#the original sketch was much more gruesome
lionpawsdiary · 3 months
Did the cats who left our two protagonists get killed along their journey (possibly as some sort of divine retribution by Starclan for abandoning both an Elder and a Kit) or was that just a gameplay choice to explain why they never return or pop up again?
They were killed! In-game I just hit the auto-kill button for everyone who wasn't relevant and then spun the narrative. If I manage to keep these two alive, this blog should (hopefully) unravel the mystery of what killed them and why.
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mariocki · 6 months
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Parasite (1982)
"That thing on your stomach..."
"A new strain of parasite. I deserve it, in a way. I created it."
"For the Merchants? Why?"
"I thought for the government. They're so mixed up with the Merchants now, they work for one another. This 'thing', as you call it, is growing. It's dormant now but it will soon grow larger... and kill me."
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katiekatdragon27 · 8 months
Guys sorry, I am not immune to Hazbin/Helluva propaganda. I am also not immune to criticizing the designs and character motivations.
So! Let’s start with one of the most redesigned characters in the show: Beelzebub^^
So, sorta hot take, I really like the idea behind Beelzebub in the show. Ik "boo tomato tomato," but hear me out. I like how she is meant represent the hellhounds she rules over (ik she actually is a reference to Jay Jay, but let me have this connection PLEASE). However, the source material is very bug-like and compact.
The HB Beelzebub is NOT that bug like. Or compact.
With this redesign, I decided to pick all the stuff I liked about the og, and what I wanted to see more of. I kept her colors and general vibe but made her more built like a bumble bee with more inspo from the fly Beelzebub.
This is what I got.
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Progress doodles n stuff below cut (it's gonna be an essay, y'all know the drill):
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(She was much sharper in the sketch lol)
Anyways, I always imagined Beelzebub to be, y'know, more BEE like. The show did not give me that, so I did it myself. I made her wings bigger, gave her an actual bee tail and face (with the proboscis and stinger too), and more stripes and fluff. I also made her small and slightly chubby. Gotta hone the bumble bee.
I thought the hair made the original design too cluttered, but I wanted to keep the party colors. To compromise, I stuck all the goop in her tail. It sort of works like a firefly's abdomen and a lava lamp. I also nullified her cloths, so they would blend more with the body and help pop the neon colors in her eyes, antenna, and tail.
When she stands at her normal form, she is the smallest of the sins. But when she is in her "true" form (that I have not illustrated yet), she is the biggest of the sins. This is a reference to how gluttony starts small but gets really large over time, both mentally and physically.
As for additional details, I wanted to keep her "foxness". So in a brilliant brainstorm of ideas, I came up with the concept of "Masks". Basically, all the sins I'll redraw will have them. The masks are meant not only to represent their hellborn, but to represent how the sins pretend to be good things at first.
Stuff like "Rest a little more, it won't hurt" and "Be proud and don't care for what others say" are how they present on the surface, but if you continue those mindsets in a toxic way, it turns into sloth and pride and stuff instead of self-care and being proud of things.
For Bee specifically, it's "Have a little more, you deserve it!" and she has a hell-hound/fox mask. This also feeds into her personality change.
In the og, she's a party animal who cares for... moderation??? Yeah, I hate this about Helluva Boss. Why is it so hard to write *sshole/negligent people in power and why is it only Mammon who's allowed to be like this? Give me more morally dark grey powerful people!
That's where Bee is different for the redesign. She runs te lowest ring in hell and is in charge of hellhounds, the lowest species in hell. B/c of this, she is much more lenient compared to the higher ranked sins in hell, which is why she is often seen talking and hanging out with lower classes. (She gets slack for this from the other sins). She is also the only sin who has had open relations with lower class citizens all the way down to hellhounds. However, none of them last. Most of her relations outside of the sins are one-night stands and flings.
As for how she sorta sucks: she is still a party animal, yes, but she purposely chooses to be blind and ignore all the suffering that occurs at the parties. People have fun, but they overindulge, and as a result get sick, sad, and violent. However, Bee leaves the parties before they get this way. She does not want to see it. She is negligent. When she comes back to the party aftermaths, she quickly gets her workers to clean everything, so she does not have to discover anything gruesome and sad. She just wants to live, party, and see people "happy". (Sort of like Gatsby's parties minus the pining for a single woman who does not care for her).
... I wonder what would happen if that mental image she had shattered? I guess only the future will tell.
But anyway, if you have any questions or characters you recommend I design or redesign, feel free to ask lol.
I hope this made at least a little sense. Have a lovely day^^
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crystalkitty1220 · 1 month
What’s Curse!IBVS? :0
Guess this is gonna be my monthly check-in
Curse!IBVS is an IBVS horror AU heavily inspired by Razmerry's Warriors AU "The Cursed Three". I thought the concept of "What if the main characters' powers were actually harmful?" was really cool and wanted to see if I could twist the IBVS characters' powers in a similar way. I think I've deleted most of my old posts about it because I quite simply just didn't like it, and I've slowly been reworking it ever since.
Trigger warning for general spooky stuff, non-graphic body horror, major character death, child death, unintentional hanging, unintentional self-injury and probably a bunch of other things.
The easiest powers to curse-ify were Nevin and Edward's. Admittedly, Nevin's curse was really just a mix of Lionblaze and Jayfeather's from Razmerry's AU (because Lion has super strength and Jay has empathy, and Nevin has both plus a secret third thing and also an aura). Since last time I've posted anything about it, I've shimmied the curse around a bit into something that feels more unique and fitting for him.
Most difficult was between Chris and Dez. I've still got nothing for Dez because I don't want to make it too similar to Nevin or Edward's "be super careful at all times" curses. Chris, on the other hand, doesn't even really have a power of his own?? In the first and second versions, Charlie was some demon with a grudge against the entire Jackson family or whatever, but I just don't really feel like that works. So I've kept him and Chris being a bit closer to their originals, but Charlie's ghost situation is worse, and Chris gets no benefits. As I implied in my last post, if I actually wrote some kind of fic or something, Chris would be the main character as to ease the reader into the curses.
I could keep typing, or I could just copy-paste all of my rewrite notes into this post. Keep in mind these were written in a google doc that I shared with @echosoftheflower, so I might have some stuff directed to them.
Updated Curse!IBVS notes
•Isaac: Drawings will always be alive, even if he doesn’t take them off the page. Drawings removed from the page will always move in strange and unnatural ways, and look kinda fucked up. When they run out of time, the drawings die a gruesome death (unless they remain on a page, in which case they stay alive and watching until the art is destroyed). Just a minor god complex. Appearance does change to look more sketch-like over time, though I'm removing the part about his specific sketches getting tattooed onto his skin.
•Edward: With any sudden movement of his hands, strings will grab and strangle/destroy anything in front of them. They will actively seek out something to wrap around, and never miss their target. He never told his family because of guilt over what happened to Barry. [Added note: I'll elaborate later.] He wears gloves, but that only directs the strings back to his arms, where they dig in. He’s grown quite used to that pain by now. His bones are really strong, they basically just can’t break (except a half-hearted punch from Nevin would crack them quite easily). His skin's also pretty tough. [Note: I really only made his bones and such stronger so that his hands don't just get snapped by his own strings. That's not due to a lack of him trying.] His intuition is also strengthened, so it’s less like random hunches and more like just knowing things. He never learned about anyone else’s powers, and he doesn’t remember a certain time when he realized they had them, at some point he just knew. His intuition will probably never break the fourth wall, but no promises. (Debating: His intuition also tells him about things happening in other AUs, so he can never be sure which hunches are real and which aren’t.) [Note: Still considering that one.]
•Chris: honestly he might just be normal. charlie’s the supernatural one. No knife privileges, that's for sure.
•Charlie: things really can’t get much worse for him. Stronger? He can possess Chris for longer? I definitely want it to be impossible for him to be separated from Chris - maybe one or the other will die if such a ritual is attempted.
•Nevin: Super-strength so strong that touching anything with too much force will crush it. Empathy so strong that it’s nearly impossible to differentiate others’ emotions from his own. Aura so strong it’s.. actually not that bad compared to some multiversal entities I can name. He can prevent himself from destroying things by staying calm/positive and focusing (since his powers are tied to emotions), but the empathy combined with the aura makes it really hard to do that. [He needs to stay positive to control his strength, but he unintentionally causes fear in others, and then he's forced to feel that fear. Oof.] Goop shenanigans tbd.
•Drew: Colors take up most of his vision. Instead of his powers simply healing him, branches weave in and out of his skin, trying to patch up whatever’s wrong. Was hugged by Nevin once when they were kids. Got a bit of a Snow White situation going on at the moment, but more crushed and looking vaguely like the aftermath of hanahaki. The blossoms [apple blossoms] are more vibrant than the universe’s color palette generally allows, and change color depending on nearby [or his own] emotions (if there are any). Sometimes people will hike near where Drew is, and if Nevin’s nearby he will always scare them away. Nevin can still sense Drew's emotions, and Drew can even kinda tell what Nevin’s feeling when he’s nearby.
•Dez: [Very small image of "He hurls his thunderbolt!"] [Suggestions from Echos:] Forgetfulness? Seizures?
•Bullet point for Harley [I'm still anticipating the reveal of him having powers]
Aesthetic [Personal notes for when I'm drawing, or for Echos]
•Artstyle inspiration: Courage the Cowardly Dog, BatIM, Tim Burton, abitfrank, LavenderTowne, Paprikup, Litchi Kitti, and ofc Razmerry themself.
•All colors are dull, except for the ones in Isaac’s drawings (mostly monochrome, but the colors that are there are uncomfortably saturated) and the flowers from Drew.
•Constant cloudy day. The sun and moon aren’t visible, but there is a lighter patch in the sky around where they would be. No stars either. Sunsets and sunrises are sepia yellow, or sometimes a desaturated red. It seems like there are always fewer clouds on nights when Nevin visits Drew - stars are actually visible then, and so it the moon (fullness of moon should reflect Nevin's current state).
•Tree branches curl a lot and tend to have thorns. Knots are large and cause the tree’s shape to be curvier. Roots stick close to the surface. Most leaves are gone, despite it still being early fall.
•Bushes are similar to trees but with more thorns and fewer leaves.
•Animals will usually just be drawn as shadowy figures with unnaturally fast and sudden movements. When drawn with more detail, they’re spiky with pencil-thin necks, small eyes, no other facial features, needle-like teeth (if mouth is open), and bug-like limbs. They’re generally rare, as the impression should be given that there’s not much nature or life nearby.
•NPCs [background characters] are uncommon despite the school having the same number of students as in OG. When shown, they should be undetailed and unresponsive to the main characters, as if the school is populated by ghosts. In fact, there should be a lot more hushed, overlapping voices than visible NPCs, and none should be able to be traced back to any single person. NPC numbers should be increased when Nevin is the main focus, and they should be even more ghost-like, but louder. NPCs should be less ghost-like when Edward is the main focus.
•Water is dark and murky, but is water.
•The school has some murals around it, most of them courtesy of Isaac. The eyes in those paintings always seem to be watching you. A lot of the murals are of gray foxes attacking other schools’ mascots, in honor of wins Foxfield sports teams have had against those schools. I’m purposefully leaving how realistic/distorted/unsettling the paintings are up for interpretation because that depends on what you headcanon Isaac’s style to be.
[Describing the appearances pretty vaguely on purpose because I prefer when designs are left up to interpretation. The only canon details about their designs are the ones listed here. Any other details I draw should be considered headcanon - yes, even for my own AU]
•Funnily enough, Isaac is more similar to my original plan for him than the previous version was.
•Isaac’s appearance: Same fashion sense as OG (light clothing, which I find surprising considering this man looks like he has no body heat), and for the most part unchanged if not for the half of him that looks like it was drawn.
•The style of the sketch half is up for interpretation, depending on what you headcanon Isaac’s art style to be. It might be cool if you could see the style change as it gets closer to the non-sketch side, showing the progression of his style over time. So his ear would just be like a circle and his nose would be his current style. I didn’t do that in my concept sketches tho.
•He's gradually painting a design on his jacket, but only has half of it done at the moment.
•[Echos and I tend to come up with nicknames like this, just in case. Habit from the UTMV.] His multiversal nickname could be Sepia or Vignette, but Vignette might be more fitting for Ghost of Foxfield. Bistre could also work.
•Isaac's room is very decorated. His blanket is embroidered to look like a pile of snakes, which he thinks are pretty silly, but will try to constrict around anything (that isn't him) that the blanket is wrapped around. His closet doors are painted like a cave opening, but the handles look like two little glowing eyes in the darkness, and the stalactites and stalagmites look like teeth. His carpet has a dead tree on it, which looks an awful lot like a hand. There are eyes painted on the bottom ridge of his bedframe.
•At some point, Edward started chilling in the lair with the previous king’s squad, completely uninvited. This confused everyone who was not high school royalty. [Edward just kinda knew that he was gonna be the next king, and the current king knew it, too. No exchange necessary.]
•Edward? Blaming himself for the death of one of his peers? In an AU by one of us? It’s more likely than you’d think.
•[This part wasn't on the doc since it hasn't changed much, but I'll put it here for you] Some of you might be wondering why Barry hasn't been mentioned yet. That's because when Edward first got his powers, when he was trying to save Barry from the cliff, the strings caught onto Barry's neck. Edward was missing for a while - his strings caught on everything, digging deep into trees, cutting through branches and bushes, tugging him around, damaging his own skin - and when he was found, he was in his family's own garage, wearing a pair of heavy-duty gloves that were much too big for him. Barry was found before Edward, but Ed remained silent about the death, or anything that had happened while he was missing. Growing up, he's regularly brought to speak to therapists (and sometimes police), but he still refuses to talk about it.
•Edward’s appearance: Outfit almost identical to OG, plus a pair of gloves. He usually keeps his hands relaxed in his letterman’s pockets. His hair is a lot messier, as he doesn’t spend much time on it.
•Was gifted a pair of gloves from Isaac. These gloves have bramble thorns embroidered on them.
•Chris and Nevin become friends very quickly, but a part of it was just because Nevin thought Chris might be able to talk to Drew. Zombie bush things are kinda similar to ghosts, right? Right?
•Man, I wonder whose aesthetic should be based on black-and-white movies? Does anyone quite fit that description? Maybe a certain oreo?
•I’m in love with the Murder By Bramble color palette. Definitely going with something like that. The pop of red is just *affectionate popcat noises* [For context, Murder By Bramble is a really cool Warrior Cats Multi-Animator Project which I have on my playlist for Curse inspiration.] [Also, any time I draw anything for Curse, the style will be changed a bit to fit the character it's centered around. For Chris, the colors would be almost full black-and-white. Normally (or when centered around Isaac, who has the default), however, they'd just be desaturated.]
•Drew-centered vibes are heavily inspired by the Brokenstar Absinth PMV. Psychedelic, bright contrasting colors with complex, cluttered patterns and very shaky lines. Hollyleaf Look Away PMV vibes, too, but more for Nevin. Litchi Kitti’s art is such a huge inspiration for me and I will not stop gushing about it, actually.
•Apple blossoms and thorns. That’s so much of his aesthetic.
•I’m vaguely imagining those flameless fireworks from MLP for the flowers, but in apple blossom form.
•How did Drew get to Foxfield? [Comment from Echos: trunk] Good question. I’m going to say after the mess Nevin made when he got his super strength, his grandmother showed up because his father and stepmother were afraid of him. She took Nevin back to where she was living and Drew was moved to a hospital near them because she thought he should be where Nevin could easily visit. Then the doctors started pointing out the fucking tree branches growing in this boy and making it nearly impossible to perform surgery, and cutting the branches seemed to be painful, so at some point, Grandma Jovel took him home. It was a little difficult to get him to Foxfield when they moved, but they managed to do it.
•Religious Nevin? In my Horror AU? It’s more likely than you’d think.
•Nevin was homeschooled up until middle or high school, to get better control of his powers before going into public spaces with a lot of emotions. Instead of having moved to Foxfield in 2017, another possibility is that he moved there after the incident and just wasn’t in public school until 2017. While that would clear up Drew’s half of the plot a little, I think Nevin’s experiences in previous schools are an integral part of his character, so keeping at least one year of that feels crucial.
•Nevin’s appearance: Hair is curly because trying to use a flat iron would probably be dangerous. His eyes are constantly cyan, but usually not glowing (too brightly). Wears a smart watch and a second ‘watch’ with a little keycard in it. He’ll sometimes put his hands in his pockets but he’s usually afraid of ripping his jacket.
•His vibes shall be weirdcore-y in the sense that some things are hyperrealisitc. Consider: making him much less defined (scribbly, lineless, etc.) at points, or adding some hyperrealistic pieces of stuff nearby (petals of a flower, etc.) into his hair or stuck on his clothes. [All to symbolize how much of him his environment makes up, and how little he can be sure of what's really his own feelings.]
•Nevin has a little pencil holder thing that attaches to his pointer finger so he can still write, he just has to be careful not to break the part that goes around his finger.
•The Jovel house is set up to make it as easy as possible to do everything while applying the least amount of force necessary. The front door has a card reader that reacts to Nevin’s watch. Voice-activated things are very handy, especially Siri or Alexa or whatever the Jovels have. The electricity bill is a bitch, but the constant repairs would have been worse. Anything that can’t be used electronically has some sort of contraption attached to it, mostly of Nevin’s own design.
•Nevin and Edward kinda mirror each other, having similar curses and backstories. But while Edward will slowly recover, I have absolutely no intention of letting Nevin do so.
•Dez [yeah i got nothing]
•Louis? [Comment from Echos: Puella Magi Madoka magic]
Aaand that's all in my doc. I don't think I'm forgetting anything? You can ask more questions but I probably won't answer until next month.
Concept art below (mostly for writing; it helps me remember what to describe, or get into the vibe)
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Heyo, it's been a while, but I've added onto the Dragon Priest!Chrysanthe AU— where @99corentine 's lovely ldb Chrysanthe is a reincarnated Dragon Priest.
It's back, but, with a twist! This is actually the product of an AU of the AU ( thanks to @tomatotimes ), where Nonvul manages to survive his ( quite gruesome ) injuries because Miraak escapes Apocrypha and saves him ( and Krotumir, too. )
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The lyrics are from the song “Landfill” by Daughter, and it honestly fits their situation so, so well.
Tomato theorized that there would be VERY HIGH tensions between these two Dovahkiin after Nonvul wakes up, since there's their inherent soulmated-ness mixed with the pure hatred Nonvul definitely feels towards Miraak because he betrayed the Dragon Cult.
We spoke at length about it— and it somehow manages to be more angsty than the original AU. Tomato has done a few sketches about this idea, and I have this artwork here, but it sounds like something fun to explore. One would then wonder,.. what happens to Chrysanthe, if Nonvul survives?
I hope you like it as much as I do!
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simandthedimbulbv2-0 · 10 months
Mmperhaps blips lore if you haven't done that? Been thinking of them nonstop .. your design for them is so fun!!<3
You got it, pal 👉👉
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Lore: Was originally an overweight arcade employee and maintenance man named Bil Soupy. Often teased and dismissed for his physique and fascination with electronics, Bil spent his life as an outcast and became more than a little misanthropic. His few sources of joy were the upkeep and programming of the machines at the arcade where he worked. Over time, the cabinets consumed his life; not only did he adore them, but he also took note of the attention they received from the customers at the arcade which he saw as a kind of affection. Eventually ‘unraveling’, Bil somehow transplanted himself into a cabinet he’d been working on and left it behind for his boss to put into the arcade. The media eventually reported him missing and presumed dead, but as we know, he was doing perfectly well inside the box.  Assorted info under the cut
The ‘Blips You!’ game is almost never the same twice, but always extremely engaging, to the point of being addictive. Both infuriating and hypnotic, it has a tendency to drive people with certain dispositions to madness.
It is somehow possible to cheat, but nobody has ever been able to ‘win’ the game.
Speaking of, although he’s unwinnable, Blips likes to reward worthy opponents for their hard work with little ‘prizes’ like bonus stages, cutscenes and unique music. 
While his mechanics are pretty much those of a classic 80’s cabinet, Blips’ processor being a human brain allows him a lot more leeway when it comes to the game’s actual content. For example, he can display a tonne of colours and sprites at the same time without flickering, as well as produce more fluid animation, complicated gameplay and long running storylines. He can even ‘save’ the games of particular players if he wants, and pick back up with them when they visit the arcade again. 
Blips aspirates coins to improve his conductivity. 
Despite rarely moving, the near constant flow of electricity prevents his muscles from atrophying. He’s unnervingly strong, though not at all speedy.
His metabolism is extremely slow so he only really gets ‘hungry’ when he’s been injured in some way and requires more biomass to heal himself. Anything he can’t ‘digest’ (clothes and plastic, usually) he coughs up in a sort of owl-pellet-like clump. 
Smells fucking awful but nobody really seems to notice.
Bil’s body initially retained a human shape inside the cabinet, but over time it deformed and mutated into the disturbing flesh blob he is today. He doesn’t particularly care though; as far as he’s concerned, his looks haven’t changed much, and it’s not like they matter anymore anyway. 
(My initial concept for him was an actual man who was half living in and half fused to his arcade cabinet; he had the appearance of a partially flayed corpse with wires mimicking muscles under tattered skin. This was, however, a little too gruesome (and beyond my artistic abilities) so I turned to the secondary concept of the arcade machine being completely full of flesh and organs like a living creature. With a little extra inspiration from Migi (of Parasyte fame) I ended up with the flabby goofball you see here)
While usually surprisingly level-headed, Blips can go a little crazy when his game is involved. He also tends to be rather petty and jealous when it comes to attention from the arcade-goers. Hand-held devices drive him nuts. 
It sort of goes without saying, but his moral compass has become a little warped since becoming a flesh eating video game hybrid. Even so, his main interests are simply having fun and being adored.
Though initially not particularly interested in romance, he eventually meets and falls head over heels (er, screen over coin drawer?) for a certain Sexy DVD who ends up at his arcade by chance. 
and here are some of the concept sketches and later silly doodles of him outside his box
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(tungl may have murdered the quality)
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ask-cueball · 2 years
Scrapped Concepts
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This scene never made it into the final comic, but I'm still willing to call it semi-canon. Ergo was working to gain Cubot's trust and make him lower his guard, even going so far as to attempt to be affectionate with him in ways he'd observed Orbot do. He's not pleased with having to do this, but...anything to be free again.
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Ergo's time trapped in Cubot's head was originally going to be a much more gruesome scene, with broken limbs, stretched wires, and leaking essential fluids as shown in this unfinished early concept sketch. However it was later decided that the blank, glitched silhouette was more suited to portray Ergo's actual state: it was his code torn up and trapped inside Cubot after all, not his body.
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We'd briefly considered actually showing the process of Ergo swapping bodies with Orbot, but due to issues of pacing with this idea, the sort of fade-to-black alternative turned out to be much more impactful.
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unpleasant-ghoul · 7 months
Oh, hey, look! A post by me that's not about some video game!
I don't normally post shit that's still in progress. But I like the creature and i want to share because I might never finish it (kinda complex for my current skill. Might get too frustrated by the idea/ability difference and drop. happens often)
So, here. Here is it and the whole process of how such things came to be.
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This is a pseudocentaur. Those things started for me a long time ago, and it's gonna be a lot to read, so I, ever-merciful, will hide the rest under a spoiler. Here:
So. A few years ago i was reading about Nuckelavee, started sketching, ended up with this:
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You can tell from the human-for-scale interacting with it, that even then it had some vague shadow of being more than just a random monster. Not quite a character, but has a potential of getting there. You can also see that that version involved no actual horses, merely a vaguely equine thing that was truly the part of the pseudocentaur. And it was fucking massive.
For a few years it remained forgotten. Then a couple months ago I found it again and decided that I like it! It's neat! But it needs some love and also some actual thought put into it.
And so I started thinking on how's and why's and also on the matter of "does this have to be so big, when my love of things that are fucking ginormous has already led me to an ever-growing number of dragon OC's with absolute MINIMUM height at shoulders being 5. Fucking. Meters?"
So after thinking for some time and drawing for some time I got this page:
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(as you can see, size of the creature reduced. Greatly. Also, has actual horse now)
And a much better idea of what the fuck we even have here. And I will share that idea with you whether you want it or not. I'm in a sharing mood. Suffer.
Pseudocentaurs as they are now are parasitic creatures! They infect horses (other animals of similar size can be used, but results vary. Smaller beings can be infected, but don't survive full transformation. It can be used as a way of healing in a pinch, as long as the larva is killed just as the body finished repairing the pre-existing damage before going through the whole "neck splitting open" thing). But they're sapient and generally not evil, so they tend to have standards.
Most, unless there's no choice, prefer dying or even freshly dead hosts, since a dying one gets to continue living, even if it looks gruesome, and a dead one is, well, dead. So nobody's robbed of a whole potential life of Being A Normal Horse. In the case with dead hosts, pseudocentaur takes full control over the body, while with a living host it's usually basically an idealized, fairytale version of riding... Except without ever separating again. I say usually because they're as varied as humans. Some, despite it being frowned upon, take over perfectly healthy animals and essentially pilot them around without any regard for their own wishes.
On the matter of anatomy: the host's original mouth essentially disappears. You can see that: it's just an upper jaw, no tongue, no nothing. The head is not for eating anymore, just breathing (that mass on the horse head's close-up? Extended trachea!) and providing most of the auditory information, as the parasite's hearing is not all that great. And keeping an eye out for danger. Four is better than two! Especially with, again, a living host that can spot things on its own rather than being a fancy horse-shaped periscope.
Now, how does this thing EAT? Not with the parasite's mouth! That one's just for speaking. Not all even choose to have it at all. Instead, there is a circular, fanged, maw at the joint of the host and parasite's bodies. Food (and the body is repurposed for an omnivorous diet during the transformation) has to be shoved in there with the parasite's own hands (or with someone else's. It's not rude to scrape leftovers off your plate and right into your pseudocentaur friend's waiting maw). It's not the most convenient way to eat, but it is how it is. Do it or starve.
Beyond the splitting neck, the loss of jaw, the development of the maw, and the whole "you're an omnivore, Harry" thing, there can sometimes be no changes at all, or there can be some relatively subtle (compared to everything else) stuff: keratinous plating growing on legs, sometimes lengthening of the tail. Might lose some/all fur, might not.
Pseudocentaurs reproduce through two methods: true reproduction, making a whole NEW pseudocentaur is, well. You probably guessed. Two pseuds with living hosts of opposite sexes... Yea. Results in what at first is a normal foal, but bears the pseudocentaur larva in it and transforms after the horse is more or less adult. Those born pseuds are much more in tune with their hosts and, as I've said already, are fully NEW beings. New personality, no experience, they learn as they go. Like children! Except much cuter.
The other, and more common way, is releasing a "fly" made of one's own flesh to seek a new host. The resulting "new" pseudocentaur will have the original's exact personality and same memories up to the point of separation. It can be done voluntarily, or happen on its own if the current body is too damaged. If done voluntarily, the original continues to exist, so it's basically two separate instances of the same dude, just using different hosts and being in different places.
So, there ya have it. Pseudocentaurs. Base inspiration, as mentioned at the start, is the Nuckelavee, additional inspirations for the recent changes were Necromorphs and Illithids.
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practically-an-x-man · 11 months
surprise! your OCs are required to attend Professor Barbara Allen's forensics lectures for a semester! what's the ratemyprofessor review they give her and how do they do?
oooh bestie you have NO idea what's coming, I literally WAS a forensics major before I switched to trade school :D
some long answers here, so they'll be under the cut. thank you so much for the ask!
Ophelia: 5 stars. Loves the lecture, takes exceptionally detailed notes and ends up with curve-breaking high grades. Her only problem would be missing class due to late night hero work making her exhausted in the morning, but... well, she feels like Professor Allen's very familiar with that.
Jasper: 4.4 stars. They're a nursing student, so they don't mind gruesome pictures or high-intensity anatomy discussions, but they feel like Professor Allen just goes a bit too fast in the lectures (lol). They'd pull good grades, and probably end up with a bit of unintentional extra credit when Professor Allen lands in the ER with some unexplained cuts and bruises and Jasper's the one to stitch her up and send her on her way.
Kestrel: No rating. Probably didn't even show up to the first lecture. To be fair, pretty much all of their higher education has come from exploring and adventuring in the wilderness. They probably weren't even aware they'd been signed up for the lecture. (but don't take it personally, if they were there, they'd be sure to pay attention)
Rae: Originally rated 3.5 stars, but bumped it up to 4.5 after Prof. Allen was kind and understanding in offering her an extension. She did well enough in college the first time around (Masters in Foreign Language), but she also struggles with severe insomnia and some anxiety issues. At first, she probably say Prof. Allen as somewhat distant, but once she actually went up and talked to her and explained everything, she actually ended up with a renewed respect and finished the rest of the semester very well.
Robin: Hm... 3 stars. Not a bad class, but she's much more music-inclined than science-inclined, and having an ASL interpreter would've made the class a hell of a lot easier for her (that's not Professor Allen's fault, of course, but still wasn't the best experience for Robin). She'd probably end the semester decidedly neutral - not her favorite experience, but would also understand that it's probably a very enjoyable class for someone who enjoys the material a little more.
Madison: 4.5 stars. She likes psychology a lot, so she'd probably really enjoy a forensics class, and I feel like she'd like Professor Allen as an instructor. And I feel like she'd be able to keep up with the lectures pretty well! She's a quick thinker. If anything, she'd be a little irritated by the amount of studying she needs to do, but that's the only thing keeping her from a full 5 stars.
Quinn: It really depends. Either she'd get fed up with all the stifling structure and order of the class and end up dropping out (and rating Prof. Allen pretty low), or she'd actually find the material interesting and would end up at the top of the class. It's not really a matter of capability or intelligence, she's got plenty of both, but she'll only bother with the class if she enjoys the subject being taught. So... it's a coin flip.
Katherine: She wouldn't enjoy the class, but she'd rate Professor Allen highly anyway (4 or 5 stars). After all, she's a good professor, Katherine just isn't really a fan of that sort of subject. She's plenty smart, but she's much more artistic-minded than forensics would imply. The only reason she'd take the class to begin with is for the promise of forensic sketch artistry, but even that's only a week and a half out of the full semester.
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angstyyyangel · 1 year
𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓼 ˗ˏˋ ୨♡୧ ˎˊ˗ 𝓲'𝓶 𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓪. 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓿𝓲 <3 𝓲'𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮!! 𝓲 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓸𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓬 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝔂𝓹𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓸 𝓯𝓪𝓻, 𝓲 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓲𝓽. 𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓯𝓾𝓷.
i'm turning 18 this month.
i'm from alaska, ik pretty cool. i'm in oregon rn. i'm half european. my mom was fully european, and my dad was american obviously. at the end of the day, most americans have european roots, so even if ur european-american, ppl just see u as american 🙄 and tbh since i was born and raised in here and haven't visited europe, i don't really feel my roots that much, don't get me wrong i love my roots but i think i just got my dad's personality and mindset more, but i wanna visit europe so bad and get close to my roots!!
i like anything dark and weird. my aesthetic would be a mix of emo, coquette/morute and grunge/dark fairycore.
i listen to female artists like lana del rey, melanie martinez, ashnikko, clairo, marina, poppy, men i trust, girl in red, suki waterhouse, taylor swift, nicole dollanganger, lady gaga, avril lavigne, halsey, miley cyrus, billie eilish, honey gentry, banshee, kailee morgue, etc.
i listen to some male artists like mgk, corpse husband, role model, mac demarco, eyedress, mareux cavetown, yungblud, d4vd, lil peep, xxxtentacion, the weeknd.
i listen to a lot of bands/duos too, the neighborhood, chase atlantic, maneskin, my chemical romance, nirvana, deftones, linkin park, arctic monkeys, waterparks, paramore, evanescence, crystal castles, cults, etc are some of my favorites.
this is not all i listen to lol. i listen to almost everuthing soft/sad music, rap/hiphop, folkpop, 2000s music, weirdcore, latin music, etc. i love french and russian music too.
thrifting, baking, reading, journaling, sketching, watching horror movies, animated horror stories and true crime documentaries, listening to music, going out at night, etc r the things that bring me joy.
i also watch anime. another, mieruko chan, devils line, diabolik lovers, dance with devils, nana, death note, kemono jihen, phantom in the twilight, seraph of the end, rent a girlfriend, horimiya are by far some of the best animes i've watched. i've watched almost all the studio ghibli movies.
i love 2000s shows like tvd, gossip girl, gilmore girls, skins, pretty little liars, one tree hill, etc. and 2000's movies too (mean girls, clueless, not another teen movie, legally blonde, wild child, she's the man, what a girl wants, the crush, the girl next door, she's all that, the notebook.)
i'm a huge twilight stan. 🦇
my favorite movies are the virgin suicides, lolita, jennifer's body, gone girl, the love witch, girl interrupted, pearl, thirteen, black swan, ginger snaps, buffalo '66.
i like tv shows like the queens gambit, anne with an e, spinning out, dawson's creek, good witch, insatiable, shadowhunters, riverdale, chilling adventures of sabrina, i'm not okay with this, the society, deadly class, you, scream, the originals, fate: the winx saga, the end of the fucking world, the umbrella academy, the haunting, dahmer, clark, ratched, izombie, grand army, 13 reasons why, cobra kai, wednesday, elite, ragnarok, derry girls, baby, etc. i finished hemlock grove, teen wolf and the mist.
i have a list of almost all the movies i've watched but that's for another time.
i mostly watch supernatural/fantasy, horror/thriller, slasher/gruesome, psychological/mystery but i do watch romance/drama sometimes.
i don't watch comedy, only dark comedy/ deadpan.
i like sylvia plath.
i have a lot of celeb crushes but no 1. would be lily rose depp and bill skarsgård.
audrey hepburn is my role model.
i like watching yt too, i watch a lot of stuff. spooky stuff, comedy, vlogs, wieiad videos, a lot of food related stuff, edits. i like watching vogue beauty secrets. i listen to asmr, i'm sure u can imagine what kind 👁️👁️
sam and colby are my comfort youtubers. love jake's vlogs too.
some of my fave youtubers are kate brock, sadie crowell, sydney serena, sophia kleo, julia ayers, elle gibson, alia zaita, jazmin tyler, annika osterlund, blair walnuts, enya umanzor, eva meloche, joyish, fitgreenmind, isabela juliana, isabelle heikens, karissa love, alexandra andersson, romee strigd, kellymichalita, lani pliopa, lauren brodauf, leyla tavas, liezl jayne strydom, lydia campanelli, mina rome, olivia jade, oatmilkmakeup, rosie maio, etc.
i watch rebal d, duncanyounot, danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, chad chad, larray, ravon, alex meyers for laughs. benoftheweek and jordan cunningham is pretty good too.
what else can i say abt myself? here's some facts:
1. i'm obsessive, severely mentally deranged, delusional and unhinged.
2. i have 43 personalities.
3. basically a bimbo.
4. i love love love women.
5. i have a dark/dry humor.
6. silly, goofy, quirky and cursed is how i'd describe myself.
7. your local emo girl.
8. wanna be cool girl.
9. narcissist but also a self hater.
10. not a fact but you're gonna be in love with me.
11. i'm religious.
12. just a good girl that does bad things.
13. will destroy anything i come in contact with.
14. a hopeless romantic.
15. secretly a vampire 🤫🧛🏻‍♀️.
16. i don't play by the rules.
17. i don't bite unless you want me to.
18. unbothered and chic, that's how i like it.
19. can be a stubborn brat sometimes.
20. practically a grandma. (my friend said so 🤷🏻‍♀️)
21. i always need someone to tell me they're proud of me.
22. i love exploring and trying new things, making new friends so don't be shy.
23. i'm very open minded.
24. not secretive or mysterious, just misunderstood.
25. sometimes ppl can't tell if i'm being serious or sarcastic.
26. i suffer with depression and anxiety. i have a couple of mental disorders but bpd and ocd are the most serious and active ones. i have a bad temper. i'm indecisive and pretty impatient but working on that. i'm selfish and self-centered. easily bored.
27. some ppl say i give off serial killer vibes hmm.
28. my favorite color is black, guess i didn't even have to say it.
29. comfort food is banana bread. favorite is pasta.
30. i have a huge sweet tooth, i love sweets, baked goods, all of that. dark chocolate and snickers are two ways to my heart ❤️.
31. i'm lactose intolerant, but i just hate cows milk in general 🤢 i go for oat or almond milk but i like my coffee plain, black w nothing. i used to be a coffee addict, sometimes 6-7 cups a day but i stopped. i also drink tea, chamomile, green tea and earl grey is my top three. peppermint is pretty good too.
32. i don't like milk chocolate but some are good like kitkat, snickers, reese's peanut butter cups, toblerone, twix, etc. and never ask me if i like white chocolate 🤮
33. i work at a coffee shop, i used to work at a bookstore and i miss it. idk what my plans for the future is yet. i do wanna open an orphanage. (i'm an orphan and an only child) my uncle raised me, i lived w him for 16 years. he passed away last year. i live with my grandma now.
i could also open a bakery. my friend said i could open a restaurant maybe?
34. my happy places are cemeteries, the woods, abandoned houses/places 🤗
35. my biggest fear is darkness tbh. i also have aquaphobia. i almost drowned once.
36. i dream almost every night. i used to have nightmares.
37. i love shopping. fashion, runway shows, models. some of my fave are kaia gerber, vittoria ceretti, megan roche, suki waterhouse, lily rose depp (obviously), adriana lima, taylor hill, etc.
38. i think love is confusing. i don't do relationships that often. but i'll say i do like my men feisty, a little fucked in the head and dangerous. i have a thing for old men, british guys and psychopaths. i'll tell you more about my type of guy later 💋💋
39. i'm a masochist. if you didn't already read the description. but i'm also a bit asexual.
40. i enjoy gore stuff.
41. i don't drink soda.
42. i never wear bras.
god i said so much stuff. check out my pinterest if you wanna know more about me @vrtualvamp444
i'm also active on instagram, feel free to ask me for it 💋
i have other social medias. you can find me on facebook (yeah facebook, which i don't use anymore, i had a facebook era but oh well), snapchat and discord.
i'm also a little bit addicted to tiktok.
i have spotify, if you listen to any of my playlists, i'll love you forever <3
got wattpad, not a big fan.
i don't have twitter yet.
anyway, i'll also be a tumblr girly from now on so i'll talk a lot abt myself. answer more questions.
nobody asked, i'm just bored.
#newbie #girlblogger #girlblogging #newontumblr #coquette #dollette #dollcore #bimbo #bimbodoll #factsaboutme #gettoknowme #lanadelrey #lizzygrant #lilyrosedepp #sylviaplath
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romerona · 2 years
Chapter 8: Out of your head.
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-In which the daughter of the Lord of Darkness who was born with the sole purpose of destroying the universe falls in love with Peter Parker.-
"Checkmate."  Carina smiles as she has won the game of chess against the Ancient One.
"Well played." The ancient one said with a smile but one she knew all too well.
She sighs, leaning back on the chair and crossing her arms. "You're letting me win."
"I can assure you, little star I'm not letting you win." The ancient one said calmly, the smile never changing yet her eyes shine with rare mischievousness. "You should stop doubting yourself."
"Mmhm." Carine hums, eyes full of suspicion.
"Shall we play another round?" Asked the supreme and with a flick of her hand, the pieces went back to their original position.
Grabbing a white pawn and moving it a space forward, Carina nodded. "Let's play."
Halfway through the game, something pops into Carina's mind. "Have you ever had odd dreams?"
The ancient one glanced at her after moving her knight. "Sometimes, why?"
"Like what?" She asks, tilting her head thinking about her next move.
"Like..." the ancient one, hums in thought before a small smile forms on her face. "Once I dreamt that I was a pig."
Carina giggled. "Really?"
The supreme nodded. "They called me the Rancid One."
"That's awful," Carina scrunched her nose. "Wonder what makes you dream that?"
"There is a theory that dreams are ourselves in other realities, other universes." Elaborated the ancient one with an air of wisdom. "Have you had odd dreams lately?"
"Not really.... Just sometimes." Carine hums, taking one of the Ancient One's black pawns.
The supreme observes the bord thoughtfully. "And what do you dream about, little star?"
"Odd places." Carina pauses, tilting her head with a soft frown as she recalls the last dream she had. "People, weird faceless creatures."
"Faceless creatures?" asks the supreme, eyes shining with curiosity.
"But they were not gruesome like one would imagine, more like a puppy with wings and– look."
Carina pulled her satchel up on her legs, forgetting all about the chess game that she was about to win and grabbed her sketchbook out of it. She passes page after page, drawings and colours covering the white paper, Carina settle on the pages near the end of the book, where she had drawn the creature she was speaking of, along with the hybrid horse she saw and a rough sketch of the village.
She passed the book to the Ancient One, who contemplates it, eyes roaming in-between drawings.
"They were nice, funny like puppies and those with the horns were also nice, a lot more calm." Carina told her, tilting her head to look at the drawings, frowning at the lack of colors. "I would have also painted the colours too but I don't have much paint left. Do you think that maybe I could go to the market soon?"
"I thought you had more than enough from the last time." The Ancient One glanced at her.
"I did but I used it to paint the walls of my room." Carina admits sheepishly. 
"Of course you did." The ancient one smiled amusingly before her eyes gaze at the village she drew. "Do you dream of this place often?"
Carina shook her head. "No, I don't dream often but when I do it is always different."
"Different how?" The supreme asks, turning the page to a different drawing.
"Well... it's never the same place and I usually never have anything to interact with."
The ancient one furrowed her eyebrows a little as she was trying to decipher some sort of puzzle when Master Beau approached them. 
He cleared his throat earning their attention, he nodded his head at Carina in greeting before turning to the Ancient One.
"You are needed, Ancient One."
"Very well." The Supreme shot him an appreciative nod. "Thank you, Master Beau."
"So, about the market?" Carina mumbles as the Ancient One closes the sketchbook.
She gave Carina a warm smile as she passes the book back. "We'll discuss it later, little star until then meditate."
"Alright." Carina smiled back at her but her smile was one of disappointment. "I'll wait until then."
And with a last smile, the Supreme left with Master Beau in tow leaving Carina with her own company.
She sighs, her head leaning against her palm, while her free hand plays with her necklace. Going to the market was one of Carina's favourite activities, usually, she was not allowed to leave the temple, either the Kamar Taj or any of the other sanctums, but once every blue moon there is an opportunity where she is allowed to leave the temple for a bit -with adult company, of course, which is usually Wong- when she needs paintings which were not as often as it sounds, last time she went to the market was five months ago, so needless to say she was itching to go.
Having nothing else to do, Carina placed her sketchbook back inside her bag and decided she wanted to spend the rest of her day in between books, like the swot that she was, so she headed to the library but before Carina made a detour to the kitchens, to grab a cup of tea and a plate of Sel Roti.
Once she passed the large wooden doors of the library she was surprised to find Stephen Strange, deep into a book, but a very visible frown on his face before he forcefully shut it.
"Please be more careful when handle books or Wong's going to have your neck for it."
Stephen didn't even look up at her, he just sighed running a hand over his face while leaning against the chair in frustration.
Carina sat down in front of him, placing the plate of fried delights and her tea on the table. "What's got you looking like a sourpuss?"
He didn't say anything which was unusual for Stephen 'The Know It All' Strange, instead of using words just narrows his eyes at her to show his annoyance but Carina over the weeks had become accustomed to it, as matter of fact, she became immune to it.
"How about a joke?" Carina asks, grining at Stephen stoic face.
"I'm too busy to pretend to be intersted, so no." He said, grabbing another book and opening it.
"Why didn't the melons get married?" She giggled at her joke while Stephen pause his reading but did not make any moves to acknowledge her. "Because they cantaloupe."
Another wave of cackles leaves Carina's mouth as she slaps the table, unable to get ahold of herself.
Stephen scoffs a laugh, shaking his head with the smallest smile. "Where did you learn that one?"
"Secret," Carina told him as her giggles ceased down. It was Wong but he'll be mad if she told anyone about his secret love for cheesy jokes.
"Better keep it that way, it was awful," He told her and Carina could tell his mood had lightened, even the slightest.
She slides a plate towards him. "Sel Roti? Bet it'll make you feel better."
"...Sure." Stephen grabbed one and took a bite of it while Carina took a sip of tea, it was missing some honey.
Her eyes moved to the titles of the books he was reading, most of them were about the casting of a portal and the hypothesis of the magic behind it. "How's class going, have you–"
And just as his good mood was starting to come back it went away, his eyes harden again as he place the Sel Roti down. "Go away, I'm busy."
"I take it, it's not so great." Carina mumbles, taking another sip of her tea ignoring once again Stephen's glare. "You're only starting, I'm sure it'll be alright."
"I'm not starting. It's been weeks," Stephen scoffs, leaning back into his chair, arms crossing in indignation. "Everyone else seem to get it but me."
Carina almost laugh, It was like having a three-year-old throw a tantrum over not getting his way. "Well, you're not like every else."
"Yeah, thanks for clarifying the obvious—"
"You're too proud, Stephen, an irrational perfectionist." Carina said, without missing a beat. "And books, for once, can't help."
Stephen regarded her for a moment, before scoffing acidly."Because you know me so well, don't you?"
"What I'm meant to say is that the practices of the Arts are more a matter of mind, soul and heart than it is about wit and knowledge, the power of will, dare I say."
"Power of will, huh?" Stephen's lips were pitching in irritation. "I am willing but yet nothing's happening."
"It's the same dilemma since you came here, you're stuck in your head."
"Oh, how rich of you to give advice."
Carina's drew her brows together, "What are you on about?"
"Y'know, for someone who's caring such a big name and such a potential, it's being wasted away with you, but then again all of it is questionable for someone who's not even allowed to go their simple magic classes," He snarls, eyes hardening with every word. "So, don't give me a lecture when you don't know what you're talking about."
His words hurt. Carina was washed over by a contrast of a cold sensation and burning embarrassment, it was an electric shock of realization, that Stephen Strange was not her friend as she had thought, she was a fool to believe otherwise, a fool to believe that her name would change nothing, but she had it coming, she should have kept her distance as she does with the other students.
She blinked. "You're being mean, so I'm going to go."
Carina avoided his eyes as she stood up, gather her things and walked away but before she walked through the doors she stopped and look back at him. "One day you'll realize that getting out of your head, turning the page, will be great because then you'll realize there's so much more of life than what you're stuck on."
And with that, she left, not feeling like entertaining any conversation with him at the moment.
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altocat · 2 years
Unused AMT Fic Plot Concepts
Sooo I was chatting with a reader the other day about some of the very early ideas I didn't use for A Monster's Threads back while I was writing it.
While I definitely had a decisive sketch of its general layout, especially regarding the (mostly) canon timeline --Ever Crisis, First Soldier, and Before Crisis taken out of the equation --there were a lot of crazy and out there ideas I had that I sort of wish I'd included. So I'm placing a few here if you're curious.
...some of them were really stupid. In hindsight, I probably should have just included a few more Gast chapters, along with an extended look at the Wutai War. But oh well. The fic's basically a giant soap opera with a focus on friendship so whoops. It's already melodramatic (and LONG) enough.
The fic originally was not going to open up with Sephiroth's birth, but instead a bunch of elders in Cosmo Canyon discussing strange omens brewing across the planet. It was to culminate in the discovery of a huge blood moon that evening, basically as a cheesy way to evoke a sense of dread and foreboding before the birth of our main man. What does it have to do with anything? No clue. I was being ambitious and artsy lmao
Sephiroth was originally going to have selective mutism during the early chapters, only speaking out loud for the first time when Gast leaves him. I actually might have kept this. But it would have been difficult because of the heavy degree of descriptions.
Babyroth also would have worn a shock collar until his Wutai deployment, mostly as a way for Hojo to keep him in line.
Aerith wasn't going to be featured. But due to the immense amount of fanworks featuring her and Seph together as kids, I caved.
Sephiroth and Hojo were still on speaking terms by the time he was deployed to Wutai. Hojo gave him a scarf and claimed it was something his mother had made for him. Sephiroth wears it throughout the majority of Part 2 only to discover upon his return that it had a tracking chip sown inside so Hojo could keep tabs on him--ANOTHER collar. And Sephiroth beats the hell out of Hojo then and there. Changed it because by Chapter 23 Sephiroth was clearly done with Hojo's shit.
Sephiroth acquiring the Masamune would have been different, with him obtaining it in the penultimate battle towards the middle of Part 2. Ever Crisis will probably actually show us how he got it anyway so shrug.
There was going to be a filler chapter of teen Genesis, Angeal, and Seph getting drunk off their asses and going on a little joyride after finding a case of some high grade alcohol in a pile of debris. Would have mostly just been stupid shenanigans.
Sephiroth's failed one night stand was originally going to be with Scarlet.
Sephiroth and Genesis were originally going to have physically consummated their rocky relationship before Genesis' departure.
Zack and Seph would have had a chapter of them "training" in Angeal's absence.
Following Angeal's death, Zack and Sephiroth would have gotten into a full fledged physical fight that ended up knocking Angeal's recovered corpse off the table. This was...kinda gruesome. And too much. Hence, Zack gets a good punch in and that's all.
Jenova was originally going to speak directly to Sephiroth in full sentences.
Sephiroth was originally going to jump to his death the same way he does in The Last Order. But other, more talented writers had already done something like this in the past, so I went with the traditional route.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Metalocalypse #16: “Religionklok” | November 12, 2006 – 11:45PM | S01E15
After a near-death experience, Murderface decides he needs to find religion. The council is nervous that this could make Murderface more of a cultural influence than he currently already is, and we even get a little bit of set-up where the colonel and the head of the church or whoever that guy is meet secretly to be suspicious of the head of their organization. It's sorta like when you'd watch Are You Afraid of the Dark and they'd spend too much time trying to give the members of the Midnight Society a little story arc. Anyway, the episode mostly is about Murderface trying to find god in various ways, including just sitting on the floor in a mock meditative state just moaning the word “religion” over and over.
Despite my misgivings about “too much council time”, this is a GREAT episode. The opening sequence where Murderface gets his face turned into hamburger during a drunken motorcycle accident is truly gruesome, and the scene in the hospital setting up the plot is laugh-out-loud funny, with Nathan Explosion declaring it should be him in the hospital bed, getting all of Murderface's presents. Other great scenes include the lame Christian rock band that Murderface tries to force himself to like, an atheist church that gets attacked by agnostics, and then finally the congregation at the church of Satan, lead by a timid dork that exactly matches every person I've ever known in my personal life that has identified as a Satanist.
I'm not saying it's the freshest premise for a show; many smug non-religious types have probably written a comedy sketch similar to this. Hell, when I was in high school and had a chip on my shoulder I declared that I was going to write a “Phil the Pill” movie, an original comic I created that was basically just Mr. Hankey from South Park but he was a pill. He called himself a pill that old people take to stop them from screaming, which is 100% a joke I stole from The Simpsons. It was enormously derivative of comedy I liked at the time, and revisiting it is painful. But I did an “animated” version of the comic for class once and thought I'd make an entire movie that way. The premise of the movie was Phil trying to find religion, and every scene was going to be him trying out each one.
I once read this book about the history of television, and each chapter was about a monumental TV show or moment, but then the author of the book was like a TV writer who mostly worked on 70s cop shows. But no matter what show he was talking about he'd write these lengthy asides that were like “I Love Lucy was legendary. Not just for it's comedy, but for the elegant genius of the three-camera set-up. Now, what I worked on mostly in my career were single camera shows. For instance, Police Story was--” and then he'd go on and on about Police Story. I'm afraid I'm doing that with this by talking about Phil the Pill. And also this. I'm not really doing what I'm doing, right?
Anyway: the saving grace of this episode is that it narrows it's focus to things that Deathklok would realistically gravitate towards. The only reason Murderface considers Christianity is because there's a rock connection. You don't see him going to a Synagogue and chomping down on the Rabbi's payos, mistaking them for curly fries, or crashing a flying carpet into a 9/11 building and going "DUUUUH" for rude laughs. The characterization is at the forefront here, and it's important.
Look I'm really sorry about the aside. I promise not to mention my high school cartoon work. Most of them were one-page gag strips calling my classmates gay. Some of them turned out to be gay for real! I should be given an award
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
IwtV movie script ‘92 early draft, liveblog, part 6
Okay so we've met Armand, and Claudia expresses concern that she's in danger. Louis goes to confront him.
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A little surprised this line was in the original draft, knowing how easily Rice likes to throw around the word "lover"... Thank god he says it at all, I guess.
... In both versions, Armand confirms that she's in danger, and why.
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CLASSIC Armand. Their conversation is pretty much the same from here. Armand admits he needs Louis "to make contact with this century."
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Louis pls
I do like Armand's line in the film: "A vampire with a human soul... An immortal with a mortal's passion." Errybody hot for the New Orleans sadboi
... This is where the film decides to reveal that Armand and Lestat knew each other.
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... Next in the script, there's a random detour of a scene where Louis kills a painter after getting his portrait sketched? Why not
Then we get to the Madeline scene
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^A slightly extended version of a line that stayed in the final version, but I like it
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Haha gross
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The final cut includes quite a bit more dialogue in this scene. Louis speaks directly to Madeline several times, which doesn't happen in the draft. "How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful? Magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? Do you have any idea the thing you will become!?" She gets at least a tiny bit of agency/character before becoming irrelevant lol
... The scene where Madeline is dying/turning while Louis and Claudia talk on the balcony is also not in the draft. "Bear me no ill will, my love. We are now even." / "What do you mean?" / "What died in that room was not that woman. What has died is the last breath in me that was human."
It's a lot more solemn and final than the early draft, where it instead cuts to Louis brooding silently while Claudia and the newly turned Madeline dance.
Some upsetting kissing shots in both versions of the scene, then the theater vampires come to kidnap them all
... Interesting, Santiago sentencing Louis to "eternity in a box" is an invention of the final cut.
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Love this blatantly revisionist history lmfao. It's necessary for the rest of the series to exist, though, so unless the first book is in a vacuum, we must allow it
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That shit hurted
... Ah, okay, Santiago does put Louis in a walled-up coffin then.
The original script does not let the audience know what happened to Claudia and Madeline until:
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In the final version, as soon as Armand breaks him out, he walks straight to Claudia's cell and finds her remains directly. :(((
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At least her ashes definitely get scattered in this version... ಥ_ಥ
The final film jumps back to the interview with Daniel. Louis sheds a tear, and Daniel comments on it. This scene doesn't happen in the early draft.
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Ye ye ye ye get him, Louis. Much as I appreciate Armand as a complex character, I can ultimately never forgive him for allowing Claudia to die so gruesomely, and therefore will never accept his so-called love for Louis. Actually kind of pisses me off that Louis spends so many years with him later lmao.
Then in both versions, we get Louis burning down the theater and killing all the vampires inside with a goddamn scythe.
In the script, Louis then spends the day in the metal coffin they'd tried to entomb him in. In the film, he just walks outside into the morning sun before Armand rescues him off the street.
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In the final cut, Armand instead says Louis had done something to show him their failings. "They were doomed, stuck in their decadent time. They had forgotten their first lesson: that we must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret." Louis finds the idea of being without regret amusing.
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That's more or less the end of their conversation in the script, but the final film version they continue talking about regret. "What if all I have is my suffering? My regret?" / "Don't you want to lose it?" / "So you can have that, too?"
This is also the point in the movie when he confronts Armand with the knowledge that Armand let Claudia die, and Louis rejects him by saying, "You, who regrets nothing? You, who feels nothing? If that's all I have left to learn, I can do that on my own." It's very empowering and I'm endlessly proud of him for it. That whole scene is a legendary shutdown, tbh
In the script, though:
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Gross. I know it's canon, but still. At least he clarifies "Armand followed me" and not that they were traveling together. He just stuck to Louis like a leech and Louis didn't stop him.
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I guess that... makes sense? Sort of? What the fuck
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The sequence from the final cut where he talks about seeing the sunrise in films is not in the original draft, btw.
Then Louis sets out to find Lestat. He tracks the scent of death to a ruined mansion, littered with the corpses of rats. In the script, he also sees a few desiccated human corpses:
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In the film, the skeletal husk that is Lestat greets Louis with "I'm so glad you're here" and starts apologizing for what happened to Claudia, which Louis dismisses as being in the past. His primary emotion for Lestat in the scene appears to be detached pity. Lestat is afraid of him, but still wishes Louis would come home to him. Louis says his goodbyes and confidently leaves Lestat behind.
In contrast, in the early script, Lestat is surrounded by mountains of old books, reading aloud to himself in a crazed mutter. He acknowledges Louis' presence, but only barely, before he goes back to his magazine.
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I think this is straight from the book. If I recall correctly, Lestat was so delirious he wasn't even sure if Louis was really there, and couldn't really bring himself to care either way.
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So yeah, since this is something of a fix-it fic AU version of events, we're more interested in them reconciling than in Louis finding closure and moving on lmao. ENTIRELY different tone from the final film.
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Ah okay, they tie the motion picture thing into their dialogue here instead. Lestat says seeing the daytime sky in the films frightened him and he fled back here.
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It still sounds so weak and contrived. There was no GOOD way to retcon it, since she'd written herself right into a corner, but it's still dumb.
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Oh, he actually comes to take Lestat with him in this version. :o Yoooo...
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Yeah okay that is what happens in canon. I am curious when Armand found time to sneak off and push Lestat off a tower when he was supposedly escaping the city with Louis, though
..... dAMN this image limit! (╬▔皿▔)╯ One more post should do it!
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youve gotten me interested in horrible histories, could we get a lil rundown of it all? what is the idea behind it? :D
GLADLY !! I’m feel so honored that I was able to get you interested in this wonderful show :-) !! I’m assuming you’re only asking about the show BUTT you’re also gonna get an explanation about the books, Horrible Histories: Gory Games show AND the animated Horrible History characters too hehe
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Horrible Histories, a British sketch comedy and educational television series, first aired its 2009 season on CBBC. The show, primarily aimed at children, uses humor and parody to teach viewers about various historical events and figures. Each episode focuses on specific periods, cultures, or historical topics, presenting the information in a fun and engaging manner.
The series is based on the bestselling children's books of the same name by Terry Deary. It uses a combination of live-action sketches, animations, and musical numbers to make history more accessible and entertaining for its audience. The show's cast (Season 1 to 5), which includes Matthew Baynton, Simon Farnaby, Martha Howe-Douglas, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard, and Ben Willbond portrays a range of historical characters, often in a comedic or exaggerated manner.
Today’s Horrible Histories (Season 6 to 10) isn’t as much as loved compared to the older Seasons, and I see why. The main reasons as to why the recent Horrible History seasons aren’t as loved is because of some controversial topics and some rewrites of history (So I recommend maybe just watching the earlier seasons).
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(Just a quick note that I do not support nor condone any of the controversial topics that were written in the recent seasons, the only reason why I visit the recent episodes are to fast forward to the parts to where they show the animated clips.)
Back to the older seasons, Season 1-5 shows a great way of explaining and presenting historical topics in a fun, harmless and amusing way to its audience. There are also a bunch of British references and subtle jokes that will get a laugh out of you. The songs are quite catchy too :-D
If you are interested in watching Horrible Histories, you could always go to the BBC Horrible Histories Iplayer website or use this google drive I found on Reddit to all the episodes of Season 1-5 !!
Pros of watching Horrible Histories:
someone kissed a priest idk
Cons of watching Horrible Histories:
getting the Monarchs song stuck in your head for months
sad song ending :-(
there will never be another season of horrible histories with the original cast (six idiots)
Summary: silly history show that is hosted by a talking rat with a variety of fun signs and fun other characters like Death and a historical news report guy with ADHD. also uhm a lot of people really like Matt Baynton dick turnip for some reason
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Horrible Histories is a series of non-fiction children's books written by Terry Deary. The books, published by Scholastic, delve into different periods of history, presenting facts in a humorous and often gory manner. The series aims to make history fun and engaging for readers by focusing on the unusual, terrible, and gruesome aspects of the past.
Each book in the series covers a specific historical era, such as the Awful Egyptians, the Measly Middle Ages, or the Terrible Tudors. The stories are told through amusing anecdotes, illustrations by Martin Brown, and timelines, often featuring shocking facts, jokes, and quirky characters. Some books also include activities, such as puzzles and quizzes, to further engage the reader.
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The first titles in the series, “Terrible Tudors” and “Awesome Egyptians”, was published in 1993, and since then, the series has expanded to include more than 30 titles, covering various historical time periods and regions, like the Rotten Romans, the Vile Victorians, the Cut-Throat Celts and even gruesome guides to places you may know such as the USA, France, London and more !
The books have been translated into multiple languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. By presenting history in this unique and irreverent manner, Horrible Histories has played a significant role in making history more appealing to readers, helping to inspire their interest and encourage further exploration.
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Martin Brown is an illustrator best known for his work with Terry Deary on the popular children's book franchise, Horrible Histories. He started off with illustrating greeting cards and now writes his own projects and draws illustrations for the recent Horrible History books such as “Up in the air”, “Right on Track”, Paws, Claws and Jaws”, and the upcoming new Horrible History book “The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet”.
Martin Brown’s illustrations play a significant role in the franchises' success, as they bring the gruesome and humorous aspects of history to life. His unique style combines a cartoonish aesthetic with realistic detail, creating a vivid and engaging visual experience for readers.
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Besides reading the books, you could also play some Gruesome (not really, I just added that word for fun) Games like the Horrible Histories: The Board Game, Horrible Histories jigsaw puzzles, Horrible Histories Battle cards, Horrible Histories: Gruesome Game-A-Thons and many more !
Pros of reading Horrible History books:
dude the books are genuinely so fun theres pop up books, sicker activity books, coloring books, journals, puzzles and MORE ?????? also horrible history themed stationary stuff ANDD horrible history figurines which is like ,, well wicked.
Cons of reading horrible history books:
I haven’t ran into any cons yet so THATS A WIN FOR THE BOOKS !
Summary: READ THE BOOKS DAMN YOUR EYES !!!! god I absolutely love the books so much they’re so fun to read when ur bored and the illustrations were the reason why I even got into Horrible Histories so let’s all say “Thank you Martin Brown” I’ve learned so much from reading these books ANDDDD I spend less time on my devices woohoo !
(I don’t know much about Gory Games because uhm I haven’t watched them yet I’m too busy watching Horrible Histories and the Beatles Saturday morning cartoons archived on youtube)
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"Horrible Histories: Gory Games," a spin-off of the well-known BBC historical comedy sketch series, “Horrible Histories," is a children's game show that premiered in 2011. Created by the same team behind the original series, it's aired on CBBC. It also has a companion app for iOS and Android.
Hosted by Dave Lamb and Rattus Rattus, the show focuses on obscure historical facts. Three young contestants, known as "Horrible Historians," compete to collect "Year Spheres." These spheres represent years, either A.D. or B.C. Scoring A.D. years adds to their point total, while B.C. subtracts. The winner is determined by the contestant with the highest score after three rounds of historically-themed challenges or quizzes.
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Pros of watching Horrible Histories: Gory Games:
You get to see Ben Willbond is a georgian costume
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Summary: if you wanna watch kids answer historical trivias then watch Horrible Histories: Gory Games (episodes can be found on youtube !!)
(prepare for a long long LONGG explanation)
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Canon/Official Information:
The reoccurring animated characters you may remember seeing in a normal Horrible Histories episode are probably the Rotten Romans soldier, Gorgeous Georgian lady, Frightful First World War british soldier or the Measly Middle Ages peasant. But do they have any background other than being a character from that era ?
These lovable but forgettable cartoon characters you’ve probably seen before make appearances in Horrible Histories: Gory Games, Horrible History book covers, Horrible History merchandise and even in the Horrible History games.
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The animated/cartoon characters are used for the animated sketches or era headings in the 2009 Horrible Histories show. They also made multiple appearances in the Horrible Histories: Gory Games show, usually introducing the era topic, questions and answers. While most of the characters are recognized from the shows, almost all of them originated from the Horrible Histories book covers.
You may be surprised to hear that some characters have official names like this Victorian Gentleman, did you know his name was Howard ? Now you do.
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How about this Tudor lady from an animated Terrible Tudors sketch ? Her name is Alice.
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The Roundhead chief ? Oh yeah, his name is Victory.
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We don’t get much information/background about these little shits, but when we do it’s usually shown in a subtle or way that wouldn’t be mentioned again. So what do I do ? LIST DOWN EVERY SINGLE FACT ABOUT THEM. (Probably not every single thing about them, but a lot of facts that you may not know !)
Since my discussion about the animated characters might be a bit too long, i’ll be breaking some of the subjects I’ll be talking about into 4 topics:
Canon facts
Fanon information (Things I made up about them)
Crabby Clash (Fanon once again !)
The animated characters can interact with non-animated characters.
The mummy giggles alot
The Vicious Viking has a daughter (Fanon name: Eirunn)
The caveman is a father of 2 boys.
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The Measly Middle Ages peasant’s family business is pig farming.
The Terrible Tudors headsman (Book cover character) does doodling
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The (other) Measly Middle Ages peasant is a pilgrim.
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The miner minor’s (Wales book cover character) father is shown in “When I grow up”
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The Viles Victorian gentleman has a wife (Name unknown).
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⬆️ He also sells cakes at science fairs !
The FWWI soldier has a trench mate (Shown in HH: Gruesome Game-A-Thons)
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The Terrible Tudors Headsman has an official voice claim, voice actor unknown
There’s an animated HHTV News reporter named “Simon Skirmish” (Shown in “Protesting with Pankhurst” S9 EP3)
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Animated Simon Cowell is canon in the animated Horrible Histories dimension
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The Vile Victorian gentleman was ran over twice
I would name abunch of other facts I know, but I don’t want to make this post longer than it already is.
(Note: This is just MY personal fanon opinions, other people have their own views, names and headcanons for these characters :-D)
Since BBC won’t give us more background about the animated characters, we’ll settle this the old way like any other fandom would; MAKE HEADCANONS !!!
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Me and a few other HH fans gave most of the characters their own backgrounds and who they are, I’m truly taken back with what their creative minds came up with. You can check some of the names I’ve given the characters with the help of a friend in this post !!
I really don’t know where to start since there are so much fanon topics I could discuss right now, but here are a 2 topics I chose to discuss for now :-)
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(You may want to read the fanon names before reading my headcanons)
Ma-Nefer is blind (due to the fact that his pet falcon that Senouphis trained to rip his brother’s eyes out so he could become Pharaoh), his artificial eyes serve no purpose.
While Ma-Nefer was stuck at his burial, his only companion was a mummified cat he named “Geb”.
Senouphis gets a reoccurring nightmare where Ma-Nefer comes back from the dead and takes his revenge, of course that would never happen ,, yeah right.
Wycliff used to have a pet parrot, unfortunately he still hasn’t gotten over his parrot’s death.
They all hate Rattus (except for Médard aka the frenchie)
If Madeleine was ever to die during a bombing, Madeleine’s daughter would think of her doll as her mother and treat the doll as how Madeleine treated her.
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Ma-Nefer is willing to forgive Senouphis.
Egbert is unaware that he’s related to the other medieval peasant.
Archie is the troublemaker, Toby is the problem solver.
Eirunn wants to be a vicious Viking just like her father, Ragnar supports her decisions but thinks that she shouldn’t be adventuring at her age.
Chopsalot loves plum pies he would devour one in SECONDS.
Rip Chopsalot you would’ve loved raisin muffins.
Ronnie likes to write poems and record his life in the trenches.
Lady Jane despises Egbert (peasants), she will not survive 5 seconds standing near him.
Benjamin is BALDING.
My mind has gone blank at the moment, so I don’t really know what else to say but I post a lot of animated HH character stuff so if you’re willing to listen to me ramble, then make sure to stay tuned :-)
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“What is ‘Crabby Clash’ anyways ?”
It’s an HHAC (Horrible Histories Animated Characters) AU where all historical periods/eras go to war against eachother, some eras/periods will have alliances while some will be on their own.
As of right now, I stil haven't figured out the alliances yet, but the whole story is completely up to you! Who wins in the Crabby Clash? Yes, that's the name of the AU (corny I know :-( ).
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FUN FACTS about the Crabby Clash/HHAC:
The non-animated HH characters (Bob hale, Charles the II, Mike Peabody, Sue, Death, etc ..) are canon in the universe too.
A little conflict between 2 eras was the reason for the war (just like any other world war).
Women from some eras are able to go to war (because I SAY SO IT’S MY AU).
there will be yuri angst and brotherly angst so you should totally be interested in my au
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The AU is still in the making, if you’d ever like to suggest something for my AU that would be heavily appreciated <3
And that’s about it I suppose :-) thank you for coming to my ted Jimb talk and see you next Friday night folks ! walks off stage and gets swallowed by an ottoman
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slimehatart · 2 months
Hello everyone!
Today's post will show you some of my earlier sketches where I tried planning out the meeting of a new addition to the party!
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(original Tweet: "A couple of hand drawn doodles I wanted to draw digitally for the sake of doing a warm-up!
They are OCs of my story (that has had like six major arcs in my head now but none on paper lol). Click on the alt texts to learn more about them! Ah if you knew about them what I know....", August 20th, 2022)
So, as I told you last time, Liora leaves that prestigious guild, along with Victorine and Hertz (who would later be renamed to Sarim, so I'm going to call him that after this point). After some recollection, she is going to operate from Victorine's motel, trying to earn her own name with her own guild. It's just that... well, there are no members yet! There is Victorine who has no combat abilities at all, Liora who has avoided danger at all costs and Sarim who is trying to earn money in other, less harmful ways.
In the meantime, Miles, the Mii Brawler with the slime, joins the group. At this point of the story, I wasn't really sure how to let him join and at what point, but what I knew was that the first four members of the guild would be them. Someday, they find a letter in their mail. Some old guy from the other side of the town is asking all kinds of guilds for their support. His youngest daughter seems to have been possessed by a demon or something like that.
Liora, who thinks this seems like a pretty unserious mission, accepts in her desperation. She needs the money, after all. So she sends Miles to the old guy to get a first impression on the situation. There, he meets another guy who looks like a solitary adventurer. Turns out, the old guy didn't only send an invitation letter to Liora's guild, but put up a huuuge note on the community board hoping to get as much as help as possible to lift the curse on his daughter.
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(Previously unreleased sketch of the old guy and his three daughters. July 23rd, 2021)
The old guy owns a medium sized pub or restaurant that he runs on a family business basis. He thinks his youngest daughter, who would serve the guests, caught a curse since and says she's getting more gruesome with each passing day. He claims it's been getting so bad his guests will not come visit anymore. His other daughters will happily bully the youngest sibling.
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(original Tweet: "Daily practice piece. Feel like drawing (almost) daily makes my drawings look cleaner with each try, even if it's just sketches & flat colours.
I get a better grasp of how to draw my characters & the routine & drawing regularly makes my attempts & progress more efficient, I feel.", July 23rd, 2021)
However, the girl seems pretty fine, so the group is at a loss at first. After a day of spectating the girl and her family dynamic, Miles and the adventurer make their way back home. Liora comes to pick up Miles which is when she and the new guy are introduced, at last.
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(Previously unreleased sketch of Liora and the new guy; Liora is dressed up as Rinoa Heartily from Final Fantasy VIII which was just a choice for the fun of it. July 23rd, 2021)
To be honest, I initially planned this mission as an opportunity to introduce the man who would be named Risebert to the main party. I was wondering how their paths might cross and I wanted to make sure that he, with is simp qualities, would make sense in a guild and missions setting, so having him attend the same mission as Miles made sense since the mission's objective was to lift a curse off a young maiden.
Clearly, I've drawn inspiration from the simp trope for Risebert's new reincarnation. He has been a reoccurring character ever since the earlier sketches. From originally being hedonistic he has changed to simp for a pretty long time. I have toned this quality down a bit because I think there's always a very thin line between funny and annoying / borderline harassing in the in-story universe such as seen with Sanji from One Piece. Don't get me wrong, Sanji is one of my favourite Strawhats, but the way his worst qualities are portrayed, especially after the time skip in Fishman Island, was very off-putting. It has become an even more prominent personality trait during that time because it was used as a running gag so frequently, but it has reached such heights that it started to affect the character in my opinion. Another great example for a flanderized simp character in such extent is Pokémon's Brock. I didn't want that for my character, to be honest.
In my newest iterations of the character, I plan Risebert to be significantly less simpy. There will be no or at least much less heart-eyes love jumps such as shown in the sketch above, and I want him to be more flirty and charming which I think is when Sanji, for example, is most brilliant at, too.
Also, besides the introduction of Risebert to the party, I wanted a simpler mission to kick-start the beginning of Liora's guild and establish the dynamics between guild members without having to concentrate on a complicated plot. I think I need to think up scenarios where single members are paired together to showcase their dynamics more. In my head, they're already chosen family to each other, but this is something only I know and find logical since I am the one who has been spending the last years with them and their evolution.
However, upon meeting Liora, Risebert seems to fall head over heels for her and takes an interest in the party. This goes so far that he will soon be a constant guest in Victorine's motel, too. The curse of the ugly sibling, however, turns out to be true in the end. It will be revealed that the girl does indeed have an aura of darkness around her which was a point in the story I brought up to introduce another key element in the story then - in the world of my story, people were originally going to be "cursed". By curse, I mean getting strange powers really, comparable to devil fruits, magic powers yada yada. It was a way to make sure the reader knew something was coming up with the curse thing, but I have dropped this concept in later stages of my planning.
There are still special powers involved, but they're implemented in another way. I still remember so clearly how Risebert was supposed to join the party in this arc, but I have other plans for him now! He also has his own motivations and goals and I think I will introduce him properly in another blog entry.
As always, it was very fun to cover yet another part of my story! I think as soon as I've caught up to the other Tweets and older art, I will try to create a timeline-post where I talk about the order of events that lead to what is going to be. But this is for another day. Thank you again for reading! I hope to be seeing you soon, again!
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