#the secret country: chapter 20
theannotateddean · 3 months
“Let the Third Riddler come forth,” said the huntsman.
Ruth came forward. […]
“Who is Claudia, what is she?” said Ruth, and Patrick made a muffled snort. “Does your high court commend her?” finished Ruth, and sent Patrick a look almost as alarming as the lion’s.
The unicorn paused, flicking an ear.
“Subtle, fair, and wise is she,” it said, and although its voice had no expression as human voices do, Ted could have sworn that somewhere in its answer there was a touch of delighted malice. “But none of ours did send her.”
Chapter 20, The Secret Country
Both Ruth’s question and the unicorns’ reply are adaptations of lines from William Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act IV, Scene 2:
Who is Silvia? what is she,  That all our swains commend her?  Holy, fair and wise is she;  The heaven such grace did lend her,  That she might admired be. 
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
Cabin in the woods (yan!Konig x fem!Reader x yan!Horangi)
You and your friend group are definitely not a part of a typical slasher movie. Two weird guys you met at the corner store somewhere in rural Austria definitely not serial killers. You are definitely going to be saved. You are definitely not going to like being their little trophy.
TW: Yandere, Age gap(Reader in her early 20, murder husband in their late 30), Serial Killers, Mild Gore, Extreme dub-con(Bordering cnc), Blood, Horror, Kidnapping
CHAPTER 1 You meet two weird locals at the corner store in a city in the middle of Austrian woods. Your timid nature is going to be your downfall.
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Come to the woods, your assholes-of-a-friend said. Come on, he said, I know that for someone like you, dwelling in some shitty forest for three or more days only to drink mediocre beer and probably have even more mediocre sex while mosquitos are biting at your vagina sounds like your worst nightmare, but! Have you considered it could be fun? 
Yeah, you have considered it. Considered it, thought about it and already decided not to engage with the idea. Spending the holiday in your own country, your own city and by your computer was far better than running around some random Austrian forest – and so you decided to kinda…ditch the idea. 
Considering what happened in the next few days, you really should have been more true to your words. 
Because you agreed to the proposition – because you don’t want to antagonize your friends, because you already feel strained from them, because they are assholes and they continue to be assholes but they are the only ones you have. Maybe you shouldn’t rot in your room, maybe you should agree to spend Spring break with them, getting drunk in the woods and maybe chasing some wild boars across the place. 
— Sorry. 
Some asshole – not the friend one, just an asshole in general, like everyone else in this fucking country that is so stuck up at being in the woods and mountains, that you are literally going to be sick – took the last remaining bottle of coke that was still left on the shelve. You were not having it because it was almost night already, the last remaining store open in the area, and you needed your sugar fix and something to mix alcohol with so you wouldn’t get drunk and stupid immediately. 
You aren’t letting go of the bottle. 
The guy doesn’t let go either. 
— Sorry, I think I got it first. 
You hate how weak your voice is. Never be the active, social one of your friends, you’re stuck being just a dumb girl who has literally everyone walking all over her. You decided to dig your heels into the ground and sent this asshole where he belongs – so, your grip on the bottle intensifies. 
— Haven’t seen you. 
He tugs the bottle back to him – and he has some arm strength, surprisingly for someone in this town. To be quite honest, you are too intimidated by his deep, annoyed voice to even consider looking at him, so you don’t know what the guy looks like. Maybe it’s an MMA champion – celebrity shop at some weird corner stores in abandoned Austrian cities too. 
— I am very sorry, but I really, really need this bottle. 
You don’t, actually. There are multiple bottles of Pepsi right here, and not like you have a very specific preference for the drink that is bad for you. You just got tired of people walking all over you, tired of your friends that constantly getting you into their shenanigans without asking for your opinion and you just want something good happening to you at least once. So, you tug the bottle back to you, and press it against your chest, hoping that whoever this man is will get the memo and get the fuck away from you until you’ll get your pepper spray. Ah, right, you forgot to bring one…well, he doesn’t have to know about that. 
— What do you need this bottle for? 
— Important reasons. Secret reasons.
The man sneered and you finally got a good look at him. And…fuck. 
Tall, broad, maybe more on the leaner side, but you can clearly see his tight muscles that form this perfect, thin type of masculinity that makes you think about greet athletes and that weird webtoon you were occasionally reading because you don’t have anything better to do with your life. You lick your lips, nervously, suddenly aware of the fact that you wear some old hoodie, battered jeans, and exactly zero makeup – you were supposed to get chased by the bears in the forest, not a meet-cute annoying strangers. 
He is Korean if little doodles on his jacket and an accent are saying the truth. You force yourself to get your gaze away from the mask that was covering more than half of his face, black glasses that obstruct the view even more, and messy black hair – the only thing about his appearance that you can actually see. 
Maybe, it’s good that you can’t see his face – you need to get out of here, preferably with a bottle of coke and some other snacks before your friends start questioning why the only person who didn’t want to go is so reluctant about leaving the store. Besides, it’s already almost closing time and you need to gather your thoughts. With a deep sigh, you push the bottle closer to you. 
But this time, he didn’t humor you with softness. He kept it close to himself and suddenly, you are very aware of how much weaker you are than him. You could put up a good fight against a mouse, maybe, a squirrel on a good day – but in this tugging match, you were no, pun intended, match for him. You look closely at his cargo jacket – the patches look official, normal, making you think about the military and what the fuck Korean soldier is doing in the small town somewhere in the rural, touristy-foresty-mountainy part of Austria. 
— Please, sir, it’s getting silly. 
— Yes, it is. Give up now. 
He has that weird calmness in his voice – a low grumble that makes you shiver, the urge to just give up your control and present him your neck like a good pet makes you want to vomit. God, it’s humiliating – you just hope that your friends won’t be here to witness your utter humiliation. 
— I really, really need this bottle. Please? 
You master your best puppy eyes, looking at him with a half-lidded gaze, hoping he has at least a somewhat working and aching heart inside of his lean, muscular chest. The dark glasses of his don’t allow you to see his face clearly, but you can feel how he slowly eyes you from head to toe, slowing down at how much your hands are trembling at the confrontation. 
In a normal situation, you would give up already. But this isn’t a normal situation – you wanted to learn how to be brave, independent, and stand up for yourself in small things, even if your friends still going to swirl you around into making dumb decisions. 
— I was the first to grab it. Why should I give it to you? 
His voice is mesmerizing – you didn’t expect something as deep from a random stranger in the corner shop and here you are, embarrassed, cheeks heated because you want to ditch your friends and look at the random guy you just met. Ah, the tragedy of meeting someone remotely attractive and closer to your age – or at least looking like it – in a mundane place so that the horny thoughts would make room inside your head. 
— Because this would cheer me up really nice, sir. 
You master even puppier eyes – and you lick your lips some more, hoping to elongate the point of how shitty your day was, and how nice it would be, just to have a bottle of coke to cheer you up. Man lets go of a grumpy noise, shaking his head. 
“Fucking tourists” he mutters – and you feel even more embarrassed immediately. If anything, he is probably a tourist too! 
— Sir? So the coke-stealer has manners after all. 
His laugh is dry, and you want to take the bottle and leave – but when you yank it closer, he doesn’t let go. If anything, he grabs it even firmer, thin plastic deforms under his touch, and the tactical gloves he is wearing are only empathizing with the vast difference between you and him. 
— I’m not a coke-stealer. I had dibs on this bottle. 
He stares at you, tilting his head to the side. You look stubborn, like an angry little kitten – and, god fucking dammit, Horangi loved cats. Always wanted to get one or two, adorable furballs that would lay on him and Konig, maybe destroy the wildlife around their house. he loved cats and never had time to take care of them because of their combined jobs – so when he looks at this stubborn little woman – little more in her posture than actual size – he feels all the desire to take a kitten home gets straight into his pants. 
He has to find Konig. Ah, and get the bottle back. 
— Dibs don’t matter if you can’t even hold it. So, the bottle is mine. 
— Sir, if anything, this bottle can’t belong to you yet. You haven’t paid for it! 
— You too. 
— But I will. 
— Just as I am. 
He chuckles, more amused than anything. You look angry, you look pissed, you munch on your lower lip nervously because you don’t want this man to walk all over you, but you also really want his – it belongs to the state, actually – coke. So, you yank it one last time, already preparing to give up and drink Pepsi as the loser woman you are. 
Instead, the bottle goes right into your hand with ease – and you fall on your back, losing the connection between your legs and the ground. You prepare to fall and crack your head on the floor, just like a wet kitten of a person you are. 
Instead, you stumble into…something. You want to say that it’s something soft, maybe a snack aisle or the pillows that are being sold in this store for some reason, but this mysterious “something” under your cheek is firm, tense and warm. 
Just like in the worst romantic comedies you ever saw, you are crushed into a broad male’s chest. Don’t mess it up with another man’s broad chest, those are actually two very different individuals and the concentration of pecks on the square meter already makes you feel uneasy. You bite your lips nervously, wanting nothing more but to disappear – you finally have the bottle in your hands and you can swiftly retreat to the cashier on the other side of the shop, but the man behind you stops you. 
— What’s going on, Tigeren? 
Ah, good. The wall of muscles behind you smells of generic male deodorant and something metallic – and has the voice of a Greek god mixed with the most stereotypical Austrian accent ever. Not like you are an expert on accents or voices or tones because you’re not sure that Greek gods would have such high and grumbling voices, but you stand not corrected, drowning in your bad decisions. 
You feel the firm hold on your shoulder gently put you away slightly, as the man comes to touch the asshole’s hand. Softly, gently, you want someone to touch you like this. You lift your gaze from the pair and…
Did you miss a Halloween party with the tough rule of wearing a mask all the time, even when you’re going out to grab some more snacks? You lower your gaze from the man who also wears a generic black mask and dark glasses, your eyes slowly go down to his pants and…
Did you miss a horse-riding party? 
— Some tourist tried to steal my coke. Nothing, Ko. 
— I’m not a tourist. 
You mumble, under your breath. You don’t want to be here – the area suddenly becomes intoxicating, you feel out of place and you want to run away as fast as possible but the only thing you can do is to just strive on, hoping that you’d at least keep your beverage with you. You take a step to the side, hoping to retreat quietly, like a ninja – but they both notice and turn to your side immediately. 
— This is a dangerous place, lady. 
The tall guy – well, they are both tall, but the second one is fucking enormous, towering over the shelves and making you feel insignificant compared to him – grumbles it gently, almost carefully. You are inclined to listen to him, taking up his words like a damned prophecy. You know this place is dangerous – it’s a forest in the mountains of Austria, of course, it is dangerous, you tried to tell your friends this, but…well, to no avail. Useless as usual. 
— I’m aware, thank you. Can I…excuse me, I will leave now. 
— With my coke. 
Korean guy snorts, the clear amusement in his voice. You don’t like the way he emphasizes the point of you stealing it from him – you both are entitled to it, if anything, he is the weird one to think that he has some special dibs for this. The bottle is already warmed up from your combined touches and you groan from the fact – now you will have to choke on the warm cola while all of your friends have fun with their dumb alcohol cocktails and ice cubes and everything you forgot to bring because you were the last one to get here. Because you were the last one they asked to join – feeling like an afterthought, you lick your lips nervously. 
— Of course. The one you wrestled out of my hold. 
— You let go of it, sir. 
— Didn’t want to make a scene with a little thing like you. 
You feel the tips of your ears burning. Oh, how you wanted to punch both of them – the tall one and the slightly less tall one, both chuckling like a pair of grannies on the porch. Like this fucking place needed more bears. 
— You should be careful around these parts. Weird things going around. 
The mountain has spoken again – weird, but all of his phrases feel more like something straight up from a horror movie. Combined with the eerie dim light of the tiny store and his mask, it sent a shiver down your spine. Gosh, you need to watch fewer horror movies and read less terrible dark romance books. You are jumpy, nervous, anxious, everything that doesn’t combine well with a forest trip. 
You take a step back and the blue eyes follow you. When did he take off his sunglasses? Why do they both need sunglasses at night? 
He looks at you and, fucks sake, you stumble into the aisle again. With a bottle of coke in your hand, which isn’t the best weapon in the world, you stumble to the cashier. 
Cold gaze follows you. Oh, how he follows you. 
You nervously bring the coke bottle to the old man behind the counter, listening to the tired German speech – you recognize the numbers, memorize the price of a single bottle, and yet…you feel the eyes glue to your back as you desperately rummage through your pockets. You swear to god that you had cash on you this exact morning – but you go through your pockets, through your backpack, and try to search for maybe some old cents and cards. 
God, you feel like a failure – embarrassed that you wasted so much time trying to get this bottle only to put it back on the shelf in defeat and…
— On me. Move your ass, tourist. 
The Korean guy notches your side and you glare at him with a mix of anger and shame – he pays for the bottle, probably grinning from how well he taught this annoying as fuck tourist a lesson, and also for the few snacks he bought, probably for himself and his…friend? Boyfriend? 
You move your ass obediently, going out of the store, and your head hangs low in defeat. Your friends are smoking outside, everyone is visibly annoyed with how long it took you only to go out empty-handed. Jenny, one of your girlfriends, a tall brunette with a perfect fucking body that shouldn’t belong to someone in the real world and not 90-era comedies, looks…worried. 
You went to ask her what was wrong, but she shook her head, looking somewhere behind you. 
You stare at the ground, watching as your shriveled shadow from the single-store light swiftly being absorbed by someone’s much larger frame. You gulp, not wanting to look behind you, knowing what – or who – you might want. 
Tall guy with a…coke bottle? Well, you weren’t expecting that. He gives you the bottle and you can almost see the condescending smile on his face as his fingers linger on your hand for longer than they should be. You take the offer, not really understanding what the fuck is really going on. 
— Thank…you? 
— No problem, kleine. 
You can hear the smile in his voice and your hands are trembling. Jenny looks at you with surprise, clearly not expecting nerdy ol’ you to pull someone so…well, not nerdy and maybe old. 
— What the fuck? Who is…
— I’ll explain in the car, alright? 
— Did you drop it or something? 
— I…I think I lost my wallet. Have you seen it? 
She stops for a second, thinking. There are a few things Jenny is good at – burning the tip of her tongue with a lighter, wearing crop tops, eating men alive (unless they are the most annoying ones alive). Lying isn’t one of them – not because she is a good person, but because she would rather flip your shit upside down and make you as upset as she possibly could. 
— Chad took it. Said you’d find the nearest bus to get the fuck out of here if you’d have it. 
You can’t fucking believe this. All this humiliation because her annoying boyfriend didn’t want you to ruin this little unfriendly gathering. You feel angry tears in the corners of your eyes, almost ready to sniffle like the needy thing you are. God, you’re weak and pathetic and…
The Austrian guy behind you coughs, attracting attention. 
— Ladies like you shouldn’t go out this late. Bad things might happen. 
Jenny snorted and you already wanted to close your eyes. She was clearly not having it and she had a very short temper – you take a step back, towards her, hoping to set her down. Instead, she took one look at your pleading expressions, and it made her even more annoyed. She was never good with locals. 
— We’re getting out of this dump as soon as possible, sir. Didn’t ask for your opinion though. 
He chuckles and the sound sends a shiver down your spine. 
— Just wanted to warn you. Tourists are disappearing around these parts. 
— We’re not some dumb tourists. 
— Ach? You aren’t? 
Jenny fails to hear the amusement in her voice. You tuck the Coke bottle in your arms, hoping that they would stop. 
— We’re not a bunch of dumb tourists and we will call the police if you’d proceed harassing us. 
— Just wanted to give your friend what she forgot. Keep an eye on each other, ja? 
— We will. Fuck off before I’m calling the 9-1-1, verstehen? 
You feel even more embarrassed as she storms off to the truck where Chad and everyone else is staying, not even paying you a glance – too used to your sorry ass going right after her, like a lapdog that your other friend likes to bring everywhere in her tiny pink purse. 
You sigh, feeling horrible. The guy is creepy. Tall, looming over everyone, both of them are fucking terrifying – but they paid for the coke and the Austrian one is genuinely trying to tell you something. A bit paranoid, maybe, but you see the cargo jacket he is wearing, so he is probably either a paranoid survivalist or maybe a part of the military. You like having someone worried about your safety, even in more of a scary horror movie-esque form. 
— I’m…sorry for Jenny. She isn’t always like this, we’re just tired after a long road. 
— You were driving whole day? 
— We’re, um…on a trip. You know, a little getaway in the woods. Would have been nice. 
The giant tilts his head to the side. You just noticed that his hands are twitching a little, fidgeting with the bottom part of his jacket. You find it almost cute, endearing in a way – at least he is as anxious about talking to you as you are to him. You find yourself also fidgeting on the bottle, swirling it in your hands, never understanding what you should do in a somewhat normal social situation. 
— Be careful, kleine Hase. Like I said, it’s a dangerous place for young ladies like you. 
The way he said it, calling you a young lady, made him look extremely old – and made you feel even more embarrassed and uncertain about your future. Here you are, wasting your youth on shitty road trips to Austrian woods instead of reading horror books and watching romance movies. 
— Thank you, sir. I…I’ll keep that in mind. 
— Are you two alone on the trip? 
Alright, it was a bit creepy. his cold blue gaze bores in your face, making you feel small. 
— No, Our male friends are with us. 
He humms, almost sounding amused. 
— Good. Wouldn’t want it to be too easy. 
— Sorry? 
— Wouldn’t want someone bad to hurt you so easily. 
You smile. He is nice, even if a bit creepy – you nod slightly, taking a step towards the truck, since everyone else already got in and you still have a long road to the place of your camp. 
— Thank you for the bottle, sir. 
— You are welcome. Keep yourself safe, ja? 
You nod. 
Keeping yourself safe sure does sound nice. You can do it, right? (You can’t,  but you don’t know that yet)
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ddwcaph-game · 24 days
The Narrativium Update Has Arrived!
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Retcon the narrative to your heart's content in the latest update to...
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Dear Diary, We Created a Plot Hole! is written as a love letter to all the kids-at-heart out there, who’d like to revisit their childhood and reimagine it as one big fantasy adventure.
If you like episodic shows and stories with a deeper overarching narrative, then this story is just for you!
🌌 【Play it here!】 🌌
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~ 608,000 total wordcount (including code) ~ 99,000 additional words (including code) ~ New average playthrough of 129,000 words! (up from 115k)
14 New Secrets/Variations to Discover, 25 New Trinkets to collect, 9 New Sidequests, 4 New Achievements!
6 New Character Traits, 12 New Ancestry Passives, 2 New Phobias, 4 New Status Effects!
Revamped Heritage Passives!
Retcon the narrative and your choices with the new Narrativium Points mechanic!
Revamped Health & Intimidation Stats, Traits and EXP System!
Revamped Chapter 1 Twin Fight Scene!
Added new Sleepover Branch!
Updated bestfriend scenes!
Crush sidequests can now be declined!
You can now change what your MC calls certain characters via the diary!
Added more backstory details about MC's dad, and you can now choose his home country if MC is Half-Filipino!
Increased save slots to 20!
New and improved gender and pronoun options!
Updated diary entries!
Updated content warnings to include themes that will appear in future chapters!
Fixed missing background music!
Tons of new choices, edits, adjustments, and additional flavor text/variations/characterization details!
Roselyna is now approximately 20% more huggable!
The Trinkets & Secrets Guide has also been updated!
If you encounter any errors, or have any questions or feedback, feel free to send me an ask. The complete change log for the update is almost 400 lines long, so I hope it was worth the wait! 😊
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lucawrites11 · 6 months
navigation post
hi, you can call me luca. i'm 20, use they/them pronouns and i am the anonymous writing the woso bits and bobs series on ao3
my asks are always open, please send me your questions, thoughts, headcanons, prompts, requests etc. (i do see them all but i will only reply to prompts/requests when i write them)
i am a lifelong newcastle united fan and currently just follow a load of woso teams while i wait for them to get out of the third tier of english football this includes but is not limited to arsenal, barcelona and man city and never includes chelsea for personal reasons. i love football tactics and stuff as well and always love to talk about it :))
(i just want to add that this is my secondary blog so if you don't see me interacting with posts and other blogs - it's because i can't)
leah williamson/alessia russo
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make this the best dream i've ever known
complete: seven chapters
alessia invites leah over after united play arsenal for lasagne
[a hint of slow burn, first kiss, euros 2022]
i can't keep up
complete: one shot
alessia misses the uwcl qualifying penalty and breaks down
[hurt/comfort, established relationship]
maybe i should have called you first (but i was dying to get to you)
complete: six chapters
five times leah and alessia drive three hours to see each other and one time they don't need to anymore
[5+1, fluff, established relationship, acls]
you said it looked better on me than it did you
complete: one shot
leah steals alessia's clothes, alessia gets her revenge
[fluff, sharing clothes, wwc 2023]
tears are the words the heart can't say
complete: one shot
leah does her acl playing her girlfriend's team
[hurt/comfort, major character injury]
for better, for worse
complete: one shot
leah deals with endometriosis after a concussion
[hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationship]
is forever enough? (the series)
if i know what love is, it's because of you
complete: one shot
prequel: leah and alessia's chaotic proposals (can be read as a standalone)
[marriage proposals, idiots in love]
how long do you wanna be loved? (is forever enough?)
complete: twenty-nine chapters
leah and alessia's journey to expanding their little family
[ivf, pregnancy, SO MUCH FLUFF, marriage]
never knew the best was yet to come
incomplete: chapter two of thirteen
emilia russo-williamson is here, follow the first thirteen months of her life
[kid!fic, fluff, marriage]
jenni hermoso/alexia putellas
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it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
complete: three chapters
jenni and alexia have been broken up for over a year and are living in different countries but then they have the world cup
[angst with a happy ending, fluff, suggestive, slow burn (ish)]
mapi leon/ingrid engen
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i wouldn't know where to start
complete: one shot
ingrid has just opened her own tattoo studio in barcelona. mapi goes along to check it out and develops a crush
[fluff, getting together, tattoo artist au]
incomplete: chapter five of six
mapi has a crush on the pretty new midfielder on the team and ingrid has a pretty big secret
[fluff, angst with a happy ending, kid!fic, sick!fic, coffee]
ellie carpenter/daniëlle van de donk
you'll always be my favorite new year's kiss
complete: one shot
ellie and daan get together in new year's eve
[age gap relationship, first kiss]
you know what the best part of today was? i got the chance to fall in love with you all over again
one shot collection
ellie meets daan's daughter as her girlfriend after dating for almost a year
[fluff, kid!fic]
evie bronze
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the missing pieces (of our souls)
one shot collection
lucy's daughter, evie bronze, is iconic in the women's football world
[lucy/ona, past lucy/keira, keira/laura, fluff, angst with a happy ending]
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Summary: Life leads you to treacherous roads after deciding to enter the dangerous life you knew well not to follow.Having gojo by your side inviting you deeper and deeper into all that’s wrong in the world, inciting you to be selfish and carefree wasn’t supposed to be to your liking, so why do you shiver with adrenaline every time he decides to be the devil on your shoulder?
Contents: Mafia boss gojo x secretary reader.(civilian au ig)
-Secret crush Gojo!
-Yandere Gojo
-Physical altercation I guess.
Gojo being an egocentric bitch! Wealthy gojo! X no nonsense reader.
Warnings: trigger warning if you’re not interested in anything mafia like drugs or violence related. The narration of this story is inspired by Latin and Asian mafia.
🏷:@busyreader17 @starlight5cat @xavlyzn (I love y’all for tuning in I appreciate your comments🫶🏻🫶🏻)
Chapter 3
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Some dew drops are seen sliding down the windows of a custom Gulf Stream jet ;due to the rain as it lands on a clandestine pathway in the city of Shanghai, China.
As the wheels below the jet deploy you feel a soft warm hand tap you on shoulder waking you up out of your slumber, as you feel the jet tremble due to the landing;you gasp yourself awake due to the strange circumstances of your awakening.
-“Good morning Miss, I hope your flight with us has been lovely. I’ll leave you a cup of coffee ,a bottle of water and some ibuprofen in the case that you require them. Mr Gojo and Mr Geto are waiting for you outside the jet so you can all head to Báisè de huā villa. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be taking my leave.-“ Said the flight attendant before taking a bow then leaving.
You wink your eyes in hopes that I’ll help you understand what the fuck she just said,since you slept too little, you were still a bit drunk from all the whiskey from a few hours ago. You popped an ibuprofen then exited the master bedroom which you don’t remember getting into. You notice that your top is now lingering a scent of a mens cologne, but you shrug the thought off and conclude that the alcohol is just messing up your senses.
As you strut through cabin corridor,you quickly spot the jet door.Which leads you to an unknown country full of posibilites or new found problems. You tip tap down the jet stairs in hopes of finding warmth in one of the 5 Ford Everest parked by the path way, but you soon notice that in front of you is your boss and his god mother standing proudly before 2 lines of 20 men , 10 on each side forming a hallway to the vehicles while respectfully bowing down to them. Out of instinct you decide to take a step back to process the power demonstration being held before your boss, you knew he was a shady man but you’ve also never thought of him like anything else but a coworker; as you take a step back you also realize you’ve stepped out barefoot and now you have an un pleasantly wet foot.
-“Fuck.”- You comment making heads turn your way as you practically announce your arrival, as their workers noticed you ;one of them ran over to you to place and umbrella over your head.
As your presence is known; Gojo swiftly turns around and looks at you with slight amusement sparking his blue orbs.
-“How shameful,I should fire you.”-He recites while walking over to you, while making some weird hand gestures tu one of his men.
-“Be my guest.”- you reply as you gather your hair up in a pony tail to look more presentable.-”Lovely weather isn’t it?”-You comment as you rub your feet together trying to fend off the cold.
He scoffs strolling over to you ,knowing he wouldn’t fire you in his wildest dreams, a few seconds after ;the assistant whom he was signing to handed him a box. He then proceeded to crouch his tall figure to the ground , it looked as if he was bowing down to you, then he took some slippers out of the box to then grab an ankle delicately to slip then on. As of you weren’t already nervous due to this unexpected action,the look of his men piercing you made you anxious.
-“I can put them on myself you know. Stand up you’ll get your suit dirty.”-You mumbled squatting down to take the slippers from his hands.
-“Don’t tell me what to do.”-He expressed looking you dead in the eyes as he snatched back the fluffy slipper from your hand putting them back on your other foot.
3 figures could be seen sitting down in the main dining room of the Báisè de huā villa, it is currently 2 pm and all of you just woke up from a few hours of sleep after you guys arrived from the landing site.
You were now in an impromptu business meeting as your boss explained to you your obligations as his secretary while on this very important work trip.You timidly smiled as you see how the passion for his work ( truthfully power hunger) sparked a passion in his eyes ,as he explained to you how he wanted to add Chinese territories to his reign; starting with Shanghai.
Todays meeting was very important ,here he would be meeting with a very noteworthy drug supplier that worked with very few clients due to the quality of its goods and mainly to avoid getting dragged in between gang wars, the goal for today is to be accepted to the client list and negotiate prices.
You were perfect for the job
He knew that from the moment that Geto and he started stalking you, after seeing how you built wonderful companies from zero, that you were the only one capable of fulfilling their expectations. Yes, you were young, and many people may associate that with immaturity, but your age only highlighted your strategic thinking and endless energy.
You started to supervise some work your underclass men sent you to Japan when you noticed a clothed reflection on your computer screen.
-“Do I bore you?”-The deep familiar voice questioned.
-“Sometimes.”-You snapped back in annoyance due to his stupid questions.
He frowned from your unexpected reply , your tone making him a little sad. He knew you were a woman of firm character,a quality he admired about you ,so he started to worry of what would happen if you found out about what him and geto did.
-“Are you being sincere?”-Gojo asked in a more serious tone.
-“Dead serious.”-You reply as you smile from ear to ear at his “playful” questioning.
As soon as he realized you were playing ,the stress left his shoulders , he sighed and cackled at himself due to his behavior. He barely recognized himself, the guilt is eating him alive, he needed to makeup for it fast.
-“Want to go shopping?”
The busy Nanjing road if full of locals and tourist.The infrastructure of the shopping districts is breathtaking , the afternoon sunset is reflecting beautifully on the buildings decorated by big led screens and beautiful compositions of glass.
In the big sum of people, Gojo and you found peace due to the fact that, to the naked eye, you were no different from any tourist. Your boss stayed close to you as he scanned the environment with his icy blue eyes; he hid his hands in his cashmere pockets as he looked down on you.
-“I have a surprise, c’mon, follow me, princess.” - Your heart skipped a beat as you heard those sweet words come out of his pink lips. For some reason unknown to you, your boss only let out those teasing words in front of you. You decided not to think much of it since you knew he had his fair share of good-looking girls behind him. You knew your place, his secretary, nothing more.
His calloused, cold hand grabbed yours as he calmly walked through the crowd; he looked ahead so calmly. You felt embarrassed for thinking anything of his nonchalant attitude. But to him, oh man. His heart was running a thousand miles per hour; the only thing he could do to hide his blushing cheeks is to look ahead. Your hand felt so warm, so soft, so small against his; that only led him to wonder what the rest of you feels like. For a woman with such a small frame, you surely had too much attitude. He’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t fantasize about all the ways he could tame that cheeky attitude of yours. In the end, that white-haired man decided it was better for him to stop such wild thoughts before he started having issues controlling his breathing.
When both of you arrived at the store, the sales assistant immediately recognized the tall man beside you and promptly led you to a private room. It seemed to be a private dressing room; it was composed of a luxurious cream sofa, a extravagant white wood table, and what seemed to be another small room to dress in. On top of the table was a black suede box with a red bow that screamed open me!
You look over to the grinning figure beside you for permission, and as soon as he gives you the green light, you scramble to open the mystery box, which reveals a beautiful turquoise Qi pao with tiny white flowers detailing the side of your hip. The cloth ended at mid-knee and seemed like silk; it glided beautifully under your fingertips, and the stitching was impeccable. Once the sales assistant noticed you were satisfied with the dress, she took her leave.
-“You shouldn’t have.”-You gasped.
-“Oh, but I did.”-He sweet-talked as he started getting closer to your face.-”How about you model that piece for me as a thank you.”
-“Model for you?”-you giggled.-“I’d rather pay credit.”- You say as you searched your purse.
-“Fuck.”- He mumbles under his breath as he drags one hand on his face.-“I’m starting to think you get a high from contradicting me, when will you stop playing dumb, my dear.”-he taps your forehead with his index finger as he mutters this sentence.
You grab his hand, catching him off guard.
-“I don’t know if fooling around with me is your source of entertainment for today, but please consider that it’s not normal for a man such as yourself to grab my hand and plan surprises for me and take me to foreign countries. I’m aware it’s all for business reasons, so I beg you to keep this as strictly professional as possible.”
With a swift movement; your hand still in his, he turns you around to face the mirror as he positions himself behind you, towering over you as he hugs you with the arm you're both holding hands with. You gulp at the sight of his broad shoulders contrasting your own back, at the way you're engulfing yourself with his aroma, sweating at the way he dared to rest his head on your other shoulder just to whisper…
-“What if it wasn’t for business, what if the absolute truth was that you drive me crazy.”-He groaned as he looked intently at your cute expressions through the mirror.-“The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you make me want to have some damn morals just so I can have the right to talk to someone like you.”
You shake your head as you refuse to accept the reality of the situation you're in.
-“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Gojo.”
He bit his tongue in anger and frustration; all he could do is tighten his jaw in hopes he wouldn’t say anything stupid.
-“Good, cause all that’s not the fucking case.”-He left the room after spitting that out in resentment at the way you turned down his feelings as he was a beggar. He knew it; he’s a fucking idiot for ever having hope; all he’s done on this trip is embarrass himself in front of you. Having to swallow his feelings these 2 years drove him to insanity; all he wanted was to include you in his life’s plans, why couldn’t you accept that?
Oh, he clearly knew why.
It’s because you deserve better.
You deserve a Prince Charming who will offer you peace and warmth, someone who works a 9-5, someone who has a family life to offer you, probably someone who doesn’t have to carry a gun in his waistband to protect himself from all the bad things he’s done in the past, someone not crazy enough to kill for you or even better someone who’s not masochistic enough to live with the burden of his unrequited sentiments towards you.
But in the end, he knew he was selfish; that’s how he got to where he is today. He knew damn well you deserved better, so why did he still have the irresistible urge to steal you away, to drown you in his feelings to the point where you couldn’t deny them.
He laughed, no cackled at himself outside of your dressing room; you had no idea what you had coming.
Three champagne glasses clicked in celebration of a newfound business project. Tonight’s meeting has been a success, even though you’ve been burning your brain cells trying to decipher what the hell happened at the boutique this afternoon. You were clearly distracted but not to the point you forgot why you were here in the first place.
You sat back into your seat, participating in idle chit-chat with the supplier. Meanwhile, your tight turquoise Qi pao emphasized your waist, the slit by your thigh earning some stolen glances from your boss as he still acted indifferent towards you after today's spectacle.
Geto could already smell what was happening between you two, but in reality, he didn’t care one bit to even ask about it. So all he could do was stand by the door, keeping watch for any potential danger.
The meeting concluded wonderfully, so you said your goodbyes to the supplier to excuse yourself to the bathroom, allowing yourself to think straight for a few minutes before returning to your chaotic reality.
As you finished washing your hands, you touched your nape with your cold hands with the hopes of cooling down your body heat. After fanning yourself a few times, you exited the bathroom.
But to your surprise, you found a familiar face in the hallway.
-“Miss! You’re Gojo’s secretary right?”-The supplier asked, waving his hands at you to come over.
-“Yes, sir, can I help you with anything?”-You answered with a grin.
-“If you’re so very kind, I’d like to know what kind of jet you both traveled here in, because I’d also like one that can hold as much cocaine as yours do.”
You chuckled at the poor guy in front of you, too drunk out of his mind to comprehend what he’s saying.
-“Sir, we didn’t bring any cocaine; the only thing the plane carried were the three people that were in the room with you.”-You smiled as you explained the situation to him.
-“Don’t try to act sly with me, young woman! Your boss just told me that he secretly brought over 400 kilos in that jet of his; he brought them to sell over here while I released some of my product to him.”
As he uttered that sentence, your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach. This morning you were used as a drug mule, and you didn’t even notice it.
You truly thought he would respect your boundaries.
How foolish.
You start to tremble as you start to imagine what could have been if the navy or the immigration officers wanted to inspect the plane and found the three of you with all those drugs in it.
You run back to the bathroom feeling sick, thinking that by slim chance your hard-worked career was almost over. No, your precious life was over if they decided to try you for drug possession in a country as strict as China, all because of his stupid greed.
You dried your sweat as you quickly mapped out an exit back to Japan without your two business partners finding out about you knowing their dirty little secret. Now you knew you couldn’t trust them; it was idiotic of you in the first place to do so.
You quickly ran to the entrance unbeknownst to the fact that Geto was trailing after you since the moment you left the dining room. Sure, he could have prevented the supplier from telling the truth, but that would’ve been even more suspicious in your eyes, so he finally had to let the truth break free.
You signaled over one of the cars that Gojo put at your service; all you hoped for was to get your passport back from the villa and take the first flight back to your home country and maybe even treat yourself to a little crying session in the taxi.
But the moment your hand met the car door handle, a cold force pulled you back by your free hand.
-“Please, baby, let me explain.”-Gojo stated out as he felt his heart rip to shreds due to the liquid pearls forming in your eyes.-“You weren’t supposed to know; I knew we weren’t gonna get caught, so I didn’t want you to know since I knew you’d get nerv-“
A smack was heard echoing the Shanghai streets as Gojo held his red cheek after his sentenced was slapped into the air since you decided to give him a taste of what a liar like him deserved.
-“I fucking hate you!”-you yelled out while pointing a finger at him while wiping your tears with the back of your other hand.-“ I wish I never met any of you motherfuckers!”-You said as you pointed to Geto and his crew.
What surprises all of them next was your ability to get lost in the busy Shanghai streets after crossing a simple street.
Gojo didn’t hesitate to chase after you into unknown territory wishing he could turn time back, unbeknownst to himself that some threatening enemies were watching close by.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
A/n: Holy fucking shit man , i hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope sacrificing my spine for the time I edited this in one sitting is worth it. Any suggestions or comments let me know!! Have a good day 🥸🫶🏻💋
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hpowellsmith · 1 year
New Game Announcement: Honor Bound, Crème de la Crème Series Book 4
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Honor Bound is a standalone game that takes place four years after Royal Affairs, with a brand new player character.
The story so far: I started working on this game in March 2023. I'm currently writing the first draft of Chapter 4.
Chapter 1 is publicly available for everyone to play. Chapter 2 is going up on Patreon on 1st August. I also hope to post (roughly) fortnightly progress updates.
Play the public demo here!
You're a promising officer in the Teranese military, a force which has not seen major engagement in decades but which holds vast influence. Thanks to an injury, you're no longer in the field. Thanks to the circumstances of that injury, you've been quietly reassigned.
Now you're to be the bodyguard to the child of a famous scientist who is attending a wilderness boarding school for the children of the richest and most powerful figures of Teran society.
According to your mentor, it's an easy assignment. The school sits close to your own hometown, so you'll be familiar with the area; you can recover your health and get your career back on track. What could go wrong?
Bond with those around you or impress with aloof competence. Be a kind, trusted confidante to your charge, or a strict, stern caretaker. Work hard for glowing reports from your charge, your military superiors, or the Headteacher to get your life back on track - or risk it all as you uncover secrets that put you and everyone around you in peril.
Play as male, female, or non-binary; cis or trans; gay, straight, or bisexual; asexual and/or aromantic; allosexual and/or alloromantic; monogamous or polyamorous
Play a junior officer in your 20s, a mid-ranking officer in your 30s, or a senior officer in your 40s
Befriend or romance a severe military officer, a bold, easygoing outdoors expert, a determined and overworked priest, an earnest but airheaded fellow bodyguard, or the anxious, serious single parent of your charge
Shape the school life of your teenage charge: encourage her to make friends or sabotage her rivals, let her slack off or push her to achieve
Protect the school, town, and your charge from natural disasters and criminals, or use chaos to further your agendas. Build a warm community, stand apart to focus on yourself, or push tensions higher in a place where gossip is rife
Negotiate a cushy promotion, or open other doors, through heroic or devious actions. Or become such a disaster that only bandits will give you the time of day
Unearth and thwart shadowy schemes, or enact them yourself for your own ends
This tightly-knit desert boarding school is a sanctuary for artists and scientists of the future to flourish. But as danger closes in, how far will you go for your ambitions, your commanders, and your country?
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 6 months
Skin-Deep chapter 12
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summary: The one where you fall for Seungcheol amongst all the protests and insecurities. The one where you don't know that he's fallen for you too.
a/n: Enjoy! :)
Ensconced in a velvet armchair, you sat surrounded by your friends who were howling with laughter. 
“They said what?” Yunjin said in between tears, clutching her stomach from the pain of laughing too hard. 
“I cannot FATHOM anyone saying that to you,” Shuhua cried, wiping the tears from her eyes, trying her best not to smudge her mascara. 
“God, what is up with her ceiling?” Somi laughed, imagining a bunch of naked people on the ceiling, “New money people, I can never understand.”
“Talk about bad taste, who the fuck puts stained glass in their dining room?” Jihyo added, sipping on her tea.
You had just finished relaying the drama from the past month to your friends whilst jewellery shopping at your favourite store. The five of you sat facing one another with a bucket load of jewellery spread out on a coffee table in the middle. The shop assistants constantly bringing out all of their best jewellery for each of you to inspect. 
“You should have slapped her!” Shuhua commented, mimicking a slapping motion in the air. “I know I would have! Insulting my bestie like that.”
Shuhua was your most outspoken friend. Her father was renowned as the Grocery King of Taiwan, owning almost all of the supermarkets and groceries store in the country. She always made sure to send out boxes of the best fruits and vegetables to her best friends. Their mothers appreciating the present more than any of their daughters. 
“And his father! ‘You need a right girl by your side’.” Jihyo mimicked, “Go back to the 70s, old man! No one wants you here!” 
Jihyo, who was extremely appaled by backwards thinking, was the daughter of the Gold Kingdom. Her family held monopoly over the trade of gold globally. Jihyo was regularly decked out in gold, but she didn’t mind shopping for other sorts of jewellery. 
“How does your son’s choice of girlfriend affect your company’s survivability?” Somi said, rolling her eyes, “does he know nothing about business?”
Somi, your ever business savvy friend, had just returned from completing her MBA. This was to prepare her to inherit her mother’s massive cosmetics empire. In fact all the makeup on your face right now was a gift from Somi.  
“I literally just looked up their company while you were talking. They’re worth what? 20 bil?” Yunjin turned her phone to show you a report. “And they’re so bloody arrogant!”
Yunjin, who was more interested in people’s net worths, hailed from a family who ran the world's most successful banking co-operation. This grants her access to all the secretive reports of various companies and high net worth individuals around the world. 
Where Seungcheol had Joshua and Jeonghan, you had Shuhua, Jihyo, Somi and Yunjin. 
The five of you had been friends since you were children, your parents all knew each other so naturally you grew up together. Majority of your youth was spent flying all over the world for shopping trips and holidays together. The only reason you separated was because you wanted to experience life without your parent’s money for once. You’d regularly keep up with them while you were at uni but it wasn’t the same as seeing them face to face. You missed the support your girlfriends gave you after being surrounded by boys for months.
“Guys, it’s honestly fine.” You said, holding your hand up to the light, inspecting the massive diamond around your finger. “I’ve left and I’m not looking back. That part of my life is over.” 
“Which part of your life is over?” A voice sounded from behind you.
“Vernon!” Your friends chorused. 
Your brother, waltzed up to the table. Giving each one of your friends a wave.
“Oh, you’re here early.” You said, placing the ring back on the table. Large stones attracted unwanted attention, not your taste.  
“Yea, we should probably leave now, you know how mom and dad get when we’re late.” Vernon said, motioning to the door. 
You sent your friend’s an apologetic smile, “Sorry guys, let’s continue another day?” 
A wave of goodbyes came from your friends as you and your brother left the shop, his Mclaren Senna parked at the main doors. 
Once you were comfortably seated in the car, you began running through your activities for the night. 
“After dinner, are we going over to Gyu’s place?” You said, your freshly manicured nails tapping against your phone. 
“Yea, it’s just going to be the few of us I think.” Vernon answered, driving carefully around a crowd who was snapping photos of his car. 
“How long do you think dinner with mom and dad will be?” You questioned, still replying to messages on your phone. 
“Probably like 2 hours tops? We might be a lil’ late to Gyu’s place.” Vernon replied, “Gosh, sis, your nails are giving me a headache.”
You turn to your brother with an evil grin. You reached your hand out and grabbed his arm, digging your nails into his skin. 
Vernon yelped. “HEY! I’m driving!” 
“That’s what you get for being annoying,” You say with a smirk before continuing to tap on your phone. 
Vernon’s eye twitched the entire ride home.
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You hopped out of the car and skipped up the steps of the front porch. Vernon trailing behind you with hands in his pockets. 
“Young sir, young madam.” The maid had come out to greet the two of you, bowing as you passed her. “Dinner is ready.” 
“Thanks!” You called out over your shoulder and made your way to the dining room. 
This bungalow was your parent’s most recent acquisition. It had gone on the market quite recently, some Duke who had fallen from grace was looking to make a pretty penny so he sold it to your mom. She had been eyeing the property for awhile now, claiming that she thought about you immediately when she saw the massive walk-in closet in the main bedroom. It was added to the list of properties you were set to inherit when you were older. 
In the dining room, your parents sat next to each other at a sensibly sized round table.
“Hi mommy,” You say as you gave her a side hug. Your mother gave you a kiss on your cheek before continuing to read her magazine. 
“Hi daddy,” Doing the same to your father who was immersed in his newspaper. 
“Mom, dad.” Vernon greeted with a nod. 
“Oh finally the two of you are back, we’ve been waiting forever.” Your mother said, putting away her magazine as she peered at her children from the top of her reading glasses.
“Your mom’s just hangry.” Your dad flashed you a mischievous smile, ignoring his wife’s warning glare.
The maid entered with a trolley of food, proceeding to lay it out on the lazy susan. You much prefer these sort of meals than all those pretentious fine dining restaurants. Food was meant to be simple and identifiable, some people clearly did not understand that. 
Dinner was filled with idle chatter, you father was talking about the new venture he was thinking of in Thailand while your mom updated her children on the coming events they had to attend. 
“Aunty and Uncle Yoon are coming to town to visit.” Your mother announced. “I expect both of you to make yourselves available.”
“Sure mom,” you and Vernon chorused.
“I think they’re bringing their son eh?” Your dad said in between mouthfuls of rice. “Maybe you two could show him around.” 
And that is how you found yourself face to face with the one and only Yoon Jeonghan.  
“Y/N my dear!” Mrs Yoon gushed, holding your hands, “Every time we see you, you get prettier and prettier!” 
“This is Jeonghan, my son. I don’t think the three of you have met.” Mr Yoon said, gesturing to Jeonghan who was currently giving you a shit-eating grin. 
“Y/n!” Jeonghan cried, giving you a hug.
“Hannie!” You quickly returned his hug, you weren’t expecting to see Jeonghan at all. “This is my brother, Vernon.”
Vernon politely shook Jeonghan’s hand, exchanging quick greetings.
“Oh? Have you met y/n?” Mrs Yoon asked her son.
“Yes, we met at uni.” Jeonghan said, giving his mom a reassuring smile.  
“Ok, we’ll leave you kids alone now!” Your mom said, giving your arm a squeeze.
“Unless you guys want to sit through a meeting with us?” Your dad offered.
The three of your faces contorted into a look of disgust. 
“I think we’ll pass.” Vernon said, scrunching up his face.
Jeonghan waited until his parents disappeared from the room before giving you an excited look. 
“So this is where you were the whole time!” He chirped. “I thought you had been kidnapped when you fell off the face of the earth like that.”
Vernon narrowed his eyes at Jeonghan, “Is this the guy you were telling me about?” 
You shook your head, “No, this is his friend.”
“Ah,” Vernon crossed his arms, giving Jeonghan a disapproving look. “Guilty by association.”
Jeonghan chuckled nervously, “I promise I’m harmless.”
Vernon continued to eye the older man suspiciously. 
“I’m sorry for disappearing like that, Hannie.” You sighed. “Trust me if I had it my way I would have said good bye first.”
“Hey, it’s fine.” Jeonghan waved a hand, dismissing your apology. “If that happened to me, I would leave too.”
“Did you guys hear about what happened?” You asked, wondering if Seungcheol was the type to gossip.
“Not in the way you’re thinking.” Jeonghan quickly replied, as if reading your mind. "Shua had to pay some people to find out.” 
“Oh,” You paused, “Why didn’t you just ask Seungcheol?”
“I-,” Jeonghan paused, glancing wearily in the direction of your parents. “Let’s not talk about it here. There’s a lot I need to update you on.”
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The three of you found yourselves having tea at the Mariott. You had called up Mingyu beforehand, who insisted on coming as well, to secure a table.
“Mingyu’s on his way?” Jeonghan said, excited that he finally got to see his friends in their natural habitat. 
“Yup, there he is now.” Your eyes darted to your best friend who jogged into the restaurant. 
“Have you started?” Mingyu said breathlessly, “Tell me you guys haven’t started.”
“No, bro, sit down.” Vernon gestured to the chair before making a face. “You’re sweaty as fuck.”
“Gym.” Mingyu replied still clad in gym clothes, he wiped the sweat off his forehead before sitting down. 
“Alright, now that we’re all here,” Jeonghan began, leaning forward, “you should know, Cheol hasn’t been himself these days.”
He recounted all the events that happened, starting from the day you and Seungcheol broke up and all the way to them confronting him at his apartment.
You didn’t know how to feel. Part of you was happy that Seungcheol was just as upset as you, part of you was sad because you knew things between you and him would never go back to normal. Was he considering getting back together with you? Did you want to get back together with him? 
“It’s great he’s suffering and all. But that doesn’t give him the right to be an asshole.” Mingyu voiced out. His eyed the table of sweets in front of him as if he was strategising for war.
“Why didn’t he talk to y/n first before disappearing and breaking up with her?” Mingyu continued with a look of contempt.
“Because he’s an idiot.” Jeonghan replied, in between mouthfuls of pastries. “Not an excuse, I know.” 
“I think you two should have a proper conversation,” Vernon sipped on his tea. 
“Well obviously not you,” He gestured to his sister, “I mean like he should have a conversation with you.” 
“Yeah, well.” You shrugged, “I want to talk to him, but he’s clearly intent on keeping me out of his life so-” 
“When we told him about well, you.” Jeonghan gestured to you and his surroundings, “He looked really relieved.”
You placed a Madeleine into your mouth and looked out the window, lost in thought. In the background you could hear Mingyu arguing with Vernon and Jeonghan. 
Mingyu rolled his eyes, “Honestly, I don’t trust Seungcheol on this. If you ask him to choose between y/n and his family, who would he choose? My money is on his family.”
“Actually, I think it would be y/n.” Jeonghan said with conviction. “You should have seen him. It was like armageddon had arrived on the choi family home.”
“I don’t know the guy, but I think he would choose you, sis.” Vernon said, nodding vigorously. 
a/n2: I'm actually quite unsatisfied with quality of my writing. but i hope you all enjoyed it all the same.
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Rusty | S.R
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Series Summary - After suffering unimaginable horrors in his three months spent in prison, Spencer Reid struggles to bounce back to his former glory. And when he almost dies at the hands of Benjamin Merva, it’s one trauma too many to bear. So Spencer ups sticks and relocates to a ranch in the middle of nowhere, leaving behind his job, his friends and his relationship.
And then he meets you, a mysterious stranger, who helps him out of a tight spot. You’re looking for a place to lay low and he’s in need of assistance. It’s a match made in heaven. Isn’t it?
You both have pasts you’d rather remained buried. But when those pasts both collide in your present, it can either tear you apart or force you close together.
You’re both just a little rusty, but practice makes perfect.
A/N - yes I’m writing a new series. No I cannot be stopped. Thank you @andiebeaword and @pinkiceee-prose my angels for coming on this ride with me.
Paring - Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - strangers to friends to lovers | angst | smut minors DNI
General warnings - past sexual abuse, past physical abuse, bad coping mechanisms, PTSD, dissociative amnesia, accidental self-harm, lying, secrets, bisexual Spencer Reid, post prison arc, smut.
Chapters under the cut.
Chapter 1 - Wanted Dead or Alive
Chapter 2 - Take Me Home, Country Roads
Chapter 3 - I Walk the Line
Chapter 4 - The Ballad of the Lonesome Cowboy
Chapter 5 - Gunpowder and Led
Chapter 6 - Tumbling Tumbleweeds
Chapter 7 - Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)
Chapter 8 - A Horse With No Name
Chapter 9 - A Cowboys Cowgirl
Chapter 10 - Back in the Saddle Again
Chapter 11 - All My Ex’s Live in Texas
Chapter 12 - Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
Chapter 13 - Friends in Low Places
Chapter 14 - Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
Chapter 15 - Heavens Just a Sin Away
Chapter 16 - Take Your Memory With You
Chapter 17 - Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Chapter 18 - So Little I Wanted
Chapter 19 - So Little I Got
Chapter 20 - Fires Don’t Start Themselves
Chapter 21 - Night Riders Lament
Chapter 22 - If Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter 23 - Only the Lonely
Chapter 24 - Bless the Broken Road
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The wonderful and amazing @andiebeaword drew this for me of two of the horse you will meet in this story. They are both driving forces of the fic and I think everyone should see them.
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aurelim · 1 year
Master Post
As I have a lot of posts and am likely to add more, I figured I should create a master post for the entire blog.
Last updated: 8/3/24
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DEMO 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 INTRO POST 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 FAQ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 RO INFO
As the Ocean Lures is a 16+ interactive novel about being a Merfolk. Currently, the demo has the entirety of the prologue, chapter one, and chapter two!
You can find discussions of the game in general under the following tags: #As the Ocean Lures, #atol, #atol ros, #atol ro info, #atol faq and #atol prompts
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ST4RDOM is a 17+ game about going on your first world tour with your k-pop group ST4RDOM. MC is genderlocked female. Currently, the demo has the entire prologue out.
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Swapped is a 15+ game about swapping identities with a famous actor. Currently the outline is written, with the first draft of episode 1 and 2 in the works, and is on schedule to release in November!
You can find discussions of the game in general under the following tags: #swapped-if and #qna
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Among the Haunted is a game created for Halloween 2023! A collaboration between Aurelia Lim and Alby Writes Fiction, the game is centered on you, a single parent, raising two kids while celebrating the spooky day your own way. The game is currently released, but will go through updates once the jams are finished!
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Interactive fiction games you can expect to see in the future:
A Greek mythology IF about being a deity who has fallen out of grace with the gods. The only way they can redeem themselves is by collecting twelve items throughout Greece to prove themself worthy. Also, they have to do it all as a mortal. More updates coming soon.
A slice-of-life summer break about going to the seaside and discovering one's self. There will be six characters who will appear recurrently in the sleepy town of Seaside Point, all of whom the main character will have to leave once vacation is over. More updates soon.
A dark academia-inspired murder mystery about attending a boarding school with its secrets. There will be murder (of course) and three classmates who will assist the main character in solving the crimes. More updates soon.
A slice-of-life about letting go of a loved one when it hurts. It follows the main character and their significant other as they take one final journey across the country. Their loved one is dying and there is no cure. Experience heartache along the way, cherish the sweet moments, and perhaps learn to let go. More updates soon.
A mystery IF about discovering a message in a bottle leading to a time capsule from the Roaring '20s. With the assistance of friends, finding it will never be easier. More updates coming soon.
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About Me
Asks: Feel free to ask me any questions about the games! Or if you just want to rant about the characters, that’s fine as well :)
Prompts: You can send prompts for any characters! My only rule is that there is no kinks or NSFW...for now. Speaking of...
NSFW: I hesitate on adding NSFW as I am unsure whether or not there will be explicit content. I just don’t know how to write it properly. If I have a change of heart I will update the warnings and announce it. But for now, I will keep it off-limits.
Submits: You can submit a post to this blog. If you do, I ask that it is not inappropriate!
Messages: You can submit a message to me if you think there should be x content in the game or ways to improve. Please no toxicity, however—I am a real human being after all. Please know that I will not be afraid to block and report you if it is inappropriate.
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astermath · 1 year
hi! i'd like to ask a one shot on carmen berzatto in which the reader is an italian girl her early/mid 20s who works as a waiter at the bear and is sydney's best friend. her and carmen meet through her and they start secretly dating. the rest is up to you
thank you <3
hi!! I simplified your request a little,, it's more like a blurb / headcanon thing than a oneshot because I'm working on a long chapter for my nemesis series rn lol, hope that's okay!! thank you for the request angel! ♡
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pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
tags: sydney being a matchmaker somehow, not so secret relationship, exactly what it says in the ask lol, normal size font below!
wc: 0.9K
let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for further carmen berzatto related content!
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+ when it comes to hiring waiters, carmen just wants someone who's experienced. someone who knows what they're doing and who can do it well. and quickly. this restaurant has to work, has to make everyone proud, and the staff has to reflect that.
+ sydney instantly thought of you as a reference. you'd worked at your family restaurant back in italy, and when you moved to chicago, had continued said occupation to support yourself in various restaurants. though none were as nice as "the bear".
+ so when your friend had called you up for an interview for a brand new restaurant with one of the most promising chefs of the country, of course you took the offer.
+ though carmen knew most waiters were usually... presentable, he didn't quite imagine you to be this fucking pretty when you showed up for the interview. he almost forgot every question he was meaning to ask when you walked through that door, all bubbly excitement and feminine flair.
+ he loved hearing you talk about your life in italy before moving to the states, your experiences working in the service industry, your passion for food and people... he almost forgot he was supposed to be conducting an interview at all, he just adored hearing you talk so much.
+ and sydney noticed too. she noticed the way he had such an easy time conversing with you, which is odd behavior for him, to say the least. she was just glad the two of you were getting along, and her friend had a chance of getting hired.
+ and of course you were hired. not only was carmy already hooked on you, but so was most of the other staff. your bright personality and quick witted comments were nice and refreshing when things got a little too stressful. plus, you worked fast and efficiently; what more could they ask for?
+ carmen’s interest in you remained. he knew it was a little wrong, since technically, yes, he is your boss. which is why he was a bit reluctant to do anything at first.
+ you were making all the first moves. giving him meaningful glances during quiet moments, helping him out with things that didn’t apply to your job position, staying later to help him close up and clean. even if it meant you’d be tired as all hell by the time you were home, at least you were spending time with him. to you, it was more than worth it.
+ and he seemed to think the same. carmen never thought the closing shift could be as fun as it was when you were there. these days he was almost fighting richie for it, claiming that it was more fitting for him anyways since it was his place after all.
+ late night shifts turned into walking you home. walking you home turned into hanging out at your apartment for a glass of wine. a glass of wine turned into kissing on the couch. kissing on the couch turned into staying the night… you’d fallen into a routine with him so easily, sometimes you forgot there was a time before carmen was in your life. it just felt so… natural. like it was always supposed to be like this.
+ and though you really liked carmen, you didn’t want to jeopardize your position at the restaurant. you’d finally found a stable, well paying job, it would be a shame if you lost it over a relationship with your superior. though sometimes, you wondered if it would be worth it. to risk it for carmen.
+ carmen agreed, and so the two of you continued to keep your relationship under wraps for the time being. it was for the better, and besides, it’s not like he talked much about his personal life to his colleagues either. well, except for sydney.
+ and boy did she have her suspicions. of course she’d find out eventually, she’s a very smart and observant person. she can figure out carmen so easily, so she’s definitely not oblivious to the sneaking glances and hidden smiles, or the way he always manages to stay behind with you at the restaurant. not even the hickey you tried so desperately to cover up with makeup slips past her radar.
+ but she doesn’t say anything, at least not for a while. she lets the two of you live out your little secret relationship, believing she doesn’t know, until she accidentally slips up about it.
+ you’re complaining about the noise in your apartment and your lack of sleep because of it, clearly frustrated, when sydney asks “why don’t you just sleep over at carmen’s again then?”
+ she doesn’t realise she’d revealed that she’s known all along, until you look at her like you just saw a ghost. you’re about to defend yourself and come up with some excuse, when behind your friend, you can see carmen standing at the bar, smiling to himself as he cleans the counter.
+ it brings you comfort to know that apparently, he doesn’t mind anyone knowing. the secrecy was more for you than for him if anything. you’re not his little secret, not at all, and that became very clear when he’d start talking sydney's ear off about you after. though she does find it annoying, she’s glad two very important people in her life have found each other and are making it work.
+ plus, it’s nice that you two always cover the closing shift.
+ though she has her doubts about what you two are actually up to alone in the restaurant past closing time.
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tag list <3
@beebslebobs @thatone-brightstar  @spr3id  @deadandstill  @777iii  @magicboytrash  @wiipes @sierrahhh  @crayzmarvelfan800 @azxulaa  @astridyoo15   @rexorangecouny  @azxulaa @jointherebellion215  @wolfiealina @dogdevourer 
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theannotateddean · 3 months
“‘Subtle, fair, and wise?’” demanded Ted of Patrick.
“Fair is foul, and foul is fair,” said Patrick, gloomily.
“Hover through the fog and filthy air,” said Ted, completing the quotation.
They stared at one another, and the gaze of the lion did not stop them this time.
Chapter 20, The Secret Country
Patrick begins and Ted completes the ending lines shared by the three witches in the very first scene of Macbeth:
FIRST WITCH When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain? SECOND WITCH When the hurlyburly's done, When the battle's lost and won. THIRD WITCH That will be ere the set of sun. FIRST WITCH Where the place? SECOND WITCH Upon the heath. THIRD WITCH There to meet with Macbeth. FIRST WITCH I come, Graymalkin! SECOND WITCH Paddock calls. THIRD WITCH Anon. ALL Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.
0 notes
thefanficslayer · 3 months
Note:I haven’t been interested in reading Ereri fanfics lately, I’ve pretty much stopped entirely.Ereri has always been a crackship for me, but it’s still strange to think that the thing that got me into reading fan-fiction in the first place is no longer a part of my life. That being said, I still have a good amount of Ereri fanfics in my library so I’ll probably finish those up and then give it up for good.
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Title:An Auspicious Star Chapters:13/13 Rating:Explicit Summary:In a world where people can wield magic, raise the dead and cast spells, Eren is on the run because of being a shifter, a rare ability coveted by many. What happens when he crosses paths with Levi, a necromancer of the infamous Ackerman line, also wanted for his magical talents?
Title:Rules of Engagement Chapters:79/79 Rating:Mature Summary:They had no say in their future mates...the treaty between their kingdoms was already set. So what's a betrothed omega to do? Anonymously invade the country of his fiancé alpha. Only problem, his identity doesn't stay a secret for long. (Slow build)
Title:Own Ending Chapters:32/32 Rating:Mature Summary:Eren couldn't comprehend what he had seen the previous night. He watched the grey-eyed man wiping the tables and couldn't understand how the man who made his coffee every day and handed it over with a snarky remark was the very same man who was destined to kill him. Eren refused to believe Levi would kill him.On top of keeping himself off the radar and keeping up with the make-believe student life, now Eren has to deal with hunters and making sure nobody dies because of his mistakes.
Title:Inside My Mind Chapters:25/25 Rating:Explicit Summary:As a punishment from his mother, Eren is forced to get a job, with Levi as his boss.Not being able to ignore the younger boy's looks, Levi tends to let his mind wander off, imagining scenarios with Eren involved. Little does he know that Eren has a very special ability ...
Title:Woven Strings Chapters:23/23 Rating:Explicit Summary:Levi is a widower and an executive chief of Smith Advertising. Eren is a rising escort doing whatever means are necessary to provide for his family. Neither realize one brief encounter is all it took and their fates were woven together like string.
Title:Intro To Data Science Chapters:20/20 Rating:Explicit Summary:"You're probably just into him for the accent."It's not that," Eren argued. "It doesn't hurt, but it's so much more than that." Mikasa rolled her eyes. "Sure."
Title:A Town Called Chaos Chapters:37/37 Rating:Explicit Summary:A cop (Levi) and a stripper (Eren) go into hiding as pretend husbands to avoid being murdered by a notorious drug cartel. Spoiler Alert: They fall in love.
Title:Élan Chapters:30/30 Rating:Mature Summary:Eren is a graduate student who, after getting out of an abusive relationship, has sworn he will never love again. He's doing an internship at the Sina Aquarium, a rescue and rehabilitation center for aquatic animals, and the only aquarium rumored to have a mermaid, determined to study the elusive creatures. He soon finds out that it's no rumor, and that the mermaid, rescued from a water amusement park where he was abused for over a decade, is just as broken as he is. However, gaining the trust of the creature who has tried (and in a few cases, succeeded) to kill any human who has ever entered his tank is not going to be easy. But it turns out that their shared pain is in fact the driving force that pulls them together, and that their bond may be more life-changing than either of them can fathom.
Title:Coffee Writers Chapters:32/32 Rating:Mature Summary:Levi is an anti-social college kid who has to keep his obsession with his OTP hidden, as well as his string of fanfictions, fanboy posters, and other nerdy things. The only place he can be free to write is at his favorite coffee shop. Life is as it has been until a chance run in with a famous fanfiction writer changes everything.
Title:Good Enough To Eat Chapters:26/26 Rating:Explicit Summary:There are two things to be known about living in Shiganshina: there's no such thing as privacy, and gossip never dies. Eren Jaeger has lived in the same small town his entire life, and has always known this to be true.He'd never felt different, and had always believed that nothing exciting would ever happen, and every day would continue to be exactly the same as always. At least, he used to, until the arrival of a mysterious man. A newcomer who seems to have an interest in the Jaeger family, and keeps his secrets close. A man who never answers questions, and has a dark history that spells trouble.As demons from the past come racing to the present, Eren finds himself drawn into an inexplicable web of myths and deceit, protected by the one person he's positive he shouldn't trust.
Title:Think Ink Chapters:28/28 Rating:Explicit Summary:Levi, an extremely popular and well respected tattoo artist, wasn't concerned with impressing people. He was apathetic, grouchy, blunt, and focused solely on getting through work so he could go home and try to sleep. But something changed that. That thing came into his life in platform heels, dripping (fake) jewels, makeup bordering drag, and every color of the rainbow and then some. That thing came in the form of an equally talented artist, named Eren.
Title:Both Sides Of The Same Coin Chapters:61/61 Rating:Explicit Summary:Eren is a werewolf, captured by humans for experiments, and wakes up in a cell that he soon realizes he's sharing with a vampire. The two work together to get out of their unpleasant prison but the price for their freedom may end up being too high. How will they cope with the consequences of the choices they have made?
Title:The Thug Chapters:35/35 Rating:Explicit Summary:Eren jeager is on an errand when he comes across a girl in the underground city who is being held captive by two men. Putting his life at risk, Eren does anything to save her, relying on nothing but his determination and unwillingness to see her hurt. As they're backed into a corner, they are suddenly saved by none other than Levi Ackerman, the strongest thug in the underground. Eren can't help but feel drawn to him, but will his feelings for this famous criminal wind up getting him hurt?
Title:Do you want fries with that Chapters:1/1 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:Eren Jaeger wants to say that it's the greasy cheeseburgers that keep him coming back, but he knows he'd be lying if he said it was anything other than that asshole working at the drive-thru window.
Title:Making Up For A Lost Lifetime Chapters:1/1 Rating:Explicit Summary:Since he was a child, Eren remembered his previous life... but no one else around him did. Armin suggests that Eren go with him to a convention dressed as one of the soldiers from his memories; that maybe this way he could find someone else who remembers the past as well.
Title:Leave Your Lover Chapters:27/27 Rating:Explicit Summary:Levi is a 30 year old divorced Chef who works at his best friend's restaurant.An ex military Sergeant, Levi lives his life according to a strict routine. One day, his strict schedule is thrown off when a mysterious cat makes it's way into his apartment from the open Balcony.When Levi hears it's owner knocking on his door, he wasn't aware that his life would be turned upside down and all because of this boy standing in his doorway with the biggest, brightest green eyes he'd ever seen and his name is Eren Jaeger.The story in which Levi doesn't know he's gay and is in denial about it until a certain bright eyed boy moves in next door and steals his heart. The only problem is... he's got a boyfriend.
Title:Love.exe Chapters:16/16 Rating:Not rated Summary:All Levi wants to do is drink tea, run his goddamn convenience store, and not have to deal with this kid who keeps coming in to leech his wifi bringing down high-end corporations.
Title:Campus and Complication Chapters:25/25 Rating:Mature Summary:"The world is not a kind place; it does not halt its cruelties simply because you are in love." the man said. Two shots rang clearly through the air; both of them hit their target dead-on." College!AU that becomes progressively less and less about college as it goes.
Title:Recon Incorporated Chapters:11/11 Rating:Explicit Summary:He was just looking for a way to pay the bills — a job that was easy, fun, and something he was into. Where could he possibly go wrong with a travel agency?Assistant!Eren Boss!Rivaille; Office AU.
Title:A forged Wedding Chapters:30/30 Rating:Mature Summary: Modern AU, based off of the Japanese game: "I... Don't think I heard you right. What did you just ask me, Rivaille?" "I'm asking you to marry me for a month. How did you not hear me right?"
Title:Effects of Venom Chapters:32/32 Rating:Explicit Summary:Ragako is a developing, culturally rich tropical country famous for all the wrong reasons. It is home to some of the planet's most uncomfortably humid weather, it is blanketed by roughly 95% rainforest which is full of dangerous animals, as well as the civil war between the military and the jungle drug lords. Eren is a young boy with aspirations of joining Ragako's military, much to his mother's displeasure. When his home town of Shiganshina is raided for supplies and he is taken hostage by the very jungle rebels he has dreamt of fighting, he's in for a world of trouble...
Title:Crosshairs Chapters:8/8 Rating:Explicit Summary:Eren Jaeger is the only son of a rich and famous doctor, Grisha Jaeger. His life should be easy and carefree but behind closed doors lie dark secrets. Levi, the world's best assassin, gets a call that labels Eren as his next target. He's confused about why he's being hired to kill a nineteen year old boy but a job's a job, until he realizes that nothing is ever that simole.
Title:Love’s A Menace Chapters:5/5 Rating:Explicit Summary:"Your favorite customer is here!" Hanji continued and damn them, Levi could practically hear their shit-eating grin. That could only mean one thing.
Title:Hey lover Chapters:32/32 Rating:Not Rated Summary:Fed up with being teased for not having a girlfriend, Eren joins a site that gives the perception of being taken. Little does he know that the sassy and crass girlfriend he asked for isn't exactly what he had in mind.
Title:1994 Chapters:26/26 Rating:Explicit Summary:Before cell phones. Before the Kardashians. Before internet porn. The year is 1994. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, poor kids from the wrong side of the tracks, have been transferred with the rest of their neighborhood to the posh, uptown Trost High (Home of the Titans). Mikasa and Armin seem to fit in well enough, but Eren isn't quite so lucky. Of course, most of this has to do with Eren's personality. When he accepts a bet to lose his virginity (and actually prove that someone likes him) by the end of the semester, it's hard for him to deny the improbability of winning. After all, the only one he seems to be talking to these days is the weirdly pretty (and just plain weird) goth working at the donut shop down the street...
Title:Blind Date Chapters:41/41 Rating:Explicit Summary:Eren is forced to go on a blind date. He didn't look forward to the awkwardness that was sure to follow when he had to break it to his date that he had to leave. He had played the whole scene in his head many times to get it right. He would be able to do this just as he had rehearsed. Sit down, tell them you are sorry to cut it short and walk out. Simple plan.But as it turned out. nothing is as simple as it first seems..
Title:An Unforgettable Face Chapters:4/4 Rating:Explicit Summary:Have we met before? I recognize your face..." Levi's brows furrow, scouring his memory as to why he knows this guy's face from somewhere."Ah, you've probably seen one of my videos!" "Hmm.YouTube?"
"No. Porn."
Title:The Curious Case Of Eren Jaeger Chapters:14/14 Rating:Mature Summary: Levi's on his first day teaching when he tries to text Hange.Eren's in the hospital when he gets Levi's text instead. It's only slightly homicidal.**Or the wrong number texting AU that nobody asked for**
Title:Haute Couture Love Chapters:27/27 Rating:Mature Summary:Eren Jaeger is sharp, determined and hard working but doesn't consider himself beautiful or good looking in the least. When he lands his dream job, working at Survey Corp Publications as the Executive Assistant to a high-end Fashion magazine's Editor-in-Chief, his life is turned Topsy-Turvy. All he wants to do is work hard to become an Editor, but his boss Levi seems keen on making his life a living hell.Levi is a notorious playboy who gets what he wants both in and out of the bedroom. As Editer-in-Chief of New York's best selling high-end Fashion Magazine, Levi is forced to work with an overly determined, hot-headed brat with a rat's nest for hair and the most incredible eyes he's ever seen and it's all because of Erwin Smith.
Title:Room 105 Chapters:18/18 Rating:Explicit Summary:Eren finally started his residency at the hospital his father reigns over. Being the new kid, he's got to deal with picking up the work no one wants to do. Namely, taking care of the patients in the Psych Ward. In his initial rounds, he meets a patient named Levi with a very... intriguing condition.
Title:Night Drive Chapters:3/3 Rating:Explicit Summary: Working as a desk clerk for Sina Enterprises isn't the most grandiose job out there, but it sure beats every other option Eren had jotted down since graduation. Troubled past behind him, Eren strives to make a name for himself by not fucking up the only good thing he has going for him. But when a certain foul-mouthed and dapper executive waltzes through the lobby doors, Eren is more than willing to set aside his "no fraternizing with the higher-ups" rule. However, the engagement ring on Levi's finger proves to be a deal breaker.It was supposed to be a one night stand, one night to get each other out of their systems, but the two of them bit off more than they could chew.
Title:Give the dog a bone(r) Chapters:6/6 Rating:Explicit Summary: Levi was just looking for man's best friend when he adopted the dog.What he got instead was man's best wingman. (or the AU where Levi's dog tries to hump Eren every time it sees him)
Title:Placing Faith Chapters:24/24 Rating:Explicit Summary:Captain Levi Rivaille is second in command of the Survey Corps, a gang that is at constant war with the Military Police who, despite saying they act on behalf of the Crown and the people, are corrupt and violent with anyone who doesn't fall in line. Even at twenty years old Levi is seen as one of the most powerful soldiers, with detached ruthlessness in his way of life. Which means that no one was expecting him to adopt a young eight year old boy named Eren, who is orphaned when the Survey Corps' battle with the Military Police level the Shiganshina District.
Title: Holding Hands In The Rain Chapters:31/31 Rating:Explicit Summary: Basically the one with thousands of words of Eren and Levi crushing like crazy on each other, and being absolutely freaking ridiculous together, and slowly falling in love against the backdrop of modern-day Vancouver.- - -Levi only realizes how much he's not paying attention to anything around him when there are shoes beside the puddle he's drawing. Looks up to find Eren standing right there in the rain, the hood on his jacket pulled back, and his hair plastered down against his head. He's just standing there, and - he's watching Levi with an expression that looks so fond it actually hurts; and Levi's just managed to get his breath back and open his mouth when Eren moves closer, and Levi loses his air all over again.
Title:A Voice From The Rubble Chapters:25/25 Rating:Explicit Summary:It all just took 30 seconds. Thirty seconds that kept replaying in my mind over and over again, the details so vivid. Thirty seconds that would change my life forever.Thirty seconds earlier we had all been safely tucked up in bed. Shiganshina Lodge was my home, my family was visiting for the holidays; it had now become our tomb.Shiganshina District had been a second home to all of us ever since I was born. I know this place. I know its beauty... I'm now learning its terror.OR: Eren's trapped in a landslide and Levi's the paramedic that finds him.
Title:Dental Care Chapters:4/4 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:As the back of the chair is lowered, Eren takes a few deep breaths. The more horizontal his position becomes, the more he begins to question his life choices - specifically the one to chew oodles of gum instead of actually brushing his teeth regularly, but also the one to not turn at his heels and walk away upon laying eyes on not-Dr. Smith, otherwise known as Dr. Ackerman. Though half of the man's face is now covered by a surgical mask, he still manages to appear fleetingly irritated as he stares down at Eren."In addition to sitting down, you'll also have to open your mouth, you know," he points out as he adjusts the overhead light.
Title:Junkyard Dogs Chapters:17/17 Rating:Explicit Summary: Autocracy — a system where one leader has absolute power — is the only government that exists in prison. Levi is the current 'Top Dog, and for years, no one has had the mind to challenge his position - at least, no one until now. Enter: Eren Jaeger, a new inmate with indefinite mentalities and obscure motives. With the power to shake Levi's throne, Eren becomes the one exception of everything.
Title:Fuck:My Life Chapters:47/47 Rating:Explicit Summary: A streak of bad luck leaves Eren desperate for cash, and desperate enough that making porn doesn't seem like such a terrible idea. He's young, he's cute, he's horny, and his favourite studio is currently hiring. It seems like fate up until he learns that his two most admired actors, whom he spent the majority of his teenage years appreciating, have recently retired.Still, he is nothing if not determined, and he sets out to see if he can persuade them to make one last movie. And then he gets to know them as people, and things start getting complicated.
Title:A Tenuous Third Space Chapters:6/6 Rating:Teen and Up Summary: In which Attack on Titan is the MMORPG they all play, and Eren meets Levi online.
Title:An Unlikely Alliance Chapters:51/51 Rating:Explicit Summary: When Scouting Legions main trading partner, Wall Maria, is experiencing economic strain from constant attacks by the neighboring kingdom Titan, the leaders of the two nations come to an agreement: Scouting Legion will provide military protection in exchange for land and financial aid for the still growing nation.Their new alliance will be sealed with the union of King Jaegar's son Eren to the Scouting legions strongest soldier, Lance Corporal Levi. But how will the cold, impassive soldier warm to his new husband, who is far from the weak, spoiled princess he was expecting?
Title:The Strange and the Usual Chapters:35/35 Rating:Explicit Summary: When Eren finds himself stuck in what is essentially a halfway house for supernaturally inclined misfits, there's no stopping the veritable shopping list of events that leave him pushed closer and closer to ex-exorcist, Levi. But when is it ever that simple?
Title:Snow and Silence Chapters:21/21 Rating:Explicit Summary: When reclusive Eren Yeager finds a half-frozen stranger on his front porch, he has no idea how much the encounter will come to change his life. And yet, even as his fascination grows, so do the mysteries around the enigmatic man. Who exactly is Levi, and can Eren trust him?
Title:Wanderlust Chapters:35/35 Rating:Explicit Summary: Wanderlust (noun); a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world.Eren Jeager has been stuck in the same town all his life, from birth to college, and he is afraid that he will never get out. Then something of a miracle occurs; he stumbles across an ad for an all-expense paid trip to France as a travel partner. He expects it to be a prank, he doesn't expect to find himself flying to a foreign country with a grumpy (though very attractive) man with piercing grey eyes.
Title:Help me stand Chapters:26/26 Rating:Mature Summary:Eren's best childhood friend and high school boyfriend, Armin, dies in a car accident in which Eren had been the one at the wheel. Unable to keep from blaming himself, life itself becomes agonizing for Eren and he turns to the more negative side of coping mechanisms. Eventually, he meets a college student named Levi who seems like he has it all figured out, just to discover that they have more in common than he thought. Modern!AU. Also, Levi has a motorcycle because it was definitely necessary.
Title:Come in with the Rain Chapters:20/20 Rating:Mature Summary: Levi attends work one day and does not expect the incessant chatter and noise that seems to have transfigured the other teachers into gossiping old women. However Levi isn't so sure that the obnoxious noise wasn't called for when he meets the subject of the entire English base's - except for perhaps Jean, but the kid had a stick up his ass anyway - affections. Dammit did he have bright eyes.
Title:The Little Titan Café Chapters:22/22 Rating:Teen and Up Summary: Just another cliche AU in which Eren works as a barista in his mother’s café, specializing in latte art. And then there’s Levi, who’s not exactly your typical patron, because, well, he’s blunt and rude (which Eren supposes isn’t that much different from regular customers) but mostly he just confuses Eren’s poor little homosexual heart.
Title:Dark Side Of The Moon Chapters:35/35 Rating:Explicit Summary:I reach for the doorknob, but Mom stops me with a quick, “Eren! What have I said about answering the door when you aren’t expecting anyone?” I step aside, and she peers through the peephole. Whatever she sees on the other side makes her suck in a breath.
Title:Louder Than Words Chapters:57/57 Rating:Explicit Summary: My boyfriend, Eren Jaeger, disappeared ten days before his seventeenth birthday.Six months later, he was found again, completely intact save for his mental and emotional scars. Oh, and the fact that he would never be able to speak again.And so, we all started to rebuild from the debris that had been left in the destruction of our lives.
Title:To One in Paradise Chapters:26/26 Rating:Explicit Summary: Eren is the most talented painter to be born in Shinganshina which has caught the attention of the Fae who reside in their realm nearby. However, Eren is also the only boy to ever be born in the village with emerald green eyes. His mother and sister have spent the past 17 years hiding him away from the Fae who love all things beautiful. Then one fateful day he is spotted by the worst Fae of all...King Levi.
Title:Shut Up and Dance Chapters:10/10 Rating:Teen and Up Summary: Eren probably should have thought about the fact that he's a terrible dancer before agreeing to dance with Mikasa at her wedding in place of their deceased father. Luckily, Levi is the king of the ballroom and Eren is the king of persistence. Unluckily, Eren can't stop blushing long enough to actually learn how to not step on his dancing partner's feet.---Eren also had been harboring a huge crush on the man for three years, but he had learned to treat it as one of those unfortunate things in life that you have no control over.Like, oh, I got a papercut. Oh, someone scratched my car in the parking lot. Oh, I’m in love with Levi Ackerman.
Title:Witch’s Vein and Bloodstains Chapters:17/17 Rating:Teen and Up Summary: In a land of sentient forests and unpredictable magic, it is never wise to venture far without a witch.The Survey Corps is in dire need of a replacement after a tragic accident took Ilse's life in a quest gone horribly wrong. Eren might not be what anyone expected, but he has raw talent and curious allure that even Captain Levi can’t deny. When circumstances conspire to pit the squad against the same adversary that took Ilse barely a year ago, will they be able to handle the challenge a second time round?
Title:Do You Love Me? Chapters:34/34 Rating:Mature Summary: A cliche AU in which Levi goes to a college in France for a semester and Eren wants to tell him he loves him but can't seem to.Rated M for blowjobs and fricklefrack.
Title:Black Swan Chapters:9/9 Rating:Explicit Summary: 24-year-old Eren Yeager has risen as one of the best choreographers of his time. He's known by friends and clients as one of the most passionate people they have ever met. Scared of allowing the world to see his true vulnerable self, he chooses to stand behind the scenes and allow for others to display that passion in his place.Enter 33-year-old famous dancer Levi Ackerman. Well known in the industry for his immense talent as well as his less-than-friendly attitude. Despite his reservations, Eren agrees to work with Levi as his choreographer. Little does the younger man know that this decision will change everything that he ever thought he knew about the world, and most importantly, himself.
Title:Art Of War Chapters:11/11 Rating:Explicit Summary: Noisy neighbors, nursling dinosaurs, satanic box cutters, shitty convenience store management, the word 'fuck', hereditary (but not really) homosexuality, beer and ramen, pennies, truckstops, strippers, closets, semi-public defacing, rings, house parties, "recreational" drug use, accidental rendezvous, toxic stew (don't eat the stew), nice abs, housewives--batteries not included, over-educational movie sessions, copious domesticity, kittens named after landlords, a shit joke at participating locations, and many, many happy endings.A modern AU in which Eren moves into the apartment directly above Levi's.
Title:Lists Chapters:16/16 Rating:Explicit Summary: The story of Levi ("Why bother trying to make friends when you can learn to control people instead?") and Eren ("Because you can control people better when they think that they're your friends. They don't even know they're being manipulated.") coping with social interaction at college in their own different ways.
Title:Trust Chapters:12/12 Rating:Explicit Summary: Private Investigator detective Levi Ackerman never expected to meet an alpha male he could trust completely, but then a bumbling, green-eyed mailman entered his life. Now he has to choose between keeping his solitary life and possibly risking his freedom and independence for a shot at something special and unusual for him. Yaoi, AU Omegaverse. See notes for further details.
Title:Demons and Darkness Chapters:37/37 Rating:Explicit Summary: Levi is a scout, and protects his village day and night from feral yokai, demon like creatures who feast on human flesh. When the chieftan of his village is killed by the beasts, Levi's father takes over, putting him next in line to lead his people. All Levi wants to do is watch over Mitras with his blade, fighting along side his teacher, who he has been in love with all his life. When he discovers that Erwin is getting married, he heads off into the woods alone to drink and slay demons, trying to forget. He never expects to summon from the darkness a yokai of his own.After a few minutes everything went quiet, and then his yokai was before him, magnificent, covered in splashes of red. My yokai? He wore a maniacal grin, the joy of taking a life that deserved to be taken. Levi knew that joy, had worn that expression so much he could feel the ghost of it on his face. Then, the yokai spoke. "You were so damn slow, I thought I'd never meet you." Levi felt his mouth gape open. Yokai couldn't speak. They were like animals, beasts without souls."Who are you? What are you?" That smile grew predatory, eyes slitting deviously. "I'm Eren, and I'm yours."
Title:No Such Thing As Fate Chapters:14/14 Rating:Explicit Summary: “You forgot,” he said, with a tone of sudden clarity. “Ah. So that’s why you called me captain.”Reincarnation AU in which Eren and Levi never established a relationship in that other life. (background pairings: Erwin x Marie, Armin with past feelings for Annie)
Title:Summer, Sweat, and Sausages Chapters:10/10 Rating:Explicit Summary: Eren lazes around during the summer after his first year of college, wondering what he is doing with his life, going to school for a major he doesn't even enjoy and trying to outshine his perfect stepsister Mikasa. He's also oddly turned on by his stepsister’s revisiting uncle Levi, who Eren doesn't remember at all. They piss each other off a lot, then grow an odd bond of companionship—then Eren realizes Levi was shunned by his family some odd years back for coming out as gay, and for some reason, Eren's budding curiosity gets the better of him. Tensions run high, pants slide off, and Eren sweats from more than just the summer heat when he gains an abnormal craving for Levi’s "sausage." Humor and drama ensue and so does an absurd amount of smut. Outside of sex, feelings are also involved—and they soon crash hard into the ground.
Title:Crash Chapters:34/34 Rating:Explicit Summary: "If the wings are moving faster than the fuselage, don't trust it." Fixed-wing pilots and helicopter pilots do not see eye to eye. Particularly when said heli-pilot is a self-entitled, rich "weekend warrior" that apparently has no regard for airmanship.However, when Eren is involved in an aircraft accident, his path crosses with the man he can't stand in a way that will have him indebted. That man intends to cash in on that debt...with interest.Follow Eren through his professional and personal hardships following the accident, and how he learns that with time and patience, one can overcome anything.
Title:Chasing Summer Chapters:26/26 Rating:Explicit Summary: Two more weeks left before Levi Ackerman graduates from high school and leaves the small town of Shiganshina. He can't wait for the moment that he can finally put that dreadful town behind him. But when a Grisha Jaeger becomes the new family doctor, bringing along his ill son that breathes new life into the town he desperately wants to escape, will Levi find a reason to stay?
Title:Steered Straight Chapters:21/21 Rating:Explicit Summary: Levi is a military Captain with the US Marine Corps in charge of a very small, elite reconnaissance force responsible for surveying enemy territory before the military formally makes its move. Eren is a rebellious trouble maker who shuffles in and out of lock-up until his twenty-first birthday when the judge offers him a choice between military service or prison time. Little does he know that his decision, and the unapproachable captain he's stuck with, will change his life.
Title:Augenfresser Chapters:26/26 Rating:Explicit Summary:Monsters did not like to hide under beds, as his father had told him. No; he found the monster hiding in his closet.
Title:Fallen Star Chapters:11/11 Rating:Mature Summary: Detective Levi Ackerman had his life in order; a steady job he enjoyed, a close circle of friends, and a spitfire little sister who was all the family he could ever want or need. His world was a simple one until ballet prodigy Eren Jaeger stumbled into it.Someone like Eren didn't belong in his world. Now he wasn't sure how he would live without him.
Title:king of carrot flowers Chapters:13/13 Rating:Mature Summary: It's a Sunday. He's washing his favorite mug and trying not to pay too much attention to the funeral that's going on across the street.---(Levi lives across the street from a cemetery and Eren's father has recently passed away.)
Title:Rebellious Nobodies Chapters:35/35 Rating:Explicit Summary: "They had a gun to my head now, but I could hardly feel it. I was watching his face, watching the tears as they flowed, and all I could feel was bliss because I knew that this was what love was. As they prepared to pull the trigger, and his dark eyes widened, I smiled and mouthed the words to him as clear as day: I love you." When naive, oblivious first-year Eren Jaeger gets drunk at a frat party, he finds himself thrown unceremoniously into the world of Levi Ackerman--the elusive, mysterious senior with a sexual aura unlike anything Eren has ever experienced. His mind is ravaged with desires for him, until he is practically consumed by his image, even as he becomes aware of the fact that he knows close to nothing about Levi Ackerman. They find themselves drawn to each other, as much as the world seems to tell them that they shouldn't be together.Then Eren meets Mikasa, Levi's seemingly perfect cousin. She tries to warn him about Levi, telling Eren that he has a dark past and a twisted future. Only when Eren finds himself dragged down into Levi's underworld, riddled with hidden skeletons and blood-stained hands, does he understand--but by then, it is too late.
Title:Stowaway Chapters:7/7 Rating:Explicit Summary: Levi is the Captain of The Captain's Killer, the most dreaded pirate ship in all the Caribbean, which hunts its bounty with ruthless efficiency. For years Captain Levi has dodged the Navy's most decorated Commander, Erwin, and his attempts at sinking Levi's ship and coercing him into sailing under the Navy's banner. It seems that Levi will continue sailing the seas as he pleases, answering to no one but the mood of the winds, until a stowaway with a few secrets of his own ends up on his ship and throws everything in disarray.
Title:The Red Long Johns Chapters:8/8 Rating:Mature Summary: It’s the week of the yearly Trust Initiative Teen Action Network (T.I.T.A.N.) retreat but this year Levi is left out in the cold when Hanji breaks her leg. To make things worse, Principal Smith gets a replacement chaperone—the new, very green English teacher Eren Jaeger. Levi and Eren butt heads over every little thing from professional to personal. Despite all of this, Levi finds himself distracted by the red long johns the fashion-challenged Eren wears under all of his winter gear and just how to get into them…
Title:Lend me your ear Chapters:4/4 Rating:Explicit Summary: Eren's not a vindictive person. Really, he's not. In fact, he considers himself a big supporter of doing the right thing, fighting the good fight (literally, if need be); basically, he's a big proponent of justice.Sitting here with Jean's credit card clutched in his hand, Eren's sure this is just the beginning of a long and prosperous road full of justice.
Title:Neither Tarnished Nor afraid Chapters:19/19 Rating:Explicit Summary:Levi is a rare thing; a man of honour in a city eternally selling its soul. They gave him a gun and a badge, and he walks the cruel and indifferent streets of Southport doing what he can for the forgotten ideal of justice. Someone else in Southport has an interest in justice as well, and he leaves a bloody trail of corpses in his wake as he tears through the city's underworld. Levi's duty is to hunt him down, whether he is an avenging angel, a monster, or something slightly more complicated than either.
Title:Half light Chapters:22/22 Rating:Not yet rated Summary:He wouldn't say that they're friends, really. They're not quite just acquaintances either; the more he thinks about it, Eren's not sure how to describe their relationship. They sort of... tolerate each other, in different ways.But yeah, the more he thinks about it (and he does think about it quite often), Eren thinks that he'd like for them to be friends.(AU where Eren tries to figure out what you do when friendly feelings turn into something more.)
Title:Federkleid Chapters:32/32 Rating: Explicit Summary: The Wings of Freedom is an agency that rehabilitates children the world has given up on, showing them what it's like to lead a normal life, and Levi is its strongest member. It's here he meets Eren, his most difficult case yet. The 17 year old boy is terrified of his own shadow, and has retreated into his own world of darkness and fear, too afraid to come out. However, Levi will give him a reason to leave that world, and show him that it's okay to trust and love again. The road ahead is winding and painful for both of them, for reasons neither of them could have guessed.
Title:Not The Monster You Wished For Chapters:50/50 Rating:Mature Summary:Eren never thought he needed group therapy. Eren never wanted group therapy. Even getting him into physical therapy was tough. But now, one car accident and two worried friends later, Eren finds himself thrust into the world of group therapy for people like him. People with PTSD, the wounded veterans. Little did he know that this group would be made up of the people who haunt him in his nightmares. Including, but not limited to, the man who he blames for the loss of his lower leg. The man who led him into battle. Corporal Levi.
Title:Kissing Booth Chapters:2/2 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:Eren’s soccer team hosts a kissing booth at the Spring Carnival to raise money for charity. What will he do when he’s unexpectedly forced to work a shift with Levi, team captain and his secret crush?Steamy kisses up ahead.
Title:A Warm Breath Chapters:12/12 Rating:Mature Summary:“You’re a human child, aren’t you. You mustn't touch me then, or I’ll disappear." One summer when visiting his Uncle Erwin out in the countryside, Eren befriends a mysterious masked man who lives in the forest. They promise to meet every summer from then on.In other words, a story told through summers, year by year, of Eren being a (cute) brat, Levi dealing with said brat, and all the fluff, awkwardness, and strange feelings that come with growing up, despite the limitations placed on their interactions. Inspired by Hotarubi no Mori e.
Title:Keep it down Chapters:1/1 Rating:Explicit Summary:The first time it happened, Eren was sleeping.The second time it happened, Eren was skyping. The third time it happened, Eren was ill. The fourth time it happened, Eren was feeling more than a little stressed. The fifth time it happened... well...Or, the story of how Eren learns the name of the guy living above him because of the awkward loud sex he has.
Title:Be good for me Chapters:1/1 Rating:Explicit Summary: Eren reaches up and grabs the wrist that’s connected to the hand fisting its fingers into his hair. Squeezes until that grip loosens and eventually releases completely. He drops it, meeting Levi’s hazy gaze as he opens his mouth, “Be good.” Levi’s fingers twist in the bed sheets.
Title:Misread Chapters:22/22 Rating:Explicit Summary:After watching his father brutally murder his mother, barely escaping with his life, Eren Jaeger moved from one foster house to another, never really finding a place to call home. Now that he is grown, he lives with Mikasa and Armin in a dilapidated old house, but all is not well. The loss of his mother at his father's hands, along with the brutal treatment he received for his sexuality, as well as repeated failures in all aspects of his life have left him hollow and broken. Though he had tried before to end his life and failed, with a fistful of pills and the knowledge that his friends are gone for the weekend, Eren was sure that this time he would succeed. At the last moment he hesitated. His only regrets would be leaving Mikasa and Armin behind, and never confessing his feelings to the owner of the bookstore he works at. After realizing he had nothing to lose, he decided to tell Levi how he feels before ridding the world of himself for good. Even if Levi rejects him, it doesn't matter.What's he gonna do? Kill himself?
Title:Freedom of the Press Chapters:39/39 Rating:Explicit Summary: Eren is just an ordinary college student, wondering how long he can put off his art projects and if it's possible to live off of only ramen and mac 'n cheese. Oh, and if his medical alert bracelet is really necessary, because honestly, it shouldn't be. His part time jobs as a barista and a photographer for a major newspaper help pay the bills, but when he gets assigned the task of photographing the upcoming professional soccer match, he can't believe his luck. He has been given permission to legally stalk his idol, center forward for the Scouts, Levi Ackerman! Levi Ackerman is a famous soccer player, and the object of millions of girls' and guys' wet dreams. For Levi, the life of a celebrity is nothing to complain about. He can walk into any bar and leave with his choice of men to take home. And with a sexual appetite that can rival that of a porn star, this is a benefit of stardom he takes full advantage of.The only problem is, it's hard to keep secrets when constantly under a spotlight. What the world doesn't know is that he's gay, and he's determined to keep it that way. Levi struggles to keep his deep, dark secret out of the public knowledge, but a certain green-eyed brat is making that exceptionally difficult.
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All these fan-fictions can be read at https:/archiveofourown.org/users/ but you can also immediately be taken to the page by clicking on the underlined title of the fan fiction.
Here is the link to my old account: https://www.tumblr.com/sparklebuttzz/655385067894489088/ereri-fanfic-recommendations
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danwhobrowses · 4 months
One Piece Chapter 1115 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back from another break
Another sneaky upload while I was coming home from work by TCB, plus other business has delayed me a bit, but now we can get to it
Secrets are pouring out, Joy Boy the pirate
Tell us more, Vegapunk
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Back with the Yamato cover story, packing a lunch with Toko and Hiyori
And we're sticking with Wano since even they have the broadcast
They have the flag up as well, Straw Hat territory
Seems they had a Den Den Mushi in Orochi's possessions
Momo muses about Joy Boy being a pirate, having learned about him from Oden's journal
Tama's still there enjoying food too, seems like she lives in the palace now
Shinobu though hasn't 'matured' to her usual look, still looks younger
G4 Base?
Oh fucking...really? XD Demaro Black doesn't miss a hustle
Fake Kid Pirates mein godt hahahaha give it up lad
I mean why would you want to pose as someone who's worth 3 billion? You know how many would kill for 3 billion?
The navy at Egghead are also listening intently to his broadcast, as Vegapunk goes deeper into Joy Boy's past
He's only able to cover from a few Poneglyphs he's had access to (likely the ones Ohara had) but as we expected, a great war occurred; Joy Boy vs the future World Government
Dude was THIS CLOSE to the 'wait, are we the baddies?' moment
Warcury is not happy, as he still chases Luffy and the giants through fire
Mars is pissed too, using his Conqueror's Haki to destroy as many Den Den Mushi as he can find
Vegapunk continues though; of course the WG were just known as the 'Allied Powers' a coalition of 20 kingdoms against Joy Boy's faction - which in itself is a frightening display of Joy Boy's strength, even the superpowers of today could be taken down by a couple countries united, but 20? It took 20!
Alas, Vegapunk doesn't know why the nations were in conflict, just that it was a clash of ideologies, likely control vs freedom, but he chooses not to judge the morality
Zunesha is pensive, as the broadcast emits through Zou
CARROT! We missed you dearie, she's got a fancy Duke coat but she should be in Egghead with the crew ¬_¬
Still, she marvels at Vegapunk noting how Joy Boy's kingdom was advanced beyond even modern science
Oh lord, it isn't just Demaro Black we're bringing up for joke cameos, I know that laugh, I know that headpiece!
Mother Fucking Foxy XD What is that tache man?
Seems it's just him, Porche and Hamburg sailing on a little boat, bandaged up and getting the rumblies
We go back to Stussy, who is contacted by Edison as Kaku lounges in the bubble still
Edison encourages Stussy to drop the barrier, it's useless since the Gorosei could just break through
Feels like you could've called her before diving through the barrier and nearly killing yourself bud
Saturn's also using haki to destroy the Den Den Mushi
Edison puts his confidence in the Straw Hats though
Nami contacts Jinbe, still carrying Zoro - who takes umbrage with him apologizing, since he was busy dealing with Lucci
Nami notices that the blockade is moving to their escape route, encouraging they hurry in her own way
Back to Stussy, she shows relief that the Straw Hats are likely to escape, but without Vegapunk, she wonders what remains for her, she has no purpose
Something Kaku seems pensive about, perhaps even sympathetic, since he can't suggest to her the zoo
Back to V. Nusjuro and Bonney kicks at the Gorosei as he seems to cut Oimo
Not a good landing for Sanji either
Seems V. Nusjuro's not paying full attention to the fight either, trying to use his Observation Haki to sense where the broadcast snail is
Still, he breaks free and slices at Bonney, only for her to be saved by Franky
The slash cuts the figurehead of the giant's ship, better that than Bonney's head, but now she's tuckered out since Distorted Future takes up stamina
As V. Nusjuro leaves the battle and we pan to Zunesha and the Iron Giant we confirm that the void century ended with Joy Boy's defeat
It's not the biggest revelation since the WG rule the world after all, but it also puts further context into all the regrets with Joy Boy and his comrades we have read about in the past
To limit the amount of life signs on the island, V. Nusjuro takes more drastic action, cutting the entire Labophase in half
This causes the CP agents and the bubbled Seraphim to fall to the Fabriophase below
As the Gorosei let gravity try to take those who swore loyalty to them, Vegapunk makes the latest revelation
Sea travel is perilous around the world, it's common knowledge, but a millenia ago it was not; the ancient world, the civilizations that existed in the void century, it's all underwater - they built on top of the ancient world
Also I gotta point out there's some absolutely stunning visual panels in this chapter
Koushiro and the Revolutionary Army also react to the broadcast, only he, Sabo and Dragon appear pensive
Coco Village!? Gen san how you doing! And Nojiko! Still preferred the short hair but she don't care about no global warming she has tangerines to look after XD
Vegapunk continues; before there were vast continents, which'd explain why so few would go out to sea beforehand, and with all of the evidence underwater it explains how the WG can erase a century of history, but it goes deeper - figuratively and literally
Since the void century, the sea has rose 200 METERS!
That's over 600ft; the size of the United Tower, bigger than the Great pyramid of Giza, and that's all Water Level
Naturally, the listeners - the navy - are floored by this revelation, since a Warship is only 60m, but other soldiers tell them to stop listening
There's at least some sense of loyalty - or preservation of cost - for the marines to try and 'rescue' the CP agents and Seraphim from gravity-induced splatter, a la one of their world leaders
Alas Mock Town must mock, there is one among the crowd who isn't laughing though, another one seems to have ignored gravity
Sakura kingdom - mainly Dalton - reflects on the revelation, with Kureha mulling how things continue to get interesting
Oh hey, Miss Goldenweek! Passing by as the island uses a mountain to compare the height
At Water Seven (given the Galley La jacket) Vegapunk discusses how such a thing can occur, and reveals it to have been man-made
Morgans is livid about all this BIG ASS NEWS, having to be shushed by Vivi
Vegapunk continues to show his work; there were no signs, no studies, no science to confirm a natural build up, and if it was natural it would've been made known as a world-altering event
He hints at the use of the Mother Flame, confirming his suspicions
The Gorosei - except Ju Peter, wormy is not getting a lot of love from Oda atm - look furious as Vegapunk continues to note that the sea level rises were caused by the ancient weapons
Those weapons remain dormant, waiting to be used again
And as we pan over to Imu Vegapunk reveals something both horrifying and sobering at the same time: The War Is Not Over
Every island was once a mountain
But time didn't have the influence it should have, Oda has been getting biblical with this lore drop by giving us the common religious theme of The Deluge. Flood myths exist in many religious stories and mythology (which I will keep separate to not ruffle feathers), most common because of Christianity is the flood in the Book of Genesis, which we've already touched upon in One Piece given Noah's Ark. Since we tread nearer to Elbaf it's worth noting that a flood as a role in Ragnarok also;
"the sun becomes black and the earth sinks into the sea, the stars vanish, steam rises and flames touch the heavens."
Once more this was a chapter where Vegapunk's broadcast takes more priority over the things we're seeing, but there are some stunning panels to enhance the revelations, we see also the Gorosei flaunting their haki showing the level they are while the monster trio remain incapacitated or indisposed. I'm at least proud of Franky coming in for some more rescue clutch action, but with Stussy I'm less convinced now that she'll be killed by Lucci, Kaku's silence is loud and maybe, just maybe, they can all see this as a way out. The CP agents are likely not to survive the fall, the Seraphim will and probably will live to fight the Straw Hats under orders of the Gorosei or York, they will likely be used more since the Pacifista are compromised. As for the revelations, a mix of stuff we assumed being confirmed and stuff that theorists have pondered and been vindicated, it's all underwater, which explains the walls in Wano, why Zou is on Zunesha's back (sidebar, how fucking long are Zunesha's legs? like it's gotta be 200m+ submerged alone), and why Water Seven's ruins run so deep.
Still, I enjoyed all the cameos, appreciated seeing Carrot again, and a Vivi cameo is always nice, plus I had to laugh with Demaro Black and Foxy, like who's next? Kuro? Morgan? Krieg? Arlong? Enel?? We have to get to Buggy and the Cross Guild at one point ofc, plus this could be an avenue to reveal the status of Perona, Moria, Weevil, etc.
but outside of that, little progress from the Straw Hats and the incident unfolding in Egghead right now, but given the revelations Vegapunk is giving the Straw Hats time, the Gorosei aren't focusing on them, they're looking for the broadcast snail - and I don't think it's even on the island.
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knight-of-flowerss · 1 year
she-bear : chapter one
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navigation | warnings : inspector calls reference, nameday instead of birthday | a/n : hiii so I know this isn't really good but I'm very ill and can't think straight but I wanted to atleast get one chapter done! | wattpad | tags : @thethreeeyed-raven , @fangsp1der-2099 , @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom , @thelirofnorthlands , @naaladareia , @not-that-syndrigast
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Even when I was a child all I ever saw was war, death and sorrow but even through all the sadness, there was a sort of beauty.
My grandmother always told me that if I couldn't find a beauty in something depressing then there was no point in living in this dog eat dog world.
My father always hated that I thought like that. I don't blame him though, he was jealous. He was jealous he couldn't have that childlike optimism as he faced death and savagery almost every day as he is a well known Lord and General. I'm glad he isn't like me though, being so high ranked in an large army, you need a hard head, not to be blessed with the spotlight of pink and intimate lighting.
My mother was a stern woman, if you had done something wrong, disobeyed her rules, basically anything she didn't like, you would be punished. She would spank you in front of a cross with Jesus Christ on it as you begged for his forgiveness and if you didn't beg good enough, she would leave bloody marks.
But that was only the part where you misbehaved, my mother loves us but she can lose her temper quickly which is why I'm thankful for my youngest sister, Greta.
Because of Greta's young age she is very impressionable, she is the apple of my mothers eye, she calms her down and convinces her to at least ease on the force of her punishment.
My grandfather, Bernhard, is one of the bravest men I have ever met. He was like my father, a general, it runs in our blood to be leaders of great army's, to make our mark in history. The reason why he is the bravest men I have ever met is because when he was young, on his 46th name day, he and my grandmother found out that he was sick, really sick. They advised him not to battle, to let someone else to take over. But my grandfather is too prideful for that, he would rather die and meet our saviour and creator early than sit by, not serve his country and die as a weak frail man.
He was told he wouldn't last to see his 48th name day but that was thirty two years ago and he is still holding on yet his health is rapidly declining, I fear he might go soon.
My older siblings are Valda, Stefan and Elsa. Valda and Stefan are twins, always arguing but always sharing secrets. Even though Stefan is a man and Valda is a woman, most the time it's like they've switched roles. Stefan is the brains and Valda is the brawn.
Elsa is a woman grown, the oldest. Many whisper about her and call her crazy, yet she is not. Elsa and her late husband where head in heels in love, getting married at a young age, Elsa being only 20 and her sweetheart being 22, sadly three years later, only 7 months ago, he got killed in battle, defending his fallen brethren against the pagans.
My family isn't the most perfect but we get by. We carry on our bloodline and make centuries of our ancestors proud, 'Es lebe Haus Godfrey, es lebe unsere Krieger, es lebe Deutschland'. [long live house Godfrey, long live our warriors, long live Germany.]
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simmerlibby · 6 months
TS4: Generational Ties Challenge
Hello everyone! My name is Libby, and I’ve been an avid player of The Sims 4 for six years, starting when I was just 14. Now at 20, I’ve accumulated approximately 7500 hours delving into the vibrant world of The Sims 4 – yes, that’s quite a marathon! My passion for the game inspired me to craft a challenge that mirrors the way I play. I’m thrilled to share this challenge with you and would love to see your gameplay experiences, so please feel free to post any screenshots of your journey!
Generation 1: The Valiant Guardian
In the heart of StrangerVille, you stand as a symbol of steadfastness and dedication. Your readiness to engage with the StrangerVille Mystery is a testament to your deep-rooted love for kin and country. With your loyal dog by your side and a sense of brotherhood that strengthens your resolve, you are set to unravel the enigmas, embodying the spirit of unity and determination in every step of this intriguing adventure.
Generation 1’s Traits
• Bro: This Sim is all about camaraderie and brotherhood. They’re the one everyone counts on, always ready with a joke or a helping hand.
• Dog Lover: A loyal dog at their side, this Sim understands the unspoken bond between human and pet, nurturing a friendship that’s as steadfast as their spirit.
• Active: For this Sim, fitness transcends a mere pastime; it’s ingrained in their very existence. Constantly active, they embrace each day with a jog at dawn or a spontaneous exercise routine.
Generation 1’s Aspiration
StrangerVille Mystery: Motivated by a desire to safeguard their family, they are resolute in uncovering the hidden dangers that lurk within the town.
Generation 1’s Career
Military: In uniform, they serve with distinction, embodying the courage and resolve that are the hallmarks of their character, driven by a deep commitment to the ideals of unity and protection that resonate within them.
Goals for Generation 1
• StrangerVille Savior: Uncover the secrets of StrangerVille, completing the mystery that shrouds the town.
• Military Ascension: Climb to the top of the military ranks, showcasing unparalleled dedication and valor.
• Nomadic Legacy: Relocate your family three times, each move marking the birth of a new family member and a new chapter in your legacy.
• Peak Condition: Excel in the Fitness skill, ensuring you are in prime physical condition, and master the Dog Training skill, which mirrors the strong bond with your devoted canine friend.
Generation 2: The Family's Keeper
As the eldest child and the unifying force among their siblings, this Sim has known a life of constant change. From one base to another, they’ve gathered a mosaic of experiences but yearned for the one thing that eluded them: stability. Now, with a worldliness that belies their years, they seek to create a steadfast home—a sanctuary where roots can delve as deep as their love for family, and where their children can soar to new heights, nurtured by the legacy of excellence and the strength of their shared bonds.
Generation 2’s Traits
• Neat: This Sim is the epitome of order and cleanliness, finding peace in the meticulous care of their surroundings.
• Family-Oriented: Family is the anchor of this Sim’s life, and every action is infused with love and dedication to their kin.
• Loves the Outdoors: Their backyard, a personal sanctuary, resonates with their deep love for nature, offering solace in the gentle whispers of the wind and the soothing rustle of leaves.
Generation 2’s Aspiration
Super Parent: Embracing the heart of family life, they are the guiding force in their children’s lives. With every action, they shape a future of kindness, discipline, and love, ensuring their legacy thrives through the character values they instill.
Generation 2’s Career
Freelancer: Adapting to the flexibility of a freelance career, this Sim tailors a life that bends with their family’s needs, aligning seamlessly with their values and aspirations.
Goals for Generation 2
• Scholastic Excellence: Guide all children to achieve A+ grades and engage in extracurricular activities, fostering a legacy of academic and personal growth.
• Super Parent: Achieve the Super Parent Aspiration by fostering a home where love, learning, and guidance are the cornerstones, empowering the next generation to continue the family’s enduring legacy.
• Siblings’ Keeper: Maintain a close-knit relationship with each sibling, making it a priority to visit them at least once every week to preserve the enduring connection of the family.
• Skilful Steward: Achieve expertise in both Gardening and Handiness to craft a home that is not only sturdy but also warm and inviting.
Generation 3: The Free Spirit
In the pulsing heart of San Myshuno, where the city’s rhythm beats incessantly, resides a Sim who has boldly navigated their own path. Eschewing a legacy steeped in academic excellence and the weight of family expectations, they have chosen the unassuming role of a Salaryperson. And now, as they navigate the complexities of an unexpected pregnancy, they find their resolve and desire for autonomy more vital than ever, affirming their commitment to live life strictly on their own terms.
Generation 3’s Traits
• Nosy: This Sim’s inquisitive nature stems from a childhood with little privacy, leading to a blurred understanding of personal space.
• Outgoing: This Sim’s sociability is a response to their sheltered upbringing, seeking out friendships that offer the peer connection they’ve always craved.
• Cat Lover: Their feline companion is their confidant, the one “child” they’ve always wanted.
Generation 3’s Aspiration
City Native: As a city native, San Myshuno is not just their home but their playground, a stark contrast to their homebody parent’s lifestyle.
Generation 3’s Career
Salaryperson: This Sim enjoys the simplicity of a straightforward desk job, which provides the financial stability they need to embrace a free-spirited lifestyle amidst the vibrant hustle and bustle of city life.
Goals for Generation 3
• Unexpected Parenthood: Experience an unforeseen pregnancy and maintain a distant relationship with your child, emphasizing independence over intimacy.
• Wellness Whisperer: Master the Wellness skill with your cat for serene, solo rejuvenation. This pursuit of personal well-being is your path to a harmonious life, shared quietly with your purring companion.
• Urban Explorer: Fulfill the City Native Aspiration by immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of experiences that San Myshuno presents, from it’s towering skyscrapers to it’s colorful street markets.
• Spice District Settler: Embrace the vibrant life in a cozy apartment in San Myshuno’s Spice District, your home until you reach the wise age of an Elder.
Generation 4: The Artful Heart
In the ceaseless rhythm of San Myshuno, a Sim forges their destiny with bold strokes of creativity. An Art Lover, shaped by the absence of a parent, finds solace and expression in the canvas’s embrace. Their heart, a mosaic of passion and yearning, seeks a Soulmate to fill the void and share in the vibrant tapestry of city life. As a Painter or Freelance Artist, they channel their deepest dreams into art, crafting each piece as a beacon for the one who will complete their world.
Generation 4’s Traits
• Art Lover: This Sim discovers inspiration and allure in each color and brushstroke, igniting their creative spirit.
• Creative: As a wellspring of imagination, they not only breathe life into their art but also harbor an earnest desire to share their creative expressions with the world, transforming the vast expanse of our shared reality into a canvas that reflects the depth and vibrancy of their artistic vision.
• Romantic: Hopelessly devoted to the pursuit of love, they dream of a muse to revel in the rich splendor of life’s palette.
Generation 4’s Aspiration
Soulmate: With a heart yearning to fill the void left by an absent parent, this Sim seeks a love profound enough to complete their life’s tapestry of passion.
Generation 4’s Career
Painter or Freelance Artist: Blending their fervent passion with a clear vision, they masterfully wield the brush to encapsulate the emotions of life, creating a portfolio that forges a profound connection through the artful canvas.
Goals for Generation 4
• Family Expansion: Embrace the vibrant tapestry of family life, as you welcome the laughter and energy of at least four children into your heart and home.
• Soulmate Aspiration: Embark on a heartfelt quest to fulfill the Soulmate Aspiration, weaving the threads of romance and art into a bond that completes your life’s masterpiece.
• Painting Skill Mastery: Elevate your craft to new heights, achieving mastery in Painting that reflects your deep commitment and artistic prowess.
• Celebrity Status: Ascend to the echelons of fame, securing a three-star celebrity status that honors your exceptional and widely acclaimed paintings.
Generation 5: The Environmental Visionary
Inheriting your family’s legacy, you stand at the crossroads of personal ambition and a commitment to meaningful change. Whether as a Politician or an Eco Innovator, your dedication to crafting a sustainable future is steadfast. With charisma and a heart attuned to the environment, your leadership is a tribute to the creative spirit instilled by your parent, who honed your need to make a difference in the world. Your home stands as a sanctuary, echoing the enduring legacy you’re advancing, and sparking inspiration for generational transformation. Each of your actions crafts a narrative of hope, laying the groundwork for a brighter, greener tomorrow.
Generation 5’s Traits
• Ambitious: This Sim is passionately committed to scaling the summits of success, not just for personal glory but as a homage to their forebears’ aspirations. They are steadfast in their pursuit to forge a legacy that will pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for all ensuing generations.
• Outgoing: With a magnetic charm, they draw others into their grand vision for the future.
• Green Fiend: In homage to their heritage, they possess an innate talent for fostering growth, whether in the garden or within the bonds of kinship.
Generation 5’s Aspiration
Master Maker: This Sim is motivated to create a future that marries innovation with environmental stewardship, galvanizing a network of creators to build a world that is both sustainable and brilliantly inventive.
Generation 5’s Career
Politician or Civil Designer: Whether shaping society through policy or protecting the planet, their career reflects a commitment to leaving a lasting impact.
Goals for Generation 5
• Skill Mastery: Attain proficiency in Fabrication and Logic, exemplifying a synthesis of innovative creation and thoughtful reasoning.
• Aspiration Achievement: Fulfill the Master Maker aspiration, steering both family and community towards a future of innovative sustainability and collective creativity.
• Family Reunions: Host three gold-level Family Reunions, celebrating the unity and achievements of the generations.
• Career Accomplishment: Complete either the Politician or Eco Innovator career, driving change and leaving a sustainable mark on the world.
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winterflowersftw · 1 month
Mission Silent Elk: Chapter 1
Yuri Briar x reader
As Ostania is on the verge of facing its biggest possible crisis, the Secret Police appoints Yuri to investigate a very promising lead who is in close proximity to all the higher government officials including Donovan Desmond. His mission is to find out whether the opposition leader is in fact influencing the current government and to figure out if the central government is anything else other than a fraud.
Word count: 4771
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Yuri Briar, age 20, is liked by many but is hated too, but mostly, feared. People did not fear HIM, though. They feared the uniform her wore and what it represented. They feared what that uniform was capable of doing to them. So whenever he used to go make any arrests, people would look at him, sometimes even stare. But mostly, they'd fear him.
It's 9:00 in the morning and Yuri is in his office, always on time and never even a minute late. All things considered, he's a great employee, not taking many leaves unless he's sick but mostly his best quality would be how seriously he takes his job. At least that is what his boss, the Captain told the higher ups upon deciding that Yuri would be given a VERY special mission.
Mission Silent Elk
These animals were very interesting to the Caption apparently, so much that he decided to name the mission on them. They will try to avoid contact with threats at all costs, but when properly provoked, they WILL gore whatever is attacking them to death with their antlers and stomp them with their feet.
And that explained Yuri's mission perfectly.
His target? She was someone related to the most high profile person in Ostania. The president himself. His daughter, Andrea Walter, age 19, is just about to pass out of Eden College. What makes her interesting is that she seems to have no contact with her father whatsoever. She doesn't live in the presidential house even during holidays and has apparently not made a public appearance with her father since 2 years, basically a year after he was elected.
But the most interesting piece of intel about her is that she is under suspicion of being a spy working under WISE.
The rumour does not put any question on her lineage whatsoever, because she indeed IS her father's sole heir. Their remarkably matching features are solid proof. Her brown eyes, her brown hair, and her medium tone matched exactly with her father's features. She looked very simple, nothing in her made her stand out in a crowd. And yet, she did.
Some of her peers said that she has a gaze which can see right through a person, while the others blame her higher social standing. She was very lean, with curves in all the right places. Some people even put that as the reason why she stood out.
Now why she was under suspicion of being a spy was clear as day. A piece of information had been revealed to WISE, something only a couple of people could know, and Ms. Walter was one of them.
The information was about the President and the leader of the opposition party, Mr. Donovan Desmond.
After the assassination of the First Lady, Mrs. Sarah Walters 2 years ago, it is said that Mr Desmond lives with the president. As if the real person controlling everything is still Donovan and the President is just the figurative head. The report also talked about the sudden change in the President's mannerisms, as if blaming Donovan for "influencing" him in a wrong way. It could be said that it was because of the very public assassination of his wife, but for it all to continue for 2 years very much indicated that he is indeed being manipulated. A case or a scandal that big could cause the whole country to collapse. So the media was very selectively not showing any news or footage which indicated this. Even the assassination of Mrs. Walters was passed off as a " sudden heart attack". But the people who were in the meeting where the "event" happened had spread the word and a few officials knew the truth.
Now, WISE had been given a report this controversial about Donovan about a year ago. This, among the various other reasons, forced them to commence Operation Strix with their best agent, Twilight.
"So Captain, what do you want me to do?", Yuri asked after reading the report on Andrea Walter, his voice had an obvious strain, as if not being able to believe that a fraud as big as this could even be done.
The Captain finished his smoke and gave Yuri a look. He answered, " She's going to graduate Eden in 4 weeks. That means she won't be staying in her student's lodging anymore. That will make it easier for us to spy on her. We can even find out where she stays during her holidays." The Captain paused, and pulled out a picture of her from the table's drawer and added, " A week from now they will have a graduation party after which the students shall be moving out. Now, Yuri, you need to observe her from afar. After all, it is nothing but just suspicions of being a spy. But her high status makes this rather controversial." He smoked another cigarette. While putting it out in the ash tray, he continued, " You need to observe her closely. If a situation arises that you need to make contact with her, don't hesitate. Because of your young age she most probably won't suspect you of being one of us".
As the chief concluded, Yuri felt a knot forming in his stomach. But he decided to continue rereading the report, he finally took a look at her picture the Captain had pulled up. She looked exactly as she had been described. She looked alert and intuitive. That just made Yuri suspect her even more.
He considered everything and made a lot of calculations in his mind; about the mission, about Andrea, and said, " I'll put Andrea under my surveillance for the next seven days and I'll try to make some contact during her graduation party at Eden. That would be my best shot."
"As expected from you Yuri, that's a very prudential approach." The Captain replied instantly. Yuri replied with an ingenuine smile and saluted him before leaving the room. Going back to his office along with the report and mission details, he was determined that he would find the truth regarding the matter.
He left out a sigh thinking about how draining this particular mission could be. But he knew one thing for sure, that his work was just getting started.
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