#the road collapsed
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greenpostua · 10 days ago
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😱 У селі на півдні Англії утворилося 20-метрове провалля.
Евакуйовано жителів 30-ти будинків. Місцеві розповідають, що воронка з’явилася прямо перед їхнім порогом. Причина поки невідома, людей просять уникати цього району.
📸: фото з соцмереж
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canisalbus · 7 months ago
Just wanted to say I'm really happy that you have shared so much about your characters! I've been following you for a long while now, and I think I remember your post expressing worry about talking about your characters. After seeing all the love shown to them, it makes me happy that you decided to!
Aaa thank you for your kind words! ;-;
[22.7. Editing these here]
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serpentface · 1 month ago
What’s the architecture/layout of old Bur, how do modern people perceive the ruins?
The city in its peak was very large and spread over both shoreline and a network of small islands. These islands comprised a waterfront district connected by a network of bridges and canals, where a large portion of its non-agricultural lower class lived.
It had a fairly well organized and efficient freshwater+sanitation system across most of its span (the canal district had less effective plumbing largely due to logistical difficulties, most of its wastewater was instead flushed by rain powered cisterns). The water system was powered by the Hsuke river and made fresh water readily accessible throughout the majority of the city (though few homes had direct freshwater plumbing). It had several major public baths, and the homes of the wealthiest members of society had their own private bathing pools.
In this part of the world, it is broadly regarded as once being one of the most beautiful cities to have ever existed. It was particularly noted for its water gardens (still a fixture of present day Burri culture) which were absolute marvels of engineering for that period, with the majority of these being entirely artificial and supported by its network of aqueducts. These hosted thousands of ornamental plants, fish, and fowl, as well as fruiting trees and shrubs. They were treated as a public work meant to benefit all citizens, and existed throughout the city.
The palace in particular was noted as impressive, in part for its architecture but mainly for its gardens. These hosted 'exotic' plants and a menagerie of animals from across the empire's territory, and existed in part as a symbol of the state's power and reach. It was a trend for emperors to bring in the fiercest animal from each conquered province to the grounds, with the an-nechoi being the beast of choice from the lands across the sea to the east, with one (Probably erroneously) cited as killing thirty servants in the process of moving it into the gardens.
The palace was located within the temple district. This district housed over a hundred shrines to the various lesser deities of the pantheon, and temple complexes to the seven chief deities (the firstborn gods who created the world, all other gods were later descendants). Old Burri temples were Kinda similar in shape to a ziggurat, though had an accessible interior space and a central tower which housed the shrine. At this time, the chief gods were believed to physically inhabit their temples. Each god had its own high priest permitted to attend to their shrine, with the emperor being the high priest to Inanariya (king of the gods) and the only person permitted to directly commune with this deity. The foundations to these temples are relatively intact in the present day, though none of the towers remain (collapsed in earthquakes with no one to rebuild them).
The city was heavily fortified, having one external wall surrounding most of its length, and an internal wall surrounding the palace/temple district (which doubled as a fortress).
The period of sea level rise began with a 500ish year period of mostly gradual increase, which occurred slowly enough that most infrastructure could adapt very easily and the problem went unnoticed by most (the city of Bur experienced most of its Growth during this time). It then culminated with about a century of (relatively) rapid rise, which is the direct cause of the city's abandonment.
The canals flooding had always been a problem during storms, but this began to occur with notable frequency, alongside the water level as a whole rising quickly enough to be noticed on an immediate human timespan. The canal district was maintained for a while by rerouting some of its waterways and building up barriers, but it was the first part of the city to be abandoned. Things got more serious when the mainland parts of the city grew increasingly impacted by storm surges that never seemed to fully retract, and major parts of its surrounding farmland were hit by surges and tidal waves, and rendered too saline to remain arable.
The actual single biggest cataclysm was the collapse of the city's mainland sewage system. It was built with flood canals as a failsafe, but these were built to withstand heavy rain rather than an encroaching ocean. Storm surges would cause large segments of the city to be flooded with sewage (including some of the freshwater plumbing), and serious disease outbreaks would follow.
These issues were enabled/exacerbated by earthquakes (the region is geologically active and this isn't unusual) that further damaged and mingled the sewage and freshwater systems. One earthquake and its subsequent tidal wave was a turning point, and the resulting breakdown of (already strained) infrastructure rendered a large swath of the city uninhabitable in the space of about a week. This also just caused immediate damage to much of the city's architecture/walls, and collapsed the tower of the temple to Inanariya (never a good sign). This is when the full exodus began, first with people flocking to un-flooded parts of its city and farmlands, and those who could afford it fully relocating to other cities/towns.
All of this issues were compounded by the 1st Burri Empire already being in a period of collapse at this time. This was largely a matter of simple overextension. Its borders were constantly under attack by rival states/its victims, sometimes with great success. Bur's own population had burgeoned well past what the imperial core land could sustain, and its cities relied predominantly on extraction of foreign grain/goods to feed their people. It lost most of its eastern land holdings in a fairly rapid timespan (overextended with wars at multiple fronts), which caused frequent famines in its core.
This put pressure on its final emperors to invest in increasingly desperate expansionist projects, while attempting to keep up public morale with lavish public works and objectively stupid vanity projects. The attempt to excavate a canal at the Viper seaway's 'tail' (one of the few eastern regions it retained secure control of at that point) was in part a desperate act to revive its economy by opening up/monopolizing a new trade system. The amount of money and manpower sunk into this ultimately doomed project was followed by Bur being fully ousted from its eastern holdings, and was one of the final straws in its collapse.
People in the city of Bur proper were dealing with the double front of starvation and their homes + streets + immediate water supply being flooded with seawater and literal human feces. These issues impacted the lower classes first and most severely, but ultimately transcended class boundaries. Famine grew more and more rampant, not only with the loss of the colonial holdings that supported the population but of farmland in the imperial core- much of the city of Bur's immediate farmlands were unproductive due to repeat inundation with saltwater during surges, and the farmland along the Yamage river to the north was rapidly being captured and pillaged by the Hsem (historical enemies, a nomadic group with a khait warrior culture from further west).
All this was fucking unlivable in of itself, but also had very obvious implications in the context of Burri emperors also being high priests and the chief intermediary between the gods and the people. Not only was the government failing to sustain its citizens to begin with, but signs of divine disapproval were deeply apparent.
So the last days of the 1st Burri empire were a chaotic period of civil unrest, most acute in and around city of Bur proper. This involved near-constant peasant revolts and several attempted coups. The last Burri emperor (of the First empire) ultimately fled the capital of Bur and reestablished in Titenegal, declaring it the new capital. This was then sacked by the Hsem within a year and after that it was fucking Joever.
The city of Bur was functionally abandoned by this point. People still Lived There and there were several attempts to set up a new government, all of which failed in the short term. After the collapse was complete, its inhabitants were mostly just peasants who built up new homes further inland and sustained themselves on the remaining farmland. Few people lived permanently in the city proper due to all of its intact infrastructure being effectively non-functional without the governmental bodies/human labor to sustain it.
It should also be noted that it was Extremely not just Bur that was flooded, the sea level rise was worldwide (resulting from a collapsing ice sheet) and almost Every coastal city during this period experienced the same issue. Bur's demise was just notably dramatic in that it was once the most heavily populated human city that has Ever Existed, and directly correlated with the fall of the empire it hosted.
The flooding was fairly gradual, but it's been 7 centuries since the first Burri empire's collapse and the fall of its capital city, and many contemporary records were lost to the immediate chaos and to the large span of time since. Cultural memory tends to reframe the flood VERY rapid on a human scale, many of the stories describe the city being swallowed in a single wave as an act of divine punishment (the popular notion at the time that the last emperors deeply displeased and shamed the gods has stuck into the narrative, often exaggerated into stories of them being horrifically debauched blasphemers guilty of the worst disgraces imaginable). Even more conservative accounts tend to imagine the totality of the destruction taking place over the span of about a year (merging the memories of the immediate earthquake devastation with more gradual elements of its slow flooding). People widely believe that most of its residents drowned in the city's cataclysmic demise, and that the ruins are now Extremely haunted.
The state of the flooding is not 'completely under the sea' and you can still walk/wade through most of the inland ruins (the canal district is effectively submerged, with most structures that Would be above the water level having collapsed against the strain). As such, some people Do Live Here. These people are mostly smugglers and pirates using the ruins as a hideout, and/or opportunistic hunters and fishermen who won't let ghosts stop them. Entering the city ruins is currently forbidden (largely Because of the criminal nature of basically every motive to go here (even hunting, which is considered poaching)), but enforcement of this rule/active patrols to prevent entry are inconsistent.
The majority of Old Bur's inhabitants are animals. The un-flooded parts of the city and its gardens are now a host to a thriving community of native plants and animals (and a few descendants of escaped non-native zoo animals/ornamental plants that adapted well to the conditions).
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The egret shown here is a foreign species originally brought as an ornamental bird. In the centuries since its first import, it has become widespread and occurs on both sides of the Mouth seaway. It can hunt in both freshwater and saline environments, and a very large population lives permanently in the ruins of Old Bur.
Its common name is the ghost egret. Contemporary Burri folklore holds that the ghost egrets of Old Bur are literal ghosts, carrying the souls of those who died in the cataclysmic floods.
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autumn-may · 9 months ago
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Quasi-star type siblingship
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wispinwish · 3 months ago
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the nsr ost is so good you guys(got attatched to djss music and design)(1010 too tbh)
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vuliyshenanigans · 1 month ago
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I am once more playing Xevin, which means I also get to play Weird Dog.
There's something very relaxing about running around the forest as a giant wolf-creature.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years ago
Actually, yeah I’m still stuck on the rug that Eddie is trapped under. Eddie trapped under a rug half on a couch and trapped by a fridge.
So we have a couch which we know is the metaphor for both family  and romance. We have fridge theory which is tied into family, dynamics how they change and how they grow. The fridge theory is also about love, love being found in the fridge and or on the fridge. Fridge theory connects into food is love and preparing meals for your family.
And then we have Eddie trapped under a rug by these two items - literally trapped by these two metaphors that are so clearly about family - about building a family. Eddie who hasn’t uttered a word about the will and what it means for him, for Buck, for Christopher and the three of them as an entity since he was shot. Sweeping it under the rug might have worked so far in the not having/ wanting to talk about ‘because that means facing up to and reckoning with his feelings about Buck’ game but Eddie is going to have to come out from that rug in order to save himself and save others. He’s at risk of being caught up in an explosion from the propane canister that is leaking - an unintentional bomb which is active and on a countdown and off Eddie runs out of time the explosion would take out more than just himself.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months ago
Breath of the Sky readers, say thank you to Abel. His back's breaking from carrying this story, but it's fine, I hurt him anyway lol
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crispinkiss · 1 year ago
system collapse!! system collapse!
i just finished the audiobook and im crying sohard. quotes and whatever i thought was funny while listening (spoilers) ->
"i can't handle that right now so I'm just going to archive it for later" in response to ratthi having read its letter is so real
"she made an aborted gesture like she wanted to throw it against a wall. been there. threw my entire body against a wall once" LMFAO???
okay this sounds exactly like the group video project where everyone procrastinates until the last hour before it's due
"iris' jaw did something like she was thinking about biting someone" iris i love you go bite people
"it wasn't dead, it was just catastrophically damaged. i know, who isnt 🙄"
ART wear your seatbelt!! safety first!!
"booped by the pathfinder"????? lmao
iris being so worried about her sibling :( her half sob.. im going to full sob over them OH MB IS HAVING A BIG OVERWHELMING EMOTION TOO they both care so much crying emoji
HOLISM LMFAO and three being three is so fantastic always
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t-u-r-n · 2 years ago
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The cottage by the river.
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vvyrmwood · 5 months ago
the storm hit us BAD
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naomiknight-17 · 7 months ago
Thinking about how bullies are so often complete cowards
Yesterday, after helping Mom do her Costco shopping, we were pushing the cart through the parking lot to get to Dad's van. I was feeling a bit sick from anxiety and my legs were tired, so I wasn't moving fast. Mom has trouble walking in general. So we were both leaning on the cart and walking a bit slow
A car was behind us and honking. There was room to go around. It's a parking lot. It's huge. But he decided to honk at a couple of slow disabled women. I kind of waved in his direction and said something like, "Sorry! We're doing our best!" as he continued to ride our asses
We get to the van, and the driver of the other car pulled up and sat there glaring at us, probably hoping to snatch our parking spot when we were done. I looked over and saw him glaring. I gave him the sneer-and-raised-hand gesture that internationally is understood to mean "What is your problem?" and he immediately looked spooked, turned away and drove off
What do you expect, asshole. I was polite at first and you kept riding us and giving us dirty looks anyway. Fuck you.
If he had honked again or made an unkind gesture in response I was ready to beat him with my purse
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oflgtfol · 6 months ago
long island is underwater for the fifth time in the last 12 months. i love climate change
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butchyena · 7 months ago
put my phone down and just held my cat prince elliot for over an hour because he wanted me to
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violetnaps · 8 months ago
crossing the road alone: hit me i fucking dare you
crossing the road w other people: we cant take a single step onto the road until theres zero vehicles in sight. less even
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lower-management · 4 months ago
/apparently we're flooding again tomorrow so I get a day home, I am very pleased
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