#the nightfly live
MyrtleNight kit names?:
Myrtle didn’t know that any of them existed because he was busy living his best life as a kittypet and Alder didn’t know because he was busy watching Myrtle live his best life
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laferocia · 9 months
Mike Patton at JazzIn Festival Milano, 2010: Mike talks about trees, his wife, and says lots of "WOW".
Alright, here we go! Santa is coming, and Lilia from Italy wants to make a gift for her international Mike fan friends.
Let me give you a bit of context: the event is called JazzMi Festival. The individuals you see at the beginning of the video are Letizia Moratti, who was the mayor of Milan at that time; Red Ronnie (the guy with red hair and round glasses), a famous italian DJ in the 70s and 80s and for years the host of a TV show where he featured excellent artists who could perform live, the "Roxy Bar"; Nick The Nightfly (the guy with white hair), a Scotsman who has been in Italy for years, at that time he was the artistic director of the event and also a DJ.
Letizia Moratti shakes hands with Nick and they exchange greetings.
Red Ronnie: sei il direttore del festival! // You are the festival director!
Nick: Sì! Benvenuto Red, benvenuto Red! Adesso andiamo a trovare anche Mike, magari lo salutiamo. Vediamo se... facciamo un viaggio da queste parti. // Yes! Welcome Red, welcome Red! Now let's go and find Mike, perhaps we can say hello to him too. Let's see if... we take a tour around these parts.
Letizia Moratti: sono molto felice di essere riuscita a venire // I am pleased to have succeeded in coming.
They have a brief exchange about a previous event in Milan. Nick mentions that it was a beautiful evening and compliments the mayor not only for the event but also for the speech, which he describes as touching and non-institutional. She thanks him and replies that she is not good at speaking in an institutional manner. Nick remarks that he has the same issue with Italian, sometimes saying things he shouldn't (Moratti, however, praises his Italian, which is indeed excellent, featuring a slight and charming Anglophone accent).
At 1:10, finally they met Mike.
Mike: Ciao, salve, tutto bene? Sono Mike. Questo è Daniele // Hi, hello, how are you? I'm Mike. This is Daniele.
Daniele: Piacere // Nice to meet you.
Moratti speaks to Mike in English and he responds in Italian "Parlo abbastanza bene, non perfetto" (= I speak Italian quite well, though not perfectly").
Moratti: grazie per essere qua // Thanks for being here.
Mike: oh, grazie per... it's great to be here.
A note of appreciation for Letizia Moratti: she is one of the few Italian politicians who speaks a decent English.
2:02, Mike: è un bel lavoro! // It's quite a job!
Red Ronnie: ha lavorato tanto! // She worked a lot!
Moratti: Sì, ho fatto tante volte il giro del mondo per riuscire, votano 157 paesi, bisogna avere il voto della maggioranza, eravamo in competizione con la Turchia, non è stato facile. Comunque adesso l'abbiamo, io vado a Shanghai per fare la handover cerimony. // Yes, I've traveled the world many times to succeed. There are 157 countries voting, and you need the majority vote. We were in competition with Turkey, and it wasn't easy. Anyway, we have it now. I'm going to Shanghai for the handover ceremony.
Mike shakes hand with Nick and with a guy that is a city councillor, Giovanni Terzi. Moratti explains to Mike that the municipal councillor organized the festival.
Nick: Mike io ti devo portare i saluti di Norah Jones // Mike, I've got greetings for you from Norah Jones.
Mike: ah! Stavo parlando con lei anche ieri sera che stava a Venezia. // Oh! I was talking to her just last night, she was in Venice.
Nick: Perché ha suonato l'altra sera, lei ha guardato e mi fa "oh my friend Mike Patton," // Because she performed the other night, she looked at *(a poster or something about the event, I guess)* and said "oh my friend Mike Patton".
3:26, Red Ronnie: fai tutto Mondo Cane? // Are you playing the whole 'Mondo Cane' project?
Mike: sì sì sì! 22 canzoni // Yes, 22 songs.
3:43, Mike: un'orchestra piccolina, 12 violini, però funziona! // A small orchestra, 12 violins, but it works!
*A brief interlude of idle chatter, LOL*
3:46, Red Ronnie: la cosa incredibile, come hai visto nel disco ha messo, sì, "Il cielo in una stanza", che son dei classici... Letizia Moratti: è una delle mie canzoni preferite! Mike: ah allora è la prima canzone! È un pochino diversa ma è riconoscibile insomma; Letizia Moratti: posso avere un autografo? Mike: certo! Dovrei chiederlo io a lei! (Mike is is using the formal "lei" instead of "tu" as a form of courtesy and respect for Moratti's role and age) //
ENG: Red Ronnie: The incredible thing, as you saw on the record, is that he included, yes, "Il cielo in una stanza," which are classics... Letizia Moratti: It's one of my favorite songs! Mike: Ah, it's the first song then! It's a little different but still recognizable, in short. Letizia Moratti: Can I have an autograph? Mike: Of course! I should be the one asking you for it!
4:09, Mike pointing to the CD: "ahi ahi ahi, hai ascoltato?" Letizia Moratti: no! Red Ronnie: no no ma lei ascolta, diciamo che lei ha scelto di venire... Letizia Moratti: io ho scelto di venire al tuo concerto! Eh sì! Ho guardato tutto il programma e poi... Mike: ah sì? E quello di Norah Jones non l'hai visto?
ENG: Mike *pointing to the CD*: "Ouch ouch ouch, have you listened?" Letizia Moratti: No! Red Ronnie: No no, but she listens, let's say she chose to come... Letizia Moratti: I chose to come to your concert! Oh yes! I watched the entire program and then... Mike: Oh yeah? And you didn't see Norah Jones' concert? (Mike laughs, you can understand the rest of the conversation because they speak in English.)
4:40, Red Ronnie: è interessante perché questo è un progetto internazionale ma è molto italiano e questo pur con una ricerca... Letizia Moratti: è questo che mi è piaciuto! Mike: sì è bello! Red Ronnie: perché ad esempio "Urlo negro" dei Blackmen che è un disco (che da) piccolino ascoltavo... Mike: conosci? Hai sentito? Red: io ho il disco! Mike: quarantacinque (45) giri? Red: il juke box, il 45! Mike: mamma mia, questo è raro! Red: e quando lo mettevo nel juke box... e vedere tu *(it should be "vedere te", LOL)* che fai "Mondo cane"... Letizia Moratti: ma Red ha una collezione che è una meraviglia! Mike: eh si vede che è un intenditore! Moratti: sì, sì, ha pezzi abbastanza unici, ha piatti di John Lennon con le ghiande della pace... adesso abbiamo in programma di fare il giardino di John Lennon per l'8 ottobre... Red: beh ormai... Moratti: tanto è stato già detto! Eh sì, per i 30 anni... L'idea è quella di avere un albero da ogni Paese del mondo, tutti i Paesi che verranno qui per l'Expo, dove ognuno pianti un albero... Red: bel gesto! Potresti portarne uno dall'America, dalla tua zona... Mike: sì, c'ho magari qualche seme, non so... Moratti: bello! Mike: Io sono di quelle parti, California del nord, Redwood. Nick: San Francisco, Redwood. Mike: sì sì però io sono proprio... vengo da anche di più, capito? Più a nord. Moratti: il primo ce lo hanno regalato dal Congo. Mike: Wow! E com'è? Moratti: è un eucalipto. È uno degli alberi loro tipici, sì. Mike: una sequoia a Milano? Moratti: una sequoia sarebbe bellissimo! Mike: però (it should be "il clima") la clima mi sa che... Moratti: esatto, bisognerà cercare degli alberi che non muoiano... Mike: sì deve essere bagnatissimo, capito? Deve avere tanta tanta pioggia e non troppo sole, perciò... magari cresce un po' così ma... Moratti: un po' mini! Mike: sì sì un bonsai-sequoia! Moratti: ti lascio, vorrai stare un attimo... Mike: no! Dai, abbiamo fatto già... *voice: vogliamo fare una foto?* //
ENG: Red Ronnie: It's interesting because this is an international project, but it's very Italian, and this is despite thorough research... Letizia Moratti: That's what I liked about it! Mike: Yes, it's beautiful! Red Ronnie: For example, "Urlo negro" by the Blackmen, which is a record I used to listen to when I was little... Mike: Do you know it? Have you heard it? Red: I have the record! Mike: 45 RPM? Red: The jukebox, the 45! Mike: Oh my, that's rare! Red: And when I put it on the jukebox... and see you doing "Mondo cane"... Letizia Moratti: But Red has a collection that is wonderful! Mike: You can tell he's a connoisseur! Moratti: Yes, yes, he has quite unique pieces, turntable platters from John Lennon with the acorns of peace... now we're planning to create the John Lennon garden for October 8th... Red: Well, by now... Moratti: It's already been said! Yes, for the 30th anniversary... The idea is to have a tree from every country in the world, all the countries that will come here for the Expo (in 2015, Milan hosted the Expo), where each one plants a tree... Red: Nice gesture! Could you bring one from America, from your area... Mike: Yes, I might have some seeds, I don't know... Moratti: Nice! Mike: I'm from those parts, Northern California, Redwood. Nick: San Francisco, Redwood. Mike: Yes, yes, but I'm even further north. Moratti: The first one they gave us was from Congo. Mike: Wow! How is it? Moratti: It's a eucalyptus. It's one of their typical trees, yes. Mike: A sequoia in Milan? Moratti: A sequoia would be beautiful! Mike: But the climate, I think... Moratti: Exactly, we'll need to look for trees that won't die... Mike: Yes, it has to be very wet, you know? It needs a lot of rain and not too much sun, so... maybe it grows a bit like this but... Moratti: A mini one! Mike: Yes, yes, a bonsai-sequoia! Moratti: I'll leave you, you might want to stay a moment... Mike: No! Come on, we're already done... *Voice: Do you want to take a photo?*
7:00, Moratti: ma in casa parli italiano con tua moglie o... Mike: tutto! tre parole in italiano, una in inglese. Red: ma poi è una bolognese! Moratti: infatti! Lo so! Mike: lo senti? Un po'? Red: le "s" un pochino. Mike: un po' esce. Red: ma hai vissuto a Bologna? Mike: sì, 6 anni, più o meno. Red: ah, in che anni? Mike: sarebbe primi anni 90. Red: allora quando facevo il Roxy Bar. Mike: ah, infatti! Ho riconosciuto 'sta faccia! Guardavo, sì sì guardavo! Una volta, con un altro gruppo, non ricordo quale che ne avevo un paio, mi han detto eravamo chiesto (eravamo chiesto: it is not correct in italian but we can understand that he was saying "ci avevano chiesto") di andare lì però non potevamo fare. Red: tu hai collaborato con i Melvins, i Melvins han suonato dal vivo. Mike: sì sì sì mi ricordo! Red: il gruppo più rumoroso che abbia mai avuto! Mike: eh già! Red: hanno fatto... guarda... non puoi capire! Perché lui (Mike) ti sembra un bravo ragazzo... *a female voice, prolly his wife: ok, basta grazie, andiamo!* Red: lui fa degli esperimenti con la voce molto interessanti, con delle scatole, esperimenti. Un po' quello che faceva anche Demetrio Stratos, solo che faceva solo vocalizzi. Mike: sì ma per me Demetrio Stratos per me è proprio un idolo, è un grande, sono un grande fan, e c'ho molto rispetto per lui, ma veramente! Red: buon concerto Mike! Mike: grazie! È stato un piacere. *The other guy: quando sentirai urlare saremo noi!" //
ENG: Moratti: But do you speak Italian at home with your wife or... Mike: Everything! Three words in Italian, one in English. Red: But then she's from Bologna! Moratti: Indeed! I know! Mike: Can you hear it (he meant the typical Bologna accent)? A bit? Red: The "s", a little bit. Mike: It comes out a bit. Red: But did you live in Bologna? Mike: Yes, for 6 years, more or less. Red: Ah, in which years? Mike: It would be the early '90s. Red: So when I was doing the Roxy Bar (Roxy Bar was a music show created and hosted by Red Ronnie, broadcast in Italy from 1992 to 2001). Mike: Ah, indeed! I recognized that face! I watched it, yes, I watched it! Once, with another band, I don't remember which one because I had a couple, they had asked us to go there, but we couldn't make it. Red: You collaborated with the Melvins, and the Melvins played live. Mike: Yes, yes, I remember! Red: The loudest band I've ever had there! Mike: Oh, indeed! Red: They made... look... you can't understand! *Talking to Moratti* Because he (Mike) seems like a nice guy... *a female voice, probably his wife: okay, enough, thank you, let's go!* Red: He experiments with the voice in very interesting ways, with boxes, experiments. A bit like what Demetrio Stratos used to do, only he did vocalizations. Mike: Yes, but for me, Demetrio Stratos is truly an idol, he's great, I'm a big fan, and I have a lot of respect for him, really! Red: Good concert, Mike! Mike: Thank you! It's been a pleasure. *The other guy: When you hear shouting, it'll be us!"
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A Night's End: Fresh Hope (pt. 4)
Nightfly Origin
The three cats walked slowly, their energy drained with every step as much as their hope had been seeped out of their hearts with every kittypet or alleyway loner they spoke to, all giving the same answer.
No one had seen Meadowtree or Feathergaze, or any Clan cat besides them, for that matter.
Nightdrift glanced ahead at Twistedshine, who’s muzzle was locked and eyes were narrowed in determination. Determined to find her sister, or determined to still believe that she would, he couldn’t tell. 
A sigh brought his attention to Bramblefin, walking beside him. He leaned over and whispered in the brown tabby’s ear. “Were you two close?” he asked.
Bramblefin looked at Nightdrift, then at his own paws, caked with the dust that littered the strange pathways that lined the Twolegplace. “Been friends since we were young,” he answered.
Bramblefin shook his head, and Nightdrift could see that it pained him. “No,” he responded through what sounded like a lump in his throat. “I mean…I caught feelings, but…”
“She never did?” Nightdrift guessed sympathetically.
“I don’t know. I didn’t have the courage to ask before, and now…I’ll never know what her answer would have been.” His lips trembled, and the dark cloud over his eyes watered with fresh emotion. Nightdrift stepped closer, hoping to press against him and soothe as much pain as he could, but before his paw could touch the dusty ground, Twistedshine whirled around, bristling.
“Don’t say that” she hissed, saliva swinging from her snapping teeth. “We WILL find her, safe and sound, and you WILL have your answer!” Before either tom could respond, she whipped back around and continued on, tail lashing.
Nightdrift lowered his voice to a whisper, and spoke again into Bramblefin’s ear. “Has she been doing okay? Other than now?” He wanted to know if Twistedshine felt better when she was surrounded by other loved ones, her kits, her friends, or if the distraction of everyday life was enough to quiet the beast that grief brought. If it was different from now, when Feathergaze–and Meadowtree-was the front and centre of all their thoughts. He wasn’t sure why. Pity, probably.
Bramblefin shrugged. “I think she just hides it well,” he murmured back. “Feathergaze is more than a sister to her. She was–is–her best friend, and in a way, her daughter.”
“I heard.” Nightdrift wondered what it would be like to raise your younger sibling as your own kit. He guessed that Twistedshine didn’t have much of a choice. He didn’t know what kind of parents they had or how bad they were, he only knew that Twistedshine took it upon herself to take care of her kit-sister so that she would be happier than Twistedshine had been.
His eyes rested on the blind she-cat, who stomped on with a growl. What must it be like to lose the one cat you swore to always keep happy? What must she feel, knowing that the sister she must have sworn to protect is surely dead–or at least, will never be found by the Clans again?
Nightdrift’s chest ached as a storm of ice swept through his lungs and up his throat, where it sat as heavy as a rock. He tried to swallow it, stumbling, but it didn’t budge.  If this was how bad he felt just thinking about these cats’ pain, how could they move on, feeling it, expecting to live and hunt and patrol as if they don’t?
So distressed and distracted by these thoughts, he didn’t realize that Twistedshine had stopped, and bumped into her rear.
“Watch it,” she growled.
“Sorry.” Nightdrift blinked, realizing with a start that Twistedshine had stopped because she was speaking to someone. It was hard to tell in the dark light–night had fully fallen, and the tall Twoleg lights that lined the Thunderpaths were absent in this small row of dens–but he was sure that she was a tortoiseshell cat. He waited for her eyes to flash towards him, but even as she clearly faced him, there wasn’t so much as a glimpse. Did she HAVE eyes?
“As I was saying,” Twistedshine huffed, “have you seen any Clan cats around?”
The elderly kittypet let out a chuckle. For some reason, it made Nightdrift flinch. “Haven’t seen anyone around, hon. Don’t have the equipment for it.”
Equip…what? Must be a kittypet word.
“Blind?” Twistedshine asked.
“That’s right. And if you had to ask, I take it you’s the same.”
“For about four seasons now,” Twistedshine told her. “Cataracts.”
“Ah, rough.”
“Excuse me.” Bramblefin pushed forward. “We’re looking for some cats. Have you–uhm–scented them around? Or know anyone who did? We’re kind of in a hurry.”
The old cat responded to his request for hast with a long, massive yawn that sent an unpleasant odour into the three cats’ faces. They couldn’t help themselves from flinching. “It’s possible I smelt them. It’s even possible I spoke to them.”
Twistedshine straightened. Brmablefin leaned forward, ears perked, and Nightdrift’s eyes widened. “You did?” Twistedshine gasped. “Were they okay?”
“Was a she-cat with them?” Bramblefin put in. “She would have smelt like the two of us.”
“And another would have smelt like me,” Nightdrift added.
“Which way did they go?”
“Did a Twoleg take them?”
“Were they injured?”
“How many did you see–uh hear?”
The old cat smacked her tail against the ground. “Quiet, would you? How many tongues you think I have?”
Nightdrift ducked his head. “Sorry.”
Twistedshine scratched her claws against the tan Thunderpath impatiently. “She’s my sister, so excuse me if I’m in a rush to find her.”
The old cat tilted her head to one side. “Oh, yes, it can be tough losing kin, can it? The pain so hard, like the death of your own heart right inside of you.” Her words were raspy, creaking like a broken branch. “My own little kit found out her son had died not too long ago. A sickness that could have been cured if some cats had just given him care took him away from us. Ah, maybe you know him. Maybe you hated him too, like the cats who killed him.”
What was she going on about? “I’m sorry for your loss,” Nightdrift told her earnestly, albeit with confusion. “Perhaps…you understand why we want to find our Clanmates so much?”
The old cat’s muzzle wrinkled, reminding Nightdrift of a hungry dog. “You don’t care about my loss. Listen to you! I tell you about my dead grandbaby and my poor daughter’s broken heart, and you only want me to stop talking so you can go find your kin. What selfishness!”
Nightdrift ducked his head. Was he being selfish? 
“We could talk to you about it…when we get back?” Bramblefin offered. 
“Ha!” The old cat’s laugh was sharp, slicing through the air as clear as a claw. “Don’t bother. I want nothing to do with you Clan cats if it ain’t sending you on your way.”
“And which way would that be?” Twistenshine’s question was more of a snap. 
The old cat curled her lip in distaste. She nodded across the Thunderpath. “That direction ‘til you find a little stream. Follow it to a bridge. That’s where I sent them.”
Twistedshine had already bounded across the path before she could finish, Bramblefin hard on her paws. 
“Thank you,” Nightdrift told the old she-cat. “This is the most news we’ve gotten since the Flood.”
“Then go, and get away from me before I change my mind!”
Without needing more insistence, Nightdrift raced after his companions, fresh hope lighting his steps.
--Old Jacky!
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krispyweiss · 7 months
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Rewind: Steely Dan - Gaucho (1980)
Its transition from rock ‘n’ roll to jazz completed with the 1980 release of Gaucho, Steely Dan also decided to call the band itself complete.
But what a way to go out - until 2000’s Two against Nature, anyway. Languid and bittersweet though it may be, Gaucho is a classic affair full of immeasurable musicianship from more than 40 contributors on seven songs of elegant debauchery from Donald Fagen and Walter Becker, the latter of whom plays on only three cuts.
But with guitarists and bassists including Hugh McCracken and Mark Knopfler and Chuck Rainey and Anthony Jackson on standby, Becker’s aural absence hardly matters.
For Becker, like his partner Fagen, had the vision thing going and co-wrote all the songs. And though it was clearly clouded by Cuervo gold, fine Columbian, chasing the dragon and other illegal fun under the sun, Gaucho is a laser-focused masterwork that fuses what came before on Can’t Buy a Thrill through Aja while pointing toward what Fagen would produce on his initial post-Steely albums, the Nightfly and Kamakiriad.
But first Gaucho, which runs 38 shimmering minutes from the reggae-flecked lounge-room jazz of “Babylon Sisters” to the hazy cocaine hangover that is “Third World Man.”
In between, Fagen, the cadre of session players and singers and occasionally Becker, make creepy moves on a young one and live hard on the peppy “Hey Nineteen” and “Glamour Profession,” respectively; get high in the Custerdome - whatever the fuck that is - on the majestic title track; look forward to smoking some junk on the Doobie-licious “Time out of Mind,” with Michael McDonald on backgrounds; and dream of sweet revenge on “My Rival,” which sounds like a Caribbean rendering of “Fame.”
I loved you more than I can tell but now it’s stomping time, Fagen warns.
This is gruesome and hedonistic stuff that if packaged in any other way would’ve landed Gaucho with a parental warning. But as it went, the slick production, tasteful horn charts and slinky female backgrounds ensured parents played this record during family hour, resulting in children singing along to songs they didn’t really understand and growing up to be big Steely Dan fans.
Grade card: Steely Dan - Gaucho - A
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
Upon clouds we dream Chapter two
Fake fic title by @beckyu
. . .
The humans took our loved ones
They took our hearts and souls
They took whatever they wanted
They tried to take control
Humans should not be trusted
Or so the story tells
They destroyed our beautiful forest
Only for themselves
Humans aren't loyal
Something every dreamer knows
With all the pain and sadness
Well, the evil only grows
. . .
A few days after the news
. . .
Charlie had been accepted into training. With the ‘absence’ of Gio, they found it only right. He would have been overjoyed if the acceptance had been given under normal circumstances! He would have flown to the moon and stars! He would have danced all night long with Gio, in the moonlight glow. But these were not normal circumstances, and Gio was dead. He started training later today, and he was ready. The humans had killed his sister, and he was going to give them a taste of their own medicine.
His seed hung heavy on his neck. Gio had told him it was Mom’s before she died. It held the power of healing. Charlie knew that each dreamer had their own magic, but it was weak from never living in a magical environment. The seeds helped them with magic (even if it wasn't their own), stamina, food, and drink. You still needed to eat and drink of course, but a lot less. He didn't want to wear the seed right now, it was a little too much to bear, but he had to say goodbye to his class today before he went to train, and wearing your seed was tradition. Gio did it, when she graduated, wearing dads seed proudly as each of her classmates said goodbye to her. The main reason Gio had gotten accepted was that her seed was wild card magic. Her seed could do any kind of magic. So of course she had been a valuable asset to the D.F.D. (Dreamers against the Forest Destroyers). Jem had also been accepted into training, which almost made him leave training, or try to get Jem to leave training. The only thing that had kept him from doing either, was the note. For some reason, it still held. Charlie knew that when you work Amble into anything, like a promise, it held onto the person like they were its missing piece, only stopped when the promise was fulfilled, or either one of the people from the promise died. So it was strange that the note was still growing faintly in his hoodie pocket. He had decided not to tell anyone, it was probably just a misunderstanding. “Charlie? Are you ready dear? Your friend Jem wants to say something to you!” That was miss Seina, and what!? Jem wanted to TALK to him? Something was up. “Yes miss, i’ll be there in a moment.” He looked in the mirror. Did he look formal? Yep. Was he hiding any signs of grief or sadness? Yep. Was he ready? Obviously. This was going to be awesome. “Can I come in?” That was Jem. He would have to deal with him before anything else, so he didn't spoil the afternoon. “Yeah, sure. Come on in.” A sheepish looking dreamer entered. He had the wings of a Nightfly, with beautiful dark, black, blue and purple wings, golden hair, blue eyes, a teacher's pet, and was always thwarting Charlie's master plans. “What is it? What do you want?” “I, um, well,” He stuttered, embarrassed. “Well? Spit it out.” He drew a deep breath. “Charlie, I'm worried about you. Are you okay?” And Charlie's brain just stopped. The moving part was like, ‘hello? Thoughts? Orders? Or are we just going to stand there like a dying fish? Okay, I guess we can do that.’ “Charlie? Are you still there?” Jem tapped on his shoulder. That got Charlie’s attention. NOBODY tapped on his shoulder without permission, especially not his number one nemesis. “OF COURSE I'M OKAY, WHAT IN THE NAME OF AMBLE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?” Jem looked taken aback. Why? He was not sure. “Well, I figured since you haven't tried to kill me in the last couple days, which would make anyone concerned, since I'm pretty sure you were planning some kind of attack, and after Gio…” He trailed off, glancing at the floor. “Well i'm FINE. And I DON'T need your pity. I'm fine.” What? He WAS. And that stuff about trying to kill him was totally an over exaggeration. (even if it was maybe the reason the training has not accepted him before) And so what if his pranks on Jem might be a little more intense? Jem thwarted them half the time anyway, so it didn't matter. He turned towards the door, but Jem stopped him. “It's not pity Charlie, I swear. Listen, I may not know what I did to you to make you hate me, and maybe I'll never know, but I'm telling the truth when I say that any dreamer would be sad after losing a family member, especially if it was their only family member.” What was he talking about? He knew what he did. And-and this was probably all fake. He didn’t actually care. Nobody ever did care for the orphan boy who lost his sister, they were too busy with their own problems. It had always been him and Gio against the world. They didn't need anyone else. But Gio was gone, and the note was still binding him, so he couldn't even annoy Jem to take his mind off it, and why was the note still existent, did that mean Gio was still alive and oh god he was spiraling again, wasn't he. Charlie looked Jem dead in the eye. “I'm fine, don't worry about me. And maybe she isn't dead, we can't be sure.” “What do you mean? Charlie, what do you know about this?” Shoot. That wasn't meant to happen. “Well, I, you know, maybe she isn't dead? I mean, we don't know what the humans did to them sooo…” He trailed off, looking at the floor. “Charlie, I can tell when you're lying. You know this. But I won't put pressure on you.” He sighed. “Just know, I won't tell anyone your secrets.” Charlie almost laughed out loud. Why would he tell his ARCH NEMESIS his secrets!? Jem was delusional. “We shall see.”
. . .
Half an hour later
. . .
Charlie had said his goodbyes to miss (insert name) and the rest of the class. He was now waiting patiently outside his house for a trainer to come get him. He had already been waiting for ten minutes. The worst part was that Jem was also here, standing way too close for comfort, and kept glancing at him suspiciously as if he was going to turn out to be a human and not a dreamer at all. Hopefully, it won't last long. And soon a dreamer came. She had seagull wings to match her ocean gray eyes, her long, wild hair was purple-pinkish black, and Charlie knew immediately she was meant for the water, and would do anything to get back. “Are you two the new recruits? I’m Carina, nice to meet ya. Come with me.” They obediently spread their wings and flew after Carina. After a couple hours of flying, she turned mid-air and looked at Charlie for an awfully long time. He was about to ask if there was something, but she finally spoke, “Ey, you with the fluffy hair” He blinked at her before responding “Me?” “Yeah, you. Is yer sister Gio?” He nodded. “That's right.” He tried to sound confident, but it was still kinda hard to talk about it, “Ya know, i fought against her once.” She stared over the endless sea of clouds. The sun was going down, basking everything in golden pink light. The fluffy marshmallow white of the clouds turned into something you would find in a fairy tale, with the endless marshes of rose gold and purple jade glowing softly. “She was strong as heck.” “Gio? Fighting? That doesn't sound like her.” “Oh, everyone has to fight at the academy.” Jem soared closer. “Against what? Or who?” He spoke worriedly and glanced at Charlie, who only shrugged. Carina grinned. “Oh, you’ll see soon enough.” They flew on in silence, only stopping for short pauses, and as the sunset turned to twilight, Carina twisted into a dive, through the clouds, and they followed, exhaustedly. No wonder Gio rarely came home, it took ages to fly there! Charlie couldn't even think about going back after this. But Carina flew on tirelessly. Maybe it was something they would learn. As they came out of the cloud, he saw it. They were here. On a ragged peak, just below the clouds, stood the academy. It was made entirely of mahogany wood, which, (now Charlie thought about it) was a bit strange, considering the circumstances they made it under. But he brushed it off. The roof's tiling was a wonderful capri blue, the lights illuminating through the windows were every color of the rainbow, and the entire thing was basking in the moonlight. There was a platform to the left, and they landed there. Carina told them someone else would be there in a moment, so stay put, and walked off, leaving Charlie and Jem alone. Charlie swore that he heard crickets chirping after a moment of silence, but before he could mention it, an annoying voice spoke softly. “You must be Jem. And you, Charlie.” The two teenagers whirled around to see a dreamer step  out of the shadows. “I am Wrecker, the leader of your unit. Nice to meet you.” Wrecker had long white hair that fell past his shoulders, orange eyes, and skin as black as the night sky. “Follow me, you two, and hurry up about it, I have places to be, you know.” Charlie wasn't sure why, but something in Wrecker's voice made him walk significantly slower than usual. “What are your powers?” He blinked at the question. “I have healing magic.” “And I have plant magic!” Charlie growled. Always, ALWAYS, Jem had to say that. It was worse enough that he didnt have ANY fighting magic, but, to top it all off, JEM over here had plant magic, which was going to be incredibly useful when they were REPLANTING A FUCKING FOREST. He didn't say anything out loud. That would be absurd. He just walked after Wrecker, who was going on about what not. He will get his revenge on Jem later. (not sure how he’s going to do that because the note…) “And this is the living area for the dorms. The dorms are through those higher doors. You will be randomly assigned a roommate. This roommate will be your companion for the rest of the academic year. If you still dislike them by then, you can request to change. ‘Jeez, I hope I'm not stuck with a shitty person,’ Charlie thought as he looked around. The ‘living’ area was a large round roomy place, with lots of couches, coffee tables covered with unfinished homework, and there blankets strewn all over the floor. Steps led up from the middle of the room, coming to a platform that entirely surrounded the center, making it look like some kind of protection. It probably had a spell to keep the students safe. And locked up. Up there were several doors that (Charlie guessed) led to the dorms. “Where is everyone?” He asked, turning to Wrecker. “Oh, they’ll come back later. Training and all that.” “What about the other new recruits? Aren't they getting shown around?” This time Wrecker glanced around the room nervously before clearing his throat and responding. “I do not know.” He sighed. “I was sent to take you to the dorms, nothing else.” “What kind of training? Carina said we would fight.” Jem butted in. Charlie was going to respond with something snappish, like usual, but the effect that it had on Wrecker was strange. His face had paled; It was almost white, and his fingers were shaking. Jem didn't notice, which was OBVIOUS because he was stupid and didn't notice anything. Still, he would have thought he was a little smarter than that, he had after all managed to get into the academy. “Carina told you that? When? What time?” He grabbed Jem by the sweater. “Do we have to worry about-” He was cut off. “Wrecker, my good friend. Are you showing the new recruits around?” “S-sir!” He hesitated. “What are you doing here?” The man had appeared behind them. He was a tall dreamer, with midnight blue and moss green eyes and burgundy hair. He had magpie wings and his clothes were amethyst purple, which gave the sign of wisdom and power. This was not a scholar. “I merely went looking for you. I'm very glad you're showing the-'' He looked at Jem and Charlie. "Oh! Are you the new recruit? It is a pleasure to meet you.” He shook hands with them. “I'm so glad to meet you! You must be Charlie, the healing one! I've heard all about you!” Charlie, flattered by all this complimentary, didnt think about how he knew him. “Im Rego, the leader of the troops and the head of this school!” He pointed to Wrecker. “This is one of my top students, Wrecker, but you two have already met haven't you?” Charlie nodded. Rego seemed pleasant enough to be around, and he was quite happy with how he absolutely ignored Jem-wait. What? He narrowed his eyes. Yes, ignored. Everything Jem seemed to say to him completely bounced off, like talking to a wall. If Charlie didn't hate him so much, he would almost say he felt sorry for the dreamer, who must feel like a ghost. Think of the dead. Literally. A ghost flew through the wall, came across the room and went through another one. Bursting through the door came several dreamer students. Jem pointed at the dorm room the ghost went through. “It went that way.” One of them nodded at him, and then they charged into the dorm, shouting something that sounded like a battle cry. Jem didn't notice the look Rego gave him, and neither did Charlie. Maybe it was better that way. “What was that?” “We get haunted quite a bit here. Mostly they are students who have died-” He paused. “Unfortunate ways, you could call it, and we can usually live with it, they drift off somewhere else eventually, but here's the interesting thing. Some of them are-” He paused again, but this time it was for dramatic effect. Wrecker looked like he was gonna be sick. “From the battlefield! Now, imagine if we could communicate with them! We could learn their habits, battle strategies, we could finally win this war! And we know it's possible!” Charlie couldn't help but ask. “How’d you know?” Rego smiled. “Because we’ve succeeded before. Wrecker? Care to demonstrate?” Wrecker glanced at Charlie with fear in his eyes, before looking back at Rego. “Yes sir.” From his pocket, he took what appeared to be a normal plant, but looking closer it was faintly pulsing with light. He spoke
 “S̶̬͎͚̬̐̃̎̌̓̆̀̕͝p̷̯͔͙̼͎̈̕i̷̧̼̠̮̍̒͒͒̏͌̂̈́̓r̵͉̙̪̝͙̦͉͕͉̂͗̃̉͊ȉ̸̲̈́̀̒̽͑ṫ̵̪̰̥͖̝̎̈́͗͛̇̉͋ ̶͖̩͕̣̰̳̤͔̥͐̄̎̿o̵̜͎͙̝̱̫̗̥͒͒͋f̵̢̨̛̓ ̴͎͖̃̀́̔d̵͙̲͙̬̠͊̔͋̌̐͑̑̃͝ạ̵̡͚͔̺̮̣̺̟̀̾̀̏̾̋̃̈́͒r̴̡̮̖̜̦̮̋͗͋k̸̹̊͊͐n̴͎̈̂̏̈́͠è̵͚͍̱̠̣ͅs̶̢̧̝̭̺̬̜̔̈́s̶̛̖̘̔͋̉̚,̶̧̪̫͙͖̝͙̪̈́̽̔͛̽̊̂̉ ̶̻̼̼̖̮̀͝͝͝i̵̼̲̝̦͌̆̌͘̚ ̶̩̰̬͙̣̇̑̈̾́̚̕͜s̸̡̛͈͙̫̭̺͇͖̈̎͐̆̕ͅu̵̧̢̢͎̯̪̬̭̱͛̔͛̏̕͝ṁ̷̧̡̠͎̼̦̦̭͉͆͛̐̃̅m̴̛͓̘̺͉͍͍̦̰͔̓͠͝͝͝͝ǫ̸̨̢͇͉̯͈̬͗͒̈́̍̽̓n̸̤͈̦̒͐̋̓́͠͠ ̸̛̣̼͓͛̋͑̅̍̂ÿ̷̛̟̏̽̓̽̒͝͝ǫ̶͔͈͙̞̭̈̅̃̅͌̆̆͠ų̸͎̲̝̖̗̳̓͆͑̈̽͘̚͝ͅ ̷̨̩̟̼͙̗̟̀̌ị̷̊́̃͑̕͝͝ņ̸̱̥̞̖̟̻̘̽͘ ̴̛̞̠̐͑̋̂̇̌T̸͔͔̤͚̍̃ë̷̛̤̺̭̯́̎̉̒͐͘͜ţ̴̣͇̳̩̜̰̬̖̒̒̑̓ḧ̷̛̫̤̝͍̩̺͖́̽̑̃͘̚͘͝é̷̲̦̜̠͈̌̒̚r̸̫̝̐̈́̽͘ͅs̴̙̹͎͛́̈̉̊́̄͝ͅ ̸͚̳̙̤̟͕͙͉̮̈̊͒ñ̷͇̮̗͙̠̳͔͂̔̔̓̍̓͛͠ą̶̯̜̠̤̙̰͎̅̋̾̑̎̑̈́̾m̸̟͙̣̫̞͉̑́̃̐̀̚͝ė̷̠̭̰̱̹͍͍͜,̶̡̙̙͓̹̫̬̮̉́͝ ̴̥̗͓̺̳͙̉̉̕c̵̨̟̺̼͚̽ͅỏ̷͕̃̈́͐͑͘̕͝͝m̸̫̈̀̅ͅe̷͍͚͇͙͔̾̋̽̑͑͒̐͝͝ ̶̜̓͝ţ̵̳̩̙̭̤̼̙͌̈̀̀́̈́̐̉͐ͅỏ̶̫̭̿͌̐̾ ̸̻͛͆t̷̡̤̂̓̀̅̈́͛̽͛͘ḧ̵̭̼̳̦̻͍̤̱́͆̒̌̀̓è̴̡̖̜͔̯̬̮͍̀ͅ ̶̡̛͓͈̰̠͇̎̇̆͋l̶͔̜͉͚̤̤̟͊̈́į̵͎̤͇̱̩̰̥͔̈́v̶̛͎̤̳̤̮͎̈́̎͆̾̇̇͋i̶̜͊͐̿͐n̸̪͍̰̰̮̗͌̋̍̂g̷͓̎..̸̦̮̝̣̺̺̝̬̱̿͌̃ ̴̼̻̥͋ͅḯ̶̢͓̜͍̇̚ ̴̡̙͎̩̄̋̓͗́̿ǫ̵̻̱͔̦̐n̶̨̦͌͒͑͘l̶̘̼̓̆͑͐̅͊̏͘y̵͈͋̔̒̐̂͑͝ ̴̮͚̑̂̎̓̕ḩ̴̅̈̒͋a̴̩̯̻̭̲͖̘̔v̵̹̉̋̓͒͘͝ȅ̷̥̂͋̈͊ ̵̲͙̘͒͐t̶̖̥̰̪̭̝̮̫̖́̿̋̄ḥ̶̨̇͛i̴̠͓͆͒̒̌̈́̾̑ş̴̘̙̽̒ ̶̰͔̣̱̪̅͐͊̀͜͜W̵̭̲͎̱̾̓͊̆̈̒ͅe̷͚͑t̸̨̢͕̗̓͐̈́́ç̴̼̬͙͚̗͉͖̄͊͐͋̇̈́͝h̵̡̧̡̞̬͎̙͛̎̋̃̊͐ẽ̵̪͓̟́̿̚r̷̬̤͖̳̻͍̞͍̀̓̇́̿͑̓̈͝ ̶̛̱̙͐̐̈́̎̔̚ṫ̵͔̱̻͈̲̖̖͐̈͛͆̇̾͛͠ŏ̷̝̰̫̮̟̻̺ ̵̬͐̉͆̌ǫ̵͙̩̩̭̮̒̉͑́̀̔̋͐́f̸̜̓̅͒̄͊̚f̵̨͇̲̜̬̰̲̻̫̔̒͘̕ȅ̸̛̲̜͑͋ŕ̴̘̈́̇̒̓̋͗͌͝ ̷̘̙̼͙̬̀͒͌͝i̷̗̱̬̠̙̭̓͋͑̄̋͊̕͠n̵̡̥̦̻͖͈̭̖̗̈́ ̶͈̜͔̟̇̃̂̆̇y̸̺̳̻͉̞͆́́̀̈́̆o̵̖͖̬͇̣̝͈̽̉̎͠ͅů̴̜̑̆͝r̵̡̭̦͔̣̞͕͎̔̊͜͠ ̴̧̧̯̲͓̥̝̯͙̏̍͐̚͝ṉ̴̳̭̰̼̾́́̂̓͛̊̀͜͝a̴̢͍͋͐͗̆̈́͛͒́m̴̢̼͈͍̤͚͛͐e̸͕̠͍̅̎,̶̞̈́ ̵̬̈́̅c̵̗̩̈́̈́̂͋̓͑̄̌o̴̧͍̱̬̮̝̝͋̚̕͝ͅm̴̨̯̘̝͈̭͎̰͋̈̇͊̅͌e̸̹̩̓́́ ̴̙̈́̾n̷̨̺͈̤̭̬̝̾̍̈́̏̅͘o̸̧͔̣͍͙͓̣̹͕̓̑̊̈̈́͒w̴͕̜̬̱̎̏̈́͑̏̑̐̚͠,̷͔̄̀̏̈́͆̿͘ ̶̨͎̺̝̜͖̪̚c̴̡̻͎̞̙̼̾̉̈́̓̃̕͠ͅờ̵̛̜̻̼̠̠̜͓̲̈̇͜m̷͎̞̈́̓̆͐̆̓̂̐̿ề̶̼̠̬̣̦̪̞́̈́͝ ̸͍̮́̒̓́̔̕n̷̳̞̼̈͊̃̀͠o̶̱̝͐̇̅͝w̶̛̤̃͝’t̷̨͖̠͗̉͊̊͗̿͒͘͠o̷̧̯̮̹̖͔͒͊́̅̏͘ͅ ̷̱̼̟̓́̄́̉͐̕͠͝d̶̢̛̗͕̆̄e̸̢̼̭̹̻̝͑̎͐̎̅͊͆̕š̴̡̮̗͈̭̺̰̾̓̆̓̈́̍̈̕t̷̨̖͕̬̪̭̙͆̍͛̃̒r̸̺̬̂̋̿̀̾̈́̅̕͝ǒ̵̹͉͎̳̲̥ỵ̴̭̭̰̗̖͖͇̓͐̈́̓̓̒ ̵̨͖͔͕̋̉͑͛̅͘t̵̛͔̊̇̇̔̀̏̚̚h̷͈̲̯̙͉̳͌̎͐̀́̓̂͌͠ẽ̸̥͚̝́̌̅̐͆͝ ̵̣̼͖̣̈́̇͝ą̸̦̮̥̪̰̻͈͒̅͋͂̋̃͌̚l̴̝̠̏̈́̿̇́̃ļ̸̫̦͉͈͎̳̺̎̋ ̴͎͇̦̭̼̟̀͂͛͂̚͝ͅg̷̡͍̤̪̻̥͉͖̫̽̐̐̆͂̔́o̶̡̧̯͓͐d̵̠̟͈͇̲̥̲͆͝,̵̡͖͉̞̪̣̒̆ ̴̨̒͋ä̴̙̯̜́͌̉̂n̸̤̜̯̻̉̓̀̃̓d̶̡̢̠̩̙̈́͊̉̐͊̒̕ ̶̡̘̺̫̟̻̙̖̘̽̀͝ã̵̦̟͎͍̜͆̎̆̏͝n̴̥̺̯͔̠̯͑̍̈́̉́͝͝͝ý̷̡̧̡͖̣͔̹̲͈̄̌͆̾̃̊o̵̟̳̙̾n̸̯͋̌̒e̸̛̙̘͉͔͕̜̯͈̞̓̈́͘͝ ̵͖͛͆͋̇̏͝w̴̘͙̖̻̄̈́͛͛ḧ̵̨̬͇́͊͝ò̷̡͈̰̩̙̹̳̯̩̚ ̵̧͉̗̘̣̲̑͑͒̈́̓́̂ṭ̵̤̫͇̳̳̭̍͌̑̿͒r̵͈̜͖͚͚̄̋̽͌̉i̴͚̦̼͇̯̦̥̇͗̑̆̚ê̶̞̤͙̖͑̓̿͆̾͜͠͝͝s̸̍ͅ ̸̨̥̫͛̔̀̓̑̂̉̕t̴̢̯̣̻̞̹̼̭̿̀̊̍̓͜͝ǫ̵̞̪̬̙̳̜͖̯͒̔̇̓̀̈́͛ ̵̪͐̒̐̿̊͋̕͝s̵͔̟͚͓̍̃͊̊͘͠t̸͍̜̫̹̋̄̈́̾̆̚ọ̵̙͉̫͇̟̩͌p̵̱̝̙͍̩̮̘̗̓ ̶̢͓̫̗̩̪̅͆us—-”
Charlie blinked. What had just happened? Oh right, Rego had been talking about some weapon they were making. “Sir, permission to show the new recruits their roommates and then take them to train?” Wrecker asked hopefully. Wrecker… Wasn't he doing something else? He couldn't remember. ‘Maybe it's nothing.’ “All right, but be quick about it. We don't have all night.” Hadn't Rego been…different before? Before what? He was just imagining things (which happened quite often, to be fair). Wrecker led them through one of the doors. The room was very… uninteresting. Plain white walls with an incredibly boring gray floor and there were wooden beds and tables. There were uniforms in a wooden wardrobe, and there were clay flower pots with chrysanthemum flowers inside them. There were a couple of spell books on a desk. “One of you will be sleeping here, with Valkyrie Ivory.” Yeesh. He did not want to meet someone with that kind of taste. They probably were just as boring as their room design. Maybe there was something in his eye that gave it away, because immediately after Jem said “I’ll stay here” “All right then. Now, Charlie, follow me, I will take you to your room.” Charlie followed in a daze. They went out of Jem’s new room, and entered a new one. This one was less plain, to say the least. Half the room was decorated in what Charlie had to assume was… Sparkles? Pure light? Whatever the glittery stuff was, it made his eyes water when he tried to look at it properly. There was a person here, but Charlie highly doubted that she could actually hear them come in, for there was earblastingly loud music playing in the background. “LARISSA TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!” Wrecker shouted, but it was barely audible. Larissa, (Charlie assumed that was her name) must have heard though, because the music shut off immediately. “Yeah?” She called, irritably. “What is it, Wrecker?” Wrecker sighed, and gave Charlie a ‘help me’ look. “It’s actually your new roommate. "Larissa, meet Charlie.” From out of the clouds of sparkles, came a tall (for a dreamer) teenage girl. She had soft brown eyes, auburn hair, and she was wearing the same uniform that Wrecker was wearing. She had raven wings, which were twitching in excitement, though it seemed she was trying not to show it. "Hi!" She exclaimed, excitedly. “Hi! Oh, it's nice to meet you Charlie!” She almost shouted the last part, and then started vigorously shaking Charlie's hand. “What do you like to do in your free time? I like baking, it's so much fun to make sweet stuff! Do you like baking? You know, we have a baking class here! I also like dancing, drawing, and asking people questions! I’m also very good at distracting people while I steal their stuff, and I LOVE cute animals like squirrels! Oh my gosh, aren't they adorable? You know, we have tons here-” “I’m sorry, what was that part about stealing people’s stuff?” Charlie asked, a bit dazed by all her talking. “Charlie, Larissa here is incredibly good at making distractions. Larissa, give Charlie his notebook back.” And, sure enough, Larissa was holding Charlie’s note book in her hand. “We’ll unpack later. First, we need to test you Charlie, so we know what group you go in.” As they left the room, Wrecker whispered to Charlie. “We call her ‘the one with the sugar’ because she loves baking so much. She talks about it whenever she tries to distract someone, but the glitter helps too.” They finally arrived at what Wrecker called ‘The training place’. To Charlie, it was a big room with a large circular hole in the middle, which led out to a night sky. “For wing power” Wrecker explained as they entered. “We need to know how good your flying is.” Charlie saw what must be other new recruits, since he saw Jem among them. “Ah, Wrecker, you're here!” Called a voice, though Charlie couldn't see, nor hear, from where it came from. “That’s WK.” Wrecker told Charlie. “Nobody’s ever seen their face, but don't let that fool you. They are amazingly strong, and always invisible.” The strange voice spoke again. “Wrecker, I think it’s only fair that you fight Charlie.” Wrecker’s face paled. “But-” “No buts.” Wrecker sighed, and turned towards Charlie, who happened to have no idea what they were talking about, Everyone else apparently did, for their expressions were ranging from pity to worry. “C’mon Charlie, let’s fly on top of the hole. Charlie reluctantly followed him. Whatever was about to happen couldn’t be good, he knew that much. Once they were in the circle ring, a mysterious barrier appeared around them, which made it impossible to leave. The voice explained the rules. “Okay, what you're about to do is this: When I say go, you fight each other like you're fighting for your life, and I'll step in when I think it’s enough. Understood? Okay, three, two, one, go.” Charlie didn’t have time to comprehend what WK just said, because Wrecker had already lunged at him. Charlie realized that he had no idea what Wrecker’s power was, while Wrecker certainly knew his. He kicked with his clawed feet, which got Wrecker off him, and then attacked Wrecker. Wrecker bit and scratched at his wings, like he was more wild animal than a dreamer, and Charlie screamed in pain. He clawed Wrecker’s chest, and maybe even did a bit of damage, but Wrecker tore at his left wing making it almost immobile. He vaguely remembered he had healing powers and managed to heal his left-wing enough to make it not feel like his body was screaming out in pain when he flew before Wrecker flew at him again. It went on like this for some time, and yet Charlie never saw Wrecker use his powers. It only dawned on him near the end of the fight that Wrecker must be using the power of cloning. That explained why he was everywhere and nowhere. Now Charlie knew what to look for, it got… slightly easier. He got better at spotting clones, that was for sure. But it was still way too hard. Finally, his wings (which had been heavily bleeding for a while) gave way, and he fell. He didn’t remember what happened after that, but he woke up in what looked like the infirmary. The nurse there (a peregrine dreamer) said that he didn’t have any permanent injuries, which was surprising since he fought against Wrecker, but that his wings were severely damaged, and could not be used for at least a month. Charlie had thanked her for helping him, and she let him go off. He had apparently been unconscious for three days, but he had no fever, so there was no need to keep him there.
. . .
About a week later
. . .
Charlie was looking out over the edge of the railing. It was a sunny day on the ground, not a cloud in sight. He knew he would start classes tomorrow. Apparently, his fight with Wrecker had been an absolute success, something that Charlie did not understand. Jem walked up to him, with a confused expression on his face. It looked like he was going to say something to him, but he seemed to decide against it, and Charlie looked back as Jem wandered off. A terrible mistake really, since the next thing he knew, he was shoved off the balcony and was falling, at seventy miles an hour, straight towards the earth. His wings were uselessly flailing, apparently, they had been broken when he fought Wrecker. A shout came from behind him, but it seemed to be getting farther and farther away. As the ground came into view, Charlie only had time to forcefully push out his wings to stop him from dying before he hit the ground. There was a ringing in his ears, and he passed out from the pain only moments later.
. . .
Adre was running. He was going to be late for lunch! He noticed some movement in the tree. He walked over, and his black eyes landed on a small winged figure, who currently seemed to be dying. “What the fu-”
. . .
Somewhere far away
. . .
“Is the plan ready?”
“It’s happening right as we speak.”
There’s a chuckling noise before the first voice speaks again.
“Very good…” It purred. Soon both the dreamers will be mine, and then I can rise once again.”
The second voice spoke, this time in a more worried manner.
“But sir, what about-” “Don’t worry, I'll deal with them.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (March 22, 2023)
23:58 Pianochocolate - Morning Coffee 23:52 Eguana - Way To The House 23:46 Sweet Velvet - In My Dreams 23:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:40 Florzinho - Vem Conmigo (Euphonic Traveller Remix) 23:35 Shakes Seven - This Time 23:29 Dot Vegan - In Good Time 23:23 Esonic - Mellow Swing 23:19 Bevasso - A Night Like This (The Cure) 23:14 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance 23:10 Johannes Huppertz - Short Message Service 23:08 The Dining Rooms - Dreamy Smiles (Radio Version) 23:02 Re - Lounge - No Ordinary Love (Stephen Floyd Rework) 22:56 Jp - Juice - Cette Planete (Sushi Club Remix) 22:51 Mez - Fuck'n Jazz 22:48 Fancy Vienna - I'll Follow 22:44 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 22:39 Dave Jerome - The Future Is Love (Original Mix) 22:33 Hessismore - Yes Boss 22:28 Steen Thottrup - Heading For The Sunrise 22:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:22 Florian Fai - Rooftop Martini (Original Mix) 22:18 Loop Fruit Split - Rain Reason 22:14 Tycho - Into The Woods 22:11 Mozart - Burdened No More 22:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:03 Van - Life Journey 21:57 Briza - Reflections On The Highway 21:52 Messiah Project - Sadeness 21:46 Purple Avenue - Justify My Love 21:41 Heiko - Miles Away 21:33 Dimitris Manasidis - Love You For Life - Bobby Deep Sunset Mix 21:28 Lisa Shaw - I'm Ok 21:25 Deephouse 84 - A Night On The Beach 21:20 Sunyata Project - Inner Lights (Feat. Miyabi) 21:16 Bliss - Positive Reaction 21:11 Newton - New Beautiful Life 21:05 Marga Sol - Buddhanima 21:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:01 Amaraldo - Keep On 20:57 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 20:52 Pier-o Feat. Marga Sol - Air Of Love (Original Mix) 20:47 Roberto Sol & Florito - Love Finds You Feat. Martine (Original Mix) 20:42 Lazy Grooves - Walk With Me 20:36 Man In A Room - The Confidential 20:28 Eguana - Long Trip To Nowhere 20:23 Maskara - Feel The Nature (Original Mix) 20:19 The Nightfly - Hope And Glory 20:12 Christa Vi - Small Way Through (Cosmonaut Grechko Version) 20:06 Cafe Americaine - Infrajam (Loungebar Mix) 20:01 Aromabar - Simple Life 20:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:58 Emilie Simon - Desert 19:54 Miss B.t - Right Now (Sweet Lovin-' Edit) 19:49 Cafe Americaine - L Amour 19:43 Climatic - Left 19:39 Paul Hardcastle - Chillstep Echoes (Feat. Maxine Hardcastle) 19:34 Katun - Shout (Feat. Nattie) 19:32 Goson - Stop 19:26 Sunset Session Group - Soulsalicious 19:20 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 19:16 Amelie - Softwood 19:12 Living Room - Golden Ride 19:07 Beach Hoppers - Keep Dreaming (Eskadet Moonlight Version) 19:04 Kirsty Hawkshaw Mts. Tenisia - Reason To Forgive 19:00 Mr Vaud - Digital Inspiration 18:57 Hot City Walk (Original Mix) - Lasteden 18:53 Luke - Heaven-'s On Fire 18:47 Club Des Belugas - Phantastic Philadelphia 18:43 Pluto Project - Erophone 18:39 Cam - Romantic Love 18:34 Mandalay - It's Enough Now 18:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:30 Velvet Lounge Project - How Far, How Long 18:26 The Frost - Volna (Original Mix) 18:20 Double Wave - Psychedelic 18:16 Jakatta - It Will Be 18:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:11 Chillbirds - Breaking Out 18:06 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 18:02 Fused - Twisted (Reprise) 17:59 Aiemo - Dreaming Eyes (Vocal Mix) 17:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:54 Vargo - Speak To Me 17:48 Chicane - Looking Down (Drax & Goodings Room With A View Remix) 17:42 Christos Fourkis - Butterflies Everywhere (Original Mix) 17:35 Climatic - Hazy Days 17:30 Atb - Some Things Just Are The Way They Are 17:25 Cocogroove - Martini Royale (Kiss Me James Mix) 17:20 From P60 - You Take Me 17:14 D. Batistatos - Late Hours 17:09 Maritime (Caribic Flow Mix) - Cafe Americaine 17:04 Merge Of Equals - Clear Blue Sky 16:57 Dos Buratinos - Control U Inbox (Take Control Remix) 16:53 Basti M, Brockman Feat. Nic - Live Your Life (Free Your Mind) (Brockman & Basti M Sunset Mix) 16:48 Mind Into Mind - Ready To Fly (Instrumental) 16:43 Charly Mclion - Beachday 16:39 Living Room - Karma Ocean 16:35 Ganga, Sophie Tusnelda - Golden Lightfalls 16:29 Gold Lounge - Promised Land 16:24 Monique Bon - La Musique 16:19 Eddie Silverton - Coincidences 16:14 Sundance Girl - Open Your Arms (Falling To Pieces Mix) 16:10 Alien Cafe - Paris Depression 16:05 Beach Hoppers - Bit By Bit 15:58 Fresh Moods - Cocomilk 15:55 Marc Hartman - Goodvibes (Song For Thom & Susanne) 15:51 Mystic Diversions - Float On 15:46 Messiah Project - Sadeness 15:41 Idenline - Call Me (Original Mix) 15:36 Man In A Room - Night Mail (Feat. Civilian) 15:31 Wonderphazz - Memories (Chill Guide Mix) 15:25 Lazy Hammock - Tomorrow Is A New Day (Original Mix) 15:20 S.w. - Humans And Gods 15:13 Lemongrass - What You Believe 15:08 Chillwalker - A Dream Comes True (Red Horizon Mix) 15:03 Middle - Warm Sunset 15:00 Trillian Miles - Swamp Girl 14:58 Keanurhodes - Good Morning 14:53 Soundlift - Savage Islands (Original Mix) 14:47 Sunyata Project - Pi Lo Chun (Extended Mix) 14:41 Planet Funk - Under The Rain 14:37 Aloha Cafe - Night In Altamy 14:32 Puch - Playground 14:27 Phontaine - Node 14:22 Cocogroove - Puerto Azul (Blue Waves Mix) 14:17 Sofa Groovers - I Feel Love 14:14 Paul Hardcastle - Dancing Galaxies 14:09 Thievery Corporation - Web Of Deception 14:04 Sphere - Dreamer 13:59 Oscar Salguero - With You 13:55 Thievery Corporation - Free 13:51 Eduardo Arroya - Ring ...hello (Close Your Eyes) 13:46 Hacienda - Data Love 13:41 Gush Ibizen - Plans With You (Ibiza Guitar Girl Mix) 13:38 Mozambo - Hurt & Soul 13:34 Califonia Girl - Can See The Light (Beachside Mix) 13:29 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 13:22 Miguel Migs - The Night (Rk's Vocal Mix) 13:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:17 Dj Rico Bonetti - Chill Solution 13:12 Papercut - End Of A Love Affair 13:08 Lemongrass - Frozen Boy 13:02 Future Loop Foundation - I Love Her More (Part 3) 12:56 Mariella Narvaez - All Night 12:51 Andreya Triana - Lost Where I Belong 12:47 El Petit Jardi - Clic Du Mer (Original Mix) 12:43 Ohm G - Island Dreams 12:35 Djibooti - Shadows And Voices (Tom Tom Mix) 12:29 Lazy Hammock - Summer Chill 12:23 Purple Avenue - Love & Sex & Magic 12:20 Electus - Pandora 12:16 Sky Sergeant - Hawaii Island Hoppers (Beachwave Cruiser Mix) 12:11 Asheni - Butterfly (Original Mix) 12:05 Trumpet Thing - The Kiss 12:03 Phlocalyst, Mr. Käfer - Luminous 11:59 Nor Elle Feat. Bella Wagner - Love True Dimension 11:54 Slackwax - Midnight 11:51 Minus Blue - Too Far To Speak (Original Mix) 11:47 Nasser Shibani - Time Chase (Original Mix) 11:42 Moca - Kleine Traumerei 11:35 Orange Music - Leave It All Behind (Vocal Mix) Feat. Mirjam 11:28 Twentyeight - Monday Night 11:23 Don Gorda Project - Cielo Terso 11:18 Cocogroove - Lagoon No. 7 (Guitar Mix) 11:13 Urban Phunk Society - Changing Spaces 11:08 York, Asheni - Mercury Rising (Chillout Mix) 11:04 Donna De Lory - The Unchanging (Atom Smith Chill Yoga Flow Remix) 11:00 Beanfield - Chosen (Feat. Ernesto) 10:55 Afterlife - Still 10:50 Merge Of Equals - Trees On The Moon 10:46 Hooverphonic - Mad About You (Llorca's Radio Shot) 10:40 Mind Conventions - Sweet Fever 10:36 Blank & Jones - Pure Shores 10:32 Atb - Break My Heart 10:26 York - Iceflowers 10:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:20 Cupsurfer - Finishing The Boat 10:17 Samsara Inc. - Endless Autumn 10:11 Vincent Vegas - Via Del Sol (Canyamel Mix) 10:05 Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen - Balearic Bliss 09:59 Koop - Relaxin' At Club F****n (Dorfmeister Vs. Madrid De Los Austrias) 09:56 Pnfa - Second Sunrise (Original Mix) 09:52 Weathertunes - Feel You (Original Mix) 09:48 Marga Sol - So Cruel 09:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:43 Guardner - Distant Link 09:38 Plastyc Buddha - Rhodes Royce 09:34 Atb Feat. Jansoon - Be Like You 09:28 Takt 3 - Slow Walker 09:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:25 Malia Feat. Erik Truffaz - Yellow Daffodils 09:19 D. Batistatos - Jet Lagged Nights 09:14 Tetris - Mystery 09:07 The Man Behind C. - Como Aire Cristalino (Latin Mix) 09:01 The Man Behind C. - What Can U Do 08:58 Castlebed - Lonely Ghost (Original Mix) 08:52 Neve - Supernatural (Ambient Mix) 08:47 Vargo - Goodbye Is A New Beginning 08:42 Amelie - Softwood 08:38 Madelin Zero - Anything Perfect 08:34 Soundset City - Come With Me (Deep Lounge Cut) 08:30 Vibrasphere Feat. K. Linder - Tierra Azul 08:24 Enrico Donner - Forget Me Not 08:18 Kieser Velten - Together 08:16 Dj Phixion - Hideout 08:12 Guenter Haas - First Floor Lobby 08:07 Jane Low - Night Theme (Original Mix) 08:02 Gary B - My Love 07:58 Eliane Elias - Running 07:55 Ross Couch - Music Is My Life 07:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:51 Worldbeat Feat. Miyabi - Sakura (Original Mix) 07:45 Jens Buchert - Dominion 07:41 Therr Maitz - Found U (Riesso Remix) 07:38 Kiwi Twist - Jazz Lady 07:34 Michael E - Don't Stop 07:28 Simon Bareilles - The Sound Of Silence - Guitar Lounge Mix 07:23 Chris Le Blanc, Pat Lawson - Beyond The Sunsets (Ibiza Late Night Mix) 07:18 Bessie Boni - Mystic Revelation (Feat. Gianna Partner) 07:14 Paolo - Turn Me On 07:09 Gushi & Raffunk - Sound Of You (Beat Ambasada Remix) 07:04 Stefan Reh, Kara - Unknown 06:59 Spinne - Saxophonecheck 06:54 Goloka - Compromise 06:50 Index - Noon Hour Blues 06:45 Pnfa - Temple Monkey 06:38 Sweet Velvet - La Plena Noche 06:35 Dj Antoine - I-'ll Never Let You Down (Soft Mix) 06:30 Velvet Dreamer - Footprints In The Sand 06:24 Cream Soda - Woman 06:20 The Diventa Project - Impossible Dream (Ibiza Chillout Mix) 06:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:15 Cantoma - Clear Coast (Feat. Brenda Ray) 06:11 Basti M, Brockman Feat. Nic - Live Your Life (Free Your Mind) (Brockman & Basti M Sunset Mix) 06:04 Cary August, Computer World - Tour De France (St. Tropez Chill) 06:00 El Rubello - And I Love Her 05:54 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird (Feat. Dmirty Raschepkin) 05:50 Monodeluxe - Steel Vibes (Original Mix) 05:45 Gabrielle Chiararo - Million Stars 05:41 Peter Pearson - A Walk In The Park 05:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:36 Groove Thievery - Killer (Bargrooves Mix) 05:33 Dreamhunter - Good Morning 05:28 Norman Doray - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 05:22 Krystian Shek - Samarkand (Feat. Nina Ramsby) 05:18 Dj Tiesto - The Tube (Domenico Cascarino & Luca Lombardi Acoustic Mix) 05:12 S.w. - Terokh Jeruth 05:07 Alien Cafe - Sacred Mountain 05:02 Groove Armada - Remember 04:57 Conjure One - Sleep 04:52 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 04:48 Florence Di Milano - In A Silent Way (Original Mix) 04:45 Lasteden - Hot City Walk (Original Mix) 04:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:41 Liquid Motion - Silent Running 04:37 Weathertunes - Take Me Away 04:32 Sky Sergeant - Orion Trail (Eclipse Mix) (Eclipse Mix) 04:27 Jazzamor - Lullaby (Original Mix) 04:21 Lea Perry - Dubby Sunset Sky At Cafe Del Mar (Ibiza Beach Mix) 04:18 Beach Hoppers - Top Of The World 04:13 Jens Buchert - Fluffy Time 04:10 Marga Sol - Cafe Del Amor 04:04 Vargo - Speak To Me 03:56 Icehouse - Don-'t Believe Anymore (Ivan & Collins Cafe Latte Mix) 03:51 Dublex Inc. Feat. Alice Russel - Don't Make Me Want You 03:47 Florence - You Should Never Know - Baiha Del Mar Mix 03:43 Dab - You & Me 03:39 Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller - Staring At The Stars (Feat. Barbara Yaa Boahene) 03:35 Leo De La Rosa - Te Pienso (Marga Sol Balearic Remix) 03:29 Michael E - Rainy Thursday 03:24 Eskadet - La Repara 03:19 Santerna Feat. Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 03:15 Tycho - No Stress (Feat. Saint Sinner) 03:10 Fourkis, Christos - If You Love Me 03:06 Marcel - Backseat Blues 03:02 Crystal Theory - Breathe 02:57 Castlebed - Groove Sense 02:52 Luisito Quintero - Our Love 02:48 Ikon - No Reason To Stay 02:42 Koru - Closer 02:37 Sangar - Love Again (Original Mix) 02:33 Frameworks - Breaks My Heart Ft. Kathrin Deboer 02:26 Aaron The Baron Feat Markus Puhl - A Tu Lado 02:20 Don Gorda Project - Serenidad 02:14 Random Rab - Rain On The World 02:08 Jazzy James Jr. - Twilight Trumpet (Open Doors Mix) 02:03 Area Code 51 - Chanchamayo 01:58 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue 01:54 Weekend Players - Angel 01:50 Sunburn In Cyprus - Passage Of Time (Original Mix) 01:47 Anthony Hicks - I Don-'t Know 01:42 Audio Lotion - Eclipse 01:36 Darshan - Listen 01:33 Marga Sol - Imagine Me 01:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:28 Shakes Seven - Castles In The Sky 01:23 Jazzamor - Tonight 01:17 Steen Thottrup - If You Were Here Tonight 01:11 Honeyroot - Sunrise Sunset 01:08 Gary B - Song For Kaye 01:04 Luis Hermandez - Celebrate (Original Mix) 00:59 Florzinho - Maha - Amba 00:52 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 00:47 Paco Versailles - Two Feathers 00:42 Afterlife - Falling 00:38 Coolcomotion & Newton - Corazon (Black Diagram) 00:34 Stereomass - Modern Journey To Hawaii (Original Mix) 00:27 Man In The Moon Feat. Debora Vilchez - Another Way 00:23 Michael E - Dont Stop 00:20 Mahl-a - Scent Of You 00:16 Axel B - Dark Lights 00:16 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:10 Vinito - Cloud Cruise 00:06 Fous De La Mer - Time To Wake Up (Volver A Despertar) 00:01 Pier-O - Fermer Les Yeux
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yu-akai · 8 months
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フライデイ・チャイナタウン - NightFly (Cover) 「スマートフォン向けリズムゲーム “戦国 A LIVE” ゲーム内MV」
Director:Yu- Akai
Illustrator: はなあられ
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ioihn · 10 months
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Only music saves lives. Now Listening… Donald Fagen - The NightFly Live
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automaticvr · 1 year
WInter Lazerus Film Scoring 2023 - Music Cue Description And Timing & Short Bio 1 - Orchestral Groove Ambient - 1 - 1:40 
2 - Trip Hop Spatial Groove (Swerve) - 1:41 - 4.16 
3 - Acc. Gtr, Dark Indie Piece - 4:17 - 5:11 
4 - Acc Ambient Orchestral Piece with Actor Bill Pullman - 5:12 - 9:00 
5 - Avant Trip Hop Orchestral with Solo Trumpet by Spencer Ludwig - 9:01 - 10:25 
6 - Rock Dense Groove Sundance Winning Film Piece - 10:26 - 11:20 
7 - Playfully Arranged Groove Piece With Female Vox (Deborah Cansler) & Lazerus Blues Harp - 11:21 - 13:16 
8 - DJ Styled Orchestral Trip Hop Rock - 13:17 - 14:32 
9 - Dark Rock Moody (Guitar Greg Faust) - 14:33 - 16:42 
10 - Moody Street Bass Club HBO Film Piece - 16:43 - 18:12 
11 - Club Pink Floyd Spatial Rock - 18:13 - 19:44 
13 - Thematic Trailer Mx Track Moody Triumphant - 19:45 - 22:27 
14 - Funky Club Bass Groove - 22:28 - 23:43 
15 - Indie Elec Gtr Rock Spatial Building Intensity - 23:44 - 25:49 
16 - Trip Hop Club Spatial Pink Floyd Rock DJ - 25:50 - 30:08 
17 - Club DJ Rock to Downtempo Groove - 30:09 - 34:47 
18 - World Music Meditative Piece Ambient - 34:48 - 36:54 
19 - Ambient Female Vox (Sonja Drakulich)- Mood Film Piece 36:55 - 39:08 Winter Lazerus Short Bio 2023 - Winter Lazerus is a Grammy-nominated, 12-time multi-gold and platinum award-winning record producer, composer, artist, musician, and mastering/mix engineer. His early work includes the recording of Donald Fagen’s “The Nightfly” which was nominated for seven Grammy Awards. Winter’s work on “The Nightfly” included production concepts and singing vocals. He has worked with diverse artists starting as an apprentice/runner/ second engineer on recording sessions that included, Vladimir Horowitz, Rod Stewart, Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Tom Waits, Van Dyke Parks and film projects like the Original “Grease” Movie Soundtrack. By the age of 23 Lazerus moved into Record Production professionally, soon working with artists including Donald Fagen, Steely Dan, The Call, Diana Ross, Jean Michel Jarre, Violent Femmes, Tom Jones, Laurie Anderson, Stevie Wonder, Mike Oldfield, Eddie Murphy, Bruce Willis and directors Martin Scorsese and Clint Eastwood. He also worked on music for two Sundance Winning Films “Dig!” and “Fuel”. Throughout all of this, Lazerus has worked with some of the greatest studio musicians known including members of the infamous “Wrecking Crew.” Lazerus has been involved globally on creative projects from Manhattan to Paris, Iceland to Ireland and continues to travel and create. His current focus includes interests in Virtual Reality, Immersive Domes and Augmented Reality. He has a Master’s degree in Consciousness Studies and is working on a novel, a 13 song-cycle about Dreams (for Naxos International and NXN Recording), new contemporary album tracks with Norwegian Singer/Songwriter Heidi Torsvik, a conceptual Dome project and he has a great love of film and TV scoring. Work has just begun creating Pilot Films for the 'Hidden Soul of the Fjords' Movie project with funding from Vestnorske Filmsenter. The movie is a multi-disciplinary project with a remarkable team of creatives. Lazerus is currently completing his first novel, a detective story based in Olso. Called 'Chance's Flywheel'. Lazerus is also now working on new composing for the next project on Naxos called ‘Hidden Soul of Dreams’ which will have a 2024 release that will include the first live performances of 'Hidden Soul' including work with Immersive Domes and Planetariums. Lazerus is also creating tracks for his first solo album project and working with other artists globally on song and film projects. Hidden Soul dot Art Website - https://hiddensoul.art/ Discogs discogs.com/search/?q=daniel+lazerus&type=all discogs.com/search/?q=noa+winter+lazerus&type=all discogs.com/search/?q=winter+lazerus&type=all
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sounds-right · 1 year
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Joe Barbieri, il nuovo singolo è "Felicità"
Dal 9 giugno 2023 è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di streaming digitale e in rotazione radiofonica "FELICITÁ", il nuovo singolo di Joe Barbieri. Continua il tour per festeggiare i 30 di carriera del cantautore napoletano con nuovi appuntamenti confermati a partire dal 30 giugno a Benevento, con Fabrizio Bosso, Ghemon e Nick The Nightfly.
Dopo un grande momento dal punto di vista professionale e affettivo il cantautore napoletano decide di estrarre un vero e proprio coniglio dal cilindro. Per chi conosce, infatti, la cifra di Joe Barbieri – legata essenzialmente al jazz e al cantautorato – non può non risultare una assoluto cortocircuito la sua scelta di rileggere "Felicità", un brano di matrice ultra-pop portato al successo nel 1982 da Al Bano e Romina Power.
"Prendo in prestito le parole di Fossati «Alzati che si sta alzando la canzone popolare» per esprimere il profondo rispetto che nutro verso quei brani che sanno far cantare un Paese procurandogli allegria o commuovendolo… verso quelle canzoni che con la loro leggerezza sono capaci di delineare alcuni tratti caratteristici di un popolo. Recentemente mi è stato chiedo di fare a mio modo questo brano in un programma tv, e nel cantarlo ho scoperto di provare una gioia semplice. A questo aggiungiamo che personalmente sono nel pieno di un anno "felice", nel quale sto festeggiando i miei 30 anni di carriera e dunque regalare questa canzone a chi vorrà ascoltarla mi permette in qualche modo di esprimere la gratitudine che provo in questo momento del mio percorso." commenta l'artista a proposito della nuova release.
"30 Anni Suonati" è il titolo del tour partito da Milano lo scorso ottobre, che sta ripercorrendo l'itinerario artistico di Joe Barbieri, per la prima volta saranno messi in risalto alcuni suoi brani d'esordio oltre ad alcune canzoni mai o poco eseguite prima d'ora dal vivo, il tutto sostenuto dall'irrinunciabile presenza di molti tra i maggiori successi del cantautore napoletano.
30.06 Benevento Joe Barbieri & Friends – ospiti: Fabrizio Bosso, Ghemon e Nick The Nightfly)
01.07 Tricase (Le), in duo con Luca Bulgarelli
21.07 Force (Ap)
27.07 San Sebastiano al Vesuvio (Na)
28.07 Città Sant'Angelo (Pe)
30.07 Termini Imerese (Pa)
20.08 Trani (Ba)
03.09 Rutigliano (Ba) 10.09 Tropea (VV)
Biglietti ed informazioni sono disponibili al sito www.joebarbieri.com
Biografia Joe Barbieri – attualmente in tour per festeggiare i suoi trent'anni di carriera con la tourné "30 Anni Suonati" – ha all'attivo 6 album di brani originali ("In Parole Povere" 2004, "Maison Maravilha" 2009, "Respiro" 2012, "Cosmonauta Da Appartamento"; 2015, "Origami" 2017 e "Tratto Da Una Storia Vera" 2021), oltre a due dischi dal vivo ("Maison Maravilha Viva" del 2010 e il recentissimo "Tratto Da Una Notte Vera" del 2022) e a due album-tributo entrambi dedicati ai suoi numi tutelari nel jazz: ovvero Chet Baker ("Chet Lives!" 2013) e Billie Holiday ("Dear Billie" 2019). La sua musica (venduta in decine di migliaia di copie) è pubblicata in molti Paesi del mondo, e la sua personale cifra stilistica – che lega la canzone d'autore al jazz e alla musica world – lo ha portato nel corso degli anni ad incrociare collaborazioni con colleghi in ciascuno di questi ambiti (da Omara Portuondo a Pino Daniele, da Stacey Kent a Luz Casal, da Jorge Drexler a Hamilton De Holanda) ed a calcare alcuni tra i palchi più prestigiosi del pianeta. "FELICITÁ è il nuovo singolo di Joe Barbieri disponibile sulle piattaforme digitali di streaming e in rotazione radiofonica dal 9 giugno 2023.
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tarditardi · 1 year
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Joe Barbieri, il nuovo singolo è "Felicità"
Dal 9 giugno 2023 è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di streaming digitale e in rotazione radiofonica "FELICITÁ", il nuovo singolo di Joe Barbieri. Continua il tour per festeggiare i 30 di carriera del cantautore napoletano con nuovi appuntamenti confermati a partire dal 30 giugno a Benevento, con Fabrizio Bosso, Ghemon e Nick The Nightfly.
Dopo un grande momento dal punto di vista professionale e affettivo il cantautore napoletano decide di estrarre un vero e proprio coniglio dal cilindro. Per chi conosce, infatti, la cifra di Joe Barbieri – legata essenzialmente al jazz e al cantautorato – non può non risultare una assoluto cortocircuito la sua scelta di rileggere "Felicità", un brano di matrice ultra-pop portato al successo nel 1982 da Al Bano e Romina Power.
"Prendo in prestito le parole di Fossati «Alzati che si sta alzando la canzone popolare» per esprimere il profondo rispetto che nutro verso quei brani che sanno far cantare un Paese procurandogli allegria o commuovendolo… verso quelle canzoni che con la loro leggerezza sono capaci di delineare alcuni tratti caratteristici di un popolo. Recentemente mi è stato chiedo di fare a mio modo questo brano in un programma tv, e nel cantarlo ho scoperto di provare una gioia semplice. A questo aggiungiamo che personalmente sono nel pieno di un anno "felice", nel quale sto festeggiando i miei 30 anni di carriera e dunque regalare questa canzone a chi vorrà ascoltarla mi permette in qualche modo di esprimere la gratitudine che provo in questo momento del mio percorso." commenta l'artista a proposito della nuova release.
"30 Anni Suonati" è il titolo del tour partito da Milano lo scorso ottobre, che sta ripercorrendo l'itinerario artistico di Joe Barbieri, per la prima volta saranno messi in risalto alcuni suoi brani d'esordio oltre ad alcune canzoni mai o poco eseguite prima d'ora dal vivo, il tutto sostenuto dall'irrinunciabile presenza di molti tra i maggiori successi del cantautore napoletano. 
30.06 Benevento Joe Barbieri & Friends – ospiti: Fabrizio Bosso, Ghemon e Nick The Nightfly)
01.07 Tricase (Le), in duo con Luca Bulgarelli
21.07 Force (Ap)
27.07 San Sebastiano al Vesuvio (Na)
28.07 Città Sant'Angelo (Pe)
30.07 Termini Imerese (Pa)
20.08 Trani (Ba)
03.09 Rutigliano (Ba) 10.09 Tropea (VV)
Biglietti ed informazioni sono disponibili al sito www.joebarbieri.com
Biografia Joe Barbieri – attualmente in tour per festeggiare i suoi trent'anni di carriera con la tourné "30 Anni Suonati" – ha all'attivo 6 album di brani originali ("In Parole Povere" 2004, "Maison Maravilha" 2009, "Respiro" 2012, "Cosmonauta Da Appartamento"; 2015, "Origami" 2017 e "Tratto Da Una Storia Vera" 2021), oltre a due dischi dal vivo ("Maison Maravilha Viva" del 2010 e il recentissimo "Tratto Da Una Notte Vera" del 2022) e a due album-tributo entrambi dedicati ai suoi numi tutelari nel jazz: ovvero Chet Baker ("Chet Lives!" 2013) e Billie Holiday ("Dear Billie" 2019). La sua musica (venduta in decine di migliaia di copie) è pubblicata in molti Paesi del mondo, e la sua personale cifra stilistica – che lega la canzone d'autore al jazz e alla musica world – lo ha portato nel corso degli anni ad incrociare collaborazioni con colleghi in ciascuno di questi ambiti (da Omara Portuondo a Pino Daniele, da Stacey Kent a Luz Casal, da Jorge Drexler a Hamilton De Holanda) ed a calcare alcuni tra i palchi più prestigiosi del pianeta. "FELICITÁ è il nuovo singolo di Joe Barbieri disponibile sulle piattaforme digitali di streaming e in rotazione radiofonica dal 9 giugno 2023.
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just realized that since Nightfly would have died long before Myrtle was caught/left, Myrtle may know about his kits
*at a gathering* “Nightfly is lived on by his kits...”
Myrtle: SHIT
also possible Myrtle just thought he had a different love interest or simply was not listening
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A Night's End (Nightfly Origin) [Part 1]
“Good catch!” Nightdrift spoke, muffled, around the young rabbit in his jaws as he rounded the hill with Kestralspot and Flydapple. 
Snowstripe’s eyes shone brightly, her chin raised high, or as high as she could raise it with the weight of her own large rabbit. 
“The Clan will eat well today,” Kestralspot observed, licking her lips. 
“Hawksplash will be happy,” Nightdrift put in. “She has been craving–” 
A yowl broke the air, cutting him off. Nightdrift recognized the voice instantly, and his fur stood on end as his heart leaped into his throat. Forgetting the prey entirely, he set off in the direction of the camp, Kestralspot, Flydapple, and Snowstripe hard on his paws. 
When he neared the entrance, he burst through without slowing, and didn’t bother to pick the thorns from his pelt. He ran straight for the nursery, blinded by fear, until at last Rabbitshade stepped into his path and he had to skid to a halt. 
“Is she okay?” He panted, trying to see past the deputy.
Rabbitshade chuckled. “She’s doing just fine. Stars, and I thought I was worried!”
Nightdrift looked around. “Where’s Mintripple? Where’s Coldpaw?”
“In there with her. Coldpaw’s just gathered freshly soaked moss and a stick.”
“A stick? What does she need a stick for?”
Another yowl split the air, making the toms flinch. 
“She needs it for that,” Bugsplash commented from where she sat near. 
“I-is that normal?” Nightdrift didn’t take his eyes off of the nursery, but it was dark inside, and he couldn’t see anything. 
Rabbitshade nudged him. “I’d be more worried if she wasn’t making noise. This is natural, almost every she-cat goes through it, and…most make it through.”
Nightdrift couldn’t hold back the whimper that escaped from his lips. 
“She’ll be fine,” Bugsplash cut in. “Don’t listen to Rabbitshade, he’s as skittish on the inside as you, just better at hiding it.”
“Mother!” Rabbitshade huffed. “Excuse me if I’m worried about my sister.”
“You’ll lose your paws if you keep pacing,” Bugsplash broke into Nightdrift’s thoughts. He blinked at her, then behind him, surprised to find a small dent in the earth where he had been walking. 
He sighed, sinking into the ground. But he realized quickly that he was too impatient and worked up to rest, and he stood up again and began to pace in a circle. “How long is this supposed to take?” He growled in frustration. The sun was beginning to sink behind the hills, its orange light casting long shadows across the camp. Mintripple hadn’t moved from inside the den. Coldpaw had emerged only to collect more moss, but didn’t say anything more than “I’m busy” and “she’s fine so long as you let me work on her.”
Nightdrift slid out his claws and tore up the grass. 
“It can take time,” Bugsplash replied. “In fact, I’m fairly sure your deputy here–” she gestured to Rabbitshade sleeping against her shoulder– “and mate took longer. I was exhausted by the end of it, so don’t overwhelm Hawksplash when you can finally go in there, got it? Just lay with her and take in the sight of your kits.”
Kits….Nightdrift had been so worried about his mate, he hadn’t given himself room to truly think about becoming a father. Of course, he had thought about it every second in the two moons leading up to this moment, but he was going to be a father now. Any second, little lives would enter the world…his blood..his little ones…
Nightdrift nearly jumped out of his fur. He spun around, facing Mintripple. She smiled at him, and he felt an instant wave of relief. She nodded inside. “Come meet your kits.”
Kits…His kits…
Slowly and suddenly dazed, Nightdrift stepped into the den. He was so in awe he was almost numb, and began to worry that he was too out of it to properly take in the sight of his little ones, but the second his gaze met Hawksplash’s–exhausted and pained, but delighted--the numbness dissipated into the air as if it had never existed to begin with. 
“Two kits,” Hawksplash told him as he neared. “One handsome tom, one beautiful she-kit.”
He settled against her back and looked at her belly, where two little kits–two little, precious kits–suckled. They were black just like their mother. Little tiny fur over their little tiny bodies…that had their little tiny paws that wriggled directionless and little snouts that sniffed and little mouths that mewled. 
Nightdrift was so happy, he trembled, and buried his muzzle against Hawksplash’s cheek to steady himself. “They’re so precious!”
“They better be, I worked hard to get them here!” Hawksplash joked. “What should we name them?”
“I…” Nightdrift shook his head. “StarClan, I don’t know. I can hardly think…”
“Me neither,” Hawksplash agreed. 
They continued to watch their kits drink and then sleep for a while longer before Nightdrift decided, “Sheepkit.”
“I..” Hawksplash blinked, eyes shining with grief. 
“She was your sister, and my best friend. It’d be nice to honour her.”
Hawksplash smiled sadly. “I'd love that.” She reached out a paw and brushed it softly against the tom, who was nosing his way under her leg. “For this one, then. The tom.”
Nightdrift nodded, feeling a little light-headed. “What about the she-kit?”
Hawksplash thought for a moment, then shrugged. “StarClan, how do cats do this so quickly? I just want to sleep.”
“Then sleep,” Nightdrift responded, licking her cheek. “We can pick something tomorrow. Heh, it’s not like they’re gonna talk back for a while yet.”
Hawksplash chuckled, a half-hearted giggle that was weakened by her exhaustion. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment longer before she rested her chin on the edge of the nest.
Nightdrift licked the top of her head, gently so as not to wake her. Then, eyes wide with wonder, he leaned over his mate’s side to touch his nose to both little bodies. “Welcome to the world, my kits.”
--EDIT: forgot that because Nightfly is trans, he would be born as a gal. Fixed!
--FINALLY got to these stories after the poll!
--Nightdrift's best friend as an apprentice was Hawksplash's sister, Sheeppaw. She died before she could finish their training. Though they were already friends, their grief made them grow especially close, eventually leading to Night and Hawk's romance. He's also good friends with Rabbitshade.
--Bugsplash and Rabbitshade have similarities to how Hawk looks, so I decided that they're related! I also like the idea of brothers-in-law being buddies.
--Can you see where Nightfly gets his anxious behaviour from?
--Rabbitshade (deputy) also gets very anxious, but is much better at hiding it and keeping a calm composure, something that helps him with diplomatic stuff and Clan debates. BUT if you give him enough stress, he gets very tired, which is why he fell asleep.
His design was also made before! You can see him HERE.
--I'm very tired so please excuse any spelling stuff.
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caramelcat · 2 years
Tumblr media
Playlist: The Cave fill, Triple R, October 28, 2022
Kutcha Edwards, Emma Donovan, Archie Roach - Song for Elijah
Mary Margaret O’Hara - Body’s in Trouble
Billie Eilish - Not My Responsibility
Maxine Funke - First in Spring
Neil Young - See The Sky About To Rain
Small Sur - Rays of Light
John Cale - You Know More Than I Know
The Bohemians - Say It
Luiz Eça y La Familia Sagrada - País Tropical
Eliana Pittman - Ê Camarada
Claudette McLean - Give Love Another Try
Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking
Dennis Bovell - Living in Babylon
The Gatherers - Words Of My Mouth
Lee “Scratch” Perry, Gaudi - Dreams Come True
Natural Life Essence - Rain in the Floating Garden
Yu Su, Knopha – Xiu (宫廷 version)
Salamanda - Kiddo Caterpillar
TENGGER - Cicadada
Buffalo Daughter - Cyclic
Harmonia - Deluxe (Immer Weiter)
NEU! - Hallogallo
Death in Vegas - Neptune City - Andrew Weatherall mix
Tipsy - Size 178-79-55-91
Ween - Your Party
Sparks - The Number One Song In Heaven
Michael Farneti - In the Jungle
Pablo Cruise - Whatcha Gonna Do?
The Doobie Brothers - You Belong To Me
Donald Fagen - The Nightfly
C.R.A.I.G. - Stress Leave
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straycatboogie · 2 years
2022/10/06 English
Today is the day of announcing who is the new winner of the Nobel prize for literature. This year it was Annie Ernaux, so I was sad as a fan of Haruki Murakami. But it's wonderful that I can see the moment another great writer can get glory so I want to read Annie Ernaux's books (some of her books are translated into Japanese). I also have to be ashamed that I have never read her books. I have to learn that there are a lot of great writers in this world. They are writing their great novels now and asking about the meaning of literature. That makes me quiet.
In his books, Haruki doesn't say how he would react to the Nobel prize clearly. Indeed, he might accept the prize if he would be given it. But, at least in public, he says that he has no interest in that prize and just doing his job. Of course, basically, writers must be liars. But I guess that he shows his honest mind with such a stoic attitude. For writers, their works are all. Now, many readers read their books. That is a clear fact. Would Haruki want any bigger things than that fact? (even if you say that Haruki is a greedy person).
Today was an ordinary day. Such a peaceful day must be a gift from God. I want to celebrate today so I listen to Donald Fagen. Listening to "The Nightfly" and "Kamakiriad", and I read the rest of Haruki's "Dance Dance Dance", but I started feeling sleepy. During the lunch break, the scenery in front of me was peaceful so I felt happy. I have a lot of memories of my workplace or my town. Every day's memory becomes a cluster like a millefeuille and makes a friendly atmosphere for me.
I thought this. I have lived until now and just thought that I wanted to become higher, and grow more even if I got no prizes or honors. Indeed, I treat myself very higher but I have been writing my diary in Japanese and English for over a year and enjoyed the pleasure of expressing my opinions in English. I would keep on writing like this. Writing, digging into my own mind, and growing myself higher and higher. Indeed, I might be too proud, but Haruki also tries to write against himself and become higher, doesn't he? Then, the issue of the Nobel prize must be just optional.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 15, 2023)
23:59 Nova Casa - You Get Me (Original) 23:57 Reunited - En Ukendt Glaede (Feat. Anne Dorte Michelsen) (Shazz Man Remix) 23:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:51 Spooky - Strange Addiction 23:44 Ms. Jones, The Fireflies - 5am (Lana In The Video Sadness Cut) 23:43 Gary B - Without You (Original Mix) 23:36 Andru Donalds - Lets Talk About It 23:32 The Nightfly - Hope And Glory 23:30 Paul Hardcastle - Summer Love 23:23 Twins In Mind - I Hear Your Voice 23:21 Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind 23:14 Green Lemon - Just A Man 23:08 Vargo - Lovecore 23:04 Ladder - Your Mind 23:02 Max Melvin - Ease 22:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:54 Do For Love - Do For Love 22:48 351 Lake Shore Drive - Underwater Lights 22:45 Keep Shelly In Athens - On The Road 22:42 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:40 Grooveprofessor - Tears Like Rain 22:33 Lissa - Some Of Me (Feat. Philip Nolan) 22:28 Do - Move Closer 22:26 Lignin - Come Home 22:19 York, Project Blue Sun - Crusin (Original Mix) 22:16 Solasoap - That Feeling 22:09 Velvet Lounge Project - A Little Bit Longer 22:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:01 Chillwalker - A Dream Comes True (Red Horizon Mix) 21:58 Lasteden - Hot City Walk (Original Mix) 21:52 Mirage Of Deep - Romantic Fields 21:50 Michael E - Check It (Original Mix) 21:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:42 Lemongrass - Habla Mi Corazon (Kevin Yost's Otherside Of The World Remix) 21:35 Twentyeight - Monday Night 21:29 Ingo Herrmann - Enough Of You (Original Mix) 21:25 Deeparture - Ocean Drive 21:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:20 Lindsey Williams, Michael E - Andiamo 21:14 Marga Sol - We Could Be 21:09 3 Balearos - Summer Breezin 21:08 Luis Hermandez - A Tu Lado 21:01 Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller - Staring At The Stars (Feat. Barbara Yaa Boahene) 20:55 Re Lounge - Fast Love 20:51 Atb Feat. Melissa Loretta - White Letters 20:49 Poldoore - The Northern Compass 20:42 Kasseo Ft. Cordelia O-'driscoll - In Your Eyes 20:40 Project Blue Sun - Another Chance 20:33 Solarflow - Pictures 20:31 Sweet Velvet - From Within (Sensual Soulful Cafe Buddha Mix) 20:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:23 Naomi - White 20:18 Vargo - Precious (Part Two) 20:14 Dj Maretimo - Sky Sprinter (Smooth Operator Mix) 20:11 Eguana - Way To The House 20:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:05 Oscar Salguero - With You 19:58 Melorman - Behaviour (Melorman Remix) 19:56 K&l - Karabuk 19:54 Marc Hartman - Like The Sunset (Original Mix) 19:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:47 Blank & Jones - Puerta Del Sol 19:43 Hooverphonic - One 19:37 Jayson House - Time To Rest 19:36 Dimentia - You Dont Know (Vision Of Love Mix) 19:32 Dean Landon & Caron Nightingale - Makin' Moves 19:22 Lounge Jam - Mistery (Original Mix) 19:18 Moshang - A Chance Meeting 19:12 Merlion - What Can You Do - Bar Cafe Buddha Mix 19:08 Florence - You Should Never Know - Baiha Del Mar Mix 19:03 Boozoo Bajou - Second To None 19:01 Peter Pearson - Still On My Mind 18:59 Florzinho, Amroota Natu - We Are One (Original Mix) 18:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:51 351 Lake Shore Drive - Neopolitan Nights 18:46 Sonic Adventure Project - Who Are You 18:41 Gaba Milani - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) 18:39 Solarflow - Im Living For Today 18:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:35 Karnaval Blues - Forget 18:28 Lemongrass - Maison Ã- La Mer 18:23 Lemongrass - For All Seasons 18:21 Cream Soda - Woman 18:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:12 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 18:07 Nick Parker - Guest My (Peace Chill Mix) 18:05 Nathan Cole - Ideal Emotion 18:02 Fancy Vienna - I'll Follow 17:55 Miguel Migs - One Wish For Me 17:52 Pete Dingon - L-'amour Est Mort 17:48 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 17:46 Steve Osaka - Lazy Day 17:40 Vibrant Groove Project - Don-'t Let Me Go (Vocal Jazz O' Mix) 17:32 Jozef Kugler - Shaggy (Original Mix) 17:30 Gary B - Time To Slow It Down 17:26 G-spliff - Won't Part 17:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:19 Domestic Technology - Lu Bagnu 17:15 Morcheeba - Undress Me Now 17:10 Off Town Music - Haiti Sunrise (Nu Cool Version) 17:08 Stefano Mastronardi - It's Lounge Time 17:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:03 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 16:56 El Fuego - Balearic Mind (Lounge Mix) 16:54 Naoki Kenji - Modern Unreal (With Pat Appleton) 16:50 The Spirit Level - Star Gazer (Phobos Remix) 16:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:41 V I F - Silence Of The Heart (Original Mix) 16:39 Santerna Featuring Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 16:36 Irene Love - Lounge Chair 16:33 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine 16:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:24 Miklos Vajda - Lusta Vasarnap 16:21 Gene D. - Breathe 16:18 Michael E - So Many Colours (Original Mix) 16:12 Paolo - Turn Me On 16:07 Kool&klean - Reality 16:02 Martin Liege - New Brand (Blue Nebula Mix) 15:58 Anthony Island - Yesterday (Original Trumpet Version) 15:56 Omar Akram - Echoes Of Love 15:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:46 Xemplify - Always You (Acoustic) 15:41 Ross Couch - Angel 15:36 Music Paradise - Clouds 15:34 Remote - Postcard 15:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:28 Sangar - Love Again (Original Mix) 15:22 Tafubar - The Man Who Had Bad Dreams (Lemongrass Woolgathering Mix) 15:19 Kosta Rodrigez Feat. Amy - Gale In The Waterglass (My Love) (Long Beach Cut) 15:16 Tycho - Easy 15:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:10 Dreamhunter - Bring The Light 15:05 Moca - Entspanner 15:03 Orfeo Project - Tonight (Original Mix) 14:59 Moondust - In Between Days (Feat. Querubyna) 14:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:51 Kosta Rodrigez - Soul 2 Sell (Boosanova Chill Mix) Feat. Denise 14:46 Pascal Dubois - Deep Into The Night (Long Island Mix) 14:41 Santerna Feat. Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 14:38 Max Melvin - Underneath 14:32 Ronin - Just Walking 14:27 Dj Torby Feat Christina Stoeger - The Moment 14:22 Frank Doberitz, Oliver Schlolaut - Can't You Hear Me (Enigmatic Vocal Chillout Mix) 14:20 Collioure - Timeless Pulse 14:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:13 Lemongrass - Femme Fatale 14:10 Nightview - City Hall (Smooth Downbeat Mix) 14:04 Living Room - Aqua 14:02 Florito - Shirabyoshi Love (Instrumental) 13:55 Euphonic Traveller - Pont Notre Dame 13:45 The Transfers - Buena Garota 13:37 #esteve - Sunset Beach 13:36 Riccardo Eberspacher - Principe Feliz Feat. Maria Teresa Pintus 13:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:28 Sonic Company - Secret Path (Original Mix) 13:22 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 13:17 James Vincent Mcmorrow - We Don-'t Eat (Dinka Bootleg) 13:15 Ian Pooley - Since Then 13:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:07 Roberto Sol - Gentle Reminder 13:02 The Diventa Project - Bang Bang (Lazy Hammock Chillout Mix) 12:56 Icehouse - Don't Believe Anymore (Ivan & Collins Cafe Latte Mix) 12:53 Catching Flies - Daymarks 12:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:44 Puch - Playground 12:43 Lemongrass - For All Seasons (Five Seasons Lotus Remix) 12:40 Chillamor - Dancing In The Moonlight (Tropical Radio Edit) (Ft. Rainfairy) 12:33 Euphonic Traveller - Pont Notre Dame 12:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:24 Waterbone - Eastern Girl 12:21 Sunyata Project - I Know Him (Extended Mix) 12:14 Dj Wingnut - Missing Santa (Starbucks Rare Groove Dub) 12:12 Atb - 9 Am 12:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:03 Afterlife Feat. Neve - Miracle 12:01 Stereomass - Modern Journey To Hawaii (Original Mix) 11:55 Eriq Johnson - I've Got You 11:52 Cane Garden Quartet - Be In Love 11:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:43 Shakes Seven - Angel 11:38 Klangstein - Klangsine Feat. Sine (Original Mix) 11:32 M. Vitoria - Do Me Favor 11:31 Max Laire - Good Vibes (Original Mix) 11:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:22 Jess & Jess - Gorgeous Necklines 11:16 Asian Chill Art - Jangtsekiang (Mystic River Cut) 11:09 Yekuro Losho - Strong As Love 11:07 Cantoma - Out Of Town 11:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:58 Mirage Of Deep - Stone Words 10:56 Collioure - Timeless Pulse 10:50 Light Of Aiden - Loveing You 10:47 Marga Sol - Poison & Passion (Pier-O Passionata Remix) 10:43 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:41 Soulmelt - Lava Lounge 10:35 Cut Groove - Yedeka 10:32 Lemongrass - Falling 10:29 Jojo Effect - Somewhere In Between 10:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:24 Merge Of Equals - Clear Blue Sky 10:17 Dreamhunter - Hurricane Bay 10:12 Deechiller - City Lights Soul 2 Sax Mix 10:10 Blu Martini - Better With You (Miguel Musso Mix) 10:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:05 Random Soul - I Live For The Moment (Feat. Kristen Pearson) 09:58 Soundset City - Loungebox 09:53 Vargo - The Moment (Original Mix) 09:51 Velvet Dreamer - Your Game My Love (Five Seasons Remix) 09:41 Manyus Joan Eta - Sinful (Original Mix) 09:35 Emmanuele Landini, Denny V - Emotion 09:33 Michael E - Breathe In Breathe Out (Original Mix) 09:30 Living Room - Karma Ocean 09:26 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:24 Justy Puck - Crumpled 09:17 Orbitell - Dive (Ibiza Beach Mix) 09:12 Schwarz & Funk - Sea Of Fate (Original Mix) 09:10 Gaba Milani - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) 09:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:01 Jens Buchert - Dominion 08:56 Emotional - I Found It Again (Tom's V-mix) 08:51 Oscar Salguero - With You 08:48 Enrico Donner - Charade 08:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:40 Smooth Deluxe - Liquid Sunshine (Space Sunset Edit) 08:38 Barcelona - Fall In Love (Green Relax Edit) 08:35 Treepines Makdaf - Behind Her Eyes 08:32 Tosca - Forte 08:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:23 Living Room - Underwater Love (Original Mix) 08:19 Yann Dulche Ft. Dinia - Faith 08:14 Sofa Groovers - I Feel Love 08:09 User's Atmosphere - Share Your Dreams 08:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:00 Mahoroba - Violet Dreams (Space Pioneers Mix) 07:55 Lemongrass - On The Edge Of Time (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 07:52 Euphonic Traveller, Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 07:51 Hooverphonic - The World Is Mine (Eli Janney's Tight Remix (Edit) 07:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:43 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 07:38 Sofya - Hari Om 07:35 Kosta Rodrigez Feat. Amy - Gale In The Waterglass (Long Beach Cut) 07:32 Sevyn Streeter - Before I Do 07:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:23 Pat Appleton - Good (Original Mix) 07:21 Michael E - Cry On My Shoulder 07:14 Miguel Migs - Breakin' It Down 07:11 Naoki Kenji With Asheni - Tonight 07:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:02 Naoki Kenji - Let It Flow 06:56 Gaelle - Falling 06:53 Zimmer - Bai 06:52 Zero Noel - Toi Et Moi 06:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:43 Luis Hermandez - One Love 06:41 Massive Attack - Teardrop 06:34 Jane Maximova - Novel 06:32 Nightcruzer - Lazy Day 06:22 Levitation - More Than Ever People (Original) 06:17 Vanilla - Snowdance 06:12 Michael E - Ship To America 06:09 Eguana - Way To The House 06:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:00 Afterlife - Show You Something 05:55 Blackfish - Bay Of Islands 05:54 Chilleando - Sunshine (Californication Mix) 05:50 Dharma - Probedas 05:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:42 Kaxamalka - Backdrops 05:40 Random Soul - I Live For The Moment (Feat. Kristen Pearson) 05:33 Nicola Hitchcock - Surrender 05:31 Anthony Hicks - Cruisey Summer 05:28 Philip Aniskin & Alexsandra Mell - Los Angeles Dream 05:24 Federico Aubele - La Esquina 05:21 Green Grid - Cursive 05:18 Mashti & Jean Von Baden - Love & Happiness (The Remix) 05:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:09 Duo Varial Feat. Enaïd - Fly Away 05:03 Minus Blue - Be As One (Klangstein Mix) 04:58 Lemongrass - Soulful 04:56 Ayla - Open Your Mind 04:49 Chase & Status - What Is Right 04:44 D. Batistatos - Sunshine Velvet 04:39 Dead Horse Beats - Easy Nothing 04:36 Max Melvin - All Fades 04:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:31 Hotplay - Turn Around - Guitar Del Mar Mix 04:24 Anthony Hicks - I Don't Know 04:21 Blank And Jones - Revealed 04:15 Vladi Strecker - Over The Sea (Island Sounds Deluxe Mix) 04:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:08 Alien Cafe - Chloe Says (Original Mix) 04:03 Delerium Feat. Azure Ray - Keyless Door 03:57 Urban Species - Blanket 03:56 Velvet Lounge Project - How Far, How Long 03:49 Ingo Herrmann - Walking Away 03:46 Lenny Mac Dowell - Solar Energy 03:36 Lorenzo - I Need You, I Want You 03:34 Bent - Swollen (Dusted Vocal Mix) 03:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:28 Indian Dawn - Predictions 03:21 Mr Vaud - Life In The Night 03:18 Trillian Miles - Don-'t Cry 03:12 Beach Hoppers - Top Of The World 03:07 Sunbeams - Uko 03:02 Vargo - Speak To Me 02:57 Eriq Johnson - Femme Fatale 02:53 The New Mastersounds Feat. Corinne Bailey Rae - Your Love Is Mine 02:47 Velvet Lounge Project - Let It Grow (Sunflower Remix) 02:42 Vinny Troia Feat. Jaidene Veda - Do For Love (Mike Hiratzka Downtempo Remix) 02:39 Krystian Shek - Samarkand (Feat. Nina Ramsby) 02:33 Faro - Bahia 02:26 Lemongrass Feat. Skadi - Habla Mi Corazon (Original Mix) 02:24 Enea - Slight 02:18 Climatic - Harvest 02:16 Paul Hardcastle - In The Key Of Time 02:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:11 Vargo - Awakening (Chorus Mix) 02:07 Jony Lipsey - Coming Undone 02:01 Pascal Dubois - Suitcase To Berlin (Travellers Cut) 01:58 Kaxamalka - True Vibe (Original Mix) 01:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:53 Tafubar & Eskadet Feat. Airily - Paradise Reconquered (Original Mix) 01:50 Florzinho - Deixe O Sol Entrar 01:43 Capa - Freezing Moon (Capa Remix) 01:42 India Arie - Always In My Head 01:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:34 Mathieu, Florzinho - The Indian 01:32 Luxury Lounge Cafe Allstars - Gettin' Funky (The Luxury Lounge Cafe Anthem) 01:25 Lemongrass - Something True 01:23 Max Waves Feat. Pixieguts - Reflections 01:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:16 Steen Thottrup - If You Were Here Tonight 01:10 Ganga Feat. Sophie Tusnelda - Blue Heart 01:08 Lazy Grooves - Secrets 01:05 Sarah Menescal - Angels 01:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:59 Castlebed - Heaven 00:52 Tears - Cicada 00:48 Lemongrass - On The Edge Of Time (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 00:46 Ganga, Sophie Tusnelda - Golden Lightfalls 00:43 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:36 Dj Pippi & Tuccinelli - Artificia 00:30 Alien Cafe - Veil Of The Sunlight (Original Mix) 00:27 Jeff Bennet's Lounge Experience Feat. Alexandra - Sympathy 00:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:19 Citrus Jam Feat. Judith Erb - Do You See (Rainbow Mix) 00:16 Smith And Mudd - Shulme 00:10 Latin League - La Princessa Del Marte 00:03 Michael E - Land Of Beauty
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