#the ninja babies fought their dads
thatofabeavers · 1 year
Did anyone else obsessively watch weird and obscure animated videos on YouTube back in the day? Around 2010 - 2016?
Because half of my childhood is just watching music videos like “little game” and watching animated videos like that one ninja baby which I think was actually just an ad for shaving cream? And also the roller-skating babies dancing to gangnam style. Which I’m sure is just an ad for water. And the murder peppa pig stop animation video, which, surprisingly, wasn’t an ad.
It was certainly a weird time to be on YouTube, but I also can’t complain, because I still watch that kind of stuff. Except, instead of weird murder baby ads, it’s animated pilots that I get sad about when they never get picked up.
Actually. Old YouTube was surprisingly gay. Everything I watched was either weird, animated, or lgbt. Mostly all of them. Hmmmmm.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Everyone But You
Iruka x Sarutobi!Reader
Synopsis: Being Asuma's baby sister was a pain, and so were his friends—all except Iruka, of course.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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"Uh oh… Asuma, what did you do this time?"
Asuma raised his eyes to Genma, who was looking at something behind him. Asuma didn't need to look, didn't even need to try and guess who it was. He knew.
"Asuma!" Your angry screech hit the ears of the men outside of the bar. Some chuckled at your cute fiery temper, while the others shied away from you as you stormed past. Asuma turned and threw a smirk your way before pulling the cigarette from his mouth, "What's up, little sis-"
Your fingers grabbed his cigarette, slamming it on the ground as you put it out with your boot. "Don't even play coy with me; you have my book. GIVE IT BACK," Asuma feigned being wounded with his hand over his heart, "Why would you accuse me of such things?"
The men around him laughed, warming your cheeks from anger and embarrassment. "Because you always do. Now give me back my book" Asuma ignored you as he searched his pockets for another cigarette. The more he searched around, the louder the laughter grew around you. Genma was the only one not laughing, and he started to pity you.
Your brows furrowed in pain, chest aching as your brother once again took it too far. He found a cigarette and raised it to his lips. The men continued to laugh, and you glared at your brother as he ignited his lighter.
"Fine," you whimpered as you fought back the tears. "I didn't need it anyway" Asuma stopped at the sound of your wobbling words, eyes flicking up to you before he extinguished the lighter. He opened his mouth to apologize, but Genma beat him to the punch, "Here, Y/n. Is this what you need?"
Your eyes lit up at the sight of the textbook in Genma’s hand, causing him to smirk at how adorable you were. "Yes! Gen, thank you!" He nodded before taking the book to you. Asuma eyed his friend, not liking what he was seeing. You were an adult, sure, but you would always be his baby sister.
"Genma. Don't even think about it."
Your eyebrows furrowed as you grabbed the book from Genma's fingers, "He's not doing anything, Asu. Leave him alone-"
"Oh really? So him sneaking out of your room last night was also him 'not doing anything'"
Genma scoffed at Asuma's accusation. He wasn't there for any other reason than to help you study for your exams. "I have a test Asuma. He was helping me-"
"Helping. Right"
The men chuckled lightly at that but stopped at Genma’s glare. He hated when your brother did this to you. He's always been this way, ever since you were little, and the teasing only got worse as you grew. But you were becoming a lot more confident in who you were, and while you did get teary over little things, big things like this pissed you off.
"You're a dick. Honestly, why can't you just leave me alone!?"
Everyone but Genma and Asuma started to back away from you. While you weren't a Ninja, you still had a robust amount of Chakra running through your body, thanks to your father. "You don't scare me-"
"No, but Dad might"
A jolt of fear flashed through him as you turned swiftly and bolted towards the Hokage's office. Asuma was hot on your heels, spewing out empty threats that grew in severity the closer you got to the tower.
The shinobi tasked with guarding the Hokage moved away from you swiftly, eyes wide as Asuma trailed after you. This was usual, of course. It wasn't a typical Tuesday if Asuma hadn't pissed you off to the point where you would go to your father in rage.
The door to the office slammed open, "Dad. He's doing it AGAIN."
"She's lying! I'm innocent-"
You both halted at the many eyes now glued to your angry forms. There were at least five ANBU officers, two genin teams, and three teachers present. "Shit, the exams," you hissed quietly to Asuma, eyes widening in fear of the scolding you two would surely get from your father.
"Can't this wait?"
You shot a sheepish smile to your father before your eyes wandered to a specific teacher in the corner. Iruka nodded at you, and your dad once more cleared his throat, urging you to answer him swiftly so he could return to work.
"Ya… Dad, it's fine. We're fine. Right, buddy!!" You exclaimed as you threw an arm over Asuma's shoulders. He huffed but played it off as he pinched your cheek. "Yep! We are great."
"Good. Then please leave-"
The two of you were out of there before he could finish the sentence. Iruka chuckled in the corner, causing others to eye him curiously. They had never seen this type of behavior before.
But he sure as hell did.
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The frogs began to croak along the tree lines by the time you had finished your weekly reading. Just two more weeks and you'd be a teacher for the Konoha Preschool. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but it would be worth it. You moved to lie down on your back, hoping to get a second of relaxation before heading home. Closing your eyes, you took in the sounds surrounding you. The village was always so peaceful right before sunset
"How many more weeks?"
Your eyes shot open from fright before relaxing at the sight of him standing above you. Your lips curled up at him before you patted the blanket below you, signaling him to join you. "Two more, and I'll be a teacher! I'm so excited, Iruka. I can hardly wait" he chuckled at that before moving to lay beside you. The sun was setting, and you smiled dreamily at the pinkish-orange sky above. Iruka turned his head to look at you. Feeling his eyes on you made you turn your head to look back, "Do I have something on my face?"
Your teasing tone made him burn with embarrassment, but he didn't look away. He couldn't look away. "No. I just like looking at you."
It was your turn to heat up. His gaze was steely and serious, making your heart skip a beat. You chuckled playfully at that, trying your best to fight off the bashfulness, but your laughter died down as he turned onto his side. Iruka brought his hand to your face, fingers delicately caressing your burning cheek. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"
Your question made him smile, and you didn't know why. The last time you talked to him, he was dating some other shinobi, but things have clearly changed. "Not anymore." You nodded and let him continue caressing your skin; Iruka, to you, was a weak point in your armor. You've dated before, on and off for years, but it stopped when you entered adulthood. You started seeing Genma to distract yourself from the painful image of seeing Iruka with his girlfriend. You and Genma were never serious. It was all just fun.
But it was different with Iruka.
You glanced at his lips, breath growing heavy as the urge to kiss him blossomed. God's you missed him. His touch, his voice, his scent, his lips. Everything. "You and Genma-"
"Not serious," you whispered before scooting closer to him. You just wanted a taste. Iruka smirked at your answer before scooting closer as well. You closed your eyes, leaning in to try and capture his lips with yours. But he stopped you.
You looked at him in pure shock. Did you read this wrong?
"Do you remember the first time we met?"
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion before relaxing as you replayed the memory in your head. "When you told me to go tell my father to fuck off-"
"Those weren't my exact words-"
Your giggle cut him off; honestly, your first encounter with each other was quite the story. But it changed your life. "I don't think I've ever told you I fell in love with you that day." His words were light and airy, as if saying them too loudly would get him in trouble. Your smile reached your eyes as you brought your hand up to trace the scar across his nose. Iruka's eyes drooped at the calming feeling. If you didn’t stop, he would surely fall asleep.
"I loved you before then, actually" Your whisper made his eyes open in disbelief. Before that first meeting? How was that possible? He scooted closer to you till your noses touched, urging you to continue. Your fingers trailed up his face and plunged into his hair, nails scratching at his scalp, causing a sigh to fall from his lips. "I fell for you the second I saw you when we were about 6. I don't think you remember, but you were the first person who said hi to me at the academy. I was afraid, and that little hello made me feel better."
Iruka looked at you blankly as he racked his brain for the memory. "Oh!" His bright smile lit up your heart as he remembered saying hello to a shy girl in the back of the room. "I remember now. It seemed like you didn't want to be there. So I figured welcoming you may help calm your nerves…."
You hummed at him before leaning in more. Your noses continued brushing against one another, and your breathing grew shallow. You wanted to kiss him, wanted it more than anything. "Can I kiss you?" Iruka's words had you nodding your head violently. Your fingers gripped onto his dark locks, lip curling into a pout as he waited for a verbal cue.
"Please kiss me."
He put a hand on your back and yanked you into him, lips slamming against yours as his hands wandered up and down your spine. You moaned into the kiss and deepened it, wanting nothing more than to drown in him. "Ruka. I missed you" Your whine had him moving you, so he was hovering over your body, "I missed you too" His words were sweet, but his kisses were rough. It had been years since the two of you last kissed, and the energy coursing through you told you he also missed these moments.
Iruka's lips traveled down your jaw toward your neck, making you arch into his embrace. Your hands traveled down his body before grabbing at the edge of his shirt. "We shouldn't do this here," Iruka huffed out; he wanted to give you what you wanted, but doing so in the middle of a park was not a good idea. "Then take me home. I need you. Iruka please" he was up in an instant, your pleading sending a shockwave of arousal through him. He hauled you up with him before grabbing your book and blanket. He kissed you once more before grabbing your hand and guiding you swiftly to his apartment.
You had a lot to catch up on. That was for sure.
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geekthefreakout · 4 months
The GaaNaru Letters (part 3/?)
Part 1 Part 2
Dear Gaara,
I'm back in the village. You were right-- it was Tsunade that Pervy Sage was talking about. She's an old hag, but really strong. Oh, and Pervy Sage's name is Jiraiya. He's the one who taught me how to summon toads! He's supposed to be a legendary ninja, but he's really just a pervert.
Orochimaru-bastard was trying to get at Granny Tsunade too. We had to fight him, and it was my second time almost getting eaten by a giant snake. It was so gross!! But on the bright side, I mastered this awesome new jutsu that Pervy Sage taught me. It's called 'rasengan'. The old hag thought it was too tough for me to do, but I bet her I could master in in a week AND I DID! How awesome am I right now? I want to try it against your sand next time we see each other.
What I didn't have time to say last time is that your dad sucks. A lot. I know he's dead and everything and you're not supposed to say bad things about dead people, but what you said about him just makes me so angry!! How is it your fault that your mom died when you were born? Babies can't do anything about stuff like that. And it's not like you signed up for Shukaku either. What a jerk!
Bushy Brows is doing better now that Granny is here. She's doing a surgery for him, and then he can really get back on his feet. Everyone is doubting that he can be a shinobi again, but they're wrong. He won't stop until he's back in fighting shape, I know it. Sasuke woke up today, but he hasn't said anything yet. That bastard better fix his attitude soon, because he's upsetting Sakura-chan with his sulking.
I don't know why those guys are after us. Were you able to get your sensei to look into it? Also, how are things going with your siblings? It's good that they don't want to hit you. Family shouldn't hurt each other. You asked if they could be blamed for resenting you and I think... I don't know, kinda? I think they should know that your dad was so unfair to you. Even if you were scary, they're still your family, and if they weren't gonna give you a chance then why should you give them a chance, you know? But it sounds like they're giving you one now?
Sincerely, Naruto Uzumaki
PS: It doesn't count as you kicking my ass because you're the one who backed down! :p
Naruto Uzumaki,
I would like you to elaborate on the giant snake.
It is astounding to me that you refer to two of the measurably greatest ninja of our time as "old hag" and "Pervy Sage." I suppose the saying that familiarity breeds contempt is true-- though you don't seem to regard them with contempt. Tsunade has reached out to the council here in the Sand, and work is underway to repair the relationship between our two villages.
I am interested in this new jutsu. Your repertoire seemed somewhat limited when we fought, though it does not seem to be a problem for you with the amount of chakra you have. And, of course, I should not speak too much- I use my sand almost exclusively in battle.
I do not know Uchiha well, but I know his eyes. I know what silence means with them. Be careful with him, Naruto.
My siblings are... well. Giving me a chance, as you say. Kankuro has made a point of asking me to train with him. Well, he says train with him, but it is more him demonstrating his puppets to me. I have smashed many of them in the past, but I no longer wish to do so. He is very proud of them, and he should be-- ninja puppets require fine chakra control, and he is very skilled. I never noticed how skilled before. It is as though I am seeing him with new eyes. Temari has introduced me to her ferret summons, and has taken to preparing juice for Kankuro and I when we return from training. Kankuro complains that she is treating us like children, but is always happy for his juice. He contradicts himself like this often, I've noticed.
I am strangely grateful for your sentiments regarding my father. It is probably best that you do not speak them to my siblings, however.
Does Rock Lee hate m I had Temari tell Baki that she'd heard rumors about the Akatsuki, and the council is investigating. No one will know where she actually heard the rumors from. Now that our villages are collaborating, hopefully we will be sharing information freely as it comes.
I went for a walk as the sun set last night, and came to a noodle shop. The owner saw me and closed the windows. I have frightened her before. A child's ball landed at my feet. I saw him looking for it. I kicked it back towards him, and he thanked me. His mother pulled him away, but did not stop him from waving goodbye. Is this hope? I do not want to keep fostering fear within my village, but even my presence terrifies most of them. I cannot help but wonder- what would you do in place, Naruto Uzumaki?
Sincerely, Gaara of the Desert
PS: What does " :p " mean?
Dear Gaara,
The giant snakes are from Orochimaru. He's a FREAK with them. The first time was in the Forest of Death during the Chunin exam- that evil bastard had snuck in and attacked us. That's when he gave Sasuke that curse mark on his neck. The second time was when I was with Pervy Sage and Granny Tsunade. I broke a bone that time-- the snakes were so, so, so big. Like bigger than buildings! And slimy inside.
Sasuke has been acting kind of weird since the curse mark thing, and now he's acting even weirder. I guess it kind of makes sense. This isn't classified or anything so I can tell you- one of the Akatsuki that attacked me was Sasuke's brother, who also killed his whole clan! Having that happen when he was little is a big part of why Sasuke is such a jerk. But I understand him, you know? He was left alone. And Itachi's sharingan eye is different from Sasuke's and scrambled his head and that's why Granny Tsunade had to help him.
Sasuke is angry about Itachi, is what I'm saying. Even more than usual. If I can get him to sit and talk to me, I think maybe I should tell him about why his brother was after me. Sasuke and Sakura-chan don't know about Kyuubi, no one my age does. I guess I'm kind of scared to tell them. Even though they're my teammates and I trust them, I just don't want them to look at me different. But Sasuke is so angry. Is that what you meant by being careful with him? Sasuke wouldn't ACTUALLY hurt me, you know? Not any more than I would hurt him if we fought!
You use a lot of big words-- I had to look up "repertoire". Also- hey! There's lots of different uses for shadow clones, you know. I don't think it should count as limited. Also learning new jutsu is kind of hard for me, so I just try to get really really food at the ones I am good at. Besides, you also saw my summoning jutsu! And you didn't see my Sexy Jutsu.
Also, I don't feel contempt at all. I just tell it like it is. I had to look that one up too.
About people being afraid of you- I think a lot of the time, people are scared of things that are bigger than them, or things that they don't understand. People hate that sometimes. Lots of people in the village hates me, and it used to be lots more when I was younger. But little by little I'm getting people to see me. It all started with Mr. Ichiraku at the Ramen stand. Then Sasuke and Iruka-sensei. Just show them that you're not a monster. And to show them, you have to let them see you. I guess if I were you, I'd be pretty hurt. But I would go back to the noodle shop and buy noodles. Or maybe go find another place where they let me in and eat there. Then people can see that I'm not so bad! If you're not so mysterious, there's not a lot to be scared of.
There are some people who like mysterious. Like all the girls who think Sasuke is cute because they aren't around him enough to know that he's an asshole under those cheekbones.
Sincerely, Naruto Uzumaki
PS: :p is me sticking my tongue out! I wanted you to know since you can't see my face. I hope I can see your face again sometime!
Part 4
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wildglitch · 7 months
Ninjago HeadCanon
So we all know how Kai is like a year older then Nia right? Well I personally like the idea the he is maybe 4-5 years older than her.
Have it be that his parents left when he was like 5 or 6 right? Ok...Now imagin poor little abandon 5 year old Kai just sitting out on the porch of his house with a baby Nia bundeld in his arms just waiting and hoping to god that his mom and dad will comeback like-
"Dont worry Nia, everythings gonna be ok. Mama and Papa will be back any minute now and soon you be able to eat. But in the meantime, your big brother here!"
And they just never return-
I think Kai stole. Kai 100% stole shit from people. He stole food, he stole medicine, he stole a red dress from some hanging landrey for Nia and she never knew. Kai was either taught by a group of criminal how to steal cause they took pity on the poor boy, or he fucked around and found out. There no inbettewn. He was like a Little Aladdin minus the monkey.
I also think Kai or dropped out of school or just never whent so he could focuse on raising Nia.
He would probably be forced to leave Nia alone, or leave her with the neihbors while he "went to school in another village" as he told them. Which really meant working a lot of odd jobs and stealing. Later on when he got older, he probably did a couple of crimes to earn money. Everyone thought he was a Darkly student and the cops even sent him there a few time, be never botherd correcting them.
Kai didnt really care much about his own education and health, but Nia? You better belive he did everything he could to make sure she had the best shot at a good future. He would steal books and tools so his sister could study and "grow up super smart!". Though, since he didnt really now much, he didnt really give her stuff that was really her level
7 year old Kai gave a 2 year old advance robotics book and thus, genieuse machanic Nia was born!
When Nia was 6 and old enough to go to school Kai cried tears of joy she actually got to go. This is also around the time that things got a bit easier cause he got a part time-job and started up his dads blacksmith. He was really bad at it but the money was coming in.
Kai fought tooth and fucking nail to hide all of the struggle from Nia to the point that she has no clue they had it so bad. Her conscious came online when she entered school so anything that was really bad she dosent remember.
She hasent conected the dots about the fact that she was a baby when she was abandon, and that her 5 year old brother raised her.
By the time they are with the Ninja, the others only sort of understand the fact that they were abondond. Except for Lloyd.
Only Abondond, runaway, took care of himself, Lloyd clocked what Kai went through and all of a sudden, "the guy that bullied me a bit and also saved me" becomes, "the guy who was just like me once" and he sort of just..."our big brother"
We dont talk enough about the fact that Kai be it this headcanon or in canon, was abondond as a child, and had to just deal with.
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sillyandquest · 1 year
I'm just sitting and wondering whose Casey Junior's sensei for the Mutant Mashup Au (created by me and @possumsarenice).
Tbh Future DaVinci would be the obvious choice, being the oldest and having really good ninja skills makes him good mentor material. In 2012 canon Leo is shown being good with kids all things considered so that would extend to DaVinci. Omg I just remembered Chloe. What if he trained the two and they grew up as siblings?
It'll be way more heart wrenching once Junior has to leave them behind and jump through the time portal. Chloe most likely died minuets before he did too, Junior probably didn't even realize and most likely never will. (Sorry Junior, but the turtle curse decrees that I must bestow the trauma)
Moving on before I ramble about that idea. Future Blue is obviously also a sensei, though in this au he'd probably teach Casey Junior how to be evasive compared to DaVinci, who'd focus more on attacks and techniques. Blue and DaVinci probably taught him together and thus, would both be called sensei. To avoid confusion, I think Junior would call DaVinci, Master, and Blue, Sensei.
We didn't get much info on future Splinter in the Rise movie so he most likely passed away. However, in the Au, both Yoshi and Lou would've been alive long enough to have met Casey Junior as a baby. They both died before Junior could remember them properly, but the turtles, O'Neil's, and Casey made sure to tell him stories about them. Junior calls them Grand Master's Yoshi and Lou.
Of course there's another way of looking at things. Maybe DaVinci died before ever even meeting Junior and is either called Master or Uncle as a sign of respect.
Future Sanzio's also a sensei candidate, like it or not he's a softie for little ones, and would totally want to teach and take care of Casey Junior. (Honestly though, Zio and Future Red act as Junior's dad's more than sensei's). I think Sanzio also wants to protect Junior because Casey was his best friend, right next to Cassandra, so the attachment was unreal.
Speaking of Future Casey, I wanna say he died midway through the invasion and spent a good portion of time being the world's best uncle. He'd definitely encourage Junior to commit as much chaos as possible. He was the one to take care of Junior most often because Junior was all he had left of Cass after she died. Even if the kid wasn't actually her's, Cass saved him for a reason and Casey'll be damned if he didn't make sure Junior lived through the apocalypse like she wanted. Casey probably died sacrificing himself to save a bunch of people, maybe alongside DaVinci.
Future Niccolo and Purple are terrifying, especially when making weapons. They always made weapons. It was a necessity honestly, but those two had a blast making things that blew up, consider it a coping mechanism for both of them. That never stopped, even after Nico transferred his soul into a robot he designed. (The fact that 2012 Donnie became a robot as an adult is canon has me very concerned. Especially since Red did the same in this Au).
As a (rather painful) note: Nico always knew he would become a robot in the end. Even if he was the second to last Hamato standing, Nico would've done everything in his power to stay alive. This is because he knows he needs his family and couldn't bear leaving them even if it meant he could live on and watch over them as a spirit alongside his father.
Of course, Future Simoni is up there reigning as best uncle, not the favorite because that honor goes to Casey. He did a lot of crazy stuff and gave the Kraang the most grief in fights. Simon wasn't the most powerful but he was the most slippery and pissed off the Kraang the most. The Kraang hated that Simon fought like it was nothing and took that as an insult to their power.
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turtleboyz · 2 years
Character Analysis: 2012 Season 5: Yoshi Hamato/Splinter
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I’m going to be honest; I hate this man. yeah, he’s a good teacher, but man, he’s a bad father. It seems like the writers care more about Splinter being a mystery all knowing teacher, then a dad. The only times he were active was when the situation was dire, or he keeps fighting with Shredder.
Splinter grew up in Japan. He’s the eldest son and heir to the Hamato clan. His brother, Saki. Was the sole survivor of the Foot Clan, that the Hamato’s whipped out. He and Saki faught in a war together, and growing up, the two trained together but being reviles. Lasted both men fell in love with Tang Shen, and they fought over her. One day Saki and Yoshi fought and their dojo caught on fire and Shen die in the process of protecting Yoshi.
Yoshi thought both his wife and daughter die, he left Japan and the clan and went to America. There, he bought 5 baby turtles, after a run in with the Kraang in a alleyway he was transform into a rat and the turtles became humanoid. Yoshi became Splinter, he raised the boys, trying to survive and hiding from the Kraang. He started teaching the boys how to be ninja when they were toddlers, after he saw Leo mimicking his moves and Raph trying to help fight the Kraang.
Splinter’s relationship with his sons isn’t good. He’s bias and plays favoritism with Leo. While he does train and love his sons, he seems to be emotionally neglected toward Donnie and Mikey, barely interacting with them, unless training. He try to teach Donnie to not relay so heavy on his tech, and try to teach Donnie not to force April to be with him. With Mikey, he think he has the most potential and that he can easily fight without thinking. But besides those moments, the three don’t inactive.
With Raph, they have some moments, more then Mikey or Donnie, but less than Leo. Both he and Raph have bad anger issues. Splinter try’s to teach Raph how to control it, but goes at it a wrong way. He has the brothers hit Roaj with arrows with insulting him, and Raph has to control his anger. That’s not a way to help with anger, it’s just suppressing it. It’s a shame too, because of how similar the two are with anger, it could have been a great why to show the two interacting more. Like having Splinter do different training with Raph to see what types of anger management works best. Splinter also try to help Raph in season 4 when Raph’s phobia and anxiety gets the best of him. He teaches Raph a phrase and how to breath.
With Leo, they have the most interactions. Splinter teaches Leo how to be the leader. He tells Leo “I knew even when you were a small boy that you would grow up and be the leader of this team. And when I pass on to be like a father as well.”
It’s….Not good, to tell you son, a 15-17 old child to act like a father to his brothers. He also has Leo in season 2, to teach his brothers on ninjitsu. He try to make Leo more tactical and smarter, but it end up give Leo anxiety and fear about being a failure.
With Karia, before he found out that she was alive, he grief for her. He became overprotective of his sons, both because he was afraid they’ll get hurt or become of the Kraang. When he found out his daughter way alive, he was conflicted. He found out that Karai was a foot assistant and was raised as Saki’s daughter. But he also deeply cares about her. When she become a mutant he was upset. In season 3, episode 23, when she’s under the mind control, Splinter doesn’t fight back against Karai. He even uses the Healing Hands to save her from the worm. The two also hug in season 2 when Karai first learns about her family.
With April, Splinter trains he to be a ninja. Both as a way to protect her from the Kraang and become he noticed that she has high intuition and/or empathy. He sees her as a second daughter.
While Splinter is wise, traditional, polite teacher. His ways of teaching his sons are not good. All the training we see, are the boys fighting each other or trying to fight Splinter. Because of his traditions, the boys fighting style are one one skill. In one episode, he has the boys switched weapons then immediately have them fights each other. But! They don’t know how to use different weapons, he doesn’t teach them, yet he expects them to fight well?
He also “play fights” with the boys. Aka sneaking up in then a throwing them, or throwing them into the walls. With Donnie, he repeating tripping him to try to teach Donnie on why it’s bad that he’s forcing his feelings into April. Why not couldn’t he just sit Donnie down and talk to him? Why did he have to make this into some sort of lesson? He also is stern, when Raph was angry about a human record them, Splinter silence Raph and got anger at him. He also talk about ablit Mikey, thinking that he’s unfocused and not very smart.
Splinter’s trauma of losing his wife greatly effective him, and in turn effects his sons. Leo is train to be the leader and to act like a second parent. Raph has anger issues and is seen in his eyes, as second best. Donnie feels useless without his tech or smarts, and Mikey feels like a screwup. Normal I would think that Splinter would grow and change as the season went on, realizing how his revenge and action effects his family. But no! He’s like this until he died for real. He keeps only telling Leo important stuff, he keeps telling Raph not not get angry, he keep doing the same thing over and over. At least with his Rise counterpart, that Splinter had a noticeable character growth and is changing for them better.
Splinter is a ok teacher, he even gives good advice, but because of his trauma and the constant fighting with shredder, he is a horrible father.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[Rise Raph and Rise Casey]
Casey fiddled with his hands slightly, looking up to Raph. Sometimes he forgot how big they were compared to him. With mission done, World saved, and Casey here for, well, forever, it gave time for them to talk. He had dropped the small bombshell before things went to Hell, but now that everything was taken care of? Well, maybe they should actually discuss things,
"Raph?" Casey speaks up, "I, look, if you don't want to call me your son, I'd understand, a-and if you don't want me to call you my dad, I'd get it."
Even if he had been dreaming of this moment since he was a tiny child; dreaming of somehow seeing his dad again,
"But, well, I would like to get to know you?" Casey suggested, "If, you'd want to get to know me?"
| muse interaction
Well, the world was saved now. Raphael was even back with his family, Leo managed to break through his krang brain washing. Outside some minor lasting results for Raph, he was all fine again, they all were. The dust had settled, and their home was saved more importantly though their family was safe. The one thing they always fought for most alone with the safety of others. Course now that family had one more member.
Yeah okay sure they had other humans that they had included into their little odd bunch. Like April. But that isn't why Casey stood out well, at least for Raphael. He still had the conversation heavy on his mind right now. He didn't physically need to be holding on to that photo Casey showed to him. The image was burned into mind easily enough. Him in the future war battled, older, but holding a baby all bundled up in blankets. A look in his eyes Raph knew he hadn't worn before. Because that bundle was a baby Casey. His baby. Casey was his son. And well all that was the same Raphael had been rephrasing and repeating those thought a lot because it was well a lot to take in. Having a child was one thought but meeting them?
Raph had noticed that the others got some tidbits of information on their own future selfsame. Leo was so hit shot ninja master, Mikey was a bad ass mystic ninja, and Donnie was the greatest mind the world ever knew. Raph wasn't surprised by any of what they told Gimme from Casey. He could see all that being true. There was a swell of pride in his shell, knowing his brother one day reached their potentials like he always knew they could Never once did something about himself come up and Raph had a feeling he knew why and that added a twist of guilt when it came to Casey. Smiling bright up to Raph it was different from how he looked to Leo. Towards Leo it was looking at somehow he was seeing again, the same for the others. But Raph? Something was just very different.
Likely didn’t help that he near about ran away from the poor kid either jeez Raph. Raphael sighed to himself as he reached up and dragged his fingers down his mask. It was a lot though and Raph’s mind had been swimming trying to work through all these thick foggy, murky thoughts of his he didn’t know where to start. In part he wonder if this was how his pops felt when he suddenly found himself with four turtles in his care.So lost in trying to figure out what to do here he didn’t even noticed Casey make his way over to him now.
Raph turned to look down to the kid, left to stare back into the trait they shared with the snapper. Bright green eyes. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to show he and Raph were related, he had his eyes. The same bright shade of green enough to get by as human but not many humans had green eyes even like that. unsure how to answer in the moment left to near jump out of his shell. Funny how a small little human seemed to set Raphael of all on edge like this. Unsure what to call them. Name made the most sense..but is he meant to call them something else? Did future him have names for them? oh he was spiraling again instead he just offered a wide smile hoping it be enough, before he started to wonder if he was shown off to much of his teeth in the moment. So he closed it into a tight beak smile. Shit is he even smiling? he forgot how he smiles!?
 "I, look, if you don't want to call me your son, I'd understand, a-and if you don't want me to call you my dad, I'd get it."
What? Raphael felt like his heart was sinking at the mention alone no of course that wasn’t it! Oh jeez Raph great how about telling this poor kid that though?! Why was Raph finding it so hard to find his voice for once, he never been one to get so lost into his mind like this always reacting through smashing before thinking, shouting before being clam and collected.
But then he looked at them again. Sure their family was able to be reunited. Raph saved Leo and got captured, and then they almost lost Leo for good. But they all manged to get back home in one piece. That being the four of them together again. Casey? Casey world was gone. His family was gone. One could argue he still had his family but. Casey didn’t he had familiar faces people he knew but they didn’t know him. In part did Raph ever get to know him much? Sure his world was awful and the result of a major war going on living to survive over just to live like they could. Casey didn’t know anything of this current world hell Pizza was so new to them even. So was everything else, and everyone else.
"But, well, I would like to get to know you?"
Raph slowly moved to sit on his knees so he could better look at Casey. Right now Raph wasn’t look at some random human claiming to be his kid. he was Looking at Leo, Donnie and Mikey. He was looking at himself. Watching how Casey tripped over his words how they played with their fingers how they didn’t know what to do but wanted to still try.
 "If, you'd want to get to know me?"
“What makes ya think I wouldn’ wanna know ya Casey?" Raph offer hand lifting to set his hand on to their shoulder. Letting it hover a moment to make sure that was fine before he finally let his heavy drop on to their shoulder. " imma be honest here I got a bit spooked when ya told me. Aye mean that ain't easy suddenly finding you got a kid to look out for I mean." Yeah now he was really starting to understand his own father in this moment. "but that don't mean anythin' against yous okay? I jus...don't wanna disappointing after all i don't know how I am or was to you as your dad. I might not be the same turtle yet?" Raphael tries to express the best that he can. Unaware of just how little even Casey knew about him. "I mean I wouldn't have told yas to stay with us if I didn' wanna get ta know you." He offers next
Letting eyes fall to the ground now " It can't be easy for yas right now either, I don't wanna add to all you got ta handle...but maybe for now lets just stick to names and figure it out from there?" shifting his gaze back to them to see how they feel about it all. It was like when he was kid again despite having a father Raph found himself in a parental role once more. "but for the record Case, you're wrong I do wanna call ya that." Giving a slight squeeze to their shoulder. "Who wouldn' ? Ya lived through an apocalypse, ate rats, faced the krang and never backed down, heck ya came to a world ya didn't know and stayed focus on ya mission too. Pfft more than I can say for anyone else." Giving a roll of his eyes a moment taking a shot at the others well giving the praise to Casey. "You been facing through so much and yet ya still got guts to keep moving on forward. Who wouldn't wanna know someone 'ike that? 'ike you? And ya say i'm ya dad in the future?" Smile brighten up a little "That's the most amazing bit to me."
He waits a bit once more hit with his thought about this poor kid lost in a world of familiar strangers. "I think you're already pretty cool as is."
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
"fuck the abusive bs that was push onto him" ok ninja training your kid is *going* to leave mental scars. if you raise your kid in an active fucking boobytrap zone like he did it does some fucking bullshittery to your brain. and i'll be real with you as an abuse survivor i dont like how hussie wrote dave's story concerning bro and the flavor of abuse that dave was subjected to but its undeniable that bro was abusive. like you cannot tell me that the abuse story was Pushed onto him when in act one hes fucking sword fighting with his 13 year old kid like its fucking kung fu panda the remaster. you can like his character like honestly super ninja man who owns porn business is sweet. good for him but not good for little baby dave because that would 100 and 3 percent fuck up a kid !
So Dave being fast as a baby after Bro Strider attempted to throw him is something natural things babies can do or it was because of his training, because babies brains and minds work faster like this. Riiiiight? Also, John uses an actual hammer to strike at his Dad and Rose tried to commit suicide via electric outlet in front of her mom. But no one puts the blame on either characters for that. No one calls John a douche for hurting a kind Dad Egbert. No one depicts Rose as suicidal for that moment. Defending Hussie's bullshit writing means you still have some respect for his shitty writing. Even if you claim to hate it, you still stand by his side that you think Bro being abusive was meant to happen. Bro Strider was not likely meant to be an abuser. He is also another avatar self projection of Hussie, similar to other characters like Dave, Dirk, and Equius. But no one calls Hussie an abuser or thinks he is as horrible like Bro is. You can't even use the argument that this is what he saw in his own father. Because we know that Hussie loved his dad a lot. There was no bad blood between them. It was only after his father's death after writing Act 5, that Hussie had spiraled down to depression that it seeped into his work. So not even Bro's death shown earlier would coincide this. No one these days play around the idea that maybe Bro was under the influence of Lil Cal in some way, like how Gamzee and Jack Noir were when they first saw this puppet. And Gamzee was still one of the pieces to make Lord English himself too. Bro was this to a degree as well. No one tries to think the idea that maybe because he wasn't fully Dirk Strider or human minds work different compared to trolls and Carapacians, Bro had some resistance against Lil Cal, but not by a lot. He keeps Lil Cal at his side so that way, Dave won't be in harms way. But in turn, Lil Cal is trying to make Bro do bad things. Strange though, despite entering the Medium with Dave with Lil Cal, he doesn't go after said kid. He goes to fight Jack Noir. Why is that? Why would an abuser leave his precious target behind for something else? Some could argue because Bec Noir was a threat to Lord English, Lil Cal had to influence Bro to fight against him. Or that it was part of the plan in the first place to separate the guardians from their children after entering the game. Either way, it is possible for the parents to have stayed with their kid. Like if Dad Egbert wasn't kidnapped, he could have fought alongside John. If Mom Lalonde didn't go progress Sburb alone for her daughter, she would still fought with her. Some could say Mom Lalonde knew that she had to let her daughter grow on her own. But remembering that Mom Lalonde from the beginning, despite knowing the end of the world was coming, she genuinely loved her daughter and Rose didn't notice it until it was too late. Mom Lalonde could have stayed with Rose to show she really loved her daughter. Would Rose had finally accepted it if she was with her? Or would she still be in denial and thinks there was a second meaning behind it, even after entering a game that not even Mom had control over?
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rottingflovver · 4 years
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Atsushi Nakajima, Kunikida Doppo
Format: headcanons
Tw: light mentions of abuse and childhood trauma!
A/N: I made myself sad with Atsushi's ╥﹏╥
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Surprisingly enough, he's a relatively good dad
I feel like, once you mentioned you had a child he would pull the most annoyed face
He may even tell you that that's a deal breaker
But in reality, he's just...kind of scared
What if he doesn't do a good job? What if the child doesn't like him? Will he really be able to give them a good home and sense of security?
But once they actually meet and start interacting with one another; he'll turn into the most caring person ever
Since he's already raised someone once (Gin, since I doubt Dazai did jack to help) he already has the basics down, and he knows how to show his tender side
Not to mention that Gin will be the cool aunt everyone will look forward to seeing, because she can be both a beautiful lady and super cool assassin (the child calls her a ninja)
Aku knows how to cook, fight me on this
He also knows how to entertain kids and how to clean up after them (and how to clean in general) but oh boy... When it comes to things such as "Hey let's not bring a toddler to battle ground and make them fight" he is AWFUL
You'll have to lecture him on that so much
"I have fought from a young age too. I don't see why they shouldn't."
"Sir this is a McDonald's drive thru"
Once you get over that issue it's smooth sailing tho
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"Y...You have a child...? Okay, I hope I won't disappoint them..."
All his life he's been told that he's worthless, a useless good for nothing that would be better off dead, so much so that he doesn't even think he deserves you as his s/o, let alone a child!!
Since he never had proper parents or proper parental figures in his life, he's worried that he won't know what to do
Worst of all 一 he's worried he might end up being an abuser himself (although that literally cannot happen)
You try and calm him down, telling him that you've seen how gentle he is with Kyouka and Kenji, and that you trust him very much...but he's still quite anxious
That all will change when he actually meets the child tho
If it's a baby or toddler, he'll be around them non stop and will literally not let a fly hurt them
If the kid is a bit older he won't be that watchful of them, but rather, he will try and bond with them via whatever interests the kid has
"You like Pokemon...? Oh my gosh me too!!" Cue him googling pokemon names so that he can flex by knowing every one
The kid will LOVE him
Will be very quick to accept him as their father
Not to mention they will adore his tiger form, and find it so so cute tbh
Many shopping sprees I imagine!! Atsushi isn't the most rich but he wants them to have good and pretty clothes that they will like wearing
Also they will sleep in a tiger onesie
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He's speechless
Not in a bad way of course, he's just...speechless
He'll set aside his ideals for now, because that's just something horrendous in his mind
His inner monologue probably looks like this "How ROTTEN does a man have to be to leave a such beautiful woman alone, that's just plain ridiculous! BUT TO LEAVE HER WHEN SHE ALREADY HAS A CHILD, THAT'S JUST UNACCEPTABLE. SCUM OF THE EARTH."
But his face is just...a stumped expression
He genuinely doesn't know how to respond, he'll probably fiddle out an awkward statement of supporting you regardless of that
He'll be flabbergasted for an entire week following that trust me
Once he meets the child he's going to be EXACTLY like one of those strict fathers that yell at their children...not
He's actually a big softie
He'll be like "OI don't eat that!!!...Well... I guess a little bit is okay... Please don't tell mom."
Can you believe a man so stoic is so soft when it comes to the ones he loves? Me too I can also believe it
He WILL however be keeping a watchful eye on them constantly
He couldn't bare the guilt of having anything bad happen to them, genuinely
Also he cooks their favorite meal a little too frequently, it's kinda sus mr kunikuni
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lloyd-needs-therapy · 4 years
I haven't posted a oneshot in a while so take some season 5 aftermath💚
Not Your Fault
The ninja were all on edge. Lloyd has been possesed by this Morro dude, that apparently was Sensei's first student. Everytime they fought Morro, Lloyd looked thiner. They were all worried about Lloyd espeicially Kai. He promised to protect Lloyd and he's doing a great job at that so far isn't he? Of course this ghost had to possess Lloyd of all people. The kid was already having a hard time accepting that his dad was gone. He hopes that they can get Lloyd back soon.
They were coming out of the first spinjitzu master's resting spot, they didn't get the realm crystal but they did get Lloyd back and for now that was the best thing that they could of asked for. Kai and Cole were helping Lloyd walk. Lloyd was barely keeping his eyes open and he couldn't even stand by himself, Kai just hopes that Lloyd can recover from this.
If he had to be honest, his baby bro wasn't looking to good at the moment. Lloyd was sporting cuts everywhere and a good few looked like they would be needing stitches. He was far, far to skinny, Kai fears if he holds him to hard he'll break. Lloyd's eyes are dull and hollow, not the vibrant green they were supposed to be. He also clearly didn't have any sleep in the weeks morro had him. Oh and didn't he mention that him and Lloyd are soaking wet, after being in a freezing river and almost drowing. Kai's lucky that he is naturally warm, but Lloyd is shivering so much, that it worries Kai.
He wants to comfort Lloyd but what do you even say to someone who was possed by a ghost? And Lloyd's probally feeling guilty knowing him, he would find a way to take responsibilty for any bad things. Maybe Kai should tell him that there almost back to the bounty, that might cheer him up knowing that he can go home.
"Don't worry green bean were almost to the bounty then we'll get you all fixed up okay?"
"Mhm" lloyd replied half asleep.
"Are you out of your mind!" Jay whispered shouted. Lloyd was in his bed after collapsing on deck. Sensei Wu gathered them for a meeting to discuss the plan of attack, but Sensei was suggesting that Lloyd will be the one to destroy the realm cyrstal.
"Yeh, Sensei Lloyd can't even stand by himself and your suggesting that we just launch him into battle, I don't agree" Cole replied.
"We have no other choice" Sensei Wu said firmly,"Nya, bandage Lloyd's injuries and try give him some food."
"Yes Sensei" she half nodded and slipped out of the room, with Kai close behind.
They walked down the hallway to the medbay in silence. When they walked in Lloyd was still dead to the world, he didn't even shift from where he was laid down. If it wasn't for his quiet laboured breaths, you would off thought he was dead. It sounded that he was having dificulty breathing, it was quiet but every now and again you could hear the harsh hitch in his breathing.
"Do you think we should wake him up?" Nya questioned Kai, "It's better if he's awake to bandage him up, but he looks like he needs to sleep for a solid week"
"Its probally best if we do wake him, we still need to tell him that hes the one that has to destroy the realm crystal" Kai sighed, walking over to Lloyd.
"Hey Buddy it's time to wake up"
"Mmm let m'sleep" Lloyd slurred, "ugh it feels like I've been hit by a truck"
"Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humor" Nya chuckled quietly.
"C'mon Kid we need to get tou bandaged up" Kai mumbled, while helping Lloyd sit up.
"How long have I been out for?"
"An hour or two I think." Nya replied
"Okay" Lloyd whispered quietly.
Nya got to work on bandaging Lloyd's injuries, on his face, arms, legs, and anywhere else where he gotten hurt.
"Can you lift up your shirt please?"
"O-oh yeah sure" Lloyd nervously stuttered.
He slowly lifted up his upper half of his gi.
The sight of his chest almost made Kai sick.
Lloyd had deep cuts all over his chest, half of them were infected, and all of them had dried blood surrounding them. He also had bruises turning all shades of blues and purples. Lloyd didn't look up choosing that the floor was a way better place to look instead of seeing his siblings reactions.
"Oh Lloyd" Nya began feeling an awful  dread of guilt, because most of those bruises were from her and the ninja themselves, but the cuts themselves must of been from morrow because they were careful not to fully harm Lloyd.
"Its okay, I'm fine yous don't need to worry about me" Lloyd mumbled so quietly that you could've missed it, but Kai and Nya both heard it.
"Lloyd, of course we need to worry your our baby brother. All of us were so worried we could barely talk because it didn't feel normal here without you!" Exclaimed Kai.
"I'm sorry" Lloyd whispered, still looking at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
" Aw, I'm sorry buddy I didn't mean to be harsh. It's not your fault, it's Morro's fault. Nya will get you all bandaged up and I'll go get you some food."
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headoverheelss · 4 years
6 Years Old:
Minato thought nothing of it at first. Kakashi and Gai were both 6. Gai would chase Kakashi around, wanting to spar with him. Kakashi wanting to up hold his “cool guy” attitude would brush him off. When Kakashi’s dad died, Minato was worried about how Kakashi would react. The kid was closed off already but this was certain to make Kakashi push people away. Minato didn’t worry about that for long though. Gai was there every day. Eventually, Kakashi was okay again but Minato still thought it was a one sided thing. 
8 Years Old:
Minato started to see a difference. Kakashi started to seek out Gai on his own. Whenever Minato passed by Team Choza’s training, he would spot Kakashi hidden in a tree somewhere, waiting for Gai to finish. Kakashi would do any challenge Gai threw at him. He would pick up souvenirs on his mission, mostly turtle figurines, for Gai. Minato started to see something different evolving. 
13 Years Old:
Minato felt old. Rin and Obito had finally got together. They announced that they were dating and Minato almost had a heart attack. His kids were growing up fast. At the moment, he felt relieved because at least he had Kakashi. That moment lasted only a minute because he had spotted Kakashi and Gai walking outside. Minato smiled. Kakashi had been seen with Gai often now since Dai died. The ninja had become more protective of Gai too. Minato had to pull him from fights more than once this month. Minato still thought Kakashi was his only kid left... right? Oh, how wrong he was. Minato saw as Gai was talking energetically about something. Kakashi was looking at Gai then at Gai’s hand. Minato watched as Kakashi tried to hold Gai’s hand but failed. The Hokage sighed into his hands. First off, his kid had no game and it wasn’t one sided anymore. He definitely was getting old. 
16 Years Old:
Minato was rooting for Kakashi. He knew it was hard for Kakashi to open up about his feelings so that’s why Minato found out officially about Kakashi’s crush when the boy turned 16. Team 7 even had a whole day dedicated to it and this was a hard thing put together. Rin was a full time medical ninja. She had just developed the 100 healings seal and was demanded by almost everybody to heal them. Obito was becoming more involved with his clan and training to become the next Hokage. Minato was busy with paperwork and a new baby. Kakashi was busy with back to back S rank missions. Still, they spent a whole day trying to help Kakashi figure out the best way to ask out Gai. Finally they settled on Rin’s plan, which was to do a challenge but at the end to just ask Gai out. The hardest part had to be calming Kakashi’s fear. The best part was two days later seeing Kakashi and Gai walk down the street hand in hand. 
30 Years Old:
Minato was happy seeing his son, Naruto, grow up. Minato was 40 years old now and felt like it was time to pass the hat to Obito. Minato had been the Hokage for too long. He wanted to be home for Naruto now. Kakashi had taken charge of Naruto during his genin and chunin days. Minato was happy how well Kakashi took to being a jonin team leader. Of course, he thinks that Gai had some doing with that but Gai says it was all Kakashi’s will to succeed. Kakashi and Gai were inseparably as ever. Both of them protected and fought for each other. They weren’t perfect but no couple is. Minato was happy for Kakashi. Now all he needed was for Gai to ask him for his blessing, Minato felt like going to a wedding. 
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mira--mira · 4 years
When and why do you think Madara gave up the dream of the village, or did he have it in the first place? Since its implied that Hashirama tired to make peace the second he became clan head only for Madara to refuse him until Izuna's death. Why do you think it took Madara so long to agree when he dreamt of it with Hashirama when they were young. Or do you think that he was just humoring Hashirama when they were young and never had that dream?
Ooh I have a lot of thoughts on this! Okay, so first of all I whole-heartedly believe Madara and Hashirama shared the same dream when they were young. I’d even argue that Madara started to have it first. In Hashirama’s flashbacks (which my god, I wish we had Madara’s perspective on that so much) to me it seems like he’s frustrated with the fighting and the war but can’t quite vocalize the idea of peace. It’s when he meets back up with Madara and Madara tells him to trust someone you need to know their guts and presents that as the unlikely but ultimate way to make peace that Hashirama latches onto the idea and then they develop the idea for the village specifically together until it becomes their dream, and once Madara abandons it, becomes “only” Hashirama’s.
As for why Madara didn’t agree immediately when he became clan head, I have different two different theories, and a whole lot of realisitc overlooked complications. The first and most bitter theory is at this point in the overall narrative the ‘Uchiha are genetically pre-dispositioned to evil’ theme has picked up steam and the reincarnation reveal is right around the corner. To make Naruto’s ultimate triumph of ‘winning Sasuke back to the side of good’ the most meaningful, Hashirama and Madara (and Asura and Indra before them) had to fail by the narrative design. Naruto is the child of prophecy and the reincarnation of ninja jesus, he’s the Most Special right now. None of this is helped by the fact that we don’t get Madara’s side. We don’t know why Madara refused peace. If that was explained, if Madara even referenced it in his fight with Hashirama I would be less bitter and more inclined to believe there was actual narrative weight in that decision. But it’s not and while I love part 1 baby Naruto with all my heart, ever since the child of prophecy plot point was brought up and all throughout the war arc I am most happy when we are not following him because the world bends to accommodate him as the mc more than usual at the detriment to other characters.
Now for a not bitter theory, with the scraps were given and a lot of guessing lol. Madara’s decision not to accept peace immediately once he becomes clan head, should narratively tie into why he broke off his friendship with Hashirama in the first place. We know the river confrontation happened, but we don’t know how the Uchiha discovered was meeting Hashirama, or their reaction to it. Personally, I love good dad Tajima, but realistically I think his reaction would be similar to Butsuma’s. Madara would be threatened with being labeled a traitor to the clan. However, the real crux for me would be Izuna. Izuna is Madara’s main priority from what we can tell. If Tajima suggested, or threatened, that Madara’s meetings with Hashirama would directly lead to Izuna’s death...I can see that being a greater fear for him. Neither Madara or Hashirama would want to be banished from their clans but the knowledge that his friendship with Hashirama was the cause of his brother’s death would be the single worst outcome for Madara. Cue the actual river confrontation, with Tobirama and Izuna clashing and then both dads trying to kill the other’s kid that was Madara’s worst-case come true. I don’t think he went into the confrontation with the intention of breaking his friendship with Hashirama. They both tried to leave early to prevent the confrontation after all. But when it happened and Madara was faced with that...he did the only thing he could think to do to protect his brother even at the cost of his own happiness. The agony of that choice was the Sharingan moment for me. From there it gets blurry but the way I see Madara is he felt he couldn’t go back on that decision and he internalized it. He made it and getting close to Hashirama again, listening to him and accepting peace, would still ultimately lead to his brother’s death. This could explain why after Izuna died, he gave it one last go and when he was defeated ultimately accepted peace. His worst case had come true. Izuna’s dead and, in a twist of fate, he died because Madara chose to not to accept Hashirama’s friendship when he could. 
The above is kind of my “main” theory, directly from canon explanation. It gets complicated by other ideas that weren’t addressed at all, but would reasonably come up if the narrative was focused on this time rather than Hashirama’s entire backstory being just that, a backstory. We know the Uchiha and Senju had been at war for generations and the overall terrible conditions of the Warring State Period as well as how ninja clans were hired as mercenaries...beyond that...there’s not a lot. A major consideration to Madara not accepting peace should be the political climate. Were there multiple daimyos (I ask this because the Warring States period was analogous to Japan’s Sengoku period and there were multiple daimyos fighting for power. Who would have the money/need to hire multiple clans to fight against each other if there was just one?) was there just one? Madara is the leader of a clan but he can’t just decide to do things if it would possibly jeopardize the Uchiha’s ability to work, get paid, and eat. Then you have the politics of the clans themselves. There were Uchiha defectors and they were at least willing to accept peace, but we get no indication about the clan’s changing attitude towards the Senju or peace. After being grievously injured, Izuna was still against it. There could have been a group that was completely anti-peace and a group that was pro-peace and how would Madara reconcile with that especially if he wasn’t a beloved leader? I do think Madara as clan head could make the decision ‘we’re making peace with the Senju’ but then forcing two enemy clans to cohabitate that hate each other...even if they were tired of war Madara would be risking his clan’s wellbeing on Hashirama’s word. I think Madara could believe Hashirama but the rest of the Senju? That’s a different question altogether and raises it’s own concerns. 
The concept of making peace and creating the village is a complicated matter, much more so than two boys declaring they’ll be the strongest so everyone has to listen to them. I really think this point in the narrative just kind of...had to exist with the way Kishi wrote the story esp with the upcoming Indra/Ashura parallels. Realistically there would have been a lot of reasons Madara couldn’t immediately accept peace even if he wanted to. These could have been hinted at, but because I think the ultimate goals of the backstory was 1. to lay out Madara’s villain origin and 2. to hint at Hashirama failed where Naruto will succeed and all of this has to be delivered as quickly and effectively as possible, those other possible reasons weren’t explored. I would have liked a line or two of dialogue between Hashirama and Madara about this, especially whenever Madara mentions Konoha isn’t his dream and ground it in realistic obstacles rather than ‘space alien goddess’ will manipulating him for x amount of time’ but...you know.
Hashirama and Madara’s relationship was well developed and great, but Naruto suffers the mot imo when realistic longstanding problems come up, especially if they’re problems caused by historical events or the current socio-political climate. The biggest evidence of this is...what were the great shinobi wars about? Why did they start? What were they fought over? When did they end? What were their consequences? It’s...surprisingly hard to answer these vital questions and “why didn’t Madara immediately accept peace?” ultimately falls into the same category for me. 
This is all from Madara’s perspective and tbh I could write a whole thing about why Hashirama was so gung-ho about immediate peace and the pro/cons of that but this is already way too long lol.
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dibs4ever · 3 years
The Next Generation Fic Excerpt
Rundown:Takes place in the future in the Young Justice Universe, Wally came back to life and married Artemis. Dick and Barbara are married. This story centers around their kids
Wally and Artemis children. 15 year old Twins Mark and Melanie West: Melanie is a speedster named Bullet, Mark is an Archer named Bullseye
Dick and Barbara’s kids are- Leah Grayson who is 12(not yet a vigilante) and Nathan Grayson who is 15 and the current Robin
Nathan and Melanie have just started secretly dating
"Good morning family." Nathan grinned from the top of the banister as he flipped down
"Nathan Wayne Grayson! You are going to rip your school uniform or scuff the banister, how many times do I have to tell you to use the stairs like a normal human"
Nate chuckled "Sorry Mom, I'll keep it in mind next time" he grinned pecking his mom on the cheek.
Dick chuckled and walked toward her "You know Alfred used to tell me the same thing" he said giving her a quick kiss on the lips
Barbara continued to watch her son
Nathan smiled as Leah walked out of the kitchen he picked her up and spun her around "Good Morning little sis!"
"Put me down!" Leah grunted Nathan laughed and obeyed. He patted her on the head before heading into the kitchen to make himself breakfast
"Did you guys run into some sort of toxin on patrol lately" Barbara asked
Dick shook his head "And as far as I know he hasn't while he was with Batman either." he thought for a moment "But he is a little giddy, isn't he?" He rose an eyebrow
Barbara nodded
Meanwhile at the West house
Wally was sitting at the table drinking his coffee. Artemis was across from him also drinking her morning brew. While Mark stood in the kitchen eating his large breakfast
"Good morning Daddy!" Melanie grinned as she walked into the kitchen. She leaned down and kissed his cheek
"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Wally smiled
Melanie walked past him and grabbed an energy drink from the fridge "Oh I'm great. Mark are you almost ready so we can get to Grayson manor?" She asked as she opened the can
Mark nodded "Yeah just let me finish this up and I'll be ready to go!" He said
Melanie smiled "great I'm just going to go check my hair again one last time" she said heading back up the stairs
Artemis tilted her head to the side "Does she seem a little happy lately?" She asked the room
Wally shrugged "Maybe she's just been in a good mood"
Artemis shook her head "That girl has a lot of my personality and the only time I remember being that giddy is when..." she glanced over at Wally "Mark does she have a new boyfriend?" She asked looking at her son
Mark shook his head "No, if she did I would think I'd know"
Wally's head quickly darted to Artemis "She's just happy babe, maybe she's doing well in her classes" he suggested
Mark nodded in agreement and Artemis sighed giving in to what the boys were saying
"You ready to go?" Melanie asked as she walked back into the kitchen
Mark nodded and set his plate down in the sink
Later that night
Melanie had just returned home from patrol. She had changed out of her suit, showered and was now in her pajamas which consisted of a ragged out oversized t-shirt that she stole from her brother and pajama shorts.
Meanwhile across town
Robin was assisting Batman in taking down Penguin. They had been fighting him all night and had finally caught him. Robin watched from a short distance as Batman handed Penguin over to the authorities. He played with some of his tech to occupy his time when an idea hit him.
He walked toward his grandfather "Excuse me Batman?" Robin said
Bruce turned to look at his grandson "Yes Robin." He rose an eyebrow
"I'm going to do one last loop around the city to make sure everything is safe " he pointed
Batman nodded "Okay, after that you are off duty " he informed him, since it was already 2:30am on a school night.
Robin nodded and grappled off. He let himself free fall for a moment doing a flip before shooting the hook off to the next building
Robin crouched in front of the window of the West house he knocked on the window lightly and waited a few seconds
Melanie opened the window "Na-Err Robin?" She said with a grin
He chuckled and climbed into her bedroom
"At your service" he bowed
She laughed and super sped toward him pinning him against the wall
"You know I love it when you do that" he grinned
Melanie smiled " I know"
"We haven't been alone in almost a week" he said softly
Melanie nodded "We are now, and do you know what I'm going to do about it?" She whispered
Nathan shot her a grin "I don't know, why don't you show me."
Melanie smiled and leaned forward kissing his lips.
After a few minutes of making out they pulled apart.
"So how was patrol hero?" She asked stepping away
"We got off to a late start because I had to appear with the rest of my family at a Wayne interprise thing. But it was fantastic Batman and Robin took on Penguin. We brought him down too" he said with a smile "How was your night heroine?" He asked following her
"Great we fought Gorilla Grodd" she said
Nathan nodded "You look cute to of just fought a giant ape" he complimented
She laughed "I'm wearing Shorts and one of Marks old T-shirts, plus my hair is all wet" she pointed
He smiled at her "And you wear that shirt a lot better than Mark ever did" he smirked and stepped closer to her "Your wet hair makes you look relaxed" he said running his fingers through her wet hair "And don't get me started on those shorts that show of those speedster legs of yours" he said as he nuzzled her neck
Melanie laughed lightly and pushed him back. She reached up pealing his mask off "There's those beautiful baby blues" she said pressing her forehead against his as she traced where the mask had been with her fingers
"Is that all you like about me?" He asked with a teasing smile
Melanie tilted her head "Well this Robin suit does make you look very good" she grinned
He smiled and was about to lean in to kiss her when the door swung open.
Like the ninja he was Robin jumped under her bed at lightning speed. Melanie quickly moved sitting on her bed just as Wally stepped in
"Hey honey, I saw the light on and thought you might of fell asleep without turning it off" he explained
Melanie laughed "Oh yeah, I know I should be going to sleep but you know how long it takes me to wind down after an exciting patrol"
Wally nodded "Your mom and brother just got home but you know your brother he's already passed out" he thumbed down the hall
"Robin, Batman said he let you off, where are you" Nightwing's voice could be heard from under the bed
Wally rose an eye brow and stepped further into Melanie's room. He bent down and looked under her bed
"Nate?" He asked
Nathan let out a chuckle and pushed himself out from under the bed "Ugh hey Uncle Wally" he said awkwardly
"What are you doing under Mel's bed? He asked curiously
"I umm, couldn't sleep either. Mel told me she was wide awake so I came over to hang out. I thought I'd get in trouble for being over so late so I hid" Nathan said nervously
Wally chuckled "Oh Nate you know you're welcome anytime, but you probably should be going home since your dad is looking for you" he pointed toward the communicator on his suit
It buzzed again "Robin, your parents are on my case. As Batman and your adoptive grandfather, it's my duty to demand that you return home now!" Bruce's voice boomed over the communicator
Nathan rolled his eyes "Yes sir" he spoke then switched to Nightwing "I'm on my way" he said
"Alright" Nightwing a voice came over a moment later
"Bye Uncle Wally, see you at school Mels" Nathan said nonchalantly as he picked up his mask and slipped it on. He opened the window and gave one last wave before grappling off into the night.
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i-am-ironic · 4 years
I was gone for six months and suddenly my best friend has a baby!
Part 2 of this
I wasn't going to do this part but so many people wanted a part two and I came up with this idea!
Jon was excited, not for the long boring meeting that was about to start, but for the food he was going to get at his best friend's house after the meeting. Of course this might not be the worst meeting, there was supposed to be a new hero from Gatham, that could be fun. He wondered if Damian Robin was friends with this new hero, and if they were another adopted sibling.
As more and more people filed into the justice league's meeting room, Jon Super-boy kept looking and not finding his friend. Once everyone was seated the batfam entered, always so dramatic.
The big bat himself entered first, followed by most of his kids. Nightwing, Red Hood, Black Bat, and Red Robin all walked in, Red Robin making a beeline for the computer. The last to enter was Robin next to a girl in a black suit with red accents. If this wasn't such a serious meeting Jon probably would have teased Robin about the matching suits. She must be the new hero. He whispered something to her in french, so they were friends, very interesting.
When everyone was seated the meeting began in the same way it always did with a report from all the leaders about how their city's were doing. The second order of business was the mission jon had just completed. It had taken him six months, two trips off world and eleven other people but he had finally stopped the alien who had wanted to destroy the world.
For Jon this part was just as interesting as the updates. he did his best to look like he was paying attention but really he was listening to damian talking to the new hero, Ladybug. Everything they said was in french, which made things harder for him because he didn't speak french.
Superman was almost done with the debriefing when Red Robin spoke up, "Ladybug, Agent A needs you right away, code G."
The woman nodded standing. Robin stood too but was stopped by her hand, "i can deal with this Robin, ill call if i need back-up."
He frowned but sat back down. Looking back at superman to continue.
"Thank you superman, for that very detailed debriefing," batman said standing and walking to the head of the table,"now as I'm sure you have heard there is a new hero in Gatham. Red Robin is calling her now she had to leave a moment ago. While we wait for her I would like to give you some backstory, she was thirteen when she became a hero, in Paris. She fought a supervillen for five years before he was finally defeated. Her partner from those days has since retired. She moved to Gatham for college and began working with us as a vigilante about five and a half months ago,"
"That about sums up my life this far," the woman herself stood in the doorway holding a pile of blankets.
Damian walked over to her and carefully took something from the blankets, an even smaller bundle. "She wouldn't stop crying would she?"
"She wanted her dad."
Thats when it clicked: Damian was holding a baby girl, the woman had said the baby wanted her dad and now the girl was reaching up for damian's face. Ladybug walked over next to batman.
Damian had a baby. DAMIAN HAD A BABY!!!!! This was not happening! The same Damian who hissed any time someone tried to touch him, had a baby?????? That didn't make any sense! Where did he get a baby??? You leave for six months and suddenly your best friend has a baby! Ridiculous!
Ladybug began speaking, "im sure many of you are curious about my powers but I'm afraid I can't disclose that information. If anyone has any other questions I would be happy to answer them."
The Flash raised his hand, when ladybug nodded at him he said, "Is that your and Robin's baby?" Barry, always so quick to adresse the elephant in the room.
Ladybug turned slightly red but replied, "In a manner of speaking, yes. But not in blood. Are there any other questions?"
When no one said anything the meeting was adjourned, the heroes heading back to their citys. Jon joined the batfam as they left.
"So Robin would you like to explain why you had a baby and didn't tell me?" Jon asked.
"Ha!" Jason laughed as they stepped into the tube headed home. "He just doesn't want to explain how he reverse kidnapped a baby."
Stepping out into the bat cave the team walked to there respective changing areas. Leaving only ladybug and the baby with Jon.
"Could you explain?"
She laughed, "sure, basically a lady handed damian little Gabrielle here and sprinted off. We never found the lady so damian and I adopted her. Lagaly she is damian's daughter though. Can you hold her while I detransform?"
"I guess." He took Gabrielle from Ladybug as a bright light over took her.
When the light vanished the young woman standing there smiled at him, "Im marinette by the way."
"Nice to meet you marinette," he said handing her back Gabrielle, "Im Jonathan but everyone calls me Jon."
"Nice to meet you too," she looked behind him and smiled even brighter, "Dames, we had better go up stairs for dinner."
Damian kissed her and took the tiny mask off of Gabrielle's face.
"So im an uncle now, right Damian?"
"No kent my daughter will not be calling you her uncle."
"Why not?!" Marinette and Jon exclaimed at the same time.
"Mari not you too." Damien said in mock horror. "I knew i shouldn't leave you two alone together!"
Marinette giggled. At this point they had reached the kitchen and marinette took Gabrielle from Damian to put her in her high chair.
The three of them continued talking as the rest of the family joind the dinner table. Marinette and Damian took turns feeding Gabrielle mashed sweet potatoes. Everyone laughed and joked, even talking to Gabby some times.
After dinner about half of the team had to go home, everyone else went to their rooms or to the movie room to watch Avitar: the last Airbender, which wasn't a movie but they wanted to watch it on the big screen.
Damian whent to put Gabby to sleep, it was too late for them to go home and Alfred had already prepared a room for them.
"So how long have you and Damian been together?" Jon asked Marinette.
"Two years in May. I didn't meet his family until five months ago though." She smiled, "I met them the same day we got Gabby, I understand why he didn't want me to meet them for such a long time. I mean who could have guessed I was a hreo too?"
"Im glad he found you. He seems much happier when you are around." Jon said.
"Marinette can you come say good night to Gabby she wants you." Damien called from the top of the stairs.
"Ill be right there!" Marinette shouted back.
Marinette walked up the stairs as Damian walked down. "So I guess you like her." Damien said.
"She has the best friend stamp of approval." Jon replied enthusiastically.
"Thats good," Damien said thinking over his words before he continued, "because, I'm going to ask her to marry me." He poped open a ring box revealing a beautiful diamond engagement ring.
"Wow! Oh my god!! Can I be your best man?!!" Jon was vibrating with excitement.
"Sssshhhhhhhhh!! You have to keep this on the down low! No one knows about this not even Alfred!"
"Im pretty sure Alfred knows everything. Especially the things you don't think he knows. Its his secret super power." Jon contredited. "I should probably head to bed i have to get up early tomorrow."
"Why would you need to get up early?"
"Because Alfred is making pancakes and i want to be the first one to get some."
As jon drifted off to sleep he thought about if he would be as good of a dad as damian was, and if he would be able to find someone like marinette.
Sorry this i late but I was having trouble writing this chapter. Also has anyone else been watching avitar non stop, like at this point I'm pretty sure I've seen it 12 times.
Next im going to write a soulmate au so if you want to be tagged in that let me know. I hope you enjoyed! (The wifi is down at my house sorry if you weren't tagged, ill try again later)
@wannajointhecrabcult @corabeth11 @i-wanna-be-a-ninja @animegirlweeb @spyofthenightcourt @ivymala07 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @bisha43rbs @dreamykitty25 @sublimesoulbouquet @maribat-is-lifeblood @thestressmademedoit @crytallized @tomanyfandomsonmymind @karukofox21 @nightstarblue @certifiedbidisaster @our-preciousss @lilyreadbooks12
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
Galra Lance
Lance is a galra, and Ex-Mamourian (He was kicked out because he was suicidal and kept getting attention to try to make Zarkon afraid which was the opposite of what mamoura wanted so Lance is a rebel doing his own thing, bounty hunting stealing, raiding and above all about to steal a red Lion on the ship hailed under Sendak and he’s going to get a boatloud of it. Then a cocky kid in a red suit slashes in claiming it’s his lion. Lance wonders if any of this was even worth it?
1 Flash to mind meld plus suspicion lances memories of him in water with mermaids and pre-galran.
2 Flash to “surprise, not a galra.” Lance is exposed and returned and nervous.
3 His father is Blatyz the previous blue Paladin and his other father the Galra whom Blatyz married. (Wait how were you born?) Pidge asked and Lance grinned his tail flickering back like a cats (I was a test tube baby)
4 Keiths initiation Lance returns to the Mamoura.
5 they take down Zarkon then realise his son appears and find out it was hagger when plot twist the whole family were puppets a chaotic energy anti quintescence gains a form and almost possesed the galra but some (Maourans) Resisted and the galra were so soft, so easily corruptable they fight that thing with Fusiontron. They save Honerva and Lotor and they find a planet and make it habitable and release everyone from enslavment but some planets are merged some want the Galra gone and some need their galra to remain so Allura and Lotor try to fix things. Lance goes to his planet which is hidden and Allura gasps to see Alteans, Mermainians and Galra there in hiding in a warped hole.
On a spacecraft floating on the edge of an arus solar system, an abandoned Galra named Lance, was taking a pit stop.
His ship consisted of junk, the pilot hanger cluttered making even hoarders feel disgusted open drinks and snack bars littered here and there and Lance had to squeeze in just to get to the pilots chair, the craft only had one room and a bathroom that stopped working. And his room was the only place that was clean it had an assortment of guns, rifles, snipers, you name it, along with a discarded blade that has seen no use in years with a strange symbol on the hilt.
Lance had music blasting from his speakers some album he bought from an alien shop, the album was called ‘Queen.’ And so far Lance was a fan.
He was flickering through a data pad as many reports scrolled past with anflick of his finger. Galra operations, cargo shipments, military vessels, open channels with radio chatter that Lance ignored. He was looking for something easy.
The life of a thief had its perks, steal medical supplies and weapons and give them to a rebellion and make a profit. Usually he sold to both sides just to live more dangerously. A recommendation opened up and Lance smirked behind his mask with the three circles on the front.
A vessel captioned by Sendek was hovering outside Arus, sliding the panel right and lots of data began to download at lighting speed , appeared and Lance’s smirk grew.
It had some precious cargo on it, a Lion of Voltron to be exact.
Lance was having the time of his life knocking out guards ninja style was just so easy, he had the red lion in his sights.
“Well hello gorgeous, mind dropping down that barrier and getting out of here?”
Suddenly he heard a nose and hid behind a pillar in the shadows, just as more galra guardsran into the hanger.
Lance turned and frowned to see a boy in red and white armour (like thats not inconspicuous) and took them down, Lance grew more suspicious this kid fought like a galra. But he didn’t wear mamorian armour or any rebel armour that he knew. Could be a threat.
Until the kid went to the barrier “Alright open up.”
…it did nothing, the boy growled in frustration “Ugh-we don’t have time for this! It’s me keith! You’re I AM YOUR PALADIN!”
Lance couldn’t help it he laughed, more like busted a gut.
The kid whipped around activating a weapon, a sword.
“Stay back!” Lance shook his head “No, wait,” he was still chuckling holding up his hands “I’m not-”
Suddenly more guards made themselves known and the two found themselves with their hands full.
Lance wasted no time shooting the Galra, even took care of the kids blindspots, this jlb was bigger than he thought maybe if he helped the kid out they can split the money fifty fifty.
That was until.
“You’re not getting this lion!”
Keith slammed his hand against the panel, and opened up the interlock, the vacum
Shot the galra forward and Keith was barely gripping onto the panel.
Lance cursed then used his grappling hooks to latch onto a structure beam.
Suddenly Keith’s slipped and he was pulled into space.
Lance acted on instinct he unlatched grapplings and shot out of space after the teen. He easily grabbed him stopping them both from slinning.
“Let go!”
“Shut up, I’m trying to save your life.” Until the kid screamed Lance turned in time to see big metal jaws clamp shut around them.
Both screamed as they tumbled along the inner corridors, Lance was usually could at improvising- but this was going so far out of left field!
He had no clue what was even going on anymore.
Both were on their hands and knees panting from the sudden death experience, until Lance heard a high pitched sound and turned his head slowly.
Keith held his red sword against his face. Lance could only stare- oh well, stare in his mask and ex-Mamourian armour as much as he could.
“Who are you?” Keith growled. Lance knew he could knock the kid out and take the lion. But he’d have no idea if it’ll even respond to him, and Keith is a fighter and wouldn’t let this thing go, heck heleaped out of an airlock for this thing.
A crash outside saved his interrogation. “A rebel, against the Galra,” he rushed out (which was sorta true)
“Honestly I would tell you more but we don't have time!”
….It turns out Lance got involved in something much bigger than him.
This...this was Voltron.
His childhood stories, the one his dad told him about. The universe’s last hope before Alfor hid them away.
They returned!
Kinda, with one blue lion shot, it just sat there with it’s barrier up. Useless. Not doing a thing….sounded like his type of girl. Chilling alone while the whole universe wasn’t in chaos.
But even with four lions they were able to take down a fighter craft, one with Sendek attached as it crashed onto the planet before him. Colour Lance impressed.
Keith wasn’t too bad either during the battle. He was an excellent pilot and a fighter, but he had a very bad habit.
“Green is wide open,” Lance said with a sigh as he watched how obvious it was that the green Lion had three fighters on their ass.
“Help them out.” Dumbass, he left unsaid.
Keith seemed to hear it.
“I know-” keith instantly covered them and Lance saw fighter ships approach from the main craft. “Your right-” Keith barely managed to dodge.
“Will you quit back seat driving!?”
Lance almost stopped until he saw the black paladin was in distress “The Black lion-”
Keith was moving before he even finished. Keith was good, just had to see the bigger picture.
Once they defended Arus and went planet side, Lance had already made a decision, as he left the red lion trailing behind Keith he saw the others landed beside them.
A woman appeared out of the castle looking relieved, until her eyes clocked his and Lance almost ran back up the mouth of the lion.
“Who is he?”
Allura demanded once all the pilots had landed.
Lance brightened behind his mask, his lilac tail flicking back and forth as he descended the mouth of the lion and held his hand out.
“Oh hello, I’m Lance.” He over exagirated his movements the more big and dumb he looked the more trusting, Allura took his hand tentively.
“You can’t tell with the mask, but I’m winking.”
Allura pulled her hand away still suspicious. “Keith!”
Keith glanced at him curiously. “He was with the red lion,”
With no warning, Lance felt Allura grab his arm and twist him around onto his knees, Lance yelped.
“Ow, ow ow- that hurts lady- ow!” His hand was trembling and clenching as Allura dug her palm into his shoulder.
“What were your intentions with the red lion?”
“I was planning on stealing it,”
Allura looked very alarmed, until Lance gasped on. “But now? wouldn’t dream of it!” Allura growled “Why should we trust you?”
“My dad told me about Voltron,” Lance wheezed god this lady was tough.
Allura let him go surprised and Lance fell over with a yelp just barely catching himself, he turned and pointed at her with a scowl (That she didn’t see)
“Look I know what this looks like but I know that, this,” he gestured at the lions as he stood up ”This isn’t some collectors item, this is VOLTRON! The people’s hope, if anyone found out I-” Here he slapped a hand to his chest “-was responsible for sabotaging Voltron I’ll be doing the Galra a favour, Which is the opposite of what I want to do.”
Allura and the others who looked defensive, straightened once Lance said his piece.
“Is there anyone out there fighting Zarkon?” She asked, Lance placed a hands on his hips “Still? Jeez Lady where have you been? There is no more fighting, Its just surviving at this point.” He flapped his hand lazily “I already gave up on that freedom pipedream long ago, but yes other rebels are trying. Chances are if you make a dent in Zarkons oppressive system the rebels will come flocking.” And if the Mamoura catched wind of Voltron Lance wanted to be out of there ASAP.
He waved at them taking a step back “Good luck to you,” He patted the barrier of the blue lion and continued to walk away, hoping he could get enough of a signal to his ship to get him as far away from this planet.
Until the barrier collapsed with a swish.
He stopped walking as the others gasped. No.
Lance turned to see the others gape at the lion (Now free) then their gazes turned towards him.
Coran came to himself before the others. “It seems we have found our blue paladin.”
Lance looked around then back at them, wait they meant him?
Oh Gaia, no.
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stormcrawler75 · 4 years
if it hasn't been done yet (re the bad things happenbingo) could I ask for either amputation or damaged wing(s) with Remus please? I love what you've done with the prompts so far
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Warnings: Amputation, hospitals, diseases, talk of surgery.
Characters: Remus, Patton, mentions of Roman, Logan, Virgil, and Janus.
Hospitals smelt like absolute, sterilized shit.
Remus couldn’t fucking stand hospitals. Just the smell alone made Remus want to stay far away from hospitals for his entire life. Like, Remus got it. The people who worked there saved lives and the world would probably die without them. But Remus really hated hospitals. Maybe the problem was that they didn’t get enough money? Or that usually only shitty things happened at hospitals? Or maybe because of how many times Remus had been in one recently and he had only gotten shitty fucking news?
Whatever. No matter the reason, hospitals were still at the top of Remus’ shit list at the moment.
Plus, the gowns were itchy. Though, that might just be Remus’ opinion. He currently had one tied around in and was lying in a bed, waiting impatiently for the stupid kiddie clock - which was actually pretty cool because it was shaped like an octopus - hung on the opposite wall to hit three o’clock. Remus was so ready for this to be over with so he could go back home. Roman had promised to make whatever he wanted for dinner when Remus came back and Remus was so craving pancakes with cheese sauce.
Remus sighed and glanced over at his Dad, who was sitting next to him and reading a battered old Highlights magazine. “How much longer,” he whined, giving Patton his best pout. “We’ve been waiting here forever!”
“We’ve been waiting here for two hours, Sweetie,” Patton said gently, putting the magazine down on his knee. He glanced at the clock hanging opposite from them. “Well, it looks like you only got about twenty more minutes to go, Hon. Are you nervous?”
The question had been asked so many times by so many people lately that Remus could barely manage a scoff. “Me? Nervous? Nah, not at all! Hey, it’ll be pretty cool, if you think about it!” He forced a gasp and grabbed Patton’s wrist. “Do you think they’ll film it? Could I watch it later!?”
Patton laughed and shook his head fondly. “I don’t think so, Kiddo. But I’ll ask your doctor, okay? But if we do get it then no showing your siblings, okay? Especially don’t let Virgil catch you watching it, he would have nightmares for weeks. He’s already so worried about today.”
Remus’ jaw clenched at the memory of his two-year-old brother sobbing just a few hours ago and trying to cling to Remus’ hand. Virgil hated hospitals just as much as Remus and, unlike Remus, he didn’t have the maturity and wisdom that Remus had to understand why he hated them or remember just how long he had spent there as a baby. “He doesn’t have any reason to worry,” Remus spat, hating the pit of fear that was growing in his gut. “The doctors said that this is the best option for me and even if I’ll have to do therapy and stuff, I should be just fine.”
“Oh, Honey, he’s only a toddler, he doesn’t understand what’s happening,” Patton said gently, taking Remus’ hand and squeezing it. “All he understands is that his big brother is in pain and is going away to a scary place and is going to come back without one of his legs. He’s much too young to know what osteomyelitis is.”
“I’m fourteen and I don’t even fully understand what this stupid disease is,” Remus muttered, crossing his arms. So many people had tried explaining it to him and all Remus fully understood was that some stupid fungi had injected his right leg bone and they had caught it so late that amputation was the only option. “But I know that he shouldn’t be worried. It’ll be fine and he didn’t need to be crying so much. Logan and Roman weren’t crying.”
And, no, Remus wasn’t disappointed that Logan and Roman - old enough to understand what was happening - didn’t cry like Virgil had or looked worried. Not that there was any reason to be worried but it would’ve been nice for them to pretend to be worried!
Patton squeezed his hand again, looking down at him sympathetically. “Trust me, kiddo, they were crying plenty last night. Logan’s been looking up the operation ever since he learnt what you have and Roman is so scared about his twin. They were trying to be strong for you, that’s-”
“But there’s no reason to be worried,” Remus cried, throwing out his arms in frustration. “There isn’t, I’m going to be fine and there’s no reason for anyone to worry!” His eyes were filling with sudden tears and his jaw trembled with the force of keeping them back. “I-I’m gonna come home and annoy everyone a-and t-they don’t need to worry ‘bout me cause I am gonna be f-fine!” He sobbed and pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes, images of all the things that could go wrong flashing through his mind.
Arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him forward until he was leaning against his dad’s chest. “Shhh, shhhh, you’re okay, you’re going to be okay,” Patton cooed, rubbing a hand up and down Remus’ back. “You’re gonna be fine, kiddo.”
“They’re gonna take my leg,” Remus sobbed, gripping Patton’s shirt so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. “D-don’t let them take my leg, don’t let them, Papa!”
“Oh, Kiddo,” Patton sighed, resting his cheek on the top of Remus’ head and holding him close. “Sweetheart, I wish I could stop them from taking your leg. If I could, I’d take this infection and put it in my own leg so you wouldn’t have to lose yours. But I can’t, Sweetie, and I’m so sorry. And I know this is very scary but I’ll be right outside the room the entire time. And I’m going to buy you the best prosthetic that money can buy, I promise.”
Remus sniffled and he rubbed at his eyes, looking up at Patton sadly. “O-one with some design?”
Patton gave him a wobbly smile and nodded, kissing Remus’ forehead. “I’ll buy you two. A plain one and one with any design that you want on it. We’ll do it together, okay baby?”
“Okay,” Remus sniffled, leaning back against Patton and closing his eyes. “...How long now?”
“...Two minutes.”
Remus’ breath hitched and he fought back the urge to vomit. It’d be hilarious but then they’d have to wait even longer for this surgery to take place. “I’m scared,” he admitted softly. “I’m so scared, Papa.”
“I’ll be right outside the surgery room and I’ll be right there when you wake up,” Patton promised softly, sounding like he was holding back tears. It made Remus want to dig a hole in the ground and cry. He was making his Papa cry. “And as soon as the Doctors say you’re ready, we’ll go home and see your brothers and Uncle Janus, okay?”
Remus sniffled and nodded, wiping away the tears trailing down his cheeks.”Okay,” he whispered. He let out a shaky breath and forced a smile. “It’ll be okay.”
“Remus?” The two of them turned to see a Doctor and a Nurse waiting for them. “We’re ready for you.”
Remus glanced at Patton nervously and got a confident smile in return. “You’ll be okay,” Patton said, looking so sure that he might as well had been saying that the sky was blue. “I’ll be right next to you when you wake up, okay?”
“Okay,” Remus said softly, turning to the Doctor and Nurse. “I’m ready.”
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