#Tabito x reader
merlucide · 1 month
KIRA I HAVE IDEAS I HAVE IDEAS what about we get an... drummer otoya, bassist karasu and singer and guitarist reader??? (If your requests are closed or if you don't want to do it, it's fine, ok? No pressure!!!!)
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Notes: GIRL. IN LOVE RN?! I love this idea so much omg?! (Soso sorry for how long it took to get this out 💀)
wc: 700
warnings: implied fem reader, suggestiveness?
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I was thinking the bands vibe would be like: Mindless Self Indulgence // Destroy Boys // wych elm (but you can ignore this ofc 😋) I was also thinking like calmer like The Neighborhood and Big Thief
The three of you have been friends since high school, bonding over your shared love for music. Together, you formed the band known as (BAND NAME) / Third Chance!
In the band, you, Y/N, are the lead singer and guitarist, with Karasu on bass and Otoya on drums.
While you and Karasu handle the lyric writing, Otoya gives his input, but you just ignore his suggestions. Sorry Otoya, we aren’t writing a song about ninjas saving hot babes <3
Karasu occasionally contributes soft vocals, adding an extra layer to the music.
(BAND NAME) / Third Chance is a well-known band, and your concerts are always packed.
At the end of each show, Otoya rips off his shirt and throws it to the crowd.
After gigs, the three of you head back to your shared hotel room to unwind and talk about the performance.
you guys either go straight to bed after that or watch some stupid movies.
Otoya definitely shows up at your house at like 1 in the morning to ask if you wanna go get some snacks with him and Karasu. If you ignore him, Otoya will throw rocks at your window till you accept your fate. (He'd yell but Karasu told him to shut up)
Both Karasu and Otoya enjoy skateboarding in their free time, they make you judge who is the better skater (Karasu)
Writing songs with them is a lot of fun, with everyone contributing ideas (including Otoya, when you let him). You are so good at lyricism, which sometimes leaves Otoya in awe, although he'll still insist he could do better.
Karasu hums melodies and plays what feels right while you experiment with lyrics.
Dating Headcanons!
Karasu Tabito:
Your fans adore your relationship and create countless edits of you two.
Otoya gets so pissy when he see’s them lol
When you're working on lyrics, Karasu loves to sneak up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
He's your rock when performance nerves kick in, soothing you with his touch and encouraging words.
Otoya hates you guys lmao
He’s just mad that he can’t get no girls and you both are so happy together. (( he is really happy for you guys though ))
Otoya pretty much third wheels all the time, literally every time you guys try to go out on dates Otoya will find away to come. 
You both have custom picks made for each other <3
Whenever he like sees you he goes up to like “Oh hey rockstar~ whatcha doing hm?”
He loves holding your hand, you love it too, especially with his ring-covered fingers <3
Otoya Eita:
He's SO smug about getting a partner before Karasu did lol
Also poor Karasu, you both would be at Karasu’s trying to write a new song.
Then you and Otoya literally suck each other face while Karasu’s tuning his Bass on the floor trying to ignore the sloppy tongue sounds.
He gave up on telling you both to get a room.
He likes helping you choose your outfit for concerts (( don’t listen to his judgement, he has awful fashion taste )) he chooses anything that shows off your butt/boobs
Pulls you in his lap to apply his waterline-liner every time before you guys go out on stage (( Que groaning Karasu ))
Otoya frequently breaks or loses his drumsticks, so you always have spares on hand.
He calls you "swagger kunoichi/shinobi," …. Yeah sorry
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taglist: @gigiiiiislife @sharkissm @luvingshidou @kurona-theshark @soleilonthesun @duckydee-0 @rinitoshisgirl
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lol I tried to make both of their sections even.. 🧍‍♀️btw sorry for any misspelled words lol- I just cut my nails so I forgot how to type 😭
Made June 5th 2024
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sl-vega · 4 months
Pairing: Karasu Tabito x [FEM!] Reader
Genre: fluff, comfort, angst (?), canon compliant if you squint, mainly an au tho, oneshot/drabble
Synopsis: in which you get stood up by your asshole of a date, and a certain crow-looking boy comforts you
CW: mild language, ooc karasu (?)
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Karasu set his phone down as he rubbed his temples. He was sitting down on a bench outside of a local coffee shop. The smell of the rain surrounded him as the downpour continued falling.
It was a slow, boring, day. Practice was cancelled, and most of his friends were busy. Otoya had several dates planned for the day, and Hiori's parents never let him go out with company unless it was for soccer.
He sighed gazing up at the grey clouds. The droplets just barely missing his eyes.
Today was far less than mediocre
He thought. Watching the clouds move by, little by little. Just barely moving.
Maybe I should've taken up Otoya on that double date offer...
He groaned, looked back down at the stores and shops surrounding him, he wasn't expecting anything to have changed during his cloud-watching session.
And he certainly wasn't expecting you.
You were drenched by the downpour, hugging yourself for some semblance of support. He noticed your tear stained face and your puffy red eyes.
He also noticed how fucking gorgeous you were.
You were dressed up. Like really dressed up. Bedazzled dress, fancy heels, and makeup that probably took you hours. Must've been on a date or somethin' he thought.
Even from a distance, he could tell that you were freezing. He couldn't help but feel sorry for you. So, like the gentleman he was, he approached you, umbrella in hand.
You hadn't noticed him yet. You were leaning against the outer wall of a book store. Your body was trembling, and he could see your chest rapidly rise of fall from your shallow breaths.
He placed his hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him, your eyes were glassy from your tears. Now that he was closer to you, he noticed a lot more details about you.
He noticed he way your dress clinged to your body due to it being soaked by the rain. The way it showed off your curves and how-
God he was staring wasn't he?
He cleared his throat, realizing his hand was still on your shoulder, he swiftly moved it away not wanting to make you more uncomfortable.
"You okay?"
You shook your head, averting eye contact. He lifted his umbrella over your head. He could still hear your faint sobs. He didn't know why, but he felt a strong urge to make you feel better.
You were still shivering, so he unzipped his jacket and draped it over your shoulders. You whispered a quiet "thank you" to him as he fixed the garment to make sure that it wouldn't fall off.
"Are you sure you'll be okay? I don't want you getting sick 'cuz of me." You said, finally speaking up.
Even your voice was pretty
He thought, first time hearing you speak but he would kill just to hear you talk again.
"Eh, I've been through worse." He shrugged, attempting to sound nonchalant. He noticed you grip onto the jacket, making sure that it wouldn't fall of your shoulders.
"You have somewhere you need to be?" He asked, keeping the conversation afloat.
"I'm on my way to the station." You replied, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"What a coincidence, I'm heading there too."
Lies, your house is a five minute walk away from here, why are doing all this for a girl you just met? She probably thinks you're a creep.
You smiled, it was small, barely noticeable but it was adorable nonetheless. He gestured to the other direction, right where the station was, and you followed.
As the two of you walked side by side, you spoke up again.
"Thanks again, um...?"
If he were Otoya, he would've said something corny like "beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Thankfully he didn't, but he settled for a simple: "Hm, pretty name." He watched your cheeks dust with a rosy hue from the comment.
Easily flustered too huh?
He made more mental notes about you, he didn't know why he found you so fascinating, or why he was so curious about you, all he knew was that he wanted to know more.
The two of you walked in silence for a bit, the pitter patter of the rain filling both of your senses. Karasu looked over at you.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
"Guy I was seeing stood me up."
Your once peaceful expression reverted back to it's down and mopey face. He didn't know what to say so he opted for the usual.
"Sorry to hear that." He felt guilty for using the usual phrase that he told most of Otoya's sidechicks whenever one of them found out that there was "another woman".
"Don't be." You replied, sniffling. "I honestly should've seen it coming. He's got a reputation." You said, bitterly, chuckling.
"What made you stay?" He asked, now curious.
"Same old, same old, I thought that I was "different" or that I could "fix" him." You rubbed your temples, sighing.
"Were the two of you close?"
"Very, at least that's what I tell myself."
You sighed again, and Karasu felt guilty for bringing it up, especially when you were feeling fine a few moments ago.
"This guy reminds me a lot of someone I know." He said, trying to steer the conversation in another direction. "I've been roped into several of his problems." He groaned, recounting all the times he had to cover for Otoya.
You chuckled. "Do tell."
"We're gonna be here for a while then."
"I don't think I'll mind as long as you're here."
You smiled.
Were you flirting with him?
You grabbed his hand and your fingers intertwined, you were still smiling.
Oh God, you were definitely flirting with him
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Partially a gift to the lovely @latay7 who has indirectly motivated me to make more bllk content
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kvrokasaa · 5 months
karasu comforting overachiever!reader with a lot of anxiety?
my exams are around, ive cried 6x and had a mental breakdown in 3 days. and im a good student at heart but not on paper. im trying😭
take care! love❤️
I can relate to this sm, I promise myself that I’ll study but then it gets late n all I wanna do is sleep lmfao. But I hope you’re doing alright, love. Remember to drink lots of water and eat lots of food! And take breaks when studying so you don’t get headaches!
Sorry I posted this so late, but here it is.
Cw: crying, fluff, comfort, friends to lovers, cursing, not proofread. lmk if i missed any!
Wc: 1.1k
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Karasu is like your best friend, he’s always been there for you and promises he always will. Even when he left for a program called Blue Lock, he still managed to talk to you. Especially when you were going through a nasty breakup with your ex. He has always been there for you.
Something Karasu noticed over the years of being your friend; you’re an overachiever and a perfectionist. You have to get good grades, it’s like it was hard-wired in your brain since you were a child. If you didn’t get a good grade, even on a test that was optional or didn’t have any impact on your overall grade, you would feel so ashamed and full of anxiety. You were afraid of your teachers hating you, honestly, you’re just afraid of authority figures. You would always try to hide your feelings behind a fake smile, and sometimes it worked. But this time it didn’t.
You were in your room studying, all day long. No matter how many times people tried to pester you, or ask you to take a break, you would decline and go back to studying. You needed to get a good grade. You had stayed up all night long studying and going over the crucial information that would be on the final.
So why? Why do you have an 84% on your final? Why isn’t it at 100? Other people congratulated you, saying that the test was really hard. But you know that Mia, the top student, got the perfect score without even trying.
You tried this year, you really did. You made a resolution that you would try your hardest this year; that you wouldn’t give up so easily like last year. And you know that bad habits die hard, but you were doing so well. Even though this isn’t your last year, you feel like you failed at school.
‘Take a deep breath. Failure is the one pathway to success.’ Karasu’s words came floating into your mind. But you could still feel the onslaught of the tears and the tightness of the pain in your chest. You tried to take a deep breath but it wasn’t enough, it felt like all the oxygen in the world just vanished.
You don’t know how you got home, all the memories of the people saying ‘Good job’ and ‘Don’t beat yourself up, you did better than me’ are the only ones you can remember. All you want to do is crawl into your bed and cuddle your stuffed bear while you cry. But you have to study more; you have to study for your next classes. You can’t just give up because of one class. Oh but how badly you want to.
A sudden knock on your door pulled you from your thoughts. “Come in.” You cringed at the crack in your voice, quickly you straightened your posture and pretended to be okay.
But all of that faux hope and happiness faded away when you saw the unmistakable blue eyes. The tears came rushing back, along with the shaky breaths.
Karasu walked over to your desk and smiled down at you. “Hey, just wanted to stop by,” his hand raised, revealing a bag with your favorite restaurant name. “I brought your favorite.” His voice died down, almost to a whisper when he saw your tears.
You quickly wiped them, but the red streaks were still there. He sighed and sat down on your bed. “It’s okay, Y/n. Stuff like this happens, don’t worry about it too much.” You shook your head. “No, I should worry about it,” he raised a brow. “Why?”
You felt a little agitated because he couldn’t understand. Of course he couldn’t, he’s always been the type of person to get good grades without even trying. Knowing him, he probably slept through most of his classes and still got a 95 or higher on his final. Typical Karasu.
“Because who would I be if I don’t have good grades? I know that grades don’t matter much in the world, but I’m the one who feels the shame. I’m the one who has to remember what it feels like to try your hardest and still fail.” You felt like pulling your hair out, breaking things, just something to ease your mind. To ease the pain.
He brings his hands up to your cheeks, squishing them a little which brings a smile to his face. “Remember what I always tell you. ‘Failure is a pathway to-’ ” “To success. I know that, but still,” You move your head, making him release his grip. “I don’t want to fail, I don’t want people to remember me as the person who always failed.” Your voice was almost higher than a whisper, but he still heard you loud and clear. Karasu could hear and feel the pain from your voice.
“You-” you release a shaky breath, trying to calm yourself down. “You wouldn’t understand.”
‘Ironic’ he thinks, you’re the one who’s not understanding. A simple grade doesn’t define who you are as a person.
“Y/n look at me.” He grabs your face, “You are doing your best, you’re trying your fucking hardest and I’m so proud of you for that. You’re way smarter than what people give you credit for.” You try to shake your head, but his grip on your jaw tightens. “No. I don’t want to hear you deny anything. You need to understand that it’s okay to fail, it’s okay to feel helpless after a bad grade. But it’s not okay to beat yourself up. Don’t worry too much about how this grade, which is a passing grade, will affect your future.”
Karasu pulls you in for a hug. You close your eyes and bury your face in his chest. “You’re in the present right now, not the future. And I’m sure the future you are a CEO; trust me I can see it.”
You both laugh at his words. You sniffle and look up at him, “thank you, I really needed that.” He nods his head; his eyes looking from your eyes to your lips. “Anytime, I mean it.”
This is what you expected, a lecture and comfort from Karasu. It’s what you wanted. But what you didn’t expect was his lips on yours. Before you could enjoy the moment, he pulled back and smiled down at you. “Safe to say that I think you return my feelings,” your eyes darting everywhere but his and your little nod was a good enough answer for him. “And as much as I want to kiss you again. Our food is getting cold.” He pulled you down onto the bed along with the bag of food. “Let’s eat.”
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chigirizzz · 1 year
what should i wear?
"baby," you called out softly for your boyfriend who was in the bathroom brushing his teeth to get ready for your date that night. "what should i wear? this one?" you put the black dress hanging from the hanger in front of your body to give him an idea of how it would look on you. "or...this one?" you did the same thing again, this time with a red dress. "or should i wear something less revealing? it's ok for me."
he stared at you and at your dresses in silence for a few seconds, his dominant hand still holding the toothbrush. he turned to the sink. "wear whatever you want, i know how to fight." he spat the toothpaste into the sink, wiped his face on a towel and left the bathroom as if nothing.
barou, sae, karasu, otoya, kaiser, rin, shidou
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iliveraee · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS: as a manager during the nel, a well-deserved rest was needed. what better way to rest than a fun day in the hot summer air, in a bikini, at the beach?
note: this was originally a special for 100k reads on my wattpad book found (which u should SO read btw #shamelesspromo) but to avoid confusion i edited out a lot of mentions of the manager characters who were included in this short! i really hope you all enjoy!
wc: 6.2k
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is a completely regular day of fun outings. Shidou had (in)formally organised a beach trip, something you decided would be a good idea. The NEL has been stressful on all of you, whether it be you and the other managers, the players, or even coaches—taking a good day off seemed to be a good idea.
So, you were heading to the beach.
The place where women can wear skimpy bikinis without being called promiscuous names (it would happen anyway—but in a perfect world everybody would mind their own business) and the place where strange men (some of those men may happen to be named Otoya and Aiku) would check out the local fauna dressed in said skimpy bikinis.
It was a fun day of splashing around in the waves, ignoring all problems present in your life, and unwinding in the grainy sand. You miss it. That is why, even though you're sure this will happen to end up in disaster, you agreed. 
So, this is what got you in this predicament now—thirty minutes before you had to get there with a ten minute trip driving—that was all that was left for you to remember everything.
Swimming outfit. A change of clothes. Sandals that won't trap sand. What else...
You ponder as you stare down at your duffel bag, filled with everything you need. Money—food stalls at the beach were always ridiculously expensive for no apparent reason, Floaties—you never know when somebody might just need some abrupt saving. Towels—plenty of towels, A robe—you'll probably be a little chilly when you get out of the water.
Apart from the obvious essentials like hair ties, deodorant, sunscreen, keys and whatever other odd things you need whenever you go out—you think you're good to go. 
You take a good look at your swimsuit. You haven't worn it in a while. A simple black two-piece with each front piece of fabric being held together with two silver rings—it's a little smaller than you would've liked, but you don't own any other kind, so you decide to just go with it.
You roll up your towel nicely and tuck it into your bag, then zip it up. You stare down at the fat duffel bag that is practically bursting at the seams. You are ready to take on the final boss—the beach.
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
You stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom, pulling at the tight elastic band of your bikini. It digs into your skin slightly. Hissing through your teeth—you decide it's nothing, and quickly make your way outside.
With your bag under your arm, you walk out and look around. Two of the other manager girls said they'd saved a spot underneath a bright purple umbrella. It takes little effort to spot it in all its neon glory.
They both sit atop a beach towel, with odd things like sunscreen, keys, and waterproof mascara all scattered around them. You wave a little before you sit down on a part of the towel, taking in the sight of the beautiful beach.
Children running around, adults chasing after them—some guy was even getting told off in the middle of the waves for losing his swim trunks. All in all, the beach was positively bursting with rich energy.
You missed this. You haven't felt this calm in a good while. Dealing with all those rowdy boys vying for your attention—it took a toll on you.
Too bad this peace would not last for too long.
Your phone dings. You pick it up and press on the notification—it's a snap from Shidou. You hesitantly click on the picture and it's a closeup of his left eye—but in the background, you can see the side of the building you had just changed inside, and a shirtless Otoya is trying to kick at somebody.
You don't even have the chance to properly react when a loud yell interrupts your thoughts. You snap your head towards the sound so fast your neck aches—the source was Rin on the floor while, even though a second ago a phone should've been in his hand, Shidou is jumping him.
A smart, sassy quip and loud groans erupts from both you and the other manager girls—you slap your phone down and squeeze your face in your hands.
Perhaps this is the start of doomsday, you think as the overly massive group starts making their way towards you and your blaring purple target of a neon umbrella.
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
"[name]!!" Bachira crashes into you—with the way he knocks you both to the sandy ground, he should be playing rugby instead of soccer—and rubs his cheek against yours like a loving cat. "I'm so excited to see you again! You never come by our stratum!!"
He's flat on top of you and the stares you're receiving start to grow uncomfortable. You push back at his chest but he simply opts to sneak his arms around your shoulders, "Bachira...!! Let me... get up..."
It takes the brute force of Barou King Shoei to remove his figure from latching onto yours. With a twitching brow and eyes that could stab daggers into Bachira—a small laugh unintentionally escapes your lips when he talks, "You're all sandy, you disgusting bug. If you get all that sand on the towel, I'll seriously kill you."
Bachira is being held up by the scruff of his water suit like a cat. He dangles in the air and flings himself at Barou next—"Fight me, king!"
Ignoring the upcoming brawl on the ground, you step over the two and you find your way towards...
"Hello, Isagi." 
Your voice seems to make him jump—his eyes widen in surprise at the sight of your face and he looks far too nervous to be speaking to you. "O—Oh... Hello, [name]...! It's good to see you again..."
He's trembling and making such intense eye contact that you wonder if he's okay. His fists are clenched hard beside his body and you think he might just about have a heart attack. "Are you... okay?"
He answers a little too quickly, "Yes! I'm fine, haha, why would you worry about me? I'm totally good! Best I've ever been! Why would you ask? I look okay, right? Well, I gotta go now! I'll see you later, [name]!"
He runs off like he's a high school girl who's just had her first conversation with her senior crush. I can't tell if he's insecure about how he looks or worried about being disrespectful to me.
Maybe it's a mix of both. Isagi is on the slimmer side, compared to guys like Barou. Even though I know he's not, he looks like he's on steroids. 
And Isagi's always been worried about being disrespectful to you—worried about overstepping boundaries and making you uncomfortable—at least when he's in his usual, clear state of mind. There's no telling what he's thinking when he stares down at you late at night after a good game with that overconfident, egotistical smirk.
Anyways—he's rushed away by now, and you're just standing here looking all stupid. Oh well. At least you're not alone for too long, because your attention is quickly stolen away by a certain trio. 
Karasu, Otoya, and Yukimiya all come up to you—only one bothers to wave or even smile (there's no surprise he's a model—he's seriously gorgeous, you note when glancing down at his torso).
"Hey." The sneaky ninja is not so sneaky anymore, because he doesn't even try and disguise the way he's staring at your chest. He gives you a thumbs up, to which you scowl, "Lookin' good."
"Get your eyes off my chest."
"Sicko." Karasu shakes his head with a disappointed expression. You deadpan.
"You too, stupid crow."
"Did your mothers not teach you respect?" Yukimiya clicks his tongue—eyes fluttering closed as he shakes his head. He soon turns his head towards you and he actually does make eye contact with you—a step above his two friends. "It's nice to see you, [name]. You look very nice. Ignore these two."
You promptly ignore the offended looks shot at the model—you opt to just stare, perhaps a little too dreamily (but you couldn't care less, really), and smile back, "It's nice to see you too, Yukki. Thank you, you look handsome today, too. I was planning on ignoring those two, anyways."
"Woah, that is seriously hurtful." Karasu places a hand over his bare chest where his heart would be. "Too bad I don't care."
You roll your eyes. "Of course you don't, stupid crow."
"Would you stop calling me that?"
"Would you stop staring at my boobs?"
He pauses. "Point taken."
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
Having Nagi cling to you during your time at Blue Lock is pretty hard already. Believe it or not, he's 6'2, and believe it or not, having a grown 6'2 man hanging off your side makes it pretty hard to get around. 
Having a shirtless, messy-haired Nagi plant himself right on top of you and having his face smushed against the top of your chest is a little worse.
You can feel a burning stare at the back of your head. You're not sure if the stare Reo is giving you is directed at you or the snow-haired boy. (Perhaps it is both and he's just conflicted—you would understand).
"Nagi..." You push back at his head and slowly intertwine your fingers in the white locks. They're softer than you imagined, but the ends are unmistakably dead. You should cut it for him later. "Go swim or something."
You are disappointed (yet, not the slightest bit surprised) when he promptly shakes his head no and proceeds to dig his nose even deeper into your exposed skin. His voice is slightly muffled, but still plausibly understandable, "Nuh-uh. Dun' wanna."
Your eyes twitch. Perhaps you have been spoiling him a little too much—so much so he refuses to leave you be. 
"'Cause I didn't wanna go, but then mmmm... uh—Reo told me you were gonna come... and it wouldn't be too much of a hassle if you stayed with me. Hadn't seen you in so long. Missed you."
Right. You forgot he told you that before, too. Perhaps you had been a bit too doting on Nagi—he's clingy-er than you remember. Or perhaps it had been similar to that saying, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
A loud shriek (it sounds far too girly to have come out of Nagi's mouth, but go figure) alerts you and you see Nagi has been grabbed backwards into a headlock by Barou King Shoei. Perhaps he had turned away from the villainous side since your last meeting with him, because right now, he's saved you twice, like a hero.
Nagi doesn't even fight the King's death grip—he flops like a dead fish and it looks rather funny seeing it so closely. Nagi is taller, yet much lankier than Barou, who looks like a bodybuilder compared to the lazy snowhead.
"You're kicking sand all over the towel, Mr Hassleman." Barou snarls and jerks Nagi's head back. The boy doesn't react other than wearing his little :x face. "Go swim it off. Now."
Nagi does not make any visible effort to move. Barou still holds him like a ragdoll in his grip when he turns to look at you—you laugh a little and move your sunhat out of your eyes. "Hi, Barou. It's nice to see that you came. I didn't think you'd like the beach."
He looks a lot different with his hair down, you note. But in a good way. Fallen beneath his shoulders—you wonder why he does not wear it this way more often. He still holds his signature forever pissed-off expression, "What the hell is that supposed to mean? You think I'm incapable of having fun?"
You pause, with a small grin. "Yeah, kinda."
He gives you a deadpan expression. "You're the same as always, you shit manager."
"I thought our relationship had progressed to the point we'd gotten past these mean names." You place a hand over your chest, a cheeky smile on your lips with a faux-hurt expression. You didn't usually joke around like this—it wasn't really your thing—but he was just far too easy of a target to tease. "I'm hurt, King."
He cocks a brow—you see Nagi trying to wriggle around now, and it's good to know he didn't actually die—"Seriously? Didn't think you were the type of person to care."
"Doesn't matter now. You're gonna swim, right?" With a nod of his head, you break away from his sharp stare and give him a small wave with a closed-eye smile. "Well, I'll leave you to it. Oh yeah—by the way, you look good with your hair down. You should do it more often. Anyways, see you later."
You do not catch the half-hearted wave Nagi sends you—which was just him flopping his arm up in the air—nor do you catch the look Barou throws over his shoulder at you, "... Not too bad yourself."
He says, but you do not catch it.
Nagi stares up at the man with a blank expression, "Who knew you were all sweet on our manager, huh, King?"
The King in question growls like an animal and tosses Nagi into the ocean like a ragdoll, "Shut the fuck up!"
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
"Beach volleyball?" Chigiri stares with confusion in his bright pink eyes as Kurona sits on Gagamaru's shoulders—setting up the tall net. His hair is tied up in a high ponytail, and his bangs fall over his eyes. "Are you serious?"
His head turns to yours when you shrug, "Why not? Beach volleyball is super fun. It's not like you guys can play soccer on the sand."
Chigiri pauses to think your words over for a second. You give him the most empty stare you can muster before you speak, "You really can't play soccer on the sand, Chigiri."
"Well, still. Are you gonna play?"
You shake your head and spare him a small smile. "No, I think I'll pass on this one. I'd like to see you play, though. You seem like you'd be really good at volleyball."
He gives you a pretty smile and shakes his head. "Oh, I don't know. I wasn't really planning to play either. I was honestly just thinking of sitting down with you and just relaxing."
"Oh, but I really would like to see you play. I bet you'd be better than anybody else out there, Hyoma." Not to be brass or anything, but you like to think you know a good amount about Chigiri—including how to get him to do what you'd like: Fan his ego. Or to put it in better words, praise him. "I think you'd look pretty cool."
You give him the nicest smile you can muster, and you're sure that's what seals the deal. He turns his head away from yours—yet you can practically sense the smirk he now holds—"Well, if you really think so, why not?"
You laugh a little as he walks onto the court, and each side with six players—even if in official beach volleyball, there were only two on each side, this was the most unofficial game you've ever really witnessed.
Otoya and Karasu are jumping on each other's shoulders in an effort to block the spikes—it only ends in the one on top tumbling to the ground and Yukimiya shaking his head in an I'm not mad, just disappointed motion.
Bachira is using his feet to play, kicking the ball up even when his hands were a completely more viable option—you think this is illegal, but who are you to judge—and Shidou is doing the same thing, except he... is hogging the ball. You aren't even sure how you hog the ball in volleyball, but he's managing it.
Rin is the one who manages to get it away from him but it only ends up in another tussle—something you do not bother to stop because one of the manager are already running toward them with a can of hairspray (which, if you were not previously aware, has the same effect as pepper spray if directed into the eyes).
You loll your head back and let out a heavy sigh. This beach day was going better than you had expected—still, your group by far had gained the most traction from how loud you all ended up being. You've gotten countless stink-eyes from old people, especially when Shidou yells out profanities in the vicinity of little children. 
You wonder if the police may get called on you all. Maybe you should pretend you're not in their group as a last-ditch effort if it does end up happening.
You are broken out of your thoughts by a small, almost nervous greeting, "Um... hey, [name]." 
You look to where the source of the sound came from—you get an eyeful of Isagi's bare torso before you see his face. He's looking off to the side awkwardly as if the mere action of looking at you would be purgatory, and he looks like he doesn't know what to do with his hands so he grips the end of his swimming shorts awkwardly. It's cute.
"Hi, Isagi." You smile. You shuffle over to create a little more room on the towel you are sitting on. You pat the free spot beside you and nudge your head towards him, "Come sit."
Obediently—you didn't expect him to move so fast—he sits beside you. He still looks stiff and nervous, so you ask him what's up. He responds, quickly but much quieter than his usual calm tone, "I was... um... ah, this is so stupid..."
He sucks in a deep breath of air and turns his back towards you. It's a little more built than you imagined. "I was... just gonna ask if you could put sunscreen on my back... I can't reach, and I trust you more than the... others."
You can practically feel the way his face burns up from how his voice cracks and grows more hushed with every word. To save him from the embarrassment, you decide to spare him from teasing words. "Sure. I don't mind. I'm glad you trust me, Isagi."
The words come out a little more sultry than you intended as you test the waters and place your fingertips on his bare shoulders. He shivers. You can feel it.
You spread the sunscreen all over his back—he places his face in his hands as you work your hands a little lower. When your fingertips brush against the waistband of his shorts he has to bite back a small groan. This was utterly humiliating for him—seriously, this was sad.
You're not completely oblivious to this fact, so in a menial act of pity for the poor guy, you try and finish up as quickly as possible—if only to save him from the embarrassment. 
It feels far too intimate to be just a friendly gesture. He wonders if you feel that way too. You lightly rest your palms on his tense shoulders when you are done, sitting on your knees and leaning your face near his own, "Done."
He'd be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat. He swallows thickly, blunt nails digging into his palms as he shuffles around so he faces you. The words that come out of his mouth are a little shakier than he would've liked, "T... Thanks... [name]."
The smile you have plastered on your face is nothing short of pretty, he thinks. "No problem. You can come to me if you need anything, okay?"
Why do you have to say things like that, [name]?
Isagi gives you a small nod, and practically forces a wavy smile onto his lips. "Yeah... You're really helpful, you know that?"
You laugh. "I know."
The mood between you two is calm and the strange tension from before has dissipated. You're smiling from ear to ear, about to say something—when Isagi's demeanour changes completely. You're not too sure why, but he seems to spot something behind you and his eyes completely shift.
Gone is the meek and shy boy, and in his place is a coy, smiling man. He places a hand on your upper arm—it makes you jolt and look at him in surprise. A second ago, he couldn't even look you in the eye, and now, he was shuffling closer towards you like it was the most natural thing ever.
"Anything, right?" He finally speaks, and he moves his hand up, away from your arm and it lightly traces underneath your jaw. He looks deeply into your eyes, but still keeps glancing behind you. "Can I do this?"
You do not get a chance to ask what this happens to be—although, it does not take a genius to figure it out, and you are no genius—or even spare him an answer before he grabs your hardcover novel and holds it up in front of where the two of your lips meet—covering your kiss from the other players that surround you all.
He doesn't dare take this further than a small kiss—yet, it wouldn't be considered a simple peck either. His hand holds the underside of your jaw lightly and tilts your head up so he can easily feel you and the back of the hard-cover book feels cool against your cheek. 
You'd like to believe the reason your cheeks are on fire is from the blaring heat of the sun shining down on you—even though you are underneath the shade of that purple umbrella. His lips taste sweet, like a fruity drink. You think a stall nearby is serving something similar to that.
You can feel his smile against your lips, and he seems to be all too happy to have you like this. He tilts your face forward and your body has to follow—to the point you practically collapse into his lap. It feels much more intimate now that you can feel his bare skin against your own.
Isagi moves his hand down from your jaw down toward your waist, holding you taut against him and letting his fingertips rest in the dip of your back. 
You finally end up moving backwards, and your sunhat almost falls off your head—Isagi quickly readjusts it when he pulls away. He gives you a sweet smile—though, it grows more cocky when he glances behind you again—and says, "You really are helpful, [name]."
You blush a little but still retain that same smile when his hands trace down your spine gently, romantically. "I know."
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
Isagi joins in on the beach volleyball fun with Nagi after Rin and Shidou leave in favour of taking a dip in the sea (you think you hear Shidou saying something about skinny-dipping, and you pray to every god imaginable you heard wrong), so you are left to yourself once more.
You are perfectly content. Your sunhat lay on the towel beside you and your legs are peeked out in the sun—reading your book where you last left off.
Your life is perfectly calm until it is not.
Hands suddenly cover your vision and all you see is darkness. You jerk your head up and are about to say something when a heavily accented voice suddenly rings out throughout your ears, "Guess who?"
You could recognise that voice in your sleep from how often it haunts your dreams. You recognise that voice even before you hear it. You slump down where you sit, letting out a heavy, almost tired sigh. "Kaiser..."
"Ah! How did you guess it so easily, hübsches Mädchen?" He removes the hands blocking your vision and he suddenly plops himself down, right in front of you—of course, his little guard dog is right by his side, sporting his usual guileless expression. "Perhaps you think of me far too often, hm? Also, I told you to call me Michael. We are closer than that, no?"
You shake your head, eyes slightly squinted at him. "I don't know about that. Hello, Ness."
The puppy-dog boy waves his hand at you, clearly delighted. "Hello, [name]!"
Kaiser looks annoyed at this interaction. He scoffs, rolling his electric blue eyes and waving you off mindlessly, lashes fluttering closed, "Whatever. I cannot believe you're just reading at the beach."
You raise a brow. "What's wrong with that?"
He picks up the book by its spine and tosses it nonchalantly on the towel beside you, lips curled downwards into a sneer, "It's terribly dorky. You look like a huge dork."
"You sound like you care about that more than me."
"I don't want my love interest to look like a huge geek. Appearances matter a lot, you know." Yeah, you make that really clear. He abruptly stands up—Ness scrambles to get up as well—and looks down at you, finger curling upwards towards you like he's beckoning you to follow him. "Come on."
You blink with your nose scrunched up. "Excuse me?"
He coughs into a closed fist, looking up at the bright blue sky so he doesn't have to meet your gaze. He still holds a hand out to you, "Come on. Don't keep me waiting."
You're so shocked that you actually find yourself following after him—though, you do not take his outstretched hand and it is left hanging awkwardly. Ness would've taken it.
Your sandals flop on the sand as you walk down the beach, past families and couples and people simply wanting to tan—you follow behind Kaiser in silence while Ness walks beside you. You hope people don't think of you three as a throuple. That would absolutely not be good for your image whatsoever.
You pause as soon as you realise exactly where he is leading you. He's stepped halfway into the water when you halt your movements right before the splash of a wave hits your toes.
"Yeah, no thanks." You abruptly turn on your heel and proceed to try and make a getaway—you don't get too far until Ness grabs your wrist and tugs you backwards. You tumble into him—somehow, he doesn't fall over and only grabs your upper arms in his hands with a frantic expression.
"Please, [name]! Kaiser really wants to swim with you!"
Kaiser hisses through his teeth lowly and stares at Ness like he's just cursed out his mother, "What the hell, Ness?! I never said that!"
The small boy does not make it very subtle when he gasps in shock. Ness slaps his hands over his mouth and shakes his head—his voice is muffled when he speaks, but you can still understand slightly, "I—I never said that! Nobody said that!"
He's so embarrassed the poor boy rushes into the water and disappears beneath the waves. You wonder if he has become one with the sea. In the distance, you can see Kurona and Hiori chilling on a large unicorn floatie—with drinks and colourful straws—that should've only been able to fit one person.
You and Kaiser are now just staring at each other in very much awkward silence. You take a languid step back. "Well... If you don't want to swim..."
Once again, you do not get the chance to dash away because he's grabbed you and pulled you into his grasp before you could even react. You look at him with wide eyes—but you're practically putty in his hands when he bends down and clasps his arms over the back of your thighs, throwing you over his shoulder like a menial sack of potatoes.
Your sandals fall off your feet as soon as you find yourself tucked over him—you let out a very loud, very offended, very embarrassed gasp of shock, "What the hell... ?! Kaiser—put me down! Sick bastard!"
Your words have no visible effect on him. Your head slumps down when you feel him walking, and your hair hangs over your head. You get a good eyeful of his back. He's also more muscular than you imagined. Makes sense why he could even do this. That doesn't mean you're not pissed, though.
You can't see his face, but you can practically envision his signature cocky smirk and how it paints his stupidly handsome features, "I'm all fine, hübsches Mädchen. Are you ready?"
Huh? Ready for what—!!!
You feel so indiscriminately stupid for even asking this question—you should've already known the answer—because you suddenly find yourself collapsing into the water, salt filling each of your senses and the loud noises of children screaming around you fading to muffled nothingness. 
You jump up as fast as you can—you're just tall enough so you can stand with your chest above the waves. You start coughing to try and get the small amount of water you happened to swallow out of your system—your hair is now wet with the water and is suddenly heavier, and you're shivering cold.
Kaiser, the asshole he is, is laughing wildly at your expression. You push your hair away from your vision and you receive an earful of his—stupidly charming—laughter. His hands clamp over his mouth in a last-ditch effort to muffle himself, which only makes your face flush hotter with anger and your chest tightens.
You want to yell and scream into his face, but you choose the better way out. You puff your cheeks out and hold your breath as you dive back under, swimming behind him and slamming your foot into the back of his knees so that he tumbles forward, face-first into the water.
You've never felt prouder of yourself.
You bob your head back up and start to laugh wickedly now—it was his turn to look like a drowned rat. When his head comes above water, you can't help the tears of laughter that brim across your waterline when he gives you a deadpan, silently fuming glare.
His wet bangs cling to his face (somehow, it suited him—the mere thought made you feel a little angry, in the way that your stomach started to feel all weird and your heart skipped a beat or two) and his red eyeliner is smeared down his cheek. He pushes his blonde hair back, so that his damp bangs fall over his left eye and his hair is parted strangely to the side.
"Hmph." He looks away from your figure—you have to cling onto his shoulder to stop yourself from falling over, and your chest heaves up and down wildly to breathe. "I don't know what you find so funny."
You look up at him from your slumped position, eyes squinted upwards and you're practically sparkling with joy, "You... you look hilarious! Ahahaha—look at you! I can't—" Your words are cut off by your gasps for air.
Kaiser does not look the least bit impressed. He stares down at where your cheek is planted on the side of his neck, right where the blue rose lies. His hands stabilise you by falling into the small of your back—right where Isagi's fingertips once touched.
You finally regain your composure and move away from how you were practically pressed up against him—your cheeks are starting to hurt from how hard you were smiling, and you now sport a much calmer sort of grin when you stare up at him. "Ah... I'm sorry—don't look so mad—"
He rolls his eyes, which makes you chuckle, hands resting on his shoulders, "Oh come on... don't look at me like that... I'm sorry..." Your tone is far too playful to sound apologetic. He is slightly enjoying the attention you bestow upon him, but the thought makes his head hurt so he chooses not to reflect on it. "Michael..."
Fuck. His name sounds so nice coming out of your mouth.
He still keeps up the annoyed act, however, even when you grin up at him with that stupidly pretty, stupidly knowing look, "Don't be like that... I'm sorry, okay? What do you want me to do to make it up to you?"
The blonde pauses, blinking owlishly and looking down at you. You are still smiling, and he can feel your heart beating loudly in your chest. You almost look dazed, probably from your previous session of full-blown laughter.
His hands still rest lowly on your hips. He moves one and tilts your chin up with his thumb, "Hm." A smirk coils onto his lips and in an instant you can see the happiness that practically radiates off his being. "I think this will suffice, for now."
He leans forward, and suddenly, he is kissing you. Unlike Isagi—he wastes not a second to slip his tongue between your lips and kisses you as deeply and passionately as he can muster—it's so Kaiser, so him that it makes your stomach twist within itself.
His hands run down the side of your body—the places where his rough fingertips meet the skin that you usually cover with clothing make you jolt and goosebumps form on your wet skin.
His bangs tickle your cheek and despite how wet they are, they are soft. His left, tattooed hand finds itself on the side of your stomach and his blunt nails sink into the soft flesh—he grabs at whatever he can get his hands on. It's lowly and desperate and so unbefitting, so uncharacteristic of him—but in this moment, he can hardly find it within himself to care.
The hot sun beams down on you both and it causes your head to grow all hot and fuzzy—Kaiser's natural warm body heat is not helping either. You're feeling so much all at once that your hands unconsciously place themselves on his bare chest in a small attempt to create a sliver of distance between you two. 
It does not work. Your torso leaves no room or gap as you're sunken into his arms—it makes him groan into your mouth and god, you almost feel sick to your stomach when you realise your first thought after hearing it is that you really want him to do it again.
You're not underwater anymore, but you might as well be. Every sense is muffled—the children screaming, the cool, glittery water that surrounds your bodies, even the blackness that clouds your closed-lidded vision—all you can feel is him, his tongue in your mouth and his hands running all over the smoothness of your skin.
Suddenly, you feel your lungs aching, and you realise you need air. You try to pull away—but his face follows yours like he's a mindless dog, and you could've laughed at it if you had not been so stripped of oxygen. You need air and yet he's kissing you like you are his air—it's a fact that makes your cheeks flush red hot.
The only option you can think of is the next action you take—you squeeze your hand out of where he presses your chests impossibly close and entangle them within his damp, blonde locks—tugging backwards and forcing him to leave the slightest amount of space between your mouths, so you can gasp for air.
Your hand tugging at Kaiser's long hair, hard, and you hotly panting into his mouth—he'd rather be caught dead than admit this aloud, but it doesn't feel half bad.
Your eyes crack open slightly, and you have to choke down a laugh when staring at his expression. His face is flushed bright red—compared to his usual pale complexion—and his squinted cerulean eyes are clouded with unmistakable desirable passionate lust.
"Scheiße, hübsches Mädchen." He curses lowly, chest rising and falling erratically as he pulls you in even closer—if that were possible. You can feel every ridge and bump of his hard torso against you and the smirk that pulls across his lips makes your heart pound. "You make my heart race."
When your breathing starts to even, he closes the gap between you both once more, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth and biting down—you whine into him and he kisses you softly as some sort of minor apology—you'd never hear the word sorry come out of his lips, after all. His hand dips down to trace up and down your spine, while the other rests below your ass.
He slides his lips away from yours, down your neck and he rests his face in the crook between your neck and shoulders—pressing languid, open-mouthed kisses against the salty skin. His hair falls over his shoulder and trickles into the water like molten honey—it flutters around in the sea and he looks stupidly gorgeous like this.
Now that he's not blocking your vision nor taking over each of your senses, you can see now see the distant figures of your friends all playing together in the sea, including that of Isagi. He's talking together with the others and having fun while you're over here, making out with one of his most hated rivals.
Still, you can't find it within yourself to give it a second thought when his teeth sink into your neck, and his hands tighten around your upper thighs. He lifts his head after you whimper a little and push him back—he follows where your eyes lead and you're sure he also happens to see the head of your dear friend.
The smile that curls across his lips is nothing short of dangerous. "Oh, is that Yoichi? Are you worried about him seeing us?" You do not give him a verbal answer, but the way you look down and the way your lips tremble gives him everything he needs. "How cute. No worries."
He lifts his face and all you can see is him. His hair falls over his shoulder and his bangs tickle your cheek once more. His touch is undeniably soft despite the carnal look he sports in his sharp, angled eyes. "Why don't we give him a show, hübsches Mädchen?"
He whispers so delicately—you do not have the mind to shake your head no, nor do you protest when he slips his tongue between your obediently open lips once more, hands tucked around your hips.
Your heart will not stop pounding. Kaiser smiles at the fact that he is doing this to you. He smiles at the fact you are like mindless putty in his hands, and he smiles at the fact that he can feel bright blue eyes staring holes into him—there's nothing wrong with showing off, right?
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simplyvyn · 2 months
Imagine you're just practically rambling stuff with your boyfriend on a saturday night, out of boredom (since both of you have no shit that are better to do). And you both just sit there chatting, but at the same time while talking, your bf literally says the most shitty, petty, clingy and just overall random stuff you've ever heard from him. Topic, after topic, after topic. One of the topics just has to have a saying ftom your boyfriend and its the most unexpected shit somehow.
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"I crave alot- Wait no, scratch that. I crave everything." You said as you sat on your bed with some yogurt on your hands. "Even some innocent stuffs as well." You said well scooping a spoon full of yogurt and dumping it in your mouth.
"Yea, i know right." He said, literally just staring blankly at you, as if admiring, observing, noting, perceiving- practically anything connected with looking. Looking at you, at least.
"Like.. holding your hand.. or hugging you and stuff." You speak, getting a spoon full of yogurt once again and dumping it on your mouth.
"Yes yes yes. Yes please." He spoke. At some point, there would probably be a tail wagging on how needy he sounds right now.
"Like- like my hands 'round your waist, your hands around my neck.." it all seems perfect. He's practically imagining about it right now in this conversation. You giggled on his little reactions, clearly he's the one craving in this topic. "Isn't that nice, hmm? You're so cute."
"Thanks love." He replied. "I'm also craving the not so innocent stuff."
Whatever you say boyfriend.
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TARTAGLIA, kazuha, thoma, ITTO, HEIZOU, cyno, WRIOTHESLY (genshin), gepard, SAMPO, LUKA, jing yuan, AVENTURINE, BOOTHILL (HSR), GOJO, geto (JJK), NISHINOYA, sugawara, KUROO, oikawa, bokuto (HQ!) kaiser, SHIDOU, aiku, reo, KARASU, chigiri (BLLK) + ur favs !
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asocialangel · 1 month
pervy boyfriends
bllk boys who would –in my humble opinion– be pretty pervy towards their s/o. 
Shidou, Isagi, Karasu headcanons (low-key nsfw), i tried to be gender neutral but maybe it’s a bit more catered towards afab/fem reader for the Isagi part. 
Let’s stats by the most obvious of em all 
Let’s call it as it is
We haven't seen him talk about lovers canonly yet but i feel like he’d be a monster
This man is ALWAYS making dirty jokes to you
About you mostly 
Oh and public or not, he doesn't care, he if thought of something, you best believe he gon say it, regardless of whether your dad is around. 
He takes a sick pleasure in exposing your kinks to the whole word, especially ones you’ve told him you’re embarrassed about 
He likes it specifically when he says something in a public setting just loud enough so you will never know for sure if people heard him or not
Likes does his team’s goalkeeper know that you like being choked or not ?? You will never be sure ! (And it's not like you're gonna ask him) 
You never really heard it for yourself but you’re quite sure he talks about your sex life to his friends 
Cause multiple times they came up to you and made a joke that was suspiciously real 
“haha Y/N did you have a cat attack your boyfriend’s back ??” “Y/N can you help me out for next week’s anime convention ? I heard you’re quite good at cosplaying”
You even received a leash from a secret santa (you don't have a dog ???)
You’ve tried to ask him about it once, he jokingly said yes, so you never sure he actually meant it 
But you’re scared that if you ask too much he gon make it worse. 
Mind you Shidou is not just an asshole that crosses your boundaries. You had actually told him you were actually kinda into people low key knowing you’re a freak. But you could never say it yourself. So he’s actually nice and thoughtful to his s/o here. 
So yah let's say Shidou is not ashamed to explain to people what his position he likes you in
Also it’s almost obvious atp but he likes dirty talking in uncomfy places cause he knows it takes you very little to get you started, so he’s there getting you horny in the middle of applebees like… 
He likes telling you all the things he’d do to you once you're back home. 
He also often shares the details of how hard he was in the shower this morning thinking about you and how he chose to wait until you guys could do it cause he felt it would be a shame to waste his “precious cum” (his words) anywhere but “your pretty body” (again his words). 
So as I said, certified unashamed pervy boyfriend.
Now I think this would be an unpopular opinion because everyone and their dad headcanons Isagi as “a sweet caring innocent boyfriend 🥺” and while I agree that is true, he is multifaceted to me. 
To me, he would also be extremely pervy to his s/o, but unbeknownst to them. 
Like the minute you’re turning your back to him, he’s staring fouly at your ass
If you bend down to grab sum, he will not bother to look under your skirt that lifts up or your exposed cleavage. 
But again, he will only do it when he knows you can’t see him. 
He likes watching you doing the most innocent things and adding a double meaning to it in his head
Like you eating a skewer will be something far more dirty in his mind and you whining at the antiseptic on your wound is, in another setting, something way sexier. 
So everytime you see him smile at casual things you do, like getting on your knees to tie your shoelaces, you think wow he loves me so much, but truth is yes he loves you that much, actually way more. 
Isagi will always make the most far fetched double entendres to you, knowing damn well you’re too innocent and maybe head in the clouds to ever get it
So he says it, sees you agree mindlessly, and smiles to himself.
I’m telling you he’s an undercover perv.
Some of his dirty minded friends that have, they too, experience in that field, will sometimes get these double meanings he tells you and chuckle at his reaction to your non reaction. 
Unlike you, THEY know he’s toying with you and tbf they also find it quite cute
Isagi is not the type to put out all your sex life to his friends tho. But sometimes, just sometimes, he will (again) make innuendos about things you’re good at, like doing or like receiving.
But again, when he says it it's with a straight face. 
So his friends are never sure that he actually did mean what he said or if that innuendo was a pure coincidence. 
He just smiles smugly to himself
Also final addition: he knows your weak spots and he plays witit. 
Like he knows you're quite sensitive so he purposefully places the coffee grounds on the top shelf to see you struggle, have you jump around to see it jiggle, watch your shirt lift up and inevitably come to your help by grabbing said item from behind, basically squeezing you between him and the counter, pressing his dick into your ass, knowing damn well that’s enough to have you blush and moan.
But as always, you just think to yourself that he's so nice to help you, and you're so sensitive for reacting to a simple thing. 
let’s not forget about this pretty boy cause i feel we ALL know he can be so pervy…
To me, this boy is always, ALWAYS touching you 
He alwaysss has a hand on you like at all times TT
Saying hello ? Good morning kiss
He tries to find you in public ? When he sees you he’s gonna make himself known by laying a hand on your hip
He won a match ? You know already he’ll grab your ass when he finds you. 
He does not care about decency or whatever that social construct is: 
If he wants to feel you up, he will. 
Don’t care if his teammates are taunting him, if your friends are here, if a camera is filming
He likes the feeling of your skin on his, knowing you’re real cause he can feel it, feel the friction and the heat 
And he also likes knowing you’ll always be available for him, lending him a kiss whenever he asks for one
He should know by now you're never gonna say no, cause you love him so much, but he’s always looking to be reassured that you are his. 
So with Karasu, it does not stop at hand holding when you're going out
More like, hand holding, stroking your ass, kissing you passionately then placing his hand on your chin, smiling and walking again like normal until five meters further he wants to feel your waist. 
Mind you you tried to tell him this was not socially okay, being so explicit on PDA. His answer ?
Says who ? It’s not like people don't know where to be together. I dont think I'm breaking news to them that we get physical if I kiss you in public. 
“Babe, this is not about the kiss on my cheeks in public. I’m talking about you stretching my shirt collar to look at my cleavage while you’re on half time and a whole literal stadium is looking at you”. 
“What, you want to keep it a secret that I smack you ass naked when I win ?” “Well yeah that's kinda exactly what i'm saying” “Useless to bother hiding, they must know already” 
So yeah when I say he’s a perv I mean he won’t bother to wait till behind closed doors. He will whisper in your hearts while grabbing your waist from behind no matter if you are in the middle of ordering coffee. 
At least you’re sue he loves you and won’t mind letting others know
A/N: yayyy this came up to me as i was falling asleep, Isagi staring relentlessly as your ass the second you turn around and then thought yeah he'd defo not be the only pervy bf in bllk. Hope u like it~~ still have many more things to write.
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chateaaa · 16 days
☆ What dating the blue lock characters feels like (pt 2)
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Dating Sae Itoshi includes matching earrings, having your initial dangling in his dominant leg (so every time he scores he dedicates the goals to you), having you in the back of his phone, being mean to everyone but you, buying you everything you want, giving you his password to all his socials, buying you flowers every week, slow dancing in the rain, watching hello kitty with you, kissing you on the back of your hand <3
Dating Shidou Ryusui includes bear hugs!!, slapping your ass every time he gets a chance, biting you randomly, love hate relationship, "shut up" x "make me", would try to be romantic (it does not work), would always expect you watching his games, looking at you in the crowd if he scores a goal, making boys near you cry because he dosnt want them to steal you away from him
Dating Otoya Eita includes kissing you on the neck, painting each other's nails in the color of black, wearing a pink scrunchie you gave him as a joke he now won't remove it from his arm, giving you his hoodie, acts of service, only wearing this specific perfume when you guys meet, pocky game (he would purposely lose)
Dating Tabito Karasu includes flirting with you in front of your friends, matching lego heart keychain, giving you cute random things and saying "my chick number 7 gave this to me, i don't need it so you can have it" that's a lie, he spended 3 days deciding what to give you, carrying you like a sack around, matching sneakers
Dating Alexis Ness includes worshipping you like a goddess, loving every single part of you, carrying an extra ponytail for you, buying you snacks, being very possessive, always wanting to wear matching clothes, words of affirmation and physical touch!!, telling his teamates about how good and kind you are, literally making you experience any kind of dates ex: beach dates, museum dates, stargazing dates, always wanting to touch any part of your body; arms, cheeks, hands
Dating Hiori Yo includes arcade dates!!, winning you stuff toys in claw machines, gaming dates, photobooth dates, physical touch and quality time!!, cuddling while raining, playing games even if your horrible, the beds in minecraft being side by side, carrying you in literally any game, sending you spotify lyrics that he thinks relates to your relationship with him, watching netflix together during summer vacation
Dating Noel Noa includes waking up during weekends with him serving you breakfast in bed, carrying you around like a teddy, all love language, gifting you extravagant gifts everyday, leaving you colorful sticky notes in the counter everyday with daily reminders such as "don't forget to drink water" or "i'm going home late, you should sleep early today"
Dating Ikki Nikko includes only letting you touch his hair, cafe dates, letting you have his drink if you like it more, gifting you a giant teddy on your birthday, would always update you through chat, sending you spotify playlists, handwritten letters, sending memes to eachother, dreaming about being married and adopting 5 cats
Dating Yukimiya Kenyu includes neck kisses!, ranting about all his problems to you at 3 am while cuddling, taking pictures of you every time you go out, his wallpaper being you (he changes his wallpaper every week), just because flowers, photographer x model, always having your favorite food in his bag
Dating Charles Chevalier includes painting each other's nails with the eye color of each other, him only listening to you, sunshine x grumpy, always asking for headpats, booping your nose, watching disney every night before going to bed, expecting you to feed him every time you go out
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idk guys kasasu and otoya feels ooc, I THINK IT'S VERY HARD TO WRITE ABOUT THEM SINCE I FEEL LIKE THEY'RE RED FLAGS AND I REALLY DON'T KNOW ABOUT THEIR PERSONALITY THAT MUCH..... (sorry karasu and otoya fans 😔😔) but anw hope you all still like it ☝🏻🤓
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sukirichi · 30 days
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VIRGIN KILLER TRIO !! & their habits
→ oliver aiku + karasu tabito + otoya eita
→ nsfw. smut. wrote this impulsively on my notes because karasu has me feeling things. aged up characters. toxic men. fingering. oral (f receiving) otoya is a cheater (canon but i love him) unedited. size kink kind offf. aiku hits it and quits it.
+ I NEED AIKU SO BAD. i also hc that karasu is a manwhore but he would teeat you so well <3
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it’s hard not to catch sight of the virgin killer trio in every afterparty. there’s oliver — the smooth talker who can never remember a girl’s name, karasu — who reads your every move and can tell from across the room how badly you want him, and otoya — the quietest of them all. but don’t let his demeanor fool you. rumors have it that he’s as great in bed as he is at breaking hearts.
pick your poison, they said. don’t let the night go to waste, they said.
but all is easier said than done when oliver has forgotten his cold beer on the counter as he presses you against it during a party. he calls you names that are outright dirty and should not have made you this wet. he smells like smoke and liquor — like danger, like everything you should avoid. you know he won’t remember you the next morning and you’ll most likely wake up in an empty bed. no notes, no small gift left behind. it would be hard to tell he was ever there if it were not for the ache between your thighs and the bite marks he’d left all over your skin.
oliver fucks like the way he wins — luring his opponent and trapping them against him until you give in and submit. what’s the point of fighting anyway? you know it’s futile. you should just let him do as he pleases — to hammer into you from behind, his large hands squeezing your hips in a vice-tight grip. oh no, he’s not letting you go. he’ll keep you there until your thighs quiver and your head drops down to the pillow, the sheets drenched with sex and sweat. he’ll keep you there until his legs are tangled with yours, your tongue lolled out as he fucks out the most delicious moans from you.
oliver aiku is dirty, intoxicating, and when he leaves his mark on you, he only has one goal in purpose — to ruin you for any other man who comes next.
karasu is different. he’s sweeter, more tender with his words and gestures. he doesn’t seduce you right away. no, he likes to watch his prey first from across the room, letting his gaze wander to your pretty face and picturing if you’d look better when you’re finally coming around his cock. when he makes himself known, it’s too late. he’ll know everything about you already, just like how he knows he’ll have you putty in his hands by the end of the night. the only thing left is to prove his theories right — don’t even try to think you can hide your weaknesses from him. he can read you like an open book. he can tell from the hungry way your eyes roam over him that you’d take it like a good girl, and your eyes would roll back when he slides himself in deep.
unlike aiku, karasu doesn’t cage you under his arms and suffocates you. this isn’t a battle for him, because battles mean there’s equal chances of winning, and there’s none of that in the bedroom. karasu knows he’s stronger and has the upper hand. he knows you’re entirely at his mercy when he pins your hands above your head, his long fingers locked around your wrist. and oh, he’s sweeter, so much sweeter. he calls you beautiful and gorgeous. he worships you and leaves kisses on your body, murmuring sweet nothings like a mantra against your skin. he isn’t rough, but he fucks you hard and deep. hard enough you’re seeing stars and your toes are curling, pussy fluttering around his girth. and when he’s pushed you to the edge, he’ll make sure everyone at the party knows who made you feel that good.
karasu doesn’t leave a note. he stays the night and kisses you again, his eyes droopy in a post sex-haze. he gives you his number, because why not? he sure wouldn’t mind sleeping with you again the next time you run into each other.
the next time you attend these events, it isn’t the dominant oliver or endearing karasu who charms you. instead, otoya comes unexpectedly — slithering his way into your heart (and pants) before you could realize it. he’s subtle, and doesn’t stand out much from the crowd. it comes like a shock to you when you find yourself pressed up against a wall in a random hallway with his lips against your neck. he doesn’t say sweet things like karasu, or teases you on how you’re such a dirty whore like oliver would. no, otoya speaks with his words, and you get the message clear enough when he’s pumping his fingers in you. he’s quiet still, giving you only breathy moans and low groans when you squeeze around him — but by the heavens, he sounds the prettiest.
there is nothing quick and swift when it comes to otoya, unlike how he is when he’s speeding through the field. he takes his time with such confidence and patience that karasu would lack, since he’s too eager. and he touches you in the gentlest manners briefly reminding you of karasu, but when otoya looks at you, it’s different. with his handsome face above you, his reddened lips parted with a shuddering breath, and his eyes narrowed as he watches your cunt swallow him to the hilt. he isn’t the sweetest, but he is the most romantic. lacing his fingertips with yours, otoya swallows all your moans in a devouring kiss. his hips plunging into you in a way that you’re sure you’ll feel him for days. and he kisses like he means it — kisses your sweet pussy with his eyes closed and rough hands kneading your ass like a starved man.
and when he leaves, it’s with a hole in your heart. otoya is a silent killer, who comes and disappears into your life, but not without ensuring he’s more than just a silly fuck. because otoya didn’t have to make out lazily with you, or ask about your passions. he didn’t have to be genuinely interested in getting to know you and smile like he’s fallen in love. he didn’t have to hide that it was all a mistake — that he was already with someone else, and simply couldn’t ignore his needs when you set foot into the room and your scent got him hard.
and when the regret sinks in, otoya will barely look you in the eye. he doesn’t stay the night because there’s someone waiting for him at home.
he doesn’t ask for your name or number because it’s easier to pretend nothing happened between you. just as silently as he made his way to your heart, otoya leaves with a final resounding click of the door being shut.
because just like his friends, otoya never stays.
and they’ll be on their way to find their next conquest.
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unluckilyimnot · 4 months
fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
Characters : isagi, reo, karasu, yukimiya, hiori, sae, rin, kunigami, nagi
m.list || rules
Note: Charles being friends with shidou is really no surprise 😭 they're both menaces
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is a smiley little pookie
never do your hair ‘cause he’s gonna ruin it and he doesn’t even intend to and he's SO sorry when he does
he wants to touch your hair all the time, brushing it away, make sure you don’t get it or eat it
he’s so oblivious about the fact that he KEEPS touching your hair
it’s always some “wait I’ll help you out” when you want to tie it (if you can), or “wait” and he brushed it away from your eyes
All. The. Damn. Time.
If your hair is long/shoulder length, he wants to brush it for you on windy day so you’re all pretty again
I see him as a gentleman who tease a little
so I think he tends to play with it a lot, twirling it around his fingers and then say it was to fix the strand
even more if you have curly hair or curl it yourself, it was losing its bounce a little, he helped :)
he doesn’t do it much outside, but when it’s just the two of you he likes it
ruffling it, putting a falling strand behind your ear/out of your view
he just loves the softness
it’s easy, he’s taller than you so it’s his favorite part and he doesn’t even try to find any excuses
he just touch it, even pet your head as if your a damn cat
he loves it if you have long hair, he can play with the end easily when he’s out of energy for the day
he can lay his head on top of yours and that’s generally, if needed, his excuse to touch your hair – inside, all alone or outside with people
he’s the type to brush your hair away of your face if it bothers him and he can’t see your eyes
his best excuse is that he knows how to style hair thanks to his sisters so he can help effectively
he does your hair for you, I don’t make the rules
that’s his favorite part of getting ready, doesn’t matter where you’re going or if you stay at home
he LOVES breaking the curl when he just done it to make them look loose – plus you look amazing
tie your hair for you just to feel it between his fingers
and always has a hair tie to do so
he’s the best, he can do anything and if not : he’ll learn to
everything to see you smile
he’s too serious for his own good when he’s in public, you like to mess with him
he freshly cut his hair and you can’t help but want to run your hands through it all day, it’s all soft and nice and he smells as good as always and –
he had to glare at you for you to stop your move, rolling your eyes, you left to get a drink
a hand find it’s way on your smaller back again and you roll your eyes
“Stop that would you”
“Cut your hair after next time” it’s his time to roll his eyes
“You’re impossible” and you returned him the compliment, this time ruffling his hair for good before fixing it and smiling
“I love you though” he narrows his eyes at you, taking a look around him before leaving a peck on your cheek
“Me too”
you like to fix his bangs to bother him
putting it a little on the side to get a better sight of his eyes even if he hated it
or ruffling it until he can’t see anymore
annoying Rin is your favorite job on earth
this end up in a fight half of the time – and he always win, be for real
but deep down, he loves it a lot
this boy is touch starved, so you playing and touching his hair a lot make him feel better and loved
he’s a tidy man, he knows what he’s doing and big gathering, brands and companies or not ; he just has to be perfect
and he’s glad to have someone around him ready to fix his look if needed
but you two haven’t left yet that you already fixed his hair a few time
“You can’t act like that tonight you know that ?” he chuckled as you, very cautiously, fix it once again
“I will if needed.”
“Was it needed all the time for the past half and hour ?” he asked in a smirk, tilting his head to the side
you blush at his comment and pout. “Maybe not…”
he doesn’t mind tho, you’re sweet and you love him sm you can’t help it
he feels the same, don’t you worry
casual date but he’s always making sure he looks cute for his pretty s/o
you two leave when the time is still clear and warm yet knowing that’s a windy day
by the time you arrive at your destination, a cute cat café that opens recently, your hair is a mess and you can’t help but whine
he’s quick to help you out, brushing his fingers through it to ease it before his own hair – not that it moved much
yet you brushed your fingers through his as well, giggling when you’re done and him thanking you, not knowing it wasn’t needed at all
his hair is so soft, you can’t help but push it away gently or hold it before a strand falls in his mouth while he’s eating.
“What’s up today ?”
“Nothing, I just don’t want you to eat your hair !”
you attend an official thing, like regarding commercials he worked in with some brand
he’s : on fleek, hair perfectly done, makeup on top, he looks handsome and that’s your man ? Damn
you have to be serious the whole, contain yourself, smile a lot but you really can’t help yourself, from time to time, to make sure that his outfit and hairstyle stay perfect
that’s your job right ?
It’s like the ninth time your hand keeps a stand of hair out of his sight, or to make sure it stays put together, it makes him giggle.
“Done ?” he asked in a whisper in your ear, his smile so easy to imagine on his face.
“What ? It’s in your face. I’m helping out.”
“You’re not. You’re clingy,” he pecked your temple. “but it’s fine.”
yes, he knows you just can’t keep your hand for yourself but he still finds it cute and endearing
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milaisreading · 5 months
How about a Valentine's day story in a Blue Lock x Japan U20 match with manager y/n? Like while in the match and the breaks y/n gets lots of chocholate, flowers or gifts from the male fans which causes the players to be jealous and also some of the fans go even far as kissing y/n hand like a gentleman. The players had no idea that y/n made chocholate for both of the teams. She is kinda shy and scared to give them because she thought the boys wouldn't like the taste of the chocholate, the shapes of the chocholates or the color of the packets.
🩷🌱: Happy Valentine's Day, anon! This was such a cute idea, I hope you like what I wrote! Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Oh, damn. There are a lot of people here today!" (Y/n) gasped in surprise as she looked at the stadium that was more packed than on the previous match. Today, the JFA had organized a special match between the U-20 and Blue lock. It was nothing serious, and more meant as an entertainment program for Valentine's Day. The board members of the JFA thought it would be a good idea to organize the event as a cash grab for the holiday,which (Y/n) had to admit was a good idea. The ratings and money from the merch shops will definitely give them extra money.
'Greedy bastards.' She thought while side-eyeing the board members while she stood next to Anri and Ego.
"(Y/n), what's with that bag you brought?" Ego questioned as the boys were warming up. (Y/n), confused for a moment, looked at the item and then blushed in embarrassment while scrambling for words.
"I... I made some chocolate for the players of both teams." She whispered to the adults, which caused Anri to squeal at the cuteness.
"That's adorable! When are you giving it to them, though?" She raised an eyebrow.
"I... I don't know. I am a little embarrassed about the possible attention I might get from them... If only I could somehow avoid it." Anri and Ego kept quiet for a moment as they thought of a way to help her. Well, it was more Anri who did the thinking while Ego was busy monitoring the interaction between Rin, Sae, and Shidou.
"Ah! I know what we can do!"
"You do?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Anri happily nodded her head.
"How about you anonymously leave the chocolate in their locker rooms while they are on the field. We should go there once the game starts." Anri suggested, which made (Y/n) smile at the idea.
"Sounds great! Is that ok with you, Ego-san?"
The said man thought the whole idea was stupid, and he wanted to say so, but once he saw the two give him puppy eyes, he sighed and nodded his head.
"Fine. I will just inform the other coach that you will be going into their locker room. Don't be gone for too long." The man said as the two cheered and thanked him.
"Keep it down-"
"Uhm, is someone named (L/N) (Y/n) here?" One of the maintenence staff members asked as he approached the trio.
"Why?" Ego asked bluntly, causing (Y/n) and Anri to facepalm.
"There are some fans who want to see her." The man answered as (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
"I am her. But, what do you mean by fans?" She asked the man, and Anri and Ego looked back with the same amount of curiosity.
After explaining it to them, (Y/n) followed the older man to the field where some people were. To be fair, they weren't om the field, but on the stands close to it.
'Good God...' The girl gulped as she saw some guys and a few girls looking back at her in excitement while holding some gifts, she assumed at least.
"Don't take too long." The man warned as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"H-hi. How can I help?" (Y/n) wondered as the group smiled, holding out some gifts to her.
"Hello! I brought you these flowers-"
"Happy Valentine's Day! Please be my-"
"You look very cute today! Hope you like this chocolate! It's handmade-"
"I found these flowers! Heard you liked them-"
"Take mine instead!"
"My chocolate is way better!"
"I got you this plush toy!"
(Y/n) watched in shock and confusion as the group showed the various gifts that were meant for her by the sounds of it.
'Why... why are they giving those to me? I am not a player.' (Y/n) thought as she slowly approached the group, not wanting to be rude or anything.
"Th-thank you. You all shouldn't have brought me anything. I am really honored." The group stopped arguing as they watched the manager bow and smile at them.
'So respectful!'
'She looks so cute!' The group thought as they started arguing who will be the first one to give her a gift.
'Ahh... I hope nobody sees this mess. I don't want the attention to be diverted from the players. It's their day.' (Y/n) thought as she went to take the items, thanking everyone individually.
Meanwhile, what (Y/n) didn't notice was the players had already noticed the ruckus that was going on, and they were less than pleased.
"Who are those losers now?" Sae raised an eyebrow, not liking what he wa seeing. The same could go for Rin, who was silently growling as he saw (Y/n) accept those gifts, even going as far as smiling at the people.
'That's my manager. Don't get so comfortable with her.' He thought as Shidou was for once not sporting his usual cocky smile.
'Now, why is she paying attention to those nobodies?'
Aiku was about to speak up, but the 4 froze up when they saw one of the guys take (Y/n)'s hand into theirs and planting a kiss on it.
"Ok, that's about it. I have had enough." Aiku cleared his throat as he walked over to where (Y/n) was, the trip following close by as the rest of thebtwo teams glared daggers at the boy.
While that was going on, (Y/n) was getting more and more uncomfortable with the attention and tried to cut this gift giving short.
'Why did they even give these to me?' She still wondered, unaware of the 4 players approaching her.
"T-thank you again for the gifts. But, I really need to go now-"
"Can't you stay a little longer?"
"Yeah, the game didn't start yet."
The group protested as (Y/n) tried to find a way out. The gifts were too much for her to hold for so long.
"I'm-" She started speaking, but got interrupted by the familiar monotone voice Sae had.
"Having fun? Good, fun is over." (Y/n), surprised by his appearance turned around to scold hin for the rude tone.
"Don't be so rude, Sae-" But, she pretty much cut herself off when she saw the murderous looks Rin, Sae, Shidou, and Oliver were giving the group.
'What's up with them?!'
The game had eventually started after a good 30 minutes and Anri meanwhile dragged (Y/n) away to put the chocolates into the locker rooms. The chocolates were pretty simple. Milk chocolate with a few decorations, all wrapped up in colors that reminded her of the boys. It was pretty cliché in her opinion, but she hoped they would like them and not suspect her as the culprit.
'I really tried to make them look as different as possible.' (Y/n) thought as she put the last one into Neru's jacket pocket, blushing at the thought of them discovering her.
'That would be something I could never live down.'
The game had ended with the Blue Lock team winning after the time got extended to a whole 105 minutes, (Y/n), Anri, and Ego could see the team was exhausted, so they told them to take their time in changing and showering. Meanwhile, the trio would take care of the press or the gifts the Blue Lock team was receiving, which was something (Y/n) ended up taking care of.
'All these gifts look so much better than mine...' She thought, trying not to look sad as she wrote down what was for who. She didn't need fans going after her or spreading rumors.
'Well, at least I hope they taste good.' (Y/n) thought nervously as she took another gift, wondering if they found the chocolates by now.
Blue lock room 💙⛓️
"Hm? There is something in our pockets?" Otoya wondered as Anri giggled while closing the door.
"Yep! (Y/n) made some Valentine's chocolate for you guys! Don't say I told you, tho!" With that, the woman left the teens in a shocked state. That soon disappeared as they quickly looked through their pockets, and sure enough, the chocolates were there. All neatly wrapped.
"Woo-hoo! This is like the first time I got one! She even wrapped it in my favorite color!" Bachira cheered as he looked at the yellow wrapped item. Otoya quickly unwrapped his and took a bite.
"It's so good!" He cheered.
'Ahh! I can die now happily! Wait, is this (Y/n)'s way of confessing?!' Otoya thought as Karasu and Kurona took a bite from their's as well.
"It tastes the right amount of sweet. The decorations look adorable as well." Karasu chuckled while blushing.
"Just like her..." Kurona silently said as he continued eating his, trying to savor the taste as long as possible. Isagi, who took the time to read the message she wrote on the chocolate blushed and smiled.
'You did an amazing job!' He read, feeling his heart beat quicken when he saw the heart at the end.
"She is the best. This tastes amazing." He mumbled, earning nods from Niko and Hiori, who were sitting next to him.
"It does! It does! The packaging are adorable, too. She really put a lot of thought into them." Hiori said in adoration.
"You think she will bake for us one day?" Niko wondered with a red face as he read the message over and over.
"I mean, we could always ask her. (Y/n) is nice, I am sure she would." Reo announced, earning nods from the rest.
"I hope it will be a chocolate cake. Didn't have those in a while. She really made my day with this." Gagamaru smiled warmly, not used to getting chocolate on Valentine's Day from anyone. Nagi kept quiet as his face was a uncharacteristic red shade. The whole time he was staring at the wrapping paper while taking small bites of the chocolate.
'I am keeping this one forever.'
Barou was a blushing mess along with Tokimitsu, so they decided not to say anything as they ate their chocolates. Both were flattered and happy over this surprise. It was better than winning the match in their opinion.
"It has a really good taste to it. Not too sweet and not too bitter. She really thought of everything. So cute." Yukimiya smiled brightly, earning a nod from Aryu.
"Well, it is (Y/n) we are talking about. She is amazing and thoughtful." The brown-haired boy added in. Rin was looking for once relaxed and felt happy as he ate his piece, enjoying every moment of it.
'So good. Definitely better than winning against my brother. I love her so much.' Rin thought, his face turning redder. There was a silence in the room for a while, the team busy eating and thanking (Y/n) mentally for the gift. But, that silence was soon cut off by Chigiri.
"Now, we need to think of some good presents for White Day. Some that will make her forget about the gifts those people gave her today."
The rest of the team quickly nodded their heads.
The U-20 room 🇯🇵2️⃣0️⃣
"Huh?" Shidou hummed as he felt an unfamiliar item in his pocket and quickly fished it out, only to freeze up when he saw what it was. It was a neatly wrapped pink present, and by the shape of it, it was definitely chocolate.
"What is it, Shidou?" Teru asked, noticing the boy's frozen state.
"I got chocolate." The boy answered in confusion as he showed Teru the item, causing the rest of the locker room to look at him.
"You?! Why did you get chocolate?" Sendou yelled out, jealous at the blonde, which earned him a grin from Shidou.
"Probably because the ladies like me more."
"Hm? I got some as well." Sae pointed out as he showed the the team his burgundy wrapped item.
"Ha? And you two didn't put it in there yourselves?" Niou asked skeptically.
"Why would I do such a pathetic thing?" Sae questioned.
"You guys mad that you didn't get any?" Shidou snickered, earning glared from Sendou and Niou now.
"Hey! I got some as well! This is rare for me!" Neru said in excitement as he found a beige wrapped item in his pocket. Now this was a surprise for the rest.
"You as well?" Itsuki and Miroku mumbled as they discretely went through their pockets, only to find chocolate int them as well.
"Hey! I got some as well!"
"Me too!"
"This is weird..." Hayate said silently, blushing as he stared at his present as well.
"Woo-hoo! Hey! I got chocolate as well!!" Sendou blushed in excitement as he took put the present from his jacket pocket. Oliver, who also found a green and purple wrapped present, stared at it in confusion as Teru started eating his chocolate.
"It tastes good as well! It also has some cute decorations on it."
"Mhm!" Niou nodded as he ate his along with Hayate and Neru.
"But still, who put it into our pockets?" Sae asked out loud, earning silence instead of an answer.
"It certainly is weird. We didn't notice anyone near our stuff." Miroku chimed in as their coach walked into the room.
"Ah, I see you found those chocolates. Eat up and let's go." The team stared at the man in horror for a moment as Oliver spoke up.
"Please don't tell me you put these into our locker room."
"Yuck!" Shidou shivered at the idea, earning a glare from the coach.
"No, I have better things to do then make Valentine's Day chocolate." The man rolled his eyes.
"Blue Lock's manager made those for you, as surprise or something. She put those here while you guys were playing. Now, stop acting like school boys and pack your stuff." The man ordered as he walked out of the room, leaving the team in a stunned silence.
'The... The manager...made these for us?!' The team thought as they slowly started blushing at the thought.
"Aahhh~" they sighed happily as Sendou spoke up.
"Lucky bastards at Blue Lock probably get this treatment all the time." He said, sounding jealous as the rest tried to ignore that thought, opting to just enjoy the sweet gifts.
"Achoo!" (Y/n) sneezed as Ego looked at her in confusion.
"You ok?"
"Yeah. I think I am just getting sick." She said back, oblivious to what had happened in the locker rooms.
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miellifluous · 10 months
Catching the bouquet!
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Synopsis: Their reactions when you catch the bouquet at a wedding :)
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! reader, characters are aged up
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It’s breezy, the crowd is cheering, reflecting the bride’s mood as she turns her back on the crowd from the top of the staircase. Anticipating women gather tightly around you, wishing for the best spot to catch the bouquet. You’re not sure what to do, but the bride throws the bouquet in the air from over her shoulder and you watch the bundle of flowers get bigger as it reaches your hands.
Already planning the wedding, his heart is beating fast and he is biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from grinning anymore than needed. He’s looking at your hands wrapped around the bouquet, then back at your face. He might have whooped a bit. Next thing you know you’re in his arms and he has his forehead pressed against yours. Doesn’t matter if people are watching. In his mind, you’re already dolled up in a wedding gown, ready for him to take you.
Bachira Meguru, Mikage Reo, Naruhaya Asahi, Imamura Yudai
His friends are whistling and nudging him in the ribs and he clicks his tongue at them. His brows are furrowed and he’s doing his best not to betray any emotion. But then his glances at you, clutching your bouquet and wide-eyed and he can’t help it. His face softens, his lips tug upwards involuntarily and the tips of his ears redden because even though he doesn’t believe the myth, you are his and he’d be damned if didn’t get down on one knee soon and sweep you off your feet. Especially when fate is clearly on his side.
Sae Itoshi, Rin Itoshi, Chigiri Hyoma
He’s red i’m telling you, avoiding eye contact with anyone, ignoring the comments from his friends and rubbing his nape sheepishly. It’s not that he isn’t happy- if he was courageous enough he’d pick you up and spin you in the air. But he doesn’t want to attract too much attention so he quietly approaches you and takes your hand, planting a chaste kiss on the back before he’s pulling you away from the crowd, the noise, the celebration, bringing you to a quieter place where he can show you what you mean to him.
Isagi Yoichi, Aoshi Tokimitsu
Gives you a lazy grin, hands in the pockets of his pants. He doesn’t care too much for the catch, it’s not some flowers that are gonna tell him whether you two are getting married or not, but he loves the feeling of everyone turning to look at him, then you. They know you’re his, he’s proud of that and to top if off, he brings you in a smothering kiss: nips and tongue and a hand in the back of your head, fingers tangled in your hair. You can be mad at him all you want later for his behavior in public, he’ll shut you up with another kiss.
Shidou Ryusei, Michael Kaiser, Karasu Tabito
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azulock · 8 months
hey, how you doing? Could you make a bllk guys who have a breeding kink? I bet Isagi would have one 👀👀👀
Fallen by my own sword on those Isagi headcanons, huh? But yes, that freak would very much have a breeding kink, damn Isagi. Looking at my breeding kink guys list now, it's pretty much "men who need therapy" (on a bigger or smaller level)
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bllk guys who have a breeding kink
isagi yoichi
This fucking freak - he loves it, loves it a little too much actually. I hope you like it too and that you actually want children, cause if you don't, well, Isagi sure wants them. He loves creampies just by themselves, really wants to cum inside only, but if you can have kids, that's double. The panty stealing fuck will claim he can tell your fertile days by smelling your underwear. This weirdo probably just been keeping track of your cycle in secret through more mundane means. So on your fertile days he will be doubling down on his efforts to keep you filled up with his cum.
For Isagi the kink is a mix of possessiveness and the wish to have a big family - to prove how perfect you are to each other. He had a good family, he will be a good dad, right? If you are in a relationship, this is only the natural outcome. He also won't shut up during sex, muttering all the time about how he is gonna make you look so good and swollen up with his babies. Will be trying to fuck you at any time during your fertile days, constantly saying it's time for a good breeding session, that you need to stay filled up to become his good pretty momma.
itoshi rin
Obsessed with family - for better or for worse. Wants to make you into his family, and just getting married ain't gonna cut it. The only way he can do it is by making you carry a part of him within yourself, and doing it once isn't gonna cut it. If his relationship with his brother didn't work out, then he is gonna have his own kids and they won't have this problem. He needs to prove he is better, that he will have a better family, more kids, better kids. Even this is a competition, and he is going to win.
He generally fucks like a desperate animal, and the day you let him do it raw, it's gonna be just a matter of time until he shows his breeding kink. It's strong, violent, animalistic, he needs to cum inside you like he needs air. If you have that kink too, then he is done for and he'll just give in. There won't be much talking during the sex, just grunting and growling as he fills you up again and again. Not the type to be keeping track of shit, he'll just be taking his pleasure and filling you up with his cum at any chance until either nature does it's thing or your period shows up.
alexis ness
Breeding as a form of devotion - or possession to be more honest. His yandere tendencies really show through here, he wants to breed you to feel that you are forever connected to him. Just painting your insides white isn't enough to mark you as his, he needs more, he nerds to make you have his children so you'll always a part of him attached to you. There is no bigger intimacy in his mind than carrying someone's child. Really, just the thought of you pregnant with his baby is enough to get him hard as a rock.
Probably won't have the guts to just show his kink straight up, he's gonna hide it for a while, pretend he isn't obsessed with the idea of breeding a child into you. But if you have a breeding kink and show your hand first he's gonna be overjoyed - tho, if you are only into it for the kink, he probably won't even think of that possibility. In his head, it's only a breeding kink if you can actually get pregnant. If you let him indulge, he will be fucking into you aggressively, begging you to take his baby, promising to be all sorts of nice and gentle while you are pregnant.
kunigami rensuke
A man with a love for his family - and not even wildcard could kill that, it just made that love a bit rougher. He's a tad more intense, more aggressive, more wild. He wanted to have a family with you and he still does, but now that reflects in an intense breeding kink. It's not about possession, it's about building his own family. About making you into a home for him, and for his seed, for his children. It's about showing how strong he is, that he will paint your insides white and give you a big strong baby.
If you have the same kink he will go crazy, wanting to prove that he can do what you desire. Even if you don't want kids right now, he will act as if you do, it's like training for the real thing. He can wait to have kids, with you wanting it the wait is worth, and he still gets to enjoy the fantasy while he fucks you hard. The mental image alone makes his blood boil. The thought of you big, glowing and vulnerable warms his heart, and he'd prove himself again by being there to care for you.
mikage reo
Wants to prove himself a good father - and there's nothing saying he can't enjoy the process of getting there. He's not the aggressive type in his breeding kink, but that's not to say it isn't intense. He can't look at you without the desire to fill you up with his cum, sometimes he'll catch himself randomly imagining what you'd look like big with his child. For him it's the biggest show of affection, to accept to carry someone's child, to out yourself in such a difficult and vulnerable position for someone you love. It's not just a big sexual fantasy for him, it's an emotional one too. He still is aware of the serious side of having kids, so for now, it's just a kink, but in the future he's going through with it.
He'll probably be worshipping the ground you stand in the minute you let him actually breed you. It isn't going to be rough, but it's going to be passionate. Reo will be pumping you full time and time again while praising you and whispering all his love in your ear. He'll keep track of your cycle to make the most of his chances, he'll still pump you full all the other days tho. But he really wants to get the best chance to breed you, so he can show his pregnant wife off as soon as possible - it's the little bit of possessiveness he has in that kink.
bonus: kaiser, karasu & shidou
Only engage in it as a kink - to the point where they will pay for your birth control. Kids are difficult, expensive and time consuming. He might want to have them at some point in the future, with a lot of planning, but he ain't risking it for a cheap thrill. He still finds the kink hot, tho, something about how primal it is really gets the blood pumping. He loves filling you up with his cum over and over again, whispering about how he is gonna plant his seed into you and make you his. Though, he just wants the fun, not the consequences.
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sanaexus · 17 days
social's as karasu's girlfriend
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-liked by kuniisuke, eita.otoya and 123.9k others
yourusername: sorry the last image was necessary
tagged: karasu_tabito
chigi.who: i love how the pictures slowly became weirder ↳yourusername: he's a silly lil fella ↳karasu_tabito: i hate you 😊 ↳yourusername: wow ok guess i'll go hit up my side chicks ↳karasu_tabito: you have 4 contacts on your phone and two of them are your parents and one is me
↳yourusername: what if i have a secret phone ↳karasu_tabito: you can hide your secrets as well as reo and nagi can hide their relationship ↳reo.miikage: WHY BRING US INTO THIS ↳kuniisuke: you didn't even try to deny?? ↳nagi.seishiro: i told him hiding a relationship is a hassle
user1: karasu looks so punchable like bitch wipe that stupid smirk of you before i slap you ↳karasu_tabito: you just called me punchable and then told me you'll slap me ↳yourusername: shut up it's the thought that counts
isaichii: the last image looks like he has 16 uno cards up his ass ↳yourusername: real it's canon i was the 7th uno card up his ass ↳karasu_tabito: what the fuck no
eita.otoya: you donr smile like that around me nor do you make a heart on your food for me ↳karasu_tabito: she doesn't ditch me for a random chick she met at a cafe ↳yourusername: i would maybe i should ↳karasu_tabito: you'll scared them off ↳yourusername: OH FUCK OFF
megubachi: last image is major shidou vibes ↳shiidoryu: i don't eat grass i ate ass ↳rin.itoshi: eat* ↳rin.itoshi: WAIT THE FUCK? I JUST RE-READ THE SENTENCE WHAT DID I JUST SEE ↳yourusername: rate sae's ass on the scale of 1-10 based on taste, texture, flavour, and bounciness ↳shiidoryu: overall it's a 9.866/10 ↳itoshi_sae: please kys ↳itoshi_sae: i hope you fucking choke ↳itoshi_sae: thank you i guess ↳shiidoryu: i am a proud masochist btw
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-liked by isaichii, megubachi and 134.6k others
yourusername: turns out kids hate him
tagged: karasu_tabito
user2: first picture looks like you're talking him on a walk ↳yourusername: that's bc i am he's a lil furry fella ↳karasu_tabito: do you not have anything else to do other than insult me ↳eita.otoya: FREEDOM OF SPEECH ↳megubachi: RAHHH WE'RE IN A FREE COUNTRY💯💯🗣🗣‼‼🔥🔥💣💣🔫🔫😎😎🔛🔝 ↳shiidoryu: WHAT'S A KILOMETER 💯💯🗣🗣‼‼🔥🔥💣💣🔫🔫😎😎🔛🔝 ↳isaichii: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯💯🔛🔝 ↳karasu_tabito: sigh
julian.loki: WHO SAID I CAN'T WEAR MY CONVERSE WITH MY DRESS? OH BABY THAT'S JUST ME 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣💯💯💯💯💯 ↳user3: never in a million year would i have thought i'd see THE julian loki say that ↳julian.loki: why? can a man not wear converse with his dress ↳yourusername: you'd look bad in it ↳yourusername: you look bad in everything ↳julian.loki: BIRCH FYCKING WAYCH OUT I'LL STEAL YOUR ADOPT ME OETS ↳yourusername: FUCKIGN TRY ME HOE POW POW BOTHC ↳julian.loki: *pulls on your hair* ↳yourusername: *kicks your nuts* ↳julian.loki: YOU CNAR BEAT ME I'M BATMAN ↳yourusername: YOU CANT EVEN BE ROBIN
reo.miikage: to be fair if someone with 15 pounds of hairgel, a creepy smile held me i'd hate them too and be terrified and probably piss myself ↳karasu_tabito: I DO NOT PUT 15 POUNDS OF HAIRGEL AND I DO NOT HAVE A CREEPY SMILE ↳yourusername: both are up for deabte ↳karasu_tabito: kys
karasu_tabito: we look cute together ↳yourusername: i know right like i feel bad for other couples bc we're js the best ↳reo.miikage: cough ↳nagi.seishiro: choki doesn't agree ↳yourusername: choki is also a fucking cactus so stfu ↳nagi.seishiro: not cool dude :x ↳kuniisuke: "the best" are you sure? ↳chigi.who: i will eat your liver ↳yourusername: BEO WHAT 😦😦
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-liked by nagi.seishiro, hiyori and 157.3k others
karasu_tabito: we do act like normal couples (sometimes)
tagged: yourusername
nikkoki: the lego man should have been a soccer play, karasu can barely get a glass of water without spilling it ↳mikka.kaiser: MOTHERFUCKER ↳mikka.kaiser: bITCH ITS FOOT FUCKING BALL YOU DUMWITS ↳hiyori: CAN YOU NOT GO ONE POST WITHOUT POINTING THAY OUT YOU CHICKEN ↳shiidoryu: who's foot is fucking whose balls? ↳rin.itoshi: dimwits* that* whose* ↳alexis.ness: THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF KAISER COMMENT ARE YOU GUYS TO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND OR WHAT ↳yourusername: BOY STFU GO FUCK HIS BALLS WITH YOUR FOOT ↳shiidoryu: ohhh so ness's feet are fucking kaiser's balls got it ↳alexis.ness: apparently we aren't gay ↳yourusername: oh you aren't? ↳eita.otoya: WHY A CHICKEN? KAISER SEEMS LIKE HE WOULD TASTE LIKE BLUEBERRIES NOT CHICKEN ↳kenyu.yukimiya: THAT'S NOT THE FUCK POINT ↳karasu_tabito: THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A GF APPRICIATION POST NOT FUCKING EACHOTHER BALLS WITH YOUR FEET OR GUESSING HOW WE TASTE
isaichii: "girlfriend appreciation post" puts a picture of him and his bestfriend scared shitless of someone in a pink dress ↳yourusername: count your days ↳isaichii: I'M TOO GOOD AT FOOTBALL TO DIE KILL KAISER ↳mikka.kaiser: WHY ME KILL NESS ↳alexis.ness: who's killing who ↳eita.otoya: i thought she couldn't do shit so i insulted her dress needless to say never again ↳yourusername: i don't bite ↳eita.otoya: YES YOU DO
user3: you look so pretty in the first picture, date me and leave this wannabe assassin ↳yourusernme: you're right take me to mcdonalds and we'll plan the wedding ↳karasu_tabito: not on my watch you wont ↳yourusername: WELL SOMEONE NEEDS TO TAKE ME MCDONALDS TO PLAN MY WEDDING AND YOU WON'T DO IT ↳karasu_tabito: fine be ready in 15 if you take a second more than that i'm dropping you off at pet shelter ↳yourusername: RUDE??? ↳yourusername: i like the pet shelter anyway so win win for me
yourusername: OMGOMGOMGOMG YOU LOVE ME !!! ↳karasu_tabito: if i didn't i wouldn't put myself through the torture of dating you ↳yourusername: 🙁🙁 ↳megubachi: YOU MAFE HER SAD WOW ↳isaichii: it's alright y/n we're gonna get help for you as soon as we can ↳yourusername: i'm not dying ↳chigi.who: (wE'RE TRYNA MAKE HIM FEEL GUILTY??) ↳yourusername: (OHHHH GOT IT) ↳yourusername: HOW COULD YOU TABITO?!?! THERE'S NOTHING WORTH LIVING FOR ↳karasu_tabito: i'll let you terrorize otoya please just shut up ↳eita.otoya: WHAT HAPPENED TO BROS BFR HOES? ↳karasu_tabito: you are the hoe
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WOOO WE'RE FINALLY DONEEEE WITH THIS ONEE feels good to finish this anw i dont like it bye guys
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sseatherny · 7 months
# greeting your ex a merry christmas
⛄ characters ! mikage reo, michael kaiser, shidou ryusei, karasu tabito, itoshi sae, itoshi rin
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strawchocoberry · 10 months
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@kkcharm requested: while having sex with them, reader remembers she’s cheering for the rival team of her partner, which leads to him fucking her till she forgets about their argument
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୨୧ featuring: karasu tabito, alexis ness, barou shoei, michael kaiser x fem reader 
ଘ cw: smut, pet names, voice kink, nipple play, clit stimulation, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, edging, rough sex, mirror sex, spanking, degradation kink, choking, spanking, dumbification, dacryphilia, breeding kink, creampie 
୨୧ synopsis: poor little girl thinks she has a choice, but she doesn’t 
ଘ wc: 3.6k
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The dresser was rattling underneath you due to Karasu’s fierce thrusts in your tight cunt. Legs spread, back arched, head thrown back; “Mmmm, this is so much better, don’t ya think?” he cooed in your ear, biting your earlobe, as his cock ravaged you. Yeah, he liked you more when you were clenching around him, bubbling his name in-between sobs rather than running your little mouth to spout nonsense like cheering for his opponent. He didn’t care that the other team had been your favourite for a long time. Only thinking that you were allowed to cheer for them was blasphemous. 
His hands were holding tightly onto your thighs, pounding his cock in those velvet walls of yours he so adored, watching your mind slowly get dumber with each of his thrusts. How could you ever think you could scream another player’s name on the field, when his cock was fucking your little cunt, having you begging him for more? Burying himself to the depths of your spasming cunt, Karasu kissed your lips, his tongue forcefully penetrating your mouth, as he cummed inside. 
Your grip on his shoulders tightened desperately, feeling him bite down your neck, his cock resting on your pulsing walls. “But ngh— But I like them! How can I ngh— Not support them, just because you’re— You’re their rival?” you managed to utter through your lust clouded mind. Karasu shot his eyes up, his lips kissing the mark he had just finished leaving on your neck. He thought that after he had already fucked you through three orgasms, you would have given up on insisting on the matter, but it appeared that you still had some fight in you. Good, because he was only going to enjoy fucking that stupid idea out of your dumb little mind even more. 
“Do you really wanna start arguing about this again?” Karasu challenged you. Pulling himself out, he took a moment to marvel at his cum mixed with yours dripping down your hole and thighs. He landed a harsh slap on your cunt, making you wince, before his fingers dived into your drenched folds, curling up to hit that spot that had you losing the feeling of your legs. The satisfaction he earned from watching you completely submitting to his touch was indescribable. “I thought you were smart. Do I really need to spell it out for ya?” 
Pulling you off the dresser, Karasu turned you around, before he thrusted his cock into your cunt again. His hand wrapped around your neck, forcing you to watch yourself in the mirror moaning his name, begging him to go harder on you, your titties bouncing, as he slammed your hips on his, allowing him to hit deep inside you. “Do you really think this pretty mouth of yours is allowed to cheer for anyone else other than me?” He spanked your ass, his ears feasting on your whiny whimper, taking pleasure in the way your body jolted. He leant his face closer to yours, kissing the tears on your cheeks, his darkened gaze locking with yours in the mirror. 
Your moans were driving him mad, bringing him closer to the edge of ecstasy with just the sound of your voice. Only the thought of your pretty voice uttering another player’s name on the field vexed him, having him cumming into your cunt before he could realise it, your contracting walls milking every last drop of his seed. Lifting one of your legs up, holding it over the edge of the dresser, Karasu continued his relentless thrusting in this new angle, constantly assassinating your cervix over and over and over again in order to draw out more of your screams and moans. 
He couldn’t help the amused whistle that left his lips, noticing you move your hips against his on your own. “More— Ngh more—” you begged, already feeling yourself nearing your next orgasm. His hands cupped your breasts firmly, pinching your nipples with his fingers, as he leant to your neck to plant another hickey. “Aren’t ya quite greedy? You want my cock, yet you’re going to cheer for somebody else?” You whined, your hands gripping tightly the edge of the dresser, as you felt his cock ravaging your cunt. Your thoughts were slowly fading from your mind, Karasu fucking you into another surreal orgasm being the single thing you could concentrate on. And he took pleasure in seeing you get lost in the ecstasy he was providing you. 
“I— Fuck, alright! I won’t cheer for them ngh— Just— Just please don’t stop!” You finally broke. Karasu was pleased with your answer, your sweet moans sending waves of pleasure throughout his body, as he maintained his relentless pace of thrusting his cock into your cunt. He couldn’t help but marvel at your desperate state, his hands gripping tightly onto the flesh of your hips, leaving behind bruises, whilst his lips painted hickeys all over your neck and shoulders. He was sure you had learnt your lesson by now, but just in case, he was going to fuck your mind into oblivion, to the point where the only thing you knew was his name. Only then would he be sure that you were never going to bring something like this up again. 
Ness is the type who would absolutely worship every part of your body. His love for you rivals his devotion to his emperor. You never expected this dramatic change in his character when you frustratedly expressed that you didn’t really like cheering for someone else, yet his next rival was your favourite team, so you couldn’t help it. “Hmmm… Is that so?” he murmured, his lips barely touching your breast. In an instant, his loving slow pace took a turn for a vicious thrusting of his cock in your cunt, his teeth sinking into your flesh, leaving a lovely bite mark on your breast. 
“N-Ness ngh— Slow down—” you cried from the sudden change in his demeanour. However, the adorable Ness that was wrapped around your little finger, heeding to your every command and showering you with pleasure did not yield this time. If he were honest, he did feel a tiny bit hurt by your announcement of support to his opponents. He wanted you to have eyes only for him. Who else was going to treat you like the goddess that you are if not him? The only person he could think of was Kaiser, whom he had shared you with a couple times. 
The shard of sadness was soon replaced by an amused smirk, his magenta eyes shimmering with lust. “Oh, sweetheart, do you really think that your cheers will help your favourite team win against us?” he mocked. “They’re just some third-rate team anyways. And we have Michael Kaiser on our side. Besides…” Whilst his one hand held your leg hooked around his waist, the other cupped briefly your cheek, before sliding down, caressing gently your body. He folded your breast harshly, smiling at the moan he drew out of you. “What made you think you could ever cheer for somebody other than us?” 
Your head was thrown back on the pillows, your hands gripping tightly onto the bed sheets. The next orgasm that was just around the corner had your whole body quivering in satisfaction underneath him. Still drilling your velvet walls that contracted around his throbbing cock, Ness leant over you, kissing away the tears that were falling from your eyes. Your eyes widened, as you felt his movements slowing down, until they finally came to a halt. You were about to lose your mind at him denying your orgasm, watching you panting underneath him desperate for release. 
He caught your arms and held them above your head with one hand, using the other to support himself, his cock buried balls deep in your cunt and completely immobilised within your pulsing walls. Your desperation excited him, noticing how you tried to move your hips and gain some kind of much needed friction. He smirked, as he pressed his lower body harder on yours, halting your pathetic attempts to get what you wanted. “Should I let you cheer for them and then crush them before your very eyes? Or maybe I should just call Kaiser now and tell him about this.” Before you could process what he had just said, Ness grabbed his phone from the nightstand beside you, his cock started thrusting into your cunt, as he dialled Kaiser’s number. 
He fucked your cunt, whilst talking to him without so much as stuttering. Meanwhile, you bit your lower lip, trying desperately to keep yourself quiet, even though Kaiser had already feasted on your moans a couple times. But your action only drove Ness into pounding harder, forcing you to scream, as a stream of tears was running down your cheeks. “Oh, love, you disappoint me.” You heard Kaiser speak in a condescending tone from the other side of the phone. “Wouldn’t you agree that cheering for someone else is an insult to your partner?” Even if you wanted to reply to him, the words were stuck on your throat, only moaning whimpers escaping your lips, feeling Ness deny you yet another orgasm. 
“N-Ness…” you cried. “Please… I wanna cum…” He was driving you insane, fucking you to the heavens only to stop just as you had reached the gates. Ness found your current state cute to the point he switched to his camera to show his beloved emperor how utterly pathetic you looked at the moment. The stillness of his cock in your cunt vexed you and the ferocious thrusts that followed a while after you had calmed down had you a babbling little mess. Your mind was fading away, the urge to release usurping control. “I won’t ngh— I won’t support them in the match! Just please ngh— Please, let me cum—” you cried. 
If you were denied another orgasm, you were sure you were going to lose your mind for sure. Terror was written all over your face, pleasing the both of them. Ness released your arms, then leant down and captured your lips in a rough kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your fingers running through his locks and pulling them, as you felt your impending orgasm slowly reaching its peak. “Alright, love, you can cum.” Kaiser’s voice echoed in your ears, as Ness sent you over the edge of ecstasy. You pulled his hair harder, your cunt creaming around him, your breath taken away by the pleasure you had been denied all this time. Your eyes locked with his, dazed in the trance of your orgasm, as Ness kissed your lips softly. 
Your head was pressed into the pillow, muffling your moans, as you lay on your stomach, taking all that he had to give you. He felt insulted, hearing that you were going to cheer for his rival. Before your stupid mouth could utter words that were sure to irritate the king more, Barou forced you in the pillow, his cock relentlessly pounding into your sweet cunt. He brought his hand down, slapping your ass, caressing the flush red mark that he left behind. He smirked, hearing your muffled sobs and observing your hands gripping tightly onto the bed sheets. 
His hand wrapped around your neck, pulling your face off of the pillow. He hovered over you, his hot breath fanning your ear, sending shivers down your spine, whilst he continued unfettered the obliteration of your cunt. “I dare you to repeat your words,” he growled in your ear, irritation lacing his voice. You were lost for words, the only word leaving your mouth being his name. Barou grabbed your arm that was still holding the bed sheets, his other one turning your face to the side, hungrily kissing your lips. He bit down on your lower lip, making you moan, taking the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth. 
He traced your arm with his hand, slightly grazing over your back, before he grabbed your breast, making you moan in your kiss. Your tight cunt clenched around him, your slick coating his cock, as you moaned his name while reaching your release. Barou kept thrusting into you, soon his own orgasm hitting him hard, his hot cum painting over your walls. He left a couple hickeys and bite marks all over your shoulders and neck, relishing in the sight of you trembling in his arms. 
Your breath hitched, as you felt his fingers teasing your clit. Your mind was still hazy from your orgasm and Barou was already working towards your next. Looking over your shoulder, you locked eyes with him. A fierce raging fire was burning in his red eyes, ready to devour all the tears from your eyes. “Do you think I’ll let you cheer somebody else’s name when I’m on the field?” Barou asked, every word carrying venom that slowly sipped into your ears. “Don’t fuck with me.” He bit your neck, your whimper pleasing him greatly. “There is only one person worthy of your cheers. And that’s me.” 
He was pressing you down on the mattress with his body weight, his large form hovering over you. With each hard slap that ended up on your ass, you cried out, the stinging pain coursing through your veins to your entire body. Your breath was forced out of your body with each forceful thrust of his cock in your velvet walls, which brought you closer and closer to your next release. Your head fell on the mattress, your body overwhelmed by pleasure, only for Barou to grab a handful of your hair and yank your head back up, earning a whiny hiss from you, which amused him. 
Barou bit your shoulder, as he unloaded his seed deep in your cunt, your mixed essences dripping down your thighs. He fucked his cum back into your hole, pulling himself back up, his hands grabbing the flesh of your hips firmly, forming light bruises on your skin that were sure to worsen the longer he held on to you. Yet, the king couldn’t care less, as he kept slamming your reddened ass on his cock, his balls hitting your sensitive cunt and adding to the pleasure you were fucked into. “Let me ask you again, slut. Who will you cheer for in the game?” His threatening tone reverberated through your body, your cunt clenching around him, as you reached the peak of yet another orgasm. 
You took a few deep breaths, trying to collect the few thoughts that had persevered amidst his merciless assault, as Barou continued to fuck you through your release, reaching his own. You turned your head over your shoulder and locked gazes with him, your eyes momentarily shutting, as the stinging pain of yet another hard smack on your ass rushed through you. “Y-You…” you stuttered between moans. “I-I’ll cheer for you…” Your puffy eyes pleased him, knowing that the pleasure he was giving you had you crying in blissful satisfaction. 
But most of all, your submission to him was the icing on top of the cake, sending him on a spiral of hard thrusts, till he completely buried himself in your cunt, cumming in your drenched walls, his movements coming to a halt. Barou smacked your ass once more, before hovering over you, biting down on your neck once more, as his arms wrapped around your body. “Don’t ever forget that.” 
Riding his cock, you looked down at him who was mesmerised by the goddess on top of him. His demeanour changed, becoming darker and more lustful than before. You gasped, feeling him thrusting up from underneath you. His tattooed hand wrapped around neck, his briars enshrouding you, sending shivers throughout your entire body, as his eyes looked in yours with irritation, tinted with envy. The very thought of you screaming somebody else’s name in the upcoming match made jealousy course through every fibre of his body. “Who do you belong to?” he asked you, his grip on your neck tightening pleasurably, throwing you into a delightful daze. 
You caught his hand with your trembling ones, moaning his name with tears falling from your eyes, whilst his cock ravaged your sensitive cunt from the prior orgasms he had granted you. His free hand slapped your ass harshly, before caressing the red print that was left behind. Kaiser lay back and observed your every reaction, your every jolt, your every moan. He landed a few more painful spanks on your ass, noting how each time you screamed his name loudly, your cunt tightening and creaming his cock that abused your cervix. 
“You think your little mouth is allowed to cheer for anyone other than me?” Kaiser asked you, lust shining in his eyes, along with a glimpse of his devious plan. Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull, moans and whimpers escaping your lips, as his cock repeatedly hit your cervix, making your body quiver in pleasure. He let out a moan, feeling your cunt tightening around him, coating his cock with your slick. His own orgasm followed right after, fucking the both of you through your highs, the symphony of sounds that escaped your lips echoing in the bedroom. 
His hand released your neck, trailing down your body, until it finally found its resting place on your waist. His eyes were always locked with yours, watching the never-ending stream of tears that fell from your eyes and stained your cheeks, thinking how utterly beautiful you looked as he fucked your brains out. Lost in the daze of your orgasm, your body gave out, falling forward on top of his. Kaiser smirked as your fingers ran through his blond locks, pulling them, while you moaned his name in desperation right next to his ear. He kept one hand on your hips, forcing you down, matching him as he thrusted up, whilst the other wrapped over your back, keeping you in place. 
As your cunt spasmed around him, another orgasm overtaking your body, Kaiser kissed your lips roughly, his tongue penetrating your mouth and subjugating yours. His ferocious pounding into your cunt was far from coming to a stop. As he pulled back, resting his head on the pillow, he cupped your cheek and admired your face, moans escaping your parted lips. The squelching sounds of your drenched cunt reverberated in the room, curving a prideful smirk on his lips. He smacked your ass once more, his eyes feasting in the little whimper you let out, accompanied by the shuddering of your body. 
“I wonder what your favourite team would think of you if they saw you now, shamelessly moaning my name, creaming my cock,” Kaiser murmured in your neck, before biting down. He sucked your flesh, creating a gorgeous large hickey, licking the sensitive skin afterwards. “Your tight cunt pulsing around me, begging me to fuck you harder,” he added with a wicked smirk. Your thoughts were long lost, his cock pounding into your cunt being the sole thing you could pay attention to at the moment. It didn’t take him long before he had you mumbling incoherent words, making you the sweet bubbling mess he oh fuck so endlessly adored. Your fingers were pulling his hair, making him moan out your name in his slutty voice that only made you crave him more. 
Orgasm after orgasm, Kaiser was overstimulating you to the point you were entirely broken and at his discretion to use as he pleased. His arms were wrapped around your body, his briars binding your bodies together, as he continued relentlessly flooding you with immense pleasure that made your mind numb. You were squirming in his arms, too sensitive by this overwhelming voluptuousness that inebriated you, making you more and more addicted to him. “K-Kaiser ngh—” Your voice was caught in your throat, your brain unable to form any sort of sentence, to the emperor’s delight. 
“If you dare cheer for anyone except me, I will lock you up in here and fuck you till you pass out,” Kaiser threatened, possessiveness lacing his voice, before he crushed his lips on yours. His cock thrusted up in your cunt once more, prior to him burying himself in your velvet walls, filling you up with his cum. Your body was shuddering from the pleasure, your hands slowly letting go off his hair, caressing his neck, before resting to his shoulders. Pulling back, he caressed your cheek gently, locking his gaze with yours for a brief moment, before he kissed you again, feeling your cunt clenching around him, not quite satisfied yet. Kaiser smirked, as he smacked your ass. “Greedy little whore.”
“Yours…” you managed to utter. Your moan made him widen his eyes in shock, which was curved as a smirk on his lips the very next moment. His hands gripped tightly the flesh of your hips, leaving bruises on your skin, as he started slamming you on his cock once more. Kaiser buried himself on the crook of your neck, branding you with his marks, making a trail from your neck to your collarbone and finally to your breasts. Your name escaped his lips, as he cummed in your tight walls once more, before capturing your lips, feeling you reach your own orgasm. 
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© strawchocoberry — do not copy, repost, translate or reuse my work
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