#the notes I took XDD
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countlessrealities · 10 months ago
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Send a 💋 for a short drabble on a time our muses kissed || Selectively accepting !
@mcltiples sent: 💋 { To Evil Rick from My Weird Rick ! }
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There were many things Rick didn't understand of the shows his partner had him sitting through whenever he didn't feel like watching them on his own. Almost everything relating to relationships, romantic ones especially, puzzled him, because he could never relate to the dynamics. No matter how much researching he did, no matter how deeply he dissected them. They never fully made sense.
And, as a consequence, copying the motions felt unpleasantly unnatural to him.
Yet, that hadn't stopped him from trying over and over. The moment he had understood how much his alternate enjoyed that nonsense, he had directed a decent amount of time and effort in providing the other with at least some of it. At times, forcing himself wasn't easy because of how tedious or foolish it all was in his eyes, but he had quickly come up with a way to make it all less obnoxious for him: he had started to put his own spin in the scenarios, adding the sort of flavour he could enjoy despite the absurdity of the situation.
Of course, seeing that his partner enjoyed his adaptation had spurred him on getting creative with them.
Lately, he had noticed one particular recurring scene in many of the movies his alternate so assiduously consumed. Yet another thing that made no sense to Rick, but that seemed worth the trouble...if done how he was picturing it. Besides, there was a new prototype of nano-explosive he wanted to test.
It was the perfect chance to catch two birds with one stone.
The plan was easily set in motion while his partner was occupied in another room of the bunker, busy enough for Rick to be sure that he wouldn't come out before he was done.
The text subject he had procused for that particular occasion was appropriate for what he had in mind: an alien belonging to a species whose members were mostly made of fluids and gelatinous tissues.
Strapping it on the ceiling after having paralysed it so that it wouldn't make a sound was easy. Calculating the right amount of explosive to inject inside it, instead, was a little trickier and Rick checked his calculations thrice before proceeding. The smallest mistake could have ruined the whole set-up.
When his alternate joined him, just as he knew the other would have, everything was ready. Rick had come to stand underneath his chosen guinea pig and, once his partner was within arm's reach, he didn't hesitate a split second to grab him by the front of his jacket and yank him forward.
His other hand hit the button of the small remote control he was holding and the moment thick blood and cold pieces of organic matter started to rain down on them, he pulled the other into a kiss.
The gesture was as sloppy as the mess the exploding creature had made, with all too much biting and too little kissing, the taste of his alternate's blood mixing with the alien fluids on his tongue. His grip on the other's clothes was too tight, forcing them too stiffly close for them to achieve the right angle, but that didn't stop him from holding them there until the last drop had fallen.
By the end of it, they were both soaked from head to toes in blood and gore, which was the result Rick had been aiming to achieve. After all, the characters in the movies always got soggy wet during those scenes, so he had assumed that this was how it was supposed to go.
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"K-Kiss in the rain," he announced taking a step back, in a flat tone that certainly didn't convey the right sort of sentiment. "C-Carry on."
And with that, he turned on his heels and headed back to the workbench were a bunch of unfinished toxins were waiting for him. One task achieved, onto the next.
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popopretty · 2 years ago
BSD Chapter 108
In the narrow room - Part 4
Finally a longer chapter, and it was such a roller coaster!!! Now I don't know what is true anymore and I can't wait to see what will happen next.
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Please note that neither my English nor Japanese is perfect. Please let me know if you find any mistake!
Sigma shows the piece of paper he picked up earler (that has the word "Help!" written in Russian) to Fyodor and asks him if he is the one who wrote it. Upon seeing the piece of paper, Fyodor has a breakdown. He starts screaming and keeps saying "Help me! Help me" in Russian. When he finally calms down, his experession changes and he looks like another person. He asks Sigma what year it is.
Atsushi is fighting Akutagawa. He keeps calling to Akutagawa, saying that he knows Akutagawa is still there. Because he didn't kill Aya, and Atsushi knows that it is because of their promise. He tells Akutagawa that the 6-month limit has not been over yet so it is not yet time for them to fight each other. Akutagawa doesn't seem to listen and keep fighting him, forcing Atsushi to launch a counter attack. But when he is about to his Akutagawa's face, he stops himself because he thinks he is gonna kill Aku with the tiger strength if he is not protected by Rashomon. Akutagawa takes the chance and catches Atsushi by his arm and leg by rashomon.
Atsushi shouts to Akutagawa to wake up, reminding him that he wants to become stronger. He says that the real strength is not when you compare it with each other, but it is the strength to face with your own self, and that is the "real strength" that Dazai is looking for. Upon hearing that, Akutagawa has some reaction, and Atsushi thought it has worked. However, Akutagawa goes a head and rips Atsushi's arm and leg off. (Bram is seen watching that while saying 'He is not that naive')
Back to Sigma and Fyodor, the "new" Fyodor tells Sigma that the Fyodor that Sigma knows is the bad guy, and that he can not stop "him". But he can see hope in Sigma so he takes out a knife and asks Sigma to take it. He says it is the "Sword Kladenets", and it may look like a normal dagger, but it is similar to the holy swords and is the only thing that can kill "the one that is his ability". He holds it out to Sigma while saying sorry because the bad Fyodor is the one born out of his weakenesses, and that he has let his own abiliity take over him.
Sigma lowers the knife bun and reaches out to take the dagger, but when he gets closer, Fyodor turns back and stab him with the same knife, saying 'Just kidding'. Fyodor then tells Sigma that it is just an act to get Sigma to lower the knife. And that multi personality act is so cliche, but it can make people lower their guard, and that the dagger is no more than a normal life he took from the guard.
Fyodor asks Sigma if it is painful. Because if he becomes an agency member, that pain will keep coming to him as the agency is Fyodor's enemy. He then asks Sigma if he still wants to become a member of ADA despite all of that. Sigma tries to get his gun back but his move is all read by Fyodor. Fyodor then tells Sigma that now that he knows how determined Sigma is, he will let Sigma touch him and read whatever he wants to read, if Sigma has that courage to do so.
Fukuchi is on the call with the Secretary in the government, who has no option now but to tell him how to unlock One Order. The Secretary questions Fukuchi about his action, and tells Fukuchi that he will have to throw away all the Fukuchi fan merchs he has at home now (TN: Sorry it is so funny I have to include it xDD). Fukuchi tells him to just do that and finally opens One Order.
Aya and Bram sees a bright light from the tower when One Order is unlocked and Bram says there is just secondds until the world burns.
That's all for this month's chapter! The next one will be released on August 4 (Japan time).
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter just like I do.
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factual-fantasy · 29 days ago
Heya Factual! Hope things are going as good as they can on your end! Sorry it's been a bit since my last Ask, I got sick AGAIN and have been out of commission for a while now. But at last I have returned! Sorry to see your still having some technical troubles- really hoping you can figure it all out!
Also, I wanted to thank you! While I was sick, inspired by your art, I decided to give Sky a try on mobile (just got a new phone), and while I'm still super early in the game, it seems really cool! I'm not sure how linear the game is, but I figured I'd ask, as a veteran, do you have any advice or pointers for a beginner? Anything of interest I should check out or invest in? (Oh, and also, sorry about the color swap disappointments, sounds like a real bummer!)
And lastly, unrelated, I really liked the Pomni and Gummigoo art you did a few days back! I really like both of them together, and would love to see more of their story later down the road! Though I was wondering, you mentioned Max and Chad both stuck around in your AU too! Any cool redesign or story ideas for those two? Do they stick with Gummigoo, or have they branched out over time into the other friend groups?
(Color swap disappointment post) (Pomni and Gummigoo post)
Hello! Oof, sorry to hear that you got sick again <:(( But I'm glad you seem to be feeling better! As for my tech issues I have gotten a new chord for my tablet and have downloaded a fresh FireAlpaca. So far none of the screen glitches have come back and FireAlpaca is working perfectly! :))
Also thank you! :DD I'm glad you liked it!! :}} And while Chad's ref sheet is done, Max's is still in the sketch stage. I just haven't gotten around to finishing him <:/
Now their friend groups.. I was thinking that not many circus goers really vibe with NPCs all that much. So the number of people who they can make genuine friendships with is limited.. that being said I think Chad and Max would find a solid friendships with Gangle and maybe Zibble and uhhh... Ms. Wiggles..? Maybe? :0
Gangle has a soft spot for NPCs thanks to Bella and respects them more than others. So out of the 3 I think their friendships would be strongest with her.
Now sky.. ohhh boy prepare for a wall of text <XDD (Note there is a little spoiler for something in Golden Wasteland!)
Alrighty, so when I got this ask I sat down and made a list of every little nugget of sky advice I could possibly think of. Until eventually I took a step back and realized that a lot of it wasn't really solid advice or pointers <XDD so I cut the list down into somethings that I either wish a veteran would have taught me when I was a moth. Or things I found out too late and missed out on something or anything like that. Plus some advice I've tired really hard to beat into other moths heads for their own good but they never understand me in game <XDD
First off. Seasons, reoccurring events and non reoccurring events. Its important to know the difference between the three for this advice.
Seasons are limited-time themed events that come with the option of purchasing an Season Pass, which allows players to access extra Cosmetics and Expressions during the Season in exchange for an in-game purchase.👇👇👇
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Special Events (also called Holiday Events). These are limited-time events introducing new cosmetics themed around real-life celebrations. Most Special Events recur annually. Some of these events take place in the Secret Area, accessible from the Vault of Knowledge. They are separate from, but may overlap with, Seasonal Events and Double Currency Events.👇👇👇
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Non-recurring Events (or Short Events). These events are special or unannounced events that do not repeat or return due to their special characteristics. This list also includes events that have not been confirmed to return nor have a history of recurrence.👇👇👇
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Alrighty, got that all processed? I hope so <XD Now onto my advice.
1: Collaborative in app purchase items (items you need to buy with real money) will never return. Let me explain.
In sky there is a reoccurring event made by sky called days of fortune. (Its basically a Chinese new year event) Its going on right now actually! :0 This event has come back once a year every year. And the cosmetics that you need to purchase with real money have come back every time too.
However, the Cinnamoroll collaborative event? That event and all of the items it brought with it will not reoccur.
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You have to be careful and check every event and make sure its one that will return. If its a collab season like Cinnamoroll and you don't buy the items? They will vanish and you wont have the chance to buy them ever again :( I learned my lesson the hard way when I didn't buy the fox plush and the yellow scarf from season of the little prince years and years ago. 😔 Up to this point the little prince's in app purchase items have not returned since.
This goes for collaborative seasons as well. Season of the little prince, season of aurora and season of moomin, etc, will not have their in app purchase items return. Be careful to know which is which during the event/season so you don't regret anything!
Another note about non returning items: While individual spirits that you can relive the memories of, can return as traveling spirits once every 2 weeks.. any items that the guide of that season offers will be unavailable after the season ends. 👇👇👇
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Also speaking of traveling spirits, here's some advice I had to figure out myself. As someone who has every single traveling spirit in the game? As long as you have 200 candles, 40 hearts and 20 ascended candles? You will be able to afford all the cosmetics from ANY traveling spirit that shows up. If you keep a nice candle run schedule this wont be too hard to keep up with!
Also note about traveling spirits. They can take a looong time to return. When I first started playing I bought out half the items a traveling spirit offered before he left. I knew he would come back so I wasn't upset. But it took 2 REAL LIFE YEARS. 2 WHOLE YEARS for him to FINALLY come back. So this is why I advise you be really careful with the 200🕯️,40💝 and 20🧨. It would suck a lot if a spirit showed up that you really liked!.. Only for you to not afford it and have to wait a year or two to see it again <XDD
Now currency. Sky tries to make out that ascended candles are the most valuable currency. This is a load of bologna. By far the most valuable and sought after currency is hearts. You can go and get ascended candles by yourself all you want. But hearts have to be given to you by other players in one way or another. Which makes them EXTREMELY hard to get for some people. My advice is to hoard those things like your life depends on it. Try to have a stock pile of at least 30 to prepare for any temporary and expensive items that may come your way. Don't go and blow them all on the home spirits like I did <XDD
Now candle runs.. a lot of players will tell you you have to do a candle run through the ENTIRE GAME to keep up with sky's bonkers prices. Which is sometimes true... However, I have recently discovered this candle run route on YouTube that has helped me loads! I modified it a little and don't do the turtle thing, but if you're worried about runs that take hours this could be very useful to you! About a week or soo of keeping up with it and I'm almost at 400 candles! :)))
Another thing I want to advise is the whole ultimate reward thing in the home constellations. (Random google images)
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The game will tell you that if you ascend all the spirits in a realm constatation, that it'll unlock the "ultimate reward". Which is that question mark in the middle. Typically this means you just gotta buy every single item from every single spirit in that constellation and the reward will be unlocked.
THAT IS NOT THE CASE HERE!! You do NOT have to buy the VERY EXPENSIVE tier 2 capes that some spirits offer. Just everything else. So repeat you buy everything the spirits offer, but you DO NOT have to buy the super expensive tier 2 capes in order to unlock the ultimate reward. Save your hearts, you're welcome! XDD
Now the Golden Wasteland advice. As a veteran I NEED to teach you HOW to burn down this plant in wasteland.
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This plant is in the last area before the temple in wasteland. Not to be confused with the GIANT PLANT that's in the area infested with Krill. This is the smaller one after it. And there has been DOZENS UPON DOZENS of times a moth has come by to help me burn it down and not known how to do it. I've sat there for 20 minutes each time trying DESPERATLY to communicate what order to burn the plant down but they never get it. So I shall teach you!
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Hopefully that little comic got my point across! XD
Another word of advice is to check out nastymold on YouTube! She is a very sweet and soft spoken YouTuber that plays the beta version of sky. She gets all the updates early and makes short videos explaining everything you need to know about any events or seasons. If you're ever confused about anything or are afraid you may miss out on something in an event, just check out her channel! No doubt she's already covered it and explained it for you so you don't miss nothing!
Now my last word of advice for you is this. Take the game slow. Really soak up your moth days and take your time playing it.
Many veteran players are heartbroken that they let another veteran drag them through their moth days and didn't really get to explore or experience anything naturally for themselves. And other veterans just miss their moth days in general. When the game felt huge and there was so much to explore and so many things to save and grind for.
I don't think I'm like that personally, I'm way more relaxed as a veteran knowing I understand how the game works and I'm not missing out on anything. But I can understand missing those moth days feeling like a kid running around and seeing all the beautiful things for the first time.
So just take things nice and slow. Soak up the game at a nice pace. if there's an event that you'd like to partake in but don't understand it just watch nastymold. She always has a sweet little video that tells you all you need to know without really dampening your moth experience. You can only be a moth once.
Well that's all the actually practical advice I had on my list. I hope you find some use in this wall of text XDD thanks for reading and see you in the skies! 💞🕊️
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cyber-dump-171 · 5 months ago
Chapter 1: Roadside Help
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The End is Near (Gravity Falls x Reader)
← Prologue | Masterlist | Chapter 2 →
Word count: 6.9k.
WARNING: mentions of violence, nausea, blood, injuries, weapon and gun usage, a monster, and body horror.
Note: thank you for the likes and reblogs! Btw, this is the first time I write a character with a country accent, I apologize if it's horrible xdd
‘Good evening, folks! Or is it morning? Well, either way, fantabulous of you to tune in at The New Wave Network, where we’re grooving no matter the time of day! It’s the 2nd of October and the clock strikes at 1:15 a.m. Hoo boy! We’re just a few weeks away from Halloween, so, let’s set the mood with Shadowplay’s new wicked song “The Graveyard Shift”. Have a listen, folks!’
As you step on the accelerator, pine and cedar trees zoom past your window and the outside world becomes a blur. You've been surrounded by greenery and nature for two hours now, and while it's been a pleasant sight at first, you're quickly becoming concerned as the scenery repeats itself. Your destination seems completely unreachable, almost non-existent.
When you woke up two days ago, you didn't expect to uproot your entire life and move halfway across the country for your job. It started when you arrived at the precinct that morning; a week earlier, rumors of a possible promotion in your unit had spread like wildfire, leaving your colleagues and friends suddenly on top of their game.
For example, Craig, who always had food stains on his shirt and an unshaven face, wore immaculate button-downs and slicked-back hair. Jack, who had always flipped the bird at your boss whenever the old man wanted something, now happily made his coffee and showered him with sickly sweet compliments.
You, on the other hand, were content with your position as a forensic scientist. That's not to say that the possibility of a better salary and even having your own office away from the row of wall-to-wall cubicles wasn't tempting, but you weren't exactly desperate for a change within the precinct. You were planning on moving sometime soon.
But that thought flew out the window as your boss immediately dragged you into his office and offered you the opportunity. But what the rumors didn't tell you was that it wasn't a promotion... you were being transferred to another precinct to fill an empty position and it offered better benefits, like a new house and a higher salary... though it was in the middle of nowhere.
It was a tempting offer, and you almost gave in when you were shown a picture of the beautiful house. But something kept nagging at you: the town. Gravity Falls? Never heard of it. Sure, you don't know every single place in the United States, but something about it told you to not take that chance.
When asked why you were chosen, your boss simply replied: “You’re the perfect candidate for this.” He didn't let you probe further into his answer but fervently insisted on hearing your verdict. He almost checked the "yes" box on the form until you physically stopped him.
“I’ll think about it,” that didn’t last long, because as soon as you exited the office and made a beeline to your cubicle, you ran into Jackson Murdock, an asshole who thought he was more important than the moon and who worriedly took far too much pleasure in pestering you, leaning against your desk and sneering that he would love to take said “opportunity”. 
So, without a moment’s thought, you turned right back around and shook your boss's clammy, wrinkled hand. His smile was rather off-putting as he handed you the paperwork.
And that's how you found yourself here, your entire life packed into a myriad of cardboard boxes shoved into your car as you drive through a darkly lit, foggy forest. You were supposed to arrive five hours earlier but ended up getting stuck in traffic due to a massive accident. 
The soft rock tune from the radio fills the quiet space as you tighten your grip on the steering wheel, desperate to stretch your legs. “Fucking hell, where are you, Gravity Falls?” as if on cue to your annoyed tone, you finally drive past a massive weathered billboard with the town's name accompanied by a: ‘Nothing to see here!’. 
“Finally,” you murmur in relief as exhaustion tugs at your eyes, the coffee from earlier did nothing to keep the sluggishness at bay. You lean forward, eyes squinting as your foot deftly shifts to gently press against the brakes, slowly decreasing the car's speed. The last thing you want right now is to miss a possible exit into town and end up deeper in the woods.
Speaking of which, you knew that Oregon was famous for its breathtaking scenery and gorgeous natural landscapes, but where the hell were you driving? Outside your window, the forest looked like something straight out of those recently popular horror movies that everyone in the precinct was talking about.
Tall, monster-like trees stretched far into the sky, their dense foliage and branches so intertwined that it was almost impossible for any of the moon's rays to penetrate through and illuminate the dirt road. Past the bare nature that forms a pathway, there is nothing to see, not even other trees, rocks, or signs of wildlife. It's completely pitch dark and dead.
Your stomach is in knots, perhaps from the lack of food or the scenery outside. Whatever it is, you need to get through this as soon as possible, because you're exhausted, and the less you're near this road, the better. You crank up the heat a little more and take a sip of the now-cold coffee that sits on the cup holder, as the engine of your car hums quietly climbing over a dirt hill, its dim headlights breaking through the thick fog.
But before you get very far, you come across a peculiar sight. Down the small hill, parked on the right between some large rocks, is an old, somewhat battered red pickup truck. Exaggerated clouds of thick smoke billow from the raised hood, and through your window you notice a pair of hands clutching some tools in a desperate attempt to repair the car.
Curious, you approach the vehicle and catch a glimpse of what you assume to be its owner, blowing away the gray clouds while coughing furiously, his small round glasses barely hanging from the tip of his nose and his green patterned shirt stained with grime. Your headlights cast a shadow on the car, and when the man hears the sound of your car’s engine, he lifts his head excitedly, but accidentally smacks his forehead against the hood.
You cringe at the image and watch as the poor man stumbles away from the truck, holding his head in pain as he almost falls to his knees. You feel sorry for the guy, not only did his car break down in the most eerie place possible, but it also happened in the middle of the night. Still, you remain cautious, silently reaching for the police-issued Taser tucked in the left pocket of your coat, which is haphazardly lying on the passenger seat on top of your purse.
Even though the man looks scrawny, and you assume that if he were to throw a punch it would only leave a nasty bruise, you can't help but think that he might want to inflict some harm on you. You've read countless files, back in the archival rooms of your old precinct, of victims who kindly stop to aid others only to be robbed or even murdered in return. 
Dazed, the man looks up in the distance at your car, and his eyes light up in pure relief at the sight but are quickly replaced with desperation as he furiously wails his arms around, silently begging you to stop. Meanwhile, you maneuver the vehicle to the side of the dirt road, harshly pulling on the hand brake as you swiftly attach the taser’s holster to your belt before quickly lowering your sweater to cover it. 
Cold, harsh air bites at your warm skin as you lower your window, making sure to keep your feet near the accelerator and your left hand on the hand brake to book it as soon as this man tries to do anything remotely suspicious. Soon, two shivering hands cling to your windowsill and you’re finally able to get a better look. You noticed that he clumsily cleaned his face and glasses using his sleeve. ‘He’s rather cute.’ 
“Yer a lifesaver! I’ve been sittin’ here for what feels like a whole eternity!” he exclaims in a thick country accent, giving you a closed-eyed smile as he shivers from the freezing wind. You make a small note of his fast speech and silently wonder if it’s the temperature or an underlying anxious habit. 
“No problem, what can I do to help?” you don't mean for your voice to sound so monotonous, but you're exhausted from the long drive and the eerie atmosphere isn't helping. The man removes his hands from your car, opting to shove them into his pants pockets as a puff of condensed breath escapes from his mouth, his back hunched at an awkward angle. “Do ya happen to have a lantern or somethin’ to light up this here mess? I just wanna see how bad this damage is.”
You decide not to blurt out that his car might be beyond repair, as you swear the thing will burst into flames in a matter of minutes. Instead, you wordlessly reach for the open cardboard box on the floor of the passenger seat, silently thanking yourself for putting your work stuff in the front, as you quickly find the lantern and hand it to him. “Careful, it’s an industrial flashlight so it might be a bit heavy.”
The man beams at your actions, his cold fingers gently brushing against yours as he takes the lantern from your grasp. “Thanks a bunch! Could ya give me a hand here and hold this light for me?” he asks rather cheerfully as you mull over your answer. Well, the faster he gets his car fixed the sooner you’ll be able to get home and sleep. 
After a few seconds of silence, you wordlessly nod before rolling up the window to preserve the little heat left inside and then turning the key on its side, your car ceasing its small vibrations as the motor shuts down. You don’t waste any more time as you grab your coat and kick the door open, immediately slipping on the warm attire as your teeth slightly chatter. ‘Fucking wind, why is it so cold? It’s not even winter, yet.’
The man has already made his way back to the pickup, and your tired eyes notice that the amount of smoke coming from under the hood has, thankfully, decreased. Taking wide strides, the dry leaves crunch underneath your boots as you quickly approach the man and gingerly slide your hand out of your pocket, your index pointing to the flashlight. 
He perks up at your presence, but when his gaze lands on your face, you notice in the dim light that a small blush adorns his pale cheeks.
He stares at you for a few seconds with a dumbfounded expression, and it's only when you clear your throat and jab your finger forward that he seems to snap out of it, clumsily handing you the lantern as he focuses on the car's motor. A rather awkward silence ensues as you simply shine the light on the battered machine and he quietly tinkers with it. You should ask him his name.
“So, what are you doing out here at such an hour?” you ask, holding back a yawn. The man doesn't look up from his work, but you notice a small, rather endearing smile on his lips. “Oh! Well, my college buddy moved out here about a month ago and was lookin' for a research partner. Asked if I'd help him out and here I am!” he remembers enthusiastically as he looks at you for a moment, quietly inquiring about your reasons for being here.
“I’m the new Chief of Police in Gravity Falls,” if he was about to try something, then perhaps mentioning your work would dissuade him from that thought. Instead, however, his eyes twinkle with what you assume is excitement as he gives you a broad smile. What a bizarre man. “Well, I reckon we'll be seein' each other a whole lot!”
Suddenly, as if processing his words, he pales at the implications of his sentence and stares at you, eyes wide. “N-Not like that! I’m a law abidin’ citizen, I-I swear! We ain’t doin’ anythin’ illegal!” his panicked reaction gets you to laugh out loud, the light slightly shaking in your grasp. “It’s fine, don’t worry. I get what you were trying to say,” as the laughter dies down, the two of you fall back into silence, but this time it is more comfortable.
Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for the man to let out a frustrated sigh as he runs a dirty hand through his caramel blond hair. “Darn it… radiator’s busted,” he mutters under his breath. He won't be able to start the truck tonight; he'll have to look for a spare part. But your conscience won’t allow you to leave him here, especially when you feel as if something might jump out of the bushes and attack you.
Yes, the forest is creepy, but you doubt it is plagued by cryptids. At most, some predators are lurking around.
You lean over to take a look at what's in his truck; there aren't many boxes or luggage stuffed in the back seats, and it seems like everything fits perfectly inside your car. “Hey, how far’s your friend’s house? I’ll take you there,” he perks up, a hopeful expression washing away the worries and stress of the broken car. “Really!? Oh, bless your soul! It should be ‘bout ten minutes from here.”
The man scurries off to put his tools away and pushes the hood shut before getting his luggage out. Meanwhile, you leave the right-hand door of the back seat open as you start to take some things from his hands, wanting to hurry the process as the cold has now seeped into your bones and you can't stop shivering. You think the cold will kill you before any imaginary monster can.
Soon, the man's truck is empty and locked, but just as you're about to climb into the driver's seat, he lets out a small gasp and rubs his hands roughly against his trousers before extending one to you with a polite smile. “My mama would give me a piece of her mind for bein’ so poorly mannered. I'm Fiddleford H. McGucket, pleased to meet ya.”
You return the greeting firmly, noting that his hand is calloused and freezing, as you reply curtly with your name. Fiddleford repeats it under his breath, testing to feel how it rolls off his tongue, but a strong gust of wind causes you both to rapidly let go of each other's hands as you hurry to get into your car.
You waste no time turning on the heater, both of you breathing a sigh of relief as the warmth relaxes your muscles and soothes your frozen skin. Soon the wheels are turning and the sight of Fiddleford's truck grows smaller and smaller as you make your way along the foggy road.
The ride is peaceful as Fiddleford leads the conversation, telling you a few facts about himself before turning his attention to you, his dark eyes full of curiosity. You cringe a little, not meaning for your voice to be so flat and your responses to be curt, but you're still getting used to socializing and you're tired. You also don’t understand what’s so interesting about yourself. 
But Fiddleford doesn't seem to mind, enjoying the brief silences and conversations he has with you as he stares out the window. You also finally start to see some signs of civilization in the form of crude wooden signs haphazardly nailed into the trunks of trees, indicating how far the town is. After a few bumps in the road, Fiddleford pulls a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolds it.
“Ok… so, when ya see that sign sayin’ we’re three kilometers from the entrance to Gravity Falls, turn left,” from your peripheral vision, you watch as he extends a finger and motions to the side. “Your friend lives quite far away from town,” as the words leave your mouth, you’re made painfully aware of the taser still strapped to your belt. You hope that Fiddleford didn’t trick you… you were starting to like him.
Thankfully, your comment seems to resonate with him as he turns to look at you with an excited expression. “Right!? Told’im the same thing! But he said the place was perfect ‘cause there’s a ‘large concentration of specimens’ or somethin’ like that. Gosh, what a pain s’going to be to go to the market every week,” you can help but quietly chuckle as he huffs in frustration, relief coursing through your body.
Soon the two of you return to your normal routine, and before you know it, you're turning your blinker on and maneuvering the steering wheel as the car begins to enter the man-made driveway. A few meters ahead, you see a bizarre A-shaped house with the lights on, and Fiddleford exclaims happily, "That's the house!" 
But just as you're about to step on the gas to start driving up the hill, a figure suddenly dashes out of the trees and you instantly hit the brakes, stopping the car just in time to avoid hitting the person standing a few inches from the hood. You and Fiddleford lurch forward as you gasp in shock, staring with wide eyes and fast-beating hearts at the scene ahead of you. 
You grip the steering wheel tightly, your knuckles turning white as you hold your breath from the momentary fear that quickly turns to worry. In front of you, a young boy, no more than 16 years old, stares blankly at the window like a deer caught in the headlights. His face is deathly pale, his cheeks sunken as his chest rises and falls at an increasingly rapid pace, puffs of white steam quickly condensing against the cold air. It’s almost invisible, but you notice he’s trembling either from the cold or fear.
But what makes your stomach fall is the state he’s in. Three long cuts decorate the lower part of his jaw, the blood around the wound is dried, he has a busted lip and a large bruise surrounds his left eye, you can see that he is having trouble keeping it open, perhaps it is already starting to swell. 
His blond hair is disheveled, mixed with twigs, leaves, and dirt. There are several cuts and other wounds on his neck and near his stomach, his shirt has four large gashes, although he does not appear to be bleeding in that area. But that does not explain the fact that his hands and part of his forearms are covered in dirt, moss, and a combination of fresh and dried blood.
From what you can see, he's wearing pajamas and doesn't appear to be armed or carrying any kind of weapon. Nevertheless, he appears to be in a state of hysteria and shock so any sort of rapid or sudden movement could lead to a violent reaction or you could scare him away. You must approach him with caution.
You get out of the car, taking care to open the door gently but quickly, not hearing Fiddleford's warning to wait. The sound of the door seems to wake the boy from his stupor, and as you expected, his face falls swiftly and he begins to back away, his body shaking uncontrollably. “Please… don’t hurt me,” his voice trembles, filled with panic as his eyes become crystalline, tears threatening to spill.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just worried, are you okay?” you stay put, making sure your tone is as gentle as possible to not alarm or scare him away. You notice that the atmosphere outside is deadly quiet, you can’t hear the singing of the crickets, much less the howling of the wind. ‘What the hell is going on!?’
“I need to know you’re human,” the boy demands in a shaky tone, having put a good distance between you and him. You raise an eyebrow at his request, but he seems deadly serious as his forehead furrows and his jaw clenches, his fists balling up as if ready to fight if you don't comply. “How do you want me to prove I’m human?”
For some reason, the question seems to put him at ease, as he relaxes his posture though he remains rather hostile. “I… I don’t know but… I-I just don’t know who to trust,” through whispers, tears spill from his eyes as he holds a hand out, terrified. You stand still for a moment, completely confused as to what to do, but it seems the best way to calm him down is to tell him about yourself.
“My name is (Y/N),” you begin and gently close the car door as you take a step forward. The boy perks up, teary eyes staring at you in confusion. You continue, slightly shivering as a gust of wind passes by, yet you don’t hear anything but your voice. “I’m 27. I graduated from Backupsmore as a forensic scientist… um… I hate bees and my favorite color is-”
Before you can finish, the boy suddenly bolts from his spot, his frail arms quickly wrapping around your torso and hugging you as tightly as he can. Unfortunately, due to the force, you come tumbling down, your back harshly scratching against the dirt. You're shocked for a moment, but then you feel his tears rapidly soaking your sweater and his bloody hands tightly clutching the material as he wails loudly, the sound reverberating through the dead ambient.
Somewhat stiffly, your arms embrace the boy, one hand gently rubbing circles on his back, which is shaking as he sobs. His skin is frozen, he's been out for a long time. Fiddleford quickly gets out of the car and crouches down beside you with a worried look on his face, quietly asking you if everything is alright. You just give him a small smile in return, hoping to reassure him.
"M-Miss, please help me, I'm so scared," he mumbles between loud cries, hiding his face in your shoulder. You just nod and guide him through some breathing exercises to help him think more clearly and calm down. When the crying ceases, you take off your jacket and drape it over his shoulders hoping it will warm him up a bit, while Fiddleford gently places a hand on his head.
"Let's start at the beginning, what's your name?" your question in a soft tone. The boy lifts his face from your shoulder and two red-rimmed eyes look at you sadly. "M-My name is L-Lawrence W-Woodworth," he replies scared, the words barely leaving his mouth as he shivers. "Nice to meet you, Lawrence. This is Fiddleford, my friend," the brown-haired man gives the boy a slight smile as he nods.
"You have to tell me what happened, how did you get here?" Lawrence shudders at your words but dryly swallows, as if to gather courage, and begins "W-We were coming back from my house, Dylan, Kyle and I... we were working on a s-school project. And out of nowhere, I don't know what it was, but s-something came out of the trees and..."
His palms harshly wipe away at his eyes, though he winces as he grazes the injured one. Fiddleford silently encourages him to continue as he rubs his shoulders. “I-It ripped Kyle’s s-stomach out… D-Dylan called 911 and t-then in the woods something that looked like Kyle but wasn’t Kyle… it even talked like him… it was just standing t-there and i-it started to chase us… w-we got separated and somehow I ended up here…”
You can't believe what you're hearing. If it weren't for the fact that Lawrence looks completely paralyzed with fear, you'd think this story was taken from a horror book. Could the monster be a product of the possible trauma of seeing his friend badly hurt? Or did they mistake the killer, who was standing at a long distance from them, for a more twisted version of a friend? Those are the only explanations you can currently come up with.
You look up and notice that Fiddleford has a much more serious look on his face, he seems to believe everything the boy says. But before you can question him, a bloodcurdling scream followed by a distorted roar echoes through the forest and Lawrence looks up, what little color he had regained in his face drained away. "DYLAN! OH GOD IT'S DYLAN! I HAVE TO GO GET HIM!"
Lawrence is about to run off into the woods when you grab his wrist to stop him from moving, causing the boy to yelp in pain. "Sorry, but you're not going, you're injured and putting yourself in more danger. Fiddleford, take Lawrence to your friend’s and call the police. I'll look for the other boy," you order firmly, before getting up and going to your car, opening it forcefully and diving between all the boxes.
Behind you, you hear Fiddleford gasp in surprise, his boots breaking several branches as he quickly approaches your figure. “(Y/N), be extremely careful, please. Whatever it is, it's dangerous. Please tell me you're carrying a weapon or somethin’,” the man exclaims worriedly. You quietly nod before you notice a small, thin, black briefcase, unfamiliar to you tucked between some cardboard boxes labeled “kitchen”.
Quickly, you unlock the clasp and open the lid, revealing a Smith & Wesson Model 4506 stored in the middle. Your stomach twists, this would be your first time using this thing. But you swallow that fear, a kid is in danger. Fiddleford gasps as he watches over your shoulder as you quickly load the gun with nine rounds and strap the holster to your belt, right next to the Taser. "Don't worry, it's police-issued, I've got a license and I know how to shoot."
You quickly head over to your driver’s seat, shut the car off, and grab the lantern that you stored in the glovebox. As you turn around, you quickly shove your car keys in Fiddleford’s unexpecting hands and turn over to look at Lawrence, who’s now standing up, still trembling. “What does your friend look like?” you walk over to the car, momentarily covering one of the headlights.
“D-Dylan’s tall, has short curly black hair, dark skin, and glasses. H-He was wearing… I-I think I white T-shirt,” you nod, creating the mental picture of his friends as you begin to sprint over to the forest. “BE CAREFUL,” Fiddleford’s voice filled with concern sounds distant as you book it, the cold wind cutting at your skin.
The forest is deadly quiet, the only sounds you can hear are your rapid breathing and the crunching of dried leaves and twigs as your boots stomp over them. Your stomach curls into a knot and your mouth goes dry as the faster you run, the darker your surroundings seem to get.
"DYLAN!?" your voice echoes through the trees as you flash the light around you. There are only trees, trees, and more trees! They are all starting to look the same. And the fog makes it worse as you can barely see past a few feet in front of you. You exhale exhaustedly, pausing for a moment as you try to regain your sense of direction. Your muscles ache from the sudden movement, you were more used to a life behind a desk than running in the field.
"OVER HERE! PLEASE! HELP ME!" your head whips to the right as you hear the distant screams of a young boy. There was no time to waste, as the force you used to push yourself forward caused the soles of your feet to kick up a patch of dirt and moss. You call his name again, trying to locate him more easily, and he answers, his voice much clearer now. 
Soon you come to a clearing illuminated by the moonlight, and sitting against the trunk of one of the trees, his head tucked between his head and a hand on his left shoulder, is the boy who fits Lawrence's description.
"Dylan? My name is (Y/N), I met your friend, Lawrence, I'm here to take you to safety," you say breathlessly, watching as the boy slowly lifts his head, tears streaming down his face as he quietly holds back a sniffle. "L-Lawrence is okay? H-He's not hurt?" you nod softly and quickly walk over, kneeling in front of him and as you give him a warm smile.
"Yes, he's with my friend now, and help is on the way. Are you hurt?" now that you're closer, you notice that there's a deep cut on his left cheek and that his glasses are nowhere to be found, most likely lost while running through the woods. As you gently encourage him to roll over, Dylan hiccups, having cried the last of his tears, before carefully removing the hand that was holding his shoulder.
Underneath his bloody palm are two deep, heavily bleeding cuts that look very similar to the ones on Lawrence's shirt. Up close, the injury looks unnatural, and you can't put your finger on what could have done this; you assume it could be something like a hook, but the width of the gash is much wider than a butcher's hook or something heavier. "I-It got me when I tripped on a corner. I managed to f-fight it off though," he admits sheepishly, dropping his head back to his knees as he recalls the encounter. So that was the scream.
"You were incredibly brave, don't be ashamed, Dylan," you whisper comfortingly, focusing your attention on treating the wound. Placing the lantern on the ground, you grab the bottom of the sweater with both hands and pull in different directions with enough force that the threads begin to snap. Ripping the fabric until it reaches above your belt, you pull so that it goes around your waist, gathering enough to make a makeshift tourniquet.
Dylan watches quietly as you successfully separate the torn piece from your sweater. "Okay, this is going to hurt, but I'm going to wrap this around your wound, okay?" he nods shakily at your instructions, lowering his knees and stretching his injured arm out to the side. You quietly guide him to take deep breaths as you slip the fabric underneath the armpit and tightly twist and turn the cloth, softly apologizing when he winces or gasps for air.
After a few seconds, you tie a knot with the remaining cloth, successfully stopping the bleeding for the moment. Dylan tests his arms by stretching and moving the limb before standing up and grabbing the lantern left on the grass. "Where did the attacker go?" your eyes scan the area around you, but the overwhelming darkness and fog make it impossible for you to see what is beyond the clearing. The area is so quiet, so devoid of life, that you can hear your heartbeat, which begins to pick up as you hear the crunch of leaves and twigs.
Dylan and you have not moved an inch.
"Mooooooom," a distorted and crooked voice wails sadly from the trees, shaking you to your core. Its pitch goes up and down as it gets closer and closer to where you're standing, calling out in pain, searching for its mother. It doesn't even sound like a human, let alone an animal, it's as if something is painfully trying to imitate human speech.
Then you remember what Lawrence said: something that had the appearance of his friends yet it wasn’t him. There's no way... there's no way that things like that exist… Those are just myths, right? You feel Dylan tense up next to you and the light source emitting from the lantern begins to shake in his grip. The creature is determined to find you, it keeps calling out, and whatever it is, it is big, as the ground beneath it shakes and rumbles slightly whenever it takes a step. 
"When I tell you to run, keep going straight until you find a hut. Don't stop and don't look back," you command in a hushed whisper, feeling your heart pounding loudly against your chest as your nimble fingers quietly unlock the holster and grab the handle of your gun. “O-Ok, please be careful, ma’am,” he replies, holding the lantern tighter.
Soon the footsteps are shaking the pebbles scattered across the ground and the mushrooms growing in the trunks of the nearby trees, and you can feel the vibrations in your ears. Beside you, Dylan slowly begins to back away from the noise, inching closer to where you first entered, while you stare at the source of the sound. "Mooooom... I want my mom," it cries again, this time louder, and you shudder at the disgusting tone in which it speaks.
"I hate it... why does it sound so much like Kyle?" Dylan whispers through clenched teeth, this time further away from you. So you were right, it's trying to imitate human speech, but you wonder why it's calling to its mother. You don't have time to answer as a massive figure begins to break through the mist, and you hold your gun tightly, raising it so that the barrel points straight at what you assume is the creature's head.
But you freeze up as soon as the thing reveals itself. The monster is incredibly tall, it reaches to the middle of one of the pine trees and you estimate it to be about two meters in height. It is dragging its arms on the ground, massive hands with dirty nails pointing up towards its pale and bony palms, and its head is tilted to the side, in a childlike manner. 
Sunken and completely hollow eyes with a single silver dot are staring directly at you, the toothless mouth is open wide, creating an oval shape in which you can’t see anything other than an empty void, while distorted boyish cries are coming from the deepest parts of its throat. 
Worst of all, you finally understand what Lawrence and Dylan were saying. It has copied the appearance of a young ginger boy, but because its body is so large and deformed, it looks as if it has stretched an image of what you assume to be Kyle and plastered it onto its body. 
The skin is ghostly pale and looks pulled and torn, its hair is a mangled mess with various bald spots revealing a fleshy black interior, and its "clothes" look painted over and reveal a thin torso with paper-thin skin that closely exposes a skeleton with way too many bones for you to count. It twitches unnaturally as it just stands there, looking at you while begging for his mother without moving.
You can't begin to comprehend what the hell is in front of you. It doesn't feel real, the lack of sound around you, the intense fog, and the imagery make it feel like you're in a lucid nightmare. But you're brought back to reality when you realize that Dylan is still behind you, crying softly as he stares at the mockery of his friend's image. "Run on the count of three, okay?" you don't take your eyes off the creature.
"One," your body's facing forward, you move your dominant leg a step back, both feet planted firmly on the ground as you aim the barrel to hit right between the monster's eyes. It doesn't move, only keeps twitching and wailing in a deep tone.
"Two," you steady your body and take a deep breath as your finger hugs the trigger. Behind you, Dylan prepares to run. Once he's gone, the moonlight will be your only guide during the fight. Your heart beats faster as you take one last breath...just get this over and you’ll go home…
"THREE!" without wasting a second, you squeeze the trigger and fire, a flash of bright light shooting from the barrel and the bullet lodging deep inside the creature's head. The sound of the gun being fired echoes through the forest and you swear you can hear birds flying from the trees and some of the sound comes back. Dylan has already started to run, straight ahead as you instructed.
The shot sends the monster reeling a few steps back, but in retaliation, it lets out a distorted roar so loud it makes your eyes vibrate with pain. You don't let that deter you, though, as you load the second bullet into the chamber and prepare to fire at the creature's chest, right where you think its heart is. Unfortunately, it recovers rather quickly and stands up shakily before charging at you like a bull, swinging one of its gigantic arms in your direction.
You're able to dodge the attack, but the limb is so heavy that as soon as it hits the ground, the force knocks you to the ground and the weapon almost slips from your grasp. Luckily, you hold on tight, but the creature is relentless, one of its clawed hands grabs your right ankle, its sharp, bone-like claws digging easily into your flesh, tearing some of the skin. You grunt loudly, your teeth clenched as tears sting your eyes, but you aim the gun at the creature's shoulder and fire.
As the bullet connects with the skin, the monster screeches and painfully removes its claws from your ankle, nursing its new injury instead. You back away as fast as you can, grunting in pain and after a considerable distance, you do your best to stand up, limping slightly as you plant your feet firmly on the ground and load another bullet.
And you fire the third one.
And the fourth.
And the fifth.
“Won’t you just die already!?” you scream in frustration, fear and paranoia seeping into your mind as you watch the monster rise from the ground once more, five small holes in different parts of its body spilling a tar-like liquid onto the grass, staining it. It's almost invincible, no matter how many bullets you fire, it seems to do nothing but temporarily stun it and make it scream horribly.
You jump to the side as the monster charges forward again, but it miscalculates and runs straight through the tree instead. The impact is so powerful that it leaves a massive hole in the trunk, but it is temporarily stuck there; as it struggles to free itself, you waste no time finding its ankle and stomping down as hard as you can.
You almost fall forward...you did not expect its bones to be so fragile. But you almost rejoice in pure happiness as you've found its weak spot; it seems that physical actions are more effective. So you don't stop, kicking and punching with all your might as your limbs easily leave dents and holes in the monster's body. Your hands and boots are covered in the slimy dark substance, but you don't care, you're not going to die here.
In your angry tirade, you fail to notice that the creature is now free of the trunk. It turns, an arm swinging violently, making contact with the side of your torso, sending you flying to the other side of the clearing, where you crash hard into another tree, the air escaping your body as your lungs burn from the pain and your back cracks loudly.
Tears cloud your vision as the monster walks toward you, its actions mimicking a predator that has finally caught its meal. Your hands desperately search your surroundings for your weapon, but as you cough violently, you realize that the weapon has been crushed under the creature's weight on the other side of the clearing. “Oh fuck,” you mutter as the creature stands before you and wastes no time reaching down, its claws digging into your neck as it lifts you into the air.
You struggle to free yourself, your throat slowly crushed under the monster's grip, as something cold and plastic digs into the side of your hip. The Taser! As dark spots begin to fill your vision and your lungs burn, your hand reaches for your belt, unlatches the holster, and shakily pulls the device out.
Your scratched thumb quickly locates the switch and flips it on, and with all your might you jam the probes against the monster's skin and squeeze the trigger. As the volt of electricity coursed through the thing's insides, it let out a blood-curdling scream before dropping you to the ground. The pain is so great for the creature that it falls to the ground, rolling on its wrist.
But even though your world is spinning and you want nothing more than to throw up and fall asleep, you push through the pain and stand up shakily as you sprint to the monster and mercilessly stomp on its head, its skull cracking against your sole and the grass. You keep going, even when there's nothing left but a messy pile of mush and the tar-like substance, you don't stop.
You want this thing dead. Gone. Fuck whatever this thing is.
“(Y/N), STOP! It’s already dead!”
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@rotknox @devotee-of-bill
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puffkins2000 · 30 days ago
So, @bioniczombie wanted to see pics of my new kitty, Scarlett, and I decided since a lot of you are cat lovers out there, I would like to share ALL my kitties with you guys. I love seeing your kitties (( and other pets )) as well, so feel free to share pics of them as well! I'm going to share pics in the order I found my cats, and a little tidbit about them as well. ^^
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Arie -- she's the oldest of my kitties, found in November of 2010 as a kitten. She can be kind of mean (( it's suspected she was thrown from a car with her mother and siblings. ;_; She was the only survivor and managed to make it to my house, in the dark and cold, as a kitten. I also think it's why she hates sweaters )) , but she's a lot nicer the older she gets however, but gets kind of hangry at times. Her "baby" is Nala, but she tends to mother a lot of the younger kitties when she feels like it. She absolutely hates Stormy though... and the feeling is mutual.
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Oreo -- the next oldest, and the first male, he was offered to me at PetCo as a kitten by a lady and her girlfriend/wife (( they found him and his sibling at Subway and took them both to PetCo in hopes of finding homes for them because it's a pet store with people buying stuff for their pets. I was looking at canned cat food, sooooo.... XD )) in January of 2012. Like most tuxedos, he's a drama queen. XDDD He enjoys sleeping in my arms (( like he did as a kitten )), cookies, and cookie scented candles. ....hence his name, lol.
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Buffy -- Oreo's girlfriend, found in the summer of 2013 (( she had a brother and an adopted brother I found the year before, after Oreo, as well as her daddy-cat, but they all have gone over the rainbow bridge to be with all my other babies )) as a kitten. She's known as The Buffinator and she's a bit chonky for a girly. XD She also has a bit of an attitude and freaks out over toys with spread out beans. XD
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Nala -- super sweet, shy, innocent, unassuming, quiet with no backbone.... she tended to get slapped a few times over the years and did nothing about it. *shakes head* She was found later in her life, but her age was never estimated (( I forgot to ask the vet at the time! x_x But I think she was the sister of Jack, also who is passed over )) in May 2015. She enjoys sleeping. That's really it. I admit that I don't think my cats are really cats, because they don't really act like cats. Oh--BUT she was the one I took to pet costume contests at PetCo. XD And she won several of them. ^^ I couldn't trust my other cats to actually behave. Probably go off and slap a dog. Lastly, I've always wanted a kitty named after someone from The Lion King, which is my favourite Disney movie. She honestly really does look like Nala!
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Cheyenne -- found as a kitten in August 2016; she was Jack's little "sister". Yes, some of my pics are a little older, but this pic is a classic because of the banana hat. XDD Her nickname is Cheyennie-Bananie and she freaking hates the smell of bananas. Side note; when I found her, she was a *him*. I always joke that she was a boy when I found her (( I have only had ONE other cat that happened to in my life, and I thought HE was a girl, lol ))
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Stormy -- found in February 2018 as a slightly older kitten (( around 8-10 months )) in the rain. She is my anxiety cat. As in, we are each other's support and anxiety. x__x She's almost attached to my hip and doesn't like anyone else, but me. For the longest time, she hissed at my parents when she'd see them. She tolerates Cheyenne, but doesn't like the other cats at all. And I think she's more dog-like than cat-like; she likes having her belly rubbed, lol. She enjoys dressing up in costumes and dresses. I just bought her a pair of buffalo checked pjs that match my sleep shorts (( and oddly enough, apparently my guy friend's new pajama pants. x___x ...don't ask!!!! )). Yes, that is a coffin pet bed. ^^ I got it at Ross before Halloween.
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Mochi -- the only other male cat, found as an older cat in May 2019. He was estimated to be between 4-5 years old, so he was around Jack's age (( and possibly is the same age as Nala )). He's a chonky boi. XDDD He also only likes catnip cat treats and swatting me when my back is turned--or having my entire hand or arm in his mouth. Like, excuse me SIR. He doesn't hurt, he's just playing. He also likes hitting or biting the girls' ears (( uh, rude! )), but also like calicos. Actually, when Muffins was still alive, he liked her a lot--she wanted nothing to do with him, lol. Oh the drama of my cats' relationships!
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Holly (( calico )) and Luna (( striped )) -- are "sisters" (( and I'm not 100% that is true, but they are roughly around the same age )). Holly was found as a kitten in December 2023 (( estimated to be 4 months )) with two broken legs, the tip of her tail was brittle BONE, and a messed up mouth. The one leg was healing and the other had JUST started to heal. 4 MONTHS. And the vet said the first broken leg happened 3-4 weeks prior. Poor girly! She's WAY better now. She's a normal crazy calico who loves being rubbed, petted, hugged, and loved. ^^ Luna was found also as an older kitten (( no estimation yet )) in April 2024 (( the day of the eclipse, which is where her name partly came from! )). She was a hard one to snatch, because she didn't want to get food from me or be petted. Trust me, after I did get her, you would NEVER know the difference between that-Luna and now-Luna. She's SO loving. And, also, she is a bit of a space-cadet. XD I also named her after Luna in HP. Perfectly fitting! And that horrible looking person is meeeeee. x___X;;; So sorry.
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Aurora -- found as a cat (( age not estimated yet )) also in 2024, but in June/July. She was under my car when I went to send my guy friend a picture text outside at night (( I live in the rural area, if none of this has given it away yet... and he's an Android user, so........ )) and there she was, meowing! I think she'd come the week prior, but it was raining out early in the morning and I was getting ready for work, so I couldn't exactly look for her at the time. When I got home, I did, but didn't see her until later. She's very sweet and likes going under blankets and sleeping, so I need to feel for a cat before sitting on my bed.
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Scarlett -- found December 30, 2024 (( obviously as an older cat, but estimated age unknown for now )) as my early New Year's present. XD She's a polydactyl!!!!! Eeee!!! Very, very sweet kitty! She also took her medicine like a pro. She gets a long pretty well with the other kitties.... but she kind of hated Aurora for a bit there. Every time she'd see her... SLAP. x_x They've gotten better though.
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Here's a few bonus pics... like Cheyenne's costume. XD I tried to find the nicest pics, but my cats are usually blurs when the camera comes out because they move (( or it's a bad background )). Oh, and Stormy plays fetch and Buffy, Holly, Luna, and Scarlett also know how to give high-fives. ^^
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riptide-pools · 10 months ago
New OC : Venomous Blood AU
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Meet Viper, the adopted younger sibling of MK the Monkie Kid.
A quiet person. Little to no words leaving their lips as their heterochromia eyes observed their surrounding with utmost vigilance.
Their origins are unknown. As Pigsy found their small form within a basket outside the Noodle Shop. But as they grew, they had realized they're not normal. For their forked tongue and golden eyes conveyed something else entirely.
But what of their connection with their brother? The heroic individual that took the burden the title of of being the Great Sage's Successor?
Confliction; for the glory of being the Monkey King's successor had casted shadows of bond that fell unto his beloved sibling. Their bond reflected like the moon to the sun. Dependent to the light of their brother's ways. As MK's destiny lies with Sun Wukong, they had no one. Abandoned and alone.
It diminished their spirit for the gnawing feeling of darkness looming over their heart with no light to ease their ways. Inkling with darkness though his blood like venomous vengeance.
Macaque saw his past upon them. He'll make sure to not repeat history.
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Note: So... I noticed I have a sibling for Mei and Red Son... Now have this guy! I have the Traffic Light Trio Sibling OCs! (who are RGB XDD)
Small Fun Facts about Viper:
Uses they/them pronouns.
A Snake Demon. Viper isn't their real name.
They're a ribbon dancer.
Macaque's (forced) successor.
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takenbypeter · 11 months ago
omggggggg i have AMAZING wonka fic ideaaaaaa!
What if wonka and reader have been working together a lot lately (platonic relationship) and Willy has noticed that y/n is scratching her arms a lot but he can't see anything bc of her sleeves and so one day he catches her like, wrapping her arms or smth bc shes allergic to the soap they use to wash the stuff and she keeps scratching themmm! so then he like, helps her wrap them and then later when they wash stuff if he sees her scratching her arms he just takes her hand XDD (platonic relationship plsss) THANK YOU!
Prickling Irritation
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Willy Wonka x reader (platonic)
Words: 636
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You couldn’t take it anymore. This dusty old bedroom, the dripping wet laundry every day, the soap that irritated your skin. You couldn’t do it!
But you had to, all because you forgot to read the fine print. That’s how you ended up here at Scrubbit’s, darn that fine print!
It’s only been about a month since you’ve been stuck here, and already you weren’t the newest member of the crew. The latest member who joined was a chocolatier who went by the name of Willy Wonka.
He was unlike any who joined before, he was ambitious and bold in his speech, at first it was amusing, but as he continued, he was quite motivating.
However, you would prefer not to do anything that got you into further trouble so here you worked at Scrubbit’s giving up on a way out.
Although it sucked, the work wasn’t the worst of it, no, the worst of it was the fact that you of course had to be allergic to the laundry soap used for the sheets.
Before here, you weren’t even aware of such an allergy yet ever since being stuck here you noticed how itchy your arms would get and of course with itchiness came redness.
“Ugh,” you groaned as you rubbed your forearms not wanting to itch them any longer. After a whole day of washing clothes they were prickling with every touch. Giving them a final itch, you slap them before grabbing a cloth.
Holding one your forearm up against the small desk you place the cloth underneath and holding one side with your mouth you try to wrap it around and tie it, without much success.
“Uh!” You grunt in annoyance at your lack of accomplishment. That’s when Willy happened to walk by your doorway.
“Hey what’s going on here?” He asked first taking note of your position before spotting your arms which were practically red from scratching.
You shake your head immediately pulling the sleeves from your shirt down, “oh nothing, I’m just allergic to the soap we use but it’s no biggie, I’ll manage,” you let out with a smile.
Apparently that wasn’t a good enough explanation for the boy because he took it upon himself to enter your room and hold a hand towards you, “let me,” he instructs and at that point you figure, why not? So you hand over the cloth.
“Here,” he stands opposite you and pulls your hand towards him before placing the cloth underneath it. Carefully he wraps it around, not too tight, before securing it correctly.
Without a word he holds out his own hand and you hand him the other cloth as he repeats the process.
“There, all done.”
You glance at both of your arms before turning back to him, “thank you.”
He grins with a single nod, “anything for a fellow hostage of Scrubbit’s.”
You share a small laugh and bid your goodnights, your arms itchiness letting up a tiny bit as you hoped the next day would be better than the last.
But much like the last it was similar as you woke up just as you do every day since being in this hell driven place.
Waking up, you get ready and clock in for work. After a few hours of washing laundry and the soap drying against your skin you begin to feel it again. You reach up scratching just a little, trying to relieve the itch.
You hadn’t even realized you’ve done it, until you felt Willy reach out to stop you, and you do, shooting him a thankful smile as you try to return to your work.
This whole situation was not the most ideal, but it’s the situation you were in. You were just glad you had a good friend like Willy there with you.
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neutrallyobsessed · 6 months ago
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on that note, funny gandhi screenshots i took during that rewatch xdd what gandhi are u feeling today~?
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okartichoke · 2 months ago
Psst.... *slides this across table to you*
[note from future me: HEY EVERYONE GO READ THIS FIC !!! :DDD]
"In the laughing rivulets that filled his chest, it whispered maybe." I LOVE this sentence. This whole section is so vivid and MMMMMM
"He felt, and felt, and felt and there was barely even Phoenix anymore, just a haunted angry thing choking on feelings and moving on instinct." This quote isn't even half a page down from the last but there's genuinely already like a billion lines like this that are just spectacular; that with so few words move me so deeply
"She knelt beside the threadbare couch and took his hand, and begged him to get up. Said she’d be a better daughter... " OFIEJOIJWEFOEWA AND THAT'S NOT TO EVEN MENTION THE THE NEXT PARAGRAPH WITH TRUCY which actually made my eyes prick with tears
I really like the way you write Larry btw ! [edit from 30 minutes later me: i like how u write everyone actually x3,, fran and miles get special shoutouts too]
"—A voice in his dreams, it sounded like Mia" OFJEWOIAJFEOIFJDLFJOSJFELS
the little bit with everyone saying bye got me to chuckle xDD
OKAY CHAPTER 1 DONE!!!! CRYPTID.. CRYPTIID..... OMG... i knew this was going to be a good read but AHHH i loved it sm x333 you're dialogue is so fun. like the conversations feel real, and they go off on little tangents in really charming ways,, i really enjoyed the little moments like Maggey excitedly talking about being suspected a second time, or Phoenix holding the phone far from his ear during his call with Fran. (and that's just to name a couple examples) (ALSO FRAN CARING SO MUCH <333 I LOVE OMG) okokok onto chapter 2
wait oops i got sucked in and forgot to take live notes LOL,, anyways this comment is about the little reactions from Phoenix in regards to Miles' idiosyncracies,, specifically (in regards to MIles' grabbing his bicep) "That old habit. The Phoenix of a year ago would have ached at the sight. Current Phoenix just ached." and "Miles had gotten more expressive with his hands since his time away in Germany. Phoenix thought it suited him." I loved these inclusions so so so so much. it's like, despite everything, phoenix still cares so deeply. OH OH AND NOW PHOENIX LIGHTLY SCOLDING EDGEWORTH AGUHHH I LOVE !!! I LOVE !!
"'Yeah, you’re a pompous ruffly ass'" lmao
i guess i have a soft spot for phoenix and trucy's relationship bc woah here i am tearing up again at phoenix talking about her <333 you write him exactly how i imagine him <33
holy shit. the way you (or, Edgeworth, i guess) describes Wright's flavor of honesty? you've put his character into words so eloquently.. god i love him and i love you for writing him so good omg. and then the end of that short monologue hits like a truck aughghhhooooghhh
CRYPPTTIIDIDDDXDD AUUGHHHHHH !!!!! i need to stress again just how much i love your style of writing !!!!111! 1 the banter is so alive and the levity throughout (despite Phoenix's emotional state) makes the moments of tenderness and of the characters proving how deeply they care for each other hit so hard,, this was wonderful !!! thank you for sharing w the fandom and with me!! :DDD LOOKING FORWARD TO CHAPTER 3 FOAIWEJFLAKJD
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moodbroads · 9 months ago
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randomly back on wigglypaint again- aint gonna lie it looks good with all color themes XDD
anyways i just thought this lil guy would relate to some of yall- remember, as im in a community that all suffers from plenty of things (and i do too), dont be afraid to get help, though therapy is the best option since they are trained for many years. telling your therapist that your a nonhuman and have much pain within your human body will get them to do the proper research and do their best to help you. humans can indeed help nonhumans- and have so many times before.
dont be afraid to ask for therapy either! it took me some years to find the perfect type that fits me- and there are plenty of unique ones with unique people that will make sure you are your most comfortable. it might be scary at first- trust the process. its totally fine to not talk to them for many sessions or sit on the floor! they will be patient for you- to help you. its also totally okay to switch as many times as you want! dont be pressured to stay with a person your supposed to trust when you dont- though it takes time to earn trust so i do recommend atleast 2-3 sessions. think of the first as a warmup!
extra note that might help more people: you might wanna to track new medicine your taking in a writing journal or computer notes! (especially about what your feeling!) i personally find it helpful as i never really saw myself 'changing' when i take medicine. though it will never change you or your personality- medicine is supposed to help and heal you, like a mini therapist for your inner body! :D sometimes you have to take it forever, although other times you can use different ways to treat the problem- dont be afraid to ask if thats an option! i know some people dont like pills- but i bet there is another option or area to practice taking them! tictacs or jellybeans are kinda fun to take as a practice option XDD
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sin-cognito · 11 months ago
Ooh, how about Swapfell Red bros in C2 and D2? Or Fellswap Gold with E2 and A2. Maybe with some color palette adjustments if that'd look better.
Right before hitting send, I realized I didn't specify which outfit for which brother. And yknow what... that's fine. :D
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Sorry for the wait, I also couldn't decide which outfit to give which brother so uhh... You get all of them.
Alright, on a more serious note, the Fellswap Gold was pretty easy to figure out, I really don't see Coffee wearing E2! XDD And he looks good with a hoodie on. Meanwhile, deciding which outfit to give to the Swapfell brothers really was a struggle. I can see them wearing both, but with different settings. In the first one, Black is your typical edgelord while Slim is this awkward and shy but very eager puppydog who likes to wear comfy clothes. But in the other one, you can imagine it's Black's day off so he allows himself to wear something casual, while Slim like to look tough and like a bad boy to warn off potential danger (AKA people who will try to flirt with Black).
Anyway, they took time (and I went back to work last week as well so less time to finish these) but I'm really happy with all 3! I had fun (except that moment when I realized I forgot to draw the choker around Slim's neck so I had to copypaste it from the other illustration XD)
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be-side-my-self · 4 months ago
Watching Season 4 of Only Murders In The Building. (E9)
Rewatch of ONLY Murders In The Building to prepare for season 4:
<Part I> // <Part II> // <Part III> // <Part IIII> // <Part V> // <Part VI> // <Part VII> // <Part VIII>
<S4 E1> // <S4 E2> // <S4 E3> // S4 E4 // <S4 E5> // <S4 E6> // <S4 E7> // <S4 E8>
This is no rewatch but my new posts can also easily be blocked because I'll continue to use #OMITBRewatch as a tag. I'll also tag #OMITBS4. While quoting, I use M, O, C for the main characters.
Beware spoilers! (watching on wednesday)
S4 E9
Let's see... who killed Sazz?
Who tried to kill Glen?
I feel like when someone says "He is going to ge the death of me!" it is more figuratively than literally.
Getting a job offer after being hit by a car... the american dream.
Okay... the nurse is irish too?
Going back because how big is the chance to have an irish nurse as an irish patient in america? I genuily asking.
Also I would have banned Charles and Oliver too...
A witchy board.... it's weegee board, Oliver! (in before I know it's Ouija)
That looks like really good beer... I want to try it because I like beer even though I'm no fan of pils. I'll survive though. I am a peasant though.
C: "You know, I've been thinking. You're getting married in a few days, and what if I took you out and bought you a non-beer drink to, uh, celebrate?" O: "Charles, are you offering to throw me a bachelor party?" C: *inhales* O: "I don't care what people say. You're not an ice prince."
Oliver, do you really want the kind of party that Charles would throw as you bachelor party?
I feel like i've seen the bartender before... gotta check out the actor... maybe not?
Only Sazz, Glen and the director knew what happened... is the director Dudenoff?
Love Olivers reaction... I paused and he is like >:0, while Charles is mildly surprised and Mabel looks like she has no idea who that is (tbf I mostly know him from The Simpsons). Anyway I guess Oliver does not like Ron.
O: "Finally, a celebrity this season!"
aww in the theme song we now see Howard walk his cat and dog.
nice how they hide the protegés face.
O: "Ron-Ron and I are close personal friends."
When Oliver says it like that I will now assume that Ron dislikes/hates Oliver.
Or does not remember him.
Why are we hearing about Ron Howard's nipples?
... what a mess... also yeah invite Tom Hanks to the Bachelor party
W - hiskey A - List Celebrities N - aughty S - ecret
C: "Got it. H-E-L-P."
Of course Mabel asks Bev.
Okay, let's take notes of the drink receipe because that starts out promising and with that I mean disgusting. 1 can (0.5 l) of Red Bull original (barf) 2 BiFi or mini salami ??? In a mixer and mixing it until it's a nice... barfy colour. I was expecting some kind of alcohol...
Oh Bev hates Ron?
Crew Member: "Everyone, we need all 'Escape from Planet Kongo' NDAs signed before entering." That explains the title... and autobiographic???
... I love that they are all overestimating their importance.
That security guard is really nice.
great casting scene.
With an irish nurse.
"Couple old men and their caretaker?"
You learn everything about a person while sharing off-menue soup.
No! Don't cut off the oxygen to Glens brain!
Also what is up with American hospitals (in TV shows)? Everyone can just walk in an kill people, huh?
oh god... yes please discuss this while the whole set is watching you... what kind of lovers squarrel is this? Besties at it.
omg... it's aliens.... Kongonians are aliens. Certainly autobiographic.
Why does the nurse sound like she knew Glen since forever? Did they? Did she know him before?
Someone give Mabel a broom so she can go "There, there."
"Breaking news. Nicky 'The Neck' Caccimelio, the Dry Cleaning King of Brooklyn, has been reported missing. Though he has ties to the Caputo crime family, officials say they do not suspect foul play at this time." <- Putting this here for later reference.
... so... uhm... is this about the Irish vs. the Italian Mafia?
HOOOOOOO!!! wait a second! In that flashback scene the director assistant is the same as the one with Ron Ron? That would explain why he recognised Charles as Brazzos! He knew Sazz!!
.... right because it was a Ron Howard movie xD Forgot about it again because I watched that part yesterday.
Besties are at it again... and with "at it" I mean being angry at each other.
Awww Oliver is the emergency contact for Charles :']
They really are besties.
BESTIES ARE BEST MAN FOR EACH OTHER! and get colonoscopies together.
Of course ... lmao holy shit!
That was not a Dialog Marshall... it's a Monolouge
Important: that super light, long hair of the stuntperson.
RIP Ron Howards eyebrows.
I bet there is something important in that crate of beer.
Of course there is...
It's the correct sole on those shoes. ... Ron-Ron is the murderer!!!!1
Rex Bailey ....
Add a Beard and some glasses... don't tell me it's Howard... don't don't
OH... okay...
lol okay.
Uh Oh...
Also wow, Sazz wanted to talk with Charles about the movie but as in, she wrote a script. That is why she wanted to talk about the plot holes. To get the script right!
Wow. Oh gosh, Mabel is hardcore. She is in a room with a double-murderer and does not give a shit.
That is the reason for Sazz to be killed... bUT
we still don't know how to fill the plot-holes. Who wrote the notes?! Is there even a big bad in the background? .... is it Uma? j/k It's probably Howard.
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artthemasquerade · 1 year ago
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Don't Leave Me Behind comic
I thought it was high time I try making some comics again, this time digitally and made this four page comic series, man even when keeping it simple and wordless it was a ton of work! XDDD But I did have fun with making this though and would like to make more in the future, though not right away as again this took a lot of work!
I will say that I've gained a new found respect for comic and manga artists for being able to crank out pages weekly/monthly this isn't easy even with how simple I kept it! XDD
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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tryhardgwen · 1 year ago
rs archive 03/13/2024:
if u would, I’d love to hear about the inevitability of fakenut
hello!! sorry it took me a while to get to this ask 🥲 i have a lot of thoughts to like compile. so. oh my god. fakenut. where do i even start.
i guess just like my gumakeria post, ill talk a bit about fakenut's music. it's essentially taylor swift, hozier, mitski, sleep token, and suki waterhouse. the neighbourhood (chip chrome and the monotones) and lizzy mcalpine (over the ocean call HELLO?). my um PINNACLE fakenut song is wildest dreams by taylor swift. no notes. theres just a certain type of longing and pain that comes with this ship. probably bc theyve been through like 8 divorces.
and the history. so much of fakenut is history!! okay, so boom lets go to 2017. but actually 2016. rox fricking lost to skt in in the semis of worlds (which skt proceeded to win) then peanut jOINS SKT, the team that eliminated his team from worlds and then. commence fakenut bc wtf oh my god they were so in love. faker was so obvious. so was peanut. it fucking kills me. SPRING!! MSI!! and then. oh worlds 2017 XDD HAHAHA
THE SELF SABOTAGE. THE HISTORY. HELLO PEANUT RAN AWAY TO CHINA?????? the difficulty of maintaining a relationship in the esports scene?? theyre pitted against each other in games, and its sort of a cycle of "if i lose to you will you think less of me / will i not be worthy of your love" but also "he beat me so i couldn't win so i cant be happy about that either." its hard to be happy when they beat you, or when they win and you didn't. its never going to be perfectly happy. there are small cracks. theyre a cycle of losing and trying again and getting back together and falling apart, not in a particularly soap opera way but in a tragic way! because they want to be together so desperately but its hard, and it fails so many times, but they will always keep trying.
their dynamic too bc!! back then they were so obviously in love and then they went thru divorce arc and then back together and atp its just so much mutual pining too. but also like... fakenut r just mom and dad. they are!! they just have this magnetic pull to each other. binary stars in the universe that always come together. yeah, fun fact according to wikipedia "some binary stars orbit each other so closely that they share the same atmosphere, giving the system a peanut shape." COINCIDENCe??????? I THINK NOT BITCH. the clock stays ticking but fakenut will always be the same. i dont really have any particular motifs i use for fakenut honestly, but theyre very starry and celestial. theyre just enduring and pragmatic and its so ?? ridiculous sometimes?? how do they keep doing this. how do they end up everywhere. idk. theyre history filled and ridiculous and theyre gonna keep thriving.
ok thank you for this ask please we need more fakenut truthers!!!! they are inevitable. ily and have an amazing day.
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years ago
first boys reaction when they hear s/o say "I love you"
The Diaboys reaction to hearing their s/o say "I love you" to them—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, @turtle-four!
Thank you so much for requesting! I'm very sorry about the wait! I have 50+ asks in both my inbox and drafts so it's a lot to get to. Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime! :)
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The "*smirks* I know" squad: Ayato, Kou, Laito, Kino, and Shin.
The "*chokes/spits out water*" squad: Subaru, Carla, Reiji, and also Ayato again.
The "*acts dumb and questions 'Really?'*" squad: Ruki.
The "I see" squad: Also Reiji, Carla, and Ruki.
The "Says 'Sorry, what did you say? I was half asleep' but really wasn't" squad: Shu.
The "I knew it/Finally, took you long enough to admit it" squad: Yuma.
The "*becomes confused/speechless and says 'I love cake' instead*" squad: Kanato.
Note: This idea comes from that one 70's show ep where Eric doesn't know how to say I love you back to Donna, and says "I love cake instead" lmao xDD.
Link to the video clip.
The "hesitates and doesn't know what to say" squad: Azusa.
The "Holy shit! They love me!" squad: Everyone!
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saltedcaramelchaos · 2 months ago
*cracks knuckles* alrighty! took a second longer than I anticipated, but here beith your thoughts :3
where did I last leave off... oh yes! they had just slid down the hill and were in the empress's castle :3 Gill had just left us off with the fantastic one-liner: "Ice to meet you"
hoo boy, let's hope my memory serves:
The empress then greeted them, and it was Chip RIGHTTT away with the negotiating lolll, and in a way that makes poor Gill need to cover his ears with his hands (aka chip was uuuhhh twisting the truth a tad bit XD)
but anyways negotiating; during said negotiating chip tries to tell the empress that the albatrio actually know and work with niklaus, which sets off a very surprising prompt from the empress: she is ANGGYYYYY at niklaus, cuz he made it so she's a massive rockstar but her music turns people to stone D: at which point I started to feel kinda bad for her ngl-
and then the albatrio kinda can't figure out if it's her fault for turning the people of the island to stone, but they end up battling her nonetheless, which was kinda funny because Jay prePARED for that keyboard whip, and fired a deadeye arrow into it the instant it turned around
then they go to battle against the empress and the sisters (minus Aslana, thank goodness) :OO I think it was chip? who told Maria about the sisters' dad, which in turn made her pause for one turn, then turn to the trio's side on the next :DD unfortunately Satasha can't exactly read with no eyes (that was a funny little bit, Jay shoots the empress, turns a book open in front of someone with no eyes, then shoots the empress again), so she's unaffected by the whole book/dad thing
the battle continues, the empress gets absolutely destroyed (like she actually stood no chance somehow, the trio was landing every shot reallyyy well), and then jay is finally the one to take her out. via a literal punch. lolllll
she's knocked out now, and the sisters are freed :DDD and gill does a thing where he traps all but the empress's head in ice and then proceeds to try to wake her up, so they can ask her how to free the peeps
except he tries to wake her up by hitting her in the face with a book
and rolls a nat 1
poor gill lol
so chip eventually point gill in the right direction and they wake her up :0 and she's really sad :c like she just doesn't want to be alive at that moment :cc luckily the trio finally convince her (due to the good ol' good cop bad cop (which surprisingly was gill being the bad cop?? and chip being the good one???? actually that kinda makes sense 'cause chip would totally be the one trying to be good /pos)) to tell them the formula for the little elixir, which uh. involves two ingredients: her blood and a lil water flower :/
gill very promptly goes to fetch some flowers, while the rest of the trio (and earl we love earl) debate whether or not to draw the blood and end up killing her (and also Satasha calls John which was really awkward and Gill was furious the entire time lol)
THEN the empress breaks free :0000 and she just like. walks over to Maria and rips out her heart???? and then she gives the trio (and earl <3) their instruments back, and she has them play her a songgggggggggg!!!!! they start off with hot cross buns during which they only missed a couple dozen notes but then they make a songg!!!! :OOO I have been waiting for this episode with such intrigue lol, 'cause on the spreadsheet you mentioned that they make a song, but I couldn't tell if you meant that in rp they made a song, or if they actually did, though I was hoping for the latter :3 SAFE TO SAY THEY MADE A SONG LOL, that was fantastic, Gill not knowing half the lyrics he's singing XDD
and then the empress sits down, black ooze seeping from her eye sockets, and she became stone :ccc luckily! the heart was still beating :0 and so they were able to take the heart up, with the help of Aslana collecting water flowers and Maria flying Gill up (Gill was so normal holding the heart mhm yep yep I'm glad they gave it to him forrrr sure) up to the big bowl that's the source of all the water :DD and I cannot believe myself but I left off halfway through the episode. literally right when they put the heart and flowers into the bowl and gill stirred it with shape water (AND NOT POOR PRETZEL THAT POOR THING WAS THE BACKUP DDD:)
so yea :D! my thoughts so far, but I'll probably be back with another ask once I watch some more >:3 I hope to do that within the next two days, but even more hopefully today! and then they're back at sea woahhh :0 and a whole new arc is about to start :000 I think you were right when you said that this arc felt a little long, I'm not sure why it did but it just felt that way lol /lh
alrightyy!! thanks for letting me ramble to you, and I will most certainly be back soon :DD actually I have yet to watch your ramble, so that'll probably be an ask in your lovely ask box soon!!
I hope you're having a great day, I'll see you around :DD!!! <33
Whattttt what are you talking about! Chip has never lied in his life ever XD
EARL!!!!! <3
Ohhh, I forgot that they go for that angle- yeah no she’s a literal rockstar lol
Jay absolutely carries in battles and it’s incredible
Nooo rip Gill XD did he use his prophetic thingy and then roll the one or just normal attack?
Aww, poor Stella :c (LOL they should do that bit again later in the campaign, it would be so funny… that’s incredible)
*dirt poor robins voice* IT TORE YOUR HEART OUTTT (not all that relevant but it’s one of their more upbeat songs :3)
YESSS HOLE IN YOUR HEART!!!!! Theres a cute post about this I have saved but the jrwi gang is not afraid to write silly little songs for the guys :DD (this one also ended up being foreshadowing kinda :333)
yea! wow crazy that there’s two characters now that have had that black ooze once their arc is over… wonder why that happens….. (pfft oh no)
You’re all good dude!!! I’m excited for you to get to the next arc though :0
yes yes! :O WAIT this next bit at sea is a chip character development kinda!!! I suppose it gets rather erased later on but like still a whole thing for him heheheee
Lol glad you agreed with me- later on they get a bit better at having their silly bits actually advance the plot or characters, but for this first bit it feels a bit unfocused? Probably a side effect of the main story not having much connection to the pcs actually 🤔 Worry not though, the next arc has someone veryyy relevant to some character backstory :33
yippie!! cya ladle! :D
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