antoine-triplett · 7 years
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@bioforensics @jemmamaximoff
You are the wind beneath my wings, guys! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Let me healing begin, haha. Totally gonna dive in when I get home later. <3
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The Journey to Sheffield
Happy Valentine’s Day, @jemmamaximoff Here’s your fic!!
Prompt: on the way to their friends' wedding, Hunter's car breaks down and they have to do anything to make it in time meanwhile getting to know each other more and falling for each other (friends to lovers au)
Read on AO3
When Fitz had asked if a biologist friend of Jemma’s could ride with him to the wedding, he’d been expecting someone a bit more like Jemma: small, mousy (not that Jemma was in any way mousy), maybe wearing glasses—definitely not the most beautiful woman Hunter had ever seen. Bobbi, she was called. A name, she had explained in clear distaste, which was usually short for Robert, but in her case, it was short for Barbara. She was tall, blonde, and dressed in a jeans and a Star Wars t-shirt. She was perfect.
“How’d you meet Jemma?” Hunter asked as they drove along the M1 toward Sheffield. 
“We were lab partners at university,” Bobbi answered. “How did you meet Fitz?”
“At a birthday party, for Mack. Do you know Mack?” 
“Jemma’s mentioned him a couple times, but I haven’t met him yet.”
“He and Fitz work together.” 
An awkward silence fell and Hunter frantically wracked his brain for something clever to say. Normally he had no problem keeping up a steady stream of chatter, but being around Bobbi had driven away all of his babble. He noticed his petrol tank was getting close to empty. “I need petrol,” he told her, and pulled off at the next service station. He turned off the engine and got out.
Bobbi got out as well. “I’ll be right back,” she told him.
Hunter couldn’t help but watch the sway of her hips as she walked toward the building entrance. Fuck he thought to himself as he put the nozzle into the tank. 
Bobbi came back out with a drink in her hand just as he finished filling the tank. They got into the car and Hunter turned the key, only to hear the one sound he did not want to hear: the sound of the engine turning over. “Fuck,” he muttered, and tried again to start the car. He tried again and again and a final time with no success. “Fuck!” he yelled, smacking the steering wheel with his hand.
“Do you have a spark tester?” Bobbi asked. “We can figure out what’s wrong and fix it.”
“The fuck’s a spark tester?” Hunter asked.
Bobbi looked at him like he was an idiot. “It tests if the engine is sparking when you turn it on. Aren’t you friends with a mechanic?”
“What, so just because Mack’s a mechanic I should know all about cars?” Hunter retorted. “I bet you know all about chemistry just because Jemma’s a biochemist.”
Bobbi rolled her eyes. “Well you just got fuel, so you’re probably good there. It could be the battery, but—”
“We don’t have time for this!” Hunter interrupted her. He checked the time on his phone and showed it to Bobbi. 15:27. “The rehearsal starts at six, and Jemma made some very scary threats about what she would do if I was late, so we can’t just get there on time, we have to get there early to prove to Jemma that I’m not some no-good loser friend of Fitz!”
“Okay,” Bobbi said softly, smiling gently at him. “What’s the plan?”
Hunter rang for a taxi and they pushed his car to a parking spot while they waited. It was a twenty-minute drive from the service station to the train station and Hunter squirmed anxiously in his seat the entire trip. Bobbi was taking the whole thing in stride, and looked completely unconcerned as she scrolled through her phone. How can she be so fucking calm? Hunter thought to himself. Is it because she’s friends with Jemma? I guess Jemma doesn’t threaten her own friends, only her soon-to-be-husband’s.
They arrived at the train station and Hunter mentally thanked whatever deity was out there when he looked at the departures board and saw a train for Sheffield leaving in five minutes. He purchased two tickets at the ticket booth and they quickly hurried to platform two, hopping on seconds before the train closed its doors.
“So,” Bobbi said, grinning at him as they took their seats. “You’re scared of a tiny little scientist?”
Hunter scoffed. “Jemma may be small, but she can be terrifying when she wants to be. She’s like Hermione. You sign her parchment for Dumbledore’s Army thinking it’s just a harmless way of keeping track of membership, but then you learn she hexed it to give a traitor boils. And she works really hard to stop Buckbeak from being executed and next thing you know she’s punching Malfoy in the face.”
“You’re also a Harry Potter nerd,” Bobbi observed.
“Yep,” Hunter agreed, “and proud of it.”
“If Jemma is Hermione, does that make Fitz Ron?”
Hunter immediately shook his head. “No, Fitz is more like Neville; kinda quiet and shy at first, but not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.”
“So, Hermione and Neville?”
Hunter shrugged. “It’s not a perfect analogy.”
“What’s your House then?”
“Slytherin,” Hunter stated with a proud grin that immediately fell when Bobbi laughed. “I am! I did the quiz and everything!”
“No, dear, I am a Slytherin,” Bobbi said, smirking at him. “You’re definitely not a Slytherin. I think you’re a Hufflepuff.”
“What!?” Hunter gaped at her. “A Hufflepuff? Me?”
“Well that just proves you know nothing about me.” Hunter said.
Bobbi smiled at him, and reached out to place a hand on his knee. “Well, maybe you should prove to me just how Slytherin you are.”
Hunter gulped as his mouth went dry. “Er…” Fuck, what the hell am I supposed to say to that? Think, brain! Damn it! Before he could say anything, Bobbi removed her hand and pulled a book out of her purse. He gaped at her as she ignored him and began to read. Right, Lance, this is it. You’ve an hour and twenty minutes to impress her, so don’t fuck this up, mate.
He looked at the book she was reading, a biography about Peggy Carter, and grinned. “Peggy Carter, huh?”
“Yes,” Bobbi agreed, not looking up. “Jemma recommended it.”
“Any good?”
“She’s a fascinating woman,” Bobbi said. “A codebreaker turned field agent; she’s strong and independent in a time when women were expected to stay home, marry, and look after the children. I can see why Jemma admires her.”
“Mack and I have a bet that Fitz and Jemma name their first daughter after her,” Hunter said.
“Which side are you on?”
“I think they’ll name her after Peggy; Mack thinks they’ll name her after some famous scientist.”
“Do you make bets often?”
“Only when I know I’ll win,” Hunter said, winking at her. An amused grin appeared on her face and she raised an eyebrow at him. Yes he thought now I’m getting somewhere. Time to turn the charm on, Lance. “Why don’t we make a bet?” he suggested.
“About baby names?”
“About us.”
“Us?” Bobbi questioned.
Hunter nodded and gave her his best smolder. “Yep. I bet I can get you to agree to go on a date with me by the time the reception is over.” Bobbi laughed at him. It started out as a simple chuckle and then turned into outright laughing at him. He pouted. “Oi! It’s not that funny!”
“Yes, it is,” Bobbi replied once she’d calmed down a bit. She let out another chuckle. “Because you’re going to lose that bet.”
“What? Why?” Hunter demanded. “Are you not into men? ‘Cause I’m totally fine with that, you know, but you’re sending mixed signals if you’re not, ‘cause it seemed like you were flirting with me—”
Bobbi cut him off by leaning in and kissing him. Hunter immediately shut up and began kissing her back. It was glorious and perfect and over with way too soon. Hunter couldn’t stop the irritated whine that left his mouth as Bobbi pulled away. “I was flirting with you, dumbass.” She said, smirking at him. “And you’re going to lose the bet because I was planning on asking you back to my hotel room after the rehearsal dinner.”
Hunter gaped at her, at a loss for words. “Oh,” he finally said.
“Erm, well, if you’re still offering, I accept.”
Hunter grinned. “That’s one bet I’m happy to lose.”
“Well, you’re not really losing,” Bobbi said. “You’re just winning sooner than expected.”
“You really are a Slytherin.”
“And you’re such a Hufflepuff.”
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tashonix · 7 years
jemmamaximoff replied to your photoset “Impromptu photo shoot with Mya this afternoon as I realised I hadn’t...”
Hehehe, yup! For exactly the reason you think :D Plus I also thought it looked cool and could double as the noise a turbo makes :) 
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grapehyasynth · 7 years
if you still accept prompts, can you write 273+288 for fitzsimmons? :D
273 = “Well, this is awkward” and 288 = “I think I’m in love”
“You’re a good friend for coming to this thing,” Daisycomments, cheerily linking her arm with Fitz’s. “I owe Hunter a favor, but you’rejust here out of goodwill.”
“He’s like a brother to me,” Fitz mutters, perusing theevent’s program booklet so she won’t see the pink in his cheeks and tease himfor it. “When he’s not blisteringly drunk or calling me Sparky. And his sister’simportant to him, even though we’ve never met her—“
“Step-sister,”Daisy reminds him.
“Same thing. By the transitive property, it’s only right Icome to support her, and thereby him, at her big conference.”
“Hunter says she’s a real braniac,” she muses. “Just like you.Bet you two would hit it off.”
“Don’t act like you couldn’t out-code, out-hack,out-manipulate every person in this room,” he says idly, flipping the page.
“Well, we all have our talents.” Daisy flips her hairdramatically, then nearly falls forward as Fitz stops abruptly. “What?”
“Listen to the biography for this one presenter – Cambridge by14, first PhD from Stanford at 16, combined PhD and MD from Harvard by 19 –“
“Really gave up there at the end, didn’t they?” Daisysnorts. “Three whole years for a PhD and MD? Slacker.”
“Original research on stem cell technology and cures forimmune-degenerative diseases… Ten published articles, including three on thepotential for inter-science and inter-disciplinary cooperation… Scientificconsultant to the United Nations and the European and African Unions… Workingon a novel?!” Fitz looks dazedly upat Daisy. “I think I’m in love.”
“Let me see the greasy old guy you’re so smitten with,”Daisy teases, snatching the program from him. Then – “Oh. Oh this is good.”
“What?” Fitz demands, just as Hunter bounds up, lookingsurprisingly sharp in a grey suit and blue tie.
“Hey loves, thanks so much for coming, the keynote’s aboutto start and all the presenters need to get up there but you’ve got to comemeet my sis first, she’s at the stage entrance—”
He drags them across the lobby as people swarm for theauditorium doors.
Waiting for them, bouncing slightly on tiptoe, pushing upglasses that she seems unaccustomed to wearing and talking to herself as ifpracticing the speech she’s about to give, is the woman from the picture besidethe Cambridge-Stanford-Harvard bio.
“Guys, meet Jemma. Jemma, this is the gang,” Hunter gushes.
“Well, this isawkward,” Daisy chuckles under her breath to Fitz as she breezes by him to hugJemma warmly.
Fitz gulps.
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iaindecaesteckcr · 7 years
@jemmamaximoff replied to your post: “okay…. but listen fitzsimmons + silent witness au”
I need it.
!!!!! I lowkey wanna write it but I don’t think I could ever do it justice. My feelings are through the roof though I cannot slkdjglsdhsd
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 7 years
Your stories always leave me asked for more. Do you think you could do a sequel to the agree to dis agree where Fitzsimmons go out on a date. Coz I need this.
HELLOOOOOOOO!!!!! My lovely @fitzsimmonsftw! Thank you so much for your patience! [I hope @jemmamaximoff who sent me the original prompt for Agree to Disagree will enjoy this update as well!]
It is finally done! Low and behold!
Two new chapters to Agree to Disagree!
Start at the beginning
Start with Chapter 3 [aka The Update]
Summary: A friends-to-lover Fitzsimmons fic that starts at the end of S1E7 “The Hub.”
Chapter 1: At the Academy [”Let’s never fall in love!”]Chapter 2: Post-”The Hub” [”Ummm, yeah, so about that.”]Chapter 3: Pre-DateChapter 4: Date!
Big thank you to @dilkirani for another wonderful beta!
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sorrytodistract · 7 years
jemmamaximoff replied to your photo “#likeatourist �� #idekwhyimpostingthis  (à Tour Eiffel - Place Du...”
you actually remind me of my friend from uni haha
Aww thank you so much :3 Well there’s a saying that we all have a dopplehanger somewhere in this world so... ^^
oddlyintimate replied to your photo “#likeatourist �� #idekwhyimpostingthis (à Tour Eiffel - Place Du...”
that lipstick game is strong!! u look amazing
Thank you Morgane :D I guess having to put on makeup to work everyday makes you girlier even during your off days XD
hemnalini replied to your photo “London, you are beautiful. �� (à London Bridge, Big Ben, Parliment)”
I'm going there this Friday!!
Ugh it’s a real shame! we only stayed 2 days from Monday to Wednesday and it went by wayy too fast :(
mayfalo replied to your photo “Under the sea �� #aquarium #sealife #fish (à SEA LIFE London...”
I've never been!! Is it worth going??
I’m not really that fond of aquarium so to me it was okay. I went because my friend wanted to and she liked it a lot so it’s really up to what you’re expecting.
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agent-hayley · 7 years
sails, waves, marine, coastline, hurricane
sails: describe your perfect partner.
someone who listens to me, not hears and cares what i have to say. they understand the importance of things that matter to me. they support issues that matter to me. they can be romantic while also being laid back. they feel comfortable talking to me. someone who can lift me up and let me do the same to them. someone who at times understands that silence isn’t a bad thing. someone who can laugh with me but also at me when i do something ridiculous but also knows when to comfort me
waves: favourite season and why?  
winter. i just love the cold and everything feels crisp. i’d rather be bundled up in jumpers and blankets instead of wanting to peel my skin of and constantly covered in sweat. i hate feeling moist 24/7 and i get rashes a lot. i can’t even enjoy a nice cup of tea or coffee without melting. winter just makes me feel more alive and that probably has to do more with the fact that we don’t have much of a winter here. i do love it when i was in the south tho with all that fog surrounding the mountains in the morning and i saw a stream covered over with a sheet of ice ahhh. i didn’t enjoy the driving on the almost-snow-covered roads but that wasn’t very long
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
i think about it when i was younger because i didn’t like my hooded eyelids or that the tip of my nose stuck out so much or that i have a little pudge between my chin and my neck. i mean i still kind of don’t but i’m learning to get to an appreciation of myself. i still have a way to go but i don’t mind my appearance so much now
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
i can’t really decide between a peony or a carnation at the moment. they’re both big and puffy and they’re got some really nice soft colours
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
idk if its a strange habit exactly but i fiddle with my fingers a lot and i feel strange with my arms by my sides so i feel like i need to be holding something or have my elbows bent at an angle while i’m talking to someone. or even i guess shaking/wringing my hands. i don’t think i do it for any particular reason. i do it when i pace or when i’m nervous or when i’m excited. i suppose its cathartic in some strange way haha
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antoine-triplett · 7 years
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AHHHH! Sorry it took me so long to respond to these wonderful asks! <3 <3 <3
@idecaesteckers: I can’t unsee that now! (But is that a bad thing? I think not, haha.)
@jemmamaximoff: THEY ARE TOO PRECIOUS FOR THIS WORLD. I would honestly fight someone over them. 
@bioforensics: Always an honour hearing that from you, my lovely. :)
@waitingforeleven: NOT AS PERFECT AS YOURS! I LOVE the watercolor-y cloud texture in the background. The colors are gorgeous. <3
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havemyoldusername · 7 years
(Unofficially) Tagged by @jemmamaximoff Name: Natasha Nicknames: Nat Zodiac: Sagittarius Sexual Orientation: Straight Favorite fruit: Apples Favorite Season: FRINGE season 2 Favorite Flower: I don’t care too much Favorite Scent: Vanilla Favorite Animal: Wolves Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate Dream trip: Scotland, Canada or London Number of Followers: Like 24 people IDK I’m relatively new here What do I post about: Agents of SHIELD, Panic! At The Disco, Twenty Øne Piløts, Arrow, Flash, LOST Do I get asks on a regular basis: I’ve never gotten an ask Favorite Band/Artist: Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Twenty Øne Piløts, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Genesis, A-Ha, ELO, and way more 80’s bands Fictional Character I’d Date: Leo Fitz, Stiles Stilinski Hogwarts House: I don’t like Harry Potter I tag @sunsetgogh because why not?
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lalallicat · 7 years
Feeling Fervid as a Flame
For @jemmamaximoff, who submitted the prompt “You are my nemesis but I have no choice so I had to ask you to be my boyfriend\girlfriend because my parents want to meet my significant other.”
Jemma Simmons wouldn’t say that Leopold Fitz is her nemesis, exactly. That makes him sound like an evil mustache-twirling villain, and Fitz might be a pain in the ass, but he’s not evil. He doesn’t even have a mustache to twirl. And sure, most of the time, their relationship could be described as antagonistic, but they’re not mortal enemies or anything.
And look, it’s not her fault that he’s still sore about graduating second in their class at uni and tries to salvage his ego by attempting to disprove everything she says. She would be able to tolerate it more if she only saw him at reunions, but he’s everywhere. He works in her lab, lives in her apartment complex, and gets drinks on weekends with her friends at their favorite bar.
Fine, so maybe they’re his friends too, by virtue of the fact that his roommate is dating Jemma’s roommate. But that doesn’t mean that they’re friends with each other. Not when he’s just so wrong about everything.
And it’s one thing to argue with her about switching over to Americanisms (“Calling them chips just confuses everyone involved.”) or whether sorting students into Hogwarts houses is a form of apartheid (“Separate but equal is a myth!”), but arguing with her about her parents? That’s another thing entirely.
“I’m not saying you’re wrong - I’m saying you’re interpreting it wrong!” Fitz insists.
“There’s no other way to interpret it!” Jemma shouts. She tends to get a bit loud after a couple drinks.
Fitz rolls his eyes. “Think about it, Simmons - you have two doctorates. Why would your parents be any less proud of you just because you’re not dating anyone?”
“Because if I’m not dating someone, then I’m not close to getting married, and if I’m not close to getting married, then I’m not close to having babies, and if I’m not close to having babies, then they’re never going to be grandparents because, and I quote, my ovaries aren’t getting any younger.” Plus, they’re worried about her work-life balance, but that’s completely beside the point. She has a solid group of friends that she sees once a week. Her social life is completely fine. And while Fitz apparently agrees that her social life is acceptable, what isn’t acceptable is that Fitz won’t accept that her parents don’t accept that Jemma has accepted that she is never going to be a social butterfly.
“Women are under more pressure to have babies,” Daisy agrees.
Jemma raises her eyebrows and gestures excitedly towards Daisy, practically jumping out of her seat. “See? I’m right.”
Fitz casually takes another sip of his beer, then leans forward. “From an objective perspective -”
“Objective?” Jemma repeats incredulously. “You haven’t even met my parents - how can you be objective?”
“Okay, but if I did meet them -” Jemma hates that Fitz is always using that stupid calm and reasonable tone of voice, as though his arguments are based on fact when he doesn’t even have all the facts. And she knows that he only does it so that Jemma will look unreasonable in comparison, which is ridiculous because Jemma is completely reasonable. She’s the most reasonable person she knows.
“We can make that happen,” Jemma interrupts, her chin tilted up in defiance. “I’m having lunch with them tomorrow - you can come along.” Jemma mentally congratulates herself for thinking on her feet. It’s the perfect solution that will let Fitz see for himself that she’s right and he’s wrong.
“Jemma,” Bobbi says warningly.
“No, yeah, that’s a great idea,” Fitz agrees, with inflated bravado in his voice and a steely glint of determination in his eyes. “Then I can get proof that you’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
Hunter nudges Mack. “Who has the official Fitzsimmons drinking game rules? Aren’t we supposed to take two sips whenever they drunkenly come up with a really bad idea?” Daisy and Bobbi start rummaging through their purses.
Jemma ignores Hunter. “Yeah, I’ll tell them we’re dating and then you can field all the questions about why I’m not married. Take the pressure off of me, for a change.”
“Found it,” Daisy announces, holding up a folded sheet of paper. She passes it to Hunter.
“You mean field all the totally normal questions with zero hidden subtext that all caring parents ask their children?” Fitz shoots back. “Not a problem.”
Hunter looks up from the paper. “It’s one shot.”
Jemma fishes her phone out of her purse. “Great. I’ll just text my parents that my boyfriend is coming so they can change our reservation.”
Bobbi sighs heavily. “I’ll get the shots.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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tashonix · 7 years
Happy birthday :)
Thanks heaps!! I’ve been having a terrific day - and weekend! :D
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jemmasimmouns · 7 years
i was tagged by the wonderful megan aka @jessiesdrew
Name: nikki Nickname(s): pickles, nik, and a few others. tbh i’ve been called more but those are the main two Zodiac: aries Gender: female Favorite Color: blue maybe idk Current time: 6:03 pm Average Hours of Sleep: six to seven hours per night  Last Thing I Googled: weather  Dream Job: biochemist and maybe science teacher Things I post: agents of shield, doctor who, star wars, and some other Why Did You Choose Your Username: because I'm in love with jemma simmons
tagging @agentcalliope, @leiasorganaas, @jemmamaximoff and anyone else who wants to do it!
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karasimmons · 8 years
Start of 2017 Follow Forever!
I wanted to start this new year off well and as a part of that, I wanted to spread a little love to some of the spectacular people here. So here is a list of some of the truly amazing blogs that I follow that you should all check out! (I’m SOO sorry if I forgot anyone! I made this after work and while sick so I promise any ommisions are unintentional)
bolded = my fave rays of sunshine
@accio-the-force​ | @agent-85​​ | @agentttremors​ ​| @agentverbivore​ | @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ | @annytecture​ | @aosficnet​ | @aosladies​ | @aospositivitynet​ | @bioforensics​ | @bobbimorxe​ | @bookishandbossy​ | @boyfriendhook​ | @braveheartpond​ | @brighttestwitch​ | @captain--kitten​ | @captainmeerkat​ | @cardb0rdeaux​ | @chinesebakery​ | @coffeeclara​ | @complimentandasmile​ | @consoledacup​ | @eclecticmuses​ | @ellaosnes​ | @etoilesdeglace​ | @euphoric-melancholyy​ | @eveharlow​ | @fitzsimmmonsy​ | @fitzsimmonsinthetardis​ | @fitzsimmonsshield​ |@goodnightpond​ | @grapehyasynth​ | @hanorganaas​ | @honeylavendertea | @hook-come-back-to-me | @hookedarkswan
@impossiblyamelia | @jemmamaximoff | @jemmasimmonsy | @jemmasimmouns | @killians-dimples | @killiansaviors | @leggypeggys | @leiasorganaas | @leofi-xed | @leosimmons | @littlesciencebabies | @lostgirl966 | @lovestruckswan | @memorizingthedigitsofpi | @missmorgana | @mockingswan | @mrsdecaestecker | @msdevindanielle | @msgenevieve447 | @naturaldaisaster | @ohcaptainmykillian | @omgfitzsimmons | @peggyyswan
@rebeltwelve | @sheriffchiselchin | @shieldsil | @siimmons | @smoakqueenz | @somethingmarvelous | @superirishbreakfasttea | @thecrazycatmage | @thedoctordances | @thesassywitchofthenortheast | @ughfitz | @unbreakablejemmasimmons | @welldonefitz | @widowshulk | @writeonthrough
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sorrytodistract · 7 years
I got tagged by the lovely @jemmamaximoff
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people that you want to get to know better
relationship status: single
favorite color: purple
lipstick or chapstick: one doesn’t do without the other
last song i listened to: Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran
last movie i watched: Split
top 3 TV shows: Agents of SHIELD, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and I’m gonna go with Sense8
top 3 characters: Fitzsimmons, Evie, Bellamy Blake
books i’m currently reading: American Gods
I tag @seanteale @oddlyintimate @slothbaby @leo-fitz-is-a-gryffindor @brokengem @unbreakablejemmasimmons @reymanova @jemsfitz @saintstump
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engineerleopoldfitz · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely @jemmamaximoff​! 
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people!
A- Age: 34 B- Biggest Fear: Depends on the day, but failure and being alone are common. C- Current time: 9:56a D- Drink you last had: coffee (because @jacksgre​ is a goddess and made COFFEE <3) E- Everyday starts with: “fuck. again? noooooooo...” F- Favorite song: I can never pick just one! Maybe ‘Hurricane Heart’ by Marc Broussard G- Ghosts are real: Yup H- Hometown: Laurel, Maryland I- In love with: @jacksgre  J- Jealous of: I’m not one for jealousy beyond a momentary ‘Ugh, you lucky bitch’ and moving on.  K- Killed someone: Not IRL... in my head and on paper? Sure. Actually happens quite often in a couple fandoms I’ve RP’d in. Pern is actually known for gruesome deaths.  L- Last time you cried: Mmm... last week. Vomiting (and the subsequent inability to breathe) sucks.  M- Middle name: Ryan N- Number of siblings: 1 O- One wish: That Republicans would get their heads out of their asses.  P- Person you last called/ texted: my friend Cheryl Q- Question you’re always asked: Wow, how tall are you? R- Reason to smile: I am loved.  S- Song last sang: Whatever was on last in the car when Jackie and I got home. T- Time you woke up: 5:30a U- Underwear color: Pink and grey (which is a total lie because @jacksgre just scowled at me about it.) V- Vacation destination: London W- Worst habit: Impatience X- X-ray’s you’ve had: Oh gods... I can’t even tell you. X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds. Y- You’re favorite foods: Southern comfort food... meatloaf, mashed potatoes, fried chicken, beef stew, biscuits and gravy Z- Zodiac sign: Taurus
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