#the spirit of hte times
corduroyinstitute · 2 years
December 22, 2018: Four years ago today, Corduroy Institute convened on a winter afternoon to record Corduroy 22. This piece was unusual as it was the first to be witnessed by an intern visiting the institute during a recording session. Having someone outside of our immediate purview added an interesting observer effect, particularly since this intern possessed experience with digital audio and MIDI.
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We employed the technology pictured in the archival image thusly: During the first improvised layer, the Elektron Digitakt sent a 120 BPM loop on the left channel & live drumming on the right channel while the MIDI synched Volca Beats was processed by the Keeley 30ms pedal. This was joined by the Bass VI. Then, during our second layer, the Digitakt was used to send MIDI notes and CC control messages to the Audiothingies Micromonsta which itself received audio processing via the 30ms. This melodic content was augmented by a Telecaster tuned to CGCFCE and processed by a bevy of guitar pedals—most notably, the Boss MO-2 Multi-Overtone. While a third layer of music was attempted, this yielded nothing of value and was discarded.
Corduroy Institute convened, sans intern, the next day for overdubs. Drums from the Alesis SamplePad4 were added and vocals based on "lyrics from way back when" were recorded by both members. These vocals were processed via the Boss RV-6 and Boss PS-3 pedals using the effects loop of our Tascam 2488neo. To this day, we consider this to be the weakest vocal performance we have ever released.
Corduroy 22 would become "The Spirit of the Times," the opening song on our 2019 album Abruptly Forgetting We Never Were... and today we submit this piece for your consideration and peer review.
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foxstens · 1 year
suddenly not having so much fun
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thatonebirdwrites · 9 months
Crossover Shenanigans: Korrasami and Supercorp
Korra and Asami stand in front of a strange purple portal. Korra: You know, I'm a little relieved I'm not the reason for this portal for once. Asami: True. Mako: I don't think it's safe to mess with it. Maybe stay here? Asami: How will we be able to determine where it goes? The best way to test a hypothesis is through an experiment. *proceeds to tie the rope around her and Korra's waist and then spools it around hte pulley-crank system she's built. It's several hundred meters of rope* So all you two have to do is keep an eye on this. If the rope is tugged three times, then crank us back. Bolin: *digs into his bag of cookies* Easy enough. Mako: *sighs dramatically* Don't yell at me when this goes badly! Korra gives him a thumbs up, takes Asami's hand, and enters the violet portal. A brief moment of weird stomach-churning nausea hits them, and then they enter a large white room. Two people stand behind a counter with strange devices that Korra and Asami have never seen before. Asami: Wow. That looks like a fancy typewriter. *Points to the keyboard with a strange square attached to it, that looks like a very thin mover screen.* Brunette-and-very-pretty-woman: Who the hell are you two? Korra: Hey! That's not very nice! We're explorers. Investigating the new portal. I'm Avatar Korra. *jerks her thumb at Asami* and this is my super awesome girlfriend Asami Sato. Asami: *blushes* Do you have to introduce me like that every time? Tall-muscular-blonde: Oh, hey! Great to meet you! I'm Kara Danvers, and this is Lena Luthor! *grins and holds out her hand* Asami stares at it for a long moment. Korra rolls her eyes and shakes Kara's hand. Asami bows instead. Lena: Okay, so nice to meet you, now go back through so I can shut this down... Asami: Wait, you made this? How did you make it so small? When Korra made a spirit portal, she energybended a massive explosion, which ripped open the fabric of reality... Lena: What is energybending? Asami: Oh, it's something only the Avatar can do. She manipulates energy in people or the environment. Lena: So she manipulated a massive explosion to create a portal? That seems a very destructive way. *gestures to the portal behind Asami* I built this using Nth metal, magnetic coils, and... Asami: *whips out a notebook from her jacket* What is Nth Metal? And magnetic coils? That's actually a brilliant idea. I've been experimenting with those lately. . .
Kara and Korra watch as the pair dive into an intense conversation about electromagnetics and engineering.
Korra: Yup, that's Asami there. My girlfriend.
Kara: Yup. That's Lena. My girlfriend.
Korra: Huh. So what can you do? I can bend all four elements and metal! *shows off by waterbending the water from Lena's glass, then uses airbending to boost herself upward briefly, and bends stone around the room* Lena: Would you please put my water back in its glass? Asami: It could short-circuit the electronics. Korra: Whoops. *Drops water carefully into glass but then bends the metal bar that's lying on the table into a knot*
Kara: Okay, but that was really awesome. So, as Supergirl, I can do this. *Flies into the air, shoots lasers from her eyes, then lifts up half the lab with one arm.* Lena: Kara, please, if you're showing off, do it away from the portal. *turns back to Asami* So you're saying, you build a powered suit using pistons, hydraulics, and platinum? Are you sure its platinum? Because the hardness and tensile strength you described sounds like titanium to me. Asami: You know, maybe that's what it's called here. Let me show you. *proceeds to draw the chemistry diagram for the metal*
Lena: Fascinating. That's definitely titanium.
Korra: I bet I can beat you in a fight.
Kara: No way. I could beat you.
Lena and Asami: If you're going to fight, take it outside please.
Lena: I'm also filming it. *Reaches over and picks up a round ball and then proceeds to type something into her keyboard. Asami watches fascinated as the ball rises into the air and follows Kara out of the room and onto the porch area of the lab* Asami: Was that a tiny mech? Lena: Robot. Asami: Wait, so what powers it? I've struggled with decreasing the size of batteries due to... Korra unhooks herself, cracks her knuckles, and follows Kara outside. MEANWHILE IN AVATAR-VERSE: Mako: Why did the rope go slack?
Bolin: OH NOES. Do you think they got eaten?
Mako: Bo, by what? *his eyes widen* Oh no, they could really be in trouble then.
Bolin: We go to save them! But we need someone to man the ropes for us.
Mako: Let me radio Jinora. *picks up the portal radio* Jinora? Can you send some help to the new portal?
Opal and Jinora soon join them. They agree to man the ropes while Mako and Bolin head into the portal. MEANWHILE ON EARTH-38:
Mako and Bolin exit the portal and stare in shock at Asami standing by a brunette, while Korra and Kara battle outside. The walls are transparent, and the fight is intense.
Bolin: Asami! We're here to save you! *puts up his fists*
Asami: Wait what? No! Korra and I are fine.
Lena: Who the hell are you two?
Mako: So you're not about to be poisoned or something? *has fire blades ready in his hands*
Asami: NO! Lena here was chatting with me about the technology here. Korra is just sparring with Kara. Lena, that's Bolin and Mako, our friends.
Bolin: Oh. Do you have any snacks? Because I got to see this.
Mako: *sighs* whatever.
Lena: *grumbling but opens snack cabinet and tosses food at Bolin* I hope no one else comes through. I still need to calibrate... Asami: For the calibrations, do you have to manually type commands? Lena: Actually, no, I write code for that. Asami: TEACH ME.
Mako and Bolin sit down with their snacks to watch the increasingly intense fight. Korra has all four elements and is in Avatar state while flying in the air. Kara is blocking all the attacks using invulnerability and trying to get close enough to do a right hook.
After several minutes, Jinora and Opal rush through the portal.
Jinora: Are you all okay?
Opal: Woah, nice place.
Lena: What the fuck is with you people?? Go home! I can't turn off the portal with y'all here!
Bolin: Can't! Got to see who wins!
Jinora: I apologize for the intrusion! I'm Jinora and this is Opal. We were worried about the brothers.
Asami: Here's some snacks. Korra is battling Kara to see who is stronger. *gestures to the windows* I think it's an even match so far.
Lena: *scoffs* Kara is obviously winning. She's invulnerable to all of Korra's attacks. She also has the ability to fly, and her laser vision can easily incinerate most of what Korra fires at her.
Asami: *laughs* So? Korra's ability to dodge with airbending keeps her a moving target. Kara has yet to land a punch. Also, the fire blasts, ice daggers, and stone spikes keep her on the defensive.
The pair fall into an argument into the science of their girlfriends' powers and how they may work scientifically. The argument ends up so heated that Lena finally throws up her hands in defeat.
Lena: FINE. Let's find out who wins then?
Asami: FINE. More snacks are needed though. Bolin eats enough for three, I swear.
Lena grumbles under her breath about insatiable eaters, while she makes popcorn for all of them instead using her bunsen burners.
Alex, Kelly, Brainy, and Nia burst into Lena's lab.
Alex: Are you okay? We heard about the invasion!
Asami: Invasion? We're just visiting.
Lena: Don't interfere! This is important research.
Alex: Who the hell are these people? *gestures to the Avatar-verse people*
Mako: Who the spirits are you? *jumps to his feet with his fire blades ready*
Bolin: We need more popcorn! *waves an empty bowl*
Nia: Did you say popcorn? Yesss. You're my new friend.
Opal: So you're all friends of Lena? *Opens snack cabinet and ignores Lena's glare at her touching Lena's things. Takes out snacks and tosses them at Jinora who hands them to the others*
Kelly: Yes. Don't tell me, she had an accident in the lab?
Lena: Not an accident! I might have unintentionally created a bridge to another multiverse that is directly parallel to ours per M-brane theory --
Asami: M-brane theory? Spirits, we're way behind. We just figured out quantum entanglement exists and how to build planes. Tell me all about M-brane theory please.
Brainy: I posit that if you tell her that could alter the trajectory of their world with dangerous consequences--
Lena and Asami: Shut up Brainy!
Bolin hands out more popcorn for the now TWO shows: Kara and Korra fighting still -- the fight has gotten more and more intense with no sign of either being able to land a significant blow on the other. On the other hand, Asami and Lena fall into an intense argument about physics, which is interspersed with yells at Brainy to stop interrupting them.
Brainy: Sharing this with a person of lesser technology may interfere with the time modality of their multiverse --
Lena: Brainy, if you don't shut up, I'm kicking you out!
Asami: It's not like I'm going to completely rebuild the entirety of all engineering in my world. I mean, I could, I am rich, and you know, that would be a fun project...
Lena: Ah, shaping society through money and technology. Sounds like me... *she trails off and stares at Asami*
Asami: Oh my spirits
Lena: Oh my god
Bolin: *throws popcorn into his mouth* Yup.
Nia: And those two fighting are probably the same person too.
Brainy: I calculate that the probability of two identical people from alternate universes could disrupt the time continuum-- Everyone but Nia: SHUT UP BRAINY.
Nia: *shoves a beer into his hands and pulls him down next to her* Shush, just enjoy the show.
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welcometoteyvat · 11 months
waterborne poetry reactions (belated) (long post)
bro got roasted for his handwriting, is Baffled by the mondstadters, then spends an entire day missing out on [whatever that was] and STILL DOESNT HAVE A CLUE WHAT HAPPENED HAHAHA im sorry i love bullying him
please never tell xingqiu whats going on it's payback <3
CHONGYUN DIONA AND MIKA. i need to hold them omg,,,, i was using freminet to wander around so in my heart they r just 4 cryo kids in a terrarium what will they do!! that combo was quite cute
he was adorable ;;;;;___;;;;; his little eye sparkles and the jumping T_T also the near-rap speed that his lines were delivered in was hilarious (thank you kinsen for ur service)
my son.... please never feed him chilis again
now full of unfounded hope that chongyun will someday get an event about his pure yang spirit since they mentioned it a fair few times here
give him the deep lore he deserves
also XIAOYUN?!?!?!?! (only seeing what i want to see) THEY TALKED!!!! IN PERSON ON SCREEN THEY TALKED AND XIAO WASNT DISPARAGING!!!! im sorry this is what a rarepair with no food does to a mf
xiaolumi so strong (or xiaother if u prefer)
oughguhguhg the rhyming couplets part was SOOOO CUTE!! idk they did good with the pacing of the banter i think 🥺
adding onto that the camera angles and cuts this event were actually really nice and creative i think. they made it more engaging (the quick pan from chongyun to xingqiu at the end of the 3rd act, hu tao popping out from behind venti's shoulders during the couplet exchange, etc) it was REALLY good really funny. added to the experience a lot <3
Also venti zhongli are truly the most archon old friends ever
that cutscene was actually so pretty. It's drawn in the same style as Lyney's: very textured lines, slightly reminscent of linocuts, quite a few handdrawn parts, especially where there's water/liquid movement present, etc. Maybe this is a Fontaine style animated cutscene, since the oceanids and lyney are both from there? anyways. i'm intrigued—I wanna see if there are regional cutscene styles or something (that'd be very impressive)
the "close ur eyes paimon/diona" line was so fucking funny. traveler's been the third wheel a bunch of times but never this explicitly
also ! for people icked out by the morality of kid finch's crush on the oceanid: it is Fiction with a capital F
on the one hand I agree with the above sentiment, but it's also just funny to think about. first canon monsterfucker ? /JJJJJJJJJJJJJ don't kill me for that joke
Real thoughts: I think it was actually really sweet how he fell in love with a fairytale. Someone said the oceanid could've been aromantic coded to make their love story more morally palatable; I agree, it would've been cool if she was aro, but I don't think their romantic relationship is like somehow terrible and gross either
overall ending was really mid tbh, I appreciate the character growth of everyone who was on screen but literally all the other characters just disappeared. It was really unsatisfying lol especially for an event that was supposed to be hte gathering/unison of mond and liyue
would've been better if the second day's rhyming couplets ended the event I think; you'd have to tweak it to fit the mood of the oceanid/finch reveal but literally anything works, the ending was so anticlimactic
overall event: 10/10 for giving me the character interactions I wanted, and those that I never knew I needed, 5/10 because the minigames are. not the best, I get the intentions but the execution could've been better. And then 5/10 for story arc (heavily influenced by how mid the ending was LMAO)
I want to go through all the poems and their english translations because I Know somethings gonna get screwed up and I'm also just curious as to how they translated it
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
Pick a blorbo vibe!
In the Forsaken AU, Zelda and Gerudo Link are conspiring how to get Mystery Link to reappear after vanishing in the Lost Woods (Zel: Ok, so what we need is a damsel in distress--you'll do just nicely // Gan: I AM NOT PRETENDING TO BE A DAMSEL). They're whispering heatedly in Zelda's fancy royal tent (that Gerudo Link has to assemble for her) just outside the Lost Woods.
In Breath of the Sky, Cloud and Zel are slowly making their way over to the picnic that Princess and Champion set up for everyone. Champ is nervously eating all the food. Mipha is hovering in the distance hoping everything is ok. It's sunny and warm and pleasant outside, at least, despite all the drama.
In the Imprisoning War Era, Hemisi and Link snuck out of the castle while he's still sick because Link wants to spend time with Hemisi and she 100% plans to kidnap him to the desert (or at least to the Gerudo designated quarters so he can be taken care of until he gets better). Ganondorf is exasperated. Impa is too. Hemisi and Link look like drowned cats because it's pouring outside and they definitely were not crawling across the walls and roof of the castle haha nope!
In the Wild Spirit AU, Abel, Link, and Lyra are getting ready to fight Calamity Ganon. Abel hears his boy's voice again for hte first time, but there's a giant malice monster to deal with, worry about that later, Abel! The castle is dark and ominous and cold, it's starting to storm outside, it's time to get to business!
In a Hyrule fresh from the Calamity, Abel and Tilieth are starting to make plans for the next part of their journey. Abel definitely keeps waking Link up simply because he can, because he needs to after going to Blatchery Plain, and Til has to eventually get on his case about letting their poor son sleep. It's daybreak in Kakariko, it's time to hit the road again.
In Zora's Domain, a little four-year-old is about to explore the great world around him and his father will absolutely have a heart attack over it. But Link's ready to have an adventure!
In the Dad Squad, the dads are having an intense game of rummy and literally nobody can get the rules right. Abel's pretty sure Rusl's cheating, Rusl can't be cheating because Abel's playing it wrong, and Fierce just wings it while also wondering what the purpose of this entire ordeal is (this doesn't seem very conducive to strategy building, but perhaps it's for little immature mortal minds and the adults just do it to keep up the skills they learned as boys).
In LU in Healthcare, Sky's napping and therefore misses Wind frantically texting him about Warriors, but the rain is so gentle on the roof, the forest is quiet, and he's exhausted. Time, however, gets the messages before going into surgery, and soon it'll be time to pick up the pieces.
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ferinehuntress · 8 months
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˚ * ˙ ⭒ ⊱ mun comforts
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◈ Comfort food  ⋯ Pizza, chocolate chip cookies topped wiht cookies n' cream ice cream ◈ Comfort drink(s)  ⋯ dr.pepper, Root Beer, Orange Juice ◈ Comfort movie(s)  ⋯ Spiderman (with Miles), Song of the Sea, Jurassic Park/Jurassic World, Mune (Guardian of hte Moon), Spirit, The Cat Returns, Fern Gully, MegaMind ◈ Comfort show(s)  ⋯ Arcane.... Arcane, and uh.. Arcane XD Also Bluey ◈ Comfort clothing  ⋯  Pajamas, comfy soft pajamas. ◈ Comfort song(s)  ⋯ Honestly whatever is playing on spotify in my repeat group. ◈ Comfort book(s)  ⋯ I use to have some but I haven't read in a LONG time. Maybe Warriors. Not sure, its been a decade or so. ◈ Comfort game(s)  ⋯ Horizon Zero Dawn / Horizon Forbidden West, God of War/Ragnarok, Mass Effect, Dragon Age Inquisition
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @jynxd & @knifvd ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ @shimmerbeasts, @goldenfists, @miellv, @lowlifetopfloor, @spectrophobias, @ofspvrta, @restrainedhungr, @weavertali, @unquenchedfury, @undercity-merc, @piltover-sharpshooter, @playgroundmonsters, @decidentia, @fcrgiven, @gauntlets-shot, @gettnup, @knightinsourarmor, @burdenedreverence, @veiled-lady, @valhiir, @couturiere, @zaunseye, and everyone else!
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calledbyflowers · 3 months
i see how u could like fink that kirby is a pokemon like i can notice hte objective similarities btwn their designs and like how u could oribky assemble kirby out of pokemon parts eyes from sudowoodo and body from jilggpypuff or smthn but like its interesring cuz i can def see how u would think that kirby is a pokemon looking at them side by side but also like it feels wrong to me now as i fink abt it further. liike idk kirby seems too alive to be a pokemon. he has a soul. he stares back at you. he challenges ur gaze in a way a pokemon just doesnt. pokemon r so clearly passive things made to be owned. kirby has an interiority. he is playful curious brave angry hungry sleepy dumb glad to be alive. he wants things. hungry! and ik that objectively pokemon do all these things too but they dont do it in the same spirit. kirby is hungry. the pokemone can only perform hunger for you. a pokemon is just essentially a slave and nothing that it is or does is for itself as an autonomous subjectivity but rather for you. a pokemon is a whimpering disgusting persistent thing that is nothing without you which begs w you pleads w u performs 4 u so fucking obedient theyll die for u without a seocnd through since withotu you there is no them ot begin w. the pokemon stop existing when oyu turn off the game when you deletre the save file. kirby is slepeing and eating and flying and cooking and having misadventures no matter what. kirby is more alive than a pokemon. to make a pokemon like kirby would be to unmake pokemon. what is a pokemon but a "pcoket monster" a monster that is defined entirely in relation to how you can store them and breed them and make them fight each other for your amusement. im not saying pokemon trainers cant b nice im not saying theyre evil for doing this to the pokemon (ik pokemon dont rlly die). aa trianer can be v kiund and considerate and lovely to their pokemon and give them lots of treats and so on. and yet in all this it wil lremain true that as hermann cohen said abt the poor and impoverished of the world in trying to solve the problem of evil without becoming a based gnostic like me the pokemon whines and complains and needs attention and lvove from you so that you may play the role of the savior. a pokemon suffers so that you may save it. everything that a pokem,on is it is for you. kirby meanwhile exists purely and entirely in and with hhimself a self-contained unity of being gradually sucking the outside in as a kind of light-hearted play without malice or forethought. the beings that eat worlds r generally dumb and stupid and happy. the devourers of worlds r bimbos and himbos and thembos one and all and may God strike me down if we will not be saved by them as we once scourged by them in a great revaluation of values what one might call a third way revaluation btwn the one proposed by nietzsche and what he supposed to be the initial revaluations of nietzsche and by third way i mean everybody fink abt urself try tio look hot and pretty and dumb capitalism is the only possible economic system baka no thoguths. head empty. just vibes. nudge theory. tax rebates. cultural pluralism. computers r the future. id cards. id cards. id cards. id cards. id cards. id cards. modern art is a concept btwn space and time
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redybearsent · 9 months
A Scrapped FNaF Tycoon idea
Well time for a bit of context.  This idea came to me a while ago, it was for a tycoon game based around the Pizzeria Builder mode from FFPS and Dayshift at Freddy´s 3 gameplay. It was simple, the plot was that You (Mike) bought a pizzeria that you had to run, buy animatronics for and bond with them.  You would have Helpy as your assistant to give advice in some stuff about the tycoon and as a little tutorial.  Lolbit, DD and Mendo would be shopkeepers that you would come to in order to buy respectivly Animatronics (Lolbit) Building Upgrades (Mendo) and secret Easter Eggs and Minigame stuff (DD).  Finally you would also have a special mode where you could serve pizza to the customers and talk to the robots to know more about their lore an personalities and perhaps... Free some spirits in hte process, but watch out! They´ll attack you if you try to do it... In some cases ofc.
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pixelkip · 10 months
Guess who finally played her favorite touhou game character/setting-wise. which also happens to be the most infuriating,ly hard game in the entire fucking series
sorry i . i need to be feral about this game just bear with me please .
this is my first time listening to the entire ost toghether in a WHILE and holy fuck does it hit different when youre actually playing
fuck yea dude that music sure is c a v e
who gave a first stage boss the right to have such a fucking banger.
parsee's theme makes me wanna cry thanks zun for making me feel for the most frustrating early game boss ever
yuugi pplease step on me i mean what
i went fucking apeshit just seeing the palace of earth spirits in-game for myself for the first time. the komejis were like,. the first 2hus i got really attached to so yknow im very normal about them i promise. <= proud owner of (bootleg) fumos of both of them
i fucking squealed like an idiot when satori maiden started playing . its so. aughhghg <33333
its a damn good thing i'd already listened to Lullaby For Deserted Hell a million times before i played this bc otherwise that stage wouldve made me despise it.
if i ever make it to that extra stage (unlikely bc im struggling to even get through stage 5 on easy) i think ill actually cry . partially bc of the difficulty but also .,. as any of my friends know im totally sane about koishi and Last Remote and Hartmann's Youaki Girl so very normal i promi se all that being said this game pisses me off more than any other game has before. what do you MEAN CONTINUE MAKES ME RESTART THE STAGE AND BOMBS RELY ON POWER LEVEL at the same time tho i am injecting it directly into my bloodstream. Any of my non touhou nerd friends for the love of fuck listen to the Subterranean Animism ost. please . its so good.
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
in mp100 spirits can come from people or really strong resentment but bc dimple is so sentient he most likely came from a person. A long time ago
lmao imagine beign some guy and u die and get turned into a spirit adn u look like. that. took the biggest L fr i hope when he was a person he looked like some average joe just like hte invisible guy from hotel transylvania
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icarus-suraki · 2 years
I was gonna answer that tag-this-with post about “the oddest thing in the room you’re in” or “the oddest thing you own” or whatever it was and I’m realizing, shit, where do I start?
The “haunted” objects? The shitty New Age books? The witchcraft books of dubious authenticity? The Bible in Chinese? The Japanese magazines I took from a hostel in London? The saint figurines (including one that glows in the dark)? The Chris Chan art (made by, not of)? The gashapon trinkets? The world band radio? The gin teacup? The DIY blessed salt? The plastic palm trees? The collection of lil’ glass bottles? The ring that supposedly contains a vampire spirit? The fulu that lives on top of the deer antlers??? I could keep going! I just don’t know where to start. I have so much random shit that I’ve accumulated over hte years and I’m starting to worry about the next time I have to move. Fuck.
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the-firebird69 · 25 days
we have other announcements and news here:
--the morlock are on the run yes. and ll over earth they are shunned now and hated. ushed out and berated. and it is not a trend they are in trouble. and are mean spirited therefore are hit a lot. tons of times. all over earth. and if you are one yeh you should not say it.
---we see tons die daily in hte streets, hauled out and shot in the head and piled onto trucks. it is an ugly scene but going on now. right now. globally.
---the cities are ambroiled and as of eight am this morning as they didscovered the city sepertists drilling downwards and they compete or are from there. tons of them are dead on both topside and below. defenders die rapidly. and it is on they say and come topside or send armies. and healthy ones mac armies lots of times and slaguhter the idiots wh are not prepared at all.
---and there is more. we see you cannot do simple tasks without making it a big deal. shows. and in your cities you cannot get fuel t trucsk to defend and ammo without a big deal and cost you you r lines many times last night and helped. bja got data.
---we hve another event her ein pg there are too many idiots. not for long. mac daddy ordred tons out. emeaning to prison. and now. they seek them all. and aer in today as cops arresting them and in numbers all. tons of them and we need in now
Thor Freya
good we hear it need it
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whitepolaris · 5 months
Ectoplasmic Estates in Atlanta
Metropolitan Atlanta, the capital of the American Southeast and one of hte country's most important cities, contains half of Georgia's population. Despite this, Atlanta is sparsely haunted. The original city was almost totally destroyed during the Civil War, and it is famous for demolishing itself as it grows. Atlanta is a new city, with new buildings, neighborhoods, and traditions. It is amazing that it has any haunts at all. But there are a few.
The William Donaldson House, constructed in 1870, is the second-oldest in Dunwoody, an upscale community just outside Atlanta. In 1975, it was purchased by the Chestnut family, who had an idea of its secret nature before they moved in. "We felt a presence," Linda Chestnut said. "We knew there was something there." One of the Chestnuts' daughters woke one night to see a female ghost standing over her bed, peering out a window, and chorus singing was heard, from a front bedroom. The light in the dining room flickered on and off for some time until David Chestnut threatened to replace it with a new fixture. The flashing immediately ended.
Most off was an antique Bible that rested on a table. It would lift off the table and fall to the floor, opening to one particular passage. "A psychic came out and said a few words over it, and it stopped," Linda stated. The psychic also "saw" a family of ghosts-mother, father, and child, dressed in late-nineteenth-century fashion. The trio was probably William Donaldson; his third wife, Adeline, who occupied the structure after her husband died; and their daughter, Lee Ann. The three have been seen walking hand-in-hand. The psychic pronounced them "positive spirits," and the Chestnuts agreed. Of Donaldson's presences in the house, David maintained, "He's just making sure we're taking good care of it."
Early in the twentieth century, Atlantan Henry Heinz married Lucy Candler, daughter Coca-Cola magnate and Atlanta mayor. In 1922, Henry built his bridge a fine house, Rainbow Terrace, now Lullwater Estate, on Ponce de Leon Road. The great Spanish-Mediterranean-style mansion is a handsome structure of white stucco with orange roof tiles. But it was not to have a happy history. In 1946, Henry was murdered in the house by a burglar, and Lucy no longer wished to live there.
By the 1960s, the building became a boardinghouse, where residents frequently observed prowlers on the grounds. Residents and neighbors alike reported the intruders to police, but the shadowy figures vanished if anyone approached them. Repeated gunshots were heard, but again, the responsible parties were never located.
The estate continued to deteriorate until the 1980s, when a corporation purchased the property, turning it into condos and constructing townhouses around it. James Giblin and his family occupied a unit that included the old library, where Henry was killed. Just before Christmas 1984, Giblin decorated his mantel with greenery, then returned to find the greenery scattered across the floor. Several days later, a firmly secured Christmas tree fell to the floor, and one night in January a glass shelf fell, destroying expensive crystal and porcelain. Giblin did not believe in ghosts, but he was convinced that "something weird was going on. For those things to happen in such a short period of time just really didn't make a lot of sense."
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nataliesilverman · 6 months
I find vampire allegory a bit flawed.
If you go with the race angle, you're injecting tangible biological differences in reproduction, diet, neurological differences, and environment into the fray.
Like vampires EAT people. They're apex predators, and if you say they're demons, they're an invasive species. If you go with hte virus angle, they're a plague. I have never liked this idea because it's an outright racist/eugenicist/racialist narrative.
Class is another mess but it is still flawed depending on how your vampires work. If they're demons, we've got a political element due to a foreign invasion/globalism undertone. Things from another world coming into yours and picking off the most vulnerable in society has protectionist vibes. So I still don't really like this. This can be viewed as an immigration issue, with foreigners coming in to commit and defile our women. Maybe not a DIRECT parallel, as vampires don't often have the numbers to replace a significant number of human jobs, but I can say society would benefit from them working night shift, but that also depends on if they abuse their positions to break into houses and eat people while they sleep, so...maybe also not the best narrative to have.
But then there's the classic ol' Wealth and Royalty allegory. Your Dracula type. An aristocrat who bleeds the land dry and has aspirations of world dominance. I kind of view this as the only real acceptable allegory for a vampire narrative. A single intelligent predator who's extremely difficult to kill, who sires an elite army of loyalists and simps. Doesn't really do a lot of working outside of biting people to indocrinate them to capitalism, and spending time with a harem of female vampires. But this can also be used as a populist narrative to inspire paranoia. "Who amogus is a vampire?"
Like when I get asked why I have vampires in my narrative when I have them feed on cloned blood, walk around in the sun (which the OG Dracula COULD DO so shut the fuck up already) but I don't use any of the common tropes, this is why. I feels ethically wrong to take societal issues and attach biology to them. That's eugenicist propaganda with a fantastical coat of paint slapped on it. It's best to view vampires as they are; people who feed on the blood of others. In a scifi setting, I feel they would very quickly resort to slavery or blood cloning. Even the demonic aspect seems off to me, because these thousands of years old spirits who possess humans seem rather unintelligent like animals and it always leaves me wondering why they're so dumb. Like a predator that looks human is an imitation predator. It would NEED a high IQ to blend in unless it just lives in the sewers until nighttime. In which case like, humans would catch on and either clean out their hideouts or just fumigate them. In the case of vampires using humans as livestock, there are some interesting narratives in that. What is human and who are more valuable? Is it unavoidable? Can they just eat animal blood or is this racism? Vampires using cloned blood is the most appealing to me because it offers open dialog and coexistence with humans. It turns human civilization into a multi-civilization society and there is not enough of that in fantasy or scifi. These genres tend to be very human-centric and it interests me to have an augmented perspective on humanity.
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ferinehuntress · 9 months
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 ◈  ⇢  @shimmerbeasts  ⋯  my muse to talk about … .    ❝ 3. someone they miss (Ahri) ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ 𝐀𝐡𝐫𝐢 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐓 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐩 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐥𝐲. 𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐱  whine emitted her lips as she pulled out an amulet. The sunstone, cracked in half down the middle rested in her palms. A faint blue light glowed around the edges of it as she lifted it and stared at it with both happiness and sadness at the corners of her eyes. "A young woman named Gwen. I was in a really bad place so long ago, I hated everyone and I wanted to make them hurt. But Gwen, Gwen was sweet, kind and a light glowed in her eyes that she allowed me to see," Ahri's fingers brushed along the stone, as a few of her tails wrapped around her to comfort herself, trying to self soothe a little.
"Gwen was the one who started to teach me how to talk! No one ever sat down with me, to try and teach me, and I learned from her. She is the one who called me Ahri, and so I kept the name. She told me the meaning of hte name means Elegant, because I had elegant tails and beautiful eyes. She showed me how to write it, and taught me kindness in the dark times. In truth, without Gwen, I would not be who I am today," Ahri spoke as she pulled the sunstone to her chest and curled into it. She rolled onto her side, pressing her face up against Miss T's stomach.
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"I…. killed her. I didn't know, the cult I so eagerly tied her wrist, bagged her head, and thrown her to the hunt. She was covered in blood, from cuts they had put on her. The cult wanted me to kill her, I don't know why; maybe they didn't like her influence or perhaps she would not follow what they demanded. I never thought to ask, it doesn't matter really. I hunted her and killed her; my one sweet light in the world and her blood stained my hands. But, I could still save her soul, her essence. So I took this sunstone," Ahri said as she opened her hands up, the blue light pulsating against it.
"And instead of eating her essence, I placed it in this stone. My sweet Gwen would be safe, living a life of peace and happiness and I can visit her at any point I wish. I hate what I did to her and I will never forgive myself. I miss her beating heart and her joyful laugh. Yes, I can see it in the spirit realm, but it's not the same as seeing it in the mortal realm. Still, I am grateful that I did not destroy her spirit,"
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