#foo fighters!mc
saika077 · 1 year
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F.F.!MC is quite literally a sentient and intelligent colony of millions of plankton inhabiting a dead person's body. They retain all of their host's memories whilst also having their own sense of individuality and their own personality different from their host. However, since MC is still a water creature, they'd need water to survive; they're often seen carrying around a large bottle of water.
I like to think the moment they became sentient was when they opened their eyes for the first time upon arriving in Twisted Wonderland, they're basically like a blank sheet of paper.
Both Grim and them are pretty new into human society and MC can only use the memories from their body's original memories as a reference. They tried to pass off as a regular human and ended up looking like a merperson fresh out of water. Ace and Deuce sort of had to teach MC some basic things due to their lack of life experiences.
Ace and Deuce also have to constantly look after them so they don't cause any trouble. One time they had to stop MC from blowing up a student's head because they touched their water bottle. (They're so silly)
Back in the dwarf mines, MC saw their friends getting hurt and was like "oh, your arms are bleeding. Here, I can't exactly heal you right now but..." And started licking their blood.* (They're so silly2)
Even though MC is technically magicless, they have the ability to shoot flesh bullets from their fingers, regenerate at a fast rate, and heal wounds (sort of).
MC's rapid regeneration makes them able to survive what otherwise would be a fatal wound during overblot fights. Also their healing and gun-like ability greatly helps their allies during battle.
"don't worry guys, I'll make sure to avoid all of his vital organs!" (They're so silly3)
I also would like to think that during overblot fights, they'd get their head split open or something and they're just like "lightwork, no reaction" Then just drink some water and be good as new.
I just know that they'd give everyone a heart attack when they use their blob abilities because they'd thought that MC is made out of blot.
Would not like the Savanaclaw and Scarabia dormitory very much due to their dry climate.
Their ass does not know how to throw a ball during Magift. Someone even said that they "look like a queer"** throwing a ball.
They love water to the point that they're obsessed by it as they depend on it to survive. They'd pretty much do anything for it, whether drinking it out of a gutter or off the ground, they'd ever fight someone over it. They'd also drink anything that contains water, even if it contains someone's spit or blood.
They're pretty much over the freaking moon when they get to Octavinele dormitory. Jack had to physically stop them from getting into the water and the lounge's aquarium.
When they made that contract with Azul, they're like "ok but if I win, I also get to drink the water from the lounge's tank."
So uh, can Floyd's unique magic work on non-magical attack? Like bullets for example? (It would be funny if it can't though)
Anyways they'd be able to keep up with the Leech bros underwater. Just full-on water creature on water creature violence. It's basically just the law of nature at that point.
Honestly, they'd be pretty much unstoppable in the coral reef.
Can you imagine how ecstatic Floyd would be if he knows what they are? Like "wow, little shrimpy is actually a bunch of Little Shrimpies!" (He calls them that from then on)
Can you even even imagine, squeezing that many creature at once?
I feel like Jade would also be fascinated by them and would like to test the limits of their regeneration ability 🙂
Yeah, the twins would probably be curious and fascinated by them.
Azul would high-key be disturbed by their nature as a fellow sea creature.
Like, "what do you mean you come from the wetlands? what do you mean there's a million of you?? And what do you mean you can enter someone's body and make them explode from the inside???"
They would LOVE Kalim very much because of his unique magic and would very much love to be his best friend, even worship him like a god (okay maybe that last one was kind of an exaggeration, but you get what I mean).
Would be horrible at dancing because their host body doesn't know how to do that, it's almost like they have two left feet. Good thing they had a reliable teacher and somehow managed to do just okay at the VDC audition.
I feel like their interaction with Ortho would be somewhat fascinating. Because both of them are wearing the face of a dead person while choosing to be their own person the moment they became sentient (though Ortho became "sentient" much much later compared to MC).
Also don't forget the fact that they are both rays of sunshine 😊.
MC is pretty much Malleus' goofiest goober of a friend because of how aloof and clueless they are of not only his identity, but things that he thinks a normal child of man should know about.
*this is a direct reference to when F.F. licks both Jolyne and Ermes' arms when they first joined forces, in which both of them kicked their ass for it.
**this is a reference to when that one manga panel where Jolyne said that they "look like a queer" throwing a ball. This scene apparently didn't get adapted in the anime.
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helloiamadrawer · 8 months
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to (PART 2)
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There's always that ONE person who is like a parent when it comes to his whole class and music making sure it's "school appropriate" and that would be no other than the class rep, Iida.
Has a playlist for literally his life routine lol (study, relaxing, outings, running in the rain in his retro raincoat 😂,etc.). I feel like he would listen to like 90's music, classic rock (his fav artist is Foo Fighters for sure) he doesn't mind playing his stuff every now and then but he's busy most of the time preparing for class. nerd lol.
May sound shocking but he likes SOME rap but it's all old school rap/hip-hop like Biggie, Ice T, Usher, MC Hammer but he only listens to it outside of U.A though because he doesn't want "taint his image of class rep". He tried trying new school rap and..let's say he'll just stay where he is (he almost got hurt BUT that's for another story!)
The only classmate that is so chill with almost every genre of music is Sero. Even songs in different languages and more exotic genres like nudisco, jazzfunk, and french house (which are his favorites, cause it's a rarity he cherishes). He would play japanese funk while he drives down the road JUST for the ✨aesthetic✨ (future au idea). Dua Lipa, Kali Uchis, Doja Cat, Rosalia, JIAFEI just any other artist that sings in another language other than english he'll know. And he sings it so well but has no idea what a lick of it means well except for japanese.
Is not scared of talking about it to any of his classmates and actually persuading them to give it a try or if he plays it on his bluetooth speaker before class starts and then one of his classmates asks him the next day for ex: Tokoyami asks him "Hey Sero, what was that techo like song were you playing yesterday, for some reason it's in my head." and then the tape boi will go through his recently played songs from yesterday (he's a yt music kinda guy tbh). Then basically almost everybody is interested in what he has in store next
In other words he's the one who always brings his speaker to class but is respectful and plays it before class even starts, he's an early bird.
Denki, is the twin of Sero cool with any kind of music but leans more into the weebcore/rap category. He most likely will play weeb music in his dorm room, the usual anime openings and ending theme songs with a dorky smile on his face humming along while reading manga.
Is the aux cord GOD, will never disappoint the Bakusquad with any music he plays in the car he'll play some Marshmello and everyone would get littt🔥🔥🔥 or some nostalgic jpop to sing awfully off tune to to piss off Bakugo ofc.
Fun Fact: The whole Bakusquad got kicked out of his car at least five times singing terribly lmaooooo
💅Voguing king✨ that's the title Yuga Aoyama gives himself when his headphones are filled with the sounds of VOGUE EDITS IM SORRY HE SERVES CUNT ISTG GO LOOK AT HIS HERO COSTUME UGHHHH 😫 he even putson fashion shows with the Class A Girls 🥺🥺 *imagines him voguing to this 1 hour playlist of just phonk/runway music cause I can*
He is also very bold at expressing his love for future funk obsession, his peers don't mind it at all..well, ONE person *cough cough bakugo*. ⬇️
Totally applies his makeup (generally eyeliner cause he has the ✨prettiest✨ eyes, fight me 🤪)to either one of those two categories imo (he gives me when i suddenly want to try runway eyeliner makeup😭 -cries in non fem queen-)
BEST FOR LAST MOTHAFUCKIN' BAKUGO AND KIRISHIMA aka BakuKiri or KiriBaku (shoutout to the shippers for that pair✌️) 💥🤟
Heavy Metal/Death Metal for Bakugo
NEFFEX, Rock and workout tunes for Kirishima
Five Finger Death Punchis literally Boom Boom Boi's fav and Kiri is in the car just vibing and just not minding it at all knowing it's his way of relieving stress from work plus it's manly sounding anyway to him as well so whatever makes him happy ❤️
Psst..come here..*whispers in your ear* Bakugo gets with Tokoyami for secret thrashing sessions sometimes 🤫
Now Kiri goes to the gym pumping iron to some Neffex is a must for him that's his whole workout niche but anywhere his workout playlist goes who knows?
Has a whole thrash playlist as well go figs
Disco on the treadmill? yes please
Dubstep while throwing around that heavy ass rope? yessir yessir
At the end of the day he's chillin' to some chillstep while laying on his bed after a shower, resting to recharge for the next day
MIneta...yeahhhh dont give him the aux cord..just don't trust him
Imma just say one word that he would blare on someone speaker
That is all..so hide yo aux cords or don't bring it at all and just stick to the radio
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the-burd-lord · 5 months
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Lil fanart/ redesign of Sea Bonnies from the Fazbear Frights book Friendly Face.
Made this art a while ago, and posted it to my insta. Decided to post to here. Especially since my main drawing hand is goin kaput. Also just finished reading Felix the Shark, which I recommend that people check out. Even if they've never read any other of the Fazbear Frights series. The last story in that collection kinda jumps the shark with its premise *badum tis*.
But since I can't make any new art, have these old lil creature designs instead.
The basic premise for the story is that the MC's brother got Sea Bonnies, sea monkeys that are engineered to look like Bonnie, as pets. MC gets super creeped out by them, and he even hears them talking, but they mostly just call him a wuss for being scared of them. Which I find super hilarious.
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Anyways, he's had enough and stupidly flushes them down the toilet. Later he starts getting horrible stomach cramps and starts hearing them in his head. He finds out he swallowed one and now they're multiplying and eating him from the inside out.
The interesting thing, and what makes it spookier in my opinion, is that he goes to see a physician about it. They give him a cat scan and find irregularities with it, but when he tells the doctors about the Sea Bonnies they dismiss him. Thinking that he's trying to pull some elaborate prank.
After that it's this slow burn as they continue to eat him out from the inside, and replace his organs in the process. He makes a last ditch attempt to see a doctor in his worsened condition but fails miserably.
There's more to the story, but again I recommend y'all check it out for yourselves! I highly recommend it as a piece of body horror.
Anyway onto the redesign. This one got a a graphic novel of it so there are actually cannon designs of the critters.
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I think they're fine designs, although it is a bit disappointing that they kept leaning more towards rabbit or krill. Especially when sea monkeys have such a distinct look to them that would've made them super uncanny and alien if they leaned more into it.
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Although credit where credit is due, it's super hard to combine a rabbit with a sea monkey.
For my design I originally leaned more towards krill, since sea monkeys are a modified version of krill. Also wanted to stick with it being biologically accurate.
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I felt like the design was still lacking, and honestly I wanted to lean more towards what I was really interested in: plankton!
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There are so many different kinds of plankton that all have unique features and shapes. There are also many different variations of zooplankton, plankton that cannot produce their own food, to base it after.
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Still stuck to the sea monkey design, with the feathery feet they use to swim and bulbous head. Added feelers to the front to act as rabbit ears, and later something that would act as an extra mouth or protective "hairs" for their head to look like a bowtie.
Also didn't go too biological with it since in the book they just reproduce asexually. Which is so interesting in plankton, especially when it comes to cell growth.
Oh, fun fact! Did you know that plankton also refer to planktonic organisms, creatures that cannot produce their own movement. These include most phytoplankton (plankton that produce their own food through photosynthesis), but they also include jellyfish and some stages of squids! Ironically most zooplankton are able to produce their own movement, and would thus be considered nektonic organisms.
These organisms include anything that is able to move on its own, i.e. anything that can swim. There are a few different variations of undersea movement but those are the basics.
It should be said that I really like plankton.
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As if it wasn't already obvious.
I need to stop and post this before I go on another plankton rant. Or start taking about Foo Fighters from JJBA.
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collar-shocked · 5 months
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Ren had very little after leaving home, Including language. It was very difficult to learn after being thrust into a whole new environment, but he eventually did with the help of some quiet friends he met in niche spaces. These friends had also allowed him to crash at their homes during his low-points, and even introduced him to anime, an interest that would never leave him from that point on.
Ren decided to stay in Canada because it was one of the very few places he was able to see in his movies at home, and thought it looked very beautiful and comfortable, though he did not intentionally arrive. He simply went wherever the wind (free rides abord private/cargo transportation) would take him. His movie portrayed it a lot differently than it was, but that's stereotyping/little research done for you.
He was incredibly sheltered as a child- and for good reason. He was the only "successful" offspring his mother managed to have. Because of this, he is very ignorant to a lot of the world and how things work. This has, however, given him the trait of silly-little-learner. He LOVES learning new things and expanding his horizons. He keeps a little note-stash of things his "roommate" says as a result. Not just in his native tongue, in which Ren does his best to write down accurately and fails, but sayings, words, and phrases he's never heard before. It's like a little puzzle to decipher what they mean! "No skin off my bones"- is that a literal statement? "Charcuterie board"- a word he mistakes for German, absolutely spelled Sharcootery. This is a hobby he carries with him even into his 40's! It's one of the reasons he was attracted to Lawrence at all, with how new and different he seemed. Used words he never heard before. Did things he never saw before.
Speaking of Lawrence.. He did hold affection for him, even at the time of the slaughter shared between himself and MC. He convinced himself that he was harder and colder than he is, and that Law was a tool, or a potential pet, and that's all he was meant to be- but Ren's heart is far too big for that. Lawrence was his friend. His first genuine, real friend after he was freed. He misses watching his phone light up at 4 AM. He misses having someone to keep him company online. He misses sending and receiving the weirdest ass memes that nobody else would get. He misses their silly inside jokes that nobody else would get. He misses him a lot.
Ren gets DOWN to Foo Fighters and Radiohead. (As well as The Hush Sound, but not so much after Lawrence's "unfortunate passing." They remind him of what he's lost.)
Ren can draw really well! Though he mainly doodles for fun. He gets a good sense of normalcy from social media accounts he runs dedicated to these doodles, but even so, even that audience can tell he's a bit.. Interesting, by the way he speaks and words he says.
Ren has tried multiple times to give up his blood-soaked lifestyle. In fact, he never really stops trying. It's not often, but he always rounds back to the desire to disconnect from what he knows for the sake of self-perseverance. Sometimes he goes weeks, maybe even months without indulging in some kind of gore or snuff- but it always comes back around. The need for violence has been written in his veins since his birth. Strade was simply too blind and egotistical to see he wasn't the one to put it there. Such potential, lost to the wind.
Had Ren ever been paired with a beast-kin who clashes with his own animalistic biology, a predator animal with a prey, to say, he would have a very hard time keeping to himself. Their scent is enough to draw him in, and all he can do is stare at their warm, blood-plump neck.
He is obsessive in his company. He doesn't know what normal, healthy relationships look like, so he doesn't bother to keep them. If you're someone to enjoy, he kind of treats you like a fave. Draws fanart of you. Will write HC's and ask if he's accurate. Asks if he can be accurate. This doesn't mean he can't learn to be healthy, though.
Despite retaining almost none of his original tongue after fleeing from home, something he has always kept, unintentionally, were some lullabies. "Nene Cororiyo" specifically is a real ear-worm when he's bored.
Ren is the greatest ride-or-die you will ever encounter. The greatest yes-man you can have. The greatest ass-kisser you will ever come across. If you jump off a bridge, he's not just following you, but he's doing a flip.
Ren in his 40's is who Ren in his 20's thought he was. It was also around his 30's that he came to the realization that, that is who Strade was not, and never was. After that point, realizing the scariest thing in his life was actually a little bitch, he evolved into who we see as Fox. He would not only never be hurt that way again, but he will be worse.
He is highly emotional and proud of it. He cries often, and barks his laughter loudly, and is very generous with his hand-gestures when telling stories. He is unapologetically emotional and believes many men should let go of the embarrassment and do a better job to normalize this for themselves.
Ren hates what he looks like when hiding his ears and tail. Not because he's dysphoric or because his reflection looks different, but because he doesn't have human ears to compensate and looks stupid as a result. He is forever bound to a bob until he can get it figured out. (He never figures it out. He just waits 'til beast-kins are more "public friendly.")
Ren's favorite kind of toy to play with is a yo-yo, and he's damn good at it. He just keeps on yo'ing.
Ren's other kind of favorite toy is a basic fleshlight. One with a grip. He may be small in stature, but he's got strong hips- resulting in him needing a replacement every so often.
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darkfictionjude · 6 months
I got a couple of "Strand" evolutions
(i still think is funny you refer to them as "Strands" instead of Stands)
Sal: Personal Jesus evolves into Personal Judas (Musical reference: Judas from Fozzy)
Appearance: it sheds its devil and angelic persona revealing its self as a human with both a halo wings and horns.
Ability: all the previous abilities but enhanced aswell as a couple of new ones which allows him to gaslight people into doing what he wants and allows for easier backstabs/betraying.
Percy: No Rain Act 4
Appearances: Act 1 lighter and cigarettes, Act 2 flask of alcohol, Act 3 Hookah and Act 4 it takes the form of a flaming bee woman with multiple clones.
Ability: all previous abilities but enhanced aswell as the ability of hallucinogenic smoke the flames are capable of making expensive item and can affect people income by targeting them and put their money in Percy's pocket.
Nia: Crucified Non Betrayer (Musical reference: Betray from Light)
Appearance: it has become a fem fatale both stakes in the stands hands have become chain sword and its color scheme has become white and black.
Ability: all previous abilities but enhanced it now can control the pain it inflicts on targets making them pass out.
I forgot Lorcan and Irme's 😔🤡 here's extra content in apology.
Extra: this is MC's stand the song also fits for (The Player, some of the Characters and MC).
MC's Stand is The Pretender (Musical reference: Pretender from Foo Fighters)
Appearance: [Humanoid Stand Type] it looks like the stand user but wearing black and a cloak their eyes are always covered in shadows.
Ability: it allows MC to transform into anyone using their target's blood aswell as teleport using blood, they can also attack with storm like winds and blood rain if it touches the enemy its capable of making multiple copies of them to attack.
Did I? Hadn’t noticed
Calling Sally a Judas is quite funny I’ll say and for someone who knows things, I do wonder….
Percy likes that it’s a woman, hopes it’s hot but thinks that’s too many vices
Nia likes and hates the idea of a fem fatale. Likes the outfits hates how historical sexist that trope is
I think some mc’s would like to be anyone but themself tbh it would be a dream come true
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calosplaylists · 11 months
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songs for delsin rowe
aka: songs that i think he would listen to, and songs i think suit him
1. what’s up danger - blackway, black caviar // 2. m.a.a.d city - kendrick lamar, mc eiht // 3. cupid’s chokehold - gym class heroes // 4. handlebars - flobots // 5. my own worst enemy - lit // 6. harlem - new politics // 7. killing in the name - rage against the machine // 8. santeria - sublime // 9. starboy - the weekend, daft punk // 10. power - kanye west
full playlist + link under the cut!
11. sweatpants - childish gambino // 12. feel good inc. - gorillaz // 13. bonfire - childish gambino // 14. dear maria, count me in - all time low // 15. na na na (na na na na na na na na na) - my chemical romance // 16. donttrustme - 3oh!3 // 17. scared of the dark - lil wayne, ty dolla $ign, xxxtentacion // 18. learn to fly - foo fighters // 19. redbone - childish gambino // 20. earfquake - tyler, the creator // 21. american boy - estelle, kanye west // 22. see you again - tyler, the creator, kali uchis // 23. ms. jackson - outkast // 24. it was a good day - ice cube // 25. big poppa - the notorious b.i.g. // 26. no diggity - blackstreet, dr. dre, queen pen // 27. whatta man - salt-n-pepa, en vogue // 28. electric feel - mgmt // 29. black skinhead - kanye west // 30. california love - 2pac, roger, dr. dre // 31. wait a minute! - willow // 32. collard greens - schoolboy q, kendrick lamar // 33. tongue tied - grouplove // 34. wake up - arcade fire // 35. clint eastwood - gorillaz // 36. humble. - kendrick lamar // 37. killing me softly - fugees, ms. lauryn hill
listen on spotify
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September MC & OCs of the Month - Special Edition: Casey Valentine
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Help us in welcoming September's MCs and OCs of the month! That's right, plural! Most months, CFWC highlights one randomly selected MC or OC from our Meet My MC / OC List. (More info here.) But this month, we're doing something different.
In August, @lilyoffandoms hosted a Writers Appreciation Month, and we announced the September Writer of the Month would be selected from its participants. But all participants agreed - Lily deserved the honor! Still, we wanted to do something nice for the eleven writers who elected to participate to help uplift other writers in the fandom. So, this month, each of the eleven participants will have one of their MCs or OCs highlighted.
We will introduce each MC / OC individually, and once all eleven have been highlighted, a masterlist for the month will be created. We hope you enjoy getting to know all about them!
The second MC of the Month is @coffeeheartaddict2 's Casey Valentine!
Learn more about Casey below!
In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC. 
I like that she does not give up, even when things may seem hopeless with Mrs. M. she found a way, with Willow and Rowan, and in her career, instead of giving up, how can we better this, also helps that the hospital administration is on board with helping all, not just the some but still. 
Do you feel your MC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
Her fears are the same as mine; like me, she had a missed miscarriage. We both like to help and do not like injustices in the world, so in that regard, we are similar. 
What is most important to your MC? What is their motivation in life?
Helping others and giving back to the community that you serve. This was instilled into her by her parents and grandparents. Her grandad served as a medic in the army, and when he finished his service, he became a GP in Delaware. 
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
Dishonesty, greed, misogyny. Casey is not afraid to call people out on it, especially if it is blatant. She was very pleased with herself when she called Landry out on it after he was fired from Edenbrook in When Egos Collide. She does see that some lies, like Santa etc. do not cause harm, but lies that hurt Casey have little time for. 
If your MC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
In some ways, Casey regrets giving Ethan some space between when he took his job back and when he left for Brazil. She did so try to think of a workable solution before speaking to him. She did not think of one, and then he left. He messaged her sorry before boarding the plane, but she never knew what he was sorry for. 
What is your MC’s favorite quote or song?
She does not really have a favourite quote. She does have several songs she loves
Can’t Always Get What You Want- Rolling Stones
Bridge Over Troubled Water- Simon and Garfunkel
All You Need is Love - The Beatles 
Hey Jude- The Beatles
With a little help from my friends- The Beatles
Everlong- Foo Fighters
My Hero - Foo Fighters
Maybe I’m Amazed- Paul McCartney
Gone Away - The Offspring
Numb- Linkin Park 
In the End- Linkin Park
All Too Well- Taylor Swift
Good Riddance - Greenday
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC:
I started writing because I was encouraged by a group chat I was in at the time. I decided to redo initially book 2 ch14-20 as there were some things that I wanted to happen. I never thought that I would be here and a whole world. 
Casey's MC Profile
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otasnox · 7 months
ough. jjba star wars au. i have not thought this out much yet im going off of this insanely gorgeous art so this is what ive got so far
option 1: joseph joestar is han solo (duh). reasoning for this is the aforementioned art and also just like... the vibes. p2 joseph is so hansolocore. and i think caesar and suzi q as luke and leia is really funny but i havent settled on which combo is funnier. i think im settling on caesar is leia (i think he is more the rebel diplomat prince type guy) and suzi is luke (some random girl from buttfuck nowhere who is going on some adventure and is soooo cool). other than these three i have absolutely no fucking idea who would be who. i love this trio but if i do anything with them i will probably just doodle them and not think too hard about everyone else <3 ok?
option 2: holly is shmi. jotaro is anakin. jolyne is luke. fucking... jolyne doesnt have canon siblings so i guess jouta can be leia or something 😭 palpatine is dio trust me on this. darth maul is fucking. vanilla ice or something. jango fett is hol horse and boba fett is mista (need to fuel my stupid headcanon). obi-wan is joseph. qui-gon is fucking ummmm lisa lisa or something. count dooku is baron zeppeli sorry for making you evil king but it was funny and your outfit is fire... need to think some more on yoda. hermes is padmé. im running out of ideas. weather report is biggs darklighter. general grevious is kars or something. i need to shoehorn caesar in here somewhere i might make caesar yoda for no reason other than its funny. also if caesar was a mentor character i know he'd be as unhelpful and annoying as yoda. josuke is like. imagine if r2d2 could talk and he was silly. thats him. okuyasu can be c3po theyre not similar at all i just think it would be really funny for those two to be droids and have misadventures. im out of characters i think go together well so im making giorno be ahsoka so we can have giorno / ahsoka there i love them even if theyre not similar at all. avdol is han solo hes chillin... polnareff is chewbacca... theyre buddies. kakyoin is lando or something actually yeah thats funny i like that. did i use speedwagon yet i dont think i did. speedwagon is yoda. foo fighters is jar jar binks. oingo and boingo are like a jedi master and padawan theyre just in the background or something. iggy's on the council he's just silent during the meetings but you see him. abbacchio is mace windu i dont have anything to support this im going on vibes and desperation. anyone not mentioned here is probably still there. please imagine rest of the part 5 MCs as the cantina jizz band thank you
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the-nest-dwellers · 9 months
What's you guys favorite musician and/or song?
single artist: girl in red
band: foo fighters
top 3 songs:
Body and Mind-Girl in red
Arlandria-Foo fighters
Band: Pink Floyd
Artist: 2 Mello
top 3 songs:
Run Like Hell-Pink Floyd
N.I.B.-Black Sabbath
livin' midnight-2 Mello
Mother Mother
Taylor Swift
You're On Your Own, Kid
Do I Wanna Know?
Imagine Dragons
Misery x CPR x Reese's Puffs x Apple Bottom Jeans
Panjabi MC
Mundian tu bach ke
Punching Bag by Set It Off
solo musician: Billy Joel, James Taylor, or Carole King
band: Chicago or The Who
top 3 songs: "Baba O'Riley" by The Who, "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago, "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel
album: "Quadrophenia" by The Who or "The Stranger" by Billy Joel
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fellthemarvelous · 10 months
Pick a song for each letter in your URL and tag that many people!
Tagged by @greenthena and @katspause
I have 35 side blogs (don't ask, they're all RP), so I'm only going to cover this one.
Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen Everybody Hurts by R.E.M. Larger Than Life by The Backstreet Boys Last Nite by The Strokes This Used to Be My Playground by Madonna Hand in My Pocket by Alanis Morissette Earth Angel by The Penguins Machinehead by Bush A Little Respect by Erasure Respect by Aretha Franklin Video Killed the Radio Star by Buggles Eight Days a Week by The Beatles Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters Old Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger U Can't Touch This by MC Hammer Save Tonight by Eagle-Eye Cherry
No pressure tags: @despisedtoolofsatan @azirapalalalala @honeybeebabeblr @di-42 @simonezitrone79 @missdeliadilisblog @underlilithswings21
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thatdamnokie · 2 years
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completely unnecessary horror mash-ups (41/?) - brother bear x janitor bleeds
“… i don’t want to go in there.”
“what? koda, c’mon, this is our assignment.”
but koda didn’t move from his spot by the van, just glanced at the ground, then back up to kenai.
“the vibes are rancid and like half the letters on the sign don’t work. and why are there all these other cars here…? this place is supposed to be closed.”
kenai rolled his eyes, one hand holding onto his bag strap as he turned. 3, 2, 1…
“wait hold on! don’t leave me bro!”
mini mix: mc orsen & archez, serenity + foo fighters, love dies young + otyken, genesis
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brinachesscake · 1 month
Boa noite, meus queridos respectivos espectadores !!! Sua garota do blog tá online morando no fim do mundo MAS está aqui okay?
Contar as boas novidades de uma adolescente adulta de 20 anos que trabalha no mc donalds precário serviço pra pagar as contas de casa pq a mãe e o irmão vagabundo estão sem respectivos empregos em seus cargos, pintou o cabelo de vermelho e fez franja, continua sem namorado mas tem lago muito melhor que isso, como por exemplo ter passado numa faculdade publica em tecnologia da informação!@ e ainda moro com meus 500 gatos 🐱🐱🐱**
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Nos últimos dias, veio a sensação de embaracamento, parece q tenho um bolo de linhas em minha mente, tentando desenrolar. Isso é normal? Ele não me conhece e nem quer kkkkk a vida é engraçada mesmo. Disse q não gostaria de um cara preso a ex namorada e rm seguida sou atraída por um fragmento com esse detalhe, a vida tem um grande senso de humor, e quando falo isso digo que Deus tem senso de humor também, é bem engraçado até. Eu tava quase me iludindo, mas decidi ouvir a voz inteligente da minha cabeça, ontem cortei e acertei as mrchad debaixo do meu cabelo, me sinto mais limpa agora. Nesses dias quw nos mulheres estamos de TPM, com hormônios malucos, vontades fora do normal e se olhando torto no espelho é difícil, mas não penso muito nisso, tento limpar minha mente das coisas, tá bem cheia. Bom, e sobre isso, foda-se! Se ele não me chamou pra sair esse tempo todos e pq não quer, homens não são coitados ! Eles sabem, veem e não vão pq não quer kkkkk.
Fiquei puta pq ele é fofo até mas quando ele abre a boca pra falar algo, sai tudo MENOS oq eu gostaria de ouvir, e ele tem um colega de trabalho q também tá afim de mundo pelo q ouvi falar, mds eu sou a própria Afrodite é???
( mas eu sou romantica ! Gosto de agradar, gosto de me sentir amada e amar, gosto de retribuir, amo beijinhos no pescoço, amo a sensação de ter o sentimento q é meu. Se eu me apaixonar, vou querer casar )
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Minha mãe diz que vou arrumar alguém na igreja, o tarot fala pra ir com calma e analisar as situações, ter atenção nos sinais, ir devagar e isso realmente me ajudou, pq eu sou emocionada e já ia falando pra ele q gosto dele, e ia dar merda pq ele é todo abobalhado (não é atoa que colocou o nome da gata dele de uma personagem de anime que tem os peitos maior q a cabeça, passa o anime todo pelada com os peitos de fora), pensei até em yer paciência mas mano, eu teria que ser o homem da relação. Logo eu que beijei de lingua poucas vezes, nunc namorei. Ahan! Ainda tenho uma certa atração, mas é coisa boba. Espero que tudo se resolva no silêncio e volte a normalidade, sabe? Ele não me quer e eh já entendikkkkk ent ele podia parar de me dar atenção.
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Enfimkkkkkk quando vou pegar pra falar de amor, acabo me perdendo, sao coisas mal acabadas sempre e bem bobas mas eu penso em tudo (tenho que parar). Agastar meu precioso tempo será estudando mesmo!!! Tenho escutado muito rock esses dias pra espairecer a mente tbm, muito red hot chilli peppers e foo fighters JURO !!! É do tipo de música q me faz sentir em uma série, e tudo fica com um senso de humor ainda melhor. Pq a situação, a tradução, a sonoridade, meu humor e minhas caras e bocas!! Esses últimos 3 dias tenho me alimentado melhor, controlado a compulsão alimentar, escolhido um yakult ou chiclete ao invés de pão de mel recheado, coxinha todos os dias, bebido mais água no trabalho. Me cuidar. É bom
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cyarskaren52 · 10 months
The 100 Best Songs of 2023
Lana, Drake, Miley, Tyler, and many more
DECEMBER 1, 2023
KYLIE MINOGUE RACED back to the center of the dance floor with a viral smash. A surprise Shakira track broke the internet. Sexyy Redd owned every summer DJ set. And NewJeans rode a drum-and-bass beat to pop heaven. It was a massive year for música Mexicana and Afropop, for noisy guitar bands, left-field hip-hop, and fearless country storytelling. Taylor Swift had a pretty good year too. 
Foo Fighters, ‘Under You’
But Here We Are, the 11th album from Foo Fighters, explores grief in unflinching detail — it was recorded in the wake of Foos drummer Taylor Hawkins’ March 2022 passing and the death of leader Dave Grohl’s mother a few months later. “Under You” has the sunny power-pop-adjacent feel of earlier Foo Fighters tracks like “Learn to Fly,” but its lyrics depict Grohl being nearly suffocated by the pain of losing someone. “Someday I’ll come out from under you,” he declares, well aware that despite the catchy melodies he’s laying down, grief still hangs over him. —M.J.  
Jung Kook feat. Latto, ‘Seven’
BTS member Jung Kook’s soulful vocals are backed by an insistent garage beat on this swirling confection that’s squarely focused on getting down every day of the week. He drives home his lust with some well-placed falsetto runs, while his foil, the “Big Energy” MC Latto, delivers a winking verse that manages to turn the dance-floor-filling DJ staple “Cha Cha Slide” into a teasing come-on. —M.J.
Hemlocke Springs, ‘Enknee1’
Don’t let Hemlocke Springs’ beloved TikTok bridge “girlfriend” give you the wrong impression — this new indie artist is no one-hit wonder. “Enknee1” is both a hyper-pop sensation and a sharp coming-of-age analysis — and who better to reflect on that subject than a Dartmouth Ph.D. hopeful turned viral star? “But I have learnt people aren’t puzzles (No),” she sings before sliding into the sweeping synth chorus emblematic of her awkward, authentic charm. “But thеy puzzle me, be thе things they don’t want to be.” She turns that confusion into something relentlessly catchy. More, please. —C.J.
Geese, ‘Mysterious Love’
These Brooklyn kids are just passing the age when they can order an IPA in the bars they play, but they’ve clearly spent plenty of their prodigious youth immersed in the vicissitudes of their parents’ (OK, grandparents’) record collections. They really know how to fuck up the oldies. “Mysterious Love” sounds like post-punk guerrillas laying siege to a classic-rock radio station, piling up prog power, avant-rock chaos, boogie wonderment, and psychedelic sprawl. It’s proof that their 2021 hype-magnet debut Projector was no fluke. —J.D.
Addison Rae feat. Charli XCX, ‘2 Die 4’
Addison Rae’s pop career felt conspicuously short after she dropped her debut single, “Obsessed,” in 2021. But after several songs leaked online — and exploded on TikTok after— it was abundantly clear that was only the beginning. The star of the leaks was “2 Die 4,” a slinky hit with the type of ear-worm hook that burrows in your brain forever. For the official release, Rae linked up with Charli XCX, who adds a little sexy soul to match Rae’s budding pop princess prowess. —B.S.
Aespa, ‘Spicy’
The K-pop group Aespa tried something new this year with “Spicy,” the lead single from their third EP, My World — The Third Mini Album. Previous releases had an experimental sound and leaned heavily into AR and virtual reality with a unique concept featuring an imagined world, villains, and avatar members. “Spicy” showcased a new side of Karina, Giselle, Winter, and Ningning. With strong vocals, grimy synths, rolling bass, and huge drum buildups, the song brought the girls closer into the real world of universal pop thrills, reminiscent of early 2000s pop a la Britney Spears. As they tell us in the lyrics, it’s a “10 out of 10, honestly.” —K.K.
Samia, ‘Charm You’
On “Charm You,” Samia makes a cathartic breakthrough over a sunny, simple instrumental. “I just saw my whole life flash before your eyes/and I don’t want to charm anyone this time,” she sings. A declaration that vulnerable might deserve either pity or fanfare, but Samia sounds surprisingly relaxed as her vocals float over buoyant guitar strums. The effervescent track is a standout on Samia’s second album, Honey, which showcases what she does best: pointedly chronicle the nuances of desire, devastation, and the delight of learning how to dance through it all. —L.L.
Ellie Goulding and Calvin Harris, ‘Miracle’
Nearly a decade had to pass for Ellie Goulding and Calvin Harris — the duo responsible for “I Need Your Love” and “Outside” in 2013 and 2014, respectively — to reunite for another electro-pop smash. “When you have that connection with someone, you miss it,” Goulding told Rolling Stone earlier this year. “It’s hard to just put that aside.” The result of their unique chemistry was “Miracle,” a psychedelic EDM hit in which Goulding asks, “Are you too cynical to believe in a miracle?” in her effervescent voice, backed by ethereal piano, Nineties synths, and a pumping bass. It was a gift to see these two back together. —T.M.
J Hus feat. Drake, ‘Who Told You’
Beautiful and Brutal Yard, the J Hus album from this summer, had the feeling of being just ahead of its time. Hus, a reliable provider of diaspora-spanning hits, connected with Drake on the pitch-perfect “Who Told You.” Of all of Drake’s globe-trotting ambitions, his forays into Afrobeats and sounds from West Africa bear the most fruit. Here we’re greeted by “One Dance” Drake, laying on the accent just a tad more subtly. Along with J Hus’ infectious hook, the song is an ideal anthem, one that I suspect finds a permanent spot in the pantheon of summer hits. —J.I.
Tove Lo, ‘Borderline’
Tove Lo co-wrote “Borderline” with fellow pop titan Dua Lipa, and it’s brimming with the kind of unforgettable melodies that are a hallmark of both artists’ best work. Built on a foundation of burbling bass and a Prince-like drum pattern, the song puts Tove Lo’s edgy lyrics about insecurity and codependence front and center. “I like to push you to the edge as long as you say you’re mine,” she sings, ramping up the intensity for an almost-shouted chorus that promises to make this relationship work, whatever the personal toll. Deeply unsettling in all the right ways. —J.F.
Tierra Whack, ‘Chanel Pit’
The bars might look silly on paper (“What is that shit I smell?/I am that shit you smell”), but that’s half the point — the way Ms. Whack sends that nonsense caroming off the music-box beat, bouncing new flows like rubber balls, is what makes this absurdist gem shine. And, as always, her brilliance doesn’t come into full focus until you see the video, where she raps the entire thing while going through a car wash, minus the car. Plenty of artists made music that addressed the world’s pain and suffering in 2023. Let’s hear it for someone who knows how to keep it fun. —S.V.L.
Soccer Mommy, ‘Here’
Sophie Allison, the indie-rock singer-songwriter who records as Soccer Mommy, delivered a great covers EP this year with Karaoke Night. Along with songs by Taylor Swift, R.E.M., Slowdive, and Sheryl Crow, she delivered a for-the-ages version of Pavement’s classic powerless-ballad “Here,” tapping into the heartbreak that only exists on the edges of Stephen Malkmus’ imperious performance on the 1992 original. It takes guts to throw yourself into a sacred indie-rock text like this, but she lovingly makes it her own to give us one of the all-time great Nineties covers. —J.D.
Myke Towers, ‘LALA’
There’s magic buried in the vocal chant from “LALA,” making the track so catchy that it stays planted in your brain long after it’s ended. The song has been blasting out of cars pretty much from the moment a snippet first came out in June — and that infectious sample sent it flying around TikTok with force. In a flash, it rose up the charts, making it onto the Billboard Hot 100. It also became testament to Myke Towers’ star-powered versatility: The sharp-as-nails spitter can launch caustic raps like no one else, but he’s also down for upbeat bangers that turn into streaming goliaths. —J.L.
Dijon, ‘Coogie’
Dijon has never been afraid to expose the cracks of his voice in his folk- and R&B-inflected songs, but “Coogie” reveals him pushing himself and his songwriting to wrenching effect. As he sings of being held down by some inherent “meanness” or a bad spirit, he sounds increasingly more raspy and self-destructive. Along with an equally haphazard electric guitar, everything sounds like it’s drowning underwater. As the song never reaches a climax or moment of release, Dijon keeps the listener tight within his gripping performance — making way for a raw and slippery vision of indie music. —M.H.K.
Taylor Swift, ‘You’re Losing Me’
For her Eras Tour stop at MetLife Stadium in May, Taylor Swift caused mastermind chaos by exclusively releasing this Midnights-era track on a CD sold only at that weekend’s shows. That hasn’t stopped fans from turning to bootleg YouTube uploads to hear one of Swift’s most devastating songs about a relationship on its last pulse. Over a sample of her heartbeat, she delivers a gut-wrenching bridge that only a Sagittarius could write: Swift proclaims, “I’m the best thing at this party,” then immediately confesses, “I wouldn’t marry me either.” No bait-and-switch has ever cut so deep. —M.G.
Hotline TNT, ‘I Thought You’d Change’
A proud son of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (well, probably not that proud), singer-guitarist Will Anderson has wound up in New York in his mid-30s fronting the fantastic shoegaze band Hotline TNT, unfurling his Midwestern sad-guy glory on the band’s new album, Cartwheel. On “I Thought You’d Change,” he takes a wicked case of relationship malaise, slathers it in gilded distortion and surging melodies, and what comes out is at once heartsick and heroic. The “you” in question probably won’t be changing anytime soon, but the noise in our boy’s head is there to pull him through. Always has, always will. —J.D. 
CMAT, ‘Have Fun!’
Since debuting a few years ago, Dublin’s Ciara Mary-Alice Thompson has distinguished herself for songs long on clarity, wit, and killer melodies. This standout starts off vivid (and clear): “One hundred bright green birds atop a Tesco in Clapham/Me on you, it didn’t make sense, but it happened.” From there, Thompson laments a shitty relationship while riding bright, piano-led funk, flowing catchily as violins slash in and out and those damn birds start to haunt her. It adds up to something irresistible, and one of the year’s best breakup songs. —C.H.
The Rolling Stones feat. Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder, ‘Sweet Sounds of Heaven��
“Sweet Sounds of Heaven,” the Stones’ greatest latter-day gospel-rock rave-up, reaches an emotional peak two minutes and 38 seconds in, when Mick Jagger and Lady Gaga bellow, “I’m not going to hell in some dusty motel/And I’m not going down in the dirt … I’m finally quenching my thirst.” It’s a genuinely moving moment of catharsis, like they’ve survived some dark night of the soul, and it builds from there into soulful jam reminiscent of “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” or Sticky Fingers’ “I Got the Blues,” thanks to Stevie Wonder’s funky keyboards and a fiery horn line. Has any other band sounded this good 60 years in? —K.G.
The Hives, ‘Bogus Operandi’
Twenty years ago, the Hives blasted out of Sweden with their matching suits, over-the-top bravado, and killer garage-punk tunes. After a long break, they came back this year with a new album, predictably titled The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons. “I go to work!,” Howlin’ Pelle Almqvist shouts on their blazing return single, and his fellow Hives answer his call with the same sugar-sharp energy that made them such a blast back in the day. Times may change, but some operandi remain as beautifully bogus as ever. —J.D. 
The Last Dinner Party, ‘Nothing Matters’
The U.K.’s latest buzzy export is a baroque-rock dream. On “Nothing Matters,” the group is part ABBA, part Nineties Brit-pop throwback, and entirely bewitching. Lead singer Abigail Morris resigns herself to a surface-level romance of “a sailor and a nightingale dancing in convertibles.” The juicy chorus is increasingly raucous as the song wears on, exploding into irresistible, singalong-worthy “da-da-da”s. The song was a success on alt-rock radio this fall, and the band’s been getting themselves on the road ahead of their debut album, Prelude to Ecstasy, meaning that “Nothing Matters” is just the appetizer. —B.S. 
Feeble Little Horse, ‘Freak’
With a name like Feeble Little Horse, the chances for dinky annoyingness are staggeringly high. But this Pittsburgh twee-noise band don’t just not suck, they transcend. “Freak,” from their album Girl With Fish, goes by in the space of a hardcore blurt, at just 1:47, with singer-bassist Lydia Slocum’s voice barely rising above a shy mumble as she sings, “I know you want me, freak/Sports star honeybee, on my team.” Yet she exudes tepid swagger, and the guitars go off like a mushroom cloud inside a snow globe, creating a lush little biosphere of shy, torrid gorgeousness. —J.D.
Tems, ‘Me & U’
Tems builds this sweet jam on supple Afrobeats with the simplest of words, and if its title conjures Prince, so does its conflation of the spiritual and the carnal, which comes across despite Tems’ professed intention to write about her relationship with Jesus. Between this, her co-writes with Rihanna, and her breakthrough cameos with Future, Wizkid, and Drake, this Nigerian queen clearly remains choosy about the company she keeps. —W.H.
Eladio Carrión feat. Bad Bunny, ‘Coco Chanel’
With the help of Bad Bunny, “Coco Chanel” — and its dembow influences and sexy lyrics — served as the anchor for Eladio Carrión’s great LP��3MEN2 KBRN. In its bars, Carrión and Benito reference everything from Ferragamo and Sega video games to Julieta Venegas and Avengers’ Thanos. When it dropped, the track also fed speculation that Benito was dating Kendall Jenner with the line, “The Puerto Rican sun is warmer than the one in Phoenix,” which was taken by many as a clever reference to Jenner’s ex, Devin Booker of NBA’s Phoenix Suns. —T.M.
XG, ‘Left Right’
On “Left Right,” XG masterfully creates the kind of late-Nineties and early-2000s-channeling hit that would otherwise only emerge from the use of an obvious sample. The record is nostalgic in presentation, but futuristic in delivery. The seven-piece Japanese girl group — based in South Korea — are evident students of the K-Pop titans. Each member’s strengths are highlighted as they demonstrate a vocal expertise that brings to mind their other prime influences: the R&B girl groups of the TRL era. —L.P.
Drake feat. Sexyy Red and SZA, ‘Rich Baby Daddy’
Drake’s “Rich Baby Daddy” sounds like an outtake from a So So Def Bass All Stars comp. It gets plenty of fuel from a Jessica Domingo vocal loop sample and kicks off with a command by Sexyy Red to “Bend that ass over! Let that coochie breathe!” In short, it’s a song where Drake lets women’s voices take center stage, even as he chimes in to add, “I’ve got some love inside of me/Please drag it out of me.” A guest vocal from 2023 MVP SZA only adds to the appeal of “Rich Baby Daddy” as a sweet and summery confection. —M.R.
Fifty Fifty, ‘Cupid’
The breakthrough single from K-pop group Fifty Fifty is a delectable chunk of happy-sad bubblegum, its plush harmonies and sing-song lead vocals making its gently frustrated lyrics (“So skeptical of love … but still, I want it more, more, more”) feel like they were transposed straight from a fluffy pink diary with a stubborn lock and entries written in loopy, heart-adorned script. Sadly, Fifty Fifty’s tenure was as fleeting as the romance “Cupid” longs for; three of its four members were cut from the group by its agency Attrakt in October, a few months after the track peaked in the Hot 100’s Top 20. —M.J.
Summer Walker feat. J. Cole, ‘To Summer, From Cole (Audio Hug)’
Summer Walker reportedly cried when she heard the “audio hug” J. Cole recorded for her 30-minute EP Clear 2: Soft Life. Indeed, “To Summer, From Cole” is a showcase for the North Carolina rapper, a soothing neo-soul track he co-produced with Kelvin “WU10” Wooten. “I just heard you had you another little baby, congratulations/I hope you got through it with no complications,” he raps in a mellow, gentlemanly tone. “On days you feelin’ like you on your own/I wrote this for you to put on.” Walker opens and closes the song with a simple melody and the words: “Call me when you need some love.” —M.R.
Chris Stapleton, ‘White Horse’
“White Horse” is a powerhouse rock anthem that presses into uncharted territory for Chris Stapleton. “If you want a cowboy on a white horse/Ridin’ off into the sunset/If that’s the kind of love you wanna wait for/Hold on tight, girl, I ain’t there yet,” he belts over a stadium-worthy guitar riff. Co-produced with his wife, Morgane Stapleton, and Dave Cobb, and co-written alongside Semisonic frontman Dan Wilson, “White Horse” served as a rocking reminder that Stapleton is one of the greatest voices we’ve got. —J. Lonsdale
Armand Hammer, billy woods, ELUCID, and EL-P, ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy’
“Your money’s no good here,” warns ELUCID on this standout cut from Armand Hammer’s We Buy Diabetic Test Strips. It’s a roundelay between two Brooklyn rappers who offer riffs on a Eurocentric world in disorder as they portend a post-apocalypse society where money and celebrity are meaningless. “White women with pepper spray in they purse/Interpolating Beyoncé/Illegal formations,” raps billy woods with brutally dry wit. Meanwhile, El-P of Run the Jewels accompanies the duo with a loopy, arrhythmic beat that mimics a globe slowly spinning off its axis. —M.R.
Gina Birch, ‘I Play My Bass Loud’
Bassist Gina Birch is a DIY music legend whose work in the iconic London post-punk band the Raincoats helped lay the foundation for Nirvana, riot grrrl, and more. She released her solo debut this year, at 68 years old, and its title track was one of 2023’s most inspiring artistic declarations. The song recalled the Raincoats’ otherworldly feminist statement ”No One’s Little Girl,” with Birch’s joyful bass leading the way as she sang with wit and wisdom about grabbing your instrument and creating music that transforms your life, every time you poke out a note. —J.D.
Del Water Gap, ‘All We Ever Do Is Talk’
Del Water Gap is a master of lovelorn melancholy on “All We Ever Do Is Talk,” a mournful ode to the honeymoon phase. The singer and songwriter finds himself riding a ceaseless emotional carousel in the wake of the realization that he can at once be full of love, but also fully devoid of those early feelings that once sent electricity through his veins. Over a moody Eighties-tinged track, he sprints through a maze of synths in search of understanding, asking over and over: “Will we ever get that feeling again?” —L.P.
Code Orange feat. Billy Corgan, ‘Take Shape’
If your favorite part of high school was screaming along to Incubus on the drive home, don’t sleep on Code Orange. But even if they nail that 2000s period sound, that doesn’t mean they sound like something off an old CD that’s been skittering around on the floor of your car. “Take Shape” — featuring haunting vocals from Billy Corgan — exemplifies everything that makes Code Orange tick: absolutely punishing guitars, Jami Morgan’s harsh yet melodic vocals, and brain-flexing lyrics about breaking free from societal expectations. Just try not to run any red lights while listening to this track. —B.E.
Tyla, ‘Water’
This year, 21 year-old year South African siren Tyla flooded the airwaves with her global smash, “Water.” This summer, after it’s just-challenging-enough choreography became a mainstay on TikToks and Instagram, the song itself rose to the top hip-hop and R&B radio. The fluid Amapiano-meets-Afrobeats production cascades beneath a saturated, choir-style vocal top-line that goads a lover to “make me sweat, make me hotter, make me lose her breath, make me water.” The track and its dance are fun, sexy, inspiring, and even a little humbling–since emulating Tyla’s control of her hips is no small thing.–M.C.
Jisoo, ‘Flower’
Jisoo was the last member of Blackpink to release solo music, creating a feverish anticipation among fans. It was the worth the wait. “Flower” cemented the singer as a certified solo star. A sophisticated track with a staccato, Latin-tinged melody and Caribbean-inspired percussion, “Flower” feels instantly familiar yet unlike anything else on the radio. There’s a confidence to her voice that isn’t always as apparent when it’s blended with three other singers. But on this solo track, it’s clear that Jisoo is firmly in control. —T.C.
Thundercat and Tame Impala, ‘No More Lies’
On this psychedelic-soul gem, Los Angeles is to blame for a relationship that doesn’t quite work. “I’m sorry, girl, didn’t mean to drag you in my dreams,” Thundercat sings, as he and Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker create a beautifully hazy track. The two musicians let the groove move them toward a sense of understanding that always seems to be alluringly out of their reach. “It just felt like we were definitely long lost bandmates from another era,” Thundercat told Rolling Stone about working with Parker. —L.P. 
Becky G and DannyLux, ‘Cries in Spanish’
As música Mexicana finds recognition on a global scale, strains of those same folk roots — the lovely melodic turns, those quirky accents in the strings — are beginning to penetrate mainstream pop. A ballad of quiet despair, this track from Becky G’s superlative third album — a tribute to her Mexican roots — reaches a majestic kind of transcendence when young prodigy DannyLux enters the stage riding a lilting sad sierreño pattern. The spiraling organ notes at the end add sophistication, but “Cries in Spanish” is all about the vocal luster of its two stars. —E.L.
Fall Out Boy, ‘Love From the Other Side’
Fall Out Boy’s eighth studio album, So Much (for) Stardust, was the first time they’d worked with producer Neal Avron in nearly 15 years. The record’s lead single “Love From the Other Side,” was proof of how well their reunion was going to work. Everyone was firing on all cylinders: Avron built a soundscape of theatrical urgency around Pete Wentz’s unmistakable songwriting, while Patrick Stump braced for the impact of sacrificing himself to the beast of infatuation. Without falling back on regurgitative nostalgia, they created the most Fall Out Boy-sounding Fall Out Boy song in recent memory.—L.P.
Yahritza y Su Esencia and Grupo Frontera, ‘Frágil’
Yahritza y Su Esencia’s “Soy El Único” was the first song to put the Mexican American trio on people’s radars. But “Frágil,” with Grupo Frontera, was the song where they really took off. On the norteño-cumbia track, Yahritza and Frontera’s Payo Solis sing about giving their entire, fragile heart away to a love interest. Yahritza’s high notes complement Solis’ masculine vocals as they sing about an ex-lover “whose soul doesn’t feel pain when it lies.” It was the first track from Yahritza to hit Number One on an airplay chart, and it marked out a pivotal point in Frontera’s ever-growing career. —T.M.
That Mexican OT With Paul Wall and DRODi, ‘Johnny Dang’
One of the feel-good stories of rap in 2023 is the emergence of Virgil “That Mexican OT” Gazca. The Bay City, Texas, artist grinded on the mixtape circuit for years before breaking through with Lonestar Luchador and its centerpiece, “Johnny Dang.” Produced by TobiAli, it’s a legitimate banger where OT bounces all over the track even as he teases, “I’m just rhymin’ words, I don’t even know how to rap.” Guest spots from Freeport’s DRODi and Houston all-star Paul Wall add excitement to a hit that promises to “slide down your block, light it up with flames.” —M.R.
Jenny Lewis, ‘Psychos’
Jenny Lewis proclaims herself a “rock & roll disciple” on “Psychos,” and proves her devotion with a series of truths on the Joy’All soft rocker, custom made for Seventies AM radio. Her Tao includes acknowledging that “life goes in cycles [like] a merry-go-round,” that when you sing about turning down the treble and dropping the bass, your music better sound gloriously tinny, and that, most transparently, “I’m not a psycho/I’m just trying to get laid.” Lewis knows, of course, that it’s that fun and funny candor that won rock & roll all its disciples in the first place. Respect to the guru, namaste. —K.G.
Mitski, ‘My Love Mine All Mine’
When you listen to any love song from the 1940s, you get the distinct sense that everyone’s singing to ghosts — lovers are always lost, lonely, or waiting. Mitski captures that swoony mood of exquisite loss in this goth-country epic, which sees the protagonist asking the moon to remember her to her loved one even after her death. Sweeping and gorgeous, this is as close to a ballad as you’re going to get with Mitski, who — even in her lighter moments — seems always tethered to the fact that even the greatest love stories end.—B.E.
Earthgang and Spillage Village, ‘Die Today’
They make it sound so effortless — like they’re just coming up with these super-catchy hooks and funny-AF lyrics on a summer Sunday, in between hammock swings. But the greats have a way of making the hard jobs look easy. And this track cements Earthgang’s status as one of the greats: loose and free, like your favorite pajama bottoms; witty and a little maudlin, like an episode of Six Feet Under. “Tell me baby if I die today,” the Atlanta duo sing, “Would you come and kiss my cold face?” Sounding like that? For sure. —N.S.
V, ‘Rainy Days’
Each BTS solo project has its own distinct musical personality. V is the member of the group with the deepest love of R&B, soul, and jazz, a fan of legends like Chet Baker and Frank Sinatra who’s also a former saxophone player. He unfurled his old-school credentials on “Rainy Days,” crooning over a forlorn piano and laidback beat as he explored the refined depths of his deliciously cloudy baritone. The result was an undisputedly umbrella-worthy, new-look, quiet-storm pleasure. —J.D.
Yng Lvcas feat. Peso Pluma, ‘La Bebé’
“Ella Baila Sola,” Peso Pluma’s corrido with Eslabón Armado, was a Top 10 hit, but it wasn’t his only major hit of the year. “La Bebé (Remix),” a Pluma-featuring track by the largely unknown Mexican reggaetonero Yng Lvcas, seemed to dominate Latin nightclubs overnight — and it played a huge role in Pluma’s 2023 takeover. Lvcas and Pluma sing to a muse who just wants to dance to a good reggaetón beat. “La Bebé” delivers exactly that. Mexico isn’t your typical reggaetón exporter, but with “La Bebé,” Lvcas told Rolling Stone he hopes it “propels Mexicans to look at their own people for the genre.” —T.M.
Tyler, the Creator feat. Vince Staples, ‘Stuntman’
One of the highlights of Tyler, the Creator’s Call Me If You Get Lost deluxe is “Stuntman,” a track that exemplifies his creative genius. Vince Staples opens things up with a characteristically sharp verse over a minimalist mesh of claps, clangs, and colossal 808s, then Tyler arrives with a swagger that he carries throughout. The song’s de facto breakbeat is interspersed by a hook with a crescendo of synths that is indeed a perfect soundtrack for a multitalented artist to let us know, “I’ll show you how to stunt.” —A.G.
Twice, ‘Moonlight Sunrise’
Twice played their first stateside stadium show last summer (which made them the first K-pop girl group to headline a stadium in the U.S.). It was a peak moment in their eight-year run. “Moonlight Sunrise,” the group’s second English-language single, was inspired by the moonlight at that Banc of California Stadium performance. “Baby, you can hit up my line when you need it/Said that you tried?/Baby, you succeeded,” they rap with elevated English skills. Twice underscored their maturity by showing an artistic range beyond their signature bubblegum pop, with a Miami bass-infused R&B track. —K.K.
Tainy feat. J Balvin, Young Miko, Jowell and Randy, ‘Colmillo’
This masterful deluxe-edition bonus highlight from Puerto Rican superproducer Tainy’s stunningly brilliant Data is three or four bangers in one, the sound of an artist chasing his wildest musical impulses in whatever wild-style direction they take him. “Colmillo” opens as a house-music hallucination, then mutates into a club-swallowing reggaeton anthem that invites us to commune with the perreo gods, as if Tainy and his teeming crew of guests (veteran stars J Balvin, plus Jowell and Randy, as well as newcomer Young Miko) are holding our hand as we ascend to a velvet-rope party on the astral-plane. —J.D.
Shamir, ‘Oversized Sweater’
Comfort is the theme of Shamir’s dreamy single, off his 2023 album, Homo Anxietatem (Latin for “anxious man”). “Oversized Sweater” delivers gorgeously on that warmth and familiarity, with Shamir making a perfect pastiche of Nineties indie pop and soft rock, reminiscent of Liz Phair, the Goo Goo Dolls, and Lisa Loeb. Inspired by a sweater he knitted in the months following a stint at a psych ward, the song is an uplifting tribute to the ways we look to soothe ourselves after a love has gone sour. “So I cuddle in the space/Of my oversized sweater/And sing until I believe in love again,” he sings on the chorus. The song fits as snugly as his favorite item of clothing. —B.S.
Feid, ‘Nx Tx Sientas Solx’
Decades of Latin pop songs have drilled into our heads the questionable message that romantic love is the answer to everything, but Feid begs to disagree. The most intimate track on Mor, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad — the Colombian star’s sixth studio album — this dark expressionist miniature proposes replacing those post-heartbreak tears with an evening of dancing and self-acceptance. Anchored on deep bass accents and a nimble loop whose restless shuffle mirrors the protagonist’s emotional turmoil, “Nx Tx Sientas Solx” underscores the vulnerable, healing side of neo-reggaetón. —E.L.
Troye Sivan, ‘Rush’
Troye Sivan
A sweaty, lusty ode to physical connection, Troye Sivan’s “Rush” combines a pumping house beat and a horny-guy-gang chant to staggering effect, with the Australian pop enigma playing winking ringmaster at its center. The unrelenting three minutes of “Rush” feel like a snapshot of those summer parties that seemingly never end, stretching from the not-late-enough sunset to the too-early sunrise and beyond, bodies pressed up against each other even after everyone has collapsed from giddy, gleeful exhaustion. —M.J.  
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02 de Setembro, 2023 - 14h00 - Sábado
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Boa tarde curiosos! Hoje vamos falar do evento The Town!
1° dia de Shows...
Hoje, dia 02 de Setembro, sábado 1° dia de The Town, as 14h00 em ponto, os portões para o maior festival de música no Autódromo de Interlagos, em São Paulo, foi aberto para o público. Mas o público começou a entrar nas catracas por volta de 12h00, e aí sim, eles tiveram acesso ao festival as 14 da tarde.
O evento é dos mesmos organizadores do Rock in Rio. Bruno Mars, Foo Fighters, Post Malone e Maroon 5 são uma das atrações principais do evento.
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Foto tirada por: Deslange Paiva/g1
Alguns fãs, já haviam formado fila desde Quinta Feira, dia 31, que no caso eram um grupo de 20 pessoas, Fãs da cantora Demi Lovato. Desde o início da carreira, a cantora se apresenta antes do Post Malone, no palco Skyline, e é a artista mais esperada da noite. Houve confusão na hora da liberação das catracas por parte de fãs que acusaram outros de furar a fila.
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Foto Divulgação
Hoje dia 02 de Setembro sábado, no palco Skyline, teremos 4 atrações, e eles são:
Palco Skyline:
• 16h05 MC Hariel com MC Ryan SP e MC Cabelinho
• 18h15 Iggy Azalea
• 20h25 Demi Lovato
• 23h00 Post Malone
A Transmissão do evento The Town, será transmitido por:
• TV Globo
• Multishow
• Globoplay
• Jornal O Globo
São parceiros de mídia, mas a cobertura se estende para os Canais
• Bis
• Gshow
• G1.
Comentem ai, qual desses shows vocês estão mais ansiosos para verem!
Esse é o Blog da Curiosa, trazendo informações e novidades para vocês!!
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phantomviola · 1 year
Tagged by @spidermanns Thank you and I hope you’re well! BTW you’re really convincing me to try watching Warrior Nun at some point 💛💛
Ten songs I’ve had on repeat lately
“Die For You” - The Weeknd
“Deja Vu” - Olivia Rodrigo
“Connected” - Stereo MC’s
“The Chain” - Fleetwood Mac
“Crazy” - Aerosmith
“It’s Gonna Be Me” - NSYNC
“Wait For It” - Leslie Odom Jr.
“Immigrant Song” - Led Zeppelin
“Learn To Fly” - Foo Fighters
“My Own Worst Enemy” - Lit
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ghostcultmagazine · 1 year
Catch up on what you missed this week in the world of Rock and Metal news with our show! #musicnews #rocknews #metalnews #interviews #newmusicfriday #metalfestivals #tourdates #metalconcerts #vinylcollector #metalmerch Check out our new Affiliate partner - @clearwellness360! Discounts are available on your next order with our link! https://bit.ly/3WJEeT2 Please help raise money for Brian Andrews of Devourment, who is battling brain cancer gofundme.com/f/chris-andrews-brain-cancer-treatment Check out our linktree - updated daily with top stories https://ift.tt/vqBL6ms Buy us a Ko-fi https://ift.tt/HGrKaFw or We now take Cashapp $ghostcultmag Features: Angelo of @Raidermetal https://youtu.be/wp6Ru45QjWQ Tom of Allfather: https://youtu.be/_t2ujZYV8Rk Avenged Sevenfold - LIBAD album review https://youtube.com/live/Ulx6GMM3YDM?feature=share Foo Fighters - But Here We Are album review https://youtube.com/live/N9nOAYO-kV4?feature=share Heavy Business Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@CSquaredMm2 Glacially Musical Pouredcast https://youtu.be/xSqxc0ySn9Q Follow us on Twitch: https://ift.tt/QsOgw47 Sub to us on Reddit: https://ift.tt/akwQut6 Gear we use: - ***These are affiliate links and Ghost Cult makes a small commission on every sale. Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Light Stands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit
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