#the trinity of wholesomeness
krskrash · 2 months
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sabrerine911 · 8 months
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Decided to finally color another one of my Wyll appreciation comics XD Wyll and his 2 barbarian besties Karlach and Beth Ravencoft (BG3) Did this back when I was bummed out about a lot of Wyll hate/slander The 2 Unga Bunga Barbarian Ladies giving Wyll his Wholesome crown!
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purpleenma · 7 months
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The Leonard Nimoy Trinity of Wholesomeness
When you feel down look at these pictures to instantly cheer up
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Fer Monster Prom (these QUEERS and their PROMS istg /lh) I need a plot point to be that Something Important broke down ohhh nooooo like a generator powering the school or even the portal needs an extra blast of life spark to stabilize it and as everyone’s running around tryna power the Important Thing up Cleo pulls up, takes one look of the situation, says, “More power? Stand back, ghouls and boos, your most benevolent mummy representative’s got this”, cups Frankie’s confused face (who still hunches down nevertheless fer Cleo like the confused yet willing puppy they are), gently kisses them smack on the cheek, and then-
Whamo bamo the world is saved all thanks to Cleo’s great sacrifice of frizzled hair and lowkey charred bandages. Girlypop was standing RIGHT in the danger zone of lovestruck lightning; she knew the price which had to be paid and did NOT hesitate even though she had spent hours before picking out the perfect prom dress and all that. After recovering from Sheer Gay Shutdown™️, Frankie panics and holds Cleo’s slightly smoking body close as monsters rush around behind the pair.
“Cleo?! Are you okay?!”
“Oh my Ra, precious, that was… spooktacular…”
Cleo is so outta it from her super noble act of altruism. The most selfless of all monsters, truly.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 10 months
I had an idea for a silly goofy au where Damian, Jon, and reader are like the scooby gang and go around solving mysteries.
Reader is like a magic user, and they're job is to keep the evil entities away from everyday people, (Like Supernatural! But kid friendly🩷)
Damian has been stalking them as Robin and that's how the supersons get involved in the mystery gang.
It's just wholesome crime solving amongst the baby heros, and they have fun adventures (that sometimes end in sleepovers).
It think it would be funny too if paranormal assistance was needed and Dickie walks in on the three of them performing a seance in the theater room-
"What the hell is happening right now?"
"Because, Richard. It is important for our investigation."
"Okay." *Turns to leave*
"No, no, no. You have to stay until I close the ritual so the spirit doesn't attatch to you. :D"
But he can't complain, because at least little wing is making friends...?
Bonus if Bruce has no idea where Damian is going almost every night. Like he just dissapears for a few hours then just returns wuth Jon and no explaination.
Clark and Lois know obvi because Jon is just so excited to tell his parents all about the latest mystery.
I know this isn't alot but I have more but I think imma go take another nap rq-
Imma sleepy-
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Nono because--
How'd you know that my absolute weakness is the Supersons with a same age reader completing the baby hero trinity??
I'M NOT JOKING IT'S SERIOUSLY ONE OF MY FORGOTTEN SOFT SPOTS FOR THESE GOOBERS!!!! I remember a long time ago when I read this headcanon post about the Supersons with a reader who was the child of Wonder Woman and they were basically the Big Three next gen!! 🥹🥹 I have no clue where it's at now :sobs: BUT IT WAS REALLY GOOD AND FUELED MY LOVE FOR DC CIRCA 2015-2017!!!!
Now. As for YOU, my dear boba bubble.........
*deeeep breath in-*
I ain't gonna tell no tall man's tale, as SOON as I got this gist for this - the Scooby Doo theme song was playing in my head and now I can't stop imagining it with them getting into funny dramatic thematic situations:
It's just-
🎶 WHAT'S NEW SCOOBY DOO? COMIN' AFTER YOU ✨🏃🏽‍♀️💨 WE'RE GONNA SOLVEEE THAT MYSTERY!!🎶 and it's all a rush of cutscenes of the Big Little Three getting into all kinds of fun supernatural filled shenanigans — crazy and wild and sometimes very scary, but they've all got each other's backs.
Point being: yes yes, 100% yes.
Magic user?!??!!?!?!!! THAT MEANS.... MAGIQUE~~~ (◠‿・)—☆
let's say bro (you) can fly - maybe not as often nor as naturally as Jonny boy, but hell you can levitate for more than a few minutes at a time, it's something!
you both take turns carrying Damian - the only non-flyer of the group lmaoooo
you're all the "middle man" between you all at one point or another. sometimes dami leads with his head and instincts; you and jon reel him in. sometimes jon leads with his heart and just finally fudging snaps because even the sweethearts go apeshit sometimes - you and dami do damage control and console the poor boy in the emotional aftermath. sometimes, you either lose yourself to the supernatural aspect of it all: it's either a overflowing, overwhelming rush of magic that zaps you dry and you're withered to a delicate, fragile thing in your own destructive aftermath or you go full on Avatar (tla) State and become something just shy of not human and need to be tethered back to the ground by your boys.
whatever the case may be, you all work around and through it all. you adapt to each other's needs. you're all there for each other, no matter what.
The bit with Dick and the seance. In the Manor, no less. I applaud you - it's too canon not to be.
You, hands glowing and a little too cheerful - like this is normal (it is. to you, at least) but still wary: "WAIT DON'T LEAVE YOU'RE NOW A LIABILITY TO THE DEMONS!!"
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Yoooooo, imagine pulling up to the function while Dami's at school LMFAOOOOOOO
Damian: Oh, Grandfather's head on a stick.
Classmate: Woah! What happened? *sees Damian looking right past them to the window, also looking like he's about to have an aneurysm*
Classmate: Bro, what-? *goes to turn*
Damian: *grabs them by the shoulders and turns them around* AH YA- YOU- YOUUuuuknow, what? It's nothing at all. Nothing of the sort. It was . . . a bird. Yes. A bird. It flew away. But I must leave now.
Classmate: *stunned* I-uh- okay-?
Damian: *gathering his things while retaining intense eye contact* Yes.
Classmate: ......... Bro you good? Seriously-
Damian, interrupts: It would seem I have a . . . Previous engagement. I'll tend to the bird on my way.
Classmate: Oh-
Damian, already out the door because you just deactivated your levitation spell and just, went right parallel downwards without a word and Jon panicked and flew down after you to try and catch you and the both of y'all disappear from his view and most likely ate absolute shit in the school's compost bin outside the window: Your understanding is appreciated.
Classmate: .......................
Classmate: It's first period??
LMFAOOOOO AND AS FOR CLASSMATE, bro's weirded out but probably unaffected nonetheless because Dami has a rep for being a little weird and disappearing out of the blue from time to time but is a relatively pleasant classmate nonetheless!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Damian, Jon, and you being the next Big Little Three.......
But there's magic and ghosts involved!!! 👻✨
Idea: maybe you end up being Zatanna's apprentice/family member and inherited your magic through that! Orrrrr, you're just a freelance magic user, a bit of a vagabond of sorts, a total enigma and have it under your belt, no mentor, just doin' your own thing. (Miles Morales ref. 🙌)
Either way, you're a well-meaning kid with a good heart and have an absolute time hassling all these spirits like cattle back to the netherworld that nobody else can see.
Kinda like Danny Phantom!! (I loveeee dc x dp) or somethin' to that effect haha.
Wouldn't it be even funnier if reader has like, no known records? At all? They just showed up one day and came to clean out the supernatural aspects of the city ('ole goth here's messed up enough without all the vengeful ghosts in it! just doin' a little favor, no? *blows a kiss*') and gets roped into the adventure- and friendship/found family circle- of a lifetime.
Stakeouts that turn into sleepovers at the Manor. Very rarely down at the farm in Metropolis, but sometimes!! Big open cornfields, it's a hotpot for Prime Supernatural Activity. You make insufferable jokes (even tho they're like, true) and Damian scolds you for scaring Jon. Tt.
But you save his favorite cow Betsy from getting attacked by some random ghost demon and Jon nearly crushes your ribs in a hug.
As for Damiiiii, bro- I came up w/ something--
You pop up at some Wayne gala inexplicably at first.
Damian spots you for the first time (y'know, before y'all all become friends hueheuhueuhue *chokes, coughs*), completely out in the open, and spews his drink.
He'd immediately stomp over to you, aghast, because what in all the names of the Lazarus Pit are you doing here?! He'd been stalking you for weeks from afar! He was a master of stealth!! How did you even manage--
I- what? No, he does not like your outfit! It's rather spiffy, you say? HE DOESN'T CARE! THAT'S THE LAST THING HE'S THINKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW?? How did you even GET IN??
He's steaming and flustered while also trying to not make a scene because the place is crawling with socialites and high society aristocrats whereas you're cool, calm, charming, blending in too well as you down your own drink. [It's icy apple juice.] and just, bamboozles him further.
'Excellent year,' you suddenly say rather seriously, peering down into your glass of icy apple juice with an impressed expression, effectively cutting off Damian, who was in the middle of a hushed, barely watered down tirade.
Y'all stare at each other for all of two nanoseconds and the events happen as follows:
you turn a bottle of iced apple cider to Damian (where did you even manage to nab one?), pointedly at the label to further explain your comment,
he slaps it out of your hand in a rush of overwhelming emotion and thereby catches the attention of everyone within y'all's general vicinity,
BOOM - you're both circled out and being stared down from all sides.
Damian wants to crawl in a hole and die, maybe.
You raise your hand and twiddle your fingers in a sweet wave and- you- that's when he sees it-
Sparkles. Real, genuine, sparkles. Come right out from your fingertips.
Damian is at a loss while you suddenly garner an audience!! An applauding audience!!! What the hell is going on-?
You disappear in a puff of smoke! Oh my!!
And in a grandiose puff of sparkles and thematic smoke (it's like regular smoke but cooler), you reappear with a flourish on the stage on the other side of the room! Thereby catching everyone's attention.
"Good eveninggggg, my fellow Gothamites! Wowza, I see some sexy faces here tonight! *twirls magician's hat and releases an entire army of butterflies* Enchanted to see you all! I'm (Name) and I'm your prime rib for the night! (cue pulling a whole ass pig, cute and with a bowtie, out from the inside of your coat) Or so to speak!"
Gasps and claps arise from the audience!
Damian is terse, a little terrified, and a little impressed. And he watches the entire time as you pull off a literal magic show! An interactive one, too!
Afterwards, you stand in front of an enchanted crowd and bow with a proper flourish; when you peek out over the rim of your hat, you make direct eye contact with Damian, a mischievous smile playing at your lips.
A proper introduction for you, your Highness? - echoes in his mind. Magic.
That's when he knows. He knows, he's in for a wild ride.
(Also! Dick would totally be gushing over y'all all the time. His baby wing made friends! And such Good Ones too!! Awwwww! <33)
(And Damian just snaps at him to be quiet, orrrr frowns from where he's trapped in between you and Jon in a group hug. He secretly, not-so-secretly loves it.)
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toxickeyboard · 10 months
Guys I absolutely DO NOT end every imaginary song animation of John and Garcia with them hugging, GUYS I WOULD NEVER (/sarc)
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savagebeautyqueen · 7 months
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snoopertonsnopper · 2 years
This is an oc of mine, his name is Oath.
I decided to incorporate him and his best Buddy as a side story that’s not connected to the main plot for my Faith AU.
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beingmyself1991 · 7 months
Embracing one's shadow self or lower self is a profound journey towards self-discovery and achieving a balanced, yin-yang existence. This concept is intricately linked to Eckankar's notion of Kal, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and integrating the darker aspects of our personality for holistic spiritual growth.
The shadow self, a term popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, refers to the unconscious, repressed aspects of an individual's personality. These facets often contain traits, desires, or emotions that society deems undesirable or negative. In contrast, the lower self, in various spiritual traditions including Eckankar, represents the aspects of our nature that are not aligned with higher spiritual principles. Both concepts delve into the often-overlooked dimensions of the self, inviting individuals to confront and understand these darker aspects.
Eckankar's Kal, as a representation of the lower self, encourages practitioners to explore and embrace these shadowy elements. The process involves acknowledging and integrating aspects of ourselves that we might typically disown or ignore. Rather than suppressing these elements, the approach is to shine a light on them, understanding that they too play a crucial role in our overall spiritual evolution.
To become a balanced yin-yang being, one must recognize that the interplay of light and shadow contributes to the richness and complexity of our existence. The concept of yin and yang, originating from Chinese philosophy, symbolizes the interconnected and complementary nature of opposites. Embracing the shadow self is akin to acknowledging the yin within the yang, recognizing that both light and darkness coexist within every individual.
The journey toward embracing the shadow self requires self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to confront discomfort. It involves exploring aspects of ourselves that may have been hidden due to societal conditioning or personal judgment. By shining a light on these shadowy corners, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their motivations, fears, and unresolved issues.
The integration of the shadow self is not an endorsement of negative behavior but a process of transforming and transmuting these aspects into sources of wisdom and strength. By embracing the shadow, individuals become more self-aware, gaining a holistic view of their psyche. This process fosters personal growth, resilience, and a greater capacity for empathy towards oneself and others.
Eckankar's Kal, in this context, serves as a guide through the exploration of the lower self. It encourages practitioners to navigate the complexities of their own psyche, promoting self-acceptance and inner harmony. The goal is not to eliminate the shadow but to integrate it into the larger tapestry of the self, recognizing its role in the broader spiritual journey.
In the yin-yang framework, the balanced individual embraces both the light and dark aspects of their being. This balance is not about suppressing or eradicating one side but acknowledging the inherent duality within. By harmonizing the opposites, individuals cultivate a sense of equilibrium, resilience, and authenticity.
In conclusion, the journey of embracing one's shadow self, guided by Eckankar's Kal and the philosophy of yin and yang, is a transformative process. It calls for courage, self-reflection, and a commitment to understanding the intricacies of our own nature. By integrating the shadow, individuals move towards a balanced existence, embodying the harmonious interplay of light and dark within the vast landscape of their own being.
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It's really wholesome to me that Ryan Reynolds is so all in on this because apparently he and Wesley Snipes did not get on AT ALL when they worked on Blade: Trinity together but its nice that despite that he's still got a lot of respect for his work on these films and how big a deal his portrayal of the character was
Blade was basically the first time since the original Superman movies back in the 70's that a mainstream studio really took superhero content seriously
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theoryofthemultiverse · 4 months
Hoyo‘s Doctors as your psychiatrist/therapists:📋
Synopsis: A therapist/psychologist is a person that listens to your thoughts and feelings and resolves problems through talking. A psychiatrist on the other hand relies on medications to treat an mental illness.
Characters: Baizhu, Dr. Ratio, Il Dottore
AN:I love the trinity of them and since y’all enjoyed the sleeping headcanons I brought something new again! It’s kinda wholesome.
He is really listening to everything in such an empathic way, he tries his best to validate your feelings and it would be in his expertise to show you how to deal with them.
His priorities would lay in making you recognize how you feel about given situations and help you setting boundaries. He would also dive deeper into childhood events that caused certain behaviors and traumas.
I can kinda see him having a therapy animal(not just Changsheng, you can also cuddle her, but maybe he also has a fluffy cat, or dog) . Like a calm pet that will simply lay with you and help you relax so you open up to him (only if you wanted it tho, otherwise he’ll keep it away ;)
Without a doubt he would be on the therapist/psychologist side.
Dr. Ratio🎓
The problem solver par excellence.
He fairly doesn’t do much about your feelings. Don’t get me wrong, he will definitely listen to you tell him about them, and validate them. He will also take them into the equation of solving your problem, but his main focus would be to solve the problem and come up with ways to solve them, as well as ways how you can cope with them should they not be able to be solved at the given moment.
So while he kinda works more like a psychologist he would also have the qualifications to prescribe some medication, yet if he would feel like he needs someone with a broader spectrum on that topic he would send you to:
Il Dottore🧪
Out of all 3 probably the one that is mostly focused on treating the problem through medications, so leaning towards psychiatrist.
But he is hella good at that, like really, that man knows so many substances that there are no limits to finding the perfect description. In 90% of the time he gets a perfect substance for your problems, but in the other 10%? Don’t worry about coming to him and telling him the medication didn’t do what you would have hoped it would do. He will probably find something better then according to the symptoms you mention.
If you were discouraged by one kind of medicine not working he would subtly try to make you feel better by blaming him,or the medicine in a humorous way so you see it’s not your fault for the medicine not working.
„Really it’s not your fault the stupid medicine didn’t take effect. I should have just known better and taken -sets new medicine on the table- this one all along.“
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anthurak · 7 months
You know sometimes you just really have to respect the 'cascade effect' that sometimes happens with multi-shipping that leads to polycules.
Like we start with Charlie/Vaggie; cute, sweet, dramatic, wholesome, badass, what's not to love?
Then Emily enters the picture and just has amazing chemistry with Charlie AND we get jealous Vaggie to boot!
So at that point we just HAVE to 'Charlie has Two Hands' this, and really it's easy to imagine Vaggie and Emily getting along great, especially if Emily were to also become a Fallen Angel.
And on top of that, we've got hints of Emily potentially paralleling Eve to Charlie's and Vaggie's Lucifer and Lilith, such as Charlie opening Emily's eyes to the forbidden truth of the world just as Lucifer did with Eve. And with Lucifer confirming that Lilith, Eve and himself were a thing in the finale, we've got the Charlie/Vaggie/Emily 'Unholy Trinity' all good to go!
And then it's just so easy to imagine Lute having one of those hyper-repressed, homophobic hate-crushes on Vaggie, and from that it's easy to imagine that they used to have a 'thing' going on and now they've got a whole '(not)lovers-to-enemies' thing.
And if Charlie, Vaggie and Emily are paralleling Lucifer, Lilith and Eve, then it's all too easy to imagine Lute being their parallel to Adam. Which in turn makes it just as easy to picture Lute trying to rebound in a totally-no-homo way on Emily just as Adam did with Eve after Lilith left him. Only for Emily to leave Lute for Charlie and Vaggie just as Eve did with Lucifer and Lilith. Meaning that we've got another (not)lovers-to-enemies thing going!
And you know, with how the whole 'I am going to FUCK you' bit created the Lucifer/Adam ship, it's really only fair to have Charlie and Lute follow in kind...
So anyway, that's why I'm shipping Charlie/Vaggie/Emily/Lute now XD
Or as I like to call it: the REAL 'Charlie's Angels'. You know, because there's actually three angels now.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
how accurate to books is loumand relationship? I was under the impression armand was actually loved by Louis and others and just not perceiving it?
a bit heartbroken to see armand so deprived of love in s2
Oh they do love each other. It's the "crowning evil" that they can love each other (that is what Louis calls it).
Loumand... starts out infatuated, and they do fall in love, but Armand engages Louis because he is Lestat's (who is in the dungeons by then), and he manipulates him as well as canonically(!!) uses his mind and spell gift to make Louis do things, or subdue him, et cetera. He also lies to him (and to Lestat, but who's counting^^)
Louis knows Armand had Claudia killed/did not prevent it. Louis knows Armand used him to kill the coven. Louis goes with Armand after because there's nothing else left.
Paris is not the big wholesome romance. It never was (and the show never intended it to be, as the posters and marketing clearly indicate). They later forgive each other and share a loving, easy relationship in Trinity Gate in the books, but Dubai ... is not that.
Dubai is the result of what happened in San Francisco, and I think the next episode will make that abundantly clear^^.
The writers and producers have likened Dubai to a "golden cage" and the set design and costuming also speaks a very clear language there.
As per "heartbroken to see Armand deprived"... it is tragic. Because Armand unfortunately goes about getting and keeping that love the way he does - not only with Louis, but also with Lestat - and Daniel.
Luckily Daniel is the match for him though, at least eventually^^
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sweetiepoison · 7 months
Famous Baby (social media blurb)
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@yourusername: The last two months 💛
[tagged: @Shawnmendes, @Justinbieber, @yourbff1, @yourbff2]
Load more comments…
Fan#1: the holy trinity 😇 (@yourusername, @yourbff1, @yourbff2)
-> bff1: more like the unholy trinity 😅🤭
->bff2: no fr if only you guys saw the gc 💀
->yourusername: jail immediately if it got out
Fan#2: pls I love how unserious they are
Fan#3: I would pay to see their gc
->Fan#4: literally same
Fan#5: excuse me ma’am are you and @justinbeiber making music together?!
->Fan#6: my dream collab
->Fan#7: (y/n) would be the one to get Justin to return to music
->Fan#8: Y’ALL she liked the original comment!!
->Fan#9: I can’t wait for this music to come out!
JustinBieber: My fav singing partner now and forever 🤍
->yourusername: I fangirl when I get to sing with you 🤍
->Fan#10: they are the definition of platonic soulmates
Fan#11: Okay miss girl I see you at the all stars weekend go ahead and get you a man 👀
->Fan#12: Maybe she already has one 👀
->Fan#13: yoo, don’t play with my emotions like that
->Fan#14: I could totally see Justin setting her up though #wingman
->Fan#15: I’m calling it rn, her and Matthews
->Fan#16: Idk who that even is, but if he can make our girl happy I’m down
->Fan#17: @AustonMatthews
->Fan#18: Thank you for the @ girl bc damn he is fine
-> Fan#19: Or her and @Williamnylander
->Fan#20: Literally either way’s a win 🤷‍♀️
Yourbff: my girl looking good always!
Fan#21: The fact that she went to the all star game for Justin and then sang with him for his first performance in a while, they are so wholesome
Shawnmendes: My favorite person to see in the audience
->Fan#22: I know y’all see this comment too 👀
->Fan#23: like can they pls get back together
->Fan#24: That would heal my 14 yr old heart
Fan#25: I was a team Shawn girl back when it was between him and Harry and I’m gonna be one now
Fan#26: Shawn and (y/n) holding hands was not on my 2024 bingo card
Fan#27: (y/n) is serving body!!!!!
Bff2: soooo…..same thing next weekend?
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nightcolorz · 3 months
I wanna play Minecraft with Armand so bad!! I keep thinking that he would probably really enjoy shaders or mods. I wonder what type of stuff he would build, thoughts?
Omg so real ‼️❤️I would kill to play Minecraft with Armand for real.
Armand would love building and making Minecraft worlds bcus of how he has a passion for designing living spaces for his loved ones. I think the things he’d build would be surprisingly wholesome. Armand isn’t much of the creative type, so I think he would build environments based on real places that he’s been, and maybe would like to be. He’d try and recreate the palazzo he lived in in Venice, he’d make elaborate homes designed for the ppl he cares about (even tho he mostly only ever plays single player, the process of imaging his loved ones in the little places he makes would make him happy), he’d copy his room in trinity gate from memory, recreate a motel room he remembers being intimate with Daniel in so he can relieve the experience, strange cathartic stuff like that.
I think armand would build on Minecraft the way some people color to help wind down when they are stressed or upset. So I can imagine him building recreations of the monastery caves he was sent to as a child in the vampire Armand, since he often considers that the embodiment of where his mind goes when he’s having trauma flashbacks. I think fleshing out environments that cause Armand pain would be cathartic for him, to have control of the environment and to live and explore it safely as it’s maker.
I also wouldn’t put it past Armand to be one of those people who spawns a bunch of animals just to kill them in creative ways 😭😭 he is definitely fascinated by the game mechanic of killing and finds hitting things satisfying 💀
(unfortunately if Armand played Minecraft with lestat, lestat would have a Minecraft dog he was overly attached to and Armand would instantly kill it)
tysssmmm for the ask
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hkthatgffan · 10 months
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Well, today's the day! Hilda comes to an end. I figured now more than ever is time I make this post on just…how I feel about this incredible show ending and why it means so much to me…and why I'm grateful to Luke Pearson and the whole Hilda team. So, long post below ahead!
I found Hilda in 2018 via a post on the Gravity Falls sub of the trailer. Right from the start, something felt special about this show. And like many, I tuned in to watch it when it began. I didn't know what would be in store as I began it, but I was excited. This was at the end of the summer as GF hype for Lost Legends and the box set died down. So, getting in to a new show seemed like the best idea. It took literally hearing that theme song for me to instantly fall in love with Hilda. There was something so familiar and wholesome just bursting out of that opening. It was a feeling hard to really explain. By episode 3 and specifically the ending of it…I knew I had my next favourite show.
Everything about Hilda just felt perfect to me. The animation was incredible, Hilda as a character was enjoyable and full of life, the story felt fresh even if the core concept seemed familiar and all in all, I just loved the atmosphere this show radiated. It also made me so happy to see Canada have a part in Hilda. The Canadian animation industry is one I love given how much of a part of my childhood it was. And so to see it have a hand in this incredible show just made me so happy. Mercury Filmworks did amazing with Hilda. And I think that's how I began to understand why Hilda feels so familiar; it reminds me of those old cartoons I grew up on. Those Canadian Nelvana shows that were so wholesome & yet so fun to watch…while also not afraid to be bold. Hilda was that kind of show for a new generation!
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I also didn't shy away from poking some nods to Gravity Falls. It was a great way to help spread Hilda's existence to more people and to this day I get messages from people who tell me they found Hilda because of my tweets, or videos or more. That means the world and I am grateful to have helped you discover this show. And like any show I fell in love with, I also bough the books and other merch for it. The Hilda graphic novels were amazing to read and see how the show grew from them, the figurine still just fits in my shelf, and the tie in books and more are always fun to collect. I'll miss it. Not to mention the memes…of which I made a few. The Hilda fandom is insane, yet so funny. Like all fandoms it has its ups and downs but I've met some amazing people because of Hilda and some who I remain great friends with. You know who you are <3
Hilda's conclusion means that the last of my holy trinity shows is now over…and with that, the end of an era. Truthfully, IDK what my plans are post Hilda. It was the last show still airing that I truly was 110% passionate about. That's not to say there aren't other shows, But there will never be another Hilda for me. Hilda is a show unlike any other I have seen. Yeah, perhaps it's not the most popular or the biggest or the best cartoon out there. But OMG, no other show since ever made me as happy and passionate as Hilda did. It's one of a kind!
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I said in 2018 that Hilda is everything out of a cartoon that I wanted. I still believe that.
No cartoon is perfect and our definition of perfection is our own. If you ask me though…Hilda is the closest cartoon I have ever come across to my definition of perfection!
With that, while I am heartbroken to bid farewell to Hilda…I am happy I got to experience this show as it aired. I'm grateful for all the memories I made in the 5 years I had it. I'm grateful for the adventure and above all else…I'm grateful to have seen Hilda! ❤️
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