#gba loyal
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piffany666 · 1 year ago
What you favourite gba character says about you! (Based on the Eldena doubleca5t series on YouTube)
(This is a joke please do not take any of this personally)
Loyal: your probably either a black butler fan or an angle beats fan
Servos: you had a crush on Marshalllee from adventure time
Yargwin: at some point in your life you've probably been obsessed with either Jack sparrow or Captin hook from Once upon a time. That being said you do have good taste
Kalomos: you just wanted good things for kalomos and really....who wouldn't?
Lry: you need everyone in this series to just chill the f*k out for like 5 minutes
Vail: your favourite trope is a character being blissfully unaware of how powerful they are
Raspa: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of a mad scientist
Mortals: you have some....complicated feelings about episode 3 of space pirates
Vision: your childhood crush was garnett from steven universe
Heartburn: you still don't know the answer to the mystery of 1. Why did yargwin tell him that "him and Arkov aren't married" and 2. Why heartburn is even here but the difference is that your not mad about the second one
Kaunda: your either a lesbian or a liar
Banar: you really like full metal alchemist
The butterfly king: your OTP is fizz x Ozzmodius from hellova boss
Albus: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of "I can fix him" but you will inevitably realise that you can't and then promptly exept him as he is
Devlin: your probably autistic and the quickest way to your heart is somebody showing even the slitest amount of intrest In YOUR special interest
Odin: you really like God of war
Odysseus: you understand the significance of Odin calling him that...also you probably really like "epic the musical"
Tyr: you really like lore olympus
Fenrir: you are a furry that or your just a redacted fan
Okami: you were the f*kers who kept spaming "okami did nothing wrong" in that one live stream
Makkaro: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of "a hero will sacrifice you to save the world but a villan will sacrifice the world to save you"
Zed: I want to use the joke used by the person this post was inspired by and say that you like "men👏 getting 👏pegged!" But honestly if your favourite character is zed you probably just really like the owl house
Mirrin: when zed asked the guardian if they used to be lovers you got your hopes up way to quickly
Frank: you had a crush on Billy butcherson from hocus pocus
Hipswich: you believe in the inherent eroticism of the song "good lookin"
Mahatma/atila: this is just the same joke as raspa but like even more so
Huginn: your favourite ship dynamic is "neurodivergent character rambling" x "could listen to them talk forever"
Muninn: your favourite asmr trope is reverse comfort
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iincogneeto · 1 month ago
The Querian Saga - vol 02
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Tysm @orbit805 for helping me w my draft!
( both drafts under cut )
the first draft is one that I made during school ( that looks like dookie since I was only able to spend like 1 minute on it 💀
and the second is orbits draft that helped me a lot more with the whole idea!
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pycth · 1 year ago
Since getting @lavista4 into GBA, we’ve been hella fixated on BW and since they made their Faithful, I’d decided to create my own character to come along on the journey~
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Nickname— “Rogue”
Age— 28
Height— 5’11”
The bastard daughter of a famous jewel merchant
— Had a twin brother who’s died when they were 19. He was the younger one.
One of the only people Albus might consider a friend. The two met just a few years prior to the BW storyline. They’ve always somehow managed to run into each other often during their quests. After becoming used to the unexpected company, even battling it out at one point thinking one was following the other, they’ve always ended up getting drinks while catching up or even tagging along on the other’s jobs for the hell of it depending on circumstances.
Rogue is a equable person with a very witty sense of humor. She has no problem joining in when Albus messes with his brother, but generally doesn’t make it a habit to target Devlin personally. She even sided with the sister when choosing to bring Devlin along on the mission as they’d benefit from his knowledge of the ship. You could even say she became rather fond of his presence over the course of their journey.
She has a bit of a bent moral compass, having no problem holding anyone at knifepoint and stealing whatever she can get her hands on, but can also understand restraint and sensibility. She’s very straightforward and persistent, is rarely ever hesitate in her actions..
She is very loyal to those who’ve managed to earn her respect and isn't quick to give up on the few she cares about/trusts.
Rogue is a skilled acrobat and is resourceful with her surroundings, which allows her to swiftly navigate through busy environments without being caught.
She’s trained in knife mastery and hand-to-hand combat. She carries two curved daggers attached to the back of her belts—the context of them being obtained is irrelevant..
I also put together a vc for her because why not :)
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creatortools · 27 days ago
New listeners?
I got two new listeners as well as a Intern doodle when he was younger and the one, the only…
KARMOR doodle hehehe
The full photo, info of my two new listeners, and a little ramble will be after the cut.
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KAYNE AND RAZE IS FINALLY HERE! (I tried to draw Gienne and failed) Of course, the info I prove is most likely NOT CANON, this is just my interpretation/version of these two.
-He/They (Male)
-Probably in his twenties
-Half Chinese, half European.
-5’5 (Just an inch taller than Karmor)
-He loves his instant noodles (relatable) but hates garlic bread.
-Likes orange juice better than apple juice
-Extremely afraid of the stalker (Mad Crow? Idk if it’s still canon anymore.). He’s afraid that his stalker had broken out of captivity and is still following/stalking him.
-The feather that Loyal gave him is on his necklace. (I drew it there just pointing it out.)
-Sleepy man
-Very soft spoken, and very hesitant.
-Speaks English, of course.
-His birthday is on the 16th of December.
-Starting to forget himself.
“…What…What else do I say? I-I don’t have much else to say, I…don’t know myself anymore? I can’t really explain it…I-I can’t remember?”
“…What do you mean by that?”
“I don’t…know…I’m sorry.”
“Can…you tell me more? Like where you lived before all of this, or…maybe the languages you know, or anything?”
“…Well…I like the colour green, is…that good enough? Im so sorry…I can’t remember anything else”
“Uhh, yes, I’ll write that down.”
-Any pronouns (Genderfluid)
-Unknown age? But their old I guess
-A half Bull hybrid space thing (new species alert?). Because why not and I think the connection I made to their mechanic bull Angel thing is cool.
-More than 6 feet tall, maybe around 7 feet max?
-In terms of food and drink, will try anything and like anything. He has no preferences really. It’s rare to find something he hates.
-Has four arms and a bull tail. Strong build.
-The star on her eye is like an eyepatch weapon kind of thing. She’s missing an eye on that side but she can use the star eyepatch thing like a ninja star.
-Can change their features slightly.
-Tolerates and also pities Makarro. Makarro reminds him of his late husband, while also reminding him of…himself almost.
-Gienne reminds her of herself of course. She’s very gentle towards Gienne.
-Wishes Zed for the best. They hope that Zed is doing well after they left.
-Not very trusting and can’t express his thoughts and feelings well. (Relatable)
-The mechanic bull is probably triple his height? Maybe? Idk but it’s huge.
-Can probably glance into other universes and worlds, and she probably knows of the other listeners’ existences even the ones from different creators and different audio creators (GBA, escaped, etc etc).
-Their birthday is the 5th of August.
I might add more info later idk probably not but as you can probably tell by now that I have my own lore of my own versions of the listeners. You guys can ask my listeners some questions about them (please 🙏), they will be happy to answer lol.
If you guys want, I might draw some comics showing lore (I doubt it but I really want to) or maybe doing some dedicated posts to my listeners’ own lore and stuff? I can’t really promise that I would, because of my school work lol.
I also can’t promise that my lore will be as good as full novel series and all the audio rp accounts like GBA, Escaped audios, etc. So please forgive me if my lore is kinda…eh…if I ever come up with a fully fleshed out character with lore beyond the actual series.
Sorry for the long post/ramble and my grammar mistakes my brain has been shut off for the week lol.
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doubleddenden · 1 year ago
The Epilogue dropped today: Mochi Madness. Its not a DLC, but rather an Event that's like a tad more complicated version of past events on the DS and GBA games- Such as how you'd obtain Victini, Darkrai, Shaymin, etc.
Although, I'll be honest, I wouldn't call it an "epilogue" because all it really does is introduce the friend groups to each other and then have a fun side adventure. Think of it like a fun, campy OVA or special episode to a concluded season. An "epilogue" would have done something to tie up the final loose ends of the story, imo.
But I'm not going to be a downer about it- This was fun, hilarious, and honestly what I've always wanted Events to be before they became mythical pokemon handouts. Although, I would have rather had some more to do, such as some of those strange structures deeper in Oni Mountain or just delving deeper into the connections between Ogerpon, Pecharunt, and the Lousy Three- although they were at least decent enough to provide small easter eggs to it, such as Ogerpon crying out when you bring her out to battle Pecharunt, Pecharunt crying out when fighting one of the Three, and Carmine talking about how Pecharunt and the Lousy Three were "definitely connected."
Its a campy little side adventure, and that's fine. I would have loved to see Carmine have more interaction with the gang, and to see the gang enjoy the festival or explore more of Kitakami, but as I figured with the end of Indigo Disk, I figured they just wanted to be done with Scarlet and Violet. Kieran had a great "redemption?" arc kind of, or at least we were able to actually work together with him and get some quality time with him in his right state of mind, and honestly I'm just thrilled to know that Arven considers us his best friend to the point he gets jealous of newbies.
Oh, and now Kieran and Carmine will appear randomly in the BB Club Room- it's a bitch and a half to get them to show up, but you can speed up the process slightly by using the system calendar to go forward a day until one or both show up. Nemona, Penny, and Arven are part of the coach system now, so all you need is about 1800 BP to get them all maxed out, and you can rebattle them on command. They also have fun interactions with each other and other characters, such as Arven learning about how "Toedscruel" from other regions can swim, Penny expanding on the facility Blueberry Academy is attached to, and Nemona actually offering up some more of her own backstory.
As for Pecharunt itself- I'll admit. I'm very let down. I thought the way things were played out before that it was building up to be this mastermind behind everything, but it's just a little runt. That's fine too, in the end, I love a good little gremlin bastard child. Its ability is pretty insane, too, automatically stacking Confusion on top of Poison status you inflict on your opponent.
Perhaps there was a much, much bigger story planned out involving it, Ogerpon, and the Loyal Three, but ultimately time, like usual, was something they sacrificed to get it out the door. Perhaps this was always the plan. Who knows.
As it wasn't DLC and it was just an extension of Indigo Disk's DLC, I'll just judge it a 7/10 for what was provided. It was fun enough, got some great laughs, some fun animations, I just wish there was more to it, and I'll always be a bit bitter that it wasn't the final answers to the story I've been seeking, nor was it more than just a gag Pokemon in the end. Still, I would love more Event Pokemon in this style. No more Zarudes or Zeraoras, give me Pecharunt all day any day.
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littleeyesofpallas · 28 days ago
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Perhaps the most dramatic liberty taken in the localization of this whole franchise, save maybe Color Pandora, is that the monster called Zuum or Zoom was originally called...
ROAD-RUNNER[ロードランナー] like the bird???
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SALAMANDRA[サラマンドラ] from the pseudo-mythical salamandra[σαλαμάνδρα] which was ostensible based on actual salamanders but with a host of mythical properties like an affinity with fire
ANKYROAD[アンキロード] from ANKYLOSAURUS and ROADRUNNER, mashing up the LO and RO syllables.
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HOWL-ROADER[ハウルローダ] weirdly it uses ROADER and not ROAD or RUNNER like so many of the others...
BUCHI-RUNNER[ブチランナー] like with Buchi-Dino it s BUCHI[斑]: "spoted/speckled/mottled" and ROADRUNNER
HACHIRO[ハチロー] seemingly named after the famous dog of Shibuya, Hachiko[ハチ公]. Other than being a famously retold and imitated story about a loyal dog waiting for its dead owner to come home, it's got an iconic statue outside Shibuya Station where it waited.
ROAD-GALINYCHUS[ロードガリニクス] funny enough just slapes ROAD onto the name they already made for the Dino/Gali, GALI-NYCHUS
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TASMANIA[タスマニア] as I assume a reference to the Tasmanian Tiger, given Kato's feline elements and the stripped pattern,
ROAD-MUSTARD[ロードマスタード] once against slapping ROADRUNNER together with the existing Dino breed, MUSTARD
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SUKASHI-RAPTOR[スカシラプトル] from SUKASU[透]: "clear/tansparent" and RAPTOR
RYUUBOKU-RYUU[リュウボクリュウ] from RYUUBOKU[流木]: "driftwood" and RYUU竜]: "dragon" while having fun with the fact that it has the phonetics RYUU in it twice.
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TYRANNO-PURPLE[ティラノパープル] oh they didn't even change this one, its the same name as the Dino/Naga in Monster Rancher 1
ZEBRUNNER[ゼブランナー] ZEBRA and RUNNER but the RA and RU are the same syllable in Japanese
JURASS[ジュラス] shortened from JURASSIC
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PASHMINER[パシュミナー] PASHMINA but with an -ER on the end, presumable from ROADRUNNER
GRANDPER[グランパー] GRANDPA-ER or I guess alternatively GRAMPA-ER
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SAI-ROAD[サイロード] SAI[犀]: "Rhinoceros" from SAI-ROLLER, and ROAD-RUNNER, but I'm shocked they didn't call it SAI-RUNNER. It seems like the obvious choice...
KOKADORIYU[コカドリーユ] seemingly from COCKATRICE[コカトリス] and
KIRIN[キリン] from kirin[麒麟] itself from the Chinese Qilin[麒麟] the mythical creature skin to a dragon and/or a horse.
and of course there's the Zuum/??? that's just DINO.
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Oh and then all the GBA original ones...
CAPSAICIN[カプサイシン] like the chemical in peppers that give them their spicy taste
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RETRIEVER[レトリーバー] like a Golden Retriever
PICARESQUE[ピカレスク] an old genre of Spanish literature
HEPTAMERON[エプタメロン] the French short story anthology by Marguerite de Navarre???
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KOGANE-TOKAGE[コガネトカゲ] from KOGANE[黄金]: "Gold" and TOKAGE[蜥]: "Lizard"
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ebitachy · 2 years ago
ok i have some real thoughts on the teal mask dlc that are more related to ogerpon + the "loyal three" + carmine so i'm just gonna talk abt those now
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so like to be clear i've already been ruminating this for a couple days and after finishing the dlc and peaking a little bit at other people's thoughts so far there's a couple things i want to add
if you don't know what i'm talking about here the momotaro story has historically been used quite prolifically by japan as a form of imperial propaganda; the oni/ogres being the 'savages' of other nations who need to be punished, persecuted, plundered-- controlled by japan and it's allies.
that's why i found it specifically interesting that it wasn't just ogerpon, but ogerpon and a human, who were feared and hated as outsiders in the story and the beasts driven purely by greed were praised for driving them out-- with the human's death being totally written out of history
of course this is still a children's game, and i think it was handled quite well that while the humans praised the "loyal three" for terrible reasons that they apologize for, and the beasts had done something selfish, greedy, and malicious-- they're kind of just like, bandits, on their own, lol? they killed ogerpon's trainer and ogerpon killed them in both retaliation and self-defense with some bonks on the head, which is almost cartoonish when described like that. the tragedy here is that the people's xenophobia (actually more implicitly racism here, with what the human and ogerpon having to hide their faces implies) got a person killed (if they hadn't needed those masks, would they have lived peacefully?) and decided the monster in this situation was ogerpon. but of course, in the future, this eventually all gets cleared up, because again, it's not too entrenched and this is a children's game.
it also makes it more interesting that they use carmine as the voice to make repeated references to the idea of outsiders being unwelcome, because she doesn't really represent the ideology ogerpon's story is meant to push against more that she exists to keep that theme at the forefront of your mind
like, she does get a line about not wanting her home to become a tourist's playground at the end which, relatable. but it's also clear throughout the story that she doesn't actually hate outsiders before she says that-- she obviously cares a lot about her home and doesn't want it to be looked down on, rather than actually looking down on or hating people for being from outside the village. i mean, she does think everyone else is a chump, but that's more related to her personal ego lmao
idk it's just very interesting as a Take. like there's a lot that's juicy there. the teal mask was short and it's not really pushing any new boundaries here, BUT. it was deftly written, much to say about it!
also obviously i named ogerpon ponpon. becos of... rhythm tengoku gba...
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goodboyaudios · 2 years ago
Hey gba, I was doing some theorising about the new series and it got me thinking
What even is a fragment?
Like the only fragment that we know off is knewmon (idk if that's how you spell it) who is obviously a fragment of loyal but like...how?
How did loyal become a fragment?
Oh, you mean that necklace Forks had! Okay, yeah, I'm with you.
Someone here on Tumblr mentioned the idea that hair stores memories. Well, for angels like Loyal, that would be stored in feathers. And, if and/or when Loyal dies, the feather would become active in trying to make sure that he never dies by preserving the memories it has and solidifying them into a new Loyal.
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the-spam-specialist · 1 year ago
What do you want out of Pokemon Day next month
Well, after no doubt spending twenty minutes going over all the mobile stuff and some special raid event that I'm sure we're gonna get, I really really want them to announce a new Mystery Dungeon.
They literally let us play as our Pokemon in the Indigo Disk and Game Freak loves teasing upcoming content in their current games. Like with the G-Max Toxtricity Poster in Ultra Sun and Moon and the Loyal Three Banner in Medali.
I think Ruby and Sapphire for GBA Online is a big possibility. Maybe FireRed and LeafGreen.
And no, I'm not expecting Black and White remakes. Unless Game Freak is REALLY desperate to get us to forget about Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
And while I wouldn't say no to a new Legends game, I feel like it's just a little too soon for that.
Also, while I don't play Pokemon Unite, if Ceruledge/Armarouge are revealed for the game, I just might pick it up.
Overall: really hoping for a new Mystery Dungeon. And MAYBE a small teaser for another Legends game.
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sieglinde-freud · 2 years ago
sorry im late but 4, 12, 14 for the female character ask game
im sorry im late holy shit anyways hi zorua! 💜
4. A heroine you love?
EIRIKA FIRE EMBLEM MY BELOVED 🩷🩷🩷 im gonna be honest my memory of sacred stones is hazy, but it was my first dip into gba fire emblem and eirika (and ephraim i suppose but he doesnt make an appearance until a bit into the earlygame) was my introduction to that era of fe and for that she’ll always have a special place in my heart. also spoilers for ss but idk. i dont think she was stupid for handing it over to lyon bc hello? are we forgetting he’s her childhood best friend???? of course she trusts him! “oh but i wouldnt have done that” YOU CAN SEE THE VILLAINS PERSPECTIVE YOU FUCK. SHE CANNOT!!! worst discourse ever. eirika get behind me
12. An interesting female friendship?
i dont know if this counts as friendship or romance (its been a while since i read it and i dont remember if the queerness was real or if i was imagining it) but have you guys ever read the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson. i actually dont want to say too much bc i think everyone should read it. been thinking about rereading it myself! dont tell me anything about the netflix version though. i dont care. itll never be the book and i cried when i googled the title and the first thing that came up was the show. my life is over. yes im an annoying book > tv/movies person sorry
14. An interesting familial relationship with female characters?
iris and dahlia hawthorne from ace attorney. spoilers for aa3 but i think the idea that you can be so loyal and loving to someone the way that iris was to dahlia that you’d go so far as to impersonate her to let her get away with murder is soooo. urrgghhhhhjkjffkeiahdh. and i dont remember they specified but i think the fact that they left it up in the air as to whether or not dahlia actually loved her back is really fun! did dahlia know iris loved phoenix? was it a mercy that she let their relationship go on as long as it did? or just a misguided error that came to bite her in the ass later? i dont know and i love that! theyre so much fun and theyre so interesting and god i need to replay trials and tribulations.
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misswoozi · 8 months ago
I don't want to restart my Pokemon Y because I don't want to lose my save file 😅 So I'm thinking of buying Pokemon X so I can play the game a second time lol.
Anyway! What's your favourite Pokemon game/which do you have fondest memories of?
- Suwitru
Definitely get Pokémon X! You can get it on Etsy for a little less than retail!
I'm a huge fan of Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Sapphire but I think I have the fondest memories with Crystal! I played that on my purple GBA so much as a kid and I loved it. I was so loyal to my Meganium lmao
WHAT ABOUT YOU, OP? What's your favorite game? What are your top 5 Pokémon??
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piffany666 · 1 year ago
It's been a while since I posted this but I can't believe I forgot about the quarian saga!
Loyal x listener (I'm sorry I can't remember their name it was like "kai" or something): good old fashion lover boy - queen
Servos x listener: if we were vampires - Noah kahan
GBA ship theme songs:
Because why the hell not!
Arkov/paradise x yargwin: at last I see the light - tangled
Arkov/paradise x kalomos: line without a hook - Ricky Montgomery
Faithful x albus: bat out of hell - meatloaf
Faithful x devlin: like real people do - hozier
Odin x Freya: just give me a reason - p!nk
Tyr/hades x persephone: hey there Delilah - the plain white Ts
Zed x guardian: love like you - steven universe - Rebecca sugar
Guardian x magrios: monster - A.T D.L obsidian - Olivia Olson (not 100% about this one)
Darling x makkaro: im glad your evil too - hatsune miku
Hipswich x BvZ listener: good lookin fast car - luke bombs
(That's all I got for now, this is just my opinion and I'll happily take suggestions)
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iincogneeto · 1 month ago
y’all know what time it is 🙏
querian saga - volume 4
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( two versions since Idk which one is better )
first draft and little ramble under cut
Bro my drafts look so stupid 😭😭
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I’m tweaking I spent so much time on this and hand rendered everything including the books all for the lighting to not fit and to look like DOOKIE 💔💔💔 there was 41 layers total and I spent so long on it arggggghhhghfbiwqbsidjebdusiqbr literally the only part I like is kayne because loyals face looks weird 😓
thanks for listening to my Ted Talk
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sacred-stanning · 1 year ago
Chapter 9 Part 8: Rescue Chains are like Daisy Chains but with Rescues
Now, people who are good at GBA Fire Emblem, especially people who do low turn count playthroughs, will not be impressed, but I use a (very small) rescue chain here to get Ephraim to the boss sooner.
In this case, there is no advantage per se. I just want to get this map done with.
Step 1: Kyle picks Ephraim up
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Kyle waits here, next to Vanessa, who hasn't moved yet.
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Vanessa takes Ephraim from Kyle...
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...and cantos herself up here.
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This lets Seth run up here and take Ephraim and immediately drop him so that he can act next turn.
His action will be to mess the boss up.
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Like this!
Look at that beautiful 23 hit rate the boss has from the axe reaver Ephraim has equipped!
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In other goings on, Tana finishes off the monk, and Colm opens the final chest.
It has a restore staff, which heals status debuffs. You know, like the sleep that the monks kept using on us throughout this map!
But don't worry, getting the staff this late in the map is not a waste. There will be plenty of opportunities to deal with status effects later in the game.
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I have Artur take a pot shot at the boss, and I make sure to rescue Ephraim out of there.
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Lute is close enough that she can take a shot at the boss too.
Then I think about who I want to give this experience to. I decide that Seth could use a level up, why not? So Seth finishes the boss off and picks up the killer axe.
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After finishing the map, Seth tells Ephraim that the other soldiers have surrendered. Ephraim asks one soldier about the situation in Grado, and he finds out that Dussel, his former lance teacher, has in fact been expressing his opposition to the war. The soldier says that Dussel's position has become precarious as a result.
Ephraim is relieved in a way to hear that his former teacher hasn't changed from the principled person he was when Ephraim knew him.
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But when Ephraim asks about the crown prince, Lyon, he gets a much more ominous answer. The soldier says that there are rumors coming from the castle that it was actually Lyon who really ordered the invasion of Renais, and the start of this war.
Ephraim is shocked to hear this and almost lashes out at the soldier. This is not the Lyon that he knew...
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Ephraim shares what he's heard with Seth, and he shares his hope that Dussel can still be convinced to not fight. Seth is not optimistic, and warns Ephraim not to be so either.
Ephraim responds, "No matter who the opponent may be, I will take down whomever I need to take down."
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Ephraim also tells Myrrh that she should really go back to Frelia because he can't guarantee that he'll be able to protect her from here on out as he moves into Grado.
Myrrh refuses and says that she can feel her dragon stone in Grado. She insists on coming with Ephraim, and he says, "When you look at me with those eyes, I can't help but think of Eirika".
...which is absolutely adorable. What a brother!
For the most part, Ephraim is definitely a bit of a meat-head jock. But he has genuine moments of showing understanding for other people, and of softness like this where you can see that he is more than just a dumb dude who likes to lance his way through life.
In fact, maybe the fact that he rarely reveals his perceptiveness is part of what makes him so smart? Is Ephraim the precursor to Timerra???
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Meanwhile, in Grado, Dussel is sent out on an assignment, and then the emperor talks to Selena alone. She also has a task to complete.
She is to follow Dussel. And she is to attack and kill him.
The emperor says that Dussel (who remember, has been voicing his doubts about the war) has turned traitor and is ready to side with Renais.
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Selena protests that there must be some mistake at first, but the emperor insists, and she gives in, saying, "No, there can't be any mistake in your majesty's words".
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Selena and Dussel are both loyal, true knights. But Dussel seems more willing to question what is happening, whereas Selena can't bring herself to admit that the emperor could possibly be wrong, or that following his every wish could be less than ideal.
Dussel's reasons for being a loyal general are never really explored to my knowledge, but Selena's town was poor when she was young, and during a famine, the emperor personally sent supplies to them which allowed them to survive. Selena has a very personal reason for her allegiance to the emperor, so in a way it's not surprising how much less willing she is to question what is happening around her. She feels that she, and everyone in the village she grew up in, owes their life to the emperor.
Poor Selena...
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gbaromspokemone · 1 year ago
Introduction to Pokemon GS Chronicles
Pokemon GS Chronicles is an animated series based on the popular Pokemon franchise. It follows the journey of a young Trainer, Ash Ketchum, and his loyal partner, Pikachu, as they explore the mysterious world of Pokemon. Along the way, they make many friends, face numerous challenges, and search for the legendary Pokemon. With its heart-warming story, colorful characters, and exciting adventures, Pokemon GS Chronicles is a great way for young viewers to explore the beloved Pokemon universe.
The show follows Ash and his friends as they explore the world of Pokemon and battle against formidable foes. With GBA ROMs, fans of the show can also explore the world of Pokemon and have their own adventures. The games provide an opportunity to collect, train, and battle friends or computer opponents, just like in the show. With so many Pokemon to choose from, the possibilities are endless. Plus, the GBA ROMs provide a chance to relive the magic of the show and create incredible memories of your own.
Again, Pokemon GS Chronicles stands apart from other GBA ROMs with its unique story and characters. Players of all ages are sure to have a special experience playing this game as both old fans and new hopefuls discover the joy that comes with the Pokemon franchise.
Also, you should definitely check out Pokemon Fire Gold.
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rainsmediaradio · 2 years ago
J Hus & Naira Marley - Militerian Lyrics
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J Hus & Naira Marley - Militerian Lyrics Intro: Naira Marley Uh-uh Marlians, Militerians Let's go Chorus: Naira Marley See that ass in that wrapper (Mm-hm) Shey na yours abi you buy am? (Ugh) Gbegbe (Mm-hm), bring am (Eh-eh) If I damage you go taya (Mm-hm) Okay, gyal, but you turn me on (Turn me on) My kev is big, it's not little (Little) Gbo gbo (Ah-ha), gbaga (Mm-hm) Say she wan jump in my vehicle (Vehicle) Verse 1: J Hus They know we a African badman Anywhere we go, we gotta stand strong When they ask me where I come from I tell 'em straight, "I'm a African" The gyal love me to the maximum They need me like a oxygen Nigerian, Gambian, Militerian, Marlian Wе gon rise , we gon nevеr ever fall again Tonight I feel like I'm born again I'm prepared to go war again I was mad but the gyal made me calm again (Oya) Naira Marley and Uju Militer make the gyaldem horny She knew me before she saw me I didn't have to tell my story Chorus: Naira Marley See that ass in that wrapper (Mm-hm) Shey na yours abi you buy am? (Ugh) Gbegbe (Mm-hm), bring am (Eh-eh) If I jam you go taya (Mm-hm) Okay, gyal, but you turn me on (Turn me on) My kev is big, it's not little (Little) Gbo gbo (Ah-ha), gba gba (Mm-hm) Say she wan jump in my vehicle (Vehicle) Verse 2: J Hus Me and that gyal got connection, the WiFi connection If she come by my direction, I'm gonna steal that gyal, interception Sexy in real life, no deception You can try but you won't get reception Only a African badman can get some Feel as she fell in love with an ex-con I met her in Naija I didn't have to spend no naira African bunda but eyes like China Trust me, they don't come any nicer Bunda don't come any rounder I took her to my house, she's a Hausa Pounded yam, the way I pound her I never left her how I found her Chorus: Naira Marley See that ass in that wrapper (Mm-hm) Shey na yours abi you buy am? (Ugh) Gbegbe (Mm-hm), bring am (Eh-eh) If I jam you go taya (Mm-hm) Okay, gyal, but you turn me on (Turn me on) My kev is big, it's not little (Little) Gbo gbo (Ah-ha), gba gba (Mm-hm) Say she wan jump in my vehicle (Vehicle) Verse 3: Naira Marley I get the work from the road, ah I put it back on the road, ah This story here is untold Gettin' money's all I know, ah I got a girl, half Nigerian, a Gambian She hold mi down and she loyal She pray for me and I love her Africana, her body good, hallelujah Chorus: Naira Marley See that ass in that wrapper (Mm-hm) Shey na yours abi you buy am? (Ugh) Gbegbe (Mm-hm), bring am (Eh-eh) If I jam you go taya (Mm-hm) Okay, gyal, but you turn me on (Turn me on) My kev is big, it's not little (Little) Gbo gbo (Ah-ha), gba gba (Mm-hm) Say she wan jump in my vehicle (Vehicle) Read the full article
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