#g/t mention
x-hotrose-x · 7 months
It's so funny that a lot of fascination that you enjoy now, was becuz of something you watch, read or thought of as a child.
Like for me one of them was Monster vs Aliens.
Specifically the first movie 🍿🎥.
And the second as well. And I think they also had a Halloween version.
This is also probably why I enjoy SFW g/t or giant.ess.
Okay thanks for listening to my tedtalk
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
Upon clouds we dream Chapter two
Fake fic title by @beckyu
. . .
The humans took our loved ones
They took our hearts and souls
They took whatever they wanted
They tried to take control
Humans should not be trusted
Or so the story tells
They destroyed our beautiful forest
Only for themselves
Humans aren't loyal
Something every dreamer knows
With all the pain and sadness
Well, the evil only grows
. . .
A few days after the news
. . .
Charlie had been accepted into training. With the ‘absence’ of Gio, they found it only right. He would have been overjoyed if the acceptance had been given under normal circumstances! He would have flown to the moon and stars! He would have danced all night long with Gio, in the moonlight glow. But these were not normal circumstances, and Gio was dead. He started training later today, and he was ready. The humans had killed his sister, and he was going to give them a taste of their own medicine.
His seed hung heavy on his neck. Gio had told him it was Mom’s before she died. It held the power of healing. Charlie knew that each dreamer had their own magic, but it was weak from never living in a magical environment. The seeds helped them with magic (even if it wasn't their own), stamina, food, and drink. You still needed to eat and drink of course, but a lot less. He didn't want to wear the seed right now, it was a little too much to bear, but he had to say goodbye to his class today before he went to train, and wearing your seed was tradition. Gio did it, when she graduated, wearing dads seed proudly as each of her classmates said goodbye to her. The main reason Gio had gotten accepted was that her seed was wild card magic. Her seed could do any kind of magic. So of course she had been a valuable asset to the D.F.D. (Dreamers against the Forest Destroyers). Jem had also been accepted into training, which almost made him leave training, or try to get Jem to leave training. The only thing that had kept him from doing either, was the note. For some reason, it still held. Charlie knew that when you work Amble into anything, like a promise, it held onto the person like they were its missing piece, only stopped when the promise was fulfilled, or either one of the people from the promise died. So it was strange that the note was still growing faintly in his hoodie pocket. He had decided not to tell anyone, it was probably just a misunderstanding. “Charlie? Are you ready dear? Your friend Jem wants to say something to you!” That was miss Seina, and what!? Jem wanted to TALK to him? Something was up. “Yes miss, i’ll be there in a moment.” He looked in the mirror. Did he look formal? Yep. Was he hiding any signs of grief or sadness? Yep. Was he ready? Obviously. This was going to be awesome. “Can I come in?” That was Jem. He would have to deal with him before anything else, so he didn't spoil the afternoon. “Yeah, sure. Come on in.” A sheepish looking dreamer entered. He had the wings of a Nightfly, with beautiful dark, black, blue and purple wings, golden hair, blue eyes, a teacher's pet, and was always thwarting Charlie's master plans. “What is it? What do you want?” “I, um, well,” He stuttered, embarrassed. “Well? Spit it out.” He drew a deep breath. “Charlie, I'm worried about you. Are you okay?” And Charlie's brain just stopped. The moving part was like, ‘hello? Thoughts? Orders? Or are we just going to stand there like a dying fish? Okay, I guess we can do that.’ “Charlie? Are you still there?” Jem tapped on his shoulder. That got Charlie’s attention. NOBODY tapped on his shoulder without permission, especially not his number one nemesis. “OF COURSE I'M OKAY, WHAT IN THE NAME OF AMBLE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?” Jem looked taken aback. Why? He was not sure. “Well, I figured since you haven't tried to kill me in the last couple days, which would make anyone concerned, since I'm pretty sure you were planning some kind of attack, and after Gio…” He trailed off, glancing at the floor. “Well i'm FINE. And I DON'T need your pity. I'm fine.” What? He WAS. And that stuff about trying to kill him was totally an over exaggeration. (even if it was maybe the reason the training has not accepted him before) And so what if his pranks on Jem might be a little more intense? Jem thwarted them half the time anyway, so it didn't matter. He turned towards the door, but Jem stopped him. “It's not pity Charlie, I swear. Listen, I may not know what I did to you to make you hate me, and maybe I'll never know, but I'm telling the truth when I say that any dreamer would be sad after losing a family member, especially if it was their only family member.” What was he talking about? He knew what he did. And-and this was probably all fake. He didn’t actually care. Nobody ever did care for the orphan boy who lost his sister, they were too busy with their own problems. It had always been him and Gio against the world. They didn't need anyone else. But Gio was gone, and the note was still binding him, so he couldn't even annoy Jem to take his mind off it, and why was the note still existent, did that mean Gio was still alive and oh god he was spiraling again, wasn't he. Charlie looked Jem dead in the eye. “I'm fine, don't worry about me. And maybe she isn't dead, we can't be sure.” “What do you mean? Charlie, what do you know about this?” Shoot. That wasn't meant to happen. “Well, I, you know, maybe she isn't dead? I mean, we don't know what the humans did to them sooo…” He trailed off, looking at the floor. “Charlie, I can tell when you're lying. You know this. But I won't put pressure on you.” He sighed. “Just know, I won't tell anyone your secrets.” Charlie almost laughed out loud. Why would he tell his ARCH NEMESIS his secrets!? Jem was delusional. “We shall see.”
. . .
Half an hour later
. . .
Charlie had said his goodbyes to miss (insert name) and the rest of the class. He was now waiting patiently outside his house for a trainer to come get him. He had already been waiting for ten minutes. The worst part was that Jem was also here, standing way too close for comfort, and kept glancing at him suspiciously as if he was going to turn out to be a human and not a dreamer at all. Hopefully, it won't last long. And soon a dreamer came. She had seagull wings to match her ocean gray eyes, her long, wild hair was purple-pinkish black, and Charlie knew immediately she was meant for the water, and would do anything to get back. “Are you two the new recruits? I’m Carina, nice to meet ya. Come with me.” They obediently spread their wings and flew after Carina. After a couple hours of flying, she turned mid-air and looked at Charlie for an awfully long time. He was about to ask if there was something, but she finally spoke, “Ey, you with the fluffy hair” He blinked at her before responding “Me?” “Yeah, you. Is yer sister Gio?” He nodded. “That's right.” He tried to sound confident, but it was still kinda hard to talk about it, “Ya know, i fought against her once.” She stared over the endless sea of clouds. The sun was going down, basking everything in golden pink light. The fluffy marshmallow white of the clouds turned into something you would find in a fairy tale, with the endless marshes of rose gold and purple jade glowing softly. “She was strong as heck.” “Gio? Fighting? That doesn't sound like her.” “Oh, everyone has to fight at the academy.” Jem soared closer. “Against what? Or who?” He spoke worriedly and glanced at Charlie, who only shrugged. Carina grinned. “Oh, you’ll see soon enough.” They flew on in silence, only stopping for short pauses, and as the sunset turned to twilight, Carina twisted into a dive, through the clouds, and they followed, exhaustedly. No wonder Gio rarely came home, it took ages to fly there! Charlie couldn't even think about going back after this. But Carina flew on tirelessly. Maybe it was something they would learn. As they came out of the cloud, he saw it. They were here. On a ragged peak, just below the clouds, stood the academy. It was made entirely of mahogany wood, which, (now Charlie thought about it) was a bit strange, considering the circumstances they made it under. But he brushed it off. The roof's tiling was a wonderful capri blue, the lights illuminating through the windows were every color of the rainbow, and the entire thing was basking in the moonlight. There was a platform to the left, and they landed there. Carina told them someone else would be there in a moment, so stay put, and walked off, leaving Charlie and Jem alone. Charlie swore that he heard crickets chirping after a moment of silence, but before he could mention it, an annoying voice spoke softly. “You must be Jem. And you, Charlie.” The two teenagers whirled around to see a dreamer step  out of the shadows. “I am Wrecker, the leader of your unit. Nice to meet you.” Wrecker had long white hair that fell past his shoulders, orange eyes, and skin as black as the night sky. “Follow me, you two, and hurry up about it, I have places to be, you know.” Charlie wasn't sure why, but something in Wrecker's voice made him walk significantly slower than usual. “What are your powers?” He blinked at the question. “I have healing magic.” “And I have plant magic!” Charlie growled. Always, ALWAYS, Jem had to say that. It was worse enough that he didnt have ANY fighting magic, but, to top it all off, JEM over here had plant magic, which was going to be incredibly useful when they were REPLANTING A FUCKING FOREST. He didn't say anything out loud. That would be absurd. He just walked after Wrecker, who was going on about what not. He will get his revenge on Jem later. (not sure how he’s going to do that because the note…) “And this is the living area for the dorms. The dorms are through those higher doors. You will be randomly assigned a roommate. This roommate will be your companion for the rest of the academic year. If you still dislike them by then, you can request to change. ‘Jeez, I hope I'm not stuck with a shitty person,’ Charlie thought as he looked around. The ‘living’ area was a large round roomy place, with lots of couches, coffee tables covered with unfinished homework, and there blankets strewn all over the floor. Steps led up from the middle of the room, coming to a platform that entirely surrounded the center, making it look like some kind of protection. It probably had a spell to keep the students safe. And locked up. Up there were several doors that (Charlie guessed) led to the dorms. “Where is everyone?” He asked, turning to Wrecker. “Oh, they’ll come back later. Training and all that.” “What about the other new recruits? Aren't they getting shown around?” This time Wrecker glanced around the room nervously before clearing his throat and responding. “I do not know.” He sighed. “I was sent to take you to the dorms, nothing else.” “What kind of training? Carina said we would fight.” Jem butted in. Charlie was going to respond with something snappish, like usual, but the effect that it had on Wrecker was strange. His face had paled; It was almost white, and his fingers were shaking. Jem didn't notice, which was OBVIOUS because he was stupid and didn't notice anything. Still, he would have thought he was a little smarter than that, he had after all managed to get into the academy. “Carina told you that? When? What time?” He grabbed Jem by the sweater. “Do we have to worry about-” He was cut off. “Wrecker, my good friend. Are you showing the new recruits around?” “S-sir!” He hesitated. “What are you doing here?” The man had appeared behind them. He was a tall dreamer, with midnight blue and moss green eyes and burgundy hair. He had magpie wings and his clothes were amethyst purple, which gave the sign of wisdom and power. This was not a scholar. “I merely went looking for you. I'm very glad you're showing the-'' He looked at Jem and Charlie. "Oh! Are you the new recruit? It is a pleasure to meet you.” He shook hands with them. “I'm so glad to meet you! You must be Charlie, the healing one! I've heard all about you!” Charlie, flattered by all this complimentary, didnt think about how he knew him. “Im Rego, the leader of the troops and the head of this school!” He pointed to Wrecker. “This is one of my top students, Wrecker, but you two have already met haven't you?” Charlie nodded. Rego seemed pleasant enough to be around, and he was quite happy with how he absolutely ignored Jem-wait. What? He narrowed his eyes. Yes, ignored. Everything Jem seemed to say to him completely bounced off, like talking to a wall. If Charlie didn't hate him so much, he would almost say he felt sorry for the dreamer, who must feel like a ghost. Think of the dead. Literally. A ghost flew through the wall, came across the room and went through another one. Bursting through the door came several dreamer students. Jem pointed at the dorm room the ghost went through. “It went that way.” One of them nodded at him, and then they charged into the dorm, shouting something that sounded like a battle cry. Jem didn't notice the look Rego gave him, and neither did Charlie. Maybe it was better that way. “What was that?” “We get haunted quite a bit here. Mostly they are students who have died-” He paused. “Unfortunate ways, you could call it, and we can usually live with it, they drift off somewhere else eventually, but here's the interesting thing. Some of them are-” He paused again, but this time it was for dramatic effect. Wrecker looked like he was gonna be sick. “From the battlefield! Now, imagine if we could communicate with them! We could learn their habits, battle strategies, we could finally win this war! And we know it's possible!” Charlie couldn't help but ask. “How’d you know?” Rego smiled. “Because we’ve succeeded before. Wrecker? Care to demonstrate?” Wrecker glanced at Charlie with fear in his eyes, before looking back at Rego. “Yes sir.” From his pocket, he took what appeared to be a normal plant, but looking closer it was faintly pulsing with light. He spoke
 “S̶̬͎͚̬̐̃̎̌̓̆̀̕͝p̷̯͔͙̼͎̈̕i̷̧̼̠̮̍̒͒͒̏͌̂̈́̓r̵͉̙̪̝͙̦͉͕͉̂͗̃̉͊ȉ̸̲̈́̀̒̽͑ṫ̵̪̰̥͖̝̎̈́͗͛̇̉͋ ̶͖̩͕̣̰̳̤͔̥͐̄̎̿o̵̜͎͙̝̱̫̗̥͒͒͋f̵̢̨̛̓ ̴͎͖̃̀́̔d̵͙̲͙̬̠͊̔͋̌̐͑̑̃͝ạ̵̡͚͔̺̮̣̺̟̀̾̀̏̾̋̃̈́͒r̴̡̮̖̜̦̮̋͗͋k̸̹̊͊͐n̴͎̈̂̏̈́͠è̵͚͍̱̠̣ͅs̶̢̧̝̭̺̬̜̔̈́s̶̛̖̘̔͋̉̚,̶̧̪̫͙͖̝͙̪̈́̽̔͛̽̊̂̉ ̶̻̼̼̖̮̀͝͝͝i̵̼̲̝̦͌̆̌͘̚ ̶̩̰̬͙̣̇̑̈̾́̚̕͜s̸̡̛͈͙̫̭̺͇͖̈̎͐̆̕ͅu̵̧̢̢͎̯̪̬̭̱͛̔͛̏̕͝ṁ̷̧̡̠͎̼̦̦̭͉͆͛̐̃̅m̴̛͓̘̺͉͍͍̦̰͔̓͠͝͝͝͝ǫ̸̨̢͇͉̯͈̬͗͒̈́̍̽̓n̸̤͈̦̒͐̋̓́͠͠ ̸̛̣̼͓͛̋͑̅̍̂ÿ̷̛̟̏̽̓̽̒͝͝ǫ̶͔͈͙̞̭̈̅̃̅͌̆̆͠ų̸͎̲̝̖̗̳̓͆͑̈̽͘̚͝ͅ ̷̨̩̟̼͙̗̟̀̌ị̷̊́̃͑̕͝͝ņ̸̱̥̞̖̟̻̘̽͘ ̴̛̞̠̐͑̋̂̇̌T̸͔͔̤͚̍̃ë̷̛̤̺̭̯́̎̉̒͐͘͜ţ̴̣͇̳̩̜̰̬̖̒̒̑̓ḧ̷̛̫̤̝͍̩̺͖́̽̑̃͘̚͘͝é̷̲̦̜̠͈̌̒̚r̸̫̝̐̈́̽͘ͅs̴̙̹͎͛́̈̉̊́̄͝ͅ ̸͚̳̙̤̟͕͙͉̮̈̊͒ñ̷͇̮̗͙̠̳͔͂̔̔̓̍̓͛͠ą̶̯̜̠̤̙̰͎̅̋̾̑̎̑̈́̾m̸̟͙̣̫̞͉̑́̃̐̀̚͝ė̷̠̭̰̱̹͍͍͜,̶̡̙̙͓̹̫̬̮̉́͝ ̴̥̗͓̺̳͙̉̉̕c̵̨̟̺̼͚̽ͅỏ̷͕̃̈́͐͑͘̕͝͝m̸̫̈̀̅ͅe̷͍͚͇͙͔̾̋̽̑͑͒̐͝͝ ̶̜̓͝ţ̵̳̩̙̭̤̼̙͌̈̀̀́̈́̐̉͐ͅỏ̶̫̭̿͌̐̾ ̸̻͛͆t̷̡̤̂̓̀̅̈́͛̽͛͘ḧ̵̭̼̳̦̻͍̤̱́͆̒̌̀̓è̴̡̖̜͔̯̬̮͍̀ͅ ̶̡̛͓͈̰̠͇̎̇̆͋l̶͔̜͉͚̤̤̟͊̈́į̵͎̤͇̱̩̰̥͔̈́v̶̛͎̤̳̤̮͎̈́̎͆̾̇̇͋i̶̜͊͐̿͐n̸̪͍̰̰̮̗͌̋̍̂g̷͓̎..̸̦̮̝̣̺̺̝̬̱̿͌̃ ̴̼̻̥͋ͅḯ̶̢͓̜͍̇̚ ̴̡̙͎̩̄̋̓͗́̿ǫ̵̻̱͔̦̐n̶̨̦͌͒͑͘l̶̘̼̓̆͑͐̅͊̏͘y̵͈͋̔̒̐̂͑͝ ̴̮͚̑̂̎̓̕ḩ̴̅̈̒͋a̴̩̯̻̭̲͖̘̔v̵̹̉̋̓͒͘͝ȅ̷̥̂͋̈͊ ̵̲͙̘͒͐t̶̖̥̰̪̭̝̮̫̖́̿̋̄ḥ̶̨̇͛i̴̠͓͆͒̒̌̈́̾̑ş̴̘̙̽̒ ̶̰͔̣̱̪̅͐͊̀͜͜W̵̭̲͎̱̾̓͊̆̈̒ͅe̷͚͑t̸̨̢͕̗̓͐̈́́ç̴̼̬͙͚̗͉͖̄͊͐͋̇̈́͝h̵̡̧̡̞̬͎̙͛̎̋̃̊͐ẽ̵̪͓̟́̿̚r̷̬̤͖̳̻͍̞͍̀̓̇́̿͑̓̈͝ ̶̛̱̙͐̐̈́̎̔̚ṫ̵͔̱̻͈̲̖̖͐̈͛͆̇̾͛͠ŏ̷̝̰̫̮̟̻̺ ̵̬͐̉͆̌ǫ̵͙̩̩̭̮̒̉͑́̀̔̋͐́f̸̜̓̅͒̄͊̚f̵̨͇̲̜̬̰̲̻̫̔̒͘̕ȅ̸̛̲̜͑͋ŕ̴̘̈́̇̒̓̋͗͌͝ ̷̘̙̼͙̬̀͒͌͝i̷̗̱̬̠̙̭̓͋͑̄̋͊̕͠n̵̡̥̦̻͖͈̭̖̗̈́ ̶͈̜͔̟̇̃̂̆̇y̸̺̳̻͉̞͆́́̀̈́̆o̵̖͖̬͇̣̝͈̽̉̎͠ͅů̴̜̑̆͝r̵̡̭̦͔̣̞͕͎̔̊͜͠ ̴̧̧̯̲͓̥̝̯͙̏̍͐̚͝ṉ̴̳̭̰̼̾́́̂̓͛̊̀͜͝a̴̢͍͋͐͗̆̈́͛͒́m̴̢̼͈͍̤͚͛͐e̸͕̠͍̅̎,̶̞̈́ ̵̬̈́̅c̵̗̩̈́̈́̂͋̓͑̄̌o̴̧͍̱̬̮̝̝͋̚̕͝ͅm̴̨̯̘̝͈̭͎̰͋̈̇͊̅͌e̸̹̩̓́́ ̴̙̈́̾n̷̨̺͈̤̭̬̝̾̍̈́̏̅͘o̸̧͔̣͍͙͓̣̹͕̓̑̊̈̈́͒w̴͕̜̬̱̎̏̈́͑̏̑̐̚͠,̷͔̄̀̏̈́͆̿͘ ̶̨͎̺̝̜͖̪̚c̴̡̻͎̞̙̼̾̉̈́̓̃̕͠ͅờ̵̛̜̻̼̠̠̜͓̲̈̇͜m̷͎̞̈́̓̆͐̆̓̂̐̿ề̶̼̠̬̣̦̪̞́̈́͝ ̸͍̮́̒̓́̔̕n̷̳̞̼̈͊̃̀͠o̶̱̝͐̇̅͝w̶̛̤̃͝’t̷̨͖̠͗̉͊̊͗̿͒͘͠o̷̧̯̮̹̖͔͒͊́̅̏͘ͅ ̷̱̼̟̓́̄́̉͐̕͠͝d̶̢̛̗͕̆̄e̸̢̼̭̹̻̝͑̎͐̎̅͊͆̕š̴̡̮̗͈̭̺̰̾̓̆̓̈́̍̈̕t̷̨̖͕̬̪̭̙͆̍͛̃̒r̸̺̬̂̋̿̀̾̈́̅̕͝ǒ̵̹͉͎̳̲̥ỵ̴̭̭̰̗̖͖͇̓͐̈́̓̓̒ ̵̨͖͔͕̋̉͑͛̅͘t̵̛͔̊̇̇̔̀̏̚̚h̷͈̲̯̙͉̳͌̎͐̀́̓̂͌͠ẽ̸̥͚̝́̌̅̐͆͝ ̵̣̼͖̣̈́̇͝ą̸̦̮̥̪̰̻͈͒̅͋͂̋̃͌̚l̴̝̠̏̈́̿̇́̃ļ̸̫̦͉͈͎̳̺̎̋ ̴͎͇̦̭̼̟̀͂͛͂̚͝ͅg̷̡͍̤̪̻̥͉͖̫̽̐̐̆͂̔́o̶̡̧̯͓͐d̵̠̟͈͇̲̥̲͆͝,̵̡͖͉̞̪̣̒̆ ̴̨̒͋ä̴̙̯̜́͌̉̂n̸̤̜̯̻̉̓̀̃̓d̶̡̢̠̩̙̈́͊̉̐͊̒̕ ̶̡̘̺̫̟̻̙̖̘̽̀͝ã̵̦̟͎͍̜͆̎̆̏͝n̴̥̺̯͔̠̯͑̍̈́̉́͝͝͝ý̷̡̧̡͖̣͔̹̲͈̄̌͆̾̃̊o̵̟̳̙̾n̸̯͋̌̒e̸̛̙̘͉͔͕̜̯͈̞̓̈́͘͝ ̵͖͛͆͋̇̏͝w̴̘͙̖̻̄̈́͛͛ḧ̵̨̬͇́͊͝ò̷̡͈̰̩̙̹̳̯̩̚ ̵̧͉̗̘̣̲̑͑͒̈́̓́̂ṭ̵̤̫͇̳̳̭̍͌̑̿͒r̵͈̜͖͚͚̄̋̽͌̉i̴͚̦̼͇̯̦̥̇͗̑̆̚ê̶̞̤͙̖͑̓̿͆̾͜͠͝͝s̸̍ͅ ̸̨̥̫͛̔̀̓̑̂̉̕t̴̢̯̣̻̞̹̼̭̿̀̊̍̓͜͝ǫ̵̞̪̬̙̳̜͖̯͒̔̇̓̀̈́͛ ̵̪͐̒̐̿̊͋̕͝s̵͔̟͚͓̍̃͊̊͘͠t̸͍̜̫̹̋̄̈́̾̆̚ọ̵̙͉̫͇̟̩͌p̵̱̝̙͍̩̮̘̗̓ ̶̢͓̫̗̩̪̅͆us—-”
Charlie blinked. What had just happened? Oh right, Rego had been talking about some weapon they were making. “Sir, permission to show the new recruits their roommates and then take them to train?” Wrecker asked hopefully. Wrecker… Wasn't he doing something else? He couldn't remember. ‘Maybe it's nothing.’ “All right, but be quick about it. We don't have all night.” Hadn't Rego been…different before? Before what? He was just imagining things (which happened quite often, to be fair). Wrecker led them through one of the doors. The room was very… uninteresting. Plain white walls with an incredibly boring gray floor and there were wooden beds and tables. There were uniforms in a wooden wardrobe, and there were clay flower pots with chrysanthemum flowers inside them. There were a couple of spell books on a desk. “One of you will be sleeping here, with Valkyrie Ivory.” Yeesh. He did not want to meet someone with that kind of taste. They probably were just as boring as their room design. Maybe there was something in his eye that gave it away, because immediately after Jem said “I’ll stay here” “All right then. Now, Charlie, follow me, I will take you to your room.” Charlie followed in a daze. They went out of Jem’s new room, and entered a new one. This one was less plain, to say the least. Half the room was decorated in what Charlie had to assume was… Sparkles? Pure light? Whatever the glittery stuff was, it made his eyes water when he tried to look at it properly. There was a person here, but Charlie highly doubted that she could actually hear them come in, for there was earblastingly loud music playing in the background. “LARISSA TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!” Wrecker shouted, but it was barely audible. Larissa, (Charlie assumed that was her name) must have heard though, because the music shut off immediately. “Yeah?” She called, irritably. “What is it, Wrecker?” Wrecker sighed, and gave Charlie a ‘help me’ look. “It’s actually your new roommate. "Larissa, meet Charlie.” From out of the clouds of sparkles, came a tall (for a dreamer) teenage girl. She had soft brown eyes, auburn hair, and she was wearing the same uniform that Wrecker was wearing. She had raven wings, which were twitching in excitement, though it seemed she was trying not to show it. "Hi!" She exclaimed, excitedly. “Hi! Oh, it's nice to meet you Charlie!” She almost shouted the last part, and then started vigorously shaking Charlie's hand. “What do you like to do in your free time? I like baking, it's so much fun to make sweet stuff! Do you like baking? You know, we have a baking class here! I also like dancing, drawing, and asking people questions! I’m also very good at distracting people while I steal their stuff, and I LOVE cute animals like squirrels! Oh my gosh, aren't they adorable? You know, we have tons here-” “I’m sorry, what was that part about stealing people’s stuff?” Charlie asked, a bit dazed by all her talking. “Charlie, Larissa here is incredibly good at making distractions. Larissa, give Charlie his notebook back.” And, sure enough, Larissa was holding Charlie’s note book in her hand. “We’ll unpack later. First, we need to test you Charlie, so we know what group you go in.” As they left the room, Wrecker whispered to Charlie. “We call her ‘the one with the sugar’ because she loves baking so much. She talks about it whenever she tries to distract someone, but the glitter helps too.” They finally arrived at what Wrecker called ‘The training place’. To Charlie, it was a big room with a large circular hole in the middle, which led out to a night sky. “For wing power” Wrecker explained as they entered. “We need to know how good your flying is.” Charlie saw what must be other new recruits, since he saw Jem among them. “Ah, Wrecker, you're here!” Called a voice, though Charlie couldn't see, nor hear, from where it came from. “That’s WK.” Wrecker told Charlie. “Nobody’s ever seen their face, but don't let that fool you. They are amazingly strong, and always invisible.” The strange voice spoke again. “Wrecker, I think it’s only fair that you fight Charlie.” Wrecker’s face paled. “But-” “No buts.” Wrecker sighed, and turned towards Charlie, who happened to have no idea what they were talking about, Everyone else apparently did, for their expressions were ranging from pity to worry. “C’mon Charlie, let’s fly on top of the hole. Charlie reluctantly followed him. Whatever was about to happen couldn’t be good, he knew that much. Once they were in the circle ring, a mysterious barrier appeared around them, which made it impossible to leave. The voice explained the rules. “Okay, what you're about to do is this: When I say go, you fight each other like you're fighting for your life, and I'll step in when I think it’s enough. Understood? Okay, three, two, one, go.” Charlie didn’t have time to comprehend what WK just said, because Wrecker had already lunged at him. Charlie realized that he had no idea what Wrecker’s power was, while Wrecker certainly knew his. He kicked with his clawed feet, which got Wrecker off him, and then attacked Wrecker. Wrecker bit and scratched at his wings, like he was more wild animal than a dreamer, and Charlie screamed in pain. He clawed Wrecker’s chest, and maybe even did a bit of damage, but Wrecker tore at his left wing making it almost immobile. He vaguely remembered he had healing powers and managed to heal his left-wing enough to make it not feel like his body was screaming out in pain when he flew before Wrecker flew at him again. It went on like this for some time, and yet Charlie never saw Wrecker use his powers. It only dawned on him near the end of the fight that Wrecker must be using the power of cloning. That explained why he was everywhere and nowhere. Now Charlie knew what to look for, it got… slightly easier. He got better at spotting clones, that was for sure. But it was still way too hard. Finally, his wings (which had been heavily bleeding for a while) gave way, and he fell. He didn’t remember what happened after that, but he woke up in what looked like the infirmary. The nurse there (a peregrine dreamer) said that he didn’t have any permanent injuries, which was surprising since he fought against Wrecker, but that his wings were severely damaged, and could not be used for at least a month. Charlie had thanked her for helping him, and she let him go off. He had apparently been unconscious for three days, but he had no fever, so there was no need to keep him there.
. . .
About a week later
. . .
Charlie was looking out over the edge of the railing. It was a sunny day on the ground, not a cloud in sight. He knew he would start classes tomorrow. Apparently, his fight with Wrecker had been an absolute success, something that Charlie did not understand. Jem walked up to him, with a confused expression on his face. It looked like he was going to say something to him, but he seemed to decide against it, and Charlie looked back as Jem wandered off. A terrible mistake really, since the next thing he knew, he was shoved off the balcony and was falling, at seventy miles an hour, straight towards the earth. His wings were uselessly flailing, apparently, they had been broken when he fought Wrecker. A shout came from behind him, but it seemed to be getting farther and farther away. As the ground came into view, Charlie only had time to forcefully push out his wings to stop him from dying before he hit the ground. There was a ringing in his ears, and he passed out from the pain only moments later.
. . .
Adre was running. He was going to be late for lunch! He noticed some movement in the tree. He walked over, and his black eyes landed on a small winged figure, who currently seemed to be dying. “What the fu-”
. . .
Somewhere far away
. . .
“Is the plan ready?”
“It’s happening right as we speak.”
There’s a chuckling noise before the first voice speaks again.
“Very good…” It purred. Soon both the dreamers will be mine, and then I can rise once again.”
The second voice spoke, this time in a more worried manner.
“But sir, what about-” “Don’t worry, I'll deal with them.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
Rubius: Too young for Facebook; Too old for TikTok; Too ugly for Instagram; Too stupid for Twitter; Where I go?
Random person: To Tumblr clearly, Aesthetic Rubius
Me who has planned a lot of g/t + noms for his Minecraft character: Don't you even dare... Pls ;-;
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NPMD best line deliveries
oh shit! oh fuck!! i didnt think thered be a skele'uhn here ?!? im so fucking scared of skele'uhnz!!!
dont frighten him pokey you nasssssty boy
were going to jail...and with my luck no one will even B O T H E R making me their bitch...
🐦 heyus the thing about a bãrbĕqüe...it brings folks together...from awl wawlks of laife...theyres a storhé behand everyh burrghurr...everyh kehbahhb...
but I...called God a sonofa B word...who am iaieEUGHAHuhuuuh...
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“…Besides, I can’t eat chocolate anyway.”
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clownsuu · 1 year
HANG ON you can't just tease us with The Best Barnaby I've seen
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Tbf I did base my barnaby loosely to (other) clown’s human barnaby-
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so-very-small · 2 months
“Alright everyone, this weeks borrowing meeting is in session. Any new ideas? Twig suggested we switch from embroidery thread to fishing line for our ropes, and I believe-”
“What if we just killed him?”
“I…. what?”
“The human. Like, if we ALL jump him at once we can probably nick some important artery. We wait til just after he goes grocery shopping, eliminate him, and then we have full run of the house and food for a year. Even longer, if we eat hi-“
“We are NOT doing that, Button. We are not killing the human.”
“Man, you guys are lame.”
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schwarzgeier · 6 months
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God I'm never going to finish these wips, so I might as well post them and not let them rot in my folders. Too many thoughts ,not enough time.
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tinyclownhours · 6 months
Drunk Giants
Imagine a tiny waiting up late for their giant to come home from their fun night out, only to have them arrive way later than they told them they would, completely wasted.
They’re stumbling around the apartment, calling out for the tiny while giggling to themselves. The tiny is unsure if they should answer. It’s the first time they’ve ever seen the giant this drunk… And while they know it’s them, and they’d never do anything to hurt them, accidents do happen…
However, they don’t get much time to overthink it as the giant spots them on the the couch. Their face shifts into utter delight and they practically throw themselves to where they’re sitting.
Before the tiny can react, they’re scooped up and peppered with kisses, the giant was happy to see their little buddy and more than willing to shower the frozen tiny with affection.
Despite being drunk, the giant handles the tiny like they’re the most delicate thing in the world, being mindful of how they’re holding them.
The tiny engages in some small talk, asking about how the evening was- only to be met by a slurred “it’s better now that I’m here with you~”, they ask how much the giant has had to drink- and they’re immediately silenced by the giant pair of lips that cover their entire face, they try to get the giant to put them down and go to bed- only to have them stand up and stumble to the bedroom with a giggle - “Yeah- hicc Yeah I think we should go to bed now…”
Not what they meant at all…
The tiny is unable to do anything as their giant carries them off to the bedroom, snuggling them between their cheek and the pillow as they yawned. The smell of alcohol was strong in their mouth. The tiny tries to ignore this as the giant nuzzles them gently into the pillow like a cat.
They can’t really move. And they can tell that their giant has fallen asleep. They sigh as they try to get comfortable. Oh well. At least the giant will feel the karma tomorrow morning when the night of drinking catches up to them.
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afraidparade · 8 months
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UM SO THESE ARE REALLY OVERDUE... but here are fresh 2024 refs of pazu and theo! if you're just interested in their surface information then there you go, but if you would like the really extensive lore on how the world of exorcists and ghosts work (this applies to #itsybitsyghost too) then check under the cut! :-)
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The Phenomenon of Lingering Spirits and the Role of Exorcists:
Human bodies do not last forever, but the material of their souls do. Death is merely the expiration date of a physical form, and should one’s role on the physical plane be fulfilled, their essence will be returned to the collective consciousness of the universe itself; a mysterious and incomprehensible force coined “the Divine Beyond” by those with the greatest understanding of it (which is to say, still not very much.) There, souls become energy, and that energy, though silent and intangible, is everywhere, maintaining the balance of life and death. And should the universe decide it is time to assign that energy another role, a soul will be born anew with fragments of past life essences.
But should one’s role on earth remain unfulfilled at the time of their passing, the universe will reject this incomplete soul from the Divine Beyond. These pseudo-beings have many names — apparitions, spirits, ghosts — but essentially, they are the result of unstable soul fragments without a vessel or means of passing on. As such, they remain in this world alongside humans, and without the memories retained in their physical bodies, are unable to remember who or what they are. They are invisible, intangible, and inaudible to most of the living. Most, but not all.
Exorcists are humans who, either through rigorous training or genetically gifted, are able to see, hear, and physically interact with ghosts. Though their numbers are very few and scattered throughout the world, they carry out their cosmic duty to hunt lost souls and remove them from the physical realm. The majority of these exorcists belong to one of three (though in recent years, that number has dropped to two) major clans, each with their own methods of dealing with the dead. Some adhere to the belief that ghosts are still human souls and should be exorcized with dignity and respect. Others believe they are monsters that must be dispatched efficiently, by any means possible. Some even see the potential to work alongside them to better understand the mystery of the Divine Beyond.
Regardless of their methods, an exorcist’s primary duty is the protection of humanity. Should too much energy remain lingering on either side of the boundary, universal laws that act as the threads of the physical plain will begin to unravel. Vigilance and prescience is imperative, lest the world as we know it reach a point of no return.
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Facts About Ghosts:
Generally speaking, ghosts are the lingering fragments of distressed souls, and tend to act impulsively and violently as a result. They rarely resemble people at all, often taking loose, shifting, monstrous forms of impure energy, ranging from the size of a golf ball to the size of an average human. Since they are largely unintelligent and act on pure instinct, it is very uncommon for a ghost to be able to utilize or understand any spoken language. A ghost displaying any of these uncommon traits should be considered a major threat and eliminated immediately.
A ghost’s primary instinct is to attain more power, and the only way to do that is to absorb spectral energy – that is to say, they cannibalize each other to grow stronger. Because of this phenomenon, fresher, smaller spirits tend not to last long before being consumed by a stronger nearby ghost. Increased power often leads to increased size, intelligence, and motor skills. At a certain level of awareness, ghosts are able to consciously reallocate their power to differing areas of their form; this can manifest as sacrificing their intelligence for enhanced size, or vice versa. Ghosts at this power level can also choose how to adjust their outward appearance to their liking, though this is often seen as a sign of arrogance as it has little tactical value.
Exorcists have developed a classing system to determine a ghost’s danger level, consisting of: Wisp, Apparition, Wraith, Nightmare, and Demon. A ghost’s class is determined based on the amount of souls they’ve consumed, which can be inferred via the traits of their form and level of aggression.
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Even a seasoned exorcist would pray to never face a Nightmare Class ghost; this makes Demon Class ghosts a once-in-a-century cataclysmic event. Demon ghosts are assigned special names that reflect the severity of their class: Pazuzu (Pazu) and Lamashtu (Lam) are examples of this.
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Facts About Pazu:
Like all ghosts, Pazu does not know how he died or what his life was like. Any time it comes up, he changes his answer and gives a completely fictitious (and often over-the-top) story.
Several centuries ago, Pazu inevitably attracted the attention of exorcists and ultimately ended up defeated (though not without claiming several of the lives of his pursuers). Because even the most prominent clan couldn’t manage to subdue him long enough to exorcise him fully, he was instead sealed within a shrine and left in isolation until his energy spent itself to nothingness. The seal on the shrine could only be tampered with by the blood of those who sealed it, and even Pazu can’t believe his unprecedented good fortune in being released.
Despite his exaggerated claims of love and friendship, Pazu loathes Theo. Through no fault of his own, of course – after all, Theo is too inept of an exorcist to pose any threat, and even so kindly broke Pazu’s seal – but him being a descendant of the clan that caused Pazu so much trouble is the only excuse he needs to torment him for as long as he lives. That, and he also looks horribly similar to someone Pazu has a grudge with.
Pazu is an incredibly powerful ghost - possibly the most powerful ghost in centuries of history. The form he presents himself with, massive though it may be, is a shrunken avatar he uses to subvert expectations and stay better hidden. In the time he’s been released from his seal, Pazu has never assumed his true form in full.
Pazu is able to shapeshift to anything within his size threshold (which is, frankly, extremely vast) but refuses to limit his size to anything less than “huge.” The only exception is if he is actively possessing someone.
Speaking of ghostly abilities, Pazu is able to possess one person with full autonomy or multiple people simultaneously with limited autonomy, interact with physical objects (though even for a powerful ghost, this requires a good deal of energy), alter the memories and perceptions of a human mind, and, of course, interact effortlessly with Theo or any other exorcist.
Pazu is very secretive about his motives. He certainly possesses enough power currently to inflict serious damage onto the mortal world, yet he still chooses to keep a (relatively) low profile and consciously avoids causing too much chaos. The most information he’s ever given about the subject is that he is “biding his time,” but for what, it is unclear.
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Facts About Theo:
Although his decision to abandon his exorcist-related duties and move abroad certainly upset his family, they are still on good terms and care about each other’s well-being deeply.
Theo has not and will not contact his family about Pazu’s release for several reasons. Firstly, he’s mortified about being the one to accidentally unleash a monster that several of his relatives died just to contain, but there’s also the threat of harm ensured by Pazu should he reach out to them in an attempt to exorcise him.
Theo is an office worker for a rather generic sales company. He’s good at his job and plenty friendly, but his somewhat scary face and inexplicable ghost-related mannerisms tend to cause his coworkers to steer clear of him.
His only close friend is his cheery coworker, Gabriel. He knows about Pazu, but Theo frequently lies about Pazu’s demeanor and tells him that he’s a friendly ghost. Gabe is the only person in Theo’s life who has witnessed Pazu’s actions and didn’t have their memory altered. Furthermore, it appears that Pazu absolutely despises Gabe. Theo has no idea why.
He originally only sought out Pazu’s sealing place out of curiosity upon hearing a nearby shrine existed in his family’s name. Having forgotten a good deal of exorcism training from his youth and in being deceived by Pazu, he ended up accidentally nullifying the seal.
Theo has three older sisters. He loves them, but does not particularly miss the childhood regularity of being pushed around by them.
He enjoys collecting antiques, tending to his houseplants, and visiting coffee shops. Minus all the ghost business, he’s a very normal guy.
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Facts About Exorcist Clans:
The term "exorcist" refers to anyone with the ability to see, hear, and physically interact with ghosts; whether or not they actually choose to exorcise spirits is not a factor in that title. There are very few exorcists in the world, as these spectral abilities are can only be attained by biological inheritance or rigorous training. Exorcists' abilities are attached to their souls -- more specifically, the shards of souls from past lives that cycle between the material plane and the Divine Beyond. It is a near certain guarantee that a child born into an exorcist lineage will possess an aptitude for exorcism, though there have been rare cases of both a child in an exorcist family being born without abilities, or a child from a family with no ties to exorcism receiving these gifts inexplicably. Although it is possible to awaken some spectral abilities in a soul without these shards, it is no easy feat, and regardless of the effort put in, manufactured exorcists can not compare to natural exorcists in terms of spectral senses or arcane abilities.
For many centuries, there have been three dominant exorcist clans. Clans can be organized based on family ties, common interests, or even have a school-like structure; regardless of the criteria for belonging to a clan, each one embodies its own belief systems and trademarked techniques.
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(Please note this section is a W.I.P. More detailed profiles on each of the three main clans will be added in time.)
The existence of three clans played a key role in governing smaller exorcist organizations, freelance exorcists, and even each other in a harmonious balance. However, with the mysterious disappearance of the third clan, tensions between the remaining two have run high, and reports of rogue exorcists are increasing.
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fubardish · 2 months
What I love about fatal vore is the absolute horror there is of knowing that you're about to COMPLETELY vanish from this world without a trace. No body, NOTHING, just completely erased. You're being devoured and thrown in a literal LIVING hell that will completely take you apart and destroy your entire being. Nothing will be left from you for other people find you, you're only becoming a distant memory. And worst of all, for the killer/pred this is just convenience of consuming you. The little muffled screams and struggles within them are just a minor inconvenience, if anything they even ENJOY your suffering. Maybe they don't even care for it as you're just "food" to them. Meanwhile as they just go about their day, you're melting away in their very cauldron while you still fight for your life. No one knows where you are. No one knows that you're about to disappear. Your whole being is being overwhelmed.
It's just the complete horror of this whole situation. The absolute desperation you're feeling that you're NOTHING. You don't matter and your only existence is only good for being "food".
I enjoy fatal vore as a horror story. I love the thrill and the scare it gives me. It's like a horror movie for me when I read fatal vore stories XD. That's why I enjoy it. Never in a sexual way, but like a horror story.
Anyways, thank you for coming to my vore ted talk :^)
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
hihi!! i was wonderin if you could maybe do a moodboard for cappuccino (sanrio!) he's cinnamoroll's friend and i like him a whole lot!!! male/neutral theme (just no super fem stuffs pls!) you can include a deco paci if you want!! i actually just bought one with him on it but it was listed as 'mocha' instead of cappuccino if you can't find any ><
thank you so much!!!!
Here you go!!
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
"2 inches tall" buddy I cackled when I first read your bio istfg 😭✊
Its- it's hard to explain. Um-
Seriously though, people (especially irl) who don't know about the community find it funny since-
Well I'm short. Anyways-
Have a cookie! :D 🍪
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deep-space-netwerk · 1 year
Alright, so, black holes right?
Most people have probably seen this astOUNDING image of the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy - the first real picture of a black hole.
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It may look like a blurry orange donut, but you gotta understand, this was and still is a hugely impressive achievement. At a black hole's event horizon, the escape velocity (or the speed at which something has to travel to escape the body's gravitational pull) is faster than the speed of light. By definition a black hole cannot be directly observed. Imaging the shadow of M87* required using eight ground-based radio telescopes all over the world, working together as an interferometer - or as though they were one single telescope the size of the entire planet.
So that's fucking cool in its own right, but how did we know that black holes existed before 2019 when we could actually "see" one? How do we detect something that reflects no light when we DON'T have a simulated telescope the size of Earth? The answer is gravity.
We think that most large galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers, left over from their chaotic infancies when hundreds of thousands of early stars collided and then collapsed, and then kept colliding. To give you an idea of what we mean by "supermassive", the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A* (pronounced "A-star"), is about 4 million times the mass of our sun. And that's SMALL.
So while black holes aren't the horrible all-consuming reality-guzzling unmakers of creation that science fiction likes to paint them as - we aren't in any danger whatsoever from Sagittarius A*, now or ever - they CAN get big enough to really throw things around. So we looked for objects moving under the influence of . . . nothing.
This gif is a years-long timelapse of stars orbiting something in a seemingly-empty region of space the center of the Milky Way, the approximate location marked with a red plus sign.
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That something is Sag A*. It's an invisible behemoth, made of the extraordinarily dense remains of the birth of our galaxy, juggling entire solar systems the way Jupiter flings asteroids. And for so long, we couldn't even see it.
This shit makes me go fucking crazy. Imagine what else is out there that we don't understand just because we don't have the tools to even know it exists! Not just in space, in any field of scientific study!
It wasn't until the 1990s that we started realizing trees talk to each other, and now we know there's fungal mycelium networks that connect trees across entire continents. Just THIS YEAR we discovered an entirely new ecosystem underneath the hydrothermal vents in the deepest parts of the ocean floor. For most of human history, the existence of planets around other stars was highly debated, and now we've confirmed over 5 thousand of them. We even know what some of their atmospheres are made of!
There's a saying that "the more you know, the more you know you'll never know", and I feel like there's never been a time in history when that's been more true. And it's almost comforting, y'know? The universe is so vast, it feels correct that we shouldn't be able to understand all of its intricacies.
Reality is stranger than fiction, and the reality is there's stuff out there that we don't even have the words to begin to describe. Until we do! And our reward is even more questions!
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cyncerity · 6 months
Karlnapity doodles??? 🥺 The bbs <3
ok so i kinda went crazy here cause it’s almost 2 am and i said “hey there’s an idea i’ve had for going on 3 years that i keep saying i’ll animate and never do.” so i finally did.
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this is for a very very old au, it’s actually the first au on this blog and has 1 story; which is karlnapity. I won’t go into all the lore and stuff but i’ll link that story here for those of you who weren’t here in 2021, it’s how they ended up together in this au <3. Basis is Sapnap is a human, Quackity is an avian, and Karl is an Ermine hybrid borrower.
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clownsuu · 1 year
would young dr stone face look the same as old him or was he an absolute hottie bachelor (not that he isnt hot now we both know i love me an old man) this isnt urgent but i need to know- he just strikes me as the type to have been an absolute heartbreaker back in the day
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One of these days I might draw a younger version of Dr Stone (iv actually been thinking about it since I first made him LMAO but someday someday smhhh) but his youth? Well he had a shid ton of ex wives NDHHDHD- he’s not very good at keeping relationships smhh but he wasn’t always this bitter (well- still kinda was-)
also bonus doodles both related and not-
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Ok yeah I know I literally just released another character but that’s Robbie’s family so it doesn’t matter too much JDHDHDH-
ANYWAY Harvey Bazaar! The firefly! Not really meant to be a puppet-able muppet, just a old man ya would see occasionally on posters and mentioned on a scrap of a newspaper smhhh (or see him in the faaaaaaar distance in his home riding Shelly to their next destination)
He’s a traveling merchant! Sells lil goods he makes while traveling (from trinkets to food- mans literally got it all, all made by him) however he’s very passionate with his hat making! (Only does custom orders! Last time he made too many hats he lost them all in a river from a really bad storm- was a very sad day for him smhh)
A jolly old passionate man who’s determination and happiness couldn’t be beat,,, even after all these years, he still wants to travel all over the world
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