#magic of the heart
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lorepossum · 7 months ago
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“The Crushing Weight of your Choices”
I originally wanted to do more edits on these but at this point I just want folks to see my full Makkaro cosplay! He was a labor of love and I absolutely loved wearing him to Colossal-con this past June, cant wait to wear him out again for a proper photoshoot or smth one day.
Makkaro Aetherward belongs to @goodboyaudios
Original Mak art by chabibit1 on twitter
I get a little bit more mushy about Mak under the cut. Ignore if you want, hope you enjoy the cosplay nonetheless!
If you want to see more Mak cosplay I post more of him on my tiktok: gayaestheticgoblin
The more my year goes on and I deal with more and more bs in my life as a whole the more I appreciate Makkaro fuckin Aetherward. He was always my favorite GBA character for just being a well written, dapper, lovingly villainous wife lover. But more recently he’s kind of become a source of strength for me.
If Makkaro can survive in a black site for 3 years and all of the shit that happened to him during the course of MotH, then I can survive the shit I’m going through.
He’s a character who has survived so much and still manages to come out the other side. Sure he’s beaten and bruised and damaged all to hell. But he’s still alive, and he still gets to have his happy ending.
I can’t wait till I can get to that.
So Geeb if you actually read this far, thanks for Mak. He means a hell of a lot to me.
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iincogneeto · 6 days ago
I redid my guardian design!
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I liked his old design but it was a bit old and I wanted to change his outfit a bit! I didn’t change the colors though 🐟
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siomdead · 11 months ago
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Makkaro from MotH :>
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pufferson · 2 months ago
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Idk man I got bored 🫡 bro dose not look happy to see him! Karmor is lwk chill and dose not gaf …
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vaniitthy · 2 months ago
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My best friend @merakiiiii1 has been prying me for a while to watch MoTH by gba (good boy audios) and let me tell you, THIS CHARACTER FRANK HAS GOT TO BE MY FAVORITE EVER 😭, he's so damn funny and everytime he appears theres also a meme too, I absolutely LOVE how funny his voice is also and he ALWAYS lightens up the mood in whatever episode he is, ily Frank please don't die 🙏😔
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joshusten · 1 year ago
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magics your heart or whatever (idk i havent finished it yet)
zed doodle that got out of hand !! im not halfway done in moth but hes such a sweet guy i hope nothing bad happens to him! :)))))))))))))))))
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imagonista · 2 months ago
It's been one year since we saluted goodbye to the Guardian! And by "we" I mean me, because no joke, when she was flying off in the archangel, I gave a salute (I listen to all audios through a third-person perspective).
But still! It's been a freaking year! And, also means it's been a year since MOTH 2: Electric Boogaloo (not the actual name) was hinted at! And now, we have a basic summary of what the plot is going to be, as well as the listeners canon name: Lilith. And thanks to the fact I took a good amount of religion/Judaism classes in college, seeing the name "Lilith" got some cogs in my brain turning.
Honestly, this is probably just me overthinking, and if I'm wrong, then there's no problem. This theory(?) is just for fun! So no need to take it seriously.
Note that I did a little bit of research about Lilith (the religious/mythological figure) for this. And that this theory only regards the creation story aspects of Lilith, nothing about her as a seducer who kills children.
So, we know that lamia Lilith was made from the snake titan, as was Nosferatu. In interpretations of the creation story from the Torah/Bible, both Adam and Lilith were created from earth, compared to how Eve was created from Adam. So we already have one parallel: two beings made from the same source.
Another thing about Lilith is that she is the wife of Samuel (Satan). In the creation story, it's believed that Satan takes the form of a snake to trick Eve into eating the apple. This is important, because what is a lamia? A human top with a snake bottom. Also, snake titan. This doesn't have any real importance other than recognizing snakes in mythology.
And finally, looking at what happens regarding Adam and Lilith. In a basic summary, Adam tries to control/command Lilith, but she doesn't obey, and instead, runs/flies away from the Garden of Eden. Though I think at some point, G-d sends some angels to try and bring her back, and then a fight of some sort breaks out between Adam and Lilith. Now, In the MOTH 2 summary we got, we know that it is Nosferatu who commands Lilith to pretend to help Zed escape from him, and the question is: will she continue to betray Zed, or is she going to instead betray Nosferatu? I'm going to assume Lilith will betray Nosferatu, she will try to run away (more like slither away), but something will force her back, and there will be a fight between the two beings made from the snake titan. The outcome? No theory here. In an interpretation I saw, Lilith wins, but religious Lilith doesn't have a smol wizard companion she would need to probably fight for and that could get caught in the crossfire.
I tried looking up if the religious/mythological Lilith has any connection to music, since GBA had hinted that music will play a part in MOTH 2 (the fact we got that hint just based on my silly question about MOTH characters music preferences still blows my mind). In one source, it says that Lilith and Satan created music, but that wouldn't really apply to MOTH 2 because music must already exist in-universe.
But hey, that's just a theory!
An ASMR RP Theory!
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spicylove4ever · 2 months ago
GBA characters catching up stories at the bar like:
Albus and Zed: hey, Makkaro! How have you been? Albus: is everything ok? Makkaro: ..... nothing is ok. My in-laws are still searching for me and my loved one like sharks. The force I led turned into a career-ending quagmire, an episode of demonic-magic-induced dementia casting doubt upon my integrity as husband and you ask "is everything ok?". Zed: uhm- Makkaro: I am buffeted by the winds of forsenity and cast about by the towering waves of cruel fate, yet I, a commander, am no able to command my vessel, my army, from my customary helm, my destroyed lair, and you ask "is everything ok"? Zed: (sips drink because of guilt since he was involved) Makkaro: I have endured the worsts years on this earth and overcame the worst to fight for the possition I held and I had it ripped away from my grasp, and with it, the very essence of what defined me....and you ask "is everything ok?". Albus and Zed: (very akward silence while Makkaro drinks his wine) Albus: yeah, I hear you. My brother is taking over my favourite chair. Is like "how did it all slip away?".
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jasthesilliest · 11 months ago
wasted summers
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ik it’s blurry ☹️
my sad lil nerdy wizard boy 🫶
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justtmxnica · 1 year ago
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Zed re-design
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sparklez-mz-soulz · 9 months ago
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Zed Mistwood Fanart!
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escapedaudios · 3 months ago
ESCAPED! My guy! Whatever happened to that video essay idea for MoTH? Pushed to the backburner for other projects?
Not pushing you're very busy ruining lives of your audience and characters, simply curious :3
It turns out making video essays is hard and media analysis of a 4 and a half hour series is also hard. I will do it! First I want to make a smaller video essay for practice.
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fornenamiyo · 5 months ago
A (terrible) idea that's been swimming in my AuDHD brain for weeks
Good Boy Audio x Rocky Horror? Zed = Brad Majors Guardian = Janet Weiss Devlin = Riff Raff Faithful = Magenta Darling/Gienne = Columbia Hipswitch = Rocky Makkaro = Eddie Xarantharos = Dr. Scott Albus = Frank-N-Furter The Criminologist = Either GB himself or Frank. Frank would be funny Any other character suggestions are welcome!
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pufferson · 2 months ago
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I made a few adjustments to my Guardian I’ll give them a name later I’m to lazy heh okay tahts isy
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siomdead · 1 year ago
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Guardian tapestry thing merch
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