#the pink haired fitz gang
synonymroll648 · 2 years
the thing about keefe sencen is that i’m 99% sure that if sophie ever got a haircut (be it a bob cut or a masc cut) and/or if fitz dyed his hair pink, he’d be chill about it externally, but you’d find him documenting his spiral into bi-panic-induced insanity drawing them and their new styles over and over and over in the middle of the night with deranged notes on the sides of his sketchbook like ‘WHO THE FUCK SAID THEY GET TO BE THIS HOT’ and ‘I’M LITERALLY DYING OVER HERE’ 
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mallowmelt-down · 11 months
I just went to see the Barbie movie for the second time and I’ve been wondering how the KOTLC gang would react to it so here’s my thoughts.
Keefe: He ordered an ‘I am Kenough’ sweatshirt before the credits even finished. He definitely says that Ken is literally him. He memorized Ken’s entire song and of course he used his mimicking skills to do it in Ryan Gosling’s voice. Secretly, it was hard for him as an Empath to watch the movie, especially with Sophie and her strong emotions sitting next to him.
Sophie: She thinks it’s an absolute masterpiece and 100% cried during the Billie Eilish song “What Was I Made For” given her own past with the Black Swan. Since none of her friends truly understands what it means to be human, she called Amy that night and they chatted about it for hours. She would definitely sneak out to the Forbidden Cities to see it again with Amy.
Fitz: He has had some experience with Barbie during his trips as a kid trying to find Sophie so he vaguely understands the importance of the movie. He respects it even though he didn’t relate to it. He pretends he understands the confusing human jokes despite the fact he doesn’t get it at all.
Biana: She totally fell in love with all the different fashions and tried to recreate some of the outfits afterwards. She found the human interpretation of mermaids hilarious when she saw mermaid Barbie. She was shocked by the treatment of women in the real world and had to ask her mom about it later.
Dex: He was forced to take the triplets with him so he spent most of the movie trying to get the three of them to stay in their seats. His favorite character was Allan and he broke into an ATM machine later so he could go buy an Allan doll. He noticed Sophie was sad after the movie so he dyed Iggy the Barbie pink color the next day to cheer her up.
Tam: He insists that he hated it and the pink gave him a headache but truthfully enjoyed the musical numbers and secretly added all the songs to his playlist. He will also put the songs on blast whenever he visits his parents to piss them off. Linh forced him to buy her a Barbie right after the movie.
Linh: She liked it and was very amused by the fake waves on the beach. She was disappointed to hear that the pooping dog Barbie toy was discontinued since she desperately wanted to buy it. She found some Barbie inspired pet outfits to force poor Princess Purrfins into later, with Tam’s reluctant help.
Marella: She loved all of it, especially the cute Kens. Dex helped her hack into the human Internet afterwards so she could read about all the drama behind the scenes. She spends an entire ability lesson with Fintan talking about it, much to Fintan’s disdain.
Wylie: He thought it was very thought provoking and Maruca teases him when he tries to analyze the deep symbolism of the movie with her. He decides to take an intensive human studies class after watching it and sees that there may be more to humans than he thought. Like many others, he cried over the idea of his mom being just a girl at some point in her life.
Maruca: She added a pink streak to her hair for a week afterwards. She really liked the Barbies’ blunt honesty during the Nobel Prize scenes. She later tried to make a smaller version of the pink Barbieland heart border with her Psionipath ability for fun.
Stina: She’ll tell Sophie it was a dumb human movie but genuinely enjoyed the human world scenes the most. She really related to Sasha the most.
Elwin: As the only adult who attended, he got the tickets for everyone, held seats, and made sure everyone had popcorn. His favorite character was weird Barbie and wants to start remodeling his house like hers. He joins Dex and buys as many Barbies as he can hold to take back to the Lost Cities. It was hard for him to watch as a doctor when Ruth said “Humans only have one end.”
Comment your own headcannons, I would love to see them!
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a-lonely-tatertot · 4 years
Finding Home
A/N: Introducingggggg AMY and linh! it gets gay at the end dont worry, once again thanking @bookwyrminspiration for betaing for me!
Tw: mention of injuries and some phantom pains (is that what they’re called??)
Word count: 2279
Chapter 2: Runaway
A month and an accepted roommate later, she got to remember she was Sophie for a minute. Sophie before everything happened. She saw her sister for the first time since their parents were kidnapped and it knocked the breath out of her. Short, bright pink hair blowing around her set face, Amy’s wide eyes stared up at the apartment complex. 
The stairs passed in a blur as Sophie barreled down them almost tripping over her feet on the way down. Amy, her Amy. “Amy!” she yelled barreling into her sister. A moment too late she thought it would be extremely awkward if it wasn’t Amy.
But it was, and she hugged her tighter than ever. Sophie buried her head in Amy’s short hair taking in the comfort of her sister. “You smell weird,” she whispered.
“Missed you too, sis,” Amy chuckled lightly. 
“Dyed your hair and got glasses?” Sophie said, pulling away and holding her at arm's length. 
“Sorry, are we not going to address the fact that you’re passing as human? Under my original name?” Amy asked.
“Uh yeah guess I’ve got a bit of explaining to do.” Sophie rubbed the back of her neck.
“Oh yeah, but over coffee, because I was not ready to see my sister for the first time in over ten years,” she laughed, “And I need a lot more energy cause we have a lot of talking to do.”
So they talked and talked until the sun set behind the skyline and the street lights flickered on empty roadways. They talked until they were out of coffee to drink and snacks to eat and stars to count. 
Sophie could barely pay attention to the first day of classes. Every flash of strawberry blonde and soft eyes sent her back. Back to bright mornings and weird lockers and one on one classes. But not only that; it sent her back to her friends. Dex appeared in the ramblings of Jena, one of Amy’s many friends who could talk for hours about chemicals and science. He clouded her memory when she walked into Chemistry and it threw her back to his laboratory. She thought of him looking at the skinny, freckled covered kid that hung onto her Quantum Theory teacher’s every word. 
When she walked into the library, three days in, and saw the spiraling stacks she remembered Fitz and how he could get lost in a book and never leave the pages. 
Marella could be found in the rare smiles that were Anaz. How sarcastic comments came to her with ease and there was always gossip flooding the halls. 
In her English teacher’s humor, she found Keefe. How Sophie collected pens just because they were there and how doodles filled Amy’s margins. 
Red became her color. In the morning when she didn’t know what to wear Biana flooded her mind. When she didn’t know how to hide her scars she thought of her. Sophie would wear them as a testament to the people she left behind. And when her eyes caught sight of the scars that littered another student’s body, clear on their dark skin, she stood a little taller. They were a testament to survival.
Tam, she remembered when the world was so loud. How he was able to control his impulses, his power, his shadows like her telepathy and inflicting. When she just wanted to hide from it all she remembered him, and kept going.
And the one that came as a surprise to her was Stina. The cold exterior and the sense of superiority that followed Henry, who locked so much of him away in a tiny box, to hide from the rest of the world. And how when you really got to know them there wasn’t a small corner that was as cold as it seemed.
But the one that never really went away was Linh. It didn’t surprise her. No, she knew she would never really get Linh out of her head. So Sophie accepted the small tug that came with seeing people together. As they laughed and smiled and hugged, as two girls held hands firmly; she wondered if that could’ve ever been them. If their broken world would’ve allowed it.
When she thought of them, her hand found her neck and the crystal and she held on tight only to let go. Because that was no longer her, and those people were no longer her’s. Amilia Ruewen did not know them. The crystal was all she had left of them.
And at some point that would have to be okay.
“You’re coming to this club with the group tonight,” Amy grinned. Ugh, a night with Amy’s friends? Sounded like torture. 
“Why?” Sophie asked. In her head and in her apartment, they were Sophie and Amy. To the world, their jobs, their school, their friends, they were Amilia and Natalie. 
She didn’t have work until Saturday and she had already finished her homework and Amy knew this. There wasn’t a way she wasn’t going. Amy looked up and smiled all teeth, all eyes. Someone save me, Sophie thought.
Spoiler: it went a lot worse than she expected.
There was a feeling that Sophie knew well. It was why she was here in the first place. The feeling started in her wrists, where she had been bound countless times. It spread up and down to the edges of her fingers which had caused so much pain. The fingers that held weapons and the hands that held both the blood of her enemies and friends. It filled her shoulders with tension and her legs with a need to run. But she couldn’t. She was surrounded by bodies, moving, dancing, controlled by the beat of the drums that shook her core like a war cry. That was because it was a war cry. The image of her friends, the small family she had made, half-dead and filling up every bed in the Healing Center. She had run away from them. That was what she alone had done. Sophie ran from the dangers and the responsibility.
“Breathe,” an order. In. Out. One. Two. Three.
“Sophie? Soybean?” Amy’s voice. Amy’s hands on her shoulders. “Hey, hey,” her fingers cradled her jaw. “You’re right here, I got you, you’re okay. We won, it’s over.”
But it wasn’t. At night the demons came back to haunt her. And she would be running from them for the rest of her life.
Sophie had told herself when she left the Lost Cities she wasn’t following orders anymore. Little notes and anonymous gifts were things of the past. She told herself this as she took a picture of her shifts for the next week. They flowed through her mind as she wrote notes for a lecture. Words scribbled on papers and typed on documents controlled her whether she wanted them to or not. They set the path and all she had to do was follow it.
This time it wasn’t directed at her. 
“Hey Soph, you got anyone who would send you mail?” Amy called from the hallway.
“Nope!” She had barely even heard what Amy had said, too absorbed by homework.
“Huh, okay.” 
“You sure it’s not for you? It’s from that town like an hour north of campus,” Amy asked a minute later, shoving the envelope in front of her computer. “Get out of your nerd stuff and look at important things.”
Sophie made a noise but took the envelope, “My nerd stuff is important!”
Amy chuckled lightly, “Sure dear, you’re almost as bad as Jena.”
“My lord Amy it has your name on it,” Sophie shook her head, “And Jena is really smart and, unlike you, actually capable of holding an intellectual conversation!”
“Huh, guess I’m blind.” Rolling her eyes, she went back to her homework as Amy tore open the letter. Where was she? Oh yeah-
“Do you know about that road house right outside of town?” 
“Amy I swear if you interrupt me one more time-”
Amy ignored her, “It’s a coupon to there. We could take the gang this weekend.”
“Yeah sure, totally, now just let me finish my homework,” Sophie said, not realizing that she could’ve just agreed to anything.
“Nat you can drink?” Amilia asked. It was a running gag.
“Oh shush, I’m not eleven anymore!” Natalie retorted. And she wasn’t eleven, she was twenty-three and Amilia had to remind herself of that often. 
The roadhouse was dark, full of wooden booths. In the corner there was a pool table surrounded by a group of guys. Amilia sat at a table with three of Nat’s friends, her friends, she reminded herself. Thunk! The sound of darts reminded her of throwing stars. Shaking her head slightly she tried not to think about all she had left behind. Amilia, she thought, but it echoed outside her head.
“Amilia!” Tina called, waving her hand in front of her. 
“Sorry, what?” she asked. Get out of your head, she thought sternly.
They all chuckled quietly and tampered off into their different conversations. It was a nice normal, zoning in and out, the words just soft buzzing. She traced the rough wood of the roadhouse with her eyes. The chipped, frayed edges. Dark, daunting, but cozy. The roof domed up to balconies with rooms for the inn part. Sophie didn’t know if anyone actually stayed there anymore. Posts came down into booths, to a karaoke machine in the corner, to the bar that stretched along the entire left side. There was a girl, flannel tight around her waist, short dark hair held up by various barrettes keeping the strands away from her face. The pen and cups flew through her hands with experience and it was mesmerizing to watch. Sophie couldn’t see her face, but there was a tugging feeling that the girl was familiar. From a past life, she thought, and laughed. She had had many past lives. At this point she wouldn’t know which one the girl would’ve been from. If she would just look up, the urge to know who she was got stronger. She was someone to her someone important-
Crash. Her heart pounded, her ears rang. The shattering sound of glass was ironic because it played backwards in her ears. Shattered heart becoming whole.
Sophie, because to that face that was all she was. Her feet moved without her permission. 
Because this girl wasn’t just someone to her, she was everything to her.
She was the hardest to leave behind and the only one that could make her stay.
“I’m supposed to be bartending,” Linh whispered into her shoulder, “and your friends are looking at us.”
“Fuck off, I get the longest hug I want after not seeing you for a decade,” Sophie laughed stubbornly into her shoulder.
Linh turned her head into Sophie’s neck and hummed quietly, “I think that’s fair.”
For the first time she relaxed. The world fell off her shoulders and she realized this was the feeling she had been chasing. Linh smelled like cigar smoke and whiskey and cats (she made a mental note to ask about that later). But she knew, as she shifted closer, holding Linh as tight as she could, after all those years she would still smell like the ocean, she’d still smelled like home.
The next morning she found herself passed out in a room that wasn’t her own. An old lamp sat on a wooden nightstand. Next to it, barely lit, was a piece of paper. In big bold letters it read: The Western RoadHouse. In scratchy handwriting there was a note. it filled the entire card,words running into each other. In her very tired state Sophie could barely decipher it.
Hey! Sorry I had to work early and you looked way too peaceful to wake up. How much of last night do you remember? We talked about how I got here, and how you got here. And, well, we talked for hours and did you know the more tired you are the pinker your ears get? And the easier it is the fluster you? You also get clingy and rub your eyes a lot. I ended up having to carry you up to my room and swear to Amy on everything that I had you would be okay. But I realized in that minute in a half of hauling your dead weight and listening to you murmur in your sleep that I had missed you. I ran away because I’ve always been running, but I don’t wanna run anymore. If you’d let me, I’d like to run to you instead. This is me asking if you’ll be my girlfriend, or just go out on a date if you didn’t get that. So yeah? Can I run to you?
For a moment she thought she was dreaming. Then she read it again and all she could do was laugh. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a simple message in neat, loopy handwriting.
Well then runaway,
Come running.
She wrote her and Amy’s address at the bottom and slipped it into Linh’s bag on the nightstand on her way out. When Amy pulled up in the van she only raised an eyebrow.
“Did you win?” she asked, turning down the music slightly as Sophie closed the door.
She smiled, mouth crooked, eyes wrinkled, for once unguarded and wild. “Yeah, I think I did.” Whoops and hollers rang out from the back where her friends crowded together. They whooped and hollered and clapped her on the shoulder as Amy pulled the van out of the lot.
Tag list: @enbies-and-felonies, @clearlykeefitz, @ruewen-and-rising, @you-are-the-vacker-legacy @linhamon-roll  @lemontarto  @rainbowtay-11 @an-absolute-travesty @girlofmanyfandoms(if you want to be added or removed come find me here)
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daisylincs · 4 years
staticquake, 16 and 66? i look forward to anything you make!!
16 = Prison AU, 66 = It's Not You, It's My Enemies 
Hello, new friend, and thank you so much for the prompt!! I'm awfully flattered that you've liked my works so far - sending this one out to you with big virtual hugs 🤗
Daisy isn't sure how she ended up here, either. As shitty futures go, this one is pretty much a record. 
She was supposed to be, well, basically a princess. Her mother is the leader of the Inhuman people, and her father is one of the world's most brilliant scientists. 
When her mother revealed her plans to broaden her leadership to the rest of the world, Daisy didn't think it was such a bad idea. I mean, look at it logically. Jiaying was a good leader, and the world was a mess. Two plus two. It made sense. 
It also made sense, a little, that the rest of the world wouldn't really like this at first. They hadn't lived all their lives in Lai Shi, after all. They didn't know Jiaying was a really good leader who just wanted the best for them. 
Daisy was happy to use her powers to help her mother secure her leadership. It was the right thing to do, after all. She was helping the entire world. 
But then. 
But then, as more and more people resisted against their new government, Jiaying asked Daisy to make an example. 
"Make an example" meaning kill the people who were fighting back.
 Daisy would do a lot of things for her mother, but killing innocent people is not one of them. 
In retrospect, she's kicking herself over how stupid and naive she was. Jiaying never wanted the best for anyone - she just wanted to rule. How didn't she see it? 
It's too late for regrets now. She's here, in her mother's special prison for war criminals, quake-absorbing cuffs strapped to her wrists, and all she can do about it is kick herself. 
She was so stupid. 
And now she's stuck in prison. Yay. 
There are some good things about being here, though. Case in point: the friends she meets. 
Because it turns out, all those people Jiaying had locked up because they were "threats to the world we're trying to build?" Yeah. They're all actually really, really great people. 
Take Fitz and Jemma, for example. He's engineering, she's biochem, and they're pretty much the cutest thing Daisy has ever seen. Seriously - the way they talk over and around each other is pretty much what makes this prison bearable.
 Then there's Hunter and Bobbi, who are basically the polar opposite of Fitz and Jemma. They bicker constantly, about everything, and while they're also annoyingly in-sync, it's in knowing exactly how to push each other's buttons. 
Last but definitely not least, Coulson and May, who Daisy is 99% sure are married. Or partners. Or something. Because you do not get to act that much like parents and not be involved in some way. 
They're a ragtag, motley group, but Daisy surprises herself by how much they begin to feel like home.
Prison, she decides, is shit. 
But it's the kind of shit that bonds people. 
So she wouldn't say her life is good. Dear God no. She's still not even sure how exactly she ended up here. 
But it's not bad. 
So when there's a disturbance in the normal prison routine one day, Daisy can't help but be intrigued. 
This isn't just the usual offloading of prisoners. It's... almost like the day she arrived here. 
She and the rest of the gang gather in the courtyard to see just what, exactly, caused this big of a fuss. 
And when Daisy sees the guy, she can't help but snort. "Seriously?" 
This guy is about as far from threatening as you could possibly imagine - all blond hair and blue eyes and this overwhelming air of niceness that makes Daisy want to puke rainbows. He's the dictionary definition of the boy-next-door love interest in one of those cheesy rom-coms her father used to love. 
All Daisy can think is, dude, what the hell are you doing here? 
She asks him exactly that. (She's never been shy.) 
He looks up and smiles at her, all innocent and cheerful, and oh dear God but he's nice. It's just pouring off him in waves. "I got arrested," he tells her. 
She rolls her eyes. "Thank you, Captain Obvious. Why?" 
"Well, because I didn't agree with what Jiaying was doing," he says, adding as an afterthought, "and I'm dangerous." 
Daisy can't help but snort at that. "Sure you are, Pikachu, sure you are." 
(She blames Hunter for the sass rubbing off on her.) 
"I am," he tells her quite seriously, lifting up his wrists to show her a set of cuffs very similar to her own - only these seem to be made of some kind of insulating material. 
Daisy blinks. "You're an Inhuman?" 
He nods, pulling at the cuffs. Daisy knows from experience that they won't budge an inch, but she feels for him. 
He looks up at her, a hint of frustration in his eyes. "If I had my powers, we'd all be out of here in a second," he says. 
She knows the feeling. "Same," she says, showing him her own cuffs. 
His eyes widen. "Whoa, you're an Inhuman too!" Then, because apparently he speaks well before he thinks, he adds, "I was starting to think I was the only Inhuman who had a problem with murder." 
His cheeks flush pink right away. "Oh, er, um," he stammers. "I'm sure you're a lovely person, really -" 
She rolls her eyes, but there's a grin tugging at her lips. "Okay, Sparky," she says, going for an educated guess as to his powers. (Hey, she is the leader's daughter.) "What's your name?" 
"Right, sorry," he says, blushing redder, if that's possible. "I'm Lincoln." 
"Daisy," she says. "And I would shake your hand, but…" 
"Cuffs," they say at the same time. 
And Daisy would probably have stayed there smiling at him for an embarrassingly long amount of time if Jemma didn't clear her throat. 
"Daisy," she says in an oh-my-God-Daisy-met-a-boy kind of voice. "Who's your friend?" 
"Right," Daisy says, and great, now she's blushing. That won't make Jemma suspicious at all. "Guys, this is Lincoln. He's an Inhuman, too." 
"Is he, now," Hunter says, and Daisy doesn't like his emphasis at all. Far too much like an asshole older brother, that one. 
"We are delighted to meet you," Bobbi chimes in, and all Daisy can think is really, you too? Because, apparently, nobody's immune. 
Poor Lincoln looks as awkward as hell. "Um, thanks," he says, shifting from foot to foot. 
Before anyone can say much else, though, May warns sharply, "Incoming." 
And, oh, shit, Daisy can already see the guards approaching. 
Lincoln looks more confused than ever, and Daisy grabs his arm, yanking him off to one of the quieter corners of the prison yard. "If the guards catch you in a group, you're toast," she explains quickly. "No more than two people are allowed to talk for extended periods of time. They're afraid we'll make up an escape plan or something." She squints across the yard to watch the guards warily. "They're especially paranoid when it comes to me." 
He tilts his head. "Why, what do you -" 
"I'm Quake," Daisy admits, dropping his arm and determinedly studying her feet. 
He blinks. "Whoa. Quake, as in Jiaying's daughter? That Quake?" 
“That's me," she agrees, hearing the sting of bitterness in her voice. She's not proud of the things she did for her mother, not even a little. 
"Whoa," Lincoln says again. And then he takes her completely by surprise by saying, "so, wait, your powers - they're vibration-based? Do you hear it in your head, or…?" 
Daisy doesn't know what to say for a second. She was expecting… fear, horror, disgust, revulsion, and honestly, she'd deserve it. 
But instead, she gets… curiosity? 
"Sorry," Lincoln says, ducking his head. "It's just… I haven't had the chance to talk to another Inhuman for a long time." 
His frankness surprises her, and so does his genuine, enthusiastic curiosity. It took all of her friends a while to accept who she was and what she had done, but Lincoln didn't need to question it. 
It's a nice feeling, being accepted immediately. 
And, look, she isn't saying her friends weren't great. Because they were. Great. 
But there's something about talking to someone who is like her, who understands her right down to a molecular level, who is curious rather than afraid. 
So she tells him about her powers, about how it feels like she has a hangover made of bees after she uses them. 
His whole face lights up, and before she knows it, she's swept up in an entire conversation. 
And Daisy is surprised to find how much she's smiling as she lies down on her crappy cot that night. 
Being Inhuman… it's a part of her. In her blood. 
And, okay, talking about it can never compare to the real thing. 
But Lincoln is Inhuman, too. And there are all these things, little things, she couldn't tell her friends because they just wouldn't get it. 
Now, though… well. There's a reason she's smiling up at her ceiling. 
She specifically seeks him out the next day at breakfast, and the happy-surprised look he gives her as she sits down next to him is enough to make her decide immediately that yeah, she's staying. 
He's just so… nice. 
Everything about Lincoln is nice. Spending time with him reminds her about all the good things in Lai Shi. 
Plus, the two of them can really talk, for ages and ages - tucked away in a little corner of the prison yard where the guards can't see them. Daisy feels like they've covered everything from their favourite board games to what it's like to use their powers (and how much they miss them), and it's really nice. 
Her friends are absolutely amazing, but there are times when she just feels like SUCH a third wheel. (The heart eyes Fitz and Jemma can send each other sometimes, honestly.) 
But now she doesn't have to feel awkwardly sidelined anymore - she can just go talk to Lincoln. 
And she does. All the time. 
She doesn't realise what's happening until one day when she's hightailing it away from Fitz-and-Jemma and Hunter-and-Bobbi and May-and-Coulson, all of whom have decided to, er, have some couple time. At the same time. 
And she catches herself thinking, well, at least I've got Lincoln. 
That's when it hits her like a ton of bricks. 
She was just trying to get away from all these couples, and then her brain automatically jumped to Lincoln?!?! 
That doesn't make any sense! 
Unless… wait. 
Wait, wait, wait. 
Oh, shit. 
Oh, no, no, no. 
This is really bad. 
Daisy's not stupid. She knows her mother's got people in this prison, watching her all the time - it's why she hasn't tried to escape yet. 
Spending too much time with anyone is a risk - if she gets too close to anyone, her mother could use them against her. 
But she knows her mom. Jiaying doesn't think friendships are nearly as strong as they can be, so as long as Daisy doesn't give her an explicitly romantic bond to exploit, she's fine.
 Well, shitty shitty fuck fuck. She had very nearly gone and done just that. 
Daisy takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and tries her very hardest to convince herself that, no, she's just imagining things, they're just good friends, that's all, finished and done. 
But then Lincoln's voice breaks into her thoughts. "Daisy?" He sounds concerned, and she feels his warm hand on her shoulder, just a little awkward because of the stupid cuffs, but there. "Are you okay? You look worried." 
She swallows hard, opening her eyes slowly. The look in his eyes… he cares so much. 
She knows, then, that she definitely wasn't imagining things. This - their friendship - is hovering on the edge of more. 
She also knows that she has to end it. Immediately. 
But, oh, God, how does she say this? 
Lincoln's eyes are full of concern as he searches her face. "Daisy?" His hand on her shoulder is still there, soft and warm and reassuring, and right now it burns like a brand. 
She steps sharply away, already feeling awful for the hurt and confusion that flickers over his face. 
"I'm fine," she says, and her voice sounds off, even to her own ears. "I just… I can't do this anymore." 
Lincoln blinks. "Can't… what?"
"This," she says, gesturing sharply between them and trying to ignore how the hurt in his blue eyes stabs her straight in the stomach. "I can't do this. It's too much. Too close." 
She turns away, because she doesn't think she can look at him right now. 
But he catches her arm, tugging her around to face him again. "I'm sorry," he says, and she almost laughs, because he's the one apologising? What. 
"I'm so sorry if I pushed you too far, or too fast," he continues, his blue eyes genuinely anguished, and oh God this is tearing her apart. "I just thought we were friends, and I never meant to push, I swear. I just thought maybe… But, Daisy, if you're not comfortable with it, I'll step back as far as you need me to. Just please don't leave, I -" 
Daisy shakes her head, unable to find any words.
 This is all just so massively, monumentally unfair. In any other life, they could have been together. They could have been happy. 
But because of her mother, they can't.  
Daisy can almost feel the tears prickling at her eyes, which shocks her, because she never cries. 
But then again, she's also never been in a situation like this before. 
She wants to tell him it's nothing like that, she'd like nothing more than to kiss him right now. 
Instead, she forces out the words, "I can't." 
His eyes are almost disbelieving for a second, then so hurt and betrayed it physically stings, then… nothing. His gaze goes completely blank.
It's far, far worse, and she immediately wants to take her words back, every single one of them. 
But she can't. 
"Okay," he says, clipped, and turns away. 
Daisy buries her head in her hands. She wants to tell him it's got nothing to do with him - she'd give anything to take this step with him. 
But she can't. It's better for him if he doesn't know the truth, because then he won't ever come after her again. It's better this way. 
Only, it turns out, it's really not. 
Apparently one of the guards saw their little confrontation, and somehow twisted it up so that Jiaying heard a story about a lovers' argument. 
She comes to collect Lincoln the next day. 
The worst thing is, Daisy wasn't even there when it happened - they took her away for a "special inspection." 
She had to hear about it later from Jemma. 
And when she did, the dam cracked. 
Jiaying had manipulated her into doing her dirty work for years. Then she had thrown her into a prison. Then she had kept her apart from probably the first decent boyfriend Daisy would ever have - and now she had taken Lincoln away, when Daisy hadn't even actually told him how she felt?
 It's too. fucking. much. 
Daisy feels a kind of buzzing in her head as a slow, boiling anger built up in her body. 
How dare Jiaying. How dare she? 
The buzzing sound in her head grows louder and louder and LOUDER, until she can't take it anymore and let's it out in a desperate, furious scream. 
The cuffs on her wrists shatter into a million pieces - along with every single window in the building. 
For a moment, there's perfect silence. Daisy stares at her free hands in wonder, and gasps out loud as she feels a a wave of vibrations ripple through her body. 
Oh. Oh, but she's missed this.
 This is who she is. 
Then the screaming starts, and it jerks Daisy sharply into action.
 Right now, she doesn't give a damn how the hell it happened. She's got her powers back, and she's bloody well going to put them to good use.
 When the first wave of guards comes pouring in, she's ready for them - blasting them across the compound and into the far wall with a hugely satisfying CRASH. 
She walks through the door and into the yard slowly, and it's as though her every step is singing with power. 
Quake is back. 
Wisely, nobody tries to stand in her way - one of the guards even stammers, his eyes literally squeezed shut in terror, "J-Jiaying's in the summerhouse." 
"Thank you," Daisy says, cold and calm. But just before she leaves, she turns to her group of friends, who are all gaping at her, slack-jawed, "well? Are you coming along?" 
They all move after her as one. 
And Daisy has never felt more powerful as she does that moment when she blasts down the doors to her mother's summerhouse. 
Lincoln is lying on the floor, barely conscious by the looks of him, with Jiaying standing over him. 
Daisy had thought she would hesitate to attack her own mother, but this?
 She will not allow this. 
She blasts Jiaying with a shattering shockwave, knocking her into the far wall, where she falls down, limp and unconscious. 
Daisy is vaguely aware of Coulson and Jemma rushing over to Jiaying's side (Jemma with a stethoscope, and Coulson with handcuffs) but all she can really focus on is Lincoln. 
She rushes over to crouch down next to him, holding her hand over his cuffs to shatter them. And before he can do much as thank her, she's talking. 
"Lincoln, I am so, so sorry," she says fervently, reaching for both his hands and lacing her fingers tightly with his. "I thought I was protecting you by pushing you away, I swear I never meant for this to happen, I would never -" 
"Daisy," he interrupts, untangling their hands so he can cup her face. "Daisy, it's okay. I know you wouldn't." 
She leans forward and presses her forehead against his, letting her actions do the talking for her. 
It seems to work, because his grip on her face softens. "I figured that's why you did it," he tells her in a lower voice. 
She blinks. "You did?" 
His gaze is wry. "Well, it did take me a while, but yeah, the whole kidnapping thing kind of helped me figure it out." A small smile tugs at his lips, and it's the best thing she's seen all day. "And, you know," he says, and his voice is almost playful. "I didn't think I was that bad at reading your signals." 
Daisy can feel herself smiling as she echoes his actions, cradling his face in her hands. "You're not," she says. "Bad at reading me." 
He's smiling, too, and the blossom of hope in her chest it gives is the most wonderful feeling she's had in a long time. "Good," he says. 
And then they're kissing. She's not sure who moved first, or even how exactly they got there, but she kind of suspects it was a mutual thing. 
And, in some far-off corner of her mind, she knows that there's going to be a lot of work to do. The world's governments need to be rebuilt. Jiaying needs to be locked up in her own prison. The Inhumans are going to need a new leader. 
But right now, she really doesn't care. 
The world can suck it up and wait a little bit. 
Right now, she's busy. 
The End.
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ultralazycreatorfan · 5 years
random dex headcanons i’ve said before, but with more oomph
He tops out at 6′8 when he’s an adult and done growing
Which was at about the age of 19
For a while he was super embarrassed about it and on the occasion he’d bang his head on, like, a door or something, but he soon realized his advantages.
One of which was that he could use his friends as comfortable arm or chin rests after years of having to endure that exact thing.
He’s also taller than his dad, so if he’s getting a lecture he’s looking down instead of up.
And he can reach things! (He’s purposefully grabbed things Keefe and Fitz were on their toes to get and handed it to them with a smirk)
Only downside: Long, noodle limbs.
His hair is suuuper curly when it’s at it’s natural state.
Ever since he’s been going to Foxfire though, he’s used an elixir his dad made because he didn’t want people to make fun of him.
He gets the hair from his mom’s side by the way.
 The triplets were blessed without the curls that would always need taming without the elixir.
One day, however the gang needs to go to a Black Swan hideout for a few weeks.  Bad news: he forgot the elixir.
So, half way into the trip, his hair went back to the way it was.
When he took off his hood at breakfast there were audible gasps and he probably turned super pink.
But then all the sudden Biana’s hands were in his hair and she was gushing about how cute it was and how it suited him so much better.
Everyone, of course, agreed.
He! Has! So! Many! Freckles!
Keefe has drawn stuff on them saying that it was like connect the dots.
Linh, meanwhile, has named a few on his face.  There’s Henry, Harold, and Harnhomald.
We don’t talk about Harnhomald.
Tam has called him ‘Freckle Face’ (to which Dex responded ‘Emo Eyeliner’ and now they won’t stop with the name calling)
He has a great relationship with Lovise (not to say that he doesn’t prank her from time to time and vis-versa)
Once at about 2:10 am on finals week he got out of his room to get some food from the kitchen.
She didn’t follow him.
By the time it was 3:00 in the morning and he wasn’t back however, she did go and make sure he was okay.
She found him sobbing, surrounded by a pile of broken chips and an empty chip bag.
Lovise then carried Dex back to his room and they never spoke of the incident again, but every once and a while she’ll break a chip and make a sad face just to spite him.
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grapehyasynth · 7 years
if you still accept prompts, can you write 273+288 for fitzsimmons? :D
273 = “Well, this is awkward” and 288 = “I think I’m in love”
“You’re a good friend for coming to this thing,” Daisycomments, cheerily linking her arm with Fitz’s. “I owe Hunter a favor, but you’rejust here out of goodwill.”
“He’s like a brother to me,” Fitz mutters, perusing theevent’s program booklet so she won’t see the pink in his cheeks and tease himfor it. “When he’s not blisteringly drunk or calling me Sparky. And his sister’simportant to him, even though we’ve never met her—“
“Step-sister,”Daisy reminds him.
“Same thing. By the transitive property, it’s only right Icome to support her, and thereby him, at her big conference.”
���Hunter says she’s a real braniac,” she muses. “Just like you.Bet you two would hit it off.”
“Don’t act like you couldn’t out-code, out-hack,out-manipulate every person in this room,” he says idly, flipping the page.
“Well, we all have our talents.” Daisy flips her hairdramatically, then nearly falls forward as Fitz stops abruptly. “What?”
“Listen to the biography for this one presenter – Cambridge by14, first PhD from Stanford at 16, combined PhD and MD from Harvard by 19 –“
“Really gave up there at the end, didn’t they?” Daisysnorts. “Three whole years for a PhD and MD? Slacker.”
“Original research on stem cell technology and cures forimmune-degenerative diseases… Ten published articles, including three on thepotential for inter-science and inter-disciplinary cooperation… Scientificconsultant to the United Nations and the European and African Unions… Workingon a novel?!” Fitz looks dazedly upat Daisy. “I think I’m in love.”
“Let me see the greasy old guy you’re so smitten with,”Daisy teases, snatching the program from him. Then – “Oh. Oh this is good.”
“What?” Fitz demands, just as Hunter bounds up, lookingsurprisingly sharp in a grey suit and blue tie.
“Hey loves, thanks so much for coming, the keynote’s aboutto start and all the presenters need to get up there but you’ve got to comemeet my sis first, she’s at the stage entrance—”
He drags them across the lobby as people swarm for theauditorium doors.
Waiting for them, bouncing slightly on tiptoe, pushing upglasses that she seems unaccustomed to wearing and talking to herself as ifpracticing the speech she’s about to give, is the woman from the picture besidethe Cambridge-Stanford-Harvard bio.
“Guys, meet Jemma. Jemma, this is the gang,” Hunter gushes.
“Well, this isawkward,” Daisy chuckles under her breath to Fitz as she breezes by him to hugJemma warmly.
Fitz gulps.
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perianfrost · 7 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
Tagged by @sleepysloppyslytherin
1: Are you named after someone? my name is my dad’s middle name
2: When was the last time you cried? there are tear tracks on my face like RIGHT NOW, this is my distraction, it’s been happening for a week and honestly i’m fucking sick of it.
3: Do you like your handwriting? yes! it’s like a bastardization of elvish script and...something. looks cool, but i’m always changing it
4:What is your favorite lunch meat? ham. you are what you eat.
5: Do you have kids? god no
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? acquaintances, maybe. if i were a different person, my tastes in people would probably run differently as well. if there were an exact version of me that i also ran into... i’d probably run in the other direction. i’ve seen that horror movie
7: Do you use sarcasm? noooooo
8: Do you still have your tonsils? no, and it landed me in the hospital with hemorrhaging in the throat. 
9: Would you bungee jump? done it! third highest in the world, baby. (scarier than skydiving. i... don’t like heights)
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? cinnamon toast crunch. 
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope, i’m an animal
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? no.
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? i’m a sucker for cookie dough, but coffee and mint (separately) are also delicious.
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? their smile
15: Red or pink? red
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? negativity alert, not answering in this, the year of change, 2017
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? black and none.
18: What was the last thing you ate? squash chowder.
19: What are you listening to right now? Hand Clap, Fitz and the Tantrums.
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? one of the multicolor ones
21: Favorite smell? fresh wood chippings, baking bread, my mom’s perfume.
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my uncle.
23: Favorite sport to watch? hockey and rugby.
24: Hair color? burnished raspberry.
25: Eye color? light blue.
26: Do you wear contacts? no, but i will when i have to have glasses..
27: Favorite food to eat? bread and butter.
28: Scary movies or comedy? both, preferable at the same time
29: Last movie you watched? The Lion King 1 1/2
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? black.
31: Summer or winter? i love the colors in the winter, right now
32: Hugs or kisses? hugs, 
33: What book are you currently reading? something by Beth Cooper about geomancers in San Fransisco. Quite enjoying it, except for the romantic subplot. I’m holding out hope the guy turns out to be gay.
34: Who do you miss right now? everything. my dad’s parents
35: What is on your mouse pad? they tend to have corporate logos on the ones i end up having, because i steal them.
36: What is the last TV program you watched? I’m in the middle of Planet Earth for the thirtieth time, probably..
37: What is the best sound? running water, purring cats, rain on a tin roof
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? the beatles, though the more i learn about certain members, the more i’m like uhhhhhh.
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? hobbiton. (new zealand, queenstown)
40: Do you have a special talent? gimme any fluffy pairing and i’ll turn it angsty so fast your tears will flow up 
41: Where were you born? soldotna.
42: People you expect to participate in this survey? I know @nicoroni just did something like this, but who doesn’t like to do these, i ask you. (we’ll find out). the rest of the girl gang certainly doesn’t have to but they can! @trolithfoxyflint @akumastrife and how about @cutietaire and @nymphais too
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