lilith600 · 3 days
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Here (1989) by Richard mcguire (raw magazine)
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lilith600 · 17 days
I'm a werewolf normally but I need the hrt to become the kind that fucks.
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lilith600 · 21 days
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Today's isopod is Thai Spikey (Isopoda sp.)
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lilith600 · 22 days
in my most recent game of team defense fort 2 i was banned from a 24/7 hightower pony rp server for screaming ‘incoming gamer!’ into my mic every time i respawned or charged as demoman. and i have to say, nothing really prepares you for the sensation of hearing a grown man say with no hint of irony in his voice, ‘mr sex goblin, if you dont stop saying that im banning you from ponyville forever’
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lilith600 · 25 days
Decided to check up on how /pol/ was handling the debate
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This goes on for hundreds of posts
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lilith600 · 27 days
so many creatures putting SO much effort into putting ‘special’ fluids that TOTALLY aren’t water through every organ possible to clean them so they can use them again 2 seconds later. like why not simply sit on a damp substrate and pull water through your body by evaporating the extra out pores in your leaves lmaoooo
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lilith600 · 27 days
So basically you have an academic usage of the word and a colloquial usage.
Colloquially queer is used as a replacement for lgbt.
Where queer is tied to queer theory and the power dynamics of the struggle of queerness in a world of normativity in an academic/political context.
But a good example of this would be the difference between assimilationists and non assimilationists (queer) folk.
A cop that's a lesbian. Queer or not queer?
Can the tool of the state, the very state that opresses queerness be considered queer? Is the goal of the lgbt person that of being lauded for going into the grinder of capitalism?
To lots of folk this distinction is incredibly important. The question of "do we actively fight for a word that's better to us. Or do we accept the crumbs the current system and power system gives us?"
A lot of people are happy to get their piece of the pie and not give a fuck. It's why ya get gays against trans or get fucking transwomen who tell others they're being trans the wrong way.
So the while a white lesbian that hates black people and trans women is still a lesbian. Many would argue she is not queer.
I hope this helped a bit and if not I genuinely love to talk and argue so just hmu lol
"Hey do u want to support a queer disabled creator?
Love superheroes and misunderstood girlbosses?
Cosmic horror?
Read worm!"
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lilith600 · 27 days
I know aro is aromantic. But my ass is eepy and I fr thought people was saying he is arrow. I was like "bro sick. He learnt archery!"
"Hey do u want to support a queer disabled creator?
Love superheroes and misunderstood girlbosses?
Cosmic horror?
Read worm!"
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lilith600 · 28 days
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butch miku
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lilith600 · 29 days
Tried to give myself 1000 money in VTMB 
Turns out “money” means something entirely different in this game…
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lilith600 · 29 days
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lilith600 · 29 days
Saw a post about the sesamarot and wanted to share my favorite reading
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lilith600 · 29 days
“you can’t be too radical because disabled people might get hurt” is like the 5 minute crafts version of activism. not only are disabled people already getting hurt every single day but some of us have even died already.
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lilith600 · 1 month
Honestly the term 'leftist' is so funny because it encompasses 100+ ideologies who all should hate each other but they pretend to get along just to elect a person who ruins everything anyways. It'd be comedic if my life wasn't on the line every time they shoved someone awful into power.
I find it funny that a lot of people will insist that liberalism and leftism are like, fundamentally detached from eachother when historically, most "leftists" historically either advocated for a system basically equivalent to social democracy but with worker control at best, and poorer social democracy with secret police at worst.
Like, Lenin talks about the post office being a great example of a "socialist" institution, he sounds like a fucking socdem, I'm sorry, it's true. And a lot of anarcho-syndicalists seem to sound like slightly better social democrats with labour vouchers. Don't worry, this big union run by the workers would never work against the interests of a subset of those workers, unions never have corruption or discrimination or anything like that.
And those people who we've decided aren't proletarian or peasant, nomadic peoples or caregivers or disabled people who don't get a say, don't worry, these institutions will treat them well out of the goodness of our hearts, they'll have a welfare state, err I mean, mutual aid societies run by the union to fall back on.
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lilith600 · 1 month
I have no context but now I'm imagining a pregnant communist as a sorta mascot fpr this phrase.
Truly my mind is a steel trap of idiocy
Girl, your labor rights….
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lilith600 · 1 month
one time i was in an olive garden bathroom and my packer fell out of my shorts and this ten year old boy just looked at me with absolute terror and without thinking i said "that's what happens when you don't eat your vegetables" later i saw him eating salad at a speed no human should be capable of
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lilith600 · 2 months
i know im the one saying this on the “Hear Me Out-“ website but I truly need to understand what specific breed of disease infects peoples brains where every two or three months for the past two years I have come across someone suddenly pledging their undying ravenous horniness and lust towards This Goddamn Thing 👇
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