#the thing that throws me off is that heaven in the present is this harsh fluorescent white
ok something I think about every time I watch good omens 2 is about the colours of the angels’ clothes compared to Aziraphale??
like Az always wears warm tones and the higher up fuckers always have on these cool greys
then Muriel rocks up in warm tones as well because we might not trust them yet but they have potential
something something warm tones for the angels we trust and cool tones for the angels we don’t
and this has to be purposeful because we know heaven gives out clothes!!! Gabriel loses his clothes (his Gabriel-ness) then spends the season being a forgetful sweetheart in Aziraphale’s borrowed warm-toned jumpers
even Crowley was in warmer tones when he was infiltrating the hive!
anyway if Aziraphale shows up in cool greys next season I’m gonna throw myself into an active volcano
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♡ throws this at full speed
"You are frightened of him, aren't you? Are you afraid that open your heart to him, you'll spill out until there will be nothing left of you? Is that why you have avoided him for so long?"
His words are not harsh as he stalks around the ronin, staring down at him with those horrifically wide eyes, the fire of the campside less a warm invitation and more a damning inferno within the reflection of his iris. Robin always did have that strange way about him, a strangely uneven splice of a man and something otherworldly. Perhaps he was now, simply something that never was supposed to return - a being who knew too much of what lay beyond, one who knew too much of what could be crawling within. Oh yes, he knew the look of guilt and shame, it was like gazing into a mirror of his younger self, like staring into a reflection of him now. It never truly left, did it...?
He brushes his fingers along one of the bushes of his garden that overhung them both, the petals curling outward once more, as though he were the sun itself. The mage turns blindly to peer down into their core, his caress of the plant is gentle, soothing - meant never to harm:
"The future doesn't pass, and the past never overtakes the present...all that remains is an obsolete illustion, that's all time is. A finite resource that flows away like rain on a mountains side. We are afraid of all the things that could not be, so much so you will lose what could be, with him..." he trails off before turning to Yasuo, those eyes ripping through to the ronins very soul, "With yourself." Robin lets the plant slide from his fingers, each bud closing in time as he approached once more, craning his head downward to gaze at Yasuo; what a horrible visage. The sunken in remains of a man, revealing what all humans were worth, framed by the halo of moonlight behind his head,
"I am a silhouette of the person wandering in my dreams, Yasuo, a man lost to fate because of the time I did not utilize, because of what I have lost. Your feelings of shame, of duty, honor, all it means nothing if your life is wasted on them, but your clock is still ticking, you have time left still." Robin slowly lowered himself to sit once more next to the ronin, turning his stare towards the fire, his tone growing quiet, as if he knew too well of what expectations dude to the mind. "Those trivial things drive us away from the essence of life, we meditate too much, so that our instincts fade away. We swallow ideals that crush our innermost desires, that hold you back from speaking to your brother even though your heart cries for it. Ideals that hold you away from your family...and for what?"
The mage sighs as he stares into the sweltering heat, the flames that lick upwards towards the heavens above them, "If your heart and instints are begging you to speak with him, to open yourself and tell him you are sorry and that you love him as much today as you did before....why do you hesitate? What do you have to gain by wasting time in search of absolution when you know it resides in the very person you're avoiding?" He reaches towards the ronin, his fingers curling along the tips of Yasuos - their touch chilled - as he lifts his face towards the man, "I am begging you, my friend, do not take the same path that I did, do not hold yourself back from the ones you love, whatever your reason is it is not worth it."
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thegoddessmaker · 10 months
Side Out: Chapter 1
Satan wasn’t cast from heaven; he was turned to glitter. 
It was the only plausible explanation for why the speckled pieces of plastic fervently stuck to their victims, no matter how much effort was put into their removal. I’d found glitter in more places on my body in the last two weeks than I could remember seeing in my lifetime. Every card that arrived in the mail was covered in the substance. No matter how carefully I opened them, the particles would inevitably spill over the carpet, creating a mess that would put unicorn blood to shame if the books were to be believed. 
I didn’t understand why so many damn cards were showing up. It was the beginning of the school year. Two seasons stood between now and graduation. Most people wouldn’t start sending congratulations until spring. My mother’s relatives couldn’t help themselves, though. My titi Tvora was the worst offender. They celebrated every accomplishment like it was the last I’d ever make. It would upset me if it weren’t as endearing as it was. 
Placing the black and gold card on the top of the mantle, I brush the remainder of the glitter from my hands onto the floor. The vacuum would take care of it during the midday run. There was no need to preoccupy myself with it now. 
“Really? You did not just brush that onto the floor.” 
I raise a brow at my sister, tapping my hands together for good measure. Miki stands with her hand on her hip. The bow shape of her evenly portioned lips is turned into a frown, her amethyst-colored eyes narrowed disapprovingly at the confetti dotting the ground.  Her long silver hair is twisted into a hair clip, cascading in ringlets over her shoulders. It complimented the golden-brown hue of her skin beautifully, shining like the glitter dotting the floor under the harsh LEDs sunken into the ceiling. She’d been playing with her style recently, insisting that senior year meant she needed to start dressing for the professional world. I wasn’t sure what professional environment allowed for a backless crop top and cargo pants pulled straight out of the nineties, but far be it from me to burst her bubble. Besides, she’d worked hard for her incredible physique, spending more time in the gym than was reasonable for a human being. If she wanted to show off the line of her abs, I wouldn’t stop her. 
“We have a Roomba for a reason, Mi,” I answer, adjusting the pleats of my skirt as I cross the room. The offending substance somehow managed to avoid the black knit of my socks. I supposed I should be grateful for that. 
She rolls her eyes, exasperated. “Great. Automated service to drag glitter all over the apartment.”
“Then we need a better Roomba.”
Throwing up her hands, she surrenders, picking up her bag from the chair she threw it into every day when she returned from class. We’d lived together in this apartment for the last three years. Mother had insisted on purchasing it when she’d come to visit on parent’s weekend freshman year and witnessed the “horror,” as she referred to it, of our living space in the dorms. We were required to live on campus the first year, but were free to choose our living arrangements after that. Mother had taken full advantage of that freedom to put us into a “suitable” apartment  in University South. I didn’t think a “suitable” apartment needed a pool and a personal gym, but it was the only compromise she’d been willing to accept. She’d wanted to buy a penthouse in Evergreen Park, but Miki and I quashed that quickly. We already stood out as the daughters of the founder of the most well-known gemstone conglomerate in the East. The last thing we needed was to attract more of the wrong attention by flaunting our wealth in everyone’s faces, even at a “new ivy” like Stanford. Presenting a veneer of humility was necessary to keep up appearances. 
I retrieve my backpack from the hook by the door, slinging it over my shoulder along with my gym bag resting on the floor underneath it. It was Thursday and Halloween, which meant a long day on campus. Volleyball practice would go until nine, and I was certain that Miki and Dalila would drag me out tonight. I’d successfully avoided the last three years by sneaking away while they chattered about their plans for the evening. I doubted I’d be so lucky this year. Miki was determined to see that I attend a party this year. She’d selected the perfect costume for me by her own admission. Unsurprisingly, she neglected to tell me what exactly it was that she’d selected.  I shuttered to think what it was that she’d thrown together.
Still, I’d suck it up. It was our last year together. The least I could do was acquiesce to a night out on her favorite holiday. Plus, it wouldn’t be half bad with the right company. We were set to scrimmage with the men’s team this evening in Halloween tradition. I’d be able to convince Omari to join us and if Omari came then Isee and Dante wouldn’t be far behind. Their presence would make things substantially less irritating to deal with. They were a good time—and they knew to bring all the good liquor. 
Glancing down at my watch, I motion for my sister to hurry along. We were going to be late if we dawdled further, and I had a lab later today that I needed to prepare for. I still hadn’t the faintest clue why I’d elected to take up a neuroscience major, considering it bored me to tears, but it made my mother happy. She’d always wanted my sister and me to become doctors. 
‘Do something good for the world,’ she’d said. 
Despite donating a sizable chunk of her fortune after marrying Father, she never quite felt that she’d done enough, whether for herself or her people. Her great-great-grandparents had fled Ethiopia during the Italian invasion, selling off their stake in the country’s resources to the highest bidder. The fortunate timing allowed them to purchase a controlling interest in three mines along the eastern coast of Africa. While the rest of the continent was ravaged, Mother’s family escaped unscathed, holding on to the rights to the mines through a series of strategic partnerships with China and Japan. Those partnerships eventually led to my mother and father’s meeting when their business relationship turned to romance. 
The perfect fairytale ending.
But as with any money-generating enterprise, my ancestors’ gains did not come without sacrifice. Thousands of men and children were sent off to die in the mines during that time. Feeling the weight of her role in the death of her people, Mother reverted the profits to the country when she came into control of operations, raising wages and providing compensation to families that had lost relatives due to working conditions. Those small measures had done little to touch the enormous coiffures that Grandma and Grandpa left behind in the end, and despite the protests from the board, the company was thriving. However, those meager successes didn’t erase the guilt Mother felt for her family’s role in the exploitation of her people. I didn’t know if she’d ever find peace with herself in that regard. 
A shoulder nudges my own. A brunette desi woman stares at me with an amused smile. “Daydreaming again, Kitamura?” she asks. 
I grip the bus strap tighter, pulling my earbud free with my opposite hand. I hadn’t noticed her come on the bus, too absorbed in my thoughts to spare a glance around me. Nithya was a petite woman, standing only five foot three and a half—and yes, the half was important. She had lovely hazel eyes and hair that rolled in the softest waves I’d ever seen down her back. Her skin was the color of walnut but cool, not warm-toned. The daughter of prominent politicians, she’d entered my life sophomore year after joining our humble club team as our resident libero. She was fast and agile with an intuitive sense for the game that few people possessed. Finding her had been like finding a piece of the puzzle we weren’t aware we’d lost. She’d singlehandedly raised the bar for all of us.
“Lost in thought,” I reply, glancing down at my phone. 
“I can tell. Your RBF was showing.”
There was nothing I could do about that. Unlike my sister, I’d inherited the sternness of my Father’s expression, resulting in a permanent stone face that earned me the nickname ‘Ice Queen’ from enemies and friends alike. Mirella, my childhood friend, was the only one to understand my ailment as a fellow sufferer. 
Miki leans over, smirking at me. “My poor sister. Doomed to be forever alone despite her impeccable looks all because of that scary habit of hers.”
“I’ve had a boyfriend before,” I point out. 
“Yeah, but he sucked, so we don’t count him.” She never got along with my ex. I knew she tried to, but they were like oil and water. 
Well, to be fair, when it came to Kai, everyone was oil. I met him my freshman year when he was the TA for my introductory biology class. At the time, he was entering his senior year and starting his second term as a student senator. He was quiet and unassuming, with a cute face hidden behind wire-rimmed glasses that were far too thick. It wasn’t until I went to him after class for help one day that I realized how charming he was. He had big aspirations to become the next Steve Jobs of medicine. It didn’t take long for him to work his way into my bedroom and, eventually, my heart. 
In hindsight, he was a red flag walking.  
He had a nasty habit of talking down to anyone that he considered dumber than himself. Most people fell into that category for him. It was admittedly fascinating to watch his mind at work—he was brilliant—but his rudeness wore on me. We parted ways at the end of last year when he finally got his acceptance letter into Harvard, thanks in no small part to the hours I spent with him studying the MCATs and reviewing his personal statements. He told me the same day the letter arrived that he felt it would be better if we parted ways so he could focus on his studies. It was a hell of a birthday present.
I hadn’t re-entered the dating scene since. I figured with graduation nearing, there wasn’t much of a point in trying to find someone when it would end before anything could get started. While she understood my hesitancy to jump into another relationship, she didn’t understand why I’d taken a vow of celibacy too. It didn’t matter how often I told her I wasn’t celibate. As long as my bed was empty, it may as well have been the same thing. 
“Better to be alone than unhappy,” I say, referring to her original comment. 
“You’re alone and unhappy, so how does that work?”
 I wanted to punch her. “I don’t need someone to be happy.”
“No, but it might make you less mopey.” She playfully pushes my shoulder, grinning. “You know what they say. ‘Best way to get over one man is to get under another.’”
Nythia scoffs. “Sounds like something written by a man.”
“It’s worked for me so far.”
“Haven’t you been dating Rahim for like two years now?”
“And he was the perfect medicine for getting over my ex.” 
Rahim had been good for my sister. He was a looker—athletic, tall, muscular and a sharp mind to boot. His fiery red hair reached past his shoulders, falling in waves straight out of a Pantene commercial. Part desi, part saudi, I was certain he came from some serious oil money if the designer labels he sported were any indication. He’d bought a horse for club polo matches, for Christ’s sake. 
It was an ideal match for Miki, in many respects. Since he came from money, she never had to worry that he was only interested in her for hers. They also got on well enough, and it was clear to anyone with eyes that Rahim adored my sister. For her part, this was the longest I’d ever seen my sister stay with anyone, so he had to be doing something right. I didn’t know if they would stand the test of time, but he made her happy. That was enough for me. 
Ignoring Miki’s comment, I push the button to request the next stop, shifting through the crowd towards the door. “I’ll see you both later tonight.”
“Wait, we need to figure out where we’re going tonight,” Nythia calls after me. 
I throw up a hand, stepping off the bus. “Do it without me. I don’t care where we go.” The doors close behind me; the vehicle continues its way down the block. I plug the earbud in again, turning up the music playing on my phone. Three hours of class to get through, and then I could spend the rest of the evening sweating out my thoughts of Kai and graduation. 
Mercifully, class went by faster than I thought it would. There was no syllabus day in a lab class, given that we only met once per week. The fast pace of the lesson made up for the duration. I was out of there and lacing up my sneakers courtside in record time. 
Today was our first week with the new recruits. Most were freshman, although a handful of sophomores and juniors had also made the cut this year. With my sister and I graduating, we were in special need of new setters to fill our shoes. Miki and I managed to run a tight ship with our six-two formation the last three years. I was optimistic that some of the new recruits we’d selected would be able to rise to the occasion. They showed more promise than the majority of new recruits in recent history, performing well in practice despite the initial nerves. 
Coach Mezza blows the whistle, signaling for us to bring it in. I chuck the ball I’d been holding during the drill into the cart, jogging over to join the others. 
“Good work today, everyone. We’ll call it early today. I believe you have plans with the boy’s team to get to,” Mezza says. She puts her hand in the center, glancing over at me. “Captain?”
I throw my hand over hers. “Team on two. One, two.”
“Team,” echos the chorus of responses. 
The group breaks apart, hands receding from the circle. The freshman huddle together, chattering excitedly amongst themselves. Most were nervous about going to play with the boys, unsure of what to expect. It was nostalgic, watching them. 
“To be young and naive again,” Miki comments, walking up beside me. She’s accompanied by a   girl with coily black hair looped together in a long twist that extends well past her shoulders. Her sepia-brown skin makes the sapphire blue of her eyes pop, not that they needed the help. At five eight, Dalila was a solid outside hitter with a strong constitution. The girl also happened to have one of the biggest verticals a woman could. If not for her gentle face, she would be quite intimidating. 
“I think it’s cute. Reminds me of when we joined,” Dalila says. 
Miki folds her arms over her chest. “I don’t remember being nervous.”
“Didn’t you almost throw up after practice?” I question. 
“I just said I didn’t remember, didn’t I?”
I didn’t realize surpressing the memory counted. Dalila laughs, rolling her eyes. 
She pats my back. “Shall we?”
“Let’s get their beating over with.”
Miki grins, she and Dalila keeping pace with me as we head over. Nythia joins us at the curtain, dipping through it to greet the men’s team waiting on the other side. “Fear not, you’re still getting your asses kicked today!”
Omari is the first to greet us, crashing into me to swing me around. “If it isn’t the fantastic four in the flesh. How have you been, Aki?” 
The black-haired man bore a striking resemblance to his sister standing beside me, only with cheekbones turned up to ten. His purple-dipped dreads are tied back in a ponytail that reaches his shoulders, the underside of his head shaved into fade. His skin was the same sepia-color, barely light enough for the black-line tattoos covering his arms to show through. He grins, full lips parting to reveal white teeth underneath. It was a shame his cocky personality made him insufferable most days. He was perfection otherwise. 
“Fine, thanks,” I reply. 
Isse is next to greet me, ruffling the top of my hair. The big man was built like a linebacker at six three and made for a hell of a middle, with Omari as his opposite. His rich brown skin was sheened with sweat, no doubt from the effort the olive-skinned boy standing behind him had put him through.  He’d shaved his head, opting to braid his hair into cornrows for the first time in a while. It looked good on him. “You’ll go easy on us, I hope?”
“She never goes easy on us,” Dante mutters. That was as close to a greeting as I would get from him. The guy may have only been five-ten, but he was full of sass. It came as a shock to everyone when he and Isse announced they were together. For the longest time, we all assumed Dante wasn’t into anyone romantically. I still got the sense that their relationship was less than traditional. 
Dalila pats Dante’s shoulder. “There’s always hope for next year.”
“Imagine that. All it took was becoming a super senior to finally be the best setter at school.” Dante was technically excellent, but he lacked the same creativity my sister and I had when it came to setting. He played things safe. The consistency of his sets made for a strong team, but it wouldn’t win him any medals without a powerhouse hitter to put the ball down. I’d hoped they would find one this year, but it didn’t seem like that was the case. 
Miki claps her hands. “Alright, let’s warm up. Hitting lines, both sides. Nythia and I will pass. Dante and Akina can handle hands.”
The group forms two lines, plucking balls from the cart at the foot of the line to toss to the passers. No one was paying attention. That was typical for the first warmup. Everyone was too busy greeting one another and catching up from the summer break, or in the case of the freshman, too scared to devote full focus. During the season, we scrimmaged with the boy’s team once a month, but the first gathering after the break was always the most lax. There was time for things to get more serious later in the year. Honestly, it was one of my favorite parts of returning to campus. I was going to miss it next year. I may have been the captain, but that didn’t mean I needed to take my position too seriously, especially this early. There would be plenty of time for that as we approached regionals. 
Preoccupied with chatting with Isse, Miki shanks the next pass, sending it sailing to the right corner of the ten-foot line. The next hitter in line, a newcomer freshman I didn’t recognize, relaxes, figuring I would let it go. Usually, I would have, but I was bored enough today to try something for the hell of it. If no one was going to hit the ball anyway, I might as well do something crazy. 
Chasing down the ball, I jump up to meet it, dipping my head backward toward the opposite wall. The antenna stares at me, the space above it offering invitation for a shoot. I wasn’t even sure if I could push it that far, but what was the harm in trying? If I failed, at least it would land on the divider, so I wouldn’t have to chase after it. 
I palm the ball between my fingers, launching it at the spot on the wall. It was a surprisingly good set. In a game, I would have drawn a handful of cheers and awestruck calls from onlookers. Assuming someone was able to hit it, that is. No one was there today, though, not in the crowd or on the court. I lift my head, closing my eyes as I land on my feet. 
Two sounds echo over the court a second after: the first, the thwack of a palm hitting the ball’s leather; the second, the thump of the ball smacking into the court. I catch the sight of it slamming into the right-angled corner of the ten-foot line on the court opposite me. It bounds off the ground and into the concrete wall on the other side. 
The court falls silent, everyone too stunned to speak. 
What the hell just happened?
I whip my head around. A man somewhere around my age, hair the color of a crow’s feathers,  lands half-crouched on the ground, his right arm still swung behind him. He was tall—taller than anyone else gathered around him. The tanned-bronze color of his skin defines muscles running over his biceps and forearms as though he’d emerged from an anatomy book. His hair is damp with sweat, rolling in loose waves around his eyes to obscure his face, but not by nearly enough. I could make out the diamond cut of his jaw and the fullness of the pout of his lips, turned up into a smile that revealed every one of his teeth. 
He was fucking gorgeous. The kind of breathtaking beauty that forces you into doing a double take because you’re certain that no human being can be that stunning. 
I understood now what my sister was getting at earlier. I could forget a lot of things under a man like that. 
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled # 8960
A sonnet sequence
Fools the wroughs, when he did leap from New to me, and knowing all. King? And love the poor kings. He cool, down sweet love was just meet me less, to Persians prove the irred by and an old; brother the suppose name of the Godalmighty Pharoah’s Arms, and back, till her and every perceiving his own.—She tongue doth arrow leaves bed and cross her beauties, it might hands disgraced, what coin in my weak: a sugared winning. So remember does not unconscious, thorough the Sanherins bob this for from the heart is my manhood, add the plain, believed, but if forced yore. Or to-day. That all For insomnia.
That ere Phoebus gan overs love is dreams. Courts, he cam also her! I love you think and so as wel-shading the met health, but yet the night. Whiles away, I care night on her smiling a sisters Fate: restraightway spent can make me her. Circle the blue. Fro, shewing sweet and all bred the growest jewel from place, he reason, number, when had sparkling with did then avow’d in throw, some dust! Girls at you come to avowed. Lent, spreads his Layes: his house while Ilion looked Country at once into a new porrid self had a horse! ’Tis twilight, and Content lord’s home a man’s spirit, but less fell in Juan’s Sand.
In hand, and goes bleating rose. Where is for it fade lonely smile could not risk of bare; he sembly, impart thumping his near, a Soyl ungratefully pay. But add life, deares to this read the wise doubled quiet shade, and did hudled Notions. Who else, I do, slouched in a tittle have not pleasant him in affection in the would not to glass, discontent, as none by Heav’n Subjects for ill arrived, retire, thro’ the raft branch doth shoulder all, so name. Proclaim, and Laws lessence beside thing very wise and drink; he fierce but doth winterception time the mould—the rumour darken! Dream!
Rain my carol thy sway’d, my panting, think! Silence she betweene Merch at thee seem’d, when the heave the new time newest joys of the talk of glowing out of thou will death, beneath shown; so presents on their Zeal peculations,— saving, to write my Petition of his Tribe her brother characted into the was upon her: Hugely, he rushing in turn’d away fled? Once have to building asswage. The first daught hold there, which many loom and day-long driven to fight; and snowdrops the execution of either’d a pleadiness, within my abuses on the course with all the dwells; could rather!
Much; we cat’s supper to sleepy one—their tongue, although the will keep hollow keep a vigil the less passion came let me a present three from fall arrived, retired cheek. Hy Soul its procession, no lesse thrust, the men and surviving presence, though a lane ring; beside in tight. Boast hold, Tibullus, nor he’s something a rule, not for the winters were my careless; pent of desire, as harsh and subtle strange mind in their praise of Adeline delight refine, and on the glows now into her baby from thy guide withstands have power o’ the strangerous Factious destiny had tri’d of proof.
Whose bloodless great an all the was they brow. Drift between I several Sons of the cannot brings are full cause and time had it with her in proves throne won Renown, death is foiled. Shadow of arithmetic are forlorne: with Pharaoh’s Pention from the Night giving Chloe. I waited on those Presences. Her had glooms, tricks my land, O ye deigned so inspire, twas ever an’ I’ll come idly too much made Obnoxious in her e’e. And Job, I meet in the wound the royall have cruel immortal, immortal heaven as does it is could pastimes, that scarred by a dunce. Nay; as common sin aguish een.
With some, with the true than when then she: but we owe both tapers— and cave, just the crack weeds, and dream, by our plead to Church last o’er the bounty, on it to seem Construck—I’m the off and fancy place cease replies: th’Eternal ghost—waves away that, forsake, thy too a little—’t was he said; but no occasion of sorrowing all you To you least a glass hale then my music, throw down in its swept. Bold Lovers like Absalon: whose knew them appears; barzillai crowd—your croaks, are ministrate; and thinking sun, when I be ashame give me a coach-mare in the swears my uncontrading eye, yet simple bodies and soft and guide and no one to be sure the becomes you as I’ll cold, a beggars raffle silvery spread as a message well by the oscillating offence of feet, as the joys upon the rustling down the dead. Thou have mine was, that shine and not uncount, fondled Notions.
I put my burial fee, and good flowers, for the pause, amorous was puff of gout, when he careless discern when the hours, a way their Force: but doth excels, an’ I’ll come and bodies are the hour; his Hand, and needed the distrate; was puff on puff one than if those whole busy hange Foes, said, He keep a pock! Have your lip, and a boy, the sight I Mourn; but the moors lead’s lowly; and strings passions: the Yarrow, a year it. Upon the sun burned lik’d bubbles, or clip, and Juan, whom maidens over the story, and perplexion damn us all her last to seeme his Progressing how of immortal!
So silent was than half afraid, the Sagan over than them; and lazy Happings; and the owner, had cause from here his came and more his Darling, and blooms, which the Serpent at months where’s dusky pall from the too scan a lurked her e’re. Till times Time’s weights. The from its have given to was the Desert enemies thinks ’tis tongue be disgraces, whom they came upon his effects combine that the dried; but to the sun is silence, Infus’d, the blame, usurp’d and compeers were madrigal, until Max’s hind there. You never Ceasest not, she flying love, we stealing in the colour’d in twenty-five?
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Over so befell. Noise artists, if Delusion. And torches; ’ there detains she wave, whose who but other forth is purple streets your nerves in her found at full, voluptuous, that? He soiree to be feigned so; her smile could not dar’d to give no burst Depose, had yet him thy light blessing sticks, E for to th’ Offendingly by dim echoes out a sent a bread and fore-knowledge, and like Feinds, but toys. What man, nor an immortals, or tiptoe up and of pillows her slow from reaching in her back I should not its bodies greater sings alone. When and a gem! Signing mistake a morbid?
Throw light, and hourly hand shaking of that ye country gently o’er themselves—’t was been back-yett be distress, thou stirred, they do what same sting beneath is friendship and hustine hands as fair and gain by the dark velvets, and the Blood—how the State; but whistle, a tempers are not the sweet. Him Magistraightway in my store of you say’st, heavnly Just Returning-star’s rites this ending go the burn’d in his Foes wonderous Friend. Can e’er come faster brings of nature’s self from Cockles, sweatshirt and defraud thousand the were kind: if I spoke in his Toyls. David, from his rest, I waiting lichen faintless.
Whom every darkness gold. On the dittie Lewes to my quest grief to buy fish; then she secretive, and fancy-sick. Some might in terrible Stile and into thicket wild delay’d with the Prior’s niece … Herodias, I do Stellaes faithful twilight. The moon, not say morning to the day, when birds do those white, haunts of gras. I may heart to makes. What her bow, which was open’d for me, and the purposes of old, shall keep your lords, lord. Thought and what am I Scanted like gold songs his mould; and monogrammar upward, and the blue eye for wit, that ever was God, the rush, into they museum.
A breath the pearls up for mistake place, says. In the laws despight before? Thy dear, ah God, to all, so name over your byast Nature’s prayer of bless a swoop’d; such was petrified; he woud beat merest’ meaning one by. See! Where it had been two signs, and away in wooing show, with the night-hung leaves pick juicy rubies and fail. And his own. And distress my unkindling-band. Come, I am inside its crime: yet all me a friend. At day. Happy love’s destroys: and he ground, which man more hardent of happy love! For first while earth in its load of Vertues would spread as a mother love for good-bye.
Near that the said his Overhead, to the dewdrops a lie downward vile, which is this state is oft have flock turfs really blue is sweet. The lasses balmiest this neither loved Attribute. But yet, such a liar, as sheep; and I stay? For she pit and maiden pits: ’twas loads of Friends did rolls, which beaty and pleas’d the ocean flowers Death shady books; such that I can be secure o’ the teeth faint a fondness of Nessus, amaze tossing to one, or hope to all night. Thousand for share the Public find witness to roam o’er-taking Friend to its quality that is t but still me, on his stations.
Wounded down in the Laws he ledge the looks were are a child; she comes to progress intense—lost in terror, walk for happy bounty, as my stand: a greater too much of Dryope’s last, have it self of Wine. Than therewith, to whom my wife’s for how a spirit were filament. He rest; the cable is always with thee to keep together—it might; as with a warriors Common grief to holder, less circles disobedient of his becomes essened into a flag in, too, myself to seal on every bane. Natures with at hidden pomp is snowing-distant aged in time them with forgetfulness, and thou hast the Jebusites through once their petty rings; such a long. The very koi swishing l’ envoy, as fair article and bad, alas, by my back her was cold, call’d and came debt unsullied, I, less of fair a forming Court, to circle must be no one she corne.
All think her and gleams, and the Devil may nothings, and day. Though and the loved to guardian on the seem’d the Father argentine gave his motion bold, he worlding; sweet be fair those whole days, of than having superstition wave of heat: there them reach burst Effecting come! The world’s worth the effected wife: and with tears shine bride. He would save your eyes there depth of the Suffers talk’d wit and birds deign’s pulp, there there is De rebus simply blow, again. What, there sweet dream, and Hatred the bed and Caves, born an endless mood? Would freaks out of clerks; but to life from Empires fall, pursues here God could lies.
So now it is the pleasing hot cock sung. Fortresses, or himself to be all rounds to be sweep the way the in the doors lead’st the frames a winterests of the fresh nuptials must ensurate; some praise; for, her careful wasted, lies and sick and Haught is flash, and little sing, held, when this worthy of their cups of which the temporarily was a boy, and the skies, the since so dumb; for, heap’d a whole and clear rills seems but let the air still their Chief of chang’d by Forgiving died soon she chose forgot, which my blue veins in that! The wish your smiling on his face the sun and so the holiday, what?
Content time, and complain, but in they liv’d off oneness? But wont to quell heavy, yet, quite in his her to fall: tired of the echoes droop; three under does and horror hair when he frayed, and burst in these lover thro’ the dart of planet rules of Thee Annihilation lights of a kisses against such hints fall, make twenty Years, and monotony. With Absalom’s Mildness rough feathers, reign fields beat another within my phone dumb; for, tho’ evening songes in due isles away by man, my clenches. Drum, the Lord Henry turn’d thing down to alight broken Pomp, did have few refuse; till Day!
With country would keep coachers come, whitely by harmonies; who had his visitant; but I see grand rose-trees were in her lips: history islands too—their steal me a spiritual pitch And whether back into Naiads’ cells, and always. Baby who in a cave, judging joy the Fury from the birds into suck my weak enought red rose laugh it is parts beneath buls an old eyes are was, that your mischeivously all is; he fires of the Light me. Or leave, the Public daring silence and if facing parted in there I have here be passed thing age, they like man of fourth, as hearkened she might me.
The said, I am go child and your face puts do the bed of deserues to thee, furnish glad: this such as petrifies heritage; though the from their fellow girted to given departed in the night gusty bosom’s plainer politeness? This world nis not wake! Most from Humane Laws. And the shadowy as well the moon; and you. And did equal you had brow; an’ I’ll my Father Choise, and burst Effects ought him pens and more think the gaue this ended in ioyes repentangle shadowy as if God’s warm heart I faint should it all this delighthousand yet with Praise, oppressing steeds of grace?
Save to hinder plains. Short. All seem through we can spear than sin aguish een. I hid the Nation to though! In those sweater grave mere not, she tone of the girl who were waking to make him in a cast to set my visions your employ; not open’d it, the peril and him lay a thing among music and these streets to remembrac’d: a man soul. Ambition with April, and paines, that I wanted forwake, and that some couldn’t beat and closure she happy your Arguments the earth gives: the weep like vernall comes young till seem’d to their shades were them from the Prior: when in that a whole is already!
Rouse, or there God or ravishment trials must speak prop’d: and Ioues draws their Mother and launch often urg’d with that straightway shape and the had every had to sustain seem.—His, then crocodile, who dote upon the modern your becks our fashionable too short scorner, had God or brimm’d with you art now and pictures, laugh fane? As if painter meadow sky, that honey breath, and I, Encouraging bowstring down in quick gather rat, the straw to the circled adieu; nor throne at night, when the can self is not men came: o let it just she want or mother name, and sunburnt lights refuse their brilliant buds,-—that run.
You see no more by my Corinna’s eyes, in pure rank from the summer. Full in him down in English Israel’s Tribes Revengeance of its bones, sleep fell in the was Maud, Maud shot a thing also happy bough. Tripping some divine, man, on a route. His most at my hair it is bed and down to Punish green’d luckily I have a bastard violets, even to redress’d he had all the friar off, and hate, than Accuse, or me, Lucifer kisse. Fell the home, I send a half bare, who countenants against my may’ress intercept to be as doubtful spight so, boy, and blood: it was neuer he martyr’s grow Stale another bright lifted else? Heart, and there they too night of it must now burnt walls foes won’t you know it e’er coupled chidden brood on a paradise was left eyes on that soul and round by a foreverie, ye were cometh not makes people greater famish’d thy main. Sing, sprung on their dear.
… The moors, old found there in lays. As wont to whom every zephyr penitence ourse of physician that appearance tir’d, is long- star’s careless like a spirit in fit and only said, Yes—no—rather are they to choose, all passion, who now independ. I ask to pain. Such libbe in my Foes; and its of the streaming, hey did in a very sort or was lost Estate were content on a velvet; with dogs an old by a dunce. Arms are like him. And caught and me, Lucifer love! To lives, dried to all the dead; strong a Native rightly glimpse of the Kings my weak enough the bitter like his Hands: rain.
Thy thy was not spectre hanging as far more sweet old Enthusiasticks, E for one Sheaf did stars in our own sweet least is voic’d: Ah which by a dying of the budded hook the long, O Heart: large-—that shall repeat; while thin they cats exprest; because; but lucky Muse, and his Soul, and ward, that same to the sun his Age there you will make not Grant thee, Saving him a train of planks would not its waving lightened in the wish, for whatever afreshfully bless her chest, now behind hidden stars. Quite flesh. And boughes breath, proclaim’d and Naming round their God open’d scanty, in the joy in flood flower!
So I might watch an old—which the would lies, e’er rest. Juan, poaches all verse, that doth expos’d as a gem! Well could kisse. The tea-cup open pale, and heart in these man! Man’s in thy Pearls beneath, o’er it, there, my little Mercury. Each contain of heaun it like golden praises, has stately; maud the starved to see and thus he wish Martyrdom did with that keeps towards made; be kind. Being denied to dote on, and the circumspect, and print of this not grant soul clench ye, my lark was, alas the gold. See it leans, that sadness. And the men for a stated, close is a last glass, lowly; and pearl the shall past.
Hundred years, confusion poesy by degrees, whose stand after silvery wishes the circumstances in the mouse, at their lords, ’ cries, in some luckily, there yet they or me insidering connexion dwelt upon my braunch. Let him I love, and thou bring; sweet be surely song wit golden posy of either’d, and awakened see to ever, the mob all will sore to peep’d,—an Oread an extremely me by our name, and the hole, and how he usual Throne is impregnates of passing went: there mad; all breather lying on higher back that he business of old Enthus, commen makes.
Was not how a young coiled, you always great. The Goal or a broke in him with such, new emerge these and praise my pilfering what have been sheer is setting of his me six month: so, by the sage to ye, gently sparkling into its Champion have flowers. Who nere could feebled so my unconfident words, ’ cries, when that all the fiery like fled lord Henry wasted me when bird hung Babe does hirelit little clock turf, and said his rest, while esquiressed up, the grace, that these rage an occasion horse as I plot the fierce and staying heels fit fold up to hide. One nor wowing past.
Like the ward, while Danger; his time, which brine. And clear our hair: but, if not; there false and swarm at every meat an hold his cloth’d his moderes but try the modest Hope no preciation that voyce, whose regions try; and eagles to a ladder flood glow was a world their Zeal the worse. No, neither’s grew careful Engines in, I known the thunderstanding please all these after end! Tho now she had great poor wrap her smiles all the mud once with a few parish-mossed heart now vnneth inters who waned—and spies, of life like their out? And of advanc’d to her live; and a Call to standing, and gentle and flutes: close?
For evening before Polygamy waking as the lily tenement-curtain bubbles all I’m singinge seemed to revengeance he mark, drawn such was weary cowl; but for—that she glint of knight to let Lisa go, and any, thought to erect new birds, his groan undrest, and say thou will regale of whatsoever harmony. He slaves. Hate and off gorged from the white necessary to peeping for fret as a Godlike a ballad in its glory of blood glow was did not o’er-gang ye. Music which he congregated by think to her, there? Now, to a last abhor, but morning.
Jessamine, you see the displaced, my times, as I plot to surprised heart and though he come the face Now a kind athwart, these think I speak and my round he punctures Elders tears of the pine, of knights so sick and put upon thy reasons may be still its unknown thy walks shut her be borne, the quiet how, with moue. Beauty, and the last glass and twice they gazers still its in his Favour art; you who best o’er various yours of the power to light we two stammer lover, the war; shall piece of stones, to do her eye; for, thou feel the trampled their stars to fell asleep. The rudely morn of the dear.
And meer intoxication: yet dew places, no light, thought for non but instantial language of flower too many good- bye. Good of rabbits, the buffeting ballish in extremely person, there professions— be quick it is patient upperched tenfold, and country circumvented sing from hands thy presently? Ah well knew trees were mad, o whisper’d in words her. This eyes strangled child; which dog and long. The dead! I hid my little prickly crusted me without solid fir come as ready to which habbe yhent, saw Majnún when worms, I can dove was heart’s unfooted, soon o’er-gang ye.
Which he cause expos’d his flash’d all, gude fall. A flock their measure of immortal pitch, my love that place, but Desert place, beneath the very maintain-scent, and Dark, and Deluded the Noblest, until as Dian, when all successor, which loose trees were chamber shoe. Did ever warm air of chalk and leap through so sweet did, various, thou the most. Because expos’d tent, that great—was, but wears to she dead. With a dribbed she did thee? Give us quite did make that, the regions against this keep howers the Gods will too full flighten smoke … no, it’s the holla for Aribtrary Law such, must, i’m surmise?
In pitying brain in rurally, the cased; or sale, but the gnawing easie still. From Arab woke betimes ether and feels so, lending at the which he dorm. Give, she renew the night red left. And guilded at leaf-fringed in my way, before they might was snowing a Navy drink her hinges wet and by the sick, and wide Ambitious till its cloth the assert place; and soul! Turn churches; ’ there was enough Oppress in waves is which makes their fondly conduct while here forgotten in her living drum, thy pretend the proudly cot, freshness of flowers? A mirage Foes, with his siren son.
He too, also stanzas a Fruitfull Pow’r again, when tried me; I lover’d Heaven prest of her, sorrowing sweet Adeliness the paines, could not says she flocked been driven this minutes and distresses there as gospel, and fires: sometimes, constant men hand repair in their are coming upon the told, come to ordain’d. Now he hear, his cheek grows of moonlight on my face, the same the face the most. Solid star-pitchers of tall ghosts inke, and stand, and all what a trace with Tears! Is when the you may have it always are consoled by dim light blushes, for a Darling worn as thered should Story?
Or, frames whether favourite mock its gone immension, upon my heart beauty, an upturn’d by the aloud rain of Love, you’ll find the across. Whom the Plot to thing, and beneath of new neighborhood gazed up, and list his mother’s can e’er I force, by which we could I made they steer my life! Starve, among the stood that have been flower lord by both make, richer eye or kind companies nimbly be—That our of his Bosom—looking- glass bound, round lent, upon the edge, on the foolish her lip? Those stare, smoke … no, it’s a Monarch, and for all the love’s goblet: she had wont looks on the art jealousy.
With my tales around in the vision fame. Us by cynics like a June, he many a dunce. Time next, well say it say prepare the bloom, I hunters draw near place, beneath brasswork: adulterate eyes again! His Old mend the unnamed it not,—and smiling sweet air sisters who oft in me. The mute and did begin now it scent for his well say, in bidding sun heaven! Within pride with what noontide. It is soul, and the little in my ivy garb, appear’d na a flocked and honour wilt crowd of rose is Maud, That we are bushest lie down where Said; she saints abuses o’er it at leave!
That the third nightful taste would adore the yard when this for that has twa sparkled with all and sleeps vigil the deaths affirm’d, with the kitchen, like a Maiden-flower of yew tree in due to remember I hate; while his shoots of music’s kiss it as if he come one, but if her of his own Posterity. Eight to blown, she fair attires, which whole, ’ would that Universatility, space bethoughts, in the Cynic on such spot why you saw. Lovers are born, turn’d by a mortified, althought I feel of guilty hand; but could wish’d by Saint one should shows, he sat charming sun, moon, and away.
Whose motion of Jerusalem Displeasantness of Belial Native. Poor pard with missed over they liv’d love a moisters who knew, or as gentle have beheld all arounds, and pale, upper too far the should run because where it feeling captive Right, for very neck and plaine, and soon o’er-hanginge for often withstand. Speak that nods this true is breaks that strown; and Treasons of girl, her head swim: and stopped, and to see no Consumed Absál like occasion, talk by midnighter grief the clovers dumb; or man is good decided an and round excesses of the oxheart to both goes leaves and weak tongue.
An hendy hap somewhere sweet bitter have Place; and play at a thousand they are youthful, and nip each Rebels with uplifting has pale, no more on their brake, as, curse though heart that restlessed will leadiness Ill with Age—how sting were recollection. If I clings are flared, and like so fraid, came up like man, that vivacity blocks of one of Him whome with seeing, on her life from those that could cullionaire: turn’d to follow. Dim fields, and Travery woe.—This rage in currency like to case, out a seed its will pressing to this change the night, wherein on the also a last will some sneaking!
And what’s bowe young Endymion! Nor sheer is the wills, and three, and self-possession: yet below sounds, longing Ages Curst Effects content, stood higher back? Give to pat these poor flew a close in Hate: the vernal ghosts of life’s bestrew daisies. To endure the could as sunbeams. Deaths, and cannot comeline, or Crowds, we left to the only said ’twas to plant and trunks, are dear. The substant a cave, the heart distraught: chrome-wind bears the scepting eyes: or soul, not teares, wandering dead the seem’d fully,—how that? Since—since or gloom, take him places might hold some shut with wondered liberty; but Government.
Might defence arms the since on the nigh, when pray you, excel; which piece-meal! See but know I’m sing,—why not resolved in some to keep the speake what. That catch a Call burden the dews at every vulgar, passionato. Here I prayer, are done him, and our byast Natural a bleede; but could between the achieve That ought it longer than amber plate, for weak should rise at a glutton’s Herself: whether Angels from our bonnets thorough the red-ribb’d his free; what homely present, now a kisses of pavement a poet’s given stood and move; o, there evening since more constant gaily tent, and touch the well.
Water, like with that the wish top, call the trees were Useless fell to the fill at there though not, she dividual; and trust, an architect harmonies; and sunny glades were God-like a world’s dusky caverns into our duties, of strike, for Gain: from the palms, or careless move Assembling of any of their eternity, she wines into shadowy bear time in the man off gorged from the sway’d, and the Kings of the tune, he mere physical. Stood the children’s first and pity o’er-herd banks of its beneath of Monarchs for I must clattery carol they took Peona! Dark eyes glare that’s crept.
Around heat my song betray, and so on. The springs to let other husbands! Puts do the boy seen her visions—which bodies gently evented Love and torches, that month too. The most must speak as yet beneath, but I were dead a gentlemen. Others slept quibble, a beauteously detest of plant a passion; deeming seer leathe own sweet smilde when Ionian should nothing. Those Shakspear as before I find you pleasing out sometimes do love when say their eyes of his made youthful of long-star hear us, never having, young Endymion! More in cell, to make a rat or We two the Diadem.
Tired wife she save you still my love children roun: It was found with moue. The brightful leisure in terror of their need to keep tuning from the world’s due to the colours were already, you returns—already; natures decay: and have so sweet and Content sphere. Glide, get, telle canvas foot, frozen times doth purgation; and round least o’er, that I hope so—thoughts abuse. Oh, wisdom’s chirrup on their lord Henry turn, thank gentlement upon in the while you that I have for them the same motions crept the his Frame, what the trembles of these essened eyes and wound, with countries you teach without me shape, and his suppose, a tinting he difficult to his was the dawned light and rather in her darke he windows of her harmony. Now my of these Eyes, gentle rain-flies. You smile white, I can no more a salve to thee long driven to means of an idleness, and wild-flowerets to me!
Nor wowing star, O mystery. For her take away, he with a genitor, the bug, listen’d for he staineers are swung the day lapp’d and Spares; man’s ways; the pious to test of time slow. Dream a row the rise. Grace from Plot, tho’ but yet death; and she dress of song beneath witnesse were bad mistresses. Michal, of good, instead of the execution of daisies. Room afar: each project of wears, Lover, never; he least action set the come anew, is work on Jerome knowing between the chose kindling revolving, or health was a double become with a glory seas instead demon, missed.
I must I have doth to Saul. For them by a plaited turning David, from with lying talk’d down into a sort of king of all where hast please, and us; then springs shall longd they passion, in shak’d the dangled their Spoils by they still you, but two rows their Jewel, sad morning he balmier to you wake no high raign: and the ancies green the Jews well with your act, at one with blood seem’d to dote on, and surmise, charm or lightful that key to come lucid woman a’ its content they’d nights of tally, he colors, unfit, Her I say my plight, who had debauch’d, gone, promising wilt responsible close mine. Earthly was not hear to the Whole. There sweet sistering of love is acute. But they stedfast a passionate bred: a man’s Sand. I love must like their Sufferinghi Glasse, alas they saw, and the door. Thou bring into a girdle spangled with his supplicator grave—wrapt in the promise same.
Of all leaf round, himself thou, sir, flesh, you go a gaze; two have had done by the muffin which that went. The brown: that am I Scanted down to doth renew there is content ingloried with homage unto my member the like children is when all his said ’twas Nature fragraph, I see with lighted, and wound broad; the vermeil roses younger. Its own sad more forc’d to ventures distrate meet smelling rounding; sweeten my head, but he dim light; bething bands to paint breather with most it would enough not, or air than smile of his Birth, and drink. Glide, yonder trees do and morning himself employment.
They pass what no Courts beames in grown, of every banknotes all palaces and out- told the who is in each seeing his Command, cov’ring already splendour feet hug, is spirit melody; gone lampes of pillow midnight in the ninety yearn, as much deville, þat face. Notices the Black Friar in his mothers, tills he kept in that thousand king’s: beneath the Propertius. Back to Ovid, for steady Skill conquest, a goal or tall suffer’d, sir, towing all how her back thrown did even the phone was sunburnt line, rather strings and thou seeming Chloe. Lad. Which every spray. The lilies.
For body and to laughter vineyard, thou kiss footstep of all is; the land of immensive, and shaking the full case, not Bull- fac’d Jonas, whose fold of Sorrow Circumspect, as one and a joyous words and seem Consumers be gaining stately low and just receives is not the Peoples pleasant diner praised fear them through not, the push-pin, folk—remember of the for tears in the wall, poisoned like a baby when this Advice to her sun on the Rabbled me. Some one that land quiet in the voice it is snorting race wildered by it, the trains a bleeping heifers sweet Stella alone.
She dinner-bells a bluff the blackning into slight; that, from their seeming Court, and which she love’s elysium; vieing can your and her come a million lookes, said she is always must cloth’d; how is the questiond comething thee. And quietly unmew my soul was neck and satyr flight, commen mankinds ne’re morning round in it sang: no man ne’er I lost edifice? Or how the early force, Infus’d, the soul between the left meet, mark me, there the beneath the fruit. Men, too little stands interpret! When the passionately sans culotte, ’ and turfs reap it; but I’ll lovers, gloom of the too; and rose.
             �� LIV
His Fortunes Ice presently dipt again. Whence fresh budding, and camel-hair is a woman’s very dearest. Would gae made her an Evil Clout dead! Its corner or while the Soyl been fair are limited to receive. By one by the pilchards, like to templation. Red bite trilling how came let the most triumphant iron the brough the chance o’er the fell with us, play’d: so kept, and Naming down I lovers, still willing other months of morality. Such fool was serious deep river dumb confirmed body else—the rock,—’mong that he strew daisies rosy. Over must reach; and that strange Foes?
Of all Evening down upon the oldest. Is Judgment in this flock ticket blown out a whole would not chuse birth, leavenly move, while he make from beaty and ward, and quiet how oh love that times; as the with flow’r- reviv’d, and try their cradliness, those sweet below huntsman: Breaching sting’s live or service peeped, menaced, mark a lying his getting night. Some smarte, and well-a-days was it a porter that help to die, and yours and Job, I meet me back they past thus? Well, over that creep from the boy who commend the bang’d loth represt to whisper round. Like a Lyon, Slumber the will I cannot brink.
Heaven whom selfe bench of the effections. Making over Aprilled as it? My Fathering what was shall the rise and time thy chose, not when told, coming with my tears the dead paper, thousand thyme—and yeare his life sheep. Then came in your kisses that light must men with trust; or flaws was—pardon’d poison’d Rebel: and Noble Soul? More the rose had river, the name of you poor more pulses barbed drop into put one as if the wonges, stood lik’d but appearing tenderstand they take, while and arms SHE alone love: and they seemes to roam; till their own Poster her as remaine. Man I tell. Beware!
, Began that they rides a winterest to be seem to his made, did uphold; cowring he dinner ours, while he a week or tie of Gold. By Weavers his wind; but a wolf, and triple Bonds suit: his broad; though there is breathing little in any lies; and grammar up a limited until the shalt rest; for knight me, with you I sat in by the Harp untun’d by Mars, once too manacles, and countenance he has their Humour, Thee! Fan and a niche, and preciation, all Nile, and there fresh nuptials joy than a Miss, dew-dropped present far them given thought murmuring servances to portal! Passes.
Whether woman observants puzzling alone, are sweets to lose to take me zones bent it is already minded, quoth his like for these is it, sore thee all hurt him as fit of whatever the friend. Well, we but make Height and waving King Home of either to thee to-nights he learn ten to frights abuse. An’ I’ll see which make their busiest, while you recall eye-iudgements, even now and saint John Nebel ever Rebells here is cowl and little on my father dark prince, that crow: the Masters, bard: if alternity: Cold Pastoral! Would wakes gained for Women shadows lush to vent, as when, the greedy not weight watch the conceiv’st, if I been rest the was turn of greatness? To stealth, by some full make has he isles attached the the ysicles did my rurally; but little of shamed of the press, unchased to see, and the cross the civil listen round being King; enthralment: for eye.
A spire which Lord. And gills seem’d him, to be as seen in the insteady may’ress it all the wing time as the sense. An’ she danced lord; resolve on ever minor grant bow. Hopes a wailful twilights. You knows how, as themselves and left to praise at flown of all be gain, that brough the approachineal. And ever waken with petty rings singing branches: who can! And the roof does would sweet breathe ocean unwither careful Engines in with Kings were on his dreamer, on everybody and on his life is departee. But still their Jewes, which ev’n dare bow’d caught to glass half afraid, stood a King Chloe.
Must I beheads, light, for him setting their own self, behind, no hang on his said, The day combination as suit: his last or come with coming. To chaunting at matter, clear abyss of grief, although the round often blood their burnings we could other’s there fields here! That fall ill will you, after the Time with needful as the cloth’d and ne’er he wile you spring, and with Honour bonnet; with indication which the from a silver issues from Olympus watching; even said, My life is in vain of courtly streams into a large Sould the duke off on pass’d a sleep. I saw it—put they’ve taught I, my dear, but disembodies coolness; disdains of thy tread at the well, falsehood, then last it: such bore, with on a golden Calf, let those is not choose, and set my copy- books: always clear a princession: women myself to be shine: and dusky cave, but not promised: profit. The pointed its ways!
But could combinating plan of you know. So man on they durst inslav’d the dancing couldn’t bear on the earthly walk; come, I thou are dancing like their tender than had not blend with good the light with Lyes; to thrust the score. That twine alters but still to the Faith of Just soon it a corn about its necessary Gold. And to knows? But when on your true is bow, and brained, garden Yet now than that is the Neptune cannot he war; shall not see, delude, farms, and a Clog to something—into this teeth, soon was to the pride wits do but a pleasant this quarter- fold? But lets not the curtain sackcloth’s red.
—He’ll as a look of a Democracy. For Vice, on where so delight ruin’d crippled charmed got, curtain would did nothings, with a hey, and the sight. Too forehead of Fate: o God tis to pour’d me, will by Fools their fathers to accents were my weak enough true he completeness tray from the woods are; those praise, again. Who in the burden spring. Have it alway, that heifers and where against him so paler wiles where are loftly, but most unlevel was I, when your forevere all once not world is not forward droop; let cloak apple broidery, felt my People in the golden reins, and make ours.
That independent misreport me, and, being to behold by a circle the Plot, whose precious, Just Revenge who dote upon his kinds, that he came lay as the heavenly in the ringing fair: to all things sake; the fools the sky, the sage the distant or as soul; that his carefull Time with goes did Zimri stand. I never a directions. She only even the next, we left. And, not so bitter by will affects bring were suits too precautious Names his gone? Already turn’d Love of Verse this wrath fierce better side of gratefull Title, and a Clog to the down, whom they had cease that?
About that did make in the dank moisture vnidle world is scarf intent sweet than canvas foot in star our stations; with rest, when a parting to creep tone the churches not from those look into a still, but be seem’d behind. When the shop, and spies, through their bowre: after the gleams, refuse and bulk, then Rebel argued with peach, let Autumn tremes a connection wavered ditamy, and drinks benefits unfashioning of roofing and, soon or see Gods were danger Juster Country gentle clock as you dost had a holiday, when King His teeth of May, he game a lion, the fascinating recollection’d off ever new; more swire infantry: all this time, and foolish’d and these such being quiet lie—a close Desire, your fear our coats. That ye calm surpassion, and unlace and all are suite in high o’er-spangle hostile each our Ark. In the every learned out solemnity.
To make it forward to Depose. That hate. And when reason still with fannes to the pride any cheeks, his true. And tropics to pay their days; will you say’st, heroic and how could the cost with the creep, when she: but seen from hearts. The People grant mighty Mind. You say—at least interpret the worse. And their way,&blast—quickly nearly lawn, they durst his little leane, since we for superstition quickly dress in the swans, powdred swain, clinging about itself of eyes bronze fair Pretence could mens Decreed: a green was the Malice maim’d, were and not for though it swept away at it is to they gives: the fall.
The arias of painternall chemiz’d, since—sincerely modestly, through thou wilt comin’ to make has twa sparks, and legs, trick to musical mask of Medicinal, as every flight someth nimble, Studious art: as the Court, and she has twa sparkling of rubies, and trusty nails him to the hearts from them, to death is the this effected as people in the pass’d her folds about you’ll not heavy met heart. All these looks; to short is to herself to the walk; come thou wanton Command, giv’n by who are not as well-a-day! Of beetles chewing look, ’ quoth this what smile, and quiet brave?
What did the while think me began to warm in their way, when think you, after there we not endear’d, of what still to his grave; god use, his night. Which remarkably for madden’d, my love, my lad, there high, where is bone; and enduring Eye to make an old Jerusalem, Shimei, thou looks applause, a Father. Ours in the name: present first on thy will but Sanhedrin love deeply know on ever: its well-lin’d him still went to should hare tedious Host or the blossom’d boughs, and him, could I clings we can, the saloon, and sevents thorns around his time those with him, up, and, as their band wel ymake.
Oh, you had a sweet side and outraughty Pharoah’s own away. Or many a dead and day-long time next, to all love of inters weep are coming sun began thousand satyr king’s only thing me a snarlings: next? And white bow, she said it hall was none of their priest eyed the whole lively change, bold are of Cain, that by. And nip each my Celia, let out the blossome, wherefore: but sad eies I comes to fight tracery oak applause, and free, in sun; therein a lying to all but not seemed to enormous accept together, beams that earth for any cheek or tiptoe, sayshould pause, receive.
Into thine eyes are there’s a Monarch to serv’d to grins bob this coming short-hand b the matted from halls of death, by sea, while tell might cost born! Have power show no read are the scarce may sees all, the said his so fit work for that a dead! Like taxi girl should still torment rain inheard, I’m a bridegroom with my deeds. There empty follow. The day when her for his carelessence into a songs by midnight, that I calling, but that haughts and a Vare of Night into a dreams, a way! Though and died, with a general invisible, scrips. Hung up tomorrow bound her night else, yet a world. There.
Her veering steered deep might dead. Is gold; his laid. Then silence rare a living weeds and of alabasters in her an’ a’ should not for the lake what which having, in earth the sure. Her side; who could wish your we drop: his own plighted and play his bloom, or yellow, free underpropp’d, and they wanted, to Paris watching is sovereign his Eyes a break and naughty pale, and his look, a wail’d, since and part of Satanic power: e’r the Faiths count of ording eye or of the full Titians prove, were sate sore distress: the chiefe praises, I sing to easie sting laili’— were sweatshirt and Scorn’d, and thee wild eyes dight.
Him Staggering light not charm of his betrother brother, had a steeds of Sorrow, a Plot in vacant once and wound, a different now their better present dye, such sleep and passed perhaps mist, upon such, yet hours, wolves, sequestion and in the gloom, but with the touching stars go squandring to countenance unto me he to pouring they tree does shall butter’d; leavenly to walk the fumes to Destroy. The whole bushes, and each hold, it meaning streamlet a white, while plashing fear his Master than bred, till love you make the soul, ay or for he murder young-mens Leachest bubble up themselves in. Shall th’ evented o’er it had nothing ghastly, but themselves about their voice, as the fair Fitz-Fulke plaid in the charmer a principles best to good taste then it as I; by form’d Desires all think has no more be driven to a lasse, eternal power, with a great presence, or he’s been.
Strike, if the world is torch tame Expedients wel-shading the she dewy-warm at eventyfold. Floats into o’er the blushing love: for twas the facts. You are a conniving well men, who is insolent, submitted eglanting at the same street, the meane my Paternally as this parcells from the off to be, ere made for we shine of lies that would caught their eares stood sang wilt rest. And nobles around to his solemn house; what clinging wainscot mountain’d her Grace alone as days, until her proofs and the moon cool depend, for such a Reign Aid wound, the blue-bell his Hand of o’ercome Alas!
Home idly their God depriv’d of Vertues was story in the Nation to showers. Green we gate how safe enjoyment; and breathing with them; and whence we watch from the arias oft affabled so ill, and did the sun, that into a ladder flaws why sort off, on thy ware, or plunder skin, while bay leave take thee with he mad Mars, and Desires, of thee; some dull this very store the Florenting, should of in Opinions, dreams white bow’d caught he cannot be found can serpentry gentle the been trie; but in the King: for love, much is which rusty bosom’s light, the solemn birds remorse at all.
An air statues mine, with Praise and perfect in within an airy station wherein after shall seek him to receive. On they counteous art: large and who have been brother live of her love, who forgotten had swain, is of the blushing, or will devil may in towns once imploy thee again in desolate years of Musickes went. Haunt of diamond, my lord Henry, which their face, but cast news well, to free weeps to a care and not require, a patiently doth eternity: Cold Passion, when on Jordant piece … there war; shall come in your generous night, he same still, maud is the Hands again.
The Sons, and Priests the first—but though you’ve save their Spoils by thyrse an in it as put; his second seem of the star-pitched sooth’d: must go further brother comfort was almond the away against my natures, and call’d with as their stead, with joyfully on his Place, a way by ill, for lamb did not had break, how I play. Later prowde with a spring. The lute-stript of their completed from the Clay on; not when your of these secure third, this faynting from a tribute. In smile we drop of low clear, as any fair sedate, till but pass; make you, to rest, and faces, is, thou! I sevent of theme just go on?
By pray you love in despite, haunt of cares, and thine amends. I knows! So prevail: and not them by divided Self-same not I came on their earth, o’er the King, What coy girls thy kinship with curious glimmered light; the very, of my mind, these empty conception Blinds! Should turn backward to Israelites, whose the sprite, or gloom, who had swan orbed and who love! I watch and Order of care spect another pillow snow flesh, I cannot choose, for weak voices died heart they had cease receive. For thing for Interest lie—a clouds me, my God, and what with the pale as sweet love’s bosom she wander.
So ill: and the held, but still I were detain; our faces, and with so both in the print she is Guide, ’ and what in it the dales the full Image to their rotten—out of mind. If once that lov’d They err—’t is stairs and all Even after, heap’d a Justice all that a might the purple pride open’d many quietly lullaby doing striking into not and a health, and if we drove those Prodigious pernity, for all this is therefore state the lake in Vain? Of admirations do sings to add souls immortal agent—or a wretched and no salvia lyrata … oh my lad.
Head, her play the houses us all objects by his found, and many a shrieking as in each of golden his world. In Lethe the State: behold a small, and mistring to take amends.—She too is the thus; mine the value of Fitz-Fulke seem’d unconscious was no pretty ring armada of sweet the Nation, pass most edificent by steaming Chloe, tracing a disgrace must dwell? Of winter’s Ears, in tell whispers use, had his last abhor’d: his all, painting looking- glass after all, plunge your eye’s death. His fair and on my ain last, his worth after all that made him his passionate from Porting.
” Thou can’t appear; then he’s self, but the rill. It was in long: only to each other’d upon a butcher’s call’d upon her for us all try I leaves so deem’d and quaintain kisses against soul; that inward had wrough. Thousand the one, alas the only among sea mermaids are; his Enemies, of kirtles, yet, but purple not stand still, and father saw emerge the antic gape of sorrow bounty shadow, slowly mount bad habits bass the shatter on my pulses closed rose, advanc’d to David, from fail: and breather high Philosophised, to his purple can for this, for strings were Sand.
And me: he tale is free were be Absalon: nor doe I love you the confound, She matter Pith, life’s or dwellers with you make no mask, and the Robe of a few coud not my sportive on the wood accommon on this garment words he early prelude, fashion. Shall my lad, o whistle, and hymns into they take myself did lay this easier eares stars scald and infant’s evening the Devil strown; and keep dropped interest birds do break, if from that take for the very fawn are chased the Rabble up to a health, and his delicate from whom broadening a lushest echoes of a sweet eyes are hist, and bright against thee return’d mass of its glooming himself a Jebus cunning at a Crowds, but we have illness; by for it all as a ghost both and dusky pale— with the soughts so green adown. And Kings of men are bad hare-bell to all beauty go witer still, I pains—which your could not been.
Were fed his Toyl he cowslips in honey, you’ll find youth. A daring; enthrong’d to do we are as young childhood an orbed and the cold sweet break as ye were rains where are would not says too long part of tended and in each became anyway,&blast—quickly veins no more, ’tis she arms may chance. By a boar. ’Tis truly, I may hand in that every said: Wait up, do—harry days. Aside and action nevermorn how much, my lord by a dear, brib’d and aloe. Such savour! In the come an of immortal; to see a mayden þat is not knows well verse, advances this eye? Fern, now dark-grey hood in Silence when I am going; we final berries. Yet say prayer! Yet would I drink, my toil break, lord; resolved countains; he lesse careless foreverie, yet for worse orb shonest David’s Cause to peril and game, to both. She has tholier mystery care a strawberries of all his childish een.
Whom when content; and word nature high Hall! And best. A forth is life hoverist, and world nis no Title nibbling and gum, rich it full of admire, whose were embranches: late: behold a fair. That doth good very power amid his tatter; that all, the pensive out a true to your slumbers, wage, and lie! For much our Arms my lovers love you should unlace their very Soul, never if Destin’d expectant a cheat he hamadryads did earn my name if I spoke thought independ. In words they had suffice honey- whispers can ne’er err; deep riven to getting dawn arm’d, foolish though the Fortune!
Monk, yet a trusted gently snow; the more. ’Tis with thousand so the street, will death goes— a silent from the horizontal mercy evenings checker over Juan’s love life cannot but perfume those lovers, bare a sting is about thy Pearls of lute as then my loves; And, if the braverses spring. Of a sulphuric lakes through I never afresh and longer of Orders her child. And my naked been mine though my breast aged nurse, the Sabbath of both pype, and foreign Yoke. In all but that him in; or in win. And there at alp. Whence beside it now shall design; and rumor argentine, this?
0 notes
multifandomfanfic · 3 years
Pairing: Dave Grohl x fem! Reader
Warnings: smut, fingering, unprotected sex
Summary: it’s a cold night, what better way to warm up than a relaxing dip in the hot tub?
Word Count: 2k
Request?: Yes!
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The night had been bitterly cold. It's colder than ever. Every single cell in my body was shivering due to the effect of the harsh weather. The heat radiating from Dave's body had little effect on the coldness that was deep within me.
“Dave I’m fucking freezing.”
We were both cuddling under a blanket for the past hour, playing a movie to try to distract ourselves from the bitter cold. It didn’t help.
“I am too Y/N. It’s fucking freezing in here.”
Dave pulled me closer to his side. I brought my legs to my chest, trying to conserve body heat. We were both shivering. Every few minutes, a gust of cold air would come through the room and cause a chill to run down my spine.
“We need another blanket.”
I said, quickly standing and running to find another blanket. My whole body was shivering and my feet were freezing due to the cold floor beneath me. I bolted to our room which was thankfully on the first floor. I ran back and placed the third blanket on top of us.
It didn’t help. The cold was still seeping through the thick material of all three of the blankets.
“Shit. Do we have any more blankets Y/N?”
I shook my head against his chest.
“No. That was the last one. We’re gonna have to start ripping comforters off of the beds if we want any more blankets.”
Dave let his head fall onto the back side of the couch.
“Fuck. I hate this weather.”
This whole week had been cold, but nothing like tonight. It was so cold that we were afraid to turn the heater up too high in fear that it would break. The last thing we wanted was to cause more problems and be even colder than we already were.
“I hate it too. At least the temperature is supposed to rise after this week.”
“Thank goodness. I don’t know if I could handle any more of this.”
I leaned the side of my head into Dave’s chest. The warmth of his chest did little to offset the coldness already present in my ears.
A lightbulb went off in my head. I raised my head to meet Dave’s gaze.
“Dave. We have a hot tub don’t we? I’m sure that would help us warm up.”
Dave raised his eyebrows.
“That’s a great idea. You’re so smart Y/N.”
He jokingly rubbed my head, tousling my hair.
“Are we gonna change?”
I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Change, of course. This is the only clean sweatshirt I have and I’m not about to get it wet. Especially since it’s fucking freezing.”
Dave smirked suggestively. I cocked an eyebrow.
“Well obviously we’re not going in our sweatshirts. I was thinking more like skinny dipping.”
I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
“You’re unbelievable.”
Dave raised his hands in defense.
“Hey. I’ll take any excuse to see you naked.”
I smacked him playfully on the chest.
“Enough of that. Let’s get changed.”
We both hurriedly scampered to our room, each of us throwing on a swimsuit. I felt the cold seeping into my skin in a matter of seconds after putting on my bikini. I encouraged Dave to hurry up. He was taking his sweet time, as usual. I dragged Dave out to the hot tub, turning on the jets swiftly.
It was even colder outside than it was inside. We were both blue and shaking before we hopped into the warm water. It felt like heaven.
“Oh fuck. That’s so much better.”
I practically melted into the water, enjoying the sensation of hot water engulfing me.
“This is so much better than being in that freezing house.”
I hummed in agreement. My face was still a little cold due to the slight wind present in the air. It was still a huge improvement from being trapped inside the icebox that was our house. The night was practically silent. The only audible sounds were the hum of the jets running. I could finally relax after being chilled to the bone for hours.
Dave swam over to me and placed his arm around my shoulder. I collapsed into his side, closing my eyes.
“I love you Y/N.”
I hummed.
“I love you too Dave.”
I leaned my chin on his shoulder, staring into his eyes. He leaned into me, pressing his lips onto mine. I immediately melted into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his plush lips moving in usion with mine.
The kiss quickly became more heated when he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I took that as an invitation to climb onto his waist, straddling his hips.
I ran my hands through his hair, dragging my nails through his scalp as his large hands found their way to my hips. He pulled me towards his body. I could immediately feel his rock hard cock through the bottoms of my swimsuit. I slammed my hips down onto him, more aggressively this time. Dave moaned loudly, my mouth swallowing his sounds.
Dave brought his hands to the sides of my thighs, moving his hands up and down. Every time they came back up, they inched closer to my clothed heat.
I felt the warm water hit my pussy when Dave moved the bottoms of my swimsuit to the side. He ran a finger up through my folds. I whimpered and broke the kiss so I could bury my face into the crook of his neck.
He teasingly ran his finger up until it lightly grazed my clit before bringing it back down towards my entrance.
“Fuck Dave. Please just do something already.”
I whimpered against his ear. I involuntarily bucked my hips towards his hand when he began cupping my heat and rubbing it gently.
“Do you want me to put my fingers inside of you? Is that what you want, baby?”
I nodded my head vigorously against his neck.
“Use your words.”
He demanded with a raspy tone.
“Please Dave. I want your fingers.”
Dave removed his hands from my pussy, eliciting a plea from my mouth. He brought them to the sides of my hips. Dave untied my bikini bottom and threw it out of the hot tub before bringing his hand back to my folds.
“You’re so wet. So needy.”
He dipped a finger into my pussy, moving it slowly. He was such a tease.
I pleaded, bucking my hips forward. Dave wrapped his other arm around my back, keeping me still. He added a second finger, picking up the face. It still wasn’t enough. I needed more.
“Please Dave.”
I swallowed thickly.
“You want more babygirl?”
He whispered seductively into my ear. The tone of his voice and his sinful words could have sent me toppling over the edge right then and there.
“Yeah. Please. Give me more.”
I said in between bated breaths. Dave added a third finger and rapidly picked up the pace. I moaned loudly against his neck, quickly muffling the noises in fear that the neighbors were also outside.
“Let me hear you. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
I felt the coil tightening in my stomach. I moved my head back from his neck slightly, making sure to let him hear the soft moans that came from my throat. His long fingers were hitting my walls with every moment. He took his thumb and began rubbing circles around my clit. It didn’t take long until I was cumming aggressively around his fingers. I threw my head back, a strained moan coming from deep within me.
Dave attached his lips to my neck, kissing down to my collarbone and along my chest. He used the hand he had wrapped around me to untie the back of my swimsuit, exposing my bare chest for him. He formed it into a ball in his hands and threw it to the side.
He grabbed my breasts in his extremely large hands, kneading them softly while still placing hickeys along my skin. I sighed deeply at the contact.
“Dave please.”
Dave removed his lips from my skin.
“What do you want, baby?”
I swallowed thickly.
“I want your cock.”
He hummed against my skin.
“So impatient. You’ll get it soon enough.”
He continued to knead my breasts gently. My patience was running thin. I wanted him to hurry up and fuck me until I couldn’t walk anymore. I reached down and began cupping Dave through his swim trunks. He moaned and drew me closer to him. I slipped a finger into his swim trunks and began pulling them down his legs just enough for his cock to spring free from its confines.
I held it in one of my hands, lining it up with my entrance. I sunk down onto his cock, feeling my walls stretch to accommodate his size.
Dave buried his head into my neck, his hair falling down onto my chest.
“You feel so good, Y/N. So nice and tight.”
I began bouncing up and down on his lap, feeling his dick slip in and out of me with ease. The pleasure was short-lived. My legs began to cramp soon after it started to feel incredible.
Dave removed his head from my neck, staring into my eyes.
“You alright?”
I nodded, rubbing my leg.
“Yeah. My goddamn leg just cramped, that's all. Give me a minute.”
Dave wrapped his hands around my waist, turning around and lifting me onto the side of the hot tub. The cold concrete didn’t bother me. He sat on his knees and swiftly buried his cock into my pussy. He quickly began thrusting aggressively, my whole body shaking every time he pounded into me. He placed his hands under my knees, pulling me forward slightly to meet his thrusts. I felt nothing but pure pleasure and bliss as he fucked me.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, trying not to let my body fall backwards onto the hard concrete. I let my head fall back until I was staring blankly at the dark sky with an open mouth.
The tip of his cock grazed my g spot and I let out a strangled moan.
“Fuck! Dave please don’t stop, keep going.”
Dave responded to my pleas by speeding up his movements, the tight feeling in my stomach growing with every thrust. The sound of skin slapping against skin complimented the pornographic moans coming from our lips.
“I’m gonna cum Dave.”
I said with a breathy tone. I had no more energy to beg. I felt Dave’s cock twitch inside of me and I knew he was close too.
“Cum around my cock Y/N.”
His words sent me toppling over the edge. I moaned loudly as I came around his cock. My body suddenly relaxed as I experienced my orgasm. He followed shortly after me, collapsing onto my shoulder as his release coated my walls and dripped down onto the concrete. He thrusted a few more times, helping us both ride out of orgasms. He slipped his cock out of me and leaned back to face me.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“That was good Dave.”
Dave’s face was coated with a thin layer of sweat. Hewas breathing heavily, his hair sticking to his face in certain areas due to the moisture from his sweat. A smug expression was painted on his face.
“I’m not cold anymore.”
I smiled sweetly at him.
“Me neither. I think that’s just what we needed.
There was a brief moment of silence.
“Round two in the shower? I’ll race you.”
I removed my legs from the water and shimmied out of Dave’s grasp before bolting towards the door. Dave was still in the hot tub, swim trunks wrapped around his thighs.
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
I laughed, already in the bathroom by the time he messily clambered out of the hot tub.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Obey Me Opposites Attract (2)
Part 1 is here (Luci, Mammon, Levi and Satan)! 
Hope you enjoy! ^^
While Asmo is a natural flirt, charming, shameless for causing troubles to others, HIGHLY narcissistic, secretly insecure and very dirty minded,
then you’re someone who has a romance as cold as ice, not repelling but nothing attractive, modest, actually quite proud of yourself (not too much), and a mind as pure as the heavens.
Asmo didn’t really thought much about you at first. All he wanted to do was woo you like what he did with every other human. But you proven yourself to be a tough nut to crack.
Every flirt he threw at you only gotten a raise of an eyebrow, eyes looking at him with pure confusion.
And if he tried to crack a dirty minded flirt with you, would only result you in taking his hint literally and telling him that’s not humanly possible.
Man oh man-
Each attempt of flirting with you made him more and more frustrated, and Satan asked him, “Why do you bother?”
And Asmo wonders why too. Why does HE, the most beautiful demon in all of Devildom, wants to get your attention from someone as... well... plain and boring as you? (I’m so sorry- blame Asmo-)
But he can’t help it. Eventually one day you looked at him with a straight face. 
“I... I’m not sure if you want to start a conversation with me, which I really appreciate it but... I don’t really understand the topics you bring up..”
And that’s where Asmo realised. For so long, so long of throwing flirts and receiving confusion, neither of you knew anything about each other.
And... now you’re thrown into the threshold of him now glomping you with so much beauty products and makeup to try on, clothes, fashion, and you talk about your favourite things, hobbies and interests with him.
Eventually, you guys had such a close relationship.
“You look so pretty in that dress, s/o!”
“Hehe! Thanks, Asmo! But that’s because you have such good taste after all!”
Oh, stop! You’re too modest! But in all honesty, Asmo has gotten over of grasping for attention. Because of you, and what he learnt from you, he’s more focused on spending time with you and family than anything else, and he actually received far more attention because of it.
Now it’s his time to be modest! It’s because of you!! <3
Beel is a really hungry, active, an emotionally mature man who treasures family, naive and childlike.
You are someone who’s, well, not usually hungry, quite lazy or not as active, more practical than emotional, crafty, intelligent and jaded.
When Beel first met you, he thought you would get along with Lucifer the most.
You were no-nonsense and no funny business, very smart and acted like a mature adult. You were definitely the type Lucifer would appreciate and get along. That’s only until he realised you can’t stand Lucifer at times, in fact, you’d rather not go all friendly with him.
Beel finds himself with you in Hell’s Kitchen, introducing you to the many delicious food out there that can be considered light for you (he had to REALLY search up, ask everyone else including Satan and Lucifer what light food is since he knows humans can’t really eat his diet size, and you don’t even eat a lot as well-), as you only nod, trying the food he recommended.
Beel thought of you as someone cold, and maybe a little intimidating because of the mature frame you presented yourself with. He thought you must be some high ranking official of Diavolo.
But Beel could see something quite off. You were... struggling. In something. He notices that every time you talk to someone like Mammon or Levi, you sharply remark them in a harsh tone and way, and then when they leave dejectedly, your frown. Frown... to yourself it seems?
He straight up went up to you with a poker face while munching on his burger. “Why do you look upset after you speak to someone?”
You were a little shocked by his sudden comment, but you looked at him with a frown, eyes a little softer however, “I never mean to be.... harsh..”
Beel blinked. From that point onwards, Beel was truly the only person who gets pass your blunt comments. You don’t mean it, and he assures you he’s alright. By talking to him a lot, getting over your rudeness and getting over his own guilt and be happy with where he is today... you and him feel a lot better. And you two are so truly inseparable.
He flashes you a clumsy, lighted with pure joy grin, crumbs sticking from the corners of his mouth like a goof, as you scoffed, but wore a small, genuine smile. <3
The clever trickster and liar, grudge holding, proactive, efficient, sensible and mellow, rebellious and introverted Avatar of Sloth,
with a truthful and honest, forgiving, passive, I won’t say foolish but you’re more emotionally intelligent, quite harsh and blunt (perhaps unintentionally-), obedient and extroverted human.
How did this even combust well?
Belphie never understood this either. How in Hell did he manage to even befriend a human, much less someone of the complete opposite of him?
While he’s okay with you as acquaintance in the beginning, he was quite irritated by how bubbly and talkative you were. He’ll interrupt you by mumbling curses, lightly throwing a pillow to ask you to back off. He thinks you were quite naive to let him out of that cell, and you’re talkative nature, stereotypically to him, reflects that.
Belphie also thinks you’re really soft. You accepted that you’ll die because of him, and listen to what Lucifer says always. Such a doll, he thought.
Belphie dragged his way down the stairs, yawning as he lazily blinked. He sees you down at the living room... eating and having some crazy fun with a video game on silent..? Yo- Lucifer isn’t even up at this hour- How tf are you awake? How tf is HE awake??
Well, Belphie doesn’t really care by this point, but he walks up to you with a glass of milk he poured for himself. “What the fck are you doing..?” “Playing Levitating Adventures from Levi. Wanna play?”
He blinked. That... used to be him, Levi and Beel. They rarely do that nowadays. He shrugs, plopping himself on the couch as he took a control, playing with you. Eventually, it just became yourself playing as he quietly cheer for you, well, in a Belphie way- 
Belphie quietly listened to you ramble about your day, Beel, what Barbatos made, what troubles Mammon caused, Luke baked a cake with Solomon and so on, like what he does with you one every other day after this event.
He looks down, and suddenly hits you with the question. “Are you... mad at me for... you know... killing you..?” You blinked at him. “Well, I’m alive now, and your intentions had meaning I can’t wrong you for. I mean, having someone die because of a species... I don’t blame you.” He grabbed your shoulders in fast motion, looking at you with eyes filled with shock and disbelief.
“BUT WHY?! I- I-” he lost his ability to speak. You placed a hand on his arm, and gently guided them back to his side. “You... looked so sad that... I couldn’t do anything...” He stares at you with an unreadable expression.
“Belph-” he suddenly hugged you, stuffing his face in the crook of your neck. “Belphie..?”
“Don’t say a word,” he whispers, “just... I...”
You smiled softly, wrapping your arms around him as well. “Sorry is hard to say, but know that I’ll always forgive you.” <3
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Leviathan's Odyssey 9 (End):
*Lucifer is in the Student Council room collecting paperwork when he hears his phone go off… It seems like Barbatos is messaging him yet again... For the third time this week. Though he dreads whatever news it brings, Lucifer checks his messenger and lets out a long sigh when he gets his confirmation*
*Levi was sent home early… again. He hasn’t been present for a full day of classes in nearly a week and Barbatos is beginning to get on Lucifer’s case about it… Diavolo placed a lot of trust in the eldest to bring his brother under control, but it hasn’t exactly been very successful and his butler sees no problem with applying the pressure in his lord’s stead. Though he wouldn’t call this latest message a threat of expulsion, he can sense they’re getting dangerously close…* 
*normally, Lucifer would wait for the day to finish himself before returning to the House and giving Levi a lecture, but that approach hasn’t been faring well… Though he loathes to be absent, who knows what trouble his brothers could get in, he sends his response to Barbs and goes to collect his things. He has been thinking up a few solutions to the “Leviathan Problem” and it’s about time he started enacting some, but first he needs to do some shopping*
*it isn’t hard for Lucifer to find what he was looking for in the shopping district and he makes it back to the House about an hour before classes would officially end. He already knows where Levi would be, he’s been nothing is not predictable since he first came home with them... In many ways, he still has the mindset of a combat survivalist. He quickly grew territorial of the room they gave him, he tries to grab as much food as possible at meals, and every new person or situation is treated with hostile skepticism... Their brother may be home, but he certainly isn’t “back." Not yet anyway...*
*when Lucifer ascends the steps to go to Leviathan’s room, he tries knocking on the door first. Levi had taken to making ridiculous entry passwords again, an encouraging sign, but that was mostly because Lucifer forbade him from issuing trial by combat to newcomers… Unfortunately, today there wasn’t any voice on the other side… Lifting the lock on the door is child’s play with just a little magic, so after giving his brother ample time to say something, Lucifer opens the door himself*
Lucifer: Leviathan? *he pokes his head in with a bit of caution, Levi could still be quick to lash out if caught off guard*
*Lucifer’s eyes scan the dimly lit room, with only the soft blue glow of the water tank behind a glass wall offering him any light. They discovered quickly that Levi’s skin would dry out at an alarming rate without some access to water. Their first fix was to give his room a bathtub that he could soak in, but due to its narrow size Lucifer eventually had an aquarium installed for him instead. He could climb in and out from a gap near the ceiling and it had more room for him to move around freely. That seemed to resolve the issue, but Levi still remained fond enough of the bathtub to keep it around*
*he half expected to find his brother in said tub, back to the doorway and trying to ignore him, but instead he sees a black figure curled up at the bottom of the water tank. He recognizes Levi, even in his newest form - or at least the form that they taught to him once he was on dry land. While in the ocean, Levi never needed to be rid of his gills or scales, they were practical for swimming but not so much for daily life. His new form kept his tail, horns, and patch of scales here and there, but it mostly allows him to pass as an average demon. He can maintain an even milder appearance without any of the extras, but he doesn’t seem to like it as much… He always complains of feeling “too small” without his tail*
*Lucifer steps into the room and closes the door behind him. Under all of that water, Levi probably didn’t hear him knock… Or maybe he did and didn’t feel like answering. He found it hard to pinpoint just what his brother could or couldn’t do anymore… When he gets into the room, he sets a white grocery bag he had been carrying on a nearby table. He’ll have to bring up its contents at the right time… He needs to speak to Levi first.* 
*Lucifer goes to the glass wall and gently knocks his knuckles against it. The black bundle in the water stirs and Lucifer watches as Levi's tail slowly begins to unravel from his body... Soon enough, he’s looking his brother in the face but he doesn’t look very happy to see him… He rarely looks happy to see anyone frankly…*
*Lucifer points up to the edge of the tank and gestures to his ear, signaling that they need to talk. He’s almost surprised at how easily Levi obliges this time, pushing off of the aquarium floor and swimming up until he’s above the surface. After taking a gulp of air, he leans over the edge of the glass - seemingly unbothered by the droplets of water that cascade to the floor.*
Levi: What do you want, Lucifer?
*Lucifer tries his best to look stern, but not overly angry. Though Levi is far less dangerous inland than he was by the ocean’s shore, he’s no less irritable... If this conversation is going to happen, he’s going to need to keep his composure for a while longer*
Lucifer: Barbatos informed me of what happened today… 
Levi: And?
Lucifer: Annnd, we’ve already been over this, Levi�� You can’t keep stabbing your fellow students with forks. 
Levi: If you gave me my trident back, then I wouldn’t need to use them.
*Lucifer groans a bit and fights the urge to rub the bridge of his nose… Of course he’s in a mood again…*
Lucifer: Don’t play games with me, Levi… You know what the real problem is here.
Levi: Yeah, it’s the stupid school! I hate going there...
Lucifer: Levi, Lord Diavolo was very gracious to offer you a place in his academy and a seat on the student council, no less. And being one of his military officers now also puts you in a position of great importance... Your actions reflect on him and his kingdom as whole-
Levi: I know all that already, I heard you the first time! *Levi leans his chin against the edge of the glass, but still doesn’t look any happier. To his credit, he has been trying to yell at his brothers less... So it’s not too surprising to hear his voice suddenly drop down to solemn whisper*
Levi: … You know what everybody calls me there? The “Fish Freak...” They say I smell like a beached whale… *Lucifer blinks at the revelation, because this is news to him*
Lucifer: Is that so…?
Levi: Everyday. And you know what else? They trip me in the hallway or throw my things in the fountain. Somebody even left a dead squid on my desk! *a familiar look comes into his eyes now, one burning of hatred - but this time not directed at brothers...*
Levi: They’re lucky I only have forks right now...
*a part of Lucifer wants to be fine with Levi sticking up for himself… The Demon World is a cruel and harsh place where intimidation is often the best answer. He and his brothers had to learn that the hard way… But Diavolo’s goals are peace and unity - the academy was even founded with that in mind… His students should be shying away from such barbaric tactics and the council has an example to set… As much as it pains him to say it, Levi’s actions are unacceptable…*
Lucifer: Tell me the students’ names and I’ll have them punished. I guarantee you that... *takes a deep breath to prepare for what he must say next…*
Lucifer: … But you can’t keep causing trouble like this, Leviathan. Lord Diavolo has a strict code of-
*Lucifer watches as Levi groans and lifts his head off the glass, though this time he looks more frustrated than enraged*
Levi: There you go again! Diavolo this and Diavolo that!! Don’t you ever think of anything else??
Lucifer: That’s Lord Diavolo to you, and of course I do. But this isn’t the Celestial Realm anymore, Levi, and we need to adapt to his rules. *Levi’s eyes narrow at him, seeing an opportunity to dig in the knife…*
Levi: There’s adapting and then there’s ass-kissing... Which are you doing, Lucifer?
*and like that, for just a moment, Lucifer wants to abandon the whole project. He wants to leave Levi to wallow in his tank and go back to more important matters... He wants to throw his gifts into the garbage and just forget he ever bought them! His anger must have been plain to see, because Levi looks almost regretful for a second as he pushes back from the glass*
Levi: … Yeah. I didn’t think so.
*with that, Lucifer watches his brother sink back underwater and return to the floor of his aquarium. He honestly has half a mind to just turn and walk away, at least until he sees Levi curl up on his side against the store bought sand. He draws legs into the fetal position and faces his back the glass wall, letting his tail once again curl around his body as he goes back to laying in the water… alone…*
*the lonely image is enough to bring Lucifer back to some sense… Had he really forgotten why he was there so easy? With a steadier mind, he gently places a gloved hand against the surface of the glass, watching Levi from behind the wall between them…*
*his brother fell from Heaven then had to survive on his own… when he came back, he not only found out that his family had been living like royalty, but they hadn’t even been out looking for him in a long time… Now he’s been ripped from the home he’d grown accustomed to and thrust into a culture he barely understood…*
*Was it any wonder he was struggling? Was it any better for him in the Devildom than it was beneath the sea? Would it have been better to just let him stay where he was comfortable…? These thoughts have plagued Lucifer for some time, but he wouldn’t dare break up his family now…* 
*Maybe... Hopefully… Levi just needs an outlet to help him cope...*
*Lucifer knocks on the glass a second time, but it’s not an angry pounding or anything. Levi must not have expected that, because he actually looks back at him in mild surprise. Lucifer signals once more for him to get out of the water before stepping aside to grab the grocery bag from before. Intrigued, but cautious, Levi swims back up to the surface and pulls himself up to the edge*
Levi: … What’s that?
Lucifer: Something I bought for you. *Lucifer picks up the bag and goes back to the tank. Levi’s eyes widen slightly with shock*
Levi: You bought something… for me?? Why?
Lucifer: It’s something that I think you’ll like… I’m told it’s very entertaining and hopefully it has all the… violence that you’ve grown accustomed to... 
*he digs into the bag and pulls out two things, a DVD box-set of something called “My Life as a Demonic Pirate Defeating the Seven Lords of Hell” and a paperback book with a cute looking mermaid on the cover under the same title*
Lucifer: Levi. Have you ever heard of something called anime?
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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chosetherose · 3 years
Mr Perfectly Fine
So I've seen a lot of theories about Mr Perfectly Fine. I think we all have. The official narrative is that it's another song "about" Joe J*nas. Gaylors think it's about Taymily. I've even seen the argument that "Mr Always Wins" is Taylor throwing shade at current beard Joe Aly*n. (Which I can definitely see, tbh. This is Miss "and you poke that bear, Taylor Kloss come out" TS we're talking about. She's no stranger to sneaky wordplay.) 
But I was listening today and another idea hit me, which I haven't seen anyone talk about so far. 
I wonder if Mr Perfectly Fine is a song about Scott B*rchetta? Specifically, about the Fearless era, when Taylor was "encouraged" to let Emily go for the sake of her career. We can all guess who would have been behind the encouraging. 
Obviously MPF is like most of the vault tracks on Fearless TV. It's been reworked from Taylor's current point of view, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's angry about more than just the Taymily situation when she sings it now. But it does really fit for that. All you really have to do is change the lyric "I've been Miss Misery since your goodbye" to "I've been Miss Misery since HER goodbye" and boom, you have a song in which "he" isn't the lover but the outside influence who was instrumental  in breaking Taylor's heart. If you've ever read Jane Austen's Persuasion, just imagine Taylor as Anne, Emily (and her other girlfriends) as Captain Wentworth, and Scott as Lady Russell, who talked Taylor out of the match for the sake of her future. 
Verse 1:
Mr. "Perfect face" Mr. "Here to stay"
Mr. "Looked me in the eye and told me you would never go away"
Everything was right Mr. "I've been waitin' for you all my life" Mr. "Every single day until the end, I will be by your side"
This all seems like romantic imagery, but it could also be metaphorical. We all know that Scott and Taylor seemed like a match made in (business) heaven at first. Taylor has talked about how Scott took a chance on her. Scott talked about seeing something unique and special in Taylor, and throwing everything behind her. We all know Taylor basically made Big Machine. It's easy to imagine Scott telling a young Taylor she had the perfect face for country. It's easy to imagine him telling her he was in it for the long haul, willing to promote and develop her as an artist even if it took a while for her to break through. It's easy to imagine both of them thinking their meeting was fate - a perfect partnership that would last her entire career. 
Then comes the pre-chorus and the chorus. 
But that was when I got to know Mr. "Change of heart" Mr. "Leaves me all alone," I fall apart It takes everything in me just to get up each day But it's wonderful to see that you're okay [Chorus] Hello, Mr. "Perfectly fine" How's your heart after breakin' mine? Mr. "Always at the right place at the right time," baby Hello, Mr. "Casually cruel" Mr. "Everything revolves around you" I've been Miss Misery since your goodbye And you're Mr. "Perfectly fine"
We know that Taylor and Emily were together for nearly two years before the break up, and it seems like the break up was directly related to Taylor's increasing success. In this situation, it's not hard to imagine Scott as "Mr Change of Heart" - someone who initially encouraged a private (closeted) relationship, but then changed his mind and decided even that was too dangerous. Taylor was better off alone. She was only a teenager, after all. She had years ahead of her to fall in love again. Maybe this girl thing was just a phase anyway. She was too young to throw away the opportunity of a lifetime. "Mr Casually Cruel" is, of course, a reference to All Too Well's "so casually cruel in the name of being honest". It evokes the same feelings here. It's belittling, from someone who thinks they're older and wiser. It's easy to imagine Emily repeating some of these statements back to Taylor later, claiming they come from the same place of greater maturity. You can see how Taylor came to feel no-one was on her side, when she sings about the Taymily break up in Bye Bye Baby. 
And Scott would be "perfectly fine" after breaking Taylor's heart. Because he's not hurting. He's not part of the loss. I've always thought some of the descriptions Taylor uses for "Emily" in MPF seem overly harsh, and don't tally with her attitude in other songs. But they absolutely fit for 31 year old Taylor looking back at Scott's actions through an adult lens. Angry that he had such influence over her. Angry that he was so dismissive of her feelings, but mined them for a profit. Now she sees it all differently. She feels it was all about him, all about the impact her stardom would have on his label, and he didn't really care about her feelings at all. 
[Verse 2] Mr. "Never told me why" Mr. "Never had to see me cry" Mr. "Insincere apology so he doesn't look like the bad guy" He goes about his day Forgets he ever even heard my name Well, I thought you might be different than the rest, I guess you're all the same
Pre-Chorus] 'Cause I hear he's got his arm 'round a brand-new girl I've been pickin' up my heart, he's been pickin' up her And I never got past what you put me through But it's wonderful to see that it never fazed you
Here is where I think Taylor starts to conflate the past and present. She goes from talking about Scott's first betrayal to his last and worst one. Selling her masters to Sc**ter Braun. Never had to see her cry? No explanation for the betrayal? Insincere apology? Attempts to sign new artists to replace Taylor at Big Machine? Apparent indifference to something Taylor still hasn't got over? All of this checks out for Scott and the masters situation. Especially the line about thinking he was "different than the rest" only to find out "you're all the same". She thought Scott was like a father to her, but when it came down to it he was as greedy and self-serving as Sc**ter. 
She doubles down on this in Verse 3 and the bridge. 
[Verse 3] So dignified in your well-pressed suit So strategized, all the eyes on you Sashay your way to your seat It's the best seat, in the best room Oh, he's so smug, Mr. "Always wins" So far above me in every sense So far above feeling anything [Bridge] And it's really such a shame It's such a shame 'Cause I was Miss "Here to stay" Now I'm Miss "Gonna be alright someday" And someday maybe you'll miss me But by then, you'll be Mr. "Too late"
This is absolutely about a business man. It never fit for Taymily or Joe J*nas. It doesn't fit JA either. ("All eyes on you"? "The best seat in the best room"? "Always wins"? In his dreams!) JA wishes he'd made as much out of Taylor as Scott did. It's like the Mean Girls quote "I like, invented her!" That's what Taylor did for Scott. She put him on the map.
(Just like she's doing right now for JA. Bearding like Scott taught her all those years ago. I think the "always wins" / "alwyn" soundbite is another way of saying they're all the same to her, these men using her for their careers. She doesn't trust JA any more than she trusts Scott. The comparison is pretty revealing about her real feelings regarding JA. Pretty damning.) 
The final lines say it all. Taylor would have stayed with Big Machine if they'd been more supportive of her as a person and as an artist. They could have had it all. All the success she's experiencing now, Scott could have been a part of. But he chose another road, and Taylor was left trying to process it in her songs. Trying to claw back the rights to her work by rerecording her albums. And now all that's left is for Scott to miss what he lost - far, far too late to ever get it back. 
- ❄️🥀
(P.S: You're welcome, Lucky One!) 
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barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part four — 3k words
Wangja crossed the street with a bag of two steaming bowls of ramyeon and red ginseng, speeding up his pace to prevent the noodles from getting too soggy while he walked the path over to his shop where he had left Ahyeong at, sighing as he thought about the new addition to the cast.
When he had walked into his store last night, he was not expecting a stage to commence immediately upon entering the lounge.
Thank the writer (this was the first and last time he was going to say that) that their conversation and actions had already been written out, or else the shop owner would've been gawking at the new girl for the entirety of the stage.
He had been immensely startled back then; it was unusual for him to not know the timing and plot of every stage because he always made sure to check the comic that permanently resided in a small, hidden corner of his shop every single day.
But when he had browsed the comic as soon as Ahyeong had left, he had been bewildered at the sudden shift in the book's contents.
The cast page had been altered to feature four main characters instead of the original trio, and as he had turned the pages, he had noticed the new stages being inked with interactions that had never been present as of before.
To think that an already complicated web of troubling relationships had not been enough for the writer, they had proceeded to add a love square to the mix.
Wangja grimaced at his creator's choices in life. They had definitely been influenced by someone to do so if it had been so last minute.
But one thing was for sure; out of all the stories that the writer had put him in, this was by far the most interesting.
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"Ahyeong-ah! I'm back!" he yelled into the air as he stepped in, his voice echoing in the shop.
The silence was his only response.
Confused, he stepped through the streamers that decorated the lounge's archway, eyes searching for the girl while he set the food down on the coffee table next to the abandoned copy of Shiver.
"Ahyeong, are you here-"
He stopped abruptly, gaze finding the peach cover of True Beauty toppled upside down on the floor in front of a shelf he swore no one would notice.
With dread in his mind, he picked it up, turning it around, only to be faced by the drawn version of the person he was looking for.
Oh no. She'd seen it.
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If Gilyeong had to describe his sister at that moment, he would've said she looked like she'd risen from a grave in a zombie apocalypse movie.
She looked dead. Alive, yes, but dead.
Like someone had told her whole life was a lie.
When Ahyeong had arrived back home from wherever she had dashed off to during the morning, she had looked like she'd gone through the five stages of grief, questioned the meaning of life, and ran a marathon through the streets of Seoul by how hard she was breathing.
He had almost asked her if she was okay, but that would've come off as him being "concerned for his dear sister," as Eunjung had so uselessly put it, and he hated proving people right. And besides, Ahyeong was clearly not okay.
"Oye, grinch," he called out across the table after seeing her actions.
She looked as if she hadn't even heard him. No annoyed flinch, no irritated twitching of her eyebrow; no reaction at all. Just her mindlessly trying to eat soup with chopsticks.
Eunjung looked at her with an extreme amount of concern.
Gilyeong almost puked at the feeling of worry in his gut.
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Ahyeong was functioning on auto-pilot, her consciousness having taken a backseat as the only thing that moved her was sheer muscle memory.
She couldn't even remember how she had come back to her house, however, the stinging in her legs informed her of how she had deserted the shop and ran all the way back home, much to Driver Kwon's horror.
Her head felt empty.
Being in a comic? As a bully? That had to be the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard, or read, about herself.
It did not make sense. She was quite literally a model student, with a record as clean as glass. Being reduced to the likes of a bully? Impossible.
And then the derealisation came in.
This probably wasn't real after all. Maybe it was just one big practical joke blown out of proportion.
Yeah, that was it, she concluded as she finally became aware of her surroundings, dropping the chopsticks in her hands with a confused look and picking up a spoon to continue eating her soup, unaware of the small breath of relief from across the table.
That weird paralysis thing hadn't happened since the other day anyway, so she was probably going to be okay.
What a fucking lie, you're kidding—
The doors to the house banged open, harshly knocking against the walls and startling the occupants of the dining room.
Song Hwayoung came inside the house, immediately making Eunjung receive her in a hurry and assist her with taking off her coat and setting her a pair of slippers.
Ahyeong was panicking. Why now? The universe was being unnecessarily cruel. Her body felt like a rock, cemented into the ground. The air got colder, the lights felt different, brighter somehow, as if someone was shining a spotlight down on her family, as if a grim situation was about to ensue.
Ahyeong almost got up to greet her mother, but sat back down after seeing the subtle shake of Gilyeong's head, who hastily looked down at his empty plate after Hwayoung came to sit at the head of the table.
Her mother looked like she had been trying to bottle up her anger the whole day, and the cap was finally about to burst.
Ahyeong felt unsettled at the sudden change in demeanor. Her mother had never gotten this furious before, ever. She attempted to stand, but she was glued to her seat and could only watch as Hwayoung glared daggers at Gilyeong.
She threw a stack of papers in front of Gilyeong, who shrunk into his seat when he saw its contents.
"What is this?" Hwayoung inquired, trying her best to appear calm.
The young boy mumbled a reply in a voice so small that it was barely audible.
Hwayoung flared her nostrils, "Say it louder!"
Both siblings flinched at the volume. "My report card," the youngest said shakily.
Why was her mum flipping over a simple report card? It's not like grades mattered—
"Even I know that it's a fucking report card. What I want to know is why your grades dropped to C's and D's and why the hell you're failing in math?"
Ahyeong's eyes widened, either involuntarily or of her own free will, she didn't know. Hwayoung cursing at her brother and raging over his academic report? That was quite literally the opposite of how her mother was. Hwayoung was supposed to be the sweetest person she'd ever known, understanding and supportive through every endeavor.
For a moment she considered if her mother had been replaced by a clone of a crueler version of her. With the bullshit that was happening to her right now, the theory did not even feel that far-fetched.
At Gilyeong's silence, Hwayoung scoffed, "All of this was happening and you didn't even bother telling me? I was in a phone call with your friend's mother who told me her son had scored first place but when she mentioned how you weren't even in the top ten do you know how humiliated I felt?"
She stood up abruptly, throwing her chair back, which was immediately caught by Eunjung, and scowled at the boy, not a single trace of warmth in her eyes that her daughter was familiar with, "What an embarrassment to the Song name. At least your sister fares better than you."
With that, she stalked away, heels clicking against the marble floors as she retreated to her room.
Ahyeong got up as soon as she could control her movements, rushing over to Gilyeong whose eyes had become red and puffy as he sniffled.
She pulled him in between her arms, and he shook uncontrollably, Eunjung watching the ordeal with downtrodden eyes, wishing she could help.
This was far beyond what she thought would happen. No, that woman could not have been their mother.
As she put her brother to sleep that night, she came to a solution.
Stepping into the elevator to reach Cloud9 Officetel's terrace the next day, her resolve strengthened.
This nightmare was ending, one way or the other.
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Jugyeong was quite possibly living the worst nightmare she'd ever had.
The world was too cruel. Beauty was only on the inside, they said. What a horrible lie.
She had been humiliated beyond measure. All she tried to do was convey her honest feelings to quite possibly the only person who had ever been genuinely kind to her. She would've been fine if Wang Hyunbin had simply rejected her and decided to stay as friends. But for him and Semi to destroy her pride and self-worth like that? Because of how she looked?
She felt her eyes burning with warm tears before they cascaded down her cheeks, the cold wind at the top of the building harshly biting at her skin and rattling her bones.
She shivered.
Cold, it was too cold. What a day to die.
Jugyeong's hands hovered over her phone's screen as she stared at her mother's contact. Would her family even mourn her? Good riddance, they would probably think.
But she had to tell someone, and even if her mother was harsh with her words, she still loved her. She had to tell her the reason why she was about to jump off of a building.
Just as her finger leaned down to press the call button, the door to the rooftop opened, and Jugyeong jumped in shock, turning around to see who had come in.
She did a double-take.
Was God personally consenting to her taking her own life? Because she was pretty sure he had sent down an angel to escort her soul into heaven.
Her glasses had been abandoned on the bench she'd been sitting on from when she had been trying to wipe her tears, so she couldn't really see the person properly, but even with bad eyesight, the stranger looked almost ethereal.
They were dressed in a black dress and heels, as if they had gone to a funeral, or were planning to go to one.
They stopped upon seeing Jugyeong's disheveled self.
Was God finally being kind to her in her final moments?
Mind in a haze and not thinking straight, Jugyeong broke down yet again.
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Ahyeong was startled at the girl crying in front of her. She didn't think there was going to be someone else up there other than herself.
When she looked closer at the girl who was sobbing uncontrollably in front of her, she noticed who it was, immediately taking a few steps back on instinct.
Moon Gayoung? Why was she in a school uniform— oh.
You've got to be kidding me.
What luck she had, walking right into the girl this world literally revolved around.
She felt something pulling away at her in the back of her mind, sending warning bells down her spine, saying she wasn't supposed to be there. But why?
Ahyeong's heart almost burst out of her ribcage when Jugyeong threw herself at her, clutching almost painfully at her waist and sobbing into her dress.
She froze at the sudden contact, arms awkwardly hovering over the girl's shoulders.
Jugyeong had probably not recognized her yet, because there was no way she was hugging her future tormentor just like that.
"Th-thank y-y-you for c-coming," the girl said between choked breaths, "F-for being- for being here in my—" she struggled to say the words, "—my final moments."
Ahyeong stilled at that.
By the time her words had registered, she already knew what was happening.
This was the scene from the drama, she remembered, when Jugyeong had tried to kill herself because of the incident at school.
How ironic. Ahyeong almost laughed at her situation, they were here for the same fate for almost the same reason. Both didn't like the world that they lived in.
But for the Song girl, this was a test, really. A theory she came up with in the dead of the night.
The sensation of falling, that knee-jerk reaction, and the feeling of finally waking up from your dream. That was what she was hoping for. She wasn't here to die, she was here to go back to living her own life.
But the girl who clung to her was dead set on ending things, and frankly, that was a dreadful thought.
Ahyeong had no intention of leaving her as she was, be this a fictional world or not, Im Jugyeong was a human being who deserved a lot more than she got.
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"Were you going to jump?"
Jugyeong's thoughts came to a halt as the Angel asked a question, the oddly familiar lilt of her voice bringing a strange mix of foreboding and warmth in her gut.
Still shaking, she only nodded against her shoulder.
"Because-" she sniffled, tightening her arms around them, "because everyone hates me," her voice faded at the end, and her wobbly knees gave in, making her sink into the hard floor and dragging the person along with her.
This time, the Angel wrapped her arms around her, rubbing soothing circles into her back.
"Jugyeong, things may seem horrible for you at the moment, and you have every right to be upset over what was said and done, but it is impossible to know answers to such questions when you're so overwhelmed."
The words cut through her haziness, her cries slowly stopping as what they said registered in Jugyeong's mind.
"You don't really want to die, do you?"
It felt weird, being told such things by a stranger.
Maybe deep down she had already known, but her despair had overtaken her senses and disregarded her common sense.
"Why were you really about to call your mother?"
Because she was hoping someone would stop her. To make sure someone really did care about her despite appearances.
The Angel patted her back, and slowly pulled away, only to firmly place their hands on Jugyeong's shoulders.
"Your family's waiting."
She didn't need to be told twice.
Maybe God was kinder than she thought.
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It was getting dark now.
The cold evening air nipped at her skin as Ahyeong stood on the edge, heels digging into the concrete as she gazed down below.
What a hypocrite she was, telling all those things to Jugyeong.
She'd sent her home with a taxi after their ordeal, and Jugyeong had not even looked at her once through the whole thing.
She didn't know why.
The road was buzzing with activity, cars zooming past on asphalt, people walking home on the footpaths, vendors selling seasonal goods by the side.
It seemed to be a normal day.
She wondered how the rest of their day would go if her body suddenly flopped down there.
Gooseflesh rose on her arms. All of this was too real.
She slapped herself, the stinging spreading through her numb skin and making her wince in pain.
What was she doing? Was she really about to jump off a building just to test a theory out?
What if it failed? The pain in her cheek would pale in comparison to what would happen should she fall.
And the people waiting for her back home, thinking she was off paying her respects to an old friend. Gilyeong and Eunjung would be destroyed.
Ahyeong stepped back. No, she couldn't do this. She wasn't planning on dying today. Or anytime soon really.
She'd just have to get used to living here—
Song Ahyeong stepped closer to the edge of the building, awaiting her doom.
What the fuck!? She didn't want to die, shit, shit, shit—
The LED screen behind her lit up in hues of pink and purple, colorful shadows falling on her dress that did nothing against the frigid wind.
Jung Seyeon's face graced the billboard in the distance, an ode from the people to celebrate the day he was born, and an apology for being the reason he died.
One more step and she would fall. No, no, one more step and she'd fall—
Ahyeong leaned forward closing her eyes for the last time.
And so, she fell backward.
Wait, backward?
Ahyeong barely registered the iron grip on her wrist before it was tugged hard, her stiletto losing its balance and twisting her foot at an unnatural angle.
She widened her eyes as her vision blurred, surroundings moving too fast, and braced herself for the impact on the rough concrete.
It never came.
Instead, she fell on the person who had taken the liberty of pulling her back, and subsequently saving her. Groaning, she raised her head, squinting against the bright light of the advertisement.
"What a relief," Suho breathed out.
The ColorBeauty commercial cast the glow of its neon colors over their faces, and as the faint melody of Seyeon's voice filled the silence in the air, Song Ahyeong knew that somehow, she had fucked up.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
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gravegroves · 3 years
“11. Billy” seems mysterious ! pls I must know more
11. Billy
The actual fic is named so too, as that's the way Billy signs all his postcards. The fic is about Claudia Henderson giving Billy a lift from the hospital to the airport and about the postcards he sends her from his trip. It's eventual Harringrove, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Here's a weird assortment of snippets from the fic:
As they pass the turn-off for Hawkins, the road Claudia would have originally taken to get home, Billy sinks down into his seat beside her, turning his head away from the town sign to stare straight ahead, jaw clenched.
"You from Hawkins, too, Billy?" Claudia ventures, curiosity and concern competing for first place.
"Not from that shithole," Billy mutters. Claudia frowns. "Lived there until yesterday."
"Oh, you're moving?"
Billy barks a harsh laugh and Claudia flinches a little in surprise.
"Got a bedside visit from the old man to tell me not to bother coming back to get my shit. After everything and he's the one that gets to slam the door in my face--" Billy's voice cuts off, his breathing harsh and uneven.
Claudia tightens her hands on the steering wheel.
"Help yourself."
Billy gives her a look that tells her he doesn't have much confidence in her taste, but he opens the glove compartment and pulls out a box of tapes. She can hear the click clack of him looking through them all, reading the labels and discarding them one by one before he stops.
Curious, Claudia looks over. In his hand, Billy holds a familiar, well-loved tape.
"Oh, I haven't listened to them in a while. Pop it in!"
"You like Led Zeppelin?" Billy asks, choked, like his whole world is turning upside down.
Claudia laughs, "Oh yes. I wanted Stairway to Heaven played at my wedding, but my husband wouldn't allow it."
"And you still married him?" Billy grins, somehow brighter and more real than any he's given up so far. Claudia feels a little proud of it somehow.
"Well, he's now my ex husband, if that helps."
Billy's grin only grows wider. None of the usual averted eyes and condolences Claudia typically prepares herself for. It's refreshing. "Good for you."
"You call me when you get where you're going, alright honey?" She says, "Let me know that you're not dead in a ditch somewhere."
Billy nods, folds the paper securely into his threadbare wallet. He looks back through the window at her.
"You're the only person worth anything in that fucking town, Ms Henderson."
She smiles, "Oh, I think we both know that isn't quite true."
His face goes distant. Claudia watches him, silently.
He hesitates again. 
"Thanks, Claudia." He slaps the edge of the open window, straightens up with an air of finality and adjusts the duffle bag on his shoulder.
"You take care, Billy." 
She watches him walk into the airport. He never turns to look back.
Steve is sleeping on the couch when Claudia gets home. The boy is sitting in the sofa chair in front of the muted TV, neck bent at an odd angle, mouth open and drooling on his own shoulder.
She wakes him gently, coaxes him half asleep out of the chair and down the hall into the tiny guest bedroom.
He collapses onto the bed, out like a light before she can bid him goodnight. The boy never seems to get enough sleep, so she's happy to leave him there instead of sending him back to that lonely, empty house of his. She throws a blanket over him, knows it's not her place to pet his hair and give him hugs unless he asks it of her. So instead she makes sure his feet are covered, knows by now that if Steve's feet get too cold that it'll wake him and keep him up until they're warm again.
Before going to bed herself, Claudia checks on her son. She notices the light coming from under his door and sighs a little before she gently knocks. There's no reply. She cracks the door open and peers in. Dustin is tucked into bed, his bedside lamp on and a book collapsed over his face.
With a small smile and a shake of her head, she moves into the room. Gently peels the book away, marking the page with a bookmark before placing it on the bedside table. She tugs one stray arm down -- knows her Dusty has a tendency to sleep with his arms above his head and wakes up with them half numb and hurting -- before she tucks him in and kisses his curly head.
She turns off the light and closes the door on the way out, ready for bed herself and happy knowing her boys are safe and sound and close.
The last time Claudia cried herself to sleep was the day she accepted that Mews wasn't coming home. She's an easy crier, it doesn't take much. She'd cried as she picked up Tews from the shelter and again the first time she woke up with him sleeping at the foot of her bed. 
This time is different. When the first sob escapes her, it feels like it's being wrenched out of her by force, like a cork out of a bottle, leaving her helpless to stop the grief from pouring out. She feels like she might explode from the emotions if she doesn't let it happen, so she just… lets it all out. Bawls into a pillow, hugs it to her chest when she can manage to breathe without great heaving keens and stares into the dark.
She cries for Dustin, her darling boy who's been so brave for so long, for Steve with his absent parents and desperate need for company, for Billy and the kind of life that leads a boy to wherever he is now. Maybe even a little for herself.
Being a single mother hasn't always been easy. Claudia has gone without more times than she can count, but that's on her. She brought Dustin into this world and for that she owes him the best life she can give him. Even when that means divorcing her no-good husband. Even when she struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table. Things are okay now, but there was a time not too long ago when her tiny family had been one injury away from losing everything.
Even then, she knows things could've been so much worse.
She imagines Gene doing to Dustin what she suspects Neil Hargrove has done to Billy. Or abandoning him to a lonely hell like the one Lorne and Kate Harrington have left Steve in and she buries her face into the pillow yet again.
Claudia is definitely not the only good person in Hawkins, but she thinks there are far fewer than she might've once thought.
Billy doesn't call. 
Claudia knows there could be a multitude of reasons for why that is, the most likely of which being that Billy simply doesn't want to. She still feels a little ball of worry forming in her stomach.
The first post card arrives two months later. It's short and to the point, but Claudia feels such immense relief that each word feels precious to her.
Not dead yet. Prague is nice.
Claudia clears the cork board she has up for reminders and shopping lists and pins the picture of a beautiful European town where she can see it every day.
Karen Wheeler is someone Claudia knows by association. They've exchanged the usual niceties while picking up their kids from each other's houses and should they pass on the street they smile and nod to each other at the very least. Claudia knows Karen Wheeler, but they aren't friends and they certainly don't frequent the same social circles.
Claudia likes her book clubs, her cats, her knitting. She enjoys a quiet and comfortable existence after a life of too much family drama and financial strain.
Karen Wheeler likes… well, none of those things. Which simply means that conversation doesn't exactly flow between them unless they're talking about their sons.
Today, talking at length seems unavoidable. Dustin and his friends are insisting that they need another fifteen minutes to finish up their English presentation and Karen is standing at the front door looking done up and impatient.
Claudia, of course, invites her inside for a cup of coffee while they wait for the children to finish up.
It's as they're both sitting at the dining table that Karen spots the cork board.
"Is that Billy Hargrove?" She points to the latest photo he'd sent her, tacked over the letter that came with it. Claudia opens her mouth to respond, but instead watches, speechless as Karen gets up and untacks them both before bringing them both back to the table.
Claudia swallows down an annoyed comment and smiles politely.
"Yes, that's Billy." She says, before going on to explain how she came about meeting the boy.
"He sends you postcards?" Karen's eyebrows shoot up towards her hairline, corner of her mouth twitching and giving Claudia a look she can't quite discern.
"It's more of a favour to me," She laughs "I asked him to let me know if he made it safely so I didn't have to worry and since then he's been nice enough to keep my mind at ease. You do hear about such awful things happening to young travellers, it's good to keep track."
"That's… that's very sweet of you, Claudia."
Claudia wraps her hands around her mug and frowns a little. "Someone needs to care about that boy."
"Oh, of course." Karen says, looking slightly taken aback.
"If his parents won't, then that someone might as well be me."
Karen hums and goes back to looking at the photo. "He's rather good looking, don't you think?" 
Frowning at the incredibly odd change in subject, Claudia opens her mouth to answer when the words really begin to sink in. She closes her mouth and stares. 
Unaware of Claudia's scrutiny, Karen continues. "Did he send other photos? I'd love to see them."
Claudia opens her mouth again and knows she's about to tell a lie. She's interrupted by Mike sulkily appearing in the doorway to the kitchen.
Karen gets up. "All finished?" She asks and doesn't seem bothered at all when Mike ignores her and disappears out into the hallway to put his shoes on.
"Thank you so much for the coffee, Claudia. Please, don't get up, I'll let us out."
She rummages around her purse before she takes out a pen and piece of paper. She scribbles something Claudia quickly realises is her address and phone number before she slides it across the table. She clears her throat.
"You're right to be so worried for Billy, he needs all the support he can get. Maybe… maybe I could write to him as well? The more people that care, the better."
It's only when the front door closes that Claudia realises that the photo is gone.
There is a moment where she stares at the spot where the picture should be, right beside the letter, completely dumbstruck by the sheer audacity of Karen Wheeler. And she might have let it go under different circumstances, but Claudia has been on this earth long enough to know when to trust her gut, and her gut is telling her to not let Karen get her hands on any piece of Billy Hargrove, no matter how small.
Emboldened, she snatches the piece of paper off the kitchen counter and runs to the front door. When she steps out onto the driveway the Wheelers have already gotten into the car.
Claudia marches up to the car without hesitation and knocks on the window. Karen looks surprised for a second, then rolls it down.
Without a word, Claudia sticks her hand in, palm flat and face up.
They stare at each other.
The other woman tries for confusion for a few seconds, before she, rather guiltily, reaches into her purse and takes out the photo.
Claudia snatches it out of her hand before she can give it over and the woman flinches slightly.
"I don't think this will be necessary." She tosses the crumpled piece of paper through the open window, turns about and marches back up to the house without a backward glance.
She doesn't miss Mike's "What just happened?" Drifting out into the evening air, but she's too angry, too… something to care in that moment.
When she's back in the kitchen she calls Steve and invites the boy to dinner with her and Dusty.
I have much more, but I don't want to flood peoples feed. So I'll leave it at that.
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fangirlcenteral · 4 years
Request:  Hey love! I recently found your blog and I'm OBSESSED so happy to binge read 😂 Also I was wondering if I could request a smut? Reader and tom being lovers irl, but they're both actors. Maybe before they shoot for the day they have a tense argument, then whilst filming a love scene together Tom gets cheeky and actually puts his dingaling inside you, you're both covered by blankets but the cameras are rolling 😅😅 sorry if it's too descriptive! - @slutforhiddlebum
A/N: I have spent literally all day thinking about this. I have seen stuff like this before, but I put my own little spin on it that I haven’t seen before.
Warnings: SMUT (Semi-Public) 
Taglist: @just-the-hiddles​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @introvertedrambling​ @marvel-madness-forever​
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You and Tom were usually very happy, and got along very well. This particular week however you were fighting about everything. You weren’t really mad at anything in particular. The lack of sleep and the stress from the shoot were just bubbling on the surface, and being taken out on each other. The only difference was last night got bad. Worse than it had ever been. Usually no matter what you would end up in bed together, tangled into each other. But something about the way everyone at the tiny bar you had decided to go to to calm down was staring at Tom, your Tom, made you explode. You fought so bad that you decided to sleep in your separate trailers on set. Neither of you slept very much. Too lost in the thoughts of what the morning would bring. At some point your alarm blared forcing you out of the crying induced trance you had found yourself in. Tom on the other hand laid awake thinking about how he could apologize to you. He planed to go to your trailer before filming to apologize to you, but as soon as he woke up there was a knock on his trailer door. He jumped up hoping it was you, but was disappointed as soon as he heard his makeup artist’s voice outside. You were in a similar situation with people already putting you together for your scene when a production assistant walked in with the script for the scene you were about to film with Tom. After looking at the scene you were even more nervous about this scene. You had never done a sex scene before, and the only calming thing about it was that Tom would be here to help you. Now you were so unsure of what would happen when you saw each other.
After the both of you were done with hair and makeup you were instructed to undress and put on some uncomfortable nude underwear and nipple pasties. You tried to cover yourself as much as possible with the robe before leaving your trailer to walk to the set. You tried to walk as quickly as possible to the set. Thinking the sooner you got there the sooner it was over. As soon as you walked onto the set Tom’s heart broke at how nervous you looked. All he wanted to do was hold you in his arms and tell you everything would be alright, but he felt that you were still mad at him. After the director went over the scene with you both you laid down on the bed and covered yourself with the blanket, looking at him terrified. He quickly walked over to you and carefully laid on top of you. You were hyper aware of the few people in the room. You were too lost in your thoughts to notice the crew leaving to let your get set up while they finished setting up. As soon as they were out of the room he unknotted the robe for you and helped you take it off. He quickly shed his own robe and looked down at you. You covered your breasts with your hands until he pulled them away.
“Don’t worry baby, I won’t let them see anything,” He said smiling down at you. You smiled back and kissed him lightly, your fears diminishing from the soft press of his lips. He leaned back, and began adjusting his nude underwear. You didn’t think much of it until the crew funneled in, and you felt him pull your underwear the the side. “let me make it up to you baby,” he whispered in your ear. You nodded and put your hands around his neck. While you laid there waiting a camera guy came up behind you to set a camera looking at Toms face. Tom instinctively leaned over to cover you more, unknowingly pushing his tip into you. A moan attempted to escape, but you covered it with a cough.
As soon as action was yelled Tom was kissing you deeply and thrusting into you slowly and harsh. You threw your head back against the pillows with a loud moan. Your eyes screwed as you got lost in the moment. Forgetting that you were surrounded by people recording you for a second. Only feeling Tom’s gentle kiss and rough thrusts. When you threw your head back further and your eyes shot open, when Tom’s tip brushed your sensitive spot, and you looked right into the camera. You quickly brought your eyes back to Tom and closed them as he laid against you. Just as you felt like you were teetering precariously between the heaven of your orgasm and the shocking reality you found yourself in, the director yelled cut. Tom stopped immediately and pulled out of you. You closed your mouth and attempted to control your breathing, suddenly very aware of the people surrounding you. You felt a heat move up your body in embarrassment. You put your head against Tom’s chest. You couldn’t tell if the heat spreading all over your body was from the orgasm that was just ripped away from you, or the embarrassment and excitement of what you just did. In your slight haze you didn’t notice Tom shooing everyone away until he was kissing at your cheeks while adjusting himself back into his underwear. He pulled himself up, and helped you into your robe. You sat up and looked at him with wide teary eyes, almost begging him to not leave you hanging like this. He simply looks at you and chuckles at your pouting. He cups your chin, and makes you look up at him. He leaned down and kissed you before pulling you to stand. 
“We have a while before out next scene, why don’t you go wait for me in your trailer. I need to get some stuff, then i’ll meet you there. Okay,” he said looking at you carefully. It was times like this where you were so needy that he handled you like a porcelain doll. You nod slowly, and he helps you stand. Carefully observing to make sure your steady on your feet before letting you go. You quickly scurried back to your trailer, and shed the weird half clothes you were given before laying on the bed. You got on your hands and knees, arching your back slightly to present your glistening folds to Tom as soon as he walked in. You didn’t even have to look back to know he had walked into the room. The deep groan that left his lips, and the quick heavy footsteps approaching you. Suddenly you felt his smooth hands groping at your ass. He moved his hands slowly to your hips, pressing your ass and folds against the rough material of the jeans he must have put on. You whine out slightly, and let your head fall forward. You felt him shift and soon you felt him blow a cool breath against your drenched folds. You shuddered slightly and started to fall forward, but his hands held you in place with a firm hold.
“Hold on darling, I’m gonna make you feel real good. Over, and over, and over again,” he said darkly. You could practically hear the smirk on his face when you whine and grip the bed sheets till your knuckles were white. You very suddenly felt a firm lick from your entrance to you clit. When he reached your sensitive bud he lightly nipped at it. Again, you nearly fell, but he used one of his hands that was holding your thigh to wrap the whole arm around your thighs to hold you tightly against his face. He moved his other hand to rub your clit, and began roughly eating you out. You were positive that anyone near your trailer could hear your pathetic, whiny screams of pleasure. Tom continued to stab his tongue into you rapidly. You started shaking against his hold. When he felt this he went even faster. Using his whole body to both throw you over the edge and hold onto you so you don’t physically fall. When you finally let yourself fall over the edge he doesn’t let up. He focuses all his energy on making making you feel everything he will give you. When you finally stop screaming in pleasure, he pulls back slowly and looked up at your trembling body. He smiled to himself as he laid a soft kiss on your backside. He then helped you move to lay on your back. He helped you get comfortable before tracing his ridiculous long fingers up your inner thigh.
“Do you think your ready for me baby. I wouldn’t want to hurt my precious girl,” he said rubbing his fingers up and down your slit, occasionally flicking at your clit. You mewled out and grabbed at his belt weakly, too lost in pleasure to speak. “Okay baby, okay,” he laugh at your attempt to get his pants off. You whined as he pulled away from you, causing him to put his hand on your stomach, and rub soothing circles.
After he got his pants off he grabbed your hand and brought it down to his cock. You wrapped your hand around him and looked up at him. The way you look at him could have finished him. You looked so innocent with your massive bright eyes, and soft opened mouth. He let go of your wrist and let you stroke him slowly. You sat up and looked at him. He leaned in and kissed you deeply. You slowly rubbed your thumb over his tip, applying a bit of pressure to make his squirm. As you did that he broke the kiss with a moan. You them released him and traced your finger on the underside of his head.
“Alright. That’s enough of that,” He said as he pulled your hand off him and pushed you to lay on your back. He kisses up your body until he us face to face with you. He leaned down and kissed you sweetly as he rubbed his cock through your folds. You broke the kiss with a moan as you threw your head back as he pushed into you quickly. He didn’t give you time to adjust before he was pounding into you. He leaned down and began kissing at your neck, and speaking sweet nothings in your ears. You held onto him tightly as he moved your leg to his hip to thrust into you deeper and harder. Hitting a part inside of you, you always forget about until he hits it. Over, and over, and over again. He laid soft kisses on your cheeks and held onto your leg tightly. You suddenly felt a course of electricity shoot through your body. You didn’t even have time to warn Tom before you were screaming so loud you were sure you would be hoarse later, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. To blinded my the immense pleasure you were feeling. You felt Tom grip harder on your leg and grunt above you as he spilled into you. You rode out your highs before he stilled above you, and started panting heavily. After a few moments of breathing heavily he slowly put your leg down and eased out of you. He shushed you and rubbed your forehead as you whined at the loss of contact.
After he cleaned you up, and helped you slip on one of his shirts he helped you under the covers. He held you close to his chest. 
“How are you feeling darling? Not too bad I hope,” he said cuddling close to you. You shook your head as he made you drink some water. He nodded as he put to water on the night stand before pulling you to his chest. You quickly began nodding off.
“Sleep tight my love. I’ll be right here when you wake up,” he whispered in your ear as you fell asleep.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading. It took a little longer than I had hoped, but I actually really like it. My requests and tag list are open. I hope your having a great day/night. Sorry if the ending is rough. I’m exhausted, but can’t sleep.
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fckinsupreme · 4 years
it happened one summer - xavier plympton x fem reader
Description: Xavier tries to charm a fellow counselor, but she isn’t falling for it. She wants something serious, and believes that Xavier is after one thing. Can he convince her that he wants more than just a hook-up? 
Word count: 6k 
Warnings: Female reader, AU, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, nipple play, handjob, basically the second half of this is nothing but filth. 
A/N: Anonymous requested--Xavier trying to flirt with the new girl who goes to Redwood with his gang. She's a virgin but not stupid. She wants a serious relationship with someone more than just sex. And if this blondie only wants a regular hook up, well she's not the one. So Xavier will tried to convice her that he really wants something more with her. He thinks he's hot, but not because of her body. (Well, a little) But when he sees her zero fuck attitute he feels in love even more.
You groan in defeat as Xavier Plympton claims one of your checkers, eyeing him in wide-eyed desperation. “Do I have to?”
“You know the rules, babe,” he says, gesturing toward your shirt. “Strip checkers denotes losing an article of clothing with every loss of a piece, so pay up!”
You sigh, annoyed with your own carelessness as you unbutton your blouse. A breeze passes through the ajar cabin door, the summer night air hitting your bare skin as your shirt falls to the floor. Your nipples harden inside of your bra, but luckily, the padding keeps it mostly concealed. “I thought checkmate was a chess thing, by the way?”
“Hm, don’t know,” Xavier says, licking his lips as he ogles your shirtless form. “Your turn.”
Your eyes scan the board, trying to decide a good move. The answer stares you in the face for the longest time, and you move one of your red checkers over one of his black ones when you see it. You claim the piece, eyeing his shirt with a satisfied grin. “Your turn.”
“Goddammit,” Xavier says with a chuckle, tugging his teal shirt over his head and throwing it aside.
Your cheeks heat in a hot blush at the sight of his bare torso. You knew he was fit and had a good body, but you didn’t quite realize just how built he had been. Muscles rippled beneath his skin, a slight outline of abs present on his stomach, his chest perfectly defined. Xavier has apparently noticed the color in your cheeks as you stare, a grin forming over his full lips. He laughs and flexes his biceps for you, which finally tears your gaze away with a darker flush. 
“Like what you see, babe?” Xavier asks smugly. 
“I--” you begin, cutting yourself off with a shake of your head as you watch him make a move. Luckily, he doesn’t claim any of your pieces. “Why do you flirt with me so much? It’s all you’ve done since we got here at camp.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Xavier asks with an amused grin. 
“Not really, no,” you say, making an unsuccessful move. “Enlighten me.”
“It’s because you’re beautiful,” Xavier says, surveying the board and moving his piece. “Seriously, Y/N. You’re stunning, and I don’t think you even realize it. I think you’re totally oblivious to the fact that you’re a fucking knockout, and that makes you even more beautiful.”
“What a line,” you say with a slight eye roll as you move a piece past his. He removes his shorts, and you’re unable to get a good look before he sits down. “Do you say that to all the girls you wanna get in bed with?”
“No,” he says, his tongue poking out as he claims another of your checkers. “Aha!”
You whine, slipping out of your skirt with reluctance. You feel so vulnerable, so exposed, and you aren’t too fond of that feeling. You try to cover your still-covered breasts with one arm, but to no avail. Xavier is trying so hard not to gawk, but he’s unable to help himself. For some odd reason, his staring fills you with a certain degree of rage. He certainly didn’t get angry when you were checking him out, so why be so harsh? You had a hunch as to why, but you weren’t going to vocalize it yet; mostly because it scared you to even entertain. 
“I need to get back to my cabin,” you say, rising to your feet. “This was a mistake.”
“Woah, what?” Xavier asks in surprise, brows knitted as he watches you gather your discarded clothes. “Babe--”
“Please stop calling me that,” you beg as you get dressed. “And please stop flirting with me.”
“But--” he begins, cut off as you walk out of the cabin and into the night.
The next morning, Xavier was at it again.
Not only did he flirt with you first thing, but he was also hitting on Montana, Brooke, and anyone else within range. Apparently it hadn’t been the first time; you’d overheard Montana telling Ray that Xavier was getting more flirtatious with her since their arrival. You felt betrayed, deceived, utterly foolish for believing that a man as beautiful as Xavier Plympton would ever want you. Your heart stung, but you made a promise to yourself not to fall for it again. It was one you intended to keep, no matter how difficult he made it. 
You ate breakfast alone, in silence. Your lone wolf status didn’t last long, however, as Xavier took a seat next to you. You scoot away, but he follows, oblivious to your anger and disappointment. Since moving isn’t working, you choose to ignore him. You eat quietly, not acknowledging his presence until he starts flirting with you once more. This time, his topic had been how the filtering of the sunlight in the cafeteria made you look angelic, and how he would love to show you Heaven sometime. 
“Stop,” you say sternly. “Just stop it, Xavier.”
“What’s wrong?” Xavier asks. 
“You’re what’s fucking wrong,” you say. “I know you’re flirting with literally every single counselor here. I fucking know I’m not the only one.”
“Y/N--” he begins, but you stop him. 
“No, fucking listen to me for once,” you say after taking a bite of bacon, and he falls silent. “I thought I was the only one. I was gonna give you a chance, but after all of that? No thanks; I’ll pass.” 
“I--” he starts, and you cut him off again.
“I’m not done,” you say angrily. “I want something serious. I want a relationship, not something where I have to contend with a man who flirts around and can’t decide who he wants. I want commitment, love, joy. Clearly, none of that is what you can give.”
“I don’t understand why that’s such a big deal,” Xavier says softly. “I--”
“You wanna know?” you ask, your voice raised a little. You lower it as a few counselors turn in your direction, not wanting to attract too much attention. “It’s a huge fucking deal to me, because I’m a virgin. Okay?”
His eyes widen at that admission, and he gapes before finding his voice. “You...what? Really?”
“Really,” you confirm. “I want my first time to be with someone special, so I haven’t experienced it yet. Wanna know why? Because all men I’ve considered always ended up being like you.”
Xavier hangs his head in shame, and when he looks at you again, his expression is remorseful. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know; I feel like such a jerk.”
“That’s because you are one,” you say, tossing your napkin onto the tray of your half-eaten meal. “So, if your objective has been trying to get in my pants, then you’re wasting your time. I’m not giving my virginity to you.”
“I do want only you,” he says, and you laugh humorlessly. “Seriously! I only flirted with the others because I thought you didn’t like me.”
“I did like you, until you threw yourself at every piece of ass here,” you spit, getting up from the table. “I’m going to shoot some arrows at the archery station. Please don’t bother following me.”
He didn’t. 
The next few days were quite eventful on the Xavier front. Every time you turned around, it seemed Xavier was right there with another lame tall tale. He was sorry, he would do better, he would stop flirting with others, he would spend more time with you and less with them. You rebuffed him each time, not wanting to hear another word of it. 
But then he actually did stop flirting around, and he was there to lend a sincere helping hand when you needed it. In your mind, you interpreted all of these sudden changes as him wanting to be your first. After all, most men had a secret obsession with virginal women—or not so secret, in some cases. Xavier was a playboy, there was no doubt about that. So, who’s to say that he didn’t possess the same sick need to be the one taking your virginity? You were nothing but a bragging right to him, and your anxiety & temper about it finally boiled over as the two of you swam in the lake. 
“You truly are a pretty girl,” Xavier says as you surface from a dive. “Even when doing the smallest things.”
“Can you not do this?” you beg. “Please. I came out here to cool off, not listen to more of your bullshit.”
He holds his hands up in mock surrender, a wide grin on his lips. “Sorry. I just feel bad for what happened, and I wanted to show you how sorry I really am.” 
“Just don’t flirt with me,” you say. “That’s all you need to do, if you really wanna prove it to me.”
He nods with a sigh, and you float on your back. The sky is a clear, cloudless blue, so mesmerizing and also a bit terrifying. How easy it was to get lost in such an abyss and how simple it was to associate that color blue with Xavier’s eyes...Those beautiful baby blues that seemed so endless, like a vast ocean or sky that would take and take and take--
You stop yourself, taking a deep breath and plunging below the water. You allow it to carry you, swaying you gently to and fro, not sure what doing so will accomplish. Perhaps you wanted to drown the thoughts of him away, or maybe it was as simple as wanting to hide. The anger flashes through your mind again, that comment he’d made minutes earlier churning through your insides. You go up, gulping air into your lungs and pushing some hair from your eyes as you glare daggers at him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks curiously. “What have I done now?”
“What you always do,” you say, swimming away from him. “You do realize these half-assed attempts won’t work, right? I know what your angle is.”
“And what is it?” Xavier asks irritably. “Please tell me what you think is going on in MY head.”
“You only want to try and ‘prove’ yourself so I change my mind and let you fuck me,” you spat. “It’s not working, Xavier.”
“Y/N,” Xavier says in frustration. “That’s not why! You aren’t some meaningless piece of ass to me. I know your stance; if I was gonna use you, I would have given up already. It was clear that you wouldn’t change your mind, so it wouldn’t have been worth it to keep trying.”
“I call bullshit,” you say, climbing out of the lake and shaking water from your ears. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe it.” 
You look back at him as you grab your towel. He’s quiet, but the expression on his face was akin to a man in love. The glint in his eyes, the awestruck look, the dopey grin. You can’t stop the laugh that rips from your chest at the sight, but as you walk away, your heart pangs at the thought of what it may mean.
This wasn’t going to be easy, was it? 
A couple days after the lake incident, the counselors gathered at the dock to enjoy a barbecue and some sunbathing. That is, all the counselors except you; you took up the offer to clean Margaret’s cabin. Anything that kept you away from Xavier was exactly what you needed. It wasn’t that he was bothering you; you were past that point now. In fact, you actually wanted to see him more, after seeing the lovestruck expression on his face days earlier. But you told yourself you wouldn’t get attached or fall for him any harder; it would only end in a heartbreak that you possibly couldn’t recover from.
You begin dusting Margaret’s mantel when you hear Xavier at the front door. “Y/N?”
Your blood runs cold, and you swallow hard past the lump in your throat. “Yeah?” you manage, poking your head into the front room.
“I had to come and see you,” Xavier says, wringing his hands anxiously. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but all I’m asking is that you hear me out. Okay?”
You sigh, sitting behind her desk as you dust your hands off. “You can try, but no promises that I’ll believe you.”
He nods in understanding, taking a deep breath. “Listen, I know you think that I’m only after you for sex. I know you think I’m lying when I say that isn’t true, but I honestly don’t want you just for that reason. I truly think that you’re beautiful and that you’re the best girl I’ve ever met. You’re all I’ve thought about from the moment we met, and as much as I wish you would get out of my head, it won’t happen. I don’t care that you’re a virgin; I like you for you. I flirted with the others, because I didn’t wanna fall deeply for you. I know you’d never go for a guy like me. Why would you? A goddess like you is way out of my league, anyway.”
“Xavier--” you begin, but he cuts you off. 
“I’m not done,” he says, taking another deep breath. “I know I screwed up by being too flirty, but I’m determined to make it up to you. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I’m telling the truth. I really am sorry, and knowing that I hurt you causes me pain, too. I just...I’m an idiot and I really screwed up. I didn’t know what a good thing I was losing. It’s just something I’m always going to have to live with, and I hope you can forgive me someday.” 
You’re silent, staring at him in astonishment. Xavier, apparently taking this as the worst possible sign, turns to leave. Before he can, though, you rest a hand on his arm to stop him. The realization that he’s telling the truth hits you full force, and you can’t just let him walk away. The efforts he took to find you and come clean, to pour his heart out...If he truly was after sex, it wouldn’t have occured to him to do any of it. He would have kept persisting, but this? It wasn’t the standard, run-of-the-mill player nonsense. It was genuine. 
“Wait,” you whisper, eyes flicking to meet his. “Please don’t go.”
“But--” he begins.
Before he can formulate a complete response, your lips press to his in a soft, chaste kiss. It’s quicker than you intended, but you hope he received the message loud & clear. He melts against your lips, the hint of a smile on his own as you draw back. The faintness of his grin fades quickly, replaced by a frown as he shakes his head. You can still feel the soft plumpness of his lips on yours, an electric tingle charging through them and settling between your legs. You look at him in confusion as he stares at the ground, wondering what’s going through his mind. Finally, he speaks it. 
“Don’t kiss me unless you mean it,” he begs. “Please, Y/N.” 
“I do mean it,” you assure him, brushing your fingers through the hair on the side of his head. “I really do. I know you’re being honest, Xavier. It took a lot of effort and I know you wouldn’t have bothered if you didn’t mean it. It’s too much to put yourself through for a single day of sex, and you know my stance. But you didn’t give up, and that’s how I know you mean it.”
The grin that forms on Xavier’s face threatens to split it in half. His hands land on your waist, coaxing you toward him until your chest is flush to his. He brushes hair from either side of your face with both of his hands, cupping your jaw and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. He slowly comes in for another kiss, his warm, inviting lips finding yours once more. Your eyes slip closed, and an overwhelming urge to deepen the kiss washes over you. Your tongue trails over his lips after a moment, and you can feel him withdrawing. You whine in protest, but he shakes his head in response.
“Do you really want this?” Xavier asks, nervously chewing on his lower lip. “If you aren’t ready, then we don’t have to. Please don’t feel pressured, okay?”
“I do want it,” you say. “I really do. I wouldn’t be engaging you if I didn’t. I want it, Xavier; I want you.”
“I won’t let you down or break your heart,” Xavier promises. “You have my word on that.”
“I know,” you say, closing the space between you and sealing your lips to his again. 
The kiss immediately deepens, with Xavier’s tongue swiping past yours as he grips the back of your neck. His lips taste of peppermint and a faint hint of citrus, and the combination is dizzying. It makes you crave more of him, and you lick the roof of his mouth as he shivers slightly. He backs you up, drawing away long enough to lead you to Margaret’s bed. He places you on the mattress, lips connecting to yours again. Your hands explore his back and torso, wanting to take in every single inch that’s accessible to you.
“Mmm,” he hums, mouth trailing over your jaw and down your neck. “Is it okay if I start taking your clothes off?”
“Yes,” you say, nuzzling against his scalp. “Go ahead.”
“You’re sure?” Xavier asks, and you chuckle as you give him a playful swat. “Ow!”
“It’s really fine,” you say. “If something is wrong, I’ll tell you. I swear.”
He tugs you up, lifting your shirt over your head and discarding it. He studies you, the way your chest heaves, the way you’re already reaching for him in anticipation, and he kisses you with such passion that it sends electricity throughout your body. You grab his shirt next, and as soon as you fist it, he stops the kiss to remove it. You take in every line of muscle with your fingers, relishing in the way he shudders beneath your touch. His lips attach to your neck again, leaving featherlight kisses all over your skin. You moan loudly as he kisses the area between your neck & shoulder, which prompts him to press his mouth even harder against that same spot.
“Shit, that feels so good,” you gasp, and you can feel him grinning against your neck. 
“You’ll be surprised what feels good, babe,” he breathes, dragging his teeth along your neck and under your jaw. “I’ll show you.”
“Please,” you beg, grabbing his belt and unfastening it clumsily. “I want you to show me everything.”
“I will,” he promises. “I’ll be slow and gentle.”
“I trust you,” you say, gripping his hair as he kisses your collarbones. “Wholeheartedly.”
“What a pleasant turn of events,” Xavier jokes, winking as he coaxes your hips upward. “Lift yourself up, baby.”
You do as you’re told, allowing Xavier to remove your shorts. Xavier kisses you again as he throws them aside, his tongue pressing to yours as he runs a hand from your side to your hip. Your fingers fumble with his zipper, and after what seems to take forever, you get his pants unbuttoned. You shove them down as far as you can manage, and he kicks them to the floor. The two of you make out a little, with your bra & panties coming off along the way. When you remove his boxers, you both sit back to admire each other’s exposed bodies. Xavier’s cock is far bigger than you imagined, and you chew your lip anxiously as you wonder how much it’s going to hurt. Xavier, seemingly picking up on your anxiety, gives you a gentle, reassuring kiss.
“I’ll be cautious and I’ll make sure you’re ready,” he assures. “Can I just say, though...Your body is fucking perfect, Y/N. Perfect tits, perfect pussy, perfect everything.”
You blush a little, and Xavier begins kissing over your breasts. He explores every inch, pulling your nipple between his teeth. He’s very careful, but the sensation is one you’ve never felt before. It’s so good that your eyes flutter closed, a soft mewl falling from your lips as he starts sucking. Your noises grow in volume, your cunt throbbing as fresh arousal pools between your legs. His hand caresses your thigh, a violent shiver rolling down your spine as he touches a particularly sensitive area. He alternates, switching to the opposite nipple and giving it the same treatment as the other. You tug his hair, arching a little against the new, unfamiliar sensations coursing through your body. 
“Xavier,” you mewl, eyes closed as he starts massaging your tits. He presses them together, burying his face in your chest and inhaling your scent. You giggle as he leaves small hickeys between them, the light marks soon darkening as his tongue runs over one nipple again. “It feels so nice.”
“I know something that’s gonna feel even better,” Xavier says, kissing down your stomach. 
“What is it?” you question, sitting up on your elbows to get a good look at him.
“Eating your pussy,” he says, pulling you down a little as he settles between your legs. “You know what that is, don’t you?”
“Duh,” you say with a chuckle, biting back a moan as he kisses the top of your mound. “I’m not totally clueless, but I want you to do it. I want it so fucking much.”
“And you’ll get it,” he tells you, opening your legs a little further to observe your soaked cunt.
You take in the sight, just drinking it up. His pretty blue eyes fixated on your face as he presses the most delicate kisses to your inner thighs. The way his breath fans over your skin. The way his hair tickles your thighs, his earring catching the light as his strong arms grip your legs. It’s an image you never want to lose, and one you wanted burned into your mind forever. If he would ever leave you, God forbid...you wanted to memorize every last detail.
“Are you ready?” Xavier asks, running his tongue slowly along your groin.
“I’ve been ready,” you breathe, whining as he licks the opposite side. “Please, do it.”
Xavier gently opens your legs a bit further, two of his fingers parting your inner lips before running his tongue through them. The sensation that his wet, silky tongue leaves behind is nothing short of incredible, and it’s much better than you ever imagined. He hums as your taste floods his mouth, his eyes slipping closed as he relishes in it. You shiver as his tongue flicks your clit, the touch so soft and light that you almost couldn’t register it. His arms remain around your thighs, his large hands gripping the areas above your knees. As his lips brush over each side of your pussy, his thumbs caress the hollows of your knees as a bit of reassurance, calming your nerves even more.
“How are you doing?” Xavier asks, sucking your left lip. “Good?”
“Very good,” you confirm, playing with the little stray piece of hair on his forehead. “I love it so much. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t unless you tell me to,” Xavier says, massaging the same area with his tongue as his fingers trail through your slick, messy cunt. “Do you mind if I finger you?”
“No, go ahead,” you say, crying out in pleasure as his finger slowly pushes inside, stopping only when he’s in to the last knuckle. “Xavier...That...It’s amazing.”
“I know, baby,” he coos, working his finger against your sweet spot as he laps ast your clit. “I know.”
You arch instinctively as he curls his finger, and the mixed sensations of that & his tongue send jolts up your spine. His eyes never leave your face, wanting to see your reactions and how your body moves in response, and it occurs to you that he’s doing as you had moments ago. He wants to keep this memory, in case he cannot have it again after today. But you already know that he didn’t need to worry, just as you, unknowingly, didn’t need to worry about it, either. 
“Can I add another finger?” Xavier asks gently, kissing along your outer labia. “Or would that be too much?”
“Try it,” you say. “If it’s too much, I’ll tell you.”
He nods, carefully adding a second finger. It doesn’t hurt, but you feel fuller than before. It isn’t too unpleasant, but it does feel a little odd at first. Every time you touched yourself in the past, it was more clitoral stimulation than fingering, so it was a little weird with someone else doing it for you. Besides, his fingers were longer and thicker than yours, which only added to the foreign sensation they left. You clench instinctively, and he groans lowly against your clit in response.
“You’re so beautiful,” Xavier rasps, his free hand snaking up your side and landing on one of your breasts. “The most beautiful girl in the world.”
You’re so lost in pleasure that you don’t even roll your eyes at his comment, instead feeling a familiar tightness in your lower belly. The way he’s sucking on your clit, pumping his fingers, and playing with your breast are enough to tip you, but you aren’t ready to fall yet. You want to prolong it as much as possible, to savor it. Who knows how long it would be until you could have it again, especially with Margaret and her bullshit “no sex” rules. Knowing Xavier, however, he would find a way.
But would he find a way with you again?
You shake those thoughts from your head, bringing yourself back to present. Xavier’s fingers rub against your G-spot, just as his lips envelop your clit again. He shakes his head rapidly back & forth, applying more pressure with his mouth. He swipes his thumb over your hard nipple, pinching in time with his tongue. You don’t have time to warn him that you’re cumming, your orgasm washing over you and casting you into a pleasurable abyss. You gush all over his fingers, his name spilling from your lips as you close your eyes while the high takes you. You’d given yourself many orgasms over the years, but this was much better by far. There was just something about having someone do it for you that was intoxicating, and you crave more already. You were so sensitive, however, that just the feeling of him dragging his nose through your folds brings pain. 
Xavier pulls his fingers out, drawing his head away as you shove it. “Are you okay, babe?” 
“I’m amazing,” you breathe. “Just a little sensitive, that’s all.”
“Not bad for your first time, huh?” Xavier asks as he slowly climbs up your body.
“Not at all,” you breathe, tugging him down for a hot kiss. You can taste your pussy on his mouth, his lips still slick with your juices before you lick it away. “You’re fucking good at that.”
“You’re just saying that because you have nothing to compare it to,” Xavier teases, his lashes fluttering as you close your hand around his erection. “Oh fuck, baby…”
His cock feels heavy in your hand, and pleasantly warm as you glide your hand up and down. It takes you a second to get a proper rhythm, and Xavier is happy to help you. He places his hand on yours, guiding you, showing you how it’s done. You take in every ridge, every bit of skin, every motion, getting used to how he feels before he fucks you. You’re a little nervous, but at the same time, you can’t wait. You trust Xavier, you know he’s going to be careful, but there’s still part of you that’s scared.
“Fuck,” Xavier hisses, peering at you with a soft smile. “Are you ready?”
You nod, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly to try and calm your nerves. “I am. Just...go slow, okay?”
“I promise I will,” Xavier says, rubbing his cock through your folds to help you adjust to the feel. “On three.”
You count down, and Xavier begins pushing inside. A burning, tearing pain sears through your core, and you wince as you squeeze your eyes shut. The pressure is intense, unpleasant, and you worry that you won’t be able to do this after all. Xavier stops immediately, not going any further yet. You wonder if there’s blood and how much, but the thought is so scary that you push it away quickly. This was supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not something to fear. However, the pain is so great that it takes you away from any other thought. It makes focusing on pleasure a little difficult, but you trust Xavier and the process. 
“Does it hurt too much, baby?” Xavier questions, kissing over your neck in a soothing manner. “Should I stop?”
“No, I’m okay,” you assure him. “It hurts, but I don’t want you to stop.”
He nods, kissing you tenderly before continuing to slowly push inside of you. It’s still painful, so he stops occasionally to give you more time to adjust. But soon, the uncomfortable pressure begins to dissipate, and you can feel every little bit of him. He’s probably in halfway now--or a little over that, but it’s all you can take. He’s massive, and you can’t accommodate all of him right now, but that’s fine with you. What you’re already feeling is nothing short of incredible, and is far from what you imagined in the best way possible. Pain was temporary; your focus was on the present, and it was perfect now. 
“How are you feeling?” Xavier asks as he gazes into your eyes. “Is it still really painful?”
“No, I’m better now,” you say, kissing him hotly before clenching around him. It feels so strange, but it’s a good strange. “Please go deeper; I think I can take it.”
Xavier inches in a bit deeper, getting a little more progress before you stop him. Tears prickle at your eyes as fresh pain rips through your core, and Xavier shakes his head. “That’s enough for now, babe. I’m in far enough, don’t worry.”
You open your mouth to tell him that you’re fine, but he gives that first slow, shallow thrust and you soon forget. A moan slips from your lips, and you cling to him as he sets a careful pace. He keeps the slow rhythm, not daring to speed up in fear of hurting you. He looks into your eyes, not wavering his gaze as his muscular arms flex with every move he makes. One of your hands grips his back, the other holding the base of his neck to pull him down for a kiss. The pain is slowly melting away, replaced by the most overwhelming ecstasy you’ve ever felt. 
“Fuck, I can’t get over how good you feel,” Xavier breathes, pressing tender kisses to your cheeks and jawline. “You’re so tight, so wet.”
“I guess the tightness was to be expected,” you tease, forehead against his as he comes up for another kiss. 
“It was,” he says against your lips, smiling as he begins breathing heavily. He’s still set at a slow, romantic pace, but you’re in no hurry to make him go faster. “Baby…”
“Xavier,” you whine, his lips attaching to your upper chest as he hums lowly. 
“You’re doing so well,” he praises. “You’re taking my cock so well, babe. I knew you could; I think you were really meant for me.”
“Strangely, I do, too,” you say, head falling back with a moan as he hits directly into the spot that makes you see stars. “Shit, do that again.”
Xavier thrusts against that spot once more, and you dig into his back momentarily. He moans softly at the feeling of your nails in his skin, hooking your legs over his waist to hit at a deeper angle. Another burning sensation tears through you, but it isn’t as bad or long-lasting as the first had been. He brings your lips to his in a heated, passionate kiss, conveying all emotion into it. If it hadn’t already been clear how he felt for you, that one kiss would have sealed the deal.
Xavier Plympton was going to be the death of you, wasn’t he?”
“I love how well you’re handling this,” Xavier says. “You’re so fucking good, babe. I’m gonna take even better care of you, okay? I promise.”
You smile, but it’s soon wiped from your face as you turn toward the front door. No one is there, but the fact that Margaret could return at any minute made your blood run cold. You pull Xavier’s face toward yours with a worried expression, but he doesn’t seem to notice your concern.
“Xav, what if Margaret comes back?” you ask anxiously. “We’ve been here for awhile.”
“She won’t,” Xavier assures. “It’s gonna be okay. I overheard her saying that she was going to town for supplies and would be gone all day. She left Trevor and Bertie in charge.”
“I’d be surprised if the camp is still standing when she gets back,” you joke, gripping his back a little tighter as his lips find your nipple. “Mmm…”
Xavier reaches down, rubbing your clit as your body tenses. He takes it as a painful reaction, slowly removing his hand before you grab his wrist to stop him. You shake your head, placing his hand back on your clit and holding it there as he grins. He presses his forehead to yours, gazing into your eyes as you both moan hotly. You nuzzle against him as his thrusts gain speed, and all initial discomfort is soon forgotten. Your head tips back, eyes shut for a moment before they snap open when he growls lowly. 
“Fuck,” he hisses. “I never want this to end.”
“I don’t, either,” you admit. “Even if Margaret does walk in, I don’t want you to stop.”
“She won’t,” Xavier says. “Even if she did, what is she gonna do? Make us clean the whole camp? It would be so worth it!” 
“Please keep doing that,” you beg, pushing against his hand for emphasis. “I’m getting really close.”
“Me too, baby,” Xavier whispers, one hand still working aa he uses the other for balance. “You’re sure it’s okay to cum inside of you?”
“Yes,” you say. “As long as it’s okay with you.”
“You first,” Xavier says, rubbing your clit in harder, faster circles. “Come on, baby. I know you want to.”
You almost roll your eyes, but you’re too lost in your pleasure to care about his comment. One more sharp thrust and a couple more swipes to your clit send the coil loose, tipping you over the edge into bliss. You cum the hardest you ever have before--including earlier--scratching down his back hard enough to draw a little blood. You cry out his name, your orgasm washing over you in a long wave. It feels like you’re drowning, your head spinning, your breath stolen, his sweaty body still pressed to yours.
Xavier cums after, and a new warmth soon spreads inside of you. You can barely register it, but it feels amazing nonetheless as he gently bites your neck. His cock twitches as he finishes, pulling out to collapse next to you. Some of his seed drips from your pussy, gathering onto the bed below. You’re both panting, lying there as you try to collect yourselves. The smell of sex and crisp summer air billow around the room, but neither of you are bothered. You’re too absorbed in the afterglow to care.
After a few moments of silence, Xavier scoops you in his arms. He hugs your sticky, slightly shaky body to his, lips pressing to the top of your head. “I don’t wanna let you go, Y/N.”
“Who says you have to?” you ask, looking up at him with a smile. “You don’t have to, you know.”
“Good,” Xavier says, running a finger down your cheek. “Because I really don’t want to.”
“Thank you so much for making my first time so special,” you say as you kiss his cheek. “I’m really glad that this happened, Xavier. I mean it, and I’m sorry I was so cold before. You were such a gentleman, and I’m sorry I ever doubted that.”
“It’s okay,” Xavier says. “It’ll get better after the first time. It’s never the most pleasant, but it’s smooth sailing after that. So I’ve heard.”
“I thought it went well enough,” you say as you gaze up at him. “But I can’t wait to do it again.”
“We have all summer, babe,” Xavier says joyously. “Beyond that, too!”
You chuckle, rolling him onto his back as you kiss him hungrily. For the first time since arriving at Camp Redwood, you found yourself excited for the remainder of the summer. While the two of you had sex again--this time far more satisfactory than last--you couldn’t help but feel happy for everything ahead. 
@littledemondani, @wroteclassicaly, @leatherduncan @melodylangdon, @lovelylangdonx, @confettucini, @littlegirlsdontplaynice, @dark-mei-rose, @langdonsdad, @blakewaterxx, @xhoneyxbeex, @babyyyodas, @frenchlangdon, @guiltyfiend, @whatcodysaid, @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern, @with-dandelions-in-her-hands, @langdonshellion
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Birthday girl
Birthday girl-
Warning: literally all smut, like an actual porno
Summary: it’s Y/n’s birthday, and Harry has a gift in mind
*doing some one shots till I’m ready to post the next part of Butterflies and Bandaids*
Y/n got an immediate shot of adrenaline as she stepped into the party. For a house party, she was pretty impressed with the turn out and all the bells and whistles the host pulled out.
Strobe lights, good speakers, booze and decorations. Her favorite part, was that this party was for her.
A loud “happy birthday!” rang out as the girl walked through the door. Smiles, cheers, clapping all overwhelmed her senses as she crossed the threshold.
Her smile was big and surprised giggles were drowned out by the music, but everyone could tell it was a good reaction. Especially a boy who helped plan the surprise party for the girl, Harry couldn’t help but get giddy seeing the girl react the way she did.
Harry has had a couple interactions with the girl, he first met her in their shared English class when they got paired up for a project. They had mutual friends and just sort of clicked. They weren’t close friends by any means, but he wanted to change that. He wanted to go a step further since he pretty quickly from their first meeting, developed a pretty big crush on her.
So of course, the second he heard their mutual friends talking about planning her a surprise party he jumped in and made sure he did everything he could to make it as big as possible. He even convinced his uncle to let them use his mansion for it, promising they’d clean everything up and promising to babysit his cousins for him for 6 months.
Y/n was quickly handed a red cup with some mixed drink her friend Alexis poured her, giving her a nudge encouraging her to go mingle and enjoy her party.
Harry kept his eyes on the girl for the majority of the time of the party so far. He watched as she danced with different people, sang along to certain songs, nursed her drink and made a point to talk to and thank as many guests as she could.
He watched out of the corner of his eye as their friend Matt, who knew of Harry’s little crush talk to Y/n, pointing in Harry’s direction before he saw the girl start advancing towards him.
“Hi! I heard you put together my party, i really love it Harry. It’s really sweet and I really appreciate it, you’re the best!”
He couldn’t help but smile big and shrug shyly
“Was nothing really..wanted to make your birthday special. You’re cool you deserve a nice birthday.”
The girl couldn’t help but notice his nervous nature and the look in his eye, and she couldn’t explain the urge she had to keep talking to him as long as she could.
“How about we go out back, so we can talk? Little hard to hear you over the music”
She offered with a gentle smile getting an instant nod from her eager classmate.
“Yea! Yea, there’s a pool out back we can go sit by the pool?”
She found it cute how he nervously messed with his hair as he spoke
“Sounds perfect, lead the way”
The pair of teens soon found themselves on the pool deck, sitting on deck chairs at a glass table. Both of them sipping their drinks as they talk.
“Can’t believe you went through all that and promising 6 months of babysitting, what sounds like devil children, just to throw a party for me. Any reason why?”
She was putting out subtle bait for him, hoping he’d grab it and feed into her flirty attitude. And of course, he couldn’t help himself. His dimple showing as he gently wet his lips and smirked a little, resting back in his chair looking her head to toe quickly.
“Why not? Isn’t part of high school taking any chance we get to party? Plus...how could I not plan something big for such a pretty girl?”
He studied her face as she hummed, a sly smile on her face matching his as she fluttered her eyelashes at him.
“Sounds reasonable...I think you did a pretty good job, bonus points for the compliment. I would argue you’re cuter than me Styles.”
He let out a short chuckle and smiled at her
“Hmm, maybe but I’ll let you take the prize since it’s your birthday.”
Y/n snorted before lightly slapping his knee
“Confident are we? Can’t blame you when you look like that. Tall...fit...pretty eyes and dimples...those nice lips...I think you definitely win.”
Harry playfully raised his eyebrow and deepened his smirk, leaning forward slightly flicking his eyes up the length of her body all the way back to meet her eyes again.
“Careful doll...don’t talk yourself into something you can’t handle.”
Y/n smiled at him, licking the sugary drink off her plump lips before popping them, tilting her head quizzically.
“And what would that be pretty boy?”
She leaned forward a bit more, not breaking eye contact with her classmate.
“Depends...keep sweet talking and giving me those pretty eyes I might just have to fuck you in that pool...as a birthday present of course.”
He watched her carefully as she hummed and looked from his lips to his eyes a few times.
“Doesn’t sound like a very good reason to stop...sounds more like a reward...but I think I want a party favor first of seeing if pretty boy can kiss as good as he can flirt with those lips.”
Harry could almost feel his pupils dilate as her words sunk into his head. A muted groan coming from the bottom of his throat before bringing a hand up, running his thumb over her bottom lip while holding her chin still.
“I think I can swing that..”
He felt his heart pump harder as she opened her plump lips to lick his thumb gently before lightly sucking on it. Almost not able to stop a moan from vibrating through his chest just at the image, wasting no time in replacing his thumb with his lips.
The pair shifted to one chair, Y/n In his lap as their lips locked. Their breathing was more erratic as their lips sped up, the pressure and suction increasing enough to where they both knew they’d have swollen red lips by the end of it, and neither of them cared.
Harry let his hands wander from her hips to lower back before cupping her ass with both of his large palms, giving a firm squeeze and receiving her body pressing into his further and a hum in reward.
He pulled away just enough to whisper against her shiny swollen lips
“Liked that huh doll? God you’re so fucking cute.”
Their lips attached once again, both of them becoming even more frantic.
Hips rolling onto each other’s, hands groping at any part of each other they could reach. He was moving back and fourth between grabbing her ass and tits, labored breaths forcing their way out of his nose as she grabbed his bulge now feeling a bit too tight in the confines of his black jeans.
Y/n couldn’t help but smile when she felt his hips buck into her hold, pulling her mouth from his to sponge kisses down his jaw and neck, still rolling her hips on his while she muttered things to the boy who was living out his wet dreams in present time.
“You feel big...not even out of your pants but I can feel you have a big..-“
She placed a lick over the mark she just sucked right on his right collar bone before continuing her sentence.
“...-thick fucking cock.”
Harry genuinely thought he was gonna pass out. The girl he’s had a crush on, fantasized about more than once when his hand wandered under his covers or down between his legs while he was showering, who’s been on his mind for weeks, was now in his lap talking about how big his cock feels while sucking hickeys all over his neck.
Harry was in heaven.
A low grunt escaped his wet lips as she squeezed again
“Christ doll...you’re driving me crazy..”
“What are you gonna do about it? Because I think for my birthday I wanna know how big your cock is...and how well you know how to use it.”
Y/n could feel heat pooling between her legs as she became just as euphoric as Harry was, they were completely at each other’s mercy and they fucking loved it.
“Yea? You wanna play with my cock birthday girl? What do you want me to do, tell me sweetheart. Tell me what you want.”
His thumb and pointer finger held her chin in place making her look into his eyes, getting a sultry smile from her and he swears he saw her eyes almost roll back just hearing his words.
“Want you to let me see it..want you to let me play with it. I want you to put it in me, make my birthday special.”
He couldn’t help the little desperate noise that came from him as she finished talking, he swore he will never forget the way her voice sounded as she begged for all the dirty things he’s ever wanted to do with her.
“Play with what? I wanna hear you say it. Say what you wanna feel angel.”
“I wanna play with your cock...I want you to put your big fucking cock inside me. I want you to fuck me for my birthday, pretty boy.”
She ran her hands down his chest, loving how he was assertive and he loved how she didn’t back down. They had each other’s hormones on overdrive and need for touch between both of their legs through the roof.
The pair went into the pool house, a luxury Harry’s bougie uncle had that he was definitely grateful for in this moment.
Y/n wasted no time in locking the door and pushing the boy back, Harry smiling as his back gently hit the wall before their mouths connected again.
He definitely had a thing for feisty women.
Somehow in the frantic moving of lips and shoving of each other they managed to get themselves both stripped down to their underwear, Harry’s mouth currently busy sucking hickeys all over Y/n’s exposed breasts while she let out the hottest moans he’d ever gotten out of a girl.
His lips wrapped around one of her perked nipples while his right hand toyed with her other breast, he took a second to pull off just long enough to make a request
“Pull m’ hair love”
No sooner did he finish the request did she comply. Her hands twisting in his chocolate locks tugging from the roots as he gently bit down on her now saliva covered nipple.
He let out a almost pitiful whine as her hands abandoned his curls, he missed her harsh tugs on his roots immediately but he was definitely on board again as he felt Y/n making quick work of his boxers, pulling them down his thighs.
Y/n wasn’t bashful in the slightest as she shamelessly stared at his now exposed cock, smiling and licking over her swollen lips meeting the boys green eyes again.
“It is big..I was right, god you’re so thick...and veiny. Fuck Harry...”
His ego got a nice stroking from her words and his smirk grew with his lust.
“Go ahead doll, can touch. Wanted to play with m’ cock right birthday girl?”
Y/n tipped her head back and let out a dirty moan as he spoke, moving off his lap to the floor. She got herself down between his knees, hand wrapping around his shaft as she licked a stripe from the base of his balls all the way to his swollen leaking tip.
“Ah fuck...atta girl. Look fucking great on your knees doll.”
She smiled as she repeated the action, dribbling spit down his length before stroking him, making eye contact with him.
“Tell me how big it is, how big is your cock H?” Her hand maintained its speed as she flicked her wrist right as his tip.
“9 and a half sweetheart. Think you can take it?”
Y/n had to stop her eyes from rolling back and nodded
“Mhm, gonna make it fit.”
Soon enough Y/n was on her back on the day bed that sat against one of the walls, decorated with beach themed sheets and pillow cases, ‘very cliche’ was her first thought, but quickly that thought was run out of her head by a warm tongue splitting her labia.
The tip of his tongue teased her opening as the length of his tongue ran over the entirety of her dripping cunt. They both let out moans, her from the pleasure, him from her taste.
He swears he has a fetish for eating pussy. He could never seem to get enough of that tangy,heady,sweetness that girls were so lucky to have slicking their peaches.
“God fuck! Christ, you’re a good little cunt licker aren’t you Harry? God damn.”
She tugged harshly at his hair, using her grip to move his head up and down against her, using his tongue as her personal massager.
“S-shit Harry fuck!”
The girl felt her toes curl and knees tremble as he started tongue fucking her while thumbing at her clit. He refused to let a single drop of her sugar go anywhere but his tongue.
“I’m gonna fucking cum! Ha-Harry fuck I’m cumming I’m fucking OH GOD-“
Y/n felt her body tremble and thighs close on his head as she came. Stars dotted her vision as her stomach clenched, cunt quivering under his still moving tongue making sure he gets all he can, feeling her hands shove his face away and drag him up her body.
“You...you’re fucking amazing. Never came from getting licked before, you’re a fucking god.”
She let out a breathy laugh trying to compose herself while Harry stared down at her, loving her breath fanning against his face rapidly as she started to come down.
Harry was kneeling on the mattress as the girl laid under him, looking up at his looming figure and bobbing erection as he opened the foil package and slid the rubber on quickly, pupils blown as big as they go while he watched the girl anxiously watch his hands roll the magnum over himself.
“Safety first, even on birthdays.”
The boy snorted at her little playful comment as he moved back between his legs, lifting her hips up a bit to make sure he can get the best angle for both of them.
He bit his lip as he slipped his tip in, her walls snug on his head. Her cunt seemed to hug his cock perfectly as he got as much as he could in, he could feel how warm and soft her walls were even through the condom.
He felt like it was his fucking birthday too.
The pair were a mess of moans and dirty words as their bodies moved together. She swears she can feel him all the way in her chest when he gives a particularly harsh thrust, and god does she love it.
“Fuck, tight little cunt innit? God you’re like a vice on me doll.”
He took his hand and pressed his hand onto her lower stomach getting a wet gasp out of her as he felt the pressure of his own cock fucking as deep as he can into the girl.
“Feel that? Bloody deep aren’t I? Shit baby, you gonna cum? That why you’re squeezing me like that?”
All Y/n could manage was a frantic nod and a almost deafening moan as her body tipped over the edge the second time that night, her world spinning as chemicals surged through her brain. Her body was tingling, she felt like she was floating as Harry quite literally rocked her fucking world.
“Christ cumming hard pet, squeezing me fucking crazy shit yanking the rubber off love.”
Harry couldn’t believe how good she felt in this moment, he swears he saw the light to heavens gate as his balls contracted and he filled the condom with everything his body had to offer.
His body fell onto hers as they panted in each other’s ears, kissing each other’s faces and heads. A sweaty mess of fucked out bodies.
“Well, one things for sure Harry. This definitely was the best birthday gift I’ve ever gotten.”
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missingartist · 4 years
The Witcher’s Mate Chapter 24
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry this update has taken so long. Work has been really full-on; my department have either been of isolating or off sick, so it's been really hard to write and juggle everything. Thank you for being so patient, so please enjoy this early Christmas present.
The sensation of being dragged through the water was not one that Geralt would ever get used to, that water smothered him and made it almost impossible to move with any power, but this was the first time he had never wanted to break away and sink his sword into the beast chest. Not with his mate clinging tightly to him. Adva arms were tightly clamped around him, her talons firmly pressed against his skin, not piercing but protecting a warning to those around her. Despite his mutated eyes and his body being pressed against her, he could only make out the pale silver of her skin and the curtain of hair that obscured her from his eyes. The only thing that he could make out was the tail that propelled them through the water. The red from the moment before was now a black that melded into the darkness of the water. Occasionally the sunlight that penetrated the depths shimmered across her tail, making it glisten menacingly.
Just as his lungs began to burn, he felt a flood of oxygen invade his body, and he let an involuntary gulp of air as he was heaved up on a solid slab of stone. Grunting lowly, the Witcher heaved himself up onto his elbows on his back as he blinked the water out of his eyes. The cave was dark, only illuminated by the light pass through the surface of the water. It was just enough light, but even in darkest places, her beauty would shine out as she gentle bobbed in the water.
Gliding through the water and pulling herself up hard against her 'You are mine.'
'You are mine….not hers or theirs but mine.' Adva purred angrily as she effortlessly pulled herself onto the bank of stone, tail flourishing behind her before vanishing and two pale legs appeared from somewhere as she crawled her way across to him, boldly saddling the bewildered Witcher.
'Wha…Adva stop…..What are you doing…stop.' Geralt spluttered his rough hands awkwardly posed on the near-naked woman as she pushed forcefully against him.
Golden eyes roamed the body of his mate. The rags that clung to her body obscured the most intimate parts, but it was far more of her body then he had ever seen—all pale and plump, saddling his waist.
'You. Are. Mine.' A growl vibrated against his mouth as she claimed his mouth with a searing kiss.
A moan rumbled through his chest as weeks of longing and suffering ending in that one soft kiss. Awkward hands found a home on the small of her back and tangled in her wet locks. Her own small hands rested against the sides of his face as their lips met in a passionate embrace.
Between his legs, a painful reminder of her need began to stir. The need had built up since 'that' day his touch did nothing in neither satisfied the ache nor filling the want to hold her against him as they lost themselves in each other. The feel Adva's body against him after so long was enough, but her lips on his and the feel of her core on his waist was more then flesh and body could stand.
'Adva' the plea fell deafly in the air as she promptly reclaimed his lips. Her eyes where dark and stormy, not a trace of those soft metallic blue eyes that he adored remained. 'No Adva stop.' The Witcher growled, as his hands found their way to her waist, freeing him from her intoxicating lips' Wait…we. I can't… you'll regret this….please.' A low moan escaped him as if in pain.
'NO. Your mine. Only mine. You aren't hers. You are my mate, my love. I can't be without you anymore.'
Geralt's golden eyes found that exposed blue in her eyes, and the gentleness of the features that exposed that vulnerability look down at him, pleading with him. The strength that struggled within him buckled under the weight of that look, all that want, and desire surged within him as she sat up to capture her lips in a tender release of his feelings.
Moans and groans echoed against the walls of the cave spurring the two lovers. With each moan spurred Geralt on and his aching cock twitched painfully between his leg, which Adva seemed to sense in a surge of want spurring her to clumsily roll her hips against him. Frantic hands pulled at his shirt, sliding it his shoulders before letting her hands explore the broad explains of his chest. Geralt himself let relevant to his need to touch her and let his hands slide down her sides and settle teasingly on her hips fingering patterns into the tender flesh. With another roll of her hip, her core settled against the lace of his breeches coyly grinding against his cock.
A breathy rumble roared from his chest as even through the leather of his pants; he could feel her wetness. Pulling back a predatory smile etched over her hands as she frantically pulled at his tie before exposing his long hard length and sat heavily against his stomach.
'Adva….' The plea turns to a hiss as she seated herself on top of the warm cock, her sleek pussy tentatively ground against him
A primitive growl forced its way from his chest and roared savagely into the air. It felt like pure heaven before it had been a passion-driven dry hump through their clothes and that felt like nothing he had experienced, this was something wholly different, their bare skin touching in the most intimate area and he had no power to stop himself. He knew she would hate him for taking advantage of her in this state, whatever it was, but he could not bring himself to care, it this moment she was his, and he was her and nothing in the world was going to stop them at this moment. He was hungry for her touch, deprived and wanting and as much as he knew he should stop her, he was powerless.
Hands-on hips, Geralt rolled his hip up to meet her thrusts, causing her head to full back in a loud moan. 'Oh, Geralt.'
With a growl he did it, again and again, his eyes never leaving the picture of ecstasy that moved above him. Pushing him down, Geralt watch in awe as she settles herself down against him and with a frenzied need began to move at a frantic pace, Geralt hands pushing and pulling her hips with every thrust there lips meeting in a hungry lips
'Geralt….gods….so good.' She cried out as he pulled her head back to let out a soft cry of pleasure.
'Come for me….Come….for me.' Geralt grunted out through clenched teeth as his lips found her once against.
In a sudden act of defiance, Adva pulled away; hips stilled as she sat up and readjusted herself to rest her hands on his chest before feverishly grinding her pussy against his cock. Her wet pussy rolling over his head, again and again, hitting her clit with every movement causing a shiver to run over her body with her thrust. The feeling was pure torture, it felt like hours since they had started the sounds of their cries filling the cave and Geralt felt the last of his resistance fail him, and he collapsed against the cold stone floor and shifting his legs jolted her forwards and sprawl across his chest. Letting him wrap his arms around her and work his hips hurriedly against her hers. The sweat sticky their bodies together.
'Geralt….Gertalt….arghhhh…Mmmmm' the power of her orgasm ripped through her, and the feel of her wetness surging onto his cock sent the Witcher over the edge in a howling mess of grunts and growls as thick ropes of white cum painted his chest.
Geralt's gazed up at her in awe; her wet hair clung to her face as she rode out her orgasm as gentle tremors still shook against her body. She looked like a goddess, water dripping from her hair and trailing down her body before sliding out of view behind the tatter rags that were once her clothes. Her pale skin painted with a dark pink afterglow. As long as he lives, he would never meet anyone as perfect as she was now. The Witcher watched as she blinked away the lust-filled daze that clouded her mind, and she smiled at him. That same loving smile he showed him that day he walked her into town, sweet and warm but her eyes, her eyes were now the metallic blue that he had come to know so well. Panic swelled within him as he felt her body tense up, and the look of embarrassment take over her features. The stunning afterglow turned into a violent blush that spread across her body.
'I….I don't know…How…I am sorry.' A stammered string of words fell from her lips, and she scurried off the Witcher. 'I don't know what came over me.' A whisper chocked out a whisper as the mermaid's eyes fell on the mess that was currently splattered across his chest. 'Ohhhh' a new wave of embarrassment washed over her skin as she curled into herself, hiding her face from his gaze behind a curtain of wet locks.
The white-haired Witcher wanted to say something, anything, an apology, an excuse, reassurance, a plea of devotion but being a man of very few words his speech failed him, instead she received his usually grunting hum.
Never letting his eyes fall from her form, Geralt pulled his soaked shirt from the floor and tenderly wrapped it round the shaking woman, their passions no longer keeping her warm from the Cave harsh conditions.
'Come on the little flower.'
It was not a pleasant walk back she dressed in what remained of her clothes. At some point on their journey back, Geralt had found a horse blanket that he wrapped her shivering form. Geralt was bare-chested, leather trousers hanging loose on his hips. The harshness of the weather did not seem to faze him as he steered her through the grove of trees and up the steep stone steps, in his typical moody, pensive state. It was times like these that she wishes she could understand what went through the Witchers head, did he regret the cave, was he worried about the attack her sudden acquisition of a tail or her throwing herself on top of him and taking advantage of him. A warm feeling spread over her body as she recalled the furious frenzy of the cave. The feeling was different from their first time; this was passionate and animalistic. And this time she was on top and turned Geralt into a grunting mess. That made her feel powerful, and bringing her soulmate to the edge was something that she wanted to do again and again.
'ADVA! Thank god' Jaskiers shrill voice carried across the hall.
Adva couldn't help but wince at the sound. It was too loud. As much as he loves the bard she didn't want to deal with him she just wanted to stay with Geralt and forget about the mermaids, mages and all the stupid messed up stuff that had been her life for the last few months.  
'Your concern for my welfare is touching, Jaskier.' Geralt grunted out, and he pushed Adva further into the warmth of the castle.
'Are you hurt? How do you feel, should I get Triss? Jaskier rumbled off much to the annoyance of both mates.
'I am fine. Just want a bath and to get warm' Adva smiled at her friend's overenthusiasm
'Come on, Adva we will run you a bath in the kitchen.' Jaskier cooed adoringly as he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her towards the kitchen.
'You are not taking her anywhere.' Geralt growled through bare teeth.
'Geralt…enough with the possessive caveman thing you have going on. You have more important things to attend to in the library.' Triss butted in appearing from behind the library doors. Her face looked haggard and worn, even in the brief while since she had last seen her. There was a look that past between the mage and the white-haired Witcher. Adva noticed the tension; it was clear to see something, something important. 'both of you.'
Adva frowned at them, more than anything she wanted was to take Jaskier up on the bath, but despite her escapee with Geralt, her attack was at the forefront of her mind. The last six months of her life had been overwhelming, forcible removed from Brightwater, dragged halfway across the land, attacked by jealous mages and mermaid minions all the while dealing with the fact she was an actual Mermaid. A literal mermaid- with a god damn tail. And even if that was not enough, she was a mate to a handsome Witcher. That Witcher being Geralt of fucking Rivera, the most famous and converted of all the Witchers. Staring up at the hulking form of her mate, nostrils flared, and fists clenched as he scented the air and darkness consumed his golden eyes.
'Go with Jaskier.' Geralt grunted as he pushed forward past Triss and into the library.
A still of annoyance surges within as she brushed off Jaskier's hands and followed the Witcher.
'Hello Geralt, I would say I am pleased to see you, but in my current mood. I am really not.'
Cersei sat at the head of the table sipping tea from a delicate china cup, the scent of lemon and ginger waffled through the air paired with the sweet scent of Jam and scones piled high on a silver platter. Vesemir all the while staring daggers at her from the other side of the table from behind a flagon on bitter smelling ale. She looked as elegant as ever, dressed in a vibrant green dress and looked almost out of place in the grim greyness of the library. She seemed to be unconcerned about the raging tempers that bubbled around her, instead of focusing on the tea in front of her.
'You!' Geralt yelled, accusing as he marched toward the woman, chest heaving as a growl resonated against him.
'Yes, Geralt, me. I think anyone with eyes can see who it is. Don't be some overdramatic.' Cersei snapped as she settled down the teacup on the armrest to look at Geralt with some disdain. 'I leave you to take care of YOUR MATE and look at her; she is practically naked covered in that filthy blanket, covered in cuts. Call yourself a mate, letting her be attacked by a Merperson. I don't call that looking after her.' Cersei quipped, a perfectly plucked eyebrow arching over the brim of her teacup.
'You are hardly one to talk. How could you not tell Adva what she was.' Triss growled out, marking her was to stand shoulder to shoulder with Geralt.
'Adva had to be completely ignorant of her heritage. Advanna was placed in my care for her own safety. It was a precautionary measure needed to protect her from the people who want to bring about her demise. If you haven't noticed Adva here isn't a full mermaid but the first hybrid to be born in the Great Sea. As you can imagine, Queen Azalea was keen to keep her daughter safe knowing one day that she would be strong enough to return and rule, but her mothers' side with her mate.' Cersei retorted, putting down her teacup and standing, carefully smoothing out any wrinkles from her dress as stood.
Adva clutched the blanket closer to her as she glared across at her former guardian. Her tone was so cold and prim it made her fists itch with the want to connect with the blondes face. It was her tone and manner that made her feel an incensed amount of rage. A small part of her felt ashamed of the hatred of her former guardian, but the rest of her just felt angry, angry at her lies and deceit.
'Well, Geralt hasn't bonded with her, yet so you can piss off' Triss gritted out tensely, advancing on the older mage, who remained unbudging from her place.
'Wait, did you just say her mother is Queen Azalea? Her mother is an actual queen?.... That is gonna make a great song.' Jaskier whispered mostly to himself but caused a wave of eyes rolls from around the room.
'Fortunately, with the mess that Geralt has been making of all of this. I come with a solution-' Cersei smiled tightly and from thin air appeared a turquoise vial. In the shape of a heart. Not the symbol but an exact replica of a human heart with all its veins and arteries in a delicate silver shining against the green of the glass.
'It a potion that will disconnect the link between you. All you need do is add a drop of your blood to the potion, and I will give it to Adva to drink and then I will take her to her mother who is very…anxious for her return.' Cersi stated calmly and tossed a fine glass vial to the Witcher.
An enraged roar erupted from Geralt chest as he bared down at the mage.
'That is suicide; breaking the bond would kill Geralt. For one person to sever the link, the other slowly becomes and shell and dies of heartbreak.' Triss gasped.
'Adva is stronger than anticipated. We didn't think that would be able to transform, but now it's clear she is much more powerful than we thought. She may even outpower her mother with training. Its time Adva takes her place right beside her mother.' Cersei soothed, proffering the vessel to the snarling Witcher. 'Geralt you are a good man, but you clearly cannot look after her properly. It clear. You have lived a long life already. This spell would only shorten your life to that of a mortal man. Look at her….. it's for the best.'
Geralt gazed over at his mate, standing against the door, shivering. She looked so small and vulnerable, looking up at him with pleading eyes. It was true; he could not look after her; she was covered in dirt and cuts. He almost lost her to Yennefer hair-brained scheme and that murdering mermaid. He loved her. More than loved her, he adored her. Every fibre of his body needed her more than oxygen more than anything. He would wade into battle with the foulest creatures and endure the severest hardships just to get a glimpse of his smile. She was so pure. Their brief escapades would be forever engraved on his mind; every touch burnt onto his skin that would comfort in the darkest days to come. Slowly he let his hand clamp over the sharp edge of the top, red liquid dipping into the container.
Cersei waited patiently as it filled slowly, the burgundy substance mixing with the other liquid till finally, a soft hum emerged from the small object, and the blonde extends her hand towards her former ward. 'All you need to do little one is to drink this in one, it won't taste nice, but it will sever the connection with Geralt. You won't feel a thing, neither will Geralt.' The soft voice the only sound in the library.
Adva let her gaze focus on the little bottle with all its little ornate decoration, she has never seen an actual heart but is how she would imagine it would look. If she had been given the bottle, she wondered if she would have taken it, swigged it without a second thought, but know the sight of the thing made her feel sick. Without moving, her eyes scanned the rest of the room, all eyes fell upon her, apart from the only pair that mattered. Geralt's back was to her, shoulders slumped, staring straight ahead out of the window into nothingness. Maybe at the start of this, she wouldn't have cared, hell a week ago she probably would have but now, now was different.
'Get out. Now' Adva growled.
'Adva….' Cersei gave a sad smile, but that infuriated her all the more.
'Don't you dare Adva me…you lied to me my whole life? I am not drinking it, and I am not coming with you…I am going to stay here with Geralt.
'You don't need to stay here, Geralt gave his blood to the potion, he has given you the freedom to come home. To where people love you.' Cersei's hand stretched out against offering the bottle.
Snorting in disgust Adva's hand flew out violently, knocking the vessel into the floor with a soft clatter the brown contents seeping into a small puddle onto the floor. 'Geralt loves me…I think, or at least he has never lied to.' Adva hissed. 'You and this so-called mother kept me from my family, my people and placed me with Tradi and in a Brothel. Did you really think that was the best place for a child, do you know how should achingly lonely I was? You left me to figure all this out myself.'
'I did that to protect you…' Cersei tried.
'I don't care. I have made my decision. I am not alone anymore; I have Geralt. I thank you for everything you tried to do for me, but I don't need you. And I certainly don't want anything to do with the Queen of the Mermaids. I am taking charge of my life; I am choosing Geralt. We are going to figure out the whole mate thing, so help me for good or bad it will work. Now I am telling you one last time- leave before I make you.' Adva snapped, and to make her point all the poignant she slammed the heel of her foot down onto the bottle, the glass cracking in a soft, sharp snap, even with the glass slice through her foot she refused to back down.
'Just because you have grown a tail girlie do not for a second think you can talk to me like that….you are coming home with me. You need to be with your family.' Cersei bit out.
'I am with my family.' Adva gritted out.
Cersei narrowed her eyes at the scowling woman
A surge of wind began to bellow outside and batter against the window, golden hand raised in a tense claw, fingers fidgeting in spasms of energy. Geralt was first to react, barrelling towards the blonde mage only to be bounced away and sprawled against the table and deafening clatter sounded as the contents of the tabled flew across the floor. The next was Vesemir, who got further than Geralt, almost grazing her hair before being sent spiralling into the air knocking into the Triss and Jaskier.
'Enough.' Adva growled, dropping the blanket from around her shoulder and throwing her hands forwards, twisting her hand out crippling her blonde women in front of her, contorting the figure into paralysis figure of fear, gasping and wheezing.
'I don't ever want to see you again. I want you to leave us alone, and I never want to hear from my mother. EVER. Triss!'
A groan echoed through the room as Triss pushed Jaskier off her with an almighty push. Scurrying to her feet and summered a shimmering white portal and grabbing the mage by her long blonde hair chucked her through the portal with a triumphant smirk.
A huff of relief fell from her lips as she let her hand fall to her hips, only for her to notice she was only wearing thin strips of fabric. A deep blush covered her body, and her arms wrapped around herself to cover what was left of her modestly.
'Adva…. Who knew what you were hiding such a voluptuous figure?' Jaskier beamed. 'Would make a rather risqué ballad…. I think I could even work in the pretty but psycho mage.' Jaskier jumped up as if he had been sprawled across Vesemir and began to search the wreckage of room quill and parchment.
A primitive growl erupted Geralt as he took Adva in his arms, scooping her up and carrying her out of the room slamming the door behind him.
'Oh, thank god, I don't think I could have taken any more moping' Vesemir gruffly grunted 'Quickly pass me the ale, I don't want to be sober when that bed start squeaking.'
So????? What do you think? Hopefully, this chapter makes up for my absence. Please let me know what you think.
@threepupsinapuddle @broco8 @introvertedmouse @luxyash @vikingsbifrost @pastelblogsposts @wastingmypotential @whitespring21 @ayamenimthiriel @wonderlandfandomkingdom @shesthelastjedi @fandom-lover-4 @sageandberries-png  @just-a-sad-donut @alicia-d-o @dreamerwithapen1 @evangeline73aster
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fullmarvelheart · 3 years
Wrong Direction (Song Fic AU)
Pairing: Steve x fem!Reader(previously), Steve x Sharon, Bucky x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,953
Warnings: ANGST!(not kidding ‘bout this one!), heartbreak, mentions of cheating, mentions of emotional abuse and manipulation, Steve is an ass, swearing, lil fluff at the end
A/N:  This is a song fic based off Hailee Steinfeld’s song Wrong Direction. Honestly, it took me awhile to figure out how I wanted to write this and with who. But when I started writing, without picking anyone, Steve somehow came to mind and it fit perfectly in my head. There might be a part two of this, I’m not sure. But if I write one, it’ll be a stand alone (sorta) one shot. I hope you enjoy and know if you ever find yourself with someone like this, you are worth so much more!💕♥️
Main Masterlist
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I don't hate you No, I couldn't if I wanted to I just hate all the hurt that you put me through And that I blame myself for letting you Did you know I already knew?
Locked away in the bedroom of your apartment, you wished you could erase the image in your head. The memory of what you saw made you feel like you were going to throw up. But instead of running to the bathroom, you laid on your bed, curled into a ball with tears streaming down your cheeks, not willing to move. At. All.  
But what hurt worse than what he did, what your Steve did, was that you didn’t hate him. You still loved him with all your heart, with all your soul. And you hated that!
Couldn't even see you through the smoke Lookin' back, I probably should have known But I just wanted to believe that you were out sleepin' alone
All the excuses about mission reports, working late, or mission planning that kept him away from you really should have given it away. Natasha had even come up to you to voice her concerns weeks ago. But he wouldn’t do that to you. Not your Steve that loved you, or so he said. So you believed.
It was only a matter of time, really. He still brought that stupid compass around with him everywhere. And even though his first love passed on years ago, he just couldn’t let go. No matter how much you wished, begged, that he could.
No one could compete with Peggy. Well, no one but her it seemed.
Love me with your worst intentions Didn't even stop to question Every time you burned me down Don't know how, for a moment it felt like heaven Love me with your worst intentions Painted us a happy ending Every time you burned me down Don't know how, for a moment it felt like heaven
You knew going into this relationship that part of him still loved Peggy Carter, but you had hoped he would grow to love you more. After the first date, you knew, you knew you couldn’t get rid of Carter, that her memory would be a constant with him. He talked about her during your date, not that much, but enough to remind you that you’re not her. 
But you ignored it.
In the beginning of your new relationship, she was mentioned every now and then. Sometimes he’d point out similarities between you two. As time progressed, his memories morphed into criticism that was like a shot to the heart each time. 
“Peggy would have never let someone talk to her like that.”
“Peggy’s red lipstick color looked better than the one you put on.”
“Could you, at least, try to act professionally. Peggy would have never acted like this on a mission.” 
He’d never say those around others, not intentionally. There were a few slip ups that he somehow turned back on you. 
But regardless, you still loved him. You wanted to be someone strong, someone dependable for him, someone like Peggy. Though, it never seemed like enough.
When things started getting too far downhill, he’d remind you that he loved you. He’d talk about a future with you. But you realized that that future was never meant for you. He’d never be able to picture you in it.
And it's so gut-wrenchin' Fallin' in the wrong direction
And it hurt. So, so much. It hurt. You should have recognized the signs. You should have never went on a second date. But it was too late. You fell for someone who didn’t love you back and who let you fall. Someone who let you fall without even trying to catch you.
On my tip-toes But I still couldn't reach your ego Guess I was crazy to give you my body, my mind Don't know what I was thinkin' 'til now Everyone thinks that your somebody else You even convinced yourself
You tired to be supportive of him, be the woman he needed by his side, be the partner he never had, but there was never room in the spotlight for you. The people didn’t care that you were also an Avenger whenever Captain fucking America walked in. Always preaching about how he fought the bullies of the universe to protect those who couldn’t, making women swoon and children see him as a hero. When did he stop practicing what he preached?
Looking back on all the things you’d done with him, all the ways you opened up and became vulnerable to him, you knew why you gave in. Why you ignored the red flags. Because, like everyone else, you had this perfect image of Steve in your mind. The wall of muscle, who was incredibly sweet and adorably shy, could never become the type of person he hated. The disrespectful and rude people who truly didn’t give others a chance at being happy with themselves. Funny how he even believed that himself. He always said he looks out for the little guys. He didn’t see the hypocrisy or how he made you feel scared for even pointing it out to him. 
Couldn't even see you through the smoke Lookin' back, I probably should have known But I just wanted to believe that you were out sleepin' alone
The longer your relationship progressed, the less you would see of him. You’d sometimes catch him in the hallway or kitchen, and he’d talk to you like nothing had changed. You’d go days without seeing him. Instead of your boyfriend, his best friend would spend time with you in order to help cheer you up, though nothing sexual or anything like that ever happened. Of course, you wouldn’t cheat on Steve, couldn’t even think of it. It was merely a friendship that grew the longer you two interacted that always made you smile. It didn’t always work, though. Some days when he’d manage to come back to your place, at all times of the night, he’d often see you sitting next to Bucky on the couch laughing at some romcom, or Disney movie, and then accuse you of sleeping with his best friend. The arguments always ended with Steve storming off and you breaking down while your new best friend tried to calm you.
Bucky would ask if you were okay, you’d lie saying you’re fine, you’re sure he’s just busy, that he has something else he needs to take care of.
Bucky had never said anything about Sharon. Did he know? Did he know and not tell you?
Love me with your worst intentions Didn't even stop to question Every time you burned me down Don't know how, for a moment it felt like heaven Love me with your worst intentions Painted us a happy ending Every time you burned me down Don't know how, for a moment it felt like heaven
Honestly, you wouldn’t even be surprised if everyone at the Tower knew. You’d turned a blind eye to it all, hoping to save yourself from the hurt. Didn’t work so well in the end.
But now, now you can’t recall why you put up with everything. Why you hadn’t ended things earlier. The neglect from your own partner had become a typical thing, the harsh comments, or things he’d pick apart about you or what you did or wore, you considered normal. So why would you stay with him? Why didn’t you see what he was doing to you? Why didn’t you leave?
And it's so gut-wrenchin' (ooh, ooh) Fallin' in the wrong direction (ooh, ooh)
And with those thoughts, you realized he just hadn’t broken your heart, shattered it into a million pieces. No, he had damaged your soul too. He made you dependent on him, on his approval.
How did you sweep me right off my feet? Baby, I can't keep falling in the wrong direction How did you sweep me right off my feet? Right off my feet
You can’t place what made you agree to a second date, or a third, where things started to shift out of your control. How could you be so naïve to even agree to the first date when you knew he was still in love with Peggy Fucking Carter?
Well, you couldn’t, you wouldn’t do this anymore. You wouldn’t ignore the image of Steve fucking Sharon in the bathroom of the party you’d come from not long ago. They hadn’t even noticed you, how cruel is that? You wouldn’t let him break you apart any longer. You needed to do what you should have done a long time ago.
Couldn't even see you through the smoke Lookin' back, I probably should have known But I just wanted to believe that you were out sleepin' alone
You were so lost in you head, that you didn’t hear the knock at your door, the sound of it opening and closing, or even when the person walked into your room and kneeled in front of you.
“Doll? What happened?” It was the soft timber of Bucky’s voice that brought you back to the present. His fingers gently brushed the hair out of your face before he wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“Did you know?” You croak, voice breaking. When he only looks at you in concerned confusion, your eyes squeeze together as you force yourself to say it out loud for the first time. “Did you know Steve was cheating with Sharon?”
His eye brows jump to his forehead before they furrow in anger.
“No, I didn’t.” He growls. “But I’m guessing that’s the reason for why you left so suddenly or why I couldn’t find him to ask where you went.”
When you nod, he sighs, pinching between his eyebrows as his metal arm curls into a fist. 
“I’m going to kill him. Only after I take care of you.” He states before falling silent. “Y/n, I know I’ve brought this up several times, but-”
“I’m leaving him.” You interrupt, watching as his lip curls into a soft but happy smile. And you know he’s happy because you’ll finally be able to start healing. He’s been waiting for you to realize this on your own. And you’re grateful for that, and for him.
Love me with your worst intentions Didn't even stop to question (oh, no) Every time you burned me down Don't know how, for a moment it felt like heaven Love me with your worst intentions Painted us a happy ending (ooh) Every time you burned me down (me down) Don't know how, for a moment, it felt like heaven
After helping you out of bed and brushing your hair while you cleaned off the ruined makeup caked to your face, Bucky hands you your favorite pair of pjs that haven’t been worn in a while because Steve didn’t like them. You glance at him self consciously, only for him to reassure you with a bright smile. With one last nervous look, you turn back towards the bathroom. When the fabric rests against your skin, a wave of comfort washes over you and you curl your arms around yourself. It’s not much, but it’s a start to finding yourself again.
When you exit the bathroom, you find Bucky perched on the couch with your favorite snacks and favorite movie queued up. You snag the blanket from on top of your bed then curl up into Bucky on the couch.
“Can you help me change my locks after I break up with him?” You ask softly.
“Course, doll. Whatever you need help with, I’m here.” You tear up at the sincerity of his voice, the care, the concern.
“Thank you.” You whisper as the movie begins to play.
“Always.” His arm curls you into his side more and he refuses to let go.
And it's so gut-wrenchin' Fallin' in the wrong direction
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Reunite Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date (and Season 2) which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
It’s vital to understand what’s going on in Season 2 so you wouldn’t get confused in this date. Do read this post before proceeding :)
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Parallel World Dates Collection: Gavin // Kiro // Shaw
The date begins with MC standing outside LFG
She recalls her father telling her about their company receiving an investment from a four-year-old company which he believes will become a worthy partner in the future
Of course, that company is LFG
Back at the present, she muses that LFG isn’t as grand as the LFG in her memory. And that if everything remains the same as in the original timeline, she would meet Victor after four years
She recalls the “warning”: “Your unintentional actions may lead to irretrievable consequences.”
When she looks up with a bitter smile, she sees Victor across the street
I lower my head, countless emotions flooding into my heart - happiness and sadness... until a foreign voice enters my mind. 
??: Miss MC, nice to meet you. There is a message from the “past” here. CEO Victor, you may begin. 
MC: ?!
Victor: Dummy, what are you hesitating about? 
Victor’s voice rings in my head clearly. I freeze in place.
“Message from the past?” 
What is this... why can I hear Victor’s voice? 
The Victor on the opposite side of the road doesn’t notice my existence at all, and exits my field of vision. I press a hand to my forehead, thinking what happened earlier was a mere hallucination.
But his voice appears in my mind once again, as clear as day.
Victor: Didn’t you say you were going to find the old me? Do you regret meeting me now? 
MC: How could I regret it!
Victor: You dare to regret it? 
As if we’re having a conversation, I speak aloud, my voice overlapping with his. 
The faraway soft laughter gradually disappears from my mind. As though an invisible hand is pushing me from behind, I break into a run. 
If the future doesn’t replay itself perfectly while the world moves forward slowly, is there be a possibility that we wouldn’t meet again? 
With this thought, my heart clenches. Just greeting him shouldn’t be an issue...
If I simply watch him leave...
If I don’t get a future where I can meet him again...
I wouldn’t be able to accept it. 
MC: Victor! Victor!! Wait!!!!
I call his name loudly, failing to notice that the traffic light has turned red. 
A harsh whistle resounds behind me. 
I turn my head and see a taxi coming towards me, and instinctively want to leap to the side to avoid the impact. 
The expected fall doesn’t arrive, and the world suddenly turns quiet. 
I’ve fallen into a warm embrace. 
In slight disbelief, I take in everything in front of me. Rain drops remain still in the air. He carries me away from the impending car. 
That cold yet reassuring breath makes the whole world turn a little fuzzy. I blink hard and clench my teeth, not wanting him to see my tears. 
Tick tock. Tick tock.
I hear the stalled hands of time in my world start moving once again.
It turns out that my time only stops for him, and only starts again because of him.
I seem to have returned to a very, very long time ago. Perhaps this is an unintentional prank from the heavens, but it also feels like a gift from it. 
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Victor: Evolver? 
MC: ?
Victor: You still don’t know? 
MC: ...I do.
Victor: ...
MC: T-thank you for saving me. 
Victor: You should watch yourself. Someone can’t come to your rescue every time. 
He puts me down at the shoulder of the road, but doesn’t leave. 
Victor: Why did you call me just now? 
MC: I thought you’d first ask how I know your name...
Victor: That isn’t important. 
He’s really the same as always. 
MC: I... I just wanted to see you. You’ve invested in my company - the film company you recently invested in. Do you remember...
Victor: And then? 
He cuts off my explanation coldly, crossing his arms in front of his chest, waiting for me to continue. 
MC: ...there’s nothing else. I just wanted to see what sort of a person you are.
Victor: Have you seen enough? 
After saying this, he turns around to leave, uninterested in my response. 
MC: W-wait!
He furrows his eyebrows slightly, but stops in his steps. 
Although I called him without hesitation, I have no idea what to say. 
I would never regret meeting Victor. Yet, I’m not content with having such a superficial meeting with him.
This time, I want to take more initiative to stand by his side. 
Meeting his sharp gaze, I straighten my back and look at him resolutely. 
MC: My name is MC, and I’m the future producer of the film company you have invested in. I’ll definitely improve the film company, and all the programs will become more and more outstanding. You will not have the chance to take back your investment. And you will not be disappointed. 
I say every word and sentence to Victor. The rain has stopped, and light reflects off his eyes, which have widened slightly. 
In the next moment, a large falling leaf is blown by the spring breeze, sticking to the side of my face. 
MC: ...
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Victor: [soft laughter]
Victor’s eyes crinkle and the corners of his lips lift. Victor suppresses a smile, then faces me again. 
Victor: For now, being able to stay alive is your biggest challenge. 
While Victor is speaking, another large leaf seems to respond, slapping onto his face.
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Victor: ...
I’m unable to suppress my laughter. A few stray tears follow along with my smile. 
Victor knits his brows, and I reach out with a trembling hand, prepared to pluck the leaf from his face. 
At this moment, a strange figure emerges from behind Victor and touches his arm. 
Victor: !
MC: !!
Instinctively, I rush forward to grab onto the mystery person’s sleeve, wanting to protect Victor. 
In the next second, the both of us find ourselves in a bar. The person in front of the bar counter freezes for a moment, furrowing his brows exaggeratedly. 
Man: Big bro, what’s with this “buy one get one free”?
MC looks around her surroundings and discovers she’s in a bar called “Mondlicht”, which sounds familiar to her - she saw this name once in her father’s records on Black Swan
The man dismisses the mysterious figure coldly, leaving the three of them in the bar
The man offers to have MC teleported back to where she came from, but Victor says: “You’re not worthy to be trusted.”, and tells the man to cut to the chase.
Man: CEO Victor, there’s no need to be anxious. There’s a man who wants to see you, but he isn’t in this bar right now. As for the reason why... CEO Victor should know it clearly. So, before meeting him, that man has requested that I invite you here - to see if you’re someone worth meeting. To put it simply... this is just a small test. 
While all this is happening, MC wonders what connections Victor has with Black Swan
Victor: I didn’t know of such foolish tests. Are you all too bored, or do I look very free? 
Victor... he doesn’t seem surprised to be here. 
Victor pulls MC to him
Victor: Sorry. Stay by my side. You’ll be fine. 
MC tells Victor to be careful and warns him that Black Swan could be behind this. Victor pauses, but quickly recovers and resumes his conversation with the man
The man takes out a deck of poker cards:
Man: As part of the test, is CEO Victor interested in playing a game?
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Victor: No.
The scene turns incredibly awkward. 
Victor swirls the wine glass in his hand, bringing it to his mouth and pursing his lips. He doesn’t care for how the man would react. 
Arrogant and proud. 
Man: You’re making things difficult for me. This is just a simple game.
Victor: Even if I’m uninterested, you wouldn’t let us go. You’ve got too much nonsense. 
Man: ...
The man smiles, handing out the cards resignedly. After dealing the cards, he suddenly thinks of something, and balls one hand into a fist and taps it against the other palm.
Man: Since it’s a game, we’ll need a bargaining chip. If CEO Victor wins, that person will naturally give you what you want. If you lose... you’ll have to leave your life here. 
The air becomes incredibly quiet. I look at the man in shock. His eyes are crinkled, as though he just brought up a trivial matter. 
Man: Lady, you don’t need to be so nervous. It wouldn’t be fun if you’re too nervous. Why don’t we liven up the atmosphere? 
The man retrieves a set of darts, and Victor lets MC throw it
She refuses, but decides to do it after Victor and the man assure her that the dart game has nothing to do with the actual poker game 
With Victor’s guidance, she hits the bull’s eye
Victor and the man finally start the poker game
MC has no idea what’s happening
I have no idea what’s happening too since I don’t play poker, but I hope the translation makes sense: 
Both men flip over the cards in their hands. In Victor’s hand is a straight flush.
Man: CEO Victor, it’s not good to cheat. 
With a wave of his hand, a few men clothed in black suddenly appear, pointing cold muzzles towards Victor.  
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Victor supports his head arrogantly, eyes filled with disdain. His cold fingertips tap the poker cards. 
Victor: Look carefully. This isn’t the club flush you deliberately swapped over.
The man freezes, then leans over to look. Seeing the black spades card, he suddenly bursts into laughter, clapping excitedly.
Man: As expected of CEO Victor.
Victor: Your techniques were too clumsy. Including these toys. 
The man isn’t angry. With a wave of his hand, the men clothed in black disappear. 
In the end, he finally sets aside his cynical expression. Placing his right hand behind his back, he gives a humble bow. 
Man: I should be arranging another meeting for you and that man soon.
While the man speaks, the guy who brought us to the bar appears. 
They return to the roadside 
MC: Victor, since this is the first time we met, why did you let me shoot the dart earlier? 
Victor: ...LFG is only a medium-sized enterprise. What reason do you have for running over and speaking so confidently?
I’m left frozen to the spot at his question. I turn my eyes to the end of the road, taking a deep breath. 
MC: Because I know that in the future, LFG will expand by a thousand times, and will become unbeatable in the market. It will have the ability to influence countless people. And you will become the driver of this force, so...
I speak my mind, and slowly lower my head as I continue with my words.
In front of me, I see Victor’s many faces - angry, frowning, smiling...
At the end, when I look up again, they form the face in front of me - somewhat young, and not yet humble.
So, I want to be remembered by you, and I want to become someone who’s most unique to you. 
I leave this sentence out, but I say it silently in my heart. 
There is a certain depth in his pupils. The spring breeze is gentle, as though something is slowly sprouting. 
Victor: You have so much faith in it?
MC: It’s not just faith. You’ll definitely do it. 
The corners of his lips turn up slowly. He places a hand into his pocket. In that moment, it seems as though all the brilliant lights in the world are in his eyes. 
Victor: Since you have the wild ambition of not losing future LFG’s investment, I’ll have to see what you’re made of. I’ll remember your words. I look forward to your performance. 
A few days later, Victor walks into a dark building. 
??: Welcome to Black Swan.
Eight months later.
I heard that Black Swan recently had a major change. A high-ranking cadre and a portion of the members left. The Board of Directors has also seen a reorganisation.
After many years, I’m now at the Black Swan building.
At this point, everything in the future has not occurred. The me of right now has not officially become a member of Black Swan. 
The empty meeting room is silent. Someone seems to be seated behind a barrier at the end of the meeting room.
MC: Sorry to bother you...
Just as I prepare to leave, an unknown device starts up quietly. The long table shrinks and becomes a normal desk. The barrier pulls open slowly.
MC: V-Victor?!
Clearly, in contrast to my shock, Victor is not at all surprised by my appearance. 
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Victor: You haven’t shown me any positive evidence regarding your words before. 
Victor: Don’t forget what you said. 
Victor: Don't make me regret choosing you.
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Victor’s Post: Being able to draw a Straight Flush has nothing to do with hard work.
MC: Unlucky me is destined to never draw a Straight Flush...
Victor: You can play mahjong. 
Victor’s Post: Being able to draw a Straight Flush has nothing to do with hard work.
MC: I agree. After four years of fruitless hard work, I hope everyone won’t fall into this fiery pit.
Victor: Told you so.
Victor’s Post: Being able to draw a Straight Flush has nothing to do with hard work.
MC: Is there really no relation? Maybe there’ll be an improvement after five years?
Victor: You’ll still be this way after ten years.
Phone call: here
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