#the second is that I also like very very bad music sometimes; but I'm aware that it's wretched and terrible; it just... it's interesting
medicinemane · 8 months
If this world is stupid and people fail to see all the corporate related issues, and brain implants get mass adopted I can tell you two things
One, I won't get one, I don't even want my fridge to have something like that, so why would I want it in my own brain?
Two, I will figure out how they're hacked and I will use this information to drop songs directly into people's brains. I will DJ for people regardless of what they want, because you can say many things about me but I do have good taste in music so I'm right to make them listen to things like Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds
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kanmom51 · 5 months
Public service notice
Remember how I said I haven't blocked you just yet @chaotickoalacat ?
Well, got your reply ask, and let me tell you this:
I'm really tempted to do it right now.
I am not going to answer this ask, more so because I know how you will be literally crucified in the comments not only for the utter nonsense you are spewing but the way you are doing so.
I will address a couple of things you are saying though. Because seriously dude, I'm in utter shock as to how you are actually able to come up with this stuff.
You believe MHJ? Really?
You tell me that because she created NJ then her saying that Illit are copying her then that's it? It must be true? She also said that BTS copied her concepts in the past, that true too? You are aware of the fact that she is all about the visuals and has nothing to do with the music part of things, right? Just checking.
And in the same breath you are also full on acknowledging that she was the one behind the BTS leaks, including the damaging leak of JM's private info.
So, let me get this straight, you have no issue in believing a person that is untrustworthy and moved to hurt your fave, as long as it suits your current agenda? Seriously? I kind of think that once untrustworthy always untrustworthy. Or in your world is it once untrustworthy sometimes trust worthy as long as what's coming out of their mouth is what I want to hear?
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Btw, you most definitley showed your true colours with the whole "JK's fling" idiocy. Prey tell me what does it say about JM, or more so, what does it say about what you think about JM if he sticks by JK's side while JK, in your warped mind, is an untrustworthy copy cat cheater? You must think so highly of JM for sticking by JK's side when JK treats him like shit (according to your warped views).
And let me make my views clear as day here. JK did not copy JM nor is JK an asshole cheater that can't keep his dick to himself. Balloon busted for you, I guess.
And yes, we are both BTS fans (or are we? cause you seem to be a solo stan and not a fan of BTS the band and all it's members), but clearly you lack the basic emotional intelligence that someone who is mature enough and with some life and long term relationship experience has. Either you are very young and inexperienced or for some reason lack that healthy relationship experience. Because thinking so low of JK and yet believing at the same time that JM would stick around someone like that, yeah, there is something lacking in your life experience. Maybe no experience, maybe bad experience, maybe too much Kdrama watching experience. Whichever it is, please, do not try and compare us.
There is NO comparison.
You say that you don't view JM as a damsel in distress, that he is a strong person, stronger than JK seeing how well he did in the army. Let me start by saying what a load of bull (not the him being strong part, but the part where you claim you aren't out to 'save' him). He's strong when it suits you, which is when you want to prove he's better than JK and/or the others (I'll get into how disgusting and disrespectful that comparison you are making is in a second). But at the same time he, supposedly in your fantasy world, allows JK and the company to step all over him, to copy his ideas and creativity and to scorn him and mess around with others, and continues to play along with their game, of showing up for JK, going on trips with him, enlisting with him even after he's supposedly, again, been mistreated, disrespected, cheated on. I would kind of suggest that you make up your mind which is it?
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As for this constant comparison with the others when it comes to their army service, I've been vocal about this in the past and I will say it again. It sickens me how disrespectful you are towards not only the other BTS members, each and every one of them doing their utmost best within their army placement, but it's disrespectful towards every single other SK young man that is doing their compulsory military service. How easy it is sitting on your comfy chair in the safety of your own home or wherever it is you are sitting, which isn't an actual war zone, behind your screen and keyboard, grading these young men that have left their lives behind for 18 months to enlist into active duty in a military that is at war with another country. Please have more respect not only for every single one of the members (each serving at their utmost best within their assigned duties) but also for all the other young men that are doing just the same. JM is amazing, he's assigned duties are utilizing his high level of intelligence and mathematical abilities. Kudos to him for excelling at it. But why is it so hard for you to say that and at the same time say the same about each and every other member? Why is there this need not only to uplift one, but to do so at the expense of the other, diminishing what the other is doing? This whole attitude is just so childish and stupid. And you know what? Like I said, it's disrespectful not only to the other members and to every single other soldier, but also to JM, who doesn't need to bring down the others to show just how amazing he is.
This is it. Let me make this as clear as day that even if I end my sentences with a question mark, it's a rhetorical question and not an invitation for your response. I will not reply to any more asks you might throw my way. Obviously you are intrenched in your ideas and opinions, as warped and unhealthy as they may be.
Good luck trying to save JM from the one person he is showing us all that he wants to spend every second, every minute, every hour with.
And good luck with it all when Jikook Karma strikes, cause it's coming and it's coming strong, and when it does come well, all those that lack the respect to either JK or JM, those who are willfully closing their eyes and ears to what they have been showing and telling us for years now...
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...the day is coming when it can no longer be ignored.
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richaunt · 23 days
The Keys to your dream life PT2
Heeeey, back to the second part of my Keys to your dream life post .
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3. Method or tools are no foes nor allies
Now you shouldn't rely on those, they don't bring you the blessing, YOU are the only one who bring you blessings, BUT they can help if you go around it the right way. First foremost, don't force yourself, never do, yes you need to persist in your belief, no you don't have to repeat 100k affirmations today if you don't want to. Just let go of the assumption that you need to do it or else you won't have anything because that's not true. What's true thought is that you already have the thing you want these tools are just fun ways to remember who you are and what you have, so be grateful that you have those fun method that grounds you down in the present were you have all the things you want already, it's here to make you aware that you truly are living in your dream life right now 😘 (no I'm not delusional, the only reality is you're imagination don't you know after binge reading every tumblr loa post???) Now I'm going to make a lil list with all the methods I live to do and help me remember who I am:
A. subliminal
I'm never gonna shut up about subliminals, what is there to hate about subliminals? Literally your favorite song layered with affirmations that reminds you, you're the bomb. There is also calm one with rain sounds, and ones with 432hz frequencies. My absolute favourite way to do loa since high-school, easy, fun and if you don't find interesting one on the Internet or if you're afraid that they contain bad affs? Well you can easily make your own! I made my own and I also listen to some from ytb, my two faves channel are entice and I want it I got it (you can slightly hear the affirmations on most of these two and they 100% are safe and they have good and unique subs💕).
B.Affirmations tapes:
Like subs it's affirmations, unlike subs thought they are audible and tbh I love them too, it's soo effective and hype you up, I love listening to them. It just help you being in that vibe, those high frequency, you just feel good you know? Love both the I am and you are one, some of my favourites are high frequency guru (I listen to her subs too mostly throughout the night) manifest it finess it, avi's affirmations, indigo detry and crescent affirmations.
C. Robotic affirmations
Now I love robotic affirmations but not in the forced repetition way, like yes you need to repeat them but don't force yourself to do it if you don't want. I personally do it when I feel like doing it , and I most often do it when I'm unfocusing when watching a videos or something, it just like start to perk up in my head lmao. I'm going to be honest I also have done it when I was panicking because something bad happened like "OMG I'm so fucked because I did that let's affirm like it's all resolved and all gone" sometimes it's works sometimes not because you shouldn't freak the f out in the same ways I do.
D.Visualising/ Imagining
As a maladaptive daydreamer since very young, that one is both good and bad for me lmao . I have a very rich imaginations so I always get caught up in daydream about different scenarios while pacing and listening to music in my room but all that I've daydreamed about is NOT visualisation and you get that daydreaming doesn't equal visualising but anyways you don't needto visualize in first person, but I found out for me in order to truly feel like it belongs to me I have to do it this way, find what kind of visualisation feels best to you and makes you feel like you have it all,I know it's hard been there done that, also the 5 sens thing help to truly feel that you are in the moment, all that you are living now is the truth, you can smell, see it, interact with it because all that you see in your head is true, what you are experiencing in imaginations is your reality. Do SATS if you want (it's just having one scenario to visualise over and over and feeling it as truth because it is in fact your true life)
E. Journaling
Well I have a weird relationship with that one but I also love it. I was also to lazy to do it most of the time but don't be like that please 💔 we stop procrastinating in 2024/2025 (I know it's not 2025 yet but it's near) unless you truly don't feel like it, it's up to you, You don't need to do it because? What? Yeah because you're living your dream life Babe. I love love writing like it's my diary or writing out random affirmations that I like to tell myself. Also just journaling and venting about something that has make you feel bad will help you let go of that, it's healthy and so listing things you grateful for like the fact that you have all these blessings and you can list them out 😉
4. You have it all .
That's it, you have you're blessing, you're lucky as hell, you're gorgeous and constantly spoiled. You're chosen, loved and respected. You are an amazing being, living an amazing life, open you inner eyes and realise the truth and then see it unfold before you 3d eyes. The 3d has conformed already actually, it's under your command, it cannot not show you what you want, because all that you want is already you. You are one with your desires, they are yours and will always be. How do you feel while knowing all of this? Well that feeling held onto it, it's your soul whispering to you that's it's your truth and destiny, it's impossible for you to not get what you want because you have it, it's you who make it possible and who created it so it's yours to experience. So? Go live your truth 💫
Bye bye, my lil bird 💞
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am I the asshole for not doing marching band when the show is counting on me?
this is really stupid high school drama, but I feel like a jerk about it so I'm seeing what the consensus is.
So basically, my school is pretty small, and our band is even smaller (about 20-30 people). Last year was my(16F) first year in band, and I only really did it because people pressured me into it. They wanted me to do it because I play accordion, and they thought that would add some wow factor to the show. I only had a couple accordion parts, and the rest of the time I was doing auxiliary percussion. Despite this though, it actually did work to add some interest. At competitions the judges always said that they really liked the accordion and wanted more of it in the show. That lead to that season being the first time in school history we had made it to finals.
During that time, I really only had one really good friend(16F). It was a pretty toxic friendship though. I was sort of codependent, and she was super selfish and manipulative. She would make up lies about my other friends and make me hate them, and then ditch me to hang out with them the next second. And she would just lie about super stupid stuff all the time, and when i brought it up to her she would just say "sorry you feel that way, i dont know what to do about it." And like she was very aware she was manipulative too. She straight up admitted to me multiple times that sometimes she lies to people just to see how they'll react or if they'll notice. This is all to say that we had a really nasty breakup. She ended up spreading a rumor to all of my friends that I told her to kill herself. And I just literally didn't. She completely made it up. So I spent like half the schoolyear thinking all of my friends hated me. Luckily, it turns out no one believed her anyways, since she kinda has a reputation as a liar, but the point still stands.
So obviously I absolutely despise her because of all of that. It's honestly probably an unhealthy feeling but I just hate her more than anything. Just thinking about her makes me want to explode. I stay up at night wishing she would just die sometimes.
And that makes me not want to do marching band this upcoming season. I just physically could not stand being around her that often (like 4 or 5 times a week for hours). Like I seriously think I would just spontaneously combust out of anger. And on top of that, she even got drum major, which means I'll have to stare at her during the whole show. So I decided that I'm just not going to do band.
This is where the me being an asshole part comes in. Since everyone loved the accordion last year, they actually wrote the whole show around it this year. I would be playing the whole time, and would be a prominent instrument. The show is also circus themed, so it makes a lot of sense to have an accordion there. And I have a lot of friends who want me to do it and who would miss me.
So basically, I just really feel bad that they went through the trouble of writing all this music for me just for me to back out last minute. but also, I just literally cannot physically handle being around that girl. I'm sure I'm atleast a little bit the asshole here, but I just wanna know if atleast some of my thought process was reasonable?
What are these acronyms?
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pagodazz · 9 months
Vinnie everyman hcs
for (@freezingmcxn)
I'm really sorry this is gonna be pretty long.
Now I don't have a theme for this, so ,,, if any of you want Vinnie hcs (or any slenderverse for specific situations,, asks are open (I'm autistic and love to share and talk about my favorite characters) (also I've never made a hc post sorry if this sucks I'm really only good at typing alot of nonsense)
For one I think Vinnie is an avid music enjoyer, I feel like he spends a lot of his time listening to music. It's a good way to drown out any overwhelming feelings or thoughts he doesn't want to be having. He probably carries a pair of headphones on him wherever he goes and he has a wide variety in the type of music he enjoys, so the group can never guess what he'll be listening to next.
(I have a playlist for him,,, it's songs that make me think of him MIXED w songs that I think he'd listen to)
I did include songs he canonically liked too/played in the series.
He listens to very emotional songs, he listens to songs that specifically fit the mood he's feeling, like alot of people do.
Vinnie is a very emotional character, considering the fact that he has BPD, (Princeton Vinnie canonically had it, so it's safe to assume channel Vinnie also does) He has very high highs and low lows.
He'll go from really wanting to be with the group and wanting to spend time with them to immediately assuming they're out to get him or hate him seconds later the moment something small happens.
Usually Evan is able to pull Vinnie from that headspace before it gets too bad, but sometimes it's just not enough to know people are there. Sometimes it all just feels like a complete lie.
I think during these times Vinnie will completely isolate himself, paralleling the way habit kept him locked up, He would just stay inside, ignoring texts or calls in order to pay attention to something he deems to be more important at the time. Like finishing an episode of his favorite show, Or maybe he's too busy trying to beat a game, he Swears he'll answer but. 9 times out of 10 he's DEFINITELY not going to.
Vinnie canonically views him and habit as "Partners." To him, he and habit are on the same level. even though he KNOWS habit is extremely powerful.
Vinnie is the only one to ever test habits buttons on purpose, he's trying to get a reaction out of him. He wants Habit to act out y'know?? it's good content for him.
Well that, and I think it's a good way for him to get the "punishment" he thinks he deserves. He probably searches for the opportunity for getting hurt by habit.
Because it's Evans body.
he could almost pretend it was Evan himself so he could some sort of excuse for things he's doing, So he can see the way Evan would look if he knew the things Vinnie had done.
That would only work for so long though, because after awhile Habit became the only thing Vinnie could rely on, the only person Vinnie could see, he was all Vinnie could think about.
So it eventually turned from Wanting some sort of punishment, to actively seeking out attention from habit, bad or good, it is not important. All Vinnie wanted was ATTENTION.
He wanted the eyes on him.
He is the eyes, he sees everything, He's ALWAYS been so aware of what's going on.
I mean it was literally HIS idea to start the channel, HE made the logo. THIS IS HIS!!!!!
and habit SEES that, habit SEES him, and Vinnie wants to KEEP being seen.
So he's gonna mindlessly do what he's told like some house trained dog who sits by the front door waiting for it's owner to come back and feed him whatever scraps he can get.
And scraps obviously meaning content. Habit comes home and brings Vinnie peices of content, it's never enough for Vinnie of course, he's always trying to get more. That's why he's always pushing everyone else to MAKE more. He's addicted to the content.
like he was addicted to so much shit back in the 80s !!!
anyways I feel like I've been typing for so long, there's bound to be some typos, I'm sorry...
as an apology:
I have a playlist for them too.
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fangirlstorycreator · 8 months
KK3 Terry Silver X Reader
Context: Damsel In Distress! Your in a dangerous position, and Terry comes to help you 💚 Part 1/2
Ever since this new dojo opened, you were now finaly able to get some more work. You saw that the Cobra Kai dojo was in need of a cleaner on their board outside the building, which you applied for as quickly as you could. Being a single woman and having to pay rent in your studio flat, meant you needed a job, but unfortunately like some people, sometimes that was two jobs instead of one. You already were a cleaner in the local gym, but that was barely making enough to live. You needed something that will let you also have money to feed yourself properly, and not live off packet food or noodles.
You applied for the cleaning position and got it the very same day, you were over the moon about it. The guy who interviewed you was someone called John Kreese, he seemed nice, if a little rough around the edges. He and his business partner owned the dojo, but you had yet to meet him, in time maybe. John laid out the cleaning you needed to do, and the days and times you were needed too, which fit into your other job roles timings perfectly. Your first day was a piece of cake, you cleaned everything you needed too, plus had a little time spare to do one or two other things before you left. John was impressed, and even bumped up your pay a little for doing such a good job whilst you were working there.
It had now been two weeks since you started this second job, and it was safe to say that you were feeling quite tired from doing it. You weren't used to working two jobs, especially since one was a day time job, and one was an evening. There was only a small amount of time in between each shift to stop, and that wasn't enough.....but you kept going. You thought to yourself that there are people out there who work 3 jobs, you needed to get a grip and power through, which is what you tried to do. It was Friday afternoon, and you were nearly done sweeping the floor of the main room. You were the only one there, as far as you were aware, and you had some music on in the background to listen too. You swept, back and forth, again and again, when suddenly you stop as your vision goes blurry. You hold onto your sweeping brush as you steady yourself, closing your eyes in hopes it will pass. Your legs and arms felt wobbly, and your stomach was growling. You new you were hungry, famished actually, but you had no time today to stop, especially when your gym job needed you earlier today to clean a new yoga room. You opened your eyes, and the dizziness faded away. You took a deep breath to steady yourself and tried to carry on with the floor. But it seemed that doing that wasn't the best idea, and before you knew it, everything turned black. And the last thing you remember was smacking the side of your head on the floor as you fell.
You feel dazed and still dizzy when you start to come around. You eyes are still closed, but something feels strange, you can feel that your feet are leant up on something, maybe a chair? And there is something cold on the side of your head where you fell on it. Your eyes slowly open, and there knelt next to you, is what looks like an incredibly handsome man, and it definitely wasn't John Kreese. "Hey....How are you feeling? It looks like you took a bad fall. Hows your head?"
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This man asked in a calm and gentle tone. "Uhh? Yeh I...I think I'm alright, just a little dizzy" "That's ok, when that goes away I can help you back up. It seems you banged your head quite hard on this floor, but it's ok, I've got this ice pack on hear for you" You reach up to touch it, it feels like a big bump on your head, hopefully nothing to serious had happened, you see no blood thankfully. "I came in and saw you like this, can you tell me what happened?" "I was feeling light headed and my vision blurred. I thought I shook myself out of it, but it seems I didn't. I just remember everything going black and then...Ummm, who are you by the way?" He smiled widely, he had a gorgeous smile. "I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to meet you recently with the dojo still needing work done. I'm Terry, I'm John's friend" "Oh! Your Terry Silver, John told me you both own this place"
"Yes, well I own it, but he co manages it with me. I've been meaning to come and introduce myself to you, ever since John said we had a new cleaner. Your Y/N right?" "Yeh, that's me" "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's just a shame it's under these circumstances. Can I ask, do you know what might have caused you to pass out?" You look down in shame, you didn't want to admit it but you had too. "I uhh....I haven't eaten anything yet. I swear I was going to as soon as I finished sweeping the floor" "Oh dear, your blood sugar must be really low. You shouldn't prioritise work over your health you know. Is John working you to hard?" "No, not all. I have two jobs you see, and it's on the evening" "So your working day and night? Everyday?" "I have to, some people can work 3, and I'm just doing two" "So? One job can drain a person as well, but 2 is a lot, especially if it's everyday, and pretty much day and night" You just nod, knowing he is kind of right. He looks around and sees your bag, he stands up and runs over to grab it. He brings it back and helps you to sit up a little. "You bring a lunch with you?" "Yeh, it's just in hear" You take out a sandwich and an apple just as Terry walks into the office and grabs you a bottle of coke cola. "I'll stay with you to make sure your alright, I don't want you to have another fall just incase it's not your blood sugar that made you fall"
"You don't have to you know, I'll be fine. Besides I've got to get to my other job in an hour-" "You are kidding me right?" "What?" "There is no way you are going to work in another job after you fainted! Plus you have that bump on your head, your not going" "I don't exactly have a choice, I need this job to afford rent and food" "Food that you have barley any time to eat anyway? To the point where you pass out? I'm sorry but I can't allow that" "That's kind Terry, but it's not you that cant allow it, it's my boss at the gym who will tell me if I should stay of go" "Alright then, I'll call him" "Really? I'll doubt you'll be able to get through to him, he's an #sshole" "Just to you or others aswell?" "Honestly? I'm not sure he likes women in general" "Ahhh, one of those eh? Well look, as your employer I'm not happy letting you work in another place when your in this state. May I talk to your other boss?" "Yeh, just try not to piss him off" "Why?" "I don't know I just....when people have pissed him off before, he's had a tendency to fire people" "Don't you worry about a thing, I'll make sure that whatever happens, you'll still be working" You hand Terry your phone after getting your bosses phone number up, Terry calls him and your boss answers in a grumpy tone. "Y/N, what do you want?" "Hi there, my name is Terry Silver" "And? Why should I care?" Terry looks over you you, but you raise your eyebrow in a way that says (I told you so). "You should care because I am calling on behave of your employee" "What about her? She'd better be coming in, there's a new yoga hall that needs cleaning"
"Actually she won't be coming in, for her own health" "Health? Oh what? Is she having her stupid period cramps? Or did she break a nail?" "She has actually passed out and hit her head quite hard on the-" "Are you seriously telling me this stupid girl is not coming in to do her job because she is acting like a princess and pretending to faint?! And she hit her head?! That's something a toddler walks off then starts playing after!" "I think you'll find that it's far more serious than that, I'm taking her to get checked out at the hospital to make sure there's no underlying health issue, and to make sure the head injury isn't something more serious. And the fact that you don't care, and are not taking it seriously is something I'm not only concerned about, but actualy angry about" "Ooooh! Big man on the phone thinks the way I order my employees is wrong. Oh wait, I don't give a sh#t! Tell Y/N to stop messing around like a typical woman and get her #ss in work before I fire her!" Terry holds the phone against his chest as he gives you a sympathetic look, he had no idea how hard you really had it. He could see the bags under your eyes, your shaking hands, your exhausted look and you just looked completely deflated. He knew there was something about you that was unique, and he knew what you were going through was unfair, and he wasn't going to stand for that. "Now you listen to me you arrogant piece of sh#t!" "Who the f#ck do you think your talking too?!" "Oh I know exactly who I'm talking too, a spoilt little pr#ck who thinks his position gives him the power and right to abuse and use his employees in any way he wants! Well Y/N is not coming in, unless you treat her like a human being!"
"Like hell am I going to do that! And just for the way you spoke to me, not only is she going to be working today, but I'm going to make sure she works even later, without the over time pay!" Terry can't take this, he can see you and he knows you can hear everything he says. "Y/N is NOT coming in!" "Then she's fired! Let's see her afford a home on a one jobs wage! Stupid b#tch deserves it!" And just like that, your boss puts the phone down on Terry. But Terry can see your starting to get upset, so he kneels down to you. "He fired me?! How am I supposed to-" "Shh shh it's ok, don't worry" "Don't worry?! I won't be able to afford my rent, what am I going to do?" "It will be ok, I promise. You see, I have many connections and more money than I can want" "That's nice for YOU" "But listen, he fired you for something that was out of your control, so legally you can sue him. And I have a lawyer who can do that" "Terry....that's not necessary" "No no listen, he has never lost-" "Terry....while it's a lovely offer, I just don't want anymore trouble. I just....I just need to make sure I'm fine, then look for another night job"
"Y/N, I can help you" "I know Terry, but I need to be able to support myself and not use someones elses resources when I could never repay them. I'm sorry" Terry's face is still, no expression, but he nods to you. "Alright Y/N.....listen, at least let me take you to the hospital to get checked over. I wouldn't want you to have any other issues" "Ok...thank you Terry" You were feeling so stuck now, you had lost your night job AND you knew you wouldn't be able to pay rent for next month and have enough food in the fridge. You planned to start looking for a new job at home once you were finished at the hospital, and hopefully there would be something that would come up quickly. Terry helped you up and into his car, and he took you for a check up at the hospital. He was right, according to the doctor, your blood sugar was low and she recommended that I need to eat correctly and rest for a while. And thankfully the bump on your head didn't result in anything serious. Terry offered you a lift back to your flat, and when he drove away to let you get some rest, you snuggled up on the sofa with a blanket and a hot chocolate. Your laptop was poised on the coffee table infront of you, so now you were ready to surch for another job....but the stress of going through all of that again was getting to you, you just looked at the screen, and felt low. Yes, Terry was trying to help you, but you lost your job over it, and now you had no choice but to find another one. And hopefully this time, the next boss wouldn't be so horrible. However, you were happy that Terry wasn't horrible, in fact, he was quite nice.....and definitely handsome too. You pushed that thought of Terry to the back of your mind however, because you now had your laptop on your lap, it was time to search.
Meanwhile, Terry was working out in his house, practicing his karate like he normally does. John knocks on the door and Terry's door man let's him in to come and speak to Terry. "Hey! Johnny, I'm glad you came buy!"
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"Of course. So what did you want to talk to me about?" "Something happened at the dojo this afternoon" "What happened?" "I walked in to find Y/N passed out on the floor" "She what? Is she alright?" "Yeh she's ok, nothing serious. But she had very low blood sugar, she wasn't eating" "Why?" "Because she's been so busy" "Is the work load I'm giving her too much?" "No no it's not that, she's been working two jobs" "Has she? I didn't know that, she didn't tell me" "I only found out myself when I spoke to her. It was my first time meeting her and I could tell she has been overworking herself. This is why I asked you to come over John" "What do you mean?" "Well, when I called her other boss to tell him she wasn't able to come in due to her not being well enough, he ended up being super rude and fired her! The guy is an absolute #sshole" "Right, so why did you want to talk to me?" "I want to raise her pay John. I want it so she doesn't have to worry about her bills, put herself in dangerous moments like today and have time to not only have a life, but to be able to live happily and comfortably too. And right now that's not what's happening for her. She's at home right now trying to find another job, and I want to help her" "Alright, so shall we just give her a pay rise, or is she in need of more support too?" "If you could do the paperwork for her pay rise at the dojo, I can sort out another issue for her. She said she didn't need to do it, but she deserves something for what her other boss did to her" "Alright, so we have a plan then?" "Absolutely"
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It had been a few days since your fainting incident, and both Terry and John had said you shouldn't come back until your properly fit for work. So once you got the all clear from your local doctor, you were going to go back to cleaning the dojo once again. Luck wasn't on your side with another job though, noone was hiring and you felt really low. It seemed like it was time to go back to cheap packet food to keep you going until you found another job again. The next day, you came into the dojo ready to start cleaning and making up for lost time, despite the fact that John and Terry gave you paid time off, you still didn't want to seem like you were doing nothing when you could be working. Noone was in there when you arrived, so you just stuck your music on and proceeded to go about your cleaning routine. About an hour later, John walks in, and you see him out of the corner of your eye. Turning off the music, you say hello to him. "Hey Y/N, listen, could I have a word with you in the office please?" "Sure, no problem" You left your cleaning supplies and walked into the office with John, taking a seat on the sofa as he sat on the office chair. "How are you feeling Y/N?" "Yeh, I'm fine" "Are you sure?" "Yes, that feeling I had is no longer there. I'm eating and my blood sugar level is normal" "Good, that's good. Now, I do have to ask you something. Are you currently looking for a second job?"
"Well...kind of yeh. Don't get me wrong I do like this job, I just need to do something else to put towards the bills" "I understand that, I've been in a similar position to yourself one or twice over the years. But I'd just like to let you know that you will not be needing to find a second job" "Why? Is it something I'm not allowed to do with the contract I'm on hear?" "No no it's not that, you won't have to look for another job because we are giving you a pay raise" "A pay rise? That's not necessary" "Oh it is, I heard about how you lost you other job, and this is adequate compensation for that issue. Hear, I have your pay slip hear so you can see the rise yourself" John hands you the paperwork, and you've seen that you've been given a pay rise so big, that this is worth possibly 3 jobs! Let alone 2! "John...I can't exept this, this is too much for a cleaning job" "Well, what if it wasn't just a cleaning job?" "What do you mean?" "What if I was to give you just a few extra responsibilities around the dojo? Me and Terry could really use someone working a receptionist position now that Cobra Kai is getting more popular" "You want me to be a receptionist?" "If you would like too, yes. So you would be doing that from 9 till 4, then when the dojo closes at 4, you'd do your normal cleaning job until you finish at 6. So it would be a 9 till 6 shift instead of working nights and days. It's available if you want it"
"That's...that's amazing! Thank you John!" "Well, you should be thanking Terry most of all" "Why?" "Well this was his suggestion. You see I didn't know about your second job and your fainting spell until he told me. And would you have told me about that Y/N? Be honest" "Alright....I don't think I would have told you, I wouldn't want to worry anyone" "I knew you'd say that. So when Terry suggested a pay rise, I was happily on board with it. I wouldn't want anyone who is working for me and Terry to be stuck in a position you were in" "That's very kind, of both of you. Thank you" "Alright then, I'll grab the paperwork for you to sign, and next week you can start your new role" "You said Terry suggested this, where is he? I'd like to thank him" "He's busy at the moment with some people who want to invest with the dojo, but he should be coming back in just before your cleaning shift finishes. You can chat to him then" "Perfect" After that surprisingly nice meeting in the office, you head back out and continue cleaning. When anyone gets called into a meeting or to the bosses office, there is always that little worried feeling in your belly when you think your in trouble, but thankfully that wasn't the case today. A few hours passed, and you had just finished up moping the floor, when Terry walks in, with his beaming smile.
"Hey Y/N!" "Hi Terry, how are you?" "Yeh, yeh I'm good. Are you feeling better?" "Yes, much better thank you" "Great, I'm glad to hear it" "Listen Terry, John had a word with me earlier about the pay rise" "Ah yes! I'm glad he did. Are you happy? No need to worry yourself with a second job now eh?" "Yes your right, and I am happy about it. I just wanted to thank you. You didn't have to talk to John and give me extra money to support me, but you did. I'm not used to that kind of generosity, and I just wanted to thank you properly" "Oh Y/N, there's no need to thank me. I'm just doing what's right by you, and doing my best to help you out" "You really have, I mean that Terry" At this moment, John walks out of the office and over to you and Terry. "Hey John!" "Hey Terry, you were gone a long time" "Well business can take it's time" John looks at Terry in a hinting kind of way, looking back at him and you until he knows why he's doing that. "Oh yeh! Y/N, me and John are heading to a club tomorow night, we've heard it's really cool, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?"
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"Really? I'm honestly suprised you want to invite me along"
"Because we think your cool, and we work together. It would be nice to hang out and not talk about work" "Also Y/N" says John "I'm going to need someone who is also a responsible adult to help me watch this one. Even without alcohol, he can be a bit of a handful" This makes you giggle, and John chuckle. Terry just nods, he knows how excitable he can get. "Alright, count me in" "Brilliant! Well John's going to get there before us, and I'll pick you up if you like?" "Sounds like a plan to me. Ok, I'll see you both later, I have to get going now" You all say your goodbuys and you head out the door to go home. John just looks at Terry with an amused look. "Terry..." "What?" "Could you be more obvious?" "Oh come on John" "You couldn't keep your eyes off her just then. Just...try not to make an #ss of yourself tomorow ok? If you want to impress her, don't do anything stupid" "I won't do anything stupid John, you know me" "Terry, that's precisely WHY I'm telling you that!" They both just share a look before bursting into laughter, going about the rest of their day as usual.
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You in the meantime were thinking about what had happened today on your way home. A promotion, more working hours in a better time, WAY better money....and getting invited out to a club buy Terry and John. This was definitely a good day, and tomorow was going to get even more interesting.......
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prettygoododds · 1 year
20 Questions for fic writers
Thanks @wellbelesbian for tagging me. Such fun questions! Tags below the cut.
How many works do you have on AO3
68! Wow, I did not realize this.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Carry On Series aka Simon Snow fandom aka Snobaz
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
When the Ink Dries
Can I Change My Mind (this one blows my mind, how it continues to stay at the top)
Namaste Away
Every Lover Has A Little Dagger In Their Hand
We're So Starving
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or Why not?
I try to, but I'm very bad at it. It's something I need to work on.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We Were Pity Sex, Nothing More and Nothing Less It doesn't even pretend to be kind.
Also, I'm Right Where You Left Me It's short, but cuts right to the bone.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of mine do have a happy ending (when I go sad, I go hard). If I had to choose a few, I suppose:
Where Did the Party Go?
Namaste Away
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Had a few recommendations on how to tag a few works, or to make it more user friendly but everyone has always been very kind with those suggestions. The Carry On fandom is a really good fandom.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I'm slowly dipping my toes in that water. I've posted a few works that have smut, but I'm still very tentative about it. I don't know what kind really. Regular?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, but I'm not opposed to it.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Snobaz, hands down. It's the one I come back to every time. My comfort ship.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have 2 WIP currently and both of those will be finished. My other WIP not on AO3 are just sitting in my google docs, where no one can see them shivering in the corner, neglected.
16 What are your writing strengths?
Oof. I'd like to think I'm good at dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and setting a scene. I'm working on it though, and that's the important bit I suppose *shrugs shoulders in Simon*
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Not something I've attempted. I won't say I never will, but I will probably not unless I absolutely have to
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Somewhere, in the depths of fanfic.net are my abandoned Twilight fics. And that is where they will stay until the death of the planet.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I have a few and when I'm questioning why I think I should be doing this at all, I read them to remember I started because I wanted to write the stories I wanted to read.
When The Ink Dries - I started this fic waaaaay before I ever posted it and it was the reason I decided to participate in my first Carry On Big Bang. It's my fic first born.
I'm Not A Pitch - This fic popped my AO3 cherry. I posted it before I could second guess myself. It's full of errors, but I wouldn't change anything about it.
Vibe Check - I wrote this in a few hours when I was feeling silly and it is still one of my favorites
Who Wants Ramen? - My friend and I giggled endlessly when I plotted this one out.
You Can Call Me Babe for the Weekend - I spend a lot of time listening to music and plotting out the story that a 3-4 minutes song can tell. 'Tis the Damn Season was an immediate movie in my head and as soon as I could plot it out and put it on paper (so to speak) I did.
And last but not least Sugar, We're Going Down Swingin - This is pure self indulgence. I got into hockey, I wanted the boys to be hockey players...bam, here's a fic with almost no hockey in it, but sometimes they talk about it.
I'm don't know who's already been tagged, so sorry if I double up:
@facewithoutheart @imagineacoolusername @artsyunderstudy @shemakesmeforget @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ionlydrinkhotwater @rimeswithpurple @aristocratic-otter @cutestkilla @blackberrysummerblog @nausikaaa @supercutedinosaurs @nightimedreamersworld @valeffelees @iamamythologicalcreature @shrekgogurt @ileadacharmedlife @martsonmars @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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First of all, I love your blog. I am so happy to see you active.
Second of all, I agree with that anon about finding Jimin fascinating. I have never been this intrigued by any other celebrity. I find him different but I don't know why. He is good looking but so are other idols. I mean it's Kpop. Most have to be good looking to make it. It's just such a weird thing. Like you can't help but notice him. Everytime I watch a BTS related content, he is the first person I notice. He isn't even my favourite but my eyes will instantly see him before anyone else. He also somehow leaves the strongest mark in any mvs or performances or even simple content. It's weird. I don't get it.
Hi Anon, 💜
I saw your ask come in days ago, just as I was logging out of the app and felt a bit bad because I knew I wouldn't have any time for Tumblr for the next few days. Lately, I've actually wanted to remain active here, but life keeps getting in the way. I know it's not a big deal but I really am thankful that so many of you understand that I'm active here only when I can afford to be. 💜
On to more interesting topics, yes to everything you said about Jimin. There's no other member I write about here more than Jimin and it's something I don't ever feel like apologizing for because that man is infinitely captivating.
It's rare to see someone who recognizes exactly what he is, as young as Jimin did. There are many points over the years that Jimin has done something, and it registered in my head that this man is different. It's human to be a bit self-indulgent, to be a little self-absorbed, a little self-deception is a very natural mechanism that sometimes shields us from other people's projections and malicious intent. And so it struck me as almost inhuman in how acutely aware Jimin was to recognize his need to be seen, heard, in the most audacious format available to him as a 13 year old boy in Busan, South Korea.
His depth of self-knowledge, indicative of his unusually high intelligence, is at the source of his magnetism and charisma. In my opinion. You can see it in his eyes and it amplifies his already unnatural beauty.
I recently started speaking with a Jimin-bias on Twitter and we've become good friends. She described Jimin like this (and I've linked in sources):
"Jimin of BTS is the man who wrote a detailed essay that convinced his parents to let him study dance over science or law, who landed an esteemed dance and martial arts scholarship, who went against his teacher (Lee Hwa Sung’s) wishes of going the more secure route excelling as a professional modern dancer given his talents, to instead pursue his dream to become an idol, who called his dad once a month as a trainee of a nearly bankrupt agency saying “don’t worry dad. Even if I don’t make it this way I’ll make it another way”, who debuted as main dancer and lead vocalist with what is now the biggest group in the world despite having the shortest training period in Big Hit’s history and one of the shortest training periods in all of kpop to date."
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That is one reason I am ecstatic about FACE. The music itself is one thing and we'll deal with that when we get there - I may or may not like the music (though given what he's released so far, the fact he's in BTS, and him working with RM and PDogg, I doubt it). But the subject matter of FACE: Park Jimin, would interest me even if I was on my death bed with only 10 KB of data available for me to use one last time.
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I'm not very good at explaining what I mean, but I hope those who love him don't take offense when I call Jimin a freak. Because that is what I'm absolutely convinced he is. I don't know how else to express just how beastly I think he really is. Looking at him for me is like looking at one of those lenticular prints that shift into different things depending on lighting - like you turn your head one way looking at Jimin and you see a panther, turn your head another way and you see a dove, turn yet another way and you see a snake. And each animal is the most perfect expression of its form. He hones every quality he expresses with a meticulousness that scares me sometimes, because every example of that sort of personality I've seen in music has burnt out or passed before 40 (Prince being the only exception). The rapline have an identical quality but they seem less volatile than Jimin to me for some reason.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm excited about FACE and Anon when I saw your ask come in days ago, I suspected you were fishing (lol), but also I love Jimin and will take every excuse to talk about him. It's also way easier to talk about him than it is to talk about Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok for me lol.
Speaking of which, it goes without saying that Jimin's evolution in self-awareness is also a result of his relationship with the rapline in BTS, as well as some other members. Jimin's comments about how he relies on those three, of what he thinks of their characters, and about how those three have assisted and influenced him, are consistent with how I see them too.
Back to Jimin, he's a once in a lifetime personality and there's nothing wrong with admitting it.
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(Me too, Jungkook. Me too.)
Make sure you've pre-saved FACE, stream On The Street, and stay hydrated. 💜
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yabagofmilfs · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
thanks for the tags @babygirlboberrey, @girlfriendline, and @crosbyism!
1. are you named after anyone?
no, but i was almost named after my dad's ex-gf. awkward.
2. when was the last time you cried?
about a real thing? on christmas eve, because i am constitutionally unable to deal with change / it's been a really tough month. but i tear up several times a day thinking about my special guys.
3. do you have kids?
one horrible goblin boy (affectionate).
4. what sports do you play/ have you played?
i was on various swim teams for a lot of years, but otherwise have zero athletic ability. no hand-eye coordination, and absolutely no awareness of my own physical body or how it works. can't run, can't throw, can't catch. i also have almost no competitive drive in that vein. (sidney crosby would hate me.)
5. do you use sarcasm?
more than i should, but unfortunately i am a product of my environment (double whammy of asshole father and british stepmother).
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
i am horribly unobservant about physical characteristics (compounded by very bad eyesight), but i read people very well? idk how to describe that.
7. what’s your eye colour?
greenish bluish grayish. but mostly green.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. i'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge weenie about scary things, especially if it involves ghosts / demons, etc. i was raised by an insane woman in a weird religious sect, and some things just never leave you. i have a horrible tendency to brain spiral about things even when i know i'm being ridiculous. for example, one time i watched a youtube video about the three men and a baby ghost and i literally could not sleep that night because i felt sure if i looked at my bedroom window there would be a child's face in it. it's fine! i'm normal!
9. any talents?
i have a photographic memory that is a blessing and a curse (see above), but sometimes comes in handy for stupid things like connecting the dots between random gifs of sid and old kiss cam footage. i'm also great at word games and trivia, and a fantastic cook and baker when i have the energy to do either.
10. where were you born?
at disneyland.
11. what are your hobbies?
being weird on the internet. reading. writing. watching every non-war documentary i can get my hands on. starting very detailed excel spreadsheets and then forgetting they exist.
12. do you have any pets?
two cats. a calico named moxie (moo) who is gorgeous and sweet but also a complete brat. i believe quarantine may have broken her brain because she cannot stand not to be touching someone at all times, and not just touching you but laying on your chest and kneading your jugular with her claws out if you're not giving her enough attention (it is never enough attention).
and then there's the feral gremlin who lives under my bed. technically she doesn't have a real name because we couldn't decide. we called her the tiny one forever, and eventually that became tiny > teeny > reenie > reen bean, which is what we mostly call her now. we adopted her because we thought moo needed a friend, but they hate each other. :) reen bean was rescued from a hoarding situation, and we learned after the fact that she's part siamese--only the annoying parts, though. she looks like a tuxie, but she has the yowl of a siamese twice her size. she hates everyone but me, and will growl like a demon if anyone touches her belly or dares to come to the door.
13. how tall are you?
5'2 on a good day.
14. favourite subject in school?
once upon a time i was a dual lit and psych major and i loved every second of it. i went to a very liberal arts college, so there were a lot of fun courses to choose from. a couple that stand out: queering victorian lit, medieval french lit exploring the monster trope, and the psychology of queer intimacy.
15. dream job?
the same one every former gifted child who read a lot has: open a 24-hour cafe bookstore with live music on the weekends. i wish i could get my brain to heal enough to start writing books again, but perhaps if i win the lottery i can quit my toxic job and open up a bookstore and that would do it. two birds and all.
tagging: i think this has made the rounds by now, so i won't tag anyone specifically but if you're reading this consider yourself tagged my friend.
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selfshipping-central · 4 months
Okay okay okay *inhales deeply*
First of all: I'd like a male character, if platonic or romantic is irrelevant to me and I'm leaving that up to you.
So my personality is pretty bubbly I'd say, I can talk a shit ton and keep a conversation going as long as I'm interested in it, if I'm not you'll most likely notice bc I'm not good at hiding my non exited interest in things (and I don't want to hide it either). I'm out going, I love to meet new ppl - both irl and online. But I can also listen. Like sitting still and keeping eye contact is not something I can do but I can stare at a wall and listen to people for hours - I forget most of it the second they end their sentence but that's bc my short term memory is trash (thank you social media, you ruined my brain for good)
I love art. No matter what type of art. Poetries, stories, painting, music whatever it is I love it. I also love my hyperfixations and will teach you the lore of whatever it is that's stuck in my head - I usually send like 10 minutes voice messages to my bestie just rambling about whatever's going through my head. I love to watch the stars, out of my friend group I'm the star (my childhood bestie is the moon, my other bestie's the moon) so that only makes sense ig
My personality type is ENFP if that helps idk.
My hobbies are bouldering, skating, painting, writing uhhh going on late night drives w das homies. I design and sew clothes, I create OCs (sometimes) I'm super interested in fashion bc that shit's simply my thing. I know how to style stuff to make it look good (my friends literally ask me for advice sometimes which makes my lil fashion heart bloom, I love to channel my inner Velvette)
I'm pretty self reflected and self aware, I curse a LOT (trying my best to not write "fuck" or "fucking" in every sentence, it's hard) I am confident mainly bc idc what ppl think about me, like fuck em who r they to judge?
I have short, messy brown hair, green eyes and fucking pale skin (basically a vampire at this point) before I get tan I get my skin burned bc my skin's sensitive af. I do have freckles though they're more visible during summer. I'm 5'3 ish, dress like your typical skater punk and love to wear eyeshadow (brown eyeshadow simply looks good on me)
People say I'm funny so I'm gonna say I'm funny. Uh I think that should be it.
Fandom: Helluva Boss
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Blitzø!! (Romantic)
After knowing you for a while (not enough we must be friends for life shawty) we are very Blitzø coded.
Which is why you need him to be your partner in crime!!
100% rants to you about his love for horses
Will get all lovestruck when you take him horse riding!!
"I had no clue I could fall in love with you anymore. But holy fuckin' hell babe... I'm going to suck the shit outta your dick tonight."
Your personalities mesh so well together!!
He's your hype man!!
And you're his!!
"Yeaaa!! You get him babe!!! That's my boyfriend you know. Did I mention I suck his dick every night? Fuck him up danger dick!!"
Both of you forgetting literally everything. It's so bad please take either Millie or Moxxie with you when you're on missions.
This is the both of you -> (´・ω・`)?
"Wait what were we gonna do?"
"I don't remember."
"Fuck- Moxxie what are we doing?"
Adores all forms of your art. Thinks your patchwork is so sick!! Your painting and writings too!! He loves all of it!!
"Holy shit- You made that jacket? Babe. Can you make me one?"
He finds your sense of fashion so hot. The whole vibe is so hot to him. Just watching you walk around all relaxed and confident has him all black in the cheeks and flushed. (Cause they have black blood see what I did there hehe ( •̀ ω •́ )P )
"Fuck. Your outfits make you look so hot..."
Doesn't mind listening to your ramblings but he must have his turn to ramble too!! ♪(^∇^*)
"Wait so the British man- kills kids?? Slow down- start again what is this about a robot bear-"
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Seeing as me and him have the same MBTI type (ENTP gang pull up) You will get along just fine with him.
Please please please please I beg of you get into debates or arguments with him, spice up your life. I'm saying this with personal experience that if you don't jokingly bicker with each other shit gets so boring so fast.
Besties that are dating vibes.
Thinks that your skating is so cool too.
"Do a flip!! Oh shit he did a flip-"
You swear a lot? He swears a lot. Don't worry about it.
Wants you to do makeup on him but is too scared to ask.
Steals your clothes I don't make the rules.
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torialefay · 9 months
Your reading about Chan is something extraordinary! Even knowing that the birth time is still missing, it all makes so much sense that it's incredible. But honestly, the sequel about his first time with a girlfriend left me a little suffocated - he's so intense that I felt breathless and, I guess, a little scared, afraid. I don't know much about the zodiac, but the little I do know, should I blame this feeling on my Venus in Aquarius? I was very curious about how our compatibility would be, especially because he is my bias... Which leads me to ask you:
Could you check the compatibility of our charts? I have a Pisces sun, Leo rising and Sagittarius moon. As I said before, my Venus is in Aquarius and if I'm not mistaken, my Mars is in Aries (when I read about his Mars being a fire sign I already realized that a fight between us would be very ugly). I share my birthday with Hyunjin, actually (3/20/98... a little old, I know).
Anyway, I would like to thank you very much for sharing your knowledge on the subject.
I hope you have a great day! 🤍🤎✨
hello there little pisces baby (me too hehe): first of all, you are not old 😭 literally not even a year older than me. also you are literally the cutest
i used this first inbox instead of the second one you sent me bc i think your name was in the other one! didn’t want to put it out there just in case <3
alright, let’s do this thang :)
Leo Ascendant (1st house):
Your Leo ascendant is a great match for Chan! Having a Leo ascendant, it is likely that living in authenticity is important to you. You are good at making other people feel special. Even if you can’t see it yourself, you have a natural talent for making others like you. This can either manifest in a way of being extroverted or introverted. If extroverted, people are usually naturally drawn to you. If introverted, people are still more than likely drawn to you in a way that they are more curious of you than anything. Sometimes Leo ascendants can get a bad rep for valuing attention, but I don’t necessarily think that way. Leo risings like the feeling of being valued and understood more than anything- this usually just manifests as receiving attention in who they are as a person. This is almost always reciprocated by the Leo Ascendant, always looking for the things that make individuals unique and playing that up to make them feel loved. Leo Ascendants usually believe that each person has a special calling in life, and their goal is always to find their own and let that shine.
With Chan’s Gemini ascendant, this is a great combo! It’s a combo that initially draws a lot of attention to one another. You can both play off of each other’s interests in people and quickly get to know a lot about one another. The way I see this manifesting in your relationship is coming off as the couple who is friends with literally everyone. Even if you didn’t have a picture perfect relationship, this is how it would seem on the outside.
Sun in Pisces in 8th house:
Your Sun in Pisces in the 8th house is such a powerful placement!
With your Sun in Pisces, it is likely that your friends would describe you as someone who is truly caring of others, is a peacemaker, and someone who can get lost in their own world from time to time. This can sometimes manifest in negative ways though, forgetting to reply to messages or emails, or even having trouble with procrastination. HOWEVER, being in the 8th house is an awesome combo with Pisces! The 8th house rules rebirth and transformation. Bringing a Piscean, watery, dreamy energy into that is super motivational for change. It is likely that you have a lot of big ideas and are deeply aware of who you are at your core. You are deeeeply empathetic. You could be focused on things such as self-improvement, the arts, music as an emotional outlet, and more alternative mediums like astrology, tarot, wicca, etc. You probably have some form of femininity about you, which can manifest in either dreamy-ish elements OR alternative/quirky elements. You love different forms of self expression.
This is a good match with Chan’s Sun in Libra. You would encourage him to find himself for who he truly is and he would support you in all of your big ideas. He could also help some of these ideas come to life. You would most definitely bring out a softer side to him that would make him feel well-rounded and loved. There would definitely be a subtle sweetness as an overtone to your relationship.
Moon in Sagittarius in 5th house:
I think this matches the rest of your chart well. Moon in Sag in 5th house means you have a DEEP need on an emotional level to experience self-expression and creativity with complete freedom. You value that for others as well. You probably dream of traveling or going on large scale adventures. You feel best when you have freedom to explore all of your interests. You value hearing others’ opinions and are super open-minded, liking to be challenged to think about things in other perspectives.
I think this is a pretty good match for Chan’s Moon in Libra. You would be very encouraging, yet again, of him to find himself and what HE truly wants. Not what he thinks other people want for him. You are able to give him freedom to develop who he needs to be. I could see this as a very spiritually-healing relationship for him. He would help you feel valued in everyday life and always support your dreams.
Mercury and Mars in Aries in the 9th house:
Although you have a Pisces Sun, your Mercury and Mars indicate to me that you can be very honest in what you want or what you want to say. However, with the Piscean personality trait, I feel like you’ve found a way to channel honesty into a way that it won’t really hurt other people. Again, there IS a gentle nature to you, so I see it very unlikely that you would just explode on someone right off the bat. It is a lot more likely that when in an argument, it would take a lot of repetition or a large buildup of things that go against your values to make you boil over. When you get mad, you can definitely get mad. With that Mercury in Aries as well, it’s likely that you could also say some harsh things that you’ve been thinking (now without a filter) when in a fight. I’m not gonna lie, fights with Chan would get way way explosive. May even end up in needing time apart if you’re not careful. These fights would typically stem from differences in beliefs or philosophy… I DO think though that since both of your sun signs are passive, you could eventually be able to understand the other person and need to reconcile deeply with each other to feel comfortable to return back to the relationship. It would take time though.
Aquarius in Venus in the 7th house:
The 7th house is the ruler of romantic and platonic relationships. Venus is also the ruler of the 7th house, so this will be a prominent part of your life! Aquarius in Venus tends to act on love from a level that is more cerebral- they need to know that the relationship they would be entering makes sense. This manifests in the fact that many Aq in Venus will want to be FRIENDS first, before considering a romantic relationship. They need to know that their partner will be intelligent and funny, someone who can mentally stimulate them and be unique. So Aquarius relationships can definitely be a slowww burn. They can also be nontraditional a lot of times in the sense of maybe not necessarily feeling the need to get married or other social “taboos” (which are changing tho so that’s good). In the bedroom, Aqs HAVE TO find someone who they feel is truly their match to feel comfortable with sexually. Like I’ve said, Aquarians are unique- they like what they like. This isn’t to say that they aren’t adventurous in the bedroom, but rather that they have certain interests that they just do or do not want to try. One big problem that could happen with Chan’s Venus in Scorpio is how possessive/obsessive he could tend to feel over you. Many Aqs in Venus do not want to feel like they are being told what to do or that they don’t have the freedom to do as they please. It can feel almost suffocating in a way. It can honestly cause them to shut down sometimes, getting too overwhelmed with something they never asked for. If there was a relationship with Chan, sexual boundaries would need to be established early on. If not, you could each find yourself in a relationship where you were super into each other in all other aspects than this one. You would definitely have to reach a level of compromise. I could see you having slightly the upper hand in this, Aq being a cardinal sign. Chan would still need the super deep, emotional aspects involved in your love life, but I do think there are ways around how he could obtain it and how often it would be integrated into the bedroom.
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rustycottoncandy · 9 months
I'm feeling a bit like a quill and want to write, so here's a bomb of facts about Avery! I've been building her :D
- Avery doesn't see her cat (Saturn) as a friend or much like another living being, but moreso as her property.
She is fond of her cat and does feel appreciation for her, yes, but doesn't see her further than as an inferior being or just an animal. As 'something' more than 'someone'.
She's not bothered by the fact that her cat will die before her sister graduates in high school and will most likely not cry her death, unlike the rest of her family (referring to mother and sister, not her WHOLE family).
- Here's a more light-hearted fact, though! To make some contrast!
She knows how to play the ukelele and often posts covers of Smooth Roses songs in her YouTube channel, which have gathered a couple of views with time.
- Aside from covers, she's also done analysis of their songs, in which she breaks down their structure and talks about the meaning of the lyrics. These kinds of videos usually last about one or two hours.
- Her videos aren't edited and they're filmed all at once in a single take, so if she mispronounces something during the recording, it will stay.
- Her whole channel isn't themed around Smooth Roses, though, as she sometimes posts stuff sharing her current projects or stuff she's built in the past and explaining the process behind them. These videos aren't very well received, unfortunately, but that doesn't stop her from making them. She doesn't really care whether people like or not what she posts and will be satisfied with just them seeing her stuff, even if they later insult her in thirty different languages.
- She's written a few songs herself, too, but they're mostly received in a bad way and usually the only ones that listen to them are herself and her mother. Then again, though, that doesn't bother her much.
- The first color that comes to my mind when I think of her is bright pink. The second one is dark blue. The primary color, to be exact.
- She STILL doesn't have an official outfit. She's got a physical appearance, but I tend to give her different clothes whenever I draw her.
- She absolutely LOVES building stuff and once created a very tiny guillotine using a pencil sharpener's blade, some wood, and a thread she found on the ground. She still has it somewhere in her closet.
- Talking about closets, hers has been painted over. It used to be white, but she once got bored and decided to draw on it, which she still does every now and then, covering up old drawings and replacing them with new ones. Apart from doodles, she's also got song lyrics here and there.
- She also draws on the walls of her room. They used to be pink and are now swarming with doodles of different colors. Some are more complex than others and have actual liquid paint on them, while others were done out of impulse with the first marker she found in her pencil case. Some parts have also only been splotched.
- Some of her clothes have been drawn over or modified, too. This applies Mostly to jeans and t-shirts, but there's also a few hoodies and jackets in the bin.
- She dyed two flocks of her hair blue BECAUSE Jackalyn (Jackie) did, from Smooth Roses. She's also thinking of dying some parts red because of Melody.
- She has spammed Melody's DMs a painfully huge amount of times, whether it is to share the videos she does about her songs or just thank her for her music. The band are aware of her existence but decide to ignore her, specially Melody and Jackalyn.
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tellmegoodbye · 1 year
going off of what you recently said about being asked about music, I’m going to ask you about music! I love discovering new music so who are your top artists and your top songs?? either currently or all time
Okayokayokay I'm calm I promise :)
My favorite band of all time is linkin park, and honestly they always will be. Now I'm sure everyone knows all of their popular songs, but I'm going to go ahead and recommend a criminally underrated album of theirs, which is A Thousand Suns.
Now even though LP is my favorite band they obviously have not been active since 2017, so I'm going to also talk about my favorite band that's still currently active, and my second favorite band of all time. Shinedown!
If you're wondering just how much I love this band, I am about to see them for the fourth time at the end of the month! They are honestly so good live so if you're into rock music and looking for a damn good concert experience, I highly recommend catching one of their shows!
I know the lone star (and og) fandom is at least somewhat aware of them because whoever chooses music for these shows does not know how to miss 😊 and the song they used in the second episode of lone star, how did you love, is one of my favorite songs by them. I literally got so excited when it started playing and started singing along. A very memorable moment for me while watching this show! (I also have a shinedown shirt with the lyrics "every day is do or die" on the back...I promise I am normal about this band 😂)
fun fact: if you've seen me lurking around on my main, leave-a-whisper, that is a reference to their first album! I also reccomend the Sound of Madness album. These two are their two best albums in my opinion!
there are so many bands I could mention so I'm just going to mention a few more quick ones so that this doesn't become an essay. I also have last.fm if you want to take a look any bands I don't mention here, cause there's a lot!
Speed run under the cut! Trying to keep this at a reasonable length here 😂
Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin, I grew up listening to these bands! middle school harley practically lived and breathed one-x and phobia.
Halestorm, one of my favorite bands with a female lead. Lzzy's vocals are fucking insane and the music is extremely fun and empowering.
Speaking of amazing female leads, if you're looking for some metal (or just curious about getting into the genre) I really love Jinjer. They are insane live and Tati is a phenomenal vocalist.
I also dabble in prog music. I pretty much grew up listening to bands like Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree. Insane talent in both of these bands. One album I really love and reccomend is Deadwing by Porcupine Tree.
O.A.R, my childhood. My parents introduced me to this band when I was very young and I have loved their music ever since. I can't really compare them to anyone else, but I reccomend listening to songs like heaven and love and memories. Those are a couple of my faves!
I don't really listen to much rap music, but NF is a massive exception. His lyrics are always amazing and the music is just really fun, sometimes really angsty.
Bad Omens, Dayseeker and I Prevail are some good metal bands to get into if it's usually not a genre you'd enjoy. Amazing vocals.
Album recs!
I have been listening to To Be Everywhere is To Be Nowhere by Thrice. It's an amazing album. My favorite song off of it is Hurricane.
My favorite album that came out last year is Spirits by Nothing More.
My favorite albums that came out this year are Take Me Back To Eden by Sleep Token and Dead Club City by Nothing But Thieves.
Finally, some song recs!!!
Atlantic - Sleep Token
Satellites - Periphery
Higher Place - Malevolence
Familiar Taste of Poison - Halestorm
Mourning Song - Holding Absence
The Red - Chevelle
Tears Don't Fall - Bullet For My Valentine
Breaking My Bones - Friday Pilots Club
Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) - Deftones
Dying is Absolutely Safe - Architects
One More Light - Linkin Park
Death By Rock And Roll - The Pretty Reckless
I could mention sooooo much more but this is definitely enough for now. As you can see my music taste is very rock and metal heavy and I know that's not everyone's thing, but if you're unsure then definitely give some of these bands a try!
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I'm entirely unfamiliar with your OCs. If you could introduce them and the setting they're in, though, I'll for sure read it! Tomorrow, though. I stayed up way too late being ultimately unsuccessful in a video game because of the poor choices part of my brain (which is the entire darn brain)
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ough i am so so sorry for only getting to this now, i kept blanking whenever i tried to write but ive been having so much brainrot abt this oc all day that i need to talk abt her
This is Rose!!
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(There's two picrews bc picrew is inherently very limited but I tried my best. Her facial structure and hairstyle in the second pic is more accurate, while the first pic has the right skin tone and actually shows off her personality a little.)
She's 21, 4'10, and infected with a demonic parasite that gives her super speed. I haven't really decided on the details of her backstory, but she was basically just constructed by some sort of godly force to use as a host, and then plopped onto Earth. Which happens to be a post-apocalyptic wasteland lmao
Humanity has been reduced to just about 100 small gangs, all of which are constantly scavenging, surviving, and fighting for territory. Rose happens to be part of a group called Target Practice (bc they suck really fucking bad). There's a lot more to the world than that but that's all the context you need for Rose.
She's very loud, bubbly, excitable, cocky, and comically stupid. She either has no awareness or just doesn't care about how other people percieve her; all that matters is that she and her close friends are having fun. This means she takes any opportunity she can to crack a joke because of that, no matter how stupid or crude it is. It's the epitome of "pinhead dipshit"
As for likes/dislikes/hobbies, she's a huge fan of pop and rock music and loves to sing whenever she has free time. She also likes exercising a lot, especially since the parasite provides her with a shit ton of stamina so she doesn't really get tired from running around. To top it off, she's a huge gun nut and loves to collect/shoot/nerd out about guns. No I'm not projecting at all shut up
It can get super fucking hot in the wasteland sometimes and she never gets used to it, much to the chagrin of everyone else. Rose gets really whiny and annoying about it, and she's basically bound to her room until the heat wave passes, which she also hates because she's hyper and energetic and NEEDS to move. This also happens with rain, but it's much easier since she doesn't get sweaty and the sound of rain is relaxing to her. (There's no nuclear winter btw)
That's about it for now! I'm probably forgetting a shit ton and I'm intentionally leaving out the worldbuilding because this post is just supposed to be about her, but if you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to ask. please 🥺
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edithlovesyou · 2 years
alright, so first off, i have NEVER don't this before lol i am trying my best with wording and i try to keep everything gender neutral lol (I fixed this up, older writing update- almost a year later)
he tries his best to be gentle
he canonically has the emotions of a child so he probably has a lot of moments
he has Messy handwriting, barely legible
he Tries to give you gifts after being accepted into the family
He loves flowersss, I would like to think sunflowers in specific but change it if you feel different lol
He has a favorite chainsaw, he would never tell though because his family is full of a bunch of jerks
he has extreme attachment issues, his family taught him that family is all that matters. if you're family, you cant leave
A very kind soul, i feel he would love animals. humans are a different story.
he Also loves flowers, possibly allergic tho? idk I just vibes from him that say no pollen near him.
he Loves to draw in a kiddish style, I feel like sometimes being a kid makes him feel a bit better about what happened
he Really likes collecting souvenirs from victims, like what he did with his mother in a way, just a memory
You hear the occasional waterboarded gurgling sound, he can still push water through and around his lungs I can imagine, so the sounds are basically his version of clearing his throat lol
DANNY JOHNSON (jed olson, dbd ghostface)
That camera is his life
he's Not really perverted, but sometimes says things and realizes it sounds dirty
Nasty gloves, never cleaned. Ever.
Weird southern accent but not really a southern accent??? idk Every fanart image I've seen of him he looks like one of those people you never know what they are saying or what their accent is or if it's even real
A crooked smile, again with the fanart, he looks like the type to be a bit more southern
A shit ton of acne probably, sweaty mask things
he probably has Stretch marks, that is a BIG man. no way this man doesn't have them
he Loves all his masks and if he ever broke one you can expect a memorial, they are like his version of people
he probably Cringes around clowns because of the old mask, bad memories
he Prefers loose clothes, this isn't really shown but he seems like the type
he is a Nature lover, not to animals tho. just the scenery
He understands emotions he just doesn't care, like a cat
toothpick in his mouth for no reason, and I'm sure Lester has asked why
he Can go from laughing to pure evil in seconds, we've seen it
he HATES animals with a passion
He feels very safe in his work overalls, just comforting to be in his element
Just saying, he is probably old fashioned. he could probably pick up on modern things if people tried to teach him, will he care? no
he has a Crooked smile but thinks it fits him, again with the southern things, only this time he is self aware and like how he looks
he Finds comfort in the smell of dead animals, let's be real. that man goes to that pit because he knows nobody will try to find him.
he makes Crude jokes but in a good way? (If that makes sense??)- like he fully understands what he's saying but he knows how to word it and make it not as bad. you can still tell what he's saying tho
Eyebags to hell and back, stays up around the pit
he Loves old country, especially on his truck radio
Probably likes the game sorry for the popping sound, I see him as the type to like random sounds
sculpting helps him when he's anxious about anything
he Loves the wax house dog more than anyone, since his brother isn't really comforting for him, why not a dog?
he tried many masks before settling on one face shape, too picky
he loves sweaters
piano music is his life
he might Make the occasional sound that startles people, other than that, no words from this man
ALRIGHT, hello i am edith! This is my first time writing but i plan on improving and taking requests for readers, i plan on doing any gender, body type, features people want added, anything! That's all <3- - - updated ver lol- I'm dallas or dahlia depending on the day, and I fixed this up! if others have seen it before and wonder why it's different, that's why lol I don't really have time to do fresh writing right now, so I'm doing this
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sappho-official · 2 years
that post about aspd reminded me the second worst presentation i ever saw at art school. it still makes me laugh/cringe
one quarter i took a fantastic basic-level psychology class as an elective, and one of our units was on mental illness. the professor made it EXTREMELY clear that she hadn't originally had this as a subject, but so many students had requested it over the years that she got tired and started including it. she did a great job at respectfully teaching about commonly stigmatized conditions like DID and ASPD and psychosis and the history of how we've treated various conditions, from medications to therapy over the past century or so.
the end of the unit had a project: make an art piece based on and do a presentation on a condition listed in the DSM-5*. the only required source was the DSM-5 itself, but the professor encouraged us to read about the lived experiences of people with the condition we were covering. simple enough.
*conditions outside of the DSM-5 were permitted with professor approval, and I actually did mine on grapheme synesthesia
SO presentation day goes through like normal. there was one piece allegedly about PTSD that was a pretty painting of an ice-covered rose that was very very obviously not painted for the assignment (which was against the rules) and the presenter was like "I guess the red of the rose represents blood and the ice is like uhh the shattered glass from the car crash?" not great but nothing too crazy
then this one girl gets up. she's done a digital piece so she brings it up on the projector. it's a line drawing of a girl pointing aggressively at another girl, who is cowering; something about it reminded me of a musical poster but I haven't been able to figure out which one. it was also like a photo collage, I think there were photographs inside the line drawings of the girls.
and so the presenter begins telling us about her piece which is about "Antisocial Personality Disorder" and how it makes you "scared to interact with people."
which is, uh
not what ASPD is.
if you're not aware, Antisocial Personality Disorder is what is sometimes colloquially referred to as being a s*ciopath (idk if that needs censoring but it's an outdated and not-great term so I'm leaning on the side of caution). the DSM-5's describes it as "a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others" which may not be a perfect definition, but most CERTAINLY is not what this girl was describing.
so she continues her presentation on social anxiety "antisocial personality disorder," and maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if she wasn't constantly like "antisocial people hide away from others due to a fear of being vulnerable" "antisocial people are scared that their friends secretly hate them" just REPEATEDLY using the word antisocial incorrectly. someone in the class actually tried speaking up in the middle of the presentation to be like "uh, that's not--" but was cut off. and need I remind you that this was a topic that had been covered IN THE CLASS ITSELF, and, sure, maybe she had missed a day but if she had just read the SINGULAR PAGE of the DSM-5 she was required to cite, she would have been fine!
when the presentation was done, the professor stopped the class for like 10 minutes to basically re-deliver the entire lesson on ASPD, just to make sure no one was confused. I have no idea what kind of grade that girl got, but it was rough to watch.
anyways, the worst presentation i saw at art school was in 1900s art history and involved a guy looking at marcel duchamp's Fountain (a picture of which HE HAD PUT INTO HIS PRESENTATION) and saying that it "looks kinda like a urinal"
it is a urinal.
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