#the season with the exploding bats was pretty good
skizzpulsee · 8 months
so true buddy
81 notes · View notes
daintylovers · 3 months
Moments in Love
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
A/N: based off of a request from @beyond-the-stars-fairy
"Hey, can I request a season one stiles falling in love with the reader!"
ur wish is my command <3
Summary: Glimpses of Stiles falling in love with you, throughout Season One.
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If anyone were to ask Stiles who the girl of his dreams was, he would say you in a heartbeat. It felt like you had always been the one for him. An unrealistic fantasy that every teenage boy has. Except at this stage, most of his peers were moving on to more attainable girls. Not Stiles though, never Stiles. You could hit him with your car and he would thank you for it, the lovesick idiot. It didn't help either that you were oh-so-sweet to him. You guys weren't friends, more like acquaintances. But in his dreams, you were more than anything he could imagine.
So, even though Scott had just shown him a nasty "wolf" bite, his attention was stuck on you as you waltzed up the school's front steps. He called out your name in greeting and was pleasantly met with a smile and a wave.
Scott, did you see that. I mean we're practically set up for a slow-burn love affair. I swear to you, one day, she will be my wife.
Stiles, can you focus on something other than her for like five seconds! Jesus man, I show you I got bit by a freaking wolf last night because of you, and you don't bat an eye. But she wiggles her fingers and it's like your brain is fried. Get a grip.
The spaz manages to do as Scott says, until later that day he spots the new girl hanging around his girl. By the way, his best friend is looking at the new girl, he can tell that Scott is just as screwed as he is. Serves him right, it's time for someone else to feel the way he feels all the time.
Stiles learns that her name is Allison and remembers the class they share together. He won't lie, she's pretty, of course she is. But she's nothing compared to you in his eyes. Seeing the pair of you talking and giggling like long-lost friends from across the hall only makes his heart hammer harder. Even Scott comments about how Stiles' heart is seriously racing against his chest. Almost like Scott could actually hear it? Weird, but whatever, just means that Stiles has more than homework to do tonight.
But the newfound discovery about his best friend takes a toll on Stiles's mind, suddenly finds himself obsessed over werewolf lore rather than the smell of your shampoo when you sit next to him in math.
Stiles, are you listening?
Fuck, he was totally ignoring you. He obviously didn't do it on purpose, but what if you thought he was.
Stilessssssss, hellooooooo
Your fingers waving in front of his eyes is what causes him to come back to the land of the conscious.
Yes, sorry, yes, I am totally listening 100%.
Really? Then, what did I say?
You said, Stiles, hello in a way that a snake would if they were real. Like a cartoon snake with really good-smelling hair.
God, was he cursed to be the most awkward boy alive or something.
You aren't wrong, but you aren't fooling me Stilinski. I was very kind-hearted and I know you weren't listening. Guess I'll have to ask someone else.
No! No, don't ask someone else. I'm sorry. I promise I am paying attention now.
Good, because I won't ask again. Are you doing anything this weekend?
Was he dreaming? He had to have been dreaming.
No-no, nope, nothing. Yep, I am totally doing nothing this weekend by myself. Why do you ask?
I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me? Lydia has Jackson, and Allison is going with Scott. So I figured we could go together since our friends are coupled up.
And just when he thought his heart might explode, you added, Not as a date or anything. I just don't want to show up alone, you know. Plus, you shouldn't have to show up alone. We can show up alone together!
Yeah, that's great. Totally not soul-crushing to hear. God, you probably thought he was into boys. Which is fine, of course, Stiles was anything but homophobic. Yet, it's a tough spot to be in when the girl of your straight(?) male dreams thinks you swing for the other team.
Yeah, I would love to. Do you need a ride or something?
Which is how he arrived to now, driving with you in his passenger seat. Thank god it wasn't awkward. Sure, the small talk could have been better, but he could tell you were nervous. He just didn't know why. He knew why he was nervous, you were fucking gorgeous. And his best friend was surely going to kill your new friend tonight, but whatever. Live in the moment is what everyone says. And if he could, Stiles would stay in this moment forever. Getting to peek over at you softly singing along to the radio, windows down, the streetlights hitting you just enough to make you look like a dream.
Arriving at the party, you guys immediately got drinks and went to say your hello's. Turns out, you knew a lot more people than he did. But you never let him leave your side, always ready to introduce him to whoever you were talking to.
After you had finished, you suggested beer pong. Stiles opted out on condition of driving you home safely but promised to watch from the sidelines. So you were partnered up with some other guy, and Stiles could feel his envy choking him.
Even though you smiled at him when you would score, Stiles's stomach was sick at the thoughts he was having. You looked good with him, fit in with him. Self-loathing was a bitch.
Yet, when you won, you didn't run to the other guy's arms and hug him. No, it was Stiles who received your affections as if he had helped any. The boy was quick to catch you as you catapulted yourself into his arms. You were saying something to him, but he was focused on the way you fit in his arms.
You pulled away quicker than he hoped but stayed at arm's length. Which is where he could smell the alcohol on your breath, and his illusion was shattered once more. You were only clinging to him because of what was in your system.
With your wide eyes staring at him and the little puffs of air leaving your nose, Stiles had to force himself to look elsewhere. Anywhere else. Cause if he didn't, he was sure to kiss you. And that wouldn't be good for anyone.
This is when he spotted Scott tearing himself away from Allison, and rushing outside. Stiles turned his attention back to you and fought every muscle in his body not to kiss you.
I've got to go, I'll be right back.
Then he left because he knew that if he stayed and explained, someone might die.
What he didn't know, is that you were quick to follow him. The guy was your ride home after all.
As Stiles searched for Scott, he noticed Allison getting into Derek's car. This is when you practically slammed into his back, not realizing he had come to a stop.
Stiles jerked forward a little not prepared for your momentum, and then looked to see who had just body-slammed him.
Where is she going?
Even in your drunken stupor, your protectiveness for your friends was overpowering.
I don't know, but I have to go find Scott. Can you get a ride with someone else?
Then you marched yourself to his car, him following behind like a puppy dog.
I'm coming with you because, after Scott's, you're taking me to Allison's to see if she's okay. No teenager has that nice of a car unless it's Jackson.
Fair enough.
Your persistence gave him hope that one day, he could be someone that you would be protective over. Maybe being friends with you wasn't the worst thing in the world. Because then, at least, you would love him in some capacity.
The next few days after the party had been a bit of a blur for Stiles. Allison had been alright after all, and you had ended up staying at her house for the night. Stiles had received a text from you a few hours after he found Scott, saying thanks for the night- even if I was more than a little drunk and bossy.
From that point on, you guys texted a little here and there each day. It was a little slice of heaven away from the supernatural drama that had brutally invaded his peace of mind.
For example, Scott had convinced himself this morning that he had practically eaten Allison alive last night. Turns out, Allison was safe, but Scott had definitely eaten someone alive, judged by the amount of blood the bus had contained.
Stiles had been ready to discuss the details he had gathered through the day with Scott during lunch. But his plans were stopped when someone who wasn't Scott sat down at the table. In fact, a lot of people who weren't Scott had started sitting down.
It wasn't until you sat down next to him that Stiles decided he wasn't irritated at the intrusion. This was actually a really great intrusion.
Did you hear they found out who the body was? It was this old bus driver. The police think it was an animal attack again. Has your dad said anything?
No, I haven't asked him yet. But, I'll tell you if he says anything worse than an animal attack.
God, could you imagine being the bus driver. The fear he must have felt? I stopped going for walks in the woods because I didn't want to have a bite taken out of me. And now it's happening at school? What's next, the movie store?
It's probably for the best that you stopped going into the woods. Dangerous stuff out there. If you're really that bored, at least bring someone with you.
Are you volunteering, Stilinski?
Then, someone interrupted his tranquility, Hey lovebirds, are you in or are you out?
Stiles felt his whole body turn red looking at you, he could see your cheeks start to flush at the implication.
Fuck off Jackson- what are you even talking about?
Thank god you said something in response because Stiles was sure his voice would have cracked.
Me, Lydia, Allison, and her new little friend are going bowling. Are you and your new little friend coming? Or will I be forced to play with people who suck at bowling?
You turned your head back to Stiles, bowling? He shook his head, he would not fall into the same ploy that Scott had landed himself into.
Nah, Stiles and I are going to just work on homework. Thanks though, think of me when someone else kicks your ass, Jackson.
Jackson gave you a fake laugh before going back to his original conversation. This time, Stiles and you were listening, not wanting to be caught. The bell rang shortly after, and Stiles was eager to get Scott alone. But you had other ideas.
Stiles, wait up!
Stiles waited up, as you caught up to him.
Since our friends are going bowling, do you actually want to hang out? Be alone together type of thing again? We could hang out at your house and I'll bring snacks!
Yep, being friends with you was definitely better than nothing.
Of course, Stiles said yes, which is how he ended up with you falling asleep on his shoulder. You had let him pick the movie, shoving homework aside. Naturally, he had picked Star Wars, after you had said you hadn't seen any of them. The two of you had already been hanging out since 4pm, so when he put on the movie at 9pm, he knew there was a chance that you might get tired.
But there's that saying, that people only sleep, like truly sleep, when they feel safe. Seeing the soft rise and fall of your chest, your body unconsciously seeking out the heat from his body, had Stiles feel at peace for the first time since this shit had all started. His chest warmed at the thought that you trusted him enough to be this vulnerable with him.
So he shut off his laptop and debated on waking you, but he could feel the lack of sleep on his part rapidly catching up to him. A nap wouldn't hurt. He could set an alarm for thirty minutes and then wake you up to go home. It wouldn't be totally weird if he fell asleep next to you, right? His eyes made up his mind, as his eyelids became heavier and heavier the longer he had this internal debate with himself. Just thirty minutes to be selfish and envision a life where this was every day, and then he would be fine.
Thirty minutes turned into a lot longer than thirty minutes, the two of you waking up to being tangled in the arms of the other. Stiles being Stiles, made it awkward by trying to not make it awkward. But you handle it like a champ, much to Stiles's liking.
Oh my god, stop freaking out Stilinski. I sleep with all my friends. this just means your status has risen from schoolmate to friend level three.
Yeah, being your friend is 100% better than nothing. Especially if that first part was true.
After Stiles calmed down, you guys got dressed and went out for breakfast.
Stiles should have known that something this great would only be followed by literal horrors. For starters, everyone's least favorite werewolf, Derek, decided to involve Scott and him in his pity party bullet hole wound. Stiles was sure that he would never forget the vision of holding a bone saw and being prepared to cut a guy's arm off. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw that moment.
You, however, would have the same type of moment a few days later, at the movie store. You had been searching for a new movie for movie night with Stiles. Hanging out with him had become your own personal brand of heroin, soaking up the minutes like a sponge.
It was in the romance aisle, that you heard a familiar voice calling out for help.
The Notebook? Really Jackson, I never thought you were a sentimental type of guy.
Jackson spotted you in the aisle adjacent, coming up to look with you.
Trust me, I'm not. It's for Lydia.
For some reason, this store had every movie but The Notebook. And there was not another soul around. It was after that realization, that goosebumps rose on your arms. Something was wrong.
The lights started to flicker and Jackson held out his arm, to keep you behind him. He felt it too.
But you guys couldn't just stand there, so you swerved and started walking in front of him. Turning the corner, you felt your breath catch in your throat. Someone else had been here, in with you guys. But from the way his body was crumpled like a piece of paper, he wasn't really here with you guys anymore.
You felt Jackson come up behind you and let out a gasp. Turning to face him, you said, We gotta leave. Like now.
Jackson turned around, ready to take the lead, when a monstrous figure emerged out of the very aisle we had just been in.
The size of its body was a quick indicator that this thing was definitely not human. But, way too beefed up to be any animal you knew of. Jackson started taking tiny steps back. Maybe the thing was blind and hadn't spotted you yet.
You guys quickly made your way into a different aisle, with you holding a hand over your mouth to silence your breathing. Jackson made sure that this time you wouldn't sneak around him, his chest and arm locking you in place, with his head turned around to keep a lookout.
The thing completely walks past you guys, and for a second you believe that it really might be blind. But then the shelves start a domino chain and Jackson only has a split second to decide whether he'll save you or himself.
The former jackass, shoves you out of the aisle, as the shelf next to you guys collapses on top of him, crushing his legs.
Your head swerves around, trying to locate the beast, but you come up empty. It wasn't blind, it was playing with you guys. The way a child plays with its food. You stand and bend down ready to try and lift the shelf off Jackson.
Stop, stop, stop, he whispers, Just go. I'll be okay, but you won't. Go.
Shut up, you whisper back, I'm not leaving you.
It's then that a growl erupts through the air. The creature has come back to finish you guys off. Out of fear, you try even harder to lift the shelf as the animal slowly starts to approach you guys.
Fuck, fuck fuck, you chant, the furniture not budging.
With a final tug, you stumble back and fall onto the floor. This is where you die, on a dirty floor while your friend watches, probably also about to die.
But the creature does the strangest thing. It walks over to Jackson, paying you no mind as your instincts take over and you scramble a bit away. It digs its claws into Jackson next and the boy lets out a guttural scream, both out of terror and pain. The beast removes its claws and turns to face you.
Quick as lightning, it's crowding up your space, breathing its hot breath on your face. Its eyes are red as red can be, almost glowing with intensity. Its coarse hair tickles your neck, as it leans down, smelling you like a dog. It looks back at you and you swear your heart stops. It just stares at you and you stop breathing.
Then it stands up straight, breaks into a run/crawl, and bursts through the glass doors.
You're out of it until the ambulance arrives. But even then you can't fully decipher their questions. It isn't until you see Sheriff Stilinski talking to Jackson, that your mind sobers up a bit. The man walks up to you, telling the paramedics to check on Jackson one last time.
Are you alright sweetheart?
With Stiles and your newfound friendship, you've met Sheriff Stilinski more than enough times to have formed a little bond with him. He likes you, thinks you're great for his son, and tells you every chance he gets, despite Stiles' complaining.
You don't even get the chance to answer his question, because his son starts causing a frenzy in the crowd. Of course, Stiles was there. Thank god Stiles was here.
The boy bursts forward, eager to see his dad, but falters when he notices your shriveled form sitting in the back of the ambulance.
Are you alright? Is she alright?
I'm okay Stiles, just a little shaken.
Thank god, he says, then goes to hug you, overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of something harming you.
But he stops himself when he sees you flinch. Your eyes drop to your hands sitting in your lap and guilt consumes you.
Stiles, once they do a final check on her, can you take her home?
Of course Dad. See you at home.
The sheriff shares the sentiment and then walks off, leaving you and the boy alone.
What happened there? he questions softly, afraid to scare you off.
You won't believe me.
When he doesn't respond, you look up at him. His head is tilted, offering you a chance to explain even if it's absurd. It's when he clutches your hand and flips it over to trace your palm, that you tell him. And you tell him everything, even the part about how the attacker was not human.
He lets you finish, and when you do, you look up at him with wide, glossy eyes.
Stiles, I thought I was gonna die. I should have died.
A tear rolls down your cheeks and he tries to hug you again. This time you accept it, and start weeping into his chest. He rubs up and down your back with one hand, the other cupping the back of your head.
It's okay, it's okay. You're fine, just a little shaken like you said. You just need some rest. Let me take you home.
He signals for the EMTs to check you one last time before he gets the okay.
It isn't until you're halfway home that you realize, he didn't say if he believed you or not.
Do you think I'm crazy?
And it's because he loves you, that he avoids the question.
I think you just need some sleep.
You take that as a neon sign saying yes you are completely crazy, and keep your mouth shut the rest of the ride. When you arrive at your house, you thank him for the ride and then quickly leave to go inside.
Stiles thinks nothing of it. Why would you want to stay and chat after something like that? In fact, he's proud of himself for dodging your question, cause he thinks he's spared you from any harm.
He texts you before he goes to bed, and wakes up to nothing from you. No biggie, you're probably still asleep.
Monday rolls around, and you haven't responded to any of his texts. And trust me, he has sent a lot of texts. A concerning amount. He's holding on to hope that you're just waiting to say something to him in school, but you don't show up.
He isn't your boyfriend or anything, so he doesn't show up to your house.
Until Tuesday comes and you still haven't responded and you still aren't at school.
As first period starts, he realizes that everybody but him is not at school. What the fuck? So he takes that as his sign to fake sick and also not be at school.
The excuse worked well enough with the nurse, who waved him off with a note for the day like she was giving them out like candy. Whatever, that worked for him.
He tried calling Scott first, which went to voicemail. He wasn't close enough with Allison so he wouldn't call her. Plus he had a feeling that the two lovebirds were with each other anyway. He didn't have Lydia's number and doubted Jackson would give a shit if Stiles checked in.
That just left you. You who had been avoiding him for days. For someone so intelligent, he couldn't figure out what had happened between you guys. Was this your way of shoving him aside, bored already?
Stiles wasn't a quitter though, so he tried calling, but to no avail.
Fine, be that way. If you won't answer, he'll make a house call. With his nerves on fire, he made it to your house quicker than he should have. Your car was in the driveway and so was another car. Probably your mom's. At least he knew you were home.
He parked and went to knock on your door. Your mom answered a minute later, greeting the boy with a polite smile. He hadn't met your parents yet. You had chosen his place as the hangout spot, so it just hadn't happened.
Hi, I'm Stiles, a friend of your daughters. I was just coming by to check on her. May I come in?
Your mom let him in, telling him that she would go see if you're awake first. They had you on meds for the shock, real hard stuff.
But what your mom didn't know, is that you hadn't been taking them. Just hiding them in your cheek until you could spit them out. You weren't crazy. That thing wasn't a goddamn mountain lion and screw everyone who kept trying to tell you it was. You knew what you saw.
Instead, during the hours you were supposed to be knocked out, you spent researching everything you could about the creature. With only a description, it wasn't easy at first. But after putting some papers together, you began to connect the dots. All of the deaths blamed on animal attacks, Stiles telling you to stay out of the woods, using Scott's regular wolf bite as an example, the other weird shit you had seen since living in beacon hills, everything was adding up.
Your mom knocked on your door and you hid your laptop under the covers, lying down and closing your eyes. She came in after a moment and gently shook you.
Fluttering your eyes open, you made your voice raspy, asking her what?
You have a friend here to visit you, his name is Stiles. Do you want him to come up, or should I tell him a different time might work better?
A flurry of emotions clouded your head. Of course, you wanted to see him. You missed him, even though it had only been a few days. But he wasn't telling you something, you couldn't trust him until you got your evidence that you weren't crazy. If you didn't have proof, he would shut you down like last time.
Can you tell him another time, please? I don't feel too well.
Your mom obliged, leaving you alone again.
Stiles' leg hadn't stopped shaking. He was nervous like how he used to be around you. You were friends now though, he reasoned, he shouldn't be so nervous.
Seeing your mom come down the stairs, he burst out of the chair. At his eager reaction, your mom gave him a pity smile, and he knew.
She's still out of it. A different time would work better, if you want I can give you her number so you guys can text.
He visibly deflated, No, it's okay. I have her number so I'll keep in touch. Thank you.
The ball was in your court, and he had never felt sicker with want.
You woke up from your nap and checked your messages immediately. Just because you weren't responding to Stiles, didn't mean you weren't reading them.
But instead, your phone was barren aside from one text from Scott. That was weird considering you guys weren't super close or anything.
Opening it, you felt your heart drop.
Stiles is in danger. You need to get to the school, the creature is back. Please help him.
All common sense went out the window as you read those first words, Stiles is in danger.
You didn't question how Scott knew about the creature to why he wanted you specifically to save his best friend. Or even why at the school? The only thing in your head that had alarms going off was Stiles being in danger.
You throw a sweater over your shirt and put on some shoes. Attire really was the least of your concerns right now. Thankfully your parents were asleep, so you snuck out the door and drove to the school.
You arrived at the same time another familiar car did.
Jackson, what are you doing here? You said, after getting out of the car.
Allison answered, I got a text from Scott telling me to meet him here. We were all going on a double date again. But he's like an hour late.
This was a setup, and you guys were screwed.
You guys have to get out of here. I got a text from Scott too, saying Stiles was in danger. But it's not real. Jackson, it's that thing.
Allison jumped in before Jackson could, What thing? Also no way are we leaving you here, Let's just investigate together, Jackson and Lydia stay out here, and if we aren't back in 15 minutes, call the police.
How could you explain to the girl that if she went in there a possible werewolf would eat her alive. And that her boyfriend and his best friend have also probably been already eaten alive. You couldn't. But Allison wasn't one to take no for an answer, and you weren't about to leave with them. So you compromised.
Call the police in ten if we aren't out. You told Jackson, and then began walking with Allison up the steps.
The school was dark and cold. We made our way to the pools before our silence was interrupted. Allison's phone went off, and it was Scott who was calling.
She looked to you, as if for permission, and you just nodded your head, eager to see if Scott was actually behind the phone call or if it was something else.
They have their little chat as you stalk away from the girl, walking on the other side of the pool.
Hey! He said to get to the lobby now, and he sounded really worried.
You guys made your way to the lobby and were greeted by Scott playing his own game of 20 questions.
But you stopped listening when you saw Stiles move from behind Scott. He rushed to you, gripping your shoulders.
What are you doing here? She didn't say you were with her?
You shrugged his hands off, He asked us to be here. but gave very different reasoning to both of us.
Stiles was hurt by your action but covered it up with more questions. Who Scott? What do you mean he asked you to be here? What did he say?
Jesus, Stiles slow down. You said, shoving your phone at him. he swiped it immediately and read the message that his best friend definitely did not send.
He didn't send this.
Obviously, you deadpanned.
Listen, you need to leave now. You need to drive to the station and get my dad. Tell him I'm in trouble at the school.
What the fuck? No, you tell him.
And then on second thought, you added, I know you know who sent this text. What the fuck is going on here? Is it connected with the werewolf?
Stiles' eyes almost popped out of his skull at your closing comment. How did you know?
As for you, you finally got your confirmation. You weren't crazy after all. Now why was he hiding it from you?
Wait- why was he always at the wrong place at the right time? No way that was a coincidence.
Was Stiles the fucking werewolf?
You weren't about to out him as a supernatural creature. Because what if you did and then he killed the other in front of you as some sort of bonding ritual before turning you? A week ago you would have begged to be sent to a therapist for having thoughts like this. But now? It was so unlikely as it should have been.
All you said was, I knew it.
He was quick with a reply, You don't know anything. Stop it.
I knew it, you laughed a little. I fucking knew it, I'm not crazy.
You don't know it. You're crazy, bat shit insane, please stop. His commands turned to begging at the end. He really didn't want you to know.
You guys were cut short when Lydia and Jackson burst through the doors. But even they were cut short when a loud thump came from the roof.
Soley out of fear, you moved closer to Stiles, and he wrapped a palm around your wrist.
You watch as Stiles and Scott share a look, then Scott yells, RUN!
Stiles practically yanks you behind him and you barely make it up the stairs before the ceiling collapses. You turn your head to look down and see it.
An odd mix of relief and terror fills you. It isn't Stiles, which is very good. But it is going to kill you this time, which is very bad.
We make it to the cafeteria and Stiles pulls me into a corner while Scott and Jackson bolt the doors. Then everyone starts moving chairs to barricade the door. You go to help, eager to not be eaten, when Stiles, whose hand is still clenching your wrist pulls you back. You turn, sending him a questioning glance, and he jerks his head to the twenty-foot wall of windows.
Stiles tries to get everyone's attention, yet no one listens to him. Irritated and beyond terrified you shout, HEY!
That gets everyone's attention, which allows Stiles to speak.
He informs the group of the windows and Allison cracks, Can someone please tell me what's going on here because I'm really scared. What is happening?
Scott and Stiles share another look. And even though the question was directed at Scott, Stiles answers, Somebody killed the janitor.
What is he talking about Scott? Is this a joke? Allison tries.
Who killed him? You questioned, waiting to see if the boys will give up the werewolf.
Scott panics at all the attention, everyone's eyes waiting on him. I don't know alright. But whoever it is, they are going to kill us too.
Why is he protecting the werewolf, you think? Then another thought hits you, Is Scott the werewolf? Is that why it didn't kill you, why he sent the text saying Stiles was in danger? Had he been planning to kill us all and then second-guessed it? But that couldn't be it because Scott was in here now. Fuck man.
One question still remained, Why were both boys protecting the werewolf identity?
Who is it? You asked, and Stiles knew you weren't talking about the alleged killer. You were smart and he loved it, but now was not the time to be smart.
No one answers, so Allison tries again.
It's then that Scott says, It's Derek. Derek Hale.
I look to Stiles who looks at Scott like he's the stupidest person alive. It's not Derek. Scott's a liar.
Everyone starts questioning and Scott continues, I saw him, alright. Derek killed all those people. Starting with his own sister. It's been Derek the whole time. He's here, and if we don't get out now, he will kill us too.
Call the cops, Jackson demands.
Stiles snaps out of his stupor, No.
If it really was Derek, Stiles would have no problem with his dad and a shooting team hunting him down. It's not Derek. Or maybe it is, but Dereks not fully Derek. You know?
Stiles and Jackson argue as you try and unravel the mystery. It isn't until Lydia gets hung up on that you tune back in.
Why does Derek want to kill us specifically? You question. Just a few days ago, you had no clue about anything. Content to believe it was all animal attacks. So why would he be going after you now?
Allison seconds your question and adds a few more, which prompts Scott to yell in anxiety. The girl sulks away, opting to not ask any more questions for fear of his reaction.
Scotts goes to a corner and Stiles moves to follow him. You stray not too far, eager to hear their conversation.
Don't you want to see if Allison is alright? Scott's kinda a dick, and you probably don't want to hear me scold him. Stiles tries.
She's a big girl, she can handle herself.
Please, he tries again.
No. You say and stand right next to Scott. The aforementioned boy sends you a curious glance.
If looks could kill, Stiles might have had you dead. All he was trying to do was protect you, and you were being a brat about it. You didn't know anything, but if you wanted to know so badly, then you would.
First off, throwing Derek under the bus? Nicely done.
Scott's eyes widen and his best friend outs him as a liar in front of you.
Stiles continues, Secondly, she knows so don't give me that look. I don't know how she knows but she knows alright.
Scott looks to you for confirmation, I know.
Fine, he starts, I didn't know what else to do plus, he's dead so it doesn't really matter. Then he turned his attention solely to you, I just bit her head off didn't I?
You look to Stiles in disbelief, who just sighs in disappointment.
Scott, I'm sure she'll be fine. Just apologize later. You try.
Stiles, who had enough goes, Bigger issues at had people, like how are we not going to die?
A thought strikes you, But if it wanted us dead, we would be dead already. It wants something else. It's like when it didn't kill Jackson or me even though we were very killable.
So what, it wants to eat us at the same time?
Scott jumps in, No- Derek said it wants revenge.
You start, Revenge against what? Why lure me and Allison here? I know I didn't do anything to cause something like this.
Both boys have the same thought at the same time, Allison's family.
Allison's family? What the fuck did they have to do with you?
Jackson breaks our circle, New plan asshats. Stiles calls his useless dad and he comes down here with a bunch of guns.
Stiles is quick to shut that idea down, but Scott prevails, Stiles, you might have to tell him.
No way, I am not watching him get eaten alive. It's bad enough she's here, and he points to you, I won't lose them both.
Jackson shoves Scott to the side and tries to yank Stiles's phone out of his hands. Stiles is quick on the recoil, knocking Jackson's jaw back.
But it was just for show, as Stiles tries to call his dad himself. He gets voicemail and it sinks in that you might be dead in the water.
Banging erupts from the doors, both Scott and Stiles move to be in front of you, taking slow steps back to herd the rest of the group. You reach out to grab Stiles's hand, which rests behind his back, and he grips yours in response.
Our only option is up, Stiles says.
You answer, Up is better than here.
Screws start falling out of place and your heart beats at the tempo of the banging. That was the cue for everyone to hall ass upstairs, and as you guys make it, the creature breaks down the doors. The chairs in the way slow him down and you thank your idiot friends for placing them there.
You run into the nearest classroom, locking the door as if the werewolf couldn't just rip the door off its hinges. Everyone tries to slow their breathing when a figure ghosts by the frosted glass. Out of instinct, Stiles crowds your space, holding you against him. The figure stays for a beta too long before leaving. It knows you're here. What the fuck.
You turn in Stiles's arms to stare up at him, and he just sighs, wishing this nightmare would end already.
You feel the same and leave his warm embrace to search for a way out, Could we unlock this and leave?
Stiles whispers, It's a deadbolt.
The janitor will have it though, you reason.
His body will have it. No way.
I can get it, Scott announces. He comes closer to us, I can find him by scent. By blood.
Scott is a werewolf. But not the werewolf. Does that mean Stiles is one too?
Scott decides for himself, I'm getting those keys.
It's Allison who says what's on everyone's minds, Are you kidding? You can't go out there unarmed.
Scott picks up a ruler and thankfully Allison doesn't slap him upside the head. Looking around, you realize which classroom you're inside.
He won't be unarmed, you say making a move to the cabinet. You start pulling out supplies and Jackson isn't amused.
What are you gonna do? Throw acid on him?
Lydia answers, Yes, that's exactly what he's gonna do. Sort of. There's everything you need to make a self-igniting Molotov cocktail.
Stiles stares, dumbfounded, while you and Lydia work on the concoction. Jackson tries to help, but you don't let him, eager to finish yourself.
In record time, you hand Scott the bottle, sending him off with a thank you. He is risking his life after all, even if he's a werewolf. He smiles in appreciation and Allison steps in, not prepared to see him die.
Scott, just stop. Do you remember when you told me you knew whether I was lying or not, that I had a tell? Well, you have one too and you've been lying this whole time.
You look to Stiles and he can feel the angst bubbling in his chest. You don't say anything and it makes him feel worse.
Scott looks to his best friend, in similar anguish, Lock the door behind me.
Allison pulls him in for a kiss and you look to Stiles yet again. For a split second, he envisions that it's you two in that scenario, that you're kissing him goodbye with all the passion you have. It helps that you stare back at him, but your face is cold.
You turn away, angling yourself out of his space, and go to sit with Allison.
Later on, after you've been saved by Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles catches up to you. He starts to open his mouth but you cut to the chase, Please don't. I don't want to hear any bullshit excuse.
I promise I won't try to dick you around right now, okay? But we have to talk about what happened there.
Do you want to talk about the werewolf who has almost killed me twice? That you knew was lurking around and didn't think to mention to me? Instead, just giving me cryptic messages about being safe and staying out of the woods?
Well- yeah, kinda. He loses his momentum.
I already know Stiles, I don't want to talk about it. Especially if Scotts is one of them. Do you realize that he could have killed us too? Why didn't you tell me? Why lie?
His momentum kicks back up Because I was trying to protect you? Are you kidding? If you knew it would only place you in more danger. You didn't have to know, everything was fine without you knowing. Now it's just more stress, another problem to add to the list.
That's what I am to you? Another problem to add to the list?
No- that's not-
No, whatever Stilinski. Consider me, not your problem anymore. I can take care of myself. And I promise to protect your friend's little reputation. Just stay the hell away from me.
And with that, you walked away, and for once, Stiles didn't try to follow you.
It's Friday night, and Stiles wishes that he had followed you. Argued with you about your safety. At least then he would have had more time with you. The friendship that had been cultivated now turned to ash. He had tried texting the morning after. Nothing. He had tried talking to you in school. Nothing. It was like he didn't exist all over again.
And it was unbearable.
Stiles only had one solution, learned from years of living with his dad. Alcohol could solve any problem, albeit temporarily. And because of Scott's recent return to loser-ville, Stiles figured the boy would also need some liquid courage to get back on his feet.
After more than a few sips, (try half the bottle), he could safely say that he was feeling pretty damn good. As long as he didn't think of you. Which was hard. But doable.
Scott on the other hand had discovered that because of his supernatural abilities, alcohol had no effect. Bummer. But not Stiles' problem.
You also weren't Stiles' problem anymore.
Fuck, no, don't think about her, he told himself.
Dude, don't think about her alright. She's one girl in a fish of a million seas.
Scott just laughed at his drunken friend's antics, but Stiles was on a mission to cure himself and the other boy.
I'm serious alright. Fish are like girls and sometimes in the sea, you want a specific one. And she's everything, the perfect fish. So you go fishing in the fish sea. And you manage to catch her. It's not your fault if she hops out of your hands, you know. You just have to keep fishing and hope she comes back. I really want her back.
Scott punched Stiles in the arm, and the boy yelped like a dog, What the hell man? he whimpered.
You told me to hit you if you talked about her. Said the pain would clear your mind.
Right, yeah, Stiles nodded his head. It's just hard not to think about her. Or talk about her. I really miss her- OW. Being alone is way worse.
Scott agreed, saving his friend from another bruise-earning hit. Stiles definitely was worse without you.
You really hadn't wanted to go dress shopping today. But Lydia had convinced you by saying it was a girl's day and that you had to get out of the house at some point.
She was annoying but she wasn't wrong.
So here you were, looking for dresses for a dance that you definitely wouldn't go to. Turning your head, you felt someone's gaze. Locking eyes with the one person in the entire world you didn't want to see, you cursed aloud.
The lady next to you looked appalled by the profanity and you squeezed by her, eager to get away.
Stiles felt his heart shatter all over again- you couldn't even look at him? Was it really over?
Ducking into a separate section, you found Allison who looked at you skeptically. You told her who you saw and she had the nerve to laugh at you. If you really didn't care about him, you wouldn't have run away.
First of all, Allison, you sneered, I didn't run. I walked politely away. And second of all, I don't care about liars. And he is a liar.
I wonder if he's going to the dance too? Allison questioned.
Probably not, he hates school functions.
Perfect, so you wouldn't mind me setting him up with Lydia as a little revenge right? Your jaw dropped.
Like I said Allison, you recovered yourself, I don't care about liars. Or who they go to this stupid winter formal with.
You did care. Like a stupid idiot, you cared very deeply about who stupid liars went to the goddamn winter formal with.
It was the day of the stupid winter formal and Lydia and Allison had to drag you out of bed. They wouldn't take no for an answer. They also wouldn't take, get the fuck out and I'm going to punch you guys as answers either.
They dressed you up like a doll, despite your protest of having no date.
Don't worry sweetheart, I found you a date, Lydia replied.
You wished she wasn't so well prepared.
They finished and you had to admit, you looked fucking great. A sneaky part of you hoped Stiles would see you.
Shaking that thought off you drove Lydia to the dance, Allison having already been picked up by Jackson.
Arriving at the function, you had just parked when a gigantic blue jeep pulled up right next to you. You've got to be fucking kidding.
Stiles and you climbed out at the same time, yet the boy didn't even realize it was you until you made your way behind the cars.
Fuck, she's beautiful, was his first thought.
Your first thought was, this goddamn idiot can't park for shit.
You look really beautiful. And Lydia you also look pretty.
Lydia scoffed as you said, You can't park for shit.
Thank you, he said not taking a beat.
There he is, Lydia said, pointing to a tall guy in a tux. He had soft brown curls and a sheepish smile. He was cute, you had to admit.
You walked over to your date and introduced yourself, eager to leave Stiles' puppy dog eyes.
Yeah, I know who you are. I'm Issac. Issac Lahey.
Nice to meet you Issac, you said looking back to see if Stiles was watching, he was.
You hugged the boy for show and then suggested heading inside.
Issac was truly nice and you were having a fun time. But still, you couldn't help but search for Stiles in the crowd.
What happened between you guys, Issac asked, spooking you from your longing.
He lied to me about something serious.
Judging from the way that he also won't stop looking over here, I think it's safe to say he regrets it.
He's not looking over here, is he?
Every time you look away, he looks back. It's like you guys are agents or something. The push-pull is insane. My feelings should be hurt, but this is more painful to watch.
I should talk to him, shouldn't I?
Only if he apologizes the second you get over there, Issac laughed out.
I'm sorry, you deserve a lot better, you told him.
Maybe, but if I were you, I would do the same thing. Just make me a promise.
When you see me in the halls, say hi. Or if we have a class where we can pick seats, and he isn't there, sit by me. We could be friends, and I really would like to be.
This time you hugged him because you wanted to, Of course, Issac. You really are nice and very cute. I'd love to be your friend, we can exchange numbers in class or something.
Yeah, I'd appreciate that.
With that, you made your way over to Stiles' who had just been abandoned by Lydia.
His eyes bulged as you made your way to stand in front of him. Get up.
He was quick to obey, but nervous to speak.
Wanna dance?
Yes, he breathed out, taking hold of your outstretched hand.
The pair of you walked onto the dance floor, getting into slow dance positioning. His arms were hesitant once you waist, as you encircled yours around his neck. You looked at each other for some time before he broke the silence.
I'm sorry for lying to you. I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't even know if you wanted to know. I know you shouldn't have known. Knowing is what caused you to be at the school. God, you were in so much danger for nothing. I'm sorry.
As he spoke, Stiles' hands tightened their grip. Please forgive me. I miss you. I miss you so much. Can we please just be friends again?
Promise not to withhold any more vital secrets?
Pinkie swear, cross my heart, and hope to die.
I missed you too, you admit.
His smile grew wide, Really?
Of course, genius. You're pretty cool to be around.
The two of you dance for the rest of the song until Jackson breaks the moment. Have you guys seen Lydia?
That sends you three into a manhunt for the strawberry blonde. You luck out when you go searching outside, seeing her figure illuminated by the lacrosse field lights. You call out her name and she meets you halfway.
I thought I saw Jackson.
Jackson's looking for you, with Stiles and I. Come inside, it's freezing out here.
No, I swear I saw somebody.
It's then that you notice, that you see someone else too. Lurking beyond the treeline. Goosebumps find your arms once again, and you can't deny that their cause isn't the chill in the air. It's the werewolf. He's here.
Lydia, we have to get inside, now!
The two of you try to run, but the man/werewolf is in front of you in an instant. He grabs Lydia and slices her in the stomach before launching her body into the air. It slams onto the ground as you hear Stiles in the distance begging for you to run. But you can't. That's Lydia he might have killed.
Not carrying a weapon, you use what you have, your fist. It connects with the dude's cheek but he seems unfazed as his claws plung through your dress and into your abdomen.
Pain blossoms through your body, your muscles on fire while they are torn apart.
Stiles skids to a stop, just in time to catch your falling body as the werewolf lets go. Blood bubbles up, staining the dress and Stiles' hands as he tries to put pressure on the wound.
You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay, he chants like a prayer, more for himself than you. This was his worst nightmare.
Doesn't look that way to me, the werewolf remarks. Then he crouches down to be level with you two. He listens as both heartbeats skyrocket at his presence, fear radiating off them both. But different kinds of fear, both over the same reason, your life. This should be interesting. He takes his claws out again, and you gasp, moving closer into Stiles' arms. Where's Derek?
I don't know!
The werewolf hears Stiles' heart skip a beat, You're lying.
He moves to grab your throat. claws ready to puncture through your skin. Let's try this again, where is Derek?
Stiles panics, I'm not sure! I have an idea but it's not 100%.
Well, if you want your pretty little girlfriend to live, then you're going to take me to him. The werewolf hears the boy's heart skip a beat again.
Taunting him, he continues, You really like her, don't you. Better hurry up before she bleeds out on the field. Though she would make a pretty corpse, wouldn't she.
Stiles locks eyes with you, worried that if he leaves, you really will die on this field.
Don't worry, I'll be fine. Go. Please.
The boy reluctantly places you on the grass and goes to walk with Peter. It takes everything in him not to run back to you and stay with you. He can't even let himself look back at your crumpled form, because his resolve would shatter, and then you really would die.
You don't make a move to stand until after his body has disappeared into the trees. You manage to stand as Jackson calls out for you. You take a couple of steps before blacking out. This time, Stiles isn't there to catch you.
Stiles instead finds you at the hospital, struggling to breathe on your own,, hooked up to various tubes and machines. As if his heart could take anymore.
It's then that his dad calls out his name. He only has time to face him before the older male slams him into the windows of your hospital room. The glass vibrates at the intensity, but Sherif Stilinski's voice booms louder, Where were you? What happened to these girls?
They were attacked Dad. I didn't do it, I swear. Come on, you know I would never hurt her like this.
And the Sheriff does know because you literally are the girl of his dreams. Always has been. The man calms down, wrapping his arms around his son, Are you alright?
I'm fine. Is she?
Whatever attacked her, cut her pretty deep. Same with Lydia, plus both girls are having an allergic reaction. Maybe venom in the claws but I'm not sure what kind of animal could have venom and wal on land to attack them this way.
Stiles can't tell his dad that it's not venom. Can't tell his dad that their bodies are rejected by the werewolf curse that's now been placed upon them. Can't tell his dad that now you're really fucked. Can't tell his dad that his best friend is missing. Wait?
Has Scott been by?
No, he's MIA as well.
Which means that Stiles is pretty sure he knows where to find the boy. Maybe he can convince Scott to stay a werewolf for your sake. Beg for your life. Anything to spare you from what Scott has been through. Anything for you.
When Peter asked if Stiles wanted the bite, he had a moment to think of how his life would change. He would have the strength to protect you, speed for lacrosse, and be able to tell if people were lying which could help his dad on cases. Yet, he still denied it.
Maybe he should have accepted. Would it be easier if you both were werewolves?
After Peter had been successfully killed, Stiles wasted no time rushing back to the hospital. He wanted to be there for when you first opened your eyes. Hug you and tell you how sorry he was. Tell you how Peter had been killed so you would be safe.
But your body still was fighting, and his hopes were dwindling by the second. There was no cure. If you turned, you turned. But also if you didn't turn, you died.
The thought had him on the verge of tears, which began their descent down his cheeks when you squeezed his hand.
Looking to your eyes he saw them flutter open. He helped take the breathing machine off your face, so you could talk. Yet he jumped ahead, I'm so sorry.
It's okay Stiles, I'm fine, you croaked out, totally not sounding fine.
Do you feel magically healed? he asked through tears. You just gave him a look of confusion, so he continued, Do you feel fine as in you could run 10 laps?
Definitely not, why?
He cut you pretty deep.
I know, I can feel it, you deadpanned. What was he not saying?
You don't get it. You can turn into a werewolf from the bite, or if the claws go deep enough.
Your heart rate monitor spikes and Stiles feels his do the same.
Oh god, am I turning into a werewolf?
Stiles offers what little comfort he can, I'm not sure. But at least you'll have Scott and I to help you through it. You'll be alright.
That settles you slightly but leaves Stiles with a pinched heart. Cause, he is sure that you'll be fine. And doesn't want to tell you that you only have two unsavory options. Death or the supernatural.
All that is he 100% certain of, is that he will do anything to make sure that you live as peacefully and happily as possible. So if that means withholding the truth now and suffering for it later, so be it. Because if he suffers for this later, then it's because you're alive and healthy enough to argue with him.
A/N: omfg this took me all day- but it was fun I can't lie. let me know if you want a part two or something like a season two version with the same pairing! love you all and thank you for reading!
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13phantom13angel13 · 10 months
A/N: Hello! It is I! Your Squealing Santa! Surprise! You really gave me some damn good prompts and pairings. I had such a hard time choosing! Anyways, this was my first time writing for JJK. I hope you enjoy it! It was fun to write! Happy holidays! @giggly-squiggily
The christmas season had rolled around at Jujutsu High. The pleasing aroma of gingerbread, peppermint, and chocolate filled the air of the dorms’ kitchen. Anyone who entered the building would be smacked in the face by the sweet scent…the sound of bickering.
Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto stood in the kitchen bickering with each other. Geto, wearing an apron with some flour and chocolate smudged on him; Gojo wearing a shit eating grin as he held up one of the fresh gingerbread men that was just pulled out of the oven.
“Dammit, Satoru! Would you quit eating the cookies!? You’re going to eat them all before we can even decorate them!” Geto snarled at him, swatting him away with the spatula he wielded.
“I will do no such thing!” Gojo argued back, dodge by him with ease as he took another bite of the cookie. “I can’t eat all of them in one sitting.” He smirked as Geto’s jaw clenched.
“That’s literally the third one you just ate. If you eat one more, there will be consequences.” He growled out in annoyance. Gojo chuckled deviously at the threat.
“I would like to see you try, my dear Suguru.”
Geto’s eye twitched as Gojo took another bite of the sweet delicacy he stole.
“Get your thieving ass out of the kitchen, you menace.”
The challenging grin that spread across Gojo’s face made Geto want to punch him. Then he spoke the famous last words.
“Make me.”
It was Geto’s turn to smirk as he set the spatula down on the counter, taking the apron off from around his neck as he approached the cocky pale haired man with cracking knuckles. Gojo’s grin fell as he recognized the mischievous twinkle in his boyfriend’s eyes. He gulped as he took a couple of steps back.
“Now, Suguru. Think about this.”
“Oh, I have thought about it,” Geto stated as he boxed Gojo in against the adjacent counter. “And I think this is a suiting punishment for your crime, cookie thief!”
Gojo squealed as Geto’s fingers descended upon his sides. Bubbly giggles came spilling past his lips as he squirmed in place.
“Suhuhuhuguruhuhuhu! Nohohoho fahahahahair!”
“It’s plenty fair! I told you to stop eating the damn cookies but you didn’t want to listen. Suffer the consequences!” He scolded as his fingers traveled across his stomach. Gojo giggled harder.
“Tihihihihickling is agahahahahainst the ruhuhules!”
“Pfft! According to whom, exactly? Not you, that’s for sure!” Geto’s fingers traveled up his ribs, his giggles turning into laughter.
Geto laughed with him.
“You sounded like Santa! That’s how you get into the holiday spirit. Not by stealing cookies. Now, are you ready to apologize?” Geto asked the near hysterical man in front of him. Gojo shook his head as wiggling fingers traveled higher on his rib cage. Geto clicked his tongue disapprovingly.
“Suit yourself.” With one hand, Geto attacked Gojo’s armpit. With the other, he grabbed his hip and squeezed in such a torturous fashion that Gojo actually screamed.
Loud, boisterous laughter exploded from him as his knees buckled, sending him to the floor. Geto followed him down with tickling fingers still attached to their targets.
“Give it up, Satoru. We both know you’re too ticklish to keep this up much longer.” Geto said with a fond chuckle. Listening to his boyfriend laugh was one of his favorite things in the world.
By this point, Gojo’s cheeks had turned a pretty decent shade of red. Not enough to be alarming, but enough to know he was reaching his limits. Tears of mirth glistened in the corners of his eyes as he weakly batted at Geto’s hands.
“Are you going to stop stealing cookies and leave me alone to bake in peace?”
“YEHEHEHEHES!! JUST STAHAHAHAHAHAP!! SUGURU PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Gojo begged as the first tear trickled down his cheek. That was his signal to stop.
Geto withdrew his hands and sat beside Gojo, rubbing his back gently as he caught his breath. Gojo peered up at him as he wiped his eyes.
“That was rude and uncalled for…” He panted softly. Geto gave him a flat stare.
“What’s rude and uncalled for is stealing my cookies. Now shoo. I have to finish up these cookies so they’re cooler enough to decorate this evening.”
“Yeah yeah. I’m going.” Gojo got to his feet, exchanging as gentle kiss with Geto as he walked out of the kitchen to leave his boyfriend in peace.
Lesson learned, Gojo. Don’t be a cookie thief.
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glitter-stained · 2 months
More Batman Magical Girl AU lore: list of transformations
-Semi-transformation: this one is easy, takes little energy out of the Star and doesn't require a transformation sequence. It only triggers the emergence of some star traits, like bat ears and little bat wings for the constellation of the bat, wolf ears and a wagging tail for the constellation of the dog, translucent boxing gloves for the constellation of the clenched fist, etc. They enhance physical prowess and regeneration, though not to the level of Wonder Woman or Superman, as well as semi-flight through the ability to jump from building to building.
-Classic: the classic transformation which is accessible without too much struggle (aside from the concept of awakening) by everyone and probably the only one used for the first three seasons of the show, it's cool and has a transformation sequence but has to still be easy enough to draw. It grants flight, enhanced speed, strength and regeneration as well as access to Basic Moves and Special Moves.
-Meteor: after a Star gives themselves away to the Night of Gotham, if their heart is open enough, the crystal core can channel the pool of star dust inside their heart to grant them access to that transformation, which is objectively cooler and prettier than the classic (for example after someone loses a hand, someone takes a bullet for a civilian etc.). This grants them the ability to make Meteor Special moves, as well as an additional increase in physical abilities.
-Ultimate Starlight: when the Villain Conglomerate kidnaps Batman to try and syphon the power of the Bat, the other Stars come to rescue him. During the fight, the Stars' different attacks overcharge the machine meant to absorb the bat's star magic and use it to permanently mind-control the Gotham population, the Ultimate Transformer of Starlight (UTS), and it basically explodes in a bomb that hits everybody with the very powerful Ultimate Starlight transformation. They can afterwards channel this transformation at will, which is so pretty, and powerful in specific scenarios that require the use of the Starlight Avalanche power it grants: if someone good is brainwashed, possessed or committing evil through some fort of coercion, like some of the key characters used by the villain conglomerate in that arc, this magic frees them of that control and can even make them into allies; one Star's Starlight Avalanche is enough to free an entire mob of people.
-Aurora/Galaxy: The Galaxy is the final arc of the series, in which all the constellations join hands and all the fragments fuse together to summon the Night Sky, which is to say they summon the spirits of the Night Sky Constellations through a phenomenon called Aurora Borealis that opens the gateways and leads to the Stars and the constellations sharing a body moving together in complete symbiosis, in an all powerful costume that shows both ethereality, specificity to the constellation and full power glitter and detail. There are actually two costume changes in that epic final scene, the Aurora where as they hold hands and summon the Nightsky they are in uniformish galaxy/northern lights colours emitting and pastel neon light, and then the Galaxy when they merge completely with their constellation.
-Jason (Constellation of the Wolf): Unleashed: During this Under the Red Hood inspired arc, Jason is grappling with severe trauma and pain and rage, which all bubble to the surface as he tries to figure out what's happening. In an access of pain and grief, Jason decides to flood his crystal core with energy with the goal to implode, but instead the core is damaged and defaced (it will be healed at the end of the arc), leading him to take in an alternate transformed form that showcases his grief, rage and pain to the world and half-controls him, leading to an extreme increase in violence.
-Bruce (Constellation of the Bat): Dark Heart: Bruce's plummeting mental health leads him to attempt to shield his heart and accidentally leads to the corruption of his core by the Dark Spirit Zurr' En' Arr, who turns on his family and, among others, kidnaps Jason and tries to deactivate his crystal core to avoid a reiteration of the Unleashed Arc, which leads to consequences similar to the Gotham War storyline (though Jason is later healed through the waters of the fountain of the Astral Lost).
Star Fusion:
When two stars enter complete partnership their fragments might fuse temporarily, leading to both having costumes and powers that share traits of both. Examples of this phenomenon are the Stephcass fusion fight or that time the We Are Robin movement triggered by Duke induces a fusion between all of the Robins.
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Book of the Damned: Final Part
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Charlie found the Book of the Damned which has the spell to undo the curse of the Mark. You've made yourself clear but they're not listening to you. What better way to show Dean how serious you are than to hit him where it hurts: Your kids, Sam, and Charlie.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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You head to the nearest convenience store which is five miles from the cabin. You walk inside and only notice the cashier behind the counter.
"Afternoon, ma'am."
"Hi," you say.
You walk toward the junk section and browse the chips they have. You're looking for something salty to snack on and grab your favorite bag of chips. Just for good measure, you grab a six-pack of beer along with some cookies for Charlie. You feel the man's eyes on you but you don't comment on it. You walk to the counter and set the stuff down, noticing they have gummy bears. You grab two bags and add them to your pile.
"Is that it?"
"Okay, that will be $15.75."
He doesn't scan anything or move to touch your items which is weird but you don't think much of it. You take out a twenty and hand it to him which he takes. You immediately notice the tattoo peeking out of his sleeve. It's an eagle with two heads and in the middle is a cross that's been sharpened at the bottom.
"Are you heading home or just passing through?" he asks.
"Just passing through."
You look up and notice a mirror on the wall behind the man. Through it, you can see what's behind the counter. The real cashier is lying dead on the ground with blood all over the place. You can't help but laugh at the situation, and the man looks at you in confusion.
"This is just perfect, actually. You're someone I've been wanting to see. Let me guess, Styne, right?"
Styne throws your change at you just as someone comes up behind you and grabs you. You make no move to fight them even though you'd win if you did. Styne walks out from behind the counter with a knife in hand, the same knife he used to kill the cashier.
"Now, who might you be?" Styne's eyes drift to your chest where your shirt had fallen away, revealing part of your Mark. "Well, hello there." He grips the hem of your shirt and lowers it to show the rest of your Mark. "Where'd a pretty lady like you get their hands on something like that?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, Styne."
He chuckles and steps closer to you.
"My friends call me Jacob." He chuckles again and looks at the items you are going to purchase. "These wouldn't happen to be treats for a red-headed little gal, now would they?"
"If you knew what was good for you, you'd get your hands off me," you say to the man behind you.
When he doesn't, you blast both men away from you with your magic exploding out on all sides. Snacks and drinks topple over shelves and the little stands holding keychains and postcards fall to the ground. The man who was holding you goes to grab you but Jacob puts his hand up to stop him.
"Alright, I understand. You've got power. My apologies." You cross your arms and narrow your eyes at Jacob. "Do you know a red-headed girl?"
This is it. This is your in. They want the book. As much as you want to know its secrets, if they have the book, Dean can't use it to get the Mark off you. You can kill two birds with one stone if you do this right.
"As a matter of fact, I do. I bet you're looking for something. Maybe something to read?"
Jacob points the knife at you but you don't bat an eye.
"What do you know about it?"
"Too much."
"I'm betting you want to use it to rid that gift on your chest."
"No, quite the opposite. See, I like this power. I want this power. I will kill anyone who gets in my way and that includes you."
"There's no need for violence." Jacob puts his knife away. "All we want is the book. Care to give it up?"
"I'll be more than happy to give you the book so as long as you leave me and this Mark alone. If you try to get rid of it, I'll know where the book is and I'll kill every last one of your family members starting with you."
"Follow me and I'll lead you right to it. Oh, and do me a favor. Kill the red-headed girl. She's no longer useful to me."
"As you wish."
You don't see Dean standing at the back door listening to every word you've said. An hour after you left the cabin, his head started hurting like there was a battle going on in his head. Your magic now mixed with your old magic isn't a good thing. His head became clear and he realized what you are up to. He left to see what you were doing and found you at the gas station. He leaves before you can spot him and speeds back to the cabin.
"What happened?" Sam asks when Dean enters.
"Y/N is betraying us. The Stynes found her. She didn't turn over a new leaf. She's on her way over here to hand the book over to them and to kill us at the same time. She will kill everyone here if it means the cure for the Mark is gone."
He takes the container of holy oil and splashes some in the fire.
"Dean, what are you doing with the holy oil?"
"There is a cure for the Mark in the book, but it comes at a price. We got to destroy it."
Dean grabs the lead-lined container that contains the book.
"Are you sure about this?"
"It's calling to me, Sam, okay? I can hear it. It's calling to the Mark. It wants me to take the book and run away with it. Call me selfish but I care about both of your lives. If the book is gone, there is no need for her to kill us. Burn it now." The sound of a car pulling up to the cabin catches Dean's attention. He goes to the window with his gun out and looks through it. You're standing next to Jacob's car with a smirk. "Sam, burn it now!"
You crack your neck as you walk closer to the cabin. You're sure they locked the doors and windows but that's not going to stop you from getting inside. Jacob and two of his men follow you up the steps, eager to get the book.
"Dean, I'm home! Let me in!"
You stick your hands out in front of you and all the windows shatter with your magic. The front door flies open and Jacob's friends walk inside. Sam is kneeling by the fireplace so Charlie and Dean are the ones who have to protect Sam by fighting against them. One of the men grabs a chair to knock Charlie over the head with it but she grabs an angel blade and slices his torso twice. She kicks him into the wall and stabs the blade through his heart. Dean punches the other man in the face and kicks him in the stomach which sends him doubling over in pain. Dean grabs another chair and slams it onto his back, watching as the man crumbles to the ground.
"You want to go in or shall I?" Jacob says to you.
"Oh, you got this. I don't want to steal your thunder."
Jacob walks in with a gun in hand just as Sam tosses the book wrapped in cloth into the fire.
"Silly boy." 
Jacob glares and raises his gun to shoot at Sam. Charlie ducks behind the couch and Dean takes out his gun to shoot at Jacob. He shoots him three times but that doesn't take him down. It does knock his gun out of his hands but he knows he can take Sam without a weapon. He takes three steps toward Sam and Dean shoots him two more times. He bounces back easily and grabs at Sam's throat but Sam is two steps ahead of him. He drives a knife into Jacob's chest even with his hand wrapped around his throat. Jacob glares at Sam but he twists the knife, and that's enough to take Jacob down.
"Shame. I was really hoping he'd kill all of you," you say and step into the cabin.
"What the fuck, Y/N! Look what you did! This is... I can't even... You said you'd want to change!"
"You really think I turned over a new leaf?" You laugh. "When are you going to get it through your thick head that I like being this way? I don't know how many times you want me to say this but I don't want it gone! I told you what would happen if you continued to look for the cure, didn't I?" Dean's face goes ashen. "The trail of bodies I'll leave will all be your fault." You look at Charlie with a glare. "Starting with you."
You stalk over to her but both Winchesters run at you to stop you. You blast both of them backward and continue walking. Charlie scrambles to grab something but you get to her first. You conjure a knife and stab it through her abdomen and she gasps in pain. She slumps against your body and you twist the knife.
"I missed your organs on purpose," you whisper. "I want you to wake up every day knowing I will be right there ready to kill you. You'll die at the hands of me but it won't be today. If you continue to look for a cure, I will trap you inside your own mind forcing you to relive the worst day of your life before I kill you and send you down to Mommy and Daddy."
You pull the knife out of her and she crumbles to the ground. You toss the knife aside and walk over to Dean who has tears in his eyes. His heart is broken. It scares him to think about this but he doesn't know if having you back will fix the damage you've done to him. He stands to confront you but you push him down against the coffee table.
"Maybe I wasn't clear before." Your eyes shine red and Sam doubles over in pain. He coughs up blood since you're making him bleed internally. Dean gets up to help him but you push him back down again. "This is strike three. Game over. Let the hunt for our children begin, and believe you me, I will find them. If you continue looking for the cure, not only will I kill them but I will make sure you never find their bodies. For your sake, you better find them before I do."
With that, you leave the cabin. As soon as you do, Sam is suddenly fine. Charlie still has a stab wound but you made sure not to hit any vital organs. They have no reason to be in Des Moines so they pack up what they can and get the hell out of dodge. They don't say a single word until they're all back inside the Bunker. Dean is a broken man with only one goal in mind: to protect his children. He won't let you get to them.
Cas makes a visit without Metatron and explains what happened but Dean can't focus on anything he's saying. The only thing he got is that Metatron escaped with the demon tablet. Sam explains what happened at the cabin and Dean squeezes his eyes shut to get the memory of you out of his mind.
"I was foolish, selfish. I should've just killed him. Who knows what he'll do with that tablet?" Castiel sighs.
"You know what, Cas? You got your Grace back. You're back. You did the right thing."
"You did the right thing. That book needed to be destroyed. We will find another way, Sam."
The metal doors open and Charlie comes in with two pizza boxes and a bag of drinks in hand.
"I'm back, bitches!" she grins painfully. She walks down the stairs and sees Cas. "Whoa! Is that who I think it is?"
"Charlie, Cas. Cas, Charlie."
"I thought you'd be shorter."
Sam takes the food from her and places it on the war table before taking the drinks from her.
"I'm gonna get these to the fridge."
"I heard you got your mojo back," she grins.
"Yes, my Grace, has been restored," he stutters.
Charlie looks over at Dean to see him staring at the table numbly.
"Can't you just, you know, cure Dean and Y/N?"
"Unfortunately, it's not that simple."
"It never is, is it? Do you think you could do anything about my carpal tunnel?" Cas places two fingers on her forehead and heals her. "Is that it?"
"Your carpal tunnel and your stab wound are now healed. You may want to continue wearing your wrist brace at night, though."
"Did we just become best friends?" she grins.
Sam comes back with four beers and places them on the war table.
"Cas, tell me something," Dean says numbly. He looks at the angel with broken eyes. "Do you know where my kids are?"
Cas looks at Sam.
"Are they safe?"
Again, Cas looks at Sam.
"Don't let her get to them," his voice cracks.
"I won't."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
It's time for the end of season 2- The Deep Dive Caper!
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What an absolutely showstopping finale!! I'm so thrilled to liveblog it. This episode gets serious like no other episode really does before or since. Lets get started!
Late, as usual. Buy a lottery ticket the day I do one of these on time. Notes under the cut as always!
right off the bat this episode is pretty much unlike any other. they try to have a caper setup- the vile drive- but it's not long before we realize that EVERYTHING is gone. even in the last finale the sort of "caper" of the episode was rescuing devineaux. this episode is all about answers.
"all on my own. the only sure way i know." hrnnrgh carmen
their boat is being so nice and stationary in the middle of a raging storm and waves taller than they are
rip vile island we hardly knew ye
the cs team is just showing off their background artists 😌
ah would you like some mashed shadowsan with your steak
maelstrom your plan sucked babygirl sorry. should have sic'd brunt on her on the train like a rottweiler
interesting plan though. if shadowsan really had killed dexter, what would carmen have done? beat him up? sent him to acme? just thrown him out? she promises to hunt him down if he runs but like what were you going to do after that? murder for a murder?
malestrom: maybe she'll show up in botswana ✨ carmen who's been out for the count for half a year and has no reason to have even shown up in botswana as early as she did:
the teddy bear <3
in love with cleo's boob straps. that safety harness does not even clip in the front its like if a backpack was securing you to a car
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that explosion animation is so good though its so impactful
its a damn good thing devineaux showed up when he did he could have been blown to the gates of hell in one second flat and no one would have been any the wiser
chase drinks so much disrespect women juice the first two seasons that he blames julia for an impression of her that his own mind dreamed up i love him for that
angry carmen is so babygirl to me. go bestie show emotion. get so mad about that shit
mmm and theres the shot i used for our title card! and what a fantastic one it is. shadowsan's motif playing in the background as carmen pauses at the oni, but the show itself telling us that he is still on her side with that gigantic, massive symbol of him framing carmen in a circle of red. if you pay attention and learn the colors the team likes, you don't even have to worry about this ep its all cool
you know what the dominant color in this entire scene of carmen trying to find out the truth is, though? blue. even when she's in the server room or staring at shadowsan's oni, the water isnt tinted green like they easily could have made it. its. all. blue.
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obsessed with how zack wakes up he's being exorcised and the demon was the peppers and onions
agree it would have been hilarious if devineaux finally gets rescued and it turns out to be a really, really pissed off carmen sandiego
roundabout has the air of a theater kid who always got the leads but had to act surprised about it
evil ihop
i love how confused roundy looks its so funny
devineaux stabbing himself and the scream makes me cry laughing every single time
devineaux really goes ↘️↗️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️
i would watch a series about devineaux being left to fend for himself on the island and slowly losing his mind
his supervisor was so excited about firing him
okay here we go it all gets real now
carmens realization going from my dad was a cop -> my dad was literally the exact opposite of a cop and neither of those things being things she is happy about
i love the realization hitting her face (even if it was animated. a touch blandly)
shadowsan's face s just animated fantastically here. his eyebrows are up- he realizes carmen is there, maybe confused about why she isnt saying anything. then his eyebrows drop, his face falls ever so slightly. he knows the jig is up
also. yes. "your silence is like thunder" is just. ough its such a good line
he isn't even surprised by the question he knew it was coming eventually
"if you run, I will find you." its not a threat its a damn promise. for older viewers its easy to draw the connection between the famous i will find you and i will kill you. it doesnt have to be said.
mm and carmen rejecting the offer to sit and be comfortable around him. she just can't
even in the flashbacks your can see so much of carmen in him its so great. its dishonorable, and everything carmen stands against, but she is undeniably her father's daughter
the plot for this flashback is so sophisticated its so so good. they treat the audience really well about it
also young faculty designs <3
the red on the inside of dexter's jacket to symbolize his secret with carmen im sobbing
also the decision to make carmen have his eyes is. hrngh.
already been pointed out but the way the music softens when shadowsan says "you" HURTS
THAT BABY IS A SNITCH. carmen. snitchdiego
the heartbreak when present carmen speaks again gfgrgh
i like the new mask he hangs behind him before carmen confronts him, by the way. its green and white- the shadow of vile and his past looming over his shoulder, maybe- but also the mask of vile he had to put on to lie about what really happened to wolfe
the dolls rdhg im not crying you are
anyone have any thoughts on a dexter voice claim btw?
also also i sprang this on rueitae already but "dexter" while referring to dexterity and his skill as a thief can also mean "the one who dyes" which. jesus. it refers to dying cloth but the double meaning is ouchie
he locks her in gay baby jail!!!
i gotta stop making jokes about the most serious part of the entire series sorry
there's a little bit of a pink panther hint to his theme as he sneaks out the window which is interesting
rue's also already covered it but what WAS this man's plan for just leaving baby carm in there. like shadowsan says desperation i guess
god young chief shooting and killing an unarmed dexter wolfe and presumably orphaning her is the twist. of a fucking lifetime
the despair in the music cue when it reveals it was only his car keys
the matryoshka dolls getting burned in that fire ahrhgfrdshgsghds
love that shadowsan not only sets the house on fire while he and a baby are still in it but gives said baby an object that just got set on fire
also vile protocol dictating that he should have just burned a baby alive?? what the fuck!
bellum's apathy, mael's mild interest/concern, and cleo's disgust towards baby carm shdfjads
little tiny baby carmen shunting her butt at cleo is hilarious
faculty: omg she's a real natural thief she stole that thing without anyone noticing baby carmen in broad daylight five seconds earlier:
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btw bb carm is so cute she's so round
carmen finally just sliding to the floor under the weight of all of that information. now that she has at least the idea that shadowsan was not the one who murdered her father, even if she still needs proof
"why would you make me find out on my own?" is one of the most heartbreaking lines in here. she had to go through this realization almost completely alone. her trust in the man she was coming to see as a father was shattered and he could have just told her. he could have just told her
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shadowsan crying theyre so family
you can just hear the regret and fear and sadness in his voice paul nakauchi is literally so good
COMMANDER!!!! oh shittt i missed the one and only canon commander caturday rip...
ivy violently hitting the cash register is a mood
the little reveal even in the music as it pans to ivy in the starbucks uniform
chief nailed the good natured but a little exasperated "hmm" when dealing with people who have no idea what they are doing
ivys little look as she sees carmen walk in. the smile drop off her face as she walks away
carmen's theme ahrugdhjdsg the music in this show is so good
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what is her hand doing
oh chief no honey
the deadpan "i wouldnt drink it"
i love the little nod/head bow thing of acknowledgement of carmen's efforts
the sinister music as carmen ever so casually pulls off her little trick is GREAT
i didnt know chief could open doors 🤨
congrats on being gay agent argent you did it again
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player hack chief so bad the logo goes off of the screen
"somethings wrong" yeah no shit julia
chiefs oh shit face is so funny shes like aohhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo
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little guy
im so mature
we love digging up graves
that dawning apprehension on carm's face as she realizes there's a chance she might be about to see the decayed corpse of her twenty-years-dead mom in there
carlotta being modelled after old carmen was a cool choice. lots of fan theories about old carm being her mom this day 🫡
"are you with me?" "to the end of the line." grgfhgjhsdhjsgds im shaking them violently in my teeth if i ever got a cs quote tattoo or something it would probably be that line
the only thing i dislike about this cliffhanger is that in s3 they kind of try to deliver on this big wide promise that this finale gave us and then give up until the last episode of the entire series. like. isk. i feel like they should have either gone harder on the carlotta mystery or left it alone although they did leave me the opportunity to write a 66 thousand word fic series on the concept so i guess i cant complain
half clean shaven half very unshaved chase is so funny its cursed. he shouldnt have no hair but he shouldnt have that much worst of both worlds
devineaux's theme mixing in with that iconic action/danger soundtrack as he grins devilishly is just fantastic shit
chief waiting for a response as chase just silently smirks into the mirror
anyway GOODNESS GRACIOUS i cannot believe we're already through season 2????? what???? tis the end of my favorite season :( but s3/4 are nothing to sneeze at, either!! im super excited to get into more. (plus tsonts? are we doing that?)
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rainingstorms1220 · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Oooh uh uh that's difficult. Let's see...
1. My OCs and stories
Literally my only motivation to live. I'm very, very attached to my kids—they are the culmination of my blood, sweat, tears and soul. So anything revolving around them makes me very happy, inspired and motivated. I will do everything for them!! Art, writing, even making games if I can! Merch too! Plushies, accessories, anything and everything. All for them. The thousands of little fictional people, worlds and stories living rent-free in my mentally ill brain.
Bonus happiness points when other people also like my kids and are interested in getting to know them better. Like, if you take the time to approach me and ask questions about them, are willing to sit through hours of me rambling your ears off about characters that spawned from the depths of my hellish critter mind, and also actively want to discuss them with me and tell me all of your thoughts—that is like the ultimate quality to my quality time love language right there. It's the most idealistic, unrealistic, impossible thing ever though, mostly because I have a lot of kids and like. 20+ different stories with several more AUs. To have someone else be able to digest all of that information? No way. But yeah.
Fanart and fanfiction of my kids also make me very happy. I will treasure each and every one of the art pieces/writing dearly. Basically anything related to my kids, I will cry over. I will explode over my kiddos.
2. Various media
As of right now, I'm fixated on Twisted Wonderland (LEONA), Bleach (HITSUGAYA AND HITSUKARIN), One Punch Man (METAL BAT AND BATAROU) and Blue Lock (RYUSAE AND KAISER). Very much waiting in anticipation for the TWST anime, Bleach TYBW Cour 3, OPM Season 3 and Blue Lock Season 2 + Nagi movie. I'm also really invested in the Final Fantasy series (III, IV, VII, IX, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, Crystal Chronicles EOT and ROF, etc...)! And I'm a casual player of Punishing Gray Raven (very much looking forward to Wuthering Waves by the same company)!
I also like books! Haven't been able to read as much as I'd like to these days, but I have books I've bought that I hope to read soon. Gotta read Six of Crows (yes, Lune, I'll finish it). Have also been wanting to collect Bleach's light novels (CFYOW currently). And TWST's novels and manga too, once they're translated (Savanaclaw manga and novel C'MERE)! Much to look forward to <3 Fanfics of media I like are also really nice to read. When I have more time, I'd like to write for the fandoms I'm in.
Pretty art is nice. Good games are nice. Good stories and wonderful characters are nice. Beautiful writing is nice. I'm very simple haha, as long as the media strikes my fancy, chances are I'll look into it and derive some form of enjoyment from it <3
3. Writing/Drawing
If it wasn't already evident from the above two points, as well as my own profile, I like to write and draw. Very much an arts kid (creativity is another thing that I'm not sure I have, but let's not get into that). I'm not good at speaking, so having visual representations of the things I feel, be it via written words or artwork, is the best way for me to express myself and communicate, I find. And it's also fun! When I'm not preoccupied with other IRL commitments and stuck in creative ruts, that is.
4. Music
I know nothing about music theory or playing instruments. Not a music kid. I just like listening to good music. In particular, I'm a big fan of J-Pop, J-Rock, Rock, Instrumentals, EDM and Dubstep, Gothic-sounding music, and others, depending on whether they strike my fancy or not. Favourite artists/bands include Tatsuya Kitani, Aimer, Mili and ONE OK ROCK. Banger musicians. You're free to drop recommendations too! I'm pretty open to most genres. Though extremely selective with a few others (K-Pop being one of those genres haha oops).
5. Spending time with friends
Pretty clear cut, I think. I don't have a lot of people I'm particularly close to, but I do cherish those I consider my friends a lot. Quality time love language—just spending time with them makes me happy. We don't even have to really be doing anything. I just like having their company, and if they willingly seek me out and want to spend time with me too, that's even better.
And yep, that's all. I can't think of anything else haha. Thank you for the ask, beloved~
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zeeposting · 4 months
i didnt beta read this. i never beta read my fics MY BAD..
the simple things - payjay
Before he had the chance to see who it was, two hands curled around his waist, embracing him in a warm, fulfilling hug. He'd relax his shoulders, realising that it was just his boyfriend, not some stranger.
"Paper, you're back early, huh?" He'd hum out quietly, his hands closing his laptop shut, glancing over at his partner — It was around six in the evening, and for once, Paper was back earlier than he'd usually arrive.
"Mhm. Finished my shift early, so.." OJ kissed Paper's forehead, making his cheeks go a faint shade of pink, his heart feeling all fuzzy and warm — while his stomach had that little fluttery feeling. It was the same feelings he got when they first started dating.
They stayed in each others grasp for at least five minutes, before their dog came running into the room — just awake from a nap, jumping onto Paper, knocking him onto the soft carpets. His face was licked instantly, and he could tell she was happy to see him.
"Hey, Pumpkin." He'd scratch behind her ears, OJ watching with a smile. Two perfect beings for the price of one. 
"What am I gonna do with you two, honestly?" He'd chuckle, joining the pair on the floor. There was no harm in a little cuddle after a long day of work, and stress. It was nice to be snuggled up beside your boyfriend and your.. massive dog.
He wouldn't trade this for the world.
Balls of yarn would sit on the shelves in the living room — knitting was something OJ had picked up recently as a hobby, and he was pretty good at it — making scarves was his strong suit, and Paper loved wearing each one he made for the winter season.
The occasional photo frame sat on the striped walls, crooked and uneven. But that only added character to the house, which was decorated with love and care. It showed parts of them both, and that's what made it beautiful.
They rest on the couch together, Paper's head on OJ's shoulder, snuggled into a black, fluffy blanket, the dog resting on their laps happily, tail wagging with pure happiness and excitement at the mere thought of being around her owners.
This was what love was like. For them, anyway. All they really needed was each other, and that's all that mattered. Nothing fancy like a ring box, nothing big like a car — they showed their love through affection.
And that's what mattered to them.
gay people are real in 3... 2.... 1.... BOOM.
😨 /pos
i dont know how else so show my joy. explodes you
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kicks my golly little feet and bats my eyelashes!1!!!
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yourlovejohnny · 1 year
Dealer!Jonathan comforting Grieving!Steve Harrington.
{Set after all the events of Season 4.}
Steve was laid up against Eddie’s van. The tire, more specifically. He was stoned off his ass, seeing stars. His blood shot eyes, glossy, fell to off to the side to look at Eddie. He was taking a piss off by a tree.
“Eds.” Steve called out, slurring Eddie’s nickname. He started smacking his lips together softly. His mouth felt dry, like a desert. He felt like he could feel every crevice of his mouth.
“Yeah, Harrington?” Eddie zipped up his old black jeans and started walking back to the other. He tripped over a branch, which sent him stumbling against the van. This cause both the men to go into a fit of giggles.
“Do you have a bottle of water?” He said between giggles, snorting now. He took a puff of his ‘Purple Palm Tree Delight’ and dragged his eyes to look up at Eddie.
Eddie wasn’t there. It was like he disappeared into thin air. Steve giggled again and sagged his head. Eddie must’ve went to fetch him some water. He stomach started to feel heavy. He felt a lump swell up in his throat, so he stood up and ran off into the woods. Stumbled was more accurate. He got pretty far in and started to retch. His hand found purchase on a tree as he bent over and began to puke. He heard a faint noise in the distance. He chalked it up to animals running around or Eddie coming to find him. He stayed bent over, trying to get everything out of his system. Never mix kush, meds, and cheap beer. Noted.
“Anyone out there?!”
It sounded like a young voice. Not too young though. Like.. a young man. Early 20s, like Steve.
The foot steps got closer. Steve slid down the tree, laying his head against the hard bark.
“Eddie?” Steve mumbled out, he could just make out the outline of someone though his foggy Vision.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Steve all but fell off the couch when he jolted awake. He looked around, frantic. His heart felt as if would explode. He had cold sweats. His breath was erratic and shaky. Eyes still blood shot.
“Dude. Are you alright?”
Jonathan’s slightly lanky frame came into view. He sat a cup of brown warm looking liquid on the coffee table. He crouched down in front of Steve’s shaking posture.
“Where’s Eddie?” He breathed out, glancing around.
Jonathan went still.. his voice caught. His eyes saddened, unexplainable pain related from his to Steve’s eyes.
“Steve. He’s still gone.” Jonathan’s hand reached out and laid his hand to on Steve’s knee in comfort.
Steve froze and dropped his head into his hands. Right. The Upside Down. Vecna. The Bats. The accident. His death.
“I shouldn’t have let you have that stuff, Man.” Jonathan mumbled, running a hand through his own shaggy hair. “I thought it’d ease the pain, not send you into a depressive spiral.. that got you stumbling out in the woods.. puking your guts up… hallucinating Eddie.”
Then, he noticed how Steve’s frame was shaking. Choked sobs erupted from Steve closed lips. Tears dripped down his bare arms.. leave trails of wet pain in their wake.
He stood and pulled Steve into a tight hug. He felt Steve break into his arms. A single tears left Jonathan’s eyes as he ran his hands through Steve’s hair.
He’ll help Steve heal through this. He swore on his love for him that he would.
As Steve raised his head off Jonathan’s shoulder, he saw Eddie.. He stood there waving, laughing. He dropped his head into Jonathan’s shoulder letting another wave of tears hit him.
“I just want it to go away. Please Johnny.. make it go away.” He mumbled, choking on his own sobs again.
“I wish I could. I really do..”
They sat there, in one another’s arms.
Jonathan wishing for Steve to heal. To be happy again.
Steve wishing Eddie would just leave him be.. or come back in the flesh. To see him one last time.
The real him.
{Author’s Note: I wonder if I should make more parts. Maybe it’s good as a sad one shot. Who knows?}
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
Whumptober Day 12: Rumor Has It
Written for the Whumptober Day 12 prompt: Red
There’s something wrong with Mementos today. 
Akira can’t really explain it. Everything seems sharper. The reds are redder, the lights are pulsing harder, and the entire place feels like it’s about to pounce on them.
…Maybe he’s been spending too much time with Fox.
“Is something going on today?” he asks.
“I don’t think so,” Queen says. “No one’s been complaining about allergies or anything.”
“Only buzz I’ve seen online are like, spooky season stuff,” Oracle says. “You know, lots of rumors about ghosts and weird stuff.”
“I’ve heard a lot of those too,” Panther says, “I dunno if that’d really affect Mementos though.”
“You’re the leader Joker,” Morgana says. “If you say something’s off, we can go.”
Akira thinks. It could very well just be his nerves, and these requests are pretty urgent. Then again, it’s not good to take too many risks when it comes to Mementos. The Metaverse is as mercurial as the populace that formed it, who knows what could affect it.
“Let’s spend some time scoping our floors with weaker shadows,” he says. “That should tell us if there’s something we should be worried about.”
They pack up into the Mona van, and a few shadows in he’s convinced the bad feeling was just nerves. The shadows are acting completely normal, and the team takes them down easily.
He’s about to decide they should go back when one group of shadows they run into includes a shadow he’s never seen before.
“Oracle, what is that?” he asks.
“Uh, it looks like a Lilim?” Oracle says.
“But… it’s green,” Fox says.
“That’s what you focus on? Not the weird bat head?” Panther sighs.
“Whatever, let’s just ask,” Joker says. He pulls out his gun and shoots at the weird Lilim, but it isn’t knocked down. “Not weak to that anymore?” Joker mutters. 
“I’m on it!” Morgana says, casting Garula on the shadow, but that doesn’t knock it down either.
“Would it kill these things to be consistent?” Skull mutters. 
Suddenly, the Lilim casts a spell Joker doesn’t recognize and… explodes into smoke?
“Did it just knock itself out?” Noir asks. 
“But it didn’t even do anything,” Queen says. “That’s weird, why—”
Suddenly Queen’s hit with a psiodyne.
That Akira cast.
“Joker?! What are you doing?” Noir gasps, and Akira wants to say he doesn’t know. 
He’s felt the power of dozens of Personas flow through him before, but this feels wrong. Something has forced his way into his body and is making him move.
“Is he brainwashed?” Queen coughs, still dizzy from his hit.
No, he isn’t. Being brainwashed feels terrible in its own right, but that’s in hindsight. That’s in realizing that what you thought you were doing wasn’t what was actually going on. But you’re not aware of it at the time.
This is a front row seat to someone else using his body, forcing his lips to curl as he attacks his friends, forcing him to call upon the multitude of selves within him and fire off attack after attack.
In short: it’s violating. He’s never felt so powerless.
Something forces itself through him, a spell he doesn’t know currently, and suddenly a Garula heads straight for Skull, though Mona pushes him out of the way.
“It’s the Lilim!” Oracle says. “It’s possessing him or something!”
“How do we fix it?” Haru gasps, “Amrita drop isn’t working!”
“Neither is Me Patra!” Mona says.
“Then we’ll just have to knock him out,” Queen says, pulling herself up.
Please, please knock me out, Akira thinks.
“Panther, go for Agidyne!” 
Kumbhanda is forced out of Akira to take the hit, and Haru hits him with her own Psio skill.
Despite not being in control, he feels every bit of pain and is so thankful when it overwhelms him and he succumbs to darkness.
Akira sits up immediately and breathes a sigh of relief that he’s in control of his own body again. “Thank goodness,” he says. “Queen, are you alright?”
“None the worse for wear,” she says. “You?”
“I feel like I need a shower. Or an exorcism, or both,” Akira says. “Either way, let’s get out of here.”
Everyone nods in agreement. Ann takes the wheel since neither Akira or Makoto are really in a state to drive, and they can’t get out of there soon enough.
Akira shudders at the thought of what just happened. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to sleep tonight.
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crmsnmth-journal · 7 months
3/7/2024 9:06 PM
For a Thursday, it was a pretty good day. Woke up, had my coffee and morning cigarette on the porch, slowly cleaned random spots in the house. Went to see both my psychiatrist and my psychologist so that killed two hours and it's taken a long time, but I know how good therapy is for me. It's another outlet to get everything out of my head. It's like if I don't vent it, either writing, or therapy or whatever, the thoughts get all tangled and it gets overwhelming. It sometimes feels like my heads going to just explode into a shower of half-finished thoughts and brightly colored confetti. So I take therapy pretty seriously.
It was after therapy that the day could've turned horrible, but I'll be damned if it didn't stay on a pretty good track. I guess some background is needed here though. So my father passed away in January of this year, complications of a stroke and a seperate car accident. He chose to go out in hospice, rather than spend the rest of his life stuck in a bed. I don't blame him. But his death was the catalyst for something that had been building for over a decade. A serious anger at the very idea of pointless suffering. What was the point of the stroke if he was just going to die from a car accident? Stuff like that. My grandmother is another one who lets me vent, but she is extremely Christian. I'm agnostic at best. I believe in a higher power, but I'm not sure I really believe in a God figure. And her and I get into these weird theological debates. The last one we had was a few weeks ago, once again about the concept of pointless suffering. I may not be Christian, but I have read the bible, and I like theology in general. Religion is really fascinating once you get past the horrible things it's caused. I can hold my own against her. Because of this last discussion, she made an appointment for me with the pastor of her church. And at three o'clock today, I found myself sitting across from a preacher. I was there for two hours talking to this man about the concept of suffering. I asked why an infant could be born, only to die two days later of some complication. What was the purpose of that child's short miserable life? I gained a lot of respect for this man of the cloth today. He flat out told me that he didn't know. It doesn't make sense. He didn't try to feed me the "God's plan" bullshit. He didn't try hard, and he answered a few questions I had about Job's tale of pure suffering. The guy was honest with me. Sure, I didn't get any of my questions answered, but if even a man who's given his life to his God doesn't get it either, I don't feel so…alone about it, I guess. I'm still just as angry, and I think I will be for a while.
Also, I hate Jason Bateman so so much. For some reason, I put Juno on. I tell myself it's for it's amazing soundtrack, but what can I say, it's nostalgia too. Either way, I always forget Jason Bateman's in this and I just want to punch him in his face. With a baseball bat. And too think, I absolutely love Arrested Development, but even then I want to just push him down a flight of stairs. He just…irks me. I've tried getting into Ozark so many times by the recommendation of others, and I don't think I've ever made it halfway through the first season. Jason Bateman just looks like the guy who'd be an arrogant over-sarcastic dick-head. And I'm truly convinced that Micheal Cera was never supposed to be an actor. He just wandered on set and is way to awkward and polite to correct and it just became his life.
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lenasai · 1 year
uhh top 5 fave blaseball players :]
i'm gonna do this and then i'm gonna check my ao3 page to see if what i end up saying lines up with how many times i've written about them
i don't think i could actually rank them past my top spot so in no particular order:
-my ultimate blorbos, max and ivy. they are my kids who i rotate in my brain all the time like rotisserie chicken. i cannot separate them, they are like pair bonded kittens. i am holding them up to the screen. i will never stop thinking about how their stories played out in the long run. there's just something about being marked for death but managing to avoid it. instead, they lived long enough to kill the god who tried to kill them, and i am so proud of them forever. also they did funny things with the sim >:)
-jaylen hotdogfingers. the first blaseball player who took up so much space in my brain. i love her so much. i remember staying up until like 2am because we had a feedback game against the mechs and jaylen was pitching for the mechs. it was a really emotional moment when she came back to seattle. i took so much emotional damage when she got alternated, but i love jaybot too. i miss both of them so much ;A;
-chorby soul, for many of the same reasons i love jaylen but also because there's a different kind of tragedy in their story. jaylen was resurrected because she was loved. chorby was resurrected because they were identified as someone who could break the game. and then they got bitten over 200 times by sharks and got trapped in a cycle of death and resurrection until getting forcibly pulled from the league. they deserved so much more and i would give them so many hugs if i could.
-parker macmillan, the poor little meow meow of all time. part of it is his tragic backstory and part of it is me patting tgb on the back for creating The Blorbo Of All Time™. he killed so many people and it literally wasn't even his fault. he's divorced and upset about it. he got hyped up as this guy who was going to bring about the end of the world in season 24......and then he didn't. he only killed one team and it was so funny. also he kept switching between the pies and the garages. that was also funny. i'm glad he gets to be just a regular guy who kind of sucks on the crabs. good for him!
-there are so many players who could take this fifth spot because there are so many players i just really like who also happen to not be plot characters, but i'm gonna give this spot to alaynabella hollywood because i just think she's neat. i like werewolves and werewolf-adjacent characters. also she started out as a pitcher who absolutely sucked ass, which was the reason i got attached to her in the first place. she pitched s15d37 (the cursed game where max and nan almost exploded) and won, but at what cost (one of her friends almost exploded and another one got bitten by sharks and observed.) we moved her to batting, where she was pretty decent. i think this might have been what ultimately inspired us to move mike townsend to batting, where he hit Two Grand Slams before getting redacted for being too good at grand slams. and the funniest part of layna's entire career was ending the expansion era as a pretty good pitcher! you love to see it, but also i miss the season 14 pitching dumpster fire 💜
oops almost all of those players were on the garages at some point (with the exception of ivy.) my biases are kind of obvious lmao
okay let's see those ao3 numbers....
...which mostly track! of the characters i named, alaynabella hollywood is the only one who doesn't show up enough times to be listed in the sidebar. in case you want the actual numbers, max shows up in five works, ivy shows up in four, chorby and parker both show up in three, and jaylen shows up in only two, but that number goes up to three if you include jaybot (who now has her own tag on ao3!)
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insanepoll · 1 year
Blaseball Characters part 3!
Lōotcrates: Makes magical equipment for players, makes clones of players, probably a god??? Definitely a lame-ass librarian/affectionate, technically a sentient pile of boxes but also technically the physical embodiment of the Vault where stored players and items go, their stadium canonically has Zero protection against the elements despite being inside of the supposed safety vault and also canonically has a mega fuckton of birds and salmon for some reason. Technically the narrator of blaseball, which gets them into fights with SIBR (Society of Internet Blaseball Research) on the classical historian issue of "accuracy vs. storytelling". Definitely fucked off to the Vault when the sun blew up. Most people hate them but I am very attached to this freak.
Chorby Short: Argentinian magical girl and herpetologist that can turn into a frog, they once batted for literal hours due to their blood type keeping them in by hitting foul balls (112 in total) against a crazy good pitcher. Got redacted after getting hit with a pitch from York Silk before re-emerging a season later. Went back and forth between the New York Millenials and the Boston Flowers for a while. got traded rapidly between four teams before landing in Breckenridge. Became a theatre kid on the Breckenridge Jazz Hands. Also, they're queer and have been on 9 active teams. The Garages have a song about them, and as of falling out of the black hole, they're on the Core Mechanics now! They could kill a god by themself, I think.
Nagomi McDaniel: technically the child of dead people (Japanese mom that grew up in Hawai'i and a Scottish dad) , she started off in Hades before going to Hawai'i, growing up there, becoming an ASL interpreter (she's selectively mute), and eventually getting married to the mother of another player named York Silk, whom Nagomi taught the basics of blaseball to. Nagomi played for Hades for one season before getting pulled to the Fridays. She was transferred to the Baltimore Crabs after a while, became carcinized (took on some aspects of a crab), and got her head chopped off and regenerated as a gift from a technically dead crab god (that all of Baltimore had a part in technically killing) named Deborah. Was the first player to steal every base. She had to deal with York getting trapped in a giant peanut shell and eventually getting controlled by a peanut god. She discovered her love for Japanese jazz on the Breckenridge Jazz Hands, and also took turns with Valentines Games hunting each other for sport. For Some Reason. Nagomi then got trapped in a giant peanut shell by the peanut god for being too popular for like three seasons and was yoinked back to Baltimore. Started siphoning blood from people for stat boosts pretty soon after being cracked out of the shell by birds. Was able to eat umpire flame instead of getting incinerated. She had to play against York while he was being controlled by the peanut god. Then her team ascended after 3 championship wins, and she was pulled back to the Fridays with no chance to say goodbye. All of her original teammates are either dead or on other teams at this point, including york, the kid she helped raise. She then got traded to the flowers, briefly got to reunite with her wife and York, and then started getting bit by sharks (called consumers) in an effort to protect other players. She got sent back to the Crabs AGAIN, got bit and lost the last of her soul, became redacted, and then exited the secret base (oh yeah blaseball has one of those) onto the Maimi Dalé's team. Then she got sent to the Mexico City Wild Wings before being pretty quickly Vaulted after that for being too popular or something. York got Vaulted soon after.
Note: there's a real explanation for why she and York got Vaulted, but it's complicated and has to do with star density, and if I get into that someone from SIBR is gonna explode on the spot from sheer stress.
the fact that there's a latine character tells me i was right to route for blaseball. also "the child of dead people" sounds metal af
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creativecourse · 9 months
The Original Matt Furey Email Copywriting Seminar Information The Original Matt Furey Email Copywriting Seminar by Matt Furey is a course that focuses on teaching a method for making a fortune as a copywriter through email marketing. Matt Furey claims to have made millions of dollars as an email copywriter and is recognized by several top marketers as the "world's greatest E-mail copywriter." The only lazy way left to make a fortune as a copywriter! “The Greatest Copywriting Secret Never Told” If you’re struggling to write 8, 12, 24 or 36-page salesletters – and you’re looking for a FASTER, EASIER and MORE PROFITABLE way to make six figures or more per year as a copywriter – then what I am now going to reveal to you may come as a HUGE and very WELCOME surprise. My name is Matt Furey and I’ve made millions of dollars as an email copywriter. Many top marketers, Mark Ford, Dan Kennedy, Matt Bacak, Caleb O’Dowd, Harlan Kilstein, Ben Settle and many more, call me the “world’s greatest E-mail copywriter.” Why? Because each day I sit before a keyboard and write emails that are 400-600 words in length. Most of these emails are written in about 10-12 minutes. Most of them are written without correction. I don’t re-read what I write. I don’t edit. I just write and hit send. Minutes later my email list receives one of my daily zingers, and the money starts flowing into my business almost as easily as my next inhale and exhale. What You’ll Learn In This Course? Here’s what happened: Everyone in the seminar got very, very good at writing emails by noon of the second day. In fact, they were so good that I told them I could end the seminar right then and there and they would have already gotten full value. Everyone agreed. One attendee, Sean, began writing emails for a couple online businesses. He charged $8,000.00 to write daily emails for one business and $6,000.00 for another. And he wrote these emails almost as fast as me. Most emails took him about 18 minutes to write. He easily made over $100,000.00 his first year, right out of the gate. He had no trouble finding any clients either – because most online businesses don’t have an email copywriter – or a daily email. And the proof that your income will double or triple in direct proportion to how often you email your list is staggering. Six others began writing emails for their own businesses and their income exploded. One man, Dave, is also a multi-millionaire, mostly because of the very method I taught at this event. Two attendees, a husband-and-wife team, got into a jewelry business a year later and to my knowledge, they don’t bother sending emails. At any rate, getting 7 out of 9 people to make money with a skill they learned in 48 hours is a pretty good batting average, don’t you think? Since that date I have had dozens of requests to do another workshop on The Furey Method for Making a Fortune With Email. I have been asked by seasoned copywriters and beginning copywriters – as well as total newbies. I have always refused because I have enough to do with my other events and coaching – most of which are private closed-door events. But recently, at the urging of a number of top marketers who have received a “secret copy” of the audios of the seminar from me – and have doubled their incomes as a result, I have agreed to release the audio files from the event, but only for a very limited time as well as a very limited number of people. Here’s the bottom line: I know I can teach the skills required to make $100,000.00 or more per year writing simple emails for online businesses. This service is desperately needed. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of businesses that could use this much-needed skill – especially when they understand that emails make major money online. I know I can teach you my method for writing kick-butt emails within 48 hours – emails that make you and your clients money. I know I can have you writing great email copy even if you’ve never written copy before … even if you think you don’t have the talent or skill.
Last of all, there’s something important that I told the people who attended my previous event two years ago and I’ll tell it to YOU now. It is this: If you can talk, I can teach you how to write killer email copy that can make you and/or your clients a yearly fortune. About Author Matt Furey is the author of the international best-selling Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs, The Unbeatable Man and Expect to Win, Hate to Lose. Furey won the 1985 NCAA II national wrestling title (167-pounds) and the gold medal (90kg) at the 1997 Shuai-Chiao kung fu world championships. As well, Furey is president of The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation. More courses from the same author: Matt Furey Salepage: The Original Matt Furey Email Copywriting Seminar – Matt Furey
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thespamman24 · 2 years
Something I found on an old document. I don’t know where it came from:
The problem with god, and most other things and places like that, is thnot ahtnone of them can ever know what its like to be Eatheldred the conqueror, king os the high seas. You see, Spongebob was a very very very good friend of mine he didn’t speak much at all but i helped hind drink his vino joy to all the world joy to al the knishes in the bib blue sea the sea is not it blue it is fiv different colors: turnouise red and starfish. They are all stars when they are born a star fish is born when lady gaga was born the doctors all die. It was a terrible thing that happened and the doctors never all fully reo cevered because theyw ere dea.d I shoukd go to the pound and pound out some sick beats and base lines adn racioactive motor functions I should lose myself in the rhymes and the time and the cat I once new. The world is like a vampire, but I am but a humble bat. A mosquoyo for vampires, if you will. VGam0iies don’t get malaria, becaus eytjey’re not Teddy Roosevelet and he stole all the amalaria a long,l long time ag. Sleep pretty darling do not cry I am Pual Mccarcru. I live in my car an dcry all day. Very sad :( 
He all lives in a yellow yello yellow beaglemobile where that is at yes yes oh yes that is where you must be to be the tree man, the ent of all things the king of all ents the dent the rent the sent. We all live in seasons, in volices, in worlds, in volvos, in serpents ad sand kings. I think believe that the hot dogs are cold a=g-o on in th titanic the hot dogs were all cold. Wait a minut did hot dogs exist back then>? I don’t know hwho knows. ThbeHot dogs were iunvenyted in the chicago worlds gaor because queen victoria got so mad she explodes into 983486238034 zombies so many zombies by lady but they’re all british.
British zombies are lime : “Ello mate mind if I eat your brains? Tally ho!”
American zombies are like “Give  me your fucing brains
“Boston zombies
Bew YOrk Zombies: ‘Ey, pal listen I just want your brains. Just a little bit of your brains, pal. Buddy.
Ausyralian  zombies are like: ah, mate om going to take your barains for me brain stew.
The most essential emost essential worlds of clas warfare is that the hsitory class, and the panih class and all the other clases, well theyre all like marshmallows in the wind, just being tossed aside byu the winds and rides of time and the lime, lime lima beans in tima beans. And the beach is aon the sneeches with the stitches thats what snitcjhes gets and if you dust the dagger the dist will rdust and rust and Rhoududust and if you go to Russia then you will forget what airplanes are they are es muy not allowed in russia the hate airplanes thefe because they smell lieke goat and also kerosene and oh my god it’s the ham sandwich queen of brooklyn, new orleans its time to exoc mminutecate your fae,y our mom and the pope he bee pooping, popping and rocking on the rokcs. He likes to rap about wraps and burritoes with Aaarn, Aaron Aaron aaaaaaaaaaaa just like his mothers father, he was a tree, eryainly a tree for all seasons. Salt, pepper, honey, musard, garlic, salt, onion garlic garden si where th garlic trows all day ee hey thats wher my ass libes in piedmont row I dar enot go for the watermeoons smell wa to much tof jnnny for me I do not like them no I do know knii i am the king ot he book men menstruation stations, come insode it’s fun inside. Okay listen to me kids, it’s time to het seriosu aluminum foil si coming for your lids, house and family. The Vietma, os gpong to marr uopir sister like a jesus in the night and the comedians will run amok throught ehs rteets have les vegas no name man in his no name land eating all jos np na,e ham for no one does not have a pob he is the king of the quen of humans. They live in the most NEwsy of Hampshire. The old hampire os a hamsyer in a hamper in tedau sinday afternoon. There ar eonly tewo daus we sold the fibe other dasy now guys I’m so sorry. Just Tuesday abd Monday from now on and also the Vicitorian eyra of shcarlegamngebe steetha nd beard and dentist,. The royal colonooscopist shall no observe his majesties buttocks.!!!! Ye she shallezt! AAh, Charlemagne!
I’ve started getting really into taking the sorbet out of the cauldron and killing King Max for his treason against his dick. The only way we have to feat is itself that is itself I am me, myself and I. If I was not mysel than I would take myself into the future to see what human sare like, I bet they have more heads. One for work, one for business, one for pleasure, one for romance, one for sex, and one for listeninh to Imagine Dragons. However, they don’t call it Imagien Dragons they call it Teddy Wur. If I need the China becaust ehe batteries. Oh no i removed the bagtteries needed to make Norway function for my remote now Norway has stopped. THe only solution is to eat Norway. MMMMjhhhmm tastes like chocolate cabbage. Teabsolute erribnle. I have seventeen ears of corn and five easts of human flesh. I”m, pretty sire elves are just corn because they’re ears look verty similar. You know, I;ve seen ears if cirb vyt U;m vebver actuakkyt seeb a cirbs fukk body. I reakkky wsug U was a witch evcayse U”m living in Antarctuca and i’ts cold, I need a fire. Santa cLaus refuses to accept my invitation to become a boy band called The Santastics unfortunately I a akso the man of mahy lizatrds, but few delights ibA ystst or September tgen the dying rose will yes yes Like a tiger in a glass jar of picjles, I simply just do not fit into this world. I am sware and the world is circular. I wish I was s2uare because then I would be more easily portable. Circle are hard to port. That’s why they put pizza in swuqare boxes whgeb toy put pizza into the boix then the pizza becomes the box, it feikls up the sun with butternut milk ice cream on hr Tunasday salad dressing up in drag. Ah,, ues I to am the king of New umberlandorleans when the aliens come will they shake our hads, or eat them? That’s for you to decide, Mr. Melviun Luncoln chief washerman of the Canadian States iof abafa. If i was not for fava bean, I’d be against the curtain rolling rolling ride of m[pembrose eyes in the night is bitter, absolutely disgusting. Th night is not that much like a lizard, it is much bigger.
The mechanic is on his hands on the roof on the run from the rung Jiungian. Well, you see if Freud was a man he’d be the king os all the widdle eedeie beedle Pink Floyd they are the serpents of New Jerseuw here the saints come tumbling in and down and up and right and left. Hey-ho! If I was a not the littlesy of the mushroom men than I would ebay the garfield spinach pizza pie but alas. I can not for i am to many men and women and children all at once. I’m so glad yo know that children don’t have genders It’s really great If my beard was a man he would he Dusting Hoffman, kurelest man int he scotttmans hillburghohoro. The queen, yes she is sppphic yes she’s is in the silver movies made of silvers. Vikers i mean vampires can’t watch movie. Viking vampires viking vampires oh fuck yeah oh hell yeahes! Piraes of the caibbean but it’s vikings of the cariibean in canada where the maple labes are a basketball team where they throw the baskeys in the vvall for the volleyball wbaleyuwood is where the woold is just ufcking balling. What does that mean? It means there are balls. So many, goshdarm balls I love them I hate them fuck them they are the sceteys of all Pjnocchio ihidden desires yreasures of Morhgoths kitchenet oh no i must do the eays the magazine before the pink, golden rose comes falling down from the sku and his chest explodes with volluptouse readiness to, I’ll see you on the p9nes tereee that looks like the ugliest fucking swan you’ve ever seen oh and oh no the ugly little duckling was a sytripper tjat’s bad, not good if you ares on the brroks Spinrhrstein then you are a hammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm alojios uou can fuck the ham sadnw asand hidden in the hiding place thay’s where oh la omigi bad the imniiii the man is thenot he knows what the money is it is him. He is the king greatest, ryker 9foa ll the money in scotland. Scotland is not made of bricks there are nl bricks other then the wet, pastry flour that tastes like selvir cupcakes made of raserrie pie but oh what the fsunflwers yiesdau where yu going to? Are you made the of sun, or ais that just your friend, or is your friend the dpillow food demons is your friend the nordic man witht he beard that is a human person from the iconic set of youtube videos titled, this man is the horneist of all the bulls who knows how to be a kite flyinjg welder of the baldiest blades but he alss, he is not the buffalo man he si ada, sp ad, chking on his own misery
‘But he can’t fuk anyone he’s to afraid of the
World in spanish is nothing’it is not the reason we are still here it is raining purple. And silka nd silver
Wehn I was a boy I thought we should return every rock back to the volcanoes
I thought we sh0uld pick them all up and discover all the bugs inside
WHo knows what happens to all th crows we threw away? Where have they flown to?
Have they found another friend, one more shaped liek them in that 
Sweet, beautiful
B ird shape that birds ahre shaped in by the gaudy hands of god
Or are they just going to explode?
Ah, but alas I am the badger I am the worser I am the better I amt eh gooder goo goog goo kooo koo cachoo. I amt he cashew I sneeze on your emmbrane but I do nmot eist for pleasure, oh no no, I s3eat up the udnerwear like a man addicted strawberry flowers fruit h9oneyscukle eyes speeing at you from on the clover, gilded gravestones that laugh like malicious ducks and evil birds from beyond the plane, and the valley of the cursed crimson calling cards of dusks peering in small tufts of dense fur, dense hairless loss of innocent paper napkins b
But where have these words i”ve lost? Where are they running dripping, from yut swollen amiable tongue, carved from obsolescence by that great Renaiisssance carvesman Dutarte or whatever his name was. Where are the dictator over the needless river of neon vuiing war ships and the longstanding food between feud between the bitter, ocean current and the lovely sky damped windowsill?
(Dm) C7 Bb Gm  A7 C7 Bb A7 Fmaj7 Gm Bb A7 Gm Edim 
          7   6    4      5    7    6   5     3      4       6   5    4    2       3   5  4
A funny little story.
I like ducks. They are so cute. I love them so much.
The beach boys live on the dpcks and eat ham like it’s in asyring like it’s poptarts from the great god dyinoussu. Pop poppopppppppppppppppppp there’s the hamstrings the ham percussion, the ham horns and the ham vocalists or something I dont know I am not the orchestra man I fear all things shiny that go in your mouth hole and make noise and I am tired.hu
And so the day begins and so you walk home with your friend your hand in your apple in your hand and you smile and wave and laugh and finally have the urge to kiss them on the lips byt then you open your eyes and realize your eyes and mouth have switched and you were just kissing a daisy flower and it doesn’t really matter anymore, now does it? And seeing as since your apples are now pie and with adams apples you can make an adams apple pie and the american dream is now american pie and the american dream is dead, but alive and I am bread, yet I jize along to the subtle bop, bop bop bopping of the smooth-ass music smooth as shaving cream on a sunny day. Shoobee-doob bop a shoo be doobe doo bop and if you feel the love tonight an the bright reds and greens and blue ina  peppermint orientation that is semu vertical to every angle out there than you can fish for the hearts of irrational men ina  sea of lost desires in a sea of honking desires, lost to fetuse of time in the omb of the great whale of the ocean and the speaker for the day has cried there hands away they can no longer ho;d the microphone todaaaaaaaaaaay! And all the bad dogs have gone away, you will never see them again except in your most idle of dream where your car is tied up in knots of silicon remorse inside your waxy-wishy washy heart and infertile popcorn seems to uniniviting.
Now they lay Richard Nixons body down. Sad old man who ran this town. I can still remember the way he lead the charge and saved the day. Clorox bleach and rain I can hear the beagle saying “We’v seen the last of the librarian woman. She is now gone from entirely fo our hearts. Smoke is like a whisper in the wind to me now, a bitter reflection coasting off the planes wings. Birds of a feather soon learn that they have something better to do. You’re guts swimming around like seals in a pit of brine? Well, they’ve started a union against you. IIIIIIIII. The shrimpsons parents were shrimps but then they died when they realized the hill was too steep to climb and I am to sleep to rhyme anything else but then the time. Let me try being the moon for just a while, I could use some moments being giant white and an orb that is also a rock in the sky. If you’re not a giant spherical rock then that’s not optimal. But that’s okay. We don’t have to be optimal to be amazing, or even perfect. However, no body is perfect anyhow but that’s fine, you don’t have to be perfect to be enough or not to be that is the queso!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CheesE CHEESE!JIHUOBNUBUINLJIerhw3o2jhuverf I am so leired of th epostman bringing back m daughters to me the postman bakes the daughters and the carpenter makes the sons and the postman rakes the nonbinary chuldren and cthulhu still watches overhead, waiting for us all to lose our skin and become gooey-and thereby much, much easier to swallow. Just like the news! Except the news is extremely hard to swallow, because the harder to swallow the better it sells. This also applies to other professions, I think you can figure those out. There are professions and there are amateurfessions and there are professors but some fessors are amateurs in their status their stats are not ours to give nor or they ours to take. We gake and we bake and make the rake blake thompson sinnyboy brown. We are stuck on the lovely visage of weeds while the rainy day bloody festival occurs. And yes, you need time to buy the scarlet labryinths heels, toes shoulders
It is our time to scale the scarlet labyrinths tower of David Lynch. Wrestling with yourself in a cesspool of arrogance and a tornado of macabre delights. Instead of the weather, let’s bleed into each other and call it a fair game, we can lie to the seasons, and to the gods living under flakes of dust, but the only thing we can’t lie to is the screaming orange that lies at the center of the sun, it is to far away and it can not hear you, so. AAAAAAh yes, the latin! The history! It all comes crashing down! So many, many, many years!
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uncpanda · 3 years
The Ties that Bind: Mayhem
AN: This is the after math of Mayhem. From Season 4 episode 1 I believe. In which we get a lot of reader and Aaron friendship! 
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You’re woken up by the sound of knocking on your door. It’s the middle of the night, and you were dead asleep. The key word being were. If someone isn’t dying on the other side of that door, you’ll make it so that they are. You check the peephole, and your brow furrows, before you open it. 
You glare at your best friend, “Are you dying?” 
Aaron stares at you for a second, “I almost got blown up, does that count?” 
You blink a few times, and try to knock the sleep out of your system. That’s when you see the cuts and bruises. “Please tell me you’re kidding.” 
“I may lose the hearing in my right ear.” 
Your mouth drops open, and you pull him inside, and start looking him over. Other than what you see, there doesn’t seem to be any major damage. 
“There doesn’t seem to be a lot of physical damage. What about psychological?” He hesitates, “Aaron?” 
He sighs, “I lost a friend. Her name was Kate. She died in the explosion.” 
The hug happens without thought. You just wrap your arms around him and hold him close. He returns it immediately, almost desperately. Aaron is touch starved. You’ve known it for a while, and he’d goten comfortable with your hugs, and snuggles over the past two years. 
When you pull back, you help him shuck his jacket and tie, and then his shoes before pulling him to the couch. You know he doesn’t want to talk yet, so you settle down and tug him towards you so that his head lands in your lap. His eyes close as you run your fingers through his hair, and sort of massage the scalp. You move down to his neck and shoulders where he twists his body to give you better access. He has knots upon knots from all the stress. 
Eventually, his breathing evens out, and you know he’s asleep. You don’t try to move, you just make yourself as comfortable as you can, and eventually you fall asleep too. You wake up to Aaron moving around your apartment. There’s a blanket covering you. 
You squint, and then you realize he’s pretty much naked, or at least, you’re assuming he’s naked under one of your blue towels. He’s looking at something on his phone and hovering over his go bag. You take a moment to stare. He’s lightly muscled, but not overly so. There are a few cuts and bruises. He’s also somewhat skinny. You need to feed him more. 
“Like what you see?” 
You can feel your cheeks heat up, and beat it down with a mental bat as Aaron turns to face you. You put on a false bravado, “How in the world did that explosion make you even more cocky? I didn’t think that was possible. I’m wondering why you’re standing in the middle of my living room in only a towel.” 
“I woke up and I felt like I was still covered in gravel, and dirt. So I used your shower, and forgot my go bag out here.” 
You toss the blanket aside, stand up, and stretch, “Great. Now I feel like I need a shower.” 
“And a new couch!” 
“Send me the bill.” 
You laugh, take one more look at him in the towel and head back to take a shower of your own. Once you’re done, and dressed in fresh lounge clothes, you head back out to find Aaron in sweatpants and a tee-shirt. It’s strangely domestic. He slides you a plate of food, and you take it eagerly. You’re not even surprised when it tastes delicious. Is there anything this man can’t do? 
The two of you eat in silence and it’s as you do the dishes you ask, “How are you doing?” 
He shrugs, “I called my therapist on the car ride home and scheduled an emergency appointment along with one at an ENT. Both appointments are tomorrow.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
He hesitates for a second, “I probably should, but I don’t want to.” 
“We could watch movies?” 
He smiles at you, one that says thank you for not pushing me, “Sounds good.” 
“Do we want to laugh, cry, or watch things explode?” 
Aaron follows you back to the couch, “I don’t think anything loud or with explosions is a good idea.” 
“Yeah. You lived the real life thing.” He stares at you for a second and you wince, “Too soon. Sorry. How about something historical but dramatized and in no way truly reflects actual history?” 
“Sounds perfect.” 
You settle down on the couch with him, and it isn’t long before a weigh settles against your shoulder. You look to the side and see Aaron fast asleep, with soft snores coming out of his mouth. You shift, and adjust so that his head settles in your lap, but you can still see how tense his body is. You run your fingers through his hair, and massage his scalp. You move down to his neck, and when he lets out a moan in his sleep you can fill the heat beat at your cheeks. 
You scowl, because that was the second time he’d brought out that response in you today. You keep going until the knot of tension releases and then you just absentmindedly stroke the skin there. 
“That feels nice?” 
Aaron’s gravely voice takes your attention away from the nearly finished movie, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. You should do this for a living.” 
“Professional cuddler?” 
He huffs, and you roll your eyes, “I’ll stick with teaching. By the way, I have a bunch of multiple choice tests to grade. You want to help?” 
He snorts at that, “I have enough paper work in my own job, thanks.” 
“Spencer helps!” 
“Spencer can read 20,000 words a minute.” 
You get up and his head drops onto the cushion. You can feel his eyes on you as you put in another DVD and grab the tests that need to be graded. You settle at the coffee table and start grading. Every once in a while you feel Aaron look over your shoulder at the test. You can tell he’s studying the questions, probably answering the questions in his head. 
You’re in between movies when his hand settles on your arm. You look at him and you can see it in his eyes: He’s ready to talk. You wait. 
“Kate was a friend. I met her when I was consulting with Scotland Yard on a case. We liked the same soccer team, we were both work-a-holics, and we just sort of clicked. We were just friends, nothing else. We were both married at the time. When she and her wife divorced, she took a job with the bureau. Anytime I was in New York we’d meet up for a drink, and talk. We weren’t best friends, but we were friends. She didn’t deserve to die that way.” 
You move to grip his hand, because you can tell from Aaron’s face that it was bad. And you’re so grateful that it wasn’t him and that fills you with guilt. You sit there in silence before he moves to put in a new movie.
You spend the rest of the day like that until Aaron gets a call from Haley. You listen as he reassures her that he’s okay, and then asks if he can go over and see Jack. There’s a look of relief on his face when she says yes. 
You grin as he grabs his bag and goes to get changed. When he’s done he leans down next to you, “Thank you for today.” 
“Any time. Let me know how your doctor's appointments go.” 
“I will. Promise.” 
As he reaches the door, you call out, “And remember a towel isn’t proper attire for a doctor’s office.” 
He rolls his eyes, tosses out a, “Smart Ass.” and heads out the door. You smile as he goes, glad that you could help even a little bit. 
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