#the unstoppable gutter
dailygutterman · 8 days
using the red lizard's spit as a second machinegun
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cankersoregirl · 11 months
Hira’s low self esteem becomes an internal (and consequently external) conflict for himself for much of utsukushii kare, but one thing I love are the moments in which he truly becomes his shadow and the power that holds. In season one when he attacks Shirota for bullying Kiyoi there’s this fantasy sequence of how he perceives himself: with a rifle, intent on shooting and killing anyone who dares disrespect Kiyoi.
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Except Hira doesn’t have the rifle in real life, only the shadow shot represents his true feelings. What he does have, though, is himself. Hira’s own fists beating up Shirota; his very being becoming the weapon. His self esteem is six feet under but his love for Kiyoi and devotion to defend him pulls him out of the grave.
Utsukushii kare eternal utilizes the shadow shot again when Kiyoi’s in even more danger. The entire sequence is fantastic: as soon as he learns what happened to Kiyoi the color drains from the scene and everything goes dark in Hira’s world. The whole tone shifts, a threatening hum sets in as Hira’s eyes quickly become dead set on revenge and destruction to anyone who gets in his way. Most importantly, though, is the shot of Hira walking through the building Kiyoi has been kidnapped in.
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Instead of his physical being and his shadow appearing, his presence as a shadow has duplicated; a shadow of a shadow. Before the fight even begins Hira is the clear winner. No matter how many times Shitara comes at him, Hira fights him off over and over again. Shitara has hurt Kiyoi and Hira won’t let him get away with it. It doesn’t even matter that he gets stabbed and ends up in the hospital, because he still comes out all right. The earlier shadow shot reveals that in this moment Hira has become something out of body, unstoppable as a human being because he’s transformed into something else on a different plane of existence.
What’s significant to me is that these shadow moments are not freeing him of his low self esteem, rather it’s this very quality of thinking himself as no more than a shadow of a person that gives him this superpower in times of need. It’s a transformative act concocted by both the incredibly negative way he views himself and the strength of his love for Kiyoi. Although his confidence may be in the gutter, when Kiyoi’s in danger, Hira’s love and devotion will reverse his self image and quite literally allow him to save the day.
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 month
Dorcas Meadowes is..
making feminist playlists specifically to help empower and tackle problems because ‘women can do anything’.
reading on a beach at sunset, sand in the gutter of the book and the heat of the fading sun burning against already tender skin.
chasing blackberry juice with your tongue as it drips down your wrist, savouring the rich taste and dreading the sticky feeling that remains.
thunderstorms and lightning, watching the flashes that light up the sky in shades of blue and bright white whilst safely hidden under a roof, swaddled tightly in thick blankets.
flame in a forest, raging and spreading, unstoppable and untameable, until it’s consumed all it can and burns itself out.
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yanderederee · 8 months
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It’s October 31st, therefore my moodiness made me write it!! I hope this is okay, I’m just sad all over again♡ final timeline hauntings.
It was that same dream again. No, calling it a dream would be too nice. It was anything but.
It was dreadful, and it felt so, so real…
It was daylight, broad daylight. You were running, even when you felt your lungs burning. You couldn’t stop. You were already too late.
Just as your rounded the corner into the construction zone, your stomach fell into a pit. Everything was moving so slowly.
Boys of black and white uniform scattered the area. Atop a bleeding Kazutora was Mikey, ramming his fists over and over into his face. Death wouldn’t be far at this rate. Yet amongst the onlookers, a bleeding Baji hobbled over.
The exact words were deaf to your ears.
A knife, raised high in the air.
“You won’t be the one who kills me.”
And with a sharp stab, into his own gut, Baji’s expression twisted with sickening pain, yet somehow still grinning. As though to say it was all alright.
The late October weather did nothing to ease the chill that froze your being still. How did this happen? Why was this happening?
“Keisuke!” You screamed with everything living inside you.
“Baji!!” Chifuyu yelled in unison, sprinting to his friends side. Unable to get in close, you felt as though you were a ghost looming over Takemichi’s form, looking on in horror.
Baji’s dying words were left with them, they were his whole world, his treasure. You couldn’t deny him that. Yet when his blurry eyes wondered to you again, his expression was unreadable. Was he happy to see you for the last time? Was he upset because you saw him like this? Could he even tell it was you?
“I’m starting to hallucinate shit.” He chuckled when the tears ran down his face. “Kei!” You yelled, and fell to your knees, crawling to his limo form. “Please… don’t-“ you sobbed out, the tears you held back were unstoppable now.
“Not a hallucination, huh…” he sighed, and reached his hand out for you. Quickly, you took it into your own. He was so cold.
“Y/n… I’m sorry.”
And that was it. All that were was of Baji left. His final words, before all was no more.
A final gutteral scream deafened all else around you, hunching in on yourself with Baji’s cold dead hand in yours.
—-just like that, you would awake to reality, the same scream ripping the silence around you.
And suddenly, you realized. You were awake. A dream? A memory, right? It felt so real! But- it wasn’t, right?
“What the fuck!” Screamed a familiar voice.
Looking around for your new surroundings, you realize you were in a familiar bedroom too, Baji’s room. Laying by your lonesome in his barely made bed. And sitting along the floor, your study materials scattered all around, Baji’s wide eye expression started back at you.
“What the hell?! What was all that about?!” He yelled back, clearly startled.
Oh, that’s right, it was a dream.
No, a nightmare.
“You…” you croaked softly.
“You’re alive..!” You couldn’t help as you cried out again, welled up tears falling helplessly. In the same movement, you jumped from the bed, and rammed your entire body into his own.
“What the hells the matter with you?! No shit I’m alive!” Baji coughed in reply. Gently, he ran his hand flat and firm against your back, once he realized you were genuinely crying.
You held him so tightly against you, with every push of strength in you, you hugged all the life that was Baji Keisuke.
“I was so scared you really- t-that you really died!” You sobbed into his chest, weakly throwing your fist at his chest.
“W-what day is it?” You asked, wiping yourself as best you could before starting up into Baji’s eyes, wide and worried. “Uh, F-Friday?”
You hugged a chuckle, and looked over at the calendar he had hanging on his wall. “October 25th…” you sighed. “Have you seen Kazutora?”
Baji’s nerves tensed a little bit, but caught himself of the random question quickly. “I mean, yeah, we had a meeting yesterday, so.” He shrugged. “Why?”
“Didn’t he, like, just get out of juvy..?” You asked softly. “Juvy? What for? We’ve don’t some bad shit, but we ain’t gone that far! Well, at least we weren’t caught…” Baji flicked your forehead affectionately. “Really?” You asked, looking confused. Baji rose an eye brow in suspicion.
“You seriously had some weird dream, huh…” Baji asked, before holding you close. “…i think… I might have had the same dream, before…” he whispered, like he didn’t want to believe himself. “I see Mikey, and Kazutora fighting. I feel weak, like I’m bleeding outs and … I always end up sta—“ he tried to relay back, but you made a somewhat whining noise to dissuade him from finishing his sentence. He chuckles at you for that. “But it’s just a dream… a weird as hell one, but that’s all it is.” He said affirmatively.
“I ain’t going anywhere,” he said, almost like a promise. “Then..” you shuffled, and pulling away just enough to grin up at him, snot and all.
“What are we dressing as for Halloween?~”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 11 months
I'm not usually super into the werewolf trope, but I volunteer to be werewolf!Bruce's dessert. If he's interested. Loving that universe! Can't wait to see where you'll take it!
"Do not 'Izolda' me, imp," she scolded,scowling as she accepted the cup of Turkish coffee. "You smell like wolf."
"Hardly," you snort.
"I bought your monkey paws and your parchment-"
"And met with the wolf-"
"More accurately he followed me through town," you correct, pouring salt, dried lemon, and lavender into a waiting basin.
"Why for?" she demanded.
"I didn't ask."
"Imp," she scolded. "I do not bring you here to play games with wolves-"
"Hello pot meet kettle."
"That was different."
"Hardly. The half of Mariska's seethe you did not sleep with you dragged into the sun. This is one infatuated werewolf."
You don't need to look up to know you're being glared at. You can feel the heat burn along your skin. But you don't have the patience to keep arguing with Izolda all night. Or the energy. The truth was, after hundreds of years, the old woman was tired. And there was more work in Gotham than she could handle.
Truthfully, it wasn't just Gotham. Not anymore. Natural witches were a rarer and rarer find. And her sphere of influence spread further every year. The underground networks getting choked out by time. The long-running allegiances dying off as more and more of the old guard died off. And it wore on her. Understandably.
After centuries of being an unstoppable force, relying on her great-great-great- great granddaughter to heft the burden rankled. And you couldn't blame her.
She'd been a legend. More myth than fact. And open secret. A bogeywoman used to scare wayward children.
"You think. Until he eats you."
You look up from your work and raise your eyebrow only for her slowl to intensify, "Get mind out of gutter."
"Stop pretending your English isn't better than mine. You're not a helpless old woman. And you've been here longer than George Washington."
"Have not," she snorted. "Only since the Bolsheviks. I only visited before."
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hows-my-handwriting · 10 months
Into the Rift (spiderverse!pacific rim au)
so going into more detail because the actual drawings are coming along really slowly xD (i love drawing robots but coming up with original robot design hard)
The story would be essentially the same as the movies where a mysterious rift opens up in the bottom of the Pacific ocean releasing giant monsters. To combat them, the world governments join together for the good of humanity and create the Jaegers. Those are giant robots piloted by two people through a process called a 'drift'.
The only thing that changes is the characters and the story developed from that idea.
this post has been sitting in my drafts for like a month now oml
(loooooong wordvomit under the cut)
So the jaeger program is basically a stand in for the spider society and all the spiderfolk are pilots or staff. Everyone is also aged up 2 or 3 years to cover international military requirements and such.
and for the sake of the story having a 'pilot shortage' in which only the lucky few being able to actually pilot a jaeger, drifting is much harder and rarer. this leads to the program accepting younger applicants than they normally would. (eg. miles, pav, peni etc)
(character list in order of rank or.. something)
Miguel (34-35) is the stand in for the marshal. I'm not totally sure if he *is* the marshal or not? because he could absolutely just be the pilot manager or the mission overseer. but for now we shall stick with marshal. He primarily serves as the head of the department and representative for the pilot body. He also doubles as a pilot of a gen 1 jaeger (Blue Revenge*) with Peter B Parker, previously Jessica Drew.
Jessica (34-35) is Miguel's ex copilot. She served for two years and during a faux time of inactivity from the rift, she and her husband decided to try for a child. She was called back during the next attack but in the post-fight medical checks, she was ordered to go on maternity leave. She did, for a couple months, but very quickly felt frustrated that she wasn't helping. She moved back into the military base and instead took up a leadership position in combat training. I think her rank would be lieutenant but I don't know enough about the military to make that official.
Peter B Parker (42-43) is a retired pilot. He served as a pilot up until the gen 3 jaegers went into production and was sent home when he got a major back injury. During his time off he started a family in his old New York home and began to forget about the jaegers and the war. He chose to live in ignorant bliss until it all came back when he was summoned back. He brought his entire family, despite the many warnings, and has rather enjoyed his grand return. Currently copilots with Miguel in the Revenge*. Previously piloted the Crimson Core*.
Ben Reilly (24-25) is a jet pilot. Previously a jaeger pilot of the Scarlet Gutter that was decommissioned after it suffered extreme damage in a fight he took solo with a class 2 kaiju. His twin brother was his copilot and died early on in the fight. He currently pilots a fighter jet as backup. The impact of that fight still haunt him and everyone knows to leave him be.
LEGO Spiderman (24-25) and Peter Parkedcar (25-26) are two unrelated pilots that are drift compatible. LEGO Spiderman (Lee Godwin aka LE-GO for short) has a chronic condition with locking joints and Peter Parkedcar is a selective mute. They pilot the Titanium Wall that is essentially just an immovable object to the kaiju's unstoppable force. Yes this is a meme lineup. Laugh.
Peter Porker (31-32) is the head of research. He's john mulaney in all aspects except for occupation. He is more of the morale backbone of the entire operation and spends more time out of the lab making sure to bring a smile to everyone's faces. He wears a cute pig beanie when out and about. He always has candy on him and is famous in the kitchen for hot dogs. No one knows where he gets the hot dogs from, since those are rarely stocked. There's a rumor going around that it's kaiju meat, not beef. Absolutely fascinated kaiju and a biology fanatic.
Margo Kess (20-21) is the head of technology. She's the surveillance guy who takes orders directly from Miguel and is in charge of relaying commands and judging actions on the battlefield. She's a young college graduate- more accurately a child prodigy- and took the first opportunity she had to put her skills to the test. She's very friendly and will always get to know the pilots personally. Drift compatible but has avoided training to not have people learn about her strained home life.
Peni Parker (17-19) is the daughter of the head of engineering. She is just under the required age to actually assume the position but has the most knowledge on jaeger design of anyone else in the program aside from her father. Her father was killed when one of the outposts was destroyed in a kaiju attack. Parentless, the organization arranged for her to stay at the main base, waiting for her 21st birthday so she can acquire an actual rank. Had a personalized jaeger her father had been slowly building, fit for one person, that she's slowly been working on to one day pilot in combat.
Peter Benjamin Parker (Benji or Ben for short) (22-23) was hired as the strategy lead after his impressive work as a police/military investigator. Had a lot of experience with international crime networks and hand picked by Peter B. He was enthusiastically handed over to the Jaeger program after he got just a bit too close to some apocalypse-profiting corruption. No one really knows why, but he's taken more of a liking to pilot training and has shied away from Miguel's leadership team and more towards Jessica and the recruits. He has a good eye for cadets with amazing potential and even applied to be a pilot himself, stepping away almost entirely from any kind of leadership role. Pilots Silver Noir with Hobie(**).
Hobie Brown (20-22) is a pilot. He was recruited early on as one of Britain's undesirables and turned out drift compatible. He was assigned a jaeger that was built and sponsored by the British Government named the Union Jack. Disgusted, he refused to respond to that name and instead calls his jaeger the Stark Screamer. The name has been adopted by command and no one has bothered to correct it. His pilot quit for unknown reasons after only a year on the field and the Screamer was retired until they can find another pilot to partner with him. Has been paired with Benji for the time being.
Gwen Stacy (18-19) is the youngest pilot to date but more than capable of jaeger combat. She was brought in by Jess, despite her father's refusal, and skipped all cadet training except for the essentials and given a jaeger assignment almost immediately. She was picked out when her father, a military rep instead of a cop, was visiting one of the bases that Jess happened to be in. She showed incredible potential in [insert event that im not 100% sure about yet] and was incredibly interested. Originally paired with Hobie because of their similarity in hobby and age. They were drift compatible but she didn't like the Screamer's kit or fighting style and requested a new assignment. She's still best bros with Hobie though. She marks the beginning of the youth recruitment.
Pavitr Prabhakar (17-18) is a cadet in training. He volunteered along with a large number of Indian civilians to chase the fame and glory that surrounded the now-martyred jaegers. Of the hundreds, he and a handful of his peers were selected and he was sent to his specific branch to complete training. He is drift compatible with almost anyone. Having no sense of fear or darkness in his past or his present, he's an incredible asset- if not a little naive. He and Hobie became best friends as soon as they met and has been promised to pilot the Screamer when he completes his training.
Miles Gonzalo Morales (17-18) is a new cadet starting training. He was supposed to be one in a pair but his twin was stuck in Spain with a travel complication. Miles could wait a couple months though and eagerly started training. He was selected because he had an identical twin- which are usually assumed to be drift compatible- but ended up being paired and drift compatible with Gwen. Despite him not having clearance, Gwen and many others think he shows enough potential to pilot a jaeger within the first month of his stay. He is currently assigned to a new jaeger in production: a gen 4 titan named the Clawed Viper***
Mateo Davis Morales (17-18) is a future cadet. He and his twin were split up before highschool for [insert reason i haven't figured out yet here] and he moved to Spain to finish his highschool education and eventually enlist in the jaeger program. However, due to transportation delays and possibly finances, when he and his twin were drafted, Mateo was stuck in Spain until nearly three months later. Just in time for . . . well, the drama (tm).
*Blue Revenge is not final. i don't know if i like it or not but the other option was the blue panther, for the shits and giggles. pretty sure i want to keep the blue but idk. Crimson Core is also a placeholder, but it does sound cooler
**Silver Noir is not final. I want to work in Noir somewhere and make a matte black jaeger but not a lot of words go with 'Noir'
***Clawed Viper is not final. Viper is final, but again, not a lot of words go with 'Viper'
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saika077 · 1 year
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F.F.!MC is quite literally a sentient and intelligent colony of millions of plankton inhabiting a dead person's body. They retain all of their host's memories whilst also having their own sense of individuality and their own personality different from their host. However, since MC is still a water creature, they'd need water to survive; they're often seen carrying around a large bottle of water.
I like to think the moment they became sentient was when they opened their eyes for the first time upon arriving in Twisted Wonderland, they're basically like a blank sheet of paper.
Both Grim and them are pretty new into human society and MC can only use the memories from their body's original memories as a reference. They tried to pass off as a regular human and ended up looking like a merperson fresh out of water. Ace and Deuce sort of had to teach MC some basic things due to their lack of life experiences.
Ace and Deuce also have to constantly look after them so they don't cause any trouble. One time they had to stop MC from blowing up a student's head because they touched their water bottle. (They're so silly)
Back in the dwarf mines, MC saw their friends getting hurt and was like "oh, your arms are bleeding. Here, I can't exactly heal you right now but..." And started licking their blood.* (They're so silly2)
Even though MC is technically magicless, they have the ability to shoot flesh bullets from their fingers, regenerate at a fast rate, and heal wounds (sort of).
MC's rapid regeneration makes them able to survive what otherwise would be a fatal wound during overblot fights. Also their healing and gun-like ability greatly helps their allies during battle.
"don't worry guys, I'll make sure to avoid all of his vital organs!" (They're so silly3)
I also would like to think that during overblot fights, they'd get their head split open or something and they're just like "lightwork, no reaction" Then just drink some water and be good as new.
I just know that they'd give everyone a heart attack when they use their blob abilities because they'd thought that MC is made out of blot.
Would not like the Savanaclaw and Scarabia dormitory very much due to their dry climate.
Their ass does not know how to throw a ball during Magift. Someone even said that they "look like a queer"** throwing a ball.
They love water to the point that they're obsessed by it as they depend on it to survive. They'd pretty much do anything for it, whether drinking it out of a gutter or off the ground, they'd ever fight someone over it. They'd also drink anything that contains water, even if it contains someone's spit or blood.
They're pretty much over the freaking moon when they get to Octavinele dormitory. Jack had to physically stop them from getting into the water and the lounge's aquarium.
When they made that contract with Azul, they're like "ok but if I win, I also get to drink the water from the lounge's tank."
So uh, can Floyd's unique magic work on non-magical attack? Like bullets for example? (It would be funny if it can't though)
Anyways they'd be able to keep up with the Leech bros underwater. Just full-on water creature on water creature violence. It's basically just the law of nature at that point.
Honestly, they'd be pretty much unstoppable in the coral reef.
Can you imagine how ecstatic Floyd would be if he knows what they are? Like "wow, little shrimpy is actually a bunch of Little Shrimpies!" (He calls them that from then on)
Can you even even imagine, squeezing that many creature at once?
I feel like Jade would also be fascinated by them and would like to test the limits of their regeneration ability 🙂
Yeah, the twins would probably be curious and fascinated by them.
Azul would high-key be disturbed by their nature as a fellow sea creature.
Like, "what do you mean you come from the wetlands? what do you mean there's a million of you?? And what do you mean you can enter someone's body and make them explode from the inside???"
They would LOVE Kalim very much because of his unique magic and would very much love to be his best friend, even worship him like a god (okay maybe that last one was kind of an exaggeration, but you get what I mean).
Would be horrible at dancing because their host body doesn't know how to do that, it's almost like they have two left feet. Good thing they had a reliable teacher and somehow managed to do just okay at the VDC audition.
I feel like their interaction with Ortho would be somewhat fascinating. Because both of them are wearing the face of a dead person while choosing to be their own person the moment they became sentient (though Ortho became "sentient" much much later compared to MC).
Also don't forget the fact that they are both rays of sunshine 😊.
MC is pretty much Malleus' goofiest goober of a friend because of how aloof and clueless they are of not only his identity, but things that he thinks a normal child of man should know about.
*this is a direct reference to when F.F. licks both Jolyne and Ermes' arms when they first joined forces, in which both of them kicked their ass for it.
**this is a reference to when that one manga panel where Jolyne said that they "look like a queer" throwing a ball. This scene apparently didn't get adapted in the anime.
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petitelepus · 1 month
Demon Slayer with techno organic reader that has the same energy as Knockout! She has teased/commented the hashiras in fights before but now with her joining the autobots and them. She full on flirting with them! Especially the Shinazugawa brothers (and you know damn well she will flirt with Obanai and then more so if he mentions he is in a relationship with Mitsuri cuz ya know- her minds in the gutter all the time-)
I'm sorry, I started and ended up making Reader-chan a pretty big perv instead of a smooth flirt...! TTvTT
A/N: Sanemi Shinazugawa, Genya Shinazugawa, Fem!Reader, Techo-Organic Reader
WARNING: Partly Nudity, Reader Is A Perv, No Underwear, Groping Shinazugawa Brothers
You were a rare one, one of a kind even! The first and only techno-organic that actually survived the wars and other such awful things.
You survived because you could adapt and sometimes it meant that you would have to do stuff others didn't necessarily like.
People called you an unstoppable femme fatale due to your past behavior, but now that you were part of the Autobots who resided on Earth you calmed down a little.
Or that is what everyone wanted to believe, but you were a natural flirt, it was like your second nature, and what was even worse was probably how you couldn't control yourself around sexy men or women.
You were walking down the road, eager to see and meet your human friends who may have sawn you more as an unwanted acquaintance.
That's when your optics landed on a familiar figure standing by one of many police boxes that were so common in Japan.
"Shinazugawa!" You cheered as you made your way towards the police officer.
The man quickly turned to look who dared to call him too friendly, but then he saw that it was you and he knew his day was ruined.
"Oh great…" Sanemi frowned as he saw you approaching him and he couldn't help but look how your chest bounced with each step you took, "Horny bitch is back…!"
"Nemi-chaaan-!" You jumped to hug attack him, but the man quickly dodged your move and you nearly fell face-first into the ground but you managed to regain your balance before that could happen.
"Boo, Nemi-chan, why did you dodge my hug?" You asked as you turned to look at him and grinned, "Don't you love my love-filled hugs?"
"No because you always grab my ass when you hug me," He said before frowning even deeper, "And stop calling me Nemi-chan! It's police officer Shinazugawa to you!"
"It's a fine ass," You chuckled as you leaned to the side to get a good look at his ass, but he backed away as you moved, shielding his buns from your lustful gaze.
"Pervert," Sanemi glared at you, "I should arrest you for sexual harassment towards an officer of the law!"
"No prison can hold me or contain my love for you!" You laughed in a good manner but the officer just glared at you. You noticed movement from the corner of your optics and you saw Sanemi's younger brother, Officer Genya return from his usual security tour around the neighborhood.
"Brother, I'm done with my touring-!" He was saying when you turned around and he froze and blushed as he saw it was you. Despite being a techno-organic, you were still a woman and your gender made him freeze on the spot.
"Nya-chan!" You cheered as you saw the handsome young man and you jumped to hug him, but before you could even bounce, Sanemi grabbed you by the back of your shirt's collar and yanked you back.
"Leave my brother alone you pervert!" He snapped, but it was all part of your plan to get Sanemi to lower his guard enough for you to make your move.
"Hah, you're wide open!" You laughed victoriously as you reached to grope his hard chest and the man scowled even harder.
"Oh yeah!? What about you!?" He shouted as he grabbed your chest, "How do you like it when it happens-!?"
Oh no. Sanemi's scarred face turned bright red as he realized something horrible. You weren't wearing any bras. Like, nothing, not even a sports bra.
You blinked as you felt him involuntarily squeeze your breasts and a smile rose to your lips.
"Oh my, Nemi-chan, if you wanted to cop a feel you should have just told me!" You giggled. Sanemi blushed as he moved to pull his hands back, but you quickly grabbed his hands and pressed them harder against your chest.
"Aren't they big and soft!?" You cackled and the officer of law blushed harder as he tried to struggle free, "Stop! Don't you know what this looks like to a bystander!?"
Of course, it looked like a police officer was using his higher authority to bully and sexually harass a poor woman in the middle of the day, but you were lucky and there were no people around to see you two. If anything, Sanemi was the victim here!
"All they see are two lovers sharing their feelings with each-!" You were saying when the man's last remaining patience snapped. He yanked his hands back, flipped you around, and then he wrapped his arms around you from behind. You blinked in confusion, but a smile broke out as you felt him hold you so tightly.
"Oh, Nemi-chan! If you wanted to snuggle then all you had to do was- YAH!"
"DIE!" Sanemi shouted as loud as he could and he successfully lifted you off the ground, over his head and that's how he performed an exceptional German Suplex!
He used so much strength and you were honestly made from harder materials than regular humans… So when he Suplexed you, he buried your head into the concrete.
"Brother-!" Genya was saying when his eyes landed on you, he saw your skirt flip and that's when he saw it. You weren't wearing any panties.
"A- Ah-!" The poor young man blushed so hard that he fell to his knees and then passed out on the ground.
Meanwhile, Sanemi let go of you and crawled out from beneath you, panting as the move took more power than he had anticipated. Then he noticed his younger brother passed out on the ground, and your lack of underwear and he couldn't help but to shout.
If only you could reply, but your head was buried in the ground.
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
Seems like I was needlessly worried about Ada; who knew she had the power of god and witchcraft on her side (✿◡‿◡)
okay but the whole sequence was downright hilarious like—
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they should be in a romantic comedy; the amount of misunderstanding between them *facepalm*
Vincent's thoughts, as always, are down the gutter, the sewer rat that he is,,, whereas poor Ada took his words in a literal sense and decided to lay bare 'the real her' lmaoo
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again, second misunderstanding here: Vincent assumes she 'brings a lot of boys home' and thaaat's the reason Uncle got her a secondary residence...
whereas, the real reason probably is— both dad and uncle must have lost their sleep over all the occult stuff their teenage kid was obsessed with (yk how teenage girls are, once they are obsessed with something, they are simply unstoppable). I am guessing she must have brought home her friends from her school's Occult Fan Club, probs even done some hexing, black magic, voodoo stuff right inside one of the main rooms, one night—and the adult men got scared shit out of their pants hahaha
That's most probs the actual reason why she was forbidden to enter the main building, rather forbidden to bring that kind of stuff into the main building. Uncle got Ada her own little sanctuary for her occult collection, the kind of power she has ᕦ(ò_óˇ)
Third misunderstanding: after a long misogynist monologue courtesy Vincent-sama (all women are foolish, feeble, frivolous etc. etc.), we get to this scene. I had assumed it was Vincent who introduced himself to Ada to get at Uncle Oscar. Maybe, it is so.
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But assuming it was Ada who introduced herself, I have a better explanation why she would do that rather than 'wanting to share his bed' as Vincent immediately assumes.
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She just wanted to get close to him so she could 'passionately discuss' her obsession with him!! She assumed that he was a high-society closeted fanboy just like her ahfsjjshhaha
moral of the story: rather than saying Vincent should have been clearer with his intent, it's more like— Vincent should have clarified what he was getting into before entering a fangirl's cave;
in the end, it was not a hero or a villain, but a fangirl that KO'ed this piece of shit, serves him right
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hisuianhellion · 7 months
You're fun to fuck with because you seem to be so impossible to break. That aura of whimsy and silliness being so stubborn is very attractive to Anons.
...Attractive like bait, not like a potential lover. Get your head out of the gutter, other Anons.
I Am Unstoppable.
I Am All Powerful.
I Cannot Be Destroyed.
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Sky Rojo : Quotes
"- This is what happens with her. You don't know if she's smart, very smart, or just delightfully brilliant." (Romeo - 1x08)
"- The best and worst thing about drugs is the total break from reality. What you see, feel, or enjoy is all in your damn head." (Coral - 2x01)
"- He was a textbook case of a kid from a dysfunctional family. Moisés never set boundaries for him. That's why he couldn't even tell where the joke ended and the drama began." (Narrator - 2x03)
"- That's what Romeo does. That's his power. He makes you think you owe him your life when really, he's wrecking it." (Narrator - 2x07)
"- And I'm not interested in sex, but with you I am. We'd make such a great couple. But you're such a disgusting bastard that I loathe you. Almost as much as I loathe myself. You're the deepest darkness I've ever met in my life. You're such a disgusting bastard. You have no idea how much I loathe you. It's the second time you've let me live instead of die. (Coral) - You're dead right about almost everything. I shouldn't have gotten you out of that hole. We're toxic for each other. And I'm a bastard. But you know what? I was happy being a ruthless bastard. Until I started listening to you. That was when all my problems started. Your fucking questions. Your fucking moral conscience. But that's over now." (Moisés - 2x08)
"- Sometimes getting out of a toxic relationship is impossible. Even when you know it'll cost you your life, you're so hooked that there's nothing you can do. But that day, I did it." (Narrator - 2x08)
"- That night, watching her take drugs in secret and dance alone in the middle of an empty room, I realized her life was no party. And I saw myself in her decline. We were united by a miserable life we couldn't escape. So I guess we were the two big losers. Face to face, separated by a screen. And then, along with my unstoppable desire to kill her, I felt an immense fondness towards her." (Moisés' voice-over - 3x03)
"- But what I thought was a death rattle was an anxiety attack. How could I save Coral when I was plunging into the abyss, with an anchor around my neck? Neither of us could save the other. We were two lost causes, united by despair and ice hockey." (Moisés' voice-over - 3x07)
"- Have you ever wished you were dead? If so, you'll know you can't leave it for later. Waiting to die is the biggest pain in the ass. I didn't have time for inhaling carbon monoxide all morning, for a slow death. I needed something sudden." (Moisés' voice-over - 3x07)
"- Breathe, you asshole. You're supposed to look after me. Are you alive? (Coral) - Yes." (Moisés - 3x08)
"- Remember when you said you had nothing to be proud of? This is our chance to have something." (Coral - 3x08)
"- When you're alive, you don't think you'll end up in hell, do you?" (Wendy - 3x08)
"- Has he spoken to you, girls? I told you this wasn't about forgiveness. It's life or death." (Moisés - 3x08)
"- Truth is, if feels weird saying goodbye to you. (Coral) - We still have a chance. If you forgive me. You, sober. And me, I'm going to do things right. I really am. I'm going to be a good man. (Moisés) - What you did is unforgivable. I can't forget who you are. (Coral) - What a bummer, right? (Moisés) - Truth is, I think about my future and doubt anyone will understand me. I don't think anyone could understand the hell I've been through. But you can. You can. You come from the gutter of life too. (Coral) - We were dealt a bad hand. (Moisés) - As much as it pains me, that unites us. (Coral) - To tell you the truth, I also think you're the only woman who could understand me. (Moisés) - You see? We're both pathetic. (Coral) - I'm going to see if there actually is a new life out there. If not, I'll find another pool. (Moisés) - Good luck! (Coral) - You too, Coral." (Moisés - 3x08)
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mateidontevenknow · 1 year
Fandom: WWE (the judgment day)
Ship: Rhea Ripley x Finn Balor x Damian Priest x OC (Fem)
The new member of The Judgment Day, Pt. 1
The Judgment Day was the most feared group in New York. A group of gang leaders banded together. A man called Edge realized their potential and attempted to become their leader, but Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest did not allow that, killing their founder. Later the duo became a trio as Finn Balor was invited to join. It was perfect.
Finn ran nightclubs all over the city while making money and collecting phone numbers. Damian had every law firm in the city wrapped around his finger as he transported drugs into the country. Rhea was a hired assassin while running half of the Black market. They were unstoppable.
Until now. Slowly, I've been making progress. I've stopped half of the drug trade, I've saved some of Rhea's victims and I even managed to rob Finn of half his fortune by hacking into JPMorgan Chase's systems. And the best part, is they don't know who I am.
Although my last project might've blown my cover. I'm an IT student with a degree in anatomy, and I specialize in human anatomy in combination with technology. My plan was to plant chips in the brains of two of Finn's men. With those, I could constantly know what he was up to. But my plan failed, Finn realized that something was off and Rhea killed the two men, finding my emblem on the pieces of tech. They now know my name, Elzette.
But I will tackle that disaster in the morning because I feel like I might die if I keep my eyes open for another second.
Rhea, Finn and Damian stood in Finn's condo, overlooking the city.
"We finally found the little weasel, Rhea can just go kill her."
"No Damian, it might be a trap, we know this girl is smart."
"A trap I can't get out of? Please..."
"That arrogance might cost you."
"Fine Finn, I'll take Dom with me."
"Ok, also do we want to kill her right away?"
"Honestly Rhea, I think a kidnapping might be better, we might even be able to get my money back."
"Sure, I can do that but I'm going to need some chloroform. If you can get that for me, I might even be able to do it tonight. I don't want to give her time to run."
Finn walked to his desk. He pulled open his drawer and grabbed a jar. He tossed it to Rhea.
"Well then, I'll bring her here. See you boys in a bit."
Rhea kissed both of them on the cheek before walking into the elevator. Waving at them as she dropped out of view.
Rhea decided that Dom wasn't really necessary. So she packed a few knives into her pockets and loaded her guns. In less than 30 minutes she had arrived in the right neighborhood. The apartment building was only a few plots down. She parked her car in an alleyway and found a small gap in between to buildings. She used that to climb up onto the roof. She jumped onto the next roof and next until she was stood on the right building.
She used a gutter to climbed down onto the girl's balcony. The curtains were still open. It didn't really matter if her victim saw her, she was doomed either way.
She was pleased to find the door was still unlocked. She entered the dark apartment, to find her victim asleep. She smiled at the woman on the bed, in only a sports bra and some shorts. She was gorgeous, but Rhea didn't dwell on that.
Instead she tied a rag around the woman's face, it was doused in chloroform. The woman had no reaction to it, so Rhea left it there. She picked the her up and carried the poor girl out to her car, deciding to tie her up there.
Rhea lay her down on the back seats, before opening the trunk to grab her black duffle bag. It had some rope in it.
For the first time, she appreciated the woman. Elzette was her name. With hair the color of blood styled to frame her face perfectly, she looked stunning. Shadows circled her eyes, showing a blatant lack of sleep, but Rhea could fix that.
She had two scars next to her eye, crossing each other perfectly. They worked together with her eyebrow, trapping her left eye in a box. Somehow, she made it look graceful. Judging by her figure, she was no stranger to the gym. She looked to be about 5'5.
I woke up to a large hand gently caressing my cheek, I leaned into the touch almost automatically.
"You were right, Rhea. She's cute."
My eyes opened slowly, one at a time. And only when I saw Finn Balor crouched down in front of me did I realize my predicament. I was tied to a chair in a room with Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor and Damian Priest. Three people who want me dead. Three stunningly attractive people who want me dead.
"Pretty eyes as well."
Finn's hand moved upwards as he pulled at my skin. He raised my eyebrow to get a better look at my eye, his thumb resting right beneath it. I pulled away from him.
"Aww, you looked so comfortable ten seconds ago, what happened?"
I looked down at my lap, refusing to respond as my face turned red. Damian walked past me. He leaned his forearms on the back of the wooden chair before ducking down to talk to me.
"Don't look so sad. If you play our game, we'll untie you."
"And then you'll kill me."
Rhea cut in from the other side of the room.
"We wouldn’t kill a pretty face like yours."
I still didn't buy it, but I might as well try speeding up the process.
"How does this game work?"
"Don't worry about that, love."
Then I felt Damian's hands on my shoulders. He leaned in to whisper in my ear.
"Just play along."
I was cut off as Damian's hands started moving, massaging my shoulders. I moaned softly. It felt good, too good.
"You've given me something."
"Painkillers. I had you tied up for about 22 hours. It could not have been comfortable."
Rhea grinned as she repeated herself.
"Maybe a little."
Damian pulled his hands away and as much as I hate to admit it; The aphrodisiacs weren't the only reason I missed his hands.
Rhea walked towards me before wrapping a blindfold around my head.
"You see, El." This woman dares to call me by a nickname. "There is something to be said about pain," I gasped as I felt a cold blade on my thigh. It made a thin cut, barely deep enough to draw blood. " and pleasure." I felt a hand in my hair, gently drawing circles on my nape. Ok, yeah pleasure, lots of it.
"Any moron can inflict pain and yes, it can be useful under the correct circumstances. Pleasure, on the other hand, is a valuable tool only the skilled can use. It walks right next to Anticipation and Fear, all three leaving footprints in the sand." To be honest, fuck metaphors.
"And how is that relevant to me?"
"Well, we realized that you are too dangerous to kill."
"I would love to know what that means."
"That means that you are dangerous enough to become one of us. We just need to convince you and judging by the way you melted into Finn's touch and how Damian's hands affected you, your body is already convinced. And if you don't believe me, we'll be happy to prove it to you."
I felt Rhea's lips on mine and I couldn't help but kiss back. I sighed in defeat, muttering to myself.
"Not good."
A hand in my hair, pulled my head back, exposing my skin to the other two vultures in the room. I felt Finn lowering himself onto my lap, straddling me as he sucked at the plain skin above my collarbones. I moaned as he found the sweet spot on my neck.
A large, gentle hand grabbed my chin, turning my head to the side. A pair of lips smashed into mine, it was Damian's. I felt his stubble on my chin. I gasped as I felt Rhea's tongue leave a wet trail beneath my jaw. Damian took this opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. I moaned into the kiss as Finn sucked at my neck, probably leaving a few marks.
Then it stopped.
I felt Rhea's hand against the side of my neck. She pressed a kiss to the top of my head before she disappeared as well. I whined, missing the contact.
"No, please..."
No one replied.
They left me there. I couldn't see, my mouth was too dry to yell and I couldn't move at all. The cold set in, making my fingers go numb. I shivered every few minutes, desperate for a little bit of warmth. I didn't know how much time had passed but it was definitely more than an hour. I could feel the ropes digging into my skin. For the first time, it bothered me.
All I could do was wait.
And then I heard the sound of a door opening and footsteps, it only sounded like one person. I was overjoyed. Was this Stockholm Syndrome? Nah, I knew they were hot long before they kidnapped me.
Then I felt hands on my arms, gently rubbing some warmth into my skin. It felt nice, comforting in a way. Soothing like the rich sound of Damian's voice.
"Are you ready to join our ranks? Or do you need more persuasion?"
I only shook my head, not quite ready to give in.
"You refuse? Three hours ago you begged us not to leave you and here you are turning us away."
I don't know why he sounded so heartbroken, but it was enough to make me be honest with him.
"I-," I gulped, "I don't know."
"Fine, I’ll make it an easier decision. You join our ranks and recieve all the benefits that come with that or we hold you hostage until you eventually agree."
"You're not gonna kill me if I refuse?"
I let out a breathe of relief. That sounded genuine enough.
"What are those benefits you mentioned?"
"Protection, from those who want you dead. And that list is long."
I contemplated for a few seconds. He was right, that list is long and growing. I bit my lip, trying to weigh the pros against the cons.
I didn't want to admit it, but I needed this. Not for money, power or even protection. I needed it so I could feel as if I'm a part of something. I needed it so I wouldn't be as miserable and as lonely as I was before.
"I'll leave you to think it over."
He squeezed my shoulder before walking to the door. I panicked, not wanting to sit alone in the cold anymore.
"No, please don't leave."
He stopped dead in his tracks, watching as I tried to collect myself. My voice suddenly sounded watery.
"I'll join."
My head hung as he knelt in front of me. I shivered, the cold stinging my skin. He took the blindfold off, tilting my head so he could look me in the eye. My eyes were suddenly red.
"Why is this so difficult?"
"It's nothing. I'm just very good at making myself cry. It's fine."
He wiped the tear off my cheek with his thumb. I leaned into his touch and he stood up, revealing Rhea and Finn who were stood in the doorway.
I hung my head again not wanting to face them with teary eyes and a quivering lip. Finn took Damian's spot infront of me, both hands cupping my face. Rhea approached me with a knife, making me flinch as she brought it a little too close to my face. She started cutting the ropes that tied my arms to my sides while Damian untied my legs.
Finn kissed me softly, gently pressing his lips to mine. When he pulled away, another tear rolled down my cheek. This is my breaking point. I stared at the wall behind Finn with glass eyes as he wrapped his jacket around me. I let Damian lift me out of the chair.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me with ease, a hand under each of my thighs. He carried me out of the cold room and into an elevator. Rhea and Finn followed. Rhea pressed the button in the elevator for floor 6, the top floor.
I buried my face in Damian's chest, feeling a hand rub soothing circles into my back. I felt pathetic. I felt like a little girl again, unable to control my emotions and desperate for any kind of affection.
The elevator stopped and Damian carried me to a couch, putting me down as I let go of his neck. Rhea sat down on my right, letting me slump against her. Finn sat down on my left. Rhea lifted me up into her lap before Finn picked up my legs, making those go over his as he moved closer. Throwing an arm over Rhea's shoulders, he let her put her head on his shoulder. I leaned against Rhea with my head in the crook of her neck while I pulled Finn's jacket tighter around me.
Damian returned with a blanket and a box of tissues. He threw the blanket over the three of us before sitting on Rhea's right and put the box of tissues on the coffee table infront of the couch. He put his left arm on the backrest of the couch, using his other hand to rub my side.
It was warm, cozy even. Here I am, seeking safety and compassion from the people I sought to destroy. For months, I've schemed against them, trying to make their empire crumble. Yet, here I am, cuddled up against them, tears rolling down my face. Pathetic.
AN: This post was inspired by a series of another creator, igncrxntripley. Go show their account some love.
"If you want to talk about it, we'll listen. If you don't, that's fine too."
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femshep-fatships · 10 months
"Grabbing a Cup of Coffee...and then some"
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[Cortana x Tali]
Contains: 50's Diner Shenanagins
Tali sits on the table, because the booth is too small. Puts plates on her tummy because her tummy is so big. With a hiss, she removed her mask.
Loud, gutteral gulping as she simply tipped the 12 high stack of pancakes into her jaws.
"Excuse me, Miss? MISS? That's disgusting! Stop that! Have you no shame! It's bad enough I have to see your obese body longing about in that skin tight suit but-" Tali chugged an entire pot of coffee, and ripped a massive, window shaking belch in the Space Karen's direction. With an almighty snap, the solid steel support to the marble diner table cracked under her weight, sending a shockwave of jiggles through her body. Tali snatched the woman's cuppa out of her hand and slurped her mochachinno up too. "You'll have to excuse my date she's uh...unstoppable when she hasn't had her breakfast." Cortana said politely, trying to hide her grin behind a hand. With a loud clattering bang of pots, the still Tipsy Tali was kicking her legs her huge, couch destroying ass wagging as she fumbled over the counter and began chowing down on the bacon behind the counter, smashing the display case and attempting to eat the diner's muffins, scones, and other delicacies. "Oh, sweetie, pudgums, no don't...don't eat those they probably aren't real, or at least not...fresh...." Cortana stared at the empty display as Tali like a great tubby kaiju waddled on to the expresso machine...she'd had a long night drinking, she needed more coffee." "EXCUSE YOU!" The Space Karen shouted, outraged that her sexless, boring, heterosexual morning dinner with her average husband and children was being interrupted by this big, bootylicious, buxom, fat bellied monster of a Quarian, and her weird, naked blue space girl. "Excuse yourself" came the voice of Tali as she bent over, her suit so fucking tight it not only showed her crack, but her big Quarian Panties through the lines in her Enviro suit. There was a slurping noise, as Tali inhaled everyone's coffee orders behind the counter, from iced, to hot, to cold brew. "Oh, I'll pay for that!" Cortana said "I'll pay for that!" Tali began grabbign handfuls of cake, lifting it's lid from the dish and grabbing a huge handful, leaving a smear of frosting across her mouth...she was still quite intoxiacted from the night before, and seemed to be on a gluttonous rampage. "I'll pay for that too!" Tali vanished into the back thankfully the double doors meant she wouldnt' get stuck, but the clatter, shouts, and banging of dishes in the back made Cortana half giggle, half wince: The towering Tali was a marvel of lewd gluttony. Most quarians weren't capable of digesting solid, let alone "human" food, but Cerberus did good work, and Tali had been enjoying life to the fattest ever since her first cupcake. A huge purple belly banged the double doors wide open and jiggled out wandering over to the table where Cortana was. Tali not even bothering to slow down, hip checked the Space Karen who let out an exaggerated "Whooaaaaooooop!" and fell on her pencil skirted butt swearing about suing them both, as Cortana (much weaker now, wondering how far her pole dancing tips were going to go on this first date) insisted she'd "pay for that". Tali plopped her big tush down and spread her thighs as wide as she could. She had a pan of 12 fried eggs in her left hand, and an omlette as big as someone's arm in her right.
"Hey that's my omlette!" Was a declaration proven false by Tali wolfing half of it down in two bites, her eyes closed, and her face in a look of pure bliss as she stuffed herself. "I'll...um...try to pay for that too." Cortana giggled: she had no intention of paying for anything. Tali rested her burning hot pan on her belly, her gut so fat it didn't even register the heat. She blew on the eggs, and began slurping the scrambled crumbs of yellow and white goodness directly out of the pan, alternating between big burrito bites, and a pan of eggs "Now really you lewd, disgusting alien! I've about had enough of you!" The space Karen roared, clearly having nothing better to do, than ruin two lesbian's good tipsy times at a diner at 6 in the morning. Tali stood up, turned around, and sat on her. "Keeeelah you talk too much. urp." Tali let out a little baby belch, and the muffled screams of the angry human as she was smooshed flat under 400 pounds of tubby Quarian goodness barely made a whine. Tali shook the pan of 12 scrambled eggs into her jaw. She finished up stuffing herself, gave herself an anti-biotic shot, and clicked her mask back into place.
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Gif mood board 🏄‍♀️
Uh, Terror Reid 🤌🏾
Hey yo
Stare into my fucking eyes and you will see
How your life could be before you met me
Don't wait, G, I meant you, and your little sister too
I broke in your house and blew chunks in the room
Now look at that, I'm chillin' in your mama's bubble bath
Relaxin', chewin' on a shitty used napkin
I must've mistook it for your grandma's tits
She's into zippers and whips, I'm talkin' freaky deaky shit, bitch
Tourture you with gutter tubes and throw you out like rubbish
Tie up all your limbs and then control you like a puppet
The bitches love it, putting cocaine in a bucket
Serve it to the pigs and watch 'em cause a bunch of ruckus
(Oh, it's like that?)
Well kiss my mother fucking ass crack, bitch
And tell your dad I want my Adderall back, bitch
I'll play you like monopoly, destroy your property
I got a pocket full of pills, so please prepare properly
Because I am the one who is next up
Hit you with the uppercut, slam dunkin' in ya chick's guts
T, E double R, O to the R
Speedin' down ya block in a stolen cop car
Because I am the one who is next up
Hit you with the BMX X-Up
You better pucker up and kiss my gluteus
I'm not that new to this
Terror taking over, coming straight out the mothafuckin' looney bin
I got the spastic tactics and unique techniques
I'm Godzilla in the streets, and King Kong in the sheets
Take a week just to recover
I slice the booty cheeks like butter, then I nut under ya covers
I used to fuck the pussy during math class
Now I fuck the pussy or the tushy while I'm driving real fast
R-E-I-D, he got the rare disease
And grabbin' a gun that shoots mothafuckin' laser beams
You know, anything is possible with these secret unlockables
Unstoppable, gettin' head from Kim Possible
And Ron's in the back, with his naked mole rat
Give him a hit of acid, and a DVD of Rugrats
What's the stich?
Are ya hearin' this shit?
That I'm spillin' out my lips as I'm pullin' on some Whippets
Just sit back, relax, and pay attention
The masked maniac is back
And stole ya grandfather's whole pension
Because I am the one who is next up
Hit you with the uppercut, slam dunkin' in ya chick's guts
T, E double R, O to the R
Speedin' down ya block in a stolen cop car
Because I am the one who is next up
Hit you with the BMX X-Up
You better pucker up and kiss my gluteus
I'm not that new to this
Terror taking over, coming straight out the mothafuckin' looney bin
It's Terror Reid, mothafucker
Comin' out the rubble
(The illist)
He causin' trouble
Someone grab a fuckin' muzzle
(Vodka bitch)
(You don't know shit)
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
Hiii just dropping in here to say I'm really really happy you're writing WMMH again 😭💖💖 don't get me wrong, I love your new stuff and your writing is always awesome (esp that new Mathias fic!!!!) but I think WMMH holds a special place in my heart for being the fic to convert me into loving Cyberpunk!Alfred jfjfnfjd
Cyberpunk Alfred has my whole soul. He has the deepest and truest characterization in that story, and the same goes for Allen. But even a basic summary would capture their personalities down to a T:
Alfred, the bull-headed vigilante on a quest to preserve humanity on the precipice of collapse. Allen, the poor mechanic who finally lands some stability by fadoodling with organized crime a corporation. An unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Who will come out on top? None of them. Your dad does.
Also, I’m so fucking glad you’re staying so in tune! It does a lot to keep me motivated. Have this treat while you wait 👀 I wanted to finish the chapter but it’s super late and I didn’t want to get lazy.
(It’s also nice to see you enjoyed Viking Mathias 😉)
What makes me human
[Cyberpunk! America x reader] 4
“You know him?” You frowned. Allen never stuck around to answer, bursting into a sprint to chase after the fugitive. Before he disappeared into the crowd, you ran after him, unable to drop your quest for the truth. “Wait!” You called out. “Who is he?”
“Remember that crazy shoot-out that took out three whole floors of the building?” He never slowed his pace, letting the gap between you both grow larger by the second. But that was what he intended, as much as it hurt to leave you behind. “The terrorist that killed half our men? That’s him. That’s the guy.”
“Christ on a bike,” Alfred hissed.
While he darted his head from left to right, all he could hear was the frantic whirring in his chest, then the dripping of a gutter nearby. Hiding in an alleyway wasn’t exactly hiding, and if he was found, he was as good as dead. Everything he fought for would go down with him to the grave if he even got one.
Whipping his head to the street, he expected to see a dirty asphalt road, only to see anything but.
A pair of scarlet red eyes burned so brightly at him, all he saw was purple as he was shoved against the wall with a heavy ‘thump.’
“Shit—” He seethed. A combat knife jabbed at his face, and it would’ve skewered right through him if he hadn’t caught his assailant’s hand. Tightening his grip on it, their arms began trembling as they pitted their raw strength against each other.
“Is this how Mizumoto greets old friends? Doesn’t seem very polite.” Alfred grinned, voice straining.
“When I realized (F/N) was gone, I knew someone had taken her,” Allen spoke in a low tone. He pressed the blade deeper into the other’s skin, darkening his glare. “And look who I run into. Alfred fucking Jones himself. You have some balls trying to steal from us again after we nearly killed you last time.”
Where there should’ve been blood, was nothing but a transparent slither of body fluid. He was the same freak he remembered, an artificial killing machine that couldn’t bleed. But Allen wasn’t afraid. And that lack of fear was what put them in the same league.
“But the thing is, you didn’t.” He spat, shoving the knife away. “I won’t stop until I get that chip. You know I won’t. ‘Specially when you corpo assholes are getting something that shouldn’t be had!”
Alfred raised his leg and kneed him in the crotch.
“Gh—!” Allen hunched over with two hands over his jewels. In his bout of disorientation, he was kicked back to a safe distance. While he hissed in pain, wincing some, he glared at Alfred through his eyebrows. “Real classy of you to do that, dipshit.”
When he straightened up, he spat at the other’s feet.
“I’m doing you a favor by telling you to give up,” He shook his head, raising his arms. “Do you really think you can make a difference to the world by yourself?” Already, Allen knew he was wasting his breath by reasoning with him. Alfred was blinded by hatred and his self-righteousness all the same.
It showed in his unwavering gaze, which burned with a faith that could put any religion to shame.
“I mean, look around you!” Even in that brief pause, they heard something in the background. They always heard something, be it the mechanical hum of the city, or the echo of spokespeople in ads. “Cyberpunk. That’s what we’re existing in. It’s our present and future until we blow ourselves apart.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re the yakuza’s lapdog,” Alfred scoffed, raising his brows.
“So?” Allen leaned against the wall behind him. Fishing out a cigarette, he lit the end and took a puff. “If you’re not cops, you’re little people. And if you’re a Mizumoto, you don’t have to be a fucking pig.”
“If we’re going off personal reasons, then there’s nothing wrong with what I’m doing either.”
“You killed thirty-one people that day,” The other snarled. How this guy could preach justice when he had such little regard for human life was beyond him. “And you still didn’t get what you wanted. I would’ve taken that as a sign to move the fuck on.”
“Oh, I was just getting started,” Alfred laughed dryly, watching Allen tense up with unbridled anger. Veins bulged around his neck, and he flushed crimson. “Killing yakuza is what I live for. You and her are the worst class of criminals to walk Los Angeles.”
Allen threw him against the wall.
His entire body pulsed to his rapid heartbeats, and his eyes narrowed with a manic kind of malice.
“I’m warning you, Alfred. Leave her out of this.”
“Or what, you gonna kill me?” He grimaced, never faltering from the threat, nor the chokehold. If Allen wanted to do away with him, or worse, take him in, he would’ve tried harder. But just as he suspected, he didn’t have the power to make that decision.
“Don’t tempt me.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“I don’t have the orders to.”
“Not even to save her?” Alfred shoved him back, his tone thick with scorn. That shut Allen up. He could revel in his lie all he wanted, that he was living a life of freedom and class. But at the end of the day, he was only hired gun. “You really are a lapdog.”
Alfred: Fuck the yakuza. All my homies hate the yakuza
(If you’ve read chapter 14 onwards, it’s safe to read under the cut)
But believe me, you haven’t seen anything yet. I think about the conflict between Alfred and his clone every day. And I think about how they’d clash in a literal clone war. Like, fuck. Not sure if you’ve seen Altered Carbon, but the main protagonist literally just did Rock Paper Scissors to decide which version lives.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
helloooo today's reminder is 1. baby don't stop again!!!! 2. I'm sure it'll be in the lyrics for the new song, but "fill it up" is definitely a choice of title, considering most of the fandom's brains have taken permanent residency in the gutters and 3. are we all just collectively having a Xiaojun problem right now?? him in his fucking pink pony tail performing nectar has me feeling things he has no right making me feel
Hii, to be fair NCT has the representation of having just questionable songs that get even worse in English. I will not let the I like donuts with jam in middle line go. I have not slept peacefully after listening to the eng ver of make a wish. But with NCT a title like fill it up can go two ways horny or nonsense. Or, or horny nonsense that is also on brand for them. And seriously like Xiaojun is already stunning beautiful has the voice of an angel but they just had to dye his hair pink! Like that's just creating an unstoppable force and they're going to put it in a pony tail?! Like it's over. Xiaojun is taking everyone.
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Like Sir Excuse me!? I know there was a solo Xiaojun picture but I like this one more. Look at the Wayv boys together on a stage holding a microphone where they belong.
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