#the show got me on choke hold XD
foxyd101 · 7 months
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*slowly dumps a bunch of rough doodles I did of Vash*
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simpee9000 · 21 days
I love your “not just friends” series🥹 im obsessed! Im hoping to see more I love it soooooooooooo muchhhh!!!!!!! Even telling my friends to read it
But I saw a bakugo headcanon by another anon about him having a crush which I wanna add a spin on, what if he rejected this said crush back in middle school but developed feelings after xD I find it funny
Thank you !!! I'm glad you enjoy it so much!
And that is literally Katsuki Bakugo, can't see him not doing it tbh. (This was also a lot longer then I planned for it to be- I just started typing and here we are- 1k)
He isn't confused about a lot of things in life but his feelings definitely stump him. He tries to analyze other people and how they react to people, but the dots just don't connect. He hears people rave on and on about how cute their crush is, but he just doesn't get it.
It's not that he hasn't been introduced to it either. I mean, it's middle school. Everyone is crazy about dating someone even if it's just to hold their stupid hand. Bakugo didn't get it, he honestly didn't want to get it. Sure he wanted to understand it, but only so he could know a weakness or some shit. He didn't want the gushy feelings or anything such.
Rejecting girl after girl was normal for him, people just loved how great he was. But after the first year of middle school that stopped. Mainly because of how rudely he rejected every girl in the past, but also because of you.
You got extremely close with him rather quickly, working your way into his life and friend groups. It was rare to see you away from each other.
Yet when you confessed to him in your last year of middle school, he stood still. It was the only confession he hesitated on. And while you swayed on your feet, anxious for a reply, he tried to cough up any words possible.
But the only ones that came out were. "You're not special."
In the most blunt way possible, he crushed your dreams. With the way he was looking at you, it was like he couldn't fathom the thought that you thought you were good enough for him, different than all the other girls. So you choked up any spiteful things you wanted to say and nodded before walking off.
He didn't necessarily like you then, but the thought didn't seems gross. So when he watched you walk away, he shrugged it off. You'd talk to him tomorrow definitely.
When tomorrow came and went, he was waiting for you to show up by his side at any second. But of course, you never did. You waited a day before showing up to class, but when you did you stuck near your other friends.
It stayed that way too. You only nodded at him after you finished middle school, a small final goodbye.
So it was rather unfortunate that one of your friends happened to be Izuku. It was a hard-built friendship, but he's very forgiving.
You came and visited the dorms often, encouraged by his mother to help him get by easier.
Bakugo hated it, you never even looked his way.
When he googled his feelings he didn't want to believe the words typed on his screen. It was all saying he was jealous. He'd never been jealous of anything, especially nothing Deku had.
Eventually, Kirishima pointed it out, commenting on the glare he was giving Midoriya. He also called him out the next day, when he kept glaring despite you not being there.
The day he cracked was after he fought Deku, after being yelled out by Aizawa he and Deku were told to wait.
Bakugo mentioned your name in a mumble at first before Deku questioned it. "She like you or some shit?"
"You fuckin' heard me," he spat back.
"No!" Deku scrambled for a reason. He knew you had a crush on Bakugo before, but you haven't mentioned it in a while, "Do you?"
"Do I like you?!"
"NO! HER!"
Bakugo's aggression faded as he thought. Everyone was saying that. Kirishima, his dad, and now Deku. He gave a small shrug because he was unsure.
"She still asks about you," Deku decided to say, rather than poke the bear.
"Wanting to know if you're okay. After the sludge, and after.. well you know," Deku mumbled.
The door opened before anything else could be said, but even if it didn't, they both knew the conversation was over.
Feeling the commonly named butterflies in his stomach, at just the thought of you thinking of him still, was odd. It was an entirely new feeling. After googling, once again, he came to terms with the fact that he finally felt all the gushy feelings that everyone else got in middle school. The ones you used to have for him, hopefully still do.
He still waited a year to act on his conclusion first. But he still slowly tried to weave his way back into your life. Choosing to sit next to you when you visited, to othering you the remote.
Everything was without words for a while. Almost a year in he was forced to talk to you often. All conversations being awkward and strained.
Confessing was a different story, it was the last day you could visit before it was officially summer break before the second year. Everyone was all sat around watching TV, people leaving before they got too tired. Surprisingly, Bakugo and you were the last people in the living room. He didn't want to miss a second of your presence because he knew he couldn't see you during summer. He was so glad Aizawa let you stay late.
His head snapped away from the TV when you stretched to stand, silently grabbing your stuff.
"What are you doing?" he spoke before thinking.
You looked stunned, he never talked to you without you talking first, "It's late, I should go. Plus is it not past your bedtime?"
He glared at your joke before looking at the clock. It was 2:54a.m, you asked him out at 2:54 p.m in middle school.
"Do you still?"
"What?" you switched your weight onto one foot, crossing your arms confused.
"In middle school," he sighed, "do you still?"
"You're gonna have to be more specific."
"Have feelings and shit."
He still wasn't looking at you, but out of the corner of his eyes, he could see how you froze.
"I don't know how that's relevant," you huffed, embarrassed and annoyed that he'd be so cruel to bring up the rejection again.
"I do."
"Do what? Know how it's relevent? Of course you do, it's your brain-"
"Have feelings and shit," he mumbled, crossing his arms at how irated you sounded. He was finally making his move and you seemed pissed as hell.
You barked out a laugh, muffling it with your own hand, "You can't think I'm that stupid, right?"
"I'm being serious," he looked at you straight on for the first time. He was always easiest to read when you could see his eyes, and he looked nervous. Out of all the emotions you've seen on him, this wasn't one.
He sighed and looked down, "Don't gotta say anything, you can spend the night in the common room. No one will care," he pushed himself off the couch, turning to leave.
"Bakugo," you called out softly.
"I might," your voice was shaky, "but I need to think about it. Know that you're not fucking with me or something."
"Okay. Take your time. You have my number."
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep1 Musings - LDPDL smdh
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My daughter Claudia is NOT. PLAYING. AROUND.
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I had to giggle here, cuz it just reminded me of what she said in S1:
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Claudia will drag Lestat AND Louis each and every chance she gets, bless! 😂
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Aaaaaaaand the racists. 😒 Eat ALL of these mofos, YAAAAAS~!
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I am SCREAMING at the cinematic poetry--Louis is talking about not burning Lestat, as Lou & Claud can't get warm enough at a fire where they're burning the dead Soviets they just ate.
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While Claudia sits there giving Lou the cold shoulder & the silent treatment, icing him out so Louis only talks to himself--I HOLLERED.
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My daughter KNOWS!!! DRAG HIM, CLAUDIA!! ^0^
But then I cried, cuz WAIT. If Louis is talking to himself, is this also factoring into why he's seeing DreamStat? Cuz Lou's also desperate for connection, which he can't get from Claudia anymore either! 😭
Louis said DreamStat "came by invitation," as a colorful & vibrant "distraction" (read: comfort) from the dull monochromatic grey Eastern European land. But Lestat is bloodsplattered & filthy just like everyone else.
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The question of his guilty conscience: what does Lestat feel/think about Louis? And what is Louis projecting?
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That's all Louis wants to hear--that Les misses him and forgives him.
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"I'm glad it was you...a la fin." We still need confirmation that Lou slit Les's throat, not Claudia. Cuz this will also point to how much Lou is lying to himself about how betrayed Lestat really felt--that his death would be better by Lou's hands than Claudia's. Is Lou making himself feel better by giving Les the coup de gras, and thinking Les is grateful to him for it?
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Cuz he's clearly scared to death that WHEN--not IF--they reunite, Les will be pissed and hate/kill him.
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Cuz Lestat's love was what kept Louis alive--Lestat loving Louis saved/damned Louis' life. (The Merrick of it all, istg.)
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So it's WILD that Louis thinks this. That the split second Louis finds happiness, the boogeyman Lestat will come and kill him, or take it from him--or just be there as a hallucination constantly reminding Louis of what he left behind.
As an aside:
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It was a BAT--that's cute! XD
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Louis in denial as he tells himself choosing Claudia over Lestat was worth it. And Dream!Stat chanting "I do" like frikkin wedding vows, then choking on the words/vows as a vampire bat claws out of his throat--I CANNOT with this show anymore.
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This is interesting--the 7000 people he killed in Eastern Europe were a necessary evil--Lou calls them "souls," when Les called them "the Meat" and Claudia called them "Kill Juice." And in Paris he only kills once every other day. They ALL feel like murder to Louis. But Louis KNOWS he never killed Lestat!
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He put Lestat in the dump the same way Grace put his name on that tombstone--it's the DISTANCE that's killing them.
It's separation & absence, which they HOPE will make the heart grow colder--when we all know that's not how the saying actually goes.
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So who are you REALLY fooling, Louis? Cuz it for sure ain't Claudia!
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She said "you slow us down!" 💀 But Louis warned you: "I can barely speak French and English. I'd just hold you back.... You don't need me. You think you do, but you don't. You're smarter now. You see trouble coming a mile away." If only they'd've BOTH remembered that bit once they got to PARIS. 💀💀💀
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This dude, I swear. No wonder he never joined the Theatre; he can't lie for ish! 😅
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And I OOP! 👀
By the end of the episode we get Louis' BEAUTIFUL "You and Me" monologue to Claudia, and she finally accepts his apology and promise that he won't kill himself like Draciana did.
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Which nearly made me cry when you finally see DREAM!LESTAT SITTING RIGHT THERE. 😭 Who is Louis REALLY talking to!?
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As he always does when in denial & running from his problems (all the way to effing Romania, ffs), alcoholic!Louis "runs to the bottle and to bad beds."
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Louis, if you don't stop right this moment ISTG! 😭😭
I love this effing show, omg what a great start to the season!
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kenandeliza · 10 months
Headcanon comic Idea:
When Billy's face began to be more popular because of WHIZ TV station showing his face,he can't go undercover for stealthy missions that require a civillian form, everyone in fawcett knew what he looked like.
So sometimes he ask Freddy for help
Freddy: "Hey Mister, I heard you're looking for new gang members"
"Why would we ever take in a crippled brat like you!?" A young teenage boy beside mister asked him threateningly
Freddy hit the teenager with a punch on the stomach, and then to the right side of the face, the boy then landed on the floor flat. Freddy pressed the cutch at the boy's neck while his right knee pressed on his stomach, choking him.
"Because no one's ever going to believe that a crippled kid can put up a fisticuff." Freddy threatened him
The man laughed" You got spunk kid, meet me at the candy store, 7 o clock sharp!"
The man and the teenager left
Later on the next panel, Freddy is seen holding a walkie talkie: "Hey Billy, I got in!"
Billy:"yeah i saw it....you know Freddy, you could've done it quick and painless"
Freddy: "oh come on Billy, if it was you there, You'd sock him 'til he fainted, at least he's conscious!"
Got this idea while reading capt marvel jr #9
Couldn't help myself
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I probably had made both Billy and Freddy out of character, sorry about that xD
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iamvegorott · 5 months
Coffee and Sass
🎃anon’s comment of Mad snapping at someone being rude to Anti spurred on an idea XD ----------
Coffee and Sass
Mad and Anti were finishing up their trip to the mall. Anti got himself some new gauges while Mad got some guitar strings for Mare and a new book for himself. It was just a quick outing to kill some time while they waited for the others to finish up a meeting neither wanted to attend. They planned on going back to Mad’s place after getting themselves a coffee. Their boyfriends weren’t there so they could help themselves to some extra caffeine and sugar. 
“Want your usual?” Anti asked as they walked into the little coffee shop.
“Yes, please.” Mad smiled as he took Anti’s shopping bag and they split off without another word. Anti went to order and Mad went to claim a table, going with their silent system that worked out perfectly every time.
Almost every time. 
“What the hell?” A harsh voice pulled Mad away from his reading and he looked up to see Anti hissing at a man at the end of the counter, he had one drink in his hand, meaning the other was still getting made. “The fuck is wrong with you?” 
“What is wrong with you?” Mad said before Anti could reply. He stood up and walked over to the two.
“I’m not the one hissing like a cat.” The man scoffed.
“You were trying to take my drink.” Anti’s nose scrunched with his snarl. 
“You look like someone who needs an energy boost.” The man’s voice was thick with sarcasm.
“And you look like someone whose only accomplishment was their conception and even then everyone is disappointed with the outcome.” Mad put himself between the man and Anti, feeling a rush of pride at the loud laugh Anti let out. 
“You little-” The man didn’t even get to finish his insult nor his step, eyes widening at the blade pointing at his face. 
“You little what?” Mad echoed with a grin, his mallet in hand. He had a new wave of pride for how smoothly he got his go-to weapon out and the speed and ease of it unfolding and getting in the right place to add to his threat. 
“I have a-” The barista paused, holding the chocolatey coffee drink and nearly dropping it with their jaw. 
“That’s ours.” Anti had a polite smile as he took the drink. “You guys have a great day. You can choke on a rock.” He added the last part to the man and, uncaring of the consequences, glitched himself and Mad away, their shopping bags disappearing as well. “That was so cool!” Anti was back to his loud laughing. “I’m so proud of you!” 
“That’s not a good thing,” Mare said with a sigh from the couch. 
“It is so a good thing.” Phantom chuckled, sitting on the couch with Mare. Jackie was in the room as well, sitting on the ground and between Phantom’s legs, leaning his head back as his hair was played with. 
“Do I need to have someone collect a body?” Dark asked with a sigh as he entered the room, sitting himself on one of the plush chairs. 
“The guy might need a new pair of pants.” Anti giggled, handing Mad the chocolate coffee, and then plopped himself onto Dark’s lap. 
“The guy?” Mare asked, moving himself a little to make space for Mad to sit on the couch with them. 
“Some shithead was giving me hell at the coffee shop and Mad stepped in like a badass,” Anti started the tale. 
“It wasn’t that badass,” Mad muttered with a light flush to his cheeks. 
“You insulted his birth and then pulled out your mallet, it was beyond badass!” Anti spoke with his hands, Dark having to wrap an arm around him to prevent him from falling off and he took the coffee as well since he didn’t feel like wearing it. 
“He was being rude to you,” Mad stated around the straw in his mouth, already drinking his coffee as Anti told the story. 
“I can’t believe we missed the show.” Jackie chuckled.
“You say that like you wouldn’t carry Mad away the moment there was a hint of trouble.” Phantom teased. 
“I can’t control my heroism.” Jackie clicked his tongue. 
“I would have enjoyed the show.” Mare hummed with a grin, playing with Mad’s hair as he imagined the scene Anti had described. “You’re always so cute when you’re serious.” 
“Well-I-I’m-uh-I’m not-” Mad sputtered as the flush on his face deepened into a heavy blush.  
“Could you not?” Phantom made a face of disgust. 
“You’ve been playing with Jackie’s hair this whole time.” Mare protested.
“This is cute and innocent, you’re eye-fucking Mad in front of me.” Phantom shot back.
“I am not eye-fucking him.” Mare said. Mad started slowly sinking into the couch as the brothers argued above him. 
“If I looked at Jackie the way you were, you’d be yelling at me.” 
“You don’t look, you just start making out with him.”
“I do not-”
“Yes you do-”
“Do not!”
“You-” Mare stopped when a loud, sucking sound filled the air. Anti was laughing once more while Dark sighed. Mad was practically lying flat on the couch, his coffee drink already finished. “That was an extra large.” 
“It was good.” Mad popped the lid of the drink off and licked off the remaining whipped cream from it. 
“If he wasn’t eye-fucking him before, he definitely is now,” Anti said with a wink. 
“Why would he-” Mad’s question was cut off by Mare suddenly pulling him into a kiss and in the next blink they were gone. 
“And he says I’m the problem.” Phantom huffed. 
“Does that mean you don’t want to make out?” Jackie asked with a tilt of his head. 
“Oh, I always want to~” Phantom giggled and, just like Mare and Mad, he and Jackie were gone in a blink. 
“I feel like we have to make out now, just to match energies.” Anti wiggled his eyebrows as he moved Dark’s arm so he could take a sip of his drink. 
“Do we now?” Dark chuckled, helping himself to some of the coffee. 
“At least a little.” Anti half-sang and Dark decided to ‘match energies’ and sent the two of them away, leaving the room empty aside from Mad’s dropped coffee cup.
@bookwormscififan @rattyboyisemo
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smokersbaby · 1 year
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Third submitted request for the July Event, enjoy! 💕 SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE MAIN POST)
Request text: Another July Birthday \o/ (There's so many of us XD ♥ ) If it's yet to come then allow me to congratulate you early, if it's already passed then congratulation \o/ ♥ I'd love SFW #12 with Smoker and afab!reader - perhaps because they've twisted their ankle and are trying to tough it out or something like that. >.> It could also turn into a NSFW #2 where Smoker distracts you from your throbbing ankle \lol/
Written for: @quinloki Character: Smoker Reader: AFAB!reader Prompts: SFW: #12 - bridal carries NSFW: #2 - worshipping their favourite body part of yours TW prompt #2 NSFW: fingering, penetrative sex, spanking, choking Total word count: +1,3k Author's note: Thank you for the request and the birthday wishes! I loved how you suggested turning the sfw part into the nsfw hehe, I hope you like it! -Every reblog is highly appreciated!-
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"I'm toootally fine" you exclaimed with a bit of a laugh in your voice, Smoker almost running after you as you got out of the bar.
Such a pleasant evening it was, drinking with your lover at the counter, not realizing how silly it was of you challenging him at a little drinking game, ending up with you almost knocked out and tipsy after barely two glasses of your favourite cocktail and him not bothered by the effects of alcohol drinking twice as you.
"Slow down" You could hear him right behind you, annoyed by your behaviour, making it somehow funnier bluffing to escape from him and increasing your pace down the street. A fall on the ground was almost inevitable since you were one of those clumsy that tripped on their own feet just by barely walking, so there was no way you couldn't end up face down on the street running like that under the effect of the cocktails you drank.
Smoker wasn't surprised as he saw your figure stumble on a surface root and hit the ground, but seeing how quick that fall was he reached you as fast as he could, knowing that you may have hurt yourself. "Are you ok?" a hint of concern in Smoker's voice. Your head was spinning for both the fall and your tipsiness and, even if the left ankle was aching, you didn't want to hear him reproach with the classic "I told you!", so you stood on your feet nodding in agreement and trying to walk again like nothing happened.
Not even three steps later and the pain made you stop in the middle of the street, not able to continue by yourself. Smoker tilted his head "You twisted your ankle, didn't you?", as you looked away in embarrassment he was about to speak again, but you stopped him before saying that typical reproaching of his.
"I know, you told me…" a loud sigh escaped your mouth, Smoker came closer to you, letting out a little laugh before kissing your cheek and picking you up as you weighed nothing. "Can I at least carry you or are you going to complain?" he asked ironically, knowing how much you liked being bridal-carried by him, feeling those strong arms of his lifting you up that way.
Even if you tried to hold a grudge for a bit at him, you couldn't resist as you were in his arms, those sweet brown eyes looking at you with such care and the way he was holding you because you hurt yourself. Soon you both arrived at his place, Smoker placed you on his bed and brought an ice sack for your ankle and a glass of water to rehydrate you because of the alcohol.
None of you talked a lot as he took care of you, making sure the sprained ankle of yours wasn't that badly injured, which it wasn't. "Are you mad at me Y/N?" he asked calmly, no hint of teasing in his voice. You weren't, but the alcohol in your body was losing its effect that made you all excited and energetic, leaving an itchy sensation of sadness in your chest.
You shook your head and opened your arms, showing him that the only thing you needed was his body wrapped tight against yours to fill that void left by the alcohol. No need to ask him twice, the way his arms held your figure pressed against him made that feeling disappear in less than a minute, he was such a teddy bear in moments like those.
It was late and just laying on the bed like this with Smoker was enough to knock out the both of you after that little wild evening at the bar. As he looked at you falling asleep in his arms, Smoker smiled, thinking how cute you looked all messed up after drinking a bit too much and imagining all the possible ways to make you forget about that aching ankle of yours in the morning.
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Despite the amount of ice Smoker put on your ankle the previous evening before dozing off onto the bed together, that stinging pain didn't leave your body completely. Fortunately, it wasn't swelling at all, but as soon as you stretched waking up, you felt how it needed more time to recover before walking pain-free again.
Smoker wasn't on his side of the bed since he was showering himself as always. He was used to getting up earlier than you. In your mind, you had no intention of standing by yourself so you just lay on the bed waiting for him to return.
"Are you going to stay in bed all day long Y/N?" he raised his eyebrows seeing you still under the bedsheets entering the room. "It hurts…" cheeky smile appeared on your face, pointing at that injured ankle of yours. "Poor baby, let me help you" Smoker grinned and came closer to you with just a shower towel hanging down his waist.
You rolled over on your tummy, it wasn't unusual for Smoker to give you a massage so you knew exactly what he was alluding to. Smoker took your feet in his hands, slowly rubbing his thumbs on your soles and going up to massage the injured part of you. He didn't waste much of his time there, his eyes were constantly looking up, seeing you displayed in front of him, with just panties covering your booty.
His hands slid up to your calves, kneeling them just to reach your tights soon after. The way Smoker started rubbing the inner part made you understand how he wanted more than just giving you a simple massage. As he reached your rear, he pulled down those annoying panties that prevented him to have free access to his favourite part of your body.
The way his fingers massaged the soft skin of your ass made you whimper at the touch, his thumb already rubbing your clit slowly to get you more aroused. "Is this a special treatment Smoker?" the teasing in your voice was evident. "I'm just taking care of you Y/N", Smoker kneeled on your booty, biting it slightly and making you gasp at the sensation of his teeth against your bottom.
His middle and ring fingers slid inside your wet cunt so easily as if they belonged there, the subtle movements he was making with them were slow, too much slow for you that you started grinding back with your ass just to feel the thickness of his fingers more.
A smile appeared on Smoker's face as he was still leaving love bites on your ass. "Needy this morning, huh?" he teased you, pulling out his fingers and standing on his knees. The shower towel that was barely covering his hard cock was no longer there and you realized that when he pushed his shaft inside of you making your back arch to let him fill you.
Thank god those thrusts weren't slow as his fingers before, with one hand gripping onto your ass to keep you steady and lifted for him and the other on your back pushing your head down onto the mattress. "Are you still in pain Y/N?" he asked ironically hearing you whimper in pleasure because of how he was increasing his pace thrusting inside of you.
"Mmh yes my ankle still hurts, take care of me…" you lifted your butt more to get him a better angle, the hand on your ass giving you a not-so-soft spank on your butt cheek making you gasp. You felt Smoker leaning down to your back, his left hand reaching your neck and grabbing it in a light hold, him biting your shoulder and growling as his thick cock was hitting all the right spots deep inside of you.
"Good, because I'm not letting you go until it stops hurting".
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theysangastheyslew · 2 years
I want to share more suffering with you, homie haha *crying*
What do you think of the episode? Especially 132 part ofc!
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Hi friend! :'))))))))) Ooooooh honey that gif is such a mood XD I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts and this is the best I can do atm. Sorry it’s kind of wordy but here we go 🥲
Ok! So ever-present pacing issues aside, the overarching story made for a solid episode and the animation was incredible. Hell, even the things I disliked objectively looked well-done out of context. Overall, that was no small feat to pull off, especially in such harsh working conditions. I truly do want to acknowledge that.
But in regards to 132, you guys already put into words how I feel better than I could. I may not have anything new to add, but I’ll say what I liked first and then put my issues under a cut.
As someone who actually really likes Yams’ art style, I loved that they consistently kept Hange’s face accurate to the manga. It was really inconsistent throughout the final season and they struggled to not make it too short a lot of times. Hange was always still stunning of course but the difference always stuck out to me. Here everyone was drawn well, but you can tell she got some extra attention.
The way they inched Levi closer to where Hange was sitting while talking with Yelena. Insignificant yeah but consistent with their past behavior. Also I’m glad they tweaked the position of his bandages so it looked less like they were painfully tugging upwards on his nose.
The pained expressions of the kids and Hange watching Levi struggle to even hold his gear
The “unrequited love” exchange. It had most of the softness and emotion from the manga even though the weight of that line will never be realized in non-written form. The camera lingered on each frame in a way that conveyed the sentiment. This is what got my hopes up that they would stay truer to the source material with DYH.
I'm so glad they left in Hange's lines to Flochroach about not giving up. Helps show—once again—that they wanted to live
The choked way Levi said “Devote your heart” + Hange’s widened eye and soft gasp at his words. Though not tearing up like in the manga, the shot still looked lovely for the half second it lasted. He doesn't pause halfway through saying it though so this one I'm still wrestling with.
Of course, the last stand. Onscreen, Hange took out at least 16 colossals (including the ones we see trip and get trampled) and definitely more offscreen (when they cut away to show other characters) and for the last few, did it while in the most pain a human body can feel. 7/10 for combat, my ass. Idk about y’all but I can’t stop hearing Romi Park’s screams in my head. I knew it would be nauseating and brutal but dear God. At the same time I cannot put into words how proud I am of them. That's my commander 💜
Ok “like” is definitely not the right word for this but I had wondered when I first read 132 how Hange’s gas tank was so well-insulated that it didn’t ignite, and.. well I got my answer.
I’m thankful that they didn’t show a glimpse of Hange’s bloody, crushed remains the way you see in the og panel. That at least felt respectful to me. This is wishful thinking I know but the defined charred outline makes me choose hope they fell more off to the side from where the titans were walking so at least there was maybe still a body left to recover someday.
The afterlife scene, the kids all sobbing their hearts out, Levi holding his own hand in the aftermath trying to process what just happened, and Onyankopon confirming the plane’s significance all really were appropriately gut-wrenching.
I really recommend taking a little break between The Rumbling and Sinners. It definitely makes the shift in emotion less jarring and less
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When I did that with my rewatch it helped with the flow of things.
Ok, now twist me up and call me a pretzel bc here there be some salt :|
I’ll try to leave out my og issues with the manga chapter itself (like how painfully obvious it was all just to make Armin commander and how unnecessary Hange dying was IN THE FIRST PLACE and IF it had to happen at all how it could have been done at the final boss skelepalooza showdown, etc.) and just focus on the episode.
Goes without saying but it bears repeating: pacing. 75% of my issues with the execution of DYH would be gone if they just slowed down a bit. Just let the weight of it sink in a little. That this moment —all shreds of shipping aside— is the end of the line for these two heroes who have been supporting each other for ten years while bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. But Mappa completely reversed the timing of the sequence of events. In the manga we had a longer, more intimate farewell followed by a last stand that was so short even when you knew it was coming it left you reeling from how fast it was from start to finish. Whereas here they hurried it along to get to the “main event”. Hell, it flows better in gif sets than it does in the actual show.
To me, it felt like Hange’s demeanor didn’t really change from talking with the kids to speaking with Levi, making their false bravado seem like less of a front. I know their tone was meant to sound like they were keeping up appearances, but with how often Hange just gets reduced solely to being a titan freak the way they had Romi say the lines made it sound like actual excitement, especially with the way they drew Hange's facial expressions (more on that next)
Hange’s little smirk after the salute. I kinda get what they were trying to do here but to me it came off as very flippant and dismissive of Levi’s choice of words, especially since they all but got rid of their lips trembling and eye beginning to well up with tears. I wish we’d gotten the big fake smile and laugh because that would have shown better that Hange was overcompensating by trying to put their brave face back on after starting to lose their composure. Their fear is obvious in the manga but it just simply didn’t come through as well throughout this entire exchange.
Sooo Hange almost tears up when Pieck said their words inspired her yet minutes later when their Best Friend tries to say goodbye there’s nowhere near that kind of reaction? Sure, Jan
Levi’s face. Ok look. It’s not a lack of emotion on his part that bothers me. It’s that it’s an entirely different one to begin with. He looks bummed at first yes, but then that changes to what I’m guessing is supposed to be determination which comes off as anger or annoyance (kinda like what changed with his scene with Armin on the stairs). They removed what made this parting different from previous ones, which was the sense of open vulnerability and the dawning realization that now he’s going to have to let Hans go too. See it's not like they were in the middle of the battle just yet. This situation came on suddenly and unexpectedly; it wasn't "supposed" to happen. One second they were on track and the next Hange is being torn away by fate. And yes, the highlights play a part in that transition. Anyone who draws eyes knows the importance of placement and intensity and the major impact they have over the final expression. And when drawing a comic you certainly don’t take up valuable page space with three panels focusing on the hope draining out of someone’s eyes if it wasn’t supposed to be the focus. I mean for fuck's sake, even the Final Season!Nendoroid Levi got it right. Plus, if they could make a point of getting Eren's eyes right during the raid on Liberio they could have gotten it here.
When the camera cuts to the kids watching the titans fall the angle doesn’t let you see that Levi can’t bring himself to watch for more than just a second
NOT MAPPA’s FAULT but since I’m being whiny right now I’m going to add that while ACWNR is a mixed bag to begin with, WIT’s adaptation not including Levihan’s introduction saddens me bc Levi asking Hange to keep watching loses a bit of extra oomph.
Really it just comes down to the fact that there was nothing wrong with the original page. It wasn’t overdone or dragged out by any means but considering many other scenes got shot-for-shot depictions I don’t think we were asking for anything outrageous by wanting a faithful adaptation. The couple frames we got that were almost perfect were so freakin fast you barely had time to process them before it cut away.
I wanted to like it, I really did. Especially since MAPPA did so many things so incredibly well as a whole. My expectations weren’t high, and I did want to give it the benefit of the doubt. But when it came to DYH, it felt both watered down and disjointed, like a completely different scene.
But so it goes. At the end of the day, Hange still dies a horrifying death for plot convenience, and Levi is left behind to suffer once again. It was always going to hurt and I was never going to be ready for it, no matter how it was done.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
I need to get back into writing, and you need some assistance paying the red mafia... And you did go feral for Moony's NSFW bio 😏
"Shh, shh. I got you, baby." The large wolf-man whispered to you, his deep voice rumbling in his chest and sending a pleasent tingle down your back. His big furry arms were wrapped around you not too tightly; one claw holding one of your thighs up for you to make more room for his hot knot inside your bleeding walls, and the other acting as a weighted heated blanket over your torso. Despite being a canine, he almost seemed to pur as he leaned down close to your neck to nuzzle into you, before giving your cheek a soothing lick- a wolfy kiss, "Just let me know if it gets too much, ok?"
Even though that's what he said, you knew him well enough by now that the last thing he wanted was to pull out. Even if you didn't, the way his dick twitched inside you and the occasional tremble of his hips showed that he needed your pussy as much as you needed his cock (probably even more, in fact, considering what your ovulation did for his breeding kink). He was being very, very good to you. You could easily just lay there and let your worries melt away, let Moony take care of you... But you were also in the perfect position to tease your wolf. You could already hear his quiet whimpering from how your walls clenched around him. It'd be too easy to drive him up the wall at this rate...
The way Shiny's nails gently dragged across your scalp while she hummed one of her tunes and you laid your head on her chest threatened to lull you to sleep. If it weren't for your cramping, you might have fallen asleep on the thick silicone she had buried deep inside your pussy. Though you were reminded that you both needed this when you heard Shiny's song being interrupted with a groan, "Fuck... God truly has a sick sense of humor, huh, doll?"
You nodded in sleepy, silent agreement before glancing down to the double-ended toy you both were sharing right now. Both of your pussies oozed red around the black silicone, and were almost touching. If either of you had the energy, Shiny would have been rolling her hips into it with enough expertise for your end to push further into you. But right now, you both were just too exhausted. You both just needed something to stretch your cunts out and relieve you of your period pains; this was just fine for you. Shiny let out a sigh and kissed the top of your head before chuckling a little, "Hey, Hannah? You think the Greenbean is thinking about us right now? How would you feel if I invited him over? After we get our alone time, of course."
"'Yer lucky 'yer cute." Henry groaned once he pulled your hips flush against his own. He sounded like an ass, as usual, but you knew that that sound wasn't his annoyed groaning. He pulled your bloody thighs as far apart as they could go and gave your clit a quick flick that made you gasp, before settling back down. Of course, he couldn't be bothered to finish what he started, "I don't usually go for this... But you just had to look at me with those big 'ol eyes of yours."
You rolled your eyes and were about to retort a tired comeback. But it seemed he sensed what you planned, and his thumb found its spot on your nub again; slowly rubbing and grinding into the bundle of nerves. The only thing that managed to escape your mouth was a choked moan, and you didn't need to look up to see the amused smirk on his foxy mug. Despite his claims to not want anything to do with your period, he seemed to have a lot more fun with you in your monthly state than any other time. Just for moments like this.
I hope you enjoyed these! I'm not too sure about Henry's. I'm still trying to figure him out in the NSFW department, but I hope his bastardness does something for you 😏 XD
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JHvdxclHVCBClhcblhbcd hjvhdABClhvcLHAVCaljc i snuck away to the bathroom at work to read this XD Totally professional.
I dont... I cant decide which is my favourite they're ALL SO FREAKEN GOOD-
Shiny's did kill, though XD Girls girls girls <3<3<3<3<3 Especially with that Greasy mention at the end XDD But then again-- H O T W E R E W O L F. But then again again---- morally flexible Fox <3<3<3 RAHH I really cant decide XD
Thank you so so much !!!
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elithilanor · 2 years
For a new friend: @sotwk
Eleniel, Daughter of the Stars
Elen- stars/starlight in Sindarin and Telerin
-iel daughter of
Tw: pregnancy; mention of a graphic injury but no details; mention of spanking
I think I took a lot of liberties with bonds and óswanë.
According to Tolkien, elves choose when they beget children, but I’m playing a little loose with the concept. Elves choose to beget a child, but are not always immediately successful. Also, symptoms show much like a human pregnancy.
I meant to write down a draft of thoughts and then go to bed, but it got away from me and I started and finished it instead. Whoops. XD
“Haldir!” You smile happily at your husband coming out of the washroom as you set the basket of flowers on the table. “Welcome home at last.”
Haldir stands in the doorway, freshly washed and in a clean pair of leggings, his hair falling in loose strands down his shoulders as it just begins to dry. His hand is frozen on the doorframe and his eyes are wide in the unnaturally pale skin of his face.
“Oh.” You smile softly and place a hand on the swell of your stomach.
“I thought-” His eyes are locked on your movement. “I thought it didn’t- it didn’t take.” His voice is hoarse and his hand is shaking.
“I know. Neither did I, at first.” You say, watching him. He’s as unstable as you’ve ever seen him since your wedding night.
As if to prove your point, he stumbles forward and collapses to his knees at your feet, hands coming up to cup your stomach, easily spanning the width. Wonder and shock fill his eyes.
His gaze hasn’t left your abdomen since he walked into the room, rapt with attention. His breaths are shaky.
“Mine?” He asks then blinks as he realizes the absurdity of the question, shock scrambling his thoughts. You tilt your head back to laugh.
“Yes.” You grin and card your other hand through his silver hair, “yours.”
He tilts his forehead to touch your stomach, but can’t seem to close his eyes. Like if he looks away, you and your bump will disappear.
“How long?”
He shakes his head, as if to dispel webs long left by Mirkwood’s dark spiders.
“Five months.” He murmurs to himself and lets out a trembling breath. He runs his thumbs down the sides of your stomach and shakes his head, adoration singing through your bond.
His eyes suddenly snap to yours, worry evident.
“Five months. Five months, Meleth, why didn’t you say anything? Had I known I would’ve never left.”
“Ah.” You breathe out, tears suddenly welling up the corners of your eyes and spilling over.
“Oh, meleth.” He murmurs with a slight frown, your difference in height makes it easy for him to reach up and brush them away with a tender touch.
You shake your head, trying to get him to understand. “No, no. It’s not. Im not - it’s just that. We both thought that it didn’t work and then by the time I realized that it did, it was only a week until you were supposed to come home so I figured I’d give you the surprise in person. But then-,” you pause to wipe more tears away, overcome by emotion.
Haldir’s frown deepened, “But then Teli’en.”
You nod as his hand moves to rub soft circles on your arm, the other doing the same on your stomach.
“But then Teli’en basically got bisected and their whole patrol had to come in due to injury so pretty much everyone got extended until the far out patrols on the Eastern side returned for relief.
And I just figured that that I might as well wait because you couldn’t come back anyways. You-you couldn’t! There wasn’t anyone else since you were already short and and- I I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to distract you and worry you and I I should’ve said something, meleth, I’m so sorry.” You choke out, sobs wracking your form, surprised at how much worry and stress you had been holding back over the last few months.
Haldir hushes you gently before picking you up into his arms and moving you both to the couch. He cradles you to his bare chest and rocks you in his arms, pressing soothing kisses to your temple while whispering soft endearments as your sobs slowly calm down and stop.
“Sweet wife. Oh, my sweet, silly wife.” He murmurs and tilts your head up to meet his with a finger under your chin. He kisses you softly, holding your face between his hands.
“How could you ever think I’d be angry with you?” He asks gently and presses another kiss to your lips.
“Sweet wife,” he repeats and presses your foreheads together, eyes locking with yours while he begins to stroke your stomach, hand over top of yours.
“I love you. I’m not angry.” He says honestly, “I’m unhappy with the loss of time with you and our little one, but you’re correct in that I wouldn’t have been able to leave post. But please,” he adds, begging. “Please tell me in the future. I would not lose this.”
“I will. I- I’m sorry. I will.” You whisper, clinging to his hand on yours. You lean closer to him and press kisses to his jaw. “I promise.”
“Good.” He says kissing back before raising an eyebrow at you. “Lest I take you over my knee for risks to your health. I don’t think spanking my pregnant wife,” - his breath hitches - “is the safest thing either.”
You flush deeply and press back against his hands.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Marchwarden,” you reply breathlessly.
His eyes darken and he uncharacteristically growls, “Reckless minx. Do not test me today.”
“No?” You giggle, but settle willingly.
“Come here then,” you say.
“I want to show you something.”
As you take his other hand in yours and place it over your heart, you kiss him deeply and open your bond with him.
You barely register his moan as you’re suddenly consumed with Haldir. The taste of him on your lips, his mind melding with yours, his hands on your skin, and the scent of him flooding your senses. The sweet, pungent scent of musky Mallorn in the autumn rain, the parchment covering his desk, and the leathers he rides to battle. Haldir, your husband.
The soon to be father of your child.
Hello, mela. He whispers along the edges of your mind for the first time in months and whimper, clinging to him. It’s ridiculous to think you denied yourself of this. Of him. How foolish of you to think this was the better option.
But you know you’d always settle for some loneliness if it meant he returned home safe to you every time.
Hello, husband. Let me show you our daughter.
He chokes but before he can react you’re pulling him into the fresh bond you’ve built with the new life in your womb.
She’s small still, to be sure. There’s another seven months left of growing and of bonding left before she’s ready to meet the rest of the world, but she’s there.
As you connect yourself more fully to your daughter, you string the bond between her and Haldir, binding them together and in your family unit. Formerly two, now of three.
Your daughter’s weak fëa dances between yours and Haldir’s, delight and safety ringing clear in your minds.
Hello, little one. He reaches out towards her and she sings stronger to him.
You smile up at Haldir only to realize that he’s sobbing, head against your stomach, and tears tracking down your skin. His hands are clutching you so tightly that the skin is stretched white over his knuckles, yet his touch so gentle that you feel no pain.
“Oh, meleth.” You brush his hair out of his face and he kisses your fingers, unable to stop his tears.
“I wasn’t sure when you asked for children. I thought surely this dying world is no place for such innocence and joy to live in. That we best wait for when we sail.”
“Oh, Haldir. My sweet ellon.” He stops you, shaking his head.
“I was wrong. To think that I would forsake this” his voice trembles, “in my fears and anguish. No, my sweet love. You have given me the happiest moment of my existence and I am so grateful for you and our our daughter. I could not imagine life without either of you, surely.”
You’re crying again now too, pressing kisses to his hair. How lucky you were to have this elf as your husband. How proud you were.
Your voice is rough with emotion when you ask, “What will you name her?”
Haldir looks floored. “That is your honor, not mine.”
You shake your head. “I will decide her mother’s name later. Give me her name, husband. Give me your daughters name.”
Suddenly an image unfolds in your mind: the last night he was home. Both of you laid out on a blanket beneath the stars, your hands entwined together in the grass as Haldir takes you again. His thrusts gentle, but unrelenting as you both meld your fëas and plead your case to the stars above. Asking, hoping, praying for a new life to bloom within you.
This is surely your daughters begetting night.
“Eleniel.” His voice is hushed. “Eleniel, daughter of the stars.”
You blink back tears and nod. “Eleniel then. Her name and her fëa are known.”
“Eleniel.” He whispers again, in awe.
He laughs and kisses you gently.
“She is known.”
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goosewriting · 9 months
yesterday i finally watched the new tmnt movie!! at first i wanted to do a live reaction kinda thing, except that wouldn’t work because i'd have to reblog every entry and hiding every single part under a "read more" would be not only tedious, but i'm not even sure if it's possible lol
so instead have a collection of my thoughts here! (spoiler warning, duh)
first of all: the art style. there’s something strangely nostalgic about it. it feels like that is what my mental storyboards as a kid would have looked like, had i been into animating back then. or at least that would have been close to the style i would have liked to emulate.
the explosions looking like violent scribbles is just so 😩🤌♥ chef's kiss, truly. there's something about the art in general that just moves in such a particular way and holds a certain weight and volume,, it feels like cardboard and clay and crayons and the piles upon piles of coloured pencils i used to have as a kid and how the wooden pencil drawer smelled. i'm such a fan of this style i’M obsessed o(-<
in the intro shots for the turtles, raph licking his sai blades is so extra and i love him for that lmao
for some reason i completely forgot they cast jackie chan as splinter and tbh idk how to feel about it? no hate towards him; i just don't think voice acting is his strong suit
meanwhile i'm looooving mikey's voice. also leo's beacuse, well first of all, i am a leo girlie (gender neutral) through and through so i would have loved all aspects of him no matter what. but his voice actor is gumball's i believe? and that's one of my comfort shows 🥺 i just love him sm
this little donnie is sending me, i- 🤣
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superfly's theme reminds me of miguel's for some reason? 😂 and i'm here for it ahahh
the whole watermelon scene lmaoo teeangers being teenagers, finally
aaaand here comes the probably forced romance subplot 😅😅 (more on that later)
the whole fighting scene in the workshop tinted in red? ugh 10/10
ok so, april: i really like how they met. i like her design, her voice and her whole vibe. the whole puking jokes were a little too much for me; personally im not a fan of fart or puke jokes because, well, i’m not a 12yo boy (looking at you seth rogen) but all in all i really liked this rendition of april. it sucks tho that the turtles got a snazzy outfit by the end, both for school and for prom, but april’s clothes always remained the same. would have loved to see what she wore to prom!
the gen z lingo and references: …i mean, i guess it makes sense? i just don’t know how well it will age xD the references to end game and all were fun but, again, will someone in 15 years understand what they meant? will someone in 15 years know what rizz is?
changing the topic, the way eyeballs are rendered??? hello?? they’re so expressive and shiny and i lowkey wanna lick them ok
the chris pine cutout actually made me choke on my food from both surprise and laughter jhdfkjashdf
oookay so. superfly and his gang. first of all when the gecko talked i went like hey is that ant-man? lmao i love all the designs and ice cube as the villain works?? im not mad?? lol now, his plan however... sigh, my guy. killing all humans aside, have you maybe thought that if you turn every single animal and insect into a mutant, the whole ecosystem would all but collapse? there will be no planet left to belittle the humans on (:
"he'll run out of cars eventually" / *looks at parking* / “oh, c’mon!” lmaoo 😂 this joke was excellent
so, back to the forced romance thing. look i get it, they needed a reason to help out april to get the plot going. and if leo said it, then the rest would follow. i get that. but throughout the whole movie, aside from like his brothers elbowing his side knowingly, there’s no more allusion to anything? and then only at the veeeery end, he asks her out and she says yes, so i was like “oh okay so that’s the payoff then. took long enough” but then when they’re dancing she rhetorically asks if they’re just doing this as friends and 😐 maybe this is just my aroace self projecting but,, if you’re gonna use romance/romantic interest as a catalyst (lame tbh), at least be consequent about it?? if you (the writers) didn’t have the intention to explore the relationship, then leave it altogether? again, this is just my aroace opinion,, i can’t relate so i don’t understand. (which i know seems contradictory given my uh, repertoire of fics lmao) personally i would have preferred a different reason for them to helping out april, and having them all just be besties by the end, which they ended up being anyway
so, to sum it all up. it’s a story we’ve seen a hundred times, so there was really nothing new to it. the plot was okay,, the biggest thing that “bothered” me was superfly’s whole extermination thing making no sense, technically. but other than that, my eyes and ears were having an absolute feast. a very enjoyable film all in all. when we got rottmnt, i was like “oh finally an iteration of the teenage mutant ninja turtles where they’re actually teenagers” but scratch that. mutant mayhem is the most teenager one, and i loved them for that. time will tell how the jokes will age but yeah, the way they were depicted was definitely my favourite thing about the film aside from the art style.
have you guys seen it? what are your thoughts? lemme know :D feel free to comment here or send in some asks!
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ask-the-dweets · 1 year
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Demon/angel AU has got me in a choke hold right now, Also a little bit of fallout AU to a lesser extent but that doesn’t have any art ....yet
Anyway, Pizza (Paisley) is a fire demon, Fancy (Finley) is an incubus, Elf (Aelthiel/Aelth) is a messenger angel, and Dwi is a high level crossroads demon
I’ll put more info under the read more for anyone who’s interested in my blorbage, this AU also kinda intermingles with GTA sorta
Starting off with Dwi because they are the head demon to Finley and Paisley so they are intertwined a bit for the setting
“The Devil” - a high level crossroads demon
normally they’re an old poweful Entity so you can kinda get an idea for just how high level they are in this AU XD
They own... basically a mall, if not a super-mall, that has two parts to it. The general mall area, where you’ll see your typical shops, and the adults-only restricted area, where you’ll find clubs, liquor stores, adult shops, bars, etc.
Dwi is a crossroads demon who loves making deals
They rarely have a human’s best interest at heart and have very little, if any, morals
As long as their Demons are performing their required jobs, be it around their shops or more nefarious things, they keep a relatively loose hold on what their Demons do in their free time
As far as Demons go they’re honestly not all that bad a boss, very dangerous if you underperform/aren't following rules though
They often present themself as a businessman and VIP and almost always carry an air of importance to them
Their main interest is collecting souls and spreading sin and normally only ever need to stir the pot to seal a deal
Of course that doesn’t mean they aren’t insufferable to talk to with how they present themself
They are basically a mob boss with all of the Demons they watch over and deals they make
They do not need to eat or sleep, and if they do it’s just for show
It would likely take multiple angels and a good plan to exorcize them
All of their demons are visibly marked with a brand that can be mistaken for a tattoo (unsure if it’d look like the obsession mark or not)
Dwi made a deal with heaven to help curb the amount of loose demons wandering amok 
They collect stray demons and employ them at their establishment, send them back to hell or eradicate them. Depending on how their meeting goes
while Dwi's mall has a high concentration of demons, Contracts and general decent living conditions stop there from being too much havoc.
and of course anyone who is making too much trouble has to answer to Dwi….. soooo
Because Dwi is helping heaven by keeping unruly demons off the street their shopping district is allowed to stand as it is and has frequent angelic visitors.
There is nothing really stopping some self-righteous angel from attacking the mall, though it’ll likely end poorly for them and heaven would not be very happy considering Dwi's district is protected
Paisley (Pizza)
Fire Demon
A fire elemental Demon, he isn’t super strong or too much of a threat. Still strong enough to not be easily exorcized by a human though
And still plenty a threat to a human, he could easily burn one alive if he wanted to (which he doesn’t)
For the most part he works at a Pizza place and tries to stay out of trouble with his head Demon so he isn’t sent back to hell
He does deliveries and cooks, depending on what’s needed at the time
He can use his own fire to cook, at the pizzeria or otherwise if he wants to
He drives a sports bike normally since it’s easy to park and cheap on gas and repairs. Bonus points since it goes fast!!
He is a rather reckless driver and tends to drive far too fast… best to not let him drive if you can help it
Spunky but cowardly, he’d be quaking in his boots if he thought his life was in danger
Very afraid of angels
Energetic, honestly just loving life, he much prefers being in the overworld and doesn’t mind the work because of the freedoms that come with it
Still awkward, excitable and kinda fidgety
It’s rare that Pizza is actually getting into any sort of trouble, he’s mildly mischievous but the only time he’d do anything worse is if he is asked to so by his head Demon
That and maybe speeding tickets… but that’s just like normal human stuff
Otherwise he is literally just some little pizza guy
If he were a devil on your shoulder he’d likely be impulsive, tempting you to be spontaneous or to do something at the drop of a hat
He does need to eat and sleep sometimes but not very often. Like sleep every 2nd night for 2-3hrs for a full rest and just kinda eats when he wants if he feels like it.
It could probably take a group of strong human demon hunters to exorcize him
Finley (Fancy)
a higher level demon than Pizza but still nothing in comparison to Dwi
He works as a stripper for a place called ‘the underworld’ and goes by the stripper name Fancy*
If you actually know him, *he does not like being called Fancy outside of work
His stripper name is ‘Fancy’ because he tends to be dressed up, in suits, vests and button ups. 
He often looks like he came straight from the office or will literally step out from tending the bar to dance sometimes.
Fancy normally only takes harmless amounts of energy from club patrons
Outside of the club he also has an interest in street racing, he does it sometimes and is pretty good at it
He has two racing cars, and leans towards station wagons and smaller more compact cars
Outside of street racing he’s actually an insufferably responsible driver
Since he’s into cars and racing he can actually tinker with them a bit too, though his expertise is in sports cars and racing builds… not junkers
Considering his rank and abilities Fancy is still a rather nice guy, and tends to only truly become dangerous to bad people
He has helped out good people in bad situations multiple times
He has used his incubus powers to work at office jobs and the like, targeting abusive higher-ups and is not opposed to draining truly despicable people of their life completely
BUT, for the most part he’s sated at the club and doesn’t take any energy that would actually harm someone
Besides his street racing, and some-odd vigilante stints, he stays out of trouble unless asked to do something by his head Demon
Since he’s rather responsible and nice he is often stuck teaching newbies, though he doesn’t mind all that much. 
He’s also strong enough that he can put a rowdie newbie in their place if needed
He doesn’t need to eat or sleep if he has enough energy. Sometimes he does anyway just because he likes to, or will have to rest when he’s weaker. He never really has to eat but it still tastes good so he does it sometimes.
Draining someone’s lifeforce can give him enough energy for a month or two
It would likely take an angel to exorcize him properly
Aelth/Aelthiel (Elf)
Messenger angel
Primarily called Aelth by other angels
Demons and humans are more likely to receive “Eugene, Gene for short.”
Commonly associated with Christmas and elves, or mistaken for a pixie or fairy on the odd occasion
He delivers messages and prophecies to those selected by heaven
Though some of it is rather lame where he is literally just a middle man to communicate between those in heaven to other angels or even demons
He delivers messages to all sorts of people, angels, demons and fallen angels
Because most of his job is talking with and helping all sorts of people: 
he knows many languages
Knows quite a bit about most societies and their ways of life
Is very sociable himself and can get lonely easy
He used to show himself the most in the winter months especially around Christmas, as this was normally the time he would be sent down from heaven. 
Which had the effect of christmas elves in this universe being based off of him.
It’s likely someone heard his name, Aelth, and thought they had said “Elf”
Now he spends much more time on earth than he used to
All messenger angels were accompanied by their chosen instruments, his being a harp, often used to announce himself and to help channel his magic
He also has bells that chime on his clothing and add to his presence and music
His angelic form is nearly human with large golden wings, long pointed ears and a halo that floats behind his head
He now lives more on earth and is given tasks while staying down there, he can return to heaven if he likes but he prefers more human mundane things
As a human job he’s a pilot, he can fly most things but he mainly flies helicopters for local tourists, news reporters, search and rescue and the like
Aelth’s magic:
Quick traveling, he doesn’t necessarily teleport but he can fly extremely fast. So fast it might as well be considered teleporting at times
Tracking, he knows where someone is at any given moment (not necessarily what they’re doing) This only works if he’s given the specific person to track directly from heaven or he is already familiar with the person. Higher level demons and angels can block him
Communication, as stated he’s a messenger angel. He can receive messages directly from heaven and relay them to others. He also knows pretty much any language so that he can relay this information properly.
Voice mimicry, he can mimic the message sender's voice for emphasis as to whom it’s from. He can also mimic someone’s voice if he’s heard it enough.
Invisibility, He can choose who to be visible to and hide himself from most people. Higher level demons and angels would still be able to see him
Size change, he can shrink himself if needed, all the way down to being small enough to fit in someone's palm. He can't make himself larger than his normal size though. (5'10")
As a messenger angel, he is a little physically weaker than some since he is not a front line angel who battles demons and such, but he is still plenty strong enough to run if needed since he is still in close contact with dangerous beings
Also, being a messenger angel he is extremely fast when he flies. You won’t find anything faster than a messenger angel with a deadline XD
There are two different versions of imps, but it can be hard to tell them apart sometimes
When a demon is new they tend to be small humanoid mischievous creatures who enjoy causing havoc
overall they’re more of a nuisance than an actual threat and can be easily dealt with if needed
The second form of an imp is a grown demon who has had their power suppressed
This can be a temporary fix to deal with a demon if they are too powerful to exorcize
A grown imp is extremely durable, in this form they may not have much power or magic but it’s also extremely unlikely you’d be able to kill the thing either. Slice them to bits and they’ll just regenerate
Imps are unable to speak, tend to be relatively weak (strength wise), can hardly use any magic (if at all), and are normally around the size of a house cat
This also means that turning a demon into an imp is not useful if you are looking for information from them
Strong demons can turn lesser demons into imps temporarily as a display of power or if the lesser demon is being annoying. 
This does take a little bit of effort so it is unlikely a demon will just do it out of the blue
In their imp forms they may be a little more mischievous or animalistic, like a young imp would be
A feisty demon might become more unbearable as an imp, a greedy one might start stealing and hoarding things they’ve found, a violent one may be very prone to attacking everything it sees, etc.
The best way to tell a young demon imp from an adult imp is by distinguishing features, young imps tend to be missing features that would make them stand out from others (tail spikes, specific horns, markings, etc.)
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songofsunset · 11 months
Please continue updating as you go through One Piece. I'm a fan of it and I absolutely need to hear more of your takes throughout the series.
Hello!!! tumblr didn't show me this ask until now, but it is always nice to hear that I'm not being super obnoxious when yelling about stuff! I have just finished episode 29 aka the Baratie and Don Krieg and here are my thoughts so far (aka justice for Usopp and also more thoughts after that hahaha)
-Usopp was done SLIGHTLY dirty in the live action lmao- the romance was great and it was all a wonderful bit of the show but like, anime Usopp??? he is a strategic thinker (he made a fake army in the bushes to scare away pirates! he prepped the choke point with traps!) and a good leader (he is so good with the kids!!) and is an excellent shot (he gets to use his weapon in a lot more ways and places in the anime!!!) and he KNOWS he is telling lies and exaggerations and he is doing it on purpose, because it's fun and it makes life interesting, and also because THATS JUST GOOD DAMN CHILDCARE LOOK AT THIS MAN GO!!!!
and he KNOWS he's a bit of a coward, which is why his goal is specifically to become BRAVE, and he is PROUD of his pirate dad, instead of like, kind of sad and jealous, and when he goes out to sea he is following in his dad's footsteps on purpose because he respects and looks up to that man (ALSO the fact that Yasopp wouldn't shut up about his son to the extent that anime Luffy recognized him on SIGHT with zero other context??? that helps!!! that makes things slightly better!!!! Like he's a shit dad still but lmao)(side note: I carried around pictures of my nieces and nephews and would regularly accost people with them for most of middle and high school lmao, same hat Yasopp, same hat)
And he is ready to do anything to defend his village even if he IS scared, and he just wants them to be safe so he let's them believe he'd been lying about the pirates this time as well instead of trying to grandstand and get credit for defending them, and they like him and miss him when he isn't there and he's a PART OF THE COMMUNITY (childcare!!!! entertainment!!! a public service!!!!!)
and he decides all on his own to set out on a journey, and the fact that he goes with Luffy is just because they are friends and they want him there, not because he isn't taking his own agency to change his own fate and become who he wants to be!!!!!!!!!!!
In conclusion I liked LA Usopp well enough, but anime Usopp is one of my FAVORITES!!!!! My hope is that they were just setting up a relevant arc for him, and I do believe they could pull it off hahaha additionally:
-yeah, the very first thing Nami did when she met Luffy was feed him, she was never gonna get rid of him LMAO
-the Sanji and Luffy dynamic is SO different in the anime and the show, and I love what they did with Sanji in the show (in contrast to Usopp the WHOLE BARATIE got SUCH A DAMN GLOW UP oh my god, the actor is charming as hell, and they nailed Zeff, and damn the set is so cool) but also the slow dawning change on Sanji's face from 'who the hell is this weird chore boy kid' to 'i respect him' to 'im gonna go be part of his crew and also I would die for him' is fucking visible in real time over several episodes and I cannot get enough of it, absofuckinglutely incredible oh my god
-Let 👏Anime👏Zeff👏Eat👏His👏Own👏Leg
-shoutout to the LA for saving their set budget for the Baratie and doing Zoro's ENTIRE BACKSTORY on one single platform in the middle of the woods, super effective and I didn't even notice until the anime had us in an actual training hall and stuff xD xD xD
-"If i can hold more swords ill be stronger" ACTUAL FUCKING ZORO DIALOGUE OH MY GOD, shoutout to that baby hamster for holding like 10 swords the first time he ever tried to sword fight, he began as he meant to continue and I love that for him
-Mihawk's fucking EVERYTHING, what the hell, i love him and also LMAO
-Extremely fucking hilarious of the live action to have Mihawk deal with Don Krieg practically off screen lmaooooo, and also I understand why that one fan in the LA reaction videos I watched was so excited to see Gin show up, what an extremely One Piece character
-Luffy is my favorite. He is a character of all time. Something is deeply wrong with this child and also I love him and that terrible terrible glint in his eye
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fourthwonton · 1 year
Fourthwonton freaks out over the Our Skyy x Bad buddy episode 1 (real)
Squealed at the very first sec of the preview(I don’t rewatch my top shows so it's quite helpful)(and I got the feels)
The preview really reminded me exactly why I fell in love with this world
Ugh great (rolls eyes) Wai’s back yaayyyyy
Drake is really good at playing himbo
Wait… are Wai and Korn continuing the feud’s legacy?
Really a great start… the whole show began when Wai was cornered so it’s fitting that the special episodes start with the feud too
The staredown lol rofl…. The BGMI can’t
Right off the gate with the expectation subversion I can’t with P’Aof
The students really need group projects to hold them off from fighting
Why is Korn praying like Pat and Pran have died? Or is this P’Aof poking fun at all the romeo and romeo clown theories?
Prom really is accurate with the tea huh
Lol WaiKorn trying their best to get them all off the right track
Going off the track but damn Ohm’s eyes really shine at 5:06
They’re back at it lol just riling each other up
Never knew bickering could be foreplay but here we are
Lmao the stark difference between on screen and behind the scenes(hah get it)
I could swim in nanon’s eyes(swoons)
Aaa dimples is back
Neck cradle seemed like a chokehold lol well, Pran does have Pat in his chokehold
I’m so glad that the curtain drop has been redeemed
I freaking lost it when the intro started to play
I love the parallel so much! In ep 1, when pat punches Pran and he gets a bruise for which he gave him a balm. Now, it’s Pran who punched Pat and he’s the one icing the bruise. Ok guess I began rambling
The “I told you to punch me on one cheek and you punched me on the other” never gets old
Also pa knocking the door when they’re getting up to something is always funny
And she has got not even a shred of remorse for that XD
A brother always has to be annoying to his sister. HIA PAAAAAAAN is so hilarious
I love the found family dynamic of theirs. They’re getting dinner together! Ahh it reminds me of ep 9
Feeding shrimp to your loved one is always a win
Love Pa teasing them
And Ex-macho man Pat calling himself Nong is so funny
The moment Ink advised them to find a neutral party to help them decide was when I felt sorry for Ajarn Pichai
We really need more than crumbs!
Give me more InkPa!!!!!!!!
Is he doing a counting-out game to decide? What’s next, a game of rock paper scissors or an arm-wrestling battle between Pran and Pat?
I choked on my coffee when Pat said that Korn will play a dwarf
Ooh they have to get a sponsorship (evil Gru laugh)
Ooh Pat is sneaky
“Phuen khab? Phuen” and “Khab, Phuen”, very un-subtle title drop right here
Pran still has his high-school photo for his id
And we’re back with the crowded elevator(love everything about it)
I forgot that Pat’s sense of smell is as good as a golden retriver’s
Another rendition of just friend!
I don’t understand if Pran is trying to encourage Pat or scare him more
Also did he just say dog Pat?
I love their faculty pride
I knew something was going to go wrong when Korn mentioned downloading the porn
I snorted out loud at this scene
Damn Pran was really dying holding his laughter
Loved the lesson on perspectives.
I love the parallel to when Pat helped Pran visualize the bus stop
Aah Secret’s back
Nanon looks angelic at 13:09 part 2
Pat really be there convincing Pran for a honeymoon
Wait, Tian wrote a book?
The fistbump’s back aaaaaa
Pat really is a hopeless romantic. So sappy!
The fairy lights OwO
They really said me gustas tu
Pran really looks at Pat like he’s his world T_T
Fierce eyes became puppy dog eyes
Why do they have so many close kisses ughh
NONG NAO SLEEP MASKS!!!!!!! Soon available at GMMTV Shop pre-order yours now
Architecture students may plan an attack on me, but only elevators can bring me down
Poor Pran promoting skincare alone T_T get back here Pat!
Damn! Another eavesdropping misunderstanding? Please subvert this trope P’Aof T_T
Really subverted it in a moment thank lord Aof
Pran’s gone into plotting mode huh, I already feel sorry for Pat
He really saved Pran as Dimples such a sap
Why the fuck was Wai in there? XD they really traumatized each other
Really ran off to Chiang Mai to serve Pat a good bowl of lukewarm revenge
Really loving Pran’s fit again
Getting onto the wrong bus is so like Pat
No wait
I take it back
Making Pat get onto the wrong bus is so like Pran
Ohh Champ’s here!
Not the best thing to say in such a light-hearted tone, Yod. Pran’s already nervous about this
Pran really grabbed a walking cane off a fence XD
This is really the most crossover to ever crossover
Love the piano when Chief Phu turns
Did the sturdy looking Chief just faint?
Did Pran just shoo away Tian?XD
OMG Nanon’s just killing it with his eyes
The preview’s giving me life
Did the boys just strike up a fight between Phupha and Tian? And took it upon themselves to make them make up?
The top-notch face down is so funny
The way I cried all this time damn I missed this world
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marinerainbow · 1 year
11, 15 and 21 for Poppy! 😊
Yay!! More OC POV asks! :D
11. What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
"Oh, I love a good mystery novel!" The rabbit chirped excitedly. Her fingers drummed on the coffee mug she was holding, "I'm actually reading this book about a murder case that takes place in a mansion! There are six suspects, and they all have their own motivation to kill the man. And it's up to the butler to figure out who killed him, and where, and with what weapon!"
Realizing she got a little loud, Poppy cleared her throat before offering a sheepish smile, "Sorry, that probably sounds morbid. I also like romance and historic fiction novels. I don't own a television myself, but I do enjoy going to the theater. And my friends have their own TV's, so I can watch movies with them. And one friend in particular is warming me up to horrir movies. Just last night, we watched Night of the Living Dead together. I do own my own radio, too. I can't pick just one genre of music, though; it all depends on my mood!"
She hummed to herself as she took a sip of her beverage before answering the last question, "I can't think of too many specific titles that I enjoy. At least not at the moment. There are too many, really. But the ones I can think of right now are Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Phantom of the Opera- the novel and the musical. And this more recent fantasy movie called Legend. Have you heard of it? It's a little dark, but it has a happy ending." The rabbit looked very happy right now. Not a single strand of her fluffy black hair was out of place in that toony way to show stress.
15. Do you play any instruments?  Which ones?  How long have you been playing?
This new question made Poppy nod, still wearing her smile on her face, "Yes, I do! Not many, though. I can only play the piano. I even used to own one in my old house, during my life as an actress..."
At this, the light in her eyes diminishes somewhat before she let out a small sigh, "It's gone, now... My first boyfriend took it with him... It's ok!" She raises a hand then, quick to assure you to not worry about her, "That was years ago. If I had a bigger place, I would get another one. I do want to try to move into a house again for that reason... I miss playing, even if it was just for myself." She breathed another sigh through her nose before taking another drink of her drink.
21. Describe your ideal partner.
This time, the question caused her to almost choke. Mostly because it caught her off guard. Poppy had to grab a napkin to cover her mouth and regain her composure. After clearing her throat, she looked to you again. She was smiling again, but there was a hint of nervousness behind it too, "You're really interested in my taste?" This conversation was starting to feel a little too much like the kinds she would have with Shiny.
Once you confirmed you really were, Poppy nodded and glanced away. Not to avoid your gaze, but to ponder her answer. You could tell by the way her nose twitched occasionally- that was always a sign she was thinking about things, "Hm... Well, respect is most important. For both parties. I'd want a partner who wouldn't take advantage of me. I've already had enough of that... I'd also like a partner who can help me be more... Outgoing? Confident? I know I struggle with that sort of thing on my own. But won't try to force me to do things that make me uncomfortable, you know?"
The horror toon was silent for another moment, before nodding her head with a soft smile, "That's what's most important to me. I don't care what they would look like, or where they came from. I just want a kind, understanding person."
(Girl has dated a homeless fox, a former villainous wolf, and a drunkard rabbit. I think it's safe to say that she ain't picky XD)
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
WWE Extreme Rules 2022 - Results & Review
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So it's time for WWE to get EXTREEEEEEEME again, with a PPV that snuck up on me tbf. I thought we had another week, but nope the show is already in the books, so let's get a match-by-match rundown of the show
Spoilers for the PPV, you have been warned
I skimmed through the Kickoff btw. Booker T being NXT Commentator makes me wanna watch NXT less to be fair, most of what Book says in and out of WWE is just twod. Also had to be reminded that Logan Paul is getting a world title match...eurgh.
Overall, no matches on Kickoff so no reason to watch.
The Opening Package for a dumbass kid on a Spelling Bee was weird, the stage was a bit uncreative it's just a big screen.
Good Ol' Fashioned Donnybrook The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Ridge Holland & Butch) def. Imperium (GUNTHER, Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser) [Pinfall by Sheamus on Vinci via Brogue Kick] The White Rabbit graphics showed up during the brutes' entrance, cameramen did struggle early to keep track of the match. It was mostly a battle of numbers between Shamu, Dutch and Sundance against WALTER, Giodude and Wilhelm, Imperium having the early control, there was some good team offense from the Ringkampf guys, but of course Shamu's big face turn is what commands the crowd energy. There was callback to the SD match when Vinci cracked Sheamus with a shillelagh while he had GUNTHER locked in a cloverleaf but this time it was broken up. The match was physical but it was limited on its weapon usage until the final third when it was Shillelagh's flying around everywhere, Irish Cross on the announcer's table kept GUNTHER down for Sheamus to brogue Vinci who was held down by the Brutes. Good match to open with.
The Miz/Dexter stuff showed Gritty the Hockey Mascot following Miz throughout the show, mainly to set up a Raw segment, Miz attacked Gritty finally and then Dexter jumped him to save the mascot.
SD Women's Championship Ronda Rousey def. Liv Morgan (c) [Submission via ??? Choke] - NEW CHAMPION Ronda didn't have a huge pop really, it was muddled as she came out in a pink Gi and a UFC outfit with 'Submit' all over - if that wasn't gonna telegraph her plan of attack, bad makeup too. Liv came out in Extreme Rules colors and a Bat, she did get a better pop than Ronda in spite of her shitting booking. And Shitty booking is what we got, with Liv needing a weapon to exude confidence while Ronda toyed with the champion, reversing any attempt of offense she had. I think the longest time of advantage Liv had was a minute, maybe two right at the end. The finish was, messy, Liv hit a table senton and then Ronda just comes to life with an armbar, Liv powerbombs her into the table shards for another 2, then Ronda - still doing the hold - struggles to shift her position into what looked more like a Dis-arm-her but also using a table piece to sell it like a triangle choke and Liv passed out. It was weak to be fair, because Liv looked weak and then she's laughing in defeat. The two worked well but the match was wrong, the only consolation is that Liv still remains over, so she can rebuild.
Strap Match Karrion Kross (w/Scarlett) def. Drew McIntyre [Pinfall via Kross Hammer] I'm still unsure about Kross with hair tbf XD but Scarlett of course serving in her outfit. Pre-match assault while Drew is strapped built some heat as they brawled in the crowd and then eventually back to the ring where Drew has to strap Kross to start the match officially. Kross zoned in on the shoulder using the strap, Drew eventually hulked up though, Scarlett macing Drew after blocking a Claymore and then Kross hitting the Kross Hammer. It was a bit of a slow match really, right result and well worked but weak finish: I would've brought the White Rabbit back here.
Raw Women's Championship - Ladder Match Bianca Belair (c) def. Bayley Bit weird to see Nikkita Lyons be highlighted in the crowd, given how she's barely a big deal in the NXT Women's Division. At the very least Bayley saved some time to feud with her forever enemy: Michael Cole. The match had a great pace, starting with both sides simply trying to distance their opponent to climb the ladder, then both sides using the ladder to keep their opponent writhing. Belair hit a KOD after dodging Bayley using a part of her knee brace but Damage CTRL got involved, she got a scrappy double KOD, I think Kota held onto the ropes too long. Belair got to show her strength by lifting the ladder while underneath it, then hit a KOD onto Bayley again who was holding a ladder (bit miffed why she didn't drop it) to climb the ladder. I expected Belair to win because of WarGames coming up, it was a good match but could've gotten more, made Damage CTRL look weak that Belair was able to solo them.
I Quit Match Finn Balor def. Edge Balor came out in a full-face spike mask which was weird, why hide that handsome mug? The refs and Balor act like they've never seen an I Quit match ever, pulling the microphone for general submission moves and regular wrestling offense that wouldn't get a tap out or 3 count. We went into the crowd again where Edge got a hockey stick for area pop, using it for a crossface for a while. I wonder why there was so many people at the gate tunnel, like why aren't you at your seat? After driving him nuts first, Balor used the railing downstairs and a steel chair before returning to the ring. Commentary had been good all show with ECW and WCW references, but Corey ruined it by saying 'Frankenstein didn't intend to make the Monster' ...I mean, he did, he stitched up a corpse to bring it to life. Edge fought back by using a chair on Balor's legs and then an Edgeucator, but then Priest and Dom showed up to save Finn. Rhea then cuffed Edge to the ropes before he could Spear Finn, leading to a 3-on-1 assault and Finn smacking Edge with a Kendo Stick. Rey finally showed up to attack Priest and Finn but Dom beat him down, so Beth Phoenix came out using the Kendo - somehow faring better than legend Rey Mysterio - before Rhea stared her down, Beth speared Rhea and uncuffed her husband to hit Prist with a spear, low blowed Dom for revenge, Speared Finn 3 times and prepared the Chair rod Crossface. BUT, Rhea brass knuckle'd Beth and after Priest's South of Heaven and 3 Coup de Grace, they blackmailed Edge to quit by threatening Beth with a Con-Chair-To. He quit, then they hit her anyway.
The main negative I have is mostly how much they waste Rey on this feud, who is back alive in time for the match to be over because WWE book him as the most ineffective babyface in the world. There's not wanting to fight your son and there's this, he showed up late, ditched the chair he was holding and dropped to a punch in the face, it's not what I like to see from the guy who got me into wrestling. Otherwise this was a good match - perhaps dragged a bit long but right result and outcome.
Fight Pit Riddle def. Seth Rollins [Submission via Triangle Choke] Bronn Breakker was in the crowd for this one, that one made more sense as a champion. Seth came out in the blue RVD uniform, guess maybe a marijuana slight against Riddle? Riddle took over most of the start of the match, expected since he's been in all 3, but Cormier seems to be a bit too physical for a ref, especially for a No DQ scenario. Seth kept going for the 10 count, including an off-the-cage splash, but Riddle kept getting up and responding to his smack talk. Cormier may've botched a little not counting when Riddle got hit with the stomp, the delayed count led to Seth trying a Super Stomp but missing, then hiding up the elevated platform. Both used the extended environment, Seth hit a Pedigree but Riddle wasn't in the ring, so Riddle hit an RKO and Rollins rolled back into the ring, leading to a big Floating Bro which hit Seth pretty hard. Riddle got a triangle and even though Rollins tried to slam Riddle to release he buckled and tapped.
After that Bray Wyatt returned as the White Rabbit, to a big pop but nobody's surprise. People dressed as the funhouse characters in the crowd as well as the Fiend, the old Funhouse set with cobwebbed and dead characters was shown before Bray came through the door on the stage in a new mask to close out the show.
The fight pit was a good main event, Cormier needn't have been there though and it was undoubtedly overshadowed by Bray's obvious return. I am worried that we returned Bray with little purpose but it can easily be fixed. Overall it was a good show, true it was predictable but that's not always a bad thing, I think we could've gotten better out of everyone with better booking, since no match blew me away, especially for Liv and Drew. But everyone performed well and you'd at least get your money's worth.
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lifewiththelulus · 10 months
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Zil wants to impress Willow by writing his own song… but he has no idea what he’s doing.
Aurora would help him in a heartbeat
Especially after she realizes what it's about and who it's for
Once they finish, they take it a step further and surprise Willow with Zil going up on stage and singing it.
Welp thank you for adding to my playlist XD I swear a majority of what I listen to now is stuff y'all send me lol
Willow was curious about who the surprise guest might be, she was so sure it was another local band singer. She didn't question it when Aurora told her she wasn't allowed to know yet, and the night of she was prepared to see anything, but not him. She just about choked on her food when she saw him come out on the stage all dressed up. She definitely wasn't expecting him to grab the mic as the music started either
Aurora just has the biggest grin watching her little sister have most smitten look on her face. She's practically holding the other two back, keeping them from teasing while the boy she helped set all this up sang his heart out.
I'm a little too self-conscious to draw a detailed full-body shot of Zil in formal wear without my laptop, but it would look something like this.
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Willow: oh fuck boyfriend material -
Zil: I'm pretty sure it's cotton….OH! :0
She would actually die if he ever heard her say that
Lol I'm just imagining Kindlin and Cirrus at a table together watching the show and Kindlin taps on Cirrus' shoulder and points at Willow
She's at a table in front of the stage and she's literally got hearts floating around her as he sings lol
Kindlin just kisses her cheek and whispers "I know that feeling."
When Aurora finds out Willow doesn't know the song was for her:
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all her siblings:
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Aurora having to hold the other two back because she promised Zil she wouldn't meddle. Plus, as far as she knew Willow had sworn off dating so it made sense to not say anything It's very painful to watch Willow try to figure out who the song was about tho lol
Willow swears she doesn't care, but she hasn't stopped bringing it up since that night XD
Zilan is going to go through hell waiting for her answer to his confession, when she doesn't even realize he confessed in the first place.
Oh man All those times she wants to hold his hand and stops herself because she thinks he's in love with someone else
Him literally melting at her touch, turning more solid and and dripping
Poor Zil XD Willow thinks he's suddenly sick and stops to ask if he's ok Bonus she cups his face in her hands to check him and see if he's ok
Wholesome size difference relationships are my bread butter AND cheese
Nebi and Charlie teasing Willow when Zilan visits lol Somehow they get him doing some lifting and he ends up showing them that yes he can lift Willow with one arm
the siblings:
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