#the package got lost like 10 days ago and i thought it was the end
adreamoverlife · 12 days
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2ctheocean · 2 years
Hot take: EO is not ready to be together, no matter how much the fandom is ready for them to be. Elliot has barely acknowledged any of what had happened to Liv in the last 10 years. He hasn't asked. The one time he did, he fixated on her dating life. Not her kid, not her cases, not her trauma or how she made captain. Her dating life.
Doing all of that would mean admitting to her face that he was wrong to ghost her for a decade and that he regrets how much he missed (more than the half-assed version we got). Which will be hard for Stabler, who has a tough time being honest about his emotions anyway (the therapy is a FANTASTIC first step). Until he gets ALL of that information and tells her that, she's not going to be convinced he won't ever leave her again.
There's so much that's a part of her now that Stabler just doesn't know about.
And the one thing the fandom keeps forgetting is that Liv was traumatized by him leaving. One could argue Lewis was the peak of that truama on top of being his own hellbeast.
They were joined at the hip for 12 years. And then he just ghosted her. And for those four days when Lewis had her, she was forced to rely only on herself.
She's kept everyone else at a distance since he left. There have been dozens of moments in the last decade where she's been reminded of him-"did you really think he was going to look over one day and realize you were the woman he couldn't live without?"- But the last part of her that believed she wouldn't always need to save herself took a fatal blow when she saved herself from Lewis. Up until that moment, a small part of her geniunely hoped Elliot'd smash through the door and save her. She was thinking about him the entire time he was there.
But Stabler stayed gone, and she stayed alone, and she had to learn to be okay with it. His silence indicated to her that she wasn't in his thoughts, that everything she thought she knew about their bond wasn't real.
And then it was affirmed by Kathy's letter.
And then thrown off all over again by Elliot saying "In a parellel universe, it will always be you and I."
So. Many. Mixed. Signals.
Now he's back, and she's unwilling to take that wall down again because it's such a big risk. Ed was the only one after Elliot who even partially got through, and she did eventually shut him out when he got too close. Elliot has not earned his way back into her heart. He might have taken his first steps, but it's going to be a long road.
Or Benson is going to get abducted or something and Stabler's going to burst in and save her like he should have done a decade ago and it's going to make her understand that she can trust him again (this feels cheap to me as a social worker, but as a writer, it will make for great television)
This is all compounded by the fact that People. Keep. Walking. Out. On. Her.
The moment she forms what feels unbreakable, they're gone. The moment she feels safe and comfortable with them, they're gone. Munch, Craegon, Nick. Chief Dodds and his son. Barba. Stone. Kat. Garland.
And then Amanda almost died. And then Benson had to give her up too. Amanda, the closest thing she's ever had to a sister. Who's kids she's godmother too. The woman her son calls "Aunt" and has known since day one. Who has similiar problems and truamas, who was there for the worst moments of her life and went through her own with Liv right there.
I suspect the only reason Liv didn't take it even harder is because of Carisi. As long as she has him, Amanda's close by and she hasn't lost her completely. Amanda and Carisi are a packaged duo now (yet another set of partners Liv has watched get the happy ending she should have gotten with Elliot but that's another post).
She's still in a freefall though. It's why she's suddenly scrambling for reassurance from Fin that he's not leaving too. He's all she has left, the only one who's stayed. Ironically, he's the longest relationship she's ever had with a man now. Her brother in every way that matters.
Notice that while Fin struggles with Amanda leaving, he doesn't take it nearly as hard, at least that we've seen. He has Phoebe, after all. His partner- the one that mattered most, the one that came back. (All of this is being said before the Fin centeric episode in a week or two)
I've digressed here. Fin grounds her enough that she can keep working. He gets her to fill Amanda's desk. But she's still reeling. She's in no place to trust anyone new right now, or love anyone new.
And anything with Elliot she started right now would be new. Uncertain. And while she may know in her heart of hearts that he'll never leave her again, you cannot blame her for being tired of being hurt. That's what was happening when she stepped back from him to lean on the fridge. She wants to lean on him, fall into him, but she's so emotionally exhausted that she just can't risk it. She's Not Ready because she won't survive loving him again and then losing him again (too).
TLDR: I will defend Liv's reluctance to trust again to my dying breath and it's justified no matter how impatient I or the rest of the fandom get.
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declanlikesmusic · 1 year
Today's Listens: Episode 006
August 11th & 12th, 2023
I'm sure you might be aware that my last episode was a delayed bummer by the end of it, so I'm really just gonna start writing these episodes on the days once again to hope for a better outcome with them. My days without work are already over as soon as they began and because of work yesterday and a knockout bout of hayfever today, I'm gonna have to turn this into another double episode because I've hardly listened to enough on both days. Still though, let's have fun with these
We got some more content warnings on this one, albeit they're minor in comparison: Do watch out for a short but immediate mention of suicide as well as a reference to sk*nning that even I can barely tolerate most of the time.
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ℍUM♥ℕIGHTM♥RE – 宇宙の認識 (2016)
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Do pardon the unicode that comes packaged with this artist's name, but this is HUMANIGHTMARE, a once young & up-and-coming vaporwave producer who tragically lost to suicide in 2020. I caught ear of this particular album during a commemoration livestream on Vapor Memory and it allured me enough to want to seek out and check it out back then. I thought it was a very good album at the time and to this day, I still think the same way, though it leans very much into greatness at a good handful of points. This was a super meditative take on the growing slushwave sound of the time along with some hypnagogic drift tunes and I think the results should not go overlooked by fans of those genres. Tracks like the opener 宇宙の誕生 as well as 脳の網 are absolutely gorgeous, while the track that hooked me in the first place, 宇宙との関係、is so captivatingly strange to me in a way that I can only adore and fascinate about. If you're already deep into vaporwave, I highly recommend this one.
7.5 / 10
Highlights: 宇宙の誕生、宇宙の盛り、宇宙との関係、宇宙の夢、脳の網、復活
SURFING – Emotion (2019)
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Up next on the trans agenda is the third and most recent album by vapor & chillwave duo SURFING. Their 2012 debut is one of the most iconic works of the genre and rightfully so, because it perfectly blends original instrumentation & singing with dense, hazy and deeply nostalgic vaporwave samples. So I have no idea what brought in them the need to forgo that entirely, as 2018's Incubo was still sample-based but nowhere near as dreamy and this one fully submerges into the stylings of chillwave & indie rock with none of what made them so excellent before. That said, with that expectation in mind, while this is still their least good album, it was at least better than what I was anticipating after the first couple of tracks. Visions is the song everybody turns to and for good reason, because it does bring a newfound energy to the band, but my favourite moments were still where they leaned back into their dreamy & hazy sonic roots. It's still a good album and if you're a fan of dream pop, I'd give it a shot. Just don't expect anything particularly dense.
6.9 / 10
Highlights: Visions, Crazy, Hearts, Enough, Give You Up.
Chat Pile – Remove Your **** Please (2019)
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I'm going to say it now, this is among the worst EP titles I have ever read. I know that this band was deadset on making intensely dark & grim stories through noise rock & sludge metal, but if it wasn't for me keeping an open mind, I would've steered clear of this record entirely even despite the loving reception this got back then and even now. Which is a complete shame because I ended up enjoying this one more than any other Chat Pile record so far, even God's Country (which warrants a relisten at this point). I even found my current favourite Chat Pile song through this record in the form of Davis, weirdly enough. The drums just sounded much better on this record than I had previously heard, sounding way less blurrier and more burrowing, though that might just be attributed to my headphones being replaced months ago. Couple that with the noise, the energy, the vocals and especially Davis's melodies and despite the horrible name, I'd recommend this one to fans of dreadful rock music. I still don't love them as a band, but this gives me hope that whatever they cook next, I might be able to start clicking with them.
7.2 / 10
Highlights: Mask, Davis
netbooks.WRLD – loosies '19-22 (2022)
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Speaking of EPs, I don't know how many y'all heard this up-and-coming talent named netbooks.WRLD? Dude's pretty local in the online vaporwave & electronic music communities and his discography is about as fresh as the next lemon you will ever buy, but real talk? I think he's by far one of the most promising artists to pay attention to! I was initially a dumb stupid dumb skeptic back when his debut album ENDLESS STAIRCASE popped up in 2021, but upon the last couple of months, revisiting that album, tuning in to his brand new single, checking out his Skylive performance and now coming over to this EP of loose cuts, I have fully turned into a believer! The dude makes some downright excellent post-industrial plunderphonics and vaporwave tunes all over his catalogue and I think I found some of my favourite tracks he's ever made through this EP. Sure, they were mostly featured in other places and that's counting the bonus tracks, but god, I've been hooked to them completely in the 24 hours since hearing this. My only sticking points against it are the volume of the high frequencies being a little too harsh for my personal headphones, but I know that's by design considering his aesthetic. Other than that, holy shit, go check out ENDLESS STAIRCASE and this EP at your earliest convenience.
8.3 / 10
Highlights: pipes song, shook shook, RAGDOLLS
Vįr+üål Åįrßñß – ▚ ▛ ▜ ▟ ▞ (2021)
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It's the second day and one of the best discoveries I've made last year was this random but completely ethereal-looking and unpronouncable album by a young Virtual AirBnB and I thought to relisten to it for the morning. Spoiler alert: This might just be one of my favourite vaporwave albums. This record is compact, but it is so gorgeous and stunning! It flawlessly blends together elements of mallsoft, new age music, I believe sophisti-pop R&B vocal samples and just overall aesthetics of beauty, nature and the future. Almost every single cut here is downright heavenly. Listening to them all from front to back is one of the most soothing, relaxing, beautiful and often transcendent experience I've personally had with the genre and it's so criminal how overlooked this album is so far. High recommendation to the absolute heavens. Just put your headphones on and let the rivers drift you away.
9.3 / 10
Highlights: ⿴ ༄ ℣ ₪ ℣ ༄ ⿴, ••• ❒︎ ❒︎ ᵒ ᴼ ᵒ ▫ 𐊔 ▫, | ⟗ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☵ ⟗ |
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Saiba '98 is an enigma to me. I don't think, even in the vaporwave scene, this short-lived alias got any of the credit it honestly deserves. The music's not excellent, but for a vaportrap artist, this guy managed to craft some of the unique, jarring and abstract material in this form. Upon relistening to DIGITAL FOREST for instance, I found it absolutely fascinating in how the tempos are sporadic and unformed, the beat instrumentaion is basic and minimal and the backing ambient atmospheres are ghostly and dark. This culminates into his last album under the project, RENDERED FANTASY, and while I can't tell you in good conscious that I love it or that it's completely great, this is honestly the best release of the few still publicly available. More than any other album I've heard from them, this album is glitchier, darker, more ominous, eerie and experimental than ever before. I almost completely admire the way he was seeing through his vision on this one. If you're curious, I can't guarentee you'll love it, but if you're a fan of vaportrap or experimental music, I'd give it a fair shake.
7.3 / 10
Highlights: b e n z a i t e n , Love Translator (self care), Hospital Flower, Kingdom_$lave, Life is a Constant Double Helix
crt paralysis – "Slideshow" (2022)
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I'm about neck deep with vaporwave again these past couple of days, so next I threw on this project that got me very curious. Known for making some great vaporwave & DnB as dotnds, CRT Paralysis is a broken transmission side-project of theirs that I'm not fully enamoured with but still greatly appreciative of, especially with their Winter Paralysis series of albums. This "Slideshow" caught my eye though as it looked to center completely around the nostalgia of 2000s office computers and Windows 95 styled corporatism. However, not exactly in the way that I viewed it as a child, which is a little disappointing, but I still found this to be a very good time. The presentation was what drove this home to me the most, it's pretty off-kilter, even for Bandcamp standards. If you're curious for some late 2000s vaporwave nostalgia in a format that I could see INTERNET CLUB doing back in the day, I'd recommend this one.
7.0 / 10
Highlights: "Newlife" 2008/04/02, "Screenshot" 2006/08/17, "Evening" 2008/07/03, "Email" 2008/07/04, "Lounge2" 2008/07/09
RAWINTHEVOID – Alphalord (2018)
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How do I go about this one? This was the third album from a then very young RAWINTHEVOID. RAW is a talent in post-vaporwave & plunderphonics that I've been looking forward to seeing his growth for a few good years now. His two latest albums MD (Manifest Destiny) and NOTINTHEMOOD are especially great and, even with some very rough patches, they still shine in comparison to his very, very humble beginnings. I've been going through his catalogue backwards and it's fascinating to see how rudimentary & borderline regressive their sample-based works were back in the day. Even on Alphalord, currently my least favourite of theirs (but only barely behind Double Couple), I still found a wealth of fascinating ideas for its alphabet-long tracklist. For example, I would've never thought that speeding up a whole ass noise rock album down to less than six minutes in a song would've sounded any good. To spoil you, it doesn't sound good, but I'm glad someone tried it anyways. I don't recommend this one. If you're curious, go through his latest albums and his live sets, but don't go digging through the back catalogue. Trust me.
4.4 / 10
Highlights: c3, m13, o15, q17
VHS Head – Persistence of Vision (2014)
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To close off this post, I went with the sophomore album from one of the most "Dude, how come you've never heard of this guy" artists in the realm of electronic music. VHS Head is a producer of IDM & Glitch Hop beats that are constantly punchy, sporadic and memorable, all thanks to his incredibly persistent sampling of found VHS tapes. He's growing a cult following overtime but it's not exactly helped by his sparse release schedule. This album came out less than five years after his first and he only thought to put out a followup just a few months ago. I can't wait to try that out, but I would shoot myself in the foot if I didn't go for this album first and I'm very glad that I did. I guess when I heard it, I was a little unenthusiastic in a way? But only the way that still made me love this album in the end, like my thought process was "Of course this album is great." The beats are still punchy, the constantly shifting sample flips are more memorable this time around, I think it's even better and more consistent than his debut! Highly recommend this one, with no doubt.
7.9 / 10
Highlights: Enter the Devil, Don't Look in the Closet, Camera Eyes, Red Ocean Apocalypse, Dead to Morrow, Frozen, Body Magic, Angels Never Sleep
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Finally, another episode in the books! You'll notice I'm committing to these a little less and less, but I'm honestly not sure if I can keep doing these daily. I'll keep 'em up for as long as I like, but I think it's time to finally admit that I might skip days proper. I'll find a way to still make them work though, because no doubt, every day, I find something new that I want to talk about. Maybe I could make it more of a highlights thing than an outright journel, but we'll see how that shapes up. Until then, I'll see you next time!
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un-nonymous · 2 years
Have you ever seen someone in like, head-to-toe (shoulder-to-thigh?) spanx, but without the bra part? It’s like a BYOB (bra) situation? It’s not great.
Anyway, my best friend’s wedding is this Saturday in Chicago and we leave at 6am Thursday. I need 8 more days to be ready for the trip.
It’s been so long since I’ve written over here that I was excited to fill in the “Listening to:” field. That’s … never been a thing here. Livejournal. Twenty (20) years ago. It’s fine. You should listen to this song though.
I don’t care about no hoes, where is your spouse at?
Red text!
(Personally, I truly don’t care about no hoes nor spouses. In fact I’m very actively trying to become a spouse myself, for fuck’s sake.)
So I’m a bridesmaid in my best friend’s wedding this weekend and I love her but she did us all dirty with the color of these dresses. It’s like a smoky lavender - the kind that looks good on no one. We were able to choose our own style at least, but they are all relentless and unforgiving. I am wearing head-to-toe spanx (BYObra) and you can see like, the line of the contour? on the thigh? And it’s not because I have thick legs. I mean, it’s because the material of the dress is almost as though it was stuck to you, but it flows nicely in a breeze. I don’t know. I’ve also lost a bunch of weight since June (thanks, keto!) and that honestly helps me feel better about the dress. I took selfies tonight, even! Maybe I’ll post one.
This has been a hard week. Since Friday, I: organized and attended yet another suicide prevention training at work; unexpectedly found myself needing to support a dear coworker towards the end of that training class because he had been struggling with all the thoughts we’d been talking about for 2 hours and needed to step outside to cry and asked if I would join him (a senior general superintendent); attended a coworker’s wedding with another coworker, got drunk for the first time in a while and lost the latter coworker’s sunglasses before raising my voice at a third coworker who was getting mouthy with me; had what would have been the worst hangover of my life Sunday if it weren’t for Amazon’s party patches*; have been running around with my hair on fire at the office for both 10+ hour days I’ve had today and yesterday.
That whole thing was all about work. I’m working on that, but now’s not a good time for progress.
Seriously though, look up “party patches” on Amazon. Slap 2 of them on you (gonna do 3-4 for this weekend’s festivities, I have to be in proper shape for Nine Inch Nails at Riot Fest on Sunday #priorities) and while they won’t always stop a hangover from happening (I mean honestly how do you stop a speeding train, you know?), they will help you avoid an ambulance at least. Ask me how I know. Look for the blue and orange packages. They’re just vitamins, I don’t know what kind of witchcraft they’re about otherwise but they’re like $30 for I want to say 40-something patches? You really can’t put a price on magic.
(Ok here’s how I know: The last time I got that hungover, it was the morning after Matt and I got into a big argument about something stupid in public and I was crying at the table quietly but also pretty dramatically and the server had just approached with the check that I stubbornly insisted on paying. I could not pick my head up off the pillow the next morning and it took us 3 weeks to finally reach the end of the conversation because I was so embarrassed that I cried at a server as a 37-year-old woman for really the dumbest reason. I’m really fun to date. Fortunately he and I were genuinely fine those 3 weeks, we aren’t about grudges which has probably done a world of good for our 5-year run so far. But I was wearing 0 party patches that night. I currently have 2.7 packs for the bridal party and maybe the groomsmen if they’re acting right.)
Matt is standing up in the wedding too and we’re going to walk down the aisle together. I hope at least a couple people throw shoes at him. Gently, because he is a gem, but he needs a kick in the ass and he knows it.
Hope you and yours are loving your adventures lately. 🖤
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tetsurobunni · 3 years
Why Are Words So Hard?
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☽ suna rintaro x reader ; 1.4k words (kind’ve a drabble? ig?)
☞ kinda sad leading to fluff, pining from suna, growing up and moving away
☞ characters mentioned : aran ojiro, atsumu miya, osamu miya, kita shinsuke
☽ notes : this came to me rlly quickly and its kinda short but WHATEVER !
Suna Rintaro was not a words person. He wasn’t good at holding conversation, nor was he even decent at knowing what to say. It frustrated him immensely, especially when it came to you.
Suna had liked you for ages. From the moment your family moved into the house next to his in third grade, to sharing snacks during free time in middle school, to the late nights studying at each other’s houses in high school.
You had been the one constant in his life; always there, your light ever-present throughout the years. For what he lacked you made up, he honestly didn’t know how you did it.
But you did. And he loved you for it.
Not that he could ever tell you that, though.
Compared to you Suna was cold, dark, and unexciting. He knew what people thought when people saw you two together.
why does she hang out with him?
she could do so much better.
And you could. He knew that. That didn’t excuse him from being a little selfish. He couldn’t help himself, it was like he was drawn to you by some invisible tether. A tether he couldn’t afford to break.
That’s why right now, as you were sitting against the headboard of his bed with a laptop in your hands, he was scared.
“Hey Rin?”
“Where are you applying for college?”
“Um, I don’t know. Maybe the community college here. Haven’t really thought ‘bout it.”
He hated thinking about college. It was the subject at the forefront of all of his friends’ minds right now. Atsumu knew he was going to play volleyball, Aran had already been accepted to some academy upstate, hell even Osamu had already decided he wasn’t going to college and instead was going to continue his family’s business.
And here Suna was, terrified of what comes next. He hadn’t thought about it, and didn't want to. The only thing he was worried about was you.
You and your nimble fingers working over the keys on your computer, your snort that came out when you laughed too hard that you hated but he found endearing, the way you hugged him a little tighter after you had a long day.
So this, this exact conversation is one that he had been dreading for months.
“I’m thinking about applying to UCLA.”
Now his world was slipping through his fingertips.
“Yea, they have this really cool program that I feel like would be an awesome opportunity, plus my grades are decent enough. I think this would be good for me.”
It would. He knew it would. The small town you two grew up in felt even smaller now into later years, the urge to leave it all behind is strong. You had talked about getting out of here before, though he knew you were joking around. But now, now you weren’t joking.
You were humble about your grades; they were amazing. You would have no trouble getting accepted wherever you wanted. And apparently you had chosen UCLA. University of California Los Angeles, a university that was thousands of miles away.
“Rin? You okay? You look like you’re going to puke.”
He might.
“No, ‘m okay. Just, weird. All of this is weird.”
“Weird is an understatement.”
Suna hugged you a little tighter when you left. You had sent him a questioning look that he had diminished with a small smile, one that you returned quickly with your own waving goodbye as you jogged across the lawn to your house. He ignored the aching feeling that prodded at his chest when he thought about never getting to hug you like that whenever he wanted.
That feeling is what drew him to his desk when he reentered his room. The computer screen came to life as it powered on, and Suna began his college search for the first time.
“I’m scared.”
“C’mon, open it.”
The two of you sat cross-legged on his bed, the sunset making soft light wash through the window. Suna watched as you fiddled with the envelope in your hands, nervously biting your nails every now and then. He had tried to get you to stop the habit years ago.
The envelope you had in your hands held the key to your college career. As soon as you received the package marked ‘UCLA Board Office’ you ran over to his house, refusing to open it until you two were together in his room.
What you didn’t know was that Suna had received an envelope of his own.
“Riiiiiin! What if I didn’t get in. What if-“
“Stop with the ‘what-ifs’ and just open the damn envelope y/n.”
“Fine, fine, fine. Ooookay, here we go.”
He watched as you tore an opening in the envelope with shaky hands, pulling out a folded piece of paper. Your eyes flitted up to his, nervousness and excitement pooling under the surface.
“Go on. Look.”
You did as he said with a deep breath, eyebrows furrowed while you read. The look that came over your face was nothing short of breath-taking.
“Rin, I got in! I really got in!”
Suna found himself matching the bright grin that overcame your face, catching you in a tight embrace when you pounced on him. Your laughter filled the space with an air of joy that could never be replicated.
“I’m so proud of you, y/n.”
“Thanks, Rin. Really.”
It was then Suna realized how close you two were. His breath hitched when your hands moved back around to where his had landed on your waist. Your face contorted into a look of confusion when you grazed over the rough envelope he held in his hand.
“Rin...what’s this?”
“It’s a letter.”
“You didn’t tell me you applied anywhere!”
“I wanted it to be a secret.”
“You conniving little- whatever, just open it! C’mon!”
“Okay, okay calm down, I’m opening it.”
Suna ripped at the envelope less gracefully than you had, quickly unfolding the paper inside. He never thought he would read the words 'Congratulations! You have been accepted!’ in his life, but here he was. And as much as he hated it, a feeling of pride swelled in his stomach.
“I got in.”
“You got in!”
You quickly came in for another hug that was gladly returned. That ended as soon as it started, though. You sat back, hands on your hips with an eyebrow cocked upwards.
“Give you what?”
“The letter! I want to see where you got accepted!”
“Fine, here.”
Suna’s heart beat hard in his chest as he watched your eyes graze over the words on the paper. His hands fidgeted in his lap and worry knotted them together.
“Rin...this says Santa Monica Community College.”
“Santa Monica. In California.”
“7.2 miles and a 10 minute drive from UCLA. Yep.”
Your eyes met his with a look of confusion as you let the paper rest on the bed in between you.
“Why...why did you-“
“Why did I apply for a college ten minutes away from yours?”
“I mean...yea. I guess?”
Suna took a deep breath. He wasn’t good with words. He really wasn’t, but he knew he had to force them out this time. These would most likely be the most important words he spoke in his life.
“Because I didn’t want to lose you.”
A huff of laughter escaped you, and Suna felt his heart sink.
“Rin, you wouldn’t have lost me. We just wouldn’t be living next to each other-“
“That’s not what I meant.”
He paused for a moment, shifting on the bed to face you more directly. It seemed you had stunned him into silence for once.
“What I mean is...I couldn’t just let you move across the country without telling you…”
“Telling me what, Rin?”
“Without telling you that I love you.”
He tried to match your gaze when he said it, he truly did, but he couldn’t. His eyes became transfixed on the bedspread, unwilling to look back up to see whatever emotions were plastered onto your face.
“Rin, look at me.”
His heart was in his stomach. He met your eyes and found they held a familiar look of annoyance.
“You waited a month before we graduate, after already applying to a college near mine, which nearly caused me to have a heart attack, thanks by the way, to tell me this?”
“You fucking idiot.”
A smile bloomed onto your face. Suddenly all of the weight had been lifted off of Suna’s shoulders and he took a shuddering breath.
“So…does that mean...”
“It means that I love you too, you big fat doofus.”
Suna decided he would make any amount of words fall from his mouth if it meant you kissed him like this again.
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 4 years
Some Of A Kind
Chapter 1: Virgin in the Chapel
(Michael Langdon x reader)
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Summary: When you accompany your friend to a black mass at the Church of Satan. You pick the wrong time and place to let him in on the fact that you’re a virgin, garnering the attention of the ‘chosen one’ himself.
Warnings: murder, mentions of drug use, poorly represented Satanism
Word count: 3,666 (that’s right)
It was a typical Wednesday night when you got a text from your friend Tyler.
‘So what do you say? Is tonight the night?’
He had been bugging you for weeks to come see a sacrifice at the satanic church. And since the first time he asked, the conversation always went the same way.
“I’m telling you, just one slice and then you can have whatever you want”
“You mean I can have powers beyond compare?”
“Yes” he answered back, in a hopeful tone. Clearly he hadn’t picked up on the sarcasm in your voice.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the excitement in his voice.
“I’m sorry, you do whatever you want over there with your edgelords but I’m perfectly happy in my boring powerless existence”
“First of all we aren’t edgelords, we're satanists. We just see the world for what it is. A dreadful place full of selfish people.”
“Well I can’t say I argue with that”
“Exactly, so give in to being selfish, and start doing what you want. You work so hard, and for what a one bedroom apartment you can barely afford and bags under your eyes that are only getting bigger by the day?”
“Hey” you interrupt, slightly offended. Which only earns a laugh on his end.
“I’m just saying, you put in so much effort for no pay off, when you could do this one thing and have everything you deserve”
“What a cable package and a ‘skip the line’ pass at Disneyland?”
“I also get unlimited snacks!”
“Oh sorry how could I forget, well if one soul is all it takes to get a free waffle cone then what are we still doing here?!” You ask back, your tone full of mockery.
“Have you ever wondered why I can snort as much coke as I want and have never OD’d? Or why every girl I bring home is a certified 10?”
Actually you had, the two of you had met the year prior in a religious studies class when you were partnered to write a paper on whether morality was dependent on a god. He could barely get through a sentence without tripping over his words or looking away in embarrassment. It was sweet really, and by the end of the class you two had basically become best friends.
But about 2 months ago things started to change. There was almost always a girl leaving his house when you would come over.
You swore at least two of them you recognized from Victoria Secret runways.
One night you even saw a man leaving whose resemblance to Ryan Reynolds was suspiciously uncanny.
He got a new car without any explanation as to where he got the money, and he had so much coke in his living room you assumed he started dealing, before he told you it was just his stash for the weekend.
At first he was vague about everything, but eventually he told you the truth, or at least what you assumed was a version of it.
For his final project he wrote a research paper on the church of Satan.
You went with him to a couple of services when he was writing it, him being too nervous to go alone.
You both thought they seemed a little kooky, but relatively harmless.
Yet what you didn’t know was that he kept going back after the class ended and had gotten himself sworn in, and eventually given the honor of participating in a black mass.
Where he had sacrificed a school teacher in order to get these new “gifts”.
Now you weren’t naive enough to think he actually killed someone!
You were sure his new lifestyle was a part of some religious Ponzi scheme, and one day the debt collector would come calling.
You’ve watched enough documentaries to know better than to get involved with this.
But he is still your friend so you take it upon yourself to be supportive and let him have his moment, while simultaneously letting him know you’ll be here for him if the day comes that he gets excommunicated.
“I love you and I am so happy for all you’ve gotten, especially when you share it with me, but I’m good, really. I’ll let you know if I ever change my mind”
That dropped the subject for a while.
That is until a few days ago when you lost your job.
Well actually when your job was stolen from underneath you by your boss's son.
All it took was one night of bitching to your best friend for the talks of satanism to start up again.
So here you were bored on a Wednesday night actually considering his offer to watch a black mass.
He texted back after a few minutes of no response on your part
It’s not like he’s ever going to let up, you might as well go see what all the hubbub was about.
After he picked you up, you made your way to the church.
More precisely the back alley with a hidden door. Not at all unsettling.
And the rain pelting down on the robe he gave you just adds a nice ominese touch to what you're sure is going to be a long night.
Now inside you sit in a pew in the back. While the choir above you sings as the others file in.
They actually sound pretty good if you’re being honest. Maybe on your way out you’ll pick up the album you saw for sale in the lobby (for $6.66 no less).
You haven’t been sitting more than 10 minutes before the mass begins.
And in that time Tyler roughly explained what you were about to see.
You weren’t paying too much attention though. More enamored with the atmosphere.
It was a sea of red cloaks and black pentagrams. And the thunder outside appeared to clap along in sync with the crescendo or the choir.
This place seems vastly different from the shabby collection of misfits you encountered when you visited the first time. Who spent most of the service complaining and handed you a stale donut on your way out the door.
“...Y/n are your listening?!”
“Hmm Yea”
“Yea the guy’s gonna sacrifice some ‘innocent soul’ say a few hail satans and voilà he gets his hair back and starts getting laid again” you answer back, waving him off. You’re more interested in watching two Satanists in the front of the room give each other the “sign of the cross” gesture in reverse order.
“This is serious, the things you see might shock you but you can not react! If they think you’re some sort of threat to our secrets or even just afraid of them, it won’t end well. I’m kind of taking a risk by bringing you here”
That brings your attention back to your friend.
“So you hound me for weeks to come with you, but I’m not even allowed to be here?” You ask back, starting to wonder why you actually said yes to this.
“Well yea, I just really want you to see what I’ve seen, I want what’s best for you”
That was actually really sweet of him.
Now you felt a little bad for making fun of this so much.
That is until you see a man in the next row pull out a flask with “unholy water” written on it and rub it on his chest like Vick’s.
But before you get the chance to ask Tyler where he keeps his flask(which you're certain he has). The choir stops singing and the Priestess has the room's attention.
Everything goes as Tyler explains at first.
The “sacrifices” are brought in in their underwear. (They couldn’t even keep their clothes on, what does the devil give them a level up if the victims are humiliated before they die?) and tonight's chosen one, Phil, is about to take his position, before you hear a voice behind you.
You turn your head to see an older woman rushing in, but it’s not her that steals your focus it’s who walks in behind her.
He is quite possibly the most attractive person you have ever seen. With cheekbones that could slice butter and soft blonde hair falling around icy blue eyes.
She says his name is Michael and this honor belongs to him.
You look over to Tyler to see what’s going on. He didn’t explain what part of the performance this was, was this some sort of second act surprise?
You were expecting this night to follow like a church service, watching Phil take his vows and minimal audience participation. Now you wonder if this is all rehearsed, or if the Satanist’s are partial to improv?
But Tyler pays you no mind, he can’t take his eyes off the blonde either.
It’s not until the Priestess mentions the “mark of the beast” and that he is the chosen one, that you get why Tyler is looking at him like he’s some sort of god.
Because to him he is, this guy is supposed to be the Antichrist.
Tyler says nothing only glances in your direction when he sees you’re the only one still standing, before he pulls you down to your knee like everyone else.
The rest of the performance is really top notch.
The flickering of the lights was a nice touch, but you can’t help but feel a little uneasy wondering how they keep getting the thunder to time up with everything they do.
Plus the bodies of the sacrifices fell to the ground almost too well.
How did they manage to get their bodies to look that lifeless, and why did those cuts look so deep?
But you try not to focus too much on it as you walk to the ceremonial Wednesday night potluck.
After the Antichrist has dismissed his followers from fawning all over him, you sit with Tyler at the end of the table and dig into your lasagna.
“So does the antichrist part happen at every sacrifice or is this one special? Is it some Satanic holiday I wasn’t aware of?” You ask, breaking Tyler out of whatever trance he appears to be stuck in.
“I gotta say the dramatics were very entertaining, but if you really wanted to get me here all you had to do was tell me the guy who plays the Antichrist is really hot” you snicker under your breath.
“Play? Y/n your don’t understand he IS the Antichrist” he explains in a hushed voice before continuing
“That doesn’t happen every time, he really has come. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Don’t you see?! I think it was fate you came here on this night!”
“Ha, why do you need a virgin to sacrifice or something?” You laugh and take another bite before you look over and see Tyler staring at you with wide eyes.
“You’re not serious are you?”
“Well yea, what’s the big deal, I didn’t realize you were so caught up on a social construct”
“I’m not, but you can’t say things like that around here” he looks around the room nervously and you follow his path of vision until your eyes land on Michael, who’s own gaze is locked on you.
There’s no way he heard you, you were across the room and you were whispering.
Still he continues to stare with eyes that speak only of intensity. No smile, no nod, no hint emotion whatsoever.
It’s only after you raise your brows and mouth a “What?” That he looks back down at his plate with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“Oh Satan, I think he heard you. You should go” Tyler’s tone becoming more erratic by the second.
“What?” You’re sure he's joking, but when he looks at you there is nothing but worry in his eyes.
Now you’re starting to get nervous, this is too far.
He actually thinks these people are going to do something?
He’s practically shaking with fear, and because of the man in the turtleneck? Who barely knows how to hold a spoon?
Okay you’ll play along for tonight, but tomorrow you are having a serious talk, he might need professional help.
“Alright let's go then” you huff out as you start to grab your belongings.
“I can’t just leave, especially since our savior is here, but I’ll make sure everything is good and you’re not followed or anything”
“Okay, is there some sort of satanic shuttle bus that can take me home? Or should I call an Uber? Does this place have an address or should I just send them an inverted cross?”
Still unamused by your inability to grasp the gravity of the situation, he just shakes his head and hands you his keys.
“Here just take my car, I’ll get a ride later, in fact stay at my house incase you’re followed”
He’s basically pushing you out of your seat and nodding to the door.
“Okay...bye I guess”
And with that you take off down the hall.
You know you’re supposed to go straight to the car. You’ve never seen Tyler look so serious in his life.
But when you walk past the chapel you can’t help but stop. You can still see the bodies up at the altar.
Why are they still there? Was there a trap door you missed and these were just doubles?
Or were these people so committed to the role and as crazy as your friend that they had to stay in the character of “dead sacrifice” all night?
Curiosity got the better of you, the car could wait, you had to see for yourself.
Closer inspection did nothing to stifle your suspicions.
It looked so real.
They weren’t breathing, so there was no way they were still the two actors, but you had never seen fake bodies look so real.
You're reminded of an anatomy class you took last semester.
Those cadavers looked suspiciously close to these.
Just colder and with less life left in their faces.
And there was so much blood, the iron was thick in the air.
But that couldn’t be true. Your friend wouldn’t kill someone would he?
He didn’t actually think they would kill you?
If you got a closer look, if you just swiped some of the “blood” with your pointer finger it would surely taste like corn syrup and not like…
“Are you afraid?”
You whip your head around, blood still staining your finger and beginning to drip onto the linoleum. To see Michael walking in the same way he had an hour earlier. Only this time without the cloak, but with some newly added confidence.
“They’re really dead aren’t they?” You know it’s true, but you still wait for his confirmation.
“Yes, that tends to happen when you slice someone’s throat” He acts as if this shouldn’t be a shock to you. It didn’t shock any of the other members of the congregation. Yet you know without him saying it, that he’s well aware you’re not like the others. That you don’t belong here.
“So you really sacrifice people, just to get stuff” you blurt out. Still trying to wrap your head around the fact that everything you witnessed tonight was real. Perhaps you shouldn’t have taken that last crescent roll you’d seen another satanist eyeing at dinner, you definitely have a curse coming your way. That is if you live through the night.
“Well not me” Michael says, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to the present.
“Oh of course, you’re the one they do it for”
“Well my father more specifically”
“Does that upset you?” You know you should be more careful about how you proceed with this conversation, but the words leave your mouth before your mind can stop them.
The question seems to catch him by surprise as he ruffles his brow, you’re not sure if it’s in anger or just shock at your brazenness. But he doesn’t answer. Just goes on to question you.
“Have you ever witnessed a murder before?”
“How did you feel watching it before your eyes?”
“Well I didn’t feel much, considering I thought it was all fake” That earns you a smile from him.
“And how do you feel now?”
“Really? Not scared?”
“No. Why should I be?” You’re really digging your own grave here. But your mouth seems to have a mind of its own.
“It seems your friend would say otherwise”
“Ah so you did hear.” You say, seeing his smile grow wider. “These aren't the days of the Old Testament, virginity doesn’t equally purity. Just ask sacrifice number one over there, with a body like that I doubt she was a virgin” you laugh, partially at your joke and partially out of sheer uncomfortableness. Michael doesn’t even spare the bodies a glance, eyes latched onto you, you go on to add
“I’m no saint. Despite my sexual history, or lack thereof”
“No, I’m sure you’re not” he emphasizes by swiping some of the liquid from your finger with his own, before taking it into his mouth. Making a show of it by closing his eyes as he releases it from his lips, slow as molasses. Smiling when he opens his eyes and sees you’re practically drooling.
Before his little show can go any further, you continue with your own questions.
“Have you killed people before?”
“How many?”
“You don’t have the time”
He’s looking at you waiting for your response. Waiting for the shock to subside and the shrieks of terror to take over.
Instead you just pause thinking everything over.
You should be scared, you know you should.
In one night you have watched two people die, found out your friend is a murderer, and that the Antichrist is not only NOT a myth, but is standing in front of you, conversing with you like he’s nothing more than your new neighbor.
Yet you search and search in your mind for any hint of fear and come up empty. All you feel is curiosity. You must be losing it too, you feel bad for judging Tyler so harshly. Maybe it’s his youthful face and the little outburst in the dining hall earlier, but Michael seems like more than simply the ‘incarnation of evil’. He seems so...human.
And more than anything he just seems confused and dare you say, lost.
“Do you like killing people? Or do you do it because it’s expected?”
“It depends”
“Would you like to kill me?”
Now it’s his turn to take pause, looking like he’s trying to decide if he’s “in the mood” to take your life.
“Not right now”
You can’t help but laugh at that (yea you’re definitely in shock). Soon enough he joins in too, and the mood feels lighter than it has all night. You might even say you feel comfortable.
That is until the laughter subsides and you meet his eyes. He’s now staring at you with the same intensity you’d met earlier at dinner.
It’s like he’s looking right through you, into your soul. You feel on display and more than anything afraid of what he might find.
“Stop that”
“Stop what?” He says with a playful tone and a tilt of his head.
“You’re..well..I don’t know what you’re doing but I don’t like it. You’re trying to get a read on me or something.”
He just smiles at that, because of course he does.
You know there is no avoiding playing into his hand. He wants to get a rise out of you, in one way or another.
“And what do yo-”
At the mention of your name you both turn to see Tyler standing in the doorway.
Antichrist or not, the look Michael gives him is enough to send a wave of fear up your spine.
He appears as though he’s about to snap his neck through just a look(and you're afraid to find out if he could).
Noticing his anger, Tyler stops and bows before Michael, apologizing incessantly for interrupting him.
You don’t miss the twitch of Michael’s lips. He’s clearly loving the effects he has on his followers.
You just roll your eyes at your friend.
“Calm down Tyler, get up”
He just let’s your words pass over him as if you hadn’t even spoken. If he hadn’t been the one to call your name a moment ago, you wouldn’t be sure he even knew you were in the room.
Every sense he had was aimed at Michael, and it was only when his precious dark lord gave him a nod that he got up and looked your way again.
“What are you doing? I thought you were going home?” He says through clenched teeth.
If he weren’t so worried about keeping you alive he would be pissed at you for not listening.
“I was. I am” you reassure him turning to Michael.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Michael, I’ll see myself out”
You are scurrying out of the room, grabbing a frozen Tyler and tugging him along with you, when Michael calls after you.
“No y/n, the pleasure was all mine.”
You’re at the end of the hall, and in the middle of Tyler’s scolding session, when you realize there is still blood on your finger.
It feels like it’s vibrating where Michael touched you, begging you to take notice.
Just wipe it on your jeans, you tell yourself.
Wait until you get to the car and find a napkin.
Do anything rational other than what you're thinking.
As you pass through the exit door, you cave and take a taste of the crimson on your finger.
Although you can’t see him, you know Michael is smiling. You can feel his smugness in the air around you and you're sure he knows what you just did.
This started out just as me wanting to make some jokes about Michael and the Satanists and has somehow turned into a multi-chapter fic. I still don’t really know where it’s going I’m just letting it take on a mind of it’s own. If it looks familiar it’s cuz it’s been on ao3 for a little bit now, so sorry it’s not a “new” new story! If you liked it that makes me very happy, and if not I hope it was at least entertaining! Either way thank you for reading!
(I wasn’t sure who wanted to be tagged just in my Xavier fic and who did in general so I didn’t add a tag list to this one)
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Xia Yan Personal Story 4-1 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist | Video
Chapter 4: 4-1 / 4-2 / 4-4 / 4-5 / 4-6 / 4-7 / 4-9 / 4-10 / 4-11 / 4-12 / 4-13 / 4-14 / 4-16
Xia Yan’s Home
Our interactions after I moved into Xia Yan’s house had a long-lost familiarity to them, but also… a strange unfamiliarity.
When I walked up to the washroom door, the door suddenly opened from inside – Xia Yan had just finished showering and was just in the middle of wiping off his hair when he pushed the door open.
Just like in the past, he didn’t try very hard to dry it off, such that the white T-shirt that he was wearing was slightly damp, clinging onto his firm body.
Xia Yan: Why are you up so early?
MC: Sphinx said that he was going to contact us about collaborating on the case, right? I was afraid that he’d come over really early…
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Xia Yan: Don’t worry, he won’t.
MC: How do you know? Did he contact you alone?
Xia Yan: Oh, he didn’t. I’m just speculating.
Xia Yan: Sphinx has always preferred operating alone in the dark. Even if he needed to work with us right now, he still probably wouldn’t want to reveal his identity.
Xia Yan: Plus, even if he doesn’t mind that, right now isn’t a good time.
Xia Yan: The two of us just appeared in front of Meng Qishan. Even though I’ve already threatened him to not reveal any info on us to Oedipus…
Xia Yan: It’s always best to take every possibility in consideration. If Sphinx seeks us out right now, he just might send himself to Oedipus for nothing.
Xia Yan: If I were him, I’d also opt to work underground. We’re out in the open while he’s hidden, which is more beneficial for the investigation.
MC: Makes sense.
MC: Right, why did you shower so early?
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Xia Yan: Uh… I just finished up my morning run, so I took a quick cold shower.
Xia Yan: Right, are you also going to wash your face?
Xia Yan: Wait a bit, I just noticed that there’s no more toothpaste. I’ll get you a new tube.
MC: No need, I brought some.
MC: If you also haven’t washed your face yet, we can just use my toothpaste.
I helped Xia Yan squeeze out the toothpaste. Then, we stood side-by-side in front of the mirror to wash up.
Because we had grown up, and because Xia Yan’s home washroom was comparatively smaller, Xia Yan and I kept bumping into each other.
The steam that hadn’t dispersed yet in the washroom filled the air with the scent of shower gel. This was just a typical scent, but because Xia Yan was beside me, it felt… somewhat different.
Right now, the past commonplace occurrence of us washing our faces and brushing our teeth together… made me feel somewhat nervous.
The mirror in front of us candidly revealed all my emotions with complete clarity. I shifted away my gaze as if in escape, not daring to look at the mirror again.
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MC: Xia Yan, are you still using this brand of shampoo?
The items on the shelves, the shampoo, the shower gel… were still the brands we used at home, eight years ago.
Xia Yan: Yeah. I had to buy new daily necessities after getting back, but I’m no good at picking them out…
Xia Yan: So I chose them based on our old habits – easy and saves me from worrying, haha.
In all these years, he still hadn’t forgotten those little habits. I suddenly felt a little happy.
But Xia Yan’s and my mouth-rinsing cups were a pair in the past, while they were now two completely different ones.
MC: What about your mouth-rinsing cup?
Xia Yan: There’s no one who sells that cup model anymore.
The small happiness that had just surged in my heart suddenly turned into a bit of disappointment.
MC: Is that so…
MC: Uh… about that, Xia Yan…
Xia Yan: Huh? What?
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MC: A few days ago, I saw a pair of mouth-rinsing cups that look really nice online, and your cup just happens to be kinda worn… how about we change them together?
Xia Yan: Sure.
Xia Yan’s Home, Second Floor
After washing my face with Xia Yan, Sphinx called us, describing his action plan.
Just as Xia Yan had said, Sphinx was planning to continue hiding his identity. We would work out in the open while he remained hidden as we investigated together.
Sphinx: That’s what our plan is.
Sphinx: For these few days, I’ll first confirm whether there are other victims that corrupt detectives are harassing, and deal with their issues.
Sphinx: After confirming that those corrupt detectives have to do with Oedipus, you two can use other methods to investigate while hidden.
Xia Yan: Okay. Then we’ll wait for you to contact us.
Sphinx: Alright, that’s all-
MC: Wait, Sphinx.
The moment before Sphinx hung up, I called out to him.
Sphinx: Does Miss Lawyer have any other questions to bring up?
MC: I have some questions regarding our approaches towards cooperation. Sphinx, I acknowledge the reasons why you do not want to reveal your true identity right now.
MC: But we’ve already started investigating with you. You should at least display your sincerity, should you not?
Sphinx: …
Sphinx: Then how do you want me to display my sincerity, Miss Lawyer?
MC: Return Xia Yan’s box.
I heard a faint chuckle on the other side of the call.
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MC: (What’s so funny about that?)
Xia Yan: Sphinx.
Perhaps because the pressure in Xia Yan’s voice, Sphinx’s brazen laughter stopped.
But there was a still faint layer of mischief in his voice.
Sphinx: Of course. I will get in touch with same-city speed delivery right after. You’ll be able to get your box today.
Sphinx: But after receiving it, I’d like to trouble both of you to examine it carefully.
Sphinx: Though you can consider me as a rogue, the point of stealing the box was to develop a cooperative relationship with you…
Sphinx: Logically, I wouldn’t play any tricks on these little things, but the two of you should still personally, carefully confirm it all.
Sphinx: For example, what if something happens with the delivery company and they break the box… then won’t I end up getting a really unfair accusation?
MC: Don’t worry, we will carefully look over the delivery.
Sphinx: If you say so, Miss Lawyer, then I can be at peace.
Sphinx: Although, Detective Xia Yan, why aren’t you speaking? You’re the most important involved party here. You, of all people, have got to be there to look over the delivery.
After Sphinx mentioned his name, Xia Yan’s face twisted very visibly.
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Xia Yan: I… will.
MC: (Why does Sphinx sound like he’s messing with him…)
MC: (He hasn’t put something weird in the box to prank us, has he?)
These doubts continued until that afternoon, when we received the delivery Sphinx had sent.
I looked at the delivery box with severe caution.
MC: Xia Yan, could Sphinx have messed with something in the delivery box?
MC: I felt like there was something suspicious about his tone in the call.
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Xia Yan: That guy definitely isn’t acting out of the goodness of his heart.
MC: No surprises there, you also feel the same…
Xia Yan: Mhmm… I messaged him after, asking what his goal was, but he just deliberately rambled on without saying anything important.
Xia Yan: How about I open it myself first, then call you over to see after confirming that there’s nothing wrong with it?
MC: That won’t do. No matter what happens, we’ve got to face it all together.
MC: Plus, didn’t you say before that Sphinx is an alright person? I bet that, at most, he’s just pranking us somewhere.
Xia Yan: … But I want to rescind that evaluation on him now.
Xia Yan sighed, then opened the package.
That box with the Sherlock Holmes pipe printed on it was wrapped in layers of bubble wrap, looking like it hadn’t suffered any bumps on the way here.
MC: He sure did give it enough protection. Just based on that, I’m willing to forgive him even if there is a prank somewhere.
Xia Yan: Well, that’s something he should be doing.
Xia Yan scoffed and opened the wooden box. The inside was filled to the brim with various little items.
His biology competition gold medals, the models he made himself… as well as many familiar objects. And what was piled at the very top of everything was a ring.
A ring with very crude worksmanship. The ring had been wound from copper into a circular shape, and a laminated four-leaf clover was sitting on the top.
This was the first thing that Xia Yan had personally made for me.
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MC: Isn’t this the ring you made for me during kindergarten?
When we were still in kindergarten, we “played house” often, that popular child’s game.
One time, we got too into the game and thought that the ring braided from dog’s tail grass didn’t look nice enough, so we secretly took mom’s ring.
And then… we were both reprimanded severely.
Back then, I didn’t know how valuable the ring was or what its special meaning was, so I really didn’t understand why mom was unhappy.
MC: Back then, dad explained that the ring was one that he gave to mom, so only mom could wear it.
MC: But in the end, you hollered—
Back then, Xia Yan had earnestly yelled “Then I’ll just give her a ring”…
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MC: …!
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Xia Yan: …
We were long past those times when children’s words held no weight.
MC: (Does Xia Yan… still remember what he said back then…)
I lowered my head in a fluster, rubbing the ring in embarrassment.
When we were little, Xia Yan accidentally made the clover ring too big, so we comforted each other, saying that it would be just right if I wore it after we grew up.
And right now… I couldn’t help attempting to fit the ring on my middle finger.
MC: It’s on. The size is perfect…
Xia Yan: Yeah… perfect.
Xia Yan repeated the words in a whisper, then stared quietly at the four-leaf clover ring.
I stroked the ring on my hand. Suddenly…
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MC: Xia Yan…
Xia Yan: Huh? What’s the matter?
MC: It seems like I can’t take off the ring…
Xia Yan: Huh?
Xia Yan held up my hand, trying to shift the ring, but the ring didn’t move in the slightest.
His brow wrinkled as he snatched a small plier from the toolbox on the table.
MC: What are you doing!
Alarmed, I stared at Xia Yan.
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Xia Yan: I’ve got to hurry and cut off the ring, or else your finger will end up swollen.
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MC: I refuse!
Xia Yan: Don’t fuss, this is just a toy ring. Your finger’s more important.
As he spoke, Xia Yan had already grabbed my hand. I rushed to cover the ring with my other hand, resisting desperately.
MC: No way! You gave this ring to me, so it’s mine! I refuse to let you break it!
Xia Yan: Jeez, I’ll make you another one in the future, okay? Be good.
MC: The one in the future is for the future, but you can’t break this ring either!
We traded fast verbal shots without realizing anything. Only after coming back to my senses did I notice… something wasn’t quite right.
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MC: !!!
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan: Sit tight, I’ll find some lubricating oil to see if it’ll work.
Xia Yan soon brought the lubricating oil. He applied some to my middle finger first, then tried to rotate the ring gently, trying to push it off.
MC: Ugh…!
Xia Yan immediately stopped.
Xia Yan: It hurts?
Xia Yan: Looks like this really won’t work.
Xia Yan sighed helplessly, then took a small plier from the toolbox.
MC: You’re…
Xia Yan: Don’t worry, I’ll be really careful. I’ll do my best to not break the ring.
Xia Yan: Don’t fidget, I don’t want to hurt you by accident.
To make working on it easier, Xia Yan half-knelt in front of me, holding up the hand with the ring gently.
His actions right now lent a particular ambiguity to the scene all of a sudden.
MC: …!
Xia Yan: What’s the matter? Did I hurt you?
MC: No… keep going.
How exactly… does Xia Yan see me?
Bit by bit, each scene after my reunion flooded my mind.
MC: (Xia Yan’s always carefully held onto this ring for so long…)
MC: (To me… does Xia Yan also…?)
As soon as this thought popped into my head, my heart started to beat wildly.
Although, why didn’t Xia Yan make it clear with me?
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⊳ Out of caution ⊳ Because I didn’t give a response
MC: (Speaking of which, there’s often a lot online about long-time friends who are too scared to confess.)
MC: (They were afraid that if the romance failed, they’d lose an important friend.)
MC: (Xia Yan… probably also wanted to be cautious, so he didn’t say anything.)
MC: (If I do a little something, would he… understand?)
  ⊳ Out of caution ⊳ Because I didn’t give a response
MC: (If I think about it carefully, I think I’ve done a lot of low-EQ stuff…)
MC: (It’s all my fault…)
MC: (I should be able to make changes in time right now… what should I do to get Xia Yan to understand my emotions?)
I was just in the middle of my messy thoughts when I heard Xia Yan’s light voice.
Xia Yan: Alright, it’s off!
Xia Yan: Great Lawyer, hurry and inspect it to see if it’s perfectly fine.
MC: Absolutely perfect! Great Detective Xia, you’re way too amazing!
MC: (Either way… since I’m living at Xia Yan’s house now, I’ve got lots of time to figure something out.)
Xia Yan: What’s the matter? You seem a little absentminded.
MC: Not at all, just wondering about what we should eat for breakfast.
Xia Yan: I know several decent breakfast restaurants. Let’s go, I’ll take you over to try them!
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 10
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 10: Do You See That?
MK moaned as he stumbled down to the restaurant.
“Still can’t find it,” Mei acquiesced as she saw him flop down on the counter.
She got a groan in response.
“Yikes, are you sure you check everywhere?”
“Yes! I looked everywhere!” He lifted his head to meet hers and began to rant. “I checked in my drawer, my nightstand, my closet, all of my pockets, under my bed, under the nightstand, under the floorboards, and I even tried to see if Bobo had it!”
“You tried to see if your stuffed monkey had it,” she raised her eyebrow.
“Have you seen what goes on in this city? You never doubt the unexpected! For I all know, Bobo could suddenly turn into a real monkey overnight!”
“Point, well have you retraced your steps?”
“Yes, and I even called all the places we’ve been to, but they found nothing.”
“You lost the skeleton key?” Pigsy deadpanned as he tossed the apron to MK.
“I didn’t mean to! I thought I'd put it in my room, but now I can’t find it!” He groaned as he put on his apron
“Hopefully it’ll come up eventually, I mean it’s for sure to make it to the news if any criminals decide to steal something from a tightly locked place and when that happens we’ll nab them like the dirtbags they are,” she pounded her fist together.
“Yeahh, I guess you're right,” he sighed as he got behind the counter, “speaking of, have you seen Red Son recently?”
“No,” she shook her head, “last time I saw him was when we were at that arcade trying to beat his score.” Let it be known that all three trio had at least one high score in a game at the arcade. For Mei it was the combat games, MK proudly took his dancing games, and for Red Son it was the shooting ones.
“Same, I hope he’s alright,” he said worriedly.
“If he isn’t, we'll bust him out,” Mei said as she got her food, “never liked his family and the whole taking over the city didn’t really help.”
“Count me in,” his eyes darken a bit, “I still don’t like the both of them.”
“You and me both, now time to get to work, noodle boy,” she teased him.
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes as he helped with some of the prep.
The boat was in a comfortable silence as two demons were calmly drinking tea, or at least one of them as the other was nervously petting one of the very fat cats.
He opened his mouth to talk, but shut it right quick as he instead took a sip of his steaming tea.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Sandy comforted him when he said his actions, “we can just sit here and relax.”
“I know,” Red Son muttered as he held the tea in hand. “You always preach patience and confidentiality.”
“And I still do, remember if you don’t want to share something, you are under no obligation to say a word. This is your choice and your choice only,” he smiled as he took another sip.
“Yeah,” he put down his cup as he brought the car back to his lap, “I…I did something really bad, not in a physically harmful way, but I still feel ashamed of myself that I had to do it to someone I care-to someone I know,” he quickly said.
Sandy nodded his head as he continued to listen.
“I know I didn’t hurt them, but I still feel gross that I did that to them and they still don’t know it was me. They have even been asking about me and if I’m well and I don’t like this feeling, hell I don’t even know what I’m feeling, but it feels like a bunch of snakes slithering all through my stomach and trying to escape out of my throat,” he stilled his hands as it began to shake.
“Do you care for them?” He asked.
“No!” He yelled at first, but then he settled down as he silently nodded. He may have known Mei and MK for only a couple of months, but he cares fiercely about the two of them. He doesn’t know why he even does, but there is something about them that just makes him want to never let go.
“I think it’s that you feel that you took their trust for advantage,” the blue giant calmly said.
Red Son's eyes widened as that clicked in his head. He abused the trust in him and he feels utterly disgusted with himself. “What have I done,” he whispered out as his whole body dropped.
“That doesn’t mean that it’s the end,” Sandy quickly said. “All types of relationships go through this kind of struggle, it’s easy to just give in and think that it's all over, but it's not. It’s not over, after all, it doesn’t take one person to communicate, after all, you need someone else to talk to rather than you and your doubts, so why don’t you try to talk to them and explain why-”
“But I can’t,” he fiercely whispered out. “I had to do it! I had to.”
“…do you mind if I ask why you think you had to do it?”
“I had to!” He shot up, almost knocking down the cat in his lap, who just gave him a side glance before settling down next to him. “I had to! I can’t disappoint them even more than I am! I was a failure all those centuries ago and I am one now! I need to show them that I can be successful, I can help them when they need it, that I can be useful!”
Sandy’s lips pursed, he already had a good idea who Red Son was referring to and least to say that he doesn’t really have that high of an opinion on his parents and instead, he asked, “But did you want to do it?”
He froze as he looked at the blue demon, “What?”
“Did you want to do it?” He calmly asked once more as he could see the turmoils running all through his mind.
The Bull prince wanted to open his mouth and agree that he wanted to steal from his friend's home, that he wanted to abandon his friends for his family, that he wanted to betray his friends, but he couldn’t even force it open as it would just taste vile coming from his lips. So instead he sinks back down to his seat and tightly gripped his head as he shook his head in denial as his eyes were tightly squeezed shut.
He never wanted to do this in the first place.
The ship was in somber silence as two demons were silently sitting across from each other until the giant demon went to the other side and began to rub the smaller demon back as the fat cat climbed on back to the demon lap and began to purr.
There are no words that can be said at the moment, nothing that can be done or said that can magically make it all better. But there is that comfort that someone knows of his vile actions and still doesn’t harbor hate towards him.
And he can’t help, no matter how much he knows he doesn’t deserve this kind of warmth, but be fucking grateful for this.
“But wouldn’t it be best if I added the components before the pot settles,” MK asked as he held up the vials in his hand.
“Why is that?” Macaque hummed as he was scrunched his nose at the package he had received and was currently opening the note.
“It just wouldn’t make sense if I had to add the mixture after it has cooled down, I mean I know for some recipes it would be fine, but doesn’t this one account for the melting process later on? So it would be better to mix them while it’s still steaming right now so that they can be melded in properly,” he deduced.
“And you would be correct, nice job thinking ahead shooting star,” he smiled as he tossed both note and package in the trash.
“Thanks!” He perked up then he blinked as he looked to his dad, “you were testing me weren’t you.”
“Oh yeah,” he unashamedly said.
“And what would happen if I got it wrong?”
“Well I always did think that failure was the best way to learn from your mistakes,” he teased, “but I would have told you to add it in, I would rather not waste my products.”
“Ha Ha Ha,” he deadpanned as he poured the vials in and mixed the pot, “you’re hilarious.”
“I try to be.”
He rolled his eyes as he put the timer on, took off his gloves, and washed his hands. He couldn’t help but look towards the monkey's traditional methods as he continued to grind down the herbs. “So I’m curious, you have been alive for centuries and obviously kept up somewhat to the times, so why are you still using old methods for medications?” He was always a bit curious over this, but never really thought to ask until now.
The monkey just shrugged his shoulder, “honestly it’s both a habit at this point and relaxing. When Ping first taught me this, I couldn’t help but be frustrated at all the little details and accuracy you must have in order to correctly make the right dose, but now that is almost background noise as it comes almost instinctual.”
MK hummed as he sat on his stool, “so can you tell me more about Ping? Like, I know why you continue to go back to your friend and all and how he taught you how to make medicine, but you never did talk more about him.”
“Didn’t I say Ping was a normal ass bastard who was just way too chill about basically everything,” he smirked as he began to place the bright herbs into another pot.
“You did, but I’m still curiousss,” he whined. “You must have some more stories about him.”
“You must be bored.”
He raised his eyebrow.
“Okay fine a little, but I am curious,” he huffed.
“Fine fine,” he gave in as he continued to mix his pot, “did I ever tell you the first time I ever found out that Ní was a fox?”
“No!” He eagerly exclaimed.
“Well it was the same day I found out that Kappa was an adrenaline junkie.”
MK didn’t twitch at the Shui Gui name given by his Dad as he listened to the story with open ears.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Macaque couldn’t help but yell out as he swung from tree to tree, hoping to outrun the enraged spirit, with crinkled gray skin and a long red tongue, chasing after them. “I’m going to kill you once this is over!” He yelled out.
“How was I supposed to know not to piss off their feeding!” Kappa yelled back as he clung onto the demon's back.
“That’s fucking common sense!”
“Spirits don’t even need to eat, so I don’t know why the hell they are so mad?!”
“Apparently this one does!”
They both yelled as they felt a fireball whizz by their faces.
“It even knows fire magic?!” The Shui Gui blanched as much as an already pale spirit could. “Now you're just showing off!”
“Less talking more thinking of a way out of this,” the monkey growled out as he had to jump up higher to the next branch of the tree to see if Kappa could get a better look of where they were going.
“Can’t you use your shadow magic?”
“Oh geez, I wonder why I haven’t thought of that? Oh right! You fucking fed me Mandrakes and now I can barely see shit let alone use my magic!” He snarled out. “Do you want me to send us down under to Yama's home cause that can happen if I happen to even try to go into my shadows?! Or do you want to be smothered by your own shadow cause that can also happen you stupid fuck!”
“Sorry! I really didn’t think that this would happen!” He did wince, he was trying to play a prank on his friend and it was funny at first at how he stumbled throughout the place, but now it has gotten less funny.
“Your very fucking lucky that I have great fucking hearing to manage to run this far without running into anything,” his lips curled up, but then he stopped as promptly jumped all the way down to the floor as a large fireball was aimed directly towards them.
Macaque stumbled for a bit as he couldn’t exactly see the tree branches as he was falling thus the two of them separated during the fall and were now lying on the ground.
“Fuuucckk,” the monkey groaned as he got up, “I am so killing you again when this is all done.”
“That’s fair,” Kappa moaned out.
The spirit let out a warning hiss as it drew closer to the both of them, their long tongue licking their lips as they couldn’t wait to drain their soul for their meal. They haven’t eaten in so long and they would take anything at this point, even if it means coming from something as dirty as a demon.
“I ain’t nobody meal,” Macaque growled out as he got into position, he may not be able to use his powers, but he can still kick ass without it.
He tensed as he heard the creature leap for him, but before it could even go near him a large plume of fire directly hit the crazed spirit.
“HIISSSSS!” They screamed out as the fire burned their skin, but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t get it out until they were burned away into ashes.
“Uhhh what just happened?” The demon questioned as he tried to hear out on who did that cause all he can see was a blurry form and a large orange flame if he is correct judging by the smell.
“Ní you beautiful bastard!” Kappa threw his hands in the air. “You have amazing timing!”
“I wouldn’t if you would not run into danger every week,” they scoffed as they walked towards the tensed monkey. “I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say you still can’t see?”
“Not for shit,” he grumbled. “Also, when can you do fire magic?” He tried to see the best he could in the small bunny form, but for some reason, it was a very large form. “…are you not a fucking bunny?”
“Nope,” this time it was Ping's voice that said that as he handed him a jar filled with orange liquid. “Drink that, it should help.”
“Thanks,” he nodded as he wrinkled his nose as he chugged down the entire vial. “This is still the nastiest thing I have ever tasted.”
“If it tastes bad then you know it works,” he chuckled as he watched the monkey blink his eyes.
“I’ll give you that, I can finally see shit again,” he agreed as everything became much clearer, but he couldn’t help but rub his eyes as he saw that what he assumed was Ní was instead a large, brown, nine-tailed fox looking down at him. “You’re a Huli Jing?”
“Took you long enough,” they smirked.
“I’m sorry if I thought you were a regular damn bunny demon,” he snarked out as he rubbed his eyes.
“Apology accepted.”
He rolled his eyes and instead look towards Ping, “and you fucking knew about this?”
“Course, been living with them long enough to know that wasn’t no damn bunny with the way they eat,” he let out a toothy grin.
“And you just don’t care.”
“Nope,” the human chuckled at Macaque's twitching eye.
“Course you don’t, next thing you’ll tell me is that you routinely have a deity visiting you every day.”
“Well, not every day, but every once in a while.”
He whipped his head towards him, “what.”
“Probably once every few months,” he calculated as he began to walk back to his home.
“Hold on now! You can’t just say that and walk away!” The six eared demon quickly began to follow, “like what the hell do you mean you get visits from a fucking deity?!”
“One of the top pups in the Heavenly Realm at that,” Kappa grinned wider at his friend's befuddled look.
“What the fuck?! How in the fuck?! What?” He couldn’t comprehend how Ping, the most basic ass human who he ever met, knows so many creatures, demons, and now a celestial deity that apparently have a high ass position in one of the most sought out places, and still stays in this place. “I can’t even right now.”
“Awww is it too much for your brain to comprehend,” the spirit mocked as he then let out a yelp as he quickly began to run away from the ticked off monkey.
“I still haven’t forgotten what you did! Get back here and face vengeance you slimy bitch!” Macaque yelled out as he chased him.
“I have no regrets!”
“You will soon!”
“I didn’t think it could get more lively,” Ping chuckled as he watched those two run around. “It’s nice to see Shi Shi make a friend.”
“Pretty sure his friend is gonna kill him,” Ní snorted as they silently followed behind.
“That would be interesting to see and I bet even Shi Shi would enjoy it.”
“…you're not wrong.”
“Whoa, wait how does one person who stays in the same area get to know so many mythical beings?” MK tilted his head.
“You're asking the wrong monkey,” he shrugged, “but the deity still comes around every once in a while.”
“Yeah, he may have a long life, but he still remembers Ping,” he had a somber smile on his face, “he even likes to visit his old home sometimes.”
The human couldn’t help but remember an old shack deep within the forest that he found when he was thirteen. He shook his head to get rid of the memory and instead asked, “So that's why you built the forest here, Ping home was like your first ever home?”
Macaque stilled his body then he shook his head, “technically second.”
“Second? Then what was your first? I thought you were a traveler before this?” The boy asked, while his Dad never really got into his own backstory, he can still safely assume that he was not born and raised in a warm and safe environment with kind and loving parents.
“Flower Fruit Mountain,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yeahh, that was my first ever home for a bit.”
MK leaned forward as much as he could on the stool. “Tell me everything.”
“Well, aren't you nosy today.”
“I’m hungry for knowledge about your past that you never speak of unless it has to do with others, so talk.”
“I have raised such a snarky child,” he mumbled.
“And you still love me for it, now talk.”
“Fine, fine,” he threw his hands up, “so I was currently enjoying my free time when Wukong decided to drag me over to his mountain.”
“Can I at least know why I’m being carried to your home instead of walking?” Macaque questioned why Wukong was currently carrying him while flying on his cloud.
“Cause this is the fastest way to get there!” He grinned.
“You could have just asked.”
“Yeah, but it was fun surprising you like this,” he won’t admit that he kinda likes having his friend close to him like this. He has an image to keep up after all.
“I literally can't escape dumbass, just let me go,” he groaned as he didn’t even attempt to break free of his grasp. He knew damn well how strong sunshine can be, he as seen him lift an entire fucking mountain for god’s sake.
“Alright,” he jumped down and when his feet reached the bottom he let go.
“…go fuck yourself,” Macaque couldn’t stop the low growl in his voice as he picked himself off the ground.
“Fuck me yourself,” he smiled as he earned a nice view of six ears flaring up in a fierce red.
“Wha-shut the fuck up dumbass!” The shadow demon shouted out as he stomped towards him.
“It was a joke, a joke,” he grinned as he began to run away.
“I’ll show you a joke.”
“Oooh?” They both paused their actions as they saw a few monkeys climb up the tree and pop their heads from the bushes of trees and hanging from the branches.
“Friends of yours,” the black furred demon muttered as he saw that more came to join.
“Yep,” he then said a little louder to the tribe of simians, “everyone this is Macaque!”
This got a reaction out of them as some of them began to chatter a bit louder and a few even hopped off their tree.
“Don’t worry, he only looks like an angst ridden demon, but that’s just his normal look.”
“I will tear out your tongue,” he side eyed him.
“But you love me too much~”
“You overestimate my fondness and patience I have for you,” he deadpanned as he still kept an eye out for one of the monkeys who was getting closer to him. He nervously shifted as he was about to take a step back, but he was stopped as Wukong wrapped his arm around his shoulder.”
“Take it easy moonshine, they just want to get to know you,” he comforted him as one of them stared up at Mac.
Said demon said nothing as he looked back down to the monkey as well. It was a weird standoff between the two monkeys, well it was until the smallest one seemed to decide something as he began to climb up the demon.
“Wha-hey?!” Macaque flinched at the actions but managed to not accidentally shake the monkey off thanks to Sun’s arms keeping him in place.
“It’s okay,” he softly whispered in his ears as the small simian made his way to the black furred head and began to groom him. “See, he just wanted to groom you.”
“Wow I couldn’t tell,” he snarked back and slowly began to feel his body ease up at the touch. He wasn’t use to anyone grooming him other than Wukong, so it was a new experience for him. “I guess it’s not so bad.”
“Great, cause here comes the rest,” he pointed out a few more making their way to them.
And soon enough many were crowding around the two demons and some were even brave enough to climb on the Six Eared demon.
“I don’t think I've ever seen them take a liking to anyone so fast,” Wukong smiled as he watched his friends climb all over him.
“Probably helps cause I’m a monkey,” he said and couldn’t help but smile as one of them that was hanging from his neck began to nuzzle him.
“Nah, they basically adopted you at this point,” he teased as he saw the interaction, “they practically are welcoming you home.”
“Heh…wait what?” He was startled by that last word, “Home?”
The brown furred monkey sucked in a breath as he facepalms. “Shit I knew I forgot something.”
“Forgot what?”
“Sooo, do you want to live here?” He grinned widely trying to hide his nerves.
“Huh?!” Macaque was not at all following the impulsive monkey train of thought.
“It’s just that I don’t think I've ever seen you have a house before and I know you usually spend your nights out on the streets or in the wild when you want to snooze. So I was just thinking that, hey I have a big ass mountain that has plenty of space and it would be awesome if we could just, you know, stay together here.” He didn’t know why he was going on a tangent right now, but he felt like he just needed to explain himself.
“…couldn’t you have asked instead of kidnaping me here then?” He raised an eyebrow as he tried to follow his friend's mindset.
“Kinda forgot that part and went straight here,” he grinned.
“Of course you did,” Macaque fondly rolled his eyes.
“So, what do you say?”
“Well,” the demon monkey looked down to one of the monkeys who was staring up at him and once they made eye contact he lifted his arms. He could tell that this was one of the younger ones so, with a small smile, he picked up the infant and held it close to his chest as he felt him begin to purr. “I wouldn’t mind living here, it's not so bad if they can deal with you.”
Wukong couldn’t think of a retort back as he watched his moonlight hold the infant close in an almost motherly way. He was treating the little one as if it was their own with the way his nimble hands slowly caress the infant head, how his sleek arms were supporting his body, how his beautiful golden eyes lovingly look down at him, how his lips…he stopped that train of thought as he felt his face flush up in a bright red.
“So how bout I take you to all my favorite spots later,” he accidentally shouted out as he quickly got rid of his thoughts.
“Favorite spots?”
“Best places to hide, best view, best fruit tree, you know the awesome stuff!”
“Oh right, how could I forget,” he smirked.
“Don’t worry, that’s why you have me here,” he puffed out his chest.
“Well then I can’t wait to see them,” Macaque said with a smile.
The Monkey King smiled back then he grabbed one of the monkeys that were about to jump off his shoulder. “You need to do better than that to steal from me,” he joked.
The hanging monkey just grinned as he tossed a bag filled with nuts to his other accomplices and they quickly began to run off.
“Hey! Get back here!” He yelled out as he began to chase his friends.
“Nice to see someone can keep him on his toes,” the black furred monkey grinned as he watches his friend, unsuccessfully, try to get his snack back.
“Ooh oo,” the small one in his arms chirped as it grabbed his nose.
“Yeah,” he chuckled and rubbed his head, “I think I’m gonna like it here.”
“I met some of those monkeys when I first cra-I mean landed on Flower Fruit Mountain,” MK abruptly changed his wording. He rather his monkey Dad not try to smother him again. “A few even like to torment me or climb on me too whenever I take a break during training.”
“How are they doing?” He curiously asked as he got up to check the mixture
“They seem fine, they tried to rob me a few times, but fine.” He had to stay on guard each time, but after the fifth time, it has sorta been a game between them all now. He even playfully stole a few fruits from them and they began to chase him as well.
“That’s good,” the six eared demon may have left the mountain, but that didn’t mean he didn’t care for the rest of the tribe that he had to leave behind.
“But I’m curious,” MK said after a few moments of silence.
“…did…did you add the solution before the mixture or after?” He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t ask his original question. He couldn’t ask if he missed living with the Monkey King, he thinks he may already know the answer.
“After it would be much more malleable to combine that way and speaking of herbs, I’m running out of some of them, specifically the ones used for pain relief.” He eyed the almost empty jars, he has been restocking his supplies back up ever since the hospital demands have cooled down, this was one of the last things he needed. “I’ll have to grab some by the mountain later on in the week.”
“Ooh, can I come!” He excitedly asked, he hasn’t been herb gathering with his Dad in ages.
“Always comet,” he smirked as he watched his son squirm happily in his seat.
“Yes! Yes! Uh Huh! Oh yeah!-wait, my pot!” He immediately stopped and checked over his medicine.
“Still have nine minutes on the timer,” Macaque pointed out to the still ticking timer.
“Oh right,” he actually forgot he set it.
“I worry about you sometimes.”
“Psshh, my memory is not that bad.”
“Do I need to remind you of the vase incident?” The monkey deadpanned.
“Okay to be fair I wasn’t paying any attention to the history of it, so how was I supposed to know that it was a curse. Besides, Mei was playing with it as well.”
“And this is why the two of you were stuck at the hip, literally. You should just be lucky that Ahmed was around else you really would have been stuck together for a much longer time,” he bluntly said.
“I still think that curse was stupid,” MK mumbled.
“Just be glad that it was stupid and not deadly.”
Wukong silently watched his successor spar against one of his clones as he sat still on his cloud. He had to admit that while MK still tends to have his own burst of impulsiveness, a mild reckless streak, and a curiosity that could even rival his own, he can certainly still find new ways to surprise him.
Like right now, he used a fake out move as when he swung high, only to go low instead while making sure to grab hold of his tail. It didn’t get the clone in time, but it was still a shock to see that he can be sneaky when he wants to be and this was just with the staff in hand.
He had a hand to hand session with him, in the beginning, to see what he was dealing with and he was very surprised to find that, while he couldn’t keep up with him, he can almost match his own pace, which is no easy feat.
So it really piqued his curiosity on just who his Dad was. After all, he could count a handful of demons and deities on both hands that could rival him in speed and it wasn’t that many.
He still was silently watching his protege when one of the monkeys, one of the immortal ones, hopped onto his cloud and watched with him. He did give a slight grin and scratched the back of his friend's head, they were the reason why he hasn’t gotten insane with isolation for all those years.
“Not feeling like playing,” he said.
The monkey shook her head, she liked playing with her tribe, don’t get her wrong, but even she needs some time away from them.
“I feel ya, lazing about is truly the best,” he stretched on his cloud. “We’ll almost, I still have to watch over my student after all.”
She looked to where he was pointing to and she cooed excitedly as she saw the familiar scent infant. She and the rest of the tribe absolutely loved playing with him whenever he was. He was really nice with sharing his food with them and they couldn’t help, but share their own games and food with him as well. It does help that he knows how to groom them, his fingers feel really nice.
“Familiar scent?” He questioned her words, he knew that the tribe had been hanging around MK, but what did they mean by the familiar scent? “What does it remind you of?”
“Ooh! Oohooh!” She told him as she watched the infant jump away from the strike.
“Like ginseng, earth, and…mango?” He paused at that last one, but he shook his head, “no it couldn’t, not after all this time.”
His eyes widened as he watched MK pop up from the ground and grappled the clone from the back as he wrapped his arms around the neck and his legs around one of his clone legs. It didn’t work as the clone easily broke free and counterattack, but that grapple has been used countless times on him before, but not by MK.
His eyes became golden as he activated his eyes of truth and it wasn’t obvious at first, he still had the same bright golden aura tinted with a reddish-orange glow, but when he looked closer past the obvious glow he saw it. Right there flowing through his meridians and underneath the eye-catching colors, was a subtle violet aura gently coursing through.
He could feel his heartbeat fiercely in his ears and his body froze in time as he couldn’t stop staring at the familiar aura that was almost intertwined with MK.
What is Macaque doing with his student?
“Why are there so many mountains around this city?!” MK groaned as they trekked up the mountain carrying his own satchel of stored up plants. “Like one I can get, but we have so many that it’s spewed around like it’s nobody's business.
“I’m pretty sure that this was the aftermath of some deity and demons fighting, after all, we also have an ocean to one side, a forest on the other, a volcano between, and a desert just a ways past.” He said as he eyed his surroundings, never really clarified on why it was like this too, he has seen some areas like this, but to have so many different biomes all encircling this one area was more than a bit weird. All he knew about it was that there was some big battle with the city, before it was a city, being the center point of it all. Someone wanted something from the city, he didn’t know if it was the deity or demon, and the other party made sure to prevent the other from grabbing it. No one knew which side won as there was simply destruction one moment and a bleak silence the next.
“That is weird, I wonder what kind of beings would have that kind of power to make a whole new area,” he mused as he hopped over to another rock.
“Quite a few actually, maybe the library will help,” he said while his ears twitched.
“Or Ahmed and Tang.”
“Or Ahmed and Tang,” that lion is almost as big of a book nerd as the historian, the big lug even likes debating with him over what’s true and what’s fake. It’s sorta hilarious, Pigsy has to be the one to hold Tang back when he really gets into the debate and stops him from practically climbing Ahmed. “Now try going for that section over there and see if you can find any Lichens in your area.”
“Alrighty, but I still say it would be easier just growing it in the forest, I think you have just enough space,” he teased.
Macaque rolled his eyes, “You already know damn well that even I can’t forcibly grow certain plants.”
“So you're saying you can’t do it.”
“You can’t grow a goddamn plant that has adapted to the mountain to just grow in a forest.”
“You can’t do it~” His mischievous grin grew wider.
“Come here you,” the monkey began to chase after his child, who quickly began to run away from him.
“I think you’re getting slow in your age, old man,” he jumped from rock to rock until he landed on flat land.
“Me old?” MK suddenly felt an impact hit his back as he felt his head go into a headlock. “I’ll show you old,” the demon said as he began to roughly ruffle his head.
“I give! I give!” He laughed as clutched onto the furry arm.
“You better,” he was about to let go when he suddenly tightened his grasp and threw his son away from him.
There were few times where his hearing was a shortcoming compared to his other senses. His ears are the epitome of who he is, his whole name revolves around his six ears. But right now, even when he knew something didn’t sit quite right, it was the feeling that saved him as he felt a threatening aura press down upon him as he managed to leap away from that spot and-
-safely avoid the crater that was dead center to where he was.
“What do you think you're doing with my student Macaque?” An oh so familiar voice hissed out at him as the dust settled.
This time his ears didn’t fail him as even before he spoke, he remembered the sound of his heartbeat echoing all throughout his mind. He first memorized it when they were far from immortality after he had come back to their meeting point broken and bruised. He had picked the wrong fight with a demon who had a gang backing behind him, he barely managed to win against them all and dragged his fractured body to him. Macaque had watched over him all night and, even when he knew he had advanced healing, couldn’t help but listen closely to the sound of his heart pulsing in his chest.
He didn’t want to wake up to his friend's lifeless corpse.
But luckily that didn’t happen, when that morning hit the impulsive idiot popped back up as if he just took a nap and complained that he was starving. Obviously, he smacked him upside the head before throwing his pile of stolen fruits in his face. Then the two ducked out of that area as soon as possible with wild grins on their faces as they went off to find their adventure. The two of them really did go through too much and seen so much together that he didn’t believe it would end.
But that was then and this now.
So, he put on his best theater grin and the most mocking voice he could muster up as he locked down that fragile piece in his head that held his fondness of the monkey glaring at him. He began to talk as he went into a defensive position.
“Sun Wukong! It’s good to see you bud!”
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keijikunn · 4 years
Memories ─ part i
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── A @celestialarchiveshq collab “Connected by fate”
Pairing: Semi Eita x fem!reader Tags: college!au, kinda angst i guess, fluff, SLOW BURN, maybe strangers to lovers!au Summary: On the last day of the year, you dream of your soulmate’s most impactant memory that happened within the year. Each memory will be different each year. Word count: ~3.6k
Author’s note: I’m late and I’m so so sorry! I said I’d comeback by the end of January, but here we are in March lol. I can explain why I took so long in another post, if you want, but anyways. Here’s my piece from the soulmate!au collab from @celestialarchiveshq ! I decided to break it into pieces, because so far I have 9k words and you don’t deserve this. Anyways, hope you enjoy and stay tunned for the next part!
WARNINGS: insecurity, mention of injury (it’s a broken arm), self-esteem issues, let me know if I forgot anything 
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You didn’t know who your soulmate was, the little information you had about them was that you only knew they were a boy and had a huge passion for volleyball and music. But one thing that you knew for sure about him was that he desperately needed a hug. Not because he’s supposedly your partner for life, your one true love, your missing piece. No. Your soulmate mark taught you things are more than that, that there’s more colours than just black and white, more than just simple and exact definitions. 
Being able to access his most important memory of the year through a dream was both a blessing and a curse. The first one is quite obvious, it meant your soulmate had overall a good year, no bad day overshadowed the good ones. However, when the second case occurred, it pained you to know that he went through a lot, and you couldn’t do anything. 
It was hard to predict how much a couple of consecutive bad memories could have changed your soulmate. Knowing only an hour or so piece of the 8760 hours of the last year, let you little to no room to guess how he coped with it. You couldn’t help but think what did he do to deserve all the insecurities and self-doubt he’s been receiving. What happened to the sweet boy that still believed hard work was worthy?
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2004 (age of 10)
Your soulmate was running towards his front door, ignoring his young sister’s whines to slow down, but he didn’t pay attention. He was eager to see what was the surprise his father told him before he left for school. What could it be? Your soulmate’s voice, a pitch higher due to his age, resonated inside his head. 
“Mom, dad, I’m home!” He exclaimed, kicking out his shoes to quickly enter the living room; only to receive a stern look from his mother, pointing with her fingers his shoes, indicating he had to organize it. “Okay, I’m doing it.”
“Mom! Nii-chan didn’t wait for me when I asked!” His sister, Aime, complained, closing the door behind her. 
The older woman scolded the young boy, who scratched the back of his neck, apologizing to his sister next. The feeling of excitement filled his body once again when his father, still wearing the shirt and pants from his suit, appeared in his vision, holding a large package. 
“Welcome back, kids.” He grinned, placing the mysterious box on the floor to spread his arms so Aime could jump into his embrace. Your soulmate did not waste time to approach his father, who messed up with his hair. “Son, are you ready for your surprise?”
“It’s not fair that nii-chan’s getting a present! It’s not even his birthday.” Aime whined, both parents exchanged a brief smile, before the mother held onto her shoulders, guiding her to sit on the sofa next to her brother. He was almost jumping on his seat, bouncing his legs as if that motion would stop him from throwing himself at the box to open it. 
“The reason why me and mama decided to gift nii-chan is because he listened very well to us,” the older man started to explain. “Do you remember what he asked us a few months ago, Aime?”
“I asked if I could get my own guitar!” Your soulmate piped in, almost bursting into happiness as he connected the dots. 
“And we talked to you two about it, right?” Their mother continued, instigating her children to remember the topic of that conversation. 
“Mama and papa said that if we dedicate ourselves to something we really want, they could get us what we asked.” The young girl replied obediently. 
“Nii-chan has been dedicating himself to his guitar lessons, so we thought about rewarding his hard work.” Their dad finally announced what your soulmate had guessed all along, a smile spreading on his face. After receiving a light nod from them, the boy immediately put his hands on the wrap, tearing it apart to reveal a beautiful guitar. “We’re expecting extra hard work from now on, buddy.”
“I will!” He exclaimed, hugging both parents tightly, cheeks hurting from his large grin. “Thank you so much!!”
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September, 2017 (current time, age of 23)
The memories were blurred in your mind, though all feelings and sensations burned in your heart whenever you remembered it. You always saw them in your soulmate’s perspective, being privileged enough to have a piece of his happiness - or cursed to feel the sadness that washed over in other years. 
It was perhaps his fault that you got so hooked on music and learned how to truly appreciate it, you somehow felt connected with him, as if it was a language only you two knew. It didn’t really matter the genre of the music, you could listen to an indie band from your college or a worldwide superstar; your heart knew how to stay tuned to different frequencies, absorbing the perfect high notes to the bass riff that made your bones shake.
That was how you met this eccentric lead vocal and guitarist from a rock-ish band in your college department, a guy with ash blonde hair, narrowed eyes and a voice filled with unsaid emotions. Semi Eita appeared to be angry at anyone at any time of the day, quick to offer snarky replies with his sharp tongue. It could be just a persona he created as his band progressively became well-known around college, or could be just himself and his lack of interest in people in general. 
You got to know him through your friend - and the band’s drummer - Akihiko, after one of their performances on a local live-house most college students go on a Friday night. Semi sat far from his bandmates, who were talking excitedly with each other and a couple of friends, with the same scowl you’ve seen in a picture Akihiko once showed you. 
“Guys, this is my friend Y/n,” he introduced you as soon as you two entered the small backstage room reserved for the performers. “She’s really into music, so I decided to invite her to one of our presentations.”
“It’s nice to meet you all!” You exchanged greetings, while you noticed the lead vocal just rolled his eyes and busied himself with his phone. “I enjoyed it a lot today! I could feel every instrument resonating through my body. Please invite me for your next performance!”
Throughout the whole night you hang out with the band, Semi stayed quiet on his own, enjoying a bottle of beer too lost inside his head. His bandmates reassured you he was fine, the guy wasn’t a fan of gathering with friends or any sort of social contact - which was ironic to say the least, after all, he spends his free time entertaining people. 
Despite the singer’s wish to avoid contact, many girls - and guys - approached him perhaps to initiate a small talk, or maybe to end up on a secluded corner of the live-house with their mouths on his. His quite mysterious façade was intriguing, you even admitted it to yourself, as a possible explanation to his “fame” around people, and maybe that was the reason he attracted many people. 
You only got the chance to have a proper conversation with him on the next band rehearsal, which Aikihiko invited you per the other’s request. Inside the soundproof studio, you sat on a chair across Semi, who was too busy tuning his guitar to care about your gaze on him. He still sported the same scowl in his face, however, this time you could notice a hint of excitement - maybe even a silent love towards his instrument and what he was able to do with it. 
“Are you done staring at me?” Semi asked angrily, lifting his head from the tuning keys he had just finished adjusting. “Why are you here? Aren’t you Akihiko’s hookup or something?”
“First of all, ew!” You exclaimed, face contorting in a grimace at the thought. “I know him too well to feel attracted! Besides, he permanently smells like cigarettes, it’s awful.”
“Just wait until he arrives, the studio will be infested by this shit.” He replied with a huff, rubbing his hand against his face. “For real, though, why are you here?”
“The other guys invited me to watch you practice,” you said, then leaning down to grab a notebook from your bag by your foot on the floor. “They think watching you play will help me with an activity I have to turn in before the winter break.”
“What is it?” Semi seemed interested, you noticed, putting his guitar on its support, crossing his left leg. Although you two were talking for a couple of minutes, you still felt a cold barrier between you two. It was quite noticeable as how the lead singer guided the conversation, questioning you and your reasons to be there.
“I attend the music course as an extracurricular activity, and I have to produce a song by the end of the semester.” The room fell in silence, but you could almost hear the gears in Semi’s head turning. “And I’m also here to convince you to sing for my project.”
“Expected.” You laughed amused as Semi’s eyebrow twitched at your response. “Do you like barbecue? I can take you to an expensive restaurant as a payment.”
“You’re not gonna bribe me.” He stated, narrowing his eyes to send you sharp looks. In response, you smirked at his reaction. Just like Akihiko told me he would react.
“You’re right, I’m not gonna bribe you,” you mirrored his posture: left leg over the right one, arms crossed on the chest. But, contrary to him, you opened a smile, though your eyes screamed at the challenge in front of you. “I’m going to make you agree with me.” 
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October, 2017 (current time, age of 23)
A month has passed since your very first talk with Semi Eita, and although you didn’t make any progress regarding your project, you’re getting to know a bit more about the real Semi - not just the cold façace he shows. He is indeed quick with comebacks, hot tempered - especially when he’s talking about music, the boy stands still for his beliefs in what would be better for the band - but, Semi seems to have a huge wall separating his deepest sides from his friends. As if something holds him back from being true to his feelings. 
“C’mon, Semi, we’re having a movie night,” Akihiko whined once again. “Stop watching this volleyball game and let me start choosing the movie!”
“He won’t budge Akihiko, it’s his friends playing.” The bassist, Takeshi, laughed at the rather unilateral discussion: the lead singer’s eyes were still trained on the screen, watching carefully every movement; while the drummer tried to snatch the remote control from the other’s grip. “You should know by now that he analyses carefully every Ushiwaka’s movements to scold him later.”
“I don’t do that!” Semi spoke up, diverting his gaze from the TV, proceeding to push Akihiko away from him. “Ushijima doesn’t need my comments. He never did, anyways.”
“So, the famous Semi Eita is also a sportist?” You teased him, nudging his left left leg with your foot, since you were half laying on the couch. “And has his phone number? Impressive.”
“Our lead singer had the honour to play on the same team as Ushijima Wakatoshi.” Akihiko threw his arm forcefully around the ash blond haired boy, earning a groan in protest. “And played against the Adlers’ setter, right? And you lost, right?”
“You don’t have to remember me, Akihiko-san, thank you very much.” He removed his bandmate over himself to look at you. “And I’m not a sportist.”
“How come not, Semi?” Takeshi retorted rhetorically, the smile on his face gave away his enjoyment in teasing him. “You had a sport scholarship in Shiratorizawa, you have to be at least great in volleyball!”
“Yeah…” Semi muttered lowly, lowering his gaze to the wooden floor of Akihiko’s apartment, clearly bothered by the turn the conversation took. “Choose the movie, I’ll make the popcorn.”
As he left the room, the other two guys exchanged looks, and you kind of deduced they went too far in this topic. To say you were curious about why him attending such a powerhouse school was delicate was an understatement, the urge to get up and follow him to the kitchen and shoot him questions was undeniable high - but you weren’t a senseless person.
Another part of Semi Eita’s personality presented itself to you, holding as many secrets as the façade he shows to everyone else does. You couldn’t help but think about how many experiences he went through to close himself like that, but more than that, you tried to imagine what kind of story Semi could tell through a song. That was the reason why you wanted so bad his participation in your project. 
Semi Eita could tell a great story if he wanted to. And you would try your best to make it happen. 
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2008 (age of 14)
Your soulmate slowly dragged himself back home from school, body sore and longing for a long hot shower to relieve the stress of his muscles. Finals were taking a toll on him, especially when he was about to graduate middle school and needed to pave his way to good high schools. The sidewalk was slightly slippery due to the recent melted snow, droplets of water occasionally hitting his uniform’s pants near his ankles. 
Soon enough, he found himself opening the front door, being welcomed by a warmer environment. The young boy removed his shoes and heavy coat, greeting tiredly his mother and sister, who were both in the kitchen making dinner. Your soulmate headed to his bedroom ready to throw himself on his bed, wishing the mattress could swallow him. However, as soon as he turned the lights on, a white envelope with a familiar purple logo on the table caught his attention.
His hands worked quickly in tearing the material apart, removing a single sheet from the inside. The euphoria already dominated his senses, eyes barely proceeding to read the name of the institution at the top of the paper - but he knew which one was. His eyes scanned the words, eagerly searching for what he was wishing to himself for the past few weeks. 
“Mom!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, running out of his room to find her. “I made it! With a sports scholarship!”
“Oh my gosh, congratulations!” The woman cheered, drying her hands on her apron to involve her son in a tight embrace. His cheeks hurt from how wide he was smiling, but the bursting sensation of pride in his chest made up for that.
I am good at something, after all. I made it to a huge school through my volleyball abilities. 
I’m not replaceable. 
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Mid October, 2017 (current time, age of 23)
“What the heck happened to you?” The words left your mouth before you could even think after you entered the usual studio the band usually rehearses. Akihiko was seated behind his set of drums, scrolling aimlessly through his phone; and Takeshi finished setting up his bass on the amplifiers. But what surprised you the most was the cast on Semi’s left arm, holding it in a position he couldn’t stretch it. 
“Hi, Y/n,” Semi waved cynically with his right hand, “I am fine, thank you for worrying about my well being.”
“We need your help.” Both Akihiko and Takeshi said. 
“Why do I feel it’s related to the fact Semi broke his arm?” You questioned, glaring at the lead vocal suspiciously. 
“The band has a presentation in a week and Semi can’t play the guitar for obvious reasons,” the bassist started approaching you, offering you a bright yellow pick - which you accepted, still not sure about the end of the conversation. “We’re lacking a guitarist, but Akihiko said you’re pretty good, right?”
“Uh… maybe?” 
“What Takeshi is trying to say is,” Semi cut his bandmate, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “We need you to play the guitar as support for our next concert.”
It was unexpected, you thought with yourself, by the little you knew about Semi and his relation to music, you imagined he would ask any close friend of his that he trusted. Perhaps Akihiko mentioned you know how to play, he could have even shown him a few recordings you did in the college studio. Either way, hearing Semi inviting you was a surprise. 
“Sure, I guess?” Your answer sounded more like a question, evidencing your state of confusion and unsureness. “Wouldn’t you guys want someone else, though?”
“No.” The ash blonde hair boy answered without hesitation, once again surprising you. “You’ll do it just fine.”
You quickly exchanged looks with Akihiko, in hopes to discover that it was a huge prank or even a childish comeback from Semi regarding your stubbornness of having his vocals on your project. However, the drummer nodded his head; his facial expression didn’t give any sign of mischievousness like it usually does.
Semi stopped in front of you, handing you his own guitar. The instrument felt foreigner in your grasp, as if a simple guitar held secrets and hidden feelings of its owner - and it might do. You felt oddly connected to the guy in front of you, the same one who denied every invite of yours to sing for a couple of minutes for an extracurricular project. 
As your fingers strummed the strings, you noticed how perfectly tuned the guitar was and you were quickly to mentally facepalm yourself. It’s obvious Semi Eita would take such a good care of his guitar, the boy loved music after all. After adjusting the strap over your shoulder to fit your much smaller stature than the owner’s, you played a couple of chords to make the final adjustments on the amplifiers. 
“So, tell me the setlist I need to work on.” The three men smiled gratefully at you - though Semi’s looked more like a grimace, but you understood. They proceeded to fill you up with plenty of songs and minor details you should be aware of about their style, rearragended chords.
The hours flew by while you were in the studio with the band, the four of you fell in a good synchronization - if an outsider saw the rehearsal, they would never guess you weren’t the main guitarist. Playing with them felt familiar, all your frequencies merged into one smoothly, even easily. You adapted yourself to Akihiko’s excitement and Takeshi’s quirks during his solos, but the easiest one to work with was Semi. 
His style of singing fitted perfectly with your own strumming habits, even the occasional exchange of looks was easily understood between you two. He seems to be too arrogant on stage, pretending as if he was the best amaetur performer in college - but in a sense, Semi could think like this. The way he easily went with the flow with a new element in the studio, someone he has never seen playing before. 
“Great job, guys!” Akihiko exclaimed, clapping his hands a couple of times. You put the yellow pick on the top of the amplifier and cracked your knuckles, feeling your fingers a little stiff from the almost two hours rehearsal. And you did well, Y/n, you even remembered all the chords!”
“Akihiko!” Your whine made both the drummer and the bassist laugh. “I can remember things, okay?”
“Then tell me why can’t you remember your soulmate’s memories?” He wiggled his eyebrows, daring you to answer him. When you didn’t reply, he snorted. “You can’t even defend yourself on that! Anyway, we rented the studio for another hour, but I have some business to solve at home. Feel free to stay until the end, okay? Thank you for the practice!”
“Thank you.” You smiled, sending off the drummer. While you quietly went through the songs you weren’t familiar in the setlist, Takeshi bid farewell to you and Semi - leaving you two alone. “If you wanna leave, just let me know and I’ll stop, okay?”
“You are good,” Semi complimented you, not answering your statement. “Akihiko-san wasn’t lying after all, you are indeed good.”
“Why do you sound so surprised?” The studio was filled with rhythmical strums, following your favourite song of the list while you quietly hummed the lyrics. “I suppose Akihiko showed you a few things I did for the course.”
“Actually, he didn’t,” His response caught you off guard, your right hand stopping its motion in the middle of the song’s bridge. “And I suggested your name as support. I kind of wanted to see what’s up with you and music.”
“And what do you think, Semi?”
“Why do you want me to sing your song for the project?” He asked, ignoring your question completely. You arch your eyebrows in surprise, earning the same gesture - as if he was inciting you to answer him. 
“I strongly believe that music has an unique power to deliver messages. It could be the lyrics, the instrumental or just the performance… everything has a meaning.” You stated, adjusting the guitar in your lap properly; eyes fixed on the man in front of you. “From my point of view, after watching you perform and how you interact with music, I imagined you have some deep feelings buried inside of you that could be delivered through a song. Somebody could relate to you and feel grateful for you expressing something they might couldn’t.”
“I’ll do it.” Semi said after a few seconds in silence, surprising you. When you looked at his face, a small smile adorned his features. You mirrored his expression, though yours were much larger in order to convey your happiness. 
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handmaid - 36
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: the next chapter is gonna be the last one and i think i’m gonna need therapy. hope you enjoy this chapter x
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Y/N was dressed in a baby pink and white tweed two piece, her almond white heel hitting the ground as she looked around the same halls she used to run as a child. Yet, this time everything seemed a bit more somber, the red of the walls seemed to almost swallow her in her own mind. Everything seemed a blur to her, from Dan showing up at the house with most of Mr. Forrest’s men to Sebastian being taken away. She wasn’t sure how long it had been, all she knew was that she had been moved around by Dan and several other associates from place to place until she had finally been placed in her old bedroom of her childhood home. However, the home no longer felt like home and as she waited outside Mr. Forrest’s office, fingers picking at the fabric of the very expensive skirt which for the first time seemed to fit her like a second skin. 
The door opened and one of the maids gave her a kind smile before pulling the door completely open. She stood up on her heels, wondering what awaited her behind the threshold into the office of the man she had just discovered was her father. Not that it was a completely bad new, Mr. Forrest had never been anything other than kind to her but it was odd. It was odd that the father she always wished would be around during Father’s day, who would come to see her recitals had always been there but at the same time it wasn’t. He had always been in the crowd, unbeknownst to her and as she stepped inside his office and looked at the man she had seen ever since was little standing up, staring at her as if she would disappear at any minute, she wondered how she felt. Between Sebastian and being moved around like a lost package hadn’t given her enough time to even consider how she felt about her actual parentage. The young just turned heiress wasn’t sure how she felt about actually having one parent alive yet being somehow the reason as to why her mother wasn’t around anymore.
    - I know you probably have several questions, Y/N. - his voice trembled, almost in fear of what his daughter had pent up inside of her. - If you allowed me, I would like to explain it to you what really happened.
    - I guess. - her hands held the top of the chair, not sure if she should sit or not. 
    - I really loved your mother. I met her at the Opera, I swear I can still hear her voice in the quiet of the night ... I nicknamed her Robin, gave her the necklace you’re wearing. She loved you so much, she painted your nursery herself, spent hours and hours deciding on a name before finally sticking with Ella and would constantly read you her favourite books even before you were born. We were so ready to have you but after your mother I just, I just couldn’t let anything bad happen to you. I thought many times about placing you with some of my associates but then they put you in my arms and I saw your mother’s eyes on you, how tiny you were, I just couldn’t let you go. I do realise it was selfish of me and I know you probably will never forgive me for lying all these years but all I did was to protect you ... Not that it worked very well in the end. 
Y/N just starred at the powerful man in front of her lay it all down. Maybe it was her curse to get powerful man at their most vulnerable yet Y/N just couldn’t be mad. She knew she should be mad, she should be mad that all this time she had a father, she had a completely different name in her mother’s eyes without even mentioning being in the shadow. Yet, she couldn’t be mad, when she looked at him all she saw was a man who had lost the woman he loved and the opportunity of having a daughter, or at least having her the way everyone ordinarily had one. 
She sighed, a faint smile pulling at the corner of her lips as she walked closer to the old man, wrapping her arms around him. What use was it be mad? They had both lost something, something important and while Y/N had lost her mother, he had lost the woman he loved. As much love Y/N held for the mother she never knew, her father had lost the woman he had loved and the opportunity to have an ordinary lifestyle. She was in no place to be mad at someone who had lost so much.
   - I forgive you. - she took a step back, her eyes slightly glancing to the little robin attached to the golden chain. 
   - We should get some dinner. I would love to show you some photos from when your mother was pregnant. 
   - I would love to but I’m afraid I have to check on someone. - Y/N wasn’t entirely sure if she should mention her relationship with Sebastian. She had mostly begged Daniel not to mention it and while Gwen had jetted off the moment she didn’t have to get married anymore, she was wise enough not to drop it on her newly found father that she was not only in a relationship with the man who was supposed to marry Gwen just a few weeks ago but also pregnant. Either way, she wanted to go check on Sebastian. No matter how much she asked, no one would tell her anything and her phone had been removed right when they both were rescued from Mr. Williams. - Maybe later on?
   - Make sure you take Daniel with you. - Y/N nodded as one of the employees escorted her outside the study and back to the hallway where Dan was.  She gave him a playful smile before walking up to whom she guessed she now had to call her step-brother, not that he hadn’t act like one since she was a little girl. 
   - Tweed? Starting to dress like an heiress, Y/N? 
   - One of the maids left it in my bedroom. - she twisted her foot slightly behind her, a bit of heat climbing up to his cheeks. - Mr. Forrest, I mean, my father said I need to take you if I wanna go somewhere. 
   - It’s okay, he only told me he was his father when I was 10. You get used to it eventually. 
  - How do you get used to suddenly becoming first in line to owning ... - she motioned around her. - All of this. 
  - I’m sure you can ask Sebastian for help. - his words made her stop on her tracks, a furrowed eyebrow at his statement before Daniel took a file from under his shirt. - I had my suspicions but after he was ready to sign off his place in the mob for you ... well, didn’t take long to puzzle it out. 
  - Did you tell anyone? - she grabbed the file away from him, not wanting anyone to hold it and mostly because she wished to destroy it or give it to Sebastian. 
  - I don’t think Gwen would be too interested in it considering she went on holiday with one of his bodyguards the moment she got told the wedding was off. Besides, if someone is to tell our father about it, it certainly won’t be me. 
  - I thought you hated Sebastian. I’m sure you called them standoffish and murderous. 
  - I still dislike him but ... you like him and considering you’re gonna be my boss someday, I don’t think I should really go against what you want. 
Y/N merely chuckled at him as both of them got into the car and, following a bit of banter discussing if it was the best idea to go visit Sebastian or not, started to drive up to the Upper East Side. Sebastian hadn’t been taken to the hospital despite most of Y/N’s complaining, whenever she did all Dan would say ‘we don’t want the police in our business’ so all she could think about was if he was alright and recovering just fine. It wasn’t like someone would harm her if she made a call, however Dan and the other associates were firm on keeping Y/N as isolated as possible for the very first weeks.
Maybe it had been for the best, she had spent the two weeks feeling sick or very tired and weirdly enough, only a few days ago had she been able to get up without feeling like a goblin. However, she sure hoped he was alright and as his apartment because visible, her heart soared. It wasn’t like Sebastian had tried to contact her either, maybe he didn’t want to see her. After all, she was the reason he had three bullet holes in his body. As Dan parked in front of the building, her heart beat faster.
    - I’ll wait for you here. - Dan took her off her mindset. - Be safe, okay? 
    - I will. - Y/N climbed off the car, scarily walking over to the door which was opened by the doorman with a smile on his face. She entered the very familiar lift, looking at the light buttons on the switch panel until the penthouse was reached. The doors opened horizontally and the once familiar house felt cold. Maybe it was because there just wasn’t so much staff running around. Actually, she could only spot a few bodyguards and overall staff before Amelia came strutting her way.
   - Miss Y/N, I was so worried. When you didn’t come back with Mr. Sebastian. Thank god you’re alright, you look so good. 
   - Yeah, they’ve been moving me around for a few weeks. Do you reckon I could see Sebastian?
   - He’s been in his room for a few weeks, doctor’s orders. I told him to go the hospital but the police rule. - she started to walk up the stairs with Y/N right behind her until she led her to Sebastian’s room. - You let me know if you need anything.
Y/N took a deep breathe, trying to shoo away all of the negative thoughts she had within her mind before pulling on the door handle, pushing the door open to see Sebastian laid down in bed surrounded by several papers, most likely contracts, with his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. She leaned against the wood of the door lining, her eyes calmly set on his tense forehead as he went through each paper faster than a computer, writing what looked like unreadable calligraphy. He was the one to notice her first, taking his glasses off as a soft smile appeared on his face.
    - Didn’t think your father would let you near me any time soon. - he spoke out, voice slightly raspy as if he hadn’t caught a wink of sleep in the past weeks. Y/N merely rolled her eyes at his statement, walking up to his bed and taking a seat in a spot free of papers. - Are you alright?
    - I should be asking you that. - her hand creeped up to his, her fingers shyly touching his. - You should’ve gone to the hospital, Sebastian.
    - Just bullet wounds, angel, nothing new. 
    - I thought I lost you, Sebastian. You didn’t try to reach out to me for two weeks, I was worried. - she bite down onto her lip, afraid her emotions would get the best of her. Sebastian noticed this, pushing the contracts away from his lap before his hands wrapped around her waist, pushing her closer to him despite the lingering pain of the gun shot wounds still present but he didn’t care.
    - Angel, I thought you were gonna die and it was my fault. I promised nothing bad would happen to you and that ... that despicable rat had you chained to the ground .. the things he said he would do to you and if he had done it it would’ve been my fault.
   - Sebastian, it’s not your fault. - her hand raised to caress his jaw. - You couldn’t have done anything, whatever he wanted ... it goes way past me and you. 
   - I allowed him to be near you and I let you be alone at the hotel ... I should’ve just ran off with you, I should’ve just ... I should’ve just told you I loved you when I had the shot, we could’ve jus ...
   - It’s no good to live in the past, Seb. You’re okay, I’m okay, we’re fine. Whatever happened, let’s just forget it. - she took the documents from her purse handing it to him. - I thought you should have those. I don’t think it would be very safe for those papers to be wandering around. I can’t believe you would give it all up for me.
   - I would do anything for you. - he leaned his head against her shoulder. - How is the baby? 
   - Baby’s fine, probably got tired of making me feel miserable all the time. - she made herself comfortable in his bed. - How do you feel about it? The baby, I mean.
   - I would’ve rather heard about it in a less stressing situation but I just can’t really believe it. Somewhere in my life I must’ve done something good, I must’ve done something good because I really don’t deserve you much less a family with you.
   - I don’t really think it’s about deserving, it’s just ... maybe fated considering I was supposed to marry you all along. 
   - That is a contract marriage I can’t really complain about.
   - From now on, let it just be the two of us. Nothing else, no more Gwen, no more lost parents, just ... an ordinary family. 
   - I’d like that.
tag list: @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee​ @nikkipea​ @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​ @madisonpillstrom​ @cevans98​ @thelostallycat​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @anxiousdreamersworld​ @captainchrisstan​ @lookiamtrying​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @stuffforreferences​ @thebadassbitchqueen​ @sebastianstansqueen​ @nsfwsebbie​ @strangerliaa​ @emzd34​ @everything-is-awesomesauce​ @dreams-in-blxck​ @krismeunicornbaobei​ @buckysteveloki-me​
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harknesswife · 3 years
It was you all along (Agatha HarknessxFemale Reader)
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Summary: This is a sweet self-insert love story between Agatha and a Westview citizen. Everything that happens follows the original events of “Wandavision” and MCU, like a parallel.
Chapter: 07/10
Word count: 1.123k
I blinked a few times. She was staring at me with her hand in her chin, waiting for my reaction.
"Agatha", I’ve said, realizing that was the first time I called her by her real name. "I’m so sorry… I had no idea."
"Well", she replied. "Now you know. And don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault. None of this is."
I wanted to talk about what I saw. Ask her how she escaped from all those witches. But I didn’t want to push her. She told me all of that by her own will, so I’d just wait. Maybe one day she’d trust me enough to tell me the whole story.
"How did you end up here?", I asked, instead.
She bit one of her fingernails, choosing the right words.
"I felt this huge source of magic and I just needed to figure out how she’s doing this. How she conquered what I tried to do a lifetime ago."
I kept staring at her, so confused. Who was doing what, exactly? She noticed how lost I was.
"I’m gonna cut the wire. Wanda won’t have any power over you", she said, getting closer to me. "And you’ll have all your memories back."
I nodded while she slowly made her way to me.
"I’m pretty sure she did this", she pointed at me and then at her "To make me weaker. She must know who I am, so she just… wanted to distract me, somehow."
We were face to face, now. I searched for that young, sensitive girl I just saw in her memories in those hard features in front of me. And I did. She was still there.
"Agatha", I said, breathing heavily. "I don’t think someone did this. The way I feel about you..."
She placed one of her fingers on my lips. We stood there for a second, in silence, just staring at each other.
"This is hard for me too", she whispered, gently touching my face. "It’s been so long since someone looked at me this way."
I could swear that her eyes teared up a little when she stretched her other hand and purple light emerged from it.
Everything came back really fast. The memory of me, way younger, packing a bag with clothes while someone kept banging on the door.
"I told you, girl. I don’t like this but we had a deal, ok? You gotta leave."
It was Regina. I lived in her tiny house for a while, after my dad kicked me out. Coming out was hard enough when I thought he’d just be sad or confused. But he got furious and I just realized how bad the idea was when he shouted those infamous words at me. Sinner, shame, hell. The whole package. I had lost my mom years before, but in some awful way, that was so much worse. Since then, I kept jumping from house to house, job to job, doing my best to survive. I moved a few times, and Regina was my most recent roommate. Until I got fired and was unable to pay the rent for the last months. We were never friends, barely spoke to each other, but I couldn’t blame her.
I grabbed the keys and opened the door, holding the bag on my shoulder, ready to leave. But she wasn’t there. I searched for her in the living room and looked down on the stairs. Nothing. When I was about to text her, I heard a crash. Crashes. All the cars in the city collapsing all at once. I ran to my window and saw a guy getting out of the vehicle trying to reach his phone, scared as hell. But he never touched the mobile. His hands simply dematerialize in front of him and soon his body did too.
I was shaking like crazy, and it took me forever to find the remote and turn on the tv. All the reporters kept telling us to stay inside while showing some images of chaos. “Please, stay inside until you can. It’s not safe and we don’t know what’s happening. People are vanishing and we don’t know the cause!”. I felt the urge to run through the street and speak to someone, anyone, just to be sure that I wasn’t crazy. Instead, I followed their instructions. I stood there after the energy went out, as long as I could… but when the food ran out, it was time to leave.
I found some empty places along my way and survived as I could with what was left behind. Life kept going. I have no idea of how much I had to walk until I got to Westview, a tiny city that welcomed anyone willing to work in exchange for a roof and food.
"You can choose any of the empty ones", this woman named Sarah told me, pointing at some houses in the neighborhood, as soon as I decided to stay. "We’ll be happy to have you here."
I lived there all by myself, refusing to do anything besides working or watching some old DVDs. I embraced the loneliness because it was nothing compared to the fear of losing someone you love. I’ve been there before and I didn’t want to go back to that place. Years passed by. People got used to what had happened, no one was waiting for their loved ones to get back anymore.
But one day, they did. All of sudden. I woke up and saw tons of people celebrating on the streets. Lots of hugs, kisses, and tears. I asked myself what would happen now, so many years after what people called “the snap”. Maybe it was time to finally let my guard down. I was dying to just go outside and feel a little bit of all that happiness. It was hard, after being alone for such a long time. It took me weeks to finally find the courage.
I opened my windows, watching the sunlight illuminate my living room, and stood there, looking and waving at some people that passed by as if I was just meeting them for the first time. It felt… amazing. Everything was getting back to normal and I wasn’t scared of an imminent apocalypse anymore. I was about to leave the house when the red blast happened. It took only a second. A blink.
She was the first person I saw, walking on the streets, a big wide smile on her face. Everything was wrong, somehow. The clothes, people and houses…and I knew that, in some deep corner of my mind. But she was just about right. You know when it feels like someone was always there, but only now you were paying attention?
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 6
a/n: Are you seeing these posts? If not i don’t wanna spend my time editing the fanfiction for nothing…
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    The familiar knock on the door woke Scarlett up in the morning. It was none other than Severus Snape. He was standing there with their breakfast.
"Did i wake you up...?"
"Yeah..." Scarlett murmured sleepily. "Whatever come in."
"Sorry, i thought you'd be awake..." he put the plates on the table.
"The pills make me sleepy all the time... You help yourself, i will be back." She headed to the bathroom.
While he was pouring tea into the cups, she came back and sat down the chair.
"I went to the owlery earlier and there were couple of letters for you so i took them, here."
"Oh thanks."
She looked through them; Leo, Carina, dad... and there was a package. She wondered who sent it so ripped it open since there was no name tag on it. There was a grey cardigan and a note inside of the package, she immediately recognized the cardigan because it was hers. She was very confused, so she picked up the note and read it.
I didn't have any thick clothes with me that night and after Sirius and his warmness left me all alone in the cold bed, i had to borrow that from your wardrobe. You lost your husband but you can have your cardigan back.
Love, Arabelle
Scarlett took the cardigan and the note and threw them into the fireplace while tears running down on her cheeks.
"How dare she!?" She punched the wall next to the fireplace and fell down the floor crying hysterically. Severus run up to her immediately; he was shocked at her reaction, that was so out of character.
"Scarlett, Scar calm down. What's wrong?"
"I want to kill her!" She was screaming and crying with anger. "I hate her! She ruined everything!" She was digging her long nails into her palms as she clenched her fists.
Severus was so confused and worried at the same time. He hasn’t seen her like this before and he wasn't sure what to do because clearly talking wouldn't work at that moment so he just held her close to calm her down. Scarlett was resistant at first but after a while she leant into him and just cried her eyes out until there was no tear to shed. Sometime have passed like that and finally she was no longer crying and moved away from his embrace slowly.
"I am sorry, that was so pathetic of me..." She whispered while looking away from him.
"There is no need to apologize Scarlett." He stood up and gave her a hand then he led her to the table.
"I feel so ashamed... I can't control myself at all..."
He poured some fresh tea for her and sat back down.
"Why do you feel ashamed? You just express your emotions that way and if it relaxes you, do it."
"I have bad thoughts all over my mind Severus... i don't even know what am i gonna do next. I am scared of myself..."
"Talk through them with me."
She took a sip from her tea and thought for a while. "Did Carina tell you anything? Be honest with me."
"No, not at all. She just said family issues and i didn't question it any further."
"I don't know where to start, so many things happened lately... like i can't perceive them at all." sighed deeply, Scarlett was feeling so distressed she was still shaking from the crying.
"Start with the easiest one for you."
"I am no longer the deputy minister, i quit."
"I read that in newspaper and i was surprised actually."
"It wasn't an easy decision. I love... loved my job and it was a good way to show my abilities but... i had to quit."
"Did you get a better offer from somewhere else?"
"Oh, i wish..." she smiled sadly "I am unemployed right now." She saw the confused look on his face. "And here is the shitty part..." she finished off her tea, hoping it would ease her a bit. But unfortunately, it didn't. She was scratching her hands unwittingly. Severus knew something bad was coming, this was never a good sign.
"He, Sirius, umm... cheated on me..." she bit her lip to stop herself from crying once again but the tears didn't want to stay in their places but run down on her cheeks. "With his co-worker... i caught them in our bed..."
Severus couldn't believe the things he just heard. Sirius literally would kill himself to be with Scarlett when he was young and when he finally had her, he cheated. Severus regretted his decision that he made 30 years ago, he shouldn't have believed Sirius. While he was busy with his thoughts, Scarlett continued.
"We divorced 10 days ago. 26 years of marriage ended in half an hour... and like this wasn't bad enough, after the court i came across with "the girl" and she humiliated me in front of many people. And the package was from her. She has borrowed my cardigan that night because after i interrupted their hot action, she was cold." Her anger was rising, and her face was turning red at the same time. "She wrote me that i lost my husband but i can take my cardigan back." She laughed angrily and then started to cry helplessly once again.
Severus was so angry and just wanted to find Sirius and put him in his place. Seeing Scarlett like this broke his heart into pieces but he didn't know what to do to make her feel any better. He could see her pain through her beautiful eyes. He would give anything to see them shine with happiness again.
"I am standing on a very thin line, if i let myself fall which i am close to... i won't be able to recover from this at all or it will be so hard... I don't want it Severus..." her voice had such a pleading tone and she was literally screaming for help.
"I am here for you Scarlett, whatever you want or need i will always be there to help you."
He was dying to hug her tightly and kiss her pain away. She was the only one he ever loved and his love for her never changed over years.
"Thank you, Severus." She smiled faintly.
He watched her while she was taking her pills with shaky hands.
"Would you like to do something today?" He felt like he needs to take her out of this room, she was stuck between the walls for days and it wasn’t helping her a bit.
"Like what?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, we can go for a walk to Hogsmade?"
She thought about it for couple of minutes.
"We can do that, maybe being outside will be good for me."
"Good then. I will be in my room, when you are ready just knock on my door." He picked up the breakfast dishes and left.
Scarlett sat on the chair for a while before starting to get ready. She thought about Severus, when he was here with her she felt so comfortable even speaking about such hard topics for her. He always made her feel so calm and peaceful. But another side of her was still hurt by him. She decided not to think about that now, there were already man problems in her life.
Some time has passed, and she was knocking on his door. He opened it with a tiny smile on his lips.
"Sorry it took a little longer, apparently i forgot how to dress up since the only thing i wear was sleeping gowns for weeks..."
"It's okay and you look beautiful whatever you wear." The sentence did slip from his mouth before he thought, he blushed a little after he noticed what he just said.
"Thank you, Severus."
She smiled lightly and the two walked out from the castle to Hogsmade. It was a chill November day, just like Scarlett likes it. She was a total winter person and the cold weather always made her feel better and alive. A tiny smile appeared on her lips.
"I was thinking the old days, i have never imagined that we would be on our way to Hogsmade in our 50s."
He chuckled softly. "But here we are. Just like we used to do while we were at Hogwarts."
"I would like to live a day from those good old times."
"We can live like one. First we go to Honeydukes and get your chocolates then we have our hot chocolates at Three Broomsticks and talk."
"Sounds good to me!"
He was happy to see her all excited about such a simple day. They walked the roads they knew so well, got her favourite chocolates and now they were enjoying their drinks.
"You never talked about your life, what's going on with you?"
"Nothing much. Just working and dealing with dunderheads..."
"I hope you are not calling my daughter a dunderhead." She joked.
"I wouldn't hire her as my assistant if I thought so."
"Ah good to hear that because she really likes you, you were always her favourite professor. She would be sad if you called her a dunderhead."
"Carina was my favourite student to be honest. She was such a good student."
"Like mother like daughter." She grinned proudly and flipped her hair.
"I see you very humble."
She chuckled softly while slapping his arm jokingly. Severus grinned at her, that was his Scarlett and he was glad to see her happy. They kept talking about random stuff and spent some more time at Hogsmade. They were back at Hogwarts before it got dark.
"Thank you so much for today Severus, i feel so much better." She smiled at him before she entered her room.
"It's my pleasure, i am here if you need anything."
"Thank you again, see you tomorrow."
"See you."
He walked into his room as well and laid down on his bed thinking about her. His heart was beating like a teenage boy who was back from his first date. She was right here, so close but yet again he couldn't hold her, couldn't inhale her sweet rose scent, couldn't kiss her delicate lips...
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“New Moon” - Jasper Hale Miniseries Part 2
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I woke up in the morning to an empty side of the bed next to me.
“No, no, no!” I exclaim, running my hands sporadically throughout the spot where Jasper laid next to me last night.
This couldn’t be real, but it was real.
I grabbed my phone off the desk and called Jasper.
“Sorry, the number you have called is out of service.”
I called the rest of the family, all the same. I wanted to scream, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My head was spinning, I was having a panic attack. I felt like I was dying.
Before I knew it, I hit the floor.
I woke up hours later, waking up to my living nightmare. It felt like my heart was ripped clean out of my chest, with no promise of return.
How could life rob me of the people I loved most in my life? Take away my families that gave me love, twice?
When the car accident happened on my way home from high school graduation, it killed my entire family. I was the only survivor. I moved to Washington to start a new life, I was too depressed to live in my home anymore, I couldn’t bare to live in that house. I moved to Olympia and attended Evergreen State College. Portland became too much for me, I had to go.
After I met Jasper and his family, things grew easier for me. The hole in my heart slowly filled. I felt loved again, people cared for me like a family. They loved and respected me; I was not lonely anymore. Holidays weren’t spent crying alone anymore, they were spent surrounded by love. I miss my family dearly but was grateful for a second chance for a family. But now, it was once again ripped from my hands at the hand of someone else.
 I stumbled over to my desk, looking at the pictures of my handsome boyfriend and myself. I noticed that he took one; I hope he looks at it as much as I look at them.
 I thought back to how I met Jasper. I was shopping in Port Angeles, as I like to drive and take road trips at any given chance. I ran into three beautiful women on that rainy day. The tiniest of the three, who I then learned was Alice, looked at me, stared blankly, and dropped what was in her hands at that time. The other two women turned to look at me, before going back to her. She whispered something to them. They all looked at me quizzically before approaching me. I hung out with them for quite some time, befriending them. I know now that she had a vision, she knew I was Jasper’s mate. Rosalie and I clicked very well. We exchanged numbers and agreed to hang out at some point. I spent the rest of the day with them. At one point their adoptive brother, Jasper, met up with us as he needed to shop too.
 When Jasper and I made eye contact, all of the air left my lungs. I almost collapsed to the floor, my knees buckled and I gripped onto Rosalie’s arm for support. Alice was smiling uncontrollably as the same thing seemed to happen to Jasper.
 “Hello, my name is Jasper Hale.” He says, reaching out his hand for me to take.
 “I’m (Y/N Y/L/N).” I said, short of breath, meeting my hand to his.
 He grabbed my hand and kissed it, causing me to blush uncontrollably.
The sweet memory caused me to smile, before heading back into reality.
The situation daunted on me, I was alone. I had nobody with me, wouldn’t have anyone with me for quite some time. My best friends, my family, my love-- they’re all gone without a trace.
 So I did what I could, I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling for God knows how long. I had class in an hour and had to go, so I wouldn’t lose sight of my goal. Only now there was a new motive: to see Jasper sooner.
 I went to my class, but none of it felt real. It was all a blur. When I returned to my dorm room, I stared out my window.
 And that’s how I spent all of my time now, watching the world around me change as I stayed the same. I was too depressed to do anything extra. I went to class, tried to listen, and did the work I had to do. People spoke to me, but it fell upon deaf ears.
 I left Jasper and Rosalie voicemails on a daily basis. I wrote letters for Jasper daily, planning to give him them all at once when, even though it felt more like an if, I ever get to see him again.
 Being indefinitely separated from my mate left me feeling as if I was living in hell. My nightmares came back, and they came back worse.
 I would wake up screaming, having the RA banging on my door to see if I was okay, as people called it in thinking someone was dying. Though I wasn’t physically dying, I felt like I was. I was emotionally and mentally drained as the weeks went on. Weeks turned into months. By the time October rolled around, I still hadn’t talked to anyone. I was so isolated that I even forgot that other people attended this school.
 Until one day, a kid in my busines statistics class spoke to me.
 “Hey, do you know what we’re doing? I don’t really understand this.” He says to me, trying to smile in a friendly way.
 “Uh, yeah.” I say shyly.
 I explained the problem to him and turned my attention back towards the lecture.
“Thank you, (Y/N).” He said nicely.
“You know my name?” I said surprisingly. I was so down and lost in my own head, I never learned his name.
“Well, it is on your paper.” He said chuckling.
“Ah yes. That’s true. And your name?” I ask, trying to force myself to talk. After all, this is the most social interaction I’ve had since Jasper left a month ago.
“Mark. It’s nice to finally hear something out of you.” He teased.
I smiled back and chuckled out a “Yeah, that’s fair.”
The class came to an end and with that, I left to go sulk in my room.
Every class, Mark tried to talk to me more and more. He was very nice, I just didn’t feel a need to make any friends anymore.
“Hey listen (Y/N), I know you didn’t do anything for Halloween. Thanksgiving break is coming up in a couple of weeks. I think you need to have some fun. My friends and I are hanging out this weekend at my place. I think you should come by and try the whole, social, thing.” Mark kindly offers.
I sat and thought about it. What was there to lose? I didn’t necessarily want to go, but maybe it would be a nice distraction that wasn’t staring out my window all weekend.
“Ok Mark. I’ll stop by for a little while.” I said calmly.
“Oh wow, actually? That was easier than I thought.” He laughs.
He hands me his phone with a new contact page up. I add myself and hand the phone back.
The class ends and I head back to my dorm.
After sitting for about an hour looking out my window, my phone buzzes. It was Mark.
“So we’ll see you tomorrow at 6:30. Please try to have fun.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there. I’ll try my best.” I respond.
I started writing Jasper’s letter before I stare at the backpack I’ve yet to open.
I can’t explain why I couldn’t. I was just so nervous. But it was time. It’s been almost two months since the Cullens left.
I unzip the massive backpack and see an absurd amount of cash, some papers, and some little packages. I open the papers first. One is the address of the new apartment and the other two are sealed with my name on it.
I open the first one and see a receipt? I look closer and see that he had paid off the duration of my tuition here. I almost cried at the thought of it, and I would’ve if I had any tears left. 
I open the second one and see his handwriting. I stopped breathing for a second.
“Dear (Y/N),
         I’m so sorry for what is happening Darlin’. I hope this ends sooner than later because not being with you is the worst pain that I could ever fathom. I hope you treat yourself well, please take care of yourself. I can’t wait to see you again, my love. Soon enough, we’ll have forever together. Do well in school, it’s important. I left you what I think you’ll need in this bag, please don’t miss anything in it. I will see you soon enough, doll.
          Love always,
Jasper Whitlock Hale”
My tears dropped upon the paper. I opened the rest of the bag.
I saw a little rectangle box. I opened it and gasped. It was a necklace with a “J” on it. I held it close to my chest before putting it on.
It almost felt like he was real again. It felt like I wasn’t just imagining everything that happened to me.
I grabbed a picture of he and I before climbing into bed and holding it to my chest. I laid there until I fell asleep holding it.
When I woke up, it was 10 am. I did some homework and decided to finally go see the apartment that Jasper picked for me.
I ate some breakfast and got in my car. About an hour or so later, I pulled into the parking lot of a cute complex. I go up to mine and look around. It felt so empty despite being furnished. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the counter. It was from Jasper.
“Hey Doll, it looks like you found the apartment. I hope you like what we’ve done with it for you.”
I almost instinctively crumpled the note up in my hands as I held it to my chest, but stopped myself. I put it back on the counter before finding my bedroom. It was customized just for me, that’s for sure. My eyes welled up with tears and I couldn’t control myself when I saw the framed picture of Jasper and I on the wall. I looked out the window and admired the view of the tree line. I missed my boyfriend more than anything. This was going to be hard. At about 4 or so, I decided to head back to school after dropping some of my stuff in the apartment.
 I get back and get ready to go to Mark’s hangout. This would not only be my first social setting in some time, but my first big group of people in months. I was so afraid I could get sick.
 I drive to the address that Mark gave me and let him know I was there. I looked around and noticed that this was definitely a frat house. Well, let’s hope for the best.
He came outside to come get me. I exited the car and followed him inside to see about 25 people in the living room and kitchen area. This was going to be a nightmare. 
“Hey (Y/N), thanks for coming. Can I get you something to drink?” Mark offers.
“No thank you, I have water with me.”
“What? You don’t want a shot or anything?” He asked me confused.
“Mark I’m driving. I also don’t drink, but thank you.” I tell him.
As I look around I become increasingly aware of the fact that I’m the only female here.
“Did I crash a boy’s night or something?” I ask him.
“No I just wanted everyone to meet you.” He says.
“Oh?” I said puzzled.
“Is this her? Is this (Y/N)?” A large man comes up and asks Mark,
“Yes it is.” Mark answered. “(Y/N), this is Joe.”
“Hi Joe. Nice to meet you.” I said shyly.
“Hello. You’re right Mark, she is really pretty. You should ask her out.”
Ah there it is, the reason I was invited.
“Please go away, Joe.” Mark said as he pushed Joe out of the conversation.
“Well…” Mark trails off, looking at me.
“Well what?” I ask back.
“Would you wanna go out some time?” He asked nervously.
“Mark, I’m flattered. Thank you but I’m actually with someone. It’s pretty serious. I appreciate the gesture, though.” I say nicely.
“So why are you alone all the time?” He asks me, with kind of annoyed tone.
“Because he’s not here right now?” I said questioning his tone.
“Well, let’s just get you to have some fun tonight.” He said, pulling me further into the house by my hand.
As I walk through, all I see is drunk men. I haven’t been this uncomfortable in so long.
I sit on the couch alone and look around. I check my phone, nothing.
“What’s a pretty girl like you sitting all alone for?” I hear from above me.
My stomach turned as I look up and see a guy about the size of Emmett.
Emmett. I miss my chaos twin. I miss them all so much.
I lost my track of thought when I felt the couch dip next to me and someone throwing their arm over my shoulder.
Once again, the feeling of nausea was returning. The pit in my stomach was turning.
“So, what’s your name? Jasmine? Jade? Am I close?” He says, reaching out to twiddle his fingers around my “J” necklace.
I quickly grab my necklace from his grasp.
“No, my name is (Y/N). The J is my boyfriend’s initial. His name is Jasper.” I snapped at him.
“Oh, so where is your boyfriend, then? Why would he leave you all alone? Doesn’t seem like he cares very much if you’re alone all the time, or if you came here alone.” He said in a whisper as he caressed my arm. I could smell the liquor on his breath.
I wish I knew where he was.
“He does, he’s busy doing something important.” I said harshly as I pull my arm away quickly.
My phone begins to go off in my pocket, I get up to look at the screen. It’s an unknown number. Hell I’d answer anyone, even a spam call, to get out of this situation right now.
“Hello?” I say into the phone, happy just to have a break in whatever that situation was turning into.
“(Y/N), leave. Now.” It was Alice.
“Alice?” I basically scream into the phone.
“(Y/N), please leave. Never speak to them again. Get out, go home.” She says as I hear the call end.
I ran out of the house, started my car, and left. My worries weren’t for nothing. They were going to hurt me.
But as I drove home, none of that really stayed on my mind.
Alice called me; I couldn’t even trace a number. I couldn’t call back. For once I felt like they were real again. I began to cry, I missed them so much. The most I heard from them in months was a fifteen second phone call. I didn’t get to talk, it was just so I wouldn’t let myself get hurt.
I pulled into my usual parking spot and headed up to my dorm room. Hoping that this semester ends soon enough. I only have two weeks before Winter break. This couldn’t come sooner.
I crawled into my bed, staring at the J on my necklace until I fell asleep.
 Jasper’s POV
Hearing the phone call was too much for me.
Hearing about Alice’s vision was too much for me.
This was all too much for me. I needed to see (Y/N).
I needed to go there and kill every single one of them. If it wasn’t for Emmett and Carlisle holding me back and calming me down, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself.
I was sick of just hoping my fragile (Y/N) would be okay. It wasn’t enough for me that Alice was watching with her visions.
I have an anger so deep within me that I could destroy anything in my path. So that’s what I did with Emmett. We went outside and broke boulders about fifteen miles from where we were staying. It was how I was gonna keep myself calm.
“I’m really sorry Jasper.” Emmett says to me.
“Thank you, Emmett.” I look back at him.
“We all miss her too, I know it’s different. But it hurts us too. I wish she could’ve come. But we’ll see her soon.” He says to me.
“I want it more than anything. I would also like to show up to that party.” My voice trailed off. If vampires could cry, I’d have been crying from the start of this conversation.
“I know, but we can’t. We have to be happy nothing happened to her. So I really can’t let you go do that.” He pats the back of my left shoulder.
I nodded to him. Emmett was truly the best brother I could ask for. Rosalie picked an amazing mate, and I owe her one for that.
“Do you smell that?” He says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
“Bears?” I say, a little bit of the predator side in me taking over.
“Yeah, I think it’s time for dinner.” He says smirking.
And just like that we were off, racing to find a bear.
Word Count: 2973
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demivampirew · 4 years
A new chapter begins
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One-shot Henry x Reader
Triggers: mild smut, crying, blood loose, breakup.
A/N: I’ve decided to continue to tag the stories under the Henry tag. (like my dear @littlefreya​ says, we are no breaking the rules) I will also tag it under smut, even if there’s barely no sex on this story, but just in case. If you don’t like to see smut and you’re a lazy person who did not filtered the smut tag, don’t come at me, is no my fault; you’re the one to blame for that. Is a free world. I’m free to write whatever I want.
Tag list: @lunedelorient​​ @henrythickcavill​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @mary-ann84​ @desperate-and-broken​ @peakygroupie​ @summersong69​ @ivvitm1109​ @madbaddic7ed​ @iloveyouyen​ @the-soot-sprite
Henry was in the middle of an important mission on Word of Warcraft. All his attention was put on it when the non-stop barking interrupted his attention. Kal was trying hard to announce to him that someone was knocking at the door. When he finally took-off his headset to ask the Akita what was going on, he heard the knocking. He ran into the door before the person left. With the virus going on, he received no visits unless it was an emergency. Since he hadn't ordered anything online, he wasn't expecting any packages either, so whoever was on the other side of the door, came without any previous notice. He asked who it was before opening and he felt goosebumps when your voice met his ears and your name was pronounced. His legs were shaking and his heart was beating fast. He hadn't seen you in a few months after you two broke up and things did no exactly ended up in the best way - Henry promised that he loved you and would fight for you two to be together, but decided to terminate the relationship because due to work you couldn't travel with him and he was not the type who could be in relationships that would require time apart from each other. And, for the first time in his life, he regretted that decision. You were right, the love you felt for each other was worth fighting for. Seeing you confused him because you were mad at him and said that never wanted to see him again after he broke his promise and your heart. He allowed you to enter the place and you sit on the couch of the living room. - How are you? - Henry asked, sitting in a chair in front of you. - Fine, I guess- you replied with a dry tone and shrugged. You were still angry and it was obvious. - Can I get you something to drink? I have cold Guinness in the fridge.- he offered. - No, thank you.- you rejected the beer and a long silence follow after that. - Why are you here? - your ex-boyfriend questioned confused. - Because I have something to tell you.- you answered and paused revelling the motive of your visit. You looked into his eyes and grabbed the bottom of your loose shirt and raise it, revealing a baby bump. It was big enough to be obvious what it was, but no so big that was visible with clothes on - unless you were wearing tight clothing. Henry was speechless. He felt as if all the oxygen was escaping from his body and he couldn't concentrate or breath correctly. - How... Since when have you... - he could complete any sentence of how shocked he was. - I found out a week after we broke up when the symptoms started.- you explained- I didn't tell you back then because the firsts months can be risky and I had no desire to bother you if I lost it. My intention is not to bother you at all, I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to be a part of the baby's life. In case you don't want to do anything with her/him, that's fine with me. - Are you serious right now? Of course, I want to be part of my kid's life. That's like, everything I've ever wanted. A family... a true family. Children to love and a woman that I love.- he said while kneeling in front of you with a huge smile on his face, extending his arms to grab your face. You pulled them off and he felt his heart crush as a reaction to your rejection. - I think you are confused.- you informed him- I'm not here to get back together with you. I'm here to let you know that you'll be a father if you choose to be it. But, just like you decided months ago, our relationship is over. I want a partner that wants to be with me for me and not because he feels obligated for we have a child together. I deserve love, true love. - But I love you.- Henry assured you- I had and I'll always love you. - Yeah, sure. That's why you broke up with me or why you didn't go looking for me after that to say you were wrong, because you love me.- you replied, rolling your eyes and pouting. - I wanted to do it, but I was afraid you were going to reject me like you're doing now and I couldn't take that.- he explained. - Then you're a coward and selfish.-you defied him- We could have been together if you care about my feelings as much as you care about yours.- you pointed out and stood up. You walked towards the door and stopped yourself abruptly. You turned around and after a deep sigh, you took a picture from your bag. It was an ultrasound photo of the baby. You left it in a piece of furniture and then left the place. Henry took the picture and stared at it. His head was spinning and he felt a rollercoaster of emotions. His biggest dream and nightmare came true at the same time: he'd have a child with the love of his life, but he wouldn't be able to spend time with them together, because he hurt you and he made you feel like you weren't worthy of his love and attention.
In the following months, you allowed him to come with you to doctor's appointments and ultrasounds. You approve for him to text you two times a day - on the morning and at nighttime- and the only subject you'd talk was the pregnancy and its symptoms.
At 2 am, Henry was woken up by a phone call. You informed him that you were at the clinic due to blood loss but the doctor had already checked on you and told you that everything was fine but that you had to stay for a few hours on observation just to be sure. Your intention was only to keep him updated in everything baby related as he asked, but soon enough he was there keep you company. Wearing a green lose the shirt, some grey sweatpants and a beanie; clearly, he hasn't changed from his sleep-clothing before rushing into the medical centre. By midday, after a few other routine tests, the doctor confirmed that there was no risk at all and let you go. Henry took you to your place, but refuse to leave until you accepted to move with him. He assured you that he was no going to try to get back together with you, since clearly you had no desire, but was only for him to be there if you needed anything. You had always been a bit stubborn, but you knew that was the best thing to do, so you accepted.
Taken aside the hurtful part of seeing each other every day, living with Henry was amazing. He cooked all meals. Would gladly satisfy your cravings. He even moved into a little guest room, leaving you the biggest bed in the house; you told him that you were ok in the smaller one, but he insists you on staying in the main room to be more comfortable.
Week 24 of your pregnancy. Your belly was growing bigger by the day. After a conversation with Henry both agreed to wait until the baby was born to know the sex. As for the cohabitation, you two finally reached a good place. He was always friendly, but you were cold and distant, but after almost two months of living together, you finally started to be nice to him. Now you would even spend time watching movies together and laugh like you used to do in the past. Henry was on his free day from shooting the series. Production returned a few weeks before, and most days he'd woke up at 3 am, but he'd sleep until 10 am on his work-free days. However, that night you woke him up at 5 am. He was peacefully sleeping when you entered the room and started to call his name. You had to move his arm to get him to wake up, for naming him wasn't enough to wake him up. - What's going on? - he asked worriedly as he tried to wake up. - Is moving! - you exclaimed excitedly- The baby is moving for the first time! - you repeated- Do you want to feel it? - Hell yeah! - he replied smiling and put his hands on your belly. He waited for a few minutes until he finally felt the unborn child move inside you. He held the tears covering his eyes. It was such an unreal moment. Henry pressed his forehead on you and kiss the exterior of his baby's home. The touch of his lips against your skin sending shivers down your body and you smiled. Seeing him be this happy filled your heart. You knew that whatever happens in life, he would always be there for the two of you. You made him move and you laid on the bed next to him, allowing him to keep a hand on your belly. He deserved to enjoy that moment as much as you did. - I've been thinking in baby names.- you said smirking - Really? Ok...let's hear them.- he encouraged you - If it's a girl, Katerina Simone. -you proposed - Ok, but... it doesn't rhyme with my last name.- he pointed out. - Oh, because Henry Willian Dalgliesh Cavill rhymes a lot.- you joked, laughing. Henry raised an eyebrow and gave you a judgy look- My doesn't rhyme either.- you informed him. - So it doesn't matter. Those are pretty names.- You affirmed him. - Alright, and what if it's a boy? Do you have a name in mind? - he wanted to know. -Oh, yeah.- you look at him, giving him a devilishly smile- Bruce.- you replied and laugh. - Are you serious?- he asked, laughing but a bit hurt. You chose the name of his character's rival for your baby. That was mean. - No, I'm just messing with you.- you admitted.- If it's a boy I thought about naming him - you paused and he was getting anxious- Geralt Clark. - you finally said and he looked at you with surprise. - Is this another joke? - he questioned suspiciously - Nope, I'm serious this time. I like Geralt, is a cute name and I've got the feeling that might be a popular name among kids his age. And Clark, well, I first I thought about Kal, but you already have a son named Kal and I didn't want to create any confusion, so I went for that one instead. - You didn't have to name them as my character, you're free to choose others.- he assured you. - I know, but I'm happy with those names and I know they meant a lot to you and I'm sure our son if it's a boy, will appreciate them. Henry looked at you with the biggest smile. After a long silence, just staring at each other, with one of his hands in your belly with yours, feeling the baby move, you finally spoke again. - Can I ask you a question? - you requested - Absolutely. - Do you... this is going to sound silly - you excused yourself- do you think that I'm attractive? I mean, with this huge belly. Do you think I'm sexy? - you questioned shyly. - Pfff.- he replied, making a gesture with his face as if he was surprised that you had to ask that- Let's say that if we would be together still, I'd have spent every free minute making love to you, instead of watching movies. You were lying on your back. You looked at the sealing while smiling. Henry moved the hand to your face, stroking it with the back of it. You turned your head to face him and give him an unspoken signal that he could kiss you and he did exactly that. His lips tasted so sweet. Gosh, you missed his touch so much. You giggled a lot while trying to have sex with your belly - on the side, you on top and he going down on you were the main poses you went for. After finishing, still naked, you fell asleep with him spooning you, keeping an arm around your belly, kissing your shoulders and the back of your head.
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[New draft]
I’m finally getting hitched Tying The Knot Official Words
Wedding Vows
by roy harper, putting the laughter in manslaughter since 1983
A couple years ago, you asked me why I loved you, and I said “I-I don’t know.” Except you weren’t really happy with that answer, I could tell, so I tried to put it into nicer words. I mean, I’ve loved a lot of people in my life, or at least I thought I did. Look how that turned out. And, you know, I kind of write them off when they leave me, or when I leave them, because obviously that means it couldn’t have been love in the first place. But then I know that’s a big fat fucking lie because I still remember all of them, still remember exactly how it felt to tumble head over heels. So maybe they reason they stayed with me forever, despite one of us leaving, has to do with them and not me? And I was about halfway through this awful explanation when Dick gave us a call, told us that dealer we were tracking had just put his dirty little hands in Bludhaven, so we went to go deal with that. 
Both of us were glad that conversation was over, and I’m pretty sure you forgot all about it. But I didn’t. I never forgot about it, and I realized I never really answered your question. So, here goes.
I mean, I thought I was so smart when you met me. Sure, I was at my absolute lowest. But I was 25 and reckless, and the heroin had me feeling like a real person for the first time, you know? A human being, with the kind of secrets a grown-up kept, telling the kind of lies grown-ups told. And I thought I loved the way grown-ups loved. Always on the move, always leaving. Because it was either leave or get left. And I thought that was love. And I thought that was a brilliant idea. I was all dark and tough and had this tragic backstory, and I thought I was fucking irresistible, but only for a night. I thought I was fucking irresistible for a night, and after that I wasn’t worth shit.  
Now, I’m looking back at 25 year old me and the only thought going through my head was, what an asshole. Just, everything about me was supremely dickish. But most of all, it was the way I treated relationships. Do you remember that time you, me, and Kori went to that carnival? And Kori won that strength competition and we got free cotton candy? And I just gorged myself on candy floss, man. I was worse that Wally used to be, back in the day. And then we went on all those carnival rides and I thought to myself, I’d be fine. I run around jumping off rooftops with grappling arrows, and I used to practice marital arts with Dick Grayson. Motion sickness doesn’t happen to me. And then like half an hour later I was puking my guts out and you stood there and laughed at me? That. That’s how I treated love. I gobbled up everything I could get, and it was way more than I could handle, and then I’d throw it all up and run away. 
I’m not 25 anymore, but it feels like I’m still running. Except I can’t get away with what I used to do, ‘cause Kori can hear my fucking heartbeat and you check my arms for track marks all the time and Dick bribed his way into being my second emergency contact after you. So I hide away in my room and sort of melt onto my sofa. But not the good melting, like the way I melt into your mouth like you snipped all my strings. The gross kind of melting where I’m curled up onto the couch and I just wanna hack all my hair off with a knife and it feels like my brain is leaking all over the sofa and I know you killed most of my old dealers but I wanna bring them back to life because just one more hit, I just need one more hit, and I wanna drink myself into a rage but you locked away all the alcohol with a bat-lock that even I can’t break. Figures. It’s funny. You’ll shoot yourself in the neck before you go to Bruce for anything, but if it’s for me, you’ll swallow your pride in a second and get whatever the hell you need. 
I guess I’m just scared. I’m scared that I’m imaginary. I’m scared I’ll always end up reinventing myself every day to spare other people the trouble of having to do that for me. That what I want everyone to see always takes precedent to who I really am. I’m scared that I’ve finally lost it, that I’m crazy, that I’ve finally gone mad. But I’m even more scared that I’m perfectly sane. Because if I’m sane, then what excuse do I have? What excuse do I have for treating people the way I do, like they’re problems that I have to solve or explain or else I’ll just fall behind everyone else.
And that’s where you come in. Fuck, Jay. That’s, that’s when you came in.
I tried to word vomit that last part to you one night when you thought I was drunk and I thought you were drunk but neither of us had had a drop, and we hid behind the curtain of alcohol to have a heart to heart. And you told me people don’t have to be solved or explained. We’re all just ghost stories, and maybe we should just try to stay that way. Because we spend our days doing wonderful things, horrible things, and sometimes there’s no reason behind it. Or, wait, fuck, no. There is a reason. But that reason’s too simple and too straightforward to really be satisfying, you know? And then we keep forgetting the lesson that we learned and re-mystifying these problems that we already solved because deep down we don’t actually want to figure out why we love each other but hurt each other and-
Fuck. Sorry, Jaybird. This was supposed to be a simple answer to a simple question.
I think. Um. No, I don’t think. I know. I know I love you because I have to.
There’s no “why” about it. Any more than there’s a reason why Kori loves the dew drops that gather in the morning grass, or why that old hag in the apartment next to us can’t keep a plant alive for the life of her. I mean, I guess there is a reason. There’s always a reason, there’s always a “why.” I don’t really understand it, though. And you know how much that bothers me, you gotta know how much I hate that. Maybe if I dug around in myself for a bit, really thought some stuff through, talked to some people I thought I was done talking to, I’d figure it out. I’d figure out where all this love comes from. What it’s for.
But then the question would be answered. Why do I love you? Boom, I’d have an explanation. The ghost story would be over. And there’s really no point in telling a ghost story that has an ending, all nice and neat and wrapped up in a little package.
Right now, I think I’m finally at a place where I can just let it be. It’s just you and me. Me sleeping ‘till noon, then waking up to see you in my kitchen, looking like a fucking greek god reincarnated, a smile on your face that I don’t think anyone else but me gets to see, flipping an omelette with the same ease and grace that you flip knives. Me in fiddling with a couple spare parts, adding on to my arrows, and you either sliding up behind me, wrapping your arms around my waist and whispering in my ear how good I look in this old tank top or you throwing a greasy rag at my face and laughing at how it messed up the bun I had my hair put up in and telling me to wash up, dinner’s in 10. The two of us crowding around a set of blueprints, scheming and figuring out how to best hurt this one greedy asshole and send him down the highway to hell. And you honestly know all my secrets, all the dark thoughts I had when I was doped up and hating the world and everyone in it. And I’m the only one who knows what really happened in that funky green goo you call a Lazarus Pit, I’m the only one who knows what you went through under the League. The fact that we don’t have any secrets gives me this feeling in my chest, it’s warm and golden and sorta like how you feel with Dick Grayson smiles at you, except this time I think I caused it.
I just hope to god I’m right when I say “I love you.”
‘Cause I do. Jason. I love you. I just, fuck. I like being around you. And for the first time in a long while, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.
Fuck. That was stupid. This barely even made sense anyway. 
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[New draft]
Wedding Vows.
From Roy Harper. To Jason Todd. 
I was trying something new with this and I have no idea whether it worked or not but oh well here it is.
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parkjess · 4 years
Can I request a childhood friends to lovers scenario with Sanha?? Thank you !! 💜
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Friends to lovers/ Yoon Sanha
Genre: Fluff
It was 3rd grade when your best friend told you about the cute, nerdy boy she saw in her neighborhood, where both of you hang most of the time. She was so overwhelmed when she talked about him, and a precious smile appeared on her face every time his name came up.
“Y/n! Did you hear that Sanha is moving to our school next week?” She jumped at you the moment she entered the classroom, holding your shoulders to keep you steady. -“Oh! Really? I cant wait to meet your lover boy.” You tease her with a slight smirk and she blushes right away.
Time flew and you became best friends with Sanha, that bubbly-like-personality boy. You grew up together, he spent all his childhood at your place and you at his, growing taller with him until he became a tower and the one your heart desire.
Somewhere in the middle of the second semester in 11th grade you found yourself dreaming about him, every single night. Even on nights you couldn’t fall asleep, you used to think about him and it would calm you down and make you escape to dreamland. But in the mornings, it felt wrong, almost regretting your dreams you’re not responsible for.
School ends in a bit, and there’s the prom approaching too, which looks like the opportunity to confess your feeling to him, but those other feelings tell you otherwise.
“Y/n!” Sanha calls you from across the hallway, his tall figure can not be avoided and you close the locker when he approaches. -“Well, good morning to you, what’s up?” You ask and shove your hands to the pockets of your hoodie. He looks extremely happy this morning, not as he always feels this early.
“I finally got a suit for the prom, just like I used to tell you I want it to look like when we were kids, remember?” You smile at the excited boy, his lips are shaped perfectly for a wide smile as well. -“oh that’s great! I haven’t found a dress yet.” You pout and look down.
“You don’t need to worry, you’ll be pretty even if you’d wear a trash bag.” Your heart skips a beat at his words and you cough because you don’t want him to notice the blush spreading on your cheeks.
-“Shut up...” you playfully hit his chest, -“Uhm... so, are you gonna invite your date or what?” You were convinced he’s taking you to the prom, but only wanted to make sure you’re right and there’s no other girls in the line for him.
“I thought... we’re going together- I’m... am I wrong?” He stuttered, confused.
-“Exactly. See you later kid.” You heard what you wished to hear from him and kissed him on the cheek for a goodbye. “Call me when your class ends!” Sanha shouts to you as you disappear from his sight in excited jumps and throw a thumb in the air for approval.
As days went by and prom day got closer, you were more frustrated to find the perfect dress in your favorite color.
“How about this?” Sanha shows you a dress he finds cute and not more than this, for you, as you bring a huge bag of snack and sit on your bed. -“Are you kidding me? Do you not know me enough time?” You laugh and open a bag of chips, his favorite kind.
“Woah... y/n. This. You will look beautiful in this.” He opens his mouth in surprise, seems like he found the perfect one for you, while you only tried not to blush from his compliments.
-“oh shut up I’m sure it’s not even pret- oh my... I mean- it’s cute I guess...” you rub your neck nervously as he turns the phone to you, waiting for your reaction and you see the magical dress of your dreams you were looking for, but it was a bit exposing, not too much, but you usually don’t expose skin parts such as your lower neck-chest part near him, and you know you’re going to dance with him all night at prom.
“Cute huh? I’m buying you this...” Sanha teases and states, but you wouldn’t let him pay for this expensive, yet beautiful piece of clothing. -“Wh-no! You’re not.” You turn his shoulder for him to face you and he rolls on the bed and looks at you. “Says who?” He giggles, exposing his beautiful smile that never fails at erasing your serious face. -“Says me! Yoon sanha, you’re not buying this dress unless you don’t want me to come with you to the prom.” You found your manipulative way to stop him from adding the fairy dress to cart and he gives up. “Ok, fine. But it’s just because I want you to come with me, and I know that when you threat, you mean it.” He laughs but he’s right as well.
-“That’s right. Did it start yet?” You take the popcorn from the big plastic bag and open it as your other hand grabs the remote control, searching for the channel eunwoo’s drama is aired on.
Two days are left for the prom, and still you’ve been looking for a proper dress that doesn’t cost the same price as a kidney.
“Hello?” You answer the unfamiliar phone number from the unknown person who you couldn’t recognize by voice. -“Miss y/l/n?” He calls you by your last name, still no clue who calls people like that nowadays, and before you answer with something rude like ‘how did you get my number’, he says, -“I have a package for you, are you home now?” It sounds suspicious, so you run to the window where only you can see him through it, and realize it’s a delivery guy, still doesn’t look like someone you might know.
“I think it might be a mistake... I didn’t order anything.” You stutter in confusion. -“are you y/n who lives in (your address)?” He asks, looking for someone around. “Uhm... yeah...”
-“Then it’s not a mistake, I’m leaving it next to the front door, have a good day.”
You furrow your brows and watch him leave. When he’s completely out of your sight, you run to grab the big box, it’s not especially heavy.
Reaching your room, you throw it on your bed and rush to check the details, they’re all yours, except for the credit card number. That’s when you realize Sanha did pay for that dress, but having doubts, it’s been a while since you last talked about that dress, how come it only arrived now?
“AYO! I’m home!” Sanha shouts from downstairs, he’s like living at your place so he got used to calling it home. “Y/n, you’ll never believ-“ he gets closer to your bedroom.
-“Oh I’m gonna kill you YOON SANHA!” You throw a piece of paper at the big guy who just got home from school. “Holy- stop it!” You grab the pillow he use to sleep on with a picture of two of you printed on it, and about to throw it on him. “Oh you got the dress! Don’t you like it?!” He shouts back at you playfully. -“That’s the problem! I LOVE IT!” And with that last scream of yours, you both calm down and he approaches to give you a hug.
-“Why did you buy it?” Tears of joy and thankfulness fill up your eyes and stream down your cheeks when his shirt covers your face (if you’re tall, then you bury your face in his neck🙂👍🏻), your grip on the pillow releases and it meets the floor. Sanha caress your hair/back, not leaving your figure. “You know I couldn’t leave it there when I saw how your eyes sparkled looking at that dress, it’s perfect for you.”
-“What about my threats?” You lift your head to look at him, scanning his beautiful skin from closer. “You won’t miss the prom when you have a dress like this. We’ve been through a lot for me to not know you enough, y/n.”
It sounds like he was about to confess, little did you know you’re not feeling those strong heartbeats on your own.
On prom night it was the hardest. You couldn’t see Sanha for two days and had struggles falling asleep last night from being too excited. He only called once in those last days on face time to see you but nothing more, it was your decision because you wanted to make tonight special for both of you, and since you know each other, it’s not been more than one day without meeting.
My favorite boi: 7pm, bring yourself only😉
He sent you this text 5 hours ago, and you only replied with a short “k”, glancing at the same text from him every 10 minutes which makes your heart not beat in its regular beat, dancing with a different rhythm.
6:57pm, you look through the window to find his car in your sight, here it is, waiting for you. You only could see the light from his phone, and almost nothing else since it’s already dark outside.
My favorite boi: I’m here, call me when you’re ready😃
The moment he sent this text, you were already at your door, taking a last deep breath and walking out of your house.
“I’m also here.” You bend over to his car window and say quietly, scaring the hell out of him since he was focused on his phone. -“I- oh my god y/n you scared m...” Sanha’s phone finds itself on the car floor in seconds and you laugh at him, he rushes out of his car to approach you.
-“Wow...” his jaw is almost dropped staring at you with your new, fabulous dress he bought you. -“You look amazing.” He puts his hands in the pockets of his blue suit. “Oh stop, pick up your jaw and let’s go.” You tried to laugh the embarrassing situation off before you turn red and your makeup is ruined.
“You look amazing too though.” You shortly say as he opens the car door for you, trying to keep the straight face and not fall into a blushing mess.
You aren’t usually the type to dance insanely infront of everyone in parties, but when he asked your hand for a slow dance, your heart started jumping in a new beat, taking his hand while he walks you to center of the dance floor.
The lights are dark and there’s a romantic atmosphere. Suddenly you get lost in Sanha’s eyes and he get lost in yours, holding your left hand with his own, while his other is resting on your waist, gently, almost uncomfortably holding it.
“What? Do I look beautiful?” You roll your eyes when you can tell he’s about to compliment you.
-“You are.” He giggles and gulps at how fascinating you look with this dress, this close to him. “Ugh...” you sigh and roll your eyes again at him, try hiding your smile with biting your bottom lip. “It’s only because you can’t see me well, it’s dark here.” You brain is telling to stop distracting yourself and do what you planned to, confess. -“You’re always beautiful.” He says and makes you look at him again, staring into the flashlights in his sparkling eyes. -“Besides, I see you very well from here, and you’re all I can see.” He warms your heart more than he should do, and it feels like exploding soon.
“Sanha...” you say his name softly, feeling weak in your knees suddenly, but he holds you tighter as the song gets to its peak. Your arms wrap themselves instinctively around his neck and his around your waist.
-“I love you y/n.” The music is loud, your and his heartbeats are even louder, but his words are all you could hear. At this point you didn’t see anyone and nothing else but him. You say nothing but a shock attacks you and you only stare at him, not even blinking.
“You ruined my plans.” You joke to release the tension. -“huh?” He widens his eyes. “I wanted to tell you I love you, so I guess I just love you bac-“ you sound like it was normal talking about love with him, but inside, you were freaking out. He cuts you off before you finish talking with attaching his plumped lips against yours, kissing you softly while holding your neck.
You tighten the grip on his neck and pull him closer to deepen the kiss, as he smiles through the kiss and pulls away slowly.
-“It’s been years since I’ve fallen for you.”
“I’m so glad we feel the same. I love you Sanha.”
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