localmongoose · 14 days
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localmongoose · 18 days
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Reblog to scare an inanimate insanity fan
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localmongoose · 3 months
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Hey is anybody having trouble with those Captcha test things lately? Mine are getting kinda weird and I’m even not too sure what to click on
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localmongoose · 4 months
Happy pride month to the tiny cowboy and tiny Trojan man from Night at the Museum
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localmongoose · 4 months
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get ready everyone
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localmongoose · 6 months
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Finally it's done T^T
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localmongoose · 7 months
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localmongoose · 9 months
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this changes everything oh my god
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localmongoose · 10 months
The reason graham messes with cathal
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localmongoose · 10 months
I think almost everyone's aware now but for anyone who isn't; TTCC has moved wikis.
The new wiki (please do use it) is Here !
There is also an extension to help remove fandom wikis from search results which is linked Here! There is also another extension Here that links to other independent wikis.
You can also find the reddit post about the move Here.
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localmongoose · 11 months
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This man brings me joy.
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localmongoose · 1 year
Me every couple of months since 2015
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localmongoose · 2 years
Hot take dream smp fans need to stop complaining about the ending or a ccs writing for just five second and actually try to appreciate the ppl who put effort into it for two whole years of their lives
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localmongoose · 2 years
Okay, I know a bunch of people are still advocating for Elsa to have a girlfriend, but am I the only one who thinks Aro/Ace Elsa is completely valid? I’ve never understood why every Disney princess needed a love interest of any kind, and I’ve really liked how some of the newer movies have stepped away from that story beat in some regards. Elsa is definitely the prime example of it, since she doesn’t even have a hinted or potential love interest introduced as of right now. Actually, she has shown absolutely no interest in romance whatsoever. Her whole character has always been about self-identity and acceptance. Of being yourself and loving yourself for who you are, even if that doesn’t fit the definition of normal. She loves her family but is clearly introverted and enjoys solitude from time to time. She has always been the polar opposite of Anna, and I think having her be Aro/Ace would just make sense. Anna was always desperate for that romantic connection with someone, while Elsa is fine being who she is. Elsa not having a romantic interest in my opinion fits her character. She’s the independent woman, she no longer is constantly trying to find approval and acceptance in others. She found her self-confidence, and it would feel like a backtrack for her to suddenly be pining for the attention of someone else just because ‘every Disney princess needs a lover’. With Disney’s track record of representation anyways, let's be honest, there’s no way they can write their way around Elsa getting into a convincing relationship without it feeling shoehorned and pandering. Elsa has had two movies already building her up as someone who doesn’t need a lover and doesn’t seem to want one. Her character would have to do a 180 shift to suddenly be pining for love like Anna did in the first movie. I don’t know, with the potential of Frozen 3 on the horizon, I’m unsure where they plan to go with it. But I do know that as of right now, Elsa seems to be a good representation of Aro/Ace. If they decide to write her a love interest of any gender, I just hope it’s well written, but I really don’t think she needs it.
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localmongoose · 2 years
Man, it gets real tiring seeing all the entitled posts that crop up every time a stream happens. You’d think that if they didn’t like the DreamSMP anymore, people wouldn’t keep flooding its tags with their negative opinions. I’m not talking about valid criticism either, I’m talking about the people who keep saying ‘DSMP shouldn’t have a season 2′, ‘[CC] shouldn’t be in season 2′, ‘[CC] isn’t gonna be in season 2, so it’s going to suck’. Seriously, the entitlement in this fandom is painful sometimes. Just because you’re falling off the bandwagon doesn’t mean the train has to stop completely. The DreamSMP isn’t just for YOU. I hate to break it to you, but there are still a lot of people who like watching the content, and frankly get sick of seeing people talk down something that hasn’t even come out yet. This isn’t the Simpsons or Family Guy, these guys aren’t doing this just to milk the content. Frankly, they don’t have to. Pretty much all of them were successful with their own content before and during the DSMP, and will be afterwards. That’s why several creators are perfectly comfortable stepping away from Season 2. They don’t NEED the DSMP, it was just fun to be a part of for awhile, but now they want to move on. That’s the part a lot of you seem to not understand. The DreamSMP is for FUN. It started out as, and has continued to be, a Minecraft server where a bunch of friends played a Video Game together and Roleplayed. I’m sure the majority of you have done that with your own friends, you just didn’t stream it to an audience. Some of them still enjoy doing so, so they’re continuing it. Some of them want to move on to other things. Watching the CCs talk about the SMP, it’s clear they had a great time doing it and are pretty proud of what they accomplished with their stories. They had fun. They hung out with their friends. That’s what the DSMP was for, and still is for. Take a minute to look back at the first clips of the SMP. Just Dream and George messing around in the new Minecraft update. That’s literally all the DSMP was. A bunch of friends, messing around in Minecraft and deciding to start roleplaying and building a world while doing so. Some of them want to continue doing that, but with a fresh start. New world, new minds, new opportunities to have fun with their friends in an all new setting. This is for them, not you, so stop acting like you have a say in what they enjoy doing. It’s clear that those who are participating in the new season just really enjoy playing around with their friends, like most people do. The only difference is that they share it with those of us who want to enjoy it with them. If you don’t, then go find something else to do instead of trying to come up with reasons why they should stop playing games with their friends, because that’s just stupid. Maybe you should go play some games with YOUR friends instead of shaming them for doing it. Might make you happier than hate posting about something you claim not to care about anymore. Everyone can have an opinion, but there’s a point where it turns into entitlement and frankly it’s just sad. In the words of a dying meme; Go touch some grass.
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localmongoose · 2 years
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yeah, id smash
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localmongoose · 2 years
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