#the thing is i still can’t stfu bc i can’t forget
darksaccharinity · 3 months
everything about him makes me so angry especially the fact that it’s been almost 7 months and i still think about shit almost every day. i would just like to be in the part of my life where he is nothing but a distant memory/something to laugh about but it’s hard because he was a part of everyday day of my life for most of the past 9 years so i can’t look back at 90% of my memories from the past 9 years without him being part of it. don’t even get me started on all the pictures i have i don’t have the energy to go thru and delete 9 years of pictures lol but that doesn’t really bother me. does anyone have any advice for forgetting or deleting someones existence from ur life lol
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masonmiamor · 1 year
tell me you love me - - mason mount x reader.
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stfu bc why is this gif so cute 😭🙏🏻 💕
Part two to my last fic! You can find that here!
feedback is appreciated! request are currently open so feel free to send ideas and or concepts 🫶🏻
Three weeks passed and still no sign, you felt like the damage was already done and there was no hope left. You could feel yourself lingering and wanting to reach out but you couldn’t find yourself with enough courage to pick up the phone and communicate with him.
Three weeks later and you had enough, you were angry with yourself and him. Mostly yourself because you knew better and had better value to yourself. You weren’t just going to be used over and over again to not get the same energy back?
The temptation to call, to hear his voice was so bad, and it hurt you more than it should’ve. But you weren’t going to make the first move, it was always you. You initiated the conversations and you were tired of having to be the bigger pants.
The only things that helped you forget were reading or watching movies. You went out with your girlfriends but ended up having the worst time. How were you letting this all consume you in the worst possible way?
Work helped you distract yourself, not having to worry about what went inside your head rather being focused, and tasked to finish your job. Today was one of your days off after having worked for three weeks straight, so you decided with a little self care day.
Taking a longer walk in the morning, passing by to buy some new clothes and makeup, shoes, and even a new small purse. Before you went home to your flat, you had two more locations to attend, the bookstore and grocery store.
You loved walking around taking glances a new and latest books or those that came up on your recommendations on social media. You had a few you wanted to buy, so after ordering an ice coffee of your preference, you grabbed a small basket and strolled over the store. Grabbing books, reading the titles and small summaries, flicking through pages to see if it grabbed your attention.
“Buy it.”
You glanced up to see the one and only Mason, leaning against a shelf, you looked over at him, seeing his disheveled hair, his now longer beard, him wearing an all black outfit. You looked around and saw no one, it was almost empty, you took one last glance at the book in your hand before putting it back.
“I-I-I, How did you know I was here?” he looked at you for a minute before shaking his head. “I was here already… This is where you spent most of your time, and I wanted to get something from here as well…” he said shyly, his cheeks burning red. You furrow your brows together, “You? Buying something from a bookstore?”
“Yes, it was for you,” he took his hand from the back showing you the romance book you had talked to him about a couple of weeks ago. Your favorite trope, with a happy ending. You look up and attempt to read his face, but he just stares so attentively to you. “I remembered you talking about it before we went to bed, and-”
“You were actually listening to me?” you say surprised. Mason looks taken back, almost shocked, “Don’t get me wrong, I just didn’t think you were listening to me that day, especially about a book,” you say, attempting to explain. Mason looks down and fidgets with his hoodie strings feeling guilty.
Mason steps closer, you can immediately smell the cologne and aftershave on him, reminding you he was actually there and not just your imagination playing with you. “I always listen to you… About anything and everything,” he confesses. Your mouth slowly gapes open and you try to mutter a response out.
“I read the back, and a couple pages… The characters remind me of us, and what we have, that something special can’t be easily forgotten,” Mason hints. “That when love hurts you but overall makes you happy, it’s real,” he continues.
“I want to talk,” he deadpans. You continue searching and analyzing the book, so confused about what was going on, not trying to confront him just yet. Were you ready to suddenly open up again and talk with him? No and yes. “We’re talking…” you whisper. He cocks his head to the side giving you a “are you serious look”.
“Y/n,” he says seriously.
“Mason,” you challenge, crossing your arms over your chest. You sigh and return the book back to him, “You can’t just buy me a book and expect everything to be okay you know? It won’t work like that,” you say, trying to keep your voice smooth and not reveal the nervousness. “I know it won’t work, I wish it could because I know how happy books make you feel, anything to see you smile again… I would do it. That’s why I'm asking to talk.”
“What if it doesn’t fix things and makes things between us worse?” you find yourself asking, rubbing the side of your arm. Mason was still yours, and you were still his, but thinking about the fact it could no longer be that way scared you. It hurts already but that would be more than painful. “We will never know unless we talk,” he says honestly, taking closer steps.
“I’m just as scared as you are. The same thoughts,” he admits. You jump at the opportunity to escape when you hear a person coming by, reminding yourself you still had errands to run. You quickly blink and clear your throat, “I need to go buy groceries still. How about I meet you in mine in about an hour and thirty?” you say shyly.
Mason nods, “Thank you Y/n.”
When you get into your car, you blink fast, still trying to process seeing him again, and what he said to you. After you calmed down you made your way to the store, played some music, and just looked ahead to the destination. Your mind went back to him, almost bumping into someone as it distracted you.
You bought many snacks and drinks to have more in stock. But you also did buy the missing vegetables, meats and fruits that were missing from your fridge. You planned to make something on the easier side today so you quickly grabbed bread and some cheese from the bakery and deli.
Truth to be said your hands were full when you walked into your flat, you never did have patience to make a double trip, so with much strength in you, you only made one trip when bringing in groceries.
Mason wasn’t here still, so after putting everything away, you arranged the new bouquet of flowers, the living room and your office, well more of a room where you could escape and just read away. Your doorbell ringing startles you, but the sight of Mason has your pulse raising quicker than before.
“Come in,” you say, hearing him thank you. Mason carried a small white bag on his right hand and a smaller bouquet of your favorite flowers on his left. “It’s a small something but I had to buy them when I saw them. They’re your favorite,” he says chuckling. You look up and smile, seeing his smile grow wider at your sight.
Mason attentively watches as you grab a separate vase for his flowers, but makes notice of the freshly new ones on the dining tables. Did you or someone else get those for you? If someone did, then who? He thought.
He follows you into the office room or more of your safe space in your home. You set the glas vase on your desk, opening the white bag to find the two books you talked about that night, along with some chocolate and cookies from your favorite bakery. He clears his throat, walking over to you when you put the new books on the shelf.
it was now or never, the two of you thinked, without knowing it. Your body shifted straight towards him, bringing him into the long and anticipated hug. He felt warm and so perfect between your arms, you didn’t want to let go, it was capturing and a feeling of safety overwhelmed you. When you pull away your foreheads rest against each other, your arms dropping to your sides.
Mason rubbed his nose over your cheek, his hands softly gripping just above your elbows. Your hands remained by your sides, not knowing what to do, he whispered again, “Forgive me.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, your face slightly leaning into his, “I can’t, I-I-I don’t know,” you let out, but you know deep inside the man here pleading for you is the one. He always has been since day one.
“Forgive me… please,” Mason says again, the sincerity in his voice is laced with a tint of begging you. You slowly bring your hands to grip his sides, and he lets out a small groan, “Jesus… Your hands are like silk Y/n…”
“Tell me what’s running through your mind baby, it’s the only way we can help each other out here,” Mason says along the crook of your neck. “Be brutally honest with me, even if you think it may hurt us, or me. Say what you have to say.”
“I have so much to say, because at the end of the day, I’m still hurt by your doings. I won’t blame it all on you, because there are always two sides of a relationship, but you hurt me and I'm scared to let you back in after three weeks.,” you sob out, suddenly back away creating space between you. You can see Mason close his eyes sadly.
“I was there for you mentally and physically but when I asked that from you, I never received it back. It wasn’t fair Mason, it was always me. ME! Who had to fix us always when something went down. Me who had to put the pieces back together even though they weren’t properly prepared.”
“I know you from the back of my hand Mason. We got so close to a point where it was lust and love combined. I was so consumed and convinced you would maybe one day realize what you were doing affected me, and us. But it never came, and I don’t know when it will,” you let out wiping the tears away from your cheeks.
“I’m losing hope here Mason… I’m doubting your love for me and it’s making me feel useless and unwanted. I understand you history and respect what you went through but I don’t know if you’re waiting for the first opportunity where I fuck up to leave or if you’re stuck believing i’m like the others… I can barely read you-”
“You consume every single thought that runs through my mind. Every single one. I get it, I know i fucked up. I know I should’ve committed and communicated with you better but you have to believe me when I say I'm madly in love with you Y/n. How could I not love the woman who hasn’t left my side even after I hurt her?” Mason cuts you off. His words sound as if he were confessing his love to you all over again.
“How could I not love the woman who no matter what stayed by my side during my difficult moments? The one who brought me breakfast in bed excitedly, the one who would kiss my head gently before I left, the one woman who no matter what will prioritize you over herself. I’m so inlove with you Y/n, I can’t make that up…”
“You're the women of my dreams. Always have been, and always will. I know I have given you the opposite of what you expected but that was due to the constant overthinking I did and insecurities taking a toll… My biggest fear was becoming a reality that night I left. I can’t bear the fact of one day losing you and not having you in my arms again Y/n.”
All the talking drags you to sit on your couch. Covering your face when you hear footsteps approaching you and kneeling down facing you. “Let me prove it to you how much you mean to me, let me prove to you I can be the man you need. Let me prove to you just how much I love you, even if it means buying you all the books in the world you dearly love,” Mason says, dragging his hands from the soft carpet to the sides of your legs.
“One more chance please? There’s so much in store for us still, and I only see myself doing them with you,” he says, his brown bright eyes pleading you. The glossy look on his face tells you he’s being for real, not like those past times where he would promise and not live up to his word. Your hand softly meets his cheek, his eyes gazing from your bracelet to your teary face. Mason leans his head on you hand, relishing the feeling and closing your eyes.
“You have to talk to me, Mason. I can’t know what’s going through your head when you shut me out. You can’t plan and do something just to not stick with it and finish in the end,” you say, Mason nods, a small smile spreading on his face. His tears now dried on his freckled skin, “I love you. Forever. I don’t know how you’re so strong to do this, but I will make things right from now, I promise.”
For the first time in forever your heart races and butterflies spread across your chest when you hear him say I love you. The tingly sensation that spreads to your spine declares the effect he has on you. Mason was the one for you, and it will take time to slowly gain back to a stronger relationship. You weren’t so quick to give up but he wasn’t either. Only fate knows how things will end, but in your mind the brown eyed and haired boy was for you.
“I love you Mason,” you lean down grabbing his chin and kiss his lips softly. He sucks in a breath and brings his hand to the back of your head deepening the kiss. He would never get tired of how your lips molded into his, the way you tasted across his lips had him in a daze, it was never enough. When you pull back your thumb pulls his bottom lip down. “This is just the start,” you recall.
“It is a start. But it’s the start to a happy ending for us.”
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blackwolfstabs · 11 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 13
Sam is notorious for struggling with modern text language, memes, etc. and is always teased for doing so, but when she misspells a word on the same token, the rest of the Core Four can't let her live it down. (AU: Dead characters are alive)
Primary help from @samcscreams, @dreamersbcll, & @zombiemeadow Other contributing writers: @alkivm & @fantasylandbitch - ty so much for the help!! i couldn't have written it without each of you ♡
Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪
Sam: Guys, I gotta question.
Mindy: What’s up??
Chad: Shoot
Tara: what is it?????
Sam: What does “IDK, LY,” and “TTYL” mean?
Tara: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Sam: Ok, love you too Tara ❤️ Chad, Mindy, do either of you know??
Mindy: omg 😂
Chad: I don’t know, love you, and talk to you later
Sam: Oh ok. Wow I guess I asked at a bad time. Everyone’s busy haha
Mindy: NO SAM THAT’S WHAT THEY MEAN!!! IDK means “I don’t know”, LY means “love you”, and TTYL is “talk to you later” 🤣🤣🤣
Tara: lmfao DUHHHH
Chad: #sendhelp4sam
Sam: Fuck..
Mindy: Girl keep up!! 
Tara: that’s hard for her bc she wasn’t born in this century. she’s like lowkey a boomer fr
Mindy: Ahhh right
Tara: ok, boomer
Mindy: just by a year, barely
Chad: wait… Sam are you related to Uncle Sam????
Sam: Are you serious… no, I’m not..
Mindy: OK gotta agree with Boomer Sam here. Just because they have the same name doesn’t mean they’re related, dingus
Sam: Stop.
Tara: lol “boomer sam”
Sam: . . . . .
Chad: 21th century got ur tongue there, old timer?? 😂
Tara: nah her dentures probably fell out
Sam: You don’t need your mouth to fucking text…
Tara: ah my bad, then is it the arthritis?
Mindy: Bet it’s the arthritis 100%
Sam: That’s not funny.
Mindy: No, T, don’t shout out her, you know how the ol’ elders feel about loud and obnoxious noises 
Chad: OHHH Sam’s that old fish from that one episode of spongebob that kept yelling “Too loud! Still too loud!” it’s so sam-coded 🫡
Tara: ahahahahaha fr tho!!!!
Sam: No, it’s ducking not.
Sam: *fucking
Chad: Ducking??????? DUCKING???!!!!!
Tara: poor thing hasn’t gotten reading glasses yet. I told u to get some a looooooonnngg time ago Sam! did u seriously forget again?? 
Sam: Give me a break, it was autocorrect…
Mindy: Uh.. of course she did! She probably hasn’t refilled her dementia medication yet smh
Chad: *WOULD YOU GUYS STOP?! - You forgot the question mark there, senior citizen
Chad: Now, she can’t grammar correctly.. Someone get her Life Alert before she does anything else!!!!! 
Sam: Fuck you.
Chad: Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌
Sam: You’re not even using correct grammar either so stfu.
Tara: oh man, I hope you’re sitting down, Sam. don’t want u getting so worked up that u fall and break a hip.. 🫣
Mindy: emphasized “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”
Mindy: replied to “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”: Oh my God, THAT’S IT!!!
Mindy named the group chat “Granny Sam’s LifeAlert Team 🚑🏥”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Granny Sam 🧓”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Chad: 👏👏👏
Mindy: Yesss! We must protect Granny Sam, she’s quite frail after all 🙏
Tara: true, very true
Granny Sam 🧓: 🖕🖕🖕
Chad: rude.
Mindy: Don’t take it personal. She’s just cranky because she hasn’t had her afternoon nap. Who wants to volunteer to take her to bed???
Tara: nose goes! 🫢
Chad: Not it!!
Granny Sam 🧓: I swear to God if I hear someone outside my door, I’ll fucking show you how to take it personal, starting with you, Tara.
Granny Sam 🧓: How’s THAT for cranky?
Chad: Oooooohhhh she mad now…
Mindy: It’s fine. By the time she would get across the room, she’d probably have to sit down. Bad back and everything yk?? Old people probs 🤷‍♀️
Granny Sam 🧓: Ok, Tara, you can thank Mindy because she just took your place in being the one I beat the shit out of first.
Tara: Thx Mindy, love u 🩷
Mindy: Is that supposed to scare me, grandma?
Granny Sam 🧓: It should.
Granny Sam 🧓: Change my name back. Change the group name back. And change the goddamn picture back!
Mindy: Uhhhh excuse you… magic word???
Granny Sam 🧓: Are you serious?
Mindy: Damn straight.
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine.
Granny Sam 🧓: Please.
Mindy: Nah, I’m good
Granny Sam 🧓: MINDY
Chad: I’m finna bet money. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mindy: Okay, but I hope you have medicaid, Ms. Nancy Loomis II
Granny Sam 🧓: THAT’S IT
Tara: O-O 
Tara: shit just got real
Chad: yep. U shouldn’t have brought her real grandma into it.. It was nice knowing u, Mindy 💀
Tara: rip 🪦💐
Mindy: Okay guys, send help. I actually think she might be coming to kill me…
Tara added Billy to the group.
Tara: BILLY!!! ok u know I would never ask for ur help but… CONTROL UR DAUGHTER SHE’S GONE MAD
Billy: We all go a little mad sometimes.
Chad: Ok, well she’s dead
Mindy: Chef’s kiss perfection tho!! 🤌🤌
Tara: NO SERIOUSLY!!! she’s gonna kill Mindy any minute now. U need to stop her 😳
Billy: I’m guessing Sam’s pissed because of the group name, icon, and… her contact name?
Chad: YES!!!!
Billy: Sam, you’re not killing Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: You asking me or telling me?
Billy: Good point. I’m TELLING you. You’re NOT KILLING Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: Or what?
Billy: Well I’d tell you, but I don’t think you want the other 3 to hear.
Tara: 👀
Chad: 😳
Mindy: ?????
Granny Sam 🧓: ……
Granny Sam 🧓: You’re lucky I love you, Mindy..
Mindy: I know I am 😎
Billy: Good girl.
Granny Sam 🧓: Don’t even start.
Billy: Hey, they called me for you. You’re the one who started shit.
Chad: Hey Billy, if I paid you, would you tell us what you would’ve done??
Tara: O.o
Granny Sam 🧓: Hey Chad, if I paid you, would you shut up?
Chad: nope!
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine. Then Billy, if I paid you, would you get the hell out of here?
Tara: lol
Billy: Sorry Chad, but as tempting as that sounds, no. And Sam, how much are we talking?
Granny Sam 🧓: A dollar.
Billy: No.
Granny Sam 🧓: Get out.
Billy: Someone change everything that was changed back to normal first. If I leave and get dragged back into this, you’re all gonna pay. 😈
Chad: Yes sir! 🫡
Tara: that’s you, Mindy
Mindy named the group chat “Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪”
Mindy changed Granny Sam 🧓’s contact name to “Sam”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Billy left the group.
Sam: Thank you.
Chad: Don’t thank us, thank your dad
Sam: Take the win, Chad.
Chad: 🫡
Mindy: Okay sooooo what was all that about between you and your father, Sam???? He was like gonna.. Punish you or something?
Sam: Or something. I honestly don’t know what he was getting at, but I wasn’t about to let it get far enough to know so… 🤷‍♀️
Tara: OR you’re secretly a “daddy’s girl” and don’t want us to know?????? 🤔
Sam: Tara…
Mindy: Hmm that gives me an idea… 💡
Mindy named the group chat “Princess Loomis 👑🔪”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Daddy’s Girl”
Daddy’s Girl: FUCK
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this was so fun to write holy shit xD but my apologies if anything said by any of the characters offends you.
to all of my mentioned peeps above, i hope i did your ideas justice! ik i didn't do everything, but i had so much fun writing this that i know i will definitely be writing more text chats at some point. i'll get to the others! thank you again and blessings to you all. ☀
All my best! ♡ - parker
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sugakookie127 · 5 months
Sooooo….. I’m a bit lost. I’ve been getting ON and OFF track a lot these days. I can say for a fact that I’ve been letting the 3d show me what I really have instead of going into imagination and know that THATS where the FACTS are🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m not sure why I’ve been struggling so much but this doesn’t mean I’m giving up. I just think I’m lost even tho I’m not🤦🏽‍♀️ like- now all of a sudden I’m out here forgetting HOW to manifest? Like… the ACTUAL steps💀 like I really gotta sit here and tell myself or my ego to actually STFU🤦🏽‍♀️cus why are u acting like you’re new to this? You already KNOW everything so why is it so hard to apply? It’s bcs I’m still seeing the 3d as facts instead of knowing that IM god and I control what the input and the output is. I hate seeing what I see in the 3d but it’s like now, I feel like I can’t even enjoy IMAGINING my desires😭 I’m most likely making this much harder for me, I know but I just don’t know what to do rn. Obviously I’ll keep going but I’ll definitely need to listen to calm music and remind myself that I’m in control while scrolling on Pinterest. I think the other main thing that’s throwing me off is the fact that I haven’t actually MANIFESTED anything that I truly desired? Or haven’t been conscious of it? Idk but I’ve been trying to throw that out of my mind😮‍💨 anyways, I just came in here to say this and let the ppl who are aware of my journey know that I’m still here and will still BE here.
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peligrosapop · 11 months
I love Barca, but the one thing I’ll always hate is how fast some fans turn on our players and coaches. From the continual back and forth between Gavi and Pedri, with fans loving them one day and then wanting to sell them the next, to now turning on Xavi. By no means is Xavi a perfect coach, he has his shortcomings. However, we can’t forget that despite having been head coach for two years now, this is his first job in Europe, before he came back to Barcelona he was coaching in Qatar and I can guarantee anyone that the level of pressure and intensity is massively different in Europe than it is in Qatar. Despite all that he’s still managed to help Barcelona win their first league title since 2019. I’ll say it again, Xavi isn’t perfect, but no coach is. If Pep was perfect then it wouldn’t have taken him 12 years to win another Champions League, and if Lucho was perfect then he’d of won the World Cup or PSG would be doing better in the group stage right now. The point is, people need to stop doubting Xavi, he’s yet to do anything so horrible that would warrant sacking. I don’t know, everyone’s allowed their opinion, but it’s annoying to come onto Tumblr where I generally try to avoid the toxicity of Instagram and Twittter only to have it pervade onto here. Also, it irks me to see people acting like they know what’s best for Gavi’s development as a player over his literal coach, Xavi’s made mistakes but it’s not like Gavi’s career is slowly going down the toilet under Xavi’s management. Like I said, everyone is allowed an opinion, but it’s just annoying to see people act like they know better than an actual coach. Also, shoutout to all the people who say that they’d rather see Gavi benched than have him play out of position, that’s a sure fire way to ruin his development and see his career careen into the garbage.
Louder for the ones in the back.
An acquaintance of mine used to say “the worst thing about bands are their fans” and that applies to almost everything that has a fandom BUT one of the most toxic fans to their own team I’ve met ever are Barça fans, hands down. Everyone thinks bc they playstation/xbox/pc FIFA they know about football. STFU. Let’s talk next June about Xavi, see what has happened then. And Gavi is gonna keep developing, no doubt.
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
just Hawks things
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commissioned by anonymous. vaguely smutty hcs included 
True Bird Hours: he sleeps most comfortably sitting up with his wings fluffed and folded snugly around him, so he can nuzzle his face into them for the warmth
Yes when he’s got his boo with him, they are also invited to snuggle up in his wings
More birdie things bc why not:
He has an unconscious habit of picking through your hair: brushing fingers through it, fiddling with little pieces, nuzzling his face against it. He’s trying to preen you ok. Please let him. If you are not preened at least once a day… he has not done his job 
He also unconsciously fluffs his wings out and makes them a little bigger, more noticeable, when he’s flirting/talking to someone he finds particularly attractive. The bird instinct in him is screaming SHOW OFF YOUR WINGS SHOW OFF YOUR FEATHERS SHOW OFF YOUR PRETTY COLOR MMmmmm plsss look at this plumage bb
But he snaps out of it when he realizes what he’s doing because… omg it’s so embarrassing 
His sharp eyes also hone in and out when he’s looking at you because oof he is FIXATED on you. He likes what he sees he is looking DIRECTLY 
If you’re angry at him and lock yourself in the bathroom, he sits outside the door like awww come on babe. Don’t be like that. *slips a feather under the door to tickle you*
After a long day of hero work when he comes home to see you, he has either two moods when he gets into bed with you: he knocks tf out, or he can’t stfu 
You’ll really be out here trying to get some sleep and he is just running his mouth about all the hero work he had that day, how windy it was, how annoying one of his sidekicks was being—
Those intimate little forehead touches where you just… sit there and relax and simply exist together, eyes closed as you breathe in each other’s presence….. big Hawks mood. He feels so connected to you. He loves it
He doesn’t get jealous very often; he’s too busy for that and he knows how badly jealousy can spiral and ruin a relationship
But when he is jealous and feeling particularly beat up about it, he staves it off by keeping busy with hero work: something to take his mind off of the problem, so that he can think more rationally on it later
He simps for you so hard if you give him a massage. Hero work is tough ya know. He’s got a lot of tension in those shoulders and on his back. I mean, those wings are working overtime all day. Knead out all those knots in his muscles and oof you are getting his unmatched appreciation… and possibly his dick (because yeah, massages… get him really hard really fast)
He’s such a kisser. Kissing fiend. Serial kisser. Forehead kisses, nose kisses, NECK KISSES, throat kisses, hand kisses, thigh kisses (especially what‘s between your thighs)
He also cannot keep his teeth off of you: lots of nibbling and playful gnawing where he knows you’re most sensitive
That being said he tries REALLY hard not to leave hickies even though SHIT he really wants to sometimes. Sucking on that sensitive skin just below your ear reallllllllly gets him going. He wants to latch on and suck and bite while pressed up against you and just… wants to mark you up… whew it’s a struggle not to. His restraint is commendable 
Oh and yes he WILL kiss your toes
Let him worship those feet and ankles alright 
I’m not done talking about his kisses ok he’s such… a kissing expert. It’s unfair 
You want slow, intimate, tentative kisses that get your body hot and tingly and anxious for more? He will deliver. He loves lazy makeouts, and the little teasing nip he gives to your bottom lip just kajshkfjhsd delicious
But oh, you want hungry, desperate, wet kisses too? Yes please. He knows exactly what he’s doing. No awkward lip-sucking and no awkward tongue-poking in your mouth; he takes the lead until you’re dizzy from just the kisses alone. And his hands are running all over you while he’s doing it. You don’t even know how he’s giving you so much attention because you can barely think of anything but his lips on you, let alone put your own hands to work. When you try to reciprocate and reach for his pants you’re fumbly and clumsy because damn his kisses are literally breath-taking. It’s okay though, he’ll take care of everything. King of multi-tasking
Just imagine him giving you little nibbling kisses along your jawline until he moves back up to your lips, and bites the bottom one gently while looking into your eyes skjdhkjdhgd
Hawks is very sorry but marriage is not really on his agenda any time soon, if ever. Just being your man is enough for him
In fact, please tell people he’s your man. Boyfriend, partner, lover, booty call… yeah those are fine too
But your man? God… He finds that… extremely fcking hot
He has home-cooked meals like twice a year. He does NOT have the time. Honestly he wishes he did have more time, because there’s only so much on-the-go street food he can manage before he starts getting sick of it. No matter how delicious it is 
So if you happen to catch him when he’s free and wrangle him down for dinner, he’s shook. He feels absolutely PAMPERED when you cook for him. The food makes him drool but so does your cute ass cooking for him DAMN he feels so… he feels so Domestic™
You might need to… shoot him a text when you’re cooking next time so he can zoom by and grab a plate through your window. Domestic Fast Food. Give him that Scone App the Beef shit please he’s taking your food to go and he will bring the tupperware back later ok
His sidekicks look at him like… wtf?? when he returns to patrol with food. They’re like… Hawks, where did you get that? Where did you even go??
Him slurping his spaghetti: Uhhhhhhh sorry but I’m not sharing this
Oof it’s so hard for him when he’s missing you
He’s so horribly busy he’ll go weeks without so much as seeing your face. Every time he finds some spare time to go see you, even if it’s just twenty minutes, something comes up. He loves spending time with you but hero work has to come first
And forget keeping up through text or call. Sometimes he doesn’t have time for that either. Makes him feel like an asshole, and he gets these little pangs of anxiety when he thinks that you’ll start resenting him for his career, that you’ll start feeling neglected
He would definitely understand if that made you want to end the relationship though. It’s gonna hurt, but if that’s what you need, he understands—because those little pangs of anxiety aren’t just because he thinks you might leave him, but because he doesn’t want you to feel like you aren’t worth it
You are, you’re absolutely worth it and you’re absolutely a good and wonderful person. And he doesn’t want you to think otherwise just because he can’t give you what you deserve. Don’t let his busy lifestyle make you feel invalid because damnit he thinks you’re so valid and he tries so hard to let you know that
That being said… sorry, but he forgets birthdays sometimes
Doesn’t snore, even when he’s utterly exhausted, but just… sighs…. very cute-like
Otherwise he’s dead silent when he’s asleep, it’s almost scary. He’s alert at all times. Very light sleeper
One sound and he is 👁👄👁 awake
Lost his shit when he discovered snapchat filters because omg they’re so fun
When it comes to how soon he says I love you, it really depends
He falls fast and hard, which really throws him for a loop because he’s a composed and rational guy otherwise
He doesn’t have so much pride that he won’t tell you he loves you when he knows he means it. It’s just a matter of when he’s prepared to tell you
He doesn’t have one preferred nickname for you. He just has… so many. It’s like he spins a wheel every morning to decide what he’s going to call you
Sweetheart, honey, hon’, babe, baby, sweet thing, a simple girl/boy
The baby bird, chickadee, chick stuff is reserved for when he wants to see that sour, unamused look on your face because god they’re such corny nicknames and he knows it 
Rainy days suck because they weigh his feathers down, make his wings harder to flap and thus all the more difficult to get around with. His quirk is next to useless when there’s heavy rain so he’s out of commission the whole day. Just sulks around his agency until the weather clears 
But days of light showers are nice! Hawks loves giving his wings a little sprinkle, just a little cleanse. It’s so cute when he shakes the wings to dry them out
The first time he gets his heart broken… oof
He’s very socially adept due to his hero training. He’s also well-versed in flirting because that’s just part of the charisma he needs as a hero. Unfair as it might be he’s also not above charming people to get what he wants
But actual, truthful, organic romance?… He’s a little lost on that 
So when he finds somebody he really comes to love, only for that love to be taken away, he’s completely floored. It rattles him and it’s a brutal reminder of the dangers of getting emotionally involved with other people when he’s got such a complicated, demanding life. The heartache is too much and he can’t focus and he hates it
It eats at him for a long time. Something’s changed. He doesn’t take sentiment for granted anymore. He comes to fully respect—also resent—the way love can utterly change perspective
Romantically inept as he may be sometimes, he’s… still an absolute SIMP of a man 
Do not ever talk down to yourself when he’s around because he goes full cheerleader mode
He just wants to encourage you to find some of that self-love okay he thinks you’re fuckn PRECIOUS and DESERVING and AMAZING—how can you not see that you’re all those things???
He’s so proud when you start sticking up for yourself, or when you speak your mind. Even if it’s small, stupid things like actually telling the waiter that he brought you the wrong food instead of meekly going oh… ok… I guess I can eat this instead
like NO!! STICK UP FOR YOURSELF BABY!! He wants you to be the BEST you
And when he asks you “What do you feel like doing today?”, don’t even think about pulling some “Whatever you want to do, Hawks” bs on him because NOPE. Tell him what YOU want. Please don’t be afraid to have a voice ok because he loves it when you’re confident and clear with what you want
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roublardise · 3 years
it is s15 and i'm still not over the lost of bela talbot
everytime they need someone with knowledge of what occult objects exists or where that is they bring a new character and/or bring up anael from s5 (whereas i thought she only got to earth after the fall?? help)
like spn expert of bringing characters back YET they forget the great thief bela talbot expert of occult objects herself who's very likely a demon by now and easy to meet up with
dean meeting bela as a tortured soul in hell after both of their deals. they cross path eventually after dean gots out & bela's a demon. what a shame you didn't stay long enough to get the black eyes, it'd make your face more bearable to watch (she says in this straight-flirt way, saying-not-saying it'd look good on him. but also thinking it'd be easier to stare at dean if she could see black smoke, a destroyed soul, and monstruous traits. so she could still feel like they're the same. so she could stop feeling so envious. so she could stop being reminded it's too late for her)
she hears about demon!dean and comes to see him, and they cheers over finally getting free from childhood trauma wouldn't you kill your dad if you could? come back in the past. get rid of him. free of legal consequences (she asks, and dean doesn't know. he thinks of all the times he wished for his dad to let him breathe, to not be there, to not be him, to be a dad. he thinks of all the times he caught himself thinking he could've been himself if it weren't for the constant fear of his old man and the mind games. he doesn't know but he gets it)
damn you were so right to get what you want when you were a human i wish that were me (dean says half-joking, and bela laughs and damn right she was. but she won't say she still has regrets to have never allowed herself to be human - to feel, to care, to love. instead of taking the power she knew she needed to protect herself, at whatever costs - even her abusers dead, she was still acting out of fear. she used her ten years to learn to be a demon before she even put a foot into hell. and in that way, she thinks dean's the one who got it right)
then the winchesters need stuff & dean goes "hey wait i could just ask bela" and sam's like "the bela? who stole your car?" "yeh we're okay now. kinda. ok we had angry demon sex. shut up sammy" (it's not even what made them closer - it was the talks. dean wishes he could remember what it was to allow himself to want, and he can't help but envy bela who's always embraced herself truly. she's fucked up, and she's not trying to convince herself she isn't because it doesn't change anything to her - she still deserves what she wants and she takes it)
when they met dean hushes "what happened when i was a demon stays in the past" bela rolls her eyes "sure thing, i see you're back repressing your desires. sucks to be you. what do you want?" (the words stings for both of them - bela still craves humanity, more than she ever did. she never saw the point when she was alive and all she knew was betrayal & power games & a pain she thought she deserved - dean still craves the freedom he felt for some fleeting moments, it does suck to be him.)
then he keeps summoning her when he needs help and she asks for stuff in return bc obvsly she's a crossroad demon
and they hate/love each others and she purposely heavily flirts with dean in front of cas and says stuff such as "i see dean's got a type. we've been knew after the king of hell fling but like.. really digs the whole angel/demon thing uh. must be the bisex-" "ahah ok that's enough bela stfu now"
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hq lads as the skate rats of my dreams <3 (pt. 2)
guess what more grody skate rats to haunt u :)
also lin said atsumu + pulp fiction + mansplaining in the same sentence n it send my brain into overdrive,,, also angel wtf why would u send dirty boy goshiki to me now he’s haunting me,,, so this is dedicated to you two,,,,,, i’m sorry
tw toxic behavior (why am i like this!)
pt. 1 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
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miya atsumu - the film major rat,,,, thinks tarantino is a god, brings his board to class n talks to u about u should come watch him skate sometime, says shit about how he knows ur into him n then how ur friend is hotter than u
semi eita - danger this one is so dangerous successfully has fucked all ur friends, tells u ur the best out of all of em (why does he think this is a compliment, why do we let him), gets into fights all the time (tries to fight ur exes at parties y’all aren’t even together), prolly has been arrested :/
ushijima wakatoshi - u thought kageyama n suna were emotionally unavailable? here’s the mf blueprint!! he doesn’t forget ur name baby, he never learned it :) if u ever decide (for some reason) he’s one of the few will actually be in a relationship but it changes nothing he still won’t say hi if he passes u on the street
goshiki tsutomu - product of his senpais (ushi, semi, tendou) uses his cute lil clueless clumsy air to pull u in (can barely skate) but he’s vile! vile vile vile! u can try to stay away but oh did he just fall oh no his boo boo? n then next thing u know he’s fuckin u in a grocery store bathroom n takes the condom off (bc tendou said it makes the experience better)
kawanishi taichi - the only one who can drive!! drives an old + ugly toyota corolla that smells like weed + black ice air freshener, still won’t pick u up/drive u home (so if u fuck at his place he’ll make u call an uber)
terushima yuuji - the tagger!! constantly defacing public property + has gotten arrested too many times!!!!! calls u to bail him out most of the time,, graffitied ur place of work asking if u wanna fuck n got u fired :(
sugawara koushi - piercings for days, has such an edgy look but a rlly kind smile! that’s how he pulls u into all his mental mind games :))) fucks u on the reg says ur the love of his life, but introduces u to everyone as just a friend
oikawa tooru - wears the tightest of dickies (lmao why u have no ass my man), always cuffed, v much in love w his ex still n makes sure u know it, can also barely skate,,, tries to rope u into a threesome w skater iwa,, n when u say no he proposes a threesome w him n one of ur friends,,,,n never forget he cries after sex
akaashi keiji - gatekeeper gatekeeper (saw a hc where he’s a gatekeeper fboy n that’s the kinda skater he is), u don’t skate? don’t wear thrasher, ew u use that brand for ur wheels? saying someone’s “not a real skater” is his fave activity (bitch u can’t even drop into a bowl stfu)
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hqwritings · 4 years
Tsukkishima, Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Sugawara’s Reacting to Their S/O Cheering Them On
@nikki--han requested: so so, can you make headcanons for Tsukki, Tanaka, Noya and Suga when their s/o cheering them during a match?
A/N: First official request! Hello everyone! Rules, about me, and (possible) masterlist will be posted shortly! I really went ham on this I wanted to go real big to start everything off. Requests are currently open so please feel free to send one in (please remember that this post is an exception and that requests can only have a max of three characters)
Tsukkishima Kei:
-He’s honestly really caught off guard by it?? He’d expect something like this from his brother maybe, but you? One of the things he likes about you is that you’re relatively quiet, but hearing you call out his name in the stands with his brother makes his heart swell more than he’d like to admit
-He quickly looks away and feigns annoyance when in reality he’s just super flustered. Yamaguchi knows exactly how he’s feeling and because he’s your local Tsukki expert and Sugawara knows because he’s that much of a little shit
-Tanaka and Noya hear you calling out for Tsukki and when they see that his face looks slightly annoyed it pisses them off, but when Yams tells them it’s because he’s flustered and embarrassed they don’t stfu. Tsukki doesn’t even have it in him to say his usual “shut up Yamaguchi” because he’s right and he knows that if they see his blush it’ll only add more fuel to the flame
-He does his best to carry on like usual but his teammates quickly notice that he’s actually putting in more effort than usual? It’s really off-putting but when they put two and two together that it’s because of you they all low key go soft because awww Tsukki is being a soft boyfie!
-Hinata doesn’t know how to stfu either and makes a direct statement abt this “Hey Tsukishima! You’re playing a lot better today! … Is it because Y/N’s here?”
-Tsukkishima gives him a hella death glare for this and Hinata cowers in fear because he doesn’t understand why he got him so angry. He was just pointing out the obvious Tsukki, don’t be a meanie!
-After Karasuno takes the win he meets up with you and Akiteru. He acts like he’s annoyed at you two but when Akiteru sees the way he’s looking at you he leaves you alone. The rest of Karasuno can see it too and as much as Noya and Tanaka want to stick around for the tea, they’re dragged away by Ennoshita who tells them to mind their business
-Unrelated, but Kiyoko is also especially entertained by all of this and gives a giggle and a knowing look to Tsukki as he makes his way to you (much to his embarrassment)
-When you two are alone you’re looking up at him questioningly. “Tsukki? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong by coming here? I’m sorry I just wanted to-“
-He’s hugging you. He’s hugging you so freaking tight and hiding his face in your shoulder because he can’t fathom how absolutely in love he is with you right now. He’s embarrassed and happy and angry because his heart is beating fast and he doesn’t get it and
-He forgets all of that when you hug him back. You two step just a little closer to each other and when he’s ready he’s gives a soft little kiss to your cheek and quietly whispers a “thank you” in your ear
Tanaka Ryuunosuke:
-Mans sees you and he. Is. HYPED! They’re doing their whole “walk dramatically to the court to assert dominance” thing and he’s all focused and has his gangsta face on but the moment he hears your beautiful voice shout “Tanaka(-senpai)!!!” He’s done for.
-He sees you and suddenly his gangsta face is now a puppy-that’s-desperate-for-attention face and he wants to cry on the spot he loves you so much?? You’re even out there with his sister and both of you have Pom poms and stuff and maybe even color coordinated your outfits to match w Karasuno’s colors and he is on cloud 9 you look so freakin cute!! (And he’s gotta have a pic of you in that outfit)
-Immediately grabs Noya (who’s also doing an Angry™ face) by the shoulder and stops him just so that they can admire the two of you together. Noya is obv your bestie and he absolutely loves seeing you and his other bestie happy and he really likes the outfits you're wearing! They’re crying happy tears and Tanaka’s going “I’m so lucky man” and Noya’s agreeing saying “We both are” because who gave you the right to be so gosh darn cute
-You notice Noya and wave to him too, which gives him happy tears as he’s waving back to you and Tanaka’s blowing you kisses and at this point everybody in Karasuno is looking at them in disgust because they’re so weird but they also think you’re cute and appreciate you being here to cheer them all on, especially since you’ve been so supportive even before they made it this far, offering to get snacks and even find ways to increase the budget.
-Eventually though they have to start the game and Daichi begrudgingly starts dragging them “Cmon you two, you can talk to Y/N later after we take our victory” Noya and Tanaka immediately snap out of it because as much as they both love you, you and them both know that the game is what takes top priority right now. Tanaka looks up at you in the stands and shouts “I’ll talk to you after the game, ok Babe! This victory’s gonna be for you!” And he blows one more kiss to you before resuming his walk to the court, now 10x more confident
-needless to say he is on F I R E the entire time, absolutely destroying the opposing team and doing so knowingly, giving an evil smirk every time he blocks or spikes a really nasty kill. At this point the other team is absolutely pissed off with how cocky he looks (some even knowing about his whole encounter with you in the stands getting jealous; “the only reason why he’s good is because his s/o’s here”)
-Ukai and Takeda are especially pleased with him and everyone on the team knows that this sudden boost in morale and confidence is thanks to you. They also notice that Tanaka’s actually quieter now, focused on the game and on listening to what his teammates have to say when they’re discussing strategy off the court.
-Now even though Tanaka’s an amazing player, he’s human and he makes mistakes sometimes. But knowing that you’re up there pisses him off even more but when he feels himself getting really stressed, it’s Kiyoko who says to him “Tanaka, you’re getting carried away. Remember, Y/N’s cheering for you. Would they really wanna see you lose your cool like this?” Everybody’s so surprised because A)Kiyoko’s saying words and B)Shes being nice to Tanaka??? But Tanaka appreciates it and they share an agreeing nod that this is something he can easily make up for. He goes back into the game and everybody’s telling him not to mind and just to carry on
-And carry on they do, all the way to fucking victory. They’re all exhausted and ready to just go out and eat and sleep but when Tanaka sees you waiting for him outside the doors he immediately runs to you and picks you up (regardless of whether or not you’re taller/shorter than him) and is peppering you with kisses, not caring who sees or gags (*cough*Tsukki*cough*) and you’re congratulating him and the team (who all thank you)
-side note: even though you give Noya plenty of attention too, the attention of your bestie still isn’t quite the same as the attention of a partner. Both Kiyoko and Yachi notice this, Kiyoko giving him a good pat on the back and a “well done” and Yachi giving him a high five and a hug. It’s still not quite the same but he relishes in it anyway because girls ((this is me vicariously living through Kiyoko and Yachi bc I too want to smother Noya in hugs))
-After eating out and celebrating and finally getting home (your parents allowing you to stay with Tanaka so long as Saeko sticks around to make sure no funny business is going on) Tanaka and you are cuddling on the couch, still pressing soft kisses to one another as he also pats your head telling you how much he loves you: “Thank you for coming Y/N, you really make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world”
Nishinoya Yuu:
-Another hyped boy!! Holy shit he loves you so much that he’s bouncing up and down on the closest person (which just so happens to be Asahi, who is terrified right now because he’s being shaken like a rattle) and pointing at you aggressively while also waving “GUYS GUYS GUYS OMG ITS Y/N GUYS ITS Y/N HI BABY!!!”
-Hinata sees this and probably says something like “Wow!! Noya-San’s s/o came to support him! That’s so cool” to which Noya absolutely just basks in because hell yeah he’s the cool guy of the group that got an s/o before everybody else. Tsukki gives an annoyed groan and Tanaka’s hyping his buddy up while also giving a wave to you. Asahi wants to wave too but is too squeamish from how much Noya’s shaking him. Suga has to get him off of him because no. The only person allowed to emotionally and physically scar Asahi is him (re: literally every time Suga hits Asahi as motivation)
-He’s jumping up and down in front of the crowd, not caring who sees or hears him as he shouts to you “This win’s gonna be for you baby!!” You laugh and reassure him that he’s gonna do great and that you’ll see him after the game, but you know that look on Daichi’s face and quickly advise Noya to go back before Daichi sends him to an early grave.
-He gives a pout and goes back but not before flashing you one more big grin that absolutely melts your heart. Tanaka’s giving him a pat on the back, assuring him that they’re gonna win this and he’ll be able to smooch your beautiful face the moment they get off the court. Noya’s extra pumped now and the whole team is ready to take home the win
-Cheering Noya on not only inflates his ego but apparently it boosts his speed as he’s receiving balls left and right, not even giving the opponents a chance to score a point. He can receive even the nastiest spikes and he’s loving the way his arms are burning (he makes a note to show them off to you later, almost as if they’re battle scars he got while fighting heroically. Ofc you reassure him as such when you’re praising him later)
-During timeouts or anytime he’s out of the court and just resting on the bench getting his thoughts together he’s also looking at you. You both give each other encouraging looks and when you make a little heart at him with your hands, he’s blushing extra hard and he’s thinking his heart is going to jump right out of his chest. He’s grabbing the nearest person (Probably Narita or Kinoshita, poor bbys) and clutching his heart while saying “My Y/N is so freaking cute look at how cute they are oh my god-“ “Yup, mhm, absolutely adorable Noya now please let go of me-“
-At one point he does rolling thunder (yes, and he says it out loud while doing it) and for a hot second everything goes kinda silent because why tf did he say that out loud that’s so stupid- but to you that just makes him extra cool as you’re cheering him on in the stands shouting “YEAH!! GO ROLLING THUNDER!!!” Noya has selective hearing and only hears you praising him so his ego is inflated even further
-When Karasuno inevitably wins thanks to everyone’s hard work, but especially Noya’s incredible receives and the Kghn quick attack, everyone is cheering and laughing and when Noya and Tanaka do a really sweet chest bump, Noya’s immediately looking up to you in the stands going “See! Told you I’d win for you!” You give a soft smile and laugh quietly as you get up to go down and congratulate the rest of the team
-Noya jumps on you the moment he sees you, smothering you in kisses and love and while he is cute it’s also low key gross because he is sweating really really bad and he’s getting it all over your clothes. You know if you push him off though, he’ll be pouty and upset so you let him do it anyway because what’s one happy boyfriend compared to some slightly sweaty clothes?
-Even though everybody is really tired and exhausted Noya somehow isn’t? Or at least it’s not showing as he’s happily stuffing his face and going on and on to you how amazing he felt while playing today, pulling a Hinata and giving weird sound effects while he’s eating (“mmfmmfandWOOSH-“) literally nobody can understand him but because he’s your boyfriend and you’re a certified Nishinoya Professional™ you understand him perfectly and eagerly add on (at this point nobody’s surprised because they all know how whipped you two are).
-The moment he gets home though he is OUT and immediately falls asleep as soon as you two are cuddling on his bed. As you’re stroking his hair and he’s slowly drifting further into unconsciousness in your arms he whispers to you before completely going out “I love you Y/N, thank you for cheering me on”
Sugawara Koushi:
-Now one might think that because he’s one of the more “mature” ones of the group he’d be more calm and collected right? WRONG, mans is absolutely freaking out. You all saw the way he was when Kiyoko held his hands, how do you think he’d react to his beautiful s/o calling his name in the stands? He’s absolutely going to be flustered as hell
-He’s so happy and he feels so grateful that you’re here to cheer him on and he needs Daichi and Asahi to hold him for a quick sec because he’s just so happy that you’re there. Asahi and Daichi are high key making fun of him but Sugawara doesn’t give a shit and knows it’s just bc they’re jealous they don’t have an s/o yet (totally that and not because he looks like a tomato, yep absolutely)
-You give your hellos to Asahi, Daichi, and Kiyoko too and they all promise that he’ll be fine and will definitely have his time to shine today. Even though you don’t mind whether or not he actually gets to play, you nod and continue to cheer them on.
-When Ukai actually subs him in Suga is on fire, utilizing the signals to the max and scoring so many points for the team. He even does a few setter dumps! He can’t quite put his finger on it but he feels especially in shape today and like he can take anything on. He definitely has you to thank for that.
-He actually stays in the game from then on nearly all the way to the end of the match, only being subbed out for Hinata when Ukai wanted to use his and Kageyama’s quick attack. It’s only when he finally reaches the sidelines does it dawn on him that oh shit he’s going to pass out- his energy today has been fueled x10 and when he finally gets to calm down and focus on himself, he’s gasping for water and dripping in sweat. He looks up to you and you’re concerned face because you see how absolutely wrecked he looks but he gives you a cute smile to reassure you that he’s completely fine and even blows you a kiss and mouths an “I love you”- shit you’re so soft for him (even when he’s a sweaty mess)
-Soon he’s out back out there and it’s a little concerning how easily he was able to go back into his Uber focused mode. Nonetheless it was especially useful, as he immediately pulled off a setter dump and got the team to match point. At this point you and Yachi are clinging to each other in the stands, anxious for the result of the game.
-Karasuno wins! And you’re all jumping in the air and the team is hyped and everybody’s happy and patting Sugawara on the back for being the absolute MVP of the day. He’s just so happy that he managed to be out there for so long, especially since it’s a game that you, his beautiful, wonderful s/o came to attend.
-He’s low key limping out of the doors because damn is he so freaking tired and almost collapses on you the moment you come in for a hug (doing so after he first cups your face and gives your forehead a kiss). You’re holding him by the waist and he has his arms wrapped around your shoulders as he’s giving you soft kisses to the neck and cheek and it’s all low key embarrassing and you’re blushing but also giggling because he’s cute and it tickles
-He’s absolutely clinging to you after the game, always with a hand on your waist/hip or maybe even on your ass (“Koushi not in public-“) but either way he can’t keep his hands off you and has to have his head on your shoulder as you’re all waiting for the food to come. Nobody except Daichi says anything because they all know that he’s absolutely dead at this point but Daichi’s teasing him for being so clingy (“wow, you really can’t keep it to yourself today can you?” “Shut it Daichi-“ “Koushi, be nice!”)
-He doesn’t even finish his food because he’s so sleepy, so you pack it up and Takeda offers to drive you two to Sugawara’s house, which you accept. He falls asleep in the car and you’re carrying him out by the shoulder when you get home (Takeda says he’ll help but you insist it’s fine). When you close the door behind you he gets up and lazily kabedons you against it. He lifts his head from your shoulder and gives a tender kiss to your lips, which you happily accept and cup his face for. When you two separate he’s giving a sleepy smile, his eyes lidded but still so very in love with you. One more kiss to your lips before he says “Thank you for being there for me”
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soulwillower · 4 years
interrupted • stan uris
(stanley uris x reader smut)
requested: Can you please do a rough Stanley smut? Like they are friends and he catches her masturbating to him and smut happens. Thank you!   +    Stanley catching you masturbating please 👉👈              +                             hello!! could u do hcs or fic or something with stan being super into dirty talk and not being able to stfu in bed but it’s unexpected bc it’s stan and reader is like 😳 i hope this made sense lol thank u
guys!!! im so sorry i made u all wait so long ahhh, i hope u enjoy!
warning: smut, unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving), dirty talk, masturbation, fluff at the end, unedited
[losers + reader are 18+ in this.]
2.5k words
you sigh, glad that your parents aren't home as you plop down on your bed heavily. you're exhausted and totally pent up, ready to relax after a long day. after working this morning you went to the quarry with the others and soaked in the warm weather until dinnertime. 
but you'd fought with stan on your walk home from the quarry, and now you’re completely tense. he was annoyed because eddie had carried you around in the water, tickling you as you wrapped your hands around his neck. 
stan had no right to be mad, but for some reason he kept saying it was annoying to have to watch - so you'd called him out.
his eyebrows were furrowed as the two of you spat back and forth on the walk home, hair wet and dripping onto your clothes. he'd rolled his eyes hundreds of times at you when you'd tried to reason with him, saying that he was being a dick for no reason, and that he sounded jealous. he just kept rolling those goddamn eyes.
and now, as your hand slips into your panties, you think about how clenched his jaw was when he looked at you and how good he looked in the fading sunlight.
flashes of golden skin shivering with light goosebumps, droplets of water rolling down a bare chest... you shake your head lightly.
you slip your fingers into yourself, pumping slowly and moaning quietly. you just needed to get off, and then you'd feel better.  stan keeps slipping into your mind and it doesn't surprise you, not after going down to the quarry today, playing chicken, and then fighting afterward.
you always forget how tan stan gets from baseball in the summers - and how fit he is. so when richie had insisted he and stan go up against you and bev in a game of chicken and stan was grinning at you, shoving you lightly, you couldn't help but stare. 
of course, bev gave you so much shit but she was staring just as much as you.
so doesn't shock you when stan wont leave your thoughts, your legs twitching in pleasure as you think about your best friend. you sigh, eyes closing. 
stan's immediately there again, smirking at you, laughing and smiling, clenching his jaw, glaring at you, kissing the column of your neck, tossing you onto the bed...
your fingers pick up slightly and you can't help the gasp that leaves your mouth as you think about stan's hands on you. 
"stan," you whimper, biting your lip. your eyes are still screwed shut, one hand fingering yourself and the other on your chest. you can't help but moan out his name again. "please, stan."
but suddenly, you're pulled out of your daydreams as a voice calls out in what was supposed to be your empty room. "you expecting me?"
you open your eyes and stan is standing in your goddamn doorway. your stomach drops. "STAN!" you yelp, hand slipping out of your panties as your hands moving to stable yourself on both sides of your body, your cheeks flaming up. "why are you here, what the fuck?" you hiss. his mouth is slightly open with a half-smirk as he stares at you.
"were you just-" stanley starts and you shake your head violently, "stan, n-no."
he just lifts a brow at you, his cheeks red but his face in a suggestive smirk. "you sure?" he asks, stepping further into your room. your hand moves to clutch your shirt tightly and your stomach coils. "what do you mean?" you ask sheepishly, hoping to god that he didn't hear you. he just smirks, lifting a brow.
since when did stan get this kind of cockiness? you scowl, "why are you even fucking here, stanley?" you say sharply.
"well i was here to talk to you." he says, eyes raking over your figure unabashedly. "but if i'm interrupting something-"
"shut up, stanley." you snap, nostrils flaring in anger. "you're a dick." you mutter, completely embarrassed. you think you might cry because of the way stan's smirking at you, standing above you. 
he's smiling tauntingly and you want to slap him. 
you stand up, hoping to gain some leverage but he doesn't budge as you try to shove him out of your room. you don't care that you're wearing only a t shirt and your panties as you shove at his shoulders, him laughing lightly. 
his hands fall to your wrists, "hey, you can't blame me. that was hot as fuck." he says almost sheepishly and you blanch, eyes wide. he certainly heard you masturbate to him and now he's calling it hot. "wh-what?" you stammer.
he grins at you, relieved that you stopped assaulting him and now he's just holding you, tugging you closer slowly. "well, i'm here now. you don't have to imagine it anymore." he says simply, stating it like its the most simple thing in the world.
 "stan." you whisper, eyes wide in shock. his hands drop your wrists and he slips his arms around your waist to hold you. you put your hands on his shoulders lightly, blinking at him. "y/n." he whispers back, smirking at you. "let me make you feel good." he whispers again and you raise your eyebrows, stomach flipping.
shit, this was a dream. it had to be...
you nod numbly, muttering an, "okay."
and with a smile, he leans down to kiss you. you keen towards him in surprise, hands wrapping around him and holding his shoulders in shock. he nudges you backwards and the two of you fall to your bed. you let out a breath as you hit the mattress, smiling as he leans in to kiss you on the lips. his tongue runs along your bottom lip and you open your mouth for him, feeling him grind softly against your core. "fuck, stan." you whimper into his mouth and he kisses along your jaw, moving his hips against yours again.
"when were you going to tell me you get off to thinking of me?" he mutters into your ear and you swallow, groaning quietly. jesus.
when was anybody going to tell you that stan was such a bold talker in bed? stanley fucking uris?
"d-didn't think you'd care to know." you mutter, face bright red in shock as he thrusts against your hips, both of you moaning softly. he chuckles lightly against your collarbone, sucking a mark lightly before leaning up. 
"i've wanted to hear you say my name like that for a really long time." he says, cheeks turning red, leaning back to take off his shirt. your mouth dries up as his shirt gets discarded on the floor. he always makes you speechless but the sight of stan in between your legs, breathing quickly and muscles contracting and cheeks flushed almost makes you cum instantly. 
he lifts the hem of your shirt and you pull it fully off, pressing a kiss to his lips hotly. he kisses you roughly, tongue licking into your mouth and making you gasp.
he moves between your hips slowly, kissing over your naked chest and licking over your nipples, pulling one into his mouth. you gasp and he smiles, moving to nip softly at your stomach.  "let me see how wet you made yourself thinking of me." he mutters, pulling your legs apart. you smack him in the back of the head in embarrassment and he just chuckles, "don't be like that, y/n/n. i just want to see if i can make you moan my name like that again." he mutters.
with that, he kisses over your clothed clit and you inhale sharply, looking down at him as he stares up at you. you turn red at the sight of stan in between your thighs, shirtless in his boxers with a smirk on his lips and hair tousled. "is this okay?" he asks and you nod desperately. he smiles to himself as he slides your underwear down your thighs, biting his lip.
he leans forward, licking a stripe up your heat and making you groan. he swirls his tongue around your clit and your hand immediately threads through his curls. his hands snake up to hold your waist as he starts to move his tongue, holding you down so you couldn't buck your hips. 
"stan." you whimper, back arching and yelping as he slips a finger inside you. he hums around your clit and your toes curl, gasping and whining as he pumps into you and curling it. his name falls out of your lips like a prayer and he's groaning into you.
"please, stan. i need you." you whimper and stan looks up, his lips shining. he grins at you as your chest rises and falls and he slips another finger inside you. he watches you as your face twists in pleasure and he leans up to kiss you hotly. "you have me, then." he mutters into the shell of your ear as he pulls back, fingers still pumping into you roughly as he palms himself.
you moan as he pulls his fingers out of you and you sit up eagerly, pushing his shoulders lightly so he's sitting as you straddle him, his boxers discarded on the ground. you take his cock in your hand, biting your lips as you realize how fucking big he is. much bigger than expected.
he has a cocky grin on his features that you rarely ever see in every day life - but one which has shown up frequently in the last thirty minutes. you roll your eyes, "don't give me that look, uris." you say as you pump him slowly. "i'll look at you however i want." he sasses, still smirking lightly as he pushes you back down. your eyes widen at his dominance and you moan when he crawls in between your legs and kisses you hard, taking your breath away.
you whimper as he teases his head against your entrance, rubbing you lightly. "please." you whisper against his lips. he huffs lightly, "speak up, baby." he says, making you scowl. "god, you're so annoying." you say, your face red. 
he laughs, still rubbing his cock against your clit and making you groan in need. "c'mon, you can do it." he whispers against your lips.
it's so hot, the way that stan talks to you like this, your best friend....
"please fuck me, stan." you whimper, your hands around his shoulders squeezing. he chuckles, "that wasn't so hard, was it baby?" he says, winking at you. you don't have time to respond though as he pushes his cock inside you, making you gasp and rake your nails down his back. 
he stills once he's buried to the hilt, kissing you as he waits for you to adjust to his size. after a few moments, he moves his hips against you, fingers rising up to tease your nipples as he starts to fuck into you. you can't speak as he fucks into you, shocked with bliss and surprise that this is happening.
he tuts. "suddenly so shy. you weren't so quiet when i wasn't in the room." stan mutters as he fucks into you, his thin necklace chain glinting by the light of your lamp. your cheeks heat up again, completely shocked that stan, the boy who loves bird watching, could say things like this. 
it's incredibly hot.
"stan, oh my god." you whimper as he hits deep inside of you, your toes curling as he pulls your hips closer and up off the bed. "you like how i make you feel?" he mutters, sucking a mark into your neck. "yes, please don't stop." you whimper, loving how he fills you up. he's hitting deep into you and you can't stop whimpering.
"so good, baby. you touch yourself and think of me, huh?" he mutters and you whimper, nodding as he fucks you into your mattress, his finger snaking down to rub your clit. your eyebrows scrunch in pleasure, moving your hips with his in time, chasing the pleasure you know is about to release in your body.
"fuck, y/n/n. love the sounds you make." he whispers into your ear, rubbing your clit in figure eights. you moan even louder because of his words, knowing you're about to cum. "stan, i- i'm gonna cum." you say quietly. he thrusts harder, hands squeezing your hip and thigh as he slams into you. he hums, "yeah you are, baby." he mutters and that pushes you over the edge. 
you clench on his cock as he rides you through your high, your voice whimpering and moaning loudly as he whispers the dirtiest words you've ever heard in your ear, thumb rubbing against your clit and making you clench your thighs around his waist. his thrusts become sloppy and with a, "fuck, y/n." he groans. you feel him spill inside you, stilling as he finishes. he kisses your neck, sucking lightly as he collapses next to you on the mattress and pulls out of you slowly.
 "holy shit, stan." you say breathlessly as he pulls you closer to him, your skin hot. you're breathing heavily as your bodies meld together, stan kissing your hairline softly. "y/n," he says, looking down at you. you look up at him, unsure about what's about to happen. he's running his hands up and down your bare back softly, giving you light goosebumps.
"i... uh, i really like you." he says with a blinding smile, his cheeks red. your eyes are wide again, "i like you too, stan. i- i think i made that pretty obvious." you say with a light giggle, nuzzling into his neck. he chuckles, arms wrapping tightly around you. 
you pull back to look at him as you realize something, "stan... i can't believe - you just pulled a full 180. what the fuck was that?" you laugh as you meet his eyes. 
he looks sheepish, "sorry." 
you shake your head with a smile, "that was... i liked it, a lot. who knew that you had a think for talkin-" he cuts off your words as he pinches your ass, chuckling into a kiss. he pulls you closer, hand smoothing over your side as you sigh, loving the feeling of him all over you. you break away from the kiss. "shut up, y/n." he says, kissing your head lightly.
its comfortably silent for a few moments. 
"by the way, i came over here to apologize." he mutters, and you look up at him. "oh, is that so?" you ask with a smirk and he rolls his eyes, "yeah, yeah. sorry that i was a dick earlier. i was... jealous." he mutters.
you almost laugh, "no! really? you?" you ask jokingly and he shoves you, taking his arms off of you. you laugh, rolling your eyes at the boy. 
"shut up." he mutters, kissing next to your ear. you laugh again lightly, sighing.
then he kisses your cheek and turns to starts to pull up his boxers. "where are you going?" you whine, slightly nervous he'll leave you. he shrugs and you watch his shoulders shake as he laughs. "we're getting ice cream, you asshole." he mutters.
you smile, shaking your head as your face flushes. what the fuck just happened?
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taejeonie · 4 years
taehee in america!!
Tumblr media
— i can’t find a gif from one of their interviews :// also the events aren’t in sequence,,whatever i remember watching will appear here so if i missed something, u guys can tell me!!
okay so taehee’s like
like most of the tweets were ‘american air changed taehee’
like in korea she’s chill, semi-shy but still chaotic
but in america it’s that but x82848, minus the shy part it’s like gone now
and she’s more interactive with czennies so that’s probably why (*^_^*)
like in one of their interviews someone asked, “okay, so i have a question from tumblr...do you know tumblr”
“yes i know tumblr ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
and she loved doing rpd with them it’s so cute
she kept hyping them up and dancing in the sidelines
but when cherry bomb comes on
she was like: this is my song. must. dance.
and she was center for the nananananana part so it was p e r f e c t
when they did flinch she was paired with doyoung
james was trying to talk to them but they were mODELLING
let them do their work james
“oh i see how it is now”
her eyes flinched a bit when the fruit came out but they didn’t notice....hopefully
anyways youngtae won
speaking of interviews
awkward faces. disgusted faces. bored faces. fake smile faces.
‘oh shit did they just say that?’ faces.
“so how’s it like being the only girl in the group?”
in her head she’s like: stfu i didn’t go to america for this ಠ╭╮ಠ
but outside she’s like: hahahaha looks like i gotta answer this ∩^ω^∩ gotta pay rent u know?
the genius interview oh god markhee was a MESS
they kept pinching each other when they had to explain the s t e a m y parts of the song so johnny did it for them
in the end they just gave up on explaining so she said “you don’t have to take the lyrics word by word, line by line. you can take it however you want and the feelings aren’t just limited to a significant other. it’s just love between two people and that could be a friend, a partner-“
inside they’re like “good job, taehee. good job,” until she says
“-your mom.”
and when they were teaching cherry bomb she couldn’t keep her mouth shut
“okay so you spread your legs like this” - johnny
“that’s when you feel the air coming in” - mark
and when doyoung thought it couldn’t get any worse
“oh, really? i don’t” - taehee
and yuta, taeyong, johnny, and mark just try to hold their laughter
doyoung @ the rest: just smile and wave boys, smile and wave
also stayzens got crumbs of (han) jisung and taehee’s friendship when they were guessing the dance based on the silhouette
when the choreo for ‘get cool’ showed she immediately answered
she scared everyone with her excitement but that’s okay bc they got a point
“that was fast,” the host told her
*proudly* “yeah i’m friends with one of them”
taehee stans were served
she wore dresses to award shows bUT THERE WAS A TIME SHE WORE A SUIT
everyone died
she looked amazing hot spectacular show stopping
“hey guys! welcome back to my channel ( ◠‿◠ ) so today we would be going toOoOoOo miAMIIIII *fake sound effects* um so like we’re going to buy some stuff for the beach coz like it’s really hot hahahaha but that’s because i’m here *slowly pulls shades down*”
“why do you talk like that”
“just let me be, mark. let me be.”
but she went back to taehee mode so it’s aight
“taeyong oppa broke his slippers and the sand’s really hot so i don’t know how he survives.”
she gets caught anyways
and hyuck drags her to the deep deep deep part
but she knows how to swim :>>
she came back to shore to dry off,,,so she watched the surfers with jungwoo while the others are having fun
“waahh, that’s so cool. did you see that?”
“my dad taught me how to surf back in australia”
“really? :OO”
“yeah but that was when i was still younger. i think i forgot now.”
“woah” jungwoo’s amazed by this girl
so when she was asked to do flirty
she got shy, that was the shyest moment of her life but you gotta do what you gotta do
*starts twirling a piece of hair on her finger* “hey,,,,” *winks*
then she starts playing with her hair more aggressively until she had to stop and fix her hair bc the manager told her to
producer: is that how you flirt?
taehee: i don’t flirt. *confidently* people flirt with me ;))).
johnny, off-screen: excuses! this is why we don’t let her out
her and johnny just kept giving commentary on poor mark it’s hilarious
*mark raises his eyebrow*
“you’re so flirty”
“damn, that eyebrow tho. i’m swayed.”
taehee kept eating ice cream
like everytime the camera pans to her she’s just eating ice cream
when they watched alicia key performing ‘if i ain’t got you’
she was star struck
markhee: Aw sHIT
when she rapped “knet knet talk talk” she blew up the whole bird app
she was feeling herself everytime they performed it was sexc
american air really is different
concerts omg don’t get me started
johnny started shaking his booty as a joke but then there’s taehee on the side of the stage lowkey twerking
you know how bp were feeling themselves during their cons?
well taehee is just like that and czennies wERE SO LOUD
her ‘baby don’t like it’ fit .....
it was different from the boys’ since she’s wearing like a dress like damn what if she sLIPPED
she was wearing a blindfold too
her performance is still flawless tho i mean it’s taehee come on
and when they performed ‘superhuman’
istg that markhee part everyone flipped
they were so close (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡
like i swear they could feel their breaths on each other’s faces
but it’s what the czennies want and you gotta give it to them even if the management said nO
markhee stans were fed this season they kept hanging out with each other
they rode that horse carriage thing together
they ate donuts together
they shopped together
they messed up their korean and english at some point together
best friend goals
taehee was so excited for the dodgers game she was so adorable in the jersey
she was more than glad to be the first pitch and list off the names of the players to the members
jungwoo and hyuck trapped her so they could get on kiss cam
she was struggling
but that’s okay bc she still gets to see the dodgers play
brooklyn boys
the title’s still boys the producers are like whatever just name it brooklyn boys
after they ate they went shopping right
taehee was in the ‘don’t forget your tools’ team
taeyong mom johnny dad jungwoo child mark child taehee child
“i wanted to be the cousin!!”
“.....taehee child”
#markheebesties we love it
markhee separated from the group for a while to buy ingredients to make cocktails for the older members + staff
“you know how?”
“yeah, my dad taught me.”
“your dad is so cool.”
“i know right- *immediately* mom, i still love youuu <3333”
“we’re both minors and we’re the ones getting alcohol”
“mark, we’re in america. we’re not minors anymore.”
but later on they don’t drink alcohol to respect their korean culture :>>
when jungwoo wanted to get the pie thingy and taeyong won’t let him it was comical
mark’s like that youngest good kid
jungwoo’s like the middle kid who wanted to bUY SOMETHING BUT THEY WONT LET HIM
and taehee’s the eldest bad influence kid
*whispering* “just hide it. yeah, hide it in there. then just put it out when they’re paying for it*
mark’s just laughing off cam they were so serious
anyways they’re cooking and taehee made the guac :p
she kept on laughing at markwoo it’s cute
but she kept on eating the other group’s pasta
“hey! why do you keep eating our food?”
they complimented her on her guac since she doesn’t cook that much
but she’s a great cook she learned from taeyong!!! and her dad
when they were playing beer pong the maknae line was sOOO HYPED
and hyuck’s just looking at them weirdly like wtf hahaha markhee tingz i guess
she acted like a ring girl every time they switch to the next round
“wAIT LET ME WALK” *catwalks from side a to side b*
while they were karaoke-ing she made the cocktails and mark watched her
she kept doing tricks with the cups to make mark laugh
she let the staff taste it and they were amazed she’s such an angel i swear
“this one’s for you!!!!”
“is it good?”
“oh i should add more of this? okay, hold on”
and then the older hyungs came and were amazed
doyoung doesn’t even drink but she managed to get him to have a taste
when they were all going to sleep, she chose the bed at the very end
she used mark’s arm as a pillow
they all kinda...didn’t shower...
jk they still smell great ig
“mark you stink”
“shut up”
and then they fell asleep but the others caught them
“mark and taehee are asleep”
“really?” *laughs*
“i’m not asleep i’m just closing my eyes”
“okay but taehee’s already snoring”
*sleepily* “i DONT SNORE!!!”
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 49: The One with Too Much JGY and Not Enough Wangxian
Very little wangxiantics in this episode, guys, there’s like, VERY LITTLE wangxiantics
The fact that the show is bringing us down to breadcrumbs again is Homophobic 
But let’s get through this!
blah blah blah jgy acts all pathetic blah blah blah lxc engages jgy in a convo blah blah
lwj has to go in and be like, bro, please, don't talk to him
and wwx is like, yeah, you literally just told jc not to talk to him, follow your own advice dude 
lxc is like, hm, you make a good point...i shall continue talking to jgy regardless
jgy continues with his pity party speech and i continue not to care
lwj is like BRO
and i'm like DO YOU THO?
now he's going to question jgy and counting on him answering truthfully??
so we get a much less entertaining Q&A session accompanied by jgy's flashbacks 
(can we go back to lwj's drunken Q&A sesh? I’d much rather question drunk!lwj than sober!jgy)
the only point i had any actual sympathy was when jgy brings up qin su and her mom bc qin su and her mother deserved better
Ooh, lxc is getting super judgy about jgy killing jgs
This is where you draw the line, lxc?? c’mon.
i mean, judge him for how he did it, sure
there was no need to involve all those innocent women in the murder
but really, killing jgs was the only good act of public service jgy did
give credit where it's due, pal.
oh noooo lxc is asking about jzx and oh, wwx is PISSED
Wwx grabs the front of jgy's robes and hauls him up and yells in his face “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO? SAY IT!”
cue flashback scene to jgy tricking jzx 
jl collapses to his knees and my beautiful sunshine boy falls to his side and scoops him into his arms 
oh jgy was about to touch jl's face and i was like DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE I WILL CUT THAT HAND OFF YOU
but then he pulled away bc i am very fearsome actually wwx was glaring at him 
and ofc jgy can't have people being sympathetic to anyone NOT him so he's like, what about me, huh? you never ask why I personally had to suffer!
Cue another flashback in which JGS IS A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG 
ugh i hate jgy too
he's essentially telling jin ling that oh, i killed your father bc your grandfather was scum of the earth
suddenly jgy takes my bratty son hostage!!
wwx shouts "JIN LING" as he jerks towards his only nephew
BUT IT'S TOO LATE, jgy already has that garrote AROUND JL'S NECK
god i need to stop threatening people, i have no ability to back it up
and wwx is like I DID! 
siblings always find time to bicker, even in dire situations
lwj tells them that jgy hid the garrote inside his body 
bc lwj is smart and observant
but ewwww, the idea of yanking that gold string out of a vein squicks the hell out of me
yuckyuckyuck it makes my skin crawl
jgy tightens the string around my bratty son's neck and everyone freaks out, obvs 
oh jc loves his nephew so much! he's all like, if you need a hostage take me instead and leave jin ling alone!!
jgy is like, nah bc of Reasons
then my sunshine boy is like, hey aren't you forgetting smth jgy? what about your loyal lackey here?
but ss is an idiot and is like, don't worry about me boss!
and jgy is all, cool thx lackey
now lxc and jgy do some more chitchat i don't care about
suddenly there is ominous knocking on the doors AND A WILD LAN SIZHUI APPEARS!!!
He got chucked into the temple like the football lol
Dude, for real, wn looks so cool here
letting the tip of the saber scrape ominously against the stone ground and walking with slow measured steps
and baxia is freaking glowing
nhs calls him "brother" but i'm pretty sure he knows it's not nmj and just said it to freak jgy out
wwx ofc recognizes wen ning
his brow is all furrowed when he sees wn is not reacting and he starts to whistle more earnestly
wwx: what's happening? why is wn not listening to me? could it be...?
cut to lwj, looking all serious bc hey, this is actually a serious situation 
lwj: he is possessed by the blade spirit
wn roars and vaults over the distance between him and jgy with baxia raised high and it looks freaking AWESOME
lol we get a quick shot here of nhs panicking and ducking behind su she
jgy lets go of the gold string around jl's neck to flee from wn which gives wwx an opening
Wwx dives forward and wraps himself around jin ling
Then he twirls them to the side away from incoming baxia and crashes them both to the ground where they're safe
as this is happening, lwj sees his opening and draws bichen
we get a quick moment where wwx and jc are both fussing over jl, it’s super sweet!
wwx is looking at him like HOLY SHIT LWJ
Which is a totally reasonable reaction bc holy shit lwj
HA, now jgy only has one arm
I may not be able to follow up on my threats but it is gratifying to see lwj follow through for me lololol
gross, ss is all begging for medicine to help jgy
stfu ss, nobody likes either of you two
wn's blow struck the ground and cracked it before so now he's back up doing his steady creepy walk to finish what he was going to do
lwj's brow furrows and he sits himself down, cross-legged and summons his guqin
lol i love how he summons his instrument tbh
he just wooshes his flowy sleeves and his guqin glitters into existence
it looks very Magical Girl and i appreciate that
someone needs to draw lwj in a Magical Girl outfit IMMEDIATELY
lxc gets his flute out and our lan bros do a duet to chill out the angry sword spirit
let me just say, i'm really enjoying watching jgy and ss cower away from the oncoming wen ning
but oh noo! jl calls out for his evil uncle and draws wn's attention and wn tries to attack him
i guess baxia senses jgy's blood on jl's robes or smth? Idk, doesn’t matter
wwx tries to do some sort of spell to stop wn but it doesn't work and in a fit of panic he yells out “WEN QIONGLIN!”
thankfully this snaps wn out of it enough that he stops baxia like, one inch from my bratty son's face
the lan bros are still doing their Magic Music thing and wn is trying to reign in baxia but baxia's pissed off so everyone’s struggling 
wwx starts his whistling again and it's rattling Plot Device 3
lxc tries to stop wwx but lwj shakes his head at his brother like no, back off
wwx turns to look at lwj, lwj meets his eyes and gives him a single solemn nod
this is the first legit proper wangxiantic moment in the whole episode, what the heck
jc: wei wuxian!!
wwx turns to see his brother and jc FLINGS THE DEMON FLUTE AT WWX bc apparently he's been carrying chenqing around THIS WHOLE TIME??
wwx nods to him (and omg jc is helping him, this is good, this is a step in the right direction!!) and brings chenqing to his lips
we get a shot of lwj staring at wwx as wwx starts to play 
and the background music starts to get SUPER INTENSE and EXCITING as wwx plays
we get a shot of JC watching wwx play and this is the softest we've seen him look at his brother since he came back from the dead
he's looking at him like it's finally hitting him that wwx is back, his big brother is alive and here and protecting him and jin ling bc that's what family is supposed to do
oooh, Plot Device 3 starts to zoom around and we get a fun bit of camera work so it seems like we're seeing everything from Plot Device 3's perspective
which is kind of adorable for some reason???
it's just zipping along and it sees wwx and wwx guides its attention to where wn is struggling to control baxia
wwx starts to walk, getting both baxia and Plot Device 3 to follow him further into the temple
lwj sees this happening and whooshes away his guqin and follows bc he's always going to follow wwx obvs
he manages to get baxia into the coffin with nmj before he starts coughing up blood 
But before we can freak out about that, nhs scream in the background 
so everyone runs to check out what's happening there
and ss is like BUT I DIDN'T, HE'S LYING!!!
lol baxia just leaps out of the coffin buries itself in ss's chest
good fucking riddance
But also baxia is nmj's saber
wwx starts up his demon flute again even tho baxia seems much more chill now that it has finally killed someone 
But let's watch wwx be a badass on the flute anyway
look at my sunshine boy go! 
look at him corral all that resentful energy!
love my sunshine boy
baxia is finally subdued and wwx lays it and Plot Device 3 in the coffin with nmj
he covers the coffin using some of his wicked awesome red magic stuff
but it's taking a lot out of him i guess bc he stumbles back and lwj is right there to catch him 
bc they're soulmates and they love each other 
And this is the only other wangxiantic moment in this episode, wtf show
cut to the next scene, everyone's patching up wounds and whatever
lol we can hear nhs whining like a baby bc omg it hurts it hurts, lxc be more gentle
and lxc is like, chill bro it's just a stab wound
nhs is like JUST a stab wound?? r u kidding me, i'm DYING!!
Which is exactly how i would react to a stab wound lol
now lxc is with jgy and he's like jgy if you do ONE more bad thing, i will definitely finally punish you mercilessly
then he starts checking out his armless shoulder bc lxc really is too good and not all that bright apparently
lol when wwx sees lxc tending to jgy's wounds and his face is like ugh i can't believe this guy
oh, my poor sunshine boy is wincing and holding a cloth to his STILL SLUGGISHLY BLEEDING NECK WOUND
lsz is watching him very intently bc he's figuring out some things about himself and wwx that LWJ DIDN'T HAVE THE GOOD GRACE TO EXPLAIN TO EITHER OF THEM YET
lwj ofc has got his eyes glued on wwx bc, i mean, what else is there worth looking at in the Temple of Doom?
And i guess this counts as a wangxiantic too bc lsz is basically wangxian’s love child anyway!
lxc has the gall to ask nhs to hand him the medicine bottle to tend to FUCKING JGY'S (AKA HIS BIG BROTHER’S MURDERER) WOUNDS
nhs is like sure! grabs the medicine bottle and hides it in his robes 
he makes a whole show out of rooting around in his robes to ‘find’ it and lxc goes to him to grab it or whatever so his back is turned to jgy
he makes a show of looking over lxc's shoulder and shouts LXC LOOK OUT!!
lxc grabs his sword and whirls around and stabs it right into jgy
and nhs is all stuttery and nervously saying how omg he saw jgy reach behind him and he thought he was gonna do something awful so he panicked
Then jgy finally sees nhs AND THAT'S WHERE THE EPISODE ENDS
So another episode with way too much plot stuff, yuck
I mean, we only got 3 actual wangxian moments?? 
What is that about, huh? THAT’S NOT EVERY GAY RIGHTS OF YOU, SHOW!
The next episode is THE LAST and we’re definitely getting wangxiantics there and i will definitely cry about it
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a-queer-query · 4 years
So a happier fact or several about me after *the x files thing*, Mainly food, bc food is awesome. This is a long list, I'm sorry, learn some useless information about me-
I can unconsciously eat an entire container of fruit. Blueberries? Raspberries? Currants? Strawberries? Blackberries? Watermelon slices? Gone.
My favourite fruits are watermelon and mango.
I'm mildy allergic to pineapple but I really don't care bc it's not serious.
When I was younger I used to pretend to be an Explorer and I explored the trees behind and around my house. Climbing, crawling, I even brought snacks for myself. Sometimes I'd just follow my horses though, and pretend we could communicate :)
My least favourite foods are cabbage, kale and strangely enough, most chip flavours. I only BBQ, Sour cream and onion, and hint of cheese/jalapeño.
Speaking of cheese, I hate it when it's alone. Unless it's one of those circle wax covered things, forget the name.
I drink straight milk. I also will willingly sleep in jeans, but that's an issue for another day.
I don't have a preference for chocolate, ice cream, popsicles, muffins, cupcakes, cakes, pies, tarts, pastries in general, donuts and cookies.
I find coffee to bitter, yet I do drink black tea a little too much. My favourite tea is chai spice though.
I hate socializing irl and ngl I'm probably the quiet kid, but I actually don't dislike a lot of people themselves. I can count the amount of people who I'd push of a volcano on my hands only! (It's getting close tho, stop being a bitch, homophobic, trump supporting kid who can't stfu. Also don't hurt my friends. :))
When I make eggs, I always add cayenne pepper, cumin, thyme, coriander, curry powder, whatever fits my mood and salt and pepper. Also I always eat frozen fruit beside it, dunno why.
I enjoy cooking and baking.
I grew up eating spicy foods, bc my mother likes spices. It passed on.
I like to chew on ice. It's therapeutic, especially when there's a lot of noise around.
Also when I was younger, I had to be with my parents a lot bc I couldn't be alone. So, some days I would go with my mother to the vet and hang out with the clinic cats and help feed them and stuff. Other days, I would go with my dad on his flying trips, or to a fly-in breakfast.
I can ride a horse, but I prefer to just sit with them.
My taste in music probably comes from what my mother listens to. She has a good music taste, kinda. Also my best friend has a great music taste.
Speaking of my best friend, we got to know each other properly during a science project in 5/6th grade. We got full marks, I got the social skills to interact with one person, and she gained an oblivious idiot who follows her around,
I was homeschooled for five years. Grades 1, 2, 2 repeated bc of a curriculum switch, 3, 4. I entered public school in 5th grade but eventually moved up to my age level.
I bring cereal for lunch at school.
While I was homeschooled, my mum and I argued a lot. I could never focus on anything and I wanted to read 24/7. Still like this, with a little less arguing, actually.
I can't make omelets. Idk why, I just can't.
Yes, I live in a colder part of Canada. Yes, I'm always cold nomatter what. Yes I hate the cold. Yes I'm lowkey concerned about being constantly cold. (I've just accepted that I have some health problem, bc of this and other stuff.)
I love sugary things, and eat them a lot. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family. There is some kind of heartbreak waiting to happen there.
Finally, ending this with an embarrassing fact bc I have no reputation anyways, but in middle school I hissed at people and meowed at them. Also I stabbed an apple with a ruler, that was fun.
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thattaekwondoblog · 4 years
Green Stripe: blanking out & stuff
so this is the first belt that i really didn’t feel ready for. I had gone to practice every day in the month of January (except sundays & the last two days bc I fell sick), but in February a bunch of stuff kept me away from practice (mostly grad school apps & work). this is also the time stuff happened in my personal life which may or may not have involved some dojang members (not so much beef as communication issues in a few friendships) so i was feeling extra insecure. So much happened since this so I kinda forget but essentially the test was at the end of February and i felt #severely unprepared, despite my instructors encouraging me to test. honestly my test day was so traumatic i blocked out most of my training from that period sadly.
Things that happened:
dear reverse inner forearm block: you little shit. you absolute mess. coordination was never really my thing so that sht messed me up really bad. it is a really beautiful block though.
원효 wonyo was a cool form, even though confusing; first time that a ‘common stance’ isn’t used always. also we’re not going in straight lines anymore??? what????
i don’t remember struggling too much with the one steps except for like the order of them.
sparring! i like!! sparring!! so much more than i thought i would. the only thing i dislike about it is the Eventual Lower Belt Man who is ‘afraid to go too hard’ or ‘can’t control his strength’ and talks all the fcking time. bro shut up, stop being a dck and humble yourself will ya. your masculinity issues have no place in fighting. we all are learning so stfu and try.
I’m still very much in ‘defense mode’ while sparring; i like to observe more than attack. this is bc i feel like the ppl i spar against generally have more experience or strength and so i overcalculate everything bc i think im gonna make mistakes. this has brought particular joy to one red belt friend who Will Not Attack Me on purpose so I attack first. i love you bro but i also know as soon as i attack you’ll see all my openings and murder me. it’s def something im working on.
Advice/what helped:
some days you’re gonna feel awfullll and it will transpire in your practice even if you try to hide it. there was one day i was Not feeling it and of course my master wanted to tease me and make me laugh as he usually does. it was really hard to not say Sir Please Leave Me Alone I Need To Be Left Alone, but i also knew I would never have wanted to take my sht out on anyone. pushing myself to practice that day was good, but also know that if you’re feeling too bad one day skipping practice is okay.
i got to know some dojang members better, which was fun! plz talk to your older/younger/higher level/other members and get to know them. even when some seem intimidating, it’s so interesting to hear everyone’s tkd stories
on the flip side, training with ppl you love and ppl you not longer vibe with so much can be complicated. im still figuring it out. i guess ive mostly opted for respect and have fun during training, not letting issues transfer to the mats. i love my instructors and tkd wayy too much to let personal issues interfere with class (even though it’s not always easy to do).
the belt test:
nothing prepared me for how this test went. i was stressed about it bc i was feeling unprepared but the week before I went to practice very often to try to catch up and in the end was feeling a little more confident. the test day arrives and my body feels ok until im called up. i was the only one testing in my category. My mind felt fine, I stayed focused, but my body... started shaking while i do my techniques. and it was only the first part of the test. i was like wtf bc id never experienced anything like this before. then came the form. I began and after the fifth move... i got tunnel vision and my mind went blank. even the grand master was trying to help me and my master asked me to relax. i started again and finished, albeit not greatly. the one steps are a blur bc i just wanted to get back to my seat and disappear. I saw stars when i sat back down. pretty sure i was about to faint up there. my master came to check on me after the test saying my face became white through the test. why? how? i dont fcking know. again this had never happened to me before. ive done tons of presentations, theatre performances ect... even though i felt ok mentally my body was like Nope Absolutely Not and launched in a panic attack (i used to have an anxiety disorder where i would get anxiety attacks, but i hadn’t had a panic attack in like.. years). i think it’s the combination of stresses in all the parts of my life (social, school, work, somewhat tkd) that culminated and i freaked out. i took the day off of work the next day bc stuff like this Never happens to me and you gotta listen to your body when it’s screaming this loud.
main lesson: you’ll never be fully ready for things. but also listen to yourself. it’s a veryy fine balance. it was really not a big deal that my moves weren’t as perfect as I wanted to since my master thought i was good to go I should have been more confident. at this time though, my life felt like i was going at 343242 miles/hour and i absolutely should have taken a full day of time alone to lay out my thoughts and feel more secure. bc what happens in your mind directly influence your tkd, and that’s why you need to take care and listen to yourself even when everyone else is so loud.
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fvthomsbclow · 5 years
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COURTNEY EATON,  GENDERFLUID,  THEY/THEM.  —  looks  like  LUKE ANDERSEN is  attending   AURORIA UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they're  the  TWENTY year  old  child  of  ARIEL & ERIC ( * adoptive ! ) ,  which  means  they're  from  ATLANTICA.  heard  they're  HONEST  &  CRAFTY,  but  can  also  be  EASILY DISTRACTED &  SELF-SERVING  ;  we all have our bad days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  LOOSE WHITE SHIRTS BLOWING IN THE BREEZE, WHISPY BRAIDS OF DARK HAIR, STANDING ON A BEACH IN THE MIDDLE OF A STORM, CRASHING WAVES ALONG THE DECK OF A SHIP.  —  hylia,  9teen,  est,  she & they.
                                 when i’m sad , oh god i’m sad ,                                  but when i’m happy, i am happy                                  and there’s just no place in-between                                  for us to meet.                                  playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.
howdy folks !! so my name is HYLIA , and I’m here to play the sailor datemate of my dreams , LUKE ANDERSEN. I’m still sort of getting the hang of them since they’re a very new character , so I’m sorry if this intro is all over the place !! No TWS for now save for mentions of death , the ocean , and drowning. Hopefully this isn’t too messy ! 
So Luke is adopted - the child of one of King triton’s servants who passed away from illness. Originally , Triton was going to take them in himself , but instead , Ariel volunteered to care for the little merbaby and raised them as her own. As a result , Triton gave Luke the ability to grow legs on dry land as well as a tail when touched by large amounts of saltwater.
But , they weren’t told of their true heritage as a child. So they believed they were a human for the longest time.
They grew up loving both of their parents to the max but it was DEFINITELY evident they took after Eric more so. They wanted to travel , wanted to explore - and their dad , with his ship and naval prowess , was their hero. So from a very young age , they would accompany their dad on his travels.
It went to the point in which they were taught to pilot a ship themselves - and they even asked for one for their sixteenth birthday. Nothing else , just a vessel of their own. And they got one , naming it The Queen Jocasta. 
First voyage on The Queen Jocasta resulted in an attack by pirates - sixteen year-old Luke tossed off the side of the ship , thinking they were about to drown. But , that power they were unaware of for all this time shifted their legs into a tail , and at that point they realized , Wow , Mom and Dad really haven’t told me SHIT. 
So that was when they were explained that yeah , they were originally born a mermaid , and yeah , they were royalty both on the surface and under the sea. And that prompted Luke to spend a year in the ocean to get to know their mother’s family - returning to the surface to finish their time in Auradon Prep afterwards. This meant they graduated a year later at nineteen. 
And then when that was over , Luke decided ‘ hey, I’m gonna take a trip all around Auradon by BOAT ’ since... that’s their brand , and spent another year just sailing around the different parts of Auradon ( and on the outside of it ) for the fun of it. They’re only just now getting back to Auradon to attend Auroria. 
So one may describe Luke as an ‘old soul’ - they’re very laid back and relaxed , for the most part , keen on their interests and someone who really seems to know a lot beyond how old they are.
Extremely intelligent - there’s a rumor going around that Luke has an eidetic memory , but they won’t confirm or deny it. ( It’s true. )
OBVIOUSLY AGAIN, OCEAN CHILD. Luke loves the ocean and always hangs out on beaches or the docks if they’re not on their actual boat. Because Luke doesn’t have a dorm - no , Luke sleeps on The Queen Jocasta in their cabin. Captain’s quarters and all that. 
They love traveling just for the sake of traveling , and they can read a map like it’s nobody’s business.
Big into the classics like art and music DESPITE the fact they can’t paint , draw - but they can carry a tune well and for that reason , they play guitar nicely. 
Honestly they’re smart and into the classics and shit but also this can come off as slightly pretentious since they don’t hesitate to remind people how good of a thinker they are - they don’t say it , but they show it. 
Also they know how to dance , taking ballet classes when they were younger !! It’s just not something they remind anyone of much.
One more class they took was swordfighting in attempts to learn how to defend themselves . . . and yes , they’re great at it. Scary great.
In terms of a more direct description of their PERSONALITY , Luke tends to approach situations with again , a very laid back attitude but also one that’s brutally honest. They will let you know if they’re pissed off with you and . . . do have a bit of a temper when their nerves are ticked. Luke’s also got a bit of a dangerous tendency to always think they’re on their own and look after number one ( themselves ) and forgets that they can lean on other people for help. This doesn’t mean they don’t care about their allies - no , they greatly care about them. But Luke’s sort of used to being a mysterious , aloof , brooding traveler that they often forget they now have people they can confide in. 
They’ll do things that perk their interest - Luke really isn’t going to go out of their way for something unless there’s either something in it for them or they have a personal interest. Also , if they care for the person , but yeah.
There’s a slight cynical streak to them for no other reason than the fact they just always think they have to watch their back - and for the fact people have secrets , like their parents keeping the secret they were a mermaid for a good portion of their life. 
I promise they’re not a conceited selfish prick Luke is just VERY . . . aloof. I know I said that before but they’re distant and sort of keep to themselves and what they want. 
Their opinion on the villains and heroes coming together is that they really . . . couldn’t care less. They never were really one to focus too much on the Auradon vs. Isle debacle anyway , but also - they can understand why some VKs are pissed. BUT , since this is Luke we’re talking about - that doesn’t mean they’re going to be exceptionally nice to the villain kids , treating them the same as Auradonian kids - casually , trying to get a read on them , probably the same aloof & ‘I could care less’ demeanor they normally keep up. 
Also I should mention !! Luke is genderfluid , preferring they/them pronouns like stated before - but when addressing them with their royal title , they prefer to be addressed by the title of Prince. But Captain is even more so preferred. 
Captain Luke Andersen just sounds like BDE I’m ,
Listen I love them so much they’re the myserious captain datemate of my dREAAMS
OKAY SO. When the main puts up their WC page I will be submitting this one but I’d love an ARRANGED MARRIAGE plot for Luke. Basically , arranged while Luke was away traveling - they could either already know this person or are just meeting them now , but they’re not too keen on the idea of arranged marriage but aren’t really doing anything to fight it since it is what it is. They can either get along or hate each other , be best buddies or the like , but I think it’d be so funny if Luke - a wayward soul - was supposed to be arranged to marry someone who always has to make sure they’re not getting into trouble or something since Luke . . . CANNOT stay in the same place. At all. Bonus if this person is super duper sweet and polite in contrast to Luke’s nature of being absolutely crass & unrefined.
Their fiance: I’m so sorry for them Luke: I’m not, peace sign + middle finger motherfucker 
And if this evolves in2 an actual ship that’d b up to chemistry n shit but the main idea I had was just. An arranged marriage. Rly we can do whatever n I’d b cool w/ it.
I’d love a crew for them pls. Again - this can be with both Auradon and Isle kids , since Luke gives no shits , but I’d imagine there’s a few Auradon kids who’ve been with Luke for quite some time.
PIRATE RIVALS PLSSSSS bc I know some Isle kids are pirates and that’s B^) juicy shit 2 me.
In general I’d just rly like some friends who try to get past Luke’s aloof & distant & brooding(tm) nature and let them b... soft n stuff.
also friends in general?? great. gimme soft platonic shit bc mgod thats what gets me all the damn time
if there are some royal kids out there who wanna bfriend luke’s ass since childhood n will stick w/them... give it to me.
Flings that Luke’s had either traveling or also just in Auradon in general bc uh yeah they’re lowkey a huge flirt 
not 2 be THAT guy but Luke is a dreamboat haha... hahaha...
please clap
first love !! maybe !! idk sb who definitely luke had a thing 4 but it got lost in luke being. well. luke.
“my only love is the sea” stfu
I’m so bad writing wcs so maybe one day I’ll sit down and write formal connections so yeah.
BUT YEAH THAT’S IT !! pls pls pls feel free to either like this or hmu for plotting - I highly suggest contacting me on Discord ( rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329 ) bc I’m always on Discord but Tumblr works too !! I promise u guys I don’t bite. I love u all I’m so excited 4 this !!! :^)
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briankang · 5 years
i gotta say that while i think demi needs to stfu about the whole taylor thing, taylor stans calling her a whale and trending "demi go back to the sea" on twitter is really gross??? i mean we all know demi is wrong here but can we please not forget she a is a mentally ill woman who suffers from eating disorders and using that against her is cruel and doesn't help taylor at all.
oh my god YEAH. i mean. do i think demi needs to just.........not be on social media period bc she can’t stay out of drama? yes. but that’s the ONLY!! thing that should be mentioned!!! i saw people bringing up her addictions on twitter and someone replied to todrick with “she’s probably still got crack nose” and like.........that aint it, y’all. it really isn’t. you can call someone out for something without bringing up things like that, it’s awful and disgusting and you know better. i know it’s hard seeing taylor be attacked but that’s so fucking monstrous. don’t do it.
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