fragilesmiles · 1 month
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Chappell Roan as Botticelli’s Venus 🐚
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fragilesmiles · 2 months
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Literally 😭
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fragilesmiles · 2 months
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Photographed by Emman Montalvan for Backstage (2023)
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fragilesmiles · 2 months
Vacation by Dirty Heads
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can you all tell me and be haters for a bit
21K notes · View notes
fragilesmiles · 3 months
thank you to every single fucking person on this god forsaken site that has ever posted your own art or writing. You really put a vulnerable, important part of yourself out in the open on the hellscape that is the internet and if that isnt an act of bravery and a labor of love I dont know what one is
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fragilesmiles · 3 months
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Shelley Duvall for the New York Times, April 2024
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fragilesmiles · 3 months
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RIP Shelley Duvall
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fragilesmiles · 3 months
Ahhhh!!! I really missed these two!! Love the way that can’t get enough and adore each other.
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Worth the Wait - Part 12
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Pairing: Javier Peña x Diosa (f!reader)
Word Count: 8.5k
Summary: After the worry of Helena's surprise encounter, you and Javi can't keep your hands off each other. You realize how ridiculous you were to ever worry he wouldn't choose you.
Warnings: Heavy smut - P in V, Oral receiving (m & f); loads of kissing, licking things off skin, a little humor during sex, another dinner date for these two!, alcohol consumption, PDA, balcony sex, reader has no description except hair long enough to hold in a fist and she wears dresses, soft!Javi, Javier in love
a/n: been a long, longggg time which explains the high word count on this. If anyone is still out there for these two, thank you for sticking around <3 Also this was the inspo for the teal dress mentioned.
Worth the Wait - series masterlist
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Javi’s hand is wrapped around yours as he leads you back through the bar, across the lobby, and into an elevator.  As soon as the doors close, he has you up against the wall, his hands smoothing up your sides as his lips teasingly brush against your own.
But then his brows scrunch together and he pulls back a bit to find your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” you question, hands cupping his neck before caressing down and sneaking inside his opened shirt to spread against the warm skin of his chest.   
His eyes flicker between yours as he looks for clarification, “Before when I found you, you said ‘I don’t want to be the one to get in the way of that’ about me and Helena.  You thought I was in love with her and you wanted to step aside?”
Heat surfaces to your cheeks, nervous he’s now mad at you for not wanting to fight for him, but you still explain – “Yes.  I love you and if it was her you wanted to be with instead of me, I – my heart would be broken, but I’d still love you and I’d just want you to be happy.  With or without me.”
The only part of his expression that changes is the subtle change to his eyes which grow softer.  Then those large hands of his fit to your face, tilting your chin up just so before his lips slot against yours. 
“You’re unbelievable,” he mumbles against your parted mouth, tone in complete awe at how much you could possibly love him to be willing to do that. 
The soft hairs of his mustache brush against your upper lip as his mouth moves expertly with yours, savoring you deliciously as he rushes a reminder to you, “With you.  I’m happiest with you.”
You slip your arms around his neck, the comforting hold of his hands leaving your cheeks to instead wrap his arms around your waist, kiss never breaking and only getting deeper as his lips part to let your tongue taste his.  The hand lowest on your back slips down and underneath the hem of your dress.  His thick fingers grip one of your ass cheeks greedily, kneading and pulling before smoothing across both. 
Air feels fleeting, so you reluctantly pull back from him.  The smudge of pink against his lips from your lipstick and his chest rapid with each heavy breath.  When your eyes look to his, he’s already looking at you.  There’s such a depth to them, such wonderment and love that your chest feels weighted while butterflies form in your tummy.  You’ve seen it before from him, but maybe it’s because of the fact that you thought you almost lost him to someone else that this time it hits you harder than normal. 
Javi rests his forehead to yours, “I’m yours, querida,” a light kiss pressed to the corner of your mouth, “Only yours,” his head tilts to press a kiss along your jaw.
At that moment, the ding of the elevator sounds and the doors slide open.  Javi glances towards them before looking back at you and releasing you to instead take your hand.  He leads you out of the elevator and walks with you down the hall to the room you two share.
Once inside, the two of you are wrapped up in each other’s arms again, lips fitted together to continue where you left off.  His hands begin at your hips and slide tantalizingly upwards all while you’re pulling his shirt free of being tucked into his jeans, fingers immediately popping each button free. 
Javi’s hands pause, moving to hold the weight of your breasts.  The flick of his thumbs against the material over your nipples has them stiffening as you let out a small moan into the kiss. 
You feel him reach behind you, the trail of his fingertips as they feel the stiff line of the zipper and seek the pull.  As he drags the small piece of metal down, the cool air of the room hits every new inch of skin that gets revealed.  Even with a quick break for more air, his mouth descends back to yours eagerly, all while his hands glide up your now bared back and pull the open sides of your dress towards him to rid your body of the fabric.  You take a step back from him, leaving him dazed at your unexpected absence, to quickly pull your arms through the straps.  As your dress falls to your feet, Javi’s grasping your face and desperately tasting your lips again.
“How could you ever think I’d want someone else?” his teeth catching on your lower lip as he quickly asks amongst his kisses.  Slipping your hands inside his opened shirt, you grasp at his hips, pulling yourself more against him.  Javi suddenly presses his forehead to yours so you can both catch your breaths, and between heavy pants he intimately shares, “I love you so much that it scares me.”
Tears gloss your eyes as you slide your hands up his bare torso while his thumbs brush against the corners of your mouth with his soft gaze fitted to yours.  Javi adds, “I want you longer than ten years, too,” repeating your words from before.  The words have you smiling as he leans forward, eyes still on yours, to take your lips in a soft, quick kiss, his own smile appearing when he pulls back. 
You take his wrists and move his arms to be around you as you tug on the open ends of his shirt and pull him in for another kiss, one that has you both closing your eyes and melting into one another.  With one hand, Javi deftly unclasps your bra, the straps slipping off your shoulders and the bra loosened at your chest.  You quickly pull it off and toss it blindly to the side before pushing his shirt off his broad shoulders where Javi moves his arms to rid of it completely. 
He guides you backwards until your back presses against the wall, lips melting with yours again and again with each never-ending kiss.  When you finally do pull your lips free to glance at his belt, Javi doesn’t miss a beat as he instead presses small, wet kisses along the side of your face.  Eyeing his belt buckle, you grab it then turn your head to crush your mouth back to his as you then pull the end of his belt free, opening the leather strap so you can next unzip his jeans. 
He slips a hand to the base of your skull, holding you steady as he hungrily kisses you.  You lick behind his teeth before slipping your tongue along his own.  Your painted nails drag down his bare chest, purposefully catching on his nipples making him groan into your mouth. 
Pushing at his jeans, you manage to shove them past his slim hips before Javi’s stepping back from you and hurriedly pushes them off entirely before he’s grabbing your thighs and you’re being lifted with them around his hips as he turns towards the bed.  With an arm around your waist and a hand protectively cupped to the back of your head, Javi kneels on the bed and sweetly lays you down, two kisses pressed to your lips before he sits up and his fingers take hold of the lacy fabric covering your cunt, pulling the thong first down your hips then up and off your legs that you lift for him.
They get thrown over his shoulder before you’re spreading your knees for him to move between.  Javi leans over you, your hands instantly smoothing down his back as he lowers to his forearms, mouth finding yours.  His heavy, stiff cock rests at your navel with your hips occasionally tilting, seeking the veiny girth of him. 
He hums into the next kiss, before you feel the weight of his hand push down on your hip in a silent cue to keep still.  His palm glides from your hip up your thigh, rubbing your knee before bringing his forearm back near your head. 
His mouth drags from yours to your jaw, kisses being pressed along the line of it.  Nails drag along his back as your other fingers thread into the back of his hair.  From the gentle push of his nose, you tilt your head back and Javi’s lips press along the column of your throat, nipping softly at one point before soothing his tongue over it.  The second he moves lower and his mouth takes your breast, your chest arches up with a sharp moan falling from your lips.  Javi switches between sucking on your nipple and licking it, his large hand squeezing and kneading your tit to bring more of it in his mouth.
“Ohhh, Javi,” you breathe as your hips roll beneath him.  You lift your head to press a kiss to his hair.
He spends the same amount of time on your other one, giving it the same kind of pleasure and attention.
Kisses are trailed from between your breasts, down your sternum, and along your stomach.  The tip of his tongue dips into your bellybutton before he’s dragging it down below to the curls between your legs.
“Fuck, please,” you whine, lifting your hips.
He smiles against your cunt – the tickling sensation of his mustache hairs sending a shiver through your body – his knees dropping to the carpeted floor, lifting your legs over his shoulders. 
Thick fingers spread you open and Javi gives a few tongue-filled kisses to your sweet pussy.  It sends your back arching as you grip his hair, a loud whine coming from you as he finally touches you in the spot you’ve been craving.
“Yes, baby,” you cry above him, fingers tangled in his hair while your other hand grips the plush, white bedspread beneath your body. 
He looks so good between your thighs.  The way his nose always manages to nudge your clit and the way his mustache and chin get slicked with your juices.  Those deep brown eyes eyeing you across your naked body as he pleasures you better than any man ever has.
They’re set on you now as he licks stripes up your slit – spreading you wider with his fingers before diving his tongue inside of you.  There’s a moment where his head bobs back and forth, fucking you with his tongue that has you squirming in delight. He licks inside of you and expertly flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue causing your fist to tighten around his hair and roll your cunt against his mouth, seeking even more from him.
One arm stays curled around your thigh and his other reaches up to grab your tit, thumb rubbing against your stiff peak. 
You feel your clit get nestled against his plush lower lip before it’s hugged between both and Javi begins suckling on it.
“Fuck! Javi, baby, just like that!” you mewl, body squirming and twisting as the intensity of pleasure builds fast.  Your thighs tremble against his head, toes flexing behind him. 
His eyes are on you, not wanting to miss a second of watching you speed towards your orgasm.  He watches the way your brows scrunch together as your back arches, your hips involuntarily moving as he stays attached like a cowboy riding a bull.  Your back falls to the mattress and then you lean up, mouth fallen into a silent scream as you start soaking his face only for your silent scream to turn into breathy, whining moans of pleasure. 
Javi licks and slurps every drop of your orgasm.  The few swipes of his tongue against your now overly sensitive clit making you hiss as he licks you clean.  The grip on his hair loosens, gliding through it instead, and you lay back with a heaving chest as you catch your breath. 
With eyes closed, you feel him press several kisses along the inside of your thighs.  The bed moves as his knees sink onto the mattress, your legs lowered to the bedspread, and he crawls over you.  He hooks an arm under your waist and pulls you higher up the bed with him. 
A kiss to your cheek, another to your chin, a third to your nose.
Opening your eyes, you look up into the eyes of your handsome man.  You slip an arm around his neck and pull him down to your mouth.  The taste of you settles into the kiss as his damp mustache spreads your slick along your own lips. 
“Taste how sweet you are?” he asks into you.  You brush away some hair that has fallen across his forehead and then reach down between your bodies to wrap your slender fingers around his hard thickness. 
“Javi – “ his eyes close briefly at the feel of the pressure you’re giving him, twisting your wrist as you jerk him off, “ – inside me,” you instruct him in a sultry manner.
Those beautiful eyes of his open again and he crushes his mouth to yours which you eagerly kiss back.  Javi reaches down and his fingers cover yours as he takes over your strength to use you as he pumps himself several times.  When he releases you, you bring your hands up to run along his strong, firm back as he takes hold of his cock.  He taps it against your clit a couple times, a jolt sent through you, before notching the head at your soaked entrance.  As he slowly pushes inside, the two of you moan into each other. 
When his hips are flush with yours, he settles on top of you more.  His kisses are slower, the passion even more palpable.  The movements of his hips are slow at first, unhurried as he drags his cock in and out of you so that you really feel him.  How stretched out you are from taking him so well – the ache of him leaving your soft walls before he’s pushing back in and reigniting the fire in every nerve ending.
Your soft palms slide down his sweaty skin to grab his buttocks, nails digging in as they move along with every slow move of his thrusts.  Pulling him into you more as best you can as you pull your mouth abruptly from his to let out a high-pitched moan.  He bites gently at your chin before his lips pucker there instead, “Your fucking pussy – oh fuck – is goddamn heaven, baby – fuuuck.”
As you roll your hips in time with one of his thrusts, you’re both trembling from the intensity it causes, “Yeah?” you breathe shakily, then a sharp thrust has a sharp gasp escape you before you continue, “Makes my clit God then,” you smile, hands sliding up his back once more, one curving to the back of his neck.  Javi smiles against your lips, his hips beginning to move faster. 
“That it fucking is,” he agrees with a heavy breathless chuckle, “Only one I pray to.”
His answer has you laughing between gasps of pleasure.  Javi’s laughing with you, the action causing muscles to constrict that have you both cursing out in euphoria.  With amusement still on your face, you guide his mouth to yours, kissing him sloppily as your body rocks with every fast plunge of his cock into you.  The wet suction of him fucking you fills the room, the sound of his hips repeatedly smacking the back of your thighs. 
Javi kisses you hurried and deep, all tongue and saliva, before he’s moving further away from you.  Sitting up as his hands slip under your knees and push them up to your chest. 
A few droplets of sweat roll down his face, “Hold ‘em there, hermosa,” he instructs and you do as he says, gripping the back of your knees.  Javi grasps your waist and now with every thrust, he’s pulling you down onto him, letting him hit you as deep as he can go. 
“Oh fuck!” you cry out.  It’s so good, it’s so fucking good.
The pleasure is so intense that it makes you useless in keeping your legs up.  One hand flies to the padded headboard behind you to brace while the other yanks up on the bedspread.  It doesn’t deter Javi one bit though, who now has a smug grin on his face. 
His thrusts falter briefly as he yanks a pillow from next to your head and shoves it under your hips.  He lifts your legs up straight and uses those strong shoulders to prop them up as he leans over you now, hands braced on either side of your head.
“Ohhh my god!” you abandon the bedspread to palm your own tit, the weight of it still bouncing in your hold from Javi’s cock pounding into you. 
Both of you are sticky with sweat, almost shimmering when the sunlight hits you.  Just as you remove your hand from the headboard to instead run down the damp skin of your boyfriend’s chest, Javi’s hand curls over the top of it.  The extra leverage for him fucking into you makes your walls start to flutter.
“That’s it, Diosa.  Cum for me, honey,” he urges through a tense jaw. 
He listens as your sexy gasps start coming faster while he feels your velvety walls begin to tremble against the hard length of him inside. 
“Javi, fuck, fuck, oh my god–“ your hand on his chest curls, nails digging into his pectoral as you drag it down.  Your other hand shoots out to grip the strong firmness of his forearm near your shoulder, “- I’m so close!”
Your legs on his shoulders begin shaking, which he acknowledges with a quick nip to your ankle, and then just as your walls cinch around his cock, your body tenses while you let out a strangled erotic moan of pleasure that helps Javi lose control. 
Still riding your own orgasm, Javi’s jaw slackens with heavy groans as he spills into you, painting your insides with his spend. 
Your body quivers below him with each new pulse of pleasure, moans leaving you in choruses as the orgasm he gives you lasts longer than a few seconds.  You manage to slip your legs off his shoulders, hips rolling as he stays seated inside you.  Reaching up to him, Javi moves towards you, lowering down until your tits are pressed against his chest. 
“Fucking incredible.  C’mere,” he utters before his tongue is slipping into your mouth with a heated kiss.  Suddenly, you feel his fingertips press against your clit.  Gasping into his mouth, he kisses your upper lip softly, “One more, Diosa.”
His fingers start rubbing furiously at it while your cunt stays stretched wide with him still buried inside. 
“I can’t,” your head shakes side to side, “I can’t,” you gasp as you squeeze your arms around him.
Javi kisses below your eye, “Yes, you can, amor.  Give me just one more.”  His lips brush along your face as your eyes squeeze shut, body beginning to tense again.  He’s tense himself from how fast he’s stroking you between your legs. 
“Ohhh, Ohhh god, fuck, I’m gonna…I’m gonna – “ you begin to warn before your pussy clamps down on his cock.  Javi loudly curses in pleasure as you practically sob at the incredible feeling.  Liquid seeps out from between your cunt and his cock, soaking the sheets below and dampening his wiry hair.
Javi smiles, “That’s fucking it, mi amor.  That’s my girl,” he sees the extra mess you’ve made and slows his fingers until it’s a slow massage against your clit now.  Looking to your gorgeous, sweaty face he gives your clit a couple love taps before he slowly pulls out of you, then immediately lays over you, kissing you intensely. 
Your legs tremble in the aftershocks as your arms circle his neck, lips falling into the comforting rhythm of your favorite kisses. 
“Fuck, I love the way you pray,” you pant against his pouty lips.  Javi laughs, his stomach pushing against yours with every sound of mirth, as he smooths a hand over the crown of your head.  You can’t help but laugh along with him, sweetly wiping some sweat from his temple as his thumb continues to stroke your hairline.  Your fingers brush through his sweat-damp hair as his laughs slow to a handsome smile. 
He catches your hand on it’s way back to move around his neck and he kisses your knuckles before lifting it over his head placing it where you intended.
Javi leans further down to place a curve of kisses from one shoulder to the other, moving across your chest.  As soon as he’s done, your hand fits to his cheek and guides him back to your sweet lips. 
It becomes another make-out session as your naked, sticky bodies slowly move against one another with every new tilt of a head or a slide of a hand.  It’s minutes later that you slow the kiss down until it’s chaste, soft ones to his lips, your hands framing his face.
“I’m sorry, but I’m so thirsty,” you quietly giggle.
Javi pecks the tip of your nose, “I’ll take care of it,” and he sits up, shuffling to sit at the side of the bed as he picks up the hotel phone.  Pushing up on your hands, you sit up and run your fingers through your mussed hair.  As Javi punches a couple buttons, you grab his pack of cigarettes and lighter from the bedside table. 
“Hola, ¿puede enviar una botella de champán a la habitación 743, por favor?” his husky voice asks. (Hi, can you please send a bottle of champagne to Room 743, please?)
Shuffling closer to him on your knees, you drape your arms over his shoulders and kiss the shell of his ear before whispering with surprise, “Champagne?” Javi spots his cigarettes in your one hand and watches as you take one out of his pack while he feels your breasts pressed against his upper back.  He grins as you place the nicotine stick between his lips while you reach to your side for the lighter.
“Si, cárgalo a la habitación,” he speaks around the cigarette (yes, charge it to the room.)  You bring your hand back around and flick the lighter on, lighting the end of it.  Javi reaches behind to smooth his hand over your ass as he puffs on it, blowing the smoke out the corner of his mouth that you’re furthest from. 
You kiss his shoulder as he confirms the kind of champagne to the concierge, mouthing at the freckles on his shoulder before giving his neck a lick and sucking a mark near the hinge of his jaw.  It makes Javi bite back a groan as the concierge ends the phone call after getting all the needed information.  He reaches up to sink his fingers into the back of your hair and then pulls the cigarette from his lips to turn his head and kiss you. 
“Water would have been fine,” you mention.  Javi shoots you a look with pinched brows, “I can feed you water back at home.  We’re on vacation, Diosa, let me give you the best.”
“Being here with you is giving me the best.  You don’t need to go above and beyond,” you kiss his cheek and flop onto your back into the cloud-soft sheets.  Javi grins around his nicotine, turning and bringing a leg up so he can look at you easily.
He curls a hand around your thigh, smoothing along the inside of it, “You can keep telling me that all you want, but it’s not going to change anything,” his hand getting sticky from the mixed fluids there and he spies some of him leaking out of you, “I’ll clean you up, querida,” but as he makes a move to get up, you grab his wrist.
“Don’t. I want to feel it for the rest of the day,” your cheeks warm as Javi’s eyes darken at the news, “Plus, you’ll just fill me up more later, right?” you grin. 
Javi shoves his cigarette into the ash tray near him and then leans over you to give you a hot, wet kiss, “Going to fuck you senseless,” he promises.
“Good,” you sweetly respond.  
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Javi’s using the bathroom when you walk over to your purse and pull out your wallet.  As you start flipping through the cash you have to grab a tip for the hotel employee, who should be by any minute with the champagne, you get an unexpected smack to your ass as Javi playfully scolds you with an “¡Ay!”  You jump and he’s already grabbing your wallet from your hands, holding it up out of your reach as you try to grab it from him.  He only hooks an arm around your waist and pulls your naked body against his, “I appreciate you wanting to, but your money’s no good this weekend.  Don’t make me reprimand you,” he wiggles his brows. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” you answer back, kissing his chin as you grab his ass with both hands.  He cups the back of your head and kisses you good when there’s a knock at the door, followed by the announcement of “Servicio de habitaciones!” (Room Service). 
With the way the front door opens into the room, Javi taps your ass, “On the bed, Diosa. You’re for my eyes only.”
It’s sexy how authoritative he sounds, “Sí, Javier. Con placer,” you wink at him, but he pulls you into a quick, heated kiss before he lets you walk away.  (Yes, Javier. With pleasure.)
You purposefully crawl onto the bed on all fours, looking at him over your shoulder seductively, wiggling your ass with a smirk as he slows his walk to the door, eyes on your glistening pussy before looking to you.  You take the image away as you shift to sit on your butt, waiting for him to get the door.  With puckered lips, you give him an air kiss before giggling which only has him playfully shaking his head at you for your antics.  He quickly bends down to pick up his jeans and pulls his wallet from the pocket to grab tip money.  Then you watch with a laugh as he grabs his discarded shirt and holds it over his dick as he answers the door.
The view of the bed is hidden behind the door so you can’t see the employee’s face but you can only imagine.  Javier Peña is too confident for his own good sometimes.  After handing over the tip, Javi pulls a small silver cart in with his free hand and thanks the employee before shutting the door.  Sitting on top is a bottle of champagne nestled in a silver bucket of ice and next to it are two flute glasses. 
Standing up and walking over to him, you drag a finger along the V of his hip bone, “Such a modest man, you are,” amusement on your face as he drops the shirt back to the floor. 
Javi shrugs, “Figured this was for your eyes only,” he wraps his hand around his soft dick, pulling it up until his hand slides off and it flops back into place. 
“It absolutely is,” you nod, laughing softly as you share a kiss.  You grab the neck of the bottle and pull it out before, peeling the foil off, and untwisting the wire cage over the cork.  Javi slides an arm around your waist, palm rubbing your bare hip. 
You point the bottle towards the door and turn your head towards him as you squeeze your eyes shut and pop the cork off.  The smile on your face when you get it done has him stealing a kiss from you, his own smile pressed against yours.  Just as he goes to reach for a glass, you raise a brow, “Do we need those?” and you proceed to take a sip straight from the bottle. 
Javi’s brows raise in delight as watches you tip the bottle to your soft lips, letting the pale gold liquid flow past them.
“Mi diosa rebelde,” he teases, the hand on your hip smoothing down your thigh and back up again.  (My rebellious goddess).  
A smile takes over your face as you swallow and peer back at him, but Javi’s quick to press his mouth to yours, tasting the champagne the best way he can first – from your sweet mouth.  Your lips spread open for his prodding tongue and your arm holding the bottle hangs loose as he practically kisses you senseless. 
Panting, you hook an arm around his neck, nose nestled to his, “God, baby,” you praise.  The tip of your tongue runs across your lower lip as you feel his arm slide along your lower back then pat your ass, “Back on the bed, Agente,” he orders you, stealing the bottle from your hold as you steal another kiss from him before doing as he says. 
Up on your knees, “How do you want me?” squeezing your breast before gliding your hand down your stomach to spread your cunt open with two fingers.
Javi takes a swig from the champagne bottle, eyes never leaving your body, “On your back, amor.”
He watches as you move yourself more to the center of the bed, then lay back for him.  He’s quick to follow, kneeling onto the bed and straddling one of your legs.  The bottle is held over your chest as he tips it enough to pour the cold liquid over each of your nipples.  The bubbly drink flowing down the curves of your breast like syrup on a sundae.  Javi treats it like such.
He leans down, lapping the lines of champagne from your skin.  The tip of his tongue flicks each nipple until it fully peaks.  Like a cherry on top, he skims his teeth against each perk nub before wrapping his lips around it, sucking it as if it’s the source of the champagne.  It has your hand buried in his hair as heated moans fly from your mouth.  Your knees rub together as your thighs shift in seeking further pleasure. 
Javi spends ample time at your chest, sucking a hickey against your right tit, right in view with your cleavage. 
“Javi,” you weakly scold at the sight, chest rising and falling from the pleasure built up inside of you. 
He only smirks as he leaves a wet kiss right over the mark.  When he lifts his head to look at you, he kisses you hungrily before sitting up on his knees once again.  This time, the bottle gets tipped over your stomach and he fills your navel with the bubbly liquid. 
It tickles a bit and has you giggling as you go to twist but his heavy hand presses firm to your hip to stop you.
“Don’t tip my drink, hermosa,” he winks at you before leaning down and dipping his tongue inside a few times before practically sucking it out of you.  But it still tickles and your body twists as he does it, making him chuckle as he licks your bellybutton clean.  Flipping onto your stomach, Javi nips at your ass cheek making you squeal with a laugh.  Pushing up on your arms, Javi sits back on his ass as you move closer.  Remaining steady with a hand to his shoulder, you straddle his lap, sitting on his thighs as you steal the bottle from him and take another long sip. 
“Does it taste better off of me?” you mumble through a kiss to his neck. 
With a hand steady on your back, his other trails up your side to give your breast a gentle squeeze, “Like you wouldn’t believe,” he breathes, reveling in the pleasure of your lips doing some marking of their own.
The tip of your nose trails along his cheek until you sit up some and hold the bottle up to his face.  Javi tilts his head back just enough and opens his mouth to let you pour a bit in.  When you finish, you kiss the corner of his mouth as he swallows, only for him to immediately capture your lips in a heated kiss. 
There’s a nudge at your stomach and you don’t even have to look to know Javi’s hard again.  Moving up on your knees, you hook the arm holding the bottle around his neck, pressing it to his shoulder blade as you take hold of his shaft and shift until you’re lowering yourself onto it. 
“Fuck, baby,” you moan, eyes practically rolling to the back of your head. Javi dips his head to kiss along your neck as your hips immediately start rolling against him. 
“Just like that, Diosa.  Take what you need from me, honey,” his kisses lowering to your clavicle.  Not soon after, you’re asking him to take the bottle from you and when he does, you’re bracing on his shoulders as you start bouncing on his cock. 
Hands moving to frame his face, you steal several hurried kisses from his waiting lips before you focus again on reaching your orgasm. 
Javi’s eyes roam from your face to your bouncing tits, “Fuckin’ hell, baby.  You have no idea how sexy you look when you ride me,” then you feel the warmth of his lips at your shoulder. 
It isn’t long before he groans out when your cunt squeezes him, setting his load off inside of you as you drench him again.  His hand wraps around your chin, pulling you into a searing kiss, “Christ baby, you always fuck me so good.”
“You fuck me so good,” you smile with a soft laugh, stealing another kiss from him.  His hand curves to the nape of your neck as the kissing continues for a few more minutes. 
Javi hums in contentedness, his lips still tingling when the kissing slows to an end, “How about we shower and I take you out to dinner?”
“I’d love that,” you can’t fight the smile from your face.
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The shower would have went faster had you both not given in once again to fucking.  Javi’s grip on your tits as he pounded into you from behind until you were practically sobbing in pleasure. 
And heading out to dinner would have been five minutes earlier had Javi not practically got hard at the sight of you in your dress.  To the point that he slipped his hand inside the thigh-high slit and slipped his fingers right under your panties to bury deep inside of you. 
With still-heated cheeks and a post-coital glow, your fingers are intertwined with his as you two walk along the main street with all the other locals and tourists.  The dress you chose is a beautiful teal color that would have easily matched that one shirt of Javi’s and that shows your cleavage beautifully, including the new mark he left you earlier.   The fabric light and flowy, perfect for the warm Colombian night.  Javi’s looking so handsome in his short sleeve, black button-down that you’re practically drooling.
“I don’t think you’re giving me enough credit for still managing to walk after all the ways you fucked me, mi amado,” you quietly tease him as you walk past another young couple. 
Javi laughs and looks to you, hand releasing yours to instead reach behind you to curve to your hip.  Settling your arm around his lower back, you lean into him where he’s quick to steal a kiss from your lips, “Thought you looked a little shaky,” he winks.
The pinch you give his hip is quick, but Javi’s quicker when he pulls you into him and whirls you around before gently pushing you back up against the nearest building.  His forearm presses to the brick above your head as his hand roams freely from your hip to the skin of your thigh, the slit falling open for Javi just like your legs tend to do. 
His lips ghost your skin as he nuzzles the tip of his nose to your temple, “You’re right, honey.  Such a strong woman, you are.  Being able to take a cock this big and still walking in these heels like the goddess you are,” his face drops to press a kiss to your neck, and then another, and another.
Goosebumps fan out across your skin and your fingers curl around his hips as if it’s the only thing keeping you upright. 
“Javi,” you practically whimper, head tilting on its own accord, “We’ll never make it to dinner if you keep touching me,” the slide of your hands up the damp fabric of his back, clutching to the width of his shoulders, betraying your words.
He drags two knuckles along the exposed curve of one of your breasts as he brushes his nose lightly against yours, lips only a breath away from the heat of your mouth.  Those deep mahogany eyes fixed on yours. 
“Fuck, baby.  The way you say my name,” he moans, crushing his mouth to yours in a deep kiss.  The shine of your lip gloss has his mouth looking as if he just lifted his head from between your thighs. 
He sees the way you eye his lips, a run of your own tongue against your own, before looking directly at him, “Damn it, amor.  I don’t know what I’m hungrier for,” you bring your hands to his chest, gliding them up to his face where you pull him in for another heated kiss. 
His body presses against you where you feel a subtle thrust of his hips as he kisses you back with equal need. 
Suddenly, it’s the responsible Javier that seems to have found his way back to the forefront.  He reluctantly pulls his lips from you, eyes still closed as he takes a breath then opens them. 
“Fuck, okay.  No, I have to get food in you, first,” he’s almost trying to convince himself. 
Leaning back to rest your head against the wall, you may purposefully push your chest out a little, “Wouldn’t feeding your cock to my pussy, count?”
There’s a brief darkness to his eyes before a smirk curves his mustache, “You play dirty, mi amor.  But you haven’t eaten since breakfast and I plied you with that champagne after you already drank at the bar.  I probably should have rethought that choice,” he quietly breathes out a soft laugh. 
His eyes never leave your face even as he feels you pop open an extra button on his shirt.  He responds by sliding his hands up your thighs, along your body until you can feel the heat of them near your tits.
With a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, he adds, “Plus you tend to get cranky when you’re hungry.  And with you now horny and hungry?,” he whistles, “I don’t know what I’ll be dealing with.”
You’d be insulted if he wasn’t right.  Tapping a fingertip to his lips, “I’m only a little tipsy and it’s annoying when you know me so well, sometimes.”
“Love annoying you,” he gives you a soft kiss. 
“Of course you do,” you give a little laugh, now giving him a kiss in return.  You run a finger against the skin of his chest, following the edge of his opened collar, “Seems you love taking care of me, too.”
The playfulness of his gaze melts into an even softer look and his voice drops low enough to convey his seriousness, “Whether you mean fucking you or actually taking care of you, you’re right.  I do love it.  Want to be the only one taking care of you, baby.”
It makes the cutest smile take over your face and it only makes him fall for you even harder. Javi’s smooths his palm along your temple before burying his fingers in the back of your hair, “I love you.”
Tugging that opened collar, you bring your smile closer to his and he steals your breath away with another heady kiss.
“Just so you know,” you place a fleeting kiss to the corner of his mouth, then one to his cheek,  “My panties are so wet that I don’t know if it’s all me or part of you still dripping out of me.”
An actual small growl comes out of him as he presses his body fully against yours, burying his face in your neck, all of which only makes a beautiful, light laugh fall from your lips.  You feel his nose then brush up against your jaw before his lips press below your ear, “Sucia, sucia Diosa. Tal vez debería lamerte hasta dejarte limpio, ¿no? ¿Hacerte mi primer plato?” (Dirty, dirty goddess. Maybe I should lick you clean, no? Make you my first course?”)
But it’s deliberate because he knows it’s too advanced for you to understand.  Even so, having him essentially groan the words against your ear has your thighs rubbing together as you feel the fabric only get wetter while your fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt.
When you speak, he can hear the slight breathlessness to your voice as he only arouses you more and more. 
“Not fair.  Tell me what you said,” you practically whine with simmering need. 
But your boyfriend only shakes his head slowly, eyes on yours and with an infuriating smirk, “Then we’d never leave and I’m not fucking you in an alley, as much as I’d like to right now.  Let me show you off first.  Now for my own sanity, I need you to behave,” he leans closer, his lips closing ever so lightly along the side of your top lip, “Can you do that for me?”
“Can I? Yes. Do I want to? Not a chance,” you then step to the side, out of his space but taking his hand as you begin to take a few steps backwards in the direction you two had originally been headed. 
He realizes it wouldn’t matter anyway, because when he again spots the visible hickey on the inner curve of your tit, he can feel himself twitching in his jeans. 
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The two of you spot a restaurant that seems to be decently busy without being too overwhelmingly so.  As you wait the few minutes for a table, Javi’s arms are around you, holding you to his chest as you steal kisses from one another during your small conversation.  As soon as you’re led to your table, he’s pulling your chair out for you and tucking you closer to the table before taking his own seat at the small table for two.  He’s seated on the side next to yours and when the menus come, the two of you share one.  Javier helps you translate it - pointing out the dishes that have the things he knows you really enjoy.  He even orders a deliciously fried appetizer that hits your alcohol filled belly just right. 
The empty plate is taken away by your waiter, and as you sip your wine, you catch Javi’s amorous gaze on you.  
The loveliest smile on your face, as you place the glass back down on the table, “I know this is only, what?, the third or fourth time we’ve actually been out to eat together, but it feels like it could be our fiftieth.”
There’s a raise to his eyebrow as his tongue juts out to wet his lip, “Hope that’s not a bad thing.”
“No,” you’re quick to reassure him, hand reaching out to squeeze his knee, “Not at all. I just mean, it feels really easy with you.  Comfortable, fun, romantic,” you list off, “Like it’s – like it was always meant to be like this.”
When you hear the words out loud, you cringe at yourself, “Please tell me you know what I mean, otherwise I feel silly for saying that.” 
But Javi’s hand is already tucking yours into his palm as he leans forward to meet you halfway. “Querida, I know exactly what you mean,” his cute smile chasing the insecurity away to instead fill your nerves with lustful excitement, “Means you’re stuck with me,” his smile growing bigger. 
Cupping his cheek, your thumb brushing the end of his mustache, “I better be,” you smile against his lips before they slot with his, a slow kiss of love shared between you.
As your main meals are brought out, the conversation remains easy with him as it’s always been.  From discussing plans for the next day, to the college friend you mentioned when you lied to Connie, even to a playfully heated discussion of the telenovela you two sometimes watch after a long day at work where it was learned that you each were on opposing sides when it came to the latest murder that occurred on it. 
Once dessert was over, the check paid, you two were hand in hand again strolling the streets back to the hotel.   When you were a couple blocks away, slow drops of rain started to fall.  Somewhere between the lobby and getting into your room, it had become a full-on downpour. 
Javi drops the hotel key on the nearby dresser as you walk over to the sliding glass doors that lead out to the covered balcony and see the heavy rain falling.  Turning around to face him, you slink the straps of your dress off each shoulder, “Fuck me on the balcony?” He watches you pull the string at your waist loose letting the fabric of your dress open in a reveal to your bra-less body in only a pair of lacy panties.  
“I’ll fuck you anywhere,” he answers, eyes never leaving your gorgeous body. 
“Good,” the dress floating to a heap at your feet.
Javi’s already undressing when midway he reaches over and hits the lights draping the room in darkness.  The lights of the city outside are enough to provide a guide of the room.  When you’re both completely naked, you follow Javi out onto the balcony. 
The thunderous roar of the rain provides not only an audible cover to any sounds you two are about to make, but it also feels almost like a privacy curtain.  Javi straddles the single chaise lounge, sitting down and reaching up to guide you onto his lap, except you give a small shake of your head. 
He watches as you instead kneel onto the very end and lean down, until your ass is up and pointed to the open air.  With heavy breaths, he watches you wrap your fingers around the thick girth of his cock, letting spit fall from your lips onto the reddened tip before your hand begins sliding up and down his shaft.  As soon as he’s fully hard, your lips descend onto him, every inch disappearing into your sweet, warm mouth. 
You take your time with him.  Licks along his impressive length, soft kisses to his head, and deep dives where he hits the back of your throat.  It’s sloppy and wet and everything that drives him wild.  His fingers glide through your temples, collecting your hair into one fist so he doesn’t miss a moment of you tasting him.    
When you briefly pull off to take in more air, his other hand is quick to grasp your chin and pull you up for a messy kiss before your mouth is back down on him.  Every hiss and moan from Javier has you soaking.  He learns that himself, when he leans forward to reach down your back and feel for himself.
“Joder, cariño.  Te encanta esto, mi niña bonita y húmeda. Voy a deslizarme dentro de ti, ¿eh?,” his fingertips gliding through your dripping folds. (Fuck, sweetheart.  You love this, my pretty wet girl. I'm gonna slide right inside you, huh?)
But then you get him really close, his back falling back to the chair, head back, moaning out, “Así, Así, Así,” (Just like that, just like that, just like that.)
Even with the heavy rain, you’re close enough to enjoy the heavy groans from your man when he spills down your throat.   
What happens next is that your boyfriend brings you both to your feet and proceeds to guide you back against the sliding glass door.  He sweeps your thighs up and around his hips as he slips his cock right into you.  Javi pounds you against the glass leaving you clutching desperately to his broadness.  The door rattles from the constant thumping of your bodies but you can barely pay it any mind when he fucks you like this.  Every cry of pleasure and moan of ecstasy is perfectly hidden by the rain. 
“Javi! Yes! God, baby, yes, harder!” you beg of him.  His cock starts to hit even deeper and it only takes a few minutes until your cunt clamps down on him.  Javi’s not far behind you, teeth biting down at your jaw as he empties into you.   He doesn’t even slip out of you before he’s carrying you back over to the chaise lounge, sitting down at the end with himself still buried deep inside your velvety walls. 
But it’s deep kisses from him now, slow and savoring.   The warmth of his hands roaming along your already heated skin, dewy with sweat, feeling every inch of you as his tongue tastes yours.  This time the sex is slower and intimate.   You move your hips languidly, half focused on melting into his kisses instead. 
With the lengthened movements, you both cum even harder this time.  Parted lips pressed together as you each swallow the pleasured gasps of the other.  Not soon after, he lays back, pulling you with him as your bodies take the needed time to calm. 
Brushing sweaty strands from his forehead, you nuzzle his cheek, “I’ll be right back, amor.”
His hand slides along your skin until you’ve walked out of reach.  Entering back into the room, you walk into the bathroom to grab a glass, filling it with water and drinking almost the whole glass full.  You refill it to bring out to Javi, then walk back towards the balcony doors before stopping.  Grabbing his black button-down from the floor, you thread your arms through the sleeves, leaving it draped open on your body.  Next, you grab his cigarettes and lighter and take them, along with the water, back outside. 
Javi’s sitting up now, relaxing against the lounge chair and looks up at you when you return.  The second he spots his shirt on you, you see the adoring smile on his face.  You hand him the water glass which he gulps half of it down before placing it carefully down on the ground next to the chair.  His hands guide you as you settle yourself next to him, cuddling into him with a leg thrown over his.  The pack of smokes and lighter you place on his stomach and he kisses you in thanks before taking one out and lighting it. 
The two of you stare out at the pouring rain, bodies relaxed and blissed.  Javi quietly smokes his cigarette with his arm wrapped around you.  The glide of his hand moves from your thigh to cupping your breast and back down again.  A soothing trail that keeps your body roused and a smile on your face.  Turning your head, you look to him and he meets your gaze.  A tender touch to his sturdy jawline while he nuzzles his nose to yours.  Heads tilting enough to share a deeply passionate kiss.   
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fragilesmiles · 3 months
one thing about denzel, doesn’t matter if he’s speaking spanish is mexico city or he’s a guy in ancient rome, he is from new york and that’s it, fuck your movie 😂
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fragilesmiles · 3 months
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First look at Pedro Pascal in Gladiator 2
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fragilesmiles · 3 months
As a photographer/ Polaroid fanatic, this just speaks to me to the soul 😭😭
We Keep this Love in a Photograph
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summary: since Joel gifted you a polaroid camera for your birthday, you've developed a habit of sneaking pictures of him whenever possible. He doesn't think he's worth the film "wasted" (His words, not yours), but after catching you looking over your accumulated gallery, you manage to win him over.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, Joel's a little self conscious, Reader's gender isn't specified, and they have hair but the length isn't specified either. If I accidentally did use a gendered term, lmk and I shall fix it. <3 NOT PROOFREAD (will likely come back to fix any mistakes later)
a/n: HOLY SHIT I'M BACK!!! This fic was inspired by this TikTok. I saw it and the Joel obsession possessed me so viscerally I had to make a comeback lmao.
**NOTE: I've linked ways to help Palestine here. If you're in a position to donate anything at all, please do! If not, you can reblog the post that's linked so it gets out to more people.
It started on your birthday.
You’d shared with Joel one evening, wrapped warm and snug in his arms within your soft haven of sheets, during one of those late night conversations where vulnerability doesn’t seem like a thing so daunting, that you used to love photography. Loved immortalizing things you loved or things you found beautiful. He’d asked what kind of camera you’d had, what kind of things you usually took pictures of.
“Polaroid.” you’d told him softly, fighting you keep your eyes open with his tracing shapes into the curve of your waist. “And I already told you. Whatever I found beautiful.”
The morning of your birthday, you woke to the smell of coffee and a clumsily wrapped box sitting on your bedside table with a note taped to the top; Happy birthday, honey. Love, Joel. And in smaller print near the bottom left corner; P.S. Wait until I’m here to open it. Wanna see your face.
You’d smiled, bashful, brushed your teeth in record time, scooped up the box, and made your way downstairs towards the sound sizzling and the tapping of a spatula on a pan. He gave you a good morning kiss, pretended to make a fuss about waiting until after breakfast to open it and watched with a smile as you carefully tore it open, popped off the lid, and visibly softened at first sight of the contents.
It was a polaroid camera. Coincidentally, the very same one you’d had twenty years ago.
You’d cried, he’d panicked. You hugged him so fiercely, any worry that he’d fucked the whole thing vanished as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and held you close.
That was months ago, and in the time since, you’ve accumulated quite the gallery. You take pictures of just about anything and everything, but your main muse is Joel.
Which is what’s led you to have half a shoe box full of polaroid of mostly him. He’s no idea of your little stash, and you intend to keep it that way. You’ve come to learn he’s got a thing about being photographed. Always nitpicking his appearance no matter what you say. He asks sometimes when he catches you why you don’t choose something nicer to look at, and your answer is generally always the same. There is nothing nicer. He walks into a room, and all you want to look at is him. Yeah, he’s got some more lines, got some more meat on his bones, his hair is a little more grey than it is brown these days. But he doesn’t see it the way you do.
He’s got crows feet and smile lines etched almost as deep as the crease between his brows. He looks healthy now that he’s actually got food to eat, meals you’re both sure to share every morning in your kitchen and every evening in the dining hall. His greys are a tangible reminder that he’s alive, that he’s survived, and that he now gets to live, and you’re incomprehensibly grateful for every russet strand turned silver. He’s all the more beautiful for all of it. And here, tucked into your armchair, polaroid pinched between thumb and forefinger, you get to commit every little detail picked up by your camera to memory.
Your gaze follows the sloping curve of his lovely nose, profile softened by the sun shining white behind. It’s only one half of his face, but the beaming smile he’s sporting makes you feel whole. His hair was just starting to get longer, then, curling near his nape and flicking round his ears to kiss his jaw.
“What’s all this?” You startle, head leaning into the plush back of the chair to look at him upside down as you press the pictures into your diaphragm. He seems curious, if a little confused.
Caught, you swallow, “If I said nothing, would you believe me?”
“Not for a second.” He smiles teasingly, bending to give you a quick peck, bottom lip warm where it slots between yours. Your hold on the photos loosen, and when his gaze dips to them, the smile shifts into something closer to a frown, a little cagey, “S’ that me?”
“Yeah.” You answer simply, before joking tentatively, “Swear I’m not a creep. You’re just pretty.”
“See now, that’s exactly what a creep would say.” He teases, and you’re glad for it – that he’s not upset. Rounding the chair, he sits on the arm, elbow propped up on the soft back of it and knuckles warm on the nape of your neck.
“Pretty.” He echoes, blowing a short puff of air out his nose, “Never been called that before.”
“Well, you are.”
He smiles again, bashful and a little disbelieving. There’s a short moment where he just looks at you like that, backs of his fingers sliding down your spine a few notches then back up in a tender line before he juts his chin toward your collection. “Show me?”
Warmth blooms in your stomach and fizzes up behind your sternum. You grin, handing him the one you were holding before sifting through the shoe box for your best works. He accepts your compliments and sweet talking reluctantly, but hangs onto your every word as you describe where you were, what you were doing, what made you sneak the picture in the first place.
You start to worry his limited responses mean he’s gotten caught up in his head until his hand slides up the side of your neck and settles over the side of your head, the warmth of his calloused palm encompassing the entirety of your ear as he guides your temple to his lips.
“Love you.” He murmurs into your hair, and the warmth sizzles like its carbonated, bubbling and burbling between the rungs of your ribs.
You turn your face, slip your fingers beneath the curtain of hair at his nape and lift your chin to kiss him soft and slow. He rubs an affectionate line into the soft skin behind your hear as he hums, vibrations thrumming against your lips.
You lean back just enough to murmur, “I love you to.”
He smiles, kisses you again. And again. And once more. He asks you to show him more of your pictures, and you oblige. It’s early evening when you’re finally through, at which point Ellie’s come home and Joel’s started on dinner. You let her sift through the polaroids while you move to join Joel at the counter.
You won’t realize until later that she’s snuck a photo of the two of you by the stove, Joel’s large palm on the small of your back where you’ve taken over stirring a pot, gazing at you like you’re the only thing he’d like to listen to for the rest of his days as you talk and talk and talk.
That one, he hangs on the fridge.
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fragilesmiles · 4 months
If you’re a self proclaimed “good guy” complaining about your lack of dating right now, maybe the problem isn’t other people 😑
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fragilesmiles · 4 months
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We asked twenty strangers to kiss for the first time…. (x)
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fragilesmiles · 4 months
life as we know it : series | a poll
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I’ve been brainstorming the last two days (I should be writing, I know). And I got this wild idea that Helena is the F!Reader. It’s all an AU, so no Colombia and I would be reworking her backstory to mesh with the series. But I’m torn… Do I just leave her as a reader insert and blank slate? Do I just do an OFC and still keep her a blank slate, but with a backstory? Or do I give Javi and Helena the love story they deserve?
So I’m asking for some feedback…
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fragilesmiles · 4 months
Wake up and open your curtains. Your windows too.
Drink some tea or coffee, whatever pleases you. Notice every sip.
Have some fresh fruit and finish breakfast feeling full.
Stand outside and feel the air. Cool or warm, it will make you feel real.
Get some exercise. Yoga to soothe, running to breathe, lifting for strength.
Take care of your body. Have a nice shower and pamper as much as you want afterward. 
If you’re going to work, remember you have the chance to make anyone’s day or to ruin it. Act accordingly. 
Weed out the bad language. It’s only creating tension in your body and mind. Kind words are infinitely more appreciated.
Take some time each day to improve your mind. Keep reading that great book. Listen to an incredible piece of music. Practice an instrument or a skill. The progress is its own reward.
Pictures will help you remember how wonderful life is. But spend less time on your phone and more time seeing the world face to face. 
Go to sleep knowing that you have done well. Tomorrow is there with room to become even better.
-Notes to myself on how to become a better person this summer.
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fragilesmiles · 4 months
Broke out my Photoshop skills to earn my badge for @pedrosummercamp with this bit of fanart for one of my all-time favorite Frankie fics (and one of the earliest Frankie fics I read).
Because of You series by @kteague - I had to give Frankie Morales & Girasol and their two little girls a beautiful day at the sunflower fields. Enjoy! (And give the series a read - you will love it!!!)
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fragilesmiles · 4 months
I had to pause while watching the trailer cause this caught me so off guard 😭
New trailer dropped for Wild Robot. I can’t stop laughing at this part 😆
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