#nightfly origin
A Night's End: Ashes, Ashes (pt. 6)
Nightfly Origin
Nightdrift held his breath, watching as still as a rock. But when the cat moved out of the shadow of the bridge, it was clear that she was neither Meadowtree nor Feathergaze. Just a random alley cat.
But maybe she knew where their Clanmates were.
He followed Twistedshine and Bramblefin, who were already racing to meet the cat, and dipped his head in polite, if hasty, greeting.
“Oh, hello–” the cat began, when the RiverClan cats began to bombard her with questions.
“Have you seen any Clan cats around?”
“Her name is Feathergaze–”
“She looks like me.”
“She might be with some other cats too.”
The she-cat watched them with what looked to be mingling feelings of bewilderment, amusement, and irritation. She waited until their rambling slowed, then turned around back into the bridge’s darkness, flicking her tail in a gesture for them to follow.
They did so, Nightdrift a bit fast as he moved through the darkness of the strange structure.
The other side had a rounded, bumpy thunderpath that covered the ground like the grass in a clearing. There were patches of dried grass and dandelions that poked here and there, but the most shelter this place provided was composed of debris and smelly Twoleg things. Instead of tall trees or rolling hills, this place had Twoleg dens higher than either, surrounding the cats like a starving pack of foxes. There were two long alleyways that led to this place, but by the looks of them, Nightdrift guessed that no one–at least no house cat with better options–had come this way in a long time.
The more he looked around, the more Nightdrift realized that eyes were on them. In the shadows, behind different structures. They were all slinking around. He couldn’t count them all.
The she-cat cleared her throat as she turned to face them, and Nightdrift was forced to look at her. 
But she seemed to sense his nerves, and waved a dismissive paw. “Oh, don’t mind the lot, they’ve just got nothing better to do than to spy on strangers.” She whipped her head around, and in an instant her friendly demeanor changed to show her long, sharp fangs. “Beat it, will ya?! You’re scaring the guests. Shoo, before I make ya!” 
As soon as she spoke, the eyes were gone. Nightdrit heard the soft sound of pawsteps hurrying away, and he blinked at this cat, marveling at how easily she had controlled them. “They must really respect you!” 
The she-cat shrugged, humbly. “The name’s Ash. Pleasure to meet ya. Clan cats, I presume?”
“WindClan,” Nightdrift told her.
“RiverClan, both of us,” Bramblefin added, nodding at Twistedshine, who was beside him.
“Yeah, yeah, pleasure,” Twistedshine grumbled, “look, we’re kind of in a hurry, so if you could please–”
Two little kits sprang out of the darkness. Nightdrift blinked as they nuzzled their mother, baffled that he failed to hear their approach. Perhaps the talking blocked it out. He bit back a yawn. Or perhaps he was just getting really tired. He had promised Kestralspot and Pepperfoot that he would be back by dusk. By the time they got back, it would be dawn. 
*Stars, can my paws even carry me so far?* Nightdrift found himself slumping to the ground.
“Oh my!” Ash turned to her son, a little white tom with yellow eyes. “Scooter, be a doll, fetch these nice folk some bedding, okay dear?”
“Okay!” Scooter chirped loudly before springing away.
“We’re not really going to be here long–” Twistedshine began to decline.
“Are you hungry?” Ash asked the group when her daughter–a black tortie with orange flecks, like her mother–nipped at her tail. “Ha! I know someone who could use a bite.” She gently batted the kit away. “Patience, Cody. You’ll eat soon enough, but not if you shred my fur off!”
Cody ducked her head. “Sorry momma!”
Ash returned her attention once again to the group. “So, Clan cats, eh? Why, you must have walked a long way to find me. Either you’re lost, or my mother sent you.”
Bramblefin tilted his head. “Elderly kittypet? Yeah, you look a little like her.”
Ash wrinkled her snout playfully. “Ha! Don’t say that, I don’t like being insulted in my own home.”
“I didn’t mean–”
“Scooter! Wonderful job, love,” Ash broke off as her son returned.He carried something thin and long enough to drag behind him for a few tail-lengths. It was an off-pink colour, and decidedly not moss. But, testing it with a paw, it seemed comfortable enough, and Nightdrift couldn’t resist leaning into the soft touch, letting the strange warmth soak up the soreness in his feet.
“Enough pleasantries!” Twistedshine snapped. “We’re looking for our missing kin. Your mother said that they came here. Now, where are they?”
Ash’s whiskers gave the slightest twitch, but other than that she gave away no indication that the RiverClan she-cat’s words had offended her. Instead, she grabbed a hold of the kittypet-moss and stretched it out so that it was big enough for her three guests to settle onto it comfortably. When she was done, she patted it with a paw, indicating that she wanted them to rest on it anyway. 
“Your fur’s a mess!” Ash pointed out kindly. “You look exhausted, and you know I ain’t deaf, right? I can hear your stomachs growling. Is that the state you want your loved ones to see ya in? I don’t think so,” she finished before anyone could answer. “Now, rest up! I’ll be right back with some nice plump chicken. Cody, Scooter, come along! Help me pick out the best meat.”
Nightdrift watched her go, little ones scampering after, then looked at the strange, odd-coloured, incredibly soft kittypet moss. His paws shuffled under him, feeling the smallest of rocks that cut into his sore pads, numb from the night’s travels, and it didn’t take long before he was almost nonconsciously stepping onto the material. A sigh escaped him. It really was so soft! It took everything in him not to roll onto his side and off his paws entirely.
Bramblefin hesitated a moment longer before joining him, sniffing at the pink thing cautiously, while Twistedshine only let out another growl of annoyance, pacing to and fro while they waited for Ash and her kits to return.
“How old would you say those kits are?” Bramblefin wondered.
“Three moons, I think,” Nightdrift answered. “Why?”
Bramblefin shrugged, and his ears flattened in embarrassment. But his thoughts were apparently too great to be contained, and he ended up spilling, “if I hadn’t been such a coward and just told Feathergaze how I felt, maybe we could have made something.”
“Like kits?”
“She was hunting when the flood hit. Right by the river. I don’t know if it’s selfish but…sometimes I wonder if she would have been safer if she was confined to the nursery. Then she wouldn’t have been swept away to who-knows-where.”
“We KNOW where,” Nightdrift assured him. “Here. They came HERE. We are about to find them. We’re just going to eat first, and then Ash will tell us where to go. We’ll see them again.”
Bramblefin nodded, eyes troubled, but he didn’t argue further.
“What about you, WindClan?” Twistedshine’s voice cut through the crisp air. It was hoarse, strained from the hours spent yowling her sister’s name. “There a reason you came all this way with us. Is there something YOU were hoping to confess to?”
Nightdrift shook his head. “No, I have someone else.” His heart momentarily soared as he thought of his loving mate, and the two kits that they shared. He couldn’t wait to return to them, to hold them. “Meadowtree and I weren’t all that close. But I promised her parents I would help them look.”
“Because everybody else gave up.” Twistedshine’s words didn’t need to be poised as a question. 
“Hey.” Nightrit caught her blind eye. “We are about to prove to them that they are wrong.”
Twistedshine stood still for a heartbeat or two, then dipped her head, brows furrowed with renewed determination. A moment later, Ash reappeared, dragging another of the strange kittypet-moss. Nightdrift wondered if they were meant to eat it, when a StarClan-blessed scent hit his nose and he saw the pieces of meat laying atop the material as Ash pulled it closer. Cody and Scooter bounced on their paws after her, watching curiously.
Nightrift had no idea what a chicken was, but he saw the plump, if a little dry, meat, and his mouth had watered in seconds. He forced himself to hold back, gesturing for Bramblefin and Twistedshine to go ahead first. Twistedshine didn’t see him, of course, but the amazing smell drew her in and she began to take rapid mouthfuls. When Bramblefin backed up to give Nightdrit room, he all but dove in, feeling the ripples of hunger roll through his belly as he bit into the unfamiliar, wonderful food.
At last they were satisfied. They stepped away from the meat, now a pile of crumbs, and returned to the original kittypet-moss. 
“Thank you!” Bramblefin told Ash as he licked his lips.
“I couldn’t get enough of it,” Nightdrift told her.
Ash’s eyes glowed. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. What about you, dear? Was it up to your liking?” she asked Twistedshine.
Twistedshine didn’t respond. Nightdrift guessed that she was upset with herself for getting distracted.
Ash blinked sympathetically. “Missing your kits, I take it?”
Twistedshine’s muzzle swung to her. “How did you know?”
Ash laughed. “Well, it’s hardly a secret, love! You smell of milk and kittens. Stale, though. Am I right to say that they’re weaned?”
Twistedshine looked like she was about to snap at Ash to mind her business. Then the lock in her jaw relaxed and she replied, “they’re about a moon older than yours.”
“Do they have a father?”
“Of course they do!”
“Good!” Ash cheered. “Kitties need two parents, I like to think. You never know what could happen to one.” Her gaze drifted to her little ones, who had begun wrestling each other in a ball of fluff. 
“Well, nothing’s going to happen to him. And nothing’s going to happen to me.” Twistedshine’s cold demeanor had returned.
Ash shook her head. “There’s so much that is out of our control, dear. So much that we want to take back. My mother…did she tell you about Red?”
“Your sister’s kit?” Nightdrift guessed. His stomach felt weird.
“Her eldest,” Ash confirmed. “Her precious son. He was such a mama’s boy! I got the news after I found out I was expecting. I told my sis that I was going to have kits, and she told me hers was dead. Funny how that works, isn’t it?”
Nightdrift grimaced as a headache hit him. By Bramblefin’s expression, it had struck him as well. They shared a fearful look. 
Nightdrift stood. “We should get going–” but as soon as he was on his paws, his stomach cramped painfully and he fell into a crouch, hissing through the pain.
Ash made no move to help him. The kits broke away from their game and now sat, watching the Clan cats.
Ash let the facade fully fall, and she sneered at them with a face as chill as a blizzard. “Clan cats took him away from us. I’m only returning the favour.”
“Please!” Bramblefin gasped. “We don’t know who Red is!”
Nightdrit’s mind was racing. “R..Redjay? The ShadowClan warrior?”
“Ah, so you DO know him!”
Nightdrift coughed. “Yes, he died of sickness. But that–arg–that w-was an accident. It happens.” 
Ash struck out a paw, cuffing Nightdrift harshly around the ears and making the already painful headache into a blinding one. “The medicine cat refused to treat him. Does that happen?” she challenged.
“Hickoryskip?” Bramblefin struggled to understand. When Ash didn’t blink, he asked, “Gorsedaisy?” He was hardly able to get the name out at all.
ShadowClan’s medicine cat let their own warrior die? Why? And why were they being punished for it now?
“Wee’re nod ShadowClan…” Twistedshine’s speech was becoming slurred. “We had no id-idea.”
“I believe you,” Ash said simply. “That doesn’t mean I care.”
“Pleeze!” Nightdrift couldn’t lift himself from the ground. His stomach cramped agonizingly, as though claws were digging into his stomach, and his muscles had become loose and uncoordinated, unable to be controlled no matter how hard he willed them to move. “My…my kit’ds…need m-m-me.”
He had to get home.
He had to get to his family.
He had to.
Ash tilted her head to one side. “You believe in spirits, don’t you?”
“Yhe,” Nightdrift grunted. His vision was growing darker, black spots dotted around his periphery like an ugly mass of beetles. He wondered if Twistedshine really had stopped moving, or if that was just his eyes. 
Ash smiled. “Then pray to them. Beg them to save you, and know that they will do nothing, like ShadowClan did nothing to protect my nephew.”
Nightdrift tried to respond, to plead, to beg–her or the Stars, but his tongue filled his mouth, any speech he made at this point were only nonsense sounds. He coughed as bile rose up his throat. His last thoughts were of his newborn kits, tucked away safely in the nursery, of how he would never get to hold them close again or raise them to be the best warriors that they could be. Then it all faded to black.
--Changed my mind about Twistedshine surviving!
--They were poisoned with antifreeze.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (March 22, 2023)
23:58 Pianochocolate - Morning Coffee 23:52 Eguana - Way To The House 23:46 Sweet Velvet - In My Dreams 23:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:40 Florzinho - Vem Conmigo (Euphonic Traveller Remix) 23:35 Shakes Seven - This Time 23:29 Dot Vegan - In Good Time 23:23 Esonic - Mellow Swing 23:19 Bevasso - A Night Like This (The Cure) 23:14 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance 23:10 Johannes Huppertz - Short Message Service 23:08 The Dining Rooms - Dreamy Smiles (Radio Version) 23:02 Re - Lounge - No Ordinary Love (Stephen Floyd Rework) 22:56 Jp - Juice - Cette Planete (Sushi Club Remix) 22:51 Mez - Fuck'n Jazz 22:48 Fancy Vienna - I'll Follow 22:44 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 22:39 Dave Jerome - The Future Is Love (Original Mix) 22:33 Hessismore - Yes Boss 22:28 Steen Thottrup - Heading For The Sunrise 22:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:22 Florian Fai - Rooftop Martini (Original Mix) 22:18 Loop Fruit Split - Rain Reason 22:14 Tycho - Into The Woods 22:11 Mozart - Burdened No More 22:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:03 Van - Life Journey 21:57 Briza - Reflections On The Highway 21:52 Messiah Project - Sadeness 21:46 Purple Avenue - Justify My Love 21:41 Heiko - Miles Away 21:33 Dimitris Manasidis - Love You For Life - Bobby Deep Sunset Mix 21:28 Lisa Shaw - I'm Ok 21:25 Deephouse 84 - A Night On The Beach 21:20 Sunyata Project - Inner Lights (Feat. Miyabi) 21:16 Bliss - Positive Reaction 21:11 Newton - New Beautiful Life 21:05 Marga Sol - Buddhanima 21:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:01 Amaraldo - Keep On 20:57 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 20:52 Pier-o Feat. Marga Sol - Air Of Love (Original Mix) 20:47 Roberto Sol & Florito - Love Finds You Feat. Martine (Original Mix) 20:42 Lazy Grooves - Walk With Me 20:36 Man In A Room - The Confidential 20:28 Eguana - Long Trip To Nowhere 20:23 Maskara - Feel The Nature (Original Mix) 20:19 The Nightfly - Hope And Glory 20:12 Christa Vi - Small Way Through (Cosmonaut Grechko Version) 20:06 Cafe Americaine - Infrajam (Loungebar Mix) 20:01 Aromabar - Simple Life 20:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:58 Emilie Simon - Desert 19:54 Miss B.t - Right Now (Sweet Lovin-' Edit) 19:49 Cafe Americaine - L Amour 19:43 Climatic - Left 19:39 Paul Hardcastle - Chillstep Echoes (Feat. Maxine Hardcastle) 19:34 Katun - Shout (Feat. Nattie) 19:32 Goson - Stop 19:26 Sunset Session Group - Soulsalicious 19:20 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 19:16 Amelie - Softwood 19:12 Living Room - Golden Ride 19:07 Beach Hoppers - Keep Dreaming (Eskadet Moonlight Version) 19:04 Kirsty Hawkshaw Mts. Tenisia - Reason To Forgive 19:00 Mr Vaud - Digital Inspiration 18:57 Hot City Walk (Original Mix) - Lasteden 18:53 Luke - Heaven-'s On Fire 18:47 Club Des Belugas - Phantastic Philadelphia 18:43 Pluto Project - Erophone 18:39 Cam - Romantic Love 18:34 Mandalay - It's Enough Now 18:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:30 Velvet Lounge Project - How Far, How Long 18:26 The Frost - Volna (Original Mix) 18:20 Double Wave - Psychedelic 18:16 Jakatta - It Will Be 18:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:11 Chillbirds - Breaking Out 18:06 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 18:02 Fused - Twisted (Reprise) 17:59 Aiemo - Dreaming Eyes (Vocal Mix) 17:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:54 Vargo - Speak To Me 17:48 Chicane - Looking Down (Drax & Goodings Room With A View Remix) 17:42 Christos Fourkis - Butterflies Everywhere (Original Mix) 17:35 Climatic - Hazy Days 17:30 Atb - Some Things Just Are The Way They Are 17:25 Cocogroove - Martini Royale (Kiss Me James Mix) 17:20 From P60 - You Take Me 17:14 D. Batistatos - Late Hours 17:09 Maritime (Caribic Flow Mix) - Cafe Americaine 17:04 Merge Of Equals - Clear Blue Sky 16:57 Dos Buratinos - Control U Inbox (Take Control Remix) 16:53 Basti M, Brockman Feat. Nic - Live Your Life (Free Your Mind) (Brockman & Basti M Sunset Mix) 16:48 Mind Into Mind - Ready To Fly (Instrumental) 16:43 Charly Mclion - Beachday 16:39 Living Room - Karma Ocean 16:35 Ganga, Sophie Tusnelda - Golden Lightfalls 16:29 Gold Lounge - Promised Land 16:24 Monique Bon - La Musique 16:19 Eddie Silverton - Coincidences 16:14 Sundance Girl - Open Your Arms (Falling To Pieces Mix) 16:10 Alien Cafe - Paris Depression 16:05 Beach Hoppers - Bit By Bit 15:58 Fresh Moods - Cocomilk 15:55 Marc Hartman - Goodvibes (Song For Thom & Susanne) 15:51 Mystic Diversions - Float On 15:46 Messiah Project - Sadeness 15:41 Idenline - Call Me (Original Mix) 15:36 Man In A Room - Night Mail (Feat. Civilian) 15:31 Wonderphazz - Memories (Chill Guide Mix) 15:25 Lazy Hammock - Tomorrow Is A New Day (Original Mix) 15:20 S.w. - Humans And Gods 15:13 Lemongrass - What You Believe 15:08 Chillwalker - A Dream Comes True (Red Horizon Mix) 15:03 Middle - Warm Sunset 15:00 Trillian Miles - Swamp Girl 14:58 Keanurhodes - Good Morning 14:53 Soundlift - Savage Islands (Original Mix) 14:47 Sunyata Project - Pi Lo Chun (Extended Mix) 14:41 Planet Funk - Under The Rain 14:37 Aloha Cafe - Night In Altamy 14:32 Puch - Playground 14:27 Phontaine - Node 14:22 Cocogroove - Puerto Azul (Blue Waves Mix) 14:17 Sofa Groovers - I Feel Love 14:14 Paul Hardcastle - Dancing Galaxies 14:09 Thievery Corporation - Web Of Deception 14:04 Sphere - Dreamer 13:59 Oscar Salguero - With You 13:55 Thievery Corporation - Free 13:51 Eduardo Arroya - Ring ...hello (Close Your Eyes) 13:46 Hacienda - Data Love 13:41 Gush Ibizen - Plans With You (Ibiza Guitar Girl Mix) 13:38 Mozambo - Hurt & Soul 13:34 Califonia Girl - Can See The Light (Beachside Mix) 13:29 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 13:22 Miguel Migs - The Night (Rk's Vocal Mix) 13:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:17 Dj Rico Bonetti - Chill Solution 13:12 Papercut - End Of A Love Affair 13:08 Lemongrass - Frozen Boy 13:02 Future Loop Foundation - I Love Her More (Part 3) 12:56 Mariella Narvaez - All Night 12:51 Andreya Triana - Lost Where I Belong 12:47 El Petit Jardi - Clic Du Mer (Original Mix) 12:43 Ohm G - Island Dreams 12:35 Djibooti - Shadows And Voices (Tom Tom Mix) 12:29 Lazy Hammock - Summer Chill 12:23 Purple Avenue - Love & Sex & Magic 12:20 Electus - Pandora 12:16 Sky Sergeant - Hawaii Island Hoppers (Beachwave Cruiser Mix) 12:11 Asheni - Butterfly (Original Mix) 12:05 Trumpet Thing - The Kiss 12:03 Phlocalyst, Mr. Käfer - Luminous 11:59 Nor Elle Feat. Bella Wagner - Love True Dimension 11:54 Slackwax - Midnight 11:51 Minus Blue - Too Far To Speak (Original Mix) 11:47 Nasser Shibani - Time Chase (Original Mix) 11:42 Moca - Kleine Traumerei 11:35 Orange Music - Leave It All Behind (Vocal Mix) Feat. Mirjam 11:28 Twentyeight - Monday Night 11:23 Don Gorda Project - Cielo Terso 11:18 Cocogroove - Lagoon No. 7 (Guitar Mix) 11:13 Urban Phunk Society - Changing Spaces 11:08 York, Asheni - Mercury Rising (Chillout Mix) 11:04 Donna De Lory - The Unchanging (Atom Smith Chill Yoga Flow Remix) 11:00 Beanfield - Chosen (Feat. Ernesto) 10:55 Afterlife - Still 10:50 Merge Of Equals - Trees On The Moon 10:46 Hooverphonic - Mad About You (Llorca's Radio Shot) 10:40 Mind Conventions - Sweet Fever 10:36 Blank & Jones - Pure Shores 10:32 Atb - Break My Heart 10:26 York - Iceflowers 10:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:20 Cupsurfer - Finishing The Boat 10:17 Samsara Inc. - Endless Autumn 10:11 Vincent Vegas - Via Del Sol (Canyamel Mix) 10:05 Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen - Balearic Bliss 09:59 Koop - Relaxin' At Club F****n (Dorfmeister Vs. Madrid De Los Austrias) 09:56 Pnfa - Second Sunrise (Original Mix) 09:52 Weathertunes - Feel You (Original Mix) 09:48 Marga Sol - So Cruel 09:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:43 Guardner - Distant Link 09:38 Plastyc Buddha - Rhodes Royce 09:34 Atb Feat. Jansoon - Be Like You 09:28 Takt 3 - Slow Walker 09:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:25 Malia Feat. Erik Truffaz - Yellow Daffodils 09:19 D. Batistatos - Jet Lagged Nights 09:14 Tetris - Mystery 09:07 The Man Behind C. - Como Aire Cristalino (Latin Mix) 09:01 The Man Behind C. - What Can U Do 08:58 Castlebed - Lonely Ghost (Original Mix) 08:52 Neve - Supernatural (Ambient Mix) 08:47 Vargo - Goodbye Is A New Beginning 08:42 Amelie - Softwood 08:38 Madelin Zero - Anything Perfect 08:34 Soundset City - Come With Me (Deep Lounge Cut) 08:30 Vibrasphere Feat. K. Linder - Tierra Azul 08:24 Enrico Donner - Forget Me Not 08:18 Kieser Velten - Together 08:16 Dj Phixion - Hideout 08:12 Guenter Haas - First Floor Lobby 08:07 Jane Low - Night Theme (Original Mix) 08:02 Gary B - My Love 07:58 Eliane Elias - Running 07:55 Ross Couch - Music Is My Life 07:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:51 Worldbeat Feat. Miyabi - Sakura (Original Mix) 07:45 Jens Buchert - Dominion 07:41 Therr Maitz - Found U (Riesso Remix) 07:38 Kiwi Twist - Jazz Lady 07:34 Michael E - Don't Stop 07:28 Simon Bareilles - The Sound Of Silence - Guitar Lounge Mix 07:23 Chris Le Blanc, Pat Lawson - Beyond The Sunsets (Ibiza Late Night Mix) 07:18 Bessie Boni - Mystic Revelation (Feat. Gianna Partner) 07:14 Paolo - Turn Me On 07:09 Gushi & Raffunk - Sound Of You (Beat Ambasada Remix) 07:04 Stefan Reh, Kara - Unknown 06:59 Spinne - Saxophonecheck 06:54 Goloka - Compromise 06:50 Index - Noon Hour Blues 06:45 Pnfa - Temple Monkey 06:38 Sweet Velvet - La Plena Noche 06:35 Dj Antoine - I-'ll Never Let You Down (Soft Mix) 06:30 Velvet Dreamer - Footprints In The Sand 06:24 Cream Soda - Woman 06:20 The Diventa Project - Impossible Dream (Ibiza Chillout Mix) 06:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:15 Cantoma - Clear Coast (Feat. Brenda Ray) 06:11 Basti M, Brockman Feat. Nic - Live Your Life (Free Your Mind) (Brockman & Basti M Sunset Mix) 06:04 Cary August, Computer World - Tour De France (St. Tropez Chill) 06:00 El Rubello - And I Love Her 05:54 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird (Feat. Dmirty Raschepkin) 05:50 Monodeluxe - Steel Vibes (Original Mix) 05:45 Gabrielle Chiararo - Million Stars 05:41 Peter Pearson - A Walk In The Park 05:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:36 Groove Thievery - Killer (Bargrooves Mix) 05:33 Dreamhunter - Good Morning 05:28 Norman Doray - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 05:22 Krystian Shek - Samarkand (Feat. Nina Ramsby) 05:18 Dj Tiesto - The Tube (Domenico Cascarino & Luca Lombardi Acoustic Mix) 05:12 S.w. - Terokh Jeruth 05:07 Alien Cafe - Sacred Mountain 05:02 Groove Armada - Remember 04:57 Conjure One - Sleep 04:52 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 04:48 Florence Di Milano - In A Silent Way (Original Mix) 04:45 Lasteden - Hot City Walk (Original Mix) 04:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:41 Liquid Motion - Silent Running 04:37 Weathertunes - Take Me Away 04:32 Sky Sergeant - Orion Trail (Eclipse Mix) (Eclipse Mix) 04:27 Jazzamor - Lullaby (Original Mix) 04:21 Lea Perry - Dubby Sunset Sky At Cafe Del Mar (Ibiza Beach Mix) 04:18 Beach Hoppers - Top Of The World 04:13 Jens Buchert - Fluffy Time 04:10 Marga Sol - Cafe Del Amor 04:04 Vargo - Speak To Me 03:56 Icehouse - Don-'t Believe Anymore (Ivan & Collins Cafe Latte Mix) 03:51 Dublex Inc. Feat. Alice Russel - Don't Make Me Want You 03:47 Florence - You Should Never Know - Baiha Del Mar Mix 03:43 Dab - You & Me 03:39 Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller - Staring At The Stars (Feat. Barbara Yaa Boahene) 03:35 Leo De La Rosa - Te Pienso (Marga Sol Balearic Remix) 03:29 Michael E - Rainy Thursday 03:24 Eskadet - La Repara 03:19 Santerna Feat. Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 03:15 Tycho - No Stress (Feat. Saint Sinner) 03:10 Fourkis, Christos - If You Love Me 03:06 Marcel - Backseat Blues 03:02 Crystal Theory - Breathe 02:57 Castlebed - Groove Sense 02:52 Luisito Quintero - Our Love 02:48 Ikon - No Reason To Stay 02:42 Koru - Closer 02:37 Sangar - Love Again (Original Mix) 02:33 Frameworks - Breaks My Heart Ft. Kathrin Deboer 02:26 Aaron The Baron Feat Markus Puhl - A Tu Lado 02:20 Don Gorda Project - Serenidad 02:14 Random Rab - Rain On The World 02:08 Jazzy James Jr. - Twilight Trumpet (Open Doors Mix) 02:03 Area Code 51 - Chanchamayo 01:58 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue 01:54 Weekend Players - Angel 01:50 Sunburn In Cyprus - Passage Of Time (Original Mix) 01:47 Anthony Hicks - I Don-'t Know 01:42 Audio Lotion - Eclipse 01:36 Darshan - Listen 01:33 Marga Sol - Imagine Me 01:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:28 Shakes Seven - Castles In The Sky 01:23 Jazzamor - Tonight 01:17 Steen Thottrup - If You Were Here Tonight 01:11 Honeyroot - Sunrise Sunset 01:08 Gary B - Song For Kaye 01:04 Luis Hermandez - Celebrate (Original Mix) 00:59 Florzinho - Maha - Amba 00:52 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 00:47 Paco Versailles - Two Feathers 00:42 Afterlife - Falling 00:38 Coolcomotion & Newton - Corazon (Black Diagram) 00:34 Stereomass - Modern Journey To Hawaii (Original Mix) 00:27 Man In The Moon Feat. Debora Vilchez - Another Way 00:23 Michael E - Dont Stop 00:20 Mahl-a - Scent Of You 00:16 Axel B - Dark Lights 00:16 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:10 Vinito - Cloud Cruise 00:06 Fous De La Mer - Time To Wake Up (Volver A Despertar) 00:01 Pier-O - Fermer Les Yeux
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Since Myrtlewing has trouble feeling emotion and love, how did he come to love Alderstar and his family?
oh I like this question!
Myrtle and Alder's relationship started with Alder realizing that Myrtle shared similar thoughts, and he became sort of dependant on the medicine cat (complaining to Myrtle in order to help deal with his anger at his dad and other Clanmates, for example).
Now, Myrtle (through not fault or control of his own) has great trouble feeling an affection towards others, and can pretty much only do so if it that itself affects him (not intentionally, it's just how it is).
So Alder liking Myrtle and depending on him = Myrtle has importance in this cat's life. He has a big part in it (this being a grandiose sort of importance, not self-doubt that would have previously made him think he wasn't important. He likes that he is, and that someone else feels the same way). And as Alder's and his relationship grew, so did his feelings to the point where he, too, depended on Alder.
Myrtle's support and love became like oxygen for Alder, and therefore became part of him. Alder's dependence and seeing Myrtle as someone great (even if he doesn't say it) in turn became part of Myrtle. So much so, that it becomes what he knows as real love.
He doesn't just love Alder because of how he affects him anymore. It's how it started, but it grew so much that it is real, two-way love.
Hootpetal originally came as a connection to Alder. She's important to someone who's important to him, so she becomes part of his life. Then he became used to her until eventually he liked her as part of his routine, liked having her around and having her safe (plus he likes her humour).
And, also of great importance, she likes spending time with him. They enjoy talking with each other, and she also defends him when Alder (or someone else) can get a little too mean (even if Myrtle can't be bothered himself). It's the fact that she wants to talk to and defend him.
Grousemane was similar to Alder (though less intensely) because he instantly made his crush toward Myrtle known and would continuously flirt and compliment him. Of course, Myrtlewing would like this because it made him feel great, and, like with Alder and Hoot, it would grow to the point of requited love and affection.
With all of the kits, it was basically the same thing. They either first became connected to someone in his poly and through them became part of Myrtle, or depended on him (ex. Tree and Drizzle running to him when they have nightmares).
I want to repeat that Myrtle DOES love them all, and not just for selfish reasons. That is how it started, because it's just. How he is.
It also helps that they CHOSE to make themselves part of his life. That was one difference (among many) between Alder and Nightfly, a vicitm. Nightfly's feelings were only made known to Myrtle after he already decided on killing him, and they were made to grow by Myrtle for his own gain.
Alder, on the other hand, chose to put himself into Myrtle's life over and over again.
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automaticvr · 1 year
WInter Lazerus Film Scoring 2023 - Music Cue Description And Timing & Short Bio 1 - Orchestral Groove Ambient - 1 - 1:40 
2 - Trip Hop Spatial Groove (Swerve) - 1:41 - 4.16 
3 - Acc. Gtr, Dark Indie Piece - 4:17 - 5:11 
4 - Acc Ambient Orchestral Piece with Actor Bill Pullman - 5:12 - 9:00 
5 - Avant Trip Hop Orchestral with Solo Trumpet by Spencer Ludwig - 9:01 - 10:25 
6 - Rock Dense Groove Sundance Winning Film Piece - 10:26 - 11:20 
7 - Playfully Arranged Groove Piece With Female Vox (Deborah Cansler) & Lazerus Blues Harp - 11:21 - 13:16 
8 - DJ Styled Orchestral Trip Hop Rock - 13:17 - 14:32 
9 - Dark Rock Moody (Guitar Greg Faust) - 14:33 - 16:42 
10 - Moody Street Bass Club HBO Film Piece - 16:43 - 18:12 
11 - Club Pink Floyd Spatial Rock - 18:13 - 19:44 
13 - Thematic Trailer Mx Track Moody Triumphant - 19:45 - 22:27 
14 - Funky Club Bass Groove - 22:28 - 23:43 
15 - Indie Elec Gtr Rock Spatial Building Intensity - 23:44 - 25:49 
16 - Trip Hop Club Spatial Pink Floyd Rock DJ - 25:50 - 30:08 
17 - Club DJ Rock to Downtempo Groove - 30:09 - 34:47 
18 - World Music Meditative Piece Ambient - 34:48 - 36:54 
19 - Ambient Female Vox (Sonja Drakulich)- Mood Film Piece 36:55 - 39:08 Winter Lazerus Short Bio 2023 - Winter Lazerus is a Grammy-nominated, 12-time multi-gold and platinum award-winning record producer, composer, artist, musician, and mastering/mix engineer. His early work includes the recording of Donald Fagen’s “The Nightfly” which was nominated for seven Grammy Awards. Winter’s work on “The Nightfly” included production concepts and singing vocals. He has worked with diverse artists starting as an apprentice/runner/ second engineer on recording sessions that included, Vladimir Horowitz, Rod Stewart, Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Tom Waits, Van Dyke Parks and film projects like the Original “Grease” Movie Soundtrack. By the age of 23 Lazerus moved into Record Production professionally, soon working with artists including Donald Fagen, Steely Dan, The Call, Diana Ross, Jean Michel Jarre, Violent Femmes, Tom Jones, Laurie Anderson, Stevie Wonder, Mike Oldfield, Eddie Murphy, Bruce Willis and directors Martin Scorsese and Clint Eastwood. He also worked on music for two Sundance Winning Films “Dig!” and “Fuel”. Throughout all of this, Lazerus has worked with some of the greatest studio musicians known including members of the infamous “Wrecking Crew.” Lazerus has been involved globally on creative projects from Manhattan to Paris, Iceland to Ireland and continues to travel and create. His current focus includes interests in Virtual Reality, Immersive Domes and Augmented Reality. He has a Master’s degree in Consciousness Studies and is working on a novel, a 13 song-cycle about Dreams (for Naxos International and NXN Recording), new contemporary album tracks with Norwegian Singer/Songwriter Heidi Torsvik, a conceptual Dome project and he has a great love of film and TV scoring. Work has just begun creating Pilot Films for the 'Hidden Soul of the Fjords' Movie project with funding from Vestnorske Filmsenter. The movie is a multi-disciplinary project with a remarkable team of creatives. Lazerus is currently completing his first novel, a detective story based in Olso. Called 'Chance's Flywheel'. Lazerus is also now working on new composing for the next project on Naxos called ‘Hidden Soul of Dreams’ which will have a 2024 release that will include the first live performances of 'Hidden Soul' including work with Immersive Domes and Planetariums. Lazerus is also creating tracks for his first solo album project and working with other artists globally on song and film projects. Hidden Soul dot Art Website - https://hiddensoul.art/ Discogs discogs.com/search/?q=daniel+lazerus&type=all discogs.com/search/?q=noa+winter+lazerus&type=all discogs.com/search/?q=winter+lazerus&type=all
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vonuberwald · 7 years
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11 Nightfly
Went out today so I did a couple of traditional bits. Here’s Nightfly and one of his songbirds as a warmup ♥
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krispyweiss · 3 years
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Album Review(s): Donald Fagen/Steely Dan - The Nightfly Live/Northeast Corridor: Steely Dan Live!
Leave it to a guy who spent the most artistically rewarding part of his career ensconced in a studio to release two live albums simultaneously.
On his own since the death of his Steely Dan co-conspirator Walter Becker, Donald Fagen has continued the duo’s post-reunion touring efforts and the result is the Nightfly Live, credited to Fagen, and Northeast Corridor: Steely Dan Live!
Fagen’s first solo album, released in 1982, was pretty much perfect. And while the Nightfly Live isn’t that, Fagen and the Steely Dan Band construct a fine representation with enough changes to make it worthwhile and enough fidelity to keep it so.
“Green Flower Street” boasts a series of false endings to keep the audience guessing; “Ruby Baby” features a slight lyrical adjustment in the chorus; and Fagen turns “Maxine” over to his female background vocalists. For fans who know every sonic nook and cranny of the original, the Nightfly Live has some interesting twists, but there’s still nothing like the real thing.
This is even more true in Northeast Corridor, which finds Fagen in hollower voice and the band kicking in additional horn charts and vocal arrangements on tracks such as “Reelin’ in the Years” and “Peg,” respectively. Fagen, meanwhile, opts for melodica over keyboards in some key places, like “Aja,” and the inclusion of “Things I Miss the Most,” from the post-Gaucho era is a mistake.
Though it runs 38 minutes to Northeast Corridor’s 62, the Nightfly Live is the aural representation of quality over quantity.
Grade card: Donald Fagen/Steely Dan - The Nightfly Live/Northeast Corridor: Steely Dan Live! - A-/B
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yesterdaysanswers · 4 years
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Flavio Premoli - Latin soul (1983 - unknown magazine)
Milan. Impressions of September. Unless they are masterpieces, turns of the long-awaited records almost always end up disappointing you. With Flavio Premoli's solo album, you can’t escape the rule: nine songs oxygenated by a dazzling research on color, but rather lacking in particularly incisive melodic ideas. A lot of craft, little shining. The instrumentalists show their technical ability with casual and refined suppleness. It’s impossible to know more, because the record is completely devoid of notes. I will inquire. 
In October he replies. I chat with Premoli in an office of his record company. I learn that the album, practically completed last fall, has been parked in the waiting room for a year or so: remnants of corporate strategies. The album, with the same name and recorded at London's Lansdowne Parsifal, was arranged and produced by Geoff Westley (we remember him for Baglioni’s "Strada Facendo"), who brought with him the very classic Phil Palmer, Pete Van Hooke and Stuart Elliott (the first two also appear in the recent works by Fossati and Bertè), as well as a crowd of skilled session players. Most of the lyrics bear the signature of Giangilberto Monti, who will finally bring to the theater the show developed last year that "Guardie e ladri" to the realization of which Premoli himself contributed in massive doses. Thus, the former keyboardist of PFM confesses to me that he is committed to conceiving a qualitatively very homogeneous work, deliberately devoid of prominent songs or in any case studied for a mere promotional purpose, to leave to the inclination of each the freedom to be in tune with this or that episode. The undersigned prefers “Ma che sole sarà", "Cose di piazza" and, particularly, "Angelillo". But he suspects that it is not just a matter of taste. 
So, Flavio, what is this record more? A music notebook or a written staff?
"A written staff, if with this expression you mean that the relationship between the lyrics and the music is resolved in favor of the latter. I consider myself essentially a musician, not a lyricist: and I had no difficulty in entrusting Giangilberto with the writing of many verses of these songs. I believe that everyone should have the humility to recognize their limits. Those who cannot write, pass the pen on to those who are able: it is absolutely useless to try to improvise songwriting. In any case, I would like it to be clear that Flavio Premoll is above all a musician's record.”
From the album emerges the recovery of a concise, compact, well-defined song-form. It is the same direction that the last Premiata seems to have taken. Do you think this is the only way to go today?
“Well, I certainly don't pretend that my work is considered the manifesto of 80's music. I think the moment we are going through is a great cauldron susceptible to many developments. Whether I like these developments or not is a different matter. Certainly, compared to the past decade, there is a greater need for synthesis, there is less time for creations and collateral digressions. And in this sense, I too am affected by this situation.”
How much Chuck Mangione did you listen to while composing "Varese"? 
“Ah, very little...indeed, I'll tell you more, I only know one album by Mangione, stuff from five or so years ago, I don't even remember the title anymore ("Feels so good"? - editor's note). Probably, this impression will be due to the atmosphere of the song and the sound of that "hot" cornet. On the other hand, a trumpet is always a trumpet! Moreover, originally, the piece was written to be performed by the piano alone - other than Chuck Mangione! Which are the records that have impressed me the most lately? "Nightfly" by Donald Fagen and "Thriller" by Michael Jackson: great professionalism and beautiful insights.”
"Il marinaio", "Acqua di mare": Salgari reinvented Malaysia locked in his studio in Verona. And you will not tell me that you have found rocks and seagulls among the fog of Lombardy… 
“Of course not. Perhaps, however, talking about the sea is more fascinating for someone who does not find it in front of his eyes every day (look at Paolo Conte...): it is a way like any other to let the imagination travel. In the "sailor", then, the sea is only a pretext: I was interested in the figure of this old man who, with a scrupulous and enchanted gaze, captures all the details of the life that passes by, and lets himself be carried away waiting for tomorrow like this, from memories, and waiting for tomorrow anyway -  so as not to feel like dying." 
Last year you collaborated on "Guardie e ladri" by Giangilberto Monti, a record with strong metropolitan colors. Such coloring is entirely absent from this work. In "Cose di piazza" you can even breathe an ancient air…
“Yes, I don't like the metropolis, I hate Milan, and every time I come there I feel bad: if you think that in Varese I live in the middle of a vast forest… This, of course, does not prevent me from participating in works dictated by a different spirit; I respect the sensitivity of others. Rest assured, however, that you won't see me walking around with a Jena Plisky [Plissken?] blindfold - I'll gladly leave it to Di Cioccio, he is a true metropolitan. However, I am pleased that you notice how this record, while not marginalizing electronic instruments, moves in an environment that is anything but urban.”
“La collina”, “Ma che sole sarà” and the same “Varesse” itself are visited from typically South American rhythms. An Astor Piazzolla accordion appears in the very delicate “Angelillo"... When did you discover that you have a Latin soul?
“Recently, even if the accordion, which is a typically Italian instrument, I have been playing it since I was five years old. I have never been insensitive to rhythm: but it is clear that I feel closer to South American musicality than to heavy metal. Better Toquinho than Iron Maiden!”
“Bianco e azzurro" is a very lyrical fragment, but rather unsolved…
“It had to be like that. The lyric takes its cue from a meeting a few years ago with a beautiful Indian-Canadian who was crying to me about the situation in his country, where the rift between Anglo-Americans and French has not yet been healed. You get off at the airport, and you don't even know what language to speak. All this is absurd. The statuesque face of this Indian often comes to mind, as in a very sharp flash. And I wanted the song to be a flash too. There was no need to develop it further.”
Two years have passed between the beginning of the album's gestation and its release in stores. Answer me honestly: too many? 
“No. Among other things, I thought that the biggest problems could arise from the collaboration with Geoff: he is also a keyboard player, and there was the risk of shoving two roosters in the same chicken coop. Instead everything is spun in the best way. I can say I'm satisfied.”
Stefano Lecchini
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lzsylovesanime · 4 years
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Anime spotlight - Scared Rider Xechs 
So this was a guilty pleasure as I said no more Otome anime as I always dislike the girl and the forced romance gets in the way of the plot but alas this was rather dumb but fun.
The plot is The Blue World, which symbolizes reason, is under constant attack by the creatures called the Nightfly O'Note originating from the Red World, symbolizing instinct. Akira Asagi, the 17-year-old protagonist who is a researcher at Blue World, is nominated to lead the war at Ryuukyuu LAG, a proud defense facility on the islands of Ishigaki and Iriomote. She meets the sixth combat unit "IS," which was formed four years after a fierce battle that annihilated the fifth unit. Akari must lead these six riders, also called the Scared Rider Xechs, to fight against the other world while at the same time deepening the relationship among them.
Ok yes the girl is very annoying and not my thing but they don’t really dwell on the romance much and yeah she’s a bit choosen one and they all want to save her but i didn’t pay much attention to that. The action was actually a lot of fun and while not ground breaking the characters had fun personalities and I loved the character designs for the aliens.
But in honestly after about 2 eps I was shipping two of the boys hard and that saved the show for me. Really I was in this show for ship and it didn't disappoint so what was a mediocre show became a guilty pleasure.
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#tyo_mag #トーキョーマガジン #japanesesoul #ジャパニーズソウル はじまっております!『Japanese Soul ナイト -14th Anniversary PARTY -』☆ みなさま、お待ちしております〜☆ Original “和モノ” Japanese music party on third Friday of every month at music bar “NIGHTFLY” in Shibuya. “Japanese Soul” is a very first Japanese song party started more than 10 years ago. You can enjoy various Japanese songs, Golden oldies to latest. If you are living in or visiting Japan, come check it out! 2019/10/18(金) ◆Japanese Soulナイト@NIGHTFLY -マツリだ!マツリ!!バージョン- ゲストDJ 珍盤亭娯楽師匠 DJs 高橋KO1(ミラーボール) SHIN SHIMOKAWA(DCC) 坂本幸隆(Tower Records) makillda(Morning Moon) ラーヤン(Light Mellow Summit) Kouhei “king” Nozaki daisk8(swing boys) カネコヒデシ(TYO mag) OPEN / START:21:00- ENTRANCE FEE:1,200YEN(1D) NIGHTFLY(ナイトフライ)@渋谷(UP LINKの裏 1F ) TEL:03-3481-6009 http://nightfly.tokyo/ 地図はコチラ https://www.google.co.jp/maps/place/ナイトフライ/@35.6628603,139.6948375,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xd9f8a5101f317a8c?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQ-vPH-azPAhWCppQKHWZVCIwQ_BIIdTAK ※Japanese Soulオフィシャルサイト: http://japanesesoul.jp/ TWITTER:@J_S_Crew Facebook:japanesesoul #音楽 #ミュージック #music #DJ #パーティー #party #jpop #japanesesong #邦楽 #citypop #シティポップ #カネコヒデシ #kanekohideshi #knkhds #東京 #tokyo https://www.instagram.com/p/B3woOIajumn/?igshid=1flf5r3qlmalz
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newsfact · 3 years
Carole Baskin’s restraining order against Netflix over ‘Tiger King 2’ denied
Carole Baskin has suffered a major setback.
A Florida judge has denied the 60-year-old’s motion for a temporary restraining order that would block Netflix and Royal Goode Productions from featuring footage of her, husband Howard Baskin and their Big Cat Rescue sanctuary in Season 2 of “Tiger King.”
According to court documents obtained by Fox News on Friday, the judge ruled that the Baskins “are not entitled to the extraordinary remedy of a temporary restraining order, which would be entered before Defendants have had an adequate opportunity to respond.”
“While the Court understands the Baskins’ frustration, it does not appear that inclusion of Defendants’ footage of the Baskins will cause any immediate harm that cannot be compensated with monetary damages,” the ruling states.
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Carole Baskin’s rescue sanctuary for big cats is based in Florida. (Photo by Araya Doheny/Getty Images for NightFly Entertainment)
On Monday, the couple filed suit in Tampa, Florida, against the streaming giant and the production company. Baskin alleged that Royal Goode Productions continued to use footage of the couple in the upcoming “Tiger King 2” despite only signing release forms for the first documentary.
Netflix declined to comment on the matter.
In the lawsuit, Baskin also alleged that the original project was described to her as being “an expose of the big cat breeding and cub petting trade akin to the documentary feature film entitled ‘Blackfish.’”
“Perhaps most pernicious is the overarching implication in ‘Tiger King 1’ that Carole Baskin was involved in the disappearance of her first husband in 1997,” the lawsuit adds.
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Joseph Maldonado-Passage is serving 22 years in prison after being found guilty of participating in a murder-for-hire plot against Carole Baskin. (Santa Rosa County Jail via AP)
Baskin has repeatedly denied any involvement in the disappearance of her first husband, Don Lewis.
Joe Exotic, who gained fame in “Tiger King,” announced on Wednesday he was diagnosed with “aggressive” prostate cancer.
The blond mullet-wearing former Oklahoma zookeeper, whose real name is Joseph Maldonado-Passage, is known for his expletive-laden rants on YouTube and a failed 2018 Oklahoma gubernatorial campaign.
He was prominently featured in the popular documentary “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness.”
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Joe Exotic was prominently featured in the popular documentary ‘Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness’. (Netflix US/AFP via Getty Images)
The 58-year-old was sentenced to 22 years in prison in 2020 after being convicted for violating federal wildlife laws and a failed murder-for-hire plot targeting Baskin.
Baskin’s rescue sanctuary for big cats is based in Florida.
A three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Denver in July ordered Maldonado-Passage be resentenced to a shorter term, finding that the trial court wrongly treated the two convictions separately in calculating his prison term.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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The post Carole Baskin’s restraining order against Netflix over ‘Tiger King 2’ denied first appeared on NEWSFACT.
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A Night's End: Fresh Hope (pt. 4)
Nightfly Origin
The three cats walked slowly, their energy drained with every step as much as their hope had been seeped out of their hearts with every kittypet or alleyway loner they spoke to, all giving the same answer.
No one had seen Meadowtree or Feathergaze, or any Clan cat besides them, for that matter.
Nightdrift glanced ahead at Twistedshine, who’s muzzle was locked and eyes were narrowed in determination. Determined to find her sister, or determined to still believe that she would, he couldn’t tell. 
A sigh brought his attention to Bramblefin, walking beside him. He leaned over and whispered in the brown tabby’s ear. “Were you two close?” he asked.
Bramblefin looked at Nightdrift, then at his own paws, caked with the dust that littered the strange pathways that lined the Twolegplace. “Been friends since we were young,” he answered.
Bramblefin shook his head, and Nightdrift could see that it pained him. “No,” he responded through what sounded like a lump in his throat. “I mean…I caught feelings, but…”
“She never did?” Nightdrift guessed sympathetically.
“I don’t know. I didn’t have the courage to ask before, and now…I’ll never know what her answer would have been.” His lips trembled, and the dark cloud over his eyes watered with fresh emotion. Nightdrift stepped closer, hoping to press against him and soothe as much pain as he could, but before his paw could touch the dusty ground, Twistedshine whirled around, bristling.
“Don’t say that” she hissed, saliva swinging from her snapping teeth. “We WILL find her, safe and sound, and you WILL have your answer!” Before either tom could respond, she whipped back around and continued on, tail lashing.
Nightdrift lowered his voice to a whisper, and spoke again into Bramblefin’s ear. “Has she been doing okay? Other than now?” He wanted to know if Twistedshine felt better when she was surrounded by other loved ones, her kits, her friends, or if the distraction of everyday life was enough to quiet the beast that grief brought. If it was different from now, when Feathergaze–and Meadowtree-was the front and centre of all their thoughts. He wasn’t sure why. Pity, probably.
Bramblefin shrugged. “I think she just hides it well,” he murmured back. “Feathergaze is more than a sister to her. She was–is–her best friend, and in a way, her daughter.”
“I heard.” Nightdrift wondered what it would be like to raise your younger sibling as your own kit. He guessed that Twistedshine didn’t have much of a choice. He didn’t know what kind of parents they had or how bad they were, he only knew that Twistedshine took it upon herself to take care of her kit-sister so that she would be happier than Twistedshine had been.
His eyes rested on the blind she-cat, who stomped on with a growl. What must it be like to lose the one cat you swore to always keep happy? What must she feel, knowing that the sister she must have sworn to protect is surely dead–or at least, will never be found by the Clans again?
Nightdrift’s chest ached as a storm of ice swept through his lungs and up his throat, where it sat as heavy as a rock. He tried to swallow it, stumbling, but it didn’t budge.  If this was how bad he felt just thinking about these cats’ pain, how could they move on, feeling it, expecting to live and hunt and patrol as if they don’t?
So distressed and distracted by these thoughts, he didn’t realize that Twistedshine had stopped, and bumped into her rear.
“Watch it,” she growled.
“Sorry.” Nightdrift blinked, realizing with a start that Twistedshine had stopped because she was speaking to someone. It was hard to tell in the dark light–night had fully fallen, and the tall Twoleg lights that lined the Thunderpaths were absent in this small row of dens–but he was sure that she was a tortoiseshell cat. He waited for her eyes to flash towards him, but even as she clearly faced him, there wasn’t so much as a glimpse. Did she HAVE eyes?
“As I was saying,” Twistedshine huffed, “have you seen any Clan cats around?”
The elderly kittypet let out a chuckle. For some reason, it made Nightdrift flinch. “Haven’t seen anyone around, hon. Don’t have the equipment for it.”
Equip…what? Must be a kittypet word.
“Blind?” Twistedshine asked.
“That’s right. And if you had to ask, I take it you’s the same.”
“For about four seasons now,” Twistedshine told her. “Cataracts.”
“Ah, rough.”
“Excuse me.” Bramblefin pushed forward. “We’re looking for some cats. Have you–uhm–scented them around? Or know anyone who did? We’re kind of in a hurry.”
The old cat responded to his request for hast with a long, massive yawn that sent an unpleasant odour into the three cats’ faces. They couldn’t help themselves from flinching. “It’s possible I smelt them. It’s even possible I spoke to them.”
Twistedshine straightened. Brmablefin leaned forward, ears perked, and Nightdrift’s eyes widened. “You did?” Twistedshine gasped. “Were they okay?”
“Was a she-cat with them?” Bramblefin put in. “She would have smelt like the two of us.”
“And another would have smelt like me,” Nightdrift added.
“Which way did they go?”
“Did a Twoleg take them?”
“Were they injured?”
“How many did you see–uh hear?”
The old cat smacked her tail against the ground. “Quiet, would you? How many tongues you think I have?”
Nightdrift ducked his head. “Sorry.”
Twistedshine scratched her claws against the tan Thunderpath impatiently. “She’s my sister, so excuse me if I’m in a rush to find her.”
The old cat tilted her head to one side. “Oh, yes, it can be tough losing kin, can it? The pain so hard, like the death of your own heart right inside of you.” Her words were raspy, creaking like a broken branch. “My own little kit found out her son had died not too long ago. A sickness that could have been cured if some cats had just given him care took him away from us. Ah, maybe you know him. Maybe you hated him too, like the cats who killed him.”
What was she going on about? “I’m sorry for your loss,” Nightdrift told her earnestly, albeit with confusion. “Perhaps…you understand why we want to find our Clanmates so much?”
The old cat’s muzzle wrinkled, reminding Nightdrift of a hungry dog. “You don’t care about my loss. Listen to you! I tell you about my dead grandbaby and my poor daughter’s broken heart, and you only want me to stop talking so you can go find your kin. What selfishness!”
Nightdrift ducked his head. Was he being selfish? 
“We could talk to you about it…when we get back?” Bramblefin offered. 
“Ha!” The old cat’s laugh was sharp, slicing through the air as clear as a claw. “Don’t bother. I want nothing to do with you Clan cats if it ain’t sending you on your way.”
“And which way would that be?” Twistenshine’s question was more of a snap. 
The old cat curled her lip in distaste. She nodded across the Thunderpath. “That direction ‘til you find a little stream. Follow it to a bridge. That’s where I sent them.”
Twistedshine had already bounded across the path before she could finish, Bramblefin hard on her paws. 
“Thank you,” Nightdrift told the old she-cat. “This is the most news we’ve gotten since the Flood.”
“Then go, and get away from me before I change my mind!”
Without needing more insistence, Nightdrift raced after his companions, fresh hope lighting his steps.
--Old Jacky!
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 30, 2023)
23:58 Nightcruzer - Under Your Skin 23:52 Urban Phunk Society - De Janeiro 23:50 Asheni - Butterfly (Original Mix) 23:43 Dj Maretimo Feat. Vladi Strecker - Together In The Rain (Down By The Sea Mix) 23:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:34 Simon Le Grec - Touch Me 23:29 Paul Hardcastle - Summer Love 23:23 Cafe Americaine - Infrajam (Loungebar Mix) 23:22 The Nightfly - Hope And Glory 23:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:13 Christos Fourkis - If You Love Me 23:11 Lenny Mac Dowell - Deepest Inner (Original Mix) 23:05 Super8 & Tab Feat. Jan Burton - Free Love (Original Mix) 23:03 Chicane - No Ordinary Morning (Original Mix) 22:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:55 Five Seasons - Endlessly 22:53 Forward - La Nuit Ne Pas Finir 22:46 Paul Hardcastle - Dancing Galaxies 22:44 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Soft Rain 22:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:35 Lorenzo - I Will Love You Forever 22:32 Kabanjak - Gypsy Soul (Ancient Astronauts Remix) 22:25 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time (Sweet Velvet Del Mar Cafe Chillout Mix) 22:22 Stepo Del Sol - Heaven On Earth 22:19 Mar Tini - Budrio (Original) 22:12 Hess Is More - Yes Boss 22:09 Van - Evening Bus (Original Mix) 22:06 D-chill Feat. Katy Blue - Paradise 22:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:00 Jens Buchert - Luminous 21:53 Flume - Sleepless 21:49 Jazzamor - Tonight 21:48 Orbitell - Dive (Ibiza Beach Mix) 21:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:43 Paolo - Turn Me On 21:37 Enea - Slight 21:31 Kaxamalka - Backdrops 21:29 Stuce The Sketch - Yasikitisha (Feat. Kwambo) (Instrumental) 21:23 Asheni - Butterfly (Original Mix) 21:18 Mozart - Burdened No More 21:12 Miklos Vajda - The Sun Breaks Over The Mountains 21:10 Music Paradise - Clouds 21:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:01 Marc Hartman - I Can't Stop 20:58 Schwarz & Funk - Paresse 20:52 Mercer & Gissal - Scandal (Feat. Nicole Grimaldi) 20:49 Leo & Roby Ruini - La Suite - Original Mix 20:46 Blank & Jones - Flaming June 20:39 Villablue Feat. Juanita Grande - Leaving The Lights 20:34 Ganga - Skyscraper (Original Mix) 20:32 Marga Sol - Free Your Mind 20:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:27 Itb Sea - Bacon Four - Original Mix 20:20 Light Of Aiden - Loving You 20:18 Shakes Seven - Angel 20:15 London Grammar - Metal & Dust 20:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:10 Etherwood - The Night 20:03 Gary Butcher - Make It Happen 20:02 G-spliff - Won't Part 19:59 Night Cruzer - The Nightcruise 19:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:50 Gary B - My Love 19:44 Cafe Americaine - Metropolitan Girl (Round The World Mix) 19:41 Audio Lotion - Azul De Voceo 19:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:33 Mo'jardo - Summer Rain (Original Mix) 19:28 Kosta Rodrigez - Soul 2 Sell (Boosanova Chill Mix) Feat. Denise 19:23 Jane Maximova - Puppets 19:21 Dab - The Call 19:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:15 Jens Buchert - Melange Electrique 19:08 Weathertunes - The New Jazz Five (Original Mix) 19:00 The Sushi Club - Hamaguri 18:58 Stereomass - Modern Journey To Hawaii (Original Mix) 18:52 Riccardo Eberspacher - Osiride 18:46 D.batistatos & Side Liner - Sehnsucht 18:40 Randy Seidman, Rogerio Jardim, Tommy Cunningham - Come Back To Me (Christos Fourkis Remix) 18:38 351 Lake Shore Drive - Underwater Lights 18:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:29 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue 18:25 Openzone Bar - Kiss In The Dark 18:19 Miguel Migs - The Night (Rk's Vocal Mix) 18:17 Northbound - Twice The Day 18:13 Moodorama - I Think It's... 18:07 Saib. - Archipelago 18:05 Thievery Corporation - Take My Soul 18:02 Edapollo - By The River 17:55 Lemongrass - Maison Ã- La Mer 17:52 Hooverphonic - One 17:46 Jeff Bennet-'s Lounge Experience Feat. Alexandra - Sympathy 17:40 Moshang - Padoga 17:35 Blank & Jones - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 17:33 Emili Birdy - What You Gonna Do (Soul 2 Sax Mix) 17:29 Luke - Heaven-'s On Fire 17:26 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:24 Nathan Cole - Ideal Emotion 17:17 Funky Juice Trio - Easy Come Easy Go (Into The Silence Mix) 17:15 Airily - 42nd Street (Lemongrass Remix) 17:09 How To Destroy Angels - A Drowning (Vikmir Remix) 17:02 Peter Pearson - Summer Memories 17:00 Soma Sonic - Rien 16:54 Nor Elle Feat. Bella Wagner - Love True Dimension 16:49 Solarflow - Im Living For Today 16:44 Marga Sol - Desedena (Instrumental Mix) 16:38 Ragi - Voyage To India (Buddha Sunset Del Mar Vocal Mix) 16:34 Trillian - A Little Love 16:32 Lisa Shaw - I'm Ok 16:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:22 Carrie Skipper - Time Goes By (Floris De Haan Remix) 16:18 Funkstar De Luxe - Tell Me Why 16:13 Airily - Harmonize (Original Mix) 16:10 Lemongrass - Deep River (Eskadet Remix) 16:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:02 Paul Hardcastle - Stay In The Moment 15:56 Soleil Fisher - Fast And Slow 15:50 Jens Buchert - Reflections 15:48 Cocogroove - Silent Fantasy (Fairytale Mix) 15:41 Lissa - Some Of Me (Feat. Philip Nolan) 15:39 Velvet Dreamer - Crystal Water (Jjos Balearic Remix) 15:32 Dreamhunter - Oude Centrum (Original Mix) 15:27 Mirage Of Deep, Gushi - Subliminal Perception 15:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:19 Jaffa - Be Nude, Baby 15:18 Roberto Sol - Obsesioì 15:11 Phontaine - Million Dollar Baby 15:09 Kaxamalka - You Take My Breath Away 15:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:01 Benirras - Ghost In A Bottle 14:58 Blank & Jones - Hideaway (With Jason Caesar) 14:51 Cicada - Elle Et Moi 14:50 Trinah - Every Day 14:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:45 Lemongrass - Soulful 14:38 D.o.s. - Nightfly 14:35 Noise Boyz - Where Do You (Ambient Mix) 14:31 Philip Aniskin & Alexsandra Mell - Los Angeles Dream 14:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:24 Thunderball - Angela's Lament 14:17 Rey Salinero - Mystique Sets 14:15 Spiritual Soul - Green Coffee - Ethereal Mix 14:12 Pat The Cat - Hotel California (Feat. Rachel Moreau) 14:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:04 Aria Nova - Pop 14:02 Chris Leblanc - Ahora 13:55 Jesus Mondejar - Esencia De Mar (Original Mix) 13:53 Bulb - Impossible (Original Mix) 13:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:47 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun 13:44 Eriq Johnson - Stay (Feat. Ann B) 13:42 Moe Turk - What I Feel Like 13:38 Jens Buchert - Les Alpes 13:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:26 User's Atmosphere - Share Your Dreams 13:23 Hooverphonic - Others Delight 13:18 James Bright - Low 13:16 Bajka - The Beaver's Lesson (Mop Mop Jamaica Aroma Remix) 13:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:10 Lazy Hammock - Tomorrow Is A New Day (Original Mix) 13:04 Solasoap - That Feeling 12:59 Paul Hardcastle - First Light 12:57 Houie D. - Endlesslove 12:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:49 Jeremy Russell - Rainforest 12:44 Jon Hopkins - Second Sense 12:43 Gary Butcher - Stronger Love 12:40 Waldeck - Addicted 12:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:35 Fobee - Broken Glass 12:32 Thunderball - On The Sly 12:25 Kraak & Smaak - Sommeron (Feat. Imugi Weapon) (Satin Jackets Remix) 12:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:21 Sevyn Streeter - Before I Do 12:11 Max Sedgley - Life's A Beach 12:09 Monodeluxe - Searching 12:02 Tactful - No Fear 11:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:56 Cream Soda - Woman 11:46 Blue Lotus - Eshu Igelu 11:40 José Padilla - Maybe The Sunset (Feat. Lydmor) 11:38 York - My Ship 11:31 Luke Standing - The Hushed Love 11:26 Pnfa - Miles And Miles (Slowly) 11:20 Guenter Haas - Alone But Never Lonely (Original Mix) 11:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:14 Urban Phunk Society - Siesta 11:09 Mahoroba - Violet Dreams (Space Pioneers Mix) 11:04 Hotel Riviera - Another Chance For Love 11:03 Blank & Jones W. Cathy Battistessa - Miracle Man (Afterlife Mix) 10:56 Akmusique - Café Noir 10:55 E-sonic - For What I Want 10:48 Nightmares On Wax - I Am You 10:45 Exhibitionist - Hands 10:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:35 Andy Sol & Ecolyte - Ponse Passing (Original Mix) 10:30 Trinah - Every Day 10:27 Asian Chill Art - Jangtsekiang (Mystic River Cut) 10:24 Tomazz - Lucid Dream 10:20 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:14 Leendder - Everytime You Cry (Satin Jackets Remix) 10:11 Eriq Johnson - I-'ve Got You 10:04 Basti M, Brockman Feat. Nic - Live Your Life (Free Your Mind) (Brockman & Basti M Sunset Mix) 10:02 Skysurfer - Circling Elements (Feat. Lovay - Down By The Sea Mix) 09:55 Max Melvin - Event 09:54 Nasser Shibani - Time Chase (Original Mix) 09:47 Anam - Precious 09:45 Flashbaxx - Movin On 09:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:39 Van - Turkish Coffee (Original Mix) 09:32 Latin League - La Princessa Del Marte (Original Mix) 09:27 Lounge Traveller - Many Places 09:25 Rey Salinero - Barefoot In The Park 09:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:15 Gelka - Please Keep Your Ticket Till The End 09:12 Lo64n5 - Retrogram 09:05 Naomi - Another Bite Of The Apple 09:03 Dub Mars - Always And Everywhere 09:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:55 Stuce The Sketch - Enchanted Mara 08:49 Charlie North - Saltwater (Ambient Mix) 08:47 Mellie 0 Neil - Rainy Days 08:43 Carsten Gronholz - Do What You Like 08:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:34 Vargo - Get Back To Serenity 08:29 Faro - Our Balloon 08:23 Conjure One - Sleep (Serenity Mix) 08:21 Michael E - So Many Colours (Original Mix) 08:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:13 Jens Buchert - Habitatmodul (Original Mix) 08:08 Fenena Garcia Mijas - Anja (Dream With Me Knee Edit) 08:05 Moon Patrol - Low Orbit (Airflow Cut) 08:02 Florzinho, Barbara Yaa Boahene - Staring At The Stars 07:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:56 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance (Afterlife Remix) 07:49 Blank & Jones - Ocean View 07:43 Climatic - Hazy Days 07:42 Beautiful Air - Promise Land (Original Mix) 07:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:34 Two Heroes - Dream Of Something Sweet (Chillin Guitar Mix) 07:29 Naoki Kenji - My Destiny Rmx 07:26 C.cil - Calm And Quiet 07:23 Solanos - Sambado 07:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:13 Dadamnphreaknoizphunk - Powerless (Feat Virag) 07:10 Eskadet - La Repara 07:04 Lounge Jam - Mistery 07:00 Lounge Groove Avenue - Don-'t Be So Shy 06:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:50 York, Project Blue Sun - Crusin (Original Mix) 06:46 Mariella Narvaez - Play With Fire (Miami Chill Ou 06:40 Dj Monique Vs. Stephane Le Coque - You're Like An Angel 06:37 Guenter Haas - Deep Blue Sky 06:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:28 Bloomfield - Rendez-vous A Paris 06:23 Chillwalker - A Dream Comes True (Red Horizon Mix) 06:18 Billy Paul Williams - As A Child 06:15 Man In A Room - Something New (Feat. Natasha Tsirou) 06:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:06 Over Soul - Universal Unfolding (Original Mix) Feat. Gram'ma Funk 06:03 Nookie Feat. Larry Heard - Paradise Tease Mix 05:57 Soundset City - Loungebox 05:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:50 Kiwi Twist - Jazz Lady 05:45 Schwarz & Funk - Under My Skin (Remastered Version) 05:40 Gaba Milani - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) 05:39 Orjan Nilsen - Drink To Forget (Lounge Edit) 05:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:35 Blank & Jones W. Jason Caesar - Pura Vida 05:28 Deniz Reno - Fly (Sub Orchestra Mix) 05:22 Merlion - Chillin Nightflight (Golden Buddha Sunset Del Mar Mix) 05:17 Tim Angrave - Positivism 05:15 Marcel - Backseat Blues 05:12 Belt Of Jupiter - Bar Del Mar (Downbeat Cut) 05:05 Zero Noel - Mes Yeux Fermis 05:03 Chimaera - Fly Away 05:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:54 Soulchillaz - Promised Land 04:51 Fresh Moods - Solarcell 04:45 Beach Hoppers - Top Of The World 04:42 Sky Sergeant - Music Connection (Dolphins Mix) 04:39 C Cil - Calm & Quiet 04:36 Five Seasons - Dreams Come True 04:29 Dadamnphreaknoizphunk Feat. Jen - Waiting 04:26 The Ls Project - Le Voyage De La Vie 04:23 Faithless Feat. Estelle - Why Go? 04:17 Hysteria! - Talking Eyes (Chillout Mix) 04:13 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Dreamin 04:11 Max Melvin - Underneath 04:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:02 Hello Meteor - Night Distance 03:59 Hot City Walk (Original Mix) - Lasteden 03:51 #esteve - Sunset Beach 03:50 River - Find Me 03:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:41 Ross Couch - Angel 03:36 Under The Sun - Waves Of The Sun 03:30 Mikael Delta - Water Mirroring 03:28 Ganga Feat. Helle Chirholm - The Wind (Original Mix) 03:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:23 Electric Moonlight - Celebrating Love 03:16 Frost - Amygdala 03:11 Twentyeight - Destiny (Original Mix) 03:08 Mind Conventions - Sweet Fever 03:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:04 L'esperanza - Smile (The Songs Of Innocence) 02:57 Everything But The Girl - The Heart Remains A Child 02:52 Afterlife - Black Iris 02:51 Pluto Project - Erophone 02:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:43 Vargo - Beauty (Album Mix) 02:38 Lazy Hammock - One Of Those Days 02:32 Aandra Feat. Ayako Higuchi - Green Tea 02:29 Blank & Jones - Closer To Me 02:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:23 Bebel Gilberto - Ceu Distante 02:20 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun 02:13 Pauline London - Love Can Sing 02:12 Ganga - Skyscraper (Original Mix) 02:05 Karen Souza - Dreams 01:59 Nightdrive - Valery 2019 (Bolgarin Remix) 01:54 Axel B - Sunset Love 01:49 Vargo - The Moment (Short Chorus Mix) 01:44 Lemongrass - Something True 01:43 Ku You - 40 Degrees 01:36 Maximilian V - Room 58 01:35 Weathertunes - Forest (Original Mix) 01:28 Lemongrass - Lucky (Feat. Suzy Duffy) 01:23 Deja-move Feat. Nneka - It-'s All Up 01:17 Cafe Americaine - Shanghai Superflight (Ethnojazz Cut) 01:16 Sonic Company - Secret Path (Original Mix) 01:09 Tosca - Fuck Dub 01:04 Kosta Rodrigez - Soul 2 Sell (Boosanova Chill Mix) Feat. Denise 00:59 Architect - Immaterial 00:57 Have A Good Time - Photo In Lounge 00:50 Lenny Ibizarre - A Drop In The Ocean (Original Mix) 00:48 Pnfa - Fight The Feeling 00:45 Olivia Broadfield - Eyes Wide Open 00:42 Coffee Machine & Eriq Johnson - I've Got You 00:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:32 Vladi Strecker - Contemplation (Meditation La Mer Mix) 00:29 Approaching Black, Avalon Mia - Fade Away With You 00:24 Jose Delgado - Sal Rossa 00:22 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Midnight In Venice (Feat. The Mystery Singer, Djlo) 00:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:13 Climatic - Boarding 00:11 Arrojas - Travelling Back 00:04 Syntheticsax & Slava Gold - Memoirs (Chillout Version) 00:01 Johannes Huppertz - Short Message Service
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acab5023 · 4 years
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🇺🇸 Donald Fagen ‎– Kamakiriad - 1993 Eleven years after his anthology album "The Nightfly", the other half of "Steely Dan" Donald Fagen, returns to record an impressive album. In the years after "The Nightfly," Donald Fagen nearly disappeared from the music scene, contributing some recordings as a songwriter and guest. But it is in 1993 when he returns to record an album with his label and with the invaluable help in the production of his traveling companion in Steely Dan "Walter Becker". Walter produces this great album in a sublime way, in addition to accompanying with guitars and basses. The album "Kamakiriad" does not have the notorious list of its predecessor, but the session musicians who collaborate here are excellent. http://www.westcoastmusic.it/West%20Coast/Donald%20Fagen/donald_fagen_93.htm Listening to this album at first does not have the hook of "The Nightfly" or the same sales success but, after several listens, it denotes the enormous talent of a unique musician, singer, songwriter and arranger. http://www.westcoastmusic.it/West%20Coast/Donald%20Fagen/donald_fagen_93.htm There is no doubt about the unique talent of one artist at a time, named Donald Fagen who will undoubtedly leave his mark on the history of music for his virtuosity and originality. A unique and irreplaceable musician. Masterpiece !! https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_K6r7pDdl/?igshid=12xlaqpz4kif8
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richang-chinese · 7 years
MUSIC MONDAY 爵士乐 / Juéshìyuè / Jazz
I am not good at doing these even semi-regularly.
Xi’an rapper DaBozz/大包子 (big buns) is often called “cold aunt” (冷酷阿姨) for reasons I have yet to work out. I haven’t been able to find out all that much about her or this track, but given her recent performance at the annual Shanghai Concrete & Grass Festival earlier this year, it seems she’s something of a rising star in China’s indie music scene. As you can probably figure from the name of the song, it’s an homage to jazz musicians and music, and its personal and political significance. The lyrics are very poetic, so please forgive my translation, which really can’t do her original work justice. 
Read below for lyrics in simplified Chinese, pinyin, and my attempt at butchering the lyrics through lazy translation…
失落的壹天他灰头土脸 但必须在人前保持冷静和体面 Shīluò de yī tiān tā huītóutǔliǎn dàn bìxū zài rénqián bǎochí lěngjìng hé tǐmiàn 早就过了靠尖叫发泄的年纪 也懒得去酒吧邂逅廉价的艳遇 zǎo jiùguòle kào jiān jiào fāxiè de niánjì yě lǎndé qù jiǔbā xièhòu liánjià de yànyù 这时候 all we need is some music zhè shíhòu all we need is some music Jazz’s played on 细胞被唤醒 Jazz’s played on xìbāo bèi huànxǐng 它播放壹张miles Davis with Gil Evans tā bòfàng yī zhāng miles Davis with Gil Evans Piano and trumpet 吸进去都是惬意跳动的空气 Piano and trumpet xī jìnqù dōu shì qièyì tiàodòng de kōngqì 烫的咖啡 被冷爵士调的适口 tàng de kāfēi bèi lěng juéshì diào de shìkǒu Relax and chill 这只是爵士的壹种 Relax and chill zhè zhǐshì juéshì dì yī zhǒng
爵士乐的诱惑 妳咽下了唾沫 Juéshìyuè de yòuhuò nǎi yàn xiàle tuòmò 此刻 被浓厚的韵律包裹 cǐkè bèi nónghòu de yùnlǜ bāoguǒ 这音乐 算不上 多大的心灵撞击 zhè yīnyuè suàn bù shàng duōdà de xīnlíng zhuàngjí 却是壹种迷醉的叛逆 què shì yī zhǒng mízuì de pànnì
妳选择 当烟雾缭绕 听Armstrong的嚎叫 Nǎi xuǎnzé dāng yānwù liáorào tīng Armstrong de háo jiào 或把悲伤浸在Holiday的歌里发酵 Huò bǎ bēishāng jìn zài Holiday de gē lǐ fāxiào Chet baker沉郁浪漫的腔调 Chet baker chényù làngmàn de qiāngdiào Stan Getz鲜活的挣扎与调笑 Stan Getz xiān huó de zhēngzhá yǔ tiáoxiào
Ornette Coleman奇 异 的美感 Ornette Coleman qíyì dì měigǎn Albert Ayler实验的版块 Albert Ayler shíyàn de bǎnkuài Norah Jones唱得很慵懒 Norah Jones chàng dé hěn yōng lǎn John Coltrane 让人敬畏汹涌澎湃 John Coltrane ràng rén jìngwèi xiōngyǒng péngpài
妳选择退后release yr soul Nǎi xuǎnzé tuì hòu release yr soul Big band在演奏 妳跟着节奏 晃着头 Big band zài yǎnzòu nǎi gēnzhe jiézòu huǎngzhe tóu 或者清醒地欣赏 忽明忽暗的即兴 乐手的灵感 石破天惊 Huòzhě qīngxǐng de xīnshǎng hū míng hū àn de jíxìng yuè shǒu de línggǎn shípòtiānjīng Ragtime ,blues are the roots New Orleans , Dixieland , Chicago , Bebop hardbop Swing cool Fusion modern Free loft and more
这就是爵士 让妳灵魂出窍 Zhè jiùshì juéshì ràng nǎi línghún chū qiào 迷惑复杂的节拍 难以确定的调 míhuò fùzá de jiépāi nányǐ quèdìng de diào 这就是爵士 自由著重复着变化着 把妳拉出皮囊 到无限的空间游荡 zhè jiùshì juéshì zì yóu zhuó chóngfùzhe biànhuàzhe bǎ nǎi lā chū pínáng dào wúxiàn de kōngjiān yóudàng This is jazz , it belongs to night, da second name’s black , let’s take a nightfly This is jazz ,rises n falls ,running in the fog , finds new roads and then lost
理性和迷幻 互相投降 几个休止的转换 人间天堂 Lǐxìng hé mí huàn hùxiāng tóuxiáng jǐ gè xiūzhǐ de zhuǎnhuàn rénjiān tiāntáng 衣冠楚楚的人用它来制造某种气氛 高级的情调 不落俗的品味象征 Yīguānchǔchǔ de rén yòng tā lái zhìzào mǒu zhǒng qìfēn gāojí de qíngdiào bù luò sú de pǐnwèi xiàngzhēng 但我们知道 爵士是自由的灵魂 Dàn wǒmen zhīdào juéshì shì zìyóu de línghún 不做音符的匠人 不靠惯性生存 Bù zuò yīnfú de jiàngrén bù kào guànxìng shēngcún 它起源于堕落 在醉生梦死里壮硕 Tā qǐyuán yú duòluò zài zuìshēngmèngsǐ lǐ zhuàng shuò 黑人的情感 人间冷暖 欲望和解脱SO Hēirén de qínggǎn rénjiān lěngnuǎn yùwàng hé jiětuō SO 听着爵士 不用解说 Tīngzhe juéshì bùyòng jiěshuō 壹百种情绪 直击心窝 Yībǎi zhǒng qíngxù zhíjí xīnwō 它是幻觉 它是辆列车 它是深不见底不可预知的漩涡 Tā shì huànjué tā shì liàng lièchē tā shì shēn bù jiàn dǐ bùkě yùzhī de xuánwō 爵士已经把我 想要的世界收藏 Juéshì yǐjīng bǎ wǒ xiǎng yào de shìjiè shōucáng 关于灵性和迷茫 瞬间和碰撞 Guānyú língxìng hé mímáng shùnjiān hé pèngzhuàng 说真的 语言不能描述它的摸样 Shuō zhēn de yǔyán bùnéng miáoshù tā de mō yàng 艾灵顿说,爵士乐就是梦想! Ài líng dùn shuō, juéshìyuè jiùshì mèngxiǎng!
One wasted day, he was so despondent, but had to put on a brave face in front of others Soon all he could do was scream to vent his age, he didn’t even want to go to the bar and make a cheap but glamorous encounter This time all we need is some music
Jazz’s played on, the cells are awakened It plays Miles Davis’ “Birth of the Cool” with Gil Evans Piano and trumpet, breathe in the air of the pleasant rhythm  Hot coffee’s made palatable by cold jazz Relax and chill, this is just one kind of jazz
The temptation of jazz, you swallow your spit  Now you’re enveloped in the strong rhythm This music’s far from making an impact on your soul But it’s an intoxicating rebellion 
You choose to smoke while listening to Armstrong’s howling  Or to ferment in the sadness of a Holiday song Chet Baker’s lugubrious, romantic tone Stan Getz’s rare cheerful struggle and laughter
Ornette Coleman’s strange beauty  Albert Ayler’s experimental sections Norah Jones sings so lazily John Coltrane has you in awe of the turbulent surge
You decide to return and release yr soul  You nod your head to the rhythm as the big band plays  Or enjoy the flicker of the improvisation of a remarkable and original piece Ragtime ,blues are the roots New Orleans , Dixieland , Chicago , Bebop hardbop Swing cool Fusion modern Free loft and more
This is what jazz is, open up your soul  The beat’s confused and complex, the tune’s hard to determine This is the freedom of jazz, to repeatedly pull you out of your body to wander in boundless space This is jazz , it belongs to night, da second name’s black , let’s take a nightfly This is jazz ,rises n falls ,running in the fog , finds new roads and then lost
Reason and hallucination surrender to one another, pause a while to turn the human world into a paradise   Well-dressed people use it to fabricate some kind of high-end atmosphere, a token to show unconventional taste  But we know that jazz is the spirit of freedom Tradesmen who don’t play a single note don’t rely on inertia to exist It originated in a depraved life as if drunk or dreaming Black people’s emotions, warm and cool, desire and relief SO Listening to jazz doesn’t require any explanation  100 kinds of emotion strike directly deep down in your heart It’s a hallucination, it’s a train, it’s a swirling eddy too deep to see or to know Jazz has is already a collection of everything I want About spirituality and confusion, about moments and collisions  Truthful language can’t describe it (Duke) Ellington said jazz is a dream!
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akhrukhprah · 4 years
Yesterday I posted a Cover.
Here's the ORIGINAL!..
From the Donald Fagan Album
NIGHTFLY! Remember to
Putcha 🎧 ON! Enjoy!
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krispyweiss · 6 years
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Rewind: Donald Fagen - The Nightfly (1982)
After Steely Dan split in 1981, Donald Fagen continued down the jazzy path his group cleared on Aja and Gaucho with his 1982 solo debut The Nightfly.
Although it’s not a Steely Dan record, The Nightfly might be Sound Bites’ favorite Steely Dan record. It’s been so impactful, the blog still remembers exactly where he was and what he was doing (it’s a secret) the first time he heard it and still revisits it at least once - sometimes twice or thrice - annually.
Like Steely Dan LPs, this one is produced by Gary Katz and features a who’s-who of studio musicians including horn players Michael Brecker and Randy Brecker, guitarist Larry Carlton, drummers Steve Jordan and Jeff Porcaro ans keyboardist Greg Phillinganes among many others.
The two things that make it different from a Steely Dan album are Walter Becker’s absence and the dearth of debauched but elegant outlaws in the lyrics. In their place are autobiographical songs about “a young man growing up in the remote suburbs of a northeastern city in the late ’50s and early ’60s, i.e., one of my general height, weight and build,” as Fagen writes in the liner notes.
Bright and sparkling, the music takes the listeners from post-World War II American optimism of “I.G.Y.” - we’ll be eternally free, yes, and eternally young, Fagen sings - to dreams of young love growing old on “Maxine” to a party in a fallout shelter - it’s just a dugout that my dad built in case the Reds decide to push the button down - on the “New Frontier.”
With seven originals and one cover, an irresistible version of “Ruby Baby” replete with saxophone and party sounds, The Nightfly is joy in music, even as Fagen sings of heartbreak on the penultimate, samba-flavored “The Goodbye Look.”
Like all good fairly tales - musical or otherwise - this one has a happily-ever-after ending in the form of the strutting “Walk Between Raindrops,” which finds the title character in love in Miami.
And all is right with the world once again - just as it is every time The Nightfly starts buzzing around the Sound Holes.
Grade card: Donald Fagen - The Nightfly - A
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