#the next chapter is mostly done too so it'll be up in the next day or so
avelera · 5 months
Avelera's Dreamling Fic Status Update:
Keeping Sanctuary (subscribe for updates here) - Giving Sanctuary Sequel follows Dream and Hob from the events of the altered meeting in 1689 up to the modern era. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1689 meeting?) Current word count: ~7,000 words across several chapters. Realistic progress update: 1/10 complete total, Ch. 1 is about 1/5 complete.
(The rest are below the cut!)
Come live with me and be my love - Dream and Hob fall in love during the Regency Era when Dream loses a bet to Desire. Shenanigans ensue. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1789 meeting?) Ch. 16 is at 2,500 words, probably about 1/3 done. Current plan is to wrap up Part 1 in the next few chapters then create a part 2 which finishes out their "1 year of marriage" on a month by month basis instead of following them day to day like Part 1 done. Probably won't be a separate fic though, just a change of format.
This Rough Magic - My take on "Hob rescues Dream from Burgess" with a twist that Hob ends up on Burgess's radar himself when he picked up some occult magic skills in the hopes of contacting Dream after 1889 and apologizing. Now he has to pretend to be friends with Burgess in order to get them both out of there, because Burgess thinks Hob can help force Dream to give him immortality. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1889 meeting?) Ch. 9 is about 800 words in. Story is still very much in progress I just have a lot of WIPs, as you can see.
Joke's On You (I'm Into That) - The 1589 meeting goes very different when Hob proposes to Dream, who is so offended that he just can't let the matter go. A very angry, very horny competition kicks off between them. (Aka, what if they hooked up in 1589 when they were both at their absolute worst as people?) I have literally 40,000 words written for the rest of this fic. The problem is, there's big gaps in that first draft I have to fill in and scenes that need to be added. This might be my favorite WIP but it's also the hardest to write with all the smut scenes so it'll arrive whenever I can manage, I'm afraid.
Banana Daiquiris Ch. 2 - Comic-canon compliant (mostly) - Dream fakes his death to go on a vacation with Hob and Destruction. They end up in Tahiti. Destruction plays matchmaker. Hob doesn't know whether to thank Destruction or strangle him. Current word count 6,000 words. I've been playing around with adding on to this fic for ages. One of these days, I'll pull it all together.
Great Triumphs and Tragedies - aka, "Dream Accidentally Cursed Hob with a Normal Life" Fic - Dream learns that from 1689 on, Hob's life has been safe. Too safe. Improbably safe. Nothing bad or extraordinary or even terribly special has happened to him since Dream began to consider Hob his friend. He knows this because during his imprisonment, Hob's life became exciting again and suddenly went back to normal the day Dream was freed. Hob is not convinced that Dream is the reason for this, Dream disagrees. They talk about it. And fight about it. And some things that they've probably needed to talk about for a long time finally get said. (aka, sometimes the author just needs to write their weird headcanon into a 20,000 word fic that's almost entirely dialogue). Current word count: 19,000 words and about 80-90% finished, 3 of 4 chapters written. I'm hoping that posting what I've got will help push me through the final stretch. Real life interrupted for a bit though.
And for fics that haven't been posted anywhere yet (you can subscribe on my Ao3 author page for alerts about them):
Hob Amesia Fic - Dream and Hob are dating officially now in the 21st century when Hob gets hit with what seems to be a memory loss curse, shaving off 100 years of his life each day until Dream finds a cure. This effectively grants Dream a walk down memory lane as he is reacquainted with the Hob of each era and, in the process, learns how much longer Hob cared for him than Dream ever realized. Current word count: 40,000 words. Currently writing 1489 (1889-1589 are done) and re-writing the opening. It genuinely kills me not to have this one posted lol.
"Fairy God Marlowe" - 1589 fixit fic where Hob and Kit Marlowe strike up a conversation while Dream and Shaxberd are talking. Hob and Marlowe talk about plays, and faith, and salvation, and queer love, and what it means to live forever. Hob gets a second chance at a first impression. Current word count: ~5,000 words. Sadly, it's all dialogue in script format. I'd need to convert it into prose to publish which would be a slog. So it's a bit shelved until I find the energy to do so. No, I will not post it in script format, I'm allergic to the thought.
I've got a few other concepts kicking around, but these are the ones that actually have (*does a quick calculation*) over 100,000 words written that I haven't had the chance to post yet?? And it's driving me insane????
Anyway, I should probably pin this post for those curious lol. Feel free to ask me any follow-up questions, I love talking about WIPs even as they ruin my life!
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starrywooyo · 8 months
treasure: Six
synopsis: when y/n gets whooshed into an alternate universe, an adventure: one with pirates and monsters and much, much more
pairing: ot8! pirate ateez x fem! reader
genre: pirate au!!
!!warnings(per chapter)!! - [bellow cut!] no warnings i can think of- plz lmk if there is
notes: omg- guess who's backkkkk with an update!! I'm so sorry it's taken this long to get this chapter out.. i also split this chapter into 2 since i felt its a bit much to read with it being so long.. or do you guys not mind really long parts/chapters?? maybe i also done it to keep you guys in suspense too 😏😏
word count: 4.3k
taglist: (if you want removed or added to the list please lmk)
@toxic-babexe , @sunnyhokyu , @cambriel , @lelaleleb
if if missed anyone again just let me know! i also don't know where my tag list is so please let me know if you wanted added and are not on here
series masterlist | main masterlist
previous chapter | next chapter
hongjoong stands, placing his hands in the table, slightly leaning forward. 
“I have some news I want to share” he says 
your breath gets stuck in your throat. He doesn't know, does he??
“i have progress of our voyage for the Cromer.” he adds
everyone now gives him their full attention. 
“thanks to sedna here, we have our heading. it'll be a long, dangerous journey but I know we as a team, a crew. can manage it!! we will get the cromer before they do”
You don't know how long, it’s most likely been days that have passed. All you can see from the horizon is the ocean and then more ocean.. Water as far as the eye can see. 
Crew are starting to feel as though this mission is lost, that you were all lost on the sea, some starting to get bored out of their minds.  
You sigh 
“What’s wrong?” a voice asks 
You close your book over 
“Are we ever going to reach wherever it is we’re trying to get to yeosang?” you ask
He bookmarks his own book and lets out a small laugh.
“I’d tell you to be patient but I feel we’re all getting a bit restless these days, we’ll get there all in good time y/n.. Now let's continue reading shall we?” he replies and then proceeds to open his book to continue reading.
Deciding to do the same you reopen your own book and continue reading. 
You toss and turn in your bed, unable to get some sleep. You still can't help the thoughts that pass through your mind. Tossing off the covers you pull your boots on and make your way through the ship. 
It's mostly quiet as you walk down the corridor, the only thing to be heard being the waves crashing outside the ship and the slight creak of the wooden floorboards, the rest of the crew getting some kip while they can. 
Walking up the stairs you slightly shiver from the nip from the cold air, rubbing your arms you take no notice of your surroundings and make your way to your spot you like to rest on at the front of the bow. 
Leaning on the wood, you look out into the dark, there's not much visibility bar the light coming from the little lantern hanging down but when you look up, you’re in awe. The stars are out and shining bright. They look so… pretty. You wish you had a camera so you could capture this moment
Still gazing at the stars above you don't catch the sound of someone walking up behind you
“D’you like stargazing?” 
You flinch turning to the voice
He laughs slightly “sorry didn't mean to scare ya” he says leaning beside you 
You finally take in your surroundings you notice hongjoong is at the wheel and that's pretty much everyone who’s still awake
You turn back to him, he’s just looking at you intently
He gestures to the stars with his head and asks again.
“D’you like stargazing. y/n?” he asks.
“I do.. Do you like the stars, Yunho?” you ask him. 
He smiles
“I do, being a lookout i get to see ‘em pretty much every night, i know a lot of the constellations too but what ‘re you doing awake at this time.. Can’t sleep??” he asks 
You shake your head
He looks away for a second, then walks away a little bit and hold out his hand for you to take.
“Follow me”
You take ahold of his hand and he and he begins to lead you up the stairs past hongjoong at the helm to where the mizzen mast stands. 
“Ladies first” he gestures to the rope ladder 
And you climb up till you get to the barrel-like section at the top and yunho climbs in after you.
“It’s easier to see the stars from up here” he says and blows the candle out from the little lantern that's hung up in the mast so that he or wooyoung can have a little light when they need it. And then he sits beside you on the ground and tucks his legs up to his chest just like you.
Looking up you can see all the pretty twinkling lights and you’re in awe of them all.
A light tap on your shoulder brings you back to the man sitting beside you, and you listen and watch intently as he points out various stars and constellations and explains some of them to you
You shiver slightly rubbing your arms as a chill wind blows through you in the mast.
“Hmm cold?” yunho asks, tilting his head to the side a little.
You nod “ a little bit.. Yeah”
He shuffles about a bit in the space and opens the basket sitting in the corner, and pulls out a worn out greyish blue blanket 
“ ‘ere “ he wraps the blanket around you and you pull it tighter around yourself
“it does get pretty chilly up here so there's a blanket in every basket for the three masts just in case you need that information” he laughs a bit and he sits back into his spot beside you on the ground and he wraps one of his arms around you pulling you closer to his side
“See that one ‘ere.. thats pleiades its-” he stops seeing you are now fast asleep he breathes out a laugh and then pulls you closer to his chest and then proceeds to fall asleep not long after you
You’re drawn out of your slumber from people talking in hushed tones, one of which you know to be yunho but the other you can't tell, still being in a haze..  The other person leaves.
“Yunho..” you voice out.
He hums 
“What's the prettiest star youve seen?” you ask randomly still in your sleepy haze while wrapping your arms around his waist snuggling into him
“Hmm well… it's not actually a star but the aurora’s the most beautiful thing i've seen in my life time”
You smile and shut your eyes again resting your head on his chest
“I'd like to see that too” you say as you slowly drift off
Yunho rubs your back as you do
“I'll take you to see it.. Don't worry”  
Your eyes flicker open and you stretch bones clicking in the process. Scanning your surroundings you see you’re still up in the mast with yunho still wrapped up in his arms as you shuffle around he stirs in his sleep, hands coming up to rub the sleep from his eyes.
“Hmm good morning” he says, his voice still laced with sleep.
You reply to him and the both of you begin to make your way to the kitchen to get something to eat before everyone else.
You grab a bread roll as does yunho as well as an apple that yunho reluctantly lets you cut up yourself with your history of knives.
“Thank you.. By the way” you say as you begin to nibble on your food “for last night.. I had a good sleep thanks to you, yunho” you smile.
“Don’t worry about it, m’glad you could get some rest” 
You both sit and continue to eat your food in the peaceful silence quite content.. Until it wasn't- more of the crew came piling in to grab their own breakfast before getting to work and it's then that yunho leaves you to go do his own chores around the ship again. And you go and join yeosang again.
“So where is it exactly we’re going yeo??” you ask him
“Well we’re going here to this docking town to restock supplies then we’ll head east or ‘tis where captain says we need to go” he explains pointing places out to you on the map “not to worry though, we’re almost there i'd assume we’d be arriving to the dock at any minute” 
And he was right, you were in fact pulling up to the dock but not 20 minutes later.
Most of the crew started flowing out the ship, stretching. Their feet finally on firm solid ground. Standing on the dock you watch in silence as members of the crew converse with the workers on the dock, seonghwa wagering with the man how many pieces of gold would grant the amount of time the ship could stay docked 
In the distance you see hongjoong talking with sedna about what.. You don't know but it looks to be a serious conversation. The conversation stops and he seems to make his way back over to you all and he speaks. 
“I want everyone to stock up on supplies they may need and rations for the ship as for seonghwa, mingi, jongho, yunho, wooyoung and san you all come with me.. y/n you stay with yeosang” he says then he claps his hands together.
“Okay. everyone get to work” he says and he and his little team head off. 
And so you walk through the streets of the town with yeosang carrying some of the things he buys to help him carry them back. You’re bored out of your mind, it’s been a good few hours since hongjoong and the crew left to god knows where. And you wont lie, you’re curious so… you pester yeosang about it. To which he replies something about a mini mission for the actual mission..just boring stuff 
“Hey y/n.. I'm gonna nip into this last shop real quick. Can you wait out here for a second?” yeosang asks you, you nod watching him through the window of the store after he enters.
Bored you end up zoning out looking in the opposite direction, lost in your own thoughts.
Something catches your attention, as you stare your features contort in confusion
What.. is.. that..!? 
You must've been staring for a long time as you’re brought out from your trance from yeosang calling you
“y/n… you good?” he asks, looking worried.
You hum 
“Hmm.. yeah.. I thought I saw..” you look back, the thing is no longer there “nothing.. nevermind ..” 
And then the both of you head back to the ship. 
The others didn't get back to the ship until a long while after you, some covered in cuts and other bruises.. Just what was the ‘mission’
San ushers those with cuts to his study to clean the wounds up the rest follow hongjoong to his cabin and you’re left in the dark.. Not included. So you just help the other crew carry the stock onto the ship
With the ship now stocked and ready for the vast journey on the water you can finally start the main voyage.
The main 8 currently gathered in the captains cabin, map sprawled out on the table as hongjoong points to the locations on the map and explains in detail the route to be taken for this quest.
 They all end up piling out of the foom after a few hours
You sit in your cabin seemingly lost in deep thought
“A penny for yer thoughts y/n.. What's got yer mind so busy” there's a knock from the doorframe.
Being drawn from your thoughts your head snaps to the doorway.
Hongjoong leans on the frame, sleeves of his white button shirt rolled up and his jacket discarded, being held in his hands.
You frown.. Thinking about it some more
“It’s nothing” you brush it off
He sighs 
“May i?” he asks, gesturing to your room, you nod and he enters placing his jacket on your bed and taking a seat next to you.
“It cant be nothin if its got you frowning like that.. Did somethin happen??” he asks slight worry on his face
“No.. nothing happened per say.. I just.. I don't know.. I saw something but i don't know if my brain was playing tricks on me” 
“Whatd ye see? Maybe I can help if I know what it was?” he pries some more..
You turn to face him
“I thought i.. When you and the others went on that little mission.. When i was shopping with yeosang.. i .. i thought i saw you.. Only it wasn't you?? I don't know.. you had different clothes on and.. All black and a black hat too” you laugh “i’m going crazy right?” you ask him
Only a sinking feeling comes to your chest as you see his face, its pale as if the colours been drained out
“y/n.” he begins “if you see that person again or someone similar. I need you to tell me or one of the others.. Can you do that for me?” he asks
You nod.
He shakes his head “no. i need you to say you’ll do it. Promise me you will”
You tilt your head in confusion
“I will” you say
“Good” he starts to grab his jacket and stands to leave the room
“But hongjoong,who or what was that?” you ask
“You don’t need to know that right now” and with that he leaves the room.  
The ship comes to a stop with a sudden jerk, an island in the close distance.
Hongjoong stands giving commands as the crew rushes about the ship preparing to leave the ship and get to the piece of land on the longboats. 
Chucking equipment onto the small boats crew piling in and getting lowered to the ocean.
Most of you make it to land, some crew having to stay back and watch the ship.
This is it. The main island.. Whatever it is you're searching for. It's here.. Somewhere.
Making camp on the beach tents get set up in all different sizes as well as some crates as makeshift tables, a fire being planned to get set up in the middle of camp.
“Yunho, wooyoung go scout the surroundings and make sure its safe” hongjoong orders. And the two do as told with woo whining a tad.
“And y/n, mingi, jongho come with me.. Lets split up and get some firewood for that fire later”
And the four of you make your way up the sandy dunes to the entrance of the woods. And slowly you all creep in.
You walk a good few minutes in far enough in that there's branches and leaves 
“Just take as much as you can carry, we won't be camped on the beach long, take just enough to keep the fire going overnight and to cook a dinner” hongjoong says and begins to pick up the sticks on the ground and the other three of you follow suit.
With arms now filled with branches and dry leaves for kindling you make your way back to camp on the beach and dump the wood on the ground where the fire will be set up. And seonghwa comes along and gets started on the fire and you watch him intently; he starts by taking stones from the beach to which you help and places them in a circle for the boundary of the fire, then taking the twigs and branches you all collected and places them neatly in the stone circle, lastly he takes the dried leaves and skaters them throughout the logs.
He pulls from his pocket a rock of flint and holds it securely on one of the big stones surrounding the unlit fire close to some of the kindling and he whips out a small steel dagger. He pauses- 
And briefly looks up to you.
“You good?” he asks 
You let out a hum
“It's just, you’ve been watching me for a while.. Is it really that interesting?” he asks
You nod
“Hmm! I always used to watch my da- i mean i just think its cool to watch” you tell him
He kind of looks at you with your first choice of words but he decides to not comment on it. And just nods along.
“Y’wanna try then?” he taps the sand beside him
You slightly laugh
“I don't know if i can do it but i'll certainly give it a shot” and you get on your knees beside him.
Seonghwa briefly shows you how to hold the flint and the angle to strike the dagger against it, once you're sure you’ve got the hang of it, you take the items from him and strike the blade against the rock.. Nothing happens the first few times but then all of a sudden a few sparks fly off and land on the leaves slightly letting some smoke travel in the air. Seonghwa gets closer to the leaves and gently blows on them and at last the fire is going!! It works its way through the other twigs and leaves until finally a big blazing fire lights up the camp. 
“Why don't you go see what the others are doing and if they need any help while I get started on dinner” seonghwa tells you. And with a nod of your head you're off through the camp. 
Walking around the camp you find jongho sitting cleaning out his gun, all the pieces laid out..
You sit in front of him and he looks up from cleaning and gives you an awkward smile
“y/n… hi” he says 
“Hi Jongho” 
The awkward smile still there he doesn't pay you any mind and goes back to cleaning
Damn this is awkward..
“So.. jongho..” you begin-
“Look y/n. With all due respect just leave me alone”  he sort of snaps as he puts the cleaned gun back together “im not interested” he gets up and walks away.
Disappointed you sit and look out to the waves.. The sun is starting to set, it hangs low in the sky
Someone takes the place of jongho..
“y/n?” they speak
“Captain.” you reply.
Hongjoong sits across from you.
“I.. um.. I have somethin’ for you.. Will you come with me a minute..?” he asks, his eyes darting everywhere bar into your own.. His cheeks slightly flushed
You let out a small yeah and get up to follow him, he leads you towards his tent and holds open the fabric for you to enter. Which you do.
Hongjoong enters after you and you take a look around the large tent.
There's a make-shift table to the right with a chair and to the left his bed, some clothes folded on top with his hat neatly placed against them and a rucksack laying on the floor at the foot of the bed and some oil lanterns hang in random spots
“y/n.. Come in. don’t just stand there..” he says now standing at the table so you walk closer to the table.
He clears his throat and places a medium-ish flat box on the table in front of you.
“I.. haha um.. It might be weird but.. I got you this.. I know you were lookin at one a while back..” as he rambles on you peel the lid of the box off and your eyes go wide
“A-and you don't have to like it. I know it's not the same one you saw.. And its probably weird that i bought you it-” he continues 
“I love it” you whisper out
“That's okay.. Wait- you do?” he asks 
You nod and take it out of the box. Inside was a pretty black lace up corset with little white and red flowers embroidered on going up the left side with green vines and on the right side in the same red as the flowers which looks to be an ‘A’ in a red circle. 
Hongjoong watches as you look at the corset with pure happiness in your eyes and a smile goes onto his own face
You look to him
“This is probably one of the nicest gifts anyone has given me..thank you. Hongjoong.” 
“Of course, I'm just glad you like it.. Now. let's go get something to eat shall we?” and you both go out to join everyone else around the fire to eat.
The next day you all wake up bright and early ready to make your journey into the dense forest. Getting ready, you pack your little bag first and change into your clothes: trousers and a nice white flowy shirt.. The corset catches your eye in the corner so you decide to put it on. undoing the laces you slip it over your torso and go to pull the laces shut.. Only you realise something. You can't do it by yourself.
You make your way to the entrance of your tent and slightly poke your head out..
You see hongjoong giving out orders and overseeing them as most people are packing up their things and tents, majority of the crew are busy though someone catches you sticking your head out, with a cheeky grin on his face he saunters over towards your tent, you quickly pull your head back in and hold the opening shut
“y/n~~ are you ready?? We’re about to head off” he says..
“i - nearly, i'm just getting ready but i-” you weigh up all the options in your mind. Cursing at yourself you pop your head back out again and look at the blonde who's still smiling, his arms crossed over his chest.
You bite your lip slightly “wooyoung” you sigh out “can you come in here and help me?” you ask
He frowns slightly and tilts his head
“Help? Hmm sure, but with what?” he asks
You pop back in the tent
Wooyoung follows in after you, brushing a hand through his blonde hair and when he finally looks at you he sucks in a breath.
“Y-you need help lacing that up..” he asks a faint yet prominent blush creeps its way onto his cheeks
You nod slowly.. “if .. you wouldn't mind” you add.
He quickly shakes his head.
“I don't mind” he says and he walks over to you. 
You turn around for him and he takes hold of the laces with shaky hands
“Let me know if it's too tight.. Okay..? i don't wanna hurt you” he says and begins to fix the strings before pulling on them. You feel yourself being sucked in oh god you don’t know how those women in towns do this, He pulls them tight a few times before he's asking you if it's okay you tell him it's fine before he’s pulling some more more and then he ties the bow in the back. His hands rest on your waist for a moment.
“There” he whispers out.
“Thank you” 
He smiles though you can't see it.
Turning around you grab your bag to head out. It's wooyoung's turn to look over you, he bites his lower lip looking away slightly before looking back to you.
“You look good.. It suits you, pretty” he says and you both leave the tent. He helps you pack the rest of your things and roll your tent up and attach it to your bag.
Walking over to the rest of the group by the forest entrance, the fact you're wearing his corset doesn't go unnoticed by hongjoong. A blush of his own coating his cheeks as well. He clears his throat and continues his ‘speech’ and not long after you're all off into the forest..
hongjoong leads the line from the front, map and compass in his hands. You don't know how long you walked for.. All you know is this island is bigger than it seems to be and all you've been seeing is trees, trees and even more trees. And you’re losing daylight again.. Wherever it is that map leads.. We’re not getting there as quickly as hongjoong hoped we would. 
You come to a small clearing in the woods.. Still covered with trees but space enough to make a small camp for your team of 15.. 
Hongjoong stops turning to face everyone.
“We’ll camp here for now” he sighs out shaking his head frustrated. He seems to have a silent conversation with seonghwa before he's speaking again “Mingi.. Jongho you both take night watch.” he says to the two men before he begins to walk off seonghwa close behind him.. Yeosang too before he adds
“We don’t know what or who lurks in this forest..” 
The camp set up everyone seems to get settled seemingly staying in their own tents exception of jongho and mingi who pace around a makeshift border of what you call ‘camp’
Sitting watching the flames of the fire at the side of the camp.. It's quiet.. Peaceful. 
“y/n..” yunho stands in front of you with a smile on his face. He outstretches his hand for you to take.
“Come with me.” he says and you look at him suspiciously. 
He sighs out.. “Just come on.. Or we’ll miss it” he grabs your hand and begins to pull you away. Away from camp.. Down the path. You walk hand in hand with yunho for around 10 to 20 minutes. Until you come to another opening. This time a cliff opening. He lets go of your hand and goes and sits on the edge of the cliff sighing dejectedly
“Missed it.. It was right there my star.. I'm sorry” he says to you.
You sit next to him
“What was it?” You ask 
“The lights..” he sighs
You smile
“Thank you for coming to get me because you saw them.. Don’t worry though Yun.. the stars are still very pretty to watch” you tell him. He nods still upset that he failed to get you on time.. You sit in silence for a few moments and then he turns to you.
“I'll be back quickly star.. I'll go get a blanket and my telescope and we can watch them better” he says to you and you agree and he gets up and walks back in the direction you both came from.
You sit yourself in the quiet and peaceful for a bit looking up at the stars.. Occasionally looking at the darkness of the ocean below from your viewpoint.  
You hear the crunching of the ground in the distance
“Sorry I kept you y/n.. I’m back” he says and sits beside you again.
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oh-saints · 1 year
sweetest devotion (p.3)
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serena thought she was doing her husband a favour but mason had never felt so frustrated and angry towards his wife than right now.
playboy!mason mount x princess!OC
tw: as mentioned in the masterlist only, but extramarital affair to a marriage of convenience for this particular chapter
wc: 1.9k
note: sorry i fell asleep last night bcs jetlag truly sucks! i'm sorry i can't give you guys (yes you guys that left some notes on my asks 👀) a happy chapter now but i swear it'll get better next one! but as usual, i happen to write at dawn so this is not beta-read yet.
tags: @pingyu-in-wonderland @ironmaiden1313 <3 (lmk if you wanna be added!)
<<part 2 - part 4>> sweetest devotion masterlist here
“turn it off, mase.”
elena had been holding back since before both mason and her walked out of her flat but she couldn’t take it anymore. mason’s phone had been vibrating every 30 minutes since then, and it was supposed to be their date night. out of all their weekly quality time, she looked especially forward to tonight because mason had pulled out a reservation at the most sought-after place in london, despite their usual full-booked slot.
but mason’s distracted state-of-mind wasn’t what she had the problem the most. it was the fact that he couldn’t seem to shake off the what-ifs he’d probably be having—what if he just took the call—whenever he peered over the screen of his phone and found the other woman’s name.
good god, had she never despised a name. one sentence, and it reminded her of everything she could’ve had with mason. yes, she admitted she should take some blame for being the reason why mason and serena happened in the first place—had she not broken up with mason the night he sought refuge in alcohol and night life, her boyfriend now wouldn’t have trapped himself in a loveless marriage with the princess.
fucking hell, elena hated her more because of what she was. a royal princess, no less. elana had never dreamt the day she had to compete with a princess for a man.
mason looked up from his phone this time, done from replying to stacy because it was rare for his eldest sister to continuously ping him. but he so wished he’d kept replying to stacy because he’d never seen his girlfriend seething with anger when his attention was diverted back to the alluring lady in red.
“i was replying—”
“serena, i know,” elena folded her arms against her chest, and mason knew better than to debate an angry woman with the correct answer. “now turn it off.”
so he did, with the mind of turning it on shortly after they’d reached back to her flat.
but he never remembered.
now he had to face the reality of waking up to hundreds of texts and missed-calls from his family, mostly asking where he was. others were divided between angry texts for not picking up calls, disappointed ones too for neglecting them. but none was as striking as the last text from serena.
please pick up my call. your mother’s in critical condition.
mason didn’t even think twice as he jolted out from the bed, deserting elena behind in her drowsiness. her usual come back here, baby didn’t work much wonder this time around, his mind was too busy searching for his phone and car keys.
he was far too blinded by the worst possible scenario that could’ve happened to his beloved mother, that he didn’t even think about anything else. not even the countless violations to the traffic laws he committed just to get to the hospital—just as long as he got to his mother’s side in time, just as long as he got to see his mother doing okay.
but that also meant that he forgot about fetching serena from the house. he forgot about the existence of his wife, at least to the rest of the world, and his own marriage. he forgot about the mask he had to put on in public.
he would’ve gone straight to apologising for not getting to the hospital earlier but the sight of serena sitting amongst his sisters, even to the extent of having her arms around a sobbing stacy, clamped his mouth shut. moreover, lewis stood up, arms already folded in front of his chest, and mason had never seen lewis this angry during his short span of life so far.
lowkey, mason could feel his insides cowering because he knew he fucked up so bad—like seven shades of Sunday level of fucked up—for not picking up any calls from his family members but before he could admit his guilt and mistakes, lewis mustered his lowest baritone.
“where have you been?”
his unwavering tone basically confirmed mason’s ultimate sin. “I’m sorry I was—”
“that busy that you let your wife, a foreigner in this country, to take a midnight train to Portsmouth, a city she’s never visited?”
to say mason was surprised, was an understatement. the footballer thought his oldest brother would reprimand him about not picking up his calls when there was a dire emergency at hand.
“what were you thinking, mason mount?”
uh oh, full name was reinstated. mason badly wanted to defend himself but he couldn’t find the ground because in all honesty; what the fuck? the mounts had a worse reality to talk about—the matron of this household was still fighting for her life, for god’s sake!—and lewis wanted to cover other bases instead of the most important thing right now? instead of filling him in about the conditions of their mother?
mason badly, very badly wanted to disclose that he wasn’t responsible for serena’s well-being. like, if she wanted to come it was because she can. not because he asked her, and he would never ask her because he’d very much keep his family away from the impending doom that’d befallen them as soon as the contract expired.
but he kept his mouth shut. partially because he didn’t want to dishonour the agreement between serena and him—because mason would very much prefer to find faults in serena’s stance to this agreement, instead of his own fault—but mostly because he was so mad. how could lewis defend someone he barely knew and accuse mason of something that was out of his control?
“lewis,” serena spoke up gently, as usual. if mason wasn’t blinded with rage towards the said princess, he would’ve admired how regal she was behaving, despite the unspoken chaos blanketing the waiting room. “I think beranting Mason is not necessary,”
the older brother turned his head towards her, asking confirmation if he was hearing her right.
“he must’ve fallen asleep at the coach’s house,” serena continued, giving lewis some sort of reassurance probably that mason wasn’t deserting her behind and that she wasn’t lying about his alibi. “mason overtrains himself lately with both physical and visual training.”
mason would’ve expressed his gratitude behind the scene—why she lied for him, he’d never known—if the woman wasn’t enticing more anger inside of him. always trying to save a fucking face, mason groaned inwardly.
the midfielder stayed put in the long hallway of the pristine white hospital, deciding not to join the rest of the family on his mother’s side. the wife to his dad for decades had been rolled to her room since hours ago but mason didn’t think he had the capacity not to snap in front of everyone.
especially when serena was the midst of his family, acting as if she belonged there when mason kept the information himself. that she was only doing that to save her face, like she’d been doing since the beginning. since the first time she trapped mason into her loveless marriage arrangement.
mason was only too blind to recognise it.
but now that he noticed all the red flags, mason didn’t want his family to fall into the same blackhole.
“you should break up with her.”
mason’s body jumped slightly at jasmine’s voice, certainly shocked his older sister joining him to oversee the boring central garden of the hospital. “but I’m married to serena.”
“you’re smarter than to miss my point, mase,” jasmine chortled sarcastically. “break up with your mistress.”
jasmine’s gaze might be staring the distance, as if the night scenery was fun and pretty, but her words succeeded pouring mason ice cold water over his head. “what do you mean, jaz?”
“don’t play dumb with me,” the ice was now stabbing mason’s heart because jasmine was always the warmer one between them. she was being ruthlessly cold and distant and her tone was so level it scared him. “dad raised you better than to keep a mistress. it never ends well and we all know she’s always up to no good.”
how could jaz be the judge of one’s personality, when she’d never met elena before? what did she know about elena?
mason gritted his teeth out of annoyance. “I can’t do that.”
“you can’t do that to serena, either. it’s not fair.”
serena again? did the princess pull off some black magic over his family or something? why did everybody suddenly care for her instead of him, their flesh and blood? how come no one in his side went to care for him now?
fucking hell, mason had never desired to scream out loud. at anyone, but preferably at his own kin. “lately, I think life’s never fair to me, too.”
“life’s never fair to anyone, mason mount,” mason had never been called by full name twice in a night from different older siblings of his. if stacy decided to do the same in the next hour, mother nature should give mason a prize or something for hitting a homerun. “when are you going to learn that?”
“why are you siding with serena?”
“I am not,” jasmine’s eyebrows distorted in disbelief. “I swear I’m not siding with anyone here, but you really should start thinking like a father. your baby’s coming in less than 6 months, do you think what you’re doing right now is fair to your baby?”
the older took the following silence as a sign she’d nailed the coffin. which could only mean her job here was done and over with.
“jaz,” but mason’s call halted her straying steps from him. “how do you know?”
“you reek of cheap perfume, mase.”
while jasmine’s words rang true in his ears, it still didn’t soothe his anger and annoyance towards the woman sitting shotgun beside him, as he cruised his Lamborghini in the direction back to London.
“why did you come here?”
serena immediately decided she’d choose a cocky mason over this version of him. “I thought—”
“see, that’s your problem. you think,” mason raise a decibel to his voice and serena flinched visibly because she wasn’t used to anyone raising their voice at her. it was rather off-limit to the royal’s etiquette. “but every time you think, you only think for your own good. you never think about what I think or what’s best for us.”
serena was rather taken aback at mason’s outburst that she couldn’t produce any response to him.
“have you ever thought you can jeopardise our false pretence by coming here alone?”
“no, I—”
“exactly!” serena flinched away from mason as the footballer hit the steering wheel out of frustration and anger. “so don’t ever fucking think again, you got me?”
suddenly her fingers looked so much interesting than ever before. “I’m sorry, mason.”
“you better fucking be,” mason sighed deeply. “if you still want to live.”
how could serena possibly have a decent reply when he reminded her that she was on the losing end?
next chapter contains:
“mason…” his lover whimpered, trying to reach for mason but the man only shook her hands away and stood up, towering her over. “surely you’re mistaken, we can talk about this–” “leave.”
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redo-rewind-if · 6 months
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Hi all! I've decided that since it'll likely be at least a couple of months before I can get the next update out, that'd I'd do short weekly progress reports to let you know how things are going!
These reports will be pretty informal. I don't like to do word count, since it can get tricky with all the different paths, some of which are just variants of another. So instead, I decided to do estimated percentages of how much is done. You'll see what I mean below.
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Next Update (Chapter 3):
Intro Scene (if not on music fest route): 100%
Music Fest Routes (Solo, V, and Amara): 85%
Club Pyre Path: 5% (mostly just in outline phase, some written)
August Part 2 Electric Boogaloo: 0% (not started)
Avoid Death (Eventually?): 0% (not started)
Work Time! (End of Chapter): 0% (short outline, not started)
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As you can see, there's still quite a lot left to do. I blame the music festival for that entirely, it's become somewhat of a beast in my drafts. Why did I think adding so many paths was a good idea?? Oh well, I'm committed now lol.
And as for those of you not on the music fest path, you'll actually get the option to go too! Just for fun the day before you're meant to scope out the club, and with not nearly as much content as the main fest path. Still worth checking out tho!
That about sums it up! But, of course, if you have any questions, feel free to drop an ask! Thank you!
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analogwriting · 4 months
The Other Side of Paradise
Chapter 2: Hot Sugar
Killer x gn!reader word count: 2.7k first|next a/n: date time date time date time. also m'eudail is scotts gaelic for my dear/darling.
The next three days were pure torture. Your brain was running with different ideas of what the news could possibly be and why he wouldn’t just tell you. Part of you kind of wish he had never mentioned the news, just made the date. Then the anticipation wouldn’t be suffocating you like it was now. At least the news seemed to be good considering how he delivered it. You felt like if it had been bad news, he would’ve told you already. 
You tried getting answers from him to no avail. Hell, you had even tried to ask your cousin and your friends. They all seemed to have no idea what the news was. Which, typically Kid was incredibly terrible at lying and keeping secrets, so he had to be in the dark about it too. He must’ve had no idea.
Not even begging helped. When he had his mind set on something like this, there was nothing you could do to make him give in. Sure, you could make Killer cave just about any other time. You were his weak spot and he could never say no to you. Sometimes, you used it to your advantage.
“Baaaaaaaabe, tell meeeee,” you whined on that Wednesday night, laying on his chest in your shared bed. 
He snorted, rolling his eyes with a grin. “What did I tell you last night?” You frowned, huffing slightly, moving his hair as you did so. “To wait patiently.”
“Exactly. I promise it'll be worth it.” He kissed you on the forehead, a mischievous glint in his eye - he was enjoying this. It wasn’t often he had the upper hand, so he was reveling in it.. “And if you're good, I'll be sure to give you a nice reward, alright?” His fingers traced up your spine and you shivered. If you currently weren’t so exhausted, you’d jump his bones right now.
You sighed again, burying your face in his chest, officially giving up. “Fiiiiine,” you groaned, muffled by his muscles. 
And you left it after that, not asking again. Sure, you made a jab here and there, seeing if he'd crack in the slightest, but it just wasn't the case. He was determined not to tell you ahead of time. You knew you weren’t going to get an answer, so you decided you’d wait everso impatiently.
Friday finally came and you couldn't have been more excited - you were almost vibrating. Mostly because you were going to finally know what he’d been keeping from you this entire time. He took you to class that morning. You were going to just call out from classes, but after he said that he wouldn’t have told you any sooner just because you did so, or adjust plans accordingly, you decided to bite the bullet and go.
Lucky bastard didn’t have Friday classes, so he was going to have all day to just sit and have a good time knowing you were suffering in class. Though, he’d been enjoying your suffering the last few days as well, so you shouldn’t have been surprised. The sadist. 
Time felt like it was moving at snail speed on purpose. The world knew you were mere hours away from what you’ve been waiting for for so long. You kept looking at the clock, only to realize hardly any time passed, torturing you even more. You couldn’t focus on any of your classes, your head only filled with what Killer had planned. So many what ifs in your head.
You ran into Hop at one point, hanging out with her until your next class. It seemed like the universe had some mercy on you as it had allowed both yours and her class to be let out early. You were able to now verbally complain about the pain and suffering you were going through - as if you hadn’t already texted her about it a million times already.
She listened, like the wonderful best friend she is. Then she laughed in amusement at your predicament. You might have been a little dramatic with your theatrics. “Maybe he's finally proposing,” she mused. You just looked at her, eyebrows furrowing. “He's already done that though?” 
“When you were thirteen. That doesn't count. He needs to do it again, properly.” She folded her arms, leaning against the tree. You hadn’t even thought of that possibility.
“Well, he knows I've never been one to care about grand theatrics like that. The little proposal in the park when we were thirteen was enough for me.” You frowned, fiddling with the small band around your finger that he’d given you that day. The two of you hadn’t even really talked about an official one.
“Maybe so, but maybe he wants to do it.”
You looked at her for a moment. “Wait. Did he tell you something? Do you know what it is? Is it that?” You narrowed her eyes at her. “What do you know? Hop, it is your duty as my best friend to tell me everything you know!” You had been so content with the way things were with your boyfriend that you hadn’t even thought of a proposal or if he even wanted to do an official one.
The only plan you had made so far regarding those things was the fact you were going to get married after you finished school.
Hop laughed, shaking her head, holding her hands up in surrender. “No, no. I don't know anything that you don’t know.. I'm just shooting the shit and guessing.” She shrugged, moving to readjust her ponytail. 
“Shooting very specific shit in my opinion,” you grumbled, folding your arms and pouting slightly. You groaned loudly, flopping on the ground. “It's been killing me.”
“Guess he's living up to his name then, huh?” 
You stared at her for a moment before both of you fell into a fit of laughter. “What's so funny?” A voice chimed. You looked up, seeing Bubblegum joining the two of you. 
It was the perfect opportunity for you to, once again, complain about having to wait. Hop watched with amusement as you went into your whole thing again. Bubblegum looked just as entertained as you ranted about it. 
“What if he’s proposing?” He finally said.
“That’s what I said!” Hop burst into laughter and you just stared at him.
“C’mon, one of you have to know something. How come you both came up with the exact same theory when I - his own partner - didn’t even think about it?”
Bubblegum snorted, shaking his head. “Probably because we are from the outside looking it. We’ve only known the two of you for a couple of years now. You two have known each other for over a decade and been together almost just as long. So, of course you’re not going to think it.”
Hop nodded, folding her arms and leaning against the tree. “It’s true. You guys are basically married already. I’m surprised you don’t call him your husband, honestly.” She snorted.
You huffed, your face turning bright red. “Well!” You opened and closed your mouth a couple more times before giving up. You didn’t even know what to say, making Hop and Bubblegum fall into more laughter.
You spent the rest of the time before your next class just tossing around some of the craziest ideas of what this news could possibly be. It was nice. Mostly because it helped time fly by quickly.
When the bell rang to signal that your last class was over, you bolted for the door. You headed to the nearest bathroom, changing your clothes and cleaning yourself up for your date. You didn’t want to sit in your nice clothes during class, after all. You haven't gone out in a while, so you were excited to be able to dress nice for the occasion. 
Once dressed, you hurried your way to the parking lot where you knew Killer would be picking you up. You saw his pick up, your heart racing with excitement as you headed over. All of your suffering would end soon enough! 
He must've been keeping an eye out for you because as you grew closer to his truck, he hopped out, rounding around to meet you. 
You grinned widely, running up to him and jumping into his arms. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around him as you kissed him. You were just so excited! You smiled against him and felt as he did the same. You heard a couple people whistle at the two of you and someone shouting to get a room.
Oh, you’d be doing something of that vein tonight, that much was sure.
“You look great, y/n,” he said with a smile. You returned the grin, love and affection evident on your face. “You look good too.” He wasn't dressed to the nines, neither were you. It wasn't your speed. But both of you were dressed in nicer clothes and looked a little more put together than you usually did - the usual look being graphic tees and ripped jeans for the both of you. You often wore Killers clothes anyway, so baggy was also your usual look. 
“Shall we get going?” You nodded at his question, jumping down as he opened the door for you. He helped you in before rounding to the drivers side. 
Killer’s truck was one that could be either a manual or an automatic. He preferred driving manual because he liked having the extra control over his truck, but when you rode with him, he would drive automatic. Solely for the reason being that he could rest his hand against your thigh as he drove. When it was in manual, he had to keep it on the stick shift so he could switch gears and such. When it was in automatic, he didn’t have to do all the extra shifting, so his hand was free to rest where it belonged - on you in some way.
You were basically bouncing in your chair. Sure, you've been on plenty of dates before. Of course you have, being together as long as you have, but you always enjoyed it as if it were a new experience every time. You just enjoyed spending time with him. He was your favorite person, after all.
You didn’t catch it because you were too distracted, but he watched you with amusement and love from the corner of his eye.
It didn't take long to arrive at the smoothie place. The town you had resided in was small. The college is the only reason there was ever traffic in this tiny place. During the summers, it was dead. Not that you really cared, you had your friend group, even if they did grow sparse over the summers. You still had the same four people to hang out with that you always did.
Killer parked, leaning over to kiss your cheek before hopping out to open the door for you. He helped you climb out. He knew you could do it on your own, but he just liked helping. It was also just another excuse to be close to you - to touch you. He was just as infatuated with you as you were with him. 
You headed into the building, a skip in your step as you walked. Killer’s arm wrapped around your waist as you headed inside. You looked around, admiring the new little joint - it was cute. It was busier than you thought it would be considering it was still new, but maybe that's also why it was popping. 
There were so many choices that you didn't know what to decide on. “These are some fancy smoothies,” your boyfriend said. You nodded, looking at the advertisement photos and other peoples tables. They seemed to be garnished with actual fruits or vegetables. “It's kind of really cool.”
The two of you ordered, waiting at the end of the counter for your drinks. 
“What movie are you gonna wanna see?”
You thought for a moment. “Either some B rated horror movie or a romcom.” You just wanted to see something light hearted. Besides, the two of you were sometimes terrible at actually watching the movie. It was as if the moment the lights went down - the two of you were immediately on each other. It’s also why you both always picked seats in the back and away from people. You knew your terrible habits.
It wasn’t long before your smoothies were done, heading to a table towards the back and sitting down. “This is the coolest smoothie I've ever seen.”  Naturally, you pulled out your phone, taking an aerial photo to send to your friends before taking the standard ‘date night!’ photo of the two of you before putting your phone away. 
Typically, you refrained from being on your phone while on dates. You would take one of two photos, but the rest of the time your attention was solely on the love of your life. It wasn’t a challenge either, you preferred it that way. You just took pictures for the memories and to look back on. Killer wasn’t really that much of a social media or phone person, so his was hardly out.
Most of the time, you were surprised if he even had it on him. You asked him once why that was and he just responded with ‘my whole world is right here, why do I need a phone?’ and it almost made you immediately cry.
You looked at Killer, staring at him expectantly. He blinked. “What?” You narrowed your eyes. “You know what.”
It dawned on him and he chuckled, shaking his head. “Not yet.” 
You inwardly groaned. Just how long was he gonna make you wait? He already made you wait three days, hasn’t it been torture enough?
“I want us to enjoy ourselves first.”
You paused from sipping your treat. “That…makes it sound like it’s not good news.”
Killer snorted, shaking his head. “It's definitely good news, but it's also big news.”
You narrowed your eyes. Maybe Hop was right. Maybe it was a proposal. He certainly wouldn't do it in the middle of a place like this with all these people. He knew you hated having eyes on you, so it would make sense if he wanted to wait to tell you. Though, you feel like if he was going to propose, he wouldn’t have called it “news.” “Surprise” would’ve made more sense.
Gah! What was it!?
“You're killing me here,” you grumbled, folding your arms and sitting back in your chair, going full pout mode. Your boyfriend watched you with an amused look on his face. 
“C’mon, don't be like that,” he mused, taking your chair and pulling you closer to him. You gasped at the sudden movement but tried to keep up your little pouting act by slightly turning from him. His lips found their way to your cheek, his arm around your shoulder as he pulled you in. “Baaaabe,” he crooned in his deep voice, kissing your cheek again. 
“I promise it'll be worth it.” Just as you were his weakness and couldn’t say no to you (most of the time), he was also your weakness. You struggled staying mad at him even if you were just being dramatic. He poked at your side and you tried to ignore him, but failed miserably as he kept doing it. You fell into a fit of giggles, turning towards him to catch his hands. “Okay! Okay. I'll be patient. I've waited this long. What's a couple more hours?”
“That's m'eudail,” he mused, kissing you. You smiled, leaning into him. You pulled away, honestly glad the two of you had picked a corner to sit in. That didn't stop stares from coming your way anyway, but you couldn't care less. 
“I love you,” he said once you pulled away, making you grin even more. “I love you too.” You kissed him once more before turning back to your smoothie.
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
Finallyyyyy, chapter 7. I was dying waiting for it and now I'm already dying waiting for the next so I guess this week will be filled with rereading and rereading the whole fic until chapter 8 comes. Anyways here we go, thoughts on this one:
-Drew. Oh boy. I'm assuming we won't see him in chapter 8 since it'll probably be composed mostly of the day at the bar. The morning, then the bar itself, who ends up in whose bed; and you'll most likely add a lil flashback to something somehow relevant since you've done that for every chapter except 4. But so reunion in chapter 9? or 10? I don't know but I wanna see him reunite with Azzi and meet Stephie. Apparently he was irritated at Paige's decision to go to the GSV, the Drew from 6 years ago probably would've loved and encouraged the idea, if he hadn't come up with it himself. I feel like the fact it irritated him instead shows he's learnt to live without Azzi and the Fudds now, but like Paige wonders if he has, might've still not fully forgiven her and Azzi for taking that away from him. As in, I think it took him a lot of time to adapt and if he's angry at Azzi, it's really only cause he spent so much time missing her, if that makes sense. So if/when we get their reunion scene, I'm expecting him to first be angry, maybe throwing certain questions at Azzi before breaking down. I wonder if Stephie knows who Drew is? That picture is on the stairwell clearly, but maybe she's never really noticed him. If not, I'm really excited to see her reaction to a boy she has no clue about, hugging and possibly crying in the arms of the woman who's probably a sort of sister/mother to him, her mother. Basically, I really want some Drew, Paige and Azzi scenes and Stephie's reaction to the dynamic of the 3; and some Drew and Stephie scenes.
-"But she doesn’t quite know this place, couldn’t tell you where to find the sugar or where the utensils were kept" this was just written beautifully in my opinion idk, just wanted to show some appreciation for it.
-"“They’ve all missed you, you know,” Tallulah says softly, “they try not to do it too much around Azzi but it’s always ‘oh Paige would’ve loved this’ or ‘did you catch that bucket Paige made last night’." They try not to do it too much around Azzi. I just wanted to add this because I think it sorta confirms my suspicions that they might however do it around Stephie. The first time I sent in some of my thoughts on this fic I mentioned how I don't think it's a coincidence Paige and Stephie share so much in common. Though I did say it's Azzi probably passing Paige-like things onto her daughter, I think Stephie's simply grown up in environments that scream "Paige". I think it's beautiful how much her and Azzi have affected everyone around them, not just eachother. But it's also scary because it is about the 2 of them at the end of the day and if they start living separate lives they take away a person important in others' lives too, as we see with Drew, or the Fudds like Tallulah pointed out. I just hope Stephie doesn't have to lose Paige, I know we're guaranteed a happy ending (or maybe that's what you want us to think) but I hope there's never even a small period of time where Stephie thinks she's lost Miss Buecks.
-"“you’re thinking about her mother huh?”" "“your daughter has you wrapped around her little finger huh?”" I'm just a bit shocked that Ruthie guessed she was thinking about the girl's mother, not father. I feel like people's first assumption is that you're straight, the majority of the world is, does Ruthie know Azzi and Stephie? Or does she know Paige? Was just wondering, I don't know, maybe her gaydar's just on point.
-"“No,” Azzi says at the same time as a profound “yes” leaves Paige’s mouth." Ok so nvm my past predictions Paige is still pulling and Azzi is still slightly pushing.
-"Olivia’s livid at Paige and Paige is livid at the stupid #Clézzi tag on tiktok." If they ended up breaking up but confirmed they were a thing you bet your ass you could never get me to use some other ship's #. "until suddenly she stumbles on a video captioned 'and at the end of the day she’ll still always be looking at her'." that's my video, future me posted that.
-"And she knows that if it was Azzi -she hates herself for even thinking this way- she wouldn’t walk away." it's giving me the same vibes as when she was telling Azzi how whilst on her date she kept thinking how Azzi wouldn't order what the girl ordered off the menu, how she would swat her hand away when she tried stealing something from her plate and end up giving it to her anyways, how they'd get yelled at at the movies for giggling too much, and how at the end she would've kissed her. Unfortunately for everyone else, I just think no one stands a chance, she's wrapped around Azzi's finger.
-"even if they were barely a shadow of what they used to be, it's only right that Azzi is still here." but it surprises me that on every flashback after their breakup they still seemed on completely good terms all these years, like why did they break up??? Just cause Azzi wasn't ready for marriage? I feel like something else happened in between but maybe not.
-"“we’re gonna do it together next time okay. You and me, we’re gonna be golden together.”" soo 2032 Olympics? Did they do it??? A year ago from the "present day" I feel like you plan on showing us a flashback in a future chapter but I'm dying to know!!!
Okk that's it thank you for blessing us with another amazing chapter as always and see how quick I was this time? -🪐
Please don't die friend I'd miss you :)
-Drew appearance soon but I'm not fully sure exactly when because idk if y'all have caught onto this yet, but I actually don't outline the whole story beyond just the beginning - middle - end, everything else is just ideas that I fit in when it feels right. The Drew from 6 years ago was a little boy who still held onto hope for his favorite love story. But with time, hope turned into irritation and missing Azzi turned into being angry at Azzi because sometimes that's the only way to deal with the hate. I'm very excited to write both Azzi-Drew and ofc Stephie-Drew.
-I remember that ask! Paige is so entwined into the Fudd's and Azzi's life that even 8 years later, you can still see the remnants of her in their life and that's what Stephie has grown up seeing so really it's not surprising that some of that imprinted onto her as she has a little bit of Paige in her.
-See this is my lovely fantasy world where straight isn't just the normal and I have no other explanation for it. Ruthie does not know Stephie or Azzi lol. I'd like to think 2033 we can avoid straight as the default lol
-I'm never shipping them with other people but as evidenced by some tweets in the last few days, I think other people absolute would ship clézzi lmao but pazzi truthers are still alive in 2033 despite the break up lol
-Unfortunately for everyone else, I just think no one stands a chance, she's wrapped around Azzi's finger. - yep exactly!
-I do love my flashbacks!
I'm very proud of you for how quick you were lmao!
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Here You Come Again [Part Fourteen]
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Original Female Characters, Priscilla Presley, Colonel Tom Parker, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, Marci Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Red West, Sonny West, Marty Lacker, Joe Esposito, Charlie Hodge, Lamar Fike, Alan Fortas, George Klein, Memphis Mafia
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 6392
Summary: When Addison Goodwin was seventeen years old her life was turned inside out after a chance encounter with her past. Now, fifteen years later her life is the best it’s ever been. She has a home, a good job and a daughter she loves more than anything in the world but will all that remain when an old familiar face rolls into town.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Las Vegas, The International Hotel, Elvis In Vegas, 1970s, 1970s Elvis, Friends To Lovers, Rekindled Romance, Parenting, Time Line is Sketchy, Guilt, Betrayal, Teenage Pregnancy, Hawaii, Hidden Pregnancy, Jealousy, Sex, Absence of Parent, Single Motherhood, Trauma, Oral Sex, Tension
Notes: OKAY SO.
I've finally finished the entire thing and I'm so excited for everyone to read it. It'll be 17 parts in total with a lil epilogue.
The next couple of chapters are gonna be ROUGH so don't say I didn't warn you
Yes I know I named Marci's love interests Tom and Jerry but idec
Addison's dress looks like this
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When Addison and the girls got back from shopping it was later than expected. One would think being armed with Elvis Presley’s credit card would’ve meant she had no trouble picking something out but instead it had made her cautious, agonising over what to buy as she debated the perks of not going overboard but also getting something she liked. She didn’t want to force herself to buy something she didn’t love just because it was cheap but then again, she didn’t want to buy something outrageously priced just because she could. So she had spent the majority of the shopping trip helping Jess and Lisa pick out a dress each followed by an endless battle by herself in the dressing room as she debated her ten or so choices.
Eventually she had settled on green satin halter neck dress that fell just short of mid-thigh. It was a tad shorter than she would’ve normally opted for, though her normal wardrobe was mostly nurse’s uniforms and jeans these days, but she reminded herself it was a treat and it didn’t hurt that both girls had told her she looked very pretty in it when she’d emerged from the dressing room.
And watching herself in the bathroom mirror she couldn’t help but feel pretty too. In fact, she had been thinking about what Elvis would say when he saw her, if he would like it. She knew it didn’t matter. That after today her little delusions would have to be put to bed but as she tidied her makeup away – in the section of the Elvis’ bathroom counter he had dedicated to her – she couldn’t help but enjoy it. Once she was done she moved back to her room, transferring everything from her current purse into the one Jess had convinced her to buy since it went with her outfit. Then she headed out into the hall, though she was surprised when she walked past Lisa’s room and found the girls inside.
The plan had been to convert the spare room into Jess’ permanent bedroom but since that would’ve meant Addison finding a room in the annexe Elvis had asked if the girls if they wouldn’t mind sharing and fortunately for Addison, they’d agreed. In fact they seemed to be getting along quite well though Addison was wondering when the fights might erupt. Yet as she looked at them she found the novelty of a new sibling hadn’t rubbed off just yet and the pair seemed to be content in just hanging out together. Jess was splayed out on Lisa’s gigantic bed reading a magazine whilst her sister was playing with her dollhouse on the floor, though they looked up as she entered.
‘I thought I was gonna be the last one down,’ Addison said.
‘We were waiting for you guys,’ Jess said, flipping her magazine close before she tossed it aside and got up.
‘Isn’t your dad downstairs?’ Addison asked checking the clock on the nightstand, ‘he said seven.’
‘He’s in his office,’ Lisa said placing her dolls in the doll house before she jumped up and wandered over to Addison watching her with a smile.
‘Okay, well how about you girls go downstairs and I’ll get him?’ she asked.
‘Okay,’ Jess said, grabbing her own purse off the chest of drawers though she paused by the door watching her mother closely as she said, ‘don’t be too long though, we’re hungry.’
‘We won’t,’ Addison said following them out though as they headed downstairs she went to Elvis’ office door. It was closed but when she knocked she heard no response making her wonder if the girls had been mistaken. Nevertheless she decided open the door anyway just in case he hadn’t heard her.
When she opened the door however she found Elvis was in fact inside, sitting at his desk in deep conversation though he looked up as she opened the door, as did the person sitting in the chair in front of him, the Colonel. Elvis stood as she stopped in her tracks dropping her gaze to the floor as she felt that familiar wash of anger and hurt flood through her as she muttered, ‘sorry, I uh, the girls said you were in here they didn’t-’
‘It’s okay,’ he said capturing her attention.
‘We’re ready to go,’ she said refusing to look at the older man who was now watching her though admittedly not as worriedly as Elvis was, ‘I’ll uh see you downstairs.’
‘No,’ Elvis protested, ‘uh I mean I won’t be long really.’
‘We’re nearly done,’ the Colonel barely turning his head to look at her as he watched Elvis, his hand fiddling with the intricate clown head on the top of his cane.
‘Yeah, two minutes,’ Elvis said. He could see her thinking about it, no doubt wanting to flee downstairs, but that would mean ruining the surprise that was waiting for her down there. So, with a much pleading he could put into his voice without sounding too pathetic in front of the Colonel he said, ‘would you hang on, please?’
She wanted to run, to get as far away as her feet could get her from that loathsome toad but she couldn’t say no to him, not when he was watching her with pleading in his bright blue eyes, and so she nodded.
‘Thanks Addie,’ Elvis said before she turned around and headed out the door. He was right, whatever they were up to didn’t take any longer than two minutes but out on the landing it was enough time to make millions of thoughts whizz through her mind. They only stopped when the door opened and the Colonel shuffled out. She watched him head towards the stairs, even more annoyed that he seemed completely unbothered by her presence, even stopping to smile and mutter, ‘Happy Birthday,’ before he toddled off out of sight. When he was gone she headed into the office, finding Elvis shuffling a raft of papers together on his desk though he looked towards the door as he heard her enter.
‘Hey,’ he said turning around and perching against his desk, ‘sorry about that.’
‘It’s okay,’ Addison said though Elvis raised an eyebrow making her sigh, ‘honestly, I mean it’s not like I can get angry every time he comes around is it. He is your manager.’
‘Actually he’s not,’ Elvis said making whatever she had been planning to say disappear in an instant as she rushed forward.
‘What? Since when?’ she asked. She was standing in front of him now, watching him agog.
‘The first time you guys came to Memphis,’ Elvis said.
‘Why didn’t you say anything?’ she asked, her mind flicking through every conversation since then though she was sure something like that she would’ve remembered.
‘Because he’s not out, not completely anyway,’ Elvis said making her frown as he explained, ‘I fired him but uh well to get rid of him I had to make a deal.’
‘A deal with the devil huh?’ she said and though her tone was that of a joke neither of them missed the punch of sentiment behind her words.
‘Feels like it,’ Elvis sighed though he backtracked as her face fell into a frown, ‘no it’s not that bad. I just… I knew he wouldn’t have gone of his own accord so I gave him an out, but it means he’s with me till the end of the year…I didn’t tell ya because I didn’t wanna get your hopes up.’
‘You think he’ll try and get you to change your mind?’ she asked, her stomach in knots at the thought of all of it. She couldn’t believe he had done all of this, how he had tried to get rid of the Colonel once and for all. She hadn’t liked that he was still adjacent to their lives but the reason she hadn’t demanded he get rid of him completely was because she doubted the Colonel wouldn’t make life a living hell if Elvis tried to get rid of him.
‘No,’ Elvis said honestly, ‘no I don’t. I think he knows where his breads buttered, and he knows there ain’t no way we’re gonna be able to work together again. I think he’d rather cut his losses and recoup as much as he can.’
‘You think so?’
‘Doesn’t really matter if not. Either way I can’t work with him not after what he did,’ Elvis said looking down at her. She was closer than he’d anticipated, her hazel eyes finding him less than two feet away, her hand on his folded arms though he hadn’t noticed.
‘You don’t think he’d do something to spite you?’ Addison asked remembering the venom in the man’s eyes the day he’d told her to go.
‘No…I don’t think so,’ he said, ‘I mean he’s been strictly business since I told him. I think whatever anger he’s got goin’ on has petered out now. Besides I don’t think his anger would match mine if he dared come near you guys.’
‘I thought I’d be the same,’ Addison admitted, dropping her gaze to where her fingers lay atop of his arm.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked, watching her as she fiddled with his sleeve.  
‘When I saw him in Vegas,’ she murmured, confirming his suspicions on why she had spooked, ‘I thought once I saw him again I’d go off on him y’know? I mean all of this, us, Jess… he ruined so much of it…but I just didn’t say anything. I couldn’t…makes it feel like he won y’know?’
‘Oh Addie he hasn’t won anything,’ Elvis said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her until she was standing in between his legs. She allowed him to, her hands on his chest as she chewed on her lip nervously.
‘We won,’ he said peering into her hazel eyes, ‘me and you. Despite all his meddlin’ we still ended up with Jess and she’s pretty damn spectacular all that other stuff is… unimportant.’
‘I guess you’re right,’ Addison said quietly though he could still see thoughts swarming around in that head of hers. It had been why he hadn’t told her. He didn’t want her worrying about the business side of things, that was on him to figure out. He wanted her focused on them.
‘And after the end of the year he’ll be gone and we can get used to being a family,’ Elvis said.
‘Yeah, maybe you’ll even manage to catch a break huh?’ she said, her uneasiness not ebbing though it felt a different version of it as she realised they were holding one another. She didn’t pull away though, she couldn’t force herself to, the comfort his touch brought being something she needed in her core.
‘Told you I might slow down,’ he smirked.
‘You won’t know what to do with yourself,’ she smiled.
‘Good job I’ve got two kids to keep me busy then isn’t it,’ Elvis smiled.
‘You might be better going to work,’ Addison said though her smile dimmed as the worries took over, he sensed it, but he waited for whatever it was to come, ‘it’s gonna be okay isn’t it? I mean work and everything…this is the right decision, right?’
‘You got that little faith in me?’ Elvis said.
‘Of course I have faith in you,’ Addison said.
‘It’s gonna be fine Addie,’ Elvis said. She mulled it over for a minute and then nodded. Whatever delusions she had been living in for the day suddenly feeling real. As she stood there in his arms she chose to believe he was right. That his life, their life, without the Colonel would be fine.
He was watching her, the urge to kiss her growing quicker and quicker by the second but she pulled out of his grasp, suddenly realising just how close the pair of them as she moved to the door.
‘We should get going,’ she said as he stood up, smoothing out his shirt that had started to crease where he had been leaning.
‘Yeah, can’t have him ruining any more of your birthday huh?’ he said as he followed her to the door though when they got there she paused, turning to look at him.
‘You know as birthday presents go, getting rid of him was pretty good,’ she smiled.
‘Yeah?’ Elvis smirked, ‘I guess I better return your other present then.’
‘I knew you wouldn’t be able to help yourself!’ she said swatting his chest as he chuckled.
‘C’mon your other present is downstairs,’ he said.
‘What is it?’ she asked though Elvis stayed quiet, a smug smile on his face, ‘oh come on! You have to tell me. You know I hate surprises,’ she continued though Elvis continued to ignore her, ‘Elvis!’
She was still looking at him when she hit the bottom step so much so she didn’t notice the crowd in the living room, well not until she heard a familiar voice speak from across the hall, ‘if you hate surprises does that mean I should go home?’
Addison’s head turned at breakneck speed to find Marci standing amidst the group watching her excitedly. Before she could even think she was across the room flinging herself into her best friend’s arms. They wrapped around each other, relishing in the moment, until finally they pulled back.
‘I can’t believe you’re here,’ Addison said making Marci chuckle. If anything she couldn’t believe Marci had managed to keep this from her.
‘Well it’s not every day someone turns thirty-three now is it,’ Marci smiled.
‘How the hell did you do all this? What about the shop? I thought you wouldn’t be free,’ she said.
‘Well Elvis called and asked if I would…believe it or not he can be quite persuasive,’ Marci said earning a chuckle from the room. Addison rolled her eyes, and though she kept in her friend’s arms she turned to find Elvis watching the pair of them with a smile on his face.
‘You’re unbelievable you know that,’ she said. It was true. In fact throughout the whole day he had kept her on her toes, been what she needed at every turn. And even when she had protested him getting her a present he had known her too well and knew there would be only one thing she’d want outside spending time with him and the girls.
‘Oh I know,’ Elvis said, ‘now c’mon you guys have got all night to catch up.’
‘And something tells me we’re gonna need it,’ Jess giggled as the women let one another go.
‘Oh I don’t doubt that,’ Marci said slinging her arm around her niece as everyone started to head out of the door. Addison however lingered waiting until she and Elvis were the only ones left in the hall.
‘Thank you,’ she said earnestly.
‘No problem,’ Elvis said gesturing for her to lead but instead she took the hand he held out and slipped it into hers, pulling him with her and out the door.
‘That’s when Addie barged in and told them they needed to take their heads out of their asses,’ Marci giggled, making Elvis and Jerry chuckle.
‘It got you the loan didn’t it,’ Addison said rolling her eyes.
‘Oh I bet it did. Poor guy was probably terrified of sayin’ no,’ Elvis chuckled earning himself a shove.
‘He should’ve been. It was a great idea and a good shop,’ Addison said, ‘he was just sexist.’
‘Wait do you not have it anymore?’ Jerry asked as he pulled out of his laughter looking at Marci who was sitting to his right. They were in the club now tucked away in the back hoping not to be disturbed which wasn’t liable to happen thanks to the entourage of men between the four of them and rest of the club’s attendees. If Addison was being honest with herself she’d have been content going home with the girls after the dinner. She’d have been happy sitting around talking with her friends over a few relaxed drinks at Graceland but Marci had insisted they go out to Beale Street and celebrate and though it wasn’t her number one option she hadn’t put a dampener on the festivities. In fact she’d been a good sport even spending some time up on the dance floor but as her buzz started to wane she’d retreated to booth at the back where she spent most of her night cosied up with Elvis, just talking. At intervals Marci and Jerry had reappeared, exhausted from dancing or needing a drink, and the pair had been forced to pull apart from where their heads were tucked together. Somehow the topic had landed on how Marci had got her own shop.
‘No, not anymore,’ Marci said taking a sip of her drink.
‘That’s too bad,’ Jerry said adding in jest, ‘I could do with a haircut.’
‘Well I can still give ya a haircut,’ Marci said, ‘though I’d rather cut Elvis’.’
‘Oh yeah?’ Elvis chuckled, ‘why’s that?’
‘Well if I sold the clippings I’d bet I wouldn’t need to work again,’ Marci giggled.
‘She has a point Jer,’ Elvis smirked.
‘Well fine,’ Jerry said, shaking his shaggy mane off his face as he pouted, ‘me and my luscious locks will just have to find somewhere else.’
‘No, no, it’s fine. I suppose I could lower my standards,’ Marci said with faux exasperation.
‘Well you’ll have your new shop open soon right Mar? Maybe you could do all the guys,’ Addison said. Marci smiled though it didn’t meet her eyes and her tone was airy as she said, ‘yeah.’
And before Addison could respond she stood up looking at Jerry as she said, ‘I wanna dance. Wanna come?’
‘Sure?’ Jerry said allowing himself to be pulled by the hand out of his seat before he’d even managed to put his drink down properly. Addison’s eyes narrowed as she watched them disappear into the crowd, her suspicions about her friend running wild inside her.
‘Everything alright?’ Elvis asked waving a hand in front of her face to snap her out of the trance she had fallen into.
‘Fine,’ Addison said with a reassuring smile before she took a sip of her drink. Elvis wasn’t reassured but he was having too much fun to even want to bring up whatever was the matter.
The day had been amazing. Simple and understated as everything was with Addison but it still felt special. He had loved spending time with the three of them, as if they were just any other family. He liked that she had conceded to him too, if only a little which by Addison’s standards was quite something. He liked that after all she had told him about missing her friend he had been the one to bring them back together, the one to put a smile back on her face. That was why he was worried about whatever was bothering her. He was sure it was about Marci but they could come to that tomorrow. Right now he was enjoying himself.
‘I need to pee!’ Marci said with urgency.
‘We’re only ten minutes away from home can’t you hold it?’ Elvis asked. They were on their way back from the bar. After her questioning about the shop Marci had started acting distant but not only figuratively. She had put quite some distance between herself and her best friend only heightening Addison’s suspicions and by the time they had decided they were ready to go she had found that her friend was completely and utterly sozzled meaning that there would be little to no point in trying to get out of her whatever it is that was bothering the blonde. But her drunkenness had done more than just make her useless to talk to it had also meant that Jerry had had to hold her up to get her into the car and that her request to use the bathroom more than likely should be listened to even if they were only ten minutes away from home.
‘I really need to pee,’ she said shifting in her seat like a child trying to convince them she wasn’t lying.
‘I’d listen to her,’ Addison said, ‘unless you want a wet patch on that seat.’
‘Fine,’ Elvis said gesturing for Lamar to pull over which he did. Marci cheered as the car rolled to a stop before running her hand over the car door until she found the handle which she then tugged on to open. Then she climbed out, a blur of haphazard limbs until she was on the side of the road.
‘You think she’ll be okay on her own?’ Jerry said looking at Addison with concern.
‘No,’ Addison said honestly, ‘but you’re the one who got her drunk.’
‘But…maybe…I mean you’re,’ Jerry said skating over the specifics though Addison knew what he was implying.
‘Come on Jer. Ain’t nuthin’ you ain’t seen before,’ Elvis chuckled earning a giggle from Addison. Jerry looked between the pair of them and then sighed, ‘fine.’
And then he climbed out, shutting the door behind them though they could hear him call Marci’s name a few times, each with a growing amount of concern as he no doubt tried to stop her doing something stupid. Addison sighed and rested back against her seat closing her eyes.
‘Tired?’ Elvis asked making her hazel eyes open looking at him through the darkness.
‘Yeah a little,’ she said, ‘it’s been a long day.’
‘A good one though?’ he asked hopefully.
‘Yeah,’ she said though there was something in her expression that didn’t lift all the way as she did. Elvis sighed.
‘But?’ he asked. He had been trying to avoid it but he could see the cogs turning and whatever was eating at her he couldn’t just ignore, not if he could fix it.
‘I think somethings up with Mar,’ she said.
‘Yeah?’ he asked.
‘Yeah,’ she admitted shuffling to face him in her seat. A position that he mirrored almost immediately.
‘How come?’ he asked.
‘I don’t know,’ she sighed, ‘it’s just any time I ask about the shop she seems to change the topic.’
‘Maybe she’s changed her mind,’ Elvis said simply.
‘Maybe…but she loved her shop and she was good at it. I just don’t know why she’d not want to start again y’know,’ Addison pondered.
‘Well maybe it isn’t what she’s starting maybe it’s where she’s starting it,’ Elvis said quietly making Addison sigh.
‘I was worried you’d say that,’ she admitted.
‘Why? I mean I thought you’d be happy if she wanted to move back to Vegas. I thought you and Jess didn’t like this...’
‘Tom guy,’ Elvis finished.
‘It’s not that I don’t like him and I want Mar to be happy I do. And I have missed her,’ Addison admitted.
‘But…our lives are different now,’ Addison admitted, ‘back when she left it was just me and Jess and it felt like a huge hole was there y’know? But I guess…with you it doesn’t feel as bad anymore that’s why I’m worried. I mean what if she gives this guy up and moves back to Vegas and finds everything’s different now? I mean what if she comes back to Vegas expecting me and Jess to be there and we’re halfway across the country.’
‘Well that’s her choice don’t you think?’ Elvis said trying to ignore the way his heart was hammering in his chest at her words. He was filling the gap. Not only that but the way she spoke of their situation made it sound as though it was about them. Not just Jess. If it was just about Jess it wouldn’t make much of an impact on Marci, Addison would remain a constant but the way she spoke made it seem as though she wanted to be there. Every step of the way.
‘I know but what if it’s the wrong one?’ Addison asked worriedly.
‘Well maybe you have to let her make it to find out it’s the wrong one,’ Elvis said moving towards her, his arm thrown up on the back of the seat. He was watching her, those cerulean eyes boring into her face as her fingers fiddled with the material of his jacket.
‘What if she gets hurt?’ Addison said.
‘Well she’s always got you,’ Elvis said. Addison seemed to think on it for a second and then nodded. His words about Marci were true but that wasn’t what she was thinking of. What she was thinking about was them. How she had told herself no but couldn’t help but want it. Especially not with how close he was to her right now, how the smell of his cologne engulfed her, comforting her. How his hand clasped over hers, stopping its movement against his jacket as he watched her.
‘Can I tell you something?’ Elvis asked. Addison nodded, ‘you look beautiful tonight.’
‘You don’t look too bad yourself,’ she said. It was meant to be a joke, a way of deflecting the uncomfortable flutter that her heart made at his words but it came out flat, truthful.
‘I enjoyed myself tonight,’ he said.
‘Me too,’ she replied.
‘I’m glad I got to spend your birthday with you…well one of ‘em,’ he smiled.
‘Me too,’ she said.
‘You know I have one more present for you,’ he said.
‘Yeah?’ she asked in little more than a whisper.
‘It can wait,’ he said and then before she could protest he leaned forward and kissed her gently. It was soft and light, somehow a mix of what he’d been longing for and somehow not like anything he’d been thinking about when he had dreamed of kissing her. She leaned into it, allowing him to move her backwards as his hand caressed her cheek gently. Yet before he could do anything more she pulled back, placing a hand firmly on his chest as a stop signal. His heart was hammering in his chest but he could’ve sworn it stopped beating just for a moment when he noticed the look of guilt on her face.
‘Elvis,’ she said quietly.
‘Ads,’ he replied in a tone he couldn’t help but make sound like a plea.
‘We can’t,’ she said quietly.
‘Addie,’ he said that begging in his voice once more.
‘I’m sorry,’ she said feeling tears prick at her eyes, ‘we can’t…I just… I can’t.’
He watched as she pulled back from him, chewing on her lip as guilt coursed through her. She wanted to, God she wanted to. Her whole day had been nothing but pretending they were the family she had dreamed about but she wasn’t stupid enough to think that they could survive this, that one of them wouldn’t get hurt. And she couldn’t do that to him, or more to the point she couldn’t do that to herself. Elvis watched her closely and then nodded.
‘Okay,’ he said leaning back against his seat. Addison looked out of the window, trying to quell the guilt inside her that was threatening to push her tears over the edge. Though neither of them had time to dwell on it too long as the car door opened and Marci flopped onto the opposite bench, Jerry grabbing her legs to move her properly into her seat. It was the distraction Addison needed and so she grabbed onto it with both hands, sitting up in her seat with a force smile as she said, ‘you survived then?’
‘Oh Jerry was very helpful,’ Marci giggled placing her legs up on the man in question who rolled his eyes.
‘Do I want to know?’ Addison asked raising an eyebrow.
‘She pulled me into a bush,’ Jerry said.
‘Oh?’ Addison asked.
‘Actually I asked him to pull me up,’ Marci corrected.
‘Yeah, then went dead weight pulling me into the aforementioned bush,’ Jerry said.
‘You didn’t land in the pee, right?’ Addison giggled making Elvis look at her which made it dim. As he looked back out of the window she kept a smile on her face determined not to let the others realise there was something wrong. Neither of them seemed to notice.
‘Nah I think I swerved it,’ Jerry chuckled.
After that the car fell silent though on one side it seemed to be because exhaustion had taken over. Whilst Marci strew herself across the seat, her legs on Jerry’s lap Addison looked out of the window trying to ignore that gnawing feeling inside her. Elvis however couldn’t stop glancing at her. He couldn’t stop thinking of how she had kissed him back, how her lips had melded to his if only briefly. It had been all he had been thinking about. All he had wanted for months, if not since the day he had left for the army.
It just hurt that it hadn’t lasted. That she had pulled away before he could do anything more, before he could tell her how much he loved her. It was a blow for sure, but he could see in her eyes that it wasn’t over, not yet. There was love there, more than just the old love they had once shared. Something new, something growing. She loved him just as much as he loved her, he was sure of it. She just wasn’t ready, and he didn’t expect her to be. Last time they had tried to ignore it, the pull between them, and it hadn’t worked and pulling away from one another had only made them miserable. So he wasn’t going to pull away but he wasn’t going to push either. He wasn’t going to expect her to want to marry him off the bat but they were changing. Their relationship was growing each and every day and if she needed time before she felt ready to progress he would give to her. Because he couldn’t lose her, not again.
When they reached the house Jerry and Addison took charge of ensuring Marci got to her room and got in bed whilst Elvis headed upstairs. Whilst he was sure they’d end up okay that didn’t mean he wanted an awkward goodnight at the top of the stairs, not when he was still licking his wounds. However before he got to bed he stopped by the girl’s room and pushed the door open gently.
He had intended to get the spare room into shape in the time they’d been back in Vegas but that would’ve meant moving Addison away from them and he hadn’t had the heart to. Not to mention that he was enjoying the girls were getting along. It was idealistic he knew that and once they got a little older he knew he’d have no choice but to give them their own space, he just hoped by then Addison would have no need for the bed across the hall.
As he watched them he smiled. Jess was laying on her back, sleeping soundly though he wasn’t sure how she was comfortable given that Lisa’s legs were draped across her torso as she had contorted herself so she was laying upside down in bed. Still they looked peaceful and though his heart was aching at the disappointment of the night he couldn’t help but feel peace too because he knew it wouldn’t be like this forever. At least he hoped so.
That night Addison didn’t sleep well. She couldn’t, not when her mind was replaying the entire night over and over again. Elvis had kissed her and she hadn’t hated it. In fact she hadn’t wanted to stop him, instead she had wanted to give into every delusion that she had had throughout the day. She had wanted him to kiss her, to hold her as though they were together. She wanted to come down breakfast in the morning after spending the night in his bed cuddled beside him, their night full of loving whispers and kisses.
But she couldn’t do that. She had already done that before and looking back on those memories hurt too much. To do it all again and it to end badly again would undoubtedly hurt worse. Making a poor choice last time had almost ruined her, doing it again she was sure she wouldn’t survive it. Not now she had to be in his life. It had been easier before because there had been a clean break. This time there was no chance at that.
That was why she was standing behind her bedroom door trying to will herself to go downstairs instead of hiding herself away like she wanted to. Seeing him under these circumstances hurt enough never mind anything else. Would he be mad? Would he want to talk about it? Last night he had seemed content to let it be but she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t let it go. She just hoped he’d understand that they couldn’t, that they shouldn’t. She hoped he’d let her go.
When she opened the door the floor was quiet something that made her feel a touch more relaxed. Whilst keeping to herself felt like her best option being immersed in people was a close second as she knew he wouldn’t be able to question her then.
Though as she reached the top of the stairs she heard his voice. He was in his office, on the phone, and though she knew she shouldn’t, she couldn’t help but peep around the door. He looked good – something that didn’t help her troubled heart and was speaking low enough that she couldn’t make out what he was saying. Though as she lingered by the door he seemed to notice someone was there and when he looked up his face seemed to be relieved.
‘Hang on Joe,’ he said, ‘Ads-’
But before he could say anything else she bolted, dashing down the stairs as he called her name from the office though she didn’t slow down. She felt bad about it but after spending the night in emotional turmoil she didn’t have it in her to go over everything just yet.
She only stopped when she got to the den where she found Jess sitting on the floor playing her guitar with Vernon and Lisa offering her encouragement from the loveseat they were squashed on together. Marci was splayed out on the couch, her hand over her face as she tried to block the sunlight out. As she headed towards Marci she found Jerry coming in from the kitchen a bottle of water and two aspirin in his hand.
‘Here,’ he said offering them down to Marci who peeked through her fingers at him before she sat up with a groan.
‘Is she alright?’ Addison asked as Marci took the two pills and then opened her water bottle choking the water down so quickly she had almost drunk the entire bottle in two glugs.
‘She’ll be fine. Actually I thought you two might be feelin’ the same since you hadn’t come down yet,’ Jerry said.
‘I’m good,’ Addison said which she technically was, besides it wasn’t as if her issues would be fixed with some water and rest.
‘How about you EP?’ Jerry said looking past her which made her whip around only to find Elvis appearing into the den watching her with concern.
‘I’m fine,’ Elvis said moving towards her though her attention was pulled as she felt arms wrap around her hips and looked down to find Lisa looking up at her with a smile.
‘Miss Addie guess what?’ she beamed.
‘What sweetie?’ Addison said, stroking her hair, happy for the distraction.
‘We’re going to Hawaii,’ Lisa beamed which widened as Addison’s face fell into shock, the novelty of being the first one to give her the news evidently being huge for the little girl. Addison managed to recover quickly, keeping her voice light as she said, ‘we are?’
‘That’s what I needed to speak to you about,’ Elvis said coming towards them. Lisa let Addison go moving to her dad who picked her up and placed her on his hip as he watched Addison awaiting her reaction.
‘Hawaii?’ was all she could say.
‘I was going to tell you last night,’ he said making a vague memory of him mentioning another birthday present flash through her mind. It had been immediately pushed out when he had kissed her, ‘turns out daddy told the girls by accident.’
‘Oh it was no accident,’ Vernon said making Addison look at him, ‘they’re witches both of ‘em. Heard me talking about a trip and badgered me until I broke.’
‘You didn’t have to tell us,’ Jess shrugged feigning innocence.
‘Yeah all we did was ask,’ Lisa agreed.
As the news settled in Addison felt her stomach churn. Being at Graceland after last night was going to be awkward enough never mind cooped up together on one of the most romantic islands in the world. But she could feel everyone watching her. She could see how excited the girls were about a vacation with their dad. And given that she was kind of the reason for the entire trip she couldn’t say no right? Looking at Elvis she couldn’t bring herself to. He was watching her as if bracing himself for her to decline especially when he asked in a manner unlike himself, ‘so what do you say?’
‘Who can so no to Hawaii?’
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley   @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters​ @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
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rayadraws · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me cuz obvs I have already done it). spread the self-love ❤
Oh, thank you for tagging me!
Let's see...
Maybe it's just because I just finished it and it's my current obsession, but I AM very pleased with To Capture A Dragon (DND/OC fic). It's about Sorrel, a young gold dragon (in his human form) who is captured by dragon hunters and his attempts as freeing himself again.
Short excerpt:
“Everyone knows dragons hoard treasure. He’ll bring anything of value back and we’ll split it between us.”
“Do they?” Sorrel feigned ignorance. “But surely they don’t carry it with them? That seems awfully inconvenient to me.”
“She’ll make you talk. You’ll tell her where it is. She has all sorts of magical things with her. Tried and tested on other dragons.”
“I’m talking right now, you don’t need magic for that.”
“You shouldn’t be,” Robin reminded him.
“Sounds to me like you need to make up your mind on whether you want me to talk or not.”
Full work
Next one is BG3 FicFeb Challenge, which is BG3 fanfic featuring my Tav, Cirrus the tiefling sorcerer. It's 29 oneshots based on prompts and I have never written so much in such a short period, I had a lot of fun with it.
Short excerpt:
“Darling, I usually have slightly higher requirements than this for my beverages,” Astarion retorted, watching Cirrus lift the bottle to his mouth with raised eyebrows, clearly judging his preferences. Cirrus shrugged, taking another swig of the cheap wine, managing to mostly hide his grimace at its sour taste.
“And you do not, I see. Low standards, I take it?” Astarion continued. Cirrus felt small under that intense red gaze, though the alcohol was helping with that. He’d always felt more confident after a couple of drinks. 
“Let the tiefling drink,” Shadowheart butted in, though she grabbed the bottle from Cirrus to try it for herself. “Oh, that is foul!” she exclaimed, wrinkling her nose at the taste hitting her tongue and near shoving the bottle back into his hand.
Full work (NSFW) (Bonus! Chapter 1 is actually Sorrel's first ever appearance. I developed him as a character after writing this lol)
Demon Cyborg's Livestream
This is my most popular OPM/SG fanfic I think, I had a lot of fun writing it too.
Short excerpt:
> iLOVEdc: are u goin to confess
”Confess what?” At that comment he looks up, appearing confused. Or perhaps in denial.
> iLOVEdc: that u
> iLOVEdc: that hr means so much to u
”That’s none of your business.” Genos’ tone is sharp now, and loud. He catches himself, peeking over his shoulder, assuring himself that the lump on the floor remains still. Once confident that he didn’t wake his room mate up, he turns back to the screen, voice softer again.
”That’s between him and me.”
Full work
Old Boys
A few oneshot featuring Saitama and Genos as an old married couple. I had a lot of fun writing these too.
Saitama gave him a curious look. He turned to look out the window.
“What is he doing anyway?” Pow asked.
“Stumbling around and looking angry.”
“He’s looking for caterpillars.”
“Come again?”
Pow spoke even louder. “Caterpillars! ”
Saitama snorted, gaze still on his husband outside. 
“You told him there’s caterpillars? This time of year?”
Full work
For 5th and final one I'll pick Rewind, which is another SG fanfic. Genos gets amnesia and Saitama has to come to terms with him possibly never getting his memories back - and maybe that's for the best? It'll certainly be safer for Genos, anyway.
”Why am I a cyborg?” Genos asked one day, and Kuseno paused what he was doing, putting his tools down to give him a long, contemplating look.
This was something he’d debated long with himself since Genos woke up that awful day, many nights while Genos slept deeply in the next room. How much would be fair to say to the boy about his old life? His grief and rage had been large parts of his identity for as long as he’d known him. How many times had he seen his boy furious, heartbroken, devastated at the cruel fate he’d been handed? How many times had he woken up from nightmares, screaming, crying, sometimes setting off the fire alarm after attacking the ghosts of his past in his sleep? How many times had Genos told him as the oil streamed down his face that he wished he could forget his past once and for all?
Full work
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
To the end and back [daryl Dixon x reader]
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Chapter six - I’ve still got love for you
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Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
Season two!!
Warnings - mentions of rape and sa, mentions of religion and religious trauma.
'What lies ahead'
Season 2 ep 1
Day 65
We're going to fort benning. Atlanta is done for, it's lost to the walkers. We're hoping it'll be better there. We've decided to reduce the amount of cars we're talking something about saving gas. So we're leaving Daryl's truck, and Shane’s car. Daryl is taking his motorbike (well actually it’s Merle’s), so that means I'm back in the car with Rick, Lori, Carl, Sophia, and Carol.
I pull Daryl aside before we leave for fort benning. I make sure we're out of sight before I begin to talk. "Be careful" I whisper as I grab his hand. "I will" he replies. He knew the risks of driving the motorcycle, no walls, if we come across a horde of walkers he could easily get bitten, and then there's the regular risks of riding a motorcycle. I caress the top of his hand as I stare up at him. "Be careful" I repeat a bit more sternly. He nods "I will sunshine" he says which makes me smile. He presses his lips to mine swiftly before running off.
We're on the road now. The car is mostly quiet, except for Sophia, carls quiet whispers at times. "Just thinking about our trip to the Grand Canyon with Carl." Lori says turning her head towards Rick. Rick let's out a laugh as he remembers fond memories of the trip. "I don't remember that." Carl says with furrowed brows.
"No, you wouldn't. You were just a baby. Besides, we never made it past Fort Worth" Lori explains to her son. "No, you got sick. I never knew a baby could throw up so much" rick laughs. I can imagine a baby Carl, and a younger lori, and Rick. Sometimes I wonder about the others lives before this. I knew a bunch about Glenn's, but I never really asked about the others. I assumed it might be a sore subject.
"Ick" Carl mutters which makes both his parents laugh. "Yeah, ick" Lori agrees. "But the doctors in Texas said you'd live. Then we turned around, and drove home." Lori explains. Carls face scrunches up as he says "well that sucks." Lori shakes her head a bit "no, it was a good trip."
"The best" Rick agrees. "Can we go see it? The grand canyon? I'd like too" Carl asks. "I would too" Sophia says. "Can we go?" Sophia asks. Lori turns her head so she could see into the back. "We'd never go without you and your mom. That's a promise." Lori reaches her hand back and grabs carols hand as Sophia leans her head on her mom's shoulder. "Would you go with us?" Carl asks as he turns to me. I smile "we'd never go without y/n either" Lori says. I'd grow close with Lori, and her son over the months following the outbreak. I liked having an almost little brother well that's what I consider Carl. I'd watch him a lot while his mom, and Shane would go out, I played games with him and the other kids too. I liked being close to people, being able to build a bond, a relationship with new people was always something I cared about. I didn't want to have no one if I was ever in trouble, I always wanted someone to lean on in times of need.
The rv comes to a stop which in turn makes all of us stop. What we can see is there's a bunch of cars in the way. It's good and bad news. The good is we can scavenge the cars for cool things, and theres a lot of gas too. The bad thing is there could be walkers hiding in any one of them. We follow the rv, as Dale tries to find a way through the large 16 wheeler, that was laid out on its side in the middle of the street.
We find our way around it, but just end up even more stuck. There are so many cars. Then the rv comes to an abrupt stop the engine sputtering.
We all get out of the cars, and gather around the rv. "I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water" Dale says as he, Shane, Andrea, and Glenn hop out of the rv. "Problem, Dale?" Shane asks as he walks around Dale. "Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of—" Dale trails off as daryl walks up to the back of an suv, and starts riffling through the contents. "Okay, that was dumb."
"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane says. Daryl's still looking through the stuff in the back of this abandoned car. "There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." Daryl mutters. "I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." T-dog suggests as he walks over to Daryl. "Maybe some water." Carol adds.
"This is a graveyard." Lori says which makes almost everyone turn towards her. "I don't know how I feel about this." Lori says quietly. "Alright, alright, here we go."
"Come on y'all. Just look around, gather what you can." Says Shane. We all spilt in our own directions.
I'm looking through the back on an old suv. It was definitely a moms seeing there is a baby and toddlers car seats sitting in the back seat. I wonder if their still alive, and if they are where are they. There's some spare diapers, formula, and wipes things I hope we will never have scavange around for. This world isn't a place for a baby. There's some old children's books definitely too easy for Carl or  Sophia. I look for maybe some older children's books chapter books or something, maybe something I can give to Lori, and Carol since both moms still try to teach their children standards 6th grade curriculum. I sigh as there's nothing but baby essentials. I go onto the next car it's a black Toyota corrolla. It's trunk is open as if the owner quickly grabbed a few things before fleeing. There's an empty backpack laying there. That's all just the backpack. It's nice enough so I take it. No holes, or stains, it looks brand new. I grab it before going onto the next car.
I'm already starting to sweat it's so hot. I wipe my forehead as I push myself through a broken open window to grab a baby pink sweater out of the back seat. I hold it up to my body. it looks like it'll fit so I stuff in into the bag. Then I go onto the trunk. It's also open. Inside is a loaf of molded bread, rotten milk, and some canned corn, and fruits. The person who owned this car must've died before they were able to grab this stuff because I don't think anyone would leave the canned goods. I stuff the canned goods into the bag, and move on. In the next car there is a trash bag full of cleaned clothes. There's pants, jackets, underwear, and shirts. I grab the entire bag and begin to drag it back to the cars. I pass by both Sophia, and Carl. Their mothers are just a few feet away looking through boxes. "What'd ya find?" Sophia asks, "bunch of clothes" I reply. Her eye light up "kids clothes?" She asks. I nod "some." For the last few months we've really only been rotating between two outfits one to wear when we're getting our clothes cleaned, and the ones we normally wear. So new clothes is exciting. I drag it all the way to the cars and load it into the van.
Dales on top of the rv keeping a look out, while Glenn is working on the rv. I don't want to mess with either of them so I go on continuing to go through trunks. I try to stay near the others, just in case I come across a Walker I won't be totally alone. I stay near Lori as she looks through the back of a black van. "What'd you find?" I ask "just some old cds" she replies.
"Lori, under the cars now." Rick whispers as he runs up. "Carl, Sophia, get down now." He hisses. I roll myself under a red suv as Lori runs to get carol. A herd of walkers come through. My hearts beating a mile a minute. I'm pretty sure all four of us adults are staring at the kids trying to tell them through mental telepathy to stay under the fucking cars.
I hope I'm not breathing too loud, it always seems that when you're trying not to be found you're breathing too loud. I cover my mouth trying to muffle my breathing. Right when we think it is over Sophia begins to scoot herself out from under the car. But with our luck there's somehow another Walker. It's growling at her as it gets down on the ground looking under the car. She lets out a blood curdling scream as she tries to scoot herself out the opposite direction. It's also scooting in towards her growling as it tries grabbing at her. Her screaming and sobbing probably drawing more near. She manages to scoot out from under the truck she's under and out into the grass clearing next to the highway. Two walkers follow after her as she runs down and into the woods. Rick follows suit running after Sophia and the two walkers with a rifle in hand. We all scoot out from under the cars following after. "Lori there's too walkers after my baby" Carol cries as she runs to the end he of the freeway. Lori wraps her arms around Carol hugging her, "shh, shh" Lori whispers as she tries comforting Carol.
When Rick comes back he has no Sophia. He said that he left her somewhere to hide while he went to draw away the walkers, and when he came back she wasn't there. He takes Daryl, Shane, Glenn, and t-dog out to look for her while leaving us at the free way.
Shane, t-dog, and Glenn end up coming back. Shane gives us some random chores like scavenging or moving cars. Carols a mess. She's standing at the side of the highway watching out into the forest. I walk over and place a hand on her shoulder. "They'll find her, she's a smart girl" I whisper. She nods with tears in her eyes. I give her a hug before walking off to go help out. I watch as she walks over to Dale "why aren't we all out there looking? Why are we moving cars?" She asks.
I wanted to help find Sophia too. They wouldn't let me. I've already got plans to go out looking by myself though. It wasn't safe, but I wanted to look for her too. She was like my little sister why wouldn't I want to go out looking for her.
"We have to uh clear enough room so I can get the rv turned around as soon as it's running. Now that we have fuel we can double back to a bypass that Glenn flagged on the map." Dale explains. Shane walks up and says "going backs going to be easier than trying to get through this mess."
"We're not going anywhere till my daughter gets back." Carol says with her arms crossed over her chest. Lori walks over and places a hand on carols back. "Hey, that goes without saying."
"Rick, and Daryl, they're on it, okay? Just a matter of time." Shane says. "Can't be soon enough for me." Andrea says tossing a bottle of water to Glenn, who stood next to me. "I'm still freaked out by that herd that passed us by, or whatever you'd call it." Andrea says. Carol walks away, her arms still crossed over her chest. "Yeah, what was that? All of them just marching along like that." Glenn asks. "A herd." I reply "that sounds about right." Shane says nodding "now we've seen it. It's like the night camp got attacked. Some wandering pack, only fewer." Shane sighs, and clears his throat "okay. Come on, people. We still got a lot to do. Let's stay on it. Let's go, come on." Shane says as he walks away. We all go back to work, while Carol stays standing next to the edge of the highway. Poor thing was just a ball of stress.
We wander around the freeway, collecting things we need from cars or moving them. Most of the cars are filled with rotten corpses, rotten food, or luggage. A lot of people were leaving, as fast as they could. But I guess something stopped them up around here. Probably the 16 wheeler, maybe a bunch of newly infected walkers. I guess we'll never know.
I watch from a far as Carl comes running up to Shane, and Lori with a big black thing. “Shane!" He shouts "Carl, what happened?" Lori says worriedly. "mom I found something cool." Carl says placing the thing onto the ground, and unrolling it. "Shane, check it out." Carl says with grunt. The thing must've been heavy. "It's an arsenal." Carl exclaims. Shane doesn't really give Carl the time of day. Shane stays bent over the car he's working on "that's cool, bud. Go give'em to Dale."
Carl bends over grabbing a hatchet. "Check this one out, Whoa it's a hatchet." Carl says as he examines the weapon in his hands. "Be careful. Don't play with those." Lori warns, Carl continues to play with the hatchet "they're really sharp-"
"What did I just say?" Lori scolds her son "can I keep one?" Carl asks looking up at his mom. "Are you crazy?" Lori says taking the hatchet from Carl. "No way." He then turns his head to Shane. Shane was always more lenient with Carl than Lori, So was Rick, they were way more fun in carls eyes. "Shane. Shane, tell her to let me keep one."
I continue to look through the trunk of a car. It mostly contained old cds in a large box though. "Hey, man, go give them all to Dale now. Go." Shane says scolding Carl which isn't normal for Shane. I can just sense the 'fuck you' facial expression that Carl is probably giving Shane. I was a kid once too, I remember when someone you thought was fun scolded you, the feeling of your heart falling into your stomach, the grudge that was forming.
"What was that?" Lori asks. I don't look up I continue looking through the trunk. trying not to make any noise that would alert the two that I was here. "What was what?" I hear Shane shut the hood of the car he was working on. "The way you blew him off just now. You crushed him." Lori whispers. Shane doesn't answer he continues to keep himself occupied. "I don't believe you. You're giving me the cold shoulder?"
"Isn't that what you want?" My brows furrow. "Aren't you the one who said stay the hell away, him and you?" Shane, Lori, and Carl were like a family. Everyone thought they were a family. A husband, wife, and their boy. But they weren't obviously after talking to Lori, and carl I found out about their supposedly dead husband, and dad. But he wasn't dead now, and I guess Lori was pushing Shane away. I was sure lori and Shane were fucking before Rick came back. Actually no I knew they were fucking, Glenn came across them in the woods one day, and told me about it.
"You forget what happened at the cdc? Your little meltdown in the rec room slip your mind?" Lori asks Shane angrily. "When you trie-" shane cuts her off "when I tried to what? What do you think that was?" My eyes are widened as I bend down staying out of sight. I definitely know too much, but it's hard to stop listening. "I think it is pretty plain what that was." As a women I know what she's alluding to, it's pretty simple. Sexual assault. They way Shane's trying to gaslight her, the way he's trying ot stay hush hush about it. He tried to rape her in the Rec room. That's why he had scratches on his neck that morning.
"A mistake. One that I admit to. I..I have a few mistakes under my belt, Lori. So do you."
"No debate there. But Shane, we need to stop this." I try to continue going through the boxes as quietly as I can but I keep getting distracted. Trying not to stare, but also trying to look through boxes quietly. "Why do you think I'm preppin' my new ride?....I'm leavin'" Shane reveals. "Leavin'?" I can hear the confusion in Lori's voice "as in I'm gone for good. Gonna quietly slip away first chance I get." Shane starts up the car. It works. I can hear the radio "the emergency alert system has been activated. The office of civil defense had issued the following message: normal broadcasting will cease immediately. This is a civil emergency."
The others begin to walk up "is that a local signal?" Glenn asks. "It's got to be within 50 miles of here" I stand up, and walk over. I can feel Shane staring at me.
"Avoid anyone infected at all costs. Remain calm. Help is on the way. The emergency alert system has been activated."
Shane bends over into the car and turns off the radio. "Asshole. Okay let's get back to work." Everyone begins to walk off.
I begin to walk over to the car I was looking through when I feel a hand on my wrist. I turn around quickly. It's Shane. His brows furrowed "how much did you hear?" He whispers. I shake my head quickly "I..I didn't hear anything. What'd you mean?" I lie. Anger fills his face. I'm lying to him and he knows it. "Don't tell Rick, I swear if you tel-" I cut him off trying to get him to let go of my wrist. "Let go, leave me alone please. I'll tell Daryl if you don't leave me alone" I cry. He tighten his grip around my wrist. I cry out in pain "what's Daryl goin' to do? If he even tries to touch me I'll kill him" he growls. I don't know what snaps inside of him but he begins to try, and kiss me. He presses kisses to my neck as he whispers "you like me baby just admit it."
"Get off!" I cry as I try pushing him away. "Get off! Get off!" I scream as I push him hard enough for him to fall back on his butt. I've gotten everyone's attention now. Everyone's turned their heads to me confused. Glenn's running towards us. "Hey man leave her alone!" Shouts Glenn. "C'mere" Glenn says as he walks up. I hug him immediately. Shane's still sat on the ground eyes widened looking up at me. He's been caught, "I-I wasn' trying to do anything" he stutters out.
"Come on you can come stay up there with me" Glenn whispers as he walks me over to where the others were.
"What was he trying to do?" Dale asks. Glenn shrugs.
I stay by Glenn for most part. I help him with the little jobs he's doing, sometimes I go up, and sit in the rv when Shane decides to show his face around us.
I don't know why he was trying to touch me. I guess even during these times men still think they can take advantage of women. No matter what I'd still be a weak little girl to men. Someone they can take advantage of for their own selfish needs.
Rick and Daryl come back when the sun starts to set. They come back with no Sophia though, which definitely upsets Carol even more. I'm sat in the rv, because Shane had decided to come back up towards the rv again. I don't want to see his face ever again.
I can see Rick, and Daryl talking to Carol from the window. Carols hyperventilating, she's worried about Sophia being out there alone. So am I. She's only 12. Letting her be out there all night couldn't be safe. She could get bitten, or get even more lost.
Rick walks off. Lori stays with Carol consoling her while everyone else goes back to their business. I can hear Glenn, and Daryl talking just outside the rv. "Where's y/n?" Daryl asks "in the rv. Um but I've gotta tell you, Shane tried to I don't know touch her earlier.." god he's telling Daryl. Daryl's going to confront Shane, and Shane's going to kill him. I bury my face in my hands.
I hear the sound of loud footsteps walking up into the rv. I look up, it's Daryl. "You alrigh'?" He asks as he sits across from me. "Mhm" I hum with a nod. "Don't..don't say anything please" I whisper. His brows furrow "why not? He tried touching you didn't he?" I nod "he..he said if you tried to do anything he'd kill you" i mutter. He lets out an angry sigh. "Please, don't do anything" I whisper. He lets out a grunt before hesitantly nodding "..fine" he whispers. "But if he does it again I'll kill him."
We slept in the cars, it wasn't a very good nights sleep but it was sleep so I can't complain. We were all going out to look for Sophia which made me happy. I hated being useless in the search for Sophia. Rick places the weapon that Carl found the day before on the hood of a car. "Everybody takes a weapon." Rick instructs "these aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" Andrea says with a hand on her hip. "We've been over that. Daryl, Rick, and I are carrying. We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." Shane says as he presses himself up against the rv. "It's not the trees I'm worried about." Andrea argues. "Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happens to be passing by. See, then it's game over for all of us. So you need to get over it." Shane explains. "The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark." Daryl says. Glenn is admiring a weapon that I don't even know the name of. "Stay quiet and stay sharp. Keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other." Rick advises.
"Everybody assemble your packs."
I've got my messager bag already packed up with the essentials. Medkit, food, water, gun (even though I'm not supposed to carry it. I'm not getting my gun tooken away because Shane thinks I don't need it.), knife, flashlight, and compass.
Rick walks up to Dale who's sitting on the steps of his rv. "Dale keep on those repairs. We got to get this rv ready to move." Dale stands up "we won't stay here a minute longer than we have to. Good luck out there...bring Sophia back." Carls staying back with Dale. Carl is not happy about that. He wants to help find his friend. "Keep an eye on Carl while we're gone." Rick says as he pats at his sons shoulder. Carl looks up at his father brows furrowed before saying "I'm going with you. You need people, right? To cover as much ground as possible." Rick groans at the stubbornness of his son before looking over at Lori. Desperately looking at her, trying to make her make the decision. He doesn't want to be the bad guy in his sons eyes. "Your call. I can't always be the bad guy" Lori says. "Well he has all of you to look after him, I'd say he's in good hands" Dale says as he leans against the door of his rv. Rick let's out a sigh "okay. Okay. But always within our sight, no exceptions" Rick says before walking off.
I stand by a car looking through my bag, making sure I've got everything I need. I can't leave anything behind.
"Hey" I look up, it's Shane. I take a step back. "Go away" I whisper. Shane let's out a sigh "I'm sorry okay…about yesterday" I shake my head. "Well I don't accept your apology." I say before walking off towards Glenn. "What'd he want?" Glenn asks looking up at me "to apologize" I reply with an eyeroll. "You accept it?" I let out a chuckle "no."
We begin our way out into the forests, we stay together walking in a single filed line through the forest. I keep my hands pushed deep into my pockets, as i clutched my knife in my left hand tightly. I wasn't going to let go of it for a second, just in case.
We turn a corner, and Daryl and Rick both are kneel down. Daryl pointing at a tent set up just a few feet away. "She could be in there." Shane says. "Could be a whole bunch of things in there" Daryl replies as he stands up. At first we try to follow but Rick turns around telling us to stop and wait. Rick, Daryl, and Shane all make their way over to the tent. Daryl aiming his crossbow in front of him ready to shoot. Rick, and Shane stop while Daryl continues towards the tent. After a few seconds of Daryl searching around the tent Rick turns around and whispers "Carol." Carol sprints over towards them following rick towards the tent. We follow after keeping our distance with the tent. "Call out softly. If she's in there, yours is the first voice she should hear." Rick says.
"Sophia, sweetie, are you in there? Sophia, it's mommy. Sophia. We're all here, baby. It's mommy" Carol calls out, desperately wanting her child to crawl out of that tent. Alive, and safe. Rick gestures for Carol to wait while he walks closer towards Daryl, and the tent. Daryl slowly unzips the tent, opens it just a little before covering his nose, and mouth as he coughs. Daryl slowly walks into the tent. Rick was about to follow but has to close it as he coughs and gags. Lori walks up behind Carol wrapping an arm around her. "Daryl?" Carol calls out. No answer "Daryl?" No answer again. A couple seconds later Daryl comes out of the tent. No Sophia. "It ain't her." He says "what's in there?" Andrea asks. "Some guy. Did want Jenner said. Opted out. Ain't that what he called it?" Daryl says as he puts his crossbow over his shoulder.
Bringgg, bringgg, bringggg.
Church bells. We all look around confused on where those church bells are coming from. Rick points towards where the noise sounds the loudest, and we all start running towards it. "What direction?" Shane asks as we slow down. The bells are definitely way louder now. " I think that way. I'm pretty sure." Rick says pointing ahead of himself. "Damn it's hard to tell out here." Shane says as he hops up onto a log. "If we heard them, then maybe Sophia did too." Carol suggests as we continue walking. "Someone's ringing, those bells, maybe calling others." Glenn says.
"Or signaling they found her."
"She could be ringing them herself. Come on." Rick says before just booking it towards the bells.
After Miles of running we come across a small white church house, and a cemetery. But there's no bells at all.
"That can't be it. Got no steeples, no bells" Shane says. Rick ignores Shane, and continues on. "Rick." Shane calls out before letting out a sigh and following after Rick. Rick starts running, then we all start running towards the church. There's no need to run, the church isn't going anywhere, but what Rick does we do. He's definitely took over Shane's role as leader quite quickly (and better than Shane ever thought he was) we run up the to front steps of the church. Rick, Daryl, and Shane go up the steps first. Guns, and crossbow ready to shoot. Rick gestures to Daryl to be quiet before pushing the front doors open.
It's a small church, red carpeting, about 6 pews on each side, a crucifix at the front. There's people? Maybe walkers sitting. The turn around snarling, and growling. Definitely walkers. They stand up, Lori hands Rick a weapon, and Rick begins to walk towards them. Daryl trades out his crossbow for the machete thing Glenn was eying earlier. Rick attacks one walker dressed in farmer like attire. He stabs it straight through the head, not even giving it time to attack back. Once the thing falls to the ground Rick begins to stab it over and over again Daryl and Shane take out the other two. Sophia's not in here either.
Daryl approaches the crucifix. "Yo, j.c., you taking requests?" He says before turning back around. "I'm tellin' you, it's the wrong church. It's got no steeples, Rick. There's no steeple." Shane says as he walks over to Rick. Then the bells go off again.
Bringggg, bringgg, bringg.
Shane and Daryl push past us running outside. Once we're out there though we notice the ringing isn't coming from a bell but a speaker on the side of th church. Glenn walks over to it. There's a power box at the bottom. He shuts it off. The ringing stops. We wasted our time. "A timer. It's on a timer." Daryl says through pants.
Carol let's out a shaky sigh "I'm..im gonna go back in for a bit" before she begins to walk back towards the church. A lot of us go back in too. To take a breather, maybe pray. Pray for forgiveness, for whatever we did to deserve this shit. Maybe I wasn't religious enough after leaving my grandparents. I grew up religious but let it go soon after moving for college. I grew tired of the abuse, and the limits of religion. Maybe this is my punishment. Granddad did say people who left were given the worst punishments. People who left were saved the worst places in hell.
I sit in the back of the church, Carol kneels in the front. Lori walks in and sits just a bit behind Carol. "Father, forgive me, I don't deserve your mercy. I prayed for safe passage from Atlanta and you provided." I stay looking down at my feet. Memories of the memorized worships and prayers, the promises of purity, to live my life free of sin flow back. "I prayed for Ed to be punished for layin' his hands on me, and for lookin' at his own daughter with whatever sickness was growing in his soul. I prayed you put a stop to it, give me a chance to raise her right, help her not make my mistakes. She's so fearful." My granddad would be disappointed, disgusted of what I became. But who the hell cares of he thinks, what he thought. "She's so young in her way. She hasn't had a chance. Praying for Ed's death was a sin. Please, don't let this be my punishment. Let her be safe, alive and safe. Please, lord. Punish me however you want, but show mercy on her."
I stand up and leave. I can't stand to be in a church for two more seconds. I spent enough time in them as a child. I walk over or Glenn, and Daryl who are standing near a tree. "You alright?" Glenn asks "yeah" I whisper "yeah, I'm fine. Just don't know why I even decided to go in there" I chuckle as I rub at my forehead with my left hand. "You religious?" Daryl asks as I lean myself against the tree. "Nah, not anymore at least. Grew up very religious though" I sighed "it's traumatizing y'know" I laugh. Daryl nods. The rest of the group leaves the church too soon. We stand chit chatting about plans, Sophia, shit like that.
Shane and Rick walk up to us. "Y'all gonna follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl, you're in charge. Me and Rick we're just gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough." Shane says as Lori stands up from where she was squatted down on the ground. "You splitting' us up. Ya sure?" Daryl asks. "Yeah, we'll catch up to ya" Shane says. "I want to stay too" Carl speaks up. Shane raises his head quickly "I'm her friend." Carl says as he walks forward toward his father and Shane. Both look up at Lori for permission. "Just be careful, okay?" She says walking towards her son. Carl turns towards her "I will." Lori cradles his face in her hands "when did you start growing up?" She says as she brings him into an embrace. Rick walks towards the two and presses a kiss to his wife's lips before hugging her. "I'll be along soon enough." Rick whispers. Shane stares at the happy couple, envy in his eyes. "Here take this. Remember how to use it?" Rick asks as he tries to hand his gun to Lori. "I'm not takin' your gun, and leaving you unarmed" she says. Daryl walks over "here, got a spare. Take it." He says handing the gun to Lori. Andrea scoffs before she begins to walk with the rest of us. She's still pissed about not being about to carry hers. I stay near Glenn most of the walk back to the freeway. We quietly talk as we walk through the very confusing forest. Sometimes I think we’re going to get lost, but Daryl’s got it under control. He wouldn’t get us lost.
“So this is it? This is the whole plan?” Carol says as she takes a seat on a log. We all stop in an circle around her. “I guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller, and smaller groups” Daryl says leaned against a tree. “Carrying knives and pointy sticks. I see you have a gun” Andrea says turning towards Lori. “Why, you want it?” Lori says looking up at Andrea. Lori walks towards her “here, take it.” Lori holds the gun out in front of her “I’m sick of the looks you’re givin’ me.” Andrea let’s out a scoff but takes the gun. “All of you.” Lori says as she sits down staring down at the ground. At first I’m very confused because i hadn’t noticed nobody giving Lori any dirty looks except for Andrea.
“Honey, I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” Carol looks up at Lori “ and I would do anything to stop it. But you’re got to stop blaming Rick. It is on your face everytime you look at him.” Lori whispers. Carol looks back down at the ground. “When Sophia ran he didn’t hesitate, did he? Not for a second. I don’t know that any of us would have gone after her the way he did or made the hard decisions that he had to make, or that anybody could done it any different. Anybody?” Lori looks up at all of us. Her eyes going from Daryl, to Andrea, to Glenn, and then to me. She shakes her head as she lowers it “y’all look to him and then you blame him when he’s not perfect. If you think you can do this without him, go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you.” She says before taking a sip out of the plastic water bottle she had grabbed from her bag.
We all look at her with, guilt and pity. Lori slips the water bottle into her bag as Andrea comes up with the gun in her hand, holding it out for Lori.
Lori takes the gun and looks up at Andrea. “We should keep moving.” Andrea says. Lori pushes herself up off of the log she’s sat on, grabbing her bag and slinging it back over her shoulder. We start walking again, this time not uttering a word. The walk is quiet, an akward type of quiet. Out minds are all racked up thinking about what Lori had said. I barely even noticed the little resentment I had for Rick after he came back with no Sophia. I didn’t even notice I may have blamed him. I didn’t ev-
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@e1d0lonk3k @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @your-shifting-gurl
83 notes · View notes
up-in-space-reading · 1 month
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 6: Vodka Cran and a Countdown
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 4002
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: here we are with the NYE chapter finally! its a huge 4000 words so I hope you appreciate it and i'm getting started on the next chap as we speak.
hope you enjoy!! <3
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Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:26am, Sunday]
Cameron: Feeling like a real life barbie doll right now
Ferris: explain???
Cameron: Gina took pity on me and has come over to help me find an outfit for tonight
Ferris: ah yep Ferris: thatll do it
Cameron: I have tried on at least 13 different tops Cameron: Gina said she’s determined to have me looking 10 times better than I usually do apparently
Ferris: i think u look great as u are Ferris: dont need to change a thing Ferris: dont let gina push u around too much
Cameron: Thanks Jake. I won’t :)
[2:36pm, Sunday]
Ferris: havent heard from u in a while and thought id make sure gina didnt destroy your will to live
Cameron: I am being attacked with curlers
Ferris: uh oh
Cameron: Rosa is here too now, the party playlist has been put on and Gina is about to start her makeup
Ferris: didnt you say she was over at yours tho???
Cameron: She showed up with a duffel bag
Ferris: haha of course
Cameron: It’s nice though, I won’t complain about getting to spend time with them, it might even be a little bit fun Cameron: I’m actually excited to see how my hair will turn out
Ferris: draft message: im excited to see you Ferris: if gina has done it then youll look great!
Cameron: Gotta go, Gina is wondering who I’m messaging
Ferris: byeee ames
Jimmy Jabbers
[09:32pm, Sunday]
Four Eyes: Me, Rosa, and Gina leaving my dorm in about 10 minutes. Will we be meeting you guys there or will we go together?
Pineapples: charles and i on the way Pineapples: will see u there!!
Four Eyes: See you there!!
Dance Squad
[09:33pm, Sunday]
G-Hive: amy looks fantastic G-Hive: too covered up but compromises were made
Charlese: Gina you’re not allowed to meddle!
G-Hive: i didnt meddle!!
Scary: technically it wasn’t meddling, she was ‘helping a friend’
Charlese: ugh FINE
G-Hive: youll change your attitude when they kiss at midnight
Charlese: you can’t guarantee that
G-Hive: i cant G-Hive: but i will anyway
Scary: I don’t think one ‘makeover’ is gonna make them wanna kiss each other
G-Hive: you have no sense of romance
Scary: something I pride myself on
Charlese: gtg Jake is giving me weird looks
Amy could tell Gina was up to something when she kept trying to give Amy a specific amount of drinks before they left and on uber ride to the party. She just kept refusing and was grateful when Rosa eventually intervened and got Gina to stop, joining in the pre-drinks with Gina. Amy wasn’t embarrassed to tell them her and Jake had made a bet but he hadn’t mentioned it so she didn’t want to either, it was their secret. She just hoped Jake hadn’t gotten started before the party otherwise the catch up was going to be rough.
For this year Terry and his friends had hired out an entire bar, apparently having thought of the idea after they spent three whole days cleaning the house after last year’s party. Amy could hear the music pumping from the venue before she could even see it, seeing a few girls walking towards the bar in short dresses and suddenly feeling underdressed.
Although, she took small comfort in the fact that Rosa had gone for a similar outfit template to her – dark jeans and a nice top. Gina had done her makeup which didn’t look much different to how Amy usually does it except a little darker around her eyes and a bolder lip colour, explaining that it was a special occasion and special occasions called for something extra. Amy’s hair had been styled in loose, voluminous curls, they bounced around when she moved her head and it made Amy feel glamorous.
Jimmy Jabbers
[09:58pm, Sunday]
Four Eyes: @Pineapples Where are you guys? We’re almost there
Pineapples: we’ve secured a table in the back corner Pineapples: get here quick tho these people are vultures
Four Eyes: Be there ASAP!
Jake spotted Amy immediately from across the bar, even through all the people moving around he saw her. She looked as beautiful as ever and he hoped Charles didn’t hear the little sigh he let slip upon seeing her. He then quickly looked at Charles’ drink on the table before Amy noticed him staring at her.
The three girls arrived at the table looking put out at the journey from the door to the table through the sea of people but seemed pleased to finally be there nonetheless. Amy gave Jake a wide smile and it made him feel all warm inside despite the cool temperature outside.
“What’s the poison tonight?” Amy joked to Jake as slid into the circular booth next to him.
“Nothing yet, what do you want?” He asked back.
Amy’s eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at the question before she collected herself and answered him with a simple ‘surprise me’.
Jake nudged to Charles to get up and the two of them went up to the bar to get drinks for everyone. They came back with their hands full of drinks, Jake had settled on getting him and Amy a vodka-cranberry each. He hadn’t wanted to get a drink she wouldn’t like and it was way too early in the night yet for shots.
Thank you’s and your welcome’s were exchanged as Jake and Charles sat back down, once they were seated Gina then raised her glass in the air.
“Happy new year losers!”
A chorus of ‘happy new year’ responded while they all clinked their glasses together in celebration. They spent a while sitting down and chatting over the loud music, laughing at dumb jokes and taking the chance to fully relax. Every so often someone would go up to get a new drink and make the offer to the table, by the time 11:00pm rolled around Jake and Amy were three drinks in.
Amy felt like going up and dancing, any other situation and she probably would already be on the dance floor but she was sandwiched into the booth by Jake and Charles on one side, and Gina and Rosa on the other.
Rosa then got up to get another drink from the bar and offered to the table, of which Jake gladly accepted after pointing out Amy had finished her third drink. Jake didn’t let Amy hear what the next drink was going to be, opting to text Rosa the order instead and taking great joy in her eye roll.
Bi Besties
[11:05pm, Sunday]
El Baboso: 2 vodka cran El Baboso: 5 tequila shots
He handed her some cash to cover the cost and she was off through the bar, Gina following behind her to assist and get another drink for herself. Not long after Rosa and Gina left, Charles spotted Genevieve and all but ran away from them. Amy couldn’t blame him, and she wasn’t too mad about being left alone with Jake. She couldn’t help but nod along to the music while talking to Jake and was keen to down the next drink and have a dance, and Jake seemed to read her mind.
“Wanna dance after this drink?” He asked, leaning a little bit closer to her to ask.
“Definitely!” Amy responded with a smile, her heart thundering at Jake being close enough for her to smell his cologne.
A few minutes later Rosa and Gina returned with a tray of drinks, Amy’s eyes going wide at the line of shots.
“I did get one for Charles but he’s gone so who would care for a second?” Jake asked.
“Mine!” Gina yelled as she picked up two of the full shot glasses and placed them on the table in front of her, claiming her prize before anyone else did – although, there were no arguments from anyone else at her claim.
The four of them clinked the shot glasses together and downed them, Amy was able to hold back gagging but her face still screwed up in disgust.
“Sorry Ames, I had to do at least one shot” He laughed, and Amy joined in.
“That’s fine, it is your prize after all” She waved one hand in dismissal while the other picked up her drink to have a sip.
After the shots Gina had dragged Rosa to the dance floor so now it truly was just Jake and Amy left, and she couldn’t be happier. She loved all of her friends but anytime she got to spend time with Jake was a highlight of her day, and she wouldn’t rather ring in the new year with anyone else.
“C’mon, lets go dance!” Jake was already standing up and held out his hand for Amy to take.
She took some last quick sips of her drink before abandoning it, knowing she won’t be returning to it, then slid out of the booth and took Jake’s hand. He led them through groups of people to a clear spot on the dance floor, Amy stayed close and held his hand tight the whole time. She had expected him to let go once they had made it to the dance floor but he didn’t, instead holding their hands up in the air as an invitation for her to spin underneath. Once she had realised what his intentions were she spun, causing both of them to giggle. He still didn’t let go after that, and neither did Amy.
They continued to dance until suddenly there was an announcement over the speaker that it was nearing midnight, everyone had started to shuffle around and pile towards to the DJ booth to start the countdown. The screen behind the DJ booth then showed a large countdown clock – 30 second until midnight.
For the first time since getting up, Jake let go of Amy’s hand and her heart dropped slightly. But they both stood next to each other, sides pressing against one another as they looked at the big countdown clock. With 15 seconds left until midnight Amy grabbed Jake’s hand in a moment of confidence, happy he didn’t pull away.
Jake and Amy, along with the whole bar, counted down the final ten seconds until midnight. The place erupted in cheers as it hit midnight, cries of happy new year and confetti surrounded them. Couples littered across the bar were kissing, some a small peck and others taking the opportunity to start an intense make out session.
Amy looked at Jake as the clock struck, yelling out happy new year and wanting to be the one who kissed him but she couldn’t strike up the courage. She also didn’t want to kiss him for the first time in a crowded bar where her shoes stuck to the floor and they were surrounded by strangers.
So she compromised on giving him a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck and she could feel him hesitate for a moment before his arms made their way around her waist and pulled her against him tightly.
Amy could smell his cologne and shampoo, it was intoxicating and made her head spin for a moment as she indulged in taking a deep breath of him. Her back burned where his hands were placed, fingers splayed out and holding her against him.
Once the cheers started to die down and the music play loudly Amy pulled away, knowing she let the hug go one for too long but tucking away the knowledge that Jake didn’t pull away either. She slid her hands to his shoulders and pulled back to look at him directly, not realising how close their faces were until it was too late.
The two of them stood there for a few moments, the rest of the world melted away as Amy searched Jake’s face for... something. Jake was looking at her with an expression she couldn’t quite read, a look she hadn’t seen on him before. She thought she imagined it when she noticed Jake’s eyes flick down to look at her lips for just a moment.
“Happy new year, Jake” Her voice was laced with longing, speaking to be barely audible over all the background noise.
“Happy new year, Ames” He responded breathlessly, and Amy could only wonder as to why.
This time it was Jake who pulled back, stepping away from Amy and reducing all contact except for holding onto her hand once more and starting to dance. Amy easily followed along and fell in time with Jake and the music once more, acting as if their weirdly intimate moment hadn’t just happened.
Amy isn’t sure how long they spend dancing until her phone goes off, and she can tell it’s a group chat based on the face Jake makes at the same time she gets the notification.
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:42am, Monday]
RoRo: gina sitting on the sidewalk, we’re getting an uber back RoRo: whos in?
Mr Grapes: Don’t worry about me! Will be with Genevieve
RoRo: barf
Pineapples: count amy and i in Pineapples: heading out now
Both Amy and Jake had quickly checked their messages at the same time and nodded in agreement pretty quickly at the suggestion of going home, as much fun as Amy had been having, she was getting tired. The alcohol making her head feel heavy and her legs getting tired from the dancing.
Jake kept a hold on Amy’s hand as they pushed their way out of the bar, people becoming a lot less kind and considerate now that they’d had a good amount of time to drink too much. But much to Amy’s disappointment he dropped it as soon as they reached the door, but even Amy couldn’t rationalise there was much need for it once on the street.
After a quick look both ways they spotted Rosa and Gina a few feet away from the bar entry. Rosa leaning against a building scrolling on her phone, and Gina was sat on the ground with her legs crossed and back leaning against the same building as Rosa.
“Jake! Amy! You’re coming with us?” Gina asked happily upon seeing the two of them approach.
“Of course Geen!” Jake responded, immediately matching her energy, “what are you doin’ down there?” He asked standing in front of her.
“Well I’d blame you for the shots you ordered but it was probably the round after that” There was a slight slur to her words and Amy had to hold back a giggle.
“Ah, makes sense” He held out a hand intending to help her up off the ground but instead she slapped it, giving him a high five that made Jake laugh.
Amy leaned on the building next to Rosa, tilting her head back against it and closing her eyes for a few moments. She took the time to breathe in the cool fresh air after having been in the stuffy bar for a few hours.
The uber arrives a few minutes later and the four of them pile in. Jake sat in the passenger seat while Amy was sandwiched between Rosa and Gina in the backseat, the car ride back was relatively quiet, Jake made conversation with the driver while Gina struggled to keep her eyes open while leaning her head against the window. Amy is quiet as she picks at her nails, too many thoughts of Jake swirling around in her head, a head that was not sober enough to deal with it all properly.
They reached campus and climbed out of the car back into the cold, which was now unwelcome after having sat in a warm car long enough to get accustomed to the temperature. Amy shivered as she climbed out and the four of them began the walk to their dorms.
“I’m gonna make sure Gina gets back safe” Rosa said before grabbing Gina by the shoulders and pointing her in the direction of her building.
“Okay, keep us updated. Goodnight guys” Jake calls out as Rosa and Gina walk off together.
“Goodnight!” Amy quickly called out after Jake.
Gina yells back a giggly goodbye while Rosa just raises a hand over her shoulder in their direction, barely sparing them another glance. Amy and Jake continue their walk together in comfortable silence, although Amy can’t help but feel an unexplainable tension has settled over them now.
Amy can’t help but think about their moment at midnight, she wanted to kiss him like everyone else around them, but Jake just wasn’t that kind of guy. If he wanted to be with her, he would’ve made it obvious by now. The more she mulls over the situation, the more upset it makes her; wanting to be with a man who doesn’t want her back, it’s positively heartbreaking.
It isn’t much longer before they reach the spot her and Jake have to split up to go to their respective buildings and Amy can’t decide whether she’s sad to say goodbye to him or relieved to no longer have to be around him.
“So, uh, did you have fun tonight?” Jake asked nervously, shoving his hands into his pockets and shifting back and forth on his feet.
“I did yeah, more fun than I expected. Thanks to you- and everyone else” Amy had to quickly add the last section, feeling embarrassed at her near slip up.
“That’s good, I’m glad. Well um, I gotta go-“ He pointed over his shoulder with a thumb in the direction of his building.
“Yeah of course, me too” Amy nervously tucked her hair behind her ears, needing something to do with her hands.
There was a beat of silence that stretched on almost slightly too long to be comfortable before Jake finally spoke.
“Goodnight Ames” he said quietly, voice laced with sincerity.
“Goodnight Jake” Amy returned easily, as if saying goodnight to Jake is something she’s been doing her whole life – as easy as breathing.
He gave her a small smile before turning around and walking away from her, leaving Amy standing on the path for a few moments just watching him walk away with his hands in his pockets. Finally, a shiver going through her body prompted her to quickly move towards her building, ready to climb under three blankets and defrost.
When she finally reached her dorm upon closing the door she let out a long sigh, trying to process how the night had gone. She moved around the room getting ready for bed, taking off her makeup and putting on her pyjamas and thinking about how late it was.
As she climbed into bed she thought about hugging Jake at midnight, how she had spent most of the evening holding his hand and how she would do anything to be near his warmth again. She practically falls against her pillow, lying on her side staring at her nightstand with her phone sitting there silently.
In a moment of weakness – and perhaps exhaustion – she opens her phone, the screen bright in her dark room. She navigates to her and Jake’s messages and reads through some of them, staring at the last few messages they exchanged before they had left for the night out.
Reading his messages from earlier in the day, he said Amy looks good just as she is – and Amy would blame the alcohol on the tears shed at these simple words, her heart aching.
Jake is frustrated beyond belief, he feels like an idiot, like a scared idiot. Too cowardly to even tell a girl he likes her. But it’s not just a girl, its Amy – she’s everything.
When he slams his dorm door shut he feels a bit guilty about how the noise echoes, knowing he woke at least a few people up with the force. He rubs his hands over his face and groans in frustration, before walking over to his bed and kicking the leg of it with enough force to make him curse at the pain shooting up through his toe.
The pain subsides after a few minutes but he still doesn’t feel any better, he’s angry at himself and angry at the world for everything. He’s angry that he’s just had a fun night out with his closest friends and now hates himself.
He doesn’t know what to do, other than angrily get ready for bed, leaving his clothes strewn on the floor for future-Jake to deal with. He doesn’t know how he can even manage seeing Amy again, but he knows he won’t survive without her.
Dance Squad
[02:35pm, Monday]
G-Hive: 5 mins be ready
Scary: for what?
Charlese: Post-NYE briefing??
G-Hive: just be ready!
[02:40pm, Monday]
G-Hive started an audio call Charlese joined the audio call Scary joined the audio call
Gina: Okay bitches, lets discuss
Charles: I barely saw you guys after I found Genevieve – she’s here by the way, filled her in on all the deets
Gina: Perfect, so we saw them a few times after you left
Rosa: They didn’t kiss, end of discussion. Can I go now?
Gina: What do you mean they didn’t kiss! Rosa you’re ruining the fun of this
Rosa: Oh no, I’m heartbroken
Gina: The sarcasm is not appreciated
Charles: So they didn’t kiss, how do you know this for sure?
Rosa: Fiiiiine. I know they didn’t kiss because the four of us took an uber together back to campus and believe me, they were not acting like two people who had kissed each other
Gina: Goddamn it! When did Jake become such a loser
Charles: I think that’s a bit far-
Gina: No it isn’t! Rosa, how do you even know for sure? What if they kissed but then felt awkward because Amy is awkward?
Charles: That’s a strong possibility, they’re my friends but I wouldn’t put it past them to make it awkward
Rosa: They just need to bone and get it over with
Gina: No sense of romance as per usual. Well we can find out whether or not they kissed
Charles: By asking them? Won’t that make them feel weird
Gina: No Charles, its very easy – we just ask one of them, probably Jake, whether he and Amy have spoken today
Rosa: That’s actually not a bad idea to get an answer
Gina: Rosa approved method!
Charles: Alright then, who’s gonna do it?
Rosa: Not it
Gina: I’ll do it and get back to you- actually stay on call, Charles I can update you about Sasha while we wait for Jake to answer
Charles: Oh absolutely!
[02:50pm, Monday]
G: have u talked to amy today??
Jacob: yeah why??
G: no reason
Charles: -why she wouldn’t just tell Matt is so weird-
Gina: Jake responded! He has talked to her today
Rosa: Firstly, Sasha needs to get her shit together, seriously. Secondly, that means Jake and Amy didn’t kiss. For the love of god can I go now?
Gina: Yes yes, bye Rosa
Charles: Bye Rosa!
Gina: Sasha’s honestly losing it-
Jimmy Jabbers
[03:36pm, Tuesday]
Four Eyes: Everyone ready for classes tomorrow?
Pineapples: i was trying to enjoy the last of my no class time :(
Four Eyes: It’s important to be prepared!
RoRo: i’m always ready for anything
Queen G: ill be winging it as per usual Queen G: and ill be slaying it as per usual
Four Eyes: Look on the bright side, we’re halfway now Four Eyes: Almost there!
Pineapples: still got the whole second half tho
Four Eyes: You’re gonna be fine, as long as you keep the momentum from last semester
Pineapples: idk ames Pineapples: holidays changed me
Four Eyes: Uh huh I’m sure they did
Dance Squad
[03:42pm, Tuesday]
G-Hive: god can they get a room G-Hive: im gonna barf
Scary: not even two days ago you were trying to hook them up
G-Hive: and i stand by that G-Hive: i just dont want them being gross in the gc
Charlese: I think it’s cute!
Scary: gross
G-Hive: gross
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: As always thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Your kudos and comments keep me going and motivated so thanks to everyone who's given kudos and commented, i love you all <3 I'll have the next chap out as soon as I can but as usual no promises since christmas is coming up and i've got many plans on (unfortunately), but i'll try my hardest!
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pickledpascal · 10 months
Chapter Four: When the Day Met the Night
Warnings: slurs but mostly fluff somehow
Word Count: 2.5k
Bewitched Masterlist
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True to her word, Emily arrived by plane in Montana the following weekend. Well, it was actually Thursday morning but Emily had a few excused absences she could use up. Beau picked her up from the airport with coffee and a few different pastries from his new favorite café. All thanks to Kiera.
Emily sighed happily after her first sip. Beau got her a hot chocolate, something he hadn't tried before but thought it would be nice in the cold weather. He knew Emily drank coffee, occasionally, but didn't want to get her hooked at a young age. 
“Good?” Beau asked as he adjusted his hands on the steering wheel, glancing her way.
Emily nodded with a contented smile, keeping both hands on the warm cardboard cup. “It's so good. This the place you and Kiera met at?” She asked smugly. 
Beau rolled his eyes. She knew the answer. She just wanted him to admit it. “Yeah.” He said after a while. “But I stayed for the really good croissants and danishes.” 
“Sure,” Emily said, doubtful. “Totally not because there was a hot, tall goth girl with piercings and platform boots that only made her taller.” She teased with knowing eyes.
“Wait, how'd you know about the boots?” Beau blinked.
Emily smirked, “That was just a guess.” 
Beau let out a forced cough and looked away from Emily, turning the volume up on his radio. “Wow, that's—um—you like Taylor Swift, right? What's this song called?” He knew it was on a pop station but he couldn't recognize what song was playing. 
“Willow.” Emily stared at her father, amusement in her eyes. She'd never seen him quite like this before. Flustered. All because of a woman. A woman he hadn't known for that long.
The truck stopped just outside the Airstream. Beau helped Emily take out her luggage and put it inside his trailer with a small sigh. Thankfully the park he stayed in provided Wifi for all the guests. Emily had some homework she wanted to get done. It was last minute, especially after Midterms and everything were done. 
“I finally have some food and a working grill so I can make you dinner tonight instead of getting takeout or something.” Beau offered Emily as she came out of the Airstream, one of his blankets around her shoulders. 
Emily hummed in response as she sat next to Beau. “Burgers would be nice.” 
Beau wrapped an arm around Emily's shoulder and pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Then burgers it'll be.” He leaned his head against hers. 
Having a simple moment like this made Beau's heart swell. It's been a while. A quiet, soft moment with Emily was few and far between these days. There was the part where they lived so far away and he couldn't travel too often as Sheriff. So he enjoyed it as best he could. Beau knew he would have to let go eventually. He just hoped it wouldn't be so soon. 
“You ever talk to mom about Kiera?” Emily asked softly, moving her head so it lay against Beau's shoulder. 
Beau shifted uncomfortably, pursing his lips. “Sometimes.” It's not that he still liked Carla, he just felt weird talking to a woman he used to love about a woman he currently has feelings for. “We're still… working out our relationship.” He wanted to stay friends, or friendly, with Carla for Emily. 
There was a moment where he thought he still loved her. 
But that was quickly shut down since Kiera came along. She was amazing, beautiful, nice—after he got to know her—and he fell for her. A little harder than he first expected but he couldn't exactly control it. What he was feeling. What he wanted to feel with Kiera. It was all so new yet familiar at the same time. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Beau grabbed it an looked at the caller ID. Kiera? He answered it, lifting the speaker to his ear. “Hey!”
“Yeah, hey!” Kiera's voice was harbored, breathing heavily. She was stressed, he could tell. “I'm really sorry to bother you right now but Dalia got in trouble at school—possible suspension or something—and I'm a little swamped at work right now. Would you mind going to the school for me?”
Beau blinked at her words. He knew Dalia was a handful but suspension, really? For a second grader? “Uh, yeah, sure. I'll be right there.” He glanced at Emily who was looking at him strangely. 
“Thank you!” Kiera sighed happily. “I'll see you after work.” He could imagine her shoulders slumped with relief. 
“Change of plans?” Emily asked as Beau hung up the phone. 
Beau shrugged apologetically. “Kiera's kid got in trouble at school,” He sighed and pressed a kiss to Emily's temple as he stood. “I gotta go get her.” 
Emily stood up as well. “If you're going, I'm going.”
Beau pursed his lips. It wasn't like he was taking Emily into a hornets nest but he wasn't completely sure what he was walking into—never was when it came to Dalia—and he wasn't sure he wanted Emily around for that. For a seven-year-old, Dalia was intense.
But he knew Emily was stubborn. Much like himself. Much like her mother. “Okay.” He said carefully. 
Emily and Beau arrived at the school. Beau parked his truck in the front, assuming that there was no need to find a space since they wouldn't be there too long. They walked into the front office where Beau did not see a certain dark-haired child clad in pastels waiting to be picked up. 
“Hi, um, I'm Beau Arlen and I'm here to pick up Dalia Styx.” Beau said to the lady at the front desk, his signature smile on his face.
The lady's eyes widened at the sight of him. “Right, Ms. Styx did say a Beau Arlen was coming,” She bit her lip as she looked down at her computer. “I didn't think she was telling the truth.” She whispered the last part but Beau could hear it. 
Everyone in Helena knew of Beau at this point. Whether that be because of the backpacker case he worked on with Cassie or any other, smaller case he worked on, it was nice to know he was known. Denise always said it was because he was the hot new Sheriff from Texas. That always made him flustered.
“Dalia is in the principal's office.” She explained as she adjusted her glasses. “I can show you the way.”
Beau glanced at Emily and nodded at the office lady. “Yeah, that'd be great.” He wondered what Dalia could've even done to end up in the principal's office. 
Beau and Emily were led into the office and down a few winding halls. How did the outside of the school look so small but this office was huge? They stopped at the end of the hall at a large wooden door, decorated a bit differently than the ones they passed. The hinges were brass at it had a large window in the middle that was covered by curtains on the other side. 
The office lady left as Beau opened the door. “Ah, Sheriff Arlen. Sit,” Said the principal—Mr. Pope. Beau saw the nameplate on his desk. “And you are?” His eyes shifted to Emily. 
“His daughter.” She responded, glancing to Dalia who sat in one of the two chairs in front of the principals desk. Her arms were crossed as she stared at the edge of the desk. 
Beau sat next to Dalia and pursed his lips. “Can you tell me what happened? Kiera wasn't too… descriptive on the phone.” He glanced at Dalia who seemed to be more regretful that she was caught.
Mr. Pope looked from Beau to Dalia. “Why don't you explain what happened?” 
Dalia pouted and rolled her eyes. “My classmate called my mommy a tranny so I called her a motherfucker.” Her eyes shined with pride and Beau had to resist the urge to laugh. “And then she told on me to the teacher. She said I said the B-word and I called her dumb because motherfucker doesn't start with b.” 
Mr. Pope looked from Dalia to Beau then up to Emily who was trying her best to suppress laughter. He narrowed his eyes at the teen. 
“Is suspension really necessary? From what she said, her classmate started it first.” Beau commented. He tried to reason. If anything, saying a slur should be enough reason to be suspended. 
Mr. Pope shook his head. “Dalia will be suspended for a week. Given that the holidays are soon, it'd give her more time for her to reflect on her actions.” 
“I won't.” Dalia smiled sweetly at her principal. “You're giving me more time to learn more from the books my mommy gets me. So thank you!” She jumped off her chair and slid her backpack on. She took Emily's hand and pulled her out of the office.
Beau watched and then turned to the principal. “We're gonna get her out of your hair so, um, bye.” He waved before he followed Dalia and Emily out of the school. 
He helped Dalia into the truck since she was weirdly short for someone related to Kiera. A woman so tall Beau questioned if she was taller than him some days, not that it'd matter. Or that he'd care. Alright, maybe he'd care a little. But not in the way that it emasculated him, no, he liked it. Liked it maybe a little too much. 
“You're really cool for a seven-year-old.” Emily said as Beau started to drive. She glanced back at Dalia through the rearview mirror.
Dalia shrugged. “My mom said I should just be myself and everyone would like me.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “At least, the people that mattered.”
Beau hummed as he looked at the center of his steering wheel, a fond look on his face. Kiera was so young and yet seemed so wise in the short time they'd known each other. Her life was tumultuous. He was starting to realize she needed to mature faster than he did. Faster than a lot of people he knew. And she wanted to give her daughter a semblance of a normal childhood, even with Dalia’s overactive imagination and strange interests. 
Dalia unbuckled herself as Beau parked his truck. She slammed open the door and ran up the porch. “I've been here before! I never knew you lived here.” She said excitedly. Beau cocked an eyebrow. “I wonder in the woods sometimes. I've seen this place, the pretty lights,” She looked up at the lights with wonder in her eyes. “The 1984 Airstream. The way it reflects the lights…” She hummed. 
Beau and Emily shared a look as they exited the truck. “You okay with staying here until your mom comes to pick you up, sweetheart?” Beau got on one knee to be level with Dalia.
“Yeah. You're gonna be my new dad soon anyway.” Dalia tilted her head, a crease between her eyebrows. The comment surprised Beau. “Actually, you'd be my first dad! Because my mommy wasn't ever really a daddy and I technically have two mommies. One who birthed me and the other who—” She stopped, looking up at Emily and Beau. They looked at her weirdly. “I know where babies come from. I read.”
Beau ruffled Dalia's hair with a big smile. “Yeah, I gathered that.”
“Mommy told me not to let a stranger touch my hair unless they ask.” Dalia pursed her lips in thought. “But you're not a stranger.”
“Dalia, do you wanna come read with me? I'm doing a book report on urban legends.” Emily suggested. She had a feeling Dalia would like it. 
Dalia grabbed Emily's hand and practically dragged her inside the Airstream. 
Beau watched and let out a sigh as the door closed. And locked. Okay. No disturbances. Beau sighed as he sat on his porch, clasping his hands between his knees. Dalia calling him dad, even if not completely, made Beau feel all kinds of things. Emily was the only child he wanted for a while. She was perfect. A handful still, even if she was just one girl. And then Kiera came into his life, inevitably bringing Dalia into it as well. 
She was a one-of-a-kind, that's for sure. A child whom her mother trusted so deeply that she would not get lost or killed in the woods, who stood up to people, and who knew a lot more than Beau could imagine. Maybe he did want more kids. Just Dalia. And her weird, dark, but fun, mind. 
Kiera walked up to Beau’s porch. He saw a retro-looking car next to his truck. It was painted black much like Kiera’s clothing choice.
“Thanks for getting Dalia,” Kiera smiled as she sat next to Beau, adjusting her coat. “What'd she do this time?” She asked with a small sigh. As if it was procedure at this point.
Beau bit the inside of his cheek, wrapping an arm around Kiera. “I don't think I'm at liberty to say.”
“That bad, huh?”
Beau shrugged. “Not exactly.” 
Kiera sighed and looked down at her knees. Her jaw was tightened and she was wringing her hands slightly. Beau was an oblivious man but was also observant. She was nervous. Second guessing herself. He had a clue as to why.
Beau held her closer, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Dalia stood up for you. A kid called you something bad. You're raising her right. Standing up for those you love, isn't that something you'd do?” He smiled warmly at Kiera as he lifted a hand to her cheek. 
Kiera lifted her eyes to meet Beau’s and let out a small sigh. “Yeah. I just–” She glanced down. “I wonder if putting Dalia in a public school is the right thing. I wonder if… I'm doing this wrong. She's so much smarter than me,” Beau listened, deciding that's mostly what Kiera needed at the moment. “I'm autistic too. But a different kind. She's the smart kind of autistic that likes reading books and learning and recognizing patterns while I just obsess over The Cure and The Cramps and only like eating Mac and Cheese for weeks until I change my safe food to something else. Why do you think I only wear black? I do like black. But colors just feel wrong. The–The textures of it, it's different and it's like I'm the only one who can feel it. Scratchy, weird, ugh, I hate it.” She rolled her shoulders in disgust, scrunching up her face.
Beau frowned at Kiera. He hadn't known about this yet. Well, a little of it. Dalia had inadvertently told him she and Kiera were on the spectrum but he didn't know the extent of it. This wasn't something he could change but it was something he could accommodate in his life. 
Beau sighed and pursed his lips. “You're doing the best you can. Unfortunately, sometimes, that's all we can do.” He rubbed Kiera's shoulder. 
“Is that what you tell yourself or do you lose yourself in self-loathing too?” Kiera asked. 
Emily snickered from behind the pair. Kiera and Beau turned to look at her. “Sorry, just—uh, I'm Emily.” She stuck out her hand for Kiera to shake. 
Kiera stood and accepted the hand with a small smile. “I know.” 
“Woah, she is tall.” Emily said before she could think. 
Beau chuckled as he stood next to Kiera. Dalia came running out of the Airstream and immediately hugged Kiera's legs. 
Kiera brushed Dalia’s hair away from her face as she squatted down to talk with her. “You alright?” She asked softly.
“Uh-huh! Emily was talking to me about the Hull House mansion which is said to be one of the most haunted places in America!” Dalia said excitedly with a nod of her head. 
Kiera looked up at Emily who was a little too distracted in seeing if her nails were chipped. “Was it fun?”
“Yeah! And, Beau,” Dalia turned to the cowboy. “The wolves like you.” 
Beau cocked his head. “Uh, thanks?” 
“No problem!” Dalia grinned. 
“Look, sweetheart, we gotta go. I don't want to intrude on father-daughter time as much as I already have.” Kiera said apologetically, patting Dalia’s shoulder. 
Emily looked at Beau who appeared like a kicked puppy. “We're having burgers.” She said as nonchalantly as possible. 
“Yeah, uh–” Beau smiled nervously. He still wasn't good at this. Kiera never failed to make him feel so… so weird. In a good way. Like he was in middle school and had just mustered up enough courage to ask his crush to the homecoming dance. “W-Would you like to stay for dinner? We are having burgers. You like burgers right? Unless you hate burgers—oh, you hate burgers.” His shoulders slumped.
“No, I like burgers.” Kiera chuckled, an amused smile on her face as she looked at Beau and Emily. 
Beau perked up and then nodded. “Great!”
Kiera looked down at her daughter. “Do you wanna have dinner with Beau and Emily?” She asked softly.
“Are they bison burgers?” Dalia looked up at Beau. He shook his head. “Then yes!” 
Emily held out her hand for Dalia to take. “We can make the mixture. My dad taught me the perfect recipe.” Dalia quickly ran over and entered the Airstream with Emily.
“Why is bison a bad thing?” Beau asked curiously.
Kiera wet her lips and rubbed at her arms to keep warm. “Bison was traditionally hunted by Native Americans before white colonizers decided to kill bison for sport, effectively cutting off one of our sources for food,” She explained with a sigh, “Montana is one of the only places that still have wild bison. Very few. And they're sometimes killed for meat. Dalia has the moral compass of a saint. Most times. She doesn't like to eat bison. She doesn't like eating any meat unless she can be certain it died of natural causes. However, there are exceptions.” 
Beau hummed. That child did have the moral compass of a saint. Doing what needs to be done and showing mercy on animals who don't deserve it. That sounded saintly to him. 
“That why you asked her if she wanted to eat with us tonight?” Beau cocked his head, taking Kiera's hand. Her skin was cold and he knew he attracted warmth. 
Kiera hummed in response. “Yeah. And she's been craving my squash stew for weeks but I can never find the right ingredients around here. I thought she'd say no.” She admitted as her eyes found Beau's. “She likes you. A lot.” Beau pursed his lips. He'd only interacted with her twice. But he could tell it was the truth. “One day you might end up as her favorite person. Too bad it's been me all her life.” She teased softly. 
Beau nudged Kiera with his shoulder and then pulled her close. “Who's your favorite person?”
“Right now? You.” Kiera murmured as she pressed a kiss to Beau's cheek.
He swore if he would've died right then and there and would've been happy. 
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch
taglist open here !!
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buckera · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the lovely @jesuisici33 thank you mwuah 💛
I'm gonna put some of it under the cut bc it got kinda long uhh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently consumed by 911, but most of my fics either belong to The Witcher or Stranger Things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
789 – Long and Lost /geraskier, 9.7k, explicit/
707 – It might walk like a duck /steddie, 10k, explicit/
656 – The Companion /geraskier, 6.9k, mature/
634 – A promise I could not make (But what if I was wrong?) /geraskier, 16.4k, mature/
451 – Of Banquets and Destinies /geraskier, 5.4k, gen/
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely!! I love everyone who takes the time to comment on my stuff, it makes me so happy and excited whenever I get the email 💛
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a firm believer of heavy angst + happy endings, but I gotta say But where they lay, they cannot stay is hands down the angstiest, because it can barely be classified as a happy ending oops
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I guess Spare me your dreams has a pretty sappy ending lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but once I got a comment on the last chapter of a multi, saying that they 'liked it up until the smut' because I made them use spit as lube and apparently 'I was promoting unsafe sexual practices'........ love, this is fiction and not a sex ed class. The characters in question weren't even fully human, come on now.
I have been moderating my comments ever since, because I'm just not willing to give the time of day to idiots like that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Funnily enough I wasn't big on smut for a really long time and though I felt that some stories needed it, I always just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible (I also used to skim sex scenes when I was reading) because I just didn't really find them interesting... that kinda changed when I found some truly exquisite fics and realised that smut can be written just engagingly as the rest of the story and now I include explicit smut in most of the stuff I write. I just really enjoy getting into that part of the characters' minds and finding different scenarios and new nasty things for them to do 😊
What kind? Hmm. Not sure, I like to sprinkle in some sub/dom undertones and a little bit of a praisekink or edging even for the most vanilla stuff. I wouldn't say my stuff is that kinky?? Though I did write watersports, public settings and some degradation too, but who even knows what's considered kinky nowadays...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't write crossovers, I don't even read them... it's just not for me, I guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, so hopefully not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, or at least I can't remember anyone asking
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
It was the way I used to RP in high school... I'd write a paragraph and then my roommate would write the next and we'd pass the notebook back and forth until we finished... it was mostly smut though and I have no idea if I could actually co-write something publishable 💔
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I have a few forever fandoms and forever ships... but I gotta say buddie is the most fun I ever had in fandom so far, so I think they deserve the title (hah)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
fuck, so many 😭 but I have a long steddie fic (26k already written and it's about halfway done) that I regret not finishing, because it was the ultimate angst and character study and I just... yeah, it would've been great, but maybe I get into the mood when season 5 comes out (or it'll just make me wanna never touch the fandom ever again, who knows)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not sure what counts as strength, but I love learning the speech patterns of the characters I'm writing for and I guess I've gotten kind of alright at it??
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing fluff is definitely something that doesn't come easy for me
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Worth it if it makes sense in context and you can make sure that you translate correctly (or realistically incorrectly, if that's what you're going for). Overusing another language just to show that you can is not a good reading experience though, especially if you only put the translation in the end notes.
Also, making a character that rarely ever speaks that language speak it extensively without a good reason can take me out of the story real fucking quick... generally just use it when it makes sense and you can make sure that you're not butchering it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think the first one I ever posted online was a RyoDa fic (jpop rpf, respectively) and the first fandom I posted for on ao3 was Stranger Things
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmmmm. It kinda changes as I move along. I always felt like Hunger at last was pretty under-appreciated compared to my other witcher fics, but It might walk like a duck was something I wrote in about 2 days because it came to me so smoothly and I really enjoyed writing it... The Companion is a big favourite for me because I think it was a pretty unique idea to work with... also it's not even posted yet but the mudslide fic already has such a special place in my heart, plus it has my favourite confession scene I've ever written so...
idk I'm not a very decisive person lmao sorry
✨no pressure tagging: @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @daffi-990 @callaplums @ladydorian05 and anyone who wants to do it 💛
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claudiajcregg · 6 months
S5 Pregnancy AU - I’d love to hear about!
Welp, this is embarrassing – mostly because this has been sitting in my inbox for almost two weeks, and I kept saying “I need to write something up!” and then… I didn't. (Or rather, I did, then I forgot to post it.) Sorry for the wait, Lil! Thank you for asking <3 (I'll divide this up because I keep writing about the process and how it came to be, instead of any actual, interesting facts.)
I have talked about this one in the past though I don't have a tag for it. The gist is what it says… (Early) S5 but CJ is pregnant. I had this idea over a year ago when I hit mid/late S4 in my rewatch. I thought it'd be interesting to explore some of her disappointment at that time if you added an unexpected pregnancy to it, even if I had the idea before even getting there, lol. Think, the ending-ish of Han, or parts of Disaster Relief. (Both of which do feature! I surprisingly focus a lot on Disaster Relief.)
The thing with S5 is that the timeline is so weird, and I feel I've also created one that isn't entirely realistic but I think it works within the story. (IIRC, the season starts in “May” but also July, then the Shutdown is in November, lmao. A few of the episodes are sneaky two-parters that flow into each other… See 5-6, 7-8.) I've finally gotten out of the no-man's-land I wrote myself into and the next chapter or two, knowing myself, will deal with 7-8! There are a couple of scenes that should be fun to write! (There are so many details I want to mention that are technically spoilers for early twists…)
Every time I had the urge to write it, I'd edit whatever outline I was working in, and though I kept some details… my muse decided to make a big change early on that completely changed the fic's direction. That, and my inability to write anything succinctly. No reason why this story will cross the 100k barrier in a couple of chapters, tops. (It's sitting at 85k across 12 chapters. I think it'll be less than 20 chapters total. Hopefully.)
This might be too long to share snippets, but I've shared some either on the server or here, a couple of months ago.
For more irrelevant details on the “process”…
As I hinted at, I wrote an outline or two around this time last year, because I couldn't stop thinking about it. When I say outlines, it's a general path for the story to follow – ideas, suggestions of dialogue and/or scenes I write to myself; all focused around some sort of chapter structure. I find it much easier to write if I write down where a chapter might go, even if it's just a few lines saying “This happens → then this → finally this;” otherwise, it takes me months. Some would say that I should post it and get encouragement that way but… I hate being dependent on something I can control even less than my muse? That's not for me, thank you. Mad respect for those who work like that.
It was meant to be short – 1-2 “long” chapters per trimester, more if needed, but then interludes in between trimesters. It's not that. Most chapters currently cover 1-2 weeks, but there is not really a pattern. I was afraid of having a fic that would take over my life like the WOWO did three years ago… And it has, but I've also taken breaks and not felt too guilty about them. I definitely don't want this one to sit in my drive and have me wondering what to do with it.
(The novel, aka WOWO, aka IM AU (2021): 150k written in a little over five months, even with extended breaks over the summer. Still hits, even with all its crazy decisions, maybe because of them, but it's also been too long, and it will always remind me of someone who kinda hurt me. Attempts to replace those memories by sharing the story with others, trying to gather whether it's worth posting, have failed, lmao. One day! Maybe!)
But yeah. Uuuuuhhhh. As I've said… Twelve chapters in ten months, 85k words… It's still not done. In fact, I've repeatedly said I am unsure of how to end it (beyond the obvious), but I'd estimate it to be under 20 chapters. I'm not posting it anywhere yet because I want to be able to edit it as a whole and try to make it more consistent; to add little details as I come up with them. There's also the fact that I am not skilled enough to write a compelling story that mixes politics and emotion into something remotely engaging. As a result, the story's politics are very surface-level, and probably repetitive at points, but it's also true I've always been more interested and focused on the emotional journey and the relationship(s) at its center. (Which should surprise exactly no one who's ever read one of my stories.)
But, as critical as I might sound of myself here, I am having fun writing this and I'm committed to seeing it through. I just keep having ideas for stories down the line, putting actual show events through a 'but she also has a kid' perspective.
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zebee-nyx · 11 months
CalmWriMo Day 2!
Waywards Progress:
Made a bit of progress with one of the character prologues (has been/will be shared, but the prologues are honestly more just for me to get a better idea of writing the characters on their own before dumping them into the story ('^.^)b) Also I have the overall outline vaguely set. It's workable for now, but not sure I'm 100% happy with it. Also have a handful of ideas rattling around in that hollow brain of mine! I have the idea of making Waywards a bit "episodic" so to speak. Gonna play around and experiment with the idea a bit to see if it actually works. Besides that! If anyone has tips, tricks, advice on story structures / planning writing I am all ears! I'm way too use to just going mostly full freeform with writing stories so planning things is proving a bit of a hurdle rn (0^0). Waywards is probably the largest thing I've started to write so I'm a little worried I'll burn a lot of time and energy focusing on somethings that may just end up not fitting later on story wise... ('0.0)
2 Hour Writing Goal: ✅
Blurb: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ✅ [leftovers!]
Hydration: ✅
Sleep: ✅ [was cutting it close last night (‘-.-), the desire to note take the night away is strong]
Reading: ✅ [Read a chapter!]
Worldbuilding blurb: Meta-Humans
What is a Meta-Human?
A Meta-Human, usually just shortened to "Meta", is simply anyone who has some form of artificially engineered genetics above a certain threshold [haven't quite decided exactly where the line will be and not sure I will tbh].
With breakthroughs in genetic engineered by corporations such as Biotechna and Helix, control over one's genetics can go as far as their wallet can take them. What kind of things could be done these kinds of augs you may ask? Firstly, most diseases and genetic disorders have effectively become curable (no promises it'll be affordable, so most people don't have access). Next, cloning! It can be done, although is still in more of pioneering phase during the time period Waywards is set in and is prone to various setbacks. Usually anyone born via any cloning or "built from scratch" process are technically considered corporate property... Want a designer baby? Trivial!
Although more intresting, at least visually, is people can now adopt some unique characteristics. One could grow a tail, pointed ears, gain inhuman strength, even completely alter skin into scales. The only real limitation is money, imagination, and the outer limits of genetic stability. A generation has gone by since the technologies have become available and now some features have proven to be inheritable. This fact coupled with some ‘back alley’ genetic engineering lead to a small population boom of Metas. While still a minority of the population there are now extremely diverse communities of Metas across the city.
[Thanks for reading! Won't have as much time tmr for writing (>.<), but I promise there will at least be a bit of a blurb of worldbuilding stuff here. Anyways and always, hope you are having a lovely day, peace! (-v-)v]
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yxnjinsduality · 8 months
Glitch - Chapter 2
~ as normal as can be~
Olive pov
I'm not really a morning person so I dread getting up in the morning, though sometimes i wish I was a morning person I think I would get more done in the morning if i were. Thus wanting to stay in bed and sleep all day (which doesn't sound like a bad idea) I get up to get ready because these bills ain't gonna pay themselves.
Doing my usual morning routine that I do every single day I head into the kitchen for breakfast. I don't really eat heavy for breakfast so I'm just gonna make some eggs and bacon today, knowing it'll hold me off till my lunch break at work. Looking at the clock I have about 30 minutes to spare so I can eat and put some shoes on to head to work, "Well let's get to it".
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After putting some shoes on and heading out the door I make my way out of my apartment complex and down the street. The library isn't far from where I stay so I do have to drive there and I like taking walks in the morning. There's not many people out this morning though it makes sense as it is quite early, "I love the morning air", I whisper to myself just taking in my surroundings and the crisp morning air.
Walking into the library I'm met with Mrs. Hemmings the owner of this very library. "Good morning Mrs. Hemmings", I say walking towards the front desk to check in "good morning to you too olive", she responds storing more books away on the shelves. Checking in I see that there are a couple of books sitting up front that look like they need fixing. "Mrs. Hemmings are these books broken by any chance?", I asked her to confirm if they were or not.
Waiting for her to finish putting the books on the shelves to respond to my question I pick up the books setting them in front of me. "Which books are you talking about dear", she asks turning to me "these ones", I say pointing to the books now in front of me. "Oh yes the cover and the spines of the books need to be fixed I was planning on fixing them in just a minute", she says to me. Lifting the books up I walk in front of the counter where Mrs. hemmings is and stands next to her,
"I could fix them don't worry about it Mrs. Hemmings", I say getting ready to head to the back where all the supplies to fix it are. "Oh you don't have to dear", she assures me getting ready to take the books from me. "It's fine Mrs. Hemmings I don't mind, plus I have the time", I say walking towards the back. "Okay thanks dear", she says.
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The books weren't badly broken just needed a little repositioning and some glue here and there, then they were all good again. Heading back to the front to see what's there to do today and if we have any book deliveries. There weren't any book deliveries today I mostly just had to put back books that people have used back into their category.
I enjoy a lot of different books and genres like, horror, science fiction, romance, fantasy and so on. So if you were to walk into my apartment and Go to my bookshelf you would see various books of various genres, one because I can't stick to one genre and two because every book deserves a chance.
Looking at the clock in the library, It's getting near to my lunch break time even though I'm not really hungry. I really don't pay attention to how much time passes when I'm at work though a lot of people do, wanting to know when their shift was gonna be over. It was peaceful in this library not a lot of people coming in and out and the light sound of the clock ticking on the wall was nice.
Chapter 3
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Do not copy or translate my work with ASKING me first/ all chapters are copyrighted @yxnjinsduality 2024 ©️, divider by @cafekitsune
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Is there a schedule you have for writing and posting chapter? Do you write each scene as it happens in the story or the more important ones first? How do you plan whats 'enough' for a chapter, and when its ready to be posted?
I think you guys have way more confidence in me than you should, lol. My meter for whether the chapter is ready to be posted or not is 'will I die of embarrassment if I post this now?' And still half the time I throw it out, shut my laptop, and immediately take my sleep meds so I can be unconscious during the 'oh my god they hate me' period that follows every posting. No that doesn't go away with experience.
But for real, it's kind of on a case-by-case basis. Most chapters, once I'm done writing out the 'first' draft, (which isn't really the first because I'm editing from the moment it leaves my fingertips) then I estimate how much work it'll need before I feel okay posting it. It's usually 1-3 days. I'm not super happy with this method because it means that the last scene I write generally has a lot less editing done, oftentimes only having one round of editing and then the final read-over before I post it. (also, you really should leave the final read-over for another day, preferably two days from when you last looked at it. This goes for academic papers too, you will catch so much)
So at first I was just writing whatever I felt like writing that day. During doth, I generally had two or three chapters open and being worked on at all times. I would bounce around a lot, reorder stuff, think of stuff to add in. This worked because 1) I had a lot written out before even posting, all of the table scenes and I believe through chapter 7 of Leo's POV, and I kept writing while posting those so I stayed ahead for quite some time, and 2) I was writing a lot. Very fast. Now I'm mostly working on one chapter at a time, and maybe I'll have part of the next chapter started if it's something juicy. I liked it better the doth way, but now I feel very pressured (by myself-you guys have been great about it) to get the next chapter out and feel guilty for working ahead. I keep trying to work ahead but I'm just not writing that fast right now. Which isn't a bad sign or anything-that's just how my brain is, it either engages or it doesn't. If it does, I can write 4k words a day easy. And they are good words. Like, most of the table scenes were written like that, and they are mostly unchanged from when I first vomited them out. The biggest change is there was technically one extra table chapter, but there was no point in having it be its own thing so I cut it up and wove the snippets into...I think Table Scenes 3, 4, and 5? But that's really the only major change, besides some changes I made to Draxum in the second table scene because he was coming across even more rapey than he ends up.
I do try to remain in the general vicinity, though. I'll let myself work a few chapters ahead, but I've found that if I skip ahead to the best parts I sort of lose the drive to write the rest of it. Maybe it's not like that for other writers, but it is for me. So as tempting as it is to write out the reunion right now, I have to be content with playing it like a movie in my head when I'm supposed to be sleeping.
As for how I break things up-honestly, more on the 'feel' than anything. I can't even fully explain it sometimes; it's just a gut feeling.
For the most part, I operate on my golden question, which is What Do I Want Readers to Feel? What kind of tone do I want to set for the rest of this chapter? How do I want the readers to feel when they finish? When I edit, I try to look at it objectively and think how the scenes would make a reader feel and how those lead into each other. Sometimes it's meant to be jarring-like the contrast between Leo being emo and Galois living his best life, those are supposed to make you feel a bit of whiplash. Sometimes what Galois is doing in plot A is meant to feed into the emotions you feel with Leo in plot B. (though generally I don't consider either one of them the A or B plot-I guess plot G and L? doesn't have the same ring to it) Storytelling isn't so much telling a cohesive story as it is manipulating the readers into Feeling Something about it. Nostalgia Critic kind of summed it up with The Last Airbender movie. You can have a super interesting story with rich worldbuilding and and deep characters-and if you treat it like a Wikipedia recap, it's going to suck. Likewise, you can have a really dumb premise and get away with it if it's told in a fun way. People seek out stories that make them feel something. So if you're a writer yourself, your main goal is to make your audience feel your story. What feelings those are, that's up to you to decide.
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