#so i can never tell why i didnt check out an exit without going back to it
foxstens · 1 year
suddenly not having so much fun
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dianagj-art · 3 years
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I tried to do more of the screenshot/cinematic kinds look but I gave up and just bullshited the backgrounds bc I didn't wanted to look so plain but I also didn't want to do a background
anyways Mipha is here! it's Mipha time!
(Friendly remainder that what's bellow is just copy paste from my draft and there's probably a lot of typos and gramar mistakes)
More of Yiga Link AU
<Previous / next>
A group of young Zoras finds Link's body sinking on the river, south of the Minish Woods. They take him out to land and check on him, he is barely alive and they quickly take him all the way to Zora's domain. They send the fastest of them first to inform the princess and she meets them halfway.
Link's wounds are bad, but she still can heal him, they take him to the domain to keep an eye on him, besides he is still uncouncious. They set him up on that little area for other species when they visit, and Mipha had other healers take a proper look at him.
The princess buys him clothes from a merchant since his are barely existent with so many cuts. The zora recognize those cuts, they know the boy was on a Yiga attack and unfortunately, they find his tattoo behind his neck.
They are not idiots and they fear the boy might be a spy and all was just a set up, the princess still wants to talk to him. Mipha was no fool and she wasn't as naive as most people outside the Domain may think, but she was curious, and there was a feeling in her chest that told her there was more to know about this boy.
Link wakes up in unknown clothes, he has no idea of where he is but soon finds out as he started to look around. He remembers what happened and a hand grips his chest. He knows he shouldn't be alive.
"That was terrible wound you had there," The voice startled him and he instantly stood up to go into combat mode. "Don't stand, you are not fully healed yet." he really didn't have another option, there wasn't a part of his body that did't hurt and the pain brough him down to the bed again.
He looked up to see 3 zoras, two tall ones dressed in armor flanquing a smaller one in shinny red scales and dressed in zora jewerly. The princess.
"Don't be sacred" she said and gestured to her guards to stay put as she walked to him, "I just came to look on your wounds"
Link frowned at that, the princess? Coming here to check on a stanger's wounds? Yeah sure. Link remembers his tattoo and quickly hides it with a simple illution spell that wouldn't take that much of his stenght.
"Dont you have healers for that?" he asked coldly.
The princess laughed lightly "Yes," she admitted and stood by his bed, her amrs behind her body, holding her spear "and they know more about hylian anathomy than I do, but they can't do what i can. Your wounds were bad enough to require my assistance."
Link frowned again, "what does that mean?"
Mipha smiled and gestured at the bed, "Can I?" Link recoiled his legs, leting her space to sit down, the princess did, leaving her spead resting on the bed besides her, she extended her hand to him, "give me your arm" she said softly.
Link hessitaded but he rested his arm on her hand. She carefully took off his bandages and let exposed a deep cut on his forearm, the boy winced at the sight.
The princess then put her other hand above the wound and closed her eyes. Her palm started to glow and link gasped loudly. His arm started to feel cold and a bit numb, but the pain was gone, and soon the same sensation washed over his body. It was nice.
Mipha was focused on the wound but she looked up for a moment to catch his expresion, she smiled lightly and looked down again.
The light coming from her palm dimmed until it was gone and his exposed wound wasn't there anymore. Slowly, the pain came back to the rest of his body. Mipha let go off his hand and he lifted his arm to his eye level, twisting it one way and another, trying to see the trick but no, the wound was really gone.
"You... You really have healing powers..." he had herd the rumors but no yiga had actually seen it, just heard things from other people.
Mipha hummed a laugh, catching link's atention, "Outsiders are always so surprissed to see it" she stood up, taking the spear again, "I have other things to attend, but i'll come back to heal the rest of your wounds latter."
She leaves with her guards, a few minutes latter another group of zoras show up. Two of them check on his wounds and tell him to rest while the other two just guarded the entrance. He had a bad feeling, whenever he peeked an eye to the other room he saw a guard. He didn't know if that was normal or if it was because of him.
He rests, too tired to try and transport, and fully knowing that in this state he wouldn't be able to fight. He starts trying to form a plan to get out of there. Taking a swim was not an option, anywhere near water he would be an at disadvantage. He had to make it to the montains that sorrounded Zora's Domain, he could take a run for it once he were back to his feet, he had no idea if zoras were fast runners but they had short legs, he was sure he could outrun them. Once close to the montains he could teletrasnport himself to a higher place and away from them.
Tho he didn't know where to go from there. It's not like he could go back to the Hideout.
Mipha comes back that evening and heals two more of his wounds before leaving. Link is starting to think that maybe her healing magic tires him as much as illutions and trasportation tires him. It takes a few days for him to be fully healed, all the time he is forced to stay on the rooms to "rest"
All the time he feels uncomfortable, he feels watched. It gets worse when he is fully healed and the princess wants to give him a little tour around the domain, everyone always stares at him, or maybe they are looking at their princess and he was just being paranoid.
He had never been to Zora's domain, to be honest, he hadn't seen that much of Hyrule, and he was intrigued to see and learn more.
As they start to walk around the Domain a little red-scaled Zora runs to her and hugs her leg "Sidon!"
"I'm sorry princess," another Zora runs to her, "he's been running away the whole day, he doesn't wan't to do the jump"
"If you don't jump how am I going to teach you to climb waterfalls?" Mipha asked him and he just hugged her tighter, hiding behind her from his instructor.
Link quickly put two and two together and figures out he must be the young Zora Prince, but he was most concerned with the idea forming on his mind. Would they follow him if he jumped? He eyed an opening on the level they were on, and without really thinking about the heigh he kneeled down
"If I jump would you jump?" he asked Siron, "I can't swim as well as a zora would, so if i can make that jump I guess a zora prince would have no trouble doing it, right?"
Siron thinks for a moment then nods. Link walks to the edge and looks down to the long drop. "Having second thoughts?" Sidon's instructor asked him. Link just frowns at him, and takes a few steps back, he took off his shirt and dropped it before sprinting and jumping.
He hits the water gracefully and as he sinks he prapares to transport, but sees a lot of Zoras around him. He sees that at the bottom of the lake there's a whole underwater town that probably outstretched fartest of what he could see. He goes out to the surface and finds it quite hard to not let the current take him away, even when he was under their castle as there were underwater walls shielding him from the strong current of the main water fall of the domain. A few zora heads pop out, looking at him curious. Some heads look younger, maybe teens? And look at him impressed and exited
"SIDON!" Link lifts his gaze and sees someone had jump and the tiny zora splashed in the water. He looks around but the zora prince doesnt come out.
"OW!" something bites his toes and a tiny shark head pops out, sidon smiles with sharp teeth and giggles until the current starts to drag him out. Link lets him, surely other people would help their prince. But they dont they just look, and as much as the tiny zora tried the current kept draging him.
Link reaches out a hand and takes him, wraping his scaly hands around his neck as he swims to the base of the castle structure. He leaves sidon on the rock and climbs up too.
Mipha's head pops out behind him, "you swim quite well for a hylian" Link jumps in surprise, when had she jump? he didnt even see or hear her splash, "You are bleeding," she said and he lifted his feet off the water to see quite a deep bite. "SIDON!" mipha screams distressed, "how many times do i have to tell you it's impropper to bite others!" she lifted herself to the place they were sitting and patted the space between link and her, he puts there his feet and she healed him. As always he stared at her hand facinated.
"I have to thank you, for not letting the curent carry Sidon" she said, "you shouldn't have to, he is 23, he should be strong enough to be able to withstand it." link looks at sidon as he jumps into the water again swiming closer to the rocks. 23? "but I would have done the same" "and thank you for jumping, her instructor had been trying to make him jump all week"
Link looks at his foot and thinks of all the other wounds he had, all the wounds the yiga had made. "I should thank you," he said, "I should be dead. You saved me."
"those wounds were no accident, were they?" she asked, "the yiga were sent to kill you" Link nods, "but why?" he sruggs.
"I have to leave," he said softly, "but i'll hate to leave without paying back what you have done for me,"
Mipha smiles, "I'm sure we'll think of somehting," she stands up, "I know a place you can stay meanwhile. Sidon! Lets go!" he swims to them, his little back fin braking the surface, he jumps towards Link, mouth open. Link backs up but Mipha catches him on the air and hums a laugh. "I'll meet you at the top," she said to link and pointed over his shoulder "you can use the leadder to climb up."
Mipha swims up the waterfall they just jumped from with sidon on her back. They meet at the top and Mipha leaves sidon with his instructor. He runs to link when he shows up and tries to bite his leg, "My prince, dont do that!" the instructor pulls him away before he can do damage and sidon smiles with his spiky teeth.
"I have to apologyze for his behavior," Mipha said tho she is trying not to laugh, "His new teeth just came out and he has a need to bite eveything."
They walk to a village at the top of the mountain overseeing zora's Domain. Mipha pays him a night to stay and tells him good bye. Link is bafled that she has so much trust in him, he plans on just leaving, but he has a chance. He now knew and gained the trust of two zora royals. He knew they were the only heirs of the zora domain and since the king didn't had a mate... He could make a move. And maybe, he could be allowed back with his people.
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iloveitwhen · 4 years
jasonette but like siblings but like angst- like that whole trope where they are blood related and got separated, or they didnt get separated idk thats cool too i just want some sibling jasonette😅
Wow. ok. uhmmmm. this is a lot i think?? I got a little jk a lot carried away and this past week was super busy so i’ll finish the second part later??
Again... a lot...
Jason is walking home after another night at the bar when he sees a small woman, teenager? Slip into a dark alleyway and two men follow in after her a few moments later. 
Jason curses and bolts across the street, what was this girl thinking? How stupid do you have to be to go into a dark alley where no one will hear you or care to help?
He jumps into the alley to find one man already slumped on himself on the floor and the other getting kicked in the teeth by army boots then falling limply. 
Jason curses again, impressed this time. He scans over the men noting that they probably had pretty good concussions judging from the dent in the garbage can the first man was laying next to and the way the second guy’s head smacked onto the concrete when he fell. He lands his eyes back on the woman, no, definitely a teenager, with a smile on his face that instantly falters. The girl is in a fighting stance and waiting for him to attack so he quickly raises his hands to placate her.
“I’m not here to fight you, I saw you get followed and I was coming to help.” 
“Nobody helps in Gotham,” she states, a dangerous edge to her voice that held a carefully hidden accent. 
“Not from around here, are you?” 
The girl narrows her eyes, “I was born and raised here, take a step further and you won’t be waking up tomorrow.” 
Jason pockets his hands and smirks. He likes her, she’s a fighter, she reminds him of himself when he was younger. 
“Ok. Just make sure you make it home safe. A girl’s going to get some unwanted attention at a time and place like this.” He turns around and crosses the street but as soon as he’s out of her sight he turns back and hides in the shadows to track her and make sure no one else tries to catch her alone. Just because she could handle herself the first time doesn’t mean she’s necessarily safe from the next attempt. 
The girl exits the alley and starts toward the direction of Jason’s apartment calmly as if she didn’t just get attacked. At least that means less walking for him. After a few minutes she slips into another dark alley, of course she does, and Jason crosses the street again going into his own empty alley before pulling his helmet on and scaling the building. As he peers over the side of the building his helmet scans the area giving him feedback he would normally miss due to the horrible lighting and telling him that the alley was empty. He figured she had somehow gotten into one of the buildings and decided to go home by rooftops since he was already up there. 
However, as he landed on the opposite rooftop his feet slipped from underneath him. Jason managed to roll out of it but before he could get his footing his hip was kicked into and he stumbled, tripped over a seemingly perfectly placed rock and smashed his head on the side of the stair house. Then, just as quickly as this all transpired, there was a body behind him, they hooked their fingers under his helmet and lifted it to expose his neck and press a knife with jagged points onto his neck. How did he know the knife had jagged points? Good question, it was, as previously mentioned, against his neck and piercing into his skin, drawing blood. 
“Why are you following me?” a girl’s voice filters through his mask and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His mask let him know through the constant visuals that the voice belonged to a female in their late teens, not that he didn’t already know that. 
“Making sure you got home safe,” he says carefully, weighing his options and trying to decide if he should let her feel like she got him or escape with a slight nick on his neck. 
Eh. Jason preferred to not have a bleeding neck no matter how small the cut. 
“Lies,” she hisses, digging the knife a bit deeper as a warning, maybe getting out sooner was a better idea. “What do you want?” 
“Knife off my throat first,” he manages without pushing his neck further onto the blade. 
A second later the girl releases him and jumps back with enough space between them to react if he ended up deciding to attack her. 
Jason gives her a quick glance as he stands up, a hand to his throat to check for blood. 
“I wasn’t lying-”
“You’re not fooling anyone you Red Hood wannabe,” she snaps. Jason just laughs in surprise, no one has ever accused him of being a Red Hood wannabe. He's the one who made the mantle into something to respect, something to fear. He stops laughing and levels a glare at the girl, his helmet telling him unhelpfully there was no match of facial recognition in any database. 
“I am Red Hood-” he started to growl out but she cut him off again. The audacity. 
“Red Hood wouldn’t have been caught by the person he was trailing, Red Hood wouldn’t have been caught off guard, Red Hood doesn’t have a stupid streak of white hair on his head. He may have been a theatre nerd but he wouldn’t do that.” 
Wait what. 
“What are you talking about?” But it was more of a demand than a question. 
“You’re not…” she trailed off waving her hand in the air trying to find a word, “slick. Same jacket, same shoes, same build, yeah. You’re not fooling anyone.” 
“Ok. Whatever, I’m going home.” He turns and starts jogging across the rooftop towards home. So much for helping out. 
“Where is he?” she calls out after him.
“Right here, princess,” he spat before jumping to the other rooftop. 
But as soon as his feet leave the building a big dark blue warbly hole appears and swallows him before he can react. Unfortunately for him the other side of that weird black hole was a face full of concrete. 
“Prove you’re him.” 
Oh this girl was something else. Jason shakes his disorientation away, he didn’t know how she did that, nor did he care but he was pissed. He swings his foot around and connects with her ankle, she falls as expected but easily bounces right back up and hops out of his range. 
“Do that again and I’ll have to break my no killing kids rule,” he growls out, staring her down for a moment. Her face was finally lit by the dim yellow street lamps and he could see the entirety of her face and all the raw emotions she was trying to hide. For a split second familiarity passed through him, like when you see someone at the library then at the store a few weeks later or you see an old school friend ten years later and can’t quite place them. Jason dismisses the feeling and turns to go. 
“Wait.” She says it so vulnerably that Jason gives her a chance, when he turns she pulls up her sleeve and shows off her forearm. 
In the center of her arm is a faded black tattoo that was a writing symbol, but because of its name and one of its uses it was used to brand child soldiers in Gotham from a particular gang that Red Hood obliterated as soon as his first order of business in Gotham. 
It was the double dagger, or better known in Gotham as the death dagger. The children were expendable although highly trained and dangerous, they could give Damian a run for his money in the child assassin department. The tattoo was a reminder to the children and to the people they came across that they were soulless, emotionless, their lives and actions were not their own and they would give their lives willingly for the mission
Meaning who they were before was dead. No family, no connections, no one would notice if they went missing and no one would be able to identify their bodies if and when the time came. Sometimes poor families would sell one of their children and promise to forget them and to never contact them. 
Jason was led to assume that this was another child soldier looking to thank him, or kill him. It was 50/50 these days, some of those kids just never recovered. 
“So what is it that you want? You want my autograph across your head?” Jason asks dryly. 
The girl just huffs and pulls her sleeve back down. 
“I want to know if my brother is underneath that mask.”
I want to know if my brother is underneath that mask.
The words struck Jason deep in his chest but it only fueled his anger. He didn’t know why that hit so deep but he was not in the mood for this nor would he be at any time. 
“Just because I ended that gang doesn’t mean we’re family. Go find your other assassin siblings to play house with.” 
“Annette,” she calls after as he turns his back again. A strike of familiarity pulses through him and when he hesitates she continues, “that was my name before I was initiated. I was one of the first. Daddy’s little girl,” she was still talking louder than necessary since he hadn’t turned back around. “I’m the only one left from The 13.” 
Right. The 13. That’s what everyone called the first batch even as they were killed off, they were the most ruthless being the oldest and were also the most aggressive in proving their worth. It was common to find a number from 1-13 placed strategically behind at the crime scene, whoever had the most successful missions would be highly rewarded, or so he was told. 
“Do you remember?” 
“I remember destroying that gang and their stupid leader and having to kill some of your little friends and I also remember The 13 died within the first year and a half and were easily replaced by their younger friends.” 
“Do you remember me?”
“Look, kid,” he finally turns to look at her, “I don’t care, ok? Yay whoopdeedoo I saved you, get in line. It’s what I do, kill bad people and let the rest walk away. You’re not special.” 
“Annette Marie Todd,” she says hurriedly, like it’s a last resort. “Jason Peter Todd,” she continues, “just you. Me. And a blitzed out Mom.” 
Jason did not like this, he knew the Dagger Children were ruthless and expert manipulators but this was pushing it. He spun around to face her, ripping off his helmet, she already knew what he looked like and it was in the way of his death glare. 
“You don’t know who you are messing with. If you really were a Dagger you’d know that I am not one to be fucked with.” He slides his helmet back on and without a backward glance he runs off to the next roof and continues home. Thankfully not another portal thing opens up in front of him. 
Jason didn’t have a sister. He did not have a sister. He would remember having a sister. He would remember having a Dagger for a sister. But Annette was such a familiar name. And she had said her name was Annette Marie Todd. Todd. 
No that’s stupid. Impossible. She was just messing with him, for all he knew she could have been subtly showing her face in random places for him to react to the familiarity of her face and she could have said the name sometime in the last few months for him to vaguely recognize the sound of her name but not place it. 
But the Lazarus pit did alter his memories from childhood, it was like looking through a fog of red anger, or maybe it was always like that even before the pit, and it also completely wiped out other parts of his memory. But a sister? No. No way. 
Hours of this, circling around the possibilities and shifting around on his bed trying to get comfortable until he finally drifted off in a very restless sleep. 
Jason found himself in a familiar apartment, the one he lived in before his “mother” died. He looked around and it was more of the feeling of familiarity that convinced him where he was than anything else. He steps aside for a younger version of himself to run by him and turns to the window that led out to the fire escape and watches him climb out of it and close the window. Jason turns back around to see what Young Jason was hiding from. A man hands a thick envelope to his mother, Catherine Todd who had wrapped herself in a thin silk robe, her bony frame visible as well as her happy focus on the money inside that envelope. Jason couldn’t make out the man’s face but he turned around and grabbed the small hand of a little girl in pigtails. She turned her head and faced the window sending a smile but he couldn’t quite make out her face so he instead turned to himself sitting outside.
As he turned his surroundings changed but in his dreamstate he paid no mind to it. This time he was standing in an aisle of a store as a child. He looked around and found his mother dressed embarrassingly in a thin tank top and ragged jeans and flip flops. He feels a squeeze of his hand and looks down, his little sister is looking up at him and pointing to a rack of stuffed animals of Clifford the Big Red Dog that were suddenly there. He sends her a smile and looks up, intent on catching up with his mother and asking her to buy one but as he chases her his intent slips from his mind and instead he wants to taste the cupcakes he just saw. He opens a case and takes a bite but yelling makes him turn around and there is Batman towering over him. Instead of a tasty cupcake he is holding something thick and metal, a crowbar. He throws it at the man and turns to run away and jumps out of the parking garage and jumps into the air flying up. But he’s too slow, he tries kicking and swimming in the air to propel himself further away from Batman but a hand wraps around his foot. 
Jason jerks awake, breathing heavy and feeling uncomfortably hot. This was much more mild than his usual nightmares, if it could even be called a nightmare, but it was bad in a different way. It wasn’t unusual for Jason to be getting chased in his dreams by one thing or another and it always ended before whatever or whoever was chasing him got him but it was getting a little old honestly. 
His head was pounding so he slipped out of bed and poured himself a glass of water from the kitchen. As he takes a sip he recalls his dream and how he had looked down at his sister. But that couldn’t be right. 
A searing pain in his head forces him to tighten his grip on his cup before it goes away again. Stupid head. Stupid dream. Stupid girl trying to get in his head. 
As he lays back down a memory of clear grey eyes flashes across his mind’s eye. 
Throughout the next few days Jason tries to ignore the headaches and his dreams of the young black haired girl with grey eyes and of getting chased which was more frequent and more urgent than he remembered them being. It was just all a big waste of time. At least the Dagger girl wasn’t trying to find him anymore, he didn’t know how he would react if she showed up again. 
After another dream of getting chased, this time he was just so tired of it he got a few good punches in on the Bane/Joker demon that was chasing him when his phone buzzes, startling him awake. He ignores it in favor of a cup of coffee and checks the time on the oven that he never uses, it’s almost two o’clock. 
His phone buzzes again several more times in quick succession. He finally heads over and clicks his phone on to see five messages from Stephanie. 
Replacement’s replacement🤰
so u have a little sister and u never told me???
anyways shes at the big house and getting interrogated by bruce and i think hes ready to adopt her
so rude
i mean it looks to me shes tellin the truth but like seems sus for obvious reasons and ur the only one that'll actually know so… hurry up??
Jason curses and rushes to grab his things before running outside and zooming to the Wayne Manor on his motorcycle. 
welp i’ll add with another part soon that i havent finished yet but anywho let me know if jason is too ooc or something😁😁
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Do you still love me?
Hello lovelies! Today I am back with a angst piece but a happy ending don't fret too much! I was really thinking about making it end horribly or leaving it up to the readers imagination but I decided nahh i couldn't do that to my heart. So here Bakugou and his s/o who fell out of love??(or did they??) when then have a large family in the mix. I have also decided im kind of obsessed with domestic pieces lol, they are like more than half of all my posts. Anywho, reader is neutral hope you guys enjoy!
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
You and Bakugou call its quits not thinking of what it would do to your 5 kids who are stuck in the middle
Words:  3606
“Are we going to dad’s today?” Hiroyuki asked softly.
“Yeah, your going to spend the weekend with him, all of you.” You smiled at him.
“Can I bring Tokki?” He said looking at the ground already knowing your answer.
“We went over this last time baby, Daddy can't have pets at his new place and Tokki is a cat, he likes staying at home.” You said with a sigh. It really sucks that it came down to this, spend a week with you then a weekend with dad, then rinse repeat. Sometimes you even wondered if it was better. That’s what you and Bakugou told each other, I mean what else can you do when you fall out of love? You approached your car where all of your other children were waiting. You and Hiroyuki sat down and signaled the diver to go.
“We going to daddy’s right?” Kohana said as she bounced around in her seat. You booped her nose and nodded at her.
“Yay, daddy’s home!” Yoko said, clapping.
“Don't get excited Yoko, Dad’s probably busy. Were probably gonna be with Grandpa and Grandma.” Hiroyuki said playing with your fingers.
“You're so dramatic Yuki! Of course dad is busy! He is a Hero but he always makes time for us.” Your oldest said little explosion going off around her.
“Kaori.” You warned her with a stern voice. The little sparks calmed and she went back to quietly gazing out the window. 
“Your dad is a hero and therefore busy but I know he is very excited to see you all and will spend all the time he has with you.” You smiled at them. They all smiled back before going back into relative silence. When you and Bakugou decided to have a big family you were ecstatic and so was he. This, however, wasn't what you imagined. A tiny rift right threw your family and it was growing bigger everyday. When you told the kids about the spilt they didnt say much and the youngest ones didnt even really understand but as they lived through it, they changed. They formed their own opinions about who’s fault it is and why it happened. And now they were splitting up, there was Kaori the eldest who didn't care too much, Yoko, and Kohana. At the opposite end was Hiroyuki, just him. Your fragile little boy who was so sure it was his dad’s fault. Saiyuri was too young to choose a side but all the change wasn't really helping the 11th month old baby.
“We have arrived.” The diver announced. You thanked him while getting everyone out of the seats and exiting the car. Bakugou lived in an apartment now at the tippy top of course. It was a long and loud elevator ride as your kids were antsy to see their dad. When it opened Bakugou was standing there waiting for them and was immediately met with an armful of girls.
“Daddy! I missed you so much!” Kohana said almost in tears.
“Misses Daddy.” Yoko echoed her sister.
“Yeah, I missed all you brats too, you better have been on your best behavior! You have to keep up the Bakugou reputation.” He teased them
“Of course we have! I'm still number one in my quirk development classes. Yuki has the best grades in all of his grade. Kohana is reading at a 3rd grade level already and Yoko and Saiyuri are everyone's favorite at the Daycare!” Kaori said with vigor.
“Yeah, your all Bakugou’s for sure.” He chuckled at them. He turned to talk to Hiroyuki but he was gone. You heard a door shut, he was probably already in his room.
“I've got homework to do dad and them we should do something all together!” Kaori said kissing his check before taking off. Her sisters followed her as usual.
“How long do you think he’ll be like that?” Bakugou asked you with a sigh.
“Honestly I don't know, it's not like I tell him awful things about you. Maybe it would have been better if we did cause then he would have one thing to be angry about, one event, It would be easier than him just being angry at you.” You said placing Saiyuri onto the ground to walk around.
“They’re so mature and smart I forget they’re so young. Hell we don't understand why it happened, you can't just pinpoint a time where you fell outta love, it’s gradual. So how can we expect them too.” Bakugou said, sounding in pain.
“Yeah, sucks they had to witness it. I’ve got to go meet up with someone but just… He thinks you’re going to call your parents and abandon them to do Hero work. I know you can't put off everything but I think he just wants to know that for once he can come first to you.” You said as you kissed Saiyoui’s forehead. You were about to enter the elevator when a weight crashed into you. You didn't have to look down too far to see Hiroyuki hugging you.
“Take care of Tokki, please.”
“Yes and you make sure you and your sisters behave for your dad.” He sighed but nodded at you. You gave him one last hair ruffle before leaving. You couldn't help but think this wasn't ever gonna get any easier. You sighed before heading to the next destination, a café to meet with a few of your friends.
“Y/N!” You heard a voice call to you as soon as you opened the door. You identified the voice as Mina.
“Mina! Long time no see!” You said giving her a hug.
“Y/n, dear come sit down.” Momo said smiling at you, you sat down with the group.
“How are you doing.” Mina asked you cautiously
“I’m surprisingly doing awful, I see Bakugou too much to truly get over him. The kids are still adjusting to us being apart and Hiroyuki has been really upset and distant. I thought breaking up would fix a lot but it just made everything worse.” You sighed out.
“Well of course it did!!!” Urakara whisper yelled.
“You and Bakugou called it quits way too soon! I've never seen someone handle Bakugou the way you do. I’ve never seen anyone love him like you. Hell Bakugou loves you so much it’s ridiculous! Do you remember when he was gonna put his hero work on hold because of Kaori! I’m sorry y/n but I’m not buying this fell out of love thing.” Deku rushed out.
“Mm I’d have to agree. If there is anything I’ve learned from being friends with Bakugou it’s that he never half ass anything and if he put time into it he’s gonna see it through till the end so, logically it doesn’t make sense.” Todoroki said quietly.
“Yeah so what’s your side of the story?” Mina asked carefully.
“I… loved him, you know and when we had kids it only intensified but now it’s different. Bakugou is a great dad don’t get me wrong but he’s absent and that was fine when it was just me, Kaori, Hiroyuki, and Kohana but now there is Yoko and Saiyuri. It’s hard when they all have different school times and different needs cause of their ages. It’s hard because I had to put part of my life on hold, I went to UA too and I was supposed to be one of the greatest support people out there, every agency would want me. But it was Bakugou’s dream first so I sacrificed it all in a heartbeat. Over the years he just got more busy and I got more left behind. I’m tired of waiting up till 3am to make sure he’s alright knowing I have to be up at 7 to get the kids ready for school. I… love him and I don’t want to argue with him and I could feel myself growing angry at him, feel myself growing resentful. So I brought it up under the disguise of “do you still love me” and he said No… so that was that and we were done the next week.” You said not meeting their eyes. They just looked at you with wide eyes.
“Y/n I’m sorry, I didn’t know you felt like this.” Momo said softly.
“It’s fine, he is the love of my life and our kids are my everything so I would do it all again, just for them.” You smiled with a few tears cascading down your face.
“You haven’t tried to talk to him about this, you still love him, you guys can fix this.” Deku said almost mumbling.
“But he doesn’t love me and so there is nothing to talk about. Now come on let’s talk about something else. You can hear sob stories like mine anytime.” You waved them off. They were hesitant but the conversation did pick up about their lives and your time at UA, at least the happy parts. The rest of your two days without your kids were a blur. You just remember waking up with your phone going off a Monday.
“Hello is this Bakugou Y/n?” A women’s said. The title hurt just a bit.
“Yes it is.” You responded drowsily.
“I am very sorry you have to receive a call like this but your son Bakugou Hiroyuki has been rushed to the hospital, his sister did refuse to leave his side so she is there as well.” You were silent before hanging up and immediately calling Bakugou.
“What’s up?” He rushed out. He sounded panicked so he must have gotten a call too.
“I need you to pick up Yoko and Saiyuri.” You said rushing to put in on your clothes.
“What? But yuki is in the hospital, we’ve got to be there.” He said 
“Yes but they are done with daycare in.” You paused to look at the clock on your way out the door. “A hour. If we don’t get them now we’ll have to leave him to get them.” You said finally in your car.
“Yeah and he would rather be with you than me…” he trailed off.
“I didn’t say that.” You rushed out
“You didn’t need to, I'll get them and be there as soon as I can.” He said hanging up. You sighed and continued your drive to the hospital. When you got there you rushed to the room where you looked in and saw your son unconscious and Kaori laying next to him.
“So he is going to be okay, we do want him to remain here for another day or two.” The doctor said to you, smiling.
“Okay but what’s wrong with him.” 
“Well he hasn’t been eating or drinking or sleeping enough, especially for a boy experiencing his growth spurt. Pair that with how much he has been using his quirk in class and you have a pretty bad situation.” She said as if it was nothing to worry about.
“Uhhh okay so we just need to make sure he is eating and drinking right?” You said pacing a little.
“Yeah and I would figure out what made him stop. Your daughter was very adamant about it not being abuse just that there was something going on at home and he is trying to deal with it.” The doctor said as you froze thinking you did this to him.
“Just a divorce…” you trailed off.
“Yeah that will do it but I don’t need to know about it. It's your business just make sure to talk to him so you don’t end up back here.” She said before leaving, you let out a few tears before heading into the room. Noticing you, Kaori got up and was hugging you tighter than she ever had.
“Did you know he wasn’t taking care of himself?” You asked, stroking her hair. She shook her head no.
“I didn’t either, I didn’t know it was hitting him so hard… you know you can ask me about anything, tell me anything… me and your dad will always be in your corner.” You said lifting her chin so you gazed into her eyes.
“But you're both not in our corner anymore. You guys are in to different corners and it’s hard to keep up with two different houses and two different.. well everything’s.” She said looking away from you.
“I never meant to you guys to feel like this, I just…” You trailed off but before you could finish Hiroyuki tossed and turned in his bed.
“Yuki sweetie, can you hear me?” You said as you rushed to his side.
“Mmm.” He said, he’s eyes still shut in pain.
“Oh baby, i'm so sorry I didn't notice you were in pain. It’s never gonna happen again, okay? Do you need something?” You said stroking his hair, he hummed before falling back to sleep. You sighed and kissed his forehead.
“So whats up with him?” Bakugou rushed into the room with the girls in his arms.
“He hasn’t been eating, or drinking, or sleeping. So when he used his quirk it drained his body and he’s here for 1 or 2 more days.” You said eyes never leaving his.
“That's impossible, he was just with me… he… didn't eat very much.” He trailed off. You hummed at him understanding how he was felling as you missed the signs too.
“Hey, girls I texted Grandma and Grandpa and they said they miss you so much. So while we take care of Yuki how about you guys go see them, yeah? Mr. Yuri is waiting to take you.” You smiled at them. You see a fire rise in Kaori but it goes out quick as Bakugou ruffles her hair.
“Okay then, be good for them and don't cause too much trouble. Mr. Yuri will pick up Kohana, Kaori please explain what's happening to her. And don't worry, we’ll see you real soon.” You said waving the girls out of the room. When they were out of sight you and Bakugou visually deflated. 
“Katsuki, how does this keep happening?” You asked him
“How do things keep getting worse, first the break up, then the kids being mad at each other, Yuki’s anger at you, and now this.” You cried out.
“The break up was bad to you?” He asked voice cracking.
“Why wouldn't it be, Katsuki I know you don't love me anymore but I…” You trailed off
“Would you just spit it out dumbass! This is why we didn't work out because you never say shit. You just bottle it up and never lean on me or depend on me the way I do to you. You used to say “we're a team” all the time but in the last 2 years you haven't said it once. It was you who fell out of love with me so don't pretend like it was so hard for you.” He yelled at you.
“This is why we don't talk Katsuki, all you wanna do is yell and project all the feelings you bottle up from working so goddamn much. Of course it was hard on me and you would know why if you could drop your ego and talk to me like you can tolerate being around me or love me!” You yelled back at him but before the argument could turn into a big screaming match your sons voice rang out.
“Would you two just stop it…” He said weakly.
“Yuki, im sorry we shouldn't have been yelling even if you were asleep.” Bakugou said caressing his check. At the touch Hiroyuki let out the tears he’s been holding in.
“Its us isn't it?” He paused to look at you. “Me and my sisters… You had Kaori and me pretty young and you didn't really get to be young. You had all of us before you really got to live together just the two of you.. And Uncle Izuku and Auntie Urakara's relationship is doing fine even though they started to date around the same time as you, difference is they just started having kids like 4 years ago… Im 12 and Kaori is 13. So its us isnt?…” He said curling into himself.
“Kid, I'm not gonna lie to you, having you and Kaori at the ages we did was a nightmare. We were barely out of school, we lived with my parents for a while cause we didn't have jobs or a place of our own and even we did get one it was a shitty hole in the wall place but even at the young age of 19 we pulled our shit together and made it work so when you came a year later we were a lot more prepared. Yes we did miss out on a lot of things people our age did but we had you and Kaori and that was so much better than party’s and hangovers. Then we decided to have Kohana, Yoko, and Saiyuri and you all make us so happy. You all have nothing, not a damn thing to do with what's going on between me and y/n. If we ever made you feel like you did we didn't mean to. We love you so much and I am so sorry if we ever made it seem like it was your fault.” Bakugou said, eyes boring into Hiroyuki’s. Hiroyuki looked at you and you nodded to show you agreed with Bakugou.
“Don't ever forget how much we love you, okay? Now you should eat, we’ll get you anything you want.” You said wiping your tears with a smile.
“If it's not too much trouble, I want you and dad’s spicy pork curry and you guys should take some to the girls.” He said drowsily.
“But in order to make that we both would have to leave since it's a meal we make together… we couldn't leave you here alone.” You said mostly to yourself before any could say anything else a new voice was heard entering the room.
“You guys go talk and make him some food, ill stay with him. I didn't watch you guys terribly flirt and kiss everywhere just for it to end over some miscommunications.” Aizawa said as he took the seat next to Hiroyuki. Aizawa had remained close with a lot of students from 1A, becoming like a second dad but he had been extra close with you and Bakugou. When Kaori came into the equation he was like a nanny to her and it only increased when Hiroyuki was born, the two having a really strong bond so neither you or Bakugou was shocked he showed up.
“Okay, then old man. Watch my kid.” Bakugou said, grabbing your hand and pulling you away. You almost forgot what his calloused hand felt like. He drug you to his car and the car ride was mostly silent. The talking began when you began to cook in the house you used to share.
“Do you love me?” You asked as you cut pork
“Yes, I love you. I never stopped, I am in love with you y/n. Today I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.” He said slicing onions.
“Then why did you say that, say that you didn't love me.”
“Because I could see it, you don't look at me the same. We don't talk the way we used to. I don't want to string you along and make you hate being with me, because I love you more than life itself. And I was scared that one day you would wake up and you wouldn't need me and realize how easy it would be to leave me. That it would be my fault we ended because I was so focused on me I didn't see your pain. Scared that I would wake up and gaze into your eyes and find no love or joy in them. So I decided to let you go… I was thinking we just needed a break but you suggested a divorce and I agreed because I would do anything to make sure you keep that beautiful smile of yours. Even if you weren't smiling at me anymore… do you..” He said calmly, growing more emotional with each word.
“Yea, I never ever stopped. I was just tired, I am tired. But I want nothing more than for us to work… we can get through this, can't we?” You asked cautiously.
“Of course we can, we are Bakugous, we can do whatever the hell we want. And it will be different this time, we’ll talk about things and communicate better, I swear. I aint seeing a shrink though.” He said flicking water at you to make his last point more effective.
“Yes we are.” You giggled at him.
“No we aren't, you shitty dumbass. We don't need help, I can talk about my feelings without some dumb wanna be life coach.” He yelled as he began to wash the rice.
“Well we don't have to but I guess that means Zuku and Urakara have a better relationship than us since they go to counseling…” you trailed off with a shrug.
“Oh fuck you!” He roared at you, you giggled knowing he would now go. This was the most normal you felt in months, the happiest for sure. Just maybe things would be okay, and who were you kidding you could never fall out of love with the spiky haired explosion boy no matter what he did. It was toxic in a way but you could unpack that in the therapy sessions you were gonna force him to attend.
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Chapter 6
Note: I wrote this chapter for two hours and it’s suddenly 4 am
Warnings: None just fluff
Word count: 1.6k
They took y/n inside to a tent, followed by the general. The healers places her on the bed and started performing that usual practises. Checked pulses, blood pressure, heart rate. General stood there through the whole process until they wanted to check further.
One of the healers turned to him with “general.“ she said pointing to y/n and glanced at the exit of the tent.
General was blank what she was indicating to “Yes?”
“W—We have to check her.”
He sighed and stood there firmly “well go on! who’s stopping you?”
“We have to take off her clothes, do you mind?” She said hesitating.
General cleared his throat and nodded “Call me immediately once you’re done.” He said stepping outside of the tent.
It had been evening since y/n gained consciousness. Turns out over using her power and lack of practise resulted in being unconscious for, well 12 hours. General had been checking in on her every hour.
Y/n was lying on bed she had been placed on, quite a shock to herself. Given everything she had done in ketterdam she fainted out of lack of energy? Maybe because she didn’t have to use her powers that much pack there? She kept staring around the room with all these thoughts before the general stepped in. More like barged in.
“Miss y/n!” He said out a sheer relief to himself seeing her awake.
“General.” She sat up letting out a groan form lying in the bed.
“Oh no no please—you need rest.” He told her walking to her beside.
Y/n shook her head and chuckled slightly “it’s alright”
“So? Do you feel better?” He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Yeah-I feel much better..”
“That’s pleasant to hear.” He said giving her a smile.
“Yeah-“ she nodded not knowing what to say.
“I—“ he cleared his throat “I wanted to apologise for earlier.”
“For?” She asked blankly.
“I yelled at you insensitively before-just because I couldn’t swallow my defeat.” He said meeting up her gaze.
Yelling at each other because you don’t agree with them? Nothing new at the crow club she thought. “Oh-That? It’s fine.”
“No it wasn’t-it wasn’t right at the slightest of me to treat you that way.” He admitted.
“I mean it, it’s quite alright.” She shrugged.
“Is there any way I can make it up to you?” He asked with a generous look.
“General like I said it’s not-“
“Alecksandar. Call me alecksandar.”
He cut her off trying to sound as smooth as possible.
He nodded smiling looking at her from the corner of his eye.
“Alright well for now can you just fetch me a cup of water? My whole body screams in pain if I move.” She said with a sarcastic remark.
He stood up to and walked to the table, poured her a glass of water and walked back to the bed she was sitting on. “You said you were alright?” He asked handing her the glass.
“Thanks! I am. It will go away with a good sleep.”
“Ah well maybe I was right with you lacking training. We’ll have train more once we get back.” He said chuckling.
“What? No-I am properly trained.” She said in a stiff voice.
He sat to the edge of her bedside again but closed this time. “Yes of course, it explains all this.” He teased again.
“Well your training ways are pretty stupid!”
“Pardon?” He said raising a brow.
“They’re stupid.” Y/n admitted mockingly shrugging her shoulders trying not to laugh.
“That’s harsh, they’re not!” He added a sarcastic gasp.
She hit his elbow playfully “sorry to break it to you then.” She hit him again laughing as an annoyed expression was spread across his face.
“Stop it-“
She hit him again with a pillow this time. He had enough now. Alecksandar pushed the pillow away from her and gripped her wrists bringing her closer and a giggle escaped her mouth had he looked into her eyes heartily.
After a while he let go off her wrists still having her face just as close to his not breaking eye contact.
“Y/n...” he whispered. “I’m about to do something very stupid.”
“I like stupid things.” She said smiling.
Before y/n knew he leaned in and crashed his lips onto hers. Cupping her cheeks, she smiled into the kiss as he brushed his lips onto hers.
He broke the kiss to look at her and they were both grinning like children, none of them knew what to say but to look at each other and smile-it wasn’t awkward it was just stupid between them.
“I’ll see you in the morning then.” Alecksandar said with a smirk and stood up.
Y/n nodded at him with a wide grin spread across her face as he bent to plant a peck on her cheek before leaving the tent.
For a while y/n kept blushing to what just happened lying in the bed, but the it hit her what is she going to do when they get back?
Y/n and alecksandar hadn’t talked after yesterday yet. Moreover y/n had avoided talking to him until she could figure out what would she tell her friends? Would this even work out nevertheless? The other day when they reached back to the little palace alecksandar had shown eager attempts to talk to y/n, sometimes he would be snatched away to war meetings, sometimes y/n would slip away with an excuse. Y/n didnt plan to do this for long just until she could talk to Jesper. Obviously she decided not to tell kaz and Inej about it rather scared of the outcome. Kaz may plan to leave the very day with our without plan. Inej might as well just loose her mind and threaten to kill the general if he tried to come near her. Y/n avoided alecksandar until she could talk to Jesper who was nowhere to be found she did talk to Kaz and Inej when she returned. Even told them about what happened with the white walkers Kaz not that amused, as long as it wasn’t gonna affect him why would he be? Inej on the other hand was stunned with it. She refused believe when y/n said she killed a white Walker.
It was evening now and y/n finally got hold of Jesper, he came to meet her himself and hugged her tightly. After a moment she pulled away from the hug and looked at him.
“I’ve been looking all over for you for the whole day! Where were you?” She said with an annoyed tone.
“Kaz sent me to get a raven to send letters.”
“A Raven?” Y/n asked confused.
“Yes turns out, the letters kaz had been sending out for months never left little palace.”
“What? They’re not sending out the letters?”
“That’s why the Raven.”
“Wait but who is he sending these letters to?” Y/n asked as they walked by the corridors.
“Hell if he’d ever tell anyone about his plans.” Jesper snorted.
“Ah who am I kidding? It’s Kaz-hey but how did you get a raven?”
“D-don’t ask.” Jesper said with a disgusted look on his face.
“Oh—alright-I need to talk to you about something.”
“Not here.” She walked both of them to the garden making sure no one was around. “Promise me you can’t tell kaz and Inej.”
“You killed someone?” Jesper asked with a common expression.
“No-why would I come to you if I did?” She said putting emphasis on you.
“Point. Don’t tell me you broke kaz’s cane again? You’ve only been back for a day y/n!”
“I didn’t! Just promise me you won’t tell them.”
“Oh-well then it can’t be that bad I promise you I won’t tell them.”
Y/n told him about her and alecksandar, about what happened and Jesper didn’t say anything even until after she finished narrating.
“Jesper?” Y/n asked nervously what he might say.
“YOU KISSED THE GENERAL?!” He said looking shocked.
“SHH—Jesper! Someone will hear you!”
She shushed him.
“You kissed the general?!” He whispered this time with the same tone.
“He kissed me-well-“ y/n said trying to sound defensive.
Jesper just gave her a really displeased look that read “are you kidding me” on his face.
“Alright alright-we kissed.” Y/n admitted.
“I don’t know if this is or is not worse than breaking kaz’s cane.” Jesper said scoffing.
“Not the time for jokes.”
“Have you talked to the general yet?”
“About what?”
“About ravaka’s future.” Jesper made a sarcastic comment to with y/n narrowed her eyes. “About the two of you. Certainly he doesn’t know we plan to run off does he?”
“That’s why! See-so I don’t know what to do about it now!” Y/n said with a sigh.
“Do you like him?” Jesper asked.
“I shouldn’t.” Y/n admitted dryly.
“Well-he did try to kill us, but he does have a pretty face.”
“And hes a good kisser.” Y/n said blushing to which Jesper rolled his eyes.
“Look—its gonna take kaz more time with letters sent by ravens so in the mean time....” he said shrugging his shoulders.
“You’re not suggesting—“
“We’re eitherways running away eventually but till then you can maybe not break General good kisser’s heart. I mean what’s the harm if you like him back?” Jesper said raising his brows.
“That’s actually not a bad advise Jesper. Coming from you—“ y/n teased.
“Fine then I’ll just tell kaz and Inej.” Jesper said turning back and y/n grabbed his arm.
“Okay no no no-that was a great advise thank you Jesper.”
“Anytime. Just don’t do something stupid hmm?”
“I won’t.”
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@lazycherri @aleksanderwh0r3 @mygardenmentality @supernaturalcat7 @mizelophsun11 @edithsvoice @lilmaymayy
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: a halloween special with our boys and the mess it is
summary: lets just say,, things get weird during halloween
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okay so first of
halloween isnt a favorite holiday of most of the boys
like they all ltr are towers and skyscrapers but these kids are absolutely terrified of it all
but you just really like the holiday bc of yanno, candy, scary stuff, and omg costumes!
so you were basically very hyped and excited about it and you were excitedly humming to yourself as the date grew closer
the boys were confused as to why you were actually happy and in a good mood but they didnt complain bc they love seeing you happy
the flowery aura makes them heart eyes
oikawa ran over and he stood behind you as you were distractedly humming to your clipboard
‘watcha doing, y/n-chan?’
he whispered to your ear
normally, you would shriek or flinch but you didnt and instead, turned and flashed him a grin
‘checking our schedule! i have a surprise for you all and i want to make sure theres nothing happening to stop it from happening!’
the boys grimaced and held a hand to their heart at your joy and they didnt even question what was going on or why you were so excited
all they know is you were happy
lmao oikawa got the hardest shot to it
he was front seat and his eyes widened and he froze
then he pulled you to his chest and nuzzled his face into your neck
‘aawwww~~!!!! youre so cute y/n-chan!!’
these idiots are so whipped and simp for you so hard that they completely forgot everything
your happiness continued for another week and my god that was probably the best week of their life bc you were just fluttering and giggling and skfjdslkjfdlflfkjs
to be fair though, you mentioned halloween being close and you were looking forward to a family night of watching scary movies in tv and duh these boys were already arguing with each other on who would protect you
ltr its just a big warcry between the third years while the second and first years already were getting head pats from you for being brave boys and were comfy right next to you
‘my boys are so cute~’
by then, the surprise was getting closer and you were already jumping in your toes
the night before, you texted the group chat to meet you at the school by 8 pm tomorrow
they all sent replies saying okay with no questions
‘okay love you y/n-chan! <3′
‘got it! good night!’
‘sweet dreams darling!’
at around 7:30, you were standing by the school bus since coach mizoguchi omg bless his heart was going to drive you all
the boys were all dressed in warm clothing and my gosh they all looked like models what the heck
we’re just going to ignore and forget that hideous infamous oikawa outfit
but you didnt focus on that and instead waved at them happily
‘you guys!’
oikawa jumped joyfully at your voice before naruto running over to you and scooping you in his arms
he shouted and you didnt mind being twirled around since you were giggling and laughing
after iwa punched his head, oikawa had to let you down and they continued bickering so you took this chance to go over to the others by the side
‘are you all excited?’
you asked and they smiled softly
kunimi ruffled your hair and you grabbed his hand
‘it’s really sweet you planned something for us, y/n’
watari reached over to pat your head and you wholeheartedly accepted the affection
‘oi, just tell us’
kyotani grumbled but you cutely smiled and held a peace sign
you checked your watch and you jumped
‘oh my! we need to hurry on the bus now!’
you herded everyone to sit in their seats and oikawa raised an eyebrow at the driver
‘oh? why is-’
‘your dear manager wanted to have a bonding exercise for the team. how could we refuse? oh, coach irihata said to make sure you know how to breathe and calm down’
the last sentence made question marks appear on everyone’s heads but you waved it off
‘oh come on, mizoguchi-san! dont ruin the surprise!’
you whined from your seat and the elder caught your eye at the rearview
‘just making sure to warn them, especially oikawa’
but he went unanswered 
the team gave up trying to ask you bc you would just mischieviously smile and shake your head cutely
‘nope~! not tellingggg~!’
but oh my they were answered
mizoguchi dropped everyone off in front of a building where there was also other people at
owo the people just simply stared bc omg like 12 boys? thats freaking great and i have finally lived and can die peacefully now
the team blinked as they got off the shuttle bus and they were so confused that you waved mizoguchi off to make sure the boys wouldn’t run back to the bus if they figure it out
ofc our ever smart baby kunimi was the first to figure it out and his mouth opened
‘why,,, do you hate us, y/n-chan?’
slowly the light bulbs turned on in everyone’s heads and they all had the same shocked look
‘nope! im going home!’
kindaichi started to walk but you hurriedly grabbed his arm
‘nooo yuu-kun!!! noo!! please stay!! i worked so hard!!!’
you looked up with your puppy dog eyes and kindaichi scrunched his face up
no no no fight it kindaichi
but ofc hes weak to you so he sighed and went back with the group
‘oi, are you insane or what?’
kyotani, despite his tough facade, wasnt exactly the greatest with any jumpscares in movies so having a jumpscare in real life wouldn’t exaclty be,,,, not violent
but you trust he can handle it and leave the place without a charge for assault
it was clear the others were already regretting it and you got sad bc you did work hard on getting a reservation since this haunted house was the most haunted in this part of japan
your figure in front of them made them tear their eyes away from the scary windows which they swore had someone staring at them
‘come on, you guys! we’ll have fun! i promise! its not that scary!’
you assured but they still didnt look convinced
‘you know, i just,,, i wanted everyone to,, bond and,,, have fun,,,,,, and because halloween is my favorite holiday,, i thought i could share it with you all. but im sorry that i was selfish and,,,, did it even though you guys dont like it’
not at y/n being totally manipulative and using their affections and attraction to her to help her case
your downcast expression and sad eyes snapped them out of it and they just sucked it up and they all shared a look that practically meant
‘suck it up, and make sure y/n is having fun. forget about us, its her time right now’
this led to you guys standing in front of the door guy and he cracked up at the sight of this cute little girl bouncing in her shoes with a group of guys who looked pale and nauseous
‘reservation name?’
you exclaimed and he looked in the list before nodding
‘okay. so first, the rope is what guides you all. make sure, whatever you do, never lose grip on it bc you might get lost. keep in mind, this is an actual abandoned hospital and is known to actually be haunted so unless you want to go ghost-hunting and meet unknown people or spirits, dont stray off’
that warning should’ve scared you like the boys but you just agreed with a bright grin
the doorguy chuckled before reaching into the box beside him
ngl oikawa was already so scared that he flinched, not knowing what was inside of it
‘a flashlight to help you guide yourselves’
you held it tight and yahaba was already holding on to your jacket sleeve
‘also, phones in the bin, please’
iwaizumi started but you placed a hand on his chest
‘its to make sure no one films anything and ruins the surprise’
you assured and he stopped but continued glaring
everyone hesitantly placed their phones into the bin where they saw it being locked into a locker and the key was given to you
‘you can get it back when you exit so dont worry’
you nodded and the team rolled their eyes but nodded anyways
‘all set? okay! go on in! happy hunting!’
omg you were slightly regretting it already
kyotani refused to not be away from you so he was holding your hand while yahaba remained clutching you
the third years wanted to appear all tough so they took the lead but oikawa was screeching and screaming at the littlest things which caused makki to scream and mattsun to also scream and then iwa and everyone else
it was like a screaming train
you even heard kyo gasp multiple times and you tightened your grip on his hand to assure him he was okay and you were right there
everything was going smoothly excused the screaming and everyone was actually having a little bit of fun since it was funny watching everyone scream at the littlest things
the many rooms had the actors and dear god they should be emmy winning by how they just stared at you all and still sent shivers down your spines
then the unthinkable happened
the flashlight that iwaizumi was holding started to flicker and eventually died, leaving you all stranded in the pitch-dark
there wasnt even any light above you so everything was just black
everyone stopped, your breathing being paused and no one made a sound
someone from beside you shouted in your ear and you screamed so loudly and in instinct, everyone bolted forward with no direction on where to go
kunimi and kindaichi were holding each others hands and ran also dragging along watari since he was holding kunimi’s sleeve and also yahaba and you and kyo
oikawa instinctively shouted and they all held on to each other
mattsun expected to catch ahold of watari’s hoodie since he was behind him but there was nothing but air
‘uh, you guys?’
he wished and prayed and hoped your voice would answer back but there was silence
‘oi! l/n y/n!’
he shouted and makki trembled in fear
‘iwaizumi? oikawa?’
iwaizumi grunted and my goodness was this really happening
everything was going too smoothly that something bad happening shouldve been seen from the get-go!
the 4 third years were thankfully with each other since they were already huddled up at the front but their kouhais were nowhere near them
‘iwa-chan! what do we do!’
oikawa cried and iwaizumi hit him to keep him quiet
‘shut up shittykawa!’
‘oi! stop fighting and think about this!’
mattsun quieted them down into shaking forms
‘the team is gone. theyre somewhere in this hospital and there’s a chance theyve strayed off the path’
makki shakily breathed
‘so what should we do?’
iwaizumi bit his lip to think of a plan
‘should we just go around and shout and scream for them?’
oikawa suggested but makki turned it down
‘no. that would ruin it for everyone else. we’re not the only ones in here’
oikawa blanched
‘i dont care about the other people! who knows what happened to y/n! i give no fck about strangers when she could be lost somewhere in this big ass hospital!’
they were stumped with no solutions so they just agreed to iwa’s suggestion
‘lets just hurry and get this over with and meet the people outside and get their help’
‘or! we can ask the staff in here, the actors, to help us! this is an accident’
‘you stupid or dumb? you think they would help us? its an us problem, not theirs, so theyre not going to abandon their post and look for them’
ltr maybe its the panic thats making them all crazy but they just settledon hurrying up and finishing the maze so they could get help
but the moment they turned to what seems to be a corner, they already managed to get themselves lost
iwaizumi felt around for the familiar texture of the rope which is supposed to be at his right but in the end, his hand reached nothing
he shouted and scared the other 3
makki yelled
‘the rope. the rope’s not here anymore’
then oikawa sobbed
‘oh my god im going to die’
he whimpered and makki sniffled
‘i wanna go home’
mattsun and iwa were the only at least stable ones and they finally resigned to defeat and grabbed their friends and walked to nowhere
on to your side!!
you and the others finally stopped running but the beating of your hearts still pumped at a fast speed
‘are we safe now?!’
kindaichi shouted and there was a chorus of confusion amongst the others
you checked and usually he would grunt but there was just silence
it was quiet and the familiar voice of oikawa was nowhere in sight
‘i dont know about you guys but my oikawa sensors just shut off’
yahaba pointed out and you gasped
‘where are they?’
kyotani refused to let go so you felt around with your left hand for the rope
to your relief, it was still there but the feeling of the missing boys outweighed it and made your anxiety levels spike up
‘should we call them? lets call them’
yahaba started but kyotani bonked his head
‘baka. they took our phones earlier’
the reminder of the confiscated form of communication meant that there was no other way you could contact the others
panic bubbled over kindaichi watari and yahaba while you kunimi and kyotani were busy thinking of something
‘i think theyve strayed off. if they didn’t, they wouldve heard us from up there’
kunimi mumbled
‘but where else could they have gone to?’
you asked and kyotani huffed beside you
‘we cant see anything. hell, i cant even see you. obviously theres probably a hallway they ran down to without even knowing they went there’
‘so youre saying theyre lost? without any way to contact us? what do we do?’
you whimpered, finally realizing and the idea of the others being gone settling in
‘this is all my fault. i shouldnt have dragged you here. i made a mistake-’
‘hey, dont freak out. im right here’
even though you couldnt see him, kenta maneuvered his way to cup your face and you felt his forehead press against yours and his nose nuzzling your cheek
the smell of cherry blossoms and vanilla with the slightest hint of sandalwood
kyotani’s scent comforted you and you were able to calm down 
‘we’ll figure this out. its okay, you got me’
he whispered and you nodded 
‘youre right here. we’ll be okay, okay?’
you giggled a little bit at the repitition of the word but smiled when he pulled you close to his chest
ugh i mightve already written a kyo route but that doesnt stop me from putting in kyo moments :”)
the other 4 were figuring out a plan that was eerily similar to the 3rd years
‘lets just finish this and ask the staff for help later’
they all agreed to kunimi’s idea and hurriedly gripped the rope to start going back to the path
you were in between kindaichi and kyotani with the former in front and the latter behind you
‘im right here. you got this’
kyotani would occasionally whisper and you were so grateful to have someone to be there
then the lights flickered and your eyes caught sight of something down the hallway to your left and you noticed a shadow 
a shadow of a tall figure that was kinda familiar
you flinched and the voice of your blocker filled your ears
you were too focused on the voice to hear the others questions of what was happening
‘over here, y/n-chan~’
there it was again
you shouted and bolted to the hallway where you were sure the voice was at and you were ignoring the shouts of the others and kyotani hurriedly ran after you
you shouted again and you ended up at the hallway, with the lights still flickering but there was no one
kyotani panted as he caught up to you before snatching your hand
‘oi! dont run off like that!’
it seems the others were too scared to let go of the rope that they were fine if kyotani went after you bc he was strong so he could protect you both if needed
kyotani is a bark bark woof woof boy not a priest
you felt his warm hand grip your again as if to signal that you werent running off alone again
‘i heard him i swea-’
‘to your left, y/n-chan~’
ok ngl im getting chills writing this
the flickering lights allowed you to see the shadow again and yep there it was
it was at the end of the hallway to your left and once you turned and saw it, it ran to the right
‘mattsun-san! wait!’
as you were going to run, kyotani refused to let you go
he placed strong hands to your shoulders and you looked up at him, your eyes manic
‘listen to me, y/n. youre hearing things’
he firmly said
‘i dont hear matsukawa or anyone’
you started breathing heavily, the air seemingly getting colder and thinner
‘you dont understand! he was right there! his shadow-!’
‘let her play a game, boy!’
matsukawa’s voice this time took a harsh tone and even kyotani jumped, holding you to his chest protectively
‘oi! matsukawa! its not funny anymore!’
your eyes looked over kyo’s shoulder and you saw the shadow again from behind him
‘please trust me, kyo! hm?’
you begged and he sighed
‘im holding on to you. im not letting you go again’
this wouldve been romantic if you werent in an actual paranormal story
you chased after the ghost and it would occasionally whisper in your ear to keep your attention until you ran into a pitch-black hallway
‘what do we do now, y/n?’
kyo whispered and you trembled
you weakly cried, knowing there was a strong possibility he wouldnt answer back
but a loud screech from the far right brought hope into you
is that-
you shrieked and there was a trample of footsteps running over to you and naturally, kyotani pulled you behind him
then a hand made you shriek 
‘relax. its just me, y/n-chan’
mattsun’s voice sounded clearer this time since he was right beside you and you hugged him
‘come on. everyone hold hands so that no one will get lost. we’ll take about this later’
iwa commanded and as the true leader of the gang, everyone followed his lead
there was a red sign with the most amazing word on top of it
it looked like a door that was only meant for staff but at this point, you all were desperate to just leave
as you reached the handle, the voice came back
‘aw~ leaving so soon?’
you turned around, halting mattsun and kyotani as they held your hands and felt you stop
‘show yourself. i know you’re not mattsun-san so stop using his voice’
you demanded and you turned, feeling a chilly air rush behind you
it whispered to your ear and you eyes widened at the sight from further down the hallway
you could make out a mass of a body and at the top, there was bright red eyes and white teeth smiling menacingly
‘oh my god’
you whispered and the boys saw exactly what you were seeing
‘what is that’
oikawa whimpered
its mouth obviously moved as it spoke
‘are you leaving me, y/n-chan? so cruel~’
its voice was sickly sweet and sounded like a teenage boy’s but was so mean and hate-filled
you started sobbing and oikawa turned the door to run but it stayed put and didnt budge
‘you were so fun to play with~ are your friends fun too~?’
it looked like it was coming closer with a hand outstretched and you started shivering and your voice ripped into a scream
‘stop! go away!’
iwa mustered all his strength and ran against the metal door but it opened on its own, leaving the boy to land on the grass from outside
you were pulled by the others before it could touch you and you were already hysterically crying before the first and second years ran over and engulfed you to a hug
you were being hushed by the them and you tightly held on to someone’s arms
‘sshhh its okay, we’re right here’
you reduced to hiccups before looking around
‘w-where’s the other people?’
you asked, taking notice of the empty field
‘are we at the back?’
the boys shared a confused look
‘huh? what are you talking about, y/n?’
you looked at yahaba like he was crazy
‘the other people! the other people wanting to go in! and the doorguy! the haunted event! the haunted house!’
their eyes flickered everywhere to try and make sense of what you were saying but in the end resulted to just pure confusion and fear
‘y/n, we’re not at some event’
iwa started and your eyes widened
makki shakingly placed a hand on your shoulder
‘y/n, you dragged us here to go ghost-hunting. and there’s no doorguy’
your eyes flickered down as your mind tried to wrap itself with what was going on
‘what do you mean? i took you here for a haunted attraction! the doorguy took our phones and locked them in a locker, remember?’
you wildly waved your arms around but they still didnt understand
‘and the flashlight! and the rope! w-we had to hold on to the rope! the rope made sure we didnt stray off the path! bu-but the flashlight! the flashlight died!’
kunimi noticed the beginning of a panic attack so he pulled you close to him and made sure you could feel his heartbeat
‘listen to me, y/n. you took us here because we all lost a bet with you and this was what you wanted since its halloween and we trespassed to go here and there was no doorguy who took our phones because all our phones died the moment we got here and we saw a rope hanging from the ceiling and we had no flashlight in the first place’
he whispered to your ear and you pushed away from him, curling your arms around yourself
‘no! what bet?! i took you here for bonding time for our volleyball team! you were getting busy for inter high so i figured this could help you have fun!’
now that took the cake
‘what volleyball team?’
your eyes finally settled on your ‘captain’
‘what do you mean, ‘what volleyball team’, oikawa-san?’
totally disregarding the fact that you just called him by his last name instead of his first, he focused on what you were talking about
‘if you wanted to bond with the volleyball team, then you brought the wrong sport team over then’
oikawa scoffed, feeling rage bubbling inside him at the familiar players of the volleyball team
‘you shouldve brought over nagisa and rin and them, then, y/n’
makki bitterly mumbled and you were just so exhausted and tired and confused
you bursted and started crying which ofc prompted the others to calm down and focus on you
‘y/n, love, we’re the swimming team, not the little ball playing game’
mattsun reminded and you shook your head, disbelief and utter fear present in your face
‘then-then! oikawa-san! give me your right knee!’
you ran over and he questioningly raised his leg
‘uhh,, what are you doing, y/n?’
kunimi asked but you waved him off, determination in your eyes
‘this should prove hes a volleyball player’
then you punched it really hard which resulted with a sickening pop
oikawa screamed
a/n: idk if the concept is clear enough but uwu send in a guess and ill answer if you got it right
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
Disney Princess - 3
i told you id get it out anon, didnt i? but legit, so sorry this took for fucking ever, i get distracted :)
Chapter 2
M Rating (i bumped it up cuz of drinking? am i meant to? and no warnings)
Aurora x f!MC (Rylen Damen) (if you haven't been here in a while, i changed mc to an oc, but same personality)
~3k words (not super long, but i got a jump on chapter 4 so that should be out soon)
Read on Ao3
Aurora Emery is relieved.
It's strange. Very strange, the way her shoulders feel less tense and the way her thoughts are less clouded as she winds through Edenbrook’s halls, steps light as they lead her to Harper Emery’s office. She adjusts her coat outside the door, smoothing out the lapels delicately before stepping inside. 
Harper’s sorting through papers on her desk, only glancing up as Aurora sits across from her, palms flat on her thighs to quell her nerves. There’s tension lingering in the air, thick as it attempts to weigh down Aurora’s shoulders, attempts to counteract the result of the trial.
The pair sitting across from each other haven’t spoken since the fight in the atrium, the only communication being a brief, agitated text. Aurora’s foot begins tapping beneath the desk, muted by the carpet resting under her feet as the silence drags on and on and on and on.
“What did you need?” Aurora rushes out, her anxiety getting the best of her as her fingers twitch in her lap.
Harper glances up from her paperwork momentarily, meeting Aurora’s gaze, then sits back in her chair, hands folded atop her desk. “I thought it best we discussed what happened earlier,” she answers coolly, the slightest irritation in her expression.
“What’s there to discuss?” Aurora counters, squirming in her seat slightly.
Harper sits up, straight as an arrow, with tense shoulders beneath her coat and fingers knit together, resting on the desk. “If you’re not happy with me, Aurora, I’d like to know how to fix that.”
A sigh sinks Aurora’s own shoulder, sinking her further into her chair, “Aunt Harper -”
“Aurora,” she cuts her off gently, “I never want you to resent me or hate being around me. If that’s starting to happen, I want to correct it and be the best aunt I can be.”
“It’s just -” Aurora’s shoulders slump, any fight dissolving from her. “It’s overwhelming. When you give me as many assignments as you can, just to spend twice the time to keep you updated and involved. It’s exhausting.”
Harper nods along, falling quiet. Her hands find a pen, twirling it, twisting it between idle fingers. She nods again, more resolute this time, “I’ll try to step back some more, give you space.”
“Are you going to go back to practicing?”
She sighs, “Aurora…”
“You’re not happy sitting in this office, I know it,” Aurora frowns across the desk, folding her arms in defiance. “You’re always upset when you get home and take every opportunity to do some real work.”
“This is real work,” Harper frowns right back.
“No, it’s not.”
“Aurora…” she warns, eyes flickering with growing anger. “My career does not concern you.”
“And mine doesn’t concern you, but you’re still involved.”
“Then I’ll stop being involved. We can cut ties entirely, if that’s what you want.”
“That’s not what I said,” Aurora bites out.
Harper sighs, her head falling into the cradle of her hands as a quiet permeates the office, mingling with the leftover irritation. “I think you should move out,” Harper finally says, not moving.
“Why?” Aurora’s asking before she can help herself, surprise widening her eyes and dropping her jaw.
“Being this involved in each other’s lives isn’t working, Aurora,” she gestures uselessly. “I love you, but we’re both adults and don’t need to be getting into petty arguments.”
“So I’m getting kicked out?” Aurora asks indignantly, her expression some odd combination of frustration and betrayal.
“Of course not! Just - Let’s take a step back, okay?” Harper attempts to gesture placatingly, waving her hands down.
Jaw clenched tight, Aurora spits, “Fine,” standing quickly and exiting from the office, letting the door fall closed with a thud. A nurse glances up from across the hall, and she barely musters as scowl before hurrying down the corridor. Her hands mess with her coat, adjusting neurotically as she navigates the winding halls. 
She’s not quite sure where she’s headed, just that it has to be far from her aunt’s office and the woman still sitting within it. It has to be far away from the nagging voice in the back of her mind, telling her she just can’t handle this workload, she’s not cut out for it. It has to be far away from the anxiety that sat heavy in her gut in the hearing, an inexplicable bubbling of nerves.
Her feet eventually lead her to a waiting area, where family members and patients awaiting treatment sit, the air heavy. A woman’s sniffling in a corner, a few tears escaping just to be wiped away by the tissue in her hands. A young boy plays with a toy car on the floor, a teenager keeping watch over him a few feet away. A man sits with his hands clasped tightly, knee jerking anxiously with wildly roving eyes. There’s a dozen stories within this room alone, each wrought with upset and grief.
And that’s why she’s here, why she’s dealt with that workload for so long. Why she felt that anxiety tug at her over Edenbrook’s fate. Why she wants and needs the best for herself, her aunt, the staff as a whole. A notification shakes her phone in her pocket, and she tugs it out, finally tearing her eyes away from the stories before her.
It’s from the other source of that anxiety, the person she was dreading seeing go most, purely because Rylen can help these people just as much as she can. ‘I know you’re allergic to fun, but everyone’s heading to Donahue’s tonight. Figured you might wanna come :D’
She frowns down at the message, glancing up at the waiting room one last time before turning down the hall, typing as she goes, ‘Only for the drinks.’ It’s an easy, comfortable quip, one that comes without trying.
Grey dots pop up in a single second, a chime quickly following, ‘Of course. I’d never presume it’d be for me, Princess ;)’
Aurora rolls her eyes at the emoticon, sending out a response as she arrives at a nurse’s station, leaning against it idly. ‘Good.’ Her grip slackens as she stares at it, one finger tapping the side of her case, a slow, steady beat, while her lips twist to the side. ‘And good job, Damen.’
‘Thanks.’ It’s quick as usual, and even without the smiley, Aurora knows it's there, reflected in Rylen’s own device screen.
Now, to survive the last of her shift - headache-inducing patients, stacks of paperwork, gossiping coworkers and all. She straightens up, exhaling deeply and setting her shoulders, teeth gritting in determination. 
Aurora arrives to a bustling bar, attendings and interns alike shouting and drinking, dancing and laughing loudly. A few glance her way as she cautiously steps up to the bar, ordering a beer as quick as she can, but she doesn’t bother with them. Once the bartender moves on, she slips through the thick crowd, finding a small, empty booth in the back corner.
She slumps into it, pulling her phone out just to occupy her time. She taps open the message that’s been waiting for her since she left Harper’s office: ‘I’m sorry if I upset you, but you should be more independent.’
With a huff, her phone slams against the table, and she chugs back her drink, leaving the booth for another. And another. And another.
“You came!” a joyful voice chimes, earning a short glance from Aurora.
Her attention quickly snaps back to where it’s been occupied lately, apartment listings she doesn’t have much interest in. “You always did like stating the obvious,” she grumbles. “You don’t have to check on me, by the way. I’m used to being alone.”
Beer sloshes in its bottle as Rylen slumps into the booth beside her, glancing over Aurora’s shoulder at her screen. “You moving?”
“Yes. And you’re nosy.” She slides away from Rylen, who puts even more space between them. “I’ve been staying at my aunt’s place all year, but we both think it’ll be good to have some space.”
Rylen nods enthusiastically, slouching back against the seat to look out over the bar. Elijah and Bryce are cheering on Sienna and Jackie as they down a row of shots, Sienna’s arms raising in victory when she slams her last glass down. “You know… we have a room opening up,” Rylen’s elbow nudges Aurora, a mischievous light in her eyes as they meet Aurora’s.
Aurora eyes her suspiciously, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“Yeah,” Rylen’s smile somehow seems to grow, glinting as she picks at the label on her beer bottle. “I mean, I have to ask my roommates but… it’s not like we can afford the place on our own.”
Nodding, Aurora turns to her own drink, tapping her nails against the side in contemplation. The faint sound can barely be heard through the bar’s sounds, but it’s enough to focus on, to drown out laughter and music to.
“Think about it,” Rylen’s nudging her again, pulling her back to Donahue’s. She glances up, finding Rylen smiling softly as she stands, gripping her beer loosely in her palm.
Aurora nods, still tapping lightly, “...I will.”
Rylen appears before Aurora’s eyes, collapsing across from her with a thud against the booth’s cushions. “So’ve you thought ‘bout it?” Her arms fold on the tabletop, chin resting on them as she gazes up with bright, shining eyes.
Blinking, Aurora looks up, setting her phone down and eyeing Rylen and her flushed, red cheeks. “About…?”
“Moving in! Duh!” She grins, not a hint of trepidation, of reservation, all teeth and deep smile lines. Her head lolls to the side, cheek pressing into the fabric of her shirt, “So…?”
Aurora sighs, rolling her eyes, “Maybe. I need more than a single night.”
Bottom lip jutting out in a pout, Rylen tries her best to be irresistible, “Boo. You should just say yes.”
“Why do you want me in your apartment anyway?”
“Okay, so,” she sparks to life, jerking upright as energy overflows from her. “One:” she flicks a finger out, leaning over the table. “We need help paying rent. Two: We know you, and strangers are weird. Three: You’re pretty cool and we all like you already.”
“Really? Even Jackie?”
“Well…” Rylen’s voice pitches up as her head bobs in consideration, “She likes the help with rent, but she’ll come around. Swear it.” She draws an ‘x’ over her heart, slumping against the back of the booth.
Aurora only shrugs, picking her phone up again to occupy her hands and mind, “I still haven’t decided.”
Rylen hefts a world-weary sigh, her shoulder rising and dropping dramatically, “Fine. But decide soon or we’ll have to find someone else.”
Aurora nods, attention already returned to her phone and the scrolling of her email inbox. Across from her, Rylen falls quiet, gaze wandering distractedly, seeming to snap onto anything and everything.
Abruptly, her gleaming eyes fall back on Aurora. “Gimme your arm,” her hands reach across the table, keeping their distance but waiting expectantly, palms upright. 
Aurora obliges without thinking, allowing Rylen to carefully take her wrist, pushing her sleeve up her forearm, fingers barely brushing her skin. A shiver ripples down Aurora’s spin before she shakes it away, schooling her expression into distant curiosity, “Why?”
“Just checking you haven’t broken out in hives.” Rylen smiles easily, thumb brushing Aurora’s wrist unconsciously, light enough to send goosebumps breaking in a tidal wave.
“I’m not actually allergic to fun, you know,” Aurora barely manages a glare, her attention continually slipping back to the fingers still tracing random patterns on the inside of her wrist.
“Can never be too careful.” Finally retracting, Rylen’s hands fall to her lap, and despite the heat of the small, crowded bar, Aurora’s skin feels colder for it. Her goosebumps disappear, and she retracts her own arm, fidgeting with her glass.
She avoids Rylen’s eyes, staring into the random cocktail she ordered intently. “Don’t need your concern.”
“Everyone needs my concern.” Rylen doesn’t react to the slight edge in Aurora’s voice, the unspoken warning to keep her distant, like a snake’s rattle, “I have great concern, you’ll see.”
“I’m sure I will,” Aurora’s teeth grit together, grinding ever so slightly.
The corner booth falls silent as Rylen watches her carefully, watches her race the rim of her glass and stare at the colors inside. “...If you really don’t want to be here, you should go.”
“Trying to get rid of me?” Aurora’s dark eyes flicker up, finding an earnestness in Rylen’s she hasn’t seen since that day in the supply closet. It’s not unwelcome either, it’s reassuring as Aurora takes in the crease between her brows.
“Never,” she shakes her head adamantly, “Just don’t want your night to suck.”
“I’m fine,” Aurora shrugs awkwardly, picking at one of her nails. “But thanks.”
“‘Course,” hazel eyes crinkle as Rylen smiles, nearly squinting with the force of it, and Aurora can feel herself relaxing under the full brunt of that smile. The spell breaks as Rylen stands, “I’ll go but lemme know if you need anything,” tapping the table in a short burst before sauntering off.
She joins a group by the bar, throwing her arm around a giggling Sienna’s shoulders as Bryce speaks animatedly, Kyra interjecting periodically. Occasionally their laughter and shouts manage to float over to Aurora’s corner, and every burst of Rylen’s voice draws her eyes.
It’s late when Donahue’s finally starts emptying out, loud clusters of doctors filtering out the front door, most a little uneasy on their feet. One of the interns spilled a drink on another earlier, their raised voices effectively ending the night for most.
Aurora’s nearly slipped out behind a few of the quieter attendings when someone stumbles into her from the side, arms wrapping around her waist as a face is buried in her shoulder. Dark hair tickles her nose as she glances questioningly to the culprit, beaten to the punch by a mumbling against her, “Thanks for coming. Even just for booze,” before she’s released, a flushed, very drunk Rylen leaning against Rafael for support.
He smiles kindly at Aurora before carefully putting his arm around the woman waving to her and leading Eylen away, down the street after their other friends. Tugging her jacket tighter, Aurora turns the opposite direction, scanning the cars for the ride she called thirty minutes prior.
Aurora’s keys jangle as she unlocks her apartment’s front door, dropping them on the nearby tabletop before shrugging out of her jacket, bag still slung over her shoulder. She stretches her back, pops sounding as she stalks further into the apartment with a sigh, head bowed in exhaustion.
“I wasn’t sure you were coming home at all.” Harper’s voice rings from the kitchen, her arms folded on the countertop.
Gaze snapping over to her, Aurora straightens up, “I went to Donahue’s. Damen invited me.” The response is quick, nervous as she stares down her aunt, the very same aunt she fought with twice today.
“Rylen? I heard about that.” Harper speaks over her shoulder, crossing the kitchen to scavenge in the fridge. 
“Yeah,” Aurora shrugs, crossing her arms beneath her chest awkwardly. “There were a lot of staff there.”
Harper pulls out a water bottle and an orange, messing with them idly as she bumps the door closed with her hip, “Did you have fun?”
“I guess. It was pretty typical.”
With a nod, Harper snatches ibuprofen off a counter, stepping up to Aurora and depositing the items in her hands. She smiles softly, squeezing Aurora’s shoulder as she steps past her, before disappearing down the hall, “Take care tonight.”
Aurora blinks down at the things in her hands, somewhat surprised by the peaceful interaction. She follows a beat later, juggling the objects until she can dump them on her bed, door slammed shut behind her and bag dropped to the floor. Staring up at the ceiling, she listens to the quiet, dark apartment, and the bustling of the city outside, blocked from her by a closed curtain tonight.
A buzz sounds, an increasingly familiar buzz. Aurora jerks upward with a sigh, grabbing her bag and rifling through it until she finds her phone case. Her screen appears blurred as it lights up, and after rubbing her eyes, she opens it to the expected message.
‘Thnks agan  . drunk but youre a perfct princess :DDDDFDD’
Typing slowly, carefully, Aurora crafts her response, still grinning at the virtual smile she was gifted. She smiles too much when she’s been drinking, but maybe Rylen deserves it more than most. Or maybe she’s drunker than she thought. ‘You’re a pain but the drinks were good. Thanks.’ she finally settles on.
And with that, she puts her phone on silent, plugs it in across the room, nearly collapses into her bed, and begins messily peeling her orange in little pieces. A half hour later, she’s tucking into bed, eyes fluttering shut with the image of Rylen’s loopy, relaxed smile branded on her eyelids.
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helisol · 4 years
Tumblr media
again not a finished fic but very extensive notes, this one’s a chonker, 4k words
tl;dr: take it a ds9 but make it into high fantasy wizards. garashir, kiradax and quodo. we’ve got it all here folks.
I read a book about a young witch apprentice in a world where every magician has a ~special name~ based on an object/plant/animal they’re spiritually connected to.
then I watched ds9 and got introduced to the concept of cardassians being lizards.
the result- wizard lizard.
So Garak “The Lizard” is a mage that got exiled from his home country and ended up taking a pretty neat job in a rural area of a larger empire where being a wizard is Cool and Widely Accepted. 
his duties include keeping the villages around his tower safe, looking for young mages to turn into apprentices, and sometimes making clothes because he’s Still A Tailor.
however, because of his chronic “i no wanna work” disease, this lizard has not actually been looking around the villages near him for magically gifted children. shame on him. 
because through his negligence Julian Bashir, young village doctor, grew up without even knowing that he can do ~magic~
but he soon finds out when his town gets attacked by a Big Evil Magic Monster. The Lizard is taking his sweet time to come to their rescue and Julian can’t just sit by and watch innocent people get mauled by a Chimera or Giant Mantis.
So Julian does the heroic thing and jumps inbetween a wounded child and the monster in the exact second Garak shows up.
And he gets to watch as Julian unleashes some Magic for the first time.
Then Garak Kind Of Abducts Julian So He Can Teach Him Magic
Garak is contractually obligated and allowed to take on anyone who is capable of magic as an apprentice, and he finds Julian’s magic interesting enough to invoke that contract now. Not Julian himself though. Only his magic. for now.
Julian- for like, the first week- is NOT OKAY with being teleported into a tower fortress by a wizard he finds intimidating and scary, and he loudly protests when Garak actually starts to teach him magic spells.
However, this is Julian, and he *is* intrigued by the thought of being able to use magic For Doing Good.
So one night he admits defeat and slinks up to the tower and goes “Okay. Compromise. Teach me healing magic.”
To which Garak is like 👀 “Okay.”
They start having regular magic lessons mostly focused on healing, which Julian is just naturally good at. So they move on to other things. Which Julian is Not naturally good at.
And he becomes very frustrated.
Garak tries to assuage him and says that he doesn’t have to be accomplished in every single field and discipline- which is logically true- but Julian is having none of it since Garak is accomplished in every field.
In a fit of anger Julian unleashes emotional magic again and breaks some of Garak’s things. Books, vials, a desk, nothing super major. But Julian is still surprised and shocked at himself for causing trouble like this and he Runs Away. Straight up exits stage left.
And Garak, who just got flung against the wall by his little apprentice, just rushes to the window and looks as Julian runs away and he is. Disappointed.
Next we have Julian returning home and everyone is like "Doctor!!! You were gone for half a year???" And Julian is like "I thought I was only gone for a month at most-"
Yeah the joke is time flies when you’re having fun because Julian *did* have fun living with Garak. He doesn’t regret leaving though, after all Garak was probably furious after he wrecked his study he wasn’t.
So Julian says to himself "Hmph. I'll just stay home for a week. Garak will hardly notice I'm gone. And then I can make it up to him."
But Then He Stays For A Whole Month
He has to instruct a new doctor to take over the nearby villages, do some paperwork, help some sick people, practice some magic on his own- and at the end of the month He Doesn’t Want To Stay Any Longer.
He’s always been different from the other village people, and now he finally got a taste of what it’s like to have someone help you to achieve your potential and widen your horizon and he *doesn’t* want to give that up for a boring but busy country life.
So back to the tower it is. Julian arrives, the place is kind of messy, and when he finds Garak he is in his study. on the floor. a little drunk, definitely sad, and Very Surprised To See Him.
Here we get a scene where Garak tipsily tells Julian how much he’s grown to appreciate him, not just for his magic talent, but as a person- and that he’s missed him.
But The Next Morning Garak Does Not Remember
And he's just like "Oh Julian. Youre back. I'd almost forgotten about you."
For a second Julian wants to punch a wall because *Yesterday You Told Me You Missed Me*, but then he just Smiles. settles for what they have right now. and asks Garak to continue teaching him magic.
so they go on. and have. so many gay moments.
And then Garak gets told to attend some kind of magic council meeting/banquet.
Julian says something along the lines of "Oh well, guess I'll stay home. You know, protect the fort. Practice magic." but he's a little sad about it.
But garak just goes "Hmm No. I'm taking you with me"
"What-" "I'm introducing you as my apprentice to the magic council." "W h a t-" "Oh also you need pretty clothes for this so I'm gonna make you some. Since you’re a commoner with no actual taste." "W H A T-"
So garak makes a really nice suit for Julian and for himself they match and they go to the Cool Wizard Banquet.
At which Julian meets a lot of wizards and witches and he's like "Wow this is so exciting!" but he also realises he is a Total Country Bumpkin And Noob compared to these people and their apprentices.
He also hears that Apparently the Local Wizard of every region is supposed to do a 5-yearly sweep of the surrounding towns to check for kids that have magic potential and then send them to Magic School/take them in as their apprentice directly.
And Garak. Did not do that.
He was Lazy and Angery. Exile will do that to you.
Julian isn’t too happy when he learns about this and he walks out of the banquet hall into the garden- to where Garak follows him.
"So just because you were all bitchy about having to follow this country's rules about magic you let me grow up not knowing my full potential? How many of my childhood friends might be able to do magic if they tried?"
“I was in a really bad place back then."
"SO WHAT? Things are okay now because you found me? If you had been two minutes early during that attack you wouldnt even know I could use magic!"
"...but I *wasn’t* early!"
So Julian just throws up his hands in frustration and leaves to get away from Garak for a while.
The next day he mingles more with the other apprentices and they exchange Ideas and Skills and also Gossip about their teachers.
Some of the apprentices suggest that Julian could go to magic school for a while before applying for a *new* teacher, since obviously Garak did him wrong.
This doesn’t sound like a bad idea, so he talks with some older mages and most of them are friendly and are like “Oh yeah, sure, we’d love to take you in.”
But then it turns out a lot of people are talking behind his back about how much of an outlier he is.
(wizard culture is like 50% magic and 50% gossip)
So Julian is standing on a balcony and down below he hears a group of Douche Wizards discussing his inadequacies.
And it kinda makes Julian feel like absolute shit, so his powers go wobbly again. But then enter stage right: Garak
Who properly puts those wizards into their rightful place like "Say one more bad thing about my apprentice and I’ll blast your punk ass back to Romulus. You should KNOW the reason why I dont usually take apprentices, but here you are anyway saying he has no power. He has more power in his pinky than all of you combined."
Turns out there’s an extra layer to Why Garak didn’t do the "Check for Magicians in your Area" thing- it’s because he openly has no interest in training or working with anyone who isnt Special or Powerful.
Which means Julians happens to be. very special. and very powerful.
And hearing that from Garak makes him go 😳
His emotions are running high and he starts *floating*. Probably the worst thing to do on a first floor balcony out of All The Things To Do On A First Floor Balcony.
So he’s Floating and he doesnt know how to make that Stop.
He panics, starts falling and basically crashes right into Garaks arms.
"Oh great, youre right on time. We're leaving."
"What? But the banquet lasts for a week?" also I'm still a little mad but also a little in love with you?
But Garak has already teleported them back to the tower before he can really argue.
Anyway Julian is upset about many things overall, but mostly that he didnt get to dance. He practiced a lot in his off time.
Thank God Garak Knows This 
"...I know how to make magic music. Let’s have a little fun at least."
They dance and Julian starts floating *again*.
Garak 👀’s @ Julian floating "Okay I’ve been recording most of your emotion based powers. This is new."
Julian just Floats Higher out of embarrassment, so garak is like ‘well I'll just join him up there.’
Turns out his emotions are too unclear, which makes his magic unbalanced, so really all they have to do is get him some Clarity.
Garak is like "Well one very easy way to do that is-" and then they kiss in the air. Floating. because I’m gay and I will use gay magic tropes as I see fit.
so that’s the garashir side of things, on to kiradax
There's Some Slow Burn In There
Basically Kira is a mage, but instead of using magic to fight she just Enchants Swords/Arrows/Other Weapons.
Because she fought in a wizard war and when there's not a lot of mana potions to go around you have to get creative.
She didn’t get a proper magician name because she was actually never anyone’s apprentice, but people still call her The Blade because she is just so cool.
Anyway in this universe mages age very slowly, and Kira is probably around 60 years old when she meets Jadzia. Which is not a lot in wizard years.
She does feels a little inadequate about being so Young and Inexperienced she didn’t really expect nor wanted to run into the legendary Jadzia Dax who everyone thinks is like 300 years old, maybe more.
So meeting someone who is her complete opposite just makes her go "Hmph. I dont wanna associate with you." 
But Jadzia keeps popping in randomly around her almost every day until Kira snaps like "WHAT is your problem???"
“I never learned how to enchant tools."
"Can you teach me?"
"The great Dax has never enchanted a single tool or weapon?"
"I took care of everything with other types of magic. Will you teach me?"
So Kira Nerys, The Blade, the person everyone looked down on because she uses enchanted tools instead of magic for everything- is being asked by this legendary mage to teach her something. What an honor. What an incredible thing.
But She Says No
So Jadzia keeps bothering her every day.
But eventually bothering her turned into "Hey wanna get some coffee? Wanna go to the library with me? Can I look at you while youre in the smithy? Do you wanna look at me while I come up with new magic formulas? Wanna get drunk together and maybe kiss but definitely have no recollection of it in the morning?"
- over a span of 10 years.
But at the end of those 10 years Jadzia still hasnt learned how to enchant tools.
And it takes One day at the magic banquet for Nerys to actually realise the Implications of that.
It’s the third banquet they've been to- together, as each other’s plus one.
They color coordinate their robes and wear matching accessoires. The works.
And Kira decides that now is the day to grill her Totally-Not-Girlfriend about the reason why she sticks around.
"You could have just gotten someone else to teach you how to enchant things."
"Why would I need anyone to teach me, I have you to enchant things *for me*."
"No but before I started doing it for you. Like the whole first five years of knowing me."
"Oh well I didn’t want anyone else because I was very much infatuated with you."
And Kira just bluescreens. Error 404 nerys.exe not found.
Until she catches herself.
"You...*were* infatuated with me?"
"Yes? You obviously never saw me that way though. So I stuck around for the good company and the coffee."
Now you see over the course of 10 years Kira’s irritation about Jadzia slowly turned into Something Else. But she thought Jadzia only saw her as a friend.
On the other hand Jadzia definitely had feelings from the start, but because kira was in Denial she didnt act on those feelings.
If I were a shitty writer or- god foirbid- *Straight*, I would have there be a miscommunication right about now and prolong their useless lesbian suffering.
But I’m not.
Basically Kira just goes 
"Okay but when you say *were* attracted to me does that mean you *stopped*?"
"Uh. No?"
"Cool. Excuse me, I need a moment."
So she tries to hide from this sudden revelation and her feelings in a hedge maze, but there’s no use hiding from Jadzia.
 Who, instead of just walking around the labyrinth to find her like a normal person, basically whacks down the bushes in a straight line until she reaches Kira.
"THERE YOU ARE! I used this completely unenchanted sword to get to you and tell you I definitely still like you. Now will you PLEASE teach me how to enchant tools as your first courting gift?"
And Kira is like "God yes you dumbass-" and they kiss.
now wizard quodo is funny because I kind of started this part as a joke but then it all got Serious
First of all Quark is Actually A Really Powerful Magician.
But what does he do with his great power?
Move from his home country to the city of wizards and open a bar.
Because he is still fundamentally *Quark*.
And Odo is still fundamentally Odo, because he is a Shapeshifting Alien From Actual Outer Space You Know.
He still went through the whole "I was studied by scientists (wizards) and couldnt let them know I was sentient for a long time which made me very grouchy and lonely" thing.
So Odo spends like ~100 years going from captivity/being an object of scientific study to living as a guard in the city of wizards.
Basically everyone thinks that Odo cant use magic- including Odo- because, well, he’s a bunch of slime that came from a meteor.
Then he meets Quark, powerful wizard and bartender.
And he has *no* idea who he is.
Only that he’s the guy who runs that one shady gambling bar and is involved in some illegal business.
And Quark is like "Ah finally. A worthy opponent."
So he and Quark have the same vibe as on DS9- where Quark keeps doing illegal stuff and Odo tries to stop him and the universe decides to say enemies to lovers 400k words slowburn.
And one day Quark gets into some Seriously shady business with some people who are now very aggressively demanding Quark give them their money back
and they're. you know. threatening violence.
Odo shows up and right before this one dude is about to straight up sucker punch Quark he's like "HALT!" and Wow He Made A Magic Happen.
Now. Because Quark is Indebted to Odo. He is expected to take him on as his magic apprentice.
At first he is Not Down For That. They both aren’t. So even though technically they are teacher and apprentice they both just refuse to work together.
Until Odo goes to check up on Quark one day- because as we all know he makes it a point to drop by his bar four times a day just to let him know he's thinking about him- and Quark is in trouble again.
Only this time Odo is like "I'm not gonna help him. I dont even know how I *could* help him. Since he hasn’t taught me any magic, the bastard."
So he wants to just pass by and leave when Quark basically starts to just Demolish these people with magic in a frightening and totally not impressive display.
MIND YOU Quark is still generally incompetent. If this was D&D he'd have like, very low skill points but unlimited spell slots.
Anyway Odo goes 👀
Because him being unable to use magic in a country/city where everyone he *knows* can use magic has always made him feel bad.
So he goes to Quark like "Okay. I changed my mind. Please teach me magic."
And Quark tries to teach Odo magic, earnestly. 
And Odo tries to learn magic from Quark, for real. 
But the key word here is *try*.
Because neither is very good at what theyre *trying* to do.
Odo didn’t Really want to learn from Quark and that's pretty much the reason why Quark doesnt Really want to teach Odo. But They Try.
There’s a lot of fights and arguments and "You’re not doing it right" vs "You’re not explaining it right"
But hey, at least Odo can now do some magic, which makes his guard job a lot easier.
He also gets to socialise more with other wizards and their apprentices, and he becomes a generally happier pile of humanoid goo!
Meanwhile Quark slowly but surely turns into a more Respected wizard. And his bar also becomes a bit more respectable as well.
it's almost like,,they both wanna be,,,,their best selves,,
and learning to work together has Somehow set them on the right path,,,
idk man sounds kinda gay,,,,
But then the banquet rolls around.
Quark is like "Oh fuck I Have to take Odo to this social function because hes my apprentice and thems are the rules."
and Odo is like "Oh fuck I Have to attend this social function with Quark because thems the rules."
The vibe they’re both getting is- "It's all fun and games when we're by ourselves but Somehow acting friendly in public feels Wrong." 
So they agree to Arrive together and then split up and spend as little time as possible together lest they fall victim to some kind of *feeling*.
And like all plans that Odo and Quark make it works out brilliantly for Exactly 5 Minutes.
Because while Quark is talking to his accomplished and very boring wizard acquaintances he kinda realises "God I wish Odo were here-"
And as Odo is talking to all these annoying ass apprentices he kinda realises "God I wish Quark was here-"
So that's what they do on the first day of the banquet. and the second. and the third. 
They just keep only seeing each other from the corner of their eyes but dont really get to talk/argue about anything and it's making them feel Not So Good, Actually
Now the fourth day is the kicker.
Because while Odo is talking to some people he gets tapped on the shoulder and there he is! The worst father on this side of the galaxy! Doctor Mora- but like, as a wizard scientist.
"Oh my god Odo? You’re here? How did you manage that? You can’t use magic dont be silly! *I* studied you and who would know you better than me? What? *you* know yourself better? Nonsense, now walk with me- how have you been :)?"
Obviously Odo is getting Very distressed but he can't exactly say No, so he walks around with Mora.
They sit down near a fountain and his ‘father’ just starts grilling Odo about what he's been up to.
And eventually they start talking about Quark
"Wait, *Quark*? The absolute magic failure who runs that disgusting establishment? That Quark?"
"Well I wouldnt put it like that, he’s not-"
But Mora goes on- "Oh no my dear boy that won't do! You have to learn from a *good* wizard. Like me! Dont you want that? Oh I'm sure you want that. That nasty good for nothing will resign as your teacher first thing tomorrow!"
And Odo is like "Now wait a minute, Quark might have his flaws, but-"
"There! See, you admitted it. He's flawed. He can't possibly be a good teacher for you. But I would be! I *raised* you."
But Odo is getting Rather Angy right about now.
"Well you did a pretty bad job raising me considering you didnt even know I could do magic until now."
"I can’t believe it. Quark is such a bad influence on you. You never used to talk back at me. This is what happens when you hang around with people who dont know you like I do."
Then something in him snaps and Odo just goes Off on Mora.
And he basically breaks the fountain theyre sitting at with some accidental emotional magic.
So after Mora goes "...I better get someone to fix that-" and runs off, Odo is standing in front of this broken fountain and thinks about how this might be a cruel metaphor for his life. And then the worst possible thing happens.
He Spots Quark Badly Hidden Behind A Pillar
Internally he just goes 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 
Externally though it’s more like "How much of that did you hear???"
Quark’s trying to lighten the mood with a "Haha well it's hard to avoid hearing things with lobes as big as mine!" 
But Odo is not playing, so he breaks the fountain some more. As intimidation.
So Quark goes "Okay. Alright. I heard all the parts where you defended my honor. Now move aside."
And Odo goes 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAA' inside again, so he doesnt really move but just gets nudged aside by Quark.
Who returns the fountain back to its previous state.
Things are nice and silent for a second but then Quark disturbs the moment by saying "Okay now, real talk- you want another teacher, is that right?"
So Odos head whips up and he goes "No??? What the fuck quark. I thought you listened to that conversation. Youre the only one I want-"
and he Immediately slaps a hand over his mouth because Oh God That Came Out Wrong-
But Quark is just Laughing and being his usual little shit self like "Haha good one, let's go back inside now. (where the social conventions will force us to remain apart so we dont have to confront what you just said.)"
on the inside though- Quark is just as 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' as Odo
"I absolutely Cannot go inside and socialise right now, I’ve had Quite enough of that." 
"Oh...well then...i'll leave you be?"
"No don’t-"
So Odo quickly grabs Quark’s hand (and Quark just fuckin uh dies on the spot) but he's not very communicative at the moment. So Quark kinda has to just interpret that for himself.
"Aaaaalright- let’s just take a walk then."
So they walk through the rose garden. holding *hands*. and Quark points out nice or interesting things while Odo just nods or hums in agreement.
Until they’ve come full circle and end up back at the fountain, where Quark is like "Okay. Wanna go back inside *now*?" 
Because he swears if they spend one more second like this he will HAVE to kiss this pile of space goo and he’d rather Odo make that decision for him.
And Odo is like "I just want to stay with you."
So Quark is like ‘Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool’, pulls them behind a hedge and kisses Odo.
because on GOD I enjoy the “going from an argument straight into kissing” trope, but that one is actually too on brand for quodo so I HAD to change it up.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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title: Do Not Stand At My Grave And Cry, Just Know That I Love You!
kink- grinding
Dark- Murder
Heaven & Hell- Silver/Salt/holy Water
Pairing: Jensen x Reader/Dick Grayson x Reader/ back to Jensen(R** H***) x Reader
rating: 14+
word count (if Applicable): 25,167
created for  @spndarkbingo @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo​
~in training we find our strengths, weaknesses and let our minds wander. In times of solace we learn what it means to be human.~
 Your name is YN. your street name is Batwoman. Your city is Gotham. Your mentor is the very thing criminals in your city fear, Batman. His sidekick was Robin, but Batman had another sidekick through the years that became your best friend and overall badass patrol partner, Batgirl. 
The robin that was there when you joined up decided a new persona of his own, Nightwing. The Robin who stepped into the light was named Jensen and he would soon become the love of your life. 
2 years later after many nights of crime fighting, going on dates, making out, etc. you and Jensen were out on a nice walk through the Gotham central park, the sun was setting and it was your night.
~in ourselves is an alternate persona, one that comes out with our actions or emotions. In times of anger we find that persona is present more than normal.~
Tonight was the eve of the first snowfall, this happened every year but it was a special night for you and Jensen this was the night 2 years to the day that you guys became an official item. Bruce & Barb had taken the patrol for the evening, you and Jensen went for a stroll. 
Jensen: “YN, lets never stop doing this!”
YN: “what, walking through the cold on the eve of the first snow? Or kicking ass as crime fighters?”
Jensen Laughed holding you closer to keep you warm.
Jensen: “both. Being with you has really opened my eyes to the beauty around me & taught me to believe in all i can be with or without the mask. Thank you for being my everything. Come lets take a seat…”
Jensen brought you to a bench over looking the fountain which was just starting to glow. You take a seat by the fountains glow as Jensen gets down on one knee.
Jensen: “YN, my love, my life, my crime fighting partner dont ever underestimate how deeply i love you. But it is time to take the next step in our relationship… YN, will you do the incredible honor of marrying me?”
Jensen watched your eyes go wide at the sight of a 14k white gold petite twist diamond ring.
YN: “yes… Jensen Yes!”
You both got up and were about to share a passionate kiss but immediately felt a strange presence. You were being watched. 
This was Gotham city after all, the wackos only came out at night and crime was apart of the normality. 
Jensen: “you have made me the happiest man on earth.”
You both  now standing still ready for anything still happy, still enjoying the moment decided to move more into the light away from the fountain. You now did what you knew would be right.
YN (over coms): “batgirl, where are you guys right now?”
Barbara (over coms): “near Wayne Tower. Are you guys alright?”
YN (over coms): “we are being hunted…”
Bruce (over coms): “dont do anything stupid make your way to the edge of the park we will be there in 5.”
The coms cut. You and Jensen linked hands and minded your surroundings as you made your way towards the edge of the park. But at that moment coming from near the water, you guys were unaware of the danger that would soon befall you that night.
~for it is in the darkest of times when we realize that the way we live our lives now, is not how we should live them. Sometimes its better to give into the darkness than to just let it simmer on the surface.~
About halfway from the entrance you guys noticed a shadow lurking behind you. You & Jensen were testing out the new weapons bracelets that Wayne Tech was developing with your help. 
Jensen: “this night wouldnt be complete without someone or something trying to kill us…”
YN: “its totally fine at least it didnt happen during the proposal… now lets kick some ass.”
Jensen: “dont worry love, soon Bruce & Barb will be here and we will all be home before sunrise for some much needed S & R! How do…”
Thats when the same laugh that struck nerves within you so many times before, the same laugh that sent your mind into a nervous frenzy every single damn time. You guys were now interrupted indefinitely & un-be-knownst to both of you this would be the last time both of you would see eachother.
Joker: “look at this Batwoman & Robin now engaged how sweet. Taste my new Joker knockout gas…”
He shot the gas your way but both of you were up in the tree near by before it could even be near you. You threw down a smoke pellet and both of you made a run for the gate but it was too late. You were gassed but you stayed awake long enough to watch Jensen being dragged away. 
YN (before passing out): “Jensen…”
You lost consciousness about 5 seconds not even later.
~your best friend is someone you can always count on, someone who will always be there for you, but if you have more than one best friend there is a chance that one of them could be your soulmate in more ways than one.~
Barb & Bruce arrive on scene they enter the park, its not a ¼ way inside the park Barb was the one to notice you laying on the ground.
Barb: “Batman over here…”
Within seconds they were at your side… 
Bruce: “she is under the influence of Jokers knockout gas we have to get her back to the cave before she wakes up and freaks. Joker must have Jensen, we cannot make a scene. We have to get her out of here.”
Bruce used his remote to call the batmobile closer, he then pick you up and had Barb sit in the front seat before he placed you gently on her lap crossing your form cross both his and Barbs laps. He then sped off towards the cave, upon arrival and parking the batmobile he got out going round to the other side taking you out of Barb’s lap he made sure to bring you to the observation table.
Both Dick and Alfred hooked up IV and started checking your vitals, bandaging any wounds. But it was Barb who noticed the way Dick was staring at you. 
Barb and Bruce went to de-suit while Dick just sat by your side…
Dick: “dont worry YN we will find him, we will bring him home to you. I promise…”
Barb and Bruce came out of the de-suiting chamber, Dick was now making sure you were comfortable and finishing patching up one of your wounds. 
Bruce: “how is she?”
Dick: “she is cold, her body has gone into some sort of shocked state. She is also a bit dehydrated, she needs to gain rest and relaxation. We need to find Joker asap! He needs to pay for what he has done.”
For as much as Bruce agreed with Dick’s statement, he knew that there was a very very high chance that as soon as you woke up you would be going after Joker yourself. 
Barb: “uh guys we may want to rethink any hope of keeping YN out of the hunt for Joker!”
She ran her finger over the ring on your left hand this drew the looks of Bruce and Dick from Barb to the ring on your left hand. 
Bruce: “oh my word.”
Dick: “what do you know Jensen did it!”
Barb: “wait a minute wait wait you all knew about this? Why did i not know?”
Bruce: “cause Jensen wanted it to be a surprise. He came to me about a month ago asking for some money so he could quote get YN the best christmas present ever! I did give him what he asked for at the feeling of what he was gonna do but i know that she is gonna try to leave the cave when she wakes we cannot let her do that. Not after what she has just been through.”
No one was surprised by this but they all went to do their own thing, Bruce started scanning the city for Joker so he would be able to tell you that he was already on it. 
Dick was punching a bag, he was angry and upset he was not sure what would happen. 
Barb however had not left your side, she knew you would need her there when and if you woke soon. 
It was a few moments later that you woke up, you sat straight up screaming, Barbara pulled you into her embrace, this made you calm down alot. barb sat there holding you close for a while before you were only sobbing softly into her shirt.
Barb: “shhh girl hey its okay, take some deep breaths. You can speak when your ready we are not gonna push you to tell us anything right now.”
You laxed more into Barbs embrace you had flashbacks of the events that unfolded just a few hours before.
YN: “Jensen proposed. Joker knocked me out and then his goons dragged Jensen off. That clown is gonna die painfully for taking my fiance. I have to go and sweep the city, i have to find them, i have to save Jensen.”
You attempt to get up to leave but are immediately stopped by hands holding you in place. 
Bruce: “let me deal with that clown. He isn’t going to do anything to Jensen. He isn’t gonna have the chance to do anything else to anyone ever again. I’ll personally see to it that you are the one who gets to play executioner for that clown.”
Now being stuck still in Barb’s arms, you were fine, but being told that you weren’t going on this mission to find your fiance’s kidnapper was at the top of the list of things you were not okay with.
YN: “Bruce i dont just wanna sit here and do nothing. You cant bar me from going on mission. Leave me alone bruce, if i cant go on the mission then Barb take me to the penthouse. I refuse to stay here. Dick please do what you can to keep me informed on the progress.”
Barb helped you off the table, leading you guys to the elevator reaching the top you both exit at your own pace. 
Alfred: “what can i help you ladies with?”
Barb: “can you go to our rooms and grab our backpacks. Please then pull the car around. We aren’t staying here tonight.”
Alfred: “did something happen…”
Barb and you just turned away from the elevator walking towards the entry way.
Barb: “ask Bruce.”
Alfred stayed where he was he figured that if you and Barb had come up that Bruce and Dick might follow. Sure enough a few moments later the elevator opened again to reveal Dick and Bruce coming out of the elevator. Thats when Alfred went to go quickly grab yours and Barbs Backpacks.
Bruce: “girls wait, YN your an essential part of this team. Joker took Jensen to get back at me. To take revenge against batman. I swear i’ll get him back whatever it takes. You have my word.”
Dick chimed in also…
Dick: “dont worry YN we will get him back, nothing is gonna stop us from doing that.”
Barbara: “dont do anything we wouldnt do. Just be careful. Alfred we are ready to go when you are.”
You and Barb waited a few more moments before alfred came fully into view again. He was holding both of your packs as he ushered both of you to the car. Upon exiting the manor the cool night air hit you like nothing. 
All you felt emotionaly was nothing, your emotions were not cooerating. Your physical form was still shaken from the events of earlier. But was comforted by the gentle touch of your best friend you felt that she cared for your wellbeing. 
Barb: “dont worry girl, Jensen is tough he wont let Joker break him not knowing that he has you waiting for him.”
YN: “what if they cant find him in time?”
Barb turned to stand in front of you… 
Barb: “we cant afford to think like that. We have to stay strong. Hey i know we should’ve been celebrating your engagement already but we can still do that. Alfred Gotham Royal hotel please.”
Your mind only worked as well can could be expected after the nights traumatic events. Upon reaching the car Alfred held the door open as you slid in beside barb. Alfred handing you both your backpacks. 
He then went to start the car and begin the drive. He turned back to slightly look at you and Barb, your blank expression staring out the window, your thoughts swimming, your fear swirling, your tear ducts ready to spill, your body quivering. 
Apart from the fact that you were traumatized to every single extent, your only comfort was in the fact that Barb’s hand hadn’t left yours. You turned your attention to her and immediately was overwhelmed by the feeling of her overwhelming care for your wellbeing. 
Barb: “hey are you okay?”
You shook your head, your tear ducts now flowing freely, the street light reflecting the tears in your eyes. Barb only saw the sorrow in your eyes. You scooted closer to Barb and leaned your head on her shoulder. Your head nestled into the crook of her neck, your feeling of sorrow desimated a bit. 
You began feeling a bit better, a bit better than you had for hours. Within a few moments later of that you guys felt the car stop. 
Alfred: “alright ladies before we get out of the car will you be needing a ride home tonight.?”
Barb: “not tonight, possibly not for a while Alfred. But we will keep you informed.”
Alfred: “Lady YN may i ask how you are doing?”
YN: “im worried Alfred, i havent been away from Jensen this long before. Alfred, i have a bad feeling about this.”
Alfred: “not to worry, I’m sure once Master Bruce and Master Dick have found even the slightest trace of Joker they will do the right thing and inform you both immediately.”
You both watched as Alfred got out of the car and come round to the door on the passenger side and opened it letting both you and Barb out. Carrying your backpacks you both strolled away from the car. 
YN: “thanks Alfred.”
With a smile Alfred gets back in the car and drives away. You both walked into the hotel and were stopped by a concierge.
Concierge: “can i help you ladies?”
YN: “we are the ladies of the owner of this hotel. Call him and ask but we are headed to the penthouse.”
The concierge immediately had his head in a bowing kind of embarrassed look.
Concierge: “i’m so sorry ladies, Mister Wayne didnt inform me that people would be coming.”
Barb: “its quite alright now can you send up some of your finest jello shots, 2x 2L of pepsi and a platter of pigs in a blanket, as well as a bottle of tequila and a few fluffy housecoats with some nice blue shades of nail polish. Please.”
Concierge: “of course miss, i’ll send your order in straight away. If you ladies need anything else please do not hesitate to ask.”
Barb nodded her head in gratitude as you both walked away towards the elevator, the entire way up your head was on Barb’s shoulder, coming out of the elevator you both made you way to the couch where you set your bags down.
Barb’s eyes never left your form as you proceeded to strip off your shirt and walk out onto the balcony, she didnt question it either for she knew you were still shaken over the events of the evening. 
YN (in a whisper carried off by the wind): “Jay i hope your okay.”
Meanwhile Joker was hiding in what he percieved to be plainish sight, he had taken up hiding in an abandoned warehouse just on the outskirts of Diamond District Gotham. 
Joker: “okay pumpkin lets clear something up…” 
He said smiling darkly as he approached Jensen with a crowbar.
Joker: “whats wrong.?. nothing to say?.?”
Jensen immediately spat in Jokers face before speaking once more.
Jensen: “do your worst clown, but when they find me and yes they will find me, you are gonna wish you were dead… the pain and torture you put me through tonight is nothing compared to what ive endured in the past.”
Joker: “i see i’m gonna have to teach you some manners. Now tell me what hurts more when i hit you with this crowbar.” 
Jensen’s only thoughts were of you, were of what he assumed may be your last moments together. He was okay dying if it meant he would not have anything to regret. Joker began to hit Jensen with the crowbar swinging it left, right, up, down, there was blood and pain to be seen and felt. 
This went on for several days.  Bruce & Dick finally one night got an annonymous tip from the league of shadows that Joker was spotted around the warehouses on the out skirts of Diamond District. 
Bruce was on the road and out the door faster than Dick who decided to patch through coms to both you and barb so you both could be filled in. but one other person showed up in the hotel room but a few moments before. 
That went something like this:
Talia: “YN, Barbara…”
Barb was the only one to get off of the couch at that moment, you stayed where you were. You had nothing going for you. You and Barb had just been sitting there relaxing. You hadnt even thought about anything else not even the incident in the past few days. 
Barbara: “what do you want Talia?”
Talia: “take it down a notch Barbara, im here as a personal favor to YN. i heard what happened im just making sure she is okay.”
Barbara looked from you to Talia and back to you.
Barbara: “am i missing something? Besides Bruce how do you guys know eachother?”
You were the one to answer that question… 
YN: "I met Talia years ago in Europe. She is the one that helped me recover after my first run in with Joker. That's why I went to Europe was to get out of the city for a while. I couldn't bring myself to do anything in Gotham so I ended up going on a European tour of my ancestral grounds. I also went to Romania and toured transylvania. Draculas castle was certainly one of the most beautiful places I had seen on my European experience. Though they said that the site where Dracula had supposedly been buried was reported to no longer be in transylvania. But somewhere unknown. Whoever were to find it would be named the soul owner of his castle. For me that was a quest of a lifetime but before I could make it too far back through the French Swiss side I was on the border of Nanda Parbat when Talia and her guard found me they stopped me at the border..."
Talia cleared her throat and proceeded to speak from where you left off.
Talia: “when i found her entering Nanda Parbat i brought her to my garrison on the eastern side of the Leagues base. When i knew it was time and i had gotten some information out of her i brought her to stand before my father. This was before he betrayed me… this was before Nyssa my sister filled his head with lies, blaming me for a betrayal against the demons head that she orchestrated in her own right. She knows im seen as fathers strongest warrior, she wants to rule the league after my father decides he wants to surrender the throne. But enough of that i heard about the engagement YN congratulations.”
The engagement, the ring that was on your finger, the ring that meant so much to you in those first few moments of having it on, that day still silent in the back of you mind. That day that you dreaded so much was the day that your happiness seemed to have been taken away from you.
YN: “thank you for the congratulations but i dont feel much like celebrating…”
Talia: “i know thats the other reason why im here, by now my guard would have tipped off the Bat. you need to know that he will probably already be on his way to the location. My guard has spotted the clown with your robin. You need not give up just yet, you would be surprised at how fast the detective can move when the ones he cares deeply about are in peril.!.”
YN: “i just hope Jensen is okay… please tell me your guard found out how he is?”
Talia: “he is hurt very badly. The clown has not been kind on him. My guard heard screams however small yet muffled they were.”
Barb was skeptical but yet was very concerned for her best friend as it turned out had not been as honest about everything concerning her trip as she had thought…
Barb: “so why come to us directly… what do you want out of this?”
Talia: “ive spent a better part over the last few years silently training with YN without the knowledge of the dark knight. YN i know that you upset, i know your not in a good place right now but i want you to know how deeply proud of you i am for how  well you have done by handling yourself with these recent events. If things go badly ill take you away on a elite guard retreat, where i will help you grieve in every way possible. Now kneel with me “Siru Alnnari” till we recieve news of how Jensen is recovered.”
You got off the couch and knelt in the shorts and sports bra you had on beneath the house coat. This made you more aware of your surroundings than you had been prior to Talia’s arrival as you honed your senses further. Barb now was texting with Dick. she was updating him on you and how your healing process was going.
Dick decided then to call Barb… he knew she would not mind hearing from him. Their conversation went something like this:
Dick: “hey Barb, look i know we didnt leave off on the best terms. But i want you to know i wasnt choosing sides it was cause of my genuine care for you and YN that i do  wanna say that the mansion is not the same without you beautiful ladies! Speaking of YN how is she?”
Barb had to breathe for a moment before giving her answer.
Barb: “not good, Dick did you know that YN has been secretly training with Talia?”
Dick had to step out of the room, he had been sitting in the cave with Bruce, Dick had to leave the area before giving his answer so Bruce would not find out.
Dick: “yes i know about that. I promised to keep it from everyone especially Bruce.”
Barb: “Talia & Yn are meditating, i havent seen YN relax a lick since that dreaded day a week ago. But now she is in some sort of relaxation state. Dick i am worried about her, she also hasnt eaten very much since being here.”
Dick had to breathe now having heard that now having heard how you were, what you were doing. He now thought about his time with the league, when he had been there with Bruce, how he had become apart of the league through that, through being Bruce’s ward. 
Dick: “i guess if anyone else should know about this its you but YN isnt the only one whose been training secretly with Talia… Bruce had his training years before i came into his life, i went with him once to do some more training and so he could retake his league oath. When they met me they made me one of them too. Talia has been training with me as much as she has YN. but hey dont worry so much about this, YN is a tough one she will be fine. But how bout you, how are you doing with all this?”
Barb had to answer very very carefully she felt herself beginning to break. She knew what would happen if she said too much of what her brain was trying to comprehend.
Barb: “honestly i am about as alright as can be with everything thats going on. Hows Bruce doing with his retrieval?”
Dick: “he is just coming up to the location… stand by for further updates. And Barb we both are really sorry for how we acted…”
Barb could only smile on her end of the conversation as she now through the rest of the conversation that she and Dick were having, was hearing the league chanting that you and Talia were giving off. She felt a wave of peace wash over her as if she were being drawn into your state of mind. 
Over the next little while Barb watched as you and Talia continued to meditate… Dick was communicating with Bruce about his skulking around, scoping out the warehouse. But then thats when the conversation that would soon end your hopes of getting to formally announce your engagement to Jensen… 
Bruce: “Dick patch me through to the girls they will want to listen as i go in for extraction.”
Dick: “i dont know if thats a good idea, when i spoke to Barb she said that YN has barely eaten and if this doesnt end well, she thinks YN might not come back to the mansion for a while. You know as well as i that worry is part of this line of work. I know we have been a family since we all joined up with you and none of us regret doing that. We regret nothing, but YN is the glue that keeps our broken family together and i dont think we want to loose that…. So be gentle when you speak… she is still a little frazzled according to Barb.”
Bruce: “dont worry about me i can handle anything that those 2 can throw at me…”
Bruce waited patiently on his perch to be connected to Barb.. 
Barb: “Bruce…”
Bruce: “i wanted to let you know that no one blames you for what has happened. I want you to know that i am doing everything in my ability to bring Jensen Home but I wanted someone over there to be able to know how the progress is going… "
Barb: "Bruce we shouldn't have left how we did… It was wrong of us to leave in the first place.. But I wouldn't have let her leave on her own. I had to go with her… No matter how things go I'm sure we will all have a normal ish Christmas at the manor. Like we do every year."
Bruce had gone silent, for now he was placing a sound device good for listening closer to enclosed buildings on the path hidden but still close enough to hear what was going on inside. 
Meanwhile this is what he heard… 
Along with more blood curling screams, he heard the following being spoken.. 
Joker: "okay Daddy’s gotta go, be a good boy, do all your homework, dont stay up late and hey please tell the big man i say Hello!”
Joker walked out of the door laughing his way down the path. Jensen wiggled himself upright making it to the locked door, but the pain was too much his ribs were beyond broken. Thats when Jensen looked to the left of the door and saw the beginning of a line of bombs. The place was rigged to explode.
He sent his last thoughts out to you, not wondering if you would ever marry anyone else, not more wondering if he would ever live long enough to marry you himself, his last muffled words were, “I Love You, YN.”
The building exploded 5 seconds later, Batman was caught in a cloud of dust & debris. Batman a while later crawled out of the debris & went onto coms…
~when we think we are immune to the bad and the ugly, that's when they usually find us… Trouble waits till we are vulnerable before it strikes. In any situation we don't want to panic for that won't help anyone.~
Barb: “Bruce i heard an explosion what happened?”
Bruce had to compose himself before answering… 
Bruce: "Barb, I'm sorry that explosion was the building that Jensen was in… He didn't make it… I just found his… What the hell… Patch me through to Talia her father's up to no good again." 
Barb did her thing and patched Bruce through to Talia, who was not surprised to hear from Bruce. 
Talia: "detective." 
Bruce: "Talia what would your father want with Jensen's body?" 
Talias sudden gasp, brought you out of stasis.. 
Talia: "my father wants to use the Lazarus pit to bring him back…. Get close to the guards if possible and let me talk to them…" 
Bruce goes up to the guards, he rerouted his come to his gauntlet to allow communication between Talia and the guards. 
Talia: "this is Talia daughter of the demons head which guards are you?" 
One of the guards now spoke… 
Guard: "Carter and guards 456 and 747… we are here behalf of your father mi'lady… He wants the body of this young man…" 
Talia: “why does he want the body of this particular young man?”
Carter: “cause.. He wants to use the pits to bring him back to train a male assassin whose been trained by the dark knight…”
This made Bruce’s rage level amidst his grief steam up inside him… he then had an anger burst that made you jump through hearing it on Talia’s end…
Talia: “Batman… enough she can hear us… she can hear this conversation.. Please calm down detective…”
Bruce was shocked… for he had not seen you or barb since you both left the mansion… now he feared what this news, this bomb that he had just dropped on you… thats when he stepped back from the guards.
Bruce: “thank you talia… is there anything else you would like to say to these guards.”
Talia breathed as her eyes flitted quickly to your every wavering form, now breaking into a thousand pieces.
Talia: “Carter you and the other guards shall not take the body of this man till after the funeral and the proper goodbye for we shall not deprive a fellow league member the chance to say good bye to the love of her life. Now leave the body alone and return to whereever you are staying till you guys get the body… now we need to have the detective do his thing… alerting the police dept annonymously and do what he needs to… ill contact you guys when you can come and do what you will to swap the body with an identical look alike...”
Carter: “yes Mi’lady… detective dont forget to do what you have to very quickly… for us to be able to appease the anger from the demons head… you know how bad his rage can get…”
As fast as the guards had appeared they were gone. Now as far as you were concerned the worst had happened… you were now going into a catatonic state… luckily for you, your savior was now appearing on the balcony in the form of Nightwing.
Barb let him in and you broke… you were now fully broken.. Now Talia was off the coms with Bruce.. Bruce had called an annonymous tip to GCPD about the explosion and Jensen’s body.  There was a moment of brief relief that fell upon you when Dick pulled back from you and handed you a letter written in Jensen’s hand writing with your name on the envelope.
Dick: “i was to give this to you if ever upon this situation… by that of jensen’s death… YN you dont have to read it now but you can read it when your ready…”
Barb: “girl we are all here for you… to support you.. This is a difficult time and right now you need all the support you can get…”
Talia: “if sometime in the near future you feel like you cant feel anything anymore than you need league help… the detective knows those signs… as should you Dick...you were the one that wanted to train with me as much as you felt necessary… besides when you got your name from my father it was a proud moment in the detectives eyes i didnt know how close the wards of Bruce Wayne actually were… Bruce i’m sure didnt want this to happen any more than the rest of us… he is just as devistated about loosing Jensen as we are…”
~it is our friends and the ones that feel like family that help us through the toughest of times, our hearts are fragile but if it breaks someone close to you will help pick up all the pieces… it might be the one person in your life who comes along to pick up the broken pieces the one to pick up the pieces will be the one person whose been there when you havent realized how they truly felt.~
Talia had gone out of the room into the other room with Barb.. this left you alone in the embrace of Dick… you were not sure how to express how you were feeling… Dick wasnt pressuring you to speak, he knew what you were going through he had just lost a friend… you lost a fiance… Dick didnt know what Jensen had put in the envelope but he knew what Jensen had asked hi when he was doing his will...
Talia: “as for YN with some training & definate familiarity if my father brought Jensen Back he could be the same Jensen eventually. But chances are he will want revenge for all that’s happened by the clown’s hand… now onto more pressing issues, Lady YN needs to go away from Gotham immediately following the funeral or else the trauma could land her a one way express trip to Arkham.”
Barb: “i know and thats what im afraid of… but i dont know what else i can do to help her coop…”
Bruce walked up to them off the balcony at that moment…
Bruce: “well i wanna know why Joker would take Jensen and not YN… it doesnt make any sense…”
Barb could only step back towards the wall and lean against it…
Barb: “Cause Joker knew their identities… there was one night when my dad wanted to hae dinner with me, Jensen and YN went out on patrol.. Bruce you were at an event of some kind and Dick was doing whatever he does when he isnt patrolling or what not… anyway Jensen and YN still went out on patrol knowing that Arkham had a new escapee… Joker got out… Jensen & YN had found a silent spot to make out, they had a small session, after so Jensen & YN were re-adjusting their masks when Joker came out of the shadows and jumped them… Joker told them that one day they would both pay in an unlikely way for all the pain and turmoil he had been put through…  when i heard about the events they went through with Joker finding out who they actually were, i knew he would keep good with his threats… i had Arkham staff made annonymously aware of joker’s “civilian threats”.. Till now i have been unsure if Joker would remember, but he did and now my best friend is paying the price for it…”
Talia placed a caring hand on Barb’s shoulder, then taking it upon herself to remember about her and Bruce… she then turned to Bruce walking out of that room and into another awaiting the word from you on whether or not you were gonna read the letter or whatever was inside the envelope you got from Dick who got it from Jensen.
~its times like these where people take charge of their lives, under the guidence and support of their friends and family…~
You were laying across Dicks lap, you were still in grieving… when Talia, Barb and Bruce re entered the room you had stopped crying and Dick was petting your hair… you ran your fingers over the envelope…  the lettering, tracing each one with your finger. 
Dick: “i know you are probably not ready for whats in that envelope but you should open it sooner rather than later.”
You nod your head, but feel the warmth coming off of Dick, Barb, Talia, Bruce you felt more at home than you had before…
YN: "I'm sorry for putting you through all this worry… I just wanted this vision of a happy life amidst the long nights of crime fighting to be real… Jensen wanted it to be real… I can't believe joker killed him… if we find joker I'm gonna kill him for this… League rules a life for a life… I can't let this go unpunished… But Talia I don't want to know anything more about what your father's guards want with Jensen's body can you make me forget that forget that I heard that plan… I Can't know about it… I don't want to know about it…"
~sometimes life hands you something that you dont want to know about… so your brain wants to forget it but everytime you try to forget it, it comes back and never leaves… what we try to forget is never really forgotten, its just temporarily misplaced... ~
Talia came up to you and placed her hand on your forehead and basically blurred out that memory… Made every word of the rest of that conversation between Talia and Bruce none exist ant in your mind. Made it so the blur ended when you were caught in Dicks embrace… 
Everyone around you minus Dick and yourself dipped into the whiskey and the scotch… you finally kinda sat up and flipped over the envelope… Dick was still kinda holding onto you for support as everyone else gathered around for what they assumed to be the reading of whatever was inside the envelope… 
Bruce: “look i can’t make it so this didnt happen… YN i know i said i was gonna bring Jensen home but sadly not every hero makes it home… believe me there have been a few times where i was almost one of those… but i hope in due time you can forgive me…”
You got up off the floor within seconds if that of Bruce finishing that sentance, something inside you came out like a crouching tiger, you lunged at Bruce the letter fallen to the floor. Dick Barb and Talia backed up… Dick went into the other room to de suit and get into something a little less nightwing and a little more Dick Grayson… 
You continued to fight with Bruce… your anger in all that meditation had come to the surface… you were attacking the man who had been there for you since you came out of the league and back into Bruce’s life… 
Bruce (out of breath): “YN please stop this you need to fight your emotions… you have to calm down…”
Talia at that moment came behind you and flipped you to the ground…
Talia: “Siru Alnnari listen to me… Its not Bruce’s fault nor your own that Jensen’s dead… its the fault of the clown who calls himself the Clown Prince Of Gotham City… listen to me now Siru Alnnari, you have to settle down… Dick is gonna take you to a different area of the penthouse but you have to read to us the letter first…”
YN: “talia i swear i dont want to hurt you and i believe you but i dont want to open that letter and read it for it will make the reality of the entire situation all too real… Talia im just a big ol chicken… i fear i may ne’r wear the suit again…”
Thats when Talia got off of you, thats when Barb came over to you and helped you off the ground… you then looked at Bruce, whose look was one of sorrow and pain, mostly from realizing that you have a strong right hook.
Bruce: “get into these arms YN, you need to grieve… we can worry bout that letter in a while…”
You went into Bruce’s caring embrace… his embrace tender and loving as ever. Your mind went into immediate remorse and sorrow… 
You had attacked the man who had trained you, taken you in after your parents had been murdered (clayface went away for that again)... Bruce had known what you had been going through… he knew what you had to become so he trained you to be apart of his team… 
Bruce: “its okay YN, its okay… we will always be here for you… dont worry about the letter right now, we can find out its contents in the morning…”
Thats when Bruce pulled back to wipe away the tears… you were then not in control of your own tears… 
Bruce: “we should all sleep… its been a long day… Dick can you take YN upstairs and stay there… Barb wanna sleep down here on your favorite sofa bed… Talia if you want you can stay with me in my quarters..”
Barb went to the sofa and made her bed after giving you a hug… Talia and Bruce walked into the far master suite and shut the door behind them… you and Dick went upstairs to the upper room… 
Dick: “i know this wont make up for it but i hope you can find your happiness again… no matter what this letter says… i know your scared but i am seriously worried about you… Barb is worried as hell.. She was texting me updates about you how you were doing and she honestly sounded scared… i know you are still in mourning but right now its gonna be easiest to sleep if you have me right here with you… okay so if your okay with it we can cuddle up on the bed and eventually we will both pass out…”
You nod already sitting on the bed… mean sure you were exhausted but you were not sure what would happen when and or if you were to close your eyes…
~alone is good sometimes, but not when you are in mourning… if your in grieving or mourning being alone is far from the best thing you should do… its not gonna help you heal as good as being with the ones that love you…~
Dick removed his sweater and his shoes and socks making his way onto the bed… he waited for you to do the same thing… when he saw you shaking he decided to help you… he came round and helped you remove your socks, and your housecoat… 
You placed your phone and the letter on the nightstand, you then fluffed the pillow that would be somewhat beneath your head and laid back… Dick’s arms pulled you against his chest… turned out you wouldnt need the pillow at all… 
After Dick closed his lamp and pulled the covers up suddenly you felt okay… you felt comfort, you felt warmth… you felt calm.. A peace swept over you making you drift off into a calm peaceful sleep…
Dick soon followed but first he made sure that he had you in his full embrace, made sure you were nice and safe and happily snoring… the next morning you woke to your phone ringing… you turned over and answered it trying to sound as awake as possible…
YN: “hello.”
James: “YN, its Jim, Barbara’s father… i hope i didnt wake you…”
YN: “no not at all… what can i do for you?”
Jim: “my men and i were alerted by a mutual friend last night to a warehouse that had exploded… we found a body… im sory YN but Jensen was in that warehouse…”
You felt Dick’s arm tighten around you and both of you went through the rest of the call… but you were shocked once more you forgot how to use words… Dick took the phone and began to speak to Gordon…
Dick: “commissioner its Dick Grayson… i was tasked by Bruce to stay with her till we heard anything about Jensen’s disappearance… it seems YN has gone into a state of shock… i have no idea what to say except thank you for letting us know about this…”
Jim: “mr Grayson i hope you realize this is a very delicate situation… i know this puts a strain on things but could i trouble a moment to speak with Bruce if he is near by…”
Dick: “hold on let me get him…”
Dick pulled the phone away from his ear he went down the stairs and knocked on the door to the master suite…
Dick: “Bruce its gordon he wants to talk to you…”
Dick heard Bruce’s footsteps from where he stood… Bruce emerged from the bedroom to meet Dick to grab the phone and follow him back upstairs…
Bruce: “hey jim what can i do for you?”
Jim: “bruce i wanted you to hear this too but my men and i got a tip from our mutual friend who alerted us to a warehouse explosion, not only was the warehouse one that belonged to Wayne Tech but one of your wards Jensen was inside… his body was discovered amidst the rubble… i fear that my telling this to YN may have shocked her, i apologize for disrupting your mornings… but i had to make this call personally… again my deepest condolances…”
Bruce: “thank you Jim… as soon as we know when the funeral is we would be delighted to have you there… i know it would mean the world to Barb and YN…”
Jim: “thank you Bruce… ill be in touch with an autopsy…”
The call ended, bruce handed the phone back to Dick who placed it on the nightstand and went back to comforting you… 
Bruce then went back downstairs… he then called his secretary and had her draw up a damage report and send out clean up and retrieval crews to the scene of the explosion to see if any of the warehouse contents could be salvaged… 
Dick: “might be a good idea to take a shower relax and untense… you might want to loosen up…”
YN: “im not sure i could relax right now its not been a easy few weeks…”
Dick: “why dont you put on a swim suit or at least a bikini and go sit in the jacuzzi thats in the room up here and ill come in and massage your shoulders to help with the relaxation…”
You shrug slightly intrigued at the idea… you get up and go to the dresser and pull out your bikini… Dick watches as you grab it slunking towards the changing cover while Dick goes to start the jacuzzi get it all warmed up and bubbly… throwing in your favorite scent of Vanilla.. 
Dick finished in there and came out to find you sitting on the bed in your bikini… it was a sight he had not seen in a while… 
Dick: “its ready when you are… how are you feeling right now?”
YN: “honestly i dont know… i havent felt anything like this since my parents but honestly if i didnt have people in my life who truly cared for me i would have probably wound up in arkham years ago…”
Dick: “well technically you probably wouldnt have wound up in Arkham, probably in Jail for sure but not straight in the loony bin… thats a little harsh dont you think…”
YN: “its the truth… im gonna go get into the jacuzzi… you might want to consider getting into something that you wouldnt mind if it got wet…”
Dick only laughed as he watched you walk towards the jacuzzi… he then got into a pair of his trunks that he too kept in that room… and got into those… he stretched and made sure to have his muscles flexed and ready to help de tense and un stress you…
YN: "this feels so nice…" 
Those words caught dicks ears as he finished getting stretched out making sure he was gonna be able to help you in the best way possible… 
Dick entered the bathroom, he came up and sat right behind you, his knees were at your head and his feet on either side of you… Your body felt like a twisted pretzel… It was only then that your body felt relaxation the same relaxation it had felt like years since this type of relaxation had been upon you… 
Dick: “you only need say anything if something is tender like worse than having your shoulder dislocated tender… just feel the tension and stress leave your body…”
You felt his hands work their way into your shoulders the tension strong and over bearing… your only comfort was knowing that all you had to do was relax and push all the stress and tension from your mind as well as your body.
YN: “thank you!”
You let out in a slurr of small sighs leaving your lips. Thats when Barb knocked on the bathroom frame making you and Dick turn to face her…
Barb: “sorry am i interrupting?”
YN: “not at all B! In fact im glad your here… im so sorry for worrying you girl! I didnt mean to go as therapists would say catatonic on you… i was just fearful, i was scared…”
Barb comes over to you and leans over the side of the Jacuzzi just to hug you… you broke once more for the first time in a few moments. Barb didnt care that you were sitting in a jacuzzi she knew that you were in a rough time right then… 
Barb: “you have nothing to apologize for… i know you are going through a rough patch… you need to find a way to heal…”
When your ears heard that a feeling hit you, it was right in front of you the entire time… Or rather right beside you… Dick was the one who originally knew about what happened to you with the league, Bruce hadn't know till recently neither Barb nor anyone… Dick had been the one you trusted with that part of you… 
YN: "do not worry I think whatever is inside of the letter from Jensen is gonna be helpful in helping me move on…" 
You hoped that No one caught on to your meaning…  Dicks foot was grazing your side… His hands were still on your upper back/shoulders…
~for many of us our friends are our balance. If we dont keep an open mind we might never see the bigger picture~
Dick: "Barb was there another reason why you interrupted my de-stressing of our best friend?" 
Barb: "Bruce says he has a tattoo buddy who is available if any of us want tattoos of any kind.. I came up here to ask if you guys wanted any?" 
Dick and you looked at eachother, you smiled slightly knowing that you possibly now had a way to heal… 
YN: "put me down for one…I'll get the league symbol on my arm!" 
Dick smiled he was slightly new to the whole let your feelings show thing… 
Dick: "I'll get the same thing, Talia did say when I was inducted to get one as soon as possible so I could come and…"
YN: “come and go through the border whenever not needing to wait for the escort to arrive… ya she told me the same thing… she told me to get it on my bicep as my league outfit is a one shoulder so have it on the exposed shoulder.”
Barb was shocked, but she now knew why you started wearing one shoulders so it was exposed only on one side… Dick found that description that you gave very alluring! 
Dick: "Barb can I finish relaxing our best friend now?" 
Barb: "of course I'll yell when the tattoo artist gets here…"
You ran instantly into the back side corner of your mind… You knew Dicks hands hadn't left your body, you knew dicks feet had been making circles into your thighs beneath the bubbles. But there are many things that life will throw your way before we realize that what we need is sometimes right in front of or beside us… 
YN: "I heard that small sigh leave your lips a few moments ago… Is everything alright?" 
Dick had you reposition back to how you were… 
Dick: "I've been fooling myself this entire time… Before you and Jensen got together I wasn't sure what I was feeling… But now seeing you sad and heart broken I know what I have felt this entire time…" 
You were sure that you knew what he meant but then he moved from directly behind you and went round the other side of the jacuzzi to get into the jacuzzi…
Dick: "I got an email yesterday just after the warehouse exploded… ItIt was from Jensen he sent me my part of the will, or he had it sent by someone else in the event of his death… TheThe email said that he wants me to take his place in your life in the event of his death… I have been in love with you from the first moment I met you… I love you YN!"
Your hand felt his beneath the water entangling fingers was one thing but the emotion you had been feeling coming off of him made you realize you did have a bit less control right then… Dicks hands pulled you close to his body, so you were straddling him… his hands on your hips, your body didnt tremble for you knew now that it was Jensen’s wish that you and Dick be together…
YN: “im gonna grind you, kiss me like you keep licking your lips seductively to do please dont be afraid to do so…”
Dick at that moment kissed you, the movement in your hips made him and you moan into the kiss, deeper into the kiss you guys went the more your hips grinded against his cock, that you could feel was getting harder beneath you… 
Dick: “keep grinding me like this and ill be cumming sooner rather than later… now keep going baby… lets make the water shake…”
You continued to grind, you had orgasmed several times now… your only thought was the fact that you were basically having clothed grind with the man who now was to be your lover by request of your dead fiance… 
The water went everywhere it was like waves on a shore, but more confined and alot more sexy… You and Dick were so close to finishing that session… But you still had to orgasm for the final time… 
YN: "I'm gonna cum, Dick I'm gonna cum…"
Dick: "do it baby do it and let the stress leave your body…" 
You grind your new love a while longer before your release is brought… Sweet bliss came over you, left you breathless… You kissed Dick once more before speaking again… 
YN: "I can't remember the last time I felt this calm… Or happy… I Never thought that I would be happy again…" 
Dick: "I love you YN. Now what you say we get out of here get into something comfy go downstairs and read that letter, you don't have to go through this alone anymore…" 
You kissed him again before getting out of the tub.. You then looked at the floor round the tub… 
Dick: "what's that look for?" 
YN:  "we may need to clean up the floor… It looks like we tried to flood the place…" 
Dick now stands up and looks around… He brings himself out of the jacuzzi first laying down a few towels so you guys can get out without falling.. Then he returns to the side of the jacuzzi extending his hand to help you out of the tub. 
YN:   "can you pass me my towel?"
Dick grabs your towel off the counter and wraps it round your shoulders. Then both of you walk out of the bathroom, you went to your clothing pile and picked out something comfortable a pair of pj shorts and a top with a built in bra. You take your clothing to the change cover and begin getting changed leaving the rest of the space for dick to use… 
Dick:  "I know you aren't looking forward to reading the letter, but part of being a hero is being able to withstand the harshest of pain. Over time it will get better, it will become easier… And I hope one day we can be happy together…" 
YN: "I'm so sorry for not telling you how I felt after Nanda Parbat… I Didn't want to hide my feelings but I never thought I would loose my hope of love… i somehow always knew that you would be right there if i ever lost my hope of love.”
You got right into your shorts and spun round to put on your tank top but felt a set of eyes on your back… you knew who it was but lets say you were very heated still from the make out grind in the jacuzzi. 
You came out of the change cover to find dick in his sweats and no shirt… he was facing the bed… you went up behind him and slowly wrapped your arms around him from behind… you felt him sigh, his muscles tensed beneath your touch… it was a few moments later when your feelings started to show…
Your fingers were tracing his abs, he turned around and embraced you equally… Both of you found grieving in each other's arms rather comforting… 
Yn: "we should probably go downstairs to read the letter to everyone. For the first time in these last few weeks I finally feel like I'm starting to heal.." 
Dick smiled as he kissed your forehead, he had a muscle shirt and the letter then he held now your hand as well to make facing people easier…  as you both walked down the stairs, all eyes were on you… 
Dick: “attention everyone… i know what this looks like and yes it is what it looks like Jensen had someone else send me an email from his account in the event of his death… the email stated that i was to take his place in YN’s heart, life and give her the love she deserves… he said that no matter what i did, he wants her happiness to come first.. So we did have a bit of fun in the jacuzzi.. We made out and basically left more water outside the jacuzzi than not… thank god for the heated floors. The water will be evaporated in a while… now if everyone wants to take a seat, YN will open and read the letter…”
You walked with Dick to the bean bag chair that was facing everyone… the eyes around the room made your tear ducts start to fill… but you opened the small seal and pulled the letter out of the envelope… 
YN (reading the letter): “my dearest YN, i know this is not how wills are done but i didnt want to go through the proper channels and risk you being locked out of everything… i had a lawyer put all my accounts in your name… you have had my heart as i have had yours, everything i have is yours… Dick you take care of my girl… i hope you will make her as happy as i have… Barb, i leave you all my old tech its in a box in my closet, i know you will use it to better the tech usage in our little family. Bruce thank you for everything you did for me, taking me in, helping me cope with my circumstances… if it wasnt for you i would not be here… to my dearest angel, dont be sad, i know that you are gonna do great things and i am so sorry for leaving you alone in this world… but i know you will find your strength again… it saddens me to write this here but i have a bad feeling about this, why did Joker not tell anyone about me and YN… he knew our identities, he knew who we were… but yet he choose not to tell anyone… anyway… Bruce i know you will find another amazing robin who too will do you proud, Dick take care of my angel, make sure her happiness comes first. Barb you take care of yourself and dont let my angel do anything stupid… all my love Jensen!”
The tears fell freely they soaked the paper, Dicks arms around you tightened… he knew what you were feeling after reading that… he knew that wasnt gonna be easy for you to do in the first place but having you do that right then he knew you were not happy…
~the life we lead is the life we sometimes dont choose how to live it, but instead it chooses for us~
Barb: “woohoo i get more stuff… yay more upgrades for everyone…”
Bruce: “i dont know what to say…”
Dick: “its okay love… its okay… your gonna heal… your gonna be okay…”
Thats when talia pipped up… she had been so quiet, everyone minus Bruce hadnt noticed that she was still there…
Talia: “now that we have established this… Dick and YN as members of the League we require that all couples in the league new or not have to appear before my father and he will bestow blessing and then you both have to basically consummate your union in some form or another while the league fights in a combat circle round you… also to divorce within the league is punishable by death… but getting your league tattoos today will be a good show of faith when you appear before my father…”
You looked at Dick and knew what he was gonna say but you didnt want to say anything you were still in shock…
Dick: “Talia i dont think now is the best time for this talk… look when we are ready for that we will do that but right now we need to get used to this new life that we now shall lead… now i believe that we need to comfort YN… how do we figure a way to do that?”
Barb: “theres still tequila.. How bout a round of shots?”
Thats when your computer went off the skype thing was sounding, you got up and went to see who was calling… it was the r&d department… you wiped your tears away and answered the call… 
YN: “sean whats up?”
Sean: “YN sorry to bother you i hope im not interrupting anything important…”
YN: “no not at all… what can i do for you?”
Sean: “there is an issue with the development of project 53277… the construction of the project was haulted the workers have gone on strike…”
You looked out from behind the computer and waved Bruce over…
Bruce: “sean i heard what you told YN who told the workers to go on strike?”
Sean: “i dont know sir, but i can tell you that we are working as fast as we can to figure out who gave the order and why… as soon as we do i will tell you both immediately… but i figured i would let you both know what was happening… i have also told the arkham staff to contact you regarding the construction… they should be contacting you any time now… im sorry to disrupt both your days…”
Bruce: “no trouble at all thank you for informing us… call us if anything else happens or if we need to come down…”
Sean: “will do Mr. Wayne… YN hope you feel better soon…”
You nod and end the call…
YN: “you might want to call arkham or shall we just go down and talk to sharp ourselves…”
Bruce: “we will go down after you and Dick get your tattoos… it might be a good idea to get you out for a while… focus on your other work… my artist buddy will be here soon…  he is the one who has done many favors for me and he is also one of the best legal tattoo artists in town… at the expos he is always the one giving charity tats…”
Thats when the elevator opened to a voice…
Frank: “thats because you dont really give me a choice… you always flash your dashing smile and always i say yes… cause i know you about as well as you know me it seems…”
Bruce went to give Frank a firm handshake and a bro hug… you feel Dick’s hands come to rest on your shoulders… you reach over and take hold of one of his hands… your heart beating so quickly…
Bruce: “Frank its been too long… set up shop anywhere you want… so far you have 3 people.. But i hope you brought a partner…”
Then another man appeared out of the staircase…
Harry: “sorry dudes i took the long way…”
Bruce and Frank engaged in a 3 way bro hug with Harry… who proceeded to also set up tattoo equipment…. 
Bruce: “alright i guess some introductions are in order… Barb, Talia, YN and Dick meet the 2 buddies of mine that i stayed in contact with after prep school… as you all can see we all have led very different lives… but Frank and Harry meet my small but yet fantastic family…”
The greetings were short and sweet as frank and Harry continued to set up… you and Dick became cuddly… you were still shaken over the letter… Dick knew what to do he knew what you must have been going through… but as he held you close he was trying to figure out how to give you comfort about all of this…
Dick: “how bout this, after we get our tattoos and you deal with the problem at that wayne tech project we take a trip to bludhaven and pick up some more of my shit from my apartment in bludhaven… it would be a nice break from the city… we would be able to make our own little way for ourselves in this crazy city we call home. I cant imagine living anywhere but here with you… what do you say YN ready to make this penthouse our home?”
You turned immediately to face him… you were shocked that he would say that… but then Bruce spoke next…
Bruce: “YN i figured you and Dick might want to have a second home away from the manor for a while. these next few months are gonna be tough on you… i just want you to be happy… but know that your rooms will still be yours at the manor forever. I release you both into the arms of eachother to grieve and mourn…”
You and Dick sat in the tattoo stations and got the league symbols on your biceps… this ensured that you guys would be able to enter and exit nanda parbat when and or if you both go back…
You went to the mirror and stood there admiring the tattoo that now was on your arm… it was a wonder and it felt so weird to see it on your bicep… Dick came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist…
Dick: “when do you want to leave for bludhaven?”
YN: “in a while… we arent in any rush are we?”
Dick: “nope…”
YN: “plus i want to talk to Talia… see if i can make another arrangement with her concerning the whole league right of blessing for couples thing get us out of it… i really dont want to appear before Ra’s at all…”
Dick held you tighter both of you now admiring your tattoos. 
Dick: “me either… go talk to Talia im gonna see where we are at with the whole find Joker thing…”
You went away from Dick and towards Talia…
YN: “can we speak Talia in private?”
Talia: “lead the way Lady YN…”
You lead her upstairs and you both stand facing eachother.
Talia: “what does this concern?”
YN: “you brought up earlier that me and Dick would need to appear before your father and get blessing for being together… i am here to speak to you about coming up with another arrangement…”
Talia: “YN i know my father is intimidating…”
YN: “thats one way to put it, scary is the word that Dick and i used… we discussed it and we dont want to apear before your father, we dont want to consummate in front of the entire league, we want a different option that will still get us the blessing from your father and doesnt involve us going back to Nanda Parbat…”
Talia thought about this, she knew her father scared you, she knew you wouldnt want to go back to stand before him… 
Talia: “i thought you may say that so i have already spoken with father, he has given an alternative… you and Dick after the funeral for Jensen have to deliver his body to the gates of our league stronghold just outside of Gotham city where my father said he will be to have you both sign a statement of blessing… this will be considered the alternative to the consummation and such thing… do we have an accords.?.”
YN: “we do… i assume we will know the stronghold when we see it…”
Talia: “of course… and YN once more im so sorry for your loss, but im happy that your happy…”
You and Talia hugged, you were still torn, but you felt the love that Talia was giving off.. You found it oddly comforting… you both went back downstairs and rejoined the others.
Dick: “no sign of Joker but we will have the word from the league when and if anything does show up on Joker… now bruce is the car in the garage?”
Bruce: “yep just let the valet know when your on your way down and they will bring it out for you… YN you are a great help to the company and a valuable asset i hope to see you back at work soon… speaking of which we still need to go deal with the issue on project 53277… Dick can i borrow your girl for a bit and you meet us there when your ready to go? Cause we need to deal with this…”
Dick: “sure thing ill get a bag of things together for the trip to bludhaven… ill text when im on my way to the asylum…”
You go and get into something comfy yet presentable to show up and do business… you arrive back downstairs and prepare to leave…
Dick: “ill see you in a while dont worry about anything the drive to bludhaven isnt gonna take that long, we will be back before you know it…”
YN: “i love you…”
Dick kisses you for a few moments before pulling back to stare into your eyes.
Dick: “i love you too… now go do what you have to do… ill see you later.”
You walk into the elevator and head out with Bruce you guys made your way to one of Bruce’s vehicles and made your way to arkham…
Upon arrival at Arkham you got out of the car and saw the workers just standing there in portest with their signs and such…
You and Bruce walked through them and went into the asylum and headed straight for Sharps office… the conversation took place like this:
Sharp: “Bruce, YN welcome to Arkham… what brings you both here this afternoon?”
Bruce: “we got a call from one of our staff, they said that the workers haulted… we came down as soon as we could to figure out why that is…”
Sharp: "mr. Wayne, miss YLN the workers feel like the project is a waste of time… so they went on strike to get the attention of you guys to make their point…"
Bruce: "what the hell would… wait.. do we have count of all the inmates in prisoner here right now… have any been near the workers?"
Sharp: "come to think of it scarecrow was rolled into his new home cause that was the first room finished and he unleashed a bit of fear toxin, maybe he planted an idea with that.."
YN: "if it is scarecrows toxin why does he have any of that on him."
Sharp: "we have a new psychologist in arkham he believes to let the inmates a small quantity of what their fixations are."
YN: "well let me speak to this person who clearly is in need to understand how dangerous these people are…"
Sharp put out a pager over the arkham radio and a few moments later a knock was on the door.. 
Sharp: "come in dr… miss YN would like to understand about your practices…"
Dr. Gregory: "of course she is welcome to tag along while I go on some rounds if she likes."
YN: “i would love too… i have seen first hand what these criminals can do doctor… i dont know how you think letting them have their fixations is a good idea… its a bad idea especially for the ones like scarecrow who use toxins and such types of things… Bruce will you go and talk to the workers while i observe this docs methods…”
Bruce nods as you walk away with the doc following him as he explains what he does and why he does it you look at the asylum and then you are given your chance to speak…
YN: “if i may though your methods sound unique, i dont see how they are effective even in small doses look what cranes toxin and his influence did to those workers… if anything you might only be making the problem worse… you need to be listening to them, you need to record the sessions you have with each patient, you need to document them… Arkham Asylum runs so criminals can be kept off the streets and away from the public, but by giving the villans a bit of what each one craves your making them that much more dangerous. the next time they escape they could go on a killing spree or worse kill you and everyone in this asylum that isnt with them. what im saying is change your practices so you aren’t the reason that more people in this city suffer at the hands of these inmates.”
You stepped back a bit as he took a peak in on a few of the inmates… then you both arrived back at the entrance to the asylum… shaking hands he agreed to stop giving the inmates what they want and focusing more on helping them psychologically…
Meanwhile Bruce was having a heated argument with the building instructor…
Bob: “so mr fancy pants here thinks he can just waltz on to this construction site and demand that we get back to work… thats rediculous…”
YN: “hey dudes, listen up your all under the influence of Scarecrows fear toxin and suggestive thinking… go dunk your heads in some cold water and clear your heads… ill go inside as the owner of this project and inspect… when you come back i expect you all to get to work.. Is that clear…”
Those guys went to the vats of cold water immediately, you had never seen anyone move so quickly… you strightened out and made your final approach to Bruce…
Bruce: “thank you for saving my face…”
YN: “i think you could have handled it but i wanted to save you as payment for all the times you saved me…”
Bruce: “dont worry about it, i am just happy that the project will be able to be completed… they were working on crocs cell…”
YN: “good the sooner we get him out of those dank sewer cell the better the less chance he will stay as cruel and mean… at least if he is in a proper cell he will be able to rehabilitate a bit easier…”
Bruce: “you mean to try to get Croc somewhat human again…”
YN: “yes of course… thats the goal. Now let me know what happens when those workers return… and make sure they work and if they dont deduct their pay… my ride has arrived… see you in a bit…”
Bruce: “drive safe let me know when you guys get to Bludhaven.”
You nod as Dick honks the horn and you approach the car in a hastey speed removing your cardigan as you enter the vehicle… 
Dick: “everything okay here?”
YN: “yep, the workers had a small influential run in with Scarecrow when he was being transferred into his new secure cell… i told them to go dunk their heads in cold water and get back to work. I also had a chat with the psychologist and told him to not adhere to what they crave but instead get more into the psychological aspect of helping the patients… I kinda established dominance in that speech i gave him now thinking about it…"
Dick: "i would have loved to see that… shall we hit the road it's at least 2 hours to bludhaven?"
You nod as Dick starts the drive… the sound of the tires on the pavement was all you cared about …  that and having Dick beside you… the car was small, but not too small, it wasnt a smart car… about an hour into the drive you turned to gaze at your new boux. 
YN: “Dick, can i ask you a question?”
Dick: “of course you can…”
YN: “when we get back to gotham and move into the penthouse, can we get rid of those icky beige walls in the penthouse? Please i mean it would look less boring… plus i want to get some more linens. I find that Bruce doesnt keep enough in there… i mean there are the ones for swimming… which yay!!! Pool… and we dont have to clean it… but yay its private so we dont have to share it with anyone but eachother… anyway what do you say to redecorating the penthouse.?”
Dick: “i think thats a lovely idea… honestly i was kinda thinking the same thing… we can do some massive art designs.”
As you and dick talked further about design plans for the penthouse, you felt like something was wrong in the air. But signs for BludHaven started becoming more and more frequent. Then there it was, no where near the size of Gotham city but about the size of maybe the narrows, diamond district and crime alley combined… 
It was then that you saw it, saw the fantastic building at the center of this small city… the wayne building… you should probably stop by and check on the r&d make sure everything is on schedule.
You texted Bruce and told him you were stopping there and asked if he wanted anything, he simply said the reports printed and signed by the overseer in charge… 
You agreed and you were just trying to figure out how to bring it… 
Dick: "you want to stop by Wayne tech don't you?" 
YN: "yes and Bruce wants the regular reports and I want the R&D reports… do you mind if we stop there?" 
Dick: "my place is near there… Its on the way to my building…" 
YN: "wanna come inside with me?" 
Dick: "I would love to see what my lady is developing for us." 
~honesty is a trait held in the upmost highest of respects in any relationship~
You and Dick now making your way to the underground parkade using your key card to get inside you put your parking pass on the mirror. Getting out of the car you look at the parkade and smile lightly as Dick takes your hand and you both enter the elevator with ease.
Dick: “well same-ish architecture for this building as the home office… but lets go inside and see whats what.”
You guys reach the top floor, you both get off the elevator. But you are instantly surprised when the staff is not there… no admin staff anyway… you head off towards the offices… you handed Dick your bag which he didnt mind holding on to, while you didnt knock before entering the doorway… this made the Woman sitting in that office jump out of her seat…
YN: “you know Mr Wayne and i expect all of our company locations to have office personal that greet the guests and people that enter…”
The lady wore a badge that said, ‘Karen, Management of location #4763389’... 
Karen: “i am so sorry miss YN, no one informed us that the head people would be coming… the office personal are on lunch… its their break. They finish their work before even considering a break. What can i assist you with?”
YN: “3 things: a tour of the R&D department, the R&D reports printed & the general reports printed. I am not gonna ask twice for any of these things.”
Karen: "of course miss, straight away… please wait here while I send the general reports to the printer… then we shall begin our tour…"
She goes to her computer and begins pressing buttons and doing things on the screen. You and Dick look around the office.  Seeing almost every wall covered in some sort of design or such… your only happy feeling was when Dick’s hand found the small of your back.
Dick: “i know that look, what are you thinking?”
YN: “this location seems different… i feel something very wrong here…”
*after several moments there a tour was had, you and Dick discovered a plot within the company you instantly acted and fired that person… you gathered your wits and the reports and left Dick following your tail, finishing your time in bludhaven gathering some more of Dick’s stuff from his apartment. the drive back to gotham was long and irritable… the trip to wayne tech was not what you had expected but it was not dull or boring. arriving back at the penthouse you both got help to bring up all the bags and boxes. the bellboy even unloaded it all against the wall by the elevator. he left leaving you both alone. You took a seat on the couch and leaned your head back in a low sigh...*
Dick: “i know you are thinking… do you want to talk about it?”
YN: “i just cant believe what the fuck has happened in the last few weeks. I certainly never imagined i would ever become engaged, then single, then instantly dating my other best friend, living in the penthouse where i have spent many nights away from the manor… ugh my head is spinning.”
Dick: “its okay… you know what we have all the time in the world to figure out what we want to be. Now lets strip the art off the walls and start designing.”
You got up off the couch and instantly began to help take art off walls and put up the painters tape… Dick watched as you absent mindedly did that… you did not want to do anything that might compromise the happiness you were kinda feeling right then. You had no idea how to even react, for you had agreed to deliver the body of your dead fiance to the league stronghold after the funeral. 
YN: "I dont… i cant… i wish i had never made out with jay in that park during patrol… none of this would have happened if joker hadnt caught us with our masks off… if that hadnt happened Jay would still be alive, i should have distanced myself from him after that night...  it was my own stupidity that got him killed…”
Dick: “its not your fault… you were just following your heart… no need to beat yourself up like this… Jay is not suffering right now… he is at peace… dont worry, when we bring him to the league stronghold i am sure that Talia will let you have a proper moment alone before they wisk him away… for now lets focus on us and making this place more us… come on love, my art skills compare nothing to yours…”
You looked into Dick’s eyes and immediately felt calm and peace wash over you… you got up and embraced him, his arms welcoming you close to his own form, the sence of peace and calm was upon you. All your fears washed away, and you felt instantly better. 
Dick: “now lets finish taking all this stuff off the walls and then go for a swim…”
Thats when the alert came in… Joker had been spotted… you went to the suit panel in the master bedroom and saw both yours and Dick’s suits sitting there along with your arsenals… 
YN: “dick i know that you are on my side but i want to go after Joker he needs to know he made a huge mistake for his crimes against us and our family…”
Dick: “lets suit up..”
You  both did just that, suiting up in anyplace other than the cave felt strange but at the same time not… when Dick came up to you after he had his suit on he wrapped his arms around your waist and for a moment you both stared in the mirror and wondered if you would ever get through this period of mourning… 
~its always the revenge that keeps us within the darkness, but when the darkness is plagued by the light from another it doesnt triumph, the light will always triumph.~
Dick: “the bikes are downstairs but obviously we cant go down looking like this… so i have a different idea…”
YN: “we can actually the elevator is private remember… the elevator is only for us… it can take us to the bikes… i know where they are too… right by the elevator exit in the garage…”
Dick: “where is joker?”
YN: “gotham central museum… he was seen entering there about an hour ago…”
Dick: “lets go then…”
You and Dick down the elevator went into the parking garage got on the bikes and rode off… not alerting the others, not caring bout anything else… just taking off towards what you hoped would be justice for what made you miserable.
Arriving at the museum you both got off the bikes setting them on remote control and alarmed to prevent thieves… you both make your way inside the front door…
Dick: “thermal scans show multiple goons patroling the next few areas…”
YN: “Joker must be trying to make a deal with Penguin… or else why would he be here… he has to be in the iceberg lounge…”
Dick: “ready to take out his goons…”
YN: “ill go high, you go low…”
Dick: “hope we can do more of that when we get back…”
You smile as you grapple up top, Dick goes under the floor grates… the sounds started to cease almost immediately… you waited a few moments before grappling down to the stand behind the 2 guards in front of the exit of the room… standing in the shadows you waited a few more seconds before dropping a smoke pellet, letting out a low whistle and having both you and Dick double takedown those 2 goons. High fiving you both head into the next room… 
Room by room you both went taking down all the goons you saw… then you guys appeared at the entrance of the iceberg lounge… you stopped in your tracks…
Dick: "batwoman you okay?"
YN: "no I feel weird nightwing… I cant move…"
Dick: "neither can i…"
The laughter that you hated so much, the laughter that made you cringe, the voice that now made the anger boil in your blood. 
Joker: “greetings party crashers, hey Batwoman hows the fiance? Were they able to pull his corpse out of the building?”
You had a look to kill in your eyes, Joker just laughed he knew you couldnt move…
Dick: “let us go Joker… or i swear you wont like what comes next..”
Joker: “oooo boy wonder all grown out of your leotards… how quaint maybe ill kill you and take away another person that this batwench loves…”
YN: “leave him the fuck alone Joker.. Release me… ill fight in penguins ring against your goons, but ill take you down ill beat you and everyone who works for you…”
Joker just laughs, he didnt think you were serious that is until he heard this little convo between you and Nightwing…
Nightwing: “what do you think you are doing? Batwoman are you nuts?”
Batwoman: “maybe but i am deadly serious. Unless he is too chicken to face me alone in combat… too scared to be beaten by a little girl...”
Joker: “Harley will face you little girl… she will face you on my behalf… if you defeat her then i will jump in the ring and fight with you… but you alone in the ring… your little friend here is gonna stay with my good friend penguin in the ministers box watching the fight…”
In seconds you could move again, you were seperated from Nightwing and knocked out… when you came too you were on the ground in the center of the iceberg lounge fight ring… you stood up and the first thing you saw was Dick in the dangerous care of Penguins goons. 
Penguin: “lookie here the little bat is awake…”
YN: “Nightwing… hold on love just hold on…”
Harley: “hes not the one you have to worry bout right no sugar…”
You turned around and took a defensive stance…
YN: “Harley, you know its not nice to sneak up on another female…”
Harley: “you know its not nice to threaten anothers love…”
YN: “you know that goes for you as well… now are we gonna talk or fight?”
You had your dual batarangs in each hand… you both were using dual wield weapons… the fight went on for what felt like years… 
Nightwing: "you know penguin, joker is probably gonna just debunk your entire operation as soon as he is through with us…"
Penguin: "shut up nightfart.. your girl has some spunk… but she wont last against both joker and harley…"
Within moments you were being held back by harley while joker jumped into the ring and began pumbling you… throwing punches ,left right and center… nightwing struggled against his bindings, he struggled against what was holding him back from getting to you… 
Joker: "I dont know what to tell you but when Robin was being tortured by men i was not in a playful mood… we had rather a one sided conversation, i did most of the talking after i shattered his lung… now I think I'll do the same to you… except maybe not as dramatic.. how bout I break a rib instead… tonight the most gracious of nights… the eve of christmas… the night where promises are made where gifts are given and where the spirit of good prevails… I bestow to you not the fate of your dead fiance, but the fate that shall be your own…"
Batwoman: "nightwing I…"
Nightwing: "I know but helps on the way just stall as long as you can…"
No sooner had that been said than the sound of bodies hitting the ground and the familiar grunts alerting you and nightwing to get your asses in gear… you elbowed harley in the stomach her grip on you loosened, you kicked Joker away he landed hard against the ground, then you grabbed harleys hands and flipped her to the ground… 
batman: “back off Joker, dont you or harley lay another hand on my ward… batgirl free nightwing, I'm gonna save batwoman…"
You were on bended knee grasping your side.. you knew something was either broken or at the very least bruised.. batman was in front of you in seconds… 
Batman: "coming here alone with nightwing was very very stupid, but also incredibly brave… now I've already alerted Gcpd to what's happening here, but let's get you back up top then I'll deal with…"
That's when joker and Harley were blocking the exit that you and batman had… you were now trying to stand by the support that batman was giving you… 
Batman: "can you fight?"
YN: "ill withstand… nightwing batgirl get down here and help…"
You were pursued by harley, she knocked you down… started beating you with her bat… your body twitched and squirmed, till batgirl was in front of you blocking you from harleys attack… 
Batgirl: "girl I'm gonna swap with nightwing then he will get you out of here…"
Batgirl and nightwing swapped places… nightwing came over to your side…
Nightwing: "hows it going doll?"
You cringed but laughed anyway…
YN: "can we get out of this hellhole?"
Nightwing using his grapple gun launched both of you into the air through the hole in the ceiling… you both landed on the roof… you were so sore, you would have bruising for days… your only savior was the fact that nightwing was able to get you out of there while batman and batgirl finished with joker and harley… for in that moment his arms were the only thing keeping you from collapsing…
Nightwing: "we just have to wait for batman and batgirl… we will all leave together… just keep awake babe… dont let the pain overtake you… I love you and i look forward to many more nights fighting crime with you.. course that's once your healed…"
Batman and batgirl came up onto the roof a mere 5 minutes later, you were leaning against the ledge supported also by dick… your thoughts trying to distract from the pain you were feeling..
Batman: "we have to get her out of here… I'll contact lucius and have him meet us at the penthouse so he can assess her injuries… dick can you still ride?" 
Dick: "yes I can…"
YN: "for the record I cant… i dont think anything is broken but something is definately out of place and very very bruised…"
Batgirl: "I'll take her bike back to the garage… unless we want to store them in the underground underground garage…"
Batman nods and then gently helps dick attach you to his front and then attaches you both to the zipline… which he sends barb down first… then he sends you and dick.. barb helps you and dick get out of the zipline attachment and then to the bike… 
~what happened next: everyone arrives back at the penthouse, your medically examined by lucius, determined nothings broken but merely dislocated told that you would heal soon… joker was put behind bars, penguin and harley too… the funeral went off as well as could be expected …  the league was very honored that you both kept your word and delivered the body…  you got the blessing of the league to be together… you and dick finish moving into the penthouse…  you celebrate christmas like normal luckily barb and bruce had gotten you both extra gifts and talkee it over with each of you individually on which one you wanted to put from eachother… you finish decorating, then beginning the new journey together not realizing that it would not last long.. for now we skip to the week before halloween… where our story continues with you making the final preparations and plans for the wayne tech halloween fundraiser... little did you guys know that the worst was yet to come ~
YN: "no no no…."
Dick comes over to you upon hearing your shouts of dis-pleasement…
Dick: "babe what's wrong…?"
YN: "the venue for the wayne tech Halloween fundraiser just cancelled… now what do we do… there is no way we are cancelling this event but where are we gonna find a venue this late in the game…"
Bruce who was on the Skype call with you both of you going over and finalizing the plans for the fundraiser, now spoke up…
Bruce: "why dont we host at wayne manor… this wouldnt be the first time we have hosted a huge fundraiser, hell my father did that all the time…  we can utilize both ballrooms…"
YN: "bruce are you sure? Its alot to prepare in such a short amount of time… I mean it's a week away we cant possibly get ready in time… plus we have to let the guests know that the venue has changed… and the caterer, the musicians, the wayne tech board, everyone else…"
Bruce: "dont worry, my secretary is already on that don't worry… she and sean are gonna send emails and call every guest personally… they will even do overtime as a favor to us… I'm meeting with the board this afternoon I'll tell them then… have you spoken to vicki vale I know you had chosen her to cover the event…"
YN: "I'll speak to vicki… bruce I cant believe what I've been through… it's almost been a year… does it ever get easier… knowing what happened, knowing that a part of me died when Jensen died… knowing that even though joker is behind bars I still cant get through my fear that one day he will come for me… that he will escape arkham and find his way to me and he will finish what he started all those months ago…"
Bruce and dick both starred at you, dick was behind you now his hands on your shoulders, bruce starring at you, your eyes sparkling from the light of the lamp…
Bruce: "dont worry about anything YN, if anyone needs to contact you for any reason they will go through me first… you just relax… but call vicki first… let her know about the venue change… then dick take YN and go shopping she needs a day away…"
Dick: "on it bruce… also YN and I will take patrol these next few nights… we need to get back in the saddle…"
Bruce: "very well… but if you guys need help all you have to do is call…"
YN: "thank you bruce… let me know if anything else by me need doing!"
Bruce: "go enjoy yourselves, you deserve it… it's all on me… I'll keep in touch about the party…"
The call ended, you stretched getting off the chair and turning to face your boyfriend… 
Dick: "you know as sexy as those sweats are on you, going shopping in them is gonna send a bad rep… babe come on let's go get dressed, and get out of here for a while…"
YN: "what do you have in mind?"
Dick brings you to the closet… opening it he shows you the outfit he has chosen for you to wear out on that day…
YN: "that is perfect, my fave skinny jeans and my tank top… yes totally!!!"
While you and dick were getting dressed, you had bluetooth called vicki… conversation went like this:
Vicki(over the phone): "vicki vale…"
YN(over the phone): "hey vicki is YN… hows it going?"
Vicki (over the phone): "not bad how bout you?"
YN(over the phone): "not bad… your still good to cover the fundraiser right?"
Vicki(over the phone): "of course… why does it sound like somethings changed…"
YN(over the phone): "it's just a location change… it will still be on halloween night but it will be held at Wayne manor…"
Vicki(over the phone): "that's a relief.. I enjoy these fundraisers I love hearing more about what the future of wayne tech holds…"
YN(over the phone): "see you then vick, I hope we can catch up…"
Vicki(over the phone): "count on it girl!"
As soon as you hung up the call, you got this chill up your spine… but you and dick walked out the door and began your shopping spree, not knowing what lay ahead for you…
~this next section is gonna be the death point… I'm very sorry for everything that's in this next small section but this is crucial… cause this is what happened a while after the league took Jensen's body back to nanda parbat, ra`s had the body prepared and readied to go in the Lazarus pit…~
Ra's: "has the boys body been prepared…"
Nyssa: "yes and my sister has returned to gotham city to be with her beloved…"
Ra's: "whatever the boy wants to do after he is resurrected no one is to stop him… especial li y if he wants to leave but he will need a day probably to get back into the swing of things…"
Nyssa: "we really gonna bring him back, father what is his use to us and our mission?"
Ra's: "let's bring the boy back to life…"
Nyssa snapped her fingers and several people dragged Jensen's body into the pit… after 5 minutes the pit bubbled and glowed… 2 minutes later Jensen bursted out of the pit… 
Jensen(newly resurrected): "nyssa you slimy skank, what the hell happened to… wait a moment you put me in the pit… I died… I remember now joker blew up a warehouse…I was dead… why did you bring me back?"
Ra's: "to tell you the truth about your fiance… she has been apart of the league since before you met her… she and your friend dick grayson are the ones who delivered your body to us at my request, as part of their league blessing… yes dick is apart of the league too… they have been together for a few weeks now… yes it's been a little over a month since the dreaded event that killed you…"
Jensen(newly resurrected): "so they are together… they followed my instructions… I want some more training before I go back to gotham… the pit changes people who are brought back from the dead… I want to learn to use the new training right before I go back… I'm Robin no more…"
Ra's: "indeed, nyssa my daughter will train you… she has a room prepared for you… when your ready to begin your training she will start… henceforth your *Ghita``Ahmar* to be rivaling the dark knight himself, as well as that of your fiance and best friend… Robin died in that warehouse, you are now the Red Hood…"
~from then to about 2 weeks before present setting Jensen spent every waking moment he could training with nyssa, wishing and hoping that you had not completely forgotten him… till 2 weeks before present day when he made his return to gotham… he returned the same night you and dick happened to be the ones patrolling… jensen sat in watch silently making sure he didnt jump the gun… that however also happened to the night when he stepped up his game as the red hood and gathered a meeting of the badies…  sending notices to all the worst of Gotham's badies… his only goal was to make alliances amongst the baddest of the bad… and that's where we head to now the meeting of the bads..~
Everyone showed up at the warehouse from bane to scarecrow to black mask to penguin to two face to poison ivy etc, even riddler showed up as well as carmine falcone, rupert Thorne & salvatore maroni… but all of them were really confused as to who called the meet…
Black mask: "so whose gonna fess up to calling this meet…"
Falcone: "if no one fesses up in 5 seconds I'm gonna take my boys and get ou…"
A gun shot echoed through the warehouse at that moment… 
Red hood: "sorry I'm late boys this meet is mine…"
Black mask: "and who are you tough guy?"
Red hood: "call me the red hood… I am so delighted to see so many of you here tonight… but I suppose you guys want me to explain why I called you all here?"
Bane spoke next for he was trying so hard not to get very very angry at this guy…
Bane: "listen up senor hood… I will break every single damn bone in your tiny body if you do not start explaining now…"
Red hood back flipped off the balcony and landed on the ground… 
Red hood: "it's quite easy I'm placing a bounty on the bat family… anyone who brings me ALIVE batwoman, batman, nightwing & batgirl will get a handsome reward paid to them by a powerful adversari…"
Sionis at that moment turns to face his henchmen...
Black Mask: "you hear that you pea brains go begin your search for the bats… bring them to the steel mill alive… and alert me once you have one… I'll alert sir hood…"
All the henchmen seemed to disperse the room, leaving the main badies only in the room… poison ivy got up at that moment and began to leave the room…
Ivy: "later boys theres too much testosterone in this room right now… ta ta…"
Ivy left and went back to the botanical garden… everyone else left in that room slowly one by one dispursed… off to do the deed that has been asked… 
Red hood once alone into the warehouse made it apparent to look up and stare at the moon high in the sky… he knew if any chance of seeing you it would be that night… he waited on a rooftop, he watched and waited, it was then that he saw you… he knew it was you he could tell… but you were with nightwing… then he remembered the request he had made of dick… he stayed where he was but watched he could then tell you were happy… 
Red hood: "I'll make myself known soon… soon my love soon we shall reign supreme…"
~present day you had heard a week ago from poison ivy that there waas a new player in Gotham… she told you the rundown telling you about the meeting and the collection of people who had been called in… but she didnt want war or money she just wanted to see the guy who trampled her plants on his vault off the balcony… she decided that she didnt need to get into business with that pee-brain… she would rather stick to being the in between gal… but with that warning now in play you and the rest of the team including the new robin Tim Drake who fancies barb now on high alert looking out for the first time they would all meet the red hood… that day was today…~
While out shopping you and dick had collected accessories, and partial parts to outfits… but you were now hunting your dress… every year you got a new one for this event… sure you could use one you already own but it wouldnt be fun if you did that… 
You wanted something unique but sexy and floor length possibly sparkly… then you saw it, the one gold off the shoulder sequined lace dress that you had not seen before must have been new… you got an attendant to grab your size and opena fitting room.. dick waited outside obviously… the attendant was very curtious…  
A few moments later once in the dress you took a moment to revel yourself in it.. you twirled in the mirror then heard the voice that had comforted you so many nights…
Dick: "hows it going in there?"
YN: "I love it… do you want to see it?"
Dick: "I would love to see what my hot sexy woman has chosen..."
You let out a shrill of giggles, you loved it when you and dick would go shopping, he loved watching you put on a fashion show… you opened the fitting room door and stepped out dick dropped the bags on the ground and came close to your form.
Dick: "this is so sexy… you will be so hot on my arm…"
That moment looking at you and dick in the mirror side by side your mind was at peace once more… dick let you go back into the dressing room as the attendant came back to help you out of the dress… you then told the attendant that you would take the dress… you and dick followed her back to the counter… checking out and charging it to the joint wayne tech account you both walked out… 
Making stops at the lingerie store and the book store you both had arms full of bags… leaving and going back to the car it was apparent that you had not only done the grocery shopping but enough of a shopping spree to last a while… 
Back to the penthouse you both travelled, not knowing what may lie ahead… but then your pagers rang high… letting them echo through the car speakers… you both answered the call..
Bruce: "sorry bout this but we have a report… joker and penguin have escaped from arkham… we need to go out and patrol as a family tonight… how soon can you both be here?"
YN: "be there in 15min meet you in the cave…"
Dick put the petal to the metal, both of you racing to the manor.. hearing that joker escaped was not what you needed to hear… but hearing it was smethng that you were not gonna let define your week… you wanted this taken care off now… arriving at the manor, parking the car, walking inside and heading straight to the cave.. you went straight to get ready before acknowledging anyone else.. 
Dick did the opposite, he went to see everyone they all knew that you were getting ready to fight to go out and look for the 2 escapees… you came back round to find everyone standing by your bike blocking your path..
YN: "out of my way guys… i dont want to hurt you but i need to go out there and start searching for this bastard he took my happiness from me once im not gonna let him do it again… so get out of my way… now!"
Dick and barb moved out of the way, but bruce stayed where he was, tim was by the computer he was the smart one, bruce however was the one who didnt seem to understand the concept of get out of your way… 
barb: "bruce why do you not move?"
Bruce: "cause she is not thinking clearly, she is thinking with her head instead of her heart, revenge is never the answer… believe me i know how this works…"
YN: "dont make me do this bruce… dont make me stop you…"
Bruce got into a stance as you back up a few paces and then vault yourself onto your bike… you kick bruce away when you land and then you take off out of the cave…
Bruce: "we have to go after her!"
Dick: "ive learned its best to give her some space when she gets like this… we will follow after  giving her a 10 minute head start… dont worry she will be fine…"
Everyone waited patiently… that is till one of the security cams near the river underpass spotted penguin… everyone else suited up as the following conversation took place no one was overly concerned about penguin… 
Penguin spots something under the bridge, he stands there at the other end as a crack of thunder rolls through the sky… 
Penguin: "tweet tweet…"
Joker: "penguin you old feather brain, what brings you out of arkham?"
Penguin: "same thing as you clowny…"
Joker: “what do you say we let bigons be bigons and split the treasure 50/50… you know the  location about as well as i… lets shake on it…”
Joker shocked penguins hand and then took off… you happened to spot this from afar… penguin ran after him… but penguin actually knew where he was going alot more than joker did… lets just say Penguin has a few more screws available than Joker ever did… 
Penguin enters the gotham city cemetary and begins walking through looking for something specific…
Penguin: “a tisket a tasket which crypt holds the money casket…”
Then penguin spots the crypt with the giant cross… it kinda looks secluded and different from the others… he goes inside and down the stairs to see one lone casket bound in chains surrounded by candles… 
Penguin: “a little too much security for a casket full of money…"
Penguin breaks the chains and opens the casket but notices a skeleton in there, the rust on the side of the casket cuts penguins skin… 
~to sum this up penguin woke dracula… taking him out on a tour of gotham this is your run in with dracula… the prince of darkness himself… you watch from a distance before deciding to introduce yourself…~
Batwoman: "hey didnt anyone ever tell you not to bite people its rude to do that especially on defenseless innocents…"
Penguin: "master this is one of those pesky bats that i told you about… this is also the one who locked me in prison… do not let her escape she could be very useful…"
Batwoman: "penguin whose the crusty old guy i thought you were a solo bird…"
The man who didnt look entirely alive stepping closer he bowed slightly...
Dracula: "i am count dracula… i have been awakened in this new land away from my beautiful transylvania… you are a very captivating creature, come to me let me see you in a new light…"
Little did you know that you were being watched by someone, who was being watched by the rest of your family. You were now in draculas trance, you were not sure what was happening… but you lost all control of your entire body… dracula now was holding you close to him sstroking your cheek moving his nails to tear a hole by your neck in the suit… 
Red hood watching this happen jumped down into the alley, he picked up the vile of holy water he had collected from the church, he was now loading up into the water gun he had found… 
Red hood(jensen): "hey fang face let the lady go…"
Penguin: "and who are you supposed to be bitch…" 
Red hood stepped out of the shadows into the light still holding that water gun steady…
Red hood(jensen): "i am the Red Hood and for the last time ill say this let her go…"
You were still under a trance, red hood threw down a circle of holy water on the ground surrounding dracula… then he set down a silver ionized smoke pellet, then as fast as he had appeared he now was taking you back onto the rooftop away from them...
Batman, nightwing, robin & batgirl watched this act from the rooftop, then they watched as the sun began to come up dracula penguin and every other damn person that was with them vanished into the shadows. Their only concern right then was to find you before anyone else got their chance to as well as to find out who that dude was that whisked you away…
Batman: "did anyone see where they went?"
Batgirl: "maybe towards a rooftop or something.."
Nightwing: "im tracking her genetic markers… she is near the penthouse… like right across from it…"
Nightwing and batgirl went by rooftop, Bruce and Tim took the car… You were not fully aware of what had happened but you opened your eyes a while later to see someone leaning against the ledge… 
Red hood(Jensen): "move slowly your just coming out of a hypnotic trance… any idea who that was?”
You sat up slowly but could only muster getting up on your elbow before feeling the whole room start spinning again…
YN: “that was count dracula and a normal bad guy around here one whose name is penguin… to be truthful with you i dont think ive ever seen you round here before…”
Red Hood (jensen): “thats cause im new in town.. Im called red hood and who might you be?”
YN: “batwoman… i suppose i owe you my thanks for saving my life…”
Red Hood(jensen): “it was my pleasure i wasnt about to let a slimy vampire destroy a beautiful woman…”
The familiar sound of something wooshing through the air, you ducked but red hood was smart he caught the batarang… you turned to see Nightwing, Batgirl, Batman and Robin standing there… 
Red Hood(jensen): “ah so your the famous batman… your the ones who were trailing me all night… now you come here cause you think i would ever hurt your darling batwoman… i would never hurt such a magnificent creature… i saved her from being vampire chow by the way… take it from me deal with him before anyone else gets turned into the undead… YN remember who i am, remember me for i am all i am and all i was…”
At that moment a train zoomed by, he started to say something else but the sound was cut… by the time the train had finished he was gone… you were still on the ground, you let out a groan of pain… yes its true you were in pain, and alot of it… 
Nightwing: “bruce set up a zipline, make sure that it heads straight for the balcony… im gonna carry her on my back if she can hold on for that long…”
YN: “course i can, just mind the zipline and my ribs… again with the bruising… fuck i mean red hood didnt hurt me… but yet ive never seen him here before tonight… yet he knew who i was…”
Nightwing: “dont worry about that now… we will run voice rec once back at the penthouse… for now love we need to get you standing so you can get on my back…”
With the help of your family, you were now attempting to stand up… once on your feet you latched your arms around Dicks neck, you planted a kiss to his cheek as he carried you over to the zipline… bruce had just finished locking it down and bringing down the bar… he was gonna send you and Dick first…
Dick: "hold on babe we are home bound…"
You hold on tight as dick takes a running start at the zipline.. he grabs hold and away you both went, bruce and barb would surely follow… arriving at the bottom, the zipline stops for a moment to let you and dick off, then it retracts its way back up to take down the next person.
Dick: "come on babe lets get you into the master and lets get out of uniform…"
You let dick carry you into the master, you went to the panel and activated the hiding place, you then tried to bend over to unzip your boots but the bruising however much there actually is, was extremely painful… 
Dick: "hold on babe let me de-suit first then ill help you…"
Dick de suited his muscles rippling, his hair was a mess, he came back no shirt in sweats to see you still trying to figure out how to get your boot off without straining your brusied muscles… you were concerned with what Dick was gonna say when he turned back to face you…
Sure enough Dick turns around and shakes his head coming close to you he watches as you attempt to take your boot off while laying on your back… 
Dick: “need help babe?”
YN: “ugh these stupid bruises… it makes it really hard to bend and move and and and… babe can you please help me?”
Dick comes over to you and helps you de suit, then sitting you up leaning you against his form he brings over the medical rub… he starts rubbing your bruises… neither of you hear Barb, Tim or Bruce walk in neither of you cared… you were both decent enough it was nothing new and neither of you wanted to be anything less than what you were…
YN: “thank you all of you for coming after me… it must not have been easy for any of you to let me go like that… i also should not have taken off in the first place… it wasnt smart… but we have 2 new things to investigate… can we dig up anything and everything we can find on dracula and can we pull any voice  rec off the red hood… we have to deal with all of this before the halloween fundraiser… i certainly do not want dracula anywhere near there… trust me his trance is crazy strong… but i have a bad feeling about this red hood character, he spoke like we knew eachother, whoever he is knew exactly who i was and how i was gonna be when i woke up… he was very very strange. I want voice rec asap… and i want to learn all we can about our mysterious transylvanian visitor… and lace all our weapons and our suits with holy water and garlic… we cant risk any of us going under his influence… we also need to keep holy water on us at all times… if we are in civilian form at night… until we know where penguin and dracula are we will need every ounce of advantage we can muster…”
Bruce: “ill let you take point on the voice rec YN, ill handle the party planning till its done… dont worry… we will figure this out before the party… Barb see what you can dig up on Dracula… as for everyone right now take some rest… Barb, Tim lets leave Dick and YN we will all get together soon for results and patrolling… no one goes alone, we all stick together, we dont let them defeat us…”
In moments you and Dick were alone again… you set the laptop to scan the voice rec on the red hood from your data, from the nearby camera audio of him and from what Bruce had collected… 
Barb once back at the mansion went on her computer and searched for all the lore on vampires and Dracula… 
Bruce, Tim and Alfred laced every single weapon with garlic as well as the suits with Holy Water and changed some of the batarangs with the silver ones… it was not till they did that, did they realize that everything was alot more real…
~TIME SKIP… the next 4 days before the fundraiser included the following events: 1. The voice rec scan takes forever to get started... 2. The red hood corners you while your walking in civilian form while on the way back to the penthouse from a short stroll to the grocery store… after a somewhat tantalizing conversation you collected more vocal data that might be useful in the voice callibration… 3. Joker follows penguin to the crypt where he gets turned into a vampire by Dracula… 4. Joker goes to rob the blood bank for a “free” meal and gets stopped by Batman… 5. Batman knocks joker unconcious and puts him in the lower lower holding cells in the cave… beginning to synthesis an antedoite to vampirism and using joker as the Guinea pig..  6. You begin to feel alot stronger as your bruising begins to heal… this brings us 1 day before the fundraiser, to when you and Dick are awoken by the voice rec scan being completed…~
Dick: "babe, wake up what is that noise?"
You awaken at the feeling of your boyfriend shaking you awake… you listened again and then got up and went to get your laptop and bring it back to bed… you sit up leaning against the headboard, Dick begins to run his fingers over your forearms as you continue to look at the laptop… 
Dick: "are the results in?"
YN: "i think so but its weird its telling me to analyze them further at the cave… but we arent gonna be there till later… so ill just save this to my server or just leave it open on my laptop, put my laptop to sleep, so we can go back to sleep…"
Dick: "its only 3am, babe i wanna go back to sleep with cuddling you in my arms!"
You finish placing your laptop back on its charger and placing it on the nightstand you dim the lamp again, laying back in bad and cuddling up with Dick… you both once more fall asleep held close in eachothers arms… 
Meanwhile the red hood was standing watch on the rooftop nearby he could hear everything, he didnt want to but he knew his sub concious would never let him allow anything bad happen to you… 
Several hours later, you and dick were awoken by the elevator dinging… you both got up to see who was possibly paying you a visit standing there in your housecoats you both await the elevator doors to open.
Dick: "were you Expecting anyone babe?"
YN: "nope, you?
Dick shakes his head as the doors open to see Talia standing there… you and Dick take a few steps back to sit on the couch… 
YN: “talia i hope you have a good reason for showing up unannounced…”
Talia: “Bruce asked me to be his date for the fundraiser but i quickly realized that i have nothing to wear, YN do you possibly have something that would well suit me…”
You get up from the couch but not before giving dick a kiss and going through your morning routine…
Dick: “morning babe.”
YN: “morning babe, can you make breakfast while i take Talia through my closet?”
Dick: “bacon, scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes with gravy coming right up along with Pepsi to drink.”
YN: “ill be right back babe.”
You take talia to your walk in closet… her eyes widen at the sight of your closet and how much is in there…
Talia: “what the hell YN your closet is spectacular…”
You let her look around… she came back out of the closet with your purple spaghetti strap notch dress with a low ruched back… you were surprised, but you smiled as she went and stood infront of the mirror… holding the dress against her form, she was sure that she would not make a very good impression on society… but she was willing to make things work wiht Bruce… 
YN: “ill even help you do your hair before the party tomorrow… just meet me at the mansion about an hour before it starts and ill do your hair up in the same fashion that i had Barb do mine before i went to a party in that particular dress… Bruce wont be able to resist you…”
Talia smiled as she lay the dress on the chair and walked out of the room with you…
Talia: “i shall see you both tomorrow… i hope things are well otherwise…”
YN: “yes they are, kinda we have a bit of a vampire problem and a new commer into the city but nothing we cant handle…”
Talia: “till tomorrow…”
She leaves back through the elevator… you head to the kitchen to see how Dick was fairing with cooking… you find him in the ktichen cooking the bacon… his back is turned he cant see you softly coming up behind him… you wrap your arms around his waist and lean into his muscular body… 
Dick: “did talia find something to wear?”
YN: “yes and what are you thinking so deeply about?”
Dick: “well i have something i have been wanting to give you, think of it as just a small something that symbolizes strength and unity… that symbolizes everything that we have been through in the almost year we have been together…”
You loosened your grip as Dick turned around to face you. The light in the kitchen making his blue eyes sparkle… your own body betraying your mind… on one hand you wanted Dick to lift you up onto the counter and just make out with you till whenever… on the other hand you wanted to allow Dick to finish what he was saying…
YN: “what are you saying Dick?”
Dick: “im saying that i should have brought these out months ago…”
Dick goes into the drawer behind you and pulls out 2 bracelets… he holds them in front of you and smiles as you read them… 
YN: “his beauty, Her beast… based off my favorite disney movie…”
Dick: “thank you for being the beauty to my beast… i love you…”
You kiss Dick knowing that you guys were almost finished your first year together… you were one of the few people that Dick trusted in general… dick placed the bracelet on you as you did him… there was nothing you wanted more than to stay in the penthouse all day but eventually you guys would have to get ready to leave for the manor… it was imperitive that things went smoothly.. 
Dick: “man you are amazing i just hope that patroling tonight we can find and stop Dracula and find out more about this red hood character before the fundraiser…”
YN: “i wish we could stay in this penthouse till patrolling tonight… but we did tell them that we would be there…”
~the following events are being short formed to hasten our way to the end of the story… 1. You and Dick finish getting stuff together to drop off at the mansion for the fundraiser… 2. You and Dick get ready yourselves to leave the penthouse making sure you have everything before you leave… 3. You find a note left on your car in whats supposed to be a secure parking garage… it was from the red hood and it was address to you… asking you to meet alone away from the rest of the family… saying he wanted to talk… you werent concerned… you knew the others may have different opinions… 4. You notice strange sights going to the manor, you noticed not as many homelss people on the streets, and not alot of normal people on the streets… you kinda figured that Dracula might have something to do with that but the only way to know that forsure was to most likely find Dracula's layer and administer the antidote if bruce has it ready… this brings us to your arrival at the manor… this is where the end of our story begins!~
Arriving at the manor Alfred was waiting on the stairs to greet you and help bring stuff inside.
Alfred: "welcome miss YN and Master Dick is everything in the car?"
YN: "most of it is in the back seat… in the trunk is a few wardrobe items that should be placed in our room as soon as possible please.. is everyone inside?"
Alfred: "yes they are all training… thought just between us i think miss gordon is winning… she had master Drake pinned and master Wayne on the ropes when i last saw…"
Dick: "do you mind alfred if we go down or would you like some help?"
Alfred: "ill be quite alright master Dick.. no need to worry… go enjoy your time…"
You and dick go inside and down into the cave… you see the sight of bruce fighting with barb… you look at dick and you throw off your cardigan and give your laptop bag to dick as you back flip onto the training matt… you low kick bruce…
Bruce: "now this is really not a fair fight…"
YN: "us together against you, yes it is a fair fight… we dont get our asses handed to us and you dont completely annihilate barb in a humiliating defeat… now are you man enough to take us both on or do you need to even up the fight and make this a doubles match…”
bruce smiled darkly… you and barb kept up your guard not knowing when he may strike…
bruce: “im not gonna ask fo help but if dick wants to jump in on the action we can make it like old times!”
dick puts everything he was holding on the couch, he then back flips over beside bruce… you sent a wink his way, you knew he wouldnt hurt you as you wouldnt him… the match started you went straight for Bruce… this was to be the greatest fight of your entire time training with the 3 of them…
bruce: “give it up YN you cant win…”
YN: “wanna bet, what was it you always told me… never take your eyes off of your opponant or you’ll land on your ass…”
thats when you pulled a daring feat… you enabled what was to be your final move of the match, to be your greatest move ever… you placed bruce in a choke hold, then tripped him so his knees bent and he kinda went into a submission move… twas not even five moments later that Bruce tripped off one of your legs you fell onto one knee bent… 
YN: “surrender Bruce you cant win…”
bruce: “wanna bet…”
thats when he knocked you on your ass, revearsing what you did to him to you… you were winning at first but now it was a matter of who could hold out longer… dick and barb were already done of course barb had won… teaching Dick a bit of girl power… 
you and Bruce however were trying to race against the clock, the timer had started a while ago… during doubles training fights  as soon as one pair has finished their fight a timer set for 1 minute starts… there was 20 seconds left on the clock… neither you nor Bruce were surrendering anytime soon.. the timer went which meant you go into overtime…
you and Bruce released eachother, standing up you both go to opposite ends of the mat… Dick came up to the center between you and bruce beginning his announcer speal..
Dick: “in this corner she is lethal and deadly and we all love her to bits, she makes the best pancakes and holds the record for most training sessions won.. heres YN…”
thats when Barb had helped you dry off the sweat and get into something more breathable…
Dick: “ and in this corner he has a dark past, he is the knight, he is the bat of gotham… he holds the record for the most bad guys locked away in Arkham, he owns his own company and takes orphans as wards under his care… Heres Bruce… and now contestants to the center mat…”
you and bruce stepped into the center mat… 
DIck: “alright guys you know the drill this is the sudden death round… the first person to get knocked to the ground in a submission hold for a total of 15 seconds will sound the buzzer and the person not in submission will be the winner… contestants are you ready…”
Bruce: “yes…”
YN: “stop talking and let us fight…”
you were determined to win, usually that was your blood lust from being set in the pit once and only once before… Dick knew not to take any offense to anything that you said while training… he knew you loved him, but the fight got underway… 
you jumped, flipped, dodged and weeved… neither of you had landed a single hit yet… till you backflipped over Bruce’s head and tackled him to the ground… you pinned him to the ground and leaned in to whisper in his ear…
YN(in a whisper): “i win!”
the buzzer went and you jumped up victorious… you were so happy… you did back flips all the way around the mat perimeter… then stopping back at Bruce who had rolled over now helping him up..
Bruce: “congratulations YN your skills have greatly improved… i am honored by that fight… it was amazing… but how did you know to catch me off guard by going behind me…”
YN: “because you had done the same thing when i first became part of your family… so i spent my nights of patrolling and beating up bad guys perfecting that maneuver… that way the next time we would end up in this sudden death situation i would use it and win… you fought with all your strength bruce but…"
The alarm sounded it was red hood he was on the roof top of wayne enterprises he was calling you out.. then a police alert came in reports of strange people on the streets looking like "vampires" everyone decided that you would go talk to Red hood while everyone else went to investigate the vamps well almost everyone… 
Bruce stayed behind to finish the antidote… it was gonna be a long night as it was, but now you guys didnt have to go looking for the bad guys, cause they were coming to you… before leaving you went to the server and plugged the voice rec files to the main server and listened to them… this is what you heard:
Red Hood: “YN remember who i am, remember me for i am all i am and all i was all the good times we had together kicking ass and taking names, throwing every ass we could into arkham… i promised you always and forever but it seems you took my will too much to heart… Babe i love you!”
That is what did you in, you now knew who he was, you swipped your laptop right off the table and in an agry huff you suited up and got on your bike and zoomed out of the cave… no one questioned why, no one knew why… they were focused on the vampire problem.. 
Arriving at wayne tower, you shoot yourself straight to the top… landing you look at the red hood and start trying to place it, the voice, the name, the body language, the way he dressed, the way he fought… the symbol on his chest… 
You disabled the rooftop security footage looping it round before removing your mask… 
YN: “Jay… Jay is that you?”
The red hood comes around from the other side of the vent system or whatever that huge metal box is… and removed his helmet… and once more you were staring into the eyes of the man who once made your heart soar… 
Jensen: “hey doll…”
You were kinda cautious to approach… you didnt know whether or not to trust him… you didnt know what to do, or say… but you knew that if Barb was smart she would recover the files and everyone would know… 
YN: “your alive, but i saw your body, the warehouse… what happened?”
Jensen: “after joker kidnapped me, he tortured me, babe i was hurt real badly… but then he said he had to leave that i was to be a good boy, finish all my homework and that i was to tell the big man he said hello… course i wasnt concerned with that… but it wasnt till i reached the locked door that i realized the place was rigged to explode… my last thoughts were truly of you… YN i know your with Dick and whats Dead should stay dead but i Jensen take you YN to be my wife to have and to hold in sickness and in health forever and ever for as long as we both shall live…”
You smile and you walk a little bit closer… 
YN: “Jay you wrote a letter that tore my heart in 2, you told your best friend to date me in your place… i spent 2 weeks in hell… i YN take you Jensen to be my husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health forever and ever for as long as we both shall live…”
Jensen dropped his helmet and held his arms open wide.
Jensen: “get into these arms doll!”
You ran into his arms, you both just stood there, he knew you were with Dick he wasnt gonna compromise what you and Dick had but you also knew there had to be a way to do both… thats when the coms came through connecting and leaving the arms of your beloved… 
YN: “whats…”
Nightwing: “batwoman, Batman is hurt i repeat batman is hurt… he is hurt really bad… Batgirl is still good… robin stayed back at the cave but we need your brains and quick thinking girl!!!”
YN: “sit tight love… im bringing some back up… the red hood is on our side…”
You went back into silent mode knowing that Jensen would have questions and that you were running out of time… 
Jensen: "are you sure that me coming with you is a good idea…?”
YN: “yes if i wasnt sure before, im hella sure now… i should warn you though dracula has apparently hurt bruce badly… we need to be very very careful…”
jensen: “when your ready dear lead the way!”
you put your mask back on, he puts his helmet back on… you both then start running along rooftops, doing back flips and testing all the skills seeing if anything might tip off the others as to who he was… 
Arriving at the cemetary you both enter the crypt…   weapon ready incase of attack… after a bit of walking you both heard the sounds of battle… you decide to join in… you both peak around the corner and making your way to the rock you pull out a garlic smoke pellet tossing it into the room, you both plug your noses as the pellet explodes… 
you both sneak through the smoke, helping Bruce up you both make your way through the caverns winging below… you had no idea where you were… 
Bruce: “hold on… let me breathe a moment…”
You pull off into this sewered corridor… you were not sure what to do… but you leaned Bruce against the wall… 
Bruce: “that was quick thinking on your part YN… thank you Red Hood… i hear your on our side…”
Red Hood: “i am indeed… YN and i had a chat, she trusts me… and once we get away from here away from these vampires ill happily explain why she trusts me…”
Bruce: “then lets follow this tunnel system back to the cave… then we will talk…”
You smile as Dick and Barb rush up behind you… you turn around and run into Dick’s embrace… to which he returns your embrace breathing a huge sigh of relief…
Dick: “are you alright?”
YN: “im fine… im so sorry for taking off again…”
He didnt let you finish talking instead he kissed you… for a few moments there was peace… thats when you all heard it… the sound of a sharp but low hiss echoing throughout the tunnels… 
Dracula: “you cant hide from me, you all will pay dearly for disrupting the raising of my bride…”
You all continue running… none of you really caring at the moment about what was with eachother, the only thing that you all wantdd to do was make ur back to the cave before Dracula found you… 
Making it to the entrance you all open the door but only 4 of you make it inside before Dracula draws closer… you stay behind both nightwing and red hood call your name but you tell them to just keep going and to have the solar generator ready… 
Batwoman: "hey ugly pants… fight me, no abilities, no biting, no mind control no specialities of any kind… or does count dracula not have any honor in a fair fight?"
Dracula appears at that moment and bows…
Dracula: "of course i have honor… the challenge is what you say it shall be when you are ready…"
You step down so you are blocking the way and you make stance… you then lunge at him.. this fight lasts several moments till you make one wrong move and dracula takes you and knocks you out… he then grabs you by the neck and carries you like that through the cave entry… 
The shadow appears through the foggy entrance to the others like only one figure till dracula steps through holding you by the neck…  thats when alfred turns on the solar generator and the conc3ntrated sunlight makes dracula burst into flames… 
You fall to the ground not unconcious but badly hurt… it was nightwing who went up to get you and bring you back down… 
~for this last part im gonna lump in the big reveal and a few other things that will make sense and tie up a few loose ends… so here begins the end…~
Barb: "okay before anything else gets done or said i need to take YN and de suit her so she can be properly medically treated…"
No one objected further as barb wheeled the medical table which now had you on it into the chamber where the suits go… you tried to do it yourself but decided that it wasnt a good idea.. knowing that your best friend was  there with you made things alot easier… but you still felt bad… you felt like something wasnt right… 
Barb: "would you hold still girl… dont make this harder than it needs to be…"
YN: "B im fine hone…"
You cringed as you were about to speak on account of you moved.. your body didnt like that… barb helped you de suit, she then went around and helped you into some shorts to go with your tank top and then brought you back out into the main area of the cave…
YN: "its time for you all to learn why i trust the red hood… why he is on our side… but first you all should know i found out bout who he is before i left earlier thats why i left in such a rush and fuss… im so sorry for not telling any of you before but i couldnt brign myself to say anything about this untill i had processed it myself… red hood when your ready…"
Thats when it happen thats when red hood took off his mask and the gasps from everyone came immediately pouring out… mostly the words "this isnt possible" "this isnt happening" "that explains alot" but dick was the one who was most shocked…
Dick: "what does this mean for us YN?"
Jensen: "you both are still gonna be together… you both need to realize that i am legally dead to show my face in public would not be good… it would tarnish the wayne name… but you guys look good together… i have watched you guys since dracula rolled into town… i know that being revealed to you guys again feels right… i wanted to tell you guys when i saw you all earlier in the week but i didnt want to spoil the good thing you guys had going.. dick you and YN belong together now and forever…"
Dick goes over to Jensen and smiles like he has a fiendish plot… 
Dick: "how bout you  become married to YN through the league since im assuming that it was ra's who brought you back… then ill be with her every other time and outside of the league..."
Jensen's eyes go wide at that idea… 
Jensen: "what would talia say to this outrageous suggestion?"
Talia at that moment enters the cave and into the room…
Talia: "i would say that if you guys want to do that it can be done and this way no one feels guilty and no one lives without what they want…"
You were watching this little conversation take place you had to make sure that you were not missing any of the key points before you jumped in with your own opinions… 
YN: “let me see if i understand this correctly if i marry Jensen through the league i can be with both of these wonderful men in 2 very different ways of life?”
Talia: “that is correct, i know that everything right now seems like its moving at high speeds and not making much sense but its not gonna get any easier with my father still thinkin he has Jensen under his belt… it will have to be something that you 3 will have to adjust to…"
You look at both Dick and Jensen, you have that look in your eyes… you await for them both to say something…
Dick: “as long as YN is happy she has the power to control her own destiny…. That means that we need to work a schedule out so we know who will be by her side and when…”
Jensen: “plenty of time for that buddy… right now the most important thing i have to ask is: YN how do you feel about this entire thing?”
You had to take a few deep breaths you couldnt make sense of any of this, you were still processing… you were not sure what to make of this situation…
YN: “when do we begin?”
Talia: “by celebrating the start of all hallows eve with the league ceremony… midnight at the league stronghold just outside of gotham… this will connect all 3 of you together but only Jensen and YN will be the main participants of the ceremony… Dick you will be there as the third party play to the other side of YN’s emotions… everyone else yes can be there too but im gonna tell you this, it will be hard to witness…”
Bruce: “alright everyone lets make preparations for this to go smoothly… Jensen, Dick, YN why dont you all stay here for now, at least try to relax, maybe talk…”
You nod watching everyone else walk away and out of the cave leaving you, Dick and Jensen alone… discussion rolled out between Dick and Jensen trying to make a schedule on when you would be with who was getting a little annoying… 
You occupied your mind into a state of relax, knowing that what lay in store for you was your destiny of being with 2 of the greatest men you have ever had the pleasure of knowing… this was your destiny, this was to be your eternity...
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way-veee · 5 years
yān yǔ
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rating: m
genre: romance, fluff, comedy, wayv being absolute crackheads
word count: 1.5k +
pairing: reader x wayv
pt. 1
“a week!”
“actually, its two, they’ll be here for one and then you’ll go to china for one.”
“i cant! i have a coverage report due wednesday, not to mention school work. there’s no way i can be following idols around for one-”
“two weeks!”
“look y/n, you’re our youngest and best reporter. this could be our breakthrough to younger audiences. please do this for the company.”
you feel guilt pile in your stomach. you knew that you had to do this for them. a news agency having coverage like this could be huge.
“all hotel and travel expenses are covered by us and SM.”
you hold your breath.
“fine, okay, i’ll do it.”
you shake your head as your manager jumps in the air. you cant believe you were going to do something as crazy as this. god you hated celebrities, and now you’re gonna live like one.
you look up sharply at your manager who is nervously introducing you to wayv’s manager. you spaced out after they started talking about the logistics of your reporting, because you really didnt care.
“yes, its great to meet you sir,”
you bow quickly and give your manager a slight nod as you walk to the car that will take you to wayv. she holds two thumbs up in the air in support. she looks excited but you can tell she’s nervous, you always find a way too mess things up. and she knows that more than most people.
“ so miss, i have your itinerary for our time in osaka, the briefing for bejiing will happen shortly after arrival.”
the uptight manager says more logistical boring things, and you of course tune him out, quickly scanning through the day plan. you weren't looking forward to most of it, even meeting the boys isn’t something you look forward too. you know how snobby celebrities can be, especially to news reporters.
the car pulls up to the big industrial quarters twenty minutes later. you leisurely exit the van into the sunny osaka afternoon, in no rush to meet the idols you had to follow for weeks. you walk into the cool building as a flurry of security checks and beeps go off, scanning everyone. you shake another managers hand as he guides you to the briefing room where the boys are in a meeting.
“i’m so happy for this opportunity. i think the public will really enjoy a look at the boys everyday lives through the eyes of a regular person.”
you’re not sure if he meant that as a backhanded comment, so you try to ignore it.
“yes, i’m also glad that as a reporter, i have such an easy assignment. i expect i wont have much to write about so i look forward to resting.”
he opens up his mouth in shock as you smirk, continuing to walk down the hall. you never were good at keeping quiet.
a door swings open in front of you and you’re now looking into a room full of business men mulling over graphs and data. you were severely under dressed wearing a loose sweater with your hair tied back. but you wouldn’t let that stop you.
“sorry to interrupt,” the same man from the car ride says. “but the reporter for the day in the life project is here.”
he slowly gestures to you as you glide into the room shaking everyone's hands, charming them with a smile as fake as ever.
“i’m so happy to be here, being able to work with such people will be quite and experience.”
you glance over at the boys after you finish reciting the speech you had been practicing in the car. the seven of them sit eerily straight, dressed in suits restricting movement up to their necks. their faces are caked in makeup so expertly and effectively you couldn’t even see their true expressions.
you shudder at the thought of these “boys”. the room stays silent, so you take this as your cue to leave.
you could hear them all laugh after you left and your face reddens at the thought of those men making fun of you.
this was going to be a long two weeks.
“your quarters are going to be right near the boys so you can have quick access to them for any early morning or late night installments. keep in mind that the boys are very busy and need lots of sleep and limited distractions to perform well on the stage.”
you look over at the uptight man that is leading you across the street to your living arrangement. this man probably made choices for wayv that the boys had no say in.
it disgusted you.
but you decided to make today a day where you didnt yell at people, or at least certain people.
the second you got into the room you take a warm shower and sit on the semi hard mattress in your well worn pajamas. you didnt have the energy so late at night to do homework so you watch tv and read one of the books you brought. then you hear a crash outside that startles you.
you didnt know how long you’ve been in here but it must’ve been over two hours. you quietly creep to your door and open it, only to see a yoga ball fly past your door and crash into the plaster wall. then you hear heinous screams and footsteps.
you fling open your door in anger, only to notice wayv staring back at you, mid whatever they were doing.
they looked so different from before that you barely even recognized them. barefaced, with messy hair and baggy pajamas. their body language is so much more relaxed and natural. they look so happy and normal it startles you.
“oh. we’re sorry” kun says just as surprised as you. “we didn’t know anyone else was staying here.”
you stare at them open mouthed. “were you guys just playing… with yoga balls?”
kun’s eyes shift over to a messy utility room filled with gym equipment.
“we call it zhuā zhù, sǐ, “ henderey says excitedly getting up off the ground from where yangyang had pinned him, “it means.”
“catch or die?”
you respond, confused on why seven grown men would throw yoga balls around while tackling each other to the ground.
they’re confused on why you look so upset and mad.
“you know chinese?”
henderey responds even more shocked then before. you shake your head slowly.
it stays silent for a while until kun ushers to their quarters and says,
“well we should get going, we have a busy schedule tomorrow-”
“but we have to do the finals still!” you hear yangyang whisper into the leaders ear.
lucas then proceeds to punch yangyang in the lower back. that shuts him up really fast.
“umm yes sure, i’ll see you guys tomorrow then,” you say before closing your door to one of the weirdest displays you’ve seen so far.
how could the boys switch from being so manufactured to so normal? it scared you and made you mad. you have no idea how you’re gonna write a report on wayv without making SM look bad.
you didnt worry about it for long though, because a well deserved sleep washes over you. you would’t think about that until far into tomorrow.
the boys decided not to sleep just yet, instead they stayed up discussing the weird female reporter that would be following them around for two weeks.
“why do you think she was so mad at us?” yangyang questions.
“mad? that was just disgust.” xiaojun quips back.
“maybe she was just overwhelmed,”
kun offers, though the boys don’t believe that and they keep bickering about you.
“how is she a reporter? she looks like she hasn’t even graduated yet!”
“yangyang you haven’t either!”
winwin says while punching yangyang in the shoulder. yangyang growls in response and tries to grab winwin until kun pulls them apart.
“she might be  acting weird because we’re famous,” ten says, easily making his conspiracy seem like the truth.
“she could be in love with us, or a super fan. maybe she’s never been around famous people before!”
they talk for a while longer, discussing the anomaly that is you. but soon they also fall asleep too, tired from today’s advertising meeting.
neither you nor the boys knew how tomorrow would play out, and how different the both of you will seem.
pt 2 
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kweebtrash · 6 years
Messy (M)
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Pairing(s): OC X Johnny (features other members)
Genre: College AU, Fuckboy AU
Summary: Fuckboys are basically good for one thing. You hit it and quit it- except when his voice draws you in, his body keeps you there, and dumb ass feelings linger making things particularly messy.
Warnings: drugs, alcohol
Word Count: around 16k
A/N: ‘they’ and ‘she’ are used interchangeably on purpose.
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Three months didn’t seem like a long time, especially with how fast summers usually flew by, but it felt like ages since my last hook up. Most of the guys in my “little black book” were away for the summer while I remained stuck in my stupid college town, holed up in my tiny apartment, only going out to suffer at my mediocre job. Meanwhile, my roommate had Tinder hookups out the ass and was gone almost every other night. I guess I couldn’t complain too much. I had always been pickier than them and maybe, just maybe, I had gotten used to my steady rotation of boy toys. Sooner or later I would have to break the cycle especially since there wasn’t any guarantee that I would see them this semester. Half of them still lived in the dorms because of the exchange student program which sometimes but a hamper on our hookups. I would probably have to get a new bunch to play around with and maybe once in awhile I could hit up an old fling or two when i was really bored. But right now I was suffering and unfortunately craving what I hadn’t had in months. A vibrator or my hand could only do so much. With my upcoming class schedule I felt like i wasn’t even going to have time for hookups no matter how badly I wanted them.
it was the first weekend of the new semester and already I was having sad and pathetic thoughts about my sex life. Thankfully, they were interrupted by my evening alarm going off. Since last semester, I had gotten into the habit of listening to student radio every Friday at midnight. Normally I would never take interest in radio as it was boring, uninteresting, and doused with political commentary but one show had caught my attention.  It was pretty stereotypical; a steady rotation of songs, promoting local music shows, really annoying and irritatingly stupid comments and banter. Nothing too special- except for their voices. It was why I wasted many a nights in my room thrusting whatever instrument of pleasure inside me while I thought how good that voice would sound in my ear while the owner was fucking me from behind. I don’t know why I was so wrapped up in the way it sounded. I just knew the deep and husky tone was the most sensual thing I had ever heard.
I clicked on the radio app and gave it some time, letting the hosts mull over their introductions (the most annoying part) and settle into their planned topics. In between songs, i closed my eyes waiting for his voice to return before slowly creeping my hand into my pajama shorts. His laugh would send tingles throughout my body and I could always tell when he got closer to the microphone. I could hear his shallow breaths, soft clicks of his tongue, and that small hissing sound he made as he sucked air between his teeth when he was thinking about something. There was usually a little ‘hmm’ afterwards and i basically realized I had spent way to much fucking time thinking about it and way too much time jacking off to a disembodied voice that possibly could have belonged to someone ugly and no where near my type. Not that I had planned to meet him anyway but it would have been nice to put a hot face to the even hotter voice to fuel my wet dreams. The hour seemed to fly by and just at the tail end of their outro i came hard, his smooth chuckle fueling the quick circles I made to my clit while my other hand thrusted inside me. My back fell against the mattress, coming down from the small arch i made as I regained my breath. I sighed deeply, realizing i had to get up eventually to wash my hands. I exited out of the radio app and slowly peeled myself from the bed, tossing on my shorts to shuffle out to the bathroom.
My roommate, Quinn, was already sitting on the sofa in the living room, bowl of cereal in hand. “Did you jerk off to the radio show again?”
I threw my head back and sighed, cursing the day that I told them about my secret. Though we shared the same thrill of pleasuring ourselves to the pair of voices, I still felt a little embarrassed about it. “Yes Quinn. I did. Thank you very much for asking.”
“I mean, same. Got 3 out before the half hour mark.” They slurped the milk from the bowl and crunched away at the cereal, absentmindedly watching food shows on our modest sized tv.
“Jesus Christ.” I shook my head at their physical capacity, slightly jealous, but i guess i was more about quality over quantity. “We really gotta stop doing this. It’s kinda sad.” I half joked as i kicked the door to the bathroom partway shut and sat on the toilet.
“Not really. Besides I’m prepping for this semester.”
“Prepping for what? To sleep with everyone on campus?” I laughed.
“Precisely.” They responded in between another round of crunches. “Oh, by the way, Lucas just texted me about a party tomorrow. Well tonight. Want to go?”
“Who’s party is it?” I finished and washed my hands, shaking off the excess water as i headed over to the couch. I plopped down beside them.
“I don’t know. He just said it was some people he met over the welcoming weekend activity thingy. I guess they work for the radio station or something. Anyway, can we go? I wanna drink!” Quinn said.
“You mean, you want me to be D.D. while you and Lucas get hammered and I’m stuck dragging you two home again? No thank you.”
“Aww, c’mon! It’s not always like that! We let you have fun! Pllleeeaassseeeee! What if there’s hot guys there? Oh what if those radio guys are the ones Lucas met!” They gasped and stood up suddenly. “What if we could fuck the hot radio guys?!”
“Oh my god. How about we don’t and say we did? Besides, what if they're gross? I don’t have time for that significant of a let down.”
“Don’t be so mean. People with voices that hot are bound to be good looking.”
“Call me a shallow bitch because I hope to god so but knowing Lucas, they're probably some dumb frat fuckboys and I SEVERELY don’t have time for that. Regular fuckboys are fine, but fraternity ones are the devil.” I sighed and set my feet on the coffee table.
“Well you won’t know until you find out! Please? Please? Please? Please? Pleeeaasseeee?” They whined. “If all else fails you can just hook up with Lucas again!”
I groaned and rolled my eyes far back into my skull. “Fine! Fine. I will take you and Lucas to this party. But if ya’ll get drunk I am leaving you there. Point blank.”
“Ok. Ok. I promise I will try to not get black out drunk this time. I’ll behave.”
I scoffed, knowing damn well that promise wouldn’t be kept and I would still be dragging their ass home at three am with Lucas in my backseat. Suddenly I heard my phone ping from in my room, signaling that I had received a text message. I hauled myself up from the couch with a groan and grabbed it from atop my bed. Well, speak of the devil.
Dumbass Baby Lucas: wyd?
I woke up sometime in the late afternoon with Lucas’ arm strewn across my face and him snoring into one of my pillows. I pushed his arm off me and felt around the floor for my phone, groaning as I felt the soreness of my thighs which was  partly from the exertion and partly because i had to be squished to the edge of my small bed to accommodate Lucas’ giant frame. I managed to find my phone and turn the screen on, wincing at the bright light that illuminated my face. I sighed softly, realizing I had to get up at some point, take a shower, eat, and be at least semi productive. Otherwise I would stay home and just fuck Lucas some more and my body needed a few hours to recover before the party. Suddenly I felt his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me close to his warm broad chest. He was always such a cuddler.
“It’s 4 in the afternoon.” I mumbled.
“Yeah, so?” He replied, partly muffled as his lips were buried in the crook of neck and shoulders. “Party’s not until later, we have all day.”
“i would like to get up and eat something at some point in time. And shower. Which you should too. You smell funky.”
“Can we shower together?” I could feel the smirk imprinting my skin.
“You know damn well we cant. As soon as we get in there you won’t keep your hands to yourself and I wont actually get clean.”
“You know i hate keeping my hands to myself. Besides I missed you. You've been stuck here and I couldn't fuck you or Quinn all summer!”
“Boohoo, you big baby. You'll be fine without one shower fuck.” I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, yawning deeply. I shone my phones flashlight on the floor so I could guide my way to my room’s lightswitch when something caught my eye. “Lucas.” I growled.
He let out a childish groan. “Whaaaattt?”
“Didnt i tell you to throw the condoms IN the trashcan?”
“I did!”
“No, you didn’t. You threw them on the floor and now they’re all over my carpet!” I gave his bicep a hard whack. “Get up and clean it!”
He held his arm wincing at the sharp sting. “Ok! Ok! I’m going!”
I turned on the light and grabbed my robe, pulling it on and shuffling out to the kitchen. Quinn was attempting to make breakfast, the smell of burning bread and melting cheese in the air. They took one look at me and shook their head. “Why are you so grumpy? Your dry spell is over no?”
“Lucas didn’t throw any of the condoms in the trashcan that’s literally right beside the bed and they're all over the floor now.”
“Eww, like the used ones?”
“Yes. Cum and all. Go handle your dumbass best friend before I strangle him.”
“Ok, I’m going. Just watch my grilled cheese.” Quinn sighed as they put the spatula down and trudged over to my room. I looked over the grilled cheese, nudging it with the spatula and checking the underside. Way overdone. I sighed and grabbed a plate from the cabinet, sliding the sandwich onto it before retreating to our fridge. It was the end of the month which meant no food as always. The last of the cheese gone. I looked over at the two ends of bread left in the bag on the counter. Last of the bread gone. My stomach growled loudly and i slammed the fridge shut. I didn’t have money but if I begged hard enough I could convince Quinn to let me use their credit card to buy pizza.
I went back to my room, almost kicking the door open as I heard Lucas’ pouty puppy whine which was probably the result of not getting enough cuddles this morning. He was always so needy when he was sleepy. 
“How much money you got?” i asked.
Lucas had gathered the condoms in his hand, finally tossing them in the trash before wiping his hand on his thigh. “Uh...i mean like i got my refund check?”
“No I meant Quinn. How much money do you have on your credit card. I’m hungry, there’s no food, and I need pizza and another 6-pack. I’m running low since Lucas’ drank most of them last night.”
“I have enough. Don’t worry.” They replied.
“I’ll give you money for them i swear!” Lucas interjected. “Or maybe more head? For like a week straight?”
“Head doesn't get me tipsy Lucas. But you can still do that if you want.” I smirked before turning to Quinn. “Can you order it please? I want to shower first.”
“Yeah, yeah...i burnt my dang sandwich anyway.”
“Sweet.” I grabbed my towel from the hook behind my door and shuffled over to the bathroom, feeling the looming presence behind me. “Lucas.” I said sternly.
“I have to pee! Cant I pee?!”
I glared back at him. “Fine. But get out once you're done.” i tossed off my robe and stepped into the shower, yanking the curtain harshly so i could block his view of me. I was ready to have the cool water on my skin to wipe away all the sticky sweat from my body. It was already too hot today.
“Where's the toothbrush i keep here?” he asked after flushing.
“In the medicine cabinet” i grumbled. “Where it's always at.”
I set myself right under the spray of water letting it flow over my hair. My purple dye was looking more like a grayish lavender, making me frown. I was going to look like a hot mess at the first party of the year. Wonderful. Suddenly, Lucas’ hand was in the shower, holding my toothbrush and toothpaste in his fist. He scared the shit out of me but i took them anyway, grateful to get morning breath and the taste of his dick out my mouth.
“When does this stupid party start?” I asked between scrubbing my teeth.
“Whenever we wanna go.” He pulled back the curtain and stepped into the shower making me groan.
“What did i just say?”
He kissed my cheek before picking me up and moving me to the other end of the tub. “Whatever. You love me.” He stuck himself under the shower head while i leaned against the tiled wall in the cold spot.
“Hurry up and get out so i can finish.” I nudged him so he would move out of the trajectory of my toothpaste clouded spit.
“I will.” he said, stepping out of the way. “Quinn and I have got some catching up to do anyway.” He winked at me before leaning over to get the bar of soap in the shower caddy beside me. “You could join us if you want.”
“Not today. Too tired for that.”
“Boo, you're no fun.” He gave me a quick kiss but hovered a little longer by my lips.
“I think the ‘Oh fuck, Eri! SHIT! YES!YES!OH GOD FUCK YES!’ said otherwise, no? Loud ass.” I gave him a slower kiss this time, cupping his chin in my hand while his instantly went to my ass, grabbing it harshly and pulling me closer.
“Are you sure we cant have a little fun in the shower?” he whispered. He placed soft kisses all over my neck and chest making his way lower until he was onto his knees. I saw his brown puppy dog eyes look up at me and he knew i couldn't resist.
“Fine. But just a little bit, ok?” I held his head close as he dove between my thighs, sighing softly as he did what he knew how to do best.
Lucas practically ran to the back of the apartment building following the sound of obnoxiously loud music. There were sliding doors that were wide open letting people flow in and out of the first floor apartment to the community pool close by. Wafts of smoke circled the party goers as they chugged bottles of beer, laughing and dancing as they went. “Hurry up!” Lucas called out to Quinn and I. Quinn was a bit faster and more enthusiastic while I took my time, shifting around someone who was already too drunk to function. It was only 10:30 too.
I finally stepped into the apartment, instantly annoyed by the smell of cheap weed and the remixed versions of some top 40 hits blaring from a macbook and speaker hookup. Before i could even make a complaint Lucas was shoving a bottle of apple ale into my hand while Quinn scoped out the party for their next target. “I'm gonna go find the guys I met. I'll be right back!” Lucas screamed over the music. I nodded and waved him off, my eyes honing in at the free bar stool by the kitchen counter. Quinn had followed Lucas leaving me on my own as usual.
I sat down on the bar stool and sipped my ale slowly, having to pace myself in order to be able to drive everyone home. I rested my chin on my hand as i scrolled through my instagram, already yawning and wanting to go back to bed. Even though i slept for about 12 hours i had still spent the night tossing and turning and getting woken up to wandering fingers between my thighs. I took another sip and double tapped my screen, liking some random makeup pic. I barely even noticed the person slide beside me until a plastic shot glass was waved in my face. I moved my head back, surprised at the intrusion before I saw who was offering it. Fuuuuuccckk.
“Well if it isn't my favorite kitten. I didn't know you'd be here.”
“Hi, Ten.” I groaned. He nudged the shot glass towards me again and I took it, knowing i would need it for this conversation.
“Almost didn't recognize you without your collar on.”
“You took the leather one back home, remember?” I rolled my eyes and tossed the shot back, wincing at the burn. “I got stuck with the pink one with the giant bell. Which is not subtle at all by the way.”
“Who said anything about wanting to be subtle?” he took a sip from his solo cup and tapped his fingers on the plastic. “You're my kitten after all.”
“And you’re my puppy whenever you want to not be a brat.” I stole his cup and tossed back a heavy gulp. “What the fuck are you even drinking?” I asked, feeling the sweet and sour taste on my tongue.
“Jungle juice. Whatever favor the purple one is. Anyway...so what's your semester look like?”
“Want to see when I can pencil you in to fuck?” I stated flatly knowing that he wasn't one to beat around the bush.
“You still rooming with Yuta?”
“What about Yuta?” An arm was tossed around my shoulder and i was pulled into Yuta's chest without warning.
“Is everyone i've ever fucked here??” i almost screamed. Yuta and Ten both looked around.
“Well, there's me, Ten, Taeyong, Lucas and uh….Jungwoo.”
My eyes went wide. “You're shitting me. Please tell me Jungwoo is not actually here.”
“Oh you better believe it.” Ten smirked. “You're number one heartbreaker, honey. Congrats on still being the source of his vendetta for almost the third year in a row.”
“More drinks please. I can't do this right now.” I rubbed my temples while Yuta just laughed at me. Ten retreated to the kitchen, wiggling his smaller frame through some people and filling up a cup with another flavor of jungle juice.
“Aww, Eri. Don't pout. He's just going to hate you for all eternity that's all.” Yuta dug his hand into the bowl of chips in front of me, shoveling them into his mouth. “So like…” He paused to chew and swallow. “When can i tie you up again?” He didn't even look me in the eye when he asked, just took another sip of his beer.
“Gee, i dont know. I had a dry spell for the entire summer and now suddenly everyone I've ever fucked is at this party and i have to get a planner for my dick appointments.” I kinda laughed, trying my best to loosen up. I especially couldn't resist Yuta's smile that made me feel as if the sun radiated from him.
“You complaining about how much you get laid now? When has that ever been a problem for you?” He leaned in closer, his lips dangerously close to mine. I pulled away before he could sneak the kiss that he wanted.
“i'm not complaining, i guess I'm just a busy person after all. Still got it.” I smirked as Yuta nudged me.
“We fuck you because of your devil vagina magic and because you do just about everything.”
“Ok, first of all, it's not devil vagina magic. Second of all, am i the one who had a fucking machine in his dorm room last year? No.”
“Yeah but you're one it got used on.” Ten interrupted. He set my cup in front of me while he and Yuta put me between them like some sort of kink sandwich.
“Yes, thank you for your input, Ten.” I could feel my cheeks flushing as I remembered that wild session that lasted over six hours.
“Dont you mean ‘sir’?” Yuta chimed in.
I set my head on the counter top and groaned. “Why do ya'll always have to torture me??”
“But baby, i thought you loved getting tortured! I mean that's why you end up up tied and gagged at our place right?”
I whacked Ten upside the head. “AGAIN THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT TEN. I don't need to be reminded about what we do.”
“Or maybe you do?” Yuta smirked. “Hows next friday sound?”
“Hmm, maybe not Friday. I think I want her on Thursday. What if you take her on Saturday?”
“I could do Saturday.”
“I'm so glad you both are taking what I want into consideration.” I said sarcastically. “Anyway, Thursday and Saturday is fine. Bring your best shit. We’ve got to start the year off right.” I slid off the bar stool, taking my drink with me and leaving both my doms behind. Playing hard to get and being a brat was my favorite past time with them. I didn’t even take a look back as I exited the apartment, though the temptation was definitely there.
Outside wasn’t much better. It was still hot as hell for the beginning of September and with so many people packed into a small space it made everything hotter. I could feel the sweat start to bead on my forehead. I fanned at my face wishing i had some ice in my solo cup. Across from the pool, I could see my one night stand Taeyong eyeing me though I tried my best to ignore his hungry stare. I also tried not to think about how he pressed me against the door of the empty student affairs office and fucked me so hard it had started to rattle. It wasn't bad at all. In fact it was incredibly hot but we just never talked about it after and I didn't crave him as much. It was a simple fling but maybe he didn't think of it that way. I had been mostly occupied with Ten, Yuta and Lucas for the rest of last semester anyway. Oh and that whole actually going to college thing.
I sunk back against the rough brick of the building, trying to ignore Taeyong and instead scanned the area to see if i could spot Lucas or Quinn. No luck with that.
“Did you come here by yourself?” I heard a quiet voice say beside me.
I looked over at the guy scrunched against the wall, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. He was gorgeous to say the very least. His jawline was from the gods, his eyes were the most perfect almond shape, and his flaming red hair suited his golden skin so well. As soon as i saw his lips pressed against the rim of his cup i knew i wanted to kiss him. “H-huh?” was all i could really manage to say and i hoped to all hell he didn't notice me staring.
“Oh, sorry.” He spoke a little louder. “Did you come here by yourself? You looked like you were trying to get away from the party.”
“No, i'm not by myself but my friends ditched me. I can't find them. I also ran into some...uh...people i knew but i needed a break from socializing.”
“I'm the same, but...were kinda socializing now.” He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat for a moment. He was definitely going to be my next mistake. I took a long slow sip of my drink before it finally clicked in my head that I should actually introduce myself.
“I'm um-” Shit, what was my name? “Eril- Eri. Just Eri.”
“I'm Taeil. I haven't seen you around before. You go to our college, right?”
“Yep, suffering and in debt like everyone else. Im in journalism so maybe it's because im stuck at the way back of campus with all the writing buildings that we haven’t seen each other before. It's basically a dungeon. I'm trapped.” I let out a bit of nervous laughter which he reciprocated. I figured he was the shy type and I had normally stayed away from those. Too many reminders that I was a shitty heartbreaker. But he was cute and I liked his smile. That was what usually got me in trouble anyway. Taeil was a breath away from responding when the sound of Lucas’ booming voice interrupted us.
“There you are, you ass.” I was at least relieved that he had found me. “You guys left me all by myself like always. Where the hell is Quinn?” I turned back momentarily to Taeil. “Sorry, i'm babysitting him. He's like a lost puppy.”
Taeil replied with a strained smiled and tipped his cup all the way back. Before i could even say anything else Lucas was dragging me away, his big hand around my arm preventing me from even trying to escape. I looked back at Taeil longingly which he returned with a confused expression. I mouthed another apology to him, hoping that i could maybe resume our conversation later (and get his number). Lucas pushed me into a ring of people, two of which i'd never met before. They were all passing around a blunt, the air surrounding them so thick with smoke that it was almost burning my eyes. I coughed and looked up at Lucas. “Why'd you bring me here?”
He put his arm around me and lowered himself to my ear. “That's Johnny and Jaehyun. The hosts of that radio show you love so much.” He said the tail end of that sentence with such a teasing tone that i just knew Quinn had told him about what we did when we listened to their voices. But now that voice was in front of me and my worst nightmare had turned into the best wet dream. I thought Taeil had made my heart stop  when I saw him but I was fucking deceased when I looked at Johnny. He was tall with shoulders like a goddamn linebacker. His biceps looked absolutely perfect to grab onto while he plowed into me. And though i wasn't much of a fan of smoking the way he exhaled from his full lips gave me goosebumps.
“Well, aren’t you going to talk to him?” Lucas smirked.
“And say what? Let me suck your dick?”
“I mean, it's what you want, isn’t it?”
“Shut up.” i said bitterly as I shifted my weight and stared into my mostly empty cup, trying my best not to drool over Johnny.
“Hey, i'm a good friend and I'm doing you a solid. You need to have some more fun. I mean with someone besides me. Though we can still do that later tonight, if you want.” He followed up his half assed flirtatious statement with a wink.
“For your information, Ten and Yuta are already lined up for next week. But i’m sure you'll come knocking on my door too.”
“Always. You still owe me and Quinn a threesome.”
“We'll see.” I shrugged and finally turned my eyes up. Johnny had been looking at me- or rather looking at my figure-his eyes mostly resting on my thighs. I adjusted the band of my thigh highs self consciously, wondering if he was thinking about my legs wrapped around him like i was. My teeth were starting to dig into my bottom lip as i tried to not focus on those thoughts. Our eyes met again and instead of saying anything he just offered the blunt to me, which i denied. He shrugged, and instead passed it over to Jaehyun who was more than happy to take another hit. Quinn was beside Jaehyun, seeming to already be plotting how to get Johnny's partner in crime into bed. I knew they would convince him soon enough and i'd have to find a way to get them out of his bed in time for us to leave. Lucas had resumed his nature as a social butterfly, ignoring me to settle into another conversation. Everyone had seemed to be paired off now except Johnny and I. He took a sip from the beer bottle in his hand, a quick flash of disappointment on his face as he realized it was empty.
“Fuck.” i saw him mouth. He looked over at me, leaning in close with his hand resting on my lower back. “Want another drink?” He said into my ear.
“N-no um...i'm good. Gotta drive back so...i'm trying to pace myself.”
“That fucking sucks. This is the first party of the year. You should be blackout drunk.”
“Yeah, i’m not a freshman anymore, so that's so not happening.” I chuckled.
“Come get another beer with me then?” he asked which i agreed to a little too eagerly.
He lead the way, wrapping his hand around mine so we wouldn't get separated from the constantly moving crowd. My hand seemed to disappear within his fingers which made me want to melt into a puddle. Big hands were an absolute weakness of mine. We flowed into the kitchen that was even more crowded now as someone had brought in a few more cases of beer and the last of the jungle juice was escaping the pitcher into used cups. Johnny reached into the fridge and got another bottle, pulling his keys out from the pocket of his basketball shorts and flicking the top off with the bottle opener keychain. We moved towards the back of the kitchen to have some room away from the crowd. He didn't say anything, just sipped his drink slowly as i watched his adam's apple bob with each swallow. A partygoer asked us to move so they could reach the trash can behind Johnny. When he complied I was suddenly between his 6 foot tall frame and the wall. His hand rested way above my head as he nodded towards the partygoer with a tight lipped smile. My fingers dug into my own cup, crushing the plastic ever so slightly as i looked up at him. I was rarely nervous to be around a guy no matter how much their smiles, sultry voices, or tall bodies affected me. I had to remind myself that men were toys to me, a way to feign confidence and still get what I wanted. No strings attached with the joy of playing hard to get and emotionally unavailable.
But Johnny was making me feel different and I hated it. I wanted to crush it like an empty beer can and toss it in the trash and never think about it again. Except now he was looking down at me and i couldn't help but notice how the fluorescent lighting of the kitchen caught his brown eyes and turned them into the color of warm honey. If i was a puddle before when he held my hand i was a river now creeping closer to being an ocean and losing a grip on myself.
“What's your name?” He spoke at last.
“Eri...just Eri. You're from the uh….radio show? Lucas told me about you. Well that you guys met…”
He shrugged. “Yeah, he's cool or whatever. He reminds me of how I used to be when I first started college. You friends with him or something?”
“To say the very least.” I laughed nervously and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. Johnny tipped his bottle over, spilling some of his beer into my empty cup.
“So you fuck him? He your boyfriend?”
“God no. I mean i do fuck him but he's not my boyfriend.” I took a sip of the beer, instantly regretting it. The disgusting bitterness reminded me of regurgitated piss in a bottle but my mind was making me keep up my aloof appearance and i forced myself to drink more.
“Cool…Thought i'd ask just in case.”
“Just in case?” I swallowed thickly, knowing exactly what he was insinuating.
“Mhm...just in case.” He lowered his head, reaching down to my level, and pressed our lips together. No other words exchanged, just the feeling of the soft skin on skin, melding together in a way that wasn't sloppy or rough but rather a slow and sensual torture. I wanted to push him away; i even pressed my hands against his chest but my body failed to do it. He stepped a bit closer, his bottle free hand coming to cup my chin as his tongue pushed past my lips. I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around his neck and instead kept my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles underneath his thin tank top. My nails dug into him slightly and i could feel the quietest of moans reverberate against my tongue. The way he overwhelmed my mouth had me being dragged back in, over and over, until i was breathless and lightheaded. When he finally parted from me, he stepped back as if nothing had happened. He resumed the need to quench his thirst, momentarily dragging his thumb over his lips and looking at it-presumably to check if i had left lipstick behind.
“What was that?” I asked, definitely confused about how he just kissed me and was acting like it didn't phase him at all while i was feeling like i was crashing down from cloud 9.
“What? Don't act like you've never made out with someone at a party before.” He said simply.
Of course I had, plenty of times but never with someone who's voice i had dreamt about for nights on end. Even though I had connected my fantasy to real life and he had kissed me, I still had to see him as just a voice. I had to keep him at a distance to avoid drowning in him. He also had solidified his stereotype of a party fuckboy only looking for one thing. I couldn't be too mad at him. My list of one night stands was ever growing as well but he was kinda being a douche about it. “I've done a lot of things at parties but-”
“Good, then you know how this goes.”
I wanted to deck him right in that perfect pouty mouth of his. And worst of all, it made me want to fuck him even more. My ability to respond was tossed aside as someone he knew came over and they exchanged loud greetings, slapping each others hands before caving into a ‘no homo' bro hug. His care for me seemed to have been thrown out, leaving me stuck in a corner. I quickly texted Quinn, hoping they weren't sucking face (or dick) as of yet and we could meet up. Johnny continued talking, his radio personality showing through more than when he was with me. I mulled over my next move- to ditch Johnny or wait until he was done talking to see if i could get another breathtaking kiss.
I gave my phone one last check to see if Quinn had responded before pushing myself off the wall and moving through the kitchen. My chest slightly brushed against him as i squeezed past. Taking a quick glance back, I caught him watching me from over his friend’s shoulder. I tossed my hair back and kept walking, smirking to myself a bit. He could chase after me if he wanted but i wasn’t going to wait. I made my way towards the sliding doors, ready to return outside when I was surprised to see another boy I knew. Luckily, he was one that I hadn't slept with. Instead, Doyoung was one of my good friends. Usually he was the one to reel me back in when I got lost in sex filled hazes and needed to concentrate on my life, my job, and school. Having me as a friend was never easy when you had to be the voice of reason. I had never actually seen him at a party let along drinking. I wanted desperately to go talk to him, especially since I hadn't seen him all summer, but he was sitting next to Jungwoo. I was too much of a coward to go down that road so I settled for a small wave, hoping that I might catch Doyoung’s attention instead. His big bunny eyes zeroed in on me and he waved frantically before making his way over.
“Eri! I missed you!” he said before squeezing me to his chest. I could feel the icy cold glass of his beer bottle between my shoulder blades as he held me.
“I did too but more importantly what are you doing drinking?”
He blushed and hid the bottle behind his back, feigning innocence. “Me? Drink? No way! This is uh...um...you know, soda.”
I poked his shoulder playfully. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You're supposed to be the good one.”
He shrugged and stared down at his shoes. “This was the first time i was ever invited to a party so I thought i'd at least try it. Who did you come with?”
“Lucas and Quinn, the usual. I was babysitting them but Lucas is bouncing around and Quinn has their eyes set on Jaehyun.”
“Jaehyun? The guy from the radio show?”
I nodded.
“Ah...tell her to be careful with him. I've heard some stuff about him and Johnny.”
“Oh?” I raised a brow, my interest peaked. “Like…?”
“That they’re notorious for sleeping around.”
“I mean apparently me too. Have you seen who is at this party?” I laughed.
“Yeah but you don’t have that much under your belt. I’ve heard that they’re like in the 30s or higher for the number of people they’ve slept with. They're kinda gross.” Doyoung made a face of disgust before he took another sip of beer. “Just please tell Quinn to be careful. I don’t want her getting hurt.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I wanted to hook up with Johnny. He would be even more worried and i needed to do my best to keep an eye out on him now that he was drinking. I couldn’t take care of three drunks all at once. I gave him another hug and sighed. “I promise i'll take care of them. And i need you to promise me you wont get too crazy with those beers.”
“You won’t see me passed out i swear! Anyway, come sit with us. We need to catch up.”
“Uh...Jungwoo's there. It's gonna be weird.” I said, nervously.
“No, no. It's totally fine. Besides Ten and Yuta are there too. Taeyong went to the bathroom for a sec. It'll be fine.”
He took my hand and lead me to the group that had taken over the sofa. Jungwoo left as soon as i sat down much to my dismay. I wasnt surprised though. Doyoung tried his best to make him stay but it didn’t help that Ten and Yuta started teasing me for being a heartbreaker. I rolled my eyes and hit them both while Doyoung tried to tell us to behave like he was our mom, making all of us laugh. Somehow hanging around the people I fucked made me feel better and less miserable at this party. It wasn’t so bad after that and our alcohol fueled antics lasted hours. It was full of flirting, a few neck kisses from Yuta, and cute smiles between me and Taeil once he joined our little group. Ten kept close to me, whispering about his plans for next Thursday. Every once in awhile i would catch Johnny circling around. He was keeping his distance from me but our eyes kept meeting every chance they got. He was making a show of wrapping random girls in his arms, smacking their asses, running his fingers through their hair or pulling them close for a kiss but never completing it. He was being a tease and i didnt know if it was solely for them or to be an asshole to me. We knew we had our eyes on each other. I had to admit the best part was having a bunch of guys lust over me while i pick and choose who i wanted for the evening. Johnny was still top tier in the back of my mind. Those basketball shorts barely left anything to the imagination and I was falling deeper into his thirst trap.
Around 3 am the party had died down leaving just a few of us behind. We had gathered by the pool this time, even though it was after the allowed hours, preferring the cool summer night breeze than the stuffy apartment. I sat on a lawn chair, my mind fuzzy and tingling with the small buzz I had going on. I had continued to down a few more ales, some bourbon, whiskey and 1 terrible harsh shot of vodka. Even though i knew i was going to feel like shit tomorrow and that i was supposed to be driving home, i couldn't help myself. For the moment i had forgotten about Johnny, especially since he was still dipping in and out of view. I had instead turned all my attention towards Taeil who was getting closer and closer to taking me home. His sweet demeanor was taking over and I loved the way his cheeks flushed and how his lips curled into a smile with every one of my coy laughs. He pushed his bright red hair back, pretending he wasn’t noticing how close i was getting to him. I listened intently to how Taeil was going to be a tutor for some core classes at the library and I made sure to put emphasis on the fact that i would be definitely needing his help sooner rather than later. His hand came to rest on my knee, slowly edging towards the band of my black thigh high. I joked about having a school fantasy and hoping he would punish me which sent his hand back to cover his face as he blushed harder. Oh, he was just too damn cute. I scooted the lawn chair closer and took his hands in mine, running my thumbs over his knuckles and wondering what his fingers would feel like down my throat.
“I mean, we dont exactly have to wait until next week. We could...have a little study session of our own tonight. I’m so terrible at math.” i giggled.
Taeil folded our fingers together and cocked his head to the side, leaning in just a bit. “Well i should probably tell you something first…”
“Tell me anything, Tae.” I closed my eyes and waited for his lips but instead i felt a harsh yank on the belt loop of my shorts. Taeil backed away again, releasing my hands instantly and looking up at the person behind me. I craned my head backwards to see Johnny looking down at me. He had yet another blunt in his hand, his eyes looking much redder than the last time I saw him.
“We're playing ‘Strip Never Have I Ever’. You want in?” He sniffed.
“What is ‘Strip Never Have I Ever?” Taeil questioned.
“Basically you say something promiscuous that you haven’t done and everyone who has done that thing takes off an article of clothing.” I explained.
“I think I should sit this one out. I'm not one for getting naked in front of strangers.”
“Come on Taeil. Dont you want to see her naked? Even just a little bit?” Johnny seemed to be glaring at Taeil now, a bit of tension rising between them.
Taeil scoffed. “I'm not like you Johnny. I’d rather take my time.”
“Still playing that innocent shit, huh?” Johnny took another toke, the fingers of his free hand still wrapped in my belt loop, pulling me back towards him.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Johnny scoffed. “Of course you dont.” He rolled his eyes. “You never do.”
“Johnny, your jealous side is showing again.” Taeil set his chin on his hand, a smirk tweaking at the sides of his lips.
“So…are we gonna stop this pissing contest and play or…?” I said, a bit annoyed at their tense banter.
“Yeah, sure babe.” Johnny said as he finally broke the glaring contest between he and Taeil.
I removed Johnny's hands from my shorts and stood up, focusing my attention to the other man. “Would you mind getting me another beer and whatever else is laying around, please?”
He nodded and stood up, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek. “Sure thing. Save me a spot by you. I'll play just because you are.” He headed back towards the sliding doors leading to the apartment leaving Johnny and I by ourselves.
“Dont let him fool you.” Johnny said once Taeil was out of ear shot.
“Oh he's fooling me? Funny. I kinda heard the same thing about you. It also just sounds like you might be jealous.” I crossed my arms under my chest, looking up at him.
“Jealous is hardly the right word. But if you want to be disappointed tonight then go with him.”
“You dont think i’d find you disappointing? Not even in the slightest?” I teased.
“I know you wouldn’t be. I’m not fooling you on anything. You can see for yourself later.” He grabbed a hold of my hip and pulled me closer to him.
“How many girls did you use that line on tonight? The blonde? Both the brunettes? The girl with the orange hair?”
“How many times did you let Yuta kiss your neck? Or let Ten almost try and choke you in front of everyone?”
“He wasn’t going to choke me...that time. But i guess you were watching me as much as i was watching you.” I said, knowing it was the truth.
“I just want to get you out them shorts is all. Who do you think suggested the game?” He winked at me before heading over to our circle of friends who were drunkenly calling out for us to join them. Taeil came back then with some beers and a cup of whatever he had concocted. Our spot was between Ten and Johnny but I had noticed Doyoung swaying while Yuta tried to steady him. I went over to them giving my sweet boy the once over.
“How many has he had? I asked.
“Literally like three beers. He’s such a lightweight.” Yuta teased.
I hit his shoulder gently. “Be nice. Doyoung, do you want to go home with me later? You can sleep on the couch.” I pet back his dark hair as he giggled.
“Im cool, im cool, im coooooolll. I got this!” Doyoung pawed at my hand, willing me away from him. “I'm not a baby, Eri!”
“I'm just worried about you is all. Don't get too crazy.”
“Let him be, you party pooper!” Quinn chimed in.
“You hush! You're already sloshed and I’m surprised you're not already naked.”
“Isn't that what this game is for?” They replied.
I sighed. “I guess I will have three babies to take home tonight.” I booped Quinn on their forehead gently before sitting back in my spot. “Who's starting first then?
“I'll do it!” Quinn offered. “Never have I ever been tied up.”
“Oh come on! Really?!” I said as Ten, Yuta, and I booed at them. Of course we were the easy targets with all the shit we had done together. I tossed off a sneaker while Ten went to take off his collar.
“Nah-uh. Jewelry doesn’t count. Clothes only.” Taeyong interjected.
“Damn, dont be so eager to see me naked.” Ten tossed off his black v-neck while Yuta kicked off a sandal.
Quinn nudged Doyoung signaling him to go but he had such a bad case of the drunken giggles it took him minutes to compose himself and think of something. I resisted the urge to facepalm as i watched him. “Doyoung, honey. Go lay down.” I pleaded.
“No! I got it! Never have i ever s-smoked weed!” He burst into another round of giggles before Jaehyun scoffed.
“That's fuckin’ wack! Here.” Jaehyun took the blunt out of Johnny’s hand and handed it over to Doyoung. “Inhale and hold it in for a bit.”
“No! No! Dont you dare!” I blocked Jaehyun from passing the blunt over. “Hes already drunk from a few beers. He's gonna lose it from one toke. Just take off your clothes so we can move onto Yuta.”
“You first.” He snapped back at me.
I stuck my tongue out at him. “It doesn’t apply to me, jackass.”
“Well maybe if you smoked a bit too then you wouldn’t be so bitchy. Let him have fun.”
“Why dont you fucking eat my ass, dipshit.”
“Wait no, can you please do that to me instead?” Quinn said suddenly.
“Will ya'll shut up and get back to the game? Doyoung’s smoking anyway.” Yuta snorted before falling into a laughing fit himself. While i had been fighting with Jaehyun, Doyoung had stolen the outstretched blunt and inhaled deeply. I could tell the moment he felt the burning in his chest. His eyes watered as he sputtered and coughed. Jaehyun cackled as he took the blunt back, getting in a hit of his own.
“You sure you don’t want any, goodie two shoes?” Jaehyun offered again.
“Id rather not.” I flicked his snapback off his head. “There. One article of clothing down. Yuta, please go before I strangle him.” I scooted back to my spot, a permanent pout on my face.
“You need to chill out.” Johnny whispered as he leaned in close to me. “You’re so tense. You know what would help with that?”
“Having my friend returned home safely and not passed out in his own-”
“Never have i ever had office sex!” Yuta exclaimed.
My mouth hung open, the rest of my statement dissipating in the air.
“Oohhh he got you and Taeyong!” Ten laughed. “Take it off, baby! Take it off!”
“Did you two really fuck in an office?” Jaehyun asked, staring at Taeyong and I. “Where even at?”
I chucked off my other shoe and grumbled as Taeyong pulled his shirt over his head. “Office of student affairs last semester.” he answered.
“Well damn, student affairs is right.” Johnny laughed.
I shrugged. “Shit goes down in offices and so does Taeyong.” There was a chorus of ‘ooohs’ as Taeyong gave me the finger.
“Fuck off. I made the door shake, didnt i?”
“It was up against the door??” Taeil asked, surprised.
Dammit, I really didn’t need him to hear my history now. Yuta was out to get me, Doyoung was already fucked up, Taeil was going to find out all the dirty things I’d done with almost everyone in this group and it was only the 4th round. Ten cleared his throat as I dodged Taeils question even though he was poking my side to tease me.
“Settle down children, settle down. I got a semi decent one. It’s easier to think about what i have done instead what i haven't. Anyway, never have I ever had like slow or sensual sex.”
“What!? That's a fuckin’ lie. Even i've done that. What about your first time?” Lucas interjected.
Ten shrugged. “Nope. Not really. I wasn’t nervous so we just kinda...did it. So, come on. Give something up.” Most everyone lost an article of clothing. I was curious to see that Taeil had only lost a shoe during the weed round but didnt remove anything else this time around, which meant he was either just as kinky as Ten or a complete virgin. I didn’t see him as the latter so my interest was extremely peaked at this point.
“Aren’t you going to take something off?” I asked him, returning his teasing notion.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” He winked at me and i couldn’t help but giggle as I felt the blush start to creep back into my cheeks. I tried to hide it by busying myself with trying to get one of my thigh highs off and deflect my infiltrating thoughts of a kinky Taeil when i felt Johnny's hand over mine.
“Leave those for last.”
“What for?” I asked, barely looking back at him.
He smirked and rubbed his thumb gently across my thigh. “I like them. They look good on you.”
“You're going to have to do some better convincing than that.”
Johnny grabbed the collar of his tank top and pulled it over his head leaving him bare chested and my mouth watering. I drank in each muscle he had on his torso, wanting to kiss every inch of him and follow that cute little happy trail to what was under his shorts. I was silently begging to get more rounds in as soon as possible.
“Convinced yet?” he asked, cockily..
I rolled my eyes, pretending that it was such a hassle for me to leave my socks for last. However, I stood up and undid the buttons of my high waisted shorts, shimmying them down my thighs before kicking them behind me. I adjusted my lacy black panties, feeling all eyes on me.
“Why is there even a bow on the back?” Taeyong asked.
“Because my ass is a present, thanks.”
“Gimmmeeeeee!” I heard Quinn say, making grabby hand motions at me.
“No, you get it tomorrow, if you're good!” I joked.
“You guys are gonna fuck?” Jaehyun asked, looking at Quinn curiously. “Can I watch?”
“Nope sorry, that is off limits. For my eyes only.” Lucas said, beckoning for Jae to share the blunt he was still working on. He passed it over to Lucas who took it graciously.
“What do you mean for your eyes only? Share the wealth.” Jae said.
“How about no one watches anything. We’re not a damn spectacle. What Quinn and I do is none of your business. ANYWAY, Taeil your turn. Please go. Please.”
“Shoot. Uh…” He looked around at all of us trying to think of a good statement. “Um...never have I ever had a one night stand?”
“Really??? That's literally like...my entire life.” Lucas laughed.
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Never had a one night stand...pfft okay.”
Taeil just laughed. “Dont be mad because you're losing, Johnny”
“Yeah me and practically everyone else.” Johnny tossed off his snapback while i realized i had to discard my shirt. Technically, i didn’t but i decided to appease Johnny a little bit longer and leave the thigh highs for last. I pulled my crop top over my head, revealing my bare chest (who had time for fucking bras anyway) before pulling my hair over my shoulders to have a little bit of coverage. Lucas whistled at me, giving me a wink which made me roll my eyes. Johnny licked his lips, a smile on his face while Taeil tried to sneak looks without being too obvious, which he was failing at. I hugged my knees to my chest and realized that it was actually my turn to go.
I had to think of something i had never done. Not that it specifically had to be something sexual, but that was definitely more fun than ‘Never have i ever been to Korea’. “Oh! I got it. Never have I ever eaten ass before.”
“Boo, you whore!” Ten said, taking off his fishnet shirt and tossing it at me. I caught it and laughed, knowing that we were still neck in neck in the race to lose first. Quinn, Ten, and almost surprisingly Yuta discarded another piece of clothing. Only a few more rounds and someone would be naked. Lucas was coming up quick, only having his underwear (presumably) and shorts on.
It was up to Johnny now. I looked over at him as he switched his preference to a cigarette. I definitely was wondering what he was going to say. He exhaled slowly before speaking. “Never have i ever done anal.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Taeyong slurred a bit as he had been nursing his drink. “Giving or receiving?”
“Either or. Any anal at all.”
Quinn, Lucas, Ten, Yuta, and I pulled off yet another article of clothing. I wasn’t going to take off my underwear just yet so one thigh high came off. I set it in Johnny's lap, mouthing a fake apology coupled with a shrug. He tapped his ashes into an empty beer bottle and sighed. “Damn, was really hoping you'd take those panties off first.”
“Of course you were.” I snatched his cigarette from him and took a deep drag, frowning when i tasted the menthol. Ugh, fuckboys always smoked menthols. He let me keep it though, enjoying the disgusted face i made.
“Alright, Taeyong, Lucas is down to his undies. How are you gonna get him out of them?” Quinn asked as they leaned on Jaehyun's shoulder.
“Not that I want to see him naked but never have I ever had public sex.” He said.
“You fucked in an office!” Yuta protested.
“I meant like a park or parking lot or something!!”
“Well, there we go.” Lucas stood up and dropped his briefs before sprinting towards the pool, landing with a huge splash and getting water everywhere. “We better figure out who's runner up so I wont be in this pool by myself!”
“You're the idiot who jumped in there! Besides it's your turn!” Taeyong tossed a beer cap at Lucas who dodged it. I had to rid myself of the other thigh high for the public sex and i was definitely afraid of having to lose my underwear from what Lucas was going to say.
“Shit. Ok. Uh… got it! Never have i ever sucked dick before.”
Ten and I both collectively groaned as we were deemed the next losers. Johnny had the biggest smile plastered on, his eyes glued to me as i rested my hands on the waistband of my panties. I didn’t want to take them off and was hoping that everyone would magically forget that i had ever sucked their dicks before. Ten on the other hand was already tossing off his pants. Ten rarely wore underwear, if ever, so his pants were the last article of clothing he had on. Never ashamed of being naked, he joined Lucas in the chilly pool water.
“Eeeerrrriiiiii. Come on. Be a good girl and take them off!” Lucas teased.
“Shut up! Maybe i don't wanna!” i buried my face in my knees. I was already losing my buzzed feeling and embarrassment was taking over at the prospect of losing my last bit of clothing around 3 new people and my baby Doyoung.
“Dont be a wimp.” Johnny said as he dug his finger into the waistband of my panties and snapped it against my skin. “These definitely need to go.”
I didnt bother looking up, only swatted at his hand, trying to get him away from me. “Will you stop it!”
“Toss her in if she doesnt do it!” I heard Ten yell.
“What! Don't you dare!” I felt Johnny's strong arms wrap around my waist as he hauled me up easily. I kicked at him as i tried to cover my chest but he wasn't budging.
“One last chance, sweetness.” He said lowly against the sensitive skin of my neck. It was that voice...the one i listened to, the one i dreamt about, the one that turned me on in an instant. I shivered against him, suddenly taking in how warm he felt and the bulge in his boxer briefs pressing into the small of my back. I looked up at him, my breath a little heavier. There were plenty of chants and whistles especially since almost everyone was abandoning whatever they had left on and jumping in.
“Let me go! I have to check on Doyoung!” I half lied. I actually did want to check on him as he had curled up in a small ball and passed out.
“Dont worry. I'll take care of him. You two have fun.” Taeil said tensely as he hauled Doyoung to his feet.
“Oh we fuckin’ will. Bye Taeil.” Johnny smirked. I wanted to elbow Johnny for being a dick to Taeil. I tried to hit his chest but he just grabbed onto my boobs and squeezed them. I tried to pry his hands off me, telling him to let me go as Taeil passed us.
The redhead turned back to us. “Hey Eri.”
I looked up at him, mid-squirm. “Y-yeah?” 
“Don’t forget to come to the library, ok? Ill give you a good lesson.” He winked at me before leaving the pool area with Doyoung stumbling beside him.
My mouth hung open momentarily but i was finally able to shove Johnny off me. I covered my chest and smiled at him. “Um, you bet...see ya.”
“Are you gonna get fucking naked or keep making kissy faces at Taeil all night?!” Ten yelled before splashing water at me.
“Ass!!” I screamed. Suddenly i felt a hand on my back and i was pushed in, sinking into the deeper part of the pool. My body struggled to accommodate my lack of height and inability to swim. Lucas scooped me up against him and i was grateful he stopped me from choking. 
“I hate all of you.” I sputtered.
“We just love seeing you wet is all.” Ten chimed in sarcastically. I splashed water in his direction as Lucas still tried to hold me up. Ten stuck his tongue out at me. “Dont you have to go to the kiddie side of the pool?”
“Oh youre one to talk!” I said splashing at him again. “You little shit!”
“Why are you so angry all the time?” Taeyong said as he finally slid into the pool along with Jaehyun and Quinn.
“Dont you know, all she does is bite and scratch.” Yuta snorted.
“I haven’t had any complaints yet.” I shot back at him. “Lucas will you let me go? Im leaving you fuckers and going where i can’t drown.”
Lucas shrugged and let me waddle to the opposite end of the pool. I was hoping that my makeup wasn’t running down my face and making me look like a Dali painting. I was busy pressing my index finger to my lashes trying to make sure my mascara wouldn’t fall into my eye that i had hardly noticed that i couldn’t move any further. I was up against the side of the pool, a position i was apparently getting used to being in tonight with Johnny around. He had his hands on either side of me, that same smirk on his lips as he knew he had me right where he wanted. “You still haven’t taken off your panties.”
“Yeah well you haven’t taken your underwear off either!” I said looking down at his waist through the blue tinted water.
“I didnt lose. You did. And you have to play by the rules.”
“Hah. Playing by the rules didn’t get me where i am today.”
“Almost naked in a pool about to get fucked, you mean?”
“Precisely.” I replied, thrilled at his renewed interest. “But i'll give you the age old ultimatum. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.”
“Done.” He reached under the water and wiggled out of his boxer briefs, throwing them poolside. I swallowed hard, my head tilting to the side as i saw him. “Off. Now.” he commanded.
I stood frozen for a second still staring until i felt his hands on my hips pulling the soaked fabric down, not waiting for my go ahead. I kicked my legs out of my panties and he set them beside his. “There, now was that so hard?”
“No but Im sure you will be.”
“Halfway there.” His hands slid down the curve of my hips to cup my ass and pull me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, almost afraid that he was going to somehow launch me back underwater.
“I take it you're an ass man?”
“I'm an everything man. I don’t normally go for chicks that look like you but…” He licked his lips as he looked down at me flushed against his chest.
“Well don’t i feel special! I’m not the fuckboy's type but he still wants to fuck me. Oh me oh my!”
“Well compared to your track record over there.” Johnny nodded towards the band of idiots that i had all slept with. “I say i'm not your type either, Ms. Kink loving, anal-having, office sex wanting fuckgirl.”
“Did you take a look at Lucas? You're both big and tall with hands that could…” I refrained from saying what was on my mind.
“Hands that could what?” He tilted my chin up and traced the outline of my bottom lip with his tongue before giving me a chaste kiss. “That could finger you so deep and hard that you cum in minutes?”
“W-well i-”
He gave me another kiss, tugging my bottom lip between his teeth just a bit and sucking on it. “Or hands that could bruise your hips as i fuck you from behind?”
“You really think you're that good?” I panted as I managed to find my voice again.
“So i’ve been told but the dozens and dozens of chicks that have been in my bed.”
“Well you've never had me in your bed and to be honest i'm the only one that matters.”
“Damn. Where was that confidence when you needed to take off your panties, huh? Or do you just like to be a cocky little shit when you're about to get some?” Johnny said.
“Ask Ten. He'll tell you I can be a bit of brat when I want to be.”
Johnny chuckled. “I can definitely see that. Gonna have to find a way to occupy that mouth instead.”
“I can think of a few ways.” I pulled his head closer to mine and closed that minuscule distance between us again. I was eager to make him stop talking and instead focus everything he had on kissing me. He hoisted my leg around his waist, digging himself deep between my thighs. His hand then slid up my leg until it gripped my hip, guiding me to grind against him. Barely audible sighs of pleasure were exchanged between us. Every parting of our lips was a chance for our tongues to collide while every closing enacted bites and warm sucks. His other hand slid down my stomach to my parted thighs, his thick fingers caressing what i wanted him to touch the most.
The first finger was tentative, easing in with languid rubs and curling every time my breath would catch in my throat from his kiss. The smirk against my lips told me he was toying with me, wanting to draw out my torture for as long as possible. He pulled one last kiss before moving his attention to my neck. My forehead rested around his shoulder, my hands pressed between his shoulder blades. “You like this, dont you?”
“You’re hotter when you dont talk.”
I looked up at him and pressed my finger to his lips. “Dont talk. Just keep fingering me.”
His tongue clicked against his cheek as he shook his head in disbelief. He didn’t stop his fingers though, instead he pressed another into me as his teeth sunk into the sensitive skin of my neck. My teeth bit down onto my bottom lip, shielding my moan from escaping. I rolled my hips deeper, wanting him to prove exactly how fast he could make me cum.
Suddenly a huge splash doused us, making Johnny pull away from me completely. “What the fuck!?” He yelled, wiping the water away from his face. Lucas had a giant grin on his face while Ten and Yuta were making fake orgasmic sounds and screaming “Yes daddy!”
“Are ya'll really about to fuck in this pool in front of us?!” Lucas laughed.
Crap. I had literally been so caught up in Johnny i totally had forgotten we were basically putting on a show. I shoved Johnny away and tried to cover myself knowing full well those three idiots would give me shit for it later. I tried to find an escape route but i realized my clothes were strewn about and there were no towels in sight. I would have to rush out naked and try and gather everything while the boys continued their bickering. I walked up the small ladder and out of the pool, hustling to gather my clothes and tiptoe through the grass, hating the way the blades were sticking to my feet and the dirt was becoming muddy from my dripping.
I went into the apartment, awkwardly standing around since i didn't know which room belonged to him. I needed a damn towel asap. A breeze was flowing through the open doors making the pool water turn icy on my skin. “Tell me again why you fuck those idiots?!” Johnny shouted as he came into the apartment.
I shrugged. “Same reason we were gonna hook up. I’m horny and you’re hot. But right now I’m freezing. Do you have a towel?”
“Yeah,” He rolled his eyes and headed over to the door on the left, kicking things out the way as we stepped through. “Come on.” I followed him into his room. There were clothes everywhere as well as old condom wrappers, fast food bags, and empty starbucks cups. I stared at the mess in disgust then up at him as he handed me a towel. “Did you get that from the floor?” i asked.
“You wanted one, didn’t you?”
I stared at him, squinting slightly. “Did you get this from the floor?”
“It was from behind my damn door, ok? You gonna dry off so we can fuck or what?””
I rolled my eyes and took the stupid towel, drying off as best as i could. My hair was a mess and I pulled it up into a bun, still feeling the pool water drip down my neck. Johnny tossed his own towel on the pile of dirty laundry after he dried off and stepped closer to me. “Now where were we?”
I sighed. “I actually should probably get going. It's getting late…”
“And i'm tired. I'm gonna have to fish out Quinn and Lucas.”
He licked his lips and pushed his jet black hair back. “You literally were begging me to keep fingering you in my pool. You think i'm gonna let the boys you play with ruin the mood? Come here.”
“They don’t matter right now but I-”
His hands were on my hips then, lifting me up easily. My body instinctively wrapped my limbs around him, shocked senseless at his first move. My mouth was suddenly dry as we were now on the same level and his eyes met mine. I was trying to say something, anything at all, but i was sure my mouth was just doing the motions and making me look like a gaping fish. He carried me over to his bed laying me down and spreading my knees apart. “We were here, right?” He asked as he rubbed his fingers through my folds, making purposeful stops at my clit and rubbing the smallest of circles before diving his fingers back down again.
My eyes fluttered closed and I nodded my head. My hips followed each languid stroke, wanting him to touch every nerve i had. I could feel the droplets of water from his bangs splatter onto my stomach, the iciness making me twitch as my skin started to heat up. His lips kissed away the droplets, his tongue tracing intimate patterns into my skin. I felt a small bite right above my hip bone and I covered my mouth with the back of my hand, keeping my decibels down. His eyes flickered up towards me, an expression of curiosity within them.
“You’re quiet.” He stated, almost surprised. “Aren’t you going to start moaning?”
“You haven’t don’t enough to make me moan.” I fibbed. “Remember what i said before? You're hotter when you don’t talk.”
“Fine. Whatever.” He moved himself slowly up to meet my face as his fingers dug into me, a steady beat of push and pull while his thumb focused those teasing circles against my bundle of nerves again. “I just figured you’d start screaming my name sooner or later.”
“Ugh, no thank you. You still haven’t proved any-” The end of my sentence turned into a sharp inhale of breath as he curled his fingers against my walls, pressing into a spot i could rarely reach on my own.
“What was that?” he smirked.
I gripped onto his bicep, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to match his motions. I rolled my body with each curl of his fingers, bounced my hips with each harsh thrust, and arched every time he would graze against that devilish spot. I could feel him watching me beneath him, my chest heaving as i desperately wanted to cum already. My tongue parted my lips, licking them slowly before i caved in and moaned. At this point I was still determined not to say his stupid name or beg for that matter but he sure as hell was making it hard. I dug my nails into his tender skin just as his knuckles hit my entrance, filling me completely with the thickness of his fingers.
“Damn…” I heard him whisper amidst my whimpers and the sounds of him working through my slickness. His lips brushed against my ear, his warm breath tickling my lobe as that deep, silky smooth voice left him. “You're gonna look so good wrapped around me.”
That was the cheesiest and wackest line I had ever heard but that voice made my entire face flush and my body clamp down on him tight. That stupid voice. I hated what it did to me. I hated that it sent my mind reeling back to all the nights I had masturbated to it over the radio. I tried to protest but no words were coming out. He was working himself faster now, a rough cycle of ‘come here’ motions and thrusts that had me helpless. I arched my hips again, my toes digging into his calves as i was ready to fall into my orgasm. Then he pulled his fingers out, wiping them on the sheets, and leaving me out in the cold. He got up from the bed and went over to his dresser, rifling through his top drawer.
I glared at him, a rough and annoyed breath slipping out. Did he really just leave me hanging like that? I sat up on my elbows, seeing a flash of gold in his fist. “First of all, fuck you. Second of all, why did you stop, you shitty tease?”
“I had to get a condom? Im not gonna fuck you without one.” He tore open the package and slid the rubber on before making his way back to me. He was ready to resume his place above me but my heart leapt into my throat as I saw him fully.
“WHOA! PAUSE! PAUSE!” I exclaimed, outstretching my hands to keep a bit of distance between us. “Why didn't you tell me you had….all of that!?”
He shrugged simply. “It was kinda cold in the pool. Does it matter?”
“Yes it matters! That’s...!” I covered my face as I flopped back onto the mattress, trying to convince myself that it wasn’t going to be so bad. So far Lucas had been the biggest I had ever had and he was mostly length. Johnny was on a different level and i was convinced i was going to die from him scrambling my insides. I felt him ease my face back towards his before pulling my hands away.
“Chill. Im not gonna barge in there. I have done this a few times before, you know.” His eyes raked over my body as he licked his lips. “Just relax for me, baby. I swear i'll treat you right.”
I almost gagged as his tired old lines. “Yeah that's easy for you to say. You're not the one about to have your guts in your throat.”
“Jesus, if you want to puss out on me just tell me so I don’t have to waste my time anymore. I could’ve had someone else here instead.” He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, i doubt it with the way you were begging me to keep my thigh highs on and sit by you.” I sighed softly. “Just….go slow. Or else i'll hit you.”
“If you do i'll kick your ass out. I dont care.”
I pouted and looked away, my cheeks still warm. “Fine….sorry.”
It was his turn to sigh before pressing his lips to mine way softer than he had before. The tip of his cock was already trying to sink into me and i forced my body to relax as much as possible. I focused on his lips, the way he felt against me, his hands rubbing up and down my hips and thighs, and the soft groans he was slipping into my mouth. He would stop every so often when i would wince or become too tight for him.
I adjusted myself beneath him, trying to gauge how much he had left until he was almost completely inside me. We avoided eye contact this time though his thumb was making lazy swipes on my hip. I did appreciate that he wasn’t so much of an asshole and took his time with me. It was actually pretty...cute. I wanted him to feel good, for us to feel good, while he fucked me. Feeling him already so warm and stretching me to my limits was starting to make me squirm in anticipation.
Minutes went by as he alternated between minuscule thrusts and sucks to all my erogenous zones, trying to turn me on more to pull my wetness around him. Eventually his thrusts became more fluid and less overwhelming as I finally adjusted. I pulled his head closer, licking his lips slowly before giving him a firm chaste kiss. “I want you to fuck me, ok?”
He nodded quickly, switching his tactics instantly. He took control of my mouth again, commanding my tongue as he pulled his hips back slowly. The returning thrust was a harsh snap and it made me sink my nails deeper into his flesh. He paused again, gauging if it was too much for me to handle. I shook my head and breathed out a shaky ‘dont stop’. He gripped the edge of the mattress just above my head, using it as leverage to work himself into a faster tempo. The pain was underlying the pleasure still but i didn't mind it at all now. I was faltering back against him, a cadence of mewls and strangled breaths tumbling from my lips. His teeth found my neck once more, nipping at the weak spot just beneath my jawbone. I slid my fingers up the length of his broad shoulders and neck to the soft fuzziness of his undercut before grabbing a hold of his longer tresses and pulling.
“Bite harder. I'm not fragile.”
“Oh now you're tough shit, hmm?” he chuckled before yanking my hand from his hair.  “You sure you don’t want me to keep going slow? Those sounds you make are pretty cute.”
“I’m positive, asshole. And i wasn’t making any sounds. It was just breathing or whatever. Shut up.” 
“Get on your stomach then. And don’t give me any complaints either.”
I swallowed hard, staring up into the dark pools of his eyes and trying to register a command I wasn’t prepared for. When i didn’t move fast enough he forced my hips down, my stomach meeting the mattress for a microsecond before I was pulled onto my knees. My thighs rested on the outside of his, my small legs struggling to accommodate fitting him between me. His hands made my wrists disappear in his grip and kept me pinned down firmly. The breath felt like it was getting knocked out of me as his thrusts were painting vivid stories of pleasure throughout my entire being. My skin was blooming with sinfully hard bites on my shoulders. A low short growl rumbled against my skin and for the first time i whimpered his name, wanting it to be the only thing that ran through my mind.
His name on my tongue only spurred him on further. His blunt nails made crescent marks on the underside of my wrist as my veins pulsated against the tender skin. He moved one of them from beside my head, guiding my hand down to the incredibly pleasure filled center he was invading. His finger tips folded over mine, leading me to resume the attention to my clit that I so desperately needed. My face pressed into the mattress as I wanted to muffle the acute sobs building in my throat. My idle hand bunched the fitted sheet in my fist tugging it from the corners of the bed. “Please...” The word escaped before I could even think to stop it.
“Please what?” He teased, that sultry voice making my entire body shudder. Of course he was one of those guys that got off on making me say what i wanted and inflating his ego. I pushed my face into the mattress deeper, not wanting him to see the begging look on my face. Johnny let out a stiff grunt before he pressed his hand into my spine, making my back bow more. His other hand tore my hips higher, the tips of his fingers finding the dip in my hip bone that never failed to make me squirm. My thighs quivered as he pushed into it more, the V of his waist hitting my ass repeatedly. My teeth grabbed at my lip again as my toes tried to steady my weakening form. I tensed, clenching around his thickness as the head of his cock tormented the deepest part of me. I felt him shudder, a strained groan coming from him.
“F-fuck...babe. Relax for me.”
Easy for you to say. I thought. You’re not the one getting railed in half.
He pressed harder into me, if that was even possible. Every ridge, every vein, riding against me. Little by little, he eased his hand from my hip to rest on my shoulder dangerously close to my neck. He was trying to steady himself, to reel back his control and resist the urge to cum just yet. He cursed under his breath as his panting was getting heavier. I tilted my head towards my shoulder, trying to urge him to grab my throat. Choking always got me closer to cumming faster than most things but he pulled away his hand quickly as if i had burned him. I looked back at him momentarily, about ready to ask if he would just do it but i saw the way his lip was caught between his perfect teeth, his eyes closed shut, eyelashes dusting the tops of his cheeks. It turned my stomach into a gooey mess of emotions especially after he let out a deeper groan, his chest tensing just a bit as his brows furrowed. “Johnny...”
He nodded, letting out a simple ‘mhm’ before pulling me up to his chest. He forced my head towards his, engulfing my mouth in a rushed heated kiss while both our hands melded together once more between my folds. I reached my other hand back to cup his head, twisting my fingers in his hair again. Our fingers were working faster together against my clit as he rolled his hips up into me, making us both teeter on the edge. He swallowed hard, pressing his forehead against mine as i felt him throb inside me. A warm feeling filled my stomach, making me shudder and whine as i followed his orgasm. I slumped back against him as i tried to regain my breath and stop my legs from quivering. I was definitely going to feel that tomorrow.
Only a few sparse moment passed before Johnny cleared his throat.“So…You good to leave?”
I blinked a few times in disbelief. I rarely stood over with one night stands but we had barely just finished and already he was kicking me out? My entire demeanor changed. “Yeah, I’m fucking good to leave. Just give me a sec, damn.” i hissed.
He pulled out of me slowly, leaving me to collapse onto his mattress. I heard him rummaging around his room, the flick of a lighter going off at some point. I was curled up on my side, my body betraying my will to move and not give him the satisfaction of kicking me out. I was trying my best to get but my eyes were fluttering closed. Johnny tapped my ass before shaking me by my hip.
“Up. Now.” He yawned deeply before crawling into bed. “You’re not staying here.”
“I know jackass.” I said, following up with a yawn of my own. “Two seconds though.”
“Two seconds.” He closed his eyes and folded his arm across them, settling beside me. I was getting up. Right now.
“Fuck!” I gasped as i shot up from my sleep. I had felt a shift in the bed beside me as Johnny had rolled onto his side. I realized that i had fallen asleep at his place. Shitshitshitshitshit. I wasn't supposed to stay here. I was supposed to get up after a few seconds, leave, pretend that i didn’t just have the hottest sex of my life and that i totally didnt want him again. Now my plan was ruined because it was probably around 6 am when we were done. I barely got any sleep and time was starting to feel like a joke that made me more disoriented. I looked at the wad of my clothes on the floor and slipped out of bed, hissing as my stomach clenched in pain. Great. Just great. I scrambled over to my clothes and pulled on my shorts and top, not even bothering with my socks. i stuffed my feet into my sneakers and hobbled into the living room.
Luckily, I found Lucas facedown on the couch. He had managed to pull his shorts on at least after the escapade in the pool. Quinn was curled up on top of him, still mostly naked. I rushed over, shaking them violently awake. “Let's go, let's go, let's go!” i whispered harshly.
Quinn woke up first. It looked like they hadn't been asleep for long. “Finally! I was waiting for you! You made me sleep over and i NEVER sleep over.”
“I’m sorry! I accidentally passed out. Trust me I didn’t want to sleep here either but Johnny wore me out. It took forever to get him mostly all the way in.”
“Well damn...how big was he?”
“Magnum size big. Lets go.”
Quinn clutched at their chest. “Ohh girl...that's a journey.”
“I know. Will you come on?! I don't want to be here any longer than you do.” I slapped Lucas on the back, watching as his head popped up.
“Get up. We're leaving.” He rolled over as Quinn jumped off him and started putting on their clothes.
“What time is it? I feel like shit.”
“Doesn’t matter. Up. Get your shoes on.” I sighed. It was like corralling toddlers.
Lucas was finally able to get up and i practically pushed the both of them out the door. Lucas was able to find a few more of his clothes over by the pool as we shuffled along, making our way slowly to my car. I needed to sleep for 80 years and hoped to god i would be able to walk normally later.
The Boys Group Chat
Johnny: whaddup
Johnny: i lowkey only remember like half of last night lol
Yuta: fuckin mood
Yuta: we got naked in the pool didnt we?
Taeil: yall did. I didnt. I took care of DY. He was passed tf out
Johnny: aww damn does that mean you didnt get to see me fuck that girl you wanted
Taeil: I saw you acting like a damn fool. I’m not too worried anyway. Im gonna tutor her soon enough👅
Ten: and use that tired ass ‘im a virgin line’? Lmao
Taeil: listen it gets me more pussy than you will ever know. Chicks dig that sensitive innocent guy shit. The library is my sanctuary
Ten: one day somebody is gonna call you out on that whack ass shit or find out that youre always lying about being a virgin
Jae: what you gonna do then? Youre gonna have to find some other shit to lie about lol
Taeil: no ones gonna find out. Shut up. It works every year
Yuta: im surprise u havent lost ur damn job yet tbh
Taeil: what can i say im good at what i do
Johnny: anyway wtf was that chicks name that i hooked up with? I cant remember
Ten: johnny ur a damn idiot
Johnny: what?????
Yuta: ur kinda going down a dark hole so good luck with that
Taeil: she doesnt seem that bad
Yuta: LMAO
Ten: 😂😂😂😂
Johnny: whats wrong with her? She postal or something? Aint u two fuckin her too???
Ten: well yeah but she’s a handful
Yuta: to say the very LEAST
Taeil: ok we get it. Shes kinky and has poor lapses in judgement to hook up with you guys over and over
Ten: im sure you’ll find out soon enough. Shes something alright
Johnny: what do you mean? Shes not gonna like key my car or something right? I dont have time for that shit again tbh.
Jae: i havent talked to the girl I fucked about her much but like i can probs get u her snap. Or ask lucas. I think hes up her ass too
Johnny: who hasnt she slept with???
Taeyong: oh are we talking about who i think we are?
Yuta: way to come in late lmao but ya
Taeyong: oh shit lol. i mean we went over this during truth or dare.
Taeil: you mean never have i ever
Taeyong: same shit. anyway out of all of us she hasn’t touched taeil (yet), Dy or Jae….well Jae might be in waiting
Jae: fuck no. Not my type at all. she seems too damn mouthy
Ten: i mean once you gag her shes fine lmaoooooo
Johnny: yeah she kept telling me to shut up
Johnny: and she barely like….screamed or moaned or anything
Johnny: it was all these tiny little sounds
Taeil: maybe you didnt give it to her good enough
Taeyong: no. Thats literally her. I was fuckin destroying her hips against the door and she barely made a peep. Idfk whats wrong with her
Yuta: i think shes made the most noise with me and thats probably because i work her hard enough but even then i cant get a scream out
Jae: meanwhile the chick i slept with wouldnt fuckin stop making noise.
Johnny: jae your ass is loud too. sounding like a monkey thats out of breath
Taeil: fuck🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ten: lmaooooooo
Yuta: get WRECKT
Jae: fuck all of you
Jae: forreal
Jae: i cant stand yall
Jae: anyway maybe its good that shes quiet all you fucking get are screamers anyway
Johnny: i know! Especially that one chinese chick i hooked up like last semester. Jfc she wouldnt stop.
Johnny: Idk i didnt mind her not saying much i guess but it was just weird to me
Jae: bro u barely make any sounds either. All i be hearing are your girls
Johnny: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Johnny: anyway wtf is her name lol
Ten: Eri you idiot
Yuta: just Eri lol Thats what she always says
Johnny: whats her @ on snap?
Yuta: fuck
Yuta: hold on
Taeyong: its mistresseri13
Taeyong: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Yuta: the bigger point is johnny fuckin suh KING of one night stands is whipped for a girl and actually wants to talk to her again
Ten: oooohhhhh true. U never hook up with the same person twice
Taeyong: i mean shes good but you really want to hook up with her again?
Yuta: ty uve been tryna hook up with her since the office thing dont lie.
Taeyong: stfu
Taeil: lmao. So now johnny's whipped for her. she must be good in the sack then
Ten: mostly shes just nice to play with. U can do almost anything with her
Lucas: why are yall blowing up my fuckin phoneeeeeeeee!!!!! im tryin to sleep
Jae: bro its like 4 in the afternoon
Lucas: yeah and? Im hungover af
Yuta: are u at the dorm?
Lucas: no. Babes making me pancakes
Taeil: babe? Babe who??? Who the hell did you get to actually cook for you?
(Downloading picture)
Taeil: is that Eri in the kitchen? in her underwear?
Johnny: excuse me
Jae: HAH
Ten: oohhh now johnnys gonna be jealous
Johnny: Shut it ten.
(Downloading picture)
Lucas: I get morning kisses too lmao
Yuta: are we sharing pics of her now bc ive got plenty.
Lucas: shes still my friend tho. Dont do that.
Ten: not like we all havent seen it before tbh
Jae: i mean i kinda wanna keep it that way. You can have her.
Taeyong: spoiler alert dumbass, we've all slept with Quinn too. You aint special. Shes literally at my place rn
Taeil: oh fuck is that what you've been doing?
Taeyong: lmaooo yeah. Working on a “project”
Taeil: thats what i kept hearing. Im leaving.
Taeyong: shes heading out now actually. Going back to her place. Jae ill tell her you said hi
Lucas: i guess johnnys not the only one whos jealous
Johnny: im not fuckin jealous. Im not even gonna snap her
Ten: uh huh
Yuta: yep sure
Taeil: yeah right
Lucas: well i gotta go eat pancakes and maybe eat something else later👅👅👅👅💦💦💦
Johnny: ew
Taeyong: thats probably why she'll ignore your ass lol
Ten: get that tongue in j-suh or else she wont ever text you back
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Without You
chapter fourteen
jaehyun’s pov
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i sat in the hallway with my eyes closed. breathing slowly, i tried to calm myself down- processing this information.
how the fuck did he get that picture?
alonna wouldn’t send anything like that to him..would she?
“baby!” haechan yelled as he ran around the corner.
i smiled and waved, pushing my emotions down.
he always called me baby for some reason.
i gave him a hug before he walked into the studio and followed him in.
it was 5 minutes to 2pm and malcolm hadn’t come back yet.
as i took a seat, i stared over at taeyong- who was staring back at me.
i wanted to kill him so bad.
haechan jumped in the booth, slipping the headphones on and pretended to record.
minutes later, the rest of the group walked in- including johhny.
i stood up as soon as we made eye contact, pulling him back outside the studio.
“im about to fuck him up, johnny.” i mumbled.
he furrowed his brows.
“who?” he slipped his phone in his pocket and ran his fingers through his hair.
“taeyong. he has a picture of alonna in her underwear- in my fucking bathroom at the hotel.”
johnny looked down the hall to see if anyone was coming- then pulled me outside the back exit.
“don’t let him get to you, jae. he’s trying to fuck shit up for you and alonna.”
i shook my head.
“how. did. he. get. the. picture. johnny?”
he sighed.
“you have to trust alonna. she wouldn’t do that.”
“who knows? taeyong didn’t hide her, at any point of their relationship. what if she wants to go back to him, because we’re not official yet?” i countered back.
johnny chuckled and placed his hand on my shoulder.
“are you hearing yourself, bro? you sound ridiculous.”
ivy’s pov
after brunch, alonna and i decided to go visit our old hangout spot. as we pulled into the parking lot, i almost wanted to cry.
“you remember we used to come here, almost everyday after school?” i questioned.
i looked over at her as she gazed out the windshield. 
nodding, alonna reached over and grabbed my hand.
“yeah- this spot was almost like home for us.”
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we were quiet for a second. this was more than just a “spot” to us.
this was where we came, when shit got tough.
“and when your dad died..”
i winced at her words then glanced down at my flowers.
taking a deep breathe, i nodded- blinking away some tears.
letting go of her hand, i opened the car door and got out. alonna did the same, coming around the car and hugging me.
i held her tight for a moment.
for some strange reason, i wanted to hug johnny right now..
“let’s go see if our names are still carved into the bench.” alonna said changing the subject and pulling away.
i smiled and linked my arm with hers as we walked.
johnny’s pov
the meeting with marteen was a success. we already had a few beats lined up- but one in-particular stuck out to all of us.
although the meeting turned out great, i was irritated that i had to be in the same room as mark. of course we didn’t speak, and no one but jae really knew what was going on with us.
haechan only knew cause mark opened his mouth and told him.
but luckily, haechan hadn’t said anything to me.. yet.
after we recorded some of the song, we all decided to leave for the day.
i slipped my phone out of my pocket, checking to see if i had any messages- as i walked back to my car.
boss lady.
“alonna.” i mumbled.
opening her message and reading, i leaned against the car.
“how many times do i have to tell you to stay away from ivy, johnny? i’m not going to keep playing with you. stay the hell away from my sister. you being violent in front of her, was not okay- but, you had the nerve to follow me to our brunch date? who do you think you are?”
i sighed and shut my eyes for a moment.
i understood that alonna was just being protective. i get it.
but, i would never put my hands on ivy. i wouldn’t even think about it.
“alonna, i know what i did was stupid and immature. i get that you're just being protective of ivy. i would have never laid a hand on her. please, understand that. you have to put yourself in my shoes though. you know how mark is. he’s just trying to take ivy away from me, cause he knows that i actually had eyes for her first. and to be fair, i don’t even think that he truly likes her. he just likes the idea of her.”
“johnny.” jae said running up behind me. 
i turned around, quickly locked my phone.
“you ran off so fast.” he chuckled.
giving him a handshake, i smiled.
“sorry- just trynna get back to the hotel. i’m exhausted.”
he moved his hat on his head, turning it backwards.
“you’re not gunna come to practice?”
i shook my head, opening my car door.
“i’d rather not. not like i’m needed anyway.” i laughed.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
jaehyun took hold of the door as i jumped in and started the engine. 
“we’re a group, johnny. you’re needed just like everyone else.” he reassured me.
hearing my phone ping, i nodded.
jae started to babble on, about the importance of being a team- while i read alonna’s message.
“i’m not going back and forth with you over text. meet me at the hotel in 30.”
rolling my eyes at her message, i dropped my phone in the cup holder.
“i hear you, jae. but, im not going to practice. being in the same room with mark for a few hours, was enough for me.”
shutting the door, i strapped on my seat belt and drove off.
alonna’s pov
after sitting at our spot for awhile, ivy stood up from the bench. 
“i think i’m ready to go now.”
i chuckled and agreed.
“good- cause i have somewhere to be in like 10 minutes.” handing over the keys to ivy, she furrowed her brows.
i placed my hands on my hips and smacked my lips.
“i’m older. you can’t question me. now let’s go! drop me off at the hotel, please.”
i laughed, pushing ivy to the car.
safety, my sister drove to the destination- pulling right in front of the lobby door.
“do you need me to come pick you up later?”
i shook my head.
“i’ll probably stay here.”
ivy playfully rolled her eyes, placing both hands on the wheel.
“you know, you do still have a room at the house. don’t forget that you live there too.”
i was quiet for a second before reaching over and hugging her.
“i know... i love you, ivy. see you later.”
hopping out of the car, i grabbed my purse- running over to the entrance of the lobby.
quickly making my way to the room, i knocked on the door.
johnny swung the door open and i pushed past him, walking straight to the couch.
johnny’s pov
“well hello to you too.” i said sarcastically as she made her way inside.
i shut the door, shoving my hands in my pockets- waiting for her to start the yelling match.
“why would you follow me?” she began.
licking my lips, i thought of the right words to say.
“i like her, alonna. and i needed to make things right, before mark gets too deep in with ivy.” 
alonna folded her arms, lifting an eyebrow.
“that doesn’t give you the right to follow me. you could have just asked me where i was going.”
i chuckled lightly.
“it’s not like you were going to tell me you were meeting up with her. you made it clear that you didn’t want me around her.”
she threw her hands in the air.
“and you didn’t listen.” her voice began to crack.
“if something would've happened to ivy that night, do you know how hard it would've been for her to bounce back from that?” alonna yelled.
“you don’t even know anything about her, but yet- you like her “so much” right?”
i was quiet. clearly, she was right.
letting my gaze fall down to the floor, i bit the inside of my cheek.
“ivy is so fragile, johnny. she needs to be protected at all times. the least you could do, is thank mark for keeping her away from your crazy antics.” 
lifting my head, i held up my hand.
“i’m sorry- thank him? that, i won’t do- ever. so, you can toss that idea out the window right now. i know that i’m better for ivy. period. and if ivy wants me around, she’ll have me around. you’re not the boss of her, alonna. she’s a grown woman. ivy can make her own decisions.”
alonna laughed, placing her hand on her hip.
“and what happens when she picks mark, huh? you gunna beat him up again, for something that ivy wants?”
i couldn’t believe her right now.
“why don’t you just worry about what’s going on between you and taeyong, okay?
huffing, i made my way upstairs.
“excuse me?” she said following behind me. “there’s nothing going on between me and taeyong. i haven’t spoke to him since your stupid party.”
i laughed at her comment, taking off my shoes.
“yeah, okay.”
alonna grabbed my arm, turning me around.
“what did he tell you?” 
i looked down at my arm then back at alonna.
“he didnt tell me anything.” i said pushing away from her.
“why don’t you go ask jae what was said.”
alonna’s facial expression changed. like she was shocked that i even mentioned his name.
“he said something to jae..” she mumbled.
i laid myself on my bed and sighed.
“i’m exhausted, alonna. i just wanna sleep.” pulling back the sheets, i buried myself into the covers.
“whatever.” alonna twisted on her heels then made her way back downstairs and out the door.
mark’s pov
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leaning against the mirror, i watched everyone try and catch their breathe.
i hated dance practice sometimes. it went on for hours and hours.
walking over to the window, i leaned against the coldness of the glass.
the night was dry. no wind, nothing.
it was completely dark and only the street lights lit up the area.
“good work guys. that’s it for the day. make sure to keep practicing and we’ll continue tomorrow.”
our choreographer smiled as he quickly exited the building.
i just kept thinking of ivy. 
what she was doing, and how she was feeling.
“mark hyung..” haechan called out for me. as he approached me, i patted his back.
“does it hurt?” he asked.
i shook my head.
“don’t worry- im okay.” i laughed. 
haechan pointed at my lip and shook his head.
“johnny hyung must have been really mad. please dont fight anymore.” he whispered.
i smiled at his bad english. at least he was trying. besides, this busted lip didn’t even come from johnny. but, he didn’t need to know that.
“haechan, we wont.” i reassured him.
he smiled back and walked away, grabbing himself some water.
i sighed and pulled out my phone as it began to ring.
the number was unknown. i furrowed my brows and hit the answer button.
“hi, stranger.” ivy giggled.
i shut my eyes, smiling at the sound of her voice.
“hey, beautiful.” i whispered back to her.
“what are you doing?”
i could tell there was a smile on her lips.
“just thinking about you.” i replied back in a low tone.
“don’t lie to me.” shes spoke softly into the phone.
“i would never. how are you? did you get some rest?” 
she was quiet for a moment.
“can i come see you?”
her tone changed slightly.
“of course. is everything okay?” i asked.
“i just.. i- yes.”
“dont lie to me.” i repeated her line.
she breathed a laugh.
“come see me at the practice room. i’ll text you the address now.”
ivy’s pov
pulling into the parking lot, i looked up at the building. this looked sketchy. i was almost scared to get out of the car.
grabbing my phone, i called mark for him to meet me outside.
shortly after our phone call, he appeared from behind the door.
i smiled, biting my lip- turning off the ignition and getting out.
“you must have really missed me. that was pretty quick.” mark said in a playful tone.
i rolled my eyes at him comment and hugged him as he stood in front of me.
his arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me into his body.
i held him for a moment, closing my eyes and taking this in.
i still needed to think about all of this. i didn’t want to play with anyone’s emotions and i didn’t want to be played with either.
mark swayed from side to side slowly, burying his face in my neck.
“you smell so good..” he mumbled.
i blushed, tightening my grip around his neck.
“thank you..” i whispered.
as he pulled away slowly, i pouted on the inside.
“everything okay?” he said taking my hands and squeezing them.
i nodded. “yeah.. i just wanted to talk.”
mark smiled and began to pull me towards the building.
“you have perfect timing, you know that?”
i tilted my head.
“and why is that?” i smiled as he continued to walk backwards, once we were inside.
looking at his watch, he chuckled.
“because, i’m overdue for some kisses.” 
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legion1993 · 5 years
Do Not Stand At My Grave And Cry, Just Know That I Love You!
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title: Do Not Stand At My Grave And Cry, Just Know That I Love You!
kink- grinding
Dark- Murder
Heaven & Hell- Silver/Salt/holy Water
Pairing: Jensen x Reader/Dick Grayson x Reader/ back to Jensen(R** H***) x Reader
rating: 14+
word count (if Applicable): 25,167
created for  @spndarkbingo @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo
~in training we find our strengths, weaknesses and let our minds wander. In times of solace we learn what it means to be human.~
 Your name is YN. your street name is Batwoman. Your city is Gotham. Your mentor is the very thing criminals in your city fear, Batman. His sidekick was Robin, but Batman had another sidekick through the years that became your best friend and overall badass patrol partner, Batgirl. 
The robin that was there when you joined up decided a new persona of his own, Nightwing. The Robin who stepped into the light was named Jensen and he would soon become the love of your life. 
2 years later after many nights of crime fighting, going on dates, making out, etc. you and Jensen were out on a nice walk through the Gotham central park, the sun was setting and it was your night.
~in ourselves is an alternate persona, one that comes out with our actions or emotions. In times of anger we find that persona is present more than normal.~
Tonight was the eve of the first snowfall, this happened every year but it was a special night for you and Jensen this was the night 2 years to the day that you guys became an official item. Bruce & Barb had taken the patrol for the evening, you and Jensen went for a stroll. 
Jensen: “YN, lets never stop doing this!”
YN: “what, walking through the cold on the eve of the first snow? Or kicking ass as crime fighters?”
Jensen Laughed holding you closer to keep you warm.
Jensen: “both. Being with you has really opened my eyes to the beauty around me & taught me to believe in all i can be with or without the mask. Thank you for being my everything. Come lets take a seat…”
Jensen brought you to a bench over looking the fountain which was just starting to glow. You take a seat by the fountains glow as Jensen gets down on one knee.
Jensen: “YN, my love, my life, my crime fighting partner dont ever underestimate how deeply i love you. But it is time to take the next step in our relationship… YN, will you do the incredible honor of marrying me?”
Jensen watched your eyes go wide at the sight of a 14k white gold petite twist diamond ring.
YN: “yes… Jensen Yes!”
You both got up and were about to share a passionate kiss but immediately felt a strange presence. You were being watched. 
This was Gotham city after all, the wackos only came out at night and crime was apart of the normality. 
Jensen: “you have made me the happiest man on earth.”
You both  now standing still ready for anything still happy, still enjoying the moment decided to move more into the light away from the fountain. You now did what you knew would be right.
YN (over coms): “batgirl, where are you guys right now?”
Barbara (over coms): “near Wayne Tower. Are you guys alright?”
YN (over coms): “we are being hunted…”
Bruce (over coms): “dont do anything stupid make your way to the edge of the park we will be there in 5.”
The coms cut. You and Jensen linked hands and minded your surroundings as you made your way towards the edge of the park. But at that moment coming from near the water, you guys were unaware of the danger that would soon befall you that night.
~for it is in the darkest of times when we realize that the way we live our lives now, is not how we should live them. Sometimes its better to give into the darkness than to just let it simmer on the surface.~
About halfway from the entrance you guys noticed a shadow lurking behind you. You & Jensen were testing out the new weapons bracelets that Wayne Tech was developing with your help. 
Jensen: “this night wouldnt be complete without someone or something trying to kill us…”
YN: “its totally fine at least it didnt happen during the proposal… now lets kick some ass.”
Jensen: “dont worry love, soon Bruce & Barb will be here and we will all be home before sunrise for some much needed S & R! How do…”
Thats when the same laugh that struck nerves within you so many times before, the same laugh that sent your mind into a nervous frenzy every single damn time. You guys were now interrupted indefinitely & un-be-knownst to both of you this would be the last time both of you would see eachother.
Joker: “look at this Batwoman & Robin now engaged how sweet. Taste my new Joker knockout gas…”
He shot the gas your way but both of you were up in the tree near by before it could even be near you. You threw down a smoke pellet and both of you made a run for the gate but it was too late. You were gassed but you stayed awake long enough to watch Jensen being dragged away. 
YN (before passing out): “Jensen…”
You lost consciousness about 5 seconds not even later.
~your best friend is someone you can always count on, someone who will always be there for you, but if you have more than one best friend there is a chance that one of them could be your soulmate in more ways than one.~
Barb & Bruce arrive on scene they enter the park, its not a ¼ way inside the park Barb was the one to notice you laying on the ground.
Barb: “Batman over here…”
Within seconds they were at your side… 
Bruce: “she is under the influence of Jokers knockout gas we have to get her back to the cave before she wakes up and freaks. Joker must have Jensen, we cannot make a scene. We have to get her out of here.”
Bruce used his remote to call the batmobile closer, he then pick you up and had Barb sit in the front seat before he placed you gently on her lap crossing your form cross both his and Barbs laps. He then sped off towards the cave, upon arrival and parking the batmobile he got out going round to the other side taking you out of Barb’s lap he made sure to bring you to the observation table.
Both Dick and Alfred hooked up IV and started checking your vitals, bandaging any wounds. But it was Barb who noticed the way Dick was staring at you. 
Barb and Bruce went to de-suit while Dick just sat by your side…
Dick: “dont worry YN we will find him, we will bring him home to you. I promise…”
Barb and Bruce came out of the de-suiting chamber, Dick was now making sure you were comfortable and finishing patching up one of your wounds. 
Bruce: “how is she?”
Dick: “she is cold, her body has gone into some sort of shocked state. She is also a bit dehydrated, she needs to gain rest and relaxation. We need to find Joker asap! He needs to pay for what he has done.”
For as much as Bruce agreed with Dick’s statement, he knew that there was a very very high chance that as soon as you woke up you would be going after Joker yourself. 
Barb: “uh guys we may want to rethink any hope of keeping YN out of the hunt for Joker!”
She ran her finger over the ring on your left hand this drew the looks of Bruce and Dick from Barb to the ring on your left hand. 
Bruce: “oh my word.”
Dick: “what do you know Jensen did it!”
Barb: “wait a minute wait wait you all knew about this? Why did i not know?”
Bruce: “cause Jensen wanted it to be a surprise. He came to me about a month ago asking for some money so he could quote get YN the best christmas present ever! I did give him what he asked for at the feeling of what he was gonna do but i know that she is gonna try to leave the cave when she wakes we cannot let her do that. Not after what she has just been through.”
No one was surprised by this but they all went to do their own thing, Bruce started scanning the city for Joker so he would be able to tell you that he was already on it. 
Dick was punching a bag, he was angry and upset he was not sure what would happen. 
Barb however had not left your side, she knew you would need her there when and if you woke soon. 
It was a few moments later that you woke up, you sat straight up screaming, Barbara pulled you into her embrace, this made you calm down alot. barb sat there holding you close for a while before you were only sobbing softly into her shirt.
Barb: “shhh girl hey its okay, take some deep breaths. You can speak when your ready we are not gonna push you to tell us anything right now.”
You laxed more into Barbs embrace you had flashbacks of the events that unfolded just a few hours before.
YN: “Jensen proposed. Joker knocked me out and then his goons dragged Jensen off. That clown is gonna die painfully for taking my fiance. I have to go and sweep the city, i have to find them, i have to save Jensen.”
You attempt to get up to leave but are immediately stopped by hands holding you in place. 
Bruce: “let me deal with that clown. He isn’t going to do anything to Jensen. He isn’t gonna have the chance to do anything else to anyone ever again. I’ll personally see to it that you are the one who gets to play executioner for that clown.”
Now being stuck still in Barb’s arms, you were fine, but being told that you weren’t going on this mission to find your fiance’s kidnapper was at the top of the list of things you were not okay with.
YN: “Bruce i dont just wanna sit here and do nothing. You cant bar me from going on mission. Leave me alone bruce, if i cant go on the mission then Barb take me to the penthouse. I refuse to stay here. Dick please do what you can to keep me informed on the progress.”
Barb helped you off the table, leading you guys to the elevator reaching the top you both exit at your own pace. 
Alfred: “what can i help you ladies with?”
Barb: “can you go to our rooms and grab our backpacks. Please then pull the car around. We aren’t staying here tonight.”
Alfred: “did something happen…”
Barb and you just turned away from the elevator walking towards the entry way.
Barb: “ask Bruce.”
Alfred stayed where he was he figured that if you and Barb had come up that Bruce and Dick might follow. Sure enough a few moments later the elevator opened again to reveal Dick and Bruce coming out of the elevator. Thats when Alfred went to go quickly grab yours and Barbs Backpacks.
Bruce: “girls wait, YN your an essential part of this team. Joker took Jensen to get back at me. To take revenge against batman. I swear i’ll get him back whatever it takes. You have my word.”
Dick chimed in also…
Dick: “dont worry YN we will get him back, nothing is gonna stop us from doing that.”
Barbara: “dont do anything we wouldnt do. Just be careful. Alfred we are ready to go when you are.”
You and Barb waited a few more moments before alfred came fully into view again. He was holding both of your packs as he ushered both of you to the car. Upon exiting the manor the cool night air hit you like nothing. 
All you felt emotionaly was nothing, your emotions were not cooerating. Your physical form was still shaken from the events of earlier. But was comforted by the gentle touch of your best friend you felt that she cared for your wellbeing. 
Barb: “dont worry girl, Jensen is tough he wont let Joker break him not knowing that he has you waiting for him.”
YN: “what if they cant find him in time?”
Barb turned to stand in front of you… 
Barb: “we cant afford to think like that. We have to stay strong. Hey i know we should’ve been celebrating your engagement already but we can still do that. Alfred Gotham Royal hotel please.”
Your mind only worked as well can could be expected after the nights traumatic events. Upon reaching the car Alfred held the door open as you slid in beside barb. Alfred handing you both your backpacks. 
He then went to start the car and begin the drive. He turned back to slightly look at you and Barb, your blank expression staring out the window, your thoughts swimming, your fear swirling, your tear ducts ready to spill, your body quivering. 
Apart from the fact that you were traumatized to every single extent, your only comfort was in the fact that Barb’s hand hadn’t left yours. You turned your attention to her and immediately was overwhelmed by the feeling of her overwhelming care for your wellbeing. 
Barb: “hey are you okay?”
You shook your head, your tear ducts now flowing freely, the street light reflecting the tears in your eyes. Barb only saw the sorrow in your eyes. You scooted closer to Barb and leaned your head on her shoulder. Your head nestled into the crook of her neck, your feeling of sorrow desimated a bit. 
You began feeling a bit better, a bit better than you had for hours. Within a few moments later of that you guys felt the car stop. 
Alfred: “alright ladies before we get out of the car will you be needing a ride home tonight.?”
Barb: “not tonight, possibly not for a while Alfred. But we will keep you informed.”
Alfred: “Lady YN may i ask how you are doing?”
YN: “im worried Alfred, i havent been away from Jensen this long before. Alfred, i have a bad feeling about this.”
Alfred: “not to worry, I’m sure once Master Bruce and Master Dick have found even the slightest trace of Joker they will do the right thing and inform you both immediately.”
You both watched as Alfred got out of the car and come round to the door on the passenger side and opened it letting both you and Barb out. Carrying your backpacks you both strolled away from the car. 
YN: “thanks Alfred.”
With a smile Alfred gets back in the car and drives away. You both walked into the hotel and were stopped by a concierge.
Concierge: “can i help you ladies?”
YN: “we are the ladies of the owner of this hotel. Call him and ask but we are headed to the penthouse.”
The concierge immediately had his head in a bowing kind of embarrassed look.
Concierge: “i’m so sorry ladies, Mister Wayne didnt inform me that people would be coming.”
Barb: “its quite alright now can you send up some of your finest jello shots, 2x 2L of pepsi and a platter of pigs in a blanket, as well as a bottle of tequila and a few fluffy housecoats with some nice blue shades of nail polish. Please.”
Concierge: “of course miss, i’ll send your order in straight away. If you ladies need anything else please do not hesitate to ask.”
Barb nodded her head in gratitude as you both walked away towards the elevator, the entire way up your head was on Barb’s shoulder, coming out of the elevator you both made you way to the couch where you set your bags down.
Barb’s eyes never left your form as you proceeded to strip off your shirt and walk out onto the balcony, she didnt question it either for she knew you were still shaken over the events of the evening. 
YN (in a whisper carried off by the wind): “Jay i hope your okay.”
Meanwhile Joker was hiding in what he percieved to be plainish sight, he had taken up hiding in an abandoned warehouse just on the outskirts of Diamond District Gotham. 
Joker: “okay pumpkin lets clear something up…” 
He said smiling darkly as he approached Jensen with a crowbar.
Joker: “whats wrong.?. nothing to say?.?”
Jensen immediately spat in Jokers face before speaking once more.
Jensen: “do your worst clown, but when they find me and yes they will find me, you are gonna wish you were dead… the pain and torture you put me through tonight is nothing compared to what ive endured in the past.”
Joker: “i see i’m gonna have to teach you some manners. Now tell me what hurts more when i hit you with this crowbar.” 
Jensen’s only thoughts were of you, were of what he assumed may be your last moments together. He was okay dying if it meant he would not have anything to regret. Joker began to hit Jensen with the crowbar swinging it left, right, up, down, there was blood and pain to be seen and felt. 
This went on for several days.  Bruce & Dick finally one night got an annonymous tip from the league of shadows that Joker was spotted around the warehouses on the out skirts of Diamond District. 
Bruce was on the road and out the door faster than Dick who decided to patch through coms to both you and barb so you both could be filled in. but one other person showed up in the hotel room but a few moments before. 
That went something like this:
Talia: “YN, Barbara…”
Barb was the only one to get off of the couch at that moment, you stayed where you were. You had nothing going for you. You and Barb had just been sitting there relaxing. You hadnt even thought about anything else not even the incident in the past few days. 
Barbara: “what do you want Talia?”
Talia: “take it down a notch Barbara, im here as a personal favor to YN. i heard what happened im just making sure she is okay.”
Barbara looked from you to Talia and back to you.
Barbara: “am i missing something? Besides Bruce how do you guys know eachother?”
You were the one to answer that question… 
YN: "I met Talia years ago in Europe. She is the one that helped me recover after my first run in with Joker. That's why I went to Europe was to get out of the city for a while. I couldn't bring myself to do anything in Gotham so I ended up going on a European tour of my ancestral grounds. I also went to Romania and toured transylvania. Draculas castle was certainly one of the most beautiful places I had seen on my European experience. Though they said that the site where Dracula had supposedly been buried was reported to no longer be in transylvania. But somewhere unknown. Whoever were to find it would be named the soul owner of his castle. For me that was a quest of a lifetime but before I could make it too far back through the French Swiss side I was on the border of Nanda Parbat when Talia and her guard found me they stopped me at the border..."
Talia cleared her throat and proceeded to speak from where you left off.
Talia: “when i found her entering Nanda Parbat i brought her to my garrison on the eastern side of the Leagues base. When i knew it was time and i had gotten some information out of her i brought her to stand before my father. This was before he betrayed me… this was before Nyssa my sister filled his head with lies, blaming me for a betrayal against the demons head that she orchestrated in her own right. She knows im seen as fathers strongest warrior, she wants to rule the league after my father decides he wants to surrender the throne. But enough of that i heard about the engagement YN congratulations.”
The engagement, the ring that was on your finger, the ring that meant so much to you in those first few moments of having it on, that day still silent in the back of you mind. That day that you dreaded so much was the day that your happiness seemed to have been taken away from you.
YN: “thank you for the congratulations but i dont feel much like celebrating…”
Talia: “i know thats the other reason why im here, by now my guard would have tipped off the Bat. you need to know that he will probably already be on his way to the location. My guard has spotted the clown with your robin. You need not give up just yet, you would be surprised at how fast the detective can move when the ones he cares deeply about are in peril.!.”
YN: “i just hope Jensen is okay… please tell me your guard found out how he is?”
Talia: “he is hurt very badly. The clown has not been kind on him. My guard heard screams however small yet muffled they were.”
Barb was skeptical but yet was very concerned for her best friend as it turned out had not been as honest about everything concerning her trip as she had thought…
Barb: “so why come to us directly… what do you want out of this?”
Talia: “ive spent a better part over the last few years silently training with YN without the knowledge of the dark knight. YN i know that you upset, i know your not in a good place right now but i want you to know how deeply proud of you i am for how  well you have done by handling yourself with these recent events. If things go badly ill take you away on a elite guard retreat, where i will help you grieve in every way possible. Now kneel with me “Siru Alnnari” till we recieve news of how Jensen is recovered.”
You got off the couch and knelt in the shorts and sports bra you had on beneath the house coat. This made you more aware of your surroundings than you had been prior to Talia’s arrival as you honed your senses further. Barb now was texting with Dick. she was updating him on you and how your healing process was going.
Dick decided then to call Barb… he knew she would not mind hearing from him. Their conversation went something like this:
Dick: “hey Barb, look i know we didnt leave off on the best terms. But i want you to know i wasnt choosing sides it was cause of my genuine care for you and YN that i do  wanna say that the mansion is not the same without you beautiful ladies! Speaking of YN how is she?”
Barb had to breathe for a moment before giving her answer.
Barb: “not good, Dick did you know that YN has been secretly training with Talia?”
Dick had to step out of the room, he had been sitting in the cave with Bruce, Dick had to leave the area before giving his answer so Bruce would not find out.
Dick: “yes i know about that. I promised to keep it from everyone especially Bruce.”
Barb: “Talia & Yn are meditating, i havent seen YN relax a lick since that dreaded day a week ago. But now she is in some sort of relaxation state. Dick i am worried about her, she also hasnt eaten very much since being here.”
Dick had to breathe now having heard that now having heard how you were, what you were doing. He now thought about his time with the league, when he had been there with Bruce, how he had become apart of the league through that, through being Bruce’s ward. 
Dick: “i guess if anyone else should know about this its you but YN isnt the only one whose been training secretly with Talia… Bruce had his training years before i came into his life, i went with him once to do some more training and so he could retake his league oath. When they met me they made me one of them too. Talia has been training with me as much as she has YN. but hey dont worry so much about this, YN is a tough one she will be fine. But how bout you, how are you doing with all this?”
Barb had to answer very very carefully she felt herself beginning to break. She knew what would happen if she said too much of what her brain was trying to comprehend.
Barb: “honestly i am about as alright as can be with everything thats going on. Hows Bruce doing with his retrieval?”
Dick: “he is just coming up to the location… stand by for further updates. And Barb we both are really sorry for how we acted…”
Barb could only smile on her end of the conversation as she now through the rest of the conversation that she and Dick were having, was hearing the league chanting that you and Talia were giving off. She felt a wave of peace wash over her as if she were being drawn into your state of mind. 
Over the next little while Barb watched as you and Talia continued to meditate… Dick was communicating with Bruce about his skulking around, scoping out the warehouse. But then thats when the conversation that would soon end your hopes of getting to formally announce your engagement to Jensen… 
Bruce: “Dick patch me through to the girls they will want to listen as i go in for extraction.”
Dick: “i dont know if thats a good idea, when i spoke to Barb she said that YN has barely eaten and if this doesnt end well, she thinks YN might not come back to the mansion for a while. You know as well as i that worry is part of this line of work. I know we have been a family since we all joined up with you and none of us regret doing that. We regret nothing, but YN is the glue that keeps our broken family together and i dont think we want to loose that…. So be gentle when you speak… she is still a little frazzled according to Barb.”
Bruce: “dont worry about me i can handle anything that those 2 can throw at me…”
Bruce waited patiently on his perch to be connected to Barb.. 
Barb: “Bruce…”
Bruce: “i wanted to let you know that no one blames you for what has happened. I want you to know that i am doing everything in my ability to bring Jensen Home but I wanted someone over there to be able to know how the progress is going… "
Barb: "Bruce we shouldn't have left how we did… It was wrong of us to leave in the first place.. But I wouldn't have let her leave on her own. I had to go with her… No matter how things go I'm sure we will all have a normal ish Christmas at the manor. Like we do every year."
Bruce had gone silent, for now he was placing a sound device good for listening closer to enclosed buildings on the path hidden but still close enough to hear what was going on inside. 
Meanwhile this is what he heard… 
Along with more blood curling screams, he heard the following being spoken.. 
Joker: "okay Daddy’s gotta go, be a good boy, do all your homework, dont stay up late and hey please tell the big man i say Hello!”
Joker walked out of the door laughing his way down the path. Jensen wiggled himself upright making it to the locked door, but the pain was too much his ribs were beyond broken. Thats when Jensen looked to the left of the door and saw the beginning of a line of bombs. The place was rigged to explode.
He sent his last thoughts out to you, not wondering if you would ever marry anyone else, not more wondering if he would ever live long enough to marry you himself, his last muffled words were, “I Love You, YN.”
The building exploded 5 seconds later, Batman was caught in a cloud of dust & debris. Batman a while later crawled out of the debris & went onto coms…
~when we think we are immune to the bad and the ugly, that's when they usually find us… Trouble waits till we are vulnerable before it strikes. In any situation we don't want to panic for that won't help anyone.~
Barb: “Bruce i heard an explosion what happened?”
Bruce had to compose himself before answering… 
Bruce: "Barb, I'm sorry that explosion was the building that Jensen was in… He didn't make it… I just found his… What the hell… Patch me through to Talia her father's up to no good again." 
Barb did her thing and patched Bruce through to Talia, who was not surprised to hear from Bruce. 
Talia: "detective." 
Bruce: "Talia what would your father want with Jensen's body?" 
Talias sudden gasp, brought you out of stasis.. 
Talia: "my father wants to use the Lazarus pit to bring him back…. Get close to the guards if possible and let me talk to them…" 
Bruce goes up to the guards, he rerouted his come to his gauntlet to allow communication between Talia and the guards. 
Talia: "this is Talia daughter of the demons head which guards are you?" 
One of the guards now spoke… 
Guard: "Carter and guards 456 and 747… we are here behalf of your father mi'lady… He wants the body of this young man…" 
Talia: “why does he want the body of this particular young man?”
Carter: “cause.. He wants to use the pits to bring him back to train a male assassin whose been trained by the dark knight…”
This made Bruce’s rage level amidst his grief steam up inside him… he then had an anger burst that made you jump through hearing it on Talia’s end…
Talia: “Batman… enough she can hear us… she can hear this conversation.. Please calm down detective…”
Bruce was shocked… for he had not seen you or barb since you both left the mansion… now he feared what this news, this bomb that he had just dropped on you… thats when he stepped back from the guards.
Bruce: “thank you talia… is there anything else you would like to say to these guards.”
Talia breathed as her eyes flitted quickly to your every wavering form, now breaking into a thousand pieces.
Talia: “Carter you and the other guards shall not take the body of this man till after the funeral and the proper goodbye for we shall not deprive a fellow league member the chance to say good bye to the love of her life. Now leave the body alone and return to whereever you are staying till you guys get the body… now we need to have the detective do his thing… alerting the police dept annonymously and do what he needs to… ill contact you guys when you can come and do what you will to swap the body with an identical look alike...”
Carter: “yes Mi’lady… detective dont forget to do what you have to very quickly… for us to be able to appease the anger from the demons head… you know how bad his rage can get…”
As fast as the guards had appeared they were gone. Now as far as you were concerned the worst had happened… you were now going into a catatonic state… luckily for you, your savior was now appearing on the balcony in the form of Nightwing.
Barb let him in and you broke… you were now fully broken.. Now Talia was off the coms with Bruce.. Bruce had called an annonymous tip to GCPD about the explosion and Jensen’s body.  There was a moment of brief relief that fell upon you when Dick pulled back from you and handed you a letter written in Jensen’s hand writing with your name on the envelope.
Dick: “i was to give this to you if ever upon this situation… by that of jensen’s death… YN you dont have to read it now but you can read it when your ready…”
Barb: “girl we are all here for you… to support you.. This is a difficult time and right now you need all the support you can get…”
Talia: “if sometime in the near future you feel like you cant feel anything anymore than you need league help… the detective knows those signs… as should you Dick...you were the one that wanted to train with me as much as you felt necessary… besides when you got your name from my father it was a proud moment in the detectives eyes i didnt know how close the wards of Bruce Wayne actually were… Bruce i’m sure didnt want this to happen any more than the rest of us… he is just as devistated about loosing Jensen as we are…”
~it is our friends and the ones that feel like family that help us through the toughest of times, our hearts are fragile but if it breaks someone close to you will help pick up all the pieces… it might be the one person in your life who comes along to pick up the broken pieces the one to pick up the pieces will be the one person whose been there when you havent realized how they truly felt.~
Talia had gone out of the room into the other room with Barb.. this left you alone in the embrace of Dick… you were not sure how to express how you were feeling… Dick wasnt pressuring you to speak, he knew what you were going through he had just lost a friend… you lost a fiance… Dick didnt know what Jensen had put in the envelope but he knew what Jensen had asked hi when he was doing his will...
Talia: “as for YN with some training & definate familiarity if my father brought Jensen Back he could be the same Jensen eventually. But chances are he will want revenge for all that’s happened by the clown’s hand… now onto more pressing issues, Lady YN needs to go away from Gotham immediately following the funeral or else the trauma could land her a one way express trip to Arkham.”
Barb: “i know and thats what im afraid of… but i dont know what else i can do to help her coop…”
Bruce walked up to them off the balcony at that moment…
Bruce: “well i wanna know why Joker would take Jensen and not YN… it doesnt make any sense…”
Barb could only step back towards the wall and lean against it…
Barb: “Cause Joker knew their identities… there was one night when my dad wanted to hae dinner with me, Jensen and YN went out on patrol.. Bruce you were at an event of some kind and Dick was doing whatever he does when he isnt patrolling or what not… anyway Jensen and YN still went out on patrol knowing that Arkham had a new escapee… Joker got out… Jensen & YN had found a silent spot to make out, they had a small session, after so Jensen & YN were re-adjusting their masks when Joker came out of the shadows and jumped them… Joker told them that one day they would both pay in an unlikely way for all the pain and turmoil he had been put through…  when i heard about the events they went through with Joker finding out who they actually were, i knew he would keep good with his threats… i had Arkham staff made annonymously aware of joker’s “civilian threats”.. Till now i have been unsure if Joker would remember, but he did and now my best friend is paying the price for it…”
Talia placed a caring hand on Barb’s shoulder, then taking it upon herself to remember about her and Bruce… she then turned to Bruce walking out of that room and into another awaiting the word from you on whether or not you were gonna read the letter or whatever was inside the envelope you got from Dick who got it from Jensen.
~its times like these where people take charge of their lives, under the guidence and support of their friends and family…~
You were laying across Dicks lap, you were still in grieving… when Talia, Barb and Bruce re entered the room you had stopped crying and Dick was petting your hair… you ran your fingers over the envelope…  the lettering, tracing each one with your finger. 
Dick: “i know you are probably not ready for whats in that envelope but you should open it sooner rather than later.”
You nod your head, but feel the warmth coming off of Dick, Barb, Talia, Bruce you felt more at home than you had before…
YN: "I'm sorry for putting you through all this worry… I just wanted this vision of a happy life amidst the long nights of crime fighting to be real… Jensen wanted it to be real… I can't believe joker killed him… if we find joker I'm gonna kill him for this… League rules a life for a life… I can't let this go unpunished… But Talia I don't want to know anything more about what your father's guards want with Jensen's body can you make me forget that forget that I heard that plan… I Can't know about it… I don't want to know about it…"
~sometimes life hands you something that you dont want to know about… so your brain wants to forget it but everytime you try to forget it, it comes back and never leaves… what we try to forget is never really forgotten, its just temporarily misplaced... ~
Talia came up to you and placed her hand on your forehead and basically blurred out that memory… Made every word of the rest of that conversation between Talia and Bruce none exist ant in your mind. Made it so the blur ended when you were caught in Dicks embrace… 
Everyone around you minus Dick and yourself dipped into the whiskey and the scotch… you finally kinda sat up and flipped over the envelope… Dick was still kinda holding onto you for support as everyone else gathered around for what they assumed to be the reading of whatever was inside the envelope… 
Bruce: “look i can’t make it so this didnt happen… YN i know i said i was gonna bring Jensen home but sadly not every hero makes it home… believe me there have been a few times where i was almost one of those… but i hope in due time you can forgive me…”
You got up off the floor within seconds if that of Bruce finishing that sentance, something inside you came out like a crouching tiger, you lunged at Bruce the letter fallen to the floor. Dick Barb and Talia backed up… Dick went into the other room to de suit and get into something a little less nightwing and a little more Dick Grayson… 
You continued to fight with Bruce… your anger in all that meditation had come to the surface… you were attacking the man who had been there for you since you came out of the league and back into Bruce’s life… 
Bruce (out of breath): “YN please stop this you need to fight your emotions… you have to calm down…”
Talia at that moment came behind you and flipped you to the ground…
Talia: “Siru Alnnari listen to me… Its not Bruce’s fault nor your own that Jensen’s dead… its the fault of the clown who calls himself the Clown Prince Of Gotham City… listen to me now Siru Alnnari, you have to settle down… Dick is gonna take you to a different area of the penthouse but you have to read to us the letter first…”
YN: “talia i swear i dont want to hurt you and i believe you but i dont want to open that letter and read it for it will make the reality of the entire situation all too real… Talia im just a big ol chicken… i fear i may ne’r wear the suit again…”
Thats when Talia got off of you, thats when Barb came over to you and helped you off the ground… you then looked at Bruce, whose look was one of sorrow and pain, mostly from realizing that you have a strong right hook.
Bruce: “get into these arms YN, you need to grieve… we can worry bout that letter in a while…”
You went into Bruce’s caring embrace… his embrace tender and loving as ever. Your mind went into immediate remorse and sorrow… 
You had attacked the man who had trained you, taken you in after your parents had been murdered (clayface went away for that again)... Bruce had known what you had been going through… he knew what you had to become so he trained you to be apart of his team… 
Bruce: “its okay YN, its okay… we will always be here for you… dont worry about the letter right now, we can find out its contents in the morning…”
Thats when Bruce pulled back to wipe away the tears… you were then not in control of your own tears… 
Bruce: “we should all sleep… its been a long day… Dick can you take YN upstairs and stay there… Barb wanna sleep down here on your favorite sofa bed… Talia if you want you can stay with me in my quarters..”
Barb went to the sofa and made her bed after giving you a hug… Talia and Bruce walked into the far master suite and shut the door behind them… you and Dick went upstairs to the upper room… 
Dick: “i know this wont make up for it but i hope you can find your happiness again… no matter what this letter says… i know your scared but i am seriously worried about you… Barb is worried as hell.. She was texting me updates about you how you were doing and she honestly sounded scared… i know you are still in mourning but right now its gonna be easiest to sleep if you have me right here with you… okay so if your okay with it we can cuddle up on the bed and eventually we will both pass out…”
You nod already sitting on the bed… mean sure you were exhausted but you were not sure what would happen when and or if you were to close your eyes…
~alone is good sometimes, but not when you are in mourning… if your in grieving or mourning being alone is far from the best thing you should do… its not gonna help you heal as good as being with the ones that love you…~
Dick removed his sweater and his shoes and socks making his way onto the bed… he waited for you to do the same thing… when he saw you shaking he decided to help you… he came round and helped you remove your socks, and your housecoat… 
You placed your phone and the letter on the nightstand, you then fluffed the pillow that would be somewhat beneath your head and laid back… Dick’s arms pulled you against his chest… turned out you wouldnt need the pillow at all… 
After Dick closed his lamp and pulled the covers up suddenly you felt okay… you felt comfort, you felt warmth… you felt calm.. A peace swept over you making you drift off into a calm peaceful sleep…
Dick soon followed but first he made sure that he had you in his full embrace, made sure you were nice and safe and happily snoring… the next morning you woke to your phone ringing… you turned over and answered it trying to sound as awake as possible…
YN: “hello.”
James: “YN, its Jim, Barbara’s father… i hope i didnt wake you…”
YN: “no not at all… what can i do for you?”
Jim: “my men and i were alerted by a mutual friend last night to a warehouse that had exploded… we found a body… im sory YN but Jensen was in that warehouse…”
You felt Dick’s arm tighten around you and both of you went through the rest of the call… but you were shocked once more you forgot how to use words… Dick took the phone and began to speak to Gordon…
Dick: “commissioner its Dick Grayson… i was tasked by Bruce to stay with her till we heard anything about Jensen’s disappearance… it seems YN has gone into a state of shock… i have no idea what to say except thank you for letting us know about this…”
Jim: “mr Grayson i hope you realize this is a very delicate situation… i know this puts a strain on things but could i trouble a moment to speak with Bruce if he is near by…”
Dick: “hold on let me get him…”
Dick pulled the phone away from his ear he went down the stairs and knocked on the door to the master suite…
Dick: “Bruce its gordon he wants to talk to you…”
Dick heard Bruce’s footsteps from where he stood… Bruce emerged from the bedroom to meet Dick to grab the phone and follow him back upstairs…
Bruce: “hey jim what can i do for you?”
Jim: “bruce i wanted you to hear this too but my men and i got a tip from our mutual friend who alerted us to a warehouse explosion, not only was the warehouse one that belonged to Wayne Tech but one of your wards Jensen was inside… his body was discovered amidst the rubble… i fear that my telling this to YN may have shocked her, i apologize for disrupting your mornings… but i had to make this call personally… again my deepest condolances…”
Bruce: “thank you Jim… as soon as we know when the funeral is we would be delighted to have you there… i know it would mean the world to Barb and YN…”
Jim: “thank you Bruce… ill be in touch with an autopsy…”
The call ended, bruce handed the phone back to Dick who placed it on the nightstand and went back to comforting you… 
Bruce then went back downstairs… he then called his secretary and had her draw up a damage report and send out clean up and retrieval crews to the scene of the explosion to see if any of the warehouse contents could be salvaged… 
Dick: “might be a good idea to take a shower relax and untense… you might want to loosen up…”
YN: “im not sure i could relax right now its not been a easy few weeks…”
Dick: “why dont you put on a swim suit or at least a bikini and go sit in the jacuzzi thats in the room up here and ill come in and massage your shoulders to help with the relaxation…”
You shrug slightly intrigued at the idea… you get up and go to the dresser and pull out your bikini… Dick watches as you grab it slunking towards the changing cover while Dick goes to start the jacuzzi get it all warmed up and bubbly… throwing in your favorite scent of Vanilla.. 
Dick finished in there and came out to find you sitting on the bed in your bikini… it was a sight he had not seen in a while… 
Dick: “its ready when you are… how are you feeling right now?”
YN: “honestly i dont know… i havent felt anything like this since my parents but honestly if i didnt have people in my life who truly cared for me i would have probably wound up in arkham years ago…”
Dick: “well technically you probably wouldnt have wound up in Arkham, probably in Jail for sure but not straight in the loony bin… thats a little harsh dont you think…”
YN: “its the truth… im gonna go get into the jacuzzi… you might want to consider getting into something that you wouldnt mind if it got wet…”
Dick only laughed as he watched you walk towards the jacuzzi… he then got into a pair of his trunks that he too kept in that room… and got into those… he stretched and made sure to have his muscles flexed and ready to help de tense and un stress you…
YN: "this feels so nice…" 
Those words caught dicks ears as he finished getting stretched out making sure he was gonna be able to help you in the best way possible… 
Dick entered the bathroom, he came up and sat right behind you, his knees were at your head and his feet on either side of you… Your body felt like a twisted pretzel… It was only then that your body felt relaxation the same relaxation it had felt like years since this type of relaxation had been upon you… 
Dick: “you only need say anything if something is tender like worse than having your shoulder dislocated tender… just feel the tension and stress leave your body…”
You felt his hands work their way into your shoulders the tension strong and over bearing… your only comfort was knowing that all you had to do was relax and push all the stress and tension from your mind as well as your body.
YN: “thank you!”
You let out in a slurr of small sighs leaving your lips. Thats when Barb knocked on the bathroom frame making you and Dick turn to face her…
Barb: “sorry am i interrupting?”
YN: “not at all B! In fact im glad your here… im so sorry for worrying you girl! I didnt mean to go as therapists would say catatonic on you… i was just fearful, i was scared…”
Barb comes over to you and leans over the side of the Jacuzzi just to hug you… you broke once more for the first time in a few moments. Barb didnt care that you were sitting in a jacuzzi she knew that you were in a rough time right then… 
Barb: “you have nothing to apologize for… i know you are going through a rough patch… you need to find a way to heal…”
When your ears heard that a feeling hit you, it was right in front of you the entire time… Or rather right beside you… Dick was the one who originally knew about what happened to you with the league, Bruce hadn't know till recently neither Barb nor anyone… Dick had been the one you trusted with that part of you… 
YN: "do not worry I think whatever is inside of the letter from Jensen is gonna be helpful in helping me move on…" 
You hoped that No one caught on to your meaning…  Dicks foot was grazing your side… His hands were still on your upper back/shoulders…
~for many of us our friends are our balance. If we dont keep an open mind we might never see the bigger picture~
Dick: "Barb was there another reason why you interrupted my de-stressing of our best friend?" 
Barb: "Bruce says he has a tattoo buddy who is available if any of us want tattoos of any kind.. I came up here to ask if you guys wanted any?" 
Dick and you looked at eachother, you smiled slightly knowing that you possibly now had a way to heal… 
YN: "put me down for one…I'll get the league symbol on my arm!" 
Dick smiled he was slightly new to the whole let your feelings show thing… 
Dick: "I'll get the same thing, Talia did say when I was inducted to get one as soon as possible so I could come and…"
YN: “come and go through the border whenever not needing to wait for the escort to arrive… ya she told me the same thing… she told me to get it on my bicep as my league outfit is a one shoulder so have it on the exposed shoulder.”
Barb was shocked, but she now knew why you started wearing one shoulders so it was exposed only on one side… Dick found that description that you gave very alluring! 
Dick: "Barb can I finish relaxing our best friend now?" 
Barb: "of course I'll yell when the tattoo artist gets here…"
You ran instantly into the back side corner of your mind… You knew Dicks hands hadn't left your body, you knew dicks feet had been making circles into your thighs beneath the bubbles. But there are many things that life will throw your way before we realize that what we need is sometimes right in front of or beside us… 
YN: "I heard that small sigh leave your lips a few moments ago… Is everything alright?" 
Dick had you reposition back to how you were… 
Dick: "I've been fooling myself this entire time… Before you and Jensen got together I wasn't sure what I was feeling… But now seeing you sad and heart broken I know what I have felt this entire time…" 
You were sure that you knew what he meant but then he moved from directly behind you and went round the other side of the jacuzzi to get into the jacuzzi…
Dick: "I got an email yesterday just after the warehouse exploded… ItIt was from Jensen he sent me my part of the will, or he had it sent by someone else in the event of his death… TheThe email said that he wants me to take his place in your life in the event of his death… I have been in love with you from the first moment I met you… I love you YN!"
Your hand felt his beneath the water entangling fingers was one thing but the emotion you had been feeling coming off of him made you realize you did have a bit less control right then… Dicks hands pulled you close to his body, so you were straddling him… his hands on your hips, your body didnt tremble for you knew now that it was Jensen’s wish that you and Dick be together…
YN: “im gonna grind you, kiss me like you keep licking your lips seductively to do please dont be afraid to do so…”
Dick at that moment kissed you, the movement in your hips made him and you moan into the kiss, deeper into the kiss you guys went the more your hips grinded against his cock, that you could feel was getting harder beneath you… 
Dick: “keep grinding me like this and ill be cumming sooner rather than later… now keep going baby… lets make the water shake…”
You continued to grind, you had orgasmed several times now… your only thought was the fact that you were basically having clothed grind with the man who now was to be your lover by request of your dead fiance… 
The water went everywhere it was like waves on a shore, but more confined and alot more sexy… You and Dick were so close to finishing that session… But you still had to orgasm for the final time… 
YN: "I'm gonna cum, Dick I'm gonna cum…"
Dick: "do it baby do it and let the stress leave your body…" 
You grind your new love a while longer before your release is brought… Sweet bliss came over you, left you breathless… You kissed Dick once more before speaking again… 
YN: "I can't remember the last time I felt this calm… Or happy… I Never thought that I would be happy again…" 
Dick: "I love you YN. Now what you say we get out of here get into something comfy go downstairs and read that letter, you don't have to go through this alone anymore…" 
You kissed him again before getting out of the tub.. You then looked at the floor round the tub… 
Dick: "what's that look for?" 
YN:  "we may need to clean up the floor… It looks like we tried to flood the place…" 
Dick now stands up and looks around… He brings himself out of the jacuzzi first laying down a few towels so you guys can get out without falling.. Then he returns to the side of the jacuzzi extending his hand to help you out of the tub. 
YN:   "can you pass me my towel?"
Dick grabs your towel off the counter and wraps it round your shoulders. Then both of you walk out of the bathroom, you went to your clothing pile and picked out something comfortable a pair of pj shorts and a top with a built in bra. You take your clothing to the change cover and begin getting changed leaving the rest of the space for dick to use… 
Dick:  "I know you aren't looking forward to reading the letter, but part of being a hero is being able to withstand the harshest of pain. Over time it will get better, it will become easier… And I hope one day we can be happy together…" 
YN: "I'm so sorry for not telling you how I felt after Nanda Parbat… I Didn't want to hide my feelings but I never thought I would loose my hope of love… i somehow always knew that you would be right there if i ever lost my hope of love.”
You got right into your shorts and spun round to put on your tank top but felt a set of eyes on your back… you knew who it was but lets say you were very heated still from the make out grind in the jacuzzi. 
You came out of the change cover to find dick in his sweats and no shirt… he was facing the bed… you went up behind him and slowly wrapped your arms around him from behind… you felt him sigh, his muscles tensed beneath your touch… it was a few moments later when your feelings started to show…
Your fingers were tracing his abs, he turned around and embraced you equally… Both of you found grieving in each other's arms rather comforting… 
Yn: "we should probably go downstairs to read the letter to everyone. For the first time in these last few weeks I finally feel like I'm starting to heal.." 
Dick smiled as he kissed your forehead, he had a muscle shirt and the letter then he held now your hand as well to make facing people easier…  as you both walked down the stairs, all eyes were on you… 
Dick: “attention everyone… i know what this looks like and yes it is what it looks like Jensen had someone else send me an email from his account in the event of his death… the email stated that i was to take his place in YN’s heart, life and give her the love she deserves… he said that no matter what i did, he wants her happiness to come first.. So we did have a bit of fun in the jacuzzi.. We made out and basically left more water outside the jacuzzi than not… thank god for the heated floors. The water will be evaporated in a while… now if everyone wants to take a seat, YN will open and read the letter…”
You walked with Dick to the bean bag chair that was facing everyone… the eyes around the room made your tear ducts start to fill… but you opened the small seal and pulled the letter out of the envelope… 
YN (reading the letter): “my dearest YN, i know this is not how wills are done but i didnt want to go through the proper channels and risk you being locked out of everything… i had a lawyer put all my accounts in your name… you have had my heart as i have had yours, everything i have is yours… Dick you take care of my girl… i hope you will make her as happy as i have… Barb, i leave you all my old tech its in a box in my closet, i know you will use it to better the tech usage in our little family. Bruce thank you for everything you did for me, taking me in, helping me cope with my circumstances… if it wasnt for you i would not be here… to my dearest angel, dont be sad, i know that you are gonna do great things and i am so sorry for leaving you alone in this world… but i know you will find your strength again… it saddens me to write this here but i have a bad feeling about this, why did Joker not tell anyone about me and YN… he knew our identities, he knew who we were… but yet he choose not to tell anyone… anyway… Bruce i know you will find another amazing robin who too will do you proud, Dick take care of my angel, make sure her happiness comes first. Barb you take care of yourself and dont let my angel do anything stupid… all my love Jensen!”
The tears fell freely they soaked the paper, Dicks arms around you tightened… he knew what you were feeling after reading that… he knew that wasnt gonna be easy for you to do in the first place but having you do that right then he knew you were not happy…
~the life we lead is the life we sometimes dont choose how to live it, but instead it chooses for us~
Barb: “woohoo i get more stuff… yay more upgrades for everyone…”
Bruce: “i dont know what to say…”
Dick: “its okay love… its okay… your gonna heal… your gonna be okay…”
Thats when talia pipped up… she had been so quiet, everyone minus Bruce hadnt noticed that she was still there…
Talia: “now that we have established this… Dick and YN as members of the League we require that all couples in the league new or not have to appear before my father and he will bestow blessing and then you both have to basically consummate your union in some form or another while the league fights in a combat circle round you… also to divorce within the league is punishable by death… but getting your league tattoos today will be a good show of faith when you appear before my father…”
You looked at Dick and knew what he was gonna say but you didnt want to say anything you were still in shock…
Dick: “Talia i dont think now is the best time for this talk… look when we are ready for that we will do that but right now we need to get used to this new life that we now shall lead… now i believe that we need to comfort YN… how do we figure a way to do that?”
Barb: “theres still tequila.. How bout a round of shots?”
Thats when your computer went off the skype thing was sounding, you got up and went to see who was calling… it was the r&d department… you wiped your tears away and answered the call… 
YN: “sean whats up?”
Sean: “YN sorry to bother you i hope im not interrupting anything important…”
YN: “no not at all… what can i do for you?”
Sean: “there is an issue with the development of project 53277… the construction of the project was haulted the workers have gone on strike…”
You looked out from behind the computer and waved Bruce over…
Bruce: “sean i heard what you told YN who told the workers to go on strike?”
Sean: “i dont know sir, but i can tell you that we are working as fast as we can to figure out who gave the order and why… as soon as we do i will tell you both immediately… but i figured i would let you both know what was happening… i have also told the arkham staff to contact you regarding the construction… they should be contacting you any time now… im sorry to disrupt both your days…”
Bruce: “no trouble at all thank you for informing us… call us if anything else happens or if we need to come down…”
Sean: “will do Mr. Wayne… YN hope you feel better soon…”
You nod and end the call…
YN: “you might want to call arkham or shall we just go down and talk to sharp ourselves…”
Bruce: “we will go down after you and Dick get your tattoos… it might be a good idea to get you out for a while… focus on your other work… my artist buddy will be here soon…  he is the one who has done many favors for me and he is also one of the best legal tattoo artists in town… at the expos he is always the one giving charity tats…”
Thats when the elevator opened to a voice…
Frank: “thats because you dont really give me a choice… you always flash your dashing smile and always i say yes… cause i know you about as well as you know me it seems…”
Bruce went to give Frank a firm handshake and a bro hug… you feel Dick’s hands come to rest on your shoulders… you reach over and take hold of one of his hands… your heart beating so quickly…
Bruce: “Frank its been too long… set up shop anywhere you want… so far you have 3 people.. But i hope you brought a partner…”
Then another man appeared out of the staircase…
Harry: “sorry dudes i took the long way…”
Bruce and Frank engaged in a 3 way bro hug with Harry… who proceeded to also set up tattoo equipment…. 
Bruce: “alright i guess some introductions are in order… Barb, Talia, YN and Dick meet the 2 buddies of mine that i stayed in contact with after prep school… as you all can see we all have led very different lives… but Frank and Harry meet my small but yet fantastic family…”
The greetings were short and sweet as frank and Harry continued to set up… you and Dick became cuddly… you were still shaken over the letter… Dick knew what to do he knew what you must have been going through… but as he held you close he was trying to figure out how to give you comfort about all of this…
Dick: “how bout this, after we get our tattoos and you deal with the problem at that wayne tech project we take a trip to bludhaven and pick up some more of my shit from my apartment in bludhaven… it would be a nice break from the city… we would be able to make our own little way for ourselves in this crazy city we call home. I cant imagine living anywhere but here with you… what do you say YN ready to make this penthouse our home?”
You turned immediately to face him… you were shocked that he would say that… but then Bruce spoke next…
Bruce: “YN i figured you and Dick might want to have a second home away from the manor for a while. these next few months are gonna be tough on you… i just want you to be happy… but know that your rooms will still be yours at the manor forever. I release you both into the arms of eachother to grieve and mourn…”
You and Dick sat in the tattoo stations and got the league symbols on your biceps… this ensured that you guys would be able to enter and exit nanda parbat when and or if you both go back…
You went to the mirror and stood there admiring the tattoo that now was on your arm… it was a wonder and it felt so weird to see it on your bicep… Dick came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist…
Dick: “when do you want to leave for bludhaven?”
YN: “in a while… we arent in any rush are we?”
Dick: “nope…”
YN: “plus i want to talk to Talia… see if i can make another arrangement with her concerning the whole league right of blessing for couples thing get us out of it… i really dont want to appear before Ra’s at all…”
Dick held you tighter both of you now admiring your tattoos. 
Dick: “me either… go talk to Talia im gonna see where we are at with the whole find Joker thing…”
You went away from Dick and towards Talia…
YN: “can we speak Talia in private?”
Talia: “lead the way Lady YN…”
You lead her upstairs and you both stand facing eachother.
Talia: “what does this concern?”
YN: “you brought up earlier that me and Dick would need to appear before your father and get blessing for being together… i am here to speak to you about coming up with another arrangement…”
Talia: “YN i know my father is intimidating…”
YN: “thats one way to put it, scary is the word that Dick and i used… we discussed it and we dont want to apear before your father, we dont want to consummate in front of the entire league, we want a different option that will still get us the blessing from your father and doesnt involve us going back to Nanda Parbat…”
Talia thought about this, she knew her father scared you, she knew you wouldnt want to go back to stand before him… 
Talia: “i thought you may say that so i have already spoken with father, he has given an alternative… you and Dick after the funeral for Jensen have to deliver his body to the gates of our league stronghold just outside of Gotham city where my father said he will be to have you both sign a statement of blessing… this will be considered the alternative to the consummation and such thing… do we have an accords.?.”
YN: “we do… i assume we will know the stronghold when we see it…”
Talia: “of course… and YN once more im so sorry for your loss, but im happy that your happy���”
You and Talia hugged, you were still torn, but you felt the love that Talia was giving off.. You found it oddly comforting… you both went back downstairs and rejoined the others.
Dick: “no sign of Joker but we will have the word from the league when and if anything does show up on Joker… now bruce is the car in the garage?”
Bruce: “yep just let the valet know when your on your way down and they will bring it out for you… YN you are a great help to the company and a valuable asset i hope to see you back at work soon… speaking of which we still need to go deal with the issue on project 53277… Dick can i borrow your girl for a bit and you meet us there when your ready to go? Cause we need to deal with this…”
Dick: “sure thing ill get a bag of things together for the trip to bludhaven… ill text when im on my way to the asylum…”
You go and get into something comfy yet presentable to show up and do business… you arrive back downstairs and prepare to leave…
Dick: “ill see you in a while dont worry about anything the drive to bludhaven isnt gonna take that long, we will be back before you know it…”
YN: “i love you…”
Dick kisses you for a few moments before pulling back to stare into your eyes.
Dick: “i love you too… now go do what you have to do… ill see you later.”
You walk into the elevator and head out with Bruce you guys made your way to one of Bruce’s vehicles and made your way to arkham…
Upon arrival at Arkham you got out of the car and saw the workers just standing there in portest with their signs and such…
You and Bruce walked through them and went into the asylum and headed straight for Sharps office… the conversation took place like this:
Sharp: “Bruce, YN welcome to Arkham… what brings you both here this afternoon?”
Bruce: “we got a call from one of our staff, they said that the workers haulted… we came down as soon as we could to figure out why that is…”
Sharp: "mr. Wayne, miss YLN the workers feel like the project is a waste of time… so they went on strike to get the attention of you guys to make their point…"
Bruce: "what the hell would… wait.. do we have count of all the inmates in prisoner here right now… have any been near the workers?"
Sharp: "come to think of it scarecrow was rolled into his new home cause that was the first room finished and he unleashed a bit of fear toxin, maybe he planted an idea with that.."
YN: "if it is scarecrows toxin why does he have any of that on him."
Sharp: "we have a new psychologist in arkham he believes to let the inmates a small quantity of what their fixations are."
YN: "well let me speak to this person who clearly is in need to understand how dangerous these people are…"
Sharp put out a pager over the arkham radio and a few moments later a knock was on the door.. 
Sharp: "come in dr… miss YN would like to understand about your practices…"
Dr. Gregory: "of course she is welcome to tag along while I go on some rounds if she likes."
YN: “i would love too… i have seen first hand what these criminals can do doctor… i dont know how you think letting them have their fixations is a good idea… its a bad idea especially for the ones like scarecrow who use toxins and such types of things… Bruce will you go and talk to the workers while i observe this docs methods…”
Bruce nods as you walk away with the doc following him as he explains what he does and why he does it you look at the asylum and then you are given your chance to speak…
YN: “if i may though your methods sound unique, i dont see how they are effective even in small doses look what cranes toxin and his influence did to those workers… if anything you might only be making the problem worse… you need to be listening to them, you need to record the sessions you have with each patient, you need to document them… Arkham Asylum runs so criminals can be kept off the streets and away from the public, but by giving the villans a bit of what each one craves your making them that much more dangerous. the next time they escape they could go on a killing spree or worse kill you and everyone in this asylum that isnt with them. what im saying is change your practices so you aren’t the reason that more people in this city suffer at the hands of these inmates.”
You stepped back a bit as he took a peak in on a few of the inmates… then you both arrived back at the entrance to the asylum… shaking hands he agreed to stop giving the inmates what they want and focusing more on helping them psychologically…
Meanwhile Bruce was having a heated argument with the building instructor…
Bob: “so mr fancy pants here thinks he can just waltz on to this construction site and demand that we get back to work… thats rediculous…”
YN: “hey dudes, listen up your all under the influence of Scarecrows fear toxin and suggestive thinking… go dunk your heads in some cold water and clear your heads… ill go inside as the owner of this project and inspect… when you come back i expect you all to get to work.. Is that clear…”
Those guys went to the vats of cold water immediately, you had never seen anyone move so quickly… you strightened out and made your final approach to Bruce…
Bruce: “thank you for saving my face…”
YN: “i think you could have handled it but i wanted to save you as payment for all the times you saved me…”
Bruce: “dont worry about it, i am just happy that the project will be able to be completed… they were working on crocs cell…”
YN: “good the sooner we get him out of those dank sewer cell the better the less chance he will stay as cruel and mean… at least if he is in a proper cell he will be able to rehabilitate a bit easier…”
Bruce: “you mean to try to get Croc somewhat human again…”
YN: “yes of course… thats the goal. Now let me know what happens when those workers return… and make sure they work and if they dont deduct their pay… my ride has arrived… see you in a bit…”
Bruce: “drive safe let me know when you guys get to Bludhaven.”
You nod as Dick honks the horn and you approach the car in a hastey speed removing your cardigan as you enter the vehicle… 
Dick: “everything okay here?”
YN: “yep, the workers had a small influential run in with Scarecrow when he was being transferred into his new secure cell… i told them to go dunk their heads in cold water and get back to work. I also had a chat with the psychologist and told him to not adhere to what they crave but instead get more into the psychological aspect of helping the patients… I kinda established dominance in that speech i gave him now thinking about it…"
Dick: "i would have loved to see that… shall we hit the road it's at least 2 hours to bludhaven?"
You nod as Dick starts the drive… the sound of the tires on the pavement was all you cared about …  that and having Dick beside you… the car was small, but not too small, it wasnt a smart car… about an hour into the drive you turned to gaze at your new boux. 
YN: “Dick, can i ask you a question?”
Dick: “of course you can…”
YN: “when we get back to gotham and move into the penthouse, can we get rid of those icky beige walls in the penthouse? Please i mean it would look less boring… plus i want to get some more linens. I find that Bruce doesnt keep enough in there… i mean there are the ones for swimming… which yay!!! Pool… and we dont have to clean it… but yay its private so we dont have to share it with anyone but eachother… anyway what do you say to redecorating the penthouse.?”
Dick: “i think thats a lovely idea… honestly i was kinda thinking the same thing… we can do some massive art designs.”
As you and dick talked further about design plans for the penthouse, you felt like something was wrong in the air. But signs for BludHaven started becoming more and more frequent. Then there it was, no where near the size of Gotham city but about the size of maybe the narrows, diamond district and crime alley combined… 
It was then that you saw it, saw the fantastic building at the center of this small city… the wayne building… you should probably stop by and check on the r&d make sure everything is on schedule.
You texted Bruce and told him you were stopping there and asked if he wanted anything, he simply said the reports printed and signed by the overseer in charge… 
You agreed and you were just trying to figure out how to bring it… 
Dick: "you want to stop by Wayne tech don't you?" 
YN: "yes and Bruce wants the regular reports and I want the R&D reports… do you mind if we stop there?" 
Dick: "my place is near there… Its on the way to my building…" 
YN: "wanna come inside with me?" 
Dick: "I would love to see what my lady is developing for us." 
~honesty is a trait held in the upmost highest of respects in any relationship~
You and Dick now making your way to the underground parkade using your key card to get inside you put your parking pass on the mirror. Getting out of the car you look at the parkade and smile lightly as Dick takes your hand and you both enter the elevator with ease.
Dick: “well same-ish architecture for this building as the home office… but lets go inside and see whats what.”
You guys reach the top floor, you both get off the elevator. But you are instantly surprised when the staff is not there… no admin staff anyway… you head off towards the offices… you handed Dick your bag which he didnt mind holding on to, while you didnt knock before entering the doorway… this made the Woman sitting in that office jump out of her seat…
YN: “you know Mr Wayne and i expect all of our company locations to have office personal that greet the guests and people that enter…”
The lady wore a badge that said, ‘Karen, Management of location #4763389’... 
Karen: “i am so sorry miss YN, no one informed us that the head people would be coming… the office personal are on lunch… its their break. They finish their work before even considering a break. What can i assist you with?”
YN: “3 things: a tour of the R&D department, the R&D reports printed & the general reports printed. I am not gonna ask twice for any of these things.”
Karen: "of course miss, straight away… please wait here while I send the general reports to the printer… then we shall begin our tour…"
She goes to her computer and begins pressing buttons and doing things on the screen. You and Dick look around the office.  Seeing almost every wall covered in some sort of design or such… your only happy feeling was when Dick’s hand found the small of your back.
Dick: “i know that look, what are you thinking?”
YN: “this location seems different… i feel something very wrong here…”
*after several moments there a tour was had, you and Dick discovered a plot within the company you instantly acted and fired that person… you gathered your wits and the reports and left Dick following your tail, finishing your time in bludhaven gathering some more of Dick’s stuff from his apartment. the drive back to gotham was long and irritable… the trip to wayne tech was not what you had expected but it was not dull or boring. arriving back at the penthouse you both got help to bring up all the bags and boxes. the bellboy even unloaded it all against the wall by the elevator. he left leaving you both alone. You took a seat on the couch and leaned your head back in a low sigh...*
Dick: “i know you are thinking… do you want to talk about it?”
YN: “i just cant believe what the fuck has happened in the last few weeks. I certainly never imagined i would ever become engaged, then single, then instantly dating my other best friend, living in the penthouse where i have spent many nights away from the manor… ugh my head is spinning.”
Dick: “its okay… you know what we have all the time in the world to figure out what we want to be. Now lets strip the art off the walls and start designing.”
You got up off the couch and instantly began to help take art off walls and put up the painters tape… Dick watched as you absent mindedly did that… you did not want to do anything that might compromise the happiness you were kinda feeling right then. You had no idea how to even react, for you had agreed to deliver the body of your dead fiance to the league stronghold after the funeral. 
YN: "I dont… i cant… i wish i had never made out with jay in that park during patrol… none of this would have happened if joker hadnt caught us with our masks off… if that hadnt happened Jay would still be alive, i should have distanced myself from him after that night...  it was my own stupidity that got him killed…”
Dick: “its not your fault… you were just following your heart… no need to beat yourself up like this… Jay is not suffering right now… he is at peace… dont worry, when we bring him to the league stronghold i am sure that Talia will let you have a proper moment alone before they wisk him away… for now lets focus on us and making this place more us… come on love, my art skills compare nothing to yours…”
You looked into Dick’s eyes and immediately felt calm and peace wash over you… you got up and embraced him, his arms welcoming you close to his own form, the sence of peace and calm was upon you. All your fears washed away, and you felt instantly better. 
Dick: “now lets finish taking all this stuff off the walls and then go for a swim…”
Thats when the alert came in… Joker had been spotted… you went to the suit panel in the master bedroom and saw both yours and Dick’s suits sitting there along with your arsenals… 
YN: “dick i know that you are on my side but i want to go after Joker he needs to know he made a huge mistake for his crimes against us and our family…”
Dick: “lets suit up..”
You  both did just that, suiting up in anyplace other than the cave felt strange but at the same time not… when Dick came up to you after he had his suit on he wrapped his arms around your waist and for a moment you both stared in the mirror and wondered if you would ever get through this period of mourning… 
~its always the revenge that keeps us within the darkness, but when the darkness is plagued by the light from another it doesnt triumph, the light will always triumph.~
Dick: “the bikes are downstairs but obviously we cant go down looking like this… so i have a different idea…”
YN: “we can actually the elevator is private remember… the elevator is only for us… it can take us to the bikes… i know where they are too… right by the elevator exit in the garage…”
Dick: “where is joker?”
YN: “gotham central museum… he was seen entering there about an hour ago…”
Dick: “lets go then…”
You and Dick down the elevator went into the parking garage got on the bikes and rode off… not alerting the others, not caring bout anything else… just taking off towards what you hoped would be justice for what made you miserable.
Arriving at the museum you both got off the bikes setting them on remote control and alarmed to prevent thieves… you both make your way inside the front door…
Dick: “thermal scans show multiple goons patroling the next few areas…”
YN: “Joker must be trying to make a deal with Penguin… or else why would he be here… he has to be in the iceberg lounge…”
Dick: “ready to take out his goons…”
YN: “ill go high, you go low…”
Dick: “hope we can do more of that when we get back…”
You smile as you grapple up top, Dick goes under the floor grates… the sounds started to cease almost immediately… you waited a few moments before grappling down to the stand behind the 2 guards in front of the exit of the room… standing in the shadows you waited a few more seconds before dropping a smoke pellet, letting out a low whistle and having both you and Dick double takedown those 2 goons. High fiving you both head into the next room… 
Room by room you both went taking down all the goons you saw… then you guys appeared at the entrance of the iceberg lounge… you stopped in your tracks…
Dick: "batwoman you okay?"
YN: "no I feel weird nightwing… I cant move…"
Dick: "neither can i…"
The laughter that you hated so much, the laughter that made you cringe, the voice that now made the anger boil in your blood. 
Joker: “greetings party crashers, hey Batwoman hows the fiance? Were they able to pull his corpse out of the building?”
You had a look to kill in your eyes, Joker just laughed he knew you couldnt move…
Dick: “let us go Joker… or i swear you wont like what comes next..”
Joker: “oooo boy wonder all grown out of your leotards… how quaint maybe ill kill you and take away another person that this batwench loves…”
YN: “leave him the fuck alone Joker.. Release me… ill fight in penguins ring against your goons, but ill take you down ill beat you and everyone who works for you…”
Joker just laughs, he didnt think you were serious that is until he heard this little convo between you and Nightwing…
Nightwing: “what do you think you are doing? Batwoman are you nuts?”
Batwoman: “maybe but i am deadly serious. Unless he is too chicken to face me alone in combat… too scared to be beaten by a little girl...”
Joker: “Harley will face you little girl… she will face you on my behalf… if you defeat her then i will jump in the ring and fight with you… but you alone in the ring… your little friend here is gonna stay with my good friend penguin in the ministers box watching the fight…”
In seconds you could move again, you were seperated from Nightwing and knocked out… when you came too you were on the ground in the center of the iceberg lounge fight ring… you stood up and the first thing you saw was Dick in the dangerous care of Penguins goons. 
Penguin: “lookie here the little bat is awake…”
YN: “Nightwing… hold on love just hold on…”
Harley: “hes not the one you have to worry bout right no sugar…”
You turned around and took a defensive stance…
YN: “Harley, you know its not nice to sneak up on another female…”
Harley: “you know its not nice to threaten anothers love…”
YN: “you know that goes for you as well… now are we gonna talk or fight?”
You had your dual batarangs in each hand… you both were using dual wield weapons… the fight went on for what felt like years… 
Nightwing: "you know penguin, joker is probably gonna just debunk your entire operation as soon as he is through with us…"
Penguin: "shut up nightfart.. your girl has some spunk… but she wont last against both joker and harley…"
Within moments you were being held back by harley while joker jumped into the ring and began pumbling you… throwing punches ,left right and center… nightwing struggled against his bindings, he struggled against what was holding him back from getting to you… 
Joker: "I dont know what to tell you but when Robin was being tortured by men i was not in a playful mood… we had rather a one sided conversation, i did most of the talking after i shattered his lung… now I think I'll do the same to you… except maybe not as dramatic.. how bout I break a rib instead… tonight the most gracious of nights… the eve of christmas… the night where promises are made where gifts are given and where the spirit of good prevails… I bestow to you not the fate of your dead fiance, but the fate that shall be your own…"
Batwoman: "nightwing I…"
Nightwing: "I know but helps on the way just stall as long as you can…"
No sooner had that been said than the sound of bodies hitting the ground and the familiar grunts alerting you and nightwing to get your asses in gear… you elbowed harley in the stomach her grip on you loosened, you kicked Joker away he landed hard against the ground, then you grabbed harleys hands and flipped her to the ground… 
batman: “back off Joker, dont you or harley lay another hand on my ward… batgirl free nightwing, I'm gonna save batwoman…"
You were on bended knee grasping your side.. you knew something was either broken or at the very least bruised.. batman was in front of you in seconds… 
Batman: "coming here alone with nightwing was very very stupid, but also incredibly brave… now I've already alerted Gcpd to what's happening here, but let's get you back up top then I'll deal with…"
That's when joker and Harley were blocking the exit that you and batman had… you were now trying to stand by the support that batman was giving you… 
Batman: "can you fight?"
YN: "ill withstand… nightwing batgirl get down here and help…"
You were pursued by harley, she knocked you down… started beating you with her bat… your body twitched and squirmed, till batgirl was in front of you blocking you from harleys attack… 
Batgirl: "girl I'm gonna swap with nightwing then he will get you out of here…"
Batgirl and nightwing swapped places… nightwing came over to your side…
Nightwing: "hows it going doll?"
You cringed but laughed anyway…
YN: "can we get out of this hellhole?"
Nightwing using his grapple gun launched both of you into the air through the hole in the ceiling… you both landed on the roof… you were so sore, you would have bruising for days… your only savior was the fact that nightwing was able to get you out of there while batman and batgirl finished with joker and harley… for in that moment his arms were the only thing keeping you from collapsing…
Nightwing: "we just have to wait for batman and batgirl… we will all leave together… just keep awake babe… dont let the pain overtake you… I love you and i look forward to many more nights fighting crime with you.. course that's once your healed…"
Batman and batgirl came up onto the roof a mere 5 minutes later, you were leaning against the ledge supported also by dick… your thoughts trying to distract from the pain you were feeling..
Batman: "we have to get her out of here… I'll contact lucius and have him meet us at the penthouse so he can assess her injuries… dick can you still ride?" 
Dick: "yes I can…"
YN: "for the record I cant… i dont think anything is broken but something is definately out of place and very very bruised…"
Batgirl: "I'll take her bike back to the garage… unless we want to store them in the underground underground garage…"
Batman nods and then gently helps dick attach you to his front and then attaches you both to the zipline… which he sends barb down first… then he sends you and dick.. barb helps you and dick get out of the zipline attachment and then to the bike… 
~what happened next: everyone arrives back at the penthouse, your medically examined by lucius, determined nothings broken but merely dislocated told that you would heal soon… joker was put behind bars, penguin and harley too… the funeral went off as well as could be expected …  the league was very honored that you both kept your word and delivered the body…  you got the blessing of the league to be together… you and dick finish moving into the penthouse…  you celebrate christmas like normal luckily barb and bruce had gotten you both extra gifts and talkee it over with each of you individually on which one you wanted to put from eachother… you finish decorating, then beginning the new journey together not realizing that it would not last long.. for now we skip to the week before halloween… where our story continues with you making the final preparations and plans for the wayne tech halloween fundraiser... little did you guys know that the worst was yet to come ~
YN: "no no no…."
Dick comes over to you upon hearing your shouts of dis-pleasement…
Dick: "babe what's wrong…?"
YN: "the venue for the wayne tech Halloween fundraiser just cancelled… now what do we do… there is no way we are cancelling this event but where are we gonna find a venue this late in the game…"
Bruce who was on the Skype call with you both of you going over and finalizing the plans for the fundraiser, now spoke up…
Bruce: "why dont we host at wayne manor… this wouldnt be the first time we have hosted a huge fundraiser, hell my father did that all the time…  we can utilize both ballrooms…"
YN: "bruce are you sure? Its alot to prepare in such a short amount of time… I mean it's a week away we cant possibly get ready in time… plus we have to let the guests know that the venue has changed… and the caterer, the musicians, the wayne tech board, everyone else…"
Bruce: "dont worry, my secretary is already on that don't worry… she and sean are gonna send emails and call every guest personally… they will even do overtime as a favor to us… I'm meeting with the board this afternoon I'll tell them then… have you spoken to vicki vale I know you had chosen her to cover the event…"
YN: "I'll speak to vicki… bruce I cant believe what I've been through… it's almost been a year… does it ever get easier… knowing what happened, knowing that a part of me died when Jensen died… knowing that even though joker is behind bars I still cant get through my fear that one day he will come for me… that he will escape arkham and find his way to me and he will finish what he started all those months ago…"
Bruce and dick both starred at you, dick was behind you now his hands on your shoulders, bruce starring at you, your eyes sparkling from the light of the lamp…
Bruce: "dont worry about anything YN, if anyone needs to contact you for any reason they will go through me first… you just relax… but call vicki first… let her know about the venue change… then dick take YN and go shopping she needs a day away…"
Dick: "on it bruce… also YN and I will take patrol these next few nights… we need to get back in the saddle…"
Bruce: "very well… but if you guys need help all you have to do is call…"
YN: "thank you bruce… let me know if anything else by me need doing!"
Bruce: "go enjoy yourselves, you deserve it… it's all on me… I'll keep in touch about the party…"
The call ended, you stretched getting off the chair and turning to face your boyfriend… 
Dick: "you know as sexy as those sweats are on you, going shopping in them is gonna send a bad rep… babe come on let's go get dressed, and get out of here for a while…"
YN: "what do you have in mind?"
Dick brings you to the closet… opening it he shows you the outfit he has chosen for you to wear out on that day…
YN: "that is perfect, my fave skinny jeans and my tank top… yes totally!!!"
While you and dick were getting dressed, you had bluetooth called vicki… conversation went like this:
Vicki(over the phone): "vicki vale…"
YN(over the phone): "hey vicki is YN… hows it going?"
Vicki (over the phone): "not bad how bout you?"
YN(over the phone): "not bad… your still good to cover the fundraiser right?"
Vicki(over the phone): "of course… why does it sound like somethings changed…"
YN(over the phone): "it's just a location change… it will still be on halloween night but it will be held at Wayne manor…"
Vicki(over the phone): "that's a relief.. I enjoy these fundraisers I love hearing more about what the future of wayne tech holds…"
YN(over the phone): "see you then vick, I hope we can catch up…"
Vicki(over the phone): "count on it girl!"
As soon as you hung up the call, you got this chill up your spine… but you and dick walked out the door and began your shopping spree, not knowing what lay ahead for you…
~this next section is gonna be the death point… I'm very sorry for everything that's in this next small section but this is crucial… cause this is what happened a while after the league took Jensen's body back to nanda parbat, ra`s had the body prepared and readied to go in the Lazarus pit…~
Ra's: "has the boys body been prepared…"
Nyssa: "yes and my sister has returned to gotham city to be with her beloved…"
Ra's: "whatever the boy wants to do after he is resurrected no one is to stop him… especial li y if he wants to leave but he will need a day probably to get back into the swing of things…"
Nyssa: "we really gonna bring him back, father what is his use to us and our mission?"
Ra's: "let's bring the boy back to life…"
Nyssa snapped her fingers and several people dragged Jensen's body into the pit… after 5 minutes the pit bubbled and glowed… 2 minutes later Jensen bursted out of the pit… 
Jensen(newly resurrected): "nyssa you slimy skank, what the hell happened to… wait a moment you put me in the pit… I died… I remember now joker blew up a warehouse…I was dead… why did you bring me back?"
Ra's: "to tell you the truth about your fiance… she has been apart of the league since before you met her… she and your friend dick grayson are the ones who delivered your body to us at my request, as part of their league blessing… yes dick is apart of the league too… they have been together for a few weeks now… yes it's been a little over a month since the dreaded event that killed you…"
Jensen(newly resurrected): "so they are together… they followed my instructions… I want some more training before I go back to gotham… the pit changes people who are brought back from the dead… I want to learn to use the new training right before I go back… I'm Robin no more…"
Ra's: "indeed, nyssa my daughter will train you… she has a room prepared for you… when your ready to begin your training she will start… henceforth your *Ghita``Ahmar* to be rivaling the dark knight himself, as well as that of your fiance and best friend… Robin died in that warehouse, you are now the Red Hood…"
~from then to about 2 weeks before present setting Jensen spent every waking moment he could training with nyssa, wishing and hoping that you had not completely forgotten him… till 2 weeks before present day when he made his return to gotham… he returned the same night you and dick happened to be the ones patrolling… jensen sat in watch silently making sure he didnt jump the gun… that however also happened to the night when he stepped up his game as the red hood and gathered a meeting of the badies…  sending notices to all the worst of Gotham's badies… his only goal was to make alliances amongst the baddest of the bad… and that's where we head to now the meeting of the bads..~
Everyone showed up at the warehouse from bane to scarecrow to black mask to penguin to two face to poison ivy etc, even riddler showed up as well as carmine falcone, rupert Thorne & salvatore maroni… but all of them were really confused as to who called the meet…
Black mask: "so whose gonna fess up to calling this meet…"
Falcone: "if no one fesses up in 5 seconds I'm gonna take my boys and get ou…"
A gun shot echoed through the warehouse at that moment… 
Red hood: "sorry I'm late boys this meet is mine…"
Black mask: "and who are you tough guy?"
Red hood: "call me the red hood… I am so delighted to see so many of you here tonight… but I suppose you guys want me to explain why I called you all here?"
Bane spoke next for he was trying so hard not to get very very angry at this guy…
Bane: "listen up senor hood… I will break every single damn bone in your tiny body if you do not start explaining now…"
Red hood back flipped off the balcony and landed on the ground… 
Red hood: "it's quite easy I'm placing a bounty on the bat family… anyone who brings me ALIVE batwoman, batman, nightwing & batgirl will get a handsome reward paid to them by a powerful adversari…"
Sionis at that moment turns to face his henchmen...
Black Mask: "you hear that you pea brains go begin your search for the bats… bring them to the steel mill alive… and alert me once you have one… I'll alert sir hood…"
All the henchmen seemed to disperse the room, leaving the main badies only in the room… poison ivy got up at that moment and began to leave the room…
Ivy: "later boys theres too much testosterone in this room right now… ta ta…"
Ivy left and went back to the botanical garden… everyone else left in that room slowly one by one dispursed… off to do the deed that has been asked… 
Red hood once alone into the warehouse made it apparent to look up and stare at the moon high in the sky… he knew if any chance of seeing you it would be that night… he waited on a rooftop, he watched and waited, it was then that he saw you… he knew it was you he could tell… but you were with nightwing… then he remembered the request he had made of dick… he stayed where he was but watched he could then tell you were happy… 
Red hood: "I'll make myself known soon… soon my love soon we shall reign supreme…"
~present day you had heard a week ago from poison ivy that there waas a new player in Gotham… she told you the rundown telling you about the meeting and the collection of people who had been called in… but she didnt want war or money she just wanted to see the guy who trampled her plants on his vault off the balcony… she decided that she didnt need to get into business with that pee-brain… she would rather stick to being the in between gal… but with that warning now in play you and the rest of the team including the new robin Tim Drake who fancies barb now on high alert looking out for the first time they would all meet the red hood… that day was today…~
While out shopping you and dick had collected accessories, and partial parts to outfits… but you were now hunting your dress… every year you got a new one for this event… sure you could use one you already own but it wouldnt be fun if you did that… 
You wanted something unique but sexy and floor length possibly sparkly… then you saw it, the one gold off the shoulder sequined lace dress that you had not seen before must have been new… you got an attendant to grab your size and opena fitting room.. dick waited outside obviously… the attendant was very curtious…  
A few moments later once in the dress you took a moment to revel yourself in it.. you twirled in the mirror then heard the voice that had comforted you so many nights…
Dick: "hows it going in there?"
YN: "I love it… do you want to see it?"
Dick: "I would love to see what my hot sexy woman has chosen..."
You let out a shrill of giggles, you loved it when you and dick would go shopping, he loved watching you put on a fashion show… you opened the fitting room door and stepped out dick dropped the bags on the ground and came close to your form.
Dick: "this is so sexy… you will be so hot on my arm…"
That moment looking at you and dick in the mirror side by side your mind was at peace once more… dick let you go back into the dressing room as the attendant came back to help you out of the dress… you then told the attendant that you would take the dress… you and dick followed her back to the counter… checking out and charging it to the joint wayne tech account you both walked out… 
Making stops at the lingerie store and the book store you both had arms full of bags… leaving and going back to the car it was apparent that you had not only done the grocery shopping but enough of a shopping spree to last a while… 
Back to the penthouse you both travelled, not knowing what may lie ahead… but then your pagers rang high… letting them echo through the car speakers… you both answered the call..
Bruce: "sorry bout this but we have a report… joker and penguin have escaped from arkham… we need to go out and patrol as a family tonight… how soon can you both be here?"
YN: "be there in 15min meet you in the cave…"
Dick put the petal to the metal, both of you racing to the manor.. hearing that joker escaped was not what you needed to hear… but hearing it was smethng that you were not gonna let define your week… you wanted this taken care off now… arriving at the manor, parking the car, walking inside and heading straight to the cave.. you went straight to get ready before acknowledging anyone else.. 
Dick did the opposite, he went to see everyone they all knew that you were getting ready to fight to go out and look for the 2 escapees… you came back round to find everyone standing by your bike blocking your path..
YN: "out of my way guys… i dont want to hurt you but i need to go out there and start searching for this bastard he took my happiness from me once im not gonna let him do it again… so get out of my way… now!"
Dick and barb moved out of the way, but bruce stayed where he was, tim was by the computer he was the smart one, bruce however was the one who didnt seem to understand the concept of get out of your way… 
barb: "bruce why do you not move?"
Bruce: "cause she is not thinking clearly, she is thinking with her head instead of her heart, revenge is never the answer… believe me i know how this works…"
YN: "dont make me do this bruce… dont make me stop you…"
Bruce got into a stance as you back up a few paces and then vault yourself onto your bike… you kick bruce away when you land and then you take off out of the cave…
Bruce: "we have to go after her!"
Dick: "ive learned its best to give her some space when she gets like this… we will follow after  giving her a 10 minute head start… dont worry she will be fine…"
Everyone waited patiently… that is till one of the security cams near the river underpass spotted penguin… everyone else suited up as the following conversation took place no one was overly concerned about penguin… 
Penguin spots something under the bridge, he stands there at the other end as a crack of thunder rolls through the sky… 
Penguin: "tweet tweet…"
Joker: "penguin you old feather brain, what brings you out of arkham?"
Penguin: "same thing as you clowny…"
Joker: “what do you say we let bigons be bigons and split the treasure 50/50… you know the  location about as well as i… lets shake on it…”
Joker shocked penguins hand and then took off… you happened to spot this from afar… penguin ran after him… but penguin actually knew where he was going alot more than joker did… lets just say Penguin has a few more screws available than Joker ever did… 
Penguin enters the gotham city cemetary and begins walking through looking for something specific…
Penguin: “a tisket a tasket which crypt holds the money casket…”
Then penguin spots the crypt with the giant cross… it kinda looks secluded and different from the others… he goes inside and down the stairs to see one lone casket bound in chains surrounded by candles… 
Penguin: “a little too much security for a casket full of money…"
Penguin breaks the chains and opens the casket but notices a skeleton in there, the rust on the side of the casket cuts penguins skin… 
~to sum this up penguin woke dracula… taking him out on a tour of gotham this is your run in with dracula… the prince of darkness himself… you watch from a distance before deciding to introduce yourself…~
Batwoman: "hey didnt anyone ever tell you not to bite people its rude to do that especially on defenseless innocents…"
Penguin: "master this is one of those pesky bats that i told you about… this is also the one who locked me in prison… do not let her escape she could be very useful…"
Batwoman: "penguin whose the crusty old guy i thought you were a solo bird…"
The man who didnt look entirely alive stepping closer he bowed slightly...
Dracula: "i am count dracula… i have been awakened in this new land away from my beautiful transylvania… you are a very captivating creature, come to me let me see you in a new light…"
Little did you know that you were being watched by someone, who was being watched by the rest of your family. You were now in draculas trance, you were not sure what was happening… but you lost all control of your entire body… dracula now was holding you close to him sstroking your cheek moving his nails to tear a hole by your neck in the suit… 
Red hood watching this happen jumped down into the alley, he picked up the vile of holy water he had collected from the church, he was now loading up into the water gun he had found… 
Red hood(jensen): "hey fang face let the lady go…"
Penguin: "and who are you supposed to be bitch…" 
Red hood stepped out of the shadows into the light still holding that water gun steady…
Red hood(jensen): "i am the Red Hood and for the last time ill say this let her go…"
You were still under a trance, red hood threw down a circle of holy water on the ground surrounding dracula… then he set down a silver ionized smoke pellet, then as fast as he had appeared he now was taking you back onto the rooftop away from them...
Batman, nightwing, robin & batgirl watched this act from the rooftop, then they watched as the sun began to come up dracula penguin and every other damn person that was with them vanished into the shadows. Their only concern right then was to find you before anyone else got their chance to as well as to find out who that dude was that whisked you away…
Batman: "did anyone see where they went?"
Batgirl: "maybe towards a rooftop or something.."
Nightwing: "im tracking her genetic markers… she is near the penthouse… like right across from it…"
Nightwing and batgirl went by rooftop, Bruce and Tim took the car… You were not fully aware of what had happened but you opened your eyes a while later to see someone leaning against the ledge… 
Red hood(Jensen): "move slowly your just coming out of a hypnotic trance… any idea who that was?”
You sat up slowly but could only muster getting up on your elbow before feeling the whole room start spinning again…
YN: “that was count dracula and a normal bad guy around here one whose name is penguin… to be truthful with you i dont think ive ever seen you round here before…”
Red Hood (jensen): “thats cause im new in town.. Im called red hood and who might you be?”
YN: “batwoman… i suppose i owe you my thanks for saving my life…”
Red Hood(jensen): “it was my pleasure i wasnt about to let a slimy vampire destroy a beautiful woman…”
The familiar sound of something wooshing through the air, you ducked but red hood was smart he caught the batarang… you turned to see Nightwing, Batgirl, Batman and Robin standing there… 
Red Hood(jensen): “ah so your the famous batman… your the ones who were trailing me all night… now you come here cause you think i would ever hurt your darling batwoman… i would never hurt such a magnificent creature… i saved her from being vampire chow by the way… take it from me deal with him before anyone else gets turned into the undead… YN remember who i am, remember me for i am all i am and all i was…”
At that moment a train zoomed by, he started to say something else but the sound was cut… by the time the train had finished he was gone… you were still on the ground, you let out a groan of pain… yes its true you were in pain, and alot of it… 
Nightwing: “bruce set up a zipline, make sure that it heads straight for the balcony… im gonna carry her on my back if she can hold on for that long…”
YN: “course i can, just mind the zipline and my ribs… again with the bruising… fuck i mean red hood didnt hurt me… but yet ive never seen him here before tonight… yet he knew who i was…”
Nightwing: “dont worry about that now… we will run voice rec once back at the penthouse… for now love we need to get you standing so you can get on my back…”
With the help of your family, you were now attempting to stand up… once on your feet you latched your arms around Dicks neck, you planted a kiss to his cheek as he carried you over to the zipline… bruce had just finished locking it down and bringing down the bar… he was gonna send you and Dick first…
Dick: "hold on babe we are home bound…"
You hold on tight as dick takes a running start at the zipline.. he grabs hold and away you both went, bruce and barb would surely follow… arriving at the bottom, the zipline stops for a moment to let you and dick off, then it retracts its way back up to take down the next person.
Dick: "come on babe lets get you into the master and lets get out of uniform…"
You let dick carry you into the master, you went to the panel and activated the hiding place, you then tried to bend over to unzip your boots but the bruising however much there actually is, was extremely painful… 
Dick: "hold on babe let me de-suit first then ill help you…"
Dick de suited his muscles rippling, his hair was a mess, he came back no shirt in sweats to see you still trying to figure out how to get your boot off without straining your brusied muscles… you were concerned with what Dick was gonna say when he turned back to face you…
Sure enough Dick turns around and shakes his head coming close to you he watches as you attempt to take your boot off while laying on your back… 
Dick: “need help babe?”
YN: “ugh these stupid bruises… it makes it really hard to bend and move and and and… babe can you please help me?”
Dick comes over to you and helps you de suit, then sitting you up leaning you against his form he brings over the medical rub… he starts rubbing your bruises… neither of you hear Barb, Tim or Bruce walk in neither of you cared… you were both decent enough it was nothing new and neither of you wanted to be anything less than what you were…
YN: “thank you all of you for coming after me… it must not have been easy for any of you to let me go like that… i also should not have taken off in the first place… it wasnt smart… but we have 2 new things to investigate… can we dig up anything and everything we can find on dracula and can we pull any voice  rec off the red hood… we have to deal with all of this before the halloween fundraiser… i certainly do not want dracula anywhere near there… trust me his trance is crazy strong… but i have a bad feeling about this red hood character, he spoke like we knew eachother, whoever he is knew exactly who i was and how i was gonna be when i woke up… he was very very strange. I want voice rec asap… and i want to learn all we can about our mysterious transylvanian visitor… and lace all our weapons and our suits with holy water and garlic… we cant risk any of us going under his influence… we also need to keep holy water on us at all times… if we are in civilian form at night… until we know where penguin and dracula are we will need every ounce of advantage we can muster…”
Bruce: “ill let you take point on the voice rec YN, ill handle the party planning till its done… dont worry… we will figure this out before the party… Barb see what you can dig up on Dracula… as for everyone right now take some rest… Barb, Tim lets leave Dick and YN we will all get together soon for results and patrolling… no one goes alone, we all stick together, we dont let them defeat us…”
In moments you and Dick were alone again… you set the laptop to scan the voice rec on the red hood from your data, from the nearby camera audio of him and from what Bruce had collected… 
Barb once back at the mansion went on her computer and searched for all the lore on vampires and Dracula… 
Bruce, Tim and Alfred laced every single weapon with garlic as well as the suits with Holy Water and changed some of the batarangs with the silver ones… it was not till they did that, did they realize that everything was alot more real…
~TIME SKIP… the next 4 days before the fundraiser included the following events: 1. The voice rec scan takes forever to get started... 2. The red hood corners you while your walking in civilian form while on the way back to the penthouse from a short stroll to the grocery store… after a somewhat tantalizing conversation you collected more vocal data that might be useful in the voice callibration… 3. Joker follows penguin to the crypt where he gets turned into a vampire by Dracula… 4. Joker goes to rob the blood bank for a “free” meal and gets stopped by Batman… 5. Batman knocks joker unconcious and puts him in the lower lower holding cells in the cave… beginning to synthesis an antedoite to vampirism and using joker as the Guinea pig..  6. You begin to feel alot stronger as your bruising begins to heal… this brings us 1 day before the fundraiser, to when you and Dick are awoken by the voice rec scan being completed…~
Dick: "babe, wake up what is that noise?"
You awaken at the feeling of your boyfriend shaking you awake… you listened again and then got up and went to get your laptop and bring it back to bed… you sit up leaning against the headboard, Dick begins to run his fingers over your forearms as you continue to look at the laptop… 
Dick: "are the results in?"
YN: "i think so but its weird its telling me to analyze them further at the cave… but we arent gonna be there till later… so ill just save this to my server or just leave it open on my laptop, put my laptop to sleep, so we can go back to sleep…"
Dick: "its only 3am, babe i wanna go back to sleep with cuddling you in my arms!"
You finish placing your laptop back on its charger and placing it on the nightstand you dim the lamp again, laying back in bad and cuddling up with Dick… you both once more fall asleep held close in eachothers arms… 
Meanwhile the red hood was standing watch on the rooftop nearby he could hear everything, he didnt want to but he knew his sub concious would never let him allow anything bad happen to you… 
Several hours later, you and dick were awoken by the elevator dinging… you both got up to see who was possibly paying you a visit standing there in your housecoats you both await the elevator doors to open.
Dick: "were you Expecting anyone babe?"
YN: "nope, you?
Dick shakes his head as the doors open to see Talia standing there… you and Dick take a few steps back to sit on the couch… 
YN: “talia i hope you have a good reason for showing up unannounced…”
Talia: “Bruce asked me to be his date for the fundraiser but i quickly realized that i have nothing to wear, YN do you possibly have something that would well suit me…”
You get up from the couch but not before giving dick a kiss and going through your morning routine…
Dick: “morning babe.”
YN: “morning babe, can you make breakfast while i take Talia through my closet?”
Dick: “bacon, scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes with gravy coming right up along with Pepsi to drink.”
YN: “ill be right back babe.”
You take talia to your walk in closet… her eyes widen at the sight of your closet and how much is in there…
Talia: “what the hell YN your closet is spectacular…”
You let her look around… she came back out of the closet with your purple spaghetti strap notch dress with a low ruched back… you were surprised, but you smiled as she went and stood infront of the mirror… holding the dress against her form, she was sure that she would not make a very good impression on society… but she was willing to make things work wiht Bruce… 
YN: “ill even help you do your hair before the party tomorrow… just meet me at the mansion about an hour before it starts and ill do your hair up in the same fashion that i had Barb do mine before i went to a party in that particular dress… Bruce wont be able to resist you…”
Talia smiled as she lay the dress on the chair and walked out of the room with you…
Talia: “i shall see you both tomorrow… i hope things are well otherwise…”
YN: “yes they are, kinda we have a bit of a vampire problem and a new commer into the city but nothing we cant handle…”
Talia: “till tomorrow…”
She leaves back through the elevator… you head to the kitchen to see how Dick was fairing with cooking… you find him in the ktichen cooking the bacon… his back is turned he cant see you softly coming up behind him… you wrap your arms around his waist and lean into his muscular body… 
Dick: “did talia find something to wear?”
YN: “yes and what are you thinking so deeply about?”
Dick: “well i have something i have been wanting to give you, think of it as just a small something that symbolizes strength and unity… that symbolizes everything that we have been through in the almost year we have been together…”
You loosened your grip as Dick turned around to face you. The light in the kitchen making his blue eyes sparkle… your own body betraying your mind… on one hand you wanted Dick to lift you up onto the counter and just make out with you till whenever… on the other hand you wanted to allow Dick to finish what he was saying…
YN: “what are you saying Dick?”
Dick: “im saying that i should have brought these out months ago…”
Dick goes into the drawer behind you and pulls out 2 bracelets… he holds them in front of you and smiles as you read them… 
YN: “his beauty, Her beast… based off my favorite disney movie…”
Dick: “thank you for being the beauty to my beast… i love you…”
You kiss Dick knowing that you guys were almost finished your first year together… you were one of the few people that Dick trusted in general… dick placed the bracelet on you as you did him… there was nothing you wanted more than to stay in the penthouse all day but eventually you guys would have to get ready to leave for the manor… it was imperitive that things went smoothly.. 
Dick: “man you are amazing i just hope that patroling tonight we can find and stop Dracula and find out more about this red hood character before the fundraiser…”
YN: “i wish we could stay in this penthouse till patrolling tonight… but we did tell them that we would be there…”
~the following events are being short formed to hasten our way to the end of the story… 1. You and Dick finish getting stuff together to drop off at the mansion for the fundraiser… 2. You and Dick get ready yourselves to leave the penthouse making sure you have everything before you leave… 3. You find a note left on your car in whats supposed to be a secure parking garage… it was from the red hood and it was address to you… asking you to meet alone away from the rest of the family… saying he wanted to talk… you werent concerned… you knew the others may have different opinions… 4. You notice strange sights going to the manor, you noticed not as many homelss people on the streets, and not alot of normal people on the streets… you kinda figured that Dracula might have something to do with that but the only way to know that forsure was to most likely find Dracula's layer and administer the antidote if bruce has it ready… this brings us to your arrival at the manor… this is where the end of our story begins!~
Arriving at the manor Alfred was waiting on the stairs to greet you and help bring stuff inside.
Alfred: "welcome miss YN and Master Dick is everything in the car?"
YN: "most of it is in the back seat… in the trunk is a few wardrobe items that should be placed in our room as soon as possible please.. is everyone inside?"
Alfred: "yes they are all training… thought just between us i think miss gordon is winning… she had master Drake pinned and master Wayne on the ropes when i last saw…"
Dick: "do you mind alfred if we go down or would you like some help?"
Alfred: "ill be quite alright master Dick.. no need to worry… go enjoy your time…"
You and dick go inside and down into the cave… you see the sight of bruce fighting with barb… you look at dick and you throw off your cardigan and give your laptop bag to dick as you back flip onto the training matt… you low kick bruce…
Bruce: "now this is really not a fair fight…"
YN: "us together against you, yes it is a fair fight… we dont get our asses handed to us and you dont completely annihilate barb in a humiliating defeat… now are you man enough to take us both on or do you need to even up the fight and make this a doubles match…”
bruce smiled darkly… you and barb kept up your guard not knowing when he may strike…
bruce: “im not gonna ask fo help but if dick wants to jump in on the action we can make it like old times!”
dick puts everything he was holding on the couch, he then back flips over beside bruce… you sent a wink his way, you knew he wouldnt hurt you as you wouldnt him… the match started you went straight for Bruce… this was to be the greatest fight of your entire time training with the 3 of them…
bruce: “give it up YN you cant win…”
YN: “wanna bet, what was it you always told me… never take your eyes off of your opponant or you’ll land on your ass…”
thats when you pulled a daring feat… you enabled what was to be your final move of the match, to be your greatest move ever… you placed bruce in a choke hold, then tripped him so his knees bent and he kinda went into a submission move… twas not even five moments later that Bruce tripped off one of your legs you fell onto one knee bent… 
YN: “surrender Bruce you cant win…”
bruce: “wanna bet…”
thats when he knocked you on your ass, revearsing what you did to him to you… you were winning at first but now it was a matter of who could hold out longer… dick and barb were already done of course barb had won… teaching Dick a bit of girl power… 
you and Bruce however were trying to race against the clock, the timer had started a while ago… during doubles training fights  as soon as one pair has finished their fight a timer set for 1 minute starts… there was 20 seconds left on the clock… neither you nor Bruce were surrendering anytime soon.. the timer went which meant you go into overtime…
you and Bruce released eachother, standing up you both go to opposite ends of the mat… Dick came up to the center between you and bruce beginning his announcer speal..
Dick: “in this corner she is lethal and deadly and we all love her to bits, she makes the best pancakes and holds the record for most training sessions won.. heres YN…”
thats when Barb had helped you dry off the sweat and get into something more breathable…
Dick: “ and in this corner he has a dark past, he is the knight, he is the bat of gotham… he holds the record for the most bad guys locked away in Arkham, he owns his own company and takes orphans as wards under his care… Heres Bruce… and now contestants to the center mat…”
you and bruce stepped into the center mat… 
DIck: “alright guys you know the drill this is the sudden death round… the first person to get knocked to the ground in a submission hold for a total of 15 seconds will sound the buzzer and the person not in submission will be the winner… contestants are you ready…”
Bruce: “yes…”
YN: “stop talking and let us fight…”
you were determined to win, usually that was your blood lust from being set in the pit once and only once before… Dick knew not to take any offense to anything that you said while training… he knew you loved him, but the fight got underway… 
you jumped, flipped, dodged and weeved… neither of you had landed a single hit yet… till you backflipped over Bruce’s head and tackled him to the ground… you pinned him to the ground and leaned in to whisper in his ear…
YN(in a whisper): “i win!”
the buzzer went and you jumped up victorious… you were so happy… you did back flips all the way around the mat perimeter… then stopping back at Bruce who had rolled over now helping him up..
Bruce: “congratulations YN your skills have greatly improved… i am honored by that fight… it was amazing… but how did you know to catch me off guard by going behind me…”
YN: “because you had done the same thing when i first became part of your family… so i spent my nights of patrolling and beating up bad guys perfecting that maneuver… that way the next time we would end up in this sudden death situation i would use it and win… you fought with all your strength bruce but…"
The alarm sounded it was red hood he was on the roof top of wayne enterprises he was calling you out.. then a police alert came in reports of strange people on the streets looking like "vampires" everyone decided that you would go talk to Red hood while everyone else went to investigate the vamps well almost everyone… 
Bruce stayed behind to finish the antidote… it was gonna be a long night as it was, but now you guys didnt have to go looking for the bad guys, cause they were coming to you… before leaving you went to the server and plugged the voice rec files to the main server and listened to them… this is what you heard:
Red Hood: “YN remember who i am, remember me for i am all i am and all i was all the good times we had together kicking ass and taking names, throwing every ass we could into arkham… i promised you always and forever but it seems you took my will too much to heart… Babe i love you!”
That is what did you in, you now knew who he was, you swipped your laptop right off the table and in an agry huff you suited up and got on your bike and zoomed out of the cave… no one questioned why, no one knew why… they were focused on the vampire problem.. 
Arriving at wayne tower, you shoot yourself straight to the top… landing you look at the red hood and start trying to place it, the voice, the name, the body language, the way he dressed, the way he fought… the symbol on his chest… 
You disabled the rooftop security footage looping it round before removing your mask… 
YN: “Jay… Jay is that you?”
The red hood comes around from the other side of the vent system or whatever that huge metal box is… and removed his helmet… and once more you were staring into the eyes of the man who once made your heart soar… 
Jensen: “hey doll…”
You were kinda cautious to approach… you didnt know whether or not to trust him… you didnt know what to do, or say… but you knew that if Barb was smart she would recover the files and everyone would know… 
YN: “your alive, but i saw your body, the warehouse… what happened?”
Jensen: “after joker kidnapped me, he tortured me, babe i was hurt real badly… but then he said he had to leave that i was to be a good boy, finish all my homework and that i was to tell the big man he said hello… course i wasnt concerned with that… but it wasnt till i reached the locked door that i realized the place was rigged to explode… my last thoughts were truly of you… YN i know your with Dick and whats Dead should stay dead but i Jensen take you YN to be my wife to have and to hold in sickness and in health forever and ever for as long as we both shall live…”
You smile and you walk a little bit closer… 
YN: “Jay you wrote a letter that tore my heart in 2, you told your best friend to date me in your place… i spent 2 weeks in hell… i YN take you Jensen to be my husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health forever and ever for as long as we both shall live…”
Jensen dropped his helmet and held his arms open wide.
Jensen: “get into these arms doll!”
You ran into his arms, you both just stood there, he knew you were with Dick he wasnt gonna compromise what you and Dick had but you also knew there had to be a way to do both… thats when the coms came through connecting and leaving the arms of your beloved… 
YN: “whats…”
Nightwing: “batwoman, Batman is hurt i repeat batman is hurt… he is hurt really bad… Batgirl is still good… robin stayed back at the cave but we need your brains and quick thinking girl!!!”
YN: “sit tight love… im bringing some back up… the red hood is on our side…”
You went back into silent mode knowing that Jensen would have questions and that you were running out of time… 
Jensen: "are you sure that me coming with you is a good idea…?”
YN: “yes if i wasnt sure before, im hella sure now… i should warn you though dracula has apparently hurt bruce badly… we need to be very very careful…”
jensen: “when your ready dear lead the way!”
you put your mask back on, he puts his helmet back on… you both then start running along rooftops, doing back flips and testing all the skills seeing if anything might tip off the others as to who he was… 
Arriving at the cemetary you both enter the crypt…   weapon ready incase of attack… after a bit of walking you both heard the sounds of battle… you decide to join in… you both peak around the corner and making your way to the rock you pull out a garlic smoke pellet tossing it into the room, you both plug your noses as the pellet explodes… 
you both sneak through the smoke, helping Bruce up you both make your way through the caverns winging below… you had no idea where you were… 
Bruce: “hold on… let me breathe a moment…”
You pull off into this sewered corridor… you were not sure what to do… but you leaned Bruce against the wall… 
Bruce: “that was quick thinking on your part YN… thank you Red Hood… i hear your on our side…”
Red Hood: “i am indeed… YN and i had a chat, she trusts me… and once we get away from here away from these vampires ill happily explain why she trusts me…”
Bruce: “then lets follow this tunnel system back to the cave… then we will talk…”
You smile as Dick and Barb rush up behind you… you turn around and run into Dick’s embrace… to which he returns your embrace breathing a huge sigh of relief…
Dick: “are you alright?”
YN: “im fine… im so sorry for taking off again…”
He didnt let you finish talking instead he kissed you… for a few moments there was peace… thats when you all heard it… the sound of a sharp but low hiss echoing throughout the tunnels… 
Dracula: “you cant hide from me, you all will pay dearly for disrupting the raising of my bride…”
You all continue running… none of you really caring at the moment about what was with eachother, the only thing that you all wantdd to do was make ur back to the cave before Dracula found you… 
Making it to the entrance you all open the door but only 4 of you make it inside before Dracula draws closer… you stay behind both nightwing and red hood call your name but you tell them to just keep going and to have the solar generator ready… 
Batwoman: "hey ugly pants… fight me, no abilities, no biting, no mind control no specialities of any kind… or does count dracula not have any honor in a fair fight?"
Dracula appears at that moment and bows…
Dracula: "of course i have honor… the challenge is what you say it shall be when you are ready…"
You step down so you are blocking the way and you make stance… you then lunge at him.. this fight lasts several moments till you make one wrong move and dracula takes you and knocks you out… he then grabs you by the neck and carries you like that through the cave entry… 
The shadow appears through the foggy entrance to the others like only one figure till dracula steps through holding you by the neck…  thats when alfred turns on the solar generator and the conc3ntrated sunlight makes dracula burst into flames… 
You fall to the ground not unconcious but badly hurt… it was nightwing who went up to get you and bring you back down… 
~for this last part im gonna lump in the big reveal and a few other things that will make sense and tie up a few loose ends… so here begins the end…~
Barb: "okay before anything else gets done or said i need to take YN and de suit her so she can be properly medically treated…"
No one objected further as barb wheeled the medical table which now had you on it into the chamber where the suits go… you tried to do it yourself but decided that it wasnt a good idea.. knowing that your best friend was  there with you made things alot easier… but you still felt bad… you felt like something wasnt right… 
Barb: "would you hold still girl… dont make this harder than it needs to be…"
YN: "B im fine hone…"
You cringed as you were about to speak on account of you moved.. your body didnt like that… barb helped you de suit, she then went around and helped you into some shorts to go with your tank top and then brought you back out into the main area of the cave…
YN: "its time for you all to learn why i trust the red hood… why he is on our side… but first you all should know i found out bout who he is before i left earlier thats why i left in such a rush and fuss… im so sorry for not telling any of you before but i couldnt brign myself to say anything about this untill i had processed it myself… red hood when your ready…"
Thats when it happen thats when red hood took off his mask and the gasps from everyone came immediately pouring out… mostly the words "this isnt possible" "this isnt happening" "that explains alot" but dick was the one who was most shocked…
Dick: "what does this mean for us YN?"
Jensen: "you both are still gonna be together… you both need to realize that i am legally dead to show my face in public would not be good… it would tarnish the wayne name… but you guys look good together… i have watched you guys since dracula rolled into town… i know that being revealed to you guys again feels right… i wanted to tell you guys when i saw you all earlier in the week but i didnt want to spoil the good thing you guys had going.. dick you and YN belong together now and forever…"
Dick goes over to Jensen and smiles like he has a fiendish plot… 
Dick: "how bout you  become married to YN through the league since im assuming that it was ra's who brought you back… then ill be with her every other time and outside of the league..."
Jensen's eyes go wide at that idea… 
Jensen: "what would talia say to this outrageous suggestion?"
Talia at that moment enters the cave and into the room…
Talia: "i would say that if you guys want to do that it can be done and this way no one feels guilty and no one lives without what they want…"
You were watching this little conversation take place you had to make sure that you were not missing any of the key points before you jumped in with your own opinions… 
YN: “let me see if i understand this correctly if i marry Jensen through the league i can be with both of these wonderful men in 2 very different ways of life?”
Talia: “that is correct, i know that everything right now seems like its moving at high speeds and not making much sense but its not gonna get any easier with my father still thinkin he has Jensen under his belt… it will have to be something that you 3 will have to adjust to…"
You look at both Dick and Jensen, you have that look in your eyes… you await for them both to say something…
Dick: “as long as YN is happy she has the power to control her own destiny…. That means that we need to work a schedule out so we know who will be by her side and when…”
Jensen: “plenty of time for that buddy… right now the most important thing i have to ask is: YN how do you feel about this entire thing?”
You had to take a few deep breaths you couldnt make sense of any of this, you were still processing… you were not sure what to make of this situation…
YN: “when do we begin?”
Talia: “by celebrating the start of all hallows eve with the league ceremony… midnight at the league stronghold just outside of gotham… this will connect all 3 of you together but only Jensen and YN will be the main participants of the ceremony… Dick you will be there as the third party play to the other side of YN’s emotions… everyone else yes can be there too but im gonna tell you this, it will be hard to witness…”
Bruce: “alright everyone lets make preparations for this to go smoothly… Jensen, Dick, YN why dont you all stay here for now, at least try to relax, maybe talk…”
You nod watching everyone else walk away and out of the cave leaving you, Dick and Jensen alone… discussion rolled out between Dick and Jensen trying to make a schedule on when you would be with who was getting a little annoying… 
You occupied your mind into a state of relax, knowing that what lay in store for you was your destiny of being with 2 of the greatest men you have ever had the pleasure of knowing… this was your destiny, this was to be your eternity...
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Come he’ll or high water is excellent can you please write more I love it 🥰 please thank you 🙏🥰🥰🥰👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Claire comes back to the past with Brianna and arrives at Helwater looking for Jamie—but must confront the Dunsanys first.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
Come Hell or Helwater - Part Eight
Rain pattered against the window while Brianna sat at the table in the corner with Isobel working through a set of simple mathematics problems. She didn’t have the heart to tell Isobel that she’d mastered both multiplication and long division two years prior. Instead she worked her way through them slowly, allowing herself the fun of observing the others in the room while they thought she was thoroughly engrossed by the numbers on the page.
Brianna had found soon after her arrival at Helwater that she couldn’t help but like Isobel—she couldn’t have borne pretending she was so far behind in her studies otherwise. But Isobel’s sweetness could become grating if not for the presence of her sister, Geneva. It was Geneva who knew exactly how to push Isobel’s agreeableness to the brink, to coax a few less-than-kind remarks out of Isobel—and then offer reassurance that she hadn’t been so unkind as to require begging anyone’s pardon.
There was more to Geneva that Brianna found mesmerizing, however. Quiet moments when she managed a glance at the older girl and it was clear Geneva didn’t realize she was being watched. In those moments she looked the way Brianna had felt when Mama and Daddy had told her the great and terrible Truths of her life—first, that Daddy wasn’t going to live with them anymore, he was going to live with his special friend, Sandy, and, just a short time after that, when her mother informed her that Daddy wasn’t her “real” father. From what Brianna could tell, it was partly Geneva’s parents who were causing her to look that way, but not because they were breaking up. No, the lady Geneva was going to be married soon and anyone could see she didn’t want to get married.
But that was why there were beginning to be so many extra people at the estate. They were guests visiting for the upcoming wedding. Several older relatives of the Dunsanys had taken to sitting with Lady Dunsany in the main sitting room while the younger guests preferred to gather in the drawing room. It was in the adjoining library that Isobel was giving Brianna her lessons but the door was kept open so Isobel might pop in and make her necessary appearances every so often. Brianna thought Isobel perhaps preferred the quieter library to the group in the drawing room.
Brianna enjoyed peeking up at them through the doorway. She could only see a portion of one setee and a fragment of the floor to ceiling windows behind but Geneva was partial to planting herself on that setee and as the bride to be, she frequently had company beside her—usually one of the two British soldiers who had startled her mother in the forest that day they’d arrived. The younger of those two often turned to glance through the same open doorway at her, which always made her flush and look down at her paper. Or was he looking at Isobel? Brianna peeked up to see Isobel looking flustered as well, no doubt aware of the soldier’s piercing gaze.
Even if Brianna could convince herself that the young man was paying his attentions to Isobel, all it took was Geneva seeing her sister’s blush to throw a wrench in Brianna’s plans of going unnoticed.
“Isobel,” Geneva called rising from the setee and floating to the door. “Aren’t you going to join us? As the sister of the bride it’s part of your duties to help me entertain my guests,” she teased with a playful giggle and glance over her shoulder. “John, Hal, won’t you help me coax Isobel into joining us?”
Isobel sighed but smiled at Brianna before pushing herself up from her chair at the table. “You’re doing wonderfully,” Isobel assured her. “Keep working on this set of problems and I’ll be back shortly to check your progress.”
Brianna nodded and then watched as Isobel glared at her sister who stood in the doorway with a satisfied grin on her face.
“Really John, you must ask Isobel about her latest obsession with playing governess,” Geneva continued, the conversation still drifting in for Brianna to overhear since the door between the rooms remained open. “It’ll be something to keep her occupied when she no longer has me around to entertain her.”
Isobel spoke too quietly for Brianna to hear but from Geneva’s subsequent, “Oh come, I’m only playing,” she assumed the young lady had rebuked her.
“It is the curse of younger siblings to always be tormented by the older,” John remarked, lightening the mood even as he too scolded Geneva.
Brianna set her pencil aside and leaned forward over the table, straining to see if she could catch a glimpse of them but they must be standing near the fireplace. The rain outside was unrelenting in a spring that was already slow about taking root. That was one of the things about this time that Brianna found most frustrating and quietly terrifying—how cold it was without proper, modern heating and how afraid she was that she would get too close to the hearth or that she’d knock over a candle and go up in flames.
“I know Isobel’s attempts to improve the poor child arrive from the best of intentions,” Geneva assured the others and Brianna could hear the eye roll in her tone. “I just think that when it comes to the staff and their families, it’s not our place to interfere. They have their lives and we have ours.”
“And the fact that their livelihood depends upon our whims doesn’t matter?” Isobel challenged more vocally, clearly surprising the others.
Brianna rose from her seat and tiptoed closer to the door to hear better and maybe sneak a better angle through the door so she could see them while remaining hidden in the shadows. If she was truly lucky, there’d be a mirror on one wall that would let her watch their reflections—she couldn’t remember if there was a mirror in the drawing room though.
“So long as they’re paid for their services, I’m not sure I understand to what you might object,” the older one—Hal, Geneva had called him—said gently.
“They require decent pay to support their families,” Isobel agreed, “and sometimes they’re compensated in other forms—for instance, housing or their meals—but what about their other needs, especially for their children? Is it not our duty to guide them towards being productive members of society where their parents are either lacking the means or the opportunity?”
“And what makes you think the Mackenzies are lacking the means and opportunity?” Geneva countered. “Did you ask them if they wanted it when you asked for their permission? Shall we ask the little lady now?”
Brianna panicked for a moment as she heard Geneva’s footsteps crossing toward the door but her instincts quickly kicked in. She started walking for the door herself and nearly collided with Geneva.
“Sorry,” Brianna muttered, backing away. “I was just coming to ask Miss Isobel if she might excuse me to go help my mother. Miss Isobel should be spending her time with your company, not with me just now.”
“I don’t mind at all, really,” Isobel insisted but Geneva made a dismissive gesture, keeping her eyes on Brianna.
“The child is quite right, don’t you agree, John? It’s terribly rude of Isobel first to ignore your presence and then to ignore her young charge’s. If she had a nursemaid, we might turn her over to so she doesn’t inhibit her mother in her work. Should we engage one for her, Isobel?” Geneva asked, looking over her shoulder at her sister. “Would that be more of the means and opportunities that our hired servants are lacking? I suppose we’ll just have to keep an eye on her ourselves then. Come child,” Geneva turned back to Brianna with an overly sweet smile. “Join us in the drawing room and we’ll try not to bore you too terribly.”
Brianna stood her ground, staring expressionlessly at Geneva.
“Geneva…” Hal said quietly, stepping toward her.
“Quiet little thing, aren’t you,” Geneva murmured, her attention still fixed on Brianna. “Do you speak at all?”
“I’m ten, not two,” Brianna replied, unamused even as the color began to rise in Geneva’s cheeks. “And my mother always told me if I didn’t have anything nice to say I shouldn’t say anything at all. I’d rather spend my time somewhere I can have a conversation. Thank you, Miss Isobel, for the lesson. I’ll see myself out.”
Brianna kept her ears pricked for their reactions as she turned on her heel and went to the table to retrieve her things before exiting through the door at the side that led to the servant’s passage and from there down to the kitchen. She heard one stifled chuckle (Hal) and Isobel’s gentle, “You were the one who provoked her.”
The sound of a slight commotion drew most of the others back into the drawing room—a footman announcing the arrival of another guest.
“Daniel,” Hal exclaimed in joy. “It’s a miracle you made it in this weather. You ought to have stayed at your inn until it cleared.”
“If he did that he might not have arrived in time at all,” Geneva declared, brushing away the awkwardness of being put in her place by a ten-year-old girl. “The way it looks now it could rain through the next fortnight and my wedding’s one week away. He knew I’d never forgive him if he wasn’t here.”
“Always said Gordon was like a brother to me so I see it as my brotherly duty to make sure everything stays on schedule,” a new voice chimed in.
“Well you might’ve been as a brother to Gordon but you’ve hardly been a brother to either of his sisters,” Geneva objected with a laugh. “You haven’t written a word to either Isobel or myself in over a year.”
Brianna snuck one final peek through the door to the drawing room.
John, the soldier who had come walking through the field with her mother that day, was the only one watching her as she made her exit.
“Bree,” Claire gasped as her daughter barged into the cottage, dripping wet from her brief run through the rain from the main house. “For heaven’s sake, what are you doing here? I was going to fetch you back after your lesson was finished. You’re soaked to the bone.”
“Well you might wind up back there later treating their latest guest. Sounds like he rode a ways through the rain and I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes down sick from it,” Brianna said, shaking her hair like a wet dog.
“Sassenach,” Jamie called from the cottage’s back entrance. “Do ye have anything hereabouts we could eat? Thought it might be nicer to have our midday meal alone together rather than trek through the muck to the main house. And as Bree’s occupied there with Miss Isobel…”
Claire cleared her throat loudly soon after he began and spoke over him, “We’re in here, Jamie. Bree’s just got back too. We hadn’t addressed the subject of lunch yet.”
Jamie came around the corner, his face pink and dripping with the rain that had soaked his hair.
“Bree,” he said with a smile. “Is it wet enough for ye out there? I ken I must look and feel like a half-drowned cat.”
“Well it is raining cats and dogs,” Brianna remarked without enthusiasm.
“Why don’t you fetch some dry things from your trunk and change in our room,” Claire offered.
“I suppose we won’t be using it after all,” Jamie whispered in her ear as he brushed a kiss against Claire’s cheek.
“I had brought a leftover side of ham from the house after tending the cook the other day,” Claire continued, ignoring Jamie, “and there’s cheese I had set aside as well. We’ll see what kind of meal we can make with that and maybe it will let up enough tonight for a larger meal with the others at the main house.”
When Brianna had closed their bedroom door behind her to change, Claire turned into Jamie’s arms and stood on her toes to give him a kiss.
“When the wedding’s over and their guests have gone home, things will calm down enough that we’ll have a little more time for ourselves,” she whispered, pulling away from him as his hands drifted down to her backside. “Not just the two of us, but the three of us.”
“Except for when we have time just the two of us to get back to work on making that three of us into a four, aye?”
“Aye,” Claire smiled and blushed. “Though by my watch we’ve spent a fair bit of time working at that already.”
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Ghost; wanderer part two
Warnings: none.
Summary: you wake up to a heavenly surprise.
A/N: love this, hope you do too!
I’m a ghost; a wanderer. These two months that I’ve spent at the Way’s were quiet and eventually fun. I was very mousy upon first arriving; it took me awhile to open up. I talked a lot to Gerard Way. He was secretly sensitive and a comic book lover. I had loved him the first time I looked at him. He was beautiful, it was beautiful. I hope he loves me just as much as I love him. I have a thought he does: nothing had provoked this thought, I had just imagined he does. I had tried many times throughout the day to stop but the force wouldn’t let me. It was irrevocable. I was unconditionally in love with him. I was a ghost, now I feel whole again. But my heart feels shattered at the never ending thought of us never being. I showed no physical pain at this but I was feeling it. 
I was staring at the wall for a few moments when I had woken up in the room they gave me. I played with the hem of my thigh high socks. My soft night gown was making slight noises in the silent room. 
I stopped abruptly when I felt someone behind me. It was weird, I feel like I cant feel Gerards soul anymore. I used to know if he was touching me or close or in the room without looking. Now it’s like it’s going away but my love won’t. It was hard to turn myself around. 
Why do I look down upon my love so much? He was there, sitting legs crossed beside the bed, the light behind his eyes reminded me of the stars above. I searched for a reason he was in my dark room. 
He was only in here once before, when he had shown me where the room was. I had never kissed anyone before but thoughts of his lips and how they would move couldn’t exit my mind. 
I played with my toes. 
“Why are you in here?” I asked. 
He looked surprised but his eyebrows melted down. 
“You’re so beautiful.” 
The words I had always imagined he would say—he said in a love confession. I hoped. 
The sweet call of his name was interrupted by how close he was and God, it felt wonderful. My thoughts went hazy when his lips touched mine. A bliss. You know those movies that say they hear church bells? I could feel like he was playing the harp on my chest but his hand was touching the side of my face softly. I lifted my hand to touch his silky cheek but he had departed and I didnt stop moving my arm. He stopped my slow motions and looked at me teasingly. I stared at him, I wonder if he could tell how I could feel. Why had he moved away? 
‘You can move, it’s not like the accident.’ 
I propped myself up and closed my eyes. And then I felt his uncapped lips on mine again. I let out a silent moan into his mouth; into him. This time, he caressed both my cheeks, he pushed me down; no sound leaving me, a natural reaction. He stopped once again. 
“Why are you teasing me?” 
“Kiss me.” His voice was deep, mellow and always melodious. 
You paused checking him for clues, he waited. You leaned forward and put your silky hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes at the final second. Your lips moved but he quickly dominated the situation. He pushed you back but your hand came to press behind his head, locking him in place. You gripped his hair as you breathed heavily from your nose as he pushed himself on top of you. His breathing was calmer. You suddenly stopped gripping his hair and you passionately let it all out. He made his way down your neck, you moved your head, you hoped he would never move away again. He found a sensitive spot which you whined under him for his harsh butterfly kisses. He bit into the soft flesh and his words got cut off from a quiet moan.
“I’m yours,” You proclaimed. He settled into your neck, sniffing your strawberry scented hair and your fresh skin. “G-gerard?” 
“What is it?” He sat up on the bed and you followed. 
You looked down. He put his index finger under your chin and brought your face up. 
“Will we be something after this? Will you be my boyfriend?” 
You couldn’t of been happier.
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angellhardy · 6 years
off limits // pt.2
Pairing: Roger Taylor x reader
Words: 2.5k 
Warnings: mild swearing, mentions of sex  
AN: Thanks for all the support for part 1!! I think the series will be probably even longer than 4 parts but we will see :) If you have requests or want to be tagged, you can message me! Oh and get ready....part 3 is steamyyyyyy......
previous part / next part
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You thought a lot about what Brian said that evening. Of course you told him he was crazy but deep down you knew he had a point. „Let's just not talk about Roger, okay? I haven't seen my best friend in 14 weeks and we're fighting about this as soon an you come back.“ You suggested as you walked closer to him and opened your arms for a hug. He accepted gladly and took you in his arms. „I really do love you (y/n).“ Brian said as he brushed through your hair with his fingers.
„I love you too, Bri.“ you replied with your mind still on Roger.
The next day you all met up at the studio, because they were still recording their new album. You were really excited to watch them play as you haven't seen them in the studio in over a year. But you also made a plan for that day to avoid Roger at all costs. To show Brian that he was crazy and that his fear of you liking him was actually nonsense. So Brian picked you up at your apartment and drove with you to the studio. On the way he told you some more about touring and you were fascinated how he practically started to glow as soon as he started talking about his music. You really wanted nothing more than to just see him this happy forever.
When you two arrived you quickly got inside, as Brian saw Johns car already parked. You went into the recording room and saw John and Roger sitting there with cups of coffe in their hands. „Oh hey (y/n)! Didn't know you were coming today.“ John said as he got up to give you a quick hug.
„Brian invited me after you guys left, i hope it's okay.“ you answered with a shy smile.
„Of course it's alright.. I love spending more time with my favorite girl.“ Roger grinned as he got up to hug you. Brian and Deaky just rolled with their eyes but hearing him say that you're his favorite girl made your cheeks turn into a dark red, which didn't go unnoticed by him. „Well hello to you too, Roger.“ you replied and gave him a quick hug before walking over to the other side of the room and sitting down on the couch. You saw the smirk still on his face but tried to look unbothered.
„Freddie is late again.“ John said looking at the clock on the wall. „Some things never change, huh?“ you asked as you remebered all the times you sat like this before. The boys smiled at you as the door suddenly flew open. „I'm here darlings and ready to create some magic!“ Freddie said loudly as he came in and posed in front of you. „Well then we better start!“ Roger said as he got in the studio. They started with his drum part first for a song that didn’t have a title yet. You still loved watching him play as much as you loved it that first night at the pub. He had an energy around him that kept you from looking away. While he seemingly effortless played his drum solo for the song he looked up and caught your eye for a second. He gave you a wink and you quickly turned away, hating what he was doing to you with such a simple gesture. You didnt look at him for the rest of his recordings. When it was Brians turn Roger got up from his drums and walked out of the recording room. He was a bit out of breath and his hair was sticking to his face because he was sweating from all the drumming. He dried his face with a towel before sitting down next to you. „So what did you think?“ he asked you while your arms were touching each other. „Yeah...it was pretty good.“ you said without looking at him, your eyes fixated on Brian in the recording room. He was looking at you too, so you definietly didn't want to face Roger right now. 
„Hey Freddie can you tell me some more about this song?“ you ask as you stand up and walk over to where Freddie was sitting and leaving a very stunned Roger Taylor behind on the couch. „Oh of course (y/n). I'm always willing to share my talent and my vision with my fans!“ he said beaming at you. He told you all the elements that he planned for this song and to be honest you couldn't really imagine how it would sound at the end but Fred seemed to have it all planned out in his head. “I wrote the song with Freddie.” You heard Roger say, now suddenly beside you again. “Oh that’s nice Rog.” you reply without looking at him. Defeated he walks back to the couch and sits down again  You watched your best friend record his parts for the song and just stood there in awe. He was truly so talented. „Stop looking at Brian like that, honey, our Roger will get jealous and I'm not in the mood for another one of his tantrums.“ Freddie told you with a wink. „Oh fuck off Freddie.“ you heard Roger yell behind you and you had to smile at that. Brian was soon after that finished with his parts and it was Johns turn to record. You hugged Brian as soon as he came into the room. „You were fantastic Bri! I'm really proud of you!“ you said as he smiled big at you. „Thank you (y/n)! Means a lot coming from you.“ he answered with the most genuine smile. You really missed this, it's been a while since you were this close. „Can we now focus on John?“ a very annoyed Roger said, making you turn your head to see him roll his eyes. „I told you he would get jealous.“ Freddie said in a low voice, but Roger still heard it. „I will throw you through this window Freddie!“ Roger growled, which just makes Freddie laugh. „Bold of you to assume you could.“ he answered without even looking at him.
Now it was your turn to laugh, which didn't exactly help Rogers mood. 
„I'm going to grab something to eat. I'm starving! Do you guys want something?“ you asked in the round as you grabbed your purse. „Oh a bagel would be lovely, darling.“ Fred said but the others just mumbled that they didn't want anything you so left to go to the nearest coffee shop. You just exited the building when you heard someone scream your name. Turning around you saw Roger walking after you and stopping just a few feet in front of you. „Roger? What do you want?“ you asked him a bit stunned. „To know whats the fucking matter with you today!“ he replied with a hint of anger in his voice. „I don't know what you mean.“ you tried to sound as clueless you could but you knew there was no use. „Oh don't bullshit me (y/n). You avoided me all day. As soon as I was beside you or wanted to talk to you, you go to the other side of the room like I have a disease or something.“ he furrowed his brows together. Suddenly his face softened and you could see worry in his eyes. „Did I do something wrong?“ he asked, his voice lower now. He seemed really distressed and seeing him like this you felt sorry for doing this to him. 
„No!“ you quickly said. „Look Roger, Brian has this crazy idea that I'm into you and i just wanted to avoid you today so he would see that that's bullshit.“ you explained to him, seeing a smirk grow on his face. „So are you into me?“ he asked. „No! Of course not!“ you replied a little bit to fast. Grinning he stepped closer to you, while speaking „That's such a shame, because I think I saw you checking me out just earlier in the studio.“ A blush crept on your face at that. „And you know...I'm definitely into you.“ he said his voice barely over a whisper. You looked at him with wide eyes. Just now you realized how close he was to you. He was looking at your lips so you quickly got a few feet away from him. „I'm not one of those chicks you can just use for sex Roger.“ you said as you turned around and started walking to the cafe. „Hey! Who says I just want to have sex with you?“ he asked, catching up with you. „Oh come on. As if the famous Roger Taylor would be able to feel something more than lust for a woman.“ you scoffed. He grabbed your wrist and spun you around, so you were facing him again. „I feel more than just lust for you, (y/n). I feel like this could be something.“ he said as he looked deep into your eyes. „How many girls did you tell that to before?“ you asked him as his gaze shifted to the ground. „I have to admit I used that phrase a few times.“ he said as you rolled your eyes, freed your arm and started walking again.  „But I really mean it (y/n)! I know you want this too, so why are you walking away?“ he said desperately. You stopped walking again and turned around to face him. „This wouldn't work out Rog.“ you replied, motioning between ou two, getting frustrated. „How can you be so sure, when you don't even give it a chance?“ There was definitely tension growing between you.
„Brian doesn't approve“ you state.
„He doesn't have to know.“ he replied. „You want me to lie to my best friend?“ you ask in disbelief. „Well it's not really lying....you just don't say anything.“ he cheekily grinned but you looked at him still unimpressed. „Look (y/n) give me a chance okay? I'll take you out on a nice proper date tonight and you'll see that this is serious to me.“ he pleaded and  sounded sincere to you. You knew this was bad. You shouldn't do that, especially not to your best friend. This would end in disaster. You knew all that. But curiosity got the best of you. „I can't tonight, I'm hanging out with Brian.“ you said with a smirk. „but tomorrow would be lovely.“ you added.
„Tomorrow it is m’lady! I'll pick you up at 7!“ he said with the biggest smile on his face. You mirrored his smile as you told him „Don't be late!“ before you turned around and finally made your way down to the cafe.
When you returned to the studio, you gave Freddie his bagel, which he thanked you for and sat down on the couch next to Roger, who still seemed to be in the best mood. „Well (y/n), what took you so long?“ Brian asked as he sat down between you and Roger, causing you to playfully roll his eyes at him. „Oh there were just a lot of people in the cafe.“ you said with a shrug, knowing that Roger was grinning besides Brian.
You and Brian met in the evening again to just make a chill movie night. He asked you a bit how your life was the last few months, as you sat down on the couch, because you only really talked about him recently. But your life just wasn't as exciting as his so the subject quickly shifted back to him. „Do you wanna go the cinema tomorrow?” he asked suddenly. Shifting in your seat you started „Oh no Bri, I can't tomorrow. I have work...and after that I have so visit my mom.“ you lied with your gaze on the ground. „Oh no worries, tell her I said hi!“ he said happily. „You know, I'm really glad to have you in my life (y/n). You are my best friend and I know I can tell you everything. And I hope you feel like you can tell me everything.“ he continued with the softest voice as you cuddled into his side. „Of course Brian“ you told him as guilt started to creep up inside you.
The next day you went to work in the morning, excited for your date with Roger but at the same time you started to doubt the whole thing. It didn't feel right for you to keep this from Brian but you really wanted to know what Roger planned for you. You were writing something down as the work phone rang. Your coworker picked up and glanced at your direction with a confused look as she walked over to you „It's for you.“ she said as she handed you the phone. „Hello?“ you ask into the phone. „Princess! It's good to hear your voice!“ You could tell he was smiling. „Roger, what are you doing? Why are you calling my work?“ you ask him but have to grin at him. „I just wanted to make sure our date tonight still stands! I hope you don't chicken out last minute.“ he joked. „No Roger, I'm really excited for tonight. You better planned something good.“ you replied to him with a smile. „Oh I did, i think you will like it. So I will see you tonight, petal!“ „I'll see you tonight, Roger“ you hang up smiling at the new nickname.
After work you got home and showered, picked out an outfit and did your makeup for the evening. You wanted to look like you put in an effort but not too much, as it would just boost Rogers ego too much. Brushing through your hair you you smiled at yourself in the mirror, pleased with the outcome. You applied your favorite perfume and then just waited for Roger to come.
It was a few minutes before 7, when you heard a knock on the door.  You opened the door to see Roger standing there, a white button up shirt, the first few opened and tight black trousers. „Hello, beautiful.“ he said with a smirk. „Roger, come in. You're early, I'm surprised.“ you reply, making room for him to come in. „Yeah I actually sat outside in the car the last half an hour.. I didn't want to be late. I just couldn't wait anymore.“ he said, rubbing his neck and looking to the ground, almost shy. „Oh and here for you!“ he said offering you the small bouquet of daisies that he held in his hand. „I hand picked them myself!“ he added proudly. „Meaning you stole them from my neighbors garden?“ you asked him but appreciated the gesture nevertheless with a smile. „It's the thought that counts!“ he said. You were already surprised by his actions, seeing a softer side you didn't know before. You put the flowers in some water and turned around „So shall we?“ you ask him. „We shall, petal!“ he said talking your hand and leading you to the door.
taglist: @16wiishes @runningoutofwordstosay
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