#the only one the author mentioned that i agree with is the guy from Lucifer as Death
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I love the idea of Alastor as Tiana and Lucifer as Naveen and Adam as Lawrence, but who is Charlotte - Rosie? And Most Importantly...who is Dr Facilier?
I mean, Husk/Keith David is RIGHT THERE, and I could very easily see Alastor ending up with his soul somehow after being turned into a frog by him, but if we're talking bad guys, with Adam already taken...Vox? Roo?
Honestly, these are really good points.
Voice actor-wise Husk playing Dr Facilier is PERFECT.
But character wise? I see him as more of a Louis. Only instead of being a scaredy-cat; he’s grumpy as hell. His refusal to help our protagonists comes more from a place of “ I’m not getting paid enough for this shit”.
And yeah, maybe he’s gave up on his dream of playing music because he’s a washed up drunk who gambled his life away…. Maybe he even owes a debt to Alastor in some way. But I have a hard time seeing him as evil and unhinged as he would need to be to play Dr Facilier.
I made a small post about what I think Vox should be. ⬇️
And while I do agree-he should be an antagonist…He’s shown himself to be less scary and more incompetent/comedic thus far in the HH series. So personally, I think it would be fun to keep him with the same kind of simp vibes. Coming off is more of an annoyance than a threat.
Now -possibly that could change- if he was willing to team up with Dr Facilier/Lawrence in exchange for ownership of Alastor…. That would be very on-brand for him.
As mentioned in another post- I see Dr Facilier as more of a Eve/Roo (possibly Lillith) type character. Someone dark, corrupt, with power and magic.
The story needs enough mystery around the character that it’s not going to feel OC with them playing the villain.
Mimzy and Rosie are both good candidates to play Lottie.
But she also has a manic energy that I just love and I think it would work well for our dear Nifty. Alastor has already shown a willingness to play dress-up with her. He’s the Roach King for a reason. I could see him putting up with a little extra silliness, making desserts and dressing up for the dear girl’s birthday.
Nifty would also be thrilled to kiss a bad-boy. And a prince that’s been kicked out of his own kingdom?… Very bad indeed.
Again though- this is just my preference.
You couldn’t go wrong with any of Al’s ladies. (It just depends on which facets of Lottie’s character an author would want to emphasize more…)
That being said-
Someone needs to play Mama Odie. And I think no one could be better for the part than Rosie.
Scolding Lucifer and trying sooooo hard to get Al to see that his might just be in love??
Now Charlie? Our beloved Princess of sunshine and rainbows?
Although having her play “Lottie” (aka Charlotte) would be a cute pun. It doesn’t feel right for her to vibe with Alastor more than her father. So after some thinking. I believe it would be more cohesive to the plot if she is with Lucifer from the very beginning.
When he gets disowned- naturally- as his child, she loses her royal status too. Although she didn’t take the loss as badly as he did. She was more upset that her mother stayed behind. (Even with her parents, divorce… she didn’t expect Lilith to choose to STAY in heaven.. ) Complicated family issues aside. Charlie excited to finally have some time to bond with her dad. (Another unexpected side-effect of her parents split)
They both get charmed by Dr Facilier. Both are turned into frogs. They escape together as a father/daughter duo.
But when it comes to getting the kiss? Well… Lucifer is not about to let his babygirl kiss some random smiling weirdo because of a mess he’s gotten them into by not being careful… No matter how handsome the freak might be…
At least..Not until he’s sure that it works…
So after trying (and failing) to woo what he believes is a prince with his “Good-old Morningstar Charm”; Lucifer then resorts to idle threats… then bribery.
Which is how Alastor ends up losing his first kiss to a frog.
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charming-gremlin · 4 years ago
do you ever read a fic that’s just. SO good and it’s  quickly become your favorite fic and you just are always super excited for updates and then. And Then. In one of the end of chapter notes. The author talks about their fancast. And the people they have as these characters are just SO WRONG and you just feel SO betrayed. 
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rose-lord-of-simps · 4 years ago
When Mammon Finally Snapped.
Request: Could you do something with mammon snapping at his brothers Bc of their words *insert emojis this author can’t- oh wait I can copy and paste hold on-
Request:  Could you do something with mammon snapping at his brothers Bc of their words 👉👈
First of all, just let me say, I too, am a slut for Mammon. Second of all, I got so excited at your request so thank you for sending it in!
Warnings: Cursing! (remember if cursing bothers you but you want to read feel free to just ask me for a clean version!) Mammon’s brothers being super mean to him. And mentions of blood but nothing detailed. Mentions of his brothers punishments and ripping of nails.
It was an accident. 100% pure accident. 
“Mammon what the hell did you do?”
“How come you always assume it was me!?”
“Who else besides you and Beel could manage this level of chaos in the kitchen?”
Mammon really didn’t mean to set the kitchen on fire! Again...
“This is getting expensive Mammon. You need to stop being a nuisance.”
“Hey guys, this smoke is not good for my complexion so can we figure out how to put it out already?”
“Don’t let Mammon do it, he’ll only make it worse, as always.”
“Scummy Mammon. Go away and leave me alone!”
He just wanted to see his brother. Levi hadn’t left his room for nearly 3 days and Mammon was worried.
“No let me show you brotherly affection and play video games with you!”
“I don’t want to play video games with you! Go find something else to do!”
Ouch. Normally he’d play with anybody.
It was not Mammon’s day.
The witches had called on him a lot and his clothes were all torn.
It’s started raining on his way home but he didn’t have an umbrella.
And he was operating on barely two hours of sleep.
All Mammon wanted was to sleep, but of course even that’d be a challenge. As he walked into the HoL the first thing he noticed was Beel and Belphie in a blanket nest snuggled up together.
“That looks so comfy, can I join?”
Cuddles sounded so good right now.
“No stupid Mammon.”
“Sorry, he’s grouchy because Lucifer woke him up from a nap on accident. But maybe it’d be best if you didn’t join.”
He should have known. This wasn’t the celestial realm. His brothers didn’t want cuddles anymore.
Mammon made his way back to his room, nearly tripping on air on the way, but didn’t fail to pass by Asmodeous undetected.
“You look like shit.”
“Gee thanks.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with you but I’m going out and don’t need whatever it is. So just... stay away. Okay?”
He really should be used to this by now.
He shouldn’t be crying silent tears by the time he gets to his room.
By the time he falls asleep he’s so exhausted he doesn’t get dinner.
It’d been four days.
Four days of no Mammon around the house.
He was never at dinner, seemingly always sleeping through.
He didn’t show at breakfast, already having left the house.
And none of the brothers had similar classes to their scummy second born.
Lucifer was the first to notice and tried to catch him when he came home but on the fifth day, Mammon just didn’t come home.
When someone finally pointed out that Mammon hadn’t been around recently and possibly could be in trouble, it of course was Beel.
“He doesn’t usually leave for this long though, what if he is in trouble?”
“Then why not just let him perish?”
“I agree with Levi. Let him wither wherever he is.”
“Enough everyone. Mammon’s been keeping a few crows in the aviary right? I’ll send one out and we can follow it, see if it leads us to him.”
“How do you know that’ll work?”
“It’s a dumb crow. They like Shiny things and his hair is a shiny thing.”
“Ya’ll are welcome for that, that shiny hair is because of me.”
When they finally found Mammon, it wasn’t pretty.
His normally white hair with almost purple iridescence was now a light brown, covered in dirt and what looked like soot.
His glasses were no where to be seen.
And his demon form was out, wings tied and possibly bleeding.
And the responsible demons were no other than the witches.
What hurt the brothers the most was seeing their normally lively sibling looking as if the life had been sucked out of him.
“Do you think this image will haunt them in their dreams?”
“Can I eat em?”
“What if we rip off their nails first.
“You underestimated us.”
“He May be a scummy demon and a terrible brother.”
“But he is our brother and we will not tolerate you harming him.”
For once, Mammon thought his brothers cared.
“What were you thinking Mammon!?”
He was wrong.
“This is disgraceful, you can’t keep getting in these situations. It’s embarrassing.”
“You’re embarrassing.”
“What would be a suitable punishment?”
For what?
Getting hurt?
If they were just gonna do this then why did they save him?
“If you were just going to punish me then why save me?”
“You’re our brother, you may be annoying but we care about you.”
“Since when did any of you care?”
“That’s not fair, we’ve always cared you’re just being dramatic.”
“I’m dramatic? Lucifer makes an entire demon out of pure rage and I’m the dramatic one?”
“No! I practically raised all of you! I brought Lucifer meals when he missed dinner, I covered all of your heads on the fall down, I planned Lillith’s service without any help because you all were mourning, I was the one who cuddled all of you when you had nightmares, and how was I thanked?”
“Mammon you’re being ridiculous-“
“I got hung upside down from the ceiling for days on end, I have fucking scars that I don’t remember getting because my brain has repressed the memories, I’ve gotten called scummy and an idiot for giving into my sin when all of you are excused, I’ve nearly died on multiple occasions covering for your asses when you do something wrong so Lucifer doesn’t get you, and when I try to reach out I’m pushed away by my own family.”
“Stop being so serious you know we love-“
“Love me? Love me!? You never cared about me. It took you four days to realize I was gone. And when I was hurt and obviously traumatized I’m told that I’m getting punished for being a victim. For being an embarrassment. If you wanted me gone so badly then why have just let me die!?”
The worst part was they all knew he was right.
They knew they used him as a punching bag.
They knew he’d taken the blame for them on multiple occasions.
They knew he was the only one who got criticized for his sin.
They knew he raised them.
They knew that if it weren’t for Mammon then they wouldn’t know what to do.
Which is why it hurt when Mammon left and didn’t come back.
I don’t like how this turned out but I’ve been having a lot of writers block lately and I’m glad I was able to get something out. I may try and come back to this when my writers block isn’t so bad.
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cah0mie · 4 years ago
To all my MCs that never really Enjoyed Celebrating their Birthday
Mammon: Alright! What does everyone have planned?
Asmo: I bought them multiple massagers so they can have a relaxing, stress-free day!
Satan: I bought them the new book series for them from their favorite author. I figured we could discuss the meaning throughout the story together.
Lucifer: I convinced Diavolo to give them the day off from any school activities so that they may rest, since they have worked hard it was an easy request. I also made a reservation at Ristorante Six.
Beel: I practiced how to make their favorite dish perfectly so they can have a delicious lunch!
Levi: I bought them the new most popular game they really wanted to try!!
Belphie: Uuhhhh guys? I don't know about this. I mean don't you remember what happened when we asked what they wanted?
Mammon: When they said they didn't want to celebrate? I've thought of that, and I have a plan!
Satan: This ought to be good.
Levi: Why exactly are we letting him run things anyway?
Mammon: Shut up and listen up! We don't have to celebrate anything! We can just try to help them unwind a little. Just friends trying to help their other friend, for no reason at all!
Satan: That sounds so suspicious, they would realize what we were up immediately!
Mammon: Do you have a better plan!?
Satan: ....... *Sighs* No....
Lucifer: Then I guess that's our best shot at doing this for them.
Belphie: I'm not entirely thrilled about following a plan made by Mammon, but I agree that it's the only idea we have.
Asmo: That's pretty sad..
Mammon: Shut up! All of you!
Lucifer: Moving on, I have already told MC that we have no school tomorrow. Hopefully they will sleep in and buy us some time.
-next morning 9:00-
MC: Shit....slept in a bit late didn't I?
-there's a knock on the door-
MC: Come in.
Asmo: Oh good you're awake!
MC: Just woke up. What's up?
Asmo: Oh, just got you a little something~ *carries in a tray with a cover on it*
MC: ..... Asmo..... What is this?
Asmo: I just thought you deserved *takes the cover off* Breakfast in bed.
MC: ...... *Stares at Asmo* What's the occasion?
Asmo: Can't I just do something nice because I fell like it.
MC: You're a demon.
Asmo: But YOUR demon, right?
MC: *shakes head, smiling* Thank you for the food, it looks great.
Asmo: Oh, but that's not all. *Retrieves a bag set by the door* Now, this mask will massage your eyes and play relaxing music.
MC: Asmo-
Asmo: This here will massage your neck and shoulders- which you could really use being hunched over a desk constantly.
Asmo: And these are supposed to wrap around your legs and feet. They are massaged through air waves.
Asmo: What? I'm on the last one.
MC: Asmo, what IS all of this?? I don't need all of this, if anything you should use it.
Asmo: Now isn't that silly, of course you need it!
MC: As-
Asmo: Now, enjoy your food and relax as long as you wish! *Leaves*
MC: .....*sighs* .. So it's gonna be like that huh?
-few hours later-
Mammon: Yo MC! How about a game of Poker? I know you can't resist the game and the bets!
MC: It's more of the people and the conversations that I enjoy then the game itself. If we get more people on board sure.
Mammon: Uuummm, then how about some blackjack?
MC: Mammon, you know I'm not a gambler.
Mammon: Then how about....... Rummy?
MC: How about Speed?
Mammon: What?
MC: If you want to play a two person card game that bad, let's play speed.
Mammon: ...... What are the rules?
MC: Come here, I'll show ya.
-half an hour later-
Mammon: Wha-!? What the hell!? How are you so fast!?
MC: It's called 'been playing it for years'.
-lunch time-
Beel: Here you go MC. I made your favorite.
MC: Beel, this is much appreciated but why aren't you getting your food first? You must be hungry.
Beel: Nah, I'm ok. Besides, you deserve it.
MC: How so?
Beel: For being a good friend. 😊
MC: ...... *Sighs* ... I can't refuse you when you look at me like that and you know it. That's why you abuse it....
Belphie: MC, it's time for our afternoon nap. Are you coming?
MC: I'm coming, I'm coming. *Goes to lay down beside him*
Belphie: Oh hold on! *Grabs a different pillow* Use this one instead.
MC: .... Isn't this one of those pillows that are supposed to keep you cool all through the night?
Belphie: Yep! You kept mentioning how hot you'd get while you're sleeping and how uncomfortable you'd be. I'd like my cuddle buddy to be comfortable while sleeping together.
MC: ....... There's NO other reason behind it?
Belphie: What other reason would there be?
MC: .... Fine. *Lays down with the pillow* Thanks.
Belphie: No problem.
Satan: MC, I'd like to talk about the theme in this book I've been reading. It's really confusing to me, I was hoping for different mindset to even it out?
MC: Sure, what book is it?
Satan: Come to my room, I'll show ya.
MC: Ok, *follows*
Satan: *lifts a book off his desk* This is it, apparently this story is holding the idea that committing crimes is alright depending on the situation.
MC: For example?
Satan: Committing murder is alright say, if someone kidnapped your kid.
MC: You think that's not alright?
Satan: I'm a demon, watching humans kill each other is pretty much sport to me. I just see it very unrealistic.
MC: .... Depends on the situation. Say your child was abducted and about to be sold off and become a victim of human trafficking. If this is proven then you should be pardoned for the most part, you will just have to live under new names and protection.
Satan: Wow, I didn't realize how complicated it all was.
MC: Yep, that's life. *Goes to leave*
Satan: Oh, before you go. *Grabs the series of books* Here, read these. I already have and I believe they're right up your alley.
MC: ...... Aren't these the new series of books, that just came out the day before? And you already read them?
Satan: *smirks* If you don't believe me, quiz me.
MC: ...... *Takes the books* .... Why do I not believe this is all coincidence?
Satan: *shrugs* Who knows?
MC: ..... *Leaves*
Lucifer: MC, you're cooking?
MC: Yep. Everyone else cooks for dinner, I figured I could pick up the slack a little.
Lucifer: How much longer will the food take? We have a reservation in an hour.
MC: It shouldn't take too mu- wait, back up. What the fuck are you talking about!?
Lucifer: Is there something wrong?
MC: A few things yeah! One, I'd like more of a heads up! Two, why now!? What is this for!?
Lucifer: Consider this a reward for all your hard work.
MC: ...... Ok yeah no, this calls for a meeting.
-Everyone is gathered in the common room-
Asmo: What's wrong sweetie? You looked stressed
MC: I am stressed, all of you are stressing me out.
Mammon: Oi!! What did we do!
MC: Everything that has happened today was because my fucking birthday! Wasn't it!?
Satan: So what if it was? Why can't we celebrate it?
MC: I asked you not to.
Beel: MC, why do you hate your birthday so much? We only want to make you feel appreciated... 🥺
MC: Don't give me that damn look. I told you that it was a little too personal, and I rather not talk about it.
Belphie: Do you not trust us?
MC: I didn't say that, it's just...hard to talk about...
Mammon: Have you even tried?
MC: Have you tried not stealing shit? Difficult isn't it?
Levi: Woah! Burn!
Mammon: Shut up!
Lucifer: MC, we would probably understand your request better if you were to explain.
MC: ....... Let's just say... Something REALLY BAD happened on this day.... And everytime someone tried to celebrate with me....I remember it..... When I don't want to....
Levi: .... Woah.... Tragic backstory confirmed!
Asmo: Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry.
Satan: I'm not.
Mammon: Wha-! Satan!
Satan: What!? Come on! When they first show up they state us down like we're frogs in the dessert, and they don't want to be reminded of some shitty memory!! You're better than this! Whether you like it or not I'm celebrating your birthday every year! Because you deserve it!
Lucifer: Agreed. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. I believe with a little push you can love past that block on your mind.
Beel: I'll still make you delicious meals that we can enjoy together!
Belphie: You're keeping that pillow, whether you like it or not.
MC: ......... You all are assholes..... I hope you know that....
Mammon: Yeah well, you're a pain in the ass too. So we're even.
-later that night-
Levi: ....... I got that game you wanted....
MC: ....... You want to play together?
Levi: ...... Please?
MC: ...... I'll grab some snacks and drinks. You set up the game.
Levi: Yay!!
That was much longer than I meant it to be, and alot more feelsy. Regardless, I hope you all enjoyed.
If you see anything that I could have done better, please don't hesitate to inform me. I accept all forms of constructive criticism.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years ago
𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁
sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: You’re a hydra experiment gone wrong. Not to mention Steve Rogers hates you; and you have no idea why.
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: angst, substance abuse, alcohol consumption, enemies to lovers kingda but not really, smut 18+  (slight praise?, a bit of pet names? protected sex ;), riding, cockwarming, choking)
𝒶/𝓃: might do a part 2 blurb, but i’mbeginning to run out of ideas so send some requests! also thanks for 100 followers!! :,)
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 3.3k
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You sat by the window of your  room with a cup of coffee as always wishing life would be different; but also not. You were grateful for your life you’re able to have now; being with the Avengers, learning how to control the powers you now possess. Grateful to have a home again.
Years ago you were out with your friends for the fifth time that week, getting drunk and high off of anything you could get your hands on. Your fiance broke off your engagement for his secretary; typical. You got fired from your job the week prior. You were days away from being evicted from your  apartment. You had no family; your life was falling apart. 
You were also the perfect target. Stumbling out of the club black out drunk and high as shit you were taken into the darkness never to be seen again. You woke up surrounded by darkness freezing, shivering from the cold. You had no idea where you were, what day it was, who was staring at you from the shadows.
“Welcome home,” the voice taunted you.
You spent years in that cell. They wanted you to possess dark magic. And you did, oh did possess alright. You remember that night like it was yesterday; that night haunted your dreams every night. 
You would sit in your cell, moving the toy blocks they left for you to use. You mostly practiced your magic with them considering no one taught you how to use them, they only wrote shit down whenever you saw them. No one ever spoke to you and whatever voices you did hear were whispers in languages you couldn’t understand.
Earlier that day so long ago, a ‘doctor’ injected you with this thick disgusting black liquid. They had been at  your door all day waiting for something to happen. But they got what they were looking for; experimenting on you for. 
Your back burned and ached as if  there were nails clawing at your skin. You screamed in agony, begging someone to help you, to take the pain away. You could see your once blue veins that ran through your body turn black.  Your skin ripped on your back, bruises forming, black feathers growing out your body.
Once they were entirely out of your body they applauded. They actually praised the ‘doctor’ who made you into this, this creature. They left you to deal with the pain. You shook in fear and agony. You had wings. Fucking black wings. 
They called you the Fallen Angel. You possessed the powers of Lucifer himself. You didn’t fully know it however.
Months later the avengers infiltrated the base. Natasha found you; you were severely dehydrated and malnourished. But you recovered quickly and here you were staying with the avengers fighting alongside them taking down bad guys and shit. 
There was a light knock on your door taking you out of your horrid memories. 
“Hey, babe,” Natasha opened your door and peeked her head around.
“Hey, Nat,” you replied.
“How are the wings?”
Since you’ve been with the avengers you’ve become happier with your life again and your wings started getting light in color, they’re still not white however and you don’t know why.
“Still gray,” you chuckled.
“That’s so weird. You haven’t done anything and that goop that was in your system is filtered out. What’s making them gray?”
“I have no idea. Anyway are we even sure they're supposed to turn white? I mean I’m no angel; I had a shit life before all of this happened. Maybe it’s just baggage.”
“But it makes sense, you know,” she defended.
“Not everything makes sense.”
“You hungry? Sam was thinking chinese takeout, Tony said shawarma and you’re the tie breaker.”
“Awe man, you guys suck. What do you want?”
“Shawarma,” she whispered.
“Ok. shawarma,” you agreed.
She grabbed your hand and led you to the living where everyone waited for the tie breaker. Your wings were so big and they dragged behind you every time you walked, ran, anything. It was hard sometimes, they were heavy too but you got used to it.
“She said shawarma!” Nat shouted.
Half the crowded cheer and the other half whined. Delivery came fast thankfully and everyone gathered on the couch, Tony putting a movie on while you guys ate. You sat with Bucky and Nat; usually Steve sits with Bucky but Sam was also on the couch next to Buck. 
Steve came up to you making your stomach drop; he was so handsome but here’s the thing, he hated you. Since you came to the tower, he always said they shouldn’t have brought you. That you were too dangerous and you could hurt someone; that hurt you. 
You spent so long hating yourself for what you became but with the avengers help, excluding Steve, you’ve been able to learn to start loving yourself and appreciate how you can use your powers for good and saving people. But every time your name came out of Steve’s mouth, it was degrading and you hated yourself a little more each time. 
And you don’t know why.
“I’m sorry?” you questioned, taken aback.
“I said move,” he said sternly.
“Steve, she was here first. Don’t be a baby. Go sit down somewhere else,” Nat said.
Steve stared at you making you look away in discomfort. He sat in the loveseat alone glaring at you like you had killed his mother or something. The movie continued however and people kept eating. Steve was still grumpy glaring at you whenever you laughed at a scene or said something out loud or literally did anything.
“Rogers, L/n. Briefing, now,” you snapped your head to the voice who was Nick Fury.
“You two doing anything?”he asked when you three were alone.
“We were-”
“Good,” he interrupted.
“I have a mission for you two. We’ve been getting hyperactivity on our radar at these coordinates for the past week now. We do have reason to believe it may be another hydra base trying to regroup maybe, get the band back together type of shit.”
“And you need us why? The rest of the team is in the living room,” Steve asked him.
“You two know hydra best and it’s too soon to put Bucky on a mission that involves Hydra. I’d like you two to complete this with no casualties. We have authorities ready to arrest them, they're just waiting for you,” Nick gave you both a file. 
“I want you both on the plane in 5. And please for fuck’s sake, try not to yell at each other. Y/n, Steve is your captain just do what he says,” He walked out of the room and you rolled your eyes. Whenever you guys go on a mission together he always has you stand back and even stay on the plane with Bruce sometimes. You more than once rejected his instructions; now thinking about it might be the reason he hates you… 
“Try not to kill yourself this time,” Steve said before leaving to suit up. 
The mission was going well and all fell into place. Until while the bastards were under arrest getting ready to be transported, one of the Hydra agents recognized you. He mocked you and laughed at you. Taunted you and brought memories of your time with them back to your mind. 
Tears formed in your eyes, you were so angry. You used your powers, developed from the darkness and began slowly killing him. He turned red and choked gasping for air. Steve watched you begin to get angry, feeling empathy for you. But when he saw you snap, he knew he couldn't trust that you’d cause trouble. 
“Y/n, stop,” he said. But you didn’t stop; you wanted the bastard dead.
“Y/n!” you ignored him.
Your brain drowning all sounds except your breathing and his lack of. Steve grabbed your arms and dragged you, you bursted into tears, memories and trauma flooding back. Steve was pissed that you couldn’t go a single mission without doing something you weren’t supposed to. But he also knew that what you had gone through was torture and he felt sorry for you.
He somewhat knows about the torture that Hydra has inflcited in the past. Bucky talked about it with him and sometimes still has nightmares about it. His behavior probably doesn’t make you feel better. He didn’t mean it to get this far.
When Nat brought you on the plane, he was hesitant. But he knew if they left you there you would die in no time. After you rested, ate, and cleaned up, he was mesmerized. You were very beautiful but Steve felt like because of Peggy he shouldn’t love another person. Like she would be mad if he moved on. 
So, he avoided you at first. Absence turned to frustration when you wouldn’t leave him alone like he had thought. Frustration led to insults and now you think he hates you with everything in his body. But he couldn’t feel further from hate for you. 
Sure, he got frustrated when you didn’t listen to him on missions; primarily because you thought he was being a dick on purpose to antagonize you. But when you came home, safely, and laughed with everyone about Bucky tripping and falling on his face, he fell in love a little bit more with you and your laugh. You looked so happy; without him.
But Steve can’t let it happen, so now he stomped away from you pretending to be upset over something so stupid. 
“Where are you going?” you yelled at him.
“I really don’t need your shit right now, Y/n,” he snapped.
“No, you’re gonna deal with it. It’s been more than a year, Steve! Grow up and talk to me like a real man! Why do you hate me so much?”
“Enough!” he boomed, scaring you.
“Leave me alone,” he said lowly, having more impact than if he were to yell.
“Please,” you cried, “Talk to me. What did I do?”
“You want to know the truth? You’re too powerful. You’re already reckless and if you knew the capacity of your abilities you'd become more reckless. If you’re more reckless you’ll die; and if  you die, that's on me. I can’t let that happen,” there was sincerity in his voice for once; the truth but not the one he wanted to really admit.
“That doesn’t explain why you hate me.”
“God I don’t fucking hate you!”
“Then tell me the truth!” you yelled back.
“I hate myself. I hate myself for feeling the way I do. It's not  fair to her.”
“Not fair to who?” 
“To Peggy.”
“I thought Peggy passed away.”
“She did,” he went into his room and sat on his bed head in his hands.
“I’m confused.”
“I can’t help what I feel for you; and that’s not fair to Peggy. I feel like I should still be in love with her but I’m not.”
You stood by the closed door listening to him. 
“You like me?”
“No, I think I fell in love with you. I thought I could stop by avoiding you but your so fuckin stubborn. You were determined to be my friend; and I don’t want to just be your friend. So I said a couple of mean things and it went too far. I never meant for you to hate me or for you to think I hated you. I was just stupid.”
“Yeah, it was little stupid,” he chuckled at what you said.
You walked towards him and stepped between his legs. He grabbed a hold of your hips and buried his face in your stomach. You held his head brushing your fingers through his hair softly. He looked up at you with soft eyes filled with regret and sorrow. You could tell he was frustrated.
“Is it wrong? To love you?” he whispered.
“No, Peggy wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life moping when  you could choose to be happy, like she did. She would want you to move on, live life. And that doesn't mean with me. I mean in general. Does that make sense?”
He nodded sincerely.
He slid his hands to the back of your thighs and sat on his lap. You gasped and your wings fluttered behind you, expanding with excitement. Steve chuckled at that and you buried your face in  his neck feeling embarrassed. He cupped his hand on your face and naturally  you leaned into his hand looking into his blue eyes. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You simply nodded before leaning up to him to connect your lips with his. Your wings once again expanded; lightly ruffling against each other. You pulled away and attached your lips to his neck peppering light kisses all around. 
You connected your lips once again and it was Steve’s turn to attack your neck with pecks. You’ve alway worn shirts that were either very low in the back or cut to make room for your wings. Either way Steve slowly pulled your shirt over your shoulder trailing kisses along your chest and collarbone. 
“I really care about you, Y/n. Please let me show you.”
You hesitated only because it’s been so long since you had been intimate with someone.
“We don’t have to-” he started.
“No, I do. I really do; it’s just been a while, you know? Being held hostage and all,” you joked.
“I understand. We still don’t have to.”
“Steve,” you whispered in his ear.
“I want you. I want you to fuck me.”
You heard him growl lowly before he stood up with you and almost laid you on your back.
“Steve, I can’t lay on my back!” you laughed.
“Oh that’s right! I’m so sorry,” you both laughed for a second.
He set you down on your feet and stripped his shirt. Your eyes shot straight to his chest, your hands reaching out to touch his chest.  He smirked at you before taking his pants off leaving him in boxers; for now. He reached for your pants as well eyeing you to make sure he wasn’t moving to fast but after a smile and a nod he slowly pulled your own pants to join his discarded on the floor.  
He kissed your thighs that were slightly scarred from your time with hydra. He stood up and you pulled your shirt down off your shoulders letting it fall to the floor. Steve’s eyes watched your breasts. His hands reached for them as you did to his chest when he took his shirt off. 
You pulled in for another kiss until Steve had enough.
“I need to be inside you, baby girl,” he pulled his boxer down, taking your panties off after. He grabbed your hand sitting on the bed. His back leaned against the headboard and you crawled into his lap, your knees falling to either side of his hips. His hands rubbed up and down your thighs and hips.
He reached for a condom and handed it to you winking and smirking. You tore the foil with your teeth keeping direct eye contact with him, Steve getting harder and harder every second passing. Your took his cock in your hands, bigger than you thought it would be, and rolled the condom on squeezing a bit making his hips jerk up into your hand.
“Knock it off, pretty girl.”
You leaned forward and lined your entrance with his cock moving your hips around a bit teasing him before you actually sink down. Steve was so impatient though, he gripped your hips and thrusted quickly into you making you gasp loudly and moan not long after.
You moved quickly, breasts bouncing with each thrust. Steve groaned under you, fingers digging into your hips. 
“My angel. You feel so fucking good,” he grunted.
You simply whined and moaned, feeling euphoric being around Steve. Your wings moved along with you guys gracefully expanding further as you got closer to your oragsm. Steve’s hand moved up your body to wrap around your throat, his thrust getting more sporadic. He squeezed gently making your eyes roll back; your wings getting bigger.
“Your fucking perfect, angel. You gonna cum soon? You gonna cum around my cock?”
“Yes, Stevie. Oh god!” you moaned. 
Your moans got louder, echoing in the room. Skin slapping against each other mixing with the lude sounds of you both where you were connected. Steve released his hold on your neck and grabbed your waist moving wildly in and out of you. 
Your pussy pulsed around Steve’s cocked. When the pressure building in the pit your stomach finally bursted your wings fully expanded and your back arched. You felt Steve’s dick throbbing until it went soft inside you. You collapsed on his chest trying to catch your breath again. 
Steve moved you for a minute taking his cock out of you; discarding the condom in a trash bin. He grabbed a towel and iped you clean first then cleaning himself. He crawled into bed with you and you moved your knee over his hips as before making him laugh. 
“What’s wrong, angel?” you liked that name he gave you.
“Can you…?” you mumbled into his chest.
“What was that?”
“Can you put it back in?” you asked louder.
“My cock?” you nodded shyly.
“Anything for you, angel.”
You laid on his chest with his cock settled inside you and you dozed off. Steve lightly scratched your back after turning his bedside light off. Before he fell asleep he saw a soft glow of wings turning white. He questioned it but ultimately fell asleep. He’d ask you about it tomorrow morning.
You woke up with your head on Steve’s chest, naked limbs tangled with the sheets. Steve was on his phone, his hand scratching your head gently. 
“Good morning.”
“Morning, bug.”
“Sorry to keep you in bed,” you said sitting up; you pulled the sheet with you to cover your chest.
“Don’t be sorry, angel.”
“I’m really hungry.”
“Want to grab breakfast downstairs? We’ll come back up afterwards. We can cuddle some more,” Steve kissed you with a smile.
You stood up grabbing your shirt from last night and Steve handed you a pair of cledan boxers to wear. He dressed himself before walking with you downstairs to the kitchen. 
You walked into the kitchen first everyone’s eyes wide. You thought at first maybe it was because they might have heard you and Steve last night but Nat spoke up before you could ask.
“Your wings! Their white!”
“What?” you asked shocked. You opened your wings so you could see them in front of you to see that they were in fact white. 
“How did that happen?” Nat came up to you.
“They weren’t white last night.”
“They changed after you fell asleep, angel,” Steve spoke up; everyone’s heads snapping toward him, confused.
“They did?” you asked, he nodded and smiled coming up to you grabbing your hand.
“What the fuck?” Tony said.
“What the hell happened? I thought you guys hated each other?” Bucky asked.
“It’s a little complicated,” you said. 
“Ok but that doesn’t really explain why they’re white now,” Nat spoke up.
“I think it’s because I wasn’t truly happy and fully free of my past until yesterday. I was able to move on and now being with Steve now makes me happy.”
“Really?” Sam joked.
“Yes, really,” you laughed.
“This is gonna take some getting used to,” Tony said. 
“Did you guys…?” Nat asked suggestively.
Your eyes grew wide and you got hot. Steve only laughed which was enough of an answer for everyone. 
“As long as you’re both happy,” Bucky said.
“We are,” you looked up at Steve, wrapping your wings yourselves and shielding a heated kiss with Steve. 
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thenextchapter22 · 4 years ago
Description: You were an Angel who went to the human world to escape punishment for loving Lucifer only to be brought back into his life, this time in the Devildom where you pretend to be human.
In this chapter: You are back at the HOL...
Tags: Unrequited Love, Fluff, Angst, WIP
Pairing(s): Lucifer/Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Link to my AO3: Click Here
Authors Note: It’s been a month and my hiatus is over now, so please enjoy this next part!! Love you guys so much ~~
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Being back in the House of Lamentation was a little strange. After a few extra days at Diavolo’s in that admittedly larger bedroom than yours, Lucifer had taken you back home. He bid you a quick farewell, a single hug and hair ruffling with his smirk, before he said he had duties to attend to. And things seemed back to normal with that. It was a little anticlimactic but…
Home. This was your home. Lord Diavolo gave you, an Angel (and were you still technically one, without your halo? Only wings and some leftover magic?), permission to live in the Devildom. A place for Demons, not… you. He called you ‘family’. Even Barbatos, when leaving the Castle, had smiled at you and given you a happy goodbye and an invite to tea whenever you’d like.
“Your company is always welcome,” the demon butler had said.
You stood just outside your doorway, as if turning the handle would transport you somewhere else. Maybe this was a dream. It was all too surreal to have actually happened.
Once you were inside, barely two steps in the bedroom, an invisible weight lifted off you. This was where you spent your nights, either totally alone and at peace, or with your housemates to keep you company. Studying with Satan or reading a novel and talking about the characters while sitting in your bed, or watching DevilTube with Mammon and laughing at the rom-coms because he was a sucker for those. If Asmo came back late from a party or if he was lonely and needing cuddles, you both would stay up late gossiping about everyone, and you would hear funny stories about Solomon or the brothers. When Levi would come out of his cave, and bring his handheld games, and you would battle each other for hours (you usually won only a few times but it was still fun). Eating midnight snacks you and Beel snuck out from the kitchen, waking up with crumbs in your bed and a different demon boy in your bed, Belphie, who was cuddling you and mumbling in his sleep, warm and soft, like the twins had traded you off.
The only demon brother who never came in your room was Lucifer… That man was always in his own bedroom, up late doing paperwork or wandering around doing things for Diavolo. He overworked himself constantly.
You smiled, recalling the first time you had ventured in his bedroom at night to give him some coffee and poison apples to snack on. He was grateful for it, and he smiled with crinkles in his eyes and warmth radiating from him, and he thanked you. It was one of your best moments here, with him. A small one, but still perfect.
“You’re back!!”
You jumped in surprise as your legs were attacked and you very nearly fell over. Your train of thought vanished immediately. Looking down, then seeing the mop of blonde, you realized it was just Luke.
He was a sweet Angel, still learning and growing, and he had a heart of gold. Sometimes he was a bit sensitive to the demon brothers teasing (mostly Mammon’s). It was funny to watch him get all flustered and red-faced when that happened and insult back to the best he of his abilities.
“Hi Luke,” you greeted, returning his hug. “I’m happy to see you.”
He grinned up at you, head just reaching mid-level, his chin resting on your abdomen. “I missed you. Are you feeling better? Simeon told me everything and I’m so excited to hear you’re an Angel just like us! You have to tell me all about when you lived in the Celestial Realm, please?”
Simeon chuckled from behind Luke, tugging him away gently. “Let’s leave her alone while she gets settled back in, okay? We can visit another time. We came to see Lucifer.”
Luke pouted, but sighed and nodded. He took your hand and squeezed it once. “I want to hear all about it, okay?” he asked with determination.
That was Luke, always adamant and cute. You smiled and ruffled his hair, the youngest Angel huffing. “I promise I will, Luke.”
Simeon waved goodbye, shutting the door behind him, and that left you alone in your little room. You fell onto your bed face first and inhaled deeply, rolling on your side and clutching a pillow to your chest.
Now what would happen? Things seemed to be returning to normal, but would everything?
A knock. “Are you in there Angel girl?” Belphegor’s voice came through the door.
You were a little nervous to see him, but he was the last demon brother you’d thought you’d see first. Seeing as he was usually asleep somewhere.
But when you opened the door, it wasn’t only Belphie. It was all of the brothers, minus Lucifer, and they had wide silly smiles on their faces. And then they tackled you in hugs, squeezing you and overwhelming you with their tight holds and back rubs. You just laughed and let them, knowing they probably had been worried about you after all.
“Guys—please, guys stop! I can’t breathe,” you laughed, shoving at the arms and torsos around you. Once you were free, you stepped back and smiled. Seeing all of their happy faces had your insides twisting in joy. “I missed you guys so much, it’s good to see every one of you.”
Mammon spoke first. “Damn right! We’ve been totally freaked out about you. We-well, I-I mean, I haven’t been losing sleep or anything, but they all kept asking Lucifer where you were and when you’re gonna come back. Ch, losers.” His face was flushed when he finished. Why was this white-haired demon so damn cute when he was trying to not care, you would never know the reason.
“I lost no sleep,” Belphie stated.
You chuckled. Typical Belphegor. “Well, I am sorry for worrying everyone…” You frowned, and looked at the floor. There was that inner voice telling you that even if they were all here and hugging you, it was still possible for them to dislike you for lying, hiding this entire time. “But… You don’t… hate me?”
Asmo gasped. “No, dear, we don’t hate you at all! We love you!”
That made you tear up a little bit, and Asmo cooed and hugged you. Mammon grumbled and Asmo gave you one last squeeze then let you go. Your face was a little bit red but only from the embarrassment of nearly crying when being told you were loved.
“How could we hate you? You’re still you,” Beel said.
Satan agreed. “Yes, exactly. Only now you have wings and magic we didn’t know about. You’ll have to show us sometime, I’ve never seen an Angel’s wings in person, only in textbooks. It makes sense why your grades in Celestial History are on par with my own.”
You smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, well… only up until a certain point…”
Satan chuckled. “Yes, I suppose that is true. I do want to see your wings, but we were told you’re still healing so there’s no rush.”
“Yes, we want to see them too, darling~”
“The Great Mammon should get first look.”
Waving your hands to calm them down, you nodded and agreed. “Okay, I promise I’ll show you eventually. But like Satan said I do have to take it easy for a while.”
You were planning on going for a midnight fly session tonight, though… But that was a secret that you felt comfortable keeping, like a small white lie. Hopefully no one would find out.
There was one demon who hadn’t said a word, in fact he barely hugged you like the others did. Leviathan. He was quietly standing in the doorway, fidgeting on the balls of his feet, probably waiting for his turn to say something but too shy to speak up.
“Levi? Do you have anything you want to tell me?”
He jumped in surprise, but nodded after a moment. His face flushed and he fumbled with his hands, he usually did that when he didn’t have a phone or device in them. “I-I just want to say… Please don’t ever ever EVER leave us again. I don’t know what I’d do without my midnight gaming buddy. And, well, I just—I love you, okay? You’re my Henry and you aren’t allowed to leave like that!” He was flustered when he finished and avoided eye contact with everyone.
The other boys ‘aw’ed and you smiled in happiness. It was incredible to know that no one hated you for hiding this from them.
“I won’t ever leave you, Levi.”
That was a promise you hoped to keep. These 6 demon boys here were family, your own siblings, and you loved them and all of their weird quirks.
“Hm, I want to ask you something,” Beel’s voice rang out.
Oh no, this was it. The dreaded questioning. They would want to know everything, why you left, where you were, why you lied. And you didn’t know if you had to courage to speak up.
“How did we not remember you?”
Oh thank the Heaven’s. Good kind Beel, nothing bad ever seemed to come from him. Shoving the urge to sigh appreciatively out loud because that would cause actual questions that would be difficult to answer, you instead pondered the question. Would it be against Lucifer’s wishes? He never mentioned keeping it a secret from his brothers.
And so, you told them. About Michael and their memories being tampered with. And they were livid. So livid in fact, they all transformed into their demon forms. And your room was filled with infernal magic and wings and tails flickering. It was intense, but you knew it all came from a place of love. Even Satan, who had yet to be born at the time this happened, was upset, his green tail twisting around. In the tiny space, it was a lot.
Holding up your hand, hoping this calmed them down, you spoke softly, “Please relax everyone. I’m okay now. Simeon and Lucifer helped me. No one can hurt me here.”
“And… you’re staying?” Satan asked.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
They all relaxed, and changed back to their ‘human’ forms. You felt that you could breathe again.
The silence was tense, and you swallowed thickly, trying to think of something to say. Luckily, someone else did.
Asmo clapped his hands and exclaimed, “Let’s have a movie night! Popcorn, blankets, cuddling. It’ll be so fun! It’s the perfect thing to reconnect.”
Good ole’ Asmo, you would kiss him if you didn’t think it would cause a disaster. “Yeah, let’s do it,” you agreed. “But I pick the movie. We’re watching a scary movie.” You wiggled your fingers, chuckling.
Mammon’s face dropped. “Uh, we—we should watch something else, like an Action movie. A superhero movie, those are awesome!”
“Why, are you gonna cry if we watch a horror film?” Satan teased.
“Yeah, poor Mammon’s gonna wet himself,” Belphie joked.
“He probably already has,” Levi chuckled.
Mammon growled, and reached for them with his hands, probably to strangle them, but you stuck out your hand. “Please, no fighting. We can watch a funny movie then.”
Mammon relaxed. “I didn’t care either way!” he declared.
So your bedroom was transformed into a fort of soft pillows, blankets and sheets. Satan used a spell to make the bed larger for everyone and he TV was enlarged, too. Very handy spellcasting. Beel and Levi went to get snacks and drinks, and everyone else got the room set up with pillows for everybody.
After the movie started, and everyone was situated on the huge bed, it was quiet. Everyone was scattered around with their own pillows and you felt surrounded by warmth. This was exactly what you needed, just some time with them, feeling at peace.
But the comfortable quiet did not last long.
From where Mammon was snuggled beside you, he nudged your arm and said, “So… are you gonna tell us about it?”
You blinked. “About what?”
“Your life with the humans. We want to know everything. What it was like, who you met. Oh, did you meet anyone famous?”
Satan sat up straight. “Yes, did you meet any historical figures?”
Everyone seemed to be listening in instead of watching the film now.
You thought it over, and nodded. “Yeah, a few I guess… they were ordinary people to me at the time, though… Just your fellow human helping out other humans. I tended to keep out of any major conflicts so not to affect too much. I guess just part of what I’d been taught growing up in the Celestial Realm: don’t do anything to change the path humanity will take.”
Mammon nodded. “What was one of your favorite memories?”
Wow, that was a hard question to answer. You even said so. “I lived on Earth for a long time... I have a lot of stuff packed in my head,” you chuckled.
“Aw, c’mon, there’s gotta be somethin’ that sticks out,” Mammon said. “You can’t think of one thing?”
“Oooh, what was your favorite style of outfit? Maybe those pretty dresses from the 18th century?” Asmo asked.
“Anything before the invention of the internet has to be the worst,” Levi commented.
Beel, while chewing on some popcorn, said, “The food is always gonna be good, but when the cheeseburger was created was probably my favorite time in history.”
You chuckled at each of their comments. But you did go through your favorite memories, friends’ long past and different towns flashing through your mind’s eye. Overall they were happy memories but in the end, it was always the same endgame. They died, and you moved on.
You must have made some noise or done something because Asmo made a cooing noise at you. “Oh, sweetie.” He immediately pulled you into his arms, tucking you into his neck to pet your hair. A few tear drops fell but you did sob or cry at all.
There were hands rubbing your back and arms, and you looked up to see the brother’s saddened smiling faces.
“We are here for you,” Satan reassured you, stroking his hand up and down your upper arm. His hand was warm and comforting.
Levi sniffled, and squeezed your hand. “Don’t cry anymore, you don’t need to when we can protect you now.”
Beel reached behind himself, and held out a candy bar towards you. “Hey, do you want some of my chocolate? It’s got small crunchy bits in it. And chocolate makes you feel better.” He smiled, and handed you the candy bar. It had a bite out of it, but the thought was nice.
“Thank you, Beel.”
“And here, take my blanket, you look cold.” Belphie put his small throw blanket over your lower half, making his brothers curse when it buried their own arms or hands.
You smiled up at him. “Thanks, Belphie.”
Asmo made a huffing sound. “Well, I want to play with your hair. Can I braid it, please?”
You giggled. “Go ahead, Asmo.”
You let them pamper you up, while the movie played in the background. Eventually the movie ended and Levi set up a racing game, and you all selected your characters and played together. It was a perfect first day back home.
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Ah! I forgot to ask what you think of the Angel event. In my opinion, it's not a bad event, but god was it weird. Maybe I'm just weird and I think people being super nice is too suspicious (considering I am STILL sus of Simeon). I think I would have liked it more if the ending wasn't the party but instead them turning back and we get to tell them that we like them just the way they are
I have pretty mixed feelings about this. I didn’t like the actual content of the event but I did like the potential hints of a backstory that you can dig outta it. Hear me out;
How they were lied to and forced into the clothes and into their roles during this event
How uncomfortable, angry and scared they initially all were
How this was more or less rather cruelly making them live through their past trauma (for a party?????) not to mention digging up Satan’s identity issues
How this was essentially brainwashing because the brothers’ personalities did a complete 180 and didn’t even seem to notice it when in reality, we were previously told there weren’t any major personality changes between their time as angels and demons (for example as angels, Lucifer was still arrogant and prideful, Mammon was still a troublemaker, Asmo was still vain and Belphie was still lazy)
It casts a very black and white image on what angels and demons are like when om! has proven countless times before that it isn’t like that.
So on the surface level this event was messed up, but like what if it was supposed to be messed up? Maybe I’m looking into it too much but this event gives a beautiful view on what the actual angels and celestial realm is like. This event, to me, states three points:
1.     The event itself is meant to be perceived as messed up:
The devs went to the extra trouble of adding scenes where Solomon and Luke are distinctly uncomfortable with what is happening and Solomon even calls the magic used ‘scary’, they didn’t have to waste time doing this if the event was supposed to come off as endearing and lighthearted. It’s also distinct that it’s Solomon saying this given that he’s ancient, has pacts with 72 demons, and the game hints at his meeting with Asmo being similar to Asmodeus and Solomon’s biblical meeting which was messed up and dark af. So I think it’s safe to say whatever he sees as wrong and scary would not be an exaggeration
2.     The Celestial Realm has a set black and white view of what demons and angels are like, and the bangles are supposed to make the wearer act opposite to the Celestial Realm’s view of demons, even if the wearer’s actual personality is not actually like that view
One main storyline hint for this is from lesson 40, where the voice in the light (presumably Michael) says that given how much the brothers like MC he would have expected them to be wicked, EXCEPT while yeah the brothers do heavily show their sins none of them are outright evil?? Like if they are pissed they’d attack but overall in general they’re all just kinda…chill? If anything given their personalities it would make more sense for them to be attracted towards someone who accepts and loves them for who they are than they would be towards someone who was wicked. But Michael just assumed ‘demons = evil so someone they like would also be evil’
The biggest hint at this within the event is MC’s interaction with ‘angelic’ Mammon cause he says a bunch of things that go directly against what has been established so far.
a.)   Mammon apologizes for the way he treats MC EXCEPT he’s being by MC’s side since like a week after meeting them? He makes a pact with them even though he just as easily could have just grabbed Goldie from them given that he’s the fastest. He never steals from them and later actually starts working legit jobs to earn money when he wants to buy them something, which is apparently fairly often. He bandages their wrist even though he told them he wouldn’t go out of his way to help them. He agrees to their stupid plans even though he knows he’ll get in trouble. He goes against and stands up to Lucifer for them despite being scared of Lucifer. He forgives them almost instantly after they lie about Belphie and all of this is just from season 1 cause the man’s even softer for MC in season 2
b.)   Mammon talks about selling his things to provide for human kids EXCEPT this is something he already does? One of the main reasons he’s always in debt is cause the Witches take advantage of him and the fact that through them he’s providing for a homeless orphan human child.  
3.     It paints a picture of the Celestial Realm as a controlling, ‘this and only this is the right way’, ‘we’d do anything for our notion of peace and order’ kind of world and it’s something the game has hinted at before:
The Celestial Realm decided to execute Lilith for loving and healing a human, while the Devildom (Diavolo) just reincarnated her and let her live amongst the humans
While in Celestial Realm the twins and Lilith had to sneak off to the human world while Diavolo straight up just brought two humans to the Devildom so he could bring about peace between the realms
The angels seem to be raised to view the demons as evil without any evidence to support it (Lucifer as an angel refusing to even look at Diavolo, Luke’s whole initial attitude towards demons) while as far as we know demons don’t really do this (Diavolo’s pov of his meeting with angel lucifer, lots of the background demons seem to just view Luke as a cute puppy)
Lucifer’s obsession with needing to follow the rules, needing to bend over backwards for Diavolo, being strict with his brothers, being this calm and collected, perfect always in control being. We learnt in the Celestial Realm that Lucifer was more callous and outspoken, and given that he rebelled against his father and started a war probably had less regard for rules and authority figures. The reason why Lucifer is the way he is in the Devildom could be due to him blaming himself for Lilith’s death because not only did he let her break the rules but he broke them himself which then led to the war
The celestial Realm was willing to do this whole magic bangle with which is highly amoral for a party? That’s like peak control freak, and as someone who is very much 100% a control freak I feel like I have the right to judge
So yeah, overall while I don’t like the actual event I like all its implications and the irony that the event with the angels is one of the darker events
Hated the ending though, I’ve more or less made an outline for a personally more satisfying ending for this event based around the magic ending almost immediately after the last chapter and a lot of hurt/comfort, angst and talking through feelings, their sense of self and their actual life in the celestial realm between all the characters but my work ethic is shit rn so :/
Obviously this is just my interpretation but I’d be more than willing to talk about this with you guys!
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phairfantooooom · 5 years ago
Obey Me: Garden/Idol Event Thoughts
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Alright Kiddos lets get into this shall we?
So ignoring the obvious red flag (aka Satan shenanigans) I noticed in the event lets start with some of the smaller questions I had never gotten answered.
Who told Lucifer that the flowers were stolen? How did he find out?
Diavolo takes the flowers without telling anyone? On his own? Where the fuck is Barbatos???
Why are the flowers endangered? Why is this a big deal? Why are you so nervous Lucifer?
Alright so the first question seems like it should have been Diavolo that told him yeah? But its not, cause he was the one that “stole” them. So who is Lucifer’s informant? We know its not any of the brothers because they were just as shocked. Now, we could assume that Lucifer discovered this himself, but then that raises the question of why was he out in middle of the fuckign western forest? 
Now then. Diavolo. My guy. My pal. My dude. W h a t  are you doing? 
Side note: i just realized what he fucking did might have been symbolic and fucK i’ll get to it in a minute
Anyway- We learn at the end of the event that Diavolo is the one that took the flowers. You know, without fucking telling anyone??? I mean seriously, if something is endangered you kinda need to tell people your gonna take it before you do so. Now, Diavolo acts as if he didn’t do anything wrong but like... dude. The Devildom is your OWN kingdom, you can’t convince me that he did what he did out of ignorance.
Not to mention that Bephie straight up says “Lord Diavolo’s always been one to stir the pot.” And I agree completely. Diavolo seems to be more interested in entertaining himself rather than, oh you know, running his kingdom? He doesn’t use his authority as prince except for when he wants something.
An example of this is that he didn’t lock Belphie away for treason even though he KNEW what Belphie was trying to do to stop the exchange program. It was only when YOU got involved that he came in, with Barbatos in tow, that he laid down the law and took Belphie away.
Suspicious, yeah?
Movingggg rightttt alongggg. The flowers. The whole story is about them but we don’t learn jack shit about them other than:
They are endangered
They grown in the western forest
Its a crime to take one of them. Especially for personal gain.
We don’t know Why and How they got endangered.
Just... give it some thought. The more you think about it, the worse it gets ;)
And to think that that is not even the scariest part of this event. oh boy.
But before I continue to the part that just. alarms my ‘oh no’ senses I wanna draw a connection i didn’t notice before.
You and the flowers.
You and the flowers and Diavolo.
Diavolo goes out of his way to get flowers that could possibly be a hazard to RAD. Again, we don’t know what they can do or what sort of consequences having them there could mean. If we assume based off of the name that these flowers cause Mirages then that could mean that students will start seeing things that aren’t really there.
Now compare that to:
Diavolo goes out of his way to make the exchange program. And somehow, by some weird twist of fate you start going to this school. And for those that argue that Lucifer choose you, he merely opened a window and a gust of wind blew all the profiles around and yours just happened to land at his feet. The chance and luck that would go into such a thing are extraordinarily high...
Someone with the powers of altering reality and/or time travel just so happened to exist in this universe. *cough* Barbatos *cough*
We are “supposed to be” the descendant of Lilith (Which if you have read my other stuff you know just what I think about THAT) which is bullshit in my opinion and im electing to ignore it for a much more interesting idea.
I mean think about it, if Lilith wasn’t attached then where do our powers come from? Even with Lilith slapped on there are a shit ton of questions that don’t get answered. God do I fucking hate the Lilith bullshit
You, who have the capabilities to power up the demon brothers to high levels. You, who transcended death. You, who has defied logic and made pacts with all seven of the brothers. You seem to have some dormant powers that you can’t use unless you have a direct conduit (Aka Solomon)
There are alot of unknowns at play but I’ve noticed that there are little bits and pieces being left behind in the events that could be possibly cluing us into what could be possibly happening in future story chapters. But that is an entirely DIFFERENT theory post in itself.
So now on to the finale and probably the most interesting thing that caught my attention during the event. The conversation with Satan.
Chapter 1-7 or as I like to call it “What the actual fuck”
The short of it is that Satan tells us about a legend that surrounds the forest, and just like the feather in the Detective Event it is never brought back up again.
Satan: We have some time to kill. Would like to hear a story? It’s a legend surrounding the forest.
There once was a child that found themselves lost in this very forest. They were inexpressive and had a hard time empathizing with others.
Choice: Like Lucifer?
Response: Haha. Exactly.
Choice: Like you?
Response: Are you trying to say that I have a hard time expressing my emotions?
Satan: Fortunately, the child was found before too long, but...
...upon their face was the most unsettling of smiles.
It was as if someone--or something--had taken the child’s place.
What would you do if you found out there were another person out there impersonating you?
Choice: I would get the authorities involved.
Response: A surprisingly measured response.
Choice: Sounds scary...
Response: Heh. You’re pretty cute when you’re frightened.
Satan: As I said, its nothing more than a legend.
Yeah, hey Satan, What the fuck. That’s basically a compressed version of something you’d find on r/nosleep for fucks sake
Like seriously. You seemed just a tad too serious for it to be just a legend. And also hello??? Something had to of caused the legend???? It made me realize that while we know the brothers well, we don’t know Devildom well.
We know alot of surface level things but nothing... truly substantial. Its all brushed off. Like I want a FULL map of Devildom. I wanna know where the abandoned or forbidden places are. I wanna know why and how they got that way. I want that rich worldbuilding lore that they have been hiding from players.
Demons exist. Angels exist. Magic is a thing. Monsters roam around. We have fucking avatars of sin and you are telling me that this legend is just a legend?
A/N: I wanna go off more but this getting long lmaooo
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natsukitakama · 5 years ago
Headcanon  : Being Marcus Pierce’s significant other (AU)
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Author note : I had to confess Tom welling was my very first crush I watch the whole serie « Smallville » just because of him. So imagine how grateful I was when I saw him on Lucifer season 3. Looking even better than before. 
This headcanon will be in another universe when Marcus decide to do everything to make you fall in love with him and fall in love with you eventually. 
Warning : Fluff slight mention of NSFW (sorry not sorry) 
Gif don’t belong to me credits to the owner
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The plan was simple : Not being another Lieutenant’s fangirl like all of the girls at the precinct (Chloe, Ella we saw you)
At first it was easy the man was harsh, hell even a dick sometimes
You didn’t like the way he talked to Dan or Ella, or the way he looks at you were worthless.
You hated him
At least that’s what you thought
But Hey no one is perfect
After knowing Chloé won’t be his key to erased his cursed he thought it was over
And then realized that maybe some pure love could erase his cursed like Chloe tends to make Lucifer vulnerable
He first thought Chloe could be useful but she was really closed to Lucifer and this man won’t let him go further
Trust him : He already tried to let him alone on a desert as far from Chloe as possible
It didn’t work : Lucifer was back two days after
Then he thought about Ella : She fangirls around him all the time she was an easy target. But she tends to be super excited, too happy, too loud. Marcus couldn’t bear her.
But you
You could be the one
You were quite attractive (to his taste), with a good spirit. Plus you weren’t afraid to tell when something was wrong. You were badass which was a huge turn on on him.
In addition he felt this hot connection everytime both of you were alone : some colleagues will say sexual tension but whatever. 
If he wasn’t cursed you two would already had the most savage quickie against a wall you would never have.
So basically you were the best candidate
But you were « challenging » (stubborn to be correct) : all the time when he tried to make a move on you, you always found an excuse to reject him or just escape him.
Sure a little challenge was appreciate but he couldn’t wait  until you felt in love with him. He might be immortal but patient wasn’t a quality of him
For a moment he thought about asking question at Lucifer since they were supposed to work together (but in fact Lucifer was trying to keep Chloe away as far as possible from Marcus) but he will make him too happy which couldn’t happen. 
He decided to come and talk to you : like a big talk on his office. You first thought you screwed something and he was about to yell at you and telling you how much you sucked. But that not what happened in fact Marcus started to apologize for being such piece of work (you will say asshole or dick but nevermind), he told you the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. So he apologized.
You didn’t expect it you thought the man was too proud for apologies but again you didn’t really know him, he was so hot and yet mysterious
You decided to use his apologize as a chance to get to know him (for professional’s purpose obviously) and ask him on a date as proof. You never thought he’ll be agree with that you just wanted to tease him.
You were wrong cause not only does he accept your proposal to a date but he gave you his best smirk like everything happened according to a plan (it was but you didn’t know that)
You then went talk to your best friend Ella : You never heard her screaming that loud before, she was a way too excited about it. It’s fine you love her for that.
You then confess your fear about this date being a way to manipulate her or use her for a plan or something. Ella did her best to calm you down and said a quite good argument : for the very first time Mister « I don’t give a ship I’m lieutenant » decided to make a move he even apologized about his behavior. He was trying to change for you so there nothing you should be afraid of.
You trusted her and make yourself ready
You didn’t plan to sleep with him after the date but still you wore your best underwear just in case. You chose your best outfit the one who make you look like an angel again just in case.
Deep down you didn’t think much about this date you expect him to be « normal » so a bit harsh and just accepte his apologize and go back back to your job like nothing happen. This man wasn’t clearly a talker guy so it’ll probably useless. 
You couldn’t be more wrong
Marcus went to your hours just as planned wearing a black shirt that make his body look amazing (especially his arm) with a jean. You couldn’t help but noticed the way his shirt was open just enough to see a bit of his torso but no more.
You went to his house where he cook you the most delicious Italian food you never had. To be honest you never saw him as a cook. He has this huge testosterone aura you expect him to be old-fashioned. For once you were glad to be wrong.
You started to talking. First it was about simple things just to test the water but the more dinner was moving further the more you two start to talk about more private things like dirty things.
Alcool didn’t help. You might confess about how you found him attractive 
when he introduced himself how disappointed you were when you saw him interact with the precinct.
He laughed like genuinely laugh at your speech
He confess he was attracted to you the first time he saw you but thought he’ll be easier for both of you to keep it professional.
« Then why did you accept this date ? » « I wanted to be wrong »
You didn’t know if this was alcohol but his stare made you feel both horny and afraid. He was like a animal looking at his prey. You couldn’t tell if it could lust or some dark instinct.
It gave you shivers 
At end of the night he drove you home just to be sure and having more time to talk to you.
He walked with you until you were in front of your door not knowing if the date should continue on your living room
As if he could read your mind he gave you a kiss and said goodbye
You thought your date end well
In fact it nevers stopped : when you went back to the precinct for work you find some flowers on your desk red rose and a « that night was awesome let’s do it again » card. You didn’t have to question the team you already knew where it came from
For the following days he was very sweet with you : making you a cup of coffee, helping you with case even joined you to interrogate suspect. It’s like he couldn’t stay away from you.
It was really cute but quite out of character to him. Normally you weren’t the one to fall for just act of attention but this man has such an effect on you, it’s like you couldn’t do anything but just fall for him.
You two decided to give a try and started a relationship
You felt good really good, Marcus was nothing but sweet with you. Always cooking you breakfast, be sure you were okay.
Despite his lack of communication it was perfect.
But don’t worry he has other way to show you his feelings to you. You never experienced sex like this before : the man has so many stamina and has the hability to be both rough and deep on you. He ravaged you like an animal leaving you exhausted but so satisfied, like you never been before.
He started to drive you home with his moto the moment you said it was a huge turn on on you
You were closed like you never thought you could be with a man. All the time no matter what was about he listened to you carefully and tried to help you. It was like talking to a wise man, a man who lived so many life before this one.
When it came to him it was different in fact he was starting to lose his mind. It was been 3 months since you two were a thing and yet his mark didn’t disappear. He came to think you weren’t the one after all and he should go see another people.
But he couldn’t help but felt guilty he felt it his stomach was twisted and couldn’t think at you without feeling sad. He has grown quite fond of you. He couldn’t just broke you like this it would break your heart. 
He won’t let that happen  
Little by little, step by step he started to appreciate a lot of things about you and stopped forcing himself to be nice around you. He was naturally. He didn’t have to force himself anymore. He genuinely wanted to make you happy.
And you felt it, your relationship felt even more real like you two started to have a connection a true one. 
He didn’t admit it before but he loved seeing you cooking or just prepare his clothes for the next day. Just saw you being domestic for him make his knees got weak
He also loved seeing you buy new cloth just to flirt with him and please him.
it’s been such a long time since someone cared genuinely about him
it felt good 
Marcus stopped to focus about his mark, like he wasn’t afraid to loose another people he cared anymore.
The truth is the second he stopped thinking about himself and cared about you : his mark was gone. But it took him 3 weeks to realize it
All he wanted to do now that his mark was gone, was to live his life as he pleased with you by his side.
However destiny has other plan for him
At some point Marcus will try to become immortal again
And by doing that will lose you
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samclownchester · 5 years ago
The day is June 15 2020
The time is 3 am
The situation is that the world has fallen into a pandemic of Covid-19, and my job closed down in March, leaving me with lots of time on my hands. Despite my doubts, I fell back into Supernatural, deep into it, and I am now rewatching it. I thought it would be fun to try and see how much I could remember from earlier seasons before I watch them all
I have watched up to 1x14 at this point, so those episodes are fresh in my mind, but lets see what else I remember
Season 1
“Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business”
Sam’s girlfriend dies just like his mom did
Their dad is the point of the season but is only actually in like 3 episodes
Sam and Dean break up but get back together
Sam has VISIONS and moves things with his MIND
Meg is a demon, Sam has a bit of a crush on her
They find their dad, but don’t kill the demon
Season 2
Dean dies in a car crash, John sells his soul for him and dies
Bobby Singer is best dad
Ellen and Jo and Ash exist
Purple Nurple
Lots of psychics! Sam can make friends??
Jk, it’s the hunger games
Sam gets stabbed in the back
Dean sells his soul for him
They kill Azazel I think??
“I have … demon blood in me?”
Season 3
Saving Dean from his demon deal
Groundhog day episode where Dean dies everyday
Gabriel?? (trickster)
Blonde Ruby (let’s hear it for Laurel Lance!)
Very short because there was a writers’ strike that year
Hell hounds
Season 4
Dean was “gripped tight and raised from perdition” by Castiel
Sam has a new gf! (Surprise, it’s Ruby in a new body! :o)
Why does she pretend to not know Dean when he first shows up? Is she lying to Sam about who she is this whole time?? Hmmm I wish I remembered
Time travel?? (Sam doesn’t get to come ☹ )
Demon blood
Demon blood detox ☹
Let’s kill Lilith
“Because it had to be you Sam”
“The boy with the demon blood”
Season 5
Dean is the Michael sword
Sam is messed up, trying to quit demon blood
Cas rebelled, and he did it, all of it, for Dean
Adam Winchester is a person who exists
Also I think this is the season with Jesse the antichrist who never shows up again it’s fine.
He only existed so they could have important conversations about nature vs nurture which honestly they should’ve just saved from when Jack was born but they didn’t know that was gonna happen
More time travel??
Cas likes drugs
Team Free Will
Fall into the cage
Dean goes to live with Lisa and Ben
The end?
Season 6
Cas is working with Crowley and spying on Dean but not talking to him like the pining idiot that he is
Dean can’t help but inspect monster happenings in town
Dean finds Soulless Sam
Hanging out with some old dude?
Get Sam’s soul back
Meet Death?
Find out Cas is working with Crowley
 O: Ultimate betrayal
Season 7
Godstiel?? Why?? Idr
Please give Sam therapy
Sam goes to an asylum
Cas takes Sam’s trauma??    
More leviathans
Garth? Did we know him before. Idk, we know him now
Dean and Cas go to purgatory!
When does Cas die and walk into the lake? That’s before they go to Purgatory, right? Hmmmm but how does he come back
 Cas is Emmanuel and has a wife? Is that in this season?
Season 8
Dean gets out of purgatory!
But no Cas
Sam had a girlfriend and a dog! Nice!
Not nice, he ignored Kevin and didn’t look for Dean
Like they agreed on, but whatever ok sue him for trying to be happy
Dean has a vampire boyfriend
Not so high and mighty about killing every monster are we now, huh Dean?
Right? I don’t remember, this is a conversation that happens though
He does end up killing Benny though, doesn’t he? huh
Cas is back from Purgatory! But he’s got Secrets ™
“I’m gonna become a hunter”
Then he stays in the old folks home and next time we see him he’s all wacky and likes to watch the bees?
You’re just playing sorry
Am I right?? I don’t remember, but all of this happens at some point
Who even is the big bad? What are we fighting? Idk
Oh we have to save Kevin from Crowley and he reads the demon tablet. Only eats hotdogs, doesn’t shave. I love him please keep him safe.
Spoilers, they don’t
Right! The trials, Sam does the trials, they “purify” him
The angels fall, but Sam doesn’t complete the trials and almost dies.
Season 9
Sam almost dies, Dean is like “right, nonconsensual possession is clearly the best answer for this”
Human!Cas, he drinks lots of water. Steve.
§  “you can’t stay here” :o
Abaddon I think?? What was the point
Crowley is sort of our friend now and I think we meet Rowena? Idr
Kevin dies ☹
“What is the upside to me being alive” – Sam
§  Maybe in this season, maybe not. Who knows?
Cas is a cannibal (eats grace) and becomes and angel again at some point
§  Hannah exists
We all hate Metatron
Metatron stabs Dean and Sam puts his dead body on the bed
Season 10
Demon!Dean and Crowley are living it up!
Sam and Cas try to cure Dean
Charlie and Rowena interact a lot I think
Book of the Damned
When did they find the bunker? Men of Letters? All that? Idr, anyway they have it at this point
Dean kills lots of people
Charlie dies ☹
Dean blames Sam which is unfair and I hate it
They get the mark off and The DarknessTM is release
Season 11
The Baby episode exists
Really weird sexual tension between Dean and Amara while she’s still kind of a child, no one knows why. Please stop.
Cas gets called expendable and then makes poor life decisions
Lbr, though, Misha is the only other one who can play Lucifer with the same spirit as Mark Pellegrino. Sorry Jared, it’s the truth.
Eileen!! <3
Chuck is God :o
Let’s kill Amara!
Except we don’t kill her, she just needs to bond with her bro.
Here, have your mom back
Season 12
British Men of Letters
Lucifer F*cks
Boy I didn’t think this would turn into what it did, let me tell you
Winchesters escape from Federal Prison
Cas says “I love you”
But like, the plural you. No homo.
Sam admits he lost his drive to lead, then finds it again and leads hunters against the dang brits! Hooray!
Oh shoot Lucifer wants custody of his kid!
Fatality – Castiel
Fatality – Mary
Oh no wait she didn’t die she’s just trapped.
Season 13
Jack jack jack jack jack
3 dads, all at various levels of dadding
Actually 2 excellent dads, one dad who is too emotionally damaged to dad but he tries sometimes
Yeah Cas pisses of a cosmic entity. That won’t come back to bite him
Jack just wants to be good
Wayward sisters was not picked up which sucks
Apocalypse world
Rowena is our friend now
Custody Battle!!! Who wins? Not Lucifer
We saved the day! And a ton of people
Literally they made a whole deal of the people being like “We won’t leave our home or our cause” and then they got back to Sam and Dean’s world, didn’t have archangel grace and were just like “meh, actually this place is cool. We don’t have to worry about going back”
Psych! We’re not done yet! Luci wants his kid
And Michael wants his planet
Season 14
Michael! Dean
Jack dies
But it’s ok, we fixed you, just don’t use your powers
Oh shoot he used his power
Nick is somehow alive
In love with Lucifer
Burn his ass!!
Oh Mary disapproves
RIP Mary
RIP Dean being a father, now he’s gonna murder
Hi Chuck, nice of you to show up
Oh no.
Season 15
Chuck sucks
Dean and Cas break up ☹
Sam has visions again
But he’s not psychic, it’s just the piece of his soul inside Chuck
Resurrect your girlfriend! Yeah!!
Jack is eating hearts, but it’s ok, Death told him to do it.
Garden of Eden?
Get your soul back boy!
 And cry
Honorable mentions (Aka these happened but idr when)
Sam falls in love with a werewolf and then has to kill her and MAN Jared really brought the tears
AU where Supernatural is a TV show
Finding out Supernatural is a book series and the author is Chuck!
Crowley becomes helpful mostly
Crowley has a son??
 Meet grandpa
Ellen, Jo, and Ash die
Bobby dies
literally everybody dies
Kill Hitler
They meet that Jewish guy with the Golem who pretended to flirt with Dean at some point.
Jimmy Novak was a devout man who deserved a lot better than he got
Claire Novak is so cool
She moves in with Jody
When do we meet Jody? She’s just always kinda been there?
Gabriel, I don’t remember anything about Gabriel
The council of the Gods’ happens and then I think Gabriel dies in that episode?? Idr
The Four Horsemen
Death, Pestilence, War, Famine
“You’re not hungry Dean”
 I literally do not remember what was happening with these guys
Also, they killed Death, killed a reaper, that reaper became the new Death. I remember when all that happened I just didn’t feel like putting it in the timeline.
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tropicaldruid · 4 years ago
The Survivor’s Guide To Leaving Your Birth  Religion Part 2: Deal with The Devil.
So if you’ve done the reading assignment I gave in the first installment, you’ve read a good bit of repetitive stuff at this point, and hopefully taken away a few key things, namely that Heaven and Hell as modern western concepts are, well, modern. If you are coming out of a messianic religion, odds are good that Hell showed up at exactly the same time the messiah arrived to save us from it. I mean, convenient, right?
That’s right, we were stoning the gays for millenia without there even being a Hell for them to go to! Back in those days the afterlife in most faiths was reserved for kings or great warriors, the common folk didn’t even have a place to go. Except maybe in someone’s afterworldly entourage. But I digress.
If you haven’t already arrived at the same conclusions about the devil, let’s take a moment now to pick that concept apart. 
 I almost didn’t give The Devil a section because it kinda goes hand in hand with Hell, but there’s so much extra abuse attached to this concept. While Hell is used to threaten you into submission, The Devil is there to invalidate any sort of agency you may feel you have. 
You have ideas that disagree with accepted Dogma? That’s The Devil deceiving you. You have found a different god to worship? Goodness, he looks just like The Devil.
These are just two of several common tools of religious abuse still being used. Just recently I heard an acquaintance state matter-of-factly that a mutual friend was a Devil Worshipper. I happen to know this is not the case as I have held rituals with said friend and that simply wasn’t on the agenda. But my acquaintance knows this, and this accusation stemmed less from fact than from literal brainwashing. 
“That god is not My God and therefore it is The Devil.” is such a toxic attitude to take, it’s a way of completely invalidating another person’s religion and with it their sense of community and morality, without actually applying any critical thought to the situation. It’s a way of marginalizing and othering someone in lieu of discussing their beliefs in earnest. But this history of abuse has left a paper trail that we can follow backwards as we unwind this otherworldly boogeyman. Here, I’m going to refer you to Episode 4 of DruidCast. Professor Ronald Hutton gives a really great talk entitled “The History of the Pagan Horned God” that ties into this topic heavily.  Also episode 28 features “The Horned God: an Unofficial Biography” performed by Damh the Bard that I recommend listening to. Also in that episode is an interview with Roland Rotherham that will tie into part 3 of this guide. Professor Hutton mentions the Devil’s appearance changing as the dominant religion spread into areas with different gods, and it’s right there in the record. One thing that is universal among humankind is religious artwork, and depictions of The Devil abound in the historical record, a google image search can produce thousands of examples to sort through, and you can literally see the differences evolve along the way.
And much like Hell, The Devil is a concept looking desperately for a sense of belonging within modern theologies that don’t really have a place for it. Who is this Guy? Satan? Lucifer? Hades? Is Hell Hades? Where did this sudden Hellenic flare come from? Was he a snake, or an ibis? Is he the ruler ofThe Dead Place, or The Bad Place, or just one of it’s most famous inhabitants?  Throw all of these into a cauldron with a bunch of scriptural contradictions and a dash of Zoroastrianism and ta-dah! A Devil, or is it The Devil? Even that isn’t settled. 
As we have discovered by reading the mythologies of those who developed near the roots of our own spiritual lineage, these people were all copying off of each others’ notes, constantly. Tribal victories were seen as both signs of Divine favor and Divine supremacy. Basically “I won this because My God loves me and is stronger than your idol” Military might became conflated with Righteousness, just look at the horrific acts that people boastfully give themselves credit for in their own mythologies, in the aftermath of battles. Murder of men, enslavement and rape of women and children, and it’s all good, because our God led us to victory. 
Over time, weaker gods became False Gods became Devils. Meanwhile the dominant culture absorbed new cultures and with them, enough of their religion to sway those who had difficulty assimilating. Check out how many Saints used to be local pagan deities or mythological kings or warlords. Hey, The Devil can only be so many things apparently, so some of the competition had to be handled differently. After hundreds of generations of religions cheating off of each other’s notes, they don’t know what they believe. But this boogeyman that is The Devil and his Bad Place are really effective at deflecting a certain level of scrutiny, and incentivizing compliance, so we’ll keep em. All manner of plagues upon humanity are said to be his doing, from the heliocentric view of the  solar system, to modern medicine. Women’s suffrage, integration, same sex marriage, left-handedness. Rock and Roll music, the existence of dinosaurs, Literacy among the laity. Pokemon.
Great deceptions upon mankind by the Great Deceiver to unravel the moral fabric of society and bring about the End of Days, the lot of ‘em.
At least they were once upon a time.   
So yeah, there’s a huge disconnect from anything resembling critical thought when Devil Worship or any similar concept are brought into the conversation. Another thing to watch for is how quickly the accusation gets flipped around when those in authority are found doing wrong. Suddenly the Great Deceiver tempting you with hellfire, becomes the Scapegoat who’s really to blame for any transgression. If you still have friends or family who adhere strictly to your BR, you may face accusations and rhetoric like what’s been discussed. If that’s the case, I’m sorry. It’s little comfort right now but the people saying these things to you are afraid. Afraid to look at their own beliefs for fear of drawing the same conclusions. Afraid of looking at your new ones for fear of finding something valid. Fear of the discomfort those possibilities bring, and so the lash out with the only defensive tool they feel they have. You don’t need to argue your point in these cases, and in fact I’d suggest that trying to do so would be a futile act. If that person were interested in having an honest discussion, they wouldn’t have started from that position. And frankly it’s not something you need to defend to anyone, or need anyone to agree with you or your motives. You don’t actually need anyone’s permission to leave an abusive situation. Having lived in abusive situations, I know how important discretion can be, living in the closet for any reason feels suffocating and unbearable. But for however much discretion you must show outwardly, nobody can police your thoughts, nobody objectively has the ability or the right to judge you as Good or Evil. Period. 
Your homework for this installment is to check out the Druidcast episodes mentioned earlier, and research The Devil, Satan, Lucifer and any other relevant figures on Wikipedia, read the source articles and learn about how these concepts have evolved and been employed through history. 
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queen-of-deans-booty · 5 years ago
Good God, Y’All: Part Two
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,944
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: so sorry this wasn’t out on thursday! my sister just went back to college so i got caught up in spending time with her.
I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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The sun was hot as it shone down on you. There were no clouds in sight to protect you from the rays, but you kept a high head as you searched for anything in this desolate town. The near side of the street has a sporting goods store advertising ammo, rods and reels, and a thirty percent sale for Pioneers Day; the far side is residential. Apart from you and the Winchesters, there were no other signs of life.
From across the street next to a sporting goods store, Big Louie’s, there was a car that was overturned in the street. Gripping your gun tightly, you approached the car cautiously. Peering in, it was empty of any sign of human life. Looking at the brothers, you shook your head to signal to them that it was empty. It was time to move on since Rufus was here and in trouble; not to mention the demons.
A sprinkler is running in front of one of the houses: whatever happened to clear the area happened fast enough that no one turned it off. There's another car in the street, this one tan and the right way up. The driver's door is open, the engine is running, and the radio is playing "Spirit in the Sky". You didn’t have to approach it to know it was empty. Turning off the car, you looked around in frustration.
A banner hangs over the street, welcoming folks to the seventy-fifth anniversary of River Pass, Colorado's Pioneer Days, with pictures of Grand Marshall Jerry Wanek and Rodeo Queen Lee Lee Laschuk. Something sparks at the gas station which pulled your attention to a silver four-door sedan. The driver's door stands open. There's a baby stroller next to the door and a great deal of blood in front of and leading away from the door. You three approach the car, but no one was inside. There's a large hole in the windshield, but otherwise, there is nothing else suspicious.
“What the hell happened?” you exclaimed. Just as you three were going to go on, you heard a gun cock from behind your head. Quickly whipping around, you leveled your shotgun at whoever was pointing theirs at you.
“Ellen?” Sam asked as you lowered your gun.
“Hello, boys. Y/N.”
“Ellen, what the hell is going on here?” you asked as she approached. She didn’t say anything except to throw water in yours and Dean’s faces since Sam was too far from her. Sighing, you closed your eyes as the water dripped from your eyes and mouth.
“We’re us,” Dean spoke.
“We got tattoos, remember?” you huffed as you wiped the water off. Ellen refused to say more, but she led the way to a church where hopefully you would get some answers. She led you through a corridor and down a hallway where there was a devil’s trap drawn inside the doorway and a line of salt across the threshold. You four walk across it with no problems.
“Real glad to see you boys. You too Y/N,” she said as she went to hug Dean. When she pulled away, she slapped him hard across the face which caused you to gasp in shock. “The can of whoopass I ought to open on you!”
“You can't pick up a phone? What are you, allergic to giving me peace of mind? I got to find out that you're alive from Rufus?”
“Sorry, Ellen,” he sighed.
“Yeah, you better be. You better put me on speed dial, kid.”
“Yes, ma'am,” he nodded. After a pause, she turns to lead you three further inside.
“What is going on, Ellen?” you asked.
“More than I can handle alone.”
“How many demons are there?” Sam asked.
“Pretty much the whole town, minus the dead people and these guys,” she said as she stopped outside of a closed door. Whoever was inside was safe from the demons out there. “So, this is it, right? End times? It’s got to be.”
“Seems like it,” Sam sighed. 
Ellen knocked on the door before letting whoever was behind know it was her. The peephole opened before it closed and the door swung open. Inside the room was all kinds of different people, all of which weren’t demons. Taking a deep breath, you projected an invisible wall of magic throughout the room to see if you could spot anything that your eyes couldn’t see. No one seemed too hurt, and most importantly, no one was a demon. However, there was a man with glasses sitting by himself that caught your attention. He wasn’t a demon, but he wasn’t human either.
“This is Sam, Dean, and Y/N. They're hunters. Here to help.”
“You guys hip to this whole demon thing?” Austin, the guy who opened the door asked.
“Yeah. Are you?” Dean asked.
“My wife's eyes turned black. She came at me with a brick. Kind of makes you embrace the paranormal,” Roger, the guy that wasn’t human said. He brought his right hand to his chin, contemplating his ring. Something wasn’t right with him.
“Alright, catch us up,” you said to the woman.
“I doubt I know much more than you. Rufus called and said he was in town investigating omens. All of a sudden, the whole town was possessed. Jo and I were nearby—”
“You’re hunting with Jo? Where is she?”
“Yeah, for a while now. We got here, and the place—well, the place was like you see it. Couldn't find Rufus, then Jo and I got separated. I was out looking when I found you.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll find her,” you assured her.
“Either way, these people cannot just sit here,” Sam declared. The pregnant woman in the room startled just as Roger played with his ring. “We got to get them out now.”
“No, it's not that easy. I've been trying. We already made a run for it once.”
“What happened?” you asked.
“There used to be twenty of us,” Ellen sighed. Excluding the three new hunters to arrive, there were only ten people in the room.
“Well, there's three of us now—”
“You don't know what it's like out there,” Ellen interrupted you. “Demons are everywhere. We won't be able to cover everybody.”
“Why don’t you let me worry about that, yeah? I’m not the same person as I was when we first met.”
“What if we get everyone guns?” Sam asked before Ellen could question you.
“What, are you gonna arm up baby bump over here?” Dean scoffed.
“More salt we can fire at once, more demons we can keep away.”
“There's a sporting goods store we passed on Main on the way in. I bet they got guns.”
“Alright, you stay. We’ll go,” Sam said as the brothers dropped their bags.
“What about—”
“Ellen, if Jo and Rufus are out there, I’ll bring her back. You have my word,” you promised. Austin opened the door to let you out, and you three leave the room.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on,” Dean stopped his brother. “Why don't Y/N and I just go?”
“What? Alone?”
“Well, yeah. Somebody's got to stay here and start giving them Shotgun 101.”
“Yeah. Ellen,” he said before trying to go up the stairs when his brother stopped him.
“No. It's gonna go a lot faster if you stay and help, okay?”
“While you go get guns and salt and look for Jo and Rufus? That's stupid.”
“I’ll look for Jo and Rufus. Don’t worry, Sam, we got this.”
“You don't want me going out there,” Sam said when he came to the realization.
“I didn't say that.”
“Around demons.”
“He didn't say that,” you sighed.
“Fine, then let's go,” he smiled tightly before going up the stairs. Sighing, you and Dean followed him to the street which was still dead silent.
“I'll get the salt. You two get the guns,” Sam declared.
“We'll go together.”
“Dean, it's right there. Can we at least do this like professionals?” he asked as he raised his gun before heading for the Quick-Mart at the corner of St. Olaf and Riverside. You and Dean watched him go before heading to Big Louie’s where the guns were located.
“Dean, something isn’t right,” you confessed as you walked.
“With Sam? I agree.”
“No, with Roger. The guy with the glasses and the big ass ring on his finger. When we entered that church, I made sure everyone was alright and human, but that guy wasn’t. He’s not a demon, but he’s not human. I don’t know if the rest even know.”
“We’ll deal with that when we get back. Come on,” he said before entering the place. It was easy work getting the guns, it’s as if the demons didn’t even want to come at you. You were on your way back when you realized something.
“Where are the demons?” you asked.
“The demons. If they knew we were here, they would be up our asses, you know this. With Michael’s sword and Lucifer rising, they should be here. So, where the hell are they?”
“I don’t want to know. Let’s just get Sam and go.”
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Back at the church, it was time to try and get the civilians experts on guns. With the number of demons out there as they say there are, then everyone would need to know how to work a gun. While Sam and Dean taught them how to, you were standing off in the corner with Ellen to talk privately.
“I didn’t see Jo out there. I’m sure she’s fine if she’s with Rufus. Plus, she’s a strong woman. But, I’ll go back out there and check again. I promise you,” you said before looking up and seeing Roger fumble with his gun. Pattering her on the back, you walked over to him while Sam and Dean talked in another corner.
“Need some help?” you asked, hoping you would have time to try and figure out who the hell he is.
“Oh, I think I got it,” he stuttered as he fumbled with it again.
“Let me show you,” you said as you grabbed the shells from his hand. Upon the first contact, your eyes clouded over as you got another vision. Red, that’s all you saw. A ring, kind of like the one on Roger’s fingers. Faint screaming, that’s all you could hear. Roger pulled his hand away and that is when the pictures and screaming stopped.
“I got it,” he said sternly.
“O-Okay,” you whispered as you backed away from him slowly.
“I'll be back,” Ellen said, thankfully breaking yours and Roger’s stare.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“I can't sit here on my ass. My daughter's out there somewhere. I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get these people out of here.”
“No, wait. I'll go with you,” Sam said eagerly.
“Whoa, hold on. Can I talk to you for a second?” Dean asked as he pulled his brother out the door to talk privately. Going up to Ellen, you put a hand on her shoulder.
“I can go with you. I’m more useful up there than I am down here.”
“No, one Winchester is enough,” she said just as Sam and Dean came back. Sam looked at Ellen and she walked with him out of the church and onto the street. Walking over to Dean, you looked at him with a confused look.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” he sighed before helping the people with the guns. Sighing, you looked over at Roger to see him playing with his ring once more. There was something about that damn ring you didn’t like.
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trickkombowerskru · 6 years ago
Secrets-Jack Kline Imagine
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Request: Anonymous: Hi! Can you do an SPN imagine where you are Sam and deans little sister and secretly practice witchcraft and date Jack because they wouldn’t agree with either and you help Jack with his powers, how to become a hunter, how to fight, and you show him what you can do (and maybe he helps you too)?
A/N: There is the slightest and vaguest mention of Destiel, so I’m putting that in here as an author’s note since I don’t really consider that worth a warning, especially it could also just be taken as a friendly thing in the way it’s mentioned
Warnings: None
Being the little sister of Sam and Dean Winchester was never easy, well half sister. You were born years after the passing of Mary, after your father, John,  had a few week fling with your mother, who knew she wasn’t at a fit time in her life to take care of you.
She never even told John she was pregnant, just waited until you were born, tracked him down, and handed you off to him and your brothers. While you didn’t get to spend much time with Sam at first since he left for law school when you were young, Dean made more than sure that you were cared for, not just wanting to throw you off on Bobby.
When you were 7 you lost your father, being permanently in the care of both of your brothers, they did their best to keep you from going what they went through as children. Trying to teach you themselves, so you didn’t have to go from school to school to school every other month. They also tried to keep you  away from the hunting world as much as they could, until you turned 12, wanted to know what was going on, and all but forced them to train you. 
Since then far too much has gone on, you three saved the world more times than you could count, along with all sorts of craziness from Heaven, Hell, the Scooby gang, and everything in between. In the midst of that craziness came two things you wouldn’t think you would ever have to keep from your brothers. One being you harboring a crush on Lucifer’s son, and the other being your powers, which you discovered when you were 14. 
And as if having your brothers constantly be overprotective of you in general wasn’t hard enough as is, keeping secrets from them was even harder. You tried to work on your magic when they went on hunts alone and you were stuck back at the bunker, calling in Rowena to get tips and tricks.
She had helped you tremendously, but as your power grew, it was getting a bit harder to control and suppress. As for Jack well you knew your brothers wouldn’t approve, much like they hadn't of any of your other boyfriends, except way more since he was ya know the son of Lucifer who also couldn't control his powers. 
After he came around, your brothers more often then not put you on Jack Duty, letting you stay with him to make sure nothing crazy happened, since you were far more chill than they were with him and he seemed to relax around you. With all these times you helped him learn fighting techniques, monster weakness’, and everything else in between for hunting. Along the way you feel for his kind and naive nature, puppy dog eyes, and sweet lopsided smile.
Your feelings only grew when he came to you for help  with his powers and him eventually finding out about yours. You had a few close calls of almost kissing him, but held back just to prevent the awkwardness that it would cause. However much like your powers, the crush was finding itself being harder to hide. 
Today the guys were on a hunt in Colorado with Cas, one that according to Sam wasn’t going to take very long, again leaving you and Jack alone. After getting dressed you heard a knock on your door.
“Y/N, may I come in?,”Jack asks.
“Yeah Jack I’m dressed now, come in.”
“I did some research and I think I found an exercise that could help us both with our powers. If you’re interested we could try it,”
“Sure, we could try it for a bit, but I think maybe we should also relax and take it easy today, with everything going on we deserve a break every once in a while you know,”
“Yes, I do know, we can practice for a little bit, and then we can do something more......chill,” he says making you giggle slightly at the way he said chill not knowing if it was the right term. 
“Sounds good.”
You two practice the exercise, which unfortunately turned out to be crap, but afterwards you ended up practicing more fighting techniques, he tripped and took you down in the process. He was on top of you and you were both laughing right when your brothers and Cas walk in. 
“The hell is goin’ on here?,”Dean asks.
“Relax Dean, nothing is going on, we were practicing fighting and he slipped.” you explain trying to calm down your hot head of an older brother.”
“I mean if anything was going on you know it’s better to tell us now,” Sam intervenes.
“Sam I swear, nothing was going on you both can relax, why don’t you take your jackets off? I’ll make some snacks and we can all just binge watch terrible movies, have a little bit of a break alright?”
The guys agree and you get to work on the snacks, out of the corner of your eye you swear you see Jack blushing. 
Once your brothers are passed out, ridiculously sprawled across your rather small couch you were going to head to bed yourself, you shut off the tv, and were going to head up, when Cas’ voice stopped you. 
“Y/N could you help me get Dean’s head off of my shoulder?,” Cas asks.
You silently chuckle at the way Dean is somewhat snuggled up to Cas, before giving him an apologetic expression.
“As much as I would love to help, you know not to poke the bear,” you reply. 
Cas nods and sighs knowing he’ll be stuck sitting there all night or at least until Dean moves. 
Jack follows you up the stairs and you assume he is going to his room as well, until he follows you into your room.
“Hey Jack what do need?” 
“I need to talk to you, about what happened earlier,” he says, you can hear the nervousness in his voice.
“When we were that close I got this funny, weird feeling in my stomach.”
“What kind of feeling?”
“It was...warm...and pleasant. I liked being that close to you,’ he confesses.
You feel your face heat up.
“Well for what it’s worth I liked being that close to you to.”
“I have these...feelings...feelings for you...that I can’t explain.”
“Like romantic feelings?”
“Yes, I think so,”
“A crush?”
His face morphs into his  signature confused puppy look.
“Like you like me more than a friend,” you explain. 
He nods
“Then yes I have...a crush on you,” he admits. 
“I like you too Jack, I just don't want to have to lie to my brothers about you.”
“I’m sure if you just tell them they’ll understand.”
“I just don’t want them to freak out on you, but I also never thought you would return my feelings so alright, we can talk about this more in the morning and see where it goes.”
He nods and you decide to just take your chance, you lean in and give him a soft and slow kiss.
“That was nice,” he smiles.
“It was.”
He turns to go, but you grab his arm before he does. 
“You can um...stay with me tonight if you want to. And we can just explain it to the guys in the morning. 
“I’d like that.” He climbs onto the bed and you snuggle up to him, resting your head on his chest.
“Goodnight Jack.”
“Goodnight Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
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mcrninqstar · 5 years ago
Discord Chat: One Hell of a Family Meeting
SUMMARY: Lucifer hosts a family meeting to discuss the cosmic imbalance that may or may not be working in their favor.  TRIGGERS: One hell of a dysfunctional family WRITTEN WITH: @ofallenangel @mazikeenofmurders @ofhellsbells @ofleviathcns  @hcllprnce @ofdivinerage
LUCIFER: He wasn't entirely sure what in hell was going on, but it was clear his power, and the power of his siblings, had grown pretty much overnight. He'd been clear from the start. They are welcome on this plane as long as they do not start war. Trouble, mischief, fun, that was all fine. But war? No. He'd lost enough brothers and sisters during his own rebellion. He didn't need to lose anymore. "Alright," he called out, trying to get all their attention. "Settle down. I've got one simple question. What the hell is going on?"
Gadreel: Hadn't really ever been to many meetings since coming to Earth so the fact that Lucifer had asked for them to meet had been quite the deal not to mention that the angels were also meeting. He moved to take a seat glad that there was alcohol at this meeting taking a sip before looking around. "If I had to wager a guess its you lot coming so fast and sudden to Earth, You've all throw the balance out the blimey window"
Levi: Always one to enjoy some drinks and the chaos that ensued from a family meeting, he was more than happy to show up. Of course he would always come when Lucifer called, but didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy himself. “All I know is that it’s not my fault. I’ve been here since the nineties... I say we blame Gluttony, he’s not here and can’t defend himself.”
Mazikeen: Maze had been to more than a few meetings like this back when she'd worked alongside Lucifer in Hell. Usually in those kinds of meetings, she had to be the one to speak for Belphegor since the prince either didn't show up, was asleep, or just didn't do a great job keeping up with their records. It made things like this natural for her now. She didn't really work for Lucifer anymore, but she still held enough respect for him and his authority that she'd follow his guidance in how he wanted to deal with this and punish whoever had truly fucked all of this up. She stood not far behind Lucifer, leaning against the wall and twirling her daggers around her fingers as she thought about the problem at hand. "It'd be better if we kept to more realistic explanations," she pointed out, trying to keep the princes on track before they all started to play the blame game and point fingers at each other as they were prone to do when problems arose. 
Wrath: Wrath respected Lucifer and always showed up to these little meetings even if he found them to be incredibly boring. Balance this. Balance that. He couldn't give a fuck about balance. The scale had shifted in their favor and why shouldn't they take advantage of it. "I venture to guess Gadreel is correct. There are quite a few of us here now. Has anyone returned to hell recently?" he asked. "What's the status of home?" They were individually powerful, but hell as a whole? How was this affecting the domain? LUCIFER: "Thank you, Mazikeen," he nodded as she tried to get his siblings to focus. Honestly, some days running hell was like running a day care. He remembered why he hated family meetings. "You can't just blame Gluttony because you don't like him, Levi. That's not how that works. And where is Bell? Nevermind...I don't want to know," he sighed. He nodded as Gadreel mentioned that their rise in numbers likely attributed to the boost in their power, but one thing was unclear to him. "We've been together on earth before and it's never been like this. There's got to be more too it. Anyone collect any souls or make deals with any other deities that I should know about?" he questioned. Her turned to look at Wrath as he spoke. "I haven't been home recently," he acknowledged. He trusted that each of the princes was taking care of business, save Bell which is why he'd asked Maze to look in on her kingdom. "I haven't felt any stirrings or gotten reports of rebellion so I venture to guess home is thriving as much as we are." 
Gadreel: took a sip of his drink listening to everyone it'd been awhile since he'd been involved with such things being a duke he knew the other sins but barely worked with them seeing how Lucifer was the one he worked with closely. "Of course we've all been on Earth before but this balance is off for a reason, Michael brought in Gabriel  but no one has thought about controlling themselves while in this new age. People are running rampant and you club is overflowing, people have even taken to sex in the streets. have you guys be flexing you powers to those lower then you?"He questioned wondering just what had changed he'd never seen the humans this bad before and he'd been here during the dark ages. Beel, against his will, did go to the meeting. He was getting power like never before and everything his siblings wanted to do was reunite? Did they understand that hundred of orgies were happening and he was having the time of his damn existence? “This better be good.” Said right as he appeared, taking a seat and fixing his suit. “There’s always two or three of us in this world at the same time. Now we are five and heaven had to send two of their four archangels. Clearly humans lost their balance.” If only they cared enough about this world to destroy it, it would be gone by now. “I’ve got lots of deals in a matter of two hours. My duke was having trouble keeping up this morning.” 
Levi: He let out a sigh before relaxing in his chair "Us having a little fun wouldn't cause this. It would probably take all seven princes and then some putting their minds together to cause this." Whomever was behind this chaos had to be extremely powerful, weakening archangels was no easy task... and the rest? Well, Levi was quite impressed to say the least. "Like 'Bub, I've seen a large uptick in deals... and I will admit that a few souls have been collected, but nothing ahead of schedule. Please tell me brother dear, this little pow-wow isn't to come up with a solution."
Belphegor: It came to no one's surprise that Belphegor was late as usual. She pushed the door open as slowly as possible, hoping to waste as much time as possible to reduce her time actually spent there at this meeting. Maybe it could be over before she even stepped inside. Unfortunately, it sounded like they were still just getting started. She sighed, and walked over to the spot between Levi and Beel. She leaned against Beel and propped her legs up on Levi's lap. "Sorry, I'm late. I didn't want to be here." Of course, that wasn't the only reason she'd been late, but her brothers didn't need to know what she'd been doing, and she didn't care enough about telling them. She just made herself comfortable. They'd probably be here for a while after all. "Just let whatever happens happen." She shrugged.
Wrath: He had to agree with Beel, business was booming but it was strange. Levi had a point. At any given time, several of them were on Earth causing their own brand of chaos. Their presence alone wouldn't cause this paradigm shift. "What about the Horsemen?" he asked. "Balance tends to shift anytime one of them shows up." He hadn't seen any, but that didn't mean his brother's were as lucky. He heard the door scrap behind him and knew immediately before even turning around to look that it was Bell. He watched as she moved at an agonizingly slow rate to her seat. "Nice of you to join us for this one, Bell. Missed you at the last three," he recalled.
LUCIFER: He sighed and rubbed his temples as Bell walked into the room. He was surprised she'd even bothered to show up. "I had only one rule when I allowed free travel between earth and hell," he reminded them. "Just one. You may have your fun and fill of sin, but nothing overly demonic as to cause another bloody war," he replied as he stared each sin in the eye to suss out their reaction. He had the ability to send them all home, but he didn't want to do that. He didn't want to be the bad guy. "Sex in the streets, violent crimes on the rise...does this sound low key to you lot?" he asked. "Clearly, you have all forgotten what the war was like. I don't know about you, but I'm content right now. The last bloody thing I want is our Father intervening in our affairs. I haven't seen the Horsemen, but at this point it's only a matter of time before they show up too. So what I'm asking you all to do is to get your shit together."
Belphegor: She stuck her tongue out at Wrath. "Bold of you to think I wasn't sleeping under the table." 
Mazikeen: For anyone else, Mazikeen might have suggested they just torture them to get the truth about who was at fault here. Unfortunately, the princes were all well versed in forms of torture. Torture wouldn't be what got the truth out here, and if the princes were at fault here, none of them would admit to it. She had to admit though, if there wasn't the overhanging threat of God intervening, this would've been a perfect situation for them all. "We need more than them getting their shit together," she pointed out, sighing as she watched Belphegor sticking her tongue out at Wrath. "We need an actual plan on what we're going to do about all of this if we don't want Heaven raining down on us.
Beel raised an eyebrow and huffed. “I was summoned. Let me remind you that I don’t care about this damn world.” It was fun, really fun, but he’d rather stay in hell running his kingdom. Plus, at this point, hell was quieter with only Gluttony and Greed there. “I mind my business. If humans go crazy, I get fed and I enjoy it. You know too well that they are weak - they don’t need our push to sin. So, please, don’t start one of your speeches, leave that to Michael.” Maybe he was the oldest, but he didn’t have the energy to be behind the other princes. They do their thing unless help is needed, then he’s at their side without a second thought. “Shut it.” Though, many times that side of him could take over - giving Bell and Levi a look when they wouldn’t shut up, for example. “I believe them. I believe none of us is at fault here. Again, there’s no reason to.” The prince shrugged and hated the thought that came first. The ones that could fight sins, were the archangels or the virtues. Therefore — “Michael and Gabriel are the answer. If you want balance and it’s not our doing, then you need them.”
Levi patted Bells leg before grabbing his coat from the back of his chair and laying it over her lap, turning his attention back to the conversation. He could understand the frustration that others were feeling, part of him was worried about the consequences of the widespread sinning. "As much as I hate to admit it, Michael, Gabriel, and their ilk are the ones most likely to change things. We've never really been the ones to solve problems."
Gadreel: mostly didnt like the sound of blame being pushed into the archangels but then again they were the different factors and so was Zatanna, the women by all accounts should've never been able to call a archangel yet she had. " and just which one of us is going to take that trip across the street and question our unfallen brothers? I rather like not being smitted, while we are stronger they still hold plenty of strength, Lucifer, good or not they could see the fact of it being sin as an act of retaliation to the point where they call down the other two" he paused taking another sip "I'm tired of war, maybe you should speak to them?"
LUCIFER: "Beel, if you'd like to go home we can arrange that. I know you've got a contract with your vampire, but there are ways around that," he offered. He was surprised his brother had allowed someone that kind of power over him just for a little rendezvous to a realm he claimed to care very little about. He grimaced as the others chimed in that if they wanted to avoid war they'd have to work with Michael and Gabriel. He'd sort of pissed off the lot of them in the past couple days and was more than a little sure neither wanted anything to do with him. "Well, Gadreel," he said as he gave his duke a directed look. "Right now, you're the only one here with an angel in the outfield," he replied. Michael won't listen to any of them, he likely won't listen to Gadreel either, but he'll listen to the mage, Zatanna, and the mage had connections to both Gadreel and his angelic boyfriend. "I think you should be the emissary."
Gadreel: Smirked slightly at the the mention of Beel's vampire lover after all it was easy for any of the demons to see just how much power the vampire really held over the lustful demon. He found himself wondering just how much they were really tied to one another. So when Lucifer looked at him asking that he became the emissary between the angels and demon and he immediately downed his drink chuckling softly. "You wish me to act for all of you? then I'll need something from my brothers but mostly you Lucifer, You will no longer Mock the Mage Zatanna, she is closest to both Gabriel, Adriel and Michael, your constant pushing during Christmas mass has caused a break there" He replied taking another drink. "You can mock our unfallen brothers I care very little for those assholes but the mage must be kept out of it if I'll be able to act as emissary"
LUCIFER: Lucifer rolled his eyes at Gadreel's request. "Oh, come on, I was just having a bit of fun at Mass," he defended. Not his fault neither his brother nor the magician could handle a bit of good cheer. "Very well. The leggy magician is off the table. No one will harm her, tease her, antagonize her, or what have you. If Gadreel is to be the devil's emissary than we are to treat Zatanna as Michael's emissary. No harm shall come to either. Are we in agreement?" he asked, giving a pointed look at Wrath knowing that he was the magician's primary sin and a look at Beel knowing that just the fact he was dating the magician's brother agitated her. "Happy?" he asked as he looked at Gadreel.
Wrath: It was his turn to roll his eyes now. The magician held so much promise. The repressed rage and anger that dwelled inside her was delicious. Not to mention the power she held. If he pushed her in just the right way she'd be the equivalent of a hydrogen bomb. He wondered just how far he could push this new rule. Loopholes were a demonic specialty. "Yes, yes, the brunette and her tights are off the table," he concurred. "Anything else you want to write into your contract, Gadreel? A new car? Football stadium? House plant?" he tossed out lazily. He was getting tired of this show already.
Gadreel: Turned to face Wrath the one true Sin that would cause problems with being here, there were plenty of things the male could do to start something within the group of angels even if he didn't specifically attack the mage "Leave her Boyfriend alone as well, I know the way you work Wrath after all, I've been around quite a long time to know the loopholes that you may used to cause discontent among ranks human or demonic. The emotional status of that women can start a war just as fast as this little debacle we are facing now. " He replied smirking before turning back to Lucifer "Over joyed Luci, as for the contract Wrath how about a House plant, my garden is pretty bare here since my relocating to America, plus the idea of you getting me anything is quite pleasing."
Beel couldn’t help but take a deep breath. Did they call him for this? “Problem solved then. Hurray. Daddy is not coming down and Zatara is being kept alive.” He was more focused on playing with Bell’s hair, knowing that would put his sister to sleep. Always worked. Only good thing out of this and him losing his time, was confirming that Wrath and Levi were on his same side of the coin. Also the fact that Greed and Gluttony weren’t here because those two would have started the war hours ago, all by themselves. “I’m going back to my mansion.” The prince carefully got up, not wanting to make Bell uncomfortable with his movement. He was probably the most selfish out of them all - not giving two fucks about almost anything but his own fun. He didn’t do a thing to be part of Hell, anyway. It wasn’t his call, it was god’s and his anger was fed long time ago. “See you all later.”
Belphegor: Bell had only been at that meeting for a few minutes, but it still had gotten so boring. It wasn't long before she just let herself get completely comfortable while leaning on Beel and with her legs blanketed by Levi's jacket. They usually helped her fall asleep faster, and with the repetitive motion of Beel's hands in her hair, she'd fallen asleep nearly instantly. She likely wouldn't have offered anything else to their meeting even if she'd been awake, and they all knew that. This wasn't something that got solved with Bell's kind of help, not on a major scale anyways. She didn't really hear about the deal Gadreel was making, but Bell wasn't really much of a threat to it. The most she might do to the mage was sleep on her front porch after all. Bell slept through Beel's departure, simply laying across the chairs as comfortable as she'd been before. "Bye Bee," she muttered sleepily, having just enough enough awareness to recognize his absence despite being asleep.
Wrath: "The boyfriend too? My, my, that's mighty generous of you, Gadreel," he smirked, but conceded the point. "Very well, I'll keep my distance," he replied as he leaned back in his chair. "For the good of the family or whatever." He'd find other ways to poke that proverbial bear. It fascinated him that Michael of all the angels gave the magician so much leeway.  He was never one for mortals, but this one had captivated a part of him that was willing to go to war if she made the call. "As for the house plant, you can expect that in 5 to 10 business days. Hell doesn't do express shipping. I'm afraid we'll have to wait for Greed to collect Jeff Bezos before we can implement prime shipping," he teased before turning to Lucifer. "Well, that was fun. Are we done now?"
LUCIFER: He ignored his brother's flippant attitudes. Had they had the whole of hell riding on their shoulders they might've cared a bit more. It was easy to get comfortable here on earth, but how long can they ride a wave of comfort in the face of war? Going home to their kingdoms and preparing the troops was a lot less fun than simply heading downstairs and enjoying a drink with the rest of the sinners. He knew which task he'd rather be doing. "If we're all in agreement then yes, we're done here. Someone take Bell back to her room. This is a boardroom not a bedroom," he replied. Gods, he needed a drink. 
Mazikeen: She might not have been saying much, but she'd been listening to everything. She knew that it was often better to not say anything in these kinds of situations. If God wanted another war, she'd be ready for that. If push came to shove, she'd die for their cause and take as many feathered dumbasses down with her as she could. If she died, she wanted to go out fighting like that. For now, she wanted to avoid that war though. People like Chloe and Linda and Trixie, they didn't deserve to be put in the middle of that. She didn't say anything because she was annoyed with all of them since they were likely at least a partial cause of this, even if they weren't aware of it. Her annoyance with that would've just made her snap at them and make them behave even worse. She was glad that they came up with something, even if she wasn't sure how good of a plan that was. She was more glad when Lucifer said that they were done. "I've got her," she said as she picked up the prince, slinging her over her shoulder as if she were just a large sack. It wasn't the usual trash that Maze was used to taking out for Lucifer, but she had a history of cleaning up whatever mess Belphegor left, including Belphegor herself. "Later," she said to the remaining group, as she carried Belphegor out.
Levi grabbed his coat as Maze picked Bells up, smiling at his brothers "Well, not that this hasn't been fun... but there's some real fun to be had across town. A college cheerleading competition is happening and I plan to thoroughly enjoy it." he slipped his coat back on and headed towards the door, stopping to pat Gadreel on the shoulder "Thanks for taking one for the team Gaddy boy. Have fun with the boring side of the family." slightly teasing him while also wishing him luck before leaving the meeting.
Wrath: He got up, buttoning his suit jacket, and straightening himself up. He was glad this circus was over and that he hadn't been asked to do more than show up. "Always a pleasure, gentleman," he smirked. The youngest of them all seemed to have such a chip on his shoulder as of late. "Let me know if you change your mind about peace, brother," he replied. He'd be lying if a part of him didn't hope that this plan of theirs would fall through. "Best of luck, Gadreel," nodded, patting the Duke on the shoulder before making his way out of the boardroom.
Gadreel: knew it wasn't going to easy to get into their brother's good graces but it was enough to be something who could keep the peace before demon and angel. Of course  he was up for it all seeing how he was the closest to both of the groups during this time. "Truly a pleasure joining you all, Don't forget to order that Plant, Wrath after all those shipping times are truly Hell during this time" He replied smirking before taking a bottle from the table. "Luci we really must hang out more, but I'll do my best to keep us from war,I must get back to my angel" He winked at Lucifer taking his leave.
LUCIFER: With all his brother's gone, the devil grabbed the decanter from the table and poured himself a drink. No one liked family meetings, least of all him. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown," he reminded himself before drowning the drink and making his way back down to the club.
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thenextchapter22 · 4 years ago
PART 2! Sleeping in the Devildom!
Description: Your first night was an easy sleep, but your second not so much...
or….adventures and cute stories with a reader/MC who carries stuffed animals around all over Devildom.
Pairing(s): NONE!
Word Count: 1,615
Link to my AO3: Click Here
Author’s Notes:  Okay so I was not expecting so many likes for this, but thank you very much to all those reading! :3 I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Part One
Sleeping in your room while several demons slept in the same hallway was actually pretty easy the first night. You had passed out in the shockingly comfortable bed after dinner with the brothers (and wow was that a crazy time, you lived alone so you always ate alone and the banter was fun to watch, but the food was weird too) and snuggled close with your Panda stuffed animal Po, rubbing your cheek and nose in the ultra-soft plush tummy of the black and white bear that was about the size of a pillow. You even woke up with drool on her.
The first morning before school you had an eventful time meeting angels. Simeon was so pretty and kind, and Luke was hilarious with his huffing and puffing, but super energetic.
They didn’t seem to mind your stuffed animals, either, which was great. You said you stopped caring what people thought, but these were… immortal beings… so it was a little bit different than normal ‘people’.
Meeting the Angels
It was the morning of your first day at RAD and the room was full of demons, waiting for the new arrivals. You sat on the sofa between Belphie, who was falling asleep into his pillow, and Asmo, who was looking at himself in the mirror and fixing his eyeliner. Why, you weren’t sure. He looked gorgeous. You wore very little on your face, only a bit of liner and Chap Stick that was cherry flavored.
You held one of your oldest stuffed animals to your chest, trying to comfort yourself as best as you could. Meeting the Demons first was so shocking you didn’t realize how much it would have helped to have a soft or squishy friend in your arm until now.
Then, they strolled into the room. Lucifer stood to greet them, nodding his hellos, while you stared in awe. They gave off an aura that was so beautiful. Not a visible one, but it was like your soul was brighter, and your eyes were more open.
There were two of them, one was taller with dark hair, and the other shorter with blonde hair. Both wore white outfits, but had no wings which was sad. But you had only seen a few demonic forms so far—Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, his butler, and Lucifer, when you first came yesterday—so it wasn’t that surprising they would look human. It was probably easier to maneuver in hallways without huge wings or appendages like tails.
“And this is our newest human student.”
Oh, you were being introduced. You stood up and nodded your head, smiling a little shakily at them as Lucifer gestured to you. “It’s so nice to meet you!”
Simeon, the angel who seemed to know Lucifer after watching how they interacted, gave you a handshake that was elegant in the way he held your own hand like you were a princess or something. “A pleasure to meet you as well.”
The smaller one, named Luke, glanced up at you with a wide grin and said something of the same, but didn’t shake your hand. “You’re so pretty! And—oh, what is that? Is that a dog? You brought a dog to the Devildom?! Simeon, I want to bring a pet, pleeease?” He turned his eyes to the taller angel and begged.
Simeon chuckled. He pat Luke’s little head and the blonde haired angel huffed. “Celestial Pets would not survive here unfortunately. And I don’t think it’s a real dog, Luke.”
You shook your head. “Nope, it’s my stuffed animal. His name’s Fido. I know, super original, but I’ve had him since I was a kid.” You held him out for them to see. He was about 10 inches and was squeezable, and you felt he was perfect to take on your first day at RAD.
Simeon smiled kindly. “He’s lovely. Do you have others?”
Mammon spoke up from his place behind you on a separate piece of furniture. “Oh yea, loooads of ‘em. The entire bedroom is full, it’s insane.”
There was a smack, then a moan from the Greed Demon. “Shut up, Mammon, you insensitive prick,” Satan spoke up. “We’ve all got our collections.”
You were surprised Satan defended you but also happy about it. Knowing Mammon from the breakdown you had yesterday, he probably didn’t mean it to be insensitive, he just spoke before thinking.
“Well, then, I look forward to seeing more of your collection.”
Luke agreed. “Oh, me too! Do you have any with wings? Like a dove, or a peacock, or what about a flamingo!?”
And you all chatted for a bit, and you felt pretty excited for your first day. You were told you were going to meet one more person at RAD, and it had you giddy. Would they be just as kind? You hoped…
So yes, the first night was good, but after your first day at RAD—and that was a whole other story on craziness that included being overloaded with information on demon history and new math you would probably be terrible at, and also potions was a scary subject because you immediately thought of Harry Potter, and not to mention the many, many demons looking at you and probably wanting to either eat you or kill you—you just could not shut your eyes the second night.
It was past 11pm, the second day of school was tomorrow, and you had to get a good night’s sleep. It was obvious Lucifer demanded good grades from everyone. Sleep was an important part of that.
Maybe an almost midnight snack would help?
So you got up, put on a sweater over your long sleeved pajamas because it was pretty cold here at night, put your fuzzy pink slippers on, tucked Po under your arm, and went down the hallway as quiet as a mouse. You had a surprisingly good memory of places, and mazes were easy for you, and seeing as this house was a maze you found the kitchen quick.
You poured yourself a glass of milk—it looked like milk, and smelled like it, so you prayed it was milk—and sat on the barstool drinking it. Warm milk would be better, or tea, but you didn’t want to open cupboards and have anything bang or start the oven or stove, it looked way different from the ones at home.
There was a flickering of light in the corner of your eyes. You followed it to a room with books stacked high along the walls, and a couch and chairs around a fire going all by itself with brick towering above. Magic, perhaps, kept it burning.
The couch facing it directly was cozy looking so you sat on it, and sipped your milk staring into the hearth. Fire danced in your eyes and it hypnotized you. The warmth was great, and cascaded over your body like you were sunbathing. You liked the sun but heat without light was better, and this was perfect.
You found your eyes shutting and quickly placed Po beneath your head and yawned. Then you drifted into dreamland for a while, the heartbeat of the fire lulling you.
A soft touch on your body woke you up from slumber. The fire was blocked by a body, and your eyes opened and you glanced up to see Belphegor with his own black and white companion, his pillow, and noticed a blanket thrown over your body.
“The fire goes out at 4am, so you’ll get cold,” he said monotonously, then went to the next couch over and copied your position of laying on your side cuddled to your panda stuffie but him with his pillow instead, and you watched as he transformed in the blink of an eye. He was like a cow-hybrid, and had the tail just like one. He also had curled up horns, and you remember seeing those on other transformed demons. Was that a trait they all had?
His eyes glowed purple when he looked at you, mesmerizing like the fire but in a different sense. “Sleep, it’s late,” he said, curling his tail over himself like a small blanket.
And you did sleep, sort of instantly, too, the Sloth Demon following suit. It was probably one of the best nights of sleep you had in a long time.
“Aahhh~~ So cuuuteee!!”
The sound of photos being taken from a phone, and the squealing, woke you up. It felt too early, and you groaned, pressing your entire face into Po. “Uhhh, noo mom, please turn off the lights,” you begged.
A soft coo, then a poke to your cheek. “Aw, sweetie, it’s time to get up, although I hate to move you looking so darn adorable.”
You blinked away sleep and groaned, rolling your head back to see Asmodeus standing over you, dressed for the day in his uniform, and his D.D.D in hand, and still snapping pictures of you with it.
You covered your face with one hand. “No, stop,” you sleepily pleaded. “Too early, ‘m ugly.”
He shushed you and tapped your hand until it moved, and giggled when you cried as he took another picture. “You’re second to me in beauty, darling, don’t say such things! You and your cute little stuffed Panda bear, this is Devilgram worthy~”
There was a soft chuckle, and you shot your head over to see Belphie laughing at your face. “Beware, Asmo will post that almost instantly.”
“Already done!” the Lust avatar declared. “You’re famous, my dear~” he winked.
“You guys are so mean,” you pouted, shoving your face into Po. But little did they know, you were smiling the entire time.
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violetsmoak · 5 years ago
Pieces of April [8/?]
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21099044/chapters/50202530
Summary: On the anniversary of his death, Jason’s second life takes an abrupt new turn and he’s faced with a challenge that neither Batman nor the All-Caste prepared him for.
Rating: PG-13 (rating may change later)
Warning(s): Past Jason/Isabel, kidfic, minor canon character death (pretty sure you can guess who), I’ll add more warnings/tags as I think of them.
Canon-Compliance: Takes place in between the two RHATO series, so after Roy and Kori and before Artemis and Bizarro. Jason and Isabel Ardila
Author’s Note: Exactly what it says on the can. I’ve had this idea kicking around my head for a while, getting in the way of finishing the next chapter of Philtatos and I figured if I started jotting down the basics of it, I could stop thinking about it.
Tim drives to one of Jason’s safehouses in the Bowery, about halfway between his apartment and the bar where he found Jason earlier. The place is a rundown, fire-damaged building with boarded-up windows and a sign out front advertising cheap studios.
“Do you need any help?” he asks as Jason gets out of the car.
“Just how much stuff do you think I need?” is the irate response before Jason vanishes into the dilapidated lobby.
Tim scowls at his back.
Someone remind me why I’m helping this jerk again?
The memory of the very tiny human still in the nursery at Gotham General makes his facial muscles relax.
Given the circumstances, Tim supposes he can overlook Jason’s inconsistent moods. He needs someone to lash out at right now while processing, and it’s not like Tim isn’t used to it. Better him than the criminals of Gotham; Jason’s pretty good these days about not using lethal force, but he might not care so much if he goes out without his head on straight.
Speaking of going out…
Tim surprised when Jason actually returns to the car ten minutes later instead of just vanishing. As he indicated earlier, he doesn’t have very much with him, just a worn duffel bag that he tosses in the backseat of Tim’s Porsche before having himself back into the passenger seat.
“Hope there aren’t any severed heads in there,” Tim remarks lightly as pulls away from the building. “I just had the seats redone.”
Jason rolls his eyes. “A guy makes one grand statement and they never let him forget it.”
“You don’t want people to forget it.”
“True,” he agrees with a sharp grin that is anything but humorous.
It’s a short journey back to Tim’s place, but he still drives around the block to use the secret entrance to his base of operations.
“What, I’m not good enough for your front door?”
“Be my guest. Say hi to Vicki Vale when you do, she’s usually lurking nearby.” When Jason shoots him a sharp, questioning look he elaborates, “An occupational hazard of being the face of WE is having paparazzi camped out around my place every now and then. I figure you don’t want your face showing up on the front of the Gotham Gazette.”
“Yeah, that might have been worth mentioning when you offered your guestroom.”
“Guess it’s a good thing like all responsible Bats, I have an underground secret hideout.”
He pulls into the back alley and flips the switch that activates the hidden ramp; the ground falls away and leads down toward the carpark. Tim won’t lie, he enjoys the way Jason’s eyebrows go higher the further in they get. The rest of the Family doesn’t come here—even during citywide emergencies, the agreed-upon convergence point tends to be the original Batcave—so Tim doesn’t have a lot of opportunities to show off.
And maybe showing off to his former childhood idol is something that doesn’t go away, no matter how many years or murder attempts.
That subbasement is nowhere near as large as any of the Caves, but there are two other cars and a half-dozen motorcycles in various states of modification parked in a circle. Tim eases into the only empty space and cuts the engine.
“Welcome to the Nest,” he says as he gets out of the car. “It goes three floors up not including this level. Outside it looks like just another apartment building behind my place, so no one would expect an actual secure installation inside.” He gestures as he speaks. “Ground floor’s got my crime lab and containment units, the second floor’s all training stuff, and the third’s the communication’s hub. There’s even aerial access, but I haven’t had to use it yet.”
Jason shakes his head. “Must be nice to be Dad’s favorite.”
“I wouldn’t know, you’d have to ask Dick.”
“Is that a popcorn machine?”
“No self-respecting hero’s lair should be without one,” Tim quips. “Come on, the living area’s this way.
They head up the stairs to the main level, and Tim doesn’t miss the appreciative glances Jason casts his tech and gear. He opens his mouth to offer to hook Jason up—extend the olive branch, so to speak—but stops himself; he doesn’t know if, after this whole baby adventure is over, Jason’s even going to want to stay in Gotham.
He slides open the hidden door, revealing Tim’s apartment. It’s the same deliberately clean open-concept room as he left it, except for one change. Across from the aquarium that hides the entrance switch, Tam Fox is reclining on the divan in the living room, one hand holding a glass of wine and another flipping expertly across her tablet.
She startles at the sound of the secret door sliding open, and that movement makes Jason tense, fingers ready to grasp for a weapon if need be.
“Relax,” Tim tells him, unsurprised when Jason does the opposite. “She knows everything.”
“And that’s reassuring how?”
“I trust Tam with my life, and to put my interests above WE’s or Bruce’s,” he explains. “Since at the moment you and I are working together, that means she puts your interests above WE and Bruce’s too.”
“She can hear you and knows how to speak for herself,” Tam quips, putting down her glass and standing up. “Who’s this?”
“This is Jason, the friend I was telling you about.”
Tim can almost hear Jason scowling at that; he trusts new people about as much as Bruce does.
Funnily enough, they both make the exact same face.
“And since when is there wine in my apartment?”
“Since you sent me scrambling around Gotham running errands, you generously decided to buy me a bottle of this very nice Riesling,” she replies, studying Jason. “When you said you had a friend with an emergency that required diapers, I was expecting Batgirl. Or Wonder Girl. Or Pru. Or, heck, even that Lynx-woman.”  
“Lynx?” Jason repeats, shooting Tim a disbelieving look. “Ghost Dragons Lynx? There’s no way you have that much game.”
“Then he didn’t tell you about what almost happened in Paris,” Tam informs him.
“Anyway,” Tim interjects. That’s all he needs is for Jason to hear about his own near brush with fatherhood. “This is Tam. Officially she’s my personal assistant, but I think ‘friend and confidante’ covers the relationship a lot better. And Tam, this is—"
“Jason Todd,” she says immediately, her eyes fixed on the other man in disbelief. Tim is momentarily caught off-guard. “It took me a minute, but I recognize you anywhere.”
Okay. I didn’t expect that. Though I probably should have. The Foxes were invited to all the same benefits and events Mom and Dad were. She probably knew or knew of Jason.
“Tam,” Jason repeats, tilting his head to one side and frowning at her for a moment like he’s trying to place her. His expression clears. “Tam. Tamara. Fox, right? You knocked Ned Davenport into a potted plant during Bruce’s birthday party one year.”
For once this evening, Tim is the one to feel a little bit off balance. Jason never talks about his time at Wayne manor in anything but unpleasant terms. And yet, Tim knows from Alfred’s stories that there were happy times and that once, Jason was as much a part of life at the manor as Tim or Damian.
 “He deserved it for ‘accidentally’ grazing my boobs when he passed by. Three times. And—and that’s not the point! You died!”
“I got better,” he replies with a bitter twist of his mouth.
She gapes for a moment, then reaches for her glass and downs the remainder of it.
“I’m going to become an alcoholic before I’m 25,” she tells the empty glass in a resigned tone before turning back to Jason. “Okay. I don’t even question this stuff anymore,” she informs him. “He could show up tomorrow with the Devil himself and I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Kid Devil, maybe. Lucifer doesn’t like Gotham. He's more of a beach-party kind of guy."
Tam stares, clearly unsure if Jason is being serious or not; Tim actually isn’t sure either and decides to change the subject.
“You want something to drink?” he asks as he heads for the kitchen. He doubts Jason will notice or care, but his mother raised him to be polite even to people that don’t like him. “I doubt you want anything alcoholic after everything today, but I think I’ve got Zesti—”
“Water,” Jason says absently, looking around the apartment. Now that Tam has been proven as a non-threat, he’s clearly more interested in assessing his surroundings.
He notices the large pile of boxes and bags by the stairs at the same time Tim does.
“What the hell’s this?”
“I called Tam and said it was an emergency and that we needed a few things.”
“This is not a few things.”
“Well, you don’t know how long you’re going to need them,” Tam replies. “Congratulations, by the way.” Tim can’t see Jason’s expression, but doubts it’s a good one from the way Tam quickly adds, "Or no congratulations? Where are we on the whole 'congratulations' thing?”
I don’t think either of us has the energy to get into what happened with Isabel just now. Redirection time.
“Did you have any trouble picking up the stuff?” Tim asks as he gets two glasses from the kitchen cupboard.
“Trouble?” she snorts, and her voice instantly goes from bemused to annoyed. “Do you know how hard it was to get all of this delivered without someone seeing me? Or seeing that it was baby stuff? That’s all I need now is Vicki Vale adding cradle-robbing and teen parenthood to her stories about us.”
“What’s Vicki doing this time?” Jason asks.
“She’s been trying to prove Tim’s Red Robin for the better part of a year,” Tam says. “She tried to get me to confirm that last year when all those ninjas tried to kill us, but I panicked and said we were engaged just to distract her.”
“Talk about taking one for the team,” Jason mutters.
Tim glares at him, and if he shoves the glass of water into his hands a little more forceful than he needs to, oh well. “She trots out that dead horse whenever Tam and I happen to be in the same room together.”
“Which is doing wonders for my career,” Tam deadpans. “People already scream nepotism because of who my father is, but now I’ve been reduced to either Tim Drake-Wayne’s assistant or Tim Drake-Wayne’s fiancée.”
“Hope he’s paying you overtime,” Jason says and wanders over to the intimidating tower of cardboard and plastic. He makes a face. “How much of this shit did you order? There’s like a lifetime supply of diapers here.”
“Trust me, that’ll last a month if you’re lucky,” Tam informs him. “My nieces and nephews did nothing but eat and poop for the first year of their lives.”
Jason appears vaguely horrified. His gaze rests on something else. “Is that a car seat?”
“How else were you expecting to bring home a baby? Carry her on a subway?”
Neither man has a response to this.
“Oh, this is going to go well,” she sighs. “Neither of you has any idea what you’re doing, do you?”
“That would be putting it lightly,” Tim acknowledges, and side-eyes Jason. “We should probably sit down and talk options, but that can wait until tomorrow if you want.”
“Tomorrow,” Jason agrees, and he sounds so exhausted and lost, that Jason takes pity on him.
“Come on, then. I’ll show you to the guestroom,” he offers and starts up the stairs. “It’s right next to the bathroom, if you want to shower. The water pressure here’s not great—” He shrugs, as if to say, ‘Park Row, what can you do?’ “—but it’s unlimited hot water.”
Surprisingly, Jason follows without comment.
“I’ll be here,” Tam says, and there’s an undertone to her words that suggest she’s not going anywhere until Tim explains the whole story.
And isn’t that going to be fun…
Your feedback matters! I want to know what you think of my story, so feel free to leave kudos, a comment or as many of these emojis as you want and let me know how you feel!
❤️️ = I love this story! 😳 = this was hot! 💐 = thank you for sharing this 🍵 = tea spilled 🍬 = so sweet and fluffy! 🚔 = you’re under arrest! the writing’s too good! 😲 = I NEED THE NEXT CHAPTER 😢 = you got me right in the feels
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