#the uzumaki interaction we deserved
narusaku-headcanons · 11 months
🍜🍥Headcanon Submission 🍜🍥
Naruto asks Sakura the question he should have during the Last. Why does she love Sasuke? She thinks for a moment and can’t bring up a concrete reasoning as to why she does, she thinks of their interaction regarding her large charming forehead but as the years drug on and Sakura thought of it more and more she had suspicions that maybe it wasn’t Sasuke at all. (Note: In this Naruto isn’t exactly ‘understanding’ when Sakura questions his knowledge of love) Later months after the mission to save Hinata/world Sakura finds herself traveling the winding path towards the long abandoned Uzumaki Compound (always found it kinda stupid that Naruto or MinaKushi never lived in her clans home that was shown during Kushinas flash backs in the village) Finding out through the rumor mill that Naruto had finally moved from his apartment to the home on the very outskirts of the village. The forest that’s encompasses the path turns into a carefully cultivated orchard of cherry blossoms. With confidence she continues her journey to his home. She hesitates as she gets to the door unsure if should just go in or knock. The irritation of the last few months gets the better of her and she barges in. The living room is more modern than she expects and she finds Naruto sitting in a sheet covered love seat seemingly waiting for her. She noticed the differences in his appearance, she isnt proud of it but she had been avoiding him since the mission and he had allowed his hair to grow out some. He doesn’t question why she’s here or why she barged in. He simply says he’s been meaning to talk to her.
Sakura begins by answering his question from the mission that she doesn’t know why she loves Sasuke. She confesses that maybe she doesn’t anymore or maybe never really did, that he had no right in questioning who she loves or why she does.
Naruto asks why she gets to question who he loves? She can’t answer that question but says he deserves to be happy with Hinata. Naruto says with absolute certainty he wouldn’t be happy with Hinata, that the person he would be happy with was the women who was his rock, who believed in his dream from beginning, who believed upright and from the front not one who he barely noticed. He goes to say the women he loves would have to be there for him, be his most treasured advisor and confidant at home and in the political workings of the world and he would reciprocate those same conditions to his lover above all else. Then he says, “Everyone is saying I deserve this or that, that I deserve to be happy.”
“What about what I want?” He questions lowly, staring directly into her eyes.
“What do you want?” She asks back.
“I think we both know the answer to that, the only question is what do you want?”
She thinks, never taking her eyes of his (during her thoughts on Sasuke she keeps thinking about all the reasons she loves Naruto)
“I want what you want, your dreams, your love if you’ll have me.” She says and those feelings she’s feared and questioned for the past four years suddenly seem like such trivial things as they share their first kiss.
Submission by @gators5
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melonnade · 1 year
OC-TOBER DAYS 2-4 (commentary about each character under the cut)
2: NEW OC - Luo Yuqing
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3: OLD OC - Tess (joint effort between @millidew and I)
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4: REDESIGN - Sanya Harris
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Day 2 - new OC: technically Xiang Wanyi is my newest OC but he was Day 1, so I’ll just do my second-newest. for a long time, Luo Yuqing didn’t really get much character development from me. from the onset, I knew I wanted a character like Song Riyuan as the protagonist of this OC universe. SRY needed a friend of some sort but I didn’t really have a clear-cut idea, so I just quickly scribbled in LYQ’s design without thinking much about it and made their concept “cloud recesses wangxian but lesbians.” so for a while, LYQ has just been “what if Lan Wangji was a girl?”
after fleshing out SRY a bit more though, I figured LYQ deserves some more actual thought from me too, so she has this sort of inverse character development thing with Riyuan. Waymond Wang in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once has a quote that lives rent-free in my head: “When I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naive. It is strategic and necessary… This is how I fight,” and “We have to be kind. Please, be kind.” This is SRY’s mentality at the beginning of the story. LYQ has a more cynical worldview: sometimes kindness hurts more than it helps. It’s more similar to Megumi from jjk’s “who’s to say that someone you save won’t kill anyone in the future?”
not going to get too much into plot, but over time, stuff happens and the two begin to slowly swap ideologies. after a time skip, LYQ has basically SRY’s original mentality, while SRY has taken on LYQ’s. I get so excited just thinking about how they’d interact when they meet again—they’re still so, so important to one another but there’s this distance now that they’re not sure how to navigate. to SRY, her old mentality was the reason why she wasn’t able to keep the two of them from being separated—she hates that part of herself. to LYQ, her memories of SRY were what got her through everything—she takes on that ideology as a sort of homage initially, but grows to believe it completely. there’s so much fun potential here for different situations.
I’m just going to try to describe her in a sort of stream of consciousness way. overall, LYQ makes me think of the North Star—always there, always constant, never wavering. basically, she doesn’t give up ever. not in a Naruto Uzumaki bold, confident kind of way, but in the same way Sisyphus keeps pushing that boulder, slowly but surely, over and over again. Luo Yuqing’s character is like the way waves against cliffs over the course of centuries can turn rock to sand. not sure how much this makes sense, but these are the types of associations I have in my mind with her. the vibes, if you will. she’s very fun to think about, now that I have more of an idea of what she should be.
Day 3 - old OC: Tess is the very first OC I ever made, before I even knew what an OC was. she’s a group project of a character, so I guess Millie and I have shared custody. she’s very edgy, very cringe, and was very fun at the time to make. I don’t think I ever drew any ref art of her, so this is just a drawing that I made today of what I remember her looking like. Tess is so funny to me because I remember thinking, “if she’s an assassin, she can’t be 12, because I’m 12, and 12 is too young to do anything like that. she can be 13 though.”
I drew her with her manic pixie dream girl traveling companion Sel, since I didn’t want to separate them!
I think Tess & Sel’s creation was a formative time in my life because this is basically how I make every OC now. they always come in pairs—their personalities are developed around one another, so I almost never make individual OCs. you can pretty much group all my OCs into two: Luo Yuqing & Song Riyuan, Qin Tianxiao & Xiang Wanyi, Haneul & Anna, Zach & .Soren, Atlas & Louisa, etc. If a character on my Art Fight doesn’t have an obvious foil, it’s most likely just because I haven’t drawn their ref sheet yet. anyway, I just think it’s funny how that moment in my life influenced my entire creative process, even now. if you spend enough time looking at my OCs, there are definitely clear patterns that I tend to follow though!
Day 4 - redesign: another part of my OC creation process is when I scrap certain universes, I try to reuse the characters if possible. either I’ll essentially blend them up with another character to create someone new or I’ll just stick them in a brand new universe. Sanya Harris initially was a best friend/sidekick-type character in an urban fantasy monster-hunting OC universe that I’ve abandoned. (like all of my other OCs, she had a partner OC too, but he’s been recycled into Zach lol). she was a college student working a part-time job as a motel receptionist in rural Kansas. now, in her current backstory, she lives in California and is a teenager going to summer camp. this whole situation is very funny to me.
actually, a lot of my OCs would fit for the “redesign” prompt because all of the recycled ones are basically redesigns. for example:
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let’s compare the art I drew of Tess to Haneul’s original design from 2021. “they’re the same photo” meme etc, etc.
their personalities are very similar too—they’re basically the same person. again, I find this hilarious, but yeah, there are definitely character archetypes that repeat in my OCs that are easily identifiable if you’ve been watching me make a lot of them over the years.
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sun-flowerfields · 2 years
(Your lovelies with my Naruto Muses)
@historias-multorum Oh man look- LOOK YOU UNLOCKED ONE OF MY SECRET MUSES AND NOW I HAVE TO EVENTUALLY MAKE A BIO! But really there so many horrible ships and interactions i want with you and just- 👌
Pairings under cut.
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DoYoung Jangnim Pairings:
Izuna Uchiha- I just love the thought of her hating these people so damn much but they seem to surround her. Like she can be extremely pissy about them but we all know these Uchiha are growing on her.
Itachi Uchiha- Hey they share a work buddy, even if Do kind of disrespects Kisame. She at least has the balls to do it in his face. He'd be constantly amused by her horrible antics. Why is this hoblin woman handing me food? Where did that even come from?
Karin Uzumaki- Hey sis what's up 👋. Uzumaki shenanigan's. She will drag Karin into chaos. Science sounds cool, but putting it into practice would probably blow Do's little brain. Hunting for old man Ga as a bonding experiment and it ending with them kicking him while he's balled up on the ground. Look I live for these girls.
Madara Uchiha- Pure sin tbh, it would be so damn Toxic. Like "Ah an Uzumaki mixed woman- for FWEEEEE?!?" Shes gonna try to fight him a lot ngl. "Look me in the eyes when we talk motherfucker." The actual audacity- but also she will literally look him in the eyes and you gotta respect that.
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Yuho Inuzuka pair's:
Hana Inuzuka- Same clan! Dog- so many dogs. Hana waqtching Yuho lay on the floor and cry because one of her students called her old. Winter trips to Kumo please!!!
Sasuke Uchiha- "I remember you being a sad motherfucker in school. Wanna go see some puppies, you probably need it." Will bring him fizzy drinks and listen to his problems.
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Ichiban Hyuuga pair's:
Hinata Hyuga- Same clan and same branch. She's probably run into him a few times before being steered away. Ichi was a giant Hyuuga heart throb with a shitty past and a love for his baby sister, that's right up her alley. "I can fix him I swear 🥺"
Tsunade- A bit of an age gap but he's perfectly fine with that. Tsunade beating his ass and dragging him back to the village kicking and screaming would be HILARIOUS! "Mommy, I'm sorry- Mommy?"
TenTen- She deserves so much. Here have a Hyuga Tens, you deserve it. Them meeting when he's all busted and bruised would be such a classic movie moment.
Karin Uzumaki- It would be kinda Toxic, he's a bit daft and that would result in some smacking. Them meeting while in the land of tea and he's just fucking awe struck. Is the equivalent of a golden retriever.
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Sook Ga Uzumaki pairs:
Tsunade- Look, I'm not saying he'd be a simp but- he'd simp. Them working on recording Uzumaki scrolls and techniques that are dying out. Tsunade helping him with smithing when he can't wear his prosthetic sounds bad ass.
Izuna Uchiha- He approached first and it left an impression LOL. Uzumaki's x Uchiha's is a winning mix lets be real. Sook is old enough to know about Izuna so seeing this fucker has him confused, he doesn't ask though because he's a good boy gdi.
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DoHwang Jangnim:
Hinata Hyuga: she's so tiny and shy, he loves that. Gentle woman, kind woman, will rip your throat right out though- he's impressed. Hwang is extremely pretty, but very blind. Them walking arm and arm and her describing the sky and he's just swimming in her words. Very slice of life and fluffy.
Karin Uzumaki- They share Uzumaki blood. Karen restoring his eyes and that being a huge ass moment between them because she's the first thing he see's. Him sneaking her little gifts when he's in the area from his missions. 10/10 would court like a princess.
Itachi Uchiha- Blind big brother issues. Might have a lot more in common than they think with Hwang being a retired Hunting captain. There will be some outrage from Hwangs side because he would never push his sister to revenge for his own selfish need to die. Will be willing to work through that with the other man though.
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fineillsignup · 6 years
Just spent 3hrs reading your naruto analysis tag, and I love everything!! Can you tell me more abour uzumakis and senjus? Is it ever stated that tsunade is a senju or is she only a granddaughter of a one, like himawari is to hiashi? And where even is the rest of the senjus? Also, why are uzumakis scattered everywhere? At first I thought mentioning that karin and nagato are uzumaki would be important for the story, but it isn't so why did kishi even gave them that last name??
~Uzumaki night here on fineillsignup~
It isn’t actually clear that Tsunade is a Senju by surname. She never uses the name “Senju Tsunade” in story; she never wears the Senju clan symbol. The way people called her -hime might imply she was part of the ruling family, but then again it might not. East Asian usage of terms like “-hime/princess” can be somewhat complicated, and you have the examples in universe where Temari (daughter of a Kage) and Kurotsuchi (granddaughter of a kage) are not referred to as -hime anywhere that I remember.
I actually don’t see any reason why perhaps it isn’t from her Senju side at all that she gets the -hime title… perhaps Hashirama’s daughter married civilian royalty, such as a prince, and that’s why Tsunade is a princess? It’s an interesting idea for a headcanon that I didn’t consider until just now.
(Plus the whole timeline for that era is so fucked up regarding when Hashirama reproduced, when his child reproduced in time for Hashirama to know her to at least ~5 year old but still die looking like he’s in his mid-thirties, etc etc.)
The Uzumaki home village was mysteriously wiped out (with no thorough canon explanation to who did it and how), and a small remnant of refugees scattered here and there, but we only know about Nagato and his parents, Karin and her mother, and Kushina (and then Naruto).
Could there be more Uzumakis? Gosh, this would seem like a question that a consistently characterized Naruto would really be interested in, but instead we got Boruto-era fake Naruto who inexplicably doesn’t even seem to care about Karin.
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Like not only do we not get the wholesome Naruto and Karin deep friendship we all need, he doesn’t even seem to know she exists, much less to care about how she’s still working for her abuser/manipulator Snakebert. Or that Snakebert is abusing/manipulating in new and creative ways and whoops look at me go on this tangent. Anyway Bort is shitty and no one should ever watch it. Instead you should read, write, draw, and look at alternate ending fanwork. Amen.
I’m going to start ending all my meta with “and furthermore Boruto must be destroyed” like Cato re: Carthage.
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I couldn't get this plot out of my head and I really really wanna share itnow but I also wanna finish the entire fic before I publish it. this might actually help me finish something instead of abandoning yet another one of my fics. anw here's chap 1 of my untitled multi-fic :P just a lil sneak peek hehe
OH and the timeline for this fic is 6 years after the 4th Ninja War. So Nart is probably like 23 or smthn
3 years.
It had been exactly 3 years since Naruto left Konoha and ventured out into the great unknown. 3 years since he last saw his friends, 3 years since he last ate at Ichiraku’s, 3 years since he had seen--
Nevermind that. It was best not to dwell on the past, instead; indulge in what was right in front of him.
The road ahead. The gate in front of him. One step further and he was finally, finally back in Konoha. How long had he dreamt of returning? How long had he endured those sleepless nights and envisioned that he would finally be back here to where it all started?
Would Kakashi still be Hokage? Was the village still the same as he left? Did his friends miss him? Did she--
“Oi gaki. What the hell’s taking you so long?”
He still couldn’t quite believe it himself that he had endured Kurama’s restless rants for 3 whole years. He honestly deserved a medal for this.
Annoying bastard-animal.
“Quit ruining the moment. I’m savoring it, jeez”
He took one deep breath and relished the familiar scent of trees that he had been acquainted with since childhood. Yes, he thought. It really was good to be back.
“Naruto Uzumaki; the Hero of the 4th great ninja war and the almighty defeater of Pain has safely arrived at the gates of Konoha! Three cheers for the young hero!”
The crowd was filled with hip, hip hurrahs as they went on and about with their praises for their young hero. Naruto was flabbergasted, he expected maybe a quaint little gathering that celebrated his homecoming. But he wasn’t expecting all this! It was as if the entire village of Konoha had anticipated his arrival and gathered at the front gates.
Well, at least almost everybody.
“Three cheers for the Hero of the 4th Great Ninja War! Three cheers for the future Hokage of Konoha!”
Hip, hip hurrah! Hip, hip hurrah!
“Naruto! I can’t believe it’s been that long! God, look at you. You grew so tall! You might be taller than Sasuke now.” Sakura greeted him at the front gate, along with Sasuke and the rest of Konoha 11, flooding the crowd with jovial cheers and merry grins.
“Hn. Doubt that. He still looks like an idiot to me.” Sasuke refuted.
Naruto merely rolled his eyes but was smiling internally at his best friend’s commentary. Just like old times.
“Wow, thanks for the warm greetings, asshole.”
“Naruto-san! I am overfilled with so much joy and pride after finally seeing you again! You truly have flourished into a handsome and wise gentleman that I knew you would! The power of youth has indeed blessed you!” With tears flowing from his eyes and big, bushy brows scrunched up together, Lee tackled him into a bear hug, crushing him between his arms.
Naruto laughed awkwardly. “Well, I could tell you really missed me, Lee.”
“Oh, but I did! I truly did! We must engage in a training battle soon! I am ever so excited to see your newly acquired skills after venturing for 3 years!”
“Uh, Lee. Don’t wanna ruin the fun or anything, but I doubt Naruto is feeling very youthful today.” Tenten intervened and unlatched Lee from his hold.
“No worries, then! I shall come back and proposition him for another battle tomorrow! And if he still hasn’t agreed, I shall come back on the next day, and on the next! And on the next again, to test our--”
Abruptly cutting Lee off, a group of his fangirls was barreling at him, bombarding him with questions and gifts and overly-touchy interactions.
“You were away for sooo long. We missed you!” “How are you? Do you feel alright? Have you eaten? Do you want me to take you to your apartment?” “Naruto-senpai, I love you, kyaaa~”
“Jesus, girls. He hasn’t even stepped fifty steps into Konoha and now you’re basically flashing your tits in front of him.” Catching his attention almost immediately, Tsunade came marching between the too tight crowd, crossing her arms and smirking widely upon seeing Jiraiya’s disciple.
“Welcome home, you little brat.”
“Three cheers for the almighty Defeater of Pain! Three cheers for the future Hokage of Konoha!”
Hip, hip hurrah! Hip, hip hurrah!
Naruto blushed and smiled like a dork, rubbing his nape from the embarrassment. “Aw shucks, don’t tell me you missed me too, granny? I was away for like 3 years. It wasn’t that long”
“Naruto-senpai! You still haven’t signed my photo card yet!”
“Oh hush it. Take that back to your shrine and let this boy rest. He’s had enough of your weirdness.” Tsunade shut her up immediately.
After witnessing the fangirl leave their vicinity, Naruto couldn’t help but feel remorseful for the girl, at least until Tsunade looked back at him and greeted proudly. “This reminds me of that time when you left with Jiraiya all those years ago. My, how fast time flies, doesn’t it?. Jiraiya would’ve been immensely proud.”
It really was like last time, huh. Back when he had left at 13 years old, training to grow stronger in order to bring Sasuke back; only this time, he was stronger and Sasuke was finally safe in Konoha, with the entire village now acknowledging him as the great and legendary War Hero.
Everyone was here, everyone in the village went out of their way and welcomed him at the entrance, cheering and smiling without any worry in the world.
Everyone except--
“Oi Naruto! What’s taking you so long?! Let’s head back to your apartment already, we have a little homecoming surprise for you.” Out of nowhere, Ino yelled at him, suddenly inviting him to his apartment with the rest of his friends in tow.
“A homecoming surprise?” Naruto smiled, flattered. “D’aww, you guys shouldn’t have. Everything’s fine as it is.”
“Tsk, as if you’d let us live it down. I bet you were already expecting some sort of party when we got back.” Shikamaru teased, frowning.
“Whaaa-- No, I wouldn’t!”
“Would too.” Chouji perked.
“Would not!”
“Oh, you definitely would, but that’s fine. Even though you’re a pain in the ass sometimes, we still love you for that, oh great War Hero of Konoha.” This time, Sakura bounced beside him, Ino giggling along with her, with Shikamaru and Chouji still bantering about, while Lee and Tenten followed behind.
Even Sasuke was smirking, bemused by their interaction.
“Three cheers for the bravest and strongest ninja in the village! Three cheers for the future Hokage of Konoha!”
Hip, hip hurrah! Hip, hip hurrah!
“Imma be honest, I did not miss this.” Naruto confessed goodnaturedly. “I did, however, miss Ichiraku Ramen. It’s been the only thing on my mind since I got back. That and--” Her “My apartment. I really… missed it.”
Attempting to change the mood, he shifts the topic and treads into dangerous territory. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask but where’s Team 8? Were they really so busy that they couldn't even meet me at the gate?”
“I’ve been right here the entire time.”
Naruto sprang from the abrupt surprise, almost dying of a heart attack by Shino’s sudden voice.
“Dammit, Shino. You scared me!”
“As I’ve said. I have been here the entire time.” Shino emphasized each point, a bit heartbroken from being forgotten.
Naruto made a mental note to hang a bell around his neck sometime this week.
“Damn, okay fine. I’m sorry, I guess. What about Kiba? Where’s that dumb mutt?”
“He’s back at your apartment, guarding the place from your little cronies.” Ino supplied haughtily.
“Hey!” Naruto defended. “They are not my cronies.I barely even know any of them.”
“Sorry, I meant to say your cult. Kiba’s guarding your place from your cult.”
“That’s even worse!”
They all broke into laughter, stomachs lurching from the familiar elation of it all. His head hasn’t felt this alight in a while nor has his chest felt this full. All of his friends were here, greeting him, congratulating him. A bit meaner now, but he missed this. He truly, wholly missed this.
Sakura and Ino continued to tread beside each other like two birds of a feather, Tenten was restricting Lee from bursting out into another one of his youthful speeches, and it was even odder to see Shikamaru, Chouji and Sasuke standing beside each other, conversing so casually. Shino was doing…. whatever it was he was doing.
Everyone was here. Everyone came. He never remembered being this happy in a really, really long time.
At least, he wishes he was.
There was still one problem though.
“Where’s Hinata? Is she at the apartment too?”
Everyone stopped, stiffened. As if something he had said pierced something cold into their spines.
The air shifted, their moods dejected. Was something wrong? Was it something he said? Was Hinata alright?
Panic surged him within mere seconds. “What? What’s wrong with you guys? Is she fine?”
“H-Hinata’s fine. She’s just busy, that's all.” Sakura stammered.
“Busy? Busy with what?”
Surely, everyone was at least busy with something. The difference was that all of them had cleared their schedule even for a short while, just to see him. Naruto doesn’t get mad though, it’s Hinata after all. Maybe she was too busy.
“Um...planning. She’s been busy planning something.” Sakura continued, though the air around them did change. He wasn’t an idiot anymore, at least not the same idiot that he was 3 years ago. The people around him are quieter, their voices have been muted and she still hasn’t answered him, which meant Hinata not being here still meant something.
“Planning? Like, for some clan stuff or--”
“Her engagement.”
Her what?
“Hinata’s been busy… planning her engagement. She has been for weeks now.”
“Sakura--” Sasuke intervened, concerned for his blonde friend.
“What? I’m just telling the truth, he needs to know sooner or later.”
“Now is clearly not the right time.”
She wasn’t here. She was somewhere else. She’s been so busy. Too busy planning for her engagement.
It was silent, too silent. Silent enough to make him hear a ringing in his ear, a ringing so loud, so sharp, so oddly piercing, it was the type of ringing that only dogs were rumored to hear, the type of ringing that resembled the shrill of a metallic rod, right beside his ear, splitting into his canal.
It was silent. Deafeningly silent.
“Naruto, I know this may come as a shocker to you and I’m sorry we should’ve told you this sooner but…”
Don’t say it.
“Hinata’s engaged.”
“Three cheers for Naruto Uzumaki! Three cheers for the future Hokage of Konoha and the greatest ninja to ever live!”
Hip, hip hurrah! Hip, hip hurrah!
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verdantmoontruther · 3 years
thought i should do one of these to welcome you to my naruto hell
Favorite male character: gai
Favorite female character: tsunade
Second and third favorite male character: shino and sai
Second and third favorite female character: tenten and kurenai
Favorite and second favorite clan: aburame and uzumaki
Favorite kage: gaara
Favorite Hokage: tobirama
Least favorite Hokage: sarutobi hiruzen (kys old fart <3)
Favorite tailed beast: matatabi
Favorite canon couple(s): inosai and naruhina
Favorite almost canon couple(s): sasukarin and leeten
Worst canon couple: sasusaku
Least favorite fanon couple(s): narusaku, sns, sakuino, sasodei, kakuhidan
Favorite yaoi couple(s): kakairu or yamairu
Favorite yuri couple(s): i once saw kurenai x mei and haven’t slept soundly since
Couple(s) that you ship romantically and as friends: kakagai, naruino, sasusai (now hear me out on this one)
Favorite protagonist: tsunade
Favorite antagonist: haku and zabuza
Favorite Akatsuki member: kisame
Favorite Akatsuki couple: sasori and deidara (not romantically, i just like when they argue)
Which character do you think deserves more appreciation: shino, kankuro, fuu, and tenten out of the younger generation (i don’t watch or read boruto). anko, kurenai, and genma from the middle generation. maito dai from the older generation
Which character do you think deserves less appreciation: sakura (annoying and i don’t like her but im too tired to go into that rn), itachi (idc who told him to, mans still killed his entire clan and tortured his younger brother several times), and sasuke (you all appreciate him for the wrong reasons!!!! love him for being a revolutionary, not for rejecting his ideology in the end)
Which character(s) didn’t deserve to die: neji, haku, and zabuza (he should’ve lived to see his country be given stability under mei, he deserved it, argue with the wall)
Who do you ship Naruto with: hinata mostly but a small part of my brain screams ino
Which character do you think looks good with everybody: sasuke
Which character out of Teams 7(don’t forget Sai),8,10, Gai would join the Akatsuki: depends what akatsuki we’re talking about! original akatsuki whose goal was world peace through diplomacy? choji, lee, naruto, kakashi, gai, hinata. the akatsuki the characters actually interact with? neji, asuma, tenten.
Hottest female character: tenten or kurenai
Would you eat Ramen: yeah
Pro-ending or anti-ending: pro
How would your version of Naruto ending and Boruto play out (don’t be shy, make it VERY LONG, out touch the smallest details):
1. neji would live because hiashi sacrificed himself in place of his children. i dont really have anything further planned for him in my head but rest assured that he is alive.
2. konoha involves itself in inter-clan business and makes it a criminal offense for hyuuga main branch members to torture the side branch members. no new seals are placed.
3. boruto is not named boruto because what a weird fucking name, no thanks!
4. the truth about both the uchiha massacre and the destruction of uzushiogakure and konoha’s roles in them are revealed to the public.
5. the villagers and ordinary shinobi play a more active role in the running of the village and it moves away from bureaucracy and to tobirama’s original vision of a democracy. the hokage is actually elected, rather than proposed by officials to the daimyo and that’s that.
6. academy starts at age 8 or 10 and finishes at a soft 16 - if a student is particularly gifted, the lowest age they can graduate at is 14.
7. we actually get a scene between naruto and karin where they acknowledge and talk about their shared roots.
8. no sasusaku i’m sorry i just really hate it. sorry sarada. i think sasuke should be allowed to stay single.
9. more children!!! more babies!!!!!!! naruto and hinata have about 4, ino and sai have 2, karui and choji have 3. stop the population from dwindling
10. i actually like the fact that hinata and choji are like retired from the shinobi industry, i dont think they actually ever really wanted to be parts of it. but hinata plays an active role in the improvement of hyuuga intra-clan rapports, even if she’s not clan head.
11. i’d have killed off iruka and kiba but that’s just me. not because i hate them (i love iruka to the moon and back) but i think their deaths would’ve been realistic and meaningful (and also hurt a lot - can you imagine naruto’s reaction to iruka’s death, or kiba dying and leaving akamaru? pain)
12. naruto doesn’t become hokage. he’s a jounin-sensei :D
13. the older generation pairs off as well!! my heart goes soft for gai and anko, i think maybe they have a kid together
14. none of the electronic advancement you see in boruto. i want my bitches to continue suffering
15. orochimaru is either in prison or executed. in either case anko, yamato, and the other people they hurt get justice.
16. choza dies alongside shikaku and inoichi (again, not because i don’t like him), even if he isn’t at hq
17. no fucking rabbit goddess jesus fuck that storyline just about took me out lmao
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Thanks once again for the help @karenusia You deserve a biiig hug from me.
Tw: Yandere themes, kidnapping, bribing, blackmailing, kidnapping, manipulating, guilt-tripping, delusional behavior, controlling behavior, violence, killing
Yandere Naruto Ranking
No.28 Haku
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❄️Haku might not seem like he deserves to be ranked in here because if you look at it he isn’t all that bad at first. However, his clingyness, delusions and overprotectiveness make him deserve this place and making it also pretty exhausting or even irritating for his darling.
❄️By kidnapping them he forces them into the life of a rogue, taking them away from all their loved ones and their home. Not only that, but when his darling is seen with him and Zabuza they will be labeled as a traitor by their village without ever getting the chance to explain otherwise. Even the sudden disappearance could already be enough to make the village consider them as a missing-nin. Their life is like this automatically endangered and robbing them their place to return and even the love and trust of friends and family if they should decide to cut the darling out of their life because of the rumors.
❄️Another trouble the darling will have to deal with is the fact that by being together with Haku, they’re automatically also put together with Zabuza. He would be much more harsher than Haku is and will definitely not tolerate them to be a useless nuisance, meaning that they will be trained so they can handle the life that awaits them. Haku might not be all up for it, but the fact remains that he and his darling are under Zabuza’s leadership, not to mention that Haku is very loyal to Zabuza.
No.27 Utakata
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◾️First things first, he could be placed somewhere far more down since he is actually really patient and understanding. So what’s the problem? His circumstances. He knows that he pretty much destroyed everything his darling ever had. Their future, dreams, their whole life by kidnapping them and forcing them to flee alongside with him and feels terrible for that. But he also didn’t have any other choice.
◾️He was betrayed, lost trust in everything he once loved and cherished and clings due to that with utter desperation to the only thing he feels like he still can trust which happens to be his darling and by uprooting his s/o from their old life he also puts them in direct danger due to the hunting-nins who are out for him.
◾️Utakata himself can sometimes be really harsh to his darling, not consciously, but more because the whole situation is so stressful for him and as patient as he tries to be, sometimes he loses his cool for a second. Another problem is that he’s pretty much the only person the darling can interact with, almost being dependent on him in a way. They can try to ignore and hate him as much as they want too, at one point loneliness will get to them and then they will have no choice, but to turn to him.
No.26 Naruto Uzumaki
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🍜It’s a pity to see that he’s that highly placed in here, but on the other hand it also isn’t really surprising. He’s like a milder mix made out of Obito and Deidara. Unbelievably overprotective and also terrifyingly delusional. His sheer persistence and firm belief that his darling loves him as much as he does will never be shaken and every rejection will go in his one ear and out the other.
🍜We all know that Naruto never gives up. That means he would go to hell and back in order to chase his darling down and no one is able to stop him. Whatever negative sign is given to him by his darling, he’ll blame it on other people, on hard circumstances or will just label his darling as too shy, too afraid or just the “hard to get” type. But he’ll never be convinced that they don’t return his feelings.
🍜This little sunshine here can also be messy. Naruto has not the best temper, gets easily jealous and is on top of that ridiculously overprotective. He would do everything to protect the ones he loves and when someone interacts with his darling in a way he’s disapproving off he might just get pissed off. And the moment he gets jealous he stops playing around. There are a few warnings given, sure, but if someone doesn’t listen they’re finished. And to make it even worse he has no regret in kidnapping his darling if it helps them “calming down and start thinking rationally” or because they’re “threats their own well-being”. His display of affection can also be only described as crushing, he suffocates his darling with it.
No.25 Kiba Inuzuka
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🐕Kiba is clingy and monopolizes his darling’s time a lot, but besides that he doesn’t look all that dangerous at first. But that’s a lie. He’s territorial and easily jealous, lashing out at other people the moment he starts viewing them as a threat. This can go from low growls and warnings to actual biting and throwing hands. He has no qualms getting into a fight, especially if someone made an unwanted pass on them. And in private when he’s sure his darling is in safe hands he’ll also track the persons he views as threats down and remove them.
🐕He’s more dog than you might think, dividing people in three different groups: pack, strangers and threats. Threats are pretty self-explaining. People who mean troubles for his relationship or even directly for the darling. These are the kind of people that have to be either scared away or getting rid off. Strangers are the random people you might met on the street or people he’s a bit acquainted with like some neighbors. Around those people he’s always on higher alert, similar to a dog who’s judging if someone is a threat for their owner or not. He’ll watch intensely their every movement and the moment something does go wrong they’re instantly put into the last category. Pack are people he trusts like his family or friends and around those people he’s much more relaxed and less threatening.
🐕Likewise he would lock his s/o away when he isn’t there since he’s scared that something might happen to them and he won’t be there to protect them. And now to the most fascinating part: his family and their part in all of this. They see Kiba’s darling as a part of the pack and probably adore them very much, meaning they are willing to look for Kiba’s sake after them and also help from time to time to keep the “creeps” away. They won’t do anything too big since it’s also important how they view Kiba’s attachment to them, but there’s a pack mentality shared among them. Not only that, but do you know how hard it would be to escape? Kiba has engraved his darling’s scent into his brain for all eternity and can sense them miles away.
No.24 Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Itachi is another one who is hard to place since similar to Utakata by how he treats his darling he could be ranked somewhere in the top twelve, maybe even ten. He is patient, soft, understanding, lovingly, not to mention that he has legendary self-control. He might be overprotective and have stalkerish tendencies, but that all can be with enough love overlooked. The problems are another ones.
🍡It’s his circumstances. Itachi is an international wanted criminal, meaning being associated with him screams troubles. The moment someone finds out that his darling is involved with him you can bet your ass that everyone will try to use the darling to get to Itachi which needs to the next problem: kidnapping. Itachi is overprotective and if this situation happens he would absolutely take his darling away and bring them somewhere safe. And after that there’s no chance his darling will be able to show their face anywhere again without getting recognized and people trying to get their hands on them. Because for sure as hell there’s a bounty on them now simply because people know that they mean something to Itachi.
🍡Itachi wouldn’t isolate his darling completely, not complaining to take them out somewhere in nature to just relax a bit with them. But similar to Utakata his darling is now to a huge extent dependent on him and knowing that their kidnapper is the only person they’ll be able to interact with might just be another huge blow to their mental health.
No.23 Kakashi Hatake
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📖Kakashi would be able to have a pretty normal relationship with his darling at first despite being teasing, playful, a bit dirty minded and babying them from time to time. But he’s also very paranoid and overprotective which isn’t a surprise after all he witnessed in his life. He’s a troublesome case of stalker and way too smooth about it.
📖Most of his actions are just driven by his overprotectiveness, but Kakashi is honestly the type to feel like his s/o is only safe if he’s around them or maybe Guy because Kakashi trusts his rival for life greatly. Not only that, but he’s also not above removing rivals if he sees the need to and his time with the Anbu and the fact that he’s a genius will make the chance of someone suspecting or even connecting the victim to him minimal. He’s amazing at covering his tracks.
📖But despite all of the stalking and killing every person who possesses a threat at some point Kakashi’s paranoia will get the better of him, leading him to locking his s/o away in his apartment. The only positive thing here is that they at least won’t be alone since Kakashi can just summon one of his ninken that can accompany them. They would most likely be at one point like therapy dogs for his s/o.
No.22 Mei Terumi
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🔵The biggest problem is without a doubt her position. She’s the Mizukage and for that has power over her darling and people she sees as a problem, a really unfortunate turn of events if we add her already manipulative character into this. But she’s also in general a lot to deal with.
🔵Mei is very clingy and attached to her darling’s side. True, she’s a sweetheart and wants only the best for them, but it can be tiring for her darling to be constantly smothered by her. Her delusions would be the next problem. She views her darling as her one true love, her one and only and no one will get through her thick head and convince her otherwise.
🔵She also tends to misunderstand situations very easily and is a hot-head. She would of course never release her steam on her darling, but she can and will lash out and threaten other people if she thinks it’s justified and not even Ao will be able to keep her always under some sort of control.
No.21 Ino Yamanaka
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🌻Ino is very similar to Mei, a manipulative sweetheart mainly due to her kekkai genkai. She’s less dangerous because she holds less power than Mei does, but is still not to be underestimated. She can be described as a genius given her guilt-tripping regarding Sasuke, her mind controlling jutsu and the fact that she’s the gossip queen. She can and will find out how to win her darling’s heart over and a lot more stuff plus the fact that she is able to spread bad rumors about rivals anytime.
🌻She’s also very clingy, delusional and controlling, making her a nasty “don’t worry, sit down and let me take care of you” person. She also has a very short temper and will start throwing a tantrum when she feels threatened.
🌻But the most dangerous part about her will always be her jutsu. She can control people’s mind, she can find out dark secrets and manipulate them. She can make rivals do things her darling won’t like or just lead them to embarrassing themself when in public. The full powers of her kekkai genkai isn’t known, but think about if she would be able to erase and modify someone’s memories. That would make leaving as good as impossible. But I do guess the darling is lucky that Ino isn’t sadistic or else she would have been placed so much more higher...
No.20 Neji Hyuga
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🕊At the first glance Neji would make quite the dream partner. He treats his darling like a royalty, is gentle, lovingly and patient. He also has self-control over his jealousy and won’t say anything against it if his darling wants to socialize even though he is always with them and would also prefer to get back to the safe and familiar walls of the Hyuga estate.
🕊But Neji is also a coin flip since he has delusional mood swings. His awareness can take a complete shift where he’ll go back to his “destiny”-phase. It’s even more difficult since his s/o might fall for him since he treats them amazing. It’s after all so much easier to tell himself that this is fated love when his darling looks at him with love in their eyes if he starts thinking about how unhealthy his emotions really are. Given his kekkai genkai he also makes a really scary stalker, always having an eye on his darling.
🕊The biggest problem is that he has no regrets getting rid of people who did something he can’t and won’t ignore. Be that ignoring his warnings, trying to steal his s/o away or, worst case scenario, hurting them. In that case he will show no mercy since this person just did something unforgivable. Another thing is that he might view other people as unworthy since his clan is a huge deal.
No.19 Minato Namikaze
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⚡️Is this a shock? Guess so, he is after all a pure sweetheart. But don’t forget that we’re faced with the Hokage here, a man with power. He isn’t above using the power he was given to by the previous Hokage, punishing people and also keeping some persons away from his darling with good old blackmailing and bribing. He has also access to a lot of informations and also people who can help him gathering even more personal stuff about others.
⚡️His behavior is mildly the problem, but should still be noted. He means only well, don’t misunderstand him. He will give his darling space if needed, but is clingy and will quickly become pouty and start missing them and wonder what might have happened. He’s charming and can sweep everyone off their feet, making it a very likely possibility that his darling will naturally fall for him. But he can also be a bit too overprotective and a tad too overbearing, also showing some controlling tendencies rooted from his overprotectiveness. He’s manipulative, intelligent and has the power. That would be an even more dangerous mix if he wouldn’t be such a sunshine.
⚡️However, his dark side is well hidden and normally he’ll always try to talk it out with people who did something wrong. He would use his power most likely against those who hurt his darling and if it can’t be avoided, even remove someone.
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What do you think are some of Boruto's missed oppurtunities? i'm not that engaged with it but from what i've heard so far (from people i know who are caught up) i'm just kinda upset that the uzumaki clan wasn't elaborated more now that Naruto has a family, and that we could've had more wholesome fluffy moments between the entire fam before y'know naruto got so busy with being hokage (cuz we all watched this lonely kid become recognized as a hero but then right off the bat he's suddenly an almost always absent dad? atleast show us more scenes of when he wasn't like that or even some brief flashbacks before slapping us with that kind of whiplash XD)
although that travel episode with kakagai and mirai was a pleasant surprise for me and i will forever cherish it <3
I haven't kept up with it that we'll honestly, cuz whenever a show starts with an obviouse horrible future I'm just not interested as a rule. I want some hope for my characters gdi
But things I can think of that were missed opportunities
Himawari and Boruto not calling Iruka grandpa or something like that. You're telling me that Boruto can call Kakashi 'old man sixth' but Iruka is just like any other person to him? No??????
Kakashi' not getting to train Houki. He deserved it. If he can train Boruto's snooty butt, he can train Houki. I want to see it.
The hyuuga clan not actually changing that much, but changes being 'mentioned' by Hiashi. You know...the guy who upheld the clan system of first and second family bs???
Sasuke teaching Sarada chidori. Was it a good father daughter moment? Sure. But like...mi feel like this show has just decided chidori is Sasuke's move and I'm still pissed about it (the manga too probably)
The bonds between team seven just seem so...broken??? Like it seems like Sai never interacts with Naruto and Sakura unless for work anymore and I'm not happy about it.
Tenzo. Just... *Waves hands towards that mess* wtf?
I never liked how Naruto and Sasuke had to be made god's in the end of Naruto, and you bet I hate that Boruto and kawaki are even stronger cuz I just want to see normal bad ass fights without this god tier bs.
Kakashi' and Tenzo's friendship. What the shit happened??? What the actual...I'm so mad!
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secret-engima · 4 years
Today has been a really bad pain day. Could I beg a hc or drabble to brighten mood please? Also, did tumblr eat my last two asks or have you just not gotten to them? That's fine if so, but I know tumblr can be hungry at times so wanted to check.
Awww I’m sorry to hear that (and that I missed this ask, this is what I get for not logging in for the day). Lemme see what I can do that isn’t Angsty.....
Let’s have some nice Nyxsuke HCs since that’s my newest AU bby (hope you don’t mind). And also yes, I got both your asks, I just haven’t gotten to them yet. :D
-Nyx ends up adopting Tenzō (aka Captain Yamato) surprisingly early on. The Anbu kinda .... inserted himself into a Bad Situation on Nyx’s behalf without orders and then kept sneakily coming to check on him, but Nyx is a Galahdian and could tell someone was watching him. They kinda ... get used to each other over time. Interact in secret with Tenzō trying vainly to remain unattached and failing and Nyx watching this Awkward Masked Death Ninja and going ... mine now.
-Eventually (not sure when just yet) Nyx corners Tenzō (who he still doesn’t even know the name of yet, but that’s Ulrics for you) and quietly asks permission to touch his hair. Tenzō is baffled but lets it happen and Nyx weaves in a Clan braid with two beads. The bottom bead is Ulric purple, as is traditional, but Nyx adds in a bead in the middle of the braid that is a soft leaf green. Watchfulness and Loyalty. It fits his mostly silent friend.
-Tenzō is confused by Nyxsuke’s actions until the boy pulls back with a satisfied noise and shows Tenzō the braid in a mirror. It’s hidden behind Tenzō’s ear where it won’t get in the way or really be noticeable, so it’s not like it will be a detriment on missions, but he still doesn’t get why Sasuke did it.
-Until the little Uchiha looks up at him, pulls his own purple-beaded and ribboned braid to show Tenzō and solemnly says, “This is a Clan braid. It means we’re family.”
-And Tenzō feels like someone just punched all the air out of his lungs.
-It’s not a formal adoption, of course, Sasuke is a child during this (probably pre-genin? Not sure how soon before canon) and there’s no way the Hokage would let Sasuke just randomly adopt an Anbu, especially a former Root but ...
-But this is different. This MEANS something. This means something to Sasuke, who has worn those braids of his for years and been very wary about anyone else touching them. This isn’t an official thing, but it’s a GENUINE thing. A genuine want to have TENZŌ (who hasn’t even told Sasuke his name, who technically isn’t even supposed to be interacting with Sasuke let alone this often) as ... as FAMILY.
-Behind his mask, Tenzō is an Emotion.
Some more Nyxsuke HCs:
-The world learns to fear Nyx’s sealing skills. Especially when he’s experimenting on new ones. Those who knew the Uchiha of Before are astounded by the destruction and recklessness, those who knew Uzumaki before (particularly Kushina) are all privately like- are we SURE that Naruto is Kushina’s kid and not Sasuke? Are we SURE that Mikoto wasn’t just covering for her husbands infidelity by henging a baby bump for nine months?? Are we REALLY TRULY SURE????
-The 1 non-Uchiha nurse who was there for the event: yes. Yes we’re sure. No, we don’t know how Sasuke is Like This either.
-Eventually everyone comes to the conclusion that Sasuke is like- Uchiha Crazy, it just manifested in a really weird way.
-Neji will probably end up getting adopted by Nyx, but not before Much Buttkicking. Hinata is your baby cousin. How DARE you.
-Then Nyx learns of the source of all Neji’s issues, and yeah he’s still mad at Neji, but now he has a whole new target for his Wrath that takes precedence.
-Nyx: Hinata dear I’m off to single handedly fight all your terrible relatives.
-Hinata: Please don’t.
-Also Nyxsuke is gonna freak out so many people with his personality. Like- yes he can be serious and yes he’s reserved around non-Clan/fellow soldiers, but Ulric/Kingsglaive reserved is nothing like Traditional Uchiha Reserved. This Nyxsuke SMILES. He tells sarcastic jokes and he LAUGHS.
-He’s also the Smollest, most Reckless Bean ever, even with Naruto as a comparison.
-Kakashi is a Suffer. Why is his team like this. What did he do to deserve- okay check that what did he do RECENTLY to deserve this. Like- in the last two and a half days.
- Nyx: *finds the Forest of Death Training Ground with all its poisonous things, giant beasts and bugs and terrible Death Aura*
-Also Nyx: *sniffling with joy and spreading out his arms* I have found my homeland. I’m going to move here. This shall be my home now.
-Kakashi: Haha very fun- oi where are you going SASUKE DON’T GO IN THERE DON’T YOU DARE-.
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shinobisakura · 4 years
A Flowers and Shuriken.
PROMPTS CURTESY OF @shisakuweek FOR ShiSakuWeek2020 
Friday 21st August :
Soul mark AU
 Where you bare a soul mark that corresponds with your soulmate. You can only see your own soul mark, and it flashes when you’re going to meet them soon. 
Chapter 1 sets the scene. Chapter 2 is the real interaction. Might actual make a few more chapters to this, rework it and then post on AO3
 Chapter 1
Early mornings were not good for Sakura. Ever. Early mornings usually meant skipping breakfast, meeting up with Team 7, an all-out brawl with Team 7, Kakashi-sensei finally showing up several hours after he said to meet up and followed up with some incident that usually dragged her on shift at the Hospital.
Toady was not a usual day. I was an incredibly unusual day.
“I’m sorry what?” Sakura spluttered staring at her master.
Sakura along with Yamato, Shikamaru and Hinata were all stood in the Hokage’s office for a last minute mission. None of them knew what it was about, and so far all they’d gotten out of the Hokage was that it was an urgent and immediate mission. So collect your shinobi packs and go. This was the type of mission urgency that only ANBU were sent on- with the exception of the Kazekage retrieval mission a few months ago.
“You four are going to the capital for a very important mission. Because its in the capital, I need the best I can get, and right now that’s you lot.”
“Its not Tora again is it? That mission is such a drag.”
Tora. That damned cat! If Tsunade was sending her on another Tora mission she’d just blow her top. Thirty times as a genin was enough thank you very much.
Tsunade however didn’t seem affected by the comment, and remained as stern as she had began the mission briefing.
“No it is not Tora.”
Silence. Clearly despite the urgency of the mission, Lady-Tsunade was trying to think of the best way to explain the mission without exposing anything critical. Hinata looked around for a moment and then chose to speak up.
“Ts-Tsunade-sama, you said you need the best, but, wouldn’t Na-naruto-kun or Saskue-san or Shino be more suited?”
“No this isn’t suited for them. Naruto and Saskue are likely to burn down the capital in a brawl, Shino is too quiet for this mission, and honestly from what I’ve heard, the Daimyo hates bugs. That would go down just as well as sending you with both of the team 7 idiots. I don’t want Kakashi reading porn in the palace and I really, really don’t want to hear that Genma slept with another Daimyo’s daughter or wife. I just about negotiated for his life in the last case.”
That… was sadly very true. Genma and Raidou had been sent to guard Shizune whilst her fellow medic-nin healed Madam Shijimi. Apparently Genma had caught the eye of the Madam and Daimyo’s daughter, who instantly wanted to add a shinobi shaped notch in her bedpost. That had gone so well for him that it had taken the elders, Lady Tsunade and an offer of engagement for his daughter from the Water Daimyo (curtesy of Naruto begging Kiri’s jinchuriki to help arrange it) for the Fire Daimyo to forget he ever wanted Genma’s head on a pike.
Either way, from Tsunade’s explanation she wasn’t necessarily after the best shinobi but rather the most capable of them. At least the most discreet. Shikamaru seemed to see it that way too.
“So not exactly the best, just the least likely to cause trouble. Damn what a drag.”
“I need you four to meet up with the Daimyo’s guard and pass on this scroll to the guard head. You will return accompanied by said head guard, with the exception of you Yamato, who will be taking over the head guards position until otherwise relieved.”
“Why us? This is going to be such a pain.” Shikamaru compained for the third time that morning.
“Because the four of you are the most qualified for this job. The three of you are all chunin or higher.” Tsunade rubbed the bridge of her nose. “In addition to this, Sakura you have your own mission.”
“Yes. It’s this particular mission that is why you will accompany this team. Once there you will be team leader, as your mission takes over.”
“What? But surely the Head-guard would take over being the more experienced jonin?”
“No. This is your personal mission scroll Sakura. It is only for your eyes and you are not to open it until you reach the guard. Once you’ve read it, you will understand why it is that the team will be under your command. Is that Understood?”
“Understood.” Sakura nodded and then hesitated, her sudden departure from the village might cause more problems than Tsunade would expect.. “Tsunade-hime, will you inform Team-7?”
“I’ll make sure Naruto and Saskue know and don’t burn down the village looking for you.” Tsunade nodded. “Go home, collect your essential and then depart from the sothern gates once you’re all there.”
The team stood to attention and then with that the team departed.
 Within only twenty minutes, the newly formed Captial-Team had geared up, departed the village and were well on their way to the heart of the Fire Country.
“Who is the Daimyo’s head guard anyway?” Shikamaru asked.
“I thought you’d already know?” Yamato blinked back in surprise.
“I know he’s Konoha shinobi, but I didn’t bother to know exactly who. The Daimyo goes through them that quickly.”
That was certainly true. When Sakura had been in the academy it was a well known fact that the Daimyo was sending back the Head-guard every few months. None meeting his personal standard, and some not wanting to deal with the Daimyo’s family any longer.
“It’s Shisui Uchiha. Shisui-san has been the Daimyo’s head-guard the last three years.”
Uchiha? Sakura thought. Saskue had mentioned he had a cousin on a long term mission with the Daimyo, but she hadn’t realised it was Itachi’s Shisui.
“Jeeze, that long? What a drag. What’d he do, beg the Hokage to give him relief or something?”
“I don’t know.” Yamato shrugged.
“It’s- it’s probably because Shisui is the most qualified genjustsu shinobi, aside from Itachi-san. There might be a new mission he’s needed for.”
Sakura snorts at that.
“That’s what Sasuke will have you think. I have it from good authority that Shisui is better than Itachi.”
“And who’s that?” Shikarmau scoffed.
“Itachi himself.” She snorted.
That was true. Itachi had once told her over dango that he and his cousin often spared, but Shisui was always one step ahead. Apparently Itachi said that even Shisui’s sharingan was stronger than his, which was a feat in itself as usually it was only main branch Uchiha who’s sharringan had that much potential.
Hinata giggled at that and Shikamaru groans.
“I do believe that is a good authority.” Hinata quipped.
The team lulled into a silence for a couple more miles before Shikamaru spoke up again.
“So Ino said your soulmark’s been flashing.”
Ah Sakura thought. Yes that was true. The last couple of days the soulmark on the inner of her elbow had began to flash bright every so often. She’d only noticed it the morning two days past, having taken of her guards to realise the mark was flashing. She couldn’t tell if she was excited, happy or terrified at the prospect of meeting her soulmate. The mark itself already telling her she’d have feeling for whoever it was.
“Yeah. So?”
“Well doesn’t that usually mean that your about to meet your soulmate?”
“I don’t know Shikamaru, did that happen when you and Temari met?”
“Ugh. You and Ino are going to kill me with your questions. But if you must know yes. What about you Hinata? Did your soulmark flash when you met Naruto?”
“N-no. I believe that the Soulmark only flashes if you and your soulmate are going to have a romantic meeting.”
“But it has flashed for you and Naruto?” Sakura raised her eyebrows.
“Y-yes. Naruto’s soulmark flashed just before he asked me to dinner in Suna.”
That was surprising, seeing as Hinata had been making moon-eyes at Naruto since pre-academy. But then again, Naruto had had a crush on her until two years ago when Sakura explained soul marks to him. Apparently no one had bothered to teach Naruto in the orphanage and since Saskue had met his own soulmate- and it was Uzumaki to everyone’s amusement, Naruto had been confused as to why Saskue was interested in talking to this brash girl since he hadn’t even bothered looking at Sakura.
It had been funny to see Naruto realise that the mark on his hand which no one else had seemed to ever notice, was in fact his own soul mark- A Lion. Then barely a week after it had began flashing and he was Hinata using her new Gentle Step style. Since then the two had began dating and Hinata had blossomed in confidence whilst Naruto developed a new self-awareness (at least where Hinata was concerned). Sakura had thought the reason Naruto’s mark only flashed then was because he hadn’t known that it was his soulmark, but apparently Hinata knew otherwise.
 “What about you Captain Yamato? Did your soulmark flash when you met your soulmate?” Sakura looked at her team captain. Said Captain turned bright red and nearly missed ducking a branch.
“What makes you think I have a soulmark?”
“The fact you just turned bright red?” Sakura pointed out. “So who is it?”
“None of your business!”
“Oh come on. Hayate and Yugao are soulmates. Naruto and Hinata, Shika and Temari. We deserve to know!”
“Asuma and Kurenai. Hanabi and that Konohamaru kid.” Shikimaru added with a nod.
“Even Kakashi has a soulmate.” Sakura shot in too, and Shikamaru glanced over to her in surprise.
“Really? Who? Not Gai right?”
Sakura snorted but before she could reply Yamato yelled back at them.
“…Is it you.” Shikamaru asked a sly grin on his face before he dodged a kunai thrown at his face.
“I guess so. Wouldn’t have seen that coming.” Sakura grinned at the other two before they continued on, joking as they went.
 It didn’t take them too long, and they arrived at the capital in less than a day, and after an hour of paperwork and approval, they found themselves in a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city.
“Tch. The Daimyo certainly knows how to treat his shinobi.” Shikamaru groaned.
“I thought you’d be pleased, you get to sleep in a bed before we go speak to the Daimyo and his guard.” Sakura quipped back.
The group unpacked their gear slowly making use of their down time before the following day.
 “So. What’s your soulmark?” Shikamaru asked raising his brows.
“Shikamaru-san! You can’t asked that.”
“Why not? Might help us narrow it down. There’s a good chance she’ll beet whoever it is in the city, seeing as it only recently started to flash.”
That was true. Soulmarks always corresponded with Soulmates in one form or the other. It just took a little longer for some people to work out.
“Good point. Only fair you tell me yours first.”
“Meh, mine is a fan. You know, cause Temari uses them or something.”
Hinata giggled at that before adding her own.
“M-mine is a kitsune-festival mask.”
Sakura laughed.
“Oh, those are definitely big hints. Although if you didn’t know Naruto it might take a little longer.” Sakura shook her head. Those were easy to recognise.
“So what is yours.” Shikimaru asked, breaking Sakura’s thoughts.
“It’s… It’s weird. It’s like some strange curved Shuriken or something.”
“A shuriken?”
“Kind of? It’s just weird. I thought maybe I’d run into a shinobi who used a custom shuriken or something? Maybe a pinwheel? But I don’t know anyone outside of wind country who are related to pinwheels.”
“Weird.” Shikamaru agreed. “Usually a Soulmark is connected to something unique about the person not their weapons.”
“You literally just said your soulmark for Temari is a fan.”
“Because her jutsu is unique and connected to fans. There have only been three shinobi in Suna history to use fans to slice air.”
“Fair enough.” Sakura slumped down. Her mark would be difficult to work out.
“Look lets sleep on it. Maybe in the morning you’ll know more.” Hinata added and they nodded in agreement. Sleep sounded wonderous. 
Chapter 2
Apparently the Hokage had not sent word to the Daimyo about the change in his guard. Said guard was stood, face entirely blank, beside the screaming noble. So far the scroll handed to him had only upset the Daimyo into something of a tantrum. In fact, Naruto’s own tantrums when told he couldn’t have ramen seemed like an elders council speech compared to the display before the team.
“We are here to exchange Captain Yamato here, for your current head guard Shisui Uchiha. Whilst we understand the lack of notice -something urgent has come up that only Shisui can help deal with. Yamato here is more than qualified to guard yourself and your family Lord Daimyo. In fact he is the only Shinobi aside from the First Hokage to have the Mokuton. Lady Tsunade selected him personally to ensure your safety.”
If there was one thing Sakura had learned from her master, it was the art of kissing up to nobles to get the outcome you want. Well that and how to hold ones liqueur. But only one of those skills was useful right now, and if anything Sakura would kill for a drink to help deal with this.
“Because your safety is paramount to the peace of the Land of Fire, my lord.”
“No. Why do you need Uchiha?”
“I’m afraid that’s above our clearance to know. As the Hokage’s apprentice she thought that my presence might help reassure you the urgency of this mission as well as our knowledge of how important you are to the Land.”
A little lie didn’t hurt either. 
“Yes, yes. I did find it odd for Tsunade to send two clan heirs and her own apprentice.” His face seemed stunned for a moment before he masked it with a sagely imitation of wisdom.
Clearly, only now had the Daimyo realised who Sakura was, probably having thought she was simply a pretty face added to placate him. Technically that was probably also part of Tsunade’s planning, but Sakura didn’t need to let him know that.
After a little more back and forth, Shikamaru adding that technically Shisui was due to leave from the guard anyway, the Daimyo finally agreed. With that they regrettably left Yamato in place of Shisui and the group left. Not having shared a word with each other until they were long out of the capital.
The group stopped after an hour of running and opted to set up camp.
“Holy shit.” Shikmaru finally burst. 
“Y-you sounded very convincing S-sakura-chan.” 
Sakura, to her credit, simply shrugged as the other collapsed in giggles.
“I had to train with Homura and Koharu in the art of politics. The Daimyo is nothing compared to those old bats and the clan elders.” 
Shisui laughed at that. It was warm and reminded Sakura a bit of Naruto.
“Right, before anything else. My name is Shikamaru Nara, this is Hinata Hyuuga, and the political negociator over there is the Hokage’s apprentice.”
“The name’s Sakura.” She grinned. “Very sorry for the unexpected legal kidnapping.”
“I honestly didn’t expect it. So tell me, why have you retrieved me?” 
Sakura opened her mouth before closed it. She didn’t actually know, she hadn’t even read her scroll yet, so right now it could be anything. Technically the brief had been to swap Yamato for Shisui and have him accompany them in whatever the new mission was.
“Gimmie a second.” She finally said, pulling out her own mission scroll. It was written formally like any other mission scroll, but there was an obscurity about it that made Sakura scowl.
Sakura, apprentice of Hokage Tsunade. Your mission is to heal the damage done to Shisui Uchiha’s eyes through use of the Sharingan with the assistance of Hinata Hyuuga and Shikimaru Nara. Here is the knowledge compiled on the degenerative abilities of the Sharingan, and what little knowledge we have on preventing it. 
Please report back to the village once you are confident in having gathered all the necessary things.
Dispose of this once read 
Homura Mitokado
Koharu Utatane
Hokage Tsunade Senju. 
That- That was impossible. Tsunade herself had explained to Fugaku that the sharingan’s damage was irreversible. 
“Are they- THEY CAN’T BE SERIOUS!” Sakura yelled, ripping up the scroll.
“What? What?!” Shikamaru, for once in his life, looked worried. 
“Those- those idiots are expecting a miracle.”
“Tell me Uchiha-san, how long have you been going blind?”
The following exchange went from Shisui initially denying it to finally Sakura giving him a lecture that he was acting like Saskue did when he was being stupid about a critical injury on a mission. Shikamaru and Hinata decided to make themselves scarce during this exchange, which Sakura thought was probably from learnt experience with her and her squad. After a bit more back and forth Shisui pouted and sat down as ordered, allowed Sakura to cast a diagnostic jutsu after explaining she was a medic-nin. 
“So you know Saskue?”
“I’m on his dumbass original genin squad. Sakura Haruano. I’m pretty sure Itachi probably mentioned me at some point.”
“You’re Sakura?” 
“What were you expecting. Some burly woodcutter type?”
“I was expecting someone a bit... Younger?”
“No! No! I just keep imagining Saskue and his team as 12 year old genin. It’s hard to picture him as anything but.”
“Well him and Naruto technically still are genin. Saskue ended up injured the past two chunin exams. Different incidents of course. And Naruto went on a round trip with the Pervert himself.” 
“Pervert... You mean Jiraiya?” Shisui seemed stunned at the name.
“Yes. Could you activate you Shaingan for me?” 
He obliged. 
“Okay. Now seeing as its just us. Can you show me your other form of sharingan.” 
“You know about the Mangekyo.
“Itachi mentioned it on one of his physicals. Said it was draining.”
Shisui nodded, and then activated it. 
Sakura froze completely and almost immediately Shisui deactivated it.
“I'm sorry! You asked me to activate it!”
“You- you - you-” Sakura couldn’t get the words out. 
How. How the hell was her soulmark in his eyes. 
Of course she knew the answer. He was her soulmate.
“I ams sorry. I know that it’s a bit intimidating, but you didn’t seem-”
“Shut up a second!” Sakura finally cut him off. “What’s your soulmark?”
“What?! What does that have to- It’s a flower. Actually, hang on!”
He pulls out a pressed flower from his jacket. It was a purple bell shaped flower, and instantly Sakura recognised it.
“That’s Aconite.” Sakura blinked at the flower.
“It’s poisonous.”
What kind of dumbass walked around with a press of a posioness flower in his jacket. Sakura herself didn’t do that. That was beyond stupid and dangerous. Sure she used it all the time, but she was a medic nin she could handle and accidental poisoning. Unless of course Shisui was a poison expert and was using it in some sort of concoction. 
“It is?”
No. Apparently he was a dumbass like Naruto.
“Yeah. It is. Why do you carry it around in your jacket? Are you trying to kill yourself?”
“Huh? I just carry it in case I run into my soulmate, then I could pull it out and present it to her.”
Oh, never mind kill himself, he wanted to accidentally kill his soul mate too! If she hadn’t known better, he’d have killed her.
“I use it in my antidotes and- Well its my favourite flower.”
“Your favourite flower is poisonous?”
Sakura snorted. “Ino- my best friend- compared me to an Aconite bud when we become friends. It stuck with me I guess.”
Shisui’s face seems to fill with realisation.
“So... This flower has a special connection to you?”
“Yes, and clearly the curved shuriken is connected to you, seeing as its in your eyes.”
“Wait! Are you trying to say-?”Apparently she had to spell it out for him.
 “That that weird dumbass shuriken soul mark I’ve been branded with is actually your mangekyo? Yeah.” 
Sakura snorted once more. 
“I guess I’ve got a real reason to be motivated to find your cure now.”
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Biggest wasted potential in Naruto
Killing off Zabuza and Haku. Like come on. Zabuza could’ve either went on to become a Jonin at Konoha and fought against Kisame, or if Haku were alive. Zabuza and Haku would’ve eventually become powerful enough to pull a successful coup and otherthrow Obito’s puppet and Zabuza would become Mizukage with Haku by his side. Naruto could’ve inspired to turn the Hidden Mist into being better, Naruto did get to Zabuza’s heart so it is possible, it worked for Gaara and it damn well could’ve worked with Zabuza. And we could have Zabuza and Haku taking on the entire Swordsmen of the hidden Mist. We could’ve also gotten Haku finding out more about his clan and becoming more powerful in his abilities. We could’ve seen feats in his powers far more powerful than the demon ice mirrors.  
The Hyuga Clan. Building up the Hyuga Clan as one of the strongest clans  in the first half and barely using them to the point where they are underdeveloped and barely acknowledge the Byakugan. Remember when the Byakugan was supposed to be more powerful than the sharingan (and the sharingan was originally derived from the byakugan)? Such a powerful blood trait that the main branch of the clan would enslave the side branches to keep it safe? Yeah that went out the window pretty quickly.
The White Fang. Kakashi's father who is even more famous and powerfull than Kakashi. Who is at least famous as The Sannin. The White Fang of Konoha. There are no games, no Gaiden, movie or anything about him. We could’ve seen The White Fang brought back to fight against Kakashi and Kakashi could’ve been brought closure. It’s a damn shame.
Shino. Shino Aburame was the strongest Genin and he was the most myterious one and one the coolest among all Genins. He was as smart as Shikimaru, skilled as Sasuke and resilient as Neji. He is from one of the noble clans of Konohagakure and Clan Leader's son. After shippuden he completely ignored and only seeing in filler episodes. Even Akamaru and Tonton has more screen time than Shino. And making Shino a Chunnin as Class Teacher at the end? Shino should be a wanderer, a researcher, a S-Class Jonin as sensor or a duty at central intelligence.
The fact that we never learn anything about Konohamaru’s parents. Could they have just been Jonin or Anbu or Ninjas who died in the Kyuubi attack? We will never know.
Kurenai. Youngest of the 4 Leader Jonin of Konoha. Even at her young age she is stated as roughly equal to other senseis’ such as Gai, Kakashi and Asuma. Her genjutsu was so powerful, she was good enough to stunt instantly a guy like Kisame with her fundamental genjutsu and also she was good at breaking Itachi's genjutsu by her own. Where would this go from here? Who from the Akatsuki will she face? What role will she play in the war? And she’s reduced to Asuma’s love interest and made pregnant for the rest of the series. We don’t even see if she was replaced and see if Team 8 even got a new Sensei. We don’t even see Kurenai interact with Hinata, Kiba or Shino. Literally no interaction between any of her students. Kurenai deserved so much better.      
Tenten. Tenten was the only one not interested in boys. Tenten is the only girl who has a big ideal goal. And that is "Becoming a great kunoichi just like her role model Great Sannin Tsunade" Compared to Sakura, Ino, Temari and Karin, Tenten was the only Kunoichi who got the least amount of screen time. And why is that? Kishimoto didn't wanna write any self-reliant teenage girl.
Uzumaki Clan. Not having Naruto use his clan’s powerful sealing abilities in the war. Hell, we REALLY could’ve learned more about the Uzumaki Clan from Karin. Karin would have been a great opportunity to be the one who lets us know what the clan was really like. This could’ve made Sasukarin work cause both clans being restored really would’ve worked. Like we have both Nagato and Karin and we never learn anything about the Clan from either of them. How do you not use your main character’s clan???  Hell, Naruto could’ve used what he inherited from Kushina to seal away Madara before Madara could possess Obito to bring him back. 
Hinata. If there was a picture in front of the definition of wasted—Hinata would be there. Hinata started to become one of my favorites during her fight with Neji. Kishimoto never really utilized Hinata Hyuga in any real manner. The only times she stood out was when the plot needed advancement. Usually, during a high intense, emotional situation. Hinata outside of extreme life or death moments…is static and seemingly inconsequential. Her existance never affected anything, whether she was living or dead…it wouldn’t of changed a thing. Hinata’s popularity rose, because of her love and obsession w/ the main character. She became a “underdog” in theory, because here’s this shy girl, disowned by her clan, and basically kicked to the curb like yesterdays garbage. The cousin that was raised to protect her—HATED—her and she was cute, pathetic, and terribly shy. Quite a few fans gravitated towards this character, because of these events. The terrible tragedy that was Hinata Hyuga evoked pity, the fulfillment of her dreams, and fans who in some cases sympathized or viewed shades of themselves in this shy gal. Unfortunately, as a by-product…most fans simultaneously used the tragic backdrop and her position of birth right in order to create this image of a “Tragic Princess”. Hinata was elevated not because of merit or depth, but for representing a figure that could be shaped into something that resembled very little of her original form. Hinata lost any potential real development or sovereignty to become one half of a pair, a princess, and a damsal in distress. She became a caricature. It’s rare to see fan art portraying her as the Hyuga head, a keen leader in her own right or as a mature woman, NOT infantilized or glorified for being somebodies or Naruto’s waifu. Most of this characters identity is tied and overshadowed by her love interest. Hinata is a dreamy character that looses tremendous glamour when gazed at objectively. To be truthful, Hinata never really had an identity, nor was she allowed to naturally build up one on her own. Kishimoto undercut her severely in that department. Hinata could’ve been something fantastic! She could’ve grown to be discarded by her clan and viewed as the lesser child, to growing to improving herself and become equals with Neji and grow to move past her crush/obsession with Naruto to both Neji and Hinata becoming the heads of their respective branches and changing the Hyuga Clan together. Hinata, in my opinion was never a strong character physically. Sure she could fight to defend herself, and she had the Byakugan. Yet despite that…she’s just one of many Hyuga. Hinata isn’t nor was she ever a spectacular fighter in her own right. Quite often she was overwhelmed and fatigued easily. In battle she failed, but if given a real voice. She could’ve been influential and endearing in a completely different way. This girl is the odd one out in her family, weak and soft, but despite all of that….Hinata has heart. The traits she expressed, while rarely separated from “N-Naruto-kun” is that of hesitancy, shyness, ineptitude, a rare softness that could easily be kind, but also bloom into complete indifference, selfishness and a one track mind. Hinata is caring until she goes cold. Specific traits like her indifference, selfishness, and complete apathy to another’s situation seem to stem from general Hyuga decorum and behavior. To be apart of such a clan…these traits would be needed to endure the cruelty, tragedies, and fear that hide behind the poshly royal exterior. The Hyuga are about saving face and Hinata is a pro at hiding her own. I think, Kishimoto could’ve shown Hinata at war w/ herself, her clan and the life expected of her in general. She’d be someone w/ an active inner life, but pretty much a dead fish on the outside. The fans would’ve seen a shy female stalking a boy in order to relieve herself of her woes and worries. To forget for a while. Naruto w/o ever knowing it could’ve been a catalyst for a far stronger transformation w/ future implications. We should’ve seen her gradually change shyness into reserve, hesitancy into patience, unprotected softness into emotional strength, and her indifference into engagement. This character could’ve been a nice counter-balance to the constant might makes right scenarios. Hinata shown doing anything other than stalking, obsessing, and worrying over Naruto would’ve been amazing. I’d rather see her slowly, but surely altering the views of the clan by maturely engaging w/ them in a holistic way. By showing having a heart and being aware of others in a intimate nature was not weakness. She’d develop tenacity, a spine and voice her concerns gradually. Linking and working w/ Neji who serves as a teacher in more ways than one, but who also becomes a student, because Hinata in her peculiar way teaches him a thing or two. To see them both mingle and wind themselves through the complexities of the Hyuga clan. Working to attempt change. To simply see Hinata become a better sister. One who shows Hanabi through self sacrifice and unconditional love a different way. Hanabi may detest Hinata’s weakness, because she’s been brought up the traditional Hyuga way. Or even flashbacks of Hinata’s mother…who I feel she’d miss dearly and would’ve had a closer relationship to. Someone which whom she truly felt safe and cherished by. To portray generational cycles through a feminine scope. One of submission, bondage and freedom. “The Hyuga women are like water…we take the shape of whatever container we’re put into.” —Quote from Lady Hyuga, Hinata’s mother Lastly, in fanfiction, Hinata is actually portrayed in ways she should’ve been. For those writers who truly cared for THE CHARACTER and not the waifu…I give props. They present a slow to smile, pearly-lilac eyed women who’s reserved, a wallflower and damn impressive. Hinata always seems to carry a hint of bittersweetness. People ruined all of her wonderful possibilities by keeping her static and a princess. Hinata thrives in difficult times. She blooms when rough roads are ahead and she’s sacrificial….even to her own detriment. In order for her to move on…to become something golden…Hinata has to give up on certain things. This is often true in well written stories concerning her. The obsession for Naruto is only meant to last to a point. Just enough to begin to reveal who Hinata Hyuga really is. To stay pass it’s welcome—means she’ll be forgotten once again…even if the dream unfolded and she got her wish…as canon portrays. Little Hinata Hyuga will be ignored, unknown, and relegated to washing dishes and dusting shelves; as someone else lives out their dreams at her expense.
Lee and Neji being shafted and Neji being killed to justify a ship. The fact we never got to see Sasuke and Neji fight in either the Chunin Exams or in Shippuden is downright insulting. Rock Lee is one of the greatest characters in Naruto, period. He has a great origin story, great setting, very emotional and passionate bonds with others. He had the best fights against Gaara and Kimmimaru and kicked Sasuke’s sorry ass. Then, Kishimoto decided not to develop anyone who didn’t have a Sharingan, not on Team 7 or  Formation Ino–Shika–Chō. We never able to see Rock Lee's development his rough journey to fullfil his ninja way. We don’t even get to see a friendly match between Lee and Neji to show that Lee has FINALLY surpassed his rival or even show Lee fight Sasuke. Such a shame that a fan favorite was wasted. And, no I am not done bitching about Neji. Neji was a perfect candidate for who is gonna build up new Konoha Village and Shibobi System with Naruto as the head of Hyuga Clan. Cuz this is the deal between that promised by 'em long way ago. Neji is the only prodigy type character who died so easily. He has a great history and origin story and has a great bond with Naruto. Naruto once said "when ım gonna become hokage ım gonna chance Hyuga and ım gonna get rid off from family branches and you will be the leader of hyuga" That was the promise of the series. Neji stated even better prodigy than Sasuke. Neji was the most potentially skilled person and Neji had a real bond and story with protagonist. And we never able to saw his development. He never faced with Akatsuki....seriously? His dad came back, but didn’t have any scene with his son???? We could’ve even had Neji and Lee teaming up against Sasuke. Lee and Neji deserved so much better.
Dosu. He was so damn cool and it was such a waste that he was killed off so soon. He could’ve been by Orochimaru and Kabuto’s side. You could’ve even had Dosu become so damn powerful enough that Dosu replaces Kimmimaru as part of the Sound 5. Hell, just keep Team Dosu alive. Dosu, Zaku and Kin should have lived and become apart of Team Hebi/Taka with Sasuke, Karin, and Jugo(in the case of Zabuza living, Suigetsu is not needed) Zaku could’ve gotten past his ego and learn to use his abilities better. Kin could have been developed more and improve her abilities and Dosu could’ve been an untapped powder keg. Team Dosu could’ve been Sasuke’s strongest allies. 
Orochimaru. Orochimaru was built up as the big bad of the series. He betrayed his village and friends for knowledge of all jutsu and immortality. He killed Sarutobi and Gaara’s father and finally he had Sasuke. And Shippuden retconned him into a punching bag for Sasuke. He never reached to his potential or never able to show how much he developed in terms of jutsus and power after killing Sarutobi, I honestly would’ve preferred if Orochimaru was successful in taking Sasuke’s body. It could work. if Sasuke was not strong enough to over power the ritual. what would have happened is Orochimaru would've granted Sasuke his one wish to kill Itachi and Sasuke's strong intentions and desires would have remained as part of Orochimaru's subconscious while he was in control of his body. Plus Sasuke was willing to do this if he was able to see Itachi die. Orochimaru already was a pretty powerful ninja and having the Sharingan definitely would have helped. To unlock Mangekyo he might have had to kill Kabuto which I don't have a problem with. And Kabuto would have no problem with since he wanted his master to succeed. Orochimaru would have mastered Sage Mode(snake sage mode would look awesome tbh), and probably unlocked the Rinnegan (he had enough DNA of the First Hokage to Edo Tensei him after all) The Akatsuki view this news very problematic. Orochimaru was already a problem but with confirmation that he succeeded makes him as much as priority as capturing the tailed beasts. Naruto would have asked Tsunade to order a team to hunt Orochimaru down for him to pay for pretty much killing Sasuke and knowing Jiriya wanting to keep a close eye on Orochimaru and wanting to stop him, he would put investigating Pein on hold and join Naruto. Eventually I think Naruto and Itachi would form an alliance and together fight Orochimaru. I believe Itachi knows that if he could get Orochimaru's chakara low enough, he could force his brother out and use Susano to seal Orochimaru. Then Sasuke would kill his brother.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Twenty-Six: Moody Person ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina, death ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
To call Uchiha Sasuke a moody person is both a massive understatement...and a huge misstatement.
Because yes, ‘moody’ is a word that does, indeed, fit him from a distance. Short-tempered, impatient, depressed and antisocial more often than not.
But to write him off as simply ‘moody’ is a gross lack of depth. After all, one can hardly go through what Uchiha Sasuke has gone through and not come out worse for wear. ‘Moody’, therefore, seems far too light a word for what he feels. To lose not only your family, but your entire extended bloodline in a single night - being exposed to the brutal murder of your parents via genjutsu - watching your brother, the culprit, escape almost unfettered save for your own trembling, desperate attempts to stop him?
Why yes, one would become quite ‘moody’ after experiencing so much at the tender age of seven.
And yet, many people wrote him off as much. Including, but not limited to, those who would later become his teammates. Naruto, another sufferer of great loss, thought it best to approach Sasuke through antagonizing him. Sakura, one with no understanding of loss, though it wise to pursue him with shallow inclinations of romance.
Neither of which, of course, was anywhere near a proper approach.
Even his sensei went about it in rather...questionable ways. But Kakashi, like Sasuke, had suffered much...and was given the typical Konoha treatment.
In other words...none. Sympathy does not a proper shinobi make, in the eyes of the village. Everyone loses something in a world of war and subterfuge. Why make any attempts to console those who suffer loss when there’s hardly anyone who hasn’t?
But it was the mishandling of him that made such a pointed difference. Sasuke had one goal. To kill his brother, the murderer of their clan, and avenge the deaths of those he’d cared about. Simple enough, and yet...glaringly looked over. Never was there talk of helping him. Of agreement: that the Uchiha deserved justice. No...the only time anyone seemed to give a second thought to Sasuke’s goal was when it interfered - however indirectly - with their own.
Sasuke’s decision to abandon Konoha - a village that had offered him no comfort, no help - was met with cries of betrayal. How dare he leave a place where his wants and needs were ignored? Naruto wouldn’t stand for it - his friend was allowed no independent thought…! He had to do what Naruto wanted. Sakura, too, couldn’t stand the thought of him leaving. He was their friend. And while it could be argued the roots of friendship were there - Sasuke saved Naruto on their mission to Nami, and defended Sakura against Gaara - he had larger goals. To be tied to others was to risk losing them, and risk losing sight of his singular purpose. Nothing could stop his need to bring peace to the restless, murdered spirits of his clan. Not friendship, not village loyalty...nothing.
But his leaving wasn’t seen that way. It wasn’t seen as an act of necessity, but rather of selfishness.
And yet he was far from the one being selfish.
If his team - his village - wouldn’t offer him the help he needed...he’d find it elsewhere. The risks didn’t matter...only the end result. Orochimaru had power: that much was obvious. He didn’t care if it marked him a traitor to Konoha. His utmost loyalty wasn’t to a village, but to a clan.
A clan then dead.
Of course...there was much Sasuke didn’t know. Was never intended to know. But when he did...he simply changed course. Itachi wasn’t guilty - not truly. One doesn’t blame the knife for digging into your back, but the hand behind it.
Konoha had sanctioned the clan’s demise...so it was Konoha that would repay him that blood debt. Generations of abuse and neglect - met rightfully with disdain and a want for freedom - had been met with thrown-away negotiations and a death warrant. And not just for those who planned the coup, oh no...the entire bloodline - down to the penultimate child - would be the price for the Uchiha daring to rise against a village that had treated them as second class since the village’s founding, all thanks to one man. A man that had, yes, led them...and that they had turned their backs on in favor of a village that would never trust them again.
Obito’s telling of the truth; the prior Hokage’s stories; the war; his brother’s own words...it all served to both settle him, and yet confuse him. Enough so that he fought his best friend nearly to their deaths...and then just...gave up.
...at least, in part.
Uchiha Sasuke may have let up his desire to clear the Kage, and to contain the bijū. But there was one thing he refused to let die: the village-sanctioned murder of his bloodline.
Some thought him too forward, too angry, too bent on revenge. One might dare to call him ‘moody’. But to Sasuke, there was no taking that truth lying down. He’d either tear the truth from Konoha’s chest and hold it aloft in the sun from its birth in the shadows...or he’d die trying.
Thankfully, it didn’t come to death. It came to an arrangement. The clans’ heirs and children in his class - made aware of the truth - banded their lines together to face the council. Expose the truth. Make sure their clans would never be next...and that Sasuke’s successors - should he ever have any - be free of the hidden shadows of their pasts.
But even upon returning to Konoha like so many people wanted...he couldn’t get any peace. The walking on eggshells. The panicked looks when he’d walk up. The clear nervousness his classmates felt in his presence despite making feeble attempts to act like they didn’t think he was one wrong word away from exploding.
It was...exhausting. And only made him all the less inclined to socialize.
But there was one person from the eleven that not only failed to patronize him...but genuinely made efforts to connect.
And that was Hyūga Hinata.
At first he was at a bit of a loss as to why. He’d never spoken to her, or...if he had, it was brief enough he had no memory of it. The only real connection they had was, to his knowledge, his (rather tattered) friendship with Naruto, and her infatuation with the blond.
But, slowly...he learned more.
She was no longer hung up on his teammate. Or, rather...she was doing her best to move on. And their clean slate meant that, compared to many others their age, he had no reason to resent her...and vice versa. Add in a mutual friend, their odd third-and-fourth wheel roles to the rest of team seven, and the startling parallels in their pasts...and Sasuke found himself...intrigued.
...it had been some time since someone genuinely caught his interest. Let alone it being someone who seemed, in turn, curious about him...and not in any way that wanted something from him. To Hinata, he was a friend of friends. A fellow classmate. A comrade. And his actions, though often dire, were done in the name of justice...mostly. To her...he wasn’t beyond redemption, but rather worthy of it. And she’d taken it upon herself to help him start.
...it was odd. But no less appreciated, even if he was...confused by it at first.
And slowly - ever so slowly - he started to lose his edge. Though still short-tempered, it was cooled by her urgings to be patient. Though still blunt, he found ways to be so without being crass about it. His mood slowly began to lighten, though he could - and would - never completely shed his changes. The past that molded him could never be forgotten...but it could be tempered by a gentler future.
“...what’s gotten into him…?”
Blinking, Hinata turns to her companion. Sakura, standing beside her, is watching her two teammates interact several paces before them. Naruto, ever-pestering, is giving the Uchiha a hard time about...something. Hinata missed what, precisely. But rather than snap or skulk, Sasuke manages a hint of a smirk, hands in his pockets and air aloof rather than dark. He actually looks to be bantering with the blond.
“Sasuke-kun, he’s...he’s smiling, and...joking. I haven’t seen him do that in…” Sakura fades to silence, slowly shaking her heard. “It’s just...odd.”
“...I think he’s been feeling b-better recently.”
That earns a glance. “...how would you know?”
“W-well, we’ve...we’ve been talking, that’s all.”
“...you talk to Sasuke-kun?”
“...is that weird?”
“I…” Sakura’s brow furrows. “...I guess not. But...he hardly speaks to us, and we’re his teammates…”
Hinata hesitates. This is something Sasuke confided in her, given her easy-listener attitude. “I...I think he just, um...he just felt...uncomfortable around you two for a-a while, right? I mean...a lot happened between you after he...he left. He was rather upset that you learned about the massacre, and just…” She gestures rather sheepishly. “...you just...ignored it…? You knew what the village had done, and yet...you wanted him to come back. You never said you’d address it, or...h-help him get justice. You just...kept trying to drag him back. Back to a place he’d learned his family was m-murdered, and...ordered so by those who led the village. If you were in his shoes, wouldn’t...wouldn’t that upset you…?”
A look of scandal overtakes the Haruno’s face. “How do you...know all that?”
Glancing aside, Hinata hesitates for a long moment. “...l-like I said, we’ve...been talking. Or rather...he talks, and I...I listen.”
For a moment, a look of hurt tinged with jealousy passes over Sakura’s face. “...I see. It’s true, we...we’ve got a lot to address, but…” She gestures after Sasuke. “...he wouldn’t talk to us.”
“...he needed time. To think, and...about a lot of things, Sakura-chan.”
“...guess you’re right.”
“Just...be patient with him. He’s been carrying a l-lot of pain for a long time. And…” Hinata shrinks a bit. “...it was a bit...c-compounded by...things that happened after he, um...left.”
Sakura glances aside, expression cool. “...yeah.”
“...a-anyway...maybe that’s a good sign…? Maybe he’ll, um...he’ll start opening up a bit more, now! If his mood is better, then…”
“Well, I don’t know what point there is now.”
Hinata stumbles. “I...w-what?”
The rosette avoid her eyes. “Seems he’s already doing that...and with someone who never even spoke to him before he left. What use is there in talking to us, if he’s got you?”
Ignoring her, Sakura struts forward, pushing between her two teammates and disappearing.
“...Sakura-chan?” Naruto calls, hesitating a moment before going after her. “Hey, w-wait!”
Stepping up nervously beside Sasuke, Hinata curls a hand at her chest.
“...what did you do?”
“...I…” Her expression wilts. “...I was just telling her about...about talking to you, and she...I think she took it the wrong way. I wasn’t trying to…?”
Sasuke gives a small sigh. “...she’s still taking this all too personally. She knows she messed up, but she’s still clinging to what she wanted, even if she knows she won’t get it. She thinks she can both fear me and love me. Which, of course...is ridiculous.” He scoffs. “...now who’s the moody one…?”
Hinata’s gaze falls. “...I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“You...you were doing well with Naruto-kun, and I...I ruined it.”
“You didn’t ruin anything. Sakura’s the one making a fuss out of something she doesn’t need to worry about. My being friends with you isn’t a bad thing. She’s just stuck between moving on and clinging to her jealousy over me. That’s not your fault. That’s her own issue to work out, Hyūga. Don’t mistake her blunders for yours.”
She considers that silently.
“...anyway...if you want to head home with them gone, I understand. I had a feeling this wouldn’t last long.”
“Oh, but…?”
“It’s fine.” He gives her a glance. “...a little progress is still progress.”
“...I guess you’re right. Um...I’ll s-see you later, Sasuke-kun. Have - have a good afternoon.”
“...you too.”
     This...isn't exactly what I wanted this to be, buuut...I tried? I was majorly sick yesterday, and today was a long day, so I'm not at the top of my game, aha~      Basically just more Sasuke introspective because...I love to write it lol - and a bit of a scene at the end. I don't think I've really touched on Sakura's lingering jealousy in ALAS at all yet. I've done Hinata's with Naruto, but admittedly I just...don't like Sakura much, so I don't write her if I can help it. Not that I HATE her, but...her character is just SO mishandled in canon imo. Hence her needing (and getting) a lot of work in ALAS' third arc. She has a lot to learn, and it's not easy...but she gets there.      ...eventually xD      Anyway, I'm bushed, so I'll call it there. Thanks for reading!
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masshirohebi-moved · 5 years
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you @sunflowcrchild asked: -gently places my url- if youre still accepting
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: Ahhhh she is such a sweet bean <3 I was quite happy Naruto had a daughter because I really wanted to see another fiery Uzumaki girl standing her ground and being 100% genuine to herself. She’s been a delight in the show so far, simply because I love her confidence and passion for all her projects etc. She’s lovely to watch, and I am super hopeful the show will continue to develop her nicely and give us more content! How they play them: The mun has done a fantastic job with her!! I love seeing just how much confidence is expressed, I adore how opinionated she is, and to-the-point. She’s a very refreshing character. It’s always nice having a younger pair of eyes and thoughts painting a scene, and the mun portrays this so beautifully with every reply. The love and passion for the character is vivid! The Mun: Mun is as lovely as the muse honestly, both rays of absolute sunshine. Every conversation is just packed with pleasantness. Very creative, I adore all the headcanons I see, very talented in writing, and just so wholesome as a human being. Mun is super genuine~
Do I:
RP with them: We have previously! Want to RP with them: Always!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: If you want your day to be perked up by a cute little kunoichi (who also manages to maintain all the rightful respect she deserves), then look no further! Mun is a delight to chat with ooc, and muse is a delight to interact with ic. All around, a wonderful blog that deserves all the love it gets and more <3
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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ravenaveira · 5 years
People that say Taka was the best team/friends for him is like saying a drug addicts friends who are also drug addicts are whats best for them simply because they went along with and encouraged their habit rather than trying to get them help and off a toxic lifestyle
Just because you have friends that support your bad habits doesnt mean their good friends and whats best for you
Friends who try to get you out of that toxic lifestyle to a better place where your clear-headed and healthy THOSE are real friends who want the best for you
I know this is a weird topic to touch on after the previous episode which I'm not downplaying because I thought it was wholesome, but the fact that people blatantly ignore how toxic and unhealthy Taka was for Sasuke AT THE TIME really just rubs me the wrong way
Do I think his relationship with Team 7 perfect? course not, but you can definitely see the difference between how TRUE friends behave and how enablers behave
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Team 7 he viewed them like family and precious bonds he had to cut in order to focus on and pursue revenge
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Taka he treated them as strictly subordinates, we never see him bothering to interact with them other than pursuing his goals and once they were no longer needed? he discarded and abandoned them without a second thought, he didnt even know Karin was an Uzumaki or that he even met her in the past which shows how little he cared about any of them on a personal level, the only one I can say Sasuke even remotely cared about to that degree is Jugo
None of them tried to empathize with Sasuke, none of them tried to talk to him about his struggles or problems and let him suffer alone, none of them cared for Sasuke to that point and if they did then they had one hell of a way of showing it
So my point? yes I think Sasuke cared somewhat about Taka in his own way and yes I think Taka cared for Sasuke as well I'm not saying they didnt, I'm just saying they didnt care enough
And it seems crazy to me that the same people who complain about the injustices done to Sasuke and his clan are the same one who support Taka and them supporting Sasuke and his crimes against pretty much everyone
Yes killing Danzo was a good thing but it was still a crime, Sasuke and Taka joined Akatsuki and tried to kidnap the 8 tails which was a crime against the Cloud village, Sasuke attacked the 5 kage summit and every single kage there making him an international criminal regardless if his goal was just Danzo it was still a risk of them getting involved, Sasuke just being a rogue ninja joining another rogue ninja is a crime, Sasuke attempting to kill all the 5 kage after the war would have been a crime
Yes some injustices can be resolved through violence but that is not the one and ONLY solution, Sasuke going rogue unfortunately even from a narrative standpoint yea it needed to happen for him to train with a Sanin etc but the only way to resolve Konoha’s injustice was to go through the right channels and expose to corruption that was in it, once Sasuke left and started committing crimes he lost the moral high ground and anything he said or did would easily be ignored and just thought of as another crazed Uchiha who deserved to die
You can argue yes but then Naruto and Kakashi could have said something once they found out but by that point it was like Temari said, it was FAR too late for Sasuke and even with the truth revealed how does that excuse his actions at the summit? against Bee? joining Akatsuki? killing Itachi and Danzo MIGHT have been able to be excused but the rest? there's no way that was getting overlooked even with the corruption exposed Sasuke was still just as much in the wrong now
I'm a huge Sasuke fan but even I can acknowledge that not every single one of his actions was 100% right and just, his actions towards the people who actually wronged him WERE in the right, but his actions in everything that didnt? yes he was in the wrong no ifs ands or buts about it
So for those who think Taka is so much better for Sasuke because they supported his criminal actions [except Jugo I believe he’d be fine either way] but not Team 7 who wanted Sasuke to stop his criminal actions and return to his senses and be in a healthy condition again, truly make me wonder if they actually care about Sasuke’s well being or just think everyone who isnt a yes man to everything Sasuke did somehow dont care about his feelings or the injustices done to him and just wanna change him
Yeah, change him for the BETTER not worse, if anything Taka tried to do the opposite of that but hey I guess being a bad influence is better than being a good one
And listen we can go back and forth all day about Sasuke's situation after the war because I agree wholeheartedly that thats bullshit, but realistically speaking the fact that some things about the Uchiha massacre are unresolved like those two elders even being allowed to breathe, realistically speaking what CAN you really do? the Uchihas are dead and the main man responsible is dead and Hiruzen who failed to stop it is also dead so what would exposing everything do at that point? everyone directly involved is DEAD so exposing it really is pointless even if only to clear Itachi’s name which I'm gonna say something alot of you wont like
But the Uchiha’s were not all innocent victims, atleast not the ones involved and planning the coup, yes they were treated unfairly but does that mean the best approach to fixing this is to overthrow the government? how does that make you look? your proving their suspicions of you right by attempting to be the threat they all think you are, that is NOT how you get your point across and demand justice for your clan by planning a coup that would result in many lives lost including your own
Does that mean do nothing? course not, but if you want their trust then you have to EARN it and if you want justice and equality then go on strike and refuse to serve them until their willing to talk and compromise, seriously the Uchiha was a HUGE asset to Konoha so them refusing to obey and offer their services definitely would have gotten their attention and force them to listen and find a compromise, if that didnt work they could have tried spreading the word to fellow citizens and gain their support as I'm pretty sure not EVERYONE in Konoha felt the same way towards them and would have joined their cause for equality
But no, they chose the path of violence and it resulted in their entire clan's downfall and they end up with NOTHING but a bad name, so what did they gain? absolutely nothing, so was it worth it? NO
So lets stop acting like Konoha’s the big bad villain that did nothing but wrong and the Uchiha’s were pure innocent souls that did nothing wrong to deserve what happened to them because Ima say it THEY DID and their downfall was entirely their own fault for their approach, was it right? of course not genocides never ok and just as the Uchihas could have found another method Konoha could have as well so they were both in the wrong not just one or the other
Itachi also isnt a saint for the same reason the Uchiha’s and Konoha isnt and thats choosing the wrong approach to resolving the problems, there were many other paths he could have chosen but he chose the worst ones every time so just clearing Itachi’s name because of his good intentions wouldnt be right because his methods were beyond fucked up on so many levels
So my point is Sasuke was a victim of both sides wrongdoings, Taka didnt help with that at all, Team 7 tried to empathize and tried to understand and console him and save him from himself, its just that Sasuke didnt let them and pushed them away and thats of no fault of theirs since they did try but mainly Sasuke and them being mostly in the dark about everything
Yet Taka knowing almost everything didnt even try to reach out to him or help him cope in any way, Karin you’d think would understand and get through to Sasuke the most, cared more about her lust for him and seeing his ‘smile’ than actually empathizing with him and helping him through the turmoil he was in, Suigetsu made it clear he was out for himself from the start and Jugo is just wholeheartedly loyal to Sasuke no matter what
The fact that in the end, Sasuke makes no attempt to visit them until he needs them for something speaks volumes of his attachment to them, I think Taka thinks more of Sasuke than Sasuke does of them
He didnt even say goodbye to them before he left for his redemption journey nor did he bring them along on his years-long mission which again speaks volumes
So all Im saying is, Taka being the best team for Sasuke and his true friends is complete bull because I have yet to see any argument or reasoning for this be anything other than he chose them and that they went along with everything he did without question
If you have a better reason for why you think this then please share with me I welcome it maybe you can change my mind, but as of right now all the arguments I see is bullshit or occasionally shipping based which isnt a legitimate reason btw, so if you can be civil then I'm all ears
Note: I didnt mention the other Kages because it should be obvious their ways were screwed up as well and ruined a lot of lives, however what does Sasuke’s idea of basically ruling as a dictator resolve? how does that fix and reform the system? Sasuke wont live forever so what happens when he dies? he cant be the enemy that unites everyone once he’s dead and gone it’ll return back to how things were and thus mission failed another Uchiha dies for nothing, Sasuke’s approach to the situation was just a temporary solution not a permanent one and one that wouldnt last long anyway so lets not pretend Sasuke had the best solution to the problem when in all honesty both his and Naruto’s solutions were flawed and it makes sense that they’d work together using both methods rather than one and compromise, again we can argue about Sasuke’s situation after the war all day but fact of the matter is just gotta accept this is what it is and move on, at least Sasuke achieved partially what he wanted which was a bright future for the next generation and the villages to be at peace with one another without the need of a common enemy anymore, are things completely resolved? no, but its progress, and 15 years is nowhere near enough time to fix decades worth of damage so its still a work in progress and will be for a long time
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joywithloves · 5 years
16, 25, 27!
16) how long have you been into naruto: i got into it when it premiered on tv i was like 12. i didnt care for the first ep or so but i really got into it a few eps later. naruto was my LIFE up until like i was 17ish then i got tired of the filler episodes like they killed me and i was so sad that sasuke was away from team 7 for literal years like that really hurt so i lost interest a bit but 2015 i started watching again 
25) favorite clan: i was so excited to learn about the uzumakis actually like anything about naruto’s family just cuz it gives a little bit more closure like boy we all need it sdfljks and i love the red hair ofc lol but 😔 i’m sad that naruto and karin dont really interact like yall deserve to know each other what the hell 
i did 27 tho :D i could talk about 29! thats a good one
29) favorite arc: shikamaru’s revenge. god everything was flawless i LIVEDDDDD for that shit he is so galaxy brained the writing was incredible like some of the best of the whole series for sure and that iconic line “i’m your god now” CHILLLLSSSS i really loved that string of episodes and then naruto’s power up with completing the rasenshuriken ugh i was so fucking proud of him love u king!!
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animenewsplanet · 2 years
5 times the Leaf villagers abused Naruto (& 5 times they were kind to him)
Without a doubt, Naruto had the worst childhood in anime history. Not only was he an orphan by birth, but the people of his own village also hated him. For more than a decade, the white Uzumaki faced the abuse and disrespect meted out to her by most of the villagers.
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As the series progressed, the villagers of Konoha begin to realize how important Naruto is to the village and realize that he deserves better. Because of this, his behavior towards Naruto gradually changed from hatred to admiration.
He put her to death and 4 times the leaf villagers ignored Naruto)
1) You Deny Service
In the past, Konoha merchants believed that the customer is always right, except when that customer was Naruto. We have seen many times in the series how merchants used to refuse our hero to enter his store and forbade him to sell anything.
Not only was the poor boy fired from several professions, but he was humiliated when he was kicked out of one. For example, once our hero was looking at some masks for some festival, when the owner suddenly pushed him out of his stall and everyone thought the boy would cause trouble again.
2) Speak ill about him
When the show started, most of the scenes in the Leaf Villagers were made up just to show the audience how much they despise our blonde hero. He said terrible things about Naruto because he thought he couldn't hear them.
Calling him everything from a worm to a demon, he had come to enjoy his failure to graduate from the Academy. With all of this it seems that our protagonists simply neglected at this point in the series, depending on how often they were.
3) Let him starve
A balanced and nutritious diet is one of the most basic parts of child development. It is a fact that Naruto spent most of his life unaware of this, as there was hardly anyone in the village enough to feed the poor boy.
Apart from the small allowance Sartobi gave him for basic necessities, Naruto was left with nothing that could give him a decent meal.
Villagers saw Uzumaki walking around and going to restaurants and wished they could eat like the others. Instead of being kind people and feeding the boy, the villagers of Konoha treated him like a nuisance and chased him whenever they could.
4) Turn Konoha's children against him
Isolation is considered one of the most inhuman punishments that can be inflicted on a human being. Humans are social animals that require interaction with others in order to survive. Despite this, the villagers of Konoha do their best to keep our hero as isolated as possible.
Every time Naruto tried to make a new friend, the adults told the kids not to engage with him. Because of this, Naruto grew up without calling a single person a friend.
5) Deprive him of his inheritance
Minato Namikaze, the father of the Fourth Hokage and our hero, wanted his son to be treated like a hero as he became the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki. Instead of fulfilling her wishes, the village is led to believe that the blond-haired Uzumaki was nothing more than an accidental orphan.
For more than a decade, our hero used to wonder who his parents might be. Not only was he forced to live alone for most of his life, but Naruto was also made to believe that he was an orphan with no real family or heritage.
For more information visit our website Merch Fuse.
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