#the only thing is if they have a security cam and they can see my dads license plate
ocdhuacheng · 10 months
There’s a house in my neighborhood that has a stand with israel sign in their front yard and I kind of really want to steal it and throw it in the local supermarket dumpster on the way back from work tomorrow night
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split-spectrum · 3 months
Heat Sick
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Pairing: Obi Wan/FemReader
Length: 3.5K (One-off)
Warnings/Tags: explicit sexual content - minors DNI. noncon elements including nonconsensual voyeurism, master/padawan kink, age gap (no ages expressly mentioned and no description of reader), power imbalance, masturbation, angst, guilt kink
Description: While on a mission with your master to uncover an assassination plot, you forget to turn off your security cam. Obi Wan sees more than he's ready to confront, and feels more than he's ready to withstand.
"We will discuss this later."
"Master, can we not trade one more day of the war for this? Just one day?"
Obi Wan lets his eyes widen as he turns to face you in disbelief. "Young one, the decision is not ours to make. The sooner you learn that and make peace with it, the better."
"Perhaps I could stay behind. Just me. I could ask the council-"
He nods to the ambassador and stands, lowering his tone to you as the rest of the room leaves. "You will pack your things, and we will be on our way tomorrow."
As you follow him down the hall to your respective rooms, Obi Wan makes a concerted effort to keep his shoulders low and his pace steady. Letting his irritation show would do no good for either of you.
No - he thinks - not quite irritation. It stings more than that.
You've been ready for the trials for some time, and the only thing keeping you from completing them is your overloaded schedule of assignments. You aren't yet a knight, though you both know that you likely would be, if not for the war.
But until then, where he goes, you go. And to defy that - to defy him by contacting the council for reassignment... he'd never expected you to go so far.
"Forgive me, Master," you mumble behind him, clearly not sorry. "I- I just want to help these people, and it doesn't seem like anyone besides me can see the extent of their issues."
Obi Wan suppresses any semblance of feelings, turning to face you when he reaches his door. "Perhaps that is true. Let us... let us agree that it is. What then? Are you prepared to stay here indefinitely?"
You fall silent, gazing up at him with those blasted, soulful eyes of yours. Those eyes can simply bowl him over whenever you please. It just isn't fair.
He sighs. "The council sent us here to uncover the assassination plot against the Toydarian king, and we have done our duty. We could spend a lifetime on any planet if we concerned ourselves with internal politics."
"This isn't just internal politics," you insist. "Another attempt on the king's life is almost inevitable, because we haven't rooted out the underlying problems."
Your face is so solemn, he has to force himself to take a beat before answering too flippantly. "Let us hope it happens in the distant future."
"Master, I'm being serious."
"As am I, Padawan." He hits the last word with a little more emphasis than needed. "As I have told you time and time again, we must learn to choose our battles. We have won the day. Now we must move on to where we are needed most."
Your brows pinch tight. "And I suppose we just hope the Toydarians can last until the end of the war without falling into a civil war of their own."
"Indeed, let us both hope so."
You'd clearly expected another answer; had wanted a longer argument. Your mouth falls open in indigance, but nothing comes out.
You turn and stalk away, and Obi Wan heaves another sigh as he enters his temporary quarters. There is nothing he can do to make you see reason when you're like this. The only thing he can give you is time.
Which is why a few hours later, your knock at the door is expected, but still welcome.
Obi Wan ends his meditation and answers the door, finding you standing rigidly behind it, clearly making an effort to keep eye contact.
"Come in," he ushers you, stepping to the side.
You look at the floor, then back to him as you enter. Your voice is soft and low. "I... wanted to apologize for my behavior... earlier."
Obi Wan lifts his eyebrows, but holds back his words, for now. He's already forgiven you, perhaps too quickly. Perhaps you know that.
"I just feel so... frustrated lately, with all these short, temporary assignments. It doesn't feel like we're making a difference at all."
He nods, gesturing for you to join him in sitting on the end of his bed. "I understand your need to help others. But we must not allow our fleeting feelings to blind us to the greater picture. We are a part of an order. You must never forget that."
Your stare is fixed on your lap, and you nod. "I know. I know."
"Letting go in order to focus on the greater good is not always an easy thing. But you will learn." He allows a small smile. "I have faith."
Your eyes sparkle when you finally look back up at him, and Obi Wan swallows, forcing himself to keep his smile in place before he looks away. It stirs something within him when you hold him in your gaze like that, as if he'd hung the stars themselves. Reminds him why it is best that you complete your trials and leave his side.
"I'm... sorry I mentioned a reassignment. I wasn't thinking clearly. My place is with you, Master. I don't want to be anywhere else."
Your earnestness sends a little wave of warmth through him, and Obi Wan quickly tamps it down, reaching for your clasped hands on your lap. He pats your hand gently. "I... appreciate that very much. But your place will not be here much longer."
You give him a wry little smile. "That's true. I suppose I should use my opportunities to disobey you sparingly, or you may not speak to me anymore after I'm knighted."
He returns your smile. "You won't be rid of me so easily. Not when I'm expected to use the new graphic software for mission reports."
He enjoys the way your lightened gaze slides over to him, lips splitting into a full grin. He knew that would get a rise out of you - you hate it when he asks you to help him with his datapad.
"On second thought, maybe I should transfer to a new quadrant as soon as possible."
Obi Wan laughs again, patting your leg this time. His big hand rests on your thigh a little longer than it should, and he draws it back, clearing his throat.
"I..." Your softened voice fills the silence. "I suppose I'll also need to get used to calling you Obi Wan."
Hearing his name in your mouth sends another little ripple of warmth just where it shouldn't be - right between his ribs. He steadies his thoughts.
"Let's agree to hold off until the trials, shall we?"
He hopes you hear it as a brush-off; a simple reassertion of your relationship, and that you don't hear the way his voice is pulled tight.
You grant him mercy, standing to face him again. "As you wish, Master," you answer. "Thank you for accepting my apology."
Obi Wan shakes his head. "There is nothing to forgive. Caring for those around you is no weakness. Now, get some rest."
You bow your head respectfully as he sends you on your way, and Obi Wan closes the door behind you. He rests his palm flat against the cool durasteel of the closed door, standing still for a moment.
The way his words no longer come easily in your presence, he knows he should be pushing you toward the trials as quickly as he can.
But that's another issue, for another day. Right now, he should be taking his own advice and getting some rest.
He crosses the room, removing his outer robe and hanging it in a nearby closet. Finding the light control panel and clicking off the remaining lights, he turns to look back at his bed and frowns. There's still light emanating from a small screen at his bedside. Then he watches as the image of you moves across the screen.
Oh. Right. The security cams.
Each of your rooms had been equipped with them when you'd moved into the palace a week ago. It's a closed circuit, meaning that you can only view one another. There had been some other channels available, including the king's chamber and other important locations. Those have been shut off since the investigation concluded. The cams in each of your rooms were only meant to be used when you were gone, to secure your living quarters when you weren't using them. Evidently, you'd forgotten to turn yours off - probably because you'd come back to your quarters in such a huff earlier.
Obi Wan walks over to the screen, ready to shut it off, but finds himself standing there, lingering. Hand at the ready, but never quite pressing the button.
You shrug out of your heavy outer robe and hang it over the back of a chair, your movements graceful and slow. Bracelets slide from your wrist down your forearm, and although there's no sound with the image, he can practically hear the way they jangle together. Those blasted pieces of jewelry - he's told you a thousand times not to wear them, but you keep them tucked under the sleeve of your robe anyway. Probably stuffed into the fabric so they don't make a sound.
His hand comes back to his side, watching as you admire them while taking each one off. They aren't practical. They could catch on something during a fight. But they'd been given to you by a friend, and you'd stubbornly held onto them. And if he's being honest, they are beautiful.
The word hangs in his mind.
He clears his throat, refocusing on the idea that he should work to accept that there are some things he was able to train out of you, and some things that remain a part of who you are. Now that you're moving on, no longer his padawan, he needs to force himself to view you differently.
He watches as you put away your bracelets, packing them with the rest of your clothing. After another moment, he lifts a hand to the button again. Any longer and he'll be infringing on your privacy. He just... wanted to take a moment to reminisce.
He continues to reminisce while you're bending down to roll out your night clothes, and he can see down the front of your-
His breathing is unsteady.
The blank, darkened screen stares back at him. Every one of his nerve endings feels like they've been dipped in molten lava.
He's never done anything so improper.
You are his padawan. 
His padawan. He leans into the word, branding it into his mind, with all that it encompasses. All the expectations and the prohibitions. All the sleepless nights and grueling days he's spent committing himself to you; to do right by you.
He's let this thing, this fascination, fester within him for far too long. Lingering looks, over time, have become a habit. And just now, the habit has been unspooled in front of him, spilling out like thread from a cut cloth. He'd never realized it had become this much a part of him. Not until just now, when his gaze didn't have to turn away. When it could run rampant with no consequences.
It fills him with a sort of dread. As if his feet are on a path he knows he can't turn from. No, indeed - he's already on it. Just by not moving from this spot in front of the screen, he's already taken the first steps.
He feels like every muscle in his body is taught, ready to snap. This moment could be so easy to resist, if he knew it would happen again. If this weren't the one time he would ever, ever have the chance to see you - really see you, without hiding his desire. Without the chance of you knowing. Without the need to control himself.
You've taken off your tunic, spreading it flat to roll it up. All you're wearing are your leggings and a thin undershirt that wraps tightly around your stomach and hangs loosely at the top. When you bend to roll the tunic up, his eyes are unable to tear away from the screen. The dark crevice where your shirt falls open draws him in, dangerously close to revealing more. His eyes are fixated on it. Pleading for it to spare him and stay in place. Pleading for it to slip.
He drinks in the features of your face. Your relaxed expression. The curve of your jaw. The length of your neck.
How many times has he imagined it - brushing a knuckle along the nape of your neck, just to feel your warmth. The thrill that would run through him as you might look up at him with wide, confused eyes. A shudder runs through him, filling him with unwelcome heat.
He's been on enough desert planets to experience heat sickness. The way it courses through the body in nauseating waves. Making him jittery, uneasy. Shaking with the feeling of wanting to burst, yet knowing there's nothing he can do to fight it. He could not beg the suns for mercy. The only thing he could do was let the sickness crawl through his veins, poisoning him slowly until he lost all sense. And hope he could come back to himself when it was all over.
You finish folding and turn around to unclasp the front of your leggings.
Obi Wan sits, the soft edge of his bed catching him.
He can feel his heartbeat in his throat as you seem to take an eternity to slowly slide the pants over the curve of your ass, exposing skin he's never seen before. Even in the smallest of your training clothes, he's never seen the full, soft cheeks of your ass on display like this. He sucks in a breath, eyes dancing over every inch.
You step out of the leggings, bending at the knees to pick them up, and he watches the arch of your back, the sway of your hips. When you put away your leggings, he considers it a blessing that you're behind a table, yet still feels the pull of frustration - waiting, waiting, waiting for you to step back into view.
When at last you do, your hands slip down to your sides and you turn to face the cam again, showing him the smooth skin of your stomach as your shirt lifts up.
"Stars, help me," Obi Wan whispers, unblinking.
But you're walking back and forth as you undress, and at the moment his breath hitches, you turn away again, and he sees nothing but your back. You stride across the room, completely at ease, and just as you enter the doorframe of the refresher next to your room, your fingers lazily slip under the waistband of some sort of obscenely delicate fabric, peeling your underwear down your body.
Obi Wan has to stifle a soft moan, imagining his own larger, rougher hands in place of yours, dragging the lacey thing down your legs to the floor.
You step out of them, and at a distance that's quite blurry, he can just see the soft bounce of your breasts from the side. His mouth is slackened, watching you walk away from the cam and into the next room.
His chest is tight. He shifts uncomfortably in the bed to reposition. He can feel the thrum of his own flushed face, can feel his pulse between his legs.
When you come out of the other room, you're clothed - just barely. You've put on a silky little slip. It's practically see-through. It might be worse than seeing you with no clothes at all. The slip itself is almost painfully innocent. No lace or adornments. A simple, soft garment worn for your comfort in bed. Nothing more.
The idea sends another shameful jolt through him, at watching you like this. Then he catches sight of the small pod in your hand. When you draw up one of your legs onto the bed and take off the lid of the pod to swipe your fingers through it, he realizes that it's a salve or lotion of some sort. A new level of agony overtakes him as you slide the lotion over your leg, rubbing in soft circles over your skin. Each time you lean forward to rub another circle, your slip rides up to show a teasing glimpse of your ass.
Obi Wan follows your every movement, feeling his gaze go glassy, heavy, and lost. The ache throbbing between his legs seems to thrum in time with your entrancing, repetitive movements. You start on the other leg, and when you bend forward this time, he groans into his fist, seeing even more.
Almost absently, he palms down his straining erection through his clothes. His eyes flutter shut at the feeling, and then snap open again to watch as you drop your leg, smoothing the lotion over your arms and neck, then sliding your hands around your breasts. You may as well be wearing nothing, the way he can see your fingers working beneath the fabric, squeezing the soft skin and teasing delicately over your own nipples.
His lower lip juts forward when his mouth falls open, and Obi Wan bares his teeth as if that will help him. As if the futile gesture of his struggle will somehow stop the way his hand is rubbing himself. As if it will keep him from tearing his off clothes as he watches you touch yourself.
Your hands slowly work their way down to your stomach, then down the lengths of each of your arms, and you finally put the lotion away. You dim the lights, but the picture is still fortunately - cursedly - clear enough that he can see every curve of your body as you climb into bed. You pull back the covers, and Obi Wan's palm presses hard into his lap and stills.
"Oh, darling, no..." he murmurs as you crawl forward, giving him a clear view of your perfect, glistening center. You're a little wet, and he feels himself losing a small piece of his sanity trying to imagine why you might be.
Once you're in bed, lying on your side, the light from the next room bathes your face in an ethereal glow so that he can see your every expression clearly, though your body is a little shrouded by the blankets piled at your feet.
He can, however, with the way you're angled, see right between your legs.
Hands trembling, he unceremoniously yanks down his pants to wrap a palm around himself, letting out a short gasp at the relief.
Your perfect pussy, bared just for him. He curses under his breath as he drinks in the sight of you, knowing he'll only last a few moments and squeezing himself, trying to draw out the moments as long as possible.
Obi Wan's heated gaze ratchets upward when he notices you yawn - soft, sweet and pure.
Entranced by the way your lower lip is hanging open, he imagines what it would feel like to shove two fingers into your warm, wet mouth. The image makes his cock twitch in his hand, and he imagines that going in next.
He admits it - he wishes he were there with you. Right now. Standing over your bed and looking into your big, luminous, trusting, tear-blurred eyes and shoving his cock into your lovely little mouth.
He wants to run a finger along the folds of your pussy until you soak his hand, and then he wants to ease your legs apart and tease circles around your swollen clit until you're babbling with pleasure. He wants you in every way. Stars save him - he wants to fuck you.
The thought makes him grunt low in his throat, and he tightens his grip. He's disgusted with himself, grinding into his own fist as if he could wring the very thought out of his body.
His padawan, bent over her bed, legs spread for him. His heavy palms on her waist, holding her perfect body, her skin too young and smooth for his calloused hands. Her pussy engulfing his dick, making him cry out her name with every thrust.
With every harsh tug of his pulsing, drooling cock, he's more damned. But he can't stop. Can't think of anything but you. His whole mind - his whole being - is concentrated on nothing but you, and how much he wants to paint your stomach, your face, your cunt with the cum that's about to shoot all over his hand.
He watches as you roll to your other side, tits nearly spilling out of your bedclothes, and imagines the way they would feel under his hands. The way you would bounce under your clothes as he ravaged you, coating his dick in your slippery, soft, innocent little cunt, taking absolutely everything he'd ever wanted.
And Obi Wan explodes, trying to block what he can, but failing miserably and covering his hand and the screen with ropes of hot, white mess. He chokes back a groan, forcing himself not to wake half the palace and grunts quietly into the arm of his tunic as he finishes soaking the bed and himself in his own seed.
He pants, watching the mess dripping over your warm, clean, clothed form on the screen. His mouth is hanging open, and he closes it to swallow.
Your eyes are shut, expression peaceful. You've fallen asleep.
He's shaking and sweating, staring at your beautiful face when the shame overcomes him.
The worst thing about heat sickness - once it takes you, even if you slake your thirst, even if you cool your brow, even if your pulse stops pounding for the moment - it will inevitably happen again. 
A/N: Shoutout to @slinkygail who kindly encouraged me to work on my WIPs! 💜
And thank you as always to everyone who reads. Hope you liked this one-off. :) It's been bouncing around my drafts for a while. A situation I don't believe for one second that Obi Wan would actually find himself in, but was absolutely necessary to indulge myself.
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hyuny-bunny · 5 months
cybersex | camgirl! x skz
prologue. chapter I
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MDNI (18+): this series will depict sex work and acts of sex. this prologue has suggestive themes, nudity, and mentions of butt plugs
skz x fem!reader
a/n: I'll have chapter 1 up soon but I hope you all love this series as much as I do!
synopsis: after a month or so of becoming a camgirl! your career really takes off, you decide to get a place of your own to film content. a lovely building opens up with the perfect space for all your necessities but to your surprise, your favorite waiter boys and long time crush on the head chief of the restaurant you work also happen to live in the building. Bringing you to meet their own assortment of friends. what happens when they find out there's some holes in the stories you tell about your life style?
You always had a keen interest in the sex work. You had an nsfw twitter page for yourself but it was only really used as a means of saving material or on a bold occasion, posting some captions with said material. There was a thrill of seeing your notifications filled with compliments and praises of like-minded people who were just as horny as you. Your roommate Sana had gotten into doing camgirl work pretty early on. You had indulged your curiosity on occasion when she and her girlfriend would be streaming just down the hall from you. Popping onto the stream to see your roommate's body on display and her girlfriend sat cutely between her legs wearing nothing but a heart-shaped butt plug. Sana would encourage you to try it out at least, very aware of how much you had desired to try it out but always holding back. Financially speaking, you could only benefit from it. In comparison to what you two made in a week at your measly waitress jobs, she could make both your checks for two weeks in just one night and even double dependent on how long she streamed for.
“You’re not worried that someone will recognize you?” You asked standing in the newly furnished cam room, floor to ceiling decorated in all shades of pink imaginable. 
“Not anymore, I revealed my face on stream so long ago, I haven’t given it much thought since. Besides, I could walk away at any moment I decide. I will admit there was a certain thrill with covering up in the beginning. I think there's something about hiding your identity while being in such a lewd state that elicits such an adrenaline rush. It makes the excitement of being watched and gawked at all the more fun.” Sana is now leaning on the desk where her camera and lighting equipment reside. 
“I like the fun, bring me as much joy and excitement as it probably does for my followers,” There’s a slight flush that rises to the tops of her cheeks that you can still make out in the fluorescent lights, “The biggest thing for me is it gives me the confidence I need, the financial security is just a bonus.”
The windows were covered by drawn curtains that covered the entirety of the walls, allowing the room to only be lit by the neon color-changing lamps which to no surprise were set at a baby pink. The floors were covered by a fluffy throw rug, with very little wood peaking. There is a makeshift sofa bed that's covered by an assortment of pillows and silk sheets and another fluffy blanket. There sat on the floor is the giant white teddy bear, Mina, Sana’s longtime partner, gifted her just a month ago. You stayed quiet, absorbing your surroundings. You were amazed but also… jealous. Jealous of how she could find confidence and find security in what most people found so vulnerable. You let out a sigh, sitting on the almost too-silky sheets that caused you to slide right off the bed. 
“Careful. You can imagine how slippery they are in the nude,” She laughed softly as she stared at you, waiting to speak again. “I see the gears turning… What’s on your mind kit-kat?” Your eyes bolt up to her.
“I’m just... A bit taken aback I guess. You could say jealous maybe. This is the frist time I’ve ever considered it as a viable option…” You let the sentence trail off not knowing what to say.
All your life, you had complexes about your body. Measured your self-worth in the way your body looked, and how it compared to other girls you had admired. The older you got, the better you were about mentally checking yourself, to realize it was okay not to be shaped like other girls. Finding it in yourself to feel secure in the body you had. Although you could keep those insecurities at bay most of the time, they would crawl out from under the bed like a hideous monster to plague your thoughts when you felt down about the lackluster love life. Bad dates, unreciprocated feelings, and talking stages that never went anywhere, that was the extent of your love life. 
“You want to give it a try?” That question pulled you out of your thoughts, now you were the one with a bright flush across the tops of your cheeks. “I can help you get started, set up your account, and start promoting you on my own account to start you off with a bit of a following. That’s if… you really are serious about this.” Sana had always been so sweet to you, she had already been letting you take the spare of her 3-bedroom rental as you couldn’t afford to live on your own. She had always extended a helping hand when you needed but here was a chance to finally get you to land on your own feet for once. How could you refuse such an opportunity?
“I don’t know… I don’t think I’m cut out for something like this I mean look at you! I don’t know how anyone is supposed to get off looking at-”
“Finish that sentence and you’re never allowed to see Jiji again,” Sana interrupted, Jiji was your shared house cat who was slowly becoming more yours as time went on. “ I don't want to pressure you into anything but I just think you could actually see the benefit in this. Give it one try and if you don’t like it, I erase every trace of you.”
You sat with the thought, your brain tugging you to go for it. One chance and if it doesn’t work out no harm right? 
“When can we start?”
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masterlist • next chapter ->
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smileysuh · 1 year
Yunhoe : Ateez
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🌙 staring. Yunho x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. Your phone is so far away- and you’re too cock drunk to think much about donations or the chat room- but you do your best to be as vocal as possible, knowing that moans will make up for the fact that Yunho obviously could care less about good visual shots. 
cw/ tw. cam sex, dom/sir yunho, breast worship, gentle slapping, size kink, oral, blow job, fingering, dirty talk, finger sucking, multiple positions/orgasms, jealousy, man handling, unprotected sex, etc... I petnames. (hers) baby, princess. (his). sir.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.5k
🍭 aus. cam girl reader, poly idols, idols sharing a fuck buddy, dirty boy idols, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. cam room directory here
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“You didn’t tell me there’d be people at the dorms-” you whisper as the largest member of Ateez pulls you into his bedroom and closes the door behind you. 
“It’s just Mingi- and as you saw, he had headphones on- he’s not gonna interrupt us,” Yunho assures you. 
“Really? You’re sure of that?” You raise an eye brow at him. “So when he gets a cam room notification, and opens it to see us fucking- Mingi’s going to just … go back to gaming?”
Yunho grins. “I didn’t think of that,” he admits. “But I guess that’s why there’s a lock on my door.”
You shake your head at him- laughing at the situation. “You idols and your relaxed morals around threesomes-”
“I mean, if it’s gonna be with anyone, might as well be Mingi- and hey! I told you, the door’s locked.” Yunho’s eyes drag up and down your figure. “I will admit- your last cam show with those two members of Seventeen was pretty hot, but I want you all to myself now.”
“You do, do you?” 
You find yourself grinning as the idol approaches you, hands grabbing your waist to tug you to his chest.
“Uh huh.” His gaze shifts to your lips then back up to your eyes. “We’ve known each other a while- not just us, but you and all of Ateez. I remember the first time Seonghwa and Hongjoong told me you’d sent them a link to your cam show- Hongjoong had been certain he’d be the first of us to get a shot at you. But then you went on cam girl hiatus, and we worked with you on Legendary Kingdom and- I don’t know… I guess I had to have you… but that cam room you did last week definitely pushed me to make a move.” 
“Wow Yunho, I didn’t know I’d been on your mind for so long,” you breathe, seeing him in a new light. 
“Don’t be humble, gorgeous,” Yunho laughs, gently grabbing your jaw and swiping his thumb across your lower lip, “Everyone knows our little cam baby is a heart breaker.”
“Planning on getting your heart broken, are you?”
He grins, then his thumb moves down so he can grip your neck, causing you to gasp. Yunho leans in, lips brushing by your ear, when he says, “I think I plan on breaking you. But only in ways you’ll love, I promise.” 
You groan at how turned on you already are- nodding in his grasp. 
Yunho kisses you a moment later, releasing your neck in favour of grabbing your hips, tugging until your body is flush to his own. His tongue invades your mouth, gliding past yours and making you moan louder-
His hands slip down to your ass, and Yunho lifts you off the ground, forcing your legs around his waist. Instead of taking you to the bed, he presses you against the wall, pinning you right where he wants you while his lips move to your neck. 
It feels so good to be manhandled like this- your breath knocked out of you, body easily tossed around like a ragdoll- 
It feels like giving up control, and if there’s one thing you’ve needed today, it’s to let someone else be in charge. 
Yunho’s given you good vibes for as long as you’ve known him, and it feels amazing to be here with him-
With you pinned between his large form and the wall, your legs wrapped securely around his waist, Yunho is able to carry you with one hand, the other goes for your tshirt. 
“Off,” Yunho says against your throat, pulling away just long enough to help you tear the fabric from your form and throw it across the room.
“Yunho-” you laugh, enjoying his energy, but remembering the task at hand; “I should start a cam room-”
“Right-” his lips are on your throat again, and he doesn’t seem too intent to stop, but he allows you to manuver yourself to pull your phone from your back pocket. You adjust your grip on Yunho’s broad shoulders, a little wobbly while you begin to look for the right app.
“Yunho-” you groan, laughing again when he rolls his hips, pressing the front of his jeans against your core. 
“Is the cam room open?”
“Yeah, in one sec-” you hear Yunho’s own cell ding, signifying a notification for your cam show.
“Phone?” Yunho asks, pulling away from your neck and holding out a hand expectantly.
You don’t even think twice, placing the device in his large palm. He tosses it over his shoulder and it lands on the bed.
“They can wait,” he tells you, lips returning to your own and cutting off any bratty response you’d had bubbling inside of you. 
Yunho ruts his hips again, and you moan loudly at the feeling- your panties are already sticking to your core, and if Yunho doesn’t continue stripping you soon, you might just cry-
In fact, if his own shirt doesn’t come off soon you’ll probably cry- 
All it takes is balling your hands in the fabric for Yunho to pull away from you and tear it off, revealing his strong torso to your greedy fingers. You immediately begin to trace the muscular lines of his shoulders, and Yunho groans when he kisses you, pressing you tighter against the wall-
“Yunho-” you moan, already used to the feeling of his name on your lips-
“Call me sir, or daddy-” he responds, mouth returning to your neck while you tangle your hands in his dark hair.
“Fuck, never saw you as the kind of guy with a sir kink-” you admit, swallowing thickly. 
Although you’ve often had a preference for ‘daddy,’ you’d learned the hard way to only bestow it upon men that you truly want to baby you, and as much as you like Yunho, you’d like to be fucked by him, not treated like his little princess.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Yunho tells you. “How my tongue feels, how big my cock is, how well it’s going to stretch out that tight fucking pussy of yours-”
“Sir-” you groan, panties getting wetter by the second. 
 “I guess we can start now,” Yunho concedes, pulling you away from the wall to toss you onto his bed next to your phone. “Do you need to check who’s in the room so far?”
“Okay-” you nod, “yeah-”
When you pick up your phone, the camera naturally swings to reveal who you’re with, and you get to watch the chat explode.
Unlike during your last show, nct isn’t at a concert, so the room is full of Seventeen and nct members.
HeyChannie: first you cheat on us with svt and now ateez-
Tigerprince: I thought I was next > : ( 
KingArthurMin: yeah
KingArthurMin: I thought Hoshi was next
Hannie: kkkkkkkkkkk 
Thegentleman: my money was on cheol actually 
Gi: O.O uh
Joongie: i thought yunho was at home with you gi
Gi: he is….
Darkhwa: 👀
“Mingi’s in the chat,” you tell Yunho, lifting your hips to allow him to pull your pants off.
“Tell him we say hi,” Yunho responds, tongue swiping out to wet his lower lip as he looks down at you. “And give me the phone.”
You relinquish the device for the second time, blinking up at Yunho as he uses he camera to take a full body shot of you.
“Nice set, baby- do you always wear nice sets when you know you’re going to get fucked?”
“Yes, sir,” you nod, trying to hide a smile that threatens to work its way onto your face. You’re enjoying the shift in his tone, the dominant way he’s addressing you.
“Are you going to take your bra off for us? I think I can speak for everyone when I say I’ve been missing your pretty tits all week.” 
The way Yunho’s eyes scan your phone make you think he’s reading the chat, and the sound of donation coins indicates that he is most definitely speaking for everyone.
“Damn baby, these guys drop big money just for you to take your bra off,” Yunho says, gaze lifting to watch you. “You’ll be good and remove it, yeah?”
“Of course, sir, if it’s what you and the chat want-” You arch your back, slipping your hands under yourself to undo the clasp. 
You take your time with the straps, looking up at Yunho and the camera in an almost bashful manner as you slowly reveal your upper half.
“There you are,” Yunho breathes, reaching a large hand down to cup your breast. 
“Am I pretty enough for you today?” you tease, but your words make Yunho’s eyes lift from your breasts to look at you.
“Always,” he assures you quickly. He holds your gaze for a second or two before it returns to your tits, and his thumb brushes by your nipple, making you groan and writhe against the sheets. 
“Yes, baby?” Yunho asks. “Gonna beg for it already?” 
“Uh huh, I’m so wet-” You feel your skin flush as Yunho brings the camera down to your panty clad core, and you have no doubt that there’s an arousal spot showing through the thin material. 
“You are,” he agrees, free hand reaching down so he can press his thumb to your clit, massaging the wet fabric against your entrance. A small groan escapes you, and Yunho smiles. “Does that feel good?”
“Yes, sir-” you can hardly take your eyes off his muscular torso, and you’re already imagining how big his cock must be- how big it’s going to feel inside of you-
“Can I take these off of you, baby?” Yunho asks, fingers hooking in the waistband of your panties.
“Yes, please, sir-”
He tears the fabric down your legs, and you’re left completely bare. 
“I know I said I wanted to see those pretty tits of yours, but I’ve been thinking about your pussy for a while too, baby. It’s even prettier than your tits.”
His words make a rush of embarrassment flood through you, and you go to close your legs, only to have them forced open.
“Take the compliment,” he tells you, and you laugh a little at the way in which Yunho does praise. 
You’re still not fully used to him, but something tells you that by the end of the night, you will be.
“Thank you, sir-” you say, “I’m glad you like my pretty pussy- it’s ready just for you.” 
Yunho’s eyes lift from your core and he cocks a brow at you, grinning. “Yeah? What do you want me to do first, baby?”
“You could-” you swallow thickly, skin tingling from the way he’s making you be verbal for him. “You could kiss it a little, I guess-”
Yunho lets out a small laugh, and a moment later, he’s gently smacking the inside of your thigh. The contact is enough to make you yelp, a small sting jittering up leg and going straight to your core. Your pussy is practicly throbbing with interest, and your heart is speeding in your rib cage.
“When did you get so shy?” Yunho teases you. “I guess you’re too used to guys begging to eat you out huh? Haven’t had to ask for it in a while, have you, pretty girl?” 
“No-” you admit, mind going back to Mingyu, who had literally dragged your pussy to his mouth, “I haven’t had to ask in a while.” 
Another smack to the inside of your thigh has you letting out a high pitched squeal, reaching down to push at Yunho and his broad shoulders. 
“That’s for not calling me sir,” he tells you, pointing your phone up at your face to capture your shocked expression. 
Yunho’s grinning now, and you realize he’s the kind of guy who’s not truly aware of his own strength- your thigh is stinging slightly from the contact, but you can tell he’d meant it in a more playful way. 
“Sorry sir,” you apologize quickly. “I guess- seeing as I havent had to do it in a while, do you want me to beg for your tongue?”
Yunho’s eyes darken, and he nods behind the camera.
The sound of coins is on low volume today, but cam room donations spur you on as you begin to speak. “Please- sir, I’m already so needy- didn’t expect to have my inner thighs slapped, and it felt so good- I need something- I want your cock later, but I know you’re gonna be so big- gonna stretch me out so well- I need your tongue first, please, sir-”
The idol between your legs looks hungrier and hungrier as you beg for him, and finally, he snaps. Yunho tosses your phone onto the bed next to you, grabbing your hips to pull you to his mouth. His hands slip to the backs of your thighs, and he presses your legs up closer to your chest, curling your body in half and making it easier for the tongue that slips into your wet hole-
A moan escapes you as you reach down to thread your fingers in Yunho’s dark curls. You don’t even care that the camroom is left to stare at the ceiling again- the sounds that are tumbling out of you already are enough to let the men watching know that you’re being perfectly eaten out.
“Fuck- sir-” you throw your head back, eyes closing as Yunho sucks his lips around your clit. 
Every idol you fuck has their own pace, their own intensity when they’re eating your pussy- every single man that’s gone for your pussy like this has known what they’re doing, each in their own way. 
Yunho’s good with his tongue, and he’s definitely not shy about using it. You can feel his tasting your walls, groaning against your core and rubbing his nose to your clit-
Then there’s the way he applies pressure to the back of your thighs, keeping you pretzeled and at his mercy-
You can’t find it in yourself to verbalize praise for Yunho, and something tells you he prefers your moans and whines anyways. The pitchier you are, the harder he goes on you-
It must be obvious that you’re close to cumming, because Yunho’s mouth goes to your clit again and he lets go of one of your legs, a finger sliding into your entrance-
You adjust your thigh over Yunho’s shoulder and he adds a second digit, stretching you out while his tongue flicks at your most sensitive spot-
“Shit- sir- I’m gonna-” you can’t even finish your sentence, inhaling a sharp breath as your first orgasm is torn out of you with shocking precision. 
You buck your hips towards his face, clit throbbing at the way he continues to suck on it- but the hand on your lower abdomen pins you to the bed, forcing you back down. 
A strangled moan slips out of you and you grab the bedsheets, one last attempt to ground yourself while Yunho’s tongue and fingers guide you to cloud nine. 
“So good-” you whimper, on the verge of tears already, “so so good, sir- oh my god-” 
You can feel him smile against your pussy, and a moment later he’s letting up on your clit, fingers pumping into you slowly while he looks up at you. “Almost ready for me to fuck you, baby?” 
“Uh huh-” you swallow thickly, “yes, please, sir.” 
“How are your legs feeling?” Yunho asks, turning his head to press a kiss against your inner thigh. 
“Good… why?” 
“Cuz you’re gonna be riding me.”
“I am?” You blink at him, watching him pull away from between your legs to stand at the foot of the bed.
“Of course,” Yunho grins, taking out a small light ring and tripod that every idol you fuck just seems to have on hand- “it’s another thing you inspired me with during your last show.”
Your leg muscles are burning just thinking about it.
“I thought you said you were going to break me- how can you break me if I’m on top?”
“You’re cute, baby,” Yunho shakes his head at you while setting your phone in place. “When you get close, I’ll flip you onto your back and take over- Mingyu did the best he could under you while you sucked his friend off- but… I think I could do better- since it’s just the two of us.”
 The man who you’d once thought of as the boy next door type comes to join you on the bed, sitting propped up against the headboard.
You take a moment to appreciate his physique before getting onto your knees and crawling towards him, reaching out a hand to help him with his belt and pants. 
“You gonna be good and suck me off too, baby?” Yunho cocks a brow at you.
“Yes, sir,” you nod, licking your lips, “something tells me you’re really big- and I’m not usually a fan of lube so-”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed that,” Yunho tilts his head to the side while assessing you, “you’re usually wet enough, aren’t you, pretty girl?”
“Usually wet enough for guys with normal dicks, but like I said, sir,” you trail your finger over the bulge in his denim pants, “I suspect you’re big.” 
“Open your present and find out,” he shrugs, almost nonchalantly, and it only makes you even more eager to get your mouth around his cock.
You’re aware of the way your phone is set up, at the foot of the bed, and you can imagine that the camroom has a great view of your ass and pussy as you lean over Yunho’s crotch. You arch your back, shaking your bum just enough to tease anyone watching.
Yunho lets out a small laugh at your behaviour, lifting his hips to allow you to pull his pants and briefs down in one rough tug. His hard cock slaps up against his lower abdomen- it’s as big and pretty as the rest of him. 
“Fuck, I’m not going to be able to fit this anywhere, sir, least of all my mouth-” you tell him, wrapping your hand around the base of his length. 
“You’ll do alright,” he assures you, pushing a few stray strands of hair out of your face. “Don’t have to suck it for long- besides, I can already see you drooling, baby.” 
You are- it would be hard not to salivate at the sight of Yunho’s dick-
“Come on, my pretty little cock whore cam baby,” the idol encourages you, “it’s not gonna suck itself.” 
With a small shake of your head, you lick a stripe from base to tip, and Yunho shivers beneath you as your tongue glides over the head of his cock. He’s sensitive there, and you don’t mind focusing your attention on his pretty mushroom tip- for a short while at least.
Yunho lets out a groan, large hand gently applying pressure to the back of your head, urging you to take more of him-
No matter how many dicks you suck in your life, you don’t think you’ll ever truly be used to having your mouth full in this way- 
But you do your best, closing your eyes and breathing through your nose while you work Yunho over with your tongue. 
“You are good at this-” Yunho tells you, voice breathy, “I don’t know why I thought the other guys might be exaggerating- but they’re really not.” 
This makes you even more eager to show Yunho all you can do with your mouth, and you suck on him even harder, hollowing out your cheeks-
Yunho gasps, grip tightening in your hair, pulling you off of him. “That’s enough of that,” he tells you, assessing your puffy lips and the trail of saliva still connecting you to his cock. “Gonna ride me now, right, baby?”
“Uh huh,” you nod, “yes, sir, gonna ride you so well-” 
You go to latch onto his shoulders and Yunho’s hands find your hips, lifting you into position- he allows you to be the one who reaches between your bodies, grabbing his cock and adjusting it so you can slowly sink down-
“Fuck- sir, you’re so big-” you whimper, bouncing a little so you can take him easier. 
“Told you I was going to stretch out this tight little pussy, didn’t I, baby?” Yunho’s head is dipped, his gaze focused on the way you’re still trying to sit completely on his cock-
One of his hands reaches up to grasp your breast, massaging you and tweaking your nipple with his thumb.
“Come on, baby, you can take it-” he encourages you, biting his lip between his teeth while his eyes scan your body. “You’re our little cam baby, right?”
“So that means you can take anything,” Yunho says, leaning in so his breath can fan across your chest. “Take it, baby,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your collarbone, “take my cock.” 
“I’m trying- you’re so-” you groan in frustration, bobbing on his cock to take the last two inches- “fuck- so deep- sir-” you dig your nails into his shoulders, throwing your head back and closing your eyes.
“Just wait till I start fucking you, baby, that’s gonna be deep.” His hand slides down from your hip to grab at your ass. “Come on, ride it.” 
You adjust your anchor on his shoulders, thighs already shaking as you lift your body only to sink back down on his cock. The gentle sound of skin slapping skin is something you do your best to focus on as you find a slow rhythm.
You’re nearly lost in the feeling of Yunho, of being split open on him with each movement-
But it feels so good- has anything ever felt this good?
Then the man beneath you is leaning in, wrapping his lips around your nipple- your hands go to his hair, threading through the dark locks as more moans slip out of you. 
As you bounce up and down on him, rhythm increasing with help from the two large hands on your hips, you almost forget that you’re doing a cam show. 
Your phone is so far away- and you’re too cock drunk to think much about donations or the chat room- but you do your best to be as vocal as possible, knowing that moans will make up for the fact that Yunho obviously could care less about good visual shots. 
The idol’s teeth drag over your nipple, and then he’s pulling away from your chest to look up at you, cheeks a pretty pinkish colour. “You’re perfect,” Yunho tells you, voice low enough that the camera won’t hear him.
“Thank you, sir-”
“Enough with sir,” he cuts you off, planting one hand on the bed so he can roll his hips up to meet yours, “it’s Yunho now, call me Yunho, I want everyone to know who’s fucking you like this.”
“Fuck, Yunho-” you whine loudly, tugging gently on his curls to pull his lips to yours.
It’s an eager kiss, a clash of tongues and teeth- your nails drag by his strong shoulders, and he stifles your moans of pleasure as he continues to fuck up into you.
“You close?” he asks, gently biting at your lower lip.  
“Uh huh-”
“Your thighs are shaking, baby- should I take over?”
Yunho’s abdominal muscles tense as he sits up fully, and two hands brace under your ass- in a quick motion, you’re thrown onto your back at the foot of the bed, head nearly lolling off the side of the mattress-
“There we go,” Yunho says as he slots between your thighs in missionary position, his mouth coming close to your ear when he whispers, “now all your other boy toys can watch you get properly fucked.” 
The camera is in the perfect spot, and when Yunho’s large hand wraps around your throat, he forces you to hang your head off the side of the bed, your back arching-
Your camroom will have a great view of you and your tits bouncing as Yunho takes lead, thrusting into you at an angle that has his cock practically rearanging your insides-
“Fuck- Yunho-” you gasp, hardly able to speak with the pressure still on your throat from his hand, “so deep-”
“Your close, right, baby?” He gently bites at your earlobe. “Why don’t you rub that pretty clit for me and cum?”
“What about you?” you ask, hand already slipping between your bodies to seak out your sensitive nub.
“I’m not done with you just yet-” Yunho chuckles, releasing your throat in favour of pressing kisses along your neck. “Just trust me- and be a good little cam baby who cums all over big dick.” 
“I can do that-” you nod, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your tight hole-
“Squeezing me so good, baby,” Yunho groans against your throat, fucking into you even harder. 
“Don’t stop-” you whine, hands smoothing over his strong shoulders, nails teasing skin.
“I’ve got you,” Yunho promises, pace unfaltering.
“Fuck, Yunho-” each slap of his hips against yours has you closer and closer-
“That’s it, come on-” he cups your face, thumb gliding past your lips-
It’s the perfect thing to suck on, the perfect thing to be the cherry on top that throws you over the edge. 
You gasp around his digit, pussy clamping down on his cock while your own fingers rub at your clit, sending jitters of electric pleasure energy coursing through your entire body. 
“There you go-” Yunho groans in your ear, fucking you through your orgasm.
He’s so big, pinning you down to the bed as easily as ever-
All you can do is claw at his back and wrap your legs tighter around his waist while he helps you ride it out-
You wish he was cumming with you, your body already tired from two orgasms, but you suppose a guy with a big dick like Yunho might need a little longer to get there- 
The sounds he’s making in your ear tell you he’s close too, and you find yourself threading your fingers through his hair again. “Yunho-” you moan, “want you to cum too-”
“You done baby?”
“Yes- but I want you to cum-” 
Before you can finish your sentence, Yunho’s pulling out of you and manhandling you again. This time, you find yourself on all fours, ass up-
You think he’s going to fuck you doggy, but then he pulls you onto your knees, pinning you to his chest with an arm like a safety bar across your front, large hand cupping your breast.
“Here-” Yunho fumbles with something in the back pocket of the jeans that are still haphazardly pushed down his legs. He hands you his phone. “Open your camroom and read some comments.”
“You heard me,” he insists, kissing your neck and gently nipping at your skin. His thrusts, however, are anything but gentle, as he begins rutting into you from behind. “Read.” 
Joongie: this guy is crazy
Darkhwa: you say that as if it’s not OUR yunho
Joongie: that’s not our yunho
Gi: yeah he’s sir
Mountain: you’ve called him that a lot, huh gi?
Wooyoungthug: kkkkkkkkkkk
Gi: shut up san
Wooyoungthug: nice comeback
“It’s-” you begin to try to talk, but cut yourself off with a moan- Yunho feels so good like this- “it’s mostly your own members-”
“Yeah?” Yunho’s breath fans over the nape of your neck, and you feel him over your shoulder.
“San, Wooyoung and Gi are fighting-”
“Of course they are,” the man behind you sighs.
“Now Gi’s asking to come join-”
Yunho’s response is a quick “No,” and he tightens his grip on you. He brings his lips to your ear again, speaking low so only you can hear; “What about your beloved Seventeen and NCT? They’re not in the room?”
“They are-” you swallow thickly, scanning the comments.
Doie has donated $300
Tigerprince has donated $100
Doie: come on hoshi. Pay up
PuppyBoyWoo: yeah hoshi pay up
PuppyBoyWoo has donated $300
Tigerprince: settle down PUPPY
Tigerprince: rawr
Tigerprince has donated $200
“They’re bickering- as usual,” you say. 
“No steady dom in the room to tell them to behave?” Yunho grins against your throat, one hand moving so his fingers can rub your clit-
“Fuck- Doie-” your breath catches, “Doyoung’s trying to keep things in line-”
“He’s not the dom I was thinking of,” the man behind you scoffs. He’s quiet when he speaks, another line meant for your ears only; “Joong and Hwa said you have a thing for Johnny keeping the peace- isn’t your favourite dom in chat?”
“I-” your heart flutters as you realize NiceGuyJohnny isn’t a name you’ve seen so far- 
NiceGuyJohnny has donated $1000
“He’s in the room,” you confirm, shocked when something like relief floods over you.
“And you just love that, don’t you, baby?” Yunho whispers in your ear, chuckling. “Your pussy’s squeezing me so good now- tell me, is it from my fingers on your clit?” he rubs you harder, “or from John.”
“It’s from you-” you tell him, closing your eyes and leaning back against his shoulder. “Please- Yunho- I just wanna cum-”
“Uh huh- so badly,” you whimper.
“Fine.” The arm that’s been braced across your chest is suddenly gone, and Yunho pushes you down into doggy again, his phone discarded on the mattress next to your hand. “I guess if you beg for it- we can cum.”
“Oh my god, yes!” you moan at the new position, his cock sliding into you incredibly deep- “please, please, please-”
“Is that all you have to say for yourself?” Yunho’s fingers dig into your hips as he fucks you stupid. 
“Please make me cum, please-” you’re so close- reaching a hand between your thighs to rub your clit- “Cum with me- want it so bad-”
“Fuck,” Yunho groans, “almost there, baby, almost there.”
You’re not sure how Yunho has the energy to do it, but he picks up his pace, and you claw at the sheets with one hand, your sounds getting even louder as you hold off your orgasm for the perfect moment-
“That’s it- feels so fucking good, baby-” his thrusts falter momentarily- “cum with me- fuck, cum with me, princess-” 
You’re his perfect little cam baby cock whore princess, and you do exactly as he said, exploding for the third time since arriving in Yunho’s room.
It’s all consuming, the type of orgasm that makes you burry your head in the sheets and want to scream, your toes curling as sensitivity courses through you-
Yunho’s groaning behind you, rutting deep into your core even as you’re both overwhelmed with your orgasms-
His fingers dig into your hips, pulling you back to meet his thrusts-
“Fuck- Yunho-” 
His pace starts to slow, and you hear him let out something between a moan and a sigh. He’s still burried in your pussy, but he lets go of you, and for a moment you both simply catch your breath.
“You okay?” Yunho asks, hands returning to smooth up and down your back, a finger tracing your spine. 
“Uh huh,” you swallow thickly, still not ready to speak.
“Need a minute?”
“Uh huh.”
You both laugh a little, and you listen while Yunho takes another deep breath.
“Cam’s still on, so don’t say anything you don’t want them to hear,” he tells you. 
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Like… you know, how much you love me and my massive dick-”
“Oh my god-” you groan, shaking your head and grinning. “I think maybe you should be careful- if you’re any more sweet to me, people will know I have you pussy whipped.”
“Pussy whipped?” Yunho laughs in shock, and he squeezes your ass cheek roughly. “You sure about that?”
“Don’t forget that before we turned the cam on, you admitted that-”
“Woah,” suddenly you’re being pulled up to your knees, back to his chest with his hand around your throat, “no need to spill any secrets, baby.” 
You simply smile, voice teasing when you say “Sorry, sir.” 
“Okay, I think it’s time to turn your phone off.” With one last sigh, Yunho pulls out of your core, and you whine at the loss, reaching down to cup your pussy so none of his cum can drip onto his bed. 
With your other hand, you grab at your phone, pulling it out of the tripod and saying goodbye to whoever is still in the room. You’ve got bigger things to deal with now- like how to get to the Ateez dorm bathroom without running into Gi.
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› [nct] HeyChannie - online
› [multi] TheJinyoung & NiceGuyJohnny - online
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ostdrossel · 9 months
A new visitor this morning... The Birdsy AI identified and recorded the clip. I was in a meeting and only saw it later in my Birdsy account. What a magnificent bird! Apparently it is a she, a Sharp-shinned. And she left hungry.
A word about Birdsy... I have been using their cameras since 2019, and I love the convenience of using a camera that is AI driven rather than unsing motion detection. My photo setup is motion activated, and it takes me a lot of time and computer storage to handle and edit the photos. I have used security cams to get close to wildlife before too, but I found it very time-consuming to sift through the footage to see if they captured anything fun. The cool thing with Birdsy is that the AI is trained on wildlife and captures exactly that so you do not end up with tons of “empty” videos. You also don’t have to install emulators or wonky software in order to watch your clips or livestream. With Birdsy, you get an app as well as an online account in which all your videos are saved and sorted by ID and date. And you can share your clips and livestream with others or embed it on your website, like I am doing here as well. In my opinion, nothing beats the convenience of this system as opposed to trail cams or security cams. No SD cards needed, and you are not tied to a setup like the gadgety smart feeders that seem to be all the rage now. You can build your own setup. Check it out on their website birdsy.com. I am streaming there too 😊
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smoochhyuka · 8 months
Shotaro as your playful dom
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The way he grabbed Antons face and neck in the most recent video.... :( The way he looked into the cam, shaking his head, after Eunseok tried pressing his wrist... :(
○o。content warnings! NSFW, kinda soft dom!shotaro, subby fem!reader, oral m! and f! receiving (mention of face fucking), established relationship, lingerie, tickling!, light bondage, lots of foreplay and teasing, might seem slightly dubcon in some parts but that's unintended, edging, praise kink, pet names, hair pulling, dumbification?? infantilization??, orgasm control, edited for spelling
His sex-drive is fairly high with you, which surprised you, especially at the start of your relationship. His gleeful, warm and extroverted personality almost making him seem innocent, since he's laughing, covering his face after any dirty comment made by his friends. But you couldn't have been more wrong, your sweet sweet Shotaro has a dirty mouth and even dirtier desires.
There is nothing Shotaro enjoys more than to tickle and tease you, while you're helplessly lying in bed between your fluffy pillows and plushies... <3 Your laugh bouncing off the walls, a few whines and weak attempts to tickle him back interrupting it occasionally. He'll secure your wrists above your head, both in one hand, the other caressing your waist while he's blowing raspberries in your neck and belly. Your twitching, turning and squirming only turning him on, feeling manly towering over your cute and soft form.
If he's feeling especially relentless he'll handcuff you to the headboard, only leaving you in your shorts, tits exposed, and won't stop until you tear up. You feel overwhelmed by the sensation, no laughs left to spare in able to process the goosebumps, the bites, tugs, pinches, licks, kisses and tickling. Starting to feel a little humiliated by your pathetic display, damp pussy just from being toyed with by your boyfriend, who has been giggling and laughing at you the entire time.
Shotaros second favorite thing to do is to eat you out afterward. Your whole body being incredibly sensitive, already reacting to his nose hovering above your puffy clit. His head is just as tormenting as the long-winded foreplay, only starting with kitten licks, circling your bundle of nerves painfully slowly, making you cry and beg for more. He places wet kisses around your pussy, spreading your lips with one hand and pumping deeply into your hole with his index finger on the other.
He's feeling a sense of accomplishment if he's able to make you cum with as little stimulation as possible, relying on edging you until you can't take it anymore.
He doesn't need to work hard anyway, just seeing his big eyes with a determined yet playful shine in them, looking up between your thighs while he's sucking on your clit with his plump and pink lips, is a sight that is enough to make your head feel fuzzy.
You always make sure to suck him off too, even if he doesn't necessarily ask you to do so. He's throwing his head back, long blonde locks framing is cute, little face, while he's moaning your name loudly, praises dripping down his tongue like honey.
"You're doing so good, angel."
"My pretty girl."
"That's it, princess."
If he's lying on his back, he'd arch it and hold your head down, fucking your throat with both hands buried in your hair, pulling on it if you like it. If he's sitting, you're kneeling in front of him on the floor, or lying on your stomach next to him, head on his lap, he'll be a lot softer with you, letting you control the tempo. He's caressing your cheeks, if you jack him off to catch a breath, he's playing with your lips with his thumb. His loving smile won't falter, holding intense eye-contact, giggling if you avoid his gaze out of shyness.
Sex with Shotaro can be very rough, but he's somehow always cheerful. Sometimes you're unsure if he's sincere or mocking you, his praises sounding ironic due to his joyful tone. His cute face contrasting his actions, you get whiplash if he's suddenly asserting his dominance by grabbing your face or holding you down, stripping you of your clothes.
Most of the time, though, you can distinguish his cynicism from honest statements. He would never make fun of you in front of others, he thinks very highly of you and spoils you rotten outside the bedroom. But he switches up behind closed doors, he knows how heat is pooling between your legs every time he diminishes you in that airy, sing-songy tone of his.
"I thought you're a smart girl, huh? Why would you act this stupidly?"
"A girl like you can't do something like this by herself."
"Why won't you go into the bedroom, get ready for your boyfriend, while I fix this mess you just caused, mh? Can you do that for me?"
No because you need an extra closet just for your lingerie. He already loves shopping and this is just another item to splurge on. He is always a little embarrassed to buy them, a toothy, mischievous smile on his face while handing the cashier the underwear, he might mention they're for his girlfriend if they're eyeing him too much. But ultimately it's worth it.
He only buys colors that suit your skin complexion, but the styles are all over the place. You own many négligées, sets and basic lace pieces, all with varying degrees of skimpiness.
He loves it when you wear them around the house, or just walk around lightly clothed, it's like a game of who loses first. His hands are going to be all over you, but not where you want them to be. He's kissing and biting your neck, thighs and cheeks, but never grazing your lips. He's adjusting your lingerie, but never pulling it down.
Usually it's you who caves first, his competitiveness too pronounced, his teasing resembling edging.
Fucking you against the kitchen counter, living room table or wall, making sure your exposed nipples rub against the cold and textured surfaces underneath you. His pace is relentless, fingers burying themselves in your hips. He doesn't shy away from slapping your ass or tits too, pulling your hair and sloppily making out with you.
He moans so loudly, his voice sounding almost whiny, chanting your name or pet names while he cums deeply inside your cunt.
If he's feeling especially mean that day, he won't let you cum. Still in that position, he's rubbing your pussy in an unhealthy speed and stopping just before your release, repeating this until you cry. Sinking back into you to feel your abused walls around his dick while he's finally not pulling away, letting you relish your well-earned orgasm.
Even if you wanted to tell anyone about your boyfriend's antics, no one will believe you. Cry.
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waltermis · 11 months
Scaredy Cat
Summary: Who knew carving a pumpkin could be so damn difficult?
Warnings: swearing, Tony’s precious kitchen is destroyed
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader (romantic), Avengers x reader (platonic)
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“Noooooo! Natty! That’s not right!!!!!!!!”
“I don’t know what you want from me, detka!!!”
“Natalia Alianovna Romanoff!!! Put down the knife right now!”
“What’re you guys doing?” Steve asked, as he entered the living room. Inside was the entire team of Avengers, who look like they’re looking at… Natasha and you…?
“We’re watching Natasha and Y/N carve a pumpkin.” Wanda explained, never taking her eyes off the screen.
“What? What’s so interesting about that?” 
“Y/N bought a pumpkin for them to carve but Nat’s trying to carve a scary face in it and Y/N wants to make it look like a cat.” Clint answered.
“What? Are they carving one singular pumpkin?”
“Yup,” Tony said, distractedly
“Why don’t they just carve two different pumpkins?”
“Y/N/N thought it would be a nice couples thing… Popcorn?” he offered.
“Sure… why not.” Steve grabbed a handful as he sat next to Bucky and Sam.
“Will you quit trying to make it look scary?!” you screeched, horrified at the face your cat was making.
“Stop trying to hold me back!!! I want a scary pumpkin!!!” Natasha yelled, raising her knife.
“Do not try to threaten me!”
“I wasn’t trying to!!” Natasha argued back.
“Then don’t raise your knife at me!”
“I wasn’t!”
“DO NOT LIE TO ME!!!!” You seethed.
“Whatever!!! Just carve the stupid pumpkin!”
“You know what, no.”
“I have a better idea…”
The team looked confused, as the security camera cut out. “What? What happened??” Sam asked, his mouth stuffed with popcorn.
“No idea…” Tony said, just as confused. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. run a diagnostic scan.”
“It appears that the security camera has been disconnected by Miss L/N.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded.
“Can’t you connect it again?” Thor asked, cradling his poptarts.
“It appears to have been done manually,”
“What does that mean?” Bucky asked.
“It means that Y/N either cut the wire or just ripped the whole thing out.” Tony said, “knowing Y/N, it’ll be the latter one. F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you order more cables for the security cams?”
“Already done, sir.”
Before the team could say another word, they heard a huge crash and bang coming from the kitchen. Quickly, they ran towards the sound, only to the entire kitchen covered in pumpkin guts. The top to bottom, ceiling to floor, the entire room was covered. You and Natasha fared no better, Natasha had guts in her hair while you had pumpkin seeds and guts stuck to your clothes and caked onto your skin.
“What the fuck happened in here?!” Tony let out a shrill cry as he looked at his beloved kitchen.
“Well, Nat and I couldn’t figure out how to carve our pumpkin so we just started flinging the pumpkin’s guts at each other.” you answered, wiping away some of the guts from your eyes. Natasha looked at you and smiled, before helping you wipe it all away.
“Who knew a pumpkin had so much inside of it.” Natasha commented.
“I know right?!”
“So, did you guys end up choosing between a cat or a scary face?” Bruce asked.
“Yeah, we… wait, how did you know what faces we were choosing?” you questioned, looking at them suspiciously. “Oh my god! Were you spying on us?!”
“Noooooooo…” they all declined quickly.
“Uh huh… right…” Natasha said, unconvinced.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you disconnected the security feed. Please tell me you didn’t rip the wires to shreds.” Tony said, still gaping at what was once his immaculate kitchen.
“Nope, just disconnected it so you guys couldn’t see what we were doing. After Nat and I clean up, I’m gonna go save a couple copies of the feed.” you said.
“Oh, yeah! Bruce, to answer your question, we did end up choosing the pumpkin’s face.” you said, picking it up and showing it off.
“So you picked the cat face?” Wanda asked.
“And the scary face.” you added, turning the pumpkin around to show Natasha’s terrifying carving. “May I present to you, Scaredy Cat.”
“That’s pretty cute.” Clint complimented.
“Thanks…” Natasha responded.
“Why Scaredy Cat?” Thor asked.
“Because it has a scary face and it’s a cat. What’s so hard to understand?” you asked.
“Yeah, exactly. What’s so hard to understand? Now if you’ll excuse me, my girlfriend and I need to shower.” Natasha said, dragging you away.
“What?! No!! Clean this up!!” Tony said, still having a meltdown about his kitchen.
“What was that, Stark? Too far away can’t hear you! Love you! Byeeeeeeeee!!” you said, as Natasha cackled, along with you.
822 words
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Teenage Woes Part 3
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Synopsis: You and Jack finally decide on a fair punishment for the triplets, and they get a rude awakening when they are forced out of their comfort zone.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Read Part 1 and Part 2 first
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It had been a week since Jack had gotten his privileges back and he wasted absolutely no time once you had told him. At this point, the triplets were still walking on eggshells around you and in order not to do anything to piss you off, if they had a question they wouldn't ask you unless absolutely necessary.
Jack had convinced you to take a bath and had run the water for you along with lighting a few of your favorite candles and adding your favorite bath bombs. Within five minutes, he was climbing into the tub behind you, and you were surprised that it had taken him that long.
Your head was laying on his chest and the two of you were in a comfortable silence when you broke it by poking his cheek and starting to play with his beard.
"Yes, baby?"
"I've thought long and hard about this and if we agree on this, we can move forward with a proper punishment for them."
"I had been thinking too, but you go first." Jack said while kissing the tip of your nose and you smiled.
"They're going to public school and we are no longer paying for them to go to a private school. That comes with privileges and having the right attitude and being respectful."
"At least for a semester, you agree?"
You slowly nodded your head yes.
"No one is allowed to use their cell phone or drive unless we let them. Axel and Ivy need to get part time jobs and Ivy asked me if babysitting Nova counts even though she's 12. I expected her to ask about Cash and Cam seeing that they're only 6."
"No she didn't ask that…" Jack said while stifling a laugh and looking at you in disbelief and all you did was nod.
"And I have another suggestion." Jack started to say and you nodded for him to go on.
"They give us a percentage of their paycheck every two weeks and we tell them it goes towards bills, but we actually put it in another savings account for them and they can't even touch that one until they're 30."
"Hmm, I like that idea. I can open a new account tomorrow."
"One way or another they are going to learn to respect us and I think that this will be the wake up call that they need."
"I think one of the things that sticks out and pisses me off the most is Axel smoking. Knowing that he had to be intubated multiple times when he was born and has a heart murmur. He's lucky that we even let him play soccer. And has asthma. Like is he trying to put himself in the hospital because I'm convinced that he is. I get that I experimented, well we both did, however we didn't do anything that stupid."
"And remember the time we found weed and he tried to blame it on Urban?" Jack added and all you did was shake your head.
"I swear, I don't recognize my kids anymore. At least the other three act like they have some sense."
"When should we tell them?"
"Well school starts back up next week so I can call tomorrow and get them enrolled and can you be in charge of making sure they find jobs?"
"Of course baby, and they can't work for us either. Because I know Ivy will ask."
"They are in for a rude awakening. We'll tell them tomorrow and if someone disobeys our rules, a disciplinary school is next. Never thought I would say that out loud but here we are."
"I hope we don't get to that point, but if we do, so be it."
"I just checked on all of them and Autumn snuck out again. She's not in her room and I watched the security cameras."
"Hmm, she can have her fun now but come tomorrow she's going to be in for it. I don't even have the energy to yell or argue with them anymore. It's the fact that I'm calm and I admit that's probably the scariest thing that I could be."
"Oh, trust me, I know."
All you did was eye him as he leaned down to kiss you.
"I love you."
"And I love you even when you get on my nerves."
"Was that last part really necessary?" Jack asked as he sucked his teeth, but all you did was laugh.
"Of course it was. Wouldn't be me if I didn't say it."
Jack simply rolled his eyes as he began to kiss down your neck and you knew where this was going.
"You aren't tired yet?" You asked and he immediately shook his head no.
"I've missed out on an entire month and I need to make up for lost time so spread your legs and let me work."
The next morning, you got up early and fixed breakfast for everyone for the first time in about a month and a half. Jack woke up about thirty minutes after you and came down to help you. All you could basically put him in charge of was drinks, but you were still grateful to have his company.
Meanwhile upstairs, the triplets had congregated in Axel's room and they were confused since they heard both of you downstairs and knew that something had to be up.
"She's actually cooking…" Ivy whispered, not actually believing it herself.
"Well maybe she forgives us?" Axel suggested but the girls shook their heads no.
"That's way too easy. She couldn't have and she didn’t even say anything about it either."
"Uncle Urby said she holds grudges like no other and the last thing we want to do is be in the line of fire when she gets pissed off."
"But we're her kids. She can't stay mad at us forever."
"Autumn, you've done enough shit for her to be mad at you for the rest of your life." Axel said and she immediately rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, okay. Don't say anything when you cough up a lung knowing that you smoke and have asthma." She quickly fired back as Ivy simply sighed.
Jack suddenly knocked on Axel's door and peeked his head in startling them.
"You three get your brothers and sister and come eat."
"Dad! What is mom up to?" Axel asked and all Jack did was laugh to himself.
"You three will find out soon enough, come on."
The three of them exchanged nervous looks as Jack walked away and went back downstairs.
"Welp, we're all going to die. So it was nice knowing you two." Ivy said before walking out Axel's room to get Nova while Axel went to get his brothers.
Once downstairs, everyone had fixed their plate and was eating at the table when you and Jack were simply eyeing each other making the triplets even more nervous. Ivy quickly caught on with you two exchanging looks and finally asked.
“Um, why are you two looking at each other like that?”
“Babe, you want to tell them?” Jack asked while looking at you as you were sipping on your tea.
“Well, if you insist. Ivy, Axel, Autumn, the oldest of my children who I carried for 33 weeks and had to be resuscitated twice once they cut you out of me even though Autumn claimed that it wasn't a big deal and you all still continue to disrespect me, me and your father have something to tell all of you.”
“Wait…. YOU DIED?” Axel exclaimed since you had actually never told them.
“Not once, but twice. Stay on topic, Axel. And you almost did too, but that's not what this conversation is about." Jack quickly cut in while the girls were looking at you with concern.
“But you never told us that!” Ivy exclaimed and Autumn looked to be upset.
"We need to unpack that because…. WHAT?"
“Another story for another day when the three of you are actually back in my good graces again.”
Nova, Cash, and Cam stopped eating to try and listen in on what was going on with their siblings as they nervously looked on.
“Come next week, the three of you will be going to public school since me and your father are not going to pay for you three to go to private school that has top tier educators and continue to disrespect us so that’s a thing of the past, Ivy and Axel, you two need to get jobs and all three of you will decide which bill you want to contribute to in the house since Autumn already has one. You are not allowed to have your cell phone unless we say so and you can only drive to and from work. If one of you steps a toe out of line, you don’t want to know what is going to come after that because you definitely won’t like it. I do not expect any failing grades either.”
There was only silence for a matter of seconds before you quickly heard their protests.
“As long as you live in this house you will abide by our rules and respect them and we aren’t going back on this punishment so you three will have to deal with it.” Jack told them as Ivy simply had her mouth hanging wide open, but her face quickly turned to a look of anger as she looked at Autumn.
“This is all your fault! You told her that we were cut out and not pushed out and looked what happened!” Ivy said while rolling her eyes.
“How is this all my fault? I didn’t tell you to cuss out your teacher!”
“No, but you had to go and be a bitch and be disrespectful to our mother who would do anything for us and you’ve acted out ever since Nova was born because you were jealous that you weren’t the baby anymore!”
“We were only four when she was born!”
“And you still act as if you’re four years old! You almost let Nova fall down the steps ON PURPOSE when she was little and she would have seriously gotten hurt if I didn’t catch her in time!  You’ve always been the one to get in trouble and now we’re in trouble right along with you! And always beg daddy to bail you out when you know that you’re in the wrong. You’re so selfish!”
“How am I selfish? I have covered for you plenty of times when you snuck out with Damien!”
“YOU TWO, SHUT IT RIGHT NOW! And we do NOT call each other names, Ivy!” You yelled and the two of them instantly went quiet.
“Ivy, when did you sneak out?” Jack asked while looking at her and all she did was stare back at him while picking off her fingernail polish.
“Don’t lie because we have security cameras.” He continued as Autumn was smirking.
“Autumn wipe that smirk off your face. It looks like we now have to make an executive decision. Babe? They do their junior year and entire senior year in public school.”
“Now, wait a second! I was going to be dance captain this year!”
“Autumn, shut your mouth because I’m not waiting for a damn thing and it looks like they’ll have to choose someone else. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes and Ax, you’ve been mighty quiet but let me tell you if we as much catch you smoking or even smell weed on you knowing that you have asthma, you don’t want to know what’s going to happen. The last thing we ever want is you having an asthma attack and getting a call from the hospital because your inhaler didn’t work. We have gotten enough calls from the hospital concerning you to last more than four lifetimes. When you were born you literally couldn’t even breathe on your own.”
“And no boyfriends or girlfriends so NO dating. Open your mouth to talk back to either of us and we’ll ship you off to military school at this very moment. Your choice, so choose wisely. Now enjoy your breakfast while I make a few calls. Jack, the only thing that they can look on their phones for are jobs today. Once they fill out at least five applications, they have to give it back to you. Do you agree?”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
“We love the three of you very much, but you’ve left us no choice and have brought this on yourselves. I hope this serves as a good lesson to you and maybe just maybe if you three actually stick to being on your best behavior, you’ll slowly start to earn your privileges back.”
“Mommy?” You heard Cash ask and you quickly turned to him.
“Yes, my baby?”
“Can I have more orange juice?”
“Of course you can and Nova and Autumn come in the living room.”
“Am I in trouble?” Nova asked terrified as you poured juice for Cash and you shook your head no. She hated getting in trouble and would always cry when she was younger if she was caught doing something that she wasn’t supposed to do.  
“No, just need you for a second.”
The three of you walked into the living room and you gestured for them to sit down.
“Autumn, I am tired of this imaginary competition between you and Nova and it needs to stop at this very moment.”
“No, and do not pretend to not know what I’m talking about because Ivy is right. We prepped you as much as we could but I didn’t even know I was pregnant with her because I would have liked to have done a better job. You are now 16 years old and she is 12 and looks up to her big sisters and wants to be like you and Ivy. We love all of you EQUALLY and no one has gotten special treatment at any time. So, do a better job of being a sister to her. I don’t have mine anymore and I wish that I did so the two of you better learn to get along. When me and your dad are not here anymore, all you’re going to have is each other. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” She quietly said while looking down at her feet.
“Nova, do you understand?”
“The two of you can go finish eating.”
“Mom, what ever happened to your sister?” Nova quietly asked as she got up from the couch and Autumn went back into the kitchen.
“It’s not important and it’s a story for another day.”
The triplets were three weeks into the school year when all three of them came through the front door and you could tell that Ivy had been crying. Jack was the first one to notice and asked her what was wrong.
“Ivy? What’s going on?”
“Me and your mother went to public school and we turned out just fine. You’ll be okay.” Jack replied while shrugging and looking at her, when she was quiet, he spoke again.
“I hope you weren’t expecting sympathy from me because if you were, you need to look elsewhere.”
Just then you came down the steps and saw how upset she was and asked what had happened.
“What’s going on?”
“She’s fine. Ivy, go get ready for work and you’ll do your homework once you get back.”
“I AM NOT FINE! Mommy can I PLEASE go back to private school? Public school is scary and the food doesn’t taste good and they don’t have Fiji water in the cafeteria and the drama club sucks, and….”
You held up your hand to cut her off and all she did was sigh.
“Give it a chance, bubs. You’re only three weeks in and I have the utmost faith in you.” You said while pinching her cheek and all she did was sigh.
“You two aren’t changing your minds any time soon, are you?” Axel quietly asked while looking at how frustrated his sister was.
“Nope.” Both of you said at the same time and you went to lay in Jack’s lap as you grabbed his phone from him to order food since you had been busy all day and didn’t really have time to sit down. 
“If I finish my homework before dinner, can I play on my phone for an hour?" Autumn quietly asked and the two of you simply turned around to look at her. 
"Never mind. Can I watch Netflix then?"
"Hmm, what do you think?" Jack asked while looking down at you.
"It's Wednesday. No."
"Anddd there's your answer Autumn. You can read a book instead." Jack said as he looked towards her and all she did was nod her head accepting that as an answer before going upstairs while you scrolled through Jack’s phone.
"You know Nova asked me what happened to my sister a few weeks ago."
"Are you going to tell them?" Jack asked as you handed him his phone for him to add what he wanted to the cart.
"It's not all that important. It's not affecting their lives."
"But it's affecting yours. Not as much as before but it still is."
All you did was shrug.
"No matter how much time has passed and how much she wants to talk to me, I am never giving her the time of day or him for that matter. They knew what they were doing all along for it to come back and kick them in the ass later. She literally will never be in my good graces again. She had more kids other than me so she can focus on them. She literally did drugs while pregnant with me and I was born to addicted to a whole bunch of shit so she can go fuck herself. Anyway, did you add what you wanted? I want a milkshake too."
"I added it. It should be here in an hour."
"Okay. I just want them to understand that when we're not here anymore, all they're going to have is each other and they need to start treating each other better. Especially Autumn and Nova. Nova just kind of brushes it off, but I know it still bothers her. While Autumn can just be downright mean sometimes to her. And the thing is that she had her little jealous phase and I thought she grew out of it, but within the last few months she's doing it again."
"I think because of you telling them that, that they'll come around and be better about it. When I see those two, I get flashbacks of me and Clay and I do not want that happening again. And Autumn has got the message loud and clear now. We aren't putting up with her shit anymore."
"And it won't. In the end, I know that they'll be okay and it will just take a little while for them to get there."
"Now, are you sure we can't make another one?" Jack asked you and you looked up at him like he was crazy.
"Another WHAT?!"
"Um, never mind. I'll ask you later."
"If you are talking about me bringing another person into this world, the answer is no."
"We have 3 boys and 3 girls. We are done. My uterus is done. My vagina is done."
"I'll ask you again next week."
All you did was look up to Jack to see him smirking and trying not to laugh and you couldn’t help but to laugh yourself.
"I cannot stand you."
All he did was lean down to kiss you and you continued to laugh as he placed kisses all over your face.
"It's just because you're a damn good mother. Just to watch the way you love and care for them is amazing and I knew from the beginning it was going to be like that, despite what was going on between us."
"Those first two years were hard. Between me wanting to separate from you, postpartum depression, thinking that we were going to have to bury one child, but we're still here."
"We are and thriving despite what may be happening around us."
"I'm so thankful you were able to realize something was wrong with me when that happened." You quietly said as you thought back on it.
"I know you like the back of my hand and inside and out… literally. I know when something is wrong with my baby. But seriously, that scared the absolute shit out of me. Second to their actual birth."
"I can't describe it, but it was a weird feeling. Like an out of body experience you could say."
"And that's why you were nervous to have Nova, scared that it was going to happen again."
"And thankfully it didn't."
"I don't know what I would have done without you and I know I tell you this all the time, but I seriously do not take for granted every single moment I get to have with you. Even if we're having a good day or not. I literally cannot put into words how much I love you."
"The good always outweighs the bad and I love you more than life."
"We can get through anything as long as we have each other."
The triplets were at the top of the steps as they overheard you and Jack talking and if they didn't just feel bad before, they felt even worse now. 
They didn't say anything to each other as Ivy went downstairs to ask the both of you for her keys so that she could drive to work.
"Um, can I have my keys please?"
Since you were laying on Jack’s lap, he simply got up, but picked you up along with him with you letting out a yelp and went to get them out of the safe.
"Jackman, you can put me down now." You said as you laughed. He placed you on your feet before handing Ivy her keys.
"Go to work and then come home. No detours because we will find out." Jack told her and she simply nodded before grabbing both of you and pulling you into a hug, startling you both.
"Um, bubs, are you okay?" You quietly asked while hugging her back.
"Yes, I just love you both a whole lot. I have the best parents in the world."
"Oh. Well we love you too." Jack said while looking down at you confused and all you did was shrug.
"I'll see you both when I get back." Was all that she said before she walked out the door and all you and Jack did was look at each other.
"What just happened?" Jack quietly asked while looking at you, but you were at a loss for words.
"I'm not really sure, but I'm not mad at it."
It was now nearing the end of the semester and the triplets had been on their best behavior and following all of the rules that you and Jack had set in place for them.
The both of you knew that their report cards would be sent home today and were hoping for good results.
You were currently in your room looking over possible dresses that Julissa sent over for an upcoming event and you had told her that by the end of the day, you would decide which one you wanted.
Your door was open as Autumn poked her head in and knocked.
"I don't even remember the last time you called me that. Is something wrong?" You said while looking at her in the doorway and she quickly shook her head no.
"Then what's going on? And are you just going to stand in the doorway or come in?" You asked her and she quickly came in to sit next to you and simply stared at you.
"I got my report card." She said while handing it to you.
You took it from her and looked it over seeing that she had gotten all A's and B's.
"This is good, bubs. I'm proud of you." You said while looking back up at her and all she did was start to cry.
"Autumn? What's wrong?" You asked while putting her report card on your dresser and hugging her as she cried into your chest.
"I'm such a horrible daughter and sister. My siblings probably hate me."
"What?! No you aren't! And no one in this house hates you!"
"You and daddy have given me so many chances that I really shouldn't have gotten. And Nova does hate me! I've been nothing but mean to her since she was born!"
"Okay, Autumn, you need to breathe. Like I said no one hates you. Nova is just in her own little world, and has a very big heart. You’re her sister that she looks up to and all she wants is for the two of you to get along. I know that she'll forgive you and she wants the two of you to be close."
"And you went through so much to give birth to us and I'm sorry that I ever said that it wasn't a big deal. You died. Twice. And went through postpartum depression and you were going to separate from daddy and…."
"Pause. How did you know that last part?"
"We overheard the two of you talking." She quietly said while looking up at you.
All you did was sigh.
"Autumn Danielle, all six of you are our greatest joy and I wouldn’t change a thing because that's how we got to this point. You've been doing a lot better and all we want is for all of you to be successful, respectful, and responsible, knowing that you can lose everything in a blink of an eye. Just continue to do better, okay?"
"Okay." She said while sniffling and hugging you tighter.
"I love you and I'm sorry if I don't say it enough or don't act like it." Autumn added while playing with her bracelet that you and Jack had bought her for her birthday.
"I love you too and that is never going to change. We are always going to be here for you no matter what."
Just then Axel peeked into the room to see the two of you and made his way in also having his report card in hand.
"She's occupied! Get your own!" You heard Autumn yell and all you did was laugh.
"What the? She is MY OWN. She was my mother before she was yours! I'm two minutes ahead of you!"
"And I also made it in here before you so you can leave. We were having a moment."
"Autumn, be nice! Ax, let me see the report card."
Once again, you saw all A's and B's.
"I expected nothing less, very proud of you."
"And I haven't smoked and I got your favorite muffins. They're downstairs."
"Oh, I would have known if you smoked anyway. I look at the number of puffs you have left on your inhaler. When you were using it more, you kept saying you needed another one."
"Bubs, I have 24 years on you. I wasn't born yesterday." You said while smirking at him.
"Autumn, move over." Ax said and she scooted over to make more room for him. 
"Mom? Can we have tacos later?"
"Text your dad the ingredients that I need."
About two hours later, Jack walked in to see three of his oldest children surrounding you on the bed with all of you knocked out sleeping and all he could do was smile.
All he did was snap a quick picture to show you later. 
Hearing his footsteps, you fluttered your eyes open to see your husband smiling at you.
"What?" You asked while smiling back at him and all he did was hand you his phone to look at the picture he took.
"No matter how old they get, they're always going to need us."
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Greetings and welcome to Chapter Seven!
Bruce kept checking and rechecking the security footage. One moment his son and the surprise guest were talking in the cave and the next a rift opens up pulling them both through.
Not good.
Bruce decided to call in the big guns on this one.
“Hello Bruce, I would say it’s nice to hear from you but considering this is the emergency line I'm concerned. What’s up?"
"Jason is missing."
Bruce let words fall out of his mouth quickly. He didn’t want to make his worries so apparent. He didn’t want to lose his composure. Losing his composure could cause mistakes in his detective work.
Bruce could hear the first few questions that Barbara posed.
"What do mean he's missing? Like he's left the manor? I can try to track him if you want."
Bruce nodded.
Of course he put an inter-dimensional tracker into the comms he gave to all of his children. This was exactly why.
Bruce rechecked the security footage.
For once Jason was actually wearing his.
All the while Barbara was entering something into the computer on her end.
"I'm not getting anything for Jason's location..."
Bruce was truly concerned now.
He needed a lead to latch onto. Something he can focus on to keep his mind from wandering to extreme conclusions. Bruce then reviewed the audio recording from his cameras.
"Take us to Frostbite!"
Frostbite? Was that a place or a person? Where have they gone that his tracker was out of range? Was it out of range or was it broken?
"You called me before listening to the audio from the security cam?"
Barbara decided not to press the matter.
"We have a lead, but I'm not really equipped to follow it. The only thing coming up for "Frostbite" is the medical condition and Icicle Jr.'s really sub par band"
Bruce's worry mixed with reluctance.
"What is this now! Two calls from spooky the bat this year? I'm just tapping my toes with joy. What cataclysmic event do you have for me?"
Jason felt as though he had accidentally caught Superman's cape with his grappling hook.
He wrenched his eyes shut as he hurtled through space via map. Danny on the other hand was enjoying every moment of the journey, grinning as they flew to their destination.
Jason found himself face down among ice, snow and glaciers.
"Great One! It is good to see you, and you've returned the infinimap! You are truly full of surprises."
Jason managed to dislodge his face from the snow bank in time to see Danny being clapped jovially on the back by an eight foot tall yeti.
He could only blink.
"Who is this new guest you've brought with you?"
Jason was then scruffed like a kitten, placed on his feet and had the snow gently dusted off of his head by an eight foot tall yeti.
"That's Jason. He's cool, I promise. I was wondering if you could give us both a check up though. If you haven’t noticed yet he doesn't have a core yet and I'm tinier than usual."
Frostbite looked appraisingly between both Danny and Jason.
"And here I was about to applaud you on finally mastering shapeshifting! No matter, a friend to the savior of the infinite realms is a friend of mine. Follow me! You both shall receive the best care we can offer!"
Jason shuffled through the snow, following an eight foot tall yeti.
Said eight foot tall yeti managed to make Jason feel surprisingly comfortable in his presence. That is until he came to his diagnosis.
"Let me get this straight. I'm basically an infant, I’m ectoplasmicly malnourished, and I will eventually have powers?"
"Essentially, yes."
Danny snickered from a distance.
Jason really missed being a regular old zombie.
"What if I told you that I do not believe you?"
Frostbite mirthfully chuckled.
"If that were true I would ask you why you survived drinking ectoplasm."
Jason conceded.
"Ya got me there."
"That I do!"
Frostbite then addressed Danny
"Great One, I must admit this is not the safest place for either of you to heal and grow respectively. It has come to my attention that your parents are accepting payment in order for a certain Organization to have access to the portal."
Danny quietly processed the information, looking far too profoundly tired than any child should.
"How can I help?"
Frostbite carried two large tanks into the center of the room.
"Rest, heal and allow yourself to delegate tasks amongst your subjects."
Frostbite then knelt down to Danny's level and placed a large paw on his shoulder.
"We will be fine here Danny."
He then got up and lifted the two tanks.
"You both need to have a good supply of ectoplasm where you are staying. I think one of these will be enough for both you to reach a point where your cores are properly formed or reformed."
Frostbite carried the two tanks to out to the second most interesting individual Jason has met today.
Danny apparently knew this werewolf enough to greet him happily.
"Wulf, if you would be so inclined, can you open a portal to the dimension this young man is from?"
This Wulf as Jason has now gleaned sniffed him aggressively then nodded.
This is totally normal and fine.
Wulf then used his claws and ripped a portal out of thin air into the batcave.
Danny traipsed through the portal as if it was a door. Jason decided to help Frostbite push the tanks through the portal to feel some semblance of knowing what is happening.
Frostbite left them with well wishes as the portal closed.
Jason tried his best to wipe the bewildered look off his face when he realized the batcave was currently occupied.
Bruce had apparently started an entire search party with the rest of his family.
Tim had his detective wall of documents all pinned up.
Damian was arguing about the placement of the string.
Dick was pacing a few yards away from the wall.
Bruce was about to get carpal tunnel with the speed at which he was typing, his monitor was split between a database and a call with Constantine.
That is until the scraping of large metal tanks stopped them all in their tracks.
Jason waved.
He was immediately tackled by his older brother and squeezed into a hug.
"You can't scare us like that Jace!"
Bruce hung up on Constantine and walked towards him.
"Sorry I spooked you I didn’t really have time to leave a note-"
Interrupted, Jason and Dick by proxy was swept into a hug by Bruce.
Bruce let go.
"Let me know before you travel extra dimensionally."
He then left.
Dick had yet to let go, continuing his fretting.
"You just disappeared! None of use could find you! Never ever do that to me again. I swear you’re going to make me go bald with stress! Do you want me to look like Lex?"
Jason managed to get out of the vice grip Dick had on him.
"I'm sorry, okay? I go to the ghost doctor once and everyone thinks I've been kidnaped!"
Tim piped up
"To be fair it did look a lot like you got kidnaped by an inter dimensional map"
Dick managed to look even more worried.
"What do you mean a ghost doctor!?"
Jason shrugged.
"Exactly what I said. Found out I'm a baby ghost."
"A baby half ghost! Wellcome to the club, you are one of very few halfas in existence."
Jason took that information in
"What he said."
@shinyladykingdom @kyrianclawraith @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff @darkhinauniverse @krzys2000 @coruscateselene @kjoboo91 @vythika96 @hydralusus @addie-lover-of-stories @skulld3mort-1fan
Also I don't want to flood people's notifs with my silly little fanfic so if you want me to continue to tag you let me know! Also sometimes I can't find the blog people ask me to tag them with so if you asked to be tagged and weren’t it wasn’t on purpose!
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Southern Stars: A not so great start.
Faust's shine brightly in the sky being gazed upon people. Seth has always kept to himself, but the light the Star gave he couldn't help but go to it. The story of two very different individuals. OG post that had Seth x Faust story guide I'm using For my moot @itsargyle
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"You will be given a body guard. I've already picked him out." Words hung in the air as the two brothers had a conversation. But it felt really one-sided because of Faust scowling at the red head. Causing the older man to sigh as rub the bridge of his nose.
The bluenette looked down at the ground, there was a small voice saying Auron was only looking out for him. But another part didn't want him taking more control, Faust can handle himself! But he can't help but admit that the stalkers have been getting more prominent.
"Cool, amazing even!" Fake excitement slipped out as Faust looked back at his step brother. "So.....what's the guys name?" Questioning since he's going to have to live with the guy for a while.
A knock echoed through Auron's office, said red head nodded to the door. Before Faust could ask again his step brother opened his mouth.
"Come in." Granting the person who knocked entry. The door opened showing a tall, tan, brunette man, wearing a cream faux fur and dark brown jacket. With a neutral face and greeted the two with a wave.
"Hi, I'm Seth, here for the security job?" A southern accent filed the room. With a groan Faust turns his head and the bluenette pauses seeing this man.
Faust felt his face warm a bit seeing how the southern man's body was built like. God Faust wanted this man to crush him with those big arms that are being contained in that jacket.
"-st? Faust. This is Seth, he will be your temporary security guard until I can get you a permanent one." Words quickly shattered the hearts around Faust. So clearing his throat he put on his best fake smile.
"Good to know your at least hot." Sarcastic words hung in the air, Faust regretting them slipping out. Seth blinked at him and sighed holding out his hand to shake Faust's. Great, he's stuck with a nepo baby.
"....Nice to meet you, Faust." Simply saying, and then turned to Auron who gave him a nod. Standing in front of Auron, Seth was told Faust's scheduled and anything else what he needs to know.
"You will live with him, so please get along." Sighing Auron then handed Seth all the papers he needs. Then told him Trish would give him his ear wire to the other security guards and the gun he will be carrying to protect Faust. Finishing the small meeting, both the brunette and bluenette walked out of Auron's office.
"Since you have nothing else to do today, do you want to go home? I'll call that uh....whats the word?.....Chauffeur?" Mumbling the last part, causing Faust to snort at him. Seth threw a small glare before taking out his phone and calling the driver. Standing by Faust as he sat down on a chair in the lounge of the office building.
Playing on his phone Faust sighed as Seth said nothing after finishing the phone call. Is he going to be this boring the whole time he lives with the streamer? Hearing a ping of a phone Seth checked his and then turned to Faust.
"The driver's out front. Do you have all your things?" Asking the shorter man, who nodded. The brunette nodded back and walked behind Faust as he left through the revolving door of Auron's office building. Little did both know, Auron was watching from his office sighing as he wondered if Faust will run this one away too.
Opening the limo's door Seth helped Faust in and closed the door gently. Checking around the brunette then went into the passenger's seat telling the driver to go to Faust's apartment.
That day, the two didn't know was the start of a very interesting few months. After getting situated into Faust's apartment complex, Seth made a few changes in Faust's apartment.
First, making sure Faust had a weapon in his room hidden where he knows it will be. Second, hidden security camera's in the apartment, along with a security system that was broken into a few months ago. Third, locks changed for the front door and added to the windows because of the fire escape.
Faust was a bit mad at a few of these but gave up after the second one. The streamer saw how Seth was taking this job seriously, it was kinda comforting for him.
Faust in turn told Seth how he won't go easy on him, giving the buffer man tasks to do. Get food, merch, and so much more that Faust needed right this second. Seth, in his defense took all of it in stride but there is so much someone can take from being treated as a errand boy.
Slamming the fast food Faust wanted, instead of the food Seth made for him. Opening his mouth to complain about Seth wanting to ruin his food, but shut it seeing the angry glare the taller man had.
"I accepted this job to protect you as a security guard. Not to be some fucking brat's errand boy. Either fix your fucking attitude or I go to your brother and fucking quit this second." Spitting out Seth then turned and stalked out of the streamer's room. Who blinked seeing how Seth clocked him, looking at the junk food he made Seth get Faust felt guilt rise in his throat.
It's not like he tried being a asshole to Seth, it was just thinking your body guard is hot isn't good. So if he made him go do things they won't get close, so that Faust won't get false hope that Seth would want him too. Sucking in a breath Faust got up and cleaned off invisible dust, then walking out of his room to where Seth was watching TV.
Seeing Seth on the far right side on the couch, Faust sat on the left. He saw in the corner of his eye Seth sighing and keeping his eyes on the TV. Twittling with this finger's Faust opened his mouth to speak, it was low but he meant it.
"I'm sorry...." The TV was paused at those words. Faust looked down and felt his face flush again, just like when he first meet the southern hunk. "I....I know I'm difficult. I won't lie I was angry at Auron basically giving me a babysitter....I shouldn't have taken it out on you, making you do so many impossible things that couldn't get done...."
Whispering out in the quietness of the living room. Faust waited as he looked at Seth not knowing if he'd even accept the apology. The brunette leaned back and sighed loudly before turning to Faust.
"Good to know you can admit when your wrong. Though you'd rather bite your tongue off before doing that." Chuckling that out as he began laughing. Faust blinked hearing the laughter of the southern man, the bluenette began giggling along. Wondering to himself how he was a brat to this man?
From that moment forward, both had a understanding with each other.
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 16
and there’s another new chapter image, this time some kind of building with a turret. could maybe be the mysterious tower being mentioned in the message?
i’m glad Angel is at least trying to protect the kids in the school from getting involved or hurt, even if she can’t protect them from everything going on as a whole 
also i have such a bad feeling about how this whole broadcast is going to go, especially with how high tensions have been, the RB’s causing even more violence and fear. between this and Camilla not coming to pick Nona up at all, i'm also very concerned for her
is it gonna be John himself giving this broadcast i wonder. very curious as to how Nona would react to seeing him, or if she would recognise him at all
like most of these kids, my favourite animal is also Noodle 
and very concerned for Nona and Hot Sauce planning to go to this broadcast, it really doesn’t seem like its gonna end well
more speculation about the mysterious Angel, who is definitely some form of important figure given she’s being dropped off and has security, that could also mean she’s in some form of custody/under watch like Pyrrha, Cam and Nona are by BoE. and if she’s so important, why is she teaching at a school?
‘Who had taught her that [...] This isn’t the Hokey Pokey’ okayy some very interesting stuff going on here. on one hand the whole thing about going all in seems very like Gideon and Gideon’s tone of voice … but the whole Hokey Pokey thing also sounds kinda like John to me, if Nona is Alecto or somehow connected to her, then that could be something John said in the past?
‘she aged fifteen years, no longer a child among that throng of people’ everything about Hot Sauce just breaks my heart honestly  
okay so the Houses are trying to get the planet to sign some kind of contract. but it being reliant on every single person not violating the conditions is hardly fair or realistic, which may very well be the point 
ok who on earth is this person. their really pale skin made me think Ianthe, but they have brown hair, and the eyes, blue with brown bits are very reminiscent of Lyctors??
IANTHE NABERIUS??? what the fuck is going on genuinely 
‘Her Most Serene Highness, Crown Prince Kiriona Gaia, heir to the First House, the Emperor’s only daughter’ !!!!!! WHAT. what the hell. ok so theres a whole lot of revelations here. the girl with skull facepaint that Nona’s been dreaming of is Gideon. Gideon, or at least her body, is out of BoE custody and has been picked up by the Emperor’s forces. also this is such a small thing to note, but she’s wearing the same type of creepy finger bone crown that John does, which is … disturbing
Gideon just sitting there, saying absolutely nothing is not at all like her. given how HtN ended it is very ambiguous if she’s even alive or not. either this is just straight up her dead body in a Cohort uniform or something is very strange with her rn. cmon this does NOT count as Gideon returning 😭😭
awww Nona trying to help Hot Sauce breathe and be there for her like Camilla does for her, and looking out for her the way Hot Sauce does for the other kids, is so sweet 
on a not so sweet note, Hot Sauce has very much noticed that Nona cut her hand but is still fine, which is not good at all. i don’t know how much she’s realised, but so far Hot Sauce has been very observant, and i feel like its only a matter of time before she figures out there’s something necromantic up with Nona
speaking of Nona’s building, why exactly is is referred to as ‘The Building’ and everyone seems to be wary of it? i’m guessing because it’s somehow controlled by/used by BoE to house people they need to keep track of? 
the driver’s speech cuts off when saying ‘Aim-’ so its ambiguous if they were going to say something else or continue saying her full name … although honestly the only similar character name i can think of right now is Aiglamene? which i highly doubt. and i am also very curious as to who on earth this mysterious driver is 
also Nona has mentioned about her ‘tantrums’ and being on the verge of one a couple of times now in a way that feels very ominous
and oh shit Pyrrha is missing? it could have something to do with whatever sketchy stuff she was doing at the burnings? or possibly the broadcast, its not good that she’s disappeared as soon as House forces show up
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
NINA and the magic of VHS ✨📼
I think I just figured out a big part of how NINA works. here's how Brenner is "altering" past events.
something just hit me about this footage that's been staring me in the face this whole time.
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before I come to my Big Point, let me establish a few things:
the camera codes don't match
s4 keeps giving us camera POV footage that's labeled per camera. we see codes like CAM 071, CAM 039 and CAM 114.
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what's weird about that? nothing, except... here are what the tape labels in the NINA library look like:
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alphanumeric codes like CAM B2, CAM A5, CAM TR2. not a single one with just the three-digit numerical codes.
k, put a pin in that.
the NINA library is so spotty
Brenner tells El, "Everything that took place in my lab was captured on video tape. Every success and every failure."
but the dates we saw in that closeup are so sparse. it takes only a dozen tapes to span a month of footage leading up to the massacre (a time period you'd think they'd save every second of):
CAM B6 08-10-79 CAM B5 08-12-79 CAM A2 08-20-79 CAM B5 08-25-79 CAM TR1 09-2-79 CAM RR2 09-4-79 CAM C6 09-6-79 CAM RR1 09-6-79 CAM C4 09-7-79 CAM B5 09-7-79 CAM TR2 09-8-79
no idea what a lot of these camera codes denote, but it's not too hard to guess RR means Rainbow Room.
I can tell you off the top of my head that there are four cameras in the Rainbow Room. and one in each corner of the training rooms, at least one apiece in test rooms, bedrooms, hallways. at least one apiece in observation chambers of test rooms - otherwise the One banishment footage wouldn't exist (is that a bit odd now that I think of it?).
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and that's not including the tripod cameras with which are recorded close up footage like plinko and the cat.
so, why so few dates and camera angles?
@lilly-flowerr once kindly calculated an estimate about how many VHS tapes would be produced from 100+ cameras' worth of continuous footage for the duration of the HNL program and the result was in the ballpark of several million.
tbf, Brenner never claimed this was all the footage. so I figured, likely, this library actually just houses a pared-down selection of footage relevant to the massacre.
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but the problem with that idea is... consider how when we see El get NINA'd with RR footage: she's being shown four views of the room at once. that's already impossible, based on the selection we see available in the library. there aren't even four RR camera views represented on that shelf, let alone all from the same day.
pin that too.
live feeds vs playback
I thought hey, if those camera POVs had dates and everything on them, why isn't that stuff on El's NINA videos? are they hiding that data to facilitate screwing with her?!??
which, yeah. but here's the One banishment footage that Brenner watches alone. no dates on that either:
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so I went to look for other times we've seen lab playback to see if there are ever dates.
Hopper checking out the pipe in season 1; Owens reviewing Will's checkup:
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that's actually a plot point on the Hopper one because he decided the lab was lying to him about which night that footage was of - if the tapes showed dates onscreen, that wouldn't have been an issue.
so then I thought, ok, if that data doesn't appear on playback, it must only display on monitors showing live feeds, and that stuff doesn't actually get recorded onto it. right?
well here are some live lab feeds: El and the cat; detained Nancy and Jonathan; scientists watching Will's checkup; Owens directing Bob to safety from demodogs. no dates anywhere.
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so... if there's no data on live feeds or on playback.... where ARE those dates on the NINA cameras being displayed? there's no internal viewer on those security cameras, like looking through a camcorder viewfinder, so it's not like it's merely "the camera's view" unseen by any actual entity.
so like... who's seeing that? how are we seeing that?
pin that too. I promise we're getting close.
OSD (on screen display)
quick bit of context for those who didn't grow up with VHS.
in VHS days, your video camera (if you had it configured to do so) would put the date onto your home movies. it wasn't a separate layer you could turn on/off after the fact, like DVD subtitles. if that feature was turned on while you were filming, that date was forever fused onto the footage itself. any time you ever played that tape back, you would see that date. there's no way to get rid of it.
osd however - PLAY PAUSE FFW and all that - those labels aren't fused onto the actual footage. they appear momentarily only as you navigate the tape with your VCR. DVD players do the same thing, you're probably familiar.
you can watch the osd labels appear/disappear as Joyce investigates Will's Halloween tape, while the date stays put.
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they give us the live camera view of Bob (which has just the date) vs Joyce playing it back on her VCR later (which has the date and also osd). why the timestamps are different is a whoooooole other post.
so now that we're all on the same page about how dates vs. osd works on VCRs,
I'll bring you to the only time I DID find dates on lab playback:
4x6 when Brenner pops this tape in his VCR.
"who's even seeing those ?" Brenner. yeah, that's not my stunning realization. but look what we see up in the top left corner: osd. PLAY.
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so here finally is my point: if PLAY appears on the screen as a result of Brenner hitting play on his VCR....
let me direct your attention to the upper left corner of that other footage:
those camera POV shots all say 🔴REC.
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those aren't recordings.
they ARE recordING.
Brenner is taping these past events, live, during NINA.
"how do you explain Little El showing up in some of the camera povs? brainwash her all you want, but she would show up big on a tape being recorded in 1986."
indeed! which is why I'm not going so far as to claim Brenner is recording The Actual Past. what I do believe is that he's recording El's memories of the past, in which she is Little El.
"and how are you gonna say Brenner is able to record El's memories right out of her head with a VCR? yes this is fiction, but VHS technology isn't. c'mon."
it's not actually that far fetched! El canonically has a very similar ability - it's been swept under the rug in comparison to the glamor of telekinesis, not used since season 1, but it's well established:
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she not only can hear people remotely, but also relay what only she is hearing via radio/intercom to where others can then hear it.
Brenner was filming this test on a tripod camera, which wouldn't have been affected by the cut in power that happened when El started relaying. so he walked away from this moment with a recording of something only El was able to hear.
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which is exactly how NINA works. add video technology, and there ya go. if it didn't already exist in 1983, this scene was Brenner discovering the concept.
Brenner's tapes aren't the tapes El is being shown.
watch this in 4x7: he inserts this tape, hits play, and then we cut to El in NINA, watching all the monitors flash to life with footage of herself in the infirmary for her bullying concussion.
the implication from the editing is that this particular VHS yields that particular footage for El to watch, but that's a false assumption they want us to make.
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first, playing one VHS doesn't result in several screens with different footage rolling all at once. one VHS only holds one camera feed. all NINA's monitors can't be fed by one VCR.
second, "Infirmary" would most likely be abbreviated "I" or "IR". the tape he played said CAM TR2, which could stand for either Training Room or Test Room. El experiences 9/8/79 "memories" of both, so I'm not sure which this would be. regardless, it's not Infirmary.
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third, as we've covered before, all the lab footage El is shown inside NINA is devoid of dates and cam codes. that's not characteristic of the tape we saw Brenner play in his VCR.
fourth, as we also covered before, not all the camera angles El's seeing are even represented on that shelf of massacre-month tapes.
so Brenner may indeed have captured everything in his lab on video tape, but the VHS library we and El are shown while he says that? pretty sure that's NOT what these tapes are.
it's implied that he's popping tapes into his VCR at the same time El's off in her memories. but if it's not for the purpose of showing them to her.... what is he doing with his?
"but nat, his finger hit play, not record."
well they're not gonna SHOW us him hitting record or we'd guess!
he's hitting play to get the tape queued up to the right spot to record on, which you gotta do with a VHS or else you could overwrite something important that's already on there.
if Brenner is recording whatever El is seeing, wouldn't that help explain:
the varying appearance of El as both big and little within the camera povs. at this moment, El is big because she's aware she's her current self (she's fully conversing with Brenner). this is definitely not really past footage, because it's not like Little El stood up on a chair and yelled into a camera in 1979. after this point though, she accepts what's going on and submits to the "memories" in which she is little, so she's seeing herself as little, so from then on she appears as Little El on the fresh tapes.
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the different camera labeling within NINA and its library of tapes - they need to differentiate between old/real/fake/new camera views.
the sparsity of the VHS library - maybe only key moments need to be overwritten
this camera-yelling moment actually is a potential match for one of the tapes on the shelf. it's Sept 4, 1979, and it's in the Rainbow Room. CAM 071 09/04/79 could be the overwriting of CAM RR2 09-4-79. on the other hand, if that were true I'd expect to also see 09-4-79 training room and hallway footage to match those other povs we saw, and I don't, so idk.
the light circle game is the only NINA footage we ever get to see both live camera POV and playback of (although it's not actually the same moment, the dates and cams are different). the numeric camera code on both of these is part of my support for the numeric camera codes representing new footage.
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regarding the date and cam code being different on those two bits of nearly identical footage…. what if I... plugged this into Multiplayer NINA theory real quick and said that maybe CAM 126 is fake-old footage that's been more recently rerecorded in someone else's NINA? that maybe that's what's on all of Brenner's tapes before he records El's new stuff onto them?
so here's my current thinking of how NINA works:
decide how you wish El remembered an event and compile cherrypicked real footage and/or staged footage supporting your version of events.
manipulate and gaslight El so that she doubts the veracity of her own memories.
drug her and throw her in a sensory deprivation tank where your selected footage clockwork-oranges her into "fully re-experiencing" your version of events.
presto! the most powerful person in the world now believes your version of events is true because she genuinely remembers it.
by means of El's electronic relay abilities (induced with a buttload of drugs), these false memories that only El is seeing, inside her mind, are displayed for all to see on monitor in NINA's control room.
pop a plain old tape into a plain old VCR and hit record, capturing whatever's on the monitor.
presto! now you have irrefutable original video footage of a past event that never happened.
now you can show that proof to someone else - the government, the media.... or perhaps more importantly another NINA subject, as an ingredient in your tampering with their memories.
so. I can't prove the ol' MindFucker4000 is also a time machine, not in this post, but I do still feel like there's time stuff involved as well. because I can't think of a way right now to claim that recording someone's manipulated memory of the past actually changes that past, meddles with timelines, etc.
can you? I don't have all the nuts and bolts ironed out, but I welcome your thoughts while mine gel!
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Adventures in babysitting(Squinterns)
Paring: wife!Reader x Lance Sweets, Oc!Child x squinterns
Summary: not really an 'x reader' just the Squinterns having to watch Lance and y/n's daughter while they go an unexpected case.
A/n: AU where Vincent didn't die. the beginning of this sucks but it gets a bit better, I just had this idea but didn't know how to start it.
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“mama look! a Firetruck” Charlotte smiled from the back set of the car, she hugged her stuffed penguin tight as watched on of her favorite vehicle pass by.
Y/n smiled at her daughters knew obsession that was firetruck, last week it was helicopters.
“yeah, isn't it cool” y/n smiled.
“maybe we have a future firefighter on our hands” her husband Lance smiled.
Y/n's eyes widened as she thought about her precious daughter in dangers line of work.
“I want to find skullys like Aunty Bones n mama” Charlotte said.
Y/n smiled at her daughter then looked at Lance as he continued to drive towrds the Museum that was connected to the jeffersonian. It was the first time in a while they both had the day off and the whole family was just a little too restless to stay home.
“I have to stop by my office first and give Cam a file though” y/n responded. Lance nodded. “okay”
“you wanna go see mommy's work?” Lance smiled.
“yeah!” she smiled as Lance let out a chuckle at his daughter's enthusiasm.
Once they got to the jeffersonian y/n carried Charlotte in her arms as she walked into the lab. Charlotte eyes wondered as her mother carried her around. The little girl was always amazed by the lab.
After she got what she wanted from the lab and gave Cam the file, Lance's phone rang.
“Hey Booth...” he said.
Lance let out a sigh, meaning Booth probably need us. He looked at his two favorite girls with disappointment as he hung up.
“what's up?” I asked.
“Booth neeeds us to Interrogate a few people and then you need to look at some remains at the crime scene with Brennan”
Y/n sighed and looked around. “one normal day... That's all I ask”
Lance nodded and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. Charlotte giggled making Lance smile, he quickly kissed his daughter's forehead.
“what are we gonna do about Charlie? The sitter is out of town for the weekend and I don't know about Arastoo” y/n said as see looked around the lab.
Charlotte, who didn't know what was going on, ignored her parents panic and played with the necklace around her mom's neck.
“don't panic... I'll head over to Bureau and get things sorted out, maybe you can drop Charlie off with Angies' dad, I know he's babysitting Michael Vincent today” Lance said. His wife nodded as they kissed each other good-bye
Y/n let out a sigh, as mush as she loved her brother's father-in-law she just didn't want to dump another baby on him unexpectedly.
“what's wrong mama? Are we gonna go see the pictures?” Charlotte asked.
“maybe later baby, mama and daddy have to work now” she looked around the half empty lab then stopped when she saw her favorite Squintern.
“Fisher!” she walked towrds him just as he clocked in. Before he could even say 'hello' y/n put Charlotte in his hands.
“Fishy!” she smiled as Fisher held the child out confuse. The little girl's feet dnagled as he held her like a child would an over sized doll. “wha-”
“I need you to watch Charlotte just for a bit, please Fisher” y/n pleaded. Fisher honestly couldn't say no, not because she was indeed his boss, but because he genuinely liked her and her family. Y/n Sweets or 'Lady Sweets' as she's referred to at work was the only one who saw Fisher as more than a depressed, Gothic Squint.
“thanks Fisher, I owe you one!” she called out and left the building before he could protest, even if he got the chance he wouldn't but he just didn't know how to interact with kids.
“Fishy” Charlotte smiled as she dubbed over in his arms. “Fisher... And don't do that” he said pulling her back up and wrapping both arms around the small child so she was secure to his chest.
“ummm.....” Fisher said, confused on what to do. He jogged into the lab, the movement made Charlotte giggle. He set his boss' daughter on one of the examination tables.
“play with this” he said handding her the small flashlight that was in his breast pocket. She turned it on and pointed it at the stuffed penguin she brought, after awhile she started waving it around making bright light fly everywhere.
“ah” Fisher said in a very monotone voice as the light hit his eyes. “okay never mind” as he took and put it back in his pocket, he picked up the penguin and put in her arms so she wouldn't feel the loss of the flashlight.
“stay there” he said after the Computer dinged, he turned his back to her for a second. The little girl watched him move around and started to follow him not realizing she was still on a high table.
Fisher didn't relize it and Charlotte almost walked off the edge. “woah Charlie” Arastoo yelled and quickly grabed the three year old before she fell off what looked like a cliff to someone her size.
Fisher quickly whipped around with a panicked look. “sorry Charlotte” he said coming up to the little girl that was now in tan interns arms.
“unca asteroid!” the little girl smiled, she could never pronounce his name properly so it was always 'asteroid'.
“what is Lady Sweets' Daughter doing here?” Arastoo asked, adjusting the little girl to one arm. “she never let's her in the Lab unless she here”
“Lady Sweets and... Dr. Sweets got pulled into unexpected investigation and was deemed soul protector of this tiny life force for the time being” Fisher explained.
Arastoo and Charlotte gave him weired looks. “so your babysetting” Arastoo said simply, Charlotte who now under stood nodded quickly. Fisher shook his head and turned back to his computer as the security system dinged.
“Fishy!” Charlotte cheekily smiled as Fisher turned his back. “what's baby sweets doing here?” Wendell asked as him and Vincent walked in.
“and what are the rest of you doing here?” Fisher asked. Wendell smiled as Charlotte waved at him.
“Dr. Brennan required us to examine some century old remains while she's away” Vincent said as he walked up next to Arastoo. Charlotte smiled and reached for Vincent. The British Squintern smiled and shook her little hand. “hello little one”
“I'm guessing I'm out of this project” Fisher sighed as he closed a few tabs on his computer. Arastoo gave him a questioning look. “Fisher, when was the last time you actually watched a child?”
“well, both Sweets are very protective of Charlie, you must be doing something right for her to trust you” Wendell said.
“you here to work on the Bones too?” Vincent asked Wendell. He shook his head no. “actually im here to take over for Hodgins while he's in Seattle with Brennan and Angela.”
“I'll help if you like” Wendell added.
“just give the child back” Fisher sighed and held his arms out to Arastoo.
“we can help out with Charlie” Arastoo said as he set Charlotte on the one of the wheely chairs and spung her around. She giggled making the the young guys look at her in aw.
“we can take shifts, one of us can watch her while the others look at the Bones for Dr. Brennan” Wendell suggests, everyone agreed suprisenly.
“will Abernathy and Edison be joining us?” Vincent asks, the other men shrugged not sure who all Dr. Brennan had hired.
“please tell me that's one of the fake skulls” Edison said coming into y/n's office with a file.
Edison watched Charlotte play with the jaw and mouth of the plastic skull without a care in the world. She tossed it up then crawled after it. She quickly forget about it and ran towrds Arastoo as he entered the office as well.
“of corse it's fake” Fisher said rolling his eyes as he stood up from the ground. “did you guys find anything?” he asked.
“not really, Abernathy came by while you were in here and is helping out” Arastoo said picking Charlotte up and holding her on his hip.
Fisher let out a depressed sigh. “I see I've already been replaced”
“I wouldn't say that, you have the most important job today” Arastoo smiled as Charlotte stuck her toung out.
“her laughter dose sofen the stonyest of hearts” Fisher said.
“why she here in the first place?” Edison asked trying to remain professional but also not let his heart melt at the sight of the little girl.
“Lady Sweets got called into a crime Scene last minute” Arastoo said.
“unca asteroid... I'm hungry” Charlotte said looking up at Arastoo. Wendell walked in hearing the conversation. “I can get McDonald's... Anybody want anything?”
“can I have some nuggies? Pweez” she said giving all the male Squinterns puppy eye. “I'll go get it Charlie” Wendell smiled and ruffled her curly hair.
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“chicken nuggets for the little lady” Wendell said emptying out the bag as Arastoo tried to get cartoons on the screen Angela installed in y/n's office.
“do any of you know how this works?” Arastoo asked. Wendell set down Charlotte's french frys and grabed the controler from Arastoo. “it's just like Angela's, I got this”
Wendell logged into the screen then turned on Hulu. “she likes Regular Show” Arastoo said as he took the controller and typed in the show.
“Did you know the average American eats almost 30 pounds of French fries a year?” Vincent said as he sat on the floor next to Charlotte to eat his fries.
He then turned to Charlotte. “we call these chips from where I'm from” he told the small girl.
“cool” she laughed.
“here ya go honey” Finn smiled giving her a small milkshake.
Once the show was set up and the food was out, it was technically the Squintern's lunch break, so they all(aside from Edison) filed into y/n's office to watch Cartoons and eat.
The commotion and child like giggles made Cam walk into what was supposed to be y/n's empty office.
“Hi honey” Arastoo said nervously as he waved at his fiance.
“hi Aunty cam!” Charlotte waved from her spot in Arastoo's lap.
“what are you guys doing?” she gave them a strange look as they all froze like deers in a pair of head lights, the only one who wasn't affected was Charlotte, who continued to eat her chicken nuggets.
“babysitting” Fisher said.
“on our lunch break” Wendell added quickly.
She sighed and walked out of the room, not wanting to get into it after she saw the bizarre cartoon. “ya know... don't want to know, carry on”
“bye Cam!” Charlotte shouted as the doctor left.
After lunch the Squinterns basically took turns taking care of the small child, while one was exmaing the century year old bones the other one was intertaning Charlotte.
“where could she be” Abernathy looked around the lab. He stoped at one of the tables then tried to jump scare Charlotte. “I gottcha!” he looked at her favorite hiding spot but she wasn't there. “hmm”
He looked around, moving chairs and files around, trying to find the little girl's hiding spot. This cought Edison's attention, he didn't really want to get involved with the little girl, but that didn't stop him from being curious.
“what are you doing Abernathy?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the skull he was examining. Abernathy peaked under one of the examination tables then back at Edison. “playin' hide-n-seek with Little Charlie” he smiled like it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
“she’s Slicker Than Pig Snot on a Radiator” Abernathy said as he looked around the lab some more. Edison looked up annoyed. “she's a good hider or you lost her?”
Abernathy sighed and gave him a 'really?' look. “look, I didn' loose her... I have a kid sister, I know how to take care of a kid”
Edison looked up and watched the little girl run into Cam's office to hide under her desk. He watched the little girl quickly run back to the threshold beacuse she dripped her blue penguin plush, before Abernathy could see she ran under the desk.
“she's over yonder” Edison said in a terrible Southern accent.
“Aw man!” Charlotte wined as she heard Edison give out her hiding spot. She came out hugging her penguin.
“that's not nice” Charlotte grumbled, they didn't know if she was talking about cheating or the fact Edison was making fun of Abernathy's slang. She was talking about both.
“well, you won little lady, I couldn't find ya” Abernathy shrugged with a smile. Charlotte smiled up at Abernathy as he called for Arastoo, it was his turn and Abernathy had to help Edison for a bit.
Arastoo glady took his tern next, he had Charlotte on his back, running around with his arms out while making airplane noise.
“to infinity and beyond” Charlotte giggled as Arastoo ran past Cam's office. She of course saw and scolded them as her motherly instincts started to show.
“please don't run in the Lab! One of you might get hurt” she sighed. Arastoo stoped, making his shoes squeek on the shiny floor. Charlotte rested her chin on Arastoo's shoulder and gave Cam puppy eyes. “aw”
Arastoo gave his fiance a sarcastic pouty face like Charlotte's real one. “aw” he repeated.
She rolled her eyes and gave Arastoo a quick kiss. Charlotte giggled and made fake kissy noises. Cam laughed at the little girl she considered her niece, she kissed the little girl on her cheek and went back into her office.
“have you heard from Sweets or Y/n?” he asked before came went into her office. “they should be back soon” cam respond.
Arastoo nodded as Charlotte let out a yawn then rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck so she wouldn't fall off.
Cam tilted her head and smiled softly. “she looks tired”
He turned his head so he could see the sleepy child. “I'll take her to y/n's office, so she can nap”
As Arastoo walked into y/n's office Fisher came into with his lab coat off. “well I'm done for the day... With the remains that is”
“that's good” Arastoo said gently setting Charlotte on the couch in her mother's office and used his lab coat as a blanket for her.
“you can go if you like, I'll stay with her while Cam dose some last minute paper work” Arastoo said setting on the couch next to her.
Fisher shook his head. “no, lady Sweets truted me, so I should do my share”
“she's not going anywhere... She sleeps like a rock” Arastoo said as Fisher made his spot on the ground infront of the couch.
Y/n and Lance came in about an hour and half later with a soft smile. Lance gently picked up his daughter while she remained fast asleep.
“thank for watching her guys, I know you weren't expecting to spend your day like this” y/n smiled.
Fisher shrugged. “it was quite interesting... It wasn't hard to intertaning ourselves”
“and I had some help...” Fisher added.
“little angel like always” Arastoo added with a smile as Cam walked in with her coat. “ready to go?” she asks softly so she didn't wake up Charlotte.
“yup, good night guys” he smiled and left with Cam. “night” Lance said holding his sleeping daughter close.
“thanks again guys” y/n waved at the other Squinterns as her and her family left the Jeffersonian, the tired parents thankful their little ball of energy will sleep well tonight.
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i wouldn't mind seeing Louis let loose and go all in on being the talent's messy girlfriend/#1 fan that unironically loves his boyfriend's music even though it is, and i cannot emphasize this enough, objectively not good, and also does your man only shower once a week? bc something is hitting and we're 50 ft away at least. noooooo i'm not trying to get you in a mood, maybe- maybe it's a French thing, maybe its cultural or w/e, like w/e I'm glad you're into it, seriously, obviously it's working for you. all right...all right, Louis, c'mon...okaaay, chill with the fire hand, there's no need for that! there is no need, no need. look, fuck, now the dickhead security guard that was a dick about the size of my backpack is headin over- aaah, no open flames! understood. got it. no open flames, louis. he's saying -no, he's the one sayin it! he's sayin put it out, not me, i'm not! alright. okay. thank you. thank you for being receptive to my words. but Louis, you've gotta pass that blunt dude. you've gotta pass it, did you forget it was in your mouth and just keep breathing or what-- and to be honest, and i don't mean to cause any friction with this but i don't know how i feel about you crashing the rotation when you've still got rat all over your mou- i'm being serious man, look! look. use your selfie cam and look at your mouth. look at your- yes. yeah. YUP. like maybe not for you but for us AT LEAST it's definitely posing a health risk, like last night i went in on it pretty forcefully and it was so dark, i didn't even realize there was blood on it, like if i had known there was rat blood- the BLOOD 👏 OF👏 RATS👏- on the BLUNT. i wouldn't have even- like what diseases have i potentially come into contact with? bc I'm going to Myrtle Beach next week and i can't be plagued, i can't get refunds on like 80% of the-- aaaaaaaaaahhh Jesus fuck. he's out. he's all the way out. FFUUUUUCKK he dropped the bl- un-fucking-believable. guys, he dropped the fucking blunt in the space between the platforms. that was my last fuckin one, i'm dead serious. Dylan, can you see it? you've got the little hands, come and shove em- do you think...do you think if we can wake him up he'd do the telekinesis thing? it's not- does he need to be able to see the blunt to lift it out? i think he can- i think he only has to think about it
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loveandleases · 1 year
Wishing you a late happy birthday! Hope it was a good one. I am a bit embarrassed to say how much of my day this IF occupies my thoughts... and how did you make all the ROs so amazing?!
One thing I've being thinking about is the emotional connection Mc could make with the ROs here. I mean, I doubt Mc even thought about the possibilty that Chris could cheat. So having experienced that, and then falling for the RO, they could have a newfound sense of trust and security, like knowing the RO would never hurt them. Something they wouldn't have had with Chris. I can also see Mc being able to appreciate Cam's friendship so much more since he'll be there for Mc right at the start of it all, through not just the good, but the really bad too.
So if you want, how would the ROs feel knowing Mc has this absolute trust in and feels completely safe with them.
Aw, thank you anon! I'm glad to know it occupies your mind, it occupies mine far too much! Our RO's would love to know how amazing they are! I'm glad people enjoy them despite they all have their own issues to work through.
❤️ Cam - He is more appreciative to MC than I think he will ever truly be able to say. MC was there for him through everything, fights with his parents/siblings, when he was left to basically fend for himself, not to mention the challenges of the teen years. Cam would tear up a little bit ngl. He has always wanted MC to see him as this safe haven, there is no judgment, no ulterior motive. To know the most important person in his life, trust in him so much, and feels safe with him. Only one thing would make him happier than that.
💙 G - They would be so pleased. There was a lot for the two to get over from the past, a lot of growth happens. G would be thankful, not only to be so important to someone they care so much about, but also to know that they could get over the past. That they could rebuild what was broken between them. They would do everything possible to keep that trust and make sure MC feels safe and secure.
💚 Kara - It would frighten her at first. Kara isn't used to people placing a lot of faith in her or thinking of her as more than just her parent's child. She really is one for communication, so to know MC feels that way about her, she would want to ask MC what she could do, to ensure that the feelings stay that way. She would ensure that whatever she has going on with Chris doesn't leak into the relationship.
💛 M - They would feel the same with MC. As shy and as awkward as they are, they would love to know that someone can see them as a comfort. M would talk to MC, and be more honest and open with them, which is hard for M. But it would be worth it, it would be worth being able to know one another so intimately.
💜 Isaac - Will freak out slightly. Not because they don't want to be that for MC. But because Isaac has never had someone truly trust them, rely on them. To know they make someone feel good, safe even. Isaac would have a hard time accepting that. MC would have to really tell Isaac that is how they feel. (this one is lack in detail due to spoilers!)
🖤 Ardent - God, to trust him, feel safe with him? Of all the people in the world!? He doesn't know whose more fucked up, him or you. He secretly enjoys it. Secretly, he's happy. To think after everything, out of everyone you know you chose the biggest asshole in the whole place. He wouldn't know what he did to make you feel that way, but damn is he thankful for it. Because for once, he feels safe too. For once, Ardent feels like he has an actual person he can think of to trust.
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direwombat · 2 months
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tagged by so many people over the past few weeks, but most recently @simplegenius042 on this fine wip wednesday (thank youuuu~). been a while, but here are some sneak peeks at katc ch 7 that's fairly hot off the presses (ie, i wrote them today, they're super rough, and will see the red ink of an editing pen at some point in the near future). syb finally made it to the ranger station in the whitetails, only to find that there's no sign of her brother to be found. just a chatty jacob calling in via radio, and some consequences of the van crash that saved her from john in ch 5. Also tw for passing references to childhood abuse
“Trying to call someone, Deputy?” 
She scowls, glancing around for the source of his voice, if only to disable it. 
“Gotta say, watching you clear out an outpost on your own was impressive. Waltzed into a den of wolves like it was nothing.”
Her blood runs cold. He was watching her the whole damn time? Her eyes dart up to the ceiling, scanning for security cameras. There are none inside, but as she carefully moves to the door, she spots one on the porch outside. According to Augustine, the rangers had security and trail cams set up all over the Whitetails. The cult must have co-opted those for themselves. She grits her teeth. Moving outside, her hand curls around the handle of a baseball bat left leaning against the exterior wall and smashes the camera. 
The pinch in her gut sharpens, white hot and piercing through her like she’s been stabbed. The skin of her abdomen pulls taut and tight as she lifts her arms to swing. 
When she returns inside, low, sinister laughter fills the room. “Clever little jackrabbit, ain’t ya?” 
A growl slips from between gritted teeth and with one hand pressed to her side, she lurches behind the reception desk. Resting on one of the shelves underneath the tabletop, is a HAM radio. She makes note of the frequency it's attuned to, jotting it down in the margins of her map before picking up the transceiver. “The fuck you want?” 
“Got someone who wants to say hi to you.” For a brief, fleeting moment, hope kindles in her ribcage -- Augustine -- only to be snuffed out when Jacob continues, “Ain’t that right, Peaches.” 
Her brow pinches together in confusion, mouth open, ready to ask what the fuck he’s talking about when Staci’s voice comes through. 
“Syb?” His voice is rough. Raw. As if he’d spent the past God knows how long either screaming or crying. He sounds scared. 
All of a sudden her aches and pains and fears are pushed aside in favor of trying to soothe his. “Yeah, I’m here, Stace. You alright?”
She hears his breath hitch and grow shallow, as if he’s hyperventilating. “Don’t listen to him. Whatever he tells you, whatever he says, it’s a --” He’s cut off by the sharp sound of a hand striking skin and he cries out in pain. She gasps, flinching as if she had also been struck. The phantom burn of her Daddy’s hand on her cheek makes the fine hairs on her neck stand on end.  
When Jacob speaks next, his voice is low and threatening. “Alright, that’s enough.” 
“I’m gonna kill you,” Sybille growls.  
“I’m sure you will, sweetheart,” he says condescendingly. “But until then, here’s what’s gonna happen: you’re going to surrender. You’re going to do exactly what I say. And if you behave, maybe I let you see your friend here.” 
“Kiss my ass.” 
“I’m being gracious here, Deputy. The rangers at the station didn’t get as generous an offer.” 
Her lips curl back, exposing all her teeth in a predatory snarl. “You sunnovabitch, I’m gonna --”
But, before she can finish her threat, he’s talking over her. “You’re not feeling well, are you, Deputy? I see the way you’re moving. Slow. Clutching your stomach. Abdominal pain?” He clicks his tongue and she can practically hear him shaking his head. “Nasty things can happen if you let that go unchecked. Do your little buddies in the Valley know? Can’t imagine they do if they let you come up here all on your own.”
Her silence must speak volumes, because after a moment’s pause, he begins to laugh. 
“They don’t know you’re here, do they?”
Her molars grind together so hard her jaw creaks. The pain in her abdomen is getting worse. A pressure builds  Her heart is racing so fast she can barely hear him over it rushing in her ears. Through heavy, labored breaths, she grits out, “You listen to me --”
“No. You listen to me. My Chosen will come get you. You’ll play nice. And maybe -- if i’m in a good mood -- maybe, I’ll humor you with a negotiation. How does that sound?”
“Sounds like you can take my boot and shove it -- ah!” Another sharp stab of pain lances through her stomach, and her shaking knees buckle, sending her to the ground. Her vision tunnels, darkness rapidly closing in from the corners of her eyes. Her body lands on the hardwood floor with a solid thud. Boomer is rushing to her side just as she hears the motor of an ATV approaching from a distance. He whimpers, nosing at her and trying to nudge her back to her feet, but her weak and trembling limbs won’t let her. “Go,” she hisses at the same time Jacob’s voice calls to her from transceiver now dangling by its cord. “Go!” 
Boomer whines again, but follows her command, and slips through the door she’d left slightly ajar. 
She groans, clutching her stomach and curling her knees close to her chest. The roar of the ATV grows louder and louder as it approaches. She rests her sweaty forehead against the cool floor and waits. Waits for Jacob’s Chosen. Waits for the dark embrace of unconsciousness to finally deliver her from her pain. Waits for God to show her the Pearly Gates where Mamma and Augustine are waiting for her before the Devil grabs her ankle and drags her down the Hell.
And for funsies, here's the snippet from a sequence featuring syb's recurring guilt dream
Gravel crunches under heavy boots. Each shuffling step kicks up dust behind her. Sweat clings to her skin, beading at her brow and slipping down her neck to soak into the collar of her shirt. The humidity is suffocating, heavy and oppressive as the Louisiana heat beats down on her. She lurches forward with slow, shambling steps, her head light and nodding back and forth as her exhausted and aching body soldiers on.  
One foot. 
Then the other. 
Again, and again, and again, and again. 
A chorus of cicadas screech -- or maybe that’s just the ringing in her ears -- as she’s pulled like a dog on a leash towards the grave she helped dig. 
A lazy breeze cuts through the stagnant air, but it does little to wick the sweat from her brow. Blades of tall grass in the fields around her bend and sway, whispering softly and echoing the words that pour out of her mouth. 
“O Lord, I beg Thy forgiveness for havin’ offended Thee, and I detest all my sins…”
The moon hangs low, fat and full, on the horizon, illuminating her way with silver beams of light. Every breath she takes is a struggle, every step she takes causes an ache so deep she feels it in the marrow of her creaking bones. Her hair clings to her forehead and the back of her neck. Blisters have formed and popped several times over, the soles of her feet squishing out blood that pools in the dusty footprints she leaves behind. 
She’s walked this lonely dirt road more times than she cares to count, nothing more than a shambling corpse, making a pilgrimage to the same Unholy spot every time she goes to sleep. 
Wiping the sweat from her brow, she adjusts her grip on the shovel slung over her shoulder. Its wooden handle warped and stained with the blood and sweat of her calloused palms. She swears that each time she returns to this road, that stain gets a little bit bigger. 
As she passes a pond, a creeping bit of the bayou that threatens to overtake the road with each passing summer, the back of her neck prickles as a pair of unseen eyes lock onto her. Clouds drift overhead, blotting out the moonlight and she’s cast into darkness. A shadowy figure swoops past her with a heavy beat of its wings and fluttering of feathers. She gasps and her gaze snaps skyward, some wild prey instinct sends her heart racing, urging her to run. 
An owl glides through the air, following the path of the road towards the weeping willow that towers on the horizon. It’s the only tree for miles, standing sentinel at the crossroads where she helped bury a man. 
Underneath its swaying boughs stands a single grave marker, one that her Daddy hadn’t bothered to make. She comes to a stop in front of it. It’s an old thing, nothing more than two planks of wood bound together by rope. Its white paint is chipped and weathered. It bears no name, no dates -- nothing to indicate who has been laid to rest here. 
With a heavy sigh, she turns her shovel around to sink the blade into the soft, sandy soil and begins to dig. Time slows, the only sign of it marching ever onward is the pile of dirt that grows larger with every shovelful. The owl watches her work, offering a scornful hoot whenever she stops to catch her breath. 
It’s only when the tip of the spade makes contact with something solid -- a hollow thunk reverberating through the air -- that she tosses the shovel to the side. She falls to her knees and begins to rip into the earth by hand. Her nails chip. Her fingers bleed. She catches sight of curved pieces of keratin caught in the churning soil. Her hands are caked in dirt and blood. 
But still, she digs. 
Off in the distance, a coyote chitters -- a sound that morphs into the rough and rasping cackle of a heavy smoker as another breeze rolls through, hot and humid like breath on her neck. The smell of tobacco is carried on it. “Gotta move faster than that, Billie,” her Daddy barks. 
And still, she digs. 
But she isn’t digging fast enough. 
The angry wind whips and curls around her. The exposed skin of her arms alight in burning pricks of pain. The faded circular scars pockmarking the underside of her forearms burn, throbbing in pain as the familiar sting of ashes rains down her neck. “Y’ain’t got all night, girl,” Daddy snarls. “C’mon, move it!” 
Panic sets in. 
Nonetheless, she digs. 
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@josephseedismyfather, @la-grosse-patate, @tommyarashikage, @florbelles, @statichvm,
@fourlittleseedlings, @wrathfulrook, @harmonyowl, @ivymarquis, @carlosoliveiraa
@cassietrn, @confidentandgood, @strafethesesinners, @trench-rot, @g0dspeeed,
@miyabilicious, @inafieldofdaisies, @josephslittledeputy, @aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman,
@finding-comfort-in-rain, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @strangefable, and anyone else with a wip to share this wednesday (or any other day <3)
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