#the stairs again koichi?
silbeni · 3 months
Rohan apologizes?!
In which Rohan is mean to Ryoma and regrets it, which turns into him begrudgingly asking Reimi for advice about how to make amends.
Characters: Rohan Kishibe, Ryoma Román, Reimi Sugimoto.
Pairings: Ryohan
Genre: Fluff? It's lighthearted idk
(A/N): No art for this one sadly (yet) since art fight just started, but! There's a little something extra at the end.
For the last fifteen minutes, Ryoma had been rambling on without end. He had made the mistake of mentioning insects, unaware about how passionate they were for the subject, which had triggered this bout of chattiness. He liked bugs as much as the next guy, but Ryoma was on an echelon of their own. He didn't know how much of this he could take. They were usually very attentive to his signals, but he guessed their love of arthropods had blinded them.
His patience was wearing thin that day, he wanted nothing more than to work on his manga, but unfortunately, they were getting in the way of that. He stared down at the nearly blank page before him. He was only able to get a few lines in before Ryoma had stopped him. At his wits end, his irritation fired off an instinctive response.
"Don't you ever shut up?" He snapped.
He didn't immediately realize the impact that simple phrase had left. Once the room fell silent, he was just happy to finally begin drawing. Tunnel vision clouded his judgment significantly, thoughts about his work filled his head and left space for little else. He only recognized something was off when Ryoma spoke up once more.
“I'm.. sorry. I won't bother you anymore.” Their voice was notably quieter than before, stripped of its cheerful quality.
He put down his pen, and turned to look at them. He caught only a glimpse of their face as they turned to leave, but that was enough for him to immediately regret his words.
For the remainder of the day, he waged a losing battle against his brain. Now, he was again unable to get any work done because of his own actions. As hard as he tried, he couldn't scrub Ryoma's sad visage from his mind. He dumped another ruined manuscript into the trash, joining the other dozen from that day, and cradled his head in his hands.
The sound of someone coming up the stairs pulled him out of his stupor. Suddenly, he was electrified. In a flash, He pushed that day's failures deeper into the bin and fixed his hair. He spent the next seconds trying to too hard to seem nonchalant as he waited for Ryoma's eventual arrival.
They passed by without a word. Sparing not even a glance in his direction.
He slouched back down. There was no point in pretending he wasn't moping. Ryoma was consciously avoiding him. Truthfully, they had no reason to be in his art room, they had already finished cleaning there when they started raving about bugs. However, Ryoma would regularly come up to see him several times a day, if not to chat then to ask if he needed anything.They were friendly like that. But after what he’d said, it made sense how they wouldn't want to do that anymore.
He was used to people like his editor, his rude remarks would bounce off her like it was nothing. Or Koichi, who was meeker but would still fight back when he disagreed with him on something. People that couldn't deal with his attitude wouldn't last long around him, and he preferred it that way. Usually. But gentle, doe-eyed Ryoma, they cared too much about what people thought. With their heart on their sleeve, it was obvious when they felt hurt.
Their words echoed in his mind, bringing with it the image of a forlorn Ryoma.
He groaned and laid his head on his desk. He had to fix this, but he didn't know where to start. It wasn't in his nature to admit fault. He was going to need to, he shuddered, ask for help.
A cold breeze swept the ground as he stepped into the mysterious alley. Koichi was unfortunately out of reach. Something had come up, family matters. He could've waited, but the guilt was eating him alive and he refused to spend another moment agonizing over it. If Tamami was to activate his stand on him, he was sure the resulting pressure would be deadly.
So, he begrudgingly decided to ask Reimi. As an adult, he had only spoken to her a couple times, but she seemed reasonable, and most importantly, unlikely to spread the news of his plight. Admittedly, he wasn't close with many people. He could count two people who liked and talked to regularly. One being the aforementioned high schooler, and the other being the reason he was seeking help in the first place.
He called into the empty alley. “Reimi? Reimi, are you here?"
It only took a moment for the ghost girl to materialize in front of him, Arnold in tandem. "Rohan? What is it? Did you find out something about Kira?”
The shock had long worn off, but it was still surreal to witness. The midday sun illuminated the wounds they wore, reflecting shades of orange on the ever flowing droplets of blood. Such a ghastly, mesmerizing display. It occupied his mind for a moment, but he quickly remembered what he'd come for.
"...No, not yet. I…" Rohan's face burned with embarrassment. Verbalizing his predicament was difficult for him, but he would need to swallow his pride if he wanted to fix things with Ryoma.
“I need your advice.”
“Oh?” Reimi raised her eyebrows, curiosity fully piqued. It even seemed like Arnold had perked up a bit.
After a deep sigh, he began to detail what had been ailing him.. “So, there's this... ‘friend’.” He was unsure if they were close enough to be labeled that but he continued. “They were over today as I was getting ready to work. I happened to briefly mention one of their interests and they went on about it for a whole fifteen minutes.” It's true, he'd counted.
Reimi nodded attentively, prodding him to go on.
“As you probably know, like any good artist, I require my full concentration to work, as well as a keen eye, and I can't have that if I have someone talking at me. They kept prattling on and on without end, so I got irritated, and…lashed out at them. I'll admit It wasn't my best moment, but now they've been avoiding me and I'm not sure what to do.” At first, he muttered his words, but the farther he got along with his explanation, the easier it got to stomach. The initial embarrassment gave away to reveal a dull shame lying underneath.
“By any chance, Is your ‘friend’ Ryoma?” Reimi copied his stilted pronunciation.
Rohan's alarmed expression confirmed her suspicion. He had been vague on purpose, but for Reimi, it was easy to put two and two together. Just because she was trapped in an alley didn't mean she was completely shut off from the outside world. Word travels, even to places such as the intersection between the dead and the living.
Being called out so plainly took him out of the conversation for a moment. “...Yes, but how did you know?”
She smiled coyly at him. He didn't know what to garner from that. “Lucky guess.”
“So, can I ask what you told them exactly?” She took advantage of the brief silence and took charge of the conversation. She was ready to crack into the details, hands clasped. Beside her, Arnold blinked slowly, curling up at her feet.
A familiar ache filled his chest as he replayed the events in his mind for the hundredth time that day. “It was a rhetorical question… ‘Do you ever shut up?’ Those were my direct words.” He couldn't help but cringe at himself.
“I'm guessing you didn't quite say it like that.”
Reimi would've perhaps scolded him, if it didn't seem like his mind had already punished him enough on its own. He looked as if he was ready for the earth to swallow him whole, so she held back. Plus, doing so now would probably discourage him from seeking help again. For Rohan to go so out of his comfort zone for the sake of someone else… Now that was something special. It meant he was making real connections and she was happy for him.
Rohan said nothing, so she piped up again. “Yeah, hearing something like that would definitely hurt them. But you're lucky, knowing Ryoma, it's nothing an apology can't fix. Just be honest, and lay out where you messed up.”
Rohan still looked a little worried, she continued.
“Ryo is one of the most understanding people I know. They're not the type to hold things against you, so don't worry, okay? You'll be just fine.”
She watched, amused, as the relief washed over him. The change was almost comically drastic.
“Was that all?”
“Yes, that was it.”
There was an awkward silence. Arnold yawned.
Rohan cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Farewell then, Miss Reimi.” He didn't know how to make a graceful exit after being so vulnerable with her. His usual aloof demeanor wouldn’t do after that. He began to quickly reverse out of the alley.
“Little Rohan?”
At the sound of his pet name, he stopped to look at her. He didn't know why she insisted on using it, there was nothing little about him anymore. “What is it?”
“I'm glad you're finally making friends. Come visit me anytime, okay?”
He didn't know why, but the combination of her words and her wistful smile struck a chord deep inside. He couldn't think of anything to say, so he offered her a weak smile before he left.
When Rohan returned to his house, they were mopping the kitchen. Rohan noticed her head flick in this direction, but they made no effort to acknowledge him like they usually did. So, he approached them, instead.
They softly sang a poppy tune to themself as they made quick work of the kitchen floor in a state of utter focus. “♫Y al final, ni hablaaaar. Los dos nos destruimos, y al final, que taaaaaaal—♪”
He spoke up just as Ryoma vocalized a rising note.
Startled, Ryoma emitted a quick, high-pitched noise, akin to what a small animal would make. Ryoma fumbled to put down their mop, nearly dropping it in the process. They popped out their wired earbuds. “Uh, y-yeah? what's up?” They bit down on their bottom lip, exposing their two front teeth. Although they were a full head taller than him, they shrunk under his gaze until they were almost eye to eye.
Rohan swallowed thickly. The moment of truth had arrived and he was ready, yet still nervous about the outcome.“...Listen, I would like to apologize for what I said the other day. It was quite rude of me to tell you to shut up like that, and for that I'm truly sorry.” The words felt strange coming out of his mouth, but they were genuine.
“Oh, no, no! It's okay!” They frantically waved their hands at him, furrowing their eyebrows. “I know you're very serious about your work, and It's my fault for distracting you like that.” They casted their eyes down in an obvious, yet earnest display of remorse.
The way she flipped it on herself made that ache within his chest return ten-fold since he was sure they truly believed that.
“No, Ryoma. I was wrong for snapping at you. You did nothing to deserve that.”
Ryoma was about to utter a rebuttal, but the way Rohan held their gaze so firmly made them choose otherwise. They conceded, a soft, sweet smile on their lips.. “...Well, I accept your apology.”
Rohan couldn't help but offer them a small smile of his own. “Good.”
They shared a pleasant moment where no words were spoken.
“Well, back to work!” He clapped. Can't have them getting too comfortable now. Ryoma nodded and went to pick up their mop once more.
After that, they both resumed work on their respective tasks. Rohan, newly reinvigorated, finished several chapters in a single sitting, meanwhile Ryoma finished cleaning up early with a cheerful spirit. Mission accomplished.
Reimi teases Rohan about Ryoma
A deviation from the scene with Reimi and Rohan!
* Ryoma's legal last name is Román, but they've unofficially started calling themself a Higashikata. After spending 5 years together, Ryoma is considered part of the family.
"Do you think I should get them a gift?" Rohan's head buzzed with all the possible gift ideas he could get them. Insect merchandise, tickets to a show, a bulk order of their favourite candy...
He wasn't sure his words would be enough, and he wanted to ensure forgiveness.
"I don't think that's a good idea, it would make her feel like she owes you."
He supposed that was true. They'd been very hesitant to receive any material goods from him before. If ever he'd offer, they'd vehemently decline. Once, they'd borrowed a pen from him, and had forgotten to return it. The next day, they attempted to give it back to him, but he assured them they could keep it. They borrowed it often, so he considered it theirs, anyway. When he wouldn't budge, they slipped it into his pocket along with a new one without his notice.
They were very particular about not receiving anything from anyone, but he was unsure how Reimi knew about this quality of theirs. To his knowledge, they'd only met briefly.
Rohan raised an eyebrow at her.
Reimi answered his unspoken question."They told me. We're friends, you know?"
That was a reality he hadn't considered. If he'd known, he might've not seeked her help. It was possible the word of this would get back to Ryoma, how he was looking for advice on how to reconcile with them. He wasn't sure he could survive the resulting embarrassment.The thought shook him, and his mind was flooded with countless possibilities.
Technically speaking, he could've used Heaven's Door on her to guarantee confidentiality, but doing so would feel wrong. Selfish as he was, he refused to use his ability so callously, not on her.
Then, a curiosity creeped up on him, one he couldn't shake. "Have they ever... said anything about me?" He didn't know what made him ask this, but he wasn't proud of it. Caring about what other people thought of him was something he didn't do.
The way her smile grew made him regret ever asking. So terribly smug. "Are you asking me if they like you?"
He was set alight with a reactive anger. No, that wasn't what he'd meant at all! He just wanted to know if... she had ever talked badly about him behind his back. It made no sense, It's something he could never picture Ryoma doing, but he wanted to convince himself that had been his reasoning. The great Rohan Kishibe cannot have feelings for Ryoma Higashikata.
"Nevermind, I don't need your help." He huffed and turned to leave. He had no tolerance for disrespect such as this. What a preposterous suggestion.
"Wait! Come back! I'm sorry, I won't tease you anymore!" She laughed, running to stop him before he could get far.
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
Meeting Heaven's door (Rohan Kishibe x Reader)
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Small Summary: So this was a small idea I came up with a few days ago. What if Rohan used Heaven's door to let you (a non-stand user) be able to see his stand?
Small mentions: gn!reader, there are none
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Rohan called me over to model for some posing references for his manga. I knocked gently on the door waiting for a response, "Come in," a faint voice could be heard from somewhere in the house, I slowly opened the door and walked in. "I'm upstairs y/n, just trying to finish some of my work here."
I walked upstairs and into his office, I stood by the doorway so as to not disturb him while he was working. "Rohan sensei you're pretty fast at drawing. I never asked, how are you so fast?" He stopped drawing; standing up, taking the papers in his hand, and putting them away, on a nearby bookshelf. "It's all thanks to my Heaven's door... Oh right, you can't see stands can you?"
"No, I can't. Josuke and the others have tried showing them to me but I can't see them, unfortunately." I'm not a stand user, most of the time I see random items floating sometimes or feel something touching me when I'm with my friends. He looked in my direction, "Why don't you try with my stand?" I walked towards him, "I'm sorry, I don't think I quite understood you, Rohan?"
"I could try with my stand. If you've tried with the others then maybe mine will work." I didn't know what to say, he rolled his eyes at me, "I'll try and show you my stand." He said as took out one of his sketchbooks, and sat back down at his table, "Heaven's Door!" Rohan shouted causing me to jump slightly, "Rohan sensei this isn't going to... work...?"
Before me stood a figure It was wearing a long overcoat, closed to the end of its torso, a bow tie, and a flat-topped hat. It has lines emanating from the bottom and the bottom outsides of its eyes, "Woah this is your stand?" So, this is what it looks like, "What did you do?" I looked at him and then at his stand. I have to admit Koichi was right about some stand users not matching their stands, Heaven's door is adorable.
"I made it so that you can see and interact with my stand Heaven's Door. You can now do the same with everyone's stand as well." I smiled at Rohan, "Thank you, Rohan." I bent down to get a closer look at Heaven's door. "You look adorable." He handed me a paper, I looked at Rohan who was busy sketching something as he watched us both. "Hm? What's this?" I took the paper in my hands smiling to myself. He gave me a drawing of a rose one of my favorite flowers. "Thank you." I hugged him, and Heaven's Door smiled at me.
I stood up looked at Rohan and walked over to him, "So a stand is a manifestation of one's soul, am I correct?"
"Yes, it is. why do you ask?" Rohan stopped sketching and looked at me I showed him the drawing Heaven's Door gave me. He covered his face and looked the other way, I giggled at his action, "That doesn't mean anything y/n. Heaven's door was simply giving you a drawing we've been working on, that's all."
"Sure it doesn't," I rolled my eyes jokingly, "So you called me here to model for reference, are we starting soon?" Rohan showed me the drawings he was working on. "It's already done. While you were having your small interaction with Heaven's Door I took the liberty to draw you. I wanted to get that raw expression from you when you first meet my stand... Seeing that genuine smile of yours is as raw as it gets." He smiled to myself while looking at the drawing and then looked at me our eyes met and a light blush spread across his face.
"A-Anyways thank you for coming today, I'll call you again when I need." He stood up and walked me down the stairs towards the door, "I'll see you around Rohan." I waved him goodbye and made my way home. On my way home I bought a picture frame for the drawing he gave me.
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kittenadette · 8 months
Jotaro X female reader x Josuke ~Let the voice of love take you higher Chapter 12 Nijimura brothers Part 2
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I open my eyes to see a pink and light blue/silver hand on my chest i follow the hand up to the body and face then to Josuke Josuke must have used his stand to heal me "Thank you Josuke, you healed me with your stand right. I wonder if the arrow gave me one since you healed me before it could kill me that it may have given me one since i can now see yours" i smile, looking around while sitting up i spot Koichi not far from where i am with his neck bleeding, i grab him from where i am and pull him closer to me without moving and move aside and Josuke heals Koichi as well
"Hey Koichi I'm so thrilled to see you awake how many fingers do you see?" Josuke commented
"Five" Koichi answered
"I remember my neck being slammed hard, after that i was" koichi mumbled "Where the heck are we?" he questioned
"sorry to have to tel you this Koichi, Kristie but things haven't got any better while you both were napping all i want to do right now is walk down those stairs and leave this place behind" Josuke shares
"Josuke what's going on here?" Koichi asked
"Koichi I know you just woke up and none of this makes sense but for now i need you to do is to stay quiet and close to me" Josuke spoke pulling Koichi behind him and i move close to him little army figures show themselves and start shooting injuring Josuke even more
"what the!" Koichi cried
"looks like we are being ambushed by a bunch of toy parashooters this is the power of Okuyasu's brother's stand" Josuke commened then one shoots Josuke in the face "dammit" Josuke huffed calling his stand out and his stand punches several toy parashooters "got a few but taking out two or three of them isn't going to be enough, they leave tiny wounds but the damage definitely packs a whallop. If we don't play this smart we are going to be in major trouble" Josuke comments
"since my idiotic little brother decided to meddle with my trap and save that brat my plan is gone off the rails somewhat but in the grand scheme it's of little consequence, you'll never escape this house or the domination of my perfectly synchronized stand worst company" Okuyasu's broher informed
"so the stand is called Worst Company" Josuke commented
"hey Josuke what's going on?" Koichi asks
"ask me later, I know it's crazy but i need you to stay back they're up to something" Josuke exclained they aimed their guns at us and we managed to get out of the room in the nick of time "head on these little ones have enoough fire power to blow us to smithereens" Josuke growled and glanced around "luckily we have windows" Josuke muttered "I know we are on the second floor but we have to break those windows and jump to safety" Josuke exclaimed and runs to the window and i follow
"well that was a good idea Josuke" I commented
"That's just great they've even got helecopters" Josuke groaned "but how's his stand taking the form of us army apatchy chopers?" Josuke pondered
"watch your back they've got a tank!" Koichi exclaimed pulling Josuke back and I step back as well, Josuke proceeds to using his stand to punch several bullets that are fired at him.
"you were right those are definitely tanks KOichi careful, Wait!" Josuke voiced "do you want to run that by me again, that you can see the enemy, the soldiers, the tanks the helicopter all of them" Josuke commented
"I don't understand what's going on but i can see them" Koichi confirmed
"Maybe by surviving the arrow to the neck it gave us stands thus allowing us to see stands" I noted
"Oh so the shrimp and girl has one as well" ther creep muttered "they've finally got the power to posess a stand this certainly is a surprise" he continued
"the man of the hour Okuyasu's bro, this is a pretty ballsy move showing off your stand like that!" Josuke exclaimed and tries to throw nails at the man but the soliders shoot at them destroying them
"you can think of my stand worst company as a cast iron defense it renders all attacks and intruders incapable of penetrating it's protective shield i know your itching to put me out of commission but sadly it's a pipe dream that will never come to fruition as your shining diamond's attacks will never get any where close to me" he boasted while he's was boasting i blended into the background "feast your eyes on this the perfect symmetry of my army is simply stunning isn't it" he continued and i manage to summon my stand for the first time without attracting attention I wonder if i can freeze the army?
"All uinits! maintain battle formation! at ease!" worst company calls out
there's just nothing quite like having everything perfectly in place though you did destroy a few of my foot soldiers with your attacks the troops formation is a symetrical now" He bragged with some concentration i manage to freeze the creep's stand attracting attention to me
"you were getting on my nerves rattling on, any more of your stand that i can freeze?" I smirk
"huh well you did say you were meticulious, but did you really have to get out of your hidey hole to tell us all that?" Josuke voiced before the man could respond
"now what on earth would give you that idea? I came out here to observe that troublemaker. Now as for you you only got the ones that you could see, it's hardly an issue" He spoke
"actually i concentrated on your stand as a whole not individual ones, with this being my first time using my stand i doubt i could target individual ones" I retort
"You manifest your stand now and show me the full extent of it's power and if today's my lucky day you may just posess the ability i spent so long trying to uncover" he spoke ignoring me now "show me your power and I will allow you to live" he demands i sigh and i use my stand to attack him before he can do anything else knocking him out with serious injuries and blood leaking from all around.
"sorry to interrupt whatever you were planning but he was getting on my nerves and that generally isn't easy" I mutter
"hey he was getting on mine as well, good job figuring out an ability of your stand as well as figuring how to summon your stand without help" Josuke commented with a smile
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silent-sanctum · 2 years
i usually dont post unformatted stuff like this on the regular, but based on the amount of "jokes" ive seen in twitter and in tumblr about jotaro's character, i got some pet peeves that i may or may not be taking too seriously since he's my fave
but at the same time, a portion of the community is also taking these memes seriously as if it's the gospel and im kinda sick of it tbh so might as well treat this as a "in defense of" segment-
im sure there are others who feel the same way, but im letting everyone know that i feel the same sentiments:
Choosing Koichi over Jolyne
This is one that i don't feel that strongly about compared to the rest, but i feel like ive seen enough of these comments pop up in a youtube video and it makes me want to ask: "yeah? man literally let his emotions surface and sacrifices himself just to let his daughter know that he loves her over anything else".
And why? Because he stayed in Morioh and so happened to end up as a mentor-figure to Koichi (and, you know, to Josuke and Okuyasu too )? But why is it Koichi is singled out as "joot's preferred child" and not the rest? Cause he's child-sized?
Nothing much else to say but do stop treating jotaro like he fully abandoned his family just for shits and giggles.
Ocean Man x Dolphins
NOW. I have things to say.
What is up with these comments? Wherever I go (youtube, reddit, twitter etc.), i would see shit similar to this where he has a fetish for dolphins? Uhm, tf?
I get it if it's done for the memes, but istg, i see these in every reply in a thread as if araki wrote that in canon and people exaggerate this to an extent where "his lover is a sea mammal", "jolyne's mom is a dolphin", "he screws with dolphins", "make dolphin sounds to attract him" etc.
first off... how dumb and really stupid? Just because one of his P4 outfits had an abundance of dolphin pins doesnt mean he has an extreme liking to them. He wore that fit for one arc and thats pretty much it.
And to keep repeating that "i left my family to fuck with them" joke in every comment is just very subpar in terms of humor. It's not even funny to more it's used.
Need i remind these people that other than the clothes, he shows ABSOLUTELY no liking to dolphins at all in the show. If anything, he prefers starfishes over dolphins- he wrote a whole thesis about them and his office has an entire portion of a wall with framed starfishes.
don't know how the whole shtick blew up into this but omg it's annoying
I am Cold-Hearted Misogynist Giga Chad
Imma need everyone to stop mischaracterizing him as nothing but an "always angry" hates females person.
To address the misogynist topic, he talks regularly with the school nurse about cutting his pants, he emphasizes that he's deeply insulted when an innocent woman is hurt and that he considers that as true evil, protects and helps Anne when she's on screen, goes on a whole ass journey to help his mom recover, got married and had a kid with a woman, and offered a brief condolence to Tomoko about her dad's death.
also put in mind that he only barks up and become "misogynistic" (which not really) toward the females that obsess over him. I mean it's borderline sexual harassment if you ask me with the way the female students won't leave him alone and continue to be noisy around him or when adult women fawn over a MINOR.
AND EVEN THEN, when he goes to school with his fangirls flocking around him, he doesn't push them off. Why? Because it's unnecessary. He lets one of them cling to his arm and he just ignores them. After falling the stairs and they swarm around him, he doesn't become violent toward the girls and continues to ignore them. (sure he pushed those flight attendants away and punched his daughter to get out, but then again they were blocking his path and they needed to get out the room so he found it necessary to do those things)
again, him being annoyed with loud girls is reasonable but he isn't annoyed with every female in existence. That doesn't make him a misogynist.
Mr. Blank Slate
As an introvert myself, i find it sad and lowkey insulting that when it comes to watching introverted characters, the audience find them as boring and bears no personality. And i can tell...because the audience finds jotaro and giorno, the 2 introverted Jojos, as characters who are dull and bland.
maybe that's why i kin with joot, because we just quiet and vibing, and somehow people misinterpreting that vibes as "we hate everything don't talk to us"
We aren't openly dynamic and spontaneous but that doesnt mean we don't have personality.
But I think that's because viewers are well-acquainted with "out there" characters who show an explosive and emotive reaction to stuff like Joseph or Josuke. Much like a typical Shonen protag.
jotaro is a stoic, reserved man with a kickass no bullshit personality who wants things done as soon as possible, but holds a soft golden heart deep down who wants his friends and family safe and happy. He's a dork who makes corny one-liners, watches detective shows and documentaries, does party tricks for his friends, very keen on maintaining his sense of style (his uniform, 20k yen pants, expensive ass watch), literally smiles in ^_^ (and yes... he does emote in the anime yall are just too stuck up in the notion of him being angry 24/7 for yall to notice), etc.
idk much about giorno yet im sorry but all i know is that the kid's got a dream so I guess you could say he's ambitious and driven to secure his goal of being a gang-star mafia leader.
all i can say is that, the quiet ones have some quirks to them too and it's not always the loud ones.
Are these controversial? Maybe, but I've seen some express their frustrations so why not as well. Am i being a killjoy and taking this too seriously? Debatable, but there are some of you who also take your jokes seriously so don't come at me.
Will i have more peeves in the future? Likely. Let's wait and see :>
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thequietmanno1 · 3 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 112, Replies Part 2
1) “oh my fucking god McBee cut the bullshit and just kill them already, you’re giving Furuhashi even more time to make them escape”- He mocks Knuckles for waxing lyrical at him instead of killing him, and then does the same to Soga. At least Knuckles is self-aware about his flaws. 2) “I’m still thinking about if this is koichi’s apartment or not
if it is that would explain a lot, but I couldn’t see if that was the case, There was a door behind Soga, but it looked like the one leading to the stairs, not to his home.”- Yeah, the panelling doesn’t really show off a wide-angle of the roof much in this chapter, but Nomura’s positioning is further away from the cave of vigilantism than the camera has tended to be on the rooftop whenever we’ve seen it before, so it looks unfamiliar. 3) “OH HAI KOICHI, YOU SHOWED UP FOR THE PARTY?”- Literally taking the wind out of Nomura’s sails by tackling him in the gut. Can’t speed up if you’re winded like that. 4) “You forgot about his existence McBee? It’s only been two chapters, c'mon man, even I have better memory than that.
Also, what was that about Koichi never meeting Knuckles again after he departed?”- To be fair on him, Nomura did just get his head beaten into mush, so he may be suffering from short-term memory loss unless his memories are otherwise jogged somehow. And technically, Koichi didn’t meet Knuckles there. He just showed up to charge-tackle Nomura off the roof without taking a good look around, so he failed to see his beaten master lying prone on the ground a few feet from him. You know that’s gonna be the explanation they’ll give as for why Koichi never “met” him again.
(Vigilantes ch 86) 5) “Of an absent father that left to buy some cigarettes and never came back of course.
Well, he did came back, but Koichi never sees him.”- This became oddly prophetic in hindsight.
OH THAT’S GONNA BE INTERESTING KOICHI. YOU DON’T KNOW HE NEEDS TO BREATH TO USE HIS QUIRK, BUT I THINK YOU’RE BETTING ON HIM NOT SURVIVING A FALL FROM THAT HEIGHT”-  I don’t think Koichi intends to drop him, merely get him into an area where he can’t exercise any of his strengths against him as a delaying tactic until the heroes show up.
WE KNOW YOU ARE PRETTY GOOD AT GETTING HIGH”- Sadly, Koichi’s fighting tactics is still on “combat avoidance”, so he’s aiming to prevent both himself and Nomura from actually fighting for as long as possible, until help arrives.
8) “No and fuck you Knuckles, shut up and let him apply first-aid, I don’t want to hear anything about those bullet being stopped.”- Knuckles is like the Black Knight. “Tis but a scratch” he says, as his guts are hanging out his sides and held together only by the shredded remnants of his body armour.
9) “Who? His daughter? It’s not like he ever cared that much after saving her.”- Yeah, Knuckles’ self-sacrificial mind-set doesn’t really work well when he actually has living family members to take care of, unlike Yagi, which is a point against him as a mentor.
10) “knuckles is trying really hard to think about who Soga is talking about, he really forgot about his own daughter.”- Furuhashi came up with the daughter idea to make Knuckles’ crusade more sympatric and noble, but clearly had no idea what to do with her after he’d saved her.
11) “God help us, we’re completely doomed
My boy there doesn’t have in him to kill someone, and Furuhashi wouldn’t allow him to do something, you know, morally grey like killing a villain that couldn’t be stopped any other way, because it’s not like he’s a vigilante or something”- Thankfully, Nomura has a short fuse and a self-destructive mind-set as long as he’s competing with somebody, and against Koichi, he’s more likely to tear himself apart trying to prove he’s “better” than him than he is to die by Koichi’s hand.
12) “Pffft- Oh my god the timing, I was thinking about my previous comment about Koichi not killing McBee, and that would be more likely to happen would be McBee fucking exploding himself
and then he fucking fucking exploded himself
oh my god”-  Pictured, Nomura every time Koichi faces off against him. 
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blightts · 2 years
@fallingdarknesswarrior​ // liked for a starter
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“Oh. Are you sure you’re alright? That looked like a pretty bad fall...”
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
For Koichi Horse
Just. Koichi having what is probably the most WILD of childhoods from ages Baby to 5ish
because he’s SURROUNDED by Stand Users of all types for years, all without being able to see Stands himself. They probably wouldn’t hide their abilities, after all this is Hol Horse’s brother he’s going to learn about it eventually, so he’s seeing all the after-affects of the Stand’s abilities but never what’s causing it. And what if he just. Never sees it as strange because that’s just How Things Are.
Mr.Moon is deep in the water and hasn’t come up for a long time? Oh he just likes being in the water because the heat bothers him.
The hallways are suddenly a different color and there are a lot more stairs and doors? Oh, Mr.Kenny’s probably experimenting again.
That old sword that moves around and talks when it’s touched? That’s just Mr.Anubis! He gets bored sometimes, don’t mind him.
because of how often he’s around them, Koichi just has zero fear of most Stands. He’s respects them, absolutely and completely, and knows to be wary, but he’s rarely afraid.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Shuichi, Kokichi and Nagito’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks
Shuichi Saihara:
·       Ah yes, the Super High School Level Astronomer, it was no wonder Kaito would be friends with such a person, and whoever Kaito was friends with, all his other friends would be friends with them as well, that was how Shuichi had met you. Often in those nightly training sessions, for a break Kaito, Shuichi, Maki and whoever else felt like joining them that evening would jog around till finding you, telescope by your side. You’d speak of the stars, of legends that surrounded them, of how travelers of old navigated the world through them, how stars were born, what there different colors meant, and so much more. Folklore, history, science, didn’t matter, you knew and continued to learn about each and any possible aspect you could about those specks of light. However, you were rather quiet outside of those moments, though you weren’t closed off. It was more so, if you weren’t speaking of stars you’d just so intently listen to others.
·       … Maybe that’s how or why it happened? More often than not, when at school you were rather drowsy. You were often out, camping in the mountains away from the harsh city lights so when you were at school it was nice. When you were around, Shuichi made sure to spend time with you. You were able to speak so much without words, it was fun trying to interpret your expressions. Truthfully Shuichi didn’t think much of it at first, it was just how you were, quiet, yet outgoing, bubbly even. Others however had a more difficult time understanding you, somehow they didn’t notice the many little nuances that made up you, your slightest shift of expression or tilt of the head, your body language, how you spoke more so with your eyes, engaging in the conversations in your own way. How others couldn’t Shuichi had no idea at first, you were captivating, how could they NOT notice!?
·       At first he had thought it was simply him being a detective, often having to interpret and read people through his work with his Uncle, but… that was not quite it, there was more to this. I didn’t come naturally, he WANTED to understand you. He found himself drawn to you, your gravity too powerful for him to even consider resisting. And it seemed the same could be said for you too. Whenever break rolled around, no matter how short it may be, you’d always seek him out. Due to more often than not being awake through the night you’d nap, but Shuichi didn’t mind, not even when you used his shoulder or lap as a pillow. He’d read his novels aloud to you, or if he was working through a case, walk through his logic aloud, he’d just speak even if you were asleep, something in him just knew you were still taking this all in.
·       Even if he was somehow one of the few people who understood you, he wondered how you had even seen him yet. You were like a supernova in his eyes, so bright, so stunning, so colorful, leaving only beauty and wonder in your wake, how did you notice him? By chance did your heart race too at the thought of spending more time together? Did you also find a soft, comforting, warmth in his presence as he did you? Did you adore hearing him speak just as he did you? Whatever the case may be for you, he sure hopped it was something similar because he simply wished to your beloved stars above that you felt even half as amazing as he did with you, he just wanted you to know of such a fantastic emotion, it, no… you were astonishing and he simply wished to share and indulge in it with you.
   Kokichi Oma:
·       “Y/N!” “Hu-AH” You groaned, shakily pushing yourself off the ground. Then you noticed all your items had slipped out of your bookbag. You sighed, seeing all your papers had fallen out of your folders as well. “Geez, Y/N, I didn’t know you were so clumsy!” “Ah, just tired today I guess.” You noticed how Kokichi kept taking glances to you as he helped gather your items. Not surprising considering you literally just tumbled down a flight of stairs. Before you knew it all your supplied had already been collected and placed back in your bag. That was really quick. You winced as you stood up. Your knees almost collapsed under you and Kokichi was in the position to catch you should you have fallen but thankfully you were able to do so yourself. “Hey, hey! Where are you going?” “Oh, uh… umm.” You thought and thought but couldn’t remember. It was so hard, you felt like your mind was swimming and swirling, all thoughts fuzzy and difficult to reach.
·       Then suddenly you were being dragged along by the hand. “What the-” “You are coming with me! This’ll be fun! Especially if you have nothing better to do!” You were completely confused but more so shocked from the whole situation so you couldn’t really bring yourself to try to stop or ask where you were even going.
·       Koichi just kept running around, getting you completely lost. Eventually though he let go, dashing a few paces forward before tumbling and falling. “O-Oma!?” He simply laughed, sitting up. He hummed as the wind rolled past swaying his hair as he looked up to the sky. “Oh, Y/N, Y/N! Look at that!” You were confused looking up to the sky where he was pointing. “Ugh, you can’t see it from there, sit down already!” Taking your arm, he playfully tugged on it, but even that was enough to send you falling. Even with you sprawled across his lap, he managed to scooch over enough so just your head was there. “Perfect! Now, that cloud looks like Gonta; giant, kinda dumb, soft. And that one-” You were… quite puzzled. Clouds? Of all things? That was what he wanted to show you? You heard Kokichi speaking, but it was all noise to you, it held no meaning. You just listened as he droned on and pointed, the shadow of his outstretched arm conveniently covering your eyes.
·       You never really noticed how nice and soft Kokichi’s voice could be. Then again, he was always so loud or quiet, constantly shifting tone you never got the chance to just hear it… It was… rather pleasant. You wanted to hear him longer, engage in whatever game he was playing but so quickly your eyes drooped and all our senses simply lulled to nothing.
·       Then it was evening. At first the sight of those orange and purple hues confused you, but then- “Y/N, you’re alive! It’s been twenty years and Miu’s army of robots have taken over! We need you to join the resistance!” He couldn’t help but laugh at your absolutely baffled expression. “But that’s a lie.” “… oh yeah… Wait…” You suddenly completely awakened, abruptly sitting up. “It’s evening already!? Did we skip class!?” “It’s whateves, Y/N. Hope’s Peak doesn’t care if we skip class.” “No, not that!” You sighed, burrowing your face into your hands and mumbled to yourself. “I didn’t take the new meds again. Of course, I didn’t.” Huh, new medicine was it. Kokichi smirked, dragging you up onto your feet. “C’mon! You’ll make us late for dinner!”
·       The next several weeks were like that. No matter what you did you’d always end up napping on Kokichi’s lap at some point. This was much needed. Your therapist had been fired so you had to start all over with someone new, who wanted to give you new medicine meaning new side affects that could only be worked around via time management. It was a process trying to work out what amount you needed and what not. Napping with Kokichi was just about the only solace you had gotten in the chaos. When you had found a good balance of medication no longer were you exhausted in the day or losing sleep at night. It was great though, admittedly you missed it.
·       It had been about a week or so since your medication seemed to stable out and all was well with you once more. The bells for break had tolled and you left class. Break wasn’t long, but you didn’t care. Hearing shrieks and screams of terror and that ‘Nishishi” you knew you were close. Seeing Kokichi make his escape you simply went to one of the benches outside. And there you waited.
·       You still waited even after the bells signaling the end of break had tolled. “Oh? Y/N actually skipping class!? What has this world come too!? Soon the sky will be falling!” Seeing he wasn’t lying per say and just exaggerating you decided to answer. “I haven’t taken my nap yet.” You took his hand, pulling him onto the bench and you placed your head atop his lap. Though you weren’t not tired, a mid-day nap in the sun just felt so nice.
·       Thankfully for Kokichi, you were asleep so you couldn’t see his giddy smile. Though with this seemingly becoming the new norm you’d likely catch him one of these days. For now he’d just indulge in this moment with you, his crush and worry about that when it happens.
   Nagito Komaeda:
·       Though you were an Ultimate, an amazing person who could take care of themself just fine, Nagito worried about you. You slept, a lot. No matter when or where you could find a place to nap should you want too. It wasn’t all the time though, Nagito still had many conversations with you and had gotten to see your talent firsthand, an extraordinary sight! When you were awake, you’d spend much of your time with him, often over analyzing him trying to see if there was a scientific cause for the outlandish phenomena that was his luck. Not surprising since you were a scientist. At times Nagito wondered if your mind worked so hard when you were awake, trying to solve every last mystery the world had to offer, that drove you to exhaustion so quickly. That would explain how you could be so excitedly chatting away about one theory of yours or another only for you to suddenly fall over, knocked out. Thankfully it seemed Nagito’s luck would kick in moments like that so he could catch you before your face smashed into the ground.
·       Always following you around, trying to keep your drowsy tendency from getting you into danger, from just always being beside he had become your assistant of sorts. Though he would never dare to insist on it, he always sneakily became the one to carry your stuff around in the end, even if you had started your journey with them. Taking you by your shoulders he’d steer you away from bumping into other people or objects. He would take your hand, but he felt unworthy of such an honor unless you decided he could and he knew if he did a bright scarlet would erupt on his cheeks and his heart would pick up in pace, things you surely would notice with your keen eye. When you were awake, nothing could get past you, so Nagito would have to be extra careful. He couldn’t let you figure out his feelings. He simply didn’t have it in him to confess and he was garbage, surely you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but if you did somehow, it’s not like he would deny you, someone like him had no right to deny an Ultimate, or so he thought at least.
·       Although… Nagito couldn’t help his feelings seeping out, no matter how much he had tried to keep them inside. Often, he was just talking and suddenly he’d be complimenting you and about to say he loved you and he’d have to cut himself off by causing an ‘accident’ like tripping over chairs or abruptly changing his words to say something else. He was always left a flustered mess.
·       It was just another day when Nagito strolled into your lab, finding your workspace was filled with many documents, many taped to white boards with string attacked to each and every last one, some string simply linking two pages on the same board, others stretching across the room, forcing one to duck, and twist to avoid them all, one could compare it to avoiding the lights in the laser filled room in some generic spy flic. “Hmm, but how to go about testing this?” “Testing what?” “Oh, Komaeda! Perfect timing!” You strolled over to him, looking through some file, seemingly not paying attention to your surroundings yet still avoiding all that strings. “Today I’m studying human communication!” “Uh huh.” “And I wish to test something!” You looked to him with those stunningly bright eyes as you explained, completely captivating him. “The power of words. I wish to see if they are like water in a pipe. For comparison, imagine a person as the pipe and the words water. I wonder if say a person is upset, if speaking to another person was the only way to alleviate the pressure of those emotions, or if just speaking aloud, even to no one, if that’d alleviate the pressure as well, OR if something else would happen. Yes, each individual is different, but there could still be a majority! I’m thinking we’ll go about-” a yawn escaped you before you continued. “about this… by…” You took a small notebook from your pocket, quickly scribbling down notes as Nagito lead you to a couch in the corner of the room. Nagito already knew this was coming considering that ‘pipe’ comparison didn’t make much sense since pipes would still leak, even if with another pipe around.
·       He sat beside you on the couch and moments later you rested your head on his lap. You tried holding up the little book to him and when he took it your hand and arm went limp, you already fast asleep. Nagito couldn’t help but smile, seeing you already so restful. As usually he looked through your notebook, seeing what he needed to prepare in order to set up your tests. Curiously he also looked over your notes, wondering how your interest in astrology the day prior lead to this through your connective thinking. It was always fun seeing how you could draw connections between seemingly completely unrelated topics, then again that was likely how you were such a good scientist. As he continued to read, fascinated by your research he began to wonder something. Looking to you his heart melted. “I love you.” Immediately his heart raced, and he felt that heat raising to his cheeks. What if a person were to vent to another, even if they weren’t paying attention? Perhaps because he still had told you, he still would have gotten this off his chest and he’d stop almost confessing to you so often.
·       That was how Nagito had begun to whisper his affections to you as you slept. It was a thrill like no other, fearing you’d awake right as he confessed his feelings, yet also endlessly excited by the thought as well. There was more than a fair share of times where he was almost caught, but it seemed you were none the wiser to his words of love.
·       “Hmm? Komeada? What are you mumbling about?” For a moment he froze, love struck at your soft tender expression. “Ah-uh-Oh? I was speaking? I apologize if I woke you up.” You simply huffed in response… a-and you just kept looking at him? Oh boy. Did you know? Was he finally caught? What would your response be? What did you think of him? “Thank you.” “Huh?” You smiled, nuzzling into him. “having this… instantaneous version of narcolepsy… Even though I started studying, I could never figure out how to stop it, maybe that’s because I get distracted easily, I- wait, no. No tangents.” You took a deep breath trying to reorganize your thoughts. “It… can be scary, one moment being awake then suddenly asleep. Before you I’d often sleep on the train and go way past my stop and get lost. There have also been a number of near-death experiences like when I fell asleep when walking across the street. I… it’s nice, knowing you’re around. To keep me safe and keep an eye on me. And I guess waking up to hearing your voice, waking up knowing for a fact I was safe… I don’t know, it was just nice, and I want you to know, I truly do appreciate you putting up with me.”
·       How… how could you make him fall for you more and more so effortlessly? Well, if you liked hearing his voice when you woke up… maybe… maybe next time he wouldn’t stop speaking of his love for you, even as you awoke. After all, he could never deny you anything, especially not your own comfort and ease of mind.
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thelreads · 2 years
Nothing will be fine after this, that`s for sure. Pop is completely obliterated, she tried her best but the moment she was confronted with a simple thought that she might lose, she completely fell apart. And that was gut wrenching to read. Jesus christ, I can`t even express how seeing her like that crushed me. Pop went through a lot of character development in a short span, and I was really happy that she was actually getting to where she wanted, but in the last step she doubted herself and fell down those stairs
She fell, and worse than that, there was someone at the bottom waiting for her.
So, McBee is back again apparently, and I guess whatever he was doing those previous two years weren`t that important or anything, nor where Knuckle was in the meantime. The instant villains apparently just stopped, which means that he probably was away from that time, or at least tried to lay low so Knuckle wouldn`t find him, but this whole thing is still suspicious... and that final speech he gave.
There`s something going on, something I don`t like. He probably already knows where Koichi lives, he has no reason to not go there and kill him in person. While I thought he was another Nomu there was at least the benefit of the doubt of him not being strong enough for a direct confrontation, or at least not truly wanting to kill koichi, but no, McBee has no such excuse, which means that he was really aiming at Pop, and the fact he had no reason to lie to the fantasy boys that he wanted her to like her... This... This is not looking good. He really wanted her to like him, that`s why he infiltrated her workplace.
but why would he want that? What does he gain for liking him?
Actually, I feel like I don`t want to know, and I will definitely know sooner or later
but on a final note
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joestarwhore · 4 years
NSFW Yandere Josuke (18+) x Female reader
his little darling managed to escape her obsessive and derange boyfriend house while he was gone.
She trys to get help and does but the good samaritan is Jotaro who leads her back to Josuke thinking she was over reacting.
Josuke angry she escape he takes her back home and has idea to keep her safe and home by finally putting a ring on her
Like The Ocean Finds The Shore (NSFW 18+)
Authors Note: 18+ ONLY. if you’re a minor please find another blog, this writings and scripts are not written for your audience. thank you bb!
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You didn’t know what made it worse. The tears in your eyes? Or maybe it was the pouring rain in the pitch black night; never the less, you were barely able to make out where you were, much less which direction you were going. The muscles in your body screamed for relief, the gashes angrily stinging against the rain, pushing you to run far, far away from the house that became your personal Hell.
Anywhere was better than being with him.
Your legs burned as you pushed yourself down the hill, gaining as much distance as you could away from Josuke. You couldn’t help to think of the events that led to this; gaining a stand from Keijo, meeting Koichi in odd circumstances, all the tiny little interactions that led to you accidentally tripping over a brick. Right into Josuke’s unmoving backside.
The thunder was incredibly deafening, lighting up the city of Morioh below you. You didn’t know if Josuke had discovered your absence yet, but you knew you had to be far away from him when he did. You knew it was just a matter of time.
Suddenly the grass became concrete, and concrete became asphalt. Relief flooded through you as you realized that you had finally made it into city limits. You looked around for any sign of safety you could take, your sights finally landing on the Grand Morioh Hotel.
‘Oh my god, Jotaro!’ You started sprinting towards the doors, bypassing any on looker or someone saying any comment to you, all you cared about was finding the receptionist and finding Jotaro. You ran down the hall to the Plaza, seeing the nice attendant lady who always seemed to be the one working for the desk. As soon as she saw you approach, her smile went from one of welcome to a grimace of worry. “Oh my word sweetie, are you okay?? Do you need any help??”
You leaned on the desk for a second to catch your breath. “Actually.. yes there is something.. you could do..”, you took a deep breath, “can you tell me what room Jotaro Kujo is in? We’re related & we have a family member in the hospital and it’s imperative that I fill him in on what’s going on.” Not the best lie you’ve ever told but at this point, you couldn’t afford to be precise. The desk attendant nodded with assured hums, “Yes honey of course, give me just one second.”
You breathed in relief. Thank God. Josuke definitely knew by now that you were gone, & would absolutely be searching for you. Finding Jotaro gave you a little hope for safety but even still; Josuke was relentless.
“Okay darlin, 8th floor, 6th suite, it’ll be the one at the very end!!” Relief swept over you as you quickly expressed your thanks, sprinting up the stairs towards your destination. ‘This is utterly insane’ you thought to yourself; you were running from your deranged boyfriend to his nephew that’s a decade older than he is. Your clothes were torn, wet, your skin was bruised and bleeding out, a state of being you weren’t familiar with.
The raw emotion you felt as you reach Jotaro’s door can only be described as a broken hallelujah. You banged on his door as hard as you can, not stopping until Jotaros towering frame swung the door open.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” His stone cold expression seemed to always be unwavering, but at the sight of you his eyes betrayed him. “What the hell happened to you?” You tried to speak, but no words came out, simply emotion ridden gasps between sobs. Jotaro took your arm and led you in, showing you to a seat by the fireplace & brought you a hot mug of coffee. You gave him a grateful look as you took the cup, Jotaro taking the seat in front of you with a first aid kit. “What happened to you?? Is this from an enemy stand user?”
You couldn’t help but give a lifeless giggle. Certainly felt like it, didn’t it?
Jotaro let you sit in silence for a second while he cleaned the wounds gracing your arms & face, carefully watching your facial expression for any sign of emotion, anything to hint at what might be going on. You didn’t even know where to start in explaining it, or even a way to explain how this happened.
Jotaro took your chin in his hand and turned your face towards his. “(Y/N), who did this to you?” The concern in his eyes made you feel the most cared about you’ve been in months. If you could tell anyone, it’d be Jotaro.. right?”
“It.. it’s Josuke.. When we started dating he was so good to me, he was charming & caring, he’d take time out of his day to spend time with me & would make sure i felt his love; but his actions just.. escalated. He was everywhere. He would text me throughout the day about what i was doing, saying certain comments about my outfits or what stores i was in, he ALWAYS knew.” Jotaro listened intently as he wrapped your forearm in gauze, giving you a nod it was okay to keep proceeding with what you were saying. “All of a sudden one day my land lord calls me to let me know that I was being evicted out of nowhere and i had 24 hours to leave. The same day, Josuke signed the deed to his Mom’s house & told me I could live with him. I just thought it was a crazy coincidence, I didn’t think Josuke would actually ever get me evicted. Then i found my land lords phone number in his pocket book. When I asked him about it he pretended like he didn’t know, and when i kept asking he..” The memory of him holding you against the wall, his knee putting pressure onto your slit, made you visibly cringe. The way he touched you.. it was so possessive, so needy, his eyes portraying one visible message. ‘I own you.’
Jotaro closed the first aid kit & put it under the seat he was at, a pack of pills in his hand. Jotaro silently put the two pills in your hand & got you a glass of water. “I’m sorry you’re going through this & I’m sorry you’ve been hurt so badly. The pills are a sleeping pill & a pain relief supplement, take those and you can sleep in my bed. I’ll handle everything in the morning.” You looked at the two white pills in your hand & threw them to the back of your throat, quickly chasing them with the glass of water he gave you. Jotaro gave you a pair of pajama pants and a t shirt, and helped you lay in the bed. “Goodnight, (Y/N). I’ll see you in the morning.”
You don’t remember anything past that.
When you woke in the morning, you were blinded by direct sunlight. You squinted your eyes as tight as you could, noticing that you were being held up my two arms that were walking at a brisk pace. Gently adjusting your eyes to open, you looked up to see Jotaro, a determined glare in his eyes.
“J..Jotaro where are we?” you whispered the best you could manage. Jotaro gave you a glance down before returning his eyes to the path.
“I called Josuke.”, Your heart drops into your stomach. He wouldn’t.. he couldn’t.. “He says you lost your apartment because your anti psychotics put you out of a job, & he had your landlords number to pay your moving out fees for you.”
You shook your head in disbelief, “No, no no no Jotaro that’s a lie, i’m not on anti-psychotics, I don’t have any sort of med like that, he’s fucking lying to you!!”
Jotaro gave you an expectant look. “That’s the other thing Josuke said. You’ve been flushing them down the drain instead of taking them like you’re supposed to. Josuke only wants to take care of you, (Y/N). There’s nothing to fear of him.”
“JOTARO, I HAVE NEVER TAKEN THOSE PILLS IN MY LIFE AND YOU FUCKING KNOW”- You saw a giant purple hand come over your face and cover your mouth, restraining you from saying anymore. “I’m sorry (Y/N), but this is what’s best for you.”
You heard a door in the distance open, and Jotaro looking up and locking eyes with someone. The voice you heard next made your spine freeze, and dread pierce your soul.
“Jotaro!! Thank you SO much for bringing (Y/N) back!!”
No.. Not again..
“Not a problem Josuke, i’d rather have assurance of (Y/N)‘s safety myself then just send her back here on a bus.”
You slowly looked over, finally catching sight of your boyfriend. His tall, muscular form loomed dangerously in the door way of his house, his pompadour reminding you of so many events, so many violations of your body..
God its sick that it was making you wet.
Jotaro set you on your feet in front of josuke, letting Star Platinums hand uncover your mouth.
You couldn’t look at him.
Josukes hand ran through your hair, “(Y/N) is all okay now that she’s here with me.” He put his other hand under your chin, lifting to meet you eye to eye. It was everything you remembered. Lust, anger, relief, and above all else: obsession.
Jotaro and Josuke bid their farewells. Hands on your hips steered you into the living room, Josuke gently closing the door behind you. You could feel his eyes bore into the back of your skull, your mind erratic with anxiety. God, what’s he gonna do??
“Y’know, you didnt have to run away. You didn’t have to leave me. You didn’t have to be SO FUCKING UNGRATEFUL.” Josuke threw a chair at the wall in front of you, the force of it making you fall backwards onto your back. You gasped as your back collided with the floor, seeing Josukes towering frame turning towards you. He kneels down straddling you, the obsession of his eyes terrifying as he wrapped his long fingers around your throat. Adrenaline went straight between your legs.
“I do everything for you, (Y/N). I house you. I feed you. I FUCKING TAKE CARE OF YOU.” Josuke ripped apart your shirt, shoving his knee on your hot slit, making you gasp in surprise. Josukes delicate features possess a hunger that you remember all too well. “I also make you feel good don’t i??” He removed one of his hands from your throat to attack your nipple with, making you arch your back & moan. Josuke bit his lip in ecstasy as he shoved his middle finger down your slit, swirling it around in your hot heat. Josukes mouth rested against your temple as you gasped in pleasure, sickly wanting him to just take you then & there.
Josuke slowed down his finger, gently massaging your clit at a comfortable pace. “I’m sorry if it was because you felt unloved. If that’s the case, I really promise to be better. Because you can’t leave me, (Y/N). You’re mine, my little princess, my sweet baby girl,” His fingers started to assault you again. You heard a zipper get tugged town, and Josukes hips sweetly grind against yours. “My little fucking slut.”
You started to panic as you felt the tip of his rock hard cock press against your heat, your adrenaline skyrocketing. He’s delirious. “JoJo honey please, d-dont make me do this i’m so fucking sc-“
Josukes hand slapped your cheek, making you yelp in pain, quickly resulting in your moth being covered once again. “No, you don’t get a say. You were a bad girl, baby. And bad girls-“
Your scream was strained as he bottomed out his 8 inch cock inside you. “-they get punished.”
Josuke rammed inside of you, yourself being pummeled into the floor as he chanted “Mine, mine, mine, -FUCK-, MINE!!” His dick assaults your G-Spot as you felt an orgasm start to build in your stomach.
“Are you gonna cum baby? Does my little fuckinf slut want to cum??” Josuke slapped your clit. “TELL ME WHO OWNS YOU.”
Pleasure overruled the mine on this one. “It’s you baby! It’s always been you and it always will, I promise I’ll never leave you again just-“ you squealed as you felt your build up about to break. “PLEASE LET ME CUM JOSUKE PLEASE!!”
“Uggh FUCK, cum on my fucking cock (Y/N) show me who OWNS you.” Josukes duet of lust and rage amplified as you exploded all over him, your moans and screams sounding like siren calls to himself. Josuke rutted into you, filling you to the brim with himself. He laid himself by you, wrapping his arms around your overstimulated frame. You laid there for a couple of minutes trying to catch your breath, your heart rate soaring. You could hear Josukes soft giggles beside you as you felt a hand caress your cheek. You looked him into his eyes, seeing the unconditional love and obsession. The never ending love and obsession.
Josuke sweetly kisses your cheek, holding you in his arms as he gently picks up your left hand. You felt a cold circle of metal grace your ring finger, slipping on perfectly. Fear gripped your heart as you realized what it was.
“My pretty baby.. my gorgeous doll,” Josuke rolled ontop of you and held your face in his hands. “This will make sure we’re always together. You & me, husband and wife!! My perfect, beautiful, fuckable wife..”
Tears started to slide down your face.
So, this was defeat.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you be my wife?”
You looked at the alabaster ceiling. This wasn’t possible for you. This couldn’t be happening. But you knew it was.
“Yes.. Josuke. I’ll marry you.”
Josuke gleamed as he smothered you with kisses and sweet nothings, giving you gentle touches as his lips grazed over your ears to say the only thing that comes out of his mouth: poison.
“I’ll always find you, baby doll.”
“Like the ocean meets the shore- I will always find you.”
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sslow-dancer · 3 years
“You Need Some Help?” (Josuke Higashikata x Reader)
Warnings: none!
tags: gender-neutral, gender-inclusive, josuke x reader, sfw, fluff, new school, new kid
Description: It’s your first day at Budogaoka High, Josuke notices your confusion and agrees to show you around the school. Along the way, he introduces you to his friends and decide to hang out.
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You walk down the streets of Morioh, doing your best not to get distracted by the numerous signs of shops you pass by. Your knees occasionally hitting the new school bag you have in your hands.
It was a new town, new school, new people to you and your family. However, despite having to create new (probably awkward) introductions in this town, your parents seemed extremely happy when you all arrived. Going from living in Osaka all the way to Morioh was a drastic change. Osaka was constantly loud and full of tourists, you almost felt like you saw more foreigners than Japanese citizens. Though, you still miss those loud noises and tourists in a way. Morioh is quiet, receives visitors in the warmer seasons and rather friendly for the most part, making your parents even more excited when you moved there.
You look at the time on your watch, it reads, 8:00AM. You sigh stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, meeting the entrance of the school. Your eyes dart at the multiple groups of boys and girls around your age laughing and communicating with their friends as they enter and hang out around the school. You bite your lip, scanning around to see if there’s anyone who can help you navigate the school. Gosh, I don’t want to be late! you think.
“You need some help?” A curious deep voice asks behind you. Your eyes widen, a little startled at this person’s sudden question. You turn around, you’re in aww when you perceive the person in front of you.
The person is a boy of around 6-foot height, his hair in a 1950s-like pompadour, a chiseled face, sapphire eyes and is wearing a uniquely decorated school uniform. You almost blush at his rather handsome appearance, but you manage to stop yourself from doing so. You stutter,
“y-yeah. I do. I’m uh- new here.” you laugh slightly, hoping he doesn’t point out your nervousness. Though to your surprise, he only replies politely with a kind smile on his face,
“Oh okay well, I can show you around-“
“Thank you so much-“
“but first, I’d like to know your name.”
You cringe at your rudeness of interrupting him, you clear your throat, ready to give him your name and your sincere apology,
“I apologize for interrupting your words but um, my name is L/N F/N. I go by my first name. It’s very nice to meet you.” you immediately bow after you’re done answering.
“Higashikata Josuke, nice to meet you.” he says with a bow back. Josuke smiles when he sees you nervously kicking at the pebbles on the ground. ‘They’re kind of cute’ he thinks. He breaks the silence,
“Now that that’s done, let me show you around. We got time for most of the school, I think.” He leads you to the entrance, you follow next to him as you both walk up the steps. He stops abruptly, his eyes scanning around the schoolyard,
“That’s weird...”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well my friends usually meet me around this time so we can go to class together, but they’re somehow not here yet. Huh, weird.” You bite your lip, he lets out a sigh,
“It’s whatever, I’ll just see them later. Let’s go. I don’t wanna be responsible for you being late on the first day. Come on.” He waves you over to show you around the first floor. You nod, placing your bag over your shoulder as you follow him in.
Though the school is large, Josuke managed to explain the different sections and hallways pretty well. You were impressed at how the map wasn’t very useful. He’s nice enough to lead you to your first home room class.
“So basically this is it, here’s your room and hopefully you remember your way around after.” You chuckle at his statement. You point,
“You aren’t part of 1A?”
“Oh no, I’m part of 1B but it’s not far from here. If ya want, I can wait outside for you once class is over.”
“Oh no! That’s alright, thank you though. I think I’ll be fine.” You chime, smiling at him. Josuke smiles, he waves at you,
“Well I’m off, I’ll see you later?”
And with that, the bell rings and you’re off to first period.
~ Time Skip ~
You practically sprint out of your seat once dismissal arrives. You were rather hungry despite having lunch earlier, the bento your mother prepared you that morning didn’t fill you up. You rush out the class to avoid getting pushed by multiple students gathering outside the schoolyard to walk home, get picked up and wait for the bus. You’re surprised to hear your name get called out once you’re close to the gates,
“Hey! Hey! Wait up!”
You turn around to see Josuke, his body pressed against the front doors stairs’ railing with 2 other guys standing next to him. They both turn their heads to look at you, one of them slightly taller than the other. He waves again to get you to come closer,
You blink, walking back towards their direction. He smiles when you meet face to face, he holds his hand out to them,
“These are my friends, Okuyasu and Koichi. Okuyasu, Koichi, this is Y/N.”
You blush, you aren’t one to be introduced to people, you’re usually the one introducing yourself. The slightly shorter one, Koichi, smiles and nods at you,
“It’s very nice to meet you. Josuke was just telling us about you!”
You nod, blushing even more at the fact that you were even worth speaking about. Okuyasu furrows his eyebrows, putting his hands in his pockets as he looks you up and down,
“Huh, you are pretty cute-“ Koichi nudges his arm harshly, Okuyasu lets out an “ow” and frowns as he backs up from you.
You giggle, “it’s okay Koichi,” you turn to Okuyasu and nod, “I bet he meant no harm.”
Josuke rubs at his neck, waiting for the slightly awkward introduction to end. You look behind you and sigh,
“I gotta go. It was lovely meeting you all but I’m really hungry and need to get back home-“
“You’re hungry? Well actually, we were just about to get some lunch together at that new Italian place that just opened. You wanna come?” Josuke asks curiously.
You bite your lip, looking at your watch. You let out deep breath and nod. ‘Josuke did ask so nicely so.. why not?’ you think.
You all decide to walk down to the restaurant. You make quick conversation with Okuyasu and Koichi. Josuke walks next to you, keeping quiet. He takes a few quick glances at you, wanting to speak but getting too shy to do so.
You are met with the friendly welcome of the main and only chef, Tonio. You learn that he’s originally from Italy and opened his restaurant in hopes of bringing people health and happiness with the help of his dishes.
You all spend around an hour there, talking and laughing as Tonio prepares the courses for you all. You are surprised when you learn about the bizarre things that happens to one’s body when one eats his meals. You about threw up when you gobbled up the pasta that Tonio claimed would help your sudden stomach pains. You were almost scared that he was trying to hurt you and that Josuke and his friends played you but luckily, that was not the case and definitely not something you’d expect out of the boys you met.
Josuke slightly glares at Okuyasu as he tries to continuously flirt at you. He didn’t know why he felt a sense of frustration but he did know that he wanted to speak to you. Perhaps it was jealousy? Though Josuke didn’t want to take that into consideration.
You wave a goodbye to Tonio, smiling as you think about how much you’re going to tell your parents about this place. You let out an exaggerated sigh of satisfaction as the four of you exit the restaurant. You jump excitedly,
“That was so fun! Thanks for inviting me guys.” You say with a huge grin on your face. You didn’t know you’d open up this fast but in a way, you were glad that you did.
“Sure! We’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Koichi says, waving at you. Okuyasu walks next to Koichi, waving too “you stay cute, alright?”
You giggle nodding, waving as you watch them walk down the sidewalk. You turn to Josuke,
“Hey, aren’t you going down with them? Oku told me your neighbors.”
“Yeah but um.. I was hoping I could walk you home..”
Your eyes widen, his suggestion making your heart flutter. Josuke laughs nervously,
“That’s unless you don’t want me to! I just thought ‘cause it can be a bit dangerous to walk around this late especially when you’re new in town and I-“
You cut him off, “I’d love if you did that. Thank you.”
It’s Josuke’s turn for his heart to flutter. He was beginning to think that he liked you, but not so much in a friend kind of way. But then again, he had just met you so he didn’t know why he was acting so shy.
You lead him to your house, which was luckily not to far from Tonio’s place. The walk was fairly quiet, but not awkward at all. You enjoyed the silence shared between you two. You stop in your tracks, facing him,
“Well, this is it. Thank you again, I wish for your walk to be safe too.” You say to him, he smiles. God his smile is so cute, you think. Wait, what? Why am I thinking that?
Josuke sighs “yeah, thank you.” You notice the quietness in his voice, you chime,
“Hey, you alright? You didn’t talk much when we were with Koichi and Okuyasu.”
“I’m fine...I’m just-“
You nod for him to continue, he sighs,
“I- I wanted to ask if you’d like to hang out with me alone sometime after school this week? I wanna get to know you better...”
You blush at this. You look down at your feet, biting your lip as you think about hanging out with him. Well he is pretty cute...
“Again, if you’re not comfortable with that, that’s okay too! I’m not gonna force you or anything-“
You giggle at his nervousness, you nudge at his shoulder,
“Quit trying to take everything back. Of course I’ll hang out with you. After school, right?”
Josuke is taken aback by your confidence, but he manages to nod. You smile,
“Imma go. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You say, walking up to the front door. He nods again.
Josuke blushes hard once you’re out of his sight. He mentally beats himself up for being awkward as he walks back to his house. Though after a while, he manages to crack a smile once he realizes he was still able to ask you out.
A/N: Hi! So I’m back :P
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
Well... honestly, I kind of wondered about that forever xD it's an interesting concept for sure, a part of me was always a little bothered by the fact that Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki and Teruo were out there and never got to be the warriors they were supposed to be. I feel like the show would have been even better if there had been room for them to take proper part in the story as the remaining warriors... but I suppose the six main cast was considered too much main cast already x'D
Anyway, getting into the actual question...
Katsuharu and Teppei in particular were the more fleshed out of the four kiddos who didn't get spirits. They were shown to us as outright bullies, and watching them actually face real struggles and becoming more mature would have been an interesting journey. Teppei wasn't all that mature later tbh, Katsuharu did seem to have grown a bit when we meet him again in episode 40, but he still underestimated Tomoki a lot since, while Katsuharu himself had changed, he assumed Tomoki couldn't have grown or chaged at all since he first showed up.
So... I think it would have been a much more complicated story because of Teppei and Katsuharu's past as bullies, even if it might have been an intriguing one. Chiaki and Teruo absolutely needed to be fleshed out better in order to know if their characters could have done something more for the story, so sadly there's not a lot to say about them...
What I will say about Kouichi being around in the story from the get-go, however, is that he would have provided this presumed team with a MAJOR advantage throughout the Darkness Continent arc: I've always assumed that the reason why Duskmon, Lowemon and their evolutions feel soooo much stronger than everyone else during that arc is because they're in a location that affords them a considerable elemental advantage. While I'd love it if the show had explored this concept further, I've clung to that headcanon all along and I refuse to let it go xD So featuring Kouji/Wolfmon/CorruptLightWarrior in the place of Duskmon would actually cause some trouble here, conceptually, since as powerful as he might be, he wouldn't have the advantages Duskmon had in the original story. You could presumably say Cherubimon might have bolstered his strength... but the thing is, Cherubimon as well was corrupted and his power, light-based once, is now darkness-based completely. I'm not sure what his corruption of Kouji might look like, but it probably wouldn't have been as effective as Kouichi's?
Thematically, Kouichi being the warrior of darkness but learning that darkness isn't inherently evil is one of my absolute favorite concepts in Digimon Frontier. There's a curious complexity to the subject if you flip the twins' roles, though: would Kouji feel insecure, inadequate over being a bad warrior of Light? Would he find himself questioning Light as a force of "good" when he did terrible things while wielding it? Would his journey, then, be about how he embraces his power, aware that it can be used for evil, but as long as his heart is in the right place, he knows he can use it for good...? Thematically intriguing concepts for sure xD
There's also the fact that Kouichi isn't physically in the Digital World, though. While I suppose your proposal is for Kouji to take Kouichi's role... Kouji has no objective reason to chase after his brother the way Kouichi had a reason to chase after him, which is why he ends up falling down the infamous stairs and nearly dying. Cherubimon takes advantage of this moment to drag Kouichi's soul into the Digital World and corrupt him... he wouldn't easily have a chance to do the same with Kouji, but who knows? Maybe while trying to follow Ophanimon's vague clues, Kouji could end up being captured by the other warriors in Cherubimon's control and manipulated into taking control of the corrupted spirit of Light...?
Anyway, it's a complicated storyline for sure and you could 100% create one very complex Frontier fic out of this xD but I will say... I'd honestly rather all ten kids were involved actively in this story? it would be very interesting if we had two factions of kids basically pitted against each other by the Three Holy Angels or whatever their official name was x'D All of it only to lead into the eventual realization that both groups, the ones on the side of the light and the ones on the side of darkness, need to unite as one, purify their strength and join forces in order to defeat the corrupt form of both Light and Darkness, Lucemon himself...
Ugh, there's way too much potential to this concept x'D thanks for bringing it up but now my heart hurts because it would have been so much fun to see this happen...
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nyotasaimiri · 2 years
Arc Two (redux) 03
((I’ve gotten very fond of doing these long descriptive segments. Please pardon me while I chew the scenery))
It was still and quiet here, a world away from the sudden fear outside the Outpost, and the last threads of panic slipped mercifully away. Dark obelisks rose around her, framing the path across the dais. Nyota paused and leaned against one, feeling the cool smooth stone—except it was not cold. The glowing orb at its heart lit up her face and warmed it under her touch. It was so peaceful, so gentle.
Whoever made this place must have known fear, Nyota thought. The thought startled her; she had never considered this place before, seeing it only as a road between the Outpost and Esther, a road to her goal. But the thought was not wrong, she realized, as she ran a hand over the smooth stone. It had been carved all of one piece, the glowing orb placed in its heart after the heavy work was done. And the difficult labor had been repeated time and time again, to shape this little space and fill it with light. It reminded Nyota of her garden, the little patch of land she had cultivated outside her bridge-home on Mimosa Strand. Her shelter, her place to forget the pain, the battles, the scars. To provide for her crew, to remember that there was peace. Whoever made this place—had they felt the same way?
It warmed her heart, even deeper than the light could reach. But… She had a job to do, still. With slow regret, Nyota straightened up again, and turned back toward the Ark. She could visit again later. But she had to speak with Esther first.  
Nyota’s footsteps slowed and faltered as she reached the edge of the dais, just before the stairs leading down to the Ark gate. She could barely see the steps under the cold starlight. The gentle glow of the obelisks didn’t reach them here. But she didn’t need to see them, not when she was already following them in her mind’s eye. The last time she had come here—
Light. Flares of light. Flashing neurons, muscle thick under her feet. Nox’s orange-lit sword. Bone. White bone. A thick reek, the smell of decay, eyes burning with the acrid fumes. Yellow eye staring as it wept burning tears and the red, red, red flesh pulsing, writhing, seething—
“Captain Nyota?”
Nyota gasped as her earpiece chimed. “SAIL?” Her hand shook as she touched the cool plastic. “What is it?”
“Your heartrate is highly irregular. Are you injured?”
Nyota frowned. There was no way its sensors were strong enough to pick up that detail. Then she remembered the sensor clipped under her collar. Recovery had gone smoothly enough, but after how that bone spar had struck her… She and Lumen both agreed it was best to keep a watch on matters, either way.
“No, I am fine,” she replied, and willed her pulse to calm down. In hindsight, a device that broadcast her emotional weakness was a liability.
“As you say, ma’am.” It should not have been possible for the AI to project emotion into its voice, no matter what upgrades Elliott had given it, but Nyota would have sworn she heard doubt, or even disapproval.
I am projecting, she told herself, and started down the steps.
 The lowest reach of the Ark was cold and silent. The Baron’s throne sat coated in a fine layer of dust; he had left a note on it, something about a cave, treasure, and grievous dangers. No doubt he was enjoying himself. Nuru was also absent. It was nearly time for another Hunt, Nyota recalled. No doubt she had a lot to prepare for. There was no sign of Koichi or Lana either, but Nyota knew Lana at least was hard at work, coordinating the rebellion. Koichi was probably in the Library again. Only Tonauac was still in his usual place, book open on his lap and head nodding in time to little cooing snores. Nyota smiled fondly and crept past.
 Sonny was just finishing one last rubbing along the side of the gate when she felt something familiar coming close. It was someone she hadn’t expected, but she knew it was right: her energy reading was so much stronger near the Ark.
“Hey, watch out!” Arjun called as she jumped down from the arched gate.
“I’m fine, Grandpa!” she whistled back, bright and sparking. “I know what I’m doin’!”
He grumbled something under his breath that sounded a lot like “like hell you do,” but he said it fondly, and ruffled her corona as she passed.
“Heya Captain!” she called, and saw the flinch.
It was fast and faint. Anyone who relied on eyes instead of a brand might’ve missed it, and Sonny almost did. But she couldn’t miss what she read from her captain as the apex got closer. Nyota was scared. The very idea that something could frighten Nyota—it stopped Sonny in her tracks.
Nyota stopped too, and tried a smile. “Is something wrong, Sonny?”
Sonny forced a chiming laugh. She had heard Lumen do it often enough to know how, and why it was needed. “Nah, just didn’t want to slip on the tiles again, ma’am,” she lied cheerfully. “You know me, clumsiest nova this side of the Kuiper belt, even with my boots on.”
That got a real chuckle from her captain, and Sonny glowed warmer: mission accomplished. “It’s not that bad,” Nyota said, catching up to her. “But I am glad to see you learning to slow down. We would all be very unhappy if you were hurt.”
“That we would,” Arjun confirmed. He looked at Nyota with a respectful nod. “Glad to see you up and about. Here to see Esther?”
Nyota nodded. “Yes, I thought she might prefer me in person for once. Video calls do get tiring.”
The old man snorted, amused. “They can, sure. She’s around this way. Hope you’re ready to be buried in mint humbugs.”
Something like foreboding lit Nyota’s eyes. “Oh dear. Has she been saving them all this time?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“…I will take the warning under advisement. My fur will smell like mint for weeks.” But she was laughing even as she grumbled.  
“Welcome to Esther,” Arjun said with a rare, genuine smile. Sonny could feel the affection and pride from him and it made her glow even brighter.
But the glow faded as they neared the Ark, and she caught the chill of fear from Nyota again, as the apex stopped to look up at the stone gate. Sonny slid a little closer to her and reached up to put a hand on Nyota’s arm, same as Nyota did for her when she was scared. “It’s fine, Captain,” she hummed. “You took it down. It’s long gone, and it ain’t comin’ back.”
“I know,” Nyota whispered. “But I’m only half sure it didn’t take me too.”
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jotaros-left-nut · 3 years
Josuke’s little girl
Your daughters name Y/d/n
You checked the house number for the 4th time before, this definitely the higashikata household, you rang the door and waited nervously for someone to open up, “Josuke, see who’s at the door”, you recognised that voice anywhere it was tomoko, I never been so nervous about anything before, I hope he’s happy to me see, after a year of only talking to him on the phone, the door opened it to reveal, your beautiful boyfriend in his school uniform, he has a comb in his left hand, when he saw you he dropped his comb to the floor and pulled you in for a hug, you put one arm around his slim waist, you missed the warmth of his body against yours, he looked down to see a toddler holding your other hand
“Who is this?” You picked her up and placed her on your hip, “This is your daughter Y/d/n”, you say bouncing her on your hip because she was now burying her little face in your T-shirt, she’s shy around new people, “Come in I don’t want her getting cold” he closed the door after the two of you and lead you into the living room, you took a seat on the sofa, he sat down on the seat next to yours, “Can I hold her?” He asked eyeing the little one who was still hiding her face, you nodded your head and picked her up and gave her to her father
He was so gentle when picking her up, He looked at her little face and could immediately see himself, her eyes were closed shut, she was so excitedly see him before, “Y/d/n, open your eyes” you told her in a soft voice, she shook her head no, “Don’t you wanna see what daddy looks like?” You asked the small child, “Daddy?” She whispered very quietly, excited to finally meet him, she slowly opened her eyes to look him, but immediately shut them again, there was a little smile on her face, Josuke smiled at her “Don’t worry, Y/d/n were gonna have plenty of time to get to know each other”, he told his daughter in the softest voice
“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” He asked watching the toddler who was playing with his oversized heat pin on his jacket, “When I went to study abroad I didn’t know I was pregnant for a long time, but when I realised, I pankier because, I will sound kinda dumb now that I’m saying It out loud but, I thought I was protecting you, I knew your mum would kill you and I didn’t want you to drop out” It definitely didn’t sound all that smart when you said it out loud “You wanted to protect me? you must have gone through hell all by yourself” he sounded so sympathetic “Don’t worry, I had some family helping me”
“So what made you change your mind and finally tell me?” He concentrated on his daughter making sure she doesn’t fall from his lap “Well I knew I had to tell you eventually and my program ended and” you were caught guard when Tomoko poked her head around the door, “Who was it at the door?” Her hard gaze soften when she saw you, she smiled at you as a hello, you smiled back at her but her eyes went wide when she saw a toddler on her son’s lap, “Whose baby is that?” she asked with worry in her voice, “This is our daughter, Y/d/n”, She picked the toddler up from her son’s arms and examined her, “She's got your blue eyes and her hair is already touching her shoulders she's definitely yours” she placed Y/d/n in your arms, “Mom, can you unfreeze my account so I can pay for baby stuff?” josuke asked his mother, with his hands pressed together in a praying motion
“Look, I have to go work, I’ll unfreeze it on the way and you better pay for baby stuff and only baby stuff, but we will talk about the living arrangements when I get back, For the baby’s sake I’ll call the school and tell them that you won’t be attending for a while, She left the room, you here the door open, JOSUKE!, ARE YOU THERE? He walked into the room. Aren't you coming to school today?, he “Hey Y\n it feels like I haven’t seen you in a while, is this your little sister? She is so cute” he crouched down in front, “This is Y\d\n, my, our daughter” Josuke told his close friend, “Does that mean I’m an uncle?” he sounded so excited “I guess so” Josuke replied to back back, “My...name...is ...Okuyasu, I’m your daddy’s best friend in the wwwhhhhooolllee wiiiddddeeee world” he playfully shook her tiny hands, “But you can just call me, uncle yasu”
“Do need to get some baby stuff?, because There’s a huge box of baby things from when my uh Mr joestar, bought all that stuff for Shizuka, I’ll get it” josuke got up from his chair and walked towards the garage, remember josuke telling me that Shizuka is his adopted sister, you thought to yourself, Okuyasu sat down where josuke was sitting, “Y\n can I hold her?” Okuyasu asked “Of course,” you said, she has to start getting used to being around people, it's better to start early you put Y\d\n to her feet, Okuyasu held his arms out for her, she was hesitant at first but, she slowly walked towards, he picked her up, “I'm gonna be the best uncle ever, he said to her holding the toddler on his hip, Josuke came pushing a pram into the room with 2 cardboard boxes labelled baby stuff resting on it, There are every type of, pacifiers, diaper and baby bottles in these two boxes and here's a pram” You smiled at him, “This is perfect Josuke thank you” you got up from the chair and pulled your boyfriend into a hug, can he be any more perfect? You thought to yourself, you stood up on your tiptoes and kissed his chin, he got the hint and leaned down to kiss you on the lips
The phone rang, Josuke broke the kiss to go answer it, “Hello...Oh hi, Koichi….No me and Okuyasu aren't coming in today….It's because I’m spending time with my….daughter...I know it was a shock too but there's no doubt she's mine... okay I’ll see you after school” he put the phone down, “It was Koichi” he walked back to us in the front room, and sat into the other seat, What are we gonna do about a baby crib?
A couple of hours have passed, You heard a knock at the door, you went to open it revealing, your boyfriend, and your daughter who was peacefully sleeping in his arms, with his free hands he pushing the pram, which contained two huge bags strapped to where the baby would sit and a baby crib box resting on top of it,
You took your daughter, out of his hands, so he can concentrate on getting everything in, “So how as she?” You asked your boyfriend who was pushing the pram behind you, “She was no bother it didn’t take long for her to open up to me, we were best friends in no time” you smiled at that thought, “Did You make sure to feed her and change her diaper?” You asked raising your eyebrow at him, “Of course, like her father she can eat a lot” A huge smile spread on your face, you picked up one of the bags but your boyfriend stopped you, “Let’s go upstairs”
“Okay, Are you sure your gonna be able to manage that?” He picked up the boxed crib and held it above his head, “Of course I can” you picked up the two bags that were heavy but you to managed and followed behind him, “How did the job thing go?” He asked, “It was alright, I must have given out about 30 cv’s, I’m just hoping a get a call soon” you replied dropping the bags as soon as you take one step in
“How did you get the money to afford all of this?” you asked your boyfriend, who Had put the box down and open it, He didn’t even look at the instructions, but begun suddenly, all of the pieces began to move and fit together as it was magic, you watched in amazement, you knew that josuke has a stand that you’ve never seen, but it will still cool to watch things move around, he leaned his body over halfway and pressed his hands at the bottom of it, “You can put her in here now, it’s sturdy”, he moved out the way so you can put your daughter in, she was still peacefully asleep
You turned to look at your boyfriend “I’m curious to know what you bought” you told your boyfriend talking in a hushed tone to not wake your baby, you picked up one of the bags and started looking through it “I bought someee, jackets, trousers, jeans, shorts, shoes, and I restocked some of my favourite hair products he told you “And for our daughter?” You asked your boyfriend hoping he remembered to get some stuff for Y/d/n, “Don't worry Y/n, I should never forget about the little one, there should be some jackets, shoes, skirts, dresses and some baby grows in every colour” you laughed surprised he bought so much stuff for a one year old
It was now nighttime Koichi has now met her, tomoko came back from work and talked to us about our future plans now we have a toddler to look after, now everyone was washed and in bed clothes, You was thinking, You were planning on going home but josuke convinced you to stay, so here you are laying next to him with your head resting on his shoulder “I wish I would have been there when you were pregnant, I would have rubbed your feet back and stomach, you know i would have done all of that for you” you were now gently playing with fingers, “I know, I wasn’t thinking straight I’ve missed you” you turned around so now you was laying on top of him, He started to run circles into your naked thigh,”I’ve missed you too, I missed how soft your skin felt” you later like that until you eventually fell asleep
Your opened your eyes and looked around, for your daughter who was supposed to be in her cot, but she wasn’t there, you panicked and called for your boyfriend but he wasn’t beside you, you got up and ran down the stairs in just his T-shirt that you borrowed from him, you sighed in relief when You saw him sitting there with Y/d/n sitting on his cross legs under a blanket, ”Morning Y/n, hope you slept well” he greeted turning to look at you, Y/d/n turning around to look at too, they looked like twins“I was so scared, I thought she wondered out of her cot”, you walked over to the two of them and picked your daughter up from josuke's lap, “Don’t worry Y/n, she was crying and you was sleeping so I thought that I would sort her out, I picked her up and I noticed that her diaper needed changing, I was so tempted to wake you up when I saw the saw all that crap she produced, but I decided that you not to, it wasn’t that bad, and I feed her but when I went to put her down she didn’t want me to, so me and her have just been hanging out” she smiled at the sight of the two of them she’s already so comfortable with him and it hasn’t even been that long
You join the two of them sitting your daughter in between the both of you, Josuke wrapped the blanket around you but was gentle of the little one, you leaned into your boyfriend and put your head on his shoulder, this couldn’t have ended up any more perfect, you thought to yourself as you watched the colours on the screen
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jojoboisimagines · 4 years
Josuke x Reader :: Promposal :: Ch. 5
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summary: A strange new transfer student has enrolled in Budogaoka High School. Josuke falls head over heels for her, but has a limited time to win her over before the school prom.
The accusations thrown at Josuke by his baffled mother were hard to listen to, especially with your face practically burning from it and hearing only ringing in your ears from the shock alone and having to sit in the midst of the two arguing. You decided your best bet was to hurry, pack your stuff and leave. You’d maybe call him later to let him know why you left and tell him that your time together was great, lest he get the wrong idea.
It was easy to sneak past them. They did seem like the types to block everything else out when stubborn. Perhaps that's why some considered him and his friends delinquents.
About an hour later, you found yourself dialing Josuke’s number (or well, his house number) while lazily lying on the bed of your temporary apartment. He had written it at the bottom of his love letter, which you actually bothered to keep amongst all the other ones. 
“Yeah, I see. Thanks for calling me instead of just leaving me hangin’.”
“No problem...I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Sorry for any trouble I’ve caused.”
“No no”, he was quick to disagree, “It’s fine, my mom just gets fussy like that sometimes, its not your fault at all. To be fair I should’ve been paying more attention.”
You frowned. He shouldn’t have blamed himself. You weren’t being entirely courteous as a guest either to fall asleep on him like that. He spoke up before you could say anything about it.
“Did you have fun though---er, get a good study in? I know I did. Cleared up a lot of stuff I was missin’ during class. Thanks a lot for that!” You could hear the grin in his voice. Admittedly, he had a nice voice to listen to. But you convinced yourself that was just a supplementary compliment rather than you starting to have a school girl crush on him like the rest of his groupies.
You wondered what drew them to him in the first place. Was it his hair? It would seem like he’d take pride in having groupies if it was for that reason, being so uptight about his hairstyle and all. Yet he would always look so annoyed whenever they came up to him, so that probably wasn’t the reason. His personality? No, they hardly let him get a word in whenever they bombard him. His height?
...Fair assumption.
“Hey, (Y/N), you there?”
Crap, had you been spacing out?
“Yeah, I’m here.” You replied, rubbing your eyes.
“Do you have time tomorrow for ice cream after school? Its totally cool if you’re not, I understand.”
You did have a bit of studying to do to keep your grades up (and to keep up appearances, but that was less important) but keeping Josuke happy in your friendship did also mean something to you. Skipping one study session wouldn’t be that much of a deal, you could skim through it once you get home anyway.
“Oh no no, I’m down for it.”
Josuke’s tone noticeably turned up an octave after hearing that. “Cool! You wanna come by my house or I’ll come by yours?”
After saying he could pick you up from your own house (especially thinking about how Tomoko would react) he joyfully lets out a ‘sweet!’ and you exchange your goodbyes before hanging up.
One thing you could safely say about Josuke at this point is that he was certainly...interesting. If you had to weigh your options between giving everyone that sent you a letter an opportunity to court you and just only giving Josuke a chance for the time being, the latter set well with you far more.
Classes had passed by rather quickly. It almost seemed like a blur but you didn’t mind it. At first the thought of instantly going home and looking over the notes you took to refresh your memory came into your head, before Josuke and Okuyasu voices behind you made you realize what you had planned already. You had recognized the other two, but hadn’t bothered to hold a single conversation with either of them. 
As far as you knew, they were just ‘the guy who looks like he’s still in elementary’ and ‘the guy that looks like he’s committed a crime before’.
However you would withhold your assumptions for the time being and attempt to get to know them truthfully. They seemed excited to see you, anyway.
“Glad to see you waited for us (y/n!)” Josuke happily said.
You didn’t really. But you forced a smile as if you did anyway.
Josuke stopped behind you and contemplated putting an arm around you like he would his other buddies, but decided against it, thinking maybe the two of you weren’t at that point yet. You didn’t exactly seem like the touchy type either. Instead his hand firmly rested on your shoulder, his face offering a kind, genuine smile towards you. 
Gesturing toward his friends, he began to introduce them. “(Y/n), this is Okuyasu Nijimura and Koichi Hirose. They’ve kinda been excited to meet ya ever since we started hanging out.” Josuke lets out quite the cute chuckle as his free hand finds itself sheepishly behind his neck now.
“Yo!” Okuyasu was quick to greet you with quite possibly the biggest grin you’ve seen anyone sport since you’ve gotten to this country. Koichi on the other hand seemed a little more calm and reserved, saying a simple ‘hello!’ with a wave.
They didn’t seem too bad now as you had thought before, but you’d keep your eye on them. After the introduction Josuke had mentioned that itd be wise to get to the ice cream truck as soon as possible, seeing that it might leave the neighborhood soon. You still were a bit unfamiliar with the area, so you followed behind the other three and let them lead the way.
When the four of you finally arrived to the spot of the parked vehicle, you had just noticed that you’d tuned out the conversation that was had on the way here. Now that you think about it, Okuyasu was pretty swift to wrap an arm around his taller friend’s shoulder and immediately start talking about something else. Maybe it was just your imagination, but you had thought Josuke would’ve been inclined to talk to you during the brief walk. That’s what you were invited for, right? Or is this just what he does with all his friends?
The lack of attention didn’t bother you that badly, as you’re generally used to it, but you still couldn’t help but wonder.
You had walked up to the window to get your own ice cream, before Koichi promptly stopped you, pulling out his own wallet.
“Hey, I can pay for your ice cream for you!”
You blinked, not exactly sure how you were supposed to respond to that. “It’s alright, you don’t have to.”
“No I insist! Don’t worry about it okay?” The small boy smiled at you, a face that was pretty hard for you to resist. Giving a slight nod, he proceeded to pay for it. You did get the biggest size they offered though, who’s to say you couldn’t after he graciously agreed to pay?
You and Koichi walked back to the others, already sitting down in the park with the ice creams and chatting. As you were making your way over there, Josuke looked back at the two of you, his happy grin melding into a guilty wide-eyed frown.
He turned back around when you and his other friend walked past the bench he and Okuyasu sat on to go to another one across from them. Without even glancing at him, you started to eat your ice cream. From the corner of your eye you could see the pompadoured teen lightly tap his clueless friend, motioning them to move to the same bench you and Koichi were.
Trying to prevent things from becoming awkward, Josuke immediately started talking to you as he sat down. “So, (Y/n), is that your favorite flavor?”
You nodded, not trying to get distracted from your melting ice cream.
“Cool, I like that flavor too. I really really like strawberry though, especially the kind they have at the truck.”
“Strawberry’s a good flavor.” Okuyasu chimed in. “But Koichi likes nasty shit, like pistachio. Bleh!” He stuck his tongue out to emphasize his disgust. The shorter teen was slightly offended.
“Hey, its good with the right toppings! At least I don’t bombard my ice cream with everything, if you’re careless like that, you’ll get a cavity!”
Oku dismissively waved his hand. “Whatever. I’ll just go to Tonio’s again and it’ll be good as new, so there’s no problem!” He grinned.
Koichi sighed, and you were left wondering what kind of place “Tonio’s” was.
“Oh right, we need to take (Y/n)-chan there someday!” Josuke added. “Maybe we should do a little tour thing of Morioh for you, would you like that?”
You happily nodded, almost at the end of your ice cream. The three of them had gotten along so naturally
Eventually everyone else got done with theirs and began to throw everything away. Koichi had started on his way home, saying that he was going to start on his studying before his goodbye. Thinking you should do the same, Josuke walked in front of you.
“Hey me and Okuyasu are gonna hang at my house, so we can walk you home first okay?” 
“Okay.” Probably the first time you said something in about an hour. You saw Okuyasu about to walk up with Josuke again, but was stopped immediately and whispered something by Josuke. After which, he hung behind the two of you for the remainder of the walk.
When your apartment was reached, The boys asked if you enjoyed yourself and you happily responded with yes and that you’d love to hang out again, before going up the stairs and waving goodbye.
The two of them stood there for a while, making sure you were safe up until you got inside the house. As you closed the door, Josuke let out a groan and his head sunk into his hands. Okuyasu, obviously concerned by this, put a hand on his shoulder.
“Bro? You okay?”
Jojo shook his head. “Ughh..I can’t believe I let that happen. She must’ve felt so left out. I didn’t even pay enough attention that Koichi paid for her stuff..god..That didn’t look good at all.”
“Hey, you’re not obligated to treat her like a queen or anythin’. You’re still just friends right now right?” He tried to reassure his downtrodden friend.
“Yeah but...I still feel like a dick. I invited her there..Plus there’s also the fact that she’s got a limited time here in Morioh..” His blue eyes widened after saying that statement, the realization just now hitting him. It was so silent all the boys could hear was the slight breeze ruffling the trees.
“Huh, now that I think about it, why are you tryin’ to woo someone who’s a transfer student? Seems kinda rough to get someone to fall for you in a few weeks...unless you’re Yukako.”
“Goddammit Okuyasu, I don’t get to choose who I fall in love with!” 
His fist balled up again, lips going dry as he resented saying things before thinking about them first. 
Before he could say anything else, the teens noticed a slight shift in the window blinds where a light was on in your apartment. 
‘Holy crap, i hope thats not her, i’d shit myself if it is!’
“C-C’mon Okuyasu, lets get out of here, I-I’ll race you!” He bolted down the sidewalk in the direction of his house, with his best friend in tow. 
It was you who had peeked out the window from your living room, but only because you were startled by the sound of someone shouting. You didn’t see anyone when you fully pulled the blinds back, must’ve been your imagination. Putting the window back as it was, you returned to your studying.
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gio-is-writing · 4 years
Hiiii! May I request Rohan with a sweet and kind caring, goofy, affectionate s/o that is super badass when needed to be and Josuke and Okayasu are all like?!?!?! This doesn’t make sense! Thank you in advance!
REQUEST: Hiiii! May I request Rohan with a sweet and kind caring, goofy, affectionate s/o that is super badass when needed to be and Josuke and Okayasu are all like?!?!?! This doesn’t make sense! Thank you in advance!
i love writing for rohan so much plus we are celebrating that my rohan figure finally arrived!! Hope you like it!!💞
Pairing: Kishibe Rohan x Female Reader (also some platonic duwang gang x reader)
Warnings: a few swear words
Koichi knocked on the mangaka house door waiting for him to open, Rohan had been caing him non stop for him to visit and help him out with a few ideas he had for his manga and of course Koichi, though a little annoyed at the insistence, was happy to help. The silver haired was about to knock again when the door suddenly opened to reveal a young woman holding it.
“Hello, how can I help you?” she said smiling down at him
“Are you here to see Rohan?”
“Come on in!” she opened the door all the way to let him walk past “Would you like something to drink?”
“Oh, a glass of water would be fine”
She closed the door and invited him to join her in the kitchen. Koichi sat in one of the chairs and watched as she moved around to serve him what he asked. He has been to Rohan’s house just a few times before but he had never seen this woman around, he was sure Rohan lived alone!
Just as she placed the glass in front of him another more recognizable voice was heard.
“I’ve seen you met my lovely girlfriend” he smirked in his direction standing beside the young woman with now blushing cheeks “This is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Koichi”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Koichi-kun!” she bowed slightly and he did the same
“Nice to meet you too (Y/N)-san”
“Well” Rohan spoke up again while almost dragging Koichi up the stairs “We’ll be upstairs, don’t interrupt”
After a few hours Koichi left (not before thanking (Y/N) for her hospitality) and they were left alone again. (Y/N) was making dinner when he walked back into the kitchen.
“He is cute” she said after a few minutes
“What do you mean he is cute?” he frowned
“I mean he is tiny cute”
“Meh, I like him”
She placed a plate with food in front of him before turning to serve herself the sitting down to eat as usual. Rohan ate in silence while she glanced at him with a hidden smile.
“It’s nice that you have a friend”
“He is n-“
“You should invite him more often!”
“...I probably should”
— • —
Josuke and Okuyasu had the idea of going to the local arcade after school, summer was almost around the corner and people where walking everywhere. The trio walked past the local market when they heard a loud noise and a hiss.
“Let go of me you crazy bitch!”
On the ground was a greasy looking man holding what seemed to be his bleeding nose with one hand while the other was pinned down to the concrete by a heel and a woman standing over it.
“Next time think twice before trying to grab someone’s else stuff”
That voice sounded too familiar to Koichi, but the person was wearing a summer hat that blocked their face while holding a brown bag filled with groceries. The teenagers stood still and almost in shock as they watched the scene, the woman released his arm and he scurried off quickly. She turned around just in time to meet their eyes.
“Koichi-kun what a coincidence!”
“H-hello (Y/N)-san!” he quickly answered “Need any help?”
“Oh no no, I’ve taken care of it” she giggled while adjusting the bag in her hip
“Looks like it”
“How you been, you haven’t been around the house!”
“I’ve been pretty busy with school and all that”
“I’m sure you are”
Koichi was left a blushing mess in the hands of a caring woman. (Y/N) was really beautiful no one could deny that and her sweet nature was the icing on the cake. A fake cough was heard and Koichi was reminded of his friends standing just a couple of feet away.
“Oh! (Y/N)-san these are Josuke and Okuyasu, my friends” He introduced “Guys this is (Y/N)-san, Rohan-sensei’s girlfriend”
“Hello boys, pleasure to meet you!”
“The pleasure is all ours miss”
Josuke and Okuyasu both bowed to their senior as she showed the brighted smile they had ever seen.
“Who knew an asshole like him could get a girl like you” Josuke thought outloud and was met with a elbow meeting his ribs by his best friend “Sorry...”
“Haha!” she laughed and dismissed him with her hand “he tends to be a little mean, doesn’t he?”
“Well boys, I must get home” she waved turning back to the street “I’ll see you around!”
“Goodbye (Y/N)!” the three boys answered
As she walked away, the teenagers were left wide eyed. Was THAT Rohan’s girlfriend?
“What in the world...” the tallest whispered
“I told you!” Koichi was quick to point out
“Why are these men getting the best girls?!” Okuyasu cried out
— • —
Summer was hitting Morioh like a truck, the sun was harsh and walking home from school was a torture. Josuke and Okuyasu walked along the sidewalk almost panting, Koichi had been snatched away by Yukako so it was just the two of them. (Y/N) was outside the mangaka’s house watering some plants when they walked past noticing their state.
“Hello boys!”
“Where are you heading?” she shut the hose off and approached them with a hand on her hips
“We were on our way to get some drinks...”
“Oh! I made some lemonade not long ago” she remembered “would you like to try it?”
“Sure, we’d love to!” Okuyasu was quick to answer
(Y/N) smiled widely and guided them into the house. Josuke was a little wary of Rohan being there but his attention was back on her when she spoke up.
“This heat is insane, isn’t it?”
“It is haha”
Both teens sat on the table while she moved to fetch the glasses and pour some cool lemonade and a few ice cubes. Turning with a smile she placed both glasses on the table.
“Here you go!”
Josuke and Okuyasu thanked her and gulped down their drinks earning a giggle from her. They finished their glasses in record time and smiled relieved.
“Wow it’s really good!” Okuyasu complimented
“Very refreshing!” followed Josuke
“Thank you!” she sat with a glass of her own “The lemons are from a tree both Rohan and I planted a few months back”
They had a relaxed conversation while still drinking, they felt much more refreshed. It almost felt like they would pass out out there.
“What are you doing in my house?”
That voice, Josuke frowned turning to the door frame where Rohan stood with his arms crossed.
“Rohan!” she greeted “I invited them in to cool down a little”
The green haired scoffed “They can burn for all I know”
“Tch... asshole.”
Okuyasu and (Y/N) shared a look at the sudden tense atmosphere between Josuke and her boyfriend.
“Well (Y/N)-san, I think is time we leave” Okuyasu was quick to say standing up.
“Alright boys, I’ll walk you out”
(Y/N) walked past Rohan glare and was followed by the two boys. She opened the door wide and they walked past her turning around on the little stairs of the deck.
“Thank you so much for the lemonade!”
“I’m glad you liked it, feel free to stop by anytime”
“We doubt your boyfriend would like that” Josuke added still bitter from the interection.
“Meh, he is a big grump” again she smiled widely “plus, this is my house too!”
“Then we’ll take your offer into consideration” he responded relaxing and smiling too
“Good bye (Y/N)-san!” they both said walking along the sidewalk
“See you!”
(Y/N) walked back inside and closed the door under her boyfriend’s annoyed gaze.
“Of all people you had to invite them in”
“Aw come on Rohan” she whined walking up to him “Summer can be really harsh on teenage boys”
“I don’t care about how summer treats them” he scoffed turning his head
“You are a meanie”
She wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug resting her head on his puffed out chest. He looked down and sighed, wrapping his own arms around her.
“And you’re just too good”
“Are you done working?” she asked looking up at him without breaking the hug “Can we watch a movie?”
“Sure” he simply answered
(Y/N) let go of him running to the couch to set everything up. Rohan groaned but was happy to finally be alone with her, no annoying teenagers to interrupt their day. He sat down and she cuddled up to his side, his arm wrapping around her shoulder.
“I love you Rohan”
“I love you too (Y/N)”
He kissed her forehead and turned to the TV
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