#gba mirrin
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mirrinmygoat · 2 months ago
mirrin and karmor are canon! (i yell, as i’m thrown into the back of an ambulance and taken to the psychiatric ward)
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my cutiepies
my doodling skills are so bad on my phone 😞
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spicylove4ever · 1 year ago
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My entry for the GBA MotH fanart contest! Hope I made it, because that monster of a sea and lighting delayed things... I uploaded this to Twitter as well, just in case.
This tecnically never happened, since it was born from my failed prediction on how Zed would find the Castle, after Mirrin was recovered.
Maybe the Titan Snake is not big enough, but the idea here is that the island is far enough for it to be coiled around like the author described, and then I used that light so the castle, which is huge as well, would stand out more.
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betta-phish · 2 years ago
my thoughts rn rkfjdjsnfjsmdnfjmdjfidncksnschfi 🤭👍
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grim-has-issues · 1 year ago
gba shouldnt be that good at voice acting. like its kind of feaky. like albus and kravatos are such juxtapostions and they both come from one singular man?
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piffany666 · 1 year ago
What you favourite gba character says about you! (Based on the Eldena doubleca5t series on YouTube)
(This is a joke please do not take any of this personally)
Loyal: your probably either a black butler fan or an angle beats fan
Servos: you had a crush on Marshalllee from adventure time
Yargwin: at some point in your life you've probably been obsessed with either Jack sparrow or Captin hook from Once upon a time. That being said you do have good taste
Kalomos: you just wanted good things for kalomos and really....who wouldn't?
Lry: you need everyone in this series to just chill the f*k out for like 5 minutes
Vail: your favourite trope is a character being blissfully unaware of how powerful they are
Raspa: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of a mad scientist
Mortals: you have some....complicated feelings about episode 3 of space pirates
Vision: your childhood crush was garnett from steven universe
Heartburn: you still don't know the answer to the mystery of 1. Why did yargwin tell him that "him and Arkov aren't married" and 2. Why heartburn is even here but the difference is that your not mad about the second one
Kaunda: your either a lesbian or a liar
Banar: you really like full metal alchemist
The butterfly king: your OTP is fizz x Ozzmodius from hellova boss
Albus: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of "I can fix him" but you will inevitably realise that you can't and then promptly exept him as he is
Devlin: your probably autistic and the quickest way to your heart is somebody showing even the slitest amount of intrest In YOUR special interest
Odin: you really like God of war
Odysseus: you understand the significance of Odin calling him that...also you probably really like "epic the musical"
Tyr: you really like lore olympus
Fenrir: you are a furry that or your just a redacted fan
Okami: you were the f*kers who kept spaming "okami did nothing wrong" in that one live stream
Makkaro: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of "a hero will sacrifice you to save the world but a villan will sacrifice the world to save you"
Zed: I want to use the joke used by the person this post was inspired by and say that you like "men👏 getting 👏pegged!" But honestly if your favourite character is zed you probably just really like the owl house
Mirrin: when zed asked the guardian if they used to be lovers you got your hopes up way to quickly
Frank: you had a crush on Billy butcherson from hocus pocus
Hipswich: you believe in the inherent eroticism of the song "good lookin"
Mahatma/atila: this is just the same joke as raspa but like even more so
Huginn: your favourite ship dynamic is "neurodivergent character rambling" x "could listen to them talk forever"
Muninn: your favourite asmr trope is reverse comfort
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pycth · 2 years ago
Welcome to my Redacted/GBA blog! I’m Pycth, I’m here to stress about consistency and offer you art.
Hope y’all enjoy~
Inbox is always open and doodle requests are especially welcome, I’ll try my best to get through them as they come :)
Commissions Info Here— OPEN
My Redacted boys—
Lasko<3, Asher, Hush, Geordi, Blake
My GBA boys—
Zed<3, Devlin, Mahatma/Attila
(Special shoutout to the homies Albus and Mirrin)
Art: #pycthsketches
Inbox asks/chats: #pycthanswers
Reblogs/bookmarks: #pycthcollects
Random thoughts/hcs: #pycthrambles
18+ posts: #pycthspice
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goodboyaudios · 2 years ago
Hi GBA! I have a few questions - how long where Mirin and the guardian friends for? Like we know how they met and how they parted but how long did they know eachother and what was the extent of their relationship (also if Mirin knew zed's grandmother dose that mean he also knew his grandfather?)
Mirrin new the guardian for a couple weeks and became fast friends. They were never romantically involved. I guess I didn't go into much detail on that. My bad!
And yes! Mirrin knew Zed's grandfather too!
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mirrinmygoat · 2 months ago
this is so buns 😭🙏
part 2 of mirrin karmor truth
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i love kankaia (he’s been mentioned once and referenced by mirrin twice) i hate this design tho
(mirrins ex boo who he kinda killed)
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this is so dumb brah
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spicylove4ever · 11 months ago
Post GBA's Magic of the Heart headcanons.
When Zed told Mirrin the whole thing, that was for Mirrin a green light for teasing for letting the oportunity on a silver plate to kiss the Guardian go. He laughted so much about his own jokes without a care of the pain on his battle injuries.
The Guardian kept the Archangel plushie for the memento of the date with Zed.
Among the baggage the evil couple took with them to their new land of residence, there are all the sharp objects they used and will still use in case any weird visit shows up.
Makkaro and Giene made an honorary grave for Frank on their new backyard.
The Piscis family found a way to use the news of Makkaro's downfall for their political gain. Those statements on the newspaper were received with lots of cursing words in 3 different locations (Mirrin at his place: the f"/$ did you even do you good-for-nothing snobs! Zed somewhere: what is this? that's not how it happened! How could you even use the Guardian's name here in vain you.... you.... uhm... freaks! Gienne: YOU F+#&ING LYING BASTARDS!!! F+·& YOUR FACES! F+#& YOUR STUPID DYNASTY!! Makkaro: (just stares at Gienne with a mix of awe and shock as the swearing goes on for long minutes)).
Zed has now mixed feelings whenever he finds himself close of any graveyard because it reminds him of Makkaro's undead and their master as well. So he is reminded of plenty of traumatic skeleton attacks but also a necromancer he chewed up and then set loose an angry god to.
Gienne has no kill count, but that could change now that she's one of the main deffenses of the house.
Zed takes breaks from traveling either for family visiting or because Mirrin has invited him to watch wingball matches. Mirrin has a break of his duties this way and now he has a friend to go with.
Gienne has threatened her husband with slip a sleeping drug on his food if he ever overworks again, which he secretly is grateful for since those make you sleep with no dreams and the memories start to catch up and now he can't vent those with violence...
Frank would haunt the couple anytime they have a fight. Mak would be trying to sleep in the couch and then he hears echoes of "I told you", "that's rough, buddy" or even laugh is it was something he considers funny. Also would haunt them randomly XD.
Zed accidentally found the Aethewards having a date on a restaurant and since none could pretend they didn't see each other they had to kidnapp Zed since Gienne knows he's awful lying to his memories about their location. It took time because Makkaro had to teach Gienne how to cast the spell, to the point Zed had an akward "visit" at their house for days and they had lots of catch up. (Zed: you know, it's weird, but it's still good to see you again, Kindra. Gienne: thank you, Zed, that is so nice, but we're still erasing your memories. Zed: ow.)
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spicylove4ever · 11 months ago
Magic of the Heart Headcanons (part 2)
Darling loves Makkaro's post-jail beard, because it's fuzzy and it's funny to tease him about it but also it's "perfect for snuggles". So of course Makkaro wants to mantain it neat and soft, though he would not admit it out loud.
Darling has snuzzled many times Makkaro's face thanks to that beard.
Though Zed declares he would be destroyed on a wing-ball game, he knows the theory to the tiniest detail. He can dissect every move in every game.
Darling is a little sapiophile. So would listen to how Makkaro's analyses a case or strategy with all the attention.
Frank used to watch the couple sleep when he had too much free time, which caused sometimes to wake the couple on screaming.
The closest thing to a real threat to Makkaro's relationship with Darling was chocolate back to when they were dating. Mak got a little jealous because Darling makes noises "too alike to when they're in bed" when eating chocolate sometimes.
(little bit nsfw ahead) Darling solved the chocolate problem by using a cup of molten chocolate as a tool for foreplay.
Zed was secretly upset when he found out Makkaro was a detective because he was the only private eye he was probably going to ever met and he would be too busy surviving to be able to ask for interesting cases.
Mirrin once tried to lift the Titan Sword as it were Excalibur. The Sword protested so he had to abandon that idea.
Makkaro's former secretary was the one who unknowingly gave the lead to Kayble through to a corrupt high-ranking officer on her later job when talking about his worrisome changes on his behaviour and use of his time.
That hour reserved for making out right after the kidnapping ended being a nap for the half of it. They were both that tired.
One of the Titans is a sea creature that thankfully hibernates half of the time, and when it's awake sometimes generates big waves or even maelstroms.
On the first homicide case with Makkaro, Darling puked at the sight of the corpse.
Zed loves spicy food, which makes "Kindra" (Darling) a little envious since the confinement at the royal palace and its problems with food lead to way lesser capacity to handle that type of food.
Makkaro is terrible making up scary stories for sleepovers, so he developed the technique of using his cases for them. Those stories became way darker when he turned a necromancer, which he spices sometimes with dark humor, like times when his victims displayed the classic awful logic of horror/terror stories. "Darling: come on, honey, that doesn't add up. No one is that dumb! Makkaro: yeah, you'd think...".
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spicylove4ever · 1 year ago
Makkaro Aetherward picking a fight with everyone on MotH.
This is just hypothetical, just for fun, and I will not add fights that have already happened like when he slaughtered the Warden.
Makkaro Vs The Guardian/Raze (the aftermatch, because we didn't get to see the right-after-the-fight).
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Makkaro Vs Mirrin
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I'm aware Mirrin is a half dragon, not an hydra.
Makkaro Vs Zed (what happened on the most recent chapter is more like a confrontation and verbal fighting)
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Makkaro Vs Kayble Piscis (this one is more desire for Karma than joking around)
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Makkaro Vs Shee Mahan
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Yes, in this hypothetical escenario, Frank would be Panic XD
Makkaro Vs Frank
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What do you mean this is not exactly like when they were arguing who would be punished when they got captured?
Makkaro Vs Shee Khan
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So I feel like there's a chance Makkaro would survive depending on whether Shee Khan decides to just defeat instead of going for the kill or if Makkaro is good dodging big creature's attacks.
Makkaro Vs Darling/Gienne
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I have the feeling the way Makkaro was going he would have totally forgot. XD
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spicylove4ever · 2 years ago
If Zed and Mirrin are captured when they try to rescue the Guardian: Zed: you can't keep us here! Makkaro: you poor innocent wizard, if you are still alive is because I allow it. Do not take that for granted. Mirrin: I get you have imprisioned me and the captain, but why Zed? He's inconsecuential to you! Makkaro: he has a mouth and a tongue. Guardian: (some cells away) then why keep him alive? Makkaro: ...
The previous day: Darling: ok,that's it! I could take holding the Guardian captive, but you're definitely not killing my possible surrogate young brother. If you're anything less than a teddy bear stuffed with cotton candy and rainbows WITHOUT good reason, I will silent treatment your great ass into the ground. Makkaro: (half scared and half confused because of the slipped compliment) Darling: You'll think the time you interrupted bed time because you had some minor breakthrough was a freaking picnic! Are we clear?! Makkaro: ...sweetie, there are many different- Darling: ARE WE CLEAR?! Makkaro: allright! Darling: (starts walking away) Makkaro: you know, it's kind of ironic that you now- Darling: (throws a pastry to his face)
Back to present: Makkaro: (lying) I just feel like it.
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spicylove4ever · 2 years ago
Darling: so now you have a half-dragon in the dungeon as well, what do you plan to do with him? Makkaro: you don't need to worry, I have a plan. But he has to be alive for that. Darling: wait, no, no! are we talking experimentation again? That's way too cruel! Wouldn't it be better if you smash him with the Snake Titan's body?
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spicylove4ever · 2 years ago
Zed: so Maggreos kept his desire for blood hidden for so long.... he must have been an incredible liar....
Mirrin: actually, it passed like some anger management problems before Drena, and there were some clues every once in a while. Check this one out.
(proyection spell back to the wedding planning)
Maggreos: yes, I want Crete vanilla for the cake! It's not so complicated!
Baker: but-
Maggreos: nononono, LISTEN TO ME. If I go to my wedding and the cake is not Crete vanilla, I will come back here and burn this little shop to the ground.
Baker: you're kidd-
Maggreos: oh, do you want to find out if I'm kidding?
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betta-phish · 1 year ago
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I told myself I’d catch up on GBA when the new BvZ comes out so now that I’ve listened to that expect some screaming later
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pycth · 1 year ago
pleaseeee tell us your WIP list? x
(love your work so much!!!)
Thank youu!! I’ve honestly got a shit ton, so I’ll give you the ones I wanna hopefully focus on the most rn—
— A shit ton of Lasko (+Dear)
— Baaabe and Doc’s outfits sheets
— Friendsgiving doodles
— DAMN Crew character sheet redraws
— Blake, Avior, Porter, Brachium designs
— BvZ doodles
— Karmor design
— The Guardian, Mirrin, and Zed
— Archangel Taurus
— Something from the latest episode of MotH that I’ll hopefully finish before the 16th ‼️
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