#the renal mistake
thedogsleg · 5 months
Do NOT stay up to 2:30 playing domonios in rdr2 youll end up shaky and scared and freaking out im losing it right now what the fuuuuckkkk
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
TheStudy! Series Part Four: Navy Shirt - Dean Archer x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @helsinkibaby @hufflepuffgir l@mimi-8793
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Dean’s asleep when you get home. His face is angled towards your pillow, his palm resting in the space you usually sleep. It breaks your heart because it shows just how much he’s been missing you. He’s been sleeping a lot recently, it’s a deep kind of sleep, the type that comes with exhaustion.
He doesn’t think you’ve noticed the changes in him but you have, it’s one of the reason’s you’ve asked Anita, Jimmy Lanik’s wife to come on board, the reason you’re taking a step back.
The alterations to his diet, the increased water intake, the pain he’s been in. You know he’s sick, you suspect that’s what he’s been trying to tell you over the past couple of days. The untreated syphilis his ex-had given him had damaged his kidneys back then and now that incident in the E.D…
It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together.
You do your best to be quiet as you undress, tossing your clothing into hamper before you place your high heels alongside of it so that Dean doesn’t trip in the morning.
You pull on his old Navy t-shirt, it’s threadbare by now but there’s a comfort in it. The first night you stayed over at his place he’d given you this t-shirt to wear, he’d made love to you in it the morning after. You need that feeling right now, to feel close to him.
He starts to stir when you climb under the sheets alongside of him, his arm looping around your waist and drawing you close. Your forehead comes to rest upon his, your thumb chasing over his grizzled cheek as he looks into your eyes.
“This feels like the first time we’ve been together in a while.” He says quietly.
“Dean.” You whisper, your lips brushing over his. “I need you to tell me how sick you are.”
He closes his eyes then, swallows hard and that’s when you realise just how bad it is.
“End stage renal failure.” He tells you, his voice a little rough. “I start dialysis tomorrow.”
The news, it crashes down on you because it’s worse than you thought. Three times a week hooked up to a machine for four hours at a time, while he waits on the transplant list for a kidney that might never come. The thought of losing him devastates you. He must see it in your features.
“It’s not that bad.” He whispers, taking your palm and clasping it to his chest so that you can feel his heart beating underneath the tips of your fingers. “I just have to wait a little while.”
“I’ll get tested tomorrow.” You tell him and he tries to shush you.
“No, I don’t want that for you....”
“I’m not going to risk losing you, not if there’s a chance I can do something about it.” You say fiercely and he can’t help but smile because that ferocity it’s one of the reasons he married you.
People often mistake you for demure but his wife, she’s got steel in her. A little more than usual tonight, which is when he realises there’s something wrong.
“What happened?” He asks you, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown.
“We don’t need to talk about it tonight.” You whisper and he squeezes your hand gently because he wants to know everything that goes on with you.
“Tell me.” He implores.
So you do because you and Dean, you don’t keep secrets.
Love Dean? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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kristihines · 5 months
Can you trust AI Answers about your health?
During the summer of 2020, when the entire world was focused on the pandemic, getting treatment for other health issues became a challenge.
I started experiencing a lot of back pain, but I shrugged it off as an injury and took Advil to cope.
A week later, I thought I had food poisoning.
I tried an at-home service where they pumped me full of IV fluids.
I went to urgent care. They sent me to get scans. I paid hundreds of dollars out of pocket to get them quickly.
The imaging place never sent the scans to the urgent care.
A day later, I had the worst chills. It was July, in Phoenix. Most likely 100 F. I went outside and was still freezing.
At that point, I was taken to the ER. I ended up in the ICU in one of those rooms they zipped up in plastic.
While most of the focus was on COVID, I had something else: a large kidney stone. The kind that doesn’t pass on its own.
I was in septic shock and acute renal failure according to discharge papers.
The hospital stay itself wasn’t too long, but the treatment with specialists took three months to complete.
Surgeries during COVID were extra special because if you tested positive, your surgery was delayed.
Two years later, in 2022, I ended up in the same hospital for the same reason.
And now, I’m a few days into aggressive antibiotic treatment for my kidneys, yet again. Wondering if I make it to the next followup or have to Lyft off to the ER.
So what does this have to do with Google AI Answers?
In 2020 and 2022, I spent a lot of time perusing Google Search results on kidney stones.
Now, I get AI Answers above at the top of SERPs (search engine results pages).
This wouldn’t be a bad thing if one could trust the AI to accurately summarize its sources.
That’s the big if.
In the first screenshot, you’ll find an AI Answer from Google Search results for the phrase how to pass kidney stone.
The first mistake involved an error with paraphrasing a source with legitimate information.
Because I can assure you after four years of seeing urology specialists, no one has ever suggested drinking two quarts or liters of urine.
The basil leaves suggestion, on the other hand, is suspect. I’ve never come across that as a suggestion. It would have stood out, because I have a lot of basil growing around the garden.
I don’t even remember that website from my previous Google searches. I had to check Wikipedia and other sources to find out what the company even was.
Much like the search quality raters and AI Answer checkers do...
In the second screenshot, Microsoft Bing with Copilot offered ads for supplements and advice from five sources, two of which are the MSN Health Hub.
The hub includes a section where you can Ask a health professional questions.
In the third screenshot, ChatGPT using GPT-4 with browsing offered a concise response based on its training data, but claimed not to have access to external sources.
In the fourth screenshot, Perplexity provided the best AI Answer with 19 sources I recognized from my previous research into this health issue.
Moral of the story:
You can’t trust generative AI with your money or your life issues.
But if you do, start with the right AI Answer engine. One that cites sources you trust and doesn’t suggest drinking your own pee.
Think of Perplexity as a better starting point for more in-depth research that you can discuss during your next doctor’s visit.
Not as a definitive answer.
Follow @kristileilani on X for more on AI news, trends, and tools.
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rainsofhope · 20 days
September Week 1
💭 Plan is to complete Physiology and Pharmacology side by side in this week
Day 1 - Cellular Physiology + Gen Pharm + Anticancer/Antimetabolites
Day 2 - Neurophysiology + Autocoids
Day 3 - ANS Pharmacology + Pharm + B
Day 4 - Endocrine Physiology + Endocrine Pharm + Endocrine B
Day 5 - Gastro, RS Physiology + Pharm + B
Day 6 - CVS, Renal Physiology + Pharm
Day 7 - Antibiotics + Test
Sep 1, 2024, Sunday
Day 1, 1/100, 1/7 , 1/12
📚 To do -> Done list 📖 🖊️
1. Energy production
2. Overview of cellular physiology
3. Immunity, inflammation
4. Nerve
5. Muscle
6. Gen Pharm
7. Anticancer/Anti metabolites
Be strict with yourself. Don't let anger take space in your mind and take away your time. Time gone never comes back. Make the best use of now and today and tonight. If you study for ten minutes or ten hours doesn't matter more than the focus with which you learn and relearn and realise and correct your mistakes. Be consistent. Yesterday you studied for one hour 38 mins. Today aim for more than that. Double or quadruple it. But mainly be present and focus on what will change your life. Instead of focusing on what cants be changed. Become a better person than you have been but be grateful for the person that pushed you to today - yourself and others.
Study hours - ⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳
Breakdown - 🥀
Reflection: Listen to lesser disturbing music/wordless slow beat music. And then you can slowly stop listening while studying. Don't be disturbed by external affairs. It's okay. But you could have covered twice the amount of chapters. Afterall you're just doing a through in them, not memorize or Feynamn. You didn't practice any qna. Spend lesser time on here/insta/searching music on youtube. Sleep early from tomorrow. Atleast by 30 mins.
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dramarec · 4 months
I did not have annoying medical inaccuracy on my bingo card for this week's episode of My Stand-In, then again I don't know what I've expected. Inaccuracy is like the Spanish Inquisition. Bane of my existence, the thorn under my nail.
Joe's mom gets hospitalised due shortness of breath. The doctors diagnose pulmonary oedema, caused by end stage renal disease / kidney failure. So far we're good, and I appreciate chosing something outside the usual cancer/heart disease pool.
But then the doctor tells Joe, that his mother has septicaemia and requires lifelong hospital treatment to stay alive.
First of all, what an ESRD patient has is called uraemia not septicaemia. Those are very different things. Idk if the mistake is on the scriptwriter's part or on the translator's, and I'd be grateful if someone who spoke Thai could tell me!
Second of all, dialysis is usually done by outpatient treatment! Although Joe's mom would have to visit a dialysis station every three days for the rest of her life, she would be able to live her life outside of the hospital! And that is without considering alternative treatments like peritoneal dialysis or a kidney transplant.
The two options for my second points are either the Doylist bad writing (bleh) or the Watsonian the doctor is trying to scam Joe. Which is ridiculous, but in this series, a crazy sublot like this might fly...
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Alyona Dixon, 24 (USA 2022)
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Alyona with her son Walter
On September 22, 2022, LA resident Alyona Dixon went to Planned Parenthood and was told she was 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
Alyona loved children and hoped one day to operate a play center, but she felt that she wasn’t ready to add another child to her family. If she had been given support and assurance, maybe she and her baby would still be alive. But according to a medical officer who later reviewed Alyona’s case, Planned Parenthood gave Alyona what they considered “appropriate counseling”, which led to her undergoing a chemical abortion. The abortionist administered mifepristone and then misoprostol as a vaginal suppository. Although it was still legal, no method involving the vaginal administration of the abortion pill has ever been approved by the FDA. The drug itself has a Black Box warning.
Only four days after her visit to Planned Parenthood, Alyona had to go the ER at Dignity Health’s Blue Diamond Hospital. She reported suffering from “sharp tower abdominal pain since yesterday.”
Blue Diamond observed that Alyona was bleeding vaginally and that she was experiencing tenderness in the right lower quadrant. Despite the recent abortion, no pelvic exam was performed. Alyona’s ultrasound was interpreted by Dr. Justin J. Puopolo, who detected ‘abnormal vascular flow between the endometrium and the myometrium at the uterine fundus could represent retained products of conception and should be correlated with the patient’s serial beta-hcg levels. Complex material within the endocervical canal could reflect an abortion in progress or blood products.”
A pelvic exam would have given Alyona’s doctors a better chance for faster intervention. Instead, after receiving pain medication, a CT scan with abnormal results and an ultrasound that showed her dead child could be rotting inside of her, Alyona was discharged and told to arrange a follow-up appointment with a gynecologist. Blue Diamond employee Dr. Maag documented “a low suspicion for septic process/systemic infection.” This was a fatal mistake.
The next day, Alyona’s symptoms were even worse. She was seen at Desert View Hospital, where Dr. Clark “documented his clinical impression as abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, severe dehydration, acute renal failure, leukocytosis, sepsis, lactic acidosis, hypokalemia, sinus tachycardia, metabolic acidosis, pulseless electrical activity, respiratory failure.” She never should have been discharged from Dignity Health in such a condition.
Despite all of Desert View’s attempts to save her life, Alyona continued to deteriorate. She was transferred to Summerlin Hospital, where she spent her last hours of life.
By 3:10 AM of September 28, Alyona acutely worsened. She had to be sedated and intubated, but vomited during the intubation. After about 5 minutes, she went into “a rhythm of pulseless ventricular tachycardia then asystole then pulseless electrical activity with bradycardia.”
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All attempts at resuscitation failed. Alyona Dixon was pronounced dead at 5:32 AM.
The Clark County Coroner’s Office gave her cause of death as “complications from septic abortion.” (While the term “septic abortion” has historically been used to describe sepsis after a miscarriage (such as in the infamous and typically misrepresented case of Becky Bell, who miscarried and then died of pneumonia), it can also be used to describe an abortion death such as Alyona’s.)
A lawsuit was filed on behalf of Alyona’s husband Michael and her little son Walter. The The complaint alleges that the Emergency Department physician “negligently failed to conduct a pelvic exam”… “failed to order a consult with an OB/GYN despite ALYONA’S abnormal lab results, her clinical history, and her abnormal diagnostic imaging…” “…negligently discharged ALYONA without preforming a pelvic exam and without ordering an immediate consult with an OB/GYN…” and “negligently did not have a credentialed OB/GYN on-call at the facility,” all of which were categorized as substantial factors in Alyona’s death.
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Oddly enough, Planned Parenthood was not named in the lawsuit for Alyona’s wrongful death despite being the cause of the entire incident.
Alyona Dixon should still be alive today.
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wannabedjs · 7 months
2003 was an eventful year...Went on a reality tv show ("Anything for Love") which never aired, studies abroad in Guadalajara Mexico, visted Mexico City, and Cuba . A key new chapter in my life. Fairly quickly after starting my job at UCH in 1998 it became quite evident that there was a disconnect between the providers/staff who only spoke English and the sizable patient population that only spoke Spanish. The sole translator was Dr. Michel Choncol, a renal fellow from Venezuela. I've always felt that the monolingual culture of the USA was a disadvantage. Having only taken a couple Spanish classes in high school, I had near zero Spanish skills. I decided to start the process to learn spanish. Taking classes a couple times a week at Colorado Free University and then enrolling at CU Denver into classess for no credit. Over a period of 3-4 years I advanced my spanish vocabulary to hold simple conversations. I knew if I wanted to accelerate my learning I needed to have a dedicated period of immersion. I'd been talking about this plan for a number of months, so when I proposed the idea of taking a 2 month immersive 'sabbatical' in Mexico to my boss and coworker, it was received with support. As a student at CU Denver I was able to enroll in an study abroad program down to Guadalajara, Mexico. Guadalajara is the LA of Mexico (Mexico city being the NYC) and is located in the state of Jalisco (home of tequila, puerto vallarta, mariachi music, and dozens of large scale murals). I lived with a family that had 2 other 'renters" in their central Gudalajara home. One of the other renters was a Japanese guy who didn't speak English and worked as a sushi chef and was a lucha libre on the side.
Wonderful experience as I learned more in 6 weeks of class than I did in the previous 3-4 years of classroom studies in Denver. (The key was not hanging out with the other native English speakers, most of whom were from England. The movie, Y tu mama tambien, had a sizable impact on most of them wanting to learn Spanish). I regularly hung out with the family's young 20ish old daughter and her boyfriend, Diego, who I was pretty sure was part of the cartel. He owned a couple "bars" which were just fields of land where they served cheap beer and had hip hop music. He even had a young dog named "Sixty" (for 69..yep. no lie).
Weekend trips included a memorable evening in a cemetery in Michoacan for noche de muertos. Straight out of Coco.
I had 2 weeks at the end open for travel and full immersion traveling to Spanish speaking cities. Half way thru my time in Guadalajara, I started planning an excursion to Mexico City then Cuba. Mexico City was as lively as advertised and my prep for Cuba seemed rather simple. No US banks in Cuba and they accepted cold hard cash from the USA.
So entering Havana with enough cash to make it for a week vacation in Havana and the beach town Varadero. Loved Havana and a highlight was walking up to the Interior Ministry government building thinking it was maybe some fancy hotel. It has a massive Che Guevera face on the outside with the tag line "Hasta Victoria Siempre." Now I should have researched the area where I was at, but looking over at the building I thought it said "Hotel Victoria Siempre.'....common mistake...one that you realize quickly as you begin walking toward it and fully armed military guards start walking towards you telling you to leave. I was like "Bet!" and high tailed it for some mojitos and grub far away from the plaza.
Varadero is the old Copa Cabana area. Like Vegas, but frozen in the 1960s. Massive hotels (previously casinos) just vacant. I was staying at an all inclusive type hotel with beautiful beaches with many european tourists. Most were topless which made it very difficult to read on the beach. One of the nights the hotel arranged for everyone to go to a nightclub which was all you can drink (For like 20 bucks) and had a full on cuban band with dancers. Kind of like an old supper club, but without food. It was fantastic, the 10+ piece band threw down cuban salsa/conga for hours. Towards the end of the show they invited the crown onto the large stage to dance. So here we are just getting down on the stage (the Italian gals with tops on just didn't look the same..hahaha) and they show ends at like 10ish. Within minutes of them stopping the place goes straight US hip hop club. With the 1st song being "In Da Club"...a very current song at the time.
If that wasn't memorable enough, I had everything planned. for the last 24 hours of my trip. Bus trip to the airport in Havana was scheduled and and I decided to spend the rest of the cash I had on gifts. Cigars, t shirts, foods, random wooden statues, etc. So I get to the airport and check in my bags with plenty of time before take off. As I approach the customs check point, I see that there is a $25 departure fee to leave the country. Again cash only. Problem was I only had like 5 bucks. Now I like to believe I'm relatively calm and collected when it comes to stressful situations. I find it rare that you end up in situation without a solution. Well, this was one of those situations . I had a moment where I was like "Fuck, I don't have a clue how I can make this work?" Then the master plan hit. The Cuban embargo that has kept the country frozen in time circa 1960 also has kept technology away. Common electronics are extremely expensive. SOOOO. I take out my yellow sony-disc man and walk around the airport waving it saying "se vende! Se Vende!" It took a good 30 min, but a dude came up with $20 and I sold him the discman...which got me out of the country. I still have the flight ticket with the PAGO $25 stamp on it.
2003 - peak meet me in the basement rock n roll
The comeback after the post grunge rock-rap (see Woodstock 99) boy band era. Was it all post 9/11?
Elefante, white stripes, broken social scene, strokes, TV on the radio
But also an electro-rock-punk scene w the rapture
No need to listen to- GREATS
OutKast: Speakerboxxx/The Love Below (Arista)
The White Stripes: Elephant (V2)
Radiohead: Hail to the Thief (Capitol) - saw at red rocks
BSS- you forgot it in people
Basement Jaxx: Kish Kash
Postal service- give up
Yo la tango
Belle and sebastian -dear catastrophe
RH factor - hard groove
Erykah badu - world wide
50 cent - get rich or die trying
Sandra Collins - march essential mix w pete tong from Miami winter music fest
Revisits and new finds
Four tet - rounds
- his debut (?) and maybe my fav. Less Asian/Indian influenced
Caribou- up In Flames.
early release with few great tracks.
Elefante - loved them back it 03 and still solid 2000 era rock n roll
Strokes - room on fire. Just the same music as this is it..but who cares? It’s great!
Rapture- Echos. an early release of the budding electro-punk-rock-dance scene (mainly from NYC). 2-3 banging tracks
Tv on the radio- young liars EP 1st
Audio bullys- ego war. Can’t believe this didn’t get on best of lists. A blend of house, punk, British hip hop, and beats. We Don’t Care is one of best tracks of the year.
Decemberists - her majesty. Still catchy and an enjoyable listen. Very 03-y
M83 - really out there with full synths, but a couple tracks which lead to his take off w “Dreaming” almost a decade later
Pernice brothers- these guys! Discovery of the week. Indie/folk/country rocky with a coolness and sincerity . Lyrically stellar
Massive attack 100th window
Death cab- transatlanticism
- was a late comer to DCFC and really didn’t listen to this record til 08ish. Can see why they have a large loyal fan base. My question, ya think they’ve made more money off tv shows and movies that have their music than off their records? Last song end like the 1st begins . So can start anywhere and the album flows if on repeat
New Pornographers: Electric Version (Matador)- catchy pop-indie rock. I probably would have been really into them had I given this record a couple listens back in 03
Massive attack - 100th Window. The OGs of trip hop! F/u to mezzanine from 98’. That alone made this a must listen to. Still their signature sound that resonates through me the same as in 03’. A truly night record. Not many of those in 03
Wrens - pitchfork #1. Not good
Jeff Buckley - live at sin e rerelease as 2 CD set. He will always be a part of my musical journey. Maybe the largest part w regards to memories over years and stories
- NYC house of neon(?) during interview for job at montefore
- house sitting for Bud Carlsen (a subconscious influence to me going to CO). and making late night pancakes listening to his music
- late night music!
- heading to Memphis to search for his body with Angela Angstman and Allison
Lots of great music I didn’t get to…
Bad plus
Arab stap
Mad lib invaded blue note
British sea power
Ted Leo and pharmacists
Jay z black album
The neptunes - clones
My morning jacket
Kings of Leon
Mogwai- happy songs for happy peeps
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Fever to Tell (Interscope)
The Shins: Chutes Too Narrow (Sub Pop)
Lefty deceiver
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rumor-imbris · 9 months
Solstice day 2023
My dearest readers, mutuals, followers, friends Sorry for leaving very few traces of me on here lately but my absence. My heart feels very heavy and now that this year is heading towards its end I felt the need to lighten it a bit, as much as I can.
This year started badly and ended worse. From the beginning I had to struggle with my mental health, personal issues, fears, insecurities, phobias and constant self-doubt; always pushing myself to find the strength to live on my own height, in my job, in my passions and hobbies, to be good at everything I do, to be someone, anyone, to be perfect. And if I'm not, then it's a reason to ask myself what's wrong.
I achieved some goals, little ones. Giant ones for somebody, never big enough to me, but I keep on trying. I try to keep on trying. I thought I could save the year... stepping on the path to face my deepest fears, being impeccable at the last audition, starting to write down anything of the dreamed novel sleeping in my mind... But then a new hole swallowed me, striking from under my feet unexpectedly.
Yesterday I lost my little ginger joy, my beloved prince, my furry friend, comfort, a piece of my soul. My cat Lucifero (Lu for almost everybody) was 11 years and 4 months old and was majestically beautiful. He suffered from a renal failure which turned very serious in a few days, until his kidneys became totally inactive. We had to euthanize him to stop his sufferings, for he wasn't able to eat, drink or even stand on his paws anymore. It was the worst thing I ever did in my life, one of the most painful moments my memory got marked with. I was forced to take that decision for his own good, helped by the great kindness and clarity from the veterinarian stuff who guided me during the whole heartbreaking procedure. Even my parents, who took care of Lu since I went to live elsewhere, are in such pain and can't believe it.
Still I wonder if I did a big mistake, if I do deserve to live while he is in the ground now, if I do deserve to breathe since I was the one who allowed to make his breath cease...
I cry all my tears still, my pain has come to know a new unknown depth and I sincerely say that I hate life, for beginning and for ending the way it does. This carousel of night and day, give and take, live and die, eat and be eaten really made me tired. Dead tired. And the most beautiful things, the most beloved wither as frail flowers, while I keep walking, rot inside.
I don't know what the new year will take, I just know I have this march to continue, with a heavier heart weighing me down... and I cannot stop, for those I love. When I kissed my baby Lu goodbye, I promised him we'll be together again as atoms shining in the same bright star someday, and I believe we will.
I hope I didn't sadden you guys too much, and I'm sorry for such a gloom post; but I think it's fair from me, especially for those of you who were gently waiting for new posts, to say that I might take a hiatus time and not be around for a while. At least, until inspiration comes back igniting me again, as Ratonhnhaké:ton still fills my dreams and heartbeats.
Until then, Happy Holidays; wish you the greatest opportunities and joys for the new coming year. Be strong, whatever you all are going through, whatever demon you're fighting, outside or inside of you. I root for you.
Take care
Yours truly
Rumor Imbris
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sillylittlevulpine · 1 year
It's spring, and I think I wanna spread some information for my North American friends cause I see these plants all too often, and most people don't know what they are.
This is Water Hemlock, and they are considered the most poisonous plant in North America.
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They cause seizures, and Comatose in light cases.
And in more severe cases, respiratory failure, acute renal failure, and several other terrible things.
Listen friends, these are toxic to your pets. While you yourself may be unlikely to eat them, kids and pets aren't gonna know any better, and they're smaller. They need less of the plant to kill them.
But there are instances people that like to forage may mistake them for harmless plants. These are related to wild carrots and have many look alikes. It only takes one mistake for a really bad day at best.
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bansalhospital · 1 year
Kidney Function Test: The Complete Guide
The kidneys are crucial in maintaining our body's internal balance, filtering waste products, and regulating essential substances like electrolytes and water. Kidney Function Tests are vital tools medical professionals use to assess the health and efficiency of these vital organs. 
Whether evaluating kidney function in patients with existing kidney disease or detecting early signs of kidney problems in seemingly healthy individuals, these tests are indispensable in diagnosing and monitoring various renal conditions. 
This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth exploration of Kidney Function Tests, covering their types, purposes, results interpretation, and significance in maintaining overall health. 
Understanding The Types of Kidney Tests
The most common purpose of a kidney function test is to determine the kidney's overall health, which includes its filtration rate, the amount of waste it filters out of the body, and how well it performs. Some tests also reveal the kidney's structural makeup.
1. Blood Tests 
A blood test can measure the levels of urea and creatinine in your body. Urea is a protein waste product that is produced when muscles contract, while creatinine levels are influenced by muscle activity.
2. Urine Test
A urine test determines the amount of ketones, glucose, and proteins in the urine. Additionally, you may be able to spot any aberrant bacteria or cells in urine.
3. Imaging Exams
Medical imaging techniques such as MRI, ultrasound, and CT scan can accurately view the kidney's anatomy.
4. Blood Urea Nitrogen Test (BUN) 
This test measures the amount of nitrogen in your bloodstream because urea, a by-product of protein breakdown that the body produces but cannot properly eliminate due to kidney dysfunction, builds up in your blood.
5. Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR)
When your GFR (glomerular filtration rate) is lower than usual, it means your kidneys may not be working correctly, resulting in a buildup of waste products in your bloodstream. The purpose of this test is to assess your body's filtration level.
The Best Way To Get Ready For A Kidney Function Test
If you have kidney problems, the kidney function test can help you understand your kidneys' general health and the early warning signals of kidney malfunction.
Follow these steps ahead of a kidney function test:
Fast for at least eight hours before the test. Try not to drink any water to get accurate results. 
Manage your blood sugar levels before the test if you have diabetes. Inaccurate results can be brought on by high blood sugar.
After the exam, replenish your fluid intake to avoid dehydration.
Share any drugs you're taking with your doctor, as some can alter the outcome of the test. The doctor could advise against taking certain medications before the test.
The day before the test, refrain from vigorous exercise.
Visit The Importance Of Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Kidney Disease for more information.
Interpretation Of Test Results
If you have a kidney condition, are at risk of developing one, or have already been diagnosed, your doctor might ask you to undergo additional testing. It is important to verify with your doctor first because certain reports may cause confusion and lead you to mistake the results for something else.
The serum creatinine test, which aids in estimating the creatinine levels in your bloodstream, is frequently used globally to identify renal dysfunction. Kidney function may become ineffective as a result of high creatinine levels. The body's muscles engage in activity that produces creatinine, which is then eliminated through the kidney.
Factors At Risk For Kidney Disease
The significant risk factors of kidney disease are:
Growing old.
Blood pressure problems.
Poor lifestyle choices and obesity.
A history of kidney illness in the family.
Treatment For Kidney Diseases 
For patients with kidney disease, there are numerous therapeutic options. The optimal course of action can only be taken when a diagnosis has been made and the primary cause and severity of the problem have been determined through renal function tests. 
The treatment usually involves dietary adjustments, medications that reduce blood pressure, or, more specifically, a kidney transplant or dialysis.
When Should I See A Doctor?
If you experience any symptoms related to your kidneys, seeking medical assistance is crucial. The kidneys play a vital role in eliminating toxins from the body, and it is important to take care of them. This involves maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, avoiding smoking and excessive drinking, and following a balanced diet.
The Final Say
Comprehending kidney function tests is important because they increase your health awareness. Understanding different test kinds, how they function, and the findings they provide can also give you more information and make it simpler for you to speak with your doctor, who can then correctly address your concerns and help you maintain sound kidney health. For more details, see the pathology department at Bansal Hospital and the nephrology and urology departments.
About Bansal Hospital
Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.
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shinynx · 1 year
So I wana make a post about the signs of kidney failure and chronic kidney disease/renal failure in cats. I'm not a vet or anything of the sort but I am a frustrated cat owner. If I had known the signs sooner maybe my kitty could've lived a longer life. I'm not going to get into the numbers and bloodwork stuff because that doesn't make any sense to me or probably to the people this post is directed at. This post is just meant to help you know what to keep an eye out for, and potentially ask your vet about.
If you're like me and working or out of the house a lot, it's very hard to notice these things in your cat. I really wish I was paying more attention when it mattered most.
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The signs of kidney disease comes in 4 stages. If your cat is in stage four, there's not much that can be done. They will have at best a couple of months up to a year with treatment. You will definitely notice something is wrong at this point. Your cat will probably lose a lot of weight very quickly over the course of a week, and stop eating.
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If your cat is drinking a lot, and vomits occasionally and/or has awful smelling breath, you should absolutely take them to the vet and ask to get bloodwork to check for kidney issues.
It's also a good idea to regularly weigh your cat at home, even if they are not showing any signs. I'd say to weigh them once a month, and keep a journal with their weights and dates and maybe make notes of how much they drink and pee.
My cat was always eager to drink from every water source, and after she turned 7 she had a problem with throwing up. I took her to the vet and she was prescribed special food for sensitive stomach. I thought that was all it was. I trusted the vet. I had no idea this was a sign of kidney failure. After switching her food she was throwing up a lot less, but still around a few times a month. I figured maybe it was because i occasionally gave her special treats that wasn't her prescribed food and that made her puke. I figured her breath was bad because she threw up sometimes... But now I know it was CKD.
So yeah, I'm hoping by making this post it might help a few kitties. Now you know the signs. Don't make the same mistake I did. And for the love of all cats everywhere PLEASE. Keep your cat IN DOORS. And do not bring lillies into the house. Check every plant online to find out if it's safe for cats. And of course keep your cat away from poisons, chemicals, antifreeze and medications.
If you have the means consider tipping this post or check my pinned for other links. I am still trying to pay off my cats ER bills. I still need $2,000. Even a dollar makes a difference. Thank you for reading and take care of your kitties!
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glorythemermaid · 2 years
My mom and I never really understood each other. She was born in the '60s and was raised throughout the '70s and '80s, meanwhile, I was born in the late 90s and raised throughout the 2000s. Where technology rose. She raised me like how she was raised. She never really understood the concept of change. She always compared life before and now. She would tell stories about how hard their life was. And how I get everything I want without even sweating. She never fully adopted how fashion changed since she was a teenager, but she tried. She tried to dress me according to what was in style. She was strict but she tries to make up for it. She never listens to what I say or whenever I try to tell her how I feel, but I felt that she really tried. Despite the fact that we were generations apart, she tried to be my best friend and confidant. She would often scold me for my mistakes rather than teach me how to do them correctly the next time. She would yell at me, for not doing anything instead of encouraging me to do chores. I tried to understand her, because I know she was raised like that. Women at that time were expected to know all the household chores. And that is something my mom wants me to learn, my mom would teach me basic chores so that when the time came, I don't have to depend on anyone. My mom taught me how to be independent. My mom taught me how to be brave. But all the things she taught me, she didn't apply to herself. She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 58, and she had a stroke at the age of 60. She was diagnosed with Renal kidney failure at the age of 60, and she underwent dialysis before she turned 61. And then just months after her birthday, she passed away. She had a severe infection that spread from her foot to her legs and her forearm. My mom taught me how to be brave, but she forgot to be brave. My mom taught me not to depend on anyone but myself, but she forgot to depend on herself, she let was sucked in the idea that she can't do it, despite the constant reminder that she can. She was stubborn, she was hard-headed. But I know she tried her best. The only thing that I regret is that I didn't get to see her before she went away. I never got to say thank you, and sorry. I never got the chance to apologize for all the heartache and headache that I caused her growing up. So mommy where ever you are. I just want to say that my life will never be the same without you in it. I miss you, and I wish you were here. I love you so much Oya.
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newstrendline · 2 years
icd 10 code for end stage renal disease
icd 10 code for end stage renal disease
ICD 10 Code For End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Are you trying to figure out the ICD 10 code for end-stage renal disease (ESRD)? If so, you’re not alone. It can be confusing, and a few mistakes can cause serious delays in reimbursement. This article will help you understand the basics of ICD-10 coding for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). It will also answer questions like: Can you code ESRD without…
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jj-lynn21 · 2 years
Chapter 1  Chapter 3 Chapter 4  Chapter 5
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The chapter are short in this five chapter story about a rental mix up that could end up benefitting both parties. Characters include AU Bill Skarsgard and my original character Sammatha. It is mostly whimsical with a little blood and sex towards the end. A bit of orgasm denial and oral on female. Enjoy.
“I rented this place.” They reply in unison.
‘You have to be in the wrong house.’ Sammatha protested. ‘I rented this place two weeks ago.”
“I rented this place two weeks ago.” Bill tried to explain calmly. “My phone is in the bedroom. Do you have yours? We can call the owner to try to straighten this all out.”  
“I managed to keep it dry.” She pulled her cellphone from her cleavage.
Bill grinned.
“What?” she smirked. “I needed to keep it dry running in here in the storm.”
“You don’t need to explain.” he looked away running his hand through his hair. “Just make the call.”
Sammatha made the call. It rang and rang and rang and rang... “He isn’t answering.” She turned the phone to show Bill.  
“That sucks.” Bill scratched the bit of hair on his chin.  
“Double bookings happen.” Sammatha got up and headed to get her things. “You were here first. I’m sorry I woke you.” just then thunder struck, and a bolt of lightning was seen out the front window. She jumped.
“Hold on.” Bill caught up to her and grabbed her arm. “I don’t think you should be driving in this weather.”
She turned surprised. Her face at his chest. She looked up at him. That is when it hit her who this was standing before her with sleepy eyes. The killer clown. The upir. He was so many of her favorite characters. “I don't want to go back out there.” She swallowed hard. “I can sleep the night on the couch.”
“Nonsense, you are sleeping in the bed.” Bill’s voice was insistent.
“Okay.” she smiled.
“I will take the couch.” bill smiled back. “It pulls out into a bed, I think. Now let's try to get some sleep. We will try the owner again in the morning, I just need to grab my phone from the bedroom.”  
Sammatha agreed with a nod. They both went back to the bedroom where Bill quickly grabbed his phone and disappeared into the living room. She quickly fell asleep once she was laying in the large comfortable bed. Bill on the other hand took a while longer to fall asleep again. He pulled out the bed from the couch. It was a bit smaller, but not terribly so. It was queen-size. He had to find the extra sheets and blankets in the hall closet. Then the thunder exploded at what seemed like his head. But he eventually drifted off.
She woke to the wonderful aroma of bacon sizzling and coffee hot and fresh.  Sammatha stretched when she pulled herself out of bed. Then she headed to the restroom to fix herself up before appearing in the kitchen.  
“Good morning.’ she yawned as she grabbed a coffee cup from a shelf and poured her morning wakeup call. “Thanks for making enough coffee for us.”
“I was making it so might as well make a full pot.” he flipped some pancakes and pulled the bacon from the oven. “Are you hungry? I made more than enough. II tend to eat more when I am not working.”
“I was just going to have...” she stopped when he put the mound of bacon, sausage, eggs and pancakes on the table. “Wholly cow, are you expecting more people?”
Bill chuckled. “No.” he put some plates, silverware and napkins down. ‘This is how I eat on vacation. I made a little extra for you if you want to join me that is?”
‘Thank you again.” she took a sip of coffee before filling her plate with the breakfast goodies. ‘My name is Sammatha. You can call me Sam. Most people do.’
He swallowed a big mouth full of breakfast while nodding politely. ‘I’m Bill”
‘Here is to calories that don’t count on vacation.” She took a bite of the fluffy pancakes. “Of course, it could be my last vacation meal if I don’t find a place to stay. You were here first so whatever the mix up you should be the one that stays.”
“Nonsense.’ Bill huffed. ‘We can try to call the owner again. If he does not answer, we both stay here.  if that is something you would be comfortable doing?”
‘I guess that would be fine.’ she paused to sip her coffee and take in some more deliciousness. “But I will take the living room as my home base and sleep on the pullout. I practically get lost in that big bed.’ she laughed.
“That’s a deal.” He held out his hand for her to shake on it.
Sammatha shook his hand. Bill called the owner putting his phone on speaker so she could hear.  Still, it rang, rang and rang some more. ‘I will shoot him a text.”  He wrote:
     I think you double booked the cottage. Another guest showed up last night.
      Please call back to work this out.  
Bill showed the text to Sammatha before sending it. “What do you think Sam?”
She read it with a nod of agreement. “Yes, that sounds good.”
Bill sent the text. They ate in comfortable silence. Bill got up to take the empty dishes to the sink. She could not believe he could fit all he ate in his slim muscular body, but his belly was protruding a small bit. She got up to help him.
“I’ll wash and you dry.” Sammatha suggested.
Bill pointed to the dishwasher. “I think that is what that is for.”  He started loading the dishwasher. “You can go about your vacation however you want, but I am going to try out the kayaks down by the like. You can join me if you like?”
“That sounds fun.” she went over to finish up her coffee before putting the coffee cup in the dishwasher.  
She went out to get her bags to change as Bill went to shower and dress. This worked out perfect as if choreographed. Bill was done with his shower in the bedroom dressing as she got dressed and ready for the day in the bathroom. He came out first and had another cup of coffee. Sammatha appeared from the bathroom in black shorts and a hot pink tank top.  
“Ready for some fun.” She commented.
“Definitely.” Bill smiled and opened the door for her to go first.  
The skies were clear and sunny. A bright blue with whisps of white floating aimlessly. They grabbed life jackets from those hung on a hack and chose kayaks to begin their tranquil journey. Bill playfully splashed her with his paddle. She laughed and splashed him back. He pointed out animals and birds along the shoreline as they went.  
As they were paddling, he saw a bunny sipping water at the edge. He pointed that out to her. “Look at that bunny. That’s a baby.”
“Oh, how cute.” Then she screamed.
Bill looked with wide eyes. “Oh, shit.”
An alligator had made its way quickly across the bank and devoured little creature.  
“I think we should turn this way.” Bill grabbed the front of Sammatha’s kayak turning it in the opposite direction.
“It's the circle of life, Bill.”  She padded towards where he pointed her away from the carnage.
“I rather not be part of that gators circle.” Bill paddled a little faster. “Did you see the size of that thing?”
She caught up to him “It was large.”
They had been out on the water sever hours by that time, so Bill just paddled back to shore. As they were standing taking a breath from pulling the kayaks up, the alligator or maybe another one swam by its eye seeming to be on them.   “That thing was eying us for lunch.”
tags: @super-pink-a-palouza @caliskarsgard
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nientary-1832 · 3 years
No more fanart for now, just some anti-war leaflets. I don’t have a printer and going to a copy center would be dangerous, so I have to make them with my own hands (alas, leaving my fingerprints everywhere). I’m pretty sure I was followed by two cars while pasting them up 🤪
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Ukraine / Czechoslovakia and Poland
Under a pretext of protecting
Putin dishonours Russia)
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(They bombed Kyiv
early in the morning when people were sleeping
Putin dishonours Russia
Patriots, don't stay silent)
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(“We will go to heaven and they’ll just bite the dust”
© Putin V. V. about a nuclear war
Will you wait quietly?!
Come out)
Apparently this kind of art makes me a criminal. In Russia, where everyone is pompously lectured since kindergarten about the horrors of war and the sacrifice of our people during the World War II. My great-grandmother survived the siege of Leningrad. She was a doctor who saved many lives while being bombed and literally starving. Luckily, she died two years ago, so she doesn’t have to know about the new Hitler, born in the very same city she’d helped save.
Here’s the deal.
- Telling any uncomfortable truth about the war might get you 15 years in prison. We can’t even call it a war. They are literally telling us war is peace!
- Providing any help to Ukraine = 12 to 20 years (this is “high treason”).
- Participating in protests = up to 6 years in prison. To put that into perspective, beating your wife will just get you a fine.
- The government has already threatened to reinstall the death penalty.
- Many people detained for protesting are brutally beaten, girls are threatened by rape.
- Some of the last independent media have been destroyed this week.
- Yesterday cops were visiting homes to carry out searches and/or discourage people from taking part in today’s protests.
- Reportedly, children’s services threatened a family to take away their adopted child for signing an anti-war petition.
- People are expelled from universities and fired from their jobs for protesting or just speaking out against the war.
- Many people are leaving the country. Prices of the tickets have skyrocketed, so you have to be pretty well-off to afford them, and it feels like everyone with any power to do good is abandoning us.
- Personally, I wasn’t cautious and did something worth 20 years of prison. I have no money and nowhere to run.
- The whole country is officially cancelled. Some sanctions will help us bury this regime, but some others are cruel and counterproductive. For example, we’ll have no foreign medicines, so basically no decent medicines at all. This will hit people with disabilities, mental disorders and chronic diseases. Many will die. I’ve barely managed to find one pack of my antidepressant and it’s likely the last one in my life. Something’s wrong with my joints or probably nerves. Walking hurts. Whatever it is, I won’t get any help now.
- Why take away pet food? My cat needs special food because of renal insufficiency. He’ll probably die without it.
- Cutting us off from services like Paypal is affecting creators, some of the most free-thinking people out here. Ironically, Paypal was the back-up that allowed many people to protest against the war despite the risk of being fined and/or losing their jobs.
What next? I dunno, anything might happen. By attacking Ukraine Putler has obviously made a fatal mistake and shot himself in the foot. It really feels like his end is close. The question is how long the agony will last and how many people he’ll take with him.
Tomorrow we could wake up in a free country or in North Korea. That is, if we wake up at all. All the civilized world apparently expects us to overthrow Putler, which might or might not happen. There are many people poisoned by years upon years of militaristic propaganda. Others are in denial, or too frightened, or burnt out to the point of being dead inside. You could put a stick up their asses and they’d be like: “This is fine, I’ll get used to it”. They are actually proud of their "flexibility" and "survival skills". I don’t know if they will come around when they have nothing to eat. Many of us young(ish) people are screaming ourselves hoarse to get through to our parents and it’s like talking at walls.
I wasn’t prepared for this reality where you have to be a hero to be a decent person, where you have to become a martyr or the whole world will shame and despise you. I just wanted to be an artist. I’m not asking for pity, though. I’m just asking you, whoever reads this, not to dehumanize us. I actually cried from gratitude while listening to some of the European politicians who emphasized Putler is not Russia. He’s not. We are. I want you to know there are people in Russia who care about justice, freedom, human lives and rights. We will never forgive him.
Even if the protests stop, please don’t think we’re done, we’ll just find quieter ways of resistance and sabotage. All of our futures have been stolen, all of our dreams are dead and MURDERS are being commited in our names. That’s not something we can accept or patch with fandom stuff. Many of us are thinking about killing ourselves if Putler’s regime survives, but we will not – because we want to see him lose his money, his friends, his freedom and his life. I refuse to die while that botox rat lives. I will keep going. One day I'll sing and dance and piss on his grave.
Peace for Ukraine, freedom for Russia and Belarus, death for Putler.
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theboysfromaustin · 3 years
My name is Ian, and I'm a trans man.
I am not in a good place mentally or physically
I can't go on HRT until I'm free from my parents
I am suffering. Every day I find it harder to find a reason to live
I'm being bled by Bank of America right now for a mistake they made
I have a psych appointment next week and I may have to pull from my savings even though I don't want to. I also need to go get bloodwork to test my renal function due to Lithium.
I'm on 5 different medications
I'm Bipolar-1, GAD, suffer from clinical depression and panic anxiety. I cannot function without medication. I was mentally, physically and sexually abused in a previous relationship and it's fucked me up long-term.
Anything helps
Even just a reblog
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