#the second thing tho? and both of them TOGETHER is like. ok i think this is a microaggression
clay-pidgeon · 10 days
my mom mentioned the fact i was rude while correcting someone about my name (genderstyle) a week ago and was like you GOTTA be cooler and more normal about it!! (which i am Actively Trying To Do, despite it rubbing me the wrong way with the way she phrased it) and then immediately made a joke about not eating chik fil a . anyways im being mormal today
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All Your’n
Caitlin Clark x reader
Your summer vacation Junior year of high school your families went on vacation to Disney.
The second day there you and Caitlin decided to venture out on your own, you had been walking around for a while.
“Caity I’m so tired!!” I whined
“Ok let’s do this ride, so you can sit for a bit”
I smiled to myself and thought she’s always caring when it comes to me.
It was the Haunted Mansion ride… “ummmmm Caity I don’t want to get scared”
“It will be fine! Come on” she urged me
“Finnnnnne,” I say even tho I’m hesitant.
Five minutes in and I was so scared I had to grab onto something. You interlocked your and Caitlin’s arms and hands so quick she wasn’t able to register what had just happened. But she didn’t care, she had always wanted to be more than friends with you so any touch was welcome intentional or not.
After the ride you both kept your hands together, it was just comfortable you both felt like that’s where your hands belonged.
When you got back to your hotel and had both showered, Caitlin was sitting at the top of the bed talking about your guy's year and all the school drama while I was at the foot of the bed painting my toes. I couldn’t help but notice how good Caitlin looked, her long brown hair still wet from the shower, her tank top showing off her arms in the most amazing way.
Caitlin could tell she lost you a while ago
“Something I said?”
“Hah no… I’m just tired from all the walking today”
Her eyes bared so deep at you she could probably see your soul, I nervously cleared my throat.
“You sure? Looked like you were thinking about something serious?”
Caitlin asked cuz she always knew you better than yourself
“I um… “ I stuttered, now completely aware of how dry my throat was. Caitlin scooted closer to me causing her to realize the power she has over me, causing me to sigh realizing how much I’m craving her in a way I never had before.
“I’ve never done this before but iii …” Caitlin’s brows furrowed
“I’ve um been wanting to tell you I i i “
My hands are shaking I haven’t told someone I love them let alone my best friend
Caitlin’s gaze softens giving me a boost of courage “CAITLIN IM IN LOVE WITH YOU”
I blurt out, I can’t read her face I nervously suck in a breath. A million things are running through my mind, I feel Caitlin’s hands grab mine she lifts them to her lips and places the softest kiss on my knuckles “Y/n baby” she sighs softly “ I’ve been in love with you since elementary school, I thought that you just saw me as a friend and I was ok with that as long as you could be around me.”
“But you love me?” She questions
My heart stops at her confession, really that long? We could’ve been together all this time? I’m in awe!
“ Oh my god yes Caitlin!” I exclaimed, “ I really do love you!”
A slight smile appears on her face “Really?” She questions I guess she’s new to this too, I chuckle slightly and she smirks “ Can I kiss you ?” Her eyes almost pleading “ Oh my god YES!!!”
She places the softest, sweetest kiss on my lips. I’m hungrier so I grab her face with both my hands deepening the kiss as her hands find my hair.
We stay like that for a bit but then eventually break apart to catch our breath.
Suddenly it hit me, that was just a confession, that didn’t mean anything.
What if she doesn’t want us to be together? What if that was all it was? Just a Kiss.
Caitlin can sense my anxiety, her hands cup my cheeks pulling my gaze toward hers
“Y/n it will be fine, we are gonna figure it all out together” She pulls me in for another kiss, this one is light and gentle I can feel all her love through it.
After the kiss she rests her forehead against mine we are just breathing each other in
“You really mean it Caity?”
I question her confession
“Hah… your funny” she’s laughs
“Come on Caity I’m being serious!!”
I pull away from her crossing my arms and huffing
“You’re too cute” she laughs
I frown harder now she can tell I’m upset.
“Oh baby girl” she sighs
Grabbing my hands “ I’m so in love with you it’s not even fair, my heart aches whenever I’m away from you. But yet I can’t breathe when you’re near me. My heart skips a beat when you walk Into the room. To say I need you is an understatement. Please be my girlfriend? Please don’t ever leave my side! I need you more than air! “
She starts getting choked up, tears start brimming at her eyes. I gently wipe her tears away from her eyes and pull her towards me resting her forehead against mine as I gently kiss her nose
“Oh Caity girl” I sigh “I have always wanted to be yours!” She starts grinning ear to ear as I peck her nose again.
“I’m yours Caity girl!”
“I am yours, sweet girl!”
I sigh over and over in between kissing her mouth and nose.
And from that moment on I was hers.
(Authors note
Thank you everyone for reading this. Please know this is my first fanfic so please go easy on me. I’m not sure if all continue to make fics this was just something that came to me and I ran with it. If something else comes to me then I’ll make another one. That being said if you have any asks I’ll see if I can make something with it. 😁
Love ya!)
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Ahhhhh Lexa is so cuddly in that oneshot! 😍😍
She had to be
Listen to me
She had to be
Because this little ray of sunshine?
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Deserved to be allowed to be cuddly
Because the thing is, she always wanted to be. She did. Even when she didn't know how to ask for it. Even when all she knew how to do was nudge the door open for Clarke and wait silently to see what she'd do
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Even when she didn't feel like she deserved to want it.
Lexa spent so much time worrying about Clarke's comfort and boundaries. So much time carrying the weight of her decisions like a scarlett letter on her chest. She lived with the guilt - not for the decisions themselves - but for how those decisions hurt Clarke, and how it all ultimately lost her the girl she had fallen so hard for, so fast.
But still, there were so many instances where she wanted nothing more than to be allowed to be soft. And you could see it.
So many times when she put herself out there just to feel like a fool in the end.
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You could see it in these tiny glimpses of moments, her hesitation. Her disappointment. Her wanting so badly to reach out. But not letting herself.
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Always waiting to be pushed away. Always accepting when she was. Always swallowing the pain of her own heartache while aching to be let in...
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Which is why the second Clarke said yes? Lexa absolutely let the floodgates open.
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While we saw after their first time she had given Clarke space again, had rolled away to recover from being fucked into a nap the intensity of finally getting to have that intimacy with Clarke, I don't think it was because it was what she wanted to do. I think it was pure instinct. Fear. A learned habit to always give Clarke space, and always another chance to push her away should Clarke want to. Seeing how Lexa operated when it came to Clarke, I don't think she took them having sex for granted in the aspect of "oh now all is forgiven." I think even after having Clarke make love to her, a piece of Lexa would've been careful not to push for too much too soon. Been too clingy. Assume Clarke woukd want to cuddle with her, to hold her. To even want Lexa to touch her the same way so intimately.
When Clarke gave the ok? When Clarke made it clear that she was open to that?
Oh she smiled.
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And she was happy
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She held her hand during sex for godssake, you can't get more mushy than that
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And even in her final moments, what made her break? What was the only thing that really truly cut through the pain and the strength of Heda, and gave Lexa a moment of solace?
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Clarke's touch.
Clarke's comfort.
Being able to soak in another moment of just being close to her. Loved by her.
Lexa was always a touchy a person. She craved that physical intimacy with Clarke from day one. I mean we're talking about a woman who decided to casually ~take a nap~ on her canopy bed with the drapes open while an almost complete stranger waltz around her tent. She was always sending out the signals out that not only did she want more emotionally from Clarke, but that she wanted more physically. And I don't mean sex (ok well not just sex at least), she wanted that soft comfort of just being near her too.
So yeah. 100% I believe if given a chance to have more moments together after they'd both finally let each other back in, every time Clarke even halfway made it seem like she was open to it, I think Lexa would've become more and more comfortable letting go of her fears and been as affectionate as she'd always wanted. I think she would've become more and more snuggly, more tactile in her expressions of love and pride, to the point that when they were alone I don't think Clarke would've quite known what to do with herself and her little commander-noodle-arms shaped shadow
They still would've argued all the time tho
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dhiings · 8 months
𖦹 Jane w/ Vocal Unit
Jane’s masterlist ⋆。˚ Moodboards ;0
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જ⁀➴ Woozi x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : friends through happiness and weirdness, "i like her, she's weird" "i'M WeIRd?! look at yourself bro. but i like you too" Nickname given by Jane for Woozi : uji/lee pd Nickname given by Woozi for Jane : jein/uki
• How do i explain this, woozi and jane have a different and unique kinds of relationship. They could be "normal", joking around, being weird, and doing stuff that carats could not fully understand (even the member themselves). • Sometimes, they will look at each other through silent stare then laugh. Making the other member around them confused. • Jane likes to vidcall woozi, especially when he's in the recording studio. And vice-versa. • Jane loves to write poetry especially when she's alone in the beach or mountains. Then, she will call him to give her writing and asks for feedbacks.
જ⁀➴ Jeonghan x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : grandpa that is not too old with her granddaughter, cared for jane wholeheartedly, "i cared for you so stop pushing me and the others away" Nickname given by Jane for Jeonghan : hanie/halabeoji Nickname given by Jeonghan for Jane : jein/uki
• Making sure Jane is okay when he's with or without him. When he can' t be with her, he make sure to call her to hear about her day. • During pre-debut, he always made sure that Jane's well being are okay especially when it comes to cooking her food because she's too lazy to buy or make anything • Loves helping drying her hair when she showered at night/swimming/any scenarios because jane's too lazy to do so. He kept scolding "Jein, you should dry your hair before going to bed or else it'll give you a major headache", while drying her hair ofc • During TTT water sport, jeonghan kept making sure that Jane have her towels by her side to protect herself from the wind.
જ⁀➴ Joshua x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : fun uncle with her niece vibe, "remember that time we first met that i said that you're cool? i take that back" Nickname given by Jane for Joshua : josh/uncle hong Nickname given by Joshua for Jane : jane/jennifer(?)
• When joshua first join pledis, she strike up a conversation immediately, getting too excited knowing that there will be someone also having a hard time with advance korean comes from a country that speak english as their first language too (even tho he's way older than him) • Joshua always throwing the most corniest dry joke (which sometimes other member hate it), but not jane and vernon, SHE LOVES IT TOOO MUCH • He's always there to brighten up her day when she's feeling down. Don't get me started when out of nowhere he played a guitar from a mobile app just to sing "sunday morning". • He confessed during a v-live session that when they first met, he thought that jane is short for jennifer.
જ⁀➴ DK x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : dumb and dumber that has a big heart. that's it. "will you jump if i jump off the cliff?" "... i literally jumped after you jumped off the bungee thing 30 seconds ago" Nickname given by Jane for DK : dikey/seokmini Nickname given by DK for Jane : jein/ok
• We know both of them is an "I" aka introvert.. but whenever they were stuck together... people don't think they're an "I". Especially DK tho... • Jane will never miss a single musical show that DK stared in. Even when she misses attending one of his show, she always made it up by buying huge bouquet flowers or buying foods. • DK is one of the reason she can express herself freely and be "wild-free" during her pre debut. (being one of the few female trainees among bunch of male trainee + a super shy introverted person makes it harder to become herself) • Even tho they seems like a 3 year old children running around, deep down DK cared a lot about Jane and vice versa.
જ⁀➴ Seungkwan x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : duo of "i was going to give you a nasty look but i see that you've already got one" Nickname given by Jane for Seungkwan : kwanie Nickname given by Seungkwan for Jane : jein/uki
• We all know that Seungkwan.. is not that patience. But, Jane can be the only exception for this. Maybe, this is because she always defend seungkwan in mafia game to not get killed on the first round (even though she's one of the mafias) • Jane really love listening to his tips and tricks about losing puffiness (even though the other have enough of it). • Jane likes to suddenly came by to one of Seungkwan's friendly game match with his friends to show support and brought some snacks and drinks. • Both of them are known for their "honest reaction", which is iconic.
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
Hi Amethyst! It's been a hot minute since I sent an ask in, but I have been reading both fics every day (still obsessed lmao) (also I name changed btw, used to be ElenaLoo)
Anyways, I had written a whole ask waxing eloquent on all the wonderful things going on in ttsbc, but I accidentally shut off my computer partway through and frankly I can't be bothered to write it all out again lmao. Just. It's beautiful (wow isnt that so meaningful and deep? im sure you're feeling very complimented rn)
The REAL thing I wanted to talk about was Traveling thieves (which is by far my favorite fanfic of ALL TIME), and all the amazingness in ttsbc made me forget it even existed for the past few weeks. But the other day I was just like "oh yeah. Traveling thieves." and then i reread the whole thing. whoopsies.
Ummm anywyas there's so many thoughts in my head about all the little guys, but recently I've been on an Imp and Skizz obsession (just scroll on my page for .2 seconds and you'll see) and YOU. You left them on a CLIFFHANGER. >:((( (not actually mad btw). I just. so excited for them. They're out alone in the woods right now and Skizz is going to have the perfect opportunity to kill Impulse and get away and I just am falling apart thinking about them. (I drew them to cope lol, posted on my blog but also later here so that I can talk about it more). I can see this playing out a few ways. Obviously Skizz isn't actually going to kill Impulse, so he's either going to 1) make up some excuse as to why he can't do it right then, but still plans to do it eventually, or 2) he does it. but he doesn't. Skizz attacks Impulse when he's not expecting it, there's a scuffle, and Skizz comes out on top---BUT THEN HE CAN"T FINISH IT!!! and it's a whole thing where even tho skizz tried to kill him, imp is still so understanding and skizz cries and impulse just freaking gives him a hug and
Whatever you do will be beautiful, I'm sure. I think you mentioned you're switching to tt after this fic, so crossing my fingers it's imp and skizz. (Though, would also be very happy with Martyn and Ren :P) (or anything really i just love tt)
Anyways, I had the art on my blog but I'm also putting it here so i can say things about it to you
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Mostly I'm just very proud of their expressions, with Impulse being all concerned glancing over at Skizz, meanwhile Skizz is completely deadpan staring forwards, also looking very tired bc he needs a break from this universe. Also I switched up my Impulse design a lil bit from last time (if u even remember that lol it was months ago now). you would think, just looking at them, that Impulse took way longer to design, but nope, I was messing around with Skizz for at least double the time, trying to figure out how to have him facing forward whilst still showing some of the scars on his back. I gave up eventually xD (all that means is that im gonna have to draw him again later, from different angles)
actually that made me remember a question I had: are you planning to ship Imp and Skizz? Ik you said Zed and Tango are going to be a thing far in the future, but... skizzpulse? plzzzz plz pretty please haha im not obsessed
aaaaaand that reminds me of another question, is skizz going to be in ttsbc? (pretty please also same question as tt, if he was in ttsbc, are him and impulse together? Im addicted to them all i care about these days is some good imp and skizz shipfics, and you're such a fantastic writer, both with plot and the vibes of the words themselves. u could write such good imp and skizz. just imagine the possibilites! (am i selling it?))
aaaaaanyways. im gonna go reread the old tt skizz fics because theyre delicious and painful, like eating knives. u have a good day :))
I ADORE THIS ART SO MUCH! I gave you all my rambles on the reblog but it's SOOOOO COOL!
I'm sad the waxing eloquent about TTSBC is gone 😭 but that's ok!
I'm so glad you're enjoying TT and all the drama going on in there! Imp and Skizz are definitely having a time and a half with all of this nonsense going on...I love all your theories! I won't confirm or deny anything of course, but I'm so happy you're excited for them!
I will not be shipping Imp and Skizz, sorry! I just personally don't ship them, so they're gonna remain platonic...I mean, in TT who knows what the hell they're doing to be fair 😆 but yeah, Zedango is going to be a thing in the distant future, but no Skizzpulse! Sorry!
Skizz is not in TTSBC at the moment, that doesn't mean he never will be! Just haven't found a spot for him yet...and no, he also would not be with Impulse, I'm so sorry I just don't ship them personally! I think it's a very cute ship tho!
Enjoy rereading the TT Skizz fics!!! Thank you again for the gorgeous art!!!! I love it!!! 💖
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
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Ok I'm gonna post a lot more tmrw but tonight I gotta post spider people bc I watched spiderverse and I am obsessed. So! Apollo and Meg as Spiders!
Idea dump time:
Apollo has been spiderman (Tho he is known as Arachnida) for years. He has the classic spiderman backstory, and has been a solo act for as long as he's been fighting crime. Then Nero, who is also a supervillain named Imperious, experiments on his adopted step-daughter in an attempt to recreate Arachnida's powers. The experiment is successful, and Meg becomes a supervillain named Venenum.
Arachida and Venenum fight for months, and while Apollo has more experience, Meg has more raw power. She becomes his greatest challenge, and he often comes close to death whenever he battles with Imperious and his soldiers. However, things change when Apollo runs into Meg when they are both out of costume. Meg explains her situation and asks Apollo to help her escape her step-father. He does, and now the two fight back against Imperious as the duo Arachnida and The Thorned Spider.
Now some fun little headcanons!
Both Apollo and Meg were bitten by wolf spiders! Apollo by a spotted wolf spider and Meg by a rabid wolf spider. Wolf spiders actually don't make webs, and instead burrow and rush their prey. So instead of swinging around, Apollo and Meg just do EXTREME PARKOUR, and they have a haven under hell's kitchen that they use to keep track of crime in the city.
Apollo has headphones on his suit that he uses to better his hearing. When he was bit by the spider, things like his sight and touch improved greatly, but his hearing got a lot worse. This is because wolf spiders (and I think most spiders?) don't have ears, and only hear through vibrations through the ground. Airborne sounds can be hard for them to pick up. Apollo fixed this by making headphones that picked up and amplified any nearby sounds, while filtering through any unnecessary chatter. He also just listens to music a lot lol.
Meg's suit is very rudimentary, as it was all made after she left Nero's household. The only thing she kept were her gloves, which have retractable blades in them. These gloves were made for her by Lu. Meg also has goggles because unlike Apollo, her vision sucks and she hates wearing contacts.
Apollo is a huge worrywart. Despite the fact that Meg is an extremely powerful superchild, Apollo will spam her with texts the moment their separated for five minutes. Sometimes Meg just hang under roofs so that she can get a second alone.
Apollo's father is also a supervillain, but Apollo doesn't know it. Nero and Zeus have actually been working together for years, and they have some plans that will not be fun for our spider-duo ...
Meg's "Uncle Ben" moment was the death of his father. In contrast, Apollo has had a "Gwen Stacy" moment, which was the death of his boyfriend, Hyacinthus.
They are spidersiblings and awesome and kickass.
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melusinealarice · 1 year
in that case… could i request a member of his team reader and house fanfic abt house realising his attraction towards reader isn’t actually just sexual (they’ve been sleeping together for some time) but he’s actually in love with them. so he asks reader on a date, but they think he’s just joking and being an ass. so house has to go on a full on rant about how he developed feelings for reader and they just stand there in shock completely flustered (pls make reader say yes at the end tho 🙏💞) either gn!reader or fem!reader
this is totally ooc for him but whateva im a little delusional 🥰 in my head he’s my silly husband
Def delulu, but arent we all, anyways here ya go
Warnings: cursing, sexual themes,
Fem reader x dr house
You had been sleeping with dr. House for a few months now. It all started when you joined his team, while his rude comments usually repelled people, they attracted you. You found him hilarious as-well as insanely hot. Him being smart was a bonus as-well. He always made sexual comments towards you wich left you flustered more than anything. It all started one night when he was staying late and you came in to find him in a bottle of whiskey. It ended with you leaving his house before he could wake up. After that you both just would have casual sex, thats all it was. You never asked for anything more, even though you desperately wanted it, because you knew him, and he would surely mock you for it.
House’s POV:
I walk out of the on-call room, not even saying anything to y/n, this has just been our routine, she figured words would just make things complicated. I went straight to Wilson. “Wilson.” I said walking in, not bothering to knock. “What is it House?” He said looking up, “i think, I think Im attracted to y/n in more than just a sexual way.” i said, sitting on his couch, “what?” He asked stoping what he was doing. “I think, Im falling in love with her.”
Your POV:
Back to work, you just finished hooking up with House and now you had to go along your day, pretending you aren’t in live with him. No problem.
After the case you all were working on was solved you stayed back in the office while everyone else left. House was there, “so how about I buy you a drink, like a date?” He said, leaning against the door, pinning you to the wall. Shit, he knows, he knows you like him and he is making fun of you for it, who told him?? You scoffed trying to play it off, “ya know just because I like you being an ass doesn’t mean you have to make fun of me.” She said, trying to find away out of the situation. “Me? An ass? Never.” He taunted, you rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help how much harder you were breathing, “whatever,” you said, wiggling out of the position you were in. “Im serious.” He said, staring at you, “I thought it was just sexual, i did, and ive tried to pretend it was, but god, you are so much more than that. Ive been falling deeper in love with you every damn second, and I want you, all of you. You are so beautiful and smart, and funny. And I want commitment and I want to take you on a date.” He said, his face was straight, he wasn’t joking. You stood there flustered, “really?” You said still in shock, he walked up to you and took your hands in his, “really.” He said. “Okay, lets go get a drink.” You said smiling up at him.
The end
Ok its kinda short, but im not the best at writing fluff, and it was super hard to do it with House without totally betraying his character.
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lightlycareless · 2 months
I saw this video and it made think of Naoya and Naohime. I can imagine she learned that vocabulary from Naobito lol
Omggggg another video that isn't here anymore jfc I'm so sorry 😭 but from what I was able to recall it was a (with a daughter or granddaughter) and he says a bad word and she ends up saying the same thing lol it was kind of funny tho 😂
I wrote a little something inspired by it :) though I ended up writing it mostly on Y/N's perspective, cause she's the one that usually hangs around the kids the most (though a protective Naoya does appear, as well as Naomi)
warnings: none. Naobito is a bad influece tho. but overall domestic fluff.
also: a little bit of context regarding Naobito and his relationship with your and Naoya's youngest child.
Happy reading!!
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It should come to no one’s surprise that Naobito is Naohime’s biggest, worst influence for a thousand reasons.
And why wouldn’t it be? Honestly, they spent almost every day together, with Naohime constantly following him everywhere, or more like Naobito bringing her along everywhere, citing that his favorite granddaughter had to be there for whatever important clan meeting he had for the day.
By his side when watching anime, or just spending the whole evening sleeping, a little Naobito on the making! It was only a matter of time before she began to mimic him…
Which was a very frightening statement for you and Naoya to ruminate on. To have a child so involved in serious manners is just the tip of the iceberg; both just want her to live out her childhood as happily as possible! 
But, oh, well, at least his father had the decency of not drinking in front of her—yet, this following incident finally made you and Naoya realize how spoiled Naohime had actually become, and how urgent it was for the two to step in.
It happened right after dropping off your children at school, with Naohime by your side since she was too young to attend yet (another matter that worried you—Naobito wanted to homeschool her, you and Naoya wished otherwise. Will this debate ever end?) accompanying you to your newest duty.
Apparently, the Zen’in were to meet a highly prestigious client, and you, wanting to do your part in making a good impression, headed right over to the kitchen to help arrange such an important dinner.
Stress to make this moment as perfectly as possible inevitably befell the staff, especially those that were still new to the (dubious) work ethic of the Zen’in; thus, it wouldn’t take long before one of them eventually crumbled, making a mistake that was easily fixable, but with the pressure of doing everything right the first time, believed otherwise.
“It’s ok, don’t worry—we still have more ingredients, right?” you quickly intercept, the cook nods. “See? Nothing to fret about! Now we just gotta—"
Little Naohime rarely involved herself in your activities, always kept occupied by her toys or any other activity you thought of beforehand, but something about the anxious complains from the staff members struck her with familiarity, like she’s seen this before somewhere else, and knew exactly what to do…
Cue your worst nightmare becoming a reality, having you inwardly screeching, skin pale at the notion of her imprudence.
“Stupid monkey!” Naohime says, with no hesitation, no second thoughts, nothing—just a reckless, albeit innocent, replication of her surroundings.
“Naohime!” you quickly retorted, shocked to hear such an awful sentence coming from your adorable daughter! “Where did you learn to say that?!”
But your daughter, instead of providing an answer, just continued giggling, thinking of your reaction to be a joke, as if you were entertained by her actions and not genuinely upset; it’s how Naobito reacted whenever she did that, after all, obviously the culprit behind it all.
“No, young lady, this is no laughing matter!” you insist once more, she does not budge. “Naohime—you will apologize to the staff right now for saying those awful words!”
“Lady Y/N, it’s fine—she’s just a child. She doesn’t know what she said.”
But that’s exactly what made this situation not fine. If anything, it made it even worse! Her laughter representing the sour realization that you’ve been too lax on your daughter, perhaps too carefree, freeing her of any necessary limits and discipline simply because she was your youngest maybe, your last child, the one you and Naoya had more time to parent together and yet didn’t seem like it.
You should’ve expected something like this to happen when Naobito got interested in spending time with his granddaughter. Yet, far from growing concerned, deep within, you and Naoya were happy that finally his family was retroactively trying to get along with their children, if only one of them…
But those days of carefree endearing were gone, you needed to put your foot down, and quickly.
“Naohime, if you do not apologize, we’re going to have problems.” She smiles, shaking her head playfully, nothing but a game for her you sadly conclude. “Alright, I don’t like doing this, but you leave me no other choice.
So, carefully grabbing her hand, you decided to go with what she considered the worst discipline ever, one appropriate for her age and situation: a timeout.
A decision she received with loud whines and cries, attempting to free herself from your hold but being unable to do as much as lightly tug at your arm, forced to accept the fate awaiting inside her bedroom; 5 minutes to think of the gravity of her actions, understand them, and hopefully, a genuine apology.
“Mamaaaaaaaa.” She would call from inside, pounding at the door. “Mamaaaaaaa!! Let me out!!”
It hurt you to hear her crying like that, your poor baby, the light of your life, one of the many reasons you loved being a mother—but such, it also reminded you that if you truly loved her, then you would discipline her when needed and set up limits that would protect her.
She was just a child and should act like one! Not copy dubious behaviors from people you’re going to start distancing from! Just as your husband would come to support…
“Care to explain the things you’re teaching my daughter?!” Naoya is quick to reproach his father as soon as you inform him of what happened. Somewhat afraid of Naobito, you usually let him handle these types of matters, but never alone, standing by his side as your protective husband gave him a piece of his mind. “I will not allow you to spend any more time with her if you’re just going to be a bad influence on her!”
“Ah, it’s nothing but a stupid expression! Just something to say to people that are being a bit foolish, motivate them to do better, nothing more!” Naobito dismisses, as always. You press your lips together, seeing the anger building up in Naoya’s face.
“Regardless of what it was, as his father, I do not want her replicating such behavior. So, you either behave for the first time in your life, or I won’t allow you to see Naohime ever again!”
“So now you’re threatening me?” Naobito chuckled. “She’s a much better, promising daughter than any of you ever were. A shame you don’t see it.”
You sigh; it’s nothing but obvious that he’d been drinking, kind of. Alcohol only made his defensive, intolerant nature worse, and subsequently, impossible to engage in a conversation with him.
But it’s not like either expected any different, he’s always been like this and would continue to do so until forever it seems. Thus, after brief consideration, you and Naoya decide to follow through with what both thought best: spend a few days with your father in hopes of giving Naohime a breath of fresh air, a break from the estate, as well as the opportunity to get along with the rest of her relatives, ones both hoped she’d take after.
Something she clearly didn’t like, that much Naomi was able to assess after seeing the tantrum her little sister was throwing.
“No! I don’t wanna leave, no! No!” Naohime cried, fists closed tightly as she thrashes all around her bed. “Mama and Papa hates me!”
“It’s hate Naohime—and no, they don’t hate you, peanut.” Naomi says, carefully sitting by her side and placing her hand behind her back, hoping to stop her before she either hurts her or herself. “You just did something they didn’t like, that’s all.”
“No, I didn’t!” she protests. “I never do bad!”
Naomi raises an eyebrow; so young and already so sure of herself. Well, can’t say they aren’t related.
“You do realize you insulted the staff, right? The same people that feed you every day? How would you feel if someone from our family said the same thing to mama? Or papa? Call them stupid.”
Naomi frowns, disliking the mental image of her parents being belittled—or being told anything ugly! It’s one thing what she does, and another entirely different when pertaining to others. Her parents are off limits!
Regret soon fills her senses, but too embarrassed to admit her wrongdoings, she responds with the only phrase she thinks works the same.
“I don’t wanna leave…”
“…Just apologize, Naohime. That’s all Mama and Papa want from you.” Naomi says, patting her back once more. “And stop mimicking all that the old man does, ok? He’s not good for you.”
“But he’s funny…”
“Papa can be… funnier if that’s what you really want.” Naomi couldn’t believe what she was saying, but here she was, defending her father!
But it was true, in a way; and necessary to stop her baby sister from turning into a small Naobito.
“No, he’s silly…”
Naomi chuckles; well, at least she’s not easy to fool.
“Mama and Papa love you and want nothing but the best for you.”
“…I know.” Naohime eventually admits, finally giving way to the first step of her so-called redemption, an apology that the staff warmly received, her parents briefly taken aback, yet happy.
If not curious as to know why she’d done so in the first place; perhaps a sudden change of heart?
“I just spoke to her, you know. She’s still capable of hearing and understanding.” Naomi says. “Don’t give up without trying.”
“Oh, I know.” You lament, and the notion you’ve been dragging along of being the worst parent ever sank deeper into your mind. “I just… I guess I was just shocked to hear her say that! Something so terrible, and of course, how close she actually was to Naobito. I knew they got along, just not to this extent!”
“I should’ve known, my love. They spend the whole day together, and she rarely listens to us when she’s with him!” Naoya frowns, feeling equally incompetent. “Don’t solely reprimand yourself, I too was at fault.”
“Well, if you must know, she was really upset at the thought of you guys being angry with her.” Your eldest added. “And honestly, you aren’t such bad parents. Maybe a bit… embarrassing, but nothing she couldn’t tolerate and appreciate. She’s still your daughter at the end of the day.”
You and Naoya look at each other, as if silently discussing what your daughter just said before smiling, quickly acknowledging her words as truthful—that no matter what happens, regardless of the issues that would naturally arise as time went on, and everything else… Naohime was still your and Naoya’s daughter: the energetic, joyful, but most importantly, caring girl you raised her to be.
She just needed guidance from time to time, like everyone often does. Some more than others, but even that didn’t lessen your children before your eyes, stop you and Naoya from seeing them as what they really are: perfect.
To be given such wisdom through your daughter Naomi made the two also realize how much she’s grown. The once adorable, rosy-cheeked baby who followed you everywhere you took her was now a woman in her own right: one that is supportive of her parents, as well as a good older sister both always knew she’d be.
Ah, time sure flies by. Best to enjoy these moments while they last.
“Thank you, mochi.” You smile, approaching to give her a quick pinch on the cheek, a gesture that has her quickly flustered, tensing her shoulders as she looks away, hoping no one had seen so. “For being a good sister to Naohime and a good daughter to us.”
“Mom, seriously—can you stop with the names… I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“Hmmm, really? You still act like one though?” Naoya snickers, she rolls her eyes.
“Don’t you two have more important matters to tend to anyways?? Like Grandpa?? He’s been telling me non-stop how excited he is to have us over since it’s been so long since he last saw us and to let him know if there’s any food I’d like to eat over there so he can buy it! And I just promised Naohime you guys wouldn’t take her if she apologized, so…”
“Oh, shit!” You gasped, looking over to Naoya, wide-eyed just as he was, at the notion of unwittingly getting into another problem just as soon as you got rid of the other! “What are we going to do? We just can’t cancel on my dad; you know how upset he gets! And he’s been feeling awful as of lately too… I think he just figured out that Naohime prefers being around your dad over mine!”
“Naohime is going to be upset with us again… and your dad too.”
“Not if you bribe her.” Naomi suggests. And even if it were an idea that would essentially label the two as bad parents, you end up taking her proposal—call it a white little lie, a necessary evil, whatever it took to keep your family happy!
It may have been easier to not spoil Naohime that much from the very beginning… ease Eiichi, your father, from sending her toys whenever one crossed his path; Naobito from badly influencing her, and Naomi from trying to be the cool sister (though she’d always deny it), the one she could always rush to whenever none of the former were collaborating with her, however that may be done.
Well, there’s only so much that could be done in these circumstances—it is simply the blessing curse of being the youngest child.
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:') cool sister Naomi; I can't believe that one day I'm writing her as a baby and the next day she's Naohime's favorite hahahah 🥺 they grow up so fast....
Well, now I gotta turbo those tiktok requests because I fear I will forget them and THEN I WON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITEEEEE
Anyways, this was a treat to write, as always. I love it when you guys indulge in my domestic stuff 😭 the Naohime acceptance makes me very very happy 😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖 thank you so much!!! (though I gotta say, I hope we didn't come out as a horrible parent here hahah I don't know much about kids but I know for sure it's impossible for them to be perfect angels soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 🥺)
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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fumifooms · 9 months
Marchil crumbs part 5
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6 - part 7
The anime has come and since I have my shipping goggles on I am going to notice so much. This part will be less spoilery for anime onlys (tho if you want to see me talk about why I ship them and why they’re complementary this is not a good part to start with haha). Edit: After completing this part I can confirm it’s fully anime-onlys friendly and spoiler-free! For manga veterans though there are still some fun tidbits to be found, some recontextualisations and new extra content.
Holy shit guys they’re mirroring each other in the mural and reaching out to each other AND looking towards each other?!!!! Their pose is so striking and like perfectly align?! Which means it was so intentional and the staff wanted to highlight them (for an aesthetic and/or narrative purpose I’m sure but it happened)! I will never let this go we won so fucking hard let’s goooooo we are so back
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Character foils!! Dynamic duo!!
In the opening at 1:16 he looks at her to see if she’s really going to it as the most critical of monster food & muster up courage to dig into it himself lmao… "Marcille doesn’t look too grossed out, she’s picky so this food must be fine then" Aka treating her as a poison taster/good cuisine judge lmao
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Doodle from the animation director (source). I should translate it but I’m procrastinating on it so uh director’s brotp? Anyways they hanging out look at them :]
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Laios is thinking to himself there (he’s the one saying the subs), and in the meantime Marcille and Chilchuck talk, likely figuring out the money situation. Strategizing duo back at it again not wasting a second
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In the beginning of ep 1, when Marcille is rambling about where they could go to get food and what to grab, Chilchuck listens with a big smile & even closes his eyes as they walk. The implication is that he’s thinking about food, but man the scene hits different now that it’s voiced and I remember that indeed Chilchuck is closing his eyes to her voice and enjoying hearing her talk and ramble. I may be too far gone into the marchil pit
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I feel like already they’ve come far from when Chilchuck dreaded being alone with Shuro and Marcille, waiting for the Toudens and Namari to arrive.
Ok this might actually be smth I’m gonna complain about but I feel like blushes have been drawn too vividly so far. Why does Chilchuck look like he’s confessing when he tells her she’s not a burden and he didn’t mean to make her feel that way. It almost comes across as "Woah she cares what I think?" 💀 The banter ensuing is of course also great
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Ep 2 was an episode centered on them both that had the "Magic/Traps are my domain, don’t interfere!" parallel… And now with ep 3 we’re back to them being haters together. That’s her emotional support man
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In ep 4, it doesn’t show well with a screenshot but when Senshi talks about his unmanned vegetable stand with a treasure chest, while in the manga Marcille and Chilchuck both think the same thing, "That’s why that treasure chest akways had money in it…", but in the anime instead they literally finish each other’s thought. Talk about being on the same wavelength.
Ep 5 is a marchil goldmine actually, it showcases perfectly how much of a package deal they are lol. Always sticking close to each other. Glancing at each other during meals… They literally nod at each other before they try a bite to steel themselves. They exchange a serious thoughtful glance when Laios talks about Falin truly being gone atm. They argue a bit but they go right back to sitting right next to each other after the meal <3 My god I can’t deal with them they are so…… "Hate this bitch, not my friend" 3 secs later "Heyy bestie!!" Also he’s worried he brought her mood down after mentioning Falin. Made a post about ep 5 collecting even more screenshots.
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Episode 6 my hero my beloved… Again I made a post about the ep collecting all my screenshots here, and even a clip! But this IS the marchil crumbs masterpost thus I must collect the major ones here as well. First of all, fun staff drawings for the first screening!
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I already posted a screenshot from the trailer of when Chil had his head on his knees sitting next to her, but after seeing episode 5 I think it’s a fun and interesting trend to notice that they sit next to each other way unnecessarily close wow. They continue to banter a ton, she continues to be very casual with touch, and they’re really cute! I love just how much Marcille blushed damn- It’s really cute too when you remember with the bicorn chapter that Chilchuck teases Marcille BECAUSE he enjoys getting a rise out of her, flustering her and seeing her reactions. I support the teasing -> laughing because her reaction is over the top all-Chilchuck economy. Also she apologizes for having let him go alone and be gone for so long by helping him with sewing his cowl… Cuties
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She looked so happy when he opened up about his age!… And then seemed… Disappointed? When he "truly was just a kid". "So you really are a kid! How boring…" This implies that her intent was to tease him for funsies… Ok lads we reached 30 pics see you next post, I’m gonna cover the "wake up clumsy head" manga-anime differences and we’re gonna go back to our usual spoilers yummy schedule.
Here’s Marcille cosplaying as a succubus in the newest Daydream Hour… She may not be a half-foot or have deep-set eyes but let’s be real I think he’d explode
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part 6 here!!
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salty-an-disco · 6 months
Hey Salty. I am currently infected by your ContraHero disease. *Sits down with a smile, ready for you to give me your sales pitch.*
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To start off my essay, on Why Hero and Contrarian Should Kiss, let’s go over their
✨Story Parallels✨
They both differentiate from other voices in that they aren’t born after an interaction with the Princess. Hero, from being our agency, appears in the moment we make any significant choice to progress the story. And if that choice is in direct opposition to the first order given to us, Contrarian also appears. They unique in how they aren’t depend on the Princess’ perspective on us to be born (and perhaps that’s why they aren’t as stuck in their singular title like the other voices seem to be).
Hero represents agency. Our freedom to make choices.
Contrarian represents individuality. Our freedom to be ourselves.
Together, they can offer even more choices. Which, ironically, leads us to the most straightforward and linear route in the game. By focusing so much on ourselves and on our choices, we failed to meet with the princess and give her a chance to form her own unique identity.
With individuality tho, comes self-consciousness, and the ability to look at yourself and go, “Damn… I fuckin’ suck.” WHICH BRINGS US NEATLY TO OUR SECOND PART–
The Final Cabin aka. in Which They Already Sound Like a Married Couple
Hero will always be in the final cabin. He’s agency, the reason we can find it in the first place.
But if Contrarian was also with you when you entered the cabin for the first time, he will also be there as a permanent reminder of the choices you made to lead you there. And he’s deeply and painfully aware of it.
He sat there for Who Knows How Long with only his mistakes to think about and all the ways they could’ve done better. But here’s the thing– the only way this could’ve been ‘better’ is if Contrarian didn’t appear in the first place, if you had gone to the cabin as normally. So, he’s just thinkin’ of how his very existence seems to make things worse.
And then comes Hero and Quiet! Finally, something different, but familiar, happening. He has someone else to talk to, and can finally get out of his own thoughts.
And, OK, I cannot talk about this part without gushing because, OMG GUYS.
Both Hero and Contra sound so worn down, but so glad to see each other! And the way Hero catches to how different Contra seems, and how fond his “You’ve really grown a heart, haven’t you?” sounds, like???? HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THEM AFTER THAT????
And just their banter, with Hero trying to cheer Contra up with little jokes of his own (“there’s your third beat” JUST PULL OUT MY HEART AND SQUISH IT, WHY DON’T YOU??)
“But… that’s the worst part of us. That’s me she’s talking about.”
Beyond all that though, they’re just fuckin’ cute together.
Guy who shoulders too much responsibility + Guy who always throws responsibilities out the window.
They balance out each other, with Hero keeping Contra grounded and focused, while Contra reminds Hero it’s OK to just rest and have fun sometimes. And also. Hero is also a gremlin with high tolerance for Shenanigans, and Contra would just enable that side of him, which is exactly what he needs tbh.
In conclusion: They should kiss
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louislovesdilfs · 10 months
Homesick (part 2)
Happy 60th Doctor Who anniversary! how could I not release the second part of this fic today, this is a bit long but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway.
sources: MatPat (film theory) and r/gallifrey on reddit (it was a debate so I took informations from different people and kind of mixed them together to work with something reliable,sort of)
pairing: 9th/10th Doctor x male!reader
please dont take anything I say about Doctor Who universe for canon, this may or may not be true, some of these are just theories, take them as such.
"I told you I didn't like him, right?" Y/n says getting in the TARDIS, he sits on the yellow seats near the console lookin at Rose tilting his head a little, The Doctor chuckles as he watches the young man teasing Rose.
"oh please Y/n, just admit you were jelous" she scoffs teasing him back, they're talking about Rose new 'Boyfriend' Adam, he turned out to be as dumb as a donkey...no poor donkey he is as dumb as a rock.
"jelous? of that guy? tsk" he says almost offended by Rose's statement, he wasn't jelous, jelous of what? Rose? yea right...she's like his little sister, she looks a lot like his actual sister...or how she would look like now...anyway The Doctor flirts with Rose too and it doesn't bother him, it does bother him when The Doctor flirts with anybody else but that's totally unrelated.
"got all defensive now have you?" she teases him with a victory smirk on her face, Y/n tho ignores her turning to The Doctor who's grinning while messing with the console.
"Y/n is right tho, he got a hole in his head." The Doctor points out, Y/n smiles at him and they bump fists as Rose sighs
"two against one, so unfair" she says as the two men laugh looking at each other.
"is that a good idea?" Y/n asks genuinely concerned, Rose wants to see her father when he was still alive, she wants to witness his death, legit of course but absolutely not a good idea.
"I just want to know how he was." she says, a but of sadness in her voice,
"I'm not judging you, it's jus- it's ok watching your parents' wedding but witness his death?" Y/n says again, he knows about witnessing a parent death and it's not great, definitely not something he wants to repeat
"how would you know?" Rose doesn't actually snap at him, it's a genuine question born from his concern, he looks away not wanting to answer at first so The Doctor interrupts them
"he's just worried, and so am I Rose" The Doctor says resting a hand on Y/n's shoulder, the man probably understood, he can see Y/n's been trough something and doesn't want to share, after all The Doctor does the same thing.
"I want to see him." she says firmly, Y/n and The Doctor let out a defeated sigh
"your wish is my comand, just be careful what you wish for" The Doctor says pressing some buttons.
As Y/n predicted things went terribly, Rose did manage to adjust the mess she made anyway, the three are silently walking to The TARDIS but Rose is looking at Y/n and then at The Doctor who shifts his gaze from the floor to her and then him before shaking his head lightly at Rose.
"Y/n" she calls turning to him ignoring The Doctor
"yes?" he turns to her not suspecting anything
"do you have a family?" she asks, rightfully Y/n thinks, they both oepend up, The Doctor talked about the Time War and his planet, Rose made them witness her father's death and in general they always tell some stories from their past, Y/n doesn't, it did make the both of them curious even if The Doctor didn't want to admit it.
"once." he sighs and he is thinking about stopping there but seeing the curious gaze of his friends makes him give in.
"we were four, my dad, he was a lawyer, worked until his last day on earth, my sister...she...she was so sweet, she looked like you Rose.." he says looking at her, she did look like her sister, it was painful yet beutiful in his eyes.
"she disappeared, probably kidnapped." he says but his ideas on the matter where slightly different, he could ask The Doctor to go back just to have the answers but he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to know if she's dead. He wants to keep hoping.
"my mother died when I was 7, she died in front of me, she wanted to help a poor man on the road, he then tried to kiss her and she rejected him, he gave her 50 stabs, I was there, I witnessed it all. He wasn't a poor man and she wasn't his first victm. The police didn't arrive on time and he was running away. I grab his knife and- " he stops, his hands closed in fists as his eyes are holding back tears. The Doctor brushes his knuckles and holds his hand as soon as Y/n lets him. Rose looks at the two men hesitating before hugging Y/n, she didn't want to ruin the moment between the two.
"he will stay on a wheelchair for the rest of his life." he says looking at The Doctor and holding his hand tightly as he rests the other on Rose's shoulders accepting the hug. After a while she lets go of him and the three enter The TARDIS but she notices, the two men are still holding hands, they're sharing a grief, both of them are alone in this world, the look in their eyes is similar, Rose sees it, do they?
to be honest all the time Y/n wasted flirting with Jack gave him something else to thinks about even if that would mean having the burning stare of The Doctor on his neck. His mind was repeating the same things, over and over: there is no escape, they're all going to die, what if Rose gets turned in one of them? what if The Doctor is the one? can't go home without him, they're going to be stuck there, forever, die like this, being emptied out...what a pathetic way to die. He wakes up from his thoughts, the group is not far from him still they sound distant, maybe cause he's not paying attention to them, something in the room feels wrong, something is off even if it's hard to recall what precisely. He sees it tho, after a few minutes, the little boy behind her, it's too late to yell at them to run, it's too late to warn Rose but something makes Y/n's legs move as fast as they could putting himself between Rose and the kid, he feels the touch of the tuny hand and the only thing he can do now is turn to face the others,
"Run" Y/n says with a pale face, what an idiot he is, sacrifice himself, the thought of it almost makes him chuckle,
"Y/n-" Rose tries to say something but the young man shakes his head interrupting her,
"no, I won't let that happen again. Go. it was good while it lasted." that's all he can say, the thing is pushing in his throat, it draws blood as it makes its way to the surface, it hurts, it's all so painful, he shuts his mouth trying to hold back the infamous words he feels in his throat; he helds back tears too, Y/n doesn't want them to see him that vulnerable, it's so pathetic. He couldn't let Rose die, he couldn't let that happen, not again, she...not her, not now.
"You're not going to die, Y/n, that's a promise" The Doctor says in a deadly serious tone, he looks mad, maybe at himself for allowing this to happen.
"go..m-mom-" Y/n falls to his knees before the complete dark, he doesn't see anything, he feels his body moving but has no control of it, that is his end, that's where he will stay for the rest of eternity but then a familiar voice brings him back to reality.
"Y/n!" Rose says as the young man opens his eyes,
"Rose? what?" he asks puzzled, he looks at her as she smiles widely. Rose pulls him in a tight hug and he allows her to do so, he's happy she's okay and apparently he is too. The Doctor joins the hug too as Y/n hugs him even tighter, The Doctor laughs shaking his hand in Y/n's hair messing them up a bit.
"you thought you lost me didn't you?" Y/n asks smiling at the man, the smile was genuine, The Doctor stares at the young man for a while thinking how complicated this guy is, there are worlds to discover in Y/n, worlds.
"you doubted me didn't you?" he asks offended but still smiling, his smile is wide, he's so happy to see Y/n again, he did think he lost him for a second,
"answer a question with a question?" he shots back looking in The Doctor's eyes with a cheeky smirk,
"avoiding to answer the question?" both of them laugh leaving Rose in confusion,
"oh god oh shit!" Y/n says looking at the glass bridge, he is in some sort of game he doesn't remember how he got in or when he just know he is there, he needs to play to survive, squid game style, indeed the game he needs to play is exactly like the one in the show, 18 sets of pannels, the players have to jump on one of them and hope the glass they jumped on is the tempered one, if not they fall dying, Y/n hates the game, it's generally decided by random coin flips, worst case scenario we have 18 deaths, best case scenario 0 deaths but the chances are more than just low.
The chances for the first in line to get everything right are 1 in 262.144 wich gives and average of 9 deaths, meaning: first 6 people are screwed with less than 5% chance of survival while going 13th and later the chances grow to 95% or better. Y/n knows it, it doesn't take long to do the math, he chooses his number, 13, he's the 13th in line the game for him goes smoothly but he will always remember the screams he heard while the other fell in the nothingness. Once on the other side the bridge explodes and all the pieces of glass hit Y/n everywhere leaving him tiny cuts all over, he is a bloody mess and as soon as The Doctor rescues him he notice the lucid eyes of his.
"you ok?" he asks brushing the other man's hand in a caring way, Y/n doesn't answer, he just nods. lies.
Later on, The Doctor, Rose and Y/n are on floor 500, as Rose's speaks
"suppose" she says and The Doctor turns to her
"what?" he asks, Y/n turns to her too, hoping she has a good idea
"nothing" she shakes her head still thinking
"c'mon Rose, spit it out" Y/n sighs, his face still covered in tiny cuts and bruises bleading from some of them.
"No, I was just thinking. I mean, obviously you can't, but, you've got a time machine. Why can't you just go back to last week and warn them?" she says, The Doctor and Y/n both shake their head, it was a nice try, not good enough but nice.
"As soon as the Tardis lands in that second, I become part of events, stuck in the timeline." The Doctor explains but then he rants about something, it isn't clear to Y/n even if he can understand half the things he says, he learns fast and really smart but yet something about this Delta Wave and crossing his own timeline seems off and wrong, too late to understand it tho, the TARDIS starts to move Y/n rushes to the door before it closes shut but they don't lead where Y/n wishes, a vortex is what he finds, he falls in it as he hears Rose shouting his name and then the TARDIS door closing.
Y/n risked his life tons of time with The Doctor, he did always end up alive tho, The Doctor was such a brilliant man, it didn't last as long as Y/n wished; that's what his mind thinks before the pain, he's falling while the time winds shred his body, the pain is excruciating, he can't scream, he can't cry, he can't even breath; the air is stuck in his lungs while all his body gets older, he can feel his organs failing, but it gets also younger, his cells go back to when they were born. His body tries to heal itself as fast as it can, it borns and dies a countless amount of times.
His mind sees everything, every point in history, he's there. He has always been there. His brain gains informations it shouldn't get, too much he feels it melt, it isn't tho, no, no it is expanding itself in a painful process, as slow as it is quick. Time is relative, past, present, future...and then the end. He's back, a gold light makes him come back, it's like his heart beats twice, his chest hurts, his head hurts, his eyes are complitely red, blood is where is supposed to be white, he sees The Doctor, his Doctor kissing Rose...she's alive, he's alive...Y/n closes his eyes but a smile is formed on his lips as a tear runs down his cheek before the dark.
When his eyes open he is inside of the TARDIS, Rose is on the ground, alive but probably unconscious, The Doctor is near the console shining in the same gold light, Y/n understands something is going to change, his mind is still hurting him but that doesn't stop him from standing up ignoring the pain in his body.
"Y/n, oh you're so stubborn, you couldn't just stay in the TARDIS huh?" The Doctor says while his hands glow, it's not as pretty as before, it looks wrong.
"you're dying are you?" he says looking at the man's hand, The Doctor smiles shaking his head
"Timelords regenerate, we change appearance to cheat death, It's the last time you're seeing me with this face, Y/n" he says looking at the young man, he's looking at him like this will be the last time he will be able to do it, Y/n gets closer but The Doctor steps back telling him to stop, Y/n doesn't, he gets closer to the man touching his cheek with his right hand, no words are spoken between the two, just an understanding look, a stolen kiss, quick, meaningless.
Rose wakes up in time for The Doctor's goodbye, a burst of golden light and then a new face, he surely looks handsome, messy hair, cheeky smile, he's good looking for sure.
"where was I? ah yes..Barcellona!"
as everyone is celebrating the Sycorax leaving Y/n feels like he already saw it, he knoes something is wrong as he looks at The Doctor faking a smile to avoid ruining the moment, but Y/n can't lie to The Doctor, he always seems to see right trough his lies sometimes. He gets closer looking at the young man
"what?" he asks, new voice, new accent...it's difficult for Y/n to see his Doctor in this man
"something is about to happen" and as he says that the Sycorax spaceship explodes attacked by 5 green beams that steak up in the sky
"what is that? what's happening?" Rose asks as her smile disappears quickly, Y/n stares at Harriet with fire in his eyes, not thinking about why he knew something was coming, it doesn't matter now, he feels his blood boil as he he grits his teeth before speaking in a very low voice
"they killed them." he says and then turns to The Doctor, the man sees the fury in Y/n's eyes but understands it, he shares the same anger, Y/n whispers something to The Doctor and he nods getting closer to Harriet's assistant, five words, and she's done. 
"Oh, it's beautiful. What are they, meteors?" Rose asks looking at the sky,
The Doctor dressed up with a brown suit and a long coat on top, he's wearing white converse which Y/n, who loves sandshoes, appreciates about this new Doctor,
" It's the spaceship breaking up in the atmosphere. This isn't snow, it's ash." he explains looking at the sky as well
Y/n stays behind, watching the two of them, he listens to the conversation, he doesn't want to interrupt them, he doesn't want to be the third wheel really,
"Well, back to the Tardis. Same old life." he says looking at Rose
" On your own?" she asks biting her nail a but unsure about his answer, Y/n scoffs silently, of course not, look at him, the man is lost.
"Why, don't you want to come?" The Doctor asks her raising his eyebrows
"Well, yeah." she says and in that moment Y/n interrupts leaning against the TARDIS
"I'm invited too right? just checking" he asks crossing his arms
"I'd love for the both of you to come" The Doctor says looking at Y/n and then at Rose, she takes Y/n hand dragging him near them, and then she takes The Doctor's too, they start pointing at the stars asking in which direction they should go, wherever will do, for the first time ever Y/n is actually feeling good about something.
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phxntomhives · 3 months
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I'm resurrecting from the dead
Did you get the joke? No? Ok
Small analysis of this pic
But I'd like to remind you I am no expert on the topic, it's just my 2 cent lol
End of S4 spoilers + manga spoilers under the cut
I am quite confident this is dedicated to the midnight tea party of the anime right now. His identity has been revealed so what better way to celebrate than such a wonderful art?
The first thing I personally noted is the pose. Our dear yandere pose (I got Yuno war fleshbacks ngl) The smile, the hands, that eye. He has the full pack. We can all agree he goes a little insane when we talk about the Phantomhive... but yandere? I wouldn't say so (at least not yet, tho he may be on the correct road to become it). I guess he is dancing on the line between sanity and insanity and this is just the result of it.
Someone already said the liquid that is falling is tea. But I am also very much reminded of blood when looking at that color (and knowing his story, it also fits). Thought it may be just me. I would also like to point out how the tea is not just spilling over from the teapots, they are breaking. And Undertaker is just staring at the scene with insanity.
I am also going insane about all the hands: there is a right hand holding the sugar bowl. Then there is another right hand, holding a teacup which is also crumbling down. But that teacup is being "filled" of tea, that is dropping from above. Then there is also a left hand on the top, holding the teapot's handle (that is now detached from the main body). And there is a fourth hand, holding the dessert. So, here is my idea: the three hands that are holding the tea set represent 3 of the prefects: if I were to take a guess from here I would say that the broken teapot could be Herman Greenhill (the most broken one since he likely feels worst about the situation since he technically started everything). Then the sugar bowl could be Lawrence Bluewer: it is just being destroyed and has no power in the situation. The broken teacup is Edgar Redmond: he tried to hold it together but in the end he still lost control over the situation. Let me first go to the dessert now, I'll go to the other hand in a second.
The dessert. Listen, I am no expert in those but I know a strawberry when I see one. And I believe that is very much R!Ciel's favourite snack a strawberry cake. So listen, if we can discuss that the hand holding the teacup could be X or Y, here I am quite confident it is just R!Ciel. Not to mention that Undertaker is technically staring at him with the yandere look so it would make sense: he would be staring a Phantomhive AND an almost perfect Bizzare Doll he has created. I would go yandere too ngl. The dessert is being "watered" by the tea, which if I am correct and it does also symbolize blood, it could represent the idea/the begin of the blood transfution to keep R!Ciel alive. AND the dessert is being held by the last hand. Who were we missing of the P4 again? Violet. And who has casually the same blood type of R!Ciel? Violet. So I think this is him.
One last thing I noticed of the hands is that three of them are "in the dark" (both at the top and left one at the bottom: Lawrence, Greenhill and Redmond), while the one in the bottom right (Violet) is a little more illuminated than the others. Does this confirm/imply that Violet does already know a little more than the others? I'll let you make a decision I feel it may be just the light and I am becoming paranoid.
I absolutely LOVE how the background is the midnight flower glowing. It gives such a nice contrast in the picture. It also helps in making undertaker look even more ominous lolol. It's so bright and maybe it stands for everything pure you can think of. But Undertaker has turned his back to that light and is just enjoying the chaos. I am trying to find more stuff about the flower and its meaning let's see if I find something eheh
That is all thanks for bearing with me lol.
On a side note: did he always had that ring "tattoo" on his pinky? I am blind ✨✨
(I may check later for grammar mistaker I am tired now)
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saintobio · 6 months
Omg ok ok hello! I had this huge rant in my head about sy and sn so pls feel free to ignore it, but I love your writing so much and it gives me some STRONG FEELINGS. First of all it surprised me that I like the way you write y/n cuz she doesn't become a "bitch" after the whole deal with Gojo and have some elaborate revenge plan, but she is also not a goody two shoes (even if she stayed with Gojo earlier but she had a lot of external pressure to stay in the marriage). Not that those tropes are necessarily bad but it's just more realistic this way. She's just a person who has been deeply hurt and is trying to do right by others. Even if she has made big mistakes, she still wants to make up for them cuz she's not completely in the right either. Also getting bashed by everyone for trying to make amends/ not following their advice regarding you own life; while very triggering for me (lol) is also just such a natural reaction. Not right, just natural. When things get out of people's hands and they want to blame someone for it, they often go for the one who is actually trying and won't retaliate if for nothing than to just keep the peace. Also wanting people to understand your side of the situation yet feeling undeserving of it at the same time because of your mistakes is UGHHH I feel like you do that so well! It's amazing but genuinely heartbreaking to see how far Satoru has come as a person too. Also when he thinks about how he wants to be a better person for Akemi IT MADE ME WANT TO PUT MY HEAD THROUGH A WALL... cuz WHY COULDN'T HE BE LIKE THAT FOR US!!! At the same time we have moved on without him, so if we are allowed that luxury then why isn't he? It's just so ANGSTY AND SO SO GOOD! Because we love Satoru we always will but he had a chance and he fricked it over terribly! So it would be idiotic to go back to him but at the same time the heart yearns for him. This is a side tangent but whenever any character says "this is not like you", "you have changed, this isn't how you'd act" makes me so MAD lol (maybe bc I am triggered?) But these guys WATCHED MY GIRL GO THROUGH SOME HORRIFIC SHIT AND STILL EXPECT HER TO NOT BE PERMANANTLY AND IRREVERSIBLY CHANGED???!! ;-;; IDK what they want from her oof >.< I do think Akemi is a shitty friend but I can't bring myself to hate her completely. Seeing them together is so ANGER INDUCING AAAAA (and her wanting a family with him is fine BUT THIS EARLY?!JUST AFTER ADMITTING YOU FEEL "SORRY" FOR BETRAYING US?! IT MAKES ME WANNA HURL HER TRHOUGH CONCRETE) but at the same time Satoru and Akemi both deserve someone who can love them. It feels hypocritical to be angry when we ourselves told him to move on and find someone who can love him the way he deserves. It's just very very shitty it had to be them. Sera is also such an interesting character. She has a lot of traits that I admire a lot. Her resourcefulness and complete and utter pride/confidence and being unashamed to ask for things/ stand up for herself (even when she is wrong) is something I wish I had sometimes. Still wanna stick her head through a toilet tho and yet when a person who slept with a married man can see the bloody violation of girls' code that is sleeping with your bff's EX HUSBAND oh BOY you should KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG. I have no strong feelings for Toji (cuz I don't like him much anyways but that's just personal bias XD )but I do think his anger and frustration is well founded especially since he runs over whenever the reader needs him. He's so supportive and invested and honestly he deserves someone who can give that back to him. It's kinda sad but then again I don't like him much to begin with lol.
All in all I hate how much I love this series and love to hate these characters and take out my repressed anger on them cuz I can't do that irl. This series is my Roman Empire lol. It's so painful, yet so beautiful and it makes you FEEL so many things and yet hold out hope for things to become better. I love this, love you and your writing- ok mwah bye bye (and thank you if you read this rant put together by my post nap, barely coherent brain) I have so much more that I want to say. I can write essays about this series and how it uses so many technically "cliche" tropes but it is anything but cliche . Truly some of the best angst I have read like ever!
oh wow !! i don’t even know what to say, this feels like such a comprehensive review of the sy series sdksks but i think many readers could definitely relate with some of ur points here :D this is such a nice perspective to read, thank you so much for sharing and tysm for reading sn/sy aaaaa i’m happy u enjoy the angst as much as i do <3
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camryntheking · 5 months
Season 4 reaction
I might just do this for every season cos i need to rant (Autism things. Iykyk).
Ok. 4x03. The whole Eddie and Hildy thing is so fucking funny. And Buck and Chris teaming up to get the coffee maker is so domestic. I love it so much lmao
And naturally i watched 9-1-1: Lone Star 2x03. Ive seen some episodes so i have some knowledge about the characters, but not much. But its so funny. TK always knew lmao
Then we have 4x05. Buck Begins. Man i almost cried so many times. I knew about the Daniel thing but i didnt know the whole story and. Whew. Its a lot. But im glad he has the 118 and Athena to help him and to be his family. Maddie to. I can see both of their sides tho. But when Buck got the clean bill of health Eddie was just like a husband waiting for him to come home lmao. I love them so much. And the ending scene with Maddie and Buck is so sweet 🥹
And i know its not my usual topic, but in 4x07, the whole plot with David, Michael, and Bobby is so funny. I dont know much about Michael’s storyline, so i am actually clueless as to how it turns out. But the three of them are so great together and i hope to see more!
4x08. I know some about Taylor. So the fact she is back is making me 😠. And she did not have to call Buck out like that. Homeboy has been through some shit and is trying to figure it out. But Buck and Chris’ friendship is so pure and i love them so much❤️❤️
4x11. Athena’s “dont even think about it Buck” has me CACKLING. She is such a mom to him and its amazing
And Jealous Eddie in 4x12 with the treasure hunt? Homeboy does NOT like Taylor (cant blame him tho). And Chim and Hen’s friendship is fucking amazing. But the whole 118 trying to find the treasure is so funny. The fact that Ravi found it first tho? I love that man
4x13. Eddie is already having doubts about Ana. Homeboy does not like women and you cannot convince me otherwise. And the scene of Eddie getting shot made me cry. I can definitely see why people think that this is where the Buddie arc was supposed to happen. Cos they held eye contact and Eddie reached out for Buck. And that could be seen as platonic but knowing everything we do, it just seems like it was a set up for a romantic arc
And 4x14 starts with Buck crawling under a fire truck to get to Eddie. Without a second thought, he rolled under a firetruck, the thing that caused so much trauma, to get to Eddie. And Eddie was so concerned that Buck was hurt even though he was the one bleeding. And i guess Taylor can have her good moments. But the scene where Buck tells Chris what happened breaks my heart. He was trying to hold it together for Chris but once he knew that Eddie made it through surgery? He couldnt hold in his emotions. And then when they are talking about the will. Its so soft between them. And Eddie just knows that Buck wouldnt say no to taking in Chris. And i think that just shows how close of a bond they have. This was totally a set up for a romantic arc, but of course F*x had to shut that down 😒
“Because, Evan” 😭😭😭
And i love that Albert is gonna be a firefighter. I love that man
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bee-named-alex · 4 months
Ok so the promised thoughts about Interview with the Vampire s2e5 (keep in mind that i haven't read the books, i've only seen some posts by people who have) SPOILERS
This episode was... heavy I guess is the right word. Pretty dark. Some things real fucked up. But also like emotionally.
I'll start with the nice thing, which is the Daniel and Louis dynamic; I really enjoy their present selfs, finding out their memories together. I like that Daniel even seems to be disappointed when Louis say that they didn't do anything lmao. Yeah and them in past is super fun too, at least at the start; Louis being happy with, Daniel "I did what I had to" Molloy taking of his shirt the moment he gets an excuse to do so.
It's interesting tho, the way Louis talks about Lestat has changed. But yeah, time passes and changes perspective (or maybe they have met after this sometimes and that changed it, but in that case i would have to ask where is lestat now)
And I think talking about the 70s takes immense trust on both parts, but especially Daniel's. I mean uncovering what he knows is risky, even without Armand in there.
Speaking of, I like that we get to hear how he likes to hunt; they tell us ("he's gonna be begging for it in an hour" or something like that) and show us with Daniel, that Armand likes his victims to be so mentally broken by him that they basically offer themselves up to him (similar to what Santiago does on stage)
Now that I've opened up Armand's behaviour, I'll talk a little about their fight. Like I get it. I get them both, Armand more than I thought I would. But fucking christ. They are both saying the hard truths (which i doubt is common in their relationship) and so it's spicy.
Louis bringing up Armand's past is fucked. But also Armand being so jealous of Lestat, like he's been their whole relationship; i like to see that, this seed of hatred and resentfulness that keeps hurting them even in present day.
And then Louis runs out and that is something i did not see coming and i feel so bad for him, like omg. And the way Armand acts towards him then feels really cruel but in the light of their fight i guess he gets to be angry (but i still dont like it)
Armand listening to the tapes and promptly torturing Daniel for four fucking days. Crazy. I mean yea this is "Torture as foreplay, the show" but still? Mental.
I wholeheartedly agree with "Fuck your boyfriend"
I'm not actually tho sure if he's torturing him for the fun of it or out of jeaulosy or if he actually wants to find out "what makes him fascinating" but still, jesus (He really said, you could be on your knees in a second and you WILL, lol)
The Lestat-Armand scene broke my heart. This means that they both know that Lestat is alive because Louis didn't look at all surprised that he is, only shocked that Armand knew where he was. So id like to know if he actually found out (when? how??) or if he just assumed.
Now, what is Armand trying to do here? If it's to hurt Louis, he's successful but it hurts me to think that's it. If it's actually to make Louis happy, than he's doing it all wrong, like Louis tells him like a million times to stop. If it's to show that he's better, or like to give Louis a choice and hope he's the chosen one, I mean I guess? Still don't get it tho.
I really like that he refuses to say the "I love you", because, well, I'm not sure about the intentions, but to me it shows that he is scared that Louis would leave him if he knew. Which is not an unfounded fear really, not from the point of view of someone who's been listening to the tapes and hearing Lestat, Lestat, Lestat... over and over again. I think that the tapes kinda confirm Armand's fears that he isn't "enough" for Louis and could never be enough because he just isn't Claudia and he just isn't Lestat.
And the talk after that scene, "he is just my maker" yea no we both know you're lying. But then they explain why Armand's acting kinda like a servant to Louis (because to be tired of cleaning messes, you would have to have cleaned a lot of messes), because he's trying to undo something that happened in Paris? (Claudia is in danger, i fear)
Speaking of Lestat, where is he?? I mean he doesn't know where Louis is and Armand refuses to tell him, but I don't think that's just it. Like, I'm pretty sure if he could, Lestat would burn the whole word to find Louis. So it might be that he's been locked up somewhere? (i have seen people who know the books talk about some dungeon i think?? but idk)
Next thing I find quite fascinating (haha) is the very confusing Loumand power dynamic. It mostly comes from Armand and the way he seems to have two conflicting personalities that he switches between; one of them is the "cold, dark, manipulative, always in power, will torture you mentally", you know like he was acting with Daniel for most of the episode, and then there is the "devoted servant, looking to please and get love, yes maitre, of course maitre" or as Louis calls it, very 'tactly' I might add, "the bitch he was groomed to become", (it is obviously a horrible thing to say, i mean come on, louis.)
And I'm not sure what causes him to switch, if it just happens inside him or if the change is somehow (intentionally or even unintentionally) caused by Louis. It also kinda reminds me of the way Lestat has the mental stability of a rocking horse, but instead of it being "Everything is fine -> Rage", it's "I'm in power -> I will do literally anything you say".
Also idk how Louis feels about this. Because he will certainly use this side of Armand to get what he wants, but I'm not all that sure that he necessarily enjoys that power. Whatever it is, he saved Daniel thanks to it so yeah, good.
The ending, i am a little scared about, i will admit. Not sure how fast Armand can figure out what they know, and when he does, if they will know that he knows that they know. Dubai scenes are gonna be fun is what im saying.
Lastly, the trailer. Looks great again, more Loumand scenes that will hopefully be healthier than whatever this was. I am scared for Claudia as per Armand's "Have I atoned for my part of Paris?" i think the girl is done for. Also Santiago clearly play part in that, i've seen some people talk about a court?? and it looks like he's gonna do just that, probably court for Claudia and Louis (and possibly Armand?)
This didn't fit anywhere, but this episode somehow made me like Armand more? Not as a person, but as a character. I was always team Lestat and it might be because he was there first and i tend to be biased towards that, but maybe it's the fact that he was just more fun to watch. Like both his "normal" and his "fucked up". Armand was really cool too, but his "normal" i just didn't enjoy as much. But his "fucked up" was horrifying and also totally fascinating to watch so now i like him a little more than before (lestat still remains above him tho, idk what to tell you)
So anyways I hope you enjoyed my rant. I will happily read any responses also I might add to this if I remember something later.
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kozumesphone · 4 months
also, second one (cause i couldnt resist)
if u seek amy! i think thatll be fun
my hobby is reading and playing the guitar!
i think i read like fifty books last year..
my fav books are pjo tlt (its nostalgic ok!!) and the hunger games series
i like to play mostly taylor swift and gracie abrams songs on the guitar!
i basically steal my sisters guitar whenever i want to play cause i dont have my own lol (im better than her)
my favorite taylor swift song is youre on your own kid
my favorite gracie abrams song is feels like
my favorite color is yellow (pretty obvious i think) it reminds me of sunshine and just overall happy things yk?
my favorite season is spring! the flowers start blooming and theyre so pretty (downside are the bugs)
i have a lot of favorite shows: stranger things, brooklyn 99, the good place, modern family
my favorite subject is chemistry! i love learning about the world around me and its properties etcetc
some random stuff about my personality: i get distracted so easily its a nightmare to study, i am an emotional wreck i cry easily, definitely a night owl, hufflepuff, daughter of poseidon
i dont mind if u pick someone from a book i dont recognise, that will just give me incentive to read it!!!
oh forgot to mention im a straight girl
love uuuu and congrats again!!!
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⟢ “I love you, okay, darling!”
a/n: okay but the way the ship name is corason? which sounds so close to corazon? which means like ‘my dear’ in italian, I think?? MADE FOR EACH OTHER MUCH 🤭💓
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I think you’d best match with jason grace!
I mean, daughter of poseidon x son of jupiter? hello?? PERFECTION!!
jason would learn to play the piano while you play the guitar, so you guys could play music together
he LOVES laying on your stomach while you read on your bed and run your fingers through his hair
^ sometimes, he even falls asleep like that, and you both slowly shift into cuddling
he definitely hypes you up to finish your goodreads reading goal, if not exceed it (what can I say? he’s jason grace)
he definitely went to the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie with you (supportive bfs even when they have no idea what you read/watch >>)
he once asked you why you love yoyok by taylor, and straight up bawled while you explained to him what the song meant
he’s a very sunshine-y person, just like you, so when you guys are together, leo pretends to faint and says “too much sun! i’m getting sunstroke! help!!” and he thinks he’s really funny (i’d laugh, ngl <3)
come springtime, he lets you put all the flowers you collect over the summer into his hair
^ he also does the rapunzel braid on your hair and puts in matching flowers in it
(he drives away the bugs for you, dw!)
in an au, he’d never have heard of any tv shows, but after hearing you yap to him about them, he watches them ALL and makes notes about them too (about what? only he knows.)
okay, here we’re going off the rails so badly, but it’s a very ooc and personal hc of mine: jason sucks ASS at geography and chemistry. he will literally breakdown at the very thought of them.
he gets you to help him out with the chemistry part, and he teaches you math (if you’re not good at it already)!
he makes sure you don’t let yourself get burnt out while studying, and also makes sure you don’t get distracted and procrastinate
he comforts you at any time of the day: you say it, he’ll be over asap to give you free cuddles with your favourite chocolates & drinks
sometimes, he doesn’t even need you to tell him. he’ll just. know. when you’re feeling off. and his jacie senses tingle, and he calls you up and goes, “is it cuddletime?” and then drives over
while you’re a night owl, he’s an early bird (he must teach me his way, tho, because h o w)
^ you stay up till 2-3 am reading/studying and wake up by 9 or 10 am, while he sleeps by 10 pm and wakes up by 5 am to the dot
so you guys leave each other sticky notes before going to bed for the other one to see when they wake up
you guys 100% go on bookstore dates (he buys you everything you can carry on your own), library/study dates (especially while grinding during finals szn), museum dates (to mock the statues), beach dates (so he can get mesmerised while watching you do silly little tricks with the water and talk to the fishies), etc.
his love language is 101% physical touch & acts of service <3
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temp. taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
@sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @roses4plvto
@urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
@lara20aral @bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
@solangelotus @brodieland @s1utlvr @imasimpdealwithit @waitingonher
@nqds @skyrigel @daydream-of-a-wallflower @hermidastouch @catastrxblues
@moon-drop18 @d4rkdi0rrr @hopelesslyromantic-shark @saltwatergirl6 @hope92100
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