#the spider twins
wosocomix · 1 year
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What the VAR didn’t see…
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winterpower98 · 5 months
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These were originally meant for Valentine's day, but oh well
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circusmantis · 1 year
After the fight
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stevebabey · 1 year
The drip in the roof of the trailer is what wakes Steve.
A steady plink! of water meeting wood somewhere above them. It always leaks a little in the trailer after it rains, like a gentle metronome of fat raindrops sneaking inside the cracks. While it used to annoy him, Steve just finds it soothing now.
The curtains Eddie had poorly shut the night before are askew just an inch, letting through a sliver of sunlight. A beam sneaks through, makes the room glow, walls painted golden. Steve revels in it and it’s warmth; lets out a yawn and stretches like a big cat, giving a soft groan as he does.
His elbow knocks into Eddie’s side as he does and Steve feels the familiar rush in his chest, fond affection filling every vein— and he loves it.
He loves that momentarily forgetfulness born from his sleepiness, where he forgets that he gets to wake up with someone by his side. Wake up next to Eddie, no less.
Steve loves it, adores it, because really what it means is he gets to remember it every morning.
He gets to roll closer and poke Eddie gently on the cheek, a small smidge of him just wanting to check if he’s real. If this, this love, is real and his. Eddie lets out a groggy groan, buries his face further in the pillow. Steve grins. Yep, he’s real.
Eddie makes another groggy noise and this time pulls his face out of his pillow slowly. He looks like a disgruntled cat, hair still stuck to his cheek, some small patch of drool left on the pillow. Eddie makes a soft ‘hmph!’ and one hand reaches up, wiping across his face lazily. His eyes peek open.
And as much as Steve loves his own secret moment in the morning, it’s blown out of the water by this every time — the moment Eddie sees him. Brown eyes see him and Eddie just softens. Like butter in the sun. Sinks further into his pillow and smiles, sleepy and wonderful.
Normally, they both let sleep comes and go, drifting across the sheets in half-hearted cuddles that Steve melts for every time. Today, Eddie’s smile grows into a happy grin. Then his hands are stretching out and he’s making small grabby hands across the sheets, urging his boyfriend over.
“C’mere,” he says, hands finding Steve’s side and pulling him, soft. “Gimme.”
Steve grins, heart flip-flopping. Goes without any resistance, shifting to snuggle up to Eddie, tucking up and under his chin as Eddie’s does his best to scoop him up in his arms. It’s warm. Eddie’s pulse is a small comfort to Steve as he rests his head upon Eddie’s chest, hands curled around his middle, thumbing at soft scar tissue. Thump-thump-thump, Eddie’s heart says, and Steve can somehow easily read the love in it; his stomach turns again, in a dizzy elated way.
“Mm, birthday boy,” Eddie hums, but he’s still so sleepy that birthday sounds more like birfday. Steve feels his heart jump in surprise — a moment in which he’s baffled Eddie knows. That Eddie remembers. The last couple birthdays… well, he hadn’t been friends with Robin til after his birthday in ‘85 and then, well, with everything in ‘86… It’s been awhile since someone has remembered is all.
He doesn’t mean to sound as surprised he does when he murmurs, “You remembered?”
Eddie hums again, a sweet loving noise. His arms around Steve tighten and Steve feels his heart keen when his lips brush across Steve’s temple. A gentle kiss is pressed there. It feels like everything he needs — this quiet small moment of wonder, a tiny moment of tenderness, just for Steve. He presses his own kiss back, lips against Eddie’s collarbone.
“S’look,” Eddie continues, dragging his arm off Steve to point somewhere on the wall. Steve follows his gaze and then— there it is, on Eddie’s calendar. Circled in red is April 29th. It’s covered in sloppy hearts, so much there’s no room for any word other than ‘Steve!!’ in the middle; his birthday. Marked so Eddie would remember, wouldn’t even dare the chance to forget it.
Eddie drops his arm, returning it to where it was, hooked over Steve’s side so his hand can run soothing soft touches down his back. He sighs again, another sleepy noise, and Steve could probably cry.
“Precious birthday boy, mm,” Eddie mumbles lovingly. “Lovely precious birthday boy,” he warbles on, voice gooey enough that Steve know he means it. Actually thinks that— that he’s precious, and lovely, and everything more. “What d’ya wanna do t’day?”
Steve tightens his cuddle and whispers, “Just this.”
He can feel Eddie’s grin, in response, and then there’s another kiss to his head. Just this. It’s the complete truth.
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summerwages · 2 months
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"Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly;
"'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy.
Mary Howitt 1799-1888...
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
This cute idea just spawned into my head but imagine the girls asking reader and hobie about their youth 🥹 like “how did you two meet?” And when they complain about having too much homework they say “I bet you didn’t do your homework when you were younger” to Hobie
Thank you for the adorable request!! 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Billie and Ramona AU, cw food mentions, FLUFF
You feel a gentle tug on your apron whilst you make dinner, the savory smell of spaghetti and meatballs wafting around you, covering you with a thin smoke that you had to fan away to get a good look at the disheveled curls below you.
“Mummy?” she tugs again and you fan the smoke away from her face. You should really turn on the exhaust.
Quickly pressing the on button, the fans roar to life making your daughter call you louder above the noise. You crouch down to her height, now eyelevel, you see Billie with her face scrunched up, pouting and with a crumpled paper clutched in her tiny hand.
“What happened to your hair?” You chuckle, trying to get it away from her pretty face with your palms. “Was your head all itchy?”
She stomps on her tiny foot, frustrated. “I can't do my homework!” Whining, Billie sniffs, clearly upset. You rub her arms lovingly, trying to calm her down. “And Mona fell asleep and daddy locked his door!”
The thought of Mona taking a nap before dinner has you internally groaning, knowing that you have to wake her up which is a job and a half for both you and Hobie. She clearly takes after her dad in that department.
“And I'm your third choice?” You feign hurt, joking to lighten her mood. It doesn't work when her frown deepens, brows knitted together. She takes after you in this department. “Okay I'm sorry, baby, what do you need?”
She raises her homework to your face, getting a facefull of her maths problems. Leaning away, you skim over the numbers: five plus seven, ten plus twenty and so on.
“I need help, mummy.” Her tiny broken voice sends your instincts into a frenzy, but you remain calm with your hands rubbing soft circles around her shoulder blades just like you always did when she was just a baby.
“And mummy will help you, okay? Can you grab your pencils for me? Then we can sit down and finish it.” You lift her chin up, pressing a sweet kiss on her chubby cheek. “And maybe I'll give you some ice cream for a job well done.” You whisper it to her like a secret to make your daughter giggle.
Truthfully, you were already going to give her some after dinner, if Hobie saw the entire thing he would've patted your back.
“Okie dokie.” Billie changes moods quickly, smiling and skipping towards the bedroom. She leaves the door wide open, giving you the opportunity to watch Billie hastily pick up her supplies from the messy pile on the foot of her bed.
You shut off the stove and the exhaust whilst peeking at the girls' bedroom. Spotting Ramona slowly sitting up, waking up from the ruckus that her sister was making. Yawning, her eyes droopy from sleep, she scowls at her sister but when she sees you peeking from the open doorway, she smiles, giving you her signature toothy grin.
Copying her smile, you scrunch up your nose and narrow your eyes, Mona giggles as Billie finally makes her way towards the kitchen table with her arms full of school supplies that are definitely not needed for a maths homework.
Billie huffs like she just climbed a mountain. She sits down on the dining chair with little effort, when just last year she still needed yours and Hobie’s help to get up on the chair.
“Mum!” She calls, legs swinging and tapping her pencil on the table.
“Coming, baby.” You wipe your hands on your apron. Sitting down next to her, you feel Mona lay her head on your arm wordlessly, sleep still clinging to her lashes.
Lifting her up, you place her on your lap. She embraces you, head placed on your chest.
“Mm-hmm, homework got me tired.” her words are muffled by your shirt.
If only Hobie can see you hogging all the attention from his girls, he'd probably be complaining jokingly, saying that his girls are playing favourites.
You help Billie with her homework and with every question answered her pout becomes deeper. She's so done with it already even though she still has an entire page left.
Mona has even started to help her sister, giving her extra fingers using her own hands so Billie can count higher using both her and Mona's fingers.
Nine questions left, Billie's on the brink of tears.
“‘m hungry” she whines, flicking eraser shavings off the paper.
“I know, cheese, just one more and we can have dinner then we can continue right after.”
“I bet you didn't have to do homework back then!” Billie throws a crumpled piece of paper across the table. Mona frowns, upset, looking at you for answers.
Hobie senses his girls' distress, he can't ignore it any longer while he was working on a new web fluid. With measured steps, he unlocks the door with a click. Making his way towards the kitchen, his heart melts at the sight, if only the twins were actually smiling it would've been better. Webbing up Billie's homework, he reads it out loud while closing the distance.
“‘If Charlie had ten cookies and his dad gives him eight more, how many cookies does he have?’” he scoffs, plopping himself next to Billie and across from you. “Diabetes, Charlie has diabetes.” placing the paper down, he watches the girls grin from ear to ear.
His girls giggles, music to his ears.
“Dad!” Billie slaps her dad on his arm, Hobie feigns hurt, groaning in (fake) pain. They laugh louder, Billie's frustration forgotten.
You smile at him, practically giving him heart eyes. He winks, laying his foot on top of your knee that's under the table. His way of saying ‘thank you’ and ‘you did a good job.’ So to show your appreciation, you wink back and he acts like Cupid's bow hit him right on his chest.
Mona laughs while Billie acts disgusted by the gooey scene in front of her.
Hobie sits up, or as properly as Hobie can. He places his elbow casually on the table, chin placed on his palm. He shakes his head, “not true at all, froggy, mum and I did a lot of homework back then.”
“You mean fifty years ago?” Mona jokes, followed by loud laughter from her and Billie.
“Rude!” You squeeze her in your arms, swaying her from side to side. “We raised rude children, Hobs.”
“This is what we get for letting uncle James babysit you eh?” Hobie pokes Billie on her side, earning a yelp from the younger twin. “You know who didn't do his homework? Uncle James, and look where he is now.”
“He’s living in a castle, dad!” Billie exclaims, excited to hear a story from before they were born.
“It's his dad's, scrunkly,” he pats her head before sloshing her head from side to side. She giggles again, holding his hand that's on top of her head. “not uncle James'” stopping his attack, he continues. “Have I told you that your mum and I’s first date was a study date?”
“No!” Mona and Billie shout excitedly.
You quirk a brow but you let him tell the story even though you know he might be telling it a bit differently than you remember.
“Yep, you see mum was havin’ a hard time with biology—”
“What's biology?” Mona asks.
“Study of plants, animals and humans.” Hobie says without elaborating or they'll be sitting there for hours.
Mona looks up at you from your lap, smaller hand tapping your clavicle. “Did you fall in love with dad during homework time?”
“Yes, he impressed me with his biology prowess.”
“Taught her anatomy—” You kick Hobie under the table before he could finish his sentence. He silently groans, staring softly at you.“—we held hands under the table.” Both girls listen intently while you smile at the memory. “I'd squeeze her hand every time she got an answer right.”
“Woah! You still do that!” Billie moves her head from Hobie and to you. Smiling delightfully at her parents.
“Yeah, we do. But with fewer biology questions.” Hobie taps the paper, “what's ten plus eight?”
“Eighteen,” Billie answers quickly and you look at her surprised. Hobie smirks triumphantly. “How'd you two meet?” she asks curiously, elbows on the table, and eyes sparkling.
Her twin does the same, her knees digging into your thighs. But you don't mind as you make googly eyes at Hobie.
“Tell you what, cheese, finish this and we'll tell you.” Hobie throws you another wink, sending you back in time when he used to pick you up from class.
You knead at his leg, tapping in morse code a simple ‘I love you.’ He appreciates it with a message of his own. Tapping Billie's eraser on the table, he sends a message through it. ‘Love you more, study anatomy later?’
Tapping a quick ‘yes’ he hides his smile when he pretends to look over Billie's homework.
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k-kroomie · 1 year
Miles and P.Miles having a sleepover.
Hobie outside Miles window with his guitar in the rain: I LOVE YOU BITCH‼️ I AINT NV GON STOP LOVING YOU‼️BITCH‼️‼️
P.Miles shaking his head: That's all you right there twin.
Miles also shaking his head but smiling: Yep that's all mine. My man
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koma-kino · 6 months
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The Spider Labyrinth - Gianfranco Giagni
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everybodyloveshippos · 5 months
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Jake x Neytiri x Na’vi!Reader
Summary: One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. ___ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right? Warnings: Childbirth, Angst Word count: 3.6k A/N: ok so, I had to repost this chapter to be able to make edits since it didn’t let me before :’) enjoy, again
Taglist: @itsyoboysparkel @dumb-fawkin-bitch @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fanboyluvr @mooniequeen @berrybluez @bajadotcom @alwaysinwritersblock @pandoragalora @perfectprofessorloverapricot @lvrcpid @answer-the-sirens @phantomalex14 @neteyamforlife @bat1212 @sadforeversblog @ducks118 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @1800imgay @soushswag @honeybxes @lola-bunn1 @alldaysdreamers @doggodorime @theesexystallion @scarlettwch @annamarieisbae @wallpaintt @zatarias-pandora @daoyus @ambria @simp-erformarvelwomen @simpliheavenli @tojidilfs @automaticwizardnerd @lexasaurs634 @symptoms-of-moonlight @avtprint
@deviismynamewritingismygame @sunrays404 @tsireyassgurl @xx-kaitlyn-trixx-xx @that-one-daydreamer @yeosxxx @noname2246 @ok-boke @rubyrubyruuu @diosmilkymommers @annaleesworld @jiminsthickthighs @holysaladapricothero @peaches-peach-peach @enochi @thispussyshouldcomew @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @kirisimpster @pompompomegranate @stevebuckysdoll @midhito @any-maybe @nyylovestowrite @omnimaki @blueberryfailureclinic @degenweeb @tejas-kris
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___’s heartbeat thumped harshly against her chest, her breathing was ragged with shaky inhales and exhales. One hand rested upon her stomach while another leant on the ground behind her, supporting her body as she tipped back slightly. 
She needed to get back to camp, the healers there would be able to use the appropriate oils and salves to sooth her pains, they also would be able to safely deliver her baby. She could not do it alone after all, even if her skills were exceedingly good. 
The Na’vi grunted as she turned to stand up, getting into a squad to heave herself onto two feet. But as she did more water ran down her shaky legs and she huffed out, sitting back down onto the moss. She could not do it. Her birthing had to be done here. 
___ placed both hands behind her and scooted herself against the trunk of vitrautral, hopefully the great mother will guide her. The grass below her glowed a soft blue hue, even in the afternoon light she was able to make out the intricate glow. 
A sharp pain in her abdomen made her screech out, leaning forward and deeply breathing. She was no stranger to the stories of childbirth, her sa’nok, along with the other mothers of the village told her stories of their labours. The wetness, the pain, the screaming, then it was the bliss, holding their child for the first time in their arms. At the time she could not wait for it to happen to herself, but now she regretted everything, she wanted them out. 
More shouts left her plush lips as she moved to a squat, facing and leaning against the tree for support. One hand left the trunk to undo her tweng and feel her entrance, she was dilated. If she felt further she would of been able to make out the smoothness of a head. 
When the contractions started coming closer in time, ___ knew she had to push. She cried, tears leaking from her flushed face as she wailed prayers to Eywa for a safe delivery, for Sylwanin and her ancestors to look out for her. 
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Time passed by fast and eclipse was nearing, the sun slowly backing into the shadows to make way for the night.
A hand was placed onto ___’s warm shoulder and the woman’s ears twitched, head swivelling around and her eyes widened as she was faced with Mo’at. 
“___, ‘evi…” the Tsahìk reached a hand down to feel her daughter, the head was almost out already, it was no doubt she has been in labour for a while. “They are close” she smiled, reaching her head out to kiss her daughter in law’s wet cheek, “push ‘ite” 
A scream was released into the air as ___ forced herself to squeeze, her opening stretching to accommodate the life that was coming out of her. Mo’at sang comforting prayers to their deity, hand under the baby to get ready to catch them when they fell, she moved ___ to arch her back more, watching as the child slipped out with ease. 
The Tsahìk caught them, making sure to use her knife to cut the cord, “‘aw evengan, ma ‘ite” she grinned. The new mother turned her head and laughed, her lash line being coated with happy tears. Mo’at quickly moved to connect the boy’s queue to his mothers, tsaheylu was important for them to establish a mother-child bond. She moved him into his sa’nok’s arms as she weeped, he was beautiful. “What are you naming him?” 
“Sylwaì” ___’s lip wobbled, ‘‘Sylwanin was a good name after all…’’. Before Mo’at could say anything else, another pained shout echoed through the cliffs that surrounded them. The elder was quick to asses the woman, checking her for any injuries until she felt her belly. 
It was still large. 
Immediately she felt ___’s entrance once again and gasped when another head had appeared. Another baby. This was never seen in the Na’vi, it was an enigma, something that may be caused by Jake’s human genes.
Without time to dwell, the Tsahìk coaxed the still squatting woman to squeeze once again, giving her praises and going back to singing hymns. ___ held her son close to her chest as he pawed at her chest beads, feeling her mothers distress through the bond. 
But it was easier the second time around, the next baby came out without much of a hitch. After another push they slipped out and their mother collapsed after Mo’at cut the cord once again, “another boy, mune ‘itan, you have truly been blessed, Eywa has seen to you that you get the family you deserve”
“Sylwaì ulte Syatxì. My sons. My beautiful children” ___ grinned at the chubby boys as she formed the bond, connecting her second born to the tsaheylu that was already connected with his brother. The three bonded and all ___ felt was ‘onglawn, the exhilaration feeling the bond take place. She felt their calm breaths, their slow beating hearts and happy thoughts. Her happy babies. 
“They are small, you have given birth too early ‘ite” The Tsahìk made sure the new mother was rested against the tree, looking around the dark horizon and back to the small family, smiling “but they are healthy, the great mother says they will be strong” she placed a hand on the others head, sending thanks to Eywa for the safe delivery. If she had not made it in time, she would not know how this would have turned out. 
“How did you know I was in labour?” ___ looked up, still panting slightly. Her yellow eyes twinkled in the light of the tree of souls and her face glowed like any other new mother. 
Mo’at tapped her own nose once, then tapped the other woman’s “a Tsahìk sees all” was the only words she said. But it was enough. Interpreting the will of Eywa was not something anyone could do, her mother in law holds a special bond with Pandora.
___ looked down at the boys who cooed sleepily “I did all the work to bring you here, and yet you are the ones who are tired?” the two women chuckled. The na’vi looked back up and sighed heavily, only one thought emerging from the back of her mind, making itself prominent in the way it pangs painfully. 
Her mates. What would they say about this?
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When the sun emerged from the giant planet, Polyphemus, and bathed Pandora with light once again, ___ awoke with her children resting safely in her arms. Mo’at a few feet away with some fruit cut up in front of her.
She sat up slowly and looked down to see her loincloth put back into place, her mother in law must have cleaned her when she was resting. A whine caught her attention and her ears swivelled, eyes landing on the boys stretching their little legs. ___ grinned brightly and brought them up to her chest, letting them suckle her for milk. 
“Come, have some food. You should be hungry, like your boys” her mother beckoned her over, handing her slices of yovo. “We must get you back to the clan soon, their family must meet them” 
At the mention of her mates, ___ turned her ears down. She did not want for her sons to be treated with unfair cruelty just like she had, and she knew that the couple would not hold back just because she gave birth to their sons. “I do not want to” 
“What?” Mo’at looked at her like she grew two heads, she had an idea what has been happening with her children and tried to stop any wrongdoings. But she could not prevent what they did behind closed curtains in the privacy of their home. She felt helpless, and only wished for the great mother to guide them all to a better future. 
“I do not want to go back. You know what will happen if I do. I cannot deal with this mistreatment on myself and I cannot allow it to happen to my sons” ___ kisses each boy on the back of their head, rubbing her thumbs on their backs as comfort. “I want to leave” 
The elder’s eyes softened at the display of affection, pupils dilating in understanding. “If that is what you wish, I will help you ‘ite. But I hesitate, when you leave, I will no longer be able to watch you” 
“But you are Tsahìk, I thought you see all” ___ jested, gaining a smile in return. “I leave tonight. But I do not know where to go, Pandora is too big and too dangerous” 
“The Metkayina are reef Na’vi. If you travel beyond the sea you will be able to reach them, they will take you in. But the journey is long, you will need to be prepared for it” Mo’at stood up and helped ___ in the process, holding a hand on the young Na’vi’s back as they walked in the direction of camp. Speaking hushed whispers of where she would go, who she would meet, what to expect and what to take for her boys. 
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Sylwaì and Syatxì wriggled in their mothers hold, ears twitching and small tails wrapping around her wrists as they entered their home. Na’vi gasped at the family, having not seen their Tsahìk and her daughter in law for hours, they were starting to grow worried. But now they were back, bringing two small babies with them. 
Some approached her to get a closer look, offering smiles and their congratulations. ___ grinned back, happy at the love her people saw for the babies. They both cooed when the women of the clan stroked their little hands and small noses. 
“We give our thanks to Eywa, who has brought safe delivery to our new members, and your Olo’eyktan’s first borns” Mo’at lifted her hands to the sky while the clan cheered and whooped. 
At the sound of loud shouting, Jake and Neytiri both turned to eachother, worried that something has happened while they were in their home. The woman dropped her basket weaving and rushed to grab her bow, Jake quickly doing the same for his gun while they slid down to the forest floor. “What’s going on?” he approached the large group, ready to attack. 
The clan parted for their leaders to see and it was a sight that was most unexpected. ___ stood in the centre, looking tired but glowing all the same, holding two Na’vi babies in her arms. Neytiri’s eyes widened, looking from the babes to the mother’s now flat stomach, putting two and two together, “those children…” she whispered, mind wondering off. ___ gave birth without their knowledge, to two nonetheless and much earlier than anticipated. 
Jake dropped his gun, staring at the boys. They were twins, both looking the exact same with three fingers and small tufts of hair on their head. They were cute, especially when they tried to open their eyes and reach their small hands to grasp whatever they could, making the sweetest sounds to their mama.
His babies. His boys. 
He tried to walk closer to the group, taking careful steps but saw the way ___ clutched them closer, to the naked eye it would just look like she wanted a better hold on them. But to Jake’s, he saw the fear in her yellow orbs, the way she stared at him with anticipation, waiting for his next move. He stopped and his ears went down slightly. 
“Omaticaya, we leave the family to rest” Mo’at, ever the observant, shooed the people away while her children and grandsons got acquainted, making sure to keep a close eye on them if anything were to happen. She will not allow her grandchildren to also suffer.
Once the clan parted and went back to their chores, Neytiri walked next to her husband, a sadness coating her face. “When…when did you do it” she looked into the eyes of the new mother and saw a sight she has become all to familiar with, it filled her with grief. Has she caused this? Deep down she knew she had, everything leading up to this moment was her fault. 
___ stepped back slightly, eyes never leaving the couple, “last night…” she softly whimpered when Syatxì’s tail tightened on her wounded wrist, it has been treated, but still hurts and will take time to heal. The sound caused the two Na’vi in front of her to instinctively perk up, their eyes looking over her for any injuries and Neytiri’s breath hitched when landing on her wrist.
___ saw the change in her expression and decided to leave, she did not want to dwell with them for longer than she had to. She excused herself and walked away towards their home, climbing the tree to the best of her ability and settling down once she was inside the hut. She did not want to hear what they had to say. Not ever again.
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___ strolled towards Hellsgate, after the hassle the clan made of her coming back she decided to pay the humans a visit, including Spider. Her twins were strapped in their carrier, one on the front and one on the back, both squealing happily at the atokirina that flew down and tickled them. Eywa was watching.
The Na’vi stepped over roots and rocks, finally seeing the entrance to the building a few ways ahead. Slowly walking down the hill and going towards it, hoping that they would not be alarmed by her sudden presence. “Kaltxì” the woman called once she was close enough, knocking on the door and grinning at the small man who opened it, Max. 
“Hi ___! Come inside - oh! Congrats on the babies!” he cheerfully waved at her little ones, the babies stared at him, sucking their thumbs and most likely trying to see who he was through their growing eye sight. The Na’vi walked into the air lock, waiting for the next door to open so they could finally be where the rest of the tawtute were. Max strolled in front of her, pointing out where Norm was most likely at and she thanked him in English, some of these humans do not understand Na’vi so she made sure to adapt for them. “Hey ___” Norm grinned at her tiredly, noting the two babies strapped to her he blinked, surprised, “they are early” he stated, getting up from his seat and walking towards her. The taller woman kneeled down to introduce them, offering Norm to hold one, after their constant get togethers she grew to trust him. “No, I would rather not, Spider has been acting up like crazy and I think I’ve had my fill of kids for now…No offence!” He quickly added, not wanting to come off as rude.
___ smiled at him, understanding, sometimes the children she took care of can be a bit much “it is okay Norm, where is Spider though?”. The man pointed to a hallway just across from them, telling her that the boy was in the first room to the left. He quickly grabbed a breathing mask for her, noting that she had none on and urged her to take it before sending her off.
___ looped the device around her neck, understanding his concern but she will not need it, she is not staying long.
Little Miles was in a colourful room, playing with some wooden toys she have carved out a couple of weeks ago, in his left hand he held a figure of Toruk and in the right a Na’vi. He squealed when he saw her walk through the too small door, standing up on little legs and rushing towards her. “Hi! Hi!” he bellowed cutely, hugging her calf and rubbing his cheek on it.
The woman grinned brightly and sat down so they could be closer, untying her babies to introduce them to each other. “‘evi, this is Sylwaì and Syatxì” she observed as the human boy looked between the two and pointed to ___’s tummy in question. “Srane, I have gave birth to them last night” she stoked the boys blonde curls and watched as he poked one of the babies arms, he was as big as them. It made her giggle.
Her laughter mellowed at why she came to him in the first place, she had to tell him the news. Spider may not understand properly, but she loves the child, he deserves to be made aware. “Spider. Please look at me” she lifted his head to stare into his brown eyes softly “I am leaving Omaticaya” her voice cracked.
The toddler looked at her with confusion, only really understanding the word ‘leave’ after having heard it plenty when saying goodbye, but seeing the tears in the woman’s eyes he knew this was much more serious, “Leave?”
“Srane. I am leaving forever”
The English processed in his head and the boy felt his eyes well up, lip quivering. “Kehe! Stay! Sa’nok!”
___’s heart broke. Mother. He called her mother. She picked him up and placed him with her twins, kissing his head and wiping his tears. “Ma ‘itan. I have to. I do not feel safe here” he dulled down and whimpered, nodding his head. Smart boy, her smart boy. “I can not take you with me either, yawnetu. It is not safe for a tawtute, you can get hurt”
Spider nodded again slowly, coming to terms with their departure. Small tears dropped down his chubby cheeks, he was scared to lose her. But if she did not want to be here he can not stop her. “Sa’nok…” he cuddled into her large blue body, sniffling. ___ cooed and tried her best to comfort him, feeling her own sadness drip down her face.
“My child. We will see each other again. Become strong. Eywa will guide you, I promise” she took of the thin choker she wore around her neck, the beads shined in pretty blues and browns. ___ wrapped it around little Miles’s arm, touching her forehead to his. “‘itan, I will always love you”
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The tree of souls glistened in the night of Pandora, ___ wanted the ceremony done now before she were to leave for good, who knows when her boys would ever get the chance to connect to a sacred space again? The reefs journey was long and there was no vitrautral for miles.
Mo’at chanted prayers into the air, the Omaticaya swayed in the back, humming songs of support, the floor glowed with their connection, a bright teal pulsed into the darkness. Syatxì and Sylwaì’s kurus linked with one of the hanging branches, it glowing with the newfound connection.
The two babies smiled gummy smiles to their parents, feeling the warmth of their great mother and the love that she holds for her children. Sylwaì gurgled happily at ___, her pupils dilated in pure bliss in return. Her sons were now connected to Pandora, they will grow with a strong connection to their deity and all living things.
Jake held Syatxì in his strong arms, as was custom for an Olo’eyktan and a father of almost three. He stared into his boys yellow eyes as he cooed, a small smile graced the man’s face as the baby made sweet sounds. How could he ever be deprived of them? How did he ever have the nerve to do this to their mother?
He glanced towards his left where ___ kissed Sylwaì’s forehead, heart beating just a tad faster. She was beautiful, she has always been beautiful. He just couldn’t believe it took so long to see it. To see her.
Mo’at nodded towards Jake curtly as she passed him, ending the ceremony with chirps and loud words of thanks. She was happy for her daughter in law, but not happy with her son. He did not deserve to hold that baby, but she could not protest, as is the way.
“My sweet babies” ___ whispered, nuzzling into the boy she held, pride overtaking her every being. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Neytiri grinning at her, also proud of her old friend and mate for achieving something so great. ___’s mood instantly mellowed, she does not get to be proud.
Not after all she has done.
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Her ikran landed onto the branch just a couple of minutes away from the clan, squawking at the sight of her rider and new offspring’s. “Kaltxì Tìlor” ___ stroked the nose of the creature, laughing quietly as she was smothered. “We must go. Far away” she connected queues and instantly Tìlor understood, wings flapping and pupils dilating. She must get her rider to safety.
___’s sons were in their carrier on either side of their mother once more, but this time swabbed in blankets just to make sure they will stay warm. It was an eight hour journey to the reefs, there she will find a clan that can take her in.
She has had enough of her mates mistreatment, it was about time she left. With the birth of her twins it motivated her to keep them safe from the hands of Jake and Neytiri who still slept soundly in their bed.
The Na’vi left the home she shared earlier that night, packing essentials such as food, water, warm clothes and memorabilia. She took Sylwanins beads and some of Mo’at’s jewellery, items to remember her home and loved ones here. She does not know if or when she will come back.
___ jumped softly up onto Tìlor’s back, urging her to lift up into the sky and away from Omaticaya. She looked back in sadness, high enough to see Hellsgate just past the tree line.
She prays that Jake and Neytiri will never find her.
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐍? . . . . ✭ ★ ✭
miles, margo, milan x black male! reader (platonic & romantic)
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“Margo! Come get yo man!”
Y/n screamed, trying to push back the taller boy. But, the continuous blows from the pillow shut him up relatively quick. Milan cackled, “Nah, she ain’t gon save you today!” he gave Y/n one final hit before trying to quickly make it up the stairs. His (slightly) older brother, pushed him aside, groaning slightly “What is with you and fighting my boyfriend?” Miles sighed, sitting next to Y/n “And somehow always winning.” Y/n sobbed even louder, crawling to lay his body across his boyfriend’s. Y/n let out another cry, “Miles, thank you for saving me! He probably would’ve shot me if you didn’t come!”. Milan looked up from his phone, scoffing slightly, spreading his figure along the smaller couch.
“My god,” Margo came downstairs, catching her breath in between small laughter, “Y/n, you are wayy too dramatic for me.”
“Righttt” Milan agreed, making room for his girl. Milan wrapped his arms around Margo, who was giggling at the ghosting touch around her waist. Y/n frowned, looking up at Miles who was on his phone, “Bro! Hold me like that.” He looked down at Y/n, brows furrowed “You want me to hold you like that…after you just called me bro??”
Y/n rolled his eyes, “Ugh, I’m a victim of the sassy men apocalypse.”
“As if i’m not a victim of it everyday..?” Miles retorted, “Get over it.”
Y/n gasped, throwing himself off Miles, “Oh! First you let me get jumped-“
“One person isn’t being jumped.”
“Then you let yo brother and Margo out-couple us,”
“That’s not a word.”
“And now! You got the nerve to be sassy with me over a word!?”
“You literally side-eye’d AND ignored me for a week, because I ate the last slice of ice cream cake.”
Margo cackled, pulling her phone out, she recorded the last few seconds of a pointless argument, “Ya’ll is too funny.” She giggled, adding the video to a certain album labeled “family <3!”. Milan laughed, nodding slightly, “Yeah, but they make up right after.” Margo hummed, “Does that make it less funny?” Milan shrugged, “Nah, jus, less entertaining.”
“Same thing.”
Y/n sighed, sitting back down, he leaned onto Miles. A long silence occurred between the couple. Until, finally, Miles spoke up, “I’m jp. I’d definitely jump Milan for you.”
“I do not remember that being apart of the conversation.. but thank you. <3”
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wosocomix · 6 months
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Elladan and Elrohir challenged Legolas to 1 rock climbing competition, and have since resolved to never do that again.
Have you ever seen how fast professional, competitive, rock climbers race up those rock walls? Legolas climbs like that.
It’s largely due to the fact that silvans clamber and sprint through the tree branches of their forests and are very used to launching themselves up into trees from the ground floor. So they have a lot of upper body strength and agility.
Meanwhile, while the noldo and sinda elves are no slauches, it’s simply not their area of expertise as they usually fight and move on the ground floor.
So yea, Legolas is an absolute spider moneky and easily destroyed the twins in a rock climbing competition.
It should be noted that legolas absolutely will climb all over Rivendell, much to everyone’s awe and confusion bc how tf did he get there???
Legolas also taught areen the basics.
The first time arwen managed to climb her way up to the roof of a building from the outside, everyone almost had a heart attack, except for celebrian and legolas, who were to busy laughing.
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Ngl if Wiles loses that fight to Miles that'd be the biggest L ever on his part and I'm interested in seeing how he'd handle it cause it's also really funny
like how sore of a loser is he? He gonna be MAD mad?
I mean like
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The kid has skills but he also is covered in electrical equipment and he's basically fighting the Spider-man equivalent of Static Shock
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the funniest thing ever is seeing someone start a fight and then they lose really really badly (Miguel)
like Miles could reboot Wiles' heartbeat in a second like a defibrillator and Wiles is none the wiser CAUSE NO ONE WATCHES THE HANDS
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pinpurin · 1 year
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ (Hey yall morales twins AU! Milo and miles, this is inspired by @moodysunflowerbaby, I was gonna request but I’m sure their request are full.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ summary: morales twins are competitive and flirty, who can resist their charm🤷🏽‍♀️
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Warning: fluff, cursing, use of the n word, fem!black!reader in mind uhhhh yeah)
You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing at the twins antics, you watched as Milo had given miles a +4 in uno. "BRO THERES NO WAY??!" miles screamed.
"yeah hold that" milo said smugly, "WHY?? her hand is lighter than mine???" He groaned picking up the cards. "Colors green" milo said ignoring his brother.
you put down a green 6 as it was now Milos turn, he put a card down before looking at his brother, "Bro hit her, her hand looks a lil too light" milo said while you rolled your eyes at him. "i dont got nun bro" he said as he put down a wild card, "Red" "nigga why would you change the color, what if she has a red?!" milo yelled at his twin.
"Bro. CHILL I've been paying attention to her cards, she don't got red trust-" before miles could finish you put down a red 8.
"uno" you smiled at the two.
"what the fuck?" miles watched in disbelief. "BRO LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID?" milo shouted.
"Listen I could've sworn-" "shut the hell up man" milo stopped him and drew a card. Miles rolled his eyes at being interrupted. "Dont get yo thong in a twist, as long as you dont win im cool" miles replied. Now it was time for Milo to roll his eyes.
"Please" miles silently begged while picking up a card from the deck. "YES!!!! hold that, mi amor" miles smiled cheekily while putting down a red +2 "THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!" Milo shouted at his brother.
"THANK YOU MILES, YOU SOLD!" You yelled cutting their celebration short.
The boys looked at the stack to see you out down a blue +2
"NO WAY??!?" miles wailed while Milo was looking at him ready to throw him down a flight stairs. "I cannot fucking believe you" Milo looked at his brother.
"How was I supposed to know??" he asked his brother. You laughed at the two arguing, covering your mouth by habit. The boys stopped arguing and looked at you.
"Dont cover your mouth mi vida" miles said inching towards you slowly. "Yeah, let us see that pretty smile, ma" you pressed your hands harder, covering your mouth entirely in a teasing manner.
Before you knew it miles had pounced on you trying to rip your hands away from your mouth while milo was tickling your sides in hoped of you letting go.
You began to laugh louder, causing miles to successfully have both of your hands in his, the boys both stopped and looking at you with small grins on their face while you were trying to calm yourself down.
"whats going on in here?" Rio asked, opening the door to see what all the comotion was about with jeff and their uncle aaron behind her.
They look shocked but not surprised to see miles straddling you with your hands in his and Milo sitting above your head.
Uncle Aaron walked in further and saw the uno cards and put the pieces together. "Man, you can't attempt to kill y/n because you're a sore loser" his uncle teased trying his best not to smile at his nephews reaction. "I AM NOT A SorE LOseR" Miles yelled with his voice cracking.
His mouth opened wide at the sound of his voice and immediately looked down at you, only to see you trying to stifle a laugh, meanwhile Milo was laughing harder than ever.
"I aM nOT A SOre LoSEr" Milo mimicked holding his stomach.
i will try to finish up request but enjoy this blurb in the meantime, this was also inspired by berleezy playing uno with the gang
Y/n when she put her last card down
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Milo to miles bc he keep fucking up
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summerwages · 2 months
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pleasingly plump..
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