#the only person i know who still uses checks is my grandpa
Hail Apollo and Hermes for helping me get my ass in gear to take care of a couple financial things that have been stressing me out for a while! ...and for the reminder to not impulse spend.
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Hi! Is it possible to get a platonic Yandere Stanford with a teenager reader? The reader likes mysteries and monsters and all that just like him, so Stanford sees them and he’s like ‘yup. That’s my kid now’ lol
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P!Yandere!Stanford Pines & Teenager!GN!Reader
warnings: violence(toward monsters), implied abuse
[THIS IS PLATONIC] I think I made this a tad too long... it's not even in bullet form anymore. thank you for the request! I love your idea sm 😭 [Word Count: 1047]
Stanford Pines has completed another mission. He lifted his head, his eyes squinting at the sight of the looming trees. The sun peeked between them, visibly on its way down.
To keep it short, he had to chase a dangerous, vile monster into the woods and take its life.
He probably saved thousands of lives. It's just that... it came down to the price of being lost. Ford has never gone this far from Gravity Falls before.
That's totally okay. Curious, even! This is perfect material for his research! He'll have to use a makeshift one for now—this cheap notebook he got from the gift shop.
As he was about to start writing, a panicked roar reverberated throughout the forest. Such strong growls—enough to blow away his clothes and body! Ford had to see it with his own eyes!
He ran and ran until he finally saw the giant. A single, widened eye stared at him, and suddenly he couldn't move anymore. Heavy breaths rose and plunged from his chest.
But he didn't have to worry any longer. A figure hopped down, continuously slicing the middle part of the eye as they descended.
Ford grunted, falling on his back as its blood squirted and leaked, even having some splatter on his nose. He watched the monster turn and run away, knowing that it'd die soon enough.
"Woah! Grandpa, you okay?" A small hand filled Ford's vision. "You froze up pretty quickly. I bet you'd be dead if I wasn't here!"
Once his vision finally cleared, he paused at the sight of a teenager. He's never seen this kid before. Ford cleared his throat, accepting your hand and standing up. "I'm fine. And don't call me that."
You hummed, tilting his open wallet with a nod. "I dunno. Being in your sixties sounds pretty old to me."
"What? How— When— Give me that!" Ford swiped his wallet out of you, to which you respond with a silly grin. He scoffed, crossing his arms. This is such a Stanley thing to do. "Who are you even, kid? Why are you out here?"
"I'm out adventuring!" you declared, placing your fists on your hips. You do certainly have equipment fit for an adventurer. "I mean, did you see me back there? Killed that monster with one swipe!"
Ford rubbed his chin in deep thought. He smiled. "That was pretty impressive. It reminds me of my nephew. You've gone straight towards the monster's weak point."
Unbeknownst to him, your face starts heating up from the praise. You've never received positive reactions from your oh-so-dangerous hobbies. "Well, yeah! It's no big deal. Eyes are usually common for being weak."
Ford chuckled. "Anyway, do you know the direction to Gravity Falls? I may be a little lost."
"Course, duh! It's like... that way! Opposite of the sun," you grinned, pointing behind him. He turned around to check, his shoulders slumping. You touched his nose with a grin when he looked back at you. What a Mabel type of personality. You were really just removing the monster's blood, though. "Boop!"
One glance at the sky, and Ford knew that there's no way he's going to go home at this time. While he loved adventuring, especially at night, he's still in undiscovered territory and would very much like to go home in one piece.
"Alrightnicetomeetyoudude! Byeeee! Good luck!" you exclaimed, already waving at him and walking away.
Wait! You're his only ticket out!
"Pray tell, kid, are you alone? Don't you have guardians or friends tagging along?" he asked hastily.
"Naw. I have parents waiting for me back home, though," you smiled.
Ford somehow convinced you to bring him home to yours.
Now, you stood in front of your house with him by your side. The older man couldn't help but notice that you looked a bit anxious, weirdly enough. You're scratching your arm.
The door finally opened. The first thing Ford saw was a frustrated face of an older woman, which was swiftly wiped when she took note of his presence. How odd.
"Oh, sweetie, who's this with you?"
"Found him in the woods! Isn't he neat?"
"Let's talk for a bit. Please give us a moment," the woman smiled at Ford, grabbing you before closing the door on him.
Ford awkwardly stood outside the house, checking his watch. Faint voices reached his ears. That's your mother, yes? She sounded upset. You sounded upset. He hasn't been in this dimension in a while, but would it really be so bad to take home a man you haven't met? He's just literally lost!
You opened the door. He froze when he met your tear-filled eyes.
"Sorry, whatever-your-name-is. I can't let you in," you muttered meekly. "But you can wait for me tomorrow. I'll help you go home. Bye."
The door closed. Why were you crying? That's not right.
Next day.
Ford waited for you on your front porch, mindlessly writing in his notebook. He had to sleep on a makeshift cushion of laundry. It wasn't the worst place to sleep, and he's just glad he didn't get caught.
"Good morning! You're early today!" you beamed, already walking.
"Is there anything I should know about your parents?" he deadpanned, trailing next to you.
You got uncomfortable quickly. "Uh, next question? Hey, look, a parasite! So weird!"
"Don't touch that! I can't believe it ranges up to here!"
The journey towards Gravity Falls felt long and tiring. But it simply made you and Ford closer.
"What's your name again?"
"Ford. Just call me Ford."
"For— Holy shit! I didn't even notice earlier! You have five fingers and a thumb!"
"Please—" he hid his hand in reflex.
"Six cylinders on your hand! That's so cool, Ford!"
Ford simply sighed, a smile growing on his lips.
Eventually, you both reach the mystery shack.
"Woah... That's yours? No wonder why you're so used to being in the woods. You live in one!"
Ford chuckled, opening the front door. "I can safely say you're going to get along with my family, kid."
You paused, hesitating. "I can't. I have to go home."
He smiled sweetly. "Not even for dinner? It'll be quick."
Your stomach growled quite loudly, causing your cheeks to heat up. "Okay, fine. Maybe a little."
Stepping right into the shack, Ford shuts the door behind you. He can't let you go back in that godforsaken house. You looked too miserable.
You can be happy with the Pines family here.
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xjaylyn · 2 months
Heyyy . Thank you for opening your request. How about the reader finding out Armando being on the run with Mike and Marcus, has been secretly following them to make sure they're safe (mostly mando) .
Here you go love🤭
This was too cute ahhh...I cant lie I kind of dragged it....reader stood on business bout her man😌
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From the tent, y/n looked around the scene. Cops were everywhere, looking to identify the bodies of the crash. It was a mess.
"Keep tracking, y/n. See if you notice any disturbances… we need to know if there are any survivors," your advisor pats your shoulder before walking off into the crowd.
'Who hijacks a police helicopter?'
Typing away on the computer, you continue to run scans and check surveillance for anything to help the team. Hearing a truck pull in, U.S. Marshall Judy Conrad steps out of the vehicle to meet with Captain Rita and another marshal.
"You ID the bodies?"
"Roger, we got three unaccounted for… Lowrey, Burnett, and Aretas."
Stopping your motions, you look up as Judy calls out to pay attention, deeming the three as suspects on the case.
'Of course… only they can involve themselves in shit like this.'
Shaking your head, you get up from the computer and walk over to Rita, still standing where Judy left her.
Sighing at the girl in front of her, Rita shakes her head, putting her hands on her hips. "Not now, y/l/n… I can't afford any more close relations to the suspects," she sighs, turning around.
"Captain, come on. Suspects? You really believe they would do some dumb shit like this?" you ask, putting your arms up with your brow raised.
"Y/n, I-" she stumbles over her words, staring at you with a solemn look on her face.
"I-my job isn't set on what I believe personally… it's set on facts, and the fact is Mike, Marcus, and Armando are on the run for something, and right now, evidence says they are the ones to kill the pilo-"
Rolling your eyes, you look at Rita one more time before walking away back to your station.
"I can't believe this shit."
Pacing back and forth in your living room, you've been, illegally, using surveillance of nearby cameras surrounding the crime scene all night trying to locate the boys.
Knowing everyone in the field is dead set on them being suspects, you decided to use your own skills to find them without notifying anyone. It wasn't to involve yourself in the situation but more so to make sure everyone was okay. Falling 10,000 feet in the air in a helicopter crash, someone was bound to be hurt, right? And it's not like anyone could check into a hospital to get treated because then they would risk getting caught, and it's just too much to think about.
Hearing a beep come from your computer, you quickly make your way to your couch and set the device on your lap, eagerly looking at the screen for what popped up.
"The Pony?" you mumble, confused at the location the boys found themselves.
"After all this, they go to a nightclub," you scoff, watching them walk into the building. Looking ridiculous, might you add. Closing your laptop, you quickly run into your room to change.
Stumbling to put on your jeans, you hear a small meow come from your bed. Looking over at your cat watching you rush, tilts their head at your actions, meowing again.
"Don't worry, mommy is going to get daddy and smack grandpa across his head for dragging him into some bullshit," you smile, running your hand across her fur, earning another meow.
"Sorry, bad language, dragging him into a mess," you say before grabbing your keys off Armando's end table.
Pulling into the lot, you watch as police and ambulances surround the area. Looking around, you notice a car in flames and some men getting taken into custody.
"What the fuck…" you mumble in awe.
Noticing Judy and a team behind her, you quickly turn off the car and duck down to avoid being noticed.
"They escaped, make sure you cover all ends of the road. They can't be too far," you hear her yell out to the crew.
Looking up, you check for any traffic cameras. Noticing one in the alleyway, you grab your laptop from the front seat and hack into it. Watching them run off before the footage cuts off, you look up at the direction they ran to. Noticing the docks are that way, you think of one place they would think to go.
Hearing a knock on the door, everyone looks up, then looks at each other.
"You expecting company?" Marcus asks, looking at Dorn, who has a confused look on his face.
"No… no one comes by here," he says, slowly getting up.
Kelly gets up, grabbing her gun, and slowly signals to Dorn to open the door. Everyone else stands clear and defensively just in case they get attacked.
Grabbing the knob, as soon as Dorn turns it, the person on the other side busts through, causing Kelly to aim her gun.
"Whoa, whoa, it's me!" you scream out, putting your hands up.
"Jesus Christ, y/n, don't do that," Kelly sighs in relief, placing her gun on the table.
"Y/n?" Armando says, noticing your figure from the doorway.
Turning around, you look over at Armando, still dressed in the hideous Bud Light shirt that he somehow manages to pull off… actually, he pulls it off really well, but forget that, that's not important right now. Glaring at him, you make your way to the desk he was leaning on.
"Are you dumb or are you dumb?" you ridicule.
"What?" he asks, scrunching his face.
Rolling your eyes, you hug him in relief, prompting him to wrap his strong arms around you without any hesitation.
"As long as you're okay," you sigh, leaning into his embrace. It's been so long since you were able to last hold him, let alone touch him, so the bashing could wait.
Pulling back, you bring your hands to his face and look him up and down to check for any injuries.
"I'm okay, mi amor," he says softly, looking down at you analyzing him. He squeezes your hands holding his face.
"Jesus, did you catch on fire or something? What happened to your pants?" you ask, looking down, noticing some burnt pieces on his jeans.
"Should've seen it, your man was el fuego," Marcus laughs, causing you to quickly turn your head towards him and glare at him.
"Why would you say that?" you hear Armando say behind you.
Making your way over to Marcus, you slap him across the head, making him step back and draw his hand up to his head to soothe the ache caused by your hand.
"Owww, what you do that for?"
Hearing Mike try to stifle his laugh, you quickly smack him across the back of his head too, causing him to straighten up in his seat and look at you, holding his head.
"That's for involving my man in your bullshit, Mike."
Hearing Armando chuckle, you look back over at him and cross your arms.
"I don't know what you're laughing for? I'm not done with you," you say, raising your brow.
A/N: They better stop playing with readers man🙂‍↕️… he gotta come home safe without a scratch, or there's going to be problems...
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outermaybanks · 1 month
not really a kook - based on this request (jj meets a 'kook' who makes him reevaluate his rule) a/n: im sorry this took so long life got a bit hectic, but i loved this request and i hope you like what i wrote!!! i dont think i need cw for anything but if i missed something please let me know
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“y/n, table eight needs fries,” Kie said quickly as she moved passed you. “Heard,” you quickly reply. Today was your first official day working for the Wreck, but Kie had been training you for weeks leading up to it. You were apprehensive, when she first asked you to get a summer job at the Wreck, not because you couldn’t handle a little hard work, but because you knew it was mostly inhabited by tourons and kooks, and while you technically fell into the category of the latter, you hated most kooks.
Except Kie. She was like, the only person on this island who got you. You didn’t like entitled people, you had grown up poor for a good chunk of your childhood, but your grandpa bought a lot of stocks decades ago, and never could figure out when was the better time to sell, so he never did, and when he died 6 years ago, your mother inherited everything. But just because now you lived in a big house, you could still remember how it felt when kids teased you for having to thrift your clothes. 
Your parents, on the other hand, let the money change them practically overnight, along with your younger sister and your older brother. In fact, you were currently ‘cut off’ because your parents didn’t like how you spent the money. You liked to buy clothes, and makeup, and go out to eat, of course, but you also had a habit of donating money behind your parents back, or walk around the cut and give handfuls of cash to people that looked like they needed it; there was no shortage of that over on the cut. 
You had made exactly two friends when you moved to Kildare island; Kie and Sarah Cameron, and when Sarah Cameron decided popularity was more important to her, it was just you and Kie, which you didn’t mind. She had other friends, but you had a lot of hobbies that took up your time, so you never really minded that you hadn’t met them. So when your best friend asked you to help her out by working at her family restaurant, you couldn’t say no. Besides, it would feel good to earn your own money. 
Mr. Carrera handed you the fries for table eight, and you quickly carried them over with a smile on your face. Kie said that part was important. 
“Hey, I just got a text from some of my friends, they’re gonna swing by. You wanna hang with us?” Kie asked after the lunch boom ended and there was a lull in the restaurant. “Uh, which friends?” Kie gave you a teasing look, “How many friends do I have besides you?” “Maybe you made more, now that you go to the other school, how could I possibly keep up?” you tease back, taking a drink from you water bottle. Kie rolled her eyes playfully. “The pogues, John B, Pope, JJ-” “Yeah, yeah, I remember… um… do they know you’re inviting me?”
Before Kie could open her mouth to reply, “Whaddup!” a loud voice called through the restaurant, making Kie turn. You looked past her to see three guys walk in. “What are you guys doing here already? You just texted me.” Kie said, putting her hand on her hip. “Uhhh,” the tall brunette one said, pulling out his phone, “well, we said we were coming 30 minutes ago, and this place is only 20 minutes away.” Kie checked her phone then groaned at being proven wrong. “Well, I’m still scheduled for another 30 minutes, so…” “That’s cool, we’ll just hang,” the blonde one said. 
Kie sighed, throwing her towel over her shoulder. “Well, guys, this is my friend y/n, y/n, this is Pope, JJ, and John B,” Kie introduced, pointing to each guy respectively. “Guys, this is, y/n.” “Cool, nice to meet you,” Pope was the first to acknowledge you, sticking his hand out formally. You smiled as you shook it. “You guys too, I’ve heard lots about you.” “You’re the one who moved here, right?” John B asked. “Uh, yeah, about 6 years ago.” “Haven’t seen you around before,” JJ said, almost accusatory. “Uh… sorry?” you tried. “Guys! Stop giving her the third degree. I swear, this is why I never bring new people around you guys,” Kie scolded. 
You gave an awkward smile and a small wave before quickly going behind the counter to wipe it down. JJ couldn’t help but watch you, his mind swirling around with thoughts. Why hadn’t Kie brought you around before? Was she hiding them from you? Was she hiding you from them? Why hadn’t he seen you in school or around the cut? Were you from her Kook days? Why was Kie still friends with someone from her Kook days? Why would a Kook willingly work for minimum wage at the Wreck? He laid his arms down on the counter, leaning forward as he blocked the next part of the counter, which meant when you reached where he was, you had no choice but to look up at him.
“So… y/n. Haven’t seen you here before… when did you start?” JJ asked, making you furrow your brows, but then you chuckled. Kie had warned you her boys were a bit much, and you found it cute that JJ was living up to it so fast. “I started today. Kie was nice enough to offer me a summer job,” you explained, carefully picking his wrist up to move it, he quickly crossed his arms, letting you continue cleaning. His eyes stayed on you even as you moved past him. John B smacked his arm, making JJ turn to see his friends giving him knowing looks. JJ wet his lips before turning back to look at you. Fuck it, he thought. Kie hated Kooks, she wouldn’t willingly be good friends with one. “Hey, did Kie invite you to kick it? Because you totally should,” JJ rambled, making you smile to yourself. “Uh, she did actually, right before you guys walked in.” “And now they know, so you can come,” Kie spoke up, with a cocky smile. 
“Okay, I’m down. What’s the plan?”
When you and Kie got off work, John B drove you all back to his place, the Chateau, with the promise of grilling, and taking the boat out on the water. John B was more than happy to teach you how to grill, and JJ took the opportunity to interrogate Kie.
“So, what’s the deal with y/n?” JJ asked bluntly, taking Kie by surprise. She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Why do you wanna know?” “Well… just seems a little odd that we’ve never met your only other friend. How did you meet her anyway?” Kie rolled her eyes. She knew JJ hated Kooks, but she also knew that like herself, y/n was not really a Kook, and she didn’t want JJ to judge her before he got to know her. “Soccer. I did it for like one summer, and it just so happened to be the year she moved here.” “Well, why didn’t you ever bring her around?” “Because I knew you guys were gonna get weird and scare her off,” Kie teased, pushing JJ back by his forehead as she walked past him, but JJ wasn’t giving up that easily.
“Okay, okay… she got a boyfriend?” JJ asked, making Kie stop in her tracks. “Seriously?” Kie asked in an annoyed tone as she turned to face him. “What? I’m just trying to get to know your friend, Kie,” JJ lied, making Kie roll her eyes. “She doesn’t have a boyfriend. Anything else you want to know, you gotta ask her,” Kie said, throwing her arms up in surrender. 
Truthfully, she was playing dumb. She knew exactly what she was doing. She always thought you and JJ would be good for each other, and if she could just get JJ to not see you as a Kook, maybe that’s exactly what would happen. 
“I’m gonna grab a beer, you want one, y/n?” JJ offered, taking you by surprise. “Uh, sure, thank you, JJ,” you answered with a smile.
JJ walked over, opening your beer before handing it to you, you gave him another smile as you took it, raising it slightly to say thank you. JJ took the opportunity to do cheers, so you both took a drink, eyes locked on each other the whole time.
Oh, he was good, you thought. He didn’t have to say a word, and you were already drawn to him. 
After eating, you five loaded onto John B fishing boat, you and Kie sitting on the front of it as John B drove. The sun was just starting to go down as you got into the middle of the water, the view was absolutely perfect. “I think this is the prettiest thing I've ever seen,” you said softly, mostly to yourself.
JJ couldn’t agree more as he watched you sitting the golden glow of the sunset. He decided to be bold, and reached out to move a piece of hair behind your ear. When you turned to him with a teasing smile, his heart skipped a beat. “That’s like the cheesiest move in the book,” you taunt. “Alrigh’ alrigh’, that’s fair,” JJ laughs. “So did I completely blow it?” Your smile grew, so you turned your head away. “I didn’t say that.”
The rest of the night was filled with laughing, smoking, and stolen touches wherever possible. When Kie announced she was taking you home, you wanted to strangle her, but you didn’t want to seem too eager, so you agreed.
“You and JJ seemed friendly,” Kie said with a knowing smile as she drove her mom’s jeep towards her house for a sleepover.
“Ugh, was I total dork? I feel like I was a total dork,” you whine, letting your head fall back against the headrest. “No, no, he totally likes you… but there’s something I have to tell you.” “What?” In an instant you nervous, as if JJ was gonna pop out of the back seat. “Listen… a couple years back, JJ went on a date with a Kook, Jules, only… it wasn’t a date, it was a trap. She just wanted to humiliate him. JJ… hates Kooks. Like, more than anyone else I know. If he finds out your parents are rich, he…” Kie trailed off, but you could figure out what she was getting at. “Your parents are rich and you guys are like best friends,” you pointed out. “I was grandfathered in, I met the Pogues in 6th grade, pre-Jules embarrassment.” “Great. I finally meet a guy that isn’t a total asshole and I can’t go for him because my shitty parents are rich. Awesome.” Once again you let your head hit the headrest.
“No one said that,” Kie said suddenly. Slowly, you opened your eyes and turned your head to look at her. “What?” “If we just… don’t tell him…” “Kie. He would hate me if he found out I kept it from him on purpose.” “So… let me take the heat. You didn’t know until I just told you, play dumb.” “I don’t know, Kie-” “Do you like him?” You scoff, “I-I don’t know, I just met him today.” “I didn’t ask if you wanted to marry him, do you like him?” “...Yeah,” you answered shyly. “Then just trust me. Don’t bring it up if you can avoid it, okay?” You were still unsure. “Okay?” Kie asked again. “Yeah, yeah… fine.”
JJ was waiting at the Wreck when you showed up for your shift the next day.
“JJ? What’re you doing here? It’s Kie’s day off,” you say as you put your hair up, a small smile playing at your lips to see him again so soon. “I know, but she said you were working… I was wondering if I could pick you up when you get off, take you out?” he asked, bracing himself for the possibility of rejection, but you just smiled. “I’d love that JJ…”
As far as you were concerned, that was the best decision you ever made. Being with JJ was like nothing you had ever felt before, he always did anything to make you smile, make you laugh. He was a breath of fresh air from what you were used to, Kooks who think their existence is a gift to the world, taking everything too seriously; but not JJ. JJ just wanted to make you smile.
As time passed, and your relationship with JJ going strong, you found yourself forgetting what Kie had told you about JJ hating Kooks, because it didn’t matter. You hated them too, and avoided them as much as you could, spending more nights at Kie’s and the Chateau than at home. 
But it was wrong to keep it from JJ, and nothing could change that. And karma has a funny way of working. 
You and JJ had been dating for about 3 months, summer coming and going in a flash, but Mr. Carrera decided to keep you on staff, and you had liked working there and feeling independent from your parent’s money, so there you were; working an afternoon shift, when everything started to fall apart.
Word must had traveled to Figure Eight that you were working here, because when you showed up for your shift, Rafe Cameron the one and only, was already sitting with a group of his friends, being loud and obnoxious which only amped up when he saw you. 
“Well look who it is! Bitch who thinks she’s better than everyone finally got cut off,” Rafe said boisterously. “Fuck off, Cameron,” you said plainly, not letting his words bother you as you put your hair out of your face, jumping into action. You had spent your whole life dealing with Rafe’s obnoxious personality, you could survive it.
 But then, JJ walked in, and in slow motion you could practically see everything slipping from your fingers. “Hey babe. Thought I’d keep you company,” JJ says with that handsome smile. You force yourself to give him one back, trying to pretend you weren’t internally panicking. “Hey baby,” you said quickly before pecking a kiss to his cheek. “Oh, well now I understand everything,” Rafe said loudly, loud enough to be heard across the restaurant. “Y/n’s dickwhipped by a pogue.”
You can’t think, a million things to say or do pop into your head and you can’t prioritize them in time to act. “Babe? Is Rafe talking to you? How do you know Rafe?” JJ asked softly, which just broke your heart more as you were too shocked to reply, at least, before Rafe beat you to it. “Oh Y/N? We go way back. She used to have sleepovers with Sarah when her and Kie were on the soccer team together, isn’t that right?”
You try to look at JJ, but his face is scrunched up in confusion. “Sarah? You mean… from Kie’s kook days? But then-” The look on his face broke your heart, and you couldn’t pretend you didn’t know why; you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to him twice. “JJ, just let me explain, okay?” you try, but JJ doesn’t let you, as soon as the sentence is out of your mouth, confirming his fears, he’s running for the door, leaving you standing there with a broken heart. 
Two weeks passed and you were unable to get JJ to talk to you, and every attempt just made you feel worse and worse, so eventually, you took the message. Kie tried to be there for you, but you were reluctant to accept help from her since she was also JJ’s friend, so you spent most of the time locked in your room, being even colder to your family than usual. 
Meanwhile, at the Chateau, you weren’t the only one feeling the effect of the breakup. JJ had been cold, impulsive, starting fights with anyone who tried to talk to him, and soon everyone felt the effects ripple through. 
“JJ…” John B decided to be brave. “What?” JJ snapped back in reply. “...Man, we’re worried about you,” John B said, already JJ was rolling his eyes. “We can see you miss her. Bro, who cares if her parents have money? She’s still the same y/n.” “She lied to me.” “She didn’t lie to you!” Kie confesses, then sighs, “After the first night you guys met, I could tell you both liked each other. You haven’t really liked a girl since the Jules thing and I just wanted you to give it a chance!”
“You told her to lie to me?” “I told her not to bring it up. But I mean- did you ever ask her if she was a Kook?” JJ got a bit flustered at the question. “I-It doesn’t matter. She kept it from me on purpose.” “Only because I told her too! That first night, when you guys were vibing, that was real. She didn’t even know yet. And honestly- it’s a bit hypocritical for you to not see me as a Kook, but to see her as one. She hates Kooks too.” Kie said, bringing her drink up to her mouth, silently saying that she had said her piece. 
JJ sighed as he stared down at the drink in his hands. For once, something one of his friends said was starting to get through to him.
“Man… what do I do? I feel like I’m going crazy without her.” JJ said, desperation leaking from his voice. “Go talk to her,” John B suggested. “How? It’s clear I don’t know anything about her” JJ said, already getting defensive again. Kie uncapped a sharpie and grabbed his hand, writing on the skin. “This is her address. Now you have no excuses.”
On his bike, he got there in about 20 minutes.
Your parents had long abandoned trying to understand you, but they tried to show their love however they could, which to you meant respecting your privacy when you were upset, so you were surprised when you heard a knock at your bedroom door.
You sniffled and used your sleeve to wipe away any residual tears, getting up slowly to open the door, seeing your mom standing there with a worried expression on her face, despite her attempts to hide it. 
“Hey, sweetie, you doing okay?” she asked softly. “I don’t want any dinner.” “Well, actually, there’s someone for you at the front door, a boy. Said his name was JJ?” you didn’t need to hear anything else before you moved for the staircare, almost tripping over your feet. 
JJ was looking around awkwardly when you saw him standing in the foyer. “Hey…” you said softly, hoping he didn’t notice the way your voice cracked. “Hey… So this is your place? It’s… nice.” “JJ please believe me, I don’t- I didn’t want to keep it from you, Kie told me to, and I shouldn’t have listened- I don’t- I’m not like-” you struggled to find the words. “You’re not a real Kook.” JJ finished for you, taking you by surprise, and for the first time since the breakup, you had hope. 
You stepped slightly closer, unsure of what to say, but determined to not let the conversation die here. “Kie said you didn’t know about… Jules or whatever, the first night we hung out. Is that true?” You swallowed, a bit unsure of what this had to do with anything, unsure which answer he wanted to hear, so you were just honest. “She told me later, when she drove us to her house. But that first night, on the boat, no I had no idea.”
JJ took his hat off to rub a hand anxiously through his hair. “I wanted to say I’m sorry. Back at the Wreck, I didn’t give you a chance to say anything, and that wasn’t fair. I just wasn’t ready to hear it.” You nodded softly along with his words, understanding his position. “What changed?” you decide to ask.
JJ chuckles awkwardly. “I guess you’re harder to stay away from than first thought… And I’m pretty sure my friends would murder me if I didn’t come talk to you.” His words made you chuckle, which felt good after two weeks of crying, but then you two stood in silence, just staring at each other for a moment.
“I’ve missed you, y/n… I don’t… I don’t care if your parents have money. Kie’s right, you’re no more a Kook than she is.” JJ finally said, and you felt like your legs might give out from under you. His words made your heart flutter with hope. But you couldn’t make the same mistakes.
“I still understand… if you can’t be with me. What Jules did was fucked up,” you say softly. “Yeah… yeah it was. But you’re not Jules… and… staying away from you isn’t punishing her, it’s punishing me,” JJ said, making your eyes widen as you step closer. “Does that mean…” JJ looked at you, all the walls he built over the years seemed to fall down in that instant. “Please… take me back. I’m losing my mind without you, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat-” you don’t let him finish as you run over to wrap your arms around him. JJ immediately brought a hand to your cheek, lifting your face to look at him before he pressed his lips to yours. 
“I’m sorry I was an idiot.” JJ breathed out after you two pulled away. You shook your head, “I should’ve just told you.” “No, Kie was right. I would’ve assumed- Don’t tell Kie I said she was right.” JJ quickly added, making you giggle before you pulled him down for another kiss.
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thefearandnow · 1 year
So with Oppenheimer coming out tomorrow, I feel a certain level of responsibility to share some important resources for people to understand more about the context of the Manhattan Project. Because for my family, it’s not just a piece of history but an ongoing struggle that’s colonized and irradiated generations of New Mexicans’ lives and altered our identity forever. Not only has the legacy of the Manhattan Project continued to harm and displace Indigenous and Hispanic people but it’s only getting bigger: Biden recently tasked the Los Alamos National Lab facility to create 30 more plutonium pits (the core of a nuclear warhead) by 2026. So this is a list of articles, podcasts and books to check out to hear the real stories of the local people living with this unique legacy that’s often overlooked. 
This is simply the latest mainstream interest in the Oppenheimer story and it always ALWAYS silences the trauma of the brown people the US government took advantage of to make their death star. I might see the movie, I honestly might not. I’m not trying to judge anyone for seeing what I’m sure will be an entertaining piece of art. I just want y’all to leave the theater knowing that this story goes beyond what’s on the screen and touches real people’s lives: people whose whole families died of multiple cancers from radiation from the Trinity test, people who’s ancestral lands were poisoned, people who never came back from their job because of deadly work conditions. This is our story too.
The first and best place to learn more about this history and how to support those still resisting is to follow Tewa Women United. They’ve assembled an incredible list of resources from the people who’ve been fighting this fight the longest.
The writer Alicia Inez Guzman is currently writing a series about the nuclear industrial complex in New Mexico, its history and cultural impacts being felt today.
Danielle Prokop at Source NM is an excellent reporter (and friend) who has been covering activists fighting for Downwinder status from the federal government. They’re hoping that the success of Oppenheimer will bring new attention to their cause.
One often ignored side of the Manhattan Project story that’s personal for me is that the government illegally seized the land that the lab facilities eventually were built on. Before 1942, it was homesteading land for ranchers for more than 30 families (my grandpa’s side of the family was one). But when the location was decided, the government evicted the residents, bought their land for peanuts and used their cattle for target practice. Descendants of the homesteaders later sued and eventually did get compensated for their treatment (though many say it was far below what they were owed)
Myrriah Gomez is an incredible scholar in this field, working as a historian, cultural anthropologist and activist using a framework of “nuclear colonialism” to foreground the Manhattan Project. Her book Nuclear Nuevo Mexico is an amazing collection of oral stories and archival record that positions New Mexico’s era of nuclear colonialism in the context of its Spanish and American eras of colonialism. A must read for anyone who’s made it this far.
There isn’t a ton of podcasts about this (yet 👀) but recently the Washington Post’s podcast Field Trip did an episode about White Sands National Monument. The story is a beautifully written and sound designed piece that spotlights the Downwinder activists and also a discovery of Indigenous living in the Trinity test area going back thousands of years. I was blown away by it.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 11
WC 1326, Masterpost CW: anxiety
“Hey, kid,” Flash the older said as he raced up beside Danny.
“Still not a kid, old man,” Danny replied. It was already a well worn argument by this point after several dinners or weekend meals over at the Flash’s household. Sure it was used before that, but once Danny had started seeing Barry out of the mask, he’d only been worse about it. Danny guessed it was their thing now. It was weird to have ‘things’ again with people, but a good sort of weird.
“Still not an old man, kid. I’m not even a grandpa yet!”
Danny almost dropped the tablet he was working on. Barry didn’t have any kids, not aside from Wally who might as well count. Did that mean…?
“I’d tell you to watch your sass in your new position,” Barry continued, unaware or uncaring of Danny’s sudden crisis about the idea of children, “but one, I’d be a hypocrite and two, it’s a solid third of the reason I recommended you.”
“Well, that’s good because the sass isn’t going awa— wait, what new position?”
Barry grinned under his mask in a way that just felt dangerous. Not, like, dangerous in general, but dangerous for Danny who was the focus of that smile. “You’ll see. Flash Two will pick you up Monday at nine am. Don’t worry, you’re cleared off work already.”
“Fla— and he’s gone. That’s great. What the fuck,” Danny said to himself. It was a struggle to focus on finishing up the post event check in and then his reports and then going over his team’s report and then some more paperwork, but Danny managed. As soon as he got home he was immediately was texting Wally.
After the Reveal, Danny had gotten Wally’s civilian number too, but there were strict rules for using that number. Danny understood the caution. Apparently the first number he had been given was encrypted by Batman’s crew, which was crazy to think about, even when he was dating a Flash, so there were less rules other than no civilian names. Just for the ease of it, Danny mostly stuck to the old number unless they were planning a purely civilian date. Or if Danny wanted to say things that he knew would make Wally blush. Things Danny would very much never want anyone else to read. They may have mostly kept to kissing in person, but teasing Wally was just too much fun.
Danny: Why is Big!Flash having you pick me up on Monday??? What did he mean about a ‘new position’?????? I like my job! FLASH!
Quick Boy: You’ve got to give me a second to answer, dude!
Danny: You’re supposed to be fast. 😑
Quick Boy: Who’s always telling me electrical signals can only move so fast?
Danny: FLASH 🤬
Quick Boy: Sorry, babe, I’m not allowed to tell! But you’ll love it! Promise!
Danny: 🥺
Quick Boy: Don’t make those eyes at me! Trust me, babe, just wait until Monday.
Danny: Fine. But know I’m pouting.
Quick Boy: 😭
Danny behaved. He didn’t bother for updates. He sent more cats dressed as Justice League members and finished off the last Percy Jackson book, sending Wally updates along the way. But the whole weekend the fact that he apparently had a new job he knew nothing about and would be taken to Monday churned in the back of his mind.
It made him anxious in a way that he hadn’t been since he left Amity Park for Central city.
He didn’t much like it.
“Please at least tell me that I’m dressed fine for this new job?” Danny asked when he opened the door to Wally’s knock.
He didn’t really have many other options if Wally said no, he already had on his best dark jeans, cleanest boots, and his new cross body bag. He might have a button up shirt he could change into instead of the long sleeve one he was in, but that was as good as it was going to get. He just didn’t have business casual clothes with the jobs he had.
“You look fine,” Wally said.
“Not exactly a supersuit,” Danny said with a sigh, taking in Wally’s uniform.
Wally pressed a quick kiss to Danny’s cheek. “Not the kind of hero you are.”
That was something Wally had been doing, insisting that Danny was a hero. Whenever he protested, it only seemed to make Wally more insistent so Danny mostly let it be. Plus, the cute smile Wally got for ‘winning’ was nice to see.
It was gracing Wally’s lips now as Danny stepped out of his apartment, locked the door, and shoved the keys securely in his bag. One lost set of keys due to super speed was enough to make sure they were safely clipped in from then on.
“Okay. Right, let’s get this over with.”
“It’s a good thing,” Wally insisted as he squatted down for Danny to climb onto his back, “not your execution or anything.”
“I just don’t like not knowing,” Danny said.
“You love surprises.”
“Little surprises like picnics and presents, not life changing ones.”
“You’ll love it,” Wally insisted and then they were off.
“I’ll love an abandoned warehouse?”
“Apparently abandoned warehouse,” Wally stressed with a wave of his hands, like he was a two-bit magician.
“Convincing appearance. Once again, Flash, it’s a good thing you’re a hero because this as serial killer vibes.”
The windows were blacked out. There was a heavy layer of dust on most surfaces. The stairs to the foreman office were long rusted away. It was a mess.
But there was that feeling of being watched that crawled up Danny’s spine. None of the dust actually moved as they crossed the floor over to Barry. And the doors were either welded shut or solidly reinforced.
“Ready kids?” Barry asked.
“Still not kids,” Danny replied almost absently.
“Still don’t care!” Barry pressed one of the bricks on the wall and the whole thing shuddered and pulled back like some massive pocket door to reveal a… a portal behind the wall.
“Ta-da!” Wally said, complete with jazz hands.
Danny couldn’t tear his eyes away from the portal to look at him.
Did they know? Was this…?
“What?” Danny started, forcing himself to look over at Wally who was beside him again.
“You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Danny winced. He just couldn’t hold back the twitch of his body at that word. “Sorry. Um, so what is that?”
“A Zeta tube, it’s how we travel to the Justice League. It’s like a transporter,” Barry explained.
Okay, right, not a portal to the Ghost Zone. No one knew. He was safe. Danny closed his eyes. It was just a transporter that looked a lot like a portal.
Wally rested his hand on Danny’s arm and Danny almost jumped from the light touch. “Babe?”
“Um, remember how I told you there was an accident in my parent’s lab when I was a kid? Yeah, um, sorta similar look, is all. It just freaked me out for a moment.”
"Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” Wally said. He squeezed Danny’s arm gently.
“No way you could have known. Who has a phobia over portals, right?” Danny said as he summoned his best attempt at a smile for Wally.
“Are you okay to…” Wally glanced from Danny to the portal nervously.
“I, yes? Can you just explain to me how it will go?” Danny asked. He pressed himself close to Wally, doing what he could to scrape together his frayed nerves. It wasn’t like he hadn’t gone through the actual portal that had killed him all the time. It was just that now all that felt like a lifetime ago, a lifetime no one remembered but him.
“Of course, babe,” Wally said, twining their arms together before he launched into a passionate explanation of the Zeta tubes.
It would be alright.
He could do this.
He had Wally.
AN: Wally and Barry: We have something so cool to show you! Danny: *has portal based ptsd* ._.
I no longer tag people, but you can subscribe to the masterpost!
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tihgnari · 2 years
ꕤ 43. something more valuable
tw: sorta? kidnapping, violence / wc: 1k
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you're currently sitting on the softest sofa known to man, staring back and forth as ayaka takes matters into her own hands. you weren't in the best of moods after getting shot down by aoki while trying to convince her to text ayato; she was so stubborn it felt like you were talking to a damn wall. 
"think of it this way," ayaka says, looking at a cross-armed aoki straight in the eye as they paced back and forth in the middle of the suite's living room. "you ask ayato where he is, he responds, then we go meet him, yn and him make up, and voila! no more wedding! happy ever after for everybody! doesn't that sound amazing?"
your eyebrows raise when you see the cogs working in aoki's brain.
ayaka sends you a tiny non-verbal message, and you immediately catch on. "right! if you ask him for us now, ayaka herself will guarantee ayato will no longer be your problem. i think that's a win-win situation right there."
aoki sighs. "...fine. i'll go ask him."
the hotel he's checked in may not be as fancy as the principe, but when he's too busy running away from a loveless marriage forced onto him, even a shabby inn can feel a hundred times better than the five star hotel his grandfather had arranged for them. 
"this hotel's kinda good, too, don't you think?" you whisper at ayaka inside the elevator, but there were too many people crammed into the cart for you to see her expression in the elevator's mirrored walls. 
"the carpets look unmaintained and the plants at the lobby are plastic but sure, the hotel's a-okay—ouch!" 
you pinch her side, panicked, before looking around if an employee might've overheard your conversation. 
"yn, i'm telling the truth," ayaka defends herself. "we just walked in, asked if an ayato kamisato had checked in in this establishment, they said yes and even gave us his door number. how is this safe? what if we were debt collectors or… or a gang looking for him? like—come on, is customer privacy not a thing here?"
"alright, this is our floor," you mutter, pulling a still complaining ayaka's wrist through the throng of people. you can still hear her talking as you walk down the hallway, silently chanting the door number of ayato's room as you pass by. 
502… 503… 504… there! 505!
only when you raised your fist to knock on the mahogany door did you realize there's a slight tremble in your hand. for a split second, you froze, the reality of the situation and what you're about to do and who you're about to face suddenly becomes too real and too overwhelming for you. 
ayaka gently squeezes your shoulder. 
"i know my brother, and i know he'll forgive you."
"thank you."
you knock. three times. your heart rate spikes when you hear movement on the other side of the door. heavy footfalls on the carpet, striding closer to the door. you see the door knob turn, practically hearing the mechanism inside turning into place as the door swings open and—
"girls, i've been expecting."
"wait, what? grandpa?!"
that was the only thing you heard, until a heavy object came in contact with the back of your head, successfully knocking you out cold. 
when you come to be, your head's still aching and you just want to go right back ahead to sleep, but the two people screaming didn't let that happen. the room seems to be barren and incredibly small. even in your half-conscious state, you've registered this fact solely for how loud their voices jumped within the small room. 
"what is the meaning of this, grandpa?! order them to untie me right this instant! i'm your granddaughter for god's sake!"
ayaka seems to have already grasped the full length of the situation you both were in. not that you were surprised. 
you were slowly but surely coming to, but the room has yet to notice. 
"i can't believe you just hit my best friend with a metal bat, you asshole! you're going to pay for that!" ayaka hisses at the person standing on her side. she recognizes his face. a guard his grandfather had since before she even came to be in this world. 
"i don't see any fault in my actions. she may be your friend as you so claim but to me? she's a lowly scum who managed to seduce my grandson and turn him away from me. ayato had always understood his duty of marrying for the sake of the family business—for my sake."
ayaka used to adore her grandfather as she never had a proper father figure in her entire life. but only now is she seeing the ugly truths her childlike mind had been too ignorant to miss. 
"what grandfather even makes—"
"i can't possibly fathom what this woman has that made ayato threaten his mother saying he'll renounce his inheritance! to make him want to leave behind everything i've built for this family! such selfishness should not be tolerated!"
"that's because he found something more valuable!"
you flinched at the resounding slap you heard. 
it was a split-second action. something that a normal person could've missed if he was too preoccupied with something else — but nothing slips past the current head of the kamisato family. 
"i see you're awake," he says, addressing you. "good. both of you should hear what i'm about to say next." 
their grandfather straightens his robes, adjusting the grip he has on his sterling-silver walking cane topped with an extravagant, swarovski-studded japanese camellia — the kamisato family crest. 
"i'm done tolerating your tricks, ayaka, may this punishment straighten your priorities and remind you that nothing is more important nor valuable than family. ayato and aoki are to be wed, and not one of you is to spoil those plans. you both will remain here, inside this room, locked away with no communication to the outside world at least until the ceremony is over. i'd hate to do this, but you girls left me with no choice."
he turns to leave and ayaka screams at the top of her lungs. 
"mom will never forgive you for doing this to me!"
her grandfather stops, standing at the frame of the door. 
"no, child. it's your mother that should ask for my forgiveness for raising such an insolent child like you."
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LOWKEY » previous : masterlist : next
a kamisato ayato social media au
summary — it was only recently you found out kamisato ayaka was, in fact, not an only child after all! seeing ayato for the first time gave you the severest case of the butterflies but according to ayaka, he’s off limits, especially to you as her most treasured friend. well, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt, right?
notes — yay chapter bc im in a good mood cuz i won my 50/50 hehe pray i get his cons and signature weap after i offer scara all my savings lmao
🏷 i. @rinrinchin @nejibot @mich-cola @viiolettee @katsumikumo @kaz3yo @starryeyedkoko @xingqiusliegee @selenshinitai @boxdisappeared @lovelyycherries @ferumie @love6cks @kiyowoir @luvvmeilin @blackberri-jelli @moonlightbqe @kazooms @tricethecharm @lynnforever @kaedear @xiaoisahawtie @crowbird @apotatouwu @xinii @euryrue @aequha​@nuttytani @plinkuro @choco-rei @aixaingela @milesluvrrad @windasteriaa @cherrytomato2 @zannivrs @k4miyato @eishtar @wccycc @ceylestia @sweet-almonds @ayatobro @animewolflover278 @queenaveryrules @veyu002 @ukinya @ventis-dandelion @adeptusx @x-xxiaos @loveyoutothestars @ssalamanderr
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book 7 part 4 thoughts!!
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Usually I would put this in bullet points, but I have so many thoughts that I have to format it as paragraphs. (If you’d like to watch a rough part-by-part summarized translation, please check out this archived stream!)
Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
LILIA'S SO DIFFERENT 🤡 His voice is deeper, and he speaks more gruffly. He definitely comes off as more combative and having disdain for humans. HE'S POPPING OFF ABOUT HOW BAD SILVER/SEBEK/GRIM ARE AT MAGIC??? Damn, what happened in the following years to make him change????
The contrast between current Lilia telling Silver "there's nothing left for me to teach you" and past Lilia being like, "there's nothing for me to teach you, are you trying to make fun of me?"
The human faction they're fighting at the moment are the Silver Owls!! There are also people who dress in iron (a metal which harms fae in irl mythology), I'm not sure if they are synonymous with the Silver Owls or not.
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Silver's asking to team up with Lilia and his group (Lilia was about to just leave them there because he's concerned with the Silver Owls setting up camp at the base of the mountain)? Bruh, book 1 we're calming down an angry classmate and book 7 is like, HEY KIDS LET'S TAKE A FIELD TRIP INTO AN ACTIVE WAR ZONE.
Silver's hoping to shock him awake via a fight, here comes a Sebek and Silver tag team battle!! RIP Lilia beats them up a little :v (Sebek. Don't fanboy over his strength, WE ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES HERE)
Oop, they disorient him with light and Lilia's mask off!! It's treated like a big reveal????? Sorry, but how does Yuu not notice this is Lilia automatically 😅
Lilia voice) you are not my son (and here you can hear Silver's heart breaking/j)
Oh boy, we get to be prisoners of war/j
"Fae don't go back on their word" AH SO THEY LIKE TO KEEP PROMISES EH
"May the night bless you" seems to be some kind of salute for nocturnal fae?
LOL Lilia's against being called a father OTL THE IRONY HERE IS SO STRONG
Not Sebek's grandpa telling them off for not showing Lilia respect and saying how great he is... Fanboy genes run in the family/j
BAL/BAAL/BAUL REAL DROPS THE CROC MASK???? ?? ?? ?? ? He's got SCALES instead of facial hair???? ???? ? ? Oh man, he reminds me so much of Seteth FE3H OTL The scales are a signature trait of the Zigvolt line! Sebek says his mom has the same scales.
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AW Sebek's so excited about seeing his grandpa in his prime... I'm happy seeing Sebek happy OTL
Lilia's dreaming about the past... I wonder if it's because he was thinking about his life and what he has achieved before leaving his loved ones with his legacy...
Lilia first got the invite to NRC 500 years ago??? So NRC has been around much longer than we expected.
Ahhhh, crap 🤡 The return of book 6 limited battles but now with a battle map. There is a new mechanic where HP carries over from each battle; if a card's HP gets knocked to 0, you cannot use them. (5 cards be restored at random if you get to a heart space on the battle map.)
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SEBEK'S ACTING AS OUR OLD FAE SPEECH TRANSLATOR (He's throwing his own angry commentary in, which is hilarious)
The humans arrived on a boat ~100 years ago. Now they have a settlement in the east and are mining around Briar Valley + taking the fae's natural resources. (I think this is why Mystium, that shape-shifting magic green ore that Lilia's weapon is made of, is no longer as plentiful; it was likely mined into obscurity.)
Magical creatures are now coming down from the mountain and causing trouble in Briar villages; the fairies cannot handle all of this. Damn, this is just the plot to the first Shrek movie 😂 They're invading Shrek's swamp--
Oh, interesting! So there are different kinds of fae language (depending on the type of fae they are; think of the diurnal fae from Fairy Gala speaking in bell tinkles), but they infuse their voices with magic so they can understand one another. In modern Briar Valley, there is a common tongue. Omg, Sebek speaks it with his mom and grandma! BILINGUAL KING, HE'S SO PROUD OF HIMSELF... Silver tried to learn from Lilia, but he struggled with it; Sebek's dad had the same issue so the problem must be that human ears cannot pick up on the same range of sounds as fae ears can. This is true of real life as well; different creatures have different auditory thresholds and auditory detection ranges.
Bruh, not Lilia sending out literal children to fight for him on the battlefield...
Eh, new character named??? Some human soldiers are talking about Henrich?? Henrik??? Henric??? He's a commander of the Silver Owls who is conceited and dumps his work onto his subordinates. Errrr he apparently also has a little sister named Leia? Lea??? Leah???? Who is rumored to be in a relationship with someone called the Dawn Knight.
More interesting lore????? Kind of???? Some pixies (small fae) come and warn Lilia about something up ahead, then heal them too. This is notable since in Fairy Gala: What If, we learn that diurnal fae (which I believe pixies are) and nocturnal fae (which Lilia and Sebek appear to be) do not like each other. It seems they got along well enough in the past to confront a common enemy?
They reach a Silver Owl camp!! ... Aaand Lilia tells his soldiers to boot them out so they can take over the camp. I mean, it IS technically the fae's land to begin with, so. Uhhhh, yeah I think I'm with Lilia on this one 💦
I don't think iron affects fae negatively in Twisted Wonderland?? Lilia and co. are having no trouble fighting them even when the humans are clad in iron armor.
HMMMM they've named dropped a formidable person on the human side called the Dawn Knight (Lilia mentions them once, then the human soldiers do). The Dawn Knight is the captain of the Silver Owls and even Lilia considers them a strong opponent. Methinks they'll become a key player later...
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OH NOOOO 😭 Sebek’s like, “let’s change this fate!!” but since it’s just a dream, reality won’t be altered at all… Then Sebek suggests just. Staying in the dream???? Which makes darkness spawn… The light from Silver’s ring thing (the trinket he got from Lilia as a sign that he is now a full fledged adult) protects them???
Silver fears the dream will tempt him to stay too 😭 He asks Yuu to snap him “awake” if it ever comes to that… Silver, sweet boy… OTL
NOT SILVER AND SEBEK JUMPING IN TO STOP LILIA FROM COOKING FOR THEM (Come to think of it, how have Lilia's soldiers survive this far with him cooking for them???? ?? ??? ?? ?? )
Omg... They're acknowledging their Master Chef training (this is the only time they've referenced events in the main story, if I recall correctly)... Silver even prepares a risotto for them all~ (His own favorite food is mushroom risotto, so I like to think of it as he's sharing a piece of himself with the fae.)
asldiuhaodasidba Lilia complaining about the tiny portions in fine dining...
SEBEK PREPARING A ROAST CHICKEN FOR THEM, they're going all out for this one meal??? ? ? ??? ? ?? Poor Sebek though 😭Baal refuses to eat anything Sebek made, he'd rather starve or eat rations than a human's cooking...
AW BAAL BOUGHT SEBEK BOOKS????? And encouraged his love for reading... 😭
Grim taking Baal's portion of food... (Of course... Did we really have any doubts about that?) Sebek really did get his attitude from Baal... Now Baal's going, "Gimme my food back!" after Grim started digging into it... And then Baal has three entire helpings of risotto... THEY HAVE THE SAME INTIMIDATING-YET-ALSO-PATHETIC VIBES
AYO SILHOUETTE FOR MALLEUS'S MOM????? Her name is (Princess) Mallenoa, the only daughter of Maleficia (Malleus's grandma). She lives at a separate palace and commands the military. Lilia also describes her as being extremely powerful, fickle, stubborn, selfish, and easy to anger. He's just tossing out allllllll the adjectives ahdbayodqdq
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Ah, so it sounds like humans greatly outnumber the fae??? So they're at a disadvantage. Normally a royal would handle diplomatic stuff like this but for some reason Lilia is being sent? They're traveling on foot to deliver a message to the human encampment to the east; the last messenger (that travelled there via magic?) did not return. Ominous...
Fae nobility are repulsed by the smell of iron? I'm confused, are fae in TWST impacted by iron or not????
Aww, Silver... He's asking his dad to come to school not to learn, but to make special memories there 🥺 Back to "our Night Raven College"...
NOOO NOW THEY'RE FLASHING THROUGH ALL THE DORMS... while Silver and Sebek monologue about how everyone at NRC is very different, but despite how weird they all are, there is a lot that can be learned from their differences. Silver's spreading what he learned from his dad... and the fact that even Sebek pitched in... 😭
Lilia voice) let's make these high school students our pack mules and unpaid chefs and if they fuck up we leave them for dead in these woods where there are monsters lurking about
Man, he's so ruthless????? Lilia will use anyone he can to succeed in his mission... But then the next second he lays into his princess with a smile www
Lilia knew the princess since they were kids ~300 years ago, which puts the current conflict at ~400 years ago from modern day (since present Lilia is ~700 years old).
asdjbasbldbasdi Gotta love the lowkey jabs at classic fairy tales... Lilia says that human princesses may need protecting but not theirs???? (Yet Mallenoa still stays in her castle all day like she's waiting for a prince.)
THE PRINCESS HAS AN EGG... MALLEUS????? IS THAT YOU???? ???? ????? ? ?? ? ? (LOL at Sebek calling it Tamago-sama asghdyqovywqdwp9qbpacpasb) JAHAJAAH BAAL SUS OF THEM BEING INTERESTED IN THE EGG????
Oooh, so dragon eggs only hatch after receiving enough love and magic from the parents??? (Otherwise the egg will not mature and hatch.) The "power of love" is real, you guys 🥺
ANOTHER new character name drop?????? Levan/Revan??? It's a fae that went missing (probably the messenger from earlier??) I-Is that. Is that Malleus's dad???????? (Lilia says that both the princess and Levan/Revan have been pushing their tasks onto him; he has known them both for a long ass time.)
Baal voice) I still don't trust you
Fandom, back at Baal: Sorry (grand)daddy. Sorry. (Grand)daddy? Sorry. (Grand)daddy? Sorry.
Malleus is 178 years old in current day even though his egg existed 400 years ago, so it seems there was a few hundred years of delay before he actually hatched (normally the egg would hatch in 2-3 years). That means Lilia was ~522 when Malleus hatched and ~683 when he found Silver as a newborn (Malleus was ~161). Silver and Sebek think it’s weird that the timeline does not add up; it means Malleus was dormant for quite a while?? Or is the dream world wonky to accommodate for a “happy ending”? Or maybe the history they know is not correct (since earlier in book 7 Lilia mentions how true history can be distorted over time.)
Very sus, apparently there is not a lot known about Briar Valley's history??? Lilia never talked about the past around Silver, and Baal did the same with Sebek. None of the books Sebek read really goes into that history either. In current day, the palace where Malleus's mom resided isn't even there anymore, it's just land. It suddenly became a mystery...
MAN, I've been wondering this whole time why Lilia's happy ending is wartime but maybe. This is the period where Malleus's parents both died???? Maybe his happy ending is saving them??? Instead of them dying and him having to live with the guilt of not being there to protect his friends and his future prince's parents???? (I previously thought it was during war that Malleus hatched and/or Lilia found Silver, but I guess the timeline doesn't make sense there.)
According to Silver, they cannot stray too far from dreamers or else the darkness will return and try to drag them into a deeper sleep.
asdhbasdobasdbas Sebek is SUPER hype to see baby Tamago-sama Malleus...
Sebek points out that Silver is not nodding off (good catch, I actually did not notice this because I was too busy screaming about the lore); sooo when Silver is dream walking, he's consistently alert. It looks like Silver's narcolepsy is an important detail??? (Lilia took him to lots of doctors that didn't know how to help him, Silver does whatever he can to sleep well and to have a sleep schedule.)
OH MY GOD, I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT YUU AND GRIM STILL DIDN'T KNOW LILIA IS SILVER'S DAD. They thought it was a friendly nickname this entire time??? Kind of late to get to that, but alright 😅 We have acquired the Forbidden Knowledge... (SEBEK'S MOM IS WAY OLDER THAN HIS DAD BUT LOOKS WAY YOUNGER?? I mean, I kind of expected that but to have it confirmed just hits different.)
One of the soldiers tells the kids to stfu so they can sleep and so Sebek yells at everyone to stop disturbing them (you know, in his LOUD AS HECK voice).
Water in the Briar Country is cold because it is located up north (it snows a lot!). The lake water usually comes from melted snow. Checks out, I guess?
They're packing up to leave the camp... Reminds me of Mulan!
[Insert boring trek to the Silver Owls' base. Interesting tidbit: some soldiers we run into comment that Silver resembles the Dawn Knight/they didn't know the Dawn Knight had a lover?????? So... that's obviously gotta be an ancestor of Silver's, right??? Also??? The Dawn Knight apparently never removes their helmet, even around subordinates... VERY SUS, SIR
NAYUUURx NOT SeBEK CAViNG TO THE DATKNESS 😭 I feel like??? This is a really big character development moment for him?? He’s always been pretty blindly loyal to Malleus and hateful of humans, but this marks the first time he willingly does something against Malleus’s will and he calls Yuu and Grim by name… Sebek, sweetie… 😭 (Side note: Silver’s been so strong-willed through all of this, but I’m glad that TWST showed he isn’t perfect and infallible; he, too, was tempted to stay in the dream when Sebek started to consider it too.)
bchsheoxndle Something else I enjoy is Baul being so… tsun?? He complains about the kids but keeps an eye out for them anyway (and Sebek in particular)… The paternal vibes are too immaculate to completely squash 😎]
They made it!! Finally!!
Oop, Heinrich and the Dawn Knight were supposed to be in the eastern base but they aren't??? Oh no, it looks like. It was a diversion?????? While Lilia and co. are busy at the base, Heinrich launched an attack on the palace where Malleus's mom is???????
OKAY, so this entire update was focused just on Lilia's dream. We have no clue what's happening in Idia's dream or the real world with Ortho??? Which I'm totally fine with; I feel like we learned SO much about Briar Valley's history and important figures in it. That's a very fair trade-off. I loved getting to learn about the conflict between humans and fae, fae culture, and about how Briar Valley (or Country) works. I'm surprised that the characters themselves know so little about the history, but that just makes me worried that that's because it's a dark part of history that was purposefully censored from the textbooks...
There were a lot of new characters introduced in this part, most of them just mentioned by name or silhouette. It really feels like we walked right into the most dire part of a history textbook... So much tragedy has been set up, so many key players put into place... But being that this is Lilia's promised happy ending, surely he must reverse fate and save the day in the end????? Right? Right??? ?????? ?? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ?????? I have my eyes glued to the Draconia family lore and history, I'm READY to absorb it!
Something else I found really fascinating was learning more about Sebek this update! He still has a very arrogant attitude about him (that much hasn't changed), but I loved seeing how he acts different around his grandfather and how excited he gets over little things like seeing Malleus's egg. I think this part also marks the start to his character arc; he is constantly put down time and time again by his grandpa, someone whom he really loves. Sebek is used to his grandpa accepting him for who he is, but now his grandpa is shouting hateful rhetoric and discriminating against him for being half human. It's the same ugly behavior that Sebek slings to other people, but now the shoe's on the other foot and HE'S the victim in these situations. It must no doubt be extremely uncomfortable for Sebek, but it's also forcing him into a situation where he has to look at his own bigotry head-on, and it gives him a chance to reevaluate himself. It's similar to how Vil had to challenge Epel's outdated gender views even when Epel kicked up a fuss every time Vil did. asdhbsaisdbabdil I'm just really invested in Sebek's character arc!!
I think there's a high probability we'll see all of the silhouetted figures in full in a future update, it's clear that we'll eventually be rushing back to check on Malleus's mom at some point. I'm super interested in seeing how Malleus's parents, the Dawn Knight, Lilia, Baal, and Henrik tie together. (And, of course, we NEED to check in with the Shrouds as well.)
I have heard people say that Henrik may be a reference to King Henry from the live action Maleficent? Then that means that the Dawn Knight may be TWST's equivalent to Stefan/Stephan (Aurora's dad) and Henrik/Henric's little sister is Leah/Leia (Aurora's mom)??? Then I've heard other theories that since Malleus's dad vanished, we have no corpse to confirm he is for real dead and maybe he's actually Crowley who went off to buy some milk and never came back???? (Because “Levan” sounds like “raven” and you know who else is a black bird? CROWLEY. Is he. Is he really going to be the Ultimate Absentee Dad by pulling off his mask in front of Malleus and go, “Luke, I am your father” at him????) And then there's those of us who are drooling over new character designs and screaming about how hot Sebek's grandpappy is. Point is, there are so many wild parallels, theories, ideas, and thirst posts flying around right now. I love how this wild update reinvigorated the whole fandom into a new period of theory crafting and other creative works. asdhabsdasdbasdi Every new book 7 update gets more and more hype... I just hope we get part 5 in July!!! Super intrigued by the history of the Briar Valley~
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months
"Its cold you should take my jacket" with krobus mayhaps? I just think its a cute mental image BVNJ
Maybe theyre goin outside durin winter, and sure shadow people probably arent as effected by the cold but maybe it could still be a sweet gesture (the reader is going to freeze to death mild mistakes were made unless they're just the kinda person to go out in the winter shorts/joke)
-salt anon
YEAH Krobus time <3
Notes: Farmer and Krobus are established as roommates.
"The crocus are blooming nicely this winter...oh! Hello, little worms!"
Standing just a few feet away, you kept an eye out for any villager who might be walking around at this late hour, acting like a bodyguard for Krobus.
The last thing you wanted was for someone to freak out at his mere existence on the surface.
Ever since befriending the lonely shadow monster from the sewers, your perspective on his people (as well as most other monsters) changed drastically, opening up your eyes to the truth: that not all of them were violent brutes and assassins armed with crossbows and dark magic.
He was the first peaceful one you've come across, and he became the reason you try to avoid fighting any shadow people in the mines. Even if they became aggressive, you knew they were only acting defensively, never turning hostile unless you approached them first.
Of course, if you saw a human come charging at you with a sword or hammer...you'd be scared for your life, too. And if you had the means to protect yourself, you'd use them.
Krobus was once a fighter himself, until he decided to abandon those ways after the elemental wars, finding displeasure with his life beneath the surface. No longer could he find sanctuary in a place so terribly hot and miserable, fearing that an adventurer or Dwarf assassins will come slay what remained of his people. Thus, he laid down arms and took up becoming a humble merchant, living quietly and waiting patiently.
What he was exactly waiting for...he didn't know at the time.
But after you somehow found his little shop, checked on him after a fight with one such Dwarf, and presented him with the void ghost pendant....he finally realized what he wanted all along.
Something that he didn't expect to find in a human, of all creatures.
Yet on that fateful day, things changed for him yet again.
They were bigger, better, and the type of change that he needed for so long.
He never thought you'd like him as a housemate. After all, his existence alone was frightening to humans. He thought his wares would creep you out, or his strange habit of eating all the houseflies. He thought he'd be a burden on days where he wanted to help around your farm, but the humidity wasn't quite right and the air was a tad bit too dry for his skin. And he was convinced that touching your chickens and slimes would infect them with void energy and "ruin" Yoba's image of them.
There was even a time when he stood in front of your grandpa's shrine the night he moved in, asking aloud if he'd approve of this "living arrangement".
A year later, you two were still happily together, on the eve of the Winter Star festival, searching for the perfect crocus to put into his room's garden pot.
How he managed to order that online on your farm computer was beyond you..although he did mention Dwarf lending him a manual on how to operate such a device.
It seems they were finally willing to put the past behind them, albeit at no point did they ever mention fully forgiving each other, which was understandable.
"May I?" Bringing out the hoe, you looked to Krobus, who nodded and quietly shuffled away from the worms. You scraped the ground with your tool, unearthing-
"Another creepy doll, great.." You picked up the dirty, snow-covered toy. Its blue shirt and brown pants had only a few tiny tears in them, and the beady black eyes were seemingly staring into your soul. "Why do the people in this town leave these everywhere? Is it some ritual for them to be buried around the valley and found years later?"
"Hmm..I couldn't tell you." The shadow monster chuckled a little. "But they do bear resemblance to the dolls Dwarves have made for their children. Maybe they'd appreciate it as a gift......or it may be a grim reminder of what they've lost in the war..." His curl drooped a little.
"I gave them a green doll once, and they liked it. So it could be a good gift." You placed the doll in your bag, before turning back to Krobus. "Speaking of which...we could try attending the feast together. You could come in your usual disguise and-"
"I can't."
"Sorry, that sounded harsher than I intended." He meekly spoke, looking down at the snowy ground. "But going to the movies with you was nerve-wracking enough. Some of your friends were there..watching me, wondering who I was. To attend a festival with all of their eyes on us...I...I'm just afraid. If the guild master spotted me.....oh, Yoba."
Unwilling to finish, Krobus shuddered and hugged his body self-consciously. But at that same moment, the wind picked up, making him shiver a little bit more.
It made you frown, wishing he didn't look so distressed...and cold.
Poor thing.
Then an idea sprung on you, and you realized you could solve one of those problems right now.
He heard rustling and looked up, confused as to why you were shrugging off your jacket. "Huh? Why are you shedding....?"
"It's cold, you should take my jacket." Smiling, you wrapped it around his shoulders, seeing that it didn't totally envelop his body like his trenchcoat disguise did.
Almost right away Krobus picked up familiar scents on it: horseradish and pumpkin. Two of his favorite things.
Despite the smells being pleasant, he was absolutely bewildered by your kind gesture--and it turned into grave concern as he noticed the goosebumps already forming on your arms and legs. "[Y/n], my people are used to temperatures of either extreme. But yours aren't..are you sure you don't need-?"
"Krobus, I think we can both agree that I'm not like most of "my people."" You laughed gently, shaking your head. "I've worked outside on the hottest summer days and the coldest winter nights. I've been inside the ice castle of the mines and at the top of the volcano dungeon. This cold doesn't bother me anymore. I'm wearing shorts for Yoba's sake. I'll survive without my jacket for a few minutes as long as it helps you feel better. Is it...helping you?"
"...as a matter of fact, this does help. Thank you, my friend." He smiled back, feeling more at ease knowing you weren't gonna freeze to death at his expense. "I'll admit that the warm sewers have made me less accustomed to the chill of winter, but when it comes around..I try to sneak outside as often as I can."
"Maybe one day, you won't have to sneak around anymore, and everyone here can see you've been a great roommate of mine." Patting his head with your gloved hand, you chuckled as he perked up. "And...hopefully our blacksmith can stop asking me to beat up your skeleton friends. I'm starting to think he's running into them on purpose."
"It sickens me how many times I've seen that advertisement." He scowled. "The Skeletons don't make the mines dangerous...it's their home! They just want to be left in peace, with the riches they've guarded in life and now guard in death." Then he relaxed his shoulders, looking to you. "Thank you for not accepting anymore of his contracts."
"Of course, but..what about the wizard's contracts? I had to put some Ghosts to rest because he claims they're "upsetting the balance of the elements". I know they must be your friends, too."
"That's different..if an overabundance of creatures threaten to upset the elements, then they should be taken care of." Krobus nodded, still looking rather grim. "It's unpleasant, but necessary to ensure one species doesn't dominate the rest. Killing monsters so it's "safer" to strip the mines for gold and gems...is not necessary."
"I see." You nodded, looking around and spotting a nearby holly on the ground. Picking it up, you smiled and showed it to him, hoping to lighten the mood. "Another human tradition during this season involves holly. We hang it above our doorsteps, and whoever is under it should kiss. But...I don't think people in this town are familiar with it."
"Ah, how fascinating..." He looked at the plant in your hands, watching you stow it away into your backpack. "I never knew so much about humans until you came along, [y/n]."
"There's a lot to us. We're a..very complex species." You shrugged, before checking the time and realizing it was almost midnight. "Shoot. We should head back soon. I still gotta find something for my secret gift-giver."
"Maybe I can help you." He offered. "It's the least I could do, since I sadly cannot attend."
"I would enjoy it more if you could come, but I'll bring you back some pumpkin pie. And maybe we could...do our own little secret gift-giving?"
"That would be wonderful." Krobus beamed, feeling you wrap your hand around his clawed one, huddling close as you both headed back to the farmhouse..
Your home, which was now his home as well.
He thanked Yoba everyday that he got to share it with you.
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Would I be the Asshole if I told my parents about my sister’s drinking habits
So I (18F) have a sister who I’ll call A(16, almost 17F) who is having issues with our parents. She has a boyfriend around the same age and they have had sex and my parents found out about it. This greatly damaged the relationship between my sister and our catholic mother who is also a conservative. I was mostly unaware to all of this because I don’t really talk to anyone in my family outside of basic conversations. I watched them all fight with each other and figured out that the only real way to avoid these confrontations was to make avoid any possible conflict, which involved as little interaction as possible.
I am still in high school (like I turned 18 this month) and I still live with my family. I only found out about all of this because one night around two months ago my sister had a two of her friends over and was drinking. She called me around 11 pm and was very drunk. I went downstairs to the basement and she told me about how she had sex and how our parents are angry. She said that her boyfriend’s mom feels more like a mother than our mom does. Anyway they tried and failed to go get more alcohol (my sister was the only drunk one at this point) and a few hours later (1 am to 2 am) she called me again and convinced me to drive her to a friends house to get more alcohol. They were all at least a little drunk at this point and I agreed because they were going to get this shit one way or another and I would rather it be with a sober person driving then any other alternative. I know this was a bad idea and decision and that I suck for actually doing it and enabling this.
Well it’s now October and she’s going to a party that she helped plan. To get in you would need to bring alcohol. She’s bringing a shit ton (their is a place that won’t check for ID’s near us) and so far the strongest thing I know that they have is Fireball. I know that a lot of people are going to this party and I’m worried about her, less so because of the people and more because she’s a fucking alcoholic. My friend said that I should tell my parents but I don’t want to make the situation between them worse.
I don’t think that my words mean much to my sister. If I asked her to stop drinking I don’t think she would. If I told my parents then their is only one real person who would have been able to give them that information and it is me. I don’t know the location of the party or the address and I want to avoid getting any authorities involved because that would be so much worse than anything else I could do. But I don’t know what to do. I don’t want my sister to get hurt and this isn’t healthy but I don’t know how my parents would react. If I tell her to stop or tell her that if she doesn’t stop I’ll tell our parents then she will just stop telling me and I don’t want her to get hurt.
My parents also didn’t fully care that she has been drunk before. My mom is the only one that really knows about her being at parties in the past with alcohol and she definitely doesn’t know the extent of all of this, but again Catholics. My great grandma’s(or aunt? I don’t know how I’m related to these people) reaction to me, my sister, and out cousin’s drinking her wine was “your just like me!” and my grandpa on my dad’s side has given us shots in front of my mom.
Their is a, very small, chance that my parents know a small amount of what is happening. And I don’t want to make things worse, but this isn’t good and it’s not getting better.
So, WIBTA if I told my parents about my sister’s drinking habits?
What are these acronyms?
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My attempt to analyze Wishing Cairn EGO
Wish me luck
So Abnormality from which we get these EGOs called Pagoda Veneration or Tapdori, which is Korean tradition of walking and dancing around Pagoda, which is used to mark burial place of Buddha in circles. It was for veneration of Buddha in the beginning, but with time became a fun tradition for festivals(as I understood usually performed on April 1st)
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However, instead of traditional pagoda, we see stone towers, which are like a more symbolic version of it, that people built by themselves wishing for good luck.
The figure that stacks these towers reminds us(and then is blatantly called in Yi Sang's EGO passive) Dol Hareubang, Stone grandpa, which is a type of rock statue found on Jeju Island. The exact reason for creating these statues is now kinda forgotten, but it's believed that they are gods offering protection from Demons. However, I could not find any connections between them and pagodas or wish towers, so if you know more, please inform me.
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So, in Mirror Dungeon event, we see how this creature stacks stones, and we need to decide how to perceive them - as wish towers or cairn tomb.
But seems it's both
If we decide that it's wish tower, we can try to place a stone over making our wish(Sloth/Gloom check) and get Stone Tomb. Kinda interesting how we decided to consider it's an innocent wish tower, but in the end, it is still called "Tomb."
If we decide that it's a burial, we can try to bring down the cairn(Wrath/Envy check) and surprisingly don't find anything disturbing, only some money.
And I guess second choice is easier to analyze, in rightful Wrath we trying to save someone from being buried alive, sin makes sense.
But why is making a wish requires Sloth and Gloom? Well, my guess is that it symbolises passivity. Like, instead of doing something we just make wishes?
However, it's interesting that Yi Sang in his EGO that requires 4 Sloth and 1 Gloom to charge up, doesn't even make a wish. He seems more as a keeper of them, and in corroded condition asks to give him your wish " Speak unto me your wish...Vocalize your eagerness"
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Don's EGO requires only 2 Sloth and 1 Wrath and 1 Pride, and in contrast with Yi Sang she's very vocal and active with her wish, announcing it and immediately following with action.
Wrath could be needed for sheer violence of her desires.
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So Don is the one who makes wish, while Yi Sang is a person listening to it.
It's also interesting that his passive named after god-guardian, while Don's is "Fallen stone pagoda" which happens if we make a wish caressly or destroy on purpose. In her situation, I think it is the first option.
It also could explain why using EGO they gain weakness to gluttony. If they wish caressly and greedily, the tower will fall without fulfilling anything.
Gloom weakness could be about the danger of losing belief in power of wish fulfillment? Like if they start to doubt power of cairns, they won't work?
Like this fragilities forces them to balance between not losing trust in wishes and not overdepending on them. I feel like it makes sense.
So my conclusion is that Yi Sang resonated with this EGO because of his lack of active wishes. He's extremely passive in the beginning of the story, not really thinking about his own desires. So through this EGO, he tries to get some wishes
For Don it's opposition. She resonated with EGO because of large amount of her desires(remember our Don's core sin is glutton). So, with the help of this EGO, she tries to fulfill her own desires
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badbatchposts · 6 months
Quiet Corners of the Galaxy, Chapter 4
While on a routine mission for Cid, the Bad Batch encounter a woman fleeing from the Empire. Crosshair suspects her seemingly free-spirited, nomadic existence is actually a cover for something else, but struggles to keep his attraction toward her in check as their personalities and ideals clash.
Relevant tags: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Smut (not for a few chapters still), Canon-Typical Violence
Chapters posted 1-2x weekly!
Read the full fic so far on AO3
Read previous chapters on Tumblr: Ch. 1 l Ch. 2 l Ch. 3
Chapter 4 summary: The Batch are so bad at being under the radar. They learn more about the mysterious woman; Crosshair doesn't trust her.
“Don’t go to sleep, burk’yc.” Crosshair could see the woman nodding off any time he left her with a few moments of silence. She blinked her eyes open again and refilled her mug with more hot water.
“You’re not exactly the most fascinating conversationalist,” she remarked. She eyed his rifle, which he was methodically cleaning and breaking down, his post-mission ritual. “You’re not a bad shot. I saw the trooper helmets when you were done with them. Guess that’s where you get the name. Bullseye, was it?”
“It’s Crosshair. And I’m better than not bad,” he scoffed testily.
“I suppose that’s why you waited until after I was shot to step in. Or maybe you’re just scared of the Empire.” Her voice was neutral, but she had played her hand too obviously; she was goading him, probing for information just like he was.
He reined himself in and went on the offensive. “I wonder,” he purred, “if your hair’s that color everywhere.”
Crosshair expected steel, fury, maybe a flush coming over her cheeks. Instead, she ran her fingers through her locks disinterestedly, picking out the leaves he had noticed before. Both ears, he observed as her hair was smoothed out of the way, were pierced from top to bottom with a series of small silver rings. “It didn’t used to be. Last few years haven’t been the gentlest for the galaxy, have they?” She nodded at the closely cropped gray hairs that coated his own head, growing back patchily around the burn scar at his temple. “What’s your excuse, grandpa?”
“Genetic enhancement,” he replied cryptically.
“Guess that explains the big guy.” She gestured to Wrecker, who was dead-lifting Gonky at the other end of the ship, before offering her beverage to Crosshair. “It’s supposed to be a communal practice,” she explained in response to his raised eyebrow. He made no motion to take it, eliciting a shrug from her. “That’s alright. I always drink it alone anyway.”
“What? No one likes sharing with you?”
“My life seems like it’s a lot less…communal…than yours.” She glanced vaguely around the ship, which was littered with evidence of their co-habitation. “I suppose mercenaries run in packs.”
“We’re not mercenaries,” Hunter interrupted, rejoining them. He had always taken issue with that term. “We’re clone troopers.”
Crosshair prickled a little. He would never understand why the others had been so difficult to track down during his time with the Empire. Hunter didn’t seem to get the finer points of staying off the radar, since he took the opportunity to expose who they were to the first pretty face they came across.
“Haven’t seen a lot of clone troopers that look like you all.” The woman offered Hunter the mug; sniffing curiously, he took a sip.
“It’s good. Thank you,” he said. Crosshair could tell what Hunter was doing. Where the sniper was rigid, aloof, difficult, the sergeant could be considerate, relatable, diplomatic. He thinks he can break you down this way. But he’ll only get a more amenable version of you, the marksman thought. The woman’s face did appear to soften as his brother continued. “We’re a bit different from the rest of them. But with the Republic gone, none of us are soldiers anymore. Gotta find ways to make ends meet.”
The woman seemed to be opening up. Crosshair didn’t trust a minute of it. “Yeah, I know all about that. It’s hard to get by these days.” She turned to Hunter with a small smile. “I’m Dara.”
“Dara.” He smiled back at her. “Any reason we should be worried that the Empire might come looking for you, Dara?”
She shook her head. “The shuttle really was… well, not exactly a misunderstanding. I just panicked. I’ve been traveling. I was staying in a village on Takodana when the Empire began rounding up all the villagers—I have no idea why. I hid and tried to make a break for my ship, but some troopers spotted me. The shuttle was closest. I managed to take off but it took a hit before I entered hyperspace, and that was just where I ended up when my systems started failing.”
Hunter looked thoughtful. “Well, they probably won’t come after you. But I wouldn’t risk going back to Takodana. You likely won’t be getting your ship back.”
He was already heading back to his bunk when Dara spoke up again. “Thank you. I mean it. All of you.” She shot grateful looks at Tech and Crosshair in particular. “I’m lucky you found me when you did.” She was treated with another smile from Hunter as he left. Tech looked rather pleased with himself.
Crosshair leaned toward her, drinking in her beatific expression as he looked into her eyes. “Liar,” he hissed. Even as her expression remained largely impassive, her eyes glinted and nostrils flared ever-so-slightly, hinting at the snarl she was just barely containing. There, he though, leaning back satisfactorily. The knife’s edge of her self-control. That was a start.
Next chapter
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rattlyglitch · 4 months
Ocean Travelers Chapter 1 (also known as future octonauts)
I didn't want to wait any longer to post this and am really excited about it. Chapter 2 is also almost done so I'm hoping to have it posted by this week some time.
Captain Barnacles didn’t know what to expect when he woke up and decided to start making coffee but it wasn’t to see an alert on his octowatch coming from Tracker. “Good morning Tracker. Do you have another report on the migrating birds?” Tracker shook his head. “I don’t Captain. I actually got an alert earlier. It came from a remote forest and seemed to be coming from an octowatch. The only problem with that though is we have no one located in that area and it wasn’t just one watch that sent out an alert but multiple.”
Captain Barnacles did find it strange that alerts were coming from an unknown area. “Do you by chance know of any octoagents that live near that area?” Tracker disappeared from theoctowatch’s view and typing could be heard. “There isn’t anyone near that remote area, Captain. The closest person would have been Ranger Marsh but at the current moment, he’s with Calico Jack and Professor Natquik in antarctica. You and the other octonauts are the closest person now to the location.” Captain Barnacles took in the information.
“Are you sure that the alerts aren’t from Calico Jack, Ranger Marsh, and Professor Natquik?” Tracker looked at the area again. “I’m positive it’s not. The number of alerts is coming from more than three octowatches.” Captain Barnacles began trying to think over how many octoagents had watches. “Understood Tracker. Send where the location of the alerts are coming from and I’ll gather the others. Me and the octonauts will go and see who's there. You’ll continue to be posted though if anything goes wrong.” Captain Barnacles wasn’t sure what could be in the location but it would be good to have someone be on call if something dangerous happened. “I’ll make sure to check in regularly by the hour. Professor Inkling will remain in the octopod, correct?” Captain Barnacles thought for a moment.
“Most likely yes but it is possible he may leave the ship with us. If he leaves someone will remain in the ship though. Do you have any more questions?” Tracker shook his head no. “That’s all, Captain. I’ll be leaving but call you soon.” The call on Captain Barnacles' watch ended and he pressed the ship's octoalert. Within moments the octonauts came into the main area of the octopod. “We’re all here and ready for business Captain” Kwazii responded. He at the moment seemed the most lively. It was six in the morning after all. “Why did you call us Captain?” Tweak asked while rubbing her eye.
Captain Barnacles got the location the octoalerts were coming from and showed them on the main screen. “There seem to be several octoalerts coming from a remote forest location. The only problem though is that there seems to be no one closer to the location than we are and by the looks of it we’ll be arriving there within five hours.” Tweak looked at the screen. “Are you sure it isn’t from my Pa, Professor Natquik, and Kwazii’s grandpa?” It wasn’t hard to tell that the area was almost exactly where Ranger Marsh would be.
“Yes. I would have thought it was them if there hadn’t been more than three alerts. And I am correct that the octowatches only show they send out one alert and keep going off until the problem is solved?” Tweak nodded. “Either the problem is solved or the watch alert is answered.” She still looked confused. Captain Barnacles noticed she had started using her fingers to count and he did not doubt in his mind that she was trying to see how many octowatches had been given out. “I got 18 octowatches have been given out. Did you also count?” Teak asked. “If not I can go search for where I kept the actual number.” Captain Barnacles gave a nod. “I got the same amount when counting as well,” Captain Barnacles replied.
Peso looked at Tweak. “Is there a possibility you made some more and then lost them? We’ll still go and fetch them but maybe an animal found the watches by accident and started playing with them or knows what the watches are and need help which is why alerts were sent out.” Tweak seemed apprehensive when hearing what Peso told her. “I mean it’s possible. I wouldn’t doubt that could have happened. Either way, we have no way of answering the watch's calls to see if it’s someone who needs help or if it was by accident.” Tweak looked at Captain Barnacles. “Could you set the octopod to start heading towards that direction, Captain? I’ll go make sure we have the gups we need.”
Captain Barnacles, who had been looking at the location of the alerts Tracker sent, looked at Tweak. “I’ll get the octopod started. Everyone else gather everything you need and prepare to leave in five hours.” With the meeting in the main area settled everyone left and made sure they didn’t need anything. Barnacles busied himself by making sure he as well had everything. All while he prepared himself Captain Barnacles couldn’t help but think about how strange the circumstances of Tweak losing any octowatches was. She was well organized more than not usually and had bins full of things that had been put in storage closets.
He was interested in finding out who had been sending the alerts though and why. Maybe it was a situation like Professor Natquik’s. Someone unfortunate enough to be forgotten and left in an abandoned site. The idea of that though made Barnacles feel queasy. He had seen how traumatic it was for Professor Natquik and Calico Jack. While they had been on the octopod they both had terrible nightmares. Captain Barnacles was sometimes able to help Professor Natquik calm down but most of the time it was Kwazii who was able to slowly talk to the two and calm them. Kwazii was, after all, in the same boat as his grandfather and the Professor.
When the cat had joined the crew being the second official member there were long nights when it would take far longer to calm him then Calico Jack and Professor Natquik. Sometimes even there was no way to calm him and the pirate would pass out from the stress of the situation which would then on rare and unlucky occasions fevers. The more Captain Barnacles thought about it the more he got nervous. He tried to distract himself by helping the vegimals since he had checked over everything he had at least several times. He had been helping them cook when the octopod came to a stop.
The octonauts gather in the launch bay before being situated. It was decided that Professor Inkling and Shellington would stay behind. That way if anything did happen two people would be able to get help as soon as possible or come help wherever the octonauts were. “Will all of you be safe and return safely ok?” Shellington said, looking at the group. He didn’t mind staying behind of course but it wasn’t hard to tell the scientist was nervous about his friends leaving. The last thing he or anyone else would want to happen was to have someone get hurt. “Don’t worry matey I’ll make sure we all come”
Kwazii responded with a cheerful smile on his face. Dashi nodded in agreement. “I’ll make sure as well. We’ll all protect each other.” Shellington seemed less nervous when hearing the encouragement of Kwazii and Dashi and seemed confident in the group. “I’ll wait here with Professor Inkling then and make sure to listen to keep an eye on each other.” Shellington waved goodbye to the group. His waving was able to be seen until GUP-1 sunk into the water and the octopod hatch closed.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
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My shift to attack on titan
To start, I shifted to where I was 8. I was born and raised in wall maria (shigashina) with armin eren and mikasa and I spent most of my days with them. I could not imagine the bond you could have with people other than your family until I went here.
First I want to reminisce abt my besties 🥰
Armin is the sweetest smartest friend anyone could ask for. He also hums and sings which makes sense because he is the narrator of aot in this reality. He also writes journals about things he learns and things he wants to see and tells us we are going to go together. I am so lucky to be friends with someone so Sweet smart charming and caring. no words can describe my friendship with him. It was so interesting hearing his stories about his beliefs and ambitions . He was certainly humble when discussing his theories and made sure to include all of us in them.
His heart is so big I still don’t know how it fits in his dainty body. His family is poor and he helps his grandpa cultivates potatoes. Even so when he met my mother for the first time he gave us a weekends worth as a thank you gift for all the snacks I bring to our daily hangouts. Of course my mother did not want to take them as we are definitely more well off than his family but he insisted. This was met with my mother giving them two weeks of fruits, vegetables and meat, which we had to beg for him to take.
His lack of athleticism is also pretty funny. It’s not like we do anything too heart wrenching but he has horrible stamina for our age. The race to the tree goes as follows: eren winning because mikasa is letting him by enough to help his ego, then mikasa, then typically me carrying armin because he gets too tired after a while. I still make sure he wins though.
Mikasa is my first friend that’s a girl. There isn’t any school or activities to meet new people around my age, so the only people I knew were my family until I met eren and armin. Then I met mikasa. She’s kind of shy yet brave when she needs to be. She made me a doll when eren introduced us to her and I didn’t know she could be so crafty. Yes she’s clingy with eren buts she’s super protective with everyone she cares about including me. Our mothers are also both from persecuted clans and we share the same hymn that our mothers taught us, the same sigil tattoo of sorts our parents gave us, so with that alone our bond is unbreakable. We have become armin and erens first line of defense, we both have protective nature and are always stronger when fighting for our loved one. I can’t wait to have someone like her for my entire life by my side
She is a stoic and composed girl who tends to keep her emotions in check. Those close to her recognize her incredible strength and courage in even the most dire of circumstances. She is loyal and brave, ever willing to put her own safety on the line for those she holds dear.
At the same time, Mikasa does have moments of vulnerability. She is immensely sensitive to criticism and has difficulty accepting praise. Despite her impressive fighting ability and hard work which we all have seen..there are times when she feels she isn’t living up to expectations. So yea she’s is a complex person, but one thing that never changed about her, is her sense of justice and unwavering commitment to her loved ones. She is both a formidable friend and a leader. She is able to make tough decisions in even the most difficult of situations.
Then theres my boy Eren 💀💀he is an amazing daring friend. He’s the one I’ve known the longest. My mother was a nursing aid in the hospital, erens dad worked at before she got married and he is now our doctor as well! I didn’t meet him until I was about 6ish or 7 and we he started coming to his visits with his dad and we instantly clicked and we were each other’s first friend! Then we met armin together and he met mikasi and the rest is history. He would do anything for the people he cares about and though sometimes I want him to slow down and think for a second but that’s not something he does. He acts on what he thinks and I almost respect how impulsive he is. It doesn’t matter because mikasi and I will always be there to make sure he doesn’t die.
I also want to talk about my family.my relationship with my family in this reality still rings bells in my heart. My mother and uncle whom I live with are a reflection of grace and kindness embodied into people. My mother is absolutely beautiful and everyone tells me I have her eyes, which is the nicest thing I hear all the time. She is kind, beautiful, strong and everyt good thing I do I was taught by my mother. She amazes me every day with her grace and beauty. She has been the bravest and kindest role model to me, and for that I am grateful to be her daughter. Her strength and courage has inspired me in many ways, and I will always be thankful for everything she does. She sings to me everyday and braids my hair while telling me good affirmations to build my strength. She always encourages me to say thank you when I am full because not everyone has the same blessing. She would tell me stories and fables every night and make me the main character incorporating moral lessons in each one to encourage me to be the best version of myself. She was very loving and kind with her words and actions, and soft technique in everything she does and for that I’m grateful. My uncle is of the same nature. Anytime I had a curiosity he would tell me stories and teach me everything he knows about the topic. If I had an interest the next day I would find a book of it on my desk. Books on specific topics are not a right but a privilege and how he got access to them I still do not know but restrictions never stopped him from getting me my desires. He would tell me I’m the smartest most beautiful girl in the world and I hope one day I’ll believe it. He is the kindest smartest man in my life and honestly armin reminds me of him, maybe why I love him so much. I also have a father who is a merchant and often travels, and though I do not agree with everything he does as he is more conservative, and closed minded he is still a great father, and for that I’m grateful. He does business with the royals and every trip back he would bring me sweets and treats that I would share with my friends. Chocolate with candy pieces and pecans/walnuts were my favorite. He would bring them in special arrangement and tell me to make this last until his next trip. It never happened and armin mikasi eren and I would eat them all in one setting until we couldn’t walk. Regardless I shifted here at a time I had a horrible relationship with my family and for a time anytime i would speak about my mother I was referring to her. I have now obviously manifested a better relationship with my family, but at a point, and I love and appreciate them but during my darkest hour, she was my real and only mother.
Also, As I expected was the food here was heavy on meat, beans, and grains, with little variety in terms of fruits and vegetables. This meant that the meals tended to be fairly bland – not exactly what I was used to. A common dish that I enjoyed was a stew made with chunks of beef and vegetables. It was slow-cooked for hours, which made it rich, flavorful, and comforting. The vegetables were often slightly sweet, which balanced out the salty flavor of the beef. But I mean we’re a locked up village trying to not get eaten alive by titans, so good diversity is the least of my problems.
But Y’all I honestly consider Shigashina as my realhome. My village is the epitome peaceful and idyllic. The scenery here is breathtaking. Rolling hills climb to reveal breathtaking views of the valley below, while nearby forests are a pleasing mix of vibrant green and warm autumn hues. The sun creeps through the clouds just enough to cast a golden hue on the village below, and the gentle breeze plays with tree branches and grassy fields.
It’s easy to feel like you’ve stepped back in time when you wander the streets of Shigashina. Streets of cobblestone pass between quaint houses while quaint shops and restaurants line the main thoroughfare. The village’s many windmills add to the charming atmosphere, their slow rotation creating a calm serenity.The nearby rivers and lakes bring life, with their gentle rippling and abundant fish. Beyond the village, pilgrims and adventurers journey the mountains to explore the region’s unique landscapes and mysterious secrets.
Of course, no discussion of Shigashina would be complete without mentioning its many festivals. Colorful parades, traditional dances, lively music – each celebration introduces a unique flavor to the village’s rich culture. For those that want to experience something truly unique, a visit during one of these festivals is a must. From its stunning landscape to its vibrant culture, Shigashina is truly a hidden gem in my experience.
In this void (cr)I could care less about nature but there, I am outside everyday the scenery, and it’s is breath taking. I miss being a kid. Getting to go everyday to our oak tree, and run around, race and play tag, while also reading and making flower crowns for each other . We yelled and screamed and played as children with no worries in the world, the euphoria and tranquillity I felt everyday, I did not even feel in this reality’s childhood and I cannot wait to go back and be free of stress. The market place is filled with people chatting, commerce and children running about. fruit and vegetables scent was in the the air and money rattling feels nostalgic to my eyes. It’s chaotic but in the most calming nostalgic way. I appreciate every aspect of my life, after coming back here and I cannot wait to leave here permanently and continue to experience my life the way it should be with people I love and love me, and to meet more people to fulfill my life.
My experience was amazing. Yes I haven’t endured any of the hardships yet since the fall of our town hasn’t happened and I haven’t joined the scout yet. I came here to spend my days with my friends and rest. I had no responsibilities and the bond I had with my family was untouchable. I know I will have a lot of trauma to prepare for, but everyone In my life is setting me up for success, and perseverance. all that matters is that I am loved and have people to fight for. With this said I can’t wait to meet my future friends and basically family members as I grow into the this home 🥰🥰
I know this isn’t aesthetic and it’s kind of boring but I didn’t go there for the action just yet, I just wanted to spend time with my friends, and family and have no responsibilities as I came here when I was super depressed. My other shifting stories are more fun 😻😻😻
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
third war continued/Sakura sent to war prematurely fic recs
Okay, I'll be completely honest, this is one of my ultimate favourite tropes when it comes to Sakura-centric fanfiction! Unfortunately, there really isn't too many of these out there and most are not completed, so if you know of any more then please send them my way. I'm begging.
Started: 2024.07.23
Last Updated: 2024.07.23
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Your Move, Instigator (draw your weapon and hold your tongue) - Laysan_albatross || ao3|| third war extended AU || complete
“We are still under wartime policy,” the recruiter had told her parents. He had an envelope in his hand. He sounded sorry. “She has two parents who are successful ninjas. We would be remiss to overlook her potential based upon that alone.” The Third Shinobi War never ended. Konoha needs more soldiers, grabbing anyone who can fight, especially those who can't say no.
You guys, I love this one to death. It's definitely a darker take on the Naruto universe, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The civilian born shinobi are deemed as more expendable and thus thrown into war while the clan born remain sheltered. I found it quite interesting that the Uchiha were also lobbed into this group, but it was more done as punishment instead. Very raw and properly gets across the devastation that this brings.
still waters by Vulpecula_et_Anser || ao3 || gen || M || Sakura sent to war early AU || one-shot complete
Sakura is twelve when she queues up in front a desk with a bunch of other equally-terrified looking shinobi. The ages range from younger than her to old enough to be her grandpa. The man sitting at the desk is stony-faced as he doles out assignments. Sakura obediently shuffles forward when it is her turn, and recites her shinobi identification number in a shaky voice when asked. When the provost marshal looks at her, looks down at his paper, looks back at her, and grimaces, Sakura knows it’s not going to be good. OR How Sakura survives the war, told in bits and pieces.
Canon-fodder! Sakura makes her shinobi debut on the front lines, forcing her to get creative in her means to survive. It's gritty, raw, and the clever use of seals is great! In most of the other works of this type, Sakura is placed on a team of sorts or has some "support" (kinda), but here she is all alone. She is forced to fight for her life, to keep going despite how she feels because ultimately, Sakura does not want to die. She does meet some people later on though and it was great to see. Y'all know this type of story is my personal guilty pleasure (also one of the best I've read thus far)...
Find Your Place (whatever it takes) - Dovey || ao3 || third war extended AU || incomplete
The war lasts longer than in canon, and has only just ended. While most of the 'Konoha 12' are clan heirs and thus protected from having to go to war prematurely, Sakura is from a civilian family, with naturally advanced chakra control, and thus is thrown immediately onto the frontlines. Now she's on a genin team in peacetime, and she's struggling to figure out how to live when she's not constantly at risk of dying. Team seven bonds in new weird ways, The Uchiha are actually all dead except for Sasuke (including war-hero itachi) who's got a chip on his shoulder the size of Konoha, Naruto isn't the kyuubi container and he finds Sakura kinda scary. Sakura would just like to have a hobby.
Find Your Place (whatever it takes) is the og fic of this category as far as I am aware. The main difference to consider is that it primarily focuses on the aftereffects of the war and the impact that it had on Sakura as a person.
team. - waterpllar || ao3 || gen || third war extended AU || complete
She’s under Neji's command, which apparently means she’s under the Hyuuga’s command. The Hyuuga’s role is on the frontlines, but Neji must be special for a kid from the branch family, because they mostly send him and Sakura out after the big battles are done, to pick off the wounded, and burn bodies. Sakura kind of wishes she had someone to keep her from the big fights, too. Her job is with Neji, taking back kekkei genkai and retrieving important people’s bodies, but she has other assignments, too. She’s given a dull kunai and told to go through the battlefield, dodging blows and jutsus from friend and foe, slashing at whatever isn’t wearing a Konoha headband.(the third shinobi war doesn't end, dragging on for years. konoha is running out of troops, and unimportant children in the academy with even a modicum of talent are snatched up to the warfront. sakura, unfortunately, is one of them. so is neji.)
Such a strong beginning, although, I gotta say that the ending was rather disappointing imo. There was so much potential, but the author admitted to not wanting to continue the story so it was cut short. Hopefully more works of this nature will come to light!
Induction - Anonymous || ao3 || M || gen || third war extended AU || incomplete
in·duc·tion /inˈdəkSH(ə)n/ noun: induction 1. the action or process of inducting someone to a position or organization. enlistment into military service.   or; The Third War does not end soon enough. Children pay the price.
Definitely not my favorite take on this trope, but it fits the bill, so it's here! Anyway, tbh I never actually made it far enough reading to get to the actual war part, so I don't have too much to say.
Ground Zero - TheIzzatron || ao3 || gen || T || third war extended AU || incomplete
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If this means forcing weapons into the hands of children, then so be it.
AHHHHH I'm praying for the day we get another chapter of Ground Zero!! I really appreciate how we actually get a training arc where we get a base of the characters and how this system works before they properly get dispatched. The characters and their emotions are so well done that you truly feel how unfair the situation is. They aren't heartless, they are children. Highly recommend.
Control - Dragonist || ao3 || gen || no rating || Sakura sent to war early AU || incomplete
Kumo kidnaps a child of Konoha. Sakura graduates from the academy only a year after starting it. There's a war going on, and she's obedient enough to stay quiet and follow orders. Then the war ends, and it's unclear who is really giving them. (a mystery from a child's perspective)
I haven't read Control yet, but I really need to get around to it!
Ok I just noticed I forgot to add the link to this one, but that has been fixed!!
Edit: bruh, I’m so mad I didn’t get around to reading this sooner because it seems the author deleted it 😭 if any of you have a link/download, please send (I’m begging)
Please send me more like these!!!!
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 23
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Joe Goldberg x female!reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you. Words: 867
We already see Joe killing Ron on the show. I figured I don't have to describe it again. Besides, things are getting interesting...
DISCLAIMER: the towns and situations described in this chapter are fictionalized. There is no Nehalenia College in Koewacht. IDEK what is in Koewacht. (Koe means cow, so maybe a lot of cows??)
I have been very busy these last three days, (Y/n).
Nobody will miss Ron, but I miss you and I have been neglecting you. I feel bad. We have only texted a few times, and you say you are busy and jetlagged. But I can tell you’re just giving me an excuse to be distant, because when I text you, you respond right away.
I have been a bad boyfriend, but I think if you knew why I was so busy these last few days, you’d forgive me. I hope you would, but I can’t exactly tell you, so instead I just lounge on your bed and I text you:
ME: Hey lovely.
YOU: hey!
ME: What are you up to?
YOU: well it’s 8 pm
YOU: so nm
YOU: watching this dutch talk show w my grandpa
YOU: hes annoyed im on my phone lol
ME: Go watch the show, (Y/n). I don’t want to piss off your grandfather before I even get there.
YOU: yessir! love u
ME: I love you, too.
I am so tired. I was hoping we could call for a little bit, but if you're at your grandparents’ house, I don't want to push it. Instead I take a shower in your bathroom and use your soap so I smell like you. Then, in my own, clean clothes which I keep at your place, I get on your bed and take out your laptop.
As always, your WhatsApp texts are open. I haven't checked them much since we got together - we are good together and I don't need to know everything you talk about with everyone - but there are new texts from a name I don't recognize.
And you are texting this person right now. I thought you couldn't be on your phone?
The texts are in Dutch, but they started about an hour ago and there aren't that many yet, so I take the time to translate them.
MITCH: hey hey! heard you're in NL? wanna get together?
YOU: sorry man, kinda busy
MITCH: ouch. did you just blow me off?
YOU: uhhhh kinda?
YOU: it's nothing personal
YOU: my boyfriend’s coming in 2 days
I smile.
MITCH: since when do you have a boyfriend lol
YOU: a few months now
MITCH: and i guess it’s serious?
YOU: pretty serious
MITCH: wtf
YOU: ?
MITCH: i kinda thought we had a thing, you know?
YOU: mitch…
YOU: you gotta get over this
MITCH: and what is it you think i have to ‘get over’?
YOU: you know what
That last message, you sent while I was reading the other ones, and I have to translate it separately. Apparently Mitch does know what, because he doesn’t respond anymore. But I don’t know what, and I really wish you would specify.
You send a message to Nadia:
YOU: guess who just texted me…
YOU: mitch
NADIA: Ew. Block him.
Thank you, Nadia!
YOU: i can’t just block him 😭 you know what happens when i block him
NADIA: You want to stay at my place tonight?
YOU: could i? i don’t wanna tell my grandparents about this…
NADIA: Hey, at least Joe will be here soon! Then you won’t be all alone in your big scary AirBNB.
YOU: lol
YOU: i can’t wait tho
YOU: 😁😊
I frown. Normally I’d be happy that you can’t wait for me to get there, but right now I just want to know who this Mitch guy is.
He is not on your Twitter and he is not on Nadia’s Instagram. All I have are his texts to you and looking for his number on Google does absolutely nothing.
But when I look up your high school, along with Mitch’s name and yours, I finally find something interesting: two news articles with your names in them.
I Google your name again. There’s your high school picture. You went to Het Nehalennia College but when I try to translate the rest of the text again, I still can’t make sense of it - it must be full of spelling errors, because some words just will not make sense.
I try to look Mitch up, using all sorts of combinations. Your school and his name, his name and yours... Nothing.
From: Omroep Zeeland, June 21st, 2017
KOEWACHT - YESTERDAY AT 3:00 in the afternoon, high school student at Nehalennia College, Mitch Wegganger, was arrested on suspicion of stalking and attempted assault against his classmate, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). The stalking allegedly started after (Y/l/n) stood up for Wegganger against a classmate in March. (Y/l/n) did not return our requests for comment.
From: Omroep Zeeland, June 23rd, 2017
KOEWACHT - HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT Mitch Wegganger - who was arrested early this week on suspicion of stalking his classmate (Y/n) (Y/l/n) - was released this morning after (Y/l/n) withdrew her report. Wegganger: “This is all a huge misunderstanding. I didn't stand outside (Y/n)'s house and hurt her. I just wanted to talk to her.”
(Y/l/n) is still unavailable for comment.
I can’t believe this.
You, (Y/n), have a stalker.
And you didn’t tell me about him.
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