#the thing that bothers me is that I could’ve done better if that makes sense. but I chose to rush instead
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lynxfrost13 · 1 year ago
Man for some reason the “not living up to my potential” in terms of my art is really hitting today which is stupid.
Hey brain you know that art is a forever journey and that it’s okay to grow and learn and not be perfect right???
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uselessmoonlight · 1 month ago
Stranger part 11
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Reader is Telemachus' friend, and when he leaves for his "diplomatic mission" he asks her to watch over his mother.
Later, once the king has returned, she stumbles upon an injured Poseidon.
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Content specs: she/her pronouns used, afab reader, Platonic! Telemachus x reader, Epic!Poseidon x reader, possible OOC!Poseidon, Polites’ daughter! Reader, unrequited love, blood, fighting, nudity, illusion, possibly more?, trying to avoid using y/n, slowburn, suggestive themes, English is not my first language, sorry if it's too much exposition, it's my first fic.
Ónoma literally means name in Greek, at least according to google translate. View this as the y/n of this fic.
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“You know what, I wasn’t gonna go into town today, but I need to cool off. I’ll see you in a bit.” Peach exclaimed, still shocked at the man’s audacity.
“Did I get you that hot and bothered? Wait you’re really going to leave me here? At least get me inside!” He demanded, but Ónoma only kept walking. “Please?” He called out in desperation. “Oh, come on I said please didn’t I?"
“Wretched woman. Can’t even have any fun around here.” He grumbled. He could crawl back to the house, but he was too proud for that. He could remain seated here, but he’d be vulnerable, for as far as a God could be. He could try and stand, but he’d probably only injure himself more. Poseidon groaned, what had he gotten himself into? Maybe she’d treat him better if she knew he was a God, but then again, he was injured.
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Of course, Agathe had to be the one to open the door. Peach really wasn’t in the mood to interact with the priestess, but Agathe seemed to sense as much and called for her younger sister. Irene was bathing, so she’d have to wait a bit. As she sat at the table with Agathe, she could only think about the comment.
The comment was bold and demeaning, but she also couldn’t help but feel flattered. The man in question was exceedingly beautiful, but he was still a man. Men would fuck a rock if it had a hole, stop it. She cursed herself.
“You seem a bit flustered, I don’t think it’s because of me, but if it is.” Agathe inhaled, then continued. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, it mustn’t  be nice to be in a position where you’d have to stop a person from doing that. I’ve spoken with and apologised to Arete, if it makes you feel any better, and I’m extremely grateful for your discretion about the situation. I feel so ashamed of what I could’ve done.” She rambled.
“Agathe, you stopped the moment I stepped in. Sure, you should’ve stopped when she told you to, but maybe you didn’t hear her. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt and you’ve showed remorse. I’m not upset with you, anymore, it’s something else. Don’t worry, alright.”
“I know we’ve never really been friends, but my sister cares about you, so by extension, I care about you. At least a little bit. I’m here if you ever need to talk.”
“Thank you, Agathe. The same goes for you, though now is not really good time, but if it’s something urgent-”
“Thank you.” Agathe interrupted, giving her an understanding nod. “You’ve got your own things to worry about right now.” She smiled softly at the younger girl.
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“So, what did you want to talk about?” Irene questioned her friend.
“I needed to clear my head, walk with me?”
“And you came to me, instead of Telemachus? I’m honoured, you usually go to him with your dilemmas. Wait, is it about him?” Irene interrogated.
“No, it’s not about Tele, and I talk to you about plenty of stuff, he’s just a bit more serious than you are.”
“That’s putting it lightly.” Her friend snorted. “I shouldn’t laugh, I’m sure if I had to grow up around those pigs I’d be the same.”
“You’d probably be ogling them, Renebug.”
“You offend me, I’d never go for such dogs.” Irene said in mock offense. “No, you’re right I’d definitely appreciate looking at some of them. From afar! I wouldn’t dare go near them. It’s such a pity when the handsome ones are so…” She paused.
“Misogynistic? Beastly? Repulsive, personality wise? Abrasive? Arrogant?- ” Ónoma listed.
“All of the above?” Irene suggested. The two giggled at their own antics.
“This is exactly what I meant, by the way.”
“Yeah, I’m way less serious, I get it. So, what did you want to talk about, if it wasn’t your other half?”
“There’s this man-”
“By the Gods! You? Thinking about a man? I never thought I’d live to see the day!” Irene exclaimed, pretending to faint in her friends arms. “Fan me, Peach, I think I’m in shock.”
“Gods Irene, get up.” Ónoma giggled, pushing her dramatic friend away. “You don’t even know what I want to say.” She sputtered out between laughter.
“Well go on then, I want to know everything. Is he handsome?”
“Ethereal, but it doesn’t matter, he’s a pain in my ass, that’s what he is.” Irene was taken aback, she’d never heard her friend describe a man as attractive, much less ethereal. She’d have to see it for herself one day.
“I found him, stranded on the beach, more injury than man. I’ve been taking care of him, but he’s… He’s like if the suitors were all bark no bite.” Irene’s eyes widened.
“He’s that bad, huh? Maybe you can get your little prince to kick him out.” Irene calling her friend that did not offend her. Perhaps she was biased, though not unfounded, or perhaps the context and the tone mattered. Irene hadn’t meant for it to be derogatory, she actually got along nicely with the prince, not that their paths crossed often.
“I wouldn’t want him to piss off Zeus, from what the king told me they don’t have a great track record with him.”
“Wait, hold on, you spoke with the king? When was this?” Irene exclaimed.
“I had dinner at the palace yesterday, as a thank you for protecting Queen Penelope. Don’t think it earned me any favour with the royals, if anything it did the opposite. I don’t really want to talk about it.” While Irene was a massive gossip, she knew that she could trust her with this. Her friend would never share the secrets Ónoma told her.
“I could come by, then we could be so annoying that he’d want to leave without kicking him out.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you.” Peach laughed. “No, I’d feel bad about him leaving before he’s healed properly.”
“Ever the saint.” Irene rolled her eyes, smiling. Then in a more serious tone she continued. “Your mother would be proud. She taught you well, you could still become a healer if all of your ‘helping out’ ever gets to be too much.”
“I’ve been considering it more and more recently, but I’m not ready to step away from everything else just yet.” Ónoma muttered, softly.
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When Ónoma returned to her house, she was a lot calmer, that was until she saw Perikles. The man had gotten halfway to her house by pushing the mat he was sat on through the sand with his legs, but had seemingly given up. Now, he sat in the middle of the sand, glaring at the girl who was doubled over in laughter. The construction workers had finished up and had already left. She imagined he’d waited for them to leave, before he attempted to do whatever it is he did.
“Alright, let’s get you inside.” Peach said, still snickering. The man was still glaring at her, but didn’t protest as she helped him up.
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simphornies · 1 year ago
A/N: A bit shorter but 👀 Let me know what you think! 🫶
Word count: 2.8k (2,844) Warnings: a little bit angsty
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5, finale
Deal Breaker [ Vox x Angel!Reader ] part 4
You didn’t even bother putting your things away neatly as you usually do. You furiously walked out your room, slamming the door behind you. You looked down every hallway you passed as you headed to the lobby. You headed over to the bar to ask Husk if he’s seen Alastor but before you could say anything, Angel Dust stopped you in your tracks with a tight, four-armed hug.
“Y/N! Holy shit…” He looked at you with tears in his eyes. His black scleras were now gone and back to normal. For a moment your rage subsided. You smiled at him and held him close, rubbing his back. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Your heart melted, remembering what you were truly in Hell for. “Of course, Angel Dust. Anything for my friends.” You look over at Husk who gives you a heartfelt smile.
Angel Dust was crying tears of happiness as you comforted him. He calmed down soon enough, repeating his gratitude for your actions over and over. You sigh and look at Husk, “Has anyone seen Alastor?”
“He’s up in his radio tower, probably doing a broadcast. Why?” Husk asked you, his eyes filled with confusion. You shook your head, not wanting him to ask further and he just nodded.
You flew up to his tower, fuming. You burst into his tower and he just greets you with a smile.
“Y/N! To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit to my tower this fine morning?” He held his hands behind his back, unaware of your anger towards him.
“I told you to not fuck with Vox, Alastor.” You hissed at him.
He cocked his head to the side, eyes squinted, “Whatever do you mean, my dear?” He asks you.
“Don’t play dumb with me. I know you hurt Vox in that alleyway last night.” You screamed, “You could’ve killed him!”
He rolled his eyes, looking at his claws, disinterested in your accusations, “Oh trust me, if I wanted to kill him…I would have done so already.” His voice was laced with radio static. “But I haven’t laid a single finger on him, Y/N. He must be lying to you.”
You shook your head, “That’s bullshit! The marks on him matched your claws and I know how you attack other demons that interfere with your plans.” Your wings appeared behind you, eyes appearing on your hair and your wings as you took a step closer to the demon.
Alastor’s eyes turned black, his own demon form emerging slowly, “Y/N, I had no intention of harming anyone yesterday. Why I was just here at the hotel aiding Charlie!” He says, taking a step back for every step forward you took. You were seething in rage, refusing to believe that Vox lied to you. “I have better things to do over harming that noisy picture box. He’s too pathetic for me to entertai-”
Alastor fell to the floor, ears flat against his head. He looked up at you shocked as he held his cheek, “Y/N-”
“Save it, Alastor. You have a track record of being untrustworthy when it comes to your words.” You angrily say to him, “Vox has no motive to lie to me and he’s been nothing but kind to me and everyone in the hotel. But you,” You knelt down to his level, your finger at his chest, “You’ve been hostile and unforgiving. Untrusting of his attempts at collaboration with us because of what? Your pride?” You scoffed, “Makes sense why you’re in this ring instead of the others. Your pride stops you from seeing reason and giving second chances to anyone.”
You turned away from him, getting ready to leave his tower. “He’s proven his word to me. He’s broken Angel Dust’s contract with Valentino and you? You stand proud as if you’ve done so much more than assist every now and then with the hotel. You keep Husk on a leash and don’t think I don’t know that you keep a close eye on him ensuring he doesn’t speak about the deal. I know you’ve threatened him to keep his mouth shut. You really want me to help you break that deal that chains you down?” You look over your shoulder at him with rage-filled eyes, “Break that deal and prove your word. And don’t hurt Vox for trying to help the hotel.”
Alastor’s smile remained on his face but you saw his shadow frown. The infamous and feared radio demon cowered in fear knowing that if you really wanted to, you could take his life with ease just as Adam did. Maybe worse. Before you could leave the tower he speaks up, “I’ll break the deal Husk has with me.” You paused in your tracks, refusing to look at him. “Y/N you are a friend of mine and I promise you. I did not harm Vox last night. I swear to you I’ve been at the hotel. Ask everyone! I’ve been here this whole time. Trust me, Y/N. I would never show anyone weakness. You are correct, it is my pride that sets me back but I have proven to you that I am able to put that aside when it’s just us, have I not?”
He was right. He never showed himself to be anything but strong but he’s confided in you. He was one of the first friends you’ve made at the hotel. You turn to look at him on the floor and…was that fear in his eyes? Your eyes began to fill with tears, “Alastor…”
“I will prove to you, as my friend, that I am to be trustworthy. If there is anybody I am willing to prove my undying loyalty to, it is you. You are the one who saved me after all.”
You knelt at his side, placing your glowing hand on the cheek that you had slapped. “I’m sorry, I…I was filled with rage. That was unbecoming of me, I am sorry.” You apologized, “I…But why would he lie to me? What purpose…”
“To gain your trust, my dear.” He hissed, “I can undoubtedly assure you he wants you for himself. I know him, Y/N. He craves power as much as I do and he wants to keep you by his side and take you away from us.” A part of you truly wanted to believe in him, but the love that you suddenly had for Vox was overpowering your senses. He had become your weakness.
Back at Vox’s building, he sat in his security room laughing menacingly. He had seen you leave in a fit of rage through his cameras and found enjoyment in his plan. He rewinded the footage to rewatch you angrily go up Alastor’s radio tower. If Alastor’s presence didn’t interfere with cameras, he would have one in there to watch what you were going to do to Alastor. His face dropped when he saw you enraged. He didn’t understand why but he felt absolute guilt for lying to you. He had Valentino hire some random demon to attack him in that alleyway, making sure they had claws like Alastor to make it more believable.
The more he looked at your face on the screen, he noticed the tears in your eyes and he couldn’t take it anymore. He felt horrible. He’s never felt such emotion so strongly before. He started to think that maybe he should tell you the truth and drop the act but he was in too deep to turn back.
He left the security room and walked into his meeting room, stressed out of his mind. Valentino and Velvette were there waiting for him.
“Fucking finally!��� Valentino groaned, “You took forever stalking your little angel bitch.” Valentino calling you a bitch made Vox’s eye twitch. He remained quiet.
“So how’d the plan go? Is it working?” Velvette looked at Vox excitedly, “Is she wrapped around your little finger?”
He quietly took a deep breath and put on a fake smile for his colleagues, “Of course it’s worked. Soon Y/N will be fighting for us.” He grinned but the smile faded from his face quickly.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” Velvette watched him closely, noting his odd behavior. Usually he’d be ecstatic but he stood like he regretted his decisions. And he did. The time you two have spent together made him fall for you but his pride stopped him from turning back on his original plan.
“I don’t know. I…” He sighed and sat down, “I can’t fucking understand this feeling.”
“Ecstaticity?” Velvette suggested.
“Or maybe you’re horny from the power we’re about to get?” Valentino laughed, blowing out a thick cloud of smoke that faded into hearts.
“No it’s like. It’s like everytime I see Y/N’s face my heart stops beating.” He ranted. Velvette’s eyes widened and stared at Vox. “Everytime I hear her laugh, I want to hear it more.” Valentino’s smile faded and he stared at him alongside Velvette. “I want to keep that smile she always has on her face. I…”
Velvette and Valentino slammed their fists on the table. “Are you fucking kidding me right now Vox?” Velvette snapped at him, “Are you really telling me you’re falling in love with the fucking angel?” She scoffed and got up in her face, “You’re fucking kidding right?”
“Falling in love?” He questioned. Suddenly the dots connected in his head. He realized that he truly was falling for you. He fell for your kindness, your strength and your pride in your power.
“That’s fucking pathetic Vox. You can’t fall in love.” Velvette grabbed him by the collar, “You’re supposed to use her. She’s a fucking tool.”
“You’re seriously falling for the princesa’s second angel?” Valentino sassed, “You have me, Vox~” His hand caressed Vox’s shoulder seductively.
Vox pushed them both off of him, his left eye spiraling in anger. “I can feel and do whatever the fuck I want. Maybe I am falling for Y/N. So fucking what?” He spat back.
“You’re getting weak, Vox.” Valentino shook his head in disappointment.
“Get the fuck out! Both of you!” He screamed, seething in anger at the insults they’d thrown at you more than the ones they’d thrown at him.
“I wonder what the little angel would think if she found out about your little plan~” Velvette grinned at him, a threatening look in her eyes. “I think I should remind you that you’re supposed to be an overlord, Vox.”
He zapped in front of Velvette, grabbing her by the collar and lifting her up to his brightly glowing face. “Velvette.” He screamed, “Stand the fuck down. You’re not doing shit.” He growled.
She laughed in response, putting her hand on his, “And what are you going to do about it, Vox?” She teased.
He sent electric shocks throughout her body, making her scream at the sudden pain, before throwing her on the ground. Valentino rushed behind Vox, quickly turning him around. He landed a punch on his face, cracking his screen. Vox screamed as sparks flew from the cracks. He growled and grabbed his hand, flashing his screen brightly to stun the moth demon. He zapped him the same way he did to Velvette, throwing him on the floor next to her.
“Don’t fuck with me. I do what the fuck I want.” He spat at them.
Velvette managed a weak laugh, “Who knows? Maybe Alastor’s already told her that he was never here to begin with. It’s only a matter of time before your little bitch finds out you were lying.”
“And what do you think she’s going to say then, hm?” Valentino chuckled, recovering from the zap. “How’s your little ‘relationship’ going to work out?”
Vox gritted his teeth and zapped out of the office into his security room. He sat down in his chair, leg shaking with anxiety. “Fuck fuck fuck…” He muttered.
You sulked in your room, not knowing what to feel about the whole situation. Alastor was your friend, his vulnerability made you want to believe him but he also knew that vulnerability was your weakness. You’d fallen for Vox and you didn’t want to believe that he’d do something like that. You didn’t want to call and ask him either. You sighed and buried yourself under the blankets, your wings wrapping around you for comfort.
You heard the door open. “Go away.” You groaned. You felt someone sit next to you, it was Vaggie.
“I heard what happened.” She rubs your shoulder, “Vox is saying that Alastor hurt him and Alastor’s saying he’s lying.” You stayed quiet. “Hey. I know how it is.” You glanced at her and she gave you a warm smile, “Everyone’s flawed down here. Do you wanna talk about it?”
You were quiet for a moment, not wanting to talk but decided to get it off your chest anyways. “I just…I trust Alastor. I know you don’t trust him as much as I do but I was filled with so much rage that I…I hit him. I didn’t even bother asking, I just slapped him.” You swear you just saw Vaggie grin excitedly at the thought of Alastor getting hit but she dropped her grin the moment you looked at her. “And…Vox. I don’t know who to trust.”
“Well, have you talked to him?” She asks. You shake your head. “How about you start there?” “What if Alastor did hurt him? What if he lied? And what if I ask Vox and he says he lied? What if Alastor was right and he was just manipulating me?” You tear up, “I really did fall in love with him. He broke Angel Dust’s contract and kept his word so far. I just-” You broke down into tears.
“Hey. We’re in the Hazbin Hotel. This place is all about second chances. We forgave Sir Pentious despite his initial bad intentions. Charlie forgave me for not telling her about me being an exorcist.” She sighed, “She forgave me for not telling her I’m stuck down here because of the extermination! You know, maybe he has bad intentions, maybe he doesn’t. But at the end of day, everyone in Hell is flawed. It’s the actions that matter.” You wiped your tears away and nodded, understanding her points. “Think about it, okay? Maybe call him. Talk to him.” She gave you a hug before leaving your room.
You pulled out the phone Vox gave you and stared at his contact. Your finger hovered over the call button but you couldn’t get yourself to press it. You were heartbroken at the thought that either Alastor or Vox were lying. Your heart felt heavy. You hadn’t felt this emotion in so long.
While your finger hovered over Vox’s call button, your phone suddenly started to get a slew of texts that went too fast for you to read in the notifications. As you try to click on one of the many messages, Valentino calls you. You reluctantly answered. “Hello?” You weakly spoke out, your shaky voice evident.
“Hello angel~” He purred. You hated that nickname if it didn't come from Vox or any of your closest friends.
“What do you want, Val?”
“I just want you to know that you’re lucky Vox broke that contract off with Angel Dust.” He hissed into the phone, “Because if he was still mine he would be in my studio right now getting absolutely fucked to death. And I mean it. To. Death.” He laughed.
His laughter faded into the background as he passed it to somebody else. It was Velvette.
“And I want you to know that we are coming for you stupid little hotel. We stocked up on Carmilla’s weapons and we’re coming straight for you, holy bitch.” She cackled, “And just so you know. Your little lovebug Vox has been lying to you. He doesn’t want you. He wants your power! Hah! I can’t believe you really fell for it.”
“...What..?” You were in shock, almost dropping your phone.
“Little Voxy here decided to fuck with us and I’m going to safely assume it’s because of you.”
“Watch out, Y/N~ We’ll be there when you least expect it.” Valentino says in the background. The two let out a sinister laugh as the call ends abruptly.
You were speechless. You didn’t know what else to do except run out of your room to warn the staff of the attack.
“Guys!” You yell out from the stairs, “Get ready! Arm yourselves!”
“What?! What’s going on?” Charlie says, panicked at your frantic state.
“The Vees are coming. And they have angelic weapons. They…Something happened to Vox and now Valentino and Velvette are coming!”
“Shit-When? How do you know?”
“They just got off the phone and-”
A loud explosion comes from outside of the hotel. The building began to shake and before you could say anything else everyone’s expressions went from anger to worry as they ran towards you. You looked up and saw debris falling down right where you stood.
Tag list: @dawko-fanpage @chewbrry @ghostdoodlen @emekeneme
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cherrybomb107 · 8 months ago
Okay, so, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and I think I’m finally able to articulate my feelings about Vi becoming an Enforcer. Stick with me, cause this’ll be a rant, but I promise it’ll all make sense (I hope).
As I’ve said before on here, I feel like the Arcane fandom across different platforms is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Here, vs the subreddit is a whole world of a difference. That difference being so large is part of the reason why I feel how I feel about Vi becoming an Enforcer. It’s not so much that I don’t like it(cause it’s not that I don’t like it; I hate it actually. REAL BAD). But, if I tried to talk about WHY it bothers me so much, some dude bro with a superiority complex and 0 class consciousness is gonna be like “Um ackshully, Vi is trying to protect her community. Why are you mad about that but not mad about Jinx being a TERRORIST?! Huh? Huh?” Then I’ll be accused of being a moron who didn’t watch the show . And then if I tried to defend myself I’d get dog piled and downvoted to oblivion.
So, first of all, irdgaf about Jinx being a terrorist. So what? What goes around comes around. When she burns Piltover tf DOWN, Imma sip on an ice cold beverage and watch, cause fuck em. Secondly, I understand WHY Vi is joining the Enforcers. Just like I understand why women can be raging misogynists. And why immigrants become Trump supporters. And why poor people join the military. And why Black people perpetuate respectability politics. I understand why members of marginalized communities join the opposition responsible for their marginalization. I understand that at its core, these people understand, at least on some level, that the powers that be are punishing them for existing as themselves. So, in an effort to take some of the heat off, they’ll internalize the messages they’ve been force fed since forever. They’ll try to change. Try to be “better”.
But see the problem with that is, trying to become “one of the good ones” and “rise above it all” doesn’t work. For the simple fact of no matter how hard you try to assimilate, you’ll never be one of “them”. You can parrot all the talking points, you can change your hair, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress etc. But no matter what, you’ll never be accepted wholly. You’ll always be on the outside looking in.
I say that to say, the thing I hate most about Vi becoming an Enforcer is that I’ll have to see a character that I love dearly fall victim to this mindset. In a show full of tragedies, is this not yet another one to add to the list? Piltover took Vi, a scrappy kid from the Lanes, slaughtered her family in front of her, locked her up and threw away the key, and convinced her that the only way to save her sister was to put on a uniform, and enforce the will of the crooked politicians who don’t care about her or her people.
That’s what’s got me somewhat scared for season two. I really hope they frame Vi’s reluctant decision to join the Enforcers as another tragedy in and of itself, instead of just “a necessary evil” or worse “the right thing to do”. Cause it wasn’t the right thing to do. It was just the only thing Vi felt she could’ve done.
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a-bottle-of-tyelenol · 2 months ago
I definitely get why people want more screen time with the crew and individual crew members (Perimedes, for example), but I actually kind of like the fact that we don’t know very many of them and we don’t hear any of them by name except Polites and Eurylochus.
(This can be seen as a continuation of this post where I talk about Odysseus seeing himself as above man and, therefore, above his crew.)
I have my own personal headcanon that Odysseus knows each of his men personally and by name, even those not on his specific ship, but I do think that having them as this unknown, unnamed blob of a force reenforces the me vs them conflict that Odysseus has.
Eurylochus is the voice of the crew and it makes sense that the crew wouldn’t bother Odysseus directly with things. He’s busy and it’s Eurylochus’ job to handle the unimportant stuff. But it means that Odysseus is separated from his men in more ways than one. He’s of royal blood (while most, if not all, of his men are not), he’s a war hero that will forever be remembered (while his men will forever be the vague title of ‘Odysseus’ crew’— iirc, this is actually why they open the windbag in the Odyssey, because they don’t think it’s fair that he gets the glory AND riches), and he’s the captain (while the rest of them have to follow his every order even when he refuses to listen to anyone but himself). He is inherently detached and singled out from the rest of the crew that are considered, both by the narrative and by the meta-ness of how EPIC is written, to be one singular entity.
“You relied on wit and then we died on it.”
The crew could’ve said “they died on it”, obviously pointing to Scylla’s victims and maybe even references those who died to Poseidon, but they wouldn’t because they are connected in a way that Odysseus does not relate to. This is, personally, also why I think that Odysseus is wrong when he says that Eurylochus would’ve done the same thing he did. People like to point to Circe’s island to say that Eury would’ve, but I disagree. Circe’s island is something entirely different and context matters here.
Eurylochus would’ve NEVER intentionally sacrificed anyone to get back home. To him, it’s better to have died together— which does add an interesting layer to him hurting Helios’ cattle. If Zeus had posed his ultimatum to Eurylochus instead of Odysseus, Eury would’ve picked himself to die every single time regardless of his own guilt or fault in the situation. And, to be honest, I think a lot of the crew would’ve too. These are selfish men, yes, but they are also men who would rather die of honor as brothers than disgrace themselves, especially because they’d know that getting home alone would be basically impossible anyways.
I bring this up because it’s yet another showing of how Odysseus is set apart from the others. “If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame” isn’t Eurylochus attempting to deflect from what he’s done with the windbag— he already thought Odysseus forgave him/moved on from that. He is specifically commenting on the fact that Odysseus made this decision without consulting any of them— something that Eurylochus didn’t do, with the windbag or on Circe’s island, and would never do because, again, the crew stands as a collective and they, along with the narrative, views each other as extensions of themselves.
The crew is so betrayed by what Odysseus did because they consider themselves to be a family, warriors in arms that will die for each other, and since going to the Underworld, Odysseus just doesn’t understand it. I sincerely believe that, had Odysseus told them and laid out the situation they were in, there would have been six men willing to volunteer themselves if there was truly no other way. Hell, Eurylochus might’ve even been one of them just to get as many of his friends home as possible.
I think that Odysseus is fundamentally different in how he views himself vs the crew and ‘Monster’ put the final nail in the coffin. I doubt it was intentional or anything more than the unfortunate reality that Jorge just didn’t have time or space for more content about the crew, but I think reducing them to a collective that stands behind Eurylochus from Odysseus’ perspective really works. In the early stages of the show, it highlights the foreshadowing within ‘Luck Runs Out’ and, as the show goes on, it really shows how Odysseus refuses to stand with them.
I particularly like that Mutiny’s blocking directions say that Eurylochus looks around at the gore while Odysseus keeps his back to it and the crew. I imagine a lot of scenes where Odysseus’ back can face Eury/the crew and it being symbolic of this dynamic— when the crew is distrustful in ‘Keep Your Friends Close’, when Eury is trying to admit that he opened the windbag in ‘Puppeteer’ and when he actually admits it in ‘Scylla’, when Eury is trying to convince Odysseus not to fight Circe, when he orders them to kill the sirens, when Zeus strikes them all down, ect.
Anyways, I don’t have any real way to end this. I do totally get people wishing there was more an emotional impact on the death of the crew for the audience, but I don’t really think it’s all that necessary and I like the implications that come from demoting the crew into being a singular ensemble entity.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year ago
Ok this has been bothering me all day. I saw a post talking about how Rauru and Sonia did more for Zelda than Rhoam did and… I’m once again going to defend Rhoam, cuz that’s a very unfair thing to say and a horrible comparison to make.
Rauru and Sonia helped Zelda with her time powers and learning about the secret stone. Rhoam didn’t help her with her sealing power. Why? Cuz he has no magic and he clearly wasn’t the one who had it. Her mother was the one who had the power and was the one to teach her. Rhoam had no idea what he was doing, he didn’t understand the magic, and he hoped that if she dedicated her life that it would awaken so that the calamity wouldn’t destroy their home.
Well he should’ve tried to help her anyways right? Well, yes it’s easy to say that, unfortunately Rhoam was put in a very bad position of being king with the looming threat of the APOCALYPSE!!!! I think it’s implied that Rhoam married into the family, since his wife had the sealing power from the blood of the goddess or whatever, and seeing how he’s Hylian, he wasn’t a prince from another kingdom since all other kingdoms in this world have small round ears. For all we know, he was a prince consort who was never raised to be king. We don’t know what he was doing before, but with his wife’s sudden death and the responsibility of protecting his kingdom, he didn’t make the right choices. Which isn’t an excuse, but in his position, it’s an explanation. Rauru and Sonia didn’t have an apocalypse threatening to happen, in fact, they were in an era of peace and the future seemed bright. Of course they had time to hang out with Zelda and have tea parties with her. They seemed to be relaxed and having fun, which makes sense seeing how there didn’t seem to be much of a threat to their kingdom, minus Ganondorf, but I don’t think either of them saw him as a huge threat, seeing how they were absolutely blindsided by him.
It’s implied in AOC that Rhoam shouldered all of the responsibilities of the kingdom, and it seemed that he was under a significant amount of pressure during the calamity. And I feel like he mostly did that so Zelda could focus on awakening her power. She didn’t seem to have many responsibilities as princess save for awakening her power and helping out the champions. She is barely 17 so it makes sense that she’s not ruling the kingdom, but I do feel like Rhoam did all that stuff so she could focus on the calamity itself. And I’m sure in his stress he grew frustrated whenever Zelda focused more on the machines than awakening her power. Which was not the right thing to do, but come ON the world is literally about to end and the ONLY piece of the puzzle they need is Zelda!!! Some people forget that she HAD to awaken her powers otherwise the world was going to be destroyed! And it almost was cuz they were awakened too late! They were in such an unfair situation! And it’s not fair to compare him to Rauru and Sonia who were not in the same situation he was in, who were lying around in the grass and drinking tea because the calamity wasn’t there.
Rhoam is such a well written character that acts the way you’d expect someone in his situation to act. And he has so much regret over some of the things he’s had to do to protect Hyrule. You can read it in his journal where he finally gives up and desires to act more like a father to Zelda, you can see it when he takes Terrako away from Zelda, and you can see it when he’s a ghost 100 years after everything is destroyed. He’s so guilty but he did what he thought was best so that Zelda could not have a throne to nothing, so that Hyrule will be safe. And there’s a lot of things he could’ve done better, but people don’t act rational under that much stress. Like come on, would you? Don’t lie you absolutely wouldn’t.
And this post isn’t meant to diss on Rauru and Sonia, I like them in their own ways. But it’s kinda dumb whenever people love complex characters and then turn around and hate on characters like Rhoam and make them completely one-dimensional when they’re not. Y’all are completely unfair to Rhoam.
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rosemariad · 6 months ago
We finally made it here.
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Ooooooooh boy. 😬
The opening for THE series finale felt out of place to me.
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You’re gonna waste minutes on this really?
How about a discussion about how they beat God, like they actually managed the impossible - 2 dudes just take the fight to the OG master & creator of the universe and won that shit with some plan they pulled outta their asses. Their surrogate child went on to become the next primordial being to reign over the universe. But no, we’re not gonna even talk about any of that.
Coulda done a million different things even with the COVID restrictions (the two actors in a room across a table, do whatever to keep them safe) but whatever 🤦🏾‍♀️
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So after God comes vampires w/ masks? Really SPN?
The minute Dean slammed the Impala’s trunk shut after sundown made me nervous (that would be the last time he’s with his Impala, the last time he ever sees her w/ his own eyes 🥺😭)
Out of all the folks to pull outta the SPN peanut gallery you pick that random chick from 1x20?! Jenny?! Just to kill her off anyway (so I spoke too soon, vampJenny is the official last female to die on this show)
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Ah…the nail of imminent demise
That final shot of Sam & Dean was toooo fucking intimate.
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Suddenly the Wincest people aren’t so crazy. Why are y’all encouraging this?! Dude, they’re brothers!?! #brothersnotlovers. They could’ve done it like the end of Pearl Harbor where they got Ben Affleck crying over Josh Harnett’s body in the crash. Gimme weepy Sam, that Oscar moment. Dean died sooo young 🥺😒 younger than Mary (I know she was technically in her thirties but TBH she was 64/65), bobby, Rufus, Ellen & John. This is why we can’t have nice things😔
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Cas is gonna be so saaaad. He always fought so hard for Dean's sake, only for the guy to die so young…it’s an insult - an outrage really. Dean fought so hard for so long only for him to say - it was always gonna end this way?! 😡
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He didn’t have to make it to old age (though he deserved to) but don’t let him die like this. All accepting so soon after resolving the meta plot 😔 there were things Dean probably wanted to do and now, he’ll never get his chance. He could’ve settled down with someone (it wouldn’t have been Cas since he got killed off already but shit I would’ve settled for Dean to settle with anyone for a minute, like Sam did) - also would’ve been nice to hear from Jody or Donna and others one last time but hey fuck the side characters 🤣 (oh COVID the scapegoat that keeps on giving - it’s like the showrunners forgot the convenience of modern technology).
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So Chuck definitely won - he's no longer burdened by having to deal w/ the universe and one of the Winchesters died anyway. Not exactly as planned but they never broke free, not really. I totally subscribe to this theory. Especially since it’s alluded to that Dean Jr - Sam’s son - is a hunter also at the time of Sam’s death by old age (we think…I’m just saying that’s an awful not of tubes and stuff for the old man, maybe just to monitor his heart rate/health - eh)
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The Sam wig is bad but eh - doesn’t bother me - we’re talking about a CW show wrapping up a project, it’s not the end of the world people, the plot is what matters and the plot here is a fucking shit show my lord. It’s not the first show to suffer a shit ending for a show that captivated worldwide audiences, but damn this is a bummer.
But yay for Sam apparently - couldn’t think of a better name for your son than Dean Jr.? It only makes sense to make the kid a junior if it was Dean’s actual kid, like Dean would’ve been Dean Sr. And his boy would’ve been Dean Jr. or Dean W. The II. And and hello there Woman Whose Face we don’t get to see (really committing to limiting women’s presence in the show - again probably blaming in on COVID but if you have a literal baby with this giant man, you can chance a woman being there in an actual camera shot where we can see her face 🙄) Back to Dean - again cuz of COVID? I guess - we don’t get to see him reunite with anyone (not his MOM even?) except Bobby for like 1 second and then he’s just driving around in his car. No roadhouse, no fishing, nothing but sitting in his car, alone killing time until Sam inevitably returns to him.
Oh what a shame…
So that happened I guess. SPN was something else, for better or worse. Probably never gonna get a show like that again. They tried it with the Winchesters spin off about a supposed alternate universe MaryxJohn thing and friends but honestly if its not about the Winchesters brothers or Destiel who cares 🤣 they pretty much wrapped up Sam & Dean’s stories thanks to this finale but Dean (per the Winchesters flop) could be brought back into the fray somehow if they wanted - but hey that’s what fanfiction’s for 😁
Well SPN it’s been interesting…sort of.
On that note…
I wanna thank the fans of the show, your hot takes, memes and general fervor over this show/story is what finally made me watch it all. Cuz I remember the TV spots from back in the day, cruising the CW channel on weeknights after school. I was too busy watching other shows to give SPN a chance while it aired. So thank you 🙏🏽
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joesanrio · 1 year ago
"Best friends" | R.R
Summary: You guys were just college best friends... who hooked up, but it wasn't supposed to lead to this.
Pairings: Roman Reigns {Joe Anoa'i} x fem!reader || non-established relationship
Warnings: pregnant!reader, teasing, some tension, loverboy!joe, y'all it's just fluff.
Word Count: 1275
Ratings: 16+ | Fluff
A/N: something quick and simple to feed y’all <3
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“Oh my gosh.” You groaned out as you finally sat down for the first time today, you’ve been busy cleaning as you couldn’t stand a messy house. You’ve been cleaning since 9 o’clock in the morning, every little cranny in the house was no longer untouched by you. Cleaning used to be therapeutic for you, but the extra weight and tension makes it more of a dreaded task than a fun activity.
The music blasting through the home, beginning to become bothersome as you lay your head back against the top of your cushioned couch. Eyes closing just to rest in the inevitable darkness, reminding you that a good nap could be snuck in before Joe gets here.
“I need a bath or something.” You mumble out as your body feels sticky and hot, preparing to get up from your comfy seat. One. Two. Three. You counted before boosting out of your seat and practically waddling over to your speaker to cut it off, a small huff leaving your plumped lips in exhaust.
The warm water surrounding your body and loosening your tight muscles, the delicate scent of vanilla and lavender filling your nose sweetly. The bubbles resting on the still water up to your collar bones, hands placed on the side of the tub.
Pure relaxation is what you would consider this situation which was well needed. Face mask on, eyes closed, head tilted back as you almost fall asleep.
Remembering the task at hand, the relaxing bath now becoming an “everything” shower as you realized that you’re going to have to stand to get the job done. Not bothered as the hot water runs down your soapy body, throat humming a familiar tune as the sounds of water create the background.
Finishing up, you step out into the foggy bathroom, towel quickly wrapping around your body as you make your way to the sink/vanity. Not paying any mind to the fogged mirror, the body lotions and oils placed in front of you as you begin to lather up. Getting dressed in your (his) T-shirt and some comfy bottoms, after doing some finishing touches of your after-shower routine,
Leaving the hot and humid bathroom to head into the cooled bedroom making you regret turning down the thermostat earlier. Quickly dumping the dirty clothes into the laundry hamper and getting into the warm, soft sheets of your comforter.
Your phone notifications are spamming at the perfect time, already knowing who it is. Joesph. Your high school best friend turned best friend with benefits turned baby daddy. Unintentionally smiling as you take your phone off the charger immediately to answer him.
I got the food so u better be hungry
I’m almost there
Give me like 10 mins
Actually 15 bcs I gotta stop for gas
Put something cute on for me
Read 6:49pm
Aww so sweet
I always look cute
Read 6:52pm
“I hope he got McDonalds… or-“cutting your speech off as you think about all the different food options he could’ve got or that you would have loved to eat. Laying back against the big reading pillow, playing on your phone as you wait impatiently. Body now super pumped for his visit, the baby now beginning to move around as if they knew who was about to show up.
Smiling as you caress over the huge bump, feeling your baby pressing against your soft hand. “I know, he’s almost here. Just a few more minutes.” You speak sweetly as the baby begins to kick against the side, as uncomfortable as it is, you seem to be in a trance of complete admiration. One thing Joe could always do was get the baby excited. It’s like as soon as they heard his voice or sensed that he was near they went ballistic.
The doorbell ringing causing you to perk up excitedly, you don’t know why he was ringing the doorbell considering he has a key so his hands must be full. “Coming.” You call out as you quickly slip your feet into your slippers and head to the front door, “Any day now baby.” He calls from the other side jokingly as you open the door for him, lips falling into a pout as he chuckles.
“I wasn’t that slow.” Eyes playfully rolling at the man walking behind you with the bags of food, going to grab one to help before he pulls away. “You’re already carrying a lot.” His head tilting down at your belly, a small smile forming on your lips.
Your gaze leaving Joe’s eyes to observe his outfit (and body), the grey sweats fitting loosely over his thick thighs and white t-shirt tight on his pecs, muscles bulging as he holds the food and his long fingers wrapping around the large drink.
“Whatcha thinkin about?” His deep voice taking you out from your trance, shaking your head embarrassingly as you just got caught. Lips forming in a smirk as he knows you were checking him out. Avoiding his question, you go to look inside the bag before he pulls away from you.
“Answer me.” He says as he places the food down onto the table but blocking the food. “The food. Now please move.” A rough huff leaving your mouth as you cross your arms at the man, he rolls his eyes before scooting to the side.
“That’s not how you say thank you.” He mumbles before taking a bite of a fry, you look over at him before puckering out your lips teasingly. His eyebrows perking up excitedly as he tries to go in for a kiss, “Thank you so much!” you giggle as you quickly pull away from him causing his lips to form an annoyed pout. “Whatever.” He pokes your side gently.
The room is now quiet as you guys sit down with the delicious food and eat. Joe putting on a random movie for background noise, knowing how you feel about prolonged silences. “Did you hear about Chris and Aaliyah?” Your body perking up as you remember the small drama you found out yesterday regarding some ex-college friends,
Joe’s eyebrows immediately scrunching in confusion. “No what?” wiping his thick fingers with the small napkin, making you lose your train of thought, “Oh my gosh! Really!” You say already knowing the answer but adding you your dramatics.
Joe smiling at your excitement to tell him, reminding him of the past times when you guys would sit in each other’s dorms, and you would go on a whole rant about little things you heard throughout the day. He missed it, it was one of his favorite things, still is. He couldn’t imagine someone else being able to hear you speak with such passion and excitement over other people’s lives. It was so cute to him, even though he didn’t know half the people you were talking about.
“Don’t be messy, you’re too pretty for that.” Or “Why do you care?” would become his go-to every time you had those rants, but he knew you just wanted to entertain him and yourself. Don’t get him started on your “Guess what’s” every time you would see him, the cutest thing he ever encountered in high school. He misses it and doesn’t want to let it go for someone else to take.
Snapping out of his thoughts when he notices your eyes of concern, “You’re not listening?” you ask as your lips fall into a thin line of embarrassment. “No- no I was.” He reassures as he fixes his posture, “You weren’t but that’s okay. It honestly was boring.” You giggle as you go back to eating your food.
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throneofsapphics · 2 years ago
plsss write more rowaelin x reader!! literally anything i’m obsessed with your writing <333 would love some hurt/comfort
Rowaelin x f!Reader
Summary: "A gilded cage is still a cage, the nasty part of my mind echoed, but I let the thought drift away and disappear - melting into them instead. For now, it was easier to give into the comfort. I can let the harder parts come later."
Warnings: angst, emotional hurt, comfort
Word Count: ~1.5k
A/N: ahh thank you so much for the request I loved writing it, this took a more emotional hurt turn but if you had something different in mind please let me know!
“You’d be nothing without us.” 
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. The words echoed in my head like a horrible melody. I saw her parted lips and wide eyes. Regret. It’s too late, the words left her lips. There’s no taking back something like that. Even if there was, my pride wouldn’t let her. It doesn’t matter whether she’s right or wrong. What’s done is done. Over. 
“Thank you for telling me how you really feel,” I said, with an edge to my voice and narrowed eyes. A tone I’ve never taken with her before, and I can tell it shocks her - good. I wanted something to hurt, to hurt the way she’s hurt me. Still, tears threatened to prick the corner of my eyes, to give away how vulnerable I felt, how five words tore me open. Never let them see you cry, my mother’s words echoed in my ears as I turned away. 
There’s that part of me that wants her to call after, to say my name, to run to me, but she doesn’t. I can’t tell if that makes it better or worse. 
My feet traveled the well worn path, out the side gate, down the cobblestone streets, all the way to my small apartment and I started packing, throwing things into piles before realizing I don’t have any boxes. That I don’t have most of my things - there all there. The one place I won’t go back to, that I refuse to go back to. 
Maybe she’s right, maybe I am nothing without them, but that doesn’t mean I can’t become something. My life revolved around them for the last year. Is it freedom? I don’t know. I don’t want to know now. No tears, I tell myself, and repeat it in my head until the words don’t make sense anymore, until they cease to exist. 
A few hours later, after I’d found some boxes and started packing things away, Rowan showed up. He didn’t bother knocking, just let himself in. “This is it then. You’re running.” The last person I want to see shows up on my doorstep. “Don’t ignore me.” He said after an uncomfortable silence. 
“Is the great Rowan Whitethorn begging?” My back stays turned to him, I can’t look at him - if I do I might give in. I might let those tears I’ve been barely holding back fall. 
“Is that what you want?” The coldness in his voice made me want to cry. I never heard it used towards me. 
“What did she tell you?” I asked instead. 
“That you’re running away.” 
I finally turned, looking at the clock, anywhere but at him. His scent still flooded the room, pine and snow. His presence even more. No matter where he went, he took up space. Almost overwhelmingly. “So she missed the ‘You’d be nothing without us,’ part then.” 
Silence, I didn’t need Fae senses to feel his anger bubbling beneath his skin. “Look at me so I know you’re not lying.” My eyes snapped to his on instinct. Gods, that’s the worst thing I could’ve done. I can’t tell who his anger is directed to. His head tilted every so slightly, like he could see right through me into every dark thought, every bit of anger and resentment. “What did you say to her?” Oh so that’s what he wanted to know. To flip the story on me, to make me the villain. 
“Does it matter?” I snapped. 
“Yes.” The simple answer pissed me off even more. I snorted and rolled my eyes, knowing my indifference would be louder than any words I could’ve said. I turned my back again and re-stacked dishes I had already sorted and organized. Soft, nearly silent footsteps sounded across the room before a hand squeezed my shoulder, fingertips squeezing just enough to know he expected an answer. 
Expectations. A year of living by what they want, of chasing their dreams for me. Like always with him, the words flooded out. “I told her I wanted to expand my business, to start more crafts, go to more markets, to travel further out. She asked why, why I needed to and why Orynth wasn’t enough.” I press my elbows against the cold tile, cradling my forehead in my hands. His hand didn't leave, but his thumb rubbed gentle circles into my shoulder. “When she asked why I said I was tired of living in your shadows and I think it came out wrong. I meant it, but not in a harsh way.” I felt his body stiffen but the gentle movements did not stop. “People only buy from me because of you, because I’m connected to you.” My elbows dig harsher into the cold tile, hard enough I know there will be red marks on them. I sensed he’s about to say something and whirled back around, swatting his hand away. 
“That’s not true.” The smallest movement in his temple, almost imperceptible if I didn’t know better. He lied. 
“Don’t lie to me.” I snarled, and his eyes narrowed. 
“What’s my tell?” He tried to deflect. 
“Say what you’re really thinking.” I gritted my teeth. His jaw clenched slightly. 
“People… enjoy the novelty of buying from someone connected to the crown. That doesn’t make your work any less impressive.” At least he didn’t lie again. The Crown. Not the Queen and King, the Crown. I pressed my lips together in a tight line, is it possible to separate the two of them? 
“I want to be something.” I tried to explain as my pitch rose and I waved my hands, quickly approaching hysterics. Everything seemed to be getting to me, all of the thoughts I’ve been suppressing crashed down on me. He grabs them, holding them gently. The rough calluses brush against my skin. He takes a few deep breaths, and I copied him, my body reacted without conscious thought. 
“You are something. You’re everything to us.” 
“That’s not what I mean.” I huffed, but at least he’s trying. At least he said something. 
“You can be something here. You don’t need to leave Orynth to do it.” 
My eyes shuttered closed. He didn’t understand, he couldn’t. This was all foreign to him. Rowan was a legend before he became King, before he met Aelin. 
“I can stay here.” I started, and sensed a bit of tension leaving him - too bad I'm about to undo all of that, “but travel to other places - where nobody will know my face or who I am.” 
“It’s not safe.” 
I groaned. I knew that would be his answer, it always came back to my safety. To their peace of mind.
As soon as I saw her, and the broken look on her face at the boxes, the floodgate broke and the tears came loose. Along with the sobs that wrecked my body. She crossed the room in seconds, arms circling around me and I held onto her like a lifeline - like she’s the one thing anchoring me to this reality. She came, she came after me. Not from Rowan urging her, not from someone telling her to - she came on her own. For me. Swallowed her pride. 
“I didn’t mean it.” Her face buried into my shoulder, “not like that.” Her words still echoed in my mind, nothing, nothing, nothing, but I shoved them away for now. Not now, not when she’s being vulnerable - apologizing for once. 
“I love you,” she whispered into my shoulder and I froze. She’s never said the words before, she’s shown it - but never said them. Was this a ploy to keep me here, to try and sweeten the blow with words that don’t mean anything to her? But Aelin wasn’t like that, she might scheme and plan, but she wouldn’t lie about this. At least I didn’t think she would. “You don’t need to say it back, I just need you to know.” The truth, I decided - it has to be the truth. If it isn’t, I’d trick myself into believing it. 
I felt Rowan’s warm body pressed behind me, caging me between their arms. A gilded cage is still a cage, the nasty part of my mind echoed, but I let the thought drift away and disappear - melting into them instead. For now, it was easier to give into the comfort. I can let the harder parts come later. Aelin guided me over to the couch, letting me curl into her side as she whispered sweet nothings into my ear, her hand stroking my hair in the way that made me melt as Rowan started unpacking the boxes. Before I knew it I was back in the castle with them. Back in our rooms. Rooms with my touch, with my books, with the potted plant I barely keep alive and the soft blanket I brought from my home village. 
There would be more arguments, more protests and compromises - but we would figure it out. We always do.
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anime-morality-discussion · 5 months ago
Why I dislike SS and SNS
I’d be willing to bet you’ve seen many posts like this one but this isn’t in favor of one or the other, it’s a critique of both. Does that mean I dislike anyone who ships these ships? No, this is just my analytical standpoint of the ships themselves and the fandom. Let’s start with the fandoms surrounding these pairings.
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Okay, where to start, now I don’t like this ship in the slightest and the fandom doesn’t make it any better. Now I know it’s not all of you but it seems a lot of you. I’ve done some of my own digging and found that some of you are wonderful and write great fan fiction or make wonderful art, however some of you take a more toxic approach to defending your ship. This ship isn’t perfect and it being canon doesn’t make it any better, don’t kid yourself. A lot of the fandom for SS seem to think their relationship is perfect which by far isn’t the case. I’ve also seen a lot of homophobia within the SS fandom which I’m going to touch on in a moment, the ship itself is fine I guess, definitely having its quirks but the fandom is what truly bothers me. Sorry this section was so rambly.
Now that we’re done with the fandom part let’s speak about the ship itself, I don’t care for it. No surprises there, this section might be a little shorter because I don’t have much to say. There’s definitely some things about SS that bother me more than others, like Sasuke just up and vanishing after Sarada is born, Sakura seemingly losing all her self respect when Sasuke is around. It just goes on, Sakura is not weak and I think she could’ve been better on her own but that’s just me. For most Naruto ships, I think they were better as friends. Not much to add here.
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Okay, like up top let’s start with the ✨fandom✨ some of y’all are great, others not so much. Something about the sns fandom is there’s quite a bit of hidden misogyny towards both Sakura and Hinata, even if you don’t like how Naruto ended, that doesn’t mean you get to be a misogynistic prick and that goes for the ss fandom as well, you don’t get to be homophobic just because you don’t like sns. Sometimes this fandom can be overbearing now that’s not necessarily a crime but it can get very annoying. Now I’m not going to say “can’t we all just get along?” Because I now that’ll never work, especially when no one can agree on anything. The best I can say is don’t be a bitch, just block or scroll because who actually cares?
For the ship itself, I don’t have much to say honestly. I don’t think Sasuke is a “shippable” character I guess is what I’m saying, he’s the common denominator of why I dislike both these ships, I love all these characters on their own but either shipped with Sasuke doesn’t make sense to me. This ship definitely has its toxicity, often portraying a harmful stereotype of queer men, before anyone says anything like “Naruto and Sasuke aren’t gay” who fucking cares? One of the fact of the matters is that we truly don’t know if either one or both is queer because it’s something that cannot be proven or disproven so to me personally it doesn’t even matter. The ship can often portray a caricature of romanticized abuse which is a problem for me, and so is fetishizing gay relationships. I haven’t been actively involved in shipping since I was like 13 so forgive me if my insight is outdated.
To make it clear; I’m pro all these characters but anti their ships ya know?
Anyway, there you go, if anything doesn’t make sense or seems to rambly, please forgive me. It’s late when I’m writing this and I’m extremely tired. Feel free to debate me or anyone else in the comments but keep it civil. Have a good night!
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grovermungus · 5 months ago
i read seven of the eight books in the throne of glass series, and holy shit it’s awful.
in order from best to worst it goes as such:
-tower of dawn
-assassins blade
-empire of storms
-throne of glass
-i don’t give a fuck they’re all at the bottom
when it got to reading kingdom of ash, i just couldn’t. i tried, i picked it up once and then again a month later, still there was no want in me to read it. how you bitches love this shit so much i’ll never understand but each to their own i guess.
to start the complaints, the thing is poorly written, but given that it’s a debut series i cut it a little slack, that being said it goes on for FAR to long. the main character is one of the most uninteresting, shallow, millennial esk, boring characters ever written. i felt zero connection to her at all, she didn’t feel like a character she felt like words on a page. the same goes for both the mmc and a good handful of the side characters too. they’re all very one note. the only character i enjoyed near to the beginning was killed off far to soon for a shit plot point that made little to no sense and could’ve been done without easily.
this aided with the fact that, as you may know, sarah’s writing style usually leads to the last 100 pages of the book being the action, which is all good and fun if there’s a. characters you’re interested in, b. something else going on in the meantime to keep us interested, and c. a reason for us to be reading what we’re reading. this however, does not happen, a majority of the book is just build up for the ending, and that’s it, it’s all they talk about, i could honestly tell you nothing that happens for the whole of the books except for the final part. every time i put one down i would think “oh wow i enjoyed that” but then once the rush of the action dies down i’m reminded rudely of the ache it got to get there. this is made worse by the fact that each of the books gets larger with every instalment, the last being almost 1,000 pages, the thought of even having to begin the 900 pages of dicking around makes my brain feel like it’s going to pour out my ears.
as the series progresses, there are a few little hidden gems here and there, mostly for me the world building when outside of adarlan and the woods was good, hence why i enjoyed assassins blade. not only that but as we meet more characters later on, they’re better written (nesrin and sartaq my beloved). tower of dawn was my favourite by miles, mostly because aelin wasn’t in it. the world building was there, the plot was there, and there felt like there was actual STAKES, when aelin and rowen (more aptly named the prince of mediocrity, my friend actually described it perfectly as him being the “edward cullen” type, zero personality, handsome, strong, obsessed with his girl) are the main focus it never feels heavy, because we already know that she’s just gonna pull some fucking sun beam out her ass the moment things get tough.
tower of dawn to me feels a lot more reminiscent of acotar, it’s better to think of it as a standalone than as a part of the series, it’s also why i think i enjoyed empire of storms more too, i tandem read so anytime i felt like dragging a claw down the fleshy inside of my skull, i had a soft reprieve in tower of dawn. it’s also why i won’t read kingdom of ash, i was reminded of what it’s like to actually love and enjoy the book you’re reading, to actually want to pick it up and not only do so because you feel bad about having been bought the entire series as a gift and now hating it.
all in all, i have to say it’s one of the most overhyped book series i’ve ever had the misfortune of reading, this, a court of silver flames (a shit show i could make a whole other rant about), and a lovely dose of zionism, is why im no longer bothering to read any of sarah’s books.
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amorest-viesse · 1 year ago
[You And I In This World Adrift] - Chloe SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Akira
A Reassuring Presence - Chapter 1
[Manor Living Room]
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Akira: (Whoa! What’s with all this fabric!?)
Having finished lunch, I was making my way to the living room for a break only to find it covered in fabrics of all different colors and materials. At the center of the chaos was of course, none other than…
Chloe: Should I use… red here? No wait, the blue might be nice…
Akira: (Chloe seems to be working really hard on something. I wonder what he’s making… Although, maybe I shouldn’t interrupt.)
Just as I was turning around, Chloe suddenly looked up from his project, and we made eye contact.
Chloe: Oh, Master Sage!
Akira: Good afternoon, Chloe. I wasn’t bothering you, was I?
Chloe: Not at all! In fact, I’d say you’re right on time. Come on over!
At Chloe’s invitation, I made my way to him.
Chloe: Could you do me a favor and hold still for a sec?
Akira: Oh, uh, sure.
Upon my agreement, Chloe began to drape several fabrics on my shoulder.
Chloe: Oh, I just can’t decide which one is better! The lighter blue or the darker one? …Ooh wait, what about something right in the middle?
As he swapped colors in and out, Chloe would occasionally turn and look at a sheet of paper.
Akira: Is that a new design? I’m sure it’ll turn out amazing.
Chloe: You really think so? That’s great! It’s supposed to be for you, so I’m really giving it my all.
Chloe: You’re always doing so much for us that I wanted to thank you somehow, and this was the first thing that came to mind.
Akira: Chloe… That’s so sweet of you.
Even without the gift, his words alone made my heart swell with joy.
Chloe: …Alright, this shade of blue has gotta be it! Although it looks like I’m a little short on fabric, so I’ll have to get more.
Chloe: Oh, do you wanna come with me? I gotta figure out what to do for the ribbon too, so I’d love to hear your opinion.
Akira: If it helps, then of course I’ll come!
[City of Affluence - Day]
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Akira: I’m glad we were able to get that fabric you wanted, Chloe. It’s lucky we came just in time to grab what was left.
Chloe: Yeah, me too! It could’ve been bad if we’d just been a little later.
With the goods safely in hand, Chloe sighed in relief although his face was full of determination.
Chloe: Just you wait, Master Sage! I’m gonna make you the perfect outfit with this!
Akira: I’m looking forward to it.
Chloe: Yep yep! …Oh!
Chloe: That golden braid is gorgeous. I didn’t think to include one when I first came up with the design, but I bet it’d look great with this color.
As Chloe zeroed in on the stall’s goods, his eyes sparkled like a child discovering a new toy. Watching him brought a smile to my face as well.
Akira: (There he goes again. Ah well, while I’m here, I might as well take a look around too.)
Hooded Old Man: You there. Youngster.
A Reassuring Presence - Chapter 2
Akira: Huh? Are you talking to me?
Hooded Old Man: Yes. You. If ain’t too much of a bother, could ya help an old man with his wares?
I quickly scanned the crowd for Chloe and spotted him chatting away with the stall owner. Noting his presence, I felt a sense of reassurance.
Akira: (I’ll probably be back before Chloe’s done shopping, so it should be fine…)
Akira: Sure I can. What do you need?
Chloe: Master Sage! What do you think of this color? It would look so good on you, but—
Chloe: …Huh? Where’d they go…?
Chloe: (Maybe they saw something interesting and went to check it out…?)
Chloe: (If so, then I should probably wait here. It’d be bad if we both wandered off.)
Chloe: (Although… this isn’t exactly the safest city. What if they were kidnapped or something like I was…?)
Chloe: (I could never forgive myself if something happened…)
Chloe: I was the one who invited the Master Sage here, so it’s my job to make sure they’re safe!
Akira: (We’ve gotten pretty far from that street stall… I wonder where we’re going.)
As the distance between us and the noise of the city increased, the sounds of our individual footsteps grew louder, and with it, my anxiety.
Akira: Um… Could I ask where these wares are?
Hooded Old Man: It’s just a little further.
Below his hood, the man’s lips curved into a smile. In contrast with the soft tone of his voice, it sent a chill down my spine.
Akira: (I didn’t say anything because I thought this would be quick, but I really should’ve told Chloe where I was going…)
Hooded Old Man: What’s wrong? We’re almost there.
Akira: Umm…
I had no idea where we were. Stuck in an unfamiliar place, my legs froze out of fear.
Akira: (Now that I think about it, didn’t Chloe mention something about being kidnapped before…?)
He had said it happened because of his naivety. Now it seemed I was learning the hard way what he meant.
Akira: (I fell for the same trap. Since I had Chloe here today, I thought everything was going to be fine and let my guard down…)
It was a huge mistake to leave without a word. If anything happened to me, Chloe would definitely blame himself.
Akira: (I can’t make Chloe sad because of my stupid mistake. I have to find a way to get back no matter what.)
I hardened my resolution and spoke up.
Akira: My deepest apologies, but I need to head back. My friend will be worried if I’m gone for too long.
Hooded Old Man: Is that so…
Akira: Apologies once again, but if you really need help then my friend and I can return together…
As I turned around to leave, the old man suddenly grabbed my hand with a growl.
Hooded Old Man: You’re not goin’ anywhere!!
A Reassuring Presence - Chapter 3
Akira: (Agh, he has a tight grip!)
Chloe: <<Suispicibo Voitingoc>>
Hooded Old Man: Ack! Was that… a button?
The man cried out, grabbing the back of his hand. At our feet, a single button rolled to a stop.
Chloe: What do you think you’re doing?
Akira: Chloe!
Chloe: You’ve got a pretty important person to me there, so you better watch yourself or you’ll regret it.
Hooded Old Man: Hngh…
[Running Steps]
Pressured by Chloe’s fierce conviction, the old man quickly turned tail and darted down a back alley.
Chloe: Eh!? He’s already gone…!
Chloe: I guess he was just pretending to be an old man. His voice did seem young for his age…
Akira: …
Chloe: That aside, are you alright, Master Sage? I’m sorry I didn’t show up sooner…
Doing a complete 180 from before, Chloe looked at me with worry in his face. 
Akira: Yes, I’m completely fine. Thank you so much for saving me, Chloe!
Chloe: I’m so glad you’re okay. I shouldn’t have gotten so swept up in shopping and left you alone like that…
Akira: Oh no, you’re fine! I was the one who followed a stranger without saying anything.
Akira: I guess I thought everything would be fine since I was with you today.
Chloe: What do you mean…?
Akira: I know you told me about the kidnapping incidents in this city before, but I didn’t remember until it was too late.
Chloe: …Well, I know how that feels.
Chloe: During my travels with Rustica, the dangers of the world always felt so far away. With him by my side, it felt like nothing could touch me.
Chloe: Which is why I’m happy to hear you say that.
Akira: Say what?
Chloe: You felt safe because I was here and that everything would be fine.
Chloe: I guess that makes me a little like your “Rustica”.
Chloe sheepishly gave me a smile—one that’s been supporting me all this time without me even realizing it.
Chloe: Ah, but we’re getting off track! I’ll do my best to keep you safe from now on!
Chloe: I know I was the one that asked you here, but if you’d ever like to go somewhere, I’d be happy to accompany you too!
Akira: I’ll definitely keep that in my mind for the future.
Chloe: Alright! Anyways, let’s head back now. I have everything I need, so your outfit will be done in no time!
Akira: I’m looking forward to it.
Chloe vigorously nodded his head as if to say “leave it to me!” With smiles on both of our faces, we set off for the manor.
Chloe and the Bygone Gate - Card Episode
[Chloe’s Room]
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Akira: It seems like a gate that shows the past has appeared on Borda Isle’s beach.
Akira: It reminds me of when I had just arrived in this world. I often thought about the past as a way of calming myself down.
Chloe: I totally get what you mean! It’s nice to think about happy or comforting times!
Chloe: What kind of stuff did you think about?
Akira: I’d go back to when I was a kid being read a story by someone I trusted.
Chloe: Whoa! That sounds just like you! I bet you were a real cute kid.
Akira: Ehehe, thank you.
Akira: Do you have any comforting memories like that? Something you hold onto when the going gets rough…?
Chloe: Oh! I wonder… I feel like there’s a lot I could talk about.
Chloe: Of course, most of them have to do with Rustica… Hmm…
Akira: It sounds like you have too many to even choose from.
Chloe: Well, that is true, but it’s also that I just haven’t had many bad experiences since meeting Rustica…
Akira: Whoa! That’s pretty incredible.
Chloe: I know right? I’ve been so lucky that I can barely believe it myself.
Chloe: It’s not that I haven’t experienced any hardships.
Chloe: But whenever I do, I can always find comfort in those memories…
Chloe: It’s all thanks to Rustica’s kindness and the new sights he’s shown me in our time together.
Akira: Knowing him, you two are always making happy memories together, aren't you?
Chloe: Ehehe… We really are.
Akira: Rustica’s pretty cool.
Chloe: Ehehe… Isn’t he? That’s my teacher for you.
Chloe: Even if time rewound to before I met Rustica…
Chloe: I don’t think I’d be the weepy mess I used to be. I don’t think I’d hate myself like before.
Chloe: No matter what terrible things people say to me, I’ll continue to love myself. That’s what Rustica taught me.
Chloe: Even if I have to relive my childhood once again, face my family and their relentless bullying, the way they singled me out, their sudden anger…
Chloe: If I had my memories of Rustica, I think I’d be able to protect myself this time.
Chloe: Haha… It’s just like how you dealt with coming to this world.
Akira: Chloe…
Chloe: Hey, Master Sage. Let’s make a lot more of those memories together.
Chloe: That way, when the hard times hit, we can always go back to them.
Chloe: I love you so much, Master Sage! Spending time with you makes me so super happy! I really, really mean it!
Chloe: Don’t you ever forget that! Remember it!
Home Screen Voice Line
“Surely we’ll experience both sad and happy times in the future, but no matter what happens, let’s enjoy ourselves! After all, we’re wizards who revel in all the world has to offer!”
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fukia · 1 year ago
Fionna & Cake final thoughts , opinions and nitpicks lol
This will be unorganized and random and stinky, sorry
• great pacing first 2 eps
• good ideas
• ignoring multiverse saturation, is p decently done here!
• I miss Neil Patrick’s take on Gary/gumball- he sounded so freakin princely :(
• marshall sounded kinda less mischievous than he used to? Like vocally more down or something- I’m super glad he had the same actor tho lol Donaldddd
• I miss old Prismo voice too but I know why these didn’t work out
• Hunter’s voice either could’ve gone for a deep gravely stoicism or could’ve just been w/ the same actor as Huntress Wizard
• Scarab is ehhh- decent design but feels kinda out of place for adventure time- voice is similarly the same offness too, reminded me of kinda bad anime dub voices, it doesn’t feel intentional to the right extent —- either make a more surreal villain or a funnier one, his presence was rather generic
• the spooky faces and scurrying beetle of scarab was kinda funny
• lemongrab. Why justnonce roiland.
• I will end my life a million aeons over for Orbo - bluey’s dad: “say goodbye to your legs!”
• mmmarceline dress
• bubblegum mmmmilitary
• I wish we saw the fucking MOON vampire
• MOON vs STAR (super cool naming if the uh tarot thing is carried on here I legit don’t know if star is an actual tarot card lemme check)
• marshall n Gary was sweet- but I really wished they played up the bitter exes part before they did just the fluffy dating, bring a bit of parallel consistency
• fionna was good acting! The crying bit made my heart ouches- Character herself was a tad frustrating at times admittedly
• cake is great still - cake and vampire king hilarious
• why no “the star”’s actual dad :(
• BETH SHERMY GIBBON YES YES YES- back to old adventure time: I love the intro theme for Beth and shermy, it’s so melancholic and desolate, cold, with backgrounds that make this so fascinatingly depressing a turn for the land of oo (happy endings impermanent- life goes on kinda deal, so cool, so consistent with adventure time’s own concepts & “everything stays”)
• Simon and Betty made me emotional
• uhh how old was Betty when she starting dating simon? Just offhand lol I’m sure it was fine
• Golbetty had beautiful scenes
• way better simon and Golbetty than that weird adventure time published comic I’m sure some of you read
• the animation is great on some places, other times while well made, feels out of place for adventure time; like it’s trying too hard to be pretty (not the Ice Prince song, stuff like that made sense for adventure time)
• like some bits reminded me of Steven universe’s inconsistencies (same bits that made me really really dislike some of adventure time distant lands’ execution)
• [funny nitpick incoming] like there were points where the characters had really big eyes even tho they r supposed to be dots (not when exaggerating certain emotions cartoonishly, I meant prolonged); adventure time’s deal is keeping them small and kinda hard to decipher
• some bits were just a tinnny too anime that it bothered me, just some! Anime is cool!!!
• I was really expecting or hoping for a Korra styled multi-season just with lesser episodes
• the resolution was… kinda haphazardly handled
• same with some of the final themes, like w/ simon n betty
• adventure time is kinda known for being almost ambiguously optimistic so the whole super happy thing was kinda strange to me
• I know like it shouldn’t have to be the same as adventure time obviously, but that was the general identity of adventure time; the cosmic ambiguity with absurd humor delivered nonchalantly
• like I think of patience st pim’s ice domain during elements and the melancholic quietness of it - also PATIENCE ST PIM WHYYYYY I LOVED YOU (patiencevstheempresscough)
• yes it was a great thing to have this miniseries I enjoyed many parts
• the music was fucking fire!!!
• where was the dr two brains reference ? -3-
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jordanraye47 · 11 months ago
Headcanons about my favourite characters (yk who my fav is but whatever stfu /respectfully) [some ANSGT for y’all depressed people] ITS SO MUCH IZZY OMFG
Izzy is Scarlett’s younger sister. Idc if the order of seasons don’t let it make sense. Scarlett has older sister energy so I decide that they are sisters.
Noah has dyslexia. He loves to read and won’t let dyslexia stop him‼️Like his sisters see him with the same book for 3 months bc it takes AGES to read one
did I forget to mention that? He’s the youngest of ALOT of sisters (inspo from @deadmxnsparty on TT from the fic Stakes)
I have SO MUCH on izzy I need one list js for her so I’ll try and put a few on this one.
Her hair gets really really messy and often covers her face. So she ends up having to manually hold up her bangs if she has to look someone in the eyes or smth cause her hair covers up her eyes.
She canonically has psychosis, and being a pretty expressive and hyper person, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with emotions. So regardless of how many psychotic attacks or breakdowns she has, she never gets a full grip on how to handle them. So it ends with her running away from whatever situation she’s in so nobody sees her, and so she doesn’t hurt anyone.
Just like Duncan, I think Izzy has some family that’s in the police or involved in it. So she’s definitely familiar with law and punishments. But she’s also really good at getting away with it.
Imagne if like Scott Izzy and Scarlett were siblings 😔 izzy would be a farmer lmao
she wears crocs, attack me
She is not allowed in the kitchen alone. During cooking challenges on TD, she’s either js put to the fucking sidelines or someone it put on duty just to make sure she doesn’t fuck up.
got recruited by the FBI and/or army. She’s smart and strong like ??????
omfg I’m so bloated rn fuck my uterus
COURTZZY HCS (my pookies)
its js criminal x lawyer so she KNOWS the law, she just dgaf
regardless, she tries to help Courtney w work whenever she needs it. She probably has no idea what she’s doing but she tries helping at least, and she’s js happy when Courtney is. So like if Courtney passes an important test or smth, she js goes along w the excitement, even though she has no idea what’s happening.
and speaking of school n shit; Izzy dosent prioritise school, nor focus much on it. Especially compared to Courtney. But shes smart, enough to understand that Courtney is passionate about it. And as much as she likes bothering Courtney and hanging with her, Izzy’s quiet when she thinks Courtney needs silence to study, or just alone time in general.
IOTSSSS😈😈 (the angst is going hard rn. REREADING THIS IT SOUNDS SO DEEP AND LOWJRY POETIC IM PROUD) I wanna make this into a fic😔
Man the survivors guilt is CRAZY‼️🙏
Like she has Eva but the feeling that she had the opportunity to change the outcome still lingers. Like why didn’t she argue with Duncan enough to not let Noah stay
It’s not that she thought Noah wasn’t able to protect himself, but he didn’t. He didn’t exactly know how to fight, and he couldn’t sass his way out of death.
Duncan had to practically force Izzy along when they walked back. The danger of the island hadn’t properly gotten to her then, but if it had, she wouldn’t have let any of her friends out of her sight for a second.
She wasn’t strong enough to protect everyone, but she’s convinced she could’ve done better. And maybe Noah, Courtney, Owen, Lindsay and everyone else could’ve made it.
Like I said, the survivors guilt is pretty rough after a fucking massacre ykwim?
And she was 16 when this happened. And so was everyone else. And regardless of age, nobody should’ve gone though that, alive or not.
Her relationship to things associated with the death of her friends are definitely weird. Like when things like showering and drinking water felt like tasks. Like watching the water from the tap run for 10 minutes cause the image of Noah’s dead body in the water, surrounded by his own blood, wouldn’t leave her alone.
She felt disgusted by herself when she avoided water like the plague. She refused to leave the house, even to just go out with the trash or pick up the mail.
The neighbours across her father’s apartment used to come to her door and ask for her parents. They complained about how loud she was when she was outside by the playground when she was 10. Their jaws would probably drop if they saw how she’d changed.
She found herself on multiple occasions, talking to herself. Just to make sure she still had a voice. She hadn’t talked in ages. And even if she did, it was only to her siblings maybe once a week, and maybe a word or two to her parents if they were lucky.
Even after turning 17, the mentality and maturity stayed the same. The memories of that island never faded. But the others did. She had a few videos and pictures on a digital camera, and that was the best preserved memories of her friends. She was afraid that if she lost these, she’d forget their voice and face.
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lumax-mayclair · 2 years ago
Watched the the new Zoey 101 movie (guilty) and I thought it was fine. I really think if they wrote a couple things a little differently it would’ve been better:
Like Quinn being overwhelmed by the wedding preparation because she’s never thought about having a big wedding but ofc Logan has, that all makes sense and I hear what she’s saying but I don’t really see what she’s saying. In terms of storytelling and film making, I feel like they should’ve dramatisized everything more. Like the life sized cakes was the only thing that seemed over the top and I can see how that’s a little much but nowhere else did it seem like Logan was making more of a “spectacle than making it meaningful”.
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They should’ve run more with the sight gags like those cakes because as the wedding ends up looking just very plain (not a diss) but very classy and elegant looking. Even Quinn’s dress is so simple but beautiful.
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It’s a small venue, the wedding colors are green, black, and white. Very simple. Some flowers here and there.
I guess Lyric was one of those overwhelming gags also to emphasize how “over the top” all this is but that’s her “gift” to them, she’s Quinn’s sister in law and they’ve known each other for nearly 15 yrs so why are we overwhelmed with something that should be normal coming from her ???
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(p.s. unpopular opinion: I liked Lyrics’ song, the melody was great, the lyrics eh, but I like the line “she’s in her wedding dress and he’s hoping she’ll say yes”; very Quogan, very “She’s everything, He’s just Ken”.)
Anyway moving away from Quogan: Michael. Literally what is the point of taking one of the main main characters who bothered to return for this reboot, and having them lose their voice so they can’t speak for half the movie. You might say it’s due to controversy but if they cared about controversies, they wouldn’t have done this movie at all 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Stacey & Mark: to preface: personally I loved Stacey in the original and Mark is…Mark 🤷🏻‍♀️. I kinda wish they had mentioned Stacy’s original obsession with Logan in the series, I think that could’ve been fun if they worked that in somehow. They did mention Mark & Quinn dating but (ins how everyone feels about this) I would’ve liked if Mark had regret about dump—breaking up with (😅) Quinn and was holding a torch for her or something because again: she’s everything. The whole dynamic of Quogan and Stark being couple besties…wasn’t the vibe imo. The whole thing of Stacey interrupting the wedding bcs she’s obsessed with murder mysteries like since when?? How did that happen?? WHERE ARE THE COTTEN SWABS AND WHITE GLUE!!!!!? You’re gonna tell me a friend officiating their 2 friends wedding doesn’t think to turn off their notifications when they’re reading the nuptials off their phone during said wedding like—?? Especially when one of her announcements was for everyone to silence their phones????!
Speaking of phones out during the wedding: Zoey.
I mean…it’s Zoey (JLS) who’s surprised that this, the most special of days has to be made about her and her really weird and sad desire to go back to PCA. Also it’s really weird to me how that was the solution to the wedding being ruined when literally she’s the only one feigning to go back, the others are doing great and are cool being done with that. They look back fondly, not longingly, so idk why it was played like getting married at PCA is somehow Quinn’s dream and the solution to their problem. And if we do go back and have the Quogan wedding there, HOW ARE WE NOT GONNA INCLUDE THEIR BENCH!!!!? I mean maybe the group didn’t know about it, maybe, but Logan definitely would and speaking of Logan.
Nothing much wrong with him in the film tbh, he was so husband it was great actually, but what the hell was that line?? They’ve been together, again, almost 15 years. There is 0 chance he doesn’t know to talk to her if they’re having a problem. To be fair tho, I think the implication was that in the hustle and bustle and over the top ness of the wedding he lost sight of them as a couple and how their dynamic works and that’s why Quinn was upset but like, really?? all Zoey has to say is “have you tried just talking to her” and he remembers that that’s what they do…?? Okay.
Anyway, I think we all agree a Quogan movie would’ve been better. 😊😊
Oh! P.s. Chase! This is really sad and pathetic. Get over this, bitch!!
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onlyswan · 1 year ago
heyy art :)
do you maybe have any advice on how to overcome a burnout??
School has been so exhausting. I have a test after test and I’ve been studying to the point where I haven’t left my room in hours. I spent about 18 hours studying this weekend because of a test tomorrow.
And the thing that bothers me the most about this situation is that I’m never satisfied with my results cause i know I could have done better than that. I feel guilty every time I take a much needed break because i know I could’ve used that time to study more.
I’m aware that I have a problem with being proud of my own achievements and I sometimes forget that it is my first time living on this earth but I genuinely feel so helpless.
(Also English isn’t my first language so I apologize if this didn’t make any sense!!)
hi anonie! 🌼
burnout has definitely been a very prominent predicament of mine too since forever, and it’s only become worse now that i’m in uni and the odds are larger :( but i think ultimately it’s important to never forget that our life doesn’t revolve around school, or work, and they’re only a part of it and one ways for us to grow 🌱 and it’s essential that we pursue other avenues to find fulfillment! there should be a balance between work, rest, and entertainment— then we can achieve harmony within ourselves :D when we rest and allow ourselves to indulge in enjoyment, we are also doing ourselves a favor in terms of academics because then our brain is filled with happy chemicals 🥺 and we have the motivation and optimism to study and reach our dreams !!
as someone who also grew up to be an overachiever 🥲 trust me you don’t want to wait until you reach your breaking point. pressure also clouds our judgement and sometimes that leads to errors, and then we hold ourselves back from improving because we dwell on what we can’t be undone. accepting that we are only human is one of the best things we can do for ourselves <3
and your english is perfect beloved 🥰 i don’t know if i was much help haha but please find happiness and be healthy always. you are so precious and you deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer 💞
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