioning is why he tried to cataclysm her? He knows the consequences of using a cataclysm on a sentimonster AND he knows that you NEVER cataclysm the victim of an akumatization. That's unethical. His feelings are justified, but his actions are not. He knows better than to try to cataclysm somebody, akumatized or not. In Chat Blanc, Chat ALMOST cataclysmed his father, but he used his power as a threat, and that was a desperate situation. In this instance, he knew that he shouldn't even though he wanted to.
But recently, Chat is acting more and more on impulse, and in this instance, he almost killed somebody if it weren't for Alya's quick thinking. His actions resemble less of a hero here, more of those anti-villain motives I was talking about.
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Yes, I know this episode is a filler episode with a purpose to make us relax after the 6 episode bomb (that is what I call Optigami, Sentibubbler, Glaciator 2, Hack-San, Rocketear, and Wishmaker). However, Rolland Dupain said something pretty suspicious to the kids while they were watching the Ladybug and Chat Noir film.
Rolland Dupain; Hang on. I don't get it. The villain is that cat girl?
He thinks Chat Noir is the villain... this is very much intentional! Rolland could have been confused about anything, like how Ladybug and Chat Noir's powers work OR asking why Shadowmoth is staying in his home and not fighting the villains directly (All valid questions for someone new to Miraculous), but he does not emphasize that. He asks if Chat himself is a villain or not... that is frightening. I remember watching this in the English Sub for the first time, and that line gave me so much discomfort. Again, this is foreshadowing at its finest, especially in an episode that does not seem that important to the plot.
End-Cards in Miraculous are entirely symbolic with elements from each episode. There are two specific end-cards in Season 4 specifically that have a ton of strange lead ons to Adrien's fall from grace.
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Now, I know what you're thinking... what does this have to do with Adrien/Chat Noir? It's just Pigella's entrance with a cute picture of all of her classmates!
But there are two people from the class missing from this frame...
Chloe (for obvious reasons)
you guessed it! Adrien is missing! Adrien is missing from an embrace that is experienced by all of his friends/classmates. Even his close friends like Marinette (in his mind), Alya, and Nino are there embracing Juleka and Rose. But why is Adrien missing? Is that a little odd?
Also, why Chat separated by a beam of light from Ladybug? In my eyes, it looks like a division of light, perhaps the division between himself and Ladybug? Maybe even how he is separated from the light and happiness happening; from Ladybug and his classmates.
And now, moving on to the one we are all familiar with, the one that made the fandom nearly explode!
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This one is way more obvious! Chat is in his own little corner, which is covered in darkness. Once again, he is separated from the light, while Rena Furtive, Ladybug, and DjWifi are in the light. Chat is also looking at the moon, and if you remember, that is what he destroyed as Chat Blanc... when he was the "villain". This is obviously intentional. With the tension of Ladynoir still on the rise, it is obvious that this Chat would be angry. The partnership between Ladynoir is becoming more strained, and this end-card make that super evident! Chat separated in his own little bubble of darkness shows how disconnected he is from the goodness and the light right now. And yes, I think this is foreshadowing.
We also might get future end-cards that support this claim with up-coming episodes coming out (there also might be more in previous seasons that I did not catch!).
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Now, is there a chance that Adrien will NOT become an anti-villain? Yes, this is only a theory, not fact. The purpose of my little essay is to make people aware that this IS a possibility. Adrien has the perfect background to be an anti-villain, he was kept from the outside world until he was 14, his father (and possibly his mother) are/were emotionally abusive and manipulative, his father is the villain of the story, he is forced to do modeling under his father's wishes, which does not give him happiness. Yet he chooses not too right now. He is kind, charming, honest, and most importantly, good. Chat Noir used to be his escape from that abuse. That is not the case anymore. With his past and the recent events happening in Season 4 (Ladynoir conflict, all the secrets, feeling left out, home life, etc.), Adrien snapping is inevitable. We know in the finale he's gonna try to stand up to his father, but a fall from grace could be a possibility!
Finally, I make it clear that I DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN EITHER! Sure, its angsty and if you know me, I LOVE angst, but this would be gut wrenching and would leave me heartbroken. From a plot standpoint, I would love to see this since it would progress the show's story in a new way, but again, Adrien is suffering enough. But that does not deny the evidence that is leading up to something.
Is there more evidence? Please let me know! I would love to discuss this with you all! Thank you for reading!
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
AFFC: Brienne IV (Chapter 20)
Dick would oft sing as they rode along together; never a whole song, only a snatch of this and a verse of that. She suspected that he meant to charm her, to put her off her guard. Sometimes he would try to get her and Podrick to sing along with him, to no avail. The boy was too shy and tongue-tied, and Brienne did not sing. 
Guys, that's not going to work for Sansa. Sort that out.
Did you sing for your father? Lady Stark had asked her once, at Riverrun. Did you sing for Renly? She had not, not ever, though she had wanted . . . she had wanted . . .
You could sing for Hyle?
When he was not singing, Nimble Dick would talk, regaling them with tales of Crackclaw Point. Every gloomy valley had its lord, he said, the lot of them united only by their mistrust of outsiders. In their veins the blood of the First Men ran dark and strong. "The Andals tried t' take Crackclaw, but we bled them in the valleys and drowned them in the bogs. Only what their sons couldn't win with swords, their pretty daughters won with kisses. They married into the houses they couldn't conquer, aye."
I'm getting major north-wilding vibes from this. Anything else?*
*Besides Aemon marrying into a daughter's house.
The Darklyn kings of Duskendale had tried to impose their rule on Crackclaw Point; the Mootons of Maidenpool had tried as well, and later the haughty Celtigars of Crab Isle. But the Crackclaws knew their bogs and forests as no outsider could, and if hard pressed would vanish into the caverns that honeycombed their hills. 
Holy shit, I think Nimble Dick is Howland Reed.
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"Ser Gallawho of What?" He snorted. "Never heard o' him. Why was he so bloody perfect?"
"Ser Galladon was a champion of such valor that the Maiden herself lost her heart to him. She gave him an enchanted sword as a token of her love. The Just Maid, it was called. No common sword could check her, nor any shield withstand her kiss. Ser Galladon bore the Just Maid proudly, but only thrice did he unsheathe her. He would not use the Maid against a mortal man, for she was so potent as to make any fight unfair."
Crabb thought that was hilarious. "The Perfect Knight? The Perfect Fool, he sounds like. 
If there was ever a story that made you think of two people.
I don't know about swords, but I'm counting on a cloak and a lady's favor.
What's the point o' having some magic sword if you don't bloody well use it?"
"Honor," she said. "The point is honor."
Exactly. Thank you.
Quit bringing your Lockheed Martin F-12 Raptors to a sword fight, Daenerys.
That only made him laugh the louder. "Ser Clarence Crabb would have wiped his hairy arse with your Perfect Knight, m'lady. If they'd ever have met, there'd be one more bloody head sitting on the shelf at the Whispers, you ask me. 'I should have used the magic sword,' it'd be saying to all the other heads. 'I should have used the bloody sword.'"
Hang on to this, you're going to need it for later.
Brienne could not help but smile. "Perhaps," she allowed, "but Ser Galladon was no fool. Against a foe eight feet tall mounted on an aurochs, he might well have unsheathed the Just Maid. He used her once to slay a dragon, they say.
Me thinks the author is intentionally misleading us with stories of magic swords slaying dragons.
Nimble Dick was unimpressed. "Crackbones fought a dragon too, but he didn't need no magic sword. He just tied its neck in a knot, so every time it breathed fire it roasted its own arse."
This is definitely foreshadowing though.
"And what did Crackbones do when Aegon and his sisters came?" Brienne asked him.
"He was dead. M'lady must know that." Crabb gave her a sideways look. "Aegon sent his sister up to Crackclaw, that Visenya. The lords had heard o' Harren's end. Being no fools, they laid their swords at her feet. The queen took them as her own men, and said they'd owe no fealty to Maidenpool, Crab Isle, or Duskendale. Don't stop them bloody Celtigars from sending men to t' eastern shore to collect his taxes. If he sends enough, a few come back to him . . . elsewise, we bow only to our own lords, and the king. The true king, not Robert and his ilk." He spat. "There was Crabbs and Brunes and Boggses with Prince Rhaegar on the Trident, and in the Kingsguard too. A Hardy, a Cave, a Pyne, and three Crabbs, Clement and Rupert and Clarence the Short. Six foot tall, he was, but short compared to the real Ser Clarence. We're all good dragon men, up Crackclaw way."
Ugh, history.
Is any of this important? This chapter is dense and it's making me nervous.
He shook his head, muttering, as he made a bed on a pile of hay. "I never knew such a mistrustful maid as you." Brienne curled up beneath her cloak, with Podrick yawning at her side. I was not always wary, she might have shouted down at Crabb. When I was a little girl I believed that all men were as noble as my father. 
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A maid has to be mistrustful in this world, or she will not be a maid for long, she was thinking, as the rain began to fall.
Thankfully I know another maid who no longer trusts anyone.
In the mêlée at Bitterbridge she had sought out her suitors and battered them one by one, Farrow and Ambrose and Bushy, Mark Mullendore and Raymond Nayland and Will the Stork. She had ridden over Harry Sawyer and broken Robin Potter's helm, giving him a nasty scar. And when the last of them had fallen, the Mother had delivered Connington to her. This time Ser Ronnet held a sword and not a rose. Every blow she dealt him was sweeter than a kiss.
Loras Tyrell had been the last to face her wroth that day. He'd never courted her, had hardly looked at her at all, but he bore three golden roses on his shield that day, and Brienne hated roses. The sight of them had given her a furious strength.
You know George R. R. Martin as well as I do. Sometimes the things that are missing are of far greater importance.
You notice she never fought Hyle Hunt?
She went to sleep dreaming of the fight they'd had, and of Ser Jaime fastening a rainbow cloak about her shoulders.
Something tells me Braimes think this is foreshadowing marriage.
It's foreshadowing something else.
"Squishers?" Brienne gave him a suspicious look.
"Monsters," Nimble Dick said, with relish. "They look like men till you get close, but their heads is too big, and they got scales where a proper man's got hair. Fish-belly white they are, with webs between their fingers. They're always damp and fishy-smelling, but behind these blubbery lips they got rows of green teeth sharp as needles. Some say the First Men killed them all, but don't you believe it. They come by night and steal bad little children, padding along on them webbed feet with a little squish-squish sound. The girls they keep to breed with, but the boys they eat, tearing at them with those sharp green teeth." He grinned at Podrick. "They'd eat you, boy. They'd eat you raw."
Look, a subspecies of the Other.
Dreaming of a hot meal, she gnawed on a strip of hard salt beef whilst Nimble Dick talked about the time Ser Clarence Crabb had fought the squisher king. 
You tell me every story but this one? Really?
Brienne sat with her back to the rock, listening to the waves. Are you near the sea, Sansa? she wondered. Are you waiting at the Whispers for a ship that will never come? Who do you have with you? Passage for three, he said. Has the Imp joined you and Ser Dontos, or did you find your little sister?
My heart melts when she talks to her.
"That look a bloody ruin t' you?" Crabb spat. "That's the Dyre Den, where old Lord Brune keeps his seat. Road ends here, though. It's the pines for us from here on."
Lothor Brune's got First Men blood in him? I like that.
Sheer walls of rock, eaten away by centuries of wind and spray, hemmed them in to either side. In some places they had assumed fantastic shapes. Nimble Dick pointed out a few as they climbed. "There's an ogre's head, see?" he said, and Brienne smiled when she saw it. "And that there's a stone dragon. T'other wing fell off when my father was a boy. Above it, that's the dugs drooping down, like some hag's teats." He glanced back at her own chest.
I'm sorry, this is not an easy chapter, and I'm paranoid.
What is this? Is this anything?
"Ser? My lady?" said Podrick. "There's a rider."
"Where?" None of the rocks suggested a rider to her.
"On the road. Not a rock rider. A real rider. Following us. Down there." He pointed.
Aww, is someone chasing after Brienne?
It was on her lips to ask her guide which king Lord Brune had espoused, but it made no matter any longer. Brune's sons were gone; some might not be coming back. We will have no hospitality here tonight. 
Okay, but why is she learning so much about House Brune?
Help, I'm losing it, and we're not even halfway.
The going was much slower in the woods. Brienne prodded her mare through the green gloom, weaving in and out amongst the trees. It would be very easy to get lost here, she realized. Every way she looked appeared the same. The very air seemed grey and green and still. Pine boughs scratched against her arms and scraped noisily against her newly painted shield. The eerie stillness grated on her more with every passing hour.
"It's bad here," Podrick said. "This is a bad place."
They made camp early that night, after they came down a hill and found themselves on the edge of a glistening green bog. In the grey-green light, the ground ahead looked solid enough, but when they'd ridden out it had swallowed their horses up to their withers. They had to turn and fight their way back onto more solid footing. 
If the goal is for me to be thinking about Greywater Watch, mission accomplished.
What is the purpose of this? I hate this chapter.
They rode through pines and bogs, under dark skies and intermittent rain, past sinkholes and caves and the ruins of ancient strongholds whose stones were blanketed in moss. Every heap of stones had a story, and Nimble Dick told them all. To hear him tell it, the men of Crackclaw Point had watered their pine trees with blood. 
Are you sure it was pine trees, Nimble? Are you sure?
Brienne's patience soon began to fray. "How much longer?" she demanded finally. "We must have seen every tree in Crackclaw Point by now."
"Not hardly," said Crabb. "We're close now. See, the woods is thinning out. We're near the narrow sea."
This fool he promised me is like to be my own reflection in a pond, Brienne thought
It may be that I will need to kill him, she told herself one night as she paced about the camp. The notion made her queasy. Her old master-at-arms had always questioned whether she was hard enough for battle. "You have a man's strength in your arms," Ser Goodwin had said to her, more than once, "but your heart is as soft as any maid's. It is one thing to train in the yard with a blunted sword in hand, and another to drive a foot of sharpened steel into a man's gut and see the light go out of his eyes." 
But that's why we love you, Brienne.
To toughen her, Ser Goodwin used to send her to her father's butcher to slaughter lambs and suckling pigs. The piglets squealed and the lambs screamed like frightened children. By the time the butchering was done Brienne had been blind with tears, her clothes so bloody that she had given them to her maid to burn.
God, did Randyll Tarly come up with this?
In battle half a heartbeat is a lifetime. The man slipped out his dirk and found a chink in my friend's armor. His strength, his speed, his valor, all his hard-won skill . . . it was worth less than a mummer's fart, because he flinched from killing. Remember that, girl."
I will, she promised his shade, there in the piney wood. She sat down on a rock, took out her sword, and began to hone its edge. I will remember, and I pray I will not flinch.
Hang on to this, you're going to need it for later.
Brienne followed close behind him, with Podrick bringing up the rear upon his rounsey.
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The castle was built of old, unmortared stones, no two the same. Moss grew thick in clefts between the rocks, and trees were growing up from the foundations. Most old castles had a godswood. By the look of it, the Whispers had little else.
Pine trees, Nimble? Are you sure it was pine trees? ARE YOU SURE?
"This fool o' yours, he's not a man to hold a grudge, is he?" he said nervously. "I mean, last night I got to thinking that he might be angry at old Nimble Dick, on account o' that map I sold him, and how I left out that the smugglers don't land here no more."
"With the gold that you've got coming, you can give him back whatever he paid you for your help." Brienne could not imagine Dontos Hollard posing a threat.
It did sound like whispering, though, and for a moment she could almost see the heads, sitting on their shelves and muttering to one another. "I should have used the sword" one of them was saying. "I should have used the magic sword."
"Podrick," said Brienne. "There's a sword and scabbard wrapped up in my bedroll. Bring them here to me."
'atta girl.
Soldier pines were everywhere, drawn up in solemn ranks. In their midst was a pale stranger; a slender young weirwood with a trunk as white as a cloistered maid. Dark red leaves sprouted from its reaching branches.
She found Sansa!
Are they slender when they haven't been fed?
She knew that nose. She knew those eyes. Pyg, his friends had called him.
Everything seemed to happen in a heartbeat. A second man slipped over the lip of the well, making no more noise than a snake might make slithering across a pile of wet leaves. He wore an iron halfhelm wrapped in stained red silk, and had a short, thick throwing spear in hand. Brienne knew him too. From behind her came a rustling as a head poked down through the red leaves. Crabb was standing underneath the weirwood. He looked up and saw the face. "Here," he called to Brienne. "It's your fool."
"Dick," she called urgently, "to me."
Shagwell dropped from the weirwood, braying laughter. 
Time to pay some debts!
"Leave him be," said Brienne.
"DON'T!" shrieked Dick, lifting bloody hands to shield his head. Shagwell whirled the spiked ball once around his head and brought it down in the middle of Crabb's face. There was a sickening crunch. In the silence that followed, Brienne could hear the sound of her own heart.
Passage for three, Brienne remembered. "There are only three of you."
Timeon shrugged. "We all went our own ways, after we left Harrenhal. Urswyck and his lot rode south for Oldtown. 
That can't be good.
"Sandor Clegane?" said Brienne. "What do you mean?"
"He's the one that's got the Stark girl. The way I hear it, she was making for Riverrun, and he stole her. Damned dog."
Riverrun, thought Brienne. She was making for Riverrun. For her uncles. "How do you know?"
"Had it from one of Beric's bunch. The lightning lord is looking for her too. He's sent his men all up and down the Trident, sniffing after her. We chanced on three of them after Harrenhal, and winkled the tale from one before he died."
Don't go near Beric's bunch!
What's your choice?"
"This." Brienne threw herself toward Pyg.
He jerked his broken blade up to protect his face, but as he went high she went low. Oathkeeper bit through leather, wool, skin, and muscle, into the sellsword's thigh.
The morningstar was whirling. Choose one, Brienne told herself. Choose one and kill him quickly. Then a stone came out of nowhere, and hit Shagwell in the head. Brienne did not hesitate. She flew at Timeon.
She did not flinch. She did not hesitate. 🥺
As he [Shagwell] staggered to his feet, another stone slammed him in the ear. Podrick had climbed the fallen wall and was standing amongst the ivy glowering, a fresh rock in his hand. "I told you I could fight!" he shouted down.
Pod. ❤️
Brienne lowered Oathkeeper. "Dig a grave. There, beneath the weirwood." She pointed with her blade.
"I have no spade."
"You have two hands." One more than you left Jaime.
"Why bother? Leave them for the crows."
"Timeon and Pyg can feed the crows. Nimble Dick will have a grave. He was a Crabb. This is his place."
. . .
Can we pick another location?
Can we bury the bloody dead man under any other tree?
I don't think it was pine trees, is what I'm saying.
Brienne sheathed Oathkeeper, gathered up Dick Crabb, and carried him to the hole. His face was hard to look on. "I'm sorry that I never trusted you. I don't know how to do that anymore."
She heard his ragged breathing half a heartbeat before Podrick cried out his warning. Shagwell had a jagged chunk of rock clutched in one hand. Brienne had her dagger up her sleeve.
A dagger will beat a rock almost every time.
ha HA, get it??
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"Laugh," she repeated, grabbing his throat with one hand and stabbing at his belly with the other. "Laugh!" She kept saying it, over and over, until her hand was red up to the wrist and the stink of the fool's dying was like to choke her. But Shagwell never laughed. The sobs that Brienne heard were all her own. When she realized that, she threw down her knife and shuddered.
Don't forget Brienne's got a bit of both Stark sisters inside her.
Podrick helped her lower Nimble Dick into his hole. By the time they were done the moon was rising. Brienne rubbed the dirt from her hands and tossed two dragons down into the grave.
"Why did you do that, my lady? Ser?" asked Pod.
"It was the reward I promised him for finding me the fool."
Oh, that's perfect. Sandor Clegane robs corpses, while Brienne of Tarth pays them.
When George R. R Martin says he loves every single character, what he means is that he loves every single character except the Hound.
Laughter sounded from behind them. She ripped Oathkeeper from her sheath and whirled, expecting more Bloody Mummers . . . but it was only Hyle Hunt atop the crumbling wall, his legs crossed. "If there are brothels down in hell, the wretch will thank you," the knight called down. "Elsewise, that's a waste of good gold."
"I keep my promises. What are you doing here?"
"Lord Randyll bid me follow you. If by some freak's chance you stumbled onto Sansa Stark, he told me to bring her back to Maidenpool. Have no fear, I was commanded not to harm you."
Hyle! Fancy meeting you here.
He's so full of shit. He wanted to help her.
"You spoke of the Stinking Goose, my lady," said Ser Hyle. "If you want me to show you—"
"Go back to your gate."
A look of annoyance flashed across his face. A plain face, not an honest one. "If that's your wish." - Brienne III, AFFC
My ass Lord Randyll bid him. He went to Randyll Tarly, I know it.
"About the girl, I meant. The Lady Sansa."
Brienne thought a moment. "She was making for Riverrun, if Timeon told it true. Somewhere along the way she was taken by the Hound. If I find him . . ."
". . . he'll kill you."
"Or I'll kill him," she said stubbornly. 
✨ foreshadowing ✨
kind of.
"Will you help me cover up poor Crabb, ser?"
"No true knight could refuse such beauty." Ser Hyle climbed down from the wall. Together, they shoved the dirt on top of Nimble Dick as the moon rose higher in the sky, and down below the ground the heads of forgotten kings whispered secrets.
You know what I think? I think Hyle Hunt's got a bit of a crush.
Final thoughts:
Are the Braimes at all concerned about Hyle Hunt?
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beoneofus · 3 years
The Lost Boys : Marko
- With comforting his female significant other
Side Note : I'll make male imagines with Marko, as well as the others after this imagine!
Marko had to be the second sweetest out of the four boys.
Of course, Dwayne came first. Despite his quiet and cold vibes, he was actually a sweetheart.
Marko showed his sweet side more than Dwayne, however, when it came to the sense of comforting.
Whenever you were upset, he was right by your side asking you what was wrong. Concern would shine in those baby blue eyes of his, along with the longing of wanting to make you feel better.
Once you'd explain to him the situation, or problem, he'd try to find different ways on cheering you up.
Of course, he wouldn't make it obvious. Marko would nonchalantly plop himself down beside you and pull you into a side hug, without even thinking.
Letting you know that he didn't have an idea right away? That was quite embarrassing. He was supposed to be the one to know, right off the bat, about what to do in a situation that involved 𝙮𝙤𝙪.
While the cogs turned in his mind, he'd keep you busy by bringing you into his lap and letting you bury your face into his chest.
Little, lower back rubs were given, amongst other things - small forehead kisses, soft compliments, big teddy bear hugs.
When Marko finally sprouted an idea, he'd pull you right into it without asking. Consent was key, but not when you were on the brink of tears right at his very finger tips. Marko would rather get right to what he wanted to do, rather than asking if you wanted to do it.
Nothing sexual, of course.
Doesn't mean boyfriends shouldn't consider their girlfriends opinion. Just means Marko worried about you and wanted to distract you!
Pulling you out of the cave, at night, to take you to the carnival that inconveniently was in town.
It sure would be late, but thank god that thing went on until midnight. That'd give you two a few hours to bond, and for Marko to make you smile again!
You'd ask, through sniffles, where you two were heading. He wouldn't answer - instead, sending you one of his charming smiles, he'd pull you along to his motorcycle.
He'd help you on before getting onto the bike himself. It wasn't that you were weak, he just loved to baby you whenever you were in a mood like this. It made him feel like the big tough boyfriend that coddled his baby and kept her away from anything that could harm her.
Cute, right?
Well, Marko was cute. Especially when it came to 𝙮𝙤𝙪.
When the two of you came to a stop in front of brightly lit carnival, complimented by giggling children and the churning of machinery, you'd give your boyfriend a questioning look, followed by a big ol' smile!
That smile is what he was looking for. It nearly made him melt.
You would excitedly hop off the bike, only to bounce in place in excitement, while waiting on him to follow in your footsteps.
Marko wouldn't pay to get in, of course. Since you two had been together nearly two years, he didn't have to put up the facade of being a boyfriend who actually charmed you, by doing good deeds.
No, no. He snuck you in through the back fence.
Security was at even corner of the small establishment, but to his luck, the very guard that they kept at that spot had fallen asleep in his chair.
Bingo. You two were in.
He grabs a hold of your hand before you could get lost from his sight, and brings your hand up to his mouth, only to reward you with a kiss to your knuckles.
“ Lead the way, m'lady. ”
So you do. You drag him over to the Tea Cups and give him a big, excitedly grin.
Oh no! You had completely forgotten that you needed a green bracelet in order yo get on rides. You two would definitely get caught.
Cue your mood dampening immediately.
Lucky for you! Marko did remember, and snatched two from a few kids that passed by you guys.
You lit up again instantly, once he slipped the neon band around your wrist and his own. He literally had to be the 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 boyfriend of all time.
Once you were on the ride, your hands latched onto the wheel in the center of the you guys' cup, along with Marko's. The ride started up, and both of you got to spinning the metal circle as fast as you could!
You were giggling like a manic at how fast you guys managed to get it, to go. While you were having a blast at the simple fact of speed, Marko was busy admiring how happy you were.
You were once sad, on the verge of crying, and now you were right next to him having the time of your life.
After the ride ended and you two exited, he took you on a few more.
Games were next!
Marko dragged you over to the date throwing game. Throw a dart at a balloon, get it to pop, and you got yourself a small prize of your choosing.
He landed three darts on three balloons, popping them successfully. You ended up picking out three little studies - a ( favorite color ) duck, a purple ice cream cone with a face, and a cute little doll that resembled raggedy anne.
He played two more games, afterwards, and ended up winning two big stuffed animals for you those times around. They were ( favorite animal ) and ( second favorite animal ). Let's just say, you were beaming with joy.
The rest of the night was enjoyed with waiting in line, having small side conversations and sharing giggles, and riding the rest of the rides that were provided.
By the end of it all, you two were at the top of the Farris Wheel ; midnight just about to strike.
You were kicking your dangling feet, lightly rocking the car, while clutching your little stuffed ducky to your chest. It was honestly so cute.
“ I take it you're feeling better? ” Marko would ask, all while staring at you from a thirty degree head tilt ; baby blue orbs soaking in the way your own eyes shined under the glittering lights.
“ I felt better as soon as we got here. ” You reply, smiling softly at the memory, of Marko pulling out those two neon bracelets.
“ Good. ” The vampire would lean over and kiss your temple. “ I don't like when my little bat is upset. ”
Your left a blushing mess from that nickname alone.
When you got off the ride and skipped back to the motorcycle, you holding the small stuffies while Marko carried the bigger ones, you seemed to realize something.
You stopped walking, as did he. A questioning brow was raised at you.
“ Babe... where exactly are we gonna' put these stuffed animals? ”
His eyes would widen in realization.
Well, shit... looks like the boys were going to be making their way out there.
He'd be damned if he left your prizes behind. If getting clobbered the next night meant making you happy, than so be it.
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Rocks and Dust
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A/N: I don't know why Remus gave me such Heath Ledger vibes when I was writing this but he did and I am honestly so fucking proud of it. Now, I really want to make myself some rice and chicken... or just rice. I hope you like it <3
REQUESTED BY @cloudywitchh: Hiiii, Im not sure if your requests are open, but if they are i have one. :)) Before I request, I want you to know that I love your oneshots and series! ive been binge reading. Could you possibly do a Gryffindor reader that has both james and remus that like her. oneshot or series. if you choose to write it, thank you, if not i understand
Souls meet when eyes do and it hasn't been much easy to hold yourself back when such mesmerising hazel eyes had done nothing but watch you seductively.
At first you couldn't feel it but after a while, something in the back of your mind told you to look a certain direction. When you did, your eyes met his and a certain colour started to appear on your cheeks.
You watched him, he watched you. "Yes, Potter?" you asked with a smirk forming on the corner of your lips.
He smiled, tilting his head a bit to the side before speaking. "Had you done something new with your hair?" he asked, glancing up at your hair as you let out a laugh.
"Not really."
"Well, no matter of it." he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. "You look absolutely stunning."
You felt your heart flutter in your chest but you were not about to let him know that. "Thank you. When don't I look absolutely stunning." you joked and he rolled his eyes.
"Hey, mate." Remus came into the common room and tapped James' shoulder as he passed him by, sitting next to him.
James smile faded a bit. He was a tad disappointed in his friend's presence. Everything had seemed to go so well between you and him. If the two of you continued to be alone, he would have had more confidence to ask you out on a date. Knowing that Remus took fancy in you too, it was a bit challenging to do so.
"What's up, Moony?" James looked at him, clearly not in a friendliest tone Remus was used to.
Remus' lips twirled upwards and he felt amused by his friends' frustration. He looked at you and smiled wonderfully. "Hi." he said and you smiled cheerfully, oblivious to the competition in front of you.
"Hi, Remus."
You seemed to be a tad disappointed as well. You loved to flirt with James because it seemed so easy and fun to do yet sometimes you couldn't understand whether he truly likes you or if he's doing it just out of fun. But you live by your mother's words; If a man truly likes you, he will do absolutely everything to let you know and pursue you.
That was why you were always so laid back. You didn't overthink anything when it came to boy. They seemed to think more simply than girls and whatever they did, they did because they wanted to, not because there was a whole scheme behind their actions.
You could see a bit discomfort in James. You couldn't really figure out why but he started to pout, which had made you a bit more uncomfortable around both of them.
Remus, however, loved to talk to you. He was open and honest but sometimes you felt as if he held too many secrets inside of him. To you, he was a bit harder to get to know, no matter how much he could tell you.
"You're going to love this, (y/n)!" he started to sound more excited. "I had found the oldest yet most interesting place a few nights ago-" he hear- both of you heard James scoff to that. "And I know your curious spirit cannot wait to explore it."
"Where?!" you threw all your books away and jumped forward. Old ruins and historic backgrounds always made you overly excited. You must have gotten it from your dad's side of the family. Everybody seemed to be more of history freaks and you were no different.
"I can show you. What do you think James?" Remus turned to James, who only laughed.
"No, thank you." he stood up and stretched his arms over his body. "Rocks and dust? Not my cup of tea. If I wanted to take a girl I fancy-" he looked at you with a grin and a soft chuckle. "I'd take her somewhere more romantic." he walked to you and winked. "A lovely restaurant or a walk among the trees under the moonlight." he was leaning down to you, close and observing the flush in your cheeks.
Your eyes were meeting and it lit a fiery spark between the two of you but as you didn't want to give him the pleasure of it, you rolled your eyes and moved away. "That's a bit of a cliche, isn't it, Potter?" you stood up and stretched your back as well. "I don't do romance." you turned from James to Remus and smiled excitedly. "Shall we go and explore!?"
"Yes we shall."
Remus hasn't felt you this excited over some 'rocks and dust' in all the years he had known you but he had felt his heart fill with joy and love when he could see how a person can live for the small things in life. You didn't care about wealth or power, neither if a person was physically beautiful and attractive. You neither cared if person had its flaws, you still loved anybody for who they were; good or evil. You always tried to look the best in people and your gift was, that you always seemed to bring out just that out of everybody and especially out of him.
As the two of you had walked, he had realised that he wants to tell you something important to him. It wasn't a secret to his friends and family but it was a shameful secret to him and to everybody else.
"Can I tell you something?" he asked as the two of you were climbing up the hill.
"Yeah." you stopped, gasping for air and putting your hands on your hips. "I think we need to rest too." you smiled and he laughed.
"It's not that far. We're almost close."
"My heart is almost close to stopping too."
He laughed again and sat on the rock, finding the moon shining on him as if it was leaving its fullness from a few days ago. "I just have the need to tell you this... and I'm serious."
You looked up at him and found the moon perfectly cut out the colour of his green eyes. "Your eyes look so pretty in the moonlight." you said without any filter but sat down next to him.
"Thank you."
You smiled and looked up at the moon before taking a look of his worried expression. "What is it?" you shoved him a little as he smiled. "You can tell me your deepest darkest secret." you joked but it was no joke to him.
"Well... I'm... I'm a werewOlf." he stuttered out, trying to sound casually as he said so but unsuccessful.
You only stared in silence, clearly processing the information as he was impatient to wait for your reaction. Your eyes only narrowed at him and you nodded. "I knew it."
"You knew it?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I mean, I didn't know it. I just know there was something to you that I couldn't put my finger on but I kind of knew it. It did cross my mind once but I brushed it off quickly. I didn't believe it but apparently my intuition was on to something." you laughed and stood up, offering him your hand. "Shall we continue?"
"You don't seem a tad phased by it." he took your hand gently and stood up.
"Oh, I am but I really don't mind people being people. You know?" you started to talk fast. "I don't judge people by their flaws, more by their actions and I don't seem why your werewolfness would bother me when there are far worse withces, wizards and Muggles in this world, who are far more worse than any werewolf I had encounter. Which, you're the first but still. You don't seem the one to eat children and howl at the moon."
He let out a loud laugh. "I don't eat children but I do the latter."
The two of you walked up the hill hand in hand, him trying to pull you up as his steps were much larger than yours. He was more of muscles than you, faster and careful as for you seemed to trip over a branch or two.
He had opened up as the two of you made your way to the top and started to walk on the flatlands. It stretched far away from the castle but you could see the ruins so clearly from the distance. The light of he moon made the subject far more pleasing to the eye and at that moment when Remus was talking to you and your eyes seemed to wander on the view- everything seemed to be perfect and you imprinted that moment into your memory so that you can look back and re-live it all over again.
As he talked, he seemed more lose and excited. He hadn't held back on anything. He had told you about Animagnus forms of his friends and how he isn't the only one who howls at the moon. Sirius apparently loves to do it just as well in his other form. He had constantly made you laugh by his full moon stories and how he accepted the awful fact of his life-long destiny of sharing his body with a beast.
He was glowing, literally glowing when he was telling you all the things he was hiding from you and for the first time, you were the one to listen and he was the one constantly talking.
"We're here!" he pointed at the ruins of an old castle. It wasn't big or notorious as Camelot or Hogwarts or any other historically known castle. It was small and poor in it's built but it was still a castle, just not the traditional kind.
He let go of your hand and it gave you a sort of an electrical shock as he did. You seemed to be so comfortable and in love of holding hands that you completely forgot what it was like without his fingers intertwined with yours.
It wasn't for long though. He had opened the old wooden door for you and offered you his hand to lead you inside. "After you, m'lady." he bowed as a gentleman should and you hurried up inside, taking him by the hand and leading him behind you.
Your wands needn't to be lit as the moonlight made it's own natural light through the large gaps between the rocks. Nature made it's own charm by growing vines around the walls, flowers and grass among the cracks. It truly did feel more magical than the magic itself.
"Oh, Remus look!" you ran to one of the walls and saw names carved in. "Ibzan." you smiled back at him.
"Old biblical name." Remus followed and saw many other names written around it. "Arthur." he laughed. "Wouldn't be an English castle without an Arthur in it."
"Tatiana." you looked at it. "Like a princess." you looked at him but he seemed to be very close to you, staring forward. His chest was against your back and his head leaning over your shoulder. You didn't have to look back. You could only move your eyes to the side and see him there.
He seemed to be so focused on the rocks in front of you that he hasn't even noticed you marvelling at him. All you could see, for the first time noticing his sharp, nicely structured side profile. His cheek bones were finely defined, his lips sharp and plump and his eyebrows nicely arched.
He truly was a beautiful boy and you hadn't noticed it till now. His palm was placed against the rock as he was supporting himself but when he had noticed you looking at him, he slyly looked back. A corner of his mouth quirked up and he said: "A girl doesn't need to be a princess to have a beautiful name." he spoke low and quietly.
The spark that James lit before was over-flamed by the passion Remus arroused in you. Before you knew it, he was leaning down and kissed you softly. One short kiss and it was enough to tempt you for more. You put your hand around his neck and pulled him down for me, smiling into it as you had felt him smile as well. As heavy as they felt, they seemed light as well because no kisses seemed to be as perfect as his; soft, teasing yet deep and passionate.
When he placed his hand on your cheek you could feel the dust set on your skin. You let out a giggle and he pulled away. "What?" he smiled but then just noticed how dark your cheek was. "Oh, my-" he let out a laugh, then looked back on the wall his palm was pressed on before. "I am terribly sorry."
You laughed as well. "Don't worry." you continued to laugh and wipe it away. "It'll probably wash away."
"Probably." he tilted his head a bit and gave you a peck. "And we should probably head back."
Putting your arms around his neck, you made a big stretch and looked up at the sky. "Ugh..." you looked back into his green eyes, burning your soul into sparks and bitses. "But it's so beautiful here." you let out a small whine and he chuckled.
"Well, (y/n)(y/l/n). I didn't think you did romance." he teased.
"I don't. I let the man do all the romance for me." you stepped on your tiptoes and brushed your nose against his.
"That's a bit unfair."
"I wouldn't worry if I were you, Lupin. I have time to make it fair."
"Glad to hear it."
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 3: Kindred Spirits Always Find A Way To Assemble
Time: 5:30am
location: Louvre
Ladybug, Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir are fighting an akuma, not anything major, just Mr. Pigeon and his pigeons trying to melt the Louvre with deadly acidic bird dropings, so yeah, nothing major. Just another early bird gets the akuma kinda day...
"Looks like the early bird is trying to melt the Louvre, what say you M'lady, shall we make this swift and- *Loud sneeze* Let me now *sneeze* when I'm *sneeze* needed" - Chat Noir
"For to long our kind has been oppressed, they feed us miserable seeds, when we beg for bread, we shall show them no mercy, as our justice shall be swift!" picks up two pigeons, holds them by their legs and aims the rear cannons "Surrender your Miraculous and your justice shall be swift and painless!!" with an evil villain laugh at the end bla bla bla.
" Anyone else getting Pigeon (French) Revolution vibes? No? just me? Cause I swear he said seeds instead of cake."
"Not the time Bunnyx." - Abeille
"Oh it so Is The Time." - Bunnyx
"Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object!" - Chat Noir from a distance.
"Viva La Revolution!!!" - Trickster
"Dear Kwami, how did it come to a frickin Pigeon Revolution?!" - Ladybug
As the last line is said, Mr. Pigeon fires the -ehem- cannons at the heroes, only for them to be an illusion. In the confusion Bunnyx pops out of her burrow and wacks Mr. Pigeon on the head, effectively knocking him out.
"The Pigeon Revolution is over, we have taken back our home, and shall continue to defend it from the creepy Man of MOTH!!!!" - Bunnyx
and with that Bunnyx brakes the Akumatized object, and Ladybug purifies the akuma.
"Ok, I will admit that last speach was funny, now lets hurry back before hells bells go off." - Ladybug
" Bla bla bla, nothing important, bla bla bla bla, yada yada yada bla yada." - Mrs. Bustier
"'Viva La Revolution', that was perfect." - Whispering Alix
"It just came to me, but Chats 'Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object' line and your 'Man of Moth' speech were really well timed !" -whispering Peter
"well of course, I'm always punctual with any time sensitive joke/pun." -whispering Alix
"Will you to zip it! we can't have these simpletons finding anything out!" -whispering Chloé
"Please, they all share a broken defective regect of a brain cell, I doubt they could ever put two and two together." -whispering Alix
"Hey, do you think we should start a protest in our classroom?" -whispering Peter
"... Viva.La.Revolution!" - whispering Chloé with a mischievous grin
"No." - Maria
•~—~—~—~ Later when Mrs. Bustier is out of class ~—~—~—~•
"I just don't know what to do." - Lie-la
" You think she finally realized how horrible that hair style is?" - Alix
"After visiting Gotham a few months ago I met Damian Wayne, you might've heard about him, he's just so amazing, kind-hearted, and brave. We had a wonderful time, but then he asked me out! And I don't want to hurt Parkers feelings, I care for both of them!" - Lie-la
"Man, she must be extremely full of it to keep pulling that sh-t out of her @ss every hour or so." - Alix
"Wow Peter, didn't know your cared for Ms. Rossi like that" - Chloé said in a sarcastic tone.
" I'd rather strap her to a supersonic rocket heading for a black hole, and I'm pretty sure this Damian Wayne would do the same... he probably has the money for it actually." - Peter
" Enough plotting, we still need to get enough money, if we want that summer trip, we've already crossed off: Baking sales, becoming a mime, jobs are out unless they're fine with you leaving right after joining, and we can't just ask for donations." - Maria
" I can use my MDC mon-" - Maria
"Oh hell no you won't! You worked your butt off to get that money, you said it yourself! That money is for when you apply to college! I refuse to let you waste your money on our ignoramus classmates!" - Chloé
Thankfully by now everyone was out of the classroom.
" Oh Kwami she's serious, she never uses her big words!" - Adrien
" Then what do you suggest Chloé?" - Maria
" I'll ask daddy to pay!" - Chloé
" I can also ask my father, he'll probably do it if Mr. Bourgeois puts in a donation." - Adrien
" But- " - Maria
" No! The decision is final all in agreement say aye!" - Chloé
"Aye!" - Everyone
"You've watched to many movies Chloé, fine, but please don't drastically overdo it." - Maria
" When have I ever drastically overdone something? Name one time." - Chloé
"Well, there was the time you over did it, by not sleeping for almost three weeks." - Maria
" and after that you got so fed up with one akuma that you kicked him with the force of a thousand suns down unda, you may have scared him for life after that honestly. " - Adrien
" Oh! or the time you went overboard with Peters B-day, and the cake landed on his face! - Alix
"Well in her defense, the cake was great, but it was kinda a mouthful." -Peter
"... I said name one time. (ー_ー)" - Chloé
Sooo, after all that happened Mr. Bourgeois, Fallowed by Gabriel Agreste, gave a very generous donation, so that solves that problem.And since I'm sure you don't want to see (More Lies) boring stuff, lets skip to two days before the trip begins.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜time skip " You're welcome, I'm here all eternity." - Bunnyx〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
•—–· At Chloés Hotel ·–—•
"Ok are we sure we have everything?" - Maria
" Yes now can we please watch something already, we've triple, and even quadruple checked everything, we're good." - Alix
" I have to go out and inform Tempête and Vipère, before anything else, be back soon." - Maria then heads out calling upon the other heroes.
" So what do you need?" - Vipère
" Do you have a top secret mission for us?" - Tempête
" For the summer Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir will be unavailable, unless they are truly needed, I however will be able to travel back and forth via portals for fights. Paris will be in your care while we aren't here." - Ladybug
"It is our honor, we shall defend Paris with our lives." - Tempête
" Agreed, enjoy your summer." - Vipère
"Thank you, stay safe."  and with that Maria headed back to the hotel prepared to watch movies, only to be bombarded with questions as soon as she got back.
" HOLD UP! You know MAGIC?!" - Alix
" When were you going to tell us?!" - Chloé
"So cool, how does it work?" - Peter
" Can you teach us?!" - Adrien
" Spots-Off, yes I know magic, I swear I've told you before. Do you want a demonstration?" - Maria
They all shook their heads excitedly.
" Ok well, I'm able to Heal myself if I get hurt, but I don't wish to hurt myself just for that, I can also increase my Luck with magic, as well as Communicate/ Manipulate plants, and see peoples Souls, thanks to Tikki. I learned Protection magic thanks to Wayzz, and Illusion magic thank  to Trixx. I'm also learning Teleportation from Kaalki, which I've almost completed, and Mutitude from Mullo, which still needs work." - Maria
" If you can really talk to plants, what did we do earlier while you where out, hmmmmm?" - Alix
Maria then walks over to the roses near the couch and whispers to them, after a moment she turns back to her friends, and calmly says "Traitors."
" What do you mean?" - Peter
" You continued watching Star Wars: Clone Wars Without me!" - Maria
" Ok we believe you, but does this mean we can also use magic?" - Adrien
"Hmmm, let me see" as she says this her eyes start to glow an almost ethereal icy blue.
" Why are you eyes glowing?" - Chloé
"Looking at you souls... ok" she then claps her hands and her eyes go back to normal "Adrien, you can use slight Destruction magic on objects, if you use it on a person it would just cause them extreme pain, you can also cast Bad Luck on someone, so I guess thats good, and you can also learn slight Jubilation magic. Peter you can learn Illusion, and Protection magic. Chloé you can Learn Subjection, and Multiplication magic. And Alix, you can learn Evolution, Intuition, and Teleportation magic." As Maria finished, she saw the star struck looks in their eyes at the thought of learning magic became obtainable for them.
"Teach us!" they all bowed only to get a laugh from Maria in response.
"You would have to ask the Kwamis that, I only know what I know thanks to them." - Maria
And for most of the night they all started practicing magic. And when they woke up, they continued to practice, they had fun and were really enjoying it.
Then came the day Maria and her friends were to head for Gotham, and it was hectic, but everyone made it in one piece after an 8 hour flight, which at this point Maria was glad she sent all of her important luggage ahead of time, because somehow her luggage with only her toiletries and pyjamas was stolen, so all she had now was her back pack on her and the Miracle box in a Pocket dimension (thanks to the training from Fluff and Kaalki)
Lila was annoyed, when Maria didn't even care that she lost her bag with all her stuff (jokes on you she sent that one to the hotel 2 days ago HA!) they ended up checking into the hotel, everyone was with someone, Peter was with Adrien, Chloé was with Alix, and Maria... just had the Kwamis, yup that's right, apparently Lila has a condition that prevents her from being in any room below a quality vip room, so now she was upgrade and without a roommate, good for Lila, and Lucky for Maira, because now she doesn't have to worry about someone noticing her climbing out the window to go free-running across rooftops as Multimouce.
Around 7:30 pm. everyone heads out for lunch... and they leave Maria behind.
"Of course this happens." and with that she asked the receptionist for the directions to where her class went, afterwards she went out and proceeded to get lost, after trying to retrace her steps, she just got lost quicker, and her phone was at 20% what luck.
After walking for a little bit, she had decided to take a break, and as she leaned up against a wall, she closed her eyes.
'Maybe if I search for the receptionists Soul I can find my way back.' as she was doing this, she saw souls of all colors walking by, she even noticed a dark emerald green soul, and a dark blue soul across the street on a rooftop... and then she felt her hair stand on end, a few feet to her right was a bloody rust looking soul, she could tell it was a male, late 20s, average build, and 5'11, he was targeting her. As she opened her eyes  she did a quick scan of her seroundings, noticing an alley, she started to walk again. Sensing the slight increase in speed from the man now behind her, as he got closer, she made a sharp left into the alley, she made it a few feet in before the man started laughing and walking closer, she saw the disgusting look in his eyes, and the outline of a gun in his front left pocket.
"Come on now girlie,  I just wanna talk."
" I am good thankz." she made sure to add an accent to make him feel like he had an upper hand, which seemed to work, if his sickening smile was anything to go off of.
He stepped closer and Maria (the little genius she was) decided to act nervous, which only lowered the guys gaurd even more, once he reached to grab her in a quick motion she proceeded to do this.
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She held the guy in a lock until he fell unconscious. As she stood up, she noticed a hand reaching for her, she then grabbed the hand and flipped the figure over her shoulder hard, hearing a yelp from the man as she did so.
When she realized who she had flipped over, her face turned bright red
"Mon dieu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you are you ok Monsieur Nightwing?!"
"Yeah I'm fine and don't apologize, reflexes like that are key to survival here in Gotham, isn't that right Robin.... Robin?"
When Nightwing didn't get any sound from Robin he looked over to see the boy a blushing mess, then Robin snaped out of it, cuffing the mugger, and turning his attention to the girl.
" Ehem. Mam it's dangerous to be out here at this time alone, please allow us to take you wherever you need to go." - Robin
"Oh thank you um, do you know where Wayne Hotel is? I was supposed to go with my class to dinner, but they... “forgot” me, I decided to try and meet up with them, but I failed horribly." - Maria
"Wait they just left you? and in Gothan of all cities?! What kind of teacher does that?!" - Nightwing
" An instegator." - Maria said under her breath in French, she didn't notice the slight shock on both their faces from what she said.
"Anyway lets get you to your hotel before it gets any later." - Nightwing
"Thank you again." - Maria
She arrived safely, thanks to Nightwing and Robin, she thanked them one more time and went inside, when she got to her room she found her friends pacing back and forth in the room, Chloé and Peter looking like they would soon become two people on a mission to find her, but thankfully she was back, she of course had to answer alot of questions, but that was no big deal. After answering all their questions, everyone went to their rooms, and fell asleep, they had a big day tomorrow afterall... ... and then Marias' Akuma alert went off, ok so it took about thirty minutes to defeated the akuma 2 more before she could cure anything and another 5 minutes before she could head back to her room, and it was now 2am, but she could still wake up early right? hehe (・–・;) right?
No, the answer was no she couldn't, well technically she was up on time for when the bus "should" have started getting ready to leave, BUT turns out Lila SOMEHOW, managed to get everyone on board without even thinking of her an hour early! Maria asked for directions once again, and the receptionist had a worried and apologetic look on her face, Maria thanked her again, and headed out, this time however, she made it without getting lost and without getting mugged, Yay! She even had enough time to get a coffe (Tim special was a wierd name but oh well it did the job pretty well) from a shop near by (double yay!) before entering the WE building.
" You have to start the tour! we've been here for an hour and thirty minutes already!" - Ms. Bustier
"Like I said before, I will not start the tour until your student gets back, and if they don't get back, then we better hope nothing happened to them, or else it's your fault for your negligence." - Tour guide
"Sorry I'm late, the bus left earlier than what we scheduled, why didn't you inform me about the change?" - Maira
"Lila said you were the one who made the changes and that you were just trying to get attention, I am VERY disappointed in you Maria, now apologize to your class for delaying the tour!" - Ms Bustier
"I think you mean “I'm sorry we left you behind in a city where murder happens to young kids on a daily basis” now you apologize to Your student that is Your responsibility." - Tour Guide with a glare that could kill a thousand armys
Ms. Bustier proceeded to apologise to half the class's disbelief.
"Alright then, now that thats all taken care of, Hello and welcome to Wayne Enterprise, where we focus on making Gotham and the world a better place. I'm Dick Grayson, and I'll be you tour guide for today."
As the tour went on Maria stood at the front with her friends, she took notes of everything that was said, and she ignored whatever nonsense Lila was spouting, somthing about saving or dating Damian Wayne, she didn't really care.
When the lunch break came, she sat with her friends until she needed a long overdo refill on her coffee, she walked over to the coffee machine and started figuring what combination will keep her brain working for the rest of the day.
"Press button 3 followed by 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4, 9, and 7, that is the ultimate coffee mixture, if your mortal self is up for the challenge." - Sleep deprived guy
"I accepte." she presses the buttons in the exact order and then " Wait none of the cups are big enough."
"Here, secrect cup, from beyond the mortal realm." - Sleep deprived guy
" Thanks" she grapped the very large cup, and filled it with coffee till it was almost to the rim, she put the lid on and instantly took a big sip from the scolding hot coffee (she can heal, her tongue's fiiiiiiine)
"... Not bad, taste similar to the Tim Special I had earlier, but maybe a bit stronger." - Maria
" Kindred Spirit, let us be friends, you have drank the sacred coffee and are now immortal, congrats." - Sleep deprived guy
"It was not easy, but I have come this far, and I shall go the distance with nothing but coffee in my veins." Maria said in a serious tone as they shook hands "I am Maria, keeper of all nighters, and who might you be, my kindred spirit."
"I am Tim, the keeper of sacred coffee and all that is unholy."
"It was an honor to meet you Sacred Tim, may the coffee gods guide you in your journey, sadly we must part ways, for the lunch break is over, farewell..." and with that Maria left to rejoin the group.
"Dear god where the hell did you get that much coffee?!" - Chloé
"Kindred Spirits always find a way to assemble." - Maria
"Huh, so there is someone out there who is also a sleep deprived child." - Alix
The tour continued, and Maria noticed their tour guide kept looking at her with growing concern as she slowly made her way through the lovely coffee, she finished the cup within 1 hour and 30 minutes, and most of the staff kept looking at her as she now held the empty unholy cup, that was said to put people (that weren't chosen by the coffee gods) into caffeine induced commas, but she was fine, if anything she was more awake than yesterday and today combined. So yeah Today had a rocky start, but I'd say things are only just beginning.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Bonus Art 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
This is what it looks like from Marias' normal vision, to her Soul Vision (~‾▿‾)~
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Chapter 3 completed, hope you're all having a wonderful day, and staying positive BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd Place★: @zalladane
4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th Place★: @meme991001
10th Place★: @buginetye
11th Place★: @blackroserelina
12th Place★: @jessigurl-design
13th Place★: @adrestar
14th Place★: @moon5608
15th Place★: @little-bluestar
16th Place★: @batgirljr72
17th Place★: @myazael
18th Place★: @our-preciousss
19th Place★: @wolf2118
20th Place★: @nyx-in-line
21st Place★: @kking13
22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64
24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th Place★: @kashlyn
26th Place★: @tbehartoo
27th Place★: @heart-charming
28th Place★: @solangelo252
29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
375 notes · View notes
alexthefly · 3 years
So, I finally watched the 2004 Thunderbirds movie, and I have some thoughts...
First of all, this is completely, entirely, 100% @uniwolfcorn's fault.
Secondly, yes it's true. Never watched it. Not even accidentally.
Until now.
Come with me on this journey and listen to my insane ramblings...
- So this is a nice little credits sequen-
- JONATHAN FREAKIN' FRAKES?!?! You're telling me this movie was directed by Commander William Riker?!
- This teacher is giving me Colonel Casey vibes...
- How did this reporter lady get to the oil rig before the boys did?
- Okay, Fermat is adorable and I would die for him. ❤️
- So, our first look at the Thunderbirds in action...
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... ::adjusts brightness settings:: ...Nope, still nothing...
- What did they do to FAB1? It's gone from classy machine with classic lines to a goddamn bubble car!
- "Try not to run over any children, Parker." Gee, thanks for that M'lady, I was just h'about to plow h'into them like they was bowling pins(!)
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- Wait, that's not...Fuse, is it?
- Ah, finally a decent look at the 'birds: hmmm, One looks pretty good, but Two seems a bit...Flight of the Navigator?
- Hmmm, perhaps TAG has spoiled me with all the lovely brotherly cuteness, 'cos this dinner scene is not it. Movie Jeff is a big improvement on TOS though.
- Alan, I know you're upset, but you let Fermat finish his dinner goddammit!
- Yay John! Oh, this scene is just gorgeous! John the agony aunt and voice of reason, Jeff worrying about his sons and talking to them like a dad instead of just a commander... It's just so damn wholesome. ::chef kiss::
- Thunderbird Five actually looks pretty goo- ...Aaand they blew it up. 😱 John!!!
- Five: ::floating around in bits::
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- "So this is Mount Olympus, and these are the Thunderbirds..." Oof. Mixing your mythologies there, Hood.
- "Like a puppet on a string." ::Sobs in meta::
- Hood: [resumes monologuing]
- Wait, that reporter got to the scene again? In Singapore? *Checks notes* Wasn't she in Russia?
- "Don't you think Tintin is blossoming?" 😳 #cringe
- First question from Jeff is whether the kids are safe, and be still my heart!
- Hoverbikes!!!
- Alan's being a reckless idiot and OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST MOCK MY ANGEL'S STUTTER!!!
- This chase sequence is...oof. Was it always bad, or is it just the naughties CGI shining through?
- UnFuse coming in strong with the evil laugh there...
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- Again, brotherly dynamics here is...off: Scott losing hope, Gordon being a condescending knob? Uh-uh. Nope.
- Jeff: "He's a Tracy." 🤍🤍🤍
- Parker is an absolute treasure and I love him.
- Penny, stop quipping and spinning like a top; just kick her in the face!
- "Don't go to sleep." 😭😭😭😭😭
- "We've got to be quick; the Hood is getting away." ...Aaaand your father and brothers? Remember them? Suffocating in space?
- ::gasp:: Two is launching! Cannot wait for this!!
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- Bra jokes. 🙄😩 This whole last ten minutes has been a hard steer off the edge of a cliff, quality-wise. Not happy...
- OK, Brains yelling Jeff awake makes everything better! 👓😁 Very very silly but I am here for it.
- That little nod between John and Jeff is everything. 🥰
- ...I see Lady P found time to change outfits during this very urgent and time-sensitive crisis.
- Ah, the obligatory product placement for... Wall's Ice Cream? 😶 Huh.
- The same bloody reporter's in London now!! Seriously, it's been what, a couple of hours tops! Did the studio spring for a bloody TARDIS?
- Accident Zone? Accident Zone?! Firstly, it's clearly not an accident, and secondly, 🔥😡🤬🔥
- Thunderbird Four! ... ::resumes squinting::
- That steering mechanism is going to play murder on their elbows... That said, this rescue sequence is kinda fun.
- The boys cheering and whooping for Alan and Tintin made my heart sing! Why wasn't there more of this earlier?
- Did Lady P get changed AGAIN?!
- And apparently she also forgot all the cool martial arts she knew half an hour ago...
- Aww, Jeff and Alan having a moment. ❤️🤍
- Mr Scriptwriter, if you need a character to be kept alive when by all logic the bad guys should kill her, don't bring that fact up and then leave it totally unresolved! You don't need to start pointing the movie's flaws out to us - we can see them.
- Parker and Fermat my beloveds!
- Veering between awful bits and lovely bits is starting to give me whiplash...
- 🤣😂🤣 The Hood's gone full M Bison! 🤣
- Jeff displaying genuine fear for Alan's safety is giving me life right now.
- "I don't want to save your life, but it's what we do." ::bounces excitedly:: Grandma and Scott said it better in TAG, but the sentiment is the same and I'm thrilled!
- "See you soon, Jeff." Did they...did they think there was going to be a sequel?! Bless their hearts.
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- The boys are all dicking about in the pool together and everything is right with the world. ☺️🥰
- See? I knew that "blossoming" thing was creepy!!
- I'm not going to mention John's mutant healing abilities. Not at all. Nope.
- They ALL get to be Thunderbirds? Fermat my baby!!
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...You and me both, Parker. 🥲
- Pink pedalo. Because reasons. Apparently.
It absolutely had its flaws but honestly? Not even close to as bad as I thought it would be. Perhaps in 2004 I would have been mad, but today, knowing that TAG exists and fixed so much of what went wrong here, I can dig it. 👍
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multifandomwriter18 · 3 years
“If only I could hear your voice” Chatnoir x Reader || PART 2
A/n: alright so this was months overdue, to be completely honest I totally forgot about it and I don’t really use my iPod that much anymore LOL
On that note! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! Ya boi turned 20 today!!! I feel old lol
Anyways here’s part 2 since y’all been waiting for a while for. I’m really sorry about not being active on here. Life’s been rough...ANYWAYS HOPE YALL ENJOY IT!!!
Things you need to know
Y/N: your name
L/N: last name
H/C: hair colour
H/L: hair length
E/C: eye colour
S/C: skin colour
F/F: favourite flower
F/C: favourite colour
Symbol to play music:
When you see this! That means play!
My chest ached, like someone just dropped weights on me. My lungs burned like they were on fire.
My breath hitched as a hiccuped a little and coughed too. I groaned softly as I rubbed my now red and swollen eyes. I sighed and wiped my eyes trying to run away the redness.
I curled up in a bawl and cried a softly into my pillows. I didn't ask for this to happen to me..
Why can't people like me for me?
I froze when I felt a weird vibe.
I caught a scent of sweet cologne that had such a scent..almost drugging..
I sat up from my pillow and turned to see the one and only Chat Noir. His green eyes burn in my (e/c) ones.
"Hello M'Lady, I hope you don't mind that I stopped by."
I stayed froze as I watched the silk cat hero walk around my room. "(Y/n)..what happened here..why is.." He trailed off as he walked to my trash can and picked up my sketch book.
I clenched my hands tightly on to one of my pillows I had against my chest to my chest.
He looked at me and gave me a sad smile that made my heart nearly break even more.
I looked away pressing my cheek into the pillow I was hold. I heard him sigh as he walked to the where all my music stuff was scattered.
He knelt down and let out a sigh. "You make songs.." I ran over and-I didnt mean to shove him I just didn't want anything I wrote to be seen.
I gathered it all up and shoved it all under my bed. Chat looked at me but I couldn't look at him.
I made sure my (h/l) (h/c) hair covered my now teary (e/c) eyes.
I heard rustling of paper and when I looked up I see Chatvadverting his green orbs away from mine as his hand was extended towards me.
In his claw like hand he hand a sheet of paper. When I looked at it realized it was the drawing I did of him and I..
The one I had written a little song about him.
"This belongs to you I think..I..it's a beautiful drawing M'Lady..I.."
I shook my head and grabbed his hand gently on his chest. He looked at me and I looked away.
I want him to have it..
He sighed as he held the drawing close. "I'm sorry..maybe I shouldn't have come.." I clenched my jaw as I watched him open up my window to my balcony.
My chest squeezed and I ran fast grabbing his arm. He looked at me as I had tears in my eyes.
Please don't leave me..
I'm guessing he got the message because before I could sink to me knees and cry I was already in his arms.
He strokes my (h/c) hair as he muttered soft words making my heart flutter.
I held him close as I hiccuped and cried. When I felt as if I was done I pulled my head away and mouthed 'I'm sorry..'
He smiled and cupped my cheek so my (e/c) eyes met his beautiful green orbs. "It's ok..I..."
His thumb stroked my cheek as he rested his forehead against mine. His other hand intertwined with mine. "If only I could here your voice.."
When he pulled his head away his eyes searched mine. "You have such beautiful eyes..the perfect shade of (e/c) just like..
(If your eyes a blue then he says like the colour of the ocean. If Green or like a hazel colour then he'll say like the colours of lush green trees. If your eyes are a brown then a he'd say like the sweet Belgium chocolate.. If he said grey then he'd say.. Like the soft clouds the blow through the sky you guys get it now? If confused comment.)
I stared at him as I small smile formed on my lips. 'Thank you..' I mouthed and his eyes instantly looked at my lips.
Did he want to kiss me?
My breath hitched and my heart fluttered just thinking about it.
Slowly and hesitately he first softly brushed his soft lips against mine. I closed my eyes enjoying how they felt. Even if it was for a second of taste..
He pulled away again as his finger like claw brushed a lock of my (h/c) hair behind my ear.
Then with more pressure he pressed his lips against mine again. Slowly I kissed back resting my hands on his chest. His lips were amazing..soft and tender..the kiss was sweet and soft..
It took my breath away...
When we pulled away we both take in a small breath. I felt my (s/c) cheeks get hot and he smiled again.
I smiled back as his eyes brighten. "There we go..that beautiful smile is what I love to see..."
I looked at him and he rested a hand on my cheek. "You so purrfect M'Lady..such purrfection.."
I shuddered my shoulders and giggled. Well not really since..well since I lost my voice.
He chuckled and kissed my cheek softly. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his lips on my (s/c) cheeks.
His hands intertwined with mine and he smiled. I smiled back and then his ring started to beep.
"Ah..I have to go."
I frowned and he sighed looking at me. "I promise I'll see you again..my beautiful angel.."
I smiled as tears formed in my eyes again. He kissed me one last time before slipping through my window and jumping off my balcony and off down the street. I watched him go as my hear pounded.
See you later Chat..
My one and only hero..
My one and only Kitty Cat...
I closed the window and laid back on my bed hunching over I grabbed my music notes and sketch book as began to draw..
PART TWO IS FINALLY DONE! I hope you all like it!!!
Again. I do apologize for the long wait to write and staying active here on tumblr. Work has been busy, I’ve been literally working over 12hr shifts so it hasn’t been easy.
I’ll try to post more sooner or later once I find the time to do so. Thanks for all the support, likes and reads. I really appreciate it y’all!
Love y’all, stay safe and have a wonderful day❤️
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