#the other names are not any better either 💀💀💀
trucybeams ¡ 3 months
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happy74827 ¡ 2 months
Feels Like Home
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[Logan Howlett x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You decide to take it upon yourself to become best friends with Wade’s new grumpy addition to the family (much to Logan’s dismay).
WC: 2453
Category: Fluff, Sunshine!Reader x Grumpy!Logan trope {TW: Bar Fight, Handsy Drunk Dude, Mentions of Blood + Bruising}.
[Dedicated to: @iluvloganhowlett] I finished it for you!! (I’m shocked at the speed too don’t worry 💀). Hopefully this fluffiness will help add onto the low supply out there.
And incase anyone hasn’t seen it yet: DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT
You’ve always had a keen eye when it came to others. It’s mostly why you and Wade get along so well; you’re the one person who can see straight through him. And while it means you are very close, it also meant that you can easily tell when something is going on with someone you don't know that well, like the tall, brooding man named Logan, who had just joined the club of misfits.
You could tell by the way he carried himself that he had been through hell and back. He was quiet, grumpy, and had a tendency to snap at Wade, which, most of the time, was a well-deserved snapping.
You could also tell that there was more to him. He wasn't just a grumpy guy; there was something about him that made you want to be his friend. Maybe it was the sadness in his eyes, or maybe it was how lonely he looked.
Either way, you knew he was in need of a good friend, and you wanted to be that friend. Not a pestering one like Wade, but the kind of friend that just makes you feel a bit better.
So, when you spotted him, downing glass after glass of whiskey for the third day in a row, you just knew you had to help.
And he hated it. Oh, man, he absolutely hated it. You were such a happy ray of sunshine, always smiling, always laughing. He found it so fucking annoying. He couldn't deal with you and your constant positivity. It was like you were the PG-13 version of the breathing ballsack next to you.
But you wouldn't give up. Every time you saw him, you would try to cheer him up by making silly jokes, giving him small gifts, or even just sending him encouraging smiles.
He didn't want any of it, but it seemed you were too stubborn to listen. Every small note you’d given him was left crinkled in the trash; every gift was placed away without ever being touched. Your smile never got a response.
That is, until one day, as you walked by him, he mumbled something that almost made you trip over.
You stopped in your tracks and turned around to face him, a look of disbelief on your face. You had tried so hard to cheer him up for the past few weeks, and this was the only thing you got from him? You couldn't believe it.
You had spent so much time and effort trying to make him feel better, and this was all he could say to you?
You wanted to hug him. To scream to the skies and celebrate that he finally accepted your kindness.
You held the restraint to do so, though. You didn’t want to cause him to close off again, and so instead, you sent him a soft smile, and a small nod, before you resumed walking (running) to your friends.
The next day, however, you were met with the biggest surprise of your life.
Logan was sitting at the bar, drinking. He didn't look too different, still dressed in his trademark blue jeans and flannel shirt, but his face was still holding that sadness you had grown used to seeing on him.
You walked over to him and sat down beside him, that classic smile of yours plastered on your face.
He groaned. "You're not going to leave me alone, are you?"
"Nope!" You replied cheerfully, popping the 'p.'
He grumbled under his breath and downed the last of his drink, signaling to the bartender for another.
"Come on, Wolvie," you said, nudging his shoulder. "Lighten up. Life's not that bad, is it?"
He turned to glare at you, his dark brown eyes piercing into yours. "It's Logan," he said, his voice a low growl.
You shrugged and leaned closer to him, propping your elbow on the counter. This was the usual part—the part where he would give vocal responses while you carried on your one-sided conversation with him.
The difference this time, the surprise of it all, was when a person approached the both of you. Mind you, a very drunk person.
"Heyyyyy, baby girl," he slurred, his hand landing on your shoulder.
You turned to him, and he was looking you up and down with that gaze you knew had only one intention. You still smiled, though, and politely moved his hand off your shoulder.
"Uh, hi?" You answered unsurely.
He slammed his elbow on the counter, his palm on his fist. "You are gorgeous," he commented, and you had to hold back the laughter that was bubbling in your throat.
"Thank you," you chuckled.
Logan scoffed, rolling his eyes, but you paid him no mind. Usual behavior from him, nothing new.
"No, really," the stranger continued, moving his arm around your shoulders, "I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"Well, I'm glad you think so," you answered, still chuckling. "But, I think you're a little drunk."
"Drunk on love," he responded, "Say, wanna get out of here? I'll show you a real good time."
Here comes the awkward part, you thought.
You shook your head, and removed his arm from around your shoulders. "Thank you for… uh, the kind offer," you answered, "But, no, thank you."
You expected him to shrug it off and leave or to just be a dick, as many drunken guys are. But no, this guy did not know how to take a hint.
Instead, he tightened his grip around you and pulled you closer to him, his free hand moving down your waist. "Come on, baby," he said, his words slurring. "You know you want to."
You sighed. You were really hoping it wouldn't have to come to this.
You were about to speak, to politely, yet firmly, tell him to leave you alone, but before you could open your mouth, a gruff voice beat you to it.
"She said no,"
He didn’t even look at the man or you. His eyes were still fixated on the counter as if he was talking to his glass, but he had turned his head a bit to the side so that you could hear him clearly.
The drunk stranger was startled by the sudden intervention. He let go of you and looked over at Logan, confusion clear in his face.
"Who the hell are you?" he asked, his brows furrowed.
"Does it matter?" Logan grumbled.
"Yeah, it does," the stranger retorted, his slurring voice suddenly getting serious. "If I'm gonna be having fun, I don't want an audience."
Oh, how you hated confrontations.
Logan just scoffed with a slight hint of a smile, shaking his head as he still refused to turn around.
"Trust me, pal," he replied, "I ain't interested in watching you do anything."
"Good." He went back to his obnoxious grin, now directing his attention back to you. Oh, man, he was an eyesore.
"So, how about it, beautiful? Wanna head somewhere else?" He slurred.
You were about to reply, again, with a polite rejection, but your shoulder was being grabbed at again, and if it wasn’t for the small training session that Colossus had put you through, you were sure you would have lost your footing.
"Can you let go of me, please?" You asked politely, but the man was a brick wall.
"Nah, sweetheart," he shook his head, and the movement was so intense, you could almost hear the alcohol sloshing around in his head, "You're comin' with me. Trust me, you’ll be perfectly taken care of."
That was when the sound of glass slamming against the counter reached your ears, and you didn't have to see the source of the sound to know it was Mr. Grumps.
What you struggled for what seemed like an eternity, he took that needy arm away from your shoulders within a fraction of a second. It was almost shocking how quick he was, but then again, you knew what he was capable of.
With you safe against the counter, Logan turned to face the stranger, his face still showing that same neutral expression as before, though his eyes held an intensity that made the man flinch.
Normal people would believe he had the patience of a saint. But you weren’t a normal person. You knew this was dangerously close to making him lose it.
"Uh, Logan… maybe we should—"
But your words fell on deaf ears. The only thing that Logan could hear was the weak excuses the guy was trying to give as he tried to pull his hand from the tight grasp Logan had it in.
"Hey, man," he stuttered, his words slurring as the panic set in, "What’s your problem? Let go of me!
But Logan had no intentions of doing so. He held the stranger's arm firmly, his grip growing tighter until he could hear a small crack coming from the guy's bones.
"What's your damage, huh?" the guy continued, trying his best to keep his voice from breaking. "It's just a little fun, right, baby?"
You cringed as his eyes fell back onto you, and the pleading tone of his voice was beginning to make your skin crawl.
"Look, uh," you started, looking anywhere but his eyes, "I don't think—"
"Listen," the man continued, and your eyes fell shut. God, he was just not going to stop. "Maybe you can join us? Huh, big boy? That’s what it is, right? You want her all for yourself?"
Uh, oh.
"Logan, don’t—"
It was too late. He had already snapped, and with a grunt, he pulled the man closer to him, his other hand forming a fist around his shirt.
"Wanna say that again?" He growled. "Do it. I dare you."
The man was trembling in his grasp, but he was clearly too drunk to understand the danger he was in.
"Oh, I'm sorry, are you her boyfriend?" He taunted, and the fact that he had the guts to do so while his hand was in a painful hold was astonishing, even for you. "Or are you just some guy with a crush? Cause, honestly, it's pretty pathetic. You can't even ask her out."
His words had Logan seeing red, and before you could do anything, the guy was pushed away and was about to be on the receiving end of one of the strongest punches you've ever seen.
So, riskily, to protect yourself and him from being thrown out of his favorite place, you jumped off the stool and slid in between them as he launched his punch, just stopping inches away from your face.
"Please," you said, your palms up and in front of you, as if that would do anything to stop the rage he was feeling, "Please, calm down."
"Calm down?" He repeated, his voice rising. "Are you kidding me?"
"You need to let it go," you told him. "He's drunk, Logan. He doesn't know what he's saying."
"And, what," he retorted, his anger slowly fading away, "Does it look like I give a single fuck about that?"
You sighed, your eyes meeting his, and that was enough for him to finally give in. His clenched fist dropped, and he released a frustrated sigh.
The dude behind you started laughing, his voice sounding as if he was trying to make fun of a fight scene.
"So," he chuckled, "That's it, huh? You're not gonna do shit? You’re just as pathetic as a—"
He gently moved you aside, and in an instant, the man was lying on the floor with a bloody nose, a black eye, and a few broken ribs.
You could only hold your head in your hands, knowing very well the mess you were about to have to deal with.
And it didn't take long.
As soon as Logan stepped away from the drunk idiot, security was on him, grabbing his arms and restraining him. He couldn’t care less, though, as he held a sadistic grin on his face, pleased with his work while being escorted out.
And, so, there, the two of you were on the steps of the apartment building. You, holding your hands in your lap, and he, staring up at the night sky.
The air was warm, the city lights were dim, and the sky was covered in clouds. There was an odd silence between the two of you, which wasn’t really all that odd, but the events of the night had changed the atmosphere.
"Thanks," you spoke, breaking the quiet. "For, you know, standing up for me."
"He was a douche," he stated, his voice gruff. "Someone had to send that fucktart crying home to mommy."
"You shouldn’t have done that, though," you told him. "Now, you’re probably banned from the bar. I know it's your favorite."
"Eh," he shrugged, "Booze is booze. There are plenty more places to get drunk."
You didn't respond. Instead, you focused your attention on the small bugs flying around the dim light next to the door.
"You shouldn't be thanking me, anyway," he continued, turning to you. That was new. "I should be the one thanking you."
You looked at him, your brows furrowed. This whole conversation was getting weird. "Uh, what for?" You asked, confused.
"For putting up with me," he replied, shrugging.
"Putting up with you?" You repeated, not understanding. "I don't understand."
"Y'know," he continued, his gruff voice a little less gruff. "Sticking around. Being friendly. Having… patience. I can be…I can be a real dick. Honestly, I still don't get why you keep trying."
The smile that found its way to your lips waa the most genuine one he's ever seen. Your eyes were full of kindness and understanding, and your lips, which usually held a grin or a smirk, were turned upwards in a soft, gentle smile.
"Logan," you said, your voice low. "You may be a grump, and you might not be the friendliest guy, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve kindness. Everyone deserves that… or at least a little bit of it."
He scoffed. "That's funny," he replied, turning his head away.
You furrowed your brows and cocked your head, confused. "What is?" You asked.
"I used to think," he began, "That no one would ever look at me in the way you do. Not after what I’ve done… not after what I am."
"You're a good man, Logan," you told him. "You proved who you were when you willingly helped Wade."
"Maybe," he sighed, his gaze meeting yours. "But, there's still a lot you don't know about me. I'm not exactly a knight in shining armor."
"Oh, my dear, Wolvie," you said playfully, leaning closer to him and placing your palm on his shoulder, "You never were."
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wabatle ¡ 2 months
Blue Lock boys when you're on your period featuring: Reo, Rin, Bachira, Nagi can be read as either afab!reader or fem!reader warnings: everything that comes with having a period (obviously) like blood, pads/tampons, cramps, etc a/n: I'm on my period as I write this and it fucking sucks. lmk if you want a pt2 with more characters!
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☆彡Reo Mikage
As soon as he figured out you got your period, he was all over you
Constantly asking if you were okay, if you needed anything, if you wanted to go home if you were out
Gets you the most high quality and expensive products 💀
Does so much research on what it is and how to take care of you
Genuinely will skip practice or important work (or other stuff he does) to stay with you
If you have bad cramps, he's insisting you stay home and in bed and he'll dedicate himself to taking care of you
Weirdly good at discrete spot checking. If you think you bled through your pants, he's got you.
He's especially careful to not hurt you because he knows you can get upset easily, and he might laugh a little bit if you're crying over something miniscule
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You came out of the bathroom, a sickly expression on your face.
“Is it that time of the month?” Reo asked nervously.
“Yeah, that would explain why I felt so sick yesterday.” You mumbled.
“Here, come here,” he said, allowing you to crash into his arms, “I'll take care of you, baby.”
“Huuuh…” You mumbled into his shoulder.
“You okay, baby? Need any ibuprofen?”
“Yeah, probably…”
“Okay.” He kissed your head. “I'll go get some. I can also get your heating pad if you want it?”
“Yeah, thanks…”
“‘Course! I told you I would take care of you, babe. Now, go lay down. I'll be back in a sec.” He kissed your head.
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☆彡Rin Itoshi
Also all over you, but in an indirect way
You're constantly on his mind, he's worried about you
As worried as he is about you, he would still choose to go to practice, but he'll stop somewhere on the way home to get you something, and he'll come home if you need him urgently
He buys you literally everything you need, pads, tampons, you name it, he'll go out and buy it
He doesn't change his behavior when you're on your period, but he does take notice to your intense reactions, like that time you starting sobbing hysterically after he told you practice was stressful and just wanted to go to bed (didn't have time for you)
He keeps a little “period emergency kit” with him at all times 🥺 he needs to make sure he can give you what you need just in case you're out in public and you need something
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You and Rin were out to dinner and you had gotten your period the morning before.
“Ughh…” You mumbled, clutching your stomach.
“Cramps?” Rin asked quietly, as not to embarrass you.
“Here,” he said, pulling a heat pack out of the kit in his pocket, “go to the bathroom and put this on.”
“Rin…” You smiled, “Thanks, baby.” You took the pack and went to the bathroom.
When you got back, your food had already arrived.
“How is it? Do you feel better?” He asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“If you need anything else, let me know.” He added, leaning across the table to kiss your head.
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☆彡Meguru Bachira
Another who's all over you… literally
He's really really worried when he sees you crying on the bed because of cramps, but he really doesn't know what a period is or what it does to you
Brings you tons and tons of snacks because he really doesn't know how to help you
If you don't stay over at his house, he's texting you all day. In the morning, before you go to bed, he's just making sure you're not dead!
Steals his mom's period supplies to give to you. It might not be the exact brands you like, but you appreciate the thought
Skips practice for you with the excuse that “it's that time of the month and you really need his help” but you're actually lying on the couch with a heating pad watching a movie
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Bachira burst through the front door, carrying tons of snacks. “Hi baby!”
“Woah, you're home early. Welcome home!” You smiled from your spot on the couch.
“Thanks! I brought you tons of snacks!” He dropped the snacks on the table and plopped down on the couch, snuggling close to you. “I got out of practice thanks to your period!”
You giggled. “Don't thank it yet. I'll probably cry about it later.”
“Don't worry! I'll take care of you!” He said.
“Thank you, baby.” You kissed his cheek, making him giggle and kiss your lips back.
He got up and grabbed some snacks. “Let's watch a movie!”
“Ah, shouldn't we have dinner first?”
“Noo, you're on your period! I have to treat you well today!”
“And that means skipping dinner?”
“Do you want to skip dinner?”
“No, not really…”
“Then let's order takeout! What do you feel like having?”
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☆彡Seishiro Nagi
Sooo tired, but he'll put up with you (he loves you so much)
He’ll hold you sooo tight while you're cuddling, and he'll keep playing his game
He tells you to relax in his arms and make sure you took your meds, and he'll want you to fall asleep while he plays his games
In his eyes, it just means he has to take care of you instead of the other way around, so he'll do the least he can do
Another one who would 100% use you as an excuse to get out of practice
Literally has a small bucket of pads, tampons, and other “period stuff” on a shelf so he can just grab it without getting up
If he notices you're more emotional as usual, he'll be like, “are you about to get your period?”
and then he'll mentally prepare himself for it
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You had just dropped your water bottle, causing it to open and spill everywhere. You were crying.
“Don't worry about it, angel.” Nagi assured you, grabbing a paper towel to mop it up.
“I–I’m sorry… I–I didn't mean to…” You mustered through sniffles.
“Don't cry, baby.” He pulled you closer to him, resting your head on his chest. “I took care of it.”
You put your forehead on his chest, and he could feel your tears staining his shirt.
“Come on, angel. Let's go back to bed.”
“But it's 3:00 pm?”
“Doesn't matter. You need to take more meds anyway. It's been 6 hours.”
He kissed your head. “Don't cry. It's a hassle.”
You playfully nudged him, already feeling better. “Well, you're my boyfriend, so you're obligated to take care of me.”
“Says who?” He asks, plopping down on the bed.
“Says me!” You giggled, plopping down next to him.”
He pulled you closer and pulled out his Switch.
326 notes ¡ View notes
Rambling thoughts of various Yuri manga I’ve read
1. Kase-San and Yamada (Morning Glories sequel series) by Hiromi Takashima
notice how Kase’s name is first, which is representative of her being the main one to cause problems in their relationship
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If you asked me what my favorite yuri manga was like 2-3 years ago, I’d say Morning Glories and Kase San everytime. Every avid yuri fan has either read or watched Morning Glories because, at the time in 2010, it was groundbreaking, and I stand by the fact that the original series still holds up to this day. It was cute, sweet, wholesome and only had a few obligatory “we love each other but we’re giRLs😳😳😳” moments. Most of all it wasn’t a pseudo-incest-straight-male-porn-pandering-garbage-fest—also known as “Citrus”. Was it cliche at times? Yes, but they all are lol. Did they add to the dumb ass “blonde femme and dark hair masc” trope? Also yes. But it was adorable and it was my first ever yuri so it holds a special place in my heart.
And it SEEMED like it was only going to get better in Kase San and Yamada, the sequel. The girls would be heading to college and the story could theoretically focus on more mature topics while they navigate their new relationship. Keyword: theoretically. Unfortunately, instead of exploring interesting relationship dynamics and storylines, the plot of each story arc boils down to: Kase is insecure because a man breathed next to Yamada or Kase is being completely insensitive to Yamada’s feelings…again…—> ✨miscommunication drama ✨—>big over dramatic apology scene—>boring makeup sex or other romantic gesture.
Literally that’s how every single plotline goes. Kase is so goddamn dumb and insensitive to Yamada’s feelings and Yamada’s a complete doormat who can only stay mad for 0.2 seconds before getting pussy whipped like a spineless ass bitch. And for all that Yamada sacrifices for Kase; her hometown, her dreams, her apartment, what does she get in return from Kase? Oh that’s right; bare minimum romantic gestures and a neglectful partner who can’t even call her “girlfriend” in front of others:
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Like I thought we were over this shit. It’s been THREE years of them together, a whole anime production, and god knows how many irl years and we’re going back to “we love each other but we’re giRLs😳😳😳” WHY???
And then Kase later goes onto bet her entire three year relationship over the ugly bitch in the next panel, so now I’m questioning whether or not Kase even loves Yamada with the amount of bullshit she’s put her through. Which COULD be an interesting plot point, but Kase never gets any consequences for her actions and the creator genuinely thinks this is romantic and full of tension so I’m 10000% positive that this arc, just like all the others, will end with some makeup sex and we’ll be right back to step 1. Sigh.
2. Tamen De Gushi by Tan Jiu
Tamen De Gushi’s problems are interesting but it’s NOT because of the Chinese government💀
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So today’s dark haired masc and blonde femme of the day are Sun Jing and Qiu Tong, respectively. Their personalities aren’t anything to write home about, if you read ANY high school yuri romance, then you know exactly what happens in this story beat for beat. But, BUT, however derivative it is, I find their dynamic very endearing and down to earth. Idk maybe it’s just the translation, but other yuri stories often have this very inauthentic “anime” vibe to it. Which is to say the characters act very cutesy, overly dramatic, and have this stilted, caricature-esque acting of how the creator thinks teenage girls are supposed act.
However, I’m happy to report that Tamen De Gushi is a breath of fresh air in this regard. The characters and interactions they have are grounded and feel organic, which makes them feel like real people, not aliens pretending to be human. This really elevates the humor in turn, oh did I mention that Tamen De Gushi is super funny? Because Tamen De Gushi is super funny, here’s one of my favorite panels and it’s all because of Sun Jing’s goofy ahh expression:
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Like go girl give us nothing
If you’re wondering why I haven’t spoke much about the actual romantic relationship between the girls, that’s because there isn’t one💀 Which, okay, that’s not a fair assessment, they have a ton of romantic tension and they flirt a lot. It’s certainly building to a great romantic relationship, but it can’t quite get there due to legal/political reasons sadly. 😔
Edit: I received new information in regards to what happened to Tamen De Gushi. While I reached my limit for posting pictures, I want to point out that the Chinese government had nothing to do with Tamen De Gushi getting censored, rather it was a dispute between the author and the publishing company. The prior information I received was false and I prob should’ve looked it up more so sorrrry. The fact still remains though that after their big lesbian kiss towards the middle of the story and maybe a few other moments, that’s just kind of it. You’re stuck waiting for something to develop, but nothing really happens. The comic very quickly becomes a collection of slice of life segments and cute pictures that imply a relationship between the girls, but not really ;) ;).  Now things are just kind of left in purgatory for the foreseeable future and, well, that’s Tamen De Gushi y’all.
Compared to Kase San and Yamada, the characters were much better, which is not saying much, but without an actual romantic storyline, there’s just not a lot for me to comment on to be honest. It’s really pretty though, look at this art :
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3. Beauty and the Beast Girl by Neji
my personal favorite and the BEST yuri I ever read
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So next on the list is Beauty and the Beast Girl (I’m going to abbreviate to BatBG from here on) , which I already spoiled my feelings on the matter so this will basically be me gushing about this story for several paragraphs straight, enjoy.
Contrary to what the title suggests, it really has nothing to do with Beauty and the Beast’s story except in name. The main girls are Lily Blind, who is actually fucking blind 💀 and Heath the monster girl. Already I’m happy because instead of blonde femme and dark hair butch, it’s blonde femme and of-course-you-have-purple-hair-and-pronouns masc. Lol, all jokes aside, Lily, unlike her blonde femme counterparts is quite assertive and voices her opinions all the time. In fact, she’s the one who pushes Heath to be more open and communicate with her rather than the other way around. This is, in part, due to the story BatBG is trying to tell. I say BatBG is in name only to Beauty and the Beast because Lily isn’t trying to find the “beauty” within Heath or learning to love a beast or whatever, she’s fine just the way she is and her love for Heath is unconditional. Plus the only thing beastly about Heath is her appearance…which I’ll harp on later, but her behavior is in no way different from a regular human except in very rare, specific moments.
At its heart, BatBG is a story about forgiveness (the creator literally says as much) , but it’s also about the cycle of violence that results from being outcasted and deprived of love. BatBG is set in a world of humans and monsters, where the monsters are outcasted and either have to stay away from human society like Heath or assimilate themselves by hiding away their monster like traits, which is a really queer narrative on top of an already queer story. I don’t want to go into too much spoilers, but sometime before the beginning of the story, Heath in-directly hurts Lily before they ever meet. However, it’s not about Lily needing to forgive Heath, or trying to get over the pain she inflicted upon her, rather its Heath learning to forgive herself and in effect, learning to love herself as much as Lily loves her.
Another big aspect of BatBG is disabilities, Lily Blind is in fact Blind lol and while there are times she struggles with her blindness, she never views her disability as something she needs to be ashamed of and never, ever, blames Heath for it or holds it against her unlike what many, many, many, many other stories end up doing. Her blindness isn’t treated like a super power either, it’s a legitimate disability. She just accepts that it’s a part of her and goes onto say that if not for her blindness, she would’ve never met the love of her life, which I found to be an incredibly profound thing to say.
Now that I’ve gotten this far, I suppose I can add a bit of a disclaimer. So BatBG is waaaaay more explicit about the physical affection between the girls than in any of the previous stories I talked about. Heath and Lily are constantly kissing on, hugging, and almost always flirting with each other, and make no mistake, these girls do be fucking. The sex scenes are never perverted or gross, but genuinely super sweet and romantic, which makes it way hotter imo (huh imagine that🤔). And aside from being hot, it also serves a purpose! Lily’s pretty damn horny underneath all her nice girl antics and while it’s not a major part of her character, it does give a slight edge to her personality and, most importantly, balances out the dynamic between Heath and Lily. It would’ve been very easy to fall into that boring trope where Heath is aggressively horny and Lily is the submissive blind girl, but by making Lily be the one to initiate the sexual encounters, it not only compliments Heath’s more reserved nature, but breaks the stereotype that people with disabilities are pure precious being who couldn’t possibly have sex, which is ableist af btw. Many people think the existence of any sex scenes at all is superfluous, but in BatBG, it truly elevates the story, the characters, and the romance in ways that wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying without it.
Now, with as much praise I gave BatBG, there is one criticism I have, but it’s a quibble really, and it can be explained in a single image:
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There is a dissonance between the story and the art, the story says: “Heath is a big, ugly scary monster”
The art says:
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And like yes, it can be argued that Heath is simply regurgitating the things bigoted people have said to her, but at no point in the story is this ever challenged or brought up in any meaningful way. Lily is blind so she doesn’t know what the hell she looks like and the other characters aren’t any help either. It’s not a big deal or anything, it just would’ve elevated the story if Heath was actually kinda ugly/more monstrous and not incredibly beautiful because right now it’s giving skinny girl who calls herself fat all the time, and it’s like, babe, who tf are you fooling? 😭
Other than that, BatBG is incredibly profound despite its premise being so deceptively simple and I love it to pieces so …yeah! READ IT.
4. Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit by sometime
Well, at least there are no blondes
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So imma just abbreviate to SiL btw
Alright, let’s get started. The premise is that a villainess falls for the super hero girl and then that plotline is dropped in about 16 pages. I’m not even joking, the villainess falls for the hero, loses her job as a villain and then joins the hero all in one chapter. The REAL plot is actually about a council of evil alien-humans who want to destroy humanity because of generic super villain reason #434: the leader of the aliens is sad and misunderstood :( I’m not even going to lie, I had 0 interest in “X” (the generic ass name of the main villain) and her band of useless lesbians. They did literally nothing in the story except be a nuisance and contribute to X’s incel breakdown at the end. Their inclusion actively made SiL worse because the story has this weird tonal problem where in one breath the villains are portrayed as complete jokes and then you turn the page and now they’re shooting children like girl what💀 And these useless lesbians hog sooooo much of SiL that desperately needed to be given to Honey trap and Hayate to develop their relationship.
When the story DOES actually focus on Honey Trap and Hayate, it’s pretty good, even cute at times, there just wasn’t enough time given to them to flesh their relationship out. As it stands, Honey Trap and Hayate don’t have much of a dynamic, or personality for that matter. Honey Trap’s main gimmick is that she’s extremely horny for Hayate and delulu:
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Aside from that, she’s a great value version of Heath, but even a watered down character is better than, like, nothing. All I really know about Hayate is that she’s nice, heroic, likes wearing tacky clothes and ….that’s it. She loves Honey Trap because…………they fought together a few times so why not🤷‍♀️ I’d say at least that’s better than Tamen De Gushi, but actually it’s not because these grown ass women don’t even kiss , all we get is a love confession and their gremlin love child and that’s supposed to be satisfying I guess.
And the worst part is that SiL has the audacity to pretend the romance was something that it clearly wasn’t:
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Girl…yall were “””enemies””” for 10 panels.
Now, it’s stated they have been rivals for a while, but I guess Honey Trap forgot all of that because the moment she sees Hayate’s face, my good sis is pussy whipped for life. And that’s in spite of apparently being the evilest one out of the evil group because Honey Trap has no grudge or baggage toward Hayate. She immediately turns good with no issues and Hayate is only distrustful of Honey Trap for 1 or 2 speech bubbles and then she’s not. Anything else that happened was off screen, which means it didn’t happen. Ironically, the very next entry on this list will do a MUCH better job at an ex-villain love story, but for SiL, there’s just not much going on.
Another reading of this story is to call it a “parody” but…no, it isn’t. SiL isn’t a comedy, yes there are comedic moments that poke fun of the genre, but the rest of the story genuinely wants you to take it seriously. Except it can’t. X and her league of dimwits are boring as piss and they oscillate between Saturday morning cartoon villains and child murderers seemingly on a whim. So I can neither be endeared to them nor take them as a serious threat. Honey Trap and Hayate are there, but I lament on all the potential lost from what could’ve been an amazing relationship.
5. Yamujiburo/Kianamaiart’s Hanamusa webcomic
This one is kind of cheating, but I also don’t care let me talk about hot MILFs💀
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So the final entry on this list is a webcomic series by one of my fave artist: kianamaiart! And it’s right here on tumblr so check it out!
I stumbled upon this webcomic a few weeks ago, fell in love and now I want to talk about it. This yuri pair thankfully has no blonde femme in sight and instead features two popular Pokémon characters: Jessie from Team Rocket and Delia Ketchum, Ash Ketchum’s mom. What I love about this ship and the world Kiana creates around them is that it’s a very unconventional pairing. There’s just not many romances where a single mom falls in love with an ex gang member and the best part is, Delia being a mom is a big part of her character and she doesn’t ignore Ash in favor of her new relationship with Jessie. She has time for both and doesn’t prioritize one over the other, which many ppl fail to do even irl so good on you Delia!
Now, as for the romance it self, Jessie and Delia are a unique pair. Jessie’s overconfident, brash, drama queen personality doesn’t automatically put her in the “dominant” role and Delia’s sweet, motherly personality doesn’t automatically put her in the “submissive” role. Their dynamic in the webcomic actually plays out in the reverse, Jessie is the one who gets easily flustered and Delia’s…intense, to say the least:
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(But Tbf if Delia looked at me like that I’d be at her beck and call too💀)
This subversion of these tropes creates a fun dynamic for the couple and it’s super adorable to see how their energies bounce off each other in each new situation Kiana puts them in. I also love how both Jessie and Delia inspire each other to live out their dreams and they become better versions of themselves by being together.
And one last thing, I don’t have any smart commentary to go along with this, I just really like this drawing of Jessie:
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no thoughts, head empty
Final Thoughts
Soooo yeah, that’s the end of my dissertation on yuri comics. I know I ended up dragging a lot of popular yuri, but it wasn’t my intention to make you guys hate any of things I talked about. These were just my thoughts as an avid yuri fan, so let me know your thoughts as well, especially if you read any of the yuri I talked about. And even though I’m super picky about the type of yuri I read, I’d still love to hear any recommendations. Who knows, it might dethrone the undefeated champ that is Beauty and the Beast Girl.
1K notes ¡ View notes
sunboki ¡ 11 months
⎯ PAPER PLANES a Kim Seungmin fiction
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🛩️ : Kim Seungmin x gn. reader
TROPE. friends to lovers, neighbors to lovers, fluff fluff fluff galore
WORD COUNT. 1.5k!!
WARNINGS. cursing
AUG'S NOTES. still crazy about this concept💀 … i wrote this in 30 minutes in complete silence.. the demons have possessed me…
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SYNOPSIS. Life in the city has never been as interesting as this. More specifically starting the moment your newest neighborhood, Kim Seungmin, moved in next door.
or alternatively :
It was only a matter of time before those paper airplanes turned into something more.
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City nights are your greatest escapade and your worst nightmare. When insomnia plagues you awake, it’s easy to turn off all your fans and just listen.
New York isn’t called the city that never sleeps for no reason.
Whether it’s the faint honking of a car or the nearest nightclubs obnoxiously loud stereo, 24 hours a day almost every day of the year this city’s eyes remain open, and in essence, it makes you feel a tad bit better about those sleepless nights.
There’s the buzz of your surroundings, but as for your apartment complex, things are pretty quiet.
Well, you did intentionally choose a very much elderly-occupied residency after all.
Until somebody else showed up, somebody who didn’t explain to you on a morning basis of how they’re deciding on their casket.
And he sings.
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Headed back from work up the elevator was when you ran into him for the first time. A smidge taller than yourself, puffy hair hanging over his forehead.
Neither of you talked apart from the courtesy “Which floor are you going to?” followed by an equally courteous “Five”, and you realizing you were both headed to the same place.
Elevators are a dangerous place. Anything could go wrong, technical issues, you end up trapped, weird strangers, and a myriad of unfortunate events waiting to happen. What’s worse? The conversations.
Because if there’s one thing you’ve learned from the decades worth of elevators you’ve been on is that they’re either a place to never stop talking or never talk.
As for this discovered neighbor of yours, you spend a solid thirty seconds deciding the right course of action.
“So where’d you move from?” You pique, watching the numbers atop the door slowly increase.
“South Korea,” He responds, and out of the corner of your eye you notice him glancing at you, hands stuffed in his puffer coat’s pockets.
Mouth opening to speak, you immediately close it, evidently surprised. To think how hellish the flight must’ve been humbled you instantly, not to mention how he carried no accent when conversing.
But before you could ask any more questions the doors open and he wordlessly slips past you, leaving you to silently follow.
“Wait!” Calling out prior to him walking through the door, he stops, turning to you with a confused expression adorning delicate features.
“What’s your name?” You voice another inquiry, hand also fastened onto the doorknob.
He blinks, the action scarily resembling a puppy dog.
“Seungmin. Kim Seungmin.”
“Y/n, nice to meet you.” Nodding politely his way, he returns the gesture, a sudden unwelcoming awkwardness creeping further into your skin the longer you both stand there, staring at each other.
And of course your genius of a mind decides to open its big fat mouth.
“..I guess we’re neighbors, huh.”
No shit sherlock, You internally reprimand, wishing oh so badly to leap out of the nearest window.
Sucking his teeth, Seungmin hums agreeably, and you feel like the stupidest person in the world.
“Yeah well, bye!” Panickedly twisted the knob and racing inside to slam the door behind you, you sink to the ground, clutching your head pathetically.
“Y/n…” You whine, addressing yourself like a lunatic. There’s a heavy sigh, a leaning your head back, thumping against the wooden frame.
“…What the fuck is wrong with you.”
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Nonetheless, the night you first heard his voice pitch through gleaming neon signs was one to remember.
Typing manically on your keyboard while a half-empty glass of watered down coffee occupied the space beside you, you squint, scrutinizing that same sentence at least a dozen times before ripping the headphones off your ears and raising up frustratedly.
This essay is definitely earning a rightful spot on your thirteen reasons why list, a close second to your first impression on Seungmin last week.
Stretching your arms above your head, you hear it. An entrancing, melodic tone sifting beneath your cracked window, decorating your bedroom in a decadent assortment of color.
Carefully tiptoeing to pry open the window fully, you crane, cheek pressed against cold glass.
It’s Seungmin. Face tipped to the side, lips halfway parted. You don’t know if he’s focused on something or what, but you know he’s the only thing that matters in this moment.
His vibrato, the way he perfectly slices notes into harmonious rhythm pulls you in like a hummingbird to nectar.
You find yourself aimlessly standing there, rocking back and forth of your heels, savoring the effortlessly sweet relief he fills your exhausted soul with.
Day after day he’d sing, voice never ceasing to calm your senses, as if supernatural, into a lulling drone. No thoughts, just him.
Occasionally it’d be a new tune, one familiar, one not. Over and over and over again you’d routinely wait for him, like a child rushing to see their favorite cartoon.
And as a result, Seungmin became one of your biggest sources of comfort without either of you knowing it.
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Today is the day.
Reaching over as far as you can muster with the makeshift paper airplane held tightly, you attempt at reading the wind, trying to decipher the best time to launch this secret weapon of yours.
Well, not really secret (somewhat), and also not a weapon, but you get the picture.
This morning you’d taken tedious measures to ensure your innovative paper airplane note would successfully fly, especially since the note inside was just as innovative.
𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐. Was what it read, and you thought the compliment was pretty appropriate considering how often you’d admire his mellowed tunes in the eve.
Except, the first one was a fail, then the second one, and a third, and by the forth airplane you had paper-cuts all over your hands and a temper teetering on the brink of defeat.
Hey, at least three people today (almost four) would get a “I like your singing” note today.
Whoosh! Your note flies, and just when you begin to lose hope does it switch trajectories, successfully hitting his balcony’s screen door.
To say you shouted was an understatement. Hell, the entirety of New York likely heard your chanting, yelling, and the entourage of oddly proud noises in between.
Noises of which were quickly muted upon said screen door opening, to where you frantically drop down, peering between the chair’s legs to observe his reaction.
Seungmin glances around repeatedly, curiously, prior to peeling back paper folds.
You inhale sharply.
His eyes graze over the sentence, investigating his surroundings again.
No reaction.
You initially deflate, grumbling to yourself defeatedly.
Until a tiny sliver of hope peeks through dark curtains.
Seungmin smiles.
He covers his mouth (an action you don’t understand but start to considering how dazzlingly bright it is), and laughs. A soft laugh that has his shoulders shaking, corner of his eyes wrinkling into charming crescent moons.
You swear there’s a ring of sparkling light outlining him, like something out of a K-Drama.
His smile could (and should) win an award, you’re convinced.
And just like that he disappears back into his apartment, and you chant a nonstop “Oh my god!” a good thirty-six times, unable to contain the feather-light feeling spreading from your fingertips to the very tip of your toes.
Cute. Kim Seungmin was so, so cute.
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From the sheepish grins he gives you each time he’s seen you since, you have a hunch he knows it was you who sent the note, but you choose to act oblivious.
Oblivious, before you received a note of your own.
Of course, Kim Seungmin’s paper airplane is perfect, aerodynamic and probably arrived on the first throw unlike your consecutive sacrifices.
Slowly shuffling open the response, you peek through hesitant fingers, slapping a hand over your gaping mouth upon witnessing his obviously perfect handwriting.
𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 :) , It reads. Something so mundane and proper there’s no reason you should be losing your mind, but you are, and the rattling of your heartbeat serves the best explanation.
You make sure to hang the note up afterward, right above your laptop.
So over the next few days, the both of you become more daring, more adventurous. Two paper airplanes turn into four, four to eight, eight to eleven. By now there’s not enough room to hang all of them up.
Meaningless conversations. Asking about dinner plans, what you’re currently doing, what your favorite hobbies are, favorite songs. But yet, they mean so much to you.
Your own, childish way of communicating even though the mature, adult reply would be to knock on his door.
Although, he seems to love it as much as you do.
𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝? Is scribbled on the airplane he’d sent a few minutes ago.
𝙽𝚘, 𝚠𝚑𝚢? You write quickly onto one, hands nimbly constructing the shape after sending so many. Routine.
Returning to stirring the pot of boiling water in front of you, a familiar tap alerts you, padding over to grasp his letter.
Strangely, a part of you grows more and more excited, plopping down into your chair to gradually take apart his craftsmanship.
Your legs move before you can even register your own feelings, scrambling outside.
Seungmin’s there, breathtaking smile as brilliant as ever despite such dim lighting.
There’s no need to admit you’ve been sending them now. Especially not from the way he gazed at you, the words inscribed on that paper airplane.
𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝?
He bites back an even bigger grin, cheeks dusting rosy pink from the cold air.
Absolutely yes.
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sunboki, may 2022 Š
801 notes ¡ View notes
ham-st4r ¡ 11 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽.2 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞Pairing: heeseung + female reader!
Warnings: smut, phone sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, cursing.
Genre: POS (phone sex operator) heeseung.
Summary: After your steamy call with Ethan, you find yourself thinking about him weeks later, and the temptation to call him was far too strong to avoid.
Number of words: 3,134k
Sorry for the wait this 🗑️ is definitely not worth it but i tried bro😔also probably a lot of mistakes but i couldn’t re-read it another time 💀
Find your way around!
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Needless to say, heeseung had been thinking of you for the past couple of weeks. Unfortunately, you hadn’t called him again like he once thought you might of, and it may have been affecting him a little.
Who was he kidding? It was affecting him a lot, and he didn’t even really know why.
Every day, he was waiting on a call from you. Every time his phone rang, he was expecting to hear your sweet voice on the other end again, but alas, he never heard from you.
It was well past midnight, and he was still up taking calls. It was always busy for him around this time of night, but he wasn’t feeling up to it, so after a few more, he’d turn his active status to off.
His night was slowly but surely starting to come to a close a few hours later, so he figured he’d take one last call.
He let out one long sigh as he reclined on his bed. “Last one,” he mumbled to himself, getting into character before pressing the answer button. “Hello, sweetheart. How can I be of service to you tonight?” He says enthusiastically into his speaker despite not having any enthusiasm whatsoever.
You don’t even know why you were thinking of Ethan so much, but you just couldn’t help it. Maybe it was because he gave you that mind-blowing orgasm over the phone, or maybe it was because of how sweetly he talked you through it. Either way, he was still on your mind, and you could barely focus in class.
You contemplated calling him once you got home, but once you got there and, took a shower and sat comfortably on your bed with your phone in your trembling hands, you just couldn’t do it.
No matter how badly you wanted to, the idea just made you feel incredibly nervous and even embarrassed to an extent.
Especially after touching yourself and him hearing literally everything.
You cupped your warm cheeks in your palm, plopping down on your bed. “Ugh, what do I do?” You’ve been wanting to call him for weeks, but you know what: it’s now or never. Without thinking rationally, you sit up on your bed and press the call button, not giving yourself a second chance to regret your decision.
The first couple of rings went by, and you were going to hang up, but before you did, Ethan answered. “Hello, sweetheart. How can I be of service to you tonight?” Your whole body was literally shaking with nerves and a hint of excitement. He sounded just as heavenly as the first time you called him, or maybe even better.
Your mind went back to that night, thinking about when he guided you to bliss and came while moaning his name. There was a bubble of excitement forming in your stomach at the thought of reliving that night with him again.
Heeseung frowned when he didn’t get an answer. He looked at his phone, seeing that it was still connected, before trying again. “Sweetheart?” He called out softly, and he still didn’t get a response. Oddly enough, it reminded him of the night you first called. He remembered how shy and timid you were. Thinking back on it, he smiled at the thought of it, but then it clicked the timing, the timidness. Somehow, he just had a feeling that it was you, and he quickly sat up on his bed. “Angel?” He said, and his heart was literally pounding in his chest.
“H-hi, Ethan,” you mumbled out shyly into the speaker once you calmed yourself.
He melted the instant he heard your sweet voice. “Angel,” he said, sounding a bit too excited for you just to be another one of his customers, but he couldn’t help it. It was you. You had finally called him back after weeks. “I’ve been thinking about you,” he whispers softly.
He had only said a few words, but you already felt dizzy and drunk on his voice alone. “M-me too,” you nibbled on your lip and you didn’t realize it was possible to be this nervous on a phone call seeing how you’ve already done it before.
“Have you now?” He replies cockily, and there’s a slight teasing hint in his tone. “What about me have you been thinking about Angel?”
“Everything,” you answer simply, and he can hear your breath audibly shake.
“Ohh, come on, that’s no fun now, is it?” He chuckled at your vague answer, and somehow, even his laugh sounded hot to you. “You wanna know what I’ve been thinking about you?” He switches his position on the bed to a more comfortable one and rests his back against his headboard.
“Y-yes?” You answer unsurely.
“Angel, we’ve done this before. No need to be so timid,” he says, and evidently, he’d have to ease you into things like he did last time.
“Okay,” you breathe out, still not fully capable of answering him properly, but he doesn’t mind. The longer you stay on a call with him, the better.
“Are you sure you want to know all the things I’ve thought about it’s kind of naughty, angel.” he lowers his tone to a more seductive one and you’re still not sure how he does that so well everything he said made you feel so weak in the knees.
“Yes, I want to know,” you say softly as little tingles of anticipation fill your body.
“Hmm, okay,” he breathed into the speaker, and just the sound of his shaky breath was enough for the first glob of arousal to leak out and dampen your panties. It was embarrassing that just his voice alone could have you dripping. “I’ve thought about that sweet little pussy of yours and just how wet you got for me without me even being there” he bit his lip, thinking about that wonderful night he had the best orgasm of his life with you.
You whimper at his words, and before you could cover it, he had already heard it and was just as pretty as the first time he heard it.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about it.” he swallowed thickly. “I wanted to be there with you so bad, teasing you, touching you, pleasuring you,” he hummed.
“Oh, Ethan,” you moaned his name as your hand traveled into your shorts, and you began rubbing yourself, too impatient to wait any longer.
“Would you like that, Angel?” He slowly laid on his back, resting his palm over his growing bulge.
“Yes,” you moaned quietly, and surely enough, all the nerves that had once controlled your body had completely dissipated, replaced with nothing but the arousal pooling in the pit of your stomach.
“Me too. I’d kiss and lick every single last inch of your beautiful body, trace my fingers over each dip and curve until you’re begging for me.” his eyes fluttered shut at the thought as he imagined caressing you and taking his time with you until you’re writhing in pleasure underneath him. “Till you’re begging me to push it inside,” he groaned while pressing down on the tent in his jeans.
“Fuck yes,” your eyes rolled back in your head as you pushed your panties to the side and started playing with your glistening folds. “I want it so bad, Ethan.” Your inhibitions were of none as you lost yourself in the feeling.
He couldn’t help but smirk at the idea of you getting more comfortable the longer he talked to you it made him feel a sense of pride that he was able to make you show that side of yourself to him. “I can tell, couldn’t even wait for me to give you permission before you started touching yourself. Hmm,” He scolded you teasingly.
“So s-sorry, Ethan,” you whined in embarrassment.
“I’m just teasing, angel, don’t apologize. I’m doing it too,” he breathed deeply, and you heard his belt buckle, followed by the sound of his zipper. “Come on, angel, let’s do it together, yeah? Been waiting for you for so long.”
Your heart was in your stomach. Was he actually going to? Was he really thinking about you? Was he seriously waiting for you to call again? You decided not to entertain those thoughts cause, at the end of the day, this was his job, and he was acting. Of course, he wasn’t thinking of you the way you thought of him. “Okay,” you replied a little reluctantly.
“So, what have you been thinking about m-me?” He stuttered as his fingers brushed over his boxer-clad shaft.
This is the last thing you imagined you’d be saying, yet here you are, spilling your fantasies to a man named Ethan that you’ve never even met. “Your cock” you said so low he barely heard it.
He involuntarily twitched at your straightforward reply, not expecting you to say something like that so easily. “Yeah, angel? I’m stroking it right now just for you,” he whispered while caressing his length over his underwear, nice and slow.
“I wish I could do it for you,” you whimpered as you stuck a finger inside yourself, imagining it was his fingers instead.
“Me too, baby. I just know your hands would make me feel so good” he pulled his cock out of the teeny hole in his boxers, immediately swirling the head of his cock with his palm, impatiently spreading the wetness over his fully hardened shaft.
“I want nothing more than to touch your cock, Ethan,” you say boldly.
“You wanna touch me?” He unknowingly cocks his brow, trailing his hand lower as he squeezes his balls lightly before gripping the thick base of his cock and tugging on it softly.
“Hmm, mmm,” you moan softly, thumb gliding over your clit. “Wanna suck you too” You weren’t even under control of what you were saying the desire and lust you had for him clouded any and all of your better judgment.
“Naughty little thing, I see.” he laughs at the little whimper you let out, and that alone makes you clench around your finger. “It’s okay, Angel. Ethan wants it, too. Wanna feel your pretty little mouth wrapped around me. I’d do anything to feel you sucking me off so good till I cum down that precious throat. Tell me, angel, would you swallow for me? Tell me how good I taste on your tongue?”
“Hmm, yes, Ethan, I want to taste you so bad. Wanna feel your cum going down my throat,” you moaned carelessly, panting into the speaker as you added a second finger and started fucking yourself at a fast pace, the wet sounds of your pussy going straight into his ears. “I’d swallow it all for you.”
“That’s a good Angel can hear that pussys all wet for me wish I could fuck it, stuff you full of my dick, and cum inside you over and over again” At this point, he was so hard and turned on he couldn’t help but jerk his cock faster the sounds of your lewd moans and wet pussy wasn’t helping his case either, and he felt like cumming any minute.
“Yes, Ethan fuck need to feel you in my hand, in my mouth, inside of me just want you everywhere” You pushed your fingers as deep as they could go grinding your hips as you pressed the heel of your palm against your clit desperately fucking yourself to the sound of his voice and dirty talk.
“Fuck Oh my go- fuck angel,” he moaned loudly, relentlessly fisting his cock at your words. “You want that, huh? I’d give it to you so good, fill up your pretty holes cum in your mouth, and that fucking perfect little pussy, baby I’d give you it all just for being so good for me,” he grunts, the pace of his hand moving at an unimaginable speed as his high creeps up on him.
“Ethan!” You screamed, hand cramping up as you fingered yourself to the point of no return. “I’m cumming, I’m Cumming!” You moaned over and over again, feeling another orgasm coming as you kept going, not satisfied with just one.
“Ah fuck!” He threw his head back, squeezing his eyes shut and chasing his orgasm with you, his tip filled with precum that dribbled out with every stroke. “That’s it, my angel cum” he whimpers, seconds away from following your lead. “Cum for Ethan,” he grits his teeth, neck veins bulging out, and sweat covering his whole entire body as his hips jerk up off his bed. His eyes shoot open when the first squirt of cum spurts out from his tip. “Oh s-shit,” he whines, rubbing his cock so fast it felt raw, but it was too good to stop. “Cumming, I’m cumming” he pants, hand steadily rubbing out rope after rope of cum as it stains his chest and abdomen.
It didn’t take long at all for your second orgasm to build his voice, and the way he called you his angel had you coming undone embarrassingly quick. “Ethan, I have t-to-“ you mewled out, eyes and brows clashing together as you whimpered continuously, and it was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. “I’m cumming again,” you whine helplessly, rubbing your clit into overstimulation.
“Shit, angel again? Fuck go on cum for Ethan again” He squeezed his base tightly coaxing out every last dribble of semen. “Fuck” he whimpers, his whole body shaking violently from the intensity of his orgasm on top of the thought of you coming for him not once but twice.
“Ethan,” you whimpered softly, completely exhausted from having two mind-blowing orgasms in a row. “Feels so good,” you sighed in pleasure, caressing yourself down from your high slowly.
“Mhm, I know, angel,” he spoke softly, making the moment that much better as the waves of euphoria began to wash away from the both of you.
You hum, finally catching your breath, the faint throbbing between your legs settling as your eyes glazed over with post-orgasm bliss.
“Mhhm angel,” he whispers, spreading the copious amounts of seed over his shaft, stroking his length, and getting the most out of his orgasm until it begins to soften.
He was the first one to speak after your minds have had a chance to clear. “So…how was it?” He asks timidly, which isn’t like him at all, but when it came to you, he couldn’t help but feel shy and self-conscious about his performance, especially cause with you, he wasn’t acting. You were getting the raw, unfiltered version. With you, he was just being himself, heeseung, but with everyone else, he was Ethan, the phone sex worker.
“Good,” you say shyly, which makes a wide smile spread on his face as he reaches for some tissues to clean himself, but there is so much cum that he doesn’t even bother. After a while, he just tucked himself away, opting to take a shower before bed.
“Just good? It didn’t sound just good,” he smirks while teasing you.
“Ethan, stop,” you giggle, and you hear him laughing, which makes you even more shy as you pull your blankets up to cover your chest.
“But I’m having fun, Angel,” he chuckles.
“You are?” You asked curiously cause everything all night sounded genuine, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up cause there’s no way he actually had fun talking with you, and there was definitely no way he came with you either, but something deep down inside you wanted it to be real so you asked with a tiny glimmer of hope that this wasn’t one-sided.
“Of course, angel, you’re gonna have to start calling me more often cause you made me wait too long,” he whines. “I missed you.”
“I will, Ethan. I missed you too,” you told him honestly, even though you knew he probably didn’t want to hear from you for real. You knew he was just saying that to make more money off of you, and the thought of having feelings for him kinda left a bitter taste in your mouth when you knew he didn’t care even an ounce for you. “Ethan, it’s late, so I think I’ll hang up now,” you said, feeling down even though you really didn’t have a right to. It was literally your fault for getting your hopes up and feeling any type of way about him in the first place.
“Already?” He frowned. “Why Angel? Just talk to me a little before bed, yeah?”
“I can’t…. I think I should just rest,” you whisper, feeling sleep knocking on your door. Plus, you didn’t want to talk to him longer. It’d only make you like him more, and ultimately, that would ruin your mood even more than it already is. After tonight, you probably wouldn’t call him again either cause. Apparently, you have a habit of getting attached to people who have no interest in you.
“Oh,” he mumbles disappointedly. He sucks in a breath happily, wishing you a goodnight even though he was bummed that he couldn’t talk to you longer. “Okay, well, I’ll hold you to it, angel, 'cause I really, really wanna hear from you again, okay?” He says sincerely, hoping you know he doesn’t want your money and that he genuinely wants to talk to you again soon.
“Okay,” you lie. “Goodnight, Ethan,” you yawned seconds away from sleep.
“Goodnight,” he says reluctantly, but if you were sleepy, he didn’t want to keep you up, especially since you probably had classes the next morning. “Sweet dreams, my angel,” he says just before you hang up.
He sighed softly cause a part of him wanted that call to last longer, not even for the money. Hell, at this point, when you called, he didn’t even see it as work or making money. It just felt oddly romantic in a way.
He knows it’s dumb, but when you called, he kinda felt like he was in a long-distance relationship with you, which again, he knows is stupid cause you didn’t even know him like that, but still, it was fun after a long day you’d call him, and you’d both make each other feel good like a real couple.
He just wanted to talk and talk about anything and everything with you cause your voice was so pretty, and you seemed so sweet. Maybe some nights when you called, you’d both fall asleep on the phone together or something like that.
He shook off the feeling, realizing that he was just being plain ridiculous, and went to take a shower even though his legs still felt completely numb after that mind-blowing orgasm.
Later that night, when he closed his eyes, he just hoped you’d keep your word and call him again tomorrow.
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback. - 🐹
Permanent taglist 🔖 @hee-pster @hoyeonheeseung @furious-eagle @heehoonsnemo
Just a call away taglist 🔖 @heeseungshim @rayofsunshineeee @fakeuwus
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sooniebby ¡ 1 year
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꧁ 𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
Teaser ➤ a mating chase just for you <3
Pt 2
Word count › 2.1k (💀)
Rating › NSFT
Warnings › none
Kinks › light dub con, a/b/o
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Tanaka (Name) was a proud straight A student. Student class president. A student many parents dreamed their child was. But unfortunately, he was a beta.
To others, this didn’t matter but to his family—a long line of prestigious alphas… He was a disappointment. (Name) had no longer allowed that to bother him anymore.
He just focused on getting good grades and setting himself apart from others. Yes, it was originally to get attention from his family but it never happened.
(Name) knew he just had to live with it. A sigh left his lips as he stretched out, a yawn on his lips. He was on the roof top eating his lunch when his nose twitched.
A snarl appeared on his lips as he shot up and followed the nasty smell to it’s owner. There, a corner not too far from the door, sat a random student.
“Smoking? On school property?” (Name) asked, gaining the student’s attention. Much to his own surprise, the student didn’t look scared. Not one bit.
A smirk was on the student’s face as he stood up and walked over to (Name). He was taller and more athletic than (Name). Track, possibly.
“What? Are you going to snitch?” The student laughed, blowing a puff of smoke into (Name)’s face.
(Name) coughed at the smell and reached up to pull the cigarette from the student’s mouth, dropping it onto the floor to step on it.
He grinned at the dumbed look the student gave him. “No. Do it again and I will. People deserve two chances. Now get to class.”
With that, he was off to pick up his lunch and go back to class. But he wasn’t able to get far when a hand grabbed his wrist.
“What?!” (Name) yelled before he was rudely slammed into the fence surrounding the roof top.
Maybe (Name) was just crazy but he felt a blush creep on his face when he got a better look at the student in front of him. This student was beautiful, really. Shaggy hair that almost covered his eyes and a mole right underneath his right eye.
“A beta like you has no idea what type of trouble you could’ve been in if it was any other alpha you did this to.” He said, his eyes scanning (Name)’s face.
“Alpha, beta, omega! That’s all you guys fucking care about. Now get off!”
“It does matter. Because you’re beta you don’t notice it but it’s our identity. And someone as weak as you should be careful angering an alpha.”
(Name) rolled his eyes. “Alright, sure. Now get off.”
“Watanabe Riki.”
“My name.”
“Oh well, I didn’t ask. Tanaka (Name).”
Riki simply huffed before pulling away, a small smirk on his lips. (Name) fixed his clothing, making sure his glasses were sitting straight on his nose.
“You look like a cat,” Riki muttered before walking away.
(Name) was honestly confused. Who just says that and walks away…? Oh well, he hoped to never come across the little shit again.
Life doesn’t go the way he wants, obviously. Because here he was, staring down at a student that was said to be still in the gym. They were in the storage closet, biting at a jacket.
Even as a beta, (Name) knew when an alpha was going into rut. And right in front of him was Watanabe Riki, furiously biting at his own jacket.
It had been maybe a month or so since he last saw him.
He had asked around if anyone knew him but most omegas whined at how good he smelled or how beautiful he was. Other alphas said that he was either cool or a little shit. Betas didn’t care about him.
Most betas kept to themselves really. Since betas were so rare compared to everyone else it made sense. (Name) didn’t have much friends though. Only one omega girl, Kimura Nana.
A teacher had told him to make sure the gym was empty before locking it. (Name) made sure to stay farther back from Riki, not wanting to be noticed by him yet.
He needed a teacher. But what would the teacher do? The only teachers left were two betas. If he made any sudden sounds, would Riki get scared and run away?
A grunt stopped his thinking as he turned back to face Riki only to jump when he was much closer than before. (Name) was terrified. Yeah, previously he didn’t care about that stuff but Riki scared him.
Ever since his weird little speech about not upsetting the wrong alpha, he got a bit scared.
Riki wasn’t even wrong. Alphas were way stronger than omegas or betas. It certainly wasn’t fair but he had to take that up with biology.
“Watanabe….You need to call your parents.” (Name) muttered, holding a hand out to make sure he wouldn’t come closer.
Riki was silent as he glanced around before sniffing the air. His pupils dilated as he turned his attention back on (Name).
“(Name)…” first name basis already?! “Why’d you hide it?” Riki question, a childlike grin on his face.
“Hide what…? What are you talking about?”
(Name) was frozen in his spot as Riki stepped closer. He gasped in shock as Riki pulled down at his collar, giving access to his neck. Riki leaned down and sniffed, a small sound of purring being heard.
He’s heard his mother and father purr once, not towards him. No one has ever purred about anything he’s done for them. (Name) couldn’t help his sudden interest in Riki’s odd behavior.
“That you’re an omega.”
“Hah?! You’re going crazy, Watanabe! Give me your phone so I can call your parents!” (Name) raised a hand to push him away only to not even make him flinch.
Riki smiled dumbly at him. Yeah, this rut was taking over his brain. (Name) flinched at the touch of his hair as Riki moved it away for more access to his neck.
(Name) had been growing out his hair. It was mainly as a fuck you to his mother since she believed he needed to at least be masculine if he fucked up being an alpha.
It had only really reached being a mullet at this point but a few stands had reached his shoulders.
“I think we’re made for each other, Omega.”
“I’m not—”
(Name) blinked. “Huh?”
Riki stood up to his full height, easily towering over (Name) with his 6 feet and 2 inches. (Name) in comparison was just around 5’8. Betas usually didn’t grow taller than average anyway.
“Run, Omega. Unless you just want to give yourself up now.”
(Name) wasn’t exactly thinking when he immediately began to run. Riki wasn’t just talking out of his ass. He was talking about a mating chase.
And (Name) running was basically confirmation that he wanted to be mated. People rarely did this type of mating anymore, most being too lazy.
It was really only a way to get the couple extra horny for their first mating. (Name) wasn’t a runner, especially compared to an alpha who possibly played track.
The sun was already set as he tried to find any teachers to help. But they were all gone. What the fuck!?! He panicked before realizing he could hide in the student council classroom.
Bad part was that it was on the third floor. Using any remaining strength he had, he ran up the stairs to the third floor. (Name) was tired.
God, he put all the energy into studying that he forgot to train his endurance. He was right outside the door, panting as he fished out the key to open it.
It was right after he opened it, he was shoved inside and the door slammed close. Riki was right there, standing in front of the door.
(Name) groaned. He didn’t have any energy to fight him off. “Watanabe. Your rut is making you stupid.”
Riki didn’t answer, walking over to (Name). (Name) struggled on what to do. He couldn’t think straight. Something was wrong with him.
His pants felt wet…
Suddenly, he was pushed on top of the table in the center of the room. (Name) grunted out in pain as Riki muttered something.
“You got me worked up, Omega.” Riki grinned, reaching down to pull off (Name)’s trousers. It fell to the floor, pooling at his feet with his boxers.
(Name) gasped at the feeling of Riki’s mouth on his ass. Oh, he was really dripping slick. But that didn’t make any sense.
Was he a late bloomer?
He couldn’t think straight with Riki hungrily eating his slick. The feeling of his tongue really disgusted him in his mind but his body was into it.
Whimpers left his mouth as he tried to pull away but was held close by Riki.
“I’ll fuck you properly in your nest, okay?” Riki said.
“Nest…?” (Name) whined, confused on what the fuck he was talking about. He was mainly surprised that Riki could actually think clearly right now.
Was he not fully in rut yet?
“I just had to make sure I wasn’t smelling something else,” Riki muttered, pulling up (Name)’s pants.
“I’m so confused…” (Name) pouted, finally being able to move around to face Riki.
“You’re an omega. That’s all. I found out when we first met.” Riki said, reaching over to pull off (Name)’s shirt.
“What?? How? I’m a beta!”
Riki hummed, “you used to be. But I always knew there was more to you.”
“We went to the same middle school. But I don’t think you remember me. Since idiot alphas like me aren’t important,” Riki snarled, a look of anger in his eyes.
Oh… (Name) was a bit of a little shit in middle school. He was no bully but he certainly hadn’t learned to not say everything out loud about people he didn’t like.
Due to his obvious mommy and daddy issues, he started to take out any anger on all alphas. He had stopped in high school—having grown up but of course, he couldn’t change what he did in the past.
“So did you fake your rut or something?”
“No. It’s coming in a few hours. I’m sure if you knew or pay attention to alphas, you’d know that if I really was in full blown rut that I wouldn’t have done a mating chase.”
Riki lightly nipped at his neck, earning a gasp. “I would’ve fucked you right then and there.”
(Name) blushed. He could feel more slick dripping out of his asshole. Oh he’d have to get used to that.
“I originally just wanted to scare you but I think this is better,” Riki chuckled before grasping at (Name)’s hair, pulling his head back.
(Name) gasped in shock as he felt sharp teeth on his neck. His scent gland. Riki was biting it. A sudden rush of pleasure passed through him as he arched his back in a scream.
He was getting claimed to some random guy.
How would his parents think? How would this affect him in the future?!
“Awe, you came,” Riki said after he pulled away, blood staining his lips. His hand rubbed at the tent in (Name)’s pants that were wet from cum.
(Name) twitched at the feeling before pulling at Riki’s shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. It was really the sudden claim, is what (Name) would tell himself later.
But a claim doesn’t really do that. Sure it’ll make him feel closer to Riki but it’d never force him to be affectionate towards him. Riki also seemed confused about this sudden kiss.
(Name) pulled away, a dazed look in his eyes as he leaned down to his neck and bit his scent gland. Riki grabbed at (Name)’s waist but couldn’t push him away.
He really only planned to screw (Name) over but not allow him to claim him back. But now they were both screwed in being claimed to each other.
(Name) pulled away, only a little bit of blood on his lips as he smiled at Riki. Yeah, he was definitely not thinking straight right now.
Riki would ignore the happy purring his chest as he picked up (Name) to take home. He was lucky his parents weren’t home tonight.
He knew no sane person would ever claim anyone they hated. But he did hate (Name) for bullying him in middle school.
He wanted revenge. It was literally the only reason why he followed him to this dumb fancy school.
But he only did something this year, their third year.
No way, did he actually want (Name)…?
Riki shook his head. He needed to see a therapist, quickly.
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈─➤ END
Riki’s debut!! Obsessive idiot x mean idiot, is basically the trope for reader and Riki lol
Their love is much more insane than my other characters lowkey but they do fall in love. Well reader does cuz Riki is already obsessed
Next fic will be about meeting the parents
But my next original character content will be for Keita’s meet cute! Thanks for reading!
Requests are open for Riki too, if you got any ideas you wanna see me write
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localkiss ¡ 6 months
Princess Sprinkles!
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Vendetta Chris Redfield x fem reader!
cw: dd/lg, creampie, squirting (guys idk how squirting feels like....), multiple orgasms (reader), fingering, pet names, praise kink, oral fixation (reader obv), light mentions of breeding, soft dom!Chris!!, afab terms used, size kink ish.., Chris being silly, Chris being a lil mean one time, and some fluff :3 !! — Lmk if I missed anything.
wc: 2005 !! (🤭 birth year go crazyy LOL!)
notes: if you don't like ddlg just um. Idk don't read 💀!! I fr try not to make the reader teeny tiny but like dude Chris is huge asf.. size kink go brrr 🧎🏻‍♀️! I'll be making reader a lil squishy from now on bc I'm not skinny either ☝🏻.Also I used to watch the Bratz babyz movie on repeat sm that the disc got ruined 😭😭 soo.. yes that part is directly from yours truly! Not proof read 😵‍💫
tags: @argreion, @rigorwhoring bc ily guys 😇!!
"Daddy!" You squeal as soon as Chris picks you up and spins you around. Making your fluffy mini pleated skirt twirl upwards.
Chris hoists your pretty body over his shoulders and pats you on the butt, practically skipping towards your shared bedroom. It looks like someone dumped all the squishmallows possible into the master bedroom. He can't help but think of you every time he sees a stuffed animal. Shits rooted in his brain. Stuffies = his angel!
Yeah, he might have to fight with them to make room for himself, but he wouldn't trade it for any other way. He doesn't actually fight them, knowing you'd throw a hissy fit and say "Hate daddy! Forever 'n ever!" Chris's heart shatters like glass whenever you say that.
He's grown softer because of you and those little threats of yours make his heart drop down to the core of the Earth. Would he admit it to team Alpha? No. Never in a million years. But they've got eyes and ears, they're not Patrick Star. Dumb and living under a rock.
Lately he's been covered in hickeys and cute little doodles that're supposed to be like tattoos by yours truly. Goes to work and gets teased by his squad, telling him how you've got him wrapped around your pretty little finger. How much you've changed him, for the better. He always shrugs them off, putting them back to work.
You for sure made Chris cut back on smoking a fuck ton. Constantly crying about how the stench will ruin your stuffies and the coat the walls of the house with a film. You're right, that's for sure. And the fact that second hand smoke is even worse is what clicks it into his head for him. His baby. His sweetheart, could end up dying because of his stupid ass habits.
Chris has lost too many of his men because of his habits. Too many good men. You are his savior. He pounds away the guilt into your needy little cunt. Constantly craving him. Needing him. Loving him. Honest to God, he needs that more than anything in this lifetime.
"Sweetheart," he sighs and sets you down onto the bed. "I missed you. Whatcha been up to?"
"Slept 'n colored and um... Ate some snackies, watch movie, 'n had lotsa juice!" You mumble, eyes glancing around the entire room. Using your hands to talk, as your words get slurred when you're in this state of mind.
Chris presses a faint kiss to your temple and noses down to the underside of your ear. Carefully holding the back of your head with his hand. He gives you more kisses and blows raspberries into your ear, making you squeal and swat at him.
"That's good baby. Glad you had a productive day." Chris smiles at you lovingly.
Your heart then swoons, making you feel all mushy inside. Praise gets him everything from you. Just like you crying out for daddy gets you everything from him!
He lazily starts to unbuckle his belt, pulling it through the loops. Setting it down on the bedside table with a thud. He starts to undo his fly, pushing his pants all the way down, kicking out of them.
Only dressed in his boxers and shirt, he engulfs you with a hug. Nuzzling into your neck, feeling your hands grab ahold of his shirt.
"Just recharging honey, hold on." His voice is deep and gruffy, sending chills up your spine.
You lay there, body buzzing with warmth as his figure presses you into the mattress. His hips shift and move against yours, causing you to gasp.
Thighs squeezing against his fit waist and he sighs into your neck. "Daddy's not charge. He excited..." Your fingers tug on his shirt and he sits up.
"Off?" Pointing to his shirt and you clumsily remove your own shirt and skirt. Now both of you are only in your underwear. Well, you still have your white thigh highs on, but still.
He presses your thighs up to your chest and settles in the middle as best as he can. Feeling his skin on your skin feels like heaven. Makes your panties wet, which he's noticed but doesn't want to say anything about it. Knowing you get all shy and embarrassed when he points things out like that. He likes it. Thinks it's cute that you want skin ship.
"So pretty baby," he pushes his hips forward. His cock catching onto your clit with each slow roll. "Pretty pussy, pretty tits. Pretty girl. My pretty girl."
Chris leans back and gets rid of his boxers. Pulling your panties up to slip his cock between your folds. Laying back down on top of you. Humping you instead of fucking you.
You can't complain, his tip his pressing against your clit nicely. Your hips rolling up to meet his and his dick slips inside.
He bottoms out immediately with a growl. "Baby. Did I say you could put it in?" Chastising you with a rough thrust, acting like it's your fault his dick slipped inside of your tiny hole.
"Daddy, didn't mean to. Not m'fault," you whine out, kicking your legs.
"S'okay. Daddy will make it all better." Chris presses a kiss to your forehead and acts like he's going to pull it out. Only to harshly thrust it back into you. "Fuck, princess. She's not wanting to let me go. You hear her crying for me?"
Moaning, you dig your nails into his back, "Daddy, daddy, never leave," you start babbling already.
He groans and rabbits his hips, making the bed rock against the wall.
"Wait, daddy, stuffies no want look, turn," you try to speak as he continues to fuck you like he hates you.
"Shit, okay baby. Hold on," he grunts and turns them around as best as he can. "Better now?"
You nod and go in for a kiss and he meets you halfway. Drooling into your mouth and your tongues swirl together before you suck on his. Moaning as he drives himself deeper inside of you. Squelching sounds and skin on skin echoing in the bedroom. Surely you guys won't get a noise complaint this time!
He spits into your mouth and smears it all over your lips with his thumb, pushing it into your mouth. Who needs a pacifier when you've got daddy's thumb?
Watching your eyes flutter shut and your lips wrapping around his thumb, it sets him off. His other hand driving down between you both and rubbing harshly at your puffy nub.
Biting down, you furrow your eyebrows. Breathing quickly and moaning softly. "Close," you hum around his digit. Sucking on it as you get closer and closer.
Chris's dick hits a special spot inside of you and your body shakes underneath him. Pussy trying to push out his cock as a clear liquid shoots out of you.
"Goddamn, baby, squirting on me, mmhh—fuck..." His hips falter and he dumps his cum inside of you. Resting his body on you, burying you into the bed. Making sure his cum never leaves you.
Chris pulls his thumb out of your mouth and kisses you feverishly. "Putting a baby in you, s'that alright princess?" Your pussy agrees by clenching around his thickness.
But he's acting like you've got a choice, since he's already done the deed. He pulls you up into his arms and you guys slowly make your way to the bath. Still connected and full.
Keeping you in his arms, he reaches down to turn on the water and put in the plug. You giggle and some of his cum starts to spurt out and drip down his balls. He settles in the tub with you on his lap, grabbing the soap to fill it with bubbles.
Chris slowly lifts you off of his length and sets you between his legs. Back pressed against his hairy chest. While his cum dribbles out of you.
His fingers make their way down to your sensitive cunt and slowly dips them inside. "Shh, I know baby," pressing soft kisses to your cheek as you whine and claw weakly at his forearms. The other one is keeping you pressed against him.
"Daddy's helping you baby," he starts to curl his fingers and your legs shake. Clearly overstimulated from earlier. But Chris starts to be a bit greedy, smacking his palm against your pretty little pearl.
Throwing your head back against his shoulder, he coaxes you into another orgasm. With the disguise of helping you get his cum out. If anything, he's trying to fuck it back into. Serious about putting a mini him or you inside of your tummy.
"Baby, almost there. Y'got it princess.. mmh.. cum one more time for daddy? Promise I'll clean you up and get us some donuts with sprinkles on 'em, just the way you like." Man, he's even bribing you! Daddy knows what you really want right now. So you whimper in response.
"Daddy, mmhhff... Daddy oh god! Please, please, please!" Your heels dig into the tub as the water fills it. His lips sucking and biting into your neck is what makes you cream around his digits.
Body convulsing and breath raggedy and higher as you come down from your second high of the night. Chris grabs your face and kisses you all over, mumbling praises into your skin. "Good girl, daddy's so proud of you."
Then, he takes his time washing you off, letting you play with the rubber duckies and splashing water onto him. Putting bubbles on his beard and making one for yourself.
"I daddy! See?" You pout and furrow your eyebrows, taking a drag of an imaginary cigarette. Chris rolls his brown eyes and takes the imaginary cigarette and puts it out.
"Babies can't do that stuff, remember? Only daddies can do that, silly baby girl." He wipes the bubbles off of your face and his, nibbling on your earlobe. Making chewing noises, "Om nom nom, my baby tastes so yummy!"
You squeal and press your face into your shoulder. "Daddy! Got wash so we can eat nummy donut! Donut sprinkle!"
He hums and gets to work. Gently washing your back and hair as you wash your front side and down to your toes. Chris hauls you up and he turns on the shower to wash your hair and his. God knows he needs this shower after training his new squad mates today.
Chris washes his own figure as you cup the water in your tiny hands and splash it up in the air. Watching you pretend you have powers as the water runs down your arms and to the tips of your fingers.
"Alright princess. Let's go get some sprinkled donuts," he pats your heart shaped ass with a chuckle. Wrapping you in a fuzzy towel, he gets to work drying you off. It reminds you of that Bratz babyz movie. Sure reminds him of it too. From how often you guys watched it, the CD stopped working and you threw a fit.
So of course, he bought a couple more, just in case. It's not like he doesn't have the money for it. So why not keep his baby sated with something so simple as a 2000s movie? He even bought you some Bratz dolls and monster high ones. Likes how you squeal and jump around in excitement every time he buys you something so simple as a doll. Makes him happy.
"Princess sprinkles and daddy sprinkles! Getting donut sprinkles! Sprinkles, sprinkles, sprinkles!" You laugh as he puts on your blue matching cinnamoroll pajamas that he spent fifty dollars on. Worth it in his opinion. Looks so cute on you, he can't help but press kisses all over your cheeks.
"Alright, alright, princess sprinkles. Let's go get in the car. Daddy'll buy you all the chocolate sprinkled donuts there is at the bakery." Chris's heart thumps in his chest. Yeah, there's a sprinkled shaped hole with a sprinkle version of you in his heart.
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nanawritesit ¡ 7 months
Trent Lane Boyfriend Headcanons! (SFW + NSFW under the cut)
(i just finished daria and have major Trent brain rot… but there’s like no content for him so i guess i have to write it myself :p)
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He writes songs about you all the time (they don’t always make sense but you still appreciate them)
Probably shows his love through physical touch or acts of service because he’s too broke to buy you gifts or take you anywhere nice 💀
He always has an arm around your shoulder, a hand on your waist, or is at least linking pinkies with you. If you’re next to him, he’s touching you in some way
And if you ever need help with chores or a project, he offers to do it for you or help you finish it (which is saying a lot because he’s usually lazy af)
Always gives you his jacket when it’s cold without you even having to ask him :)
Loves to lay his head on your chest and fall asleep after late night gigs… you struggle to roll him off of you in the morning because he sleeps like a log 😭
Calls you his “muse” occasionally
But he mostly calls you a cuter version of your name (like how he calls Jane “Janey,”) or just a simple “Babe” or “Hon”
Most of your dates are at the bars Mystik Spiral is playing at
You’ll hang out there for a while and get pizza afterwards, then probably smoke 🍃 in the tank
He asks your opinion on song lyrics, and you’ll help him brainstorm rhymes
The man is nocturnal so you have a ton of late night phone calls
You’re basically his sugar mama because again, he’s broke and unemployed
You have to reassure him that it doesn’t bother you all the time, in fact he’s *almost* considered getting a job just for you because he loves you that much 💞
(you can call him a deadbeat all you want. i would have no problem supporting my sweet baby girl 😤)
He also gets insecure sometimes that you’ll leave him for someone more educated or successful… you’ll have to explain to him that you don’t care about that stuff and that you love him regardless of it
His idea of a perfect day is just laying in bed with you all day long… he’s big on cuddles, either laying his head on your chest or nuzzling up into your neck :)
Although he also enjoys spooning you, or having you lay on his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair (He’s the best cuddler ever, try to change my mind)
Also loves going to the music store with you, and any other shops you enjoy going to
If you like piercings, you’ll go on piercing dates together :)
If you’re nervous, he’ll hold your hand and talk you through it 💞
Keeping him company while he gets his tattoos
He likes to see what you buy for yourself so he can save up his money to buy you something nice for your birthday or anniversary 🥺
LOVES when you sleep in his t shirts ❤️ He thinks you look so hot
He doesn’t strike me as someone who has a specific type, he just likes whoever he gives with. You could be alternative like him or have the total opposite aesthetic, he just likes you for who you are 🥰
Desperately trying to get him to take care of himself by getting a better sleep schedule and maybe eating a piece of fruit every now and again 💀
Watching Sick Sad World with Jane and Daria
The two of them look up to you because you’re one of the few people they think are cool, they mostly ask you for advice on relationships, school, and resolving their disputes
Jane asking you to help her dye her hair after Daria ruined it 😀
You always encourage her and compliment her paintings, she sees you as a really cool older sister (except not actually because all of her relatives besides Trent are insane)
You try to help them out around the house with cooking and cleaning and buying groceries since their parents are never home
The other guys in the band tease him so hard because he talks about you constantly and always gets so happy when you call :)
Jesse was actually the one who set you guys up, and it makes him so happy to see you together
He keeps a picture of you on the dashboard of the tank just to make him smile whenever he sees it 💞
NSFW: (18+/ MDNI)
Lazy morning sex (even though it’s at like 4 pm) because it’s the best way to wake him up ;)
Having sex in the tank right before a show because he’s convinced he plays better after he fucks you
He’s a switch for sure, mostly because he doesn’t always have the energy to be on top
Really likes long make out sessions where you’re straddling his lap and he can run his hands all along your body
Looooves watching you ride him
But he also enjoys pinning you down and dominating you 👀
The cold metal of his rings against your skin drives you wild, especially when he’s fingering you
Will give you hickeys in the most obvious places because he thinks they look hot
Conversely, he loves it when you leave scratches down his back like you’re marking him as your territory
Listen, this man knows how to EAT 😤 (you’re probably the most nutritious thing he eats tbh)
He loves overstimulating you by making you cum on his tongue and then fucking you immediately after
But he also loves it when you return the favor… he can’t think of any better sight than you on your knees going down on him 😭
He knows that his voice turns you on and uses it against you to turn you on in public (which leads to the two of you running out to the tank for a quickie)
He’s really good at talking you through it 😫
Not super loud during sex, but he does grunt and swear a lot
And when he gets close to finishing he starts letting out some airy moans, mostly saying your name over and over
He’s not *super* freaky but he certainly knows how to show you a good time ;)
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ithaquasbbg ¡ 9 months
Hi :))) I think I’ll do some more general Headcanons since those did shockingly really well lolll- just a reminder that requests are open! I have a few I need to get to, but I appreciate hearing from everyone.
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Norton Campbell | Prospector / “Fools gold” General relationship Headcanons
(That title is certainly a lot to read..)
Tw : mentions of nightmares, possessive behavior.
Extra : Some things can be read in a kind of suggestive tone?? That was on accident lol but I left it because it is true 💀I’ve recently been really into Norton and felt like dumping my personal Headcanons here.
|🩷| Norton has a tendency to be a hot and cold type of lover. One moment he can be his normal self, and the next he’s mad at the world and pushing himself away from you.
|🩷| Of course, he’ll make up for those moments when he isolates himself, or at least attempt to. With Norton, you need to be patient and show him that he won’t scare you away.
|🩷| In his normal form he can be slightly possessive but wouldn’t act out on it too much if at all. He’ll exchange harsh glares with the person he suspects has any intentions of either stealing you from him, or of harming you.
|🩷| As fools gold though… he’s much more willing to get involved and use physical measures to keep others from messing around with you. Though he is quite intimidating, so his typical glares would likely do the trick most of the time
|🩷| In either form, he’s incredibly protective of you and couldn’t imagine what would happen if you were to get seriously hurt. How they would react is different, with nortons normal self hyperfixating on your health and getting you better. His other side however would likely take care of you first, but there’s no question the person who hurt you would be roughed up quite badly.
|🩷| In terms of physical preferences in his partners- I don’t see Norton as somebody who would be terribly picky. Though, if there was one thing he would have a preference for, it would probably be eyes. If they’re striking, they’ve caught his attention.
|🩷| When it comes to his love language in a receiving type of way, he’d likely be most comfortable with words of affirmation. Reassurance that you still love him despite all his imperfections is something that comforts him and makes him swoon all the more at the same time.
|🩷| In terms of giving, Norton would be super interested in physical touch, even if it’s small. Part of it is reassurance for himself that you’re with him, but another part is the rush he feels when he gets to hold you. Things like hand holding are present almost all the time, sometimes in a more possessive type of way.
|🩷| When it comes to PDA- Norton isn’t the most reserved in the manor but he’s also not the most showy. It depends on his state day to day just how showy he is, but usually it only includes hand holding and an occasional quick kiss or two
|🩷| Big. Spoon. He loves holding you close to him and knowing that you’re safe in his arms. (And In a sense.. he likely also enjoys knowing that he’s the one in control while he’s holding you ☺️)
|🩷| His favorite nickname for you is just a simple “Babe”, or sometimes if he’s feeling generous.. “Baby”
|🩷| When you call him things like Handsome, Love, ect, he’d probably take a slight ego boost from it. Expect for him to ask you to repeat it. “Just to make sure” he didn’t mishear what you said. But we all know he just wants to hear you call him Handsome again.
|🩷| Things like “Sweetheart” or returning the “Baby” nickname would probably get him blushing and a little embarrassed, those are his names for you, not the other way around! Though despite his attitude towards being called these nicknames, he does love to hear you call him all these sweet things.
|🩷| If he has extra clothing to give you, he’d absolutely give you all of it. Seeing you in his clothing gives Norton such a rush that he cannot explain. On this same note, if he could fit into your clothing I doubt he’d be willing to wear it, he prefers to be giving things even if he cannot really afford to buy gifts.
|🩷| Norton does suffer from frequent nightmares remembering his life from before he came to the manor. He tries to hide his weaknesses from everyone, including you, though occasionally his facade slips and he breaks. Just allowing him to cry and hold you as tight as he can is usually greatly appreciated, though he will be embarrassed about the crying part later.
|🩷| He’s not the best at comforting others, but if you had a rough day or two, Norton would definitely try his best to cheer you up at least a little bit. Things like attempting to cook your favorite meal, showering you with extra love and compliments. No matter what headspace he’s in, Norton will always try his best to get a smile on your face. You matter more to him than anything else at the end of the day, and he’ll make sure to protect you.
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xxzlushiez ¡ 1 year
I’ve got an original request for ya, dw this wont be sent to any other blog and if it is it was not me 🛐 the reader won’t be pregnant but her and Bill already have their toddler and they’re at that stage when they repeat everything they hear. So during a livestream (reader is a member of tokio hotel) they’re just talking with fans and the boys and the kid suddenly says a swear word in either german or english super loud in the back. Bill and the reader just look at each other like “where did it learn that” and the others are loosing it
Got it from who?
B. Kaulitz x F! Reader
Synopsis: maybe having your kid around the band wasn't such a good idea💀
Notes: just fluff, cussing, bill and Name have a daughter, based on 2023! Bill, got inspo from a video of Gustav
A/N: Since it wasn't specified, I made this 2023 Bill I hope that's alright. You can imagine it as any Bill Ijust have it as 2023 Bill because I feel like it fits this prompt better! I hope you enjoy❤️❤️
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- Having a kid with Bill was honestly the best decision of your life
-He's such a naturally good dad and the kid grows up too be so amazing
-Your kid went with you everywhere
-whether it be to concerts or interviews
-when she was old enough to make her own decisions, you let her come on stage with the rest of the band
-The fans are wild about her
-she gets just so many gifts like you guts had to make another room to put all her gifts in
-even though she's spoiled rotten b gifts her personality sure doesn't show it
-She's just the sweetest kid to everyone (she has a little bit of beef w/ Georg though for some reason)
-So, you can imagine you and Bill's surprise when she randomly cussed during a fan livestream
-You and Bill were busy chatting with the rest of the band when it happened
-it was so shocking Bill thought he misheard
-"What...what did she just say?"
-Bill was so embarrassed
-The viewers full on erupted when she said it
-went viral on so many platforms
-'Name and Bill Kaulitz's daughter cussing like a sailor'
-"what did she say???" "OMG WHATTTT??" "HAHAH SHE JUST CUSSED" "WORLDSTARRRR" -it didn't help that the rest of the band was laughing their asses of in the background
-she even repeated it when Bill asked what she said
-"HĂśr auf, eine Fotze zu sein"(stop being a cunt/pussy)
-she was apparently talking to one of her toys
-you and Bill started bickering like children about who she got it from
-"she definitely got it from you" "No. Way. I would never say!"
-until out of nowhere tom interrupts you guys-
-"Sounds like something Gustav would say."
-you both just stared at his goofy filtered face like "...he's so right"
-Gustav got a beating the next time you both saw him
-definitely stopped bringing her to all of the tours
-when you did, she was always cussing during interviews because it made all the fans laugh
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merlucide ¡ 4 months
KIRA I HAVE IDEAS I HAVE IDEAS what about we get an... drummer otoya, bassist karasu and singer and guitarist reader??? (If your requests are closed or if you don't want to do it, it's fine, ok? No pressure!!!!)
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Notes: GIRL. IN LOVE RN?! I love this idea so much omg?! (Soso sorry for how long it took to get this out 💀)
wc: 700
warnings: implied fem reader, suggestiveness?
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I was thinking the bands vibe would be like: Mindless Self Indulgence // Destroy Boys // wych elm (but you can ignore this ofc 😋) I was also thinking like calmer like The Neighborhood and Big Thief
The three of you have been friends since high school, bonding over your shared love for music. Together, you formed the band known as (BAND NAME) / Third Chance!
In the band, you, Y/N, are the lead singer and guitarist, with Karasu on bass and Otoya on drums.
While you and Karasu handle the lyric writing, Otoya gives his input, but you just ignore his suggestions. Sorry Otoya, we aren’t writing a song about ninjas saving hot babes <3
Karasu occasionally contributes soft vocals, adding an extra layer to the music.
(BAND NAME) / Third Chance is a well-known band, and your concerts are always packed.
At the end of each show, Otoya rips off his shirt and throws it to the crowd.
After gigs, the three of you head back to your shared hotel room to unwind and talk about the performance.
you guys either go straight to bed after that or watch some stupid movies.
Otoya definitely shows up at your house at like 1 in the morning to ask if you wanna go get some snacks with him and Karasu. If you ignore him, Otoya will throw rocks at your window till you accept your fate. (He'd yell but Karasu told him to shut up)
Both Karasu and Otoya enjoy skateboarding in their free time, they make you judge who is the better skater (Karasu)
Writing songs with them is a lot of fun, with everyone contributing ideas (including Otoya, when you let him). You are so good at lyricism, which sometimes leaves Otoya in awe, although he'll still insist he could do better.
Karasu hums melodies and plays what feels right while you experiment with lyrics.
Dating Headcanons!
Karasu Tabito:
Your fans adore your relationship and create countless edits of you two.
Otoya gets so pissy when he see’s them lol
When you're working on lyrics, Karasu loves to sneak up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
He's your rock when performance nerves kick in, soothing you with his touch and encouraging words.
Otoya hates you guys lmao
He’s just mad that he can’t get no girls and you both are so happy together. (( he is really happy for you guys though ))
Otoya pretty much third wheels all the time, literally every time you guys try to go out on dates Otoya will find away to come. 
You both have custom picks made for each other <3
Whenever he like sees you he goes up to like “Oh hey rockstar~ whatcha doing hm?”
He loves holding your hand, you love it too, especially with his ring-covered fingers <3
Otoya Eita:
He's SO smug about getting a partner before Karasu did lol
Also poor Karasu, you both would be at Karasu’s trying to write a new song.
Then you and Otoya literally suck each other face while Karasu’s tuning his Bass on the floor trying to ignore the sloppy tongue sounds.
He gave up on telling you both to get a room.
He likes helping you choose your outfit for concerts (( don’t listen to his judgement, he has awful fashion taste )) he chooses anything that shows off your butt/boobs
Pulls you in his lap to apply his waterline-liner every time before you guys go out on stage (( Que groaning Karasu ))
Otoya frequently breaks or loses his drumsticks, so you always have spares on hand.
He calls you "swagger kunoichi/shinobi," …. Yeah sorry
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taglist: @gigiiiiislife @sharkissm @luvingshidou @kurona-theshark @soleilonthesun @duckydee-0 @rinitoshisgirl
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lol I tried to make both of their sections even.. 🧍‍♀️btw sorry for any misspelled words lol- I just cut my nails so I forgot how to type 😭
Made June 5th 2024
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depressopax ¡ 6 months
Hi!!! if it's okay (and if your request is still open) I was wondering if I could request a fluff scenario for Jimmy McGill? :D where he gets all soft and loving sjdjdj can be both sfw and nsfw ... thank you !! ♡
Thank you for the request!!! <3 Been meaning to write about Jimmy for quite a while, so this was the perfect sign to do it lmaooo I was gonna do a NSFW too but realized that the SFW version was at 1K word already 💀 Will do a part 2 tho!  Oh well, enjoy these cheesy Jimmy headcanons 🥹🫶
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Jimmy McGill relationships headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || SFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): None that I can think off?? Cuss words maybe, slightly angsty Jimmy lol. Reader is gender-neutral and referred to as "partner" and gn!pet-names. Words: 1.1K Summary: Being in a relationship with Jimmy McGill would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || NSFW version ||
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Jimmy is not good at figuring out his feelings.
That’s why it took him a while to realize he’d fallen in love with you. 
It’d take some time for him to accept what he’s feeling though.
Homeboy would be in denial at first. He’s scared to fall in love with someone, in fear of commitment and getting hurt etc…
But he’d show interest in other ways, without realizing it himself.
We’re talking about cheesy stuff: - Always looking good (and that’s not so difficult, HE GORGEOUSSSSS 👀) - Trying to impress you with his knowledge about things - Making sure to say something funny and make others laugh when you’re around, to let you know how funny and amazing he is lol - Compliments and teasing 
Noticing his attempt, you straight up ask him about it. “...Do you like me, Jimmy?” “What?? I-” … “Yes. I do.”
Once it’s said and done, he eventually asks you out on a date.
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Listen… Jimmy may be overconfident, especially when it comes to his seduction skills
However, there’s something about you that makes him nervous.
What you think about him and how he comes across matters to him.
That’s why he plans a date weeks ahead, trying to make everything perfect
He tries figuring out what you like and dislike so he can use that to make a good impression. 
He takes you out to some fancy restaurant (RIP early season Jimmy’s wallet 😭)
The date goes well and he is very smug with his effort.
After a few dates, Jimmy realizes he’s fallen for you.
At first he tries to hide it. He doesn’t want to come across as “desperate” or “needy”. 
But then again… He’s not good at hiding his true feelings.
Luckily, you feel the same and eventually you become a couple for real. 
He was the first one to say “I love you”, and did so without realizing it.
You were leaving for work or something and he just goes: “Bye, love ya!” Completely flustered when he heard what he just said.
When you say it back, he feels a wave of relief. 
After that, he makes sure to say ILY as often as he can.
He won’t shut up about you. Like ever. 
“So then my partner said…” “My partner brought me this shirt!” “I’m taking my babe out on a date tonight” And everyone else will eventually be like: 😐”Shut up”😐
He’ll refer to you as his spouse/wife/husband, watching everyone confused “You’re married?” “I will be soon” 🤭
Jimmy’s a sucker for cute pet names. And yeah, some of them are probably “cringe” but that won’t stop him 
Baby, Boo, Sugar, Sweetie, Hot stuff, Doll, Kitten (😭)
He loves it when you wear his shirts. Especially as lounge clothing or when sleeping.
Jimmy also finds matching outfits adorable. 
Would probably take you shopping for either suits/blazers or just hoodies that you can match. 
He also buys matching jewelry, towels, morning robes etc etc… He’s one of those guys 😭
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He has a picture of you standing on the desk in his office, as a way to carry the sweetheart with him all the time. 
…And also to brag about you to anyone that enters his office (but he puts the picture away when dealing with some of his unpredictable clients, homeboy is overprotective)
Speaking of being overprotective: He deals with a lot of shady people, so he’s very careful with who he chooses to trust when it comes to talking his love to you.
He prioritizes your safety over anything else. 
Ofc he’s scared for his own safety too, but pretty much puts it aside to make sure you’re safe first off. 
If danger comes up, he’d make sure to find somewhere safe for you to stay whilst he deals with it.
He would go so far as hiring a bodyguard for you tbh.
Being with him might be a struggle too
Homeboy is a bit unpredictable and impulsive
Doing stupid things is his speciality- 😭
No but literally, you’ll sometimes have to stop him from acting out on his weird revenge ideas or stuff that could get him into trouble.
“I was just gonna-” “No.” “But…” “Jimmy, no.” 
Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. But you love him either ways. <3
He also likes talking shit about people with you *cough* probably Howard *cough* - sure, a bit rude - but he finds it hilarious lol 
Lot of in-jokes between you and him
Jimmy is a daydreamer and is easily distracted
Especially by you.
He sometimes gets stuck thinking about you when doing boring work.
Until Francesca tells him to pull himself together lmao
Jimmy spends all possible time together with you. 
He is ambitious and serious about work, but after you and him became a couple his priorities changed. 
He finds time to spend with you. Last thing he wants is for you to feel like he cares more about work than he does for you.
If you’re adventurous and like being outdoors, he does too.
But honestly? He prefers cuddling at home and watching movies with you.
He is not a good chef, so he buys a lot of food from restaurants and brings it home if you’ve had a long day at work.
He makes sure to be a romantic bastard too. 
Candlelit dinners, taking baths together, picnics… You name it. He loves spoiling you. 
He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but hear me out… Home-spa dates 👀
He did use to have his office at a nail salon, so he knows his way around those things
If you allow him to, he likes painting your nails - with him choosing the color
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Like I said, Jimmy enjoys cuddling you.
He has a lot of feelings, traumas etc pent up, which he dares to let out around you.
He has learnt that he can be vulnerable with you and not get judged, which he appreciates.
That’s why he loves coming home to you after a long day and simply resting in your arms.
He prefers being the little spoon - to feel protected and loved by you. <3
To summarize: It might take him a while to put the pieces together and actually confess his feelings for you - but once he does he spends every day letting you know how much you mean to him.
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I just remembered why I love Jimmy sm AHHH he deserves love and happiness <3<3 Part 2 soon!
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wildgirllz ¡ 1 year
this is super random thought that i had about Bucky, i shared it to people before but never put on asks/requests... so could you write something like this?
Imagine you getting a new roommate. Or should I say roommates because you did not expect Bucky would move in with certain adorable fluffball named Alpine. You don't mind though, you always wanted a pet but never had the chance to adopt any. And having Alpine around feels like she's your pet as well.
Your relationship with Bucky wasn't the best or the worst. It was neutral. Mostly because Bucky himself was quite reserved. He is either not at home (possibly in some sort of mission with Sam) or he's curling up with Alpine somewhere within the shared apartment. But that don't mean that y'all are not secretly pining for each other ;)
One day, you came back home from work to see Bucky pacing around anxiously. Turns out Alpine was missing, he can't find her anywhere. So they decided to went out to search for her.
You found Alpine first, she was being chased by an unleashed dog. Your poor baby was running for her life. Not thinking twice, you try to catch up with her and scoop her up to your chest before stumbling on the ground. You ended up hovering over the cat, protecting her from the feral dog. Indirectly getting yourself bitten/scratched on your shoulders, your back, any spot that was exposed to the dog. You were bleeding due to the unrestrained strength from the dog's attacks, but you mind was more concern of the cat in your arms.
When Bucky saw this. How you were literally sacrificing your body for Alpine; well he almost went full winter soldier mode. Like... no one touches "his girls". No one. But he managed to hold it back (cause we don't want to hurt the doggo) and of course, saves the day.
And the next following days were just how Bucky clings to you and do every little thing for you so you don't have to lift a finger when he's around.
You pull out your mug, he would take it from you and get your coffee done before you could stop him. You open the cabinet door in the storage room, he'd take the vaccum out before you could reach out to it. He made sure that your breakfast, lunch and dinner was on the dot; of course he was the chef of all the amazing dishes served to you.
It was nice and all at first but its not like you were paralyzed or something. And its been nearly 2 weeks. Your wounds were almost healed. You wanted to do something at least but apparently Bucky thinks that you needed rest.
So you kinda raised your tone, "i can't even make grab myself snack from the kitchen now? Whats next, Bucky? You'll bathe me? Or better yet you'll help me to get off? Cause god forbid I can't even turn on a fucking vibrator because I'm 'severely injured ' "
You were spouting all the things that you thought he wouldn't have the guts to do, just to make him stop doing literally everything for you. But turns out he was more than willing to do exactly what you just proposed.
Maybe he don't even need to use the vibrator. Maybe his fingers were enough, or his mouth, or his cock.
This is how I imagined it in my head, but feel free to write in your own way though! Have a nice day, love ♡
Girl look at that request 💀 you’re insane
Here you go!! <3
(I most definitely did not do your request justice im so sorry)
Let Me Do It Myself
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It had been nearly two weeks since you saved Alpine from the unleashed dog, and Bucky had been hovering over you ever since. At first, it was nice to have someone taking care of you, but now it was starting to feel suffocating.
You were sitting on the couch, trying to work on your laptop, but Bucky kept interrupting you. Every time you tried to do something, he would jump up and do it for you. It was driving you crazy.
"Bucky, please," you said, exasperated. "I can get my own glass of water."
"I just want to help," he replied, looking at you with concern.
"I know, and I appreciate it, but I need to do things for myself. I'm not helpless."
Bucky looked at you for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Okay, I understand. But if you need anything, just ask."
You nodded, relieved that he seemed to be getting the message. But over the next few days, he continued to hover, always ready to jump up and do things for you. You were starting to feel like a burden.
One evening, you were making yourself a sandwich when Bucky walked into the kitchen.
"Let me do that," he said, reaching for the knife.
"No, Bucky," you said firmly. "I can make my own sandwich."
"I just want to help," he repeated.
"I know, but I need to do things for myself. I need to feel like I'm not completely helpless."
Bucky looked at you for a moment, then sighed. "Okay, I understand. But please be careful."
You rolled your eyes. "I will."
As the days passed, you tried to assert your independence, but it seemed like every time you did, Bucky was there to pick up the slack. You were starting to get frustrated.
Then, one day, you snapped.
"I can't even make grab myself snack from the kitchen now?" you said, your voice rising. "What's next, Bucky? You'll bathe me? Or better yet, you'll help me to get off? Because God forbid I can't even turn on a fucking stove because I'm 'severely injured.'"
Bucky looked at you, his expression unreadable. "Is that what you really think of me?"
The passion between them was palpable, the tension wrapping around them tight like a cord in the small bedroom. The thundering rain outside its windows provided the perfect background music for their highly charged moment.

Bucky Barnes had just crossed a line, pushing his luck with pushing the boundaries of her patience, and now he was paying the price. She was angry and she had every right to be. 

'You always do this,' she said, her voice tight with frustration. 'You always think that you know what's better for me than I know for myself.'

'No, I just,' he stumbled over his words, her anger turning him on. 'I don't want you to get hurt.'

She huffed in response, pushing his chest away from her and not even trying to hide her scowl. He stepped back and let his hands slide off of her body, feeling the loss of her warmth instantly.

She knew that her frustration was only turning him on more, which only made her angrier. She wanted to take control of the situation.

' You don't get to make decisions for me, Bucky,' she said, her voice softer this time around, though still firm with her assertion.

He swallowed, his throat actually running dry, his body responding in a way that only she could make it. He stepped closer to her, his hands sliding around her waist before he pulled her into him. 

She expected him to say something in response, not to take her in his arms and bring his lips down upon hers.

Their mouths moved together as if they had done this a million times, each stroke and caress of their lips only making them hungrier for more. His fingers ran up her back, squeezing her closer and further teasing her already sensitised skin.

The taste of him consumed her, making her forget why she was even angry with him in the first place. He let out a groan of satisfaction as her hands ran through his hair, both trying to deepen the kiss.

Finally when they did pull apart, both of them breathing heavily, their eyes connected, neither wanting to break the contact.

He leaned down again, his lips running down her neck, her moan vibrating through his body as he left a trail of gentle kisses. She arched into him as his tongue ran over her collarbone, his hands exploring her body as he moved lower. 

He groaned when his fingers touched her between her thighs and her body instantly reacted, pressing against him, desperate to feel the pleasure his hands were giving her.

He pulled back and looked at her, their eyes still connected as each of them tried to take the other in. His face was filled with admiration and appreciation as he said, 'You're so beautiful.'

He cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her again as he lowered her onto the bed, his body following hers as her hips moved against his. For a moment, he paused, his lips still connected to hers, a question in his eyes, asking for her permission. 

Her eyes answered for her when she let out a soft moan, pushing herself against him even more, pressing his body into hers. 

He responded by pushing himself in, their bodies melting together as he started to move, his hips moments surging upward with each thrust. His hands still moved around her body, both bracing for the intensity of the pleasure, and caressing her soft curves, taking in the sensation of her body against his.

'God, you feel so good,' he said, his words barely audible over her moans of pleasure.

The intensity built as they moved together, each of them finding their release moments later, Bucky burying his face into her neck and calling out her name as his orgasm swept over them.

They laid there, their bodies still connected, until finally Bucky rolled off of her and laid on his back next to her. 

He reached over and gently brushed her hair away from her face, a satisfied smile gracing his face. He paused for a moment, just taking her in, before finally speaking.

'I'm sorry for trying to make decisions for you,' he said softly, regret laced into his voice. 'I just want to take care of you and make sure that nothing ever hurts you. I love you.'

“I love you so much, Bucky.”
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igotlovestruck ¡ 2 years
— relationship reveal/private but not secret relationship with clement novalak, dennis hauger, felipe drugovich, marcus armstrong & pato o’ward
a/n: again, like baby reveal 📸 ig au under this post will have their own stories (which i don’t know when will be posted lol) thought of its theme after i posted baby reveal and now here it is! it took me awhile cuz... uni 💀 anyway, enjoy!
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023.
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liked by marcusarmstrong, screamingmeals, yourusername and others
clementnovalak i am a wine and dine type of guy 😉 (stay tuned for the next episode of clem’s wine corner!)
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marcusarmstrong are you really? 🤨
jamesharveyblair lookin’ dapper, mate!
yourusername 🥰🫶
fan2 his girlfriend FINALLY liking and commenting on his account???
fan3 war (that ep of sm where clem whined bc his gf doesnt like/comment on his posts often) IS OVEEEERRRR
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liked by olliebearman, arthur_leclerc, yourusername and others
dennies_hauger my gym buddy 💪🫶
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yourbffsusername is that who i think it is? 🤭
dennis_hauger 🤫🤫
yourusername 🍑🍑🍑
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liked by clementnovalak, marcusarmstrong, yourusername and others
felipedrugovich quem é o motorista muito melhor? [who’s the much better driver?
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yourusername you may be an f2 champion, but let’s agree that i drive better than you 😋
felipedrugovich let’s just agree to disagree
fan1 i wake up fine today and see that felipe’s revealed his girlfriend... i will be taking a bath with my toaster today, thank you very much
fan2 what a good day to sleep on the highway
fan3 the replies 💀
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liked by clementnovalak, jamesharveyblair, yourusername and others
marcusarmstrong a friendly reminder to drink water. also, note to self, bring enough water on the next ride because my girl won’t share hers!
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clementnovalak your fault for not bringing enough water
marcusarmstrong stop ganging up on me 😒
fan1 all this time marcus has a girlfriend and not any of u fake ass bitches told me 😤 fan2 fan3
fan3 i thought u already knew 😭 they’re cute though, private but not a secret type of relationship 😭
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liked by rockyoward, arrowmclarensp, yourusername and others
patriciooward pato y y/n en el agua 🌊 [pato and y/n in the water 🌊]
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elbaoward enjoy you lovebirds! 🫶
yourusername should’ve let me drive the jetski when you had the chance 😒
patriciooward there’s always a next time! 😂
fan1 elba calls them lovebirds 🥹 after months of pato just smiling every time someone asks if he’s dating someone
fan2 god when will it be my turn
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grimmtells ¡ 4 months
So what does Pomni and the rest of the Circus think of Arlekin?
✦ Boy oh boy, here we go !
Pomni | She finds Arlekin kinda creepy and unsettling, tbh. The whole "always smiling" thing is just weird- and it's really not like he's the nicest to her either. When she arrived, he called her his "pathetic, colourful little Pierrot" and has just been bullying her ever since. So, all in all, not a fan. He's not her least favourite, but he's certainly second lowest on the list.
Ragatha | Genuinely likes Arlekin ! (well, not an achievement, she'd rather like everybody... But hey, Jax can't do it , unlike him !) It's all in the fact that he's not as consistently shitty as Jax is. He has his... "nice" moments, where his assholery is on cool down, you could say. And Ragatha really likes him during those, so his other more mischievous moments get... a pass, somewhat. She'll scold him for it still. Plus, during Caine's adventures, he gets actually legitimately involved if he likes it, and if he doesn't, he'll just stand back and watch if anything fun happens, which means that unlike Jax, he won't actively sabotage things and get all murder hobo-ey, and she really REALLY appreciates that.
Caine | How could he not like this positively amusing fella ! Arlekin is almost NEVER mean to Caine, simply because he often tries to influence what the next adventure could be, and being nice to the ringmaster is paramount for good results. Caine also hardly sees any of Arlekin's more jerk-y behaviours as bad, it's the same as parents thinking boys pulling on girls' hair means they like them. "PLUS HE ACTUALLY LIKES THE CIRCUS ! HES HUMAN AND HE LIKES THE CIRCUS, YES !!!! AND HE'S CHOSEN HIS OWN NAME TOO, OH MY GOD !!!" - Caine
Jax | Depends on the day, sometimes you'd think they're best friends or just chill with one another, on other days you'd think they're mortal enemies. Comes down to their behaviour, if they're not bullying someone else, they're bullying each other. Not to mention Arlekin often blames Jax for pranks the former pulled, and it always works. Jax will mostly tell you "Two-face" is an "annoying, primadonna a--hat", but rarely he might say he's funny enough to hang with.
Gangle | Is not always fine with Arlekin. Not exactly when he teases or reads her diary that she tries to hide in a different spot every time (never works), but he's had a few occasions where he sounded genuinely ?? nice to her ??? Like when he saw her art and told her it looked "passable enough that she should continue". She thinks he's just too prideful to give a more genuine compliment on it, but it stuck with her still. She likes to show him what she draws.
Zooble | Not a fan really. Kinda finds Arlekin a bit cringe with his whole shtick. But oh well, he can do what he wants, so long as he's not bothering them, they won't care. Sadly he does bother them a lot, like the others, so they mostly see him in a negative light. Y'know, why would you be annoying in a place like this where life is already miserable ? They can be alright with him SOMETIMES, when the guy decides he's gonna be decent for a change. S'not often but Zooble tends to take what they can get in this hellhole.
Kinger | Used to be very annoyed at Arlekin, would scold him and tell him he should stop bullying others. But then he got a bit cuckoo, and all of this kind of stopped. He still doesn't like it by any means, but often he's just not all there enough to understand what's happening, so sometimes he says Arlekin got better over time, to which the jester simply responds he got worse over time.
Bubble | Jester man. Looks edible. Like half marshmallow and half roasted marshmallow.
(ack, another long one my bad 💀)
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