#the same with mirrin and zed
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grim-has-issues · 1 year ago
gba shouldnt be that good at voice acting. like its kind of feaky. like albus and kravatos are such juxtapostions and they both come from one singular man?
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betta-phish · 2 years ago
my thoughts rn rkfjdjsnfjsmdnfjmdjfidncksnschfi 🤭👍
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piffany666 · 1 year ago
What you favourite gba character says about you! (Based on the Eldena doubleca5t series on YouTube)
(This is a joke please do not take any of this personally)
Loyal: your probably either a black butler fan or an angle beats fan
Servos: you had a crush on Marshalllee from adventure time
Yargwin: at some point in your life you've probably been obsessed with either Jack sparrow or Captin hook from Once upon a time. That being said you do have good taste
Kalomos: you just wanted good things for kalomos and really....who wouldn't?
Lry: you need everyone in this series to just chill the f*k out for like 5 minutes
Vail: your favourite trope is a character being blissfully unaware of how powerful they are
Raspa: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of a mad scientist
Mortals: you have some....complicated feelings about episode 3 of space pirates
Vision: your childhood crush was garnett from steven universe
Heartburn: you still don't know the answer to the mystery of 1. Why did yargwin tell him that "him and Arkov aren't married" and 2. Why heartburn is even here but the difference is that your not mad about the second one
Kaunda: your either a lesbian or a liar
Banar: you really like full metal alchemist
The butterfly king: your OTP is fizz x Ozzmodius from hellova boss
Albus: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of "I can fix him" but you will inevitably realise that you can't and then promptly exept him as he is
Devlin: your probably autistic and the quickest way to your heart is somebody showing even the slitest amount of intrest In YOUR special interest
Odin: you really like God of war
Odysseus: you understand the significance of Odin calling him that...also you probably really like "epic the musical"
Tyr: you really like lore olympus
Fenrir: you are a furry that or your just a redacted fan
Okami: you were the f*kers who kept spaming "okami did nothing wrong" in that one live stream
Makkaro: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of "a hero will sacrifice you to save the world but a villan will sacrifice the world to save you"
Zed: I want to use the joke used by the person this post was inspired by and say that you like "men👏 getting 👏pegged!" But honestly if your favourite character is zed you probably just really like the owl house
Mirrin: when zed asked the guardian if they used to be lovers you got your hopes up way to quickly
Frank: you had a crush on Billy butcherson from hocus pocus
Hipswich: you believe in the inherent eroticism of the song "good lookin"
Mahatma/atila: this is just the same joke as raspa but like even more so
Huginn: your favourite ship dynamic is "neurodivergent character rambling" x "could listen to them talk forever"
Muninn: your favourite asmr trope is reverse comfort
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goodboyaudios · 9 months ago
**Unwritten Characters #6: Xorn O'Tender**
Xorn! Grandfather of Zed! What can I say about this pompous guyfailure?
Xorn was oncena proud member of the O'tender clan on New Tennessee. The youngest of 4 boys in the western Forgelands! But Xorn wasn't like his brothers. He was arrogant, brash and a real pain in his clan's side.
Until one day, when a mission came along to the O'tender clan. They needed a brave warrior to go on a perilous journey to another world with little chance of returning safely. Now Xorn wasn't like his brothers until the sense that most of the were Forglings and creators. Xorn was a warrior. Essentially a bog standard Paladin fodder child with no outstanding qualities. For the O'tender clan, they viewed this as a chance to trim out Xorn from their proud lineage, by sending him to another world under the guise of doing his family proud.
Xorn, gladly accepted and joined this mission, which would take him to a secret lair in the bowels of a dormant city. There, the mission would find a ritual circle...where a portal to Manas would open up!
Throught the portal, an old man would step through. The mission group would nudge Xorn forward, gesturing that he was to join him. The old man then produced a glass bottle of Faena and handed it to the remaining group members, before taking Xorn back with him to Manas.
From Xorn's perspective, the old man had just offered payment for his services, as many would for an esteemed Paladin of new Tennessee! In reality, the mission had just sold Xorn off for a glass of Faena. Whatever they did with the Faena is unknown...
This old man, as it happens, was YA BOI XARANTHAROS! He had hired Xorn to be his body guard for himself and his new apprentice, Magnesia Mistwood! And Mirrin too I guess. He was a janitor so, he didn't matter so much.
Xorn struggled to get along with everyone, behaving very prideful and boasting of his homeworld and how superior he and his kind were.
Mirrin, being a former bully managed to drag out all of Xorns insecurities about being a pawn for his family to sacrifice and laughing at his lack of reading comprehension. Xorn was humbled pretty quickly, but he was stubborn enough to keep challenging Mirrin, eventually, becoming mutated by the Faena on Manas and gaining the ability to cast spells. The two had a sibling rivalry which made them great friends over time. He'd also have a rivalry with Magnesia, which would slowly blossom into a crush they both had on each other, but wouldn't express for a while.
Years go by and Xorn and Magnesia are married and have several children. One of which is their daughter, Mazzul Mistwood. Xorn's appearance in certain parts of mama's would also lead a bunch of people to copy his braid, a tradition that transitioned from his homeworld to Manas, all because if him. The people of Manas used the braids in the same vain as Xorn had described, but some would call them, the Xorn braids instead.
Unfortunately, Xorn's now wife, Magnesia would go on a journey that would take her to the heart of a heated area of conflict between warring nations and she would be killed in the crossfire.
Xorn would grieve her loss for a long time, but none would take it as hard as his daughter Mazzul, who swore she would destroy all who would perpetuate such senseless violence, ironically becoming the one person that all nations united against.
Xorn would become ill from the grief and grow even more sick with the devastation his own daughter was bringing to the world. In his own words, he described Mazzul as acting similar in part to his own mother.
The mental anguish of seeing his own blood's actions became too much for him to bear. He passed away in a now ruined and forgotten city of Fusfeimyol, a place he and his wife once built up together.
His sons would take up the mantle of trying to defeat their sister and bring her reign of terror to an end, but that's a story for another time.
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jacks347 · 1 year ago
"I miss her."
"No you don't. You miss the person you thought she was."
"Can they not be the same thing?"
"She'd have to be someone worth knowing first."
"And if she was?"
"Then would we be having this conversation?"
- Crow and Swan, probably (about like...any of the women in his life tbh)
- Zed and Mirrin, probably
- The Bada brothers, probably
- Geordi to himself, probably
Switch the pronouns and
- Gienne and Mirrin, probably
- Faith and Devlin, probably
- Darlin to themself, probably
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scientific-tricorder · 4 years ago
Star Trek Aliens Names Bank
Compiled for your convenience, a bank of canon names for the most common aliens of Star Trek.
These are compiled from Memory Alpha and Memory Beta. I tried to distinguish given and surnames as best I could, and generally did not include a name if it was too unclear. Same goes for names of individuals without a specified gender, since we don't know if or how names are gendered for these various cultures. This is also the reason why names are split by gender at all. Beta canon was occasionally used to distinguish given names v. surnames for Alpha canon names (such as Dukat being specified as a surname). For characters that were spies disguised as another species, if their alter ego had a distinct name, I gave each name to their respective species. If not (i.e. Seska), I did not include the name because its unclear to which culture the name derives from. There is a good amount of guesswork in here, and undoubtedly errors.
Species included are Andorians, Bajorans, Betazoids, Bolians, Caitians, Cardassians, Denobulans, Ferengi, Jem'Hadar, Klingons, Orions, Romulans, Tellarites, Trill, Vorta, and Vulcans.
This can be used for general reference at the sorts of names appropriate to each species, or for random generation based on phonemes, such as can be found in Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, whose namesbase feature was the base concept used for this.
Several of these have very small sample sizes, and may produce janky results in phoneme generators. Male names are overrepresented for pretty much every species. Make of that what you will
Andorians in Alpha Canon are generally referred to by only one name, but in Beta Canon have an expanded naming system (only names aligning with this system are included), with a given name, a surname prefix (ch' for chan, sh' for shen, th' for thaan, and zh' for zhen), and a surname, generally taken from the zhavey (zhen parent). They also tend to have nicknames, which are included on a separate line. Chan and thaan are often considered to more or less correspond to masculinity, and when dealing with binary species, tend to use he/him pronouns, with shen and zhen being the same towards femininity and generally using she/her pronouns.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Chan (male) Given Names
Shen (female) Given Names
Vindizhei,Thali,Lahvishri,Chelienal,Trenkanshent,Lemarliten,Trenev,Resthenar,Iravothra,Avaranthi,Pava Ek'Noor,Kiramassala,Jessala,Vaacith,Lecheb,Thriazhrovarasa,Vinithnel,Sherivan,Savaaroa,Zharran,Randishira,Molsetev,Antocadra,Corallavellis,Ythrilasifsa
Thaan (male) Given Names
Zhen (female) Given Names
Bajorans put their surnames first and thus have the name order of Surname Given Name
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Solian Jarso,Ventor,Falnam,Falvin,Kopyc,Ty,Lat,Gallin,Denor,Var,Vax,Min,Hranok
Alpha Canon
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Surnames (and other names)
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Denobulans appear to have only one name, as the only Denobulan with a clear surname is Feezal Phlox, and it is very possible that her husband's name was tacked on simply for the convenience of the human crew.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Terim Azleya,Crenfel,Ghrex,Grazna,Triphox,Telles Vindeilin
Male Names
Korl,Masc,Mettus,Parnikee,Salagho Threx,Tropp,Vleb
Ferengi appear to only use one name.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adred,Arridor,Barbo,Belongo,Berik,Birta,Bok,Bractor,Brunt,Brak,Broik,Farek,Frin,Frool,Gaila,Gant,Gegis,Gint,Gorad,Goss,Gral,Grimp,Grish,Hoex,Igel,Kayron,Kazago,Keldar,Kol,Kono,Krax,Krem,Leck,Par Lenor,Letek,Lonzo,Lurin,Mordoc,Morta,Muk,Nog,Nava,Nibor,Nilva,Nunk,Omag,Orpax,Plegg,Prak,Quark,Rom,Qol,Quimp,Rata,Reyga,Smeet,Solok,Sovak,Stol,Tarr,Tog,Tol,Torrot,Turot,Tye,Ulis,Yeggie,Zek
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Aramut,Arno,Balt,Base,Baun,Bijon,Bikk,Bindu,Blemin,Blork,Blout,Blud,Bokat,Borit,Breel,Broc,Brolok,Brubrak,Brund,Chek,Chig,Chintz,Chram,Corlan,Cort,Dav,Deleg,Derro,Dirf,Dorl,Drak,Drayan,Drek,Drik,Dverl,Fal,Falar,Feg,Flax,Flem,Flus,Flynk,Fog,Fram,Frek,Frinx,Garjak,Gart,Gash,Gek,Geln,Gezunt,Gimba,Glat,Glav,Glint,Goem,Goff,Gormie Gormatop,Greb,Grek,Greko,Grix,Gubbin,Gweemo,Hadron,Haurk,Hecko,Helk,Idris,Igel,Issa,Iskel,Joq,Kain,Karg,Kazago,Klarn,Koob,Krechma,Kreln,Kurga,Lifax,Lig,Lant,Lenk,Lept,Liph,Logi,Lonz,Lorp,Zook,Martok,Mecko,Meelo,Mezzo,Migg,Milch,Mirt,Mok,Mox,Moxon,Munk,Myynagi,Nam,Neek,Nix,Nurt,Obe,Oblat,Oblatis,Oblix,Ogger,Olix,Orax,Pluboi,Pod,Posck,Pharh,Promp,Pug,Quirk,Quoop,Qaris,Rableg,Radny,Rank,Rauplop,Rogi,Schlecht,Shmenge,Sluggo,Smoog,Sneat,Squeeb,Squim,Stoonk,Strope,Sumash,Sner,Sorv,Tran,Trapunto,Triv,Tarken,Throk,Trog,Trop,Tunk,Twim,Untz,Vinx,Vol,Vorp,Vung,Vurp,Yinkee,Yomgro,Yost,Zemel,Zhrel,Zind,Zirk,Zoid
Jem'Hadar have names consisting of two parts, separated by an apostrophe. A few of these parts have been repeated, and it's unclear if there is a specific system behind the names.
Alpha Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Beta Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Klingons generally use a given name and a patrynomic (i.e. 'Son of Mogh'). Houses do sometimes change name based on whoever is currently heading it, but sometimes retain a name of a noted prior member.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Amar,Antaak,A'trom,Atul,Ba'ktor,Barak-Kadan,Bar'el,Barot,B'Etor,B'iJik,Bo'rak,Brok'tan,Brota,Chang,Ch'Pok,Ch'Targh,Chu'vok,Darok,D'Ghor,Divok,Drex,Duras,Gorkon,Goroth,Gowron,Grafk,Hij'qa,H'ohk,Hon-Tihl,H'ta,Huraga,Japar,Ja'rod,J'Dan,Jodmos,Kahless,K'orin,K'vort,Kahmar,Kang,Kargan,Katogh,Kaybok,Kaz,Keedera,Kell,Kerla,Klaa,Klaang,Klag,K'mpec,K'mtar,K'Nera,K'Nor,Kobor,Kodrak,Kohlar,Kol,Kol-Sha,Kolax,Kolos,Koloth,Konmel,Kor,Koral,Korath,Korax,Kornan,Korok,Koroth,Korrd,Korris,Kortar,Koth,Kozak,Kras,Krell,K'retok,Kruge,K'Tal,K'Temang,K'Temoc,Kulge,Kunivas,Kuri,Kurn,K'Vada,K'Vagh,Larg,Larna,Leskit,Linkasa,L'Kor,Lorgh,Lurkan,M'Rek,M'tokra,Magh,Maltz,Martok,Marab,Mogh,Molor,Morag,Morak,Morath,Morka,Mow'ga,M'Rel,Mur'Eq,Noggra,Nu'Daq,Or'Eq,Orak,Ortikan,Pahash,M'Kota R'Cho,Reclaw,Rejac,Rodek,Rorg,Rurik,Rynar,Sarpek,Shovak,Silrek,Sompek,Sorval,Stex,T'Kuvma,T'vis,Tel-Peh,Telok,Toral,Tenavik,T'Greth,Thopok,T'Kar,Toq,Torak,Torath,Torg,Torin,Tse'Dek,Tumek,Ujilli,Vagh,Voq,Vorok,W'mar,Worf,Yeto
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adon,Aakan,Alakon,Aktuh,Aktaj,Akor,Aperokei, Anyoqq,Arraq,Argashek,Argan,B'ator,Bardak Linron,Balak,Bek'Ta,Berolik,Berik,Beltz,Belq,Biroq,Bors,Boron Kallarax,Borma,Armek,Bo'roth,B'Vat,B'Tak,Bronal,Breg,Charg,Charak,ChaqI,ChanTogh,Cha'DIch,Ch'Tan,Ch'lan,Ch'kan,Ch'gran,Dargh,Danqo,D'Lor,D'cIq,Dazzo,Davok,Dirak,Dorak,Dolmorr,Dokil,Dohk,Do'Ming,D'kar,Draxon,DRacla,Dorrek,D'Vak,Durak,Fuhrman,Fron'chak,Gapo,Ganthet,Ganok,Gannik,Galarch,Gahlar,Gelt,Gatrell,Garvig,Garvak,Gimor,Gha'rek,G'mtor,G'joth,Gordek,Gorath,Goran,Gorak,Gonn,Goryq,Gorv,Gortak,Gort,Gorrik,Goroth,Gralk,Gra'Kor,Grakal,Gowrik,Gotlak,Grevaq,Grax,Grannk,Grot,Gronn,Grokla,Grodak,Grnar,Grunnil,Grozik,Grouk,Grotek,G'Zar,Gyrik,Gwarz,Guroth,Gurlk,hiJaK,Hervog,Hegron,Hark,Ibrach,Hurgor,Hurghom,Ja'rod,Jardak,Janar,Jadar,Ja'rod,J'dah,J'Bris,Jaroun,J'mpok,J'lang,J'kral,J'Doq,Jureth,J'rgan,J'rak,Joqel,Jo'Krat,J'nek,Kaaj,K’teng,K'tark,K'am,Kagak,Kaga,Kabrerr,Kaarg,Kaare,Kagran,Kaghvagh,Kagh,Kagg,Kage,Kagdar,Kahrl,Kahnrah,Kahlor,Kaldon,Kalax,Kalaw,Kalan,Kalak,Kalor,Kallarax,Kaljagh,Kaleth,Kamar,Kam'pok,Kalun,Kaltar,Kerab,Kanjis,Kanjar,Kandless,Kasak,Karhammur,Kargan,Karel,Kaul,Kateq,Kasiel,Kaseli,K'Dhan,Kbrex,Kaz,Kellen,Kell,Kelad,Kegren,Keer,Ker,Kentin,Kenni,Vlict,Kelthos,Khegh,Khall,Kevlar,Kest,Kesh,Khulr,Khone,Khod,Khezri,Khel,Kir,Kiosan,Kimm,Kich'ta,Kitold,Kishlat,Kirrin,Kiregh,Klasq,Klaad,Kligrok,K'Ley,K'Leht,K'lotek,Klorga,Klor,Kloor,Klivv,Klithis,K'mdek,Kl'rt,Klovagh,K'mpar,K'moth,K'Mek,K'naiah,K'muc,K'mtok,Kohn,Kodrash,Kodek,Kobyk,Kolan,Kolak,Kol,Kolor,Kolloden,Kolj,Koleth,Kopf,Kopek,Konom,Konn,Kon'Jef,Komor,Korath,Korak,Koradan,Kopok,Kori,Korgh,Korek,Kordon,Korbus,Korban,Korma,Korlak,Korpi,Kort,Korsal,Korrgar,Kosted,Korya,Korvog,Korvek,Korvaq,Koru,Koth,Koxx,Kowag,Kovold,Kovikh,Kothaar,Krador,K'rac,Kra'aken,K'pril,Kozor,K'Ratak,Kraloq,Kral,Krelk,Krek,Krazz,Krax,Kravokh,Krett,Krimm,Krenn,Kriz,Krivaq,Kriton,Krit,Kring,Kron,Krom,Krogan,Krov,Krong,Krona,Kryan,Krusk,Kruq,Krozek,Krox,K'Tek,K'Tar,K’Temang,K’Trelan,Kuhrrat,K'tran,K'Tesh,Kultan,Kulok,Kull,Kurrgo,Kuron,Kuri,K'vyr,K'voq,Kveld,Kvaad,Kuut,Kurt,K'zeq,Kyrtu,Kylor,Ky'Dra,Larkan,Lantar,Lak,Ler'at,Lasshar,Larq,Larok,Lojar,Logaar,Lorak,Lorac,Lokor,Lokog,Lugok,Lourn,Loski,L'Vek,Lupo,Mag,Maelgwyn,Mabli,M'Rod,M'Rel,Maltak,Malk,Malach,Makog,Mariq,Margon,Margh,Mard,Manx,Malvak,Menvek,Melkor,Melik,Melekh,M'kar,Mikar,Mida,Mertak,Merik,Molok,Moloj,Mojjar,Morek,Moqlah,Moq,Monak,Morr,Morjod,Morith,Morglar,Morg,M'Rep,M'Raq,Mox,Mow'ga,Mortran,M'ven,Muros,Murgh,Murg,Nej,Nazh,Navok,Narvak,Narrk,Nargov,Nokar,Nyor,Nolath,Nidd,Ngoj,Ngane,Ngabwi,Nevokh,Ow'rik,Okado,Pek,Pejor,Paibok,Paghal,Puklik,Porus,Pok,Pojra,Pitzh,Qeyhnor,Q'ratt,Qao,Qa'Hos,Qua'lon,Qonqar,Qrad,Qolka,Q'Lujj,Qyrll,Quvmoh,Quv,Qurag,Qugh,Rajat,RocIa,Rhaza,Renarg,Rov,Ro'suv,Roneg,Ronak,Roloc,Roka,Rynar,Ruunek,Ruktah,Shaniq,Seegath,Shurin,Sho'Tokh,Sondar,Sompek,Sklar,Skarl,SvaD,Surgh,Sturka,Stren,Starad,Spyre,Sorkav,Talak,Takus,Taghron,Taraz,Tarag,Tangorq, Talgar,T'Chen,Targ,Tichar,Thorn,Thok Mak,Tharrk,Tiral,Tivanazt,Til'k,Tiklor,Toldin,Toladal,Todokh,T'lanak,T'lak,Tong,Tonar,Tolz Kenran,Tolkor,Toreth,Tor'ash,Torad,Torvak,Torv,Torrik,Torr,Torlek,Torghn,Tron,Trolk,Tovoj,Toth,Tygrak,Turrok,Turag,Tunzos,Urthog,Unarrh,Ugilh,Vark,Vall,Valk,Vikagh,V'Tec,Vranx,Vralk,Vorkhas,Vok,Vochar,Xator,Wovogh,Wo'Din,Wartok,Yorikk,Ya'Vang,Yakril
Orions in Alpha canon are only known by one name (with the exception of D'Vana Tendi, who seems to have a distinct given name and surname in that order). In Beta canon, there do appear to be distinct surnames.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
D'Nesh,Devna,Gaila,Maras,Marta,Navaar,Osyraa,Shava,D'Vana Tendi
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Melani D'ian,D'Jinnea,D'Vanna,D'Vela,Irina,Katam,Leata,Nalavia,Neera,Neras,Pilenna,Rogaine,Salma,S'Bysh,Susna,Taryl,Treir,Vila,Virra,Virta,Zina,Zona
Male Given Names
Arnet,Artinton,Balon,Ba'M'eel,Barak,Borth,Calculanthra,Caruch,Cophot,Croll,Ragmar Danneskjold,Dennisar,Nashi,Donat,Finit,Ganik,Ganz,Golenz,Bardeck,Gundin,Refner,Harza-Kull,Hassan,Holencas,Honar-Des,Huwald,Julin,Boyor,Jackel,Jarek,Jek,Jester,Jorva,Jovra,Juraav,Kai,Kazek,Kelbrim,Elkar,Ivra,Merkos,Savro,Imri,Kelon,Kestralnamen,Krassus,Krulmadden,Lasslanlin,Kecho,Arthas,Dufen,Madrav,Markav,Malic,Mentain,Emini,Fyash,Amehda,Emerak,Namtac,Narhal,Somchuk,Nispavan,Nodogascur,Deth,Nallin,Benthine,Parrec-Sut,Kaldo,Radras,Radros,Renat,Rento,Neil,Talduk,Sirav,Skevar,Skuros,Sooris,Sorris,Soron,Vintlel,Stavan,Tenger,Tonzak,Unlot,Vasro,Vic,Vloun,Ellefrin,Ibmar
Romulans in Alpha canon seem to have a simple given name surname system, but are said to have three names: one for outsiders, one for family, and a true name. In Beta canon, Romulans have a given name, may or may not have an additional middle name, and have a surname. There are prefixes as well, with gendered prefixes (t' for female, tr' for male, and s' for groups (and presumably non-binary); omitted in familiar settings) for surnames and prefixes for middle names (i' when using the full name, ir' for formality lacking one or more names), as well as T' occasionally being added to any part of a female name.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Middle Names
In Alpha canon, we only have singular names for male Tellarites. Beta canon gives most Tellarites a given name and surname. There does appear to be some sort of naming system at place, with uncapitalized middle names, but I haven't read any books featuring Tellarites and don't know what it may be. If someone does know, please pass it on. These middle have been included with the surnames.
Alpha Canon
Durango,Tevrin Krit,Naarg,Skalaar,Terev,Gaavrin,Gav,Gorch,Gral,Grek
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
gov Ansarg,Agram,Bur'Gun,Brog,B'bargalah,jav Baur,bav Balkar,Dorkin,Dlumppheg,Dagran,blasch Cheg,chim Flar,Evesh,Gartiv,Garab,Gadj,chim Gleer,chim Glamok,Gett'Ipher,jav Gek,Gnakk,Glorak,chim Gliv,Grev,Greshlahrigm,Gralless,bim Gral,glasch Gral,Gouthar,chim Gorsach,glasch Hok,Haggarak,glasch Haaj,Grishnash,chim Grev,jav Lorg,chim Loak,Kyll,Kwelm,Kintro,Khund,Jed,glasch Noar,chim Nak,chim Mort,glasch Mort,glov Mog,glasch Moar,Prev,glasch Pak,kj Onn,Shav,zelev Sereb,Runkaar,lorin Ren,Ragaav,Thantora,glasch Tev,Teglas,Teg,glasch Yov,lek Xav,Trumble,Theloss,Zarv,glasch Vokrak,jav Velk,Ved,chim Var
Unjoined Trill have a given name and a surname. Upon joining with a symbiont, the surname is replaced with the name of the symbiont.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Vulcans have family names, but these are said to be unpronouncable by humans and generally never mentioned, hence not being shown here. In general, 'T' starting a name indicates its being feminine, and 'S' starting a name indicates its being masculine. Multiple characters of either gender have been shown with the 'opposite' starting letter, and Beta canon has mentioned a tradition of bestowing the name of a family matriarch upon a male child and a tradition of not naming newborns and instead naming them at some unspecified later date.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
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goodboyaudios · 1 year ago
Forgot to mention on my previous question, but I the fanart I was finishing for the MotH fanart contest pictured Zed and Mirrin (after recovering, of course) managing to get to the castle and they were commenting their reactions to how the castle looked. Like:
Zed: holy Nobacons... is that-
Mirrin: yes.
Zed: and that's-
Mirrin: yep.
Zed: but that's really the-
Mirrin: uhuh.
Zed: .... you don't even know what I was going to say-
Mirrin: Zed, I'm literally staring at the same thing as you.
Anyway, should I finish it still or do I change the whole thing?
Keep going! I love hearing new stories come out around my work! The only thing I would change is your spelling of the word "Narwhacorn" lol!
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goodboyaudios · 1 year ago
Hiii miss me ya probably pissing you off now butttt I'll just put all the questions (which should be quick to answer If not sry) that have been on my mind here so I can leave u alone:)
1) what are the ages of the characters I motH
2) why does makkaro seemingly hate the guardian when their first introduced to eachother if he doesn't then u can ignore this question
3) linking to a old question u answered how would Raze(if/say she can), Gienne, makk (or mirin) act/ or what type of drunk are they?
4) In the second vid with Zed("on a date with shy wizard") the guardian put their forehead to Zeds(honestly reminded me of my foreign mother checking for me or my sister's temperature) obviously flustering him do to their intimacy BUT was he also flustered due to the fact his weak/soft spot is being touched gently on his face or head??
Anyways uhm I should sleep but I most likely won't if Ur awake, go to sleep naughty boy, and uhm sorry for bombarding you with these questions but rather have these all out so your not constantly answering my irrelevant questions, buh bi and gooooood night
Zed is 19, both Mirrin and the Guardian are over 300 years old, I think I put Makkaro at 29, but don't quote me on that, and that means Gienne is somewhere between 25-27. Frank is probably around the same as Makkaro.
He hates the Guardian, because she is real and the only one with influence, yet doesn't use it to help people who face constant injustice, much like himself and Gienne. From Raze' perspective, Makkaro represents everyone the Guardian has let down by never intervening. She is on trial in her eyes.
Raze at this point cannot get drunk. Before she was a star captain, probably a flirty drunk. Makkaro is probably a sleepy drunk and Gienne is maybe an over-sharer lol
Uhh, maybe? I didn't really think about weak spots, I just thought it would be cute!
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