#the phd diaries
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lottiestudying · 2 days ago
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24.03.2025—cheeky update from my last post—i was able to get over my meltdown by devising this to do list. the left side has everything i need to read & take notes on for coursework, as well draft (down the bottom), and the right side is the same but for my PhD. by managing like this i feel a sense of achievement ticking things off, instead of just writing “research essay” on my to do list and not being able to tick it off bc i haven’t submitted the essay yet. breaking it down into smaller chunks thus helps with that sense of achievement when working on large projects. hope this is helpful, just wanted to share a more positive update
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homosekularnost · 7 months ago
between the terrifying solicitor and the ex-combat squad member who has killed people i am slightly obsessed with what martha wells is telling us about ratthis type
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bouquetofgemstones · 2 months ago
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4.2.2025: We had a gloriously sunny winter morning today. The majority of the day was spent editing the article. And by editing, I mean I didn't write a single sentence. The main part I need to rewrite is the first paragraph of the introduction, which is also the part I find the hardest. I just don't understand how to start articles. But that's okay, I've now highlighted all of the parts that will need to be reworded and I think I also managed to figure out what I want the first paragraph to be about. I now just need to put that into words.
Listened to: Debussy, Satie, Tchaikovsky
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thesecrethistori-an · 5 months ago
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Ugly, quick class notes (above) Vs organised chaos of a quick brainstorming before bedtime (below)
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moltes-musings · 1 month ago
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PhD day 917 | I'd just gotten that spring feeling before another round of winter hit. Hope my cozy office nook can carry me through these readings.
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skwpr · 2 years ago
Incredibly Healthy Habits For Students
The most commonplace advice on good habits for students. This crucial component of a healthy relationship is not to be overlooked.
1. Don’t over-stuff your backpack.
Unless a professor tells the class to bring a textbook – keep that thing at home/in your dorm. Also, try not to carry too much with you anyway. At most I have a spiral or two, my computer. It’s not only unnecessary, but it’s heavy. It wears you down over time just adding stress and annoyance that you don’t need.
2. Work out every week.
Finding time to run a mile or two, play some basketball, or lift weights is important. It was a huge stress reliever for me and it also made me happier.
3. Stop Putting Things Off.
You know you should be finishing homework instead of going out every night. The crazy thing is, we ALL KNOW what we should be doing. But a lot of us still don’t get anything done. I’m in awe of the number of times I have put off studying or reading. However, every time I come to the simple conclusion that getting it done in the beginning is waaaaaay easier than trying to finish the task later.
4. Socialize.
Involvement in college is a spectrum. One extreme includes hobbits who stay in their dorm or apartment all day and the other includes social butterflies who are out on the town every night having fun with friends. Your goal is to find a happy medium. You don’t want to be closed off but you also want to interact with people every once in a while.
For me, this was the hardest part. I do not like to make acquaintances, but for myself I decided that it would be useful. I stepped out of my comfort zone.
5. Eat Healthier.
This is the most predictable advice I can give you. What you put in your body matters.
6. Drink more water.
Drinking water is one of the most essential healthy habits for students.
7. Know When To Say NO.
If you get your work done first, you will have time to have fun without any grief or regrets.
The most important relationship you make in your life is with yourself. It’s genuinely all a mind game. You have to learn to trust yourself by putting yourself first so that you can enjoy what life has to offer you. Having fun with this grey cloud of regret and worry about work you haven’t finished is just not fun at all. So have fun and be yourself but learn when to say NO. You’ll be forever grateful you did in the long run.
8. Give Yourself Grace.
One of the biggest downfalls for me was stressing out. Stressing over school work, time management, boys, networking, and the list goes on. It’s important to shut all the negative voices out.
There’s only one you so treat yourself with respect. If there are things you need to fix, make a plan and make it happen. If that fails, adjust the plan. No one is perfect and I wish we would collectively tell ourselves it’s going to be ok. Because it will be!
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sentientglue · 9 months ago
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attempting to romanticise my silly little academic side quest to articulate the pursuit of a single original thought (writing a phd research proposal)
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archaealice · 1 year ago
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Had a workshop in Athens with my lab and got to visit the Akropolis on our last day
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outsassing-nero · 22 days ago
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insomnia-induced late night journaling session (left) and behind the scenes of my newest video (right) :)!
every month, i do a little "artist of the month" collage and in february this title just had to go to twin tribes (my spotify stats can't lie). I reviewed the newest blutengel album as well - it was really good!!
I did a lot of phd-related work on the weekend and continued some of it today, including chapter planning and semi-finalized edits.
listening to: tåke, orkan
insta: a.rchive98 YouTube: journaling tapes
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doppelgangerleaverite · 2 months ago
guys i just had a zoom interview w two professors who are interested in possibly taking me on for a phd. it was a rly good call i liked both of them a lot! n their work is super interesting, it's biogeochem on the marine floor looking at sediment and diagenesis (that's the process of sediment turning into rocks) and one of them develops 2d sensors for characterizing sediment content
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re--laaaaaxer · 8 months ago
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At the rate I am going right now, I am about 65% in with my thesis progress. Maybe? Or not; I'm really trying my hardest here. It has been stressful recently. I met with my supervisor a couple of weeks ago, and she told me that I could actually finish my thesis and send it ALL in, like everything, from chapter 1 to chapter 6, by this coming December. If that doesn't scream out stressed-out-of-my-mind from peer pressure and anxiety, I don't know what does.
And so, I'm currently jammed in. My head is a bit scrambled, but a little notetaking and a 4-second slow inhale, holding it in and exhaling, will do the trick. All hope is not yet lost. If you ask me, it was never lost in the first place. With the right kind of determination, you only need to know where to find it at the right time and place.
We can do this, guys. Seriously, we can do it. ✊
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lottiestudying · 19 days ago
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07.03.2025—busy Friday with lots of appointments, but still very productive. had a very productive week overall
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homosekularnost · 6 months ago
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bouquetofgemstones · 2 months ago
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8.2.2025: I have an experiment running that needs to be weighed every day. That means going to the lab on a Saturday in the dark, because I don't know how to turn on the lights in the corridor.
There's a massive Kyykkä event happening at my uni today, so after the weighing I went to walk around with a friend to soak up the atmosphere. I feel so productive now, it's 11am on a Saturday and I've already worked, gone outside and socialized!
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thesecrethistori-an · 5 months ago
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PhD Day 17: last night I sent a *risky text* (I was a bit delayed finishing an assignment for my grant proposal and had to admit I'm a bit lost when it comes to sourcing materials) and my supervisor had already replied this morning. One thing I definitely have to learn is to ask for help when I'm unable to figure shit out on my own.
Anyways today I'm going on a trip (when I scheduled it I had no clue that October would be such a busy month) and I'm going to have to pull loonnng nights if I want to meet my deadline
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macdenlover · 1 year ago
watching this play out over the last couple of years has been incredible
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