#the real apartheid and ethnic cleansing
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localrants · 1 year ago
Just a political difference, they say.
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former-leftist-jew · 1 year ago
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You know they speak Arabic in Morocco for the same reason they speak French in Canada, right?
Bonus points:
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Nazi dumbfuck
It’s like Zionists have one strategy when their ideology manifests as genocide. Israel is a racial separatist state. It practices apartheid and ethnic cleansing, that’s why fascists like it. A two-birds (a flock of birds)-one stone scenario for fascists is that the state of Israel encourages self-deportation of Jews, has an incredibly consequential lobby in American politics, is committing an obvious yet somehow easy-to-deny genocide of Muslims, and does all of that while forcefully claiming it is nothing less than synonymous with Judaism itself.
Zionism is Jewish Mormonism.
I can’t believe I didn’t realize that until this ask. I won’t elaborate unless someone asks in good faith and gives me like a week to write an essay, but I’ll stand by that analysis.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 1 year ago
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This is horrible beyond words. A man carrying a child with only an upper body. Can't help but think of the injured kid who kept staring. How would anyone heal from this?
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zucchinimalfoy · 1 year ago
I don’t know how any actual people, with actual brain cells and an actual functioning mind look at what is happening in Palestine and still say ‘I stand with israel.’
Like are you fucking dumb or just plain ignorant?
No, like for real, actually someone explain it to me. Explain to me how the fuck israel is the victim. Explain to me that what is happening in Palestine isn’t genocide, and ethnic cleaning, and settler colonialism, and a massacre. Try and persuade me to think that israel isn’t committing war crimes, and that what is happening isn’t a crime against humanity.
I used to be filled with heartbreak at every video I saw about the tragedies in Palestine, but now it fills me with rage.
If you’re staying silent, or if you’re ‘neutral’ you are fucking disgusting because you are siding with the oppressor.
Simply look at a map of Palestine from before 1948 and now and that literally is enough evidence. Never mind factoring the thousands slaughtered and millions displaced.
Never mind looking at the apartheid, where there’s streets in occupied Palestinian territory that Palestinians aren’t even allowed to walk on. Never mind the use of white phosphorus, or the bombing of apartments, and hospitals, and churches. Never mind the murder of THOUSANDS of Palestinian CHILDREN. Never mind the fact that Gaza is the largest open-aired prison in the world.
The map alone is evidence enough. Adding all these atrocities in just goes to show that regardless of what is happening, the West still stand with genocide.
Enough is enough. There needs to be a ceasefire. Aid for 2.2 million people needs to be let in. There needs to be an end to the occupation of Palestine.
There’s no ‘two-state solution’; the only solution is the complete eradication of the settler colony israel (the ‘state’, not the Jews before anyone tries to call me anti-semitic) and for the land to be fully claimed as Palestine once more.
And when that day comes, because it will, the Day of Judgement will be upon us Insha’Allah, and everyone will answer to Allah SWT for their role in the slaughter of Palestinians.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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claraameliapond · 1 year ago
The truth : Justice for inhumane treatment of innocent people
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teachanarchy · 6 months ago
Israelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 7 months ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on a recent "Free Gaza/Free Palestine" reworking of the "grow up not blow up girl," initially utilized by English hardcore punk band DISCHARGE in its early days. Artwork by @misanthropist.project, published July 2024.
PIC #2: The original illustration, c. 1980-'81?, and which would provide a staunch anti-war stance on the entire second generation of UK punk.
Sources: www.picuki.com/media/3409842597787711655 (Picuki 2x).
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jabronibaloney · 1 year ago
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zucchinimalfoy · 1 year ago
I want to put this out there.
I do not believe in a two-state solution.
If that ‘offends’ you, then I’m very glad for you to unfollow me, block me, report me, and curse me in the comments.
I recognise Palestine and only Palestine. israel is not a state, it is a settle colony that has ethnically cleansed Palestinians since the Nakba in 1948. Everyone and their mum wants to blame Hamas for the murder of Palestinians, saying that they used them as human shields.
Hamas was formed in 1987.
That’s 39 years of murders and brutality and displacement. Over 750,000 Palestinians were displaced during the Nakba, and that number had only increased.
I’m going to add a verse from the Quran right now.
And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant.
Surah Al-Isra 17:4
It is narrated in the sunnah, that the Prophet Muhammad said "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." (Reported by Imam Bukhari.)
The Day of Judgement is approaching. Palestine will be free, and when it is, all these zionists will answer to Allah SWT. All those martyred will received Jannah Insha’Allah.
End the occupation now. 🇵🇸
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no-passaran · 1 year ago
Spain lied about not selling weapons to Israel.
Even after October 7th, Spain has sold more than 1 million € of weapons to Israel. Norway and Finland make it possible.
In January, Spain made headlines word-wide when the government's Minister of Exteriors, José Manuel Albares (PSOE), claimed in Congress and later again in a radio interview that Spain had stopped selling weapons to Israel ever since October 7th. Israel's intensification of violence in Gaza following October 7th meant that, on top of decades of apartheid and ethnic cleansing, between October 7th and January 23rd Israel had already killed 28,000 people and forced 2 million out of their home. In this context, many people were demanding their governments stop arming and funding the genocide of the Palestinian people, and here on Tumblr and other social media sites like Twitter I think we all saw the many posts praising the Spanish government for this.
Well, it turns out it was a lie.
According to Albares, "Since October 7th there are no more weapons exportations [from Spain] to Israel". But in November alone, Spain exported weapons to Israel for 987,000€, as was published on the Spanish Government's official website dedicated to exterior commerce (Comex). A researcher from Centre Delàs (an independent centre for peace studies) found it and published it, and it has also been verified by newspapers such as elDiario.es.
This 987,000€ worth of weapons in November was not the only ammunition that Spain has sent to Israel in 2023. In 2023, Spain exported a total of 1.48 million € in war material to Israel.
All of the weapons sent in November come from the factory of Nammo Palencia (Castilla y León), a corporation that is 50% property of the Government of Norway and 50% owned by a public Finnish business. However, even if the owners are foreigners, the ammunition was sent from Spain and thus it had to be authorized by the an organism of the Spanish Government named Junta Interministerial de Defensa y Doble Uso, whose deliberations on whether a weapons exportation is accepted or denied are kept secret. The only cases where they have denied exporting weapons to Israel have been when they thought that Israel would re-sell these weapons to the Philippines.
Spain has had a close relation with Israel for years. As published by the Spanish Government, Spain has sold 20 million € of weapons to Israel between 2012 and 2022. Spain also buys weapons and military software from Israel (for example, the Spanish Intelligence Service has been using the Israeli software Pegasus to illegally spy on Catalan activists, journalists, politicians and civil society members and their relatives to attack the Catalan independence movement), and Spain has continued buying from Israel and allocating defense contracts to Israel even after the October 7th attacks. It is very difficult to track the concessions of public contracts such as buying weapons, but some contracts have been known. For example, on November 24th 2023, Spain bought 287.5 million € of missiles from Israel. This is not unusual: between 2011 and 2021, it is publicly known that Spain bought war material from Israel for at least 268 million €, but experts say that the real number could be two or three times as much.
Spain has also continued allocating concessions to Israel. For example, on December 15th 2023 Spain allocated a contract worth over 576 million € to Israel for a rocket launcher programme. On November 22nd, Spain allocated another another Israeli company to provide missiles for 237 million € at the same time as the Spanish army bought Israeli inhibitors for 1.4 million €. The very next day, November 23rd, Spain signed another military allocation to Israel for 82,600€. The following week, Spain signed yet another allocation with a different Israeli military corporation for 3.7 million €.
Spain also allows Israeli weapon manufacturing companies to produce weapons through their branches located in Spain. This way, Israeli weapons make their way to markets with which Israel doesn't have diplomatic ties but Spain does, like Saudi Arabia. And since Spain is a member of NATO, Israeli weapons produced in Spain are approved according to NATO standards and access it easily. In the same way, these Israeli weapons manufacturers also access European Union defense funds through their branches in Spain. (source).
As I said, I saw a lot of positive posts around when Albares said Spain was going to embargo, but I haven't seen any post about how they didn't do it. I also (personally) haven't seen anything on international media, and barely anything on Spanish media, which is already busy with the PSOE covid material corruption scandal. So I share this in the hope of helping put pressure on Spain to cut all ties with Israel immediately.
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plomegranate · 1 year ago
keep up the momentum and pressure! from the PYM/SJP post:
"Now that we know real divestment from genocidal companies is possible, we urge you all to follow suit in creating a domino effect of divestment nationwide. We are watching the ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing, and military occupation against Palestine unfold before our very eyes. It is our responsibility as a collective liberation movement to do our part in ending monetary complicity within our Zionist universities. The time to take action is NOW!"
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fairuzfan · 6 months ago
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I hate this fucker so much because that's literally what Palestinians are saying. We were displaced and became generational refugees. Trying to pass off diaspora Palestinians as "not real palestinians" when our family members were ethnically cleansed from their villages and forced to leave because of literal segregation and apartheid. One of the most insulting israeli talking points and I've seen israelis on here get mad at us (diaspora palestinians) for not knowing how it is "on the ground" and speaking over their "lived experience." Your lived experience came as a result of my family being kicked out of Palestine you fuckers are so goddamn cruel.
Also all my grandparents were born in palestine so were my great grandparents so were—
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Noah Berlatsky at Everything Is Horrible:
As I’ve mentioned a time or two, the ADL has disgraced itself by falling to its knees before fascist oligarch Elon Musk. After Musk gave a Nazi salute at the inauguration, the ADL issued a statement claiming that the Nazi salute was not a Nazi salute but just “an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm.” I’ve explained at some length why Musk is in fact a Nazi piece of shit. Just as some have claimed that Musk didn’t know what he was doing when he sieg heiled, some argue that the ADL acquiescence means that they, and their CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, have been fooled or made fools of. The ADL has been tricked or hoodwinked by MAGA and by Musk; they cannot see what is right in front of them. The ADL’s statement was certainly foolish. And Jonathan Greenblatt appears to have roughly the intellectual heft of a rotten cabbage infested with some toxic mix of fungus and worms. At the same time, I do not think it’s exactly right to say that the ADL was fooled, just as it’s not exactly right to say that people, in general, voted for Trump because they were fooled by algorithms or by fascist propaganda. Or, to put it another way, when people are fooled by transparent fascist nonsense, the failing is not (just) intellectual. It is moral. People listen to fascists because they want to; they believe fascist propaganda because they think doing so is advantageous, or because they want an excuse to embrace their worst selves. We should be angry at liars, and we should have compassion for people who are fooled by liars and scammers. But providing cover for Elon Musk, or voting for Trump—that’s not being bamboozled. That’s being a collaborator.
The ADL has also taken a hard right turn in the last few years, and especially since the October 7 Hamas attack and massacre, and the subsequent Israeli mass slaughter of Gazans. Greenblatt, and his donors, have decided that they no longer care about the organization’s historic mission of tracking and fighting far right organizing in the US. To the horror of many staffers, the org appears to now believe (like Netanyahu) that its only enemies are on the left, and that the only real antisemitism is criticism of Israel. The ADL is committed to a narrative in which Musk is harmless. Greenblatt doesn’t want to believe that Musk is a bad actor, because he wants to work with Musk and Trump to pursue genocide and ethnic cleansing abroad and to silence leftists at home. Greenblatt is willing to occasionally and gently chide Musk for not being sufficiently serious about the Holocaust, as in his recent pushback when Musk posted a series of Nazi puns. But Greenblatt has a deep and abiding interest in pretending that Musk is not a violent far right antisemite. And so, when Musk sieg heils, Greenblatt scurries around to throw sand in his own eyes. Musk hasn’t fooled him. He has fooled himself, because he wants to work with Nazis to do Nazi stuff—like murdering Palestinians and crushing the left.
The once-sterling ADL’s reputation has been declining in recent years, thanks to Jonathan Greenblatt’s excusing of right-wing antisemites such as Elon Musk because of their shared pro-Israel Apartheid sentiments.
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halalchampagnesocialist · 17 days ago
Sometimes i wonder if israeli annexation of the West Bank would be better for Palestinians in the long run than whatever the current situation is. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a real terrifying possibility that our families who live in the WB could face potential displacement and ethnic cleansing, maybe even Nakba-level violence in the face of that annexation. But realistically I think it would also force much of the world, particularly liberals, to contend with the situation of Israel being a fully-fledged apartheid state. Palestine activism would then shift to be less about ending the occupation and apply pressure to Israel to either give palestinians full citizenship rights or withdraw from those territories, similar to a SA model if Israel purses the former. Obviously there’ll still be issues, much like there was after apartheid ended in SA, but it’s better than the political limbo of living under decades-long military occupation whilst also being somewhat stateless.
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readingsquotes · 11 months ago
"I’ll never be able to forget my own experience pushing my college to divest......I’ll never forget the look I got from one administrator as I entered their building. We had been camped outside for two weeks at that point, and even though the woman who saw me had no idea who I was, she knew exactly who I was. She knew my presence, our presence, meant disruption. And few things are more sacred to the neoliberal institution than avoiding disruption, even when the status quo is harmful investment in fossil fuel corporations, or genocide. And so my presence scared this administrator, and the cops were there within minutes. The feeling of being a student and having the university resort to violence rather than speak with you is immensely hard to forget.
But so too are the broader lessons I learned in student organizing. The feelings are indelible, and yet the bigger picture, the structural knowledge you receive when you go up against a large and powerful institution, stuck with me too. .... I had learned that universities didn’t quite work the way I had imagined. Growing up they had seemed to me, from a distance, to be centers of knowledge and places where life looks a little more like it’s supposed to; people pursue learning and community and aren’t as constrained by work and stress. And there’s a significant kernel of truth to that, but behind the facade is a power structure that cares infinitely more about investments and real estate than the student body. That truth has become more and more real over time, and has been violently laid bare by the boards and administrations themselves in recent weeks. ...
The impact of protest right now matters immensely. It’s impossible to quantify how important it would be if the movement for a Free Palestine in the West built enough power to force our countries to stop funding ethnic cleansing, to stop arming genocide, to stop supporting apartheid. The lives that have been lost are irreplaceable, and the lives that could be saved are invaluable. And, at the same time, we’re seeing millions of people, young and old and everything in between, change in profound ways. In that fact lies the reality that Gaza and Palestinians and this movement we’re seeing all around us are altering the future just as they work to alter the present.
One of the many driving forces changing how people across the globe think, not only about Zionism but about imperialism and society at large, is the simple fact that we cannot unsee what we have seen. ...Decades of propaganda began to fracture in recent years, and shattered in recent months. But it’s more than that – for millions of people across the world there’s also no unseeing U.S. complicity. There’s no unseeing how Israel and the U.S. are virtually alone at the UN, on the world stage, working to protect a genocidal state and enable a genocide again and again. Even as Israel kills yet another UN worker, bringing the total to 190 slain employees of the United Nations, the enabling and participation in Israel’s genocide continues. 
People cannot simply forget these actions, these choices that the U.S. and Israel make day after day. I say that as a hope more than as a fact. ...And while students are not facing repression that can be compared to what the Black Panthers and others have faced, they are repeatedly facing mass violence from the state as well as vigilantes. They have also seen how little their schools care about them, how little their government cares about them, and how deeply invested our entire system is in war and imperialism.
..Students who have been attacked, and people everywhere who have seen horrors in Gaza beyond our comprehension, cannot simply forget. We’ve seen how violence abroad is connected to fascism at home. We’ve seen how Israel’s genocide in Gaza is connected to the war machine here in the United States. We’ve seen how it all comes together in a society structured to deprive the many so the few can hoard wealth and resources. Whatever comes next, there’s no turning back. We will struggle towards a better system, both because we want to see it come into existence and because we don’t have the option to return to a healthy status quo. We can’t turn back to the society we might be nostalgic for. That world doesn’t exist anymore; a new one must be built."
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zucchinimalfoy · 1 year ago
I don’t know if this will reach anyone, and quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck. I have shit I need to say and shit that people need to hear.
First and foremost, Free Palestine. It has always been Free Palestine, and will always be Free Palestine.
My earliest memory of the occupation of Palestine was when I was seven. At the age of seven, I had the emotional maturity, the human decency to look at what was happening and come to the conclusion that the Palestinians were innocent. They were being forced out of their homes by the settle colony isr*el, and that they needed to be freed.
If I, at the mere age of seven, can come to that conclusion, then what the fuck are the world leaders in GOVERNMENT doing? I’m a Muslim, Alhamdulillah, and as a Muslim, I have utter belief in the fact that Palestine will indeed be free one day, by the will of Allah S.W.T. I have no doubt about it, but as a human, I am begging for a ceasefire on the attacks in Gaza, on innocent civilians. isr*el has cut off water, food, electricity and fuel. They had previously prevented aid from entering from Egypt, only just allowing twenty trucks of aid in to Gaza, which we all know does nothing to help the 2.2 million people there.
For 75 years, Palestine has been illegally occupied, Palestinians have been slaughtered and forced out of their homes. Everyday, they live in constant fear. Not just in Gaza, but also in the West Bank (which Hamas has no presence there, if you were wondering). Everyday of their lives, they’ve been beaten, hit, killed. And on October 7th, they decided to fight back.
And before you come for me, I do not condone the murder of innocents, like children. But, I cannot also say that all those isr*elis are innocent. Just them calling themselves isr*elis makes them somewhat accountable as they are saying they accept the apartheid, the genocide and ethnic cleansing. isr*el is not a state. It is a settler colony, and in my eyes, I will never ever recognise them as anything else.
Also, not to mention that in 2019 69% of men and 56% of women were serving in the army (I couldn’t find more recent statistics than that, I’m afraid.) But, at the same time, a life lost is a life lost. It’s heartbreaking, and my prayers are with all those who have lost family.
But, let’s move onto Gaza.
2.2 million people. 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. Over 1.1 million are children. The death toll is now over 5000. Over 1700 of them are CHILDREN. Over 51% of people in Gaza are now homeless, due to their homes being bombed and having no safe place to go. If you look up the amount of people who are homeless in the UK and the US, add those two figures together, and you’ll see that it still doesn’t come close to the amount of displaced people in Gaza. Two of the most powerful countries in the world, the US being one of the largest, and Gaza being literally 25 miles long.
Put that into perspective.
I’m fucking sick to death. Sick to death of bitch-ass celebrities like the Kardashians and the Jenners and Jamie Lee-Curtis and so many more who post their support for isr*el, without having a single fucking clue about the historical context of this genocide.
Palestine was always, and has forever been Palestine. The brits ‘gave’ Palestine to the jews after the atrocities of WWII, and Palestinians welcomed them.
Then the Nakba happened in 1948.
This is a crime against humanity, a massacre of Palestinians, a slaughter of children. This is another Holocaust.
And, if you support Palestine, that does not make you antisemitic. It makes you human. Orthodox Jews from all over the world have showcased their support for the Palestinians- they do not claim Israel, do not believe it to be their land, and have and always will recognise it as Palestine.
This is not a war. This is not a conflict. This is ethnic cleansing. It isn‘t limited to religion, as there are Muslims, Christians and Jews in Palestine.
You don’t have to be Muslim to support Palestine, you just have to be human.
I’m sorry if this is all over the place. There’s so much I want to say, and it’s difficult to articulate when I’m this angry. I’m just going to say one last thing.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. 🇵🇸
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